HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 DRB Agendas & MInutes DESIGN REViEW BOARD AGENDA � January 4, 198�, 2:OOPM 1 . Call Meeting to Qrder ; ���_ TT. Ro�l Call - Determ�na�ion o�F Quorum FII . Agenda It�ms: Si�e Visit 1 . Mill Creelc GalTery sign and valance. (Tab7ed fror� �2/7/83) 7-0 Si gn and va�ance a.pproved as subr��'tted., re,commen�at.i,'on fa1� 1�a�i,ance �s approva1 Site Visi� 2. The Vai1ey - �hase VT {�he Er�clave) #1 Applica�ian for extension of DRB approval . � Tab�ed un�i1 January 18, 7984 S��e Uisit 3. 'Fhe Ore House Sign, Th� Gallery Build�ng #5 7-0 Approved as submitted Site Visit 4. The Shaft Restauran�, at t�e Enzian, sign variance request. #3 Tab7ed by applican-� � . � S�te Visit 5. Boots "n" Boards, Sonnenalp, sign var�ance. #4 Tabled Site Visit 6. Santiago residence remodel , �.ot 4, Block 1 , Va�l Viilage lst F'iling. #6 7-0 Approved as submit�ed 7. Beaver Creek Real Estate sign, Casino Bui7d�ng `' ] disp1ay box ap�roved as submitted for six months period � �iunn abstaining Site V-�si� 8. ��rst Nationa� Bank of Vaii , Vai7 das S�or�e, ex�erior alterat�on. #2 6-0 Approved as submitted �aldwin Abstain�ng IV. New Business V. O�d Bus��ess �IEMBERS PRESEN7 MEMBERS ABS�N7 �11 members present � S�'A�`F A�PFtQVALS Stephens Communi:ca.ti'vn - Qne Vai� P�ace _ pecemb�r 22, 1983 Casino Build�ng - VA/Beaver Creek Real Estate _ December 23, 1983 Bridge Street Shuf��e �'�� - December 31. 1983 Gallery Bui'Zdi'ng i • Project Appl�cation Date � Project Name: � project Description: � e.A�"e'��`�u.�� -��" �."a```�t"' ���'"•` — Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Fi.ling , Zone Comments: ~ � � Design Re�iew Board D ate � � Mption by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � w- al.O,sc'`zi v�' SUfllf118fy: � w � A _ �� ��� �� � ��� � � Town Planner ❑ 5taff Approv2l Date: . - - . . . � � �� . . � . .:�lha.R�Mery/vail: . . . � ' � • y�l l ' . 1 ,� - �ow� a� Va� y 75 south }rontage roacf vall, calorado 81657 (3Q3) 476-700D offfce o} communiiy tlevefopment L�sa Rodgers Vai1 Associates � BQX � VaiT , Colorado, 8Ib5� RE: . Dis�Tay Bax � Casino BuiTdyng Dear �isa , On January 4, �9�4, the Design Review 3aard gave a six months a�proval for Beaver Creek Real Estate to use a display box iocat�d aior�g Gore Creek Drtve in the Cas�no Bu9lding. Directianal infarmatian toward . your entrance must be included in the directory. This direc-�ional informatian a�d any reference to Vai1 Assoc�ates/Beaver Creek Rea� Es�ate must be iimi-�ed to .5 square �'�et. Piease feei free to ca11 me wi�h any questions you may have. SincereTy, -- ���� Tom Braun TAB/rme � . . ' ' , ' . � . ..+„�`,�: rA � ' .. _ . . - � ' � - � �� .. �� - _ ' ., `��.�, r Project Application � Date ( Z"� � _� �.. � �,,�-� � � Project Name: �' Project Description; "�''� � �x�� Contact Person and Phone ~ `-'�� �w� Owner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phone: �egal Description: Lot , Bfock , Filing , Zone Comments: , Design Review Board Date ������ — Motion by: ��•s� Secanded by, `� �'��-' PROV/aL DISAPPROVAE. q� � �� c7....�;��.- 1"'��'�.�� � Summary: Town Planner ❑ Sta#f Approval Date: �� - - � . . . - .. � � . � - . � .. lhaP�interyryail. . Project Application �ate � _ � „r, - �.Project Name: : Project Description: � ��fi,� Contact Person and Phone ��"`� �°�� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Adcfress anck f'hone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Commenks � Des�gn Review Board Date �T 1 Q�� _ Mation by: , �A �. 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �-�`d.�-> �� d — ' � Summary:. 7own Pkanner ❑ Staff ApprOVal �ate: -..��� . . � . � .tna arinlerv�vai�-.. � . . .. . . . . . � . � . � - � . ��i `, ,� tow� of Va� � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81fi57 (303) 478-70Q0 oftice bf community devefopment January 6, 1984 Pau� Johns�on 3�Chrzstiana �odge 100 �as� Meadaw �rive Vaii , Co�or�ado, 8I657 RE: Mi i 1 �reek �;a 11 ery Sign Variance, awning Dear Pau1 , � Or� January 4, i98�, the D�sign Review Baard gave approva� �o your awn�ng and reco�mended approva� af yaur variance re�uest for a d�sp]ay box. The variance request wiT� be on �he Town Councii Agenda �ar January 3.7, i984, - Si r�cerely, �' ��v - Thomas Braun �fAB/rr�e . ;:�;� _ . .. �` �� . � Project Appl�cation Date , �����, �� .. _ 1' � i Projecf Name: �Q., �..1�.P ---- ---. — . . ,� Project E�escription: ti �� � � �� �� Contact Person and Phone 0` "''''� �° �, w '�� � � � Owner, Address and Phane: � . � n.0...� ���j �' '1..,,�,[� � � �' — Archi#ect, Address and Phor�e: �n r� v�^�ti�� v� � r�c� c•� ��GQ ` �� t � - -- Legal Description: Lot , Block _; Filing , Zone Comments: ,� Design Re�iew Board Date �. f �� �� — - --- Motion by: ���"''"'� Seconded by: �����" - APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL V�rM�,ti�v�.o�c�7 . Summary; cx.� �� ' �s� ° 5 %h � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approv&1 Date: . . . .. . � . . � the.Prinlery/vail . Projecf Application Date � �Project Name: � �.,,` 3'1 c�-ra Project Description: Contact PerSOn and Phane �� `7 Z��- � q Owner, Address and Phone: 4 °�� Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block / Filing � �i�� �l , Zone �- Comments: Design Re�iew Board � Date _— Motion by: �°5'r'9.�``"`C�. Seconded by: ���' APPROVAL �ISAPPROVAL r�,,�r,iyi r 7Ft Q � � `.� lS� `�,r� ` �M 0'� � .Kt� -e.� u-��c� Z.- �1�2— �-.`'^:^"'`'`^� Summary: � ��v�.,� ��� G. � �-^ �e.. fuc. .�c.� �-� b�,��XD�tn �' ` ��� �^"���: � Towro Pianner ❑ Staff Approval Date: .. . - � � � � � � � - . IhePdpkerylvait . � �li l� �aw� of �a� 75 so�rth frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 aif[ce of community development �anuary 9, i984 Erasmo Santiago RE: Santiago Remodel Dear Brad, Qn Jar�uary 4, �984, the Des�gn Review Boad approved the rer�odel o�F t�e Santiago hame wi�h �he fo1�owing conditions: 7 , 3x6 nominal miniumum for rail�ngs, balcony �r_ 2. En7arge facia (2x12 minimum) . 3. Cor�struct tree vaUTt for large s�ruce. q�. Construc� fer�ce during bui7ding phase to pratect undis�urbed areas. . 5. Any d�sturbed areas must be �^estored. If you snauld have any quest�ons concen-ing th�s appraval , do not hesitate .ta eall me at 476-7000, extent�on 103. Sincerely, Thomas Braun TAB/rme �. ; _ Y . oES�G�v �EV��w soR�o �anuary 18, 7984 2:00 pm � I: Call meeting to order TT. Roll cai� , de�erm�niation of quarum III. Agenda: Site Vis�t 1 . The Shaf� �estaurant, Enz-ian Lodge, sign variance r�quest Ta�l.ed by appli�ant #1 2. Vail Prafessional Bu�lding, construction sign ap�1ication ��p. 7-0 Approved as su�mi,tte.d. 3. Buzz' Boots and 8oards, Sonnenalp, sign var�a.r�ce request App1 �cant di'd not shaw � #� 4. Vail Drug Store, Vai1 das Schone, sign variance request Appli.cant did not show 5. Beaver Creek Rea7 Estate Sign, 3 sqtaare foot s�gn �^eca�l�d by Town Manager App. 7-0 �ew sign (wood, sand b7as-�ed} has bee.� appro��edx �.ocatlon to be determined �':: IV. New Business U, Qld $US713@S5 MEMB�RS PR�SEf�� NiEMBERS ABSENT Ca.sv���l. � Nunn Danovan Rosolack Tafoya Baldw�n f�at�hews . i ,�,1 towa of Vai � 75 south frontage raad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47fi-7000 otfice of community development STAFF APPROVALS i . Revis�or� to lar�dscape p�an for Hobb1�� Hi11 2. Addition of �firee skylights �o Uni't D a� �he R�dge at Vail , 3. A1r condi�ior��ng unit located on ground level Q�F the Ho�iday Inn� 4. Re-bui1d of a s�ructure a�op �Pie �h.�rt H.oase. Re'stau.rant�p. i � � Project Application Date � � �project Name: � � �� �` � � Project Descriptian: ^�'`" Gontact.Person and Phone � �. Owner, Address and Phone: Archifect, Address andPhone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone � Comments: Design Review Board � Date � � Motion by: �^ ` Seconded by: ��,- c�—�-e���T'�`���-. DISAPPROVAG A � V � ���� 5ummary: ( � �i �., "�M,��-� � t �:/�� `�'�"� . .-� ` Town Planner L:J Staff Approval Date: � � . . - . . . � � . . . .- . . the Prinlerylvail. . � . . � �1! i � 3 �ow� o� �ai 75 south irontage road vail, coiorado 81657 (3a3) 476-�oao office of cammunity deve€apment �an�ary 19� 79s4 Lisa Rodgers Beave.l^ Creelt Real Estate P. 0. Box 7 �� Vail , GoTorado, 81b57 Re: Beave�^ Creek Rea1 Estate Sign Casino Building . Dear �isa, At the�r January 18th meeting, the Design Review Soard gave approval to ��e most recent sign apoifcation �or Beaver Cr�eek R�al Estate. Approval -is far a three square foot wood, sand b�asted s�gn. The �ocation of the sign will be determined by myse7f and your of��ce after a des�cion concerning t�e awn�ng (over the main entrance} has been made. P�ease contact me .when you are ready to address t�e Toca�ian of this sign. Sincerely, � . � ��,�,;���..�'��a�('���.__. 7homas A. Sraun TAB/rme . � DESI'G�I RE11T'��i BOARD AGENDA F'EBRUARY 1 , �984 2:OOPM I . Ca11 Meeting �o Order IY . Ro11 Ca17 - Determinatian of Quorum IIY . Agenda I�ems: Site Visit #4 1 . The Shaft Restaurant Sign variartce request Table�d by applicant � �ite Visit #1 2. A1 tai r Vai i Rppl�cation to re-roof building _. �4-0 Approved per application Prest�gue "Wea�hered Wood" shingle on s�e�p sec�ions o� raof only. �ite Visit #3 3. Lionshead T�cket Office and Sign Application �pp.3-0-1 Approved as submitted, change in co�or of awning fram red to red/p�nk s�ripes �unn abstain- ing iite Uisit #2 4. Galden Peak Conceptua7 Rev3ew No vote taken TV. N�w Business � V. Old Business MEMB�RS PRESEN'f: Baldwin Hunn MEMBERS ABSENT: Matthews aanovan � � Project Application - Dat� �� � ��� Project Name: c c r,, v:�.� Project Description: � 7 � �� �. Contact Person and Phone � �. Owner, Address and Phone; � � 5� �--7� �3 � �" Architect, Address and Phone: � Legal Descri}�tion: Lot , Slock Filing , Zone � n � � !'/b � - Comments: �,.A�4 f�3 .� Design Review Board � Date ���� -.-- �v�v�,.' Motion by: . , Seconded by: � - Q �. .: OVAL �ISAPPROVAL : ��� � . 5ummary: � ���� � Town Planner ❑ Staf#Approval Date: � � L '`� . � . . . � . . - � � � . . . � � .1heP�nMn'lvail. . . . . . . . . ..,. . . . , . . .. .. .. . .. i � i�il � �ow� o� Vai 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado BS657 (303) 476-70Q0 ' offtce of com�unity development February 2, 198R� Conrad lCawulok B & M Roofing 3I31 N. 75�h St�eet Bo�l�er, Colorada 80307 RE: Rltair Vail Dear Conrad, # On �ebruary 1 , 1984, the Design Review Board approved yoiar re-raofing appl �ca��on far A��air Vail . Appraval is for Prestigue �� ELK/3Q "Weathered Wood". Any questions cancerning this approval can be ciirected to me at , 476-7000 - extension 103. Sincere�y, � �` � � - ` � �,'ti��L='a ��r, ����1� • j* �_�' �:� Thomas Braun TAS/rme � D�SIGN REUIEW BQARD Febr�ary 35, 7.984 2:00 pm � I. Cail meet7ng to order � IT. Roll ca71 , determinat�on of quorum I�I. Agenda �tems: Site U�sit: 1 . T�e Va17ey, Phase VI {The Enclave) , exte�sion of DRB ap�roval Received one year extension of approval for 71 units a�d recrea��on facilit�es with the condition that the tr�es by 2" rather than T .5 inch as praposed in plan. Vote: 5�0 approval 2. Vail Apothecary, Vail das Schone, sign var�ance request Approva� 4-1 wit� conditians, �o be on CoUnci� agenda March �. 1 3. Ski 'n Shore Realty, sign appTication Approval with canditians �hat 1ighting be minimum as �ec�ssary to display, lights not be on after the Tobby/entry way 1 ��hts turned af�, capy 1 �mite� �0 5 photos and .5 sq �t to identify business. Vo�e 5-0 4 �. Miller residence, Lot 26, Va�7 Village Wes� #2 Disapproved 5-0, citing Section 18.54.050A.1 . "Structures sha�l be � compatib�e with existing structures, their surro�ndings and with Vail ' s environment. " Z �. Treetops Condo�iniums, commercial addition A�proved �-� preliminary approva1 w�th eoncerns to be addressed at next meeting w�9ch include: color of roof, �andscap�ng berm, accent elements, detailing an the si�e, i.e. curbs, exterior 7ighting, possible benches IV. New �usiness V. Old Business MEMBERS PRESENT MEMB£RS ABSENT Casweli Mattews Baldwin � �unn Qonovan _ ��_ � � Project Application � ' Date � 1�roject Name. L '' ^ project t7escription: � t t.va f � - ' �� � ,�,, _ 3 '7 C��., Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phane: p � ' !I� v ''� �-_ ` �' E,J� Architect, Address and Phone: �--�r' Legal Description: Lot , Slock . � Filing , Zone �e . Comments: � Design Review Board Date � r� Motion by: "''"~'� Seconded by. APPROVAL DESAPPROVAL Summary: �" a� �,,�-�y�r,��..��.r- �v.A!� l r.. . ~z, -�" �s � � �c�� � �-..�+��n� ` ,,4, � � Town Planner ❑ St1ff Approval Date: —���� - �� c� c � . . . � . ���" . ..Ihsprinteryroa�i � . �- i � --• Project Applicat�on .. ��l� _��1,.[,� Date �" ��°.~Ca��� �°T— ` 'T" .�.._._..�._W_r_�.__�._�._.__m___�-�l��.,� - � �1---� Projeci Name: � � �� f�1WL' ' �/�l' � .� .�.�`/bi:� � _C' Project Qescripfion: � 6; � .�T � r''i�-�i�.%.e2 � . '�, �. '�j['y� �� Owner Address and Pfi�one: ��� ��n ���.. � - , - �,� . � Architect Address and Phone: ��n � �" � � , Black � , Filing `- �� S�'�l{� Legal Description: Lot — . Zone: - Zoning Approved: Design Review Board �� �.-'1�\ � Rate � � ���- � .� c�,;,.-c,�,� yZ� �� Motion by: �� — Seconded by: � ��' . -- OVAL ' DISAF'PROVAL ��� � .�a!v�. °� Summary: c\ .� �v.l Ut � � Z�t � y� p -v�-�_ �I �' �.. �v�oa i`� - IXo� ' p'",j t,;0 �X,-� - � (/ � Zoning Administrator : Chief Builciing Official Date: � �I/.� Date: ' � � � .. . - � ihevr�nlaryrvgil�... . . . ' . � _ . � � . . � �. - . ' .. � � �, . .�.� t � � Project Application Dat� °� /'� . �� � t Name: � t ����-- l�ro)ec Rroject Description; � �� _ �, �� ,.�_�� Contact Person and f'hone � � 7 � �"�T��� �e� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phor��: ) Legal Description: Lot , Block _ Filing , Zone �----- Comments: � Design Review Board Date C �`� Motion by: �VL'Y�' ' 5econded by: R4VAL DIS/•1PPROVAL :�� � � t � �. �� Surnmary: � � r��-- �`� `r �+ `,� � t- � 9 � �. �. � �';Jl.l',�1dY�+i rl c�� i` li�ct``t r�' � tin , ��,rv� .�.� 1�j� '� A. e2�. i _�- �,,�,�•, r,,� ..� r _ � '��..�� ,� -� � :a��ti�a/1� �� ❑ Staff Approval 7own Planner Date: ���� , . : - � . � � - � .. � � IhspdnterylvAll. - � � Project Application Date �� ^ Koject Name: �e' � �i� � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address ar�d Phone, � � "� Architect, Address and Phone: � '� 'a Legai bescription: Lot , Block , Filing "" ��- , Zone �� Comments: � Design Review Board Date � °�� � Motion by: ��`�' — ' Seconded by; ��� ` �"'' - APPRQVAL DISAPPROVAL T �� 5�mmary: �` Town F'lanner ❑ Staff Approva! � Date: _ ' . . � � . ' ihBPrinte71vai1. . � � . � � Project Application Date a�� �oject Name: , vL�• ��i ���l,i� Project Description: �� ����� ����� i ��i � Contact Person and Phone ,� �� -� VI Owner, Address and Phone: � ���� � ��i �lG����� ���� � Architect, Acidress and Phone: M � Lega4 Description; Lot � —� Block , Filing � � �' u' w� , Zone �=-- Commenis: , Design Re�iew Board ��_ [�ate t�. Motion by: • Secanded by: �� . APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL W �� vu. SUm111�1"y; ` � �'+ , Q..�- � � � !C � C_ � I .� \ �.G JG . . � N'` �`t � . . ��. •\�1�- . . . . �.. . - - - �� � � . . Town Planner "` '�°"°� ❑ Staff Approval C]ate: . . .. � � � � lhep[inlQrylvaih�. .. . � �� ' � . . . . . � a'yy+ . y �ow� of va� 75 south frontage road rrail, colorado 81657 , (303) a76-T000 oftice af comrr�unHy development DES.IG�f REIII�W BOARD AGENDA MRRCH 7, 1984 2:OOPM 1 . Ca�l Mee�-ing to Order :�:;: II. Roll Cal1 - Determination o� Quorum � � ''� IIT. Agenda Tt�ms : "� Site Visits 3. 1 . Shaft: Sign Variance Reques� � Tabled by app�7car�t. 5. 2. �ree�o�s: CommercTai Rddit�on: -� Prel �minary Rpproval (4 approved - 1 denial ) Cantingent u�on submission of: � 1 . �Jpda�ed landscape plan. 2. Updated plant/material 1ist. 3. Color sam�7e for roa�', shawing percen�age of ref7ection, 4. lJpdate on irrigatian plans. 5. Wandicap access w�l� 6� addressed. 2. 3. Cascade Tenr�is Courts. (5 appraved - no denial ) Fina3 appr�oval - cant�ngent upon: 1 . A le��er from a cer�i�'i�d horticu1tura7is� sta�ing what must be done to sav� trees. 2. Snow fence w�1i be cons�ructed to pro�ect adjacen� si-�e �Fro� canstruction. 6. 4. Alfie Packer Awning: (5 approval - no denia1 ) Final approval for co7or cha�ge of awn�r�g. 7. 5. Charthouse Venti�ation Enc1osure - Tabled by app1icant. � page two � S��e . Vi s�t 4 6. Sunbird �{ot Tub - Cancep�ua7 A�prova7 (5 approved - no deni.al ) Be�ore final approvai app�icant sha1T compTete the following: 1 . Stamped engineer's 7et�er, re: deck can support tub. 2. Infarmation on any additianal lighting. 3. Exp1ore poss�bility o�F re-locating flue. 4. Improve condi�ion of existing rail . l . 7. Ua7� Racquet C7ub Addition . Approved as submi�ted. (4 approved - 1 denlal ) Fina1 approval cont�ngent upon submission of ti't�e report and/or easement report. �V. �Eew Business � V. Old Business MEMBERS ABSENT: MEMBERS PRES�NT: Tom Braun Kris�an Pritz Diana Donovan Steve Ca5we11 Richard f�atthews R�ck Baldwin Jac�C Hunn � Project Application _ ,��� zl 1yd� Dafe lProject Name: ��.jC�"f�� �� ' �'/V'/Vl� �-G��� �lir.� ��/����/��i'�� Project Description: � .�Il�� ' /111�ICj �lJ/'�� ' �U � � �'�G� � . �'�, I���'�` ,,�J�i'YI'��� ��%o�/��'.�= �S�l�e��"�� Contact Person and Phone /�l��f • �/�j�'a� ��- ���� `f�'� � °�' � Owner, Address and Phone: �N�'� Nn.�i�i� �- ����i��n- Architect, Address and Phone: ��/`���/.��� �4G j�`�� /!�C�C> .� !yf GN�E`'�C�' �� /�/. i/��1� G�tJ, �/G.�S 7 Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone � Comments: �' Design Review Board Date .—�.�.� Motion by: � - ��"'`v.- - 5econded by: ` `"`'}� APPROVAL pISAPPROVAL r���i � T ,� � � 7 . Summary: � � � �,'^�' � C� ,r.�'7'�"' -- �°.-,�'`"�`"" �,,� w �X-Y � �.� � � ` �� �,is� n c�� �-i`-'�..�.�� � Town PEan�er ❑ 5taff Approval Date: � � �. . - . � � . . I�aprinterylva'i4- . . Project Application �ate � � � � � �� ��� ��� �� � ���� � Project Name: � � Project Description: � '!�.� �� �/F ��•, �r �� .fiT� d'1,� L�r' " . Contact Person and Pf�one i : � �� � �'�� � ��� � , - �'`�' � �� Owner, Address and Phone; �� � � -• ��' � �� � � �� � r.�� ���'7� ��� � � � '��' �� Architect, Address and Phone: �o�� ��:�� ��� ��� � ��r]u�r �o�c�t-ct�� �al�C� ��"����- Legal Description: Lot , Slock �'"'�� � ������ Yrr9���d����i�"Zori�'���l:fl�� , � � . � ca� , �'�/ � ���J''"�.d.C� ��x�9 %'�� Comments: �, � �� t'��ra� . ��urj�r r � �G��t°- ' ��. d�"c�v�- � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROV�IL DlSAPPF20VAL � �. L �n� .� C/ �� ��'•. Summary: ' .�- �a a.�.c--.:� �r.� � � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Dat�: .. � . . � � � 1heP�nlerylveiL - . Project Application Date ��7 ! � � Project Name: � � � �. Project Description: • Contaet Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Filing , Zone ...�— Legal Description: Lot � � r N �-� Comments: *�(' � Design Re�iew Board Date � Motian by: _ ^��'"`' — Seconded by: _— � --"=" � — APPROV� DISAPPROVAL ��'--C� 5ummary: � ��s � � dyw'T � � ' �..e ' r � � Town Alanner ❑ Stafif Approval Date: . . . . . �BapHnlerY/va�i . , . . `�`�y �own o� uai � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado Sf657 (303) 476-7000 office of community development T0: Design Review Board FRQM: Department of Commu�ity Development DAT�: February 29, �984 St�BJECT: Sign Variance reques� for the Sha�t Restaurant lvcated in �he Er�zian APPLICANT: �d 1Vicho1s Descri tion of Variance • Th� applicant is requesting a variance from sect�on of �he sign - i cade, "Wall Signs - Individual Busir�ess w�thi� a multi-tenant b�ilding". T}�e var�ance request is for bot.h the 1vca�ion and 5ize af the proposed sign. TY�e s7gn code allows the 5haft a maxi'mum o� three �3) square feet of signage (because of the restaurants insu��Fi'cient fron�age) . The lacation of the sign is limited to -�he exterior wa�l of the building subj�ct to review of the Design Review Board. This app�ication is for a sign ten (Iaj square feet in size to be located on . a retaining wall along �he wa7kway leading to the �nzian Lodge (see photas} . Gansequent�y, this variance invo7ves two requests. 1 . Size. Ten (1C�) square feet rather than �he three (3) square feet allowed. 2. l.ocatior�. Mounted a� a location other than that outlir�ed by the sign code. Criteria far Approval Before the boa�d acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical �ardship, and �he �oard mus� find �hat: A. There are spec�al circumstances or condit�ons applying to �he lands, bui�d�ngs, tapography, vegetation, sign structures ar other mat�ers on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-way, which would � substant1a11y restrict the effectiveness of the sign in questian; � page two provided, however, �hat such spec�al circumstances or conditians are uniqu� to the particular bus�ness or enter�rise to wh�ch the applicant desires to draw atten�ion, and do not apply generaily to a�� businesses or enterprises; B. That such spec�al circumstances were not created by �he ap�Ticant or anyone in privy to the app�ieant; C. �hat �he granting of the variance wi71 be in ge�eral harmony w�th the purposes ot this t�tle, and will no� be materially detrimenta1 to the persans res�ding or working �n th� vicinity, adjacent property, to �he ne7ghborhood, or to the public welfare in general ; D. The var�ance app7ied for does not depart from the prov�sians of �h�s title any more than is required to identify �he appTicant`s bus��ess or use. E. S�ch other fac�ors and criteria as the d�sign revlew board d�ems a�plicable to the proposed variance. S�af� Recommenda�ion Staff recommendatian for th�s request addresses the two e1ements of th� � �raposa� . Location, There is no dvubt that �he Shaf� is located "�ff the beaten pat�" - A sign located on the exteri�or wall o� the building (.as required 6y the code} ; would be i'neffecti�ve as a mea.ns �or attracting attent�on to the restaurant. T�e staff supports the pro�osed .loca�ion �or th1�s sign and �eel it sa�isfies �he cr�teria �or approval . (A-E from t�e �b.ove) . Siz�. The staff car�not support the ten (l.0) sq�are �eet of s�gnage as proposed, S�ecif�cally this proposal does not satis�Fy crater�a D fror� aGove. To a11ow ten {10) square feet for tlii's sygn wo�ald go beyond the provis�or�s of thi s ti t�e r�are t{ian i s necessary �o i'den��fy thi s 6us i'ness. A tl�ree (3} square foot sign loca�ed as pro�osed, along w�th the Shaf�'s one (7) square foot sign on the Enzian Lodge frees�and�ng s�gn, adequately �der�t��'ies this business. � � �� • � �ow� of �ai 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of community development DE�I'Gl� REIJI'�W BOARD AG�NQA MAFtCFf 2$, 1954 2:OOPM I . CaTI Meeting to Order II . RoT� Ca71 -- Determination of Quor��n III . Agenda Items : 4-� 7 . Treetops Commercial �.xpans�on (Donovan Aga�nst) ' Fina1 approved per app�icativn � 4-i 2. Sunbird Lodge Hot Tub Approved per application exi�ti.ng flue w�ll be enc1osed to match existing railir�g A�-1 3. Miiler Residence (Resubmittal ) �Baldw�n) Denied - cited section 18-54--05Q A. 1 . , also cited an �nadequate landscape plan Si�e Visi� 4. Wyche Remodel #2 5-0 Approved per application with exceptian that �wo �xisting conifers not be re��ocated. �` _ „ . � page twvo Site Visit 5. Austin Residence #1 5-Q Approved per applicati'an pending public works approval . #5 6. Simons GarageJHot Tub Rddition Approved per app1ica��on 5-0 #3 7. Santiago Residence � Ap�rov�d per applicat�on pending pub7ic works approval #4 8. Ambulance Garage L.ar�dscape Pian 5--Q Approved per appl�cation TU. �I�w �us�r�e5s _ i • V. Oid Business . . � page three MEMBERS PRESENT MENiBEl2S ASSEi�T a11 presen� DESIGN REVT�W BOARD STAF'F APPROVALS � 1 . Caro1se11i New Sign - Lions�ead 2. First Nationa� Bank of Vail Sign Ap�roved per Vai1 Das Shone 51gn Pragram � . Project Application Date �T�� . ' ' Project lVame: 1V ����V�. � } - - _. ..— Project Description: `1���7� ���*�-�� ���l�,.J��i — __ Contact Persan and Phone ������l�,j ` �� ���� ���� - - --- -i�`.�� 4�J� "l�`O "" t�l.l� __ _. __ r Owner, Address and Phone: � � �����de �1t�- ��V�R-, ��.=�� �;,—�� Architect, Address ancf Phone: �,��`�'� � � - = -: •� V � Legal Description: Lot � , Block , Fifing ���.�. �� , Zone �.- Comments: � �esign Review Board Date U�� � Motion by: � Seconded by: � �� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � �. � . � � , � Summary: _ , ., = a, a ' , � , C � � � , 7'own Planner ❑ Staff Approvaf Date: � \ . .. � �. . . . .. . . . � . . .. . . . . . 1hePNnleryNail . Project Application Date 45 �..'�, � � Project Name� Project Description: `� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: L.ot ; Block , Filing , Zone Comments: , Design Re�iew Board Date � �.� � Motion by: ��L�"-'"�"' - - Seconded by: �V�� , ROVAL bISAPPROVAL Summary: � ��'"�" �► ,d�� �e� , .. Town Planner ❑ Staff ApprOval Date: � v� � ' - � � � � � - � - _ � .. - thaprl»lerylvail � �::�:�> 'Projec# Application Date ?✓ ?.,�.�1 �'� Projecf Name: _,�r s,,�.7 S�i��i� �iJC�E — Project Descriptior�: —� �� � ��C� _ - -- Contact Person and Phone 5�� � Z Owner, Address and Phone: 1J� i T� ���r� �-�W /`d Zo F . SA..r�►-,�rr�► -��—��-� UC��s �� rJ. _ - - Architect, Address and Phone: ��� ��-' ��s�(° - --- '�!� ' ,�..�"" S'P� 5 CGS/d , Legal Description: Lot , Block .�.., ; Fili�ig - , Zone- Comments: .tJT1�4'CT�� � 1�-C�G � � � �I�l�.�' �`=r.�-t�.J _ _ -�i�� _ � z _ ,• Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: � �'� - Seconded by: � �� , APPROVAL D{SAPPROVAL �.�- � �wr _ . �Summary: - v� � � _ ' �� ' . ,.�.- , � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approv�l �at�: _;���� , .--- � � � . . . � . . � � - � - � theprinlarylvail .. � __ Project Application Date � Project Name: �._ � �-._-----�__"'.✓ - ._... — F'roject Description: ., �� � �` ��' -- Contact Person and Phone �� ��� '-` ��' `�` �� ��— `�E�.�. ���� (��. � �C� ����� �_ ------ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal DescNption: Lot , Block , �iling , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: ��'�� _ Secanded by: ���� ``'� .--- PROVA DISAPPROVAL � �."`� Summar : � ' Y ` , F � � �V�� �� r\� . .� . l �1 � �I`� �'�O�c� ..d �2 �011�� � Town Plan�er 0 Staff Approval Date: � . � - � � . . - 1ha0rinlary�vail. Project Application Date _"' Project Name: � � � ' — °�° Project �escription: �r �� ���� `�� - -- Contact Person and Phone ��'��-� �U°�-� - Owner, Address and Phone: ��� "�`" `r�� � Architect, Address and Phone: �' Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board' 3��� ate Motion by: 5econded by: PPROVAL ptSAPPAOVAL ���W ��i��vs .�"� .r,��t _� - . . . - --- /' � NY . � �A4 . - (r(i'�� . + . �' � ���. Summary: � � � ��°`'� ,� �3d ,;,.� ,Y�-�!'1 �� R i � ' � Town Planner � Staff Appro�al Date: � �1�� � - � . . . . � . . � � � �1hePdnlerylrail�.. . Project Appli.cation . Date . Z� Project Name: �i��-e.� -� C _�a... r�l��v.,,ti+n' .��rv�5 - � Project Description: e'�� {�G��q "�'g,r• -- Contact Persan and Phone - �.._ ��� � �.��"'�"�� - Qwner, Address and Phone: Architect, Adtlress and Phone: Leg�! Description: Lot , B.lock , Filirrg ; Zone . Commen#s: � Design Review Board Date Motion by, ��� Seconded by; APPROVAL dISAPPROVAL Summary: .�+. G � (_.-' Town Planr�er _.__._�] Sta#f Approval - �at�: _ �\�-'�-_ . . � . � . . � � . . . � ,� � IhePtYnte�l/vail�. . � � ���a � �ow� of ua� � 75 sotath irontage road �ail, colorado Si657 (303) 47&-7oao office of commu�ity development Apri1 2, 1984 � Peter Loamis P. 0. Box 34�3 3 Vail , Co�orado, 81657 �t �: 7reetops Cammercial P�aza , : Uear Peter: ' Enclosed is a copy of yaur final apprava� fior �he Tree�aps Com��rcial P�aza. �• Congradulat�or�s on the job you did i�n addresS3�ng the concerns o� t�e Desigrt Review Board. I�f you have any �uest�ons concerning yo�r a�prava1 , do not hesita�e to call . Sincere7y, L \ �l�.GAlv''�— 7om Braun � 7A6/rme S � � ' _ _ ' Project Application Date Z �Rroject Name: 1�- Project Descriptipn: Contact Person and Phone `� °'�' Owner, Address ancf Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �. t�`^ �^-���-t'�°'�-�� -°..�. - Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing � �e -�• Comments: Design Re�iew Board � � D ate Motion by: _ -� � Seconded by: ��"^�cX`"'w" _ — PROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,:�-- � Summary: � I L��. �1. � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: . . . . .� � � ... - � .� . .. � . iha printerylvail . Project Applica#ion ��t� °���'l �/��� � Project Name: � ���� ������� � Project Description: i l-� �"��1lJ�2 fr, �'.��j��1Cl1`� �l?.�`��i'J��{� �� �- 1��4 � ��1-����r �'t�1{ �" Contact Person and Phone ��.� {� �=��r�L'�' �� y��Y'�' - -- Owner, Address and Phone: _... ���i�� ��. �L������.- �f`� I���'✓L� . ��'t`� �-_ t'C�.�y �(��� ' SUi-�� "�� � ��'�`�"'� 1-# .��fi�x�� � � ���1G' � �j��",���`� ~ `��t`( � , ArGhitect, Address and Phone: � � ��� ��' �� � �6 t �"� � �.��;�Cfi � �4Y4��. Cl F ' Legal Description: Lot « , Block �„ � —, Filing ���� - __ , Zone � �� � Camments: Design Re�iew Board � . �}t�' q � Date ,��krc.� c�13 �.L� . . --- -- Motion by: ��� '�)"�� � Seconded by: �,..' �� _— _ API'ROVAL DISAPPROVAL . �� - — � Sumrr►ary: � � ,�.- � ' � `� � � ��� � Town Planner ❑ St�ff Approval Date: �' ' ".1" ' . . . . . . . . � ���lheprinteryfvaiP - . Project Appiication � Date �� ,� ���`�� . �Pro�ect Name: 1 ��.-���� ���1�a I ���.�/I� �'� �i�.'� �J�✓�i���� ��r Project Description: Contact Person and Phane � i L,L.�r1�M� �fr�7 C��`f�'�C'� � Owner, Address and Phone: � i�L t,�� M � �i,,�t� � I ������E-��� c! I�,i_,�� '�,dl �.. C�%�'�l��J ���l(�� 7 Architect, Address and Phone: �t �t � �.�`� ��� ���� �e� � �k°� � w c���'�� Legal pescription: Lot `/�'� , Block � Filing � � �'� � �' , Zone 4'/� Comments: � � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: ��� - Seconded by: U�'� APPROVAL APPROVAL � � ��� Summary: ���`i ti e-�--.: ^�' � ` l�,�� o �� _ Cv��n�J �.� � �` `''" " Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � . - . � , - . the.prinleryha+l : � �� Project App�ication . Date �Project Name: � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ` ��`' �� Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descr+ption: Lot , Block , —. Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board , � � Date Motion by: � f Seconded by: �-- OV DISAPPROVAL ,�` Summary: � �' ~ � ` �� �� � ��� ``ci.�" . „r-:..CA� —«"``' � own Planner ❑ Staff Approval �aie: � . � . - ' � - - . , . � .theprinlerylvai4 �� I1 +� � � �ow� ofi Vai 75 south frontage road vail, cakorado 81657 (303) 4�6-�000 otfice of cammuni#y development D�SiG�I REVTEW BQARD A�ENDA APRTL 4, 7984 2:OOPM I. Cal� Meeting to Order II . Roll Call � Determ7nation o� Quarum III . Agenda T�ems � 1 . Pu�7ic Discuss�on and confirmat�on of va�es an agenda items for the Qesign Rev�ew Soard meetirtg �- �iarch 28, 1984 at 2:00 P�I. 5-0 appraved IV. New Bus�ness V. OId Busir�ess �};: �'�'; M�MBERS PRESE�IT: �IEMB�RS ABSEN�: '�`� �� � Steve Caswell Richard Ma�thews Rick Ba�dwin Jack i�unn Will Trout � ►��y . �y �own of va� 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657' (303) 476-7000 oftice af commuRity develapn►ent • D��I�iV RFVIEW BOARD AGEIVDA April 18, 1984 2:OO�M I . Call Meeti�ng ta Order II . Ro11 Ca71 - Determination of Quarum iII . Agenda Items 'S ;�. S�te . � Visit #1 1 . Exteriar Modif�cation to Vai:l Val�ey 3�^� Fiiing, Lot 10 • --`��;, 4-0 Apprava� contingent upon: i . Preserve trees in fron� plan��'ng area-maintain orig-�nal grade & a17ow far standing �ater drainage. 2. Match exposed g�u1am beam ta exis�ting gray siding 3. Solve sr�ow shedding problem off of covered entry 4. Screen and �andscape utiii�y boxes 5. Remove �xisting f�ashing 6. Entry gate rr�ay be light gray or b1ack #2 2. Osborne Addi't1'on - Vai� U�71age ls�, Biock i , Lot 13 Appraved 4�0 priveway mUSt be paved. • °' . #3 3. Cascade Village - Conceptua� Revi�w of the Terrace Wing No vote � � page �wo � TV. New Business V. 03d Business STAFF APpROVALS: � i . Deck Modifi�ca�ian to Riverhouse Condaminiums 2. Remodel to S11fer Res�dehce MEMBERS PR�SENT: MEMBERS ABS��T: Jack Hunn Wi11 Trou� Richard Matthews � Ric� Ba1dw�n � Project Application Date �Project Name: Project Description: C.�1 �� �� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ' Architect, Address and Phone: � �'�'"`' Legat Description; L.ot I� , Block , Filing ` �f -� , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Dafe Motion by: ��""� �` 5econded by: OVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: .�%1•����' .` � p� `i � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva! Date: �. � . . � .lhaPrintery/�ait � � �.y - r Project Application Date �� �� ` . ' �0 ��, r ' : Project Name; � �LIS� " � i � ,� � � � � , � � �, Project Description; ,, �1.�;., �i� Contact Person and Phone 1 -��- � y Qwner, Address and Phone: � ' � Architect, Address and Phone: rys' r a� �. a ! �� . . ""� Filin � , Zone i�la� Legal Descnption: Lot Block g � Comments: �� Design Re�iew Board Date � ` ' `� Motion by: ., Seconded by: �`� APPROVAL �ISAPPROVAL � � � , ,� � � Summary: 1�3aS �� � 4 ^ ` ' � � ''w � . . '-^- �� � � . ...'� . � �° , , , `� aC4���• �SC� `� alu�. � , � , � � ��r �1 s � Town P�anner ❑ Staff Approval Qate: . . . 1ha p�nlfry/Ye�l . ��STGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA May �, 1984 2:Q0 pm i I. CaiT mee�ing to order II. �017 call � de�erm�natio� of quorum III. Agenda Items Site V�sit 5 T . Go7den Pea� Base Facility preTim�nary review 5-0 � appraved �ar pre1iminary approva� 7 2. Gold and 5ilversmiths of Vai7 , sign and awning Tab1ed to May 16, 198� � 70 3. Sunbird Ladge, sign appiication Tab��d to May ].6, 1984 � �`' ,.,.:� A . �� 2 4. Summers Res�dence Approved 4-1 Co�ceptua1 approval Snow fence wi17 be co�structed to define/�ro��ct areas not to be dis�urbed, Re-evaluate orientation of house. Revegetate sewer easement. 1 5, Walker-Ray residence, garage addi�ion Applicant will resubmit plans (a� May 16, �984, meet�ng) , addre�sing concerns of the �oard. �evelop stro�g cannectYOn to house. Suggested turr� around s�ot. � Suggested designing a higher garage �oor. 6 b. Craddock remodel 5-0 �reliminary a�prova� F7'rti s� desi gn work on ch-imneys. Re-evaluate landscape plan. Provide materia7 & co�or sa�p1e. llKtS �/G/t54 4 � 7. Ha7pert res�dence garage add�tion �-� preliminary approva� �rotect aspen tress on �he southeast corners of �he house. Provide catch basin for o�l for parfced cars i'n garage. • 11 8. Cleveland res�der�ce 5--0 approval fnr secondary unit on lo� 25,000 square �Feet 5-0 pre�iminary approval for Design 3 9. 7'ract A, Uail V��lage 13�h, p1acement of c�ean fill 3-1-7 - Hunn absta�ning Matthews aga�nst motion �or den�al , plan is inconsistent with 18-54-05Q D, I of Design Gu�deline 8 10. Exteriar modificat�or� to Lodge Promonade, Mo�ntain Tees Cont�ngent upon s�a�Ff app�^oVal of si gn 5�0 approved as sub�itted � 9 11 . Kiandra Lodge, co1or change Nunn �asw��� 5-0 approved with condition that fascia and snow grate (or� roof) also be painted Staff Approvals 1 . Tay1or residence, lo� 27, b1ocic 7 , Potata Patch deck addi�ion Z. Ho73day Wouse hot tub, changes to previous RRB approval IV. New Susiness starting time for May 16ti� meeting wiT� be early to accornrnAdate 1a�^ge agenda V. Old Business � MEMSERS PRESEN�: �iEMBERS ABSENT �lunn Matthews Caswell Trou� Ba�dwin Project Appiication _ D ate � �. U . �Project Name: , . Project Description; �� � � Con4act Person and Phone �� ���� � 3 Owner, Address and Phone: �� �� �� � � � Architect, Address and Phone: , � �� ��a�1�� Legal Description: Lot , Block , �iling , Zone � �i � Comments: _� � . � Design Review Board Date � � � � � Motion by. � Seconded by: APPROVAL �ISAPPROVA� � ! 1 � � + ,� ' � � l�n - �,� �� C � � 5u mary: �1 . � 1 -� � � ll � r � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Da#e: � � � � - . . 1nePrintery/vail Project Application Date Ma��n 3 a i 9 s� � Pro}ect IVame: Project Description: t of Go d n Peak facilities . Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address ancf Phone: �ost Office Box 7, Vail, CO, 81658 303/476-56d7: Architect, Address and Phone: 57 303 476-220� Amended S i Base Legal Description: Lot���q'�F�. Block , Filing 5th , Zone Rec. Dist. Comments: � iminar revi.ew b the �esi n R�view Board. Revised site plan, sign plan. and pragram summary in pr�para�ion. � Design �ieview Board Date 2-- Mqtion by: '� Seconded by: � �4�"' � — APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � J �. Summary: Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval I� Date: �_.�� �^ � � � .. �. 1hePrlMerylYail � . . Projec# Application Date � �� �� �, � � Projec# IVame: o � � R pro'ect Description: ��� ' `�' '�� � . � � �� � � j ' � ��� 1.-. Contact Person and �'hone , � � � � _ ��t�5 Owner, Address and Phone: �-, l. -. -, �•.�,-1 �` Architect, Address and Phone: � 4� � $� ��tt�+�� Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing: , Zon � E i 1��. Comments; i Design Re�iew Board Date `` . �� �'`� �� ���`� Motion.6y: —, . ,� Seconded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVAI. , t � � _ , , ; � . } , � ' 1 ` � . ~ A � � , Summary: 3 ', �� � Town Pla ner ❑ Staff App�'oval Date: � d-� �� . . � � . .. .� lhea[InteryLvasl �.. ProjeCt Applica#ion Date MProjec# IVame: `4a"�.A�v��,C` L-o�n. � _�t�^�—�c�--��v�. 1 �'roject Description: ` � Con#act Person and Phone v` � Owner, Address and Pf�one: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal �escription: Lot , Block , Filing , �one Comments: • Design Re�iew Board Date � Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROUAL �� Summary; � ' T n Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Date: , � � � . � .. ,� , . . , . -Ihepqn�arylvaii � � Project App�ication Date `.."