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A r�q��st for a�ond�ti�n�l ��e p��r�i#t� �li���ar�r� o�td�or dir�i�g d��k ���he D�ily Gri�d C��f�� C�r�pany i���t�d at 2�� �ridg� �t���t1L�t �� io�k 5H, �lasi Vill�ge 1s� Filing. �Pp�ic�r�tm Th� D�iiy {�r��d �off�� ��r�p��y �1����r: G��rg� R�ther F:\�veryone\pecln ot ices.462695 � 1 �I T i� I 1 � � � � � �, Jt��� 26, 1995 ������ �t� V�sit� 1 �3 a ��t ��il te��il 1390 �r��nhiN ��t�rf C���ad� �r�s�i�g �edi��l ��nt�r, C�ih�t�r L�b D��ly rir�d Driv�r�a Andy � ���dy r�j��t ri�� ti�� L���h i2o3 pID � Dis��a��i�� �f appr�prs�te rr��t�rs�l�, �c�l�r� and �dv�rii���g fior a��d��r dining/p�bli� ���ting are�s9 t� li� ��rit� 2m g m 1 e A r�q����f�r � ���dit����l �se p�rrr�st to �Bl�vv for a Icq��r �t�r� �� b� I�c�.t�d �t th� ���c�d� �r���i�g R�t�il �enY�r, 1031 S, Fr�r���g� R��d ��st I�� �r�pl�tted par��l i���t�d ��st �f the V�il �r�f��sion�l ��ildit�g �r�d s��th �f I-70. �ppii�ar�t: �ndr�w VVood�� D�A L���!'� Liq��r �I��n�r: Mik� t��lii�a 2a A r�q���t fi�r a s�tba�k v�ri��c� t� �il�v���r �� add9ti�� t� � r���d�r���, i���t�d at 1390 �r���hill ���rU��t 12, �I�n Ly�r�, �PPI6�a��: ���m�t����Yi�� Prop�rti�� �I�r�r��re Ar�dy I�nudt��n 3o A req�i�st f�r �w�rks���s�r� f�r ����dgti�r��l �ss� p�rm�t t� all�w th� V�ii ��Bl�y �d��a� ���t�r t� p�rk � mobile ��th�ter f�b/tr�ii�r �t th� fi��ad��+ Driv� I��da�g ar��, ��c�t�d �t ��1 ��t fvl�ad�� Dr�v�lL�t� � � F, V�il �/ii6�g� 2t�d Fili�tge �PPli��r�t; ��il V�)1ey t��di�a� ��r�t�r, ��pres�r�t�d by D�� F��n�y ���nn�ra R��dy �t�ud�r A�o � r�q���t#�r��br�d��a��al ��� p�rr�it t� all��r ��r�xt�r��r��atir�g at th� ��t V�i1 �IIs l���t�d �t 2151 �1or�h Fr�r�t�g� ���d/l,�t 2A� �J�6i ��� �ch��� 3rd Fi��r�ga �pPli��r�t; ��f���! 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R�y � �h�r� �t�t�d �h�t th� Vail i/�ll�y �di��i ��rrt�r ��� �� �ppro��h�d th� H��pit�l9� b��r� �#dir��t�r� �ft�r�ar�#ui ��ns�d�rati�� �# th� ��bil� ��rvi��a °�he m�di��� �taffi f�lt th�t th� pr�����r� ��� s�#� ��,a �ou�d pr�vade � b�n���t t���,� c�m���stya . v lmgnutes\962s95 � F.� ery�n� lus �y ' �h�� �tat�d th�r� �v�r� 5 r�a��r�� t� �p����� thi� reque�fm �. 7°F������w�uld d�ls��r��di���r��1 he�l�h ��r� t� ��r��rr���a�ity$m �� it i� ���9 �p����r�t rn��t dr€��� ��r�v�r �r �r��d J���t6�� t� hav� ihi� pr���dur� ��r��. 2a x �il ��1i�y ��di��! ��nt�r's ��r�m�r�ity ���d� ������m�r�t d�t�r�i��d th�t V�il r��i�� � �r�d v1s°st�r� �r� �gir�g ��d th�#�dd������� h�ar����� ��rv���� ��r� r�����dm 4� �"����r�i�� c�r� b� pr��id�d �� �h� ��r�m�r��ty�v�r� �t � l��v I�v�� af d�rr���d fi�r ���9 ����� th� ���a°�.l� ���t i� �h�r�d ���i��r� rr��ny ��rr�rn�r��i��e 5m �fVt�� h�� h�d t�a� €���ting� �vith th� ��r� ��ity arrd b�li�°��s th�t th� Cc�r�r��naty�� ��r���r�� ��r� b� r���i�edo R�y � �ha�, dir�cg�r�f��if ��Il�y f��dic�l Ce���r ir�tr�c3�a��d ��rda�l�g��� �re ���al �r�d �t������� �rb�r��wite l°����i�a�t�riz�ti�� pr����� is � d��g��st�� t���i���t�rm�r�� if th�r� i� bia�kag� �f th� �rt�r��� �f th� ���rt. A t�b� th�t ira���t� dy� �� ir�s�rt�d ir�t� �.n art�ry �r� th� gr�ir� to vi��r �t�y bl��k�g�. X� r�y� �r� t�k�� t� giv� th� ���t�r ��i��cal im�ge��th� blo�d fl�� p�t��rn� �s�r 2h� h��r�a `Thi� f� an �� ��6�nt pr�c�d�r� 2��Y t�k�� �b��t 1 h��rm �'�� r����°�ry p�ri�d �� �r�rn �-� i��ur� i�ng9 �r�d p�ti��t��vil! be bro�ght i�t� the h��pit�3 d�ri�g r���v�ryo ro ��� ��id that he wa� fr�ir��d ��v�r t� d� thi� p����d�r� �x��pt i� � I�rg� h��p►t�l b�c���� �ith � ���rt ��th�t�riz�tj�� ��m�th�r�g ���Id go �r�ng, Hcs��v�rs it �� �c�t tr�a� th�t � �ardiol�g��i t��� �a��d� t� �t��d by. !f ��m�thi�g d��s go�� r�r�g it�vould ��k� 2�� hc��rs ��fi�r� � t��rr� ��c�l� �� ����d�l�d to p�rf�rr� �urg�ry ��d th�t I���� tr�r��por� tir�� frc�rr� ��°sl t� ����erm Dr. ���1 �����d th�t g���r�1ly if �orn�thing g��� �rror�g� ih� p�ts��t di�� irr�rr��di�t�lyo ��t�str�phi� ��rr�p�����i�n� w��ld b� if th� �ath���r ���s�d d�r��g� i� th� art�ry ����i�g th� �rt�ry t� ���s� d�vvr�m ���th is th� r�s�ita i�r, ���1 �aid th�r� �r��ri#�ria t� h�lp ��I��t ��t���t� f�r th� pr�����r� p�rf�rm�d by � rn9bil� u�it. `Thi� s�re���r�g pr����� �ill �nly �llc�� p�ti�r�ts �ho f�Bl wmth�r� t3�€� healihy p��fil� to hav� th� t�st.. �t�di��d��� �y th� A��o�a�tior� of Arr��ri��r� ��r������i�t� a� Duk� Uni��r�ity aa�d th� t�a� �lar�f�, both ir��j�r h��rt��r�t�r�, h�v� rr��v�d or�t� d���g ���� pr���d�re i� rr���il� �nit�e Th� ��rnpli��t��n r�t� �� 1/3 �h�t �� h��pit�l� p�r#�rrr�i�g th� pr�����r�, �C��€€� ���gh�n i�q�ir�d if p�.t►��t� hav� �h��t p�in�, dt� th�y��nt to �v�it f�r �h� i�b t� sh�� �p �r �� �rt�s��di�t� �ar� r�q�ir�d? r. ���I ���d th�# it�va� th� pati�r�t°� �h�i��. P��pt� �h� ���ld b� s�f� i� ���� ar� th� p��pl� th�.t�hi� �ar�c�d�r� �ra� m��r�t f�ro F{��ry �r�tt ����d �f th� Ed��rd� fa�il�ty�o�sld b� � b�tt�r �it� t� s�rve t�� l�c�l ��mmunity9 rath�r th�r� ��rve th� t�ur��t. N��ry ais� ��k�d i� t�� �di��rds f���lity ��uld b� � h��pfta9 �r � ��t������ �����rtye rm �[�E��id it���1d ��ly k�� d��t�r's �ff����a �rs ���t ���d that th� r�e�v�ry p�rj�d r�q�air�� th��r���it�ri�g b� d�r�� �y exp�rt r��r���a Th� d��r�����ilit� is no�a�t��ap�t�d t� b� �h� �yp� �f���i9i�y th�t���ld hav� th� r�������ry p�r��r�r��� f�r r��#r�� rn�n9��rir�g, F:�vezyare� +anvr,ua�lCKi2695 2 ��y ' �.h�� �t�t�d th�f th� d��rd'� ��te E� �t�[y �i�t�d �� �� a phy�E���.r�� af�ic�9 �h�spit�i �re({ r�at � tspli��t�d ih�r�. �b k� �€�r �.�k�d if r���i�g th� c�th�t�r �a��� ithE�th� h��pat�l rr��d� s����$ �f��� r�����g p�r��: �I d��r� ��.II��t� th� �d��rd� sit� �p���d �p r�� �r� ih� �xi�t�r�g h��ppt�l, 0 r� � �aid o� � ��� e���omE� b����P �t t�k�� �50 pr���d�r�s p�r y��r t� �r��k �v�� �rit�t �� �� h���� �h�t�r I�ba T'h� �fail hospi��l �r�fl ��t�� � �l��� t� ����� r��r�b�rsm �y � �h�� �t�t�d that h��rt di����� is�h� ���di� ����� af de��h �� th� EJ . 75�1� �fi �drr�€� 4 r�� i� ih� t�C �re h��.rt r�I�t�d4 ��t k��� f�l�r€��a �� ',; ��r ��id th� �pproprf�t�r���� �f th� tr�il�r e� th� i����� r�at�h�th�r �r ��t th� pr�ced�re s� ��� da FC���r� ��fgh�� �����d th�t it�r�� th� hc�spit�l'�j�� �� d���rr�i�� if th�� w�� rr��d�d, if th� m�d�c�l �t��f����r�� €���d thi�9 I�t`� try t� ����r���d�t� th�r�, b���ith r��r��r��! irnp��t to �h� �l�t��l CCI���e �r�g , �s€��t��� �n f�v�r �f th� i���! af rr��d���� ��r� �r��r����e�g, � r���r �it� ��hi�d th� h��p�t�i �v�t�I� r��r� �ppr�priat�m �"h� f�b�h��fd �I�c� r�c�� b� pr���r�t �r� �h� b�����t���k�r�dsa ��E�� �o�r gr��it�d �h� publEC t� ���n� ��fr�r�t t� f��k �t�h� rnap dur°s�g � �i��� ��r� ��p�ter�tl�f �(t�rr� �"�� io��ti�r��. ��� ���r��� ��id th�t utr(€ty h��k�p requir�e��r����o€�(d r��� b� � prc�bE�rri ir� �ith�r �f th� t�� ��t�r����� 4a��ti��� b�€�g discus�ed, sbr��� th� ��i�ti�rg ��i9i�i�s ��t�fd ��r���i��bPy��rk, �r�� ' �f��g ��°rd ��r�dsc�p�r�g� p�s�ibly�ith �pr��� tr���p ����d hEd� th� mc�bE�� f�b, ��� ���r���rkq €r�r� t�� ���rgr��r� L�dg�, �t�t�� t�t����I� a �0' tr�� �va�fd rs��k� � di�f�r�r�cea �� ' � ��id th�t th� h�spit�f p�.rk�r�g ��r�ct�re ����r�rn�d ira th� �vi�t�r �r�d � [�ss �f parki�g �p���� �ht�s�fci r��t b� ���s€d�reda hi�r�r� r��t�v��fd r��t 11k� t� s�� �r�y la�� �f p�.rker�g �p�����urr��t�y d�di�at�d t�th� pubfi�a ��r� , ��r 2 �r 3 d�ys � r��rth �taf� p�rk�r�g �c�c�fd b�j�gg(�do r� �d�� st�ted th�t ihe pr�p���d la��t��� ��� r��t�ppr�prf�t�, F{� f�Et th�t th� l���ti�� �f���r�: th� r�t�ir�ir�g wa�i b�l�w th� ���rgr��� H�t�(���Id b� ��tt�ra �t th� ���t r���tir�g, h� �t�gg� �d €�pd��it�g t�� �E���ti�r� dr��i�g� �r�d �r��fy�Er�g th� frr�p��t� �f this I���ti�� to th� ���r�r � N�t�le !�� �6s� �sk�d Ef th� d�m��t�r �� �h� �Il�y ��� ��pp��ed t� b� t�mp�rary? �ay � �h�r� ���d the d�mpst�r��� r����s��ry€�r ��r���r€��ti�r� pr�t���� that��r� o�-g�i�g, �r� , �d�� �sk�d if fEr� spr`sr�kl�r��r�r� r�q�ir�d ir� �he p�rki�g g�rag�a ��r� � ��y, fror� th� ����9 ��€d th� lJ�if�rrr� �ir� ��d� d���r�'t reqt�ir� �pri�k��r� �r�d th�:t th� fir f�r� ���id b� r��r����d do�v� fr�r� th� �x►���r�g 2Q8, �nf� if �prir�kl�r� ��r� �r��tali�d i�a tf�� p�rkir� �r�.g�, �,�every�n� , 1$ssnut�`,06�695 � �b�rr���ar ��rr�rn�riz�d th� �E��s ��mr��r�ts �� f�li��sp Th� ��� �gr��� t���thi� �s � r���d�d pr�����r�� b�� �� �lt�rr���e s�t� �as r��c�ss��y. 7'h�s �v�s � h����€y ���d p�d��tri�� �r�a �ith � r��id�r�t��� f��li�g, It i� tt��tr�r���ii�� �r�a b�t���r� Le�rash��d �.�� th� 1�il�a��m Fl�.�i�g y� p��iti�r��d ir� ba�k �� �h� �c�ild�€�g w��id �lir�irs�t� r��i�hb�rh��� `s�,���t�$ �rith th� �x��ptf�ra �f th� E��rgr�er�o � ��� vw�rk v���h th� p�r�ing prc�bler�o �hsf�ir�g th� l�b�� 8�� b�.�k �f ih� bt�ildi�g wiih � ��p �r� t�� ��r���r ��d�y� �f �as� �rad pr�hibiti�g ��� t�r� ���k d�y�s ���rra� t� b� ih� f�elir� �fi th� �rrr�rr����i��� J�rr� L� �r�����h gh� ��.�t 1i6lla � h�r���v���rs As��e9 �.ppi��d�d t�� h���if�! f�r k��ping �p th� dl�i�g 3th ��rrsrr�c��°sty m �h� ���ghb�rh��d ��m��w��rs d�dr�'t kr���+thz� �a� � i���pit�i �r�� �ah�� t��y ���ght#h�ir pr�p�rtyp A�lini� ex�st�d ��d i# ����€�r��d fc�r �p��i�l �a��, �� �h� ��ighb�rh��d h�d �� �x��c�ats���s Ji� L�rr���t targ�d ih� ho���t�! t� �r���� � rr��.�t�r pi�� f�r th� �zt� t� ����1v� ��r�f1l��� th�t h�v� �ot b��ra addr�ss�d9 s��h �� sr���u r�r����f, �t�e i'h�r� is a ���d t� �ddres� fuI��� r��bi9� �rt°st� �� th�y ���Iv�, Th� unit p�d sh��1d �� h����d i� � p�rrt����r�i f��iliiy f�r � i�s�� t�rr� ��luti�r� so �n�th�� ���d►t►�rr�l ��� p�rrr�►t r�v�€��t b� �������ry �+��t� ����h�r mobil� ��it �� ���d�d, Jar� L�m�s�t�v�� di��pp��r�t�d with �t�f�'� �n�l�sis �f th� p�rki� i�s��o P�rko�g pr�bl�rr�� �il� b� �o�2ir�u���o D�liv�ry ��9�i�1�� �lil h�v� � probi�m d�i�ve�is�g. Tr��k p�rkin ►s �Ir�ady � pr�bl�r� ir� th� �re� �f ih� irc��k d�cka ��r��'� sh�w up ��xt ta ihe �a�� H��� at 5am o Th� n��ghb�rh��d �r�d h��pit�l r���d t� t�r�r�g � ����r pla� t� th� C�rs�r�i��i���r�, �� th�t ih�y c�n rn�k� a b�t��r de��rrr���ati�rro Jarr� �'��t�, � 26 yr. r��i��€�t ���I�ii, ��r�s�d�rs t4�e ��v�l �f h�sp���l ��r�ri�� v�ry irr�p�rtar�t�� ��r �gi�g ��r�zr��r�ityo l�e f�8t th�t ih� h��pi#al pr�v�d�� �r� �x��ll��t q��lity �f ��rvi�� f�r i�� ���rra�a�ity. Jirr� Vi�l� ��� �r� ih� �EC e�h�n th� h��pit�! wa� ir� ft� �xp���i�r� pro���se 3�� ��id th� h���ital h�� b��r� � g��d ��ighbora �"he h��pita8'� 1�r�d����ir�g �rad �arkirag f��iltty f�n�t���t ��ry��#la °Th� h��pit�l h�s d�rr��r��#r�t�d � gr�at �ra.�k r���rd 'an d�ing �ha�th�y �a�d'�th�� �votalds �r�d f�6t�h�t th� pr�p�s�l �h�uid b� �pprov�d. Robby �bi���� ���ted th�� h���� � h�art p�ta�rt�, i�� h�s i�v�d irt th� ���I�y sirs�� 1966 �h�rt heaith �ar� w�� th� �ki patr�L l°h� ��thet�r lab a� a r��bil� �sr�ii��r� s��� rt�t���y, s�why r��k� th� h��p�t�l tur� At �r�t� � p�rr�a��r�t�tr�ciur�? �� w�� str�r�gly ir� st�pp�rt �f th� pr�j��to Pa� t��r��rk, rn�r�ag�r c�fi �rr�rgr��r� L�dge, �n�it�d th� ��rr�r�i�s�on ��c� �taff tt� vi�w ih� h�sp►t�l fr�r� th� �v�rgr��r� Fi�i�l"��arrid�rs �nd r��msm ��b �rrx���r �aid � �it� �i�Et t� th� ���rgre�n ��uld �c��r �� p�rt ��th� ra��# rr�eetir�g �r� th� pr�j��ta �r� i�r���rk ��id ih�t tf�� p�rking r�q��r�m��t� for th� ho�p�t�i �h��ld b� ��r��ist��t�i�i� �th�r ��rr���r�R�l pr�j��ts, �h� t��r�d th� ��t�et�r I�b. Lo�ki�g �p t�� �91�y ��� ���� th� �r�tr���e 2� th� p�r�Ci�g �truct�r�4 � d�rs�p�t�r ��d a�+��d�d h�lisid�s T'h� �i��fr�r� ��d�w Drf�e �p th� al{�y i� r��t attra�t�v� �t�� ��d �a�°t b� #urY�+�� h�rrr��d by th� pr�p�s�d r��bil� I�ba Sh� s�pp�r��d th� pr�po��d I����i��, �nd dsd r��t iik� th� �It�rst�tiv� srt�s di��t����d by �h� ��C, J��� �rri�9 � r��id��t ��th� ka�l H�tss, ��nt� th� s�rv���9 b�� �t �n �It�r��t� i��at�o�. Jir� L� �r�t ��id �h� 1�r�d���ping ort th� Sk�al h��s� ��d� �f�he �fi�y i� r��n-�xs�t�r�#� b����as� � th� r��°s��r�ts ��I��v ��ov�+ r�r��v�l i� b� st�r�d th�r�. if th�y vv�r�r�°t r�ice �rt�t�g� to all�w �a��� t�b� ���r� th�r�� it ���i� t�� la�d���p�d, �:kverymn� 1m�nutcs\(P62595 4 �r�g �ff�t d����°t ha�� ��y pr�bi�r�t with th� pr�pa��d ��t�o 2e A r ���t��r a���d�tl���� ��� p�rr�it t� �li�e�f�r � (6q��r �t�r� t� b� 6��at�d �t the �a���d� �r��s�r�g ��tail ���t�r, 1��1 �� �r�r�t�g� ���d ��t/�� ���E�tt�d p�rc�l I���t�d �vv��t�f��� ��,�E �r�f���i���C ��IEd��g ��d ����h �f fm7�. ��p�li��r°�ta ��dr�� ��d�� . .