HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC110051 SDD 29 Attach Dr ORDINANCENO6 Seriesof 1997 ANORDINANCE REPEALINGAND REENACTINGORDINANCE NO 17 SERIES OF 1993 ANORDINANCE AMENDINGSPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTNO29 THE VALLEY PHASE I1 ANDPROVIDINGFOR ADEVELOPMENT PLANANDITS CONTENTS PERMITTED CONDITIONAL ANDACCESSORY USESDEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RECREATIONAMENITIES TAX ANDOTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS ANDSETTING FORTHDETAILSIN REGARDTHERETO WHEREASChapter 1840oftheVail Municipal Code authorizesSpecial Development Districts withintheTowninorder o encourage flexibility inthe development of land and WHEREAS an application has beenmadeforthe amendmentof SpecialDevelopment DistrictSDD No29for a certainparcel of property within theTownknown as The Valley Phase II a part ofParcel A Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No 2 and WHEREAS inaccordancewith Section1866140 the Planning andEnvironmental Commission on February10 1997held a publichearing onthe amendedSDD andhas submitted itsrecommendation totheTown Council and WHEREAS allnotices as requiredby Section1866080 havebeensenttothe appropriate parties and WHEREAS theTown Councilconsidersthatitis reasonable appropriate andbeneficial totheTownand itscitizensinhabitants andvisitors toamendSDDNo 29 and WHEREAS application hasbeen madetotheTownofVail tomodify andamend certain sectionsof SpecialDevelopment District No29 whichrelate to TractAUpper Development and whichmakecertain changes inthedevelopment plan for Special Developmen District No29 as they specifically relatetoTract A and WHEREAS the TownCouncilhasheld a publichearing as requiredbyChapter 1866of theMunicipal Codeof theTownofVail NOWTHEREFORE BEITORDAINED BYTHETOWN COUNCILOFTHETOWN OF VAILCOLORADO THAT Ordinance No 17 Seriesof 1993 ishereby repealed and reenacted as follows Note Text thatisis being deletedardtextthatis shadedis beingadded Section 1AmendmentProcedures Fulfilled Planning Commission Report The TownCouncilfindsthatall the procedures set forth inChapter 1840 Special Development Districts oftheVail Municipal Codehavebeen fulfilled andthe TownCouncilhasreceived the 1 Ordinance No6 Seriesof1897 report ofthe Planning and EnvironmentalCommission recommending approval of the major amendmentofforSDD 29 Section 2Purposes SpecialDevelopment DistrictNo 829isestablished to ensure comprehensivedevelopment and useof anareathatwillbeharmonious withthe general characterofthe TownofVail The development is regarded as complementary to theTown bythe Town Councilandthe Planning and Environmental Commission and there are sfgnificiant aspects ofthe specialdevelopment which cannotbesatisfied through the imposition ofthestandardsof theResidentialCluster zone district Section3 SpecialDevelopment DistrictNo2 29Established Special Development DistrictNoX829 SDD No X829 isestablishedfar thedevelopment antwo parcels ofland TractAupper developmentarea consistsof 88Q acresandTractB2 lower developmentarea consistsof2418 arcres Section 4Development Plan AThedevelopment plan for SDDNo 89 is approved andshallconstitute theplan for development within theSpecial Development Distric The developmentplan is comprised ofthose plans submitted by Parlcwoad Realty andconsistsofthe following documents 1Final plat ofTheValley Phase II a resubdivisionofTracts AandB a part of parcel A LionsRidge Subdivision Filing Na2completed by Intermountain Engineering Limiteddated July8 1993 2Structural