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1978 DRB Agendas & Minutes Oct. to Dec
� AGENDA DES�GN REVZEW BOARD � Octobe� 5, �978 1. ) Gregg Dupl.ex -- Lat 31 , Resub o� Lot 27, Vail Village 13th Calor chan�e Y-�C� �;�;{/"�,���`�.,~°' �":�} Sands�one Park Condoma.niums - Lot B--7 , B, Lionsri.dge ls� Change siding direction r��-----�° ":��"°`�-=' �.--a►~°�:�-r~�-- ° � �:33-:) Grouse Lane Associates - Lat 7, Vail rlleadows lst ���._.-- - New x�es�,dence and duplex �4: ) Timberfal.�.s - iTnits 7Q2 and 403 .}-������-� New �Yindaws � . ) Monson' s We� and Dry Goods �, t.,_,.� <„.._ . Deck �_::: `.w-•� �":) River House Uni� 1 `��=_.�}�r>��.�, i��+ �° 9��G,_�r•�...x°. Ho� Tub ;-,_:�,r.���.�,._. � /�': ) Mullin Residence - Lot l , B1ock 4 , Vail Village 12th New Res i.dence ���.�=��,_�- • 8 . } Morgan Resa.dence -- Lot 8, Block 2 , Gaxe Creek Subd�.vision � Chan.ge roo�ing mater3al r�c� `==��"�c,�,�.� 1�9": ) Jahn S�toddart - U�it 8 , Vail. Trails Chale� Extend d�ck and Cu� roof back �� (�"���`°'� l�@". ) Pitkin Creek Townhouses �v> ;.,��:�i `_-;�,-��c� ��>�,.._���`��:; ��~� �""�J^���% 27 Townhouses � 1�,� } Snow Lian - Conceptual U ►'`�°-``-' ' �ndividual sa.gn placement �ar owners �, t� � � � , K - �:�, �,�.,.:.w.����r.:�.t�:_-�.� . a%1 t � '.. , �... '�' ,: n` ,;Eti.C��.� � 1 ! �,rc�.� c'�, � �;�T�r..-��.�. � _�t c---a- . Y ; � +� MENTO T0: DE�IGN REVIEW BOARD . FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT DATE : OCT�BER 5, 1978 RE : DESIGN REVIEW BOARD �.ECQMMENDATIONS l . ) Gre�g Duple� - Colox Cha�ge Tabled �ram Sep�ember 28th - no addi�ional zn�oxmation has been submi-��ed. 2 . ) Sands�one Park Condominiums Proposa�. : Builder wxshes to change �h�; v�rtical sa.di.ng on the plans appraved by DRB to ho�i.zontal siding. R�commendation: Sta�� recammends approval 3. ) Grouse Lane Associ.ates � . Prelimi.nax�y approval given �or building design, site p�an and ]�andscaping . Exterior ma�erials , etc. : C�der shake roofing; cedar sida.n� s�ained with Ol.ympic #716 ; window ar�d trim stai.ned with Olympic #7I.3 ; all exposed meta�. painted -�o match Ol.ympic #7�.3 . l�ecommendation : Staff recommends �inal approval 4 . ) Ta.mberfa�ls - window addi�ion No in�ormation a� time Merr�o was wri��en 5 . ) Monson' s Wet and Dry Goods Proposal. : Construction o� a d�ck an grade adjac�n-� to the re�taurant . A po�^�ian of the deck i.s �o b� enclosed with a plan�er box-bench arrangement . � �age 2 DRB Recommendations �0/5/78 , Comments : . No de�ailed information has been submi.tted on the cons�ruc�a.on of the benches , Visua�ly �his is the most important elemer�t and shoul.d be carefully con- sidered, some points to �.00k �or: Connection of plan�ers to exist�ng deck. Size and cons�ruction of p�.anters -- are they adequa�e to gxow proposed p�.ant's? W�,11 �he pJ.antex� b� s�able enough or stron.g enou.gh to carry the loads an tkae ber�ches? Connec�ion of the benches to p�.anters. Spans shown �or the benches are ex�r�mely long �- how wa.11 they be supparted between the plan�ters? . Deck detaa.�s no� su.bmitted: Treatmen.t o� d�ck at doorways since top a� deck is 8z" above grade. 17oors sw�.ng aut and appear to be 3 ' ►nride . � Treatment o� deck at edges and under the p�an-�ers? Recommenda�ians : . The project is a good one and will be a great a.zr�parovement over the existing situa�zon. S�a�� recornm�nds that addi�ional information on constructa.on o� �he plantex-�bench be subr�itted b��or.e �ina7. approval is given. 6 . ) Riverhouse - Ch�rner Hot Tub Proposal : Cans-�ruc�ion o� a hat �ub pa�tialJ�y set in�o an exi.sting deck on th� Ri�rerhouse b�.i.Id�ng. Cornments : How wil.l �he �ub be heated? Tf pxopan� , e�c. , how wi,ll the �anks be housed? Recommendation : � Staff recommends approval. Page 3 DRB Recommendat�ons �0/���g � 7 . ) Mu11in Res�dence Tab�ed �rom Septembe� 28 , 1978 , preliminary approva� g�ven on design o� building. DRB reques�ed resolu�ion o� �he "fill prob�ern" ove� the ut��i�y easeme�t . Background: F�11 has been placed ov�r a utili�y easem�nt con�aining water, and elec�r�cai lines . Water and San�tation Dis�rict has sa�d �hat on �his particular slope the�e cannot b� more �han 10 � o� fil� over the uti�i��es. Tn this case there can�ot be more �han 3 � vf fill above �he pxe-�xisting grade . The remaining �ill must be removed. (See Mr . Mu�Iins ie�tex} . Proposa� : Sing�e �amilp home Comments : � Siting and desa.gn of hous� we11 done�. Gradzng and Landscaping: 1/3 of regraded ��ii a�ea is shown a� a 1. : 1 or (�5 ) slope this wi�.l. be di��icu�.� to staba,lz2e and revegi-�ate . Other passibi�.ities a.nclude retaining wa1.�s or terracing. Recommenda�ions : Removal of most af �the fill should help the situa�ion. Care mus� be given �o drainage and to the revegitation of slapes over 1 :2 . Sta�� recammends approval a�tex further considera�ion of the slopes of the �i1� area. � r� i � � I� J j . 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Summary: . Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: Ihe p��intery.va�l ���..�� �n�� �..��,.. r� ����°�� ��' Project Application Date Project Name: � � � �� ` � + �� (� `- ` 1 C`'� 1 �, �..... Project Qescription: P Owner Address and Phone: P ' ��" f�� r.,�"" Architect Address and Phone: � � ��� + LegaE Description: Lot ��°'_� , Block � , Filing � �` � Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � _�. ��. - �G. Date �. � /� i Motion by: �� �-'��-� -' Seconded by: L� �� �-�'��3 --... APPROVAL. DlSAPPROVAL 1 i ' � �:��-� �"�l c� t I 1�-' 'C� �c:��,, - I�C? '�'1 � -` �- � �.�� _�?c� 'Z 7') �, �7c:e..� r-' C _'c'� �-��-s. {} cJ �("�j7� 4�1 <-)"M' I �._�IY�'t��l 1�'7 __ �s �j�~ � , � -� �— �r`�'.-"T�'� � ��� C�r"�`� ��J� �'C_`���l,_` `�� C_4_�. - ' ) \Y' ! , - � C' _j�_`� Summary: . ^ � 1' '�-C�1...] � �'�. '� �"`C�i'Cs�. �_��.��-� l.�E. c'�_.�..r��i�_, r � J Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official �, Date: �(����l" � oate: Ihe prinlery vaii ,.., ,-: _ �. .., . . :, . _ � ,.. .. ,.. ----=� ... � Project Application . D�tO /��r r�� � � ���� �Project Name: � � x Proyect Description: ��A n � � �� Owner Address and Phone: � , �� � ��c ���c�.�. /V / V �+' J v I I_`�-V , l �� �� Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing V � �� Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board Qate �L�.� �/7� � Motion by: ��� ` c�<-��.C� ---- Seconded by: ��`-����- '�� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL. � ��"� "'�l, 1�� - -� �_ . _r._. �.._� , �:� - s�_��>�r1 ' __� �. �C. - _ ������ � � � � �JJ�(-r ' �#'�lC".% �{--a_c. �������"` l� °��� �' ,�: ����� �/�' ��� � — o � - C .� � ,l� '�C�� �- � � _ �-�� �- ,� ,_�_ ('_���,i��-�C, "_ - �._._� � 1 � n. �" �> �,�-. `3'l�\ -� 'k i'_�Q �.:�._� 1 {'�r .�.> - �. C'v`�_. �_ � -- � - 1 � 1c 7 �, c I I \_ _ ,�. '-?-lr' r �V"1���" c s�-_ ' l G9-` ..� � C_ t_�'C �_�� .-7lCL �t' C� Summary: `:� �'�1 t�-�_c �� _��_ �.�'c. _�t � r '�"� �c�:_ � r� �a'� Yl �- �1. =._ Y��l� '�- _.�_r �_._ � , � X � � `�, f �� ��'-- _ 1- `� . c� -Z �-�-,_�.�. -1�'� �.. l -t ,-�,--e -- �r� �! '�c_�x��_7 -�_� . ��z��rc�. . ..�� °�� ���-� � �s��-�:s��.�::����--�� � �� Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: / n��-�F � ' Date: the priniery.v.�I - .�.�_.j ,_ .. - � Project Application � Date � � � i p_ � '� �� 'r"'�'..` r Project !�lame: .� ��. � ��� �� A� •"► Project Description: ,Y � _ �� ,��,� ��.. Owner Address and Phone: �. �'��� �. �. ; "� � � ���� � � � � Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zane: Zoning Approved: � Design Re�iew Board i Date / � Motion by: _ �-�f(1 C.`��c;'�c'�.CS�'Ir---_ ,� Seconded by: � �� "��'""- APPROVAL DISA�PROVAL ��:..���4�E�C�. �C;}'��� ti1'�1.�� ,� �i )�C ,3 � L����-_ � � 1�'l C� �E'_.�. � l ` `ltJ r`:� �`� 3-� -- �=L�'\) �,�,�` \`� � ��-c"��-'�,��.k' C1. i � ��_��� �- - , C�1t 1 _ ` � '1 �_'..C.� � 1 ���1'.�� �. �. �' � Summary: " \ ; :`.� �- �-C:��_���� � _ ry ,,' � % . .� 1_J�_ ;� �_� ...---_C-� .'t c_ ,ti�._ Zoning dministrator Chief Builcling Official Date: T����' -- Date: � Ihe printery�va�� �' s — �� Pro�ect Application Date - r.) � � 1 > � 1'G o� �Sc��,S' � ��� �Project Name: Project Description: �' � ��� ' Owner Address and Phone: �T} ��`� C�� � ��� �� Architect Adciress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date `" `-�`� �� L� / �+ � �- - Motion by: -� �� '� ��. _ 5econded by: 4I ���'�� �� APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL i � ,L�_�"� '"i\,`��.� l_r'-�1. c- .� �C���C,,._ C=��-�r- Y�. �������� � ���_.r-����:�, ,�-� �LS�c�� r..�c.�c_� � �-� -�� � � �.. _�� '��_ __ ._ �-- ���`C�-�.�.'-Y�c.� :--'� v�� � � � Summary: � � �� � �� � ��� � �� --�--�,� -C�1_C' �� � � � �._C=;�_ - Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off'icial Date: ��/��7�7 Date: Ihe p�intery va�l Project Appiication � ,-� � Date � � �J ��� � , � .��,.�1 �., ��f . � a � � �= f �' r �Project Name: � � �,..�' , ^�_,,;s,d tr�,•��. .,,.� ; ��: �l_�.: � Project bescription: f :' . `.., r` .� ,� .�(=� .1 _ � �� � �, � � �� - ���� � �� (�._�' ,l� .�:_� ` ._ ' ' �''','' -; r �._'�-.''� ��. ~"� i.. Owner Address and Phone: ;� ,�.rt; ,�..f�.�.P " < Architect Address and Phone: Lega1 Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board /� � � ��? � ���� Date Motion by: �..-- ��:�...�a'�; ��_�.c�-4 "�,.. Seconded by: - �`�- r-'�'�� APPROVAL QISAPPROVAL 5ummary: ! � �yt C��L��_ Y�,��`�t_) �,�> � • �� �L�c-�—_ � rs� ��_c���� cs��_��.�_�. Zoning AdminisYrator Chief 8uifding Official Date: � �� � Date: � the prin[cry�vail . . - �. ._ ,m.�_. - . „ ._�a. - . , _ _ . .,e,� _ti � Pro�ect Application . Date � ���°'/� a � Project Name: � � -- � Project �escription: � Owner Address and Phone: �'�' e Architect Address and Phone: ���"` ��� � Legal Qescription: Lot � , Block , Filing � `/ j �,��� Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board Date ` �/� �J � i Motion by: `�"\r";z �__'�C�-�J��_- f"7__ � i Seconded by: - -7f`�f�L"`-�'��� APPROVAI. DISAPPROVAL :v,__:, � ---�,- ;��._� ��j ���/\CR�'1'��' ��_-� r'�.L� -� �lc_>��c�"C:-� .. � .. . � ��,�,-� -�,.���_ ��-[ . _�� ( 7 � t ,.� �' - ��r�� "� � -`._._ _ � , Summary: `) e; .