[ .' � � -� �'� � Project Name; !"�'���� S1�� �V� ����� ��� � ����. -. -- Project Description: ��g� �fd� � � ��� � t�b� Contact Person and Phone ���`'��U� �$����j ��� p'�� L� ���_?2 ���� - —�• � �c��GWy���'s3-1��3 � ,��e� ���3-�°53�. _ ��-3� ��t� Owner, Address and Phvne: ��� ��v� � ��� ��i �i3 J ���� �"� �.�3 � ��� 7 �7,�-�� �9 �.�. c �C C�E� IZ���t(JC��, Go � �2�- Architect, Address and Phone: � �' � - �� I�} Legal Descriptior�: Lot Block v � , Filing , .� ��W , Zone � l � �u s � ��� � i Comments: W� V�L �FV�.�I��Y� 1� � � 1Y C� V 2�2. �UC�4 ��1G�D� `� �� �'c��� I$*3 �1�� ��f � �_ - �i a�d�s `�b �� �}C�- �K �l�t�� _ -- --- • �esign Re�iew Board Date � Motion by: _����'^}�.� Seconded by: �a�-'^�- �-�� APPI�OVAL DISAPPROVAL �`� � - � , , Summary: a � ��� n �� Town Planner ❑ S#aff Approval Date: - � - . � � . � . � . � � IheP�ntaryfvail Project Application pate '��� � 1 �� � Pro�ect Name: � in�...��`�i Project Description: _ � Gontact Person and �hone Owner, Address and Phone: , , � o Architec#, Address and F'hone: � o � �� . � 1 "\ � � n . � t Legal qescription: Lot , Block , Filing ��� �� , Zone � . 1��1C. - Corr�ments: � Design Re�iew Board � [7ate ; s �� Motion by: � Seconded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �� � "' �r � i � �� � St�mmary: � I \ � . � � �� T wn Planner ❑ Staff ApprOVal Date: � � . . . . . mepdniary/vaii � . T Project Application Date (` � �Project Name: � , ` �roject Description: ��'� n = Contact Person and Phone � �� �.� � � Owner, Address and Phone: • �. P D. bx �ll ` � Architect, Address and Phone: ��trir�� Legal Description: l.ot , Block , Filing ��.. Q� � , Zone ' � � Comments: �' � Design Review Board � Date � Motio� by: Seconded by; APPROVAL DISAPPROVA� � � 1 . � . . . .. � � -. , � ) ♦ . 4 � , � � K Surnmary: � � , � ` own anner ❑ Siaff Approval : �ate: � � ma Pdntenivaa. Project Application Dat� �Project Name: ��.� � ��.� �� � � ��=- Project Description: �'�' � �'" �/ / r Contact Person and Phone 1'��� �C'^ �6�-��' r — � �� ��T� Owner, Address and Phone: . �l( � � Architect, Address and Phone: Legal �escription: Lot Block Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board date � � Motion 6y: Seconded by; APPROVAL DISAi'PROVA C � Summary: � ` � � .. C.3� b '�- � 1 �- � � � own Pfan er ❑ Staff Apprpval �: ❑ate: " - . . . . � - . . . . � � . .� ... : the prinlery�vail . �. - ��- ��� �ow� of Va� � 75 south frontage roacf vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otfice of community developmen# D�SIGN REVIE6d BOARD A6�NDA f�ay 16, T 9$4� 2:OO PM I . Ca1� Mee�ing to Order IY. Rol� Call - Determination of Quor�tm III . Agenda Ttems: i . Walker-Ray Garage Tab�ed by appl�cant ta May 30, 1984 meeting. �^. 2. Halpert Garage 5-0 Ap�roved per appi�cation. Appr, 3. Craddock R�mod�l 5-0 Approved per application Appr. 4. Summers Residence ;�:` 5-0 Appraved pending: Public Works approva� �-�;'� Recordi ng of sub pl at :���. Site Visi� 5. Goid & Si1versmi�h of Va�i - Sign and Awning #7 nr. 4-0-1 Rpproved with cand��3ans. � � ` � � Site V�sit #2 6. Sunbird Lodge sign appl�cation App]ica�io� withdrawn; #9 7. Berkow��z Additi'on (conceptual } Request by applican� to table to �l,ay:30t1�.� ��84 m�eting #4 8. Plaza l:odge Ex�erior Modificat�ons APPR. 5-0 Appraved per application � #5 9. l.odge Promanad� Exteri�or N[od��fica���ons Appr. 5-0 Appraved per s�bmittai , not �o inc1ude signage � #�0 I0. Frampton Residence Appr. 2-i-2 Approved per submitta� p�nding Public Wor�CS approv�l and �Firep7ace change Appr. #6 11 . lNi11 Creek Court Building �- Exterior a1terat�or� and display box. 5-0 __ Approved per submit wi,th, eondi�t:ion:` �h.at �Freestandi,ng s�grt be removed. � .�, ,. . . , . y� �te Uisit #1� I2, O�sbury Res�dence Appr. 5-Q Pre�iminary approvaT , Tandscape plan and color samples to be submit�ed at May 30�h Design Review Board Meet��g. Rppr. #3 13. Charthouse ventilation enc3osure 4-0-1 Approved per application Appr. #8 14. Village Center Ad��tion and site improvements 4-0-1 Preiim7nary approval �, #1 15. Vail Pro�ess�onal B��1di_ng r�ew �andscape plan 4--0 Ap�rova1 pending investiga�ior� into overaTl circu1at7on.�p��n �or D�s�r�i�t. S�'AFF APPROVALS i . Cogswe1T-Snowdon R�sidence - exterior alterations 2. Mike Pa�mer ReaT �state S�gn 3. Los Amigos re-bui1d of existing deck. MEMBERS PR�S�IVT: Will Trout (meet�ng - not site visits) Steve Caswell Richard Ma�thews � Rick Baldwin �ack Hunn _ c- i � ��a � . L�� �aw� o� vai � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 8t657 (303}4T6-T000 �t�iCB Of COIf1MU�111y (��YBIO�fl'18flt DESTG�f R�VI�4� BOARD May 16, �98� PRE�II'OUS� RECQ�IMEfUDATI'4NS �RONE DESI�CiV REVI�EW BORRD � 1�AY 2, 1984 1 . Summers Resi.dence L.ot 1 B, �lock � , �igfiorn Subdivis3on �st, A. . Cons�ruct a snow �er�ce to protect the bog area a� the �^ear of the s�:t�.. B. �vaTua�e tfie: onienta�i:on af ti�e �ouse. � C. Revegeta�e ti�e s�ewer eas�men� once the easer�ent is moved to the east edge of the �o�. D. Tne project must be rev�ewed by� the Town .En�ir�eer to insUre that desi�gn mitigates powder avaianche impacts as pe�^ the Mear's Report. E. Provide mater��als and co7ar samples. 2. l�aiker-Ray Garage Additian - lot 28, #7 Vail Meadows . R. Develap a stronger connection to the house, i . e. the garage should be moved c�oser �o the i�ouse. B. Consider a possib1e locatior� far a second garage. C. Cor�sider design�ng a higher garage daor to ai7ow for snow � removal equipmen�. 3. Craddock Remodel : , Lot 1 , Block 1 ; Vail V�iiage lst. A. Fi n�sh tf�e desi gn of ti�e 'eh�mneys. B. Re-evaluate adequacy of the landscape plan. � C. Provide ma�erials and calor samp��s. R. Provide ut�Tity verificat�on �orm. � . : ; � �4. Ffal pert Garage; 1 ot 6, bT oc[c 7 , V�i 7 1��11 age Sth. A. Address tlie 7oca�ion and i�ipact of �the garage on ��e aspen trees . located vn the southwest carner of the hause. B. Des�gn a catch bast�n for o�`1 from cars parked in �he garage. � � � ►��� �ow� of vai � . 75 soufh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303� a�s-7000 off€ae of communlfy develqpment T0: �esign Revi�ew Board FROM : Kristan Pritz DRTE: May I0, �984 . SUBJ��7: ViTlage Center Addi��on and site im�rovements. I have enciosed bacicground informatiort far you on the ViT1ag� Center Praject. On Aprii 9, 1984, the �lanni�ng ar�d Environmen�aI Commission reviewed the project in respect �o: � - ] . A side setback variance for �he 1oading berth on �he east side of the b�ild�ng. 2. The ext�er�ar a�tera��ons to the building. The Plannir�g and Env�ronmentai �ommYSSion approved both requests unan�mousiy. T�e staff inemo 7ncludes a project descr7ption, rev�ew af �he pro,�ect`':s campl�ance wi�}� the VaiT V�liage Ur�a�r Des�gn Guide Plan, Commerciai Core II Zoning Compliance, and staff recor�mendation concerr�ing the var�ance. M�nutes from the Planrting and Envi�ronrrten�aT Comm�ssion meet�ng are enclased. Baidwin Associates Architects, Tncor�orated have written a repor� that rev9ews their d�sign cancepts for tf�e Vi�llage Center praposa7 . 7'hese commer�ts are aTso enclased in tlie packet of background infor�a�ian, � _ ~ , � ` l � MEMORANDLfM Sr�: plann�ng an� Environr�entaT Commission FROM: Community Deveio�ment Department DATE: April 5, 1984 � SUBJ�CT: Request for ext�rior alteratian and a side setback variance for Vil�age Center 8uilding D, Appl�cant: Fred H9bberd I, BACKGROUND , � � 7his proposal began �o be discussed in June of I983 when the app�icant artd his architect applied for a com�ercia� addition on tt�e east side o� the �roperty an� a redeveTopment of the �oymaker' s Trai7 sho�'s sta�rs an the west end. W� discussed redeveloping the entire s3dewa��C/7andscaped area on the north and west s�des of the bui7d�ng, as we77 . The planning s�aff encouraged the app�ican� to treat the �ropasal as a °�€aster �lar�" concep� wi�ich mean� mak7ng it one entire compret�ensive proposal , inc7ud�ng the r�ew s�dewalk and lar�dscapzng on the west and nor�� s�des , the n�w stairs for Toyrr�ak�r's Tra�� , r�tai� s�ore �'ront expans�or�s on the norti� elevation, �ew sta�rway e��ries/ex�-�s from ti�e sidewa�k to the street, the two-story cor�mercial addition on the east and the creation af new loa�ing areas on �oth �he east and wes� ends of the building. � .i , 7h� lack of adequa�e loading faciiities on the east end of the proper�y �s the major �ssue wh-�ch held �h� project up sn long. The staff encouraged t�� a�p7icant to ex�lore a joint �oading facility w�th �he adjacen� property to the eas�, Hote7 Sonnertaip, as �hey w�re proposing a major redevelapment on their property. I� was not ur��il �h�s past Tuesday, April 3rd, t}�at t�e Sonnena7p' s proposal was approved on second read�ng of �he Sp�cial Deve�opmen� District Ordinance. Alsfl, this somewhat co�pl�x �roposa1 has rece7ved a great deal o�F rev�ew fro�n the various de�artments of the Town, inciuding P�b7 �c Works/�'ranspor-�ation, Fire and Aoiice. 7he pro�osal �n fron� af the Plannir�g and Environmental � Comm-ission today has accomplished �he objectives and req�irer�en�s of all t�re various departments. (See memos attached from Publ�c WorEcs and F'ire D�partment. ) . 'Fhe Village Genter projec� remains, for reasons still urtclear to the curr�n� planning staff, in the Cornmercial Core II zone distr�ct. However, the project - is iocated in th� Va�l Vi7lage Urban Design Guide Alan area and must be evaluated w3�h regard to those doccaments. Thus, this memorandum wiil proceed in five more sections: first, a descr�ption of the proposa7 ; second, an eva7ua- tion of how the plan �ne�ts t�e Va�l VilZage Urban Design Cu�de P1an; �hird, a 1ook at compliance with Commerc�al Core II zone distr�ct requirer�ents; fourth, a look a� the requested se��acic varianee; and last�y, a staff recammendatian. � � • � VilIage Cent� -3- 4/5/84 ... . �• r � A new waZ�Cway from the pedestr7ar� walk w��l ma�n�ain access for Bu�]d�n� A of Viliage Cen�er and wi17 have a roaf covering the narth port�on of t�e sta�rs to architecturaliy tie together �he Sonnena�p and V�llage Center projec�s as well as provide sor�e �rotection �ror� the elements for �he wa7kways' users. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE UAI�. VI�LAGE URBAN D�SIGN �l�IflE P�At� {even thaugh in CCII) A. COMpLIANCE �lITH PllRPOSE S�CTION FOR COMMERCTRL COR� I The Comr�ercial Core I district �s intended to prov�de sites and to mainta7n the unique character of the Vai1 Vil7age commercial area, w��th �ts mixture of lodges and commerc7a� es�abiishmen�s in a predominant7y �edes�rian envtronment, The Com�nercial Core T d�strict is int�ended ta ensure adequate � ight, air, open s�ace, and ot�er am�n�t�es apprflpr�ate to �he permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulat�ans in accordance wi�h ` the Vaii V�iiage �rban des�gn g��de plan and design considerat7ons prescr�be site deve7opment standards that are �ntended to ensure the �naintena�ce and preservati,on af the tight]y c�ustered arrangemer�ts of bui7dings fran��ng � on pedestrianways ar�d public greenways, and to ensure cont-inuation af � the ��ai�ding scale and architectural �ua7 �ties that d7stringuish �he v-�llage. We -Find that the pro�osa� �s t� compl�ance w�th and fur�hers th� intent of �he �urpose section for Gommercia7 Core I� � B. S1�8-ARFA CONC�PTS AFFECTED (5ee a�tached Urban �esign Gu��� Plarr ) There are a number a�' Sub-Area Concepts� which are �nd�rectly reiated to . . ,� the V�11ag� Center projec�. Bri�fiy, Sub-Rrea Conce�ts 19 and 20 rela�e �o a nUmber of physical des�gn salu�ions to reduce th� "Tast tourist" • wha dr�ves down V-iliage Road and then west on East Meadow Dr-ive looking far parlcing or whatever. The c�rrent proposaI �flr VilTage Center recogn�zes th�s as a potential fUture project (Fred H�bberd gave a portion of �and to the Town 7n 1981 toward t�is end) but is d�signed for workabiiity � withou� these impravements as the Tawn has no Tmmed7ate plans for �his cap�tal �mprovement project. � Numbers 21 and 22 re�ate to the last commercTai add�tion praject which was compTeted three years ago. . Number T7 discusses improvements �o the in�tersect�an of W311ow Bridge Road and Eas� Meadow Drive. A Targer plar�ter in the mid�l� and brick paving treatmen� are cal�ed for. Sub-Area Concept 18 is what is being proposed for the sidewa7K. It read5: "Existing walk lowered s�zght�y to became major separated south side pedes�riar� route (barrier free ramps). Landscape planting buffer along roadway. " � � . � Viilage Cente� -5- 4/5/8� � 9. S�n/Shade: The buildi�g 7s so massive tha� i� wi17 a�ways east s a e awn tp the sid�wa7k area. �he new comm�rc�al add�tion wii7 � 'c�st som� shade anta the new waikway, and �� w>>� �� t�� appl�cant' s res�onsibil�ty ta ma7ntain �he wa1K in goad condi�ion. .... ,. � ,�� , , IV. COME�ERCIAL CORE fi zONE DISTRIC7 CONiP�IANC� A. ilses: The proposed cammerczai uses are pet�m�tted uses in the Commerc�al Care II d-is�rict. B. Setbac�CS: Requ�red is 10 feet on aTl sides. The p�^oposaT compZies w�th this except wi�h regard to the variance for the joint laading fac�l�ty discussed be1ow. C. Coverage: 70% max�mum Exist�ng = 59% Propased = 68% D. Landsca -in : 20/ m�nimum, �he proposa� provides a net increase in 7an�scaped areas. E. Parkin and �oadin : T�e app7ican�t wi71 be required �o pay into tne par�Cing fund th� applicable amount far tf�e commercia7 expans�on. � V. SETBACK VARIANCE A. Re_ quest � The appTicant requests a 0 foot setbacic on t�e east boundary of the property to construct a joznt �oading dack w�th the Sonnenaip. The proposal is to nave �he loading buiiding overTa� the property line in this area. The �oad-ing faci1ity was constructe� at the reques� ot �he staff as a solu�ion to loading prob7�ms exis�ing in the area as we7T as a viab�e placement of th� facility to enable service to both pro�er�ies. g, Recommendatian The Commun�ty Development �epartment recommends ap�rova7 of the setback variance for the jo�n� load�ng build��tg as uve find a spec7fic phys�ca� �hardsh'rp �in lacating it else�there in th�s area. We feel that� the praposed solu�ion �s an exce7�ent one and wi11 adequateiy serve both ,prop�r�ies. A11 impacts o�' the build�ng are �osi��ve one5 {refer to s�rvice/del�very section of th�s memorandum), � ` � , _. � ' . . � � � — j��� . �� �o�n a� �ai 7S sauth fro�tage road department of public worksltransportatian vail, colarado 81857 (303) 476-7pQR � � M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Pe�Cer Pa�ten, Com ity Deve�opment FROM: Stan Berryman � DATE : Apri�. 5 , 1984 SUBJEGT: VILLAGE CENTER EX1'ANSION PROPOSAL This mamo is to notify yau �Chat the �epartment of Public Works/Transpartaf.ion has reviewed and approvsd the praposed � plans for the Village Center projec�t as ammended. � + . � . .. �xi �';' ..ti' �4:. _ r�. .. . ' � a ..j1),;�fw'7T+�i�l,'�.`�:t.. .. r. .. . , =}?t;�= �+�. .. " � t � � -� ... .�y `�K`.i'F�4! . ,.. � .. . _ � � . .. - . .. � +:7:�. '' . � �. �,...'. - . . ' � ' :i"��i,�"�Vl;i`'.f; ;',t" , w ' • r••'.��:;M �"� �:� Z . " . :��•:r;ii,r ,,�: :i'�' • � � u�j ' . � � s.yVr 1.� a �: .. � �+• r' �` i '•; _ . -. � . Y :�C•:ir � i F � .;,� i _ . , . ...:Lw.:t: e� S . .. . ?:��h� ,.t•�•L + Y A O _" ' l • •w,� .,��1 - �� - __ . . � - , � �� 1� , ���� � � . . � k S �Z' ', {� � Y i���'�� �:?':hF<Y � .� 5.<� �. ,� . ' . . �), . . :.:�=r' _ `' ,j � ,� � . � .,� -r' �1'� s? 1 Y�� �`���71 e""^- J... �L �vtr}� T tt . 5 _ ,�"�3y+CZ,i'. ,j-+.Y L'•� . ' �t'. 0 _. '� � 1C�`- L.- y. - '�'.• •.� 3.s. � . . . - . . -t . a r�- . - , �,r� ta�F..t.K ��,., S . �'� � j z s p 1. '.�.,y�',,. r F t�iiQ .. * . �� .. -. . �s�t ��'^ -. � '_� _ . . ;��---,�r;` ;i . ��� . _.C�.. , ' � _ . �� _.. . ...,`�. �•. . . L.. . . _ _ • ' . . " ' :'�' .. •_ . . _,.� . . .. �----° _ : ,- • , . , - ' ' • i - _ , . 'Y' ` . . .. .. ' . . , . . .. - ,. "L': _. ' , ;;: . _ . ... . .. _ . . . _ �,�[, . . � . � . . . ... . . ' . ^t,�. , . . . . . . . . . . � . ,�/ , ' � �,� • � • ' @�• � • • ' . �; � ' � � ��� ' � , �- ' . .. ' . . � � n. � i .. � . . .. � , . . . ...� .._. - .• . . .1 � � . . � � . . �� . .. . �X � .. ' . � .. .. 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' e. �, ` P7ann�ng and �nv�ro�mental Co��n�ssion � April 9, 1984 ' PRESEN� STAF� PRESENT � ��ana Donovan Fe�er Patten � Sco�t �dwards 7am Braun Gardon P�erce Krist�n Pritz Duane P�per Larry Eskw�th �oward P�apson Betsy Rosolack Wi�1 Trout ABSENT JIM VI�L� �.,�.�.��� ��� �����.������ �'�'�;���_� . .. � � . The r�eeting was cal��d wo arder at 3:00 pm by D;�ane Piper, cha�rman. '� � . A roval of mi nu�es -o-F 1•;arch 12 and �[arch 26. Pierc� moved and Donovan'w-�, conded to approve the rec�ed minutes o� N'tarch 12. �fhe vote was 6-0 in favor. ut corrected t �arc1� 26 minu�es so that his reason for voting against �ne So t�,na�p s �a� development ciistr�ct would r�ad: .. "b�ea�se h� did noi. �eel any project�' ld b� ap�roved that w�uld have any negat�ve e�fect on TOV pro�er�y (i .e. thz b she��r paving, �rees, ar other improvemen�s exist7ng). " Dor�ovan �-�oved and sor� secoi�de�Q�„apprQVe th� March 26 �ninutes. as corrected. Tf�e vo�te was 6- in favor. � 2. Req�est for a fron� set�ac�C variance o�' 1 .6 �'eet far an exist�n� bU�7din� or �he Va�l Racau�i Club TowrzhoT��s �oca�ed at_ 5770 _Bi�4horn Road._ � Appl �cant: Va�1 Racquet C��b T�tvnhor�es � Tom Braun exp7a�ned the request. f�e s�ated that 8uildin I �ad been canstructed on7y 18.4 �'ee� from t fron� property 7ine, resu�tir�g 'n a 1 .6 fao� encorachr�er�-� 7nto the setback. Eraur� dded that the var�ance wo�a1 have no �m�aC� on ex�sting � or potential uses and str�c� res, but that there w no evidence to �nd�cat� a physical hardsh�p, m�re�y 1��� n error. Wa�ter Kirch, the ap�� icant, said t t h� rou d -�hat tne Town of Vail owned the adjoining property, and that ne consi �red king far either a 1and swap ar a land acquisit�an, but decided to first� k �or a variance. He �e7t that �he granting of �his variance wauld not can s ' u�.e a grant o�' spec�ai privilege becaus� of o�her s7�n�lar variances in ud�ng in 1981 for �ot �2 in Bigf�Qrn 4th wF�ic� was 18.2 fe�t from the praper line. He�ded that �rar�ting of the variance wouid not be detrimental to the p lic health, safe�, ., r�we7fare, and ��lt tha� � _ he qua��f�ed because the strict r � �t�ral i�terpretat�on and enforcemen� wo�ald resu�t in pract�ca� difficult and wauld depr�ve the a�p7icant o�' priv�7eges enjayed by 'the awners of ot r propert�es in the sar�e district. Trout moved and Pierce s� ond�d to a rave t� ar�ance re uest because the granting of tne v�r�ance would �tta-t, constit a grant of sp�cial priv�lege, and wou]d not be de�rir�zntal ta �he pub��, lth, safe�y or welfare and was warran�ed � because the str�ct ar i�tera� interpr a'�i,�n and en-Forcement of the specified reg�.�1atian ��ould ,resu�t in �ract�ca diff�c��X�or unneces�ary physical t�ards�ip 1�1CC�15Z5t�t1� wi�n the C�3�E447V�S ��z zon�ng code. The vo�.e vras 6-� �n favor, PEC -2- 4jg1�4 � /. , . � � � - 3. P,eo�,°e5t ror a �ensit�y ccn�rol var�ance in order to add 92 sauare f�z� af GRFA�o an ?xisi�n� d;�rel � in9_un�� on the �o� ��aor of t�e Sunbird Laaqe. ! App i icani: Sunb�rd Lodge ---- —.___ T'ar� Bra�an expia7ne� �ha�. ai, the r���e��ng of �arch �2, �984, �.he a�plicants h,ad two reques�s , and the reque�t �o add •an e�p�oyee uni� was �j1"GTk�ed. `�he 1"^�Cjl�°5t ` to add 92 sqF,aar�e teet of �RFA was �ab�ed becaus� of so�se ques�i�n concern�ng �he �umb�r of �Citchens al�awed at the loda2. Ti�e staff inet with the a�p7icant ta resolve �he issue concerning how r�any UCii�.S i n the Sur�bi r� �odge �nay have ki-�chpns. A court ord�r 1 �mi�ed i.f�e number to � 13, but tne Cammuni�y D�veiopmer�t depa�°Lmen� erroneously �5s�,�ed a building perm�t �'or �he ins�a7�a�ion o�' another k��.chen in the �ai� of i983. �o a71ow for a kitchert �n �.he 5�� �`loor uni�t, i.h� appli4ants agreed to remove a kitchen rrom anoth�r t�n�� and E��ve agre�d to an on--site ir�spect�on. 7he end res�7t 4��a�7d be �� �e�a� kitcher�s. Bruce °arton, ap�licant, s�a��ci �f�at the un�L was nat �u�ct�ona� , anu ne v�as �rying to ��prove an existing �tn7t, not add a�oLh�r unit. Discuss�an cen�ere� around w�ei.�er or not �he added GRFA would be adding bulk and m�ss. Braun remir�ded - tf�e board �t�at zhey must estab� �sh a hardship and Pat�en r�lt �hat this request was moy�e #�or conven�ence. Rapson felt that tf�is was a cond�tion no� genera�ly applicable to other situaz�on5. Edti��ards feit that there 4ti�as a p�ysical hards�7p here, P��er stated that �he Tedge vras not hab�table space, uonovan �e�t that the board d�d r�ot t�ave a 4�01 w�th � L��hich Lo approve the vari�nce. Trout feit that the board had approved the emp�oyee unit with 4he result that �.i�e �p�licant was left wi�.t�, �he need to expand the a�jacent uRit. P�erce felt the density and b�� k were not be7ng increased and Piper agrzed. Trout moved and P�erce seconded �a a rave the re uested GRFA variance. Rapson suggeste� add�ng the s�te inspeetion of ki�chens to the motion, but Sraun felt that in light of what had gone on in the pas�, p3us the iett�r of comm3t�nent from the applicant, th� staff would be aware of �he need to inspect �he ur�its. Donovan po�nted ou� that origina�ly both tap floor un��s were e�-�p7oyee �nits. The vote was 5-1 with Donovan a a�nst because she fel� that the board did no� � have a �oo� 4��ith which to ap rove the variance. � ��� 4. ����est -�or an e � ,tf xter7or alterat�on ta the V�llage Center, Bu77dtng a ;:-�� at i 22 P'l�ad�w Dri ve. App1 i cant: �r d Hi bberd T _ ; - Peter Pa�cten exp�ained �he request by �irst showir�g a t�me lapse movi� from �wa ' iacatians. Firs� from the top of th� 7RC 7aoking sou�.heast, then �rom the west side. Ne pointed ouf the "�ast tour�st" autfls and t�e way the pedestrians avo3 de� ��e s�dewal k i n fror�t ot tl�e Vi�1 age Center and ti�tai ked c�oti�n the street. De� �very problems were evident on both on both the east and west ends af tfie Village Center bui�d�ng, � Pa�.ten exp7ained that t3�a p�ann�ng staff encouraged Hi�berd to treat his app� icatiort as a rnasi.er p7an and �o include one cor�preh�ns�ve praposal . . ` P�C -3- 4/�/$� . Patte� s,�cr,ed a s i t� 1 an and �x �ai ned tha� �Y;�re tiras a 1 oad�n 1 5 � ° � �� o 9 prob��m or� east � si�e 1,�ith no �cad;ng zone. TF��s w��a�d be overcorrt� w��h �k�e joint �oad3ng fac�1lty sr��'ed �ay �.he So�rerralp. Pa�ten �r,en sa�d the loauing zor�e on the west s�de ti�a�aT d be r��r,oved 4o hei p �o g�t pedestr�ans on�o �t�e s i de�ra�k. Thc 7 oad�r�g on this s�d� i�lOU1CS �E ��ternai�zed adjacent �o thA bui�d�ng. PatLpr� exp�a�r�ea �nat the utiao story addi��on orr the east �nd Vaas th� same height a� La Tour and �he eave ] ine wauTd Gflntinue across. fie ex�lained t�at there wo�l d be a r�oo-F over the s�egs whi ch �r�nt doti,+R ta Bui�d i ng R. The ma jnr redes z gn o` Lhe sid4�ra7k �r�clude� p1�cTr�g �t c�oser ta �ne s�rept, and also ��ey ;�ere rrade easi�r ia ge� oni,o car��ng �rom Crossroads. The s�reet °�vo�7d �e 26 Eeet ��de with snow s�oraae areas bet;�reen �he street and �he side44alk. The re�ai7 fronts �vere to be redes�gned to be�ter re�ate i.o t�te sfde��alk, and �f�zre wau7d be a sr�a� l arrount of squar� rOQ�c?Cc� add�d to eacF� store, along w�th a redesigning o-F the siairs �o th� Toymak�r' s 7rai1 . - Pai,�en described the Urban Design Guide °7an w;�h relation to �h� sub-ar�a conce�ts ]8 through 22. F�e then stated -E�e prQposa� ccmpTi�d w�th Ca€nmerc�a] Care II zane district' s requ7rer�enis. The setbac€; variance tvas req��sted �n order to shar2 �he loading dock �vith ti�e Sor�nena�p. The loading bu�7�ing wflu3d averlap t�e prQperty ]ine and ��ou�d be cer,struc�ed at �he regu�st o-F the s�aff as a soluiion to t�e ]oadir�g probler�s for both projects. Fai�et� read 8 cond�tions for approva� . Hib�erd discussed the car�ditions and � stated that he t-�ou1d fe�� �ore com�^or-�a�Ie ��e �ne iown cou7d se� a date w�ten the improvem?nts in sub-area 720 wa�7d be done. He added that he 4YOl��d T�ke to have the �o��rn remove th� snow �f it r,eeded to be hau�ed of�-si�e, but that f�e 4�rou�d othen,+ise i ns�aT 1 and mai ntal r€ the s i de�tia�ks. The west end was discussed with 5nme of �.he board fee� ing tnat so�et�i�g should be done to make t�e garage entrance �nare appealing. li�bberd stated tha� he intended to paint the �nterior of the garage. Pzerce suggested a �arage door or gate, and Hibberd said h� wou7d tak� the s�gges��or� ur�der adv�semen�. F�e �ointed out �hat a gate was a majar main�enance factar. Rick Baidw9n, architect for the project, expla�ned how the st�ps arta� sidewal�Cs wou�d work and sa5d that the ��d���a�k wou7d be 8 feet wide. Paricing �n ��� par�;i ng area �n the bui 1 di ng was ex�7 a i ned by ;-ii bberd vaho s�a�ed that the shop •• aivners had ass�gned paricing spac�s, bu� t�at �he s-�udio condos �id nat have any parking spaces in the bu�lding. Pa�ten expTair�ed that t�e a�p�icant ivas required to pay for parking spaces �n tF�e Vi77age Parking Struc�ure and was not a7lowed � to put park�ng on hzs s�te. �iper stated that he had many 7etters of opposi�on from t•lerv l.api� and from �he condo ati�rners irz Bui�d7ngs A, B, and C. �oading or� the west end was �15CU5S�d aga�n. Kathy Warren, repres�nt�ng the o�rners in $U1 �fC�3�1�5 A, B and C exp7a�ned tha� tfze property owners did t�av2 €�any oppostng �deas, but that �hey had rret with ;�ibberd and the proble� areas had � '�ee� resoTv�d and she had a �e�.ter to subf�n3t to t#�e p�rrnanent fiie from the Vil �ace C�n�er Assacia4ion ta �-fibberd agreeing to 5everal it�ms. Pafi�en po�nted out that �h7s wauld be an agreement that the �o��rr� wouTd f�at be a part of. • . . , a . PEC -4- 4/9/84 . Ann l.ou��an, President af the 8u��d�r�g D Condo ��soc7ation, exp�a��ed �I�at the condos �n Bu�lding D d�d not f�ave any park�r�g s�ac�s �n �.he building, b�t reFded a �1��e �o �ar�C 4�rni�e t�ey unl oaded ti;2i r au�es. She te7� that nore than are spac� �vas nee��d, and the autos neeCe� i.o be �►� i.he s�aces abaut 30 minutes. i��bb2rd exp?ain�d tha�. ���re �,�au�ci be no pr�blem w�th pa�°k�ng n�ar zhe doars, but the cars could not be ��ft in ��ne 1�adii�g zor�e. Loutf�an as�;ed if�he condo �� otiVn2rs in �ui�c��ng D i�ouZd b� pay�ng fpr any of tne improve�nents, ar�d Hibberd ' re�l ied �hat �ney s•toul d not. Louthan menti o��ed �hat �t�e co�do o�rners f�i t �he chances to the building wauTd be a great imprave�rent. Ra�sor� titi�as concErn�d wi th the appearance of s he west end ��rhen �he ri prap wa] i was reTOVed, and es��cial �y �rom Ll�z point oi view af tne tourists coming up Wi11o1� 5r�dge Raad. Ne �elt �t wauld be bet;,er to have an en�rance tha� �eop�� coU7d not see. H�bberd re�� �ed �ha�, he had �ad to rep�ace garage doors t�ree tir;�es. F€e �e1t tha� a �ace � if� wo�Td be enough to �r�prove �he entrance. . Rapson asked abo�t �x;,erior ligi�zing, ana Wibberd r�p� ied t�e or�e wooder� larp wouid be rep�ac�d with lamp posts, and 8aldwin felt that the dis�7ay l�gnts in the sha�s 4VOU�a Fi��p zo 7ight the s�de�ra�ic. Ra�sot� roved and �dt��ards secon�ad ±o � rove �h� s�de setback variance #�ar the ' � 7o�ding bcrth �et� Lhe staf: m�mo dated A ri1 5, �984. 7'he voie was 6-a �n �avor. Rapson �roved and Trout seconded �o aq rov� tre exterior a�t�ra�.ians, fior t�e com�i�edti,���hthe �Urhan Des7 r� Gor�s�derai.�ons 1 �iiru 9. Included in the motian i ' ti�rere the e3aht conditioas 1 �sted on pa�e 6 a� �i�� m�emo w���i extra a�t�r���on to - �he chanaes an i.he �vest end o�� ��e bui�d�n . 7i�e vo�e w�s t-0 i n favor. . 5. Request �'ar a densit c�ntrol var�ance in o�°der to enclose a hot tub a�t ' �a-� 8, Block 5, Vai� V� �laGe � s� Fil �nq. App��cant: Ve�da 8. Wyche Tar� Braun �xp�ained that a� the February 13th raeeting of tf�e PEC a s�de s�tSac�C � .� var�ance ��ras approved to a��ow for an �xtersive re�odei of tn�s residence, one ��eme�it of rrhich was a hot tub on a roo�tap deck. Tf�is application vras �o enclose the hottub with a greenhaus� type. o� enc�os�re that would add 72 square feet of G�F,4. He added that t�e sta�� recomme�ded d�nia7 becatase no nardsh�p had been es�abl �shed. 7im C�ark, architect for the appiican�, read 4he �etter of request. Ne exp�ained � tha� the space tivould be unheated and was withaut direct access �ram the �nside • of the unit. H� fel� that tr�e gra�ting of t�e var7ance wouTd not b� d��r-imenta� and a�so f��t tha� the str�ct in�erpre�atian Vrould deprive the app� icant of pr�vileges enjoyed by �he oi�ners of other prop�rties in �.he same district, and t�,a� it would not be a grant a� sp�cial privi7ege. Danovan relt t�at she co�id not sup�ort the request because �hern w�uld �hen be � w ` .. � ' - '� . � .. _.. .. -.. , . . . . . - .. . . �, � . . t� ?4�xr.- � ' i . .. ' , . ._, . . , . . :. . . - - . . , . . i� y.t yj. ' � . . . . . , . ., " . . . .. , ._ ,. . r�, r. �: .-'. ..�. . .. '. " . ., . . . � ,_, .�,. .,�;. . '... .. �,J i ,.A 4Y Yt1M1.t � .�:. �ALbWTN A55dCIA�'ES ARCHITECTS, TNC, • � 100Q SOUTH FRONTAGE �OAD, WEST -. . , x� � i � � V�1IL, COLORA,pO }§t , 81557 J � y�� ��: 5 �'.1 ,ti��Y1y r+'�� (303)476-4433 , „ �� , � � , . : _ . .: , �F� � , � E ,y`�4 , . •. � . . 6 V.P-�eI'A � . . . ; �k j�4�y 5 23 Ma I983 l � �Y � n ` Y � ;} E3 s � � r�`,< . �.. _ . i.. " S� 'y',�+c �'^J�` F4. . i' ar � , � .� a.�2 ii�{tdT� -, ,, :._. �.: , „��. .. i �� - . - i e rrqr�✓Ey��K3i,`� - .Y.i�LLiVl:e t,P.aiYl�A .L��7]�.]�.% Y�1'1L'lYlJ �� ` t L' r} . yk+ t :_ '� � rY�li ���u����C7i. 1'1,C1\� ._.f - . L 9 t�, i�V._ }f i �:t�-�lwt4'e���h� }.. - �- � 1 1 1. .f.. 1�1 ^t �S✓s'T'-. T � !i l�g`4 ... F• .� �4 -,Sl��3 On ($. Ng } PR�k'ACE �' � �A `., = .. : , ,. : } , . . ..'' � :+..: � _ � � ..� . .. �.:,'i ;, �. � ? P�Y.yik'rA The Village Center camplex, for reasons nat abundant�.y clear, has �been�, ��} f ,yfr� ,; designed as a detached or remote 'ppcket' o£ tlie Commercial. Cor�: IT-- �`� 1 ' Lionshead area:,for purposes of comp�iance �o,_the Design Gu�ide Plan `$ 4' �'�x� • despite i�s physical proximity at �he �ringe of the Commercia]. Cpre T `" = f, ��, .: :.t S�ik.��.{iti4 ,: area. We have assumed the reasons for this cl.assification stem fro� ' � �� ` the scale of the buiZdings, the natu�� of the buiZding �omponents and ' �r���� ` -.- ¢ �5�..rT^ , : inaterials, and �he potential_ methods for �sof�enixt ' and ��� ' izing' this comp��. We fee�, �n conjunc.tion w3th �his CCIIeclassifxca- +4;�' k i s:� K 1 � tion there exists a strong 1�,nk to the CCI design gt�i8elines and liave .. ' " � =�Lr�3, therefore attempted to pZa�. and d.esign �oward a reasonable combinat�.on � ' = 'i� �'' �j of the tt,ro sets a,f gu3dalines, knowing tha� a s�riC� adherence to s, ��,y, :. either one af the Guide Plans�may z�sult in a 'fareign' solatioxt. ' � + 4�'`'E'°`, � ... � � . � . . - �d 1 Z,7�Y�q f. _� � � . . _ . .. '-. ..I. �..�... .:-::' _ :.,� . ...;♦ .,"_.'- r'a,Y.- - F £ r' �. . We have £urther att�empted to address the spec�fic items relating to : :,,' � � ,"' ,.� s; this s:Cte tahich wera �he facus of the CC� Urbarc Design Gu�.de Plan. L r��: ,-�;,� fy.; Many of the desired ob�jectives must be address oint� b rp ert � `' 4 ` .� Y YP P Y ,`; y �; ���,�`; , : ,:aranars and: the Town of Vai1 as neither has �ata7. Contxal in the 3.mpie- .,,:,. : � �t � � : mentation af the objec�ive salut�.ons. Th�s process is complica�ed by �"�`�` ��� � ;� �he fact tlzat ruany a� rhe goals sought by th� UbGP are a�te v�a'or aLn >. x� , ,{,• �' �I � �; � �a � �^.:> magnitude and thexefore tequire long range pl.ann�n btid e�in and �.ece ti�°1,�������� � $� g g - P .Y�R� ��'.�����r�; � meal 3.nterim solutions that can later be un�ted with at�er elements 3n sx �';Y�'e �!-''=� � .'� coordinated -effort �r� fbrm the c�es3rea end result �?� � . w y �� ,,,�,.'�'`�; � . ���� _� � � :� . ��. � � � :. . , ...,.,r .. . . • -:„3+ ��. t; ,,;`r � " i s.:�,_ � h�t�Zs'ra�G's _ .. _ _. ' y, � 1.5 8..k'�A�.i,�. �,.'W3"Gd'. .� . . . - . ..- , ., _ :.�� . . .. - -� �- � r .. t'�.� ! t .E..r<< � ,F,a�.sw.? x..�..�� � � �4 t����� ����p;. This request for Exterior VAlterat3ons and Modi�ications in the CCZ/CCI� " ;'`�:"�'� �'��.�a° Area �s directed taward three speCific '�.mgrove�ent,:;areas of the Vil�age *f����`h�����° �.�� i r h�����S4 ��: Center Co�¢pZex, in con�unct3on w�th the ifDGP and the Aes�gn Considera��ans. "''_����. . ' : � •� . ..:', _ 1�.:, ; �,,,. i �3y ��, . • ...�,. , -,.;'.,- ' ..,> ., .. . ., r.; - � r r {1 �';ti M, a3 s 1. Pedestr�.an site access and en�ry to �he� Toymakers 1lTrail Shop. ' �`��, �<�'�' t""�.�- 2. Commercia�. expansion of graae lavel shops in Building D . , , �'��'�j� " ` ° 1 I 4r ii -..2 it ,yKCaj! �f�Y'S. 3. Commer�ial developmen� addition to �he east af th e e x i s t ing � � � ��,`��?. ,,'�����y ,-d E� �.;,.. tPocket Park' . �f �� y ' .. ... -� � T��[ :16"i"k -i ��+%;'-..: . . , . . � -. ,. . r�` `..; �i , -°�! i -_ ai �'t�.r�91YiG ,: �:.� : �, .. � ''��� ,,. .`, 1 .�_.� ��r r r'��?��71'f�r��. These three areas �of impravement will be imple��n�ed as separates,proJects t,�-�� �`�;.s' ,hut are addressed here in general terms in aa effort to develop a master ';:�'>��i�'`��:5 plan and begin initial discuss,�ons concexn�ng the cooxdination o� elemen�s ` ��'��',.`�<. '�r of the UDGP beyand the cantrol of the applicant. An apparent order of - A'� -'' " �, � implementation is dictated by �he degree of �z�volvement and tim3.ng re4uired bY the aspe�ts of �he UbGP �hati are cpntrolled 3iy the Town of Vail. This �`" `" �. wou�.d indicate tha� the To}rn�akers Trai� �n�ry and the west landscaped area � t ` � w'au3�d be pursued fixst, the eastern com�nercial addition would be developed � s" ;:�.;;. as tihe second phase and �he commercial Building 'D' expansions would be " f;� the final implementation allowing the ma�oriry of t9.me to be devatad ta :: � �; �s -- .r a '��_. 753��.-.:• coordinating a plan to achieve the Town's s ecific �-.����'��:' ,�.�,,,, � � siC�. P goaZs ra].at3ng [o th�,s t.;.Y . ,��� '. • ... � : . ��. � �,�.�� , . . , � . . .. - � .. ' ," " 4� � l+�,3-i,�Fes . ' . - .. � " . J1 ��T'�,�,. ,y. � 'Y ,�2s�'�e�s:.�w� � � � ..�, . ., ... .v .,. , t. ��i1.�,�n'���'- r ,� ° VTZLAGE CENTER IMPROV$MENTS . . ! ' 23 May �.983 . , � Page two � ' • . , . � � , • . URBAN AESIGN CQNSIbERAT�QNS . 1. PED�STRTANIZATION: . . � ,`� ` .: Under �he Vai1 Village Urban I}esign Guide P3.an �.� wo�3,d be desira�ie to Create and rein�orce a separate pedestrian walk alang �. Meadow ,Y�.. Drive that wouZd a11.ow tha pe,destrian to pass adjacent to the com-- ` mercial shops in the area, and be separate from the required tx's��3c f"`"' crea�ed by the shuttl� busses, delivery trucks and other necessa�y, �ik bur reduced, traf�ic along this thvrov.ghfare. At present, the ped- � estrian �s forced into the s�reet compe��.ng for spa�e with the vehicu].ar traff3.c when approach�ng the Village Center from �he �,rest, <:, _. . east a�r south. The approacYi from the east forces �he foo't traffie to share �he naxrow street �,r�.th the busses, control g�tes, hicyclas . and to walk around the traffic-Iim�t3.ng posts, due to �CI�e dis�on- tinuity a£ sidewalks along the Sannena�.p progerty, The same is true when approaching fxom th� west along the Talisman. Lodge property Th� pedestrian approaching the Village Center fx'om the south Ytas the advantage of walk�.ng on the �arick paver walkway. Although i� is no� phys�.cal.�y separated from the lim�.�ed vehicular traffic, it � does at least designa�e a space specificallq �or the pedestrian. � � � Unfo��unately, th�.s walk.way �urrent�y terminates at the edge o£ the � Vi11�ge Center entry dr�veway on Will.ow Bridga Road. . . ., . _ . .. - ,. .. . ; Once the pedestr�ans reach the apparent safety af the Vi�.lage CenCer ; • narth s�de c�.rculation. system they mus� contenc3 �w�.th a variety of _ , walkways impeded�by the numerous ups and d.owns o� the currently � s �.' f required steps on �he site. Wh�.1e tl�ese steps serve tfieir function ' � , �� �� , . . �they detract frvm the pades�rian �xperience and can b�come a poten- -_ tia� hazard when icy or snow packed. - � . . , . ..k: . . ,.. . .... .: .' _ _r: . .- . -. ,. ..� .. . �. �'. .'. � '. : ... ' ` - � �'-. .,� _ . . . �-„:�� ..�. . .,� ,. ,. �.:' - t'-:t_, - �... .° Tnis proposal alZows for the separ�tion of pede�strian and ve�►�cular ` `' �;. '�� ,�' ~ ` by a13.owing the pedestrian to make a transiti.on frozn the paver `' �"�1',� `�',,': "' walkway accross the drivet.ray and onto the s3te at th� north side of " '�"��k�r� � .�� ���� 'ts:'.. - �he dri.veway and continue alaxtg the sfiop facadas on a landscaped, ,•, y„ . . � el.ev�ted, ramped walkway un3mpeded by any`more eg�er3.o7r steps than ' � �`�^���' ^��F `a� are absolutiel ne�essar g ' � �;,, ��h;. y y,. and continue of� the site to �he linIr.yn � ��� �� .�> wa7.k proposed to the east in front af the Sonnenalp. � rF,�r xt � � 't ,���a� + ���� �..r rz .G�,"'�3�-• .'. ' ' f ... ,.. � '��i.Y�T 4��.Y�.6'�. 2. VEHICLE P�NETRATION: .•; ` _ : . - . :,_,_ � t�,� ,�°, While this proposal does not address f�r�her vehicle penetrat�on oX r �',�x�,���� { r: _ reduction by any active �uaction e1.imination �t should �e no�ed that 7 �,�, a portion of �his sita was dona�ed to the Town of Vail to enha�ce `_�', � y�,:��' imp7.ementation of the traffic circle identified in the UDGE and - " ��r��'�*��-•�� �- a�.�.owing far the future reduction of vehicular �raffic �.ntroduced ;`;; ��;;�Fy :' into the area. 3. STREE�SCAPE FRAMk�10RK: _ • To enhance the walking exper�.ence alang the praposed lowered wa�.k_ � ' way several tmprovements that exi�� naw wi11 be modifi�d and e�pandec3� , .