HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 DRB Agendas & Minutes� ��l �� �own o uai T5 south frontage roacE vail, colorado 81657 (303) a7s-7000 affFce of community development DESTGN R�V'E�W BOAR� AGEfd�A . JANf1ARY ].5, 19$5 2:OOPM I . Ca17 Meeting to Qrder II . Roll Ca1T , determinatian af quorum III . Agenda Items �Visit l . Mountain Haus - Bradway Enterpri�es - Deck Enclosure ��o�ian - Ri:ck �aidw�;n Second - Steve Caswel.7 2-3 Motinn. for appraval deni,ed. Project tabled until �7anuary 3Q, 7.9�5, #i 2. Vail Racquet C7ub Ciu6house Additivn Modifica�ions ta previously appraved plans Nioti4n - �ack F{unn. Second - Stev�e Caswell Approvect- 4 r Q Absten�i`an - 1. - Ri,chard: �iattl�ews #4 3. Shimon Residence Garage Addi�ion � �°atterhorn area .. Lot 42, 1la.i7 Village. l�lest F'�7.i;n� 1 Moti'on - Ja.ck Hunn � Secor�d - Ri,ck Ba1dwin ' Approved 5-0 �Jaiver must be signed �or hazards before bui:Zdi,ng permi;t i,s is�ue.d, ! 4. Ford Park A�nphi theatre - Prel i�ni r�ary Revi ew � l�ot�:an - Rick Bal�win Denial - 7 -- Donov�n, �i�e r��son th�t only Second - S�eve Caswe�l Conceptual appro�al. 1;s. a�propri�te Approval - 3 Absten�ion - 1 - Hunn (over) � IV. New Business Conceptual rev�ew of storefront remodel at Lodge Promar�ade Cartier V. Oid Business 5taff Approva7 : Buff Arnold & Assaciates - S�gn Village Leather Company, ITD -- Sign MElNBERS PRESENT: NiEP�BERS ABS�NT: STAF'F PRESENT: STAFF' ABSENT: � Baldwin Tom Braun S�eve Caswel7 Kristan �rtiz �; Diana Donovan R.lck py�1man Jack Hunn Ricnard Matthews � � - �l i � � y� �ow� of ua� � 75 south frontage road va#I, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7Q00 oifice of community development Ta: Town Counci:� FROM: �epar�ment of Commun��y I]evelopment DAT�; Jarivary 1�, 1985 RE: Appeal of pes��n R�view Board dec�s�'on to c#eny a reque�t �o �rect an awning at Vai� Sports in th� Mi�17 Creek Co�rt Bu�'�d��nge Background Qn This Regues.t_ The applicant �ni.�ially cam,e �efore the Desi,gn Revi,ew �oar�d at thei,r� � November 7th. r�eeti.ng , The concensus af �he Board a� that ti;me was tha� �he awning design was 6eing "forced" onto the �1€va��on and was incompat�b7e with the archi'tecture of �he building . The app1 �cant requested a tabling and na vote w�s taken an �he reques�. A revised applicati.an was submitted to the Board. at thei,r Recember 8th meeting. T�i's second. application was wha� was u1ti,mately den.i_ed by �he Board and is being appealed to �he Counc�:i . Findings of th� Desi n Review Board, 7he forma1 reason ci.�ed in thrts denial w�s that th� prapnsed awning was i ncompati b�e wi'th the exi sti tig archi tecture o�' �h� bu�ldi,ng , T{ie -� specific section c�ted from �he Resign Review gui.de7ines was 18.,50��15Q Ae 1 : "S�ructures sha.17 be compatib�e w1:th existi:ng str�ctur�s, their surroundi:ngs and with Vail 's env�ronment. I;� is not to be in�erred tlia� bui_idings must �ook a1 �:ke to be campatifil�. Campatibili:�y can be achie.ved through t�e proper can�id�rati:on �f scale, propop��ions, si�e planningti �andsca�i�g, materia7s, and co�ors, and com�liance with the guidelines herein contained," � � Other comments made by the Baard that referred to �nore specif�c problems wi�h this desigr� included: l . The treatmer�t of the awning around the windows -is contrad�c�ory. 2. There is a prob�em w�th thc dua7 form of the awning curving around the window whi1e slop�ng away from the bu��d�n�. 3 . �imited space between th� decks and the windows does nat al�ow for an awr��ng �o be construc�ed co�t-Fortably. 4. Any awn�ng projectir�g away from the building wi11 detract from the arch�tec�ura1 features af t�e bu�lding. The Design Review Baard voted una��imously �o deny this application. � . Project Application Date 2'J�"" �c9'1..� 1�3��- :: ,. �.�ry���� i ��� l��'J �� l �� �'�� ;�Project Name: Q Project Description; �-A�� ���U� �� �t�� � 01'� 2 �G'S 1� 5"�II�C� �-�"'�,- , Cantact Person and Phone ��� ��'�� "� 4'�� �' ��/Z _ _ �12 �119�C� 1�R?�C.-T� r' ^ ��-�-5�5 � Owner, Address and Phone: �w� ������� '�� : C!'��� �� Z9 2 �. �w �W� Vie3hL. ��, _��6` l!l 2.� Architect, Address and Phone: ._ �d� ��GL���"'� --- ��c 4.3e� ,�ur��V Ge��� �!g z�0 9�.9-�5�5" �A�►2T o� `"�kU �3 — UA'GL- V�LL.A��• Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: �"�� 'P(?��"'� � � /��'I�VE� �`(' F�jN`JU� �'�vl-NGtB�-�er�lJ � �t-�2 �Ule�v � r� ��"�{�1�"S � � vte�rJ �`� `�'� ��U��lltrs �'�� � ���CJ r9��� �__ �p �o�✓�'� � � !�V d�i 1�`� Gt1G'�if�$ 'T'� �t � � �t,�'�1�� ��'� � PR.�vI� � tis�� 6M�+�T �' ���' � -� �r �p�►�. Design Review Board Date U�V � Z'� Motion by: `� Seconded by: /1PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � . 1 . l Summary: � �s Town Planner ~ ❑ Staff Appro�al Qate: � �� ��f ���L Pro'ec# Application � � � � Date � � � . � ��� � � � Project Name. Project Descrip#ion: 1 � � Contact Person and Phone � � �� �� w �� '�� � . ����� Ownar, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptian: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: {' �i � �' �� �; �� �'� r Q �l C1��1 't,�l-. �;�f'(A!'�- �' �; �t.,t. -- C_k�� 1 i � � � - 1�� � 5 1 � � � �- �' � � Design Review Board Date ���1 � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPpROVAL h � Summa y: V��..� �� b ��� � � . � � , `� � `�Q�'�i� 4l , , � ' , �-� � � � Town P anner �Staff Apprp�af Date: � �� � Project Application Date � Project �lxme; ' � 1 1 � L � Project description; Contact Person and Phone �— �` --� l���J �E��f ����`'` �I�� 7— Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descrip#ion: Lot , Block Filing , Zone � � � � Co ments: � ' `' � � � `� �.�'�i�� � �1 � ' ��, ' , � Design Re�iew Board Date �-- --_ Mo#i�n by: Seconded by: APPROVA�. DISAPPROVAL Summary: ---._.�._._... � ' _..... � �l ��� Town Planner �� � Staff Approval ` � �- .. ,. � Date: ti;.::�:�'�..:..�._:_.:.:.__....:___......___— Project Application � Date J'r .��.�., $� � Project Name: �` � °"�' �`"�'°`"�` Project Description; � Contact F'erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: �e r G't"� � _-�Q-_�G -_":4�!?++'i--�_��c�-��.���. Bp �s�� a.41 ��&�--Ca l C� Architect, Address and Phone: ._ N�� Legal �escription: Lot , Block FiFing , Zone Comments: /�e.- � a.t.e ��a.-'� i' T �c�. [..��1 � "1—� q 8 °� , t w c..a v r��,fc�-�c� i v�, d�c..1c_ w : �.. ua.a�a-s i*',��..��� �i1 �'rJ� ., L�,I 6 n s�e. r e�,ti..� �a��v-•-..` � Design Review Board � Date 5-...__—_ � Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL . � V � Summary: � � `�L - ��� 1 r � � � �, t�l Y � � Town Planrser ❑ Staff Approv�! Date: Project Application llec ember 12, 3��4'-:.,.a �_a=�: Date 5I3�i'vI01� Ri�S��3E�dCE GA1�1�uE Al)��'TlOiV � Pro}ect Name: 4!j-�, ,�jP �GV�—CE:�x' ;�:�7'=�:�;�= �i�v�]_i.J_O:il "i;�.a r'x7,s�1Y7� �'BS3�d@Y]C�?. Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Uave Pee3�, PE:G:��4'd'�.r���L�'d Ai�CI-�I�Et:`l'S, 476—�506 Owner, AddressandPt�one: ��e��i� Shirton, �-E323 �11t�. ���'Cl� , P .O. 13o.x 3F'-,���i , V�,�:t. CO�.O�'ado a1G58 47�-4187 Architect, Address and Phone: �'��L G'da�:f�1E:f�;i�t AiiGI-��`l':H��`�S P.O. �.3o�c 3370 Vail C%alor�.c3o 81658 �76—�50G " V�.a.7. Va.1.1a�e ��dest Fil.inu , zone �—F �' � Legal Description; Lot �2 � Block Fyj�9 ���.1 m�.�t�ria�.s �nd i'in�_shes �o match those of existin�; residence.' Caenments: Allow. sit� cov�r�.�e= 236J . 6(� s.�. .��is�L. coverdge= 3541. 43 sf . Acid'n. covEr�.�e= 48�.00 sf. 'i'U'��1L= 2�25. 43 sf. � Design Review Board Date Motion by: �� � M1 Seconded by: i �'�1�� - APPROVAL DISAPPFiOVAL y� � l ,� � � Summary: 1 t1� �'�-� ]0�- �-- � 1 �r � ��� F1 � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approvai Date: � `� �.,._:. - _ ,.. Project Application Date — � "" �� "� Rroject Name: ! / � C=--�L � Project Description: '�/G� � �L�!4��1:� � � ����� Cantact Person and Phane �y� Owner, Address ar�d Phone: ,�'����'r"" ''"'` ���� �� ' � � , �t.� . � � V �� i3Q Architeci, Address and Phane: �'��� �+ �� � ,� ���,.,vo �� p ���/L� S 6�' �- Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone LL/ • / e> dl 4.� � �� � � !� G�s"-G o�sti M P..r."l' Comments: �j ��i .O�r�/�i� j.� w Lrd �P ca7`� �s' t�1" ���,�r z�� r , / !r�'d/�L�'ol...� . rG�/ ` (.� � 011G° � � � Design Review Board Date Motion by: _._. � �� Seconded by: � � ��`� —�" RP RO pISAPPFiOVAL � S�mmary: f �. �� : own Planner ❑ Staff ApprOVal Date: � j�j� � 4i� �ow� o� va� � 75 south frontage road . vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office af community develapment D�SIGN RE1lI�W BOARD AGENDA January 30, 1985 2:OQPM I. Ca11 Nieeting ta Order IT. Rall Ca31 , determinat�on o�F quorum III. Agenda Items �ite Visi�s � T . Vil1age Center Sign Program Motion - Jack Hunn Second - Steve Caswell Approved - 5-0 F'inal approva1 - does nat inc�ude apprava� of the 2 directQry signs. #4 2. Rucksack Sigr� (2} Bridge Street �lotior� - Jack Hunn = Second - Steve Caswell �� Approved 5-0 �inal Approval - #1 3. Mind1in Residence Sate�li�e Dish 800 �otato Patch Dr�ve. ' Motion - Steve Caswell �inal approval W Staff to rev�ew landscaping p�an. 5econd - Jack Hunn Landscape p7ar� shou1d �nclude one 8-9' spruce, Approved - 4-1 two 6-7' �pruce Abstentian - 1 - Rzck �a7clw�n #2 4. L�onshead L-iqours Awn�ng �Eontaneros' Bui7ding Mot�on - Jack Hunn Approved as submitted, wlthout internal lighting. Second - Rick Baldwin � R�proved -- 5-0 � #3 5. Cartier Jewe1ry 5torefront Remodel �odge Pramenade Mo�ion - Jack Hunn Second - Rick Baldwin Approved with addit�fln of brass trim around marble. Approved - 5�0 fi. Go3den Peak Facility Motion - Rick Baldw�n Rpproved as su�mi�te�. Second - Steve��Ca�well A�s�a�n�ng - Jack Hunn -R�chard Matthews Approved 3-0-2 7. Va�l Sports Awning Mill Cre�k Caurt Bui7ding Motion - Jack I�unn Sectian 18.50.050 A. 1 c�ted in motion. Secand - Steve Caswell • Motion for denial approved 5-0 � TV. New B�siness V. O�d Business STAFF APPROVALS: R�cci Bedroom Addition �lEMBERS PRESEf�T: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESEN�: S7AFF ABS�NT: Rick Ba7dwin Tom Braun Steve Caswe�l Kr�stan Pritz D�ana Donovan -PEC R�ck pylman Jack Hunn � Richard Matthews � � �1► �� �ow� o va� 75 south frontage road . vail,colorado 81657 (303) a�s-7000 oNice of cammunHy development �0: Design Rev�ew Board FROM: Department af Community DeveTopment DA�E: January 30, 1985 RE: Fina1 Review of Go7den P�ak Base Facility BACKGROUND ON TiiiS PROPOSAL. W��h the exception o�F three eiements of this pro�osai , �he Des3gn Rev�ew Board gave final approval ta the Go1den Peak Base �'ac�lity on June 20, 1984. • Vail Assoc�ates has since gone �hrough a number of desfgn cha�ges for this projec�. They have before you today �or final consideration o� their pra�os�d p1an. T1�e three outstanding issues from the �esign Review Board's last review include: 1 . Terrace seat�ng on �he courts adjacent to the structure. 2. The new Chalet Road tennis co�rt. 3. The use of split face b7ack for retaining wa�ls. CHAlV��S TO PREVI4llS SUBMITTAL. There are a number of significant changes that have been made rtn �he design of this faci1i�y. These inc�ude the fol1owing; 1 . The Chalet Road tennis cour� is no longer an e7ement of this proposa� . Tn 7ieu o� this court, Va�1 Associates will construct two �ennis co�rts located south of the �roposed faci7ity. An alternative p7an for the Cha7et Road area wi17 be presen�e�d to you today. 2. The bleacl�ers propased �or the west end of the fac�li�y have been e1iminated from this plan. Temporary bleach�rs will be installed for specific events. In addition, �he d�sign of �he terraced seat�ng has b�en re-wariced and will be rev�ewed today. � 3, �he �us �turn ,around.area has been s�igh�l�y re-designed. , This results in �he e7imination of the Race City Parking. 4. The proposed water feature on the east end of �he structure has been eliminated. Hydro�ogic conditions have necessi�ated this change � tha� wi11 result �n t�e stream beir�g cu�v�rted wit� iandscaping insta7�ed in the area that was or�gina7�y proposed to be a stream fea�ure. 5. In addition to the above mentioned changes, ther� have been a number of m-invr changes �o the des�gn a� �he b��lding. The a�tached 3ist -Fro� Snowden Hopkins Architects out7 �nes eac� �f �hese changes. 6. While not a change in design, for your review today �s a f�na7 landscape plan for the site. 1'h�s is the first apportuni�y the Design Review Board �as actual�y had �o review in �etail the landscap�ng for this proposal . CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAI.. There are a number of condit�ans relative to this application �hat would have to be met prior to �he issuance of the bu�lding permit. The staff wo�ld recommend �he fol�owing cor�dit�ons wou3d be placed on �h�s approva� : 7 . Vail Associates cflmp1ete the annexat�on process of this site. 2. The �ina7 subdiv�sior� p�a�s be r�corded. � 3. Va�i Associa�es agree to a revocable right o�F way permit for �mprovements made in Town of Vai7 right o� way. � , _ � Golden Peak Ski Base Facility 1/15185 Changes �o Exterior s�nce DRB Ap�rova� of 6/20/8� Nor�h �leva��on 1 . Large dormer oF I1n�t 6 roof pitch is �ow 6:12 from 8:12. Al.ow better headraom. 2. 3 new ehimney elements on eas� szde for kitchen exhaust and �rash f�u� ven�s. 3. Large dormer of Uni� 6 all stucco now, wood s�ding remaved. �, wood s�da.ng in lieu of open rail a� arcade brzdge. 5. Garage door insulated m�tal daar paa.nted rather than resider��za1 type ' door. b. Tennis court to tennis observation deek - staircase reloca��d and � made minimal. No lon�er a bleacher stand. 7. Tree planter removed, rep�aced witn tree grates. West E�evation , 1 . T�nnzs bleaehers removed and new staircase �o nor�h sid�. Arcad� continues where bleaehers were. 2. Grade brou�ht down an slope with one arcade arch removed and the next one modified wz�h low wall. 3. Arehes af arcade spring �'rom wa11 (not rour�ded a� wall ,juneture}. �I. Kitehen louvers add�d to wall. a� ka.tchen. 5. Col.umn spacing changed at 2nd f�oor. 6. Canopy may or may no� be a� re�aa.l - part of signage design to be det�iled later. 7. Wood sidi.ng changed �o stucco at �.arge south dormer side wall. 8. Cha.mney relocated �'rom West wal� to ridge at large south dormer. 9. Small boiler flue added a� Y'o0f' ?^�.dgG n�ar �ra.d M. � 10. Some minor changes in wa.ndows and doors. 2 � South �levation 1 . Large dormer at Uni� 1 : deck par�ially enc�osed at spa �it and wood s�ding changed to stuceo. Windows rearranged. 2. Unit ��1 chimney relocated from sic�e wa�� to ridge. 3. Boil�r fZue added grid 9. 4. Kiosk: Stone faeed base added. The supers�ructure to be de�ailed '; later, . 5. `Transom ].ites added above restaurant eri�ry daors. 6. B�Q wa7.I added and windows from that area to bar on .inside ehanged. '7. Roof skyla�tES add�d at 3 �-ocations, uni�s ��3 - �. _ 8. Bay window added at Unit #6. " East Elevat�on 1 . Chimney at CJnit ��2 rtms �as� fase�a that gable also has bowed � � windows instead af traps. 2. Staircase from sou�h deck �o aread� withau� stone end wa3.ls. 3. Loac�ing doek lowered. �+. Bay w.indow added at una.t ��6. 5. Arehes somewhat f�ater than origina�: 6. Kitchen lou�er added at kitchen.. 7. Trash ve�� chirr�ney added a'� grid A. . � y�ll � �ow� of �ai 75 south frontage road . vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oifiae of community development T0: Design Review Board FR�M: Department af Commur�i�y Development �ATE: January 30, 1985 RE: Application to Erec� an Awning at Vail Sports in the Mil� Creek Caurt Building. Backqround Qn This Request. T#�is applica�ion was firs� presen�ed to �he Design Rev�ew Baard in November of J.984. The applicat�on was tab�ed and brought back to � the board in December, where it was u7t�mate�y denied by a �4 to 0 vo�e. It was the general feeling a� the Board ��at the design of the awn�ng was contradictory to the existing architecture of tl�e building. Sp�cifically, section 18.50.050 A.1 was cited frar�r:�he Des�gr� Review Guidelines in the motion �for den�a7 . Q��er comments made by the Board during the review �nc7uded: i . The tneatment o� the awn�ng around the w-�ndow is contrad-�ctory. 2. '�here is a probTem with d�al form of the awr�ing curving araund the window while slop�ng away from �he bui1ding. 3. Limited space between the decks and windows does not allow �or an awning to be constructed camfortab7e. " � �. An awning projecting away �he building wi11 detract from the arch-�tectural features of the bui7d�ng. Follow�ng denia7 from the Design Review Board, the applicant appeal�d this decision to t�e �'own Counci7 . Findings af the Coun_ci_1 .� . The Town Caunc�l unanimously upheld the decisior� of the Design Review Baard by a 7 �0 0 vote at their January 15th, meeting. A� that meetirtg, the main concern expressed by the Counci] was wit� the uncertainty as �o exac�1y how the awning wou7d appear. It was s�ggested by the Counci� that �he a�pl �cant d� fur�h�r drawrings, ar construct a mode� to demans�rat� ! how �he awning wili be cans�ructed on �he building. The applicant agreed to take this advice and retcarn to �he Town wi�h a mora deta�led app� icat�on. It is gen�ra71y the po�icy that the same application denied by the Design Review Board cannot be resubmitt�d for �heir considerat�on again. W��h res�ec� to t��s palicy, Vaii Spor�s wauld not �e allowed to return with essen�ial7y the same proposal . �lowever, �nder these circumstances �he applican� has been a7lowed to ret�rn to Design Review Soard with �he same proposa7 as prev�ously submi�ted. Th3s acception was made because o�F �he concern at the Counci1 level with the level of d�tail demons�rated in �he plans submitt�d. The appl�cant w�ll be submit�ing a mvdel o� the proposed awning to be�ter de�nonstrate how �t will re7ate �o the existing bui7d�ng. � . � �j i�, . � tow� o� uai 75 souih irantage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 office of community development T0: Design Rev�ew Board FRQM: Community Development Repartment Staf�F SUBJECT: Village Center Sign Program pATE: January 3d, 1985 • liere is a surnmary of your previous comments: 1 . Look at the feasibility of tf�e stucca inse�. 2. De�erm�ne the color, light�ng, 7ocat�on and landscaping for the directory signs. 3. Indicate square foo�age for Building Tdent�ficatian s�gn. 4. Indicate type B co�or awn�ng. 5. Ind�cate type C co�or awning. 6. A�just s�gnage according to revised square footage fTgures�: . ._ �...� �� �P�� ���-- Pro�e t Appiication �ate Januar . 25, 19$`� � Project Name: CART I ER Pro�ect aescriptian: �ew Marbl e Facade Contact Person and Phone Dar� Prau�y - 4�'6-78f0 Owner, Address and Phone: SEACO R�TRIL 225 Wa11 Street, #210, Vail , Co7orado 81657 Architect, Address and Phone: ��rd�Cl Me!"2m011t2 P. 0 Box 395 d d 2 #92b-105$ Legal Description: Lot , Biock , �;i;�,g�96 E.Gore Creek Dr. ,Va'I�I Zone Comments: �n �rder toimprove the appearance of the front of the Cartier facade, the shop awners propose �o cover t}�e ex�sting white s�ucco front with a black and gold marble veneer. � ,, w , `�� � � � Design Rer►iew Board Date Motion by: ' " �� � �rQ . Seconded by: �.5---��-��-�---- APPRO AL DISAPPROVAL �� l t Summary: - � ���L �/� �. � Town PEanner ❑ Sta#f Appro�aE Date: Project Applicat�on pate 7./12 S� � Project Name: ��ori6hBad Li uors Project Description: �tpre�'�'on� aWn�.n --s�. na e s stem Contact persan and Phone �oanne Wheelex 4�f�- l` �/�'� E S�� �� Owner, Address and Phone: �i���-am H. Mil�e�r � 6�1 W. Lionsheafl C rcle �V�,i3.� �o*.__� � 6w � � Architect, Address and Phone: 1�r�n� �. A'1_1_�n � no� H:r�w�,.rd�. AnrPc� Rd__r...�:r1wa_r��,�� A�}-t���0 ��» �J..c_su Legal Descriptipn: Lot , Block _— Filing , Zone Comments: l • ��u�und�r( w�vel�o�a ro�.,y / �1a � r�tar.c�ar�t oan�ras Si na�e: �ellow w�tata�. saft = �.Q� - � Design Review Board Date � °�� -- Motion by: �� � 5econded by: .,�;���` ��Y1- - - APPFtOVAL C}ISAPPROVAL � � Summary: � � Town anner ❑ Staff Appl'oval Date: � Projec# Appl9cation Date �� � i n o r � i J V J � Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ""''"'"� � R P�m n�� ..� ��-�_ g �- 1 4 5 7 __.._ Owner, Address and Phone: LU�� _I n� � � n ���P n�t � n P�t c R c� _ U a 1 1 , _� .,$1 6 5 7 ___ Architect, Address and Phone: �,�J n Y �� l�--���T U-�-�n�,--�r .— —F—�'— �4 t��c .r--uo7��-d-�d— �n trFI-�9•i-v�d---������Q.� � a�i-'-- . Legal Description: Lot�L� - , Slock �...�—, Filing , Zone Comments: Substantiall screened from view . �- � � � � , � . � / . Design Re�iew Board Date � Motion by: Seconded by: � � APPROV DISAPPROVA� f ��� l Summary: ! U� r� J ,�- r, Y' 7 C��R�Y� � � � T/vt t,.r1��ivt� �� ! � � T wn Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date� Project Application Date � 1 � Project Name: �-' Praject Description: ) 5 ' L �' � Contact Person and Phone � Owner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal �e5cription: Lot , Block Fifing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date ��� �� Motion by: Seconded by: ---�— APPROVA� DISAPPROVAL � RI� �vDoc� � ' Summary: � � 1 � � � a � �� ' ` �n�s � , �. �� } � S�n . r � �pr,�1 � av� �-�, s�� � �1 ��� � 'ba�.�_a S� � �� S� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva� �]����' �,1� .�.���� �� � �4�� Date: �_ ���1 �� � re �F �j �� Project Application o�t� � � Project Name; Project Rescriptipn: Contact Person and Phone ` '� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Le al Descri tion: Lot , Block , Filing , Zona �� 9 P Comments: �. Design Re�iew Board � Date � `� �� Motion by: u' Seconded by: APPFiOVA� � DISAF'PROVAL ` � 1 � . � 1+ �� j' � ��. 1�4 �' ; d� �'�".... - c� t�,ll �n ��, s a� �a�s._. , ,� ^ , � r ' l� Summary: j i � � .m, 1� � 1 ' � � � . � � ; �. I��`i , . � � _ � �n � � Town Plann�er„ ❑ Staff Approval Dafe: � �j . �� �ow� of ua� 4 75 south ironiage road . vail, colorado 81657 (3os) a�s-�000 office of community de�velopment DESIGN REVTEW SOARD AG�NDA February 6, 79�5 2:aoQr� I . Cal1 Meetina �o Ord�r II . Ra11 Call , determination o�F quorum III . Rgenda i�e�s. Site Visits #1 ] . Mar.iachis Sign Var�ance - Variance for 6 sq. approval af sign design and -Fiower Mo�ion - Steve Gaswell border to be approved by staff (original 12.5 sq. ft. Secand - R�ck Baldwin sign wil� be spli� in half) Approved - 4�0 #2 2. Baxter's Awning - Golden Peak House - Preliminary Approva� w�th conditians � Motion - S��ve Caswell Second - Rick �aldwin Approved - 4-Q 3. Mountain Haus Deck Enc�osures : Bradway En�erprises - 7a be �abied to F�bruary 20, �985 IV. Pdew Business V. ��d Business Update Mindlin Satel� ite Dish S7AFF APPROVALS: Simba Run #13a0 - replac�ment of g�ass block j Co1dstream Condos - storage under deck t�IEP�BGRS PRESEIVT: ��1EMBERS RBSENT: STAFF PRESEPd7: STAFF ABS�IVT: Rick Ba1dwin Richard Matt�ews Kristan Pritz Thomas A. Braun Steve Caswell Rick Pylman Diana Danovan Jack Fiunn � r, � � � ���j 7 �ow� o ua� TS south frontage road , vail, colorado Bi657 (303} 476-7000 of#Ice of community development MEMQRANDUNt � T0: Design Revrtew Board � FROM: Department of Community Deve7opm�nt DA7'E: January 30, 1985 RE: Mariachi 's Restauran� 5ign Variance Request � Mariac�i ' s Restaurant is request�ng a variance from Sec�ion 16.20.190 ot �he sigr� code to aT1ow placement of an additianal business 7dentif7catio� sign w7th a size of 12.8 s�uare feet. Mariachi ' s is lacated -�n th� lower level creeks9de o�F the K�an�ra Lodge , �ast building. Due to insufficient �'rontage of the establishment, the r�ax�mur� s�gnage a�lowed un��r provisions of the sign code is three (3) � square feet. �'his allawable signage is currentiy disp7ayed on the � awning over the entrance to t�� arcade �hat leads to the stairway af ;�r; � ,, Mariachi ' s Restaurant. �;�'_�� The app3icants request is to insta�T a 12.8 square foot business w '.�:�.'�.x:�.::, identifica�ion s�gn at the top of the stairway tha� leads down �o ��e ,. . �..n,N.�.. A � "' ';"� �`�"�� - �•res�aurant entrance. The appl icant feel s tha� a hardshi p ex3 sts due �.-: ;^'���":' `.. ` to the locat-ion of th� estab7 �s�men� within the b�ild�ng. ��� ,���:�-� . . �fa �,.� �,. . The Community Develapment Staff �eels that the requested variance fnr 5�� ' the size of �he s� n -is no� j�asti�ied. While we do agree that there is ��,��� i t;� � g �i�;;���;r need far an addit�ona� sign, we feei that the s�ze is quite excessive. �.. �� ���"��°; FIlVDIHG5 ti* �r-s;'�.f r.���. _ : . �� � . Be�ore the baard acts on a variance applicat�on, the app��cant m�ast prove ���-�;z� -- physical hardship, and the board must find that: - ~�. ��','_ �,.._�� . A. There are specia� circumstances or conditians app�ying to the 1and, b�ildings, topography, vegetation, stgn structures or other ma�t�rs � on adjacen� 7ots or within �he adjacent r�ght-of-way, wh�ch would substan�ially res�rict the effective�ess of the sign 7n questian; prov�ded, how�ver, that such special c7rcumstaroces or conditions �- ::A,. . ,;- ,.s �"�-:� �. are unique ta the particular busir�ess or enterpr�se �o which the applicant des�res to draw atten�ian, and do no� app�y gen�ra7�y �o al� bu5inesses or enterprises. B. . That such special c-ircums�anc�s were nat created by the app�icar�t or anyor�e in privy ta the app7icant; � C. That �he grantir�g a�F the var�ance wi17 be in general harmony with the pur�oses of th�s ����e, and will not be �ater�ally detrimer�tal to the persons residing or wor[c�ng in the v-icinity, to adjacent property, to �he ne�ghborhood, or �o the publ-ic we�fare in general ; D. The variance applied for does not d�part from the �rov�sions of this tit7e any more �han �s required ta ident�fy �he applicant' s business ar use, E. Such otl�er factors and criteria as �he Design Review Board deem� app7icable to tt�e proposed variance. STAF'F RECOMNl�NDATIONS The D�partmen� of Commun�ty Deve7ogr�ent S�aff' recommends denial of �he praposed variance. �Jh�1e we fee �hat there is a nee� for a sign �n this . location, we feei tha� the requested variance �n s�ze is tao r�uch of an ' extreme from the provisions of the sign code. We sugges� that �he appl�cant re-subm7� an a�plica��on for a ane or two square toot s3gn, perhaps w-ith an arrow to d�rec� peopTe towards the restaurant entrance. .- � �� 11 �� �owa o ua� 75 sowth frontage road �� vail, colorado 81657 (sosy a�s-7000 offlce of community development - D�SXG.��( RE:I�I'�1N BQqRD R�ENDA January 2, �.985 2:OOPM I'. Cal l Meeti ng �o Order I�I . �ta11 CalT , determ�`nati'on of quarur� �I:I . Agenda i'tems. S�_te Visit #1 1 . Va�:�. Pro�ess�ona� Bu�,l.di:ng Si�gn APp��'c�ti'on Mo�i:on� Steve Caswel7. ' Seconc�- J�ck Kunn A.p�rov�ed 4--0 app�aved p�r s:ubr�i'tt�,7 TU, New Busi:ness 1(. Qld Business � STAFF APPROVALS; Coldw�.11 Bankers - Busi�ness Sign �'he P�cn�'c B�sket. � P,wt�i'ng �- S.i:gna.�e Vaii Management - Rea1 Estate. Si'gn Board M.EMB�RS PRESENT: ��MBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRES�NT: S7AFF ABS�N7 �n� Caswell Ri�c�ard M�tt�te:ws Kr�,�tan �ri,tz a Donovan Tam Braun R�cR BaTdwi�n Jack I�unn Project Application Date � '�..0 ��"� U � '�iject Name: � � � ``r`� ���vs; o +ti� � �.�, � �r- , — � , , Project Description: .., �7�'J' _ �"�` ��- ` �' Contact Persan and Phone � � � �O" � �� �' ' 1�O � v�: : � � �-o��:� ,� �� � �� � �f . �-�-� , a�y�, s. r-r�.�t�� � Owner, Address and Phone: - --- U � +� �- �-(7(o -' (0�-11 '� Architect, Address and Phone: � '� — �- Uv� lc.��� Block , Filin . Zone Legal Description; Lot 4�' g Comments: 5� ' r A 0 . c ,� �=—� � Design Rer►iew Board .� Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAI. ��v Summary: t5 \ �� ow Planner ❑ Staff Approval .