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Mill Creek Circle Residence Council Memo and Attachments 110612
TOWN OF 0 VAIL' TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 6, 2012 Action: Uphold DRB approval Memorandum SUBJECT: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Design Review Board's approval, with conditions, of a design review application for construction of a new single - family residence, located at 303/305 Mill Creek Circle /Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB120371) Appellant: Vail Town Council Planner: Warren Campbell I. SUBJECT OF THE APPEAL The appellant, Vail Town Council, filed an appeal (call -up), pursuant to Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's September 19, 2012, approval, with conditions, of a design review application for construction of a new single - family residence, located at 303/305 Mill Creek Circle. On September 19, 2012 the Design Review Board unanimously approved, with conditions, an application to construction a new single - family residence. The conditions were as follows: 1. The applicant shall submit revised plans in conjunction with the building permit submittal depicting the pool extending no more than 5 feet into the watercourse setback. 2. The applicant shall obtain and provide written approval from Vail Resorts for the encroachments and improvements located upon the adjacent Vail Resorts property prior to issuance of building permit. 3. The applicant shall submit revised plans in conjunction with the building permit submittal depicting the addition of boulders to the base of the north retaining wall. 4. The applicant shall submit revised plans in conjunction with the building permit submittal depicting an undulating top -of -wall so as to not result in a consistent top -of -wall elevation. Members of the Vail Town Council, in conjunction with the discussion to call -up the Board's approval, highlight concerns with the conditions addressing the encroachment of improvements on adjacent property and the retaining wall proximity to the bike path. Staff has included those portions of the Vail Town Code addressing these aspects of the project in Section II of this memorandum. Staff has additionally included those portions of the Vail Town Code addressing site development as the retaining wall generating the conditions is being utilized to retain fill soil being brought onto the site. The retaining wall runs approximately 80 feet in length two feet off of the property line and will have an exposed height of six (6) feet or less. The Design Review Board recognized the formal appearance of a straight wall and included conditions on the approval providing for an undulating top -of -wall and the addition of boulders at the base to decrease the formal appearance. The wall will retain approximately 12 feet of fill soil depth at is deepest point. Attached are the plans (in part) approved by the Design Review Board dated September 10, 2012 (Attachment A). Staff has placed a blue cloud around the retaining wall on the plans and cross - sections. A letter and exhibits provide by KH Webb Architects dated October 25, 2012 (Attachment B) is attached for reference. II. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Vail Town Code TITLE 14, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (in part) CHAPTER 14 -6, GRADING STANDARDS 14 -6 -3: NATURAL FEATURES: Grading that is detrimental to existing natural features is discouraged. Those areas of a site that are determined to remain in a natural state shall be protected during construction. A site specific construction disturbance plan shall be prepared, outlining the areas to be disturbed and the methods and devices used to protect the remaining portions of the site. CHAPTER 14 -10, DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES 14 -10 -2: GENERAL COMPATIBILITY: A. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. B. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique landforms and features. Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserved and Town of Vail Page 2 reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the natural landforms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral part of the site, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surroundings. 14 -10 -3: SITE PLANNING: A. The location and configuration of structures and accessways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existina natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. B. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. C. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development of the site, those identified as diseased or those essential for creating defensible space. Mitigation may be required for tree removal. 14 -10 -5: BUILDING MATERIALS AND DESIGN: L. Footings And Foundation: Building footings and foundations shall be designed in accordance with the minimum standards of the adopted building code. Footings and foundations shall also be designed to be responsive to the natural topography of the site, and shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to minimize the necessary amount of excavation and site disturbance. 14 -10 -6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A. The purpose of this section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection B of this section, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massina. architectural details. site aradina and landscape materials and features. 14 -10 -8: LANDSCAPING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL: A. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural landscape character of the area in which it is to be located and serve as an aid in fire prevention and protection. The landscape scale and overall Town of Vail Page 3 landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form, line, color and texture of the local plant communities. Since the major objective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Fire wise plant materials are encouraged due to their ability to resist fire. Trees should be maintained through limbing and pruning in order to prevent limbs from being too close to structures and other plant materials. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, ability to deter the spread of fires and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and subalpine zones or are capable of being introduced into these zones. 