HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE UNPLATTED PARK MEADOWS PART 1.pdf � " ������'��.e�-��j . � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUNITY DEVEL�PMENT 7 5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD � 7����� �\ VAIL, C� $1657 `� O� 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PQSTE]] �N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PR03ECT TITLE: PARK MEADOWS TOV�C�mm. Dev. ADDfALT SFR BUILD �EKMIT P�rmit # : 898-�t �'..�` ;lean-up D osit Refut�d �pproved . �a� Job Address : �.472 MATTERHORN CR 8�atus . . . : AP�t'�` ai'Y'IOUI�It tion. . . : �472 MATTERHORN CII�CLE Appl.ied. . : ;Q� ` � ly�� dat� Pa�c�l No• - : 2103-].2�-01-000 Issued. . . : 02� �7 ' ! 9� �'���� oject No. : PR�'98-0013 Expires . . : OB�26j ! • . APALTCANT STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CQ. , INC. Phane: 970-949-9490 P . 0. BOX 1532, VAIL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR STTMACK CfJNSTRUCTI�N CO. , INC. Phane: 970-949-949� P. O. BOX �532, VA�L, CO 81b58 �WNEfi PARK MEAD4WS Phone: 47�6-5548 �472 MATTERHORN C�RCLE, �IAIL, CO 81657 Descrip�a.on:�eplace flue area with same (fir� Number)of Dwell�ng Unxt:�._ Town of Vai� Adjusted Valuation: 20, �' . Fireplace Information: Restricted: {fOf Gas Appliances_ t#At Gas togs: #Of Wood�Pa: :••� *****�*kic****iF*,k**ir*ic****�t**�rit�t�k**ink**�h'c**�F*********�r:ht�k*�* FEE SUMMARY ****itir�COt�t**ihtic**i4iF*ir**�fr***�tit**intit**ic**�t*******il'�t-.--^+•�. 8uiiding-----> 245.00 Restuarant Plen Review---> .00 Total talculated Fees---> ' �""� __. Plan Check---> 159.2� DR8 Fee-------------------> 5D.00 Additional Fees---------} ,pp Investigation> ,00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 TotaE Permit Fee--------> 557.25 41i11 CaIL--�--> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposi#--------> 100.00 Payments-----�-----------} .pp TOTAL FEES--------------� 557.25 BALANCE DUE°^----_-_-----? 557.25 **********k****k�hhF*********�F�F**�r**it*ir****�t*�tk**�C*inF**k**li:Hk�k*ieieiekkic*ic*isic#i:iriciciciric*ic�C9e*ie�kkic**�Cirkickteirk'k�kk�t*�Yieir***iric�*�F**�kk*�k******* Item: 05100 BUIL�ING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING nzvi.sion: fl2/27/1996 JRM Action: APPR APPR�VED JRM Item: 05400 PLAI�N�NG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNII�IG Division: U2f27�1998 JRM Action: APPR N�A_ - �t�1n: 05544 FIR� DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Diva,sion: A2/27/1998 JRM Action: APPR N�A I�em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Degt: PUB W4RK Divis�on: 02�27�1998 JRM Action: APPR N�A ******���*��***�**�*��****�*******�x�x**,t�r**��****,�x�*,�x*�**�x��**�*�*�**������,�x*���x����x**,�**�**��*****�***,�* See Page 2 0� this Document for any conditions that may apply to tha�s p�rmi� . �FrT nn.P`��ONS 1 hereby acknowLedge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in#ormation required, compLeted an accurate ptot p�an, and state that alL the information provic3ed as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in?ormation and plot plan, to comply with all 7own ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure accarding to the Town`s zoning snd subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building tode and other ardinances of the Town a{�plicable tnereta. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOUS SHALL 6E MA6E ;WENTY-F�UR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOME AT 479�2138 9R AT flUR OfFTCE FRO�t $:00 AM 5:04 PM Send Clean-Elp Depasit Ta: SIGNATt1RE 0� OWNER OR CONTRAGTOR FoR HIMSE�F ANp OWi�ER � � � FAGE 2 *******�*�*�*�r�*���**���������***�********************,�******�***�***���,����*�*� CdNDITIONS OF AFPROVAL Permit #: A98-OOZ5 as of 02/27f98 Status: P�PPROVED **�**�*�u*�����r�r*�r*******�r******����r��**�*********�*****�****�***�***����*******� Permit Type: ADD�ALT 5FR HUILD PERMIT Appla.ed: 02f27�199$ Applieant: STIMACK CfJNSTRUCT�ON CO. , ING. Issued: 02/27/1998 Job Address : 1472 MATTERH�RN CR Location: 1472 MATTERHORN CTRCLE Parcel No: 2103-124-01--000 **********�**���������r���x�r��r�r�r��r��*�********�*************�****��*�*�**���***�r.��: CONDTTT�NS ***��,���������r**x�***�********�r��x���****�***�r****��***���r�r���***�***�ar��**�r��r*� �:� I . FIELD �NSPECTIOI+TS ARE REQUIR'ED TQ CHECK FOR CQDE COMPLIANCE . 2 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIR�D IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S�C. 121p OF THE 1991 UBC. 3 . WILL NEED TO APPLY FOR M�CH PERMIT AND GET A MECH C�NTRACTOR � r � � . � q W c° � � � � a � � n � � � fi � � � � � -� r .s� � � � � � � � � b � � �� � � � -0 tJ O � N �ry �'1 � �'1 a 00 � �, 1 {� '1 4 � � �. � •�..y � � � �� �` �.`� I ' V�II 1���G IZ RF�av�'�8��- �'�� ct�Anr��vG �u�Fos�s ROTA71'D� STOp 5�E�� w�I�kT � _�-1---� .-,"-. � � � � � a F 7 • ♦ � • • , :` � S ` ,�` �� , , -� carvrRO� cN�.r�v a ' : - ., C E�f T�"f�x'NG �Q.� NG� o�+sH�a cr�v�' ,qFP��s�ars PiAG�O NE.�R �"�4G/� �l�1�GF r�vfvER ,��va ourFip PI�F f� �` � � r f _� __. . .. __ � ,� � � � � r ff,� ...� � � . � / �� � � 1 �'' , ' � /� . � �� � i � � � �' � 4� � 1` � �1 � � \� f \ `�, � J � � �,. � � �, � � � - � i ^ � �•'n r� � � \ ! \ � I � . I � � � ' � � � ♦iai*thtrtiiibttil`4rtbiiit�f�rtr#ii+t��rYrlaiYYlr�YifiarRl`awi*#M*t4iiR . TQWN OF VAIL, CQ[,ORADO 8tatemnt ♦r�xrnr�•rraa,�t+rtrwwaiteea•eae*ae+a*.rrtisr+rrvra+esr.rirrrrx+r♦ 9tatemnt Numher: REC-0378 Alaount: 557.?5 0]J02J98 I5:57 Payment Method; CK Natatia�: 1Z55 =n}�; �w Peimit No; 898-Q015 Type: A-aUILD ApD/ALT 9FA BUILD PE PArcel No: 2103-124-Ui-Otl� 8ite Addreae: 1472 MATTLRHORN CR Location: 1472 MATTERHQIr,N CTRCLB Total E'ees: 557.25 This Payment 557.25 Total AT,L Pmes; 557.Z5 ealence: ,00 ♦frr+�rrwwrri*t*r*�w+t*ra►rarr+�*rrrr�sr,r�*�r*r:�WrrW��r+err,r�rr�tae � Account Code Deacription �u�� HP 00200Q031112�0 BUiLDING PBRMIT F6ES 2A5,00 DR 00100003I12200 DE9IGN RE{7IEW PE65 5a,0U PF 00100003112300 pLAN CHECK FEE5 159.25 AD OOIOOOOZ4�3100 CLIIANUF DEPOSITS 1tl0.6� hTC OO1G0003112800 WILL CALL IN3PECTION F6E 3.60 � � .-•� �� � � �/.� ;�'Contact Eag].e CounCy Assessors'6ffice . at '970-328-8640 fox Parcel 0. TQWN QF VAYL C�NSTRLJCx'�ON PEit�'lIT 11 �'e1R EL fl; Z/G3 /Z`f D/�QJ pERMx'�+ AL�PLXCATION FORM �� DATE:ZG� F�,B:� �y • APPLTCATI�N MUST BE FxLL�D OUT COMPLETELY OR TT MI1Y NOT �� ACCEPTED : �*�***�***�****�*****��***�**� PEAMTT �NFORMATION ��r��x�r��,�,�*�,��x����*�����*��� [A�]-Buildi�g [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-M�ch�n�.cal [ ]--O�her ---- Jab Name: _P.�a2kI�1�¢IbC�l,s J'ob Addzess: ��7� ,�2 G CF Legal Description: �,ot Block Fi].ing SUBDiVI5I0N: Owners Name: S,r= ����?,j��� �ddress: Ph. Axcli�.tec�: _ Address: .. Ph. �enera? Descriptian: j�,��Lf¢C� �� � . .,�zY,� L-z�E I�Xiv�V � Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]�A1.texation [ ]-�Additianal [�]-12epai.x [ ]-Other t�umber o� Dwe3�.ing Unzts: � Numbez o� Accommodat�.on Una.ts: t� mb�r and Type o� Firep].ac�s; Gas Appl.a.ances, Gas �ogs Woad/Pellet� *�����***�**��*�***��**�*�**� VALUATZ�NS **�**�r�*�r���*******���****��*�r*** �v� B • .,_,_� EI'�EC�'�tZCAL: � QTHER: � PLUMBING: � ANxCAL• _._..���~� TOTAL: $ ��x*��r��******��**��,�x,��t,t**** CQNTRAGTO xNl'ORNfA'1'ION ***�k�***�x******�*���*���*,�� eneral Contxac�ox: ST�,Z'!?1,�G�. �own o� Vaa.J. Reg. NO.�� � Acldr�ss: �1G�9D l�Gr1� � Z �'��� Fhone Number: �i�/�i-�ySo �lectrical Contrao�ox: `f� � 3 fv � Zug I�ddress• .. T�wn oP Vail Reg. NO. • Phone Number; �luanbinq Cor,tractor: �'awn of Vai1 �2eg. No. Address: �hone Number: Mechanical Cnntrac�or: � �own a� Vail Reg. �10. Address: Phone Number: �*���rx�****�*��r�r��t����******�**�. �'��t _OFFICE IISk; *��t*�***����,�*�***���****�***�� BUILD�NG PERMIT ��E`: ?1 - ' BUILDZNG �LAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT �E; ' . � � ��a - '> PLUMBxNG PZ,�1N CHECK ,�EE: MECHANICAL PERMI'�'���'�-�: -<. � MECHAN�CAx, PLAN CNECK FEE: �A. ELECTR�CAL FEE: ?���'� �� ���-�+:�` R�;CREATxON FEE• OTHER TYPE OF FEE: � u� ~'- CLEAN-UP pEPOSZT: --DI��—FE�:_ _ �c�, TOTAL PEi2MST FEES:. ���� , TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATI�A1 BUxLDxNG: � ._..�I `"� � S�GNATURE: �ONTNG: SIGNATURE: . .��_ __.. - Camments: CLEA2�i UP DEP.OSIT REFIJNU TQ: � / � /" • - _-.. . • . . , � � � ��1� � � �ow� of �a� �� � � � � . � 75 sauth Sros►lage road , vaii,colorado 81657 � (aQ3) �+79-21,3� ox 479--2�39 oiflee af communliy develapment TO: � ALL CO�ITR.ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTER�A WTTH THE TOWN O�' SiRIL ���M: T�WN OF VAZL PUBLZG WORIfS/CQMMi7NITY p�VELOPMENx DATE: MA�tCH 16, 1968 ' SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTIQN PARI{TN� & MATEFtZpx, S�pRAGE xn summary, Ord.�nance �Ia. 6 states that it is un�awful £ar any pezsvn to xitter, track a� depos�t any so��. � rock, sand, debris , or mat_�ria�� inc�udin� txash dumpsters, partab�e taile�s and wa�kmen vehi.c�.es upon any s�reet, s.i.dewalk, al�ey or pub�.�.c plac� o� any portian �hereof. The r�.ght-of--way on a1�. Town of Vail streets and roads is ap�oxi.mately 5 �t. o�� pavement. � �his oxdinanc� wixl be s�xictly er��o�ced by the 'rown of Vaa.�. Public Warks b�,par�men�. Pe�sons �ound va.a�.ating �hzs ord�.nance wi�X be ga.ven a 29 hQUr writt�n notice to r�move said material. xn the ev�nt �he person so noti.£ied do�s no� complX with the nat�.ce within the 24 hour time specifiec�, the Ps�b�.ic Works Depaztment wi.].1 xez�ova sa�d ma�ez.�al a� �he expens� o� person »oti�'�ed. The pravisians a£ this ord.inance sha11 not be ap�licab�e to const�uc�ion, main�er�ance ar r�pai.r gx�ojects p� anX strest or a13ey vr any uti�ities �.n the right-a-way. To xeview Ordir,ance No. =� in �ul]., pleas� stop by the Town o� Vail, �uilda.ng Depax-tment to obta�.n a cnpy. Thank you far yaur ' coop�zatian an this matt��. _ _ _ _ �tead nd acknowledged by: . � S rPE�. . ' asition/Re�atior,shi� to �raject (i.e. contractor, owner� � 2�v � � Da�e � ' . , � � . ���� fin I M� . ____..__L.iL��O. ��1 . . . . 75 south fronlage road vall, �olorado 8165T � {3D3j k79-2238 or 479-2139 . oftice oi communliy developmei�t Bl1IL,DING pER��IX YSS4�RNCE TIME FftAP1E ' � , . If thi.s permi,t requi.res a 7awn af Vail F7re Department Approval , " �ngineer •s �Public Wo�ks) re�riew and approval , a Planning �e�artment review� or Heaith pepartmen� review, and a review �y the Building Departmen�, the estimated time �For a tota1 review may take as long as �Iiree weeks.. � All commercial (:1�-�rge or sma7� ) and all multi-family permits wil] have to follow the above rnentior�ed maximum requirQments . Res�den�ial and small projects s�ould take a lesser amaunt of time. Hawever, if residenti�al or smal�er �rojects impac� the various above mentiQned c�epartments wi,th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take th� three week per�ad. � . �very attempt wi'Il be made �y �his depari:ment �o expedite th�s p�rmi;�_as. soon as possible. . ' I , �he undersigned, unders�and the plar� check procedur� and time �rame, � ._ f A �e o y. _ --_ � . � f3 �n1_ ._ __ � . . Project Name • 2 6 f�' Date l�ork Sheet was turned into t e �Comr�unity Develanment Qepartment. � ' . . . � . MEMORANDUM Tp; ALL C�I�TRACTaRS . FRQM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC W4RKS D�PARTMENT pATE: MAY 9, i994 . RE: WHEH A "PUBtIC WAY P�RMIT' iS R�QUtRED � Jab Name: ����s _' _ � Date� ?���8 9� � � Please answer ihe following questionnaire regarding i�e need ior a "P�blic Way Perm�t": YES N4 � -_ .�C 1) Is tf�is a new residence? �v� � 2� Is ciemolition work being performed . ihat requires the use of the right • o# way, easemer�ls ar public property? /�p ' 3) Is any utility work needed? 1�0 . 4� Is ihe driveway b�in� repaved?Na 5) Is diNer�nt access needed to sife other t�an existing driveway? No 5) Is any drainage work being don� affeciing ihe right o1 way, easemenls, • � or public pr�aperty? /f/W . 7) Is a "Revocable Right Of Way PermEt" required7 No 8� A. Is the rig�t ot way, easeme�ts ar Qubiic property to be used far siaging► . _ parkir�g o� iencing?�° . B. 1i no 10 8A, is a parking, staging . or iencing�p1an required by Community � - �evelopmen�?�v� � If you answered yes to any oi these question�, a "Public Way Permit" must be�btair��d.--------- "Public Way PeTmit" applications may ae abtained at the Publ�c Work's oiiice or at C�mmunity Develapmer�t. li yau have any questio�s p{ease call Chariie Davis,ihe Tawn ' ot Va+� Ganstn�ctior� Ir�s�ector, at 479-2i 5�. I h�ave read and answered all the ab ve questions. � � P�Rx,� 2� F �.. _ Job Name o or's Signature Date . . . � � � 4?��+�' :t'r?'`yt:� rz�r3; i=+ f.:r=t:.t_r-�.�'-.'::,��;�; �C��i? �twlL,�::��-j..,..1'1(�I'.! ,.Wf�i��;�; S1°ii�'�'�.? �_r_�a �r I.r?'�.�� ��;�`��;: ��r; �":_ -� � . _ _ - �a.r_i. �. u�.t� � ��i:�,—����1G, r+.' �.`r',!`:a�:� ��yj�� n G�--3=�1._i:�l..� �a�r�.te_R� e ��3���11;°.:f� C'�c�r�:��:r�v w�!",I.l±=� �1 F'��-1 r'��5 C: ° a sl• i i�: �YI G=i`f"�T�F't-�l:!�C•i C:� k_t�d'c+�_ 1��i"t P 'l ti•7t� ��(.��.._I��:�.{'ry�-i�..l i��'� ���.��.a_�. ��r e,�Y''f.`:E'�. �w i�_`�.4..�,'�°'1 C::�'-S--'--��.-._�r��,'���C'� �G'C:e �..15 e' w �t' �1 k'"�+l�'fi'1�t'k: i Ll�l o i"L{'�Z�:d�',�r? ��.1 l E? c,'v Y'�'t� :�e 1�"�."t �: 'r_'c I3�4.'. {�1';"o-� %:�:,l fi�:�t I�E' 1 3��i��a�?;. °�ca�� t. , �';T�:Ci1i�C:'F; r:�il�.��_�..F��.��':�l`IC)N C:;i�� g I!`d+_., F'�ar,� , f;',"�'t _�,�F�T ��r9k'.? 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'-;r"�» L'�:.f!C7 � 4.'ia�?ICI':?1,_�"i ��-'}!_,�).�'?-_��.Tic=t�. ��:,' ��.a .� +x';��;�r=,`a!� �jl__�?(�--�1`r�{s�(.:�, C;'r'(.J .l.i.':���'! : 4��'z�t�::t�.I�i �+L C)C�--M• i r°,�.1 �:,'f� < PREPARED 9/3R/96, i5:37:39 DEPDSST REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAG6 1 PROGRAM NIR415U � LET'S '- --- __ __ --- ---------------------------------"---' -' --- '- "- CU3T-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPB CHARGE DBPOSIT DEPOSIT-ADJ ADJL7STMENT AFTER-RSFUND CODE DLSCRIPTION Tx-DAT6 AJ-DATB AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT ANIOUNT ------------------------------------------------—'--�-'--------`------°---------'------------'-------------------------'------------ 946 898-DO15 &timack Conatruction D2 DEp08 DEPOSIT 3/OS/98 9/30/98 100.00 100.0p 100.00- ,aD ! ------------- --°- ----°'- ° -- ' '- -- __' TOTAL FOR CUSTDME32 TYpL: p2 500.60 i00.00 100.00- .00 ---------'--- ------------- ------------- ------------^ ------�°----- ------�------ -------'----- ---------'--- GRAND TOTAL: 100.00 100.00 1Q0.00- ,00 DSPOSIT GQIR4T: I � G/L BATCH CRSATED: BATCfi-02123 Y998/09 VSSRIA-JPpp$CK Ap HELTS CdUNT- � � 1.00 AMOUNT- 1D0.00 , � � � � ,�.- -� r ,� `� NOTE: THIS PERMIT NNST BE POSTED ON JOB�ITE AT ALL TIMES �Q��F���, ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERM�T Permit #: B95-Q272 75 South Frontage Road Department o,�'Community Development Yail, eolorado$1657 Job Addre s s : 14 7 2 M.�TTERHORN CR Status. . . : I 3 SUED 970-479-213�I479-2139 Locatian. . . : PARK MEADOWS �pglied. . : 08/3Q/199: FAX 970-4?9-2�452 Parcel No. . : 21U3-124-01-000 Issued. . . : 08/31/199: Project No. : Expire� . . : 02/27/199 AFPLICANT _ FARROW HITT Phone: 303-478-2911 1472 MATTERHORN CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 8I657 CONTR.ACTOR FARROW HITT Phone: 303-47fi-2911 1472 MATTERHORN CTRCLE, VAIL, CO 81657 OWNER PARK MEADOWS Phone. �7�-5598 1�72 MATTERH4RN CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 8165? Description: FRONT �NTRY REMODEL Occupancys R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1HR Not in �able: Type Occupancy: Va�uation: 4. 50a Add Sq Ft: �ireplace Information: Restricted: l/Of Gas Appliances: �14f 6as Logs: #Of woodfPallet: *�t*�*�k�lc* *tYk*�InY*�hA-k*�k*�hk*:Nc***�t*�t�Fir*�t*�tink� FEE SUM�'IARY *******irit*iri:�tirk�klric*k**irint*iE*#�Fltit**�t**irl:*tY�:kir**�kir*ic�Hr*,Fintlr* Building-----3 95.04 Restuarant Pian Review--> .DO Total Calculated Pees---7 274.75 Plan Check--> 61.75 DRB fee----------------> 20.00 Additional Fe�s--------> .Clp TnvestigatioN .UO Recreation Fee------�--> ,DO Tatal Permit fee-------> 279.�5 Will Call----> 3.00 Clean-Up Depcsit-------> 'IOd.aQ Payments--------�------> 279.75 TQTAL FEES-----------�--> 279.75 BALANCE 13UE -------> .0p �tiricirintic*ir**icic**ir****tkic•k�tic�t�k*i:**ir* **�lric*ir*tkiritir**ic*�kir*i� Item. 0510Q BUILDING DEPI�RTMENT Dept: BUILDING D.ivision: 08�3Q�1995 DAN Action: APPR Ttem: 05�00 PLANNING DEPP�RTMENT Dept: PLAAiNING D�€�ision: Q8�30�1995 DAN Acta.ar3: APPR Item: 05fi00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 48130�1995 DAN Actic�n: APPR Item: (}5500 PUBLIC WURKS Dept: PUB WORIi Dlvision: 08�30�1995 DAN Actic�n: APPR ��,at�xit�t��x�t��r�*�*�� �,r*�r�rx*inr*:r��r�x:r,��x�t* See Page 2 of this Document for any canditions that may apply to this permit. nEC�aRa;iows I hereby acknowledge that i have read this applicat-ion, fiiled out in fuil ihe information required, [�ple#ed an ac wrate ptot plan, and state that alt the infore�tion pro�ided �s raquired is torrect. I agree to comply vith ih� information and plot plan, to comply vith all ToWn ardinanc�s and state laws„ and ta build this structure according to .the Tawn's zoning and su6di�ision cades, design revieu approved, Uniform Bu4Eding [ade and other ordinances of the ToWn applicable Ehereto. . 1tEQUE5T5 FpR INSPECTIONS SftAl.i. 8E MADE TWENTY-FOUR E#IDLIRg IN A6VANCE BY TELEPHd E AT 478-2138 OR AT l�6 0 FICE FRONf 8:00 aNf 5;00 pM Send Clean-Up Deposit To: SIGNAT!!R QI�NER OR CDNTBACTOR FQR HIMSELF AH� 01JNER ��.+REC}'CL6DPAPER • M � � � �,_�,, ; :..� u �y ir9r9r���{ �f�L�r ic�rir�Yk�k�k�t****�F�F*�kirir�*de�*3r,Y�F�k*�k**��k*ir�r�h*k****drBr�kiFi►�k�k*�kikir*irirde�e�fr4i�k�i [f� 7S South FronEage Road COND�TIONS Departmem of Commun.ity Deveiapment y$��r�g�t�.�E�Z72 as of 48/31/95 Status: ISSUED *����'��1���'��`.�****�r�r**�r************�**����r���r���r***a����***�r���r�r******���***� FAX 970 479-2452 Permit Tyge: ADDfALT M� SUTLD PERMIT Applisd: 08�30�1995 Applicant: FARROW HITT Issued: Q8�31�1995 303-476-2911 Ta Expire: 02�27�1996 Joh Addr�ssz Location: PARK MEADOWS Parcel No: 2103-124-01-000 Description: FRONT ENTRY REMODEL Conditions: 1 . FIELD INSFECTIONS I�.RE REQLTIRED TO CNECK FOR C4DE COMPLI,ANCE. 2 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF FIRE ALARM SXSTEM IS REQU�RED. �•y�REICYCI.6DPAAER . � � w : � '� NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST S� POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T�MES TQ�Q����, ADD/ALT MF BUILD FERMIT Permit � : B95-0272 75 South-F'a�ontage Road Department of Community�evelopment Yai� Cola�udo 81657 Job Address : �.472 MATTERHORN CR Status. . . : ISSi7ED 970.4?9-��38/479-2139 Location. . . : PARK MEADOWS �pp3.ied. . : OB/30/14�'. FAX g70-479-2�52 Parcel No. . : 2103-124-01-0�4 Issued. , , : 0$f 31/199'. Project No. : Expires , , : 02/27/199a APPLICA�T . FARR�W HITT Phone: 303-476-29�1 1472 MATTERH�RN CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 81657 CONTRACTQR FARItOW H7TT � Phone: 303-476-2911 1472 MATTERHQRN CIRCLE, VA�L, CO 81fi57 QWNER PARK MEAD�WS Phane: 4'76-5598 1472 MATTERH4RN CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 81b57 D+�scription: FRONT ENTRY REMODEL ' Occupancy: R1 Multi�-Fam�.1y � Type Constructic�n; V 1HR Not in tab].e: Type Occupancy: Valuatian: 4,SOD Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Infornation: Restricted: #Of Gas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs: #of 4�oodfPallet: *'Y****'�"k'H`ir*k***�******��*'�*��'*��*�**���� fEE SUMMARY **k*�k*ir**�kic**�t�t*�t�t**icit******kytir*�kk�F****ic**YF�hF**itik****�nt*ir* 8uitding-----> 95.00 Restuarant Plan Rev�e►a--> .4(} 7otal [alculated Fees---} 279.75 Plan Check----> 61.75 DR8 Fee----------------? 20.00 Additional Fees�---------> ,Op In�estigation? .dp Recreation Fee----------> .4Q Total Per¢�it Fee------7 279.75 Will Call----� 3.a0 Ctearr-Up 6eposit--------> 100.00 Payments------��---------> 279.75 TOTAL FEES--------------> 279.75 BAIAHCE DUF----------°--> .pp irirk*�kir*rk***,�,�k,t�t****ir�t*i�t*�r**k�t*irk,F�titiakk�ttr**irirk,FirinF�ric,tirk�t*ir�t,t**irit*****�,t*ir•k**�*ic,F*** Item: 051Q0 SUILDING DEPARTMENT Deptc BUILDZNG Da.vision: 08/30f1995 DAN Action: APPR Item• 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 08�30�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 056qQ FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: Q8�30�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item• 0550Q PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB W�RK Di�ision: _ O8/30�1995 DAN Aetion: APPR � ****** *�*�*�t�r**�x*�xx**�* * See Pag� 2 of this Document for any conditians that may apgly to "�I'135 permit. DECLARRTI�N5 I hereby eckr►�tedge that I heve read this applicatian, filled out in fuEl the informatian required, completed an �ccurate plot plan, and state that alE the inform�tion pro�ided as reguired is correct. I agree to cartply with the information and plot plan, to comply uitk all Towr� ordinances snd stat� Laws, arsd to huild this structure according to the ToWn's zoning and su6division codes, design review approved, Unifarm Building Code and other ordinances o# the Tou� applicable thereto. REQUES7S FOR INSPECTIQNS SHALL BE MAp@ TWENTY-FOUR HOl1RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPi10 E A'F 479-2138 OR A'F L�6 O FICE FROM $:Ob AI� 5:0� P}S Send C�ran-Up Deposit To: SIGNATUR OWNER OR CONTRACTdR fdR HIMSELF AND 04tNEA ��R£CYCLBDPAAER ' � � � i� _ - ly ie*�t�/�y�y{��rye�� *�k�t�t�k�lr�ir�k�lrir�r�*�Irk�*sk�4t**dt�it�ktY*�k�Ylkde�4raY�F�ksk9F�lr�k�lh�t�k7k�k7kird;*�e�e3t�k*�h*�t�rdr�k'k�ti� ivrri� r ?S South Frantage 12oad CONDiTIONS Department af CammunityDevelopment �'�1brc�ilAB��.