-Z C� bate: Project Application Date__ ������5 �� Projeot Name: _ .��.�xt,er'�_The S1ape Awning .,... ..,._ �� Project Description: Sto7refr.ont_ awni.n�marauee �,af si�n��e ,,., � Contact Person and Fhone ;�Iichae�:__��a��h�Qn �7�R� .._ ._,_._,..,_ �, Owner, Address and Phone: 1�4�1�y �'��SQ_ ,., _,_.. .,_� Architect, Address and Phone: ��e� D. Allen ���—���0 �_ i.egal Descriptfon; Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: �e Iacement of exixti �, ni w f a .- r?arquee�en��y to be back-lit ti�nd.ing cost study Signage = j.29s�.ft. to be ir�corporated a.nto I��arquee �'ace • Design Review Board Date - - � �� ����J Motion by: �� Seconded by: _ APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL �..,___. ...... Summary:� � � � � l � � � , ` \ � 1 ' � � � ` �f i o� l�� ; .� � s� � �� � � , J � , � � T wn P anner � ❑ Staff Approval Date: � Project Application Date � � � � � �_ � I�, � Pro�ect Name: � � � ��� � ,� �1� - -- • • Praject t7escription: �I1�1�1�--��-=�=—�—�—�--'��'� �16{' �fC�f� �U �P_ � S���� " a� �� �J f� ���-� �-j (��[��� � Contact Person and Phone , Owner, Address and Phone: � , o ��{���I-�C�J �l��T�—�.�`" , f 1 �-��1`� �� � d� — --- — Arc�titect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , 81ocic , Filing , Zone Cammenis: �� Design Re�iew Board Date .� � � � Motion by: _ � ` �'� � 1 �"1.- . � '' . Seconded by: ��- -- . APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �� � 1 � Summary: d � �c� 3 C 1 �.1 F 1 i'Vl C,) �i ' 1.Cr�� ' .L `�'�] � •. �C'L� C� � � ��� � � � �� � T w Plar�ner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � �. ; x _-, � T0: Town Cou�cil • FROM: Community Development D�par�ment QATE: F'ebruary I9, 1985 SUBJECT: Praposed modificatians to gu�delines re�u3a�ing the insta71at9an of sa�ell�te dishes. �ACKGROUND ON THIS PRQP4SAL TF�e staff wa5 direc�ed by the Town Council to invest�gate ti�e appropriateness of our existing guidelines regula�ing the �ns�a77atian of satei7ite dishes in the 7own of Vaii . Th�s directian was promp�ed by the application for a sa�eTlite dish t�at was cansidered �by �he Couric�l or� appeai . A� �hat hearing, i� was fe7t by t�e members of the Counci7 that aur guidelines were diff�cu7t to work w-ith �or rev�ew�ng a satel7ite dish app7ication. More spec�ficaT3y, it was fe7t the guidelines were oper� ended, subjective, ar�d d�d not �ravide th� appl �cant, the Des�gn Review Board or �he Council adequate criteria w-�th whfch to review an application. At the present time, the guidei�ne � addressir�g satel7i�e dTShes reads as fo7lows: Sa�e��ite dishes and s�m�lar struc�ures shall not be a7lowed uniess • subs�an�ia7ly scr�ened from view by fer�ces, berms, or iandscaping. 1'hi5 guideline is foun� in the Design Rev�ew Guideli�es: - At this time, an appl�cation for a sate]lite dish wou7d be reviewed by th� Design Review Baard for campl �ance wi�h this gu�de1ine. S-inc� �he dish appeal cons�dered by �he Caunc�] last fa11 , the �e5�gn Review 8oard has consid�red one application � for a dish insta3lation. �'hat ir�stal�atian, located �n the Potato Patch subdiv�s�on, was apprvved by the Design Review Board. Ahf EVAl.UATION QF aUR FXISTING �llIDELi�IE - In eva1ua�ing �he appropriateness af our existing guid�line, the first st�p taken by the sta�f was to look at reguia�ions �mplemented in other Communities as well as to do onsight visits of satelTi�e dish instaTlations. Over 20 communities have been con�acted concerning �their reguTations and site vis�ts were made throughou� �ag�e Cot�nty, Denver, Boulder, and Aurora. �Two factars �ecame very evident as a rest�lt af this research. First o� a17 , the quality of ins�aZlatians in communities wi�hout regulations wau�d be genera��y considered quite poor. Secondly, ther� are many sim�lar�ties i� the elements addressed by communiti�s who have enacted regulations. T'hese areas addressed by these regu�atio�s include heigh�, size, 1oca�ion (i .e. se�backs a�d easemen�s} , approval process required and aesthetic control (i .e, screen3ng, architectural integratian} . Tn our last wark session, the staff �roposed �o the CounciT �hat any revision to our . exist�ng guidel3nes address these f�ve e�ements. Addi�iona3 comments from the Gouncii concerning the installa�iar� of d�shes in the Village and Lionshead areas are also being considered by the sta�'f. Satel7ite 2/19/85 -2- . � , �i , � . . THE PEIRPQSE OF REGULATING SA7�LLITE DTSH INSi'ALL.ATI41�S Residentia� sa�e17ite dish ir�sta�lations have �ncreased dramatically over the last few years. Indus�ry projections indicate that the numb�r of ,resident�al insta3lations wili doubie in the next year. In response �o this, 1oca1 governments have enacted leg�slation regu7ating �ns�al�a��on of these d�shes. There are a number of reasons for these insta�la�ions being regu�ated. Th�se includ�: 1 . Sa�Fet �'he foremost consideration w��h res�ect to safety and the pub7ic wel�are rela�es to where and how a dish �s insta�ied. These aspects are generally addresse� by r�quiring a b�ailding permit before an installation is made. 2. �oning C�nsiderations The mos� common factors addressed �nder zoning considerations would be height, 7ocation, and numb�r o� dishes on any g�ven 7at. . 3, A�sth�tic Control Some degr�e of aesthetic controi is included in approx�mately half of the ord�nanc�s surveyed by the s�aff. The most common means for addressing aesthetic contral is through screer�ing the dish. Materials �ased for screening include berrrES, �andscape ma�erials, buildings, and fenc�s. Oth�r considerations for minim�zing the v�sua� impaets of the dishes are the material of the dish and the � co7or af the dish. � Whi7e not d�scounting the �mportance of zon�ng and sa�ety cons�derat�ons, ;� :':: � the r�ost �mportant concern in �reparir�g this revised ord�nance �s ';�' � � ��. with respect to aestE�et�c contro1 . Genera7ly speakzng, it will `''�'���'`'�` �be the intent of t�tis ordinance to regulate the instailation a� dishes so as �a �i�igate their v�sual i�pact �o �he hig}�est degree possible. In order to �nderstand th� type of insta7lation the sta�f would 1ike �o see result from this new ordinance, it �s impar�ant to recognize what factors cantrtbute �o whether a dish instaTlation is done wel1 or not. � In iooking a� different install�tions, 1� becomes -very apparent as �o what factors affect .�he visi�a�T�,impact of a dish. These factors include: � . Size An 8 foot diameter d3sh will genera�3y not have �he impacts . o�F a 1� foo� diameter dish. Th�s consideratior� is tairly obvious. -3- Sa�el7ite 2/29/85 � . ' � � 2. Color. Most dishes can be pa�nted w��h any latex �aint. The color ` of a dish can greatly affect its visibility with respect to the i sites and environment in wh9ch it is plac�d. ', � 3. Materials There are basically three materials used in the construction of dishes. 1'hese are stainless steel , mesi7, and f.iberglass type af shell . Each of �hese have di�ferent qua7i�ies relat�ve to the degree of visibi1ity. 4. Locat3on. The location o�F �he dish great1y affec�s i�s degree of visibility. Rear yard ins�a�lations will generally be less visib�e from public right-of-ways than front yard instai1ations. Haw�ver, rear yard �nsta�7a�ions may be more of�ensive to adjacent property Owners. 5, He� igh�: As is the case with the �ocat�an of a dish, the he�ght of a dish greatly influe�ces its V1Si�7'!�'!'�y. The issue of height becomes more not�ceable when considering roof top insta7lations. 6. Degree _o_� Screening. Screening a dish wi�h landscaping, berms, fences, or existing structures can do a great deal �o m�nimize �he visual impact of the disl�. This is probab�y the key �actor in m�t1- gat�ng the v�sibili�y af an installation. ` ' 7. ' Arcnitectural Inteqration. In looking at a r�umber af d�s}� installations , i� became apparent that dishes cou7d be insta�led � and integrated architectura�ly into the d�s�gn o�' a struc�ure. This was particu7arly true with mesh type dishes. � �ach nf these above mentior�ed des�gn considerations affects �he visual appearance of a dish instal�a�ion. These factors wiil be used in reviewing dish applications #'or compl ��nce wit1� t�e design review section vf this new ordir�ance. T � `�' ` �� � }3 ` r .:, , ,, , . ; ; I,� Y . �I����� �'���z�7� ,��'� ' � � Y - , . .::�����-.1� . �I�•�'� ';.S'���� � �STRUC�'URE OF THE R£VISED SAT�'ELITE pIS�! R�GULATIONS 1 The 4rdinance revisions proposed by the staff .includes two sections. Th� firs�t of these wauld be a section ad�ed to to t�� Supplerr�ental Regulations � �hapter of tne zoning code. This s�ct�on w�11 address factors such as i�e�ght, size, and �he locatians wl�ere dlshes are al1owed. �he other section of this ordinance wi3� involve a major revision to the Design Review Boar� Guideli�es that address satellite dishes. This section wi7� address issues such as color, mater�als, and screenir�g of the dishes. This review wil� be simiiar to the process one goes through when applying �o construct a new residence. In this ease, an application �s reviewed w��t� respect to xoning cons�derations as well as Des�gn Review Gu�delines. The fallowing are the elements each of these �wo sections will address. � , -4- Satelli�e 2/19/85 � SUP�LEM�N�AL REGULATIONS Compliance with the fallowing regu7ations wi17 be requ�red be�ore a dish is reviewed by Qesign Revi�w Board. i� �hes� zoning considerations canno� be m�t, an applieant �ay apply to �he P7anning and Env�ronmental Cam�iss�on fnr a variance as outl ��ed in Section 1$.fi2 of the Municipal Code. Tnis new section of �he S��plemen�a7 R�gulations chapter of the zoning code wi71 address the fa�low7�g areas: � . ae�inition of a Dish 7hese regulat�ons and gu3de� ines sha11 app�y to any device me��ing the �oliowing d�fin7tion: A dis� s�aped ar parabolic shaped recep�ion or transmiss�on antennae, whic� is more �han two fee� in diameter {including dishes stared or tempararily placed for mare than one day) for the recept�on and/or transmiss�on of satel��te signals, including television signais, AM radio s�g�a7s, �M radio signais, t�le�etry s�gnals, data communications signals ar any ather recept�on ar transmission signais using free air space as a madium, whether f�r co�merc�al or pr�vate use. Z. Number No more than on� sate7lite dish s�ail be allowed on .any lo� wi�hin t�e Town of Va�7 . i 3. Tem orar Instal�at�ons The ter�porary use and/or insta�latlan of a sate1l �te dish sha17 be limted to a maximum period a� one day. Only thre� temporary installations shal7 be al �owed per business or res�dence per year. 4. �e1 h� Maximum �teight a�lowed �or any disf� ins�aiiatian, when meast�red �rom the tvp of a dish down to existing or finished grade, whichever �s more restr�ct�ve, s1�a71 not exceed 15 feet. 5. Size of �he Dish The maximum s�ze of any dish installed shall be lim��ed to 9 feet i n di ameter. b. Dish Identi_fication�Adv�r��sing No advert�s3ng or �dentifi�cation sha71 be aliowed on any dish �nstaii�d �hat is visible or leg�bie from any adjacent property ar �ub7ic � righ�-of-way. � -5- Satell�te 2/19/85 . 7. Location of the D3sh Installat�ons Dish Instal7at�ons shail comply with ex�s�ing setback require�ents of the zone distric� �n wh�ch the dish �s insta��ed. The installa�ion Q� d15��5 shall be prohib�ted �n easements .and pub7ic r�gh�-af- ways. 8. Bu�ldin Permtt Issuance of a building perm�t from the Cot�munity Qevelopment pepartment sha11 be required prior �o the installa��on of a dish. � �,,= 9. Vail Y�lla e and Lionshead Core Areas �he exter�or insta�iation of satelii�� dishes in �he Vail Vi�lage and Lianshead core areas s}�a7T be prohib�ted. Tl�ese �rohibi��d areas are out�ined in attachmen�s A and B. � _ � , The only instal1ati�ns a�lowed in these areas shall be t�tose �otal�y enclosed by some type of structure. Structures ►�equired to an:clase a ��ish - �'in tt�ese areas. sha11 �i� ��r�equ�red ta: meet al1 applicable zon�ng �requirements. . . ,�, � -�,. � � 10. Variances Var�anc� requests may be made for any of these provisions. 7he review of these var�ance re�uests would �e done by tf�e �lanning and �nvironmenta� Com�ission. Applications for variances wauld be made to the Communfty Development Department as ou�7ined in Sec�tion �8.62 of the Va�� Munic�paT Code. ;; _ ` Once an ap�l-icat�on has sa�isf�ed the above reguirements, or received a - variance ta them, appl �cants �iay apply for review by the Design Rev-iew ' � ' Soard. Th� �ol�owTng guidelines shall be consi�ered ir� the design review ,,'.' o� the satellite application. ;:,: - U�SIG�V REVIEW GUIDELiNES �. It is the intent a� the Supplementa� Reg�alations, and mor� particularly these des�gn review guide7ines, to mir�imize the visual �mpact o�F any satell�te dish installation. Rs was m�ntione� earlier in this memo, mi�igating th� visual impact o� a satel�it� dish can be accamglished in a number of ways. Whereas, the existing design rev3ew guideline al�owed only for the screening of the dishes, these revised guid�lines wi71 allow gr�ater _�'lexibi�ity �n how ta mitigate the impact o� a dish. �enerally s�eaking, the purpose of this ; � . ` � is to ins�re that the visibility of a satel� ite dish from any public r�ght-of-way or adjacen� properties be reduced ta �he �ig�es� degree possible. This may be accomplished a number of d�fferen� ways. The following gu�delines 5ha�1 be used by the Des�gn Review Board in evaluating any dish app7ication : I. The use of inesh dis�es is highly �ncoaraged, In reviewing appiications for �esh dishes , cons�deration wi�1 be given to dishes that are architecturally integra�ed �n to the ��sign of a structure. WhiTe . some degree of screening wi�l st311 be required of inesh �ishes, an application that is successfu�ly in�egrated inta the design of a struc�ure may require a 3ess a�ount of screening materia�s t�a� a solid dish ins�al�ation. When integrat�ng a mes� dish with �a structure, the use of similar colors o� the dish and the structure shall be required. 2. 7he use of neutral colors and/or ear�h tones is highly �ncouraged. Other colors and �ishes w�th re�l�ct7ve surfaces shai1 be discouraged. Dishes may be painted to provide for a more sensitive insta��ation re�ative ta the enviranment in wh�ch the d�s� is propased. 3. Solid dishes shall be screened from view from any pu�lic right-of-way • or adjacent property �a the highest degree poss�ble. This may be accomplished through the use of landscape ma�erials; fencing, existing structures, subgrade placements, or other means tha� both screen the dish a�d do not appear to be unnatura� an the site. � STAFF R£CD�hMENTA7I0N The staff has �earned a great deal over the last few months abaut sateTl �te dish instal7ations. Sased on our research, tN�e staff feels strongly that Vai7 needs more specif-�c regu1atians addressing sate�lite installatians . it is felt that an ordinance similar to the one outlined in th�s memo . wi�l provide Va�l with workable guide� ines for �he applicant as we� l as . " resu�t�ng in installations with a mini�a� amount of visua1 �m�act on � adjacent properties and the cot�munity as a whale. Th� s�aff wotald encourage . your c4mments and suggestions concerning this presentation. Given the direction by the Council , the staff is ready to proceed with the necessary � approval pracesses to estabZish this ordinance. � � --� - �� Robert L. Arnold Associates � Architects, P.C. - 230 Bridge Street � Vail, Colorado 81657 ` (303) 476-1147 February 20, 1985 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Uail P7anner 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8�657 RE: A & D Build3ng Remode7 _ Dear Kristan: T a�n writing to further clarify our response �o �he Design �eview Baard and Plann�ng Co�nission's cor�ents yau autTine� in your letter ta us of December 5, 7984. These items re�lected in our drawings submitted Feb- ruary 19, 1985 �or the �iarch 6th. Design Review Board meeting, are as fo71ows: 1 . Site 1ighting will be handled with recessed wal� 1ights and and accent uplights in tree vauits (see landscape plans) . . Bui7ding entries wi7� be accen�ed with recessed down lights in overhanging soffits . 2. Raaf projections housing restaurar�t and residentiaT fireplace f�ues will have an arched roof (see Elevation Sheets A4 and R5} . 3. Sheet A5, Sauth Building Elevation , shows a more de�a���d approach �o the window group�ngs and finishes on �he sauth e1evation. Type and size of openings allowed in this wa1T , due to its �ocation an the property, is current�y under re- view by S�eve Pattersfln. 4. Sheet A6 shows d�tails of �the trans�tion between �he siding and stucca at the northeast building corner. We 7ooked at the suggestion of bringing the stucco wali forwarded but found it not to be consisten� with the building vocahulary. 5. 7he meta1 signage band is detaiTed on Sheet A7. This 1/8" thick forr�ed aluminium panel wi17 be supplied wi�h a low-gloss, factory paint finish. We wi11 have an example of the material , color and fin�sh for your review on or before the March 6th. meeting. � Robert L. Arnold AIA DZryl V. �larris AIA Mfcl�ael R. Houx AIA February 20, 1985 � Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vai� Planner RE: A & D Suilding Remodel Page Twa 6. Sheet A8 outlines our building sign program. S�gn brac�et deta�Ts are shawn vn Shee�s A7 and A8. Only the recessed display boxes will be provided wi�h indir�ct �ig�t7ng. 7. It is our i�tent�on to prevent s.now and water from shedding off �he roof; i� will be a coTd roof provided with an inter- �al �ut�er and snowfence at roof eaves {see detail on Sheet 7} . 8. Details requested for the balcony rails and restaurant entry canopy are shown on Sheets A6 and A7. 7he din�ng patio rail� ings are shown an Sheet L-4. 9. As requested, th� pavers a7ong the narth side o� the building are ou� an additiona7 foot (seven feet from the building edge}. i �0. Landscape p7ans show details far tree vaults and planters on She�t L-4. Tn res�onse to the need for landscaping along the north side, two new planters and one tree vault have been added to work w�th the existing 7oading zone. This is a�l that can be done untii the Town S�aff has evaluated aTterna- tive Toading positions . 17 . Per your prev�ous discussions wi�h Buf�, the retail entry will remain as shown. Addit�onal comments: 1 . Refer to Item #70. 2. Yes , a pedestrian easement w�ll �e prov�ded along Mi11 Creek. 3. We have submitted, for your review, a f7ood plain ana7ys�s prepared by "Hydro�Triad, �td." of �akewaod, Colorada for Mi71 Creek (above Gor� Creek Dr�ve) and yes , we. do need final appro- val o� our encroachment on Town of Vai1 7and for the Mi�7 �reek improvem�nts. � � February 20, i985 Ms. Kristan Pr�tz Town af Vail Planner RE: A & D Building Remodel Page Three �. The wall along Mill Creek only projects to the nort� as needed to protect the new �ree from damage. 5. The drainage along Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street is con- sistent wit� the existing situation. I hope our response to your comments are both verbally and graphical�y c�ear, i� yau have any quest�ons or need f�rther informat�on, pTease contact me as soon as possible. Sest regards, � Daryl V. Harris , A.I .A. DVH/nid cc: File � � ��j+ 7 �aw� of uai 75 south frontage road . vail, colarado 81657 (303) 4�6-�00o bffice af community development DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1985 2:OOPM I. Call t�leeting ta Ord�r IT . Rall Ca�� , determination ofi quorum III. Agenda items 5ite l .Kennington �lot Tub - Un�t 2 Tyrolean Inn V�sits #1 Tabied by applicant to Niarch 6, 1985 -- Design Review Board #2 2. Nioun�ain Haus - 7wo deck enclosures P�1otion - Jack Nunn � Second - Rick Baldwin Approved - 5-0 IV. 1Vew Business V. 01d Business. Lianshead Liqours Internal Lighted Awning - Approved with cond��ians. Baxter's Awn�ng - Go7den Aeak hlouse - Tabled to A9arch 6, 1985, QRB STAFF APPROVALS Gibsan Additian - Revisions ls� Nationa7 Bank of Vail - VaiT �as Shone Shopping -- Awning Dempsey's Unit, Vail Trai1s Chalet #11 - Paint Job ; MEh�BERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAF�' PRESEIVT: STAFF ABSEN�f: Rick Baldwin Kr�stan Pritz Steve Caswe77 Rick Py1man Diana Donovar� Ned Gwathmey Jack Hunn Richard hlatthews Kat�y bda rren �� `�`� Project Application Date � � �roject Name: �� Project Description: � ~� �- y Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: � `J � .1 �� ' ���� Architect, Address and Phone: �egai Description: Lot , 81ock , Filing , Zone �' �G � Comments: � -c_ �. t � � „r � � Design Re�iew Board Date . �� ���- - � ,,,.,,,.� ���.. �-I-I �E� C�,S��-��. �E����� Motion by; � Seconded by: ���� �---- DISAPPROVAL �APPROVAL � �_�. .Ip � � � -� � v��;� � ; �� �.�.s-.�"� 1 , ,�i � � --�'�� U c_e��.� +�. � { `�.,,� �� . h4 � , �\.J � C' C- `� vb�,,,� � `-`�-- � �ummary: ` �! L";1� 'b[ �I 1 l�?I r - 1 4i,Nh � t :lf� . � � � �, � � � . � l.J rJ � {� ' �J tC. � < < `.� I�" } , �� � G, Y-. . , � ��_ ��' �b��i _ ��,y���:�- ���h�t� t�.���f� -� � Town nner ❑ Staff ApprOVal Date: Project Application � ' Date E� r raject Name: Project Rescription: � � � Contact.Person and PF►one . Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: l.egal Rescri�tion: Lot _ , Block , Filing�� "°"�' , Zone� Comments: � Design Review Board Date ����� � Motion by: , 5econded by: 1 ApQROV/�� DISAPPROVAL � � � Summary: ^ . � ❑ Staff Approval � Town lanner Qate: � . �• � y��y1 �} �oW� o ua� 75 south frontage road , vail,colorada 81657 (343) 476-7D00 oftice of cammunliy deveEopment DESIGPd REVIE�1 BOARD r1E�TIP�� March 6, 1985 2:OQPM I . Call Me�ting to Order II . Roll Ca11 , determination of quorum III . Ag�nda i�ems : Site Visit 1 . Red Lion� Sign, Red Lion Bui�ding #6 tiJithdrawn by applicant . #3 2. Vai1 Znternational Office Addition Motion - Steve Caswell Second -� Donavan Approved - 5-0 with noted changes - stucco on urest stair elevation and shed ta tl�e west of end of new s-�ai r. #5 3. Kennington Hot Tub -- Tyroiean tabl ed by appl icant �,-:: #7 4. A & D Bu3lding Final Review � �9otion - Steve Caswe7l Second - Gwatnmey Approved 5-0 Final ap�roval � #1 5. Maruyama New Residence, Lat b, B�ock 8, Vail Intermountain P9otian - Kathy Warren Second - Diana Dnnovan Approv�d - 5-0 Preli[�inary Rp�roval #2 6. F�sh�r Addition - Lot 17 , B1QC�C 6, Intermountain r Conceptua1 Ta�l�d by applicant #4 7 . Pr�ce/W�senbaker New Residence Concep�ual R�view ].53 Beav�r Dam Road -� Lo� 3T, Bl ocf� 7, VV 7 st Concep�ual Review • IV. New Business Selection af Des�gn Review Board Chair. R,ick Baldwin - Chair Steve Caswe13 - ATternate Cha�r Discussion of Internal L�te Aw�in�s :W�rK.�Shop��-� March 2Q�h, �985 . V. Old Business STAFF APPROVA�S : ' World C�p - �wo bann�rs MENiBERS PRESEN7: MEMBERS ABS�NT: STAFF PRESENT: S7AFF A6S��iT: Rick Ba3dwin Tom Braun Steve Caswe7l {meeting, not site visits) Kristan Pritz Diar�a Donovan Rick Fyl�€an tJed Gwathmey �hy Wa rren Project Applica#ion Date � Pro'ect Name: ����~`` � ,� � Prpject Description: � Contact Person and Phone � �^ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: L.egal Description: Lot���^ , Slb� ' , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date Mation by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 1� �'t �� G�'w� �-- "� �f� .�..� �/h. u�• s � �� Town PEanner ❑ Staff Apprp�af Date: Project Application _ Date `/� ��� - � Project Name; � �' � � f � � � iJ Project Description: z � � � k � Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: �/,���– l�r� �"� ����r'" � ����� �CC�'. _ ,9.0���.cd� ��P� ,�c.�X ��� � c.�,�,�,�� -��� —���� Architect, Address and Phone: —,/�/��T��~ � ��� `?� ��/L �L�--o l�""`�° �2 ��� �`%� - - Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone �3 E�a ,�. � �r�,nG��f�/�l� Gl;�c�� Cornments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Secanded by: .. ��n - APPROVAL DkSAPPROVAL �rl �11 . _ _ Summary: ` �� � 1'own P nner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � � .y ' �. , ', Y • � ,��� �aw� o � Val �' 75 south frontaqe road vaik, co�orado 81657 oftice oi eammursity cfevelopment {303} 476-7006 � �fl; Buff Arnold FROM: Com�unity Development Department DA�E: ��arch 1 , 1985 SUBJECT: �o�ents��ram $he�February�27,e1985 reviewD Bu�ld�ng: I have included the list of staf� ca��eVn�� a��a��d w� met with�S�teved�ng praposal and the salutions that we Patterson and Bi�l Andrews. � . The drair�age p�an needs to be revised. How is roo� drainage handled? ti�lhere does the water go after it reacl�es th� nort�west corner of ti�e i �u�,d1�,�� � �elieve that you and Bill Andrews arr�ved`a't an understanding of how the drainage sf�ould be hand�ed �for the A & D �u�l�ing• �hi5 wi�l need �o be reviewed thoroughly at the t�me of buildin9 permit review. 2, Does the roof overhang onto Town of 11ai1 property? I� was determ�ned tnat the roafi does averhang 1 '3" over Town of Vail property. Bi�l Andrews �i� not have a problem with ���e roof averhang. 3. Deta�ls on �he south e�eva�ion of the building as per the requ�irements .� .� of Steve Patterson should b� subm�tted. Steve Pa�terson and Buff Arnold are still in ti�e process af tryinq ta woric out the e�eva�3on far th� south side of the building. 4, l�ti� ity sign-o�f sheet will be comp3eted. Suff Arna1d will work on getting the signatures for the sign-off sheet. 5. Are you go�ng to be using existing water taps? Probably more water �aps will be needed. �. Confirm the �ase of the interlocking 7own of Vai1 pavErs. 1'own of Vail interlacking �avers wijl be used �or t�E project �r�d t�ne pavers on the north side of �he bui1ding wi�l be heated. � . . , -2- , �' . , 7. The curb detai� on pay� L-� s�oul.d be mair�tained along the b�ildin9 where the rock work i5 expQS�d �o snow remaval equipment. • �Fhe curb de�ta�l w�11 b�: maintained along a�l af the rock wark similar to �he type of curb detail uscd 7� ��►� Lionshead Mall . g. More than �wo weep hales are needed 7n the wa17 by the creek on the east side of the building. The architect wi11 l004: at the drainage for this area more close�Y• 9. Are windows on the project rol�-out win�ows? Da they ir�pede �ra�tic eitf�er pedestr�an or vehic�e. �fhe windows are no� ro�l�out windaws. 10. Ind7ca�e the locat�on of �he canopy on �he site plan, also indicate color. Are you proposing slgnage on three sides o�r the awning? �he canopy wil� be tin frant of ��e res�aurant along Bridge Street, and it w111 not extend any fur�}�er than the �lantcr �y the doarv{ay. The awning is completely an the owner' s praperty. $igns will e�ther be on two sides of the awning ar only on the front of the awning. 11 . The sign program should �nclude spaces for 1oading and no-park�ng sign5 {wi��ch presently exist an the building) or sleeves �or the signs w�thin the paving des�gn i# t}�e signs wi�l not �e located on the builcfing• Buff has agreed to prov���ace�load�nS and�no--�arkt�nngswgrose �h� Town . of Va31 will be able �o p 9 P g 12. Br�dge Street Rea�ty is allowed only ane sign on the north side of �he bullding. The szgn program will shaw on�y or�e sign on the building for Sridge Street Realty. �3� ortfu�ure�ownerlshould plan onithE�AoteQtial ��lacement�of ���o16plights, �Sp��»��y �n the patio area on �he east s�de of tf�e build�ng. Bui�ding � ighting will be directed inta tf�e street. 