14 -10 -9: FENCES, HEDGES, WALLS, AND SCREENING: A. Placement: The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing landforms and fit into land massing rather than arbitrarily follow site bounda lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash areas, utility equipment, etc. B. Design: Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted concrete. No chainlink fences shall be allowed except as temporary construction fences or as required for recreational facilities. C. Setbacks Observed: All accessory uses and structures except fences, hedges, walls and landscaping, or ground level site development such as walks, driveways, and terraces shall be located within the required minimum setback lines on each site. Recreational amenities may be exempted by the design review board if it determines that their location is not detrimental environmentally and /or aesthetically. E. Height Limitations: Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet (3') in height within any required front setback area, and shall not exceed six feet (6') in height in any other portion of the site, provided that higher fences, hedges, walls or landscaping screens may be authorized by the administrator when necessary to screen public utility equipment. No barbed wire or electrically charged fence shall be erected or maintained. III. SUBJECT PROPERTY Town of Vail Page 4 The subject property is located at 303/305 Mill Creek /Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1. IV. STANDING OF APPELLANT Pursuant to Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the appellant has standing as an aggrieved or adversely affected party to appeal the Design Review Board's September 19, 2012, decision. V. REQUIRED ACTION Pursuant to Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the Vail Town Council shall uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the Design Review Board's September 19, 2012, decision. VI. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Design Review Board recommends that the Town Council upholds its September 19, 2012 decision regarding DRB120371 based upon, the evidence and testimony presented, and the findings of fact listed below. The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following findings of fact: • On September 19, 2012, the Design Review Board, held a public hearing on the applicant's request for the construction of a new single - family residence at 303/305 Mil Creek Circle in accordance with Chapter 12 -11, Design Review, Vail Town Code. • On September 19, 2012, based upon the review of the application to the Design Review Board, the Board's site visit to the subject property, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Design Review Board found that the proposed new single - family residence complied with Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code. • On September 19, 2012, the Design Review Board unanimously approved, with conditions, the applicant's request for the construction of a new single - family residence. • On October 2, 2012, the appellant, Vail Town Council filed an appeal (called -up) of the Design Review Board's September 19, 2012, decision in accordance with Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code. • Notice of the Vail Town Council's hearing of this appeal has been Town of Vail Page 5 completed in accordance with provisions of Section 12 -3 -3, Appeals, Vail Town Code. The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following conclusion: 'Based upon a review of the Staff's November 6, 2012, memorandum to the Vail Town Council, the evidence and testimony presented, and the finding of facts, the Vail Town Council concludes: The Design Review Board's September 19, 2012, approval, with conditions, of a design review application for construction of a new single - family residence, located at 3031305 Mill Creek Circle /Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto, meets the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of the Vail Town Code." The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following motion: 'Based upon a review of the Staff's November 6, 2012, memorandum to the Vail Town Council, the evidence and testimony presented, and the finding of facts, the Vail Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's September 19,2012, approval, with conditions, of a design review application for construction of a new single - family residence, located at 3031305 Mill Creek Circle /Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto, based upon the conclusion that the Board's determination meets the guidelines and standards imposed by the requirements of the Vail Town Code." VII. ATTACHMENTS A. Design Review Board Approved Plans dated September 10, 2012 (in part) B. Letter from KH Webb Architects dated October 25, 2012 Town of Vail Page 6 VERY APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 100 —YEAR FLOODPLAIN SCALED FROM FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP #08037CO488D. EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/4/07 30' MILL CREEK STREAM SETBACK o � 99 98. \ S \ ` O\ \ �W o m � C c c LOT CENTERLINE WEST MILL CREEK (PLAT/REC# 96382) VERY APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 100 —YEAR FLOODPLAIN SCALED FROM FEMA FLOOD,,, INSURANCE RATE MAP #08037CO488D. EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/4/07 7.0 DIAMETER CPP INVERT OUT - 8200.8' s1■ s1■ s1■ __ _ � 41199 HIGHWAY 6 & 24. EAGLE —VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. CO. 81632 Nag EDGE OF ASPHALT PATH I i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i 04 ` FOUND 3' WITNESS CORNER REBAR do ALUM. CAP LS# 26598 i �6 VAIL WATER do SANITATION o.5' 0� DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY 016 EASEMENT (BOOK 192. PAGE 313) 0.5' 09 j 0.7' i 8z7� �r % I 10 0.7' Z � Np ods. TRACT E cs R� _ -- W a0`_ vim_-- --�- "- 00 /� - -- NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY 3/5/12 2) STEWART TITLE COMPANY POLICY NOS. 01330 -4107 & 01330 -4108 DATED T IRAN FOFORMER 2/8/12 WAS RELIED UPON FOR ALL TITLE AND EASEMENT INFORMATION. � Oo 1478 ACRES "` "'"� -, �' \ 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS \ AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY CONCRETE o�O \ EEE� METER �o ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE 0.7 0 WALL/STEPS CONCRETE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN ena o.a' 2000' o\ WALL HEREON. �..