HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC110051 SDD 29 Attach CORDINANCENO17 Seriesof 1993 AN ORDINANCEAPPROVING A SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN ASSDD NO28 THE VALLEY PHASE II AND THE DEVELOPMENTPLANINACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 1840OF THE VAIIMUNICIPAL CODEANDSETTINGFORTHDETAILS INREGARDTHERETO WHEREAS Chapter i84qoftheVaiiMunicipal Codeauthorizes Special Development DistrictswithintheTown ard WHEREAS ParkwoodRealty has submitted an application for a Special Development approval for a certain parcel ofproperty within theTownknown as TheValley Phase li a part of ParcelA IwionsRidge Subdivisioniiking Na 2tobeknown as Special Development District No28 and WHEREAS the establishment oftherequested SDD28 willinsure unifiedandcoordinated development withintheTown ofVailin a manner suitablefor the area inwhichitissituated and WHEREAS thePlanning andEnvironmental Commissionhasrecommended approval of the proposed SDD and WHEREAS the TownCouncilconsiders thatitis reasonableappropriate andbensicial totheTownandits citizensinhabitants andvisitorstoestablishsuchSpecialDevelopment DistrictNo 28 NOWTHEREFORE BEIT ORDAINEDSYTHETOWN COUNCILOFTHE TOWNOF VAIL COLORADO THAT Section 1Amendment ProceduresFulfilled PlanningCommission Rerort Theapprovalprocedures prescribed in Chapter 184Qofthe VailMunicipal Code havebeen fuffilled and theTownCouncil hasreceivedthereport ofthePlanning andEnvironmental Commission recommendingapproval oftheproposed developmentplan far SDD28 Section 2 Special DevelopmentDistrict Nn28 SpecialDevelopment DistrictNo28SDD No 28 and the developmentplan therefore are herebyapproved forthe development ofPhaseII TheValley a part ofparcel A LionsRidge SubdivisionFiling No2 within the Town ofVailconsisting oftwo areasTract A upper development area consistsof 560 acresandTract B2 lower development area consists of 2418 acres Section 3Purpose SpecialDevelopment District28 is established to insure comprehensivedevelopment and useof QrdinanceNo17 Seriesof 1993 1 Second Reading anareathatwillbeharmonious withthe general character oftheTownofVail The development isregarded as complimentary totheTown by theTownCouncil and meets thedesign standards asset forth inSection 1840ofthe Municipal CodeAs statedinthestaff memorandadated July 12 1993and April 26 1993 there are significant aspects of Special Development District28 which are difficult tosatisfythrough the imposition ofthe standardsofthe ResidentialCluster zonedistrictSDD28allows for greaterflexibility inthe development oftheland thanwouldbe possible underthe current zoning ofthe property In orderto help preserve the naturaland scenicfeaturesofthis sitebuilding envelopes and drivewayalignments willbe establishedwhich designate the areas upon thesitein which development will occur SDD 28 provides an appropriatedevelopment plan that maintainsthe unique character ofthissite given thedifficult siteconstraints whichmuskbeaddressed intheoverall design ofthe project Section4DevelopmentPlan AThe development plan forSDD 2is approved andshall constitutethe plan for development withintheSpecial Development DistrictThe developmentplan is comprised ofthose plans submitted by Parkwood Realty andconsistsofthe following documents 1 Finalplat ofThe Valley PhaseII aresubdivisionof TractsAand B a part of parcel A Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No2 completedby Intermountain Engineering Limiteddated July 8 1993 2Structural engineeringdrawingsbyRay TDavisdated July 7 1993 3Soils report forTractsA1and A2by Koechlein ConsultingEngineers datedJune 21 1993 4Siteplan ofthelower development area Tract B2byRandyHodges dated April 241993Sheet number 1 5Siteplan forthe upper development area TractAbyRandyHodges dated November 61991Sheet number 4 6Detailed analysis of theretainingwalls drivewayprototypicalbuilding sectionsand regrading forthe upper development area TractAbyRandy Hodges datedJuiy 121992 Twosheets unnumbered 7Hazard analysis letters by Nicholas Lampiris PhddatedSeptember 18 1992 two letters and January 22 1993 8A landscapeplanby RandyHodges datedApril 23 1993Sheet number 2 9Adrainage planbyRangeWest Incdated January 281993 OrdinanceNo17 Seriesof1993 2 SecorsdReading 1Elevationsofthe seven singlefamily homestobeconstructedinthe lower development area TractB2Sheet numbers7911t3 1517thesSftets ccrresportd tCi harries lkyruy FxkJd i lapi pals andlevatleins of esdriceGbytndyHdeatec Setetrmbet 1 Othergeneral submittal documentsthatdefinethe development standards of the Special Development District B Thedevelopmentplan shall adhereto the following 1Acreage Thesiteismade up oftwo parcels Tract A andB2 The Valley Phase ll SiteAismade up of 