14. Confirm that tree grates are at grade. A� so, wi11 the 3/�`� wrought �ron guards around the trees be strong enough to withstand possible snow plow bea�ings, etc.? Tree grates are a� grade and Buff wi 11 cf�ecic i nto the 3/4" wrougf�t i ran. 15. F1ood p1a�n modification: An application must be made ir�mediate� �o the Planning and En�iranmental Comm�ssion to review t�e--�oc P a�n modlfication propasal . �EMA and the Army Corp of Engineers must be informed of the flood p�ain modif�ca�ion. �inai DRB appraval is contingent upan the PEC approval of �.he modification. Buff wi71 make an ap�lica�ion �o PEC for f��ood plain modification. � • • • . -3- r ' � . . ��. An update� materiais sheet i5 probably r��•eded• Buff agreed to fi17 out a new sheet ta s��ow the new landscap�r�g and • other minor changes in th� bu�iding. 17. A pedes�rian easement wi7� be provided a7on9 Mill Creek. Th�s pedestrian easement should be wr�tten and su�mitted to staff as soon as possib1e and definite7y before a bui1d�ng permit wi�l be issued. This will be submitted at the time o� bui3ding permit i�' nat soor�er . � �8. Approva� of tF�e encroachr�ent on Town of V��1 property �n the area of the eas� patio �nust be addressed. Tawn o� Vail approvaT is n�cessary in order to construct a portion o�" the patio on th�s praperty. Haw will ti�e patio walls be buiit without encroaching an existing utility � ines? A revocable right�of-way agreement wili be filled out for p�anters and any other encroacf�ntents on Town of Va�l property at the tir�e of bui�ding per�it a��lication. 2Q. At the time af building permit ,. a le�ter of cond�tians o� approval wi�l be signed by t�e developer and be wri�ter� in such a way �ha� �he letter of conditio�s would a�p1y �o any future owners or condo�ninium associations. I wiil take care of wr�ting that letter and t�ave it ready for you at the time of building permit. • . . � � � . �� . '� , � , , � • , TO: Planning and Envix-onmental Co�mission FROM: Community Developm�nt Depart�nent DATE: March 3�, 1985 SUB�TECT; gequ�st for a coradi�ioz�aY use permit tQ canstruct a bas� faci.Iity for a new quadrupie chair 1if� calZed the Vzsta Bahn. Appzicant: Vai1 Assocxates DESCRIPTYON OF I'ROP05ED USE Vai1 Asscc�ates is proposing to cons�ruct $�p m1llzon wazth of impr�vements on Vail biountain in the su�mer af .�985 . One of the ma�or improve�;ents scheaul �d is a new auadruple cha�r Iift from the V�.11age base area to nid-Vai�. , This I.ift will rep�ace exis�i.ng chair lift No . Z6 and �ncrease the capaci�y �x'om 1200 to 2650 People per no�r. A 12� shift zn the route the skiers take up the mountain wil� occur so that 54s o� �h� skiers will now r�o out o� the Vi13ar, e . The sit� is located on Txact E, Vail Vi].lage lst Filing and is c�,mea by Vail Assoc�ates and zoned Agricultural and Open Space. The '�ase builcing �'or the Iif� is approxirlately 2 , 072 sauare feet and is a 1cw--px-ofiZe desa.gned building. Yt, is to be located i,;,�t�eazately to the north . of the exist�.ng Chair Lift 16 �ensian terminal . The tr,ature stand of pine and aspen tre�s will be affec�ed by the proposal, £or th� base bualdzr�g. Please refez �o �n� Q at�d p�rspec�ive drawing for a better Unaerstandingto�c�he nroposaln _ .•;,,;;I.��,.+'� , CRITERIA .AND FINDxNGS .��`�` � - �:�. . S �.!�'.�_'. �y��;_Upon review of Section I8 .6Q, the Cornmunity Deve�.oPment De artment - "�`recomm�nds approvai of the conditional use permit bas�d �apon � �the follawang �actors: .u�;5 e: "::Consideration o� Factars . _ : �-;:� . "%�Re�at�onship_and impact ot the use oz� development objectives �,;Y,: �of the Town� ---- s�,.;=-:�:— ------.� . .�Sr�.x.. ;��� The upgrading and expansion af Iifts and �'acil �ties on Vai � :�r s;~: __ ��r:.`. Mountain 7.s cruc,ial far the long term success of �he Town o�' - . '�'`"�-- �7ai1. We must cantinUe to recor,nize �hat skiin ,,{:,.. s y r�:�::- z�� ,��:�:�" ,- a�wa s w�.II be this Town °s number one ind�zstr� ����inues an�3 ��..., y - '�� '`''�'' y and its reason -� -<�,�,�:;_:.,. . for existenc�. Vail Mcunta�n must maintain its place in t,h� ` ;�" - market as No. 1 so that we can be cor;pE�i��v� �o�. ��e shrinkzn � �,E, :,- , �'4 , �" skier market, in the �on term. Thus, �h� g � �' � Prflposal to construct �;.,..-., , 9 :�;��r,.��.;, .. this qtiad Zift .zs one e��ment of an o��erall mountain development �� pZan contain�.n fa.v� g phases which wi � i assure the continued ,� success af Vai,]. Mo�ntain and this, o� course, is v�ry consistent ' with the development objectives o� the Town of Vai1. .r., ..ti,���MK�J�rJ ,sa• . . . . 'S H{G %�✓ .�'��f . . . ., �;�� '� � � '� . ' . .. � . . . , _ ,� - � � }; . � . The effect of th� us� on ligh� and air, dzs�ribu�ion of p�ula�ion, transportation �acilities, utilities, schools,_ parks and_r�creation f acilities, and other �ublic facil.�ti�s n�eds . A. E�fect U on Uta.lities As you can see on the enclosed site p�an the�re �xists a ten faot u�ility ease�nent adjacent to the proper�y �i ne and the proposed base facility encroaches upon this easement. A se�back variance from �he 20 foot requirement in the AOS zone is required and is addessed in an at�.ached mc�rc,orandum. There are no utili�ies a.n this easement at this t�me, and Vail Associates �.s currently in �he process p� obtaining app_Yr�ls �rom eachrvutili_ty ._ta _constrt�ct over .�heu 6easem,ent . B . Vai1 Inst�tute Tent 'Fhe construction ot the c�uad lift base building will encroach upan tY�e Vail. Tnstitute ten�. area to the ex�ent tha� it wi �l be unusable this summez. We have received verba�. perznission �ror� the summer �sers of the tent (Vail Insti:u�e, CMC, and Rotary } that they agree to the canstruc�ion anct did not wish to use �he �.�nt for their even�s this summer � anyway. E �fect upon traffic withipartic�lar ref�rence to con�estion, automotive and edestrian safety and convenience, traffic �low and control , access , maneuverabili�y, and ��r�oval of snow �rorn the stre�t. axid parka.ng areas. � .� �a �� ,rs� A Parking a� . �.,� . ����� '��f,�,'�, _',< _��,�d�r',�k:` _ ,t;; In January a parking task force was �'ormed consisting af ����?+'� '.x � members of the Town s�aff. Duane Pzper, Dan Corcqran, Hermann ����}'r � �,` �' y P P �: ��, S'tau£er, Joe Mac and NoZan Rosa1.1 . The ur ose o£ the a�s,►�.fi,l,r i-�.?_:::.,• , - �� „,�;:,.,:,;> task �orce was to stuc�y the parking problems crea�ed by � ; �'�'�;;;�:_��. the instal. J.ation of the new qvad 1if� and ta so�ve the : ��, :� ,.��`:��",.. ��..�� ����::��;�,:�: existing shortage at parki.ng spaces in �he Village area ��.����'�>� {'`°, as welZ . The task force was charged with making both short ;����,,,?;�,�;;�!;,;;-;,- �nd �ong term recommenc3a�ions through �.he Planning Commission �������� � � °: and Town Council in an attempt to salve this parking prab�em. i#3'��k;�yF r ��L��:�w r� 'µ',.. .��r?'' . "�" Projections done by Nolan Rosall and Vai� Assaciates show '��..,/�1.�.� J��Kr:;.'...^ '. , ���;�,.,.'�`;�^ ` that the uad lift alone will increase the demands �or �_ h��� v[Y�,.,,.. : q :.�����,�r'��': parking in the Villag� by approxima�.ely 230 spaces on a $,.. ... ._ :-�����;�� �- peak day { see attached let��r from Joe Ma cy ) . On �op of , ,,�-�,-,';�.'��f��:.• the 230 spac� shortage for �.he lift, we ar� currently 330 ��*�^J���- - - spaces shart of rneeting today°s derr�and on the Va.l�age parking `'-��!`a�y?`^'� � structure . Thus , the parki.ng task £orce is aadressing v,����.�: �;� , `, a parking shortage af the magnitude of approximately 560 '� '3� � spaces and is very close to making recommendatioras for ��.���`-:,,. : :.�',,,,�:,���::��-- �• ,< �}�'9��v,.;:: '- . .,.�i�, 'Y..}�;i,'i?+_.�;�t��`� . . �r . Yijv",�'_ . � � . p�a'i . . - ' - . . � � ;s��y��w . . . . s . .�, < - •��+�"v�'"�`., . .. , � i_ shart and Zong term solutions. . � In genera�. , the task �orce° s recomsnendat�on for the short tex-m wi1.1 center around re-�alloction of the local and residen� use of the Village Transportation Center to a�low increas�d day skier use of the Vil3age structure as we.�l as convextir,g a major portion o� the Golden P�ak base area parking �o day skier parking rather than Vail Associates emp� oyee parking. The task force has a rr.ee�ing this Fric�ny, March 8, ta finala.ze our short term reco.`�snendations which will be presented in more detail �o �.l�e P�C this �oming rSonday. We feel the task force has made s�gnificant progress in the 2 mon�hs we"ve been addressing �.his prob�em, and we are conf�.dent �hat we can present viab�e so�utions ta the increased parking c3emand probiean. B. Access • �he construction acc�ss to the site zs pro�csed to be �rom �he moun�ain access raad l�cated to tne �,��est of the prcposed bui�ding szte . The constr�ction vehicJ�es wi�l ce�<<e in on this rcad through Forest 5ervice l�r.d anc access the construction site through the existing �„eadow area �ctween the sitc� and the road. rorest 5ervice �pproval is recuir�d for this access as weli as appzcvals zor the �nti�e :•;oLntain improvement p1an. A Zet�er which is a���cned £zora �he . Forest Servic� explains thei�r upcoming ap�raval process and cantro� over constxuction ac�.iviti�s . C. Sta in Areas Please read fhe accompanying letter frorr► Vail Associates regarding the s�aging areas prcposed �ar �.he �ift construc�ion "��"�'�'.``"""�'`` thi.s summer. The proposal includes the use of ��e Golden s_^� r;; hyY 4a`;a �'�����•�� ,;�, Peak and west day lat areas for this purpose. �t wil� require a`.�"§ ��iF��' y 1'r:�' , n��. ���;s��,�,-<,,: a separate conditional use perma.�. which will be under P�C ����.��,���g�� �>;: cansidera�ion on Apri.l 8 . As the letter indaca�es , the �`-S�'s�`froz���; - _,.;�;.�����_ ;���,;,;;� use of helicopt�rs will be reqUired on occasion �.}�ra�gho�t x����'�' 1,�� �.^ � the summer and ever effort wil� be made �o miti ate these '-n,,��,i ,���,ur:. Y g �' ,����� ��x�y�' �.mpacts. �,�•�r���� x�t ,.����, . - q-•a ++q,��3y � ::} . '' ��'���'Effect upon the chara�ter of �.he area in wh�ch the praposed `.�♦ �w.yFy`L,-� . _ a;� use .is to b2 3.ocat�d, including the scale and bulk of the pro op sed :: ! , � r x use �n relation to surroundin uses. • ^�s.r cr- -�- .g_ ,.� . ;•,. w'�:�:s�:;�� r;�,tlt+:s,•:;, '`��';����y�� ''�TY�e proposed building wiJ.l have no neaa�.ive ef�ects upan the _.,..�, �. ���`:f.���^`� y��:Character of the area as far as scale and bulk characteristics . -t'''���, ��':The Iocation o� th� use has been historically one o£ a ski base ; ���,�� -���':;��,�c�,?'area �nd is �ompatible to the surrounding �and uses. The potent�al .,�- _ .��.��. �,rt;:. ���.,,,_;�.lass of a mature stand of trees to locate the base facility -���.�ls a negat 'lve impact upon th� immediate area . Zve feel tha� �>��:�R�=>' :'' Vaz]. Associates should look inta tne feasibility of re�.ocata.ng � , � :. �3h�S the building to pr�serve as many trees as �ossible . Relocation �. 4 of the bt� ildin to the south in �.h� area of th� exi.sting lift :,�,ti�_';:5::ti g �'� � % .ajk fF�f'G ; �'� � �s{'��'2i., + . --.�I�iv,,l,. . � �7:� .Xi''.: . � . f ���� . � . � - _ _ ;dc`v'....._. . . . ' . . . ' - . J ` ' � �` � � stru:�cttares wou�d allow �his s�and of tre�s to rema�n. � ' RELATED POLICIES �N VAIL°S COMMiJNITY ACTION FLA�T �.. To assure continu.ing publzc and private maint�nance and enYiancement o�' znajar comrttunity pzoc3uCts and facilities. 2 . Vail should make every effor�. to maximize the use o�' its � � recreational facixit�.es and resources-Vail Mountain. 3 . The sho�lder seasons also should be significantly developed and promoted. (The quad 1.i�t will allow a longer ski season on both ends . } 4 . Tdentify and pramote oppartuni.�.�es for recreation, �tc. 5. De�az �ed p7�Xsical planning should take place to insure planned, informed d�cisions about �and use; develop a master plan for Vail Moun�ain. - - SITCH OTHER FACTORS �ND CRITER�A A.S THE CO�iISSIQN DEEI� APPLIC`zRT•F TO THE PROPOSED. USE. THE EDIVYRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CONCERN�NG THE �ROPOS�D USE , IF AN ENVIRONi�3E�iTAL �MPACT RE�4RT �S REQUIRED BY �HAPTER 1$.55. � An enviroramental impact report is not requiz�ed. � FINDINGS The Corr�unity Develapnent Departm�nt recorr�,�ends that the conditiona� - use permit be approved based on the followirig findings : +..� That the proposed loca�ion of the use is in accord with �'�; .�� ;.�� �he purposes o£ �his ordi.nance and the purposes of the -; �t-.. �=�..��.;:.:' . � `�`'� ��;���:;;�:;,,� ,. d.istrict �.n which the site is located. _ �:��F;�;;- _ ' ;r;�=;a;;�--==='. . - That �he propased location o� the use and the conditians .�,��� `, , under which it wo�ld be operat�d or maintained would no�. ` � �'s`"�,>..:.-.:.�:, be de�rimenta].�.o the public heal�.h, sa£ety, or wel£ar� .:� ��: s�,;.,:T ,-:, . ���;•;�:..;: or material�y injurious to properta.es or zmprovements in � ,�?-{'• the vicinity. . �,,�� �s:'°' ,,�.. .. �:�:,:a�.;_. � �.,,:,a. , ;. � .� •4�,�,�_";.`;�:°. � That the propos�d t�se would compl.y with each of the app�.ical�l� `` `�� �� provisions at this ordznance. � �°. ,�. . �., .�¢,. �_����f:-::.•±� �STAFF RECOr'IM�NDATiONS :�`; ` _-�-�:::• : �' � "�����'` The bepar�rrient of Cotnmunity Develapmen�. recommends approval _`- .,+�� .i::ti��-`:t�: .. , o� the candi.�ional �s� perrnit xeques� for a quac3ruple chair ���'' f`-�. li£t. We f�e1 that the l.if� is a much needed element in an ;�, ���..�,.,,-. �`"' a '� -^' �� overall excellent mountain lan which wi �l si nficantl u rade ���;•;.:s. P 9 Y I�9 �_:��:�:�:�,� . the quality af the ski experience on Vai1 hlountain. The accor�- s,.,F,... , r� - pli.shment o� th� five-phase mou;ntain deve�opment plan can only ;�� � . ; be a tremenc3ously positive impacti upon the viability of the -��'"`�h � ��- �.��,F•,. �'��� �r �: � t ��" . � , r. �°��- �;�"�� , , �� � cosnrrauni�.y . Tt a.s absolutely essentia� that the Tcwn c,overr:�zer.t � work very closely with Va� l Associates regarding the i.��pacts on the VailEy by making these irr,provemer�ts . Areas whicn need to be addressed i.nc�ude parking, bus service, increased k�ed base, as we11 as other general impacts re�ated to in�reased �ongestion. The comriuni�ation be�.ween Town officials and Vai1. � Associ.ates is very good regarding this caardination, and we intend to continue �hes� effar�s . We feel that there are faur important condi�ions of our approval as follows : ].. W�'itten approvaJ.s frora all applzcable u�ility companies app�aving cons�.ruction as proposed in th e 10 foo� utility easement befor� a building permit is a.ssued. 2 . Wx'�.�ten approvals from the users of the Vai .l �nstitute '�ent for the summer of 1585 bezore a bu�3.aing permit is issued. � - - - 3 . Vail Associates shall s�udy tre relocatian o� �he 1a.�t base faci�.i.ty in an attenp� �o save zs .��any o� ti-i� existing trees as p�ssib3e. This study will be c,or,e cocpera�5.vel�r with tl�e Corru:�unity Developnent t7epaxt,�,en�. 4. Vai�. Assoc�ates shall comply witn -che "r'orest Service rc--quire- rne�ts for erosion control dur�nc3 construc�_on cnd rev�aeta-tion follaw�ng construction. Revegetation of t;�e dis�urbed . areas sY�all �aice piace betore i�'over;�er 15 , 1°85 . .t�,. �;��, ,� -�--�;�� _ � :r.. ,Q :Kx;��� : ��t f.���''j� .�. �t,,,�� �, -��`�'�.r����'' �'w ti i�����r 5 fi " . rr.�f`s�a.��f�� ar. ,� �'y�.< ,�r`�J'�3 � ` � �� .' '��+.dda•:�:•'�,3��i':Y::' . . '.>.��,,:`'�,;;;��F.�,�, -7t/J t-�:ry'; -. .ot���r �.fi, _�;�.��,_ s7:'rltyd'.".'.-,;>��r,r;�= . ��t�.��:1'F� �Y{-.>:M.F-::a . . ���r 4� �'�� � _ Y;�;,y,�'��:�,>;'' ..,lV3rt�+�' 1h�� ..:�;�;��J..�..-.• . hk�t���t."a , ,�ys�. '1� ' -.��?R�°Ri4'�FH fi.�=- �'Y '� ` . ��� r -. "?Jh�t�w.:','��::- . -_tx�^.; _ . . . . . 1 f.` -�., T �� irt . . -.a� �jt :� - � .�3:. _ . . . . . ' ' � . _..� ,-♦ i _,� .'-..;,,� . . i r .._ .. _ ,. 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S � .�l Y,, f �l �1 !\ - . � . � . �l �;., �.-,..��.z--- -�� - ::.1'.i � ` f f . , � � .. � .L. :���. �—� �: �� . � �, � . � � ��r;�.�`�b Y 5{_ �-�` � :� � � ' �� t .1,• �, . ��,�`�'s-�y��y�1,;��,�,r�z� # '� � � �1, � � , ". ' -i �, 1�',•��t�f,���� �a�f- � ' � � � � . . • �r���j�l";`1i1,.� �f'•`� I i � ; • (,�� E ��,'��i s��, 1 � ��r"" —_ , '. i � �, a . ;�,;" .,#�.�'�r��� � r� ' � � .. �?x:-.-;�-.-J-i�� � i + ' . � `,' a . - �, • , . f L�q�,� ° h:'iL vi i '� ! � ir � - ' �. ; k{ � �� . I . . � �`' , ' �� � i � - � _. .���..t : . . �� � ; # ; �' . � � p i} �-y — .j � . 1'i � ; � .�r.?,�- .�:�-� 1 y.f`.� ;.�' � . -' . , . � . • • �� H' ��� '� '�'��'y � 't " � + � ;'�b � ��1 '� � �" _'� 'e����.���t� 1� . � , • ��;.' i`i�,����-�� '] �i�� �L�+ Z 1 '� � -'�',� �.�e'�u�,�; .... _ , �"�'�'T ,`. ��'.j;�I �,���.,� � !t', � � ' � : ,.I :; � , : � �s, �i�,�� ►; 7 , �� � �1�•, '�' ;���� . � . ,� �������;3 ����� �'���--��`� �� � � ,��, ; � 3/11/B5 PEC 2 . . � . . , _ � Afteid� responded that the prvbTem was �unding. Vie1e moved and �Jalters seconded to approve �he cond�tional use permi� per t�e . staff ine�no, i'he vote was 6 �in�avor w�th Af�Fe�d� absta�ning, Doriovan reques�ed �hat Affe�dt forward the concerns about a r�aster plan to the hospita7 adr�inistrators. 4. A r far a conditiona�fi,-�se erm�t a�d for a setbac€c variance for a new dru 3e chair lif� loca�ed near �he base of Chair i6. 'Applicant: Vail Associates � Peter-�Fa�terL.mad� �hP - -�t�.-�--�rg entation. He pointed ou� �ha� there wouid be a . 12% sh�ft in the rou�e s�Ciers �afce u� �he mountain. With 12% more skiers us�ng the Village 7 �-�t, there would be an increased derr�and for park�ng spaces. Ne then discussed the effect upon �he Vai1 Ir�s�3tute t�n� and stated tha� the staff had received verba7 permissian �Fro� �he summer users of the ten� to the ef-Fec� that they �agree to the cons�ruction and did no� wi5h �o use the tent �his summer. Patten reviewed the memo which dealt with access , related polic�es in Vai7 ' s Community Action PZan, f�r�dings and the staff recommendations wi��c� �ncluded 4 cor�di-�ior�s of approva� , �here was a request for a s�de setbacCc o-f 14 �ee�, whlch had been reduced sl �gh-�ly by moving the s�ructure slightiy south. � Joe Macy of Va�] Associates stated that th�y had written approval -From 4 of the 5 uti] ity companies ar�d were abaut to rece�ve the 5th, ali of whic� gave approval for construction in the ZO foo� uttlity easement. (M�k� Larson, a�so of Vai7 Associates pointed out tha� only roo� overhangs would be i� the easement. ) i�tacy agr�eed �o the 4 cond��ions and added �ha� VA wauld p7an� new tre�s ta re�lace -��ase cut down for canstr�ctior�. Eie stated that Y�e was a member o� the park�ng �ask force and was he3ping to find new parking spaces in �awn. One suggestion from the . '::, task force was to �nake �ne park�ng at Goiden pea�C a pay par�Cing �ot for the pub7�c � and Vail Assacia�es would probab7y be able to lease park�ng sgaces a� Manar L.odg��. ��=�� � � Macy fe�t that there would not be more than a TO% �ncrease �n skiers ge���ng onto .Y�'��`:�.�:����'�:'�:;� iifts from Vai7 Vi7lage on a "worst day sceRar�o of 16,aoa skiers. " �;J• ������<����':�':`� �`�-.��� Jack Curt�n, represen�i ng Mrs. F!i�7 who owns praperty a� One Vai l P�ace as we71 - - ' �s �he Hi1I Buiiding, stated tha� Mrs. HiTI had no abject�on to construction o� the '.�new lift, and no concern i� trees were sacrificed, s�nce more trees could a7ways � . . . be planted. Rapson ex�ressed concern about egress of �[�e increased nur�ber of sk�iers, �. for he said egress was already a problem. Macy said the pla� was to ti���den and � ir�prove t�e Tourist Trap area. Rapsan wondered if the gu11y abave cou�d be widened, 'and' Dave �arsan af Vat] Associa�es stated that there was a prob7em beca�se it con�a�ned the Tow�n of Vail pump sta�ion. �arry �itchli�er of Vail Associates pointed o�at tha� the Vista Bahn had down3oading capabi] ities, and down�oadin� �vould - be encouraged for �he skiers of lower ability. Donovan was unhappy about ti�e fact that Vail Assoczates wouid receive �he money for sk�ers parking at tt�e base of -- ` Go7den Peak. Schultz asked when �he addit�on to the Village parkinc� s�ructure i . :j},:: - ���, . � y� �, �. . �_���'�,N;2 . , . . � . .. . k�" _ . ... 't.. ' , - � . ' . � y�j i 7 tow� o �a� 75 soe�th frontage roaci • vail, colorado 89657 (303) 47fi-7000 oftice of communliy d�velopment Tp: Design Rev�ew Board FRpNi: Departr�ent of Comr�unity Qeve�opment� DATE: March 12, 1985 ��: Revisions to Sate7� ite Dish Regulations Fo1lowing the appeal of the Kittay satellite dish application, Counci� d�rec�ed tne staff to investigate the apprapr�ateness of our regulation coneerning dish installations. At the present t�me ins-ta1ia�ions are r�viewed with respect to the follow�ng Design Revlew Guide1ines : 18.54.05oF.3. 5atellite dish antennas and simi�ar structures sha11 not be permit�ed un1ess substan�ia�ly screened �'rom view by fences , berms • flr landscaping. It was the feeling af the Council that �his gu�deline is vague, subjec�ive, and generally �nadequate for properly reviewing applicatior�s. �he staff has been researching ather ardinances as well as dish insta�lations in Eag�e County and the Front Range to. de�ermine how to proceed w�th-�r��vising. our regulations. I have inc3 u�ed r�emos and otl�er i nformat�on i n tf�i s packet to gi ve you some background on the process we have undertaken. The memo dated February 19, 1985, autlines the most r�cent pr�posal for revising sate11 �te dish regulations. A fo rmal presentation wi�1 be made to you at our March ZOth Design Review Soard meeting. U!e have scheduled tf�is meeting prior �o our site visits. This wi1� necessitate an early start so please a71ow your schedule time �o be in the Counci� Cham�ers at 11 :30AM, on W�dnesday, hiarch 20, 1985. Lunch wilj b� served. Any questions cor�cerning th�s ma�erial can be d�rected to Tom at 476T7000, extention 10:1 . . � �jy ��W� 0 Val '� 75 soLth frontage road . vail, colorado 81657 (303) a76-7004 oftice af eammuniiy development DESIGN REVI�U! BOAR� AGENDA Marc}� 20, 1985 2:OOPh9 l.unch and discussion o� the proposed revis�on5 of the sate�1i�e dish regu�ations wi�l pr�cede site visits at 12;OONoon in the councii chambers . I, Ca1 � Meeting ta Order II. Rol7 Call , determinatifln of quorum III . Agenda Ite�ns � S�te Visit � . Sherr Deck and Addition #4 Bigho rn Terrace Motion - Stev� Caswell Seco�d - Kathy '.�Jarren Approved - 5-Q %�' {�. ,� �Ippraved contingent upon m�eting To�cn Engi.neer's Concerns.. =p� ;, S i te `'' Visit 2. Crawford Addi�ian #3 Va�1 Ridge ��. � , �,::, ". T�fotian - Kathy Warren ^ � Second � Ned Gwathmey Approved - 5-Q Ap�roved w��h conditians -� must submit landscape plan. Site Visit 3. Fritz1en - Pierc� -�� Intermoun�ain Motion - Kathy '�larren • Second � i�ed &watr�mey Approved - 5-0 Approved with conditions - need to resolve encroachments into eas�me�over} • 5ite - Visit 4. Vail Vai1ey Medica� Center - Addition to Sparts Medicine #1 Vail Val1ey Medica� Center Motion - Steve Caswell ; Second - Ned Gwathmey Approv�d - 5-a Approved per submittal IV. New Bus�ness V. Old Busi�ess � STAFF APPROUALS: Ra1ph Hal ] - Ba�cony Extentian Peugeo� Grand Prix Pra Ski Tour Banner Vai1 Auto Show/Banner MEMSERS PRESEN7: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: S7AFF A�SFN7: Steve Caswell Tom �raun Rick Baidwin Kri�tan Pritz Di ana Donovan Ri ck Pyl�nan Ned Gwathmey Kathy 4da rren � _ _. ._�._... �.. ,�_:� . ..��1 � � - � � . � +� ' iow� o� ua� . 75 south irontage road • vaiE, cnlorado 8i657 (303} 47�-7000 offlce of commun[ty developmenE D�SIGI� REVIEW 80ARQ AaEN�A MARC�I 20, 1985 2 :OOPM •— 1 . Sh�rr Qeck & Add��ion Lot 17, �igharn 7errace 2. Crawford Addition Lo� 2, B�k 8. Uail Ridge 3. Fri�zlen-Pierce Residence � Part of Lot 2, Blk 5, Intermauntain Soutn Frontage Road 4. Vail Spa Satellite Disn 5. Vail Valley Medieal CentEr = Addition to Sparts Medic.ine Published ir► The Vail 7rail - March 15, 1985 � Pro�ect Application Date '.�°Wroject Name: � �i ' � ; Project Description: 5 � Contaci !'erson and Phane . � r � . � . .. . � . . . Owner, Address and Phone: � ,� �S �. Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Loi , Block Filing , Zone Camments Design Review Board Date ' `�r� Lv" Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPR4VAL. _ �.� - � i r t � - �� , . 1 . , , � Summary: ,� � � � ' � � � � r Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: . . . � . .� ..Ihe.Pe1nh714aV1 � . . Pro�ect Application Date ��2��8� � Project Name: Project Description: additi.on with deck extens3.on Contact F'erson and Phone �owarc� and Vir irs�a Sherr 21fl summit ���'�• ? ���i��'ooa, Co 8a1�.0 � so Owner, Address and Phone: � W rd and V�.r ini,a Shex�' Architect, Address and Phone: , BIoCk � Fil�n _.,.B1g�•,rn �1'r?rra.ce ---— , .Zone Legai Description: Lot�].� ,� Comments: � Design Review Board � Date � � Motian by: ` �d�— Seconded by: APPRbVAL DkSAPPiiOVAL � �. ' � b� s� ` ' Summary: � , i � ' a) 1 ' � � 1� � � o'� ' � � 3 �c,u�� c� �� � '�titv�.n� �al � � ��-... ��� � � , � ��. .__. n P n er ❑ Staff Appro�al � C�� � ��. 1��i , �ate: � Project Application �ate �� � � � i Pro}ect IVame: Project Descriptian: Contact Person and Phone (._.�.� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: �e�c. yt. 3 � �� I � 4 ' n: Lat � , Block ��, , Filing � —��1 ,��"� , Zone Legal DescrFptio Comments: .� Design Re�iew Board Qate Motion by: "" �M'Q' Seconded by: APPROVAL DISl1PP�iOVAL -.� ��.� �Summ ry: �� �. [ 6�' '� !�``"i�' r � � � Tow Planner ❑ Staff Approval r- � � s Date: - � � � . <lheprinlerylvail Project Application Date 1�arch I3, 1985 �Project Name: Ua�� Vd1�e f�ed�ca1 �enter A 1�40 sq ft addtitian to S�0 S MEd1C1�1� � _ .. . : Pf0)@ct Oescriptian: - Contact Person and Phone Gar Sweti sh - Sri ner Scott Archi tects �7G-3038 Deborah Jost - Ad�inistrator ail Valle �kedica� Center 476-2451 •� .� �, 7 il lora a Owner, Address and Phone: A rohitect, Address and Phone: Br'tn�r Scott Archi�ects 143 �as� ea�o Dr�ve Vai 1 Colorado 7 -3 38 Legal Oescription: Lot � � F _, Block Fifing _�r�;1 �r�illana 7nd _ , �one �---- Comments: ,� Design Review Board paie ) Motion by: Seconded by: DiSAPPROVAL APP_�� � ��� � � . Summary: Cf 9 � ❑ Staff Approval Town Planner Date�. C�.� ���� �. �+ �� town o uai 75 souih fronlage road . vail, colarado 81657 (3U3) a7s-7000 office of corrtmunHy de�elopment pESIG�I REVIEW BOARD A�ENDA APRIL 3, 1985 2 :OOPM I . Ca� l Meet�ng to Order II . Ra11 CaI7 , determination of quorum III . Agenda Items. Sit2 Visi�s 1 . R & D Building Revisians to Rpproved Design Review Board drawings, � Vai1 V�llage Mation - Steve CasweTl S�cond - Ned Gwa�hmey ;:_ Approval - 4-0 ; � . #2 2. Vaii Spa Sate�lite D�sh, Lionsl�ead � P�otion - Steve CasweZl '� Second - Kathy Warren Appraval - 4-Q - T... Preli�tinary approval ; #3 3. B'jani Furs, S�orefront remodel Vail Village Motior� - Kathy Warren Secand - St�ve Caswel7. Approved - 4-0 Appraved with awning and signag� to b� r�submitted upon fina� design. #1 4. VaiT Professiona� Bu�lding Sign Program �'abTed for �wo weeks - to m�eting of Marc� ].7, 1985 (over.)._ � 5. Internally lit Awning Workshop - Bruce A�len For information and discussion purposes , no decis�on re�uired IV. New Business fV o � V. Old 8usiness 1V o STAFF APPROVALS : Colarado Insight - Lodge at Vail - sign Colorado Insight - Lodg� at Vail - vent Du�tchmar� Addition MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABS�fVT: Rick Baldwin Eric Affeldt Kristan Pritz Tom Braun Steve Caswe7l Ricfc Pylman iVed Gwa�hmey Kathy Wa rren � � +�j, 7 town ofi ua� 75 south frpntage road . vafl, colorado 81657 (303) a76-7o00 otfFce of community developmenf T0: Desigr� Rev�ew Baard FROM: The Community Development Staff DATE : Apri� 3, 1985 SUBJECT: Changes �Co the A & D Bu7ldi�g From Prev�ously Approved Drawings. 