` � By placing an additional small commercial buiZding to the east o£ . - � - t�he existing open pocker park the pedestrian wi11 be drawn into the ` park rather than the current condition where the passing pedestrian '"_ '� �s forced in�o the street away from the park. The park wi11 a�so be ".; $,��`�n�::` . . �f`� >`, `; ��, . " . .. ` ��'�"'"'�,� ,�.s�� , . . . ;:*�'''�r '�k"�_ .,-�.. •� �- VTLLAGE C�NTER iMPROVEMENT5 . � 23 May 1983 • � . � Page three . ' 'closed' on three sides creating a fin�shed perime�er and the � d�.rectional focus of �n activity center rathe� �kian a seldom � . ,��� use exposed open face. . . ,, . � �n addi�3on to the improved acti.vity cente� of the pax�k �.nd i.n � r,.,-: . . � con�unction w3.th.:the desired can,strfctiion af �he Easti Meadow . � ' � '``��`�" • •. ; � Arive bus and delivary traff3.c �route, a w3.dex, more v�.sible �' �, h ;` • " .1.andscaped area is proposed to further separate .the pedestir�an- . , . way from tfie roadway and �.ts reZa�ed Cra�f3.c. . ° 4. S�ItEET ENCLOSURE: � The outdoor room tha� is created by the V311age Center and �he � Crossroads Build3ng falls r�rithin the comfortab�e height-to=wid�.h ratio calcula�ions. This space a.s howevex, not pexceived as a comfortable, enclosed space'due �o the rando� nature of the eIe- ments creating the 'room' . The east and w�st. ends of the 'room' � � . are not closed hy structrzr�s and app�ar to be wide open. Additinn- � ai1y, th,e nor�h and sou�h wa11s do very lit�le to aid in �he enclasures a� the 'room', as they angle off in oppos�ng direct�.ans destroying any perceived. enc3osure as the pedestrian moves through the space. The prqposed commerciaZ aciditions to the ViZ��ge Center Build�.ng� �D' �ur�.11 hel.p itz reducing �he sca�.e o� this build�Lng alZowing it to : s � better re�ated to pedestrians and grovide a focus far �heir attention. � � � , ? 5. ST�tE�T �DGE: ' ` Be�aus�e of the open nature of the street be�ween Crossroads 5hopping Center and the Vil].age Center Shops, and the random irregulari�y of r : �°� their facades, a strong definit�on o£ the street edge must be created { by means other than the building facades. This proposa� suggests ' tha� the expanded landscaping area �reated by the reductiion in w3dtT� yf "kW?` .' ; . of East Meadow D�ive be deve].oped to moxe strongly estabZish the '���`�.�y`` . . -� ;•; sCreet edge. This landscaping area:�should be quite effective in � �� A �f�: : defin3ng the straet edge due to �he higher degree of .v�.si�ility �;: �� � �,` _ created by �he sloping of the p�anting areas from the xoadway i�p �a ; µ�, � "the e�evated walkway—Zarge trees 3n th3s area wi11 a1.so reinforce ti`. t��fi �'' ' �his raad defini�ion. , ��`��'`,';?�Y . „ � . } � tA�. _ . . . . - , • , . , . : �; �. , Y , . .._: . .�.-'. .' .. , � � �-'.: . .." . " � . - +. �,.r:.`. 6. BUII.DING H�IGHT: 1 , ..;. �_t_,1.�,.: . . This proposal. sugges�s improvements to existing �s�rtictures` with estab- , ,;; w�* �`�; y . ,. . ° lish�d he�ghts. It addresses methods of red�cing apparent build�.ng . ' ` + �� height by the addition of smal]. single stary commerciaZ expansions ��,`,�; " to better xe�ate to �he pedestr�.an traversing the elevated walkwaq: ' ' t -;��: ' . - In additiion ta �his pedestxian/shop teZationship, the e�evated walk- � • � � way ar�d shop windows allow foz a visual fo�us for people passing by � <- r f on the shu�tle buses. . „ , The height of the proposed build�ng at �h� east side of �he property will be 1ow to perserve the publ.ic triew of the mounta3n from the � i proposed vehicular �u�n-around and park area, while screening out ,_ some of the c�.utter to the south. ' . _ . . ~:�.r� � . . � .. � .. . . � . .. . '�.�$f+i . , YILLAGE CE1�T�R TMPROV�NTS . �, ,. -` � 23 May I983 , , Page four . . - ; � . ' f 7. VT.EWS: . Tlie major view carridoz xe].at�.ng ta development on this sLte is the distant v3.ew of the raountain as seen from Uoth vehicles and �� pedestr3ans approaching fx�om the north from the Frontage Road � - and frro�a Crossraads. As pointed out in the. TJI)Gl' a Iovr structure �ould be bui].t in thi,s area withou� effec�ing this �iew corridor Tn fact, tfie latest e.xis�ing addition to the Village Centar demon � ' , ' strated this concept. Tfie proposed addit3anal.structu�e in ���s ,` y;f �;`.,.. area will respect this v�ew corx�idor and se�ve to comple�e tYte �'�-� ;,; . near focal point of �he pocket paxk. ' � , Z�NZNG COD� I��MS ,' _ : .� . - . . . _ _ �. D�I�S TTY CDNTROL: - , Th3s proposal makes no add�,tion to the e�ist�.ng residential sgace and therefore does not increase Ch.e density impact n�aa tlne site. 2. LANnSCAPE AREA REDUCTION: �: ; � When a�� pha�es of these prop�sal. improvements have been imple- mented �here wil� be a net inerease in landscaped area related to the s3.te. 3. PARKING: • . . Add3tional parking spaces requ�red by the �ncreas� to the re�ail � shops and/ax� office spaces could no� be added wi�hout de�rimental effect ta tfie s3�e and addi�iona7. vehicular penetration. :�axt of � the additional. retail space created occurs in tlie form of expan- " , ' � sions �o exis�.in� �hops and therefore may no�. nacessa.�ate more' � parkiz�g for add�.tional. shop personn.el. Parking for newly �reated shops vr offices wi11 be accpmmodatec� by part�,cipatiion �n the parking ,-:e y r.;�;. fund or some other means. ,.,;.� , x..,�, � . . . . r ,'� r.,'�x •. : . -' �_, ,, �_ ;;' ,. - , . ''G � + - ARCHITECTURAL/LANDSCAPE CONSYD�RATIONS � - '� �� � rtu�r'`"'��.��, ° The proposed huilding expansion to the east will be a match�.ng�'Fa�chi � `�, �' �� , F tectural design ta the xecently completed addition; now conta�:ning ��� r`�� �°w�� I.a Tnur restaurant and �everal szna�.�.er commercial xetail. shops. �'his� . � 'Y 'r�,�� ��;,�: �mplies that the roo� fox7ns and �sTaZ3. ma�ezials wiJ.l match the col.or. x � ���'��'«`�� ; '' �' .E,r��: _ and tex�ure a£ the recent add�.t�.on. Th� praposed ppcke� parkf pla¢a F; ,�� �'�; wiZJ. be built with brick pavers, as an extension �f�. the proposed. wa].k ' `. � � ;`- ways along the not�h s�.da of the Vi�lage Cen�er 5hpps. . This cont�nu �<`�' '��^ - �; ation of paving materia�.s w�.11 er�courage pedestrian acti.vity into the � �..u,. ,::,.:;,.;�� p].aza. Accent Iighting on the shops, �igIited raindows and the street . � _� �'`'`�� ].amp wi7.1 help make this axea maxe ati�ractive, and safer in the hours. � � � 'w;w�� of darkness. Tne larger planter with pub7.ic benches �ri1]. �ie girov�ded. ' '` ' �"°" �,.. ,.,� ��,..�_. S�ignage w3.1.]., o� caurse, �ae pxov�.ded by �nd�.vidual sfiops in accordance - ' witih the Tawn of Vail sign ordinance and design guides. Deliveries ' wi].1 u�il�ze the existing loading a�eas, o� those delivery areas genex-� ated hy revised urban planning designs. The exist�ng gas meters on the �:astern end of tha site wi11 be relocated to the south, and screened. - . ", � . Trash storage and ca�Iection wi21 rema�n in, �.he same basic areas where '°' � they current�y exist. , . � " � ,��, . . . , 3 .�.; _ - ,�._ . . - . ���': � : . . yf ;ti,�: w`..� . . . . . � _ _ . .�. . � . . , - wi^�^�v�' ., . . Project Application f�ate � � ! Project Name: T m ���' - - i � . . �����i�� `�r�t�__.�t� �1��_�i _ ; Project Description: �Z- ���°- Contact Person and Phone � ^—' ' Owner, Actdress and Phone: '�1N�'�'�"��...�'t-��������--7--�-- !� ����� • . ��Z� �—��V�� ���� Architect, Address and Phone: tr�l.-r✓�.�� � -�t�1`f-"'��--- ��� � 2�--�{ �I � - _ C��- �O�.t--. � C� � Legal Description: Lot � , Block , Filing _ �/ �/ i __.. , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Surr�mary: C� �� l_ ���./ ' V `�� _, • \ .�._ Town Pianner ❑ Staff Approval Dafe: _�� 1 �`� � - � � � - . _� � lhepAntery/vail � � ��l� � �� _ �o�� o� �a� 75 soulh irantage road �aif, colorado 8'l657' (303) 475-7000 oftice of community developmeet! May 21, 7984 Crai� Snowdon 5nowdon--Hopkins Architects 201 East Gore Creek Va�l , Co. $1657 R�: Berkowitz Addi��on Dear Craig: • �hc fol i owi ng i s a synaps i s af the corrQner�ts made by tf�e Des i gn Revi ew 8oar� a�t their May 15t1� meet�ng: i . ConfT�c� w�th existing gabied roaf and pro�osed fla� roof. 2. The proposed addition looks "like an addition". 3. There �s a confl7ct with sty7es of arch�tecture wnen consider�ng existing w�tf� proposed, treatment shauld be consistent. 4. Landsca�ing on the si�e wou�d seem to b� appropriate as a buffer �n the rear of the hame ar�d around t�e parking area {if it can be designed to wi�hstand �he wint�r season) . Please feel free �o cai7 me w��h any_�uest7ons yau may have. I w�ll �ho�e to see yaur new s�bmittal by Wednesday, May 23, i984. S�ncerely, �. \ �y� 7homas Braun � Tawn P�anner �NCL. � TB/rme Project Application n�t� t � �, � , �Projec# Name: 1 ' ` I Froject pescription: � D 1n a�-t� . Contact Person and Phone � � i r� � Qwner, Address and Phone: .. � { .� - � . . . . . .. . Architect, Address and Phone: 1.c� ; ' �s� - Z .� Legal Description: Lot , �#c Filing , . one � Comments: �, Design Review Board : Date � . � �� Motion by: , ' � : Seconded by: APPR�VAL DISAPi'ROVAL � _ Summary: " � � 5 . �� ���� . . . . . . ' `� - � � . - - . ., '_-' - �� - � . . . . ' ' � � ' . t ' � � .. . . . , . . � , ' . .'.' .. ' , � l� �, � �i �S Q� ' Town Planner ❑ 5taff AppfOval Date: . . . � � . .. � � � . � .. . .. _ -Jkeyrinterylva�l _ . - Project Application � �� Date �� i Project Name: � C��� �o�� . Project Descriptfon: ��Qr13�Q ��P �f 1��15�. • Contact Person and Phpne ����1 ��6� , , Owner, Address and F'hone: �� ��� �� ��n Architect, Address and �hone: ' K� G ����' ��� G'ti � �1(c��i� �-�(o Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone -- Comments: �-�"��� ���� . Design Review Board Date Motion by: _, Ul�� Seconded by: ���;�i'+�"``�v�, AP DISAPPROVAL T��-�- Summary; Town lanner ❑ 5taff ApproVal Date: --- �l6'�s��1 � � � � . . � � .�. � . ' . . - thepr;nlery/vail � . Project Applica#ion Date . � l Project Name: ������ ��"� . �_. . ..__. Project Description: ��� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ��� ` � - " �` �� Architect, Address and Phane: '. Legai Description: Lot � Block��, Filing �� , Zone' � li�'it` , Camments: � Design Review Board Date � � Motion by: ��1.7�,�VJ� Seconded by: ..�—��- 1�1�.1�`! 1 APPROVAL DISAPF'ROVAL �� --— � , �....._. Summary: ^��• ` � , � ,� • , 1 �,�} 1 � �- I�, L�C � , • � � ��� . : Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval flate: . . . . � � � � . � . , . �. � � .. � � - 1hePilntery/uail- . .�. � . . . . , . ... � � .. , � i � � ��� � `� j � la�l! 0� ��� ; 75 south trontage road ` vail, coiarado 81657 ' (303) a76-7o0o atfice ot cor»munity de�eEoprnent � ! May }.8, 1984 � ; � l i Kurt Gedarburg � lOflO South Fron�age Road West Vai7 , Colorado, 81657 RE: Craddock Remodel ! �ot 1 , B�ock 1 , Vaii Village 1st � Dear Kurt, � Qn �1ay 16, 1984, �he Design Review Board gave the Craddock Remode� final � approval . 7he only changes were that a metal , rather than wood, entry ' ga�Ee would be used (without the arch} and �he new 7andscape p�an. I wou�d � like to ha�e one more copy of �he landscape p�an -For our records , � � Thanks for your cooperatian an this project. f � ` Sincerely, C 1�f� � i��� � Kris�an Pritz Town P1anner EI�CL. KP/r�e � Project Application Date A ril 30 1�354 � Project Name: �'ra:�pton Ye�xdence — Project Description: Single famil}� resid�nce ,ne�a canstructi�n) _ Contact Person and Phone . Duane Fi er °4 —7074 � --- Owner, Address and Phone: liarr� Fr��=t-nn Rnx 7 i 1 ('.nl nrar3n $_jFiSR � Architect, Address and I'hone: Box 5560 Avon Colorado 81620 Legal �escriptiqn: Lot 3 , Block , Filing ��- �� 4 , Zone R Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: ���r�I ���"� ��L'Y\ Seconded by: — APPR�VAL DISAPPROVAL � � _ � 9�� !�l 1 � �`>J 1 1 ��� �,( 1� �1C�+1 � � - �� � � } Summary: _ � � � � �. � ` Wi�� ���� - _ ' 3 � � r � ��` Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval �� ��1a I� �- � the prMlerylvaii � �ii �� � �ow� of Va� 75 south iror�tage road vail, colorado 81fi57 {sas� a7s-7000 otfice of �ommunity development f�ay 2�, 1984 Duane �iper Wheeler - Piper Arct�itec�s 2077 f�or�h frontage Road Vail , Colorado, 81657 RE: Frampton Residence Lot 3, Black 3, Vail Vi�1age l�th. Dear Duar�e, � Or� May 16, 1984, the qesign Revzew Board gave final approval to -�he Framgton House if the fo�lowzng infarma�ion is submitted to staf�': 1 . Driveway s1ope figure. 2. A uti�ity plan. 3. One of the two waodburning firep�aces is removed or substitut�d by one clean woo�burning or gas stove. I have enclosed �he Fire�lace Ordinance �or you to review (please see page 3.) I did �alk ta Peter abaut the ordinance and the ��ten� is one fireplace per unit. Gary Murrain, Town Building Inspec�or, will a�so require �hat a secondary gas fireplace is designed according ta the manufact�rer's specificatians and not designed as a woodburninq f�replace. Please see the enclosed m�mo on gas fireplaces. _ In respect to the fiaod QZa�n, I want you to know that the Sooth Creek lOD year flood plain �s at approximate1y $294 feet. Your sla� e1evation is $,29�.5 feet. Ti�ese figUres are a bit close 1n my opinian. If you want to berm and landscape Tract B up to the �ank o�' Booth Creek �lat is �acat�d d�rectly wes� from the Frampton property) you will need: l . The property awner's approval . 2. StafF and 7awr� Engineer approva1 as wel� as Design Rev�ew 8oard approval . Our records show tha� Vail Associates owns Traet B. €�owever, Vail Associates is in the proces5 a� deeding many parcels of iand to the � Town. Perhaps Tract S is part of tF�is process. If �he Town awr�s the proper�y, Ric� Caplan or Town Cour�cil would have to approve t�e project. I thin�c the berm and lar�dscaping wauld be a good sa�'eguard. (7rac� C �s also awned by Va�l Associa�es} . � �a.ge twa . I have alsa enclosed an unoffici'a1 land use i,nver�tory for the S�tzmarfc Lodge. Parking is or� the secand page. If you have more questions please grtve me a call . Onc� again, I apologize for th� mis�a�Ce an the site location. It was my day of glory! Sincerely, , ������ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/rme ENCL. • � Project Application Date �� . Pra�ect Name: � e � Praject Description: � � Contact Perspn and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � y ' � , Zone Legal Description: Lot � , Block Filing � Y�� Comments: - — � � Design Rer►iew Board Date ��� otion b : �1� ��U`� M y , Seconded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVA�. � _ Summary: ��1����10�� � - - '� r ' : 7own Planner ❑ Staff Approval bate: ���� - - � � ' � � . � -. - lhePrinlery/vail . � iy�l� � . �ow� o� �ai . 75 so�th tronlage road vail, coiorado 81657 (303} 476-7000 aftice of comrrtun[ty development f�ay� 18, �984 Kurt Cedarburg 1000 South Frontage Road ti�est Vail , Co�arado, 81fi57 RE: Halpert Garage Lo�. 6, Block 1 , Vai 1 Vi 1�age 8th � pear Kurt, . On May 26 , 1984, the Design Rev�ew Baard approved p�ans fi'or the Ha�Pert Garage Addi�ion. I wiil need one inore copy of the revised plans. Thanks for� redesigning your project in order to protec� the aspen �t�ees. Si�cerely, i���r��n P��� Kristan Pr�tz � Town Planner ENCL. KP/rm� ` � � � ._ , � '�`/'l �ow� of vai � 75 souih trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce af communtty development D�SIGN REVTEW BOARD N�ay 16, 1984 PREVIOUS RECOMMEi�DAT`T01VS F`ROM D�S�'�N R�VI'EW BOARD - MAY �, 1984 � . 5ummers Resi.de�nce Lat 1 B, B.1ock 3 , Bighor�n Subdivision ls�. A. Construct a snow fence �o protect the bog area at the rear o� �he si:�, B. �valuate the o�ientation of the house. � �. ReVege�a�e �.h.e sewer easement ance t�e easement is moved �o the east e�ge of �lie lo�. D. The project mus� be reviewed by the '�own �ngineer ta -insure tha� design m��igates powder ava1anche impacts as per �he Mear's Repor�. E. Prav��e materlals and co3or sar���es. 2. Walker-Ray Garage A�d�tion - 10� 28, �7 Vai1 Meadows A. Develop a stronger cannect�on to the hause, � . e. the garage shou1d be maved c�oser to the house. B. Consider a passi��e locatior� �For a second garage. �. Consider desi�gning a hig�er garage door to a71ow for snow remova� equ�pment. 3. Craddock Remodel : �ot 1 , Block � , Va�I UY17age lst. A. Fin�sh the design of the chimneys. S. Re-evaluate adequacy of the landscape p7an. � C. Provide materia1s and coior sa�ples. D. Provide uti�ity veri�Ficat�on �orm. � . ' . 4. Hal pert Garage; Tot G� �3o,ck 1 , V��'� V�.7��ge Sth. A. Address the locatfion and i'mpac� of ��e garage on the as�en �trees lvcated an tlie southwest corner of the house. B. Des��grt a catch basi'n �ar oi'1 from cars parked in �he garage. i • • �� �ow� o� uai 75 south irantage road r►all, colorado 81G57 (303) 476-7000 oifEce of community development T0: Design Review Board FROM : Kristan Pritz DAT�: Niay 10, 1984 SUBJEC�`: Village Center Additian and site impravements. I have enc�osed background infarma�ion for you on �he VilTage Center Project. On Apri 1 9, 1984, the P1 anni ng and Erivironmer�ta] Cor�mi�ssior� revi ew�d the projec� in respect to: � 1 . A side setback variance for the loading berth on the east side of the building. 2. The exterior ai�erations �o th� bui1d�ng. �he Plann7ng and Environmental Commi'ss�'on approved bot� requests unanimous7y. The staff inemo includes a pro�ect description, review o� the praject:'�s cor��liance w�th the Vai3 V�11age Urban Design Guide P1an, Commercial Core II Zon�ng Comp7�ance, and staf� recammendation concernir�g the variance. Minutes from the P1anning and Environmental Commission mee�ing are encTased. �a1dwin Assacia�e5 Arch�tects, incorporated have written a report tha� reviews t�ieir design concepts for �he Village Center proposal . These commen�s are also enclosed in the packet of baekground infarmation. � y Y � � ,_ �� � PTat�nl�lg ar�d ��nvir�nrnuni.al Co��rnission Apr�l 9, 7984 • � P�ES�N1' STAFF PRESENT ° D�a�a Donavan Peter Patten Scot� �dwards Tom �raun Gordon Pierce Kr�stan Pritz Duane Pi p2r Larry Esicwi th Howard Rapson Betsy Rosolacic Wiil Trou� ABSENT ���' ���,�. Q.�,�� ��1 i�,����,f� J IM V I ELE 5.�., ll4u:��;� � � � 4 �� . . � �� T�e meetir�g was called �o order at 3:OQ p� �y Duane Piper, chairma�. 1 . Approv_a1 of min�i.es of t1arch 12 and March 2b. Pierce moved and Dona�an econded to a�prove �he rec�ed minutes af March 12. �he vote was 6--0 �n favor. ut corrected � ar�ci� 2b r�i nutes so ti�a� hi s rzason for voting against ��e So a7p s �al development dis�rict wo�ld read: .. "because he did not �eel any �ro�ect` ld be appraved that would hav� any negat�ve eifect an TOV property (� .e. the b she�'�r paving, trees, ar oth�r �mprov�ments existing)." Donovan moved and son seco►�ded��,�„approve the March 2G minu�es. as carrected. 7he vote was 6- in favar. � est �or a �ront s��back varlance o�F � .b fee� for an existtn bui�din 2. �eg u _ - of the Va�l� Racque� Club Townhomes iocated at 5770_Bi horn Road. App1 icant:� Va�� Racquet C��b T��vnhomes Tam Braur� explained the request. He stated that Bui�d�n I had b�en cans�ructed on1y 18.4 feet from th�front prop�rty line, result�ng 'n a � .6 �'oot er�corachment into the setback. Era:�n �ded �.ha�, �he var�ance wo�i i�ave no �mpact on �x�st�ng or potentiai uses and struct�res, but that there w no ev�dence to indicate a physical hardsh�p, �n�re�y hu n error. �lai�.er Kirch, the aopl ican�, said t t he fou tf�at the 7own o�f Vai� owned the adjoining pro�erty, and t,hai. he consi red king for ��ther a land swap ar a land ac�uisition, but dec�ded ta f�rst k for a variance. He felt �hat the granting of this variance would not con s ' �te a grar�� of sp�cia7 privi��ge becau5e of otf�er sir�i�ar variances in udir�g in 1987 for �ot 12 in Bighorn 4th which was �8.2 -�eet fram tf�e �roper line. He � ded �ha� gran�ing of the var7ance wauld not be detrimer�ta1 to the p �ic heal�h, safe�r we�fare, and felt �ha� he qual �f�ed �ecause the s�rict r litera� ir��erpretat�ai�� and eE�foreement would resu�t in practica7 difficult and 4vou�d depr�ve the applicar�t of privileges enjoyed by t�e owners of at r propert�es in the same disi.rict. . Trau� moved and Pzerce s� onded to approve th ar�ance rec�uest because the graiiting af tne variance wou�d rro�, cor-�st�t a grant of sp�cial �7Y'1V���JQy and wouid not be detrim2ntal to the pub�T'i=��,_ 1th, safety or �re�fare and was warranted � because the stric� or �i�eral interpr a� and �n'Forceme�t of the speeified r�gulation would resul� in practica diffic �.�,or �nnecessary phys�cal hards��p 1F1CD115�5��t1� witn the ob,�ectives . �h2 zon�ng co�e. Ti�e vai,e was 6-a in �avor. N�� -L- 4/y '�4 . �� � L . . 3. Reg�:Gst__��r a dens�t,y_con�rol variance �n order to add 92 squar� -Feet of GRFA �o an ex stin� d���e� ling unit on the �_ op �loor of the Sunbird todge. � ,4p�1 icar�t: Sunbi:�d l_odge Tflm Braun expla�ned �hat at �he mee��ng of �'�ar�h �2, 198�, the applican�s had two re�ues�s, and �.he request �o add •an employee u�it was gr�r�ted. �'he requ�st � t,n add 92 sq�,�are feet fl� GRFA was tabled �ecause o� same c�ues�ian concerr�ing tf�� number af lcztchens al�ow�d a�. th� 1o�ae. Th� staff inet w�th the applicant �o reso�ve tf�e i5sue concernir�g how many uni�s �n the Sunbird �odfle r�ay have icitchens. A court oraer 1 �mited the num�er to � �3, �ut �he Co�rimunity Deve�o�ment depar°t�en� error�2ously issued a building pet^�n�t for t�e insta�la��on of another k�tchen �n the fall of 1983. To al�ow �€or a kitchen in ti�e 5th floor unit, the applicants agreed ta remove a ki�chen from ano�her unit and }�ave agreed to an an�-s��e inspec�ian. The pnd res�lt wa�ld be 14 �ega� kitchens. 8ruce Parton, applican�, stated that the uni�. was not �unctianal , and he was t�°ying to ��prave an exis�ing un�t, no�. adcf a�ether unit. �15CUS5101� centered arou�d whether or not the added GRFA would be adding bulk and mass. Braun rem�nded � the board �,hat th�y mus� es�abllsh a r�ardship and Pa�ten fe7t that this requ�st was more far canvenienc�. Ra�son fe��. that this was a condltion not generally applicab�e to other si�uat�or�s. EdUrards feit �i�at there was a pi�ysical hardsh�p here, �iper state� that the ledge was not i�abitab�e space, Danova� fe�t that the board did nat have a �oa� with whic� to apprave tf�� varia�c�. Trout felt tha� the board had approved the employee � unit with the result that tiie ap�� icant was �e#�t w��t.k�.. �� need _to -exp.and t�e adjac�nt unit. Pierce fel-� -�he density and bu�k �vere no�t being increased and Pi per agreed. �'rout_r�oved and Pierce seconded �o approve the re uested GRFA var�ance. Rapsor� sugaested add�ng the s�te �nspect7on af kitchens to the ma�ion, bu� Braun feit �hat in l�ght of what had gone on in the past, p�u5 the letter of commitm�nt from the appl7cant, the staff would be aware of the r�eed �o inspee� tl�e un�ts. Danovan po�r�ted out that originally boti� top floor uni�s were e�p�oyee uni�s. ThE vote was 5-3 with Donovan aqainst beca�se �he felt tha�. ti�e �oard c#id r�o� � have a -�ool with �F�ieh �o a� rave t�e var�ance. _ �_�_ _.�,_..�`� � ��� 4. Reauest for art exter�or al�era�ion to tf�e Uilla�e__Center, Bu�,lding D �Y �� `;°;','`�. at 122 l�leadow �ri ve. Appl�cant: Fr d }i� i bberd `��L peter Pat�.en ex�Zained ��e request by first snawing a time 7apse mavie �'rom two 7acations. ��rst fror� the �op of the TRC �ooking southeast, then �From �he west side. He �ointed out the "lost touris�" au�o5 and '�he way the pedestrians auo��ed �he sidewa�fc �n frant of the 'Village C�nter ancf walked doti�rn the s�reet. Del �very prob�ems were ev�c#ent on both on both �he east and wes� er�ds of tFie V� llage Center bu�lding. Patten ex�lained that t�e p�ar�ning staff encaurag�d Hibberd tfl treat his appl �eat�on � as a mas�.er plar� and to include one compre��ensive proposal . . PEC -3- 4/9/84 ` Paiten s!�owed a s�te plan and exp�air�ed �hat there was a la�ding prablPm on east side wi�h no ]cad�ng zo�e• ��is wou7d �e av�rcome wi�� �h� jQint load7�g faci3ity � shared by �he Sonn�nal�. �a�ten �hen sa�d t�e loading zo��e o� the west 5�de would �e reinov��d �o he�p to get �ed�strians onto �he sidewalk. The loadi�g on �h�s side would be in�,2rnai �zpd adiace�t �o �he ��ilding. - �at�en �xp7a�ned tha� �he ����0 5tary addi�ion on the �as� end was the same heig�t at La �our a�d the eave line wau1d con��nue acrass. he �xp�ained that �here would be a roaf aver t�e steos which �rent down to Buil�ing A, �he major r�design o` t�e sid�walk �ncluded placing it c1oser to �he street, a�d a� sa �hey were made easier to gez onto co�ing �rom Crossroads. The s�reet wou1d �e 26 feet wide w3th snow stora�e areas �e�4��een the street and the s�newal�. The re�a�� fr°on�s 4�ere �o be redesigned to be��er relate �o the sidewa7k, and �here wauld be a s�al� amaun� of square footage added to each s�ore, a�o�g wit� a redesigni�g af the s�a3rs to �he �o��aker' s 7�ai� . Pat�e� described the Urban Des�gn G�ide PZa� with rela�ion to ��e sub-area concepts �8 Lhroug� 22. H� then stated the proposa� complied with Comm�rc�a7 Core II zon� di5trict's requirements. The se��ack varlance was req�ested in order t� share the �oading dack wlth the Sonnena3p. �he �oadi�g bui�dl�g wo��d ov�riap t�e praperty �ine and ��ou1d b� cons�ruc�ed at the requ�st o� the staff as a so�u�7an to the load��g pro��ems �or both projects. • Pa�ten rea� 8 conditions for approval . Ni�berd discussed the eonditions and � stated �hat he wfluld ��e3 i�ore cam�ortab�e �f the �own cou7d set a da�e when t�e improveme�ts in sub-area �20 would be dane. �e added �hat h� would l�ke to havE the Town remove the snow if 1� needed ta be hau�ed Dff-57�2, but t�at he L�ou1 d ot��r�r�se i nsta] 7 a�d �ai ntai� �he si dewal ks. Th2 wgst enti was discussed wi�h sor�e of �he boar� fee7 �ng that someth�ng shnuld bE done to make the garage entrance �nore a�pealing. Hibberd sta�ed tha� he in�ended to paint the interior of the garag�. P�erce s�gges�Ed a garage door or gate, and }iibberd sa�d he wou�d �ak� the suggesi.ion unaer advtsement. He pa�r�ted out ti�at a gate was a majflr maint�r�ance factor. Rick Ba�dwin, arch�tect for the project, exp�ained how tf�e s�eps and sidewa7ks would u�ork and said tnat i.he sidewalk wouid be 8 feet w�de. Parfcing in �he par�C-i ng area i n �he bui 1 d��g was expl a i r�ed by H�bb2rd wi�a stated �f�at ti�e st�op .. owr�ers had assigned �ark�ng spaces, but that �he studio condos d�d not have any parki ng spaces i n t,hp bui�d�ng. Pa�ters expl ai n�d that the app�i car-�t was requ�red �o pay for parking spaces in the Village Parking Struc�ure and was r�ot a3lowed to put parking an h3s site. Piper stated t�at hE had rnany 7et�ers of oppositon �rom ;�l�rv La�;n and frorr: �the condo o4rners in Bui1dings A, 8, and C. . �.oad�ng on the west end was d�scussed �g�in. Ka�hy Warr�n, re�resent�ng th� owners in Bu�7dings A, B and C explain�d �ha�. the pr�perty owners did have many oppos�ng ideas, b�t �hat they had met with �iibberd �r�d ihe prot�lem areas had been r°esolved a�d she had a let�.er �o submit tfl the permar�ent fiie from ti�e Village C�n�er Associat�on to `��bberd agreeing to several items. Patten pointed aut Li�at i.his wouid ae an agreer�en�, that ��e To�rn �,rou�d ��ot be a part af. � , ` P�c -4- 4�s��� . " ' Ann �authan, Pr�s�dent of �.1�e Building D Co�d� �ssaciatio�, exp�ained that t�� � condas in Building D d�d no� have any park�ng spaces i� the building, but reeded a �1 ace �o park whi 1 e tf�ey unl oaded thpi r autos. She fel t �f�at more �.han or° space was r�eeded, ar�d the a��as neede� �o be an �he spaces about 30 rs�inu�.es. � H�bb�rd ex�lai�ed tY�at �her� wQU�d be na prcbler� �ith park�ng near �he daors, but �h� cars could nat �e �eft in �.he loading zor�e. Loutf�an as�ed if ti�e cando owners in Bta�id�ng D woulc# be paying �or any of ti�2 ��nProvements, and I���berd rep� �ed that they 4dou1 d no�• Lou�.han menti oned �.hat �f�e cor�do o�tr,ers i�e�t �he c�nanqes io the �uilt�ir�g wou�d be a great improvemen�. Rapsan titi�as concerned wit� the appearance of the west end when �he riprap wa71 was re;��oved, a�rd especial7y �rom �he poin� o-� v�ew of the tourists coming up l�il�ow �ridge Road. He fe�t it would be be�.ter tp have an er��rance that peop�e cau�d no� see. H�hberd rep� ied t4�a� he had had �o rep�ace garage doors three �.imes. He �elt that a fac� lift �voul� be enougF� to improv2 the �ntrance. Rapson asked abaut exi.erior l i g�ti ng, and H�b'�erd repl i ed t�e one ti�roodert �a�p would be rep lace d wi t h lam p pas�s, and Baldwin felt �ha�. the disp� aY �79+��$ �n the shaps wou3d [�elp to light the sidewaik. Ra�so�_ moved and Edwards seconcied i.fl a prave the side se�back var�ance for t3�e � ' 1oad�ng b�r�.h er �he staff iner�o dated Apr��� 5> 1°84• The vote was 6-0 in_ favor. Ra�son moved an� Trou� 5econded �o aP�rove �F�e exter�or al�erat�ans, for t��� . �am�7�edwiLh�he Url�ari Des� n Cons7dera�ions 1 t�ru 9. Inc7uded in �.he mo�i�n � ��ere the ei ng_t con_di ti ans 1 i s�ed on aae 5 af the memo w�uh ex�ra a�.t2r��7�n �.o _ '��I�' ChdT102S on �he 1Ves� er�d of�.�e bui�d�. 7he vo�e was 6-[� i n favor. 5, ��uest for a densit contro� variance in order to enc1ose a hot ��b a� • Lat 8, Black 5, Vail Ui11a e 1st F-�l�nc� Appl�cant: Velda B. Wyche Tflm Braun ex�Tained that at the February 13th meeting a� tY�e PEC a s�de setback var7ance tivas appraved to a�low for an exte�sive remode� of -�h�s resider�ce, one element o-F ti�rhich was a hot tub an a rooftop deck. This applica�ian t�ras to enclose �.he i�ottub with a greenhous2 �ype ot enclosure that wou�d add 72 square feet o� GRFA. Fie added that the s�af� recommended denia� becaus� no hards�iP had been es�.ablish�d. 7im Clark, architect for the applican.t, r°ad �ne letter of request. H� exp�a�ned tha� tf�e space wou�d be unheated and was wit4�out d�rect atcess from the inside of the uni�. Ne felt that �i��e granting of the var�ar�ce wou�d not be�ant�of��ta1 and also �Fe1� that t�ne sirict interpre�at�Qn wauld depr3ve �he app priviieges enjayed by the ot,�ners of otf�er prop2rtie5 in �he sam� d�strict, and that it would not be a gran� ai special pr�vilege. Donovan 3e�t th«� she could no� sup�art the request because therp would then be � _ � � x . _: • MEMORANDUM � Tp: P7anning and Environr�enta� Cammission FROM: Commun�ty Developmer�t Department OATE: Aprii 5, 1984 S�lBJEC7': Request for exterior alterat-�on and a side setback variance for Village Center Bui�d7ng Q. Applicant: Fred Hibberd i. BACKGROUND 7�is proposal began ta be discussed in Jcane of T983 when the app�icant and his architect app�9ed for a cam�ercial add�tion or� the east side of the property and a redevelapment of the 1'oymaker' s Tratil shop' s stairs on the west end. � We discussed redeve�oping the ent�re si�ewaik/1andscaped area an �he north and west sides of t�te bu�lding, as we7� . The plann�r�g staf� encouraged the app�icant to treat the p�^oposal as a "master �lan" concept which meant making �� or�e entire comprehens�ve proposa� , includinq " the new sTdewal [c and 7andscaping on the wes� and nor�h s�des, the new stairs far �oymaker' s 1'rail , reta71 store front expar�sions on the north elevat-�on, new s�airway er�tries/ex-its �'rom the sidewalk to the s�reet, the two-story commercial addition on �he east and the creation o� new 7oading areas on �oth the east and west ends of �he bcaild�ng. � � T�e lack of adequate loa�ing �acilit�es on t}�e east end of the property is the major iss�e which held the project up sa lor�g. The staff encouraged �he appl �cant to exp7ore a joint load�ng facility with �he adjacen� property to �he eas�, Hotel Sonner�a�p, as tf��y were proposing a major r�d�velapment on their �roperty. i� was r�ot until th�s pas� Tu�sday, April 3rd, tha� the Sannenalp' s ' proposa� was approved on second reading af the Special Developmen� District Ordinance. Also, this somewhat complex proposal has rece�ved a great deal of review from the various departments of the Towr�, inc1ud�ng Public Warfcs/�'ransportation, F9re and Police. The proposal �n front of the Planning and Environmenta� Commission today has accompi �shed the objec�ives and requ�rements of all th� various departments. (See memos attached from �ub7ic Works and F�re Department. ) , The Village Center project remains, for reasons still uncl�ar to the current planning staff, in the Com�n�rcial Cor� II zone district. However, t1�e project �s located �� the Vai� Village Urban Design �uide Plan area ar�d must be evaluated with regard to t�ose dac�ments. Thus, th�s mer�orandur� wi71 proceed -�n �ive more sections: �irst, a description nf the proposal ; second, an evalua- tian a� how the plan meets the Vai7 UiT7age Urban Design Guide P7an; third, a 1ook at compl �ance with CommerciaT Core II zone district requirements; fourth, a look at �he requested setback varianc�; and las�ly, a s�aff reco�mendation. . � � Vi7lage Cen�er�- 4/5/$4 . : . � II. dESCRTP7ZON 0� PRdPOSAL �See attached pro�osed si�e �1an. ) � T�e sidewaTk on the nor�h and west sides of th� VilTage Center retail sha�s has never worked with regard to being a viable pub1�c pedestrian ro�te. ��s�orica�iy, �here' s been a 7ack of con��nuity of the wa7k on the eas� end {people choose to walk on the street} and �he on-stree� ]oading ar�a an �he west end scares people away from �he s�dewalk (�raveling northward) and again anto the street. To so]ve �hese pro6lems , the praposal �s to re�ocate �he on-street loading area �o an off-s�reet one an �he west end of �he �u3�d7�g. This required re�vcati�g the driveway en�ering �he lower park�ng garage for the condamini�m owners. The Town s�aff feeZs strong�y �hat we should not reduc� loadi�g fac�7i�ies in �his par�ic�lar area, and w� are exploring �h� possibiili�y of creating a new "on�stre��° loading area to the southwest o� i�s present lacation on the west s�de of the stree� south af the Kiandr's dr�v�way. Thus, the brick pavers which exist on the east side o� Willow Bridge Road north of �he bridge and the e�im��at�o� o� the loadi�g area wauid invite peop]e to continue waik�ng on �he sidewalk making a mare pleasant .and safer pedestrian exp�rience, The new sidewa3k, as caTled for in the UDGP, would be lower to rela�e more �o the street and have several 5hort stairways to �as� Meadow �rive to make it easier to flow on and off the wa�Kway. The new walkway is pleasan�1y b�ffered from the s�reet wi�h landscaped berms which have been des�gned to handTe �he required snow s�orag�, SeveraT retail store fron�s w�ll be expanded to the narth be�ween 6 and 9 �ee� to ma�nta�n a pleasan� window shopping exper�ence alo�g th� walkway. � As ane ap�roaches �he eastern portlon of the walkway, the exis�ing "La �our PTaza is �mproved by f�nishing it to a �hree sided encTosure w�th the new cammerciai addition co�taini�g two �ew reta�l s�ac�s on �he p�aza ievel, The pedestrian t�en may enter this pocke� park area to shop, dine ou�doors �in surnmer) , s�t on one of �he benches or co�tinue easter�y on �he walk which wil� connect directly onto the Sonnena7p property. The redevelopment of the V317ag� Center wa�kway combined with the Sonnenalp` s proposed wa7kway completes an ent�re pedes�r7an loop system beginning. at the Covered Br�dge P�aza, up BrTd�ge Stree�, west on Gore Creek Driv�, north o� Wi�low Bridge/W�11ow Bridge Road and eas� on �he V�llage Center/Sonnenaip walkway back to the Covered Br�dge Plaza. The joint loading facil��y on the east w��h Sonnenalp vast]y improves the service and d��zvery s�tuation far �he easter7y shops af the V�llag� Center comp�ex. Currently, �he lack ot loading spaces in t�is area have created a situation where i�lega7 loading occurs in frant of "La Tour PTaza" and this hinders the Town' s bus �raffic flow. T�e combina�ian of th� new joint load�ng dock (par�ia1ly nn Vil3age Center property and par�ial]y an Sonnena�p's site) with the northerly expans�on of th� landscaped berm wi71 effect�vely e�imtna�e the current iT1ega1 loading act�vities. � � , , V�71age Cent� -3- �./5/84 � A new wa�kway fror� the pe�es�rian wa7k wi�l maintain access for Building A o� Vi�lage Center and w�Tl �ave a roof caver�ng the north port3on of �he stairs to arch��ec�uraZly t�e together the Sonnena�p and Village �enter projects as well as provide some protect�on from the e�ements for tE�e wa�Ecways' users. III. COMPLIANC� WIT}� THE VAIL VILLAG� URBAN ��SIGN GUIDE PLAN {even �hough in CCIT ) A. COMPLIAI�CE WITH PURPOSE S�CTION FOR COMMERCIAL CORE I The Commercia� Core I d-istr�ct is intended to provide s1�es and to mair��ain the unique character of the Vail Vi11age eommerc�a� area, with �ts m�xt�re of lodges and commercial establ -ishments in a predominantly �edestrian environment. 