�0272 as of OS/31f95 Status: ISSUED *�'�It���'�1�.���7'9��1'�§****�x�**���x���*******��,x*�*�r***��r**���x***********���r*�����,�*� FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08�30��.995 Applicant: FARR�W HITT Issued: 0$/31/1995 343-�476-2911 To Expire: 42/27/1996 Job Address: . Loeation: PARK MEADOWS Parcel No: 2103-124-01-000 Deseription: FRONT ENTRY REMODEL Conditions : � 1 . FIELD INSPECTI4NS ARE REQUTRED TQ CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPR(3VAL OF FIRE ALARM SY'STEM IS REQUIRED. �'��REICYCLEDPAPER ` _ �, . � � � � ' � NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED �N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES . ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit # : B95-Q272 Jab Address: 147Z MATTERHORN CR Status. . . : AFPft(7VED Locatian. . . : PARK MEADOWS Applied. . : fl8�30/1995 Parcel No. . : 2103-124-01-000 Issu�d. . . : 08/30/1495 Project No. : Exgires. . : Q2/26/1996 APPLICANT FARROW HITT Phone: 3Q3--476-�2911 1472 MATTERHORN CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 81657 GONTR.ACTOR FARROW HITT Phone: 3Q3-476-2911 1�TTERH � CIRCLE, VAIL, CO 81657 OWNER Phane: 475--5598 1472 MATTERHORN CTRCLE, VAIL, CO 81657 Description: FRONT ENTRY R�MODEL Occ�pancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1HR Not in table: Type Occupancy: Valuation: 4,500 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: N4f Gas Appliances: NOf Ges Logs: #Of Yood�Palket: FEE SUMMARY �*� Building----> 95.00 Restuaranfi PLan Review--Y .00 Total Calculated Fess---j 279.75 Plan Check--> 61.75 DRB Fee----------------> 20.00 Additional Fees--------> .QO Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee---------} .00 •Total Per�nit Fee---------�> 279.75 Will Call----> 3.� Clean-Up Deposit-_-------> 100.00 Payments---------------? � TOTAL FEE5-------------> 274.75 BALANGE DUE--�^��--------> Item: t35104 BUILDiNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 48�3D�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Divisi.�n: 08�30�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 0560U FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Divisa.on: 48/3Df1995 DAN Actian: APPR Item: 05500 PiTBLIC WORKS Dept: PUS WQRK Divisian: 48/30/1995 DAN Action: APPR See Page 2 af this Document for any conditivns that may apply to this germit. • DECtARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requir�d, completed an accurate plat plan, and stete that all the information providec� as required is carrect. I agree to conply with the infor�ation and plot plan, to ca�ply rrith all Town ordinances and state laas, and to build this structure accarding to tht TaaR's zoning and subdivisian cades, design roview approved, tfniform euilding Code and other ordinances of the Tarm applicable thereto. REpUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE 8Y TEf�#�HONE AT 474-213$ OR AT CUR OFFTCE FROM B:� AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-�Up Qeposit To: SIGNATURE OF UWNER QR CON7RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER �� _ ; . � � ***********���*�**************��*���*�**************��*************�***********� � CONDITIONS Permit # : B95-0272 as of 08/3Q/95 Status: APPROVED *************���**�x�r�r***x�r x x x x*���*********************�************�r**,x*******�a Permit Type: ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0$�34/1995 Applicant: FARROW HITT Issued: 0$�30�1995 303-476-2911 To Expire: 42/26/1996 Job Address: Location: PARK MEADOWS Parcel No: 21U3-124-41-444 �escripti4n: FRONT ENTRY REMODEL Conditicsns s 1 . FIELD IIVSPECTIONS ARE REQiJIRED TC} CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. F�RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL (]F FIRE AL,ARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. � ,�L��s'��..��c f'C�i�`�'e`�' �j �,�� m�,'c��� , � / � �� �/ �� TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PARCEL �6: A l�.f� J(�(�l�l� ,.�` � � P � -- ERMIT APPLICATI�N FORM 1 . _ �'F�'t"�d�<�� �� �� � DATE: ����G`� �� . APPLICATION MLTST BE FI71LED OLIT COMPLETELY OR ST MAY N�T�E �CC�ED *******�'��`******************* PERMIT INFORMATION ****�,���'�Q����Il���,t** � [�)-Buildinq [ ]-Plwdbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-MechanicaZ [ ]-Other Job Name: ��q�'����;��u'� G-��r� , r.�,11�.,,�,�Job Address: /���`1 � � �� ,, �j � �/�� Lr/ � {__ Legal Descra,ption: .Lot Slock Filing__. 5u��;�vls�oN: Owners Name: ��2�,as,�, /,��„�___ Address: ��,��P/'�ia� �� Ph. L����''��r,� Architect: 0�� � • `�� Address: ��.�.� < ��.- Ph. �3� ��� ����, Ger�eral Description: �� . �� � yr�, d,�,,� '��� � , Work Class: [ ]-New [�('j-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Ur►its s � � Nuiaher of Accommodation Units: mber and Type of Fa,replaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/PeI].et� �����*****�r��**��*****�**���***** VALUATIONS ***�ta�**�r�r****��*��t�x�r***�*****�,t�* �.� BUIL�ING: $ ELECTRTCAL: $ aTHER: # � ��..�' PLUMBING: $ MECHANTCAL: $ T4TAL: , � ****'�*******�`************** CONTRA�TDR INFORMATION *******�***�**�t**�*****�,t*,� eneral Contractor: �',� �;=., ' Town of Va�.l Reg. NO. �� �-• C� Address: � ' Phone Numbess ���f'�� Electrical Cantraatoz: Tvwn of Vail Reg. N4.� Address: Phone Number: �Plumbing Contractor: Town af Vai1 Reg. NO.� Addre�s: � Phorie Number: Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vai� Reg. NO. Addr��s: Phcne Number: *��r�**����*****��**�t*�.**�****��� FOR aFFICE IISE ��*��a****�*���r****�����******�* BUILDING PE�MIT FEE: BUILDTNG PLAN CHE�K FEE: PLUMBZNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN� CHECK ,�'EE; MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPaSIT: DRB FEE: ;(� TOTAL PERMIT FEES. L�YPE GROUP SQ.F"P. VALUATION BUTLDING� - _� � SIGNATURE: ------ �_ � ZONTNG: � S�GNATUREs � _ .Comments: CLEAN DP DF.��OSIT REF[JLID TO- r . � ` � MEMO�ANDUM � � � T0: ALL CONTRACTORS ` Y FR4M: T�WN UF VA�L RUBUC 11V4RKS DEPARTMENt DATE: l�iAY 9, 't g�4 RE: ' WHEN A "PUBL.�G 1NAY PERM�T'..15 REQUIRED � �J�b Name• r �," �_ � Date: .��_z- �.� . Please answer the fotbwing q�estiar�naire �egardir�g fhe n��d for a"P�btic Way P�rm��": . ES !'Jt3 i} tS this a new res�des�Ce? � '�,,/� 2j 1s d$mo�itian work being performed ��,,, that reqt�ires the use of #he righ# of way� easem�ents ar pub�ic prop�rty? . 3} ts any�utility wor�c n�eded? �--�''"�J 4) is the dr�veway be�ng ��paved? �,r 5} �s different access n�sded to site �,.-� . att�er fhar� ex�sting driveway? �) �s any drainag� work beir�g dane . , / affecting the r�ght o� way, easements, . �i�" ar pu�lic property? �) ls a "Revocabfe Right 4f W�y Permit" � , reqt�irecf?' _ 8) � A. Is if�e rig�# oi way, �asemer�ts or � public propertyr to be c�sed far stagir�g, pa�Cing or fencing? . B. �f r�o to 8A, is a parkir�g, stag�ng �,o''�f or fe�cing plan req�ired by Communi#y f3evei�pment? li you answered yes to ar�y of tf�ese q�es#ions, a "P�blic Way Permit" must 6e obta�ned. "Pub�ic Way Permit" app��c�at�ons may be obtai�ed at the Pubiic tNork's o�ce or at Cammun�ty�evelapment. !f you have any questions p�ease ca�l Chart�e Da�is,the�'awn ' o� Vail Construct�an lnspector, a# 479-2'�58. � t hawe r�ad an�d answered alf t�� above questions. �� ��� �{�� � �� i,� : r:�r� � ���c� � � �� �- Ja� Nams Gvn�r�ct s i ature Qaie � . ' � � � PUBLIC WQRKS PERM#T PR CESS HQw it rela#es Ea Bui�dir�g Permits: �) F�I� out our check list �rovided with a buitdinq permi# app�+c�at�Qr�. tf yes was answered to acny of th� above ques#on$. t�en a "Public Way" �s required. Yvu can pick up an applica�tion at either Community Devetopment, locat�d at �5 S. Fr�ntag�Rvad or Public Wa►rks, iaca#�ti at ��tl9 Vai�V�,tiey Dri�re. 2� Nvtice sign offs far u�ility compan�es. All utiiiti�s must fieid ver�fy (tacat�) respecti�e u#iiities priar to signing appl�ca#ian. Some uciiity companies requir� up to a 4S hoc�r nv#ic� to scheduie a locate. 3� A construct�on traff� con#raUstaging plar� m�st be prepared or� a separate sheet af paper.Ar� approved s�te p�an may aiso be usecl. This pEa� wil! sf�Qw locations of all traific cor�tro� davices(signs, canes, etc..} and �the wor�C zone, (area of Canstruction, Stag�ng, etc..�. 7hEs p�a� will �xpir� on Oct. �5th, and wt{I need ko be resubmii�ed far apprQVal tE��ou�i� the winter. 4) Sketch of wr�rk being perfc�rmed must be submitted indicating drm�nsions (length, width & depth of w�rk). ThES may be drawn an the traffic cor�tro� pian or a site pkan for tMe job. 5} Submit.com�Iet�d apptication to the Public Works's a�ice far review. �f �equi�ed, Eocates wi11 be scheduled fvr th�Tawr�ot Vail Etectricians and lrric„�,tEOn crew, 7he locates take place i� the mvrni�g b�,t, may require up to 48 �aurs to Rerform. fi� The Pubfic Work's Co�stru�tia� lnsp�ctvr wi�l revi�w the applicat�on and approve ar disappro�e the permit. You wili be c�n�a,c�ed as to the status and a�,y tt�a# may � needed. Most permits a�re relessed within 48 hou�s ot b�ir�g received, but ptease allow up to one week ta pracess. 7) As soan as the permit is proc�ssed, a c�py wifi be fax�d to Gommur�ity Development ailowing the"Building Permi�'ta he released. Please do not confuse � �he "pub�ic Way Permit" witl� a "Buiidir�g Permit" ta d4 work an a project itsei#. NtJTE: '� The abvve prpcess 9s tor work �n a public way only. * Pubtic Way Permi#s are valid only until Novembe� ��th, � * A new Puhlic Way Perm�# is r�quired �ach year if work.�s not cornplete. carpway , . � � � .� . . . �� d � - �aw�v�F v�� �5 South Frontage Raacl Departmenr of Cnrrcmuniry Deueloprr�enr Vail, Calorado 81857' 303-479-21�8/�179-2139 - FA�i'3d3-479-2452 I�FORMATICl� NSEDBD WHEN APpLYING4 FOR A ME�iANICAI: FERI�iIT 1 . HEAT L05S CALCULATIONS. 2 . TO S�ALE FLOCiR PLAN OF MEGHAt3ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRA6sN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL 'AIMENSIaNS AND BTU � RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. SHOW 5I2E AND LDCATIOI+T OF COMB�J'SxXON AT1t DUCTS, FLUES, VENT C�NNECTORS AI�TD GAS LINES. 4. N4TE WHETHER EI�EVATOR EQUIPMENT WTLL ALSO BE INSTALLED �N ME CHAN I CAL RESOM. FAILZ3RE TO PROVIDE TH�S INFQRMATIQ� WILL DEI.AY Ft3UR PERMIT. . . , � � � l �/y tow� o aar � - 75 aa�h+a�stage►nad offi[ae of c�mmunity deveFopment � vail,c�lorado Bi657 . . � _ (303)47�2138 � (303)475-2139 • . NOTICE TO CONTRA�TORS�QWNER BUII�T7ERS Effecti�re June 2d, I991, the Town af Vail BuiJ.ding Department has devel� oped the �ollowing procedures to ensure that nera construct�on ult('_5 have adequately established proper drainage fram bu.ild�.ng szt€�s a�ang ar�d adjacen� to Tawn of vail roads or streets . The Town of Vail �ublic Werks L�epartm�nt �ill be required to inspect and apprave dxainage ad�acent to Tovvn of Vail roads ar streats an�i the installation of te�mparazy ar per:aanent culverts at access points from the road ox street on to the constructios� site. Such approva�. must be ob�ained priar ta any request for inspectiQn by the Town o� Vaz� Building Departmen� for footings ar temporary electrical or any other a.nspection. Please ca11 �?9-216� to request an inspection frbm th� Fublic wa�k� �epa�rtment . At�.ow a mi.nimum of 29 hour notice. � 1-�lso, the � T�wn of Vail Public works D�partment will be approving al.� final. dxainage and culvert installation with xes�alting road pa�ching as n�cessary . Su�ch� appraval must be ob�ained priar �� � F�.nal Certificate of Occupancy i�suance. . � � � � i � . _ _ ��� _ (��[ f i �� �ti ff� al ��f _ 7S south�rontege roac{ . vait.colorada B1Ga? (3os) 4?9-2138 cr 479-2139 office af �com�nun4ty developrt�en# TU: ALL GQI�ITRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGIS7.`ERED WITH THE TC3t�TN OF VASL F�OM: TOWN OF S7AIL P'[TSLIC WDRKSjCOMMUNITY DEVELDP�ENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTIpN PARKING & Mp,TER�AL ST�3RAGE In summary, Ordinar�ce No. 6 states that it is unlawful fQr any : persan to la.tter, track ar deposit any scil, rack, sand, debr�.s or material, including trash dumpsters, partab�.e tcilets and workmen vehicles upon any strest, sidewaZk, alley Qr pub3.ic � place or any �ox-t,iar� t���eof. The right-of�way on all Town af VaiZ street� and roads is apprvximate3.y 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinanee wi,ll be strictly enaEorced by the Town of �7ai1 Pub�ic Warks Department. Fersans found vj,alating this vrdinanee will be �iven a 24 hour �tritt�n notice ta remQVe said materia�,. �n the event the person so noti.fied does �ot comply with t.l�,e natice r�,rithin the 24 haur time sp�cifzed, the public Works Departmer�t wi�.I remave said material at the expense og p�r5on notified. The provisions of this Qrdinance shall not he �pplicab�e to construction� maintenance or rspair projects of any �tre�t ar alle� �r any util�ities in, the right--a-way, . To raview ardi.nance Na. 6 �,n full� �ple85e strap by the Town o�' Vail Build,�ng Department� to abtain a copy. ��a� you for your coaperation on this matter. . � Read acknowledged b �-'"�" . , � �L ��� � ositian/Relatians�iip a Froject �i.e. cantractor, owner) 1�' . � ��� �� Date 9 � � � � - ��� j� � - �aw� o vai � . : _ 75 south frontage rosd ra�l,ealvrada 8�657 � � (ao3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottice of comt�eu�Ely dsye}oprneat BUILfIING P�Rh;TT I55UANCE TIM� F�tME Ifi th�s perm�t requ�ires a Towt� �f VaiT Fire D�partment Rpproval , . Engineer'•s (:Pub7i� Works} re�+�ew and ap�r�val , a Plann�ng Departinent revi��w or l�ealth Depar�men� r�view, and a review by the Building ,i�e�artment, t�e estimated t�me f�r a tota� review may take as iong as tFiree weeks�, . - All cammerci�a� �('Zarge or sma37 } and all multf�fam��y permits will �a�re to folla�v the above mention�ed maxim�m requirements. Residentia� and small prv�ects shoul� take a lesser amou»t of t�m�. How�ver, if � reside�tti�a] or smaller projects impact the various ai�ove mentioned departments wi,t�i regard to necessary revi�w, these �rojects may a1 so ta ke ttie tPiree week period. � Every attempt wi11 be made by this de�artment to expedite this permi�t.as. soon as possible. � I, the under�igned, understand the plan check �rocedure an� time . � �rame._ 3 , gree tp y-. . '�� � L ���fff����/ /�°�b`�- � � 1'O�EC'� �8p1t � � � �` ���' � � Bate Wark Sheet was turned �nt� t e Community aeve�opment pe�artme�t. f �� � � ��� � r -• � - i(� f ���+ � �1 � t • '.s �, : , � � j. I , � � � . � �,� � � � \ � , � /. �""'�"" � ' �uwr� ut VaihGommunity r� - � �" � � � � `� � d �� Oevetiopr�e(�t L� Q, � � -I ,��� � . r�. '7QiU1 L I� N�W � �E'R.OIt��$Xl�f'3'�. .,�`� alan B Id Hea�th �ire � '�!/ -- ..fNTRY l�O G F ! �i�T2D' . �`� `�� � � �.�� t pt11`OVed Q r' Q � ._,_..._.;�_ `�,* � ,,, �/� � �L`��NC�Y,S NG. iL,� ��� \ � �": - f • � i �t�/Z EN�I.�r ;�7L�AIG•9. � ��\ �4 . G ..� '` � � �Vafidity oi Psrmit '��, p ' Se� 3Q3 (c) 1g U:6 C. '�,. � �U .� Fhe �SSUance or a n f' permit or��prova� of plans arru �� � Y � � 9 � � (� soecifiications sha1� r►ot construcd to be a permit #oz, ar a� �� � apRroval v#, any vioiaCion an �ot the provisions o# this �a � or of any a#har ordinar�ce of e � \isdicatian. T�e issua�c o a rmit �,�.sed u on lans, sp '�tions and other s �' \;,� � P P . � f�� not`prevent the huildtr�g official theFea#ter r iri t�e corsection ot errors in said plana, ��f� ti a othe� ��� �-- _ , ._ �_..... _`� daia." • _��� S��G�T Nv:� �'e,2 ���� �� �—ri�� ,� � � ;�. � � . . �k�� ra �dT2��aEv .^___�._..-- --- _ __ _._ . � � . , , . _ , . , , . u_.:�A�1�:��...�-tJ�LV$ GdNL]liW3��'.C�i+� ' �?r3ra�' �E-/�,�/ s/'�/p� .. --_-- - --��Z-- �A TT'�'1� �v F�M ��:��.�� � _���_��,.��: �� � �.�.. .-.-- ------- _-� ------_ . �....._____�_. ---� i T—`— ` _ _ �-- - __:-�1- -- -�:=T��.. � --- -�--�=_..-�. -- � ._ � - � I - I 4 = � �� . _ �� . � � . -- � • � T`own af Va� -- ___ __------ -__ -------- -- - -�----- . _; � _ .. r----� .; :r---�. . � � � - � � � �.�` �. � � � � � �. � _ f � �__ �_ ! � . �.� � � . . , � �;:, � • . --� �SG� S,vECTJ T.v�Cu 6' faR �nr7',qp �PEP[.A��M�'�[T� ����r y.r Y,EyA �'IC3l�-I /(_��..� . _ r' -- .._____- _.�._._.�_._._. ._ � `° _ �C ��f�' !�� �N f ��' (J,��� l�/� � � I�A'�; � 11/1 �� �� �' � � f�.4 � L. �C�. !o. �� � �'. �`' � `� `'j`� i�l J' � , � ,f` � . � . � ���J.�� �` � � �r . / d-�St,�t A�a✓�- � �} '�` !: °� ��RF.,,�sAG� , y,;` � � � � `�� / � � � � '� � � �;. �, "�` ;x :�'. , ,. .� ,` ', _ = � �� �,_._ ; � �� w� r 1 � �`�1 `rr,, ! r; .�_.�� -._:..� — -� , � , ; '' ,�� � - • • ��;,���l�1� ��E ��.� � �1 � . r �' � �_ � � ' ` �: �' � ��� �1�� ov� 1 `` :;� f ' ''� ��' � ���� •�� ,� � � ��: � ,.� i ' �% � •� ��, Jr� ���.Q ��{ �. � �,' � SI ,\^� '� \ o ra o:� �` , L� � ���r�r.�c� TN�u - � ftaaR- Forc 6���r� p'�. � `. -t--=fit��7. 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' �' �.�a[.T ��t�fl 1�+�,/�,i..C� �-; F; : : � . 3�, �f��, _ �I ���� `� �.�`✓ �'f��f� � t'1� _ � t � s �'�.��CB f��S� . ����W t�V+4-LL. '; f ' �-��X+,._.�s�� �-w��':; � �� ' � �2N �� E � `� . . � � � ���f���� � � . ' '' ► j� ��3 � � � �' � � � � �� , � - �" �T..�--_�.�. .`..�" T�k1 � r _ _- _� _- 1: k 4k � ��.�Cu..�►�+.�G C� � ��;�°�"==e��I 5 , i N�y p��� _ _.... � ,�� - i t � � � • i � � G�,�� �t r���.,�' 4 �� � , � f 2�- ��z"� ' � 3 !;� �� � ���, �' 1 �,� -. + � 1� _____.,...__�_.._.__.._.....�r____-�_- -- � _ t5�"1l�l�7 ��.r�f►' _ ;_ �,,.*..._.. . - �kl,+���.� - —_--__- ' _ _.._ ., �._ . I . •.a _ •� � • • �♦ � a . . . � ' .ti � � S ]+ - a. J '^...' 4� K �- i�,--�- `41'�=--.1 I�� ��t..,..._ - '"""""_` J - `� �" s /�„� �,�,__.�r�� :�:� � ��_�_�/'�` /`�� '�.�J ��." ��E-�L'r�4JP�, ' � Ga4L�; 1����! �:,��� /��'0-�: C t . '� • - . . 1yp. ������,f��.��� � `' �..�t��_1�_�_�_�r� . i��� ��t� . � � � .Oth�r Simpsan Strong-Tie�CQNNECTORS FaR DECK C�N�TRUGTiON a 8�4 � A3b FRAMlNG ANCHQR( � ) .' ya A wz� Z • �p Unique hending slots Ie1 you `�:f I. ` ' '° adjusl anchor for a great H5 �I• • •%�'•a H SEISMIC AE�tD • � + o t var'�e1y ot wnneslioris. FfURRICANE ANCHORS +�• 5pe�d prnngs permd laster, p���wind and seismic � , � eas�r�nslatlauon. 8C4 �3 ties lor frusses arM t pOST CAP ,4 rafters.Atsa used as L�JS tIGlIT DOUBLE SHEAR ��� all-purpose ties where vne LU ECONOMY A popular and pasifive member crosses another. JUIST FIANGEFI Double shear connecilon betr�post and JOIST HANGER maif f�ture ior faster insta��ation. � beam.Eiiminates toena�hng For timber sizes 2x4 to 2x14. (ewer nails,more sirength ihan and wnpvis splifting. ' ��, 4spngs ln hE2der o�y. opmpatible hangers. �' , •o, P�� TA STAIRCASE •o' '4 STANQOFF ANGLE A sirucwraNy snund :. ecao • � �' •a• ' POST BASE` � ` and economical method � ° � Non-weided. • tAS ols�ircasefrominq. EPB44 ELEVATED • °� �,�q � � �"� '� � ' Features i" Availabfe lor 1FY'and „ 4� standoN � 12"head aridtt�s. POST BASE' ,a• e pOST GAP . ��M� " " concrete. ra�o ,;.x; fo moistur�e� . ve��saia4'�y,loins4x�postsnectian � � � o o � � protection and BCAO HALF to members 2'�4^to 3'/�" Pssaa CBS�W, easy cieanout POST BASE" � 4 cesa4 �S�rni� wide. STAND�N o m under posis. Conirols g COLU Mcdtiple sixes, a€od eliminates � ABEA4�CONOMY ' . tcena�ing.idea! ADJUSTABLE POST BASE' ' • ABE44 BASE :A,, ; tnnnecEOr fnr atlachir[g u,C4 Nigh nail placement allows for � ' `� Far heavier EP84� "" ro connecled posts P Ra�Y• � � � '� P6544 Same � �' �a: �' u liftca Includesadjustmenl 1 r��. 10 a wood deck, s l o i t or anchor holt and i" ; �� �i �,�11' �,� . f°.' standolfplate. leatures. f� *Nol�ecommenaed tar nan-top-supported ir�sGllatfans � �p� ei..a -- +,-�c_� � � Additianal Simpson �firong-Tie�CUNNECT4RS F�R DO-!"T YaURSELF CCINSTRUCTf�N , � . 4uaae srie ACE END POST CAPS A34 FliAMiNG For use as post cap at heam e . • ANCHDii � �' d ends.Gomes i�rights or ac�s � . Special�ty � lefts. • • � desigrred • �/ � .�� (Uf USC 0[� � • s ° e e � � AL' �� 44 ?x3and?x4 � • '� � � � � traming, e) � I I. RaST C/iP � �I � Q ST S7HAP TIE,S +�+e � I. ° i.ic '_a Enhances appearance, Muflipurpose strap tias aflei ' adds siructural value hi h sirength sotution to marry � ° ' for dx and 6x post sizes 9 , . � LUP SP��D PRUNG connection problems:r�}pe / JOIST HAMGER Sies,wal�int�sectrons. F8 FENCE � Fot tim6er siies 2�4 truss plates.etc. � . � A� l0 2xi4.Prongs in joist reaa BRAGKET � �o, � � and header. Porch,patio,fence 'o, � and louver hazdvr�@,�� �� I � �p _,�?i�° a LoCates and 5ecurf� p rails or. u �� � o d C9 C04UIIAN BASE � a_a o., +'��1�i�. � ip 128T � •�� � � � For post and column b 4°�� o e �: �. j . • '� conditions requiring �e.:. . . � � °� �°.` � high struclur�l �" : F814 ' . �/}4 , , AB AI]JUSTABLE �� "al1e a�d ,• taAS ;o. I, POST EfASE' ��J9� ..�o;� :� MA5 &� � � ` � Fulty adjustable post base � �a�r� p8 Fa MUdSILL ANCHOR o 7RAP TIES � � otEessmoisturapmteCw�, 5 islics. P'USTBASE• SINGI.ESi�E � , � Gene sU� � sjrustural vatues.