HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 DRB Agendas & Minutes plus sign variances :� ..$-.: ...t> 'r;i'�rYr x: �i\.-, :'����. ,s' ., .. .. ,t ':Vfi*ct�. �e-...,,. ,.. . � ...,.�. . - , .,._,.+.,.;�.. .. . ....s..... ...... . ... .... .. , .....-,� . .. ... ;.�.4^;r, ,?� uS:.. :.X.....vf..,rDr4.kr'r,@,n.. :+nNaR.- w:14 ':Rl:.:i�`S,:yii:ii. �«a.. . ,. .� .i ...} ..��_. _ �..i.�....(' . .. . . .. . , 4 . . 1995 DESlGN R�VIEW BOA�i� i995 Pk.ANNIt�G AND �I�VIRO�EM�NTAL COMMlSSION , Submittal Deadlines and Meetirg Dates Su�mittal DeadEines and Meeting Dates � Sub1►'f4te1„ BedEtne M�ETING DAT£ Submitta!Deadline ME�TING DATE . Decsmber 12,1994 ,i�uary 4,1995 Decembar]2,9994 January 9, 1595 Dece�e�ber 27,1994(Tuesday} J�nuary�8,1995. Decamber 27,1994 (TUesday} January 23. i995 J9rloary 9,1995 F�ruary 1, 1995 January 16,1995 February 13, �995 January 23, 199!3 �t�ruary 15,1995 �lanuary 30.1995 February 27,i895 Febnfary 6,1995 kdarch t,�995 February]3,1995 March 13, 1995 Fe6ruary 20,1995 (Jarch y6,1995 February 27,i995'* March 27,1995 Al�arch�3,1995 3�rf15,1995 MarCh i3,1995 April 10,i995 hRarch 27,1995 AprFl 19,1995 � March 27,1995 April 24, 1895 ApriF t4;f995 May 3, 1995 ApriE 10,1995 . May S,1995 April 24,t995 INay t7,1995 Apri[24,1995 May 22, 1895 May tS,1995 �une 7.1395 May 15, i395 June 12,1995 . May 3fl,1995(7uesday) �ne 21,1995 May 3d, 1995 (Tuesday� June 28,1985 June 12,1995 iuly 5,1995 ,fune j2, 1995 July 10,1895 June 26.1995 3uly 19,1995 ' June 26.1935 July 2a,1995 �uly�1D,1995 August 2,1995 July 17,1995 AuguSt t4,1995 3u�1�.�985 August 16, 1995 July 31,t995 Augusf 28, 1995 August ta,t995 5epfember 6,1995 August iA, 9995 September 11, 1995 Aipus128, 1995 September 2p,1995 , . August 28, 3995 5eptember 25,1985 Sepfember 11, 1995 October 4,f995 SeptemBer t i,1995 Octotsar 9,t995 Seplerrik�er 25, i995 October 18, 1s95 Seplember 25,1995•• October 23, �995 Qctvber 9, t995 November 1,]895 October 16,1995 November 13,1995 October 23,1895 November 15, 1995 Oclo4er 30,1995 IVovember 27, 7 995 , Hovember 13,1995 DeCember 6, 1995 November i3, 1995 Recember 11,1995 NpVembe!27,1995 � December 20, 1895 , November 20, 1995 December 18,1995 December i1,1995 January 3, 1996 �tt������"`���'���'y'k' ��a`� ��y °�•�"' ��, <� �° � � Decembee 2Q i 995{Tuesday) January 17,1996 h�'����.,,,����r.����s�.'���������� �� , � _���.-�����§��. ��, ,� �g��� '„� � ""The Submidal deadllnes are tha iourth Monday's in FeSruary and September,for exterior `. �������k�������.��� alieralions in Eha CCI and CCEI znne disirir,ts which: Conteptual Heviews wilt be Scheduled if the tequesi is gubmitted at least 10 worktng clays � 1, Add or remove 70D squara feet or more oi enclosed floor area;or txior to Ihe meeiing date. 2. Calls for the reptacement oi an existing building. ' A1E appllcations must be c m I . Any inComplete applicatlan wt�f be returned to the �xleri0r afteraiivns in CCI or CCII whlch do nOt mee!ihe above crileria 5houtd follOw norma! a�alicant and wllf�,be scheduled 1or revlevr. PEC suhmitlaE deadEines lisled abave. " 25p Bquare toot(3RFA additEon eppliCAtions and sign varEance requests w111 be heard. .qt the�meetif+p d8le afler the�ubmhl8�deatllina. . . . , 1 ,�' \ r , . � election o# a P�C repres�ntative to the Design f�eview Board for �995. - January ihroug� March, 1993 Kathy Langenwalter April through June, �993 Da�ion Williams July thro�gf�S�ptember, �993 .leff Bawen � ' October thraugh December, i 993 Greg Amsden t `� January t�rough March, 1894 �ill Anderson � Aprii through June, 1994 �eff Bowen August through 5eptem�er, �994 Ba� Armaur - October through December, 1994 Alfison l.assoe January thro�g� March, '�595 Gr�g Amsde� April #hraugh June, 199� �r aMoffet ��.�, �4�ugu�t through September, 199a Bob Armour �Actober through December,1995 �n p h � Mike clarified that the PEC member is an important part of DRB, since ihe PEC member t�rings the conditions to DRB and vice versa. He also stated th�t this position is as a�oting member. 9. Tawn�Cour�cil update: ► Serrano's call-up � Mike stated that the Town CaunciE suppnrted thQ p�� ��cision. Bob Armour acknawledged a�l the changes wer� gaod and that refl�cts a great project. Mike stated that t�is is great timing, tF�is will allaw a11 the �rpper Bridge street area to�� . � done at one time. � �" � .3�ff maved #hat the meeting be adjourned. Greg Amsdc>r� seconded ihe motion. Unanimous � approva�. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm. . . NOTE: DUE TO A TAPE MALFUNCTiQN,THERE ARE NO BACK-UP TAPES TO THIS MEETING. � Planning and�nvironmerna�Cammission March 27,1995 MinuEes 9 � :�;- .�, �� � � DESIGN REVIEW B4ARD AGEN�A January 4, 1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATIQN 12.3n p.m. SfTE VISITS 1:45 p.m. 1. Crossview Proper�ies, Ltd. - The Valley, Phase II. 2. Thain - 483 Gore Cr�ek Drive. 3. Lions Square Lodge - 660 West Lionshead Place. 4. Golden Peak - 458 Vail Valley Drive. 5. Kross - 1200 Ptarmigan Road. Drivers: George and Lauren ,.:...,>:.>.:.,.:.»,,.:.....,,:.,::. :.;:;::.::.,.:;�:.,.:.,.,.:,,:.,:.,,.,,,:., ;.,Yp; ;a,�•aea�o..s: „�.:c.,,,.,,,,,,,,:;� ;,;x:��•;,*�:,�,�,c;a•�:�'�s,•� a.�, .\. ':�,�:..v\.. ,.» +\\i.•u. :�a�, ,�� .�\:i:\iti �[\J' i�k�:+i\'2:4..11�\.�. ti1��vtii .4• �.A'�A J\'>>\�.k' ::\���� :i\:5.�\\'� i.A": �`.�\..::\�'�\•' .\ ���'i� �. \'�\ v���\.�. ti ��\\� ;���ti.*��ti'�, ,��. ,�ti,�G��,��: `��� k ,�»;:;:`.:�`'''iti�>ti�';:���ti��� ��\�:\1\�\.\'i.:�� • .•3:. •3i'��\»' ��\\�� \\�..\\.\.\..\. A\ .•ti• �:��ti.w.ti��i,a��::�; `'�,� .\, c'c�;.,.3�.����:�,.\a4 �ti..;y.�.�.,,.,.;�.,� 5*:�z .�ti1.� ..\. ���,k�,.�;�.. ��*, �;.:\\a:\:�.�i.x\:wv,. �:ti. •�.� .��\.. .ti .kb: :i\�...\yQ •;���: ++.�� ���.�x.�,.�. :4:'.`*i�t'\, �,;�a���i. ..�.. .�� ti+ti` +�,\..w:.+k,ao\.�:r.,.,. .���4;,\�•<�+ . �1:. .�'�;' :�'47�R� 1..1.�....\\\ .\\\� ?.\`� :i\J\\\il.h\4�.4'ti\'�\ s\ �\\s\. \lh4' i:tii:��ti��1v4�\t�i :.5:»li1\i�i"}'\}':. �����\�ti��tiL�tirk �eh. ..:.. ...\1:1��\:.\. ?.\',\'\yV�.+\� �i�*�.�.y� `.'4'.�Cr; .�����`� .,.�.,..��:\�ti.� .��..,;;�;.�,.\ei:�.ox�:o �.ti .�� �1"�;�\� ,.�. .�.�•ti ;*:.`..�,:` ..���`� .,\,• :,�. .\ .�,. ,.�>:�"� kv\U1».k'Jk.r .4�� ...�1 nLnL..L..v\.s��\\�*\�\�\�\��\��x:\��}.�}.Y.4..U�:.4 •:.i.iiiJ: •:4�1:;l a n:v�4..:L�:z::LV.�..�.�:ti.r:4rn�..v..v..}.. \i��:.���:��:.\.�i;, • . ��iil���. ......l.h.�:��:.��:\v.��n�tiirv:v�:iCtii.....:..�::\�...........�..`�\�1i.��v.�.�.�.v..v....n..:.J:.k'.�:ti��l�..k..J:::!:,:l.l.���n��h�}���n��n�i�.�v.�i:� � �� • � 1. Golden Peak - Signlawning application. LW 458 Vail Valley Drive/Golden Peak Ski Center. Applicant: A�nie Egan for Tim Kehoe, Vail Associates, lnc. MOTiON: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VQTE: 5-4 Consent appro�ed, � 2. Eagle County Ambufance D�strict - Sign application. � GR 181 West Meadow Drive/Lot �, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: �agle Caunty Ambula�ce District MOTION: B. Borne SECON�: S. Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Consent appro�ed. 3. Crass�iew Properties, Ltd.- Six single family residences with GR one employee housing unit. The Valley, Phase II. Applicant: Crossview Properties, Ltd. MOTION: B. Borne SEC�ND: S. Brainerd VOT�: 5-0 Tabled indefin�tely. 4. Kross - Conceptual review af reside�tiai remodek. �LW 1200 Ptarmigan RoadlLot 1, Block 8, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: l.awrence and Pamela Kross MOTION: SEC4ND: VOTE: Conceptual re�iew - no �ote taken. � .�; � � y► . - � 5. Thain - Changes to pr�viously approved plans. JC 483 Gore CreeK Drive/l,ots 8A, 8B, and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicants: John and Carmen Thain MOTION: B. Borr�e SECOND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed witn conditions. 6. Lions Square Lodge - Conceptual re�iew of new Iobby addition. JC 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, V�il Lior�shead �st Filing. Applicant: Lians Square Lodge Homeowners Association, represented by Bill Pierce MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual re�iew - no vote taken. 7. Byme - Single family residence observation deck. GR 128 Forest RoadlLo# 5, Block 7, Vai[ Vil�age 1 st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne MOTION: B. Barne S�COND: S. Brainerd VQTE: 5-0 Consent appro�ed with the conditions that the applicant paint the deck aspen gray artd that the deck.be remor►ed by June 4, 1995 or sooner. If the property is sold before June 4, 1995, the deck wifl b� remor►ed immediately. 8. Redpath Ai#eration - Enclos� equipment storage and bench seating. GR � 2692 Cor�ina LanelLot 10, Block 6, Vail Ridge. A�plicant: Robert Redpath MOTI4N: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to January 1$, 1995. 9. JuddlStockmar - Addition of two decks and change of roaf. LW 4096 Columbine Dri�e/Lot 14, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Jim Jucid MQTION: SECOND: VOT�: Tabied indefinitely. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Arnett Bob Borne Saliy Brainerd Hans Wo�drich Greg Amsder� (PEC) � 2 , . r _ ,� ... ' � � STAF'� APPROVALS Caulkins - Install 500 gallon propane tank in dri�eway between the two units. JC 5025 Main Gare PlacelLot 5, Sundial Phase !. Applica�t: Peter Caulkins Gregg - Window additians to south and.east ele�ations, one windaw RS � on each ele�ation. 1966 West Gore Creek �ri�elLot 44, Vail Village West. Applicant: Jim Gregg Covered Bridge Building - Sigr� program. GR 227 Bridge Street/l.ots C and D, Bkock 5-B, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Peter Dann/East West Partners Lionshead Center Building - Three copper signs for the ski schaol. GR 520 East Lionshead Circle/Lionshead Center Building. Applicant: Vai� Assaciates, Ir�c., represer�ted by Larry AstlHigh T�ch Signs Vail Associates Ski Schoal �ionshead - Sign appiication. GR 520 Eas# Lionshead Circke/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lior�shead ist Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Covered Bridge Signs - Sign applications.. GR • 227 Bridge StreetlCo�ered Bridge Building. Applica�t: Covered Bridge Bldg �td. � � 3 Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form T�WN �F VAIL �Ca#egory N�mber � � Date / �� Project Name: � � °"! Bui{ding Name: �.r_L�.�a �.�.�L�.n-�� , .� ..._ Project �escription: ,�Y_1.�-�-,..�..11 �,. 'J� .��� .�t'�so�_,��.�f,��� �,� .iL.:�,�r,,!_ a-�..c.�. -- — CJ /: 3 Owner, Addr�ss and phone: �l�L��� �_.., f /i,,4_�.�� Architec ontact, Address and Phone: �.� � .n.� /�� ��i�� . .�.. � �..1� Legal �escription; Lot___..� Block� Subdivision i.��a.� j Zone District��_� Project Street Address:,,M, 161� �.a_�n� ��,�I Comments: } Board Staff Act�on Motion by: ��r_]� Vote: �'� Seconded by: ' ,Q.� _ [�Approval �ti ❑ Disapprova[ ❑ Staff Approval 9 �Conditions: �i .� 1 _ .r��,,�-'�.�oL _. � .�.�.�, / �.� �fJ f9 9'�� �0%�019�1 �c���,�,�1 � Town Planner ] c� Date: //�.�I9S DRB Fee Pre-paid ��� _.�a�. �� Design Review Ac�ion Form T�WN �F VAIL �ategory �fumber �� Date � � �$ Project Name: Q' � `'1� T� c�v►c�'7rS �v'`� Building Name: �� � a _ � Project Description: �l�u kC1�S � �Fe V Ipt,��Y' ��/2�r��� �L,ct.�t � (�uvla[ Cc�� �/`�� � c�lx�v� '�►.�G �Pas-t' ��o�� crl;,c�d�c�cc9�c.c.3�lr�h rs �"e �'�. /� ,/� n � � E f e 11� ! +��i� �C+'� f�eV. U I'>�e`�a�J . -lt� � ��-,l � �'`6`� �� —r . Owner, Adclress and Phone: � ����!°1 !I�,rar�,� _._ 8'.� �G� ��qr��� •��� r� , �'lf- a.s�r. /�.�' /�S'y�� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: T� �/t�L��i1 ���'�' �.�T� . , �o � 1/�a c�. � � C E"S Lega! Description: Lot��`�Block '"'�" Su6division {�i�� Ve�ctc�P �'TL� t-r�ci4 zane District ��� Project Street Address: ..� � �� � d�!� Comments: � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: ��r4 �/��.�° Vote: �""� Seconded by: �'�-C..� �'Gflvt�'� _ ppraval r.c��C�,�c�� �aHs ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Ap�roval F � � P Conditians: � l/� � �� � � � ��� «'�'�� � � � � c� ` �� � ' �� L�e r � � �'own Planner � Date: � � DRB Fee Pre-paid �C3'�`� _. -:� Design Review Ac��on Form TO1NN OF VAIL �a#egory Number � Date /���9'Sr � Project Name: G•c�.o� ��,.....-.� . .�.Tr�.�F»�:,%��.c.... ��� �L�!� . �_� Building Name: �C�±. 1������.e.._. �� ������� ,� Project Qescription: .� . , � �2.,�.�� Owner, Address and Phone: Architec onta ddress and phone: /A, ���. �o�, i���d-,_�,�.��,�-;��, TLJ__.�-�, ���, ��- �/s 6� Legal Description: Lot�_ Block.___..._.�..____ Subdivision �% L/_ ,2� Zone District � Project StreetAddress:_r8���, I � � ,`�� `�"',����.,/,.,�� � �.c���� Comments; �, ��I�Fr,,.� � � - oard Staff Action Motion by:_�,,�� , Vote: :��-� Seconded bY� v�!�.��:�-:---■--�� --- — �Appro�al ❑ DisaQproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: Town P�anner � Date: � 9� DRB Fee Pre-paid 1J'_ � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL �'Va#egory Number ` Date 1 ' t ' �� Praject Name:�D�G(,��w �,rf�-� � ��fi �s[e�i' ( Buiiding Name: C.�tO��• ��-t� �1 Project Descriptian: �i�/U /�f��M�P � ����C . � o �wner, Address ar�d Phane; ��.t�T(� � � � �� �-��-� �� -� --- ArchitectlContact, A�dress and Phone: t`�IV1 Vl��Y,(�(/I/L.� _ �ega! Description: Lot��G� B ock 5ubdivision rn zone District Project S#ree#Address:_��J� VG�.1 �fitl �t�� , Comments: Board Staff Action � Motion by;�� �?'!'Le� _ Vote: �� b � Seconded by; � � A�proval �(,fIY1�,c.�.-'�''"� ❑ Disap�roval ❑ Staff Approval Conditians: i � ' �� � . � � �DI� �i7t�� be�in.tnnG� }(��� . �Buc,Y�G� � �,��'7�.-_�� _ � Town Pian�er Date: , DRB Fee Pre-pa9d,�, � ' 7i � Design Rev�ew Action Form T�WN �F VAIL �tegory Number Date�/ Q� - f Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ,.rf�' �L.��;� 2�3 ��.�:�L�� � Owner, Address and Phone:_,�C� � -n—n--�.- - � - - \� � � - - — Architect/Con#act, Address and Phone: ��►._=� l.egal Description: Lot �lock Subdivision zone District � � Project Street Address: Comments: . . . ��, oard ! taff Action Motion by:.�n� Vote;� - Seconded by: Fd Approval T` ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�ak Canditions: � `� - - � �� � Tawn P�anner d C� Date: 1 DRB Fee Pre-paid -� DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � January 18, 1995 3:00 P,M. PROJECT ORIENTATION 12.00 p.m. SITE VISiTS 1:15 p.m. 1. Hitchcock - 421 Beaver Dam Circle. 2. �fardis - 1415 Wes#haven Drive, Unit B. 3. Kaenig - 795 Potato Patch Drive. 4. The Club - 364 Bridge Street. 5. Holiday House - 9 Vail Road. Dri�ers: George and I.auren .:.,.:.,.:.;..�,�,..:..>,.;,...::....�:><�:<.,:.:.:.;.,.�.:.,>:.,><,,.,:�.:.., :..y..:;:�;.�::<....>,:.,::.,,..;;.;,;.,:.>,:.:c>z>>..�.... .,,. .*.. � „�. .,. •..,�,� .:.�.. :.,*..:<�ti.�::.�:;•>:.:...:0.,.3��-:�::.•:;ao:o.:;9;:?�c:�c�+:..;.�:;,•�. ��,� .�..e..�..:..a. n�. ;`.i:�`:;cYt;`�::�'t7::i.:o.a.,:..p:�,.�c..;...,�,...,�:. :ti. ;...,.:,....;,:;+:;;� A,;�\; :.ti• ,.,.�,,.,; ..... , :.�.•� :�,:•;� ,:,.• a�. .,,,...,::�, , .���<: •�•\il�\. ti\i� .\ .\\ilr:.�\iyv:�O:�i:}.:.\ f ii:\.�:.C:�::�:::�"��iJ::�+.\'\:'.\t�.ti��i�"i•\1ki.�?).�Jr:.::.i..! .\�. .\\�.�. �� � >.v..�t,�ti.r ♦:.\,'ri'::::k:::i" ..\. +:.� � ".''��� .�l.4 .ti\� .�..y��i'v:'t•:i:ti�:1:i::�i�:::�i!i��J. •.\...... .�\.t.� �".v.n n �':i\��tii:iil. \�r�t�y..� .\\ti..�.�\ i�\:�\...�\.}• ..\.��v.�::.ti��\�Yi�:i�.. »ti.s v\.....\\�*\....l.�t�i�,�'��:3*w� ...\1\.:4..4.t�,i�` '.^.\��\�:. .�y.��� ..\\\��� �:\': 'iii� :.\}�\�: iii� iti\�\'v :2y..��' \t�::.� �ii�' 3..�.,�}�� �.\�\i�ii'$.\ti• ��?.. �.�i}:���: .�.:.�.� : '.��.n. .....�' ti" •v.....:i}:C.�'n�... .�. .� '}'\'>: � ,. ..ti Ci .�.......v:y:�`.�..�.�v.��. ..�o�:i<:..y�.x;-.�.:�:.\.\i��:�..�^:'�':22�:n.....:.....y,:::�.\..�..J.,.... •�4. •ii>:^x�,� ..��i,. .��.. ;°"\�i,.�,, .`:\?. v�z. .a:: i$A. ';�xe�±j :ax��•4Yt:>:� :;�;;�': ,..,.,.......ti.,\`'...,., ...\�\iil.4',�•).ti�� i'\i.. .�\J� ......i.........\.�h.....i.�..�..*���\i�, ���n�..s�..�..���\i:�\:� �.M1�.......:��\� .:v�\>:n�....x.�..�....�..��..m..�.....�....x.�...�.�........�. \.�x n�..L.....:$\v.��.��..x.n..:��t\v. . 1. Hitchcock - Conceptual re�iew of a new single family residence. LW 421 Bea�er Dam Circl�ILot 3, Black 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Christapher Hitchcock MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual �er►kew - no vnte taken. i2. Co�arada Log and Antler Company - New sign. RS 450 East Lionshead Circlel�ot 6, Block 1, Vai1 Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jennifer Zimm�rman MOTION: SECON[]: VOTE: Consent appro�ed. . 3. Haliday House - New entryway. RS 9 Vail Road/Lot A, B, C, Vai! Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Bruce Gillie MOTION: S. Brain�rd SEC�ND: H. Woldrieh VOTE: 4-0 Approvak Appro�ed with two conditions; 1. Extend roo# o�erhang and exposed beams. 2. Replace windows on side of addition at scale shown in drawings. 4. The Club - Repaint af front entry. GR 364 Bridg� Street/Lot H, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant, The Club MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Consent appro�ed. � 5. Jardis - 25Q request for ki#cher� and tiining room. GR � 1415 Westhaven Drive, Unit BILot 52, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Rivers Jardis MOTlON: S. Brair�erd S�COND: H. Woldrich VOTE: 4-4 Appro�ed with one condition: �. That the owner of the adjoining duplex appro�e the proposed plans. 6. Koenig - Conceptual review of a primarylSecondary residence. GR 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Blocic 1, Potato Patch. . Applicant: Gary T. Koenig MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review - no �ote taken. 7. Laidlaw - Conceptual re�iew of proposed architectural design. GR Applicant: Bab Sempter MOT�ON: SECON�: VOTE: Conceptual rer►iew - no ►►ote taken. 8. Zneimer - New single family residence. RS No address/Lot 6, Lia Zneimer Subdivision. � Applican#: Ed Zneimer MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabl�d to February �, 1995. 9. . Ferguson - New single family residence. RS 1295 Westha�en Circle/Lot 4$, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Da�e Ferguson MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to February 1, 1995. 10. Town of Vail - Streetscape project. �-W Along east Lionshead Circle and the Library Chute. Applicant: Town of Vail � MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabfed #o February 1, 1995. ]1. Johnsor� - Demolrebuild single famil.y with Type II Employee Housing Ur�it. RS 1195 Hornsilver Circle/l�ot 14, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicanf: George and Susan Johnsan MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: � Tabled to Fepruary 1, 1995. 2 MEMBERS PRESENT M�MBERS PRESENT � n Bob Borne Greg Amsde Mike Arnett Sally Brainerd Hans Woldrich STAFF APPROVALS Musyl - Changes to pre�iously appro�ed plans. JC 4465 Glen Falls LanelLot 6, Forest Glen. Applicant: Marc Musyl Race To Erase MS - Erect banner at Manor Vail Lodge in suppor� of a RS not-for-profit community special event. 595 East Vail Valley Dri�elManor Va�l Ladge. Applican#: Lisa Mutz-Nelson Amen - Temporary propane heater #or constructian. �C 5025 Main Gore Place/Lat 5, Sundial Phase I. � Applicant: Bryan Amen e Kross - Additian to PrimarylSecondary residence. �W 1200 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 1, Biock 8, Vail Village 7th Filing. � Applicartt: Pamela and L.a►rvrence Kross Cunningham - tnterior 250 request for basement addition. �W 217 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Blocic 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: B�rry C�nningham �� 3 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number 9 Date ��I���/.S ___ ..r- - Project Name: Suilding Name: Project Descriptian: Owner, Address an� hone: -T�Z..c... ��.s--�6 - Architect/Contact,Address and Phone: � � . • d � Legal Description: Lot�_ Block ""` Subdivision � � Zone District �� Project Street Address: �,�,�„�� ,.�... ��• - -- Comments: � ���.�.��Staff Action Motion i�y: ` Vote: '�-b Secanded by: � � Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvaf Conditions: ��.-.�-f-�I�/��1� _ . Tawn Planner �ate: j DRB Fee Pre-paid��d. °�' � Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN �F VA�L �ategary Number Da#e Project Name: Building Name: � Project Descriptfon: Owner dress and Phone:��.�� '� /� E � / _ � �"`�/� i _ ��� 3 « rz� �1�� �/�i�7 - ArchitectlContact,Address and Phone: � Legal Description; Lat�,__ Block � Subdivision� `�+ L f�../ Zone Qistrict �7 _, �roject Street Address: Cornments: ��/� ���a.��...c�-,���'7 1L'�-� , . � F .: ' � oar Staff Ac�ion Motion by: � Vote: '�/�� Seconded by: � �A��ro�a[ ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval COnditiOnS:_��� ��-�J --�n�,Gtti+.�� � -` �1�:�. - - ��-.�a - - Town Planner Date: /�/���}�' __ DR8 Fee Pre-paid,��o �"��-� Des�gn Re�iew Action Form TOWN OF VA1 L ` ��r , �Category Number,�..�^�dvvih�{�I�f� (�4_/� Date_���� `7 � ��� � � A Project Name: I LL Building �lame: Project Description:_�►1+ vtid �U W�_�Q�T a� � �i�/'� � � r Cdl4 7,d. � � . 1 Qwner, Address an� Phone: �'C � G�/t° 17dY L� � ����%' �/�_r�m��-fd � " ` -L� �� �� - Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: � ° � � Legal Description: �.ot B Black Subdivision�,�'� ��� � Zone []istrict �__ Project Street Address:�'/.��a�-� d�`y�• Com�ner�#s: � � Board 1 Staff Acfiion Motion by: Vote: �'�� — Secanded by: �^^.� W��� ��Approval ❑ Disappro�al � ❑ Staff Ap�roval �'"- �--- �.�� � Can itio � � � � � � � � tr � � � , ����� � � �� � J' �� � !"� � �� �n ��,,v, ` `3 t� � � �'� � � �- ����. � 1"own Planner Date: T"���J / � DRB Fee Pre-�aid Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number Date �� �' Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: � . • �j� Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �� � Zone �istrict ��_ Legal Description: Lot�,.^ Biock�__ Subdi�'tsior��%�. Project Street Address: Comments: � � � � Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: �'�d :�,z,���, .:.�,�.:_; Secondeci by: � [g Approval �� ❑ Disapprovai ❑ Staff Ap�roval Condition .� � � � � Town Planner r DRB Fee Pre-paid a�' ' pate; f �� �S ; � � . �- DESiGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � February 1, 1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION 12:00 p.m. SITE VISITS 1:30 p.m. 1. Villa Co�tina - 22 West Meadow Drive. 2. Town af Vail Streetscape Praject - Along east Lionsh�ad Circle and the Library Chute. 3. Zneimer - Lot 6, Lia Zneimer Subdivision. 4. Koenig - 795 Potato Patch. 5. Covered Bridge Coffee Shop - 227 Bridge Street. Drivers: Randy and George ....................... .�...L.n v:�x�.��+�:•.u:.:n�:�v,�.:n.:.::v��.�.�t�:�.�.::��...y.. :`\•?\..} ��%il• .�:�4�:Q4�".�..'}. .:k`:�:i��� ��•..:J�.n..::��.�����•.�.:..��:.�����'i��»��.:..: • . .................�.. •n. ....... ......�1... . ...s•............. .. ..��.l..l�r:�:�:�'�:n•.....�:.�i.:i..�;..y...i:�:\:j?:'r::..�.::'��ti" �.i.l v1.�� ..\...�..:�w.x.vy... •:�.vr�.�..�:.4,�..1� � S\..:y.v?.4\s,.., .�\ `�'ti�i':ti.i:.ti�:iL� 'i.\.r.i4�;C:'. ..�'t� .�\�n;�i\':4��:i..�.... .,... .�•\... ..�k .Vl::�:>>:�4�."��'�: 4.\. `\�ii:i•'?:•:<::;Y.�) ...�:.,�.h4\Jt.�.::�::n•\�:.t\��s:.�.�:i•:�::':��.�i'�i\:.�,.......���:��•\��. ..�\�.� .�\3 .\4. .\`.., +\x. •:�\:�..+.C��1�...:...�n. `.'ti�:iC��:::��:�\`:�\�ti:��":��:'.� ....t�\;}`��::�:i:\\..,�..:...s�..\�>i� ...ti ��.\.�..�.4.�.._:::�v!n•`:.:. .\.�..\��C?,':?;�..\ ..\. . ..\�.4 �..�..v.:...�::. ��\. :;�t�ti�::i:��ti�• �\:ti�::.e:..i•:.•.��i:::s\r.�:>...J.;�, v?\s.t,�:....�\...t.\�..�ti\'L;::.:i�:i,�v'�..:.�.:..\�y.,..t�.... �.�\..r:�`:`�`:'�i:i:.:':: .�,; :�z•�.. ::��,a��.» ;i.x'�� .,ti.. ,:, +*, +•�• Y�.�::::::: .�..�:....:.�....,�o,...,a.�;v .;,..�....,,.,:s.,..,,... *.��3i��r.�.�..:.. ....1`�..,....4�.�`:�:�\» .ti�.��.....;+, {O.l'...:.�:i�\��:t:.1.,;:.t..�.��..:n.�.i�i�...�.� :�::1':� :;:..\'�i::;:::\`:..� ':i��.�.�v ��.\':'`.�':::ir'•!:i�, i4\t�i..v.;*.: �.i�i:i:i'\�....... ..\ �.��::�� �\�:':i1»:v:lt.� t:\�':�:.� '.•ll•:�•:::�:i\��s�:�::iv:��:ti.U�:::i.\�:i\. •..1:..\ �. ..... ;:n:i4:�d�.�:.:t.t:i..??.J�:;.i:.•::j:?:+:?.,�+%�:.:��... ..�.::�.:n;..;.;.::i.�:.J..�����:i\\ii�::�.���i�C..i...»�..�..k...;.s:::::�+\in:iti. �-..�..�.�...,��.'4.......:.-: ...���> >>s...v'.:�.�.�........v,..��..\:.�:i::�?'.�'n`.�.4'.:.....i..���\i`�s:..:.i....��\�............\�.n........n.....\...�.......\\.�...... ... .............:....4:..tiT\� .,x4:.�.2��i\':ti:.J.:�..�,v \:. \ ... .... ........ .. .. ..\.\.\ .\*ti * .... .. . .:� 1. Slifer Smith Frampton/Vail Associates - Sign application. GR 230 Bridge Street/Slifer Building. Applicant: Larry AstlHigh Tech Signs MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: 6. Borne VOTE: 5-0 Consent appror►e� with the cor�dition that the awning materiai is to be replaced if it is not a p��fect match. • 2. Villa Cortina - Poal replacement. GR 22 West Meadow Dri�e/Loi H, Vai� Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Rippy Cantractors, Inc. M4TION: S. Brainerd SECOND: B. Borne VOT�: 5-0 Consent appro�ed with the condition that the stucco be patched. 3. Town of Vail - Streetscape project. �W Along east Lionshead Circle and the Library Ct�uts. Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: B. Barne VOTE: 5-0 Approved with two conditions: 1. That the walkway be�moved to the otf�er side (Dobson) of the road (mo�e totem also). 2. Tha# the �iliage lights be mor►ed ta the walkway side. � � ' 4. Koenig - Final review o� primary/secondary residence. GR . 795 Patato Patch Drive/Lot 2B, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. � Applicant: Gary Koenig MOTION: B. Borr�e S�COND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed with �i�e conditions: 1, That the project receir►� Public Works appro�al. . 2. That a maximum of 19 lights be used. 3. That ali snna#ubes be limited to 1 ft. in size and painted. 4. That a!I crawl spaces be identified. 5. That fhe project recei�� �ire Department appror►al. 5. Overlook at Vail - Minor alteration to appro�ed plans. �-W 133Q Sandstone Dri�elLot G-4, Lians Ridge 1 st Filing. Applicant: Leslie �.ernerlThe Coilaborative Group MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: B. Borne VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. 6. K�ass - Residential remodel. �W 1200 Ptarmigan Road/Lat 1, Blbck 8, Vail Village 7th �'iling. Applicant: Lawrence and Pam Kross MOT10N: S. Brainerd SECOND: B. Borr�e VOTE: 5-0 . Consent approved with conditions. 7. Hitchcock - Cor�ceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. �LW . 421 Bea�er Dam Circiel�ot 3, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Ap�licant: ChriStopher Hjtchcock MOTION: SECON�: VOT�: Tabled to February 15, 1995. 8. Zne+mer - Conceptuai review af a new single famEly resitience. RS No addresslLot 6, Lia Zneimer Subdivision. Applicant: Ed Zneimer M4TION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual rer►iew - no �ate taken. 9. Covered Bridge Coffee Shap - DispfaylMenu box. RS 227 Bridge Streetl�:o#s S, C, D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1 st Fiiing. Applicanks; Julie Iverson and Kie�dra Hao�er MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Revise drawings so dispiay box fits better with sign program for build�ng. Bring drawings back to staff for approval of installation at temporary location. � 2 .�` . 10. Parkside Villas - Cortc�ptual review of seven new singie family residences. LW . 1546 Matterhom Circle/Part of the N� 1/4 SW i/4, Section 12, T5S, R81 W of the 6th Principal M�ridian. App�FCant: Elk Meadow, lnc. MOTION: S�COND: VOTE: Tabled to February 15, 1995. 11. Johnson - Demo/re�ui�d single family with Type II Emplayee Housing Unit. RS � 1195 Hornsiiver Circle/Lot 14, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Fiking. Applicant: George and 5usan Jahnson MOTION; SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to February 15, 1995. 12. Randall/Reeman - New singie family residence. GR 2865 Snowberry/Lot 2, Vail Intermour�tain. Applica�r#: Louise Randall and Clive Reeman MOTION: SECON�: VOT�: Tabled indefinitely. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT . Michael Arnett Sally Brainerd Bob Borne Hans Waldrich Greg Amsden (PEC} STAFF APPROVALS Edwards - Placement of moveable/portable hot tub o� existing deck. LW 1402 Morraine Drive/Lot 1, Dauphinais-Moseley 1st Filir�g. Applicant: David Edwards Ga�finke!'s - Change to three windows from fixed pane to operable - window size, JC color, and trim to match existing window to #he west. 536 West Lionshead Mal{/Lot 5, Black 1, Vail Lionshead 1 st �ilir�g. Appkicant: Joei Springman, representing Garfinkel's Avalanche Pub at the Marriott - New sign/awning to replace existing sign. L.W 715 West L.ionshead Circle/Marriott's Vail Resort. Applicant: Lee Snyder, representing Marriott's Vail Resort Mueller�- Changes to appraved plans. � RS 3155 Booth Falls CourtlLot 3, Block 2, Vaii Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: .�ohn Mueller � . 3 � � A Lohre - Minor alteration. GR 1300 Westhaven Circle/Lot 25, Gle� Lyon Su�division. • Applicant: John Lohre Basa Mauntain Sports - Sign application. � �-W 492 East Lionshead Circle, Suite 1011Vai1 21 Building: Applicant: �.arry AstlHigh Tech Signsel • � 4 Design Rerriew Action Form T�WN QF VAIL �ategory N�mber O Date .�/ I�� Projec# Name:_�� ���-��-� , . � �.�_�� } BuiEding Name: Project Description: J ..�4!i SL�yrr��� � �/ .li� _.y..�--a�..�.i_i11/ /1 J����lF..l�.tJ Owner, Address and Phone: /,J�.� � '�. �-� ! � Architec n ac ddress and Phone: _�� 1�_ �1a-h.-�-z.�,_..�-�-; I� C�. k�riTl. _ _�.,� _ _ ._ f�°--lT /f��' 9����9z Legai Descrip#ion: �.at�_ Block� Subcli�ision�ra�`��e.�'� Zone District l'� � Project Street Address; -7�I��-Ti*�z� �1�i4�1'�� ��r�rr-�'' Comments: � ,�� ' , � �� �� � � .�..���._.�1__ .�..,�-�� t�.r,..L�.� �_.�,�� �.��� f ,.� � a � taff Action Motion by: �A����� ___. Vate: �� Seconded by:�1�� �. �Approva! ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff ApPraval �onditions: /tl ��.� �l.�b�.,'�. ` -� --��,.�.� � ��' ��� ..� :�.� -� � - ,�. � 7`l�� �..�. �°�..�,�L� ��� �,� ,��.c.��.�/ � S ' .� � �t�.��. ��1�_� -- Town Planner - Date: f DRB Fee Pre-paid L!.«•� � Design Rerriew Action Form T41NN �F VAI L �Category Number 9 Date�,���9 s Project Narne: ��JL�� ���,,;;��. f����.�-��� Building Name: �j; �-�.�, ������' , �.�..�� Project Description; T ��� `,��.�,� , �- Owner, Address and F'hone: ��_/.. C.� �.��,Jt'.��L �. _�1..��Jn,_ u Architec ontact ddress and Phone; �1����� ,�`�_,_��,_( �i9G � ..._ L.�. 8/�� , � �c�6�� Legal Description: Lot 1�'� BEock ° Subdivision �-�..� �Lca-c,,,..► ,� Zone District �� Project Street Address: �.2 1�L�-a� 7'yLc�.r,��,��• Comments: �� �.__t��tJ �..���.,.� , . � oard Staff Action Motion by: ,�A -• -� , .. � Vote:�,�''� Seconded by:_�� �Approval ❑ f]isapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conc�itions: . , �?_�.�� Town Planner Date: �/ /�45 .___�� DRB Fee Pre-paid � � �� • � �' -� Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL �j S �ategory Number r� 7Z Date Y ° � S�r f /���L�'�`� �� f� �� l"� l�Cf � �" Praject Name: � �l� � Building Name: � �'P �� Project Description: � � �– � � d�— D' �—S�� d��� r �� Owner, Address and Phone:, .��?6�: �'I F ���P.�[��✓1� `�" L��%�c�� • l/� �� � _ a� r l '� ��� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot �lock Subdi�ision �one District Praject Street Address: ��� �1��C � ___ _ ,��_ Camments: Board / Sta�f Ac#ion Motion by: ��"-P Vote: �� Secor�ded by: ��� �' Appro�al �}�� 7i�l�� , � ❑ qisappraval Staff Approval ���~�� C � � �J� � Conditions: �C�' � � -r� �Town Plan er Date: „ � � �� �� DRB Fee Pre-paid - � . � ,���r;t���� � �Y'..r � ♦ � M1 ' �� . 7 � i . ; ��� .� �g95 , .p��.���"�'` • � � -���� ,� �s��"` ' }�,r'�y�Ft`` _.,; ', �� �S ir `�' � ��k�£-. . � , � �����fT.t n.M�',Ya '' _ .. �, _ , . 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Category N�am�er � date -��1��- -- - ..,. . .---�---..._ Projec# Name: �.� Building Name: Project Description: l�tx�� t � �' i � ' Owner,Address and Phone:�.�Alh�('�f�C.Pi � ����� �Ip�.�.�/1/ �j�� Architect/Contact,Address and Phon�: ,�/�W�4�.�i ,�� . � �� ���, �V�I�L- �, [`,� ���O 7ti �t _ — (��a Legal Description: Lot�^ Block� Subdi�ision � l I L � ' r Zane District �� Praject Street Address: ��Z�b �10�-� rY1 t��M CorrEments: �N� . Board / Staff Act�on Mation by: �D� Vote, �� Seconded by: �I���'SYI(L�/ �Appro�al ��� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvai Conditions: � ' � # � � � � �� { � , ��,�,c���, �1�r�t�—.. Tawn Planner Date; �l � � DRB �'ee Pre-paid ��f� �� ,__ Design Review Action Form TO'WN OF VAIL .Ca#egary Number �r _ . .... ._ �at� �i� j � '1`� .._. Project Name:—��I,��- (� U�'�, .. ...._— Building Name: Pro'ect Descri tion: 1��� �h �1�'4l� � � �4 ��" ��`�i, {_ , ��^� � , � , :�.--- .��� �- �,�- Owner, Address and Phone: ���d �f�tln ir�Z� ..,___ ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: ���tti�Po�"Gt:�i.� (_��,1�,__��_ �a� � J� V�I,�n�xrwr G� ��t��-�' ��� _.�.c�,_�._....-�------ Legal Desorip#ion: Lot �� Block Subdivision � ^ � � �.� � '�f� Zone Distric# _�� Project Street Address:. ��2v� "'aC1Y1�'�bY�� , . .,_.._ Camments: i Board 1 Staff Ac��on Mation hy. ��UVI �lSYDU-��G Vote: �'� � Seconded by. �� �Y1-Pe �Approval ���,i,�}– ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appra�al Conditions: 1 S Y�, �� � �.Gt,u��yz. � �r. � 'Fown Planner Date: ,�� � I ��r DRB F'ee Pre-paid `��`� Design Review Acfiion Form TO'WN �F VAIL �'ategory Number Date �"� � �"1�� Praject Name:�'�Y�1�GGVl'XJ �t G� '� l���� � ��� �_ i Building Name: Project Description; 4�n ��G�t� ��A.VV �1CTC ��?'I�dRnIVI ��� Qwner, Address an� Phone:= - ArchitectlContact, Address and phone: ��� �(� ���}��(� ��� - .�Tr._... _. Legal Description: Lot Block Subdi�ision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: � Board 1 Staff Ac�ion Motion by: vot�: � '� Seconded by: �'f Approval l r ❑ �isapproval [] Staff Approval , Conditions: � y � ` . � , !j i `"" � �.�G��''e''!` V��G��'�— _ Town Planner Date: 2 ! � L7RB Fee Pre-paic[ `'"��� . f � DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA F�bruary 15, 1995 3.00 P.M. PR�JECT ORIENTATION 12:00 p.m. - SITE VISI'TS 1;30 p.m. 1. WittemEyer - 338 Rockfedge Road. 2. Tawn of Vail - Pulis Bridge at Vail Valley Drive. 3. Vail Mountain Schoal - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road. 4. Kaiser - 4916 Juniper Lane. 5. Lions Mane Condominium Association - 11�6 Sandston� Drive. Dri�ers: Gearge and Randy �.�4'..• "•\\\��. :>>\1�: J]\,>: . :'v\?: .4?:J `:i:i :`:�i:c'i: ';£r: .i:�i::21S'<:?:;� .:\:n:�C �<� 2�R�ti�i :.ti'4>; =:�";��, 'i2,y.s:: ;,�+::�3.v:'t:. �.?.ti?::., �::�"\».�ti.��",�:\., ti.. . ..;;.4;,,s :. :• �: ::::::::..�:..�::...... ,..,. -...... . . ..p:.::. ��.. ;.:q., .:�.. �.. ,.4'..,`.��.. ��:\:">.\?. ?:\\ii•:\�\ .:�..ti��:�� 4,\:. �`:G:i�i%:ti'�t ii:\it 4'\ .��\\>. .\. .1 '�•\:i �+kJ Ji�:r�i\��..4 :?:�:•.`� ��iCii>��.\' } Y.. +'+.i:. '>: �...: • . :. :��:.� . v�ti..:���L...':s�'ti 4 . ..�,r:.is.}r::v»�t\�:i��<i•.tA�:�.. �i:\ti:���.:ti�\� \• ��\1"n��. .'tlV \�� :ti\:» ��.t.1 ..�. ..�.1 ..�..�.,..• i:i1'L �4\ ��\�\�. �,.,`.�y.o:����:�ti�:..��`...ti... x. ::ti:�,. ..�a,::\?:ti.,'.:_ • ...... � ..•::,.,.., �� .o-}•�,:.:.,:...�:,....;t�:o�.:;;.s..;.o.,a.. �,�� ., ., ..�. ..ti.�\ �ti�:�.�ti.�:..��.�,.�.,.�....,..�...::..`::....:.:.. :e:q;::ti�.: ;i��;�\;t',:;...,...... ..�...., »�ti,�ti�:,�»�.,��;�,...., �;;\ ..,..;\;.;s::`:::.:;:S:S:+;`.'�.;;`::i':;:?L':;i..�.,4ti�4..�•..����C''�,�,�:•, .,�.\�:...,.�:t1.,:•::::44:;?2;i�:.;; � .;*...�,,;�i,,o.,}xJ�:�::'?ti!����!:i,.:\���.o>»�\o-».�:...:.,.:....:.. � .ti.���, ��� ,♦ ,�� r•�.. .ti ,ti .\r. ..\..vh v:h\:.. o.\.:}i.y:.,......}4}..}.v..a..�..\.. ;i�.,.,:U\.r, ,t\:�\'..r.;. . •:,•':>.y:.,�..q.,;..... .,.•,...,A ��a ,•t ;� ;ci:�k�:�:5t...\'.',' ,c��<� 'i+'4+1�t;�, ,..,,,,...., .. .. ;...�.;:;::o�:�;�.,.»:a�,a�ao.,o.^o-...+•... .�:`:.;�.:,.....:.-:,z:::,:,.,.:...:.:.� ;a�,,.... ..,.. ..... . . .... � .... ,..,,.,.,:., ,::...;.,. ..... . ..,: .�.. ...,.....,.....:::-�a::::::::.:.,...,..,�,.:.,,..,..,..,..,.�..,.,, ..,..;..v:<:;.o.,,c....t.:.......4............:�::s�:.....;,�.,,�:.;�::.»,.;�..�:a,�.,,�.;,;,,.,,,,,.+;v.,,.�...,..oS.2A.k\.......oa.: .,;,�:. .... .. i. Town of Vail - Conceptual review of Pulis �Bridge reconstruction. LW Pulis Bridge at Vail Valiey Drive. Applicant: Town af Vail MOTIQN: SECOND: VQTE: Concep#ua! review - na r►ote taken. • 2. Parkside Villas - Conceptual �eview of se�en new single family residences. LW 1546 Matterhorn Circle/Part af the NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 7 2, T5S, R81 W of the 6th Principal Meridian. Applicant: Elk Meadaw, Inc. MOT{ON: SECOND: VUTE: Conceptual re�iew - na �ote taken. 3. Vail Ma�ntain Schoal - Addition to building. R5 3160 Katsos Ranch RoadlPa�t of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Pam Hapkins, representing the Vail Mountain School MOTION: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VQTE: 4-0 Consent appro�ed. 4. Lions Mane Condominium Association - Replacement of retaining GR walls anc� deck. 11 i6 Sandstone Drive/Lions Mar�e Condorniniums, Lot A-5, Bfoc�C A, Lionsridge 7st Filing. Applicant: Ecf Drager, representing the Lior�s Mane Condominium Association MOTION: B. �orne SECOND: G. Amsden VOTE: 4-4 Approved with three conditions. � w ! � � 5. Up the Creek - Sign/Awning applica#ion. GR 223 Gore Creek DrivelCreekside Building. Appficant: Annie Egan/American Awning MOTION: 6. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 4-0 Tabled to March 1, 1595. 6. Crossview - Conceptual review of site plan onfy. GR The Valley, Phase II. Applicant: Crossview Properties, LTD. M�TION: B. Barne SECOND: G. Amsden VOTE: 4-0 Tabled to March 1, 1995. 7. Kaiser - 250 rec}uest far an adc�ition to primary/secondary residence. GR 4916 Juniper LanelLot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Galen Aasland, representing Ursula Kaiser MOTION: B. Borne SECOND: G. Amsden VOTE: 4-0 Appro�ed with #hree conditions. 8. Wittemeyer - 250 request for a kitchen area addition. GR 338 Rackledge RoadlLot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicants: Jahn and Nancy Wittemeyer . MOTI�N: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 9. Ferguson - N�w single family residence. RS 1205 Westhaven CirclelLot 48; Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: David Ferguson MOTlON: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VQTE: 4-0 Appro�ed with condi#ions. 10. 5errano's - Reconstructian of building. AK 298 Ha�son Ranch Raad/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1s# Fifing. Applican#: Margretta Parks, represented by Glenn M. Heelen MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to March �l, 1995. 11. Hitchcock - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. LW 421 Beaver Dam Circle/Lat 3, B1ock �, Vail Viilage 3rd �iling. Applicant: Christopher Hitchcock MOTION: SEC4ND: VOTE: � Tabled to March 1, 1995. 2 } � . 12. Lions Sqe�are Loclge - Review of new labby addition. JC 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Va�f Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: l.ions Square Lodge Hom�owners Association, representec! by Bill Pierce MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to March 1, 1995. 13. Thain - Chang�s to approved plans. JC 483 East Gore Creek DriWelLots 8 and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicant: John and Carmen Thain MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled indefinitely. 14. Garton's - Sigr�/Awning application. . �W 143 East Meadow Drive/Crossroad Center Mall Building. � Applicant: Dave Garton MOTION: SECOND: V07E: ` Tabled irtdefinitely. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Arnett Hans Wofdrich � Bob Bame Sally Brainerd Greg Amsde� (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS One Track Mind - Add one windaw sign to each store. LW 2Q3 Gore Creek DriveNail 21 Build�ng and Mill Cre�k Caurt Build�ng. Applicant: Larry AstlHigh Tech Signs Base Mauntain Sports - Add window signs #a each store. LW 492 East Lionshead CircleNail 21 Building, VaiE Village Inn and Landmark Building. Applicant: L.arry Ast/High Tech Signs Bkoomberg - Place small satellit� dish antenna (18-inch diameter) on parapet wall LW on the roof of the Mountain Haus Building. 292 East Meadow DrivelMountain Haus Building. Applicant: Michael Bloomberg Marriott Hotel - Sign application. . GR 715 West Lianshead CirclelMarriott VaEI Mountain Resort Hatel. Applicant: Lee Snyder for Marriott Hotel . 3 . � � Up Your Image - Sign appiication. �W 168 Gore Creek Drive/Lodge Promenade. Ap�licant: Chuck Struve, representing Up Your Image Lohre - Minor alterationlchange to approved roof materials. GR �30� Westhaven Circle/Lot 25, Glen Lyon Subdi�ision. Appficant: Buff Arnold, representing the Lohres Edwards � Hot tub. �-W 1402 Moraine DrivelL.ot 1, Dauphina�slMaseley Subdivision 1 st �iling. Applicant: David Edwards � . 4 Design Re�iew Actior� Form TOWN OF VAIL � � ' � �vategary Number �� Date ���� � � � Project Name: -e � Building Name: Project Description: �e� PA. ' Q. � f'��"t^ � f � l � Owner,Address and Phone: .f � '�` ,� � j�'�� � ..� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone; �� `° � � -��13S1 r��. � ����r --- -- � Legal Descriptian: �ot�� Block,,,^� Subdi�ision � �one District Project Street Address:�� d �� _ _, Commer�ts: � , Board 1 Staff Action Motion by:_��_..T, Vote: �rd c�� "�_. Secanded by:,�1,G�-t.4. _, `�J Ap1�ro�a �'�.`��,,,�'� / � ❑ Disappro I ❑ Staf#Approval � � Conditions: r .f ' !" `'°w � . , �. r ..1 � ,!' � �l � �� ���� � Town Plann � Date: ' r DR8 Fee Pre-paib' �( Design Review Ac�ion Form TO'WN QF VAIL •Cate o Number Date .L�' � 9 rY �-- - Project Name:_ �_�� .� I�r _/ .�/_t. ��, �S� � �.�L�� , Building Name: —h�-���r � �-�.e-/ ��•-J---^-�•. Project Description: � ��� r� �»� � ��d� � ,�[..1 1��� � Owner, Address and Phone:�_C.�i�..���Gr►_�� - �- � Archit ontact, Address an� Phane: � .l L' /� ��7� �"Z�/� - Legaf �escription: Lot_ ? Block_� Subdi�ision�Y c,q�.a�-� '�]� Zone District �_...,.,,,. . 0 Project S#reet Address: Comments: � Boar�taff Action � Motion by, Vote; ,�!�LS Seconded by, ��'�'.�_��-�„� �'J Approval ❑ Disapprova[ ❑ Staff Approval Conditians:�,_��-�. � � .� t ��� �� -,�� �` � � - � � , . , ��� .�°'''�__._-��"• }�� � Town Planner Date: ,II�S�4� DRB Fee Pre-paid �J�• �"� Design Review Act�on Form TOWN OF VAfL � Category NumEaer / Date, � �L��� ___._ Project Name: �c��.�,-, : � ,,�..'�� ..o-r�;a(�-,�c--�� , 8uilding Name:_�.����-,,;�� , � ��-��-✓•-�-7-� Project Description: � ....� 1� G�'� - -�--�-- Owner, Address and Phone: �j�...,1 . �t�.--z-_� Archi#e ontac Address and Phone: _ -� i ---.-� ./��,,�L.�_,/. ,.C1�.r� a'�- f�- ��L. �� T �,� � �o �/� �3z�- �?� _ Legal l7escr+ption: Lot � Block f SubcEivision,��*..�� �l.�c..Lc.�r ��__ �one District � Project Street Address: Comments: � 1 �� oard 1 taff Action Motian by: Vote:� "7'�� _ Seconded by:�� ,�,•-�•-► �• -��.I `� Appro�al I ' ❑ Disappra�al ❑ Staf�Approval �'iOrlC�it10!'15: ` � Town Planner Date: �I��'I Q� DRB Fee Pre-paid ��•��Q�l- Design Review Action Form T41NN OF VAIL �Category Number � Date / ��sProject Name;�_��:�-,� `7r7�= =�-��--= Building Name: _ / l�� -fi2.��..... G���-.. „�'1.�n��;_, Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: �[. �������1 .��+_ .�1�.��t�n.. �/I� y ,�,> �t • _ � Architec ontac , Address and Phane: �-A�� Legal Description: Lot�_ B�ock�,,_.___ Subdi�isian��.� '��.�,�.,,... � � Zone �istrict`�/=� Project Street Address:_,�1� , � Comments: � Board 1 S�aff Action Mation by: .��,�, - - Vote: Secanded by: '�.`—�-�-�-> > -� —1 �Approval ❑ Disa�proval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � ����i� 1,/ �� �r� } ,R.� � ! � • > � Town F'lanner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid ����� _ ��. DE51GN REVlEW BOARD AGENDA � March 1, 1995 3:00 P.M, 1 ti:Oa am PROJECT ORIENTATION , 1:00 pm SiTE VISITS _. .. 1. Krediet - 226 Forest Road. 2. Odeen - 1380 Westha�en Circle. 3. L.ambert - 2119 Chamanix. �, Kudel - 2427 Chamonix. �, LangenwalterlCleveland - 2588 Arosa Dri�e. �, Dauphinais-Moseley - 160D Lionsridge Loap. 7. Pomboy - 789 Potata Patch. $. Cogswelf, Clark, Wilsan and Ludwig - 792 B, 794 A, 794 B Potato Patch Dri�e. 9. SBC Development Corp. - Lot 2, Spraddle Creelc Estates. 1d. Smith - L.ot 7, Spraddle Creek Estates. 1 i. Hilb - 4040 North Frontage Road. i2. Covered Bridge Coffee Shop - 227 Bri�ge Street. 13. Gold�n Bear Store - 28G Bridge Street. 14. Up the Creek - 223 Gore Creek Drive. Drivers: Randy and George . +�i.:;.q��:.hp.,;4r:ti;':��gk��.;:\��'+;t\s;�C;ti k'::\tiS':::.ti.ti'���`:�3\`�:+; ...\P,...�ti�t;'.'��»:'�"��!:��:iy�.i\�i����i�hCt:.k.i:jt��i• .k\�. ��ti�.\\�: .eti\>: rv,\il• .l*�.\::�1'�.���•\\.4�...\i.\�� ..:�;,.:..3.�s.�::�ti.::<�;�•tiw:���:�+.,�;c.,..ti..\�.. .„�..,�.,: \�:.�a\ti.:':�.x4<:",,...ti.�k�,..w..,�?.�;��,�. :d�c:...v.,. , ,.\.........:.. . ilA`\�:: :.t3� \ �..���4.:�\v �x.��:Y:{��\..":4"i »>l.\��C ��.. t�s,.4'� .i.'\v .,�\.\\\�Cx�1v.,\.\�,5`�.'1 :w-:ti:\:v:`,"a ;:\:?. .+...�.r:�'.; .,w:,:!.;��:,ti �� .ti:�. ,�,. :.��.. :�.ti.\e...1: ,R*;.:* .:.\..4:>,�.�.�,.ti.. .,ti.:.y.,ti���� ,.�.:., :�:�5.*.�:3s:•��.:.:ti.::�a..a:�,\..: ;,�.�a�`�:�iA,�J��ti...o.::�x�,..�\ti'..;.a;r:,... `;.� ti�,..�,;:S*��.x:.ti..,....�..�....... �...;\. .�,��. �i.�..�J��::��•:.Lk.�n��v)��•?1.::.v'\\:.��Jr:i.����.Ll�. .\:..��.�\.�.:.JZ. ..\��..\�y.�ti�...�:,4�\ti�i��l\i�\�...`4\�\i::��... �ti..�...lt�. �'� � . ..�. ., ,,:.., ; :,,.:a�r +.a4cs:.rti..,,.�\...,.\��. .:��,.a��,.,..�.ti».:..;'���:�ti�:. �iR:;:�:.ti;»:�y:R;\�..a\ei;.��..,..v:.. �.x`: .:n, . 3;.,�.;:aeC.....:::;�.�;..:�4;..,:..,� �.titi.:: .4\�::z\ .\ 1<�tS: L,h\.� ..,,.�..;`" ,�:�,., ,. ,.,.....�,.,....a,., 1a;�,�a�.:;;.,•;,.r:.ti�:.;:.ti�;�.,:`;:�'•.::�y.��... �.,.�ti . .... ... .. 4•`;.�... 'C.':;, �.......i,\`�:....,:;\`..�;:.\`.\2:.,.,t;tit�.;,v.�:;:.;.o;;\\\:�:X.:�>.::.:::.......... ;:\.o 1. Swear�ng in of re-appointed members (Michael Arnett and Sally Brainerd) Pam Brandmeyer swore in both re-appointees accarding to due process. 2. Towr� of Vail - Streetscape prnjecfi. �W Along �ast �ionshead Circie and the Library Chute. Applicant: Town of Vail MOTlON: Borne SECOND: Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Consent Approved, no conditions. 3. Covered Bridge Coffee Shop - A req�est to iacate a menu box on Town of Vai! RS right-of-way. 227 �ridge Skreet/Lots B, C, D, Block 5-B, Vail Viliage ist Fifing. ApPlicants: Julie Iverson and Kiendra Noover MOT10N: Born� SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Approved with Three Condit�ons. 1. Wood pnle support for menU �ox to be remor►ed and a hanging bracket to be instafled before 411195. Bracket to match permanent signs on buifding. � 2. Daily Special chalk boards to be mounted back-#o-back and quality wood frame added. 3. Menu Box to be included t� a lease agreem�n# or Re�ocable Right 4f Way Agreement with the Town. � 4. SBC �evelapment Corporation - Conceptual review of new single family residence. RS 1253 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 2, Spraddle Creek Estates. Appiicant: �ranco D'Agostino MOTION: SECQND: VOTE: NO VOTE 1. Reduce gradi�g and disturbance in Southeast corner of lot. 2. Look at design of dri�eway and associated rataining walls. Design should minimize loss of �xisting trees. 5. Parkside VifEas - R��iew af seve� new single family residences. LW 1546 Matterhorn Circle/Part af #he NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 12, T5S, R$1 W of the 6th Principal Meridian. Applicant: Elk Meadows, Inc., represented by Jack Snow MOTION: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-4 (Brainerd Abstai�ed) Appro�ed with conditions. 1. Dri�eway must be 12' minim�m width. 2. GRFA to meet code. 3. Snow starage plan and final location of fire hydrants to be appra�ed by Public Works and Fire Department respectir►ely. 4. Mute the bfue color. 5. Add supports to deck railing. � A second mo#ion to approve the temporary der�elopment sign. Motion: Bob Borrte Second: Greg Amsden Vote: �-0 (Brainerd abstained} Appro�ed with no conditior�s 6. Thain - Changes to appro�ed plans. �fC A�83 �ast Gore Creek Drive/�.ots 8 and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicant; John and Carmen Thain MOTkON: Borne SECOND: Amsde� VOTE: 5-0 Approved. 7. Lians Square Lodge - Review o# r�ew lobby addition. JC 660 W�st Lionshead Place/Lot �, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. . Applicant: Lions Square Lodge Homeowners Association, represented by B�II Pierce MOTION: Borne SECOND: Brainerd VOTE: �-0 Tabled until March 15, 7995. 8. Up the Creek - SignlAwning appiication. GR 223 Gore Creek DrivelCr��ksicle Building. Applicant: Annie Egan/Americar� Awning MOTION. Borne SECOND: Brainerd VOTE: �-0 s Tabled indefinitely. 2 . 9. Crossview - Conceptual review of site plan onfy. GR The Valley, Phase II. A�plicant: Crossview Properties, LTD. MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: No vote taicen. 10. Cogswell, Clark, Wilson and Ludwig - A request for separa#ion af garage. GR 792B, 794A & 794B Potato Patch Dri�e/Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Vail/Potato Patch. Applicant: Richard Hempleman for Cogswell, Clar�c, Wilson & Ludwig MQTION: Borne SEC�ND: Woldrich VQTE: 5-0 , Appro�v�d with cor�ditions. 1. Keystone wall or ston� r►eneer w�th cap �on side of garage). 2. Show limits of disturbance on site plan for re�iew by staff. 11. Lambert - New primary/secondary resicfence. JC 2119 Chamanix/Lot i2, Vai! Heights Subdivision. � Applicant: Ron Lambert, represented by Greg Cummings MOTI�N: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Tabled un#il March �5, 1995. � 12. Kudef - Proposed chang� to pre�ious DRB condition of approval. JC 2427 Chamonix/l.ot 22, Bfock A, Vai! Das Schone 1 st Filing. Applicant: Paul Kudel MOTION: Borne SECOND: Brainerd V4TE: 5-0 Denied. Snowguard must be installed per original DRB condition of appro�al. 13. Golden Bear Store - Minor exterior alteratian �nd sign/awni�g application. RS 286 Bridge Stree�/Lots A, B, and part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis/Golden Bear Stare MOTI�N: Borne SEC�ND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed. 14. K�ed�et - Conceptual Review of a rempdel and 250 GRFA add�#ion to the primary RS unit. 226 For�st RoadlLot 11 A, Block 7, Vail VilEage 1 st Filing. Applican#: John Krediet MQTION: Borne SECOND: Waldrich VOT�: 5-0 Tab�ed until March 15, rt995 meeting. . � 3 _� � 15. Odeen - Additioh to existing primary/seco�idary residence. RS 1380 Westhaven Circle, Unit B/Lot 22, Gler� Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Marjorie Odeen, represented by Erich Hill MOTION: Borne SECOND: Brainerd VOT�: 5�0 Consent appro�ed with conditior� tha# all ma#erials to match existing. Archi#ect shou�d cons�der roof overhang change where old roof clips door of new addition. 16. LangenwafterlCleveland - Additior� and remodel. LW 2586 Arosa Dri�elLot 1, Bkock D, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicar�t: Kathy Langenwalter and Dick Cle�ela�d MOTION: Borne SECOND: Brainerd V4TE: �-1 {Woldrich against) Appro�ved with condition #riat damaged mat�rial be replaced. 17. Pamboy - Entry addition. �W 789 Potato PatchlLat 21, E31ock 1, Vaii Potata Patch. Appiicant: 5isse! Pombay MOTION: BQrne SEC�ND: Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Cansent appro�al with the cortdition that a!I materia�s to match existing, 18. Smith - Conceptual review of new single family. �W Lot 7, Spraddfe Creek Estates Subdivision. a Applicant: Calin and Claire Smith, represented by Kyle Webb MOTION: SECON�: VOT�: No vot� taken. 19. Hiib - Request for a duplex unit with a Type li EHU. GR 4Q40 North Frantage RoadlLat 3, Pitkin Creek Meadaws. Applicant: David Hilb MOTlON: Borne SECOND: Amsden VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed with conditions. 20. Dauphinais-Moseley - New single family residence, GR 1600 Lionsridge LooplLot 20, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision 1 st Fiiing. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: Barne SECOND: Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 Appro��d with condi#ions. � 4 � � 21. Serrano's - Reconstruction of building. AK 298 Hanson Ranch Roadl�at C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta Parks, r�presented by Glenn M. Heelen MOTIQN: SEC�ND: VOTE: Tabled indefinitely. 22. Timber Falls, Phase III - A rec�uest to canstruct separate garages. RS 4�24 M�adow Drive/Timber Falls, Phase IlI. Applicant: Richard Vossler, representing the Timber Falls Phase I11 Condominium Association MOTION: SECOND: VOT�: Tabled indefinitely. 23. Tawn of Vail - Review af Pulis Bridge reconstruction. �rN Pulis Bridge at Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Towr� of Vai( MOTlON: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled 'rndefinitely. 24. Hitchcock - Conceptual re�iew of a new primarylsecondary resider�ce. ��N 421 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 3, Block 4; Vail Village 3rd Filing. S Applicant: Christopher Hitchcock MOTION: SECOND: VQTE: Tabled indefinitely. M�MBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABS�NT Hans Wo�drich Mike Arnett Sally Brainerd Bab Borne Greg Amsden STAFF APPROVALS . Artic Attitude - New sign to replace existing. �W 168 Gare Greek Dri�elLodge Promenade. ' Applicant: Chuck Struve Gar�on's - Temporary sign. RS 143 East Meadow Dri�elCrossroads Center. Applicant: Rick Richards, representing Garton's � Mercy - Interior addition of 250 square feet of GRFA for loft. �W 22 West M�adaw Drive, Unit 330Ni1la Cortina Condomini�ams. Applicant: Eugene and S�ae Mercy 5 � Lifkside Condominiums - Sign/awning req�est. LW 1245 Westhaven Drive/Liftside Cor�domir�iums. A�pkicant: M�CM Enterprises, Inc., represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz, Architects . , � 6 Design Rerriew Action Form T�WN OF VAIL � Category Number ��'? �� Date .7 � Project Name; � ` Building Name: Project Description: � Owner, Address and Phane: rchitectlContac , Address and Phone: O .;� a; Legal Descriptian: Lot� Block��, Sub�ivision �.J ��iro �._�c�h �one District .�� Project Street Address: � � Comments: � . -----���'� ���9� . .,....._..__. �� Board 1 Sfaff Ac#�on Motion by:���,�. , Vote: '��� ,.....__ Seconded by: ',��_.Y,.,n--,� � Appro�al ❑ Disapprovaf ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: / �-r'-�r-'--� �__�� � Town Planner - Date. C� i �` DRB Fee Pre-paid�� Design Re�iew Action Form TQWN OF VAIL �Categary Nurr�ber._. � e� Date ���C � ` _f 1 � Praject Name: � �. a� � ��� f� F�� �( /b�r.��.�„ r � ` c �— Bui(ding Name: a° � V � t,t.� � n�•c,�V! �� �-� Project Descriptian: ' .c97S �� r��i� � �/1p C' � �r�� � v�/ �7 -Q� /�C�C�'L �1��{.' �� `� ���� � �'S ��� C� 1 � �G43 i r C .J��u✓ t l`r �"'4 �e �' f+i �Cy'� r Owner, Address and Phone: �'t-'� � ��1 t r`L � ���' � � �l���' -` ��� � �v`�`� C�.c�u��r�r vl, ��t r � �'� �"�'� Architect/Contac#, Address and Phone; ��.r�- e � Legal Description: Lot� Black_� 5ubdivision � c Zon� Distric# Project Street Address;_ v�i`�a�� �fh,a'W�9ro��Jl� [.._.�'�1'� Comments: t �►�P ��tl� Git"rG#' !✓k�T I�P�� ��� � ��� - � G�cQ -'�' � ' f��� .� C� �'`�- ' �.°S i ��� �;,�c� ���G � ��� h�.����� ����- Board 1 taff Ac�ion .�� Motion by,_ � ���'� __ Vote; � Q Seconded by. �'a�� �Fq 11/1��`� ❑ Approval isappraval ❑ Staf€Approval � Conditions: � � ��l"' � c� 7`� �� �' �l�'�� 1 ���,C �� �'� p� .�r��� ���r�� �t.� ���r�C_Cy �'���'�� � � � � wn PEanner �_ . Date: 3 � �r� DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL .�ategory Number Date . �' Froject Name: �L ' l` i� 11h __� Building Name: � .� `�GtJf C�� '�r3" Project E7escription: 1-IUF�'�GL G G(��99`� `� i�� � .�� � �`� �ra �, c � L��-�� �� �� L c��r �'�- �i��� ��r���C � ���-FS -������- �o�f��v� Owner, Address and Phane: �a ti1 �" ��/`�i1!6�E?�ia �Olt� �.� V �*f18'14° �� , /"1"t; t -.��`'" , /V . �.1�-I Architect/Contact, Address and F'hane: t � . l.egal Description: Lot��.�� Biock `—'� Subdivision a�� r � i9 Zone Distric# /� Praject Street Address: ��J t��`� ��'� I�� t� Comments: � i Board taff Action Motian by: �� t` Vote: � "✓� Seconded by: TT� ppro�al � ��� ❑ disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �-2 �2 J'�� ��P l'�� � �� T� � I/� L �I't,�G�.� ►�r� ��e �'�d� c�F �4� a�C�.�� ��,� �v ���t cr�I'�c,�1� ��w�- �i'�n Q c rn c� t� 5(', � c �S�rn. �ct d�'( Q� �0 � rS ��a �G1� C� �l� � �� /V�`�P� /� � �� �l� .'�� .�c�S� � tc�,� ,��C �� � �own Planner � Date: ! ,S DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number � oate _,.�I.��Ig� .� Project Name: Building Name; Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ���- �n� .,�,��.��� Architec ontact, ddress and Phane: L"�1'Y��., �.rey_ ��'���:_/�I� "���,�� 816�� �- _� Legal Description: Lot�_ Block �' Subdivision�� � ' ` Zone District � Project Street Address: �U� � _,Ln.�. �� Comments: . oar I Staff Ac�tion Motion by,_�.�.,�r, . � Vote:_�L� , Secor�ded by: ` �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � / '�,� .�'L...� S�,�..�1 �,�����, �n���..r,�,.�.r,�.. _ . �- �Cy s,(d�_�3�[.�„r.� .�.�,��J,�.Y' , i Town Planner �ate; .Z �` DRB Fee Pre-paicf �•� ��6. Des�gn Rev�ew Action Form T41NN OF VAIL �Categary Number Da#e � Project Name: � �T � Building �Iame: � Project Descri�tian: .�._ .��� ���h . �l �',�,���f--�,c.,/L/. Owner, Address and Phone: � � � \l�—(f,.����/���7 �7�– �l�! - - Architec ontact Address and Phone: ��� Legal Descriptia�: Lat � Blgck � Subdi�ision�;�4�_ � �o Zone District � Project Street Address: '� `�'] ,�i,ris�--� T Comments: Board ff Action Motion by: �a�-� Vote:;a=� Secanded by, � Approval ❑ Disap�roval ❑ Staff Appro�al Cor�ditions: ! � . .7-- . Town Planner Date: ��/]�9� ____ DRB �'ee Pre-paid/�w �. � �s`rgn Review Action F�m TQINN 4F VA[L �ategory Numbe?� _����rf/�,/.`��I`�&�[�r7Yl Date ' +� �NlL.� r"Tr' Project �ame:�.., l�O'CGt'p.�.�� �- Building Name, �.. ��� � Project Description;,.._. C•��X ��DlJ�"�4�d'7•� G��! �'z�i��C . Owner, Address and Phone: � d ? � -- �- S� �- .. Architect/Contact, Address and Ph ne: � ,� . � Legal Description: Lot�B{ock�� Subdivision �'� Zane District C�� Project Street Address:, ��11r�C9lP � Comments: � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by:,�,.�.Yf/Y+-P Vote: c5�r`Q Seconded by: �t'.F-- PCl �Approval /� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � � � �- d � � � �� �°� ������{ � own �lanner Date: _b� `�` I� DRB Fee Pre-pai� U ��✓V � ��- `�'c,'� Des�gn Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VA�L � � �G� --� Category Number � Date � L� � Project Name: Building Name; Project Description:'����GL� � � � Ul. ` Owner, Address and Phone:���/��,UO�iI�Yf� Architeci/Contact, Address and Phone: r V� a �� Legal Description: Lot 81ock Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: �J��t �"1Cx�iV�1�YL/' ��Y �� Camments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: �/ Vote:��I"'� � Secanded by: C�il/�ri"� �1Appro�aE ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staf�Approval Conditions: �� � � ��.� �- • ,�,�, 7own Planner Date: � ' � � � v D�iB Fee F're-paid Design Re�iew Action Form TO'WN OFVAIL •ate o Number � � Date � � 9 rY —�.----i–: r Project Name: � Building Name: Projeci Description; Owner, Address and Phone: 1 CJ V < < ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: . �P,�n /i� Q� . �� Legal 17escription: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Praject Street Address: Commer�ts: Board 1 Staff Action Motiar� by: L Vote: � � � Seconded by: � � ��� �Q Approval C ('�Y1�°�"� / ' ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al � . F Conditions: , .�.���� LN �, Town Planner, Date: _�� 1 � "�� DRB Fe� Pre-paic� "��� Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL J r �Category iVumber � Date� ` � �.� Project Name: ���[G�,P� �i �;�l h �� J r �� `+ 8uilding Name: ' �i � ���fi ��'Glll Project l7escription: �JQ�_ J�J ,��� �- ���a.tn..ti ��l.fi����e-� Owner, Address and Phone: R'�l� I�.i'���i1A�� �:ifL�'J Architec#ICor�tact, Address and Phone:�� aC� ~�S3�LVW, ���� �� �,���P. �iftT�°�� _ � �; .�. � 7���(x��" Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Project 5treet Address: � . � �1��� .�1CYV C.,�1'fil,t' Comments: Board 1 Staff Action Motion hy: f4n Y� '�GU�`Y Ici Vote:�� � . ,� � ,- ]„���. Seconded by:W�I/1.,�_,�_ll�l�' �('.�l/ �Appro�a! ❑ Disapproval ❑ Stai#Approva! co��►t�ons:���• ..� ����' � �i���,��,.v� rvu�w� d� o�r �r(� ��/�l �.J J � �°J ��J��.f� �_ 4 /,� i �� 0��� �/�l.� • � � 1l � �.c� ��I ,, �i{.� /�/ ��� Town Planner Date: ` - `"I� ❑RB Fee Pre-paid �� � � Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN QF VAIL � . I � �; Cat�gory Nurrtber � Date. _ ___ 1 __�'�� Praject Name: � �1�� 11���GL --�1�(Lt��F7Yh,..__._ _ Building Name: �A ' ' . Project Descrip#ion:_._._C�_���� ��'.�1f,vh(���N1h- G�.I/1L� Y11�G�.�WY �r,5i�c.�;�1......_.._ Owner, Address and Phone: ...� � ' Z 11 �c: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phane: �.egai Descriptian: �at � Block�_ Subdivision ��(��G�l�i Zone District � � Project Street Address: `�'J'�J� �SG--��1tR°� .. ,.,.....,........_..---- Gamments: K-�fY1GWY�li�ix ��+ C�-���`�b'W� f�(�„�,��� ��J�� � �'PCn�r�Vr�,c �[-�i Cc�r'sr-r�.t3v� =- � (.v�7� � _..___. Board 1 Staff Action Motion f�y:,..,_,�• ��VI�'/ Vote:. �� � ��YIC� 8'P'PU�f �.__, Seconded by;. .�. ��.�W�P/li(� �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval , Conditions: �,h!L��C� MD�.�V��S �VI.� '�'/ �7�-1,l(� ...___ � �.d',U>Y�i�i �iVr�.�/�. Town Planner bate: ,��,�J' � � f �� � DRB Fee Pre-pa9d � Q _ , ..._ Design Re�iew Action Form T�INN QF VAIL �a#egory Number � � Da�a �� � +�� Project Name: a` Building Name: , Project Descri�tian:_ � �1.�'�1l ''�D�,.._._.^_5�."�1��-�-� Owner, Address and Phone:��5�� � �1 fi�/��Gl �i�YU�II� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �1�{� � � �`�1 � � �� V�V� Legal Description; Lot � B�ock– ��— Subdi�ision� � �- �one District � �-� Project Street Address: ��� � �U��/�' ���� �,__— Comments �� � � �� � �n,�'e� �,�+r�r�rr�� . � � � �rti.�- `i3 �t�j U�i � �ln.v �D �► Board / Staff Action Motion by;� � Vote:���� Seconded by: �, L f�"�Appro�al��t7Yl�Z•�`�� � � �., ❑ Disapproval ❑ S#aff Approval Conditions; __���_�/�fi�� ��� �111/.t�f/�v �-/�L(�! h� Town P4anner Data: _� ` � � �� DRS Fee Pre-pai � -�_ �'�-- ,_. D�S1GN R�VIEW B4AR�AGENDA � March �5, 1995 3:00 P.M. PR4JEGT�RIENTATION 71:00 am SITE ViS1TS 1:OQ pm 1. Brown - f 239 Westha�en Cr. 2. Theys - 1772, 1778 and 1788 Alpine Drive. 3. Ricci - 2578 Davos TraiL � 4. Crossview -T�e Valley, Phase I. 5. Savoy Villas - 1100 N Frontage Road. 6. Ciaric - 794 Potato Patch. 7. Cogswell - 794A Potato Patch. $. CIarWCogswelll�udwiglWilson - 7941792 Pfltato Patch. 9. Mant De NEige Ho[dings Ltd. - 302� Boo#h FalEs Road. 10. Lauterbach - 4403 Bighorn Roa�. • � 11. Gartort - i43 E Meadow Dri�e. 12. Serrano's - 298 Hanson Ranch Fioad. Drivers: George and Randy � 1. Discussion of Chairman and Vice Chairman positions. RS Mike Arnett- Chairman Boi� Borne- Vice Chairman 2. Serrana's - Concept�al review of�emalrebuild propasal AK 298 Hanson Ranch Raad/Lot C, Black�, Vaii Village 1 st F91ing. ApPlicant�� Margretta Parks, r�presente� by Glenn M. Heelen �, MOTfON: SECON�: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL REV�EW- na �ote taken. 3. Ricci - Additian to home. AK 2576 Davos TraiE/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schane �st Filing. Applicant: Na�cy Ricci MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Greg Amsde� VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED with conditions. � 1 � 4. Crossview - Revfew of se�en singfe famiEy homes. GR The Valley, Phase I AppNcant: Steve Gensler represented by Randy Hadges � MOTI4N: SECOND: VOTE: � . C�NCEPTUAL REVIEW- no vote taken. 5. Cla�klCogswelllLudwiglWilson - Request for a new garag�. GR � 794I792 Patato Patchl�.ot �0-1 y, Vai[ Potaio P�tch Applicar�t: Ken Wifson MOTION: Bob Bome SECON�: Sal�y Brai�erd V4TE: 5-0 . APPROVED with conditions: '�j Cofar samples 2} Walis designed by engineer 3) Lig�ting plan to be submit�ec�. 6. Cogswelf - Proposed additinn to an existi�g residenee. GR 794A Patato PatchlLot 10, Vail Potato Patch � Applicar�t: John Cogswell MOTIDN: Bob Borr�e S�COND: Gr�g Amsden VOTE: 5-0 � APPROVED with a condi#ion: all picke#s be made to match, a31 materia[s to match. 7. Clark - 250 request for a proposed additian. GR 794 Potato Patc�/�.ot 1 D, Vai! Patato Patc� ApPlfcant: Jack C[ark . MOTION:�,Bab Borne S�COND: Greg Arnsden VOTE: 5-� ��`�APPROVED with conditions: 1} Geological Report for high hazard rockfali 2) Railings ta mafch items 5 and 6 above. 8. Gartan's - Request for a walE sign. �-�N � 743 � Meadow Dr/l.at Pi, Bfock 5D, Vail V�llage 1 st Applicant: Garton Dave[opment Corp MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Safly Brainerd VQTE: 5-0 APPROVED with conditior�s: 1} one existing sign mus# be removed. 2) color must be approved by staff. � 2 � ' 9. Garton's - Sign Var�ance for off-site �ocation, type of sigrt, size and heigh#, LW 143 E Meadow DrlLot P1, Black 5D, Vail Village 1st Applicant: Garton �e�eiopment Corp MOTiON: Bob Borne SECOND: Sally Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 TABlED INDEFINiT�LY 1 A. Browr� - Co�cep�ual review of a new prirnary/secondary residence. RS 1239 Wes#hav�n Circlel�ot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Daryl anci Kimberley Brown MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUA! REVlEW- �o �ote taken. - � Comments: 1) Stucco returns,n�# bum� auts. 2} l.arger e�ergreens 12'-14' in landscape plan. 11. SBC - New single family residence. R� 1253 Spraddl� Cree�C RdlLot 2, Spraddle Creek Estates � Applicant: Franco D'Agasiinn MOTION: 6ot� Borne SECOND: Sally Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED with condit[ons: 1) Tree tra�splanting ta he guaranteed #or 2 years survivaL If cannot be moved,or if #hey die, then trees will be replaced with minimum 3" ca�iper trees on a linear foot/linear foot basis. ,�� 2) Exte�ior lighting �tan €o be rer►iewed ar�d appror►ed by staff prior to buiiding p�ermit issuance. ���- • 3) Driveway ta be h�ated at maximum grade of 12%. �4) Crawl space to meet cor[e or count as GRFA. 12. Krediet- Major remodel and 250 GRFA addition to the prirnary unit. R5 � 226 �orest RoadlLot 11 A, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. AppEicant: John Krediet MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: S�IIy Brainerd VOTE: 5-� DENIED- Major impro�emer�t but does not meet intent of the primarylsecandary design review g�idetines to ensure developer creates a primary structure that is architectura�ly ir�tegrated with the exis#[ng second�ry structur�. Incompa#ibte materials and architec#ural features. � 3 - 13. Jo�ns - Deck Enclosure. GR � 3�94 BoothfaEls Rd, #�0, Baothfalls MountaEn Homesl�.ot �, Biock 2, Vaif Village 12th Filing. Applicant: C.J. Johns M�TI�N: SECOND: VOTE: TA�L�D iNDEFINIT�LY 14. Theys - Concepival rev�ew of new sir�gle famify residence. GR 1772, 1778 and 1788 Aipine DrivelLots 1�, 11 and 12, Vai! Viflage West Filing #1. Applicant: Sally �rainerd for Tom T�eys MOTION: SEC�N�: VOTE: CONCEPTUA� REVI�W- no �ote taken. 15. Savoy ViElas- Changes to previously approved plans. JC 1�QO N �rontage RoadlSavoy Villas �. . AppiFCant: Walid Said - . MOTION: Bnb Barne SECOND: Salfy Brain�rd VOTE: 5-0 TABLED TO APRIL 5, 1995 MEETING. 16. Lauterbach - New single family rssidenc�. �� . 4403 Sighorn Raad/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorr�.3rd Addition. Applicant: Michae[ Lauterbach MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Sally Brainerd VOTE: 5-0 TABI.ED TD APRIL 5, 1995 MEETING. 17. Lions 5qu�re Lodg� - Rev�ew of new Eobby addition. JC 660 West Lianshead PlacelLot 1, Vail �.ions�ead 1 st �iling. ��=-Applicant: Lions Square �.odge Hom�owners Associatior�;represented by Bill Pisrce , MOT10N: Salfy Brainerd SECOND: Greg Arnsder� VOTE: 3-2 APPROVEO wit� condition that the propased repaint o�the build�ngs in Phases 1, I! and !�t be re�iewed a#the ApriE 5, 1995 meeting. 18. Larnbert- New primary/secor�dary r�s9dence. JC 2119 Charnonix/Lot 12, Vail Heig�ts Subdivisior�. A�plicant: Ron Lambert, represented by Greg C�mmings MOTIQN: Sally Brair�erd SECOND: Bob Borns VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED with cor�ditior�s. � 4 19. Mont De Ne�ge Holdi�gs Ltd. -Additian using a 250 GRFA alfotmerit. RS � 3025 Booth Falls RoadlLo# �4, Block 1, Vail Viliage 13th Filing Applicant: A. D€anne Ofchowik MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: TABI.�D UNTII.THE APRIL 5, 1995 MEET[NG. MEMBERS PR�SENT MEMBERS ABSENT " �3ob Barne Hans Wofdrich Mike Arnett Sally Brair�ercf Greg Amsder� � � STAF� APPROVALS -. VVD Condos (Hormel) - Window changes. . � � ��1 � 1527 Vail Vafley �riveNVD Condas Applicant: Morter Architects � MErcy - Interiar addition of 250 square feet of GRFA. �W 22 West Meadow Drive #330Nillage Cortina Applicant: Ned�o Construction xa � fK-. sE i � . ��gn Review Ac�ion F� TOWN 4F VAiL �ategory IVumber � Date ������.�'' - - _ Project Name: L R � c.9 L�� f----� x � � A Building Name: ��E161 � c�Gt�L°. L�� P__ - � Project Descriptioro: � 1 C� � � �.S �' C�'��J"e c��c:� �I� G-� �7"�� �[��' � �.�-'C �'. Lf C�c� � Ti�� �!'� � ,{'L,vC�f��!. / 6 �� Owner,Address and Phone:�!/'i't �l�l���� 7�� L�Catii� � L[�C� [�� ���'^'�'��� � ' ��� Arch' ect ontact,Address and Phone: _�]f,�� ��'�1���,� �'1�� ��+��'��T-� ��-�':-��( � S� �f L�- �� �S Legal �escription: L.ot �- B�ock ~ Subdivision V�cC ��e�tSGg�I.�4�.� one District ���'-�-�-- Praject Street Address: '� ���' �� ����-- Comments: . Board / Staff Action Motion by; � � ��C � Vote� ��� Seconded by. � M pproval u���er�r « ❑ Disapprova [] Staff Approval ' � Conditions: � �� � �� � �/!�0^ s f� o � � �rP ����� ��`� ��C /c�x���� � � �� � � � S� Cac�3 ��1, �'-�'C �d� �c.3"�f� �' ��tt�� � � � ��� �� �r� �� ��G � � � I� � � �c. � � � .� � l� /� �� � wn Planner G� �. Date: �-� r.� DRB Fee Pre-paid �� Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL .Category Number, � Date ..� �� �� Project Name: �� f'�l 1��/� �I YV► �"` �`���'� Building �fame: � ii'' f ��C� `� : Project Descrip#ion: .� �� ��-�' � Owner, Address and Phone:_'�Ov�a �� � �+�+���'� ����� �a�°���� "�`��� -��� o�5S PaT7av� T�`�!`C' . ��I�P�` .�vn� �ee Contac ddress and Phane: �I��[���t r�w 9.� �'��� °— �-� ��� �_____ Legal Description: Lot 1 a Block �"' Subdi�ision Va r L /�"e-�9���� ___ Zone District / � Praject Street Address: � r �� CL�a tw►�rz /,'� �� � �— _ Comments: . Board taff Action Motion by: � �� �` Vote: ��� Seconded �y: �� ���� i pproval � Ccw�-avP�'�r��S � , ' ,�� �`�f �� (s����-f�� 1�a!'�� n�� ��c �r���er�'� ��e c1 , ❑ Disappro�al I��71►�. r'e�r"�t� �'�IO f'�' �>�� ��a�� u�e���r -e�-F L�i �Y i��'y �.-e0� �ca c.� � � `.� ❑ Staff Approval �►�c �r� �� �� ��I'o'� . .� ���f �f��, �'��`� ,r,�� CC uJr C C 1cs� ��n� o���r� u��������' �r CC �-� 'fI'�� /°�`�'� �'r�.°�._ Conditions: ��Ar�c.Q�tia�p �,� [�� 1/ •Y� 7� �G��..��"`�� � f � a � c.cy r C � /'� G.`����.r�� � � �°�� � c�f c , � � d� � �v�� �C � r�S , � � � ' �� � .�L����,� � F • � � ����� �� 4 �/���y�.� � � ��'. . own Planner Date: �S � DRB Fee Pre-paid �r��� Design Review Action Form TOINN OF VAIL �ategory Number 7 Date_��'�71��� Project Name.� -�n�� -�--� � ��� -- � a 6uilding Name; .n.c,�.��..� �,�� �L-_.��-�?�►� , Praject Description: � Owner, Address and Phone:� � -- Architec ontact, ddress and Phone: _, �� Q�..�,!� � r; � T��� ��r���r�" � � �� "�m � ,��, [')���. - - --- Legal pescription: Lot /l� Block --- Subdi�ision � x� Zone District �� Project Street Address: � '� � —��� �� `��_ — Comments: • oar Staff Ac�ion Motian by, Vote;�``�j�� �_� Seconded by: �� 4;�. . � � _ �`�Appro�al � ' ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �°�/i� 19�. - Town Rlanner Date: ��� _ DRB Fee Pre-paid,����, �:a,�r�. Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN 4F VAIL �ategory Number Date�__��� I ' "f Project Name:_��,��!' �,�� /�.-�� , � Y ��-� ! Building Name: Project Description: ° e r Owner, Address and Phone: � Archit onta t, ddress and �hone: � ,L,1;cr�V,r,� /Pr� •�-'�P���� �_ - �.egal Description; Lo#��II Block � Subdivision Zone Distric# , _ / Project Street Address:��/'�.���9� ��_� -� �i T— — Comments: r� � . oar Staff Action Motion by:����, . Vote:_�=� Seconded by:. ��.�,,r�.�,� –� �Appraval ❑ Disapproval � ❑ Staff Approval cr �� ' , . � Conditians: _ �11}}. � ,�[���,1 �"���.�' - � , Town Planner Date: DRB Fe� Pre-paid Design Review Action Form TOWN �F VAIL � Category Number l _, Date � � µ Praject Name: � Building Name: _,�� a .� — Projec# Description: �r,�,� ' - Owner, Address and Phone: Architec ontact Address and Phone: �.�,�C�� �r,�»��r'� ��� � � Legal Descriptian: Lot�� Block ~� Subdivision e "] ZonE Distric# �_,. Project Street Address:__?�'��._����"�' '�' �� Comments: oard taff Action Motion by, Vote:_,�"�-/"S Seconded by: Q�� �+��r �Approval ❑ Disapproval � Staff Approval Conditions: � Taw� Planner d Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid,��1�� _ Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN OF VA�L �ategory Number � Date. �J" ���I�� � Praject Name: � � �r"�` a� S Building Name: �'T75S�s Project Description;_, 1�9�U-� ��I � � ��� �'U ' �' ` Owner, Address and Phone:_�'� ��"�[v '^' ,> ��� �� �� �� ��' ��"+'� ��� .r� Architect/Contact, Address and Phone; I�egal Description: Lot Blacic Subd9�isio� ��i '� � Zone District Project Street Address: � ��� �'Yd� ��t�°-} - Comments: � � � Board taff Action Motion by: �• Vote: ''� Seconded by: � • , �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval t p . ` Conditions: �"�'�� � � , , r � �� 1 v � � ��a,!f'1',l/IJ�I�{ 1�'� Town Planner Date: _ �71 ����� DFiB Fee Pre-paid � �� � � DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � APRIL 5, 1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATlON 1a:30 a.m. SITE VISITS 1:30 p.m. 1. Hansen - 775 Potato Patch Drive � 2. Rabbit- 1853 Lionsridge Loop 3. Dauphinais- 1874 Glacier Court � � 4. Erickson - 1987 Cir.cle Dr 5. Phillips - 2696 Davos Trail 6. Sumpter - 1722 Geneva Dr 7. The Ruins - 1325 W�sthaven Dr 8. Brawn - 1239 Westhaven Cr � 9. Alpine Standard -28 S Frontage Rd . i 0. Riva Ridge North - 133 Vail Rnad �1. Mont �e Neige Hpldings Ltd. - 3025 Boath Falls Rpad 12. Levy -4819 East Meadow Drive � Dri�ers: George and Randy � 1. Savoy Villas - Changes to previously apprn�ed plans. JC 1100 N Frontage Road/Savay Villas Applicant: Walid Said MQTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINER� VOTE: 5-0 Appra�ed with conditions. 1. The posts on the wes#will be 8"x8", or 8" round painted wfod stucco finish is concrete. 2. Add white band under bedroam popaut. 2. Lauterbach - New single family residence. �� �403 Bighorn RoadlLot 3, Block 3, Bighnrn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach MOTION: BQRNE SEC4N�: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-4 Appro�ed with conditions. 1. Mo�e hammerhead to satisfy Pubiic Works. 2. Mo�e landscaping around hammerhead. 3. Window trim ta be applied to Wes#elevation fron# portion of b�ilding. 4. Bury the arrerhead lines alnng Bighorn road by T.C.O. 5. Pro�ide staff with color chips. � � � A� � 3. Lion Square Lodge - Building repaint. JC 664 W Lionshead PIc.ILot 1, Vail Lionshead 1 st filing, 1 st addition Applicant: Bill Pierce for �ior� Square Lodge HOA MOTlON: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Approved wi#h conditions. 1. Replace deteriorating wood. 2. ShouEd the appiican#decide to hold off painting Building #1 this summer,the applicant will provide staff with a band for 125% of the actual ualue for the work no later than Septemher 1, 1995. 4. Johnson - DemolRebuild of singfe famify residence with Type II EHU and 250 GRFA allotment. RS 1195 Vail Valley Drivel[.ot 14, Block 6, Vail Vi6lage 1 st Filing. Applicant: Gearge and Susan Johnson MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINER� VOTE: 5-0 � Appro�ed with condition garage to house connection m►�st be GRFA. 5. Rabbit Development- Remodel and additio�. RS 1853 Liansridge LooplLot 3, Block 3, Lionsridge Subdi�ision, Filing #3. App[icant: Michael 5anr��r for Rabbit Develapment MOTION: BORNE S�C�ND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Appror►ed with conditions. 1. Rockfall Haxard report must be submitted, If report requi�es mitigation, �xteriar changes #o unit must come back to DRB. 6. Serrano's - Redevelopment o�the Serrano's site. AK 298 Hanson Ranch RoadlLot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing Applicant: Margretta Parks, repres�nted by Glenn M. Heelen MOTION: B�RN� SECOND: WOLDRICH V�T�: 5-0 Appro�ed with conditions. 7. Brown - New primarylsecandary residence. GR 1239 Westhaven CirclelLot 37, Glen �yon Subdivision. Applicant: Daryl and Kimberley Brouvn MOTION: BORNE SECOND: WOLDRICH VOTE: 4-0-� .� 2 r, M � Appror►ed with cond�tions. � 8. Crossview - Final r�view of seven �ew single family residences. GR � The Va[ley 5ubdivision. Applicant: Randy Hodges MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOT�: 5-0 Appro�ed with conditions. 9. Dauphinais-Moseley- New primarylsecondary residence. GR 1874 Glacier Court/Lot 22, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing#3. Applicant: Patrick Da�phinais MOTION: BORNE SECOND: MOFFET VQTE: 5-Q Approved with conditions, 10. Erickson - Review of garage change. LW 1987 Circle DrivelLat 26, Buffehr Creek Applicant: Jeannir�e Erickson MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: � Concept�al review- no.vote#aken. 11. Phillips - Garage addition. �rN 2696 Davos TraiVLot 6, Black C, Vail Ridge Applicant: Mike PhiElips � MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to April 19, 1995. 12. Verbatim Booksellers- New sign. �W 452 E Lionshead Cr.ILot 6, Block 1, Vaii Lionshead 1 st Filirrg (Tre�tops} Applicant: S[�zy Bruce MOTiON: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD V�TE: 5-0 Consent appror►ed. 13. Beringause - Canvert existing craw! space to living space using a 254 LW additional GRFA allotment. 1190 Casolar DrivelLot 6, Casolar Vail Subdivision. Applicar�t: Eric Beringause MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAiNERD VOTE: 5-0 Cosent appra�etl. � 3 � . . � '�Q. � 14. Alpine Standard/Amoca - Sign Variance (f�eight of free-standing sign}. RS 28 5 Fror�tage Rd WestlLot A, Vail Vil�age 2nd Filing. Applicant: Doug Sterkel MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAWERD VQTE:5-0 Consent appra�ed. 15. Mont De Neige Holdings- Addit+on using a 250 GRFA allotment. RS 3Q25 West Booth Falls RoadlLot 14, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: A. Diane Olchowik, Director of Mont De Neige Hold€ngs Limited MOTIQN: BRAWERD SECOND: BORNE VOTE: 5-0 Appror►ed. 1 B. A-Rated Rnof Materials - Discuss potential changes to Design Review RS Guidelin�s, Section 18.54.050{c) 1, 4 & 6 which would er�courage the use of a�propriate materials to pramote fire safety. MOTI�N: SECOND: VQTE: No Vate, code changes proposed by staff are o.k.wEth o�e madification. 17. Levy- 250 Additian and Remodel. GR 4819 E. Meadow Drive/Lat 18, Black 5, Bighorn 5ih Addition. Applicant: Ed and Joanne Levy . MOTION: WOLDRICH SECOND; MOFFET VOTE: 3-0-2 APpro�ed. 18. Hansen - Additinn of 250 square feet. GR 775 Potato Patct� Drive, West UnitlLot 19, Block 1, Vail Potato Patc� Sub. Applicant: Kirk and �l�lie Hansen MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed with conditian. � �9. Sumpter- Matterhor� Village Cor�ceptua� Review. GR 1722 Geneva DrivelLot 14, Matterharr� Subdivision. Applicant: Bob Sumpter MOTI�N: SECON�: VOTE: Conceptual - no �ote. 20. Ri�a Ridge Nor�h Condo. Assoc. - Exterior remodei af windows and stairs. LW 133 Vail Road/Lat 6, Block 6, VaiE Vilfag� 1 st �iling. Applicant: Ric� Haitermann far Riva Ridge North Condo. Assoc. MOTION: BORNE SECQND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Appro�al of iX6 casing &stair repair only. � � r: � 21. Hitchcock- DemolRebuild af PrimarylSecondary using two 250 GR�A aflotmsnts LW 421 Beaver Dam CirclelLot 3, Black 4, Vai! Village 3rd filing. Ap�licant: Chris Hitchcock MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: Cor�ceptuai only. 22. Spraddle Creek- Change to desigr� guidelines. L�W Spraddle Creek Subdivision Applicant: Spraddle Creek Architectural Control Committee MOTION: BORNE SECON�: BRAWERD VOTE: 5-0 Consent approued, 23. The Ruins -Canceptual review of a 30 dwelling unit candomini�m building. AK 1325 Westhaven Dr�velArea A, Cascad� Village SDD. Applicant: Jerry Worrnan MOTION: SECOND: VOT�: Conceptual re�iew� no�ote taken. � 24. Da+ly Grind Coffee House - Outdoor dining deck. GR 288 Bridge StreetlLot B, Block 5H, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: The Da�iy Grind Coffee Hous� M�TION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to 4119195 25. Cold Stream Condominium Assoc- Refurbish of exterior. RS 1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot 53, Cascade Village SDD# . A�aplicant: Fritzfen, Pierce, Briner far Cold Stream CondominEUm Association MOTION: SECOND: V�TE: Tabled to 41�9195 MEMBERS PRE ENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF APPROVALS � 5 ✓w - Davie- Garage and attic remadef. LW � �76 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 12, Block 2, Patato Patch Applicant: Jahn Davie Thain - Request far appraval of three exterior light fixtures. JC 48� Gare Creek Dri�e/Lot 8A, E38 & B9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicant: John Thain Design Workshop- Walk sign GR 141 East Meadaw �r., S�ite E-210 Applicant: Mary Dewing Landmark Condominium - Landscape impro�ements ta east entrance. GR 610 W Lionshead Cr.ILandmark Condomin9ums Applicant: Je�f Wright Bl�mberg - Window additions. RS 366 Forest Rd./Lot 2, Bloc�C 1, Vai! Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Marvin Blumberg Willaman - Roof c�ange. GR i458 Greenhill Ct.1Lot 21, Glen Lyon. A�piicant: Ned Gwathmey for Verne Wilfaman Boardriders Club Sign - new sign ��► . 586 Lionshead Mall • A�plicant: Gary Eno REIMAX Vail, Ir�c. - InstaAation af sateAite dish. �� 143 � Meadow Dr., Suite 244, Crossroads East/Lot P, Bfock 5D, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: B�II Wilto . Henault- Dormer additian. RS 5194 Main Gore Drive SouthlLot 16, Vail Meadaws Filir�g #1.. Applicant: Ph�lip A. Henault King - Window addition. GR 1881 Lionsridg� Loop, #25Nail Point Townhomes. Applicant: M�tthew King Heetsr� 250 GRFA Additior�. RS 1460 Ridge LnlParce! A, Lot 21, Lionsridge Fiiing 2. Applicant: Robert Heeter Windstrearn Cor�dominiums - �xterior retaining wall rsplacement, stairs, GR and planter wall. 4295 Columbine DrivelLot 7, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Additior�. Applicant: Robert Fiske for Windstream Condaminiurns . 