7he Commercia7 Core I distr�ct is �nt�ended to ensure adeq�ate l �gh�, air, open space, and ot}�er ameni�ies appropriate to the perm��ted types of bui�dings and uses. The d�stric� reguiatior�s in accorda�c� with the Vail Village urbar� design guide pian and design considerations �r�scribe s�te development standards that are �nt�nded to ensure �he ma�ntenance and preservation of the tightly c1ustered arrangements a� build�ngs fronting . � on pedest�^ianways and pubiic greenways, and to ensure con�inuat�art Qf � the bui7d�ng scale and architec�ural qua7itles that dist�inguish the vil�age. We �ind that �he pro�asal is �n co�p7iance with and furthers the inten� of the purpose sectian -�or Commerc�al Core T� � B. SUB�AREA CONCEP7S AFF�CT�� (See attached Urban Des�gr� Gu�de P�an) There are a number of Sub-Area Cor�cepts which are irtd�rectly related ta _ the Village Center projec�. Br�efily, Sub-Area Concepts 19 and 20 rela�e to a number af physical design sol�tions to reduce the "los� tour�st" • who drives down Vil7age Road and �hen west on East Meadow Drive looking for parking or whatever. The current proposal for Village Cen�er recogn�zes t�is as a poter�t�al f�ature project (Fred FE�bberd gave a portion of land ta the Town in 1981 toward this end) but �s des�gned for workabiiity w�thout these improvements as the Town has no immediate plar�s for this C��37td� ifR�?t"OVER1@Il'� (7Y'OJ2Ct. Numbers 21 and 22 re�at� to the iast commerc�a� add���on project which was cor�p�e�ed t�r�e years aga. hlumber 17 d�scusses improvements to �he intersect-�or� of Wil�ow Bridge ' Road and East Nieadow Drive. A �arger plant�r in t1�e middTe and brick paving treatment are called for. Sub-Area Concept 18 is what is being propased far the s�dewalk. It reads: "Existing walk lowered sl�ght�y to become major separated south s�de pedestrian raute (barr�er free ramps). Landscape planting bu�Ffer a�ong roadway. " . � � Village Center�4W 4/5/8� • C. URBAN DESIGN CO�SInERATIONS 1 . Pedestr�anization: 7he ob�ective of t�is project is to im r _ � � p ove pedes �� �rianizat�an in a manner d�rec�ly called �or by the UDGP. 7he staf� f�els this wi11 occur if �he proposa7 is imp1em�nted (re�er �o Sect�an II af this memorandum). Z• V�hicle Penetration: The applicant has, as notsd above, given �and to �he Tawn �or the pur�ose of implemen��ng Su� Rrea Conce�ts 19 and 20 which are attem��s a� a des�gn salut�on for reducing vehic]e pene- tration down Village Road. As the time-3apse pho�ogra�hy the staff has conduc�ed �� this area shows, this is a major prob]em �or th7s area af the Village and the �roblem needs ta be addressed so veh�cle- pedestrian con�l3cts can �e reduced. 3. Streetsca e Framework: Streetscape framework wiTl be vastly improved by construetion o� t e three types o� improvements cal7ed far in the �DGP: 1 ) con�inuity of waTkways; 2) iandscap�ng �reatmen�s a]ong wa7kways with occas�onal piazas/pocket �arks; 3) inft7l commercial storefron�s. �. 5treet Enclosure: The new commercial a�dit�on wi1T dupTicate the height af the 1987 "La Tour" addit�on and wi17 create a comfortabl� �-7/2 story enc�osure on the east end of the project. Overa�l , the . "outdoar roo�" crea�ed by Viilag� Center and Crossroads fa�ls wi�h�� the comfo�tabTe ratio set out by the UDGP. 5. Street Ed e: Tne street edge will be ���roved wi�h the new 7andscaped � walkway del7neatzng a c�ear s�reet edge separa�ing pedestrian and vehicular traff�c. The commercial addi�io� improves street edge by prov�ding the third side enciosure to the plaza. 6, Build�ng He�q�t; �he proposai mee�s the r�qu�rements of the UDGP and the Commercia� Core II zone distric�. 7. Views a�d Facal Points: There are no designat�d vi�w corridors in th�s area. The building he�ght proposed �ar the commerc�a1 addition h9des Building A af the projec� and daes nat �ntrude upon important mountain v�ews to the south. 8. Service and Del�verv: As men�ioned earlier, this �as been an area of concentrat�on for th�s project. The si��a�ion wou�d be greatly improved as a r�su�t of the proposal by e� iminat7ng �he existing ioading area on the west end a�d the i�legal 1oadtng area on the east. Proposed �s a compietely e�closed 1oading dock on the east (used with the Sannenalp) and a new 7oading area between parking garage garage entrances on the wes�. Also, th� sta�� �s exp]oring a n�w on-street ioading area south of the Kiandra easte�n driveway. These improvemen�s wi�i allow loading located more cTasely to the shops/restaurants being served and in an area which works batter for the delivery person and pedestr�an. � r � Vil7age Cente�-5- 4/5/84 » � 9. Sun/Shade: The bui�d�ng is so massive that it w�ll always cast s a�`e `oc.�wn to the s3dewalk area. The new commerc�al additio� w�11 � 'cast some shade on�o �he new walkway; and it' w.ill be the appl7cant' s responsi�Ziity to main�ain th� wa�k in good condition. .. .' , r� , IV. COMMERCIAL COR� II ZOi�E �ISTRICT COMPLTANCE A. lfses: The proposed cornme�cia1 uses are perm-�tted uses in �he Commerc�al Core TI distric�. B. Setbacks: �equired is 70 feet on a71 sides. The proposal complies with this exc�pt with regar� to the variance �or the joint loading facil�ty d�scussed belaw. C. Coverage: 70% maximu� Existing = 59% Proposed = 68% D. Landsca in : 20% minimum. The proposal prov�des a net �ncrease in landscaped areas. �. Parking and Loadinq: �Yte applicant w711 be required to pay into the par�Cing ��r�d th� appTicable amount for� the comr�erciai expansion. � V. SETBRCK VARIANC£ A. Re___�_est The applican� reques�s a 0 foot setback on the ea�.t boundary of the praperty to construct a jo�nt loading dock wi�h the Sonnenalp. �'he proposal is to have �he loading bu�ld�ng overlap �he property lir�� in '�I175 area. 1'he ioading faeility was construc�ed at the request af the staff as a solution to loadir�g probiems existing in the area as we�� as a viable placement o� �he facil�ty ta er�able service to bo�h properties. g, Recommendation The Community Development Department recommends a�proval af the set�ack variance for the jo�r�t 7aading build�ng as we� find a sp�c�fic phys�cal �ardshi�p in iocating. it e�se�?here in th�s area. We fee7 -�hat the .' proposed solution is an excellent one and wili adequately s�rve both ,properties. Ali impac�s of the bu�lding are pos�.�ive ones (refer to service/de1ivery sect�an of this memorandum). , � � � ViTlag� (�er -6- �/5/84 - . VI. RECOMMENDATION T�e Commun�ty Deve�opment Departme�t r�cammends approval o� the proposed � Village Center project. We have spent many hours work�ng wi�h the applicant, h�s archt�ect and the various Town of Va�i departm�nts �o arrive at so�utions ta a�l the prab�ems �n this ar�a of the V�llage. Ft shouid be no�ed ��a� tnitial opposi�ion �o certain as�ects of the pro�ect by Village Center conda�inium owners has been grea�ly reduced by the applicant' s meeting wi�h ��e owners and compromisTng on various e1ements. T�e sta�f �as a1so spent much t7me with �he hameowners and their representatives in expla�ning the project and all its rev�s�ons. We �eel that the proposa] represe��s the best so7utians for a�l invoived par�ies and that �t wi71 be a sign���- can� improvement to the im�edia�e area and t�� VaiT Vi17age ar�a. The fo�low�ng are cond�t�ons of approval : 1 . �he project mus� be constructed u�dsr a single building permit. 2. Before a building perm�t is issued for the projec�, a signed and reearded agreement by property owners at the Village Center Bu�Tding R and Sannenaip sha�1 be �resented to the Cam�unity Development Departmen�. The agreeme�t sha11 spec�fy the mutual use of the jo�nt ]oading dock �o th� east af the new commercial addit�on and outline easement agre�ments perta7n�ng ��ere�o. 3. �efore any �u�l�ing perm�t is iss�ed, �he appTican� sha17 sign a revoca�le right-o�-way agreement wi�h the Town. � 4. The a�pl�cant agrees �a provide for maintenance of the p�destrian s�dewalk area as we71 as th� associated Zandscaping constructed under �he bui7d�ng permit. 5. The west-end 3oad�ng area shall be mainta7ned and po7iced by the applicant to see that it serves i�s intended func�ion. The �xisting wood p7anter in this area shali be removed to a71ow maximu� area for trucks, 6. �he Town agr�es to pay �or th� cost of remavi�g the l�ndscaped berm on its proper�y in the area north o� �he "La Tour Plaza" �� and when it d�cides to proceed with improvements as noted on the Urban Des�gn Guide P7an. 7. 7he applicant agrees to work w��h the Town of Vai� Fire Qepartment , , in ach�ev�ng t�e r�quzred wor� to the �ire alarm system and exp]oring . . the passibil�ty of doing a17 required fire code work (inc�uding retrofit requirements) at �he same t3me. 8. 7he ap�iicant agrees not ta remonstrate against a speciai improvement distric� if and wh�n farmed for �he Vail Vi7Tage area. � � . � � � ` . � � _ ��j, �� �ow� o� �ai 75 sauth trontage road department ot public worksliransportation vail, coloradp 81657 (303) 476-70Q0 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0 : Pe�er Pa�ten, Com�-ity Development FROM: Stan Berryman DATE : Apri1 S , 1984 S�IBJECT : VILLAGE CE�fTER EXPANSION PROPOSAL This memo is to no�i�y you that the Depart�ent af Public Works/Transportation has reviewed and approved the proposed plans �or the Village Cenfier project as ar►�mended. � . � � i -. . -- • � . - , ���` � � y`� �ow� o� Va� �� � 42 west meadow drtve flre department val�, colorado 81857 (303)q76-2200 TO: Pe��x patten FROM: Dick Duran � DATE: April 4 , 198� RE: Vi��.age Center Proposa� As per our ineeting yesterday, ,I have no probl�m with th� proposal at this tzme. Ha.ving �he dxy p�p� ��d yard � hydrant wzl.�. help the Fi�e Department in set-up time in the even� o� a f�re on the south side of Village � Center p or a fire i.n A or B buildings . The Fire Aepaxtment would like to meet with �he people invol.ved. with �he project in regard to the placement o� the. dry hydrant and fire department connection, � have many concerns in regard to �the canstruction st,ag� which will be taken care of during the plan check. Thank you for getting ai1 departments toge�her and allowing us to voice our concerns . Look �orward to working with you on all projec�s . : s .� _ � �`���:� : �� ,. ; � I �a�'��F'. �::�. I ' '• � � � -! - g . °; �'w.• � � .'� F,y,�✓� ~► � t<F.•!,r t. � f �'! �:'1 t�• � E�'a" : a 'ti, t � ,� ,.� : � .'��: '�t.� 1 'l�r ,. • 5c#�� � � �.- 'ii�.'�!Y��_ � � i. �,J . � ` i� `�n�- r � � � ._��.��,��, _ � ::}��, �� � �� �.� �1 . �. 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' ' ' `�• . . ._ ' . • ' �. • . . . '�,� �� . , • . . . " _ . - . �ti. ! � ' ' � , . . . • - { _ .�' ,. � ' �. .�„ . � � � . [7 � � 3 N � „ 4 �.. . . � •. , . � ' ��( E • r . .� . ...- . ' . . . . . . , - - . .. A-L�' a ♦y . � ' . . . . �. . . ._.. . . . . . r . ' . ' ' . _ ' . . . . . , ' . ' 1- ,��q . . , .. . . . . .. �. . � . . } ..� �., '.. ':: .�.,/ ri<. 4 �' .. sA�nwx�v Assocza��s a�cxz�EC�s, zrrc. � 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE RoAn, WES� � V��L, COLORADO 81fi57 � �,;�� �: (3a3)476-4433 , " �,,:; � , ,. . _ , � ,, � : a <� � � ' ' . - ' , a ;�f S 23 May I983 t�, , .... . . . � . , .. ' '� �t �t j �_ .. , . - . - ,: - � .., . f� �F 5] 3 t� �. , . . . . ' .. .. � " . Y Z l 'vT���'�f . ' , ' ... � ' . . , �:\.. Y . ". `�i `o-��� VELLAGE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS � � _ ; , ., " �`� '�'����'.��� '. � � �.=��3 � � ��; 4 E �� �� a 1 4 A � . . a . . --. .. . . . . '. .. � ... '. ... �-" ' . .�' .' ' . �. ''.�. .. . . . . . . . 5 ' 7 •1-' fi , ... . . � . .. .. . Y� .,t�. -yk. PREFACE . `°� , , ::. : , * � The Vil].age �anter complex, for reasons not abundantly clear, has been , � , i ,.. des�gned as a detached ox remote 'pocket' o� the CommarCia�. Core II- `;.; ` ,r�`,� T�ionshead area::for purposes of comp�.iance tottha Des3gn Guide Pl�n ` ' �,�� Y � despitie its physica�. proximity at the fringe o� the .Commercial Core I .: � ''' ` ��, ' area. We ha.ve assumed �he reasons for �his c�.assiffcation .stem �rom � ��`� r" { > ��: :� ; �he scale of the buildings, the nature of tlne h�s�.iding components and � materials and tE�e ► r r h ' ; , potential m��hods for so£ten3.ng and pedest�3an-- �, � izing' this co.mplex. We feel„ in conjunct�qn with �his CCI,T elassifi.ca- -'� tion there ex�sts a s�rong Iink to �he CCr design gui8elines and Yiave r t�-b � therefor2 attempted to plan and des3gn toward a reasonable combLnat3on �;�� of the two sets af guic�elines, knoraing that a strict adherence �a ,� t`�;� ;� ei�her one af the Gu�.de �'lans may result in a 'foreign' solu�tion. � �����f, ; ,,_ _ We have fur�her attempted �o add�ess the spec3.fic items relating to ; ,s � � � ,��,�� � '� , , this s3.te w�►ich wer� the faeas of. �he CC� Urban Design Gu3de P1an. Ma�y' af the desired ob�ectives must be acidress �ointly by property � � : t �- 4�� 1�� { . owners andF the Tovrn of Vai� as ne�.ther has �ata1 Cpntrol �.n the imp�e ` u s '�y<�� ;t:' mentatian of the obj e��ive sQlut3.ons. This process .is co�p��cated bq `r ' �'�� �``'� � , � , . th,e fac� that many of the goals sought. bp �F�e UbGP are quite utajo� in �: � s?� �` r� !� W ` magnitude and therefore require long rang� planning, ,`budgeting a.nd piece ��`�'�``��;¢�;$� �. y.;..�`3�`� �y� {:s. meal. inter�m salutions that can later be united with ather elements 9.n . �s „5 p ; E,�,�r.; . a •coo�i3i,nated :��tort ��;�.f�rm the desirad end resu�t, S , � �';� E � >� �� " ��` x ���� � ���� a`�M: =� -� � - ��� :�:. : -':._ •. . ,.- �.�- . . ., : . , � T' '�!y�'��s r� ��.aa�a�.- .� � .. �. '� � , .�� :�.� . ����� -;� : '.."' ,..,._. _ ,.. t..i , , :�• s�,r. �.. ` s.�a��� �;���y��', This reqnest for Exteri.or Alterations a�d Mod�.f�ca�ipns 'in the CC�/CCII ��_�` �X '���, � a d a� �'�.�rnqea��Yed+�k�x;�. Area �s directed toward �hree specific '�.mprovement::areas af �he Village ��'`��;�'����`�`��;- �;�.� >� ���.��� entex Camp�.ex, �.rt, con3unc�ion with the UAGP a�d the ]3esign Cansidera�.ioxts `4������"'°�"�`t: . � , t <�3� s�xb sts�g.. 4 �`. � � 1c�.' 14 �j�y�°i �_. 1. Pedes�r�.an s3te access� and entry' to �he Taymakers Trai� Shop. �° a������`�� f�, 2. Cammercial expans�on of grade �.eve� shops in Bu3ld:tng 'D'. ��;,�',�`Gi��A;��°° ! Sn��fYr� ``,�Fd ,. 3. Cauamerc3aZ deve�.opmen� addition to the east of the existing �r � , a ,.,> � °� ►Pocke� Park' _ ' � f �`FK�; �`� f�; . .. „. � � � �.,�'. . �.-�� . . . f:..f a � ?fd��#�S 3F. . ., . . . �,- ..g '-� �:� �.. :� .. i .�sl'9 �f�f� A4 ' � These three areas �of improvemen� will be �.mp7.emented as separate€�pro�ects , , ;� ��s�,,i bu� are addressed here in general �erms in an effort to develop a mas�er ` " " ' ' pl.an and begin initial ,discuss�ons conc�rn3:ng the cooxdinat3on o� elemen�s r� ��t�"°� � of �he UbG� beyond the contxol of the app�iCant. Ax► apparent order, a£ '� ' `` , imp�.ementatior� i.s dictatad by the degree of 3nval.vement and t�.r�uing required, ; ' :' by the aspects af the UDGP tha� �Xe cantra�led liy t}ie Town qf Vai1. This , , wou�d fndicate tha� the Toymak�rs Trai1. entry and the west Zandscaped area � � wauld be pursued f.irst, the easCe�n commer�ial add�.tion would be deve�oped ��.��: . as the second phase and the �ommerCial. Bui�ding 'A' expansions would be . g'�`�� ��.' fihe final imp�eman�ation allowing the ma�ority of time to Fse devoted to ",;�,;,��,o: coordinat�.ng a plan to achieve the Town�s s ec�.�ic � � '��''"� � p goals relat3:ng to this r.� t�:�,��� - site. � . `�� ,,��. .: . .. _ . . . E ,�,�Y� �p����y�,_ ' ' . ' ' .. . , , � {3f'.1` ��t�'y,4 jbtk.�,. � � ' _ . ' � . - . .. . � . . . . . � . . , . '�� .. . ... , �.v'�Y'�S , m#�'.`Y��fF 3?.:'. . . i • . ~ � VII�T,AGE CE�ITER IMPROVEMENTS , i 23 May 1983 . � Page two . � � . E URBAN DESIGN CONSTA�RATIONS 1. P�D�STRTANIZATTON: • Under �he Vail Vil�.age Urban Design Guide Plan it would lie des3raFile to crea�e and reinforce a .separate gedestrian wa1.k along E. Meadow : Drive that urould allaw tha pedestrian to pass adjaCent to the com- ; ` mercial shops in f.he area and be sepa�a�e from �he requ3red tra��3.0 , ;; ezea�ed by tY�e shuttle busses, del�trery trucks and o�hex necessary, bu� reduc�d, tra�f3c along this �.horaughfare. At present, the ped- � estr3an is forced into the stree� compe�ing for space with �.he vehicular tra�fic whan app�aaching the Vi�lage Genter from the west, east or south. The approacYi ,�ro� �he east forces t�ie .foot tra.ffic to share the narrpw st�reet with the busses, controZ gates, bicyc�es � and Lo raalk around the �raffic-�1im3.ting �osts, due to the discon- �inuity of sidernral.�s along the Sonnenalp p�opert.y. The same is t�ue when approachin.g from �he west along the Talisman Lodge property. � The pedestrian approaching the Vi1].age Center from �he. soutFi tias the ad^�antage of walk3ng on the l��ick paver walkway. Although it is not physically separa�ed from the I3mi�ed vehicuiax traffic, 3t does at least designate a space specif3ca11y for the pedestr�an, - Unfortunately, thi.s wal.kway curren�ly term�.nates a� the edge of the i E .. Vil].�ge Center en�ry. driveway on Wi�iow Bri�dge ltoad. � Once the pedestr�.ans reach the apparen� safe�y of the Village Cen.fier north side circulatian systezQ �tiey mus� contend with a variaty of. .- walkways impec3ed��by the numero�s ups and downs of the cexrrentiy h '�` r�quired steps on tfie si,te. . Wh3.3.e these s�eps serve the�.r function � f, ` they detract from the pedestzian exper�ence and can beCa�e a poten- t�a1 hazard when �cp or snow packed. . _ . This proposal a��ows for thQ separ�.tion o� pedestrian and vehicu].ar � " '� � ` " - by allowing the pedestrian to make a transition from the .pauer �> �,g�j�;, e - wa�ltway aCCross the dritreway and onto the site at �I�e north side of `+� P E �i the driv'eway and cont3nue along the shop facades on a landscaped, ° e�ev$ted, rainped walkway unimpeded by any mo.re esterior steps than �' � ' �'4 - are abso�.utel.y necessary, and continue off the si�e to �ihe 3.inking �. �' `+ � ��"` _;.�:; walk, proposed to the east in �xon� of the Sonnenalp. k ";� •`� � � - . .., . - 9;).� 7 �_ . . . _ . .,.'�-` � 1{�` -. }_�. �'. ' .: -., :. . .. - � 2. VEHICLE P�NETRATION: ` . . > . ... . � .. . - 6 � <. _ .. . . „ . .,. },.� T � J. _ While this propasal does not address further vehicle penetratiion or.. ? �° reduction by any act�.ve functi.on eliminat3,on fti slioul� lie noted tliat a pnrtipn of this site was donated ta the To�,m pf Vai1 to enhance :� ' ` _ implementat3on o£ the traff3.c c�rc�e �.dantified in the UDGP and - ,, ' al�awing for Cfie future reduction of vehicular tra£fic introduced ' - 3nto the area. _ � __ .:f 3. STREETSCAPE FRL4MEWORK: _ To enhance the wa1.k3.ng experience a�ong �he proposed lowered wa].k- way several impravements that exist now wi11 be modifi�d and e�panded. " - � By placing an add�tional sma�.l commerc�ai buiZd�ng, to the east of the exi.sting open poc�Ce� park the pedestr3,an w�.11 be drawn �.nto the park ratiher Lhan ttz� �urrent cond�t3on where the passing pedestrian ;;,, ;;� .. is forced 3nto the stree� away froxn the park. The park wil�. also Fie ' � I . , Y � ;` ,:,' , ;:� _ . , s I l�w,.`� i ��:��°��`�n���� „�` , w- - • VILLAGE C�NTER IM1'ROV�MENTS 23 May 1983 . Page three , • 'closed' on three sides crea�ing a finished perimeter and the - dire�tiional. focus of an activity centez xa�her �Iian a seldom used exposed open face. In addition to the improved activity canter of �he park and in con�unction w�Gh:.Y.he desired constriction af the East Meadow Arive bus and d�Z3very traffic �rou�Ce, a wider, more visible � landscaped area is prpposed to further separate the pedestrian- . way from tfie roadway and �.ts related traffie. � 4. 5T1tEET ENC�OSURE: _ � The outdaoz room tha� is cxeated. by the V317.age Center and the Crossroads Building fa11s t�rith3.n the comfortable height-�a�width ratio caJ.cular�ans. This space is hor�re�rer, no� perce�ved as a comfortahle, enclosed space'due to the random natur� pf the ele- ments creat3ng tha 'room' . The eas�C and west. ends of �he 'room' - are not C�.osed by s�ructtires and appear to �e wide vpen. Addition� a11y, the north and sc�u�h wa11s d.o very 7.ittie �o azd in the enc�.osures of the 'rao�n`, as they angla off in opposing directions destroying ` any perceived enclasuxe as the pedestrLan movas through the space. The praposed commexc�.a1 acldit�.ons to tha V�l�.age Center Building` 'D' wi11 help in reducing tha scale o£ .this bu�.ldiz�g a.11ow3.n.g it to bet�er related �o pedes�rians and. provide a_ focus fpr their attention , , � 5. STREET EDGE; _ Bacaus�e of tha open nature af the street between Crossroads Shapp�.ng Center and the V'i1.lage Center Shogs, and �he randoni ir�egularity of �tieir �acades, a strong d.efinition of the street edge musti be created by ineans other than the building facades. This proposa� suggests . thati the expanded landscaping area cxeated by the reduct3on 3n w3dt� �` 4'" "' of East Meadow Driv� �e developed to more strongly establish the Y �: : street edge. mhis landscapa.ng areac�should be qu3.te effective in ` i '` �' de�ini.ng the street edge due to the higher degree of v�sihility °' � crea�ed by the slop3ng af the plan�ing areas from the roadway izp to. . ` � � "the e�levated walkway—large trees in this axea wil�. a3.so re3.nforce , =� �h�.s �oad definitiion. y , ` ` - � 6. BUILDTNG HETGHT: 1 = ..f"<.; � This proposal s�gges�s improvements to existing structures with estab- '> lished heights. �t addresses me�hods of xeduc�ng apparen� building ; _ h�ight by the addition of small single story cammerc3.a1 expansions to better reZate �o tI�e pedestrian traversing the e�.evated walkway:. , � Tn addi�.ion to th3s padestrian/shop Yelationship, the elevated walk- � way and shop windows al.low for a v3.suaZ focus for peopl.e pass�ng by � ;,, , ,,':_ on the shu�tle buses. - , _ . : , : The height of the proposed building at the east saLde of �he pr�pe�'ty will be ].ow to persexve the publ�c vi�w of the mountain frout the ; ' .. ' proposed vehicular turn-arannd and park area, wh�le screening out • . � some of the clutter to tha south. , _ : :.. , . . _ � , :;F�� . .. . � �ILLAGE CENTER TMPROV'EMENTS . -. _ . . . . -_ , , 23 May 1983 1'age four _ . _ .� . ' �. vz�rs: _ The ma�oz view corridox xe�.a��.ng �o devel.opmen� on this .s3te is the distan� v�.ew o� �he moun�ain as seen fxom �ivth veh�.cles and � : pedestrians approach3ng from the nortih f:rom the Frontage Road ; and �ram Crossraads. As pointed outi in the UDGP a. low structure coul.d be built in tli3.s a�:ea withou�. effecting tfiis view corridar. rn �act, the latest exis�ing add�.t�.on to tfie Village Center demon strated this concep�. The praposed addit�onal .structure in this J 1 area wi.11 respect this view corri.dar and serve to complete th,e _ near focai po3.nt o� the pocket pa7rk. ZONI.NG CODE IT�M5 1 J.. DENSTTY CDNTROL: . This proposa�. �nakes no add�.tian to. the existing residentia�. space and thexefore does not 3n�rease the density impa�t upon the site. ' 2. LANDSCAPE AREA REDUCTION: When all phaaes of �hese p�aposal �.nap�'ovements �Save been impleT mented there wi1Z l�e a net increase 3.n 7.andscaped area related to the s3.te. � 3. PAI7KTNG: •. Additional. parking spaces requ�.red by t�ie �.ncrease to tfie retai7. shops and/or off�.ce spaces cou3.d no�. be added without de�rimenf.a� • effec� to �Iie s3�e and additional vehiculax genetra�ion. Part of the addi�ional retail space cxeated occurs in C�e form of expan- , sions tiv existin.g sliops and �here�ore may not nec2�s�ta�e more' parking fo� addit3.ona1. shop personnel. Parking for newl.y created shops qr offices w3.11 be accommoda�ed by part3.cipation in; the park�.n.g ' � fund or same othex means. , 4: < , , , r � j - . ' �.' � � �� � �; ARCHITECTURAL/LANDSCA�E CQNSIDERA��OI�TS ,. � -` �r The proposed building expansian to the east wi1� be..a matc�iing axchi ' �,� tectural des3gn to the �:ecent�.y completed addition; now canta�n�ng ` � r� :` ' La Tour restauran� and �everaJ; sma�ler comraercial reta3�I shops. �.`.Th�s ^ ` ` impl.ies tfiat the rovfr fo�rms and �a],1 m�ter3.als ta��l match tiie colar ' ��" s'�,'�,. and texture af the recent add3.t�on. . The propased pocicet park/p].aza � �`� ` w�.11. be bu3.lt with lirick pavers, as an extension �o�f= the pXOposed_ wa1.k raays a].ong the n��th side of the V31Iage Center 5hops.: This cqntinu �' � t�"`= = ati3on of pav�ng mate�3.als tu3.11 encourage pedastrian ac�ivity �.n�n the plaza. Accent 1.ighti.ng on the shops, 13g�.ted :win.dows and the street lamp will help malce this a�'ea moxe a�trac�3ve,. and safer in �he honrs of darkness. The larger p�anter..,u��.th pul��.�,C benches tiai3.1. �ie provided. Signage wi].l, vf course, l�e pzavided ]iy individual sliops �.ri accordance �' w�.th the Town o� Vai], sign ordi.nance and design guides. Deliveries w�.11. utilize the e.xisting laad�ng areas, or those del,ivery areas genex- ated tzy revised urban planning des�.gns. The exis�3ng gas meters on the : eastern end of the site wi11 1ae �eloca�ed ta the south, and screened. • Trash storage a�.d collection wil�. �ema�n in the sazne basi.c areas where they cuxrently ex�st. . ,�, � ::> . . ., ; r ;; � Project Application � , S 3 . ,c� Date . �a��-� �`�- v���� N�c�ss r-r��.s .s�v P � Project Name. } ' Project Description: IZDNT p o 0 2 � �/� U-? E �l p c7 �J �L.h`i c�ta��— �N, �J u`D 2�'� G 1��EI: �fZ4 v�. �.N'1"f t� � ��L e� K ��.M.a C�C,Z..._ Contact Person and Phone L� t� I= += 1°�4�2�T ��2-S 1�- 1 � ��ZC� ., t_L' �.i , � 0 Y� , Owner, Address and Phone: �� p ��' �� �� I `' � � O l l Architect, Address and Phone: u� F�' ��` � � r��s�r � � . 3 .O `T 1zl4GT� � '1/`� �S.-� ?� ��, Block -5 � --� .FiEing' , Zone �egal Description: Lot.�t_ + Comments Design Re.�iew Board _ -� �� � � �ate Motion by: (�C.� �l� 5eco�ded by: APPROVAL DESAPPROVAL W�: " , n _ 5ummary: � " , � Town Planner • ❑. Staff Approva! . � � � ; � �ate; . . . . ,. - � _� � . . .. � . " �� . . . . . " �lhe PrintarY/vail � . �� . . _ _ _ - _ ' ��� ,� a Project Application � � o�t� �`� �� ��: �� � �Project Name: . � Project I]escription: .. �p � ��� �-� t l�Z� L-� ' i Contact Person and Phone �� . _ � � �� � � r Qwner, Address and Phone: � � Architect, Address and Phone:. Legal Descr9ption: Lot , B1ock , Filing , Zone �--- Comments, � Design Review Board Date -S 4� e� Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ' APPROVAL _ � r �,�T- v✓1V�.- ` j ��� _ Summary: . G�.1 °`�t.. � � - _ 0 Sta#f.Approval Town Planner pate: � �S � . .. � � . � . . � . . . . � . - . . . . �.ihapdMe7lvail Project Application ;�' 27 A�ril 1984 • Date _... � Project Name: T�e P�.aza i� project Descrip#ion: ����-or R,epairs, Remodel�n�, a,nd S�.�e �T'ox a� above bu�l.din� 13 Contact Person and Phone Jed Johnson a A�axi ti'�anzenber� & A��c��a�e� J'nr.4 850 Sev�n�h Avenuea ��e 801 New York NY 1�1�2� 489�49Q Owner, Address and Phone: p�a�� r�a� B��a�P S�:rPPt_ P�crx fif�.�'{�,�?�C�fZ .. __ (�Q�� 47R..A.S.�i� — --� . Architect, Address and Phone: -Tar� _7�H�c�,�, A1an 'G�Ian�.Pnh�rg R� ���,,.�r��:i�-.AC T»r �„7�� 4g„��4Af1 � Legal Description: Lat ��-j , Block �{'' „ Filing , Zone Comments: —. �?P ati� r.h � Design Review:Board Date �Motion by: Seconded by: � �°`��� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: �2. C�Ji WA� ` �r C..� �� i� f�'� !!M� � � � Town Planner � Staff Approval Date: � 7/.�1� - . . . . - - . � - . � - . .� 1hePrinleryNail� . � �4,j�y ~�l � � �o�� o� Va� 75 so�th ironlage road vaEl, colorado S�B5T offlCe of Community de�elflPTnent {303) 47fi-7000 May 2�. , �984 Alan Wa�zenberg �3bhnsan Wanzenberg and Associates g50 Seventh 5tree� Suite 80�1 New York, New York pear A1an, • C��g��dulations on a fine submittal for �he Plaza Lodge. We are looking ' forward to a r�uch improved app�arance for �.he building th�5 summer. Ta confirm our conversation with yau and Kathryn, I have �ie��dtthe fa��owing �� ite€�s to be subr�itted pr�ar ta the issuance o� a building p , E i 1 . Final landscape plan• 2. �onstruc'�i on scY�edul e ; 3. Detai 1 or� pa�nt col ors. � 4. Wri�ten statement addressir�g Vail 's lir•ban Design Gu�de P3an and � Considerations . � 5. Finalize wF�at will be done with street 3igh�.ning• , F enir�g with regard to the Town's street � I will try to f�nd out what will be happ ` lights. If a different style is selected as the "Town street lamp" � � w��� � let you knaw as soon as possible. f k ' ` Sincerely, � �6w� � � Tom Braun � �own Planner € � E�kCL �'B/rme F Project Appl�cation , Da#e � � ` �.Project. Name: M1 � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone � Wl`-- " Owner, Addr�ss and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: l � ` � Legal Description: Lot Block ` Filing � �� , Zone � � ComrnEntS: � Design Re�iew Board Date � � Motion by: 5econded by: APPFIOVAL DESAF'PROVAL �• -_ � , Summary: 1 n , . y � - � � - 1 � . Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: �� . . �� � . .. . . � � � � . . � - �� ihe prin�eq'lvail �-. . . ; � y�l 1 . � of Va� � �aw� . 75 south frontage road • � vail, colorado 8165T - . (3D3) a76-760D OftiCB O� C01ri1nuRlEy deVElOpI'11@�1t - Niay 18, 1984 Cr�ai;� Sn.pwdon. . 201 Gore Cre.ek. pCi:v� Va�'1 , Colora�o, 81657 RE; Surnrners Res�dence Lot 1B, B1ock � , Sighorn Subdi.vision First Addition . Dear Cr�aig, � � On May 16, 1984, the Design Review Board gave the Surr�ier`s Resid�nce final approva� contingent upon; i . The final approva� and filin� of the subdivision : � plat for Lot 1B, Blocic � , Sighorn Subdivis�on 1st. 2. R�view of 6ui�ding p1ar�s for powder avalanche (Bi�l Andrews Town Engineer has signed off on the �etter fror� Timathy 8oyle) . 3. 7he re�ocated sewer easement wi1� be revege�a�ed E (east edge of property) . � i Thanks foh your coaperat�an. Sincerely, t1� �1W� 1 � Kristan Prf tz Town Planner EiVCL. � KPlrme Projec# Appl�cation ' : Date � �� il l�.vt . .'oject Name: Prvject Description: � �+ ' r�li�iov� v ��s � . U i 1a�� �. � ,� Contact Person and Phone �' r Owner, Address and Phone: ��y1C...• �" � ��� " - Architect, Address and Phone: �/�����n ���«��� ����� • `l- - -- J`�...J• � � ---- � ��I-,�- � - q� ��.��-; Legal Description: Lot � , Block �� � Filing �J ������ �-����-� ,. Zone � Comments: , �- Design Review Board Dat� Motion b : ��JI'EY�, ; - Y Seconded by: � APPROVAL � DISAPPROVAL s ' ..5�-.�,u+�. Summary: � . �.,., � w� � � � � � . r� n� - � own Pianner ❑ Staf#Approval Date; - . . -.. . � .. � . - - . lha P�nterylveit , � 11y� � � �a�� ofi ua� 75 south froniage road . � �aiE, calorada 81657 (303) 476-7000 office af community development May 2�. , �984 Rick 8a�dw�n 1000 South Frontage Road Vail , Calorado, 8�657 Dear Rick, pn May 14, 1984, the D�sign Review Board gave tYre Village Cen�er Praject prelimir�ary approval . 7he vot� was 4-0 in apprQVal witf� 1 a�stention ` (RZCk Baldwin) . The fo�lowing issues must be addressed ar�d delivered to the Community Developmen� �e�artmen� Staff by Nfay 23, 1984. Ya� are scheduled for the May 30th Des�gn Review Baard Meeting. 1 . Desigr� a lighting plan using Town of Vaii style lights. 2. Obtain owner's approvai of screen wall on south side of �he building; design de�ai1s far wal� aiso needed. 3. Design details far �he screening af the light in �he west end garage entry. 4. Design deta7ls �or overa�l 1andscaping, part�cular�y in front of the La T�ur Pocket Park. In�icate type and lacation af �rees , graund cover, trees �a be removed or reused. 5. Submit a writ�en phasing p7at� for the ent�re �roject (a building perr��t expi res i fi work i s stopped for s1 x €�onths) . 6. Indicate exact�y where the garage improvement wi11 be �acated on �he north wa1T - s}�ow how far th� treatment of the wall will extend. 7. Remave planter box in �ront of west loading space ad�acent �o , � garage entry. � . page �wo � 8. S�ow drainage plan far the projec�, part�cu7arly swales across sSdewalk. (P�ease �alk to the, Town Engineer if you have further question5.) 9. Show the re7ocated �rans�ormer `and necessary scree��ng. 10. Canfirm that cement wa� Ts wili b� stucca and not lef� as p�ain cement walls . , In addition the fol7awing CO�d1��On5 mus� be met before a bui�ding permit is �ssu�d: ] . T�e project must be construct�d under a s�ngl� bui�ding permit. 2. Befare a building permi� is issued for the proj�ct, a signed and recQrded agree�ent by proper�y o�ners of the Ui�lage Center Build�ng D and Sonnenalp shall be presen�ed to the Commun�ty Develapment �epart�e��. �he agreement shall specify the mutual use of the join� load7ng dock to the east af the new comm�rciaZ addi�ion and out� ine easement agre�ments pertaining there�o. • � 3. Befare any �u��ding permit is issued, the app7�cant sha11 sign a revocab7e right-af-way agreement with the Tow� for improve�ents in R�ght o� Way. 4. The app�icant agrees to provide for maintenance o� the pedes�rian sidewa7k area as well as the associated landscap�ng cons�ructed under the bui7ding perm�t. 5. The west-end �aading ar2a shajl be maintained and po�iced by �he applicant ta see tha� i� serves its intended funct�on. The exist�ng wood planter in this area sha3� be removed to a�low maximum area for trucks. 6. �he Tow� agrees to pay for the cost of removing t�e 1andscaped berm on the property in the area nort� of �he "�a Tour Plaza" i� and when it decides to proceed with im�roveme��s as noted an the Ur�an Design Guild Plan. 7. �he applicant agrees to work with �he 7own of Vail Fire �epart►nent in achiev�ng the required wark to the fire alarm system and exploring the possibiiity at da�ng all requi�ed �ire code work (inc3uding retrofi� r�quiremen�s,} at the same time. '� 8. 7he applicant agrees not�ta re�o�s�ra�e a�ai�st a spec�al improv�ment dis�rict if and when formed for the VaiT Village area. � 9. A parking ��e sha71 be pa�d based on add�tianai commerc�a� space. • page three � * 10. A sign program for the Village Center Bui7ding sha17 be sub�itt�d and approved by �he Design Review Board (staf� wil� work with the architect and owner to mee� this reguirement) . 11 . Specifications for Yard `Hydrant�ndpipes shal� be appraved by the �ire department. 12. .Assess easement for 7ow� o� Vail access across por�ion �ndica��d in PA 2 �area in fron� of �a Tour Restaurant} . 13. Need l�tter �rom utility company for us�ng �he 40' easement along the northeast portion o� the property (#2 in easem�nt repart) . 14. ��ed clar�ficat�on of #5 easemen� from county. I� you have further questions , p�ease give mE a cail . Thnaks fior your cooperat�an. 5incerely, `��Qn��� � • Kr�stan Prtiz T�wn P1anner KP/rme I CC:� Fred H�6berd � Project Appiication Rate ��� � � � _ �'aject Name: , . Project I7escriptian, Contact:Perso� and Phane � ,�: 1 l�c� Q � � Owner, Address and Phone: Arcfiitect, Address and Phone: - � � � ��� ^ , Zone ` �y Legal Description: Lot , Block FilEng � „-�, Comments: Design Re�iew Board �� Date �� Motion bY: Seconded by: piSAP�ROVAL APP�RbVAL � 5ummary; � _ . , �. , \ '° �,� . �� � ❑ Sta#f Approyal Town Planner Date: ��' � . . � � . . � . . � '�the p[intery/vail . D�SI�N REVIEW BOARD AG�NDA May 30, 1984 2:00 PM � � . Call m���ingito order II. Roll call - determination of quorum IIi. Agenda � 1 . Cleveland residence: final review, Lot 3, b�k 8, Tr��ermoun�a�n 3-0 approval with changes made to 1andscaping, �olor, and screening to be reviewed by s�aff. 2. Walker-Ray garage addition, lot 28, V�ii Meadows (Tab1ed) 3. Oqsb�ry res�dence: final review, 1ot 6, Resub Lot 74, blk 4, Bighorn 3rd Tabled by appiicant 4. V�llage Ger�ter commercial add�tion storefron� and lan�scape: Final review Z-0�1 approval - subjec� to meetin� comments in staf�' let�er May 21,T984. _.� 5. Berkowitz addition: Fina� review, Lot 2, Vai7 Vil1age lst 3-0 approved per ap�I i°ca�i�on, 6. Sonnenalp, two menu boards 3-0 approval for board a� �ront o�F build�ng, 6 month approval for board adjacent to Br�dge Street. 7. Bently-Eggers residence: conceptual review, Lat �8, b�k l , Vail Vi1�age 13�h No vote taken. Fi;nal revi�w to ti,e. a�. Jun� fit1� ,meeti:n9•. ,� 8. Vai1 �ou�tain School add�tion and rocKfal7 barrier, Lot 12, bTk 2, V.Vil . 12 � 3-0 approve� - cantinge�t upa� sub�ittal to staff of stairway coveri�g �o prevent snow sh�dd3ng prob1ems. 9. Cyrana' s deck remodel � Tabled by applicant to June 6�h. T0. Landmark Lodge exter9or colar change Staff approved color change to building � MEMBERS PRESEiVT ASSE�VT Jack Hunn �I�i 11 �'rout Rick Bal�win Steve Caswell Richard Matthews .� � � . . . +1,i . . ¢ � _ ������ �I ��� 75 south frontage road vaii, coEora[io 81657 (3D3) 476-TOUO of$!ce of communtty dedeloPmenf June 6 , 1984 Lynn Fritzlen p. 0. Box 57 Vail , CO 81658 Re: Cleveland Residence • �ear Lynn: On May 30, 1984, the Qesign Review Board gave final approval to the . Cleveland-Kjesbo Res�dence. Apprava� was given with the �o.11awing conditions : 1 . Twa sPruc� �rees are to b� added ta 1andscaping on "downhill side" of house. � 2. Additiona� scre�ning o� �nderside of s�ruct�re hy extend��g founda�ion (or siding type of extens�on} , six feet. 3. Color change of hou5e from Concord Blue to Cabo�s Solid Color Stairt �545. 4. F'ounda�ions and retaining wal�s are �o be engit�eered and s�bsequent1y reviewed �y Town af Vai1 eng�neer. Please cal� me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, ( � ;:" ;�`�--_ .,� ".����� � . ,,.��: ��i �. Tom Braun TB/jh . ,� � Project Application Date _ .,i �p..� , . �Projecf fVame: Praject Descr+ption: Cantact Person and Phon� � �'� � Owner, Address anck P hone: � `c1�C- �„��s�`r``"`� ��� Architect, Address and Phone: ��f'/� � j_ < < Lega1 Description: Lot .r , Block Filing"�`I�.,r'vnW►1°1'�t.�l Zone � Gomments: Design Re�iew Board � � � �ate ��� ���1J`� Motiort by: Q , Seconded by: 11.1/ l j Af'PROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �- b Summary: 1 a � , J��e:vJ b' . -� � �� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval . Date: " ` � . ,. � - �. � . .� - . -thap[interyivaii ��. . . Project Appl�cation, � [7ate � � �-Pra}ect Name: � t,,, " Z ! c�7\r Project Description: Cantact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �✓ d7�- �Zo 1 k � L.egal Description: Lot 2 , Block �� Filing �..,r1i�- � i p �`� � ZOfle Comments: Design Review Board . � Z� g pate Motion by: � Seconded by: , �-�.�r.. �' ��-- pISAFPROVAL AP VAL 3 °� Summary: _ Town Planner ❑ Staff Appt'OVaI �Date: . . . . � � . . . , lkePrintery�vail . Pro}ect Application Qate .Project Name: , , d� Project Description: Gontact Person and Phone Owner, Address anci Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �� ,1 ., � � � , Fi l i n g ✓Y�- , Zo n e.�-----. Legak Description: Lat � , Bkack Comments: Design Review Board � Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL . DISAF'PROVAL � G� !.