�sy o For aancrete amsharing. �stesi antl lowest `�1 . @ �s a st .,� ir�iallatian and finished � ����� � appearar�ce. ce44 � Multiple sizes available ��siM anchnr ' multipl es. `° -• rcrciudin�rouqh ���pq.�il ta � O �� timber saes. mudsill or directly to slud. �j � n �Not recommended lar nnn-top•suppnrled instatlaEions. `:�; �; � �m , ' . _ _.0 ._ m,�r__ a SD � '* 1 " ��- .i� �� � � �xisri t�t� ' 'a� , �5�� � �tJ l I.U I h1 _ � _—. _ � {�I��D G ' ^� `�a f,00�NM'E N� �' . '� . n�'. �V .�y`` ry� y1�t�►1P��W5��T X' M - � ..Aa_.� �41 FT�SIIf�� ����T�� -�{/ � ' . q �: ''T .�+ `Y�t, �� rF�-� , *' �' � �`-- ---� � - 2 � i� ! `..a. � W � � �� �� . 'EQUAIi � �iR'�!SI.AQi �CQ�k1. � � n�N a � a�c � �' �0 � � ' _���.._� w •v u;J .,�'y � �7 � � �-a-.� �� �__� ~ W � �` � � ��r+� .�-'� � � 2� � r' !�' N �. N �„ � � .� �.a - I DF �'� � x `� �; (.� � � ��� �1 . . � � � � � � T' OC �� � � � �=-- �� ��� � ,� �� -� a`�.;�� �� �►t�r F+�ua r��� � o� _�_ �C1C� __...:_._..: (2��j"µ�.�� �6�-� � F..., . � `k'" " , �t �, F�UNDAT��N PLAN FRAMIN� F�LAN_ �ow� ��va� i,,,u: � ��%t--a'' -- ` � �4 � _ _. .,_ .. _ � ,. ,.,w�1,. � . � � ''� �' � N�� . � °, e.. _ . �, � �'° ���'�s o• �� �,. � � , �� . ; , � � � ' ' ' - , � ,��� i� .� , � € � ,. �� - . ; �_.� . , �°�.!DN A�- , '� •.....•• ' � � UF 2� �'��'o� coti�`' - - • ' � E,j m v°�p0r � n'� � N? �� i (� a tvX�o Go�-+.�MN Ri STRUCTURAL SPE��FI�AT�ONS � v S�MpS�a�l NLc�Wfo4 � 1! eoundation design based upon assaned aaximun ecils peerinq � . caFracity oP 1500 pAP to he vet5.tied at lise of excavatfon. All Faat�ngc aie !o boar upon natucal uhdiatuxkad soil nt � �a cospactad struCtural fill as approved by the aoila engiheer. � � ��� N A Su6nit capy caP eepast tci englneer, � � x O �) All foundatton around p�rl'eCer ot stcuctarr aAall have uinimum ' � " ,`. � g V frpat pcoteetion of 46" ta botto�u o[ footing. All foundation � �� .S O� valis ana columns ko ba ceRtered on concrete footings unlass - � aho�n othacwi4a on planc. ' I "�Y p,> 7) Al] cast in place conccete �.ust ba made wltn Portland cement � � and attain �LnLa�w co�rassJw ettengeh of �ua0 psl atGer za -- dAya. ppalgn Ae�Yd upon HUI1,,pING CODL 6Eq11I95NENT3 PO& � _ R8IN�'QRCLp CONCR&'CS (ACI 3]8) 1992. All concwte alabs on � grade muet be provided control join!• (scared or cut) ln � aa¢ordaoca vit� oolla �aport. All expoaed edges of concrete ' ehall have L/2" chanpfer. � L 4) RelnCarcing steel is AsTlI crade �0. All weldse vire labrfc �� (�, �"�" � ouat con[or� vith ASTli A185. Reinforcement placement ahall I� �E� �1 conEorm vith NAHUAL OF STAN0JIRD PRIICTICB, 1990 ae �repared by �7 G ,�,pr ln.�.f .� CRHI. ail lnq splioes to be tiln�aum 15 bar diaeatera, al1 4: a 'i�« +�"^� hoYlzodtal relnFarcing ateel [o ba continuous around carnera . � and at rall interaeetiorts. Mlnlru� reinfotcement protectlon: -CO�crete poured aga3nst earLh 3" . -co�xote pnured �n forns Z" ,�, -Slabs i� x��i� . .. ..__--�_.. .-._. .. 5) ]111 lu�beY aF�all be Dvuq-Fir �2 849 or 6etter, e12 wvlmanized /} �J,�^ ,1G�� `�� . � . ■ .� � . lu�p6Y bLell 1�e Hev-F1T' 12 843 or 6etter. Provide salid y�F;/ �pvarr � � � bloeking at B�-0" on centeY ln all r]Laphragme. All columns to � � � ba cohtimloua beating to foundation. � � 6] Mchor holta and boit9 shall be A307. All T[ubvlt Wedge #� ;� � � � Mchore and Aanseta !o be inetalled accocding to aanufactuceca � � epeciEications. - �.�_� 7} Shaath caoea �1Yh 5/e^ ply�ood with �lnimuo apan rating of 40/20 oc better. Nall ply�ood wfth ad @ 6" oc at panei edg�a f and L�" oe at iobrw�edlata iaesbexa. -�.. . e) S�aath wll axY�rior ualla wiGh 1/2" plywood or ortented strand � �:� y�,��� doara with �ninlawa apan cattng ot 2a/o or becter. 7�aii with 3�#CJ'� � ed @ 6° oc at pansl edges nnd 12° ac at internediate aWds. � � E �'� ■ � ■ � 9) Liv4 loada uaad Eoc dasiqn- � � � -ROOf-&O pef snov- i . -I�7oor-40 paf raaidentisl. � �,� -Dack-lao paf. . :T., ��.�. � -wind-25 psf. t � � -Nerthqueke-Sone L uec. � . Q��� ;�� + ��� 10) A]] mnstructfon wwt co.ply vith khe 1941 uni[acm Butlding • v . Cade ae adapted Ey ihe 7'ovn of Vail Huilding oeparta�ank and tha � �� �� ^Ganaral Conditlan� oi tha Contract for Conetructlon" (ASA ,i��� �-�� Docuwn! a201 J. . 11) Construct valls ao tollows- - - '�■ � ��� - �� �- -SXC@C�OF�2Y5 L� 16" ue. /ptl I4y� /_y� r�: tF�+� . . � -InL�r3oC-9xd Y 16� no., unlasa notod othervfge. 1 �O � 12) All baaaa, joirta and Fatt�rg ars to benr upon +ralls or beama ��� OR be hunq aith 8I!lNSVH atrong-Tie Dangers or approvad eguala. - ��, � all aonnaction hardwarw aa wanu�actuxad by 8Tt3PBON Strong-Tie � n��M r�__f �� � ,. . ■ or approved equala. �' F Wn E ! 1 131 All atractural a�a7pbare are ehavn in their C�nAI posltlana L�a � - P�4e�'�Y braced and supported� ducf�q cp�attucCion Lt may 6e � w necessary to ebore po[tione of the etructurs vhile athec ������ poxtlona pre being con�Cructed. Cantact the atructurai - onglnoe� Tor coqaultAt�On as x'equlTed. � � ' li) Contractor Ls raeponeibl� [or all hon-specifled eaanections, /�'���� �"�"/��' °��_��"` ''�"�" . -" � � contact attuctural enqineeY foC detaile ae requit'ed. 6nginasr � . - �C( -���� �. h to approve ail etructuCal subatitutiona. C� 25) conCractor ir to caordinat� all dLap�ragr penetratione (ia, chi�ey�, g1w�Ging rerers, etc.� t�rough ilodra, roofs and loundation walls vlt� eppropxiete sub-contrar�tor�, ceneral � �� �� (I O{� . Contraetor ia rosponsibl■ Cor aea�s. �uathoda, techniyues, � V Q�J f . sequencss, pxxeduc�s pnd jo6-alte �atety assx}ated vAth thls �' r ° , pi'aject. Gelletal COtI[Tactor to verify all d�InYneions and ( _ elevatLane wl.th ArchitYCtura2 dra�inge. Notify pngineer of all T �i�` conPllota or o�is�lens betw�e�varioua elewe�ts of the vorking � � drawinga and the exlstin�j cotlditiona 6efore comencing w4th � that portion a[ the projaCl. GaneYal CantractDC to }�epect = �� ' i ro�odel proieota and verity ptior uso and proper tliepomal oL � � exieting mat�rialr (i.e. as6esEO6, etc.} as raquixefl by tode. - � 26) All oatarlala expoeed to exteCior and/ar rolstare conflitiong • � ehall be treatea [or tYwse aondl[ions (ie, chemical treatmonC, � ;� P�`, � . ataining, painting, etc.) ss requirsd by coae. � �1 �� + ' _�i�• ' •�1� .. �..i._. �-j��. Vlr/ `•....•• �Q�C44� �. . 'F�'�:�''�'`1"3.u;l. �'Cl�h" Q�' '•J�I L, J`::d�!�..��t��T�;,fl �="°f-�C�:: �. � /�.�: .'c:p�:=� �%�'ty �`�`�t� ��R:l�G?'t..)E={�s'i"'� �i�ti �i�1�;�PcG`f°r�h•l f��1���. ;�Fi�F"T"::i F=�f."E�: 7. 1.r'�.€, /�:�s �F��i�f-�; �J� fii.-�'� a.�,��C�,' ;� �';�".:::—w�_'E�=`�� 11,r1.��i�!� `�`r'k�a� a f�....1•91�� ::�t°.��;�_tae J�`7kJr=�ti C`nT';5tx'� Ah�f` f'�c1t;�,��,- � 1.������' �v�I;..r.T��?H[r�'�*9 iw�7 r�_..0+'"'e•l�: �.CS i"i � �-�f-��:�i.� E�f:`���1�•�;j ^ ' f�'.:�t•.,r,:�� ,', �:� k 1:31'�r—:��=`�,.,-c�►1,..�[n�t4'r ���'��•° t,.1 s E? : �1 1 H I� ��,=�c_r�i�i; a.t:rr} : ��i=1�1�' i�:.lri'l�f�'�` id��:I��f_7Ii�:1._ , . � �.}�,,.. t �. .F.... �-,_ _ --•_ • ; -� . w,,... E��e ea�. :i.��:<_,r•o�i:; ,. 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THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: �� '� BUILDING: PWMBIfVG: O F�OTINGS / STEEL ❑ UNaERGRQUND ❑ �QUNDATION / STEEL ❑ F��UGH / D.W.V. E7;FRAMING C7 ROUGH / 1NATEf� ❑ RO�F & S�IEER p GAS PIPING PLYW�OD f�AILING ❑ INSULATION ❑ PO�L / H. TUB f� SHEETROCK �JAIL ❑ 0 ❑ � ��Np� O FINAL ELEC�iiICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. PO4NE� Q HEATING ❑ ROUG� C] �XHAUST HO�DS ❑ CC)�JD�JIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ C] FINAL O FINAL � ❑ AP�RQV�D CI DlSaFP�iOVED � REINSPEI:,TION R�QUIRED CORRECTIOtJS: DATE I�VS�ECTOR . � � „ .,.' t; INSPEGTIUIV REQUEST ______ T O W N (7 F VA I L , � PERMIT NE�MBER OF PROJECT , _ -�'� 479-?138 ,...,� ,� ,,, �AT� JOB NAM� �. :' `� � ` ': � c,t�. , ;���' p F � � � CALLER : ;, : ° - , � ,; �EADY FQR fNSPECTION: M(�N �"UES WED THIJR ' FRI AM PM LQCATION: - - - -e_ �., . BUILDING: PLUMBING: t7'FOOTINGS / STEEL � f � �.,� ❑ UNDERGROU�JD � � F(JUI�DATiQ�J / STEEL ❑ ROEJGH / Cr.W.V. 0 FRAMING ❑ ROUGH / WATER _ ROO� 8 SHL��R ❑ GAS PIPING � PLYWOb� NAILING � iNSULATION — ❑ POOL � H. TUB ❑ SHEETROCK fVAI� ❑ ❑ ❑ � F1NAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: Cl TEMP. F'QWER ❑ HEATIfJG _ ❑ RDUGH � E?{HAlJST HOC7�S C] CC7NDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR a ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL . ❑ APPRQVED � QiSAPPROVED ❑ REIIVSPECTION REC.�UIRED CORR�CTIONS: DAT� INSP�CTC)R L�ign Review Ac#ion F�n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date !'roject Name; Building Name: ������►��Z�S C.cX�-r,�� 5 Projec# Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Cantact, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lat Block Subdivision �orre District Pro�ect Street Address: _ Cornments: Board I Staff Ac�ion Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Cbnditions: 'Town P{anner qate: DRB Fee Pre-paid r � • revired 8/17/9� � » <.. DESIGN REVI$�P B�ARD APPLICATION - TO�IN 'L, O ��: DATE RECEIVED: �1116 �_4,��^„� ' DATE OF IaRB MEET�N • �**�a****** w ���� �*�*��#��� �. PROJSCT INFORMATI�N: � A. DESCRIPT dN: %� � /G' , •�Ii /� / 1 B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construc�ion ($200.00) �,Minor Altera�ion ($20.OQ) Addition ($50 .00} Conceptual Rev�ew ($0} �- � � / C. ADDRESS: �!� � � C�� !� r�� Ic�is� v.� �L_ ���� /�l�S f� � 1�C.+aZ�, ,v-�.s � ���� -� /y �/vh � �" D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: pt, BloCk ��� 3�v'� Subd�visian I� property is described by a meets and bounds lega� deseriptivr�, p�.ease prvvi.de on a separate sheet and attach to this app].icat�o�n. E. ZONING: F. NAME OF APPLICANT: �L � �� � � Mailing Address: , � " �6S � Phane �-/�r �e�'��_ _.-� G. NAME OF APPLZCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: /r� Mailing Address: on � H. NAME QF OWNE�t(S 7 • �,�.'� ' �WNER (S) SIGNATURE: . Mailing Address : � _ � � ,�- _ Phone APPLICATI4NS W�LL N�'I' BE PROC&35ED WITHDITI' OWNER'S SIGNATQRE I . Condominium Approval if applzcable. J. �RB FEE: DRS �ees, as shown above, are to be paid at �he time of submittal qf the DRB application. Later, when applying far a buiZding permzt, please identif�r the accurate va].uation af the groposa�.. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee accoxding to the tabie below. ta ensure the carrect fee is paid. FTE PAID:�_ CHECI€ #: DATEt HY:. FEE �CHEDT7LE• VALUATION FEE • $ 0 - $ 10, 000 $ 20 .Otl ,p iv,uvi - � �U. Uuu � �U.Ul? � 50, 001 - $ 150, OQ4 $14a. 40 �150, 001 - � 50�, 0(30 ' $20Q.00 $500, 001 - $1, DOO. QQO $40Q. 00 $ C7ver $1. flflfl. 4��� �5U{�.00 DSSIGN RBVIBW HDARU APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YBAR AFTSR F�NAI� APPROVAL UNLBSS A BU�LDING PBRMIT IS IgSUSD AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. . � ' � II.. PRS-APPLICAT� MBgTING: � ` - � A pre-applicat�.on meeting with a memher af the planning staff is ,a�ncouraged to determine if any additional a�licat"�:bn in�ormatian is needed. I� as the applicant 's responsibi3it�. to make an appoin�nent with �he staff to : . de�erm��� if ��ere are additional subm�ttal requirements. ' � P�.�ar,�e note that a CQMPLETE application wi11 str�am�.i;ne the review process for your praject. - - III . . . A. In additian tv mee�ing submittal r�quirements, the applicant must s�ake and tape the project site to �,ndicate property lines, builda.nq limes and building eorners. A�.�. trees to be remaved must be taped. R11 site tapings and s�aking must be completed prior ta the . DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that � staking dQne during the winter is not buried by snow. S. The review process Eor NEW BvTLDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Bvard: a conceptual review and a final review. C. Apglicants wha fail to appear befare the Design Review Hoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discuss%on on their item be postponed, w�ll have their items remov�d from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been �'egubl.ished. D. The fpllowing items may, at the di.scretion of the zona.ng administrator� be a�proved by the Gommunity ` �evelopment Department staff 4a..e. a formai hearing befor� the DRB may not be req�ired? : a. Win.dows, sky�ights an�l similar extear�.or chanqes which do not alter the existing plane of the �building; and . b. Building additions nat visible fram any other lot or pub�.ic spaee. At the time �uch a propo�a3. is submitted, applicant� must include letteirs fsom adjacent property owners and/or �xom the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snaw avalanche, rockfal7., flood plai.n, debris flow, wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an af£idava.t recognizing the hazard report prior to the is�uance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to Check with a Town Flanner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship af the property to all mapged hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside � face of the exterior stnxctural walls of the building; and b. Indicate wi�h a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exteriar face of t3�e building walls or supportinq columns. J G. xf DRB approves th� application with canditions or modifications, all cor�ditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building perm�.t. 2 . IV. � � A. Three copies of a r�c�:nt tapographic survey, stamped by a CoZorada Prof�ssioaal r.icen�ed Surveyor, at a scaZe of 1" = 20 � or larger, on which the following information is provided: � 1 . Lvt area. and buildab�,e axea when diff erent than �.ot area. � 2 , Legal description and physieal address . 3 . Two foo� contour intervals unlesa the parcel consa.sts of 5 acres ar more, in which case, 5 � contour intervals may be accepted. 9 . Exa.sting trees vr groups o� trees having trunks wi th diame ters of 4�� car mare, as measured f rom a point one foot abave grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other signa�ficant natural features �large bQU}.ders, int�rmittent streams. �tc, ) . 6 . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal7., etc. ) , centerline af streams or creek�, required cr�ek or str�a.m setbaek, and 1pD-year flood plain, if applicable. 83.opes of 40�k or more sha�3 be c�ear}.y delineated by cross hatching. 7 . Ties tv existing benchmark, either ❑SGS landmark ar sewer invert. This informativn must be cl.eaxly stated on the survey so that a11 measurem�nts are based on the same starting point. This is parta.cularly important for determining builda.ng height and driveway s�ape. See Policy On Survey Tnformation, for more information regarding � sur�eys. , 9 . Locations of the follawing must be shown: a. Size and type a� drainage culver�s, swa].es, etc. b. Exact ].oca��.on of existing utili�y servi�e lines fro� their source to the s�ructure, inciuding: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water EleCtric c. A11 utili�y meter locations, a.ncluding any pedestal;� ta be lacated on site or in �he riqht-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property l.ines - distances and bearings� and a basis of bearing. e. Tndicate all easements identified on the subda,vision p1at. 9. P�ouide spot ele�rations at �he edge o� asphalt, alonrr the street frontage af tt�a n�-c�,�¢rfi�r at tw�nty-five foot interva�s E�.5 � } , and a minimum of one spot el�evation on either side of the �ot. H. �ite PZan 1. Locations of the fallowinq must be shown: a, Existing and finished grades . b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. 3 �� Pra vsed drivewa includin er n� 1 P Y. g p ce s ope and spot e7.evations at the p�operty line, � garage �lab and as necessargr alonq the . � centerline of the drive to accurately reflect driueway grade. d. A 4 ' con�r�te drive pan at t�e edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the stree�. in an uphil.7. direction. ' 2. A11 existing improvements inc7.udinq structures. land�caped ar.eas, service areas, storage area�s, r�+ralk5, driveways, aff-street parking, loading . a�eas, retaining walls (with �ap an�l bqttam of wall spot elevatians) , and other ex�.sting site a.mparovements. 3 . �n ordex to determine proposed bui].ding hexght� . elevations of a11 �op roof ra.dges, and eave� when � determined necessax�r by the zvninq administrator, shal�. be indicated or� the s i te p�.an wi�h exis t3.nq and proposed contour 3ines shown underneath. � C. I��slscape P3.an {�.�� = 20 ' or larger) - 3 cop�.es required 1. At a mi.nimum, the followi�g informa�io� mu�t be provided on the landscape p1an: a. Location of exis�.inq trees 4" diameter or , larger, b. Type, size and 1oca�ion af all existing and propose.d plant material, c. Location of a11 tre�s to be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all propased plant material including common and Latin names . 2 . - The location and type of existinq and proposed . waterinq �syst�ms to he emp7.oyed in caring fvr plant material fo��owing its insta3.lation. 3 . Existing and proposed contour l.a.nes. Retaa.ning wa3.ls should be inc].uded with the �antour information with �op o€ �rall and bottam of wall e].evations 3isted. � . Comp}.ete �he attached 1,andscape matezials list. D• verifyinq the location of utility service and availability (see attached u�.ility vexifieativn form} . E. h must accomgany all submittals, to insure property ownership and identify �, :easements affecting the subject praperty. F. Ar�hitectural P1an� �1/8" = 1 ' or larqer, 1�4" is prefe=red scale far review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor plans and a33. elevalcians of the proposed development drawn to sca�.e and fully dimen�ioned. ` The elevation drawangs must show both existing and finished grades. 2 . One set of floar plans must be F�red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA} was calculated. 3 . Ext�:riar mat�rials and colors shall be specified on �he attached materials 1i�t. This materials list must be completed and su]�mitted a� a part of the application. Color chips, siding samples et�. , sha11 be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Detai3.s including, but not �a.mited 4 to�asia c , trim, raa].zngs, eh3�ey cap, meter ' locations, etc. must be shown graphica3ly and fully dimensioned.. . G. Z�n� check list (at�ached) must be completed if the project is loca�.�d within the Single-Family, PzimaryrSecondar�r or Duplex zone districts. H. Phatos of the existing site and where apglicable, of adj ac�z�t s truetures. I . The Zoz�ing Administrator �and/or DRB may require the submissian of additional plans, drawings, speCi£ications, samples and ather materials (including a model) if deemed x�ecessary ico determine whether a project will comply with Design Gua.de7.�nes. V. . Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the 3ocation {site p1an� af the redeveZopment praposal m.a� }ae subm�t ted in 1 i�u of the more f ormal . requirements set forth above, provided a11 important speci€ieations for the prapo�al including colors and materials to be vsed are submitted. iTI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTII4L OR CQ„�RCIAL_ • A. Original floor plans with a11 specifications ahown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8" = 1 � or largex (1/4" = 1 � is preferred� C. Three copies of a sa.te plan show�.rag existinq and proposed construction. Indicate roof �idge elevation� � with existing and proposed qrades shown und�rneath, D. Elevations of prvposed addit�on. E. Photos of the existing structure. , F. specifications fvr all ma�era.als and calor samples vn materials list (attached) . At �he request af the Zoninq Admia�.stra�or ycu may also be required to submit: G. A sta�ement fzom each uti3ity verifyinq Zocation of service and availability. See attached utility loeation veri£ication form. H. A site a.mpravement survey, stamped by registered Calorado Professioaal Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to veri£y ownership of property, which 3ists a11 easements . V I I. F�N�,,� R�„�F_PLAN . Onc� a buildincr T�PrmZt- h�fp hAPT1 i �c+eAr7� �nr�, r■nr�crr+irtinn j,a underway, and before the Building Department wi11 schedule a �raming inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC1 stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided an the ILC: A. Building location�s) with ties to proper�y corners, i.e, da.stances and anqles . B. Buildi.ng dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. 