� ore � \ ELECTRIC ` 4) 3.0' OF SNOW ON LOT AT TIME OF SURVEY; SOME FEATURES MAY EXIST DRIV AY , PEDESTALS BENEATH SNOW THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. \ CONCRETE DRIVEWAY �� 77169 WALL \ 5) BASIS OF ELEVATION: NGS CONTROL POINT 'SPRADDLE" ELEV- 8287.82 (NAVD 88) �g / 6) BASIS OF PROPERTY LINE LOCATION: MONUMENTS FOUND ON THE NORTH LINE OF 5 UPPER < OO_00"E m PROPERTY (AS SHOWN HEREON) / z c� \ DECKS 9.00 8 , % \7 7) BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS NOT PLATTED. SETBACKS SHOWN HEREON ARE PER !j\ P EDGE OF 2 �0 2 — PAVER TOWN OF VAIL ZONING REGULATIONS CHAPTER 6. ARTICLE D-6. FOR TWO FAMILY WALK/ - - -- _ o`s' PLOWED DRIVE \ 68 „ i PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRIT. AND SHOULD BE VARIFlED WITH i,► Qw1�oE PARKING �% 8 p3' �� , O TOWN OF VAIL PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING DESIGN. i 10.e LIGHEMENT \ D' 8 EDGE OF PLOWED 8 THIS SURVEY AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS THE PROPERTY OF (PLAT/IZEC 3332 ° °5� 0 ) , �0l%7 ASPHALT ROAD 2 EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC. AND IS INTENDED FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE 10s $• 12 0. / > z Z ORIGINAL CLIENT ONLY. ANY USE OF OR TRANSFER TO OTHERS IS PROHIBITED. �N 9) BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ALONG PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HEREON ARE 30 MILL CREEK 0.6' 1� �� 0.s R 0 < STREAM SETBACK � AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION PLAT ONLY. A BOUNDARY SURVEY WOULD 0 BE NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE DIMENSIONS OF THE LOT AND gas SETBACKS. WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE PLATTED DIMENSIONS. L= X3.03 i / C \� � � S i �� Q 52 /9 DENOTES BUSH WITH APPROXIMATE DIAMETER 6.37 EDGE OF SEWER MANHOLE i �� OXX � / / REEK SORIM�21o.2' PLOWED DRIVE 09A / O C/L INVERT - 820002' 0 =14 °41 00 DENOTES CONIFEROUS TREE WITH APPROXIMATE TRUNK DIAMETER ELECTRIC / M ` WATER W R=631.00' x.x' MANHOLE / / / / �a MANHOLE L= 161.71 / WATER BRG =N76 °25'00 "E I Qi VALVE C LEN = 161.26' x o CONCRETE PAN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. Stan Hogfeldt. a Professional Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this topographic survey was made by me and under my supervision, and that the survey Is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. Stan Hogfeldt Colorado P.LS. 26598 Date: Approved by the TOPOGRAPH G SURVEY Design Review Board PARCELS �\ � B TOWN � By Rachel Dimond at 9 :39 am, Sep 25, 2012 A RESUBDMSION OF LOT 3, BOCK 1 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILM 1066T- 2012.dwg DATE: 3/6/12 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRN. BY: DJE PAGE: 1 OF 1 JOB No. 1066 Approved by the 51 TL LEC E N1J L 16HT I I ` 6 LE6E I `lV Design Review Board i TOWN Of VA1 Z By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 + PROP05ED SPOT ELEVATION SYMBOL EIXfUR€ FIN15H LAW I n^lXX.X TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BWXXx BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION * FX LUMINAIRE GB PATH LIGHT (IS" HT) NATURAL COPPER 3 LED +T&M•X TOP OF BOULDER ELEVATION G13-3 LED- ISR-GU +N51ZE PER PLAN Ex15TIN6 DECIDUOUS TREE&m TO BE REMOVED, QTY. 12 I , =�51ZE PER PLAN EXI5TIN6 EVERGREEN TREE TO BE REMOVED, QTY. 5 [in FX LUMINAIRE LM HALL LIGHT NATURAL CAPPER 20H XENON I EXISTI LM -20 -GU (MAX. IS" MOUNTING HEIGHT) I , NG OEGIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN FX LUMINAIRE LF WALL LIGHT NATURAL CAPPER I LED V I \ I � I - D-G EX15TIW EVER6REEN TREE TO REMAIN \ NOTES: \ / ® 12' BLACK PVC, AREA DRAIN LED TO DAYL16K 1. ELECTRICIAN TO CONFIRM INTENT WITH LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER. 2. ALL FIXTURES TO HAVE PHOTO -CELL CONTROLS WITH MANUAL OVER -RIDE. CONFIRM OVER -RIDE SWITCHING LOCATION HITH OWNER. SNOWMELTED FLA65TONE WALKWAY TO BIKE PATH � BOULDERS, TYP. / / STEEL WALL (4' HT., TYP) LANDSGAPED AREA GALGULATION DRYSTAGK STONE RETAINING \ TOTAL SITE AREA: 12575 S.F. - l00% OF TOTAL SITE HALL 04 � -TOTAL L ANE Cr ODEL AF-EA: d4.12 S.F. _ "?.dk. OF TOTAL SITE - (/ B 015 + - . \ \ \ \ 4' HT. IRON FENCE AND GATE TW 0 - - - - - T-6:F,oI= I 1AIR1956APE19 ,ofREA. IGl4e S.F. der, E,F,,44,6 I=A, 4 ,96,41Af;�EA, v v + 90 _ � - TB10 Total landscaping= 8607 square feet �911RONHANDRAIL �� / / + ��� �RACT Total softscape= 6886 square feet (80`0 of total) + TBI1.0- / \ _ - - - - - STONE VENEER WALL, SHADED. Total h a r d s c ap e = 1721 square feet (20% of total) 0 !'611 - VENEER TO MATCH HOUSE, TYP. '119 \ \ `� �\ \96 �� \� 5 + -150 \ \ / \ SNOWMELTED STONE PATH` AND 5TEP5. ISRCT&I1I I I ` BIO.0 , `uo TBI(b. 15. \ \ / o I L 0 13.5 shrub \ � �15.5� v 01_� pip + k5P I I / TBI2.0 � � - -- � - - -_ / / + GUSTOM 5 \ - \ W.L. 15.0 � � - � 5.5 1a BWIO.0� � \ 11.0 + \ TW16.0-1 + v Jam, TBI0.0 BWI0.5 SNOWMELT 5PA II I GOPIN6 (HATGHED) - - SNOWMELTED STONE Il 1 I I I RE: ARGHITEGTURAL 5TEP5 bR @6 EA. I \ \ I 4.5 I DRAWIN65 FOR GREEN I \ 04 IRREGULAR BOULUER 1 I I �/ A 4 ROOF ABOVE + �) 5TEP5/WALL TO HOLD GRADE I % q - + IFIFE 4.0 FIFE 18.5 1 5 S'4 ��'_; 03 I 18.5 +FFE 4.0 A 1 .46 / 4I I I SWIMMING POOL SWIMMING POOL GANTILEVERS I -II, - 5.5 W.L. 18.0 OVER LANDSGAPE BELOW I L O T I II I N III I I8 I 9� I'll � 2 I Tw0.5 I I 21.0+ 12 N I + 1&.5 PLANTER / / � I I I I ( I 12.5 BUILT IN BBQBAR i i > >O STRUCTURE, BELOW RE: ARCH. i I I I - SNOW MELT POOL GOPIN6 RE: FIREPIT /_611 / %/, 22.31 I STONE VENEER WALL, SHADED, TYP. (HATGHED) BUILT IN BARITABLE II III ` I I I WATER FEATURE/FOUNTAIN MORTAR SET RANDOM 5 GRAVEL PATH WITH SNOWMELT IRREGULAR FLAGSTONE TWI2. I I tr I � $�y 0 PAVING WITH SNOWMELT I I rn C \ I II 1+ I I I FIFE 8+ 8. I II + FIFE 15.5 I� I ' SILT FENCE I � 10 5 MORTAR SET RANDOM TR AC T E I I Ili I ►I I� TWI0.5 `, +/ IRREGULAR FLA65TONE PAVING WITH SNOWMELT I IRON TRENCH DRAIN - 12-" 3% FE 8+ X411 FIFE 8.5 I I I I I I I ® FLA65TONE WITH PLANTED JOINTS 8.. I r7o I °I I I I I I I /� FFE 8.5 BW8.5 +, STONE SLAB 5TEP5 2R @TEA I - I I I IV I) I // 6'+ + + / 8.5 II I\ \I III I I I + y + TWI2. 2 a.35 'S' Shrub '� 8.5 3.25% - I QL v / - oq / Ob v S. I o ( co I LEVEL OUT/REMOVE PORTION OF ;? \ \ I 00 I \ STONE PAVER DRIVEWAY WITH SNOWMELT - \, - - - - BERM TO CREATE NATURAL SLOPE - I I \ \ � � I BWq.0 � - j � , '� � �' EM LOWER TRANSFORMER - - a21 TO 51T ON NEW GRADE- - - �o _- _ - BKO - - - ± - I 25- - -- Tw12.o NW l� W 10'i5ETBAGK - Q.0 +-= - 10.5 - - 0 / - - - - - �.. .. � - - / I /� / s �`Bwa.o �W12.o + ®� _ �'o / / V X12- ` - ♦ i +�B 110.01-11 ,SNOW STORAGE / 1 ____ ; ------ 11 - - -�9- - -- q�, 1 k ±i6� _ -10.0 \ - - - -- -i I �I - _ _ LIMIT OF D15TURBANGE i I / I LP NE 5N0w STORAGE ` _ - - 10.25 STONE VENEER WALL, SHADED, TYP. 10.0 - _ - - - STONE WALKWAY WITH PLANTED JOINTS AND 1 SNOWMELTED STONE PARKING 821 SNOWMELT. PROVIDE SEPARATE SNOWMELT ZONE I AREA WITH PLANTED JOINTS WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY. 10.0 (VERIFY) 6" HT. COPPER ADDRE55 NUMBERS MOUNTED TO WALL q•! / O w ♦ am 100 9.33 O 4 GONGRETE PAN (DO l/ � q.5 (VERIFY) NOT SNOwMELT) O PROVIDE SEPARATE SNOWMELT C RILE ZONE WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY REEK MILL 0 E 8 4 O 8 ICS 24 SCALE: I/8" = I' - O" V 00 O .o 06 N M O n a� 00 0 W 0 CC � U C-4 a W O• a = U M %0 00 W a Q 0 � L U o � U Z¢ J W d" N x 0 m v V_ O N 0 d V V � V U U N CU U = O Cd U `^ 0 C) _O M O U J i 13 August 2012 DRB Submittal 13 September 2012 DRB Submittal Title: SITE PLAN Scale: 8 Sheet: LC1 00 © ceres plus, LLC. 2012 Approved by the Design Review Board TOWN OF VAIL' By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 PLANT LEC END REEK M�LL U 1R��E C JIGAL NAME � PUNOEN5 -U5 TREMULOIDE5 U5 5ERIGEA MUGO )RED LAKE ARIA 5ORBIFOLIA HORIGARP05 ALBU5 ON NAME )RTED PERENNIALS / HILDFLOHER5 5RA55 50D =D NATIVE C-RA55 T RAFT E MANGE COMMON NAME auAHn1Y COLORADO 5PRUGE & MIN. HT. 9 ASPEN 2" -3" GAL. 13 REDTHI6 DOGWOOD 4' HT. B4B ® b' oc 24 MUGO PINE 4' HT. B413 12 RED LAKE CURRANT #5 @ 35 or, 5 A5H -LEAF FALSE 5PIREA #5 a 35 or, 14 WHITE 5140HBERRY #5 (@ 4' oc 55 i � • i V- Co 0 1P 00 N 0 C) w �� 0 U o C. W H a = U Q M � 00 w a a O � CD cn o -2 o V J ba0 W V- M N x O Co u O 0 CL V W W W V � ,L u L UU U = O U C) L. O O M O ' U M J > 13 August 2012 DRB Submittal Title: PLANTING PLAN Scale: %" = 1' -0.. 