__� �t.a�7 � ���.)� ti,�-��_ _. I C-'L_ �-C_��:1_r �L�1.� r Z onin g Administrator Chief Building Official Date: r C� ��` � Date: !�e prinlery�vad - - . , . .. _ .. --__.�____�—,-� � � Project Application �� Dat� f " �� �� � �Project Name: �-�'`�� � �� '�*��� � �, �...�. ..�..��-�� _,�..� Project �escription: .. � �. Owner Address and Phone: �`� � '"��`�� ° '��.. L/ " � Architect Address and Phone: Lega! Description: Lot � , Block �"'� , Filing "�-�-' �.'� .`` �'� Zone: Zaning Approved: Design Rer►iew Board r �at� �� � �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DlSAPF'ROVAL Summary: � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: She prinlery vail ,._ . _ . �� .. . . . . . . . . . _. , �� Project Application Date Pro'ect Name: � ���� ����" �`� �� _ I � 1 ��.�"� � �� Project Description: �'� � � Owner Address and Phone: "�� �- '�'�""°'.. ,.,�'��l��'�� _ � � � � �_." �. "- j �"�'r��Z• Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot �� � �, Block , Filing � � - Zane: Zoning Appraved: Design Review Board Date �� ' '� � Motion by: ��c:> ti .. Seconded by: � �� `Z�`r~} � `� ,�--, APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL - I � � � "-' c�lr I 1'-lC� c' �� }�� � : ..<_,5:. _ 1 � � '�t'"' � _ �> ��,1 �i�"r �\ �'c.�� C7 - t '" ,�_L? 4' �\ t r,'C��.��-�� _� . �:. C� .�.-- . � L s� �,__, .� ;�C_«.".�y1 C"r' � ? 1 ' - ) "�-1-[.��t�_ ��='c�-�`�� F� ����' ��� �-` _ �_ ��'� ��_ '\_C_: S-"� 1�� (� �_} ? " ? �'Z'-� -_'<�: - —� - �� Summary: ��}"�`R.J�i-_. f I L � �\._�.__�'y._. �_�,..�''��'�.C".�C__-.`,_'� \.�..�..,• � Zoning Administrator Chief Buiiding Official / f�.� /� �1 Date: —1«� � / �' > Date: Ihe prVnlery va�l _ � Project Application Date I G� I� " �Project Name: � �� +��� Project Description: ���� r�...Lf't� ��-- �� Owner Address and Phone: � � �` r� � `� , �C. � �D �'�/ � Architect Adcfress and Phone: � � � .�-°�SL � Legal Descriptian: Lot , Block > Filing Zone: Znning Appro�ed: Design Re�iew Board Date /'"' /�J��1 � � � l ��� Motion by: � ''���^�G� Seconded by: �!�:�1'�._C9" -� APPROVAL DISAPF'ROVAL J : ' _ �__:> C�-�� `=�'�C;l c_ �� 4� C5�1� -� -�--,� - r� - ��? -�_- :_ � ' t " l ( �J 7 /- � 5 �l� � � J t c_.... ��. ��'c.�i-�1 �YY� � � �� �--'��.�-{--�- � _ - i / � ` `j_1, \ C '> ,�� ` � j f� �'��r '� .�� . CY�„ _ � 4 I� Y. �._Y:� _ �` � _ C f. ,��,��� �.�'�C-_, l~ ��'----... CC - �-'S�� %�.� �� ����": ./"x C -- ..� �. c, � 1 �. ! ` .J�C � ���(�`r�.��7`��-� i�?r - �C�- �l f 4y���i _� � �J: �- 7 t�r'7(_ � SUn'lmary: ` `Z _9 A,��._ �hC.y-�--� �—� `�.��,� �l`.`.. _��-�'-�y--- �4 <'_'_'_ [./`_ 1., Zoning Administratar Chief Building Official Date: �� ��y, - - Date: Ihe prinlely�va�l AGENDA . DESTGN REVIEW BOARD OCTOBER �2 , 1978 PUB�YC HEARTNG - 3 P.M l . ) John Curry - Uni� 16 Vail Trail Chal�� Cut roa� over hang back 2 ' POSTPONED UNTIL �0/19/78 2. ) S�oddart - Vail Trail Cha��� Unit 8 Deck and Cut roof over hang back 2 ' POSTPONED UNT�L 10/19/?8 3 . ) Timberfalls - Units 702-403 � n� �,�����,�� Wi.ndow Change �4:} New Orleans Co�fee Ho�zse - Wedel Tnn Room converted to retail — -}-�s��'�°=� �' �f. ) McBrid� Building Modi�i.ci.ata.on conceptual 6 . ) Crosby Residence - Lot 29, Vai�. Meac�.ows lst Fa.li.ng Excavation �� �.�����_�� �;�) Morgan Residence - Lot 8, Block 2 , Gore Creek Subdivi.sion. Ma�erial change �or roo� ������. , � / � _ . r/S . ) Bil�. Abbink Lot 7, Ba.ghorn 4th Change exteriax of building v�-��-�- c„::�:'�e'�� �°::�....R�.,,, ,�,.-;:,':':� ;� } �_� ��,� �+ -�-f`�--�-f"� C._�Y�f'' �=-,E c�-� y�ra�'-1 c�{� �'_�.c°_����� C's.���--7 rf � 1 �.. WORK SESS I ON-- 1 : 30 P.M. ��- 1�_�i�=.-��- �-=� �=,��G ��r�- �`��'c'.�-=J ��=r=� , SITE VTS�TS . Cro,sby T s Ho�e . I�+IGBridge Buz].da.ng . New Orleans Co��ee House . 2 : 30 P.A4. PRESENTATION On the Planters on Aspen Grow�h . 7, c'`�E'�y'�,-� . �� )�'i'-"� �_�''�'��'Y�_ 1 1 _ -- f—r�,r-°I--�,.�, _ l j� `� 1r`;/}_��.� �_�"`�.J z 9._�-L�.��'�"�_. �__- � � l_ � �� ! '��,�� �'�_1�=>��c-_�._ �� ���} � � � -- ��� �u �� C=1 c��.r- -�..��.�, ___.__ .=J�f � � ���7l.-�.�� r r � Q, V' Q- � /� /� � � a 'Q / � � � /�-'� Qi` � � l=7�`�C)�,, d.�a �-;,. �°s ���G(2t'. '�.`��..(, � � �'f' l:t�' �'-Q. �� � '�e��, • Qctoher 12, 1978 T0: Design Review Board A9embers/Town af Vazl. Staff SUBJI:CT: Joant A4eetzng o£ DRB and Vazl Town Caunci] On Tuesday, October 10, J978, the besagn Revie�v 13oaxd met with the Town Council to discuss matters of concern to both, The following topics wexa da.scussed. J.. Private resid�nces. Council was advised tiiat there �vere vaxying op�.niozts amoung D1�13 �nembers as to whether the standards applied ta pr�vate residences ,hould be the same as £or co�unercial. buil.dings. CaunciJ. members generally responded tha� they fel�. that the standaxds should be the same and �ha� an andiv�dual had as much responsibility to the community for his own home that a commercia2 deve�.oper had when buiJ.ding condominzums or specul.a�ion homes. Council. members �elt that the ].evel of accepzabil.z�y need no� be the highes� �evel a�tainable, but it shauld be vexy h�gh and certaz.nly much hxghex t31an �he average suburban neighborhaod. �'ha� �e�el, however, should be the same £or everyone regardiess o£ Lahe�her the buildir�g under considexata.on is a pxivate residence or a multi--unit �condominium huild�ng. The council commented that exterior colors should be ea�^thtones and br�ght colors should bc avaided. Tn xesponse ta existing and ne�aly canstructed homes, the council stated that a �ot of �iomes, particuiarly r�cently buil'C homes were too big and bul.ky. There is still concern ovar the mirror-image duplex. The general alpa.ne ct�axac�er fox hames is pre£erred and fl at roo�s shouid be discouraged. . 2, So�ar devices, In new constructian the COUFIC�1 fel� �hat solar devices m�zst be integrated into the overall design so that such devices w�re aesthetical�y pleasing. Concerning the addition of such devices an existing buildings, the councxl stated tha�. the same xzbid standards established for any other types o� additions shouZd apply and that concessions should not be gxanted just £or the sake of "saving energy." The council advised that in a mu�ti-unit bu�.ld�.ng the f�.rs� appl�.can� must bear the repsonsibility �or setting the standard �or other additions in the same building and that ttie DRB should ask for an overalJ. plan £ar the entire building rather than considering each unit separately. 3. Landscapin�. The council was advised that DRB had disc�ssed �he concept o£ landscaping bonds ar deposits. Council agreed �ha� �his was a sexious matter and asked the sta�� to consider proposals �ox the en�orcement of approved landscaping plans. The staff was asked to discuss possible £inancing arrangements with local banks and dzscuss new legislation with �he town at�orney in this area. 4. �nforcement. DRB advised �he Council �hat a major concern is sti�l in the area of enforcement af DRB ac�ians �n that i.n many cases ap.pl�cants are granted approvals with conditions and the �esult�ng structures and/or Iandscaping do no� conform. The councii asked the sta££ to report back on possible legislatian and/or increases in s�af� �o rectify this problem. S. Administrative pxocedures. The council agreed that strict administrative pro- cedures sliould be �stablished and �ollowed. Time limits for submission of materials for prior staff review should be established and i£ necessary the council will pass � �,eg�slat�.on �o that effect. CounciZ agreed that DRB should not cansa.der any appli-- cation until there had been adequa�e stiaf£ review. The counci� was a�so amenable to establ�.shing a t4vo-stcp approval process for all new construction where by p�ans October I2, 1978 � SUSJ�CT: Joint A4eeting a� DRB and Vail Town Cauncal for a new building (including e�en privatie residences) wouZd be submitted, the � build�ng sx�e wou�d be staked to shoiv building �acation, driveway/parking location and txee removal; tihen DRB tivouid make an on-site inspection. Prelimxnary appro�a� could be gxanted �y DR� prior to the site insp�ction and the fo�lowing week the app�xcant could seek £ina� approval. The council asked DRB and staff �o discuss � the dexaiZs and then propose a change in �he zoning ordnance to effec� such a proces$. The counczi felt that a two-week m�nimum pro�edure for ohtaining approval for new construction was reasonable so long as the applxcan� was made aware o� sucl� requirements, The council also £elt that it was very important £or DRB or at least �he staff the visit al� si�es under conszderation priar to DRB's taking final action on any app�ication. The concept of administrarive approval by the staff of minor prajecrs such as -small additions, window changes, trash enclosures, etc. , was discussed and viewed �avaxably by �he councai in order to reduce �RB agendas, The counc�l asked DRB and the staff to discuss this proposal and present necessary changes in the zoning ordinance. The council also agreed �ha� DRB shauld not consider any pxoject cahich involved a zoning or pianning commissxon ma�ter unti� that matter was saxisfactorily resolved unless �he cauncil or plannang commissian asked �ox DAB considera�ion. � � ME�O • T0: DESiGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: DEPARTM�NT OF COMMIIN�TX DEVELOPMENT DATE : OCTOBER �2 , �978 RE : DESTGN REV�EW BOARD RECOMMENDATTONS l . ) John Curry - Vaz� Tra�� Gha�et Unit �6 Praposal : Cut back roof ovexhang 2 ' 0" . simi�ar to Staddar� ' s unit . Comm�nts : How wi�� dxainage and snow build-up be handled? Recommend: Staff recommen.ds appxaval. � 2 . ) S�oddart - Vai.l Traa.�. Cha�.et Unit 8 . Tabled Oc�ober � , �978 , pending submi�-tal of letters from the Condominium Association and the owner o� �he unit be].ow the bal.cony . 3. ) Timber�alZs - Units 7a2 and 403 . Tabled Oc�ober 5 , �.975 , pending more detai.�.ed drawzngs . 