engineeringdrawingsby Ray TDavisdated July 7 1993 3Soils report for TractsA1andA2 by Kaechlein Consulting Engineers datedJune 21 1993 4Site plan ofthelower development area Tract B2byRandyHodges dated April 241993Sheet number 1 5Site plan forthe upper development area TractAby RandyHodges dated November61991 Sheet number 4 6Detailedanalysis of theretaining wallsdriveway proatypicalbuilding sectionsand regrading forthe upper development area Tract AbyRandyHodges dated July 121992Two sheets unnumbered 7Hazard analysis letters by Nicholas Lampiris Phddated September 18 1992two letters andJanuary22 1993 8A landscapeplan byRandyHodges dated April 23 1993Sheet number 2 z Ordinance Alo6 Seriesa1997 9A drainageplanlayRangeWest Incdated January 28 1993 10Elevations ofthe seven singlefamily homesto be constructedin thelower development area TractB2Sheet numbers 79111315 17 Thesesheets correspond to homes ABCDE andF 11Floor plans andelevationsofresidence GbyRandyHodges dated September 1 1993 sheetnumbers1G2 G2a andG3This homeistobe constructed inthe lower development area TractB2 andshallinclude a Type III employee housing unit having 534 square feetPrior toissuanceof a buildingpermit forResidence G theapplicant shall sign a deed restriction onaform providedby theCommunity Development Department which shallconformtoall requirements for a Type III employeehousing unit Section157060 12Other general submittaldocumensthatdefine thedevelopment standards ofthe Special Development District 13 Toprgraphicsurvey dated 1127197identifying ttte popoedbuildingenvelopefor TractA BThe developmentplan shall adheretothefollowing 1 Acreage Thesiteismade up oftwo parcels TractAand B2 The Valley Phase 11SiteAismade up ofi860 acresandsiteB2 ismade up of2418 acres 2PermittedUses a TractA 1 SingleFamily residentialdwellings 2 Twafamilyresidential dwelliris 3 Primarylsecondary resitlentialdwellings 4 OpenSpace 5 Publicandprivate roads bTractB2 1 Singlefamily residentialdwellings 2 Open space 3 Publicand private roads 3ConditionalUses a Public utility andpublic service uses bBed andBreakfasts asfurther regulatedby Section1858310 3 Ordinance No6 Seriesof1997 c Type f EH1located on TractA 4 AccessaryUses a Private greenhouses toolshedsplayhouses attached garages or carports swimmingpoolspatios orrecreationfacilities customarily incidental to singlefamily residential uses bHome occupations subject toissuance of a home occupation permit in accordancewiththe provisions ofSections1858130 through 1858190 c Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses and necessary forthe operationthereof 5SetbacksThe setbacksshallbethoseshown onthe site plans forTractA and Tract B2 oras provided forwiththe buildingenvelopes 6Density Approval ofthis developmentplan shall permit nine 9 erilr dwelling units two 2 units located on TractAand seven 7 sirtglfamEly units locoed on TractB2 7BuildinHi tBuildingheight shallbe33feetfor a sloping roof 8Parkins Parking shall comply withthe requirements ofSection 1852 OffStreet Parking and Loading Eachunitshallhave a minimumoftwoenclosed parking spaces 9GRFAGRFAforTractsAandB2shall conformto paragraph11E of this ordinance 10Landscaninq The areaof thesitetobe landscaped shallbe as indicated on the landscape plan Adetailed landscapeplan shallbesubmitted to the Design Review Boardfortheir approval TheDesign ReviewBoard approved finallandscape plan shallprovide atleasttheminimumnumberof treesandshrubsshown on theplan preparedby RandyHodges dated April23 1993reviewed by