8 Sheet: LP1 00 © ceres plus, LLC. 2012 Approved by the Design Review Board TOWN OF VAIL By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 w w. moo v 0 < s CD CD CD a o <, a CD o � � 4 W m 0 a� as co a w cc as 3 ti a N c� N 0 N "I I I L c moo v > 0 = < C CD D CD a o <,t oCD � z W 0 v a) a w co v m N N 0 N I� I I � � I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I �I �I III I I \ I\ II � I � \ \ I I Ilo I SUBGRADE CRAWL SPACE LESS THAN T -0" HEIGHT 1/16" = 1' -0" ROOF PLAN 1/16" = 1' -0" BASEMENT WALL SURFACE CALCULATIONS: HATCH INDICATES AREA BELOW GRADE. TOTAL WALL SURFACE AREA = 3563sf AREA BELOW GRADE = 3563sf PERCENT BELOW GRADE = 100% = DEDUCTION TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 2,436sf *.00 = Osf LOWER LEVEL BASEMENT WALL DEDUCTIONS 1/8" = 1' -0" 1 I I I� I GRFA CALCULATIONS: \ �I "I I I I I � I I BASEMENT LEVEL = Osf GROUND LEVEL = 2,436sf - 600sf GARAGE CREDIT = 1,836sf MAIN LEVEL = 249sf + 2204sf = 2,453sf UPPER LEVEL = 1,069SF TOTAL = 5,358sf Ne SITE AREA = 12,580sf GRFA = 5,580 ALLOWED 5,580sf - 5,358sf =1222 sf GRFA REMAINING I\ I \ I � I \ �a BASEMENT LEVEL = 2,436 sf 1/16" = 1' -0" I I I III 1 innrn 1 r%iri 11 ncn ,-..c 1/16" = 1' -0" V V cc= V V O Z I o %%WOO W 9 J p LLJ I I fir. o ❑ Z �o ^ter \ V � �a Q J D' — cn W oC 5A IV o I I I I I ° .... BASEMENT LEVEL = 2,436 sf 1/16" = 1' -0" I I I III 1 innrn 1 r%iri 11 ncn ,-..c 1/16" = 1' -0" 1/16" = 1' -0" U � I I i I I LOWER LEVEL WALL DEDUCTION AND FLOOR AREA PLAN = 2,436sf 1/16" = 1' -0" z O U H lJ) z O cr- O LL. I— O z V V cc= V V O Z o o %%WOO W V J c in= LLJ I ..J VQ l o ❑ Z \ V � �a Q J D' J — cn W oC GROUND LEVEL =2 ,436 sf 1/16" = 1' -0" U � I I i I I LOWER LEVEL WALL DEDUCTION AND FLOOR AREA PLAN = 2,436sf 1/16" = 1' -0" z O U H lJ) z O cr- O LL. I— O z C] O O� O� fV n O O� �.n �o O D O J O Q Q Z W J V v 0 Q W S V) Z O J W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 .j V V cc= V V O Z o o %%WOO W V J c in= LLJ I ..J VQ C] O O� O� fV n O O� �.n �o O D O J O Q Q Z W J V v 0 Q W S V) Z O J W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 .j V cc= V O Z o o %%WOO W J c in= LLJ I ..J VQ ,,,o o Ifl Z V W Q J D' J — cn W oC PROJECT: DRAWN BY DATE: REVISIONS: xxxx HB 07.27.12 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB GRFA CALCULATIONS A002 s. U � I moo v D � �o Lp. -0 o CD CD Q o <.a CD `< o � � CL o CD a� as co CL w 0 a� a N cn N 0 N U Na w O y� I� II � I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I \ I II I I J SUBGRADE CRAWL SPACE LESS THAN T -0" HEIGHT 1/16" = 1' -0" I I I I \ I I I I � I I I II � I II BASEMENT LEVEL = 2,436 sf 1/16" = l' -0" ROOF PLAN 1/8" = l' -0" I II ROOF CURB II I u LINE OF RIDGE to I"h I�LINE OF WALL, NP. � II _ J I I I 1 1 UPPER LEVEL = 1,069 sf 1/16" = l' -0" 9) \ B6 of )�0.80 N QP I \I I\ 1 LOT 2 Z I J I I I II I I \ I 1 \\ I I I\ I \ I \ \ � I I I I I I I I 1 I I I J 3 GROUND LEVEL = 2,436 sf ,„ , \ TRgCT E \o `IC ILI I SITE AREA = 12,580sf SITE COVERAGE= 2516 SQ. /FT ALLOWED PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE =2515 SQ. /FT 2516 SQ. /FT -2515 SQ. /FT= 1 SQ/ FT OF SITE COVERAGE REMAINING 06� I I— r , a2 ,o F i I r 10�p" r C( - -- --------- r r / lh Aalft r I fn - - - - -- `> O CK TY LINE / 1 (40 R.O W. ' i I 1 • MILL CREEK GIRDLE / f-- - - - - -- I 1 1 1 I I 1 � 1 OVERALL SITE COVERAGE = 2,515sf 1/16" = l' -0" z O U lJ z O cr- O LL z V W V �O O O D O J O J Q Q Z W J V v 0 Q W S V) Z O J W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 .j O O1 V O� fV DC n V � Z O o O� V W V �O O O D O J O J Q Q Z W J V v 0 Q W S V) Z O J W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 .j V DC � V O Z o %ftw000 W J j= in= V,,,o DC Z V W Q J D' J — � W DC PROJECT: DRAWN BY DATE: REVISIONS: xxxx HB 07.27.12 SITE COVERAGE A003 Floor Above T, 1 1 FKUFUt)tU KUUr FLAN/ hit) I UKIUAL GRADE 1/16" = 1' -0" 0. —LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE 2 PRUPUSEU RUUfPLAN/ PRUPUSEU URAUE 1/16" = 1' -0" z O U z 0 O LL O z 0 0 o� a r 0 o� r_ Ln 140 co O a O J O V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W S VI Z O J Vl W O NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP Olt ii► i► L► [ � 1 ] w 19 14 l ] i Pill i �; --q CD W J moo v � CC o W < V V Z = CD (D CDCX o m Lj.J Q L.I.J0 Q V W J J J C CD a c� N 0 N PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 V 07.19.2012 HB 08.01 -2012 HB 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 V W v V 0 0 o� a r 0 o� r_ Ln 140 co O a O J O V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W S VI Z O J Vl W O NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP Olt ii► i► L► [ � 1 ] w 19 14 l ] i Pill i �; --q CD W J moo v � CC o W < V V Z = CD (D CDCX o m Lj.J Q L.I.J0 Q V W J J J C CD a c� N 0 N PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 07.19.2012 HB 08.01 -2012 HB 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB ROOF PLAN/ HISTORICAL & PROPOSED GRADE A004 I\ I I � I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �I Q I co UL ►co� I w I wl c(- (1) Ln W p o V m LI I I I I - - - -- _ 20' FRONT SETBACK -- — — — — — 20' RONT SETBACK �o m �m --- - - - - -- — l,. i PROPOSED CRAWL SPACE- LESS THAN 5' -0" HEIGHT z 1/4" = P -0" 0 U Ln z 0 Approved by the 0 Design Review Board u- �( By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 z 0 C- c, N O C, rl- L-n 140 co 0 D Q CC 0 J V Q Q z W J V V D Q W Z J 1- �n W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V CC W � Z 0 v W 1..1..1 , . , a� W Q o v W V V 0 C- c, N O C, rl- L-n 140 co 0 D Q CC 0 J V Q Q z W J V V D Q W Z J 1- �n W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V CC PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: H B DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 109.10.2012 I HB PROPOSED CRAWL SPACE FLOOR PLAN A100 W � Z 0 0 W 1..1..1 , . , W Q o W V DC Q J J_ PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: H B DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 109.10.2012 I HB PROPOSED CRAWL SPACE FLOOR PLAN A100 I �\ I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u m I �� LI LU a W W Q c(- H M I I I I I � I \ I 20' FRONT SETBACK — Approved by the Design Review Board TOWN Of VAIL ■ By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 20' FRONT SETBACK I I � I� lull n I J - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = P -0" z 0 U z 0 0 LL 0 z O o- o N O O� �O O O D Q CC O J O V Q Q z W J V V D Q W z O J 1- �n W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V CC W � HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 Z 0 v W 1..1..1 a� W Q o v W V V O o- o N O O� �O O O D Q CC O J O V Q Q z W J V V D Q W z O J 1- �n W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V CC PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 W � HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 Z 0 0 W 1..1..1 W Q o W V J_ PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 07.19.2012 HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A101 \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I I � I I I I I bike/ ski/ I -,nnwbnard racks IGUEST B ric LAUNDR u� /D cu bies/ 44 c� ks I SITE WALLS 121 h 5'_ �� -1012 PER PE LANDSCAPE SPORTS I PLAN — STOR. # 3 g 119 l I I� ST ST Pull down 42 I I attic stair 8204' -0" 204' -0" Fin Grade Fin Floor Elev. Built -I I213' -7 1/8" Lockers 1 ret. wall ST Bot. of Clg. Structure 113' -6" BOT. OF I GLASS POOL c0 I m POOL ca EQUIP. lass Floor Lu 116 f Pool @ :57- eiling $208' -6" w OL 'Fin Grade d Fin Floor Elev. HALL 2011' -6" � Bot. of Clg. Structure Elev. 115 I I o ret. wall (less than 5' -0" tall) I I I 31.811 IPlanter I OL 8212' -6" Fin Grade = TV r n I 8211' -6" IFin Grade 0 Approved by the . Design Review Board TOWN OF VA I L By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 214'- 2 -3/8" Cushion Storage(Floor above)/ Mechanical Crawl Space (less tha n 5' -0" tall) jS R FAR SFTeAC \ \ \ \ \ FIREPIT \ \ CRAWL POOL COVER \ SPACE \ 117 \ \ OL 206' -6" Fin Floor Elev. \ OL 2011' -6" \ Bot. of CI Structure Elev. \ Clg. CRAWL \ SPACE _ SITE WALLS (less than 5' -0" tall) 118 PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 206' -6" \ BACK STAIR D N F111 47 p.�-r.illllllli� I Planter i Platform "Lid" 234" x 102" Platform "Lid" 234" x 102" O Pit Opening 97" x 229" x 21 "(d) Pit Opening 97" x 229" x 21 "(d) I Q Platform Welment Width 94" x 224" Platform Welment Width 94" x 22 V I I I I I 0 IRecessed Area at conc. slab Recessed Area at conc. slab 103" x 235" 103" x 235" I I W � ST 1 to I �Ln I I I I Lockset UP 09.07.2012 u 09.10.2012 HALL OL 208' -6" m 109 Fin Floor Elev. LW a� W I ml EPDXY ST COATING I W I I V Ln I w 8210' -6" in ' Parking #1 Parking #2 0 Fin Grade N 110 1 111 � I b I 208' -6" Planter m Fin Floor Elev.l 8209' -6" 217'- 5 -7/8" in N IFin Grade - IT Bot. of Clg. Std cture I I I I \ arding Steel Harding Steel M \ Elec. TS -2/ Parking VTS -2/ Parking Ift Meter Lift U — — -- - -- J I13' -44" OL I \ \ 8208' -6" _ T Fin Grade 20' FRONT SETBACK — — — — — — — _ Floor Above 5'-4s 77 -" I H� MUD ROOM 113 Beni: cub 'es/ hoo s OL 113' -6" Fin Floor Elev. STAI RS 112 KIM ®g Standpi N N r-I ENTRY �j --- ----------------------------- SITE WALLS PER LANDSCAPE PLAN - - In oor eV. 4 i 2011' -6 Steam Bot. of Clg. Structure Elev. C. Shwr ' \ (less than 5' -0" tall) F � CRAWL SPACE GUEST HIGH 118 BATH WINDO \ 106 14' -8" ® ® (ST CID I GUEST ri BEDROON #1 IDVIJ ST C 105 GUEST King �—J WET BAR 208' -6" I OL Ref 103 Fin Floor Elev. I k 2171- 5 -7/8" HEATERS ELEV. Bot. of Clg. Structu e ABOVE I uilt -in 102 a TV I 7' -0" dia. 3' -9z" v > I shaft 08--6 STONE VENEER N POCKET TV DOOR Q Fin Floor Elev. fn ST L.uggage 217'- 5 -7/8" GUEST 0 I� Bot. of Flr. Structure BEDROOM #2 0 G SS FLOOR ABOVE 107 OOR /' Built -I U) /STONE rn STONE VENEER Cab. - CP King 208' -6" 03 -' - -- - - - - - - -- r' If Fin Floor Elev. 3;1 / 208' 6" 217'- 5 -7/8" 7- OL Fin Floor Elev. Bot. of Clg. Structure — — — 228' -4" S tea I Bot. of Clg. Structure S W.C. GUEST 14' -87 $' I BATH 108 CHANNEL GLASS -- - - 20' FRONT SETBACK GasMeter 1 PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" z O U z 0 O LL I— O z W � ST 1 to 08.01.2012 �Ln 08.08.2012 Lockset UP 09.07.2012 ST Door U, 09.10.2012 HALL OL 208' -6" m 109 Fin Floor Elev. LW a� W \ EPDXY ST COATING Fed Ex/ W Mail Standpi N N r-I ENTRY �j --- ----------------------------- SITE WALLS PER LANDSCAPE PLAN - - In oor eV. 4 i 2011' -6 Steam Bot. of Clg. Structure Elev. C. Shwr ' \ (less than 5' -0" tall) F � CRAWL SPACE GUEST HIGH 118 BATH WINDO \ 106 14' -8" ® ® (ST CID I GUEST ri BEDROON #1 IDVIJ ST C 105 GUEST King �—J WET BAR 208' -6" I OL Ref 103 Fin Floor Elev. I k 2171- 5 -7/8" HEATERS ELEV. Bot. of Clg. Structu e ABOVE I uilt -in 102 a TV I 7' -0" dia. 3' -9z" v > I shaft 08--6 STONE VENEER N POCKET TV DOOR Q Fin Floor Elev. fn ST L.uggage 217'- 5 -7/8" GUEST 0 I� Bot. of Flr. Structure BEDROOM #2 0 G SS FLOOR ABOVE 107 OOR /' Built -I U) /STONE rn STONE VENEER Cab. - CP King 208' -6" 03 -' - -- - - - - - - -- r' If Fin Floor Elev. 3;1 / 208' 6" 217'- 5 -7/8" 7- OL Fin Floor Elev. Bot. of Clg. Structure — — — 228' -4" S tea I Bot. of Clg. Structure S W.C. GUEST 14' -87 $' I BATH 108 CHANNEL GLASS -- - - 20' FRONT SETBACK GasMeter 1 PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" z O U z 0 O LL I— O z • 0 o- o N O O� �O O 0 C Q CC 0 J V Q Q z W J V V 0 W x z 0 W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 J L� W � HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.07.2012 4-- 09.10.2012 v 1..1..1 LW a� W Q o v W V V Lj j • 0 o- o N O O� �O O 0 C Q CC 0 J V Q Q z W J V V 0 W x z 0 W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 J L� PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 W � HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.07.2012 HB 09.10.2012 0 1..1..1 LW W Q o W V V Lj j J_ PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 07.19.2012 HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.07.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN A102 EDGE OF LAP POOL GLASS OVERFLOW OVERFLOW @ WEST SIDE ONLY I I 10' -0" \ I I �I U Q m W if 1 QI W Ii 0 m \ SPA Planter Below French Balcony I I I I TUB I I Nco \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LHIGH WINDO) GYM MIRROR 215 218' -6" WALL Fin Floor Elev. 228' -6" Bot. of Clg. Structure 12' -34" Ref. WINDOW @ POOL I .1 1 CORNER WINDOV high window Planter Below Steam h . N W.C. DESK BATH I 212 0 I i I MEDICINE CABIN TS Y U I ca I ST LLj V) W W L7 n 218' -6" w Fin Floor Elev. CP I MINI m I MASTER I 211 Bookshel I218' -6" Fin Floor lev. In 227' -11 -7 8" \ Bot. of CIO. Structure I HIGH WINDOWS I King c \ I \ 14' -84" L L 2�ROAIT SETBACK — Daybed RNER 4 2 iA�TH C 214 CP- hies CABINETS hel AyopFR \ \ ROBE \ HOOKS \ \ \R S�TeA —ST \ \ DN \ \ FIREPIT \ \ \ FOUNTAIN BBQ AREA \ \ \ French Balcony TV(HIDDEN) 17' -&- TV�EADINGf \210 21 j oor Elev. �1L7'- 11 -7/8" Bot. of Clg. Structure Booksh tiullt -In Cab. DRYING RACK SIN WIC 213 11' -62" Bench m 7' -112" STAIRS 208 lass - 0 Ln Ln Ed IIM Lockset Door n, POWDER 209 8' a -5-" H�ngingl I ;HANNEL LASS ®�I is am NIL ELEV. 201 3.. 3a OL 218' -6" Fin Floor Elev. 228' -4" OPEN TO Bot. of CIg. Structure FOYER BELOW CHANNEL GLASS \ \ I I KITCIHtN \ I I I I \ Pat o Elev. I I I1I ._p4.. 20 I I I ref Trash DW 36' _ W \ II II 18' -O$" I.? o IFr CM �1 rM 0v �D 0 s � CD CL is rt a00 0 CL ca co co �D a N cn N 0 N Prep I 0 sh or. a [Stor-i H 500 Series 54" wok smoke ice ref. Eating I I LIr- - anc� e1 r Q V rn I I Ctr. 3 -4 people � I_ r. Snack Micro T/ a s r�I I II II 15 or. I Stor. I iLa corneal I II 3„II St r. Stgr.I II Fin Floo1ev. I Balcony I 234'- 1 -7/8'I ture(Ga� e Peak) Bot. of Ctruc I I I I I I I I I W _ 1 7 1 I I I O \ \ I I KITCIHtN \ I I I I \ Pat o Elev. I I I1I ._p4.. 