�a L�c�l$� Liq��r ����ra�r� �k� �lls�� ik� bri�fEy g��� a� ��r�rvl�� �f�h� r�q���t, �taff r����r��€�d�d �ppr�v�l �r�th �a ���d�t�a�sm °Th r���ii ��r�t�r��� ����tr��t�d c� ���h ���y �� �� all��v��r h�� ��� �f��hi�l��a �a �x��r►�r�h��g�� t� th� ��ildir�g ��II �� r��de� �b�rrr���r ���d ��Eqs�c�r �t�r� ���di�i���l EJs� ��rra��t��� r�q�����d c� �99�m €k� �{iE��c����rr�d �nd st�t�d th�.t irt 1993s rn�r� �qm fi��t�g���� �ppr���d ta b� �dd�d �r�d �h�t th�r� t��d ���� n� p�a�I�� c�rnpi�ir�t� ���r th� y��r�. �b06d�d i C dlJ4d6 ���$6sb6 6� tQ{� ����'1✓GdP i@ g �61�� &6 tJ6J��g YWC.L� �B 6m�Crt 1E. ! 64✓ ��� �IBJ�= . . � �r�g ��f�t rx��d� � m��io� t� g�����h� r�q�s��t p�r th� �t��f m���. �°h� rr�c�ti�rt t��s s�cortd�d by k���`sr� D�igh�.r�o f��E v�t�� �a��r�ir���sfy i� f���r� �ith ��r�t� �f 6�0. 3a � r�q�a��t f�r � ��tb�ck��ri�►��� t� �I(��r fi�r �� addi���r� t� a r��id�r���, C���t�d �t �390 �r���hil� ���rtOL�t 12, �f�� E�y�r�a �ppii��r�tm ��rr�rr�i�i/�c�t��r� l�r�p�rti�� �l����r: Andy �C��sd���� F���ry �r�tt ab�t�Er��d frorrrm thls c��r�, �� � rr��€�b�r �f his �ffs�� ha� b��� r�t�ir��d ta repr���r�t an �dJ���r�t prz�p� ��€��r, ��dy �f��dts�n g��� � pr����t����r�. The �ppEi������r���d t� �r��l�s� �� �xi�tEr�g p�tQ� �r�d �o€��e�rt it t� �gr��r�h��a��, �si�g 163 �qe f��tm J�hn aElt�rt9 tk�� ar�hit���f�r�he �ppli��n�9 �pt�k� �t� b�haif c�f hi� �I€�r�to °Th� �ppEic�rtt� �r� fr�r� �f�r�d� a.�d ��� th� r��id�r�c� d�rir�g t��wirt��r ��d ��r�� rn�r� ��r�, Th� ��gg��t�d s�ltat��� r�a�a ���� er��E�s��� �� r�ir�im€srnly�h�ng� �h� d��igr�. J�hr� st�t�d th�t�h�� �v�s �r� t��d�r��u�fc�p�cf �it� ar�d th� �pplf��.�t"� agr��d s��t t� de��i�p �t furth�rm H� ��id th�t r���� � � h��d�hip�hs�h���t�f€�d th� v�rl�r�c�. C��d �thr��y r�pr����t�d th� �w��r �#th� {��, F{� did ���fe�( � pr���d��t f�r ��t�r�d€r�g i�f� th� ��d� �����k �h��ld b� ��t �€�d r�c��r���ded d�r�i�l, J�ff ���� ���� iher� ��� ��t� h�rd�hip �� th� ���� �r�d w�� €��t s� ��v�r �f gr�r�tir�g �he r�q���tm K��i� �3��gh�� ��1�th� ��rr�� �� J�ff, F:kveryone lacs�rtaa�\(�2645 � , , � �r�g �#fi�t did�i't h��� �tr�r��r�d��� pr�bl�rr� �r��h gr�ra��r�g 2h� r�q�a��t, b�#�a�� ������r��d �bc�t�t1�� pr���d��to �I°h�r� wa� r�a ��rd�hip �� f�r�� €��vv�� �����rr��dm r� ��d�� �r�q�ir�d �s t��vhat �h� h�rd�hip���m J�hr� �i�t�� ���d �h� �ppli��s�t I�ved h�r� d��ir�g th� �a����r ��d ���ld�"t t��� �h� d��ko T°h�y �r�r� ��t��ta�t t� �s�� ��r���s �r�cl���ar��, ie��t�� �ptir�g f�r it t� b� d�r�� �+�II. ���� fi�3ling �� �t�� � ; � �r���r�t�ih� h�rd�h�pm R gi��� �r��E���r� w��l �1�� ��r�s��v� �r��rgy. r� �d�� ��ad it�v�s � d�ng�r�u� pr���d��t h�.v�r�g � ��ri���� ��bj��t t� ���d��ft� �r�d w�� ��t �€���r��t�d i� d��d r�stri�tir�g th� 3�t �.nd fir�it�ng #�i�cr� �R�A p���r�t��i� ,���rs���� �� �at ���� , �i��� th�r� �� a g��d �xp�r��� �f Iat�� �h� r��r. J�hr� : a��tc�� r��p��d�d9 �� a� �r�h�t��t� #hat th� ir�p��t t� f�t�ar� h�r��� �v�s r�c�r� d��ir�.bi� vri�h t�r� pr�����d s€t� �d�it���� rath�r�h�� b�a�6d�ng �� th� b� m at s��r�� t� h�s�r t�at thss is � rr�ir��r ��tb�.��c��d ih�y �r� �r�ly tryir�g t� mak� th� d��k r��r� ����bl� d�ri�g the �►�t�r m�r�th� wh�r� th�y �� �r�e c�b,� �►�r�t�t�d tha�th� �R�A ir� th� s��b�ck i� the pr�bJ�r�o �r� �d�n ��id it��� da�g�r��s t� s�#thi� pr���der�t� �f��� ��h�r� m�y����t t� d� th� ��m�� ����� ��r s�id th� �ddi#io��1 � �� €� �ggr�vatlrtg �1�� ��tt��ti�r�m �°hi� ��� � v�ry t��gh �it� i� � d���lc� �d gr�r�tir�g th� vari�r��� r�qu��t v✓o�1d �� gr�r���r�g a �p��i�3 privil�g�a J�fif ���r� r�a�v�d that th� r��u��t b� de�ied. r�g �_ �t����nd�d t�e m�ti�r�. Th� r� �����r�� u��nic���s1y d��r�d by a v�t� �f 5�0-1m �i��ry Pr�t�ab�#ai��da �a ` ��q���t f�r �c��diti���l �s� p�rr�Rt t� �8f�� foe�xt�r3�r��at��g �t ih� �J�si Vail M�If, l��at�d at 2151 �l��th Fr��t�g� R�ad/L�t 4Aq ���� �� ����r�� 3rd Fi9ir�go � �I��anto �V�si il�fl �11 ��rp�r�tio� �� ���ro R�r�dy �t��d�r �a�� ��aad�r g��� � bri�f b��kg���r�d �f th� r�qu�st. �°�� ���d f�r ���ti�g v�as b���d �� �xists� ��. i� ��mm�r�h� ���t�ng is °sr��d�q��t�s O�v��rs tri�d to �dd ���t�s�g e�lth � pr��iew reqt���t i th� ��Co 1°he ��arr�r�t���ti�g pl��.i� � �c�3�� €�t��r� ��rsi�r�o Dark gr��r� �ro�gh# �r�� f�rr��t�r� i� rao� p��p���d m� p1��� �f th��hit� p��sfii�th�t��� pr�p�s�d ��rli�ra Th� ��rr�b�r �f tabl�� �� ���� r�d���d a�d addit����l I�nds��.ping i� pc�����do Th� Appii���t� �r� h�r� t� �sk f�� r������d�r�ti��m �t�ff �� r���r�rr��r�d�r�g appr�v�1 �aath�h� fi�61��(r�g 6 ���diti���a 1 a T - ��td��r d��i�g ar�a� �h�6B e mainta���d fr���#tr��h ��d debris �� ail tim��o �"abl�� � II be b���d �� a r�g�l�r ba�s� ar�d t�a�h ��r�t�r��r� �h�ll b� pr�rr�ptBy �rnpti�d wh�� € � (by �ith�r th� �st V��1 ��11 rr��ir�t���r��� �r� �r by th� i�di�md��l r��t��r�r�t t ,; ��t�}: t�� rr��tt�r�h� �� r��pons�bi� f�� th� � °�t�r����� of f�� �utd�ar di�ir�g �re�m t�� ���dit��� must b� ��rr�pli�d wit� i� ful�o If�h� ���h r���pt��i�� �r� ���rflo�a�ng� �r d ris �r�d tr��h i�f�ta�d �t�t�r� t�bi�� ar �� th� ����d ��rr���dir�g the t�bl��� �h� 'T��n �:�veryon�\ _"n�ae.s',CD52fi95 6 . � . � �t�f��h�.lE �r�r�g th� ���diti���! lJs� ��rrr�it b��k t� th� �E� f�r r�����id�r�ti�r� �r�d ����€bf� r���c����r�e �a �� ����f�F3 �(1� ��� �C���� �E�t�� �I��`�J�E�� t11����� �d��lf����� EYt�.6�t��IC��d �� ��� t€f'41�5, ��s �� a�l �t�re f��r�t �r���s �r�d ��p��i�E�y t��h� h��dieap ��str��rr��$ rr��st b� a��t�►r��d �t a r�ir�im�r� �aidth �f 4� �� th� �id����k�o 3a � �h�!! r��i���h� pr�p���d r��t�ri�l� ��d th� g���r�I ���th�ti�� �f�h� prap���! ��a�a t�b1��e �h�lrs ��d �r��h r�c�pt�cl�s� E� ��e�rd���� �►th Chapt�r 1�054 �f t�� Zor��r� �d�o 4. l�:� �rrtbr�f��� ��y b� ir����li�ds �x��pt�� ��pr���fy ��r����d �hr��gh �h� �°��vn'� de�igr� - r�r�i�w pr�����m �r�y �rr�br�lf�� �t�th�r°sz�d ��r��� ��r�t�i� ��y �d�r�r�E���go lJr�br�ll� r� ���t��✓�!� �� r�vi��v�d �r� ����� by c��e b�si�. e 5s �� �Ic�h�� r��.y b� s�rv�d ar ��r���m�d �t th� ���d��r i�.�Ee�. 60 ��i�C�r�d����r��l l��� ��rrr�6t sh�il b� ��f►d ��r � p�r►od �f �r�e y��r fr�rr� �h�d�t� �f P�G a��r���i. `�h�p�rmi� sh�ll b� r���r��id�r�d f�ll��r��g � f��l y��r �f ���r�t��r�m . C�o ps��f€� i�p�t��rr�� f� �rd ��r th►� r�q�es�e K�vI� ���gh��°� �r�ly c�r���r� ��� p�l���r�g f�r tr��ha �ith �ddct��r��l t�b(�� �{��r� �p r���ds t� b� d��� �r� �r�g�(�r ��.���� �r�g �ff�t st���d t��t th� s�i�t'�r�� pr�v�ded by ih� �ppli���t�r� gr��t� Fi� w��fd lek� t� s�� th� t�rrr� �f th� ��r�d�t€an�l �1�� ��rr�Et �nd �� f��y 1, �996a ���ry Pr�t� h�d �� pr�b[�rn ��th th� r�q��st, b�t���(d �ik� t� �h�r� ��� ��r�rrt�r�ta F�� f��i�ih� traf�ic fE����T��� �!I m�y�ggr�v�t� th� p�rkfr�g pr�blerr�o J�ff ���s� ihir�k� th� pr�p���l �ff�r� a gr��t impr�����r�te bc��f�el� th� �r��h pr�bl�rn is crit���L �r�g ���d�� had �� �dditi���� c�rr�ar���4s. �b�rm�c�r�gr��d th�t tl�� pr�p���f h�� ��m� � l�r�g �v�y, b�t ��h��� F�e�ry �r�tt°� �ar���r� th��p�rk��g rr�ay b� � pr�bi�€�. ��b al�� Eik�s th� ��y 1�t��s����������m _. J�ff ���€� rr����d th�t th� C�r�diti���l E�s� ��rmit r�q��st b� appr�v�d �r� ����rd�nc� with th� �t�ff �r��l��'r����t��r��d or� p�g�� �-5 �f th� r��rrt�, �r6th ��h�r�g� ir� ��r�dit��rt r��r�b�r 6, �� th�t ��� p�rrr��t�v�l� ��per� �r� t��� 1, 19960 N�r�ry �r��t s���rtd�d th� m�t��r�a Th�� rt��ti�� wa� ����ir���s� �ppr���d by � �o�� �f 6-Oa �.�ve�•�n� �agendae(�2645 7 � -, * � 5. ` ��qu��t f�r ����dlti�n�!��� p�rmat t� ����� f�r�r� �utd��r din�r�g d��k �t th� D��1y �i�d ���f�� ��rnp��y� f���t�d �� 2�� �ridg� �tr���IL�t �, �l��k 5H, 4i��i Vsll�g� �s� ���ir�g. `, pli��rttW °Th� ��aly t�ri�d ��ff�� ��r�p�rty ����rv Ge��g� ��th�r Jir�i C�r� t[�9 (r�p��s�r�t�ng ��org� �i�th�r)� �t�t�d th�t th� r�q�a��t���� �ir��dy t�ik�d �b��t �r� rsl 10t �r�d �y �th. Th� #�la1�� �ap ���i��t th� �t��k���k ��ildi�g �r� pr�s���ir�g � pr�b��r�o T'h� lo��;��� �f the t�bl�� d����'t rnak� ����� �n th�r�far�� Sta�f a� r���rr�r��r�di�g d��i��m Jir� p�ir�t�d t that th�r� �r� f��r �rit�rt�t� ��r�sid�r�h�r� r�v���ir�g � ���diti���i lJs� f��rr�itv It �� ° i�ff�p����r� th�t th� �rii�ri� h�v� a��t b��� rrr��t, �p��i�i��IHy �,rl�h r�g�.rd t� �rit�ri� f��4 �a AL�� r�qu�r�r���t� h��� a1�� r��t b��� pr��id�d f�ro �ri��r�� 2 �r�d 3 �pp��r t� be r���9 h��✓�v�r th� ch�ra�t����f th� ar�� pr���si�n h�� ��t���r� r��im `�h�r�fgr� ���fi� �s r����r��r�dsr�g d�r���! b������ ri��ria � 1 � 4 h�v� r��t b��� rr��#o !f �ppr�v�d �t�#f a� re��rr�r��nd��g th� f�ll��i�g ��r�d�t2�r� b� ��r�pli�d �ith; �'� 'T�� �ppli���t�h��ld �r��t�l# �s� ��st��ar�r��h r���pt��l� f�r �s� by th� p�tr��� �f th� ��td��r dira��g �re�m Add[tio��lly, th� �ppli�a�t �h�3! rr���it�r th� ar�� on � r�g�lar9 d�i9y b��i�t� ins�r� th� ���� r�rr��wr�� fir�� �f tr��� �nd d�br��. a, Th� tabl�s b� ����r�ly f��t�r��d �� tl�e gr�car�d t� i�sur� th�t t9��y ar� r��t m�v�d t�ut of th� i����i��� �ppr���d by th� ���o _, Th� St�ff m�nit�r th� pr�p���d b�tdo�r dir�ir�g �r�� ��t�a��i�n �v�r th� r����year, �h��ald pr�bl�rr�� ����it� �t�if �ail� th�� "��DI �p„ th� �ppr�va! �f th� ��ndit's���� lJs� P�r�tfto �t�nry �r�tt had �ar���rr�� r�g�rdir�g �h� ch�rr� pr�p���d to ��par�t� th� priv�t� dir�ir�g �nd p�b1�� � � � �e�t�r�g �, ���a � Kay� F`���y9 fror� ih� ��s1y �r�r�d� ��id th� ����� �r��ald ��r�e d�wr� during th� �ir�t�r r���th�a K�v�rt � ,,gha� �aid Yhi� �r�� ds ���bi� �� t�� d�l���at�d ir� �� ����pf�bl� ��ya r�g `�t �gr��d w�th �4�va� �h�t it��cald b� � dififN��alt ar�a t� �h�ir� �ff. Fi��ry ���t agr��d with k�vi� �r�d r� ��ff�t r�g�rding th� �h�i�i €���i►�gm J�ff � �r� st�t�d th�t thi�w�� t�� �rrt�l� �r� ar��t� be r��tro�t�d. �s i� �s �t�e�, it is b��ng t�s�d �or" r� �� baggers`° �r�d thi� ���m�t� b� � f��� u��� �� A �d�� ��k�d �b��t th� �xa�t�ng tra�h r���pt��1�e K�y� ��: y��i #h� r���p���1� ��t1�� ��k���ke�a �he ther� p�irst�d ��at�hat th� rea��r� ��r th� d�li�eat��z� is to �bt�i� � i�q�or li����� oraiym ik� � �d�� st�ted that if th� pr�p�rty i�g�i�g t� �� r�stri�t�d t� p�ir��� �fi th� D�iiy �ri�d� th�� a ���di � �a� ll�� F'�rrn�t rn��� b� grant�d� �ay� ��,; y s�c th�t th►��+�s h�r pr�p�rty ��d Th� �s�y �rar�d wa� v�ry g�r��ra�� sr� �llowi�g 'ab���� 99�r�9„ b�t r��t t� a�s�m� it� �s� �v�� i�� "br��r� bagg�rsa'° F:�verymn� -atinu8�10b'695 � . . � � �. . � . . . . . �.� Y ..° � ik� �fli�a���f�r�t�d th�t alth��g� th� pr�p� ��� priv�t�$ t� r�stri�t i�� ��� ��tE�� p€�bl�� �t farg� ��ld r�q�ire ����diti�r�al t��� ��rr�it t� b� gr��t�d� r�g " ��d�� a�k�d �vh�t h�pp���d t�th� �I� prap��al ? � lC�y� ��rry�x�l�i��d �h�t th� f��dl�rd d6d�'t�v��t e�.�lsr�g� ��tfi�g ��r��s th� p����er��t��g a p��h���y �r tt�� ���bil�ty �f h����g �.r��p�st� �� t�� �r�perty, r� � �d�r� �gr�� �v�th th�fi�dir�g� rn�d�by th� t�.