5 � r C. All uti�ty service l.ine as-builts, showing type of . material used, and size and exact l�cation of lines. D. Hasis of bearing to tie to section earner. E. A11 property pins are to be either found ar set and stated on improvement survey. , G. A11 easements. � H. Garage slab elevations and a].1 roof ridge elevations with existing and prvposed qrades shown under the ridge l.ines. VII I.CONCEPTOAL�,�$i,�IC�i1t RSVIB'@$ �• The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans €or conceptual review by the Design Review Board to �he Department of Community Deve�.opment. The conceptual review is intended to qive the applicant a basic understanding of the compa�abi}.ity of their proposal with the Town�s Design Guide7.ines . This procedure is recommended primar�.ly fo�r applications more complex �han single- family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-fam�.ly and . two-family projects sha11 not be excluded from the oppartunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 1� arorking days prior tp a scheduled DRB meeting. The followinq in.formation shall be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscap� plan at a minimum scale of one inch �qua].s twenty feet; 2 . Conceptual el�:vations showing exte�ior materials • and a description of the character of th� proposed structure or struc�cures; � 3 . Sufficient information to show the proposal . complies with the development standards of the aone distri�t in which the project is to be iocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations. number of parking �paces, etc. ) ; 4 . Comp3eted nRB agplication £orm. B. Procedesre: []pon receipt of an app�.ication far conceptuaT design review, the Department af Comtrtunity Development shall review the submitted materia�s for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code, If the proposal is in basic � compliance with the zoning code requirements, the pro3ect sha11 be forvaarded to the DRB far concep�ua� review. �f the application is not generally in complian�e with �oning code requirements, the applicativn and submi�tal materials Sha1T be returned to the applicant with a written e�lanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found th� pr'oject not ta be in c4mp�.ianc� with zoning cc�c3�► requirements. Once a comp].ete applica�ion has been received, the DRB sha1,1 rev3ew the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to detezmine whether or nat the project generally complies with �he design quidelines. The DRH does not vvte on canceptual reviews. The proper�y owner or his repre�entative sha11 be present at th� DxB hearing. 6 � . I�ST OF MATSRIALS � NAME �F PROJECT: � ��.�/h , ��'['���� .� �� � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS. ��/`��:• sr �I. T��P �11/lJ ,,�.-��,f' ... l� �� ,� �� � The followi,ang information is required for submittal ta the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MAT�R2AL5; TYPg OF MATSRIAL COLOR r � � RODf � /� Siding 4ther wa�.l Materia�s Fascia �1s'�r Saffits windvws window Trim Doors Door Trim � � Hand ar Deck Rails Flues Flashings � Chimneys Trash Encl.osures � Greenhouses Retaininq Walls Exterior Lighta.ng �.�, � ,, o�t���' �rsv� Other I � �� �'� C��� B. LANUSCAPiNG: Nam of Designer: Phone: � l' � �''`�. -� �?? �� � � � � 7 � � PLANT MATERI�S: ���nical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* . PRQPOSED TREES �ND SI-1RUB S *Indicate caliper for deciduous tr�es. �.,j„m,;,�_�aljy�er for dec�duous trees is 2 i��gs Indicate. height for coniferous trees. ' h i **In�.icate size of proposed shrubs . � aallon• Tvne f Scruare Foo ve GR�UND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD QF' EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHT�NG: Tf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the numher of fixtures and locations on a separate � lighting p1an. Identa.fy each fixture fram the lighting plan in the space belflw and provide the height above grade, type af light proposed. �umen output, luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture. t5ection 18.54 .05D J) D. OTHER LANT)SCAPE FEATLTRE� (retaining walls, fences, swimming pool�, etc. ) Please spe�ify. Indicate heights of retaininq wa11s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 ' . Maximum height o£ walls elsewhere on the property is 6 � . 8 • reviaeQ 8/17�94 � � ► JaB N� SUBDIVISIQN LOT BL�CK FILING ADDRESS . The form is used to verify service auailability and loc.ation. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant mu5t provide a completed uti�.ity ver�.fication form. The location and availability of utilities. whether they be main trunk 3ines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. A11 authorizing signatures need to be originals. Date U.s. west Communications 468-b8G0 or 949 -4530 Public Service Gomgany 949 -5135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. � . 949 -5892 Enqineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -1224 . Mark Graves **Upper Eag1e Valley Water & Sanitation District * � 476-7480 Fred Haslee **A site plan is required. Fhysical locatioa of kaovvn utilities must be shown on the sit�e glan. Utility locations may ar may nvt offer service to th� property line. Aay utilitY extension required sha11 be the resgonsibility of the progerty awner. NOTE: 1 . If a utility company has concerns with the propvsed construction, the uti�it�r representati.ve should not directly an the utility verification foacm that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind tha�. it is the respc�n�ibi3�ty of the utility compan� ta resolve �denti��.ed problems. 2 . If �he utility verifi.cativn �orm has signatures from each vf the utility compani.es, and r�o comments are . made direc�3y on the form, the Town wi�� gresume tha� there are no problems and that the �leve�.opment ean prviceed. 3 . These verifications do not relieve the contfactor o� his responsibil�ty to obtain a street cut permit f rom the Town of Vai 1, Department of P�1 ic Works and t� i in any public ri.ght-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai�. . A b_ui_lding oerntit is not a_ str�et cut_ rrermit. A street cut permit must be Qbtained separately. 4 . Ianstallation of service lines are at the expense and zesponsibility of the property owner. 9 � Z�( NE CH$CK � + FDR Sin, le Family Residence. Duplex, Primary�5econdary ' 20N� DISTRICTS . DATE: LEGAL D S T '�IO : B1oCk Subdivision ADDRESS. OWNER PHONE - ARCHITECT FHONE ZONE DISTRICT �D��LL PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE BUILDA.BLE L4T AREA Allow�� Existina Pro o� sed , Totd]. xeight (30) 433) � Total GRFA ____�_^_� Primary GRFA + � _ � 5ecandary GRFA + � - Setbaeks Front 20 � Sides 15 ' ,� / _ Rear 15 ' site coverage ��"�� � �� � ��72- �(� ��d� Landscaping � Retaining Wall Heights 3 ' /6 ' Parkinq Reqrd �Encl Garaqe Caredit ' �340� {5fl�) (94A) (120D) Drive: Permitted Slope �.� Propoaed Slope �� Complies with T.O.V. Lighting prdinance Yes 'No Wat�r Course Setback (3p) (5p} Do Finish Grades Exceed 2 : 1 (S0�} � YE3 NO Environmentai/Hazards: 1} Flood Plain 2) Percen t S 7.ape {< � 3 p�) 3) Geologic Hazards a) 5now Avalanche b) Rockf all c) Debris Flow 4� wetlanas View Corridar Encroachment: Yes Nv Do�s this request involve a 250 Addition? How much af the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requ�:st?� Previous candit�ons of appraval (ch�ck pragerty �ile) . 1p r ' ' � '� --r--�-- -� ` \� � � ( i� ` �� � � � �• � . � , , • ' .,k �PPR�VED BY TH� �.��.i�,.. _ =_ , �'�VV1��0� VAfL � �� .� -�"' � � `�- o ��\ �3��t��! ���1N BQARD 4^ � i4 ��� ,� -� t�v�c[i NGw �tt�V��xr.�rn. �` D�a i" .,,.,p`��0� S�' _ - � �iv7RY I�o a '. �rrr�Y - � �': , ._ �J,, ��� /'g, f ��_ `��� PLA��=r`�: �.� \�� � �/,.�'� � ���s,��F t,5 xt�. 1 - 5 �� , � � -�or� �Nr�r aFr����. - ♦ � � `�.. � ���� ���1 - ,,.�e, � ''1.� � �'�. ��. � �D� � ` '`.�� � �"\ \\ �' � ; , -� �' � . � ��� / �� � �� �/ � � . � �G� Q � � \` �'- . �_ _..._.._. .__—._.._,,� �, � . � �� S�c Er nrv:�ia �oR �' ��y�!11 `� � . . �a�Y� ra B� Aa�EV ��:1.� � . � � ,� , L...__-�------ . .. . � . .__..-.._.. ..'__'.____.. , ti _ . .. . , �y . � • , . . �._:�'A�e,�—�+�r1-��-n�wS c-dr�a���r�.r.�t,� ' �o�� �c��;� al'-�a` =:L�T..._.�= N�R rr�Je Nor�� ��rt��.,��. � ----�-.---�- - ----- _ . �_��.,-��; _���.�.�. --- ____ ___J __�.__ � -- �, -- - -- _.---- �T_.� � — _. , , =-�=�---�- _=--�:_...:r:-�r,- _ 4�---� � � � ��'�� � _ _ _�. _ I - ^ ,.� I �. �--. �l_ _ � � � �1 . . � � ��s - — - --� - - r-- � - _ ,_ � --- ��..�{ �_ ---- _� �., �`- .�. 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Slf��/eyl� ; r y , � � .r �+..' � --- -- ij �� � 'T• • • ♦' _ __ — _ - �""_.—�° _, "'- � i I �� � 1 g �fX �p -RfD� �° X�O .�df�i Y � � ( �� � { I ' —_____ r n � � " ��,�EI�d1� � . � �. 3 "� w � ! � e � ' ------ �_ _�_._ --�,� _R•_ ___._ .�____.__..._---.---___.._ : , �j x, p� ____.. � �1� 5��.o�,�x � ; �� � 4 -�-------__ _ � . ____ , ���.. i , i .— - - ����- ��N�� ;P,p�f��� �1�`��S ; � i '� i E � --�- � . ..r- � ; w . . �__(t-��� ,�A�7. �ll�r �! i � � , �'�x� �i�.��-r-"-�� �-^ - -- � - f ,���� + , � _ ._ ; �, , F'�� �, �� �f�� . ��. ��A!-�- 1vo.3 F �'_.1-��� o,v��� ., : � �X4-xl2'�� 6coc}� .� ;_ _�l:�.t+�/ ����'1`: ' � , ��otT TH�U-J�+l,r3t.L} �.; s; � ; ; 3�. ►��„ ', �t ����i�`�� �lG7 : : ,�i, � .�_-�-r#'�� _�o�� ��?�r� ��wf�i-��. '; ►�� � ����ly!-_Ts��-i������ ` � �1 E i � �; � �2 ''. � � � .���1� l'�'.��.%� �� ��� ; � . . M - � „ t,� � �J �- ------_---_� � ��j . �4; —�-- �` ,. ; � '; ' ����-�,�_�L � I : ���- �x� 5 %'f�c> �,�;� . , • � �S � . gX�x 41! Dl...s L � .I.,` � . `7� t� �"..,ic ( L II�r J�oL Y'� ' . :.' � cy�' E�j' ��'�� _ �:j { � ` ;, I , � �� _ -, � �(� ; ____�..�______..____....___.__ � _ ts���f�, ���R � '• � . %���.�.,� . # .. �_- . � . •.� -, , �. ' , . . , ,; • 4 t � l�,.� t ':��'�==- ��i t� t'� �. � �� ! /6"� ��,� .p��f� '�� � �L,�.�.�..� � � � � ��"' ���-hJ�� ' ` ' GAG.E; ljr��'M /.p�� J!-Z0�p7 ' o � . . � , .� ;Np. � ���� I��. _ �" !����_��_d_ —.� � �'' �� :_�� �� � t 5 _ --��--�-�---,.--- - - - � ' Qther Simpson Strong�Tie°COf�NECTORS FOR flECK GaNSTRUCTION a eca A35 FRAMING ANCHOR 1 1� ) ,'. , Ha � �u2e � '� ,0 Unique ben�ing slols let yau �f • „,��° ' f adjust anchor ror a great M5 I' H SEESMIC AND � � � '�' � t vaneIy o!canneetians. "` �I�RRICANE APICHORS ' ' � Speed pron s permit laster, pr�ride wind and seismic 1 �3s • �• easier inst��at�an. � ties tar t�usses and � • � BCd T CAP ' �4 rarters.Nso used as LUS LIGHT DOUBLE SHEAR LUS46 P05 all-purpose tles Nfiere one (.0 ECONOMY A papular and posf6ve memtrer crosses ano�ec �p�ST HANGEFt JOIST HANGER bouble shear 5 eonnedlon between post and Far Gmher sizes 2x4 to 2x14: ��1ea�ure far tas[er ir�taila8on, beam.Eliminates laenailing Pron s in he�der on . fewer nails,mure strength 4han and conirols splitGng. �� 9 h� compaliblek�ngers. �.• ' i ,o PBS44 AIVGLE RCASE •o' 'Q STANDOFF A siructural�sound '- ac4o ' � �o' •o' , PO$T BA$E" � � and econom�cal method ' o (� • Non-wdded. 4 TA9 ; of sfairCase framing. f; I• F e a t u r e s 1" Avai�ble for 10"and EPB4dELEYATED • � . LPC4 �';:T`: � .. l standoe 17'treadwidihs. � ' height ahove P05T BASE' .o' e POST GAP ,.; e., concrcte. �ata Adjustaele 6 a. Elevates post � design allows greatar canneciion ° 6„; • a t�;, 1or moisture ~-� o protection artd BC40 HALF ��tility.Joins 4x pnsts a m : easy cieanout POST BASE" lo members 25�'to 3�/z" res�a4 i GBSA4, � o �y . underposts. ConVofsposlspliqing widc. STANDOFF o °�4° cs Muttiple sizes. and eliminales . • ABE44 ECDNOMY �Q�'��N tcenailing.Ideal ADJUSTABLE POST BAS�" ABE44 ��� �;,.e °; connector tor atlachin9 �cs Nigh nail placemerit attows toc � fi� '`� Fur heavier � top-connecled posts uplift capaaty.Includes adjustmenl !' • �i laads ihan ,� � EPBaA `{ , � P65d4-5ame ' �•'b ro a wood deck.. � � � � �..: sbl lor anchor baft and 1' ; �� � � �' ���,� �� Standolf plale. °'� *Not recammended br nomtap-sopparted i�tallatiuns. `;;�:5, '� � w Additianat Simpson �tron�Tie�C�4NNEC'I�R� FOR DO-IY-YOURSELF C�NSTRUCT�ON • • • ���e $�� ACE END POST CAPS A3�FRAMING For use as post cap at 6eam . ANCHOR � � �` b � ' ends.Comes in rights or ACE6 AOB ' . $�CIB��� � �iS n � � • a��g� d b� .�• ior use an � • ° � o . �� 2� � 2x3 and�d � °�' � AG � hami�. � E PQST CAP � V �f � d ST STRAP TIES �a � . ° � o � E� E�hances appearance, / R�tul6purpose strap ties offer � � adds stru�turaE value � high strength soiution to many ° ' for 4x and 6x post sizes. � LUP SPE�D PROPtG con�ction probfems:ridge 1 � JOIST HANGER Ues,wa11 intersectiotts, FB FENCE ; For timber saes 2�A iruss ptates,etc. BRACIiET �o; l0 2x14.Pro�gs in joisl neae 2 � a� and header. _ Posch,patin,tence 'o; ' � � ane Inuver haMwarc. � , °� . Lacates and secures i � � m � ,_��, ` rails or louuers °o' � '� CB CbLUMN BASE , ,�, ,§ b �' • to posi. izar ;I -'�� ' � ° For post artd oolumn b�:�;°' > �• .. � ! •••�„te9 �vo•:.M � m�' Il�h 1lUC[I1�I lI{I19 �r.,, e : " F914 � � AS A�JUSTABLE � �S ' I� P�ST BASE' �� �9u� •. ;� •'a� MAS T&L o •°• � ' Pg��� r ���' MUDSILL ANCHOR STRAP�IES � _ Q Fuly adjustaAle pas�hase eharacter- PB o 1 , aflers moisture protectwn, ;�� , ppgT BASE` 51NGlFSIDE , � General purpase i Fi5tG5l atld lUwest F824 � o struclural values,casy o For concrele anchorin braci straps � 9• . o availab e in installation and finished installed cost �' --� a � NEulliple sizes availa6le ������ multiple saes. ea �. �BA+ incwdi rau � N� � n$ � avaifa6le.Nai!to �� *i'Hbf recommended Ior non-IoP-supported installauons_ 4����' muds�f ar direCt�([u Sfud. � � .`�.. . ,:•'� . . �,{T`� ,, CONSTRUCTI�N PERM�T NOTE � COPY QF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE � , DATE TULY 21, 1994 , c��� l ++� PERMIT NQ. � ��� � Yal I.TYPEnFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V department of comrnuni#y developme�t 2.00CUPANCY GRpUP A 8 E H I 62 M BUILC7ING Z ELECTRICAL TO BE FILLED OU7 C(7MPLET€LV�RIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT DIVIS4O�1 1 2 2a 3 4 0 TYPE OF PERM IT GENERAL DESCRaPTION DF WORI{ : ? PLUMBING TF.AR (7FE F.X��T�TNC;, .�CT'AI.T. BTTLTT���d� ¢ � RII�LfIIAt(Y; n �'��.IAARE�(`.-� AAT] �}��::r',�,.T''.S. �;s�a� n r. > MECHAhIICAL .,ruit:. n� y�T.S`�'e ivli ❑ ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUN�DA�fIQN ❑ MECHANICAL � TYPE GROUP G.R F.A. VALUATION PERMII` FEE� LEGAL LOT V 1HR R-i BUIL�INGPERM�T 33G.00 �, ESC. FILlNG p ptnrvcH�cK � JOS NAME: pARK REROOP ELECTR�CAL � � OWNER A f1W.�i T f111f;E_ NEW( ) ALTERATION( � AfJDITIONAL( ) REPAIR PtUMBING � MAIL ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODA710N U�JITS MEGI-EANICAL � CITY P . kEIGHT IN FT. NQ.�lREPLACES RECREATION FEE � INSULATlON: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ARCHlTECT FIRM _ _ dES�GN REVIEW BOARp � � � MAIL ADi7RESS FLOOR CLEAh1 UR DEPOSIT �SO.OO � `� EXT.WALLS � CITY PH- — USE TAX � RooF WILL C�LL 3.00 � FIRM �&� ROQFING _ GENERAL TYPE e�.ec. Gns C�NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REC'a. Nb. 12�#�5 oF TOTAL PERMIT FEES �3Q7.00_ SOLAR WOO� TE�E, b68-5552 HE�r ___ �A:� s�rar�EK 7-21-94 F�RM ADDITIdNAL PERMITS NEEDED: Bl11LDING QFFICIAL � DATE �ECr�ica� Y N INITIAL C�NTRACTQR TOWN UF VAIL REG. N�. ST.CUT ONING AD�AINISTRATOR DA7E � � TELE. BLASTIMG ONING & �UIL171NG NOTES: FIRM PARKING Pi.UMBlNG - CQNTRACTQR TOwN OF VAIL REG. N�. o�nno TELE. FIRM I hereby ac�nmwledge that I have read this applicatiQn, filled out in full the information requi�ed, MECHANIGAL carnpleted an accura#e plo# plan, and state that all the information provided as required is cc�rrect. I CONTR,4CTQR Towr� oF vai�aEG. No. agree to compfy with the information and }�Iot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE. 11V�lS, and tn build this structure according to the Town's zpning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform 8uilding Code and othe�.o.r,�i,j.¢a�ces of the Town a ,, licable ther�eto. tJTHER F�R�n `""". i/i ; � �,, TOWM OF VAIL REG. NO. CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT T0: IGNAT OF OWNER R �' `RACTOR FOR HITv15ELF �ONTRACTtiR TE�E. �� �`�'�"C' f'�-�___. qrtor owrrE�. ��ry'." "/u�r�f/ �� 7C_°L' (�'C,., ��.r�l���a I� -_._� �„�'��,FP It1�lIT �l f f r r� . � ��"UL�dt�i UI' �711J:L COTZSTItt]C'i'�011� �` ' 1'�FZI•fT'1' APPL�:CE'1'1'ION FUIZI�I � ��.� DA'i'E: 71���/g� '`-;�`' � ��� � a ���� ,�,�'I'LIC11'1'TUTd !'lU5'1' i3E FILL�ll OU'1' COI�tPLE'i'�LY t3R I'Pk I�I11Y IJUT I3� 1t CEP'i'ED , �+ ����v4�'*a��N����,�����,*��� ****�**; �*�,�**�,�,��,�,�*�**��**��������*� Y�1�I�II'1 1I11�ORI•i1�ilON _'�_.��� [�]-�3uilviny � �—PIL13illi.lI1C� [ ]-Electrica7. � ]—t�eGl]aI11Ca1 [ ]—O�11BI: � ��=° " 'F 14 72 Matterho�n Circl.e, Vail JoU 1Jai�ie, ark h��e��ows Jol� 1lddzess: Lez�al Uescripi:ioti: Lot ���ck �-472 �ilit�y SUt3ll1VISI0�V; Ma���r?�io� Vill�Re park Meac�a�as T�od e 1ladre�s: 1472 ►�f�.tterhom C'irc1P P1i. 475-559� O�,a�iers 1�(�i�ie: q _ 1�i clii�:ect: �1aaa:ess: PIi. � G er�era:L Ues c�::i�p i:a.an•�� of� Existing,Tnst�ll Bituthene and s�,incrles sarne as ex.istin j • �. j+7�rk Clas�: [ ]-N�w [ �—I11t:�Z c3�:1GI1 [ ]-I��lclitiot�al [ �J-Repair [ ]-Ottier NuiFllie� of �welling Uiiits: 2�1ui�rJ.�er oi �cca�iianac�ativn Units; 1d �jnl�ez a>>ci Type of l�:ireplaces: Gas ��pliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet : ***�*���t����*,����*���r�*����*�,t��* VALUI�`1'XO1JS �t��**��t*�r�***�*��****��t***�**�*�4 � .T3UILD�I�1G: � 2�3000.00 �L�C'.�'RICAL: � O'i'Ii�R: � I �'LUI�lI3ING• � P1�CI�I�IdTCI1L: � TOTI�L: � " �� � � *�,�**�****�����t���***�*�*** C0�1`i'��11CT�R TNFOIZT�'l11'1'TON �'*���*****�`***'�*'��****��*'�, �ealeral Cc�n�zacLvr� G & e Roo.fin�, Inc. `I.'own of Vai�. Reg. 3��. 124-5 j r�aa���s: p-O. �ax 817, Frisco, CQ 8�J443 �'lion� Idu�nbe�;653-5552 ,' 1 �lectrzcal C�ntract�o�: To�rn o� Vail �eg. Na._��� Aci�ress: Plione Nuii�er: � Pl.wnbir�g Corii:racl�or: `i'�wiZ c��' Vail Rey. NO._� Ac�ares�: Ptio�le 1�1uzn�er: � rleclaa��ica1 Cont�aci:ar: Town o� Vail Reg. 110.�; �aar���• �hone twlumbe�: I �**�*�,�*��*���*����*�������t����� T'aR O11?ICE UST, ���*�r�*����****���c��t,t**�***���� }3UILllTt�� 1�ER1viIT F��: ;�.-�l� � �UIL1��:I�G PL�F�I� CH�CI� T'E�: _ � 1���` ` PI�l1�I3I1`�G F�CRMI`I' 1aL''�: ^ PLUl�lF3TI3G PL71.ld CfiECiC F��: � 1�i�CII11NIC11L PF'R.I�tI'1' FE�: T�1�CII111�TC1�L PL11I�t CFi�CK T'E�: f L`']��C'.I'R�C�L FEE• 1t�CR�11`1'ION F�E: ,_r�� Q`,i'Ii�R TYFL OF FLE• ���, ',�..(� ��� CL�11I1wU1:� ll�POSTT: ��— � ��tl� �`EL: • `1'C�`i'AL PERMI`i' FEES: ` I `t'Y�'L G1tOUP SQ.1�'1'. VI�LU.�`i'IUI1 FSUIL�3It1G: �'�/f-� � f f�� ,�''� SIGN11'I'UI2�: zal�a r���: � �� s���1n��Urt�: � � � � Co�ninetits• _ �F G & G Rc�of_a.n�, rnc, I� R • CLL.�N 11k' 1)!�1'.QSI'i It�1�Ulill Z�J: P.�. Box 817, �isco,C�80443 i �f � � ~ � � � . Plan l�eview Based on the 1991 Unifarm Codes NAIvIE: PARI� MEADOWS RER�OF DATE: 7-21-94 ADDRESS: 1472 MATTERHORN CpNTRAC'T(�R: G & G RO�FING VAIL, C�LORAU� ARCHITECT: NaNE OCCL)PAI'�TCY: R-1 EI'1�INEER: NQNE TYPE C)F COhTSTRUCTI�N: V-1HR FLANS E�AMINER: DAN STA:NEI£ CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed belaw are nt�t intended to be a camplete listing of all possiible cod� requirements in the adopted cades. It is � guide to selected sections of the codes. The followiRg is not to be construed to be an appraval af any viqlation of;�ny of the provisians of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Tovvn �of Vail. 1. FT1ZE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL 1S REQUIRED BEF�RE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. CANNdT USE MATI`ERH�RN CIRCLE F4R ANY UNLC3�4,DING C}F MA�'ERIALS OR �4,1'+« STAGIIVG �F ANY KIND. 3. FIELD Ii'�TSPECI`ION IS REQUIRED TQ CHECK FOR CODE CC)MPL�ANG�. TO��� �� '��e� ����� �� r�'������ �x��+ ��`� �! � � `� � , w.a- !w,�.s �.,� .��� � �������-���`�' r .� ,. - � - � INS��TI�N REQUEST � ', T{aWN OF VAIL ; PERMIT NU�ABER OF PRQJEGT 479-213$ . ' � �'`� . � Y DATE � � J�'�B NAME �`� ` ��"�_ �' �� ��: • . _ �� � r �f , � � � � ., , ._jfi . ' �; CALLER , "� �` - � ,�r '� �,� r�r�r�� { . %� � ; �� ,� � - " � � READY FOFi 1NSPECTIDN: '"MQIV TUES W�D THUR FRI AM PM L�CATIOfV: — � �..' r' ` �-tkr' � ..__ .,�- ,, BUILDlNG: PLUMBiNG: ❑ FOOTII�IGS / STEEL ❑ UNDERGRC?L1N� ❑ FiOUNDATION / STEE� ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. 0 FFiAMING ❑ ROUCH / WATER � RQOF & SHEER p GAS RIPING RLYWO�D NAILING ❑ INSULATION ❑ POQL / H. fiUB ❑ �HE�TRUC'� NAIL � ❑ O "�l FINAL ' ' ❑ FI�VAL ELECTRICAL: MECHQNICAL: ❑ TEMP, P01NER ❑ HEATING ❑ ROUGH ❑ EXHAUST �1C70DS ❑ CONDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ INAL Q FINAL PROWED 0 D15APPRQVED . EINSPECTIDN REOE�IRED RRECTIONS: DATE INSP�CTOA NOTE — CaPY OF PERMIT TO 8E KEP�f ON JOBSITE - �Y� �ONSTRUCTION PERIU�IT Auaust Z�, 199� 4 ' DATE �� r � � � �:+ � PERMIT MO. �0�118 Y�I � -�v�E a�co�usrRUCT�orv � �� ;�� �v v departrraent af comrrrunity development 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP p � E � i a M BUILCSiNG z E��cTRicn� 3flfl{�.00 TG BE FILL.�C?QUT CdMPLETELY PF{Ef)R TO ISSUAfJCE OF PERfv11T DIVISIOIV Y 2 2a 3 4 p � i;ENERAL OLSCRIPTIQM OF WORK : � Pt�Uj1ABING TYPE OF P�RMIZ' Add ranges to 1I units. � --- —-- — > Iv1tCHANICAL ' �UiLD1Nt� J PLU�IBII�G �—_ !_�ELECTRIGAL ' � FQUNDATIO(� -�., _�.— '� MECHANIt�AL {_JI �� 1.472 Matterhorn Cr. �v�E GR�UP G.a.F.n vA�uaTiorv P�RMIT FEES :_EGAL LOT� $LK BUILDING PERMIT DESC. FILING -- �N PLANCHECK -- ,,,� .i08 NAME• Parl� Mea���d w � E��cTStECA� � � _�-- -_.— __ ___.— — �. ._._ �'� OWtVER NAME aYYOW H1tt _ NEW� 1 ALTERATtQFJ(�s� ADDITIONAL( ) RFPAIR( 1 PLUMBING � . MAiL AE30RES5--.--. �,_,,,_��__._ Dvo'F:.'_?ti't;l.'hEITS ACCOt�4MUDATlON UNITt. ..._---_ MECHRNICAL CITY PFi 6-SJ�}$ ;�Eii�HT IN F7 _ -_ NC� F'REPLACES —._. RECREATION FEE 1� _ -- --.. � — --___ - _- ARCHETECT FIRfi�l ____ aNS�1LAT101�1. 7vPE _THeCK!�1E55 R-UALLiJE _ pESIGN REVtEW BaARt3 � R.00R 'M MA• I�AppRESS __ __.--- _.—_—_-. CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT � � EXT NJ�LLS CITY PH. --.---_ _.�—.._ .—_ 11SE TA% �COF --' °--- — - -I --_ GENERAL FiRM - --- ----- -- -- — COhfTRACTO�? TOWN QF VAIL FiEG. ND. TYPE E�EG G/�s TOTAL PERMfT FEES 54.00 o� so�aR waoo TE�E. H�Ar - _ -- __ Ernst Glatz�e 8--23-93 -- - --- _ --- — fIRM D011�I� Q E12Ct�1C ADDIT!Q1�AL PERMfTS NEEt�ED: BUILDINGOFF�CIA� � � DATE � � � �L���RIC�I�. 