20 I I I ref Trash DW 36' _ W \ II II 18' -O$" I.? o IFr CM �1 rM 0v �D 0 s � CD CL is rt a00 0 CL ca co co �D a N cn N 0 PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" z O U re O LL O Z N Prep I 0 sh or. a [Stor-i H J \ 1 II 08.08.2012 I 09.10.2012 Eating I I LIr- - anc� e1 r Q V rn I I Ctr. 3 -4 people � I_ r. Snack Micro T/ a s r�I I II II - _ _ _ FP gasI I I II r V 218' -6" I R I I I French I Fin Floo1ev. I Balcony I 234'- 1 -7/8'I ture(Ga� e Peak) Bot. of Ctruc I I I I I I I I I W _ 1 7 1 I I I O _ �I TI - L I I I V V I I T- -T - I I i STOW VENEER I I I LI t tI — BALCONY 1 1 Built -in Wet Ba ef/ 6W I I - 0 I I 202 nd Bu fet s4ilvin l I I I I II I I I LI n I DINING Ma I I I Open - 2� 7 Built- I seatg I n � c Railing rt12 -1-4_ IJiY � l _1 76" X 84" - I I I I 13' -1: i 1 I II 3 8 I II 1 I I I Built-in Seating LlwALL- LINE OF ANGLED — _ ABOVE Z — _ — — O — _ — — 20' FRONT SETBACK _ — — — U D PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" z O U re O LL O Z 0 o� o� N n .d. O O� n �O 00 O D O J O V J Q H Z W J V V G Q W Vf Z O J H W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 V 07.19.2012 H J LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB V rn W W � ~ r V V Z 0 o� o� N n .d. O O� n �O 00 O D O J O V J Q H Z W J V V G Q W Vf Z O J H W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: H B DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 H 07.19.2012 H J LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB � W � ~ V V Z J W C5 Q O (f uJ V V W —j Q _ J PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: H B DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 H 07.19.2012 H 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN A103 u Q W V W 0 un I I \ \ \ I � \ I \ I \ I I \ \ I \ I \ zu rKUNT SETBACK _ — –� — — — — - -- - - -- - -20' FRONT SETBACK I I I v D CD a o �T C N CD CD Q Cr W CD p CL \ \ \ \ Im v PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" z O H u z O u ty O LL H O z No VP 0 o� a r r� 0 o� r_ �n �o 0 a 0 J V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W Z 0 J Vl W 0 NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W V 07.19.2012 HB J LF e HB V HB V � W W � V v Z V No VP 0 o� a r r� 0 o� r_ �n �o 0 a 0 J V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W Z 0 J Vl W 0 NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W HB 07.19.2012 HB J LF 08.08.2012 HB V HB � W � V V Z W I..IJ . J W Q o V V W J CC J J PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 07.19.2012 HB 08.01.2012 LF 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN A104 Ise U Q W wl 0 �I q I\ I I \ I\ \ \ I \ \ I I \ \ L, TYP. ----------------------- - - - -- - METAL SNOW - GUARD- II II 11 INTERNAL SCUPPER W/ HEAT TAPE & DOWNSPOUT 2'-6" 0 0 I� - - - -- 3' -2z° METAL SNOW -GUARD 2 :12 SOLAR PANELS(N) L, TYP. I� I -O O IS RD L 2% II II N - I I __ SOLAR PANELS(N) I 2 I � I I I - - - -- - - -- I I _ I — _ I 4:12 ---- - - - - -- - - -- ------- --- - ----- ----------- — — — — I I SOLAR PANELS(S) I I 00 20�"� OS RD I I FLAT ROOF FT 2% METAL SNOW -GUARD I 2' -6„ L--------- - - - - -- �� — — —_ _ _ - � N -- - -- — -- 20' FRONT SETBACK PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 1/4" = P -0" moo v D � 0 ID CD ('D a O <_. C 0 o � s Q 00 0 as as o a w 0 v y c� N cn N 0 N V 2'-6" I I HB ROOF CURB I II II N - I I __ SOLAR PANELS(N) I 2 I � I I I - - - -- - - -- I I _ I — _ I 4:12 ---- - - - - -- - - -- ------- --- - ----- ----------- — — — — I I SOLAR PANELS(S) I I 00 20�"� OS RD I I FLAT ROOF FT 2% METAL SNOW -GUARD I 2' -6„ L--------- - - - - -- �� — — —_ _ _ - � N -- - -- — -- 20' FRONT SETBACK PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 1/4" = P -0" moo v D � 0 ID CD ('D a O <_. C 0 o � s Q 00 0 as as o a w 0 v y c� N cn N 0 N z O H U z O U ty O LL H O z V 2'-6" I I HB ROOF CURB I LINE OF RIDGE v' 09.10.2012 V � O m W � V v Z LINE OF WALL, TYP. I W I J N W z O H U z O U ty O LL H O z �� 0 o� a r 0 o� Ln 140 co O 0 ce- O J O V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W S VI Z O J Vl W 0 NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W V 07.19.2012 HB J V HB 09.10.2012 V � W W � V v Z V �� 0 o� a r 0 o� Ln 140 co O 0 ce- O J O V J Q Q Z W J V V 0 Q W S VI Z O J Vl W 0 NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W HB 07.19.2012 HB J V HB 09.10.2012 HB � W � V V Z W I..I.J J W Q o V V W J CC J J PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 02.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 07.19.2012 HB 08.08.2012 HB 09.10.2012 HB PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A105 7=1 -- - - , - - - - - III \ !111'11 1111111 / III CRAWL LESS THAN 5' -0" HT. This area was revised to have the crawl space directly below the patio surface. There will be no soil between the patio deck and the crawl space. M10 _ T.O. SHEATHING(SLOPED ROOF) 143' -0" (8243' -011) 4EE LINE OF GYM/ SPQR � T.O. TOPPING - - - - - - - - - - 229' -0" (8229' -0") CRAWL LESS THAN 5' -0" HT. FM 073 CRAWL LESS THAN 5' -0" HT, T.O. TOPPING 204' -0" (8204' T.O. TOPPING 194' -6" (8194' -6 ") POOL BEYOND T.O. TOPPING-q�- X6_-6" (8206' -6 ") NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1' -0" r- moo v > 3 < M ID o S � W � a o a� a� 0 a w co y a N ry 0 N T.O. TOPPING 218' -6" (8218' -6 ") z 0 U V) z 0 0 LL 0 z �n �o � O 0 J O V V Q Z W O 08.08.2012 O� V O� v r'V 1 n r• v � } z 0 J 0 o� �n �o � O 0 J O V V Q Z W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 LLJ J qt 08.08.2012 CC V V v o 1 Q W S � � Z } z O J 0 t/1 W LLJ J O LLJ r� NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 LLJ J qt 08.08.2012 HB V HB 08.20.2012 Hg 1 �� V � } z J 0 0 W J LLJ W V Q o oC Z LU J V W Q J O' J — cn W oC PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: HB DATE: 07.27.12 REVISIONS: 05.29.2012 HB 06.06.2012 HB 08.08.2012 HB 08.15.2012 HB 08.20.2012 Hg EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A202 "F 208' -6 "(8208' -6 ") EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1' -0" JVV I fl CLCVHI IVINI �-�- �" 1/4" = l' -0" LL O Z I � v E 0 o� o� N d- 0 o� i.n �o 0 0 Q 0 J 0 V J Q Z i W J V V c Q W Z VI Z 0 J %n W :- 00 NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W6�W LLJ J V DC � V � � Z J � 0 0 W LLj Lu o I..I.J DC V Q Lu o V Z -' W Q J D J — Loon W CC PROJECT: xxxx DRAWN BY: H B DATE: 07.27.12 REVISIONS: X08.08.2012 � HB 108.20.2012 IHB EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A201 L m w Ln w _o �I \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I I \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 Approved by the Design Review Board TOWN OF Vii j L By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 PROPOSED SOLAR PANEL PLAN 1/4" = 1' -0" \ \ I I� Ln Ln 0 m �Ln w _ J z O H U z O U rK O LL O z 0 o� a 0 o� 140 0 a Q 0 J V J_ Q Z W J V V D Q W Z _O J 6/1 W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V — v >- ° v � W W W CD Q o O v , . V V V 0 o� a 0 o� 140 0 a Q 0 J V J_ Q Z W J V V D Q W Z _O J 6/1 W NOT VALID FOR BUILDING PERMIT WITHOUT ARCHITECT'S WET STAMP © KHWA COPYRIGHT 2012 W J V — W >- ° � W W Q 0C W Q o O , . V V W J J_ PROJECT: DRAWN BY DATE: REVISIONS: xxxx HB 02.27.12 109.18.2012 IHB PROPOSED SOLAR PANEL PLAN A106 LANDSCAPE ret. wall 113' -6" BOT. O GLASS POOL Y 4 l w 208' -6" Q in Grade a G b m ret. wall_ se U m w N 20'FRONTSET13ACK bike/ ski/ Elec._ larding Steel cut bies/ sr 21T sr Pull down r--' ks 82, us Ion t- n attic stair 204' -0" 7. Fin Gra a DN STAIR 114 Mi In Storage(Floor above)/ Fin F oor E ev. GLASS STONE VENEER T' @ Mechanical Crawl Space 21 SPORTS 5 Cab. (less tha n 5' -0" tall) STOR. Built -i 119 Lockers I ot. o g. Structure .._ J� 22 8'-4 BATH t r c0 v POOL 0 r Q EOUIP. 