�fa �b�r c��r d�����t����h�t���id b� d����� rrtak�th� r�q�e�t �gr���b�� t� th� �� � It ���s�� tc� �ir� th� gr���°rr�g �f thi� r�q���t�ra�ld be €�j�r���� t�pr�p�r�y. J��f ���n m��� ih�t the r�qu�st b� d����d. It�v�������d�d by �b �rm��rm !�t��� t�r����rr��t�s�it� ���t� �f 6-Q, J�ff ���v�r� h�d �t�gg��ti�r�s r�gardi�g th��ri���g �f th� mfr�t�t�� . l°h�r�uv�� rt� r����r� t� r��t��� �h� �r�r�r��d�rn�. It i� smp�rt��t t� r�l�y�����r��t���� ��d th� dE��t��si�rt f�EI��+Er�g q��sf��s��a �r�'t r��it� d��l�g fr�r� �h� ��rn�r��d�rrr�, J�ff ����n m���d th�t [�E� m►r��t�� �f J�r�� 12, �995 b� �ppr���d ��d th��ih� r���t€�g be �d����r��d, r�� �f�e����ar�d�d th� mati�r�a �°h� r���t�€�g ��� �dj��r��d at 4a33pr�a s.�a°eryone imia \Q62645 9 � � T�e �l���i�g �r�d �r�vir�r�rr��r���f ��r�r�i����r� F� � ; ���r�t�r�it� D�v�l�prri��t ��p�r����t _ �AT�: Jt�r�� 26, 1995 �tJ J��`�a � r�qu��#f�r� rk� ��� r� �����r�i�g � r�q���t��r ��c�r�diti�r��l ��� p�rrrai� �o �I��uu�k�� �f�i� V�l��y �di��l ��r���r t� park a rr���iie���h�t�r 1�� �� th� fir� �a�� �dJ���nt t� th� h��pit�l'� I��dir�g �r��, �dj������o ��t �ad�� Driv�9 I�ca��d �t ��1 ��� ��dc�� �ra�r�ILc�t� � �r�d �, ����k 1, V�il �iilag� 2rad F�l�r�g. Appli�arat: V�il Vall�y �di��i ��r�t�r, r�pr����t�d �y R�y � �har� a�d D�r� F��r��y Plar���ro ��dy �t��d�r #� ! T` T°I `Th� V��I V�il�y �dicai ���t�r �iJV �) i� ���ki� a ���diti�r��l [J�� ��r ��t� I���t� � r��bil� ��t�ei�riz��i�� ��b �t the ���th���t��rr��r c�fi th� ���j��t r�p�rtym �h� 1�� i� a ��if-e��tair��d ��il� ���6I1 � that��tal b� br�t� ht i� ��d p�rk�d at th� sit� f�r c��� tt� thr�� d�y�p�r rn��tha Th� I�b��uld ���bl� ra Larry �t�l9 th� ��I� re�id�r����rdi�l� ��� �r� th� �pp�r ��g�� �l�l��y �r��, �� p�rf�rrr� h��rt c��h�r��lza#i�� pro��d�r�� �� �ail. Thi� s�r�i�� i���rr�r�t3y per��rr��d �� ���pot��� in ��r���r9 a�d i� ��t�v����bl� i���liyo l"h� pc�rpa�� �f th� ��t��riti��t6�� pr����� i�t� d��g���� p�t��ti�l h�art pr�bl� � a�d di��ov�r�h� ���d f�r ��r i��� ��t�r��nt���m D�, ��ul �all �tt�r�d th� l���i� �nd ��v�r��sn�r�t�& G�rr�ms��i�r� ���C) rn����r�g to �xpl�in th� t��hr����l ��p��t� ��th� ���h�ritiz�tit��r p�c�����. On J�r�� 199 1995 th� 1iV � br�t�gh#�h� �bil� ��th�t�r 1�� u�it t� th� h��pital ��d ark� it �t th� �ppr�x�m�t�, prt�po��d i����i�n �d�a���t t� ih� I��da� pl�t��rr� at th� ��uth���t�t�rr��r �f th� rn�di��l �e�t�r. ��v�r�l ��� r��rr���r�9 th� pi�r�r�ir�g ���fif�r�d r��ighb�r�r�g pr�perty �w��r� �t��r�d�d thi� i���tir�g #� g�t �vi�t�ai irr��g� �f wh�t�h� ��.th�t�r ��b�ill 1��k ��k� ��d �ow i�w��1d f�t�r� ��h th� s�arr���di� ��i hb�rh��da P��t�ar�� �fi th� r��bi�� ��i� ��� �t���h�d to thi� r�� or��d� f�r r�f�r�r��� p�rp����: T°h� Vi/ � i� lo��t�d 'mr� th� ��b�i� 11�� �o�tri�tA `Th� h��p�t�! �s �i��ed �� ����dit���t�l ��� i� thi� di�tri�t, and �h� d�v�i�pm�nt�ta�d�rd� �a��d t� ��al��t� pr�p�s�d �h��ge� �� th� ha�p�tal u�� �r� �st�bii�h�d by th� P�C thr�ugh th� ���diti��al ��� p�rrr�itt�n pr�����; , t li� �# i r �ti�a r ���r� t � �t� t r t ill � i rt il� � t t ri � r� �� � � ,# r o Ift t r �r� � th t# �� i� � t � , t � t t li� r ri t � I r�t�t r c� iti��� � r #i �a �p���fs��lly, th� 11V �w��h�� �� dw����� la�d���ping an � �r�ti�r��l ��and�rds for th� �a� s� th�t imp��t�t� �d�ac�nt r��id��t��i �r�����r� b� sr�ini i��d ��d/�r mat►g�t�d, 1 � Th� pr�p���d I��at���, th�dir�r���i�r�s, ��d �h� r�q��r�d �h�r�g��t� the��r�f�ga�rati�� �f the fir� I��� �re sha�r� �r� th� atta�h�d ��� �h����o A��r��r�t�p�d ��s��� p��r�d t� I�v�l ��d s�pp�r�th� �bif� ��b. Th� prap���d I���ti���iiE r�q�ir��he r�rr�a�a� �f��rr�� ��dd�d �r��, �r�� �pr�c� t��� ��d th� ligh�pa�t����t�d���t ��st�f th� �r��h �� pact�r �r�close�r�a _ ftg 1 L�l' I� Ir� th� P�blic lJ�e �i�tri�t, h��pita�� �r� ����id�r�d to b� c�nditi�r��� t����, ��y �xpar��i�r� ��th� ho�pi��i i� s� je�t t� r�vi�w ��i� th� c�nditi���l ��� p�rrr�it�ri�err���d fin i� s, �� ac�or an����th �tt�pra�isi�r�s of Chapt�r 1�,60 �f th� T� r� �f V�i! Z�nir� C�d�. Th� r�� i�� c�th���r !�b is �����d�red to b� �n ac����ory ���ta th� h�� it�l ��d i� �r� �xp�n���r� �f�r� ��i�tir�g ca�di�����1 u��. ilta � I � �Jpar� r��i�� �f���t��r� ��.60 c�f fh� ��i� M�r�i�ip�l ���i�g ��d�, th� �t�rr�r�c�r�ity �����prrt�rtt �p��trrt�r�� �a� d���i�p�d di�����i�r� i��u�� �nd h�� ��t ih��e i����s #�rth ir� �cti�r� !� �f this r��r��r�r�d€arr�. Th� �t�r�d�rd r��i���riteri� ar�d fi�dir�g� th�t f�llavu w�r� ���d t�d�v���p�hi� �i�t �f d������iar� i�����, �r�d �r� ii�t�d h�r� for P�C ��f�r�r��� �r�i� (r�� ���ff�r���y�e� h�� b��r� p��v�d�d �t th€�ti ��. Aw �c���id�rati�r� �f F��t�r�d 1. �! ti �� i i ct f t e u�� v I r�t j �ti��� f t � T tt. 2. Th��ff��t�f th� u���r� li ht�� �ir� di�tri�t�tior� �f � t�l����r�, �r � o tr r� f �Efit� �� tiliti � � !�, rk� r �r ti � �I�I�I��F P� � C �1�f �f�Ifl�� li� �, 3. �� � tr i� �t � i�ul�r r f r � t � � t� �g�ut� �i� � �tri rt � f � �� E � , tr i�fl � tr E, ���s�4 � � r ili , r � ! � � fr t �tr t r i� r� �m . 4. ff��t t�p�n th��h�r��t�r�f th��r�a i�t h��h th� r� ���� ��� ° t� � t � t � �r�cl� i� t � ��I� n u! f t � r ��� � ir� r�[ t��r� �a ��rr r� ir� ���e . Fir�di� � T'h� �1����r�� ��d Er��ir�r�rr��r�tal ��rr�r���sie�r� ���l� rr�ak�th�f�!€��i�� f�r�dir� s �e��� r�ntir� ����d°a�i���! ��� ��r�it; , 1 m Th�t the pr�p���d ��c�tr�r� �f th� ��� i� ����rd �ith th� urp���� �f th� ��nditiar�al �s� p�rr�it��cti�� of th���r�cr► ��d� ar�d th� ur a��� ��th� d��tri�t �r� �f�i�h �h� �i�� �� ��cat�dm 2 � 20 °Th�t th� pr�p�s�d l������rr �f th� �a�� ��d �h� c�r�dit��r�� �r�d�r�h��� �i w��ld b� �p�r�t�d or rn��r�t�ar��d �u��id ��t b� d��r�rr���t�� t� �h� p�b��� h��l�h, �����y, �r�r��t�r� �r rs��t�ri��ly ir�j�ari��a� t� pr�p�r�i�� �r irr�prts��r��r��s i� th� vi���ityo 3. That th� pr�p���d ������Id ��r�p�y wi�h ���h �f#�� �ppii��kal� prc��i�i�r�s t�f th� ��r�d3��or��l u�� p�r�it����ac�r� �f�h� z�r�i� ��de, IVm ! 1 I ��t� �����Wi�t� �I��lJ��80[� !��l��� �Il��l�i �3$ ����Y�$ �Ot�C1�I�B �C71��.��� t� ��j���fl� Y��I��C3�1�� ����� �ft� �� #�i� �����tCl�l1 �91�i��ft �Ct$ ��{JII� ��$ ��d�W �Yi1l� ��1�� �1��� �� �� r���lv�d if th� rri� ii� I�b �� f�t��d t�b� ����pt�b�� i� thi� ��rr�rrr����tye te � � # � ��� i� Ir� # r� � t � � i tt r t � � th�t ri� ti rt r � �� �� i � ��i tir� � �� � � �r ti r ? ��i��i ���t�� R����r���w T'h� 1IV � h�� �t�.ted tha$��th�t� h th��� ��d� ��d f�r th�� �yp� of ��r��c� i� th� �orr�t�ur�i�y, th� d�m��d i� n�t��fifi�i��t����gh ������i th� ��r � ��pital ��p��d�t�r� n������ry f�r a p�r�an��t i��t�ll�ta�� �f th� r�quir�d �q�ip ��t ithi� th� ��i�t��g h��p�talo °fh� rrzob�l� I�b a� a� �ffici�nt, ���� ��#��t°sv� w�y t� pr�vid� �� i p�rY�r�t ���vi��t� th� ��rnrn�nity th�t���Id ���� �s� b� �v�il� !� �raly ihr��gh tr���� t�th� D��v�r �tr� �r��. `Th� ��th�t�ri�ati�� pr����� �s fairly inv�,�i�� �rad r�q�ir�� � �u �t�nti�� r���v�ry p�r��d th�t d��� ��t�Ilow f�r imm�d6�t�tra��� thr�� h r�rn��� rr�our�t�ir� �re��a T�t�r� ►� ���st��ti�l ri�k of art�rs�l bl��d�r�g �s�t����t�d wi�h �h� p��ce t�r�e Pati�n�� rn�a�t r�m�ir� p���� ��d ir���ti�� ��r � i�ir�u� �f �sx t� ��ght h��r� f�lit��i�g th� pr���d�r�o ith f��sl�ti�� ���y a��il�ble a� ���v�r� rr���y �ti��t� h��� to r�r��i� i� th� h����t�l �v�r�ight9 s�p�r�t�d frorr� the �orn ��y ��d ��pport of r���tiv�� ar�d ����d ����. �aff R�� ����: ����d �r� di���a��i���wi#h p�ti�nts v�ho h��� g��� thr�ugh th� ��th�t�riz�ti�r� pr�����9 a�d �r. Ga�l th� ��p�rvi�i�g ��rdi���gi�t9 �t�.ff#��I�that th� c�bil� f��fli i� in ��d ��o�t �ff��ti�� ��y �f pr�vidi� � n���s�ary��r�i�� s� th� �� rr��r�ity, 2. re th�r���y�tt�r��ti���it��f�r th� la�� �di� � ��r� �r e��4���, `fh� lab r��ssf b� l�����d �� �I�s� pr�xim�ty�� th� 4�t�r��iv� ��re lJ�i� (I�17) ��#h� h�� ital �� ��s� �f a� ���r �n�yo °Th� rn�dic�l ��n��r expl�r�d I�c�ti����ithi� th� ���t�r� p�rki� l�t, b�t d���r en�d that th� I�b w���d �ak� �sp �� ��y 3 � ra�ce���ry p�.rkE�g �p����th�t�hi� I�c�ti�� ��� r�l�d ���. `��� m�d°o��B ��rtt�� ai�o I��k� �t puf��� �h� ��ii� ��th���r u�i� �� th�tap I���� a�th� p�rkin �tr��t€�re. Thi� � ti�� a�d�s��rd�d �� �� p�rkir�g �i��� d�������r���t�r�d ���au�� �f�h� �xtr�m����ght ot th� c�th�t�r I�b. par�r���y„ t�� �Fru�t�r�l ��p��rting �bilwty af th� ��i�tie�g p�rker�g �tr�ct�r�w��f��r�d t� b� ie�ad�q�s���. °Th� �di��l ��nt�r f����th�t the ��ly��a��bl� I�c� t� park th� rn�bii� I�b i��h� pr�p�s�d I���ti�r�. ���ff ��spor���: St��f agr��� tha�th� i��� �f parki�g ir� b��h �h� ��st p�rki�g I�t ��d o� th� p�rks� �trt���€�r� �r��fd � �ig►�if�ca�t��th� rr'ab��� �ab��r� t� � pla��d i� th�s� � I��ati�r��. St�ff�f�a r���g�iz��th�t the�� � I���ti�rt� �ot�ld pl����h� I�b f�rth�r#�am �� ���r����t� th� h��pita� bu�ldi�g9 �hich c��ld ��b����ti�.11� I��gth�� tr���( tim� ta th� ICU i� th� e�e�t�f an � erg�r�cy. Th� p��p���d I���ts�� ���i�hi� �r� ��i�tir�g f�r� I��� ��d �rs��rg��cy ir� r���/�gr���f��th�p�rki�g �tru�t�r�, Tht��� F�r� �� ar�rr��rrt i����� r���t b� �ddr����d, ��d �r�dis��aa���d b�l��u, 3a �t r ����t��l i ct�t�t rr e�r► fr� r i �r�ti I r i ? ��i��� ��C���C F�����Ct��o Th� ��il� I�.b�r��ld b� p�rk�d ��th� h�sp�t�l f�r a axi �t �f thr�� d�y� p�r rr��ra�h. �h� h��pet�l f��B� th�t�h� i�b ��� b� r�� ht t� t�r� �ft�� �p�r�t�d ��d r�r����d �r� �q�i�t, ��rr���y f�shi�� th�t�dll ��t�dv�r��iy�ff��t�h� ad����r�t r��id��ti����r� �r�iti��, T"h� �dic�� ��rrt�r h�s h�ld �t ����t � ��ighb�rh��d rr���ti� � ��d ���it�d th� ��rr�ur�d��g r���ghb�rh���d t�th� d�r��r�str��i�rs th��ta�k I�c� �r� Jiar�� 19�h, fs���� rai��d by th� ��€�m�r�ity t� dat� �ar�c�r� vi���l � p�ct�Q ��is� ��d th� pate�ti�� fi�r �r� i���r��� �ase ��th� E�b p�d �it�e Th�r� i� �I�a ����c�r� that th� I� wiiE hir�d�r��c���t� th� �k��l Ht��' p��ka� �pac�� ��d�r��h d�mp�t�r that�r� �c���sibl� �r�ly fr�m th� �� � fir� I��� (���e �r�t �gr��r��r�t 6� f�r��), �h� en�d���� c��t�r is���iir�g t� ir����61 additi�r��l f��d���pi� �� a� �tt��'tpt to b��f�r th� !�b fr�r� �h� Sk��l Hu� pr�p�rty, L�r�d�capi�g r����ri�l����Id h��� t� �� ��r�ft��ly �h���� �.