HomeMy WebLinkAboutB95-0203g*q,onv.-'6c Eagle Councy Assessors Offlce lq- lgaolnrct S OF VAIL CONSTRUCrION PERI"IIT # 695-op: pp596- O tLte Job Nane: Rnurb lnr General Description: l{ork Class: l{J-New I Number of Dnelllng Un [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accomnodation UnLts: -7- Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. /g?-P Phone Nunber: %a oe--76- Address: . Plunbing Pq1- @Lt FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING ** * ************ * *************** PI.,AN CHECK FEE: iL {fia/SfJrob Address: Legal Description: r,ot-fu aLocklU4 l.iting ,/) /, 1 'J/oerners Nane: ( 'a//4 Jrvl| /r1 Address: Architect , Har/.n Address: /# E k/ril;0, /"':'FK.Lr^,rr#' l-Alteration [ ]-Additional its: / l{umber . ryFmber and Tlpe of FJ.rep1aces: Gas Applianc'es4{ cas Logs_ Woodr/pellet_/v ___4.e ___ __f__ , ioao)* ,f********************************* UO"UteElnZF-******************************* BUTLDING: T EI,EC[nrcAL: $ q7.Y5/... oTHER: $pLWBrNc: T3@ MEcEANrcALrl@" rortia - 11==/lt*************************,** CTNIRACTOR INFORTIATION **************************tt Y:l:::l cont;1g!o1z^ !9wn of vail Res. No. //74Address: /LO t tta,< phone Nurnber: drq' /;# t/t Town of Vail Reg. NO.E Co BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERITIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERI'IIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: X33i2!!i'Ji:EltZZ 'uI;:;"'$ ,;i:I:"H'# * ** ******** ** **** * *** ****** **** * PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE3 MECITANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERIIIIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: CLEAT| ITP DEPOSIT REFT'IfD 75 roulh ,rontega rosd real, colorrdo 81657 (303t 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlco of communlly deyclopmcnt ALL CONTRAqTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED WITII THETOI{N OF VArL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT litARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & !{ATERTAt STORAGE rn suumar'y, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ani-soir,-ri"i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding tras6 i"nFsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl =ia"iair,;ii;y or publicplace or anv norri-on trreieoi. --rit. ;i;h;:;i-rii-;" arr rown ofVail streetS ina.Igag= i=-ipp""iirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be s*i;lit--enforced by the Town of vairPubric ttorks De'artDent. -i"i=6ns found vi6ratin! this ordinanceyill. be siven a 24 hour rriat;;-;"ai;1;-;;;;=said nareriar.rn the event the person so notified does-";;-;;;ply with thenotice within the 24 hour.riil-=;;;i;I;,'il"-iiliric worksDepartment wiu remove said nattii"i-ii-irr" -"*i"i=e of personnotiried- rhe provi=i"n"-or-trril-"iaiiJ; :fi5ii not beapplicable to cinstruction, ".irri"rr"rrce or repair projects ofanv street or artev or any utiriiies--i; il"-;iiii-"-*.v. To.review Ordinance.No..6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVair BuiLding Depattnent to outiin a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this natter. \ (i.e. contractor, owner) f*E?^ T -q? httn 75 .outh Irontlg. rold u!ll, colo''do 81657 l3o3) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olllcc of comnunlty dcvalopmtttt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TII.IE FMI.IE If this permi.t requires 1 Towl of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerrs. (ruuric lgtfrt review anJ ipp"orai,' i iiiiiiini'bepartnentreview'or Health Departmint-ieview, anl a_review by the nuifiinf"-"-Department' the estimated tine tor'a-totat ;ti;";,ai"Li!'as tongas three weel(s:. All corrnerc-fal frarge or smail) and ail murti-famiry permits wi'[have to follow the ibove menti6ned maximum requi"eminli.""desidentialand.sma'll projects shou'rd take a teiier amound of time. However, ifresidential or sma'[er.projects impaii tne-virious iiiJi. mlntioneddepartments with regard to-necessai.y-review, these projects mayalso take the three-weet peiioa. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.'t as soon as possibl e. - rv I'rrbY ' !s w' l: the uhdersigned, understand the p'ran check procedure and timeframe. euA to ProjeEt-Xanre Communi ty Develooment Oepartnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WTIEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Date: .-c-ao^?7 - --\ Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properfy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right ol way, easernents, or public propety? 7) ls a'Flevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Development? YES NO !f-V9u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Pubtic Work's office or at C9-rymu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callGharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construstion Inspec'tor, at 479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name ;l //)./ -- . FEB-18-199? 15:83 CSICEPT l.lECHnNICfl-' INC. CONCEPT MECTIANICAL, INC. PLUMBING. HEAilNG . SYSTEM DEStcN na *$ a3aa P.aL P.O. BOX 1163 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 February 18, 1997 TO: Mikc Stefunle; Bcck urd Associate+ Inc. FROIvt TimRosenRE: SmithResidence;I-at?,SpraddleCreekEsates Vail, Colorado Following this cover sheet is our rcviscd boiler room equiprnent schematic and a letter ftom tbe-gurnhasr faotory regarding their stltcd clcannces on the 800 e€ries boilers' Please cdl ifyou harrc aoy questions or conments. Thrnk you. . FEB-18-199? 14:55 CONCEPT MECHRNICRL, INC. GONCEPT MECXIAMCAL, INC. PLUMEING . HEA]ING. SYSTEM DESIGN 9?A 949 A3W P.gL P.O. BOX 1165 AVON. COLORAoo81620 PHoNE: (970) 949-0200 FAx: (970) 949.0300 February 18, 1997 TO: Mike Steimlg Beck urd Associates,Inc.FROM: TimRoscnRE: Smith Residcnce;,Lat7, Spraddle Creek Estates Vait Colorado Folowing this co'v€r shca is our gat piping sctrcrnatic sized pcr L994 I.JPC. This is based on current ir&rmaion and data zupplied to us by Beck and Associates, Ins. regarding appliance loads. Plcase callifyou barre my questions or commcnts. Thanlcyou. SUBJECI: PROJECT NUMBER: MESSAGE: FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL lr*n 2l l.?l?? tflirc-€-?*a,dA=*.COMPANY FAX NUMBER:rnou'pA{lD L{LILSrtrl+ 2t > - ln-q39€ 'v -+ frU*f ttt# Q4p3. PLASE VERIFY RECEIPT OF ALL PACES. lF ANY ARE MlsslNG' PLEASE cer,r--(sor-) 949-61 oE FoR REtRANSMlssloN- CCr ta'd 6S19 6V6 AL6 '3N3 'SNO3 SZNUC NIONU3S iFiLH, # PAGES: r) OF L BsruttR-Grrzr csulrlreElSrtEEr|,lre . tdff.! P.0. br gu4c0llB(tolg|l.alc FrfitoD{l-613E{ii* bgorod.rl FEB-18-1997 Lste'4 f, s*r-fu-twz 16:14 CO{CEPT NECHANICAL, INC.9?A 949 A3AB P.e3 }tR. BARRY-EIIGLbNNG.T. SAIIDERS CO, 3?luHFfilofltrt * so'eg (7Ersc7470l . P,.o,iox eQte Lthotillr, PA ITCCH tbEt?foR8,r{0T HESITATE T0 CoNTACT rls IF You HAVE Ar{Y ADDITIoTIAL' suBJECTT CLEARAifCES To CbllBUSilsl-ES pbR runHttAl'l K-810-st{, lEh$fifnfl'iE Ff;iltF$if1+t[JgH:H:Huh+tl$;i'Flil:!ilEiii-fr$fl:l 6,1 ; :: '' BE*T -';;r;rJ COPY nVAILABLE , ".u,.{ TOTRL P.O3 3A3 26'2 18€5 BEST COPY hrt+q. rn.rL-rEtl crnora lrrlql ttlE itltlt. cltllr. ourl|rs r nnU?Z/gU//// n/e I l.l zdlfr-uh,,- I tt o{d 'rEQ'ttttrqze! -\iw't4'P__-_'A'o 'J.,3'7'u U *-,n:^4 tFteUfi)"t 1f < .*td to t 1/9Z oir.ror! lelllLljsueJl xel puEJq .,ll'lsod ra'd oan 6ft 6tE 'f,NI . -lutr I NJHJ3I^I .l-d:tf,l.Of, Zl !91 L6r-gz-aa1 d --J ii\ i-. s \n ; iC{ ^' r.rt{-rr r-rE-t! F{- rt-"t_.r.jr. | 1-l -;-..j.--.1 : i\ i =*l-+_"i , F-Iaqcrtirrl "-X-S--:-.-i:ri Ui irti,i r- i irir--_.;rr.-.1' - 1.ll r|OO}D '^l cJrtlnro Erlr4gtq -11{tfaHII'i lnIf.&1.E!,ItD.!|qFt r ?UEa/9)//l// ///( za'd zara 6v6 aL6 'fNt .-tu3tNUH33h rd3fN0f,fBrStr 466I-81-A3i za'd turor .r, BEg? zTw*refT---_--;--/o- zz'd aaua 6v6 aL6 ,{AXII€c!,rrbtrlila@aatrailryEtg0FlGtlld r|']EtIrd;-ot lta rDrGn lE .l.Ilt*. !f,Iltt - ra Grrvlttt: SS:PT a66I-8T-S3l'f,NI'tuf INUHf3r,.l ldfSNoS "3.--BEruo r N fffl{m,,GANZE !.!€q-.uF-r. .,h:gsli:.. HFgF.€EIN$ tlZl:'7 I Ct- n, g/o.fg,<-Bnluo rn-Qrxzn COIIULT ITE' lrcttEEtt. rrc. Pr!.&$Yd.OltEtrr0F{e-a!cta(!?!Ff.6 l l{1,12 kLa Pbr.* trse.br. CO e{Ol(3I!ETD=OfG<S)2r-.J!al -Dtffi*: ffi" *n 44lqr za'd 6St9 6V6 6L6 'S.13 'SNO3 fZNU9 NIqnU:H LVz68 L€6l-Ae-A3l P!.hs SuluuIN mffi*(;ANZE Hr&hrdtrr.$lciCilsulrlrc &roo0Ol Ete lffElt. rrc. (rtE?r{koFrfIlE !-l!$ PA'd 6919 6V6 @L6 'ghErsMlf, lzNug NIqnUSS 6vt6a L66T-W-giJ .---. +==rt-r VZZZIIZ7)IA7t- Ruuu I H-[,lnzn colsul-r I 16 Erc 1IIER5. I lc. P.0. br tl Yol dt lllll(rt0prHl08 F!.O?0)9.Hl5e lll{Z D|ri. Ud tl|'.9bt6 Gob\ C0 A101 tso5)2ltr{rzDlc0otE t-$$ tr so'd 6S19 6V6 '9N3 '5N03 3Zr.U5 NIqnU3S 6v,64 L66l-6,e-fI=J P.OE!9 ' Ydl co lltll BEAUD I N [*s*hiJ5r$ GANZE S1E'rr-'kt Col3utl 1116 cdL\ o D{lll EllCllEEtS. lrc. lrotl2'l-tuo fqd$D2tE-!6alt tl DNE '4f77fl< 65T9w)'d 'oN:l 'sNof 3zNU5 Nlqru3g ASi6A L66T-Ae-A3J Bnluo tu-Glnzn OOISULTIIO Et0t lEEls. ltc. P-0. 8q $lt{c0cr6i lgro)ll{Hlclcbto)e€{ls l{ll2 lhtr ld Filt' $lb lglt Od&r.@&1Ol E05l27E-e0 fq:(lc1l2?l-!Pcl lfi'd 6sT9 'cN3 '5N03 3ZNU9 NI0nU38 trSf6A L66l-AZ-A3,t TIlRn.ruulrt UDjZl-qlrxzn Ztt4.',Sillhl:ii..7'l- PlL Aot J0 Yd. @ llrst (97019{{-fl{l acEOtl,F{HrS l{llZ D.rrr lql PhtSt lS 3ZNU9 Nt0nU3S IS:6@ LffiI-W-S3t Rnluo t l-(rxzn gollsulT lre Ellc I lElr!. I rG. PAKT Yd o0 310s1(97 e1F0t6 lo{e7oF{o-8t5e lltrzL*ldtb,Sir 195 '9N] 'SN0f, 3ZNU9 N]CNU3S ZSTGA L#I-AZ-AAI Hnluu tu-(rxzn cor3urf lreEIelrEErs,lxc- P.0. h J9 t/.L (It ffl3l(gml$rHl6 lcdlnF{O-tl5e 14112 trt' h PhtIt 1I'c.fl\ 00 d0lnbtn7!-m lo{:e3F l-J}s aT'd 6sT9 '9N3 'St03 3ZNtg NlqnU3S ZSTGA L#l-gZ-AiJ Bnluo ttl-Grrzn P.[ 8d l0 vd. c0 t|cl(970)0{0-6lE lc0?0FaetE0 l{laz 0rtr H PLtt StL l$ o^,. ^t-lo* CoxsULl lle ottr dl Sl0l EtclxE€RS. I rc. (to$r,?!eao' fodlolF 6-J!.! rild 6str9 '5N3 'SNof 3ZNU5 NICflU3S tS:66 L66l-8e-g=t Rnlun tN"Glxzn ?.0. k l0 v{l ql 8t!6Ete7ol}tHrc ac.O70Fa-al3C l4l{2 D.lt!. ld Fq- $io tEC0llSUtTlIe Gdrt @ &O1El9uaEfls.lrc, (roa}3!ao loc:otnt!-es t: eTd 6919 6v6 @L6 '9r.r3 'sr.lof, 3zNU9 Nlmu3s FSt6@ L66l-AZ-gll P-0. Ir !e lrol (l) H$!(970)e{Hl6 fc(UtuFtc-ttso tlll2 L{f, lrt ftrt Stt |95 cot|\ C0 &Ol($ttE7a-!l(l ler{!o#t8-t6{t Buluo t x"f,rnzn cilsulr I lef.lclIEEI3. I lc. fi7h^l Z'Aj-- ,St6g ISGVAZ-AAI'grst 'sNof, 3zNU9 NlqflJ3SEild 6319 616 AL6 Po.brtl lnluo rn ffiffi* GANZE 5;f,g''.o-'. C0ISUtt I ll0 anld., C0 A|0lErclrEEns,rrc. tt&tffi* ,lw'- &tst la'< 'cN3 'SNof, 3ZNU5 NrqnUSS SS:68 L6|-AZ-AAI Bnauo tN-f,lNzn ' coltsuLTlllc E||o tICtRS, tflC. P-0. 0d 30 vd. co 6lsl l*dfiHlgt'u tllll D.tllr Id ncY. Sol| tS cdd..r c0 dLoll!dntr-l@ lc{:0J)2tE-J8o il sT'd 6919 6V6 AL6 '9N3 'sN03 3ZNU9 Nt0nU3S SS:64 L6l-AZ-Aat 9I'd -turor ' Bnrtuu ttl-f,lNzn collsuLTtllc fllo tNEtnS, I llc. P-0. llr 19 vd. @ eluS IT$'ilr;li5r,o llll2 lhnrr lot !trY, $l. 196 C.tdd\ c0 O{01 t#l6w"" -l- '---l-" rt , I Rt ,9I'd 6S19 'gNf 'SNO3 ]ZNU9 NIqNUJfI 9S:64 L66l-AZ-g3l