116 GUEST ° 204' -0" BEDROOM #2 ° Fin Floor Elev. 107 LL 20 n9 20 eot. o g. Structure Elev. FIn FF oor El ev. (less than T -0" tall) 21 T e o C g. Str cture ot. Planter 8212' -6" Fi n Grade 8211' -6" Fin ra e Planter i O Plannrm•ua "23a•xro2• a Pil q 97" —9" --(d) vlatV— ."—,twmm `0 14', 214 0 LL ssetl Area at coot. slab U a king In 8zl 1p'_51' #1 � In ra ee 110 a F N o Planter 3 -m tram 4 Elec._ larding Steel cut bies/ ure Elev. 21T h ks ot. o F Structure us Ion t- n GUEST 7. 1" DN STAIR 114 Mi In Storage(Floor above)/ = GLASS STONE VENEER T' @ Mechanical Crawl Space " SPORTS 20 lev. Cab. (less tha n 5' -0" tall) STOR. Built -i 119 Lockers I # .._ J� 22 8'-4 11 L 208' -6" ass Floor Pool @ piling HALL 115 CRAWL POOL COVER SPACE 117 20 Fin Floor Elev. B20t. o C g o . Strut -� —� (less than 5' -0" tall) ure Elev. 21 T ot. o F Structure R' GUEST 7. 1" DN STAIR 114 Mi In BEDRO01V #1 P GLASS STONE VENEER T' @ 1'- " _ Fn F oor STAIRS 112 20 lev. S -2/ Parking 82�Fin Grade Floor Above Parking #2 111 a cture Harding Steel Vr5 -2/ Parking 25,RE aR S�rBA�K Approved by the Design Review Board TOWN Of VA I L = By Rachel Dimond at 9:39 am, Sep 25, 2012 FIREPIT Locked Crawl Space Access/ Ladder down from Patio CRAWL SPACE SITE WALLS 118 1 PER LANDSCAPE 20�Fin Floor Elev. zo Bot. o Clg. Structure Elev. (less than T -0" tall) CRAWL SPACE hooks kse No ZOo D r sT VI VI V1 VI UP DN l02 HALL 208' -6" El 109 Fin F oor E ev. 7' -0" dia. shaft EPDXY COATING ST Fed Ex/ ENTRY FOYER 101 Standpip CHANNEL GLASS SITE WALLS PER LANDSCAPE 118 GUEST BATH 106 ®9 — Q ---1 sT , 20—STONE VENEER $ 6 „ POCKET DOOR Fin F oor Eoor Elev. 21 T ot. o F Structure GUEST FLOOR ABOVE BEDRO01V #1 P GLASS STONE VENEER Built-I ��FLOOR 20 lev. Cab. 208' -6” Fin o or E ev. G J� 22 8'-4 BATH t r Bot. o C D. Structure HIGH L/J WINDO J GUEST BEDRO01V #1 105 Kinc 20 lev. In oor E -T HEATERS T Ot7217 . O 9. $trUCtO ABOVE , TV v 0 r Q GUEST ° BEDROOM #2 ° u' 107 LL � n9 20 m FIn FF oor El ev. 21 T e o C g. Str cture ot. 1 Approved b t e Desian Rev e o r FXLuminaire LF: Wall Light NUMBER OF LEDS: HALOGEN LUMEN OUTPUT EQUIVALENT: USEFUL LED LIFE (1-70): INPUT VOLTAGE: VA TOTAL: (Use this number to size the transformer) WATTS USED: LUMENS PER WATT (EFFICACY) MAX LUMENS: CCT (Ra) 1 10 Watt 50,000 hrs avg 10 to 15V 2.4 2.0 37 77 81.6 The LouverFenetre is our LED under - the -cap hard- scope wall light. It can easily be fitted between a block wall and capstone for a neat, clean installation. Due to its modular bracket design, the LF can even be installed under railings and existing construction. 6.7 "/17 cm 9 v� r� N IN� 3 1 Learn more about FX Luminaire wall lights. Visit: fxl.com /products /products 760.744.5240 1 fxl.com LF: Wall Light FIXTURE CODE LAMP CODE FINISH OPTIONS 0 LF © 1 LED (50,000 avg. life hours) © XX (see options to right) The LF includes a ILED board and your choice of faceplate finish and 10 ft. lead wire. EXAMPLE: LF- ILED -SS = LF -1 LED - Stainless Steel Finish Beam angle is calculated using LM -79 method for SSL Luminaires "Beam angle is defined as two times the vertical angle at which the intensity is 50% of the maximum" For information on ZD technology please refer to the Luxor page in the Lighting Control section. METALS ■AB = Antique Bronze* (On Copper) ■AB = Antique Bronze* (on Brass) ■AT= Antique Tumbled* (On Copper) ■AT= Antique Tumbled* (on Brass) ■ CLI = Copper NP = Nickel Plate ® BS = Natural Brass SS = LF ILED ILLUMINANCE AT A DISTANCE POWDERCOAT Center Beam FC Beam Width FW = Flat White 2.94fc 10.5 ft 4.1 ft 4.2 ft 0.73fc 20.9 ft 8.3 ft 8.3 ft 0.33fc 31.4 ft 12.4 ft 12.5 ft 0.18 tic 41.9 ft 16.6 ft 16.7 ft 0.12fc 52.4 ft 20.7 ft 20.8 ft 0.08 fc 62.8 ft 24.9 ft 25.0 ft Vertical Spread: 103.0° E Horizontal Spread: S2.9° Beam angle is calculated using LM -79 method for SSL Luminaires "Beam angle is defined as two times the vertical angle at which the intensity is 50% of the maximum" For information on ZD technology please refer to the Luxor page in the Lighting Control section. METALS ■AB = Antique Bronze* (On Copper) ■AB = Antique Bronze* (on Brass) ■AT= Antique Tumbled* (On Copper) ■AT= Antique Tumbled* (on Brass) ■ CLI = Copper NP = Nickel Plate ® BS = Natural Brass SS = Stainless Steel POWDERCOAT WG = White Gloss FW = Flat White AL= Almond 0 BZ = Bronze Metallic IN, DG = Desert Granite WI = Weathered Iron ® VF = Verde Speckle ■SIB = Sedona Brown ■ FB = Flat Black May require longer lead time All LF wall lights come standard with amber, r and frosted filters 4,12 760.744.5240 1 fxl.com FXLuminaire. FXLuminaire -4 46e� kN4�� CB: Path Light The CB is a soft, efficient, and safe path light that can be used for pathways of all shapes, sizes, and locations. It's sleek hat shape gives it a more contemporary look that can accentuate landscapes that are trying to acheive a modern facade. NUMBER OF LEDS: 1 3 HALOGEN LUMEN OUTPUT EQUIVALENT: 10 Watt 20 Watt USEFUL LED LIFE (L70): 50,000 hrs avg 50,000 hrs avg INPUT VOLTAGE: 10 to 15V 10 to 15V VA TOTAL: (Use this number to size the transformer) 2.4 4.5 WATTS USED: 2.0 4.2 LUMENS PER WATT (EFFICACY) 19.4 25 MAX LUMENS: 39 103 CCT (Ra) 86 66.6 1 Learn more about FX Luminaire path lights. Visit: fxl.com /products 7.2 "/18.29 cm 760.744.5240 1 fxl.com E a m CB: Path Light Ft URE CODE LAMP CODE RISER OPTIONS IIIIIII UCB © 1 LED (50,000 avg. life hours) © 8R (8" Riser) 3 LED (50,000 avg. life hours) 12R (12" Riser) 18R (18" Riser) 24R (24" Riser) 36R (36" Riser) FINISH OPTIONS 0 XX (see options to right) The CB includes your choice of 1 or 3LED board, riser size, finish, 5 ft. lead wire and a Long Slot Spike. MOUNTING OPTIONS 1 Long Slot Spike (250015840000) 2.5" x 10" Included Super Slot Spike (753900) 2"x 10" SuperJ -Box (SJ -XX * *) 2.5" x 12" Post Mount (PM XX *) 2.5 "x 13" Long Super Super Post Mount Slot Spike Slot Spike J -Box XX ** XX ** EXAMPLE: CB- 3LED- 12R -DG = CB - 3 LED Board -12" Riser - Desert Granite Finish 753900 = Super Slot Spike CB 1LED ISOFOOTCANDLE PLOT CB 3LED ISOFOOTCANDLE PLOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 0 O 0 Qo 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ■20fc •2.5fc •02fc Mount height: lft m 2 to a2.5 fc •02to Mount height lft ■10fc ■1fc 0.1 fc Total LLF1 ■lot, ■1fc 0.1fc Total LLF:1 ■5 to ■0.5 to ■50 %Max Candela m to a 0 to ■50 %Max Candela Distance In units of mount height Distance in units of mount height Beam angle is calculated using LM -79 method for SSL Luminaires: "Beam angle is defined as two times the vertical angle at which the intensity is 50% of the maximum ". For information on ZD technology please refer to the Luxor page in the Lighting Control section. 