19�-E Y N INITIAL CQNTRACTOR ���ty dF 4AIL�IEG. NO Sz.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR � DATE ���f%' .� c/ � - ---- - 7ELE. a�asrsrvG ZONING � BUILDING hfDTES: FIRM �ARKlNG - - - f'I.iJMBfNG - CQNTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ��Mo TELE. ---_. _ �iR� I hereby acknowledge that ! have read ihis application, filled ou# in fuiP tha inforrr�atiar� re�uired, MECHANICAL completed an aecurate plot plan, and state that all the ir�formation provided as required is correct. I C�NTRACTpR �pwN OF va1� R�G. No. _ ___ agree to com}�ly with the information and plot plan, to compiy with al� Town ordinances and state TELE. IaWS, a�d to build this structure according to #he Town's zar+ing and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances o��t#►e Town appli bie thereto. OTHER Fi�t�n :.. � � / _ .�-�- .G�-C_G'' °-c�.�.C�xs 'r-��`-�- TQWN (3F VAIL REG. NQ. SIGNA7UR OF DWNER OR CONTRACTOR FO IMSELF COIVTR,ACTOR T�LE. AND�HE �WNER. , TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIUN p��zT �� ��.�� � PERMIT APPLICATIOl'� F`ORM " DATE: �' j',�'r,4 i C!'� APPLICATION MUST BE FILLEI) OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ****�***���t*************�*��* PERMIT INFORMATION *�a��*�***�t**�r,r******��*�***** [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbinc� " [��-Electrica]. [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other ,._-----�:___ Job Name: ��h�t�� �'l�e�c��•�?� �ob Addres s: z"�� � ��`� �;''�'�2_,"�:7��' ��_w �'� �in°��.�,i �� �`�5�e�1 Legal Description: Lot �! �<T��- Block � � Filing � �� su$Dlvzsl��r: S'� �� ��r ; �. Owners Name: ��•Y��,� �_ �-�d i� Address: a '� �-- �1�=��2����. �� Ph. `� " �°-�'���' Architect: Address: Ph, General Description: �-� � +���,_,,�, -;, ���� � , �9�^���� � �� Wark Class; [ ]-New [ �-Alteration �j-Additional [ ]-Repair [ �-Other Number of Dwell.ing Units: � � Number of Accommodai�ion Units: � � N mber and Type o� Fzreplaces: Gas AppZian��s Gas Lags Wood/Pellet ***********�********��t*****�****� VALUATIONS **********���x***�******�********* BUILDING: $ ELECTRICAL: � �CC�C'�. c��� aTHER: � PLUMBING: $ MECHANIGAL: $ TOTAL: � *****************�********* C�NTRACTOR INFORM�,TION *****�*�**�****�*�*****�*** eneral Contractor: Town af Vai7. Reg, NO. Address: PhQne Number. : �lectrical Contractor: ��c���� Q ����.�� � _ Town of Vail. Reg. NO. Address: �,ca �� ��; �� �. ��� �;� ±�, Phone Numbez�: ����� P�umbing Cvntra�torr Town c�f Vai]. Rec�. NO. Address: Phone Numbez-: Mechanical Contractar: Town of Vail. Reg. ND. Address: Phone Nunibez�: ***********#�t***����*�****��**** FQR OFFICE USE *�t���**�r*****�����*��*��******** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL FERMIT FEE: `� MECHANICAL FLAN CHECK FE;E: _ ELECTRICAL FEE: • G�� RECREATION FEE: � QTHER TYPE OF FEE: '�-.---�'` CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: TC►TAL PERMIT FEES: -#�--���c� > ��' __._ -----. TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALt1ATT�N $UILDING: �c: � SIGNATURE: i Z�NING: _....._ _ _ _ _ _. . . _. SIGNATURE: ---.._.--.-.--_�._ --� Camment�• CLEAN '�7P DEP.�SIT REFQND TO; � � r , ti . '�w �OW� 0� ��� 75 soulh irantage raad vail, colorado $1657 (303) 47�-2�38 or 479-2I39 otilce of commu�{ty develapment TO: ALL CONT'RACTORS CLTRRENTLYL REGISTERED� WITH THE 'rOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOWN OF VA�L PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNIT� D�EVELOPMENT DATE. MARCH 1&, �98$ SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTI�N PARIiT�TG & MATERIAL STORA.G� In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful fvr any person td l.itter, track or d�posit any svil, ro�k, sand, de�ris or m�aterial, inc�uding t�ash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any str�et, sidewa�k, a11ey or public place or any portian thereof. The right-ot-way an all Town of Vail s�reets and r�ads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced b� the �own af Vail Pu�lic Warks Department. Persons found viQ�.ating this Qrdinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In ttte euent th� persc�n so notified does not comply with the nn�ice within the 24 hour time speci�ied, th� Fublie Warks Department wi11 xemove said materia2 at the exp�nse of person natified. The prvvisions af this ordinance sha�.� not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects af any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in �ull, please stop by the Town of Vai.l Building Department ta obtain a copy. Thartk y�u �4r your coaperation on this matter. Read and acknow3.�dged by: � ! ��,_, ,�a , ,� ��-. ��, - J' f� �,'.'C�._e�z�.l�. � ✓,,�'.. � t I— �``"�� � ,r,`.�+%� � �ositianfRelatio�nship �a Proje�t (i.e. contractar� Q�wner � ; , {,,l�f' �f�� �,; ��? �' � �Date � � � a ��1� � tawn of uai 75 south froMage raad vail, colarada 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 c►ffice of comrewnity derelopmeiit BUILDING p�R�;I7 I55uANCE �IME FRAr�E If th�s perm�.t requires a 7own of Uail Fire Department Approva7 , Enganeer'es (Publ �c Warks) re�riew and approvai , a Planning De�partment rev�ew or �iealth Department review, and a review by the Buiiding �epartment, tl�e estimated t�me for a total review may take as long as t�iree weeRs . A1� commercial (large or small } and all multi-family �ermits wi�l have to follow the ab�ve ment�oned maximur� requirements . Resid�ential and srr�all pro,jects should take a lesser arnount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects �mpact the var�ous above mentio�ned departments witfi regard to necessary review, these prajects may a�so ta ke t�ie tiiree week peri od. Every attempt wi'Il be made by tf�is department to expedi�te this pet°mit as soon a� passible. I, the urider�igned, understand th� plan check procedure and t�rne frame. � �7 - � � � '.!`t/. ^iJ_. f Agreed to y. t,<;: ;%-' �'%,f, ,.1r'�,1�_- u�,, j �Praject Name 1, r', - � . _i / Date Work Sheet was turned into tTie , Community DEVelopment Department. � � � � � INSpE�Tl01'V REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PRC�JECT TOWN OF VAIL �;;` DATE — � JOB NAME �___ ' - �e=— ;� CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MC�N TUES WE� THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDiNG: PLUMBWG: � FOOTINGS / STEEL ❑ UN�D�RGRC�UND ❑ F�UNDATION / STEEL ❑ ROUGH / D.1N.V. ❑ FRAMING ❑ ROUGF� ! WATER � ROOF & SHEE� ❑ GAS PIPING PLYWOOtJ NAILrNG ❑ INSULATION 0 PC?�JL / H. 'fUB ❑ SHEETI�C7CK NAIL ❑ ❑ ❑ _ C] FkNAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRICi4L: M�CHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. PC)INER _— ❑ HEATING ❑ ROIJGH ❑ EXHAUST HOQDS ❑ C�NDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR E> ❑ 0 FINAL ❑ FINAL 0 APPROVE�} C] D15APPRQVED 0 REINSPECTION REqUIR�D C�RR�CTI�NS: QATE WSPECTOR _ F'PIN'."SHOP 3 � � r II'�ISPECT#ON R�EQUE�T PEFiMIT IVUM6ER OF PROJECT TOWN C7F VAIL � DATE �. JQB iVAME �_� • .. -- , CALLER : READY FdR 1NSPECTION: MON TUES WED THL.iR FRI AAII PM ' L�CATI�N: �UILDiNG: PLUMBING: ❑ FOOTINGS / STEEL ❑ UNDERGROUND _ ❑ FOUNDATIOhJ / STEEL ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. i- 0 FRAMING _ � ROUGH / WATER _ � ROCYF & SHEER p GAS PIP1fJG � PLYWQOD f�AILING � INSULATiON ❑ P�OL / H. TUB ❑ SHEETRQGK NAIL _ — ❑ ❑ ❑ p Fli`JAL CJ FINAL ; ELECTR ICAL: MECHAN�GAL: ❑ TEMP. POWER ❑ HEATIf�G � ROUGH ❑ EXHAUST HOODS ❑ CQN�UIT � SUPPLI' AIR p ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL 0 APPROVED ❑ D15APPROVED C] REINSPECTI'Ot� REQUIRE� coR��c-rion�s: DATE INS�'ECTOR Pn.*rrs�toP � . � �A�1�k- ���S JOB ������ MechanicallElectrrca! � / 0048 fast 8eaver Creek Bfvd. sHeer No. o� Ber�chmark Plaza,Suite 3Q7 ��q�y���� � P.O.Box 574(?,Avon,CO 8162(1 CALCUUITED BY DA7E YA14, co�:o�AOO �Q3-449-1I91 FAX:944-1J59 cH�cKEOSV � onre � ���'�� Oenver Direct Line:825-0p63 ' sca�� � ,h ; ... _.. - -- -- . . <. _ . �lf`�, �!��'..�.�� ��,�-f�:�C�, ���vs,� �'�����1�'I�t. --f - � _ .... : ........ :.... : _ .. , ' - - �tr�..�k�[� � � �4� . ' �.....�.��'�c.a-�... ��.. .n�....�-•_..'�'� .. .... . , ._ ...�... ' .... . _. _ ,.. _ C��-�.�..... �...t�.�.,►� �oa� :.� w��� � �.�o �� � ��� �,� :.. ............ ;�_,�,� �.����..�..� �,Q�.d f- � '�'� t...:� �� : �, ' -: 3c�o +��, .. . .. ... � - --- .._.._ _ , ; .. . .�,�� � �r� �,�:'� �°fa . - � = �....:�� . : .o _ ,_ _ . _ � � ���.,.- .a�+' ��p�_ �. xa.��� � � �� _ . .47 � . -- - , ; ... . __ _ _ .� ���� v� _ = _.. �...o�a . . ....._� .......: .. � ��� -�� - _ - r -- : __� , b .... . . . _ �� ��� .. _,.: ._ ......... : � � ��� ��. : A �} ./��/ I+�� : f '_.... , ......��� ���.._�F+'S _, !"..�4,� jA l...._�.... �'�.f....t./ �� . .._ , � . . ._ ���,,a���4�� �t �Y P�� � ��_ . ..... . ... .� .. . .. . . .. . � --- .. . ... : _. ._ __ ��r� : �--i �� �� .... 3:_'����. � �l�� ; �� = (..9�D�� .. � � � �. � S u:�.�4� '���('c�,�° _�v a�i .;.__ �..'� �.....f� .��� ,- , _� u�► , _ __ . _ - - -- �,,�-s-� ��t� ..:. �,�- .......� �_.. � --� �c�, - __ �-� . �.��-... °� �I�.&�� ��' =.-- �a`�� �1� , :..._ :._..... , �........:.. p ' ?�g�.. �� - ; --. _ ,_ .. , _ 1:�� .. �ooa v�. . ....... � ...... . ..... ��� .. ..:. __ -- _ .. _. .... ...: . .. .... _ :.. ... . ... _ . `'��-a:.� ; L�r�_�.d , _ _ �..�. �rr� . ..._ ...... r� _ ��, �.: . . . , . .. .. .......... .... .�.. __[i��a�:� _� � 2�0 �. .�- � ��_..�.:.�.��. , -------- - - -----...,:-.�, . _ .. _.._._ _. _..�..._ _--�--------- .y � . • �oe i Mecl�anical/E'lectrlcal r�, f ������ 0048 EasC 8eaver Creak 81vd. sHEer r,o. oF ✓ Be�chmark Plaza,Suife 307 CdLCULAfED BY — OAFE ,����p,�� J� P.O.$ox 6740,Avon,CO 9I620 V A 1 L; C O L O R A D D 3a3-949-I.�9I FAX:9�9-I939 CHECKEG BY �, bar� � '�—�� Iknver Direct Line:825-OOb3 • scr+�.E _.. ' . - ---. �� ,(.��j�-�> _.... _ . ..._ _ ; - . . : _ - - — � __ _ ' ���� �.�a -� . ��1 �� S� -- lp� ;� �-��� ����v u� �, �� . ,�,� �v � ....,d� � �°�� . _...... .._ ;._ ...,. .... _ ° _.....:. ;.., :_ � _ . N., . : : :x �� �a� �.. _ ...... _ ..... ° , .... . . ........_ ..... . .:..... ..; ? _..... 1.�..:�, �.v._�. ..... _ ..... ..:._... :.. �r�� :� v� �,....���. _ . _;-....... .��.�� .....:. _; ... ' ---� ��°��.. ��.�_��� �.,��,�"'�. �.�..�_..,..�� � . . ... .... _ .. . -. _. ._.. .. ,_.. . ! ....:. . �� �'�,�� : : _. . ,.. . .. . - - ---: ��, �_��. �� �ta;,�� ;►ru��t` .. . - : -. .;f. ...... _.__ . ;._.. � ; : _ � __ . ; ; .._-_ ,._ ���- ; -�.� �.� T�� ��-�� - �1 ,�•�� ___ . - �.� �� �� - - . _ . . , _ .. . ._:... . . _ �:-1-�, �;� �v.�. �2� �� � R��_-. �,�"�,. ��_ _ . : . '_..... . :-- .:...... ... �,l(:_ �__�'S�.....o..�'. �� _ , _'_ : _ _ .............. � ��1.. ,,�..�?.�x..� ��` : ���c�,c�; ...._��..-�,�r--�°'G :...� .._ .�.•���, �� �tA.. � . . :.. ... . .. . . _ .���.�c'�� 1r� = _�.�....,�"'�r�� x ..:.._3�a .s.��-...�. �.`�'.._�`�� ..... ...... . .: . � / `�-., :_. _ �_._�._... �r.�.....�.��� .�` ;..CF:�t,�. .�. .. � .,.�_. ��l��... ....._`, .... ' .... ...... , .. ; ��� f.�P� ��a ..._?�_ �� E�..m:.. : ... : �.. ��j(��.�YA... :(,�Q!�� ?�-�� ... _ ___ _ . __. __ __ ; : _ _������9 ��._ ry - _ _ _. . ���.� �.-��� .��- dw.��1�� u�� __ 11�,�����=: ���►� ��' � . _ . - - - . . I �� �����.: _ _ - � . .. . .: ��� �,��� Lo�i _ 'i5� w� . . � ...... , �..�.�;.�:�- _ ����_ �� �1��� _ ��� ��, , �r �°� ; � � X ��ac3� ; :��� ��_ : : ;... . ...... �.�,� �� ; . ; _ , . '��,� �� °:' �� •r - �,q�� � �.�� -- .--- _ _ ..___.,� _ _ ___--- ---.__ __. �_.._._._ a � � JOB � ������ Mechan� lectrst�! � �48 East Beaver Creek 81vd. sHE�r n�o. oF ✓ Benchmark Plaza,Saite 3a7 ca�cuuirea sv DATE Eng�,9er��g Cdxpl'�►� InG P.O.Box 574�,Avon,CO 8Ib?0 � - �' �� va r c, e o c o R A n a 303-949•1191 fAX.•9�9-1959 cH�cx�o eir oATe Denver Direcf Lir�e:825-0063 , SCALE ° ` : ' _ __ _ _. __. _ ,.. __ ; _ . . "'f'��� ��.. -- _�$��' � ..�_ �- -_�.�: �,,�.� �_ � �'�'�_�' �, �, _ - � � � . ___ _ : _ : � ; - .., � . . 4_ . .... ��.a.�-......�-�t'5'�"! ...... .......��I�� l.� °.:_. . ��d..... � �� � ���..�- ._. . _.. _ ....;.�h....... 'i'+�:.�.����.G,��.�..a :. :.._._.�1�'�...� ;...� �-.._�-� �.... .: ._��"�' �. s.__ ...:� �� �1i— � � , � � :. ....... , G�,. ��.�'� : � �a,,. _:�'v���_. .;. ��"'��: .. .._ :..._ �..�_......... ��-- .c�.�� �p.1�...� ... _ � : : � ; ; : ; ; : �� � . __ .... . _ _._. ° . _ ._... ���-$'���`� �. .'��-�= ... �.���*"��._+i�� ;.a�`�i�+ .�I���.t� �� ;.A��� �" ........ � ;i�� : ����"'�i ��L�,_T�. 1�',.+... �[ - J�.�..� �r....v..�t.�.��..• ;_ ;....... _. --- _ � ; _- °. . ' --_ . _ - . .... . .. ��� :i.. irfla. .. ; : _ . _.__ ;_ , -- _ _ . _ --- _,. _.... _.: ... , �P ���sY� _ . � .;.. : :_.... : : .... _ _ . __. . : ,.... . _ - , ',_ . ; ^ ... . __._ _ __ �.. _.....: : _.. ....._. _ . _� _........ .... :.. ; _ . ..'�r'J:.. :�` _ ':_ . . _ . ,. _ _. .. .. ... 0 ....... _ .� . ..... __ ._ �# : : �� � �����,. ..... .__ .... �.._. .. ; _.:..._. ........ : �� � a � � . ..,.. ..._ ... ........ ... . _ . q��_.. : ���:�` .... a� C4 %IOIInC72J!-tiRimMSheets11M.11P����lnr._fxnhmMass.O�¢75:aC�deiANCNF1�LifR�1-Pnt1-176"'S20 � � � � DUDDY-VIEIE CONSTRUCTION,INC. June 8, 1993 Mr. Danny Swertfeger Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects 1000 Sauth Frantage Raad West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Danny, Per your r�quest T have estimated the fo],lawing costs to move the lar�e rack and add one more bollard at the emergency access road near Fark Meadows. Loader & backhoe 550. 00 Bollard 418. Q0 Total $968.aa The estimate assumes work wi11 be done at the same time as the other boliard is being installed. � The estimate does nat include asphal.t pavement or roadway repairs should damage occur from the heavy equipment. Sincerely, DVC, Ii1C. � Craig runt Project Manager cc: Jim Telling - East West J�Yxn S�hell General Contractors, Engineers • 1000 5outh Frontage Raad West,Suite 202 • Vail,CoEorado 81657 • (303)476-3D82 • FA}C(303)476-3423 _ �`� ,J� �„��R ,�� � r>�:"�k� �' �,�; a;'; �� r�s � ^ ; ^ i + � • � �� . . � �` � .�� � � ,�'� � � � _ �� ��� � � ,,, : �,, ,� � - 6k� ��� '34:1 ,�;�. .i � `-�� � , � � /. ��� . / June 7, 1993 • �`' � i 7ti :, � �� �. Ms . Iiristan Prit� Tac,r. flf Vail Planning Depart:nent 75 South Frontage Roacl West Vail, CO $16�7 Re: Break�-Away Bollard at Farl� Meadows Access Road Dear K�istan: Th.� following is a summa�y of the things I discussed wi��h you, l�ick Duran, and several people from the Park Meadows Pro�ect, cc�ncerning the above ref�erenced ballar�. Please review and let me know if this information differs from your �anderstanc�ing of what was said. 'f . One break-away bollard is to be installed at the ea:�t end of �he emergency access road at a point 10 ' -0" west of the west edge of W�sthaven Drive and should be centered on the 12 ' wide road. 2 . You would like the plus or minus 4 ' diameter rock p�:esently l�catec� in the cen�er of the west end o� the access road to }ae relocated. The new location would be on the nari�h sicle af the east end of the access road adjacent to the new ?�ollard location. 3 . You would like a secor�d break-away bollard to be in:�talled in the present location of the 4 ' diameter rac�. U�on returning to my office, anc� as yau suggested, I retfiewed Ordanance IVo. 41 to see what our client ' s respansibility is cancerning the above mentioned work. On page 24 of thi:a Ordinance, I found that our �lient is only required ta ��rovide one bollard and did nQt f�nd any mention of moving a rac;k (see attached capy of page 24 ) . Unless I �m mis�aken and thi.s work is required samewhere else in the Ordinance, I fee� that: our client is nat responsible for the cost of the work indicated in Items 2 and 3 l�st�d above. Ms. Kristan Pritz June 4, 1993 Page 2 For your us�, I have attached an estimate from Duddy-�i�le Construction �o gerform this additional work. They will be insta�ling the required bollard in the loca�ion deserib+�d in Item 1 of this letter. The installation will probably �e done this week or next we�k. Please let me know if we are i�z agreem�nt with the location described. P�ease call if you have any ques�ians . Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRAT %SCHULTZ RCHITE�TS, P,C. �;����` --�--- Danny we�t eg� D��ad copy ta. Jim Telling C . Area A, Cascade Village 1 . The developer shall be rESponsible for providing a break-away bollard far the emer�ency aceess road , between Ea�le Point�/Park �eadows 1 72 Matterhorn � _�_..� Circle, and Wes�haven Drive . The design of the bollard shall he mu�ually accep�able ta the developer and Town of Vail . This impxovement shall be constructed when a building permit is � requested for the Cornerstone, Millra:c� III, Millrace II1, Westhaven Condominiums, Wate�tord k��aildings, or Cascade Club ac�ciition. �ii�e boilard shall be included in the permit pla.ns . 'The bollard shall be canstructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and priar to the issuance of a temporary certificate of oceupancy for the Cornerstone, Millrace III, Millrace IV� Westhaven Condr�miniums, Waterford buildings, ar Cascade Club addition . 2 . The developer sY�all construct a sidew,slk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade CZub along Westhaven Drive and extends ta the west in fr�nt af the Westhaven bu�lding �o connec� with the recreational path to Danavan Park . The walk shall be �onst�ucted when a building permit is requested for Westhaven ;::ondominiums . The sidewa:Lk shalZ be part o� the building permit plans . �Yie sidewalk shall° be constructed subsequent to thE issuance of 24 , � � � ,��,��-,,,., ,� � ��� ` ' ' INSPECTIDIV REQUEST � PERMIT NUMBER �F PROJECT T�WN {,7F VAIL �� * ,, : d ,� , t �, C�ATE I� I �'' t � JOB N,41'v�E �__ 1,�- k-� k'�_ � ,�� `�-�C�-�-��� `;_`��l' � -�-v� - -— ` _� ,�. � � ---- - CALLER _ ---_, _� � REAL7Y FOR INSPECTIflN: MON iTUES ;; WED TH�JR FRI __- AM �M�,'� � :- ��'--�_ °' . .., ' _ � _, � ,, LOCATIO�l: -'-� � �'�-1_` , d -� ' •� c;�-c__: _ __ � s- - -: - BUILDING: PLl1MBING: � L7 FOOTINGS ! ST��L ___ I,� UNDERGRC)Uf�D _ _ ❑ FOUh�lDATION i ST�EL ❑ ROUG�i i �.W.V. _-__... ❑ FRAIVIING __ _ ❑ ROUGH / WATER ___ p ROOF & SHEER ❑ �AS PIPING PLYW�OD friAlLll'JG ❑ INSULATION _— __ � POOL / H. TUB _. � SHEETROCK NAIL _ � ❑ _ ❑ _ _ _ ❑ - - - ,� FWAL ❑ FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: 0 TEMP. P�W�R � I�EATING — ❑ ROU(�H _ ❑ EXHAUST HOODS ___ 0 CONDUIT __ ❑ SUPf'LY AlR __ C] __ ❑ _ __ ❑ FINAL — ❑ FINAL _ __ "`� APPROVE� ❑ QISAPPROVED 0 REINSF'EC�ION REQUIRE� yCORRE�TIC�NS: ;' - , " ,` ; .=� '"�'_', ' ,�:'$.��,�z - - ��=�:� �-�: .���' -�='�f��—� ._-�'�__�`��_�.�,C., �,� �_,,, fr ,-, �, — J� �r ,.• r ,��, , „�., ; , � ` , �'�r; DATE ri` �--� �; �::� _ �,r,, _ _ I�JSPECTOR ' ''���° .r�' .—.._ ._.__ t�,ir.s�o= 9 � ' NOTE — COPY OF PERMIT TQ BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS IiL' SLOT � � . -�<�-�`� CONSTRUCTION PERMIT i� o� .�u�� 2�, i49� DATE r1 O I. (�4� �+ PERMIT NO. U �+ ��w� O '��I 1.TYf'E OF C�MSTRUC7IQN I II III I V V d@F]8Yt�1'I�fl'[df COfI'iR7Uf�IL�/ C��VQIQpRletlt 2.00CUPAMGY GROUP A B E H f R M BUILD�NG 1����� Z ELECTRICAL ' TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PqIOFi TO ISSUANCE d�PEpM�T DiVlSIQN l. 2 2a 3 4 O GENERAL DESCRIPTIQN OF WQR#C ; 4 PLUMBiNG TYPE flF PERMIT EXTEND RdOF OVER �XISTING � � BUILDING C� PLUMBING �'�AZRWELLS. > MECHANIf;AI_ (� �i Fr�s����� ❑ F^vuiti�Airt�N � MECHANICAL ❑ TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A VALURTI�N PERMIT FEES LEGA� LQT BLK V R-1 0 14,000 Rui�o��vGPERn�iT 1�-� QESC. FILIf�G ��AN�c�ECK �9 JOB NAME: FARK MEADOWS LODGE ROOF E��C7Rica� OWNER NAME �`��L PARK ASSOC. LTD NEW{ ) ALTERATIOI!+�Xi ApDITIONAL{ ) RFPAIR 1 ) PLUMBfNG f4�,,AiL ADDRES� L472 MATTERH�RN I DWELLING UNITS __.._ ACCOMMpDATlON UNITS _ M1�ECHAMICAL � CITY V�IL PH 6-5598 ��+�� �; p F� �j�,�,��qCES RECf2EATlON FEE 'QLUF N. NIELSEN INBULATIdN -�, TY E.`' 1�h�C1iNES� R-vAL�U� pESIGN REVIEW BOARD ARChITECT ��RM -- -- _ — ra 2535 S L�WELL BV I? F�aoR � MAIL ADDRESS — ` �� �' _ ' CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT l�a � C� DENVER �xr_wA��s NO�IE'', CITY PH. -- i� A � ��r _ USE TAX CW� � JATS SERVICE Roo� j , " ' '` �Ir GENERAL FiRnn — GONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NQ. TYP� E'�C R'u �S 217-B � � TOTAL PERMIT F�ES $ 286 . � � TELE. �76-4539 H�EAT so�, '��` w000 MIDH�IEL WHITAKER x�S .TULY 1, 1991 FIRM ADp1710NAL PERMITS NEEL]ED: BUILDING OF�ICIAL ' DATE ^ � � � ELECTRICAL v " '^"r"`� $ETSY ROSO�„ACK JULY 1, 199i GOI"JTRACTOR �OWN OF VAIL FIEG. NO, ST.Cur � � � X ONING AOMIf�tSTRATOR DATE r�LE. BLASTING X ZONING & BUILfIING NOTES: FIRM PARKING '�L�IMBING — X — CONTRACTOR TOWN 4F VAIL REG. Nd. oEnno T�LE. — FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applieation, filled out in full the informatinn required, MECHANI�AL com�leted an accurate plot pian, and state that all the information provided as required is carrect. I CONTRACTOR TowN a�v,4i�p��. No. agree to comply with the infarmation and plot plan, to eomply with all Town ordinances and state 7EtE. laws, and to build this struc#ure acccrrding to the �own°s za ing and subdivisi cfldes, design reuiew approved, LJnifor Buil i g C de and other ordina of the Tow p abie thereto. OTHER FiRM -'-' _�r - �LEAN UP TO: //`�.