4 . ) New Orleans Co��ee House Proposal : Develapment o� a protion o#' the east end o� the WedeZ Tnn into a sma11 restau�ant . Remodeling zncludes green k�ouse on the south side and possibly a poartion of the �as� side and an awning over the doorway . Eas�t elevation w�.11 change from proposal submz.tted to sta�f due ta expense. Noxth e�eva�ion rema�ns as e�xst�ng. � Page 2 DRB Recornmendations � COTt1Tri�i1'�S : . Staff suggested that the gree�.house be extended along a portion o� the east eJ.evati.an to create interest and provi.c�.e az� ante-chambex�. . How will the pat�o b� used? Will it bc landscaped? Recommenda�ion : . Sta�� recomrnends approval 5 . ) McBx�idge Building Background: Project i.s partia�.l.y funded by �he Town' s Joint Ventuxe Program ($2 ,500-2 ,700} . P�oject goaJ. a.s to solve �he circ�.la��,on and entry prob�.ems o� the Cl.ack Tower Building and to a.mprove the street scope along Gore Cxeek Drive . Pro�osal : � . . Construction a� a new deck along Bridge S�ree� . Construc�ion o� plan.ters, pavement , deck and new �.andsca.ping along Gore Creek Dacive . . Additian v� canapi�s ov�r a1� entrances . Constr�zctzon of p�.anting area in alley way along creek. . A gaod po���on o� this project wou�d be constructed on Town prop�r�y and is bea.ng reva.ewed by Cou.ncil and the Planning & Enva.ronmental. Commis�i.an. Commen�s : . Projec� is ��ell planned and shouid help achieve the general goal o� i.nv.iting shoppex�s to continue down Gore Creek Darave to �he creek. . Al.ley planting area mus� be double-checked to insure accsss by ser�rices �rucks . . Staff feels that canopi.es on Gore Creek Dr�ve could be puJ.2ed back so that they a�e flush wi�h �he paver or deck �.zne. Canopies probably should no� e�tend � moxe than 2-3 f�e� beyond �his line . Recommendat�on : Sta�'f recommends pre�sminary approval . Page 3 DRB-- Recommenda-�ions � 6 . ) Crosby Resid�nce Background : P�Ir. Crasby submi-��ed plans fox� a hot tub, deck, and storag� ar�a/re�aining wall August 1.0, 1978 . During -�he presentat�.on M�. Crosby men�ioned tha� he was gaing �a put some play equiprr�ent to the south of the deck area. The play area was repx�esented as being s�.ightly graded with a berm abov� the re�aining wall . The hot �ub , deck, and retai�n�ng wa11 were a�proved at �ha� session. T� came to the staf� ' s a�tent�.on that i4�Ir. Crosby had excavated a large �la� area an hi.s south yard-- genera�ly at s�ree� Ieve1 on on� �nd ar�d appxoximate 8 ' bel.ow grade on �h� other. Two S-�op Work orders have been issued an. the enti.re project and Mr. Crosby has been reques�ed �o subm�t a site and landscaping plan ta the Design Review Board. Comments : � . . Staff feel� tha� the depth o� �he �xcavated axea and the �5 slope o� the banks poses a poten�ial danger to peopl.e and. ka.ds using the adj acent ya.rds . . Note : Tha� nei�her �he drawings on �a.le or . the tape o� the Augus� 10�h DRB session, support the c�.ai.m th.at Mr. Crosby in�ended ��om the stax�t to excavate to the exten� that he d�d. Recommendation : . Sta�� recommends either : I . ) Parti.a�. f�.l�in� zn o� �he excavated area �o reduce the total. drop and regarding o� �he sid�s �o reduce the sJ.ope . 2 . ) Plan�ing dense bushes along the banks and a�.ong the top edg;e of �he excav�.ted a,�ea. 3. ) Cons-�ruction of a �ence along the perime�er o� �l�e �xcavatian. This is i.n adda.tion to other trees and vege�at�.on agreed upon during the A�zgust 10 , 1978 me��ing. � 7 . ) Morgan Residence Change xoo�z.ng materials - no infox�mata.on Page 4: DRB Recomrnenda�ions � 8. ) Abb�.nk Reszdence Change extera.ox o� building - na in�ormation � � . � . 1 " i Project Applica#ion Date � ''L��� �"CJ� ' �Project Name: � �.n.�__�..: Project Qescription: �� �� �� �� ���� � Owner Address and Phone: �� [ '_�"'�"" �`'' �� �� �'°��� 3 � � � � '? � �� -I�b�� Sr���- Architect Address and Phone: C.��� � 1 � Legal Description: Lot , Bfack , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board . Date �(__G1 /�` Motion by: ', Seconded by: ��r'�` -; APPROVAL ;�, D15APPROVAL Summary: � Chief 8uilcling �fficial Zoning Administrator Date: Date: trte pr�niery va�� n ._. . , --... . � - ._.� _._.___ � Pro�ect Application Date ��/� �J��'�J �Project Name: !%`�� �.�� '"`� �(.,c..2. � �-�-�-�4 �J�it-�,��� � �--'�- Prajeci Description: � Owner Address and Phone: � ��� �. ��� �IZ�LI-L.IrJ �� - —_-� G f 7 � Architect Address and Phone: ���' .�k�",�������'�� — ��� �� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing �`""��`� �' `��'"�-�J ��'� � _ Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date 'D ,� 7� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � Chief Buildin Official Zoning Adrninistrator 9 Date: Date: the prinlery,vail Project Appfication D ate C�C '�-�1��'�C� Lr ' . Project Name: � ! ��--''--�� �Y`���-� �Csr�3"1. �'�.�e.���=�� Project Description: .��.� ' _� l --� Owner Address and Phone: ��1 ��c:�� �C�-Y►-�: - Architect Address and Phone: Lega! Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board iDate � � � �� ` Motion by: _��<`i�l')����� -- Seconded by: �-�-���- �-��� - APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �I � i�1�3U"1 '�� �`�Jti:�" � —��� F'.1 C � 1 �I � t` �l 1� f e.�' ''l �� _ 9` ��.�.�� `��Z�� F_'C� � ` 1"n• -� ��c� ,.����-- _ �-� ''��� �` ��.� ���1 �' m��c��- - � Summary: ��' '�-� ��-~�-���� � ���]�= � ' � �G_� �,f`�C`�`,L:� � ��� ���- 1 ��i. �� YZC�� �� Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: !��'%� � �����7� _ Date: Ihepnnlery van r _ , ,,.., -- "� Project Applicat�on Date 11Q f��/ /� `�-�v 1�� � , • Project Name: , Project Description: �"'��������� ��°`�"�L � � 7�2 ��)� Owner Address and Phone: '`�'�'� /�-'� � I G ��. @� Architect Adclress and Phane: Legal Description: Lot , Block , �11ing Zone: Zoning Appro�ed: Design Review Board aDate � " f `�I�� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAF'F'ROVAL �1 T����"-e�-�� _ Summary: � ' rator Chief Building Official Zonmg Administ Date: Date: the prinlery vai� _ ,. . .,_� .. . , _ . ��_..._ . Project Applica#ion � �, - � 7� Date •Project Name: v '�'����� ���{��� / 1 I Praject Description: �� ��� `� /�:��r� i. � G�(.C�..�1'�c.yc.� � Owner Address and Phone: //'�' � �`�°`k ��F" 4'�: �.� � �� ;. �r f . a� s F � /x P f � �, g .j � fr�,�. � , Archifect Address and Phone: � �`v``"-'� �� p� ' C.�,� I � �l�.s-� Legal Descriptian: Lot , Block , �iling Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � �ate l`r �� 7 � Motion by: Seconded by: APPFiOVAL. DISAPPROVAL � ��C�- �, 1--,. �.� �' c� _� - _-�L�c�c.s-��. ��� ��,i� c� �"z"�-��i t�� _ 7�I��r�-�a 1 � �. r � �=�'�"I� �L 1,d'��J C���1 i►'Z_ '7(`F--1� ��_`_ � - _ � �� � ��"3C? V7�1�'�Y� C_� �� -• �,? Summary: � l_,���;�, �� �C���"�.` 1.•.._._ Zoning Aclministrator Cf�ief Building Official Date: �-� � � � Dat�: the prinlery vail .... . ., _ �; : J Project Application � � , � r� � 1 f � . � ° ;�<; ,,,� . Date � a � 3 � � . 4 ��6 d''� :� 4 ;� 1 �� f� a 5 / ; ...� p�r= Project Name: �� �� �° '� �`�, �'� `� ��' ` � .:j� .o. � ^ � ..: r�, �.�.'� .4'd ��.r G,��...�-��..r.a'' Project Qescription: �f�•�-.� ,�-��,.��..€� ��''���� � � j - ( j� f� '-"'�;F r r"'4r_-�y f°°`._ �gr Y� � !'{ 1� � � . :-_V`A' ��._rl.•`�;',:'C .-��"L�..� Owner Address and Phone: �.- "��"�°'�'= � �I�.`-,P/���, `� ,�-� '�f�}�� Gt �.��.,,� - — Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zane: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ; t � ¢� J ��•`' � � � e� Date � Motion by: 5econded by: Af'PROVAL DISAPPROVAL `' �� �'�� G�--�`.� �`'� t�V��-t..-� Summary: ���� � �G��..�G���-r�{�\C��� �ti.+�� Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official � � Date: -�' � ��� C � �� _ ___ Date: �he pr���e�y�=3�� i Project Application aate � �-� � � �Projec# Name: �`' `�°��`�' � Praject Description: C �� �'� Owner Address and Phane: IC� C'�C.-�f_�, L���-�.� �.�_7 � ��� G��`G'�7'r�'. ��� �llc-�D _ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing '� � Zane: Zoning ApprovecE: Design Rev�ew Board � Date -� � '� 7 Motion �y: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � > -�� � Summary: � �.� �� L.�yC�.�,. �C__����u —� ���_ _ Zoning Administrator Chief Building Officiai �ate: � 1 -�� Date: the printcry.va�i ,/� Project Application pate ��/�-�/7J' Project lVame: ��� � � v'f � Project Description: �- '�'� ���'`-�`-'�'�-��^-O �`v�``���• J Owner Address and Phone: ���`� . ��� f�i ���� l�� C��� ���"�' Architec# Address ancS Phone: Legal Description: L.ot � , Block �-`� , Filing �u`-' - / Zone; Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date �l r /���� _ Motion by: `��t'�C��.���c_�-�.c�-U�---� 5econded by: �� �-�L� - APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL '_-Y�C_L/3`���c��-� �"�j�'�---�� �d"Z�J\ r r�r'���C�X-1� 4---� "1�`i � �__�� . �'.�G��.a— � ���_��_�- -� �.�,Zc�r-� ° - hG��y - =�-=�i�=� -�-�r�r';r���� . ���_ `I I��> - - Sum mary: � J����Jl.�.- _' � <4 � � � LC'. � ��.�.�S�`�,.«��l,��-� Zoning Administratar Chief Building Official Date: ,��"� . ���� I� Date: t�c pdn�ery va�l �_ . ... ._. . . . �...._ .�.. _ . - "_..�t . _ ..... . . ' ' . . . . `�'�a.-�-r.a+�� .�_.�—,._� Project Applica#ion ,�E�- �'v:� �-��� Date � � < �Project Name: �,�_��.'f,._�,�� � �. ��������.,C`.�.'��z..� C�__ GC.�.j�' �.� ���� °�.:,c ff��.� �`�-,.� �../,..�.� ;� ..f�.� f f�'` Project Qescription: , � Owner Address and Phone: ��C, -•+��� �-�' ��'��'� - - '�;�.� � ,�' F�r�1 Architect Address and Phone: ` �e F,} �� p �,�,i i��� � } 1,i��f� f�''�y-1���( E / Y � _ ... �........,.-�. Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filir�g � ' I � Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board r ��te �_-� f� �.���t, Motion by: _ ���� � Seconded by: �� �'�--y---���-�``��-�— APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �C_�'Yf � 1"G�. �� _ >v �'`-'� �� �-� -�� ���.�� f'��y '.c� r-�,�'r_��-SJ 1 i-�r=; �, - . ` -, � � � � �� C�I�Y�C� ��' r�9`. � ��C�1� � n�.�_ � t �'� �� �.��.c� __ } � �— , ��� �.� � lj, ` �c�,� V��r,r-� �_,� � i` '� _���c_�:� c� _ -�t . � � , r�.c_.._-� � �.C>C� ���Yl Yl C�! '1 �" c�' �s - - � Summary: �� `� � , �� '� G�-- C�.�-C'`-- �' � r Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official �'�j��� -� � -7 ' Date: �' 1< <� � � !�1 - Date: �he prin�ery vail Project Application �ate �` � 1 . ��d�..�.