6 � -` , _ . Ptavec - E�e�ator addition and window change. LW � 1776 Sunburst Dr, #9Nail Golfcourse Townhomes � Applicant: Gearge Plavec Va91 Glo l.odge - new raof. GR 701 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, VaillLionshead Filing#3. : Applicant: Craig and Emily Holzfaster . ! 7 � _ `� r � MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review Board FROM: Community Devefopment Departrnent . DAT�: Apri) 5, 1995 RE: A request for a sign variar�ce for the Amoco/Alpine Standard located at 28 South Frontag� Raad Westl�ot A, Vaif 1/illage 2nd Fiking. Applicant: Doug Sterkel represented by Craig Klemz � � Planner: Rar�dy Stouder 1. DE CR1PTt N �F THE RE UEST � The Amaco/Afpine Standard station is located at the carn�r of Vaif Road and Sp�th Frantage Roa� at thE Faur Way intersec#ion. The Town of Vail is �ropasing to replace ths 4-way stop with a roundabout.� When this accurs, tf�e applicant will fose som� _ � visibifity due to the proposed landscaping and revised geometry of the n�w•roundabout. �_- Traffic will enter from Vai1 Raad and ex�t onto the Sauth Fror�tage Raad. Th� eastern- �-� rnost access €nto the station, directly from the �'rontage Road, will no Ionger be allowed � -- due to sa�ety reasons. As a res�lt of these changes, the ow�i�r wishes to slightEy revise � _-- the location of his free-stand�ng sign and u�date both the free-stariding sign and the •-- b�ildir�g's wali sign to refEect the pro�er corparate name of AMOCO. The Alpine Standard has two existing signs, a wall mounted and a free-standing sign. �xistir�g signs indicate the oid carporate name of"STANDARD".on the free-standing sign, ar�d "A4�PINE STANDARD" on the wafl sign. Tl�e free-standir�g sign is focated on the a�plicant's property at the southwest carner af the 4-way stop. It is comprised of the old corporate sh9eld (plastic) wit� reverse fit pan channel letiers {a�aque plastic}, mounted on . a h�avy ston� base. The maximum height of t�� sign is 13.5 feet above grade, or 11.5 . feet abave the top of the plar�ter into which it is incorporated (see attachment #1). The � . af�awed maxirnum height for a#ree-standing sign is 8 feet, thus, tf�is sign is currently non- � � conforming by 5.5 feet. � The ex9sting wall mo�anted sign as located over the door of the service station, ancf is comprised af wood letters nailed direct�y to the facade af the station. The size of ihe free- stan�ing sign is apProximately 15 square#eet and the wall mour�ted sign is approximately 18 square fset. The total existing square foo#age of signage on the praperty is � , appraximately 33 s�uare feet. A maxlmum of 20 square feet of sign area is allowed, thus, the signage on the property is currently non-conforming by 13 square feet. The new free-standir�g sign is proposed to be reoriented (see attach�d stte plan) so that its face is oriented far b�tter�isibility wher� the propased raundabo�t is ir�stalfed. The � new free-standing sign is 13 square feet in size and with a maxirnum height of 10:5 feet : above the top of the planter, or approximat�ly �2.5#ee4 above tt�e grade in front of the � plar�ter. Alt�ough this is a �=foot re�uction in height frorn the existing sign's eEevation, the �roposed sigr�wiiE stii! �xceed the 8-foot rnaximum height limitation necessitating this _ � ,- variance rEquest. The new.wap rnounted sign would be 7 square feet in size and would � rernain in the existing location. Thus, the applicant is proposing to r�duce #h� overalf size of signage to 20 squar� feet, whic� eliminates #he existing nor�-conforrnity ln regards to maximum size allowed. � In summary, #he appiicant intends to reduce the existing, excess sig� square fqotage down to the maximum allowetl size of 20 square feet. Although the applicant is proposing a free-standing sign that will result irt a o�e foat reduciion in height frorn the current �levat�on, the sign will stiil exceed the maximum aliowed height af eight feet. The applicant and his sig� consultant fael that reducing the sign height furth�r, ir� order to � :meet the eight foot height iimitation, wouid r�ot provide reasonable v�sibility when the redesign of the i�terchange �roundabout) occurs: Thus, the applicant is requesting a sigr� hetght�ariance of 4.5 feet, to allow for a new free-standing sign at a maxlmum height of 12.5 feet above thg grade in front of the planter. � 11. F1L�lD1NC'S AND_CRITER�A Before the Design Review Board acts on a variance application, they must revlew the fflllowing statements and find that the appl+cant �.as compl9ed with the intent of each statement: A. Ther��rp �pecial circumstances or conditions a fving t_o the,land. b ' j�a,��oaraohv. y��fi�t�tiA�,a�1.qn structur�s or oth�r,matters on.�adlacent i� or within,t�,p��,j,�,�c��.�r�hf- . � �w,�y whiGF�v�Quld.�.�,�s.��.#��y rest�ict#he effectiveness of the-��n in q�estiQn: _ . , i . , �, � ��r i f r u�i�e�s_Q��nterpris� to which the a�nllcant,desir�S t�_����y,�tten#ion and do I n r �Yaff Response: . The extensive redesign of the four-way IntersECtion,conv�r#�ng the four-way to a roundabout, will dramatically change th� visual orientation, topagraphy and veg�tation in the vicinity of the service station. Vehicles wl[I be Goming from a�ompEetely dl�#erent angle and the existing visfon of the current station sign will be �locked by the ra�5ed � topography and I�ndscaping in t�e center island of the roundabout, The�dditional height ' af the middle o#the island necessitates the height varl.ance. Additionally, the current sign wauld face the wrong directian and become �neffeot�ve given the revised geometry and � topography of the new interchange, The Ioc�tion of this particufar business and the � clrcumstances that necessitafe a change to the Intersection are.unf�ue and speclaf to this � . , 5.ite, and da nat apply ta,th� other businesses in Town. B. T�ls��.,�p�sfal circumstances w�,�_e nQ�s��t��� by�,1,�,���{���,t nr anyone in �r�ta the �� $.t�f Res o� nse: The circumstances necessitating-the need to c�ange ihe signs are beyond the contral of the statior� awner. The r�eed to instaq a modern roundabout at the faur-way inter5ectiort is certainly not the dofng af the applicant. Traffic volum�s in #h� Towr� have growr� � significantly since the service statinn was originally construct�d. Current traffic volumes, - . � � ,fR�: U .;"�. � - - . ' . . . . esPecially at psak tfines of the day and year, necessitat� the cor�structian of a roundabout. C. That the granting of the variance wiil I�s in c,�enera! harmony witF� tF�e purqose of this�i#!� and wi�f_not be materiallv d�trimerttal ta the persons residina or workir�,q in Xhe vicinity,�o ,�jacP�t�onErty. #o the neghborhood, or�e qubfic welfare in �eneral. Staff_Re��onse: . " Sign changes are necessary due #o th� Tawn's redesign of t�e intersection. The proposed signs update the applicant's corporate affiliation, and impro�e the �ro�erty aesthetically. Natural mate�ials will re}�lace th� plastic o#the current free-standing sign, and lighting wilk be impro�ed. Howev�r, tt�e free-sianding sign wili be i�corporated ir�to a � reworiced planter so the sign blends in with the fandscapir�g and beeames less . conspicuous than the current sign wEth its heavy sfor�e �ase. The sign's small�r wood base wili de-emphasize its appearance, while its "lolly-pop° silhouette clearly conveys the message that a service station is located at this corr�er. The lighting fior this sigr� will be � subdued, muc� like the cu�rent lighting. D. The variance ��,qlied for does nnt deuart from the provision5 of thi�title any more th�n is r ir o id n if th a licar�t' iness r us . ff R n . , . In regard to reducing or removing the exisiing nonconformities, staff fee�s the ap�licant , has done what Es necessary to meet the intent of the Sign Code by reducing nan- � conformities to the extent feasible. Staf� #eels that the revised free-standing sjgn, even though it is stiil 4.5 feet abo�e the current height lirnitat�on, me�ts th� intent of the Sign � Code. S#aff feels that the additional height being req�ested is necessary for the sign to � be clearly visible from vehicles in the roundaboi�t. Ill. STA�F RECOMMENDATIf�y Staff is recommending approval of the requested sign variance to allaw the proposed free- standing sign to extend �,p to a f�eight of 12.5 feet above grade. 5ta�f recommends that the DRB � impose the following conditions of approval: 1. The maximurn square footage for al! signage on the property be reduced to �d square feet, with the sizes for each sign to be as nated in the applicanYs drawings ( E.e. 13 � squa�e feet for the free-star�dir�g sign and 7 square feet#or the wall mo�nted sign). 2. The wall sign shalE be replaced ir� the same genera! �ocation as the current wali sign. 3. The top of the free-standing si�n shall be no higher than 12.5 feet above the final grade in fror�t of the planter i� which it is located, or be� na higher than �0.5 feet above the:top of . the planter s�rface, whichever is more restrictive. t:leveryone\ran dylmemoslamocoa05 � � � . - � •. _ �� �/��� � �/y��jpJ�[ •' ? �l.+-a`X;r, - � �. 4 . . .d�' ��������`^�l f�� ��.��'�. �T � :Y 1 J 1��l1 y i ' . � �,' � _ :� ' � . . . . ' _ .• � . S � ' ' . � - ' . . i :� _ .,7 f y� �' v !���'.�/L��'ill.I � ,. _ °,� .'. � , . _,. +r, .� .., -.:_�., ~ � ��-F �.,r ' ��f�f��r-f�IV"c�� � _ -'� - L.�. �r s t '�' o � r .+ ' r_� � �.x..�vt'� _ F Y � '� ,+_ r -r . '+ ,�y ti .. ` F � ;yk�:a y w .� ,,N, � � � � �—� .,�,. , rv� � � -.r - - r -�r:, .yx '' _ � r� F � R ,. ,u*f _y S �T}�,�;. _ _- }. y; �w �« { e r /—`iti{-�1�3�i1.�V �, -Z y}^��'.1 Y�� . 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'.. — _ ' .. - ; - , . . . � ,, ' .. ... _ . , _ .-.�. . . -. � -' .. '. - � ` .' � -�a :. � ' � �'' r'�s�r: �,j;' �, t',7�� � � � �F 13 MARCH 95 AL�INE AMOCO SERVXCE STAT�ON VARIANCE '16, 36 Craig K�emz 16. 36.010 A. A practical diff�culty 1 6. 20.050 C. - Hea.ght, no par� of the sign sha11 extc�nd � � above eigh� feet from _existing grade. COMPI,IANCE The propos�d sig�age is at 98� comp�zance. *Freestanding sign 13sq ft. *Wa1� moun� sign 7sq f�. (The old Alpine Standa�d sign above TOTAL 20sq ft. the bl.dg en�xy will be remov�d and replaced with an AMOCO s.ign) . *Ma�eria�.s : wood, sandblasted & painted steei, �lack �etters, revers� pan channe�. wz�h fiber � op�ic I.ight source. THE PRACTXCAL DIFFICULTY Visibila.ty is the stations only marketing tool in relation to gaso�.ine retailing. *Vehicular sca].e - the sign must be easily seen and interpreted to enable a vehicle �o r�egotiate the rnund- .� about and the sta�.ion entrance. *Site �ine vzsi.bil�ty .- see drawings. *Design sensibility - the s�gn heigh"t mus� be high enough to � escape �he landscap� p�.an�ing and snaw dep'th whi�.e providing for an image tha� is a recognizable icon. �Road construction -- it is a giv�n �ha� the town wiZl a�temp� to mitzgate construction impac�s. This snows . that the tawn has a vested interes� in seeing busanesscs maximize their pxo�itabilif.y. �t then becomes clear tha� the town and the business owner hav� the same interas�s and goals. *Wast Vai�. Stations - these s�.ations are wel� beyond what S.s reas�zz����e. A r�sort commun�.ty o� a suburb of Denver? Bring these s�ata.ons in�o � comp�.iance before VAIL 99. 29633 Calorado River Raaci � McCoy, Colorado 80463 C� UoicelFax 1 970 653-441�+ Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL ,�� r�� ,� �Category Number�l,�"'� � �j��,S��1'��(� Date � �� Project Narne: � d s1' � BuilcEing Name: LW � � t .�--,� Project Description; � � .S: Owner, Address and Phone: �• �� ��- � ��`���°��d�'�"� r � �j��� . u —� , [.���31�1 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: .��C ���-�'1���'c I � ��"° lr�� �rfi�`d� . - � �l�:S`_ . � �/ ,,y Legal �escription: Lot� Block� Subdi�ision� v`'rG� "� Zone Dis#rict Projec#Street Address:_�,���v1�f�� � , l I +\. ~ Comments: """' ,4�c.� ` � � � � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: ���/`'�'� Vote: ��V � Seconded by:�t�L"^ � �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � � „ Conditions: / CC- � ���Co�'�� ��: �� r .�e < , � � a .� � t ���� �� �9��� • � � Qh � Town Pla er � Date: � � DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Rerriew Action Form TOWN OF VAI L k �ategory I�umber � r� _ Date � J� q I e �} / �_,J Project iVame:_�, [...!C7 y� J��t.�ti'�`,� �,..�a Q � 1`��.�(]Q' /I�-�T Building Name: �l+c�� ��,r.�c��� ��Q��]p��c���� �-� �`-�.� Project Description: n � �c.> ►� !f - �'�' � dbl� � � S 49 f ��,��-t,.► �'..� c��d�' � ��G �- �7`C s�e� �"�,� �r �< « � ��.�) � F � Owner, Address and Phone:.� �w� T�r�,� r �r � t� ��'rr��P� ��� �'-�� � 6�� W ��b1�� ��r' , t � .�- i� l�J�� � ��"_ ���� ArchitectlContact, Address and �hone: ����L �+2/'C�? — �'���C`�� ���'� ��/�'��' L�� � � I,� V�r C�o ���r-S '7 ��-€� � E.egal Description: Lat_� Block '-'° Subdivision Va,k Ci � � �7---����ne Dis#rict CG-�.� Project Street Address: � E�� �'� 1 Li m�� �'��'� ���`�-- -- / �/�'-� � Commen#s: -C� R � T L.c� �7'`f�F✓ G�'!'�C ��� ��P C���'�c'�F� r��i� �3�,�.�"'��i�� � ,�� �,��l �r.��� �C ' �`f � r� � � hc.e�"G �+�-1�Z"-�"Gt.� ��� � , ! r r �d����C�1:L� v�� " � � � `� �' ,�r �.% � � L��� �� Board 1 taff Action Mafion by: �p ���/1 � _ Vote: � [y� Secand � n`e� �roval w� C�'�r a���f' _..._.�— ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval �, � r Conditions: f � C o�2� S 1'-aCr� SlGY� � � R'l�'1 I v�� � .�f�' `f lC � � 6 ' �s M /' ������ i� C� � �, � � � ' �►�� � r���� a � P G R.3'ev 1 1 �l� C� it.+ Gl.�� ��C � Q�'� �F �t�'�'c��-e � ��e u,�or .s . � !�� f �' /'r� , T wn Planner � Qate: � �-� DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form TOWN 4F VAIL �ategory Num�er � Date ` G/ °/'� Project Name: � Buifding IVame: -_- f'roject Description: r7'�.,Y�..� r �.e-f'�-.�.�� ; ��►��n�_� �%�-r��. � �� �. �f ��� �� c�> �n ,� i . � Owner, Address and Phone: •, / �.� /r�r��a-yL ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: ��r—�- +CJ�rv�c�d/�-��4 �� � 5-3d27 /W tl1'i �� t�L� °�l �- �ega1 Description; l.at C Black 2. Subdivision �.,`�; / �!'� C �,� / Zone �istrict � g-'-� Project Street Address; 2 � ��/�G- ..a....o,.� �.��, �� Comments: • Board 1 Staff Act�on Motion by, ��_.�.._, Vote: �� ` C� Seconded by;,� ��J� j�Approval /� ❑ Disap�roval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �J� Tawn PEanner . p�t�; 7" � �2" ��� DRB Fee Pre-paid �-�'�� ��� �, Des�gn Review Ac�ion Form �`�L � TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number � � Date �/Q��`�-° � 1��� � Project Name: �flt.�'� cl� � � � Building Name: ��r����� C � �� , ! � /� Project Description: � � !� t�ta� L ' .�' �- ,� T""`" �0�� t S�� -- r�c -�c� � , � � -s �e� t e � L�'4 ��i� �.� � �!`i' � . - Yy �� ��1� � � Qwner, Address and Phane: q'�t "' �f� � �� �"`1�. ��/�J ����._ 7 7d I /'��,�'a�� . ���� .��, `7 7�/ `�7'�'p �.��/�� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone. �[i1���"� ���I ��L � 6��,1�� � � �t� �. /�e�� D� . 1/�� C , �� � ���s`-� � � Legal Descriptio�: L P� `,� Q�� ���a � �� v���� Zone District S� Project Street Address: � `'�� �� ���C'�[�' C�,� ��� Comments: • Board 1 S#aff Action Motion by; ��kJ �� � Vote: �°°'� Seconded by: C l+�t�� ppro�al W ����cu�.c��' ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff A�proval ; � a �/ r/ Conditions: �- n ��� � �'t �� � �� !� �� � � OJ'��`��!~�u r�r� �Y r�aQ �r.�� ��►r`�`� f-�' � -- u..�'�i��� S�'�� � �' C'm�C/`��� � �i�� m',� f��..��C���:.� . �el� �,�s�, d��-{�,. !�--e�i�. -� c�.t.� � r ��r�'�� ---�C�cse�.�tm s-t . wn Pfanner � Date; z ` ��`� DRB Fe� Pre-paid � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL � ��� � t �ategory Number Date � 73��� � ��l ���� Projec# Name: ��c'�d`'�C�'�_� �c>a,� _ _ � r���°� �; Building Name: �� ��c � ¢ '� '� `� Project Descripfion: � � �ls � ��' � � ` �<�"" �� Owner, Address and Phane: f �- �o.. ��C ��S° � EC , g`��'�'� Architectl�Address and f�hone: ��`��� ���l�t ���""" ��! 4�C l Legal Description; Lot -� Block � 5ubdi�ision �r�Pf�d� �� Zone pistrict �� : Project S#reet Address: �' ��� ����'!�'�°t.- a� _ --- Comments: a Board taff Action Motion by: �� ►✓��,�1� Vote: � �°-� � � Seconded by. T�°t+'ls ��'�l'�G(�. pproval :,,r�'o�ta�.�f��s ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � # ���� F �v u� �it�` f�JG ��'t �6� � � /� P � /' � � / ���VL 1. � ���rG tit.� C' � � C,'L r `l-c�'/tds��! U[ !`—'�,,� ���C�'4 ���/�rl�.� f L�1� � � C' � 'e /� n . � � ' � C�F� �! �� ! . /�d"l�'� (� .� c� . �ro `� r �' G � f` �� � � ��'�f r r 7 n Pla�ner r �� .. Date: -5 �� DRB Fee f're-paid ��� Design Rev�ew Ac�ion Form T41NN 4F VAiL �Category f�um�er !� Date ������ Project Name: �✓V� �'� ���s�,P1� ��� Building Name: _,�Y�-'t� Project Descriptian: I �� � Owner, Address and Phone: 'f�J► VI.�Pi � . ��� �ii0 �����7 � ��� Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 81ock Subdivision��� Zone District ti + Project Street Address: , . � Comments: !' � � � � - Board Staff Action Mfltivr� by:._ Vote: '�}}"� � Seconded by. ; . �Approval CG�I�i�� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Ap�roval Conditions: �--7 C/f Town Planner Date; ._ vf 1���r`7 DRB Fee Pre-paid �� �� Design Re�iew Action Form T�INN QF VA�L .Category Number !� Date � � � Project Narne: � ` Building Name: �;l/GI �_�� ���Y� --- - ___- Project �escription: 5L I� �S � � . t � Owner Address and Phone: �/1 � � � ���.._��,5�3 �'7�C.e � ��"�' Architect�Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Bfock Subdivision � 1 1� Zone Distric#"�� Project Street Address; f� v O�i� �0� Comments: � Board Staff Action Motion by:.��''.�r�P✓ Vote: ��� Secor�ded by: � • ���.� �pproval ❑ Disa�proval ❑ S#aff Approval . Conditions: U� D � � ��-��� ��� � ��-"�'� L �.r � � c� s� w� ��_..__�i+nr,�,� re f�,u-� _ `����a.� - ��,�c-���' . Town Pianner Date: 'J� DRB Fee Pre-paid.�� k� ' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL lCategory Number�� Date � fD 1 Q� __ . ' � Project Name: � Building Name: Project Description: Qwner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlCon#act, Address and Phone: �.����1� ��r� � ��� ° �C� �.—( �, A�1/���'V�___.��(�ZO - - - �egal Descriptian: Lot Block Subdi�ision �ane District Project Street Address; Camments � Board 'e�a- Motion by. Vo#e:� � _ __— Seconded by:_ �1(/�_ MQ/1��1 � Appro�alC�j(f��j�;'�') ❑ Disapprovaf ❑ Staff Approval Conditions:� ��� � � --- ��:.�.a.�.[�r�� [nl�-l-�,J�� Tawn Planner Da#e: DRB Fes Pre-paid �^�- Design Review Action Form TOINN OF VA�L Category Number� �" � Da#e�� 7` � � `�'�I�G . ° Praject Name:_ �Lvb`Zn ���_ Bui�ding Name: n, �{ � .� Project Dascription: r� �' �wner, Address and Phone: �� �" � �� .� // �, 1✓ Architectl ont , Address and Phone: � '� �� �,. t�.--�- � r L.egal Description: �.ot_� Block � Subdivision_�,/'� �n.� c� _ Zone 17istrict IQp Project Street Address:_�_���_.��^�P��--�r� - Comments: � � - — Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: i� Vote: �� �` � ��. Secanded by: .�.Yt�� ❑ �ro al ❑ Dis proval �j � ��� ��'�� � �� f ��� � � � ❑ St pproval Conditian �f� g^ � . , � . r � �.. :� Town Planner � Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paic[ '`�'�'�� Design Review Action Form TOV�IN OF VA�L ate9ory Number I Date �� � Project Name: ,,��`� - Building Name; � Pro�ect Description: Owner, Address and Phone:.� � �-�? ��� ��' � �' ��• —....�1�-..�--�-,–C' . - 71�T - ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot�� Block�_ Subdi�ision ' Zone District ��5 Project Street Address: `7�J`� �.��� f�^�'�'� 1���� -�— Comments: � �,LTI l'_�z'�e�.�,- .�..�..� .� •�t� �..�_� _� 1�� , oard taff Act'ron Mation by: .�-� �--� - _ Vate: Seconded by:_�.L...�-r, - -�� Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ S#aff Approval Conditions: //J �f --�c'- �. /�-�� � ,���� .�c•.� �� , - , � � own Pianner ,/ .�! �'� Date: ��� _ _ QRS Fee Pre-paid�, ;� __ __ Design Review Action Form TQWN QF VAIL �ategory Num�er� � � Date �' � ` �� . " + Project Name: C Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone; �Gtl !'i �� Legal qescription: Lot �lock Subdivision Zone District Pro�ect Street Address:�,�..��'���C� , Comments: . taff Actio Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Appraval ❑ Disapproval �Staff Approval Conditions: • lc,',c,�/�, 1 � �� � Town Planner /�', �� ,..�,��-- Date: !�" C7RB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form . TOWN 4F VAIL - ategory Number � Date '`�/���i''� � Praject I�ame: L�u-Ct._,��,� i1_��. ��r7.d/ � �a�,L,l Buifding Name: w., /._ 1 � �. �1��-�� project Dascription: � � r Owner, Address and Phone: Archit Cantac ddress and Phone: _�� .� s , '�'�..�.�� �,�.��, ,� ,�..�, C.��n��1� � �/.ra.�./,����7�� °� � _ �y, Legal Descrip#ion: Lot_.�� Block_'r Subdi�ision, �" " " Zone District �� Project Street Address: 'y��4 f'...� � `��.,—•�, Comments: . J ` tIY�[��r1/l�/]Jl �.�,f-��e1F~dIA� .rt1���'"�+�-'�-'�J�afis/7 � oar Staff Action Motion by: � Vote:�`���— �. Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval ConditEOns; � ` �.�.��_.___�_�� �' �_- • � � , Z. �' `�' � • . own Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid��. �' DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � Aprif 19th, 1995 • 3:Oa P.M. PROJECT ORiENTATION �2:30 pm SfTE VISITS 1:30 pm 1. HiElside Condominium - i 819 & 1839 Meadow Riclge 2. Dressel - 1490 Buffehr Creek Road, Unit A-44 3. The Villager Restaurant- �00 �. Meadow Dr. 4. Coldstream Condominium Assoc. - �476 Westhaven Drive 5. Garfinkel's - 536 W Lionshead Mail Drivers: Randy and �eorge 1. The Ruins - Final review of a 30 dwefling unit condomir�iurn buiiding. AK 1325 Westhaven DrivelArea A, Cascade Village SDD. Applicant: Jerry Worman MOTION: BDRN� S�COND: BRAkNERD VOTE: 5-0 Tabled until May 3, 1995. � 2. Garfinlcei's - Request for rner�u box. LWIAK 536 West Lior�shead MaIIlLiar�shead Center Building. , AppliCant: G�rfinkel's represented by Stew�rt Meade MOTION: BORNE SECOND: MOFF�T VOTE: 5-0 Approrred with conditians. 7. Tak�down chalk men� board prior to installation of new menu box. 2. Electric conduit to existing menu box must be co�er�d with wood. 3. S'rgn must be on pri�ate� property- confirm property I�ne. 3. The Villager Restaurant - Sign and awning application. � GR 100 East Meadow DriveNaiE Village Plaza Building. . Appkicant: Joe Staufer MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Conse�t appro�ed with conditians. 4. Krediet R�sidence - Addition and remodel of primary unit. RS 22fi Forest Rd./Lat 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: John Krediet MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 A�proved as prnpased by applicant, � � 5. Hil�side Condominium - Cobr change to Hillside Condominiums. LW/RS 1$19 and 1839 Meadaw RidgelLots 13 �nd 14, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Bernis for Hillside Candorninium Association MOTION: BORN� SECON�: BRAlN�RD VOTE: 5-0 Appro�ed with conditions. 1. Paint stucco also - elastameric at tone darker than beige on wood. 2. Staff to make sure lighter paint is ap�lied so r�o bleed thru of existing dark paint occu�s. 6. Co[dstr�am Condominiurn Assoc - Repaint of ext�rior. R5 i�476 Westhaven DrivelLot 53, Area B, Cascade Village SDD#4 . Applicant: Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner for Cold Stream Condominiurn Association MOTION: BORNE S�COND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Appra�ed with conditions, 1. App�y textured paint#a wall along#ennis court. Propose to staff for re�Eew and appro�al. 2. Repairlreplace fence in front of dumpster enclosure by parking structure. 3, Relocate dum�ster enclosure from entrance to far end of parking at tennis caurts. • '7. Hiib Duplex-Changes to approved plans. GR 4040 N Frontage RoadlLot 3, Pitkin Creek Meadows Townharnes Applicant: Dave Hii� MOTION: BRAINERD SECOND: MOFFET VOTE: 4-�(Born� dissented) A�pro�ed with conditions. � 8. Dressel - 250 GRFA addition to li�ing roorn and storage area. GR iA90 Buffehr Creek Road, Unit A-4�IThe Valfey Condominiums. Applicant: Dirk Dressel MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAINERD VOTE: 5-0 Approved with five conditions. . 9. Hitchcock- Demo/rebufld of primary/secor�dary usir�g twa 250 GRFA allotments. LW/GR 421 Bea�er Dam Cr.ILot 3, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Applicant: Chris Hitchcock � MOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRAiNERD VOTE: 5-0 Approved with condition. � Z � 10. Camice Building-New temporary site development sign. GR 362 Vail Valley Dr./Part of Tract B, Vail Village lst Filing Applicant: Alan Aarons far High Tech Sigt�s MOTION: BQRNE 5EC4ND: BRAINER� �VOTE: 5-0 Approved with cand�tions. MEMBERS PRESENT Sally Brainerd Bob Borne Greg Moffet Hans Woldrich Mik�Arn�tt Staff A�provals Kross - Changes to approved plans. LW 1200 Ptarmigan, Lot I, Black S, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Parn Kross � Buzz's Boots & Boards -New sign. LW 302 Gore Creek Drive/Mill Creek Court Building Applicant: Buzz Schleper Crowley -Fireplace conversion and window addition. GR 3490B Booth Fal�s Ct., Lot 9, Block 2,Vail Village 12th Filing. Appiicant: Charles & Virginia Crowley Vail Glo-New roo£ . GR 5�8 E Lionshead Cr./Lat 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Vail Glo RE/MAX Vail Inc. - Satellite dish. JC 143 E Meadow Dr./Lot P, Block SD, Vail Village 1 st F'iling Applicant: Bill Wilto � � � Overlook at Vail - Changes to appraved plans. LW 1330 Sandstone Dr./Lot G4, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: Seechwood Developznent Sundial Townk�ames-Repaint alt buildings. AK 5490 Main Gore DrJSundial Phase II Applicant: Mark Matthews Cohen-Loft addition using additional 25a GRFA allotment. LW 400 Vail Valley Dr, #8/Tyrolean Condaminiums Applicant: Frank Cohen Vail Boardriders Club - Sign application. LW 586 Lionshead MalUGondola Building. Applicant: Gary Eno Blumberg -V�indow additions. RS �fi6 Forest Road/Lot 2, Block I, Vaii Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Marvin Blumberg Tomlinson- Townhouse plat review. RS • 5017 Main Gore Drive, #4/Gore Creek Candominiums. Applicant: Warren and Linda Tomlinson Plavec - ADA access ramp,window addition and elevator addition. LW 1'17b Sunburst Dri�e, Unit#9, Building C, Vail Gotfcaurse Townharnes/Lafi 1, Sunburst Filing 3. Applicant: Michael Sanner far George Plavec Harris -Revision to appro�ed plans. RS 1187 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 13,Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Applicant: Fritzten, Pierce, Briner for Bill Harris Design Workshop - Sign applicatton. . GR '{41 East Meadaw Dri�e, Suite E-2101Crossroads Shopping Center. Applicar�t: Mary Dewing Wren #�12 - Interior remode! to create a rea{ estate office. GR 500 South Frontage Road, #112/The Wren Condominiums. Applicant: Allan VandeFord, Manager Willama� Rss - Changes to approved raof pfan. �R 1458 Greenhill Court/Lot 21, Glen �yo� Subdivision. Applicant: Verne Willaman � � 4 Li#�sicle-Entrance sign for complex. LW . 1245 Westha�en Drive/Liftside Applicant: MECM Enterprises Parkside Villas- Changes to appxoved plans. LW �547 Mattearhorn Cr.IParkside Villas ' Applicant: Jack Snow,RKD • � � Des'rgn Rev�ew Action Form TQINN OF VAfL �Category iVumber � Dat� ��/9��� Project Name: ��i�- ��,/-�2 :�n-e��� G�r�, Buifding Name: � �,n�. .a ��-e�L C.�-�.� #'roject Description:_ � .�--�� � � � � �� '� . Owner, A�dress and Phor�e: l�'t-.� ���t CL-�`�+'c ArchitectlContact, Address and Phane: � -�� a �--�-�-�.. 53 LQ � . L�� U r: �, 7 Legal �escription: Lot Block Subdivision Zone Distriot L'�� Projec#Street Address: S3 �F L�� �--i� d�� �'t-�-�-i" Comments: • Board 1 Staff Action � b Vote: J��Q Motion by:., � _ Seconded by: �Approvai ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � Conditions: .�/JY� �-�7' � �i.� Gr_1��: TJ'� �G��y� � ��a�� ✓a rtic����t�lj"02 �'� �k � Cr�a� 6�'c.+� iZ�, V u� �� �L-c�-� r (i i `P�wt D��- '-z 75 Lt.r ����c� dYc-��� S i�I� 11 �� , .�_ �ovr_��-�f � i., �'�:h�.a c�� . d�� ��� �-{J-- - d�� e.u« fik 3 (.��r� � L�� �'�r Gi�.; ,/-,Sk� a s Ccra1 e�j �' v�� � � S`�' � � f�a }r.,�,. /�'r G�lr �j e:. �j �-t !�'��-s'� U� �,-,�!f js� dyl, l Town Planner "��e �er�'U F� V� �'�� -� �.e-(c� � L-�'� ��--� ��- /<,.� Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid • �� l"- Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN �F VAIL �ategory Number O� _ ! Date ""f l� �� � � . Praject Name: C C�1�!/1 ! G ��..�! . _ ^r�.' �� Building Name: ;. ���''1� � � �ra �L..�Lrv! �,5a� _....�..._�_.__,..�_...�,�_,�......:�:_ ..� -- , Project Description: '�l.t� �e � °� � Owner, Address and Phane: t���(.�. �J ���C � �� ��'��� ,�'1 / //' +�� /J � / � �� 1 e l' S wr c���� !v � �� L i �7.� ./�✓ 4•�G� G �� '7 L,4 �� �w .-A�ee Contact ' dress and Phone: �� � ��� ���s , t �C r e�. L�� v�� 1/G? [C... l�� �[ �' , � Legal Deseriptio�: Lot �a�����C�� Subdivision V� [ � 6 �C-� � Zone Distric# �� Project Street Address: , ��' [ I �� CC,''e y /-��1 +J�� Comments: � • Board S#aff Action � Motion by, �'t.�.. -- Vote: '�J �� - ------ Secanded by: � ._r � �roval w/C��r Tl��S ❑ Disapproval ❑ Sta#f Appro�al Canditions:��� -�� �?�-� --.��!-. �--�'�?�- . � � a�.�; „ �1 __.. .,,�.. `I �� �..� , �r .z',r��-, 1. . - — �. � 6 � � �own Planner Date: `� � �� DRB Fee Pra-paid � ��� �� Design Review Action Form T�WN QF VAIL J�` � �ategory Number lL�'y ` Date � t � � 4 r Project Name: �� � � � � Building Name: �, , � � Project �escription: �� � r ` � �. � �- �-�, Owner, Address and t��one; ��- d � ��� ������ � ory�l�� � � ����� Archi#ect/Contact, Address and Phon�: „������ (= _ � ���,�� ---�-�7� � �� � - Legal Descripiian: Lot Block Subdivision zone District Project Street Address;_�����_Lb'"!� � -- Camments: � Board 1 S�aff Action Mation by:_,.^, �L'�^� __ Vote� � � � Seconded by:_,�_.��Q:.��''��-d[ _ -- � �ppro�al � � ;,ti[ c � �v � ❑ Disapproval �� ❑ Staff Approval t � Condit+ons: ���1� � � . ti � � � Cf �... �. f � � � �" f � � �� � Town Planner Date; ` � DRB Fee Pre-pai � ����� � Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL �ategary Number IZ Date '�/.�/�� Project Name: �� � �.����n•_ `7� ��L-� Building Name:_�_� - .•�1 Project Description: _�_ �✓y _.ra/f �'+ � — �A�Cf�1 //7'/L� L l��J 1l J �.1�lrll.�'��L _ __ � � � Owner, Address and Phone: ��.�-� /--,1��� �qZ�L� ��--����1 � �L,��1 a C�...�'f�5'7 �7f�� 7��/ Architec#IContact, Address and Phone: ----�------- Legal Descriptian: Lot J� Block -° Subdivision � ' 'strict Project Street Address:_ `�b �-�!�..+� ���.-�+ �.�• �- Comments: � � -- �� Board taff Action ._.�.�._ Mation by: � Vote: 'y� __ ___� Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al CiOf1C�I�101�S� ._�'�T -f► ' �d�..,.—�.- � .� s.r�JfJ .� , ����/ Tawn Planner Date, � ZCf �� DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Re�iew Action Form T�INN O F VAI L �Category Number � Date Project Name: , � Building Name: Project Description: .i1 i�� ..[Jk�r,�/Y .•��n L..J/ �� �N Owner, Address and Phon�: Architec ontact ddress and F'hone; _ � �'�� Legal Description: Lot B�ock Subdivision Zone District �� Aroject Street Address: �� h.��_�� �.�,,/�� �..-a-1 . �� - - Comments: i oar �af# Action Mo#ion by:.��i L,�, Vote: Seconded by:��+. .�-�-�--+-�� -- �ApprovaE ❑ Disapprova! ❑ Stai#Appro�af Condition . --� , . a , a �� �+�+ e e �~ �Lfi , .� ��_�� � _�� �r�,1 . � �-� �,,.�.,�-�7�-� -� Town Planner � �ate: DRB Fee Pr�-paid � Design Review Action Form TQWN OF VAfL . , ��ategory Numb '"� Dat� y"'����'I�� Project Name:_�TiG��t a'� �'[Q 0'�lt�Ie���✓.1� BuiEding Name: Project �escription: . C Owner, Address and Phone: �'`. �� ,� � , � � �� � � Architectl ntact dress and Phone: � � � � Legal Description: Lot �� Blocfc � Subdivision �11 Zone District Praject Street Address: ��q ���.�I /I'� _ ,�'�'�P � _ �— Comments: �•�- � C�f � � 4 V '� (�� �ff A�cti�n � ��� o� � ���j o rd 1 ta Motion by: Vote:_ ��L� - — Secon�ed by: �� �� / ,�.��- ���� � �Approval � � ,�� �.. �� �� ` � � �� � ❑ Disapproval � `� � ��� �� /� � � 1��� � � � ❑ Staff Approval t � C � Conditions: "�'� � � � f � � dr' �Tt��' ��U"d�. � Lr� �? � �� C� f �a� ���� _ - ' `'�' � 4 l��CCy � y O v�� ����� Town Pla er � Date: / - �� � �" _ DRB F�e Pre-paid����� ���l� a,a� Design Review Ac�ion Form u'� T41NN O F VAI L - �ategary EVumber Date__, i �i�'���;� . Project Name: ° , Building Name: � Project Description: �rn Owner, Address and Phone:l �'\11��� — Architect�Contact, Address and Phone: ��/kWh/ �S"1�'�V� y �p�_-►� -�' �� -- � �� Legai Descriptian: �ot� Block� Subdivision � Zone District ��_ Project Street Address;.��_��1�� ��'� -�1�°� Comments: � Boar S�aff Action Motion by;��7�'y�/ _ Vote: � Seconded by; ���� - �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ S#aff Approval �1� 1.+� r r �s !y Conditions: � `r �` � �` � r `� 4 f �4�Jfn�� ��X.v' �. `L' �'C 1�'L�"l�l".�1�� `�D•UJ -�+rv���"I�v.-� W �� . � `? V ' �Yv�S� � �_.—�' v'�-�r ��,�k� C�c�`�}�.���hr�l-�— �°�,r�,� ��_ - - Town Planner Date; ��� DRB Fee Pre-paid����' � Y DESIGrT REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � Wednesday,May 3, 1995 3:Q0 P.M. DISCUSSION OF DRB"iSSUES"WITH SUSAN CONNELLY 11:00 AM PROJECT ORTENTATION 1I:30 AM SITE VISITS 1:00 PM 1. Police Additian- 75 S, Frontage Rd. 2. Lifthouse Lodge- 555 E.Lionshead Circl� 3, Cascade Club- 1295 Westhaven Drive 4. Cunt�ingham- 1319 Greenhill Court 5. Theys - 1772, 177$, 178$Alpia�e Drive 6. Everett-2834 Snowberry Drive '7. Dauphinais-Parcel D, Lionsxidge Subdivision, 3rd Filing 8. Red Sandstone Elementary 9. Lodge at Vail - 174 E. Gore Creelc Drive 10. Tarevina LP- 143 E. Meadaw Drive 11. Gazioglu - 3120 Boa#h Falls Court 12. RAD -4�475 Gl�n Falls Lane . Drivers: Randy and Jim . :7 1. Dauphinais-Moseley-Parcel D landscaping amendment and new fence. JC Parcel D, Lionsridge Subdivisioz�,3rd Filing Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTIQN: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Appro�ed with condifions. 2, Red Sandstone Elemetary-Conceptual review af regraded p�ayground with a RS series of retaining walls. 551 N. Frontage Road West(no legal) - Applicant: .Anne-Mari� Sanders for Eagle Caunry School District M4TION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review- r�o vote taken. � . 3. Palice Addition- Screens for rootop mechanical equipment MM/JC 75 S. Frontage Road Applicant: 7eff Layrnan,Vail Police Department MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Waldriah VOTE: 4-0 Approved amended application. 4. RAD Four LLC -Conceptual review of a new singie farnily residence. LW 4475 Glen Falls LanelLot 7, Black 1,Forest Glen Suhdivisian. Applicant: Ron Ri1ey MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: Conceptual review-no vote taken. S. Gazioglu-Remod�l and addition. GR 3�20 Booth Falls CourtlLot 7, Block 2,Vail Village 12#h Fiiing. Appiicant: Gazi Gazioglu represen�ed by Peter Koiiopoulos M�TION: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Approved with oRe condition. fi. Theys-Conceptual Re�iew of 3 primary resid�nces. GR ! 1772, 1775 & 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11 & 12,Vail Village West lst Filing Applicant: Theys MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review anly- no vote taken. 7. Lodge at Vail-�nterr�atianal Wing- Construction of a new wing to the Lodge at AK Vail including lodge roorns, conference space, and one condorninium. 174 E Gore Creek I?rive/Lodge at VaillLots A,B, C,Block SC,Vail Village First Applicant: Lodge at Vail MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review anly-no vote taken. S, The Ruins-Final review of 30 dwelling unit condorninium building. AK 1325 Westha�en DrivelArea A, Cascade Village SDD Applicant: Gerald Wherman MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 3-A Approved. � � . ' r 9. Cascade Club-minor SDD amendment to add space to tt�e Vail Physical . Therapy clinic and to add an aerobics room.. AK 1295 Westhaven Drive/Area A, Cascade Village SDD#4 Applicant: L-O '�]'est�aven, Ina MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. . 10. Lifthouse Lodge-Repainting of b�il.ding exterior. fC S55 E. Lianshead Circic/Lot 3, Block 1,Vail Lionshead lst Fil�g. Applicant: I'acky Walker, for Liftt�ouse Lodge Condo Association MOTI4N: Brainerd SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 4-4 Consent approved, 11. Lifthouse Lodge- Additian of disability access ramp. 7C 555 E, Lionshead Circle/Lot 3,B1ock l,Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant: Galan Aasland representing Bob Lazier MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 Approved with minor modi�cat�ons. . 12, Everett-Request to separate a prirnary/secondary residence. JC 2834 Snowberry Drive/Lot 18A,Block 9,Vail�ntermounta,in. Applicant: Ed E�erett � MOTiON: Brainerd �ECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 Request denied. 13. Trevina LP-Repainting of Crossroads East and West buildings. RS 143 East Meadow DrivelLat P,Block SD,Vail Village First Fi1:�g. Applicant: Steve Stafford,managing agent MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Waldrich VOTE: �-0 Tabled�ntil May 17, �995 rneeting. 14. Trevina LP - Interior t�nant finish and new s�orefront(old Verbatim Baokstore location} RS 141 E Meadow Dr,#B0711Crossroads Shopping Center/Lot P, Block SD, Vai�Village ls�Filing. Applican�; Ste�e�tafford,managing agent for Alpine Bank MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. � 3 15. Cunningham- Conceptual review of new primary/secondary�residence. RS � 1319 Greenhill CourtJLot 24, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Michael Lau�erbach representing Barry Cunr�ngham MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review or�ly�no vote taken. 16. Halverson-Request to sepaxate a primary/secondary residence. JC 95 Forest Road/Lot 32,Black 7, Vail Village lst Filing Applicant: Thar Halverson MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled ta June 7, 1995. �, 17. Town af Vail-Pulis Bridge Reconstrt�ction � LW Vail Va11ey Drive and South Frontage Road Applicant: Town of Vail TABLED TO 5117195 m r Pr n • Members Absent: Sally Brainerd Sob Borne Mike Arnett . Greg Maffet Ha.ns Woldrich �TAFF APPRO_T` ALS Kenny's Double Diamond-Re�no�e wall and change interior lighting. LW 520 Lionshead Ciarcle/Lot 5, Block 1, Lionshead First�'ilin�;/L,ionshead Cen�er Buiiding. Applicant: Chris Meister for Kenny's Doubie Diamond Coldstream Condominiums-remodel of paving areas,motor court, tandscaping. RS 1300 Westhaven Drive/Coldstream Condominiums. Applicant: Stsve Buccino, Land Designs by Ellison for Coldstream Cando Association Cormacic- Interior Remodel. L� 1660 Sunburst Dr., Building D,Unit#13/Vail Golfcourse Townhornes Applicant: Craig Cormack Lohre Resid�nce-Changes to pxeviausly approved plans. � 1300 Westhaven Cr./Lot 25, Glen Lyan Applicant: John O. Lohre . 4 ,� , a �� May- Changes to previously approved plans. �C . 1119 Ptarmigan Rd./Lot 6 & %z of 5, Vail Village 7th Filing Applicant: Paula May White-Minor residential alteration. RS 1255 Westl�aven Cr.ILot 45, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Jim&Linda.White Sundial Townhome Association-Repaint of exterior of ail buildings at Sur�dial. AK 5040 Main Gore Place/Sundial Townhomes. Applicant: Mark Mathews,managing agent Berman-Replace and enlarge the deck. LW 933 Red Sandstone Road, #S/Cot�anwood Park Townhomes. Applicant: Baxbara Berman Wilroy-Remove walls to change b offices into 3 offices. GR � 61b West Lionshead Circle/Concert Hall Pla,za Building. Applicant: Bob Borne Ford Park Tennis Center-Landscaping improvements. � 700 S. Frontage Road/Ford Park � Applicant: Vail Recreatian District Kirby Adams�Pool repa�r. � 75$ Pota�o PatchlLot 5, Block 2, Vail Patato Patch Applicant: Kirby Adams Ackern�an-Changes to previously appraved landscape plans. � 716 Forest Road/Lat 10, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Laura Nash . Cohen- Interior 25Q GRFA. LW 400 Vail Valley Drive/Tyrolean Condos Applicant: Frank Cohen Adams - Extension of previous approval. JC 114 E. Willow Road,Unit 755IRiva Ridge South Condas , Applican#: Bob Adams Metzger-Extensian of previous approval. 1C 114 E. Willow Road,Unit 754/Riva Ridge South Condos App�icant: Maxk Metzger � � Clock Tower Buildiug-Ore House deck lighting plan RS � 232 Bridge Stree�ICCI Applicant: Larry Anderson, Ore House� Coldstream Condo Rehab R� 1476 Westhaven Dr. Applicant: Coldstream Condo Assoc. ' Sky High Condo Association- stair and wail repair Lw . 2448 Garmisch/Lat 45, Block G, V�.il Das Schone Applicant: Sky High Conda Assoc. STAFF DENIAL,S Koenig- T�mporary site developmcnt GR 795 Potato Patch Drive/La�26, Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Sub. Applicant: Gary Koenig � ST.AFF DENIED .. � � PUBLfC NOTICE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the �esign Review Board o#the Town of Vail wEli hold a public � hearing on May 3, 1995 at 3:OQ p.m. in the Town of 1�ai{ Mur�icipai Bu[Iding. Lodge at Vail - Internationai W�ng - Construction af a r�ew wing to the Ladge at AK Vail including todge rooms, confer�nce s�ace, and one condominiurn. 