7he fo7lowing list highlights the changes that are bejng praposed �or the A & D 8uilding. 1 . T1�e restaurant has been removed from the firsfi. fioor and changed inta retail space that accesses bot� 8ridge Street and Gore Greefc. � 2. The 7 �qour stor� has now been moved �o �he space adja�nin� �he patia area on Bridge Str��t. 3. 7he orig-inaT del � space and retail space a.re now one reta�T space. The de� i no longer fronts onto the Bridge Street patio area. The dei � is 7oca�eel camplete1y �� on the east s3da of the bu�1ding con��cting to tl�e patio aTong Mi 11 Creek. A . The Bridge Stre�t Realt;� Office s�ays ba�lcaTly the same 5. !�o rth E�eva ti on Changes: The d�mension between the second story wi�dows an�. signage band has increased �y approximately two feet. The window pat��;er.n; has also been slight1y altered I on the second flaor. I 6. East Elevation Changes : ' W�ndaw pa�terns hav���h�en s� ig�t]�y.�.al;t�r�d an the s��.�r�d floor. The ba�cony on the secor�d floor has been decreased in size, and a door has ��en taken out of the �l�vation. � No stairwell now exists. Ba7cony style should be pinned down. Presently there � are two di�ferent styles used on �he �levations. Th�re is no longer a railing on the rock wall surrounding the pat�o area. 7. South Elevation Changes : Cha�ges have occ�rred to the window patterns on the first and second f�oors. Stairwell does not exist on this �levation on the east er�d of the bu�lding. A ba1cony has been adde�. 8. West Elevation Chanc�es : Changes in window patterns are proposed. I� �s staff:'s��u�ide.rsta�a�iing�_:tha� �.the_sign ��ro'gram,�: 1aridscap�n ' �2�1(�El� of �he bui7ding, building foot print, and lighting remain unc�ange� from the approve� �esign Review Board proposal an �[arch 6, 7985. Propose� changes are s�i11 in the pracess of being figured ou� for ti�e s�cond floar and third floor space. �'he Desi�n �ev�ew Board`s r�view of the proposa� . wi11 not include any approvals far the layout of the secon� and third floor areas. It is a1so staffs understanding tha� no mater�al changes are being proposed or square footage chang�s. � . �_ :.i' - � ,. . . , . a . Design Review Board April 3, J.985 2:00 p.m. �:'1) Cookie Company Awning, Lionshead :,'�) Uail Spa Sateil��e �7sh , ` 3) Quad I.ift Base Faci�ity, Vai1 VilIage 4) Vail Prafess�onal Bui7d-ing 5ign Program ' 5) A&D Bu�lding Revisions to approved drawings, Vai� Vi1lage t 6) Summers Res�der�ce, Bighorn 1st Additian, Lupine Drive � �: 7} S'jan� Furs, s�orefront remodel , Vail Vil7age � 8) Awning wor�CShop , , , ;�. ,` '; t i r ,,`i � `` e . � �.,� � ��� � r i 1�. ..�.,,:-...l. . , �' ' � ���i a . � ' � � . ,4 I • ; . . . � - . , . . .ar �E r'.-k .�}�*L� �4rLf �1 � , . � ' � . . �. . . , . . . . .. . . . . .. <�''���3�i�•�Gii3'�14,� �F � . . . . . . . '- � . . �,�.r t {x�l�d�. �: � '1� !"�"'k 1��� � r ����t w, . . . � . � � . . �- . � , . . . � ' ��`/ , '.� i1 ��ti'�� �� �,� s i � .r � 1 � , . � . � . . � . . . . , � a o 4vs'�!/5��>�t'3 i3� �F . - . _ . e_ � , . � . _ . . � �, �� s a � r �'��1 I��'d���7 �� �._ . . � � - � - . - � . � � _ . �.,���S �`�.��� r 3 �� � b r � � - � � � . � � Y. , ;�. 3�r �a�[t� s , �f r, •7, -�n��$�f�y��'�^�t��3' :,n �a � , . _ � . . � > . � - � . . � . . � 1 r.a! � � . . . . . � �� �' ���`�i�t1��I � + t S, , �� ��`�� � , , r . r _k y4 . . . . � . - . . � ) s'� s � - ���}���� �i} �f k .D��� � � .. . - . � . .. . . `��'r� .� j�� � R f�L��� t.s� ���%�s �1 . � , . � . . , - . � � . . t �� ', ��i'��itr4i� ��{.ic��;1�'������`��Jf ie� 5..�, � . _ . . .. . . . '";�.[W.;9 rf,?C�� t f!'d51 ,c! f ,-: ; . . . - : � . . . , � � �{ ����y`a �s . �a A' }Jt{* :^8'3�9`FF'�1'����� � . . .. . . . � _ . . . � . . �- \�_. ;� }2� s��rF]��i'$ � l f:� ., � . , .. - . � ' . �j'� ���11 q !;�S r?;�.� ' . � � � � 'r'!� �� s � � A ; _ . r�rt ; . . . . . � �..;. .. .. , . . � t '�� x.: . . � . . ';`.Y ' . . ' � - . '�:: � '. .. . _ . . - . . . jt,�s+a';ri b� s�,t�', .e.:u- .. -:i'--. . . . ... . , - � . .... . .. . . � .. - . . . .. .. . - ri �� r � � �5 y"t�i�-'��'}��t�.t�a�,=.s,(�,+A� � _ . _ ;:. � ; :�,; =��F��h-t:. < �.-��kl'., � _ .. . . , .. . � . . . . . � . .. ' +�.3 �`�. 'f - > . . ,. Project Application R Da#e `'' /�'� � -- � Project Name: , , , Project Description; GG/zt.sc�Dx�iJG 5�/�G� -�— lZG7uaAcSZ��VG nd Phone � � t4" �l�f ��dl+G1L�, Contact Person a -- �,� `f7to � !�l� l s�� � - - 1�4/��2 7 � �eG1C��. � .7G � 7��? C�fa�r� Owner, Address and Phone: -`� �C. L � ���� L � '"� eJ �O � � v—�7e-►� U°- �p'��v-�-. �--p' 1�..SM > . �,' �- �s,� - ' Architect, Address and Phone: ��`�� �� ���� � �SS� C�� ?c�� �NC _ � .J G y 7�Q�u I"�L.J I �d� �L�Q G `-✓YG- �i -� C�I�� ���"r rr✓"� , � Legal Description: Lot , 81ock Filing , Zane ' A,�i v2 S !f/J 5 BgT�i.0�J T�� �X�STi�l� C�ICt/�'s •: Comments: � -� � - � G/.�vvhY s�fDP. u�� u���ry i o c�•� i3�•v�'" 13az�,' ���1i7`S �o7�s' ��ro o�vt� 5,�v,n -- tG�'" �r����� �"-�-ar z'�� 2�onet��u4 ����/t.d N Z S r� .� Design Re�iew Board Date � �/ �� Motion by: � ��� � - - -- Seconded by: '��� ��'ZL.. APPROVAL��� pISAPPROVAL � 1 r.�, Summary: � ��b'� r. i � c�=.,� l.�.f��`�" G�C � v1 T ' ' L � 'i r.�',<L .� _ f�-"� i C1���.�r-. C�£'.:�.��5 _ G.✓'�P �..�•.�����cl. , - �-- � Town Plann ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � - Pro}ec# Application pate � � � Projeck Name: ��'-' Project Description: �����-"� r '�r 'i-f� 1 Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Arch+tect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ( , Block , Filing , Zone . i G:t�i< <(Z��i, Comments: 4 i �� i � Design Review Board Date � �� Motion by: �����'�"'� I Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL APPR �_T^� _.�—•—'___ �k411� C. yrc `� �L'V� Y�-i` � f� �1CC.t�1 C�..�►C: ✓��-- `-��' � �'�.�1►�e� ��vC�Sc. ��:..�•.� � ��cl �� � -- �' s�v: � �la�-�-- `� �"� � _..� � � 1 � -� own Pla er ❑ Staf# Appro�al Date: � 3 �� ` i ,��+ . ,� town o� uai 75 sauth frontage road vail, colorado 8165T (303) a76-7o00 ofiice of community development DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Apri1 17, 1985 Time: 12:Q0 SITE UIS��'S: 1. Vai1 Spa Sate1� �te Dish Tabled by Applicant 2. Vail Professio�al Bu�lding Sign Program Motion Caswel� �-0 - Secot�d Warren Approved * 4 3 Summer`s R�sidence R�visions to Site Plan and Landscap�r�g - Bighorn lst B�ock l, Lot 2 Motion Caswe1l - Second Warren 4-0 'Approved 2 A Edelweiss Reroof: Vail Vi7lage �lotion Warren 0-4 Den�al - Second Gwathmey 1 5 7errace Wing Approval �or Bui�ding and Pre�im�nary a�proval �ar plaza ar�d landscaping : Cascade Vil7age f�otion Warren - Second Gwathmey Pre7iminary Approval for Building �-0 - does not include landscaping 3 b New Business : Pepi `s Pianter : Bridge Street D3R Members present: 5taff Presen� i �� ,� � `�!1 � tow� of Va� 75 soulh frontage raad vail, colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 otftce of community d�velopment DESIGf� REVIE�i ��ARD RGENpA APRI� �.7, �985 2:QOPM 1 . Vail S�a Satelli�e Rish �- 2. Summers Residence Revisian, �ighorn 1st, Block � , Lot 2 3. Edelweiss r�-roof 4. Terrace Wing, Cascad� V�31age Published in the Vail Trai7 Apri1 12, 1985 � Project Application Date , � � �- 5 � � Project Name: Project Description: � � ~ �� ' Contact Person and Phane ` � � � � � � � � 6 � � _ � � � � Owner,Address ar�d Phone: . � � �. � .. , ,; f `�. (! Architect, Address and Phone: ` �� _ , c �' � �.� : � �� �egal Description: Lot � , 81ock , Filing , � �� ; Zone �� . Comments: , ' � ; �'.� .�� . _ � � r . � , �.° Design Re�iew Board , �ate " Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL \ � �. , Summary: � � To n PI nner ❑ Staff Approva! Date: Ll �� � . � .� � . . � � . . theP�ntery/vail. . Project Applica#ion pate ��P' �� Aroject Name: ��dS �"I � << � Project Description: '� `�' ��� Contaot Person and Pfi�one � �"" �� Owner, Address and Phone: ti ArchiSect, Address and Phone: � ` � l.egal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board Date � � Motion by: Seconrled by: APPR��A� DISAPP�iOVAL 5ummary: � To Planner Staff Approval Date: ° .� ,� j� ►�l �awn o� Va� � 75 south frontage road vail, colorada 8f657 (303) a7s-�000 affice oi community development D�SiGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING May �., 1985 2.00 PM I. Cali Meeting �o Order TT . Rol� Call , determina�ion of quorum III. Agenda Items $1��? �157tS : �.30PR1 #� 1. Vail Spa Satellite Dish, Vaii Spa Lionshead #1 2. P�cDanald's S�gn Variance #3 3. Po�ovi ts - Weiss Re-roof 190� Go�^e Creefc Dri ve - Lot 27, Vail Vi11age West 2 #5 4. Lodge Canopy, main entrance Lodge at Uai1 , #2 5. Logsden - FiseY�er Addi�ion, Lot 17, B7ock 6 � - In�ermounta�n . � � -2- #� 6. Liston Addition, Boo�h Creek Dr�ve - Lat 8, Block 3 Vai1 Vi�lage 11th New Business Old Business MEP�SEl�S PRESENT: STAFF P�ESEfJ7: � MEMBERS ABS�NT: Sta�f Approvals : 1. Trout Creek Architects Sign �. Pepi 's Grammershammer's Stone Planter � 'r • .: � �l i � �own o� Vai 75 sauth frontage raad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47B-70Q{! office o! community development DESTC,iV REUT�I�' 130ARD MEETIiVG May 1, 1985 2.Oa PM I . Call l�eeting to Order �I, Ro31 Ca� l , d�termination of quarum III. Agenda Items Site Visi�s: �1�2.30gM #4 1. Vail Spa Satell�te D�sh, Vai� Spa Appraved with conditions - �iotion: Gwathmey, Second: Caswell #� 2, Mcponald's Sign Variance - h9a�ion: Caswell , • 5econd: Gwathmey - �enied as sub�nitted 4-0 � Findings 16.16.010-16. 16.020 incompa�ibil7ty wi�h �nountain scenery, colors and location. Approval wau�d set preced�nt �'ar Wighway oriented s�gnage #3 3. Popov�ts - Weiss Re-raof 1905 Gore Creek Drive - Lot 27, Vai1 Vi�lage West 2 - Motion: Caswell , Second: Sid Si�ultz - 4-D Approved as subm�tted #5 4. Lodge Canapy, �na�r� entrance Lodge at Vail - Tabled by Applica�t ta May 15th meeting #2 5. Logsd�n - Fischer Addition, E.ot 17, Block 6 Tntermauntain - Tabled �y Ap�licant � . � � _�_ #6 6. L�ston Addition, Booth Creek nrive - Lot 8, Block 3 Vail Vil�age llth Tabled by �pplicant New Business Old Business �1EP�BERS PRESEI��: STAF�F PRESENT: Ided Gwat�mey Kristan Pritz � Rick Ba�dwin R�c�C Aylman Steve Caswel3 5id Shultz ME�BERS RBSE�dT: iCathy Warren £r�c A�fieldt Staff Approval : 1. Trout Creek Architec�s Szgn 2. Pepi 's Gramshammer's Stone Planter � � ^� i` �� �OW� 0 Val 75 souih lrontage road vail, coloracfo 81657 (303) 475-7000 office af comrt�unity developmeni QESIGN REVI�W BOARD AG�NDA May 15, 1985 2 P.M. T Cail Meeting to Order II Roll Call , determination of quorum III Agenda I�ems Site Visits : 12.00P.Ni. � #4 �. Sunbird Lodge and Landscaping/Sta�rway, Lionshe�d Approved as per sub�tittal 5-�Q, Motion: Warren Second: �wathmey #2 2, Fisc�er �ogsden Residence Addition Lot 17, Blk 6 Tntermountain -� Tabled by appl�cant to May 29th meeting #g 3. Liston R�sidence Addition Lot 8, S7k 3, Vaii Village llth, 1�lotion : Caswell , Second: Schultz, Uo�e 5-0 Approved as per submi�ted withau� �the beams and trellis �� 4. Naagen�-Daz �eck: Crossroads Shopp�r�g Center, Approved as per submittai , Mot�on: Gwathmey 5ecor�d: Cas��rell . }� � � -2- #3 5. KRVV Satellite Uish : Glen Lyon O�fice Bu�ld�ng Approved as per submittai w�th f�nal l�cation of d�sh to be rev�ewed with staf� {no forma1 vote �aken) #5 6. Lodge Canopy and Lobby Addition: Vail Vil1age Tabled by appl �cant #8 7. Kelton Residence Addition: �ot 5, �lk 6 Approved as per submitta1 5-0 � #1 8. �eck�ey Satellite D�sh : Lo� 11, a� k C, Vai7 das Scho�e I Ta��ed (fior further study of 7ocation) ta May 29th me�ting #7 9. Cook Res i dence .Careta[cer`s Apartr�er�t Addi ti on , Lo� 2 Blk 6, Va�7 Village 7th - Approved as su�mitted with condition that Town Engineer's concerns are a��eviated 01d Business : Baxter's Awning i�ew Business : . .� ;� . -3- MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Rick Baldwin Kristan Pritz Steve Caswe1l Rick Pylman f�ed Gwathmey Tom Braun Kathy Warre� Sid Schultz MEMBERS ABSEPlT: Eric Affe1dt � S�a�� Approva1s : �, KRVIf Satellite �ish 2. Kelton Addition � � � � �i1 � ,�� : � ta�� o� �a� 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3D3) 476-7000 ofiice of comrrsunify develqpment DES I GN REV��4J BOARD AG�fV DA � f�ay 15, 1985 2 P.�1. 1. Ma�r�fyama Residence Lot 6, BIEc 8, Intermaunta�n �� 2. F�scher l.ogsden �tesidence Add�tian �ot 17, B7k 6 ' Interr�ountain - 3. Liston Resid�nce Add��ion Lot 8 Blk 3, Vail V�31age .{ ].1 th ' 4. Haagen-Daz D�ck; Crossroads Shop�ing Cen�er � �. 1�RVV Sate�� 7te Dish : G1en L an Of-F�c 8 ' . Y e �i7d�ng 6. [.adge Canopy and Lobby Addition: Va�l V�71age 7. K�lton Residence Add�tion: Lot 5, B1k 6 Vail Vil�age 7�h 8. Sunbird l�odge and Landscaping/ Stairway, Lionshead 9. 8eckley SatelTite ��s� : Lot 11, B7 �C C, Vail das Sc��one 1 � 10. Cook Resid�nce Caretaker's Apartment Rddition, �ot 2 � 2 Blk b, Vai7 Village 7th � Project Application Date �� t � ��- � s Project Name: Projec# Description: � ' S�D . 1 � ' 1 Contact F'erson and Phane Owner, Address and Phone: � ' Archi#ect, Address and Phone: � �� l.egal Descriptian: Lot I , Block Filing 1�'- 11 � �,�f \�,_ , Zone �SL�--� Comments; iDesign Review Board Date Motion by: �`'�� Seconded by; �� APPROVA DISAPAROVAL � ry � � � ' ` � } , Summary: � t � J � _ A V� Sl �r , � � 1 5 ,� � � ' l �� Town P�anner ❑ Statf Appro�al /�� ri Date: I/ \ Project Application .� Date ��"-1�� r� , ��r�� � Project Name: � '�� ������-�� —,_„_.._. Project Description: ��� �����-7"/ �� Q���. �j� �� `�_ • Contact Person and Phone �,.�.f���� ������,��l��r ���`r,�3�f'�� Yt�67_��r.� ti r�-r� -�- �'�� �IG� _C I�r�l,�-� ,.. _ .�. Owner, Address and Phone: "r � � _ A !L �LC�������' � ....__ ,—_,_.,._-- Architect, Address and Phone: �1., �,��p���.�-_ _� _-__ _�?��_ _���RO� �!�»cc�, �(�fJ�� L �`� �I.� Legal Description: Lot � , Biock � , Filing � , Zone Comments: � � � � `� . � - � rc ' s � �7a �?,�i r�Sr��U� - T = � ��t '`�` . � ' Design Review �oar `' �. Date � NYo#ion by: Secor�d�d by: �L�'1�..��� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � i �! ` r - �i a� ' � i , `r 1 � l �.. . � � � 1 � . Town Planner � ❑ Staff Appro�al €?ate: �I 4�� i,l� , , _,_ � . Project Application . il,KC�::A� �::k.S� . . . . . .%Fi�3Y,. Date �roject Name: Project Description: � Contact Person and Phone � � Z Owner, Address and Phone: � � �� Architect, Addi�ess and Phpne: V ~ � � l.egal Description: Lat , Block Filing �O�e Comments: Design Review Board � Date Motion by: � :' �G"� ,. Seconded by: — OVAL L, �--� DISAPPROVAL ,,' . � �° Summary: `�" -e,._ YCJ � �� G �Y� � Tl . � �S L.��L�L Q � �,. .� ��� a � own I nn r ❑ 5taff Approval Date: , ..� . _., _.,_ _ _ . �+ � � Project Application � ��,�� Da#e `�/25/$5 � Project Name: INSTALLATION 0�' ELEC�`RONIC NEWS GATHERING COMMEJNICATIONS S.A,TTELTTE L-�/o i,.r Project Description: TA T F " L Y DI H N BACK WAF�L OF GLE� N LION OFFICE B�.DG. Contact Person and Phone ^^�*"�'°' "R �"' „ F.NF.�2AT. MANAGER� K w RADt� 476-1360 _ _ Owner, Address and Phone: uRtn� uanTn_ �nnn G Fu�Nmx� � Rn W_ (C,T,F.�1 r,vnN nFFICE BT,DG_. 1 _._ VAIL, COLO FHONE: 476-�360 Architect, Address and Phone: �. non ._ Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: no longer going 'to provide audio signal to KRW Radio by land lines. This dicta�es the instailation of a small (30 inch diameter) sate�lite clish for the purgose of reaeiving ese signa s. T e dish wYii be znstal ed at � e rear mountaan si e o t e G en Lyon ,�ffi n� ht�i rii n�,anr3 wi �f 1 ha a i'� n}a�3_,,,�n matrh f-L�a h�tT 1 r�i n� 'tiTn vi_eLS_��, j,m�ar!-c frnm_�i-_r__e��, � Design Rer►iew Board - S�- �.S/ Date � Motion by: Secanded by:: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL �� c3� 0 �J Summary: � � V Z`�a � �� r �sc�. o� e.- o S_� � �� - � l��-� � �l a�-� h b� c4 (f �.. � � h > ��a �� �tYZG.� "dY�.� ---- � . Town Planner ❑ Staff Appro�al Date: S �� Project Application Date �Project Name: _ � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone �� � ��� wner Address and Phone: _... -!`1'+'� ���� O , Architect, Ac�dress and Phone: ✓ 4 l ( � `� Legal Description: Lok -� , Block � , Filing v�! v ��- t --- . Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board Date IVlation by: Seconcfed by: P!' VA DISAPPROVAL Summary: � ' V� � own Planner ❑ Staff Apprpval � ,`�'YDate: � � � , � U V � • ��MO T0: Design Review Board �ROM: Car�unity Development Department DA�E: May �5th, 1985 SUBJ�CT: In�er�ally-Tit Awn�ngs The DRB and staff have been wor�ing an different ways to handle Interna�1y-i �t Awning5 thro�gh the DR8 process, An �nterna��y- lit Awn�ng is g�neral�y made out of p�asticiz�d material that is stretched over an awn�ng frame. The lighting for the awning is 1ocated with3n the s�ructure. The i�terior 7ight is transmitted �hrought the p7astic material creating a glow throughout the entire awning. Severa� meetings have been organized to discuss pos5ible ways to review this type of awning. An in�tial dis�ussion was held approximately two months ago to review the differen� �y�es of materia7s that are available in light��g, passibi1ities �or these types of awnings. A� ��at time the DRB determ��ed that it would be appropriate to actually see a construct�d awning in order to � determine �h� pros and cons of �his typ� of awning �or the Town of Vail . A second meeting was held i� which an �actual Int�r�al7y- � it Awn�ng was reviewed. Following that mee�ing the �RB �ad a discussion sessio� on April 17�h. At that time the foilowing concerns were raised by both th� staff and the �RB: �. The awnings serve the same purpose as a sign. Basically the entire awning is lit up in such a way that it ap�ears that the whole struc�ure �s a sign. Z. I� is very difficult to determine the appropr�ate wattage given certain �ypes of plastic material . It is diff�cult to gauge the appropriate light wat�age and transpare�cy due to the ability af different colored materia1s to transmit different amounts of 7ight. 3. It would be very diff�cult to enforce the approved amou�t of wattage per awning. 4. It is ve�y difficuT� to determ�ne what the awning wil � actua71y �ook 1ike until it �s bui7t. This makes it dif�icult for the DRB to wholeheartedly support an awning proposal when t�ere �s a prob7em in determining what the end result w�ll actualTy be, � 1 r I�r�erna�iy-lit Awn�ngs #2 � 5. It is felt that this type of awn-�ng is b.asically incompa��ble with the town 's approach Co sigr�age, �igh�ing and materiais. 6, it �s fe1t that a small number of In�erna�ly-lit Awr�i�gs that are tast�fully des�gned may be approp- r�at� in certain lacat�ons. Hawever, great cor�cern was expressed aver the fact that if or�e Interna�ly- lit Awning is al7awed then they must be allowed in any o�1�er situa�tion. A series o�F Internal�y-lit awnings �as the patential to create negativ� impacts on the pedestrian character of Va3l 's streets. Given these concerns , �he staff is suggesting that the DRB avoid trying ta ir�corpora�e guide ��nes into tl�e existinc� code that would •. regulate Internal�y-lit Awnir�gs. 5taf�F believes that there are many ex�sting references in the eode that discouragP the use of I�ternaily-Tit Awnings. The fo1lawing list h�ghligh�s sections of the code that discourage an awning of this typ� : �ESIGIV GE1I�J� LTNES Sec�ion 18.54.050 A1 Structure shal� be compatib�e with existing s�ructures, their surroundings, and with Vai1 's environment. It is not to be inf�rred that buil�ings must Zoak a1ike to be co�pat�ble. Co�patibi�i�y can be achieved �through the proper considera-�ion of scale, proportions , site piann�ng, landscaping, materials , and colors in comp1iance wit� the gu�d� lines here�n contained. Section 18.54.05Q C3 Exterior wali colors should b� cor�patible with the site and surrounding buiTdings. f�atural co�ors "earth tones found with�n the Vai1 area" should be �tiliz�d. Pr�mary co�ors ar o�her brigh-� colors si�ould only be used as accen�s and then sparingly such as upon trim or railing. All exterior wa11 materia�s must be co�tinued to #'inished grade thereby elimina�ing unfinished foundatian walls. A1l * ex�osed meta7 flashing, trim, f�ues , and roofi tap mechan�cal equ�pment shall be artnadized, paintEd or capable of weather- ing 5o as to be non�reflect�ve. � � Internally-lit Awnings #3 � Sect�on 18.54.Q50 G1� Exterior 7ighfi.ing shal � be designed and �ocated in a manner to m�nimize impact af lighting upon living areas within a proposed projec� and upon adjacent structures and properti�s. SIGid CODE Sectian 16. 16.O1Q - Harmonious with �'own Scale Sign 1ocat�an, c�nfiguratian, des�gn , materials and co�ars should be har�nania�s with the majes�t�c mauntain set�ing and the alpine viilage scale af the town. Sectio� 16. 16.020 - Not dominatin Th� sign shauld not visual�y dominate the structure to which it belongs or call t�ndue a�tention to itselfi. Section 1b.16.030 - �fa�eria1s • Sign materiaTs should be predomina�ely naturai , such as rough cedar, pine or other types of wood. Stained glass may a1sa be considered by the DRB. Plastic or other materials are discoura ed. Section 16.16.0�0 - Architecturai Harmon The sign and its suppor�ing str�cture should be in harmony architectural1y with t�e surraunding str�ctures. S�ction 16. 15.05Q - Colors Natura7 colars (earth tones) , gray and white shou1d b� favour�d and bright colors should b� used only for accent. Section i6. 16.070 - Reflect�ve Surfaces Ref7ect�ve surfaces a�e not al�owed. Sect�on� - L� htin L.ighting should be of no greater wattage than is necessary to malce t�e sign visib�e at night should not unnecessarily refrtec� anto adjacent properties. Li h��n sources sf�all �iot be directly visible to passing pedestr�ar�s or vehicles � and shouZd be concealed in such a manner t�at direct �i ht does not shine through any elemer�t of a s��n. � v In�ernally-lit Awnings #4 � VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDE�tATIOi�S - ACCENT ���f�EI�TS A reference is made to awnings and canopys and their uses accer�t elements for buildings. Canvas and bright colors ar stripes of two colors are encouraged. TNE LIO�iSHEAD DESTGN CONSIDERATIOl�S - ACCE�lT ELEMENTS F1. J d� ic�'o_us use of powerful accent e�ements consistent with the ex�s��ng character of Lionshead are encouraged such as awnings and canopys, canvas, bri�ht colors, stripes , two colors. Staff is determined after reviewing the exist�ng references within a�ar design codes that Interna17yT1it Awni�gs are not compatible wi�h the existing Town o�F Vail design codes. The code specifically s�a�tes that signs should not dominate a s�ructure ar call un�ue a�ten�ion t0 1�5E7�, that p�as�ic or other materials are discouraged, and tf�at lighting s�ould �e cancealed in such a manner �hat it does not shine through any e�ement of a sign. Tt is felt �hat these referer�ces particularly discourage Internaily--lit Rwnings. At the May 15th, 1985 DRS Meeting, the staff and DRB will discuss this issue further and de�ermine if �h�s is �he approach the board wishes ta take • �n respect �o Internally-lit Awnings . � � - +�1 1 � �ow� of Vai 75 soulh irontage road vaii, colorado 81557 ' (303) 476-7000 oftice of aommunity development DES I GN REU I EI�J B�AR� AGENDA May 29, 1985 i. Ford Park Amphitheatre `�"��:� 2. Inn at West Va�� Sign Variance 3. Po�ana�� Residence -� Lot 14, Black 7, V.V. ls� - �orest Road, 4. Vista�ahn L.ift and Sign Variance, Vail Villag� � 5. A & D Building Exterior Stairway, Vail Vi1lage 6. Gore Range Prop�rties Rwning, Lionshead Uail 21 Building 7. Vil3age Center Entry Revis�on, Uai� Village �Y 8. Marayama Residence -- Lot b Bloc[c 8 In�ermoun�a�n -- ������,� , 9. Logsden F3scher Resis�ence - Lo� 17 Block 6 Intermo�ntain 10. Beck�ey Sate31i�e Qish, Lot 11, 91�c�C C, Uai� , Das S�one #1 }.1. Sch�l7ing Garage, Lot I5, alock �, Vail R�dge , � ...w�- - k � � j� `�y �ow� o� uai 75 south ironlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) A76-7000 offlce o! community development D�SIGN REVIEW $OARD AGENDA May 29, 1985 I . Cal7 P•leeting to Order II . Ro1� cal� , de�ermination of quorum IiI. Agenda It�ms �� U�sits : 30P.M. #5 I. P9arayama Residence - Lot 6, Blocic 8 - Intermoun�ain : Tab7ed by applicant indefinitely #9 2. Vistabahn Lift and Sign Variance, Va�7 Vii�age - Motion : Warren, Approved 4-0 w��h condit�ons tha�. landscaping, drainage & signage be reviewed by DRB as soon as possi��e , Second: CaswelT #6 3. Gore Range Properties Awning, L�ar�s�ead Vai7 21 Buiiding - Approved, �[ot�on : Caswell , Second Gwathmey 4-0 #2 4. Beck1ey Satellite Qish, Lot 11, Block C - Va i 1 Das S�ane #1 - Approved, ^loti on : l�arren Second: Caswell 4-0 4vith amer�ded landscape plan � , DRB � May 29, 1985 #4 5. Logsden Fischer Resi�ence - Lot 17, � 8lock 6, In�termountain. Tabled by Applicant #3 6. Schilling Garage, Lot 15, Block 8, Vai1 Ridge - ,4pproved �-� as Per sub�ittaT wi�h conditions that Public �orks approve plans.. P^,otion: Warren, Second: Gwathmey #1 7. Tnn at �d�st �lai1 Sign 1lariance - tab��d by Applicant to June 5, I985 #1D 8. Ford Park Amphitheatre. Approved Final , ��loti on: �-0 Caswe�1 , Second: ;�arren #7 9. Pownall Residence - Lat �.�, Block 7, Vail Vil ]age lst - Forest Road, Conceptual R�view Na vote requir�d - Conce�tual approval given � #8 10. A & D Building Exterior Stairway, Vail Village Mot�on : 6a 1 dwi n, Second: �nlarren. :�Ipproved w i th cand�tions {see DRQ Approva7 Form) 4-0-]: �lew 8usiness: 01d Business : Village Center Entry Revision , Vail Village ].st, Black 5E - Rpproved - Mntion: �Jarren , Secon� Gt�athr�ey 3-0 �1�MBERS PRESENT: STAF� PRESEf��: Kathy �alarren Kri stan Pri�z Steve Caswell Tom Sraun i�ed Gwathmey Rick Pylman R1ck BaldWin MENiBERS RBSENT: ! �ri c +'�ffe� dt � � DRB - May 29, 1985 i STAF� APPROVALS: Chr�stian�a �indow Addltions Te�e�ark Townhause Window Addit�an Stockmar Re-roof, B�ghorn Terrace � • T f . +��1 � tow� o� ua� 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) a76-�o00 offlce of comenunity develo�ment June 3, I985 Bill Pierce Arch�tect 8ox 57 Vail , Colorado 816�7 � R : Pownall Res�dence Lot 14, Block 7, Vail V�lla e 1st Filin Dear Biil , On May 29, 1985 the DRB gave concep�ua� approval to t�e Pownall Residence remode� . �he DRB sugg�sted �hat attentian be given ta � the nor�th eleva�ion. The Board was int�rested �n seeing �the eannection be�ween the prirr�ary and secondary units. . �he Town Eng3neer alsa made the foliow�rtg comments concerning this subm�ttal : 1. If the struc�ure wilT be on the easeme�t an the southwes-� corner of �he prope rty you wi11 need �o get a reTease fro� a11 the utilities. 2. A revocable right-of-way �ermit will be need�d �ar the wal7 1oca�ed aTso �n the sou�hwest carner of the praperty. 3. A !lt3lity Verificat�on form and �tility plan shouZd be sub� �i��ed � ' 4. A soi7s repor� and engineered faundation will be necessary in order to ca�str.uct this remodei 5. �he driveway slope shouid be indicated on ynur plan • 6. A drainage plan should b� submitted. 7his plan should address the area particu�ar�y where the two garages are located, • r � Powna1 � Residence Letter b/3/85 - 2. Please �et me know whert you w7sh to res�bn�it plans for fina� approval . Sincere]y ����. .