�d plac�d d�� t� ��r�fl��t��ith ����tir�g s�aw �t�r�g� ar��� ��d d�� ���f�� f�ct ih�t th� V� G pr�p�rty �ir�� �s ��r���t dir��t�y�d�����t t� th� �����r� ��de e�f th� fir� i���. Off�s�t� I�r�d�c�pir�g �ill r���� I�k�ly b� r���d�d t� i�igat� �i�t��l irrtp��t�fr�r� �d�a��r�t r��6d�ntia! ��r��t�r�� �r�d fr�r� p�d��trE�n �r�as alc�r�g ��t ��d�w �ri�e. �t�ff �� a���e St�ff f��i�th�t th� t�mp�ra�ry �at�r� �f�h� a��e will rr�i¢�i iz� € p��t� �� th� �t�rr��ndin ��ighb�rh��da Th�re ar� ���t�i� �p�rati�n�l i���e�wh�ch���Id �rn a�t th� r�e�ghb��h��d, s��� �� r��r�i� th� �x�������ly ���d p�w�r g���r t�r� �� th� ��biie f�b (th�t pr�vid� �ir c�r�d�ti�r�ir�g a�d �a�tr�i �h���r�p�rat�r� i��id� 4 th� �ab}o °Fh� h�spitai has agr��� �r€��t� r�� th� �r��rat�rs, ar�d t� ��r�r���t dir������ta th�pcarrv�r s�urc��ai�hin th� rr��di��l ���t�r ���Id�r�g. T°hi��c��ld ��f��t�v�ly �lir�in�te �h� nais� ��su� �s f�r �� �i�� is �o���rr��t�. ���ffi g��ls th�t add►tianal I�nds�apir�g sh��ld t�� 6r��t�l9�d �Rc�r�g ���t ��d�v� Drive, €n frant ofi the VVMC tra�h cc�mpactc�r a�d sn fr��t ��th� �k��l H��, ir� �� at#�r�pt to scre�n the mobile lab frorr� pe��strs�n �r�fi#i� �� ��t ��.d�� �r���a Staff would al�o recommend that additi�nal la�d���ping b� p9���d �r� th� ��st side c�f th� fire lane, adjacent to the vuestern-�er�st �k�a1 F�us ��r�dt��ir�i�tr� �rt�t, �� �rd�r to heEp buffer the trailer from views �u#the rvind�vv ofi this �r�i�. �"hi� ����d r�quire approval by the Skaal Hus since the I�ndscapin� ��u1d b� 9���t�d d°ar���Ey �sn Skaal Hus property. T4ming of arrival and dep�rture of the iab is als� �rit��ai d�� t� ���#lact�wi�� h���y traffic and pedestrian rush hours associated �ith ��Ci d�.y �c�ivi�s�� ir� ��� �rs��t�ra St�ff fe�ls that the !ab should arrive and le�ve ai of�-p��k p�r��d� s� ���f�4�t� d� re�t ari�e. 4, �at i� th� parking reqasirem�n##��th� �� �? Meda��6 ��nt�r Re� c�p n��: �h� parking f�rrt�a�l� �gr��d t� by�h� �J�f � �r�d th� �T��r� �� 19 6, ��t�bli�h�d th� h��pi��9'� av�r�fi p�r�cin� r���ir�rr����, ��rksng �� ���d �� th� �urrr�rrr���i�r� �f th� ��r�b�r �#�xarr�ini�g rt�orr�s9 p�ti��t b�d�, �r�d d�yt��� �rnpl�y�� r�� b���, ��arr��tly9 �h� ��di��.l ���t�r h�� �r�� ��rpR�s ����� �� �t�t�d i� � I��t�r�r�r� th� r��d���! ��r�t�r t� �h�lly��0g� �€��rr���r��ty ���ic�prn�r�t ��p�rt�r�r�t�t�ff� dat�d A�g���23, ��93. i��l�� r��r���r�t�ta��s h�v� �t���d th�t� r��xirn�rrr� �f f��r�� �i� pr���d�r������d �� p�r��rr��d �r� any�n� d�y, �nly�n� pr���d�r� ��r� b� p��#�r��� ����y �������, �� th� ar�� �x�e�� p�rk��g � ace sh���d prc��id� �d�q�at����k��g ft��'��� p�ti��t� t��i� th� rn�bii� I�b ��rvi��e °Th� rr��dic�! ��r�t�r�t����th�,�t����th�t�ri��ti�� ��b �h��id b� �r��t�d as th� eq�i��l��t�fi ��� ���rr��n�ng r��r�, �i�h or�� ��rki� �p�c� r�q��reda ���# R������e: �taff a�r��s�r9th th� medical cer�t�r'� ���ly�i� �r�d 1�� � r��� th�t ther� is �r�� ����ss park'sr�g space ava�ial�le that�o�id b� �s�d wh�� �h� m�bil� ��b i� ��tt���ly pr�vidir�g s�rvi�es on t�e pr�p�rty. �. ��n �he�r�dth �f the fire lane be r�duced �� �#� �r� i it t ���ri#i�ing �afety? tvledic�.l �taff Re�p�nse; The medicai center has entersd into discussions�°:th ta�ik� 6VI����, �h�°���� �� Vail Fire Marshall. Mike feefs that a temporary n�rraw�r�� �f th�#ir� l��� ����d b� a�complish�d without sacrificing"sa#ety i# the VV�19� vvil� �gr�� tt� i��#�,II �r� aut�matic fire �prinkler �ystem in th� unsprir�klered I�v�! �af th� �����ing p�rki�g 5 �tr��t�r�. Ae��rd��g ta the �p li�a�t, th� �xfsti� f€r� I�.�e a�idth �f 20 f��t a�id be n�rr� �d t� appr��� �t��y 11 f������� �h� I�b i� i�p����, °Thi� e�ul �tii� �Il�w f�r�fiC� �r��k�� g�t�r�u� �h� 9ab f� ca�� �f �r� �rr��rg�r��ys ��c�i�r� �Os203, �x�epti�n 1, �f th� 199� �i��rrrr� ��r� ��d� �Il��� th� �°sr� �r���ll t� � r�� t� �arr�w�� �f� st�r� �rd #�r� I�n� idth �f th� b�ildi� t� b� �������d (�h� parki�g �tr�ctur�) �� p��t��t�d b� �� ��t�r�at€� fir� � rir�kl�r �y�t�ra�, F{����, the rrr�dr��.l ���t�r h�� � r��d t� �q�ip ail c�v�r�d i�v�l� �f th� park��g �tr��t�r� ��th �r� �a�t�r��t�� frr� �pre�ki�r�y�t�rrr�, �E��g th� !�b�il� r�m��r� �tt��h�d t� th� ��b �� tr�ct�r thaf ull� it�t�I� tirrt��, It w��ld tak� � pr�xir��t�ly 15 �a 20 rr�ir����� ta pr�par� �h� �ra���r t� rn��� ir� �� �rr��rg��cym �t�ff �� ����; 7'h� F�r� ��p�rtr��r�t��11 agr�� t� th� ��rr����g �fi th� fir� ia�� if th� p�rki�g �tr����r� �s f�ily �p���kl�r�da T°h� d�ta�l� r� ardarag �h� g�t� ��r��t�r� ��d its � �rati�r� vv�l! ���d t� b�wark�d a�t t� th� ��ti�factiar� �f th� �ir� �p�r� �r�t a 6o t r �r� r�t y�r� t � � � r t���c t t if � ? ��dic�i C�€�t�r ��� ar�s�: A fil�t, �a�cr�t� p�d �apabl� af��ppar��� th� h���y �i ht�f th� abEi�� th�t�r I�b wiCl h��� t� � ����tr�ct�d �d����r��t�th� �d°o��� c��t�r ui�ding ��d tr��h ��rr�p��t����r��t�r� a�ar�g th� r��s��r� porti�r� �f th� �xi�ti� fir� ����, Th� ��r��r�t� �d �r�d th� fir� [a�� �ill b� �����fig�r�d sa th��th� p�d �i�i b� flu�h cth th� ��ph�lt�f th�fir� I��� ��d �il ���pr�t��sd� ����� grad�e Th� r��dic�l cer�����i�i ai�� n��d t� i��tal� �����ri�s phan� a�d f�r� al�rrr� �����ct���� �� th� ���th���t��r��r ��th� �xi�t��g rr►�di��l c�r�t�r ���d�� �� �h��th� m�bi�� I�b��r� b� ho�ked up f� �h��� ��rvic��a T'h� �o�r����������r� b� ����r�t �d�t�d �ithin � 3 f��t, y 3 fo�t, by 1 f��t d�ep�r��l���r�th�t ��fd b� � d���gr��d �r� th� �xist��g brick��1( �f th� btaildi� . � �anh�l�, �hi�h ��Id,�tapply������t� ��i�t�r�g ����t�ry����r ��cf w�t�r li���p �nrill �(�� tr�v� t� b� ��r��tr��t�d 6� fhe �c�r��r�t� p�d �� th�t�a�it�ry ��flt��r►t fr�rr� �h� �b�i� E�b��r� b� di��h�rg�d dir��t�y ��#a th� ��nitary����r�ys��rn. ater h��k�p� ar� r��c���ary d��t� th� h��d ��sh�� req�ir�m��t� i���d� �h� ��.b, �� � rr��di��� ���te vvi(( b� g�r�erat�d by th� ��� ��d °�I be di�p���d �f thr�t�gh th� rr��d0��1 ���t�r� �x��t�r�g h�z�rd�r�� a�t� h�r�dfir�g prac���. �o����ti�r���� th� ���it�ry s�w�r �r�d �h�����r l���wi�i b� m�d� ir�ctiy b�r���th th� tr�Eler ��d iil ��t b� �i�Ebl� t� th� s�rr��s� ��g p� E�� a���� d�� t� �kirtsr� ��d ��al �tr€����r�� �I��g th� ��d�s �f th� trail�r. 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Va�.l, CC) �165'7 3�E e Mob�1e Ca�.he�er�zat�ic�n Zab Dear R��z�y o Fc�Il��zn� a�°� �h� hca�pi�al $ s re���ns�� �ca �er�ain ����ze� and cc�nce�°ns �ahich �iav� b�e� �°��s�d b� r�t��be�°s c�� �h� 'I°o�ar� ��.atf, a� �rell as th� ��rnrr�urzity, wi�h regax�d �o ou�° �p�lic�tic�s� for a cond��ior�al �z�e permi� fc��° �.he �cab�le c���h�t�r�zat�.o�s labo � I��bil� v��°�°�s p� �.�e�.� fa�il�,�°�m A n��aber �f inter���ed per��n� ha�re �.�k�� �ah�r t3�e hc��p�.�tal c�c��� not �irnply p�zrcha�� and install cathe�eriz��ic�a� equi�merit �a.���n ��� �a�°��e�.t build�.n�m Tl�� �n.�wer l�e� ?n ut�liz���.c��. r�t�� . �lhil� �� fe�l �ha� c�tl�et�r���t�c�n i� a de�i�rabl� ���°vi�� �c� r��ke a�r�ilabl� �o o�u� �o�muni��r, we do x�c�� �n��cipa�.e dc��r�g eno��h a� the�e prc�ced�res �a ��z�ta�fy �he l�rge �xp�ndit�re n�ce�s�r� fc�� a pe�r�ar�e�t in�tal.l��ior�, In �he i��ere�ts of ����rcall�ng h�al�h c�r� �o�t�, a �nobile f�ca�la,�y is ��.e c�r�ly r��por����le way f�� �he ho�p�.�.a1 tc� p:�ovide �ha�� �c�port�r�� ��rv�ce �ar c��zr co�m�.n�ty. � Al����a�� �it��� The lab mx��� b� s�t�r� ��m�wh��� ora. th� l�o�patal carripu�, near �1�e Irx����isr� �ar� t3n�.�. . V�e �t���a.d�r�d ��r �ae�t park�.�g lat a� �n alte��a�e �i��, but a�an��n�� thi� v�hen we de�errnine� �ha� rec���.r�c� �a�z°ka�ng �pa��� v�ould be l�st tiv�aer3ever �h� lab �eaa� on-��.te o � i �h �f f��� l�x��a Dur��� pe�°��ad� �h��. �h� l�b .�� }�ark�d o�W �a.te, �h� e��.���x�g 20 �oo� wicie fa.r� laxa� �ill b� na�°�ow�� tc� approxa�m�.��l� 1l f��t . A.fter da���u��i�z�� �a�th M.�l�� I�T�Gee, w� h�ve cle�ermi�.�d ��a�. ���t�c�n 10 . 203 c�f th� �991. �Tn�f��°rri �`i�� Cod� allcavas ��zch � n��°�°�wa.ng, if the builc��x�g tc� be ac�e�s�d i.s �ro�e�t�d by an ��z�c�mati.c fire sprinkle� �y�t�rrtm If c��ar appl�catic�n �� appr�v�c�� �� w�ll �q�ip �he ccs-�r��ed 1ev�l� a� the pa�kzrzg ���°�xc���e va��h�a f�re �p�°a.nkle�° sys���n, f��sy �c;t��t�c�� ChieP �ecufive icer r P�rk���� Und�r �he f���ul� neg��i�ted wi�� �he ���� in �9�6, �he h���it�1 ° � ��erall p�����g ��qu�rem��t i���he ����at�on �f exam �oa��, p�t��nt b�d� and d����m� em�l�y��so �������ly, �e hav� ��� �urp��� ���cea (��� �� �3 A�gu�t �993 l�t��� t� �heZly Mell�, ��p� ����ched, ���ch �ec�p� park��� �vailab��i�� and ��qui�e��n��P a�d �� still �urr�n� , ) Th� m�b�l� �a�het�ri�a�i�� l�� sho�l� �e �r�a��d a� t�e �qu���lent �f an� �x�� �oo�e The ��� su�pl�s ��a�e will �e ��ed for t��� p�rpose , �he ��� ��chnic�an� �h� ope�a�e the ��it �ill �r���e �n ��e vehicl�, �hich ��ey will park �n ��e e��� �r��e�a�, i�m�d���el� ����h �� th� �abg th�� ����ti�� a ��� ��rk�ng s�ac�m � �� �.��r�� �la�.ra.��� �� a����,��.n�� �� h��p���,1. The p�y��c�l �har��e� �r� prop�s�e fr�° th.e �o�the��� cc��°r��r a� otzr p�°c�p�rt� �ill k�e i�.zrl� ince���p�.����z� dur��� �a�te� �h€� lab �� nc�t oa�- ��.�e , Th� phra�� "'��°�zck d��king pcs��, eP �h3�h has beer� ��cd b�r �c�me ��.r�ies� �am�w�.a� o�r�rstate� �h.e ex���.t af �rae prcapo��c.� ch�ng�� dcs�u�ez�t�d zn the �o����°�zc�ic�n plans �h�t a�c�rr€p�nied e��r a�plic�.t�o� . In re�lit�r, th� co���°e�.� p�d on �rh�c�. th� �ab �vall ��.rk �rill �Zenc� in with the� el��r�tic�n a�.d �rac��s c�f t�� c�ri�e�vaym `T'he ele��r�calP t�l���or�e ar�c� fire �l�rm ccanr�ec;t�can� ��11 �e lac�.�ed arz �he �e��.tl����t �ral I e�� �he h��gztal� a�.c�. �ri�� �� cc�nce�1ec� �n � 3 'x3 '�� P �nc:Lc��u�°� �rher� r�ca� �r� �z�e. `�h� �r�t�r �r�d dra�.r� cc�nnecti�r�� wi �l be �n�de ��. a ��all g b�la�- �rade ma�hal�e, ha�r�n� � c��rer �lu�� �ith ��e �riveva��r su��ace m Indeed, t�e orzl� �.�o�re-e��ad� chan�es ��°e �h.e el�c�.r�cal encla�u�e, �e�oca�z�� of one �pruce �ree, a�d r�mav�� c>f orae la.gh� pale . . r T�����i�n �f �at��l���s� ��°����°t� I�,r�� 'I'l�e er�.���°e �tob�.le c�t���eri�a�ian I��� in�luc3�.r�g the �ractcar� �rill �e �Sarked �n ha��i.�.al �ra�e�°��m `��e a���crs.ed drac��ng sho�as �he lac���c�n o� e�u� prc��aert� l�r��� e ' � �I�� �s� ��ci��i�y ��r ��.�a�� ���,1.� �r�.��� `�°he hca�p�ta� h�� nc� �.n�er�.�.ian �f u�in� the �ac�.l��y �c��° o�her � e� o� �nc��a.�e r�ed�c�l v�n� a If appre��red� cve ar�t�c.���te �ha� c�ur ce�nc�i��or�al ��e ��:��cai� �ill �.�ply ��l�r �o �he mc�bile ca��e��rization lala. Zn �ddit�c�n, �r� are �re�ared to a��e� t� lim�� visi�.� c�� �he cna�aile ��th��eriz�ti.an l�� t� � �aximum c�� �h.�°�e per rnor��.h. r TT�� �� �������r0 'I'�e ��r��r��c�r �rhi�h i� �S�u�ed. �� the l�� �vill nc�� �e ��n a� a��r �.�.cr�� m Ix�.s���de ��.� la.b ��1.1 be f�I1.�r pov�r�r�d w�th h���i.�al el�c�ric��.�, �rh���. c�all r�.o� �au�� any �a�.se o �e ap�r��i�te th� �n�ut �e h�v� al����� r�ce�v�� fr�m th� c���u�ity, ��d a�e co�mi���� �� c�n������g to� ��rk �i�n all int�rested p�r�o�� z� ����1op��g ��l��a��� ta ��1�� �� to pr�v�d� �hi� i�por�ant �er�ice a� �h� ���� a�ce���ble ��� p�s�ablea �lea�e cal� if yo� ha�e �ny further q�e�tion� , �ere , � .��,.°'� ������ �'�c�`��° tie Engine��° �.. ` D�'o k�° . Enc�c���.re� {2) ccw La�°�°y ��.ul� I�eI�. p (T�ca Er��lo���°��) 1Zay P�cNia��n, {No E�cl��ure�) Wally �t��ae��, {Nr� Er�cl���a���) � . ,�, a � ��a � � �t�r�� �, �39� � �P�4,� � � � e � . ��.�.1 T��rr� C��znca�I � � °�� ��utl� �`�°�r't�g� � � �T�i.� , �c�l�r��� �1.��°I �t7��°��`�� ��d�c�.� G��a��r l�o�i1� Z�,�� P��°� D���° �c��z��i�. ��mbe�°s @ As �swrie�°� �f LTr��.°� #2C}2 , �c��°pi�� C�����rti�aitzs�t� �ri We�� �T��dc�w �r�ve, �r� �.�°� ���°��.��1�r1�� ��n���°n�d �}���� th� �I�d��al C�nt��° �I�bil� Lab F��°t ���r�c� ��r��id���d �y ��e �'c�car� Cc��tn��1 �� t�a� t��ea �lth�ugh �a� �r�d��°�t�r�d ��� isn�a�rt�n�� a�' da�g�c��ti� ���.��r�er�t �c��° ��°�� �°���d�nt�� �� ��e��t�on �f ���� �.� t�i� ��p��p��.��� 1���t��r� �� �h�.� �a�zlity� � zn�j�r d��kir�g �c��°t c�� thi� r���r�a.tud� h��°�l� �.s �r� ���p�ng c�ith th� �°���d�n�.�al �n�a.r�r���r�� �� �h�� ��°�� o ��r�s�.c��r��ag h���°t ��z�g��°y a�s ��� ��nd���.�d �� �h� I�t�dical ����.�r ��� i�t �� �c�� �z����ip��.�d t��t �.��r� .�� ��a������nt �.�a��l r���d �� ���°rci�n�r��1� i�cau�� th� l�k� ira �h� bazz.ldirzg, �ra�th��° l���ti.�� n�t w�.thin � �-�s.�der����l ���a �� t�� val.lac�� a���.�� �€o�°� ��r���a �1��, o�c� �h� dc���iz�g pc��°� a.� �r�, �th�r ��e� f�a� �.t ��°� ��a�l�bl� t� �Yxe ��d���I. C�n°te�°� t�� �l�°�ady ha�� r���.�� ��°�� tl�� �`�°or�t��� �2c��d �n� dc���t ��n� �h� pc���i.b�l�ty �� �dd�r�g a�c��°�� A p��m�r��r�� d��k.�r�� �cz�°�. ��� � C� ' l�n� �� ' Y�i.gh ��mi—tr�z�k t���l��° h�� ��a��er���2fir�d���r��3. �l�m�r�t� �.r��c��n��t�bl�� ��th �°esid�r��i�l ���ra����t�a�ta Tl��� is rtc��. th� �ppr���°i.�t� �a���.�.�n ��� �h� ��tYs��°����.�c�r� I.�k� �r�d/��° �ny ��h�r t�°tzck°�t�a�.��r �a����e W� tzr�� �c��z te� �e�n�ic�er th� ��c�a��.v� �ff��t tz�c�n �h� ��i�r�����° �� th� �r�a ��d �z��ac�. ar� prc�p��°�ty v�lue�, �s yc�u p�°c����� �ath y�ur ���riew a� thi� ���d�ti.