174 E Gore Creek DrivelLodge at Vail Applicant: � Lodge at Vaii Everett- Request to s�parate a primarylsecandary residence. �� 2834 Snawt�erry Drive/Lot 18A, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. App�icant: Ed E��rett Lifthouse Lodge - Repainting of building exterior. JC 555 E. �io�shead CircfelLat 3, Black �, Vail I�ionshead 1st Filing. Ap�licant: Packy Walker Trevina LP - Repainting of Crossroads East and West buildings. RS 143 East Meadow DrivelLot P, Bloc#c 5D, Vail Villag� First Filing. Applicant: 5teve Stafford, managing agent Trevina �.P - lnterior tenant fir�ish and new windaw. R5 14� E Meadow Dr, #8071/Crossroads St�opping Center/�ot P, Block 5D, Vail Village ist Filing. Applicant: Steve Stafford, managir�g ag�nt � Gazioglu - Remodel and additior�. GR 3120 Booth Falls Court/�ot 7, Blocic 2, Vail Viilage 12th FiEing. AppEica�t: Gazi Gaziogl� represer�ted by Peter Kotiopolous ' The Ruins - Fina! r�view ofi a 30 dweiling unit candom�nium building. AK f 325 Westhaven Dri�elArea A, Cascade Village SDD. Applicant: Gerald Whesman Cascade Club- S�D minor amendment. � AK �29�Westhaven Drive/Area A, Cascade Village 5D�_ Applicant: L-O Enterprises RAD Four LLC - Canceptual review of a new s9ngae family residence. LW �475 Glen �aNs Lane/Lot 7, Bfock 1, Forest Glen SuL�division. � Applicar�t: Ror� RiEey Vifla Cortina- Trash enclosure roo#. GR � 22 West Meadow Drive/Lot H, Vail Vilf�ge 2nd Filing� Applicant: Rick Haltermann � Halverson - Request to separate primary/secondary res9dence. JC 95 Forest Road/Lot 32, Block 7, Vaii Village 1 st Fifir�g. � � Applicant: Halverso� � Lifthause Lodge - Addition of disability access ramp. JC 555 E Lfonshead Circle/Lat 3, Block 1, Vail �lonshead 1 st Filing. Applicant: Bob Lazier Cun�ingham - Ganceptual review of new primary/secandary residence. RS 1319 Gree�hill CtJLat 24, Glen Lyon Subdivision Ap�licar�t: Mic�ael l.auterbach representing Barry Cunningham Dauphinais-Moseley- Parcei D landscapir�g am�ndment and new fence. JC Parcel D, Lionsridge Subdivision, 3rd Filing. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais Theys - New prirnarylsecondary resid�nce. GR 17'72, 1778, 1788 Alpine DrivelLats 1 d, 11 & 12, Vail Village West 1 st Filing. Applicant: Theys The applicatians and information about ths proposals are available in th�zoning administrator's office during regular affice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAEL COMMUNITY DEVELOf'M�NT Published in the Vail Trail on April 28, 1995. � �. � ��. - Design Review Ac�ion Form TQWN OF VAIL �ategory Numb�r � Da#e �� '� Project Name: �t�� ..c��l�L�i�'J Building Rlame: .i7 Project Description: � � � � � ,.�.�,�,1 . ��.7�, .��/ .� wner, dr�ss and �none:�l���J_ �L.� `�7r �7 � �1`79-�� Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot f�IU!?' Block�'�� 5ubdivision �ane District f �' Project Street Address: �` .�����t �.� 1! � Comments: . � � • � • � oard taff Action Motion by: __ Vote: �-� Seconded by: ��y,-,���f �App�aval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval. Conditions: _�-L- ,__1�� � ,.r'�-r�_�r�-.�1�",c�� �--,�, � 1._ � __.-,-� _11�t.,�l ._.,a/�c�., �./ "�i� �//�'� Town Planner Da#e: �!��-�'!� • D RB Fee Pre-paid��. �4 � ./ Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL � lCategory Number Date � J � �� Project Name:�� ��-1 1���� ��I���"�}C''�'Z� - — �uildir�g Name: Project Descriptian:� ��-��� ��� � - Owner, Address and Phone: � ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone; Legal Description: Lot B1ock Subdivision Zone Distric# . Praject Street Address:�� Comments: � oar � 4 �� � Motion by:� - Y�/r� Vote: - Seconded by,�-�1 • �pproval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval �,� = YlG� Canditians: - � , `. �.�/�-- Town Planner �,�. �] ..�-r DatE: �� �—t� ��� DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Act�on Form TOIJVN OF VAIL .Category Number !�- Date 'J��' ° � ' � � i �• Project Name:� f--�� a.-��-�-��� � -- — Building Name: Project Description: ' � Owner, Address and Phone: onta , Address and Phone: """ Legal Description: L.ot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: rlS �;_��,�,--��� �.�� - Comments: . Board 1 S#aff Action Motion by: �it..�1:r..a�.� __ Vate: Secondec! by; wd � „�_ �Approval � ❑ �isapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions � ' "" f � ` h. ` A ' h f � \ \ � . ` �,''!.�� ' Town PlannEr Date: 'J� � `3 � � DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Re�iew Actron Form TO1NN 4F VAIL .Category Number Ca Date �a � d � -� Project Nama; �� � � �� � � �� �c -� Building Name: !�'� l �� s!'M C� [rL �`'�� Project Descrip#ion: I`4�2CIt �� T� �.� �- ���'������ ,� t -- ��� � G� a�'`Sr U�I. ^7 �' - Owner. Address and Phone: �� �l%��"'��� �Z� ���! �a`�y ��ov �er�y' ,Dr� 1�� ��. , �� �l'�s� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: ��'�^� `�-� �( ��'�� Legal description: Lo# �� 81ock_�"� Subdi�ision�+� � ��� f�!'� Zone District � � Project Street Address: �`�`�� �/tc�ov � s^�'°' /�I�r � � � C. �SCG�L�@/l C�� ���� t��9 ��-� Comments; 7� SrI1�_� � � Cf�L� (.�rC .S f� �1!��'CDG� C�� �^� � � L�G�--°l� � ��� ,/�� �, R G -�` G�/I� 7�1�'� ��� �6�-C� C� � � cr c � � Baar taff Action Mo#ion by:, ��� ��2 ��'E� Vo#e: � "�� Seconded by: .� � ❑ A raval �sappraval ❑ Staff Approval � Conditions: -� � � �� ,,��_ � � �� �'c ..Q��. � � � � � � � f�� � v '-t� •� r .a I O?T` � l °� G�,�Ic� �(� �i � �'c t,� �-�' C��� ��C �`� �L� � �cP��--e��.�. � r����' �-�� � Ta n Planner �� ��.r Date: � � DRB Fee Prs-paid � � � Design Review Action Form � ��� ��' � -rowN oF vA�� � �ategory I�umber��'/1`�G/ _ �IrC�a.� Date � ,� • 7�rC��� � / �� _ r� � Project Name:,_.Y.l�7/w`'�� �[� ���"'"� ��f� Building Name: �{.:�"d�'�'�i�1!�` �.� - -- Project �escriptian: � '' �.1 , �����s�.--����� � � i�.�� �� , � Owner, Address and Ph ne: '�� ` � � � E � � � ����� � - � � � ' s� # ������� Archite �Con#act, Address and Phone: S .SZ �__..,��'�� __-_— 7 �' C��' �f� � �_ ...__ — — � � Legal Description: Lot^� Black Sr� Subdivisior� Zone Disiric# S�- Project Street Address,J L 7� .� �ruL�d�?�l Comments: . Board 1 Staff Action Motion #�y:__.,�►�__ - Vote: y'"'�� - _- _ Secanded by: ���� - �Appro�al ❑ Disappraval ❑ Staif Approval \ C T� � � Conditions: � � "� �_ � , � 7own Planner ,j ' � DRB Fee Pre- aid'`" � � �?� �ate: N Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number � Date Project Name: ���'� �f � �� ��° � Building Name: ���-� � � �'rI� a°' Project Description: � � ��' �` � � / a �c� �`p [ '�— �� � _.�e�� �� d CO� �-r r�. Ft A,? � � Owner, Address and Phone: �� ��!c9,Al� t vt� � 3'' "� �C��"' ��-�� r: Q, �� �J��.�' , 1� � c'L...- �--� ����� �, ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: ,_ .�`�'�� C{. °��'° � ���°� �R!`�'Q /' • r Legal Desoription: �t � � Block `-�' Subciivision u� � �-r r�r � Zone District � �roject Street Address: 1 � � � /�� �7' �r�t `� �i"�. Comments: � a �� G ` � Board 1 Staff Action � /� � Motion by; � C . e�t'G�d`c��- Vote; � Seconded by: ��t�`� _ � �o�al � /►2�tl�rcR�i�,� `�� �'�e�r�.�G S'v��c�� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staf#Approva! , � � Cor�ditl0�ls: � � � f�t'i��o� � � �' � � C�!hol.l� � �'� . -� o��e �4'� ' �`��.- ��'cG a��� a-� �',e� w � . ��� ����e �°���e�' �-� � � �� c�� � ����� �'-��`°�. � � � � t�� �� � �� �C,�lo� d�� °� �. ������.,� �a C� � � 1 �°i �'"-� ��l°'�r !�. n k �_ L-r'� � r.c�r� , �F�.ed� -��� _ �-e�e �����`� S�`� �G:�r� �-�� �� C�, �, own Planner � �a#e: .� � � DF3B Fee Pre-paid 0��� Desfgn Review Action Form T41NN OF VAI L �ategory Number Date ���'�r.-� Project Name: L ` 4f.��� �� �i �r ����` �1 Building Name; l.. f4��1[��.�� [�-�L q'-{� �Q�c�[�/f� t� �e.P r�t, �' Project Description; !"ic��r'�t��c�T'C� � "�'� �h ��"�T �"' !si ��� ��7���� �C9"�E�� �'C I t�l ic1W �i'GG lry"r'% ��L� .J�°'��1c`h�P �1��1C�E'� �`� ��� �.�..- �`S�t �! �[��'' �G�'��� / `'ti�1 1-� ��`�'� �' �OzS���l�'/ ��' /t`�'�b�if� �f`/1��r�6r(,:..5' Owner, Address and Phone: !� � � �- ArchitectlCon#act, Address and Phone: �`� ��'dl /�G�� ``��� �� 7�- �S���� 7 � �a K� � �',� ��`C�G-� G�EJ, �l���' Aan-F�ra.c�v�� � . /� ...�._ Legal aescription: Lot� Block � Subdivisiort��cxc� �_lfl9�'G.��a' . � f Zone District �c�. Project Street Address: � �— � � � � � Comments: oard taff Action Motion by: � C- � �/l��a���`' Vote: � '°'� Seconded by: C't I J ��m pproval u� Nu�o���'��'��csic� `� �'��1 � �'�� ❑ Qisa�pr�val ❑ Staff Approval . Conditions: � � ��`� � e 7p�C r.v r �i 2 ��C� �m� ��°{�� �"�xar�.,� f�e c�e�5� ��7�,� � �� Cv !`C'w''T� f a til�,.�[ � G� /�.c9..�7°Ca°e- Ltl � w �1�.E�rC+�.�r� �s�rYf ���e��a�C�� �"XS�' ��� �,�� ��L�� �a r�ec� c.��- -e�e�{� U�?�-F,��, C .^ S'c��r�--�3�e� �.���'��f�e���� ���� . . . Town Planner �� Date: o`� g DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAiL �al�gory Number QatE _ l" �a � r.� L `� �--� - Projec# Name: L �r �� d ,�s L.Q � , � .� . � Building Narne: � `I � — /�t�d` �'`�F`C���'� ��� ��� Project Description: Q'l � , - � � � � �� ��n��d� rt7� f+ ��� - Ow�er, Address and P�one: v � _ � I��A �' � � 5'S' � �c� � �c� � � 4 ���'.� Archite Contact ddress and Phone: GL l � � � � � L � �=�-�-��s..e �'.,c�� �-- �--1�C �-- � � �ff� - Legal Description: Lot � Block � S�bdivisionv��l� �� � �i� Zone District �� Project Street Address: 5 �` C�' � - Comments; i _� _ Board Staff Action Motion by, � � � Vote:� �`�� Seconded by: d � ` � �oval ' ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�a! � L � �r Conditions: r � � � � �� �� . . 7 n PEanner �,� Date: S � ` -� DRS Fee Pre-paid �� Design Review Ac�ion Form TQWN OF VAIL .Category Number � � Dat� � � �� Project Name: ,�,a 1�-c� � @ --� Building Name: _Invl,ns�(�d._r�c�,T� � t� • C�n °'� � � Project Description: �� 1-f3.� � `1 `S � 1��,, (�-����=P�3-. Owner, Address and Phone:��.ru�-� �V`' '"� �"-^� � -- - -- ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �_.�__.�u �"�t�... �lt.�.�.e.-✓i w��� � Legal Description: Lot Block � SubdivisEan Zone Distr�ct � Project Street Address:�. 1 `���` ��•� �-a-� �-�� n��- Comments: i Board 1 Staff Action Motion by. � Vote: �'� D �—',� Seconded by,_.,_�"��-d _ . �Ap�roval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Canditions: � v a' � � ' u..G d r'L1.t...31�+`CGS `'J� �� ���� C�G ��' ��` ��r,�._�—�"1 z-2����- __ �,,�� ��.-dV.� �.s � F ��.�� . -- Town Planner � Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paid `F� �� � ! � e t DESIGN REVIEW SOARD AGENDA � Wednesday,May 17, 1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION 11:04 AM SITE VISITS 1:U0 PM 1. Crossroads - 143 E. Meadow Drive 2. Ho�ey- 1339 Westhaven C�rcle 3. Cunningk�am- 1319 Greenhill Court 4. Hitt/Mehler- 1717 Geneva Drive 5. Ros�n- 1722 Geneva Drive 6. Hackman-2801 Snowberry Drive 7. Schmidt- I4i0 Buffehr Creek Road 8. Dauphinais- 1824 Glacier Court 9. Vi�la Cartina- 22 West Meadow Drive 10. Byrne - 126 Forest Road 11. Gartons - 143 E. Meadow Drive 12. Tohnson- 375 Mill Creek Circle Drivers: George &Lauren � 1. Town of Vail - Pulis Bridge �W South Fror�tage Raad and Vai1 Valfey Dr. Ap�licant: Town af Vail MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 4-0 Approrred with Conditions 2. Trevina L.F. -Repaint Crossroads Center(Both buildings) RS 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P. Block 5D,Vail Village 1 st Filing Applican#: Steve Stafford far Crossroads Condo & Comm�rcial Assoc MOTION:. Brainerd S�COND: Woldric� VQTE: 4-0 Appro�ed 3. Gartons Corral and Sign applications RS 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block SD, Vail Village 1 st Filing Applicant: Dave Garton/Garton's Bar&Gri11 MOTI�N: Brainerd SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 3-� (Woldrich dissEnting) Corral-Ap�ror►ed Signs-Appro�red with Conditians � . � 4. Haagen Dazs - Sign Application L1N 141 East Meadow Driv�ICrossroads Appiicant: Rick A�mas MOTlON: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Consent Appro�ed 5. Cunningham-new PrimarylSecondary Residence RS 1319 Greenhill Courk/Lot 24,Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Barry Cunningham MOTI4N: Brainerd SEC�ND: Woldrich VOTE:4-0 Tabled to 6117195 6. Viila Cortina Trash Enclosure GR 22 West Meadow DrivelLot H, Vai! Village 2nd Appiicant: Rick Haltman MOTION: Brainerd S�COND: Woldrich VOT�: 4-0 Approved with Cortditions 7. Hilb - Change to appro�ed Plans GR 4D40 North Frontage RoadlLot 3, Pi#kin Creek Tawnhomes . App[iGant: Dave Hilb MOTION: Brainerd SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Cans�nt A�pro�ed- One Condition 8. ,lohnson Residence -change to previously approved plans GR 375 Mill Creek Circle/Lot �7, Block 1, Vail Village 1 st Fi�ing Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg representing the owners MOTION: Brainerd S�COND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-Q Consent Appro�e�ci- One Condition 9. Schmidt- Conceptual review of new seco�dary u�it and addition to ��1 primary unit using an additiona] 250 sq.ft. GRFA allotment t410 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot G1, Lionsridge Filing #2 A�plicant: Leroy Schmidt MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: No Vote- Conceptual �0. Byrne - conceptual review of a new primary/seco�dary witf� a� EHU LW 12S Forest RnadlLat 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: Ron Byrne MOTIQN: SECOND: VOTE: � No Vote- Concep#ual 2 r � 4 � . 11. Hackman - Conceptual review nf a r�ew single family residence LW 2801 Snowberry Drive/Lot 9, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Patricia and David Hackman MOTION� SLCOND: VOT�. No Vote- Conceptual 12. Rosen - Conceptual review of a new primarylsecondary residence GR 1722 Geneva Drive/Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: Rick Rosen MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: No Vote- Conceptual 13. Dauphinais-Masefey- Conc�ptual design of a new primarylsecondary resid�nce GR 182� Glacier CourtlLot 2D, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing #3 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: SECOND: VQTE: No Vote- Conceptual 14. Havey - Canceptual review of a n�w singie family res�dence LW 1339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyon Subdivision Appiicant: Charaes and Nancy Hovey � MOTION: SECON�: VOTE: No Vate- Conceptua! 15. HittlMehler - New Duplex reside�ce �W 17�7 Geneva Drive/Lat 8A, Matterhorn Village Subdivision Appficant: Dennis & Debbie Mehler and Gridget & Farraw Hitt MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: No Vote- Conceptua! -- 16. Ganter - Additian and deck, stairs, and hat tub �� 2427 W. Chamonix, #11Lot 22, Block A, Vail Das ScF�one Filing #1 Appticant: Judy Ganter MOTION: SEC�ND: VOTE: TABLED INDEFINITELY Staff A,��rovals Coldst�e�m Candominiums - Paint & move existing s�gn and reda entryway RS �47G Westhaven Drive/Caldstream Condominiums Applicant: Colstream Condominium Association � F:IEVERYONEIDRBIAGENDAS1051595 3 � � iy . Langenwafter/Cler►eland -Ad�ition GR 2586 Arasa DrivelLot 1, Block D,Vail Ridge Subdi�ision AppIIG�►1t; Kathy L��ger�walter and Dick CIe�eGand S�eatns/0'Laughlin-Minor window/doar changes. � 4708 Meadow Dr.Bighorn Townhames,Unit A-4 Applican#: Sid Schul#z Helipad-Tamprove existing helipad site. � '15 S Frontage Rd/LTnplatted parcel,Munici�al Aunex Applicant: Todd Oppenhei�ner Rembert- 2SOGRFA addition. � 1547 Springhili Ln/Lot 2,Block 3,Vail Valley 2nd Filing Applicant: Frank Rembert Swartz Residence - addition of two windaws JC 1106 Hornsilver/Lot 9, Block 6,Vail Vaillage 7th A�plicant: Allen&Kathy Swartz Golden Peak House -Rooftop rr�echanzcal screeninglrailing detail � 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlLots A, � & C, Block 2,Vail Villag�First � Applican�: Lee Neeley, Snowden&Hopkins Jahn's Deck Encloswre-Enslosure af e�sting decks totalling 248 s.f. GR 3094 Booth Falls Road Applicant: Gordon Rowe Conneliy Re roaf-Replace wood shake shingles with asphalt shingles �C 4238 Nugget Lane Applicant: Michael Cannelly Indian Creek Building#1 -Numerous minor changes to previously aproved Jc plans {fenestration,mater�a�s,mass, etc.} 1139 Sandstone Dr. Applicant: Mike Lauterbach Caste�r R�sidence -Add stone�eneer over existing lower level stucco RS trim&deck rails ta match ather half of duplex; remove window&replace with slider, add trellis, add landscaping 2375 Bald Mountain Road Applicant: Ben Agu�iiar � F:ISVERYONRIURBIAC�SNDA51051795 4 PUBLIC NOTICE • NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the Design Review Bnard af the Town of Vail will hald a public #�earing on May 17, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. D�uphinais-Moseley - New PIS resid�nce at Lot 20, 1824 Glacier Ct. GR t 82�4 Glacier Courd�.ot 20, Block 2, Lior�sridge Fifing#3 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais Ho�ey- Canceptual revi�w of a New Single family residence ��1 1339 Westhave CirclelLot 23;Glen Lyon Applicant: Charles and Nancy Hovey 5chmidt- Conceptual review of new secondary unit and additior� to LW primary unit using an additional 250 sq.ft. GRFA �41 Q Buffehr Cre�k RoadlLot Gi, Lionsridge Filing #2 Applicant: Leray Schmidt by Eric Johnson Hackman - Conceptual review of a new single family residence �� 2801 Snowberry DrivelLot 9, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Patricia and David Hackman Johnson Residence -change ta previously appro�ed plans GR 375 Mil1 Creek CirclelLot 17, Black 1, Vail Village ist Fil9r�g Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg • HittlMehler - Conceptual re�iew of a new primary/secandary residenc� �W 1717 Geneva DrivelLot 8A, Matterhorn Village Subdivision Applicant: Dennis & Debbie Mehler and Gridget& Farrow Hitt Goldstream Con�ominiums - Paint& move existing sign and redo entryway R5 1476 Westhaven DrivelColdstream Condomini�ms Applicant: Colstream Condomin9um Assaciation Rosen - Conceptual review af a proposed primarylsecondary residence GR Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: Rick Rosen Ganter - Addition and deck, stairs, hot tub JC 2427 W. Chamonix, #11L.ot 22, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing#1 Applicant: Judy Ganter Vikla Cortina Trash Enclasure GR 22 West meadow DrivelLat H, Vail Village 2nd Applicant: Ric�c Haltman Byr�e -conceptual review of a new primarylsecandary residence with a Type II EHU LW Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st, 126 Forest Road Applicant: Ran Byrne • � Haagen Dazs - Sign Applicatian �W . �41 East Meadow DrivelCrossraads Shopping Center-West Building Applicant: Rick Almas Tow� of Vai[ - Pulis Bridge �W South Frantage Road and Vaif Valley Dr. Applicant: Town af Vail The applications and infarmatior�about the pro�osals are available in the zaning administrator's office during regular office �ours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trai! an May 12, 1995. • • Design Rerriew Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number � Date � �� Praject Name: Building Name: � Praject Description: =�✓� � .�� �,.,�1 .�. � •.1'�,��1 ;�tl�._....._ - - -n �.r_�iL�-r�—,-*,�[.-�----�, Owner,Address and Phone: i� / , l � Archite ontac Address and Phone: ���1 �.�.--,� Ln._c.� [f_�r L..s ���so��u� �77 ,d..�� �'�7 Y�a..�.�� ..� /�� �.z� , �C.c�.�� �.�_� �/�7�] E.egal Descri�tion: Lot,__Z Block� Subdivision \,/.�/. /��' Zor�� DistrEct � Project Street Address: 3l�-[�� ��r�.�,_,f_� ��_ Camments: � TL�_� ,l'�r!-�i �+f! ��.�'� .��n��Z,r,J �B�O �J� n� � • -- - - - , � Board / taff Action Motion by:_ Vote: 'J Seconded by: yl' � _ [�Approval/�f ,�� � � � �� /� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al Condition ` L� L- /�'i.�.�. f" _...,,;�-��....� �.�sn,��C � CJ���.� y � - ,..."�../°� �� .--rt— �"own Planner � � � Date: _�I�'i I9� DRS Fee Pre-paid � Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL lCategory Number �� Date �/�/�� , ._ Project Name: � ' � BuiEding Name: � Project Description: �.. �'�a�.-a-�-�, -� �•�... � � � �° �,� ,d_. Owner,Address and Ph ne: Archite ontac Address and Phone: �/�-,.-�,�� � C.��-�._ '�C;)� ��.e�( ,�f��7 � �„L�� �c� �� �� Legal Description: L.ot Block Subdi�ision Zone Distric# Project Street Address: Comments: i � Boar Staff Ac�i�, Motion by: Vate: Seco�ded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval �Staff Approval _ Conditions; ��--��� ���� rrY�,� -�n�-�,.-.r��l-.� . � �T � �� � ���� .__._-. Town Planner Date: I�I� DRB Fee Pre-paid �/. �� Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL � r a3Egory Numbe� " .� • . Date �1� � ��a.�� � _�� � Project Name: J� J' �//�- ` Building Name: -- --- � �... � � 1 Project Descripti�n: � ..�'C'� 17,J�� ,.� � C�2 D�►�t -f�., I�'�1��ia.-�v�l �� ���- �� ` � ,J r Owner, Address and Phone: x � �0��� a —<</� �r ���.��—,��� �' �`��,�7 Architect/Contact, Address an� Phone: �C f /il������`�d'f' � � ���-.� - � � � L.egal �escription: Lot� Block�. Subdivision � � Zane District ��� Projec#Street Address:_�� �� ___� �► ��� Commenis: Board 1 Staff Act�on Motian by:����-t-�� � Vote: "� Seconded by: L./d"L�""��� �'Approval ❑ Disappra�al ❑ Staff Approvai Conditions: P d�' /' d B " ��,� � ti tiifil�� - _ � C'�.� ��--_ a,.� .�.�e-- �+.��_���``_�1-C.. -- __ �c�1� " r s own Planner Date: �f �¢ � I � _ DRB Fee Pre-paid � � s��� � —� Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL SCategory Number _ r Date ��� ��7� Projec#Name: � Building I�ame: Project Description:_� ��t S�7``tz.l� G"f" k{�`T` �t...���'�, ��. --��`�--� Owner,Address and Phone,_..� �l� �--�1131v�'�' _ ArchitectlCantact, Address and Phone: 1�iLL /�t'_tC-�-i'1'L.�k�.} _�.� /�t--eA�74-�v��- ��" ���rU sf�#►lT Cn_ �kc:.� � � °f Z n�� Lagal Description: �ot �.- Block�_ Subdiv�s�on a�� If�L�Yk�'� � one District ProJect Street Address: ��� '�o�L�5'� � Comments: • Board 1 Staff Action Motion #�y: Vote; Seconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval �j Staff Approvaf . / ` Conditions: � 1��.�� . �fown Planner Qate: � Gl DRB �ee Pre-paid � � � � � �� Design Review Ac�ion Form TOIJVN O F VAI L .Category Number Date ���/� Project Name:� `?'Y1-��--,.� � � ,� -.,�- ��'� -;.�7 , Building Name: �� ,�� �� —_, Project Description: ��"�era� L-� �-� �� , � Qwner, Address and Phone: -� .� - - �••-�--a . `��-.----�, Archite ontact Address ar�d Phone: �i ,,Q,��T�' i _ ��. �_/�/7 . � Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivisio � Zo�e Distric# Project Street Address; 9 'J Comments; � Boar Staff Action Motion by: Vate: Seconded by: ❑ Approvaf ❑ Disappro�al �Stai#Appraval Conditions: =� � �. � _, Town Planner /� �'iu Date: S DRB F�e I're-paid.mm�(� _.,o� �,/ Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number �1T Date �/ � �/�7� �, Project Name: �rv�dd.�a�� lr� � �,�� �/�,�T_1�,..-�-z...o .._,.�. 8uilding Name: ,�.�i/i� ��--�• ... ........ ...._.-. Project Description: . . Owner, Address and Phone: Architec ontact ddress and Phone: =c'�✓Y7 ��...���..r_._.....����. ��� i �'�� , ..C�.�N� _ J(X�1� �'S�!'� .� �cs� ����'��, �Ui� Legaf �7escription: Lot� Black 8ubdivis9on � � � Zane District � Project Street Address:_ ��� �7'Y7_:1� [��,,��'�.� _ Comments: • Board 1 taff Action Motion by. ' ,� vote: '�� Seconded by: `�Approvai �'C�r'�ac,/S / � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �'7��J �2Q��� 111�! ��P � �/JL , ,-.-r ,�!'7�lJ r3,� ^--�j��S�JiCI L��' ' � . � rl.�,�. '��..� - -- Towro Planner Date: ���',� _. DRB Fee Pre-paid L-L.i, �� � Design Re�iew Action Form T41NN OF VA!L �ategory Number / Date / � Project Narne: y � Building Name: � � � Project Description: .�t_��,L�.�s%`7.., r� . / _�f�c�,�6..[..�; �7 � r r r � Owner, Address and Phone: , - L,II/� �,/s)_�Yg„ /�f]✓YL�-l�i� -�[s�r�c�✓cNC,TJ w Archite ontact ddress and Phone: ��./ f l �,u.e�-�-�•-�.,-�� � � Legal Description: Lot }-� Block � Subdi�ision�J,.�� LL.�.L.����,.,_`��Zone Dis#rict ��_ Project Street Address: �Z �.1�.� '�'1'L�—__.,L�A . �__-��c�� _ Comments: . a . � , . G✓ � / I Board 1 S#aff Action Motion by:��� � � � __ Vote• �/[) Seconded by: ❑ Appro�al ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Appro�al Conditions: �d E � /� ,,.., . L..�, �._,_,,t � �v ✓, �. _�...-� �Zi ,G�,c�� �,. �� ��. � .` �, � �., / �.�.�.,a Town Planner Date: ��1�7'�S �RB Fee Pre-paid ��• �a Design Review Acfion Form T�1NN O F VAI L � � �ategary Numbe������r ��Ct� ____ Date ��,�.�� �f� r �Project EVame; Building Name: � ' � Project Description: � +� � � l�� ��.xY- i7�1�/�.d'�1' Owner, Address and Phone: C�c�-!/� �� ��`���� �'a,e` ��� f�� �'�`` �l��r'�" Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: i.ot�, Block,�,5� Subdivision ��� �J� Zone �istrict ���= Project Street Address:�.� _� ����Z✓�� Comrr�ents: �, !Y - � � 4v�7�" �`7"Y � Y � a � r � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: �'`"''� Vote: `"W� Secanded by:._���� '1�f'Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Stai#Approval Conditions: �'�'�� ����"�`"�P �`''f� ��s���'.� �� �� P� ��� /,� � �—� r ' p� e ��- �S" '~ �� �C"��� �� ��� �d'�� _ � r �1�-,,..e._ . �t.� ���,/ �` '�' '' � � ��� ° Town Planner Date: _ � r �r �� DRB Fee Pre-paid �� � .� S �P.Ui�/ Design Rerriew Action Form TOINN OF VAl L �ategary Numberr � _.� �ate �J �� �� __ Project Name:���.!L'1 l��l�-� ��%'S1�"l - -- _ �fJ �', Building Name: _��/���5�1�a[.[S��'"� -� Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:� ���� i`c G��_.�(� ,���C���" �-�tl ;�.�c? . Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: � ,. Lagal Description: Lot Biock Subdivision � .�i]�r DEStt'ICf Praject Street Address: ������ • � 1 ' Comments: Board Mation by: � � ��� Vote: � � , Seconded �y: ❑ Ap�roval C �. �Y1,� ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval , Conditians: ' a�,��,r�- f� _ � - Town Planner Date: __ �''�� � L� _ DRB Fee Pre-pai�� '�v ' .-.r . . a � r DESIGN RE�IEW BOARD AGENDA '4'�'ednesday,June 7, 1995 . � �:04 P.M. � 10:40 AM PROJECT ORIENT,�TIQN SITE VISITS 12:00 PM 1. WestStar Bank- 108 S. Frontage Road West � 2. Vail International -300 E. Lianshead Cixcle 3. Marriatt Vail Resort- 71S W. Lionshead Circle 4, 0'Neill- 1385 Westhaven Drive 5. Rosen- 1722 Geneva Dm�e • b. VdestStar Bank-21�1 N. Frontage Road 7. Pitcher- I555 Aspen Ridge Road 8. Lat 24, Gtaciex Court- 1824 Glacier Caurt . 9. Vail Valiey Foundation,Ford Amp�itheater- 5�0 Vail Valley Drive i 4. Wimer- 2860 West Aspen Lane I 1. Jessops- 3025 Booth Falls Road �2. Swartz- 1106 Homsilver I3. WestStar Banlc- 302 Hansen Ranch Road 14. FirstBank of Vail -244 Wall Street 15. Krismar- 100 E. Meadow Dri��e 16. Halvorson - 95 Forest Road � _. Drivers: Gearge & Randy 1. Krismar- Sign Ap�licatior� GR 10D East Meadow ��ive/Village fnn Plaaa-Phase III Applicant: �arry Ast MOTION: S. Brainer� SECOND: G. Moffet VOT�: �-0 CONSENT APPROVED W/CONDIT�ON 2. Garton's - Changes to approved plans for Outdoar Deck RS �43 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block SD, Vai�Village lst Filing Appiicant: Dave GartQn MOTI�N: S. Brainerd SEC4ND: G. Moffet V4TE: 4-4 . CONSENT APPROVED WICONDITI�N 3. VaiE Valley Foundation -Ford Amphitheater fence. GR 540 Vail Valfey DrivelGerald R. Ford Amphithea#er AppEicant: John Garr�sey for Va+l Valley Foundation M4TlON: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Mof#et VOTE:4-0 � CONSENT APpROVED WlCONDITION ' . � . , 4. Red Sandstone Efementary School - Retaini�g Walls an� playground equipment. RS '" 55� Narth Frontage Road/Red 5andstone Elemer�tary School Appficant: Ann Marie Sar�d�rs, Princi�al for �iSES MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-0 � C4NSENT APPROVED � 5. WestStar Bank- Sign Application. RS 108 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 2, A r�suE�division of Part of Lot D, Vai[ VilEage 2nd Filing Applicant: Beth Go1de, 11ice President . MOTION: S. Brain�rd SECOND: G. Moffet V�T�: 4-0 CONS�NT APPRaVE� 6. Wes#Siar Bank- Sign Applicatian. � RS . 2111 N. Frontag� Raad, Vail Das 5chone 3rd Filing Appl€cant: Beth Golde, Vice President MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE:�4-D CONS�NT APPROVED 7ti WestStar Bank- Sign Applicatior�. RS 3Q2 Hanson Ranch Road, �ot I, B1ock 5A, Vail Village �stfiling Applicant: Beth Golde, Vice President M4TION: S. Brainerd SLCOND: G. Moifiet VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APQR�VED � 8. Golden Peak Hause - Ma�i#ications to ap�raved plans. MM � 278 Hanson Ranch RaadlLats A, �, C, Black 2 and Tract E, Va�l Village 1s# �iling � Applicant: GPH Partners, �td. M�TION: B. Borne SECOND: H. Woldrich VOT�: 5-0 APPROVED WICONDITIQNS 9. Vaif fnternatiar�af - re-roof ap�roxirnat�ly 713 of roaf area. RS 30� E. Lianshead CirclelLot 4, Vail �.ior�shead 2r�d Filing , Applicant: Snowden Smith for Vail lnternat9onal Cor�do. Assoc�ation MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: H. Woldrich V�TE: 5-0 APPROVED WlCONE7['F[�NS 10. Marriott Vail Resart- Repair�t of Buildir�g. GR 715 W. L�ionshea� CircEelLats 4,7,C & D, Block 1, Lionshead Applicant: Argyle Read MO�ION:- �.-Borne -S�COND: G. Maffet .VOT�: 5-0 . .�� APPROVED W17 CON�ITiON �1. Lot 20, Glacier Court- �9na1 R�view of PlS. GR 1824 Glacier Court/ Lot 20, glock 2, Liansridge 3rd F91ing Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOT�: 5-D � APPROVED W12 CONDIT�ONS 2 _., , . . �. . .� i 2. Wimer - 250 GR�A application. GR � (2850) 2860 W Aspen �anelLot 17, Unit B, Vail Village i ith Filing Ap�licant: Frankiin and �oyce Wimer MOTION: 5. Brainerd SECON�: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-0 � TABLE� UHTIL 6121195 13. Cunningham - Final review of new du�lex. RS 1319 Greenhill CourULot 24, Gfen Lyort Subdivision � , Applicar�t: Barry Cunningharn M0710N: S. Brainer� SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: �4-0 CONS�NT APPROVED 14. Mant De Neige Holdings (Jessops Residence) - change ta approved plans RS 3425 Booth Falls Raad/�ot 14, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing Ap�ficant: Galen Aasland far Tor�yJessop M0710N: S. Brai�erd SECOND: G. Moffei VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED . 15. Vail Valley Cor�sofidate� Water Distr9ct -Water pump station at Dowd J�nction. RF Applicant: Vaii VaEley Cansolidate� Water �istrict MOTiQN: B. Bome SECOND: S. �rainerd VOTE: 5-4 COURTESY REV�EW 16. Schmidt- New Secondary residence and 250 addition to primary uni#. �-�1 1410 Buifehr Creek RoadlLot 6, �.ions Ridge Filing #2 � AA�licant: �eroy Schmidt MOTION: B. Borne SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: 5-0 � APPR�VED 17. HitUMehler- New Duplex residenee. , LW 1717 G�neva Drivel�ot 8A, Matterhorn Vil�ag� Subdivision Applicar�#: Dsnnis & Debbie Mehier and Gridget& Farrow Hitt MOTiON: B. Borne SECOND:, G. Ma#fet VOTE: 5-0 APPROV�D W/CONDITIONS 18. Hackman - Review of a new single famify residence. �W ' 280� Snowberry Drive/Lot 9, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Appl9cant: Patricia and David Hackman MOTION: B. Borne S�COND: G. Moffet V�TE: 5-0 TABL�D UNTIl, �121/95 ;19. Hovey- Rev�ew of a �ew sir�gle family residence. �W t339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Gfen Lyon Subdivision A�plicant: Charles and Nancy Hovey MOTiON: B. Borne SECOND: S. Brainerd VOTE: 5-D � APPROVED 3 20. Pitcher - Canceptual Review of secondary unit. G� `� 1555 Aspen Ridg� Road/Lat 3, Block 4, Lionsridge �iHng #3. � Applicant: Thomas Pitcher MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONC�PTUAL- NO VOTE � 21. Rosen - Conceptual revEew of site plan anly. GR �722 Geneva DrivelLot 1Df Matterharn Viflage Appficant: R�ck Rosen . MOTIDN: S�COND: VOTE: TABLE� UNTiL 812�195 22. Byrne - f�evisw of a new primarylsecondary with an EHU. LW i2� �orest RoadlLot 5, Block 7, Vai! Village is# �iling A�plicant: Ron Byrne MOTION: B. Bor�e SECON�: S. Brainerd V07E: 4-0 (Moffet abstained) APPROVED 23, Riley- New Singie �amily. LW 4475 Gler� Falis E.anelE.at 7, Forest Glen Applicant: Ror� RiEey MOTION: S. Brainerd SEC�ND: B. Bome VOTE: 5-0 APPROV�D WICONDITION 24. O'Neill - New Primary/Secondary Residence. �W 1385 Westhaven Drive/Lot 5�, Glen Lyon Subdivision. � Applicant: Patricia O'Neill MOTION: S�COND: VOTE: C�NCEPTUAL- NO VOTE TAK�N 25. Theys - �inal Review o#Two 5ingle-Farnily Residences. GR i 2 Vai! Vi11� e West 1 st �ilin t788,i778 Alp9ne Drive/Lofs 111 , g 9 Applicant; Sally Brain�rd ' MOTION: B. Barne SECOND: H. Wold�ich V01'E: 4-�-1 {Salfy abstained) , APpROVED WICONDfT�ONS 26, Halvorson - Reqttest for approval ta separate Primary/Secondary units. JC 95 �orest RaadlLot 32, Block 7, Vail Village 7t� Fifing Applicant: Thar Halvorson MOTION: 5. Brainerd S�COND: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-1 �Borne Dissented) . APPROVED ' � JC 27. �irstBank of Vail - Naw ATM mach9ne. ' ifEa e 1 st FiNn 24�4 Waq Street 1 A part of Block 5C, Va�l V g 9 Applicant: FirstBank of Vail 1 Blanche Hill MOTiON: S. Brainerd SECOND: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-p CONSENT APPROVED � ' 4 q, . .:. � : 28. Swartz - Deck and �at tub addition. �� a i i 06 Hornsilver/Lot C, Biock 6, Vail Vipage 7th Fi[ing MOTIQN. S. Brainerd SEC�ND: G. Moffet VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROV�D � fitaff �roval S . Fard-E�terior��Vall LW 2765 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 4, Block 2,Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Rob Ford Adams-A�inor Residence AIteration R� 706 W. �or�st Raad/Lot 4, Block b,Vail Village 6th Filing Applicant: Nancy Adarr�s Whee�base-Sign LW 500 E. Lionsbead Circle/LionsPride App�icaut: Wheelbase Bannister- Dormer Addition LW 1000 Lionsridge Loop #13/Lot 4, Biock 6,Iz�t�rmountairi Applicant: Frank Bannister Lodge at Lionshead -Repaint L� 360 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 7,Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filzng Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead Phase III Condo. Assoc. . Vail Village Inn-Sign App3ication GR 100 E. Meadow Dri�e/Vail Vi3lage Inn Plaza Building Applicant: Joc Staufer � � Manzi - Skylight. GR 916 Red Sar�dstone Raad, Unit#�1 DlSandstone 70 Condominiurns. Applicant: Ellie Manzi Flannery-Spa addition, deck, stair � 146 Forest �46 For�st Road/Lot 6, Block 7, Vail Village First �'iling Applicant: Mike Flannery 7ohnson- changes to ap}�raved plans � GR 375 Mill Creek Circle/Lot I7,Vail'�illage First Filing Applicant: Mr. 7ohnson ,Villa Corrina Condorniniurns-Trash Enclosure GR .22 West Meadow Drive/Lot H, Vail Viliage Second Filing Applicant; Villa Cortina Condomini�un Assoe. _� F:kveryoncWrblagcnduV06Q79S � r .. .� .w� �- Dayco/Spraddle-Revised landscape plan RS Spraddle Creek/Lot 10 � Applicant: D'Agastino - SterIin Door-Interior Remodel � ' R5 � � Antler's Condo Unit#10'1, b80 W. Lionshead P1acelLat 3, Vail Lionshead 4th . Applicant: Mx. Sterling VBS - sign RS 450 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 6,BZock 1,Vait Lians�ead�irst. Appticant: Tim and Jim Subbriz�lc- Interior addition L� 1670 Fallridge Road, Golf Course Townhomes ' Appticant: Margretta Subrink Marriott-Pool Deck Repair GR 714 West Lionshead CircleNail Lionshead Applicant: Marriott Corp The Marmo.t's Tale - Sigr� A�plication. LW iai East Meadaw Drive, Space C-1361Crossroads at Vail. A�p�icar�t: Steven Dowswell Korchowsky & Segal - Master 8edroom additiar�. GR 26�0 Arosa DrivelLot 3, Black D, Vail Fiidge Subdivisio�. � Applicant: Tom Korchowsky and Lyn 5egal Swartz -Window addition. �C 1 Z 06 Hornsi�ver Circle/Lo# 9, Black 6, Vail Viliage 7th F91ing Applicani: Kathy and Aller� Swatz Conne�ly - New Roo#. JC 4238 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estaies � Appiicar�t: Mike Connelly MOTION: S�COND; VOT�: G�nsberg - Bay window addition. GR TimberfaAs#4, Phase I Timberfalls . Applicant: S#uart Ginsberg . MOTION: SECOND: _ VOT�: ' • � � � F:�evcryooeldrblegendis1060795 S y �s PUBLIC NOT�CE NOTICE IS H�R�BY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing � o� J�tn�7, 1995, 2:O�p.m. in th� Town of Vail Municipal �uilding. Red Sar�dstor�e Efementary Schoof - Retaining Walls and playground equipment. 551 North Frontag� Road/Red Sandstone Elementary Schaol. Applicant: Ann Marie Sanders, Principal for RSES 5chmidt- New Secandary residence and 250 addition to primary unit 1410 Buf#ehr Creek RoadlLot 6, Lions Ridge Filing #2 Applicant: Leroy Schmidt Weststar Bank - Sign Appfication. 108 S. Frontage Road WestlLot 2, A resubdi��sion of Part of Lat D, Vail Village 2�d Filing Applicant: Beth Golde, Vice President Weststar Bank - Sign Application. 2111 N. Frontage Road, VaiE Das Schone 3rd Filing Applfcant: Beth Golde, Vice Presiden# Weststar Bank - Sign Applicatian. 302 Hanson Ranch Road, Lot i, Block 5A, Vail Village St. Filing - AppliCant: Beth Golde, Vice Pr�sider�t M. Betr -250 GRFA �oft expansian.. 610 West Lionshead Circle, Unit 7011Landmark Condominiums. � � Applicar�t: M. Betz Golden Peak House - Modifications to approved plans. � 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Golde� Peak House. Applicant: GPH Partners Pitcher - Cor�ceptual Review of secondary unit. 1555 Aspen Ridge Road/Lot 3, �lack 4, Lionsridge Fili�g #3. Applicant: . TF�omas Pitcher - Vaif Valley Foundatian - Ford Amphitheater fer�ce. 540 Vail Valley DrivelGerald R. Ford Amphitheater. Applicant: .lohn Garnsey for Vail Vailey Foundation 0'Neill - New Primary/Secondary Residence. 1385 Westhaven DrivelLot 51, Glen Lyon Subdivision. AppliC�nt: P�tricia O'Neilf Vaif Valley Cansolidated Water District- Water pump station at Dowd Junction. (Caurtesy RF Review) Applicant: Vail Valiey Consolidated Water District . Ballesteras - Landscaping and trash enclosure 950 Fairway CourtlLot 6, Vail Village 10th Filing. . Applicant: Steven Buccina for Jorge Ballesteros � F:lavsryvneldrbinoticelOfi0795 Theys - Finaf R�view of Two Single-Family Residences �788,1778 AEpine DrivelLots 11/�2,Vail Village West St.. Filing Applicant: Sally Brainerd ' � Byrne - conceptual review af a new primarylsecondary with an EHU i 26 Farest Raad/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village St. Filing Applicant: Ron Byrne Hackmar� -Canceptuai review of a new sic�gle famiiy residence 2801 Snowberry DrivelLot 9, Block 9, Vaif Intermour�tain Ap{�licant: Patricia and David Hackman Hovey - Canceptual review of a new single family residence 1339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyan Subdivisian Applicant: Charfes and Nancy Hovey � Hi#t/Mehler - New Duplex residence 1717 Geneva DrivelLot 8A, Matterharn Village S�abdivision Applicant: Dennis & DebbEe Mehler ar�d Gridget& Farrow Hitt Vail International - re-roaf approximately 113 of roaf area. � 30D �. �.ipnshead CirclelLot 4, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing Applicant: Sr�owden Smith for Vail International Condo. Association Cunningham - Final review of new duplex , 1319 Greenhill Court/Lat 24, Glen Lyan Subdivision Applicant: Barry Cunningham � Mont De Neige Haldings (��ssops Residence) - change to approved plans 3025 Booth �alls Raad/Lot 14, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant: Galen Aasland for Tany Jessop Lot 10 - Conceptual review of site plan only 1722 Geneva Drive/Lot 10, Matterfi�orn Village Applicant: Rick Rosen � Wimer - 250 GRFA application {2850} 2860 W Aspen LanelLot 17, Unit B, Vail Village �1 th Filing Applicant: Franklin and Joyce Wimer Cannelly - New Roaf 4238 Nugget LanelLot 5, Bighorn Estates. Appiicant: Mike Connefly Lot 20, Glacier Court - Final Review af P/S 1824 Glacier Court 1 Lot 20, Bloc�c 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing Applicani: Pat L7au�hinais Marriatt Vail Resort- Repaint of Buiiding 715 W. Lianshead Circ�elLots 4,7,C & D, Block 1, �ions�ead Applicant: Argyle Read � F:Ievaryane1dr61noticelOfi0795 Riley- New Single Family 4475 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 7, Forest Glen Appiicant: Ron Riley � Pease/Glazov - Landscape and Driveway Renovation �W 454 Beaver Dam Rd. and 454 Forest Rd.l Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Vilfage 3rd F+ling. Applicant: Burton Glazov and �avid Pease .� � F:leveryoneldrbinotice1060795 � a PUBLIC NOT�CE . • NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the foilawing ap�l�cation on June 7, 1995 in the Tawn of Vail Municipai Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square f�et of Gross Residentia� Floor Area for an Interinr Loft Addition at the Bet� Residence located at 61 D West Lianshead CirclelL.ot 1, Block 1 Vail Lianshead 4th Filing. Applicant: M. Betz The applications and infarmation aL�out the proposals are avaiiable in the zoning administrator's office during regular o�fice hours for public insp�ction. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT Pubiished i� the Vail Traif an MaK.19.1995. i . • PUBL�C NOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV�N that the Design Review Baard of the Tnwn af Vail will hold a public hearing on June 7, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A rec}u�st far an aditional 260 square feet af Gross Residential Fioor Area for a R�sider�tial Addition at the W9mer Residence located at 2860 Wesi Aspen Lane, Lot 17, Block B, Vail Village i 1th F'iling. Applicant: F. Wimer The applicatians and fnformation about th� proposals are availabie in the zoning admEnistrator's of#ice durir�g regular office hnurs #or public inspectian. TOWN OF VAlL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in t�te Vail Trail an May 19th, 1995. � , F:leveryoneldrb125Qehulwlmer.516 � ; � � PUBLIC NOT�CE . NDTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN that the Design Review E3oard wilf be reviewing the following application on .lune 7, 7995 ir� the Town of Vail Municipal Build9ng. �. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residentia! Floor Area for an addition to the entry, an expans9on to the fi�tng room and an �xpansio� #o the g�est raom at the Schmidt Residence located a# 1�10 Buffehr Creek Roacil Lat G-1, Lions . Ridge Subciivisian, FiHng No. 2. Applicant: Leroy and Connie Schmidt The ap�lications and infarma#ion a�aut the proposals are available in th� zoning a�ministrator's office during reguiar office hours for p�blic inspection. TOWN OF VA1L � COMMUNITY DEVELOPM�NT , Published in the Vail Trail on May 19, 1995• i � � � . ���u/'L'.. - . _ . . . . . .� _,_ � �`'`��'�ak°,5Yn1+Mt 9 , . ... . _. , . „ ' . ' .d ,�r..�.. - d : Q'4y Ih ._�..::y� _ _ �� �;i4w_:, • . _ .. _ � �., . . . :�. .. ........:. . ,- ��` _ .,h�.„ . ,__._.,.-"�'"_'........ � . ... _ . . ._ . _ Category Number Date �., -�"-� � Project Name: Y1�. �l�l� A��'�. �� �� � , Building Name: . � Project Description: Z. � r '} v ��`�' '!r� '� �,v `� �? V Owner,Address and Phone: � .` , � �J" `�r , .. r ,..,.._ ^..� ArchitectlCar�tact,Address and Phone:���1 Pc,�(:�C'- �� '�J• �" ' f�� . 1 �� � �- ,� �� � � � � - j G� Lsgal Description: �ot � Filock�` Subdivision � r t , ,� , Zone �isfrict � ! � . � Project Stree#Address: f ✓ � ��� 1,�. i� Camments: � Board / Staff Action Mo#€on by:���'�� • '���V�1� ...._ Vote: _ `"f �_ � € ��� ( 3 �� � ! ! 'I� ���✓t� r' P �i �. - Yr, . f . Seconde8 by: _��t.4.� �:; �'� ✓ .� ', ;'�,� 'r"�� � Appro�al � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Ap�ro�al , /� �• � �i / � / �.{� � � �] r 1/1 COrIC�ItIO1�S._.____ .,� 4����{� ����I � � ' (rU t l-J �/ _ ! ) 1.4i�jY L� �1 J � �. � 1 X �� �J o f� � °�- . �r� r ..,...,. �7"� f"� � -,��'"� a�,/ -�;v�f�'i c.•(:. 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'i � '� � t � J DRB Fee Pre-paEd`���r � %� . -- ---�— � ._ _...-- Design Review Action Form TOINN OF VA1 L �ategory Number Date Project Name:_�� �r � �,�?/��-r - . �+ �"' _ � Building Name: 'T ��..._,�-�.�..��—��� � Project �escription: � ,r�, �/� _ � �T�/_---�--°�� - - wner Address a�d Phone:��f �.1 .,� , �--4 ' -7 ��1 �/�/�`� � �� � ��� �/h - -- ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot,,,� Bfack � Subdivision / � ��� ,�_�.�.._... ��__ Zone Distric#� Project Street Address: Camments: � B taff Action Mation by, Vote: J� __— Seconded by;__� � � � ._� �Appro�al ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Stai#Approval Condi#ions: � i��,� �._ �.��� � _ Town P�anner Date: �,,,1��7��a'� DR8 Fee Pre-paid � I _. ' .. .. :_ . Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Cate or N�mber � Date � � � y � � Project Name: ���� �'� � °�' Building Name; _ �T—� I._, iJUI�SC�iL� _ t���C� ----- - ProjectDescrip#ion:_,_�.O_ -e.-�� � ����� ��`� ��lLy � Owner, Address and Phone: 1' 'f�r�CC��� 'e�aL a�� �LJ�x�- s� ��C�p ���.' [�i...- `�" /V G1.� ����t c dt��l ,�J r���� �� �Dr�� �� - `��'C� �-��.� �IContact, Address and Phone: �' � �!�3 � G��e�� 1�� . � �-{R'S' �a� L Cc� �'l�s� Legal Description: Lot�„� �fock�_ Subdivision �� � � Zone District � .� Pro�ect Street Actdress: � J�" ����� ���` Comments: Board taff Action Motion I�y: Sa'�� �� � �r Vote: �� � Seconded �y: �s�Ci �'mt� �']� -_ A�proval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Canditions: � Tow Planner � � p�_ Date: � � �°-� DRB Fee Pre-pai Design Review Act�on Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date '�//Z/`P'/� . - • . Projec# Name: suiiding Name: Project Description: Qwner,Address and Phone: v > Archi# ontact, dress and Phone: � � Legal Description: l.ot..�� Block� Subdivision�G. _. . �..., �� Zone District ���_ Project Street Address: Comments: oard 1 taff Action Mation by: Vote: Seconded by:�.� -w--•--.--^-_� - �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval , - . ° � Conditions; � �--�---�--- _ Town Planner �a pate: C DRB Fee Pre-paid ��� - Design Review Action Form TQ1NN OF VAIL Category Number� "'' � �-� Date �' �°��c�i�� . � Project f�ame: /�.t�K-,0 , -- -- �--_-�-- Building Name: �___ Project Descriptian: ° °' '� -�` � (�' �� � ' � ' � � Owner, Address and Phone: ° 4 U� b9� � �f , � � J �' �`�� Architect�Contact, Address and Phone: ,��.��',�} ' /�� �� f��-�� � �P��/� �� �7 ��� �����' — ^ j � Legal Description: Lot�� Block� Subdivision Zone District �� � � � _ Project Street Address:.�3�� � �e- ��l�� Comments: . Board 1 Staff Action Motion iay: �� vote:_�"�''� ���-�l�l' �.�-�� t Seconded by: ��' �� �Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval o Conditions: I G��""� �( �g �� � �"' ' ` �„ !� r� Y. V�a�,,�� ��s� a� ��-�T,���� t�.����� �.. `��i��� �',��s', , -�f� ° � � �'� �°� / �--� �.� � ��t�� . 7 �� ����� �� �� � ��� �s own Planner 1` r� Date: ' � DRS Fee Pre-paid �sign Review Action i�lrm TOWN OF VAIL �ate o N�mber'' �� � G� Date ` � 9 n+ �� � � — Project Name:_� � – Building Name: Project Descri�tion: Owner, Address and Phone: � ����^' � � —�'��C���� �'�.. ���I __ ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �" � `� �' J �� Legaf Description: Lot �"�" 61ock Subdivision zane District ✓� Project Street Address:.���6'�� � I l��� ----- Comments: . Board 1� taff Action Motion by._T� Vote: ��� Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvaf � s Condi#ians: f J' � / � _.. ,(��� � `�i-u�`._� D�J�v� _.�7�� � Town Planner d _ ' -�',J '" �'���-� . RB Fee Pre aEd Date; Q p Design Review Action Form � T�WN �F VAIL ategory Number�L,(r.u.��. ��-���`?�'-�-- __ Date �� � — � � Project Name:_. , _ - , - Building Name; "� Project Description: . � • . Owner, Address and Phone: Arch9tectlContact, Address and Phone: _,� ���- �-�f-������� u- Legal Descriptior�: Lot 6 Block - Subdivisio -� �-�.-e� _ Zone District �� Project Stree#Address:_ ���-��+-+-%� "' '"� Comments: oard taff Action Mo#ion by: �':^''--�--- Vote: - Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al Canditions: Tawn Pianner Date: C� � DRB Fee Pre-paid �� -�-�/ Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN QF VAlL Category Number � Date � Project Name: � Building Name; : Project Description: Qwr�er, Address and Phone: Architect! ontact, Address and Phone, t -� � Le al Descri tion: Lot�"� Biock Subdivisian � 9 P �/ � � � Zone District �� Project Street Address:,.� � ,. ��_c�C�� Comments: � - Board / �ie+�--, Motion by: Vote: 5econded by, � ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: ��� own PEanner Date: �� � DRB Fee Pre-paid v�.>� ��� �.�.� - - Design Review Action Form TOWN �F VAIL Category Number / Date � � Praject Name: , , Building �kame: Project Description: � Owner, Addr�ss and Phone: Architec ontact, ddress and Phone: . `?`��__ _ ��' �°� � . � �� Legal Description: Lot. � - Block�._ Subdi�ESion �� Zone pistrict �� Praject Street Address: Q f Comments: , � oard taff Action Motion by: Vote: '���� Seconded by, � �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Ap�roval Conditions: � own Planner � � �� Date, DRS Fee Pre-paid��° �,.,� Design Review Action Form TOINN OF VAIL � � r���,.� ,,� Category Numbe��' � � Dat� . roject Name:_�iZ �j� �'' - � . Building Name: � ��, ' `�'-�„�- Project Qescription.r � � � � Owner, Address and Phone: -�. ��� /�� �S"• ,���.� � ��.� � r�'l���7 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: �.egal Description. Lo# Block Subdivision Zone District �� Project St�eet Address:�3D.� ��-��"`��� - Corr�ments: �: Board 1 Staff Action Motion by,��•� Vote: � Seconded by: �Approvai /` � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff ApprovaE � Conditions: �� "" ���� � � � �y � y� � �- �\ / �✓ � � � �� � �`��Town Planner 0 p� Date: `� �J r DI�B Fee Pre-pai� � Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN QF VAIL Category fVumber� � �� �'1'�` Date �a' � � • Project Name: — �'"� Building Name: G�'� -~� P. , Project Description: !� � r , . Owner, Address and Phone: �'��[.� /�� ��`'-' ,��� � s. ° �- ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zor�e District Praject Street Address; J� �j ,�,r� Comments: ! � / ,,� Board / S�aff Action Motion by: ��'"�,.._.._.._.__ Vote: T (� . .,_..--- Seco�ded by;������ � �j Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Canditions: / f � \�%+'��C � � �� � � ,� ���'�� � r{ � r � r ��. � �'own Planner Date; ' 0 ' I]RB Fee Pre-pai� � Design Review Ac�ion Form TO1NN OF VAf L ' .Category Number Date Praject Name: � CJ�C,�7Y� G�(. C� Building Name: , . , ..,..,._�, Project Description: . Owner,Address and Phone: O Architec Contact, Address and �hone: ��'� 1"n �� �� "�..3� � �`.� . Legal Description: LotCa'� � Biock Subdivision 1 � � Zone Distric# ��J Project Street Address: Comments: Board Motion by, �� ����il-Pi Vo#e: '� � Seconded by:� ' ���� �pproval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval � Conditians: Towr� Plan r g� Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paE �� Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL .Category Number' � � �6 Date ' � J '�' � . ..._.. _ � � Project Name: /�O1�Q'��. /�(.lL�j � ��� � Building Name: 1I�S' __ �(fij���C� �- - - Project Description: .s .� � r t � �. Q Owner, Address and Phone: 1 / � ^ ��I "'�� _ ✓I�X� //����__ �_�`_� ,� ,�t�► .R�► -���. .. ........__._...--- - Architect/Con#act, Address and Phone: � �i -�`�`� � Legal Description; Lot� Black.�_ Subdivision � �a�.f ���� Zor�e District _�� Prajec#Street Address:_ �Q�i �b,� l�' � , ,....... ...._._......-- Comments: r � �— � r � f! Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: /��'e Vote:�d � /������, Seconded by: �'Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Condition � r�� � � � .r � � � own Planner � Date: �� �1 '�� DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Review Action Form T�WN aF VAIL � Category Number ' �� � �d Date _�" �`��� __._ �Project Name: ��� �� �� . , ....._.__ .._..__--- Building Name: � !!� r `\ Projec# Description; �� ot�` � �i4M � Owner, Address and Phone: � � �' . ` r' '� �- ��7Z'l Architec#/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Qescription: L.o# Block Subdivision zone District Project Street Address:__��l �. T'" � �� , ,..�.�._._ Camments: . Board 1 S�aff Action Mo#ion by: Vote: Seconded by. ❑ Approval ❑ Disappro�al �Staff Approval 0 Conditions: �� � �� C=�� ��'� � �own Planner p Daie: ' �` �� DRB Fee Pr�-paid -� Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number. _ / Date ����� � Project Name: � � Buiiding Name: Praject Description; , � Owner, Address and Phone: � � �� Archite antac ress and Phone: - ��K��� ��.�,b . L'f'l�.rYi�1�.��J��� /`7V �egal Description: Lot �lock Subdi�ision Zone District Projec#Street Address: Comments; � oard taff Action Motion by: �-t-�+ �� • - -%,✓ � Vote• Seconded by: �'1')� �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approva! Conditions: 6 ,!',n-��.r�/I -- � ,_..... Town Planner . Date: _ �I���'/'S DRS Fee Pre-paid � � r �. -- - ... ..— Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form T4VIIN OF VAIL _ Category Number � Date����'� ..,_ �_ � Project Name: � w � ' Building Name: ��r�a.�c.����,�,<J �'l�7 . ._. ....._._ __ Project €3escription: . , , � Owner, Address and Phone; `�J���,, �,y���;,��.,.•� ,. .. Architect/Contaci, Address and Phone: � :�- � /�'�� ��c�_-ri_�.�_.�,�_,�./ '/f�Clr�_,ef. �_r }�-�? -�-�'�r,'t.,_.,__L!/1L,��_._ — `��.,. Legal Description: Lot���lock I SCJI7CItV1510���,,�,�.,�,,.,_ _ Zone District �/'� Project Street Address: �/S �r`L.r���C-�-r,��.e�.,../. ...��-T�,,�.� ,W.._....._ Comments: � Board / Staff Action Motion by: __��u� Vote: �� , . -•--- Seconded by: ' �^ � �Appraval ❑ Disapprova� ❑ Sta#f Approval Conditions: `7� ��/�. Sl U�G� _. ......_._ _.. �2w�I_._ ��.I:M �/_..,z } - . ... .-.__..,..._ �'own Planner Date: �7 ,. ... DRB Fee Pre-paid ��,,_c_a� ,�� ...._. Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL �Category EVumber � �� � Date ' � � Project Name: v Building Name: � � ♦ Project Description: � � J' � � � � r � l � � �w° � � , ddress and Phone: � � r . � R � � rchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: � '�,�✓� �- :c�[ T ` � .— 33 Legal Description: �ot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address; �,�� � � .,___._.._ Camments: Board / Staff Action Mo#ion by: Vote: Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Cor�ditions: � �u � own Planner � / � Date: ` � DRB Fee Pre-paid__�� b►i�LL�� Design Review Action Form T�INN OF VA!L .Categary Number � Date_ (�� — �� ..,.... .,._.._ Project Name; �.s�- s � s ; J c,� Building Name: Project Description: t'iC_ '"" Owner� Address and F'hone: �n� a 2.�c-,r" �„��� �s ��-r�-�S ..... ,__.__ ArchitectlContact, AcEdress and Phana: �` _. �,o �c� !��4(__.... l�rr�►� C/t) ,_.... Legal Description; Lot�,� Block " Subdivision �'A�;� ]�,,P i �Lone District Project Street Address: Comments: � a Board / Staff Action Motion �y: vote: Secanded by: ❑ Approval ❑ D�sapproval C� Staf#Approvai /� Conditions: own Planner Date: .__. . L� � � T � S„ ,.,.,_ DRB Fee Pre-paid J�, Design Review Action Form T41NN 4F VA�L ategory Number,�, � ,.._, , , Date �/7��� � e , ProjectName:,.._..���..�_.,c�o .�► � ���� _��.� Bui�ding Name; .�,. ��n 1 fso ,.���1-r�.. � �z.�rl.�_f-��,-,-,��. ./�1�� _ Project Description: - , -�-�,—��-?�_�z..✓ ��_�,_�I, , ..[��n,L.���o , f�,-�-�f�� �� ..-u., ._��� ��C� �����--� Owner, Address and ��one: . � Architect ont cEdress and Phone: ��n-.- �.��1 �'1��n . /'��J � ,�� _._. � ' � 11° �/E� Legal �escription: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: `r Comments: Board aff A ' Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disap�roval �Staff Approval Conditions: ,�� -. -.a ` ��,� Town Planner Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paid � ��, .�.� , � " � w � • i � � � .r � � -.• •- /.l� �. - � � ���� , ! , � : / ► �i-�.���1 ��� � � L / I � � • • - �..1 .a�:�1Lt►.� a 's a - �^ • • ' L s / ' a ��.� �r �i�L �� �t��` � L� / i ` 'y ` f � Y ���_ ,d / -�,I�� �/�l� `�L�i _� �� �` � �I�s ' �I� � � � � I � ; �� � . � ' � �� ' • � • " �/�i/i�L� r/1yr ►I' tJ F �i. � �1�Y'�/ � e _ � � � �� ! ! � � �� / � isi� `� .� a< i� _ � � �, � ' - • � �• - • • - E 'vLL' 1 Li � � �f / a ll.�/r1� % i �/ � ��/..��� ., -II L� � �, � � i 1 ' � � � /� ,J ;� / -.. �- . . . : . .. . . . � - . � -- � .. - �l� � , y 7' ,i � - ���,. I � �f. � ��� .r;%.�tr /'i,f.�./.i � � I� � � �. . .� �- � r�.•��i/ _� �"f�/ � f � ' � � �� / ..L..� . k' � � - - ji. � • . • � • � � � � ��J/ � � - � •^� � / _A" � ,v � .• . � � _�• • � � .� . � � � � � �� � ���u l �� .J i �lll�� d�t�`� �� �� �� ; a � / �� 1� �Li� . : T � � r; .� ��� .� lr � a� � � ��'�� � r" .I' � - � ��� � �_� ,��iir.� / /' �. � � � ' � ..E � � .� _ /..�$� ��ri � �l1 . =A .��L._:� ' •� � , � �" � � .�� ���. r � ,r � " � � ._.s � �� � � � � ♦i f � � , � _ �i d1. ��. v � i �r.! ,/• �l.t '� �.f� 1,7.0, � ���E irufi ;�� _ / / � � j _ I � l ` / .��`"� .�I'�._r�i.�._ � a - � / ` • y� i 4 � � � , . � y • / , ■. - r � !- - •.�• X � C�ign Review Action F�n TOWN QF VAIL Category Number Date � �� 6 Project Name: ! G�!/! /'l�{,� � _ Building Name: V � G�, Project Description; �^ a � �� � , , �C ,.c�,Ua� •��r��, �c�� .Tc���o� � � ..� �....l� _-- C ��� n ��<1���.._s � � _...__ _._ ... ... Owner, Address and Pnone: ����I,C�� 77`t � �_ ��"��-���� ��l l�t���� � 1/��c"G- � �`��,�' � _.._.— Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: �`�� ,.._ � ��;_v�.��� .�'ra�n �f�i�hs r�� . ...�c�� _��,d/`, ����� o� .�..r� � �``� �.egal Description: 1�6..��Block S� Subdivision 1/ �C Viu Zane District ��� Project Street Address: � � .�-�-'� , Comments: . � ���' � t � c...� � � ���,��� �e�Jr�� � ����a��r,�G t� _��_, � ���`vt�t �� i r-� � ���� - Board � taff Action Motion kay, �� , � vote: . `-t `"'''c� Secanded bY:---� �f� ,�� _ ... �oval ��ns,en'�` ❑ Disapprovaf [] Staff Approval Conditions: own Planner �' ����� Z �--� DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form T411VN 4F VAIL Categary Number� � � C7ate. (.�" �P 7'� � ,�_ � � Project Name: .r' Building �lame: Project Description:��'( �_._� � ���,���%�t__ � ,�/l.�"�� � Owner, Address and Phone:��__(��fi�h T� � ��..���vC.�7 �y;� 1 D�7 � C�m ,�i1 �� , ... .._._ � ArchitectlCon#act, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: � � Comments: • Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: �'�^, �,�,,,,,,_,,,,.,�.._..,�._ Vote: � Seconded by. , ......__._._._._ I �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval /� � � � Conditions: �i?' �'[. � \�I� ' � � � .�' � � �f ° V �awn Planner Date; �p ' 0 � 7 � ,,. ....__....__� DRS Fee Pre-paid /Y ° "T'"`'�. Design Review Action Form TO1NN 4F VAIL Categary Num�er 1� �at�. _ �� �1� 9�' Project Name:_,_����_ ��.� �a�.e, 8uilding Name: Project Description: 1'yln-m � ' ' �� .�� ,�� Owner, Address and Phone:- ----��_�/�_ _ �� . �?�o�( ._ , . . ......----. Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: ��� � �� �,7,0�„�� ` � �.. . ....._._ �O C� e'� �r�w� U " C C) Legal Description: Lo��,.c, Block '1.. Subdivision�V'• V�.n �� Zone �istrict '��� Project Street Adc�ress; .2�7 8` �Q�,..e.o,._ `]� �� /�� ; Corriments: ,� Board Staff Action 1 Motion by:,�„ �� Vote: �— � �,_ Seconded by: we�oL�u�L, �Approval ❑ Risapproval � ❑ Staff Appro�al Conditions:_�1��� ` � _,�� � .��, �/ ..�.,.. �,�� ��� .����—.�e . .. . .._.__ �� � ����� �� ��r� �� � ��� � . . 1M,� �own Planner Date: ra � 4'` �'� DR6 �ee Pre-paid � ��� m� Design Review Act�on Form TQ1NN QF VAIL �Ca#egory N�mber ' Date Project Name: a� G� � Building Name: Project Description: ��"�-°� Owner, Address and Phone; ��lr�P/!0! � cl�._i__A ��� _ ___.�_ - Architect/Contact, A�dress and P�one:�l���, �`�.�/ a��� ��r - �u� g � �� Legal Description; Lot 1 Block� Subdivisian �` Zone District �_ Project Street A�dress: �� �� '�(�1�1(1�l��''0�°Jt� Comments; Boar Motionby: �' ���Yi�/Y(' __— Vate: �° � Seconded by, Approval ������ � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approva! Conditians: ' l/�./ Town Pian er Date: �� �RB Fee Pre-paid� !r/�, � , Design Re�iew Action Form T�'WN OF VAIL �Category N�mber Date (� ~�� °l.� , .__. .__:_ � Praject Name: ��� =�.u•4 � . � Building Name: r !'�..-�iS �Y'' Project Description: - � �--a��-•� � �.. ��'rlA,. /��'.��'" , .,.,......._.. _.., ��r Owner, Address and Phone: f d��cL1�� Ua..� I�� ,f.�,...,,....._.�--�-:s�c - ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: i � �-'�-c.. � k �� � Legal Descri�tion: Lot Bloc#� Subdi�sion Zane District Project Street Address: `ZS ( S . � "F,r--�,n.,,,�-u.. .. �_._� . �,....., .._..... Comments: ' Board 1 Staff Ac#ion Motion hy: Vote; Ssconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disa�proval �Staff Approval Cor�ditions: �•�� C� �G-- � �� � c �� � � own Planner Date: �O �� DRS �'ee Pre-paid !7 /� r h � 1 DESIGN REVIEW B4ARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 21, 1995 � 2:Q0 P.M. . PROJECT ORIENTATlON 11;00 AM SlTE V[SITS • 12:30 PM . 1: Lot 10, - 1722 Geneva Drive 2. 5adler - i95Q Chamonix Lane . 3. Smith - 1473 Aspen Grov� �ane . 4. Goaden/Fallier- 1873 Lionsridge Loop � 5. CB Smith - 1179 Spraddle Creek Rd. fi. Moran - 3797 East Lupine Drive 7. Garton's - i43 East Meadow Drive 8. WestStar - 2fi3 East Gare Creek Dri�e 9. S�ibert Circle - �ntersection af Hanson Ranch Rd./Bridge St. Drivers: Randy & Georg� Brent Alm sworn in as new Design Review Board member. �. Ganter - Addi#ion of hot tub in setbacfc area. JC . 2427 Charnor�ix LanelLot 22, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filir�g #i. � Applicant: Judy Ganter MOTION: Borne SEC4ND: Moffet VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 2. WestStar- New ATM �n Village GR 263 East Gore Creek DrivelLot E, Block 5, Vail V�Ifage �st Filing Appiicant: WestS#ar Bank, Beth Galde MOTION: Borne SECOND: Maff�t VOTE: 5-0 CONS�NT APPROV�D W/COND�'T'IONS 3. Lot �0 - Conceptual review of site plan only GR �722 Geneva Dri�elLot 10 Matterhorn Viilage Applicant: Rick Rosen MOTI4N: SECON�: VOTE: • � CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 4. Seibert Circle Redevelopment- Conceptual re�iew � MM Located at the intersection af Hanson Raneh Road and Br�dge Street Applicant: Town of Vail/Winston and Assoc. M4TION: SECOND: VOTE: � CONCEPTUAL REVIEW- NO VOTE � . ,. 5. Hackrnan - Review of a new si�gle family residence LW 2801 Snowberry Drive/Lnt 9, B1ock 9, Vail interrnauntain Appficant: Patricia and David �iackman M4Tf4N: Borr�e SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 5-0 � CONSENT APPROVED 6. 0'Neiil - New Primaryl5econdary Resi�ence. LW i 385 WestF�av�n DrivelLot 51, Glen Lyan Subdivision. Applicant: Patricia O'Neill � � MOTION: Borne SECOND: Mvffet VQTE : 5-0 ApPROVED WI CONDiTIONS 7. Sadler - New primary/secondary residence. GR 1950 Chamonix Lane/Lat 34, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant: June Sadler MOTION: Barne SECOND:Moffet VOTE: 5-0 TAB�ED UNTIL JULY STH, 1995. 8. Smit1� - Garage exPansian and two-story addition. � L.W 1473 Aspen Grov� �ane/Lat 5, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision,Filing #4. Applicant: Snowden 5mith � MOTION: Borne S�COND: Moffet VOTE: 5-0 . CONSENT APPROVED 9. Reunion UnitslC.B. Smith - New Single �amily residence l�W 1179 Spraddie Creak Rd./ Lot 7, Spraddle Creek Applicant: Reunion Units • MOTlON: Maffet S�COND: Alm VOTE: 3-Q-2 (Woldrich out of the raom and Arrtett left early) APPROVED WIC4NDITIONS �10. Garton's Saloan - Sign variance RS 143 East Meadaw Drive/Crossroads East, Lot P, B1ack 5D, Vail Viflage ist Filing ApPlEcant: Dave Garton MOTION: Borne SECOND:Mofi�et VOTE: 4-0-� (Arnett absent} CONSENT RECOMM�ND APPROVAL TO T�WN COUNCII. 11. Riva Ridge North - Change to approved plar�s. �W i 33 Gore Creek DrivelLot 6, B1ock 6, Vai! Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Riva Ridge North Condominium Association � M4T�ON: Borne SECOND: Moffet VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 2 , C. n r � + ' ' 12. The Lodge at Vail - Constructic�n of the Intern�tional Wing AK 17'4 E. Gare Creek Drivela part of Block C, Vai1 Village 1 st Filing Applicant: The Lodge at Vail MOT10N: S�COND: VOT�: . CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 13. Mora� Residence - Co�cept�aal review of a Dema/Rebuild vf 5ingle Famify Residence. RS 3797 East Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Bighorn 2nd Addition . Applicant: Chlae Moran ' MOTI4N: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL- NO VOT� 14. Goodenl�alEier- Conceptuai review of a new duplex. RS 1873 Lionsridge LaoplLot 2, B[ock 3, Lionsridge Fifing 3 Applicant: Don Gooden . MOT�ON: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE � 15. Bannister - Remodel and addition of a garage �C 2943 BelfflawerlLot 4, Block 6, Va�[ Intermountain Applicant: Frank Bannister . TABLED UNTt�.JULY 5, 1995 � 16. Houtsma - GaragE additton a�d foyer . GR 1868 West Gore Creek Dri�e Applicant: Johr� and Bobbi Houtsma TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 2, 1995 ME BER PRE ENT MEMBER AB ENT � Mike Arnett Bob Borne Brent Alm Hans Woldrich Greg Moffet ��� r� Sterling - Siid�r door addition RS 680 Lianshead Place, Unit �071Antlers at Vaif Condominiums � Applicant: JiIE Sterling ` O'Raurke •25� GRFA Applicatian �or interior additian GR . 1259 Westhaven CirclelLot 35 Glen l.yon Appiicant: Gerald O'Rourke F:�everyooaW�blagendas1062195 � � � ry. r f � Giazov- Landscaping �W �454 Beaver Dam RoadlLot 5, Block 2, Vail Villa e 3rd 9 Applicant: Burton Glazov ' Ast/Kleimer- Repaint GR , � 5184 Main Gore Drive/Lot 16, Vail Meadows Applicant: Larry Ast � Timber�alls Co�do - Windaw additian LW �204 Timberfalls CondaslTirnber�alls Applicant: Charlie Fiowers TyroEean Ir�r� - Awning Addition . LW 400 E. Meadow Drive ' Applicant: Pepi �.angegger Marmot's Tafe - New Sign LW 141 E, Meadow Drive Crnssroads Applicant: Steve �owswell ' Tondre Residence - Roof rnaterial change JC �374 Sandstone Dr. Applicant: Brice Tondre lndian Creek/�'erman - Fireplace remflval JC 1�39 Sandstane Drive A�apl�cant: Mic�ael Laufer�ach Manor Vai! -,�andscaping RS � 595 E. Vail Valley Drive Applicar�t: Ric Peterson Wimer -Additior� GR 28B4 Aspen Lane A�pficank: Frank Wimer Clark, Cogswell, Wilson - Garage additian GR 792.1794 Potato Patch AppEicant: David Thornsberry Ryerson - Addition AK 4859 Meadow Driv�l Lot 16, Block 5, Big�orn Sub. , Applicant: Tony and Ci�dy Ryerson � � F:krveryoneld[blagendav10fi2195 '4 t PUB�iC NOTICE � NOTICE !S HEREBY GNEN that the Design Revi�w Board of the Tawn af Vail will hol� a�ublic hsaring on ►lune 21, i995 a#2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Munici�al Building. Smith - Garage expansiot� a�d two-story addition. ��N 1473 Aspen G�ove LanelLot 5, Biack 2, Lionsridg� Subdivision,Filing #4. Applican#: Snowden Srnit� Houtsma - Garage additio� and foyer. GR 1868 West Gare Creek DrlvelLat 47, Vaif Village West Filing#1. Applicant: John and Bob�i F�outsma Sadler - New �rimaryls�condary residence. GR 1950 C�amonix �anelLot 34, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant: June Sadler GoodenlFallier - New duplex. RS 1873 Lionsridge LoaplLot 2, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing 3 Appficant: Don Gaoden Reunior� Ur►its/C.B. Smith - New Single Family residence LW 1779 Spraddle C�eek Rd.l Loi 7, Spraddle Creek Ap�licant: Reunion Ur�its � . Ryerson - Addition AK 4859 Meadow Drivel l.at 16, B[ock 5, �ighorn 5ub. Applicant: Tony and Cindy Ryerson Garto�'s Saloan - Sign variance RS 143 �ast Meadow DrivelCrassroads East, Lot..P, Block 5D, Vai! Village �st Filing Applicant: Dave Garton The �odge at Vail - Constr�ction of th� fnternationaf Wing AK 174 �. Gore Creek Drive/a part of �lock C, Vail Vfllage 1 st Fiiing Appl�cant: The Ladge at Vail Sei�ert Circle Re�evelopment - Cance�tual review MM Lo�ated at the intersection vf �lar�son Ranch Road and Bridge Street Applicant: Town of Vail Lot 10 - Canceptual review of site plar� only GR 1722 Geneva Drive/Lot 10 Matterhorn Viilage Applicant: Rick Rosen . ' J WestStar- New ATM in ViElage GR 26� East Gore Creek �rivelLot E, Blnck 5, Vai! Village 1 st Filing �' Applicant: WestStar Bar�k, Beth Gofde Wimer- Addition of b�droom to existing residenc�. GR (285D) 2860 W Aspen LanelLot 17, Unit 8,Vail Village 11 th FEling Appkicant: Franklin and Joyce Wirner Hackrnan - New single family residence �-W 2801 Snowberry DrivelLot 9, Blocic 9, Vail Crttermountain Applicant: Patricia and David Hackman 0'Neill - New Primaryl5�candary Residence. �W �385 Westhaven DrivelLot 51, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Patricia O'Neill Moran Residence - DemolRebuild of Sir�gle Family Residence. ,RS 3797 East Lupine DrtvelLot 4, �ighorn 2nd Additian Applicant: Chioe Moran .� The ap�al�cations and information about the_nroposafs are avaiiable in the zor�ing administrator's office during regular affice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAI� COMMUNITY DEVEL4PMENT . Published in #he Vai{ Trail on June 1fi, 1995. � . �:leverya�eldrbinotices1U62195 . PUBLIC NOTICE � NOTICE k5 HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Baard o# the Town of Vaii wifl hold a pu#�lic hearing on n 21 1 at 3.00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for a sign variance for off-site kocation of a sign ta be Iocated at Gartan's Saloon, 143 East Meadow DrivelCrossroads East, Lot P, BlocEc 5D, Vai1 Village St.. Filing. Applicant: Dave Gartan The applications and infarmation about the proposals are available in the zoning administratar's off�ce during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN 4F VAIL � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on un 2, 1995. . • F:leveryoneldrb125Uehulgarton.531 i PUBLIC NOTiCE � N�TICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vai[ will hold a public hearing on r� 21 1 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town df Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request far an additianal 25Q square feet af Gross Residential FIaoP Area for a Residential Addition ai the a'Rourke Reside�ce located.at i259 Westhaven Circle/L.ot 35, Glen E.yon. Applicant: Gerald 0'Raurke The applicatians and information about the proposals are available in the zoning admi�istrator's affice during regular office hours #or public inspection. „ TOWN OF VAIL COMMUN[TY DEVELOPMENT Pu�lished in the Vail Tra�l on,�une 2, 1995. , � . � �:leveryoneldrb1250ehulo'rourke.531 . ��• .. � MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review 8oard FR�M: Community Development Department � DATE; June 21, t 995 SUBJECT: Request for a sign variance for of�-site signage; for Garton's Sar and Grilf, located at i43 �. Meadow Drive, Lot P, Biock 5p, Vail Vifiage 1st Filing Ap�Eicant: Dave Garfon Planr�er: Randy Stouder I, DE RIPT[ON O�THE REQU�ST Gartor�'s Bar and Grill is located an the s�cond floor of the Crossroads East b�ilding. The entrance to this �usiness is adjace�t#o a parking deck, half of which is used for ouidoor � dining in the summer. Access ta ihe parking deck and the entrance to Garton's is via a stairway on tF�e east side of the building, next to the entrance to the Crossroads parking structure on Viflage Centar Road. Gartan's has two existing signs. On� sign is lacated directly a6ove the entrance into the 6ar. The second sign is located or� an awning, which �xtends from a wafk on the top of t�e stairway to the parking deck. kn order to improv� the exposure of the business, #hE applicant is praposing to remove the two existing signs and is requesting ap�roval ofi two new signs. The fiirst new sign does nat require a variance. I#was appro�ed by the Design Re�iew Board {�RB} on May 17, 1995, and is a waA sign whict�wilE be locat�d on t�e north �ui�ding elevation, facing the South Frontage Road. The sign, tntalEr�g ten square feet, w�ll be indi�idual wood or metal [etters attached directly to the wall, I�ghted l�y#he existing � spotlights or� this portion of the bui[ding. At this time, the applicar�t wouEd like to madiiy the May 17, 1995 approval. The DRB approval stated that tt�e letters must be black or green (ta match Crassroads green). The applicant nnw wishes ta chan�e the eotor of these letters to match the terra cotta color that exists at Alfal#a's, � The second new sign, a ten sq�rare foot prajecting sign, is proposed to be hung frorn the � soffit at the top of the metal stairs accessing the Parking deck, along tE�e �ast eEevation of the Crossroads East BuiEding. Tt�e DRB conceptua�ly reviewed this sign at th��r May 17, 1995 meeting. However, this sign is r�at attached to Garton's t�nant spac�, and therefore Es consEdered off-site advertising. Ap�roval of this sign requires that the � DRB grant a variance#or#he off-site location. T#�e p�rpose of this hearing is ta F:leveryonelrandylmemoslganans.621 1 } � � ' t. � have#he �RB make a farmal recorr�mendation to Counci! regarding th� requested variance. The Tawn Cauncil wilt review the DRB recomme��ation before makin� � ihe final decision for ap�rovaf or deniaL � Attachmen#s sY�owing the location and design of th� prp�ased sign will be �istributed to � the DR8 at the project orientation portian of the meeting on June 21, 1995. II. FINDfNGS AN� STAFF RESPONSES . Befare the Board acts an a variance application, the applicant rnust�rove phvsicaf r hi and the 8oard m�st#ind that: , A. h r r i I ir m nc r ndi ion I i� h I nd if in s . toaogr�phy v�,aetatian sign stru�tur���r other matters on adjacen�.iots or wi hin ad' n ri h - f-wa whi h wo�ld subs nti II re iri he eff c iv n f h i n in u i n • r �ided hawever h t s h ircum # n r condi i ns re � � ni o h � 9 u! r ines or n er r�se t whi h t� a li n de ir s to r w ention n d n a ! eneralf if b sines r en �r ri e . Staff FiesD0�15B: . 7he staff feels th�t tnere are sp�cial circumstances r��at�ng to the location ot this business. The entrance to Garton's is not directly on a pedestrian way ar�d it is . difficult for a pedestriar� #o see. The praposed sign wouEd be located at the top of tt�e access stair and would pravi�e a mor� visible identification for the pedestrian. . A sigr� in this location would Y��Ip to alieviate diffic�rlties g�n�rated by the business' obscure er�trance. B. i I ir m n w r n r h a li n n r n n ri ihe aRpi�car�t, Staff Res�ons_e: , Sp�cial circumstances were �ot created by the applicant. Other retaiE operations in this location have ex�erienced simila�visibi[i�y probEer�s. C. That the c,�ranting of the variance would �e in genera! harmon,y with the pur oq ses hi i 1 n wiA n m t ri lf rim � al h r n r i in r w r�in in h vi init n ro r to the nei hb rh od or to th ubl� w Ifare in general• . . Staff Re5 oq 1�5@: 5taff f�els that th� pro�osed sign is ir� com�liance with the ir�tent of the Code and would be in �armony with the other businesses in the v9cinity. D. The variance ap�l'��d fior does n,�t de�art tram the pravision��is ti 1 any more than is r�quired ta identify th�_a�pficani�kzusin�Qr.q��e. F:leveryonelrand�memoslganons.821 � N � ff R n : � � Staff believes ti�at this request does depart fram the Sign.Code and is more than is requir�d #o iden#ify the bus�ness. The size of the sign is modest and substantiaily less than the maximum tf�at cauld be allow�d by tF�e cade: 10 square feet proposed, 20 square feet allowe�. However, the applicant pro}�oses to hang the sign at an awkward angle. Staff fee[s that if ihe sign were maunted flush on t��wall, that th� sign wauld be more attract+ve and would not draw unnecessary attentian to itseif. However, the wall mounted sign wauid be fess effective (visible} for pedestrians coming up M�adow Qrive from fhe west. 1[I. TA� �COM � D Tl The sta#f recommends approvai of this request,w�th #he condition that the sign be rnou�ted fEush against tlie waEl at the iop of the stairs, and that the sign b� re- dimensioned to be 5 feet long by 2 feet taif, witht a tt�ickness of no greater�than 6 inches. � We recognize ihat this �usiness has difficulty with visibility and som� consideration s(�ould be given to this fact. � The DRS should be aware that tf�e existing mer�u box must be removed Irorn its aff-site �ocation at tne bottom of the stairs. Tt�e existir�g men� bax was never approved, and is considered iEfegaL The app�icant rnust either remove the box ar submit an appfica#ion and seek staff aP�roval of a relocated m�nu box before staff will sc�edule this sign variance request for Council's cor�sideratian. � � . . . F:leveryonelrandylm�moslgartons.615 � FJlaveryonelrandyl�memoslgartons.621 3 � Design Review Action Form m TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number � Date Project Name: �1�� � ����—iln C'� - — --- Building Name: , , Project Descriptian; Owner, Address and Phone: _ � Architect/Contact Address and Phone: � � � a �(�� � Legal Descri�tion: Lot �Z3 Block Subc�ivision � l✓ �t✓` Zone District�� Project Street Address; l�� � G Comments: � - — Board ' n MOtlon by: VOtE: r � Seconded by: r xAl�:V�I,__Y)T l�S� _._ �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval , Conditions: , . Tawn Planner Date: � DRB F�e Pre-pai _ UU� � Des�gn Review Action Form TOINN OF VAIL �ategory Number � Date ' � Project Name: � Building Name: • , Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ` �R . • �� �� Archi#ect/Contact, Address and Phone: `{ 1� Lega1 Description: Lot Block_� Subdivision�l�/`���,�illi Zane Distric#� -._-.�.—_ Project Street Address: Comments: � - . oar Motion by: v� Vote: ��� Seconded by: i�J • "W`l� �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � Conditions: l�-� �`� . �v Town Planner Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paic��� � � ' � Design Review Action Form TOINN 4F VAIL ��#egory lVumber Qate � Project Name: Yl� �l � 6uilding Name: Project Description: � � Owner, Address and Phone:�, � �J�'1�' �/�� (dlL1�-?�� -- J Architect/Contact,Address and Phone�t � �� , � Legal Description; Lot� Block�._ Subdivision' ` Zone District � Project Strset Adciress: ���� ��. 1-�.J�� . - Comments: ��� - - Board I Staff Action . Motion by, � �� Vote: 'r� � � Seconded by: � �'�lpproval JV ❑ Disapprova! ❑ Staff Approval � Conditians: � D �� � r�� � �, '" ti d n ` �� P 1 / � ^ � �f / Y t8�r '�D mt � � y�.1d,� �rrn-�� Tawn Planner � Date; " QRB Fee Fre-paid � � � Design Review Action Form T41NN QF VA1 L �ategory Number Date , Project Name:��� ���.�.±����,� �1_�C��r �JZr,.r���,_,,,� Building Name: Project pescrip#ion: � � . _-��L..���--�'�_ � /� fy-�-��_. Owner, Address and Phone: ` � �./Z ��,��! Architect/ antact ddress and Phone: � _ ,., .�,1 � .d� .� 1.�:�---f-,--���, �i./h�"7 Legal Description: Lot � Block� Subd�visiort � � ��one District � .Project Street Address: + ' Gomments; . oard taff Action Motion by;,.....�,.�-i..�. _ Vote: �� Secanded by: �Appro�al Disa roval ❑ pp ❑ Sta#f Approval Conditions: , I�� —� � .� � u-.� ._.�..c. ,,��.r,a���� �L.r L1.� �,,�?�A.�������.�r��e�1 �1�2�,�1� / .� _ Town Planner Date: ����.__ I]RB Fee Pre-paid � � . � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category �Iumber Date �✓� � � e Project Name: �� �� Building NarnE: Project �escription: �` �v < < Owner, Address and Phone: I Architect/Contact, Acfdress and Phone: l�lf/�-��lM1�i�,� � �jyL��,,,..,_ �1?h , � ��� �7.v . . : .. .. . ......-- l.egal Description: Lot�_ BEock_� Subdivision `=�1 I Zone District Project Street Address: 1 (/I A Comments; � Board 1 taff Action �� ��tv� Vote: � Mo#ion by: �� V Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disappraval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � �_�`�, YY1� � o�P�tt�� _ , .�..�...... ._------ � � C� , lrC��d�l_t: .. � ,��� � �own P(anner Date. � r^ DRB Fee Pre-paid � , � Design Review Ac�ion Form TQINN OF VAIL ,ategory Number � Date Z� � . 1�- i — -• — y 1 Project Name: t � �- Buildi�g Name: Project Description: r � �n�.� � l i, Owner, Address and Phone: � Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: �i � � � I�/T • L.egal Description; Lot_� Block Subdivision,.,_,..� � �.P..,��--P.�� Zone District �_ Project Street Address: � G Comments: BOat" ���2tff�Cti'�Tf Motion by; Vote: V �� Seconded by: �; �ppro�al ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approvai �. , Conditior�s; r � 7own Planner Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paid . ` Design Review Action Form T01NN OF VAIL Category Number � Date ��J�1�s P� � , 6��S �Project Name, ��'I���" �-Pc � � ���`��� g �/ �' t L_ �L�'� � �d�J� �9/�.►.� �' Buildin �fame, rt - r�.^ Project Description: �c� � I' � 'ti� +�-/n C�n r / j�ts�C�i��W ��-��� o �'-����z'C�? ��'r. �S e.e.9l��� ��:���L�.c�l� �'��i� � � GtJ� ��S � c@ t Qwner, Address and Phone: U �TL, ���i��` ���` l��� _ � �� LtJ. �'�car�nc��c,�' ����, —� t�v��tf"�- , ��'c�l �� ,�'�'�.5� �'Contact ddress and Phone: /�.qC 0` � �f'�C?����c.��._ �� �r.�c�r;�_j,� � Legal Description: Lot� Block� Subdi�ision�� �./�S �rGs��t�P Zone Qistrict � Project Street Address: � � o�7 � �+Gt d�t�f� ��C ��'� � Comments � Gr, �� � G8C Q A.'� �� !p S Q°���1 M v��e. � -�e �;,�c r�� a�.o�e� o�' �e�,�-������ �.--P oard taff Action s��`�� Motior� by: �, �m f'� Vote: �"'� SeCOnded .y: � �''�`�'�T� _ Approval C��a�.S��'�' ❑ Disappro�a� ❑ Staff Appraval Conditions: . own Planner �� Date: �r .� DRS Fee Pre-paid ° Design Rer►iew Action Form TOWN 4F VAIL � � Category Number Date �f �� � Project Name; Building Name: � , Project Description: , �� . Owner, Address and f'hone: �� ��� � Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal pescription: Lot�_ Block� Subdi�ision � Zone �istrict T 4� — Project Street Address: Camments: . Board ��_ -�'� Vate:� � �� Motion by: ' Seconded by:`� " � �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval ^ � Conditions: � � �l �'� �� ► ���� c �'own Rlanner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid��✓�1 . ° Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL � Category Number � '� Date � � �Praject Name: c.� �� � �� �� Building Name: ���a � � 1�� Project Descrip#ion: �� r w� � ! Owner, Address and Phone: lff.� �5 � ��� - � �v �I�C�Y� �G'���YYY�Y� , ��c ��I, '�a�:�� �`,C��I(�� Architect/Contaot, Address and Phone: � * ' l � d f �.egal Description: Lot� Block� S�bdi�isior�Ud t � Ui �f G�GL- l G'� _ Zone District Project Street Address: �� v a�� ��f Gom�nents: � —� Board Motion by: ��� , _ Vote: ��� � v Seconded by: .�C7P'�'�� _ .__ �pprovaf , ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appraval Cor�ditions: � � X � h � � � � "(� _��I�Y� [1���)� �own Planner � .�f.�^ Date: ��i � C7RB Fee Pre-paid � � Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ro�,ategory Number � _ Date � � 'ect Name: i C�71� J � Building Name: Project Description: �CC��c� � 1�Y�c �i/�C,C Owner, Address and Phone: ��L`�� � ` y V � ��Y ��� �u"'�� �'� ---- 4 l�� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone:�� ��( - --- Legal Descriptior�: Lot � Block 2� SUbC�IVlS[Qfl , A Zone District � _ Praject Street Address: � � ��� ��� ���' — Comments: oard / �a Mo#fon by: '�--tJ Vote:�'_� _.