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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB130048 APPLICATION.pdf Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
TOWN OF VAILL Vail, co 81657
Tel : 910-479-2128
Development Review Coordinator
Application for Design Review
changes to Approved Plans
General Information : This application is for all changes to approved plans prior to Certificate of Occupancy.
An application for design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Commu-
nity development Department. Design Review approval expires one year from the date of approval , unless a
building hermit is issued and construction commences .
Submittal Requirements .
1 . Three (3) copies of all pertinent approved flans with illustrated , libeled changes
2 , Joint Property owner Written Approval, Leiter, if applicable.
Fee: $20
Single Family duplex Multi-Family Commercial
Description of the Request: Revise approved new entry door, modify approved new entry roof, replace
existing garage door, add (6) recessed can light fixtures and expand driveway & replace a portion with powers.
Physical Address : 5030 Prima Court (West Side)
Farce! Number: 210113106Q04 {Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no. }
Property Owner: Todd and Mel'isa Miner
Mailing Address ,- 1030 S. Adam Street Denver, CO 8U209
Phone .- (720) 2 73-8734
owner's Signature:Primary Contact) Owner Representative : Architectural Services P . C . Danny Swertfeger
Mailing Address : P . U . Box 385 Edwards, CO 81632
1 Phone : (970,) 926-7605
E-Mail : aspc'ds@centurytel . net Fax : (974) 92s-761d
For office use only:
Cash, CC. Visa 1 MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: A t Check #
Fee Paid: Received From.-
Meeting Date.* DRB No, :
Planner: Project No-,
Zoning : Land Llse:
Location of the Proposal : Lod: Block : Subdivision :
Building Materials Type of Material Color
Roof N /A
hiding N/A
Other Wall Materials N /A
Fascia N/A
soffits N/A
Windows N/A
Window Trim N/A
Door Trim NSA
Hand or Deck Rails N/A
Flues N /A
Flashing N /A
Chimneys N /A
Trash Enclosures N/A
greenhouses N/A
Retaining Walks N /A
Extenor Lighting (6 ) RECESSED CAN FIXTURES
Other N/A
Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip.
� Mai W�11 Common Name Quantibv Size
7�0 EW FtBMVM,
Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : Deciduous Trees — 2" Caliper
Coniferous Trees — fi' in height
Shrubs — 5 G- a1 .
Type Quare Foot�ae
Please specify ether landscape features ( i . e . retaining wall, fences , swimming pools, etc. )
Existing driveway to be expanded ( +/_ 262 s .f. ) and to be sand set pavers with a portion of the existing concrete
driveway to be replaced with, sand set payers .
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March 4 , 2013
Town of Vail , Design Review, Board,
75 South Frontage Road
Vail , Colorado 8, 1657
Re - Revisions to Approved DRB Drawings
Todd and Melisa Miner
Miner Residence Remodel
503(} Prima Court West Half
Parcel No . - 210113106004
Dear Board Members :
represent Mr. and Mrs . Miner, the owners of the west half of the duplex building located
5030 Prima Court . At present their Unit is under construction and they would like to request
approval to make some additional changes ., which would include the following .
1 . Revise the approved new entry door unit to have mare glass area ,
2 . Replace their existing garage door with a new custom wood trimmed insulated panel
door finished to match their new entry door and the existing entry door of the adjacent
unit . (See attached photo) . The goal is to improve 'the appearance of their home and to
reduce energy use . It should be noted that the adjacent Unit Owner, Steven VI/ells has
indicated that he is going tv replace his garage do-or as well . It was Mr. Wells who
convinced Mr. Miner to replace their garage doors .
3 . A minor revision to the approved new roof above the new entry deck , This modification
is to resolve a waterproofing problem discovered after construction started .
4 . A +/- 262 sJ. expansion of the existing driveway to provide an additional parking space .
5 . The expanded portion of the driveway as well' the existing driveway on Allr. Miner's
property and a portion on Mr . Well ' s property will be changed from concrete to sand -set-
pavers with a concrete border
6 . Thee addition of (6) recessed can light fixtures in the existing and new roof overhangs .
Revisions to Approved DRB Drawings
Town of Vail , Design Review Board
Todd and Melisa Miner
Miner Residence Remodel
March 4, X013
Page 2
As indicated by the attached letters , the HOA and Wells have approved the re0isions . The
original project was Staff approved and we are hopeful that the revisions can also be reviewed
and approved an a Staff level .
Please contact me if you have any questions or reed additional information .
Sincerely ,
Danny &Wertfeg ?r �
Copy to ,* Todd anal Meli-sa Miner,
Slifer Management Company
Property Management & Leasing
March 4, 2013
Todd and Melisa Miner
C/o Danny Swertfeger
Architectural Services, P.C.
Via: Email - aspc-ds @centurytel„net
Re: 5030 Prima Court (W)
Dear Dr„ and Mrs. Miner,
The Sundial Townhome Association has approved the changes to
original plans for the exterior remodel of 5030 Prima Court (W).
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance„
Thank you,
Steve Simonett, Community Mgr„
Slifer Management Company
Phone: 926-7911
Fax: 926-7914
P.O. Box 2264,Edwards,CO 81632
0105 Edwards Village Boulevard, Suite G-206,Edwards,CO 81632
Ielephone. (970)926-7911 Ielefax: (970)926-7914
f Ster) hen Wells Mane ire Part ner of St . Louis I Vail Connection L . L . P. the owner of
503D Prima Court- East,__a joint owner of a duplex property located at 5030 Prima Court,
provide this letter, as written approval of Revised Pans d ated 2 -25- 13 which will be
submitted to the Town, of Vail Community Development department for revisions to
Approved DRB Plans for work to be completed at the address t d above . I
understand that the roposed p improvements include the following .
The redesign of the approved new entry dour, the replacement of the existing garage
door with a new one stained to mate my and Todd Miners entry doors , the expansion
of the driveway on Todd Miners property , the replacement of the existing concrete
driveway on Todd Miners property with sand set pavers and concrete border including a
portion of the concrete driveway on my property, a minor modification of the new roof
above the entry deck and the addition of {G} new recessed can light fixtures . We also
intend to replace our garage door with one of a similar design to the one on at Todd
Miners Unit and stained to match my entry door.
{Signature } ( Date)
Additionally, please check the statement below which is most app licable to you :
I understand that minor modifications may bemade to the plans over the course of the
review process to ensure compliance with the Town I s applicable codes and regulations .
( Initial here)
I understand that III the mvdlifications , minor or otherwise , which are made to the plans
over the course of the review process , be brought to my attention by the applicant for
additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town .
( Initial hers)