�/��' •=+G����G'�/�'i TQWN OF VAIL REG. MQ. j �f� �'�/��/`�`� '� ��r EG T E QF OWNER RACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTF�AGTOR TELE. � e�� � � AN E OWNER. . � � " 1 . ��1� �own o ya� 75 south trontage r4ad veii, co�orado 81657 �303) 474-2138 or 479-2�39 otfice o! c�mmuntty develapment S..-. BUiLaING pERr;IT ISSUANCE TIME �RAPtE . If this permi.t reg��res a Town of Vai7 �ire Department Approval , �r�gineer'�s (Public Works) reuiew and approvai , a P�annir�g aepartment review or Health Department review, and a review by t4�e Building I�epartment, ttie estZmated time for a tota� review may take as long as thre� weeks. All corrzmercial (large or sr►�all ) and all mu�ti-famiay permits wiZl have to fo�low the above mentioned max�mum requ�rements . Res�identia� and s�na11 pro,jects should take a lesser amount of time. Hawever, if residentia� or smaller projec�s impact the various above mentioned departments with regard ta ne�cessary review, these projects ma.y a;1so take the three week period. Every attempt will b� made by this department t� expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, �nderstand the plan check procedur� and tir�e frame. � r� ;� r " � f r �.r�ree to y. �. i; �°_` �e J �, , `� � ,/�_ ��� ✓°� r'� � /' j' � s , ,r, "� o roject ame s.% a^� .� .�._ !' r � / J,j ,+' � i �.� ~(�;-'n4`- � Date Work Shee� was turned into t e Community Deve�opr��nt Department. f � � . _ 1 '� � - ��J► �� �ow� of uai 75 saulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2£38 or 479-2�39 affice af a:ammunity develcpment T0: ALL CONTRACTO�tS CURRENTLYL REGISTER]�D W�TH THE T�WN QF VAIL FROM: T�WN OF VAIL FUBLTC WC)RKS/'COP��lCTNITX DEVELQPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOFtAGE Tn summary, Ordznance No. 6 states that it is un�.aw£ul for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable tc�i.lets and woxkmen vehicle$ upon any street, sidewalk, all�y a�r public place or any portion thereof. The right-af-way vn all Town af Vail streets and ro�ds is approximately 5 ft. off pavement. � �'his ardir�ance will be strict�y enfor�ed by the Town of Vail Pub�ic Works Department. PersQns found vioZating this ordinance will be giver� a 2q hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person 5b notified does not comply with the notice withir� th� 2� hour time specified, the Fubli� Wor7ts Department wil�. remove said rnaterial at the expense at pe�son notitzed. The provisions of this ordinaa�ce shall n+�t be applicable to construction, maintenance ox repair p:rojec�s of any stre�t or a��ey or any utilities in the right-a•-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, pl�ase stop by the Town of Vai1 Building Department to abtain a c4py. Thank you for yaur cc�operation on this matter. Rea�°�a d acknowl�d�tac� y: y �, ,��'� � �.r �'. :.��� x"�`�J ''�'7 ' ��/" � ' � ���ir �."� �y ��L:� i i��/'(_._(.�!=/^.�"r".4 ''�j"Fositi �i%Relationship �o �Project (i.e. contractor, crwner) ,��� ,. `�-� � � ��-' � aate �ne prav�.�s�.on� ar seet�on 1.��-1�-5, cRS t< an� , , , WHEREA� sa�ci arantor hereb eeta�i�.shae b this Da�lar�- � Y Y `� tfon a plan for the indfvidual c�umereh,ig of the real property � - '. `�,1 � e�statee can�ci�ti.ng of, the are� o�; �p�v� canka#.n+�c! in eack► 4� the ' � ti �� apartmer�t una.ts in eaid multifam�.ly etruotr�re, haxei�na�ter called .:; �� the Ap�►I'tmeAt EZ�A7�1tl�r �rr�d the �c�=etiwr+er�hip by� the �n�lividua3� ar�d separate c�wr�ers �hereo� ae. tenants. in ca�a�n Qf a�,y �nf the remain- �� ing real Prc>perty, ,:h�s�r��ria�ter �a��.�d th� 4enexa�l ���nncn gle�m�nt,� ( � � under �he ,C�larada Cr�n+dc�niniwan t)wner�h�.g Act. .�� . �'W, THERBFOR�, a�id Grx�.ntoz, tha �eee awne.r o� the fallcywing +�egcritaed raal propert�, eituate_ in the Cv�unty a� Eagls, State of Calosado, to-wits � � j� A part �of th� NW�S�� of See. ��, �'wp. 5` S. , R. 191 W. a� ,� '' thQ 6th P.M. , described as follaw�s Beginninq �t the I�19/ � 1 r�'� ec�rner of said N9iT�SE�� thence East, a�ong �.he Pe�rth line �,�1�,"' �� of saicl SE�, 232 £eet; thence Sout�, �rallel w:ith the we4t line of said SE�, 187 feet; thence 1�'eet, p��rallal '�� � ,��� with the North �.ine of aaid SE� 23� f�et to the Weat lina ^j. �"� � thsreaf: thence �Trarkh, along the We�t ltne of a��id SE�. ,� 1ST �eet to the point t�f l�g.£nnings . ,�� � Together with a non-excluaive eagement far ingrese and egzeae over and acroas the �ollawinq described ��raperty: A parcal of iar�a iying wfiolly within the 8W� of Sec. 12, , Twp. 5 S. , R. 81 W, o� th� 6rh P.M. , artd moxe p�►rticu�arl�+ desezibed as follvwss Beginning at the Centex �;t carnar of said section 12 and runna.ng the�ce S. 04"15 'OQ" W� z�2.�0 ' alang tre 8. Yine o€ said SW'� to a point in eaic! East line, which point is, in fact, the true point of beginning, thanes 5. B9"�9 `31" w. �52. 59 ' then�e S 'w' .�y 3b.93 ` a�c�ng the are �f a 2B.9� ` radi,�:� CuIVe ta tl�� lef�, thvn�e S, 15°5J. `3$" t�T. 177.68 ' , thenee S 'W'1y 305.07 ' alo�g the arc of a. 431..+�8 ' radiva rurve ta the right, the�nce S . 56^22 '14" �. 147.90' , thence N. 33"37 'SO" W. 25.OQ' tv the PTE Co�ner c�f l�tt�zhorn Villgge Subdivision, Filinq No. 1, theriae L�'. 33'' 37 'SO" W. �5.00 ' thenCe N. 56"22 ' 1U" E. 147.90' , therree N"E'ly 269.72 ' along tfie arc of a 3A1.48 ' r�s3ius curve to the keft, thenCe NT. L5" 51 ' 34" �. 177 .fi8 ' . ther�ce N'� ' ly 1,OU.7� ' �dlong khe �xG of a- 7€�.93 ' rac3i+is curv� �.o the riqht, thenr.e N. 88"59'31" E. 353 .70' �o a point in the �. line o� said SW�, thenee S . 00" .1� '00" W, 50.UU ' alonq �a id E. �.ine tr� th�► true paint nf beg.inn i rtg. Reservi�ng unto D�:clarant the zight to dedicate �aid eatt�� , ment as � put�l ic rcrad. hereby �eakes the follawinq cieclaration ag to diviaians, covenants, r�stricta.c�ng, li.mitat.ir�n�, cc�r�di:iang anci, uses 'tc� wfiich the above r��scri.bed rp�l ��rt�perry and i.m,�rot�empants thexean. cors�ist.ing o� a . , _ � f� � ,� �..' - ��' !f�%`�,� INSPECTIGN REQUEST ' PERMIT NUMBEF3 OF PROJECT TOWI`ti{ OF VAIL QATE � 1{.nd�. �"� � JOB IVAME � `�'r".,�_`'�_— ,�'��r` ' r'L —,�`� � _. _ �. 'i,1f, t A C A E�L E R � a ` �; y ;<;�� �, f"��''���;�%��, r"— �'I� , '� r,r�-;' r� ''��' w , �,w. READY FOR INSPECT�ON� , : MQN� TUES WE� THUR FRI r'`AM '` PM `�```� ,,`� _... �._. __ LOCATION: � �,A' L� ��� '��.=t.._--�'.�'�_..z°; L�.x. t_.�_'�, f`t BUILDING: PLUM8ING: ❑ FOOTINGS / STEEL ❑ U�ID�RGRDUND ❑ F�U�JDATION / STEEL ❑ RQUGH / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING ❑ RQUGH f WATER � ROOF 8� SHEER ❑ GAS PI�'ING PLYW�OD NAILffiVG � ❑ IiVSULATIQN � POOL / H. �118 — ❑ SHEETROCK NAIL _ — ❑ +h �.� ✓r ��.., ��r��1*-�, � �1'',�,� �. _ � � �� ❑ FINAL � � �- ❑ �INAL ELEC7RICAL: IWIECHANICAL: f� TEMP. POWER _ ❑ H�ATING ❑ ROUGH O EXHAUST Hc]ODS ❑ C(7NDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR 0 � ❑ _ _ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL — — t��APPRQVED ❑ DISAPPRQV�p ❑ REINSI��CTIOf�I REC�UIRED � CORRECTIOI�S: .. ,. , :���..� ��� . , � DATE ` r`�, �� INSPEGTOR '���✓'�^'_�''�� .�"-�`�.�'�` Rii1+�T5F:OP � � � � -����-�m A � � R� UEST " �. � _ INSPEGTfON Q PERMIT IUUMB�R aF PROJECT TC)Wf'�J QF VAIL QATE J�B �JAME —,��,`}',��_— �, ,� a .{" �� ` ; � �1!,"�� � ( �',' ` ;�`/� f� 7 . C A L L ER _ �--t-� a � -r ,j,� , � _.� ` t� READY FOF3 INSPECTIQN: MON TUES W�D THUR �`,_FRI - � AM PM ,� � j r� �a - , � � �-- / , �o caT i a r� � l ..-�- V�� ' ;� � `, r,� �� ,�: �.�_�_. �_-r"� . ,- ,, - �UILDING: PLUMB�NG: ❑ FOQTINGS / Sl�E�L 0 UNDERGROUND ❑ FDUNDATI�N / STEEL _.._ ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMI�IG _ ❑ ROUGH J WATER � ROOF & SHEER _ p �q� PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING - ❑ INSULA�ION � POdL / H. TUB ❑ SHE�TROCK NAIL _ ❑ __ _ � � > , ' ��_ -=-, �3s �.�.��'a� - ❑ - 9w ❑ FINAL ❑ FI�JAL ELEC7RICAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. POW�R . � HEATING _ s.;:,, ❑ RUUGH �. ❑ EXHAUS� HOODS ❑ COfVDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL �`APPROVED C] DISAPPROVED ❑ REINS�ECTdON REQUIRE� CORRECTIONS: -- -- ��) � i '' — �, � _ � DATE r� ` �,.;� -__ ��'� IfVSPEGT�R ' �.�'` .� ���'�=� .._._ �'I�IN'I'SiC? � � � 1 � s �"���.�'� "--�' � IhISPECTICIN REQUEST w PE#��IT (VUMBER �QF PRQJECT TOWN OF 1/AIL j 6 � � f ; - . ... .. r'� ,-� r- ....-,�. D AT E ?� ; ,�rN � ..��y J 0 B N A M E �� ��;��, l� ��_�,� �� ` ' ,, � � �-�-� � ,� 1,.,�r� d�.�� >'- � �--�"'`� �1u��� ca��E� ��,���� �°��.��?.,�,j E�y`�� .. .__ __ .�._ READY FQR �NSPECTION: IVI��I �"? TUES WED 1°HUR FRI -� AM '; PM \�: � L�CAI'ION: �t � � ' � ��4���"I4 � ��; ��'�� . �---. BUILDING: PLUMBWG: s�- .,, ❑ FOOTINGS / STEEL ❑ UN�ERGR�UND ❑ FOUNDATIQf� / STEEL � ROl.1GH i D.W.U. ❑ FRAMING Q ROUGH / WATER � ROC�F & S;HEER 4� P�1'WQO� NAILING �'�a�`� �rv��� �'f ',`� Q �AS PIPING ❑ fNSUI.,ATI+�N ❑ POOL / H. rUB ❑ SHEETRQCK �IAIL ---. ❑ _ a _ o �. ❑ FINAL - 0 FI�JAL EL�CTRICAL: " MECHANICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER ❑ HEATING ❑ ROUGH ❑ �XHAUST HOODS •'' C� CQNDUIT _ ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL 0 FINAL �APPROV�D ❑ �ISAPPR�VED ❑ REINSPECTION �EQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .T 4 �r(�T�4" €r r��{ !1 � 0 �E N�1�� � 'f,,� � .rl�—=� j ,�{ �!� �� �� � e''t __. _ 7� � � yr DATE f� ..� �;_ ~d �' II�ISP�CTOR '��.�`i�,��` ��»,` ,. �Ii1N'TSH.^.i' I � � + .,:.'., �;>,, ,w. ° ��_��'����� I N S P E CT!C�►I� R E Q U E ST E PERMIT NUMB,ER QF PRC?JEGT TQWN. C��F VAIL �'-� �� `�., �� � � DATE .�; �' � JC?B f'JAME ��`���__�'4� ��`�,..'`;r '`•.�~�.� �� .L ,`�`.`�a,"_��` � CALLER � �'`C�� ��'�r�,�. '���_ ` __._ — . R�ADY FQR INSP�CTPON: M�fV TUES f VJEp`�'r l"HUF� FRI Ah�l'' PM ,� . .,, . , � , . LOCATION: _ ���.�a:��. �'•.���.���-�4��'�L+..—�`.��,� � 1��1�'_• J BUILDING: PLUM�3ING: ❑ FC7071NG5 / STEEL ❑ fJND�RGROUND _ 0 FOUNDATION / ST��L ❑ ROUGH / Q.W.U. � a �,FRAMI€VG ` �: � `T �,�,�?�, '-.�.ti�,b��, =,,:� 0 ROUGH / WATE� _ � RO�F & S!-i�ER ❑ GA5 PIPING PLYWO(QD NAILING Q INSULATI(JhJ p PU�L J H. TI�B 0 SI-IEETROCK fVAIL ❑ _ � Q _ �� 0 FI�lAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHAMICAL: ❑ TENIP. POWER ❑ HEATING ❑ RQUGH ❑ EXHAUST HOC7DS _ _ ❑ CONDUlT ❑ SUPF'LY AIFi 0 ❑ ❑ FiNAL ❑ FIN,4� �'�..APPROVED ❑ aISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTIC�f� REQlJIRED C�Rf�E�TI�?IWS� �� ,� -� —�,�-�►��1� ��"� a g �;��(C" ��'"�,�,�;�-... T �tA �X� � ,.. �^�. .#�L} t 'g. ✓,e ' .i��� � kre�}4@��` f���SA.�)4t . . _ F' �p,r.�—�- _ _� — - R I i � �'„'�'..'.,, .m..... ����4�i e4 C]d�`� ��t..--�+-- �f � N �'� � � �� ,C' -�'� % ` . � ,�',, ,,,.,,.r�, , e f p�"_.. ,x�-• Y.�'" ✓ �A,� {� �r �/ DATE ENSPECTOR ..��� -'� �'�� �r� "'� � ,..,.AtktTStio° F + � � _ � �'�f���� INSP�CTICI�N REQUEST i PERMIT NUMB�R {�F PROJECT TUVVIV OF VA�L DATE _ ���°��-��� ���' J'OB NAN6E � ��,�.���J � C(� ,� '��` , "� G A L L�R : . .��'��'A�<,.� , U �I�� �;�'�-�'`(C'f",.:!�'� READY FO�i 1NSPECTION: MON TU,�S WED THUR FRI � �r`M� RM .J �l — ,�,, L�C A T I O�N� I'7`l�tr ���1�.�d�,I� �-,�'1���.; BUILDING: P�UMBtNG: �,.� � FOO�INGS / STE�L ❑ UNDERGR�UNQ , � FOUNDATIO�! / STEE� ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. [� F#�AMIh�fG ❑ ROUGH / WATER � ROOF & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING PLYWdOD I�AILING ❑ INSULATION ❑ POUL / H. TUB ❑ SHEETROCK NAIL ❑ ❑ _ fl C� FINAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAI�: 0 TEMP. PQWER ❑ HEATING ❑ ROUGhi 0 E}CHAUST HQC?DS � ❑ CONDUiT ❑ SUPPLY A!R ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL — '�APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROV�Q ❑ REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR�CTIONS: .� �;�. �_ �?.. , � ' ff� � ,� , � �^ r,,r�'% �,-"- �, _ DATE ��`* � � ' INSPECTOR s�:��`��. ,���''.,�--�'`� ��' �.,,.-- r,'' .. � I�ifrv'rS�SOP . ! � � � . ! � ! .� � � , . � . � �� � � � �'� _ . N� �' � x � s -r � � � a o -C I� u s s � � . - � . � . � v ; � � � s -� � "� f� � �� �`'� / �j � ��- 1 • • �r� , c - V � � � � � � � r � �� _ � � _�____ � ��� �� �Q � �� �,w .....�. .r.�—.� ..-^-» , � -;, 1 ��� �� ��� ��� �""' '�� �..r� ��r �.�..�..�+ � N O -�: .�.�. � G� t2`' Q, G� �� � ��s-r�C'� �$ ,, ,� � r� D. �. o� � � �+ �'� � a � � � � ���� � �� � � � � � � t _ � � � �-; . _ « �, � ����� , ��or�- M�uuMv�c r��� �a� � _ --� r� �s-r� � c� o . � �� ���� .,_.....,_. ..�-... .�....,-� �-� .�--• .�•--.. r-.�---'- � � _�..,.� �,.�,r.. _..�,,. _..�..._-.. .....---- � 1 � � � u�a� � — �t � �a � �y � I1�1� q � � ��n%1`�U - .L � � �u�t� �� - � � ���� � � �t�-- � r6prt� . �-�`' A ; �� �� �� � � � � -�� �, �2�� r�r�►� w� ��n� �11 � � �2"� P�� � �1,�t1� � �.-- 2�,�2-�� �" w� 3-� � ., ; � �� �C�t 1��•' .,. � � , r -�--� �-�x���� w� �-� � _ ,, � �s � . l � y � � - �.a- ll r.��,�,r ~..� I ...._... � � � � .�.__._..�..1 -t�S ��t +s~rn �+�-�- -i �. su�r�� br��r � � C�N�c�vnts- �'t�c� ,.�,,. •�e� s �� C�.��+�� ���s�s ����� �U1�a. . : . O .� . . � . �f,ll���h � 7 �;� . <« �; ; . . . . * .f�N R .�� •••...••• ����L ,. � � � � � � � . �� _ . i � - _ .�� ����� � �� � � � � � ��.�;;: " '�• °�'�' ���"o��' . � . .� . � ,� � - : : '�'G� f�Ac�� �• �'e' j�� . � � $�. �i 1.�'•��I � �1�vTN� 1�� . ' . . . .. ��;� ,�'11�1iI..'�k, ��� .. � . �•�,£���, N� �p�t 1s�� 2 .� �� �� � �� � j �� � ��'������ � �� �� NOCG� �dS�v ��� t��� soils 1�earing C.TYVINJ�On'���^� ��'/��� �) Foundation design based upoa ase�umed maximum � r� capaaity o! 100o psf. ��� 2} A l l p ier� f or structvre shall have minimum frost protection a! - � n� 48" to ]�ottom af footinq. � �Gt� � �� ' �j; 3� p i aftex 2s daYs at Desi4n basee upon BIIILDING COD� o� 3000 � REQLTIRSMENTS FOR RSINFORGED CONCR�TE (AC1318), 1989. � �M � V 4) Reinforcing stesl is GxaBe 4t1 for #5 bara. Rsinforcement �d �c.� �l� �1 �i� . p}.aoement ahali c�oYii orm r►ith MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICB, 1990 ��S + ��� ��� � O � as� prepared bY GRS �✓� J `� � 5) All lu�aber shali be Doug-Fir �a or better unle�s specitied . �C>�,v � otherwise. ��'�ll� ��1L�N'�� 7 • '� Q 8) Bolts ehaii be A307 or ]�etter. • y �) Sheath roo£s v f t t� 5/8" p l y w o o d o r o r i e n t e d s�x a nd board mith ��imum s p a n ratinq of 40/20 or beLter. Nail plywood with 8d ��fs�� �� � � @ 6„ oa at panel edgeg and 12� ac at intermediate membsrs. �i r•�l � � g) Live ioads used for des iqn- � - -Roof-80 psf an4w. V .-wina-a5 psi. Q � -I4arthquake-�one 1 UHC. g) Ail canstxuction sust aompiy With the 1988 Unitorm BufZcting t�r�.� f�f/�� +i� ' � � Code as adopteS by the Toar€� of Vail �uildinq Department and the �5,�� ��' r��r� �c s�+ � NGeneral Conditinns ot the C��tx�ct gbr Cons�ruation" (AIA �,� �� l� DoCUment A201). � � 10) Al l beams, i o ists and raf ters are to be�x upan wal is or beams �j f ����/�� [ DR be hunq with SII�IPSON Stronq-'rie hangers o SI�SGN Stonq-Tie ��/p ' Ail connection hardware as manufactured bY • � 1 � or approved ec�ais. _ �' ,� 1�) �,�1 ��c�ural �embers are shown fn their final posltion, � � � durinq construction it maY ]�e ne�eg$azY tO Bhore portions of l �� �� � ' ��) � � � the structure vhile ather perti.ons are beinq construated. �� ��f�� �I t Contact ths struatural enqineer far r.onsultation as requirad. ��'t}► �� f�� �� '"~ ��l � � � 12) Contraotor is resPc►nsible fc►r a11 nan-specified connections, �� �t,� �t�� �� � � contact structural enqineer for details as required• `��� A � �3) Contrac'tor is !v caordinate all dia�shra9m l�enetrafiions (iQ, f� �+ chimneys. Plumbin9 sewars, etc.) throuqh �loora, roofs axrd � �JI�,� �� ,� � ••r foundatioa walls with appropriata sub�-aontractors. General � �"" Contractor is rssponsibl� for means, methods, techniques, . � � sequances and procedure� associated with th�s groject. Notify enqineer of ali con�licts�nd�e�existin9WOOnditions befc e� ���'f�[� '�1��/�G� - � oi ttxe workinq drawinq� . ,,. -�*• commencing wi�h t2�at portion of the project. h 14) All �aatgrinl$ exp°�g� � e�81�°x ���ar moisture conditions shall be tr ai�for B e� s nr�ir���by�oo�miael txeatment, . • . �ta�ining. P 9, . . . _ y � � � ,� � � ; . , . ��� � ly taw� afi uai 75 south trornage road office af community development vail,color�do 8165T (3a3)�a7s-2�3s (3�##)479-2139 Piaa Revie� Based on the I988 Unifo�m Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 62791 NAME: PARK MEADOWS R04F EKT�NSIpN ADDRESS : 1472 MATTERHORN CR. DATE : JULY 1, �991 VAIL, CQLOR.ADO G�NTRACTOR, JATS S�RVICE OCCUPANCX: R-1 ARCHITECT: OLUFN. NIELSEN TYPE �F CONSTRUCTION: V ENGTNEER: NONE �RB APPROVAL P,EQUIRED: YES PLANS EXAMII�ER: MICHAEL WfiITAKE� CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items Iisted bel��r are not in�ended to be a complete listing of a11 possib�,e code requirements in the adopted codes . It 3s a guide to selected s�ections of the codes . The following is not to be construed ta be an approval of any violation of any af the pro- visions of the adopted codes ar any ordinance oE �he Town of Vail . Z . New roof ex�ension rafters to connect to px�esent building at bearing point (existing beam) not tQ end of present eave. 2 . Field inspect connec�ian nf new rafters to existing. � 3 . Mini.mum frast dep�h frvm bo�tom of footer to tap of backfil�. is 4$" . 4 . Add minimum of 2 #4 bars each way ta battom of pier where extended to 24" width. 5 . Inspect all faundation pads prior to cancrete placement . 6 . Inspect alI framing prior to cover . . , . y � � i�,` � �ow� o ua� 75 south irontage road office of cammunity development vail,cdoradc 81657, (303}479-2138 (303}479-2139 May 21, 1991 Mr. Farrow Hitt Manager Aark Meadows Lodge 1472 Matterhorn Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Re : Extension of Roofs, Park Meadows Dear Farrow: " On May 15, 1991, the planning staff reviewed your application �o s extend the raofs above stairways at Park Meadows and approved your � request . ' The staf� recommends that Park Meadows add more landscaping to the site . The limited amQUnt of landscaping does not enhance yaur bu�.lding, and in fact ma�tes the property Iook very barren . We urge you ta come in with a landscap� plan as saon as ypu possibl.g can. This request is not a condition af the approva�. of � your roof ex�ensi.ans. .. If you have any questians, please do not hesitate tv call . Thank you very much �or yaur cooperation. 5incerely, ��� ��/� � 8ets�Rosolack Planning Technician . � � � � Project Application �4._�;� � :�� ��� :-� - - Date '`� � � ;', F'roject Name: f �t�-1�'��. � �� �-G�.c�`QLs',.1 �,.:� �d. t� C,' �`f`- t=.�. ,x' %��"l,.�'/��� J� :��� f1 . ,�s.wf ... 7 ::; � ... - Project Description: .3 �r ,,_ ,; J�r ; .; , ; �� �;�.> ,_.. . ,;. � .- :r_r-� �Tr ,. �— � �� _ . _ �� /� r. Can4aci Person and PY�one � _' '; �'-,=-- ._:, �� -' �—� � �1��� '�,/�' f �_ �wner, Address and Phon�;: Architect, Address and Phane __ Legal �ascription Lot , 81ock , Filing _ , Zone Comment5: Design Reaiew Board �ate Motipn by: Seconded bq: _ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL. S�immary: . - '� "� /'-:� r ' . _p , . '1.! ���''7f�] �� .,L� ,.� � J�. � _ �. ,E`l-���� . Town Planner ❑ Staff Approv8l , Date: .�_� i` � .: . . � � � PARK MEADC�WS 5/9/91 Applicant wishes t� extend roaf over stairways . A survey by a registered surveyor was not obtained, �'he area of the proper�y �s Qn�y an estimate . .,------.__ _ _ ES�'TMATED �area of property: 232 x 150 = 43, 389 sf estimate only. � �-.---- Existing site coverage is 7, 175 . 2 sf Estimated allowable site coverage : 55% of 93, 384 = 23, 861 sf Q--��----e�--. �-,,� ��.,`''/` Amount of additional site coverage with roof extension: -� � S � !:�- t��_�rl _ .1 � .Z t r ? ; ? .�':. '-F C " �. � � l _ _._..�'_�- :i �� G. �� � � a�', � l �-- �"�^� � . � / � C,� i � ,�. �-<: �; °� �'1_�-�-a. ,I � G"_� .�--� �' � � Z �' ;� � �'iti�.: � C��X l � � � , �' 3 r�� " _�. �, ��--�--�; ./ r�-�`� � �-��- � , � � � � -_ . / ,��! .,�` t� ,�� � � x � �.� � �i � . ��� . : ,� � � ' ... , � � ��� � ��. � � �� �� �`���� �� ; � � �� ` _ � :. � � _ �, � � � � ry � ; � , r�._��r���.� � ......:.. rm:,a.r.,v.. p r ' ;. . __ ... p � � lf 1� � `� . . ... ..... .. .. . , .�............,�...-� . - C 'j . i�. a i `�'" � i. 1 � ..��. , � & 1 ( Y 3 I � � y 9 ��� � yy�pP.C�..�.�...-w.a..�..�...s.W.�...i�`-vv.a�n.�rw � '^ .�{ 1p 1 � !y 1 � ; � ; d � j' , � ' r � i i 1 i " �d �[ k 1 5 � `1 5 Y _ �i �� � . ° �� q ____..__^_.�.,.�._.__. : f� � . q;. z TM� � � � i � � ,� � �- I 9 � �� ./���:�'� 1��` '�..�� , � � � � � � F < ; � , j 3 ��' �� � � 9 �` C��'��' ���,1'��`'���,� s ( � ' '�' ,�''� � � i s � � � � � ��- � ; �,�,�,.�,. ��� �� ,�"�0����"'`r ,� , �v�..�.�.��� �-;� s � ,. � � : � �� Park Meadows Lodge f ' ������' 1472 Matteaharn Circle a � • Vail, Col�rada$16�7 �� � � i 3 : � , i (303) 476-5598 , � �tl s �_w ._��.�.�rW�. _'�"'��"�����.: � . » ` ' � � � revised 4j2,��91 ,� ... .. �ry" �:�°� DRS APPLYCATIOI�I - TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO ^ { f ; .�' � . } � 1���" DATE APPLICATI�7N REGEIVED: _ .� -��_��_� DATE dF DRB MEE�'ING': . _ **�t��r**,�*,� TSIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION ZS SUBMITTED ******,�*** I . PR JECT INFORMATION: A. �ESCR�PTION: L� � �, � ��� +�,�p .•+' � G�,�.�r�.