�z�al u�� ���m�t �ppl���ti�r�m �1���� �d�ri�� th� ��h���zl�� dat� f��° p�zblic h�ar��ag �n ��i� �.��u�. t�p �1s� ar� i.rz��re��t�� �.� a�t�ndi�ag �r�y nea.c�i�be�r�c��d m���ir�g ��°���° t� the `I'��rn �e��zr���l �� p�zbla� h���°ir��e �r�d s�c��a1d �����r����� ���ri� u��e�a��� �� t�:� ���:�p s� �r� ��r� r^�k� �?�n� �� k�� p�°��er��.a �7� �p��°������ �rc��zr ��r�s�d��°���.ora c�� aizr �c���t�r��.� �nd �c�n��rr�� art� �c���° �°���c�z��� �.e� �tha� let�er°� ___,. ��r����°�l�B _. .�.�----------- _v� � ���J ��..� - _ . ✓M �,�, _ '.. . '�""-'�"�.'�Tt1C7�S� �420 R�T"Ic°�����8'1�� A't��3711� ° s3P�I'� id��.'��7 g �C°e �2.A G� (Fi�.�� °75Fs-°3°7�� �'�x ����) �5�—�591 ��� �er� ��r�er� Rac��ide �am��r�y ���t F7�1.�.�c�� �-i�rn�caws�e�°� Z���o�i�ti.csn � y � C9ffi��rs: F'r�sici�nt - �ob Ca�lvir� Sec�e w �re Pari�s �°reascaz��r - P�trick Cr ��r��tasrs - Jtaciith�er�Ca�i�z - 1ph�rad�ew�t�r - �l�i��at� ' s m i�azt I, �l�y - �ill�Iartors - Co '�I�idder T�a P1a ir�� �r�d�z�v�r� ��t�l �� issi�r��r� ;,�; � `� � j �. � � � �� � � � � Fr�arr�: Jirr�I.,�rr��n�� .Ad °r�str�tcsr � ,��, :: � ��t�: J�xn� 239 1995 �' �: _ ��. 2 � � � . Vail Vall�y �di�a� ���t�r � �� � � � ��� � � � , Nlc�b�le C�th�ri���a�n�,�b ��z�diti�r��1 I�s�Pe `t Appli�atiati I� ��s b��r�brc��z�ht tc� �h� �tt�r�tica� �f�h� �-I�srr��ca n�rs �sso�i�t��ar�, that ���nd�t�t���l �as� p��rrii� has b���r�qu�st�d for a za�c�bil�l�bc�r�t�ry p�rt tc� a��c� c�dat� a 6fl x 15 fc��t di�sel tra.�tr�r t ck ar�d �rail�r on��i� �ast s�d� �f th� �ail Va�1�y��d��al C�r�t�z°e As a ��n��pt, the�-Io��� r���-s.Assc��i�t�c�r� do�s n�t q��stic�n�h�z���d fc�r a �b�l� l�bc�� �°ate�r�po�t. �3c� �ver, �r�pra�ti�e, �h� fixr��t��r��l and pr������1 di��a�iti�s �a���t�d b��his p��-ti��- lar pr�p�s�l az°� arz �r�d�c�tis�r��h�t �t pr�s�r�t, � p�r ar��ntly ���lc�s�d t �k dc���C �r�d p�rt sh��zld b��nstall�d �ls�wher� o�th� r��di�al c�nt�r sit�. A p� �re�t fa�il�ty is r��c� ��d�d, rather�i�an all��r a t��p�r��°y�zse �� a Ic���tio�th�t �s r�ot �c�rr�patible ith th� s�rrs��z�d�n�re�id�ntia� ��i�hborh��d. E�a�r�if t�� appl���nt �or�tz�a�- t��lly li its th� �����t as�d d�r�ti�r�t� �h�� spe���� prc�vid��°, i��i�d�r�� prc�hzbitac�r�s c�n ar�y �ddaw �ic�n�l or an�il�ary�s� �f�h� d��kin�pc�rt, �p� an�nt f��il�ty sh�uld be�°�q�ai��d by zc��ain�t� b� ��rast ���d �r� t�� s�teo y��°ar�t c�f a t�rr�pc�rary ��nd�ti��al us�, shc�uld n�t ����nd b�yc�nd t2��ti��r���essary �'�r th� ��di�al c��t�r�r� d�s���, approv�� �nd ���st �� a p� an���ly �n�ie�s�d t�a�k d��tc�nd pr�rt. If c� �z���d tc�day, th� d�s��r� ar�d r���e prt���ss �t�ld ��1c��ce�z�s� ��ior� d�rir��the . ���t b�ildin� s�asc��. V�� nsz��iha�th�r� is dis�ussB�� c�f� ��or expar�si���� ���o od��e th� St��dzn�r� �-Ia k��s C��ni�, in�h� r���r t�zs°�, �r��h�rr��di��� c�r�t�r sit�. ��r�draisi�a� is aznde a�f��°th� ��- paras���. t�s �11, rri�di�al ��nt�r o �i�1s wan�t�lc��at� a �'h�lip�d°� oz��h� r�c�f�f t��pr�s�r�� z�edi�al c�n�er. Ea�h ��s�by its��f, rriay ne�t appear�� b� �f ccans�q�a�n��. V��w�d as a ��asr��lat�ve�ffe�t� �v�r th� za�x�t c� tt�thr��y��rs, �h�r�sultir�� r���ati�� �����s �c�u3d �scal�,t�d r�p�dly. Tl�� pr�m pc�sais �re �f s�ff'i���a�t ��r�it�d�th�t ��site r��i�hb�rh�t�d �rrlpa�ts su�h �s n�z�sar�ces and s�f�ty ����� s ar��r�t�ria far �v�l��tior�, ��s� �adcsw ri��has b���a �sta.bllsh�d �s th�pr�rrsarryy ped���ri�r� and rriass�rar�si� 11 b�t ��r� V�il Vilia�� and I,�c�nsh�ad. u�r���h� surri er ar�d int�r to�z�� s��sc�z�s th� str��t is ` �ft�n thr�n��d w��h p�d�st�°ia�s. The �sa 'n�l�s�� �f re�r�at��r�ai p�d�st�°ia�s ith h�spi�a� traf fi�, �n�l�d�r�� er��r��z��y�eh��l�s, ��rk�rs and p�t#�nts sp��din�tc� th�ir jc�bs c��° appcsir�trr���ts� and lar�� d�li�ery t cks, prorr��t�s h �rd�us sa��ty ��r�ditic�ns. �fo�� de��dir��th�rr��ri�s of�hi� �ppli��t�on, th�r��s a r�e�d to �c�rnp��t� a pla °r�� p��� ��ss� h�r�by, th� �ntir� ��di�al ��nt�r�it�, in�l�din�th� rr�c�bil� �ab�z°�t��°y pe�rt� �s �r��ly�ed f��° th� puz°p�s� �f�stablas�fln� star�dards�� ar�s��°e that �ny fi,�rthe�-�xpar��zc�z� �f b��ldi�a�s ot°�zs�s ar� �'c�s�iJ�i�e��rx 23� �1�1, ��l�r�d��1b5� T°�flepho��;(970)�27-56�0 �il�ssa�e/F' :{970)�2�-5�56 . E� E� 6/23/9S pa�� 2 �c�r�p�t�ble ith th� sc�rr�i�r�d�r�� �°�s�d�r�ti�l r��r�i�b�nc��od: �c�rnpa�ibilit}�, �r�cl�d�s t�te �ese�l��ior� �f n�isar�ces, h �rds� d�sp�sa�, a�d s�fe�y�ss�a�s. y i�v�st���t�ad�by th� �dica.l c�r�t��sha��d ���� �tar�dard t��t rr��int�i�s th� r�s�� d��tl�1 qa��tities c�f �.dj�c�a�t r�s�dent�al prap�rti�s, i��lud�n�lar�ds��p�d b� ��n� �r� rr��d��al ��r�- t�r pr�p��°ty adj�ce���� r�s�der�t��t pr�p�rty, In�h� l��al s�nse, ��r�dit�c�r�s rriust b� a��id�d t��� pr�s��t t�� �ppart��i�y f�r '°re�r�rse e�rtd�rr��at���°� �f a.d����n� res�d�t�t�ai pr�pertfl�s. It �s r��csrded th�t ther� may be cz��c��pt�bl� adv�rs�i�p��ts up�r�ad����nt�-�sid�r����l prc�p�r�y � r��r� �r�d�h� r����hb�nc���d. "Th�pr�pc�sal �re�t�s adv�r�� ���d�t�c�ns f�r park�n�, pe° d�striar�p �ehicttlar ar�d fir� ���essP str�ets�ape�i� �� �r�d sr�� �°� c��ral. N�is� and �th�r r�t�id s�r�e�s �c��ztd r�sul�. Th�F�c���c����rs Ass����ti�r� dc��s n�t�ish�o d�stin�as�b�t���n�h� rne�ts �f�zsir�� a t��bi1� l�borat��-y pc�rt f�r�� `ci�s�hat p�c�v�d� �ith��°d�a.��c�sti� �r treatrr���t s� i�es, `Th� As� sc��ia��t�r�notes th�t m�dical c�r�t�r c� r�ia�s h��� st�.ted�h��w�th��t su�'icie�t �rket, ��� rrt�dica.t ���t�r c� a� ��c�rd to p�r �ner�tly h��se �hear� °���the�zatior�81 d���a��s��� lab�r�.tc�ry. Pr�ser�t� iy� t�� �er�t�r da�s not ha�r�, �c��do�s rt p��n tc� �ave a h�art tre�tz���t (s�r����l� fac�l��y c�r� �ts pr��rsfls�s in �ail. �a.�r�o�ti� �����rs th�t ��v� per�a��rttly �ra�i�s�d �a.th��z�ti�� fac�lit��s a.r� ic�c�t�d a� ��arby hc�spi��ts. ����re��t��� �f�s��at�cs�� f�r�p�tr�ty dia,�r��sti� prc�c�d�re, h�l� � cor�sid��°a�rc�z�, is �c�t af its�if s��i�i��� c��s��� apprc���t���ppli��t�c�r�. �'h� dc��tc�r r�spa�sible far��� �aii �csbil� �a�h�riz��ian lab prapt�s�1 h�s s�id tha� th� rn�- b�1� �ather�zatxc�n labo��t�ry ir� Vail �ill r�c�t b��s�d frar pataents in �i�'�thr�a���i�� �ircczrnsta�cese It is of��r��err�t��h� Assc��i��BC�r�, that beca����her�is �ri�k�f l�f��I�°��t�r�ir�� cc��pl���t��r�s fr� t�� �°�a�h�r��a��tan" dia��c�st�� �rc�c�dur�, �h�t � p���er��°s ��s�t��ti�n c��td b� ����-�����d b� r�c�t �t�v�r�� �d�q��t� l���rt tr�at��nt fa�il��i�s ava.il�bi� z�th�m�d��al ��r�t�r. T`he d����e�p �r�t esfth��d��rds edi��� ��r�t�r s��e, isnde�-�c�a�sid�rat��ra by���1� ���r�ty, sh�a�ld b���ra��d�red �s �1��a.tion �s� p���rld�rr��bili��d l�b�r��c��r f�cilit�es b����se��� sit� is c�r� e��trally ica�at�d tc� �h�fi�lt tirr�e r�sid��ti�l pt�p�l�tic�� �en�ers c�n�h���70 cc� �d�re T��Ed��rds �da�al ��r���r is p�-�pc�s�d for cc�r��� ��i�n����buiidi�� s��sc��o S�a�dard za�ir�� p�-��tic�s reqc�ir�th�� �q�at tr��trtt���b� �ppli�d �o a.11 sz il�r pr�f�ssi�nal s� ���s d�li��red by pr�v�.t� p� eye�rs. I� �s d��zbtfi.�l that this r�qe�es��d sp��i�t p�°��i1e��w��1d b� � priv�l�������ra1ly ��t�nd�d t� all c�t��r pr��'�ssic�r�al a�d b�str��ss s� ic�s �r�th� �c�rnr��rrlity. It is d�t�b��i tha� th� ��rri �zr�i�y c�uld b��c���ra�t c��°� pr�v�te b��ir��ss b��r�� cs�nd�z�t�d �rc�rr� a s�rr�i � �k trai��r, c�n �ith�r a perrr�aner�t c�r s� �epe �n�r�� b�sis, p�r�i��l�rly�f it�as �dj�c��t tc� � r�sident�al s�r��t th�.t �s af�er��e��ir�� ith v�s�t�r� hs� �r�try��t��� �d ir�th� b�a��y c�fthe �e��hbc�rh��d �nd it �r���r�r�s. "Th� sta����r�� by th� �ppl��ar�t that th� pr����y a�rn c�f t�� pr�posal is�c� i�pr��r� h�alth �are fc�r the �c�rn��nity is bo�h � prc�bl�rrr�t�c ar�d �r �bl� s�a��rr��r�t, s�zba��t t� f��t�al s� tiny �t�d chatl���� fi-c�� � �d� r�r��e c�f sc��r�es ar�d pr�f�ssa�nal �p�ni��as. °Th� Asso����i�r�ur�es�h� ���i� ir�� ��thari���s tc� f�cus o�the it�pac�s c�pc�r� �d��ce�t pr�per�ta�s �a�d th� pe�rri�n�r�t r�- �d�a���� c�fthc�s��rnp�ct�tc� th�ber��fit c���h� �c�r���r�d�n� r�sid�ntiat r�ef�hbor�c�c�d. i� ��th�v��� c�f�h� o �� rt�rs Assc�ciatis�r�th�� is���s pres�r�t fc�rr�the a.ppl�����ar�f�ils to rr���t c���ri� 3 and 4 c�f�€�r the Cc�r�d���c��al�.Ts�Pe °t pro�risi�� c�f th��c�r�n� �od�. T'h� �rr��a��n�rs �ssacia�iar� d��s r��t r��c�rnrr��nd appr��!aI �f the �ppl���ti�n at t�s ti�e in its pr�s� �nt f�r�. � � �� . � � � � � � ��� � ��� � � �� � ��� � � � � ��3� � �������� � ��� � � � �r. a�d�i°se {)tt� t����� � ���'��� ��- 3�r�� 22, 1995 � Z 1 �9�5 122 W�st��ad�vv I�riv� �ail, �� �1657 ���� � �:�,: �� � � , ���° �y�r��d To�v� Cc��r��il �nab�rso �e �r� l�sr���irr�� prap�rty�wr�ers c�f V�i�, sir�c� 1965e fl�r jl�il hc� � �� a� 122 �'�st ��dc� I��v�o � ar� �or�c�rr��d �b���th�plar��� pi��� at r�c�bil� l�bor�tc�ry pc�rt fc�r 1���� t �ks �r� c��r a°�sid�r���al str��t at th� ��st s�d� e�f�h� �Ta�l Val��y �dical ���t�r. `t�� �re di�°��tly a���t�d by�h�s piar�. 'Th� p�rk�n� �f lar��t �ks irr th�s �r�� is r�o� �t��pat�b�� ith �ur r�sid�nt�a.l r��i�hb�rhac�d. W� dc� r��a�b�li�v�th�s is a�c�c�d ic��atz�n ta p�r�t �k�. It �11 �S� � bad t�r��tc� �o�ks �t fi��,ir� ta��°bea�tt�fi�1 s�����t �ild fl��i�h�i�i��i�c�, 'I°�1�zz�ara�p��p1��h� aik c���n at,t�- �tr��t� f�c�� all �v�r th� �rld, e������s b�a�ty as m��h as w� d�. ith�r�ur h�lp, sc� eday � h�p��c� �ak� it �v�rz �t�r�b�autifizl, W� ��1d li�� � vi�w �� °dc�r f�r c��r str��t sc� th�t � �a� k��p ind�str�al �s�s �nd �th�r�z��y thir��s fr�m b�1�� se��by th� p��ple h� ��� o�r str��t. P��pl� d��v�th�ir a�t���b�l��t�c� fas� c�r� ��rr str�et. I�rivir�� �r�d p�rk�z�� l�r��t �ks �11 �aak�th� saf��y probl�rr�e��rs�. �J� lil��th�h�spzt�l in o�z�r�����bonc���d, b�t i� is��ttin�tc�t� bi�. � d� nc�t � h�t they�r� d�iz��ir�th� fut�zr�. It is nc�t ri�ht th�t t��h�spitat ca� as�for rr��r�y srr��ll �h�r���s➢ o�� �t � �fl �, sc� th�� do��t app�ar t� be��port��t, �n �11 th� srnall �han��s �r� add�d �p, �h�3� wi11 ��k� a bi� �han��t� our resid�r��ia� r��i�hborh�c�d ar�d b�a�z�ifi.�1 stre�t. � d� n�t beii�v� �h�s is fai�- c�n c��r��st. "Th� h��p��al shca�ld b��s�d fcar p�c�p1� hc� ar� �r��ur�d skiir��e T'� �k��h� hospital �v�n bi��er�r�i�s pr�s��tt l��at��z� she��zld r�o� happ��. Y�u �a��x�� �c�ntin�a�t� sq���ze ���r}Jthin� ir�tr� s��h a, sma1� ar�a; It w�ll be bad for Vai1, b�d fr�r th� hospital �r�d �tzr r��i�hbc�nc��oda 'The a�e� �hat r���ds a �o unity�ospi�al is bi���r t�an�aile 'Th�r�� ht�spit�l that�s b�i��b�ilt in Ed az-ds should b�th� lc�catic�n h�r� pe�pl��� for��r��r�.l h�alth ��r� ar�d tr��� �n�. `Th� e�bi�� iab�ra�ory p�rt �i�l be p� a��nt. 'T��r� a�� �c� rit��n pro i��s th�t�� wili r��t b�t�s�d ��r� ar�d ���°�e Th�bi���r t�� ht�spital �r��s th� rr�or�t �ks ha�� �� � do n taut° s�r��t a�d pa�-lc�d a� th� ��st �nd o�'�h� hr�spit�l. T` �ks pa�rk�n� ar�d �c��d�r�� at th� h�sp�t�i should b�f��ly er�cl�s�d i� ��a a.ttra�t�v� znanner and ��rnp��t�ly l�dd�n f�c�r�pa�bli��a�w: e �sk y�i� r�c�t t�i approv�th� m�bile l�b�rat�ry p�z�t �c�nditi�r�al �is� p�r�it r�q��ste S�r���r�ly, ���e� ar�d Elke Wiest `°�' � � ' '� � x€ '� � �P ti � , �, � }: � � �� �� ���.�EL�t3td�N��N�IL��-�. � ��r�� �,�F�ult�,��, t � � ��EPtT�t,���t�At�t��t�� �s►� ����m � �0 1��t�t„����i T�5i�� � �. . � �.� .� .� .�. .� . . � . �� � A 1��E.6LSPT��T'��� E� � . � . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . .��TkIE W��'f69����B��P4 . � . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . A�3g°�2 ��a ���3 �e� [�c��i It A1�y` CaiiC��'ilm R�e '�h� �1a� l�� ���I ��lle� �edi�al ��nt�� �a ����� � �����t ��.�i �n �he �ast �zd� caf ���� �t��l��, Ni�di�ai ��nt�� �o� t�e p�srga��e� �� ���g���ry tra�Z�rs a�td ser�ri.e� c�f ��l�i�I��4 It is �� �c�cte�°st�xac3�r�� �haC Vs�.l ��Zl.�y� �I��i��1 ��r�e�� ha� �p�al:L�d �o �'�1� pl��nizt� beaard f�rr �� f��ion �o b�s�Id. � c�ss����� �,�d on t�ie � s�d� caf the ��zl �a11�y �i�di��l Ce�ite�° �r� ti�e ���r�� r�f ��� ��i����� �����: ta� ��� ��r��� actd a�dj���8t Go t�e Sk�l�a�u� t� t�a�s�� czn ���t �i�����r Ftriv�a :�y ����� ��a�� �he �c� � o� ���1 wa13 agp�c��� thi� cc�m�� f�a� �� �n��r��� �s � £�o��csw-r��r� �� � ��y��ci�� arecl �s �ra �.a��e Cs�un�y° t��. �a����o �,y t���st cc���e i� as �� c� ��- o� 5k��i��ta�� ��l �� 14Z C�,n �i��dc�� �a�-:i��6 I'���in� � �������� ��a ��� ������� �� � ���a�a� �� ������ ����e�� �� ��� ���� ���� `�f ��� ���p�-��l p�'ap�z�t� �ii�h �r�at �t���t �r���b�l.�.t� is detr���nr�I t� �h� t���.�i��csrhood fa� s������ r���r�n�. F��s�ffi �.t i� � �c���t�:tic �y����r� t� c�r�� c�f t�i� g���t3��t ��s�.���tia� �s����b��hcac�ds �.�€ V��..�w S���red� �� � p��i�ir�� la� far t�c�cl�� �t ��.�h� ��fe�t pr€�pe�°t� ��Zu�� n�����.�r��ye Th��da th�re ��� c�t&���- glae�� c�r� th� FIs������� �raund� �hst ��� ��a� f�°o�i �s�a}�lte �ra�w �h�t ���ld �e tss��io �� � ��a��ici�a� � �� ��race�r��� tY�a� t�a� ��t�bla�hme�t csf � ��rk�n� p�� far �p�ci.��ty ara���3�r� ��dacal c�r�, a�a p��-tf�u��ra �n���;��� �ard�.csva���la� �s�°��eci�a��s¢ �-� �c�� �r� [h� b��c s�t����t crf tt�e ���,� c�t�z�r��> In hiir�r������ r�he�°e I ��ac�3�� ccs�c�n a�d r��t�.Z �es�°��ry tI��r� �.� � ci�ci����ed ���r�,t�za� rc��� ancl s;t�rest—by ����1��1 �x�ar� �.��� ��a��.ais�� dur��g e�rd�olc�sY �����dur��o Si�c�uld .� c�.�clic�aa�� �a-����ur� �ece��� cc���li��t�d c�r �atas�roph�� it i..� :L �d�.�t�.Iy av�il��7.�. 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F�r� �r� e �`h� �I����n��d �r���r�r�r�entai ��rnrr�e��i�� sha�l rn�ke th� f�lloa�ir��findir��s befar� r��t�� a �o�diti�n�l u�� �r it� F:\�veryor�elpeclm�mostcascade.626 � � 1. �h�t th� pr�p���d I���ti�s� �fi th� ��� ir� ����rd ��th th�purpa��� o��h� ���di�6�r��1 ta�� p�rrrrait����i�r� of th� ��r�ir�g �c�d� �r�d th� ptarp���s c�f th� di�tr��t �r� �hs�h th� �Mt� is l�����d� 2, °Th�t�h� pr�p���d I�c��i�r� �f t�� u�� a�d ih� ��r�diti�r�� �r�d�r�hi�#� �t ���aid b� oper�t�d �r �ir������d���ld ����� d�trirrr�e�t�l #� th� publi� h��l�h, ��#�ty, �r ����r� �r r��.t�rl���y °s�j�r�t��� �� p����rt��� �r ir�prt������t� in th� �i�i�itye 3. °That�h� pr�p���d ta�����id ��r�ply��th ���h c�f th� �ppl���ble r�vi�i�r�� of th� ��r�diti���l �s�� p�rr�it���#��� ��th���n��g ��dea 1 � I Th� �t�ff i� r���rr�rr��r�d�ng� r���l �f�h� appl�c�r�t"� r�qu�st t� �dd � iiqu�r stor� t� �h� �a���d� Cr�s�i�g ��t�il ��nt�r, l���t�d �t i 031 ���rth Fr��t�ge ��d. � ��li�v� that all th� ��r�di�i�r��l ��� r�vi��✓�r�ter�� i��v� b��� rr��t, ��dis�t����d �b�v�� and th�t th� fir� i� � �r� al�o r��te ���fic��iy, �t�ffi b�lie��� th�t th� pr�p���d I�c�tio� of t�� ��� i� 6� ����rd�n�� ith th� �rpo��� �f t�� A D Z�r�� D��tri�t, ��d th�t th� pr�p���d i���t��r� �f th� ��� ��d �h� h��r� by vvhi�h it wi�l �e �p�r���d� uvidl ���b� d�tr�rr�����1 t� th� pt�b�i� h��0th9 ��fi�ty�r w�lf�r�, �r�d th�t th� �s� ��r�p����w�th �II �ppii�� i� pr��i�i��� �f th� z��i�g t�tl�. ; Fei�v�ryoerelp��\rr�ernos\ca�c�d�a&26 3 � __ _.______---6 -- - - -- _---------------__------_-_ � --- --__--------------- -___ -------------� � � �. �� � �'��/��-� __ _ __ _ _ _ �----_---------------- _- -- ____--____ - --- ----__ - P �_ ____ _ _ _---- _ ���-��— -_— --__ --- -_--- --_— ---- c �fi_. .__._'...._......____a. ._._.__'_"...—'".___'�._.._,.___.�...._..__"__..___'___ . . e e � s � a e ._.._" __..__._..._..''_'_. —._'__''°� .' __ a,✓J!�'� 7C �t.� E �' _ _ __ �� GJ�4 � C�`�� Y'l�sJ a».S° ,_ _ _ _ — __ _ _ _ — __ ___ _ . _ _ __ _ . _ _ __ _ .__ _,_._ � i �� � 3 _ _. , _ __ � _ __ _. _ ___ _ — _ -- ___ _ ___ _ �'!��__ � M _ . _ _ _ _ -- � ._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _--- _ _._ ._ ___ __- �°�,� �'�g��`e� �� �� �;����� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — __ _ __. , � __ __ . __ _ _ —_ s _ __m _ _ _ --- —_ _ _ — -- — ��r����- ���� _ ___ ----____ --- — __ _ _ _ - . _ __ ___ — ____- -----_. -- _--- -- ����f� __ __ _ _ _ _____.__ --_ ��;� _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ a __ ___ __ _ _ �_ _ _ _ - _ _ ___ _ _ _ T : �B�r���r� ��d ��vi��r�m��t�� C� rni��l�� 9 F O : ��mm�a�ity D�v�l�prn��t D�p�rt�n�r�t � D�T�: J��� 26, �99� ��1 J��T: A r�q���t��r a ���b���v�ri�r��� �� �ll�w��r �� �ddi��or� t� a r��id��c� ����t�d �t 1390 �r���hill C��rt/�t�t 12� ���� Ly�r�e �4ppli�a��: ��rr€�������ti�r� �r�p�r�i�� �lanr��r: Ar�dy �{��dts�� I� I 1 "f° V � Th� �pp����r�t i� r�q���ti�g a ��tb��k v�ri�r��� �o �Il�v�f�r th�����tr��ti�n �f� gr��r�h���� �� th� ���t�id� �fi th� ��i�ting prim�ry r��id��c�9 I�c���d �t 1390 r��r�hili C��arte Th� z�r�ir�g ��d� r�quir�� � 15� �� ��k. �°h� �,ppii��r�t �� pr�p��i�g 5'. °T �r�fi r�, 1 � �t � v rm� c� �� r t� m Th� app�����t pr�p�s�� to �n�l��� a� �xi�t�r�g p�ti� and ak� i� int� �g����h����. Th� z��ing ��d� �l��w� p�ti�s t� �n�r���h ��t� th� s�tb��kg h���v�r, ��nv�rtir�g th� pati� t� � �tr����ar� ��r�����ed fl��r �r��} r�q��r�� � var�����, Th� primary/�����d�ry r��i �r��� I�����d �n ih�� I�t�������tru�t�d i� 1993. �t �16 �f t�� d�v�l�p�ent p�t�r�ti�� {� FAj ��� u��d d�r��g th� �r��ta�l �r�n�tru�ti�� ph���, �urr��tly, th�r� i� �ppr�xirrr�te6y 1,070 �g. ft. �f FA �.�ai��bl� f�r f�t�ar� ����tru�tio�. If th� pr�p��a� i� �Ppr�v�d, th�r�wil� b� � 907m6 �qa fto �# FA r�ma�r�ing f�r f�#car� d�v��oprrri�r�ta �t�f� di�ct����d thr� i�����ith th� �pp�i�a�t9 �p��if#��Ily h��th� p6i�ar�t�c�t�ld �s� th� b����c� �f th� FP� �f th�s additi�r� uv�r�to b� � pr�v�dA �taff r�q���t�d th�t ih� owr��������d�r . eiirr,sr��t�ng th� r�r��ir��ng �FA a If th� ��ri���� �s �ppr�v�d, th� �ppl�c�r�t���Id �gr��t� d��d r�stri�t th� pr���rty, �!i i�a�i�g ��y�xpa��i�n p�ter�fi�� �n �limir����r� b��h 250'�, �'he �r�hit��t�h��k�d ith b�th ��n�r� �r�d th�y ���r�l�y��pp�rt th� id�aa Th� prirr�ary o�r��r w��sid �lirrri��t� �1 ��t�r�d�v�l�prn��te T°h� s���r�dary own�r ��id �lims��te �II �t �70 �qo f#. �f��t�r� �xp�n�i�� capab��itye � ��vr��r of th� ����r�d�ry r��id�r�����uld lik� t� mair�ta�r� �� �pti�n of ��cl��s�g h6� �xi�ting p�fi� �s � r���h���� {�hi�h����d �Is� r�q�ir� � ��tb��k v�ri�n��)a Ar��th�r optio�w��ld b�t� l��at��h� �dditi�n�f �FA i� th� sp��� b� ��r� th� o �x��tir� re��d�n��. 1� �ith�r����9 �xpa��i�n to th� r��r �f th� �i��s r�q�irin �igr�ifi��,�� ����v�ti�r�9 ��uld r�ot � r�q�����d. PI���� ��� the ��r�in ���ti�ti�� b�lo�v for �. r�at�r u�d�r�t�� s�g �f�h�d��re��pm��t �#��ti�.l �f th� �it�. F:\�v�ryanelp�c\me�caslglenlyo�.626 11� 1 1 � L�t����- 33,610,9 �qe ft. Z��ir�g � S�D#4� Prir��r�/S�c�r�dary ����der�ti�l �IEow�d/�� �ir�d Existin �r� ���d Fl�ight: 33ft. 33ft. �V��h��g� �f�FA. 6,2�Oo5 sq.ft. 5,2��.9�q.fta 5,37�.9�q.f�, S�t��ck�o Front: 20° 24° 24° 5����c i5`/15° 15`f15° �Y15' F���re '!5' 1�0` 14�° �i��C�v�r�g�: �,04106�q.fta(1�°6a� 3,290.5�q,f�.(9.��In} 3,46Q.5 sqe f�.(�0,3°to) �arki�g: 5.Q�pa���r�qu�red 7 spa���pr��ided t�a�h��g� 1I1. tT 1 FI 1 � lJp�r� r�vE�vv af Cr�t�r�� �nd Fi�d��g�, ����i�r� 1�,62.060 �f th�V��! P���icip�� ��d�, th� C�rr�rn��ity D�arelo ��r�t �p�r�rrt�r��r���r�r��� � r�i � �f th� r�q���t�d v�ria��� ���d or� th� f�ll��rir� f�.�t�r�m �. �o���d�r�ti�� �f ���tar�; 1 e h r�l ti� h� fi t r� � t � r� c t� t r �r�tE r �t r�ti ! t�� � �r� �tr��tt�r � i� � vicis�� . T'h� pr�p��ed r��r�h���� ��Id ����r� �ppr�x�m�t�iy 15' X �0°. Th�� h �t�ff �lie��s ���t�h� �r�o��t af �r��r���hrr��r�t i� ��t��c���iv�$ th� `T��� did r�c�iv� � I�tt�r fr�m th� ��ighb�r t� th� �a�t, �h�ch �xpr����s �pp��iti�� t�th� r�pa�al. ��i� ��t��h�d t� thi� �r�� f�r th� P�C°� r���� n C�rr��tly, �h� ��ighbori�g r�p�rty�� th� ���t i� �a��.nt, taff ��k�a�l�dge� th� n�ighb�r'�d��E�� ta h��� �� rr�t��h ��par�ti�n b� ��r� hi� pat�s�ti�l ��r�c��r� ��d th� �xas���g r�sid�r���9 h���v�rg �t�ff d��� r��t b�li��� �h� pr�p���d �tr��t�r� i!I ��g�tiv��y c ��t th� rt��ghb�ri�g I�t ith ����ss��� m��� a�d b�lk, 2. r t� i� r li�f fr� t tr��t r� �it � i t r r t ti r� r�f rc �t f �cifi r� ! ti � i � � t� � � v �o ti iii ��if r i f tr� t r�t it � rr� t ��i�i i , r t i t j ctiv f t ��titl it �t r t f � i ! ri�il � �taff b���e���th�t th� sl�p� �f th� ���� i� a phy����! hard�hip whi�h ��t��d �rr��� ��r��f�r �f v�ri�r���. °Th� r�ar �rt��� �f th� �i�� ris�� �p quEt� �t��ply fr�rr� th� �xi�tir� r��id�r�c��. Th�u h ��t req�irir� v�rr�r���s, F:leveryar�e\pec\rrr�m��\g6�nlyon.fi26 d���3�prrt�rtt i� th�s p�rti�� �f th� �at���t�ld ���s� �6g�i�i���t irr�pa�t� t� th� �i���� ch�r��t�r �f�h� �r��a �t�ff b�li��r�� �h�t gr�r�t��g #hi�v�r����� �c�t�id ��t� p����d�r�fi ��d ��t�id ���d �� o�h�r r�q���t� fc�r I��at�tag �FRA ir� th� s�����k�e Irr�pi�rr���ts�g �h� d��d r��tri�ti�r� ��y ��I�vi�t� �hi� pr�bl�rns h���v�r, �t�#f b�l��v�� it rr��y ir��alv� rr��r� r��g��i�t�o� th�r� i� appr�pri�t� fc�r� ���b��k �ar�a��� r�q����. 3. Th� � ��� f� r u �# � ri �� �r� li ht r� ir, i�tri �ti � ul ti��� tr r�� r� ti� a� tr ��f���litie�, t� 3i�fi �iliti s� �a#�li#i� , r� � li� ��f� . �t�ff b�i��v���h�r� will b� r��r�9rr�al �mp��t, ����y� �� th� �ri��ria r�f�r����d �b�v� by thi� pr�p����. , °Th� �I�r�r���� ��d ����ro�r�����1 �� a��i�� �h�l� r��k� th�fi��l��ri� fi�d�� b�f�r��r��tir�� � ��r�����; 1. `Th�t th�gra��ir� �f th� v�ria�c� �ili r��t����tit�t� �.gra�� �f�p��i�l privil�g� ���c�����t��t�i�h �ta� ii it�ti�r�� �n �th�r prc�p�rti�� cias�i�i�d ir� th� s�rn� d��tri�t. 2e °fh�t th� ra�t�ng af th���r������vi�l r��t�e d�tri ����! ��th� p��ic� h�a�th, ��,f�ty or��Iff�.r�� �r m�t�ri�ily er�j�ri��� t� prop�rti�� �r °sr�prov�rr�e��� i� th� vi�fr�it�. 3. 