� 7 � ��� Summary: � � aff Appro�al 7'own Planner . Date; ���� _ . . � � . . . . . � iheprinlerylva�l �� , . ,� ���� 7 tow� o ua� 75 south fro�tage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a7s-�000 oiftce of community development pESIGN RE1fTEW 80ARD AGENDA June 6th, 3.98A 2:OOPM 1 . Call me��i�ng to orde:r I�T . Rol l ca�1 --. �e�ermi�r�ati'on of° qi�o�ur�. III. Agenda ite�s�. 7 . Cyrano's Deck and Rer�ode.l . Approved - 4-0 a�proved per appl�cation with fQ7�w1�g condi�ti�ons (to be reviewed - � 6y staff) : _ � 1 . Util7ty meter to be screened. Z. Tri�m on new w�i�r�dow to ma�ch exi s t:i�ng. 3. Ex�sti'ng wi�ndow trim �o remain as i�s. 4. Color of stucco to �e changed to a '`less ye�low". 5. Flood lights to be replaced or screened. 6. Lattice painted to match s�ucco. Z. Bentley-�ggers Residence, Lot 18, Block I , Vai�l Village 13th. Approved 4-0 Approved per subm�tted 3. Br�dgewater Remodel , [�nit 6, Vai7 Rowhomes Approved 4-0 Appraved per subt�i�tta1 . 4. Deck Addi�ion, Lifthouse �odg� Bui7din�. Tab�ed pending PEC approval for dec[c expansi'on. 5. First I�at1'onal Bank of Vail : 1Fai1 das Schone Shapping Center, Qr�ve-up Bank Fac�lity. � Approved 3-0-1 - Baldwin sustaining. Preliminary approval of plan with exception of stair�less stee1 siding o� structure (to be reviewed at 6/20/84 meeting. . 6. Kalkus Hot Tub and Deck Enclosure, Lot 19, Block F, Vai1 Vi17age lst Filing. Approved 4�0 Approved per subm�tted. 7. Vail Mou�ta�n School , Landscape plan for soccer ffe1ds, Lot 12, Block 2, Vaii Village 12th. Apgroved �-0 Ap�roved per submitted. � 8. Ogsbury Residence Approved 3-0-1 - Matthews abstain�ng Approved per submitte� wi�h condition that sprinkler system is insta�led in home. IU. New 8usi�ess V. Old Business MEMBERS ARESENT: MEMBERS ABS�NT: Richard Matthews W�11 Trou� ' Rick Baldwin Steve Caswel1 Jack Hunn � � � ��ia � .. ���� �� ��� 75 south trontage road vail, colarado 81657 (303) 476-7000 atflce ot cort�munity de�e�apment �3une 15. 1984 . f�►�. Rober� Lee Myriam Corporation 405 Urban Stre�t Suite 112 Lakewaod, Colorado, 80�21 Dear Robert: After a mere two months the Dgsbury Residence �as received final Design Review Board appravaj . Canditions of approva� Znclude t}ia� � �` the home be spr�nkled far fire protection and a s�te specif�c study addressing �atentia3 r�ud flow problems be ap�roved by the town engineer. I 1�ave enclosed a capy of the administrati�ve po�icy regarding this process. Please feel �ree to contac� me with any qu�stions you may have. S' erely, ' C ` b��` Thomas A. Braun 7own P�anner �NCLS: ., TAB/rm� — � ac e� �.-p ��..�..�.� cT.�-�,� a� \ O�, �� � � � � �,L\� �.� t10�� ''����J� Lc� e_ ot' �-- JYV�t.f � 1 � .. � .�� --��u � C���v-v..o� D o55..i�'�� ``�7 S� e�.G.�J� L � ' Project Application � oate f � � �' Pro�ect Name: Project Description: � / Contact PerSOn and Phone � _ �� Owner, Address and Phone: � rJ , ✓ � I . S . . . . � .. - � Architect, Address and Phone: D �9d1'� �', r li'� LY t� � � Legak Description: Lot , Black , Filing ,���� , Zvne .������ Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: U � 5econded by: .� � cn1 1 v� _ APF'ROVA I�ISAPPROVAL ���-�� _ 5ummary: � ti Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva! f]ate: � � . . � . . IhePNnterylvaVt �� � Projec# Applica#ion � . ��3 � Date � Pro�ec# Name: �.� ,, Project Description: �G� � � � Contact Person and Phone / d t�i ��'l� --'.�`s'w Owner, Address and Phone: 2�• Architect, Address and Phone: � �.�f% _ Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone �--�— Cnmments: Design Review Board � �ate � ;� Moti4n by: \�� Seconded by: W� , pISAPPROVfAL APPROVAL ��U � ,.�„� •. .�,`�,�{ � �` Summary: �. �.�yiq, l �J LJ i,� . � ��. -�-{:,� // ..� �j+�..- G� �,. f.� .3�r �/4Ge y .e.x� �, cJ�h��,.�� �^ �c �°� .� �� -�a �•� � � . � R , (� � �cc: . �v�n'�d� _ �`."�..' ' roval `� 5taff App Town Planner . Dake: �� � - � � � ., � � . . . . .ttieprinlerylyail ... Project Applica#ion Date��.'.�� '� /. . Project IVame: �A��� �E��L�.�{ �i L.L GG�t� °' ���.�..�.:� _ Praject Description: APPR�� `l�� �4t �T + Dik�l.�X ; �� ��4'� 'Ff�L�•,� �-Q� - _ Contact Person and Phone ��-L � �N� �'G�4�' �7���b�� a� �oQi ��i3�'.ovll sKl `��`� - u�.� 1� e� $�7 -S$53 _ Owner, Address and Phone: i, S�{�E 4� "'' �!�'�b� ����L£� ` �7�� ��b -- Architect, Address and Phone: ��� � � dX �� �� �R�e�`�'��1��'� . ��, a Q�2� �_ �/d_ 7 c�I�N ��RfY d�� �1 4N1" ^�S 3 °67 � - , l ' °� �li tk �? Legal Descriptipr�: Lot i , Block � Filing � , �o�� CQR1CT12Clt$. �UL� V���.�'.� !' T ���.i �C��I� �A� 1`� a � a��'C�R� ��� ���' Z�6 �X`t�.�.l 0 R W �3.— . Design Re�iew Board Date �i'-�1 cnJ`2iVt- Motion by: , -- � -- - Seconded by, J+1,w APPROVAL DISAPPR4VAL ��� � Summary: f 3 cJi_ ,� ' ��- -e.. ��-� � � . _ , Town Planner - � Staff Approval : bate: d 1 b/ l�� - - - - � . � � , . . . . . . � . " ITe printory7vaiS �. Project Applica#ion Date �Project Name: � project Description: � ��v � Contact Person and Phane l � b l , � Owner, Address and Phone: ' � Architect, Address and Phone: '�;� S� �� .3{�. �a�� � Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zon@ Comments: • Design Review Board Date � Motion by: Seconded by: �� � APPROVAL DISAPPROVA� , � ` a) � i - �nti su m rr�}rv: � , � r,�„� j �- t�� � � , � � � �, t �o� �- � i i ' µ �� � � � � � � To n lanner � Staff ApproVal : Date: . � . .. khePrintery/vail. . � Project Application � �� Date � �O � F'roject Name: ,� .1--t6rn� � �IZ , �`�1'� � �N� �..-C � L �� � �`� � project Description: - c� Contact Person and P hone �'N� ��'� � " V � i� / "� � . �( ( 6 �3� � � Owner, Address and Rhane: (N t N`1ov - e, �:, '"{ 't,_L T'C31� � �� � �� U 9� r--....��T: 5V l�'� Architect, Address and Phone: .����I�l � ,g ��N �v , � 1�`P1�1T�a� . �,. Legal Description: Lot , Block � Filing �.Z^�►�N3�EQ.� ��5��: , Zone Comments: Design Rer►iew Board � Date Motton by: � Seconded by: �-�-�� pISAf'PROVAL AI'PROVAL y _ �,� � � Summary: � �i..J s���� � � ��--� � ` ❑ Staff Approval ' T wn Planner Date: , . . �� . � . �. � . � �-�'thaprinlettivail . . • �ji ►�� �ow� o uai 75 south frantage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3y a76-7o0o aiftce of community developmeM , DESIGN RtVIEW 80ARL� AGE�DA June 20, 1984 2:OOPM I . Ca11 Meeting to Order II. Roll Call �- Determination o� Ouarum III . Agenda Items: 5ite Visit 1 . Golden Peak 8ase Facility #1 Fi rra"I Rev�ew - Approved 3-0-2 Motion-Trout �Pproval is for modified submittal {change of materia�s �ar planters along 2nd-Caswell �uilding fro�n spl�� face block�-�o ston� and �or tennis bleachers to be stucco) . Hunn-N�atth�ws �xcluded from approval is the terraced seating a7ong the caurts, the new Cha�et A ` ntion Raad tennis caurt, and the use of split-�Face b�ocks for reta�n�ng wa�ls. � Conditions of approva7 are t}iat Va�� Associa�es cor�ple�e the necessary annex-- ation process, �ir�a� recording of subdlvision plats , and agr�e to a revocable R. O. W, permit for �mprovements �n Town of Vai� �- R. 0. 1�. Site Visit 2. Waiker-ftay �arage #2 Lot 28, Va�l Meadows #1 Motion - Hunn Approved 5�-Q 2r�d - Caswell Fence may be remov�d if applicant so deslres. , 5�te Vis�t 3. Canada's Of Co7orado - Exterior Alterat�on �7 Lazier Arca�e f�otion-Baldwin Approv�d 5•-0 2nd - Hunn S�gnage wi�ll be checked before bu�ldl�ng Permi�t, : Si te Vi s-�t 4. Lodge a�C Vai 1 - Re-roofing #4 Approved 5-Q - as subm��t�ed . Site Vis�t 5. Lifthouse Lodge Re-pa�n�ing #6 Approved - 3-1-1 - as submitted Motion - Saldwin Trout-Abstaining - l�unn against 2nd-Caswe1l , .�;: -- - ,. S�te Vis�t 6. 5por�s Med�cine Addi�ion ` #5 Vai� Vailey Me�ical Bui�ding Mot7on - 7rout Appr�ved as submi�ted 5-Q 2nd - Hu�n STt� V1S7� I. Va�7 �ee-Sh�rt Shop Exterior A7tera�ion #3 Rucksack Bu7lding Motion - Hunn Approved as submi��ed 5-a 2nd � Caswell Location o� exis�ing sign wi11 be warked out with staff, 8. ls� �at9ona� Bank of Vail Vai1 aas Shone 5hopping Center Mo��on - Matthews Application d�n�ed 3�1�1 - appTication den�ed, re: Section 18.5�.05Q G. I . o� 2nd - Hunn Design Review �u�delines � Caswell voted against the mo�ian IV. New Bus�ness Baldw�n - abs�ained V. 0'Id Business � STAFF FIPPRQVAL,S: Tivoli Deck Extension l�ortt�woods Addi ti'an W�]dflower Restaurant, �i�emporary Landscape �lan. MEMB�RS PRE5ENT: M�NlBERS ABSEI�T: Jack Hunn Rick Ba�dwin R9char�d Matthews W�11 Trou� Steve Caswell � � ��� � �� lO�fl O� �Y� 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 oftlee of communEiy de�elopment T0: Qesign Revi'ew 8oard FROM: Community Deve3opm�nt QAT�: June 20, 198� RE: Golden P��� Sk�' Cen�er , The fo3lowing i�s a list of conce�ns of �he Qesi�n Review Board fror� your Peaic �ase �aci1it` . I� is the feeling prelim�'nary review o� the Golden Y o� the staff that Va11 Associ'ates has done a fine jab of acldressing these issues, 7his projec� is before you taday for �ina3 �esign Review Board Review. 1 . S i n Proa ram � Vail Assac�at�s has submitted a. comple�� 7ist of signs indica�in� , lacation, size and type of materiays to be u�ed. This proposal is in compl7ance with the sign code. 2. P�bl.i c 4�orks Concerns of the Publ�c Worlcs Depart�ent has been addressed. 3. Snow Stora e a1on Chalet Road A great deal of' time ha� been spen� addressing this issue and we feel this proposal wi'�1 resu1t in a much �mproved situation than what i�as ex��sted �n the past. All Seasans Condominiums had asked that no snow from� plowing Ue dumped on �he�r property. While we cannot assure A11 Seasons tha� no snow will be deposited an their groperty, impac�s wiil be les5 than �n the past. This " wil� be exp1ained zn more detail at the meeting:_. : 4. Contro� Gate fihe s�andard Town o� Vai� control gate wi17 be used to.control access �o Cha�let �oad based on requests of the Fire Departmen� and Pubiic Works. � 5. Bike Path on Vai1 Val �ey_l7rive Material proposed to be u5ed wi�l1 be asphalt. Project Application Date V�V►;V �� 1 I���. ��`� c9�F t��� L� . �►'C� �-��. ��l ��roject Name: �wrf �� Project Description: �`�v �«e�l�� r� �tc�dl�' -� - _ Contact Per son and Phone ' vl YINt� � �� � _ i � Owner,.Address and Phone: ��� � -- \ � � � Architect, Address and Phone: � .Cp, `I �D �GVC I G� � : � ' `�' D ` f �f , Zone Legal Description: Lo�UriS � , 81ock e �FE1kn� �� ��� � + Comments: * . � �� � ��' � � r���"� � ` ' ' . �.� � � �IS vv� � �� � w _ Design Re�iew Boa�d �� Q �� Date Motion by: t , I Seconded by: . ���� APPROVI�IL D15APPROVAL . � r } Summary: � � � ; � l ..l�i -�. a �� � ` t� �► �1��r��\ � , i � 1 �' � � ���(t� !� � = :,� � ' _ � � Town �lanner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � � -. . . . . � . - � . '. . ... . � lheprinlarylvail 4 Project Application Date .�urie 15,. 1984 . �. Project Name: �-rfthouse Lodge Color Cha.nge Praject []escription: New Solid Color Stains For All Sidin � �xteriar Trim Co�tact Person and Phone �err Meremante �@ 476.-3fl5.1 Ruoff Partn�rshi Archit�c�s Owner, Address.and Phone: Bob Lazier - Lazi�r Commercial Properties : P.O. Box 132� - Vail, Co. 81658 �7fi-1226 Architect, Address and �hone: Ruo.ff Partnershi Archit�cts .c. AIA 500. Liar�shead Mall - Vaii ��Go. 81657 47G-305.1 Legal Descripiion: Lot P�• Of�3 -, Block 1 _; Filing Val) L�ons� �d #1-- , Zone �--- Comments Design Re�iew Board � � Date � Motion by: Seconded by: ��� AP~ROV QISAPPFiQVAL t� S�mmary: � � ' Town Planner ❑ 5taff Approval . Date: � � � � � � . � � theprin�arylvail- Projec# Application Date ,.w.-- . . � Project Name: Lod e at Vail Re-roof Project Description: I nstallafiion o'F R. I . E new B .U.R. S stem Cantact Person and Phone ��rr M�rer�onte @ �F76-345.� Ruvff Partnersi�� Architects Owner, Address and I'hone; Lod G' at Vall _ 17�F East Gore Creek Dr�ve - Vail Co. 81fi57 �7G-5011 . Architect, Address and F'hane: RuOff P�r'tneY'Shi ArGhiteCtS .c Al - h aI - - Legal Description: Lot.._.A R F C , Block 5� , Filing �.Vail Viilage Firs� _ _ , Zone Comments: 2 Sets o�€ Drawis�gs. 4ncl:uded ' �, Design Re�iew Board Dafe Z� Motion by: - Seconded by: ,.--- . . �b'� . ' . . . � - . APPROVA DISARPROVAL , � ._....�-... .__ ._._ - - "� � � Summary: �� Town Planner ❑ Staf#Approva4 Date: �� D � . . - . �� - . Iheprinleryla8fl . s . Project Applica#ion Date G- G��'"� T ' �_ - Project Name: � ���—� ��/!'°� �Gl���: - -,.,�l Project Description: .�r.���r_�-t'� G77` � �^�/ �J�d /'tc�,� �lr�f,��� ��_�i2�i��"+, �I �� Contact Person ancf Phone G �'�� �'" �r���� ����'��/�'' --- - � Owner, Address and Phone: ���"'L �O f'�I�I °�-�� �/'i w�3e�' � l/"",� GG" __ �7�' �°��O � � ������� Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot R� , Block �� , Filing r�a,ilcr/`�� �'��/�n�+- ---- , Zone Comments: I ��. Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: J Seconded by: �`"Ai�.�-e'� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � , S�ummary: - � _ �. �, _ Town.Planner S aff Approval _ �ate: . . . - � . .. . . ��. - . . . ��� 1hePrinterylvail��. . . Project Application Daie � l �aL � ' ` - . Project Name: � Praject Description: Cantact Person and Phone - ♦ � �; � � Owner,.Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block �iling� :�Zone 9. ^ . Legal Description: Lot ' � � Comments: Design Review Board � ; � , Date' ��n� Motion by: Seconded by: AP�ROVAL ' DISAPPROVAL � � . _ S�mmary: � � , J � ' � � 1 �1�� L� _ � � ❑ Staff Approval � Town Pfanner Date: ��� - - � . . . - � . � � � . .. � . , � ' � tlie P[interyNail- . Project Application Date ��� +' � Pro'ect Name: `' r� ��"" �� � � praject Description; � � � �, s� ���!, � ��/ ��//� �1���� �' � Contact Person and Phone � Qwner, Adcfress and Phone: ai/ 2/�e -ed��� �� l�r-' � � Architect, Address and Phone: //r'�✓"' —"��C<�� f7���J//<<%Is ��� � ���0"`' ��/�. �I� ���'`:3'C�? v v �� � Lega! �escription: Lot , Block � Filing , °li� t �G�i Z , Zone .�-- �' � Comments: Design Review Board � Date� Motion by: �� Seconded by: �----.� APPROVAL i�ISAPI'ROVAL Summary: �� S��b�� , ; �� �1 � � � � Stafi A roval Town Planner � pp Date: ��� - � . lhepdMeryl�all�. . � 1�1► � � ■ 1 tow� o uai 7'5 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oHice oi cammuni#y develapment RESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA JULY 5, 3984 2:OaPM ] . Call Meeting �o Order I I . Rol� Cal i - Dete�rmi nati on of Quor�am III. Agenda Items : Site Visi�s 1 . Higbie Residence r�r�odel and addition #q Mi 11 Creelc Ci rcl e approved 5-0 a�proved per subr�l�ta1 ` #13 2. Bartlett-Irish 1andscape plan Potato Patch � approved 5-0 approved per application #12 3. 5DD #13 - 4 �ni� residential praject Vail Das Shon� approved 5-0 approved per appiication wit� condi�ions : _ T , railir�g added to upper parking area 2, wood removed from corner retaining wall 3. rough grading to be done after foundat�ons are in �3 4. Ramshorr� Exterior A�teration Village approved 5-D approved per ap�lication � S�te Visit � #1 5. Tilkemeier - Zadeth Residence Addition Bighorrr conceptuai review, no vote ta[ce� #9 G. She7sta Residence Addi�ior� Ma��erhor��� approved 5�0 ap�roved with condi�ians �„�6 7. Purce�l 's Deck Fxpansi'on �TOnshead ►pproved 5-0 approl�ed per submitta� with condit�on tha� trees be prot�cted during construction #7 8. Wes�wind Paol L�onshead Epproved 5-0 approved per submi��al #8 9. Ghart Hause Si�gn Appeal Lionshead �pproved 3-2 mo�ion for denial � #2 I0. Kempf Res�dence Satellite Receiver D�sh �olfcourse table� by applicant to July 19th � Site Vi si t 1 i . Val en�i r�o's Deck l.andscape P�an #5 Village concep�ual approva� - f�nal review to be done by staff #10 12. Ogi7by Residertce Addition Intermountain approved 4-0--1 apprave� per submi�ta7 Baldwin abstain3ng #11 13. lst iVational Bank af VaiT -- Drive-up Facility � Vail das 5hone appraved 4-0-1 approved per subm7t�a1 Baldwin abstaining IV. New Business V. Old Business STAFF APPROVAI�S �i anshead MaT l - Temporary Si gns �����-RS PR�SE�iT M�`�fBERS ,�B�ENT 5herr Resider�ce wi��dow Re-pair�t of Park Meadows a11 present Re-paint of Co7Umbine Condom�ni�r�s Summers Residence roo�F c�ange � Vai� �'-shirt Company Sign Sweater Shop af Va�l Sign Vail Mercan�ile Sign � 70: Design Review Board FROM: Com�un�ty Dev�lopment Department DATE: June 29, 1984 SUSJ�C7: SD� #13 BACKGROUND 0� REQUEST This request went ��rough the Plan�ing and Environmental Commission far a rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Specia1 Qeve�opment pistrict. Th7s was don� ta solve access problems to Lot 9. �he SDD zoning has a�lowed the des�gner to site the three homes on these lots while disregard�ng the �nternal lvt lines. P�C approved this reques� by a 4-0-1 vote. STAFF R�COMMENDATTO� Whi7e the staff did not or�ginal7y recommend approva� of this proposal , we support the project before you �oday. We �eel the applicant has done a fine job of 1�catTng these structures on the s�te. The �roject has been reviewed by al� the appropria�e �.O.V. departments and has rec�ived their conditiona1 approval . � � �-,__ f� , ..• T0: Planning and Environmenta7 Gommission � FROM: Community Deve7opment Departmen� �R7'E: May 23, 1984 SUBJ�CT: A request for a minor subdlv�sion to abar�don in�ernal 7ot l�nes of three lots and rezone �he property from Pr�mary/Secandary to Spec�al Development Dis�rrtc� #13. The Tots ��vo7ved �n ths req�es� are 7, 8, 9, B7ock H, Vail das Schone Fil�r�g No. 2. Applicant: W & W Associates, Ltd � :� T. REZOfYII�G REQUEST Back round of �his Pro asa� These iats were subdivided by �agl�e County and zoned Primary/Secondary by the Town of Va�l af�er annexation. It is the applfcant' s objective to develap foU� residen��al units on the site (all �hree lots are car�der s�ngle ownersh�p}. Rezoning to an SaD is necessary to gain access ta Lot 9. 7his 7ot �s a "�Fiag 7ot" w�th approxima�ely a 20% s7ope where the lat accesse5 to Garmish Drive. This slope makes access v�r�ually -impassib�e, leav�ng Lot 9 essentially undevelop- able. Th� proposed S�D and minor subdivision wo�ld a71ow for f7ex-ibility �n the development of the site, whi3e main�ain�ng the same densities as the adjacent � praperties in the neighbonc��od. �� The staff has b�en working w�th the appl�cant ta develop a solution for accessing Lot 9. 7he SDD zoning and minar subdivisian wiil allow for the site pianning of tt�e three 1ots as a whole. This wi77 substantially improve the ��pact of develapment on �he site by reduc�ng �he n�mber and sever-ity of cuts for driveways. E1imination af in�e�^naT iot lines wi7T alsa a��ow for f7ex-�bi7ity in si�ing structures on �he 1o�(s). One aspect o�F this application �hat shouTd be no�ed is how thrts proposal cauld ir�pac� Lot 10. Loca�ed direetly to the r�orth of Lot 9, Lot 10 �s a�so a "flag io�:' w��h similar access prob1ems. The s�aff encouraged �he applicant to 7ncorporate Lot 70 into this proposal . Contac� was made between the �wo part�es, but �ro agree-�. :��:: ' ment wa� made to include' �ot 10 in this SDq. If approved, this SDD wou7d el�m�nate one access poss�bi1ity �o Lot 1Q. Devela men� Potent�al a� the Pr_a_ op sed SDD The foliowi�g table illustrates �he development po�ent�a7 af the individual lo�s and development of the site as proposed under this appl�cat�an: :_� , .. w&w -2-- 5�z��8�. Existin Develo ment Potentia7 of l.ots 7, 8, g * �-o� Zone p��owabTe R7Towab�e Cond�tional TataT S�ze GR�A Units Units i7n�ts � �/S 1Q,890 sf 2,723 sf � 1 2 $ P/S i1 ,326 s-F 2,83� sf I � g �/S 22,218 sf Q.,472 sf � 2 _ 2 44,432 s�F �0,02b sf 4 2 6 * Because To�s 7 and 8 are iess than �5,000 squa�^e feet, secondary units wou�d be cond7t�at�aT based upon furthei^ review as r�qu3red by S�ct�on 7g.�3,pgp of the zon7ng code. This review 3s intended to insure �hat a iat o�F th�s s3ze has �he capacity to hand7e a secondary unit. Deveio ment Pro ose�d fo�^ SDD #73 � # of „13ni�s GR�A u�;� � � Z,soa s� Unit 2-3 2 3,500 sf (2,�p0 sf pr-imary, 740U sf secondary) Un�t 4 1 2,700 7ota7 s 4 ur�i ts 8,400 sf GR�'A Th� to�a1 num�er of al1owable ur��ts for �{��s site �s four. be as n�gh as 6 if the two er�pioyee urr7ts were to �e includedh�sql7�wabl�o��d GRFA on �he three lots is 10,Q2b square fe�t, w�i1� 8,400 square feet are �roposed. � ���:;:: DESIGk� S7ANDAR�S FOR AN SDD The deve�opment plan �or an SDD requires appIicab�e desigr� standards to be met. The following is a summary of this pra�osai wi�h respect �o the nine criteria: - A. Buffer Zones ` A bu�fer zon� is required for any 5DD that is adjacer�t to any low-density res�dential use. Since the density ar�d use af this praposal is the same as surround�ng deve1opm�nt, a buffer zon� is nat required, � ` 5DD i3 -3- 5/23/$4 �. Circulation 5 stem � Pub7 �c Wor�s and the Fire De�ar�ment have reviewed the ���ernal veh7cuiar circuia�9on of �his pro�osa7 and have ap�roved the desig�. C. �unctional 0 en S ace In rev�ewing this site plan, the staff feels the app��cant has done a goo� job of optimizing v�ews and preserving na�ural open spaces when poss�bie. D. Vari ety of Hous i ng Tv,p�es Po�entia] deve7opment on this s�te eould a17ow for up ta 6 uni�s (2 of whict� wou�d be employe� un�ts). Rt one t��e these emplayee units were a part of th�s proposal , b�t were subsequen�ly �liminat�d by the app� ican�. The staff was disappointed to see �h�s chang� in the development plan as it el�m�nated a k�y varie�y of housing �ype. E. P ri___.^__._v ac,� Not app�icabTe to this sca7e of developmen�. �. Pedestrian Traffic � Not a�p�icabie �o tt�is scale of deveiop�ent. G. Building Type �ensity, si�ing, and bulk of �he proposed structures are compatible w�th surrounding developmen�. _ H, 8ui1ding Design - _ 7his wilI be reviewed at the DR8 ievel i� �h�s proposa� is approv�d. I. Landscap�ng of Total S7tes While there are a n�amber of retaining wails on the s7te, �hey are for th� mast part a��quately landscaped. Other �andscaping on �he si�e appears suff7cient artd wil� a�so be reviewed by the DRB if �his pro�osa� is appraved, `.:' �� . SdD ]3 -4- 5/23/$4 � Permitted, Conditior�al , and Accessor Uses �� T�e uses �n an 5DD are t}�os� perm�tte� in �he zone distr�c� �n which ' �t is 1ocated. In �his case, �ses would be limited to those �n the Primary/Secar�dary zor�e. 18. 13,OZ0 Permitted uses The following uses sha71 be perm�tted: A. S�ngie-far�i7y dweilings � B. Two-famiiy resident�al dwel�ings i8.i3.030 Conditional uses The fa�7ow�ng corrdz�iona� uses sha�l be perm��ted, subject to �ssuance nf a cond�tionaT �se ��rm�t. � A. RubT�c utiii�y and pub�ic service uses � 6. PubTic buildings, ground and faci�7ties C. Pubiic or przvate schoa7s Q. Public park and recreatia�rt facilities �. Ski l�fts and tows i8.13.040 Accessory uses The fol�owing accessory uses sha17 be per�nitted: � . A. Private g�eenhouses, toolsheds, �layhouses, garages or carparts, swimming pools, pa��os, and recr�atzon faci.7ities custamarily �r�cidentai to s�ng7e- family an� two-�ar�7iy residen�ial uses; B. Home occupat7ons, subject ta issuanc� of a t�ome occupat�an permit, C. Ot�ter uses customari�y incider�ta7 an� accessory �o perm�tted or cond�tional uses, an� necessary for the opera�ion thereof. 4ther Issues Concerr�ing 1'h�s,.App]icat�on 'Fh� applzcant has gone through a 7engthy pracess to insure that the Upper Eagle VaT1ey �later and Sanitatian District wi�7 b� able to service th�s s��e with water. While �his prob7em appears ta l�ave beer� mitigated, any approval g�ven �hou7d b� cond�tiana7 on a l��ter from �he Distric� insur�ng ade�uate water pressure � w���l be availab�� and meet �he requirer�ents af'the Va�T Fire Depar�ment. Th� Fire Department has reviewed and appraved .the deve�opmer�� pian but wi�l r�o� give its final approvat un�ess the above letter is submit�ed. Said letter shou�d be in our offzce by J�ne � , �984. .�;{:: STAFF RECOMM�NDA�ION Wittt orte except�on, t�►e staff is generally pleased w�th �his submitta� . The site p1anning and des�gn of this project is much improved wi�h the f7exibility afforded by the SflD zoning. This wauld no�t be possible �f �he lots were developed - individually. However, the staff Ys discouraged by the el�m3nation of the � two empioyee hous7ng �nTts that were once an element of this proposal . fmp�oyee � ' SDD 13 -5- 5/23/84 . �p�sing has be�n a long s�and�ng �ssue in this com�unity a�d �t has been a pr�or��y of this departmen� to encourage �hem whenever pass�ble. T'he Vai7 �� Cammunity ActTOn P1an a]so r�ot�s �he impor�ance of inee��r�g the needs pf employee housing. A co�nty-wide emp7oyee housing survey's in�tial resul�s indicate �here is a pre�ference for this type of employee un�t as opposed to a "ValTi Ni" type of facility (final resUTts af the survey shauid be availabie in Ju1y). This propasaT has an appor�u��ty to add �wo �mployee un�ts to t�e communi�ty, and that apportunity is not being taken. Beca�se of this, o�ar recommenda��on of this request is denial . Our op�n�on is tha� the appl�cants are ask.xng for everything they want withaut giv�ng tf�e community th� bene�Fit o�F the em�ioyee housing. II. Mz�lOR SUBDIVISIO�! Descrip�ion o�F Request This app] ication is required as a par-� af the rezonTng request. 7his ��nor subd�vision wou7d abandon the interr�aT Tot l �nes of Tats 7, 8, and 9. Th�se �hree �ots wou1d then be considered as one Tot, or S�D #]3 �f approve�. (De- ve�opmer�� potential �f the lo�s both �n�7v�duai7y and coi7ec�ively have beer� outTined elsewhere in this memo). Criter�a Evaluation � 17,�6.1�0 P�C Review Criteria The burden of proof sha11 rest with the appl�cant �o show that the app1iGation is in comp7�ance with the inten� and purposes o-� �his chap�er, �he zonfng ordinance and other pertinent regulations tt�at the P�C deer�s a�piicable. Due consideration shali be given to th� reco�endat�ons made b uti7ity companies ar�d other agenc�es cansulted under 17.I6y090���T���PEC�sha11 rev�ew t�e appiicat�on ar�d cons7der �ts ap�ropria�eness �n regard to 7own of Va�l poT7cies reZating to subdivision co��ra1 , dens�ti�s proposed, regulatiorts, ordinances and resoiu�7ans and oth�r app�icable documents, �nv�ronmen�aT �n�e- gr�ty and compa�ibi��ty w�th surrounding land uses. ,;r� �>:; �e__ nsjty The proposed SDD includes less overa]� GRFA ti�an is al7owed or� the three lots when considered coilectively. �'h�s is a posi�ive factor 3n considerir�g �the overall �uik and mass o� structures on the site. Wh�le u� to six units could poss�b1y be built on �he si�e, �his appl �ca�ion is proposing onIy 4 un��s. The staf�fi would prefer a dens��y of 6 units, 2 beir�g restricted emp�oye� units. ` ;��� �. � Site P�an Abandoning these lot lines allows far greater flexibility in si�e des-ign�ng #'or ��ese iots. i'he praposed si�e plan has taken advantage of this, resuiting = in an improved a�pearance on �he lot compared �o deve7op�ng the lots individGaliy. � � ' S�D T3 -fi- 5/23/84 . h Compatibility Wi�h Surrounding__Propert�es � �E � �ensi�y on these three lvts wi�l not �e greater than those on surro�nd�ng lots. This �roposal wou3d be very compatible within i�s neighborhood. STA�F RECOMM�NDA7ION Because the m�nar s�abd�vision goes hand-in-hand w�th the SDD propasa� ; we recommend denial . We fee7 the appiicant shaul�d be pro�os�ng 'a dens-i�y wh�ch ir�cludes �wo employee units, � 3 � � ��1� � tawa o uai 75 sauth frontage road vail, colaraclo 81657 {303) 476-7000 aNice of eommu�ity development T0: Deslgn Revi:ew Boar�d FROM; Department of Cor�muni�ty DeY�e1 oPment SUBJ�CT: gurcell 's �eck �xpansfion DA�E: June 29, 198A� Bacic ound of thi's: Pro osai As required by zoni`ng, thi's proposa7 was reviewed by the Planning ' � Commission at their June 25th meeting. TY�e P�ann��ng and Envi'ronmenta1 Commi'ssi�on approved thls proposa� �y a 5-0-Z vote. Staf�F recommenda�ion of this proposal was for approval (see attached memo} . Re1a�i�onshi� ta t�e Li�onshead Urban Desi n ��3de P1an Thi s proposal i s i�n compl i'ance wi'th the Desi gn P1 an t�i th. respect to su6-area concept #18. Tt 1'S also i�n �omplaince with Des��gn Consider- ations concerni�ng decks and pati�os. Staf� Recomm�nda�ion 5�aff i s supporti ng thi s proposal wi�h the condi�ti'on �hat tl�e twfl exist�'ng tress remai�n. P�anni`ng and Env°i�ronmenta� Carnmi'sssi'on I�as passed on �his concern �o �he Desi�gn Revi'ew Board for your revi�ew. � . y` � n a` 7� 0�11 O �ul 75 south ironiage road vaii, colorado 81657 (303) 476-T000 aNlce ot cammunity development T0: Design Review Board FROM: Kristan Pritz SUBJECT: Chart House 5i'gn Anp�al DATE: Jur�e 2$, 1984 The Chart Nouse �s requ�s�ing to place a sign stating ''Chart i��use Restauran� Parking a��er 5:00 PM. " a� �he parking 7ot entrance af�F . of �.ions�ead P�ace. The par[cing lot is located behind the Landmark , Condomin�ums. The s�gn would be mad� of plastic w�th a wood backing and is 3 square �F�et ir� size. The applicant has rece�ved approval from Vail Associates to put up the s�gn. S�aff den�ed this req�est because it was fe1t t�at it would be un�air to the other restaurants and shops located in the Lionhead Mall , Tt wauld be unfa�r to aliow one business ta indicate ava�lable �ark- ing and not aTlow the other busir��sses th� same parking Qrivi1ege. We suggested tha� a'�si gn s�ta��i ng "i.:�onsh�ad: Pa����n.�^afi�e.� 5;QOp� '',�;e. erected instead. It was fe�t that this sign wauld benefit ali the merchants. The Chart House disagree� as they feel tha� their bus�ness is particularZy di�ficult to s�e because o� the mall construction. Tn addi�ion, the Chart House has placed: an� ind�nt�f.�ca�ion'� si�n or��-�h.� north side af the Land�nark Condominium Bu�lding. Staff approved �his sign. The Town of Vail has also constr�acted two temporary s�gns �or the restaurant during mail construc'tion. One sign is locat�d near the entrance of Cabbages ar�d Kings and the o�her sigr� is located near the old s�aircase on the east s�de af the restaurant. Sta�Ff fee1s �hat the Char� House's three signs are mare �fian adequate to a�lev�ate �he inconv�nience to customers due to the L�onshead Mall Constructi�on. For these reasons, staff has denied the reques� �Eor the add�tional Chart House parking sign. � .. -' � � 5 � �� . MEM4RANDUM � T0: PIann�rtg and Environmenta� C�m��ssior� , . FRaM: Commun�ty Developmer�� Department , � ' � DAT�: June 20, �984 � SUBJECT: Request for a conditionai use permit to add a dining decfc - .. to �he south s�de of Purcell `s Res�a�aran� in �he Lifthouse � •�. Lodg�. A�plicant: John PUrce71 I?ESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED l�SE - �'his praposal would convert an existing "green space" area to a �atio that would be used �y patrons of Purcel7 ' s Restaurant. The propased pat�o expans7on � would be done to ma�ch �f�e ex�st�ng patio an the other sid� of Purce�i 's entrance. The use of the pat�o woul� be for the service vf �ood and drink. Hours o� opera�ion for the deck wau7d be consis�er�t w#th �he haurs of the restaurant. � CRITERIA RND FINDTN�S � Upon review of Section �8.b0, the Community Developmen� Departmer�� recomm�nds approva7 0� the cond�ti onal �ase perr��t based upar� tf�e foi�owi ng fac�ors: Consideration of Factors Re1ationshT arid im ac� of �he �se on develo mer�t objectives af tF�e Town. � Thzs use is consistent w�th the camm�rc�aT activity found in the �iortshead area. This proposal wili nat cr�ate any signif�cant �mpacts �o Lior�shead. T#�e e�'-Fec� of the� use o� 1 i h� and a�r, di str3 b�tivn of o u7 at�on, trans artation , ,� �Fac�lities, uti�ities, schools, arks and recreat�on facilities, and oth�r °��°��:'� p�b��c facilities needs. � � ;. iVo effect on any of the above. �ffect upon traffic wi�}� art�cular reference to conqestion, a�tnmo��ve and edestrian safet an� eanve��ence, traff�c flow��and control , access, mane�- verabili�,y, and removai a� snow from ��e s�reet and parkin areas. If the deck is to used �n the winter, snaw r�moval could present a probiem, It will be the responsib-�lity of the res�aurant apera�ors to ensur� that snow is not remav�d onto pub� ic r�ght-of-ways. . ' , ;: �,; , �, Purce�l Deck -2- 6/2�/8� ' . � Ef�ect u on �he character of the area in which the ro osed use is to be located, +��. � ihc ua�n the scal� and bu k o� the ro osed use in re a��on �o surroun �n uses. �, This proposal is not i� conflict with existin scaie � shouZd be not�d t�a� thTS proposal wouTd result �n a loss�of�one o��LiansheadZs . ��green" areas. �. `Relat�onshi o� Pra osed use �a Va�1 's Communi� Action P�an. ` No� appl�cable. . �-�: ' Re7at7onsh� �o �.7onshead ilrban Desi r� Guide Plan. _ This proposal is relat�ve to Sub-Area ConcePt #78 of the Gu7de PTan: 18: Co�merc7al expansion {� story) tn emphas�ze pedes�riar� level. Pa��o area �niarged s1igF�tly for add7��ona7 d�ning space (a sun pocke� area}, and wfder, inviting s�eps also s�t�ing �unct�an. . i'his sub-area concep� cails for a "slight" en�argemen� of �he patia area. This proposal wou]d conver� �he en��re ar�a to a pa�io and d�nir�g us�. Whi7e this �roposal would remove ex�sting green space, the two trees ort �he site wiil remain. The s�taff regards �hese �rees as a key elsment o� this proposa� as we]1 as a vital ele�nen�t o�F l.ionshead. As 7ong as these trees remain, �h�s proposa� is cons�stent with �he Guide Pian. FINDINGS � � _ � Tl�e Commun��y Development �epartment recor�mends �hat the cond�t�ona� use perm�t be approve� based on the fo�7ow�r�g �Find�ngs; Tha� the propased lacation of the use is in accord with tne �urposes of th�s - ord�nance and the �urposes af �he d�stric� �n wt�icl� the s�te �s located. ;�ha� �he proposed location o-F the use and the condi�ions €�nder wh�ch i� would be o�erated or mairt�ained would not �e detrimental to the pub��c hea7�h, safety, � or welfare or materia�ly injurious to praperties or ir�pravements in �he vicir�i�y 1'f�at �ne proposed use� wou2d comply with each o� the appiica�le proviszans of �i��s � ord�nance. � � E. . ,.. ,.�: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 7he staff recommendatiort for this proposal is approval. The two maTn reasons I` �` for this recor�menda�ion are that the use 7s consistent w�th activities in Lior�shea�, � � . and the Lionshead �Jrban pesTgn Guide Rlan calls for th�s typ� of �xpans�on. One condition of approva] we wou�� recammend is that the two exist�ng tr�ees remain and are protected during canstruction. � � � ��+ � e� ^ . _... . .. . _..__-----f— � � - . . .. .._-" . ---- L�ONSHEAD CENTER MALL 10 P7anting �slands relacat�d to imprave store access�bi� ity and �o �ex�and dual mall passage far peaEc sk7�r crowds. - , � 11 Cammercia� expa�sion (1 storeY) to ir�crease sca1� of mali , and improve shade-zo�e facadeseand�accessibi7ity� , 12 ' Oppnrtunity exists for expansion of buiid�nas, arcades, a�nings, � etc, to �mprove scale, shel�er, appearance o�' comnerc�al facades, ._ � CLOCKTO WER SQUARE 13 Ticket p7aza �xpanded for skier QU�uTr�g, snow removal , a throuah passage. Tn summer, portab7e p�anters res-�ore color, sma71 scale. 14 Conn�cting ramp to make the entire ma77 accessib7e to .�i���gency and uti7i�y V��i1CTE5, as we7] as easy barrier-free access far pedestt��ans. �5 Centra7 plan-�ing island w��h popcorn wa�flr� recanf�gured �o giv2 . mare �r���orm ci rcUi ati on and perm�t �'ree mavemer�� on a71 si des. 16 �°��rc�al expans�on (1 storey) 'to es�ab�ish ped�s�rian sca�e . beneath building mass. Summer seasan use of publ�c r.o.w. by permit for din�ng �atio. Furnish�rtgs: t� be rer�aved for winter access, snow removal , and general appearance. �� P7anting to screen r�or�-commercial areas and make visual areeR link betweer� plazas. . � �� Comme•rc�al expans�on {� sforey} �a emphas7ze pedestrian lev�I . �a�io arca enlarged siight7y far additional dining space ( a sun-packet area) , and w�der, inv�t�nq steps a�so sit�inq f�,nc�ion. �. , . ,; _ � . GONDOLA PLAZA � � 19 Commerc�al expansion ( i storey},and gro�nd floor affice replaced � bY �fl�ercial , ta �mprove pedeS�rain sca�e, acc�5sibility, and create stror�g actfvity� generator far south side of plaza - currently a snow co�lector. Light tree scree�ting eitt�er portabl� , or in grade-leve� tree qrates for snow remova� and easy access. . • �� Gondo7a bui�ding ramp, a second access ta �he Gondola to d�stri- , bute foat tratfrtc, and draw visitars, through other areas n� ma�l . 2� �al� sculpture feature at highest-vi5�b�lity pa�nt as viewed from either �nd of the ma�� . � 72 Exfsting mature vegetation pr�served for areen, color, a�d scale. Supp�emer�t with portable surr�mer-tirr�e p�anters for additiona] color and more �nt�mate scaT� for plaza. �_ " . .. • �,. - _ ., • -- -. . .. ..� ,. „ . , y . � � '� ��— ��r-i� f„vi �;� J�`� 1 Y `�- _^ . . «,��:.„a-:.w. . , + n t '1 _�` , ,,,y . „�i'e.�r��'� �`Y,;+�k�k"�,:ri?Si�c,�.��r� 4g; f ,,,�s_ r _ � 1.r � � , �4t , ».� ��. �s��.q e � _ « . +�- �'"��,�"�",'�r.r-e+.cw�� �..,..� � ,� �^ �a�rir����� -'""�':7` �F ',t�., � " i�.._...• _ t''1 �i"��"^,� Jrt/ �� ir�gt, ! I.� Yq t FR �yy',, ° � ��r � xF r:�y^:�rA .h 1h.�i'��i, � } M S� ,� r3r � _�� ��'4 •• . � t '�i � Y �t� t i�..;;i)�/�,lJr��,( ��.h r ����i�� i�r�}i�.�+�'i � . i I i���� ��� ���'.~'���, } e �y` ti ! ���,���;s,,`�. - r i ��,�'!y. hs�•2� . I� �i�Y � rI 1,� , c�r,l�' �•., i .:nT�'3 � \ �i� '�.�`t.v � ..i?s�"�;� .i� •�..��;,j,� + y�i . .�'�� � . ��n \� ',y `` . �� _,� i" �•y`���5. •�:. 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Corrun�nts t � l�1 ��1 �_ � e �r � �- �s r��. -�e L�.n��tctr-k .t .:' . �. -�� '4�a._ � �� �--a ' a�r -�►�+�1 c�.e�-- �v �x�q@ 7l� �fS1!1 � �i1fs�,� � T �k�n k!� V� 1��� �a � � r� � �-.-.._ _�� � � �m���r�� ��`������._ w�.�� �r a v �..�- c�- '-�, � d � �.s � S����r�� ���.�.�ra�.�s -� c�a�e�a w E-�. ��i4s �- � � � r1ATERIALS SU8i+1ITTED WiTH APP�.iCATIQN 1 . 5it� P�an 2. �ra�ai ngs sho4•�i ng exact �ocati on _ 3. Phatographs st�ati�ring proposed 7ocation �/ ' 4. Actua� sign 5. Colored sGale draw�ng 5. Photagraph of sign � 7• �{�er � �ef� ��,��� • V� S�gn Administra�or Approved far �R8 Subm7ttal }- � Disapproved for DR8 Submittal �� ��� �� � Sign Administrator ��� �. / a--�-- a.t( (�.