� ��,��. � ��,. �. Kr�s tan Pri tz Town Pi anner • � � +�11 �� �own of uai 75 souih frontage road vail, coEorado 81857 (3Q3) 476-7000 otffce o# comenunity deveiopment Jur�e 3, i985 Joe Macy � Vail Assoc�ates Box 7 Va31 , Calorado 81658 �._--- � � Vistabahn L' t DRB A roval Dea r Joe, an May 29, 19$5, the DRS gave fina� approval ta the Vistaba�n structure as submit�ed. 7h�s approval was cont�ngent upon 5ubr��t�ing further information on signage, landscaping and drainag� at the next possible �RB meeting. The fo�lowing points � are i7sted to c3arify t�e approva� of May 29, 198� : �,. The roo� and siding on �he � ift $hac�C wiil be Mowhawk Grey. The Z�ft shack roo� wi� l be me�a1 and match the raof of �he Vistabahn structure. The Yift shack door wi71 be grey meta7 and �he windows will be smoke gray. 2. Vail Associa�es agreed to pay the 7own af Vail to reiocate the irrigation line located on t4�e site 3. 7he 1ettering is white and uses the helvetica medium lettering sty�e. The "Vaii V" will be �lue and b�acEc. At this time, I have scheduled the review of the s�ignage, �andscaping, and drainage �or the June 5, 1985 meeting. P�ease be aware t�at Jack Curtir� has submitted an appeal concerning the DRB decision to approve �he struc�ure. I think that w� a17 agree that these pro�lems can b� resolved therefore eliminating the need for any type of appeai process. Good luck on June 5. If you nave any further questions please give me a call . I will expect to receive the �nformattion on the signage Tuesday morning so t�at I wi11 6e able to write a memo �or the DRS mee�ing. • Sincerely .� ��S Gn ���rt Kristan Pritz Town P�anner � a�j+ f �� �own of Va� 75 south fror�tage road vail,colorado Sf657 (303) 476-7000 oftice of com�nunity development June 3, ].985 Jim �forter 143 E. Meadow Drive Vai� , Colorado $1657 �ear Jim, � On May 29 1985 the D�B gave �ina7 approval �o t� Ford Park Amp ith�atre. The fo7iowing items shou�d be submitte e �ne a uijding Permit is r�quested: � 1. A drainag� plan 2. De�ails on requir�d rails for wa17s due to building code standards 3. A utility pian 4. �etaiis for roads accord7ng to the Town Engineer's request 5. Details an �he en�ry gates to be submitted if po5sible - it was understood at the meet�ng that �h� cntry gates would be made of wrought iron and be of a decorative style 6. The Town Engineer will check yaur foundation plan at the time of bu�lding permit 7. It was agreed upon that the fence surrounding �he Ar�ph���eatr� would be a maximum of 6 feet high and be - painted enti�^ely green so that th� -Fence bjends in wi�h the surrounding land5caping If you have any further questions , please give �ne a ca11 . Sincere7y � �i��� 1�� Kristan Pritz Town Planner �` � � � ij � �� town a ua� bax 100 office of the tawn manager vail, colorado 81657 i303? 476-5613 DESI GP� REVI EW BOARD AGEl��A June 5, 1985 I . Call Meeting ta Order TI �: Roll Ca11 , determinat�on of quorum III. . Agenda Items • Site Visi-�s: 1:00 p.�n. �� �.. Vistabahn �xpress, Landscaping and Drainage Plotion - Warren Second, Caswell Approved vote 4-�0 with condition that TandscapTno plan be reviewed in the spring of 198G- signage wiT1 be presented at DRB 6-19�-85 #3 ��� 2. Robins Residence Addition, l.ot 27 , .Block 7, ' Vail V�llage 1s� Filing - 154 �3eaver Dam Road Conceptua� approval A�ot�on - Caswell return with dec[c ar�d �inish Second - Warren design detai1s Vote �-0 #� 3. Safeway Sign Application, Va� das Schor�e Approv�d as submit�ed Mo�i on- 4�arren Second - AffeTdt Vote 4-0 . , � `r � DRB June 5, J.985 - 2 Site Vis��s: #� 4. David irwin �sta�e, �ot 46 Glen Lyon {new residenc�, conceptua� reviev�) �fo Vote Requi red New 8usiness : �ld �usiness : Baxter's Awning in�'ormal discussion S�iilling garage addition, lot 15, blk B Vail Ridge Revision �o approved Lar�dscape plan : Approved Mot�on: Caldw�ll � Vote 3-1-0 Secon.cf: Affeldt MEMB�RS PRESEPJT: STAFF PRES�NT: Kathy Warren Tom Braun Eric �ffel�t Kristan Pri�z E�ick Ba3dwin Rick Py3man Steve Ca1 d�re�1 e�1Eh16�RS ABSE�PJT: Ned Gwat�mey STAFF APPROVALS: Hank Res�der�ce, window addition Lot 4, oiock 1 Vail Village 8th � �. TO: Design R�vi�W Board � FROM: Conmunity Deve�opment Department DATS: June 19, 1985 SUH.TBCT: Sign Yariance Req�est for the Yista Bahn Sxpress Applicant: Yaii Associates, Inc. I. RgQUSST Vail Associa �es , Inc. is proposing to locate the Vista Bahn Express at the base o� Giant Steps in Vail Vi�lage. Due to the fact that the Tnwn of Vai1 sign code daes no� speci�ical�y address this type o� struc�ure, it is necessary for Vail Associates, Inc. to request a varianc� for the signage on tihe li�t structu�e . The applicants presen�ed their origina� proposal at the May 29, 1985 Design Review Board �eeting, At that �ime, t�2 Design Review Baard recommended that the appl�cants decrease the amaunt of signange on the lift structur� and resubmit at the June 19 , 1985 D . R . B . meeting. The �ollowing chart compares the first proposal to the revi�ed proposal. Vail AssoCia�es has decreased the amount of signaqe by 32�. � Previous Proposal Revised AroposaT R�-�ference May 29, 7 9$5 June 19, 7 985 i n S�._ F'� _ i East E1eva�ion 77 s.f. that s�a�es 7 s.f. that sta�es 7Q s.f. "Uis�a Bai�n Express" "Vista Bahn Express" West �7evation 37 s.f, that states 14 s.f. that s�ates 3 s.f. "Vista Bahn �xpress" "Vista Ba�n Express" North Elevatiar� i3 s.f. that states 17 s.f. that sta�es 2 s.f. "16 V-�sta Bahn 16" "16 V�sta Bahn 16" . TOTALS 47 s.f. 32 s.f. 15 s.f. . 32,°6 �ed�ction �n signage � Vis�a 8ahn -2- 6/19/85 II. BACRGRUUND � The applicant has provid�d the following reasons as to why tihis signag� is a�propriate for the Vis�a Bahn Express: "Ha ckground __ - - There will conti.nue to be two chairlifts in Vail Vil�age fo� the public ta �se out-of-the valley . The I�id- Va i ]. V i s ta Ba hn 1 i f t wi i 1 be a covered detacha�le Ii�t with more than twice the hourly capacity of c�►a�.rlift #1 , and will be ab�.� to deliver people some 20 minut�s faster to Mid--Vail than via Chair7. i� ts #1 and # 2 . The Vista Bahn/chairlitt #4 detachable route wiJ.l also faci�itatie yo-yo skiing �rom the summit to Vail Vil�age and that Vail Vil.�.age will becQme th� preferred up-moun�ain route. Special Circumstances A practical difficulty is caused by the shape of the structure and its lacation . Skiers wi11 approach the li�t from �everal directians. Accoxdingly, signage wi11 be requi�ed on �hree (3 ) sides af the lift terminal. The circumstances are uni.que in that the Vista Bahn litt is �he only cov�red detachable out-nf-the valley . lift and via signage, in par�, needs to be diffe�entiated from fixecl grip chai.rlif�s . mhe color scheme and graphics selected for the vista Bahn will be �tilized fo� the three other detachables to be built thi� summer and for additional detachables p].annec1 in the near �uture. T he specia� ci�cumstances were c�eated by the app�icant only to �he extent that Vaii Vi�.3.age was t�e original base of Vaii Ski area. �enera 1 Ha rmony We feel that no aspects of this pxoposal are detrimental to the neiqhborhood or to the public �aelfare . In fact ► the new �ift and associated signage wi17. hav� a positive impact on our skiers and the public welfa re by providing more expedien�. access up the moUntain. We do not feel that the variance appli.ed £or is any more than required c�iven the circumstances. Otiher Factors With the advent of the detachabZe lifts, greater emphasis wi�1. be given to names o� the ].ifts . This situation �a rge �y determines the square footage �required for � signage on the Vista Bahn. " Vista Bahn -3� 6/19/85 IIi. FIND�NGS AND STAFF RSSPONS�S . Before the Board acts on a var�ance application, the applicanti must prove physical harc3ship and t�e Baard mu�t �ind �hat: A. T here are special circums�ances or conditions applying to tt�e land, buil.dings , topography, vec�etation, sign s�ruc�ures, or other matters on ad�acen�. lots or within the adjacent right-of-way, wh_ic_h would su�s'�antially res�.rict the effectiveness of the sign in ques�ion; provi.c7ed, however, that such specia� circ�mstances are unique �o �he par�a.cular business or enterprise to which the a licant desires to draw attentian , an o not a en�rall to a11 businesses ar entier- prises. Staf� Response: Staff daes �ee1 that the Vista Bahn Express deserves speciai consideration due to the fact �hat it is a structu�'e and use which is not addressed in the Town of Vail sign code. The Vista Bahn �xpress must be easily identifi�d by many visa.tars to Vail who are o.�ten times very unfami �iar with the layout of the ski mountain. Staff considers the Vista Bahn Expresa to be a spec�al cfrcumstance that is uniqtte ta the � busine�s of running a ski resor�. The new signage communicates effectively the name o� the lift without drawing undue atten�ion to the struc�ure.. The proposed s9.gnage is in scale with the lift structuze. Staff be.lieves �ha't there are special ci�rcumstances which justify allowi.ng 32 square feet af signage for the Vista Bahn Express. B. That such s ecial circumstanc�s were nat created b �h� a plicant or anyone in privy to the app�. icant : Staf€ Response: Some type of variance is necessa�y in order tn al.�ow any type af signage for the Vista Bahn Express. Staff does feel �hat t�e Vista Bahn Express is a special circumstance. However, the applican� did not deca.de to constructi the Vista Bahn Exp�ess with the intent of obtaini.ng excessive amo�nts of signage. C. That the rantin of the variance will be in en�ral harmon with the urposes o� this �.i�].e, and will not be materiall detirimental to the persons working or res�. ing in e vic�n�. y , to a �acent property, to the nei hborhood, or to the ublic welfare in eneral: � .. .. � Uista Ba�n -4- 6/�9/85 Staff Response: � The 32 squa re f�et of signage is compa�ible with the intent o� �he sign code. The code states: Section 16.16.Q10 Harmoniaus with tawn scale. Sign location, con�iguration, design, mate��als and co�ors should be harmanious with the majes�ic mauntain set�ing and the alpine village scale af the town. Section 16. 16.020 Not daminating �he sign should not visually aominate the st�ucture to which it beZongs or ca�l undue attentinn to i�self. S�ction 16. 16. 140 Architectural harmony The sign and its suppor�ing structure should be in harmany architecturally with the surro�nding structures. Staf� �eels tha� the signage is in harmony with the Purposes of this title. D. The variance a lied for do�s not de rt from the rovisions of this title an more than is re uired to identif the � applicant s� business or use: St�aff Response: The staff agrees that the proposed 32 square foot sign is within the general inten� of the sign �ode. The si.gnage must be visible from several sides af �he structure , as skiers are arriving at the lift fram many different directions. The signag� is also in sca�e w��h the size of the struc�ure. E. Snch othe� facto�s and criteria;asthe Desi n Revier� Board deems applicable to ths vari.ance. STAFF RECOMl�LNDATION The Community Develapment Department recommends approval of the 32 square foot sign variance for the Vista Bahn Express. Staff agrees with the ap��.icant that �here are spec�.al circumstances unique to this particular structure due to the fact that the na�ne of the lift must be cl�arly identifiable to skiers in the general vicinity of �he Vis�a Bahn Express. 5taff belic�ves tha� the 32 square feet of szgnage on the lift is in compliance with the Town of Vai1 sign code and provides necessary identificatian for skiers. • Projec# Appl�cation Date � �,� �� \ � Project Name; �' { �"' � Project Description: �Z-- � � ti - �- � �� �; � ,�� L� : *� Contact PersOn and Ph011� � ��� �Y ,�' � Q� ,�, ` � , 1�: �� �, 'y �°.iv�.. � _ . ._� . .�.�� n... . .. � „a � y �� t Owner, Address and Phone: +'� � J� Architect, Address and Phone: ✓ ��i�� � J'�-��-, '; � � � ��� Legal Description: Lot � , Block � Filing � . one � `�-�.��:.;�� . Comments: i,, 4 ; � Design Review Board aete Motion by: ���L`•'�;r1 Seconded by: �.�:4Q.a�� _�,�-._ r�ROVAL� ,� DISAPPROVAL �r - � 1'vl � �7� ��:[��-�7�►L� dr� '���� __�-��`�- � �...�-�-- � ���G� .......�1L5 Summary: � � � n Planner ❑ Staf#Approval Date: � � ��i� . y�� �ow� af Vai � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado S'#657 (303) a�s-�o00 affice ot community development DESIGN REVI�Id BOARD AG�NDA �une 19, �985 I. Call t�lee�ting to Order ZZ , Rol � Ca17 , determina�ion of q�orur� III . Agenda Items S��e Visits : 12:45 p.m. 1. Vista 8a�rt Express Sign Varianee : Va�l V�llage � ���� ,�Y��,rn� L` C7 �g� �v` 5��� w�� ���. G � #1 2. inn at West Vail Sign Var�ance ,��� � '�-� � #� 3. Larson Res�dence 2655 Davos Trai1 Lot 1�, loc B, Vail Ridge ` � � ���y-UU� - 1u�Q� ��` c �, ^,�o�� ..�I Cs,r.�.��t� ���.`C n- �- � �p!� �� � � �����(� � � ,l�!`"A ��^'^ �` ,, Ci��+f Y_ `��� G�?�j n a.,' '�° �X o.v.C ��JS'1�''`� W #4 4. Cascade Vi]lageeSports & Park�ng 5tructure• t En�ry Add�Zon (1 l y u 7[i C A'e Q��t r�SL I] �(V�-L l-� C C 1��1 1�I �� �li�-~�kS � �- �""`""� SQ��-�ar�nf �'� (� #g 5. Gore Creek Meadows, Subdivislon Sign '�'1��tr��� ��0�� �S ��t�5� ��,m�6����� �-�- � � � DRa June �9, 1985 -2- ' Si�� Visits : . #5 6. �nzian Lodge Landscape P1an Vail LianShead ��rr,W�e� �D�4 ��o a�L�. -�-U �x_Y� �,r-y�.�r�s� 1 #8 7. Gore Greek Pleadaws Soia�r Callectors : Eight Townhomes '(��.1��, � q��Cc.�� � � #7 8. Robir�s Residence: Lot 27, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing I54 8eaver Dar� M�lion UJacc�er�. 'p��.� °s ��'�'`�`'�� �� � ��� ��e.t d,� #6 9. t�i�-n-fJeedle S�ore Front Remodel Lionspride aldg. Lot 3, Blocf� ]. Vail Lion h�a ].st Filli�g i ��� �as�en �JO-Q �r�f�i � S �c�v�- C�o��[Cril(� c�� ��.�--� � �_ �u.��: �� � � c � � � #3 1Q. Strauss Garage � �1��� ��.��� �A .�2� �s �����-��e�.�-� ������� �� C� a�d B�S;��SS : New Business : �,� �s���.�� �`P� �,b��� s ��-� V�e C,l Gwa��'�nQ.�� ��u� `�r;5�a��` � ��t` �}Qt,�� '�i�� '�) �nc�� ��,� �a��-�J� � ��w� �Cat�Y� �;�t� �i�t- � �� ���5 � � • +��1� , � tow� a Va� 75 south frontage road vail, colarado 81657 (3o3y a7s-7000 office o! community develapmen# DESIGi� f2EVIEW BQARD AG�NC}R �une 19, 1985 I. Call i�lee�ting to Order II . Roll Cal� , determir�ation af quorum III . Agenda Items Site Visits : 12:�5 p.m. 1. Vista Ba1�n Express Sign Uariance : Va�l Vil1age � Mation ^. bJarren Second � Gwathney �n0 appraved per staff �emo #� 2. Inn at Wes� Vai� Sign Variance Tabled 6y applicant #2 3. Larson Residence 2655 Davos Zrai1 �,. Lo� 18, Black B, Vail Ridge Motian - Gwathney 3,Q�1 �Znal approved wit� condition that Secand - Af�eldt P.Ll. 's give fina7 approa�ai �o plans Rbs�ention - Warren #4 4. Cascade V�l�age Spor�s � Parking S�ructure: �ntry Addltion P�otion - �wathney Approvgd 4-0 contingent upon Public Works S�cond -� Warren and F�re Approval #g 5. Gore Creek Meadows, Subdivis�on Sign Motian - Ularren Appraved as sub�itted Second - �wathney 4-a � :� DRB June 19, 1985 -2- � Site Visits : #� 6. Enzian Lodge Landscap� P�1an Vai1 Lionshead 7ab�e� by Saard to n�xt meeting #g 7. Gore Creek Pleadows So1a�r Collectors : �ight �awnhomes Tab7ed by applicant #7 8. Rabins Residence: Lot 27, Block 7, Vail Village lst Fi1ing 15� Beaver Dam Motion - �arren Approv�d as subm�tted 4-0 Second - Affe1dt #� 9, �yit-n-�eedle Store Front Remodel LionspridE B�dg. Lot 3, 81ock 1 Vail Lionshead 1st Fi�ing ��otia� - Ularren A�proval for sign and structure Second � �wathney Pa�nt cn1ors must be resubmi�ted � #3 10. Strauss Garage �o�io� - A�fe�dt A�proved as S�bmi�ted �-0 5econd - Gwathn�y Old Business: New Business : DRB PRES��{T: DR8 ABSEPdT: Staff �resent: Ned �wathney St�ve Caswell Kristan Pritz Kathy lAlarren Ri c[c Pylman Eri c Affel d� Tom Bra�n Rick Ba1dwin � Staff Approva�� : Projec# Application Date � � ��� �" Project Name: � � '� ������� �p�� �,�Cl�Tl,�1� �"��r�'� �'��'`� �' �'°�" Project Description: '�� '"�� �f��� �� �� ��p ���� Contact Person and Phone � �� � ��'°� �Y�� ._���`� Owner, Address and I'hone: `'�����(° ��� �� ��� ���� �� ��1 ���, �y'c'e ��r� �� ���� ��"��a Architect, Address and Phane: ��'r �• .�1��� �����"�.� �y�ao ��� sT ��� �� ���'��7 C��� "7����'�7 �1'�i.� ��ZT �� ��1L�� , zone l'C�:.� Legal �escription: Lot , Black _._. - — Filing Camments: • Design Re�iew Board Date � �� ---�-�� Motion by: �- Seconded by: ►L�y�� — APPROVAL DISAF'PROVAL � Surnmary: �ll�_ � � � � �� 1 ` , — 1 1 1 � �'�D Q(� � ,� � CN� �, 1� �Dr. 1� � � � � ��' w Town Planner ` ❑ Staff Approval date: � Project Application Date r 'ect Name: � �� � �� � - � P �� Project DeSCriptior�: Contact P�rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � �i �� � Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: � 4�� �W -- Seconded by: AF'PROVAL bESAPPROVAL � Summary: lc� _ ;�'_ .�k � a� �a��� a� ��� � �-e � �� �� � - � �� Q �� �- �-� 's �r�r �1.� �u �- �II � L � u�. � ' � ' �� Town Plan r ❑ Staff Approval Date: Projec# Appiication Date ,Iut�e 3, 198 5 . Project Name: LARSON RESTpENCE ProjectDescripfion: S�.ngle—family residence with attached 2—car ara e.. Contact Person and Phone Ka�h Warar'er� PEEL WARREN AR�HITECTS 47.6-4506. Owner, Address and Phone: .._..�arC �.rid A�ic i a, Larson, c/a SP�I��'S MED_T_C�N�, 1A 1 _W�;s� Meadow Drive, Vai�., Colarado $�.657, 476-2451 ext. 257. Architect, Address and Phone: PEEL/WARREN ARCH�`�ECTS, P.O. Box 337Q, Vai7., Colarado 81658, 476-4506. 2—�'ami ly Legak Description: Lot �$ , Block B , Filing ..... �a�-�- Ri.dg� , Zone �'�'y�• ����• Comments; �. 4--Bed�oom, 3%-Bath r�sid�nce on four 1evels (inclizding__ garage) stepped wi�h contours of hillszde 1a�. Primary ex'Gerior wa�1. material is stucco, wzth wood shingle roof. � Design Re�iew Board Date _ �V`� L i r �_!"'�� Motion by: �" � Seconded by: s� � ��,J��� APPROVAL QISAPpROVAL �� �-- Summary: � ' r� � L U`� � 6 U own Planner ❑ 5taff Appraval Dat�: � "�` Project Application Date � Project Name: � tU3 �CI �� � Project Description: ° h Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: cri tion: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone �- �r e Legal Des p Comments: � � � Design Review Board Date _._. v Motion b : �'��� Y Seconded by: �j�"`' `��" APPROVAL DfSAPPROVAL � Summary: � � � ❑ Staff Approval Town Planner Date: � �� � Project Application !,� Date �.� � � �:. � Projec# Name: ' � � ��� ���� Project Description: � C' ...� U�� - �C[`'�t iZ=�.�..... Contact Person and Fhone � `--r "' ��� Owner, Address and Phone: �� t- )Q�� i i r- ��` � � � � � � Architect, Address and Phone: . �~T Filin r�(�_ ir-uF� �� �, Zone �� Legal Rescription. Lot _ Block � 9 Cornments: � Design Re�iew Board � , ? � Date �" � Motion by: �k��'� 8econded by: #�'��'�--�M�' - APPFiOVAL QiSAPPROVAL � � .�-t� �• " ~v v�-�--- y +� Summary: � ---, ! �_..� -��r ' � �' F ' i Town Plan r ❑ Staff Approval Date: ( � � *Please note : Final presenta�ion of �ord and �onovan Parks cancelled �or July 2nd . Town Cvuncil mee�ing ��`� tow� o uai � 75 south frontage road vail,aolorado 8i657 (303) 476-7000 cffice oi community development DRS AGENDA JULY 3, 1985 2:00 P.m. 5rnte Visits �z :ao �3 , 1. Enzian Lodge: Landscape Plan, l.ionshead 1�oti on�Af f�l dt Second�Caswell Approved per submitta1' 5-0 #� 2. Beard R�sidence: Lot 45, Glen Lyan No vot� tab7ed by appliean� for further study �5 3. Ho Sa�ellite Dish, L.ot 1, Highland Meadaws #2 20�0 W. Vermont Rd. no vote tab1ed by applicant for next r�eeting for further s�udy �. Pownall Residence: Final Review #10 � Lot 14, B�ock �., Vai7 Vil1age 1st Motion : Warren Second: Caswel7 Approved 5-0 5. Kenn�ngton Hot Tub; Tyrol�an Tnn #il Mot�on - Warren Second - Caswell Approv�d 5-0 #g 6. Stephenson �arage� Additian: Lat 12, Block l. Vail Village 6th � P�otion - Warren Approved by staff contingent upon addition Second - Caswell of stone to a13 areas a� garage (excluding Rpproved 5-0 door} and adjacent retainage. T�mber to be stained brown #g 7, 1Vit-n-Needle S�ore Front calar scf�eme Lionspri�e Bldg. , Lionshead F�oti on - Affel dt Second - Gwathmey Approved as submitted � #I 8. Vail Vi11age Carpe�s SZ,�n - Brandess Build�ng Motion - Warren Secand - Caswe] i Approved 5-0 i #6 9. Sun�ance Saloon Awning & Signage 5unbird �adge, �ionshead Motlon � Warren Second - Caswe71 Appraved 5T0 Valance will be made into an awn�ng 10. Fogelsong Addition #12 �ot 6, Block 3, Bighorn 5th , ��otion - Warren 5ecand - Caswe� 1 Approved as submitted 5-0 11. K-S Ranch Deck Enc1osure Lionsquare Ladge, Lionshead #7 ;�otion - Cas��►el� Secor�d - 1rJarren 5-0 12. Inn at t�Jest Va�� S�gn ��oti on - Warren Second - Caswe�1 5-� Approved height variance as requested, approved s3ze variance of 90 sq. with staff ap�roval of f�nal i d�5;g� OLD BUSINESS: �dONE NEI� BUSI�iESS: iVONE STAFF APPROVAL.S: DRS MEMBERS PRESEiV�: qRB ME�ISE�S ABS��lT: f�ed Gwathmey Rick �aldwin Eric Affeldt Steve Caswe�l �QN� Kathy +rJa rren STAFF i�IEMBERS PRESEi�T: STAFF M�r1B�RS ABSENI': Kristan Pritz Rick Py1man � Tom Braun � T0: pesign Rev�ew Board FROM: Cammunity Development Department DATE: Ju1y 3, 1985 SUBJECT: Wes� Vai� Signs Yesterday at Counc�� work session, the Counc�l studied the attached me�o and suggested �he staff pursue Alternative 2 and p�esent �he�r proposed revised sign code for CCi�i. We wou1d appreciate your input and w�ll keep you informed as to �he outcome. �� i Project Appiication Date b�°��/ g� . .— � � • r� Y�1 n'1�.� �7'� �� `�n n Project Name: � - – - - Project Description; �� rp Cqntact Person and Phone . ' `�j'�- �"�' �` �'r �`��' ^ ��1 � -�— O�rner, Address and Phone: �{''t��'� � `-��� V �'�` ����0�5 �r� � _ Architect, Address and Phone: 4 �I ��'1� � Legal Description: l.at , Block _.._ f , Filing .��� � ��- � - � , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: �Q�� - Seconded by: ` �"`-'►��� APPROVAL ' � QISAPPROVAI. D Summary: , O��UV� � Y i 1, -- } , l � � � � � � 1 � , ) � W� � � , r �r�S� �r �� � Town Planner ❑ Staff ApprOVa! Date: �� t3 � i)� Pro}ect Application Date � ��` ���� �C�us���5+�cs7 �-��a ���[ic� • Project Name; Project Description: ` �G� ��C�l �. ��1�Q�(�l� -�s � pC Contact Person and Phane `�n � '^ � �� Owner, Address and Phone: _. � »C� � `"`�0�4��r���r - ��{�S �tC r� ,�� � . ���-�-7 Architect, Address and P�one: `e � �?C1� "�l C� �a� C� ' Ut(��� � '�!O scri tion; Lot � ,�8�ock "� ' �Filing "� , Zone' S Legal De p Comments: 4 � Design Review Board Date � � �� Mation by: ' '�Z��� . � / SeCOr�ded by: �,_��._..�..'���-'`��l - APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL ,� .�� �'.� �.�,y �.� � L�� ��� Summary: �.-�^9 � f � • ; Town Planner � SEaff Approval Date: �yl� Projec# Application Date � G . Project Name: ��i t T2��a�� 1�tiJ( F'�� 4'� -- - ---- Project Descriptian: �r����1�fJk' -- Contact Person and Phone r`"F �-S � ��l ��{��' � _ � ]�� ,�j' ��C j 1_ ��lL �l'i��� ��f ° ��� _ Owner, Address and Phone: _. ��G g ����� '�� . — � - —��- �X ��'�.��,�J���y �' � • f� �-�� _ . - Architect, Address and Phane: �� U Lega! Rescription: Lot , Block � _ __, Filing , Zone Comments: . �"b LVthJl��yv �—��2C7 _ � CJ� 1.-�C�l� � r — -- r � I �/ �2 . Design Rer►iew Board Date � � �� Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DlSAPPROVAL Summary: � � Q I Town Plan er Staff Approval � Date: � � Project Application Date � Praject Name: Project Description; �� Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phane: �► �1. L.�r , ...._ Architect, Address and Phone: � � ��������"'°-•-� -..._..�,,,` Lega1 Descri on: Lot �� , Block �_, Filing , Zone Com nts: .._ .-----�-`.v..-�.---�' � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL `_ Surr�mary: . Tow Plan r Staff Approval / Date: Project Appl�cation r � Date `� � � �p��� ��� ������ � Project Name: ��'r`-'�^�""' � Pro'ect �escri tion: �� �� � � � ����� � 1 P Contact Person and Phone �IJ �'�N�S ��l�-����� l�°�A � ��� �..w-c�� , f� �?-�n6 Owner, Address and Phone: -" Architect, Address and Phone: b"������� ° Legal Description: Lot , Slock , Filing [-{ ~ � . Zone '; Comments: �S ^ � Design Re�iew Board Date Mation by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � � lcrYr� .- 5ummary: � ��I/` � � ���s ) , .�� ��, � ;�� � � To n lanner Staff Approval Date: � � ,;r-; . Project Application Date ��� �� _— � PrOjeGf Name: ��� �" Project Description: �t"'��- ��`�r��"t^�"'�� _���� Cantact Person and Phone . �� ���''"� '^ ��''��� �'=�-' ��• —— W Owner, Address and Phone: � ��"'"�'`�� � ���t� ��`�� — — Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zone Comments: � � . � Design Re�iew Board Date 7�'u1�� -- Motion by: ���4,P� — Seconded by: �s.��-��r - - APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ����- .�`c� Summary: t � Y1� ���r.�-- �� .r�' ' � . � , �, �!' (:U r�' ,a,� � � •� �• � � r� � ti � r +� , r.. ��-- �` ' � �"_"`�--� Town lan ❑ Sta#f Approvaf Date� Project Application Date • PrQ�e ct Name: ���!-�r �,� Project Descriptian: � � � � . �o S�-t���. Gontact Person and Phone Qwner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block _ — Filing , �one Comments: iDesign Re�iew Board Date Mo#ion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5ummary: o u v�� aJCl�. � `� � w la ❑ Staff Approvai Date: � Project Application • Date . Project Name: �� Project Descrfption: �� Contact Person and Phone '�`'��� — �- � Owner, Adclress and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , lock , Filing , Zone Camments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: 5econded by: P�ROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � w� . Tow Pfanner . ❑ Sta#f Approvaf Date: Project Application � Date +� � ���,� �4 C'� iProject Name: — , - — Project Descriptior�: +� G'�� � - -— Gontact Perspn anci Phone �� �Q�?�n� � b C�0�1 Z. _— _ _ Owner, Address and Phone: ��-j � ��y �G - Architect, Address and Phone: 1_�.R.eL�,�° � � °�- - ��� p��� - — �egal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: °`' � Design Review Board Date � ��� — Motion by: Secancfed by: APPR�V DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � - Town lanner ❑ St�ff Approval Date: 71�{ �� _ .._. . , .. ; . . , . .. . . _ _ _ . . - �.. Project Application �ate �� . � � Pro}ect Name: " Project Description: . �� , � �` , Contact Person and Pho�e � . � . Owner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phone: 'G' � �' . t u no s� ��►�� � �,1� . - -UC�r�� Ca. �`��s7 a7� •44��,_ Legal Description:.Lot �S , Block; � • —, Filing _,V �� �� .. — , Zone � . � 1 T Comments: ' �a [ �. � Design Review Board Date —�1�J�J� -- — Motion b : �L15?� -- Y Seconded by: APPROVAL � 'g��'��S DISAPPROVA� .i , Summary: � , � , l� � � t r� ,V I - � �, ` i..�M � 1 � � -` � �. , � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval 17ate: . �.�,��I�� ._. , _ _. ... ._ . . . _ ,. _ , . -- � Projec# Application Date 6/6/85 � Project Name: ����an Lodge Project Description: ����scape pZan for conversion Contact Person and Phane _ 3ay K. Peterson _._ ._ 476-0092 Owner, Address and Phone: ��zian. at Vai1, Inc. , 7721 North_ Kostner Avenue, Skokie,_ IL_60076 Architect, Address and Phone: ._.. �3err;dge A o ' tes, Tnc• , 10 0 South Frontage Roacl_ West.�_ _ 'Uaa.l Colorado 81657 Legai Description: Lot s�� �'�TACHED glock - , Filing , Zone Comments: T.ands _ane imn�'ovemen.ts to �p�rac�e exis�ing. _ __— , Design Re�iew Board Date `5 f Motion by: Sec6nded by: P DISAPPROVA � Summary: � '� c �^-� /1'h.a�� c��.T� � (j�- d�. cm .�r•-i�r a� � �k�, �-�� � 1 Town Planner ❑ Staff Approvai 6 j�/�Date: _. .. ._.__._ � -. . . _ , _ Project Application bate � Project Name: ' Project Descriptipn; , � Gantact Person and Phone �� � � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phane: . Legal �escription: Lot , Block _— Filin:g , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Oate �� � � - -- Motian by: Seconded by: APPROVAL � DISAPPROVAL Summar : � �• "'` Y � . Town Planner ❑ 5tafi Approval Date: � _ � . .