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I I �n ay �, 1995 #h� Pl�.nni�g a�d Er�vcr��rr��n��i ��rr�rrr�i����� �P��j r�v��w�d a r� ���t t� ���at� ��td��r d���r� t�ble� af th� ��t Vail ���. f th�� t� � �h� a li�an� r�p�s�d t� la�� 24� �hit� pla�ti� tabl�� and 7 �hi�� p�a�ti� �hair� �� ��t ��r �id��a�k� in fr��� �f th� �t�r� fir��t� �� th� ��t �ail �ii. taf� r�vid� a �p t�al ��al��i� �f th� pr�p��a� ��i� a� mf��t id� �id��a�k, T�� P�� i�a re�d ith �fia�f'� anal��i� tha� a����� ���Id b� a �qu�t�ly pr���r�r�d a����� th� �tor��r��t ar ��, ��d r��ornrr��� �d that th� �.ppli�an� r�rn��� la�d��a �� i�l��d� b� �e� th� �to��fr��t� �r� t�� p�rkir� 1�� i� c�rd�r �� ir��tall f�r �I c�u�d��r ��ati� �r���. l°h� ��� �l�o f�i� th�t th� hi�� pl��ti� ma��r��,l� �v�r� ���.ppr�priat�, ��d ���id ��t ��pp�rt th� �PPii���t9� r� � ��o �� r��p�r��� t� th� P �'� �o���r��, �tafif ���� �t�d th� � pii���t ar� �k� f�r � r�vi��d ��t� plar� �ddr����� th� a����� ���� r�� �f th� P��m � al�� ����r th� ��i�t�n ��d� alk idth a�d I��k� �t th� la�d���pin r� uir�m�nt� fi�r t�� a�L °Ch� �i � �.Ik� lo� ��� stc�r�fr��t area� �r� �ailt 1 f��t i �; r��t fe�t i � � �h� n �� #h� �ppii���t9� �r� i�a� �i�� pl��, l"hu�, �� r�vis�d ��r �pa�ia� ��aly�i� a�d �e�! �ha� th� �xtra 2 f��t pr��id�� a� �v�� b����r �it�aa�i�� �ha� �a� r� r����t d arli�rm I� ������ r�q�ir� ��ts � � b� �t (a�d �x���d� ) iv�� th� 10�f��� wi � �i � �Iks. Th� a li� n� revi�� th� ��te I�r� t� r� �� th� d���ity a�d �� b�r �f � bl��a 11 ta I�s ��I � 3����� fl��h a a���t th� ���r� #r�r�t� a� t�� �hair� rr � � �� th� �i e� �f th� t ���A �C � �f th� t ble� �ri i�ally pr� ���d ��t�� ��r��r �fi � y�e�d�, j ���t t� �h a����� r rr�p, h��� b��� �16 �� t� e Th� r�vr��d �it� ia� � II� f�r a t�tal �� 13 tab��� �� 52 �hair� { �h�.er� a� �a�h t�bi��. Th� �pp�i�a�t a��� a r�ed t� �har� � �h� mat�rial� �f th �abl�� t� ark r��� r�u ht ir�� ���h, ith ark r��� r�u ht ir�n �hair� to rr� t�h, i�t�r� �f th� ��a�t ta I�� ith � r�vi � t� th� � t ��� ��tir� . taff �li���� th�t �h� �t�ri f �h�� � �i! k� a i i�f r�r�� �� �h� ���r � ap ��r��c� �f the ��tda�r d��ir� ar� �, 1"h� ta I � ill �tili � �28/ (r��n } �r� di �t�r a� the chair� r� a r�xi at�ly 2�" y ��'°. f� �r�t �a�� ���� r��y ith th� �h irs ful�y ��t�r� d fr� th� �a le, at I�a�t f��t �f ��e rar��� r� i�� f�r p� ��tr���� �r i� �vi u I� �rav�ii� ���� th� �i � ��k, °Ta �� �n�ity ha� b��� r� ��� t� fa�El�� t i�t r���f� r��� �� th� ��� �g a�d d i�I��al #ra�h r�� tac��� hav� ��� pro�i edo T�h� �pp���ar�t h�� r ��tat�d th�ir �� rrr��t �r�� t� ai�ta�� th� ��td��r ���ter� ar��� �r� �f tr��h �t al� tirr���e Th� a�p�i�a�� h�� al�� a r�� t� a d �r�� 3����h diar��t�r �� �� �r�� 2 shr�b� i� a gra��y �r�a ir� fr��t �f airy ���� in �� att�rr� t t� i r��� la�d��a c�g ar�d ��r��� �h� �ab��� �� t�i� ar�a �f �h� aIL �`h� �.p �r�a�t f���� that �h� P '� ��n��r�� hav� b��n a r��s�d by th� ���e I�� r�v��d���, rr��t�rial� cha� � ��d r�m�� r�Nt �nt t� �lice th� i�i� ar��� a� k�e th�� ����� a�d ��a�. , t ti� t i r ti t t t r � r t r t t � � t 1 i t r r , r i t t r vi it 1 � # rt r II i t r � � t rII � ti t EI 11� Ilm ����r�l r��ta�rar�t� ir� th� rr��.l� h��� alr�ady pcat pla�t�� �abl�� �.r�d �h��r� a�t�id� �� ��I� f�r ��t ��r i��� , Th��� ta I�� ha�� ��� � p�rnt of ������fii�r� b� ��� t��a�t�a s ���fi�aEly, T��� �6i xpr��� ( it �� er��i � s�at�� � �����r�t�r� F��v� ��� ��i� �ab��� la�� by iz�� �pr��� � � y��� �. °Th� `Ca � ha� �����r� � �h� all � ��r� t� �� �t a �r�d�ti�r��f �� �r �t ap I���t��� t� `��� ali��H9 th� �x��t�� t� ��� ar� �dd rr��r� t� 6�� �� �S�m���te t�e ��rr��t ��a e pr�bE� �o Th�� all � ��r� agr�� with th� Ta � an hav� ma � t�i� � C��ati�� €� a� �tt�mpt �� r���lv� �h� ����ti� r� I�rr��, Th� Vaii ��i�� �part ��t �r �� a u��k resal�ti�r� t� thi� ���t�� a� th�y �x c� r�ss�r� t� ���re��� b� ��� �h� t����t� a� t�� ��th�r c��tir���� t� i pr��� �.�d t�� �u e� t��ri�t ��a�ar� b� �ri� �� e�rn�st. f11m ! I I I l"h f��l� i� ���ti�� i� a �I� h�ly � ifi�d ��r�i�� �f �t�f�'� ir�iti�l re�i� �f th� c�� i�i��al €��� �rit�ri� a� fi�di� � ���ti�r�� �f th� ��i� ��d�, �.� ���t�i�� i� �h� �r� ir��l r� ara�d�a ritt�� ��r th�� r�j�c�. taff ���ti���� �� f��� th�t the a�t ��r ���n r�p��al ���� fihe �rit�r�� expr���� ��� . �h� r���s�d �"s�� I�� r���l��� �s�9 if ��t al�, �� th� C'� cor�c�r�� �xpr��s�d a��h� �y , 1 5 ��t�n . Th��, u �r� re��� �f ��tian 1 a 0 �� �h �r��� ��d�g th� � rr�u�ity ���f� rr��r�t , � �rt �r�t � �t����s to r��� �nd r f �f th� �� iti��ai �� �r it a�� �� th� �all� �r� f �tar�; 2 � �o �����d�r����� �fi �a�t�r�a �. I ti i i �t � t t � 1 t j �#iv f t r�� � �td��r d���n �r�a� �r� g�r��r���y �����ra �d y th� T"� r�'� a���r i��, ��� �f �h� �i �li��� ��� t� r��i� ���d��r d��t�r� d���C� �r#ai� �p��ifi��.11y t� ��k� pr�p���d �th�r� �h� ��r���r�ial ��r� ar�a� �f th� ���i1 {i.�4 ��1� ��1� �/���� � �il� �1��1��1�� ������, �h��� �!I ��IC3�� e��rai�y � ��t �pply t� ar�a� ��t��d� �f th� ��r�. Th� T��� �����r� �� ��fi ��r di�i� b��a��� �t s��r�as�� �tr��t ���� a� ��ti�i��e �ta�f fe�l� tha� th� ��rr��� pr�p��al w�ii ��h���� th� ���1�pr�a��t � ���ti�r�� �f th� T� n i� th�� r �r e Th� a ��i�n �f th� tabl�� ill ��t di�p9a�� ar�y la�d�� p�d �r��� �.� il� e ���� � at�d �� �x��tir� ��d� alk�. �h� r��i��d �it� �a►� ha� r ��ed th� �r��ity �f t�bl�� ar� ���t�d ����ra� tabl�� �� f���lit t� p�d��tr��� �ir���ati�� ar�d A a�����. II tabl�� �ill be �p�� �� ��e ���ral p� li� ar�d vu�ll n�t b� ��� r��t�d for a�y ��� ���a�t �r r��ta�r n#9 ith th� ex�� ti�� �f th� di�i� ar �. �ppro��d f�r Pi��� Expr��� �� J��� �f 1 �. � ��� �t � � 11� Il �1 � � �11�, i�tCl t�tl Of ul ti�r�p tr �� r#ati�n f��ilit� �a utilitie�, �t�o 1�, rk� r r ti f �ili#� , t r li f ili#i � taff �t�c� at�� n� �i �ifi�a�t i ��t� fro th� pr�p�sai r � t�d t� t�i� �rit�ria. 3e �cf �a �n #r�ffi� �th artic�l r ref�re �� t � � ti r�, t t� tri f t v i , tr fi fl a ��ntr f, a�����, �n �v�r ility, n r� �v � f n fr t tr t r i r a °Imh� r�vi��d �it� pla� will pr��id� rr����t ���d�d �.dditi�r�al ��at��g f�r th� . f�� �e �c� ��ta li�h �n�� at th� r�all b�t �� r��� �xp��t�d t� i��r a� �de�tri n �r v�hi��l�� �r ffi� t� th� pr�p�r�yo �i�tin �rki� �h��l b� �q�at� �i��� th� h�a�i��� u�� af th� ta le� ill b� d�ri� th ar �r ��th� �f th� y��r wh�� parkin e� ���raliy r��t a pr� i� �t th� �Ila �d�r th� T� � �� �9 rkin i� n�t r� ��r�d f�� ��td��r di�i� r� �: �fh� t I�� I���t�d a��r� �t�r�fr��t� s��h a� �iry u���� � ay� ��z 3 � Expr���, �t�, ar� I��at�d �� �r� 10� id� ��d�waEk. r��t ar� $m���t�ide �� � �Ik� � ori in�l�y r re�� t� t� th e t� f �I� th� �� ark �f �id� alk� a�r��� thi� ���tia� ��th� �II ��� � f�r a�c��� fr�r� ��veral iff�r��t �i��� �f th� �.rki� I�t t� �II the di�f�r��t �t�r� fr��t�m a�di�a �����i i(�ty t� �I� th� �t�re� �� �h�p� alc�� ��i� ���t��r� �# �h� I� �h�uld � �d�qu�t�, ��r�l ta I�� ar� ��r�ady ����t�d i� fr��� �f th� r���a�ra�t�. Th��� ta i�� ��� t� b� �rki� �II a�d ha�� ��t �r���rf�r� i�h a����� acr��� th�� ar�� �f �h� a�le 4. t t r t r f r i � t r [� is to � I���t� � � ��� irt t �c 1� rt �Ik f t r i rtti t rr i � �t�ff f��l� th� r�vi��d ��a�i�g, al�� �r�th th� ����t��g �izz�. E�pr��� s�atin , �I� r��ri � �d� e�a�� c� a�ity t� �� � �!E �h� r��ta�r�nt� a� th� rr�al� ��d �ha��d �I�r�i��t� ft�t�r� i�put�� � ��� ��r�a�ts ���r �h� t��� �€ th tab���. . , Fi�dir� � `Th� f�l���ir����d E��ir��r��r���l �� rr�i����� �h�€� r�ak� th� f�ll��ri� Fi�dE� � ��f�r� r��ti� � ��r� �ti�r�al t��� ��r €�° 1 e That th� pr�p��� f��at6�� �f th� ��� i� i� a����da��� itF� th� p��p���s �f th� ��� itc���l C.l�� ��r I� 5��ff�Ci �f ��1� ��t�ift ��d� ��d th� p�ar ���� �f th� d��tri�t i� h��h �he ���� �� ���at�d, �. Th�t th� pr� ���d I��a�i�� �f th� ��� a� th� ��� ��i��� ��d�r h�ch it ��1 � �p�r�t�d �r mai�tair��d a�� ��t � d��ri ����I t� th� €� li� h�aE�h, s�f�ty, c�r ��far� �r r��t�ri�ICy ir���r���� t� r�p�rti�� �r ir�pr���rr���t� i� th� v�ci�i�y, 3. Th�t th� pr�p���d ��� ��ld ��rr�ply �th ��,�h �f th� appl�ca I� pr��i����� �f th� ��r� ��i���l tJ�� rrr�i� s��tia� �f th� z��i� ��d�. 1 � I �taff f��i� �hat thi� r�q���t m��t� th� �rit�ri� ��d fi�ding� f�r a ��nditi���,l IJ�� P�rmrt a� �a��d ir� ��� pr�v���� ��ct��r� �f thi� m� orar�d� , a�d �h�r�f�r� r��� �r� � r I �f t � r� �s I. taff r�c� �� � th� f�!€��r�� ��ndit���� � a I��d t� the a r���l �f th� �� it����� �� �r it: 1. Th� ��t ��r d��in ar�a� ����� � ai������d fr�� �� tr �h r� �bri� at al� tirr���m °C I�� �h li b �� d �n � r� �{�r b �i� ar� tra�h ����ain r� �h II r� ptly €� ti� h�� full � y �ith�r th ��t V wl a11 ai t �a��� �r� �r y th j�d�vid�a� r���a�r�r�t t��a����. o tt�r h� is r�� ���i I� f�r �h� 4� � � �t���t����c� ��th� ��#d��r di��r�g �r��, �hi� ���dii��r� rn��� b� ���pl��d wi�h i� f�il. If#�� tr �h r��� ���I�� r� ���rF�� in , �r e ri� ��d tr �h �� f���d ��� o� t bl�� �r �� th r���d ��rr��r�d�� �h� t I��, th� T��� �fi� �h��6 brin th� ��r�diti���l �� ��r�i� b��k t� fih� � � fi�r r���r�s� �r�#i�r� ar�d p���ib�� r��r�k�t��r�. � 2, �d���ri�r� a�d A A ������ ���r� �id����k� m��� b� �d�q�����y �ir�t�ir��d �t al� �irr���e A����� t� �il ���r� �r�r�t �r���, ��d �����i��ly t� tF�� h��di��p r��tr����, r���t b� �i�fi��r��d at � rni��rr��r� ��dt� �f 4� �� th� �id�w��k�. 3. 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Ju�� 26, 1995 �e A r�q���t f�r � ��r�diti���l U�� ��rr��t t� �#!��f�r �r� ��atd���dir�i�g �r�a fi�r�h� D��1y �r�r�d ���f�� ���p�.r�y� I���t�d ��2 � r�dg� Str��tlL�t , 1��� 5H, V�ii Vi11�.g� Fir�t Filir�g. 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Th� �h��� w��ld b� � a�h�d t�t�� b�i9ding �� �h� e�d ���r��t t� th� D�aly�r6�d, and t� � p��t t� b� i�st��l�d by�h� �ppl����t o� the ��d ���r��t r9d � �tr��t� T'h�d�t�rr��r�ati�n �� �� wh�th�r th� �s� �f ��h�in rr���ts th� d��k �nd p�tio g�idel�n��, a� e�t�bii�h�d by th� T��r� of 1i�il L�ca1 Liq�or Li��r��i�g Auth�rity, i�t� b� d���rrrain�d by th�t ��rde A� pr�rrio�sly i�di��ted, th� pl�z��o�sld b� di�i �d int� � �� ar��� ar�a�. ��ti�� d`��, i���� th� "priv�t�" i�i�g �f �ily ri�d p�tro��, a� i��u���d �b���, �nd ���ti�n ,� " i� rop���d f�r "p�blic" ���tir�g a�d is t� be ������d �r� fr��t �f th� ��r�gl��� {���, A���rdi�g ��th� �ppli��r�t9 i�#orrrr�l p�b�i� ���ti�g h�� o���rr�d i� #r��t�f th� ��r�gl��� H�at {in th� p�az� �r�a) �o� � ��r�b�r F:\ev�n/�n�\p�c\r�remosld�ilyged.626 �- � � � of y��r�, �� ���ti�r� s��49P th� �pp��c��� �� pr�pa�fr�g thr��, 2�°� dfar��t�r� gr��� p�a�tf�t�bB�� �r�d �iv�gr��r� pl��ti�chairs. °Th� ��e af ����i�r� 64 „ �� " �ab1Ec'° ���t�� ��s r��� r�qu�r� th� r���e a�d appr���i �f� C��di�i�r��( t��� ��rm�t r�q���t by th� P��. ���ni�g C�de ��t�rpr�t�t�or� (d�t�d Jarr��ry 23, 1993�, pr�p�red by th� C� rr�€����y e��l�prr��r�t �p�rtrr���t, �ddr����s th� d��t��ct��r� b� ��� �n �utd��r di�i�g de�k�nd �� �ut �ar pt�bli� ���tir�g �r��. A���rd�ng �� �h� ��rr,c�r��ciurr�, ���� att��he� �ta�f��li�y �� ��td�or displ�y �f g��d�, o�td��r d��ir�g d�ck� �€�d v�►�dir�g c�rt�, �nd ��atd��r p� I�� ��atir�g�, ir� par�� (66�utd��r d�r�ir�g d��k� ���a��ated wi�h r��t��rants ar� �!(���d �r� ��rt�in za��di�tri�ts �rvith a ��� it�a��� tJ�� F��r it th t ha�b��� ra���d y�h� PECm It €�th� t�ff`� p��itr�� t��t �li �pprt���d deck� r�t��t have d�fir��d perir����rs {i�n pl��ter�, r�iii� �, �h�ir��9 e��,} �� d� ����t� the �p���e"') �dd�ti�rtaliy, th� �t��€ ��t�blis��d a p����EOn �r� fih� d�fi�i�it�n �f outd��r p�blE����t�rtg. Ag�irt, ����rdir� to �h� �f23/93 rr��rr��r�r�d�rr�9 `6it is�h� �t�f�'s p���t��� �h�t��tdaar �bi��, ��m h��i� �r� p�b�ic�� ���ti�g �� a�l�w�d as ar� �������ry �s� ar� �ub��c ��d privat� prt�perty i� ��rt�i� z�r�e di�trict�� ar�d th�t� ��n iti��al Cl�� P�r it i� ��t n�c���ary. D r��i� �� a prav�l �s rt�c����ry f�r th� ���ti�g pf��, ����ll a� th� d��igrt �f t��t�b���arad �hair� �h�t�r��� b� l���d ��t�id�a °�h� ���g�t''ing �� �� b� d��ign�t�d fc�r th� p�bl�c�ith "�r�vv� bag �r�99 �r�d �he {ik���i�� � . �kJ ffi,�7� �@ 6� �B��.9f . . . � . . . . � � . . � � . . . a��d �p�� th� Z�r�E�g �ad� irtt�rpr�t�ti�� t�f Ja���ry 23, 1995, it rer�a��� St�ff`� pr���ti�� th�� ��ct's�� " '� �� �h��r� �r� th� �it� pl��, d��� r��t r�q�I�� r��i��v�y�he P C. �'h� �ppli��_�t�i�l ��BtltiCwYAtly ��llBA�� 4XC�Y �'68�!@ �0.$ ��6$6F� ��&8��s��fL6B9iI ��63�BbBIP 66 P99 69���& Li9 �4#m8/9611 �A��BiS��Ge4.6dbB bs���80 ��r�ew ��rd � � � �pp�i��t��€�o I� is taff°� d��ir� th�t�he applic��t �c� r�it th���r�pl�t� �pp����.t��� a� q�i�k�y �� p��s�b��, s� as t€� �11� t�ff th� �pp�rtt��i�y t� ��h�d��� th� ��qt���t�r� t�� D� �g�r�d�. IIg VI IT 1 � 1 °Th� r������rit�r��for �. r�q�a��t t�f thi� r��tc�r� ar� ��t�b���hed by th� T��r► �f V�il �llurti�ip�� C�d�o I� �dditi�� t�th� cor�d��i�r��0 ��� �rit�ri� ����f ha� �����d�d �ri��ri�fr�rr� �h� ��►�E�g ��d�, th� V��! C�r�pr�h�r����� Plar�, �nd th� ��ii ���I�g� C�e�ign ��r�sid�rati�n�, �������i�v��h�� ill h�lp th� �E� ir� it� �����at6�� �f th� r�q��sto o It� ! I � TF�� ��ily Grir�d ��ff�� Cornp��y i� I���t�d i� th� ��rr�r��r�i�( ��r� � (CC!