�a-�' d► � �1�.r� v�c�.�,ca�~- � t�� , _ �r,���vs e b�s,� �v� ��m a�� ..�,-��, l�f y��✓ �-� rn �� m ��� � u,�u4. +.,� �:a� �-f- E~s d-�� -�--o -� ��s fir uc..-�� . �-�l o l 4, �'e�i -�— �a.-�_._- C� d o -�-o +��- ��''° -�' -{-f�. �es�.��n�- e�s ��r .� �.� , , t �, �9�. 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'�" .z �`���� '�y �5���`i����r �'�a� . � '. 3f �` " ? .C+ � _7� "� 4�'�' P �r. a k r � ".+ ,r ,�y:}�.�w" �� ��,,'�r-. �,.at`3zr� ) <3 ;.. -. 3v.>x,��," y�,�'e� 'n.,�i: :�.°��€s 'C _ �§ f iv° �Y' -4 g �.n��� � �' lf i �� � r�p�� � . Tv 'f `���.���8?'""�.�"�.�'�''��',� ''k'J 'ti �'i^ , i W 15 X f . � � .,� -', � Y i���f ; � - t � � --g r :?�,�v � ,� 3.. k ' �� �k,a x ��t,,���' � � ,.;. � �., � _ ��r ` cs _ ��,�,s f� ` . � � � � � � � _a �� � � � 'F'f�..*mw,�.�1F".it4��.'....e..�c...�z'-..c�.�nr..�a1��.��.:. ��t,� �.. f � Project Application Date ��� �� �Project Name: U � � ' �'� �'�" ' � � Project Description; � � Contact Person and Phone +;`��"'� V� �r �� � ���� ��� Lor.6�- • ,d� VU °�`�'� - �#�� . Qwner, Address and Phone: @�' • � �S� rn�. t..�•�� ►�-��a� tc.. . ��v�� � Architect, Address and Phone: � t � b 9C �i�0 , ��� , �,�v • ���'�f� _ Legal Description, Lot Block , Filing ����° �� 5���`��. Zone •�" �.�. , Comments: _ ��� � � Design Review Board Date Motion by: - Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL v �1 Summary: _ l� ° � f 1-c� � � � �y.' +� c- CiYI(sv? � T wn Planner ❑ 5taff Approval � Date: - � - � � IhaprlMSrylva�l . Project Application pate June 15 1984 • Rro�ectrvame: �artlit/Irish Drivewa Chan e Proiect oescr,pt�o�: �X���d a roved dri ve ta north to second curb cu� Cantact Person and Phone Henr Pt^dtt 476-303$ Owner, Address and Phone: FY'ed Bd Architect, Address and Phone; Br�13er Scott Arc1�i t�cts 143 East Meadow �rive , ' l.egal Description: Lot _1$ -, Biock , �iling . Va��-pntatn patGh�._ , Zone Comments: ! Design Review Board Date Mot+on by: _—..�_. UY?y1 Seconded by: APPROVAL E7ISAPPROVAL Summary: � Town Planner ❑ 5taff Approval Date: _ �� . . � . . , . - . theprfi�erylvail. � Project Appl�cation Date �/'���� Pro'ect.Name: '1 U�����'s � � , .. ��. ' y ,.. Project Description: � Contact Person and Phone � � V� ���r�� Owner, Address and Phone: o n�'v� � � �'�f��zrc�t Architect, Address and Phone: � ����- p��i�S�' � 4�� ' . . - � . . .. . . escri tion: Lot 1�+��� � `¢ Filing , Zone ,. ! Le al D � 9 P Commenfs: _ • Design Re�iew Board . Date Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAf?PROVA� Summary: , G � .. own Planner ❑ 5taff Appro�al Date: � � - - . . . . . .. � . �.�,:.1heP*�nlerylvaiV - . s Project Application pate � S� �� �- Project Name: Project Description; �� ` �^-" y �� Contact Person and Phone � ��I �~ �'�`�-��°" ' - -- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: . Legal t�escription: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: � � Design Review Board Da#e Motion by: ���� — Seconded by: �� APPR4VAL �ISAPPROVAL � /� J � U Summary: �-' C � •, ; �� �, �;. � r � Tvwn nn r ❑ Staff Appro�al Date: Project Application l n�t� . Pro�ect Name: � �� � � F� � �� , , � Project Description: 1 �' � _ ' �s� ti ,p��,��� Contact Person and Phone �� ` t p L � �Owner, Address and F'hone: � Architect, Address and Phone: ��- �- � Legal Description: Lot , o k � , Filing , Zone 1 1 ` ' Camments: �� , Design Review Board Date � � � Motion by: � Seconded by: �`�� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � I `C , Q L� �".� �I Summary; n � 4� 1 Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: ��• � �� Project Application Date � � ` r n - - - - -- � Project Name: � Project Description: ` � � � £ 1� Contact Person and Phone " a i ' .�� >� �v� � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot � , Block , Filing � , �one Comments: � Design Review Board Date �� > Motion by: Seconded by: AP OVAL DlSAPPROVAL � �� Summary: � --- — � � � 1 � Town Planner � Sta#f Approval Date: �►b � Pro}ect Application Date � t t F i ' ' t Name: � � �. �l � � Pro�ec { Project Descriptian: Contact Person and Phone �� � � Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: � , Block , �ilin � � , Zone Legal Description: Lot � ��' � Comments: � � Design Review Board Date � � Motion by: � Seconded by: � APPROVAL pISAPPROVAL � 1 � Summary: a � � ��S a� ��i�- __ Town Planner ❑ 5taff Approval Date: �--� Project Application � � Date '� �` � � �Project Name; � � � Q� ` rl 7 r Q'' �L3 �� CS - G� ^e �� � �� - . . Project Description: p�`��, � �P ��o,�i n� cs ��(' ' 0- i wl., 7 `� I � f� u t" .rr AGl � �1 � !�. Contact Person and Phone ��d B� � � � � � � F Owner, Addres5 and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: � � . fl! ��'S':S � `y 6 -�Plti�l �5 �l r ��. al i7escri tion: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone �� Leg p Comments: � �esign Review Board � S � C7ate Motion by: �t �� Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � �� y n �VJ� �� � . � �a�� � � a�;� t�� � ����-, � . �; � � � � Sumrnary: , � � �;� ��, b , � a �� a�- � - � '��a �i� Town Planner ❑ 5ta#f Appro�al Date: ����� — � . . . � . . � � . . � IhePrink.rylvail , Projec# Application Date � Project Name: _ L"�'�� � Project Description: ����' Contact Person and F'hone -�'�"�'�� � - Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phane: Legal Description: Lot , Block - , Filing , Zone Camments: � Design Review Board ��t� Mation by: `��` Seconded by: �. PP VAL DISAPPROVAL. �� � Summary, J .'' Town Pla ner ❑ 5taff Approvsl Date: � Project Application Rate Pra'ect Name: a���� i � ! Project Description: Cantact Person and Phone �� � " � �^ �� Owner, Address and Phone: Architact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block F'iling , Zone Comments: Design Review Board � Date Matio� by: Seconded by: APPF�OVAL DISAPPROVAL ._. � h� � �U-���' ` 1 � � �� � Sumrr►ary: � � l 'Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � ,=��� r: Project Application Date $ � Project Name: � AI�i1�7[`�i�_�'S ��D4� v'�1.. !f'�R9_ N�AS`�t� r '"1D� E?r �iQ O'� �U G`Z Q,et Prpject Description: `� CoMact Person and Phone _.����-�--'b"'""'" "� ������� Owner, Address and Phone: � � ��p�� C� � '" C� � L.t'� 1.�o�C.`C ��n U � �b�� Architect, Address and Phone: �-�,�+ �-bD�4s �:0��.�j,�c� , Zone Legal Description: Lot , Block � Filing Comments: S �'' '� UrJ �.1�9 b �r '� Q,�rr� CX. 2 , . `Tv � �J. t���..a u �` 1 �a �� '�I�� ' �� a��u�a � Design Review Board � � Date Mo#ion by: Seconded by: /1PPROVAL DISAPPROVA� � � .. Summary: , } � . x � .� �� y� Town Planner ❑ Statf Approval Date: ���� - � , ��a j � �ow� o� ua� 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-T000 office o! aommunity develapment DESTGN REVIEW BOARD A��NDA JULY 18, 1984 2:OOPM I . Ca�7 mee�ing to order II . Ro11 Call - Deter�nination of Quorum IF� . Agenda Items: 1 . Tilkemeir -- Zade� Residence Ad�i�ion 5016 W. Main Gore Drive - S�ghorn Motion -� fi;unn �� Second � Ba�ldt�fin Appraved 4�0. Appro�led. v��,tt� add,lt�Rn.d1 �dnd$cap�;n.� S�te Visi� #3 2. Cf�ildrens Corner Sign �, Vai1 Vi�lage Moti:on - Nunn Second R Ga��te.l� A,�pro�e.d �-Q Appro�ed. pe�^ �ubr�i,ttal Site Visit #5 3 . Gondola Bu�7ding Expansion Lionshead Moti;on R Ba,1 d�[i;n. Second - Hunr� Approv�ed 2-.0.�2 {Hunn, P�a.tthev�s; a�st�i,ned} Prellmi;nary� Appro�a1 5' Visit 2 4. Price Add3tion Lo� 37 Block 7 Vail V�llage lst - Forest Road �{ot�on � Hu,nn Second -_ Caswell. �proved 3-0-1 {Matthews abstaining} roved ►�ith con�lt�.ons _ ��Visit �7 5. Ramshorn �odge Landscape P7an Va�1 V�1iage Tab1ed by applican� Site Visit 6. Casi�o Bu�1ding Exter�or A�terat�on #4 Vail V�llage -- Helga 'S o� Vall Mot�on � Hunn Second - Baldwin Approved - 4-0 Approva� with condi�ions IU. New Busin�ss � lf. Old Business S�aff Approva�s Lodge Promfl nade - Cornecop�a Sign DeLong Residence - re-roof Lifthouse �- River rock for roof instead of red gravel Si�u7 Haus - co1or change Wright Residence Deck add��ion Vai7 GoTf Course Townhor�es - change in windaw design CMC Summer Vai1 Ar� Auctian Banner 7/27 to 8/5 Beckl�y DecEc Additian She1sta Additian - �andscape plan aerry Fo�^d �'ou.rnar�ent. banne� Members Present: Members Absent: Steve Caswell Howard Rapson � Jack Hunn Richard Matthews R�ck Baldwin Project Application Date • Project Name; , u"�"' Projeci Descrip#ion: Contact Person and Phone ��L�P - - ��f-'��+��" . ..._ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ,S� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing ��� � ... , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: v� � Secanded by: API'ROVAL DiSAPPROVAL �� � Summary: �2.b � r� �d ��-'d . .......,. y/L/�-S f ���� CL/ �"— � �C1..�... Town I nner ❑ Staff /appro�al Date: Project Application Date �����`"f' �"Project Name: ���G � ��� �� V� �'l1'����'�1�� _, I � _ ' - ;_ Project Descripfion: +�'`��1�lC�N � �-L�-�#-�N � _ �,t,��fir�c � ���, : Cantact Person and Phone � M ���.��� Owr�er, Address and Phone: ���� �L � ��1�� ��'� `✓��'��� �j � 7, � r � "' L�ei� � �{'"� � �7�"�a� Architect, Address and Phone: `�'���� Y '���'�� ��''�� � �� � 4 �' -L � }� �� �c� -fi,�r�t�.i� ht.�-�. �c�-!� � cG�-�_��� �� �q.�t�:� _ __ �egal Description: Lot � , E31ock � Filing _ � � � �'` , Zone �� Comments; Des�gn Review Board � Date Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DkSAPPROVAL _ Summary: � Town Planner ❑ S#aff Approval Date: . .. . - . � ' - " � � - . - . . . .-lhapdnteryNail � . Project Application Date�_�./�.��. .f ��. . � , � Project Name: _���i�(J�1� /'/7'_'�f��� `.' ���f�C�X,�f. __��1%0 ���� Project Description:�,��eL,/ T����` L �`w .,. ���._ ����CC�I���s ��?�1���-C..�> Contact Person and Phane ����..�- � ---- � ������� - �--�� .,_..._._._ Owner, Address and Phone: .�,r�L��-�!���'������ �1�� a ,,,�_r`?X 7, �,//�.t.�,��1 , � �'- � 7 r� Architect, Address and Phone: �.�� �.��� _ � � � �/ �_����. ����,_._._. �ff..Crlf�}3�� 1.��?C'�� r�� �7 ,����,.._.. _...,...._ j �°�� l.egal Description: l.ot , Block . � „ Filing �/ � d ;, , Zone �� � CQmments: ���`�:���J��� �'?��'If,�_�_.�,. „�—`_��,� .1��j,�<1� ��"� � �'—..Z�' �-�l.l: ./2'�c��?t�-��'_f�r��i� ��' ,�i�t/[� , ����'f��¢ . 1 Design Review Board ��� � Q �� `�"' Date m ►� , MOtion by: � Seconded by: ��(Q,��nn�� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL — � _ __ -- - -_ � � �b� � ,.��, .� Summar ; r ' � � � �� � 3i � � � `� � � � � �r � �. � }�� � � � . � � „ , � 1 � � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date � Project Name: l "i ���� �. �.- ��� ..,..,._, Project Descriptio�: �A��� �r��+�1 ..,_ ,..,_,_._, Gontact Person and Phone � �� Owner, Address d Phone: C� / , � � Architect, Address and Phone: � ��L— Legal Description: Lot , Bl4ck , Filing , Zone Comments: �'�4.mG� Kr_ia rl4�J ,.__ ...._. ;� Design Re�iew Board Date g �� Mo#ion bY: �,�-- , Seconded by: _ �'`r 4 APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � Summary: i � !�1 � / � � �r /�/��'yy` �} �,� / �/� _ //LI..Cl/� �\ .�i I'. Jf /.l�f�L-���..�C� ��'�1 all�..5�.., �� � ,�1f7� . � � � ���� Town Planner ❑ Staff Apprpval I�ate: Project Application Datet L(�.-� ! cJ�/� � P�'oject Name: ��s� �IC.lW �������,�� �-�{��L�-� �� ...._. Project DeSCription; � .; „�� ���.,�¢�����.� T Coniact Aerson and Phone ��VI ('J�OIJI�.J .., •`�7"���L_LL..�—.....__ Owner, Address and phone: . �I�..,� , , �-3�C, "'�'�"`���l�l� �k�7'� .... �. C Architect, Address and Phone: ��� L, '� �,�,/� ���J�/C�� _ Legal Description: Lot �"1 , Block � , Filing 1z1« V��•��.,�+�';�Zone Comments: � _ �"�T� l�"DC� ��; , . ..._._,..,... _,_....__ ._.... iDesign Review Board Date ���! ,..,,, Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D15APPROVAL �.L��..�.►, � ����E �l � � Summary: � �� �� !v' ' � � �Y,� � Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Cf � .� � Date: _.— . a Project Applica#ion � �� [?ate � . Project Name: � ' " Prajec# Description: Cantact Person and Phane � � �� �'������ Owner, Address and Phone: � � � Architect, Acidress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing �"`� "� , �one Comments: � Design Rev�ew Board Date � � Motion by, Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ���k � � Summary: � - -- - � � �` � Y� 7ow P�anner ❑ Staff Approval � L Date: Project Application Date �Project Name: �.�"�c-�C� a � ��C�et � � � �k- �cy��d C��a1v� ��.iq ---- ... Project Descript�on: ��i-3���-�� �t�� 4� �b��d��.��.�� ����,�S �� �a o - Contact Person and Phone G��'"�— �� � �?� ' ' � ����"` �bt�"r'��'UE..��l 4 VJ __ _ �7 l.a �- � L g -- Owner, Address and Phone: ���n�� ��-4'���`� ' Pu ��► '� 2 34 � �,.�,�k� ���.�.1t,�.1.r_� ��� � t . �e, . ���lr � � �...,/�L°+ �a �5` � -�--- Architect, Address and Phone: �[�cQ c1r �.h rr t��ce.4-e��.q, _�„�°� 1; . �7�a�v��r-- �r-e�sX�_ �r,�� � g�'�.; �� �1 I --- .-- Lega4 DeSCription: Lot � ���Bloc��: t�"-.�iling , Zone Comments: `� Design Review Board � - Date Mo#ion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5 � � Summary: � ` � . 3 � , , �- � l.V � � r �- �ir� a�. ��_ Town Planner 0 Staff Approv2l Date: ._����� � Project Application Date �roject Name: _ �'�-41 t".'""'"_'" ��sc—�.p� -- Project Description: � Contaat Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block ; Filing , Zone Comments; _._ � _ T �.H'� �S� - � �, Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAI. DISAPPROVAL � Summary: ', r �0�''� e�— s ° �- �„4 �4 7 ��e-- �n,� �� �ex� ' Town Planner aff Approval Date: � � � � .�y,l 7 �ow� o ua� 75 south frontage road vaii, colorado 81657 (303) 4T6-70p0 office of communi#y de�elopment R��I:GN �tE1f'��U� BQRRD AGENRA. AUG,UST 1 t 7�84 2.rQQpM I . Cali Meeting �o Order I I . Rol l Ca�1 -� d.e.�ermi;nation o� guoru�p III . Agenda ��ems; Site Visi�s #7 1 . Chari �.es T-�sh.i'�^t sh�p a�ni,ng and s�:gn e Mon�aneros B.ui,ldi:ng Mo�ion - Steve Caswe7l Pre�iminary Approval Second -- Jack Hunn � Approved - 5-Q 2. Pota�o Patch. Clu� S1gn Pro�ra.r� Potato Patch Mot�on - Jack Hunn Approved as subm���ed Second - Howard Rapson Approved - 5-0 #3 3, Saunders Res�dence P,ddlti;Qn Bighorn Mo�ion - Steve Caswell Appr�ved as submitted Second - Howard Rapson Approved 5-0 #2 �. Sweti,sh Re.s;i_de.nce_ �a,�age �,ddi'ti,Qn (���,na.� ) 11ai1 V111age �lth Mption - Jack Hunn Appraved as submitted Second - Rick 8a�dwin Approved - 5-0 � � V�s3t 5. Pirog Residence G7 en Lyon Motlor� -- Jacl� F�unn P�'�1 i:m'lnary a,ppr�va.� Second � S'teve Caswei.l Ap��`oved � 3-1 Rick �aldw�n oppos�d R�chard ��atthews �4�ta.�,ned #6 6. Gore Range Properties - �ntrance remodel Vai1 21 Build�ng - L�onshead Moti:on � Ste�(e Casw�ll q�Prp�red �s submltted w1tFi cpnd7tior�s . Second - HQwa.rd Rapson Appt�aved 3�2 Ri:ck Ba,ldv�ln. �� qppos.ed Howard Ra.psvn - opposed. #4 7. Employee cafe�eri:a add�.tion Lodge a� Va�7 - U�71age ��otion - Ste�e C�swe�l ApprQVal cQntlr�gen� upon T�ndscape screening Sec�nd � Hov�ard f�aps;on �rpund �e.�oca.ted utlli�,� ��xe�, �ina1 � A.pproved 5�Q Zandscap�ng tQ be �pp.rvved �� Staff 7eYel . #5. 8. Timber7 �:r�e P�^operti;es Entry RemodeT R & Q 8ui�d��ng -� Vi�11�ge Nlo�ion R J�ck Hunn �.p�,rpY��d w�.th cont�ngencles Secand � S�eve Ca.swell Appraved � 5�0 IV, New Business V. Oid Busi'ness STAF�' APPROVALS; Concert Hall Plaza Bart & Yeti 's Restaurar�� The Valley Gonod - entry way L.ianshead Center Te7emark Retaining Wa71 G �yon Office Addit�Qn - ba7cony add�,ti:or� to Gprdon P��rce1� Off�,ce Mt��. �RS PRESENT: STAFF M�MB�RS M��BE.RS RBS�NT� S�eve Cats�we�l Rick BaTdwin Kr7s�an P�ltz Jack Hunr� Ricliard Matth.ews �homas Braun Howard Rapson Project Application � � ��r y [}ate � + Project Name: �� ' Project Description: Cantact Person and Phane �� ^` � ���� t�� � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Bfock Filing , Zone , } � _ � . Comments; ' � � � � 1 1 l�l- l . Design Re�iew Board Date � Motion by: � Seconded by: APPROVA� DISAPF'ROVAL � Summary, � 0�.. 1 1� , � 1 To n Pianner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � Project Application Date • Project Name; _ � .: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, /address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: _...�!��--r� Secanded by: �� APf'ROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5ummary: ��� �� Town lanner ❑ Sta#f Approvaf Date: �.....-�-� � , Project Application � pate /� � �' C , "� � Project Name: / � l r a t� Project Description: �i ..-� Contact Person and Phone � � - � -ds�� Owner, Address and Phone: q � / � �,� / �'1, Architect, Address and Phone:/ ; g �s �� - � l.egal Description: Lot , Block , Filing �Q R f , Zone � 1Z� . / S' � 4� e� r Comments: r� r ' � � . r ' E'' � ` �� ` � �— � Desi n Review Board 9 bate Motion by: Seconded by: ROVAL DISAPPROVAL , 5ummary: � Town Plsnner ❑ Staff Approval �ate: Project App�ication Date July 16. '198+4: ��::.Project Name: The Lod e at Vail i Em lo e� Cafeteria `� Ski 5tora e Project Description: Buildin addition for �m lo ee Cafeteria '� 5ki Stora e Contact Person an� �hone The Ruofif Partr�ershi �Architects .c AIA J err Meremonte - 476-3051. Owner, Adcfress and F'hone: Lod 17'�4 East Gore Creek Dr.ive - Vail, Co. 81&57` �76-5011 , Architect, Address and Phone: Th� Ruo.ff Partnershi Architect,s " .c., AfA 500. Lionshead MaEI -- Vail, Ca. 81657 476-30�1 Legal Description: Lot A B E C , �lock 5C __; Filing :Vall Vil]�ge Flrst __ , �one �-- Comments: 2 sets of drawin s included Design Review Board � Date Motion by: �� Seconded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL a' Vv�'�� 5ummary; �.: Ci b 7own Planner ❑ Staff Approvai Date: L . � . - - � � . - � . . . ' . � . . �. . � - thePdMerylvail � . Projec# Appfication Date r � � � ���� Project Name: Praject Description: ..._. ;�.J �t�`� — Contact F'erson and f'hone � °��� � - � Owner, Address and Phone: _.. �� ��c� � Architect, Address and Phone: . ��� ���'`��� - — � � Legal Description: Lot � , 81ock , Filing , Zone Comments: �� Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL pESAPPROVAL J � .J„r��-� �d..�cQ�,.�,v. r��.��,w-s k- _ '�cM l�t � . � -� Summary: � � � � � � � �� � Town Planner ❑ Sfaff Approval � Date: � � \ � ��A� tow� of �a� � 75 south frontage road va11, colorado 81657 (3os� a7s-ti000 oftice of community development DES�°GN RE1��'�1� �Q�RD RG��IDA, AUGU�T �5, �984 2;�QPM I . Cal� Meeting ta Order IZ�. Ro17 Ca11 -� Determinatian of Quorum I-Ii . A.genda Items; 1 . Char� �es TrSh�rt Shop � 5i;gn and A�ni'ng Mantaneras, S.uiTding Tabled by the appi.i:cant �o. Aug�s,t 29� T984 • 2. Pirog I�esi;der�ce Lot 45 G7 en Lyan Appraved 3-�1-1 i�unr� � A,gai'nst Mat�hews -. Abstai'ni:n.g ApprQ�ed per subr�.itta� �t1th r�.�i:�i,ons. �ite Visi� 3. Re�bulZd of re�a�ning w�ll i 7he Wren Approv�d 3-0-1 Matthews r� Absta3ni,n� AppY'4ved per submi.tta7. wtth, cQndi�ion t�iat �rees �1Qn� �are. �ree[�, 4� protected dur�,ng cor�s��ucti:on 4, Treeto�s Commerc�a� Addit�qn Treetops Cqndomin�um ; Approved 5-0 -:.;: Approved per submitt�� (� � �f; i� Visi� 5. Feola-�klund Res�dence (Conceptuai Rev�ew} 4 Lot 5, Block A Vai7 Ridge . No Vo te ite V�sit 6. He71er Garage Add�tion 3 Lot 12, 61ocK i , Vai1 Village 6t� 4�0-1 wi th cot�di t�ons Rapson A�staining ��nal approval with condi�ians �ite Visit 7. Mountain Naus Re�roof 2 Mountain Haus D�nied 5--0 - due �a 18-54-050 Section C #6 IV. f�ew Bus�ness � V. Old Business STRFF APPROVALS Kempf Duplex Wren re-roof L�fthouse L.odge Tyler Re-bu1�d o�F deck Vai l Vi j�age Tr�n -- roo-F over meters � ME�16�RS PRESENT: STAFF PRESEN�: M�MB�RS ABSENT: R�c�ard Matthews Kristan Pritz R�ck Baldwin Thomas Braun S�eve Caswell � Howard Rapson Jack Hunn � Pro�ect Application Date Project Name: � . Project Description; ���'� �� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Acidress and Phone: t71 � Architect, Address and Phone: ���.=�r���7� -- � � a '� ��D�r-� C.�1s7-�—_ . _ , Zone Legal Descript+on: Lot , Block , Filing �� - Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date � ���'1 Motion by: 5econded by, PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ���� Summary: I � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Da#e ��1 27 19$4 � Project Name: Maun�ain Haus Roo� Remodel. Project Description: Remove the existin,�„ballast of the hot u�o�ed roo and x�lac�_ _ it with azt EDPM membrane and a Dow LG panel. �.o finish. Contact Person and Phone _�v�� �' itzlen ntratec S 7-573 — Owner, Addre5s and Phane: Mrntntain °c^^"�+;^" - Architect, Address and Phone: Tnrra+P�r Rn�r_ S7��T��l r'!l R .�.$ �7-5��7 - 292 E. Meadow Drive, Vail Village Legal Description: Lot , Block —. _ — Filing , Zone Comments: • I wi11 have photographs of another similiar installation for the meeta.n.g. � Design Rer►iew Board Date � Motion by; 5econded by: AP�ROVAk. DISAPPR�VAL � � �,,, � �u�� ►��� .� � � -� �c� Summary: / • � � 0 Sta#f A rovaf T wn Planner Pp l�ate: �� Project Appl�cation } Date v��—`� �� , - � i— �— iF'rajec# Name: ���"'"y� / ���U�i - -- Project Description: ._��'�� �� - - - Contact Person and Phone _�^��`��� �N� ������� -- � Owner, Address and Phone: o- � C� Architect,Address and Phone: . ���'� � �����`'�� �� � �� �7�� �_�� °� • c� � �1�� Legal Description: Lot , Slock , Filing �`� �`����— . Zone _1�_1_� / Comments . Design Re�iew Board Date � '�� 1 W� Motion by: 5econded by: APP OVAL p SAPPROVAL ," �, V� �;►� '� ��-}�S 3�a1 S �nuP���t�� � � � �. l� � , ��i ��S-� Summary: �` ' � � 1 1 � b 1� 111 �� 1� 1 � Q. �L�� � � �,�, � �d �.I �� �.� d l � � � U�2S .�U�� � 1 � �, ��1� � � � i � � �,k�� � ` � ` � < < � - � 1. or �a�� �m�� a�oo a a '� �r. 5�,�� � � �) Q� c�i 1� �� ' Town Planner Staff ppr va� 3 ��Ca-�s�-I�L l,��a�-`�+n� ����� ����- � Date: �L� �1'l�� �1�.�1���'���.."„`-.�, . � �i , Projec# Application Date Pro'sct Name' ' 1 �" � � project Description: 1 Contact Person and Phone 1 i � � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone; , '� ri tion: Lot , BEo k , Filing ` �I � � , Zone �C �1 Legal Desc p � , � . Comments: � � � � � Design Re�iew Board � � Date Motion by: _ ������ — Seconded by: _ APPROVAL ISAPPROVAL �` �' U�/ � 5 1 • \ 1 � � 1� � � ; _ � ��'� i � � a � � a �, h ' �. � Summary: �� � � �� � � o�� �� �o �� � Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro��! flate: � } � ! � . Y ay �� �ow� of uai 75 souih ironlage road vail, calorado 81657 (303) 476-700o atfice ot aommunity derelapment RES�GI� REV�E:Ff BQARD �.G�N�R Rugus:t 2.�$ �98�k 2.;QO.PM I. Ca11 Mee��ng to Qrd.�.� ZT. Ro71 Cal l w Determi:na�i;on o f� Quorum IiI . Agenda: Site 1li.�i:us 1 . Mountai,n Haus ��-rQOf . Mot9:on � Hur�n Second -- Raps.an Deni.ed 5--Q l.$,.54.Q5Q Sec.. � #� �aQf' r��te.ri;als #3 2. Feola/�fclund Resldence. Lot 5, B1 ock 1� - Va?'1 R.i;dge f�ot�_Qn � Munn Second Ra.pson Preli:minary� Approva1 #3 3. SPr4�.Ge. C�e.ek Townh�omes � P��s�. ZI'� �oti.on -� Rapsan Secand - Hunn P.re�i;mi:nary ApP1^o1�a,1 �-�0 #5 4. S�tzmark, Lodge - Comme.rci.a�1 Addi.-��on Niot�Qn _ Rapson Secqnd � H�nn Fi,nal RpproVa7 4-� - B.aldwZn aga3,nst #g 5. V�ila VahaYla Ex�erior Altera�ion � Mo�i:on - Baldwi:n Second -. H.unn Fi na1 I�pproval 5:.�Q #2 6. �armish Townhomes 5un Room Additian Lot 15, Block 6 - Vdi� Das Shone #2 Tab�ed by a�p7icant to September 5th. m,eeti,ng � . . . • ;+ r .�r � $l�e v1S7'� 6 7. Wiidflower Restaurant Landscape Pian and Walkway Lodge at Vai7 Tabled by applicant to 5eptember 5th r�eet�ng 7 8. �o�ge at Vail Store F'ront re-design C.U.S.D.E. Shop Mo�ion - Hunn Second - Caswe7l Abstention - Ra�son Approved 4-0-1 per submlttal g 9. Lodge at Vai3 Sto�^e frant re-design - Cart7ers � Motion - Rapsan 5�cond - Ba�dwi n Mo�ion for den�al failed 2-3 � A��roved as subm3:tta1 4. .i].0. Fiill Bu�lding Addl�ion and Deck �.nclqsure Mation � Rapsan Secand - C�swe11 A�proval 5-0 Pre� im�nary approva� 3 11 . K�andra Lodge Sign Chanc�e Approved 5-a Approved �er submitta� IV. New �BUSiness V. Old Business GRFA MEMBE�S PRES�NT: $�AFF �RESEl�T: MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Matthews Kris�an Pr�:�z � R1c[c Baldwi�n Thpmas Bt^aun �lack H.unn Steve Caswell Jack Hunn r. . . « , . . . �li � tow� o uai 75 souih fronEage road vail, caiorado 81857 (303) 476-700o affice of commu�ity developmeM STAFF APPROVALS: S�af�' Approvals: 7'emparary Traf�ic 5ign for B &B Paving irt Four Way Stop Hotel Sannena7p Signage Charlies �'-Shirts R qwn�ng � � 1 ` Project Application Date ���"*""'(� �-D�`1' � Project Name: �QUt� G'Q'�c `-�t,V r�! �S r� �' Project �escription: �� ~l�w�I�U�s `� �1��� �-�s Contact Person and Phone � �� ��'�' �-(,�A'�CL � ��I�I�-f4-�-� ����%(,(.� ��� r- �[��� ��� ��� `� ��Z��-' Owner, Address and Phone: �� �� ��' i� j�V����� � ��� � I`Z�- �.N�,c�u�c� � f,c� �a��Z ��t� � �37 � Architect, Address and Phone: � �G � � ��� lh l�1��1��5 �- �S�f I��- �vf�l Cs�(� t��� �..C�? �a1IZ. ����� Legal Description: Lot , Slock ; Filing , Zone Comments: u� -ts-��aa�� _ �L�2Z� • ��W-�4'� �- �-`�� -��.�r , �' - - � Design Review Board Date Motion by: ��� .— Seconded by: —1�`�`n� PROVAL DtSAPPROVAL �_�� Summary: ��W` own Planner ❑ $taf#AppYOVeI � V Date: Project Application Date � � Project Name: - P►oject Descripfion: '` - .�: Owner Address and_Phona: . g�. � ArchiteCt Address and Phone: Wheelex Pi er A�chi e ` " - � �4� �a7�� � �� ��,._ . _ .��.�..,� �=� , 3 Block. 1 , Filing L].oriShe�t� �1rs'C . Legal Description: l.ot Zone: CommerciaL Cor� IT Zoning APProved: � �?esign Review Board Date � � � . �` Motion by: � �ll�• Seconded by: �, APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 3 , �. �� , , , � . � � �9 5 � Summary: ��n��1� ��� ' �1 � YA� � � � • � 4 ��� �� � b � � � ��� �t l�e �� S� a�y �- o�� fl Sutcw � �� Chief Building Official � Zoning Adm'nistrator � Date: Date: ' � � � � � �-ths9rintarY/vail - Projec# Application Date c � � Project Name; Praject Description: ��^ � Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPR4VAL DfSAPPROVAL �.--,�� - Summary: � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: : � � � ' Projec# Application - Date � ProjectName: The �od e at Vail - C.V.S.�.E h Project [?escription: Redesi n af or f n Contact Person and Phone A11en F. Tafo a Ruoff Partr�ershi Architects - �+76-3051 Owner, Address ancf Phone: Lod e at Vai 1 � - Archidect, Address and Phone: 500 Lionshead MaII - Vail Co. 76 7 4 -3 1 Legal Description: Lot A B Block , �iling ��';� Villaae 1st - , Zone �_ = Comments: � Design Review Board Date Mqtion by: N Seconded by: . W� — — APPROVAL DISAPi'ROVAL Summary: • � Town kanner ❑ 5taff Approval Date: - � . .. � � � . � lhepAnlaNlvail � � Project Application Date � Project Name: � � � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: PPf�OVA �ISAPPROVAL , i .�_ � � Summary: � � � Tow Planner ❑ 5taff Approval Date: � � Project Application Date A u u st 13, 1984 � Project Name: h � Project oescriptian: Redesign of the store �r'on� and si na e on the Lod e Promenade Contact Person and Phone p►���� �• TafO a Ruoff Partnershi Architects - 476-3051 Owner, Address and Phan�: �-�d � at Vail T7 E or k Dr' - Architect, Address and Phone: 500 Lionshead Mall - Vail; Co. 87657 475-3051 Legal Description: Lot A, B 8 C , Block 5C . - Filing _Val[ VI[�a�e lst , Zone CC1 Comments i Design Re�iew Board � Date s�!!� Mation by: �� � Z 3 Seconded by, f APPROVA� � DISAPPROVAL Summary: �S wn Planner ❑ Staff ApprOVal Date: Project Application Date Au ust 198� � Project Name: Project Description: ��xoofing exi.sting bui�.� up roof Contact Person and Phone Lynn Fzitzl.en 827-5732 Qwner, Address and Phone: ��e Mountain Haus Condominium Associa�ion, Box 17�8 Vai1., Coio�'ado 81658 476--2434 Architect, Address and Phone: �ntra�ect Box 57, Vail Colorado 8165$ 827-5732 Legal �escription: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Cotnments: _ N w rnn o he be Doyr I.�i.gh�guard anel.s over an EDPM membrane with a painted �inish. � Design Review Board Rate Motion by: � ��� -- Seconded by: • APPROVAL DISAPPROVAE. � ��� _ . Summary: 1 < � 1�J��� � �r� � � � Y� � Town Pla ner � 5ka#f Approval Date: � � � Project Appl�cation Date r � � t � Project Name: � Project Qescripkion: , � e r Contact Person and Phone � �� � � �?� ��O�f� Owner, Address and Phone: �• r� Architeck, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing ��� .. , Zone .�i� I�t/rp�`� Comments: � Design Review Board Date g � �� Motion �y, ��� - 5econded by: ���y��� � � APPROVAL [lISAPPROVAL 1 � � �� - � Summary: � � , � , � f] � � r� � ��� Town PI nner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application � pate � � � Project Name: � 6 " G � Praject Description: � Contact Person and Phone � � � � f �� t � Owner, Address and Phone: � � i � � � � � f �1 � � Architect, Address and Phone: �9��'� • �G � D � � �� Legal Description: Lot � , Block 'J , Filing � V � � __ , Zone . +r��-- Cornments: Design Re�iew Board � Date Motion by: . �1N'�� . ��'. �� b� �� � Seconded by, ��' ��, 5������ �. � �1�� � pl$APPROVAL �� �� � � } , � �, Summary: � , � � , 1 � �; � � � l � �� � � �, 1 �: � S 1 � � � 1 � U'l� y � �� � � � � �. �� iC_ `� i�S��� '(�i1 �� ' � Town Planner 'LI Staff ApprOVal I� \�/� � � °' 1 � Date: Project Application � � � \ Date � Project Name: Project Description: 1 , Cantact �erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: , Legal Description: Lot �� , Block , Filing � �1�� �� , Zone � � l i r, } 1 CommentS: P � � � Design Re�iew Board � Date Motion by: _ ��,i��'��� Seconded by: APPROVAL dISAPPROVAL � � Summary: , � � � � . 1 lSJ � �l. , i 7 ` � � � �v � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval �ate: � � � � 1+ �� � tow� ofi uai � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ot#Ice of cornmunity deveiopment D�SIGN REVT'��I �QRRD AGE�IDA September 5, i98� 2,QQpM I . Ca11 hleeti ng to Order II . Ro1� Ca17 - Determina�ion of Quorum TIT . Agenda I�ems . 1 . Addition to Ni�� R�sidence Hi�l Build�ng (�`inal ) Motian - Hunn • Secor�d - Bal dwi n Aga�nst - Caswel7 Apprava1 -- 4�1 - as submitta7 2. Spruce Creek Townhomes ���pa1 ) o�ion - Hunn Abstai.ni.r�g - Matth.e�ts Approved - 4-0-i - �pP����d per s:ubmi,ttal w�th modif�cations to elevations . S i te Visit #2 3. �armisch Townhomes Sur�rQam Add3'�ion Pdo show by app� icar�t • i Site �}. VaiT Vil7age Inn P]aza V�s�� Projec� T�en��ficat�on 5ign #5 Tab.led �o �eptemb`,er 19�1� meeting., 5, GondoTa Bui`1di,ng --. So1ar Collec�ors i�iot�`on � �apson Secand � Cas;we°�1 A6stai'n.i�nc� - Flunr�. Approval 4-0-1 ApprQ�ed �er sub�n�;ttal wi�k� conditions 6. Go�thel `s �l�we7 ry Store Si gn Motion -- Caswe.�]. Second � Hunn Ap�roved - ��0. r. per s:�bmi ttal #4 7 . Karat's Jewe1ry Store Remodei Bell 1'ower BuiTding • TabTed by a.pPl.i.ca.nt 8. Lodge at Vail Store �ron� Remodel Lodge Pramar�ad� Motion -For Deni�a� �- Rapson � Approved 4-1 Second � Bal dwi'n Agai'nst - Cas�e�T Deni�ed because o� i:nconsi:stency w1tl�. lJr�ian Design Guide P1an. #1 9. Perkin's Residence Garage Addition Intermountain (Preliminary) Tab1 ed by� appl i,cant � I r � �V. l�ew Bus�ness V. Dld 8usiness STAFF APPROVALS 1 . Inland Ir�surance Si�gn. 2. Poyn�er Resi�dence i��'r�dow Addi�tion � MEh1BERS P�ES�IVT: STA�F P��SE�IT: MEMBE:�S ABS�NT; Ric�ard Matthews �'homas A.. Braun R�ck 8a7dwi'n Howard Rapson $teve Casweli Jack Hunn � Project Application . _ - Date � project Name: � �� t�. Project Description: � �''`� 3 Con#act �erson and Phone � ���� Owner, Address and Phone: Architec#, Address and Phone: �egal Description: Lot , Block , F31ing , Zon� Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: PRQVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: _ --� ���� �- �-� ,.�� _ � own P nner ❑ Staff Approval Date: L l,�l;� Project Application Date � Project lVame: Project Description: ��'�� Contact Person and Phone _ �- ��`�� � �-- � � � ` . _ . Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Rer►iew Board Date ,_.. ,_�1���5� � Motion by: 5econded by: PROVAL ❑ISAPPROVAL Summary: - 6 � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date AL;gL7c+� �'t 1 aS2d -- Project Name: .� ��' • k Wal k - - -— Project Description: _Pexmd�l.P.ix'� lai'1asCage schexre far Wildflo�aer Rest.a.urant & a11.ey to Go�e Creek Dr. Contact Person and Phone ���-es DL1T1Can (C.D.}. 476-5011 e.xt. 558 Owner, Address and Phone: ._._�e �a� a� V���- I74 E. GOre, Creek br. , Vail�.Co. 81657 _ ._ Architect, Address ancf Phone: ._....W�x.'�' n P7:atne�' snri�t-P �h-i i-Pr-rG 203/�777-6471 __ _ 7.8 MitcheZZ D�. . New Haven. Conn. :065I1 _--- Legal bescription: Lot Block � , F�iing Vail Vil�age Filing #1 , Zone C�..^ Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion.by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: � � � Town Planner � Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date • Project Name: \ Project Description: _ ��' A n"" ��s�-. ._ _____ �.- � Contact Person and Phone J. �� bY�d Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Black __; Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date � � � Motion by: Seconded by: ������ PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � J �` V _ � ,/«�i f/Y1 - - � �o n lanner ❑ Staff Approval � Date: Project Appl�cation I Date � � Praject Name: Project Description: �° � w � Contact Person and Phone �` � k b � Owner, Address and Phane: ._..� �" `��N ��� � � �`r"'-'^`!' "`-- -�� �781 (fl_ ��(0 4 Architect, Address and Phone: "3tiS Legal Description: L� , Block � , Filing �+� ���'�'��7, , Zone � Commenis: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � ' Tpwn nn ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date . Pro'ect Naine: `"�-' � Project Description: Contact Perspn and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Bfock Filing , Zone Gomments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: �� � � --- 5econded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � Summary: ` � 1"own Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � ���� ,._, Project Application Date � Project Name: � �� �! ---- - Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architec#, Address and Phone: Legal Descr�ption: Lot , Slock , Filing , zone Comments: � Design �e�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: `���-��s��� APPROVA� DISAPPROVAL Summary: � �L � � 1'own Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: ��?�P J Project Application Date , Projeci Name: � � I i Project bescription: � Gontact Person and Phone . �r P �� � �' -- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: �ot , BiocK Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: U�� Seconded by: APPR4VAL DISAPPROVAL ` � Summary: � C'�...� � C,., `lc.�.��"� uG\,��� � To n Planner 0 5taff Approval Date: p � Project Application � Date �/� � � L CV� f r/ � � � l��f � Project Name: Project Description: ��� r Coniact Person and Phone �, -� 9��i�a m� oD ,� �'/�r� f .F �il/ �/��li�'/ Owner, Address and Phone: � ^" � ���� P{r� �Ai Archit�ct, Address and Phone: �����'� : ,�- Le al pescri tion: Lot , BEock , Filing ���'� �r��"�� Zo�Q.-/�-�/R— 9 p � � ,�,c �/ i �s Commenks: � ,� � �Y a G�' �oc°�7 �A �f ���� -P�<<!"S G',e�i � �� G�G�it° �! t�-.' � l.P � al s � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPFiOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � Town lanner ❑ Staff Approval Date: • �y ��. L�� town o ua� � 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 {303) 47B-7000 affice oi aommunity development pES�'GN ��V�EW BQRR(� R���DA $EPTEMBER 19, 198A� 2r00PM I .. Ca�l Mee��ng to �rder I�I . Roll Ca11 -� Determina�ion o�F Quorum III . Agenda T:tems ; Site Visi� 1 . Mountain Haus Re-raof Nio�ion -- J.��c.k Hunn Qen�ed because of confl ict w�th Second - CaseweT1 18.54.050 Denled - �-1 -0 � Baldwi'n approved of roof materials #6 2. Goodell Garage - f�a� 24, Buff�r Greek �e,subdi,�i:s�on Motior�-�Caswel l Second-Hunn Abstent7on � 1 (Rick Ba1dwin unable to vis�t site) Approved 4-0-7 Rpproved as amended - #2 3. Co�o�^ado Insi.ght Remodel � Lots E, F, G, H, B1 k 5Aa 1!a-il V��1�ge 7 s� Mo�ion � Caswei] Second - Nunn Approved 5�0-a #4 4. Wei.ss Re�roof - Lot 27, �fa1:7 Vi:�lage l�es� �iling #2. Mot�on for denial - Flunn Second � Ba�dwin Reason for denial cited Approved - 5--0-0 section 18.54 .050 C. 6 of Des�gn Review Board Guicie3ines �3 �. Banne� Sports Awning, 1�1or�shead Gondo1a Build�:r�g [�at�on - Hunr� 5econd � Caswell Approved � 5-0 Approved per subm�ttal � v,S��S #5 6. Erikson Carag�, Lot 26, Re--s�tbd��vision of Buf�er Creek Motion - Hunn Second - Baldwi� Approved 5-0 Approved per submittaZ with modifica�ions . #1 7 . Whi�� River Es�a�es, Modi�Fica�ion to t�nit exterrtors, Lot 1 , White R�ver Estates - Lot 2 Nlot�on - Hunn Second -- Caswell Approved - 5-0 Rpproved per submittal . IV. New Business V. 01d Business • STAFF APPROVALS Bann�r/Vo7lbracht re--roof Lodg� at Vail Pramenade Steps �'uschman Addi�ion - Balcony-windows Northwoods - Unit D Dec�C Devoe Greent�ause Addltivn Nilsson remodel o� entry - bathraom Mt. Haus Roof Rep7acement Charlies T Shirts -- Mo�taneos Bldg. Manor Vail Qoor Add�tion MEl�BERS PRES��l�: S�A�'F FR�SENT� M�Ms�RS ABSEN�; D�ane Piper (for PEC member) Kristan Pritz Hpward Rapson (Duane Piper fi7ling Steve Caswell Tfiomas A. Braun in a� meet�r�g) Jack Hunn Ricic Baldwin Richard hlatthews � Project Application Date � � Project Name: r � �..`G' {i� e./ Project Description; � � cn�v+� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archikect, Address and Phane: � Legal Description: Lot , Blvck Fi!' , Zone �-- Comments: . Design Review Board Date Motion by; � Seconded by: OVAL DlSAPPROVAL Sumrnary: cr� �' l"own Planner ❑ Stafi Approval Date: � � Project Application Date � I . 1 � Project Name: __ ,1 � ,IQl.G1 ...----..- - 6 Project Description: � � ' � � '� Contact Person and Phone �i �L� il/( /,� l✓F�� c�,�c'_� '� �'�n � ����%�� - - - �� �T ���G �� �'�� _...