- .. '- . �M1. .s' . - � ` - . . '- -' _ . -. .. . . . . . Projec# Application . pate � . QC�J Cr Pro}ect Name: � --- �� "1�'�'t 1� Project Descrip#ion: Contact Person and Phone � Q Owner, Address and Phone: - � � � 1/ ' Architect, Address and Phone: � �;� � � � , Filin �^ , Zone � 4- Legal �escription: Lot�.�, $lock � 9 �� � Comments: • Design Re�iew Board Date � � � Mo#ion by: � ��'`-'—� — SeCOnded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � ' � ' � Summary: j � � � �� , ` � • l ^ 7own Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � � Project Application Date � �U • Project Name: Project Description: r � Contact �erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � � � L� 5"� �r'_ � L�gal Description: Lot Biock , Filing , Zone�.��— Comments: � �esign Review Board Date �J Motion by: �- �� ��"Y' — Secor�ded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � i . Summary: � Town Planner � Staft AppfOV21. Date: � � +�y� 7 �ow� a uai 75 south ironiage road vail,colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 of}ice of community development D�STGN REVIE�J BOARD AG�NDA �uly 17, 1985 2:00 p.m. Site Visits : ].2:;30 #2 1. F�o Sate]lit� Dish l�ot 1, Hi gh7 ar�d Meadows 2nd �1o�ion, Warr�n Approval 4-D Addi�iona7 �andscaping requ�red Secmnd: Gwathmey Paint chip to be sub�i�t�d to staff - taupe color 2. Beard Residence � Lot 46, Gl�n Lyon tab3 ed to �lu1y 31 #5 3. Stephenson Garage Add�tion Lo�C 12, Blocic 1, Vai1 Vi17age 6th tab�ed to July 31 by applicant #3 4. 5trauss Garage Rddit�an Lot 47, Vai 1 Vi l lage b�est #2 tabled 6y applicant #7 5. Sonnenalp Flags �9otion : Warren Secand: Gwathmey approve� 3-Q 1 abstention �g 6. !�il Season`s Parking Lot and Landscaping hto�i on : Gwathmey . Secona:.. Warren Approved 4-0 with condit�ons � #6 7. Mural on �he Lodge Er�p1oyee Cafieteria B1 dc�. tabled by app7icant to Juiy 31 meetinp page two DRB �-z�-s� � #1 8. F�rmanis Deck & Hot Tub Potato Patch Club #42 applican� did not a��end �eeting #4 9. Elmore (new) Residence Lot 3, Fi��ng 2 , Vai1 Vi1�age l�Jest 4�otion : l�arren Second : Schu�tz conceptual approva7 4-Q 10. Go�den Peak Addit3on o� Trailer #9 Revised Landscapir�g and Parking 3�lotion: �wa�hmey Second : Warren Appraved 4-0 with conditions � OLD BUSIPJESS : NEW BI�SI�IESS: �ignorn Park Update Signs �For CCIII Pr�sentation July 31 DRB MEMBE�S PRESENT; ST;9FF N[ENIBERS ABSEiVT: Kathy YJarren PJ2d Gwatf�mey Sid Schultz Rick Baldwin STAFF APPROVALS: Pease Schutter/Ho�es on Beayer Dam �d. , Revised penthouse fioor plans Gore Creek Associates Re-Roof Vaii Valley "�ed�cai C�nter - emergency sign for ambulance garage Peterson revised landscape p1an Vail Vi3 �age 3ravel Sign : Flower mura� w�th 5 sq. of s�gnage Chand�er-Var1aufer Un7t 365, ex�er�or door change � Pro�ect Application Date . Project Name: ��V �� - � - - — Projecs Description: � �� �� - -- Contact Person and Phone ���� ��'�"�^•�""" ( ��"�Z�- ---� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description; Lot , Block , Filing ��v� � �� Zon��.�... Comments: • Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: �r �. ,X.��. -- --— APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL _. _!` tJ Summary: � �"` �T'� c Town lanner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Ap.plication �:.:�. [�ate // . C� ����� . ' t Name: lI '� � �=' r`'� .. �.Pro�ec � ' �, � .�, s' qk ` �R� o / . . �'" � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone '"�"r � ��7 Owner, Address and Phone: �[3�7"r Q� .f'� � 9'7 c�a� ��.e c�s Q' G�d Y .� Architect, Address and Phone: � °'�� � �� � � ���i't1 C � 7�l Legal Description:�e4�'� Block _.... ��—, Filing �� , Zone /7 o = °;, Comments: L�;� . � �� r � . . . �:t� � :�� � � a �-� �' � � � �� �� ��- e � s��'''`�-� �P /-� � 7+ ��> !� �f a�u.c! � �6t r� ...P..t.� � ' ..�- �r� .r c+ ..e s���� Q: �g r !�,U rt. f1td�C� J � 7�i :�� �L ti('I O cO !�- ./`s*.p i/ � - �� Design Re��ew Board Date Motion by: seconded by: ..._. fi � �— APPROVAL DiSAPPROVAL � � l ! 1 , �p 5ummar . - £ �� . , ,� 3 � � n � � ' � i � � Town Planner ❑ Staff ApproVal Date: Project Apptication Date u � � Project Name: �' Project Description: � �r, Contact Person and Phone � � � � ��� Owner, Address and Phone: ��`--- -�-�'������� �----�� � - �Q , � �� ` � � d w Architect; Address a�d Phone: y,Lr� � � �--���� '�("�� �7� � �ZO1 . - Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: ��} `�'�"� � � �� 1C�[�� --�- Design Review Board ��` �" � Date i � Motion by: 5econded by: �' �'` ' APPROVAL pISAPPROVAL � , , , � + ; � 1 5ummary: � �� � � -:� � � + i � � t � � � .� �' ` � f;� 1�� � , � r ` � S � ` � `� t '�Ui�1 � � � Tow Pla er 0 5tafi ApprOVal � 1 � ;S. Date: � �� �� ��S � ��h.� � � Q ; �(}v1C� Mn1.../tna �.R 5 A� �� Project Appl�cation Date u �g� ` � Project Name: ���� � ��� �� ' K�IJ Project Description: � � �� � N � Contact Person and Phone N U'�'TZ � � . � ,, Owner, Address and Phone: ��q� ���� - �2�'2 �. �t��' �R IU� G�,-��o' C✓�v -��- Ce Architect, Address and Phor�e: . �2 �I�+ �. bohl I/� �l�v ' q a Le al Descri tion: Lot B' �Tkc �' , Filing �� ���'��� � "��� Zone � 9 P. Comments: w-N � � ����0 A�uA►r�a t� ������� Design Review Board � � � Date Motion by: ��r�� SeGOnded by: �"" Ai�PROVA� DISAPPROVAL � � � � r Summary: � i ui 1 a, � � � �� � � ��, G . ' �Y'1 � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � ���� -- • i��` a � tow� o uai 75 south frontage road vail, coforado 81657 �303) a�s-7000 office of cammunity development pRB AGEWDA Ju�y 3�. , 19$5 5ite Visits : 1:15 - 1. Elmore Residence(netiv) Lot 3, Va�T U���age West �i7ing #2 Motion: Warren Second: Caswe�� Approv�d per submittal � Ilote 5-0 - 2. Strauss .�arage Ad��tion _ f Lot 47; Uail Village Ulest, Filing #2 NEotion: �wathmey 8` - 10' coni-Fer at n.��. corner �econd : Warren stucco tan to match stane Vote 5-0 - 3. Mural on the �odge Employee Cafet�r�a Motion: Caswell P�1otion �or ter�porary approval Second: l,farrer� af 35 sq. ft. of mural . Fina� Vote: 5-0 appraval for sign - 4. S�ephenso� Garage Additon f� Lo� 12, alock 1, Vail Vi3�age 6th i�oti on: Warren Second: Caswell 5-0 Approved per submittal �1 5. Pa�o Store 5ignage, Sitzmark Lodge Motion : Gwathmey 5econd: Caswel � Approved per submittai �. Vate 5-0 #2 6. Uantage Point re-painting Motion: Warren Secvnd : Caswell Approv�zf per submi��al vot�: �-o � 7. Fermanis Deck & Hot Tub Patato Patch C7ub, Unit 42 Moti on : �rlarren Second: Gwa�hmey relocate existing spruce to front��of sonna t�be Vo�e 5-0 #3 8. QoubleTree I�n; concep�uai review �fo vate taken 9. Beard Residence Lot 46, Glen Lyon Tabled by a�plican� OLD BUSIf�ESS: i NEtiJ BUSIN�SS: pR8 MEMBERS PRES�NT: DRE MET9BE�S ABS�NT: Kathy ti°Jarren ��nQ Steve Caswell �ded Gwathmey Rick 3aldwin Eric Affe�dt - P.E.C. STAFF TIEMBERS: Staff Approvals Fov�s Go1d Soutique Kristan Pritz V�stabahn F1oa� 5ignage Tom araun DoubleTree Inn, temp. s�:�te �ev. sign �icfc Py�man bJalker remodel � Project Application Date Project Name: "-� � Project �escription: �-��A�� - Contact Person and Phone --.�.. ��� °M 11�-�''�"` ���' �``v`s�- _ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zane Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Secanded by: APPROVAL DtSAPPROVAL _ ���U _ Summary: � err � �. c.c� h�G-� <s c� � �u�v1 i�n � t Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: ^ Project Application Date � project Name: �• �f51� ��� , ---- Praject Description: � ` Contact Person and Phone � � a�� � �� �� Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 1 �__. � �� Legal Description: Lot ` , Block Filing � , Zone Comments: � , Design Review Board Date �� f]� � �� Mo#io� by: wV�'��l 1 .__ ._ Seconded by: ������� APPROVAL DfSAPP�iOVA� � � l�J summary: ` ' � 3� . � ` a.i i 1 i (�.�� � � � �;� �, � � :�� c b � � � a � � � • l Town Planner 0 Staff Approval Date: �` ��f �� Project Application Date � Project Name: =�1��� "��"""'�'� - �— Project Description; °-+^� " ""�S�` - Contact Person and Phone r^^ � ��"�"""-�� � ��� 5�00 -- Owner, Address and Phone: ��p`�� --- Architect, Address and Phone: � M��'°�^' -- Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing ���`����- �- ��, Zone ��5 Comments: 1�,� �i`I`� -W � ��-*c.J�- nti`��s+r �r 'C�S�r�.+!�.t-'¢.— � �.�-�w n �;�-� . . Design Review Board Date �1 311s6� -- ---.-- Motion by: w �'�^' Seconded by: `-"'"" APPROVlaL DiSAPPROVAI. � Summary: �.I � k �P �� �� � Town Planner ❑ Staff Apprpval C7ate: -��t�.�� ,, Project Application � ' Date Z � a Pro'ect IVame: ��aT0.- ��3' R�� i►J �u`a�,1� fn�EadC,. ! Projeci Description: � �e�-�� �Q-`�+�� Contact Person and Phone � �a�i9'�� `7 � `� ���3 6 � ��� Owner, Address and Phone: _ I ` ��'� 1 [� i ���� ��a��k �'��,., � �G ���G ` Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Camments: ����2o Ja..[ �1��L� ��C�d�02 C��I�C? �S - -.- �S�. �. � --- � Design Rer►iew Board _ � Date � �� ��� Motion by: S�canded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � —-- . � Summary: 1 � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva! � Date: �.�- .. _ .� ;���. ..- - - _ . . _ . - . _ _�. _ _. . .. _ � , , ,.- , Project Application �at� � ��Project Name: '�'"'� '�' lS ---- proj�ct Description: � � � Contact Person and P#�one � - � ��''°�-��� — --- �1� -- ��� �-� -- - Owner, Address and Phone: �.�'�"_._��P��s�� � -- c��[-,��G,- 1l1��i S Architect, Acfdress and Phone: � �egal Description: L.ot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board Date 7�� �� j � Motion by: ,�,(���-� -- Seconded by: ��'�� PPROVAI� � DISAPPROVAL ���� S u m m ary: �1C7 �, _ .{ v.t. �`l3�.�f''G.-. �� c', - ` �' L'_ �lr� ��v�� rti � "�C�n hC� ��-P -- � - —- � � Town PI nner � S#aff Approval Date: Project Appiication Date � �� � Project Name: ' �` Project Description: � �` � � � Contact Person and Phone ��� �r`-{-1"" �� �- ���` ��� � Owner, Address and f'hone: �"�"� ���µ�'�� Architect, Address and Phone: ����� ` ^'S ` � ��t : , C�",. ���7 �f`7(- Z2� r Legal Description: L.ot � Block , Filing �� , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date � Motian by: _ �N{_�-► ' `-� Seconded by: ._ ������ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1 � �� � � �� � � �� 5ummary: �• � ` � � p � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approvai Date; Project Application Date Z � � �� � Project Name: +`�� ��� ��-�� ����� �Q�G� -- Project Description: ��� ���'Y ra���� ���� ��� - Contact F'erson and Phone ���� ����-�'✓�— ��C� � �"7�� Owner, Address and Phone: —[,.������- -����� -.... -- � -- �� ��! Ur�113���' 1.7�� �.���. G�.n . __g��t3_ _ ��,fT� Architect, Address and Phone: ����1 �1�Yc' - - - 1��� � _�..r��l�,���z 1�f7 L.�f r�T' '���� �__���-G�------���.s� ----- - - Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing ��� ��� ����7 , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board r Date � � �� Motion by: '��� . ---- 5econded by: � APPROVAL � piSAPPRQVAL ..._. ._... t,'i—, � , _... .��........�.„ ....__.._.,. Summary: � ^� ��"' � �, � , . � � 1 � � � � ` • T Planner ❑ 5taff Apprpval Date: Project Application Date Pro}ec#.Name: . �°�� �`�e'`�K'C✓ -- ---. � Project Description: �e�'`� Contact Person and Phone � ��"`1� � -'] I 15� --- Owner, Address and Phone: — a'� �0�� � -- Architect, Address and Phane: Legal Description: Lot �7 � , Block , Filing �- ''� , Zone�� Commen#s: �� �-� � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ` AP!'ROV/1L DISAPPROVAL � ^� Summary: ' °� � � �l`S ev • � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Dat�: 1- " Project Application ,�- � � �'S Date � Project IVame: ��=.N Q..��� �C��—Fk{?_ ���'�-c, �. /4D�J i�`14 � --- � r Project Description: ���`3i�N 4� � — 3 K ( 3 S[��-�`fl2 /o�'-Z. dt� _ ?�lJ_ �� �O/= Contact Person and Phone ��'N� �'�'�i-L— �� C'���6--���'1 V L-'ZL Q3��'— ��,/�Z Z-to�� S �� lc"�� S i �u6L��aoC�� �_ �c� o ..._ , � Owner, Address and Phone: ..._. �"��� �-� �ev�v���/k' SOIZ M�kf�J GUw2� �e �`o�� ���� � $��! Architect, Address and Phone: �-2�� �C-��V'2-�- ��°�� � ���� � S I �N C7 t��w n� d� Cc� g��f � �c34 '�t�Z Legal Description: E�ot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: . Design Re�iew Board oate � Z � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL •K- _.. .. _ �.�� Summary: � �A(.� !3� ��� � � �� �z.-, a/J �e SS1 � f� C7 � ��_�!� r� ��� 6vi�lJ� v-f� A � "°- Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Daie: Project Application Date � �� , + 1 1 . � Project Name: r �t Project Descripiion: * � ~[',�i►r � Slno c=� Contact Person and Phone ��__�l�r`�'! �������� - � ° t� ,� a ' Owner, Address and Phon�: G ���� � �1U� (o - �`� , � Architect, Address and Phone: t i ' ���� r Legal E7escription: Lat , Block Filing , Zone ���^''' V Comments: � Design Review Board � Date g•�� �.� Motion by: �� Saconded by: _ _;`-°''�'�"�� — APFROV DISAPPROVAL 3� Summary: Jb�� G`' a� f `T�/+�-- IS.�— �...�� �. �, �.. - � Tawn lanner ❑ Ska#f Apprqval �ate: Z �� , _ ,.,_�._ _ - . - ... .. . . . �:.: .. .. . �__ . � . _...-;� �� Prvject Application Da#e � Project Name: d � � � ! �/(� Project DESCription: ��� �G� � ���da� � " ����a T��� `� �`��r Contact Person and Phone �.��U�� ��� � � � �r Owner, Address and Phone: � �� � �� � Architect, Address and Phone: —��������� � - Legal Description: Lot , Block -� , Filing U �r � ne ���� Comments: �- Design Re��ew Board Date � ��v � �__ Motion by: }'�--`' � t -�.. (�r Seconded by: ,'��-�—����'I"� .. , APPROVAL €?ISAPPROVAL ��� — , �Summary: � �t �' � r �' �rv �� t • Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Oate: �� � � Project Application Date � / � Project Name: �.�?(jJ,p{�"Q..� .�� � � _������ t�� � ��� ��. ' � �r��.-��� �?t1Z�-�'ct��, LLt�IV�;.r1rf,L�r� �f� C � N 'S� 6�i,�� Project Descriptian: �„�y�� Contact Person and Phone ' �` �� � ���.�P� +�R �� - Owner, Address and Phone: .._.C.L.��-�� �����`�� , -�d � � �-� ��1'-��,"L�`� L�� _ �"�b�-72.0� _ . ArcF�itec4, Address and Phone: � ��' p��'"` 4 �� � � • P�[�C�p� Legal Description: Lot ; Block , Filing � �Z�� ���-L���- , Zone { . Comments: �c��� � r���: � S �r�L�� � o c:t?���tv.��,r1� [�`��� � �-�C� _ � �l� ��Ca,��C�OR3� �C� C._(�t�'1-��L�{� .���_.�� - . � _� ���S��,t.���-v��ou� �cv� �s ��c����-Q��� S�o�� �P.�at�'� - - �- Design Review Board Date �� �� �� - -- Mo#ion by: Seconded by: �� � �-- APP�iOVAL DiSAPPROVAL � � l�J Summary: � �. ���� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � DESIGN REVi�W BOARD . August 7, 1985 11 :30 am �.uncf7 Worksession on West Vail S�gn Code 2:00 pm Pubiic Meeting SITE ViSITS 3 1 . Meaafow Vail Plac� {Ipanema B��g) Sign, Lo� I , Va�7 Vi�lag� 2nd Fi] ing Motion; Caswell Secand: 4^�arrer� Uo�e: 5-�� ] 2. Pierce Breezeway Add7��on, Lot 16, Vaii Va��ey 3rd �il �r�g Motion: E�tarren Second: �wa�hmey vote: 5-0 2 3. Summers' l,o�ge, Lot 5, Blk 6, Vail Vi1lage lst Fil�ng � Motian: .�arren Secand: Caswell prelim�nary Approval Vot�e: 5-Q 4. Beard Residence, Lot 46, �1en Lyon Motion: Second: Vo�e: ��� vote, �abl�c� by applicant DRB MEMBERS P�ES��EF: DRB M�MBERS ABS�N7: STAFF' PR�SENT: Kathy 1Jarren none E:ristan Pritz Stev� Caswe1l �ick Pylman iJed Gwa�hmey iom 6raun f�ick 6aZdw�n Eric Affe7dt - P.E.C. � _ i ��„ , �� �own of uai 75 south lrantage road vail, coloracEo 81657 �so3� a�s-�ooa offEce of community development �ESIGN REViEt�! BOARD AG�idDA August Z1, 1985 I. Call �leeting �o ard�r I I. Roj 1 Ca7 � , determination o�F quorum Iii . Rgenda I�ems 1; a. Villag� Center � b. A & D 6uildzng SI7E VISITS 12 :00 1. Summers Lodge, Lot 5, B�ock 6, Vai7 V�llage 1st Motion: Caswell Second; Affeidt Appraved 3-0 except pedestr�an easem�nt wal kwa,y #5 2. Lodge En�ry Addition , Vai7 Village, ��est $ide P9oti on : Caswel 1 Secand : Affeldt Approved 3-0 as submitted #� 3. Creative Videa Renta� S-�orQ�ront, Lazier Lionshead Arcade Gi les & Grins Coo er Cole Mo�ion : Caswell Second : Affeldt Approved 3�0 as submit�ed #4 4. Creative Vic�eo Rental Storefron�, Mi11 Creek Court Building Motion : Affeidt Second : Caswel� Approved 3-0 with condi�ions � 5. �askins Garage ,�ddition, �ot 4, Blfl ck fl, Va�l Ridge Motian: Caswell Approved 3-0 w3th conditions Second : A�'�e�dt -2- �RS 8-21-85 • 6. Henretta Solar Pane7s, Go r� Cre�k Condominium Bidg. Vaii Meadows , Filing 1 Motion : Affeldt Second: Caswell Approved with cnndit�ons 3-0 #� 7. Pa1mer-Walker Duplex, Lot i, F�� ing 1, Vaii Meadows Cancept�a1 approval pTan lA Ca�ceptual approval pla� 2B - no vot� #g $. Krentier Remadel , Lot 2, Q3ock D, Vail Ridge Appraval condit�onal u�on resubmittai of final colors ` landscapi�g and flue treatment Motion : Gaswe17 Second : Affeldt Vote 3-0 #2 9. h�alloy A�dition, Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn 5th i" Appraved per subm�ttal f�otiori : Caswell Second: .'�ffeldt Vote 3-0 1Q. Beard �esidence , Lot 46, Glen Lyon Motian : Caswell Secand: Affe�dt Approved w�th conditions Vote 3-0 • 11. Irw�n Esta�e, Lot 49, Glen Lyon Prelimir�ary approval Motio�► : Caswell Second : Affeldt Vote 3-0 OLD BUSIiV�SS: CC III Sign Code f�EW BUSINESS : STAFF APPROVALS: Vi 71 age Inn Pl aza �,iquors canopy Lodge at Vail , South Con�o Tower, eleva�or ad�ition Ramshorn Lodge, deck expansion L,ot 10 , Glen Lyon, new entry : east unit Staff Staff MEMBERS PR�SEfJT: ME��BERS ABS�NT: DRB PRESEI�T: DRB ABS�NT: Caswe1i Gwathmey Ba7dwin Warren A�F-Feldt: PEC . Project Applica#ion qate ` " �Project Name: l .fzea�'ii�� �� � �o �.e�l �� �i c e 5 ��� - .- Project Description: � Ql � �C �e�`'��a Contact Person and Phone 1��N ���,�t5 � _2 n� t� Vic�}Pcti ����—_ ��Q ���.'Z— Owner, Address and Phone: .,� �-a �����•-��'_'sR,t?°�.�, '�'�N - - ��� - ��o'� �A�A1Sc']/� OV� �� ��U" �c� - ��9 Architect, Address and Phone: �T�•����� "�'��°� �S � �+ � `�-=�-"-'`�`' ' - � �'1��1� Cl�ee� �. uw'�.� �31c�;�`�, Fiii��"�c� � ��� , Zone Legal Description: Lot , o �-- � Comments: (�.gk�a-�[ �� �c��v�eri. i� '�'�� C.�aE, � Scht� W�c:���_�^f..) � i s � � �- � �. va i��. ��, 2� o..c.` '1"� �2d a�z�c- r3�sca 2 [�J 1 �,�S l.v 3 W chb e] ' "�fi ti►1 ` �U' �+ � Design Re�iew Board Date ���� __ - Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � -- _ � � � ' .- � 5ummary: , � � �1 � Z ` �` � \� d1V�,L� 1 4 � �p� . wU , i � � , � � � � � ` Tow,Planner ❑ Staff Approv�l Date: � � � • -f Project Application pa�Q A ril 16 1985 `�- Project Name: Lod e Cano i,n. Court azd Area Project Description: �o� e Cano Contact Person and Phone �a . Pe r — Owner, Address and Phone: Lodge �roperties�, Inc. 476-5011 174 East Gore C�ee� Drive Vai1 CO 8i657 Architect, Address and Phone: Warren Plattner Associatas 18 Mit he 1 riv ew ven 20 —6 Legal Description: Lot , Block _ Fifing , Zone Comments: Design Re�iew Board � � �J � � date Motion by: Seconded by: ' APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � � � � � 0� Summary: . � � �r�s��.� �� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � ai l �� dR6 AGEN�A iSeptember 4, �985 2:00 p.m. S�t� Visits 12:30 #1 1. �urayama Residence: Lot 6, Block 8, Vail �ntermountain Tab1ed by Applicant #2 2. Terrace Wing: Cascade Village Approved 4-0 Motion: Warren Second: Gwathmey Landscape plan must be re�ised and resubmitted to DRB 3. Krentler Remod�l : Lot 2, Bloek D, Vai1 Ridge Tabled by Applicant #3 4. Sun6ird Ladge Repain�: Lianshead Approved with condi�ians � Motion: Warren Second: Affeldt #4 5. �icked �est S�orefront Remodel : Gnndo1a Bldg, L�onshead Conceptual approval No vote taken #5 6. Doub�etree Inn Remodel Prelim�nary ap�roval with condit�ons 3-q Motion: Warren Secon�: Gwathmey 7. Burger King Storefront Remodel Approved with conditions Motion: Warren Seeond: Gwathmey • page two � DRB 12/4/85 Staff Approvals: Berkowitz addi�ional Tandscaping; �at 2, BTock 1, �.V. 1st Hank Residence �andscap�ng; Lot 4, Bivck 1, V.V. Sth P�armigan Bus Stop, entry sign, landscape area Pease/Shutter Remode1 , Lot 2, Biock 5, V.V. 3rd Staff Present Kris�an Pritz �om Braun Staffi Absen� Rick Pylman flRB present: � Rick Saldwin Ka�hy Warren Ned Gwathmey Eric Affeid� {P�C} �RB Absent: Steve Caswell • � ����o T0: Design Review Board FR(}h1: Commun i ty Devel opment Qepa rtment DATE : S�ptember 4, 1985 RE : EXPANSION TO THE YJICKED �1ES7 STORE i�! THE CO�d�JOL,4 BUIL�INC The Planning Commission has rec�ntly approved a nu�ber of expansians �o the Gondala Suilding. �mong these is an expansion proposed for This .�licked !�l�st loca�ed at the �ower qround levcl of the Gondola Building. Tn apnrovi.n� this propnsed expansion , the Planning Gommission fiaund that "�he pr�posal comp] ied witn t�e Vail/L�onsnead Urban [}esic�n Cuide P�an and desinn eonsider- ations and that the proposa1 does not oth�rwise al�er th� character of �h� neighborhaad. " In reviewing ex�erior alteratians in co�mercial core 102, it is the purview of the Planning Lommissron �o evaluate the impa�cts and rela�.ianship between the �roposal and �F�e existing character of the area it is �n. In the case o� This Ulicked LJes�, the Planning Comrr�ission was concerned with t1�e footprint of the building and the roof form r�ore so than the materia1s and colors to �ae used �n th�s expansion, It is the responsi- �ility o�' the Design Review Qoard �o address these ciesign �e�a��s artd the overall appropr�a.teness of the desion for a 4iven site. Th� fol �owing � brief�y summariz�s so�e of the design cons�dera-�ions outlined in �he urban �esi�gn guide p�an. HEIGF�T AND MASSi�JG an emphasis should be placed on creating ground f1oor peo�strian activity ta overcome the canyon-like effect found thraug�out Lionshead. �xpans�ons should generally �e li�ited ta one story. URBA?J D�SIG;J CO��STJE�tAT�O�dS as stated in the guide p1an, "t�e challenge in Lionshead is to deve7an.:vitality, visua1 �nterest and ;�edestr�a� scale tirrithin a contemporary a:rchi�ectural �xpress�an". A �ajor emphasis in any architectural improver�ent should be to stren�then groun�+ flflor visibi7ity and attractiveness �n order to esf:alalish a stronger sense of pedestrian scale. ti�lhere expansions take p1ace, story height s�a11 be defined by existing architectural expressions o� floors. ROOFS �'7at, shaped, vau�ted or uomed roofs are exceptab1e and shou d be tied to the existing arch�t�ctura7 l�nes of the building. Roof over�angs sha17 be limi�ed from 3 to 36 inches in order to de�ine the eav� line. Apprapriate materia�s include metal , glass or p�astic. FACAQES-I�JALLS/STRUCTU�E primary r�aterials �o be encouraged �n Lionshead include concrete, concrete black, glass , metal stucco, � and waod. �eneraliy, the variety of major mater�als �and/ar co7ors) on any bui'�lding s�ou1c� be �imlted to three or �ess. � FACIA-TRAfJSPARENCY transparency is strongly encouraged on ground floors. �Vhi le gl ass shoul d be subdi vi ded with join�s or mu� 1 i ons to express i�dividual window elements, large single pane 4�lli1CI0W5 are not �rohibi�ed. DECKS AND PA�IOS these considerations are not ap�licable to this pro�osa� . ACCE�{T ELEMEf�TS colorful accent elemer�ts cansistent with the existing character of Lia�si�ead are encourag�d. LAN�SCAPE E�.ENiENTS generally, colorful plantings are encouraged to accent pedes�rian areas and highligl�t bui7dings. Curbs and retaining walls ar� used to define most of the planting areas in Lionshead and when used shouTd be construc�ed of either concrete or stone. The abave reference guidelines are taken fror� th� Lionshe�d Urban Desian cansideratians and cons7dered to be mos� relevant tivith respect to th�s app1 i cation. � � �� ►�y� �� �ow� o� uai 75 south frontage road vail, colarado B165T (303} a7s-7oo0 office of community developmen# DRB AGEPdDA September 4, 1985 1. Mayama Residence: Lot 6, Block S, Vail Intermountain 2. Terrace 6�ing: �ascade Village 3. Krentler �emodel : Lot 2 , BZock D, Vail Ridge 4. Sunbird l.odge Repair�t, Lionshead . 5. Wlcked West Storefront Remodel : �ondola 61dg. Lionshead � Project Application Date � � � � `� . Project Name: 1 � 4 � M � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone � Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � � Legaf Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: , � � N ♦ . Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5ummary: � , Town Planner Statf Approval bate: � � Project Application oate Sep�ember 5, 1985 � Project Name: ��dg� at Vai l � Ar1 berg Vesti bul e _ . Project Description: ^ Add i ti On o#' a new Entr, w�av Vesti bu 1 e, Contact Person and Phone . Chdl^12S DU11c'an, 476-5011 ext. 568 _ _ Owner, Address and Phone: ...L�I.�E pr�pPri��Ps� Tn . _ 174 Eas� GnrP Creek_ bri ve_ _ VaiT , Colorada 81657 476-5D11 Architect, Addressand Phone: . Ge1"dld M2Y'e1TlOtlt2_, Box 395, Edwards, Caiorado __ Legal Descriptio�: Lot � , Block �-� Filing 1 � , Zone � , 1 � Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � - � T wn Plann r �Staf1 ApprOval l�ate: �`y" ' �� '��U�"" �� � � � Project Application � ��� �- Date � �l� � project Name: �� � '"`�'" � Project Descrip#ion: � Contact Person ancl Phone �� Owner, Address and Phane: Architect, Address and Phane: Legal Description: Lot , Block __— Filing , Zone Commen#s: �'u`�- � � r .. ) � � Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL pISAPPROVAL Summary: � , �� Town Pla ner �Staff Approvaf Date: � �� Project Application Date . 1�►a 4�Ic . C� �. � Aroject Nama ' �ll ' Project Descriptiqn: �' t f ` �` ' Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Description: Lot , Block �iiing , Zone Comments: � � � �� • a�� iDesign Re�iew Board Date Mo#ion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5ummary: . 5 � ' Town Planner � Staff App�'ovaf l7ate: � � . �..,..,. .. .. . :,. � -:. .-.... :., .,. .. ,... :r .... _ : � . - . .. .. . , . , Projec# Application ' Date � • Praject Name: ��'+" WE r`[U�cn1�. ' 1 , � � -�/�- -� �C }�roject Description: � ,�,,, D t,,� _t'b d�!/P JC �._ 4, ...�.a Y�o-U'r A re�., �. Contact Person and Phone �E �"d "1^� �'a h `- �J�!h �'�� �� Owner, Address and Phone: �� �a r t'ttp�`�'w, ��I1 ��`���w.� � � �s /��hti s���� � I�. - ���,-��-a 6� - Architect, Address and Phone: _ `"���--- - - i$(�i -orrsY� Ra Legal Description: Lot , Block ; Filing , Zone �W a f �h�e. � V`Ce W r N �. Y`r a ��. � �T�u ct�' e.. a a.w �t� ��, Comments: � � W r6� 5a� �w � . �h� `�" `�"'o � d ri� tvh,� + �� �f�s �/U� ��� �� ��`h�cF ��. !a5� ��i / � �r��Ew i.�J 1�� �C lu�� 0� ��' � �;a E-►, � �ur57� S'� � o�" Z a,� Seen r� �. #" urw � 5 `'"4u {- 'r'� urv �a be u� � �° �°°��"" �' �'"�"��' �esign Re�iew B�ard Date Motion by: Seconded by: APF'ROVA DISAPPROVAL . ,_ , Summary: . _ Town Pla er Staff Approval Qate: �.-. Project Application �ate "�$ �= 0 198 � Project Name; OVe�larid �e E Tess T3C'�,vE�. Se��.C� ent dam� a�i Propect Description: � �''��'� �'�°�� �'��� o��� en� dour reen w +white co si �a e Contact Persan and Phone ��� ���ueh .