�-�� ,� ��� . �Project Name. � , Project ❑escription: �� �� .�..�� - ��C. r� ..� � �_ �-�) �4:� - G��o/ Owner Address and Phone: �, � (� :� C�.� �� � ,Q �.��-�.v�� Q���.. �. �Q� - ���� and I'hone:� � ! C� , �.�-o�-�--� � �--�.Cc�, C�.� C�-. �C�� � Q �l �r� �`�� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing - Zone: Zaning Approved: Desigr+ Review Board ' . Date � � �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL �.J� �.�'�� �/ --" C� i` l�.� -:� -- ..� �.� , � .����j �1 t' ��C �f�t k'"s�� r :::�.�_ —�—..��� Sumr�ary: � _ � �J� +�=..e����,�-�"�,a.�p"v�,.k:3s,��.,�.=:�>��.rr, ,�.h. Y Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official ���/��� Date: Date: _t—�— - Ehe prinlery v=3i1 AGENDA DESTGN REVTEW BOARD OCTOBER 19 , �978 �Y 1 . ) Vail Associates �Varehouse r-t-�.j _�Q�� Addition of Drzveway F �� YJ 2 , ) Cal Collins Residence - Lot l, Vaa.� Village 9th �� �'��� �xterior change 3 , ) Pi�tkin Creek Townhouses /� � �� ��c� Fina1 Landscaping ����� � � . ) New Orleans Co��ee House - Wedel Inn � � , 1/� ���� Fina1 �� 5 . ) Solar Vai1 ( � � Hand Rai 1 �� �,G'� �� � 6 . } P�stachia' s �� � � � Awning large wi�h lettering 7. ) Holmes Underground � �� � Awning and Parparet �� � S. ) John Curry �- Unit 16 Vail Trai1 Chale�s ��::� � � �} � cut roof averhang back 2 ' �� �� ��.1�i ��w�t� '�� 9, } Stoddart - U�it Vaa.� Trail Chalets � �.,.� Decl�'and roof c�zt , �� �',� 10. ) Crosby Residence - Lo� 29, Vai� Meadows �.st �.���'F '��� � � E�cava�ion 1]. . ) tiVheeler Residence - Lo� 2 , Block 2 , Vail Village llth ��� �r;�-��.�� Guest house , - , and greenhouse 1.2 . } Tom Francis Residence - Lat � , Block 6 , Vail Village �lt. �,��¢e� Adda.tion � 13 . ) Timbear�alls - Building 16 — � � � � New 14. ) Bob Rucler - La-� 19, Bzghorn 4th Addita.on ��� ���;�4���r. �''���,��6 �,,;��� � New � 15 . ) Rucksack Addi.tion ,�.,. Modificata.on (T� time al�ows) '"� �� � �� �,.e� AGENDA OCTOB�1� 26 , 197$ � . } Timbea^�alls - Lot 1.2 , Bighoxn 4th Addi�ion Dup�ex �� ����.�.�,w. � ..,...,. , :._ ... _,:.>: .�,.�.....w�..�K..: ��� �' .. �'� €,� �;� e,�" ������a-;�;:� � F,-s� ,Y�t k d �`<° t`��� &`� l� �V t�� � �.;� ��':.��1 °�g� C� �icn A,awua ay� :a;�a :a��a ��i�il�0 6uip�in8 �ai�� ao��a�siui�.upy 6uiuoz � � �/��/�� G :�Sa�uru�ns �' _ � �� � � � �dnoaddds�a �dnoaddd :�(q p2puo�a5 :!q uoj}oW �'L/ ��� 1 a��� •. paeo8 nnainaa u6isaQ :panoaddy 6uiuoZ :auoZ 6ui�i� ` ��a�� ' lo� :uoi�dia�sap ��6a� :auoyd pu� ssaappy ��a�iyaay .5��/� � `�`�y�� � � � � � .�. :auou�{ Pue ssaappy aaunnp � ����r��� , ��� �� ;uoi�d�a�saa ;oafoad ,���� jL��_ __�,��1`��,�'` v � :aui�N ;�a€oad � ��, � J �-/� � l' a}�a uoi}e�N�ddd ��a�o,�d / � ,, , - ; . _�__, __ , , � ,. J _ � �; Project Application , Date /`� /����r� . (� C�.� �.�� � �J . Project Name. Project �escription: ����"�' � � Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot � , B{ock , Filing �C'��-�. ���-L�.. � Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � Date /� ( �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL� D{SAPPI�OVAL �l./�o �s �.� � Summary: � Zoning Aclministrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: �he prinie�y vail , _ - ,.-.-__._ ------�`�._"" ------ - � , .._ ...,_. Project Application �� � � I �� � 1 Date , � f �-. � �f l,�C�,�� �� Ls�{/t (,/f �.1�(.� Q � Project Name: U � ` W't r✓� � � �''{ i�.Gf S C u � '�` Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: � ��� �' � �� �� k ���.�c � s � � Architect Acidress and Phone: . / C � . �u�� V` � �! � ( Ua1 Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date � � [ � � � Motion by: � ( C�l6ti°2 '�1 Q- L G'f Seconded by: �� ���� APPROVAI� DISAPPROVAL (�� f0� G�f� t l�. Q � S �..� ��_,� j p F f/,,���;�, ��, �t � r�'f 7 Summary: � � �" � � fl � C" �� �✓i 10�F� �c 5 c�.. (� r/(i---c� � c r.t!r�'�(�, c�'�;�-• c�[ r I� r� � --�- LL� � �f 3 �"� � '�' (�rz �5 �L 5 �� t� �7� �� � �1 d_. �t/i u� 5 C_ q � ��l� � 1/! �f� w`2 � ��'� � V'-�!Z v} � �� Chief Building Official Zoning Administrator Date: Date: Ihe prinlrry va�l ::.,� — ._ � � Project Application oate ` � �� ! � � �Project Name: a���'.�,.� C�.��.-��:.�._�..�.,r��.�r..� �...��� � ���'�'.. ��:.� ' � ; Pra}ect Qescription: '``� �.``�"'� `��'�.�. �"'� .��.,..�,�,d�a�`�'�'�,�.�. Owner Address and Phone: ,-� � � � �� ���� �� Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Biock , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re►riew Board Rate ��� �� ����� � � Motion by: � ' Seconded by: � ��'l — APPROVAL DISApPROVAL � ., 9 ,,,�,�J�, /1 r� ,���' Summary: � i � � � � � /��� `C�[`a..JG� � � ��� � � p Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official � Qat�: ' E Date: Ihe piintery.v��� Project Application 1 Date � ���/��� ,��-.!L- - ��-r`��. �f `��`/ ,( � � Project Name: �" �� `��""�'"`-�' Project Description: -��� "`-� � ��} ������ � .� Owner Address and Phone: /`��� � � �4-` C `�7�% � �� � -"/���5 Archit�ct Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Appro�ed: Design Re�iew Board � Date __�� �/�'� Motion by: Seconded by: APPFiOVAL �fSAPPROVAL Summary: ` '�� � � � � � ! � ��L� � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Of#icial �ate: Date: ihe pri»lery-vad Project Application ' .�_ ; ', Date /� f�.,� ,.. ';� . �' �; � f" �� �° �t �.� Praject Name: � € �� P � Project bescription: �.>' ��� ' ��.. �..:!.( �' �' f ,l �; � �",;_.:��? _;. ✓,ry� � �,�:` / , , ....- � ^ 1 �f``�� 4 .P � 1d> f L. � .,`, a ,� �.. Owner Address and Phone �f �' t -- F� '� ` ` --' �„�>`"�' } � •, t ,�-, e s f` � �� �F � �e�� e.�'� L:1 �� � " `;'" i`r . � ,.�� Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � Date �i� � f� � �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL _�,1���� � -- — 5ummary: � Zoning Administrator Chief Builcfing Ofiicixl Date: Date: Ihe prinlery vTil , �. Project Appiication Date ` �` � iProject IVame: ���"����'�f_,�,<�:�;,� Y�����'_�,,.��'�: �`� �^��-�� �; � Project Description: �� `�f�`�� �" �a� �` Owner Address and Phone: �°,^,� ;; � � .,. -��°�.� � ,� �..�. Architect Address and Phone: �''�� � � � �� � � _ � �' GJ f fC�c�.� Legal Description: Lat , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � pate � �� . Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAP�ROVAL ` 'Y+..,2. 5ummary: A�� �� o� 6 � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Officia! Date: €�ate: Ihe prVntery.�n�� ._ ., .. .. . , . � �, �t Project Application Date �� �I`=�`' ��� � Project Name: � a�"a�� ����� ' '` ' � � ,g � Project Description: .,�� �°��°'�....:f�..-�-�. b� Z� c• . Owner Address and Phon�: �V � �j, e �.��`„�' ,� � �. .' � 3 �� � ���. - �--���c-..%��,� r� �_�u q�7�- �`� ��,.. Architect Adclress and Phone: � �� � Legal Descriptior�: Lot , �lock , Filing ��-� j �� '�--� f°.,. �... ;•�.`! , , Zone: Zaning Approved: Design Review Board � Date �� f ��J�� - Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � Zonir�g Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: Ihe prinlery va�i ,:- , __ . _ , Project Application , Date f� ° �``����; � Project Na�ne: �,,��_.,��_�•�r�,� � � - - - ��� t�rp �a_�.�� ,l�'�„�,,.. }'� � F�roject Description: ���' -���=' �°""�""'� Owner Address and Phane: �,�" �� � � ��,���� „�°�'�..�� � 4� � ����"��.��.�.�� '�'� g.� ' l �es� Address and Phone: �� �""���� � �`'����,:�� � � ` ��'°R � � U� - - � - - Legal Descriptian: �ot , Block , Filing ����.'��°'' � �"�"��_°� �;°"'"`�` �— Zone: zoning Approved: Design Review Board ���A� �'� ��� � Date � Motion by: 5econded by: APPRQVAL DlSAPPRpVAL � iv Summary: � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: p�tE: ihe prVnlery vad - _ ! Projec� Application . �ate /��� � �. � �,f'�' .������: -������ ��--���.,,� �g��:� �� ! Project Name: Project Description: � �..,�� �`��� , Owner Address and Phone: ��`� '���• ��•�' � ���� ���� �� ��� � �� Architect Address and Phone: � � � f f�--i� ��.. ,t . �+.�� L.egaf Descriptian: Lot , Block , Fiiing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � aat� ���� `���7� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � '"" Summary: � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Qate: lhep�'intcry v -- - _ _ �.v._._�---- � - �1 Project Application , �, , , r �:.: f -���.� Date � �s ; , g ,/ ,�° d ,� �e / J i �. � �" �' r` !, Q ,,.,� .S. . ,PJ°,,.{'fi '�`{t f�.�q ,,,.F Project !�lame: i..1� •,:...�-:. �' �., � f �,r �°1' r� �r��_'7y�" � f,!� �, ' ` S �. ��� . f �'�'� ��. �.��`__?� Project description: �" �: � �, : �` ,� 4_.. ,��C_,.- �.- , �� , r,� f � Owner Address and Phone: -'�'� "�;� �- �' `F` — �� � . E� � A / 9�f �� ��Y�.�f A 1' Architect Address and Phone: , �...:�� k f { ;t f, . �4e+.- .0 -.'t��,!t,,./ i f J ;( !'' � f �,, ' I ,,,���'f Legal Description: Lot , Block °� , ���4�9 ''�' ` € ; Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � /�6�` � `�{ �� �' .. Date ___��—'" � � ` Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL _ � Summary: Z� -� � -� � ,. � � � _ � ._ ��.c2_._ 4, � � �� Zoning Administrator Chief 8uilding Official Date: Date: Iheprintcry v�il � - �� Project Application Date ��� � • Project Name: � �� " —;""'" �! Project Description: �"�� a .��, Owner Address and Phone: � � �'�' � � r ! C] (� _.� . �� fF�/�.-� G/L--�� � Architect Address and Phone: � " ��� Legal Description: Lot _....� , Bfock , Filing U U �� Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board /� � Date < �� �7 d' Motion by: � � �Vl� Seconded by: � ����� �� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL (���� t f,�t2 fl' C�f S Summary: ��L ��� �� (f''�� Pc..�1_�P �.,�� � � � � Zoning Administratar Chief Builcling Official Date: � Date: � Iha prinlery.va�l - • _ . �,, � _ _,:r.._�.y � i . �� Project Application Date �� ����� � =�. '' :�. �� � ��� � , ! Project Name: �^ Project Descriptian: �'r'��`�'°� I ��.� Owner Address and Phon�: �1.��... �,�� -f-���`,� �-���., ' .� �� � ���� �� �� p ��, � '�" -<�'..,..��?.� �v_,�-����� Architect Address and Phone: � ��� ��� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Appro�ed: Design Re�iew Board � Date ` � �� �� /� ��� 7 � •� MOtlon by: r - Seconded by: ���� - APPFiOVAL DISAPPROVAL ' J'�'�� � � �� . l -�.