4/12 760.744.5240 1 fxLcom METALS ■AB = Antique Bronze* (On Copper) AT= Antique Tumbled* (On Copper) ■ CU = Copper NP = Nickel Plate POWDERCOAT WG = White Gloss FW = Flat White AL= Almond ■ B2 = Bronze Metallic INDG = Desert Granite WI = Weathered Iron ■ VF = Verde Speckle ■ SB = Sedona Brown ■ FB = Flat Black May require longer lead time All CB path lights come standard with amber, ! r green, blue and frosted filters ** Denotes powdercoot finish Note: Only the copper portions of the Pathlights are powdercoated. The brass pieces remain natural. FXLuminaire Perfection Every Time With the LevelX feature built -in, the designer can be in complete comfort that the fixture will be installed on a perfectly level visual fine. With the durable, sturdy materials, the user can have confidence that the fixture can last for years on end. FXLuminaire COMMERCIAL QUALITY, RESIDENTIAL PRICE POINT The LM is engineered to bring light to areas such as walkways, stairways and decks as well as to other foot traffic hazards that don't have an adjacent planter area for path lighting or trees and trellis from which to down light. Incorporated into the design is the Leve1X feature. The Leve1X assures the lighting installer that the faceplates of these permanently mounted fixtures will remain perfectly level upon completion of the installation. Many step and wall lights on the market today are designed so that if the mounting box is installed out -of- level, the face- plate, once installed, will also be noticeably out -of- level. Some of the features of the LM include: Sleeve permanently mounted in concrete or wood wall combined with multiple threaded knockouts, easy -to- remove box for unforeseen future problems, which prevents having to chip away at the wall for repairs. If A ' o If o / 760.744.5240 1 fxl.com -444W LM: Wall Light FIXTURE CODE 0 LM © 20 (10, 000 Hrs Xenon) © XX (see options to right) 20H (2,000 Hrs Halogen) The LM includes two 10 watt Xenon or Halogen lamps, your choice of faceplate finish and a mounting sleeve. EXAMPLE: LM -20 -SB = LM - 20 W Xenon - Bronze Metallic Finish - == ©; 9 a„ m � r m N Faceplate 4/12 760.744.5240 1 fxl.com Perfection Every Time The LevelX system allows the composite sleeve to be up to Y8" out of level, in either direction, while still allowing the faceplate to be laser level. The secret: The trim attaches to the adjustable reflector assembly - not the composite sleeve or body. Heavy foam gasket keeps light spill to a minimum. 3�5 8 �2S G N N Box 83�s„ METALS ■ CU = Copper ® NP = Nickel Plate POWDERCOAT WG =White Gloss FW = Flat White AL = Almond r ■ BZ= Bronze Metallic DG= Desert Granite WI =Weathered Iron ■ VF = Verde Speckle ■SIB = Sedona Brown ■ FB = Flat Black FXLuminaire a� 10.25.12 Warren Campbell, AICP Chief of Planning, Town of Vail 15 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81651 Re: Unanimous Design Review Board Approval for Home 303/305 Mill Creek Circle Dear Warren: Thank you for informing us of the Town Council call -up of the unanimous DRB approval for this home at Mill Creek Circle. We understand that the concern raised and the reason for the call up were the conditions of approval requiring the addition of boulders to the base of the north retaining wall, the requirement for breaking up the walls look, and approval for grading and landscape treatment required of Vail Resorts, since they are the owners of Tract E. With this letter, you will find revisions to our plans addressing the wall and boulders. We believe these revisions fully address the conditions required by the DRB. The Mill Creek neighborhood is a unique low- density residential neighborhood with extensive public areas that exist around many of the homes in the area. The subject property is no exception with a heavily travelled bike path located just 15.5 feet from the north property line of this home. For years, other owners within the neighborhood have taken measures (and which the DRB has approved) in order to provide a little relief from these heavily used areas and to create some privacy in an otherwise very public neighborhood. The following owners and properties have erected landscaping, planted trees, fences, and walls over the years to create some screening and separation: ❑ Martha Head — Lot I ❑ Judy Berkowitz — Lot 2 ❑ China Bowl Lodge LLC — Lot 19 ❑ Michael and Martha Gaughan — Lot 18 ❑ Elizabeth Ross Johnson — Lot 17 ❑ Pagaso Vail Real Estate LLC — Lot 16 es. 110 WEST LIONS HEAD CIRCLE, SUITE A VAIL COLORADO 81651 910.411.2990 910.411. 2 9 6 5 ( F) www.kb web h.ccx MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Town of Vail Letter, Page 2 Additionally, the photos below show the type of vegetative, fence, and wall treatments that have been approved and installed to create some level of privacy in this neighborhood. As you can see from these photos, the attached original plans and the current revised plans for the wall adjacent to the pool area on the cu subject property are very much consistent with the neighborhood in addition to complying with the Town design guidelines and standards. We request that the Town Council respect and uphold the unanimous decision of the DRB and allow the owner to move forward with this redevelopment project and the permitting process. Sincerely, Kt1 V Kyle H. Webb, AIA, NCARB K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS P.C. SM 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE, SUITE A VAIL COLORADO 81651 910.411.2990 910.411.2965( E) www.khwehh.com REMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS r3 TRAC -r E. e a; r s r c a• w f4 W Uj i F C3 n � UU 2 C] � FG Fo a W D a a o o U x a J M N d U L Se O U 0 o U J � 25 JULY 2012 Title: CONCEPT PLAN A4r Scale: 118'• _ V -01V Sheet: L 1 ® cares plus, LLC. 2011 jP m- oo 0 ID a6 ry M o. 1-0 w- lY OC + C> ty D 1 CD COM NAME 5lZE awITITY k (n }- o n 1 d: CVLORADO SPRUCE 14' HT. 2 �} a M 1614T. I Co IS' HT. 2 � o 20' HT. 4 V L 2 A 131 2'-3' GAL. 22 U L � � G R TA' DWARF AR MAPLE 3' HT. BtB ® b' oc b W v REDTWI6 D061 001) 4'14T. B45 ® 5' o( 21 DWARF MU60 PINE 4'14T. B48 q xo m d ASH -LEAF FALSE 5PIREA 95 ® 3.5' or, q I15 WHITE 5NOVBMY 05 a 4' or- 18 O 0 a catmhft s 'KARL FOER5TER' KART_ FOER5TER 1 gal. @ 30" o(' II RVIREN5 BLUE AVENA 6RA56 I gal. ® 30' of 30 WILDFLOWER5 rrte/ � = V L N C) CU U o Co L. 0 0 M a �. •� M 0 .� J > 13 August 2012 DRB Submittal 13 September 2012 DRB Submittal 8 October 2012 10 October 2012 18 October 2012 22 October 2012 Title: PLANTING PLAN Scale: Y8 If 1 1-011 Sheet: a 4 0 8 10 24 LP1 ■ Ceres plus, LLC. 2012 SCALE. WE!, " 1' -0"