�i f-22b6 Owner, Address and Pho�e: Ga�� ���a� �' 6'���fi Architect, Address and Phone: . Cammercia� G� tai.cs �33.v3�ion B�ce �. ,Allen Ed F3.ks,n V , Black Filing , Zone Legal Descrip#ion: Lot - Comments: to'� o�i� � Qo " � �� �' �e� �ketch phato � Design Review Board Date Motion by: 5econded by: DISAPPROVAL Z r � ° Summary: � f � S'SG n * f. •�-i `Yl. � �� Town Planner Staff Approval Date: � � Project Application Date / � �"� � � I Project Name: � ProjECt Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � � �� Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zane ;i���. Comments: '' � �- � Design Re�iew Board � Date � Mbtion by: Secanded by: � APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL , � � � � 'f�,Ul 5 � �. } 1 � � . L� , Summary: Town Planner ❑ Staff Approvai �ate: 0�6 Rge�da . September 18, 1985 z:oo p.m. 12:00 - 12:30 Discussian af W�st Vail Mall Signs Site Visits 12:30 1. �errace Wing: Landscaping; Cascade Vi� lage Motion: Warren Secon�: Gwat�mey Appraved 5-0 w�th conditians 2. Wicked West, Gondola Building; Lionshead Table to next meeting for submission of additional mater�a1 3. Doub1etree, Vail Village Motion: Warren Second: Gwa�hmey Approved as submitted with canditions 5-0 approval #3 4. Hank Swimming Pool , Lot 15, Vail UaTley 3rd Matian: Warren � Second: Gwa�hmey 5-0 approved Approved condi��ona� upon submittal of landscape plan at next DRB meeting #1 5. Nill Unit, dormer addition; �ne Vai1 Place Motio�: Affeldt Second: Warren appraved �-0 #4 ._ 6. Damar Duplex, Lot 5, Bighorn 4th Concep�ual Review, no vote taken #2 7. Foreign Connectio�: Village Center; Va�l Uillage Motio�: �arre� Second: Gwathmey approved 5-0 #5 8. Concert Hall Plaza; East entry addition Mation: Warren SeCOnd: Caswell Vote 5 - 0 • �, } DR8 P�EMBERS P�ESE;dT: . URB NiEP46ERS ABSEPJT: STAFF M�MBERS PRESEN�': STAFF MEM�ERS ASSE�€T: AEC MEMSER: STAFF RPpROVALS: � Meadflw Uai1 Place; Ipanema, Landscaping Summer's Lodge; sidewa�k Lodge at Va71 ; Arlberg Vestibul�, Add. of new er�tryway . A11 Seasans Landscaping OLD BllSI�yESS: iVEI�J B�SIiJESS: � September 18, 1985 �P.B AGEPJDA 2 :00 p.m. � Discussion of Proposed West Vail r1a11 Sign Proposal I. Hi�l Unit, Dormer Add�tion, One Vail Place 2. Fore�gn COnnection : U�llage Center, Vail VilZage 3. Terrace 'vding: Landscapina, Cascade Ui17age 4. Hank Swir�mi ng Paa� , Lot J�S, Va�1 Ua� 1 ey 3rd 5. Dar�ar Duplex, Lot 5, Bighorn 4th 6. The Doub1etree, Va�l Village 7. �Ji cked ti�Jest, Gandol a B1 dg. , Li onshead � � li • TO: Design Review Boarc� . FROM : Coznmunity Dev�lopment Depar tment DATE : September ].$, 1985 SUBJECT : West Vai1 Mall Sign Program Enc7osed in you� packet you wi11 find the West Vail Mall sign proposal . At our next Wednesday meetaing , the Board will have an i.nformal discussion o£ the sign program wath �Y�e applicant , Dave Tyrell . Even though this area is p�esently otatside of the Town' s b�undaries due to the de-annexation, the staff �elt that ait would be helpful ta the applicant and the County to document the Design Review Baard 's opinion of the proposal . Sta�� has allowed for a brief discussion from 12 :00 to 12 :30 next Wednesday . The follawing list is an outline of the staf�'s apini.on on the praposal : � 1 . It is fe3.t that 20 square feet �or a btailding identi.fi-- cation sign is more than adequate. This does a11ow the appJ. icar�t 20 squar e feet on both sides of the sign . With apprapriate lighting and landscaping , it is• feJ. t that the btailding identification sign can easi. Iy communicate the name of the shopping ma11 by using the 20 squar e foot allowance . � 2. The applicant i s r equesting twa dixectar ies of 25 squaze feet each . The staff has no problem with this reque�t . 3 . Traffic contxol signs ar� normally on� square foot . �n this situation, staff can see the need for a so�newhat larger sign. Perhaps 3 square feet would be adequate ins�ead of the propos�d 4-1/2 square feet , 4 . Staff believes that the Bil7 Bullocks s�.gn that is 90 squar e feet i s to� larg e . Twenty squar e feet wi th c lear 1 etter ing would be adequate �ko communicate the nam� o£ the stoze. The 20 �quare fe�t proposed tor the west elevation is within our existing sign code . Sta�f has nn pzoblem with this part of the proposal . 5. Staff does have a problem with allowing a 20 foot sign per business . It is felt that fhe siz.e ot th� sic�n shou2d have some relationship to the frontage of th� store . Most of the stores in the West Vai�. Mal� cau�d actua� ly have larger signs under the pres�nt ocde . Statf would prefer to see the applicant use some type of frontage formula to arziv� at th� appzopriate dimensions for each szgn rather than just allatting 20 squar e feet to each tenant . � f. Staf� can se� some type of need for a pra� ect.ing or hanging sign that wauld be seen by pedestrians in front : • of the b�asiness . It i s fe,lt that 8 sqtaare feet per side af each sign i s too larg e . It i s impor tant to keep �n mind fhe intent o� the sign code which is to decrease sign clt�tter . 7 . It is totally unnecessazy to a11ow display .boxes �or each tenant with str eet ar arcade exposu� e . Di splay boxes are al7owcd now only for display of cu�rent menus, rea]. estate listings or en�extainment . The size is to be no c�reater than 3 square fe�t according to tlne exis�a.ng cod� . Staff is stronglx against a].lowing display boxes for �very type o�' business . S. Sta�f is strongly against allawing 25$ of the tatal window space to be covered by sale signs , specials , etc . The code allows 15� and it is feit that this is definitely enoiagh area to allow for that type of adver ti sing . 9. Sta�f would like to see the appla.cant addr�ss the sign prograttl at a more detailed desic�n Ievel . The type of graphics , sp�cific sign �ocatiion and calors wou�.d be very helpful ta understandatng the proposal in mor � depth. 10• S�af� a].sa strangly beli�ves that it is very incons�.stent � tg treat West VaiJ, so differently from the Vil �age . Sta�� acknowledges that it ais a somewhat di��erent area . However , the staff does not want to star t allowing so much additional signage that the intent of the sign code is campletely lost . Staff also believes that residents in the area were told that they wouid receive the same treatment and quali�y d�v�loptnent that the r est of the Town receives. It is felt that thzs proposal goes too far in allowing tao much signage. � r '�;� � ,�1 �ow� o� yai - 75 south fro�stage road . vail, colorado 81657 (303) 478-7000 office of commar�ity developmeM Septe�nber 4, 1985 P1r. Frank Freyer Vice-Presiden�, Montane Cor�. ].Q00 S. Frontag� Road West Vail , CO 81657 RE: Cascade Vil7age Terrace Buildrtng Design Review Soard Iss�es Dear Frank: Qn September 4, 1985, �he Design Review Board gave final approval to the 7errace Bui7ding con�ingen-t upan suE�mitting a revised landscape � p�an, r��et�ng fire department concerns, as we�1 as Public t•dorks Department requiremen-�s. The fo77owing camments were made at the meeting; 1. 7he board requested that you add evergreen trees on the nort� elevatian so that in the winter time this area daes not look so bieak when aT7 the deciduous trees 1ose their �eav�s. 2. The board would like �o see the specific p�acement of the shrubs on the sauth side of the building. 3. �avers shau�d be used far the sta�rway that is to the south of the bus drop-off area. 4. Some type of lighting is needed on the stairs adjacent to � the bus drop-o��. 5. The board suggested t�at beveling be used on the granit� at the base of the loggia pi7lars. 6. Public ��Jorks had a �ist of issues that st�ll needed �o be reso�ved. These items inc�uded: a} A drainage plan for th� north side of tf�e building. i .,_, a � r �rank �'reyer � Septem6er 4, 19a5 Page 2 b) Speci�� � �he si ze and type of cu�verts. c) Is the new easement for t�e s�wer complete? The Town eng�neer wou�d 11ke to knoU1 haw �his issue will be resolved. d} Is there an agreeme�t for the maintenar�ce af the bike path behind the Terrace �nring? e) �ramir�g and faundatian plans must have an engineer`s s�amp. f) A soils repor� will b� required. g) A tit7e report wi1� be required. n) The town engineer would Tifce to see a more detai�ed �lan of how the common carrier area will be des�gned particularly in respect to the adjacent roadway. Please add the sidewalk aff of the existing pathway coming down to the idestin from �he cor��on carrier area. � The boar� felt �hat �t wou1d b� i�partant to prav�de a 7ane between the cammon carrier drop-aff ta the Cascade Theatre. I will schedule the �andscape p�an to be revietFaed by ti�e Design Review Board at their next meeting on September 18, 1985. I would �ik� to receive the revised plan na later than September I3, 1985. The unresolv�d Public `�Jorks issues shou7d be submi�ted as soon as possib7e so that these issues do not ho�d up your building pernit. Please ca�l if .yau have further questions . 5incereiy, ����.,� �� Kr�stan Pri�z 7own Plann�r KP/sm i �` � " 11�?�>1 i cati on Numl��r `� f � � SIGN A1'PLf[;llf_[�'i , Fee Paid $20.OD --- Da t.e ---g�2�85 Name of Project west Vail �ial1 � t�ame of Pe�°son Subntitti�lg Dave Tyrrell pE�an� 949-5100 Loca�ian of Praject 2161 N. Frantage Rd. West, Vail Desct'iptio� of Projeet Sl�opping Cenfi_er - Sign Program Tt�e �ollowif��� informatic��� is �•t�c���i ��c�l t �>>• sul��+ii tt��l �_y the appl icant ta tt�e Qesign Review doa►•d 1�et�ore a ti��.� 1 �1{��zr�oval can b� qiven. 5ign submittal fee is �'?0.00. y A, Sign Material 1) Plexiglass , �ntern�lly illuminated, pan __._.__._....-.--.- --._.. ct�annel ed ar back 1 it 2) Sand bl asted wood . � � � , . . B. Descri�tinn of Si��n v�rious tscE� t�tt�ict�eci) C. Size of Sic�n various { see attached) D. Corrments a�tached � • h1AYEi21111.5 Sl}I}1�4i I t ( i} 411 1 �! ;14'f'l 1 C.I1T 1 fl�d 1 . Site Plar� __�___ 2 . Drawi ng 5 s howi r�g t�x ar t 10{�;�1. i s��� X 3. Photagra�l�s sl�ot�ti�icl p3't��7��sc��1 lnc.,ti1 �cii� _ _ _ � _. . 4. Actual si �}n ____ _ _ _ _. 5. Co�oreci scale dra��iii,� . _._...._._ �_ ._�._ .. 6. Pt�otograph ot sign _ _ - --- - `� i��n �"<<lu�ir7i5l����tor -------- Appt-ov�d for i1ftE� StE�>�ni tt,j 1 Di sapprove��i for ORt3 St,�>;�tii t ! ,s l � `, i�k�i A�i�,��ini;tr�3tor - \ � ' w�s�- v��t_ ���t � Sign Program • Buildina : � {1) Building identification: 1 51CJn nf 40 5quare feet; located on berm; free stand i ng; pre char�r�el ed 1 i gf�ti ng . B) Joint directory: 2 directories, 25 sq. ft. each ( including tenant space} , one near the east entr�y ta �he arcade and one �ear the west entry to the arc��de; w�ll mountecl. C) Traffic cantrol ; � si��ns , �3 sq. ft, each (42 sq. ft. per s7de) , one at each vehicular access to tr�e Mall ; �nterna�ly illuminated; each sid� i� ' x 3' ; mar�Ced "entry" and "exit" . �} 7enant signs : 2 for the 2 end tenants and ane per pt�rer tenant to a maxim�m of 22 signs , located as sf�own on the attached plan ,(see 7enant Signs) . � E) Display board Qr kiosk: as presently permitted. �) Pedestrian �raffic control : 1 sq. ft. each; as needed. G) Murals , supergrapP�lcs , fine art, flags, pennants, banners and bunting as presently permitted. Tenant 5igns : Wall_ mounted_; A) Bill Bu� lock' s : 2 w�ll rnounted signs , one to a maximum of 40 5a. ft. (sou�h fascia) , one to a �4taximum �f 2U sq. ft. {west fascia) , pre channeled lighting . B) West Vail Liquormart : ? wall n�ounted signs , each to a max�mum of 20 sq. ft. ; one on t#�e soutl� �asc�ia and or�e on the east fascia . � C) Other tenants : one wall moUn�ec7 sic�n, to a maxiss�um of 20 Sq. ft. per tenant; pre cl�annel�d lightinc�J; franck�ise. tenant specif�c or generic; mounted on south fascia . �.�n t s i q�s: 0�1�e r�: A Project�nc� and hanqi�ag: S��nd hlasted waod ; 8 sq. ft, per side (2'x4` � for each sign; spot � igh�ing from eacli sid�; placed near doar a�� perpendicular ta front of tenant' s space�. Two signs for each tenan� with s�reet and arcade exposure; one sic�n for each tenant with single exposure (stre�t or arcade) . p} Display box : 5sq. ft , eacl�. Twa i-or each tenant w1ti� street and arcade exposure; one for eacf� tenan� with single exposure (stree� or �rcade) . C) Jaint directory: 1 sq, ft. ir� eacti of the 7_ joint directories. �) Window signs : up to ?5��', of tot��l window spac�. �lqh�i2c�� A) E3ui� ding identific�a�ion and wall maunted 51(��15 sha11 �e back � it, or internally i1iuminated. B) Projecting and har7ginc� signs shal � be lit from both sides (directly or indirectly) , and i:I1ey sf��al1 be sand blas�ed wood. Approval : indiv�dual signs would requir•e L�lndlord and Town of Vail approval . �enant names : may he franchise, ten��r�t specific or generic, � Locations : approximately as shown as the attacl�ed plans . May be moved wi Zn areas shawn �o Ualance all s�gns . Shapes: generally within lis�its shown, but individual disigns will be cansic�ered. • � 1 -. � r • � (n � . � CT7'C3 R'1 J. S]� (n � N ci. C� —1 � ro C '� �tp � �k =�r v =tt_ �t �-u:. -n-: -u: -1t: � Oo =t� � 1� 1-1 �--+ lb � W V C3� Cn � �-J N ��--' I""�'" N 1--' O � J O � . C� A .ra �' �- � - �" o �^ -5 � Ai � c-h W r. -A G N O "'. � � 0. � ,� ,+. � • � . ^h cL] � �' [-F • H � � V1 ' �. � PA � N N ' N N N N N N N N N N iV A �""� p Q Q O O O O O C7 O O C7 O O � V� (n v� ln tn ln ln 1n cn v� vt +!} cn ln -3• .G � 1� .L] .S] � L3 I] .L] � .[.] S] .L] .C? ..CJ. W � . . . . . �1 `fi �l `-h -fi -h -h -h fi 'fi � -h '-h -h �}„ � ["* f'!' c'} C"�' ['f c+ c+ R rf r+ c'"h t+ r+ C+ C —'� , . . . • . . . . . . . . . .._a (n U C? Q � ..'. � � � � WU_l G � N U1 � (n V7 V] t� O f4) O .•.�• . N � tn C 7 �. �+ rr rr ro � � N N UO OD 0o ao 00 0o m w Qo 00 0o W i/1 VI N N Vl �n vi in �n ln Il� fn SL .C] � .O .1? � �7 S] _O _L] �] .Ca � � 't7 . . . . . . . . � 'S 1} -�t �1 �1 �] �1 -fi -'h '"h 'il "'h -�1 0 C+ t'�' C'i' ("p ty' C'h fi' r+ C-h ("+ ("F C"F' �CJ.1. � . . . . . . . SL fD � � � � � � � '_ � � � � � n vi ul tn v� cn ln u� tn vi tn In cn tf� ct J. J. J. ..J. �• �. �. �. �. _+. . �. .--�. r. �.. Q Q 0� Q. Q .n- ¢ {Z_ .{�. � '..�. � � m rv ro m ro rn � *� ro ro m ru +.ca cn 0 cr tra cn cn cr cn csti c�, cs� cn cn tn -� w� V� ln tn tn vi v� in in cn cn cn cn '� .n J.] .fl .D � .f7 1] .S7 � .Q .D .!] "� � �1 '�1 -fi -h -h -h --fi -h -fi -1} -iy -h �C c"F �-} c* r-t c'f' �-t r-F f-t r+ rT' c-f� C..E' . . . . . . . . . . . � ' x !D � � ...+. 3 � N N N N N N IV IV f�) fV N N •�3 O � (J1 (j'1 V'1 V1 C,Ti LT7 CTi Ui l.J�l l3l CSl U'1 � � � � 1� � �O � � r�H-• r-.F-` .-r F--�. �w �r-. ��.� �+-s ��--� �-�r� n�� .-.F--+ �� CJt Ul O ..a. ..-'. � �. �. �. �. �. J. �. �. � V1 � N � lA � Vl � (/1 � tl1 � l/1 � c/� '� V� � ln � l/] � Vl .�. f1 A Cs .O n ..[) n _O n .f] r� ..O n Sa n .t� n _[� n .sa C� � c� � �n v� � ...+ . —+ . —+ . � —+ . . --� . _ . . . .. . ..� . —+ . p l:l r!� C H� C ^h C ^h C -h C -h C: �h C -h c .,r� c -j� � -fi.� _ C fi � -h • • �� �¢, 1-}.. Q 1"F �d c'h d � d c+ LZ c+ [1. c-t C1. �.* _..��CZ r+.° � Cl r+ Q- rh � �d�-F fi�.-fi..._ Q. . (p , (� • fq . [D • fp • tp • sD • lD � sD • �D • [0 • [D • r+ c't �. O. 4S. d 0. n. C1. Q. C.1 0. Q C1. Q. • • -S �p ' �p � rp r� ro rn ro m m r� m rD a a w a a w a w n, n, a� a, a n� u� a� w a, w � Gu sv s� sa� � rn n CT c� v' C1 C7" t� o- n ff c7 a� n �.r n cr s� c�- n � n � � Q- n ro w � o � o � o �- o � o � o �- o �, o =z c� _�- o � o � a � �n cn o C C C C C C C C C � C C c+ c't' "S fD [p [D tP fD rll r� rl� rD fP (D f� �C � � � ,__ �� �.__ �� �_ � � � � • N!+-'NY-• -S � Vi lR "'�l � � '""Ff � -n n� �r c+ . . � �.� D � � � . ry� 0. fl. "� fD rD 0 i 1 -� � ro r� a � � c-r rt 1 . � ,• .: , N . -� w � � m a= �o: �n =n_ �or_ -u: t-� 1--+ I—' H I---� W-� p0 V O� Cn A W � � � d .r. � in F--i Q N N N N N N �"� � p p O O C7 O � in vz iir fn vl V1 -'• � -C� _O S] -C] -� J � , . . • Ai "h -+e `-h fi -h '^�� Q, "a �-t r+ rt' r+ �+- r r � �' . . . . . . w � N oa�n� � � � � .... � � c� N � � � � � � � � � � � N � � 1? il A .L7 S] .LJ � "C7 , . . a. "S -fi °-h •h -h -h -h � ct [+ r+ ti� r+ c+ 2 C�• , . . . . w rn � � � � � � n V1 V1 Ul U7 N V1 lO Ct J. . . J. .J. .J. � Q. � Q � �.. � � (D fD N (O fD fD U.] t0 � Ul G3� (J� CSl U7 U� • � N Ul il� {/� VI N � ..C] �] � �] . � .L� "'` " . . . . A� •fi � fi �h � -+i -fi �C �+ �t r+ r'* c+ r'!� . . . . . . q7 p x ru � � �. � o. , 0 � � N 1�1 N N N � . v7 u� u�� �n cn cJi lI] � N .--r ti ��-. .--,F.� �-��.a n r.-+. .--•e� C..� �, _�. �, �, C7 a in � v� � �n � tn � cn � v� ..�• t� t� n � c� �� c-, t� n � � .o � �. � . - . .�. . . c'h C '-h � --'h G "tl � -fl. � .H7 . .� �l , . .._. . . . '-.-"`1 . . Q C1' ._Gx- f'M' . . 'g:.Y+",."_.�y_.,r;f,-. �C1 �'f'.. . CL ci' _�.. �,�_,._.-..-.-� �u . m • ro • rn • m • ro • ..,. n_ �z ��_ cL c� � -� r`trn m rn rn rfl �D fD ry z� -z� �� �, n� -i:� cu z� � 'r� w f� -s n � r� �, c� � n --s n -s � �+ ro �- r� -3- m -T� rv =r ro � rro �- a J C C C C C � . _ . ..�. q O O CJ O � C C C � C � � N � � � N �� � � �C �G 4C � .� ---1 � �. �.- � �.. � � fL '-Fi "1� �• n 0 � rr � b � Project Application Date g°�� �'S '� . . �a�l?7� � �� Projeci Name: Project Description: �rn � Cantaci Person and F'hone ��°�5_ `•—� ,[�f �� �����s�O� - Owner, Ad ress and F'hane: �3 � `� � � � !�' � �C3 ^ i� ^ �J 7' Architect, Address and Phone: � 1��- ° "'� '�"` �� r� , � /l�C� � ;20 � � � ,�-� �o, 8/�'r� � ���'�� �lu� ��-1! �C+� �� �i�-� � � �J 1 o Sr'�G.S�'. � egal pescription: Lot , Block � , Filing , Zone � Comments: �'�- � �' b �. ri n 1 � � _ � • ` � . �- �l � l�l1i 1 �'� Design Review Board bate a������-- -� — Motion by: ���""� - Seconded by: °""`�� APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL �_l .— � Summary: ��1 4 \ 1 ��l D � �-- � ' �. �.!Q_ 1f1� GL � l d - �� � Q �� Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � �� Project Application oate 8.,29M85 '� �Project Name: �'he Forei�n Co�nection _ Project oescription: _ ��11a�e Cente_x° shops _ Contact Person and P�one `�homaS R&.U. �'���. - owner, Address and �'hone: jhomas R�'u. �.22 E. Nieadow Dr. �.. V.� ai 1, Co_ ��b�7 . � -�,� �— ��? — Architect, Address and Phone: Legal �escription: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: - � �,�._ ( a.nd a1 0 for an �.wnin�; over the w�.�dow 8c daor with our nam� an �he blue a�rn3,_x��- Same as in �he cnclosed �ic�u�e� � -- •-- ���W� Design Rer►iew Board 1 Date Motion by: Secondecf by: � � APPROVA QISAPPROVAL � ' ' l nn�" �^ii ' S�mary: ` � 1�� 1�L ��.� 1 � � 1 �1 t � e , Qo , , C� ' i � � � ' � � � � � t ��' � � Tow Pla�r ❑ Staff Approval Date: ..� ._,:. Project Application Date � Name: . Prolect P'roject �escription: � ., c ' `� � Conkact Person and Phone �__�-., ___. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � �� T�r� A��._.. , Zone —�.�- Legal Description: l.ot� �T" , Block , Filing Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date L`t� �-� Motion by: "�� Seconded by: ._—�./' µ'--' ���� APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL rE-- ����� LJL'1� �csc��� �5 �G—���'� Summary: � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Dafe: �.. b � . Project Application r� , ate / �� �5 � ` Prpject Name: ��� ���Q ��1 � Project Dascription: Contact Person and Phone �� Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and Phone: (" � , � 1 , Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Boa�d bate � � � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA �ISAPPROVAL � � ` ��` � ` ` �` Summary: � � � �� , S - � an r � r c�. � �l �� � �.' � ' ��� �ld � �` , _ r �t Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: �� DRB AGENDR � Qc�ober 2, 198� 2:00 p.m. 5ite Visi�s 12:00 .m. #3 �. Wicked West, Gondola Building; �ionshead �otion: Gwathmey Second: Briner 3-0 Rpproved as per submittal with modifications #z 2. pouble�ree Sign Program Motion: Briner Second: Gwathrney Approved 3-Q #1 3. Vail �ationa1 8ank Sign; Vail �ationa1 BanK Building Motion: Briner Second: Gwathrney approved 3-0 #� �„�_ 4. Parsons Addition: Lots 23B and 216; Matterhorn � Mo�ion: Gwathmey Secand: Br�ner Ap�roved 3-0 #g 5. Garsuch Remodel Motion: Gwathmey Second: Briner approved with condit�ons 3-0 • #10 _ 6. Palmer-Wa1ker Residence; La� 1, Uai1 Meadows �i1ing 1 Tabled #4 7. Le Pati� Gafe, �ondo1a Bldg; Lionshead Approved with conditions Motion: Gwathmey Second: Briner 3-0 #g 8. Galden Peak Buildings rapai�t; �nc1udes main bu�lding and �wo modulars �otion: Briner Secand: �wathmey Z-� Baldwin against �5 9. Lionshead Arcade repa��t; Lionshead �all Motion: Gwathmey Second: Briner 3-0 #g 10. Burger King sta�rs; Crossroads Mot�on: �wathmey Second: 8riner Appraved 3-0 #7 11. Fa11 Line Remodel , a plat�ed �arcel in Matterhorn Na vote taken 12. Ha�k Poo� Landscape pian, Lo� 15, Vai1 Va11ey 3rd � Motion: Briner 5econd: Gwa�hmey 3-0 page twa � DRB 1U/2/85 Staff Approvals: Hartwig Driveway Staff Presen�: Staff Absent none Tom Braun Kristan PrZtz Rick Py1man DRB Pres�nt: DRB Absent: Rick Baldwin Steve Caswe�� Ned Gwathmey Kathy Warren Tom Briner - PEC � � D�SZG� REVI�W B�ARD � October 2, 1985 2:00 p� l . Vai1 National Bank sign, Ua�1 Na��onal Bank Building 2. Parso�s A�dition, Lots 238 and 2�B, Matt�rhorn 3. Palmer-Walker residence, Lot 1 , Vail Meadows F�ling 1 4. Le Petit Cafe, Gondola Building, �ionshead 5. Goluen P�ak 6��7dings repaint, inc�u�es �ain building and two moduiars 5. ��anshead Arcade repa7nt, Lionshead Mall 7. Burger King stairs , Crossroads 8. 61u' s Beanery store��ont remode7 , Vail Vil7age 9. Fall Line remo�el , an platted parcel �n Mat�erhorn 10. Hank pao7 landscape plan, Lat 15, Va�l Valley 3rd �iling • and oth�r items tab�ed from previous meetings. � � I Project Application Date � • � ; • Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone � �� �` Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal pescription: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: ' � Design Review Board Date � Motion by: Seconded by: AF'PROVAL DISAPPROVAL �, � Summary: 1 11 t �� � , � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approva! �at�: _ l t� 1�.] �� .�` Project Application Date � '� ��+'� �? � project Name: Project Description: �" � � e Contact Person and Phone ' f _ !��1�S[1� w �7��'-r---�I�"' , 1.�'R�u�,Ar- 1 � C �� ! Owner, Address and Phone: � . � Archit�ct, Address and Phone: a �V . � . A� � Lega! bescription: Lot , BEack , Filing , Zona Comments: � �'�' • Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: �'�� ,� Secanded by: APPROVAL DlSAPPROVAL Summary: . � Town P anner ❑ 5taf4 ApprOVal Date: � � i Project Application Date . �ro}gct I�ame: ����I�[v'L� 1� , l�l� Project Description: Contact Person and F'hone ��� �iii am5 �-E�� - � (� _ Owner, Acidress and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: • Design Review Board Date Motion by: �`�`�`"" � Seconded by: APPROVA� DISAPPROVAL J � ��.�. 1-Q.rrt,�N+�, ' IN 1 � ` , Summary: r n � � l � � • � Town Planner � Staff Appro�al Date: _. � � Project Application Date � � Project Name: ��� �� �`"' "'� � ' � �� 1 i Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: � � �� Legal Description: E�ot , Block _.._; Filing , Zone Comments: . Design Review Board Date � Motion by: �� Seconded by: APPAOVA DISAPPROVAL � - - - Summary: • Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: � " � Projec# Application Date Project Name: � ��r ���'� � .. Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone , a� I�� ,S� �. � .� Comments: � � 1 - � � ��� t ` (, � �.tST�r�G y-S�� "��� t���� 1�31 G P�� ��aST��U ���� � ��.d,��� � aa c��S� � ,��,� � � as'� a i Design Review Board bate Motion by: � . Seconded by: APPROVAL D15APPROVAL Surnmary: � � Town �lanner ❑ Staft/�pproval Date: �c�' � � !� Project Application Date Project Name, � " � Proj�ct �escription: Contact Person and Phone �°�`^- � r°�\� - - �-'�TJ71'J7 Owner, Address and Phone: � � - Architect, AdtEress and Phone: �.��4� ���� --- Z -S7 Z Legal Description: Lot Block ; Ffling , Zone Comments: � f7esign Review Board �ere !C� 1�/�fS� _ Motion by: �"".-�,"'""'�' 1`�-�`Y'^'� �r� Secoil��d by: � �'�•� VAL DISAPPROVAL �.� �. `a S�mmary: � � �� , � ` � Town Planner ❑ Sfaff App�'oval Date: P�roject Application Date � Project Name: :�� ��' / � � ��� — Project �escription: � � Contact Person and Phone � � �fL��'� — -/�T � �� - ��- Owner, Address and Phone: .� �� � -- � --- °�c 2�` � L�" � , _. Architect, Address and Phone: .�f1�?'���.��-� - - - � �-�, ��� �z� - �-�� z - --- Legal Description: Lot � , Block � ; Filing �f_�� �����-�� Zone C� Commer�ts: �/�Q��C�I�_�i9'l"l4���"h ��C'?�-f�i� -- �ti.�r�� �/J�=' �� _ �/��C�� �� �IL�is/.� -- - - � Design Review Board Date Motion by: � 5econded by: `Jr�- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ��� Summary: """�- � G�.etAC.t-� r,w� � ` Town Planner ❑ Staff ApprOvaf Date: � Z�X� � - , . �:� . -- - - . - Project Application bate � Project Name: � Project Descrip.tion: ��-"''YF1°` � ��� '�� � — Gontact f'erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: � ' ��.r�—� �� Architect, Acfdress and Phone: G- ��6 t.egal Description: Lat Block , �iling , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date 6 Z � Motion by: Secor�ded by: APPROV D!S/aPPROVAL 5 u rr�rr r � --� •�•[ S cf � � k ►�.r� o� �l "� �� , � ,� -�� � � Town Planner . � Staff Approva! Qate: . b � � Project Application Date �� � V � Project Name: —!,�,�'�'{-� `-��� �� . Project Description: k,,,�1'V�-�G-��'��-..�---3� - — Contact Person and Phone _—�C2�`� �� � �� � ��� -- _ 1,, � �� Owner, Address and Phone: .�... `'�`�.�_ � ��`� L-r�` -� Architect, Address and Phane: Legal Description: Lot , Btock Filing , Zone Comments: ! Design Review Board Date Motion by: Secondeci by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: �� � �A� �' � � � [�•c •Q t.- � � To n Planner Staff Approval � Date: .. ... .�.� .... � .: . _ 'T.� _ .. ,. . - . ' _ .. .. .� . . , �. � � . . .. ... . . .. =�J . -.. , . . . . . .. Project Application pate Pro'ect [Vame: ���� ������������ — • 1 Project Descriptipn: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Acfdress and Phone: l � \'� Legal �escription: Lot Block , Filing v , Zone Comments: • Design Review Board Date Mation by: 5econded by: /aPPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m m ar : a""`t"""' � a' �' � Y . � Town Pianner �Staff Approvat Date: � � .. .� . . ,. .... . . ..:... ., - Project Application Date �� � Project Name: Project Description: �.�,�_ �- �F �—��;?Q�� Gontact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: �" Architect, Address.and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments • Design Re�iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded.by: , APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL � ! Summary: + r i Town Planner � Steff Approval Date: DESIGN REVTE� BOAR� . October �6, 1985 2:0� p.m. Slt� V151�5 12:00 p.m._ #1 1. Pa1mer-Walkar Residence, Lot 1, Vail Meadows Fi1ing 1 Matian: Casweil Rpproved as submitted Secand: Warren yo�e 4-0-X abstention #5 2. Fila Shop: Facade remodei , Lodge promenade; Vail �illage Motion: Gwathmey S�cond: Warren Approved as submit�ed and amended Vate 5-4 #3 3. Ramshorn Lodge: Greenhouse Additian, La� A, B1ock 3, Vail Uillage 5th, Unit #3 - � ' �otion: �arren 5�cond: Caswell Approved 5-0 #2 4. Golden Peak Sk� Base Facility S�gn Program Motion: Warren Secand: Caswell 5-0 Approved with changes #4 5. Rucksack Entry Re�ode� ; Vail Vil1age . Motion: Warren Second: Caswell Approved 5-0 as submitted #6 6. Burger King Entrance Canopy, Crossraods, Vai1 Village Tab1ed STAFF PRE5ENT STAFF ABSENT Kristan Pritz none Tam Braun Rick Pylman �RB PRESEN7 DRB ABSENT Ned Gwathmey Ka�hy Warren Rick Bal�win Steve Caswell Tom 8r�ner - PEC STAFF APPROUALS: Timberfalls �nit 405, 3 skylights � Over1and & Express, entry dome awning i ,�1, �own o Va� � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of community development Design Review Board 2 :00 p.m. October 16, 1985 1. Fila 5hop: Facade Rer�ode1 , �.odge Fromenade; Vail Vi1lage 2. Golden P�ak 8ase Fac�lity: S�gn Program 3. Ramshorn Lodge: Greenhouse Addition, Lot A, Block 3, Vail Vil7age 5th, Unit #3 4. Palmer-Wa� ker Residence, l.ot 1, Vail Meadows FzTing 1 � 5. Burger fCing Entrance Canopy, Crossraads, Vai7 Villag� � Project Application , �gte -�� s � �roject Name: d � � � Project Description: , � a Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ����6 ��� � ��X t��� �� ----- f � Architact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: �ot , Block , Filing , Zone � , . 