� Seconded by:�� - �ApprovaE ❑ Disapproval � ❑ Staff Approval , Conditions; �J� ' _� �� ��"" '��"�j �-- - — �j��� �� I�`t�� - - � own Planner Date: �� � DRB �ee Pre-paid �`��� � y . _ f � . DESICN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, J�ly 5, 1995 � 3:Q0 P.M. � � LUNCH DlSCUSSiON:. 12:34 PM Discussion of appropriate materials, colors and advertising for outdoor dininglpublic seating areas. PROJECT ORIENTATiON. 1:00 AM SITE VISITS �2.00 PM 1. Parksi�e Villas, UnEts 1,2, & 3 - 1546 MatterMorn Circle 2. Wesi Vail Mall - 2151 N. Frontage Road 3. Goodenl�allier - 1873 Lionsridge Loop . 4. AzcarragalDaisy- 644 Vail Valley Drive Drivers: Lauren & Randy �. Seibert Circle Redevelapment- Conceptual review MM Located at the iritersection of Hansan Rarich Road and Bridge 5treet � Applicant: Town of VaillWinston ar�d Assoc. MOT10N: S�COND: VOTE: NO VOTE- CONCEPTUAL REV[EW 2. Innsbruck Meadows - Subdivisian entrar�ce sigr� applic�tion GR Unplatte� parcel on Kinnicicir�nick Rd./lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision Applicant: Larry AstlHigh� Tech Sigr�s M�TfON: Woldrich SECQND: Alm •VOTE: 3-0-1 (Bor�e abstained) APPROVED 3. Azcarraga/Daisy C.lnc. - Balcony Enclosure. �-W 600 Vail Vailey Drive, Unit B4151Northwoods Condomini�ams. Applicant: Nadine ,4zcarraga by Pierc�.Segerberg &Associates MOTION: Armour S�COND:Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Brent out of room} TABLED UNTIL.lULY 19TH 4. West Vail Mall - Amendment to the sign program. �W 2151 N. �rontage Rd.ILot 2A, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing � Applicant: West Vail MaEI Corporation M�T14N: Armo�ar S�COND:Wol�rich V4TE: 4-0 � TABLED INDEFINITELY � F:�c ve ryon e1d rblagead av�70S 4 S f 5. Parkside Villas, units 1,2, & 3 - Changes ta approved plans �W �, 15�46 Matterhorn Circle/Part of NE 1/4, SW i/4, Section @ Township 55 range 8 W of 6th PM. Applicant: Elk Meadow, Inc. MOTION: Woldrich SECOND: Afms VOTE:4-0 � APPROVED W/CONDITIONS 6. Innsbruck Meadvws - Review of unit 5 & 6 . GR � Unplatted parcel on KfrtNckinnick Rd.11nnsbruck Meadows Subdi�ision Applicant: Bob Borne MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: NO VOTE- CONCEPTUAL REVIEW 7. Innsbruck Meadows- Review of unit 7 GR Unpla�ted parcel on Kinnickir�nick Rd./lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision App�icant: Bob Borne MOTION: SECOND: VOT�: NO VOTE- CONCEPTUAL REVIEW 8. Sadler- New primary/secandary residence. GR 195a Charnor�ix LanelLat 34, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applica�t: June Sacfler MOT(ON: SECOND: VOTE: � NO VpTE- CONCEPTUAL REViEW � ' 9. Gooden/Fallier - Review of a new duplex. RS . 187'3 Lionsridge Loop/�ot 2, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing 3 Applicant: Don Goaden MOTION: Alm S�COND:Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WI CONDITIONS 10. Marar� Residence - Rev�ew of a QemolRebuild of Single Farnily Residence. R5 3797 East Lupine Drive/�ot 4, Bighorn 2nd Additiqn . Applicant: Chloe Moran MOTiON: Alm SECOND:Wafdrich VOTE:4-a APPROVED WICONDlTI�NS 11. Ban�ister- Remodel and addition of a garage JC 2943 Bellflower/�ot�, Biock 6, Vail Intermountain ' Appticant: Frank Bannister MOTION: SECOND: VOTE; TABLED iNDEFINITELY g:��g�y�a�a��,a�w�os9s . 2 � � V MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Bob Barne � Mike Amett � Bob Armour Hans Woidrich Brent Alm Staff Aaorav�l� Cone - Acfditian and dECk expansion GR � 4708 Meadow DrivelTract A, Bighorn Townhornes Applicant: Bromwell Cone Meadow Brook Con�o Assoc- Reroof GR 1885 Buffher Creek Raadll�ot 41, Buffer Creek A�plicant: Paul Bennicoff Lodge at Vail - Hospitality Tent RS 174 �. Gore Creek DrivelLot A,B,C, Bloc�c 5-C, Vail Viflage First Fiiing Applicant: �odge Properties, Inc. Syfvester Residence - Changes ta approved landscape plan RS 1535 Aspen Ridge Raad/Lot 2, Block 4, Lions Ridge Third Fiiing A�plicant: Michael & Sarah Sylvester Town of Vail - New windows in parking structure JC 25� S. Fror�tage RoadNillage Paricing Structure . Applicant: Town of VaillAndy Anderson Furseth - Repaint �W 5042 Snowshoe LanelLot 21, Vail Meadaws First Filing Applicant: �alis Furseth ` Flowers -Window addition. �W � 4510 East Me�dow Drive, Unit 1204, TimberfaUs Condominiums. ' Applicant: � C�arlfe SF�erman for CF�arlie Flowers Roost L.adge - Reroof and replace deck. � �R 1783 North Frontage Road Westl�.ots 9, 10, 11, and 12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Ap�alicant: Roost Lodge by Christine Mazili� Falls at VaillPitkin CreekTownharnes - Exierior trim painting GR 3850 N. Frontage Road Easf/Falis at Vail Candorniniums Applicant: Falls at Vaif Condominium Association Town of Vail - Snow remaval gate at Vail Village T�ansportatian Center RS 251 S. Frontage Road EasWail Vitlage Transportation Center � Applicant: Andy Anderson . . � F:�everyone'd�blagenda1070595 3 � Town of Va�l - Solar Callectar for Blue Cow Chute sidewalk 251 S. Frontage Road EastlVail Viilage Transportation Center r Applicant: Andy Anderson West Vail Mall - Outdoar seating ; RS 2151 N.�Frontage Rd.ILot 2, Vail Das Schone 3rd Ffling . Applicant: West Vail Mall Carp/Chris Juvan WestLink Paging Facility- Antenna addition - ,�� 610 West Lionsheacf CirclelLot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Applicant: The WestLink Cornpany Clark, Cogswell, Wilson - CF�ange to appro�ed plans. GR • . 792 and 7'94 Potato Patch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Biock � Vail/Potato Patch Sulxfivision. Applicant: Clark, Cogswekl, and Wiison • � � � F;Ieveryoneldrhlsgendes1062195 4 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town af Vai1 will hold a public hearing on July 5, 1995 at 3:Ofl p.m. in the Town af Vai! Munici pa! B[�iidi�g. � MM Seibert Circle Redevelapment- Staff updat�. Located at the intersection of Hanso� Ranch Road and Bridge St. Applicant: Town of VaillWinston & AsSOC. Clark, Cogswell, Wilson -Change to a�proved plans. GR 792 and T94 Potata Patch DrivelLots 10 and 11, Block 1, VaillPotato Patch Subdivision. Applican#: CEark, Cogswell and Wilson Ir�nsbrucfc Meadows - Subdivision entrance sigr� application GR Unplatted parcel on Kinnickinnick Rd.11nnsbr�ack MeadoWS Subdivision . Applicant: Larry Ast/High Tech Signs Innsbruck Meadows - Review of unit 6 GR Unplatted parcel on Kinnickinnick Rd.11nnsbruck Meadows Subdivision Applicant: Bob Borne lnnsbruck Meadows - Review of unit 7 � GR Unplatted parcel on Kinnickinnick Rd.11nnsbrucCc Meadows Subdivisic�n Applicant: Bob Bome As�/Kleimer- Exterior painting. GR 5194 Main Gore DrivelLot 14, Vail Meadows Filing #1. Applicar�t: Larry Ast and Ari and Ann� Kleimer � LW Azcarraga/Daisy C.1nc. - Bakcony Enclosure. 6�4 Vail Vailey Drive, Uriit 6415/Northwoods Condorniniums. Applicant: Nadine Azcarraga by Pisrce Segerberg & Associates Parkside Villas, Units i,2, & 3 - Changes to approved plans �W � 15�6 Matterharn CirctelPart of NE 114, SW 114, Section @ Towr�ship 55 range 8 W of 6th PM. Applicant: Elk Meadow, lnc. Wes#Vail Mall - Amendment to the sign program. �-W 2i5� N. Frontage FidJ�ot 2A, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing • Applicant: West Vaii Mall Corporatian The applications and information a�out th� propasals are available in the zaning administrator's office dur9ng regular office hours for pubiic in�pection. T�WN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vaii Trail on June 30, 1995. � f:lcveryoneldcb�notices147D 595 .- ; • DESIGN REVI�W BOARD AGEI�DA July�9, 1995 3:AQ P.M. PR4JECT ORlENTATION 12:Q0 SITE VISITS �'�Q i. Lifthouse Lodge -555 E. Lionshead Circle 2. Banr�ister - 2943 Bel�flower 3. White - 1101 Vail View Drive 4. S9mon - 600 Vail Valley�rive, Northwaods Unit B�4 Azcarraga-6D0 Vail Valley Drive, Northwnods Unit B4i 5 Shutz, Ramirez, Bri�liemborg - 600 Va91 Valley Drive, Northwaods Unit F'6, F7, F8 5. Johnston - 1184 Cabin Circle 6. Stevinson - 1�498 Springhill Lane Drivers: George &Jim 1. Seibert Circle Redeve�opment- Paving details, materials and paving pattern desig�s. MM Located at 4he intersection of Hanson Ranch Road and Bridge St. • Applicant: Tawn af VaillTodd Oppen�eimer M�T��N: B. Armour SECOND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-a APPROVED WI ONE RECOMENQATI�N 2. Johr�ston - Tree removal. �-W 1 i 84 Cabin CirclelLot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st �'i�ing Applicant: Paul Jo}�nston M�TlON: B. Bome SECOND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPR�VED WI CONDITION 3. White - Retaining wall, landscaping. RS 1101 Vail View Dri�e, Unit 81081Homestake Condominiums Ap�licant: Michael Krohn for Lawrence a�d Gler�na Austin MOTI�N: B. Borr�e SECOND: B. Alm VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WI CONDITIONS . . 4. Potaio Patch Townhomes Condo. Assoc. - Subdivision entry sign a�plication. RS 770 Potata Patch Drive/Patato Patch Tow�homes. AppfEcant: �arry Ast/H€g� Tec� Signs MOTtON: B. Borne SECOND: B. Alm V�TE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WI CONDITIONS 5. West�/ail Malf - Change to sign program. �-W 2161 Narth Frontage RoadlLot 2, Vail Das Schone, Filing #3. A�plicant: West Vail Mail Corporation, represented by Larry Ast MOTION: B. Borne SEC4ND: B. Alm VOTE:4-1 {Woldrich disenting} APPROVED WI C4NDITIONS � 6. Kernpf - Changes to approved pEans. RS - 1358 Vail ValEey Drive/Lot 21, Block 3, Vail Valley �st Filing. Applicant: � Tam BrinerlBill P�erce/Bruce Crabb for Chr�s Kempf MOTION: B. Borr�e SECOND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-� CONSENT APPROVED • 7. Cabbages & Kings - New signs. RS 521 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, BIqCk �, Vai� L�onsl�ead 1st Filing Applicant: Ghigui Hoffmann MOTfON: B. Borne SECOND: B. A�m VOTE: 5-0 C�NSENT APPROVED WI CONDITIONS 8. Innsf�ruck Meadows - Six new single family residenc�s GR #2,3,4,5,6,7/ Innsbruck Meadows Subd��ision Applic�nt: Bab Borne, represented by Sally Brainerd MOTiON: SECOND: VOTE: 4-fl-1 (Borr�e abstained} APPROVED WI CONDIT[ONS F:leveryoneldrbinotices107 S 995 � 2 ; - . 9. S2ad�er- New primarylsecondary residenc�. GR . 19�50 Chamor�ix LanelLot 34, Buf�er Creek Subdivision. � Applicant: June Sadler MOTION: S�CQND: 110TE: CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE �0. Chicago Plzza- sfgn application. JC 1 Q31 Sauth Froniage Road Wes�ICascade Crossings. Applicant: Greg Kraft MOTION; B. Borne SECON�: B. Alm VOT�: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 11. Banr�ister - Remodel and additian of a garage JC 2943 Bellffower/Lot 4, BEock 6, Va�l Intermountafn Applicant: Frank Bar�nister MOTION: B. Borne S�COND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-Q . APPROVED WI CONDITIQNS 12. L�fthouse Lodge - Addition of air conditioner, and determirtation of inedallian colar. JC 555 E. Lionshead Circlel�ot 3, Block i, Vail Lianshead ist F'iling Applicant: Bob Lazi�r MOTION: B. Borne SEC4ND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-0 . APPROVED 13. Simon - Deck encfosure. LW BOQ Vail VaEley ❑rive, Northwoads Unit B4/Northwaods Condominiums. AppEicant: . Pierce, Segerberg & Assac. �or G�illerma and Maria Elena Simor� MOTlON: B. Borne SECOND: B. Alm VOT�: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WI CONDITION , 14. Shutz, Ramirez and Brilliemborg - Deck enclosures. � � LW 600 Vail Valfey DrivelNarthwoods Unit F6, F7' and F8/Northwaods Condaminiums. Applicant: Pierce, Segerb�rg & Assoc. for 5te�nen and S�san Shutz, Jose Ramlrez and Arturo Brilliem�org. MOTION: B. Barne SEC4ND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-Q CONSENT APPROV�D W/COND1TtON F:Ievery4ne1drhlnoticealD7i 995 • 3 . . , , • 15. Azc�rraga- Deck enc�osure. LW fi0Q'�1lail Valley DrivelNorthwoods Unit B4151Northwoods Candos. App�icant: Pierce, Segerberg & Assoc. foC Nadine Azcarraga MQ�14N: B. Bome SECOND: B. Alm VOT�: 5-0 COI�SENT APPROV�D W/CONDITIONS 16. Ste�son - Garage, living roorn and balcor�y addition using an additional 254 sq. ft. LW ailat�ner�t. �49� Springhili Lane, Unit A/ Lot 16, Block 3s Vai� Valley 1st Filing. � App�cant: Patrjc9a Stevinson MOT�ON: B. Borne SEGOND: B. Alm VOTE: 5-0 TA�LED UNTIL$l2195 MEMBERS PRES,�NT MEMBERS ABSENT � Bob Borne Ha�ts Woldrich Brent Alm � Bob Arm�ur � Mike Arnette Ft A� 1st Bank- ATM sign. `�C 244 Wall StreeUBlock 5C, Vail Village i st Applicant: Blanche Hill Alpenrase - Deck expansion �W 100 E. Meadow Drive/l.at 0, Block 5D, Vail Vilfage ist Filing Applicani: Micro & Verena Tanon & Peter Haller Baalesteras- Dutdoor light}ng. AK 950 Fairw�y Court/Lot 6, Vail ViElage 10th Filing. Applicant: Steve Buccino, Land Designs for MrlMrs Baflesteros Mclntyre - Repair�t GR 2121 N. Fror�tage Rd.lLot 11, Black 2, Lionsridge #�4 Applicant: W.�Scott Mcfntyre Sch�cic-Yard Improvements � RS 5064 Black Gore�Drive/ Applican#: Chris Schuck . �:levaryoneldr�lagendes1071995 4 Grams - Reroof GR 5104 Grause Lane/Lot 7, Vail Meadaws #1 � � Applicant: Gordon Grams Austir� - Interior 250 sq. ft. GR�A allatment for proposed loft addition. 1081 Vaii View Drfve, Unit Bi 08/Homestake.Candomfnfums. JC Applicar�t: Michael Krahn far Lawrence and Glenna Austir� Meadow Broak Condo Assoc. - R�roof GR 1885 (1933} Buffehr Creek RoadlLat 41, Buffer Creek Subd[vision A�plicant: Paul Bennlcoff for Meadowbrook Cor�dominium Associat[or� Baifey- Driveway & Landscaping changes RS 1287 Va�l Valley Drive/Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 1 st Filing Applicant: Gary Bailey and Jeff Bailey Fermanis -Chang�s to ap�roved pians JC 1139 Sar�dstone Roadllndian Creek#4 Applicant: MEchael �auter�ach . , Cabbages & Kings - Repaint af portEon of�xt�rior. � LW 521 �ast Lionshead CircleNai! 2i Building. A{�plicant: Ghfgui Hoffman �ye Pieces- Minor fsnestration & building material ahanges to aommerciai space. JC 555 E. tior�s�ead-CirclelLot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing � Appficant: Danie! Barry F:Ieveryoneldrblsgendas1071985 � • PUBLIC NOTICE . NOTfCE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that tt�e Design Rev�ew Board of the Towr� of Vaii wil! hold a pubEic hearir�g on .fuly 19, #99S at 3:OA p.m. in the Town.of Vaii Mur�icEpa! Building. Seibert Circle RedeveEoprr3er�t- Paving details,materfaEs and paving �attern designs. MM Laca#�d at the ir�tersection of Hansor� Ranch Raad and Bridge 5t. . Applican#: Town o#Vail/Winston &Assac. WY�ite- Reiai�ing w�ll, landscaping. 110i Vaii View Dri�e/Lot 1�, Block A, Casolar If, Lions Ridge �ilir�g #1. . RS Ap�licant: Jeff W�ite Austin - Inierior 250 sq. ft. GRFA allatment for proposed foit addition. 1081 Vai! View Drive, Unit B108/HornEStake Condominiums. � aC Applicar�#: Michael Krahn for Lawrence and Glen�a Austin Stevinson - Garage, livingroom and baEcorty addition using an additional 25D sq. ft. � �.�N alfotm�nt. � 1498 Springhilt I�ane, UnPt A/ Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Vailey 1 st Fil�r�g. Applicar�t: Patricia Stevinson � Potato Patch Townhomes Cor��o. Assoc. - Su�division entry sign application. RS 770 Potato f'atch Dri�elPotato Patch Tawhhomes, Applicant: �.arry AsUHigh T�ch Signs � Kempf-Changes to approved ptans. RS 1358 Vait Valfey Dr�vellot 21, Block 3, Vail Valley �st Fifing. Applicant= Tam Briner/Bil� Pierce/Bruce Crabb for Chris Kempf Chicago Pizza- sign appfication. �C 1031 Sou#h �rontage Road WesVCascade Crossings. Ap�lican�: Greg Kraft Simon - Deck enciosure. �-W 60D Vai! Valley Dri�e, Nort�woods Unit B�/Northwoods Candaminiums. ApplicaRt. Pierce, Segerberg & Assoc. for Guillerma and Maria E�ena 5imon Shutz, Ramirez and Brilliemborg - Decfc enclosures. �-w 600 Vai! Valley Drive/Northwoa�s Unit F6, F7 and �81Narthv+roods Condominiums. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg & Assoc. for Stephen and Susan 5hutz, Jose Ramirez ar�d Arturo Brifliemborg. Azcarraga- �eck enclosure. �-W 600 Vail VaEley Drive/Nart�woods Unit 64151Northwoods Candos. Applicarit: Pierce, Segerberg & Assac. for Nadine Azcarraga Innsbruck Meadows - modifications to approved ��ans. GR #2,3,4,5,6,71 Inr�sbruck Meadows Subdi�ision Applican�: Bob Bome � F:�everyoneldrbinaticcs�O7S995 Johnston -Tree removai. �W � 1 i 84 Cabin Circie/Lot 2, Black 2, Vail Viilage 1 st Filir�g � . Ap�llcant: Pa�i Johnsto� � Eye Pieces- Mfnar fenestratlon & b�llding mater�a! changes to cammeraiai space. JC 55� E. Lior�sY�sad Circle/�at 3, B1ock 1, Vail �ior�shead 1st Filing � AppliG.�nt: Daniel Barry Sadler- New prEmary/secvndary residence. GR � �950 Chaman�x Lane/Lot 3Q, Bu�fer Cre�k 5ubdivision. � � Applicant: .�une Sadler Bannlster- Remode! and additfor� of a garage ,�C 2943 Be1lflower/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain � A�plicar�t: FranEc Bannister � � Cabbages & Kfngs - New sigr�s. RS , 521 E, Lionshead CirclelLot 3, slock 1, Vail �ior�shead 1st Filing Applicani: Ghighi Hoffmar�n . The applicatians and informat+�n about the proposals are availabl� in the zoning administra#or's office during regular otfice i�ours for publfc fnspection. TOWN O� VAlL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � Pubiished irt the Vail Trail on July i4, 1995. i � F:tievcryonetidr6lnoticc41070595 2 PUBLIC NOTICE • E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the �esig� Review Board will be reviewir�g the following NOTIC applicatian on .luly 19, 1995 in the Town vf Vail Mur�icipal Building. �. A request for an additional 250 square feet of G�O�sAR�n� Residenlce f ca ed at 1081 Vail add�tian af approximately 120 sq. ft. of a la#t a View Drive, Unit 8108, Homestake Candom9niums. Appiicant: Michael Krohn for Lawrence ar�d Glenna Austin � Tfi�e applications and information about the propasals are ava9lable in the zor�ing administratar's office during regular office haurs for publ9c inspectinn. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . _ Publ9shed in the Vail Trai1 on!� ne�g� . � �leveryaneWrb1250ehulau stln.718 PUBL.IC NOT�CE � NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that thE Design Review Board will be re�iewing the following application on July 19, '�995 in the 7own of Vail Municipai Building. 1. A request for an additional 25p square feet of Gross Residential Floor A�ea for a li�ing . room ad�itio� at the Ste�i�son Residence lacated at 1498 Spring�ill LahelLot 16, Biock 3, Vail Valiey 1 st Filing. Applicant: Patricia Ste�insan The applications and information abaut th� proposais are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular affice hours for pubiic inspection. TOWN OF VAkL COMMUNITY DEVELOPM�NT Published in the Vail Trai! or� June 30,i995. i � F:leveryoneldrb1250ehulstevinsan.719 Design Rer►iew Act�on Form T4WN OF VAIL . � Date � � Gategory Number Project Name: Ga'rf'� r � ���'�' Buiiding Name: � � ' Project Desc�iption; , � Owner,Address and Phane: � �� � � � ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: � �� � . r � �[� � �t�� ' �egal Descriptian; Lot B1ock Subdi�isian r � � �one District ��_ Project Street Address: d V� ��` �� �� � Camments: Boar � � � - Motion by: t Vot�: '� Seconded by: ,Approval���J � ❑ Risapproval ❑ Staff Approval Cflnditions: � (/i/�Z,°�- Tawn P{amner � Date: QRB Fee Pre-paid I Design Review Ac�ion Form TOINN OF VAIL �ategory IVumber '� '"� cS� Date !0 l� Project Name: l Building Name: project Description; /Y� �� ����- �� � �—, -� ! �� , Owner, Address and Phone: r � � Archite Contact, Address and Phone: � i,��C6 rl��'���Y'���� v� °�� �!��TT � � l Ll�i � l! �� Legal Description, Lot�� Block Subdi�ision_��-�� _ Zone District Project 5treet Address: �o�LI� I� +J�T�����! �� - Comments: . - - Board 1 Staff Action Motion by, Vote: � C Seconded by;_� -- �ApProval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Appraval Conditions: � `' , �� ,��'` .� r � � � � -��L/�' �� . J � �� �°!f� �� � �r- �`C� �^ ; a�J' � t p``� " . ,2 . �=z s' Town Planner Date: ' � DRS Fee Pre-paid,_,_,,. Design Review Action Form TOWN 4F VAIL �ategary Number Date��.9 . � �e Project Name: Building Name: pro�ect Description: 3 . c�r � Qwner, Address and Phone: Archite ontact ddress and Phone: a. Legal Description: l.ot Biock Subdivision ��s�hr2E.[�-1� a:4.�• Zone District L7�rYIF� Project Street Address: � Comments; . oard taff Action Motion by.�.l�.l� f'� ti Vote: �-� �. — Seconded by: � A�proval ❑ pisapproval ❑ Staif Approval Conditians: 2. • Town Planner c� � Date: .�'��'��..— DFiB Fee Pre-paid � . Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN O F VAI L �ategory lVumber y � Date � Project Name: r �U✓'� � ` � �' � Building Name: � �� � .� Project Descriptian: � S Owner, Address and Phone: f � . � ArchitectlContact,Ac�dress ancf Phone; � '��J (� Legal Descriptian: Lo# Block Subdi�isio��[� �#��. — Zone District �_- � � Project Street Address: Comments; � Board 1 S#aff Action Motion by: Vote: � Seconded t�y: ��-� }�Appro�al / v ❑ Disapproval ❑ S#aff A�proval �� Conditions: , ��� �� � , • � � ' ...� �: � � � . V �, , Town Planner Date: �-'� DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Ac�ion Form T01NN �F VAIL �Categary Num�er� � �r.r � ` Dat� • � � 5� �� �' � T --___. Prajec# Name: �A� f'l� `��' ,��, B�'rlding Name:�� . � Project Qescriptian: ��� n 571�/� �- ��a n"�f' �/�'� Owner, Address and Phone: �C i`d�d°ta..=-� 1/,��z �. ,,��� J��J' /�, � ,� �fif.�•�� /�� � ��� 5 Architect/Contact,Address and Phone: �� �' � �� A �� /�3 �� �l �� ��4� , Legal description: Lot� Block '�" Subdi�ision ���-t�►-� ��� �ane District �__._�,._.. Project Street AddrESS:��� � � ���/ZLy,y� �. Comments: � Board / Staff Action Motion by, !bF["�� Vote; ��_ Secvnded by: �� �✓L�. �Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � � � � � s ����� � a ��� � ��^ � � � ` �� �� , Towr� Planner Date: `7�/ - ,� pRB Fee pre-pai .�� Design Review Action Form TOINN OF VAIL � Category Numb� '" �iL✓ Date �� �r �� �� � ^____ . ` Project Name: Building Name: � Project Description; ` o � � Owner, Address and Phone: �.�-� �� � �" _.S�/ �.i�MJ'��� ��� � �/�.,�� ��� ,�-� �6-��-�' Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: � . �d�frU �O�.J'�1� � � � ---- / @ � Legal Description: Lot�� Block� Subdivision C,�vy+J'/Ll � Zone District � � Project S#reet Address: 7--� �0�-�� Comments; � -. Board l S#aff Action � Motion by,_�/�'� Vote: '� Seconded by:.�.,lN��� _— �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Gonditions: �'"`'� � � @ � d � � . n �„��� � .� �� s ��� � � �;�,c�po7 � � �r� �,� D� �� Tawn Pfanner ��;� ���''.� ������� Date: �,' �', / � DRB Fee Pre-paid � �,� ��..��p� ��- ���' �.-� �� � � �►���� � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL o �,Category Number �! �ate �r 7` � Praject Name: � Building Name: Project Description: � ' ` �� � `�•— * �. Q Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �P�� �P�s [v '�// I '� � � �1��7 Legal C7escrip#ian: Lot�� Block�� Subdivision � Zo District Project Street Address;�l�� � �l� � Comments; • Board 1 Staff Action • Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disappro�al �Staff Approval Conditions: � �� � � l � �-- � � �� � � � � T wn Plann r pate: � DRB Fee Pre-paid , � Design Review Action Form �- TOINN OF VA[L /� p S Category Number ' t Date����t I�����e��`1�[ (���u.C� � Project Name: Building �lame;_,� r���e � ��.� Projec# Description; � � �� c Aew,�i. vc,�M � s_ —T—� " Owner, Address and Phone:� ,��(�_ �� ��� �v°��7,� � `�c ��� . If . �0 8"l�oS� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: � ��� -� 7 � Legal Descriptian: Lot Block � Subdi�ision � � r � Zone Dis#rict C`�� Project Street Address:��`I � �, !�� � w/ �� , ^ Corriments; � F- ��$ Board 1 Staff Action `-`""" Motior� by: G Vote: 7 � U�F�� Seconded by: ��`�y � f�Approval ❑ Disapproval � ❑ Staff Approva! Conditions:,� Q� � Town Plan ar Date: � �' ��' / � , �,. _ DF�B �ee Pre-paid s�-�� �� �^ r � . TOWN COUNC�L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . GART4N'S BAR AND GRILL SIGN VARiANCE REQUEST C�UNCIL GRANTED THE VARIANCE WITH THESE CONDYTIONS ON 7/18/95 1. The proposed cabinet sign shall be mounted tlush �gai�s��he w�lI at the top of the metal staircase, and.�ave the dimensions af 4 feet long by 2.5 feet tall by 6 inches deep. 2. That the sign face be made so that light shines through only the letters. The remainder of the sign face shall be npaque. 3. Thc e��sting inenu box a�d daily special board, located at the bottom af the metal staircasc, shall be removed no later thar� August 16, 1995 if the applicant does not obtain Town Council or D1tB approval to keep these signs in their current location. These signs were never approved by the Town and are current�y located on Town property. 4. The exisfing awning,supports and awning sign, located above the parking�arage entrance, shall be removed prior to erection of the new sign. 5. T�at the electric wires supplying power to the sign be pIaced in a condait, run along the stuccco wall and painted to match the stucco color. . vb • " � ' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ^ � Date � r � �Category N�mber . � �' � � r� � � - - \ � Project Name: � Building Name: ti ` ,� Q Project Description: � " � C.� • dv�^7�fC �� Owner, Address and Phone: ��� ��� � ��� � �:o �C� Archi#ec ontact ddress and Pl�one: /°� �� �- �7� a o1l J'S Gd �" �r��� }I ��" � Zone District �_, Lega! Descrip#idn:.kef u Block� Subdi�ision Project Stree$Address { t �� Comments: � • Board 1 Staff Action � Vote• �r� - Motion by: — 5econded by; �ppro�al ��Q� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approv� � Conditions: � ,�-�`�e �� � d r �i d�'r �/`� �Ic 6�C �^'� � '_.� 0 � ��� ` � f,�d �`�. � a� s� �r�� Town f'lanner � � �� Date: • ��` �� DRB Fee Pre-paidr �/ . , w • White Conditions af Appraval DRB Meeting July 19, 1995 1. Caordinate a�l site grading ar�d asphalt remnval with the Homestake Condo. Assac. An attempt shauld be maeke to conrdinate project so that t�e Homestake parKing lo� is regraded and drains inta the starm drain inlet as originally p�anned. 2. Pravide a curb or short retaing wall along the edge of the Hamestake parking lot. 3. All grading must be 2:1 flatter. - 4. Fence ta 6e a 2-rail slit��ail fence as proposed with shrubs and trees to be planted as shawn on the propased plans. All shrubs must be at leas� 5 gallons or iarger, and al1 trees ta be m�nirnum of 6 feet tall. � . � Design Review Action Fo�m � TOWN OF VA1L �Caiegory Number� r 1 �ate 2'�!�� �.1�� Pro�ect Name: � �f""`�' � � � Building Name: S,� � , �. Project Description: � ��S�� �v''�u ���`" �� �wner, Address and Phone: �� �_ �a �4C , � �. �� n f �� �'^ ��� Architect ontact Address and Phone: 'r � t _ ��c .��G�i'� . l�� ,.�,� �f�S�� q --- Legal Description: Lot_�� Block �" Subdivision �� ..�� �f�� zone Disfrict �� Project Street Address: ��� �� � '�� ��• ��• - --- Comments: i Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: Vote: .� d Seconded by: �Approval C.:i�4c.�`'W ❑ [7isagproval ❑ S#aff Appro�al � � �... Conditions: S� � � � r / � � � � ,�'�`�D�t � a�-�� `�. o�� � ���re �r ,� s � � a �' � � , � n �� � t r ---� - � � F dX q � �` Town Plann � pate: �7� �ZG� �J DRB F�e Pre-pai "�_� Des�gn Review Action Form TQWN OF VAIL .Category Numbe� � � � Date ` ` ��� Praject Name: b a � �r S , � Building Name: �� Project Description: �" D�` � J`� �p��� -�--�`�°�L �a�� C.l`�c�✓r o+n rf a� f�e��� . �7.ro�a c��� J�'�'�s al.� �t✓ r J' ��+ ,-•..... ..,,... ._.----, Owner, Address and Phone: ` ���� T . � � —3�CI ��,� 6�� ���= Cd 8./��� ._._ ._ ... _.— Architec ar�tac Address and Phone: �t9 � � �-w-�� ��# �PA� �9 -- �° � Gr�eYi�s�a�...����'..._�~�' ���s`�? __ ._ . c%L��f �_ Legal nescription: Lot � Black_ � Subdivision_ � E Zone Distriat �--� Project Street Address: r� . �rI�-��►" ,,� � Comrr�ents:1 �.T a f�'! 1 S . . ����e� �".�C.QP �kJ . ,---- � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by.��� .,___ Vote: -��� Seconded by; . � Approval �li�� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �+G�(! 4 C � ��� -- �..���° � � � �-�°� �, � � ����� d� � .._.,������� � . Tawn Planner Date: �` ��- f � DR B Fee Pre- ' � � paid� _ ,... Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �Category Number .____ p�#e j � Project �fame: � p �� � C . Building Name: Ct S �� Project Descriptiorr. c..'t� � ( r � �' ��' � � i o' l��� � � 4 S � � � � Owner, Address and Phone: f` P�CY � "" �0��� . .��e�u-e�` S t��t, � 6�a ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: S c�r�Ccr,¢�� n . �egal Description: Lo# iock Subdivision��C� �lc� ���ef Zone District ��� Project Street Address: �� ��2 .� � Comments: � , � � �� �. Q ` , �.. � �, ` �, Board taff Action Motion by: �� �l`� �- ,.. Vote: �" � Secan by:_� �L./�1 ..._.__ Approval [.�S.�Civ T-- ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Cnnditions: � T n Pfanner �d Date: � DRB Fee Pre-paid ��� Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number pa�� �� i'� ` a � Project Name: �a � � t� �`J Building �ame: a s�-e r' S' ' ` L �� � Project Description: ' ��� � � � d ` � � (�� °ec� � � , � Owner, Address and Phone: �l� '�i � l! r �0�� ��� '� �5�� �-{ [�; uJ ltilaly l�c��!�r�or��t �r�Y: C�a ,���c� �7 �/�� -- ArchitectlContact, Address and �'hone: �r_� � d�'r�c>' — �1� � --� � L���C.s'.S J���� i��c�v �y ��� �� Q � C.- � � ��..a� Legal �escription: Lot �'1 Black � Subdi�ision �h 1`�c9� 7'�t«"t- _ Zone Distric# � � Prajec# Street Address:�_ � � �-�� ���3� �� r Comments: . Board taff Action Motion by: � �-`�'�`� Vote: �� � Secon y: � Approval �V���c���5� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appra�al , � ' l Conditions; L� Fl� f � �v �� d� � ' ��'� � c r. r a JT �� * ` � � � � � f � ��' � 3. � � �a ��� �.� u� � � C���t� �� ��s��� , -�--- � wn Planner Date: .�� DRB Fee Pre-�aid �� Design Re�iew Action Form TO1NN 4F VAIL � ����� �ategory Number Date� Project Name:���Q_r-,� � � T � 1'��'�� - Building Name: Project Description: �Z��V�� '7�'`� - Owner, Address and Phone: �� � i ArchitectlContact, Address and F'hone: Legal DescrFptian: Lot � Block �� Subciivision 1 � Zone District �� Praject Street Address: ��1._,����-�11 IG��� - - Comments: . Boar f-�c�r�`�rr- Motion by� �r V �� . VOtpi. i l r� -° Seconded by: �Approval ([,�1�.Sef?'f� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approva! , Conditians:� !IW � � � � ��/ `1���` � ��� ` Ui'1 V�J�/ Town Planner � Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid l/V ° Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ; �Category:Number �. `4���'IS Date �]• f� � � � �_ _ ,..._..--- Project �Iame:_f�+?'�� , . ..,....._._ Building Name: Project Desc iption: 0 n �-" � � S'� .rc.�.-�� - �. � � � � �` � . s• r�.. . i �.. ��/ . �i�-. � CC �f`G` � � ��`t/� � ` �� ` �'j� r���/'� Owner, Address and Phone; f �' ��'`�`�`�' �� � . d ` 8" �� ��C3�� s� �y'����' � ,o�1� Archit tlCon#act, Address and Phone: !�e a�+� ��`I �v�- � C<< �� l� .�� � , 6 � ��/ �— �egal �escription: Lqt_� Block � Subdi�ision _�✓�� I �� zone District _._.� Project Street Address: �.��� f�� _(����. ,.__. Comments: � ---- __ Board 1 Staff Action Motian by: ��'t"�-� Vote• �`�0 Seconded.by: `�A�proval �vt� / �� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: r . � �d ,� �l � � � , � s� � � � o�o � �.rc� i��� ��� � C�f�ruc94�� �c��' �`�s�)a ���irr��rdl� � `� ���� Town Pianner Date: �• �d ' �� ,.., . ___..__ DRB Fee Pre-paid� ,..._ Design Review Action Form T�WN OF VAIL � f _ Date 7 l`�' :� .Category Number ` T , � % � , � { �f��°� C�M(M,2�C� � G ��' �� Project Name:. - � ! YT o c9 �. G! �dv� ` � � Building Name: � � Praject Description: r r � � t ._...._...._ .. �� , � • �� �� N � � � �� ' ' ` �c.�TC '1F- t�.�� .� �'� � ! �G A - Owner, Address and Phone: � >�_ -6 � r`�� -- � �--�� � ���� ,_ _� ���� �� a F� G � C .���� ; �s�?� s��� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: � T� ��� a� . [� .�5� V� L- �. ����� - Le al [7escription: Lot� Biock_..� Subdivision_,ar� L! .__ ,�� Zone Distrjcx��.-� � . /� � �' � .�Gi� G � Project Street Address:_, �-�� � �� -� �� �r f �� - Comments: . -------- . Board taff Action Motion by: � ��� Vote: �`'� .- Seconded by: �"� 7`7��� _ ----.._-----_ pproval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: - .-_ . � . wn Planner pate; �� �S DRB Fee Pre-paid ���_. Design Review Action Form TOWN �F VAIL �ategory Number � Date 7I��/�J� _ Project Name:�,�� �S• 1 �}'��.�r�v�..� -- -- - Building Name: .� # ,� Project Description: � . ������l�`� - Owner, Address and Phone: �f�.uC Archite onta Adcfress and Phone: � � —�.�'����e�n�� �� ���.'i� �, �r�� !1�� _� �! Legal Descriptia�: Lot D-- Block Subdi�ision .�r.��.,rs u Zone District �� Project Street Address: � ��-� �-�'aM a-r-� - ---- Comments: . oar Staff Action Motian by; ��r� __ Vate: �-0- � Seconded by: V� I ,►�f�.h -- � Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ 5taff Approval Condi#ians: ��C'�-_�..,.. �`'"' �-� -�..--�' �' ��-'� �/�! /�� _ � � � ��, _ Tawn Planner Date: ��ZD� ___ DRB Fee Pre-paid 'r" Design Review Ac�ion Form T4WN OF VAIL �ategory Number l� Date�. /� � Project Name: �-►-� � Buiiding Name: Project Description: �~ � Owner, Address and Phone: ~ Archi#ec ontact, ddress and Phone: _ • � u -T-� ,� ,�� ,� Zone District � Legal Description: Lot�.^ B�o�k `f Subdi�ision_ Project Street Address: Camments: � oar Staff Action Motion by:��✓1�? — Vote; �� - � Seconded by: � Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appraval Canditions: �--�- � Town Pianner Date: ��2 _,� DRB �ee Pre-paid `�� r � � � DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA August 2, 1.99� 3:00 P.M. PRO.TECT ORIENTATION-NO LUNCH � 1:�0 * Discussion with Tom Maorhead SITE VISITS � 2�0� 1. Timber Ridge - l2$0 N. Fron#a.ge Rd. Wes� , 2. Dews- 278 Rockledge Road 3. Covered Bridge Packet Parlc- S.E. corner af Covered Bridge by Russell's Dri�ers: Jim&Andy �. Cone Residence-Interior Loft Additio�.250 GRFA GR(CS/AK) 4708 Meadow Drive/Unit l A, Bighorn Townhomes App�,cant: Bramwell Cone MOTION: Bome SEC4ND: Armour VOTE: 5-0 • CONSENT APPRO`VED . 2. Stevinson-Garage, living room and balcony addition using an addi�iona12S4 sq: ft. LW(AK) a�lvtrnent. �498 Sp�inghill La�e,Unit A/Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Valley lst Filing. Applicant: Pairicia Stevinson MOTION: Borne SECOND: A�n V�TE: 4-1-0 Woldrich opposed . � �ONSENT APPRQVED W/CONDITION that an 8' conifer be added ta the site plan and with a recornmendation that the applicant continue to work w�ifh the neigh�or. � 3. T�mber Ridge {Ma1et Realty)-Reraaf of Ti�r►b�r Ridge. GR{AK) � 12SU North Frontage Road West/Timber Ridge Village. App�icant: CyberCon Engineering MOTION: Bome SECOND: Arrnour VOTE: S-Q CONSENT APPROVED WICONDITION that the slungles be"Timberline Ultra." 4. Y�g Reside�ce- Changes to approved plans. RS(JC) 48�Farest Road/Lot l,Block 1,Vaal Village�th�iling � A�licant: Charles Ying represented by Bob Boymer � iV�OTION: Borne SECOND: Armour VOTE: 5�0 C�NSENT APPROVED W/C4NU�TION that the glass block on the east elevation be removed arxd fhe two windows are kept as approved originally,rninus the tr�e divided lights. F:levaryoneldr6lmgendas148Q285 M 5. D�ws- Canceptua,l review of a demo/reb�ild af primary/secondary residence. LW{JC) � 27$Rockled�e Roadll.ot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing, Applican#: Julie Dews MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Covered Bridge Pocket Park - Conceptual review of new park. � RS(MM} . S.E, comnex of Covered Bridge by Russelt's Applicant: Town of Vail/Greg Barry MOTION: Borne SECOND: Waldrich VOTE: 5-� APPROVED W/CONDITION that a meandering path made of crusher fines(witli a border)be inc�uded. , 7, Sadler-New primary/secondary residence. GR 195Q Chamanix Lane/Lat 34, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant: June Sadler MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: � TABLED INDEFI1vITELY � � ��ER�,�� ENT MEM�ERS ABSE� . Mike Arnett Bob Bome Brent Alm Hans Woldrich . Bob A.�mour-PEC Representative � Staff A�provals . Fisaher- Sliding door and window addition GR 356 Hansan Ranch R�./Part of Lat D, B�ock 2, Vail Village lst Fiiing � Applicant: Brent Alm� . Jessop Residence-Mont de Neige RS 3025 Booth Falls Rd./Lot 12, Block l, Vail Viliage l�th Filing Applicant: Tony Jessop Marriot iVlark Resart- Emergency generator AK 715 W, Lionshead CircIe/Lots C&D,Morcus Subdivisio� Applicant. Lee Snyder ' Eye Pieces-Lifthouse Condominiums JC . 555 E. Lions�ead Circ�e/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail�Lionshead lst Filing Applicant: Daniel S, Barry 2 : � �i . Landfnazk Condominiums-Office expansion �C 610 W. Lianshead Circle/Lot 1,Block �, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing Applicant: Landmark-Vaii Condorniniu�n Association,Inc. Mil�er Residence- Changes to appraved plans JC 1477 Aspen Gro�e Lane/Lot 3,Biack 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing Applieant: Wi1i Miller " Aus�in In#erior-250 Addition JC 1 Q81 Vail View Drive,Unit B-I08/Lo�A-6,Block A, Lionsridge 1 s�Filing App�icant: Lawrence Austin Lifthouse Condominiums-Comtnercial changes �C 555 E. Lionshead Circ�e/Lot 3, BIock �,Vail Lionshead 1 sf Filing Applicant: Bob Lazier Henaul#Residence-Window addition. RS S I94 Main Gore Drive/Lot 16,Vail Meadows Applican#: Phitlip Henaul# � Willoman Residence- Change to app:roved plans. GR Greenhill C�urt/Lot 21, Glen Lyan Subdivision � � Applicant: Veme Will�man McIntyre -Exterior Repaint. GR 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 11, B�ock 2,L'zonsridge Filing#4. Applicant: W. Scott Mcintyre . Nova Roofing for Grams-Reroo�; GR 5104 Cxrouse Lane/Lo�7, Vail Meadows Fi�it�g#1. � Applicant: Roeky Bastian for Gordon Grams �'ento� - Deck Adclition, . GR 1861 Alpine Drive,Unit#1/Lat 32, Vail Village west Filing#1. Applicant: Dan at�d Wallis Pentan Scott�esid�nce - Portable hat tub GR � 5075 t��e Lane/Lot 29, Vai�Meadow#1 Applicant: Bab Scott Parkside Villas-Changes to approved plans. LW 1546 Iviatterhorn Circle � � Applicant: Frank Navarm � Brady-Deck addition � , � L� 188 i Laons Ridge Loop#7/Vai1 Point Appticant: Daryl Brady 3 PUBLkC NOTICE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing an August 2, 1995 at 3:I�0 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipaf Building. Cone Residence - Int�rior �oft Addition 250 GRFA GR 47Q8 Meadow Dri�e/Unit 1 A, Bigharn Townhomes Applicant: Bramweli Cone Dews- Conceptuai review of a demo/reb�ild af primaryls�condary resider�ce. �.rN 278 Rockledge RoadlLat 15, Block 7, Vaif Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Julie Dews Timber Ridge (Malet Realty) - Rerao#af Timber Ridge. GR i280 North �rontage Road WestlTimber Ridge Village. Applicant: CyberCon Engin�ering for Exoho Associates Stevinson - Garage, I��ing room and balcony addition using an additional 250 sq. ft. LW aflotment. t498 Springhill Lar�e, Unit A1 Lot 16, Block 3, Vaii Valley 1 st Filing. Applicant: Patric�a St�vinson Sadfer- New primarylsecandary residence. GR 1950 Chamonix Lane/Lot 34, Bu�fer Creek Su�division. Applicant: June Sadler Ying Residence - Chang�s ta appro�ed plar�s. RS � �86 Forest Roadl�at 1, Block, Vail Village 6th Fil�ng Applicant: Charles Ying represented by Bob Boyrner Cavered Bridge Pflcket Park- Canceptua� review af new �aark. RS S.E. cor�er of Covered Bridge Applicant: Town of Vail The appfications and inforrnation abaut the propasals are a�ailable in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trai1 on Juiy 28, 1995. �- . f� "I' F:Ieveryanaldrbinolices1086295 CI" � � 1 t DESIGN REViEW BOARD AGENDA � A�gust 16, 1996 3:00 P.M. PRO.�ECT�RIENTATlON 12:00 SITE VISfTS 1=�� 1. Drisko-325 Forest Road � � 2. Houtsma- 1863 West Gore Cree�C Drive 3. Gund - 1778 Sierra Trail �4. Pitcher- 1555 Asper� Ridge Road 5. Town of VaillPublic Works Dept. - 1309 Vai! Vafiey Drive 6. 5ims- 391 fi L�pin� Drive 7. C�rtain Hill Sports - 254 Bridge Street Driver: Randy 1. Johns- Conversior� of crawl space to living roam using a� additianal 250 s�. ft. l.W i720 5unburst Dri�e, EJnit 2Nail Golfcourse Tow�hames. _ Appl�cant: Glor�a and Steven J.ahns ,J(Z MOT.ON: Borne SECOND: Arrnour VOTE: 5-0 �ti� /�i� CONSENT APPROV�D • 2. Boyce - Conversion of crawE spacE #o iivlr�g area using one 250 sq. ft. GRFA allotment. LW 1720 5unburst �rive, Ur�it#3Nail Golfcaurse TownF�omes. Applicant: Robert BoycE MOTiON: Bome SECOND: Armour V4TE: 5-0 CONSENT APPR4VED 3. Cavered.Bridge E'acket Park - Final review of new park. MM S.E, c:orr��r ot the Covered Bridge and nort� and east of Russell's Restaurant � ApplECant: Town af Vail/Greg Barrie , MOTiE'3N: Borne SEC�ND: Arrnour VOTE: 5-0 s.,�- COI�ESE�T APPROVE� Ca��cwprv�'a'I � � 4. Golclen Peak House- Temporary site development sign. MM 278 &�anson Ranch Road/Golden Peak Ha�se. Appli�a�t: 5nawdon Hopkins Architects . MOT6QN: Borne SECOND: Armaur VOTE: 5-0 CON��M'APPROVED � s����s � F:�EVERYONEIDRBVIt�t�►�DA55881fi95 7��' S � L � 5. Sims -Conceptual Review of a new single family. GR 39i fi Lupine Drive/Lot 5B, Block 2, Bigharn 1 st Addition � Appsicant: Mr. Sims MOTlON: SECOND: VOTE: CQNCEPTLIAL REVIEW- N4 VQTE • 6. Kaertig - Changes to approved pfa�s, roo#ing materiaL GR 795 Patato Patch Drlve/l.ot 26, Patato PatcY� Subdivisio�. • � Applicant: Eric aahnson � MOTION: Barne SEC�ND: Alm VOTE:4-1 � (Hans Woldrich dissenting) APPROVED. . 7. Alpine Bank at Crossroads- Temporary site development sign. RS 143 E. Meadow Drive/Crossroads W�st Bui�ding Applicant: Afpine Bank � M4TION: Borne SECOND: Armour VOTE: 5-0 GONSENT APPROV�D �� B. Curtin Hifl Sport� -5iqn v�riar�e, changes to conditio�s o�approval. RS 254 6r€dge Street/�at 1, Block 5C, Vai! Viflage i st Filing Applicar�t: Jack Curtin MOTfQN: Bome SEC�ND: Armour � VOTE: 5-0 DAB removed Candition 3a and forwarded a recammendatlon for approva! of the sign varian� request to Co�ncil, ` 9. Spraddle Creek Estates - Sigr� A�plication. RS i253 Spraddle Cresk Dri�e/5praddle Creek Sub�iv9sian. Applicant: Charfie Bisderman . MOTION: Borne SECOND: Armaur VOTE: 5-0 C�NSENT APPRQVED . � i 0. Manor Vail Ladge - Sign applicat�on. RS 595 East Vail Valley Drivel�o#A, Block i, Vail Village F�I�ng #7. Applicant: Ric Petersen MOTION: Barne SECON�: Armour VOTE: 5-0 CQNSENT W! CONDtTiON ��l�`�T���j 5i�� tc� � �'�'��'a�� ��+ M"?►i�X� Lu�7. 'cGI�R-"z y 11. Manor Vail Lodge - Hot tub a�ditior�, stair�and entry change, �aaol resurfacing. R5 595 East Vait Valley Drive/Lat A, Block 1, Vail Vil�age Filing #7. Applicant: Ric Peterser� MOTION: Borne SECQND; Armour VQT�: 5-0 CQN5ENT APPROVED F:�V�RYON�RBJIGENDAS106 f B85 2 � r :ti 3 12. Tawn af Va#I - Addition t� Public Works Administratior� Bt�ildi�tg and � A� . re�avation of Bus Barr�. 1309 Vail Valley DrivelUnplatted Parcel Applicant: Town of Vail PubEic Works Department MO'�"1QN: Armour SEC�ND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPRQVED (PHASE 1.ONLY) 13. Ho�sma- Garage and Foyer Additions - GR �8b"3 West Gare Creek DrivelLot 47, Vail Village West 1st Filing App#�cant: John and Bobbi Houtsma MQ�ON: Borne SECON�: Alm VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WI C�NDITIONS 14. Drisko -, review o�separa#ian of P1S residence. GR 32��or.�st RoadlLot 18, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Fi�ing., Ap�cant: Robert Drisko MC�'TIQN: Borne SECOND:Alm VOTE: 5-0 AP�ROVED W!COND�TIONS 15. Pitct�er - Secandary unit additio� to residence. _ GR 155�Aspen Ridge/Lot 3, Block 4, Lior�sridge Filing#3. App�'icant: Tom and Kay Pitcher M�TION: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 � APPROVED WI CONDtTIONS i6. Gur�d Residence - Canceptuaf rev�ew af a new Primary/Secondary residence. RS 17�'� Sierra TraillLot �8, Vai! Village West 1 st Filing Ap�'licant: Ed Gund , MO�'ION: SECOND: VOTE: CO�ICEPTUAL- Np VOTE � 18. Dews - DemolReb�ild af a Prirnary/Secor�dary residerrce using two 254 sq. ft. GRFA L.W aElc�ments. 278 Rocki�dge.Road/Lat 15, BEock 7, Vail Village ist F#fing . Applicant: Julie Dews M�TION: SECOND: VOTE: � TA�BLED UNTIL 91fi195 �.EMBER� PRESENT . �,iNEMBERS AB ENT Mike Arne€� Bob Borne- Brent A!m Hans Wolc��ch � Bob Armou� (PEC) Staff A ran avais . Scott Resic�ence - Window/�oor addition. JC 5Q75 Ute L�nelLot 29, Black �, Vail Meadows Ap�licant: Bob�cott F:IEYEFIYOTlE1DFikT�1AGENDASWB t695 `� ' . . Sterkel - Sat�IlEte Antenna. AK � Alpine S�andard, 28 Vail Rd./Lot A, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant_ Doug Sterke! ' Flscher-Window, skykight and door additia�s. GR � 35B Hanson Ranch RoadlChristiania at ValllPart of �ot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanfi Karl and Sally Fischer Gerha�dtBrady- D�ck expansion. �w 1881 Lions Ridge Loop#28Nail Pa9nt Townhame�s AP�lican� . Scott - Portable ho#tub. GR 5075 Ute LanelLot 28� Vail Meadows �iling #1. Applicar��: Maximum Comfort Poo! & Spa for Bab and Fay 5cott . White - Rernode! RS 1853 Liansridge LaoplLc�t 3, Block 3, Liansridge 3rd Filing Applicarrt. Don White Vai� Mau�ntain 5chool -Addition, and euergreen r�location to east side af cabi�. RS 316Q Katsos Ranc� RoadNail Mauntain School. Applicant: Parn Hopkins representing Vail Mountain Schoal Shiflma� - Garden roorn. RS 5040 Maan Gore f'lace, Unit A3l5ur�dial Townhomes. � Applicar�it: Jeffrey 5hillman , � Treetops Candominium Assaciation - Door replacements. LW � 450 �ast Lionshead Circle/Treetops CondominiumslLot�6, Block 1, V�il �.ior�shead First FiEing. AppEican#: Chris Meister representEng Treetops Condaminium Assaciation. Andrett�.- Skyfight additia�. l.W 389�B �ghorn RoadlThe Ledges. Applicarrt: V.J. Andretta Gold -Addition af partabls hot #ub.� ' • RS 4352 Sp�uce Way, Unit#3ILot 9, Black 3, �ignorn Subdivision 8rd Addition. Appl9carut: Maximum Cornfort Pool & Spa representir�g Steve Gold Scott - Excavation of crawl space LW �350 Samdstone Dri�elLot G-3, [.ionsridge 3rd, Eiger Chalets A�plican�: Hayder� Scatt Vail Val[�y Consolldat�d Water D�strict- Addit€on ta existing building. . LW 846 Forest Road , Applicarr�: Gai! Lucas Bannist�r- Change in tr�m color. LW 2943 B�lflower/�at 4, Block 6, Intermountain � Appiicant: Frank Bannister , Trotta - �eck and handrails, etc. GR � 1568 Go]f TerraceNail Golfcourse Townhomes. Applica�t: Fred Graupner for BiEI Trotta F'�EVERYONE�DRBUIGENDAS108f 695 4 .. PUBLIC N4TiCE � � NOTlCE IS HEREBY GNEN tha#the Design Re�iew Board of the Tawn of Vail wil! hold a public. hearing on August 96, 'I99� at 3:00 p.m• i�t�e Town af Vai! Municipal Building. � Pitcher- Secondary unit addition to residenc�. GR �- 1555 Aspen RidgelLot 3, Btock�4, LionsrirJge Fi(ing #3. Applicant: Torn and Kay Pitcher . . Spraddte Creek Estates - Sigr� Application. RS � 1253 Spradd�e Creek D�ivelSpraddie Creek Subdivisio�. . Applicant: Charlie Biederman Goiden Pealc House- Temporary site deveEopment sign. MM � 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Gotden Peak House. Applicant: Snowdon Hop�Cins Architecfs !. Mar�or Vail Lodge - SEgn application. RS - � 595 Easi Vail Va11ey DrivelLot A, B1vck 1, Vai� Village Filing #7. Applicant. Ric Peferse� . Manar Vail �adge - Hai t�b addition, s#air and entry c�ange, pooi resurfacing. RS 595 East Vail Valley Drivel�ot A, Block 1, Vail Village Fiiing #7. . A�plicant: Ric Pe#ersen � Johns - Co�versian of craw� space #a living room using an additional 250 s�. ft. t-W �720 Sunburst Drive, Ur�it 2JVail Golfcourss To�vnhomes. Applicamt: Gloria and 5teven Johns Drisko - Conceptua! revi�w ofi separatior� of PIS r�side�ce. JC 32b Forest Raad/Lot i 8, B1ocEc 7, Vai! V�qage �sf Filing. AppliGant: Robert Dcisko � Boyce - Conversion of crawl space to Gving area using one 250 sq. ft. GRFA aliotmente� LV11 � 1720 Sunb�rst Dr�ve, Unit#3Nai1 Gol#course TownY�ornes. AppEicant: Robert Boyce . Dews - DemnlRebuiid of a Primary/Secondary resider�ce using two 254 sq. it. GR�A LW allotments. 278 Rockledge RaadlLot �5, Block 7, Vail Viflage �st �iling Applicartit_ Julie Dews . � Trotta - D�ck and ha�drails, e#c. GR � 1568 Golfi TerraceNail Golfcaurse Townharnes. . Applica�t: � �red Graupr�er for Bill Trotta Houtsma- Garage and Foyer Additior�s � - GR 1 8 5 3 V 1��s#G o r e C r e e k D r i v e l L o t 4 7, Vail Villa ge West 1 st Filin g - . Applicant: John a�d Babbi Houtsma - � ' Curtain �--t�ll Sports- Sig� variance, changes to conditions of approval. RS . 25�4 Bridge St�eetlLot 1, Black 5C, Vail Village �st Filing , � . ApPl�ca�nt: .lack C�rtain ' � F.�everyc�et,cirb�nolices�08�695 � , � ' � I� ft�;�; f 1 t . Town o�Vai� -Add(tion to Pub�ic Works Admfiistration Building and � AK renavation of Bus Barn. 1349 Vail Valley Drive/Unpfatiad Parce3 . . Appllcan#: Town of Vail Public Works Department � � - - Gu�d ResEdence- Conceptual revlew af a rtew Prlmary/Secondary residenc�. , ' RS 1779 SEerra TratllL.ot 18� Vail Vilfage West �st Ffifng - , - . , App�icant: Ed Gund � . Alpir�e Bank at Crossroads -Temporary site development s1gr�. � - � RS i�43 E. Meadaw DrivelCrossroads West B�ilding� . �r Applicar�t: Alpir�e Bank , , _ The applicattons and Information about ihe prapasals are available �n the zo�ing administrator's office during regular affice hours for pubfic tns�ection. � � ' � • � TOWN OF VAIL . . ' COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT � � Publish�d fn the Va�l Trail or� August �1� 1895. � . . ' . ' � � . F:leveryoneldrbinoticeslaBi 695 PUBL[C NOTICE • N�TlCE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the �esign Rev9ew Board will b� rev�ewing the foliowi�tg application on August 16, 1995 ir� the Town af Vail Mur�icipal Buitding. 1. A request for ar� additiana1250 square feet of Gross aesidential Floar Ar�a far a demo/rebuild of a primary/secar�dary residenceat the Dews Resid�nce lacated at 278 Rockledge RaadlLot 15, Black 7, Vai� Village 1 st FiEing. Applicant: Julie Dews � The applications a�d information abaut the proposals ar� available in the zanEng administrator's o�fice during reguiar office hours for public inspection.� TOWN OF VAI� COMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT published in the Vail Trail on Jufy 28, i 995. . � �� . PUBLIC NOTICE . N4TlCE [S HEREBY GlVEN t�at the Design Review Baard will be �eviewing the taElowing . application on Au�ust 18, 1995 in the Tawn of Vail M�nicipal Building: 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Grass Residentiai Floor Area for an � expansion of a bedraom into the existing starage area at the Boyce Reside�ce lacated at 172�Sunburst �riveNail Golicourse Tawnhames#3: � - Appl�cant: Ro�ert Boyce . � � The appfications and information abo�t the proposals are available in the zoning admir�is�rator's office duri�g reg�lar office hours fior p�bl9c i�spection. TOWN �F VAIL � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . � , Published in #he Vail Trail on July 28. �995. . � • i PUBLIC NOTICE� . . NOT[CE !S HEREBY GtVEN that the Design Review Board wili be reviewing the�ollowing a�plicaiion on August 'i 6, 't995 in the Town af Vail Munici�al Bui4ding. i. A r�q�est for an additianal 250 square feet of Gross Residential �loor Area#ar an expansion of a bedroom into the sxisting storage area at tne Johns Residence IoCated a# 7720 Sunburst DriveNail Golfcourse Townhomes#2. . A�plicant: Gloria & Sieven Jof�ns - The appllcat�o�s and inforrnation about the proposais are availabfe in the zoning administrator's office durir�g reg�+lar office hours for pub�ic ins�ec#ior�. T�WN OF VAfL COMMUNITY DEVEL4PMENT Published In.the Vail Trail on Ju�y 28, 1895. � . : i . � PUBLfC NOTlCE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the D�sigr� Review Board will be re�iewing the following application oR August 16, 1995 in the Town af Vaif Munic�pal. Bui[ding. 1. A re�uest for reconsideratior� of conditior�s of approval at#ached fo a sign variance by the DRB, located at Curtin Hill S�orts, 254 Bridge St.ILot 1, B1ock 5C, Vail VilEag� 1st Filinge Appl9cant: Jack Curtin The a}�plicat'tons and informatian abaut the praposals are a�+aitable in t�e zoning administrator's office during regular off�ce hours for public inspection. TOWN O�VAII. � COMMUNITY DL�VE�.OPMENT Published in the Vaif Traii on Ju�y 28, 1995. . . . � i� . � . PUB�IC NOTICE NOTICE 1S HER�BY GEVEN that the Planr�ing Staff of tt,e Town of Vail wilt be review�ng the � following app�icatian on,�4�,�ust 1 f J�in tl'Ee Cornmunity �eveloprnent Department Building. 1. A request for a satellE#e d€sh to be insta[led at the A�pine Standard, 28 Vail Road/Lot A, Vail Village 2ttd Filing. . A�plican#: Doug S�erkyl Tne applica#ions and fiformation about the pro�osals are available in the zoning administratar's office durir�g regular oifice hours for pubEic inspection. TOWN OF VAIL � � COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT . PubEished in the Vaii Traif on u� ly 2�; 1995. . . • F:Ieveryoneldrb1254ahulslerk.8li � Pue��c NoT�cE � ' . NOTIC� IS HEREBY GEVEN tY�at the Design Review Baard of the Tawn af Vail wi11 �ol� a public hearing on AugUSt i 6, 1995 ai 3:00 p.m. in �tt�e Town of Vail M�nic�pal Building. Pitcher-Secondary unit addiiion ta residenc�. GR � - 1555 Aspen Ridg�l�at 3, B1ack 4, �.ior�sridg� �iIing #3. Applic�nt. Tom ar�d Kay Pitcher �. . S�rad��e Creek Estates -5ign Ap�lication. R5 � � � �253 Spra�dle Creek Drive/Spracidie Creek Subdivisio�. Applicant: CharTie Biederman Goiden Peak House -Temporary si#e develapme�t sign. MM 278 Har�son Rar�ch Raad/Gotden PeaK House. ' � Applicant: Snowdon Hopkins Architects . Manar�/aii Lodge - Sign application. RS - � 595 East Vail Valley DrivalLat A, Bfack i, Vail Viilage Filing #7, Applicant. Ric Petersen Manor Vail �odge - Hat tub addition, stair and entry change, poo! resurfacing. RS 595 Eas#Vail Valley D�ive/Lat A, BEock 1, Vail V€�lage Fiiing #7. Ap�lic�nt: Ric Petersen • Johns - Convers�on of craw[ space ta living raom using ar� add€t�ona� 250 s�. �. L1N �720 S�nburst Drive, Unit 2Nail Golfcours� Tawnhomes. Applicani: Gtoria and Stev�n Johns Drlsko- Conceptual review of separatior� of P15 residence. . JC 325 Fa��st Road/Lot 18, BIoCk 7, Vail Vilfage 1 st FiEir�g. Applica�t: Robert �risko � Boyce - Conversian af cra�vl sPace to i�ving area Using one 250 sq. ft. GRFA allotment. LW . � 1720 S�nburst �rive, Unit#3Nail Golfcourse Townhornes. Applicarxt: Rabert Bayce � Dews - flemolRebuild of a PrimarylSecor�dary residence usi�g twa 250 sq. fE. GRFA LW allotments. 278 Rockledge RoadlLo� �5, B1ock 7, Vaii Village 1st Filing Applica�t: Julie Dews � Trotta- Deck and handrails, etc. GR 1568 G�lf TerraceNaii Golicourse Towr�homES. . Appticant: Fred Graupner for Bil� Trotta . Hvutstn�- Garage a�d Foyer Additiar�s � GR 1863 Vt,��st Gore Creek Dri�e/Lot 4'�, Vail Village West ist Fili�g � ApplECa�t: John and Bo��i Houtsma • ' � � Cur#ai� �-lill Sparts - Sig� variance, changes to cor�diiions of approval. RS . 254 Bridge StreeULot �, Block 5C, Vail Vilfage �st Filing . AppEic�t: Jack Curtain ' � F�everyor�;drbinotices148tfi95 � • ' �� � g « �, Town of Vall -Additian to P�blic Works Adm�nistratfon B�rflding and � AK renovation of Bus Barr�. 1309 Vail Va11ey DriveNnplatted Parc�t . • Appficant: Town ofi Vail Public Works Department � . Gund Resldence- Concept�al revlew ot a new PrimarylSecondary residence. . ' RS � 1779 S�erra Trail/l.ot �8, Vail Vi�lags West 1st F1l�ng - . .�- - . . . . . Ap�Iicant: �d Gund � - Alpfr�e Bank at Crossroads=Temporary slte deve�opment s�gn. � 1 RS 143 E. Meadow Dr�ve/Crossroads West 8ui�ding� A�plicant: Aipine 6ank , . The applicatlans and Informatio� about the proposals are avallabie in the zor�ir�g admfntstrator's . _ office during regular office hours Tar public inspectian. ' � TOWN �F VAII� . . C�MMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT � Published in the Vail Trail on August i i. 1895. � � , ' � . F:leveryoneldrbinotices1081685 1 a� .� � � � � ��,MoR.�vounz � � � . T4: �Jkesig�Review Board • � FR4M: - �mxr�unity Dev�lopment Depar�nent - " DATE: ��gus� 16, 1995 SUBTECT: 1�.�eq�est for rnodification to conditions of approval of a previously � � � - g�anted sign variance for Curtin.Hill Sports iocated at 254 Bridge ��reetf�.ot �,Block 5C, Vail Vi�lage lst Filing. � � �plicant: 7ack G�,utin � � - P�a.nner. Randy Stouder I. �ACKGRQUI�3 � Oz�Apri16, 1994, G�,irtia Hil�Sports approached the Design Review Boazd (DRB)and requested , approval of a sign varia�e ta allow for a third busin�ss identification sign,fo be iocated on an , e�isting awning at the v�estern entrance to the Curtin Hi11.5ports Building (see attached copy of : staff report#o DRB}. A�their Apri15, f 994 meeting,the DRB decided to recommend that ths �, � Council approve the Cur�n.Hill Sports request for a third business identificatiaa sign with the foilowing conditions: 1. If the app�icant wishes to erect a building identification sign in the future, then on� of the thr�ee business identification signs described in the staff inemo regarding the sign v.ari�nce request rnust be removed. The sign to be removed shall be on the , _ same fror�tage as is chosen for the new building identification sign. � . 2. The appincant must bring all oth�r signs on the property into comgliance, i.e. the ' window sgns must confarm to the ap}�rapriate section of the Sign Ccxie. it was , detemiia�d at�he DRB hearing that the appropriate n�ber of windaw signs is six and that t��current logo signs are acceptable under the Sign Code. T�aus,please . reduce the number of window signs to six. 3. Previous condi-�ons of approval must be compliec� with prior to the DRB � forwarding their reconunendation for approval of the sign variance ta the Town -CounciI, Their.were two previous conditions af approval which are as follows: • a. Thc cu#in the brick oa the chimney on the west elevatian rn�st bs repaired, s€�i#is nv longer apparent that there was stracturc attached to the building a�this Iocation. . • 1 I . I � . _ b. The second floor balcony rail on the wes#elevation of the building must be � re�aired, even though an awning c�rrentty covers the damaged section. � � The DRB recomrnendation for approval required that the applicant comply with conditions 2 and � 3 above prior#a final Town Cauncil action on the variance request. Thus,.staff never scheduled this item for review by Council. � II. The applicant wishes to amend the DRB conditions of approval. Condition 3b abave has been satisfied;the rai�ing has beea rcpaired underneath the exisdng awning. However,the cut in the brick clzimney(condition 3a)on the west elevation still remains and the app�icant feels that the • extent and cost of the work necessaxy to complete the repair af this section of chi.rnney is excessivc. Trius, t�c applicant requests that the DRB waive condi�ian 3a a�ic� forward their recornmendation for approval of the sign variance request to the Town Counci� at this t3me. III. �TAFF REC4MMENDATTON � . Since Condition 3a was a specific coadi�ion imposed by the DRB, staff will not rcnder a , recornmenc�atian on this issue. If�he DRB feels that condition 3a is stall reasonable and applicabte,then staflFwould recornmend that thc DRB farward a recammendation for denial of the requested sign variance to Councit at this time. T'�e applicant has stated that he simply cannot cornply with condition 3a and is willing to go to th�Town Council with a denial recornmendation from the DRB. � F�\everyone�rendy�memoa�curtln,8816 2 � � As close as i.f ge�s. Design Review Boazd Dear Members, I am following up ta last years variance agproval for Curtin Hi11 Sports signage, as of Apri11994. i realize this was quite some�rne ago,but as many things are, it was put on the `su�nrner project list'. The last letter we have from the Design Review Board (DRB) dated April 13, 1994, stated the sign�ariance would be approved with certain stipulations, and twa of thern were: 3. a. The cut in the brick on the chimney west elevation must be repaired so . that it zs no longer apparent that there was a structure attached at this lveatior�. b. 'The second floor balcony rail on the west elevation af the building m�st be repaired, even though an awning currently covers the damaged sectian. We have come into compliance with all the other stipulations e�cept th� above noted . canditions. The reason we have not camplied is two-faId. First, we are siamply a tenant �ere. Second, it would take a great deal af money ta fix the above mentioned items. . Money we simply do nat have and the landlord will nat provide. Since we cannot comply with the above mentioned items, we are asking the DRB to eliminate those condi�ians of agproval. We are asking that our sign variance be approved without further delay. Thank yau for your consideration. � Sincerely; . ,�--. �� , � �� . ------z _ Teak Simonett S�sati'�Iarvey General Manager Marketing Manager � � . . 254 Bridge Street • Vail, C4 81657 , (303) 476-5337 • ToIl Free {303} 972-123� • Fax (303) 476-Q2b9 y �. ` 1 . • . � _ . . � � MEMORANDUM •� . TO: Design Re�iew Board � - FROM: Comm�ni�y �eveIopment aepar�ment � - DATE: Ap�il 6, 1994 , SUBJECT; A sigr� variance requesi for Curtin Hill Sports ioca#ed at 25�4 Bridge � Stree#/Lot 7, Block 5-C, Vail Villag� ist Filing. Applicant� Jack Curtin and Teak Simonett Planner: Randy Stot�der �q.,♦� vy+�5 . `Stiy.:�`;�..�`.,�Y. 'D.i�`"nc^^�2:°iA;:;r�s.:wyvc,�:�?�:;°.`»o-`.vc."ir?°`�'bLS�''�`r �r!`'>a�%c`1�_"#?;4�.` iq;?R;C",�sv,�..`��?�;.�'o',•c,?\.`,.'�p'p`... :.,C,3�.°>.. \4 ,.x�_. � :,`"vs,.! ,��>.:4. u a S�SEr:.:;:w,un§�,°i�:..-;:��.'k•::..::.;.. smc��.�.�t' hryty.7y}43,� ��'4:;o`.F4ck�, ?,, ��: '��t,+ ';as:+Dai{:• "p��k:°r:i�,'%�^,.���,`i;��:[��.;�. .,t aa•�,w ka:3 J�x ,'nc.�,3:..,�ex-i,�,5.4�\.•.. v.`ri ''���. .s'•'�`�h• .e ':t . i�"yv . �'b'. Q�;aE 50:4c ti:., _b,."�. ��. u..` ���h: �n�> ��.iq24;., .xy,.'.�o,Cy'.�"�`�:^.•�c;v,�`�3c�ia.M�?;A:a��e;<•€r.,y��,� ��e L.�.' ''�' { '�` z'.���4�5�`�'-3���� .�x`.,��` .2..�'.`*��x � +�. '`'4L""•t`�t��#�''- '+.,�.`w� �, $;,c �E� � ° `� �C2�.'` .����b:w�'�w�'�`a:::t.,:et t,�Nt�:3.'ti;.uY;3�iti-.y.;n..`.'�,�X',;C�it��:..t.':,�.':'.;a.a:>.2�e2:'�.Pt;,,.;H.,u,.);•,��i`J'N�. ?s+.'+��G,4�..�.w�sba".1a. Wr. lw.:S.�.�2.:4�ulw`��.'�' �, . !. . DESCRtPTION OF THE �EQU�ST � ' The app�icant currenily has tv�+o i�usinsss identificatio� signs loca#ed at the northwest and northeas# carner er�trances to the build�ng. At t�►e north�vest carner, the appficar�t has a sign wiif� the words "Cur#in HiIE Sports and Ski RenfaEs" on an awning. This sign is classifisd as a projecting sign and is 3.5 sq�are feet in size. The sign at the r�ortheast corner of the buifdirtg � is mounted on a second siory deck railing and is classi#i�d as a wal!-mour�ted sigr�. This sign � � is �0 square feet in size with the samE ��unrci�ng as the awning sign. Sec#ion 16.20.010 of the Tawn o� Vacf 5igr� Gode states tt�at: "An indiviafual business within a mu�ti-tenant building may be �ermEt#ed #he foElowing � . signs: . . . projecting and hang�ng signs or wall mounted signs or any - ' combiriatio� thefeaf, r�at to exceed a meximum number or size of sign as . d�signated by any an� category . . . " Sectian �6.2D.49� and 16.20.i9� of�ihe Town of Vail Sign Cade state respectivefy that: . "Project9r�g or hanging signs-ir�dividual business within a mul#i-tenant bui�ding: D. Number, one sig� per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the busir�ess a�uts, as determined by the adrninistrator with a maximum af two signs, subject to review by the Design Review Board.'; and � "�'llall signs-Indi�id�al business within a mul#i-tenant bui�din�: D. N�mber, one sign per �ehicular street flr maJor pedestrian way which the businsss abuts, as determEnsd by #he administrator with a maximum of two . . signs, subject tv revi�w by the Design Review Baard." � The max6m�m number of signs desig�a#ed in boih the wall sign ssciion�and #he projecting -- • sign sec#+on is two. Thus� fhe appficant is aflowed a maximum of two signs for business . ' • ide�rtiftcatian purpos�s: As describ�d above, t�e applicant currently has two business ide�#ification signs; a wal� mounted s€gn and a prajecting sfgn, The applica�t is requesting � ` varBance from the sect�on of the sign code cited above, to allow for a thlyd business _ , identtf�ca#fon sign #o be located on the exis#€ng awn�ng at the western entrance to the � bu�td�ng {across from the Vail Moun3ain Ticket Qff�c�}. The propased sign wac�id be 5 = sc�uare feet in size and is considered to be a prajecting sign. The sign would contain tha words "Curtin Hill Sparts". � I!. BACKGROUND � Or� Jantaary S, '1993, the Design Review Board (DRB} recommended that the Town CounciE app�ove a slgn variancs to aHow Curtin Hill Sparts to exhibi# three signs of up to 20 square feei. A# the time of the DRB meet�ng, it appears tliat Curtin HiN Sports had at leasi four . - exterior signs and up to twenty window sigr�s. T�e applicant was requesting the variance to al�ow �or fa�r sig�s fo rema9n. Statf supported only three a� the exteriar signs and recommended that the windaw signs be reduced to eig�t in number, which wquld be the allowed num�er o� window s9gns (two per frontage). The DRB had na prefer�nces to which of the exferiar signs needed to be eliminated but s#ated that one of them mus# be removed and ths vuir�dow signs be reduced ta eig�t ir� number. The variance re�uest was present�d at the next Tou►n Co�ncil meefing, and ths Town Cau�cit supparted the staff and the DRB recommendatian to albw onfy three exterior signs and eig�t window sig�s at the property. They had na preference as to wi�9ch sign needeci to be �emoved and left that u� to the appEicant. The app��ca�t stated that he wisl�ed to�retain a ftee-s#anding stg�, a hanging sign and an awnfr�g sign. • Since the Town Council ap�roval of the variance in .�anua of 9993, tne a licant has made� • rY PP several changes to the signage of the property. The applicant has changed i�e typ�s, sfzes and �ocations a# the business identification signs. The ap�ficant �ow proposes t�vo projecting sigr�s and a wafi mounted sign instead of a projecting, a hanging and a #ree standing sign as previously a��raved. 5ince sign variances are granted based on the specific nature of each proposal, a new sign variance is required. Ill: FIN�INGS AND CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL � Before #he Board acts on a variance applicai9on, the appficant mus# prove physical hardsi�ip . � and fha Board m�s# find that, A. Th�re are s ecia! c€rcumstances or co�ditions a f in to the land, buildi� s fo o ra h ve etation 51 n struct�res or ott�er ma#ters an ad'acent lots or w�thin t�e ad'acent r� ht-of-wa wh9ch wauld substantial! restrici the � effectiveness of the si n in uestion: rovided f�owever thai such s ecial -circum�stances or conditions are uni ue to�the articular busines� or enfer rise ta which the a licant desires to draw attentian and do not a I eneral! fo ail . � businesses or enter rises. Staff Response: . � __.. , i . 2 . . � CurrentE�, tf�e building has er�trances an aq fo�r sides, however, CurEin HiEI Sports can • be ente�aed anly trom the west, r�arth and east sides. The fourth fron#age has an enVartc� to tY�e building, but the entrance is accessed by d�scending down a fiight of stairs inf� the basemertt Ievel af t�e buildi�g where VaiI Ski and Boot Repair is located. .. S#aff be��ves that special c9�cumstances applying ta the Curtain Hill S�flrts restrict the , effecti�e�aess o# onfy two signs for business identificatio� purposes. 5pecificaliy, the � -business has three pedestrian fror�tages (t�e nortt�, west and east) as we11 as limited frontag� #awards t�e mountair� on #he south. Therefare, siaff feels i�at a maximum � number mf two signs specified in the Sign Code is nat appropriate far the identifica#�on of the t��lding, a�d that a third sign s�ouId b� a�loweci. g. '�ai s ecial circumstances were not created b the a licant ar an one in riv � #a the a licant. Staff Res�onse: ' � It is somcewhat unusual that a single bUSiness would have three frontages as does Curiain F]ifl Sports. Since Cur�in Hil1 Sparts occupies the entire ground floor of the bui�ding, the business also has three to tour frontages depending whether the s�ci sfope side is considersd as a frontage. Staff tEels that ihis section of the Variance Grit�ria pertains #o circums#ances other than that being cansidered �ere. The applicant did not � delibera�ely create unusuaf circumstances-that wo�ld allow adciitiana! signage. . , ! � C, Tha# the �rantir� of the variance will be in eneraf harmon with the ur ose of tt�is title and wiEi nai be materiall detrimentaf to the ersons residin or ��+orkin in t�e vicinit . to ad'acen# �o e . to #f�e r�ei hbflr�oad. or to ihe �blic weEfare . in a,�,,,enera�. Staff Resoar�se: � � Staf# feels tha� the req�est tor three signs is reasanabfe and is in harmor�y wi#� the '� � � general purpase of the Sign Code. Staff does not beEieve this wiq be materially detrimer�ta! #o other persans or businesses residin� and c�nducting business in the � vicinity. p, The variance.a lied for daes r�ot de art irom #he rovisior�s of this titEe an _ rnore than is re uired ta idEnti the a licant's business or use. Staff Res onse: � , As discussed in-Sectian�l af�this memorandum, tne�proposed sig� and the twa current signs wi3C meet all ather pravisians of tfie Sigr� Code other than the maximum number . allowed. . . . 3 - ^ . . , • . .. • r _ -� �.-� � .. . � . � � - [V. STAFF RECOMM�NDATlON ' • ' . Staff is recommendir�g approval of the reqves#ed sign variance fo �1low far a third sign to�b$ - located on t1�e awning at the wes#em entranca ta �he buifding. 5tafi has revle��►ed the sfze; .� - �ocation, fighting� and other characieristics o# the sign and finds that the proposed signaga is � � !r� harmony�v1tn tf�e regulations contaln�d in the Sign Code. However. statfi recommen�s t�at , • , #t�e fo�lati�rir�g condittons be addressed prior fo �,ncovering the awntng sign at the west slde � entrance: � � . ,. . . . i. �f the applicant wishes to erect a building tdentification .sign fn #he tuture, then one . of t�e three buslness fder�tificatiort signs described tn�fhis memo must be remaved. . _ ' �Tf�e sign fo be removed shal[ be an the same fronfage as is chosen for the b�ilding � , tdentification sign. . �� • 2. The applicant must bring aEi oiher s)gnage a� the property into campllance� 1.e, the , �window s9gns must corifor.m to the appropr�a#e sectian ot t�ie Sign Code. �3. S�nce the applicar�t l�ases building space in the Hill Bu�iding to Vai1 Ski and �oo� Repafr, ihis business's signage m�st also be brought into conformance �viih fhe s1g� Code, . . e:�andylmem.slh�ls�n.<�6 ' • � • � � ' • � : . ^ .. - .. � , ' �. . . . . ' . '. • .. _ . . . � . . . �, . . .. . . . . � .. , . • � .. . , . . • ' , .s, • • . .. . , . . . . . • . • .. .. , � .. . . ;:i : • ; . . .� � • . . . 4�. ' � . � • ' � • � � , .,�. . . � . . � . . � .i . � ._ . - . . .� . . . : • • r� r`'��� Fr� i � r' ! i - i , CURT�N -- HILL SPQRTS CURRENTL,Y HAS TWO BUSZNESS S�GNS ON OUR BU�LD�NG; ONE ON THE NORTHWEST C�RNER AWNZNG , AND ONE ON THE NORi'HEAST BALCONY RAIL�NG . THESE W�RE BOTH PREVIOUSLY APPROV�D � BY THE DESIGN REVI�W BOARD . WE AL50 HAVE ONE AWNZNG SIGN, WH�GH IS CURREN`�LY COVERED UP ON 7HE W�ST SIDE t�F 7HE BUTLDING'; FACING TH� V�LLAG� TICKET OFF�CE . ' ' ` �N NOVEMBER OF' 1992 , WE APPLIEb FOR A S�GN VARIANCE '�O AL�OW US TO HAVE 7HRE� SICtiNS ON OUR BU�LD�NG . AT THA7 �TIhiE WE R�GE�VED ' APPROVAL FOR THE RWNING SIGN WN�CH I5 CURRENi'LY COVEFED VP , AND 7W0 OTHER 5YGN5 WHICH AR� CURRENTLY NOT �N USE . WE REG�tJEST 7HA7 WE. SE Gf;AN'��D AN07HER S�GN VARIANCE , WHICH WOEJ�.D APPRO�aE THE USAGE OF OlJR �I�O CUR�ENT AWN�NG SYGNS , ( APPRO�ED IN NOV�MBER OF �993) , AND `fH� OLD AWNING STGN , ( CURRENTLY COV�RE� ) WHZ�H LJAS APPROVED IN CONJUNCTION WYTH � THE SIGN UARIANCE IN NOVEMB�€; QF ].992. THI� WOULD GI.VE US A TOTAL OF THREE S�GNS , 7N� SP�CI�'IC � pESIGNS O� WHICH HAVE ALL BEEN APPROV�D , BUT AT D���E��?�tT ���1CS BY T�iE DESIGN R�uI�W BOARD . T HAVE 7AKEN PICTURES ��' ALL OF TH� SIGNS FOR YOUR REV:tEW . . THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSID�RA7ION �N THXS RATH�R CONFUSING BUT .AL50 S�MPLE REQIJEST . , � SINCERELY , . � ' � �P� � TEf-�K SYMONETT GEN�RAL MANAGER / OWN�R . . - l' yY' �y; ���:�,ti�F�'.�h�M- . ti •el�`� 1�"�s� • _.,i -,5 1 ��1 J , r'� , '� - _'�.�r�_ �'�c'wG.: ,ri ; ` ���,'"a"",• ..a.�, . . - � '[if11IfN.11111. .�.,���� �, - �` �:' �` �`�. � o,ra.Hm�pvn s�f Am�rls . � � �� "�,..t .s =' ��� � � �- . �,� . y��i :�.a� .j.`l���er� ,;��.�,^.v - 1� �~ �.... _ �w` �7 . ' a�n T- _ �� j' ', .1•a� �� �� �. { • , � ' q ,� ' ��r i� . a_ �:A .. �� " � .. � *t" �V t . ,.. e; . � � � •• �� �r.�.� .:a _ � n _ , . ■ �.�s� �4 F� i �•�-.�,3lf� - - _ ��".�t, ,.._ ,' � � �_ •: : . 'y' '� :t --�-a_ " - _— _ +-` �� � s• i.,; .,;�.i,.,...:r ��,* •..' _ ��` . . . �� • �.�; e,- �. ^s-,-.- `^--��'.• . . ' , _..�....w --' �. � -�a,.±�-.� . ''�� ,• ' - -," ,t�,� .i�-+^��'s._ ���, � :.� _ :�� .�a'..� � :. `i�� t>: � / � .� ♦ G i� ,. '�. ' � / s i r � ,�' �� ;:' -_� r=. �,:ti �. ���^ ���� �������f � ;r_ x a J� r 1 .f.�' '+�I` .tP:. f. Y` ,�� „e ... ..v....,�� A L� . . '4 ;+ `�ci:.. ��;`f�! ' ' . �''�i Z:- . $.k� ..y -+� : _ . L'��r: ..i;Q�..r -yy ' ' +R7�= ��� , - . ' . '4 F4� 4-- �.r=.it;;i� .j��' _ .� � �'�O~w �. __ �X' .. . ::5'� .i ..w� , _=}, ,-�. ��.R - ` . - ...._.. .. .i-. - -r.r..,�i � � . , . _ . - _ �t�.r.��. . ' ..- _� , . .• -,� - _:Y��;.�`� Curtin Hil1� Spvrts ._.......��.:.s:� :1>-�.. .. _.. _ ...-!s's� �. -- ;�_. . e � _ .. . -�-�,�: - . � �� � '� • ' � �� - �: �':...1~� _- _ ..� ' � . G . . .. _ - - . � - , . „ �; _ . , - . , ' . f'♦ . _ . . ' ' � . . , . . �. _. • • •'.'�j /. ,� � �.. . � y � r � y , � • . `, . .,. . � ._... � - ,........_...... �._�� -- -.- . � � � . � � ;: _ � � � ��' = � s - ,,, ,. .;; .. .. � . , ;;, . ;.. . :_� :E, ; � � . .,; _ � �` s:� _ �;: � � �. . , . =,�- �° �.,; �- _ � � � . . c, ` . d � � � �� . ` � � � . _ � � � v- �-- --.-=--_ - � . �, � � � � . _ . � . '.�'." � s � . � � � �� - �` -�� _. ,.., '�- '�O �� . . . . . o � �`'� . � � �-:�� . . ;: . � . �� �l :�: z1 . . . � �;�: ; . ; �; .,. . � �:: . . ��+ , • Design Re�iewAction Form T41NN OF VAIL �ategory Number� ° J��'f � Date � �F ' � Project Name:�� ��� !�r D�'�f -- 8uilding Name: � � � \ Project Description: r" ��� ����-�'.�,��i�. � �- ,�/� ,�,�� /�"-�+ �,_.,/� Owner, Address and Phone: � /�� � ,� � �-- ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: � � f o��3 1_�K-� ��l�i�'ic-� � /�'���i) � - -- Legal Description: Lo# Block Subdivision � � Zone District � Project Street Address:/�5 3 � _ J1� - - Camments: . - � Board 1 Staff Ac�ion Motion by,_ �"�� _ Vote: .�`�� Seconded by: /t�'�� . �j Approval ��r,�� " ❑ Disapproval • ❑ Stai#Appraval � .� � r � v� Conditions � '���` �' �� f� � � Town Planner � Date; � DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL a#egory Number ''" �-� y Date_� r � � ��� ��i� , , _.. Project Name: B�ilding Name: C/l,���� ��� Projec# Description: !� , Owner, Address and Phone: c. '�. � Archite Contact, Address and Phone: °- �/�,,� - ,�C� ° �'�� .S°7 (�a� �'�J �"/��� ._..__.,.. � � �-�`3 �z�. � ..., Legal Description: Lo# Block Subdivisian �ane Dis#rict Projec#Street Address:_���� z�.� �,.,..._ ._...._..__ .._ Comments: � Board / S�aff Action Motion by: Vote; �� Seconded by:�'�-� _ ._ �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditians: � � �c � �`�'� (,9 �' r""'~ Town Plann r � Date: - -6�� -��' /� .___ QRB Fee Pre-paid �___ .- Design Review Action Form TQV11N 4F VAIL ,�. � �ategory Numbe��i � `l�G� �• Date � �� r -- �- Praject Name: ��� Buifding Name: Project Descrlption: - ` �`7 .r-� �'Z4�� � )C' � �..�.. � � �r^ Owner, Address and Phone: Archite /Conta ,Address and Phone; � h� r� �� '� .�-�"� � ` 6'� '�e�-- � �` � - 7 Legal Description: Lot � Block r Subdivision � G� ��-�—�-- Zone Distric# � Froject Street Address: � Comments: Board / S#aff Action Motion by: Vote: ��"� Seconded by: �'Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: i � � r �- �1'� � � � . .��- � � �� �own Planner Date: _���+ � � .._ ,� DRB Fee Pre-paid_ � , . .. ..— Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategary Number� � 4�/�^-c��s Date �r%� � f� ,�iQ� Project Name: 1 ` Building Name: Project Description: � � � �.�sc,f� I[.�� } c g 2� I� S� ' Owner, Address and Phone; Architec on# Address and Phone: _ � }�'3� -- . � . i��°� ���C��p��..._ � �� 11s� �� � � ���a� � Lega1 Description: �ot� Block_� Subdivision_.� ��. „ ��� Zone District _��� Project Street Address: �"��� ��'7��L . � Comments: �---- . ,,. . _ ._. ..... ,... ..�. Board / Staff Action Motion by; ._ .. ,._� Vote: Seconded by: . �'A�prova� , / ❑ Disapprovai ❑ Staff Approval Conditians:�,,,�Y �T.,. ._ r �- . _ � ._ _.._ � Town Plann r � ��� � P� � Date: ` � ' � � Design Review Action Form TOWN �F VAIL �a#egory Number Date � /�7 � Project Name; � • Building Name: � - ' �roject Description: Owner, Address and Phone: J% Archite orotac Address and PF�one: __ /�r�'7 �,�;; _ � , C7�o j�.�� ,/ _ � , e , - �- - ��_.�� � -� --�� ����C,_�� - ��—�_ �.�_���,�_/��7 - , .� , _ Le al Descri #ion: Lot � �` Zone District __,_. �5 _._ 9 p �_._ Bfock Subdivision �5 Praject S#reet Address; ' Camments: i oar Staff Action Motian by;�,..,.�-,�.,_.. ,... .. Vote: .���.. ... .. Seconded by: _ _ �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ 5taff Approval Conditions ! " . . Town Planner Date: S i °�' DRB Fee Pre-paid_��. Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN �F VAIL � �at�gory Number� � _ ... ___ Date Project Name: � � • � Building Name: � Project Description: � Owner, Address and Phone: Architec ontact, dress and Phane: _ /]c�r-a ` ,, _ �,�„��3_Z��.,,� � �, .,.. � �,�,/A, �T'.��R� -� �� ���[��,��.�_��Z ..-- .- . � Legal Description; Lat�� Block "' S�bdivision 1 one District � Project Street Address:__, � �(�,o� ��,,, [l�1�� � 1 ' ,� ...�-.-��—„�_ _. Com�nents: . . . _-�'L,4..ca� • . Boar Staff Acfion Motion by: �r�ra.� . ..- ,-- Vote:�_ ,�'J`��� ,..-- Seconded by:_) 'lt�l --.- _ ..— �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ 5tai#Approval Conditions: . ` �. ... ' �� .���. _ �� .�y � �/6/�- � _ �. �. � • , _ _ .�.���r�/►...__ �b �,��n-;-?�L,.�--�_���--�� ._..._ __.._ _.. Town Planner �ate: � DRB Fee Pre-pai� �� Design Review Action Form T�WN QF VAIL � �ategory Number � Date Project Name: � � " Building Name: "—'-'--'� Project Descriptian: ' Owner, Address and Phone: ' Archi# t/Cont , Address and Phone; ����_��{� _��/'�`��� �/`� L�� . Legal Description: Lat�_ Block�__,__ Subdivision 1�,c 1�,,, � �r�-J._ �. Zone Disirict �� Project Street Address: J� � Comments: � � . oard I taff Action Motion by:��r��, . , Vote;� Seconded by:_, __ �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staf�Appraval Conditions: � �� ��i., � _ 7'own Planner �ate; � DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Re�iew Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategary Number Date Praject Name:__}� �' �„�_��,�3.��z,�n�.,�,.,.�� l Building Name: ��� , .___ Project Description: � - Owner, Address and Priane: � �� .,.,,_.__ Archite ontac Address anci Phane; _�t7 ��, �� �•.,...�� �[ ' , ,,�. f�'��`�'7 �1Z��'Z,�.��..v.. . ... .._._.--- l.egal Descriptian; �at.� Black� Subdivision}�-�'�� I:�� ,� � Zone District � S Project Street Address: '� Comments: • oard taff Action Motion k�y: Vate: �—� . ,...._. Seconded by: � �Appraval ❑ Disapproval ❑ 5tai#Approva! Canditions: �. ��.�,�..� ��11 /J�+�.l .��.. _.C'�,�„/l._._ C.J�S,�J I . . ....- � ��.�� Town Planner Date: �1���4'� ,.�� DRB Fee Pre-paid � Design Rer►iew Acfion Form TOINN OF VAIL �ategary Number � Da#e �.� Project Name: ����L �J� G�G�.L-`EL� Suilding Name: �i WI..� �D��C°�U�S� �Y�.�1p1'1/�Q S � Project Description: ����' � �G���� �fl�dl�� C. __��� �� Owner, Address and Phone: �L���✓� ��1�t �r ,,,._ ...,._.__ ArchitectlContact, Address and Pho�e: �p��l.� t/1��1�( �C�+-Q�+C'",�[��4��4� ��(?�('� �t.4'�A� `�-�5t?S�.[��1�0 ,r� L�D3, �tn�� �[��� Legal f]escription: Lot Block Subdivision V��',Ol�+(�S���one District Project Street Address: ���7i� �IJ���A.r`� �'��J� Camments: • Board �en Motion by: • '� Vote; �" � Seconded by:�77 A T��f11f��� �Appro�al ❑ nisa�proval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � 1����f Town Planner Qate, U1 l DRB Fee Pre-paid �� '�' ..,....__ Design Re�iew Action Form T4WN 4F VA[L �ategory I�umber �,. Da#e �' jb� 9.J Project Name: Building Name: �_ _ �..2.e�.1� �o�.v�.+.� , �roject Descriptian: , , Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlCo�tact, Address and Phone: � c � �.D l l�a,� Cnx.e� �.;.-P� v�',. c c� ��,�, Legal Qescription: Lot Block Subdivision Zane Dis#rict �_ Project Street Address: ���?' 1��t.y..�� �r�����T, _ Comments: � Board 1 S�aff Action Motion by: � rn.,�e __ Vate: .�''" C� Secanded by: �proval ❑ Disappraval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � � � � Tawn Planner �d Data: $• b ' � � _ D�tB Fee Pre-paid ��, w Design Review Action Form T41NN OF VAfL � .Ca#egory lVumber � �ate ��G�I��" ��.�`j - Project Name: ��0�� �J ���d� - Building Name: Gl.�. l G`�U�"��' )1)YSP�"� •� _ - Project Description: �� � ��' � ~ Owner, Address and Phone: L ���'1�- �_�"LL'���' ��� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: .`������� � ►�-���!�'�k�""` ��� � v� ���o L 1 b�, �'U-��-r�S �7 !l��Z- � Legal Description: Lat Bl4ck Subdivision one pistrict ProjectStreetAddress: ��� �y'�"�'�' �����..-��'� �� - Comments: . Board I� Motion by: �� o- l/ote: �r� Seconded by. � I �4pproval i V ❑ �isapPro�al ❑ Siaff ApPraval Conditions: Town Planner Date: � DRB Fee Pre-pai ` -- Design Review Action Form TQWN OF VAIL �Category Number�r�� /"`s' �v�� Date �° / ' /�. � Project Name: Buifding Name: Project Descriptian: �� ' ��` ��� ��� � ..- �""�,� S` Owner, Address and Phone:_,�,� W� , ��� �����!_.. - t� � � � - —_-��- ----� t- ArchitectlContact, Address and I'hone: ,���X}� � �.egal Descrip#ion: Lot�,,,._ Block � Subdivision Zone Distric# � Project Street Address:_��-�� C�l��-'�C�9L Lod�Y� / � ����, Comments: � Board 1 Staff Action Mot€an by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Appro�al ❑ Disapproval �5taff Approval ` � Conditions: 6�� � �� � � :� ,g, r � 7own Planner ,. Date; � �� �� _� DRB Fee Pre-paici �`� � � Design Review Action Form T�WN QF VAlL �ategory Numbe�....��� .l Date � `� � �� Project Name: T ��fZ-� Building Name: Project Description: �� / �O '� � Owner, Address and Phone: J` Architec�IContact, Address and Phone: 1V �"��� r �'� � �'� Legal Descriptior�: Lot� Block�__� Subdivision� ` [�' Zone District _.