the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission on July 12 1993 11DesignRequirements AttimeofDRB submittal the applicant shallsubmit drawings thatmeetthe followingrequirements a The buildings on Tracts A1crdshallbebenchedin intothehillside and stepped with thenaturalcontoursofthesite Siteexcavationshouldbe no more than necessary to accommodatethe proposeddevelopment Extensivesite grading tocreate aflatbuilding siteshall not be permitted 4 OrdinanceNo 6Seriesof4997 i Inorderto ensure compliance withtheabove finished grades on the north eastand west elevationsofbuildings shallnotdeviate more than4feetfrom existinggrade at anypoint bThe Buildings onTracts Arashallbe designed withthe internal hazard mitigation recommended by Mr NickLampiris inhis hazard analysis datedSeptember18 1992 twoleters and January22 1993 c The Buildings an TractAshallbe designed withaturnaround using the apron infront ofthe garage e clv The garage and apron may be locatedat anypoint along the southernedge ofthe envelope TheFire Department shall require that 35feetbe provided betweenthe frontofthe garage doorandthefar edge ofpavement ofthe driveway Thereshallbe a minimum height of 125feetofclearanceinthe turnaround area to allow forfiretruck maneuvering dThe sad areas shallalign withthe existing sod areasofGrouseGlenlocated tothewestofTractB2andthesod type shall matchGrouseGlen eTheGRFAofthe proposal shall comply withthefollowing chartTheGRFA allocatedforeach residence inthelowerdevelopment area TractB2 and eaelfiervelee inthe upper development area TractA may be modifiied up to50 square feet per unit as long asthetotalGRFAforeach tractdoesnot exceedthe maximumof1362313314 309 for thePowerdevelopment area TractB2 and5993 8152159 forthe upper development area TractA Lowerdevelopment areaTract821 BaseFloor CreditGRFA nurroi garage Area aara credit A1816 2252041 6463 B1816 2252041 46 493 C 18452252070 493 I2148 22523734 486 E1675 2251900 g492 F2157 2252382 26 483 G1857309 4502816 46459 total13623 Unnerdevelopment area TractAl A 132233325 30 ggg Az29332 23946 Egg fete5993 TractA5993 450 X443 X200 IraViHES9EiHFfttet hice2irt ulleYdB3yt3c Frut 3eVVfi1rFh3arRrrzftii fn plor aeeyd c seedtlwliL Floor areas maychange by up to 50 square feetfromthose showninthebasefloorarea column as long asthe OtdinanraAfo 6 Seriesof1 997 GRFAdoesnetexceedthe totsshownforeachtract Theadditional309 square feet is made up of159takenfrom thelower development area and150 grantedby theTownofVail Tarmrtrtrt1 gn e 3uilE3laectiTd srllr wed sctititiistiairtl r sz JF Ss edbsEff3 Tirertcr 13uiIiFehell rvi tle y1v V1rt4rtwiIIIV J tll Gi 114 j 44VV It1 P gf Prior toexcavationofar IuleiEe anTractA the applicant shall eitherdocument thatallexcavationwill occur onsite or shall provide letters from adjacent property owners allowing the excavationtoencroach IFte Eiei Eisit theI tt eueeMT fE p tetic EECapplct e Iv CFrrtyl a cr iscrt eriheYalt etfyfutureaersef the rcFr dravv adTE rl asrocd deelapr Ihspreei TheFcrteirela11state the aafeaEeTIe aiey rf1 reatisteF Traets E c tpar1 LiIieigeSa3disn iliag Fk mss eeapsaves r EeeielBereFaprFciet theTeamse rieefe Erieef1E3This aprafcr Tr elates tuildtgnwlpaeeatic aFeedf4eneli Th rJpi c a tre Tevrtca pChEptcr 9E3tth1el ftieial6ed turc 3uad Jule n39rniQ at bS I rtigrgir a 1 33orilebithth D4 t rutifeeVlftG33hUlfi GVtFensallretti iieitaIei EFhiritreTarrot3 efcll ringi rsea rraez r eettr sc egtttretre ae ittheTarar cail Gon7rtFftirBeVeepF19e1tDcaot g PriortoJune 1997 thexistrgewity lc on Tract Amrrst