5 COf1�fY18ntS: . : . . � � ��. �� r � � �� � • Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL bISAPPROVAL �. Summary: �1 � � � � �� e� � ' Town Planner Staff Approval Date: � � !� �, ., , . ..,. .. . .; , _ -: _ _ . _ . Project Application Date � Pro�ect Name: � �V�,� �I� � - -� Project Description: Contact Person and Phone �n �T-,� � - Owner, AdtEress and Phor�e: —��� � - - Architect, Address and Phone: '�— L�gal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: �� r�� . Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA� DISAPPROVAL Summary: �� � own P nner Stafi Approval �ate: � ��� Project Application Date 5 � � � Project Name: ' Project Deseription: � Contact F'erson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block Filing , Zane Commen#s: . Design Rer►iew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL � --- 5ummary: � ��`� r� � 1 1 I �1 1 � C1 � , � � �� �own Planner ❑ Staff Approvai Date: `� � � : _ . - . . Project Application Date � Project Name: �`� ���� Project Description: �""���" � `� °�� Contact Person and Phpne �y-� ��� - - 07 Owner, Address and Phone: ���a��"��' �"�' � — - Archit�ct, Address and Phone: � ��J �egal Description: Lot Bfock � Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Rer►iew Board Date � � Motion by: U� Secanded by: AepR��� QISAPPROVAL Summary: � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: �°��91�� - - Project Application Date �� fS � Project Name: � �' � � project Description: _ � � - �� — Contact Person and Phone �!���"' - �`�, � — �' Owner, Address ar�d Phone: Arcfi�itect, Address and Phone: L--�C9�' � � Legal Description: Lot ; BEock ; Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Re�iew Board Date �� {� � - Motion by: � r S�conded by: ..._o�l - - AP�ROVAL DiSAPPROVAL ���. �� �t� (,,,�t� VuC'!S� C� Q'! C �_ �.- Surnmary: - � t:I' �'G`ZV t� {�c,��1 c�v� � c; ,� l a �2.. `e ,� °�a ��,� ,� ��C�L�t� ��2�.fv� � � �- '�'� �> �'� S�w_�e��� C4S t-J�v���� COI�` ✓�- � , Town Planner � Staff Approval Date: `b 1 �j Project Application Date � � u° � Project Name: S� �� Praject Description: Contact Person and Phone '�`�'� � � � �- . ' �� �. ��7 Owner, Address and Phone: ��� ��� �"""�"� — -- ��- -- Architect, Address and Phone: ��� ' i n: Lot , Block � , Filing � , �one �`�'� Legal Descript o �• —� Commen#s: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: 5econded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � � �� �' � � � � �� Town Planner � Staff Approva! Date: . ti n Pro�ect Appl�ca o Date � .�� � project Name: � � � � � Project Description: � �� Contact Person and Phon�; � `ti 9�� �y�`"� I � - Qwner, Address and Phane: ..—��'� ' ���� - Architect, Address and Phone: Legal bescription: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date Motion by: Secanded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � � �C-- � � Town P anne Staff Approval Date: l �- 1 Project Appiication Date OCtflber �.� �� • Project Name: .A l "��g���� & Gr#.r�s" �) "�ust G1.oveg" I 3f}2 Han�Qn Rar�ch Rd.i Vai1, Co. - Project pescription: to be t�►o ix�di�v�.dra�7. ���.bla�sted xedwood s�i s $inted and wa�.]. �xot,tnted above �de, one or� eea�h a3.r�a o� entry doax Contact Person and Phone Mr. M�.ke I,awex�rson �or Mr. KeM W�.l�.�s 9�9-53Q3 Qwner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block , Filing , Zone Comments: ���h ���'� is to �em�.in in the �.�"s ft for�at as alloxed by �QV �ign oade �3ign .A) '� �.� ' x 2.0' / ��.�n B) � 1.15' x 2.17' -- -�- • Design Re�iew Board bate Motian by: Seconded by: " APPR4VAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: � � � � � � � �` Tow�lanner �Staff Approvai €�ate: lQl �`1 �U� � � � i ' .\ -- - .,�'� . ,� �i ����� D� ��� �� �f � , 75 souih Trontage road � vail, coiorado 81fi57 (303) 47s-7oa0 oftice o! cammunity tfeveiopment � , , I� October 31, 1985 �� ;. >> �; W�11�am F{. Mil.�er � General l�anager Montaneros Gondominium Associat�on ' 641 W. Lior�sl�ead C�rcl e � Vai1 , Co�arado 81657 Dear �1r. Miller: 7he To��n Planning and Env�ranr�enta� CommiSSion and Des�gn Review Baard rec�nt7y revi�wed a development proposal invo� ving �.h� Concert f�a11 Plaza Buildir�g. During this rev�ew p���cess both the p�C and DR� raised cortcerns • aver the appearance a�' �.t-re roo#� of the Montaneros commerc�al space occupied by the Cf�ar7ie`s T-5hirt S�o� and L�onshead ��quars . As you are aware, the �'oL�tn af Uail and the Lionshead ��IercY�ant`s Assoca�ion ha�e expended cansidzrable time and money in the upgra��ng of the L�o�ishead P�a� � . Since complet7on of the mall praject several building owner5 within the mal � have initiated �roperty �mprovement projects. An irrrprove€�en� to the appearance of the r-oaf would eerta�niy compiiment these e��orts in contzn�ing to �mprove the r�al7 area. I would iike to request tf�at tf�e Plontaneros Co�domin�um Assac7ation address t�ese cancerr�5 and consider improv�ng �he eurrent appearance of this area . I am sure t�at any positive action taken by the Condominium Assoc7at�on wauld be appreciated by your neighbors as wei� as the Town of Uail . Si nce � , , ' Ri c1c Py Town Planner cc: P�anning Com��nission cc: Design Rev�ew �oard • cc: Town Counc�� • '�1�l � 7 �ow� o uai 75 south ironlage road vaiE,colorado 81B57 (303) 4T6-7000 office oi community development Design Review Board 'E Nauember 6, 1985 2:00 p.m. I . Call Mee�ing to Order II . Determination of Quorum, Ro�l Call III . Ac�enda Items 12:30 Site Visi�s #5 1. Lodge °�ura� , �odge a� Vail • #6 2. l.andmark Building Identifica�ion Sign; Lionshead #�, 3. Alp�ne Federa7 Savings 5�gn; � Crossroads , 4. Ford Ampf�itheatre Temporary Si�e Developmen� Sign; Ford Park #2 5. Burger K�ng Canopy ; Crossroads. i #3 6. Bag 'N Pack Shap - Kidsports - Eyep�eces ; signage, awnings ; V�i� lage Cent�r ,_, D�B pa�e two �.1/5/85 � #� 7. Vai� P�iountaineering Facade Re�odel ; �ionspri�e �3ui7ding #4 8. E�a�iday Inn Deck Addition; Lofi. 1, 61ock 2, �Jail Vil1age 3rd ��� #g 9. Sheppard Additiona1 GRFA Request; �.ot 4; Block 1 , )lai1 Ui��age 6th PJE4� BUSIPiESS: � OLD BUSINE�SS: Vis�abahn Review De.sign Changes lif� shack, natural siding �nstead o� gray no ty�indow panels w�st eleva�ion wood �rim around windaw instead of ineta7 on li�t shack window framing dark bronze instead of blue on south el�vatian af s-�ructure STAFF APP�OVA�,S: G�gg�es and Grins/Just Gloves Sians Chicago Pizza Factory szgn Gi�son Greenhouse, Lot 4, B�ock 1, Bighorn Sub Timberfalls 1405, window addition STAFF PRESENT: S�'AFF RBS�NT: P ESE�IT: DRB ABS��JT; �RB R . • �j i . y;� town o ya� �� 75 south frontage road vail, coforada 81657 {303) 476-7'000 office of community de�elopment Design Rev�ew Board �fovember �, 19$5 2:00 p.m. 1. Landmark Building Identification Sign , Lionshead 2. Rucksac�C Er�try Remodel : Vail Village 3. Burger King Canopy; Crossroads � 4. Ho1iday Inn Deck Addi�ion, Lot 1, B�ock 2; Vai7 Viliage 3rd 5. Bag N ' Pack Shop, Kidsports , Eyepieces Signage and Canopies; Vaii Vi�lage 6. Alpine Federa� Savings Sign; Crossroads �. Vai� Mountaineering Facade Remodel , L�ons Pride Bu�ldir�g 8. Fo rd Park Amphitheatre Temporary Site Deve�opment Sign, Fo rd Park 9. Vai7 Assaciates Skier Information S�gnage, Gandola 81dg; Lionshead 10. Sheppard Res�dence, Lot �, 61ock 1; Vail Village 6�h � Project Application Daie � Project Name; �� �.- �� Project pescription: Ci� �. � Contact Person and Phone Owmer, Address and Phone: . ,�' Architect, Address and Phone: � Legal Description; Lot , Block Filing ,.Zone Comments: �. Design Review Board • Date � � Mation by: Seconded by: APPROVAL €�ISAPPROVAL �— � � �- � ,�+ �� /� 1 (�� � �ummary: � �'� � i r � j� i ��V�� Q r 1n:' ��nr� � mUl� � �� �� • ` �l ❑ Staff Approval Town P anner Date: � � DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Navember 20, �985 2:00 p.�. Site Visi�s i:00 #5 1. R & � Bui�ding Roaf, Concep�ua� Review No Vo�e #2 2, 'rh�s Wicked West, sign; Lianshead ApproWed 4-Q-1 Briner abstaining Motion: Caswell Secand: Warren 3. Karats, Sign, Vi11age C�nter Bu�ld�ng Approved 5T0 with condi�ions . Motion: Caswe11 Secand: �wathmey #4 4. Crossroads Retail Space, Crassroads Mall Approved wit� conditions Motion: Caswell Second: �arren 5. Vis�abahn Lif� Shack: Request to Change Ca1ar Tabled to December 4 #6 6. Bighorn Bridge, Conceptua� No Vote #1 7. Su�bird Repaint, Sunbird Lodge; Lianshead OLD BUSINESS: Si�e Visi� Only Na Vote #3 8. Village Center pirectory Sig�s; V�llage Center Tabled ta December 4, 1985 ' � i � � -- ' Staff Approvals: � Vail Associates, three 5 sq. ft. information signs Wheeler Air Lack Entry, 2925 Booth Creek Dr. STAFF PRESENT: Kristan Pritz Tom Braun Ric� Py�man DR8 PRES�NT: Ned Gwa�hmey Kathy Warren Rick 8a3dwin SteWe Caswe�l T'om Br�ner OLD BUSIi�ESS: Board discussed Village Genter Awnings and decided that Eyepieces had frontage on two pedestr�an ways and therefore could ha�e two signs. • � .. . � � .._. , .: .. : � - �....;,...,._.,..- . , .. .t .. _ .. - . . , . . .. . . .. _ .. � .. . . . .. , _. Projec# Application Date Project Name: � � Project Description: Contact Person and Phone — � �1}� � - Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal bescription: Lot�. ; Block __; Filing , Zone Comments: � Design Review Board Date �"�✓ � Motion by: _l�l�� 5econded by: APPROVAL DESAPPROVAL i � �Summary.: �� ' � � � � [�C�IL'. � �� <� �. ' t t � �- .� _ P � � 0 Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date '°� Project Name: Project Descript+an: �"'� � Contact Perso� and Phone .. ��•�"'`�- ��� �- � Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect, Address and.Phone: � Legai Descripkion: Lot , �gel� , Filing , Zone .. � �� r. Comments: � ''" Design Re�iew Board � Date Motion �y: Seconded by: ��°`�� AP ROV DISAPAROVAL �w� 5ummary: � ._ �' � ����� � wn lanner . ❑ Staff Approval ,� ,� Date: Project Application Date Project Name: �`����=��'�� - �-- • Pro�ec# Description: ` Contact Person and Phone �-/�7 � �� � � _ Owner, Address antf Phone: �.B?�`� - Architect, Address and Phane: � `J `�'p� �� - �.egal Description: Lot , Block , Fili�g , Zone Comments: Design Review Board iDate � , Motion by: S�conded by: APPROVA DISAPPR�VAL �`� V_ . ��� C.! Summary: � _ � Town Planner ❑ 5taff Apprpval �ate: '� � o � o � '� � I ontaneros IN LJ L�J�� . Navember �+ , 1985 R�ck Pylman �own Planner 75 S . Frontage Rd. Vai1 , CO $1657 Dear Rick, Thanks far yo�r lE�ter of Oc�ober 31. , 1985 . Yau are qu�t� correct. The raof is a bit marginal in appearance. Emergency waterproo£ing necessitated an overlay o� fel� �Co pro�ect the �nembrane . We have been reviewing decorative �reatments to cover �he fe7.t and eliminate the boardwalk, Hop�ful.ly we wi.11 hav� �he situati.on handled shox��y. Now �Chat I have yaur and �he PEC, DRB, and TOVTC ' s a�C�en�ion, I would like to bring up a related rna�t�r. � On July 30 �his summe� I sent S�an Berryman the enclosed lette�. To date there has bee:► some improvement, b�zt a�ten�ion has s��ii been exra�ic at best . • As you s�a�ed in your Ietter the Town and property owners in Lionshead have a substantial i�vestment in the ma11. Mantaneros o�rners paid over $60, Q00 . 00 , I be�iev� . I ' d hope tha� the DRB, PEC,, and TOVTC tnight drop by even more frequently �o see how things are goin.g aver he�e, bo�h from a capital improvement and opera�ional aspect. I itnagine it' s been a real raller coaster a� the Town. offices wi�h the West Vai1 happenings . � hope the outcome has given everyone a restora�ion o� contidence to know that the popu7.ace does trus� in �he co�lec�iv� ability of the TOV Administration and that �he overwhelming majori.t� of ' residen�s wan� an already successtul for�a� to continue. � 'm glad you gave me a. motivational "kick" to ge� going nn a postponed project and hope yau� can accep� �y con�ern about "dus�ing and sweeping" �hroughout the ma7.1 as v�lid. You s r � , , . Mi �.e� � �eneral Mar�a•g�r cc : I'lanning Co�unission cc : D�sign Rev�ew Board cc : Tawn Council Montanerns,6�4� West Lionstiead Circle,Vaii,Colorado 81657/Phone:�303)476-249rt !/,�'� � � � � p . , . � oni�aneros _ '"�G°��� . .Mr. Stan Berryman Town of Vail P�b1ic Works Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear 5tan, I am �ariting �ii::a regard �� �he averal.'� clear.linass of �:�e Lionshead Mall. Currently, .tihere d.oes not appear to be any consistenr level of sweeping or �rash pi�k-up a�f the �a�l surface. and it �.00ks �erribl.e. As pret�y as a13. of the flowers are, the Ci.garet�e butts and �rash.make a poor coinpliment. I understand that there is a regular pick-up of �he container trash and it would seem log�.cal that .a person cnuld have a broam and long handle dustpan with him a.t the �same time. � Better yet, it would aiso seem feasi.ble that the sweeping machines used in the parking garage caul.d make shart work of tk�i.ngs on a twice-a-week basis. � On a� 1ea"st: 4•�occasioris-�during�:.the sum�ner=of I9S3, I persona��ly=.:�;� ran a C1ark push sweeper over the entire mall and it took less than an hour. . I hope;_tha� you wil]. agxee that. if 3.t makes sense to run the . large, �ruck sweeper on streets� used bp cars., .�t surely uaa.kes sense Co .keep. a $2,50Q,Qb0`ituprovemen� cl,ean for people. If :per�,chance there is some heaurocraCic glitch that preve�.ts the garage..sweepar from being used, I'11 be g7.ad to .l:oan � � you our push sweeper and demons�rate the proper t,tay �o opera�e it. Youx's tru�y,� .' Wi�.�.iam H. Mil�.e� General Manager Montaneros Con.damina.ums cc Lionshead Business Assoczation � J.A. Gri�fith Dan Mu�rooney Mon#aneros,6�41 West Lionshead Circle,Vail,CoEorado 81657/Phone:(303)476-249� � ,: � I - � , � a . ', . _ . l � � -' t f�� ai�" � - r � _ �S- � ' 1 ' i i ' ' ,u:{ � I ' . �. s � P ' i ° ! � . � . � � . ,.�- `. Y � � �� � i '. i � . � ,� e ) ] : , . � �:.s�: 4. • � i 1 . � ir .: � 1 , : � i� y . I�R�� �d . � . � I � � � ' �'�' I L 1 +} n�V: l .� �t53i� v�,� XY ' , - ��� 1TI[�.' li. i � t, . l�.ri� . � t ' �I .• � b y� S �' � i� .�.+ ��'MY� �l � r �� JI�"S� i � IM1� ;.,,.I- 1 � ��� � � -.I'.�' :. T.l � � Llr ^il �lY. ,�, ' i�' .5S' � : �':v y . �:. ' ! ! �" � ' . 14 . 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M f�e �� L .,�*�£•a �� A' . � �} P. ��d..S'1 �w' ._� .�1!'�t� � D E` j 1 < a ` L ' :� � .*A �coh�erent ;, s �,�n program� w � .� l ;confo,rm to , t�e Town of V� i Z .. si gn : ' �. : , _ � :� * ;o`rdinance ' ` 1^e �airemen �s , . �. - f ; ��� �s,". ; ,.� <�' '"' '..."" �' .:2 , d,� ` '� • �� ' �iti�` } ��, i a � ` � �t s'. � . , , �� ` � � 1. . t f ' , F' r � � � x��F � � ' _ � .� _ ` .l.�; �.�� . .r;s��, �; , � � # ;,y , i -- J � Build� ng and s � te 1 "ig ti .ng ` used for : 't�nar� entr:ies ; � signs and �' � , ` � � ' „ � :r an�scape ';�eature`s`�wi 1 � b�e `�coordi n�a�ed �wi 'th `� i ghti ngy i ri ' th� °� ��Y� , : � • � ' + � - ' „ • � i : a�., ,,.. .ri1w'" ,;��•a,��x � ''� Y��.� ' � .� , .� �. -. , ��=�' r� gh�-a�f way by ti�e own � of ya� ° � n �� - 5� � �� � T . . , , � . �� � t �/� .• ��T /��r S - �U�• =$E�V 14G�,.r" ,�� : r'� `� s . - ,� _ �: � ' � ,�, �, �S _ �t �he urgzng : of, ,�he„���T(�own,;�q�f�r a � staff r trash ' r,emoya � wi �,�.��+e � ? �.. � 6FT"''A1P �{'S'. ,..ih+4 *�_4 liv��'(�{xi ��1 .� i -.aiK'�f,iV',I!ILN9 � �..�.3�3p�_ � � . • � ��vi , `4r � � � _ handled of�: ,:s � te as � a.. ,coo perat� ve; effar.t-- w l.� . � u r a�"n d � n g b u - - , °dings :�; . _`p.n 4 � - � •� t �f ' :1 � ! uI I r . ' r, �. - � ;:e, . ', '� � � � � ,.� . ��x � s`a . n , -i � s L DESIG� REVIEW BOARD December 4, 1985 � 2:00 �.m. Site V�sits �2:30 1. Uillage Cen�er Qirec�nry Signs Motion: Warren Second: Caswel1 approved 2-1, Baldwin against 1 . 2. Bighorn Pedestrzan Bridge: Bighorn Park & Gore Creek Meadows Mot�on: Warren Second: Caswell 3-0 2. 3. Riva Ridge North Entry Addition: Lot 6, Black 6, Vail Vi11age � 6th Mo�ion: Warren Second: Caswell approved 3-0 with cond�tions 3. 4. Cogswe1l Gallery Rwning & Signage: Creekside Bldg. , UaTI Vi��age Motio�: Warren Second: Caswell approved 3-0 � Applicant to return to staff wi�h exact signage and awning colors 4 5. Vail Rssociates Warming Hut: Tract A, Lionshead 4th Fi� ing �otion: Warren Second: Caswe1l appraved 3-0 OLD BUSINESS: Vail Associates Lift Shack: R�quest to Change Paint Ca�or �o natura1 siding instead o� gray paint. Mvtion: Warren Second: Caswell approved 3-0 Policy an awning signage Sunbird repaint Voliter' s Christmas Tree and Hannukah Bush Stand � Staff Present Staff Absent Kristan Pri�z Rick Py1man � Tom Braun DRB Present: �R�� Kathy Warren Ned Gwathmey Ric� Baldwin Tam Briner Ste�e Caswell i i � �� �� �1 .a��a �Enoaddy}}�;S � aauue�d iamol � 0 h` U °15�� ����1 - ��lM , 1 �;, � � � l . . �� � � � d _ ,� � . :,ca���,�,s �enoaddesio �enoad�d :l�q pap�oaag :�(q uaE�aW a;�a � paeo8 nna�naa ufiisaQ TZ . . . . . a .n� u�� au � xa u T • n-uz.z rn o� �.u�pua��p o s sna �.-rsu�x,� �aa.z� zan�ag au� Mo��� o�. .za�uTna au� u-ranp pazrt�-��:n ac{ TT�M x��us s-ru,� >s�uau,wo� •� auoz ' u�T�3 u i� pagsuoz7 6ui�i� ' ��o�g ` ao� :uoi;clia�sa� �e6a� :auoUd Pu� ssaapP'd 'loa�i��.�y :auoy� pu� ssaappy 'aaunnp ��0� uo2sua�.x� �09S-9Lfi ��1n1 aor auoyd Pu� uosaa� ;oe�uoa :uoi;dia�saa ��atoad � x��us s�u�pu���� o�s snq s.xaT�.u� :aw�{� ��a(aad 586T ' £T ��c{uia.no� a}�p uoi�e�r�ddd ��a[o.�d .. . _, . . . , �,, _. . . - Project Application Date Project Name: � ` � , Praject Description: Contact Person and Pi�one � Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect;Address and Phone: L.egal Description: �ot , Block , Filing . Zor�e Comments: Design Re�iew Board Date � � Mo#ion by, Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAI. �� 7 Summary: � � � � � � � Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval Date: Project Application Date �'�/ ✓° 07 Q �� �.5' l � �S Project Name: � � ,� ' � �- - uxz(�- � Project Description: � �d S'�'lF'f Contact Person and Phane } � � �a ±"�� �, _ �}Y - �bS�~ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal bescription: Lot , Block , �iling , Zone � �� r Comments: �' � � � �� � n� Design Rediew Board � Rate « � Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL QISAPPROVAL i , Summary: � ' � ��. � - � � i � v y i 1 1� r � � 1 i ` ' � � �� r � 7o n Planner ❑ Stati Approval 1\�T,___''l'i � Date: DESIGN R�VIEW BOARD � Dece�ber I8, 19$5 2:QQ p.m. Si�e Uisits 1:15 p.m. #2 1. Benelton, The Lodge Pramenade; Vail Village Tab�ed to January �5, 1985 #1 2. Arneson Fi�e Arts Signage; Vail 21 Building, L�onshead Approved with modiifications 3-0 Mot�on: Gwathmey 5econd Warren #3. 3. Overlan� �xpress S�gn Var�ance; Viilage C�nter Tab1ed by applicant O�D BUSINESS: Awning Signage Po3�cy Bigharn Park Bridge Lighting : Lighting removed fram �ridge � STAFF AP�ROVALS: Giggles and Grins awning; Mill Creek Court Building Ho�ston Gal1ery; awning and signage, Viliage Center Pro S�lect S�i Renta7s, new entry addition; Treetops commercial DRB PRESENT DRB ABSEN� Kathy �arren Tom Brin�r Ned Gwathmey Steve CasweT1 Rick Baldwin STAFF PRESENT S�AFF ABS�NT Kristan Pr�tz Rick Py1man � PO�ICY qN A�NING SIG�AGE i 1. �or any awning the signage must s�ay with�n the al1owed signage aliotment. 2. For any awning that has more than two signs, the awning must be submi�ted to Des�gn Review Board. The �ota1 signage for the signs m�st be within the �otaT aliowed signage �or the storefron�. � • T0: Design Re�iew Board � FROM: Community Deve�opment Qepartment DATE: �ecember 18, 1985 R�: Over1and and Express 7ravel S�rvice Sign Uariance Request Overland and £xpress Trave� Service is located an the east end of the Village Center Building. According ta the Town of Va�� sign code farmula �or s�gnage, Overland and Express is al7owed to ha�e 12.40 square fe�� of signage. A� this time, Over1and and Express has a dark green awning wi�h Qverland and Express Travei Service printed on i� twice. 7he square �oatage for each sign was approved at 3.2 square feet. The applican� �s requesting to locat� a free standing sign in �he �ocation of the existing post at �he nor�heast corner of th� Viilage Center pro�er�y. Gail Stra�ch is proposing to hang the sign from a pole or light post. The clearance �iil be a �inimum of 8 feet. The sign i5 6.68 sq�are feet and is made o� wovd and copper. The staff has a palaroid pic�ure of the sign which wi11 be presen�ed to th� Design Review Board at the me�t�ng. Gai1 Strauch, owner of �ver1and and Express �rave7 Ser�ice �as submitted �he following stateme�� as ta why s�e fee1s �he �ariance �s warranted: 1. There �s a special circ�ms�ance which applies to my location in the � Vi1iage Center. I am the on1y business �n the praject on E. Meadow Dr�ve that �oes not ha�e exposure directly orr Eas� Meadow Drive nor is my sign vis�ble if waik�ng east on �as� Meadaw Drive. 2. The he�ght a� the bui1ding roof or eaves does not allow a s�gn to be hung from the eaves with�n �he eight foot clearance requirement. I cou1d not place a sign on the corner o� �he buiTding to be sesn from East Meadow Drive and stii1 meet this requirement. 3. I �eei I real1y do need signage from �raffic traveling east on East Meadnw Dri�e and that �t is crucial ta the succsss of my bust�ess in the Town of Vail to haW� this proper signage. 4. I fee1 that these circ�mstances are unique to my business and do not apply generaTly to a11 b�s�nesses, that these s�ecial circums�ances are not created by me, �hat the granting of the �ariance w�71 not be materialiy d�trimental to t�e parsons working in the vicinity , �o adjacent property, to the neighborhood or the public we�lfare in general . As a matter of fact it wiTl �etter facilitate the v�sitor and ]ocal alike to find my ser�ice. 5. The frontage of my business allows the awning tha� I have present1y over my doar and a sign and that the sign and awn�ng together would not be aesthetically pleasing. . ' FFNDINGS � Befare the Board a�ts fln a variance application, �the applicant must prove physica3 hardsh�p and �he Baard must find that: A. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, tapography, vege�ation, sign structures or other mat��rs an adjacent lots or wi�h�n the adjacent rigl�t of way, which would substant�a71y res�rict the effec��veness of the sign in question: prov�cled, howe�er, that such sp�cial circumstances or condit�orts are uniqus tn the particular business or en�erprises to wh�ch the appl �car�t desires to draw at�ention, and do not a�ply general1y to all businesses or enterprises. In staff's op�nion there are na spacia1 circumstances that apply to adjacent lots or adjacent right of way which substantially restrict the effectiv�ness of signage far the Overland & �xpress. In addition �o Over7and & Express's awnit�g, the owner of the V�llage Center has alsa received approval from the �esign Review Board for two buiiding d�rectory signs. One wi71 be lacated in the same general area as the proposed free s�anding sign. The a�her sign wil� be at the west end of the Village Center Build�r�g. This directory will have one square foot of signage and a map which will show the locatian for Over7and & Express. 6. That such speciai circums�ances were no� created by t�e applican� or anyane in priWy to the applicar�t. The applicant did not crea�� any problems in order to justify a sign variance. The applican� is merely try�ng to maximize the exposure for her a�fice despite the � location af her business. However, staff f�els that �he applicant was aware of the loca��on of the office when the space was leased. �. That the granting of the variance w�ll 6e in general harmo�y with the purpnses of this �itle and will not be ma�eria1ly de�rimenta7 to the persons residing or working in th� vicinity, to adjacent property, to the ne�ghborhnod or to �he pubiic weifare in genera� . The variance request is not �n compliance with our sign code. Section 16.2�.�50 of �he sign code specifically states �hat free s�anding signs ar� used on7y "to identify a business or organizatian being �he sole �?U51P��SS occupan� within a bu�ld�ng. " To allow this b�siness, which �s in a mult� tennant bui�ding, to have a �free s�and�ng sign wou1c# conflic� with a basic principal of the sign code. The reasoning behind tF�is section nf the sign code �s to try and avoid unnecessary free standing signs for mu1ti t�nnant buildings. It is felt tha� it is reasonable to allow a free stand�ng sign only if the business is the sale occ�pant wi�hin a building. Staff also be1ieves that the locat�on of the s�gn may possibly impede �edestr�an �raffic somewi�at on the waikway in front of tihe Village Center bui1ding. The project has just been completed so it is difficult to know how pe�estrians wi� l use this area. The s�gn aiso has the patential to �iack some ofi the visibi�i�y into Karats windnws. D. The variance app1i�d for daes not depart fram the provisions o� this title any more �han is required to identify the applican�s business or use. � � � Sta�f believes that the awning and directory sign pro�ide more �han adequa�e signage �or �he Over1and & �xpress office. The proposed sign is 6.68 squara feet. It is alsn fel� that this s�ze of sign is much larg�r t�an is actua�iy necessary to alert �edestriar�s �ha� the Overland & Express office is an the east si�e of �he Vi�lage Center bu��ding. E. S�ch ather factors and criteria as the Des�gn Review Board deems applicabie to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENflATION: The Department of Community development reco�tmends deniai of the proposed �ariance. It is felt that O��rlan� & Ex�ress does ha�e a visibility prnblem far pedestrians walfcing east on �ast Meadow Drive. However, �he awning and two directory signs serve to adequately assist ped�s�rians in finding the office. The 6.68 fr�e standing sign is not in harmony with �he purposes of the Tawn of Vail sign cade. The sign also d�parts from the provisions af the Tawn o� Vaii sign code more �han is necessary to identify the applican�'s b�s�ness or use. S�a�'f does r�ot feel that there is a physical hardship due to the iocation of the office on the east end of the building. The applicant was a1so aware of the locatian of the office when the space was Teasad. I� �s felt that to grant this �ariance wouid be a grant of specia7 privilege as there are many businesses in Ilaii with unusual lacations that wouid certa�nly l �ke to have a free stan�ing sign to draw visitars into the�r businesses. Some examples o� businesses with s�milar �isi�ili�y prablems from main pedes�rian or auto access ways include Buzz's Boots 'n Boards on the east end of the 5onnenalp, the interior shops in the Mi� 1 Cre�k Ca�rt Bui7ding, the Shaft Res�auran� � in the Enzian and �he interior shops of the Vai� lli� 1age Inn. Far these reasons staff recommends denial of the proposal . � ..,;x ;. ..', � . �� i _ trt�.�:i,.;� �� �,#���,§�,�M �i� �� ��`i��Yh'i�`>>"�..��. {e��c n�..:�ti i�*h#�7�3 � .� �,�n �..,.�^75 ��.� i �, k + - ��ti� .-� vri -�� T.a -,� a w--�... Tm��; -�� ��'r"" �5 ,.��s A ;�� �,"� ��.. t;.s��2`� .f..�i E�.��-.:t"1 S�i� �-��/y 11 r •1�ti�� r , $'d �i � �k'i f. ::�..�.71d� N _ �,t ���f�,� ��ii�i' t �� Yst�..s �; � a�n, ii��� �,e�� ;{e �;;x,��, yef, '�s�y 'i_ '�� r � � .,, o ¢�,,,14'�. + i'i; � Yi „&� �. , � : i r !�'�� v a . �?,z t� S c�. E �': d �� ; _��f ��\. �, ��� 5 i.e "� �q -� � ,r Z� 4ry .^� e�' `•"s t,�,.li�. .�'��F��'���x p.-��'. 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Design Reaiew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ' � mmar : � 1 Su Y i � � � Staff Approval Town Planner � l�ate: