HomeMy WebLinkAboutB98-0222TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B98-0222 Job Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status ...: FINAL Location.....: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK DR Applied ..: 08/11/1998 Parcel No...: 210312306026 Issued ..: 08/12/1998 Project No : ?? Expires . .: 02/08/1999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER SALAMUNOVICH 1905 WEST GORE CREEK VAIL, CO 81657 License: 132-L SALAMUNOVICH 1905 WEST GORE CREEK VAIL, CO 81657 License: 132-L SALAMUNOVICH THOMAS & 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 08/11/1998 Phone: 970-479-9794 DRIVE Also is CONTRACTOR 08/11/1998 Phone: 970-479-9794 DRIVE Also is Applicant NANCY 08/11/1998 Phone: 970-479-9794 Desciption: INFILL SKYLIGHTS,REROOF SIDING,ADD WINDOW Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals... $5,500.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $5,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 *******�+**s************+**�ar**r►*�*****�r************a***+*r*a****** FEE SUMMARY ■***►***�r*ss�**s******►++�******a***►****+**�s+**►*****��ss Building------> $105. 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-----> 5296.25 Plan Check---> S 68 . 2 5 Recreation Fee------------> S 0. 00 Additional Fees------------> S 0. 00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> $296.25 Total Permit Fee-----------> 5296.25 Will Call-----> $3. 00 Payments-------------------> 5296. 25 BALANCE DUE---------> S0. 00 *****s+*+:s.*:**�**r**s*a�*******►r****�*+***********ss**r*****►*�******..*r**r******�****a**s*��►***�***►*�**ss.s********«s*+*:�**�*�*s�+s+s***► Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/11/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/11/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER BRENT WILSON Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/11/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/11/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ...:..»*.*.s++.�:�.::*..��.*..�..:...:***«+.�:+**.*:.*..�.*****.+*+,:***+:........�*��*+.+*:*:+.....*.*.*..*.+:,:,*.�•.*.++*+.*+..�«*�++..:+..:.*.. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B98-0222 as of 03-01-2013 Status: FINAL ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant: SALAMiJNOVICH Job Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK DR Applied: 08/11 /1998 Issued: 08/12/l 998 Parcel No: 210312306026 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************************************** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG 2003): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. B98-0222 : Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 11:25 03/01/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR APPROVED CD 01/08/1999 A000018 575 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 �. ,.� TO"v�N' OF VAIL ?5 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C� 81657 970-4?9-2138 -- ----.... _ __ _ � d�4:�� � - '� �� U�// ��, �� ���" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT� RTOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITF AT ALL TIMES �.� * � * i � � i � r � • � > « + i s r � ���w�*��� � � �� R � . � . : � . � �. ��.. �i.����� � �.�. I � I� '•• " r... . : � ` /M` • . � ♦ ' . . .� �� A •p • _ • 19 0 5 W G�JRE CR£�EK DR 1905 WEST GOR� CREEK DR 2103-123-06-026 AP PL I CANT �AL'AMUN(3V Z CH 1905 WEST GQRE CREEK DRIVB, VAIL, CQ $1657 CONTRACTOR SALAMUNOVICH 2905 W'EST GORE �RE�K DRIVE, VAZL, CO 8165? QWNSR SALAMLTN�VICH TIi�MAS & NANCY SWEE 1905 W GORE CREBK DR, VAIL CO 81657 �escriptian: INFILL SKYLIGHTSrREROOF SIDING,ADD WINDOW t?ccupancy: R3jM1 Single Family Res w/Garage Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: 5,500 Add Sq Ft: eirepluee Information: Reotricted; #�f aae Appliancao: Status . . . : ISST,TED Applied..: 08/11/1998 Issued,.,: 08/12/1998 Expires..: 02/08/1999 Phone: 970-479-9794 Phane: 970-479-9?94 Phone: 970-479-9794 #Of Oae Logs: %,�,, r,..F1 �',; ,r�.c� � y �a�ll l�r �� .c.� � �� � � #of woad/Pallot: s.va�+•�iy+�est�r�y�arree•,r+�.W�.ts.er�wsts�e•sr+��.riw�e�..r. FEB SUMMARY *rt.r:��.�waarr.�s�v.rsa�r�:ra�•.w++�si��,r.+.rse+�r�.y•.•� Building-----> 105.06 Reetuarant P1att Review--> .00 Total Cslculatad Peee---� 296.25 Plan Check---� 68.25 RRB Fee---- ------------> 20.00 Additional Feea---------n .Oq Inveetigation� .oG Recreation Peo----------> .00 Totul Pazmit Fee---------> 296.25 Will Call----> 3.OG Cltar�'tTp DepasiL__'-_--'> 140.00 Payments--�---- —__-__--> 296.25 TOTAL F£F.S-'--'----'-'> 296..°.5 $Ri�ANCE DUE'-"-'""'---a .00 yyrrwwreeri�r��t�isarya.ayWSrt+r*wsy+s•W.rsti.r+ri�++.i�r�.atrrreraa��t.a•s�W.�rra.Wr�y�r+rwaw�+*.w*f��rrr�e�ry.r�sa.rsr�•�.r��..a� Item: 051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 08/11/X998 CHARLIE Actian: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PI,ANNiNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 08/17./1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR PSR B'RENT WILSON Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIFLE Division: p8/11/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR i�/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORi{S Dept: PUB WORK Division: 08/11/1998 CHA.RLIE Action: APPR N/A �..�.rr.��.rr+•s�r++aa�sr�arrw�+�sar�rrrrvvet•i+vr�rr�s�ir++Wa�rwrr��y�:ea+ar�wv�ri�sir�rr.rr++�rs��rwrrr�•aa+�.rrw+.rr�.w�rr...r..• See Page 2 of this Document for any canditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS i hereby acknowledge that I havo read this agplication, fil:ed out in full the in`ormation required, completad an accurate plor. glan, and stwte thwt sll the informatior, provlded Ae required 3e correct. I AJCGO to comply vith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancae an3 atata 1aWO, rnd to build thia structure according to tha Tovn'a zoning and eubdivision codes, design zeview approved, Uniform Building Co�'o and othar ozdinances of the Town apglicabie thareco. REQU88T8 FdR INSPECSIONS SfiALL HE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS ZN AAb'ANC& BY TELEPHONE AT 979-� 36 OR AT 0 QFFICE PRCM B:QO AM :00 PM � �:. �; �,�pn,.�y'�.��,pp�,� �p� �����# SI6 E O OWNE R, ONTRA�L'OR FOR H SELF RND O ER � ; �. ' . ......, �...:.��.... �.:.:. ... . . . � � Fage 2 ***********�**********************t***************,r***************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: H98-0222 as of 08/12/98 Status---: ISSUED *******************************�r*,�*********r�***************,r******************** Permit Type: ADDjALT SFR BUILD PBRMIT Applican�.--: SALAMUNOVICH 970-479-9794 Jab Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR Location---: 1905 WBST G4RE CREEK DR Parcel Na--: 2103-123-06-026 Description: INFILL SKYLIGHTS,REROOF SIDING,ADD WINDOW Applied--: 08/11/1998 Issued---: 0$/12/1998 To Expire: 02%OS/1999 ,r**********,r*,t****,t*******,r**********,r COrid1t10riS ***�****��r*****,r**�*********** 1. FIELD IPiSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUZRED IN ALL BEDROOMS i�ND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121Q C1F THE 1991 UBC. �. _ ... _ .... . � � rtirr�*i�.*++wr��r�ra.r+�rrr��r+*sr�yt�s�rrr�ri�sWrvv++�a�.+Wa:i 'iQtVA7 OF VAIL, COLORADO &tatemnt tfrfw�x+trrrrrrrtwft*#r:r�trw��ar�lrr�rr�a►ifxr�frrr►a+�ftafrlrrt S�at.:2rrt Numbex: RBC-0435 Amount: 276.25 08/12/96 14:24 Peymer.t Methad: CK Notation: 2434 Init: MA:9 ---- ^ --'--'--'-------'-------'-'-----------'---'--------------` Permit No: 898-0222 Tj�pe: R-BUZLD ADD/ALT SFR BUTLD PE Parcol No: 2103-123-06-025 S�Ce AddYesa: 3905 W GORE CREEK DR Location: 2905 YlEST GORS CR.EEK DR Total Yeea: 296.25 Thie Payment 276.Z5 Total ALL Pmte: 296.25 Balance: .00 ♦*WSrt�+xss�++es�:r*�rir.sW«ra�rs�•y��+s�eWar�trs�r��a�.�•ars•a: Account Code AemcriPcion Amount BP OO100Q03111100 HUILDiNO PER.MIT FEES 105.00 PF 00300001112300 BLAN CHSCK FEE3 68.25 AD D2-DEP08 CLEANJP DEPQSITS 160,00 WC OD10000311280q WILL CALL INBPECTION FSE 3.00 --'- " - " '_'-------------------------------`---------- — " ------ r,a.. .. _�_�..» ' ,� � � �ont�tct �a�lc County Assessors Office �. at 970-328-8640 for Parcel p, TOWN OF VASL Cf)NSTRUCTZON ��Ei. p :T ,�,/,t2,"� ,/�.� �� !'�� P£RMIT APP�,ZC�AT�� �dRM pAT E : ;.,._ "� �'� `, �--- PER�`lFT G ----___ � APPLICATZQN MUS�' B� FxLL�:D OUT COMPLETELX QR XT MAY NOx BE ACCEPTED �*�*�****�t*����,t�t,t�t*�t��*��**** PERMiT xNFORMATxON �**�**�***,�*,�*��**�**�*,*�*�x,� • � ' �t�Mt��ti �. �h�� ( � -Builda.ng ( ] -P1.umbi.ng ( j -E1.ectrical [ � �-Mechan 'ica2 [ s/� Other`� ` `'`'''�"'�`b"'' c«ic Tob Name: �.�G��c:t�t��€�T(,�.�u�� t��� Job Address: 1�G� �� f„�%���"�� �dr�: �i�r'c�.... (�f: ti(�tat Vt f �e.���. t.t.1c-s� Legal Descziption: Lat �� �T Block� �z�.ing_ � SUBDT�'ISION: c' ' ' � �wnexs Name: _-'����'iutnav�cd�� Address: 1`���r �.�'� �'a7r�� �''r'tu1� rJr'Fh. �7�'1-�7�`� �xchitact: t�f�t�c�U��� �r Address: Ph. �eneral. DescL'�.ptzo�: `�.��:.�/��r,r'r�" �+��1� �f''��'ti�c�� f°St�"��' �:1t{ iU:�� �t�-n1� — i �1ork Class: [��-New [,,�f-Alterati.on [ j-Additiona�, [vf-Repaa.r [ ]-Other aumber of Dwel.�.i.ng Uni.ts: � Numbe�c o� Accomrnoda�ion Units: -� ,}�nber and Type a:� Fzxeplaces: Gas Appliances. Gas Logs Waod/Fel]�et�� 1� ����,���*,��*�:*������*��,*�*��������* �rALUATZ�NS **�*����*�*����**���**����x���xxX ��~ }UILDZNG:��,:: $ � ,7 �>�'C' __ ET��CTR�CAL; $ OTHER: $ .. �LUi�SBSNG: $�� DfECH1�NSCAL: $ �_����_ TOTAL: �°� �� �C�C.j -� �*�:��:��,�����,�;����*��,t��;**��� CONTR}1CTOR xNFnRMA�.'xON ��*•k*���*����*��t��txn�����*�t xenera]. Cantrac�.or: �J�'�Lt�yti°,�,;,� �V������„_ �� �'own Qf Vai.l Reg. NO.,��� �..• T� ��ddress: t�'v'� i� (�t4rt L.t�i� t�� r�,�i `�+ �`��`� Phone i�umbez: y%�i`-�i��'�� ;1.ectza.cal. Con�zac�or: ���`"� ���� °�� �� _ kown oF Vaz7. Reg. NO. �ddz�ss: 'lumbing Cantracto�: ;aar�$S: techan.a.cal Ce�n�ractor: �ddress: -n*����►:��t�����x������t���3�t��t���tx 3UILDING PER1�iIT FEE: yLiJMBI2�G PERMI'S FEE: SECHANICAL PERMIT FFE: ;LECTRICAL F�E: >�'HER TXPE UF FEE; )RB FEE : Phone Tdumbez: '�'own of Vail Reg. NO. �'hatte Numbez: Tawn oP Vail Reg. NO, Phone Number: F�R OFFICE USE **���*x��n*X,�x,��:��*,�,�,�X�3X�*Y�� _ HUILDxtdG PL.A%t CHECK F£E: _ PLUMBING PLAtd CHECK ,�EE: ._ _ MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK F�E : _ .RECREA�ZON FEE: _ CLEAN-U.P DEPOSIT. TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TXPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATXON BUILDSNGt SzGNATURE: ZONING: SZGNATUP,E: :ornments; � ) ""` � . ____ GLEAN UP DEP.OSZT R.EFIIND TO _��.�'� �-�� t�,�.l'f� L�1C ,� --µ°- $� �..r...�✓." C'�_..M.._.` . �.J :. . . ......... . � �� ,� � ; � Design� �.eview Action Form ;; TOWNOFWAtI TtJWN OF VAIL Project i�ame: Salamunovich Residence Project Dc;;cripti�n: skylight infili, egress windo�v, residi�g, painting Owncr, Address and Phonc: Nancy & Thomas Salamunc�vich, 1905 West Gore Creek Dr, 479-9794 ArchitecttCantact. Addre:�5 and Fhoae: Nancv & Thomas Salamunovich, 1905 West Gare Creek Dr, 4'19-9794 Pi•oject Street Addres5: 19a5 'West Gore Creek Drive Lc�al Desci•iption: Lot 27, Vail Viliage West #2 Parccl Numbcr: 2103-123-06-026 Building PJame: Cornments: Motion by: nla Sccanded by: n/a Vote: nia Conditions: Town Planncr: Brent Wilson Datc: 3uly 29, 1998 F:ti�Vf'.RYt )ti��;�nRiiSAPPRt)VAL\9815ALANIUNt).729 � Board / Staff Activn Actian: st�ff approved DRB Fee Frc-Paid: �20.00 � �: � � a a � hi 'E a d x F � �£� N� h O 1 Q O i 6 i i � o�c o�c � 1 O � O o � o .-� � .� +�i ' (� � 4 �Q � ^ � � 6 � O j-� y. � O O H a� i .. 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K ��: � 4��.i 6. a� ? H 4 ! i.l'�. 4 . y y �.�;4� � 4a¢�.^..'#rx a!t k`�i... 6.I�a :.:?C"i •r` �^ �: t-`_.; t: iK :.is»a 3;, � �, c � e�� � 4a fl si ( � 4 E Y"r�_ � §i ��� :&. t� . r�i�' i& 4:r� . i.��m'Fm"Q.� iA;S• = i ,` � g."; 3a�§w �.9._. ~`� �. "� a�i .« , k *i �..r t. .' �; L�° f a .., �...? .. . _ � �.., r's7 ". 'dirai ,_F'_it�.i i°��..�i/, . �:� �s Y 1 �,:� �. � 0 1 ******************************�*********�****+******�*************+**********�*+***�******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 03-01-2013 at 11:25:32 03/01/2013 Statement *****************+*************+**************************�********************«************ Statement Number: REC-0435 Amount: $276.25 08/12/199802:24 PM Payment Method: CK Init: MAW Notation: 2939 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B98-0222 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-123-0602-6 Site Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: $296.25 This Payment: $276.25 Total ALL Pmts: $296.25 Balance: $0.00 ********************************************************+*****�***************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- AD D2-DEP08 BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ CLEANUP DEPOSITS 100.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 105.00 PLAN CHECK FEES 68.25 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------