� e � � -C��-���.-�� Summary: ,� � � � J � ' ' " � —� 2 r.�� .� ---. r - � - � , . . �} Zoning Adminisirator Chief Building Official Date: Date: Ihc prinlery���i Project Application �, ,� Date ��`� � �} `` �.s����� ��r`���,� ^��,._.�"� �� n.. � Project Name: �, - � .�,�� -�'������ ��� ���z� ��� Project Description: ,�.� ���� � �,3���� ��- .� � ���°-°� � �f �.��..� Owner Address and Phone: d � � ,� ,.��� � �'�,� F.� �`��.f:,�a:� :''.a� �- �,��� ��;��� Architect Address and Phone: � ������ �.,.� � , Block , Filing .� �- :����.��� ����" Legal Description: Lot �;s Zor�e: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board /�/����� � Date (�-�. . c�/c�l�Z Mation by: Seconded by: ( � � � DISAPPFiOVA� APPROVAL i a /f���'i_ r a Summary: � , S � � �f' / Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Qate: Date: iheP�inEery va�� _ , _ ._-. _ _ , _ _ .�- - � ,�� r.. � Pro�ect Application � / ��// �] Date , ._� � Project Name: ��:�. ����.� � y`. Project Description: - z,(�,�v Owner Address and Phone: � ' � f� � � - Architect Address and Phone: Legai Descriptian: l.ot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board l� !/ /7 � • �ate f ` Mo#ion by: Seconded by: APPFIOVAL DISAPPROVAL � c Summary: �c��,�-� �-,�,�,� , � �� -�_�� � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: L7ate: Ihe prinlcry��a�i DESIGN R�V��W BOARD AG�NDA � NoiTen�be�° 2 g �97� �,, } Timberfa�.ls - Window Addit�.ons U�a.ts 702 and 403 �',r�J � 2, } Rucler Dup�.ex - New Lat ��, Bighorn 4�h �>�•-��°��-= • 3. ) Tim�erfalls Building 16 , _��.� �t ��, �� �'inal Approval -u�"�-�--- • 4. ) Timber�alls Duplex (New) CANCELED WILL RESCHEDULE AT LATER DATE Lot 12 , B�gharn 4th 5. } Va�1 Associ.ates, Inc. Warehouse Final Landscaping Approval 6 . ) Sol�ar Vail Location of hand rails -f <_s-���'r`'"`` `'`� � r 7. ) Hol.mes Underground Awning and Parapet � c�'cU�`—�- E �� �i� 8. ) Cold Stream Project .��_�, �� Final A�proval �� �`" � 9. ) Rucksack Additaon �- �: ,-`«�__ � P4odif�cations 1Q . ) Po�k Storage �hed Sands-�one 70 - Unz.t 1.2-B CANCEL�D �i . ) Vantage Point Phase 1 & 2 , -- ��s +-�c�-`�__ Ext�riar Ca�.or Change 12 . } Courtside Townhomes on Unp�atted Parce� i.n Bighoxn "44" Units F Concept�za]. 13. ) Colegrove Residence - Greenhous� Addition � � - -��t,�"��>_�- , Lot �5, Block 2 , Gore Creek �ubda.v. 14 . } Ralph Davzs .�ddition - Living Area Extension _ _ - i.�.{�.��. � Lo� 3, Block 7, Vail Village 7th Fil.ing. � � " 15. } Felker Addition �r,����, Lat 8-B, S1ock 9 , Bighoacn 3rd. -- ��s-' - 16 . } A11 Seasons Exterior Add�.ta.on CANCELED s MEMO / T0: DESIGN REVTEtiY BOARD FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT DATE : 2 N�VEMBER �978 RE : D��IGN REVIE�V BOARD R�COMMENDATIDNS WORKSESSION TTEMS - 1 : 30 �.M. 1 . ) Ruder Dup�ex � Lo� 19, Bzghorn 4th 2 . } Courts�de 3 . ) Felker Residenc� - Lot 8-B, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd RECOMMENDATIONS � 1 . ) Timbex�alls - w�ndow addit�on Tabled �rom October 5, 1978; No Show. Staff xecomrnended approval . � 2 . ) Ruder Dup�ex Propos�l : � New stxucture zn Bighorn Commen�s : Site Plan . Driveway and parking needs mor� de��nitzon . , . How does the bua.�ding laca�ion reJ.ate �o the "xidge"? . No� enough in�ormation to assess drainage and driveway grades. . Site plan does not indiciate ex�terior living spaces . Landscaping Plan , P1,ot pla.n a.nadequate as landscaping plan . El�vations � . Treatmen� o� slump block? . `� Page 2 ' Design Rev�ew Board Recammendations � 2 November 197$ � . Wa.n�ows above garage awkward, could �:� b�t�er rhythm be estab�ished? . Tn general the windows seerr� to relate interi.ox funct�.ons , bu� do not al.ways present an znteg�ated pattern on -�h� �acade . . North facade a little bl�eak, very v�sable �rom Frontage �,oad. Recommendations : Desa.gn Revi�w Baard shou].d arequire before £a.nal. appro�ral i.s given : �ubmittal o� draa.nage and landsca�ing p1an, adjustment o.� w�ndow details . 3. ) Timber�al],s Building 16 App�coval of build.xng location> ga.ven October 19, �978 . Comment� - Site Plan i . South parking 1ot shauld be : (1) moved sou�h another 7' -0" i� pass�ble ; {2} reduce parking spaces to 9 ' -0" wid�h, or (�} e�ema.z�a�e parking space at NW carner to solve conflic� between ga�age parking access and pax�king space . Recommendatian : Staf� recommends submittal. of site plan with the abave changes be�ore ��nal. approval is g�.ven . 5 . ) Vai.l. Associa�es ,__Inc. - Warehous� Fina�. 7.andscaping appxoval . Background; Bi,11 Fischer d�d discuss the landscapi.ng plan with staf� last week, and s�veral concepts were cleveloped. As o� October �0, 1978 no drawings have b�en resubmi�ted. � Page 3 ' Design Rev�.ew Board Recomxnendati.ons November 2 , 1978 � 6 . ) Solar Vail - Handrails Tabled Octo�er 1,9, 1978 : �or Site Inspection. 7. ) Holmes Under�round Pro osa1. : Awn�.ng and parape� �abl�ri to loca�e property line follow-u� : if structure is temporary and no per�nanex�t abutments are placed on VA or Town properties then legally ok. 8 . ) Calds-�ream Given preliminary proposal September 28, �978, the DRB � rec��zested tha� �he �inal presenta�ion include : . Handball court details . Landscaping and ex�e�ria� �I.1.uminat.ion . Matearial samples and coJ�o�s . Refinement of tawer design � . Trash enclosure deta�.ls 9 . ) Rucksack Addition - Modification Tabled Octob�r �.9, 1978 �or resolu�ion o� znning questior�s . �'o�.low-LTp : Na Zaning probiems . J.l . ) Van.tage Poi.nt Phase I and T� , Proposa� : � Existing: . Redwood/orange panels with dark b�own tri.m Change : . Panels : beige T-l�l panels : cuacxy t�im: ox�oxd b�own d�ck: b�ige. Giv�en sta�� app�oval October 24, 19'78. � Page � � Design �ev�ew Baard �ecommendations November 2 , 1978 � 12 . ) Caurtside Townhomes Proposal: Preliminary approval a� 44 units an B�ghorn. Commen�s : Charac�er stud�es , site p1an, e�c . , very n�ce�y done. Landscaping wi11 help break-up, end wal�s and driveway impae� . Recammenda�ions : Sta�� �ecommends preliminary a�praval . 13. ) Colegrove Residence Propasal : Enclose part of an ex�sting deck with a greenho�se . Comments : � Staf� discussed the greenhouse addition wi�h �he Co�egroves, the following zs a summary o� proposed changes : . Greenhouse is structuxa� and wiil b� hea�ed with electr�ca� heat , existing doors and w�ndows tn remain. . Upper half of greenhou�� roo� wil� be shzngled, the lower section Wl�� b� glass . . Wal�s wi�l be vertacal siding alang the bottom to the height o� the exis�ing siding wi�h glass above . Recommendations : Staff recommends approval with resa�ut�on of mater�a�s to be used. 14 . } Ra�.ph Davis Addi�ion Proposal : Addi�Eian o� a�proxa�mately 60 square feet o� l.iving space onto the west end of the buiYding. � Commen�s : Addi-�ian fits, in we11 wa.th exi.sta.ng structure . Page 5 , Design Review Board Recammenda�ions . Novembe� 2 , 1978 � Assume all materials and colors to match exxstxng. Recomm�ndations : Staff r�cammends app�oval . 15 . } Felk�r Addition �roposal : Addition o� appxaxima�ely 640 squaxe feet a� l��zng space on two �loors to the northeas� side o� the bui�din�. Comments : Additian does not match the character o� exis�ing building notably �n w�ndow de�ails and �oof lin� . Zoning ordznance #D states that "Flat roofs shall be perm�tted only in spec�al situa�ions and then shauld be covered with harmonious mat�rials . " No landscap��� plan submittedyhowever� landscaping in ztse�� wi11 not be enough �o break-up the �wo story massiveness and b�eakness o� the proposa� . . � Recommendatzons : Sta�� �inds this proposal unaccep�able and suggests the following changes be�ore approval is ga.ven : (1) Ex��nsion o� mansard detazl around a1I elevati�ons , mansard could be cut back at openings on no�rth elevation �o match treatment of sou'�h slevations . (2) Use o� windaw �type and detai.�s on north, eas� and west elevation.s to ma'tch existing i ,e . , smaller panes ar�d possibly' change north wi.ndow to window similar to 1.ower wa.ndow on sou-�h eleva�ion. (3) All materials and calors to match existi.ng. � �. _-.:�r _. ...:- . _ ;. '�� # Project Appl9cation � � Date t �"' � t �. � G � �Project Name; - Project Description: � � Owner Address and Phone: ��� -�}� � �O�� ���� �--��.r�_��2,?� _ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Appraved: Design Review Board � Date Motion by: �-� � ,� ����C�7�--_. 5econded by: �"��7''r i���`� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: . t 7Y'�_Gti-r.,� 4�:�n�--.�"'��_1c=:� ` ` w�,__ .--.c �`��ti , � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: �j � �% � �C� Date: 1hc pri�tery.va�l �� Project Appfication � � ..r 4�, ,�.� e Date y�` � � �� � Proj�ct Name: T...,-�,r��`���... '�� �'��'�;:� ��:��:�� .:,���.« � _� � Project Description: ����/��-� /�'°-�'-�� `y� � ,� f} �.'� � Owner Address and Phone: I � �°l -°�'' �-•--""`-`� ��'"``� �� �'' �.� �. �., -:� f � � Architect Address and Phone: —�' �� ��t�`��>r� �� ��� ������� -- - - - — iD'.-�.��'� �_"-,� L�gal Description: Lot �jBlock , Filing � ����� � 11r Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date ` �.�� �: �"' Motion by: �, 7i`�c'�-�_�_;���-�Y�r-�---° Seconded by: t-��°-� -`-`�`�"�' APPROVAL. : bIS/1PPROVAL Summary: �_�1�--C�.�.. - � _� • ,�4...�`�--��.�.F�C Ic��.'e_4�. C.SCS�-, 1.1� . .� \ Zoning Administrator Chief �uilding Official Date: � � ��C;�� Date: lheprinle�y va�l � J Project Application �ate �Project Name: — _ ����--�--'y� I � I'roject Description: � �-�-�-� - - Owner Address and Phone: --i � '� '" � 11 �r� " � �CO -�Z�� �x ��7 - Architect Address and Phone: �- ��Q���,"�' t���'e1`��` � � �C3 � Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date ___�_�_�� r r� � Motion by: ��� c�`-�:�?c��c_t�-- _ Seconder� by: �=���'������:-`�•--°. APPROVAL fJISAP�ROVAL � ` `� �-F v �'7���c'.I, �/��,�" �.,`�� �_ ��-. �� }'Y�. � - ` �r°� t�` 'C:.��J._.�� ,� � `_ . �. ��{i � _. � . - rli t t`r'��S' s�.� �~9'�s \�"C` � <' �. "` ���� �._ - , f r _ \� _ -� �. � 1� l °'�° '�'Z C9-.`">t _C� � , <�+C=J" `1 i.=a V �`-_ � ��-��-�-`� e :_ ; r � � r. -- _ �- -- L - ..._�� �, ' .� S� r �"-a�'�� �� d ���_��CY��� ��c.,����-'—Z � �1��— 1 1 x `j-' ���'�'--� } � �C->1 '� ) —�,C `l,r C'�C 7 7 \'���`_'. " TC'.� 4' e.1C__. �c-- ��{ 1- �Iz.- ('r"'.:_ C � C _ a f - ��_ Summary: �` t�c'� �--� ' - - ���.`�� rL�,_ � �i����:C��-��_�� `�=����_:�--�--- � Zoning Adminis#rator Chief 8uilding Official Date: �� 7 � Date: the prinlery.va�l . � . „ . . : r,.. . . " . . . . ._ .. . . . � ` Project Application Date 1!�� � � - �Project Name: C7.5�� �� �! ��y� - Project �escription: ����� J Owner Address and Phone: ��-- -"�' 'L"ff �� - Architect Address and Phone: L�gal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date � � � Motion by: ��>,r1 F�C_��C'�C�'�r--- 5econded by: �7���-��" ' - APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Q _� � _c'c_�� 2.5�-=� � - r�- r: -_t�7 c_1 c:.�����"}- - �_ _ ��' `_ . � � � � ) ` �`�.�--- -- ,�._�.� a.�. ;-�, �._ ��9-=Y� C__c,�." Y� 7�v� -r:t�.._ t�_ � t-r ' - c � , � .` .�> > . -..__� �.��_. � � _��� ._� � t=� ��u��}�.r_-- '�_ -- �.: -�� c�_� - �, �� c--� ���1 c � �� - .� __. -� �-_. �� , ; F'. � �� 7 �-" C?�-�, _ -\ _..-- T �- � l 5ummary: �� c°-�_;��, 1�`�'Y�- �� ��;,�Y--�-�-��Y�. -- _�/C`7'J�"'� - �'c� �`�.c��"�._ _ �' _r� CS�.�.�'��t=-.�— -- - - t ° • � � ..�,-.s�_,- �. ��� ....Ck_.'�.�,��`;�- Zoning Adrr�inistrator Chief Building Official � �� Date: �- 7 c Qate: ihe AriMery.va�i . . ,,� .,, ,. . _ . . , . � �� Project Appllcation Date � /���� � — �roject Name: �� � � ���.,,��...� ����-�� Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and f'Fhone: `��) �.,.��.��� � � �� j-�_� ��,� A�y=� , y� �� ,. �.�� �. . Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zonir�g Appro�ed: Design Re�iew Board Date �� �� ����� - � Motion by: Seconcied by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �r"V - �C7 t- _��C�_r' _��..>>�_71`l/`��--11c:�. r"•i J c_'�`�`� C'� C��,c`rt`�?;' � y -- . 3_.•,i� `e'� l �`�7Cs�; 1���.��.r?_--, �% _ C'_C �C�3� i�'X 1�-5 �';1` �`=�C. .. � � � O, � - � f�=�"\ C. �.�;1'"�--�- ��--`rl c---{�.._ — � Summary: J l l v l '�` ���r�S. ~� y� f � \.� 1.�.�.. �`.• {_/�- � Zoning Administrator Chief Buildir�g Ofiicial Date: �_�/�,�_�� Date: ine arin�ery va�i , E .v: . ..: ... . .. ...�.,.� �9 i Project Application Date � , , �Praject Name: � � � Project Description: —� k+ l,C�A.-'��c°�°°r. �wner Address ancE Phane: Architect Address and Phone: � �- r � � � Legal Description: Lot , Block , Fiiing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Rer►iew Board Date � � / Motion by: (c a C�"' r >�.---- — Seconded by: � 3-- -�-''�� ` APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �-:���=X'��_��-. �". 1 a1v�C � ` l�r'.� C_� f��c�� 1�-�'_ C-t� c�,_=��°'•-: _, --_���� - -- c �_ , <�-._. _ _ . ,ti �� , ��1-. � "�4Fc. `��C-',��-_c.,�� � Su m mary: ; ;�-�" ._��; .�- -.r �-. _4,�x-�---�_ f•.-,�—� - � `7� �c a�c-� C.�^s�� ` �'r_�7�� �. s\��_.�� j--C-9 r — \ � .1 4 3 L � �3'—,...���.�:��` �_��_C.�J Sh�� � � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official �ate: ��/�-' � Date: She pNnlery va�1 � // Project Application ���� ��� � � � Date f � � `� �°;��:.,�-. � ��-� �i�roject Name: �� ��'�,., ��k"" �`�'.µ.,�Y` � rt ����,.� � � r � � ,� � .. Project Description: �, ��f��"��°'����� �`.��` `~-� F�� ��� � l� �� ������� � ��.��i�: �, -��..� ��� ���� Ow- r Address and Phone: - � ���� .�p 4f° cnL,sd--✓�.�... I �-•-�E,/ �/���1�� - --- �ect Address and Phone: �.r����<r� e{. �a �C �;'�.�.._�,�,�_e,,� r�., Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approv�d: Design Re�iew Board � /� F� Date � � � � Motion by: <'� ����c'��.-� � 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL c�•I.J`�"��nCS� = �Dc�i"��!'�,�--���C���. �R3��'1'��_ - `t-� ti 1Ci� ' ��' _��� ���� - -- �;] � �]� l.!_1"f11.�7i t ' C�-i' � � �F�C�� le°� r : r_'�1Y'°� "� - � - r j�; �, <- . . � '� ��_ 1 I �1 �� ` _ I 1 � � C� ti Summary: ' � ���`1 � � �� F-�� �,� �4� t �, �'•�°'� �" �"��., _, �:.� j°iT-� � O � �s.I 1 ��Zi1�' '�(9rlC�c.,�..,-_ = - �)��-��...�..�'���- � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: ���Z� �7� Date: the prinlery�van .� /=�_ i /� Project Application � r0 ���,���' '� , ' Date `J . _� r i [ �t.t_ ,,:i �����%l�l� cQ-��� � ��+�-LU��r�(��G�f��� �Project Name: Project Descr9ption: �� � �"� Owner Address and Phone: �.�_e . �1�..,�t�t�`���� q 7� _ �����7 I Architect Address and Phone: , n , ���� �-� - Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing �one: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board �� L /7 �� � pate ! � Mo#ion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL r°—�'� � �-� C ��., � ��'`�� 1 `:'L---- ; ` Y�,�:..�-�•�— �--�"�_��-�?�`�YV� � ��'d'1 `_� �k ��„ _ �_ _—�`_ � ., 4. � � � � � Summary: c" r [ � 6 � �. ���1 � y �y Zoning Administrator Chie€ Building Official date: Date: ' me priniery va�l � t� � / Project Application / Date 11 1 l �7 ,_ .Project Name: �2 �� '�,..— �-�1 ��� F'roject Description: �r'�'�°��"``°�"� ��� ���'�"'4~ Owner Address and Phone: Archi#ect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Data � Motion by: ���'1 C`�t_�-�C�.C_`1'�;-_---- Seconded by: �"�1 5-�'�`�'�v�-� APPROVAL �ISAPPROVAL ` � � �� ,4� ��a�V7 �e"__�LLc:_�Y�C��-� - ��(�c'�'�'�-�-1`�cy_ 1 �_:� ��� X-��>- -c',� _ ` ,J ��' ..��C��° "� C C:"--� �`.'r`.>>C J I Y`-�). C._. ` - , r`�.��i )C" (:�" ��/Yl ��_�_�.1�1'�_?��-F=:�-� �j �'7 - ��r�._� 7�_y��__Y_C", _ �� � - � /C`% ' /LJ���- .1'-1."--�?� " 1 � �-�l.� - �- '?I'�� ���'� 1'1����. 'i� C.a ��:��, l�.(��� c-��__ �� � �_4' �� !�'�_� �� , Summary: l � 1"�-C�---�. , . - -- -- ,. �,� \ � �� �. r.S�u� L-L.�.l S�_4�3 �. 1� � � � � �. �`1_ _ C � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: �� �- r�� Date: [he prinlery vdii . . . . . „ v _ - . . ..._ . . . �..�,w,__ .,.. -/�„��sW." . '__I . . . — I� .� Project Application Date /� �I . �Project Name: � �.. r ` Project Description: �4''�' ��� r, Owner Address and Phone: I w �'�� � �S`�;7� - Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio � Lot � , Block , Filing � Zone: "� Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � �ate � ' � .� Motion by: _ �`���� ���c`j'`�~ Seconded by: � "�2�4-�"���`��-� APPROVAL D15APPROVAL �j�"�.�'.1. - � �-- , � � -- � _. �� - � , .��_.� ,>�7 -�•�;�;.���.�, �st_t_ ? �_�> �__� ��-�. _ r , � � - Y�� �- . ; �,�;--� -,� --.� - �c�:,�a_ � , e.- �._. cr �! �� 1 ....-� __ c�-'.� �G� '__ C ` � ��`.�1�� "7_. C`".'. ` T � �1 �'C}-...\ ) " � �. _ �VZ.;a.'. �� ` `�� ..�� V�r--.. Summary: �u,_}�_c'J�-„_ . � . ��. `,� , �"� � ��.��-C-��r�._u����-� � � Zoning Administrator Chief Buifding Officia! Date: � �- � �� Date: r e lhe priNCry.�ad . _ � -�.,�, � ��- � � Project Application / ���ef� { Date , � � ��d"' �..�� _� �' � � -•°-��Praject Name: � �� ""�°"" �-- �� �. � �.: � � �""` �, Project bescription: _ � Owner Address and Phone: � ~ �C`� .� Architect Address and Phone: ��R� �� ��' � ° �"°`'M� ' Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board ���� � � 7� � Date Motion by: �-:���°,t�.��`��-+'��-�-� � Seconded by: t �l C�._.�'�i-�1��-... APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL , � _, i"l �, ;Y\``- �-.�'~ .� r-- . .,,..� C=� __:.. _ y�:`, _'� � C-�-_,__y_.t �_ � . � C�L�_ `-�–c '� `� �}� � � �"_ i r5����� -�7 � 'L:=�s � C -� '._ >�J � , . �'- s--� j Y 1_�,�� � - �-�=�� _ �_ "���> �. _�._Z �c � � l - � _ � �,�° �'\��CG-. - � � _1_�� � � c:� �'7 ��.. �-__:_..-------�-------------�._.._,__� -�- _.____ i , _. . �; �- , , �- � ,_.._' � o `� -��-�t a�.� �'\\. ��"..5,.., -� � . .�. � _ .._. .,_�. ,_.. �i �� � L�. Summary: ��� � �.� �_ '�> C�� , . , `---_ I �- '�-�5-�_ � — r-�-�- � � ��,�q_�..r �W- -G�..__ C_`4.�..7 �'\f�- Zonir�g Administrator Chief Building Officia� C7a#e: r� ���' � �'£� � Date: ;��— Ihe prinlery���ail AG�NDA • DESIGN R�VIEW BOARD I�OV�MB�R 9, 1978 i . ) �ohn A. Co�e�rave - Lot 15, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision -- ��" t�ie--�� �reenhouse add��ian ���'-�='�`� � �'C.���°.�..^ 2. } Col dstream ._� .).t:. '�,�;�:.r:�� �-�,.�.�� ��,����:, Fina1 �� ,,:�:��°�... 3. } Fel ker Residence - Lat 8-B, Black 9, 87ghorn 3rd Rddition `"����.f, �%t"�W''"'�' Addition �„�.����`�- F 4. ) Pistachias �w1���- :c, '� 1��� �� '���, Awning ��`� "� � 5. ) Sunr�s� Lir�i ted Awning w��h �e�tering ����" `���'��'�'�`"� 6. ) Scorpio r � �,���,r � � �;�3:°.� Garage window and doors �'' �,� c. ��`�°-`�-� �� 7. ) No�mes Underground � f�,�=,_..s:� "��.�,,w} ' "���` Awning and parapet wall �-, .,.` ` - -�`a �-;- ����.� ~ �,��,,.�";`_`�°' 8.) Po�a�o Patch Club Phase II , 1. ., ` �, ' ��'.�.._� F �� • Final _.. , <.t..�..��..�-:� . � ��� . g. } 8aoth Resi dence � , ,-��.�--''4 Outside door ehange — n��������'"' � ��� � � <,�=���.�r�' 10 . ) Sandra A�rams- �ot � 1 , Tract EW 11 Pre7iminary d� scussion about hous-�ng �ype .� a ; �10 c�:{i�tJ�"�l��� . �..�--�`Y'�'".�.�;'�.�.. � ����,��6; -`�__�' .,� ° ,_, _,,,_ ��•y'��� --`�" ` K �..r- � ��MO . T0: D�SIGN REVTEW BOARD FROM: DEPARTM�NT QF CQMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DAT�: 9 NOVEMB�� T978 RE: DESIGN R�ViEW BOARD RECO�M��DATIONS 1 . ) Colegrove Tabled from �ov'ember 2, 1978 for submittal af ma�erial samples and coTors. Proposal : . Woad frame with vertical waod siding . G�ass panels . A�coa galvaniz�d aluminum roofing to �e painted black. � Comm�nts: . House wi11 �e resided in woad nex� year . Greenhouse and new raof to be done ��is fa�l . Recommendation : S�aff fee1s that a black roof Tn that area mig�t be overly dom�nating a�d suggests �hat a safter, mnre natural color be used. 2. ) Colds�ream Tabled November 2, �978 for subm�ttal to pa�nt colors for garage doars and fina1 d�scussion of �andscape plan. 4. ) Fe1ker R�sidence . 7abled Novem�er 2, 1978 fo� submitta� of a iandscap�ng plan. 5. ) Pis�achio' s Proposa� : � Awning �xtension. Page 2 Design Review 8oard Recommendations 9 November 1978 � Comments: . iVo "site plan" subm�t�ed, actua� ex�ension o� awning goes to aspha7t pavement. , New awning is similar to existing. Recommendations: Sta�f recommends that the awn�ng be allowed to extend 72' with the fol �owing stipuiat�ons: --� -._..