} zar�� di�tri�t, ����rdir�g �a S��ti�� 1 024.010 �f th� z�r��n c�d�, th� p�rp��� �f th� ��! d��tri�� i�o "t� pr�vide �it�� ��d t� �i�ta��#h� u�iqu� ch�r��t�r �f th� Vail Vil�ag� �� �ra�r��al �r��9 ith its ixttar� c�f iadg�� ��d �arr�rr��r�ial ��t�b(i�hm�r�t� ir� a pr�d� i��r�tly �d��tri�r� ��vira� er��, 1`h� ��r���rci�!car� ! di�tr��t �s ir�t�r�d� ta �r���r� ad�q��t� li hts ��r4 � �n �pac�, �nd ��h�r�r��r�i�i�s ap r� ri��� t� th� p�rrrritt�d p�s �f b�ildi�g� ar�d €a���. 1°he d��trict r� �al�ti�n�i� a���rd��t����th th� V�il Vili�g� tJr��r� ��i � �� � Plar� �r�d �e�sg� �ar��id�r�ti�r�� pr��crib� �i��d�����p �r�t�t�r�d�rd� tha� �r� ir���nd�d t� �r���r� �h� r��ir������e� �r�d pr���r��ti�n �f th� tightly �l������d �rr�►�g�rr��nts �f buiid�� � f��r�ti� �r� p����tria� ay� �r�d p� I�c r�e� �ay�P and t� ���t�r� ��r�ti�u�t��� �f th� bu�ldi�g ���I� ��d ar�h�t��t�ral q��lits�s th�t i�t�� ui�h th� �/ili� e." �:\e�+eryea€��\p�c\merzro�\d�ilygrd.626 � A� ���d��r d��i� p�ti� �r� th� 6fi#irsfi fl��r" �r "s�r��t I�v�i"�hall b� p�r itt�d ir� th� ��� z�r�� � d��tri�t�ubj��#t�th� �����n�� �f a C��diti�r�a! �J�� ��rm�� ir� a���rd�����ath pr�vis���� �f Ch�p��r 1�o60a F�c°th� ���'� r�f�r����� th� ���d�ti�r��l ll�� ��rrr���pt�rp��� �t�t�r���� ir�di��t�� th�te "ir� c�rd�r tti pr�vide �h�fl�x�b�lity r�������ry t�a ��hs��re th� t�bj��tiv�� �f�hi���tl�, �p�c�f�d �s�� �r� p�rr�itt�d ir� ��r��i� d��tr��t� �ub���#t� th� gr��#i�g c�����►�d�t��r��l t�s� p�rrr�itw ������ of th�ir ������I �r�p��i�l �t��r��t�r��tic�, ���di�i�r��l ���� r�q�air� r��s�� �c� �t��t�h�y rra�y b� I��at�d p��p�rly w�th r��p���t� th� purp���� �f th�� tit�� ��d �rith r��p��t �� th�ir�ff�cts �r� ��srr��a� i� pr�perti��. Tt�� r��i� pr����� pr���ri��d in thi� ch�.pt�r i� a����d�d t� �s��r� �ca�p��ibiBit���d h�rrr�������d�v���prrr�r�#�� �en ���d��i��ai ���� �r�d ��rrca�r�ding pr�p�r�i�� ir� th�T�wrr �t I�rg�. 11s�� I��t�d �� ��r�diti�r��i t���� ir� tt�e v�ri��� di���a�t� rn�y b� p�rr��ti�d ��bj��i t� st��h ���diti��� a�d limit������ a��h� °���r� ��y pr���rib�t� ir���re th�t the ����ti�r� �nd �p�rati�� �#th� ��c�d°oti�r��1 ���� �ii� b� �r� ����rd�r��� �it� th� d�v���pr��t�t �bj��ti��� �f th� °i'�wr� ��td ���� r��t b� d�tr�rr���t�i t� �th�r ���� �r pr�p��i��. h�r� ���di�ic�n� ������b� d��i��d, t� ��hiev� t���� �bj��ti�r��, �p��i���i�n�ft�r���d��i�r��l ��� p�rrr��i�h��l be d����d." a IL� I � ��v�ral �I�r��rr�s �f th� Va°s! C��'tpr�h�n�i�� �1�r� �r�d�r��tly add���� ��atd��r d��ir�g �r��sa �°h� r�����r�� ����e�ts �r�d ����i�r�� ar� li���d b�l��, � � � . . . � . . . 89�,b� . . . ��� �6%BDad'�A S�� �8 �8 8� Y 3����� I� 98 9 @�gJ���9��48�6 B� � �� id�nt�ty ���l��l a�d �ho�id �� �r����v�d. �cal�� �Ipin� �h�r��t�r� �r��l� t��n f��fi�g� r���r�tai��� r��#�mr�l �e�ti�g� ir�ti at� �iz�� c��rrn� ��wt�� f��8i� ar�d �n�tir�nm�r�#�9 qt���ity �h�t�ld �II b� ai�tain�d �� �►i�i�(1����" w I� 11� � t' � ��2,4 Obj��tiv�; �n���rag� th� d�����pr�ent t�f�v�r��ty�f r��r� �� �rc��l a�t�viti��that ar� c�rnpatib�� with �xi�ti�g la� u���. 2.4.1 ��li�y; C�mrrr��r�i�9 �r�-�i8� d�v�l�pm��t c���i�t��t�ith ����b�i�h�d h�riz��t�l ���irag r�g�s��ti��� �h��� �� �n���r�g�d t� pr�vide ��tiv�ty �n�r�tor�, ������ibi� r��r� �p��e�, p�bl�� �az��9 ��d �tr��t���p� ir�pr�v�me�t�t� th� p�d���ri�� ne �rk thr�� h�ut the Vill� ee 3e1 Ob��ctiv�; Ph��i���ly irr�pr��� th� �xi�ti�g p�d��tr��� ��y� by � la�d��a ir� and �#h�r i pr��� ����, 3e�.1 P�ii�ye �riv�t� d�v�lop ��t �b���tiv�� �h�ll �n��rp�r t� �tr�����ap� ir�pr�v�m��t� ���h �s p�v�r tr�a�r���t�, la�d���pi�g9 �ight�ng �� ���ti� �r��� al�n adj���nt p�d���ri�� �y�. F:\ev�ryone\pecU�nemos\d�iiygrd.626 � � 3.3 �b��ctiveo Er�c��rag� a vuide vari�t� ��a�t�viti��� ���r��� ar►d �tr�et lif� �lang p�d��tri�� �ys �r�d I a�. 3.3.2 Pc��icye t�td��r di�i�g is a� irr� �rt�r�t str��t���p� f��t�r� �� �h�ii b� r��aura �d 'n �o�rr��res�l irt-fili �r _ ��d�v�l� me�t pcoj����.�� � T V IL,Vt�� E ! I TI ����rdir�g t� th� �l�il �i���ge D��ig� ca���d�r�ti���9 ➢'d�r�itt d��k� ar�d p�ti�� h�r� prc� �rly d�sig�ed� br0�g p��p��t� th� ��r��ts; prt�vid� �pp�rt�r�it6��t� i��k a�d be ���k�d �t9 ��� ���rally c�n�r�b�t� ��th� #�v�irr���� �f�h� �tr��t a�d �kir�g a ri�h�r p�de�tri�r� ���ir�� ��t��d �x �ri���� th�� if t���� �tr��t���r� �mpty, �ck� �r�d p�ti�� �h��ald b� ��t�d �r�d d��igr��� it�a dt�e ��r���d�r�ti�¢� to �t��, �r�d� �i� � �rtd p�d���ri�� a��i�ity,@� IIlm I I 1 l�p�r� r�vi�� �f���tic�r� 1�a60 c�f th� �ar���ip�l C�d�, th� C�r���r�i�y ���el�prt��nt D�partr���t re��rrar���d� �r€� f caf th� ���diti���i 11�� ��rr��t r�q���t t� �Clo�f�� �� ��tda�r d����g �r�a��r th� �ily Grind �t�ff�� ��r�p�r�y i���t�d �t 2 � rEdg� �tre�t, F����/L�t g ���k 5H, V�61 Vill�g� F�r�t Fili�g, ba��� �p�� the f��f���r�g f�ct�r�; �. �����d�r�t��r� �f F��t�r�: �0 1 ti �� i � i �t�f t � �� t e �r I t � �t�� � f t �f� rt. The pr����t�� ���t�c�r� �f th's� �r�tsr��dum �it�� ����r�! p��i���� af �d� t�d �`� r� . �f V��� pl�r�r�ir�g do�� �r�t� th��s�pp�rt�t�td��r di�i�g ar��� �l�ng maj�r p�d��tri�� vu��� (i.�. �id � �tr��t}. O��d��r di�irtg �r���9 �s ��i�l�y tht��e I�c�t�d �r� the Vill�g� Gore, �nd�ubt�dly cr�at� a ri�h�r p�d���ri�r� �r���r�� �r�� �.r�d �h��ald b� �r����ra � b��h� T����h�re ���h ��ti�iti��d� r��t irtt���r� ith �d����r�t pr�p��ti�� �r�d u���. �t�ff, h�����r, ���1�th�t th� d���g� �f th� ��td��r di�ir�g �r�� pr�p���d by th� ��ily Gri�d �of��� C�mpa�y i� ir��ppr�pri�t�, It �� �t�ff'� �pi�6�� th�t th� pr�p���d I�y�ut�f th���bl�s ar�d cha�r�� �nd th� hy�i��l ��p�rati�n �f�h� pE��a ar���ili �dver��ly i ���th� ��� �f th� i ed���� �r��o t�ffi �� �p��efi���ly ��nc�rr��d wit� r�g�rd t� th� pr�p�s�d loc�ti�r� �f th� t� I�� i� ���t��r� „A°` �f th� pi � ����m �s ��d���t�d, th� ��b���wEl! b� pi���d up a �E�st th��r��l ��th� tack���k uildi�g, �t i� �ta '� api�ia� �h�t th� t�b��s �li ��t r���ir� � �g�in�t the ��II a� r�p���d. �n�t��.d� t�� �li�v��th� ta I�� �nd �h�ir��ill �� rr����d aut�way fr�m th�wal� by th� ���rs �f�h� tabi�ss �� �h� I���tio� �f th� �abl�� ar� �hair� a� pr�p��ed °a� ���th� rr»�t d���r�bl� ���t��g ����ti�r� withir� the irn �d�at� �r��o �� I��d ��ts th���bl�s ��d �h�ir� �i�l b� ir� the �h�d� ir�����d �f th� �t�r� F:lev�ry�nelpec\�ern��\d�ifygrd.626 4 wh�r� rrt��t p��p�� pr�f�r t� �it. Add��a�r��l�y� th� tab���will ���� ���d t� b� rr����d ���y#rom th� pr�p���d i���ti�� �a ��I�w th� t�r���t� �f th� R�a�k���k ��Idir�g �� ������th��r tr��h �r������r�. ��arr�r�tly, th� �s�ks��k'��r��h �n�l���r� i� ����.t�d ��rd�r t�� b�i�di�g �.d;���rtt���h�r� � �f th�thr�� t�bl�� ar�prop���d. �h�i.,ld �&f�o t�bC�o.� ��d c°i0���r� ��v�w��h�r� ���ti�r� "�y" ���d�q�a�t� ��a��em�� t� 0.h�m D�il�Grind �ill r��talt. Th� Ar��ri��n� ith Di��biliti�� ���, r�q�srr�� � �ti�a�t�am �4� �������r�y, ��pr�p���d by th� �p�i���r�t� � 3.5' �������ay ���� �xi�t s� i�r�g �� fh� t�bl�� �r�d �h�irs d� ��t rr���� �way fr�rr� th�w�il, ��d th�t th� ���r� �f fh� dar�ing �r��d� r��t pt��h �h�ir�ha�rs b��k �way fr�rr� th� t�bS��. 2. T �� ��t f th ����n !i �t� �ir� i�tri t�t��r� �f � t�l ti�r�, tra � � ti r�f �iliti �, �t��iti��� �� � I�, �r � t� r��r� ti � fi �il�ti� � �r� �th r � li�f��il�ti � � � �e Th� prc�p���d ��td�t�r dirair�g �r�� ta��wi�l h��r� 1i�t�� �r rr� ��g��iv� i p��t �r� th� item� li���d �b�vee 3a �# � tr� ic it ic�l r r�f r r�� t � rr ti r�� t tiv� � stri` f r� �� u � � , tr i�#I � �tr I� �� , � � r ��i , � r v 1 f �t� fr� t �r t � r i� r �. The pr�p�s� �u�d��r d��`sr�g ar�� ����il� hav� ��ttl� �r �� ��g�.�iv� �rrr ��t ��th� it�rn� li�t�d �b���. A�, �t � t � c r �t r f# r i� i� t � r � i t i � t , i��l� i t � I � I f t r � �� in r 1 ti r� t rr � so T'hr�� t�bl�� �r�d t�rv��v� �h�1r��r� pr�po�ed t�be I��at�d �it�i� ������r� `6�,��f th� �xi��i�g p! �, �s ivid�d by th� �ppli��nt. �t�ff i��o���r��d �b��t th� i��ati�� ar�d pi���r��rrt �f th�t� I�� �.�d �h�ir� i� fr��� �f th� tr sh ���I���r� f�r th� Ru�k���k ��Iding. Addi#i�r��3�y ��a� i� �����rr��d vv�th r� ard �o th� pl��� �nt�f th� ��a�� ���d t� d� ar��t� th��r��. ��rr���ly th� p�a�a fi����i��� a� �� �ttra��i�� ����ti�� f�r p�d��tri�n�t� r�l��. T�� pl��� ��t of�h� �h�ir�9 �� rc�p���d �y th� �pp9ic�r�ts �ill ��u���h� pl�za t� b�c�rr���r� �nt�d. Th� fr�g �nt�ti�n �f the p��z� �r�a, i� �t�ff'� �pi�i��, ��il r��g�tively � pa�t th� �s� �f th� p���� �r�a- �r� �n�r�l, ��td�c�r dir�i� p�ti�� ��har��� th� p�d��tr��.� exp�r�en���f t�� °To � of Vail by pr�viding addit����l �fr��t lif� a�d ��ti�itym T'h� ���1� �f out���r dir��ng pati��9 whe� pr� �rly �o��t�d9 i� an �ppr�priate ��� �ith�� th� T��� of��6�e �th reg�rd ta th� app�ic���'� r�q���t, �t��f f��1� t�a�th� �x��ti� phy�i��l i�y��t�f fh� pi a�r�a �� �o� ��nd�ac�v� t� pr�vat� o��door dinin , 1t i� ���ff'�b�l���th�t th� ` ��� iti��al lls� ��r it pr�����w��d���g��d �p��°rfic�l�y��r �n in�t�n�� �u�h a� th� ��� pr� ��ed by th� �. plic�r�t. hil� it is e��raliy h�! th�t c�t�td��r i��r� ���Id, �r� fa�t� � � p�rrn�tt�d ���withir�°����� th�r� �r� �r����ith�� the T��n �f V�il th�.t d� ��t I��d th��xt�eiv��to ��std��r dinir�g. tJrtf�rt��at�ly, th� pl a �r�� irr�rro� i�t�ly t��h� ��t�f��� aily �ri�d ��ff�� ��r�p��y �r�d th� �r la�� �t is �r�� �f tho�� �r��s. F.leveryo�rel�a�clmemms\dailygrd.626 � . F'irtdi►� � Th� �la��ir��r�d„���ir�r���s�t�3 C�mrr����i�� �h�il rn�K�th� fall��ir�� fir�d��t�s b�f�r� r��tir� ����diti�r��f ��� �rrr�it• 1 a That th� prapt���d I�cati�� af th� t��� ir� a�c�rd wi�h th�p�rpt���� �f�h� ���aditi�r��l ��� p�rr�rt ����io� af th� ��nir�g ��d� �r�d th� purp���� a�th� d��tri�� in v✓hich th� ���� i� I�c���d. 2. Th�t��� pr�pa��d Ic���t��n �f tFt� ��� and th� ��r�dit��r�� t�nd�r whe�h �t cnr�uld b� �p�r�t�d �r �i���ir��d w�a�ld r��t b� d��ri �r�ta{ ta th� p�blec h��(th9 �����y, �r ���f�r� or r��t�ri�Cly i�j�rio�� t� pr�p�rti�� �r � rav� ��ts i� th� �ri�i�ety. 3. �h��th� pr� ���d €��� �a�id c� �y vv�th ��ch �f th� app�ic�ble pro���a�r�� ��th� ���dit��n�l t��� ��rrnit��ctr�� �f th� ���i�g �t3d�. I�e � 1 at`h� �t�ff ��c�rr�rrr�r�d���art ��r thi� r�qt�e�t is��tti�l. Th� r����� ��r th� r���rr���rtd�ti�n �f d�r�i�l c�fi th€s r�qu��� �� ����d �p�r� th� ��gative i�p�ct� �f�h� ��� a�th� d��ei� ��t �ba��ti�s�� c��th� T`��� of���( �nd th� r�� �t��� ��f�ct th� pr�p���d G�r�di�E�r��� lJ����II h�v� �p�r� th� ch�.r�ct�r �f th� ar�� i� �hi�h th� pr�p���d ��� i� to b� lo�at�d. St��f f��d� �hat th� �PpIE���t'� r�qc���t d��� �c�� ��rr�ply with Criteri�� ��r�d 4 �nd �h�t ff�di�g� 1 ��d 2 h��� ��t ��� rrt�t. �t�ff d��� b��i�e�� h� ���r, th�t th� ���rall ��rt��pt�f �tatd��r di�ir�g d��k� ar� �Ft� T��rt �f V�il h�v� � p��itiv� �ff��t�n th� �or� t�rtity ir€ g�r►�r�L Th� T��rrtg� ���� a�d �b���ti��� cf��riy �upp�rt a�ti�iti��, s�ch �� ��td��r d6r��� ��k��h�r� th�y �r� �arr�pati �� ��d ��r� ��iv� t� �djac�r�t l�r�d ����. �h��ld th� P�C �h���� �� gr��� ar� � pr�v�� �f th�� req��st, �t�f����Id ree�mr��r�d th�t�h� �ppr�v�� ��rxy wi�h �t th� f�klo�ir�g c��dit�o��; 1. T'h� �pp�i�a�t�h��l �n�t�ll an �utda�r�r��� r��� ���I� f�r ��� by th� p�tro�s �f �h� ��tdaar dir���g ar��, �dd��iarr�l(y, th� appl�ear�t�h��� rnar��t�r th� �r�a �r� � reg�l�rq d�i�y b��i�t� i���r�th� �r�� ��rr��i�s fr�� �f tr��h ar�d d�bris. 2, °fhe t�bE�� b� ����r�ly #��te��d ta th� gr�u�d t� ir���r� �h�t th�y �r� �ot ���d ��t�f th� I�cati�r�� �ppr�v�d by th� ���, 3, l°�� �taff €���it�r�h�pr�pa��d o�td�ar dir�i�g ar���itt��ti�r� ���r the ��x�y��r. ho�ld probf�m� r��u�t, �t�ff�ilE th�� "ca(� �p",th� app���al �f th� C�r�diti�r��i Us� P�r �te f . . . . . . . . . , . � . 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