� ��,d � � . B• TXPE OF REV�EW: � N�w �vnstruction � Minor A1.teration � Addition Con�eptual Review C. ADDRESS : ��` D. LEGAL DESCRZPTION: Lpt Blvck 5ubdi,cri s i on If prvper�y is d cribed by a meets and bounds legal des�r�ption, please pravide Qn a separate sheet and attach to this applicatian. , E. ZONING: / , � �" `� � �'. LOT AR�A: I£ �equired, ,applicant must prova.de a c�arrent stamped s�arvey showing lot area. G. NAME OF APPLICANT: ~C � �, G1.v'�' GT Z��¢ ,p121�Pf/��l`1•+�� Mailing Address : � rV �� � �-�, , ��� �6 Phone 4 � H. NAME OF APPLTCANT' S REFRESE TAT ; �' , �]�" Mai�.in�ddr�s : Z ,� � � � Phone _ �T�����_ I . NAME OE' OWNEF�S: . � �' � � *SIGNATURE=S) • _ Mail:�ng Add � �, � : � Phone —_��T�9� �d . J. Condominium Approv�l if app�.icable. �'. K. DRH FE� ; DRB tees are �id at �he �ime o� submittal af � �RB app].ication. FE� PAID' � FEE SCHEDULE: `�""'I VALUATION FEE . :,;� $ 0 - $ 14,0(l0 $ 20.�0 N�' ;.,, : ' $ ^� . . - , .: N fsu 9� � .: 5 i t t ;. s�, aa�� — s o� aoo o .oo � $�.so, oaa. �- $ SQO, OQQ $2�fl .Qo $500, Q0�. - $1, 000, DOQ $900 .�0 . $ OVer $1, 000, 000 $544 .�0 *I�i4 APPLI�CATZQN �ILL SE PROCE$S�D WITHpUT OWNLR'S $IGNATURE 1 �-,% ^�,.L�0 �°�-�"-r,[ .L �. .��--f-�,-Ze� �� �`� :u , ^F � ` � � � with the design guide�ines. The pRB does nat vote an conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative sh be present at the DRB hearing. LZST �F MAT�RIALS NAME OF PRQJECT: � � ��J� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT� BLOCI� SUBDIVISIQN STREET ADDRESS: �,�� � � ��.A .�!/� 1� �,��ZGr� . /�.�v / �, , �[i. ���5 � � �/ DESCRT TI N OF PR03'ECT: � r�� .�'� �_____5����l��!-r � i�'v The �allowing info�mation is r�quired for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: ��(� �G� �,�� , A. �3UILDING MATERTAIS; TYPE OF MAT�RIAL �L� ���� ROO�' � ' '- Si.dxng �e.� G�_k,�� ' Dther Wall Materials Fasc.ia G'�'��° Saf�its �`= . %'�` �-�G G Windows Window Trim Doors poor Trim Hand or Deck Rai�s �v� �+r� Flues �'lashings Chiinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Dther B. LANDSCAFZNG: Name of Uesigner: Phane: PLANT 1�ATERIAIS: Botan3.ca1 Na�e Com�v Name u nti Size* FRC3PQSED TREES ___,�__� ,. EXISTING TREES TO BE REM4VED �� *Inda.cate caliper for dec�duous trees. nimu� ��?.,��^� . f�r 7 . ... __, �_.=w .._ . ._ .... __.. ..�..., _��.x-.-- _ _ . �:.. ....k�..�.,��..m,,,,.�:....... . .� '� •� . � � , Ieciduous trees is 2 inches. Tndieate he�.ght for `cvniferous '' trees. _in'mum �eight for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PT?�NT M�TERIALS: �atanical,�Tame �o�non Name Quantitv ' e* PROP�QSED SHTtUBS E3�ISTING SHRUBS TQ BE REMOVEO *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. M�.r�imum -size_of sh�ubs is 5 aallvn. - �Y�.e - s ta e GROUND COVERS . SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD c1F EROS IOI+t CONTROL C. QTHER LAI4QSCAPE FEATURES (ret3in3.ng wa�.le�, fenc��s, sw�.mming : ' paols� etc. ) P�.ease speci£y. �ndiaate he3.gh�ks of retaining wa�.ls. Maximum height of �ralls within the front s�tback is 3 feet. Maximum height of wal3s elsewhere on the praperty is 6 �eet. - e � _ . , . � " �� . . . . d 6J ���. . . � . . - � � - . . . . � � . . " ..`-'v:..; _ r .�-�a.� ._ -. ��_.._--------_._...___._.�.- ------�__.._..�_ --_ __-�__ -�------_-- _�_ .�._.__ _ - --- . __ - �� - _. _ . - - --- _-- - _ _ : — -{--�;_ . . �� .� � � _. � =�.� � ,� .. -�—_�._�`- --�..� o"��-_ _ . -__.:°�� �-- � �" � �� �.�; � ��' �rk,� � �,,� � ~' � . �— ^° �`` •°�� ___-�"�` '-+-`�'��.Y+:�:.r-v._-,f'`n {`r'`'�`�' � � � � =�_ - - ��-ti. -`� '" '_� -- - � :93 ; _- _'• _;~,°�° ��-t � ' �`�-,o.' —_.� 0 � _ ..� ��- ---r.. =�-^� �. ; � . � , ' . . . �. ,� ' ._��.``° _��-._� '_._�� _ i _-- �� .- � �.�� - �$_��--'�-- I �'.-.rr:..F �. •.�,.' � - � � ...._..�,,,� • S ° . 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I � i ` _ — � �,,��Z�"G �'�".�¢b�lr11..5 --- �//V� �{ � � � ��' a � _ � � '� LtlJNG S �3� �� I� .S/�'l�� .4 2 �`~�� � ��'-- —, -- �-- °`"` _ � ,,,�ti...�--�° �-•Vi�_JtF•Y . � . Project Application Date Project Name: Project E�escriptiprr: CantaCt Person and Phone �wner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descripiion: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board D�te Motion by: Seconded by; APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary; Tawn Planner ❑ S4af# Approva! �ate; mev����e�y wa�i , Y > .. . -�.: I�- �. � . . �.. ' %Y':. . . i _ 'i.- i,yff-- . . � _ - - .. ' - . . Vt_ � � Y1R�[ pA1�W�p-' ' �i •:My � _ ! ' __ �'^4 _ '(.. . . . ' '. �'�f - - - - �1 � n .r wY.,. _ ...-��^M. :�ir L. . � �V ,. fl • - ' -S � ��- ���'; � !� ``A' i �� y � .. J,�• -'i � - � .. _��� 3� '�. i i �,`e�'..b,-_ �„�, ��� ��,�� .?l�---.�F' .. - - - �� -� /, •� I � _ .,. . � ���� .. - ...��K - - . �� :.S �-�:� 6r�:�� ��y�_. . ... .-, . . _-' . . �-�r-�s - - ... - . " -' i . s�� . . �T �. - �< .!� ' ' 1 Y' � M�'�M 41111 �'. _. - i , --. -' _• . ' .. . R �� ' .T�i. �k' ' � . �- � ��_ ' ,^'�} ��.- . ..� 4 � .y � :�' _ �� . ���~ . ' . � � �___ __._.y.�,'- . _'�..�� � . .. � � _' ,.. .- _ � .� � ". r,�`` _ _ ' . . ��� . - v� r '(:�=. • � ' _ . - .. � t,�, i .r • � ,L.- � ::< ` -_' � -,, _ _ x� ,. _-- _ .. _ . � ��r~ �� _'_ .!!• _-_ :r`�, ' ;� ;�• 7 �,�� � r - y .. ` 4;-��' , , -�� - + i ;-:,_=• � � � I�VSPECTIqI�+I R�QUEST ' PERMf�' NEJMB�R OF PROJECT TOWPJ OF VAIL DATE JfJB h�AME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MOh9 T�JES WED THUR FRI — AM PM L�JCATI�N: BUILDING: . PLUMBING: � FOQTINGS / STEEL ❑ UND�RGROUN� Q FOUNbATION / STEE1. ❑ ROUGH I d.W.V. ❑ �RAMING ❑ ROUGH / WATER � ROOF & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING PLY►N`OOD NAILING � INSUI..ATION ❑ PpOL / H. TUB ❑ SHEETROCK NAIL ❑ � a ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL ELECTf�ICAL: MECFIANICAL: ❑ TEMP. POWER ❑ FiEATING ❑ �i�UGH ❑ EXHAUST FtQODS ❑ CONDUIT ❑ SURPLY AIR ❑ ❑ � FINAL ❑ FINAL �3 APPROVED ❑ DISAPPFiOVED ❑ REI�iSPECTION REQUIRED C�RRECTIONS: �A�"� I�JSPECTOR the prinlery.��a�.l ` CONSTRUCTtC1N PERM17 N�TE JANP19 F 19��T TO BE KEPT C�N JOBSITE . ���'� `�'; ,, � �ATE ;, PERMIT NO. ����?'`���� ��W� � �g� 1.TYPE OF CQNSTRUCTION I II 11I I V V �i a departmer�t of communfty development 2.QCCUPANCY GROUP a e E r� i R � g���o�"� DIVf510N ] 2 2a 3 4 a ELECTRICAL 1 r 5 d� • �� TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIDR TO ISSdJANCE OF PEf�MIT F. GENERAL DESCRIPTiON OF WORK : Q PLUMBING TYPE OF PERMIT ADD AI�OTHER HOUSE PAIVEL, DIST. � I ] BUILDING U PLUMB9NG LOAD �'RQM EX�ST�N� HOUSE PAIVEL }' ��CHANICAL � ELECTRICAL � FQUNDATION AND ADD HOT TAB RECEP. TOTAL $ I ,540. OQ ❑ MECF�AN�CAL ❑ TYPE GR4UP G.R.F.A. �lALUATIQN P�RMIT FEES LEGA� LOT BLK sui��ir��P�RMir DESC. FILINGPark MPac��w r,or7csa �tttt�ci�+�cK O B NAM E� PARK MEADOW ELECTRIC ELECTRICEtL �4 �'„� OWNER NAME Park Meadows NEW( ) ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL{ ; REPAIR�XI PLUM61�4G �C9�� MAI�ADD ESS1 4�2 Matterho_rn pWELUNG UNSrS ACCOMMO[�A�ION UNfTS—-- MECHANICAL CITY Vc311 �H_ 6-55 9 8 HEI�HT IN FT. NQ.FIREPLACES RECFtEATI()N FEE S/�� ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION: TYPE FH�CKNESS R-vALLUE pESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR """� MAIL ADDRESS _ _ CLEAN UP DEPO5IT � EXT. WALLS USE TAX �� CITY PH. -- ROOF GENERAi� FiRM — �-r TYPE ELEC. �'A� � TC�TAL P�RMIT FEES $�� - d� GONTRACTOR �'OWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OF TELE. HEAT SOLAR W � ; ERNST GLATZLE �TAI'�. ��� 1 S H H FIRM �•T.L. ELECTRIC AODITIONAL RERMITS EDED: BUIL�ING Of=FICIAL � � DATE ! T - - LEC7RICAL 133-E ' r n� i"iTiA� � _ ..� V. _ � , _ _ _ _ I�TRACTpR TOWN QF VAIL REG. NO. ST CUT 0�41NGALMINISTRATOR DATE 32$-62�J� — - �--- TELE. BLASI'ING ZpNING 8 EIUILDlNG NOTES: FIRM PARKING PLUMBING CUIVTFtACTOR Tawr� o�vai�R��. r�o. oE�no 1, , 7ELE. FiRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informatian required, M�CHA�IICAL complet�d an accura#e plot pla�, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I CQNTRACTQR Tawrv o�WAi�r�E�. r�o. agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cc�mply with ail Tawn ordinances and state rEL�. laws, and to build this structure according to t�e Town's zpning and s c�ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building CocSe and oth� iriances of the T applicab e there#a. (�T�-{�� F I R M1ll ,� TOWN OF VAIL REG. N0. URE OF OWNER R Ct�NTRACTQR FaR HIMSELF AiVD THE I�WNEfl. C{�NTRACTOR TELE the printery�vail i- ;, �� � , . ,� r ` APPLICATIDN �A3�: �/ // �8' > , � j - DATE OF pR6 M��TIiaC�: S!/� �'S' aR8 APPLICATION _ *****TIiIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACGEPT�D UNTIL AtL INFQRNtATI(�N I5 S�8��1I7T�D***** � I. PRE-APPLICATION ME�TING: A pre,app�ication �eeting wit�r a planning staff inember is strong�y suggested to � determine if any additional in�ormation is needed. No app�icat�an will be accepted un�ess it is co�nplete (must incl�de all items require� by the zon�ng admznistratar� . It is the applicat�t's responsi�ility �v make an appo�r�tment with the 5taff to find aut about additior�al s�abmittal regu�rements. Please note that a COMFLETE app��ca- tion will streamline the approval process far yo�r projec� by deCreas�ng the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may s�ipulate. AI�L cond�tions o� approva� must be resolu�d Uefore a ht�ilding perm�t is �ssu�d. � � A. PRQJ�CT DESCRIPTION: /o .a� T /,r1 ,����� �/)e.vrs J�os�TA•c��� 5f�'� B .�r L7�7 �Saf E �-7'/'CsSI�I� l.uport .9f.�1-Ya.�?:',�. �t,v d,¢r"�� ^6N . S B. E.00RTI��V aF PROPflSaL: Address_��ie� ��'�€boWS ,����,�� r�r� �,�r�,�.�:��,�.� �r,e�� �� f �'n��_ffds7 � �. —, --- — ��r�' �t�`.�t�6A �ega1 �escript�on Lot B�ock Filing �an3ng C. �tAME OF APPL.IC�N�; � � AR�C ssoe��1'fa,� ,GTb e��.� P,a,e�c ,�a ,s .��,� Address /�i7� /�`:�rr�.�s,�o�,� ��ec/ .�•��._ �'Q/�,e�,ov __ telephone 5!���'.�'p8' � D. NAM� 4F A�FLICA9��'S REF'RESENTA`fIU�: �v,�t ��'b.�� -- - � Addr�ess 11�� ,���R o,e,� �'i � � lf �� G�s ,�c• tel ephoRe � -,�`.�8 E. Nl�M£ 0� O�iN�RS; � f /� ,ex ssa e�.� �a� aCTs�. Signature ,Bv� b��e e�✓ �° �s����► Address 37G,�/ s. �o�/,�,�e. ����r;� �t�a3 _ te]ephoneC�aa��.�"'9— �L ?s�- �Yr� , F. DRS fi��: The fee will be pa�d at the t�me a building permit i5 requested. VALU�TIQN F�� $ 0 - $ �p,000 $ 10.(30 $ 10,001 - $ 5Q,000 $ 25.0� $ 54,��1 - � 150,�00 $ 50.00 $150,001 - $ .a00,��0 $1QO.a0 $5�D,001 - $�,�00,000 $200.00 $ Over $i,Q00,Q0U $3�D.00 INSPORTANT �{OTIC� R�GA�t�ING R{.L SUBMTSSI�f15 TQ 7�i� DRB: 1. Ir� addition �o me��ing sr�bmittal requirements , the applicant mu�t s�ake the site to ir�dica�e pro�erty lines and building corners. '�rees that will be remaved sho�ld also be marked. This work must b� completed befor� the �RB visits the site. 2. The rev�ew process for NE�I Bt�iLDI�GS wi�� normal ly i nvol ve tti•10 5epara�e meeti ngs of tMe Desigr� Review Board, �o p�an on at ]east two meetir�gs far t�2ir approva� . 3. Peop�e who fai� to appear before �Gh� ��sign Review 8oar� at their sched�3ed meet�ng and who have not asked for a post�onement wiTl be req�ired to be . repub�i sl�ed. � .� '� ` � � Q. The fo��aw3r�g items rio langer.have to be pre�ented to the aes�gn R�view 8aard. They, how�ver, have to �e prese��ed to the Zonirtg Adm�nistratar fvr approval : a. 4lindows, 5kyi3ghts and similar exterior changes t�at do nat alter the exist�ng plane af the building; and b. Building addi�ions that are nvt viewed from any other 3vt or pubTic spa�e, w�ic� have had letters submitted fram adjo�ning QraQerty owners apprQV��9 the addi��an; andjor apQroval fror� the agen� for, or manager of a cor�dom�nium assoc�ation. 5. You may be required tv cnnduct Natural 4�axard St�d�es on your property. You si�o�rld check w�th a Tawn Planner be�fore proceed�ng. . i . , � � � ' 1 • �fATERIAL TO B� SU8hSI7TED ' I. NEW CONSTRUC�'I01� A. Topographic map an� site plan of site contair�ing the following �Z copies) : i. L�censed surveyQr's s�a�p. 2. Contaur intervals af not mvre �4�a� 2' ur�less �he pareel consists of 5 acres ar more, in wh�ch case, a' can�our intervals wi�1 be accepted. 3. Exis�ing trees or groups af trees �aving trunks with diameters of �' or more or�e foot above grade. 4. Rock ou�tcroppings and other significar�t r�a�ural features (large bau�ders, intermi�tent streams , etc.) . 5. Avalanche areas, �00 year flood plain and s�opes 40% �r �ore, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchr�ark, either USGS landmark or se�wer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site shoaving size and type �f cul verts , s�ral es, etc. , �. �xact locations of a11 uti��t�es ta includ� �'X'15�7t7g sources and proposed service lines fr4►n so�arces to the str�ucture. fltilit�es to inc3u�e: cab�e TV sewer gas Te�ephone water e�ectric c. Praperty lines shflwing �istances and bearir�gs and d 5d5'I5 of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent sTope and spot eleuativns e. A�� easements 8. Ex�sting and fini�hed grades. 9. All exzstir�g and proposed improuements including structures , landscaped areas , service areas, storage areas, waiks , driveways, off-street parking, �oading areas, retaining wa71s (w3tl� spot eievations} , and other site improvements. ��. E]eva��ans of toP af roof ridges (with existing grade shawn underneath) to det�rm�ne height of building, B. A s�atement from each c�t��ity verifying location of service and ava-�lability. To he submrt�ted with site p�an. C. Pr�l�minary title repart to accompany al7 submi�tals , 'to znsure praperty ownershi� -� and a�� eas�ments ar� property. D. Landscape P1an �1" = 2�' or lar�ger) - 2 copies 1. SF104V �he 14cation of A�" diar�eter ar larger trees; �otiher �shr'ubs-aiid'na�#ve p�ants th, are an �he s�te and the location and des�gn of propased landscape areas wi�h �he varieties and ap�roxima�te sizes of plar�t materials to be planted. � 2. Comple�e landscape materials 1ist. 3. Des�gnate trees to be saved and tS�ose to be �ost. NOT�; As mc�ch ofi tf�e above �nfarmation as possible should occur orr the site plan, so tha� the �r�ter-relat�on af �he various compor�ents �s clear. Tkre la�dscape plan sho��� be separate. The ex�sting topograpt�ic and vegetational c�arac��ristics may be a separate map. The applicant must s�afce tne site to shaw �ot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost d�ring constructian must be tagge�, Ti�e work shauld be eompleted �efare the DRB s�te v�sit. i i E. Arch3tectural P�ans (1/8" = 1' or larger� 2 copies • I. Must inc3ude �loar p�ans and all elevations as they wi3� appear on completfon. E�evat�ons must sh4w both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior sur�acing materials and colors shall be specified a�d submitted for review ar� the materials list available �rom the Department of Community tlevelap- ment. Color chzps, siding sa�nples etc. , shau�d be presented at the Desigr� Rev�ew 8oa rd �neeti ng. F. Tl�e Zoning Adm�nis�rator andior DRB may require the submissi�r� of additivna� plans , drawings, specifications, samples and other �naterial (irrcluding a model ) it' deemed � necessary to determine whether a project w�Il com�ly with design g��delir�es. II . MII�OR ALTERaTIONS TO 7HE EXTERTOR OF BUiLDINGS Phatos or� sketches that clear�y indica�e what is proposed and the loca�tian (s�te plan) of proposal may be subm�tted in lieu af t�e more forma� requirements given above, as �onq as they Qravide a�� importan� specificat�ons for the proposed ir�c1uding c�iors and materials to be used. III . ADqiTIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor p1ans with all spec�f�cations shown B. �loor plan for addi�ian - 2 c�p�es C. Site pian �showirig existzng and proposed construc�ion - 2 copies topos 0. Elevations af addition E. Rhotos of existing structure F. Speci�ica�3ons for all materials and ca�or sam�les an materials 3ist auailab�e at Departrnent of Community �ev�lopment At the r�q�sest of the Design Review Administrator yo�z may also be requ}red to s�a�mi�: 6. S�atement from each �t�3�ty veri�ying location of serviee and availabi��ty. See attached utility location verifica�ion form. �. Site im�rove�nent s�rvey, stam�ed fay registered prpfessianal survey�r. I. Prel imi nary t�t�e report, verifyir�g a�vnershi p vf progerty and l i sts of easemen�s . IV. �IN�L SITE P�AN Af ter a �c�i�ding perm�� nas been �ssued, a�d w�er� the project is underway, the follawing will be reau�red befpre any bui�ding receives a fram9ng �nspec'�ion f�^em the Building gepartment: A certif�ed improve�nent survey sh�tia�ng: A, Bu�lding locat�ons with ties to praper�y corners, i .e. distances and angles. B. Bu��ding dimensions to nearest �er�th flf foot. � C. A]l utility service lines as-bui�ts showing size of lines, type vf material used, and exact Z�ca�i or�s. 2 copi es p. Drainage as-builts. 2 cop�es E, $asis of 6earing to tie to �ection corr�er. �. All praperty pins are to be eit�er faund or set and stated on map. C. A�1 easemer�ts �S, Building flaar elevatians and roof ridge e�evations. s � � � LIS� OF MATERIA�S � NAME 4F PZOJECT: �AR� 1���� � ,Led : . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT j�.� ,�T�,�r�riBLOCK FII� �iG STREET ADDRE55: �y�.? �.�rr ,�'a C'j,e.�I,s .v.r"f / .r DESCRIPTIOP� OF PROJ�CT: ,S,�r �,�T,� ,�,� s /�r' e,,,,?,s,;�,,� T�� -������ .�,� The following informatior� is required for submittal by the app�icant to the �e5�gn Review Board befare a final appravai can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATE42IA�S: TYPE Q� MA��RIAL GQL.O� Roof � GN��f�� _ Siding �o_ _��A�9F. Otk�er Wal� Material s r1p c,�f��f� Fasc�a ,�o G'�Cq�yti Saff i ts ,�� �,�.v�r,� � 4��ndows � �rlo �,�sf�F� �f�nr�ow Tri m ,�lo C,�,aayF_ f7oors rrlo cN�.�'y�= Door Trir� �J� �,y,��p� Hand or �eck Rai�s �la �,�,�.�r�� .� F�ues 1r/,� �N�,�'f» F'Iashin95 � f�o Gs�.4tiy� Chzmneys �10 �/��,v�� 'Trash �nclosures ,rar� �f���'yi� Greenhouses ��� Other �/�,¢ B. L.AIVDSCAPING: Name of �esigner: .d�A phflne: • PLANT MRTERIALS: Botanical Name Car��non iVame • Quan�ty Size* PRQPOSED TREES . � � EXISTIiVG TREES Ta __ BE R�MOUED � *Indicate ca]iger for decidueiaus trees. Ind�ca�e height for canifers. � - tover} S . q' , s � � , � P�AHT �tATERIA�S: Botanical Name Cor�mon Name uanitv Size • (co�'t) SHR�BS • EXiSTING SNRUfiS , 7D BE REMOVED � Square Faat_a�e GROUND CQII�RS SQD � SEED 3YP� OF iR�IGATTON ' TYPE OR METf��� 0� � EROSIQ,'I CO�dTROL C. OTHER� LA�IaSCAPE F�ATi�RES tretaining walls, fences, swimm�ng poo�s, etc.) Please specify. . � , 4 � �. �� � � � • • • ' � ' UT�LITY LOC,�TION VE�IFIC.�TIpN � SUBI7IVI5ION JOB NA,'�IE L�T BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The ],4cation af uti�ities, whether they be main trunk Iines or pT4pose3 lines, must be approved and veri£ied by the followi.ng uti.lities for the accomganying site plan. Authorized ��qnature Dat� �lountain Bell 3-634-3778 Wes�ern Slope Gas Harry Moyes � Public Service Company . Gar� �tall � * Holy Gross E�ectric Assoc. * F�r n2w con� Ted HuskyjMich�el Lav�rty please fill o� ai�ached sheet Vail Cab1e T.V. Gary Johnson � ,�_ __ __ __ t3pper Eag�e Vailey Water and Sanz tati an Di scr�ct David Krenek � NOTE: These verificatians do not relieve the contracfior Qf his ° responsihility to obtain a street cut permit frvm the Town o� Vazl, Department vf Public WorkS and to obtain utility locations be�are didg�ng in any publi� right- of-way or easement in the Town vf Vail. A building permit is not a street cut perm�.t. A street cut permit must be obtained se�arately. This �ox�a is to verify service av�ilablity and location. Thzs shouZd be used in conjunctio;� with �rep�ring your e�tility plan and sci�edulin� insta2lations. S� ^� F � � � �flNE CHECK . � FOR SFR, R, R P(5 ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGRL DESCRI�YION: �ot Block �zling � ADDRE55: OWNER Phone ARCHI�EG7 Rhone ZOlVE DISTRIC�' PROP05ED U5� LQT SIZE Allawed Proposed Height (30)(33) � 7ota1 GRFA Primary GRF'A �_� Secondary GRFA Setbacks: �ron� 20' Sides 15' Rear 15' Water Course (30�(507 � Si�e Coverage tandscaping Fenee/Retaining Wall t�e�qhts ParEci ng � _ _ Cr�dits: G�r�age {300)(600) � f9D0} (12Q0� Mechanical (50�(100) � Airlack (25}(50) ____� Storage (Z00)(4Q0) Solar Heat arive: Slope �ermitted S�ope Actual ' �nviror�men�allHazards: Avalanc�e � Flood Flain Slop� wetlands Geo7ogic Hazards Co€nments: ZflniRg: Approvedld�sapproved Date: 5taff 5ignature �' ' � � Aprii Z9, 1988 Ta: The City of V'aii Referer�ce; Rark �leadows Lodge Vail , Co�orado Atter�t i or�: To Whom I t May Concern Gentlemen: This is to advise you that tF�e awnership of Park Meadows is requesting authorixation from the City of ifa�l ta 1nsta1l a portable spa for the use of the owners and guests stay�ng at the Lodge. We are proposing to insta1l the "New�ort" series, eight man, as manu- factured by Spa Products of America. We feel that this �r►it is ti�e highest quaiity avai7abie. It is complete�y approved by Underwriters Laboratories. The calor of the spa and cover will be light blue, to match the exist- ing trim color af the Lodge. Location of this unit will be on the existing cancrete pad located hetween wings A and 8 as indicated an the attaehed site plan. Yaur expedient review ana approva� wili be appreciated. Yours truly, arvin �, Anderson President - Baard of Directors Park Meadows l.odge MHAl�s Enclosures: t�,�. �isting �etter Wild Water Spas Sulletin � • �--: . ... ... � _ . � m UNDE���RITERS L�BO�i.ATUR���S INC. . " • • I�i55 SGOl"1'E6UUG�VARll:5:itT:�CL�1RA,Crl, �.',D5[F—•1IG9 . ., `� '�;�1"�{ . ... _ : ._ .. . . .. - ._ ��,t� , d7i i��depQ�rdent,azat-{'vr-����of�f o�•ganizatio�r testti�ig for picblic safety File E97571 Vol. �. Issued: 5-1--86 . Ft)LLOW-UP SERVICE PROCEDURE TYFE R COMPn�IENT - HQT TUI35, SPAS ADID EQUIFMENT ASSEMBILIFS (WBY42) � Manufaeturer: Spa Products vf Am�rica ` 1255 Noxth Grave St. Anahe�m, CA 92$06 Applicant: Same as Manufact�zrer Liste�; Same as Manu�actur�r _ � Thi.s Procedure authorizes the abov��anufacturer tv use the R��ognzze Mark of Underwriters 7.,aboratories Inc, only on Recogn�.zed prc�ducts covered by this P�rocedure� �.n acGOrdance �rith the Recognitian and Follow-Up Serviee .�greement. The �resc�ihed Mark,�or Marking shal.l be us�d �nly at the above manufacturing'�loca�xon on such prod�cts which �ompiy with this Procedure and any other a�p�.icable req�ixements. �r� � The Pracedure con�'ains xnformation �or the us� af the above named Manufacturer and the zepresen�atives of Underwriters Laborator�.es Inc. and is not to be used fvr any other purpos�. Tt is 3.ent to t�e Manufacturer wi�h the understanding t��at z� is not to be copied, either wholly ar in pa�t, and that i� will be returned to Underwriter Laboxatories Inc. upon reques�. • ` � ' 'The PROCEDURE� and any 5LaI35�C�L1Eri� revisions, is the property af Ut�IDERWR�TERS LABQ�tATORIES INC, , and is not trans�erable. Reviewed by: UNDERWRITERS Z,A�ORATQRIE� ING. DAVID FE[38IER HO[aAFtll KQN�JE Engine�r Va.ce Pr�sident, Fv�.law-Up Services DF/Mrf:hi j . �ncl.. • l.pok For The Q List�ric� or Classificatian Mgrk Qn The Product ��` � .. '��'��,��\ � t N�TE — COPY OF PEFiMIT T4 BE KEPI' ON J08SITE �',��\��, `�``� �`��� -�-��t , C�NSTRUCTI�N PERMIT D A T� August 18, l�s� ;, PERMlT NU: ��1fA{ o ��I I.TVPE OF CONSTRUC7IDN I 1I 111 1 V V lfil departme�t of community develapment , 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M BUILDING �� ��Q•Q� � ELEGTRICAI. TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIY PRIOR Tp ISSUANCE UF PERMIT dti�tiSfON 1 2 2a 3 4 O r� �Cg�pz �q�v� M TYPE OF PERM IT F'L���L l U 11�1'���Vt tX�T R F U LCl N � ��-un���t�G �xBIS{LDING ❑ P�UMB��G D E D > MECHA�IICAI ❑ EE.ECTRICAL ❑ �DUI�DAT{4N � ' ' ' ' �' ❑ MECHRNICAL ❑ TypE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES '`LEGAL L.OT BL � R-1 36,000.Q0 g���p�NG PERMTT • p��j�. FILfNG PLAN CHECtt � � �oB rvAnnE: PARK MEADOWS LQDGE ELECTRICAL OWNER �annE!!ai L_Pa rk Assn, 1 �f} NEW f ) A�TERATION( } ADDITIONAL O REPAIR PLUMBIlVG MAILADD ess �472 Ma�terhorn �1 MECHA(�tCAL ��.^, . QWELLING UNITS ACC�MIv10�A�1pfd U1�1fTS � CITY PH _ HEIGHTlN FT. NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM O�U� T�I. N���SLrI INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F?-VALLUE pESIGN REYIEW BOARd � � F�OOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 25���� � MAIt ADDRESS �, ����r, pH EXT.WALLS USE TAX 25O�QO ' �1 CITY ROOF GENERAL FIRM CDNTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TYPE ELEC. GA �OTAL PERMIT FEES o� TELE. HEA7 SOLAR o GARY h�U RRAI l� augus t 21, 19 87 FIRM . ADQITIOhfAL PEFiMiTS NEEiJ ' 1� BUIL I � � DA7E � �I I IiV171AL �`�����'sa��c�c Aug�St �s ,���� � E�ECT�ica� - +' — — - — — — — — — — — -- CONTRACjOR T�WN QF VAI REG. N . ST.CUT � ONENG ADMfNISTRATOR DATE TELE. BLASrI►�G � � ONING&BIEt�QiNlG NOTES: F M PARKIIVG `' PLUMBING TQwn�oF AI ��G.Nq. C�NTRACTQR DEMO 1 TELE. _ FIRM I hereby acknowiedge that I ha�e read this application, filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrnation provided as required is eorrect. I CONTRACTDR �owN aF vAt�AEG. Na. agree to cc�mply with the informatian and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanCes and state TE�E. iaws, and to build th+s structure sccording to the Tawn's zaning and subdivision codes, design review ap ro�ed, Uniform Burlding ade a�d other ordinances Town a pl' le thereto. �TNER FiRM �Y�vF! Il fY1NST. TN(:. ��r��-- �y�R--�-�'v � � L��� GC TpWN F VAI . PIO. �s�-S ���At� UP �'D: � T l � � .4 SIGNATURE OF O IVER OA CQNTRA TaR FOA HIMSELF CONTRAGTOR TE�E. YJ'L ���' "'�r� ANO 7HE OWNER. Ihe p�lntery/vail . . �l J�-�• �� � �. t f Jun e 1 , 1987 � -To : Ciry of Vai�. Vail , Colorado par�s N,eadows Lfl��e ha� � pra�ram underwa�' � ta up�;rade its feeilitie� ana epp�ar�nce. Accordin�ly I have e�ked our Naan��*er Jahn Jorden and one of our Cti�merw i ran�; Hitt , to comp3l.e and preaent to you whetever in- formatian ip needed in f'urtY�erer�ee of' our pro�r�m. Th�y have tk�e authority to pra- ��ed on flur behalf' and w313 e�tab�ish an an�vin� liason pro€:r�m with y�u. If we can b� af ��•istance, please do not � he�itate to con t�ct them or me. Very truly your� , � �i ��'_ [�--� � (�,�r""v Eud Andersan Pre�i�ent of' Soar�i Vai.l Fark Ase�n L�d. Park Meadows Lodge 1472 Matterharn Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 (803)476-5598 � , VAIL FARK ASSN. , LTD. . Ct7NI�C]Nt�NIUM AW�+I'ER3HIP DBCI,ARATTON' • � WHE�AS. C. F. LY�I,� CO. r �eraina�t�er re�err� �o aa ' , "Granto�" , a Texas corper�atican, awna certain raal p�ap�rt� hvac�in de�cribed: and T+�EREAS, e:�icl Gr�ntor i� .�mprov�.ng sai.d prop�rty by Cun- structirq thereon a 32-unit m�ltifamily etruc�kure known as Vail Fark Meadaws, said atructure to be �ons�ructed in accordance with plane which are filed h8xe;aith and cons�itute a Lacata.ng Map aruler �he prQVisians of 8ection 118-15-5, CRS; and �HEREA6, �aid G�antar her�by e�tabli�hes �y th�.s Dec�ara- tfon a p�.an fox the i.ndir�idual awnersh�p of the real preapeXty estate� consisting o� �he ar�a or space cr�n�ained in each of the apartme»t units i.n s��.d multifami�y stru�ture, hereinafter called the Apartment E�.ements, an� the ca-oam�rship by th� �.nd.ividua]. and separate own,exs ther�af as tenantg in aommon n£ a�.l of the remain- ing real psaperty, h��einaft�r ca�.l�d the GeneraZ Co�nmot� Elements under the Co.lo�ado �ondorni;ziwn owriersl�ip Act. Nv'f+rT, THEREFt7RE. sa�,d Gran�ar, tha fee Qwtxer af the 7�' fv�.�.awing described ��al ,�raperty, situate in the Caunty of Eaqle, ,LFaaj State Q� COLO�'�CZQy to-wit: ��y�. � A par� of the NW�SE� of Sec. �.2, Rtiap. 5 S. , R. 8]. W. of ��he �it�► P.M. , descr�b�d aa �ol lows s Beginn�.ng at the NW' edrner 4� said NW�SE�i thenc� Ea�t, along th� Nr�r�h line of said SE�� 232 fe��.; then�e South� paralle�. w�.th �he We4t �ine a€ saa,d SE�, 1B7 feet; thence Weat. Qarallel with the North li.ne o� said �E� 232 feet to the W�st ].�ne �hereo�; thenCe N�rth, a�.ong the W�st iine of said 8E'�, 187 feet to the poin� of b�ga.nning; ' Tc�gether witih a non-exclusiv� easament fox ingreas and �gze�s c�eer and �eraas the follawing deseribed proparty: _ A parcel of land lying wha�..��t vrithis� the SW� of Sec. 12, Twp. 5 S. � R. 81 W. of the bth P.M. , and mo3ce particularly described a� follvws : Hega.nning at the Center � cornez ot ' said se��ion 12 and ranning rhence S. OU° I5 '��" W. 212.00' along �he E, iine of $aid SW'� to a point in said Ea�t line, which �vin� is, ir� fact, the tr�e point of beginning, thence S. 89'' S9 '31" W. 3a2. �8' therice S 'W' l.y 36.93 ' alOng the, arC o� a �8.93 ' radius cu�ve ka the ie�t, thence S. 15°51 '3�" ' W, �77.b8 ' . thence S `w' ly 30S.Q7 ' alang the aarc af a, +�31.4� ' radic�s curve ta the right� thence S. 56"22 ' 10" iR. 147.9U' . . �hence N. 33" 37 'S0" W. 25.QU ' ta the NE Cvrner of Mattarhorn Vi.ilage 5ubdiv.i.sian. Fi liny Na. 1, thence N. 33"37 ' S0" W. 25.0� ' �hence N. 56"22 '10" E. 147.9D' , thence N'E'Iy �69.72 ' a�.ang th� axc a� a 3A1.4$ ' radius curv� ta the left, thQnce N. �5" 51 ' 34" E. 177,Fifl ' , thence N'!E' ly 10U.74 ' alonq the arc aF � 78.93 ' radius curv� to �Me righr, thence N. 88°59 '31" �. 35;3 .7D' tc� a pd.inG in the E. .la.na af said Sw'�, khence S . UU" 15 '0�" W. 5[).0� ' alr�nq �aid E. line to the true po�nt af beq:inning. � Rasarving un�o Declaran� the right tc� dedicate said ease- ment as a publia rr�d. her�by make� the �oll�awi,nq decZar�tion as� to divisi.nns. rov�nant�, r�:st�icti.cang, Limi.tatians, rrandi_xans anc� uses to which thpt abo�e dea�xibed r�al pr�perr.y and i.mprv�rem�nte th�re�+n, eansistinc� af a . , 5 i 1 ' ,t . �. PARK MEADOWS LC)C}� . i472 MaTTE�Uo�N �a� LIST OF MA�ERIALS VAIL, GO�OF�ADO $1657 . T1�����������iirill,M+FI'�##�1� OW� Ldf��e . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ee, a c .$�.p�K FILING STREET ADORESS: 1�.7� Matter orn C�rcle, all�o � 1657 DESCRIPTiON 0� PRQJECT: ep ace s� �n�, asc�a, w�n ow ar� d door tr�.m ; extend !� �ecti�rzs of hand ra ; move ex er or s a�rw�ys o attach to bui�ding; remove 1 exterior stazrway; ex en preaen roo �.ne o caver �he b exteric�r . Rtairwa,ys ; rlece 4 cupo �.� nn roo an 1ns a sma ]. w�ng w�lls on 2nd floor The following informa��an is required for subm3ttal by the app�icant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can 6e fiven: A. . BUILDTNG MATERIALS: TYPE OF MAT�RIAL �COLOR � Roof I�o Chan�e Match e�.istin JM Sand � Sherman williaxr.. one. Sidir�g '�TTJCCAT�" nanel Qiding Gray Cloud (BM �0-�') � Qther WaTI Materials Olympic - �16 (ST) $,�.�h s�wn Cedar Similar to BM-'j2-30 Fascia g�,�h _sawr� Cedar _ E' Soffits �To Chan�e Rwr-7.��0 Wi ndows �� +� � Window Trim Ro�.gh ��wrs Gedar n�,�.�_�i f� �T�,._, Doors No CY��n�e RM 7�_�n . _. . . Door Trim Rou�1� sawr, r;er�r�r _ m ni r. gl� ( ST� Nand or Deck Rails No Char��a Rm 7�_�,n _ CBla•�l�l�ast�rs . -_: Brackets SN'i Windm311 Slue -r'r'Ot'G.7 .. . - � BI�� 7�-29 �1dSM1t1g5 . r� �i ' _ Chimney� ��TUCCATG �anel and RN�, ��-2 � Rou�h sawn Cedar Trim �l��npic �16 (ST) Trash �nclasures NA Greenhouses N� ' , Other � �A _ B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des�gner: _�A phone: � PLANT MATERIALS: Botar�icaT Name Co�nmor� Name Quanity Size* PROP4SED TREES � EXISTII�G TR��S TO . BE REM4V�D *Indicate caliper far deciduciaus trees. Indicate he�ght for con�fers. (over) . . ' � � , y , � • • '�:�, , . ` PLA�VT MATERIALS: Botani cal Name Comrr�on iVame • Quani ty Siae (con't} SHRUBS � EXISTING SHRUBS TO B� REM�V�O - T�' � Sq�are Footaqe GROEJND COVERS SOD � SEE� �YPE OF ' IRRIGATION ' TYPE OR M�THOD OF � � �ROSIpN COtVTROL C. OTH�R LAN�SGAPE FEATl1RES {retaining walls, fer�ces, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ' , .. ,. . ,. ,. .. �... .r_. ,� ..e.M• ♦Y,1'�y . PARI{ M�/�DOWS L�G� � 1472 MA-€�TERHORN CIRCLE � ��i�., COLpRADQ �1��7 APPLICATION I}Al'E: 6/1 � ,, , ,.,.,��,,.��,�,�.�«,,,�,K��,►�,���„if„��.s„�w� pATE OF DRB �EETItJG: 6 1 8 - DRB APPLICATI4I� *****THIS APPLICATI4N WILL �(Q1' BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL II�FORMATION IS SUBP�iTTED***** I. P4i�-AQPLFCATIO�! MEETI�IG: , � A pre-application meeting with a plannir�g staff inember is strongly suggested ta � � determine if any additior�al information is needed. No application will he ac�epted unless it is complete (m�st include all items required by tfte zoning adminis�rator) . It is the applicant's respor�szbillty t� make an appointment with the sta#'f t�► fznd aut about additiona7 subm�ttal requirements. P�ease note that a COMPLETE apptiea- tion will streamlfne the approva� proc�ss for your project by decreasing the num�er of conditions o� approval that the ORB may stipulate. R1.L condition5 of apprnval must be resolved befare a buiTding permit is issued. �, Replace sidii�� , f a�cia, wi.n�ow �nd door trim; extend � A. PROJECT I}ESCRIPTION: 4 �e�c-tions of hand raf]. ; mave � exterior st'a� rw �r� �a attacY� to build�ng; remove 1 exteriar sta�rwaV; exter�d Aresent roaf line to � cover the 6 exterior �tairwa�� ; place �, cupolas on roof and in�tall����.11 win� wa�.ls on 2nd floor. B. LOCATION OF PROP05,4L: � Address_ PARK MEAnpWS LODGE 1l.�.72 Matterhorn Circle� Vai1_ , C�� �_ f�.i F,S� � � See at�ached Lega1 Description / �ot Slock Filing Zonir�g ° f7 �" �'! � C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Vail Park A�sociation,�,,,,^�td�dba F&rk Mear�nra4 1,_aa�8�_ � /�ddress 1 72 Matterhorn Circle Vai C a telephone _�.76-559L D. NAME OF APP�ICANT'S REPRESENTATiVE: Frank Hitt or John Jordan Address �-472 Matterhorr� Circle, Vail telephone �� E. NAME QF Q4�NERS: Vaii Park A��ociation , Ltd. • Signature Bud Anderson , Pre�ident Addr�ss376l� S. Po�lar, Denver. Cfl �0�0� telephane g-g �� �r {��� "�-39�2 F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at �he time a building permit is requested. VAL(lATION FEE $ 0 - $ 1Q,00f3 � � $ 10.00 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 25.00 $:.50,OQ1 - $ 15fl,000 $ 50.00 $150,001 - $ ,500,400 $lOQ.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 .$200.00 . . $ Over $1,U�0,00� $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISS€ONS 70 THE aRB: 1. In addition to meeting subm�ttal requirements, the applicant m�st stake the site to indicate property �ines and building corners. Trees that will be remaved should a7so be marked. This wc�rk must be completed before the DRB visits the site. � . . 2. The rev�ew proces5 �or �lEW BUILDIHGS will normally involve two separate meetings . , of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . - 3. People w�o faiT to appear before �he Design Review Board at their sct�eduled meeting and whb have not asked for a po5tponement will be req�ired to 6e republished. . , .t , .. , � • ._ �. .��:�w . _ . . =,.:, . � • � . ._+ � � . k • f V 4. 7he follawing items na lor�ger have to be presented to tt�e Design Review Board. 7hey, f�awever, F�ave to be presented to tt�� Zoning Administrator for a��ravaT : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that da no t al�er the � exist�ng plane af the building; and b. Building additions that are nat v�ewed frar� any other ]ot or pubTic space, which have had letters subm3tted from adjoining property owners approving � the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, ar manager of a c�Adc�inium associa�ion. 5. You may be required ta cond�sct Natural Hazard Studies on your praperty. You shou7d checic with a Tawn Planner �e�ore proceed7ng. � � .�.;. ..- _. . , ` � � � , VATL FARK ASSN. � LTD. CUL�ONIINIUM Ot,�11.'�RS��P DF..C�tRA"�'ION �ER�AS. C. F. LYTI.� C0. . hereinafter r�i'erre�c3 �a as , "Gran�,or" , a Texas corparat�an, awns cer�ain rea3. prvperty her�in de�eribeds ar�d WH�RE3�,S, said Grantor is .�mproving said prop�srty by cWs�- stru�tinq therean a 3�--u�x�it multifamily structure knawn a� Vail Park iKeadeaws, �aid st�ucture to be cans�ructed ain accordanee with p1an� whieh are filed hezewith and cons�a.tute a Locati.ng P�lag �tn�der the pravisions o� Sect�ian 11B-15�5, �RS; and WH�REAb. said Grani�ar hereby estab].ishe� by fih�,a �?ecl�r�- t�on a plan fcr th� indi.vidual awr�ership of the real property estates cr�nsisting of the area or �paee conta�n�d a.n �a�2� of tk�� apartment units in s�i.d multi£amily str�cture, hereina�ter call�d the Apar�ment E�.�nen��, and the eo-oumership by the ��.d�.vidual �d sepa,rake awners �ri.ereof as tenants in co�rc�non �f �a21 of the sem�a.n- ing real �roperty� herei.na�ter ealled. th� Gene�al Ca�►on El�ments ur�de�r �h� Co.�orado Condominiwret 4wnership Act. NOW, THEREFORE, said Grantor, the fee owner of the foiiawing descri7aed xeal pxoperty, s�tuate in the County a� Eagl�, S�at�a af Co�,vzada, to-wite �A part of the NW�SE� of 3ec. 12, Twp. 5 S. , R. 81 6�. af the bt� �.M. , d�scrihed as fa�I.ows: Beginning at the NW corner o� said NW�SE�; thence East, along the Nc�x�th line �� said �E'�, 232 feet; thenee South, parallel with the We�t line of sa�,d SE�, 187 f��t; �hen�e West, para�.le�. wath the North �.ine of said SE� 232 �Eeet ta t,he West line th�reof; thenca No��Yt� alang �h� t�ee� �.ine of s�id SE�#. i87 fe�� to the poin� o� baginning: ' Toge�her with a non-�xcl.usive eas�ment �or 3.ngreas �nd eqress o�v�� and acrass �.he fallnvring deseribed propSrty: . A parce]. of land Iying whol�.y �+ri�hin �he SW� of Se�. �.2, 2'c�vp. 5 S. , R. 8� w. of khe 5th P.M. . and mare parti.�ux�xiy describ�d as fo3�.o�►s: Beqinning a� the C�enter � ca�'nex of � �` said sect�can 12 arid reanning thence 3. OO" 15 'OQ" W. 2�2.t1� ' 3 ` along the E. lins of saic� SW� tv a pc�int in said East line, � which paint is, in fact, the �ru:e pc�int of beginninq. thence S. B9" 59 '31" W, 3S2.5B " thenc� 5 'w`ly 36.�3 ' along the axc \, �f a 28.93 " radiu.s curve ta th� �.eft. thence S. 15° 5I '34" W. 177.68 ' , then�e S 'w'Iy 30S.Q7 ' along the arc of a, 431.48 ' �, zadius curve tv the right, thence 5. 56°22 ' ].0" W. 147.90' , � �hence N. 33" 37 ' S0" �T. ,25.001 ' to �he I�E Corner of �ttarh�rn ,-� � Village Subdiv�.sibn. Fi�.ing Na. 1, th�nc� L�T, 33"'3? 'S0" W. � � 25.Od ' th�nc� N. 56°22 ' 1Q" E. 34?.9�' , thenc� N'E'�y 269.72 ` � a].ong khe arc Qf a 3�1,48 ` radius curve to �her left, thence ,� l�. �.s" 51 ` 3�" E. 7�77 .Ca8 ' , �h�na� N`E' 1y �.00.7A� ' along �l�e arc of a 7�.9:3 ' cadiixs curv� �a the .�ight, thence N. 88°59 ' 31�� E. 353 .?Q` tc� a pain� in �.re E. �.ine o� sai.d SW�d. t�►�nce S . �U" .15 `�0" �l. SC).�C� ' alony �a id �?. line to the true pain� �£ beg:inn ing. R�serv.in� untn D�c�.arat�t �,he right ta aedicat�e said ease- ment as a pu�tir. rcx-xd. her�by makes thQ fc�ll.cawinq decl�x'��taon ar� to divisions, covenants, r�sk:ri.�ti.c�n4, timitati.c�ns, candi�a.ons �nd us�s �a t�hich th� abo�e d�s�ribed r�al prc�perry and i.mpzoT.rern�n�s thereon,, cans.i.s�in� o� � . � � � :`., �,: � �k� s f � � � f Jun e 1 , 19�'� To : Cifiy of Va�.l Vai.l , Cc�lcarado Pa�k I�'ear?c�ws Loc?�e ha� a �ara�ra�r, an�ervaay to up�rac�e its facili.tiES and ac�pea�ar�ce. l�cc�r�iri�ly I h�ve a�l�ed �ur P�iana;��er John Jvrc�a� €�nc7 on� af ou�. uwmer� ��an��: �T�.tt , to compile �nd �re�ent tc you whatever in- formation i� n�eded in f'ur�hexane� of' aur pra�ram. TY�ez� �ave the aut�ority to �ro- �eed �n aur t�ehalf ancJ �wzll e�tabli�h �n or��oin� liasc�n z��o,�:r�zrr� wit� yc�a. I�' we esn t;e of a�.istance, p�ea.�� c�o not hesita�e to cc� tact them or me. Very tr��,, ya�ar4 , .�.-� f �-`�°---.-__� ; • y���4�,�,�,1 y. f' Bu c� lan c�e r s c�r� �re�idex�t o" :�carC V$�1 r'ark l�s�'n Lt�. i - Park Meadows Lodge A472 Matterhorn Circle Vmil, Colorado 81657 (303)476-5598 , J � � ` Project Application Date Project Name: Project aescriptior�: Contact Person and Phone awner, Addrsss a�d Phone: Architeet, Address and Phone: - _ Legad Descriptian: Lo# _ Block , Filing _ , Zone Co�rnments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Tawn Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: [he prin�ery;vud i • Jun� 13, 1984 T�: Desi.gner R�vie� �3oard :.; ? FRQM: D. Les Tayl�r, Presid�r�t Uail Park Ass�ciati�n, LTD. �'Park Meadaws at Uail" - � A� P�esident af the Board of Uail Park A�saciatinn, � I h�re�y apprav8 the exteriar pair�tin� of Park Me�da�s Lodge with the foYlowin� ccalor �han�es: i v � ��� �� �����"`�.,�,, **Prim�r colar cf�an ed to: � **Secondary calor ('�rir�) changed tn: � .��,,�,,��,.�-� �� sincerely, � ��. G;'�-�a �,-,", �,, � D, L�� T�y1�r, r�sider�� - � �. Peter G. B�ngs, �lanage `� '� �� V Park Meadows Lodge 1472 Matterhorn Cxrcl� Vail,Colorado 8165? (303)4?6-5598 � i � P�roject r4pplication Date � w " , � � �� Pro�eet Name. ;..�� �- �' `� � i a� -.� � Project Qescription: � ` �` � �' � , ' � � . ._.� ,'+,a 1.,:, :. Con#act Person and Phone " ` + ;, , , Qwner, Addr�ss and Phone: Architect, Address and Fhone: Legal Description: Lot =';��.� `�to�4r��� � : �°, Fi��ng , Zorse Comments: ^ � _ " '^ ,. ^y,- ", }.; ' '' Design Review Board Date �,�,,;e Motion 6y: Seconded by: APPROVAL D15AFPROVAL Summary: � �,�,y Town PVanner [] Staff Approval �ate: _ Ihe prinkery;vaii ��'`�.., ��� � � .� �� ��� ``�.d�y�� 4ti 1�11� 01 ��� � Con��xaur�iiy Development Uepartme�tt T-V i,�;� (`� �'" �� I��,I,L.J �� G, ✓� �..� �Cl'�t' ��'�- ��u--c� �.G�-S C �t.C�•s e L�� , �' �`�,��-,�c�.� cJ°� ,�� ��,,, � � `� G�-� � � f� ►�J �`�►r�n ���c�.l-� ��.���- �`� �.,�- Pa.� I'����°�C...� �-�� - ����'�' � �S 1'h.s�. VIi1 c�.n-, �r�i o�r- llJ��= �'r.a��� �1�«(s �"� �r,�.+-�--t.. . � , � � L � m � a.� Z � - , � "`--� f i � ',; f _ ---- - — - t "�� � ' � , , ���; ' � � � � 1 � I � f _ _ I - t , _ `. � � . o p ."i - ��1�� -��,� �- �'„r� . � . j — 1 �' } 1 'e ^� f z, - - � '�S 4, �� b;-�� .� . . �- / �`�r� - ' � � / ��� ��� ��F�� f� ;�, � � � � � �, � � � _ �-� ,;. _. � �� � . � � �__-�-�- � .` � �..�.-� ' � -I < �a� - _ -�_ �� _ _ �''`' '4 ���:; ��`` ,r - -. R 6 _ __f -�: � , �. � � � ' � ' ' ' C.15T,�F 1�1i'E�tqtS � � � _ � �r'�1��f[: F71� {'1{J,i i:(:'(' `�'�_ _ ���� _, .f�_�4�'1��.'.rL�Cf.K��___�_C.L..��____._..__.�.__._ i,I:(�Ill. I��:��CltEi'"1'IOti: L(}'l' L'I,OC:K ��tf.1.NC , _ _•_-. .-_..__.._._._ �_..�.___._—.-----�--_�_�.�___�.— UIiS(;I2 t 1'`I'l Q;'�i Ol' f�RQ.1�:C�F--1�'� cv\-� �v1,�_�Y�_�.�Q.SC�__ � �� �-�-._ .LL.�81Y��i2]L��.,. .U1AC '2 !�1�._�� �VV��_v� I1�Upa-- � ��k1C�5�. _� , The �ol.la�ti�an� informati.on is requixed £or sul�rni.ttal by the a�plicant ta thc [�esi�n Rcv:ie:v }3vard �cf'ore a £inaL approval, can b� fiiven: A. BiI1LDT�1(A �'i'�P.IA[,5 �e of A1aterial l:ol�r Roof ,,. _ ��G�y��_ , Siding , Other �v`all Materia3.s l� �< < < Fascia �j�d� Soffits � Windows --�--- 19indow T�am/Sh�n���r� �� . Iloors . . . . . - �� Door Trim _ Hand or Deck Rails � {�� �- �� �I ue s _ .. . .. _.. _.,-�1��!L:S V�LASII�.�_._ _...,� Flashi.ngs � �� ,�,e.��„� C;hir,uie,ys -- --- - l�I,Vl C I/lC.ti in G;,C�„_ � �`�' Txash Encl osures lillrE C�a►.�.� � �x eenhaus e s _-�---- �ther�� �vtGl 6S�Y�5 � `.