—,_,_, Owner, AddreSS and Phone: _. � � '� ��f� ���C!"�r '-' � �� �`-���`��`�7� l, �,/L�;�J � cL��s����L-z� 'U� ; �__C � --� --�/_�_'��%f Architect, Address and Phone: � y Legal Description: Lot C�.�^�N , Black ���► , Filing �..�(T�'��N'-���� Zone , j . Comments: � � ' � ' ` ��' - ' _P� i � � � , � �� / � � ' _n �] � , ' �1 �i�' • -, ' C..L/W / � � �..�i�7Z��'I"c�r � .�Z.C2-��1� .G��c� �CG�z�7zc..�cr (� � L�1 j ZG��'e���_(� ��-=; � f Desig N - e�iew Board � � Da#e Motion by: �` Seconded by: ._ w���'� APPROVAL � DlSAPPROVAL � Summary; n� ie� 1�1� v�i ` � �� � ` 1 � � � }� n � � f{ . �i 1 Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date �. Project Name, �{ � � -' Praject Description: � Contact Person and Phone ��` � � Owner, Address and Phone: _... � — "' '�'�--� ��L�'��" Architect, Address and Phane: �v-��./C.�. Legal Descriptian: Lot , Block , Filing _ � '� J u� � , Zone Comments: � �esign Review Board Date � Matian by: `�`��r ` Seconded by: �w� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � \� �D _ — Summary: ✓ '~ � _ � �,3 � � . ov�..o.f -� � Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Da#e: Project Application Au�. 20, �.98� Date . Project IVame: �o'�,ble Caz' ar� � adc�,i.. "" Praject Description: 1$� x 2�.= dOUb�.R car �� as�r� a .�:ach� �:n e���„nrr �,rnnr� ___ _._ Contact Person and Phone � �� �nd Lc��ht� f�nel���,�l�„��—���f� ---- .- -- Owner, Address and Phone: `���' �nd Loye'�'�8 CroOde�.I 1967 wes� �irc�.e �rive,� Vai3., Col. �.76-�262$ Architect, Address and Phone: �� Legal Description: L.ot ��' , Block """'� , Filing��g�� ��• R����+ , Zone Camments: � Design Re�iew Board � Date � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL blSI�PPROVAL � , 1 1 Summary: ' v��l� � � � t� � � , , �.; � � � ' � _ _ r � � 'll � � - � � n Town PI ner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � . � Project Application � �ate F � ' ��'� �, • � Project Name: / Project Description; .� e r � � � ��� � � �� � Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phane: !�� -Z v? s � � ° �° Architect, Address and Phone: er' � . , �lock , Filing , Zone .�.�--- Lega! Description: Lot .. , , �` �� ` l�-�, ..P�✓'� Comments: �' � ✓ +� � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL n � Summary: ` +5�' �� �� a �����- • '�� 0� � D� �� W , �I1 - P � l 7own PI nner ❑ Ska#f Approval Date: ` � Project Apptication Date 19 Sept. 198�+ . SPrajec# Name: Sunb i rd Lodge @ Va i i — Project Description: `�'"`- -� �` ' � a� ��=a�ng� na rk i na oau i ng - Contact PerSOn and Phone Ron Kl ien - Owner 476-5264 — W. Trout ►��6-1176 Qwner, Address and Phane: �1n i ted �tesort5 InC. ]$20 E. Sahara #]50 Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 (702} 73�-�6ao Architect, Address and Phone: Trout Creek Archi te�ts The C�ock Tawer 4�'b-1 �76 Richarc� Mathews � Assoc P.D. Box 3567 9�+9-507�1 _ . __- Lagal Description: L.4t , Block 1 , Filing .. �h i rd , Zpne Va i 1 , L i on shead Comments: _A1 - �te.r i cPr� Sta ir �QS i 9n _ B) Revised 10 car ark9ng (exist = 10 cars proposed = 10 cars) C) Added Landsca in lantsrs and site lighting . Design Review Board Date r � Motion by: -- , Seconded by: � �u�, ���� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summ ry: - ,�,�.� '�-�.��1 Town Planner ❑ Staff /approval Date: Project Appl�cation pate � Project Name: ��SS ' �'° v3ts 2o�anhouses Project Description: R'�"��f Cantact Person and Phone Owner, Acidress and Phone: We$85 4�6.-�8�Q P4 v�.t� �76--166 1 0 Czcire Creek I?r Architect, Address and Phone: F�1 2 Legal Description: Lat Z� ._, Blocic Filfng ��i� Vil�auP yy�ct�= .._�"�'�'" , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board i Date Motian by: �'`x' `j'� Seconded by: _ �—— APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � � s � cG� 5umm y: � - C�„►G✓S 1 � 5• � � � � � �e� 7own Planner ❑ S#aff ApprOVal pate: � ���� �� �aw� o� Va� � 75 sauth ironSage road vall, coEorado 81657 (303) a76ao00 of#ice ot community development Se�te�l�er 20., 1984 A1 Weiss 1905 Gore Creek Drive Vail , Co�arado, 81657 Dear A1 , The Des�gn Review Board denied yaur appli.catian for a Pro Pane� I'I roof at their September 19th meetin�. Reasqns c�ted for denia� were relative to section 18.54 .050 C.6 of t}ie Design Re�vew Guidelines . � Specific prtibl�ms with the proposed material included: 1 . Insuf�ic�er�t standing seams (lack of relief) . 2. Too }iigh af g�are. 3. Insuff�cient gauge. 4. Ex�ased fa5teners . This decision can be appealed to the Town Counc�l i.n writting within 10 days of the Design Review Board meeting. P�ease do no� hesi�tate to call �e with any questions you may have. Sincerely, ���d�' ` i � Thomas A. Braun �awn P�anner TAB/rme � � +�1+ � � �ow� o �a� 75 soath frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303> a�saoao oiftce of community development DESIGIV REVIEW $Q�qRD AGE�€DA QCT4BER 3, 1�84 2:OOPM I . Ca7l Meeting ta Order II . Rol� Ca17 - Determ�nation o� Quorum III . Agenda Items �ite Visits 1 . Charlie's Gondola Shop Awnir�g #� MotT:on fo� cfeni:a,1 - Ca,swel� 3.�Qa �e�a�pr�s ci:ted for de,n�a1 v�e:r�e..cot�flicts w��h; Secor�d-Ba1dw�n p1ow�ng �nd the whoi�, i:dea,� o.f the: ma17 . #2 2. Vai7 Vi7lage Inn Plaza Sign � � No show by appl i�cant. #IO a. �le5t Vail ��1a71 Bus S�op Mo�ion - Cas,w�i 1. Seco nd - l��a�t1�.ews Rpp�^oved -- 2-0-1 AbSte.ntiQr�, - Ba�dwi:n #3 `�,. 6di7df3ower Restauran� Menu Soxes Matian � Baldwin Second - Caswel1 : Si;c�n Desi;gn 3-0 Approved #S 5. Trwin Garage Addition � Lot �5, Vail Village West C4ncept�a7 Na Vqte � �7�1S1t G.. Pease and Schutter Residence - Lo� 5, B�ock 2, Va�1 Vil1age 3rd F�nal . Motion - Caswe�7 Second - Baldwin 3-0 - Approved. #9 �j . Meadow Creek Li gl��i ng �7 an �io�ion -- Caswe11 Second - Baldwin Approved - 3-0 #5 �3. Crest Fiote� �ntry and Re-roafi �toti�on -� Caswe�1 Secand � Baldwin � Ap�roved - 3-0 - roaf materla� hlotion by Baldwin for pre� �m9nary appraVal of ert�ry Second by Caswell � Approved 3-0 #1 :-g. Ki��ay Residence� Antenna Instal7a�ion - Lat 9, S�ock 2, Bighorn Sub. 5th Motion for Denial by Matthews Second by Baldwin Der�i:ed citing sec��ons 18,�4,Q50 C., &, and 18.54.Q50 F. 3. #7 10. Sunbird �adge Sta�rway Addition Mo�i:or� - Caswell Fina7 approvai for stair design, prelim�nary approval Second -� Baldwi:n for� s��te work and landscap�ng. STAFF APPROVALS Ap��°ved W 2-0-�1 r P9atthews Abstai�ed Sun Vail Sign . ' Pinos De1 Norte Unit L•-Window Colds�ream #8 - B1dg. 1 =Remodel & Addition B'Jani Furs = �n� Va�l P7ace-sign Arnold Wlbrech� - Al:t�ration in Lands:�ape . .�; Cres� Re-roof Botto�n Chai r #12 Gol den Peak 7i�nberfal l s - addi tion exi st. deck Houston Rddition Hooper Remodel Andersan Playroor� � IV. New Business V. 01d Business ��EMBERS PR�S�NT: STAFF PR�SEN7: Pr1El�BERS ABS�NT: Steve Caswe�l Kristar� Pritz Jack Hunn R�chard Matt�ews Thomas Braun P�C Member, due to mix up �n Rick Baldwin kno�rn a new m�mber had been chaasen . y�4 j l�� tow� o uai 75 south frontage road vail, coForado 81657 (303} 476-7Q00 office of con�munify development `�0: Design Review Board F�ONE: Commun�ty Deveiopment Departrr�en� DA7E: October 3, 1984 RE: Vai7 ViTlage Inn S�gn Backgrou_nd on this Request This 7�em was preser�t to the Design ReView Baard at their September 5th meeting. The request is ta modify a previous�y approved "temporary � deve7opment sign" �n�o a project �nder�tif�cation s�gn. A number of qUes�ions were raised at the last Desagn Revtew 8oard meet�r�g reTat7ve to whether th� proposed sign is a1�owed by the code. Tfie �o7lowing is a su�nary of how this prnposal re7a��s to ti�e sign code. The Proposal This a�p� ication is for a twenty (20) square �aot free standing sign �p identi�'y �he Vai7 Vil1age Inn Plaza �see accompanying sheet) . As propased, the sign wou�d ref�r to the Plaza Condominiums as weTl as sho�s. The sTgn also includes a w�hdow ta accomr�ndate pho�os of the project. Th�s is �he same s�gn ap�roved kiy Des�gn Review Baard a number of years ago. As proposed, tfie front face of the s�gn would be removed and modified to inc7ude this new i�nformation, App1ication with Respec� to the S�gn Code As was mentioned at the Sep�ember 5th meeting, this application does not fi� c7early into any section of the code. �'or examp�e, section �6.20.190 (wall si�gns - individual business in a mul �i�tenant hui�ding) , a�lows for twenty (20) square feet to identify �iie bu��id7ng. However, the project has both wa�i signs and hangi'ng sign, and section 18.2�.090 (projecting and hang�ng signs - individual business in a mul��-�enant building} does not have a provision al�owing for twer�ty (20) square fee� � (aver) � to identify the building. The staf� can find no reason for section 16.20.19Q al�owing for twe�ty (20) square feet to ident�fy t�e bui1ding while section 16.20.090 does not. The question of �he jaint directory was also brough� up by the flesign Rev��w Board . 4�hile th�s di�^ectory does refer to businesses �n Phas� III , it is an element of Pl�ase IT . Phase IT is owned by different people than the applicants (of F�ase IiI} . Staff Recommendatian 5taff opinion is that a project of this size does merit some signag� to id�n�ify i�. As mentioned above, �here �s a grey area ir� the Code as to whether this sign is alTowed. Staff can find na reason for the inconsistency 3n the cnde and recommend that this project be allowed twen�y (20) s�uare feet for i�enti�Fication. Staff recommendation is for a�proval of th�s sign prov�ded it is for the identification of �the projec� on�y. With respect to ti�is appiication, Staf�F would recommend the fo1�owing conditions; Z . No re�erence ta where one obta�ns informat�on, i . e. phone numbers, real es�ate agents, etc. , T��s �' in-�ormation is not necessary for id�ntifying a projec�, 2. 7he window be used anly �o dispa�y the entire project by means of a �hoto, render�r�g, or si�e p�an. The disp�ay of pho�os showing lobby areas and other inter-�or spaces is inappropr�ate. The staff feels that this project d6es need an identificati�n s3gn. Hawever, it is strongly felt �ha� this sign serve jus� that purpose - to identify the project. We encourage �he above conditions to be approved by the Design Rev�ew Board. � Project Application Date � � . Project Name: � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phane: Legal Descrip#ion: La# , Block Filing , �o�� Comments: � Design Review Board !r r,.I,'r Date Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL . , Summary: } _ ��V � Y � �� � �r . Town Pla n r ❑ Staff Approval � � Date: Projec# Application � Date • Project Name: `n} Praject Description: l i ' , y�� �� Contaci.Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description; Lot .� _, , Biock , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board �ate �� �� Motion by: � Seconded by: � r�4�in APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � a c� " , C ^ � ; Summary: ' � { � ~ r Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval ��1��� Date: .�� _ .- — Project Application �ate �E� �� / 1�� l -- i'rofeck Name: � CI�� Wl�v ��� rrr Sf ' 1.--��� 1� � Project Description: 6 S � ��C � c �' DG'6 p � ~ S�"��c1�D. Contact Person and Phone _�t rn ��r����� �. ���r�r � �'''" ��������' ���_���d Owner, Address and Phone: �Y►Tr/���1 1.��� �N►!��+{����l�' ';"��`� ° • 'Q� �' r�`Q�f"1�`�°t ��p I ��-- � �Il.� , v ���3 7 �f7�1 �y�/b0 �. .� �.. Architect, Address and Phane: �� � --- ---- --- — -- �°�^ Legal Description: Lot �. � � , Slock � �..., Filing � � , Zone � � Comments: W6ffT �`] �� GclfLL /3� ����'�—.�L—�A�/�Ci'��/�'" Gc��� `�/fd �-.�._..f.-��✓' �`a /�CO� �2. ��5�, �=��C�l��'!T'_!� _C'�S�__ .e���.�5 �/�r �iCNT /� S� SS�t10t�c1 /�ilr�d �i7�1f�i1r1��� �/� �SicJp� L o�".� � Design Review Board Date Mation by: � i Seconded by: � �,�Q��1(H�1l�Q APPfiOVAL bISAPPROV L � t � �' �GJ� i � D � � '� . --�,— � 3ummary: �1J . ��1�� � � ^ � . �� i '� , , , i ^ � �. � r � � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva! �ate: Project Application D ate � �L � Project Name: c11,�5� ��I -- ---- Project Description: � � Contact F'erson and Phone !� � (°M Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: , Legal Descriptian: Lat , Block —- - — _, �iling , Zone Comments: ��t e � , y ` � � � ��a—� s ��r�lr- �� �r� �Lti,_�A �' �� I a �'��rl�.s� �l �r�es O .��7�r G- �l2.� �.�_ S �s�� rn� .��-� ��� � i„�.fG,s.�"��, . 1k„� .�D�,,.,,� - - - ------- � Design Re�iew Board � bate Mation by: � -� �u� Seconded by: ��►p �-�— PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary, ` li�� `�- � �� � ._. Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date September 98�h , 1984 • Project f�ame: A Y`�h L1 Y` K i t t a y Project �escription: Satelli�� Anter�na Residen� ial Installation ContactPersonandPhone Richard A . irwir� , Universal �UR Audio-Visual �lectronics ( 303 ) 949- 1457 Owner, Address and Phone: �r . A 1^�h u 1^ K 1 t t a y , , _ � 5089 Gore C i rc 1 e , Ua i 1 , CO 81657____ { 303 )47G--4594 Architect, Address arsd Phone: ��A _ , . Legal �escription: Lot � , Blqck �....�2 „ Filing , Zone Comments: .._A�rai l �hlp in an�� color__nrovirlin� the �stetic value in the � Design Re�iew Board Date _ �`C�s 3��� Motian by: Seconded by: �^^� � ROVAL bISAPPROVAL W� �---� Summary: �� L � - �� -; . . _ �c�r �rv� 1�s 1-__r�� -�.- "7 _ � ��� �� own Plartner ❑ 5ta#f Approval : Date: d G Project Application Date —�-��- k� � � Project Name: �' -'� S } Project Descrip#io�: „�[.��.r�!-v[> Ca6r�'--� G�.�-'r4�c.�r'z� — �/r,�-c����.rf�_C��t>'i'�2�= G�!"�� � Contact Person and Phone �'ff��1�` __���5�1.4-r� �76�°/,7.J O Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: �7��_—_ _ ___ ____ _ Legal Description: �ot , �lock , Filing , Zone Comments: �•�,���1 E- /S t.Lt.��.�/ 'Tb �X��`r-!� � .4Les�vr:.0 t-=, ,..�'ry i�-�-2 } r t ; � � � . l , � Design Review Board � Date � � Motion by: Seco�ded by: � � APPROVAL blSAPPROVA�. ��- ' , ,,..,.,. � Summary: l � � � � � : �. C� o� i� n U�'�� � � ` U C�. � . � ��SLI i � ,! ' � � �t� t�'� � �` Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Appiication . � � � ate iProject Name: � °'��'W � � ,.,, Aroject DesCription: Contact Person and Phone � Owner, Address and Phone: � � Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: I�ot , Blqck , Filing , Zane Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Moiian by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DfSAPPROVA� Summery: ' � � � 1 � ` � � 1 � v 1 � ,. � � � . � � vo � ���� � � . ��- Q � Town Planner � ❑ Staff Approval Date: ������ .._ Project Appiication Date m : ���� � Pro�ect Na e Project Description: Contact Person and Phone �-v�t{,� 3J���� ��.� Owner, Address and Phone: ��"T �� � " '-� - ArchiteCt, Address and Phone: � Legal Description: Lot , Block �� Filing � , Zone � -.- Comments: • oard �Cfrfy.c:r� � ��Z}'�'� Date Motion by: ���� Seconded by: � PROV �T° �U�' �� /���` bISAPPROVAL � �t°"'1 � � � { `� � Summary: � �� � T wn Pianner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � l��y . � tow� o Vai 75 soufh frontage road . vail, coforado 8165J' (3Q3) 476-7000 office of community r�e�elopment Qctaber 9, 1984 Nfr. Richard I'rW1in Universa� 'TVR Elec�ronics_, Inc . Box 5520 Avon, Colorado, 81620 Dear Richard, The aesi.�n Review Board cor�si:dered your reques�t for a sdte�li�te. an�enna � di;sh for t�ie Ki,�tay res:i'de.nce at thei.r October 3rd meeting. Thls reques� was unamimously� de.nied by� the �oard �or ��e �Fo17ow� reason. 1 . Inco�tpati:6le with secti�ons 18 .54.050 F. (3) , and 18 .54.050C. [7) . As you k.now; yau have ten days� from t�ie date a� tfie �eeti:ng to a.ppeal th.�s deci;s•i.or� �o the Vai,� Tawn Counci.l . P�ea,se �ee1 free ta cal� me wi'th. any� questi�ons yQu may ha.Ve.. � S�ncerely, ,,. , , ` , � �.�i�'ti 1�a�- 1'hamas A. Braun � Town Planner YAS/rme � � Project Application at , �� Project Name: Project Descripkion: Contact �'erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block �iling , Zone Comments: �;. Design Re�iew Board Date � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAI. � -- -- St�mmary: r � Town Pla ner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � Project Application � �, Date Project lVame: �L.�' �' � �11i.��� , Project Description: � � ` t Contac# Person and Phone � • � Owner, Address and I'hane: Architect, Address and Phone: —f�"�"� �}�U�' `�� , , . � �egal Description: Lot , Bbck , Filing �' 1,p��'��-- ------ -- - , Zone �' Commenfs: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motian by: � 5econdetf by: � � APPAOVAL DISAPPF30VAL ' ) ` aA,,, �' � F Summary: � � �1 '� �1� Z�� ` a, i �, ' � � �� i '- U, � - � � , , � , � � � �� � �f � u -� ►�J � , ' � Town Plann r �O }� Staff App oval � � ' s � � _ �� . �,�,,,�� d�r� a� Date: � ` � q � �` d� �m �� S � � � ` ��� �� � � : � _ �: �� 4�� � � ��.� � . � � � ��� � � ..� _ � _ . Project Application Date � Project Name: �''��L^ �-- Project Description; -�'�^�A-- —� ���'�!�?+ �-- Contact Person and Phone — , L'A � {� ���� .,..,,,._ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �'� Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: • Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVA DISAPp�iOVAL � � Summary: � S'� �z�%n^t'""�a, • � )�� .� � � • �.� � - Town Planner ^T� ❑ Sta#f Approva! Date� � / u � ��11 ' � � �ow� o ua� . 75 south lrontage road . vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofilce ot communify de�eloptnent Qctober 9, 1984 Will Traut Trout Creek Callaborative C1ock Tower Build�ng Vail , Co�orado, 81657 flear Wil� , . The Design Review Soard reviewed your proposal for a new ex�eri:or stairs and landscaping at the Sunbird l.adge. TFie design of the sta�rs recei:ved fi na� approval �iy the Board. `�he "�pre� im�nary drawi ngs"� su6mi tted by Bi�� KZienman on Thursday are being reviewed by Public Worf�s and �}ie guilding Departr�en�. I wil� be in �ouc1� wi.th Bi11 regarding the�r = comments . 1"he si�e work/landscaping recieved on�y a prelimi.nary approval bythe Design Review B.oard. Grea�Eer detai� was requested by the Baard in the following areas : 1 , A "Lionshead Ma11 Light" is available �or your use - if you ar� going to use it, where will �t be instaT�ed? If it is not �o be used - what is your alternative ligh�ing plan? 2, Timber Wal l s What ar•e the hei:ghts o�r the wa1 i s aro�and the p�an�i ng a.reas? 3 . Pavin� 4�i1' the entire area be paved with �}�e Lionshead Paver? The s3te P3an indicates the pavers stop before they reach the sta�rs -- wi�a� surface is to be used 3n thi s area? 4 . Grade Change The grade change around the transformer • has been addressed in the most recently subr�itted plans . • � 5. �ree� i'n <the ParKi�ng Area . Sar�e Board r�em�ers voiced concern'ov re �he: approp�i.a�ertess o� locati.ng trees i:n betwe.en parKi,ng� �ta11 s . I�t may� be wi:se ta remave the5e from ttie p�.an.. zn addition ta the desi_gn consi:derations mentioned above, a �etter w�l� be needed from Vai,l Assaciates tand the Sur�bird Lodge) ?. addres5 the desi`gn of the sta�rs, the��r encroachment o.nta Uai.7 Associates �roperty, and t�ei.r ma i n�a�nence. Th i s. wi,l l be needed pri ar to tfie i ssura nce of �Eie. bu i l di,ng permit. Sincerely, �.. -. _ - , - . �• - .._ ._. _ Thomas A. Braun Town PZanner . �AB/rme � , • Project Application � Date Project Name: ��� Projeci Description: Contact Person and Phone i � � � r� � ��� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ♦ . Legal �escription: Lot , Blo , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board oate `�' Motion by: � 5econded by: ��� _ _ APPROVAL QISAPF'ROVAL � �"" 1 Summary: �� , � ± � �, � y � V� � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Date: , � Project App�ication � Date Pro'ect Name: ._ ��I��a — � �'" � - — 1 Project Description: Cantact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect,Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block `-�` , Zorze Comments: �, Design Review Board Date �`� ,�„_��� - � Motiort by: � � Seconded by: AF'PROVAL DISAPPROVAL . ! , _ . � Summary, ti � } # 4 �� � , � Town PI nner ❑ Staf#Apprpval Date: � �j 7� tow� o� uai 75 souih frantage road vail, co3orado 81657 �so3� a�s-roao office of cammunily development DESIGN R�VTEW BOARD AGENDA , Octo6er 17, 1984 2:OO�M. T . Cal� Mee�ing to Order II . Roll Call , determination of Quorum IIT . Agenda Items: 1 . Vil1age Inn Plaza Sign No show • 2. NEeadow CreeEc Li ghti ng Pl an Praposai denied .3- to 1 . 18.54.050 11C Motian - Hunn 5econd - Ba1dwin (up7ignting major problem) 3. Feo7a/��C�und Residence �° P1o�ian to Approve -� 4-0 Mation - Hunn Second - Baldwin ; Si�e Visit #1 4 . Di7�ing �arage Lo� 3, B7ock 1 , Gare Creek Subd�v�sion Motion - Saidwin Preliminary app�^oval , landscape p1an . Second - Caswe1l �o be submitted to Staff Approva1 4--0 :� �� � �� n � f� . ����1 �� ��� 75 sauth frontage road vail, colorado 67657 �so3� a7saoao ott3�a o! �vrsmunify d�v�is�pment Tp: Design Review Board FRO�•�: Co�nr�uni ty Devel opmer�t �epartmen� � DAT�: October 3, �984 RE: Vail Village Ini� Sign � - . Back round on �his Request This item was present to the Design Rev�ew 8oard at their Se�tember 5th � mee�ing. 'fhe reques� is to modffy a �revioUSly approved "temporary development sigr�° in�o a project �ndent��'ication sign. A r�umber of � quest�ons were raised at t�e �as.t pesign R�v�ew Board meeting relative to whether the proposed sign �s allowed by �he code. Tf�e �o7lowing is a sumr�ary of h�w tnis proposal relates to the s�gn code. The Pra osal � � . This app��ca�ion is -For a twenty (20) square foot free stand�ng s�gn �p ident�fy the Vail Viltage I�nr� P1aza (see accompanying sheet) . As praposed, the sign would refer to the P7aza Candomin�ums as wel� as shops. The sign aiso �ncludes a w�ndow to accommodate pho�os of the project. rhis is the same sign approved by Design Review Board a number , of years ago. As proposed, the front face o� �he sign wouid be removed , and madified to include tt��s new information. A lica t�on with Res ec� to the Si n Code � ,- �3 t A5 was �enti.oned at the September 5th meet�ng, this applicat�on does not " � �it c3ear7y in�o any sect�on of �he code. For example, sect�on 1fi.20.190 (wajl signs �� individual bU5111�5S �r� a mult3�tenant building} , al�ows for twenty (20) sq�aare feet to identrt�y the building. Nowever, t�e projec� has both wall s�gns and hangi�ng s�gn, and sec�ian 1g,20.�90 {Project�ng and hang�ng signs - �ndividua�. b�siness in a mu1t�-�enant building� does not have a provision a7Iowir�g for twenty (2p} square feet � � � �' ° .: ': ; � .��x 1��t�� ��� _ � � .. � � _.. . :=:,,..� ,.�,::�..�_�...� , .,3.�����;�� ��te Vis�t #4 5, Les Del�ces de. �rance pel� � ��zier Lionshead Arcade � Mot�on � Caswe�i Second - Hum� Approval - �-1 Pre� iminary approval 5ite Visit #6 6. �ams�orn Lodge Landscap�ng and Paving Plan Motion - Caswell Second - Hunn Approva1 - 4-0 5ite Vis�t #5 7. The Lodge �m��ay�e Ski/Caf���e�7'a ��'acade' �7�te:r�tion� and' 1�lural . Preliminary Approval 4--0 wi�h conditior�s Mo ti o n - Ma tthews Second - Caswell 5ite Visi� �2 8. Simba Run Sign Approved 4-0 P�otior� - Nunn Second -- Caswell Site Visit #3 9. Mobbit Hill Sign � Approva3 A�-0 Motion - Hunn Second - Caswell TV. �Vew Bus�ness V. Old Business Char1ie's Awning STAFF RPPROVALS: Chamonix Chalet Landscaping Berm V�17age Antiques Signage -� Village Inn PTaza A1penrase Remode1 Sun Vail P�iEMBERS PRESENT: ht�MBERS ABSEIV�': STAFF PRESENT: Jack Hunn Jim Viele Kr3stan prltz Steve �aswell Rick Baldwin Tam Braun Richard �+latthews � �.,�-�.., . . to ider�t��Fy �he b�ilding. 7he staf�' can �ind no reason for sect�on � i6.20.190 a1low�ng for �wenty {20) sq�are feet to ident��y the building while section 16.20.090 does not. The question of the joint d�rectory was also bracagf�t u�` 6y the Des�gn ' Rev3�w Board. While this directory daes refer to bus�nesses in Phase III, it is an e�eme�t o-F Phase I�I . Phase II is owned by differen� peopl e �Ehan the appl i ca�ts {of Pl�ase I T I} . - Staff Recomm�ndat�on .• . Staff opinion is �hat a praject of this s�ze does merit 5ome signage - . . . � to �dentzfy it. Rs m�nt�oned abov�, there is a grey area in the cade . as to whether �his sign is a�lowed. Staff can �in� no reasor� for the � incansistency in the code and recommend �hat tl��s prajec� be aliowed . • twenty (20) square fee� for ident-ificat�on. S�a�f recommendat�on is �� , � . for approval of this sign provided �t �s for the �der�tification of : � the project only: w-ith respect ta th�s application, Sta�'f wo�ald recommend th� fo7lowing conditions: 1 . Ho reference ta where ane obta3ns in-Formation, � , e. phone numbers, real estate agents, e�c. . This � • information is not necessary far identifying a project, 2. The �w�ndow be used an7y to d�spaly the ent�re project • by means o-F a phato, rendering, or si�e pian. The . • display af photos showing lobby areas and ott�er interior - spaces is inappropria�e. � _ „ --� The staff feels that this project does need an identif�cation sign. � . However, it is strongly feTt that �h�s sign serve just that purpose , � - to ident�fy. _th� project. We encourage ��e above car�ditions to b� approved by the Des�gr� R�view Board. � . p . . ..��(�' . � . . - - ..... .. . . _ . . . . , . � . .. � . . .r ., . �}?.. .,. . x .. ..r�....- � {.'�5.?�w^:�iis�-�rt:�...�� Pro}ec# Appl�cation Date v � Project Name: ���.-'.JJ � � ' ' '�Y'`��"' - - � ---� - �- Project Description: , �`�� � ���� - -- Contaci Person anci Phone �`�-- ����� Qwner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot���-'��-� �+�� �«�"� , i g , Zone Comments; � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by; Seconded by: -�v� � APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL t �� Summary: 1 _ U �r- �Cr•%. , � :� �,,,_ ��. ,�..,�� � �. . - ,w�� �-���� .�.. - ---- . Town Planner ❑ Staff /approval Date: �' � Project App�ication 0c�aber 8 , 1J84 Date Project Name: G�r�.�e �1ddi��.on fflr i!Ir. ��a.ch�.rd Dilla.n� �p Project pescription: Gar�.ge adda.tion beh1nd exi���-�� hou�e . Contact Person and Phone ���ha�'d L . Se��on, 476�-4e54 Owner, Address and Phone: ���ch�d v�.Z1.1��� �'�6-5336 5146 B�.a.Ck Gor�; llY'iv� Va.a.J. GO 81657 Architect, Address and Phone: �'e�� Vdar�en Archi��c�s 476–�5�G P .O. 13ox 3370 Vaa.l C:0 81658 L.egal Description: Lot , Block , Filing CrnrP C;�P�k�Sub�:i_vs.s�,c�ne Comments: � Design Re�iew Board �� Date t�� Motion by: . — Seconded by: PPR4V Q15APPROVAL ��4nli� Summary: � c.f �1M �� � � ❑ Staff Approval Town Planner Date: I—T•�I� Project Application � - Date � Project Name: Project Descriptian: Contact Person and Phone f. Owner, Address and Pho�e: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Fiiing , Zone Comments: �, Design Review Board Date � Motion by: .. ������ — Seconded by: �l A- � APPROVAL dISAPPROVAL 5ummary: „ � \ � ��� � � � 1 � � � , � , � ' �' � � � � f � Town Pia ner ❑ Staff Approv�al �.d.'C�1�.. I�,� 1� 5 Date: ,� �11�1�--- W` ���1 l� � Project Application Date . Project Name: Project Description: Con#act �erson and Phone `�'1� �^ Owner, Address and P�one: Architect, Address and Phone: �� Legal [7escription: Lot , Block Filing , Zone � Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date �� Motion by: Seconded by: ���� APPROVAL []ISAPPROVAL � � --- - -- Summary: , � , � \ 1� � � , � � � � , 1 ��� � �l. � �� �; l ., -� " � � � n � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: ��� �� Project Application Date �G–� � � q Project Name: ..—� f`l � �'J f � ��--!� "' `I'° �(,C.,S � � , � r c "-�"_' e s �.$` -�-- �c�" �1 °r, Praject Description: Contact Person and Phone _ � 1 � � � ��rs �'3-� �6� �" � � �1 _ Owner, Address and Phone: _....��f �%� � ��-� �`'S � ��� � �� �� Architect, Address and Phone: _ � �� ���e,� �- � c7I.C��S �'� ��t- Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone ��� ^ � Comments: � } �. �^ o 'rn h �C" �L� S �. W 1, b C_ C?Gt �~ � L.C,J l �-] l�-�Q 1''-- a 1 `-�-[7 Y�._ e.. !� ' �; Design Review Board Date � Motion �y: 5econded by: API'ROVAL �ISAP�'ROUAL � Sum ary: ` � ` Q�� � �y iJ� , � �� Y Town Planner � Statf Appi'oval Date: �t��l�l� , I Project Application pate *� �f � �J Project Name: _ ,�—� � ��W Project Descriptior�: �p�—Q o-���1 U� Contact Person and Phone �L� My��� �� � � Owner, Address and Phone: m�rl° � �'�p - -�� � � ,PmN e.g- Architect, Addreas and Phone: �����-�-- ° � - L l.egal Description: Lot , Block ; Filing , Zone Comments: .�f / � .�li �!! P�i�S `Z�� �.v J Z"�� _ 8 � � � �� c� D Design Re�iew Board �:.. � Date � Motiort by: Seconded by: APPROVAL �ISAF'PROVAL � Summ ry: \ � � Town Planner ❑ Ska#f Approval Date: . DESI'Gl� REVI�W' BQAR� • �lovember 7, 1984 2:OQPM I . Ca7� Meeting to Order II . Ro71 Call , Determina��on of Quor�m ITI . Agenda Items �i�te Visits 1 . Vai1 V�13age Inn Project identification sigr� Mo�ian - ,lack Hunn I�pprove� as, submi��e.d. Second � R�ck Sal dw�n Approval - 4-0 #4 2. Le's De1 i ce�s de ��a��e�Del i Ex��ri:ar A1 te�r�ti,on Lazier Arcade Motian - aa�.k Wunn Rppro�ed as subm,i;tt�d. Second � ��ck� �Qaldw�n � Ap�rava7. - 4�0 #3 3. Chevron Gas Station Sign Program Mot�:on - Jim lf3;e�e A�pro�ed as �er s�aff ine�o � �econd � Jack Nunn App�'�val � 3-0-.� P�bs�enti:on - R.1ch�rd �lattl��.�rs. 4 . Lodge Employe� Cafeteria Facade Lodge at Vai� i�1otion � Jack Flunr� Secon� - Rick Baldwin Approved � 4--� . $7'�2 �'i S 1 t5 •#2 5. Frith Residence Lions Ridge 4 � B1Ic 1 � Lot 3 i�1ation - ;lack Hunn Prel iminary Approval Second - Jir� Uie�e Rpproved - 3-0 Abstention - Richard Matthews #5 6. Per�Formar�ce Sports ��terior Rl terations Lazier Arcade Motion - Jack Hunn Second - Rick Baldwin Approved - 4-0 #6 7 . Coaper-Co�e Exter�ar Altera tions ar�d S�gnage • Lazier Arcade P�otian -- Jack Hunn 5econd - Rick Baldw�n Ap�raval 4--0 #1 . 8. Va i 1 Spor�s. Aw�ii,.n�` � �� , M�17 Creek Court. Tabl ed by appl icar�� ta November 21st r�ee�i ng IV. �lew Business V. 07d Business . i � STAFF APPROVALS: Sk� Swap - s�na�1 awni;ng a.nd c�l ass; f��nt door. Toyma ker's Tra i 7 -- awr�i ng o��r f��or�� door RockTedge Res�dence - �ond taken Qut af desi;gn -. �re�.s and sh.rub,s a.dd.e.d drai.nage added Chester F7aur� - revi'se Zar�dscapi:ng Bag and Pack Shop - new sign and lac�ti:on This Wicked .West - re.-pa.in� o� s�Qre f�ron� Treetops Piaza - Appl ication for apprp�aT of su6�t�;tuti'n� Fore�ps� Mdnufac�uri'ng #70T standi'ng 5eam f��^ q�p s:t�nd�'ng sear�m B1u 's Beanery - coior change and slgnage A1 p�ne Co7�ec ti'o n - re-pa i nti�ng D�17 i ng Garage addi'ti:on Treetops Car�dor�inium Associati'on = enc7ose two walk,way�; w:ltfi p7exi��g7as.5 to ma��c� t,�p floor� wa7 kw�„��� � � � L. Russ�ll - deck addit�on to ex�sting residence The Wren Condomin�ums - relocat�on of windaw Pitkin CreeEc Park Condominiums - Building 5 and 7 - re-roof. Ru�her Dup1ex - west unit fence - Vail T-Shir� Company - awning � Vail Associates Marking Office Sign 1150 Casola r- Del Norte Dr. - restair� exterior siding - �ascia - window-door �rim. i�EEh1BERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESEI�T: MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack_ Hunn Kri�s�an �ri:tz �te.v��� Ca��i��1 R.i c.ha rd Ma t.t.f��.ws. a�.m Y��.le R1:ck Saldwtin sTAFP A��E�[r; Tom. B:raur� • � ��1 j �� �own o Va� 75 south frontage road vail, aolorado 81657 (303) 47B-70p0 oifEce of camme�n�ty development TQ: Resi;gn ReY�i'�w� B;od.rd �RQI�: D�p�r�en.� af Cvmmuni:ty� Re.r�e�aPme.�� DATE: No�e.m�e.r• 7, �984 ��: 11ari`an�e requ.�s:t to m��'n�ai;n �,xi�st�ng si`gna�e. tki.�t exce.�ds �ha� i�s aliowe� by� tl�e. s�:9n code.; Backgrot�nd. on Tlii,s Request,. � �xi Sti,ng s�:gn�ge at the ChevCon S�ati_on. lia� �ee,n o:ut. of c��p.l i.an�e wi;tli: tFi,e si:gn code for a num,ber of y�a.rs, (s:�e a,tta,ch:ed 7e�te.� �for�`ar�� �nventory �f exi:sting �i;gna�e. at �he. stat�'o�t}a �n:e s.,�af� ti.as ��en: �or[Ci;n� wi;�l�; C�����Qn si:nce earYi.er tl�.i;s: fa�l to E%ri:ng t�ii;$� s�gnage i'nto �nmQl.�:dnce. �ri;th. t�e. Code,. �n respons:e, to �lie �et�er dated. Augu��t 24tha C�e�ron h�s; proposed re�to�1ng the "gas �r�:�e ��gn"' and rep�a.c�i:ng the �'�pale �noun�e.d"� Che�ron si:gn. v�i,t.Y�. a, sign tlidt i:s fin c.om�7i_a,nce w�'tfi. �he c�de, �`a.�i;a,r�ce�; �re be�;n� ����t�e���d, -�o a�iow for the two sr�ns r�ounte.d be.�wee.n. ��e. pQ7e.� {al�o�e tl�e pumps} , at�d t�ie. de.ca�s a�fi:xed �o e�c;h, pump. Descr�ptior� afi Variance Requested. The variar�ce requested invo7ves �wo sections of the sign code with respect �a the number and size of signs allowed. TheSe sections, 16.20.050 B and 16.20.050 D, l:ir:�7.� this station to one sign nat to exceed 20 square �eet. Th7s request is for I3 siqns with a to�a1 size of approximately 30 square feet. These signs includ� 10 decals on pumps, o�e new free standing sign, ar�d 2 logos on existing � ight f7xtures mo�nted on po1es over the pumps . Variances are needed for the decals and �he �ogos 6�cause they exeeed the maximum number of sigr�s a�lowed as w�17 as the s�ze al�owed , Criteria for A�pra�a� Befare tfie board acts on a var�ance appiicat�on, the appZicant must prove �hysical hardship, and �hey must fi:nd t�at: • A. There are speci:a.l c.ircums�ances ar condi:tlons app�ying to the 7ands, building, tppography, vegetdtion, si'gn structures or other r�atters an adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-o�'-way, which would substantial7y restrict the effectiveness of circumstances or cond�tions are unique to the part9cular � business or enterprise to which �he applican� desir�s to draw attention, and do not apply genera�ly to all businesses ar enterprises ; B. That such special circu�stances were not created by �he appl �cant or anyone in privy ta the app7icant; C. That the granting o� the variance w�1Z be in general harmony wi�h the purpos�s of this ti�1e, and w��T not be ma�er�ally detrimenta� to the �ersons residing ar working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to �he neighborhood, or to �he public welfare �n genera1 ; D. �he variance appl �ed fo�^ does not de�art fram the prov�sions of the t��le any more than is required to identify the applicant`s business or use; Staff Recommendation. Sta�f recommer�dation is for apprava7 of �his variance r�quest. To a�iow for th�se signs to remain is in general �armony with the �rovisians of �he sign code. In addit�on ta this, �here are sp�cial circumstances par�icuiar �o this si�e restrict�ng this bus�ness ability to draw attention to their enter�r�se. In considering these requests, it should be po�nt�d ou� that the decals are guite smail and wiil not be materially detrimenta� to adjacent � Property. The signs mounted between the poles alsa serve as �raffic contral signs and the 7ogos, when eonsidered w�th the fre� stanc��nc� sign, do not exceed the stations overall a�lowable o� 20 square fee�. Canditions o�F approva7 for �his request shou7d include the following: 1 . The free s�anding "gas price" sign be removed. In iieu of these, price. indicators cou�d be placed atop each pump. 7hese signs sYtou�d not exceed one square foot. 2. The existing pole moun�ed Chevron sign be removed by January 1 , �985, this will al�ow the applicant ample tim� to complete �he insta�lation af the new free standing sign. Tf the Design Review Board �s �o entertair� a motion apprav�ng �his reques�, the staff would recommend these conditions be p7aced an the approval . � Project Application aat� � � • Project fVame: ���� Gld�Sf�l���� Project Descriptian: �� � `� ���� Contact Person and Phone ��� d/1/ C°�1�i�. �l �Q . �7�- ��29 . __ . Owner, Address and Phone: .���� �I� �� ��'� ��n� �G�, ���� r �7�'-��� � �'�/J �`TrPZ S �I /1/ � Architect, Address and Phone: �vjl�/�� /°����,x—�/����T��� �.l�� /� J�� l�i�/G �'�LC�, ��lv�8 ��'— Legal DeSCription: Lot J , Block � --- ._, Filing ? , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date ._._... �� ��� �� Motion by: ���� - Seconded by: _ �Q�� �r���f /•1PPROVAL DESAPPROVAL m�`�� � S �. 1'�'b�. � su►��,a�y� i �atJuvt 4� S i , � � t � own PI nner ❑ Staff Apprpval ❑ate: ` y ,� i �.-� 'l 1t f � � v Project Applica#ion � �0�7 oate �.o z3/8� - SProject Name: �ATL SPORTS � Awning systems Project �escription: �ntry�windoW awning treatment Confact Person and Phone _Joh� Qu�.nn� Barry �forx3s �k�6-1�40 / �0-�d00 _ .__ 302 Gore C�eek Drive� I�ii11 Creek Court Bl.dg, Vai1, Co. Owner, Address and Phone: , �arr;y N[o�Y~is �Ow700b . Architect, Address and Phone: ��'�Ge �. A1l.en u7F-�888 Legal Description: l.ot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: ��-'� ��'e�n�white vertical striped awnin�s (f�.re reta.�dan� canvas) __ _ _ _ � Design Re�iew Board � Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DfSAPPROVAL U � �� Summary: 1 � ` �� � � own PI n er ❑ Staff Approval Date: � ' Project Application Date Project Name: L�� �� ` � � Project �escription: � �� Contact Person and Phone ' �-�' ! a � y `��� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: i if�� � � Legal pescriptian: Lot ,�1�� fing , Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board Date �� � � Motion by: � 5econded by: API'ROVAL DISAPPFiOVAL 1 � � �� Summary: m � t r �' 1� �� f l � { f U �, � � ` ti �� � � � �� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: �� Projec# Applicat�on � Date • Project Name: � `°'`- � Projec# Description: Contack Person and Phone v� � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descr�ption: Lot � B1ock , Filing , Zone Comments: • Design Re�iew Board Date ---- ����� t Motion by: �� Seconded by; � n������n _ _ _ — APPROVAL DlSAPP�iOVAL � � Summary: . . � Town Planner ❑ Sta#f Approval Date: Projec# Appfication � Date Pro'ect Name: � V��� � �� � . � • � ti � Project Description; . i �Contact Person and F'hone Owner, Address and Phone; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptian: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone. Comments: . Design Review Board Date ��T����, Motion by: y 4 Seconded by: ��� - �— APPROVAL QISAPPROVAL ��. as 5 ��� L (� Summary: � . 