__ _ __� . `'� 1 . } Repair concrete slab and "�F�11 in" ��� diagonal cu� as shown in sketch be7ow. � � 4 . // � P.���n ����.:.- �,-,.;;�'�' � -N:� ��,;, - _ Ga�+�i�.� '� ' ' i � : 2. ) Patch stucc€� where necessary. 3. } Repaint siding around th� door. 6. ) Sunris� Lim�ted: Proposa� : Addi�ion of canopy on Sunrise store�ron�. Comments : Praposal very lively - sta�ff recor�mends approval . 7. ) Scorpio Proposal : Add���on o�F �wa new garage doors on �he south e7�vation of the Scorpio Build�ng and a 3'x6' window at grade 1ev�1 � on the nor�h ��eva�ion, all ma�erial and colors to match exis�ing. Recammenda�ion : � APprova7 .. _, .. �,�. � x :,��-��_���-� �F.�a� a���:���t s,�,_�, �_�,�`� �.�. , .�,.� Page 3 Design Review Board Recommen�ations 9 Navember 1978 • 8. ) Holmes Und�rground Tabled October 26 pending reso7ution of property 1ine questions. 9. ) Potato Patch Club Phase TI Proposa1 : Final ap�roval of the secand phas� e�evations and �ar�dscapi ng pl an. Recommendation: Staff assum�s tha� the master plan has been through DRB and r�ce�ived approval , no ma,�or changes have been proposed �herefore Phaese II should be given fina7 approval . 10. ) Baoth Residence ProposaT : Outside door change as of 11/8, no information has been � submitted for staff review. . � 1 Projec# Applica#ion � ��� Date ' � :� � Project Name: � � Project Description: ; Owner Address and Phone: �, �.��� � � � � � Architect Address and Phone: - `��"`'" Legal Description: Lot � , Block � , Filing �� ��� '� � Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date �LL � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL C�.� ' `.i4�. 1� � r�".a� � `�w r-". .. v ��������� ��!5.�� Y � l"�. ,/�..1;• ��.�y�«".-�v. �� r ������ � -- ° '���'-s� c a3" '"��_ - � t.e.a� � tS"" ��ry -- f7"7 _ � �����-,� Su m mary: __ �_�—Y�?=����`R-'`.�'1����1�'�;� -�-^-- - � �. � � t,�� ���-- �� ���r�.=��`-•� Zoning Adminis#rator Chief 8uilding Officia! Dat�: � � Da#e: Ihe prinlery vail �' �J Project Application Date ���� �� � Project Name, �����`��� � � Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: � � "�° " `"�`' G�1�� � � � f! �� � �—t/� ��i�' "� Legal Descrip#ion: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board �� �� � � Date I� � Motion by: Seconded by: APPf�OVAL D15APPROVAL Summary: � Zoning Adrninistrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: the prinlery.vai� ��-- Project Application r Date /l � �" r � Project Name: �``�-'� ��'�`�'�i'�``" �� Project Description: �+--���-�u�'� ' ���� -` .�. ,, , � �'4� � � �� � Owner Address and Phone: ��. 7�-�5 ; �`�-�,� � C�� ���'•s--� Architect Address and Phone: `,� � F GU� -� Legal Description: Lot � , Block , Filing � �� � �-� Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � Date � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL 171S/1PPROVAL. �_ �"' L� � � "� ���;�4: �_��.���`i `.'. \ /" _ �..,� . '�� ��th"� "'r � � Summary: � "'°° �� i a /�1� /�T� � �. E. a —__�..i���f"'x y t!�..-�"�'.�.:�._ ��ra r;'.�#::.�a���.n—— Zoning Administrator Ghief Building Official �__ `�t Date: �[ �� ' � Date: the prinlcry.�ad Project Applicafion � Date �� �� f �,. s� Sr `�...� ;+� � � Project Name: �° � �" ; ' �� .`�� � '��,�.�� ry'� � as... .�� � Project Description: . �' '� ��, £' �F� f �' Owner Address and Phone: F� �'� ��` ��� ,v� ��, ._ ._ � � ����. �. � P�' ,�,� ,�� � `� ,_,,,�' , �..:: K� ` Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: L.ot , Block , �iling Zone: Zoning Approved: S Design Review Board � � � �� ���R��� . Y I�.'� Date Motion by: Secanded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL —������, , Y1�.:;� �� ���/�'`"`"a �] � � [ � �� — • a� , �. � s .�� '3°'�•---� ��' Surnmary: � � � �� � � __���1 � �.p- ..�+ `°,.�� _ Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: _. �� �� ���� Date: �—� Ihe p�inlerY va�E . Project Appiication � -� � �' F e Date ``' 3,,�� ��. �> , _� .�^ *� ,����, Project Name: "'�"���.�"�"'�' /�^t��"�.`:,��_� �t.,�;.�,..���.,��.�r�� �: W.� Project Description: ° , O.wner Address and Phone: ��'��• " � �� � ���� � ��� ��r��n � �..� �,,�� �. �rf�.�-� ,..:.�pf�d8. 4� A�+�er�t-Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board ; � �ate �� 1' ��`' Motion by: Secanded by: APPFiOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � Zoning Administrator Chief BuilcEing 4fficial Date: Date: 1he printery van Project Application : , r a f 'a � 1�'� �"'��ls ' � �`� Date �L< � �.� a � i 1 ��� a a � e :. .: � � � �` . Project Name: �' � ,r ' � � < � Project Description: � Owner Address and Phone: � � f _�,� � � ` ., �/ 4 a; Architect Address and Phone: ' ' � ° ' - � � ��J { € �., ? ;,��,� � Legal Description: Lot , Bfock , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board , � 1 � Date Tr ' f, �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �.., 11�!°£.�'� 4 �. � � a c. �',-... � - L_.� — �,�-�– � � <���- !Cp ' �' �.��� � "� � �/ /(�!-1��� Summary: � ����' ��� � � Zoning Administrator Chief 8uilding Officiaf �ate: � 7 Qate: Ihep���tery r.u� : _._ _. . _ , ��„ �_._�.. , �., . -- __ �._ � � Project Application ' Date Project Name: —r�c �ll�l�`T--�.—J-�'�'1� -��"'�'C"��.�� -- Y��. � � �, Project Description: � Owner Address and Phone: � � �� �� Architect Address and Phone: , , C�� Q � � Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � Date �.� Nlotion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL —' ��. ��'71"" � �/���J - � a,� ' Yyt e"'� �=�l Summary: � , S �J� � ��� Zoning Administrator Ghief Building Official Date: �—._-����l� _ Date: �he prinSery va�E ;�..... . . . _.. <, Project Application � �,�� -�s �� � �c,.:�� ,.� °��'� Date � � °' EI F� .•`e���!�� � �,�'� �'���� � �y� �v.<._� Project Name: ���`f "� {'"'`� �� — Project Descriptian: ��•��>�� Owner Address and Phone: �� �g � � Architect Address and Phone: �-'�[:....���,� � ��� --.���''...�`Aa:s� ,�� ����r ;'� .� ���, '� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � Date � � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: . She pd�iery vaa Project Application Date �� �'� � �; E�p , _�....��.<1,��..�' �,�'�_.•f�_-f. �,�r.�,{�.. '�,�.� � Project Name: � ��,,�,� �,�`���' �:�.�,� �^'� ��°`�,,� S� �.����-�� � �:_� Project Description: ` � ' ��-�.:��.� �. ` �,: -�e* Address and Phone: �~'' r, ` - ` �j � ��} � �f�� } S f �1' � - �_�f � �.r�--�`� g�'. r,�... �`'� �i '�',;+ �r � � F (,r Architect Address and Phone: ' Legal Description: Lot , Biock , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ��f'� .'`� �;�° ..� Date � � ' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL �ISAPPROVAL . �. 1 _ �'' �� 1 — �C� Y`"°�.,..� 1 � ��' i c`7� -- Summary: ' C �. C���'. _. �,� • � � • �.�� �1�C'�.��+.���:_`3�. Zoning Administrator Chief Building Officiai Date: �U ���---� Date: �he primery-va�l AG�NDA ,� DESI�N REVEIW BOARD �OVEMBER T6 , 1978 i . ) Kinderspor� in Va� l Disp1ay window , sk� rack , awnings , bench p3anter 2 . ) Salar Vail Removal of �arking garage and change of ma�eria7 on entrance �acade �.��_c�r�� i�� - ��.�a�- �.;_��:� �1k--�. :..�:��..:.'���'�.,���, �;�;,'_�,�°�LL;:.� ���1�� �,�r���_,��.. �. ��,�,�-�-�.1 r�� ' . � { � y < � 1��.ti,.,;,Jl��... .....��.,.. , .e'...%...t.._l�--�,�.d �._.. .....f �y d �- '1� 4 � } q ` `� a�� ��O i I� l f''.� �J 1"`��("�._..�--`_��_>�-�' k�`� • ��s+_� f�w.�.l'°.C.'� �"' �C.4 4 �`.�.< i .�::. �.,?'��'�'y- � � i :r'i - 1�-::. �� , :� ti . �..,.� J { i ` •--� I.. �� �_�v�� � �•rc�°v,.,:��.. � � - �f�f'°+CS�J� � � � ! � c '�-"���`a_.�,1 . -. . .-. -'„"" . � --" ' '��..'�_._ J1 =� -i .�. — ��:..\.,�..1�.,°--'`"��'�-.�...'C"'�.� -'�t ,.�a�::... ..,.,.,,f .. v.T r_. k �r,e.-�r � �G.`T3�..��tis���AC"� �'7,..',a °#,11!��.,,e �.....� 4�4 }\'4 �._.°�,."�'..� ...�' i 1 �::, .., �'�ti }t ti:::? =`s..� '.![" 1 �:,, � . \ . . , ^" _ . � � . „ ,F�,_.. C_�=���.;_i"G:.�i�`[.._�, ' C.? 1�-_..__ i y i�^..��': J`_.1� C_:G.r"i�1,+.�T°�.:. � ..w._ ��1 [-"'�� ' �s_v�� 1 ���%.."4``-, ll:... �G.�.Si_.�?"�L� �C:"�a;:.�;,. .._� ti , .. ` � � .. -'a-'- •:� ��+ . 4 .. .....,. �JC C�7� C__5 ' t��� '�-7-c�ti w��., C„ :0 1 tc,�,r"?#_�.. ��,� �.... r c1�, ` �" __'� \ V$ � " ' '�.r �� ..� �....�Y..- .. *ry.. . �- ° 3F--�,,��a Cy�t����c:� c:.��;7��; �:::�"°.�._;.%; <,e;,�S:a� �� � . AGENDA DESZGN REVIEW SOARD NOVEMBER 16, 1978 SITE VTSTTS - 1 :fl0 P,M SCORPIO . HOLMES UND�RGROUND ABRAMS CHECK L�ST - 1: 30 P.M. NEW Z�NxNG REGI7LATIONS AND JO�NT SESSION WITH STGN COMMTTTE� - 2:00 P.M. D�S�GN REVIEW BOARD SES��ON - 3:Op P,A�I. FINAL APPROVAL VOT�S : -r''" aJ�� 1. ) colegrove ;' � � `� 2. ) Felker �-�' ���� � �� r7��� • 3. ) Scorpio G�� �y� � ` �. ) Bo�th �yt9''� ,,�,�� � 3 AGENDA ZTEMS � . } Scorpio - Ho� Tub �s�cr� • 2 . ) Pistach�o ' s - Awning �1°`��n��~�7 --- ��-�-'���'v-�°�� 3. ) Ho].mes Underground -� Awning and Parapet Wall - Un c��- P 4. ) Coldstream - Fi�al --- -�-cl--��-c� 5. ) Potato Patch - Fina1 -- �ti-.�,.�,�.. � 6. ) Kindersport - D�splay window, Ski Rack, Awnings , Bench Plan�er ' � k`��` y 7. ) Solar Vai.l - Removal o� pax�ka.ng garage and change of mater�al.s �y,��}��-.�.1:� �,� �-r�,x�c� : ,r� _ r,�.,,.-^ �.w r-~=-��--- , '-�-_ �,r--�.-� c- r�r.� `--�'t �i �' d-�., c�.c��-�3 �,��--� �� ���`- f�'__. g�p y Cour�side Taw�hames - pre�imina�y D�scussion, ��`� ' �o c�.c_�`o� -}�k��, 9. ) Apo110 Park - Matexial changes (s-tucco to redwood siding) �- c.� :��rz���1 10. ) Sandra A�r'ams - Discussion about Housing Types , Lot 1I , Tract EW 1I � f 1 O C���"l.�+'t�'�c�.�"��� HAVE A HAPPY THANI�SGIV�NG! ! ! ! ����� � � � i t`� 11 c°a—w� f� �.�'�I.� , �. '�� ` -�� ! ti.�{1�i�c3-3� � �.� G;.-'� "�''� y c_,_>l:.�1 ���^�*4..Y�' � �.��C��1��J�����, I � M�Mo � TO DESTGN REVTEW BOARD FROM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE �5 NOVEMBER 1978 RE STAFF RECOMMENDAT�ONS FINAL APPROVAL VOTES The �ollawing items were presented and discussed by th� DRB last week. Since thexe wasn'� a quoxum a vote of �ina� approval is required; l . ) COLEGROVE : Greenhouse addi�ion w�th �o��owing add�t�ons : a. ) D��ail raof to al�ow fo� wood �acia; . b. ) Raof color �o b� so���r than black : grays, wea�hering copper, daxk brown; �att ��nish; and c . ) All me�aY painted to match. 