60 acresand siteB2ismade up of 2418 acres 2PermittedUses a Singlefamily residential dwellings bOpen space c Publicand private roads 3ConditionalUses aPublic utility andpublic service uses bBed and Breakfasts asfurther regulated by Section1858310 4AccessoryUses a Privategreenhouses toolsheds playhouses attached garages or carports swimmingpools patios orrecreation facilities customarily incidentalto singlefamily residential uses b Homeoccupationssubject toissuance of a homeoccupation permit in accordancewith the provisions ofSections1858130 through 1858190 cOther uses customarily incidentaland accessory to permitted orconditional uses and necessary fortheoperation thereof 5Setbacks The setbacksshallbethose shown onthe siteplans forTractAand TractB2 OrdinanceNo17Series of1993 Second Reading 6 Density Approval ofthisdevelopmentplan shallpermit nine9singlefamily dwelling units twounitslocated onTractAand sevenunitslocated on TractB2 7 BuildingHeightBuildingheight shallbe33feetfor a sloping roof 8 ParkingParking shallcomply with therequirements of Section1852OffStreet Parking and Loading Eachunitshallhave aminimumoftwo enclosedparking spaces 9GRFAGRFAfor TractsAandB2shallconform toparagraph t 1E ofthis ordinance 11JLandscaping The area of thesite tobelandscaped shall be as indicated onthe landscape plan A detailedlandscapeplan shallbesubmitted to theDesign Review Boardfortheirapproval TheDesign ReviewBoardapproved final landscapeplan shall provide atleast theminimumnumberoftrees andshrubs shown ontheplan preparedbyRandyHodges dated April 23 1993 reviewedby thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission an July 12 1993 11 DesignRequirements Attime ofDRB submittal theapplicant shallsubmit drawings that meetthefollowing requirements a Buildings onTracts A1 andA2 shallbebenchedin intothehillsideand stepped withthe naturalcontoursofthesite Siteexcavationshould be no marethan necessary toaccommodate the proposed development Extensivesitegrading tocreate afiatbuilding siteshallnot bepermitted Inordertoensure compliance withthe above finished grades onthe north east andwestelevations ofbuildings shallnot deviate morethan 4feet fromexisting grade at anypoint b Buildings onTractsAiand A2 shall bedesigned with theinternalhazard mitigation recommendedby MrNick Lampiris inhishazard analysis dated September 1S 1992two letters andJanuary 22 1993 c Buildings onTract A2shallbedesigned with aturnaround using the apron in frontof the garage on envelope A2The garage and apronmay belocated at any point along the southern edge of theenvelope The1ire Department shall require that35feetbeprovided betweenthefront ofthe garage doorandthefaredge of pavement of thedriveway Thereshallbe aminimum height of125feet of clearance intheturnaround areato allow Ordinance No1Seriesof1493 L SecondReading C fqrfiretruck maneuvering dThesad areasshallalign withtheexisting sod areas of GrouseGlen locatedto thewest ofTractB2andthesod type shallmatchGrouseGlen eTheGRFA ofthe proposal shall comply withthefollowing chartThe GRFA allocatedfor eachresidence inthelowerdevelopment area Tract B2 andeach envelope in the upper development area TractA may be modified up to 54 square feet per unit as long asthetotal GRFAfor each tractdoesnot exceed themaximumof 1tia 31i39 forthelower development area TractB2 and 5936a2 far the upper develapment area TractA Lowerdavalooment areaTract B2 BaseFloor Area A1816 E3 1816 C 145 D2148 E1675 F 2157 Gi f 853Q9 tOTI 131 CreditGRFA current garage average credit 225 204116463 225 204116493 225 2070 493 2252373 24486 2251900 0492 225 238226483 45J i1G 4 459 Upperdevelopment areaTractAl total 5t33 2259 225 t6 600 600 Thedrawings submitted atthis timeexaeadtheallowableby theamountshowninthiscolumnAttime of DRB review theapplicant shallreducetheplans so they donot exceedtheallowable Floor areasmaychange by up to 50 square fraetfromthose showninthe basefloorareacolumn as long as theGRFAdoes notexceed thetotalshownfor eachtract The archiecturaldesign of Building Blocated inTract B2shallbe redesigned sothatitis distinctly differentfrom Buildings A orC as determinedby thel7flB The architect for Building Bshallrevisethe drawings so thattherooflines theentries thematerials andcolor are distinctly different fromeitherBuilding A or C g Prior to excavation ofeitherbuilding site onTract A theapplicant shall eitherdocumentthatalexcavation will occuronsite orshall provide letters fromadjacentproperty owners allowing theexcavation toencroach hPrior toTownapproval of theSingleFamily Subdivisionfar thelower OrdinanceNoi7 Seriesoft99S 5 SecondReading development area the applicant shalldedicatepublic access easements fiorthe common driveway as welt asthepedestrian access path Immediatelyfiafiowing thesecond reading ofthisSDD applicant shall recordattheEagleCounty ClerkandRecordersOffice an instrument whichshall notify future buyers ofthe reportsdrawings andTownofVail approveddevelopmentplans forthis parcel Therestriction shall statethat TractsAandB2 ofTheValley PhaseII aresubdivision ofTracts AandB a part ofparcel A LionsRidge SubdivisionFiling No 2 hasbeenapproved asan SpecialDevelopment District by the Townof Vail OrdinanceNo 17 Seriesof 1993This approval for TractAmandates buildingenvelope location and roadldriveway alignments These approvedplans may beamendedonlyby the TownofVail perChapter 1840oftheVailMunicipal CodeFuture ownersshouldreviewengineering drawingsby Ray TDavisdated July7 1993and a soils studyby KoechleinConsulting Engineers datedJune21 1993 onfile withthe TownofVail Community DevelopmentDepartment Future ownersshouldalsobe aware thatallretaining wallsshould meetthemaximumheight limits set forthintheTownofiVaii Zoning Code Proposedplans datedJuly 121993byRandyHodgesmeeting suchrequirements areonfile intheTown ofVaiiCommunityDevelopment Department 12RecreationAmenitiesTaxThe recreationamenities taxis 30 persquare foot DiaihadePlanPrartssanc of y iwlding prmfttrrrthrrrhi atee applicatshall avtadrapageianwhichrreethetyandrdsaftTrw tCrer Section 5Amendments Amendmentstotheapproveddevelopmentplan whichdonot change itssubstance may be approved by the Planning andEnvironmentalCommission at a regularly scheduled publichearing in accordancewith theprovisions of Section 1866060and 1840100Amendmentswhich do change the substanceofthedevelopment plan shall be required tobeapprovedbyTown Council aftertheaboveprocedure has beenfollowedTheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment shall determinewhatconstitutes a change in thesubstanceof the developmentplan Section6 Expiration Theapplicant mustbegin construction of theSpecialDevelopment Districtwithin18 monthsfrom thetime ofits finalapproval andcontinue diligently towardcompletion of theproject Ifthe applicant does not begin anddiligently worktowardthe completion oftheSpecial Development District or any stage of theSpecialDevelopment District They shaftrecommendtotheTown Councilthateithertheapproval ofthe Special Development Districtbeextended thatthe OrdinanceNc17 Serresof1993 6 SecondReading approval ofthe SpecialDevelopment Districtberevoked or that the SpecialDevelopment District be amended Section7 If any part sectionsubsectionsentence clause ar phrase ofthisordinanceisfor any reason heldtobe invalidsuch decisionshall notaffect the validity ofthe remainingportions of this ordinance andtheTownCouncil hereby declaresitwouldhave passed thisordinance andeach part sectionsubsection sentence clauso or phrase thereofregardless of thefactthat any one armore parts sectionssubsections sentences clauses or phrases bedeclaredinvalid Section8 The repeal orthe repeal andreenactmentof any provisions oftheVail Municipal Code as provided inthis ordinanceshallnot affect anyright whichhas accrued anydutyimposed any violationthat occurred prior totheeffectivedatehereof anyprosecution commenced norany other action or proceeding ascommencedunder ar by virtueofthe provisionrepealed ar repealed andreenactedTherepeal of any provisionhereby shall notrevive any provision or any ordinancepreviously repealed or superseded unlessexpressly stated herein INTRODUCED READAPPROVED AND ORDEREDPUBLISHED ONCEINFULLON FIRSTREADINGTHIS 17th day of August 1993 and a publichearing shall beheld onthis ordinance on the7thday ofSeptember 1993 at730 pm inthe Council Chambersof theVail MunicipalBuilding Vail Colorado iST b n Holly McCutcheon TawnClerk Margaret AOsterfossMayor INTRODUCED READ AND APPROVED ON SECONDREADING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED infullthis7th day ofSeptember 1993 Yt Margar A OsterfossMayor 5T 11If t171 It Holly L McCutcheon TownClerk ClOF1D9317 DrdinanceNo17 Seriosof1993 SecondEeading 4 n Q p N 0 5 m s o V d O Q m t r ryy ir C9 i RgsT d d 1 N tj E3tiI v o g C 4 Oa co oa n Q Q Q NnQ O rDr C Yi m Op000d j mpQQOuCiO 0 n OQq 7m N m 10flYDZCaQ fD m m o m oma e I0 aooyT o oav m nr 0 Q 3 f70 D A Q nQm7gin O C7o a N Ncaa o Q a a 3cep mnIVS m 1 cDOaQ A nm Q cn y p fl0r nj x 0 nm D m 3 O O t GLD C O Q Q Q r S In r Aw itscAmVbm o mo3 SL t i aQn rc n m a r Z 0 3 o tp x a CD v a n 0 n Q 3 o a o da o O o m O o Q m o c 0 c Q o Q a Q o Q a Q o o w n 0 c t 0 m O r 0 a N m a fl W Q Q a Q ro a 0 n a o o 9 Q a a a g 0 m Q oQ Q11 o 0 0 Q a 0 c 0 c 0 m 0 H m m 0 a g cD a a 3 tp Q QcD m m Q roo 2 fl m c D a3ao o Q Qm r m o a s o Q o F cc a fl 3 O Q Q y tp j Q O o m m m cn a N Q am o a a o o Q o QaQm o Q o o o mroV 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