removed h Theexistingdriveway cut forTact A sFiall beshown nn tfe final pta sthe onlypermitted accesstothesite 12RecreationAmenitiesTax Therecreationamenities taxis30 persquare foot 6 OrdnancsNo 6 Seriesof1997 i 13DrainagePlanPrior to issuancea anybuildingpermits withinthis SDD the applicant shall provide a drainageplan whichmeetsthe standardsoftheTown Engineer Section 5 Amendmentstothe approveddevelopmentplan whichdo notchange itssubstance may be approvedby the Planning andEnvironmental Commission at a regularly scheduled publichearing inaccordancewiththe provisions ofSection166060 and1840100Amendmentswhich do change thesubstanceofthe development plan shallbe required tobe approvedby Town Council after theaboveprocedure hasbeenfollowedThe Community DevelopmentDepartment shall determinewhatconstitutes a change inthe substanceofthe developmentplan Section6 The applicant mustbegin constructionoftheSpecialDevelopment District within18monthsfrom thetimeofitsfinal approval andcontinuediligently toward completion ofthe project Ifthe applicant does notbegin anddiligently worktowardthe completion of theSpecial Development District or anystage oftheSpecial Development District They shallrecommendto theTown Councilthateitherthe approval ofthe SpecialDevelopment Districtbe extended thatthe approval ofthe SpecialDevelopment Districtberevoked or thatthe SpecialDevelopment Districtbe amended Section7 If any partsectionsubsection senence clause or phrase ofthis ordinanceisfor any reasonheld to beinvalid such decision shallnotaffectthe validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis ordinance andtheTownCouncil hereby declaresitwouldhave passed this ordinance andeach partsection subsectionsentence clause or phrase thereofregardless ofthefactthat any one ormore parts sectionssubsections sentences clauses or phrases bedeclaredinvalid Section8 The repeal or the repeal andreenactmentof anyprovisions oftheVail Municipal Cade as provided inthisordinance shallnot affect anyright whichhas accrued any dutyimposed any violation that occurred prior totheeffective date hereof anyprosecutioncommenced norany other action ar proceeding as commenced under or by virtueofthe provisionrepealed or repealed andreenacted The repeal of any provisionhereby shallnotrevive anyprovision ar any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly statedherein 7 OrtlinanceNo 6 Seriesof1997 INTRODUCED READONFIRST READINGAPPROVED ANDORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL this 4thday of March 1997A publichearing onthisordinance shallbeheld atthe regularmeeting oftheTownCounciloftheTownofVail Colorado onthe25thday of March 1997 inthe MunicipalBuilding oftheTown rr S NavasMayor ProTem ATTEST Q a Holly L McCutcheon TownClerk INTRODUCEDREAD ADOPTEDANDENACTEDON SECONDREADINGAND ORDERED PUBLISHED iNFULL BY TITLE ONLY TH15 7s dafJa 1997 RobertW ArmourMayor ATTEST Holly LMcCutcheon TownClerk 8 OrdinanceNo 6Series of1997 roDr y 9A o cQroQOyy aJnZ o a c o Q o D 0 O oro gomroaoQo c cn 3 7@ n invi QQ Q D OO ro QQOhm QaQaro C O Q 3ro d C ro n o g O ro Q can O J i Q N Q ro ro 0 prrn nRQ iD C QZ Q Q O ro cn D Q cn Q p cb ro Cro r N oma o aQ rom gz InQ ro O O Q ti C m Un Q a 3 x N p c pcomromaQmQOQa j g g T o 0a zPZmqs azpgmngm f 54 m325 mm On sZamaa OVCy m m sagam 51mCNN0q0 grtigm min mn3Nmra oomcci DSTC m gr bwoe 1roma mZgZ h oa3 gi o mfm7ayysyc ap r gA 3 Ympao co trsyCmmmZaa z J bX 3gyy55QQ Onaqsd m qri6tOaAm mZ Y O Vz 7 O y m7 so 2NmpYq ppg x7t cos Nmrodm c f oi o 753a mm K Z Llm N m i m9 0 b O U