2 . ) FELKER: Addition a�d landscap�ng 3. ) SCORPZO: F�l� �n openings with garage doa�s and w�ndows. 4. } BO�TH RES : Retrospect�ve approval re�ues�ed, replaced proposed gaxag� doo�s with a szngle door. AGENDA ITEMS �. ) SCORPTO Propasal : Addition of a hot tub with a 6 ' h�gh ��nce around zt , �he �ub a�ea wi�l be �ocated adjacent to the �arking lot an the sou�h side. Comments : � AJ.thaugh the pxaposed 7.ocation a.s no� op�imal , s�aff does not �hink tha� i� wi�1. detract �rom the building �acad� . How�v�r , �he DRB migh� request that the �a1.l.ow�.ng are plan�ed �o so�ten up the �ence line. DRB STAFF RECOMMENDATI�NS 15 NOVEMB�R �978 PAG� 2 l. ) Low shrubs ox climb�ng vines a�ong th� south side o� the �ence ; or . 2 . ) Large� �rees and other p2antzngs �ns�de the �ence line. Recommendat�on : Approval 2 . ) P�STACH�O' S Tab�ed for submi��a� changes �nd site p�an Praposal : Ex�ens�on o� awn�ng Commen�s : Staff recommended that the �a1.1.o�ving condi�ions be made : 1 . } Repair concrete slab a.n �ront o� entry; 2 , } Pa'�ch stucco at entry; and 3. } Repaint szda.ng around door. DRB recommended tha� �h� awning be pu].led back �o approximately 9' -0" instead o� the proposed 12 '�4" , . DRB x�eg,ues-�ed a letter o� approval �rom �he building owner. Recammenda�ion : Approval z� the above conditions are met . 3 . ) HQLMES UNDERGROUND Tabl.ed pend�ng a si�e visit to i.nspect the parape� wall by DRB. 4 . ) COLDSTI�EA�I Tabled November 2 , �978 far submi��al of pa�.nt col.ors for garage doors and �inal d�scu.ssi.on o� �.andscape plan . 5 . } POTATO PATCH CLUB PHASE �Z Proposal : Final. approval o� �h� second phase e�.evations and Iandscaping plan. Comments : Th� master plan has been submztted and approved; the second . pkaase daes no� show any substantia�. changes �rotn �h� master plan . Recommendat ion, : App�^ova1, DRB STA�F RECOMMENDATIONS I5 N4VE�BER �978 PAGE 3 6. } KINDERSPORT � Proposa� : Addition o� display window, ski rack, awnings , bench and planter to the ex�erior o� a corner shop in the Lionshead Center B�ilding (note : Shop is located between the Gondol.a Ski shop and A1.fie Packers) . Comments : Care shouZd be taken that the awning does not exten.d too �ar out into �he walkway area. Recom�nenda�ions : Approva� 7. ) SOLAR VAI:L Praposal : Remaval o� cover on por�ion of the paa^king area and use of aluminum and gl.ass panels to enc�ose �he s�airwell on the south. Comrnen�ts : iColors and mate�ials �o be subm�.tted at DRB meetin.g. Sta�f �eels -�ha� rer�oval o�t a par�ion of �h� covered parking will not det�ac� �rom the project as a whnle and �hat a.� some o� -�he money saved was pu� into I.andscaping along the earth berms and �op of the retaining wal� that final impac-� o� �the project wou�d be improved. Recommenda�ion : Approval with additianal �.andscaping requirements . $. ) COURTS�DE Proposal : �4 Townhouse °units in Bigharn, Comments : Pre�iminary rev�ew, up-date and feed-back from DRB. � DRB STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 15 NOVEMBER I978 PAGE � 9. ) APOLLO PARK � Proposal : Change of mater�a�s from s�ucco to redwood s�d�ng Comments : Na information 10. } SANDRA ABRAMS ProposaJ� : Pxelimin�,ry discussion o� housing type Background: I42s . Abrams is conszdering the purchase o� Lot I.1 , Tract EW �1 , (across �he ha��hway �xom Booth Creek and end of Go].� Course} . B��ore purchasing the lot she wan-�s DRB to gua.r��tee �ha� she can cons�ruct a certain type o� round s�ructure at that 7.o:cati.on. The strizctu�e is a:. duplex consis�ing o� two �arge�c round buildings (one-sing�e story and on� �wo s�ary} and two sma�ler a��ached round garage buildings . Buildzngs have sloped roo�s which woul.d be shingled. Furthermore , sznce -�h� sit� is relata.vely ��.a� , highly visable and not h�avily vegitated; Ms. Abrams says -�ha� she w�ll landscape the property � heav.iJ.y wi-�h evexgreens. Comments : Staf� doesnTt �eel tha� this type o� s�ructure wi.11. meet w�th the following cxiteria. Tapography/buil.ding �ootprint that is compatibl� this type o� structure looks great can�ilevered on sloping si�es or tucked into dunes or hill sades but tends to be a �.�tt�.e heavy looking or �lat �.and. Building blends in with �he surrounding deve�opment and does not domina�e the landscape , because o� th� radically di��erent form and re].ative exposure of �his pro�ect a.t wi�.1. parobably dominate �he surrounding area; a.t a.s unlikely �hat extensive landscaping will alleviat� �his pro�lem. Recommendatians : Sta�� does no� feel that this a.s the ri.gh� site �or this particular bu�.�da.ng type and recamm�nds �tha� �he developer corzsider a di�feren-� si-te or dif�erent bui.lding type. � pen-A�a�uutlay� :a��d , :a��a ��i�i�}p 6uEp�ing �aiy� ao�ea�siuiu�py 6uivaZ . � w ����, � .�,���:�..,� .� � � � �, :�ca����s _ ��,•�-��' � � d�;�: �: W, _ --. �_�- a ... ,5�e.a .,.•.� � r� .m+- _ � ^ °-J , ..t'�.y 4+� f � •. � � '-;� '-� R . J • �dnoadddsia 7dnoadde .�� :Aq papuo�aS , �� ,�����g� � :�(q uoi�ow � ��� f � a}�� • p.�eo8 nnaEnaa uCisaa :panoaddy 6uiuoZ :auoZ �ui��� ` �{�o�g ` �o� :uoi�dEaosaa ��6a7 ..,������ �~`� �'�° �°��� �' ���f�y ����:..:�„�„�• :auoud Pu� ssaaPPd l�a;iy�ad �� ,� :auot�d pu� ssaappy aaunnp ,�_ � :uoi�diaosaQ }oafoa� <'�� °�,�.�,•� ��rvj��..����_�`g,7 � 7/�r'1 �_ �i e�. '� ,� �.� �,W. �(� :awe� ;oafo.�d � ��� �° ��/ a��� uoi}e�i�ddd ��a�oad � i pen-d�a=uutl a41 :a}ea :a�eq �er�i��p Buip�ing �aiu� ao�sa�siuiwpd 6uiuo� r ,� . ti �� � --�ra � - L.L,; � .� � � c-�, C� . �1,� � _ � ., - � `� � � � 1 � .a - [� -- .�. 'L � ` � �` . � :It.I L'W W n S � �C�'1 - " — cc. 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Date / / /`� , �Pro'ect Name: �� �� ;} '�,,"'f�"¢��� i Project Description: � � Owr�er Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phor�e: ''�~°`� � � �� �� / � � ��� �� ���� � �� Legal Description: Lat �� , Block , �iling �� Zone: zoning Approved: �esign Review Board Rate � �-����� Motion by: �� ��'����� ``. Seconded by: �� e� °� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �G�'1 Gl U� ( t��G�- 5 Summary: �1�1 ! (L/v't [U�ts-c/ �� 1'�fl'�O c,s� � ��� 1 � ��?Cnvv�vr�c?c.��Qd'�� c� �'�.Gti'� I QL ln C.�'�.� ��'� !(�� d Gt!�l Q !Lf 521�'� b(r GL��-.�LG��i E�L'� f � .� 4' ' r �� � Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: Ihe prinlery-vail �' � Project Application Date �� �' � � ,( r � �Pro'ect Name: r��� ��� ��\�._f1 �� �. '�� �,-� � ¢-��� .�Ly , � r � / .� ,-`�,L �. , ,� � � �'�'/ ' ��_ �-�'..<J;� , , Project Description: �� ��'�' "� ' �(' �— � owner Adctress and I'hone: ��' �"�1 r�'� /�i7`�� ��j_.�`�, C� �� -'�-, — �-�'��� Architect Adciress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing ] Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board . Date / ���-/j � Motion by: �����c.��'l�� Seconded by: �L��-I O cJ1 APPROVAL DISAPF'ROVAI� �(�l Gt !J1 E(•1-� f���,� �;��� ���-�����. � �a v.e r;� �f��-�, c����c��c�c� -}�,u_ Summary: /� , �X L`1 �l(lt �(/���-ff11/�[�, I T� � G�1. � S?v-r�c.�+ �C� �� � � �C�_ (6"f�,ts']� Q�� � ��d',1-�Q� /�i �" � ~ Zoning Administrator Chief Builcfing Official date: Date: lficpn�tc�y vau � � _ . - , � Project Application ]]� J , jJJJ J; j�'1 ,y Date r f '� �� ' � � �Project Name: �u�- �� '�-�� _f� ��...f? �` •� k�`9� �� � _ - Project Description: ��`�����''��_��'� '� �, r ��f���rt"+ 3�`� � �� t .�� �;.' � 7�- �4..� Owner Address and Phone: J � �1s•� ` ` r�" �� �'�ti`� ' °"� `�`" �� �"�E j� �;'� a � � � Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board � , . > � j q '�a Date ' �'� s.'� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � [%i �"'-r�c_�T � I CE' � �n Q Summary: �� v� � �-�. � �-� -� � � � 1��-��� � ���� �-�, ��,A �� �, �, Q �, Q �" -�- {„ s� ��r � �i c(�t. - � �oning Administrator Chief Buiiding Officiaf Date: Date: the prinlery v�ul , t , .�. . .f .�.. .�..�-._..�=� — - � - � � Project Appfication � Date � � � � �. �Project Name: t � � Project Descriptian: Owner Address and Phone: � ��� �'' �� � Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board �-. Date � � ' �� Motion by: � � Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �r1 �{/i�V'�� ��i�'`�G�'� 'it�� �� /�/`-.��LV Summary: �� ��� ��� J�� ���--�._. � Chief Building Official Zoning Administrator pate: Date: 1he prinlery vad Project Application Date r C} � � � �Project Name: �° t� J l�l `— C:� !,.'Q � c G'�/c� �Q � , C% V` G e;�.G'L �- Project Description: �� �.'i v1 �✓ �_�_ �� 1/_' Owner Address and Phone: � �� � Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Re�iew Board � �ate L � � C? � � Motion by: �� �'� �{ '�" � � 5econded by: �' � � � APPROVAL DlSA�PROVAL ��"2 U t�✓��G'1 � �O� �r o2.�Ci� �r5 �'�D `i`�; f �P f.'� '�c d V1 � S C'if t2. vt {�-C-� c'� r �L' Summary: - ` / L � �t �� '�t f>Cf'1 Tf Y? [�' �-� ��i Ir K Q- .. C G� ! F�(f-- l e��j-� �lit� ( � v� ` �,,,�, �-- ��� Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: Date: the prinlery va i l � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i� � � � � ° � �.. � a � �- � LL� •r d oD r� � � O n � � � �Cl O� � � � � � n `^C f� � W Q r--� f� U � r C] � O O rCS � !J.] � r r �^ C LLl � Is.l [X7 •r •r C r3 Cp � t!t C6 11.. .{,.� } 4 r�-i C� r rd .-7 ^ � {/] f�J � � Lf.! � � d 1 N G'� p O �- � .J � � -W •r Q7 X O � I � � J ¢ N fl.. 1 U � � T3 � � O � C31 41 �r � -W � � .� 1- •r •r•r U � 1n Sn �F' -1-� •r � r� O � � v 0. � � � s. � a a cn �� � � •� �V p Q � _,,.� Q. U C/? .--� .--. .--+ � r N M Gt � _ . ..- l - Project Appl�cation f l� , ,� Date f / � `� , �.,.,� ;i�'�_ ��.°��� ��` �i` :�. ,� � Project Name: , /� � 1 } /� f'F . � ��'=i' F 1 / ,.`F.:� v„- '4 [� ..F.'�•.Y �! �' �,� !. 1� �. Project Description: �'�£ `' � °` ` � ����-� � ..sF��,� 4��r �� � f _ Owner Address and Phone: �, ,.r h � p .� � n r� a '� i� 6? ���� �LL.� � �� ` � � �� i . .� r.: �:� i ��._��,_. f_ ��.. �' i�'� � Architect Address and Phone: � �'_�� Legal Description: Lot �� , Block � , Filing ��� � Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date / �/ / �� � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA4. 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