HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-26 STATUS Have Proof of Publication Only S05 tleQrees 271e'W - 60 degrees 11'31' -
B - imersectwn of the roof overhang at the west
end of the Treetops Condominium building and
Public Notice the southwest comer of said building, 452 East
Lionshead Circle.
ORDI u 26 S05 degrees 38'24'W - 80 degrees 1T55"
81 -westerly upper comer of the roof overhang
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TOWN at the west end of the Treetops Condominium
P R 00 F O F P U B l l CAT I O N CODE, TITLE 12, CHAPTER 22, SECTION 4, bulding, 452 East Lionshead Circle.
STATE OF COLORADO) LIDNSHEAO AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS B2 - westerly lower comer of the roof overhang at
IN REGARD THERETO. the west end of the Treetops Condominium huYd•
ing, 452 East Lionshead Circle.
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds thai the
) SOS degrees 22'28'W - 81 degrees 43'15'
COUNTY OF EAGLE ) proposed view conidor protects ant perpetuates 83 - intersecton al the roof overhan at the west
views from public pedestrian areas, puhhc ways, end of the Treeto s Condominium 6uildin and
or public spaces within the Town which foster av- the southwest comer of said buildin g
is pride and are in the public interest for the Lionshead Circle. 9. 452 East
I, ALLEN KNOX do solemn) swear that I am the PUBLISHER of THE VAIL TRAIL Town; and
_ y WHEREAS, Me Town Ccundl finds That the S23 degrees 11'03'W - 85 de rees 40'57" -
proposed view conidor protects and enhances C .intersection of the horizon whh
a vertcal line
and THE DAILY TRAIL: that the same are newspapers printed, in whole or in part and pub- the Towrie adrection to resideraa, quests, and defined by me southeast corner roo0ine on the
p~nY °~re~ ~ veil Lionshead Centre Condominiums, 520 li-
WHEREAS, the Town Caurtal finds that the onshead Circle.
lished in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and have a general circulation there- prapoeed view condor prof whip, era
commonly recogn¢ed and have inherent qualities SECTION 2.
in; that said newspapers have been published continuously and uninterruptedly inlaid uh~h make them more valuable to the Town If any part, sechon, subsection, senence,
than other more carnmon views; and clause or phrase of this ordinance is far any rea-
WHEREAS, the Town Caundl Ands Ihat the son held to be invalid, such decision shall not ef-
County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the t proposed view condor is cmnsislent wtlh Ne Li• fact me validity of the remaining portions of this
` onshead Redevelopment Master Plan and TPoe ordinance; and the Town Council hereby de-
first ublication of the annexed le al notice or advertisement. That the annexed le al 12, Zoning, of the Town Code; and dares it would have passed this ordinance, and
p g g WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental each pan, section, subsection, sentence, clause
Commission of hie Town of Vail has recommend- or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any
notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number ed approval of the proposed view corridor et ks one or more parts, sections, subsections, semen-
Novemher 13, 2000 meeting and ces, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.
of said newspapers for the period of ' _ consecutive insertions; and that the first pub- WHEREAS, trio Town C'oandl ~onsk~rs fl
1 ^ne interest of the public health, safety, and wei~ SECTION 3.
xre to amend said Chapter and Sections of the The Town Council hereby finds, determines
cation of said public notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated To~~' anddeGaresthatthisordinanceisnecessaryand
1 proper for the health, safety ant wetlare o1 the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY Tawn of Vail and the inhabitants thereof.
.u'1' , 20 0(~ and that the last publication of said notice was in COLORADOCTO}IUAT IL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, SECTION 4.
The amendment of any provision of the Vail
the issue of said newspaper dated ~~z , 20 ~ . In witness where- secTloN,. Tewn cede as provided in this ordinance shall
.Q,~ Title 12, Chapter 22, Section 4, Adoption of not affect any right which has acorued, any duty
View Condors, is hereby amended as folbws: imposed. any violation mat occurred prior fo the
of I have hereunto set my hand this 24" day of f~ ~ , 2O csD F. Lionshead View Paint #1: A view hom the effective dale hereof, any prosecution com•
west erd of the Lionshead parking structure, menced, nor any other action or proceeding as
standing at street level at the front of the err commenced under or by virtue m the proviswn
trance 395 Easl Lienshead Circle and looking amended. The amendment of any provision here-
southwest towaM the gondola lift line, by shall not revive any provision or any ordinance
1 Purpose: To protect the views of Vail previously repealed or superseded unless ez•
Mountain from the primary entrance pain into Li- pressly stated herein.
2. Survey control: Based on published mate- SECTION 5.
rial Iron Town of Vail GPS control map. Points All hylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinan-
Spraddle and ;766 were used for this survey. ces, or pads thereof, inconsistem herewith are
Bearings reported below are tied to this control. repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency.
3. Instrument at Lionshead View Point #1: A 'This repealer shall not ha construed to revise arty
2 inch diameter brass monument, flush in bock bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part
ti ~ pavers, stamped View 1. thereof, theretofore repealed.
4. Backlight: A 2 inch diameter aluminum
Johnson, Kunkel 8 Associates, Inc., monument INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READ-
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a rioter ublic in an or the ; un{,~ of Ea le, which bears S11 degrees 4T42"W 327.94 fee! ING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED
Y p ' I g distant Located at the nosh edge of a concre!e ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 21st
` y~ ~~~,,y~ ring for a water manhole approximately 15 feel day of November, 2000, and a public hearing for
State of Colorado, this _ day of Nv`l~r~°~~L~- ,2O ~ , northotthenorthedgeofthebikepath. second reading of this Ordinance is set for the
5. Height of Survey Instrument shove Lion=- 5th day of Decemher, 2000, in the Council Cham-
head View Point #t. 5.26'eel. hers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colora-
6. Table: do.
~tiYH KN Bearing: Ludwig Kurz
~y eNgaa O 2eniMAngk: Mayor
t~`' e~ • 4 / 4 Foresight Point On Photo ATTEST:
r`~ ai O 1 ^R~~~ / As Of October 25, 2000: Lorelei Donaldson
` ~ i' ~ Town Clerk
S05 degrees 14'25'W - 79 degrees 09'13" - Puhtished in The Vail Trail
o I ~ ~i ~ A - inersectien el the hodzon with a vertical line on November 24, 2000
~ ~ I:iMJ _ defined by the southwest comer raofline on the
Treetops Condominium building, 452 East Lions-
; My commission expl s on June 23, 2004 naadckae.