1 Town P! nner ❑ Staff Approval Date� T1 �` ..�'`� ' Pro}ect Application Date �r � � • Project Name: �— � �' Project Descriptian: � �~ Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archikect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: • Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Date: Project App�ication Date 1� � • Project Name: �'i d 0 /�F� G'O�.L� �.S/°�/5�'7-S LI/F.4 �t' Project Description: �S'���° ��'��� ���OVa //Gi? __ Contact Person and Phone � �� �C y � �� � � C�''�l6 �'4 C F/�rt'�••�{N.�" Owner, Address and Phone: �W��� � COO d°�� co �. �' �ca�°'��'�oJ -�'?e ' �Azi�� ���aa� S3i �id.vsHFq� �A�4. U� �� Architect, Address and Phone: ��f'�-°��E'� ����u"�'�-' //5 a�D�1'�wa �a /� ��6 3/ �� 8 G �S� Lega! Description: Lot , BEock Filing , Zone CO 0' �F�t- C4�. � �'�: ns, �t �� a ��/C-' Corriments: - �is7 c.° 5 /,�' ���]/�' LlkoP/1 . ,/J,�.t�r �� �hi� ��/ ���i� �/� ' �eui' a.vs^-� � o�S�� � �'X � w�8 0l /�1,C�:rc, � Design Review Board Date �` �i��� Motion by: ,� 5econded by; ""'� �+ APPROVA�. DISAPPROVAL � � Summary: � , � � � � Town P anner ❑ Staff Approvai Dake: `� � - Pro�ect Appiication ' ��� -- �ate ��. 23 � (9$�� � � Project Name: ��.Q�O R,N(ANC�. �7 P�6�YC5 - - . - - - - { "; Project Description: ET.L�''�d � Mnn�' -- --- Contact Person and Phone � �� S�"�r 1�E��1�. — `�F��' S 3 �� _ _- Owner, Address and Phane: ��� �� ���������� � Architect, Address and Phone: '�'-��,P�"��� �����RQ`� - ��• ��x 1,-a ��"'"�� �� � Legal Description: �ot , Block Filing , Zone �`� ; Comments: e T L.�SS CL��► � S3 0 � � � � esign Re�iew Board �at� �1 � � Motion by: ��` Secanded by: ��� �v��� — ���� APPROVAL. DESAPP�iOVA�. Sumrt�ary: U � "�`�-� 2. � l "" � � � � � �` - � � �� _ S � Town Planner ❑ Staff App.rovsi Date: Projec# Application Date � Project fVame: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone � J � Owner, Address and Phone: � " � Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: �ot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date � i Motion by: — �•,1� Seconded by: �'"� �1 Y ` – ���� APPROVAL � DISAPPROVAL � �� � � r Summary: � �, t � � � ' �1 � V � ����- , ��S' - 1 4 r � t � � � '�` � � � ❑ Staff A roval T'own Planner pp Date: �` Project Application Date October 3 , 1984 � Project Name: Lodge Cafeteria and Ski Lockers Project DescriptioR: �mployee Cafeteria and Ski Lockers Contact Person and Phone ��y K. Pe�erson 476-bb92 Owner, Address and Phone: Lodge Prope�ties. Inc. �76-5011 l74 East Gore Creek Drive Architect, Address and PhoneWax'ren P�a'�tner AssbciateS 18 Mitche�l Drive, New Haven, CT 203/777-6471 Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Modi��cation request to eXist�.ng appxoval fox the Comments: emplayee cafeteria and ski Iockers. � De ' n Review Board � "'"`�� Date � � � Mation by: Seaonded by: APPROV OISAPPROVAL . � ��1' �.- � � Sum ary: � � L � � � , ; � v � � �� � � :� Town Planne ❑ Staff Approval Date: � �+� ► _y y tow� o Va� 75 south frontage road . vail,colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of communlly development ��sl�[�. ���'I�E4� BO�,RD RGE[�DA Novembe.r� 21, Z�84 2;QQpM I . Ca1T meeting to ord�r. I T . Ro�1 Ca�1 , dete.rm.�nation af c�uorum, III . Agenda Tte�s ite Vislts �� l . A & D �ui:��i.n remodel. {Pre7 i�n.i;n�ry ReV�.ew) CC.I Va�1 Vi:llage �.�.i:qour $toY�e and Del i Building) � Mot�on � ,�ac[� Hunr� Second - �i'�n Vie�e Approval � �4-�0. Pre�z:mi,na,ry� A.pprova� - 2. Fritfi R�si:denee (�inai Re.vi:�w L�onsridge Moti�on - �im. Vi,ele. Se.c:ond R R.i;cK Ba�dwi,� Appro�ed r 3 -� 1 a�stenti;a.n � Ri;c.,�ard M,a�th�ws 3. Mountain Waus �xteri;or Rlterat�pn Vail Vil7age 1'abi.ed �o nex� t�eet�,ng - Dece�ber 5, 1984 � (aveh.l i TV. Pdew Business Amphitheatre wor� shap November 27, 1984, Va�l Library, 11 :00AM to 12:OOPf�I U. 07d B�siness pesign Review Board up coming schedu�e STAF� APpROVALS Cut^rents Awning-Signage Galden Pealc S�ase Faci1ity � automa�i.c fix dis.penser- appraved per sum7ttai with only or�e sign One Vail PTace - automa�ic fi:x d�:s;per�s.e - s:igna�e approved for � 12"x12" plaque 8reakaway Wes-� - dumpste� enclo�ur� change. af locdti.on Pritz Rddition - airZock/storage additi;qn � 10Q square feet removed herrod/Arnaid - roaf r�placement exa.ct sa�ne roof material • "1�18ERS PRESFNT: M�MSEf�S ABSEfV7: STAFF PRESEN�: STAFF ABSENT: Ji� Vie7e Steve Caswell Kristar� Pritz 7am Sraun Richard Mat�hews Rick Baldw�n Jack Hunn � _. ,��. � ��yl► . y!� �aw� of Va� � T5 south frontage road vail,colorado 81G57 (303) 476-7000 oNlce of communliy deveiopment �'0; Desi:gn Revi:ew Board FROM: Kristan Pri�z and To�l Braun SUBJ�CT: Design Review Baa.rd Agenda and R & � Build�ng Background Information DATE: ;Jov�mber 21, �984 Enc�osed �n this packet i.s. the agenda �Far the November 21, i984, Design Reu�'�w Baard mee�i�n� a� �re7� as �he information on the A & � Build�ng. � I I�ave i ncl uded: � . Ua�'1 Vi'71age Desi:gn Cons�dera�ians. 2. Minu�e� �rom the pctober 8, 1984, PEC meet�ng . 3. Staff m�mo �- Oc�o�er S, 1984. The A & D praposal wi1� be g�ven a pre7iminary review. P�ease stop �nto the affice i�' you wou�d like to see tlie drawings . � h r � � � � � �� y {1��. � � � + + � * ' ' .' � -� ��g� ��^r� � 4� " ��� � � � r � i. � ' �� ������< '�i���� '�� iE; � ' � ' ',. x i � r � f� i��4 ur�i+� , ¢ - � - 5� } � . � .���A �.4rfpg'� � ��I. S 1 �I ' i � � P � �.f �4� , � b . f . I� p . � � �iIM y{ � #� . " ,} 5 4�1 �I!f ',�� t'��liF����i �� {1ky'���1f i� ;� � ` � �' . '1� 1 - 1 f Iy Yp z z i 3 a ,e i � � � 1 1 • � . � ' � • P � . � �; > ry9, P� � y�� �� � '` 9�'� i �i�� �j � - °y'�; ��1��� ,� - .1i, �� 4 h� ;� � � , i� � � . {' ' �j'I� . . i � 3 ' -. 41C:�� � �k ,F . ��ji �. . • { 1 • � • • V rl, � `!� �Nt ���T�IiJ . ��f�- L � . � } . e' i P � � {�. �1: 9 � � : 1 I , rff � k � � I !�. IH �, 1 . ��. � � li { .V� � � 1 T 5 "�l� � � y : -� . � • � . 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S � � �7 t 1 -� f� � '� yvi�._ � ni'+ �qd�. . il � $ � ! n 4 � '� 1 � d�� :��� �e° 1 $'{��ii�f �k f � p � fe.'s{'� i �� E{� o��' z > `. �i 5. I � � �s , l � a ,� i ' p .; i ` -, i � i' (Z ."�' vwi . I ' . h� r ���� ` . � n� 1 i � v r � � , i � '� � .- + . � k ? zy � - f Si. o � � Y z / 'f s / . � i } i � ' i l�i � " � � y� 5{ � � . 1 e � i:.t �t �'.� � i I j �r r .n P . i � -� � � i r 9 i - � � i . �. �� . S ; � _.r y � 1�� ' i :. r �j a R� r s . � � t :- r� i� i .� Ff�" v ' � _ [ Y t .�. I � � �: e �i. � , T �$s 1- i . � ' � �.... , �� C�, r P7anning and Env�ronmental Commission � Octo�er 8, 1984 - PRES�NT S7AFF PRES�[�T aiana Donovan � Peter Pa�ten Q�aane Pi per _ Tom Braun - � Howard Rapson ' Larry �skwith Jim Viele Betsy Rosolack �er Wai�ers ' ABSENT � . Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce The m�et�ng was called to order by the cha�rman, Duane Pi�er at 3;�0 pm. 7 . A roval of m�nutes of Se tember 24. Rapson moved and Danovan seconded to approve the m�n�tes. Vote was 5-0 �n favor. 2. Re uest for a cortditionaI use et�nit �n order to se�l Christmas trees in the Wes� Vail mall �n the area adjacent �o Dair ueen, the Vai� Athlete and B�llacks. Applicant: Vail ' s L.ittle Flow�r S}�op . It was decided to discUSS ftem 4 fir . ���''� 4. Re ues� for exterior alteratio for the A & D Buildin � or S�ore B�ildin ) , locate� on Br�d e Street and G re Cre�k Drive. Appl�cant: I.K.S. Vail Associates . Peter Patten exp�ained the rev�sed p o�osa7 show�ng site plans, eleva��ons and pho�ogra�hs. He stated t�at the proposal to have a trash compac�ar had made grea� strides. Patten pain�ed o�at that the outdoor d�ning area an Bridge Steet had been raised ta street 1eve1 and the tables in the area would be in the sun. He added that a�though there wou�d be 3 fewer tables, t�ere was an additivn of another dining deck on ths Mill Creek side of the building, so actually the overall r�esuit was more din�ng tables avaTlabTe. He pointed out that one sta�rway on the Bridge 5treet s�de of the buiiding had beer� elir�inated, ' resui�ing ir� mare trartsparency and more retail space. �atten rev7ewed �he � sub-area concepts and the Aesign Considerat�ons. as we71 as the zoning code . compliance and the conditions of approval . Jay �eterson showed a model and discussed its features. Robert (Bu�'fi) Arnold, , architect for the project answered some questians. When quest�aned, Arnold stated tha� the size of the original building was 9,aaa square feet on two ` � ;" . floors and �he r�ew proposa? would be a total of 13,500 over three f�oors. Pepi Gramshammer objected to the amount of increase of the building and to - � � ' the idea af taking trash across ��e street. Petersan pointed aut that Pepi had added on�o his building in the past, and tha� tt�e appearance was goad. : � r � � . �> ��� � a Y �°: . �� < ���:x�';a ����f �: . k ������ �t � } ' Y q . . . . . .�'H` -�" t e} ; -�i �e g � �:`�/�b��j S�'L���p�� N FR' .�,7� �,,� �,y���� .Ft, e,�Y y� `�'S� 5 `P' �'2 L���.d„��2%�-'.."�+�.d�i`� ''��'i4AaX1.������_�.Y�.*`ckP�ao.�i 5.;- . .�r�F., S�. PEC 10/$/�" —2— � � e .. r Otto Stork, owner of the adjacent bu�ld�ng, stated that �he building laoked � OK to him and was an improve�en�. He asked abocat delz.veries, ar�d was to1d � de7iveri�s to the resta�rant and de�i wou�d be on the Mii� Creek side. F�oward Ra�san had to leave the meeting, and addressed three cor�cerns: pavers in the ]oading area (he wanted ta see �he paving 7ir�� cohtir�ued in a straigh� �ine}, the width of �he walkway nex� to Mi17 Creelc, and the faca�e on the R�c�. ack side of �he bu�lding. Rapson felt that s�ucco should be carried around on that side as well , and added t�at t�is was �robably a DRB quest�on. Rapsort then lef� the meeting, but gave h7s vo�e by proxy to �he chair�nan. � Danovan felt that �� was not practicai to carry trash fram a restauran� so far, and also was canc�rned about pedestrians wa�king through the Mill Creefc , patio. She said that this was illega� wi�h respec� ta liquor licensing. Donovan feTt that t�e Gore Creek Drive side of the buildir�g should hav� planters to se�arate pedes�rians fram trucks, and she quest�oned the need for mare commerc�al _ space and whether or no� it was proper to build up to �he neighbors even �hough � there were no setbacks. Jere Walters suggested keeping the trucics across Mill CreeEc. Patten answered tha� �his was aTready a Zoading zone and the�e wasn't enough load�ng space at present. Wa7ters fe�t that this area could be made � inta a non-7aading zar�e. Aeterson said they wau7d 7ove to do some plantir�g, bu� were toid by the Public Works tha� t�ey couldn' t. Peterson sa�d .that th� road was wide and it could use vege�ation. Walters encouraged eievators �'or the restaurant. Viele agreed w3th the concern about t�e �edestrian way on Gore Creek Drive, and s�ggest�d that the Town invest in better e�u�pmer�t and more r�an power and include �1anters to separate the pedestr�ans from the trucks. � Pip�r felt that the project was a pasit�ve one, but agreed ,that there shou7d � be a separation for pedestrians. Piper added tha� there were us�aTly two cars instead o�F trucks �n the load�r�g zone. � Petersan sta�ed that the l�quar license gave ther� �ossesion af ��e whole deck on Mi�l Creek. Ffe acfded �ha� th�s was mostly a food aperatior�, no� a bar and agree� to try to get a pedestrian patl��ray next �o the creek s�para�ed from the patio. � Patten stated that a separa�e pedestrian way was a good idea, but wondered � . . � _ how ta ge� people to �ase it, sinc� it wou7� not lea� to more com€�erc�al area. He stated that the staff would check to see how to get pub7ic �asement t�ra.ugh ' the back along Mill Creek. Patten pointed out that tne trash com�actor would serve 5 bu�ldings and this mean� that all four sides af these bu�Tdings were free of �rash. He tt�en suggested that �he PEC decide wh�th�r or not �hey wan�ed to have a public easement alang Mill Greek. Petersan stated that the app1icant wou�d agree to give pub�ic access along the creek, D3scussion followed concerning access ta Otto Stark's store. � Piper fel� tt�at cond�tion #3 should b� stricken �concernin� a ietter of cred�t), and Donovan disagreed. , . Viele moved and Wa�ters seconded to a rove the re uest for ex�erior al�eration �' ' to the A & D Bu�ldin er the staf� memo dated 10/8/84 wi�h the follow�n � � . madifications: Remove #3 and re lace it with a condit�an to znc1Ude a edestrian wa3kwa alon the north side of the bu�ldir� sub 'ect to a rovai b the TOV, � usin more intensive 1andsca in and a cond�tion ta rovide a edestrian �ase- < r�ent alo�Mill Creek. The vo�e was 4-Q in favar with a favorabie vote bv � rox from Ra son as well . T � ... ,_._._ �, �-,;�i ���� r;,«., � � � � �,�� `��= ' > q� .,������, ��� ,��`° � - � � a� i . s�= x��'-3� +t,, Z es , u .ta`f. . ?f�s . . . . � .. -� , -r�S'`�� ,�.'� is� ,a,�a; P�rt s';�� s� } ,, -` . .. .... . .. . .,_ k .. :;^-�? t'�'d�$.i��`ro?t����yes,..f y. ,."�C'-�.:.�s�c„�u St�'�itr+�`�s-�>..'�+w.,a�t:`.�Lid�Y . . _ . .. . . . �..r . . . . .�f ( � - . . � s. • T0: PIann�ng and Environmenta1 Commissian FROM: Communt�y Deve�opment Departr�ent QATE: 4ctaber 8, �984 SUBJECT: Request for exter�or altera��on in CCI far the A & D Building (revised fram prev�ous proposai ). Applicant: RTS Capital Servfces I. BACKGRQiJND On September 4, 1984 the Town Couneil una�imausly tabTed the previous proposal fqr the A & D Bu�7�ing remo�e] due to dissatisfact�on w��h the �nfiIl of the extst�ng autdoor d�.n�ng area alang Sr-�dge Street as well as the excess frontage of sta�rways an Bridge Street. Council also indicated �hat th�y would ��ke the applicants to expTore a second .level dinining dec�C on the nor�hwest' corner of ��e bui1ding as well as mare rel�ef �o the north facade of the bu�ld�ng. A1so, a scheme includ�ng trash removal faciiit�es on the property was to be s�bmtted �n the event the trash compactor project . across �he street fe�l throUgh. . � . . The appl.icants have revised the proposal and addressed most of �he issues ' . of concern at the Counci7 level . Sor�e other m�nor revisions have beer� �ncorporated inta the revised proposal and wi71 be d�scussed with�n th3s � - review. I�I. COMPLIANC£ WI7H TiiE PURPOSE SECTIOI� 0� COMNiEREIAL CORE I . i The Cammercial Core I district �s �ntended to provide sites and to rnair�ta�n • � ,!� th� �nique ct�aracter of tf�� Vail V�llage commercia7 area, wfth its mixture _ _� ot lodges and commercial estab7 �shments in a pr�domir�antly p�destrian environ- - � ment. i'he Cor�merc�a� Core I d�stric� is intended to ensure adequate 7ight, air, apen space, and other amenities appro�riate �o the permitted types • . : .. of bu�ld�ngs and uses. 7he district reguia��ons in accordance wi�h the _ � . Va�� Village llrban Design Guide P7an and Des�gn Cons�derations pr�scribed � . . : site develo�ment standards that are �ntended to ensure the maintenance . � �- and preservat�on of the tigh�ly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting . on pedestrfanways and pu�lic greenways, and to ensure continuation of the � . - . . build�ng sca]e ar�d archi�ectural qua� ities that distinguish �he viliage. � The staff �Feeis after rev�ewzng th� revised �raposa1 that the praject now complies with tne purpose s�ct�on o�F Commercial Care I zone d�strict. � ' _ , � : � � ' � . ���� . - . . . .. ') '`q. j � . . . . �r3�"�x . � -� .:. � � ���.�� . n � -�" �, k '� �r a-sc _ � . � ';-0+ � �i'<� � � � � 4t -.:� 7. �.�,y�N���^r.� ty����� F z . .. . y�q�, '� J .� - .1�� 1 �I .° -. � -V 91�k� ^:' '��#:�^:�-ul°Cd`.w'Ye'Ft:$�ir 1'.i:'WRi^''�z�1�.£�3��. ..�t+F. iY`i:.t.�+i:�-.4':<r��i.g`"r���'-�.� , . ., 57` .J`.� . . ,f�` . F rV. C A&D � '7ding -2- 10/8/84 k , �� . III. SUB�AREA CONCEPTS OF �HE URBAN DfSIGN GUIDE ALAN A. Sub-Area Concep� No. 6 Entry °gateway to Vi1lage cor�. Road narrows to one 7ane exit to disco�rage co��ter-f�ow traff�c. °Mill Cree[c br�dge" ��age, is mechan�sm for �arrowing--reinforces ga�eway sense, e�aphas�zes creefc, and provides pedestr,ian path se�arate from roadway (by bridge rallings} to further tie Mi1l Greek Court into pedestr�an loo�. . T�is concept of narrowing the street in th�s area as we17 as the separated pedestr7an bridge over the creek has been discussed in�ernaiTy wit�r the Town of Vail departments of Public Works and �'ire as wei] as w�th - tF�e app7tcants. The Pubi�c Works and Fire departments are opposed ' tio any narrowing of the Town of Va�T right-of-way in �he V�llage core � area d�ae to nega�ive �mpacts upon snaw storage and fire fig�ting capa- � bil�ties. The separated �edestriar� bridge is an excel7ent idea for reinforctng the cancept that the Mi17 Creek Court commerciai actzv�ty and the open space around M�11 CreeEc should be a �arger part af the Vai] V�llage shapping and pedes�r�an activity zone. However, with � relationship to th�s pro�osal it is fe7t that that improvement would be one made under a general Vail Vi77age spec�ai improve�tent �istr�ct ar�d not one sPec�f�caily a�tached to the remodel of the A & D Building. '_ B. Sub-Area Concept No. 15 � Facade ir�provements. Eyesores �^emov�d, increased facade �ransparency, entries simpl �fied and or�ented to �ntersection. - The facade improvements called far in the sub-area� co�cept are being _ incorporated by re�oving the eyesor�s and. 3ncreas�ng facade �ransparencies, � e.tc. Hawever, the Counci1 did ask �he ap�1icar�t for �urther "breaking up" o� this facade to add more visual �nterest ta the e�eva�ion. The � revised proposal does show an add�tiona7 en�ry ciose to the �ntersect�on of Bridg� Street and Gore Creek Drive w�ich adds a r�inor ar�oUnt o� � •� vis�al interest, whi7e the remain�r�g facade is the same as the previous � pra�osa�. �he s�aff feels that altho�gh more could be done in terms of breaking up �his nort� facade, the ir�provements ca7ied -For in this sub-area cancept are basicalZy being achieved and realizes tt�at pro- grar�enati c req�ai remer�ts along wi th prox�mi ty ta the property 7 -i ne i n . this area do r�o� a11ow for a great deal of f1exib�lity on �his �ssue. C. Sub-Area Concept f�o. 16 . � Key jntersec�ion in Village core. Feature area paving treatment. ; �'' Wh�le the proposal does include new brick Pavers on three sides of � the building, �he appiicant w�]1 be requ�red tfl part�cipate in the improvement �istr7ct crea�ing f�ture area paving treatmen� �'or the intarsection. � � F: ��4�, - � c �� ��' �a�. . . : x r - '.�d^������; i ., _,.. •�- .. . . ' _. ., �.:' ` �_ S ��.: W�'fi # hp� �rl� F �/ ��5i y �1,�1kS.)S��;f� �', 4 ..r,y.::k�. . . .,-r. S _ ._ ,r�.5::31�'+t�`'�ka1.'�$ ,:�4�.�'r . {�. ..r^:;. &r. � ��-. s,.;a".;:��Sx..�.a�':ii'�`'�?�:ra^4r(�i .. .. . . . , . . .. . .. . _ � �` � , ` A � 81dg -3- 10/8/84 � IV. COM�LIANC� WI7"H TH� VAIL VIL�AG� DESIGN CO�ESI�E�ATIO�IS A. Pe�estrianizat�on The staff feels tha� pedestrianization has been greatiy im�roved w�th �he recent revis�ons to the propasal . T�e rev�sed proposal allows a r�ew rou�e for the pedestriar� to en�er onto �he praperty b�tween ., the outdoor dining area and the retail shap. Anather major impro��ment � � � �o the pedestrianizat�on along Br�dge Stre�� is the raising of �he existing grade in the area o-F .the existing outdoor dining dec�C to stree-� , levei and extending the br�ck pavers southerIy �o the adjacen� property. This w�7] al�ow a wider, more pleasa�t waTk�ng exper�enc� into �h�s area in wf�ich the pedestrian w�17 be drawn in�o by �he retaiT activ�ty as w�17 as the outdaor d�n�ng activ�ty. Pedestr�anizat3on �n ttre ather areas of the proposaT basical1y remain the same as in the previous subm�ttai . B. V�h�cle Penetratian � I�o char�ge from �he prev�ous submitta1 is presented. 7he ioading zor�e an the north s-ide of the building w7�i remain and no bo�Tards to lceep � the trucks a certain dis�ance from the bu�Tding wi7� .be �ns�alled. The staff is concerned that the exis�ing l�ading zone which wi71 cont7n�e . . , with the remodel wiil h�nder the viability ot �he new Mil� Cre�k activity � on the eas� s�de of the buildYng. We have iooked at areas for addit�ona� � � loading zones in the immed�ate area bu� have not come up w�th a viab7e alternative at this time. We wi11 cantinue to exp�ore avenues to encourage the pedes�rian to move easterly alang Gore Creek Drive toward the Mill Creek area. C. Streetscape Frameworlc Some major 7m�rovmen�s to the stree�scape framework are now incorparated �nto the proposal . Propased is ta retain and upgrade the outdaor din�ng area alang Bridge S�reet by moving it toward Bridge S�reet as we71 as increas�ng the grade o� the deck to street 7eve1 . T�e retail shop is sma�ler. than what was proposed pr�viously and is located on th� eastern side of the ex�sting ou�door dining area where access to the _ sun is more 1�mited. The proposal now compl�es wi�F� �he Guide Pian � in that it is �rov�ding the o�en space node which is cal�ed for under the plan and retains and improves th� very important fur�ction of outdaor � . dining in the Village core. - . , ' A secor�d major impravement to the stree�sca�e framework �s the re�uct�on ' � of stairways along Bridge S�reet to thos� that are absolute�y necessary • � . for the functioning of the bu�lding. This increases re�ail frontage and com�iies with the intent of the Vi7lage Core in �he Elrban Design Plan in that it adds vitality and interest to the guests walking a�ong Bridge Street. - i . . k �� >�'��.3 � . . � ,. - . 4 _4 . . . . � . �.� R t� � _..�.s � � 7t . - ' . . - � •7 . � , s^ �`'0 � ���"v� •� �ti r � �� # v��; i.�, tV}��,��d�1��`�" 7 . � .._� x ':;." ' : .. ��_ - . � N �;,. 1k;�l..ee$'� u`��,,�:F '✓,�y� , -' � ' .��� '�3 s �:�*_ .'N-}��,.$`.r.�d'.�'��a?;r'�3e2�i'�5vi�,�•' ����t'a � . .:n`;c..:���`?'i �'?'�" ' e , �� � .. �3Y3�..,�?�� _ . . ,. - - �,- A & ��'dg -4- IO/8/84 •� w � . n• Street Enc7asure The s�reet enclos�re proposed is approxima�ely one ha7f to one which �s the des�rable ratfo as fo�r�� ir� the Urban Design Gu-ide P1an. �'hTs des�rabTe ratio -is achieved by s� ightly �r��reasing the exist7ng street enclosure which is a�p�oximately an� q�arter �o fln�, E. Street�dQe � R9ain, the street edge is greatly im�roved �rrder the rev�sed 1an � The street edge is now much more frregu�ar, simi7ar to the ex�sting bufldi�g and prov�des added vitaiity and �nteres� by the allowance of a r�ew pedestrTan way betweer� the r�tai l snops ar�d tf�e outdoar d�ni ng area, as wel7 as increasir�g reta�I fron�age a�ong 8ridge Street. The street edge is n�ce7y complementea w�th p�anters along �he gr�dg� Street frontage. The street edge is also improved a�ong Gore Creek Drive, �n the back o�F the bui7ding on the M77T Creek frontage. It -is hoped that with S79�age and other means tha� tl�e pedestrian wi17 be successfu7ly drawn down Gore Creek Drive to the east toward this new camm�rcia7 ar�d outdoor dining area. �. Bui7din Nei ht � The �ro�osal is two and three stories h�gh fn keeping w�th the Des�gn Considerat7ons and it never exceeds 33 feet with habita�7e space. Two architecturai projectians wiiT break uP �he roof line and the new third story car�dominium is -�uc�Ced bac�C behind the four-story portian of thQ Rucksacic building to re7ate to that building's r�ass. . G. Views f�o effect upon any designa�ed majar v��w corridor is pro�osed. Th� sensittve placement of tf�� new dwel]ing unit preserves views from tFte upper ievels of the Casino 8uilding across the street. H. Service and Deliverv . ..,, . . �'L������.-Same great progress has rec�n�iy been made .an �t�e trash . compactor project to .the east of the pre House. � certa�n that this project wi17 move �forward and i��11:be�constr�c�ted before ski season occurs. �'f�� app�zcant has submitted an alternative plan ta prov#de trash facf�ities on the northeast corner af the � � The inc]us�on of the trash �acz7ity zn ti�is ]acation wo�ld jeopardize��g� ;H in a major way the viab�2ity of the new outdoor dining area and commercia � } � a�,tivity on the east side of tf�e bu�ld�n � ` , have attended the recen� mee�ingS �r�yolvg�� the trash campactorata��s there is no a�position to their �articipat�on from the other � d awners involved. We are posi��ve that the trash �'aci2ties forrth�erty A & D Buitd�ng will be able ta be ]oca�ed across the street in � new campactor facil�ty. the ` ��_ . -' ' . ' � � . . � . - • 2xY=�".: Lro. Y-.. �. f �t k� ,�. � - . ' . . � .. - 5 - .. Y ' �����e��� � � ' F. �?��,k•. .. . � s � A v #.... -i-.�. - . :_ � -. . . �„��v y t�;r �} ,�.� �q,�Sas�.. -"' ,._,7.� . . . � ` �: . i � �. -�_.�;>?�'�,3 :.z... ;-��'��� ki ,�.fa``ya�j�`�r ^.`�,y,��"�-a`�, ;v��5� .....�..-.y-* o-v.. a 5a.��1' �r. . _ , PS� �,y.. � . `� Y . 6�eP.s 'iY,��.`(!Sk`r,'�� . . . . . ,• � � A 8� D BTd� -5- 10/�/8� , � I. Sun/Shade Sun%shade factors are �mproved -in this proposa3 in �hat the outdaor dir�ir�g area now comes out muc� cioser toward Bridge Street where the access �o the sun �s better. Also, the second Ieve] d�ning dec�c on the Mill Creek side has been removed, allowing add�tional sun to came znto this area and make �t mare attrac�ive to the pedestrian to er�ter. . In explQrir�g the second leve� d3n�ng deck aTong the �n�ersect�an of � Bridge Street and Gor� Creelc Dr�ve, the app�icant discovered that tf�7s would increase �he shade on the ground level where �he major entrances � � to the �ui�d�r�g are located. Thus, th�s exp7oration .of the din�ng d�ck � i� this area �as concl�ded with the propasal to not cons�Cruct one. Vi. �ONING CODF ITEMS T�e proposa7 is �n comp7iance with �he uses and deve7opment standards as outTined for Cor�mercial Core I. 7'he proposed GRFA �s 2,050 square fee�, . while �,588 square feet o# GRFA is allowed. S�te coverage allowed �s 8Q% and this �s what is praposed. �he canditional use p�rmit required for . the el7minatior� of two dwel7 �ng units an the secand level was granted by the F�ann�ng Commission or� August 27, 1984. � VII. STAFF RECOM��NDA7I01� The Comr�un�ity Deveiopment �epartment recommends approv�7 of the revi5ed proposal of the A & D Bu�lding. We fee7 very positive about �h-is proposal in �hat signifTCant improvements have been made addressing our �rev�ous . _ concerns. The Br�dge Street frontage is.. greatiy impraved and wiil add � vi�ality and interest to the stree� by retaining the outdoor d7ning and improving the uses fronting an Bridge Street witl� .�he e�im�nat�on af �he �. exc�ss stairways. We �'eeI t�e bu7�ding d�sign overa�l wi11 be a very pos�tive addition to the Uillage core ir� that the creation ot an ac�iv9ty node along Mi7� Creek w�ll begin to highiight �hat area as one of grea� Pot�ntial for �he Village. Also, by extending t�e brick paver walkway �o the socath ta the S�ades of Vail property �he c�rcu1ation -in this area becomes much more desirable for the pedes�rian. The following are condi��ons of approval for the project: .. �1 . Th� ap�licant shall not remonstrate agafnst and sha11 participate . in a Vi1lage improvement d�strict �f and when formed. . - ' I ' � . , � . .�1_ �. . . � . ' - ' � . _ , y. . � - .. j' r � 2. The appl �cant sha11 participate in a �rash compactor facility 3ocated to the eas� af the Ore House, or in the event the campactor facility is no� cons�ructed, wili prov�de for the trash fac��ity as alternat�vely � proposed in this submittal . . t�� 3. A 1et�er of cred�t shall be requested ta insure that the project wi�� � be comp�eted. � � �,�� C �� r . . . • ' � -:.� W �A 3�� � � � � � ����:��na��f ° � £ � F 4 s}.�,k'� � �: ES" � ' . ��' � _�y-C �1�i�� �4' ���5� . _ . .. . ,�. } : k,�,.}.t!�, 'a.,v �'s'x F�.G^ ',i u } -s _.r. ��s� r:-��.7 a'�sr>=�'�,.�'�'�'.�3�lr�:${ � � _ ',*rR:,.;:..�i.�����`P.�kr,"�i.s'r�tx.�.i�..�x*�' . Af 0 B7dg -6- 10/8/84 ". �• ` ` . „ � �. A roval of the encroachr�ent n pp u�o Town of Vail land a�ong Mi11 Creek as well as a subseq�ent approval of a flood plain modification request �f necessary. 5. Removal af a section an the north end of the new wali aiang M�11 Creek to �Fac��itate snaw r�moval in th�s area to the satisfact�an of the Town Engineer. � � . � . - � � ., ._� . �! 'c' - �.�i. ..�., . .. , . . '.: _'k. , . � .. . . .�'',.I., , ' � 6: No additiona`i drairtage a1ong� Bridg� Street or Gore Creelc Drive shall ` occ�ar aver the ex�st�ng situation. � _ � _ , . ; � � � � �:� � � � � , ;� - > . �� � : �:� f . ": . �� -' y - " _ - . Y'��,. - .. �: H,� J �Y F Mf �s- �� Y.� . ' � 1.FF'"Y_ .l � � S" '., ti`��,+� ., - 1 .->�* ?a a 4R1.iti r;�, r �,�?�.h��. a,�',£ H,G'� x€ � "'+x. � wr.. �. 5, � � � ,: z, -��� tp � ar c ; z�.t.�'.�°z _ a...',.�_���,-�+vl��i�,;�".,�4's9�a�-��+f:: �'�r., o-..�..d�w�.�'+�ff��t:j� Ak»-��,�.t, . �' _ .. . +� ' ��,� tow� a� va� � 75 south frantage road . vail, colorado 81657 ��oa) a�s-7000 affice a# communitly development 0c to ber 8, �984 Stuart Frith P. 0. Box 261 Avon, Colorado, 81620 R�: L.ot 3, 81.1� 1 , �,i;ons R,i:dg� �i:l i:ng � Fri tE� Resi_dence flear Stuart, . . On November 7, 1984, the. Desi_�n Review Board ga�r� pre.��mi nary appro�al �.o the �r�th R�s i dence. Tkie fo71 ow�ng comments were r�ade: 1 . More detai� �:s needed on the carpprt and garac�e facades . 2. Garag� doors. or� the carports wou�d imprave �he appearance af the si�e-s�orage wou�d be concea�ed. � 3. A landscaping packet in be�ween the two garages would . improve the appearance of the dr�veway ar�ea . :� G. Investigate p�tch o�' the roof and gravel .. Is this � type of roof treatment gozng to create a problem? � 5. T�e ane garage window cou�d b� m�rrored on �he o�her garage . � � 6. Co�or elevations could be helpful but are not re�uired, � � 7 . An Em�loyee Housing A�reement must be 51.�11@t) by th� � time a building permit is released . � � � `� � � � . � ' 8. Engineering Co�cerns: A. Shaw °6 grade at dr�veway. B. Prflvide so�ls and foundativn repart by �he time af bu�lding permit. C. Prov�de inforr�ation on nur�bers 11 , 12, i3, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 i� the 1'�tle Report. D. Walls in R. 0. �I should be shortened, espec�ally o� the eas� s�de of the site, a Revocable Ri�ht o�F Way Agreeme�� will also be needed. Please call me if you have any questions�. I w311 plan on you for the P�avember 2�, 1984, meeting . Sincerely, �'C�S�O�r� n� Kristan Pritz Tawn P�a nner • KP/rme � , � � � -, � � � , �. � �:� _ - _ . , \ � Projec# Application Date , 1 � � , � Project Name: � Project C�escription: � Contact Person and Phone + ` � � ~ '�� Owner, Address and Phone: , Architect, Address and Phone: Le al Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone � -- 9 Commenis: �� ��L� � � � Design Review Board Date Motion by: �•4� --- secoi�ded by: V 0� �� } APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ��1�� � f � -- � Summary: � 0 ��� �� Town Planner ❑ Stafi Approv�! bate: . 1 1 !�l� Cl L-� -� ' ,. , Project Appiication Date pro'ect Name: �1�� �� 4 -- .� � Project Descriptipn: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: , � � � - 3 � , � � �.�� Legal Description: Lot � , Block�� , Filing , Zone Comments: �; Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: � Seconded by: � Af'PROVA� DISAPPROVAL � � � r , , Summary: � -� ' ` � .� � ' ��, �� Y � � V# _ � � 1 � Y l �. � . � � r � o � -� `s . � � � � l�..� Town Planner 5ta pproval l� " � } ' _ �� ; � � � Date: � �1�1 � D � - �1��- �� � � � ����� �-� �,���� . • i`'�+ � town o va� , 75 south frontage road . vail,aolorada 81657 (3a3) a7s-7oao oftice of communHy de�elop�nent DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA DECEM�ER 5, 7984 2:OOPM . I . Ca1i Meeting to Order IT . Roll cal� , deter�inat�on of quorum III . Agenda: S�te Visi� #1 1 . Niountain Haus Deck Enclosure �Tab�ed by Appl �cant � S�te Visit #,� 2. Qj Ani Furs Awning and Sign Vai� Vi�lage Mo�ion - Hunn S�cond - Caswell Approval - 4-a �ite Visit #Z 3 . Vi�lage Center 8uilding - Eva�uation of comp�e�ed work �n comparison �o Design Rev�ew Board approved proposal . Niotion - Hunn Second - Caswe1� Approved - 3-1 -0 s;te v;s;t � q�. Ua�'1 Sports Si:gn & Av�rnfin.g � Mi�l l Creek Cnurt Bu�l di ng P�o�ian - Caswell Moti'on �°ar denial was appraved 4�0, c�,ted se,ct�on Second � Hunn xg,54.050 A of Desi�n Revi`ew Boa�d Guide7ines Approva7 4-0 Rwning denied (over) i 4B . Vai:� Spo�ts. S�:gn appro�ed 4n0:. Mo�i;o� �. Ga.swe,�l S�.cond -. Hunn IV. New Business V. 01d Busir�ess I�EMBERS PRESENT: MEM8ER5 ASS��VT: STAFF PR�SENT: STAFF ABS�PdT: . S�eve Caswell Jir� Vi�le Tom Braun �ck Hunn Kristan Pritz ck Ba1dwin Richard Mat�hews • Project Application .44,- 11�2'�/8� - - - ,..�;��-. Date � "Projeck Name: ����- �ports , S�.gna�e . tr ` f7'J� I�1 Project Description: �7"x60" wooc� s�gn ��� � �'1 G� Con#act Person and Phone �ahn u3.nn �F�6��. 00 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �3r€�ce D. A�len 4�76�»58$8 -- . - Legal Description: Lat , Block _.; Filing , Zone Comments: �'�°�'e�ront has 33 lineacr feet, � 6.60 sa/f� a� al.�owed _si n� a�e -- � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL � --^ �.li✓�ils`�Ul/V . , � �--� � ���, - -.--- 5ummary: �M � 7rt�l � Cwv�' �- z�e a.c.e —, �'`-� L��G���� _„ � � � ----�� Tawn Planner ❑ Staff ApprOval Rate: �.. .���°(� '��� �� J Project Application Date Project Name: �J, rek,!� ��-`-� - � - • Project Description: � � �- � - Contact Person and Phone f� ���- � -� ���� Owner, Address and Phane: .,._. ���'� �`-�`�^�' - - � --- ��y__�-_�. - Architect, Address and Phone: ���4.�.,� -�� -�— w Legaf Description: Lot , I � 4v"rF�fing , Zone Comments: � Design Rer►iew Board Date .-C� � — ------ Motion by: �J� Seconded by: PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �c:�✓' �; Summary: � �a �— ; _ ' , � � �. � � r i � T wn planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: F ' , _ _.._... ,.._.. _ - Project Appl�cation Date � Project Name: . �� � ! , (�� Project Description: "r � ` � � "° Contact Person and Phane Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: L.ot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: �- Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � � �� Summary: � '\ � t�% 1 l � ` � 1 �j,i �� L � , o� �� o�� ^ � , � � � l � � � ^ ��Ct � ��� �� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: �� �+ � � Projec# Application []ate 11�26�8� � Project Name: ���'3���- ��'s" Awnin� System-si�na�e ' -_ — Project Description: . $�-�ck stors�ront awn.in� (fire x�tart�.nt canvas� w�whi�e_lette�3.n��white red tr�.rn accen� Contact Person and �hone �r. Rober� K�11er ,� �F76-1116 � �'7�-7129_ B'_i_ani_ F'ur�s�t�all Street� Vai1�Co Owner, Addr.ess and Phone: Same ar abave Architect, Address and Phone: ��'�lr�� � A'l_1en �F�6=588 __ iegal Description; Lot , Block , Filing , Zpne Comments; ._ �ron f�.med c�stom awn3.n�� sig�nage s9�t � ,�� . 6S FT- :�- Design Review Board Date Motion by: ��� Seconded by: ���-�� � APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL � , Sumrrzary: �l� �� �' 1 ��� "' � t � ! � , , '� , � � , ' ' � l�l � � � S ' t .�� �� � Y Town Plan�er. ❑ Staff Approval Date: �� � . � � ��� tow� o ua� 7'5 souih frontage road vail, colarado 81657 (3a3) a7s-7000 oftice o! communliy de�efopment DESIGN REVIEI�J BOAR� AG��I�R DECEh9BER 19, 7 984 2:OOPM I . Call Mee�ing to Order IT . Roll call , determ7nation af quor�m III . Agenda : f i te �i s-��s #� 1 . Vi7�age Center Sign Program Village Center MotYOn - Jack Hunn Second - �im V1�le Approved 5-0 Conceptual Approval for� Si:gn Pr�gram Fina� Approval for La Tour Res�auran� s�gn 7 square feet #3 2. Le Peti te Cafe f�lenu Box Lianshead � f�otion � Jac,k �Iu.nn 5eco nd � Ri c k Bal d�i�n P1ot1'on to deny app1 i:c�t�'on pass�d 5�-Q, c�ti'ng 3 ncompati bi l i:ty wi th surround�ng ar�d and nan=compl iance v�i th. sec.tion 16.20.020 of Si gn Code. #2 3. ��lataam Fez Sign Va�l Run Sui7ding _ , hZo�ion - �li'r� Vi;e7 e i`�" . Second - Jack ki'unn Approved 5-Q p�r submi,tta.1 (over) � 5i te Vi si ts Kane Res-�dence 5a�e7 i�e Di sh #4 Baoth Fa11s App7icatian withdrawn by applica nt IV. New Business Vail Prafessivr�al Building Sign App1 ica-�ian � V. Old Bus�ness 57AFF APPROVALS: Currents Aw�ing�Si�nage Treetops �laza - �easing si.gn Lauis 's Casual Cabs � �nc . Ramshorn Lodge S�gn The Squash Blossom - Racqu�t Club Res�aurant � �x�erior Altera��on Lazier Arcade - Design Furs Ski Express - s�gn One Vai1 Plac� Commercial Area Light�ng M���BERS PR�SE�JT: M£MBERS ABSENT: STAFF PR�SENT: STAFF ABSENT: Steve Caswei 1 Tor� Br�aun Jacl� Hunn lCri,s.ta�n p�i;tz R�chard Matthews Ric�C Baldwin Jim Viele � . Project Application �ate 1 � + � Project Name: � �' Project Descri,ptian: ^ h�l � Le �r�h r� � e�i�� � �� -�1►rQp►S�r9Q��'���bu?, red c�c�,� �ic�a�n Contact Person and Phnne �r s� p�f" J��'P�[`''K'1 �l./t�Y1S`bf G "7�cP y�Q`i� . - 4 w Owner, Address and Phone: �d� � f—��b �� bYtl V Le Gt..�_ ��hv��- �L� "333��� Architect, Address and Phone: Legal �escripkion: Lot , ��ck Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date � Motion by: _.... �� '��n ��� 5econdeci by: APPROV DISAPPROVAL ��V Summary: �� �:: � _ - - . . . :�.3-_� �. . �7/`� V � . Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: ���� � :a�e� � 4 aauue�d u o� �enoaddy �}e�g ❑ �� � s� i� � � � � � � � � � � � �� , � -.� tit a u,�a 5 � � d ' . , � i ` / -V; fi J 1 � � :�C�euiu�ng J ; � — � ���� -��� Q � ��t ��� r�a�1 � r.. � � L � �dnoaddds�a �dno ddd :�(q papunoag i :/(q uoi;oy� a;�a paeo8 nnainaa u6isaa • :s�uawwo� suoZ ' 6ui�i� ` ��018 ' �o� :uoi�duosap �e6a� � :auoyd pu� ssa�ppy '�aa�iyoa�/ :auoyd pue ssaappy `.iaunnp �� �� auoyd Pue uos.►a� ;�e�uo� ,� � �� :�oi#d���sap i�afoad :aua��} ��afoad,, � t � �� ��� � a�ep � uo��e�i�ddb ��a�oad