�� Project Street Address:�������1�f�_,_ __ . Camments: • Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: Vote: J '� Seconded by: �Appro�al � �- ❑ �isapproval � ❑ Staff Appro�al Conditions: � �"LO'� � �. � �' .�'�,; � �r�►'`{i� � 7own Pianner Date: �" � � DRB Fee Pre-pai � Design Review Act'ron Form TOWN OF VAIL •Cat�gory Number q Date � Project Name: � Building Name: �-• • Project []escription: � ' ` Owner, Address and Phone: ������' ����� � � --. � �,���p• ._ .._._. .— Archit ontac ddress and Phone; _� _� , __ T.,_�, � � -`f Lega1 Description: Lo�-,.� Block SubcEi�isian Lf`a�.�s�,'�C /�_. Zane District Project Straet Address:_ __ ��� ��. �L,,��,� ,_.___ .. Comments: • oard taff Action Motion E�y,. �„ .......__ Vote: ��� .._.._ � Seconded by: �,vi..�Z.�r- _ �Approva! ' ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvaf Conditions: ` � " � `�j'� �! L'-St- .--��-t��l�:!?�! �°� ,_...�-� ,___.,_._ -- � �--°%:r-�'�?��`�"�'�-��- .._.... .... .,._ . � Tawn F'lanner ��a�� DRB Fee Pre-paid. �CJ• � _ Date: . ,��, ��/ Design Re�iew Action Form TQ1NN OF VAiL •Ca#e o Number � Date 7 9 rY Project Name: C�� � -d� -�-� �� Building Name: ��.��-��,,��< < /��y, �C l��s i� Project Description. '�/� _ ��� -�- -�'� Owner, Address and Phone: �, � . �. d f ��r?� � t7 �-�'� S�'� ��.�� �,. �o�c��R�,�1— ��1�� '7��� __ Architect/Contact, Address and F'hone: Legal Description: Lot -- BEock �" Subdivision zone Distric# Project Street Address:�t._.!►.�i T' �A . ;�!-,��a.�! ����o� ��� Comments: .� `�"�--c P_--./-M, 5 ��! � �-, -�-r.� l�r���r��!��; �-� ,�rv � -��i��- oar Staff Action Motion by; Vote: �'" �� ___ 5econded by: � dur __ �Appro�al ❑ DisapprovaE ❑ Staff Approval ? Conditions: � � Town Planner date: �I �I CI� _ DRB Fee Pre-paid,�_ ��. �o Design Re�iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL •Cate or Number � Date � � 9 Y project Name:�PJVt lrl�s�"'}'1 �d -- Building Name: � Project Description: Owner, Address and F'hone:�_�.l � ����V1> � Arch{tect/Contaci, Address and Phane:���/� ���C361f�, � ��/GtM._� , Legal Description: Lot� BIOCIC� Subdivision (�t� � Zane District �___.._. � Project Street Address: Comments: Boar i�om- Motion by;�.�•�� Vote: "r �IV� � Seconded by:���� �Approvai �Yl�l�j ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditions:_.�/r� lrV�/' � ��'�li1C'�'�' Q�� �� �"�" � .��- � C` 4 � ' �������� �� Town Planner Date: ' � �� DRB Fee Pre-paid i%j"1� � [�Sign Rerriew Action F�I�n T�WN OF VAIL �ategory I�umber �9 -- Date�/f7,�� � Project Name: Building Name: � Project Descriptipn: "�~ ' n � , Owner, Adciress and Phone; Architect/Contact,Address and Phone: V S ��� � l �� ��� Y � �`� /`�CT� � �� � I � - °�� � Legal Description: Lot �� Block l � Subdivision Zor�e District �_ Project Street Address: f�Z '-� �� ��?;�F,.�,� - Comments: � - -- Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: ��1�-/�� .__ Vote:_�"`��.. Seconded by:_���L�� - --- �IApprovaE S�'�'� �/ /� �. �r�yr'.� C,,s ,�� ,�. C-�-�� I��dk.tJ ' . ❑ Disapproval �� ,�p � � ��l � ���..� /� ���.�P ��'l � V � ���� �J cu� � /� ❑ Staff Appra�al ��'n`� Conditions: � �� 1� � -���� % t�C���-� I`Z� . p� .�-�d�" p� �.�/�� �� �r�.,��. � �'e� d-�'�r �-� �7 ��2 s�� � .�r���� �l � ��� ��Da � �-F LJ � .P� �°. r�?� i `� � �—Ler� `J � �� ' �c�Yl , Q� c . 6 � �' �- LrT��s` �ac_��P� �-.e o�.�...y� D� ���-•�.q� I 5 �� . �r� �s.��-�P � �.�-�° �'��/ s /,�� '� Towr� Planner � C.�bt�'`a�D� /'�� / � � ���' �c G��-�� � s� p� �( . Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid.�..�... � °/`Z�"��� Zt� Z„� ' �p.�� Design Rer►iew Ac�ion Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategary Number pate a P�oject Name: Building Name: . Project Description: �` Owner, Address and Phone: ��.�r'b fJ� �l�, �����Q.��� �✓t-�� �-J U � �f 9��"�, ��� -���� ------ - ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot�;� Black Subdivision � Zone District � Project Street Address;� �� �Y��IGI� �l� f Camments: • BOaI` �C'�E4NN� , � � Mation #�y: rYl . Vote; ' Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: ` � � a- �' �� r� �'� w���.,�--�a.�. � -t� �ire -i .r�. �����ry ��ID� � � �t l� +�� �-� -� �� �c��j �.s�z=� ���� C� ��1� -�- u b� b � � x � � �� h�� � ��., c� � � � Town Planner nate: DR� Fee Pre-paid y � Design Rerriew Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number � ���Q � Praject Name;����� � �����^�1 -- tl t� Bui(ding Name:_ ... -- Project Description:.._���"�j � ��� �-�'�-(��— - - . t r � Owner, Address and Rhone: r � �� � ArchitectlContact, Addr ss and Phone; � _�• (,{�L [.�CJ ' �. �� Lega1 Description; Lot Block Subdi�ision n District��. . � � Praject Street Address: Comments: � Board 1 Mation by: Vate, Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appraval � , r � Condi#ions; Town Planner Date: � DRB Fee Pre-pai � � • ��CL�_, � Design Rev�ew Action Form TOWN OF VAIL � �Ga#egory Number � _ �a�e , � S l�roject Name: `�' � i� �, Buiiding IVame: Project Description: 1 Owner, Address and Phone: �� � ArchitectlContact,Address and �f�one: �� �- � 1 f� � ' Legak Descri�tion: Lot Biock Su�division ��� Zone District�.. Praject 5treet Address: �PC�" �o�.�..� � �° � Comments: � � oard 1 �a� VOtB, ��� Mation by: -- Seconded by;����� - Approval � ��1t,"� � . ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvai Conditians: ��l Tawn �lanner Date: DRB Fee Pre-pa � �� - . , , DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AG�NDA � September 6, 1955 3:fl0 P.M. PROJEGT ORIENTATION 10:3Q SITE VISITS 12:00 1. Falls at Vail Condo. -395� Narth Frontage Raa� 2. Sim - 39i 6 Lupir�e Dr�ve 3. �a�tierbach - 4335 Spruce Way 4. Faessler -501 North Frontag� Road West , . 5. Indian Creek#1 - 1139 Sandston� Dri�e 6 Raost- 1783 North Fror�tage Roacf 7. Vail Cammons - 2099 NortE� Frontage Road West 8.. Kehrman - 12 Vail Road 9. �ews - 278 Rockledge Road �0. Gook- 1012 Eag1e's Nest Circle 11. Vai1 Rec DistricUGolf Course Mair��enance Facil�ty-278 Vail Valley Drive Driver: George � 1. uait Commons - ��v�lopmer�t Proposal. AK 2D99 N. Frontage Road WesVloca#ed on an ur�plat�ed parcel, Vail Commons App�ticant: CEty Market represented by Victor Mark Do�aldson, Architects fV10TiQN: SECOND: VOTE: . • C�NCEPTUAL REVIEW- NO VOTE 2. Spraddle Creek Estates - Public �nformation Sign (re�ised versian) RS . 1253 Spraddle Creek DrivelSpraddle Creek Subdivisian Appir�ant: Charfe Biederrnan M�T10N: Borne SECOND: Armour VQTE: 5-0 TAS`�.ED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 3. Faessler - Construction of eelEular phone s[ie and ar�tennas. RS 5�1 �lorth Frontage Road WesUPart of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Pateh Appli,cant: Larry Storms af SASI representing Faessler Realty Company MO�ON: Barne S�COND: Armaur VOTE: 5-0 T�BIf...ED UNTI�.SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 �4. Li�a�e Condominiums - Sign application. GR/CS 1�7�Westhaven DrivelLiftside Condaminiums. � Appti�cant: Larry Ast, High Tec� Sigr�s MO`4��N: Alrn SECOND: Armour VOT�: 5-� APP�30VED � . . F;IeveryaneWrb?cagemdas1D90695 � 5. Ha�utsma- Approva! of calor scheme for residence. � GR 1�68 West Gore Creek Driv�/Lot 47, Vail Vilfage ist � � A�licant: Bobbi Anr� Houtsma h��3TION: Armour S�C�ND: Arnett VOTE; 5-0 T,I�.BLED UNTIl,SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 6. K�hrman - Minor Amendment ta SDD - Gateway Plaza, Unit �. GR 1�Vail Road, Unit #5/Gat�way Plaza Building. A�plicant: 5teve Riden for Karl Kehrman fIROTlON: Alm SEC�ND:Armour VOTE: 5-0 APPRQVED WICONDITIONS 7. Raost- Reraof witt� new metal roof. � �R 1�83 North Frontage RoadlLots 1Q,�1,12, Buf�her Creek Subdivision � A�p��icant: John Hazen 111�4QTION: Armour SECOND; Arnett V4TE: 5-0 A�PPROVE� W/CONDlTIONS 8. Sim - New single family residence. ' GR 39�6 Lupine Driv�lLot 58, Black 2, Bighorn 1 st Addition. Applica�t: Daltan Sirn represented by Bob Barne IVt4TION: Alm SECOND: Arnett VOTE:4-4-1 {Borne abstai�ed) . �PPROVED W/CONDITlQNS 9. Cook- Conceptual review of 250 GRFA for Primary and Secondary Residences GR i0�2 Eagles Nest Circfe/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. A�piicant: Fritzlen F'ierce Briner representing Sarn B. Coa�c IUI4TION: SECOND: V4TE: CONCEPTIJA� REVIEW- NQ VOTE i 0. Indian Creek#1 - Changes td previously appra�ed plans. �C 1 t39 Sandstone Drive, Unit#i/lndian Creek Towr�homes. � P�plicant: Michael Lauterbach ' IV�OTI4N: Armour SECOND: Arnett VOTE; 5-0 � 11. Vaif Recreation District - Redevefopment of Ga!#Course Maintenance Faciiity. RF 27'B Vail Valley Drive, Goifcaurse Maintenar�ce Building/Parcei E, Vai! Village'7th �iling. Applicant: Town pf Vafl M��'ION: Arnett SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 a�PC�€OVED WICONDITIQNS 12. ae�ws- Demo/R�build of a Primaryl5econdary residence using twa 254 sq. �t. GRFA L,W allotmer�ts. 278 Rockaedge Road/Lot 15, 81ock 7, Vaii Village fst Fjling Applicant: Julie Dews M�710N: Amett SEGOND: Armour VOTE: 5-0 - D�itE� • F:leveryoneldrb�gendas149p695 2 � . , f3. West Vail Malf - Amendri�ent to the sfgn pr.ogram. LW . , 2161 N. Frontage Rd. Wes�ILot 2, Vai! Das Schone Filing #3 � Appl�cant: West VaiE Mail Corps represented by �arry Ast M0�10N: Armour SECOND: Arnett VOTE: 5-0 DENIED 14. Falls at Vai1 - Replacement of timber crib retaining wal9s. GR 3950 North Frontage Road Nort�/�alls at Vail Condominiums Applicant: Jim Poppleton MOTION: Alm SECOND: Armour VOTE: 5-0 APPR�VED WICONDITIONS 15. Gund - New Primary/Secondary residence. RS Sierra Trail/Lat �8, Block �, Vai{ Village West 1st Filing Appticant: Ed Gund MQTION: SECON�: VOTE: TABLED T� SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 16. E.aut�rbacfi� - New single family residence. JC 4335 Spruce WaylLot 4, Black 3, Bighorn Suk�div�sion Third Additian. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: • TABLED UNTIL SEPT�MBER 20, 9995 17. Tawn of Vail - Additian to Pub[ic Works Adminisiratian Bu�ldir�g a�d AK renovati�n o� Bus �arn. 1309 Vail Valley Driv�lUnpfatted Parcel Applicant: Tawn of Vail Pu�lic Works Departmer�t MOTIQN: SECOND: VOTE: TABLEO UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2�, 1995 MEMBERS PR_��ENT MEMBERS A�ENT � Mike Arnett Bob Borne Brent Alm Hans Woldrich � Bob Armour �taff Appcov�l� Ryan - F'orta�le Hot Tub. . �-� i 310 Westhaven Drive, CMC Buiiding, Cascade Village Applicant: Ric�ard Ryan Hobbit HiE�Mil�oy, Sutherd, Rx Ski Corp. and Ryan - Roof iirte,extension aver er�tryways. LW � �546 Mat�rhorn CircEe, Hobbit Hill . Appficant� Siephen Smith representir�g Milfoy, Sutherd, Rx Ski Corp. and Ryan I F:leveryoneldrblagendas149a695 � +. . � � � � Levy- Minor a�teration to approved plans GR 48i9 Meadow Drive/Lot 18, 81ock 5, Bighorn 5th � . Appficant: Ed ar�d Joanrt� ��vy Steadman Residenc� - Realign driveway. AK 1253 Spraddle Creek Road/l.ot 11, Spraddle Cre�k Applicant: Dr. Richard and Gay 5teadman _ Trotta - Deck ar�d han�railaddition. GR 1568 Goff TerraceNaif Golfcourse Townhomes, Sunburst Filing #3 Appli�ant: Bill Trotta ' Gl�son - RepainC. GR � 1855 West Gore Cre�klLat 22, Vaif Viilage West#2 � AppliC�rtt: William Gibson Jackle - Landscaping GR 1672 Matterhorn Circlel�.ot 2�/23, Matter�orn Filing #1 Applicant: 5ally A. Jackle Gray Armstror�g Duplex - Window Ad�itions JC 2872 Kinnickirinick/l.ot 2, Block 2, Gare Creek Subdivisior� � Appiicant: Harry Gray and Tom Armstrong Vail Valley Consolidated Water District - Piping of new we�l, updating of efec. and !.W teEemetering systern. Vail Gatf Course Pumpho�se Building • Applicant: Gail L.ucas for llail Val�ey Consolidated Water District Scott, Hayden - Excavation af crawl space. ' l.W 1350 Sandstone DrEVe, lJnit#11Lot G3, �iger Chalets, L.lonsridge#4 App�icant: Hayden Scott Treetops Condos - New exterior daors. �.W 450 �. Lionshead Circl�lE.ot 6, E3lock 1, Vail �ionshead 1 st Applicar�t: Treetops Condo Assaciation Ying P/S- Skylight addltian. �C 486 Forest Raad/Lot 1, Black 1, Vail Vilfage 6th Appiicarrt: Charles Yir�g Bannister- Change ta approved pla�s. LW . 2943 Be1lflawer/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain, Applicant: Jack S�aw, RKD for Frank Bannister Bas� Mo�antain Sports - Sign appficatior�. l.W �10 �,ior�s�iead Place/Landmark Building. Applicant: Larry Ast, H�gh Tech Signs Koenig Resider�ce - Change to appro�ed plans. GR 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Patato Patch • Appficar�t: Gary Koenig F:leveryoneldrblagendas109U895 � * , . Steadm�ar� - Change to site walls. . AK • 1253 Spraddle Cr�ek Road/�ot 11, Spraddle Cre�k Estates Applicao4t: Dr. Steadman Andre�a- Skykight ad�ition �� 389t Bignorn Roadll'he Ledges, Unit B . � Ap�lica�t: Mrs. Andretta 6onifac� - Landscape Renovation � GR � 2�38 Sunburs�Lot 17, Vail Valley 3rd Applicant: Bernie Baniface Alpine Sta�dard - Satellite Dish . AK 28 S. Frontage Rd.ILot A, Vail Village 2nd Applica�r�: Daug Sterkel Bass - Trim Repaint. �W 345 Il�lilf Creek CirclelLot 1�, Block 1, Vaif 1�illage 1 st App�icant: L�e Bass Pruss�� & Santul! - Entry remodel �-W 556 Fo�est Rd.lLot 2, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Applica�#: George Prussian & Richard Sant�aU Miller F�esidence - Change fram previously approved plan JC 1477 Aspen Grave Lanell.ot 3, Biack 2, Lionsridge Filing 4 � Applicant: Wili Miller Evergreen Lodge - New �8" satelli#e dish. JC 250 S. Fror�tage Rd. WesULot 2, B�ock 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd AppEicant: Pam Stenrnark Cook - Entryway enclosure. RS 5Q37g Main Gore Place, West Unat/Lot 1, Sundial Subdivision Appllcant: Michae! Lauterbach for l.aura CaaEc Vail Mountain 5chool - Site plan revision. RS . 316� Katsas Ranch RoadlVai� Mountain School. Ap�lica��: Pam Hopkins for Vail Mountain 5chool l.ancaster- Repaint o# exteriar af building. R5 5047 Ute Lane/Lat 33, Vail Meadows Fiiing #1. Ap�licanf: Jahn La�caster Park Meadows - Renovation af front entryway. RS 1�472 Matterhorn Circte/Park Meadows Condaminiums. AppEiea�#: Farrow Httt for Park Meadaws Condorniniums Friztlen/�allridge - Office exterior aEt�ration. �W/CS 1650 East Vail Valley Dr(�e, Unit G11Fal1ridge Cor�dominiums/Lot 2, Sunb�rst Filing #3. Applicar�#: Lynn Frit�len � F:1eVerypne�rblagendas1090G95 5 � � , . . � Poole - Wi ndow Addition. CS 2038 Chamonix Lane/�.ot 17, Vai! Heights Applicant: James and 5andi Poole � . ;� Redpath - Driv�way Reconstruction. 2682 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, 81ock B, Vail Ridg� GR Applican#: Bob Redpath � Base Moun#afn Sports - Wlndow 5igr�s. � �w 6i0 South Frontage Road/Landmark Building � Applicant: Larry Ast- High Tect� Signs Aldrete - Remodel.. � RS 7 784 Matterharn Circlell.ot 3, Vail Vfllage West 2�d Applicant: Val Aldrete Bailey - 5ite Improvements. RS 1287 Vail VaNey Dri�elLpt 2, Blocic 3, Vafl Vafley 1 st Applicant: Gary Bail�y F'argo Residence - In#erior 250. GR 1G45 Gal# Terrace/Golfcourse Townhornes Applicant: Fargo Energy Corp. � Krogmann Residence -Aiteration on a�proved plan. RS 2575 pavos 1Lot 1, Biock F, Vail Ridge A��licant: Monica ar�d Juergen Krogman Mancuso - Decks. • 1761 Alpine Drive #ilLot 32, Vaif V�Ilage West 1st CS Applicant: . Jennifer Mancuso � i F:leveryoneldrblagendas1p9D6H5 � , PUBLIC NOTICE �'�J NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Tawn o#Vail will hald a public . hearing on September 6, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Tawn of Vail Munic�pal Building. � Vail Commons - Dev�lopment Proposal. AK 2099 N. Frontage Road WestNai� Commans. � Applicant: City Market represented by Victor Mark Donaldson, Architects Vail Mountain Schoal - Sit� plan re�isian. R5 3180 Katsos Ranch RoadNail Mountain Schaof. Applica�f: �Pam Hopkins far Vail Mountain School Sim - New single family residence. GR . 3916 Lupir�e DrivelLot 58, Block 2, Bigharn 1 st Addition. Applicant: Dalt�n Sim represented by Bob Bome Faessler -Constr�ction of cellular phane site and antennas. RS - 501 North Frontage Ftoad WestlPart of Lot 8, �31ock 2, Va'il Patato Patch A�plicant. Larry Storms fl# SASI represer�ting Faessler Realty Company Friztle�/Faflri�ge - Office exterior alteration. LW/CS 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Unit G11Fa11ridge Condominiums/�.ot 2, Sunbursi Filiing #3. Appficant: I�ynn Fritzlen Coak- CancePt�al re�iew of 250 GRFA for Primary and Secondary Residences GR 1p�2 Eagles Nest CirclelLot 2, Bfock 6, Vail V9llage 7th Filing. � Applicant: Fritr{en Pierce Briner rspresentEng Sarn B. Cook l.iftside Condominiums - Sign applicatEon. � � GRICS 1275 Wes#haven DrivelLiftside Car�dominiums. Appficant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs Lancaster - Repaint of exterior of building. RS 5047 Ute �ane/Lot 33, Vail Meadows Filang #�. Ap�licant: Jof�n Lancaster . Alpine Bank-Temporary sign application. RS 141 East Meadow Drive/Crassroads at Vail. Applicant: Bill Pierce representing A6pine Bank Vaii Recreatian District - Redevelopment of Golf Caurse Maintenance FacEfty. R� 2'78 Vai! Valley Dri�e, Golfcaurse Maintenance BuildinglParcei E, Vail Village 7th Filir�g. Applicant: Town of Vail Park Meadows - Reno�ation of front entryway. RS iG72 Matter�orn CirclelPark Meadows Condominiums. Applicant: Farrow Hitt for Park Meadows Condominiums Indian Creek#1 - Char�ges to previous�y approved plans. JC 1138 Sandstone Dri�e, Unit#1/lndian Creek Tawnfi�ames. Applicant_ MichaeE Lauterbach � � � . �y, �� ', �! �� . �� i Caqk- Entryway enclosure. RS 5037 Main Gore Place, West Uni#1Lot 1, Siandfal. Applicant: Michael L�uterbach for Laura Cook � Lauterbach - New singfe family residence. �C 4335 Spruce WaylLot 4, Black 3; Bighorn 5ubdiv�sion Third Addition. Applic�nt: Michael �auterbach Ke�rman - Minor Amendment to SDD - Gateway Plaza, Unit 5. GR i 2 Vail Road, Unit#5/Gateway Pfaza B�ilding. Appltcant: Steve Riden for Karl Kehrman Roost- Reroof GR . 1783 Nort#� Frontage Road/Lot , Block , A�plicant: JoF�n Hazen Caggin Resldence - Window additlon. RS 4247 Columbine Drive/l.ot , Block , , Ap�licant: Elaine and Dor� Davis Gund - New PrimarylSecondary residence. RS Sierra Trail/Lot i 8, Black 1, Vail Village West 1 st Filing Applicant: Ecf Gund Tawn of Vaif - Addit6on ta Public Works Administration Building and AK r�novatian of Bus Barn. i 309 Vail Valley DrivelUnplatted Parcel Applicant: Town of Vail Pubiic Works Department S�raddle Creek Esta#es - Public Infarmation Sign (revised versior�) RS S �253 Spraddla Cr�ek Drive/Spraddle Creek Subdivision AppEica�t: Charlie Bi�derman � Dews - Demo/Rebuild of a i'rimaryl5eco�dary residence using twa 250 sq. it. GRFA LW allotments. 278 Rockledge Road/Lat 15, Block 7, Vail Vilfage �st Filing ' Appl9cant: Julie Dews � Houtsma - Color 5cherne. GR 1888 W�st Gore Creek Dr9ve/Lot 47, Vail Village ist Appficant: Bpbbi Ann Houtsma �The appiications and information about the proppsals are availabEe ir� the zaning admtnistrator's office d�ring regular offic� hours for pubfic inspection. , TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNiTY DEVEI�OPMENT Published in the Vail Trail or� Sept�mber 1, �995. , F:leveryone�drbinotices1090695 � PUBLlC NOTlCE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Baard wil{ be reviewing the following � application �n 5eptember 20, 1995 in the Town of Vai! Munic�pal B�ilding. � � 1. A request for ar� additional 250 square feet af Gross Residei�tial Floor Area for a • . residentiai addition at the Knawlton Residence located at 1999 Sunburs# DrivelLat 14, - Vail Vailey 3rd, a Resu�di�ision of a part of Sun�urst. � Applicar�t: Richard Kr�owlton . The ap�lications and information about the proposa�s are available ir� the zon�ng administrator's � office during reguiar o�fice haurs#or public inspection. TOWN OF VAI�. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 1, 1995. � . � � , � � PUBE.tC NOTICE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GlVEN that the Design Review B4ard wEll be reviewir�g the foilowing . � applica#ion an September 20, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipai Bui{ding. 1. A request far an additional 25� square �eet of Grass Residential Floar Ar�a to construct a resideniial addition at the Cook Residence located at 1012 Eagle's Nest CirclelLot 2, Block A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Sam Cook yThe app�ications and infprmation about the proposals are avaifable in the zoning administrator`s office during regular affice hours far public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL � COMMUNITY DEVEL4PMENT Published in the Vail Trail or� Se�tember i, 1995. . � . � PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE tS MEREBY GIVEN that the Design R�v�ew Board of the Towr� af Vai! will �o1d a publiC hearing vn Sept�nber 20, 1�35 at 3:00 p.m. in t��Town af Vail Municipat Building. Fargo E�rgy Carporation - Bedroom and bath addition. GR 16�45 Gal�Ter�ac�, Unit#33 Nail Golfcourse Townharnes. Applican�� .�eff Lutz for Fargo Energy Cor�. Vail Gate�ray Bu�iding - Aw�ings, signs and cofor.cF�anges.� GR �2 Souti� Frontage Roadl�ot 12, Biack 5D, Vail Vipage �st Filing. . Applicar��� Leo Patmer The Ladge at Vai� International Wing - Final DRB approvat. AK i 74 Gor�Creek �rivel�o#s A, B, C, Blacic SC,Vail Village �st Filing. � Applican� Zehrer� and Associa#es Zneimer- New Singfe Farnily Residence. RS 1729 Buf�ehr Cre�k RoadlLat 6, Tract A, Lian Zneimer Subdivisian. . Applican�_ Brent Atm far Ed Zneimer � Sunset Grill - Ho�iday Inn -Sigr� apptication. GR i 3 Vaii �foadlHoticiay 1nn. Applicant: Miich Weiss for Hal�day [nn Bishop- Color change, awning and sign ap�lication. . RS • 2a4 Watl StreeV�ne Vaik Place. Applicani: William F. Bishop Vai! Assc�ciates - Hazardous waste starage upgrade. R� 862 S. Fronta e Road/ 9 Appli�ar�t. Jerry �liver for Vail Associates � Mancuso - Revlsion of three decks. CS 1761 Alpine �rive Unit#11Lot 32, Vaii ViiEage West Filing #1. � � Applicant: Todd 5chmidt far Jennifer Mancuso . Cook- Final review of two 250 GRFA for additions to a Primaryl Secondary Residence. GR 1012 Eagles Nest Circ{e1L.ot 2, B1ocEc 6, Vail Viliage 7th �iling. � � A�plican4: �ritzien Pierce Briner representing Sarn B. Cook Kirchows�cyl5egal - Changes to approved plans. GR � 26i0 Arosa Dr€velLot 3, Block D, Vail Ridge A{�pliC�t�t: Steve Rid�n , The Ger�ral Store - Su�breila/awnir�g ap�ficatian. �-w 61 D Wes# Lions�ead Circle/ App!€car�: Ghiqui Hoffmann � ' Stork - �ddition and deck addit3on. �W -� 2605 Davos TraillLot 23, Biock B, Vail Ri�ge Sub�ivision. � q�pficat�t: Otto Stork . . Vai� Cor�amons - Deve�opment. AK 2099 I�. �rontage RoadNail Commons. . � Applicar�: Towr� ai Vail ' � � _ ; . _ _. . _ . _,.. ._,: . Forey- Replace waikways and stairs/�andscape impiflvements. CS • � 1755 West Gore Creek DriveJLot 6, Va�l Vtifage West Filtng#2. Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey � Alp(a�a1p- �etter concerning subdivisiort of Lat P2. AK , F�te,- Request for a garage separati6n. � GR 314Q Boath Falls Ct./Lot 5, B�ock 2, Vail Village Twelfth � Appllcant: Ken Fite � The applications and information about the proposafs are available in the zani�g adminlstrator's office during regular of�ice hot�rs for p�blic �nspection. , . TOWN OF VAI� ' . COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT . - Published in the Vai! Trail on Se�temb�r i 5, 1995. � � . . �- 1:leveryoneldrF�Inotice1092095 Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number Date � �'i Project Name: "T' 1'� Bu9lding Name; `�` Prv�ect Description: I r=.,� � ��r'��-�.-�.� L Owner, Address and Phone: �c-'� �e ! Archi#ectlContac#, Address and Phane: �- '� �` � t � " Legal Description: Lot �� - Biock -"" Subdi�ision .��a�.�� �a� 1/ `7�'Jr�lx��.s Zane pistrict � Project Street Address: ��,_� � � ��- Commer�ts: . -- oard Staff Action Motion by, Vote: �/- C7-J - Seconded by,�.c !�-! � �.� ❑ Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditians: � � �'p�`7�71 �'-/� - -- 1__1�.��_.�;c'� �� .� �owr� �lanner Date: ����- DRB Fee Pre-paid �'—' . Design Review Ac�ion Form T4'W N 4 F VA1 L �ategory Number� .LLt_'c�� /��� Date T�Y"�' _ _ __ _ Project Name:��Z�-������?�-�+-�1-��� Building Name: [�m,�_� �"� � Project Descrip#ion: Owne�, Address and Phone:._��'e�.,n.r��, l�',_c���� ArchitectlCantact, Address and Phone: . •� �= .��G�,� - 2�/[yS7 -- - --- I�aga1 Description: Lot��" _ Block Subdivision Zor�e District L��f Project Street Adclress: 2�5� .�o2�,i � -•�v;�-?�� Comments: � oard 1 taff Ac�ion Mo#ion by: Vote; � �-� Seconded by: � . �� �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: 1 • Town Planner Date: /�� DR� Fee Pre-paid C����. Des'rgn Rev'rew Act�on Form T4WN �F VAIL �ategary Number� '� 1� yl c f-Date ,�i�� �' �� ��� . ...._....--.-- P Project Name: ��T�����3 �s �uilding Name: Project Description: ��! �� d���--�h��t��-Ge.._ Owner, Address and Phone: ��� �'^�� �'`!�""� , ��� � /�' c� � �'l�s'T7 � �° ��i.� Archite c Address and Phone: ��2.��.. � /��`,SfSM (.a��..J' �Cf+��`Y�d ��r��=S'� ,���4 �U'�d����_���s+G�. C� �D .�O/ � Legal Descrfption; Lot�� Block Subdi�ision � �� Zone �istrict � Pro}ect Street Address:..,_,���� ��'C� ��� � � Comments: � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: Vote;� ��r � , /� � Seconded by: 6!l�-�--� .�� � �,-��,....� �Approval � � i� `�r"' tf 7���� ❑ pisapproval ❑ Stai#Appraval � � o� � � Canditions: / � � � /� �/� a�_ � � � " .�` �'yr`��S`./�"d`! ' ,�•+ �+,r� �. c. �r /i � / `� .Gil. ! .!' J'C D.�+�--- � � s � � ° �' e �° ti., `�2 c' � r� " C� ' sd� � � � � ��iP �- �-�`�'. � �'�ncc.c'�it �� � � 4�°` . �� � ��� �� � � Town Pianne Date: %� ! � Il" I � DRB F'ee Pre-pa[d �� �� Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number -v Date F� � I _ � � Project Name:_ _ ����"bQ l.��'�G�l,c.�(f.�i"� ' Building Name: Projec# Descripti�n: � �'bb � r�n�ir��.f J�1,Ct.f� �4 � �.�G �bQ.dLY-�+ i�f�"��G � � � Y i�. V ��-c�.� � -�y�Q ` �C.eo�-�� �t"$� � �Fi �eu� o���. Owner, Address and Phone: r� ��t� W � ArchitectlContact,Address and Phor�e: �Y � ��. 't� �� �� Z��� �-� (� t�� -- ���9-�s�� Legal Descri�tion: �ot Block Subdivision �,C�-��� �0�+�5. Zone District �� ProjectStreetAddress:_ �2�-� �u��nqv�u �� � �.n�. �.o �1�� Comments: � � -- A'�D '�� X �1 u = f �� W��. �-_��' �`� �� ���� ��� _ � � Board �i Motion by, � � Vote: ��o Seconded i�y: �e�t.� �Appraval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approvai Conditions: Town Planner � Date: , � �'0 '�c'S DRB Fee Pre-paid , _ .,,,,.,__ � . Design Re�iew Action Form T�INN QF VAIL aCategory Number f � Date � � ` � �roject �fame: l�1,(�'l t C�� ��^�Q�°-P., M � � � � 6uilding Name: Project Description: � "� � [s[� �C� `�� L� -� .� s� " � �� Q�..� �� �� �'�,v Y� a� a � rEV �' OwnEr, Address and Pnone: /" � �[ �„�„�p;�� ,����� ``� ��`'" C�'��y . c�r m ��S ( �-C. ` � C� �f�S Architect/Con#act, Address and Phone: �� l�'�.- � �� �� �� I. � ��I�l �c� � l�'�mK �o��S" �� � � C� ���`�"�' Legal Description: Lo#��Block� Subdivision�l�6��9'� Zone District � Project Street Address: l�� � � �� � Comments; � .a� �-.� ��5�� C`� e'� �" ��� a ��e,� �` ��r s�o � r C'ct1 c� .� s-fi�� � � �� , B ar Staff Action Motion by: � ` � Vote: �`�� _ _ Seconded by. ��� provai C �,.1.i ,�+.�..� ���-t ��� ❑ Disappro�al � ❑ Staff Appro�al �� � � �� ����d-� � I�e � � � �►r�.,� .r-. T n Planner �j� Da#e: � DRB Fee Pre-paid �� Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL �� / 4'�� Da#e . �� �� i� ��. � � .Category �lumber � � ✓"� / � �Z�� � � � w �' g� Project Name: --r Building Name: ' � i. Project Description: ��""� n� a— ��S �� ���� r J`rd� �� r � Owner, Address and Phane: �L R � o?�{� �%t��e ,��,... r G��'� C�o' t�'/`�.�`� �'�� -�3.a3� Architec onta , Address and Phone: _��`� IP��I��, ��Q' lG �t/w�vi G� J}� ��v�'� � -� Legal Description: Lot j Block �� Subdivision �� �� l �._._�. Zone District �...'G-`� Pro�ect Street Address:_, �� �d✓� Comments: � �!3 [� ` Board 1 Staff Actio � �.�� Motian by: Vote: � ° � Seconded by: �"�""�►� � �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval r t Conditions' ..� U ��� � � '�' �� �� �'�� �r �r n�f.I' ,�l �7�-z. �,���_��-,w,�.P t�cr� �e ��a v�� (�.'�. �4..C,L �.c�► �" .������ � . � �. _. Town Planner f �� bate: � �' � r� DRB Fee Pre-paid._ �J_ C'�P� g �/�� Design Review Action Form TOWN �F' VAIL � �ategory Number Qate �J � Project Name: ll�'�[ �' r � Building Name: Project Description: v . �' S ' �' � Owner, Address and Phone: �X Architect�Contact, Address and �'hone; -. � f �- `� C� "�� ��f����C,�Q�_� �I L� �_...---� _.,... Lega1 Description: Lot Block Subdivision�,�5� V CJl� �l��� �-�� District Project Street Address: �_�� � . .,,, � Gomments: �. � .. � _,_..__ ..... ,....__ Board Motion by: ����i . .. . Vote: V '�� .. W Seconded bY: Y"s ' �� . .... ❑ Appro�al Disapproval ❑ taff Approval Conditions:_������� � ���� . __ W�l, 7own Planner Date: � �RB Fee Pre-paid_ � _ _ Design Review Action Form T4'WN 4F VAIL Category Number � Date ��� L'� �� � ,/� � Project Name:��{Iv� �Y1�'l { �� BuildEng Name: Project Description:�1� l�WV���,��rS'lVl��� ti��� �, �wner, Address and Phone��.�i �iGt�-� � .�.. ArchitectlContac , Address arid Phane�����r�� ��`�� �� ��� '��;�� , ��� Lega1 Description: Lat�� Block� Subdivisior� Zone Distric# � Project Street Address: � Camments: . . � Boar Motion l�y:���1,� Vote:..�.� �� �. Seconded by:� ��L�N� ❑ Appro�al �Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al � ► . Conditions: S s �_ � �� _ I ' ��,� � �U1�14t� �� Gv{�1(� "�1� �� O�I�Ifi� �� �� C,����.e.�[ . ....------ L�.U►��, Town Pla er Date: �• � DRB Fee Pre-paid � ` Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL . Category Number Date Project fVame: ���rn � G�,/�' , e� Building Name: project Description; a� r w � � l �� t �� �r C� /� 1� t i�YlOt�'�- Cv` � .sY is' � l +t�dG� �C/� � r�i'v� c Owner, Address and Phone: ��� � , � 7 � r�� '�r . 1 0 5� � � �� T � Architect/Can#act, Address and Phone; � � � °�'� I�a�•-'r t � � V Id "�� Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision �� � � r Zone District G��=�r.,��z Project Street Address: 2- � , ,��n Comments: /��r r �.�a R r �. -� r'� `r� �,. � t-�t 9�/d� ��. . ' �✓ r6/�� sc�I Fr4"y ! ,� � /V�.Git DFr1 �ci!v�L. 1 !�� r � C- � Board / Staff Action Motion by: ��[_i�[ c ,Iril7 C� _ „ Vote: � " � , Seco�ded by: � �ts� �� , � � �prova! ❑ Disappraval ❑ Staff Appraval , Conditions: I !�� v��i�r� �� r�r�r �r.� ' �� ,� e"r� la'T' 7` f erve r� � O' o►m� � !/'r✓�r 76 J+n�tv!� �1 v�� er vc� A t' P K F ' .� 1 �� /�.�� � � �r� ��.�« .r n r1�7� �FzN� ;� n���.�/ � 7- n ,I I � e, cr - CC7t/e✓°�n � .� R���. � - .� k ��/r�c c� ��Q,� l 1d G i'�A n G � � a� ,o �ClG f TRrrr�.i/� T� �•sssw[ �f ��/r�pl �e�°llc�/1!w r �-r�.r� Town Planrter Date: � �� DR8 Fee Pre-paid Design Rerriew Action Form TOWN OF VAIL .Category NumE�er Date�LG� __ .__. � Project Name: � ' ' Building Name: � ' Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ' � Architec ontac ddress and Phone: � �?�.�. 1�3 ��_� �rj;1�n�,� � ....,�«t�'. 5� � � �`j9 � �Y :,� ����'"I fYJ i�4��I!n!t Legaf Description: l.at Block Subdivisian N�ct_1�o �/�,,,,,� Zane Dis#rict Project Stree#Address: Comments: - e�r�r..�., _ � / • - ..._ _.__. __.._.. ._.._ oard S�aff Action Motior� by: rz') .._ Vote: �"-1S . Secanded by: ✓�►2,�-./ �Approval ❑ DisapprovaE ❑ Staff Approval , Conditions: � � ' � ,�-. -- - ?• TI L'��� -a!'�?-R� �-!Z�t�� _���_a�:3-�_�C1�.�-7:�;d••--�—,�f1�.___....._ - . / Town Pfanner Date: �I�I9� ,.._ „_ DRB Fee pre=paid —' � Design Rer►iew Action Form TOINN OF VAIL , - �ategory Number Date�,���)�� Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: � Architec ontac Address and Phone: . � Legal Description: Lo# Block Subdi�ision Zone District � � _ Project Street Address: f��— �— Comments: oard 1 aff Action Motion by: Vote: S`� - Seconded by, � � �,Appro�al ❑ Disappro�al � Stai#Approval Gonditions: , � ����� � �---- - Town Plannar � � p�t�; DRB Fee Pre-paid �� � � � DESIGN REVIEW�BOARD AGENDA � September 20, 1995 . 3:00 P.M. PROJEGT ORIENTATION . 12:00 S�TE V7�ITS 1:30 . i. The General Store- G l 0 Wes#Lionshead Circte � 2. Ka�c�owsky/Segal -26I0 Arosa Drive � 3. Sta►rk- 2605 Davos Trail � �. Zneimer- 1729 Buffehr Creek Road 5. Fi�e- 3140 Booth Falls Court 6. La�rterbach-4335 Spruce Way • 7. Vail Gateway Building - 12 S. Frontage Road _ ' 8. Sunset Gri�l - 13 Vai1 Road ' . 9. Bishop=244 Walt Street � � Driver Extiraordinaire: Geor�e Ruther 1. Fe�sler/One Comm -New cellular phone relay sit� RS SOl N. Frontage Raad West/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch(Solar Vail) , A�plicant: Larry S�orms for One Camm MQTION: Borne SECOND: Alzn VOTE: 5-�0 � AP'PR�VED W�TH CONDTTIONS 2. Vax`� Commons Development-New commereial &residential development. AK � 2499 N. Frontage Roadlan unplatted parcel tocated south of the Vail Heights Subdivision; � �Applica�at: Tovvn of Vail � , • ME)TION: SECOND: VOTE: � � CONCEPTUAL REVIEW- NO VOTE 3. Su�set Grili (Holiday Inn) - Sign applicataon. GR l3 Vail Road/Holiday Inn. - Ap�plicant: Mitch Weiss for Holiday Inn . MOTION: Borne SECOND: Woldrieh VOTE: 5-0 TA�BLED UNTYL 4CTQBER 4, 1995 � � F:leveryoneldrfllagandas10920 ; � 4. Ka�rchowsky/Segal - Changcs to approved plans. GR 2Fr�0 Arosa Drive/Lo#3,Block�D, Vail Ridge � A�aIicant: Ste�e Riden IV��TION: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 , A�'PROVED WITH CONDITIONS S. Tt� General Store- Awning application. � LW ��'�9 West Lionshead CircleJLan�mark Building ' Ag�Iicant: Ghiqui Hoffmann . 1V�QTION: Alm SECOND: Borne VOTE: 3-2 (Woldrich&Borne . dissenting) A�"PROVED WiTH CONDITIONS 6. St�k-Er�try and deck addition. . � L� 261�5 Davas TraiULat 23, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. A►pplicant: Otto Stork � MOTION: Bome SECOND: AIm � VOTE: S-Q . A�P"PROVED WITH CONDITIONS 7. Si�hop- Color change, awning and sign appiication. � 244 Wa118treet/One Vail Ptace. Applicant: William F. Bishop . IvIOTTON: Barne SECOND: Woldrich VQTE: 5-4 APPROVED WYTH CONDITIONS 8. Fite -Request for a garage separation, GR 3�40 Boo�h Falls Ct./Lot S, Block 2; Vail Village Twelftti . Applieant: Ken Fite � M4TION: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED - SEPARATION REQUEST ONLY 9. Vail Gateway Building-Awnings, signs and colar c�a�ges. �GR 12 Sou#h Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block SD, Vail Village lst Filing. � Applican�:. Leo Palrner MOTION: Borr�e SECOND: Alm VOTE: 4-1 {Pratt dissenting} APPROVED: 1} parking Sign; �}Building identi�cation Sfgn; 3} Awnfng, Sonth Entry Only; and 4) coior change. � � F:levaryona�drblagendas1fl920 Z ,y 10. Coa�--Final review of two 250 GRFA for adclitions to a Primary/Secondary Residence. GR � . � 14��Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2,Bloek 6, Vail ViIlage 7th Filing. Apgl�ucant: Fritzlen Pierce Briner representing Sam B. Cook ' � M[�'�ON: Alm SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-1 {Bome dissenting) • APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 11. Lauterbach-New single�amily residence. 3C 4335 Spruce Way/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition. � � Appli�cant: Mic�ael Lauterbach M4�"I4N: SECOND: � VOTE: C0�7CEPTUAL REVIEW- NO VOTE 12. Lau��rbach- C�anges to approved}�lans. 1 I39 Sandstone Dr.ILot l, Indian Creek Townhomes JC App��cant: Michael Lauterbach MQ'1�4N: Barne SECOND: Woldrich V�TE: 5-0 APF�R.OVED WITH CQNDIT�ONS . ' � 13. Znei�er-New Singlc Family Rcsidencc, RS 1726�Buffehr Creek RoadlLat 6, Tract A,Lia Zneimer Subdivision. . Appincant: Brent Alm for Ed Zczeimer . Ma�'ION: Borrie SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-4-1 (Alrn abstaining) � APF�OVED WITH CONDITI4NS 14. The Lodge at Vaii Internationa! Wing - Fi�al DRB approvaf. - AK 174 Gore Creek DrivelLots A, B, C, Black SC, Vail Village lst Filing. App�ican�: Zehren and Associates TA�LED UNTIL OCTOBER 4, i995 1 S. Gund-New Primary/Secondary residence. RS Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Bloc�C i, Vail Viliage West lst Filing AppI7icant: Ed Gund � TA�LED INDEFIIVITELY � t 6. Town of Vait�Addition to Public Works Administration Building and AK ' renovation of Bus Barn. 1309 Vail Valley Driva/Unplatted Parcel Applicant: Town of Vail Public Works Department TA�LED UNT�L OCT4BER 4, 1995 . . , �:�everyoneldr��a�endasws2o 3 , 17. K�wwIton-New primary/secondary residence. � . GR • 1999 Sunburst Driv�e/Lot 1�4, VaiI Valley 3rd Filing, Appticant: Morter Architects representing Richaxd Knowlton TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 4, 1995 . . 18. Spraddle Creek Estates-Public Information Sign. � Spraddle Creek Raad and the Narth Roundabout Applicant: Chartie Biederman � TABLED YNDEFIIVITELY � � M�MBERS 1'RE ENT Mike Arnett Bob Bome Brent Alm Hans Woldrich Bob Am�our �.�R�r4yals . Prussian & SantulIi - Entry facad�remodel and repaint. L� S55 Forest RoadlLot 2, Block 1,'�Vail Village 6th Fiiing. Appticant: Ron Byrne for George Fnxssian&Richard Sanht�li Wittemeyer- Changes to approved plans. GR , 338 RockIedgc Road/Lot l, Block 1, Vai� Vi�lag�3rd Filing. App�icant: Galen Aasland far 3ohn Wittemyer Scott Residence - Changes ta approved plans. RS 5075 Ute Lane/Lot 29, Vail Meadows 1 s�Filing� . . � Applicant: . Bo� Sco�t . � Ri�eiro - Hot tub. , • CS I455- A Ridgc Lane/Lot 4, Ridge at Vail Applicant: Pcdro Luiz Ribeiro Meal Ticket Cafe -New daar to rep�ace windaw. LW 244 Wa�l Stree�/�ne Vail Place Applicant: Julie Tverson Lazarus -New Deck. LW 172Q Sunburst Drive, #2Nail Golfcourse Townhomes Applicant: George Lazarus All Scasons - Landscaping Improvements. L� 434 Gore Creek Drive/Lot P-1, Block 3, Vail Vitlage Sth Applicant: All Seasons Condo Association � . F:leveryoneldrblagendas1U920 4 + . °� Lipp-�ndow changes. . � GR 434 Gare Creek Drive/Lot B,Block 3, Vail Village Sth � A►pplicant: Mr. Lipp . , Bass -Roofand deck colar change. LW 345 MiIt Creek Circle/Lot ]4,Block 1, Vai�Village lst Filing. Applicant: Paui Sisneros with Shaeffer Constructzon for Lee Bass � Miller-�hange of roof material. • ' � . � JC � � 1477 Aspen Grove Lane/Lat 3, Block 2,Lionsridge Filing#4. Applica,nit: Wi3liam Miller � Evergree�Lodge-installation of satellite dish. JC 25Q Sout� Fronta.ge Road West/Lot 2,Block I,VaiULionshead 2nd Filing. _ � Applicant Mike Hagar for Evergreen Lodge . Boniface- Landscape renovation. GR Z038 Sunburst Drive/Lot 17,Vai1 Vailey 3rd�'iiing. Applica�rt: Bernie Boniface Ryan -Portable hot tijb. LW 1310 Westhaven Drive, #2/Colorado Moun#ain College Building. • Applica�: Richard Ryan Gray/Ar�strong- Addition of windows. �C . 5109 Black Gore Drive/Lot 2, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdirrision. Applicant Harry Gray and Tom Armstrong Ying - C�anges to approved plan. JC 486 Fores#Road/I.ot 1, Block 1, Vail Village bth Filing. Applicant Bob Boymer represen�ing Charles Ying .Village Center Bui�ding A -Common area remodel. rC �24 Wil�low Bridge RaadNillage Center Condominiums. � Applican� Jim Guida for Village Center Condominiums. Fargo E�ergy Corporation -Bedroom and bath addition/using the interior 250. GR 1645 Gotf Terrace, Unif#33 Nail Golfcourse Townhomes. Applicant Jeff Lutz for Fargo Energy Carp. Mancusa- Revision of three decks. CS 1761 Alpin� Drive Unit#l/Lot 32, Vail Village West Filing#1. Applicanit Todd Schmid�for Jennifer Mancuso Forey-hteplace walkways and stairs/landscape irr�provements. CS 1']S5 We�Gore Creek Drive/Lot 6, Vaii Viliage West Fiiing#2. . Applican� Dan and Karen Forey i • � F:levaryoneld�agsndas1b920 rJ . . . Hp�tsma- Approval of co�or scherns for residence. GR 1$68 West Gare Creek Drive/Lot�47, Vail Villag� lst � , Applicant: Bobbi Ann Hout�ma � Thampson -Deck additian. CS l b64 Sunburst Drive,Unit#1 S/Sunburst Filing#3 � � Applicant: Carson Thompsan � NeiIl -Addition of windaw and deck. . � CS � I630 Sunburst Drive,#19/Sunburst Filing#3 Applicant: Richard Neill , SchiIlman-Gard�n Roam. � � 5040 Main Gore P1ac�,#A3/Sundial Phase II Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. J�f�'rey Schillman Jackle Residence-Landscape Improvements. GR 1b72 Matterhorn CireleCi,ofs 2�,23, Matterhorn#t � Applicant: Sally Jackle SBC Development Corp. -Plan change. R� I058 Riva Glen Roac3/Lot 2, Spraddle Cr�ek Esta.tes Applicant: SBC Development Carp. Applicant: . • , � F.'leveryoneldrb�agendas10820 S � PUB�.[C NOTICE �. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the D�sign Review Board of the Town of Vai! wi�i hofd a pu�lic . hearing c� Sept�nber 2fl, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Tawn of Vai� Munici�al Building. Fargo E�rgy Ca�poration - �edraom and bath additian. GR 1645 Ga�f Terraae, Unit#33 Nail Golfeourse Tawnhvmes. Appl9car�t� Je#f Lutz �or Fargo Energy Corp. Vail Gate�r+ray Bu�ding - Awnings, signs and eolor.cha�ges. GR . 12 Soutl�Frontage Road/Lot #2, Block 5D, VaEI Viiiage �st Filing. � ApPlican� Leo Patm�r The Lad€�e at Va� International Wing - Final DRB approvaf. AK 17a Gor�Creek �ri�elLots A, B, C, Bfack 5C, Vail Village '�st Filing. � A�pltcar►�� Ze�ren and Associates Zneimer- New Single Family Residence. R5 1729 Bu�ehr Creek Raadl�ot 6, Tract A, �.ian Zneimer Subdivision. App�ican�. Brent A!m for Ed Zneimer � SUnset�:i11 - Holiday Inr� - Sign app�ication. GR 13 Vaii RoadlHotiday Inn. Applicant: Miic1� Weiss far Holiday [nn • Bishop - Color change, awning and sign appiication. . RS 2�A Walf StreeVOne Vail Place. Applicar�it: William F. Bishop Vail Associates - Hazardous waste storage upgrade. R� 862 S. Frontage Road/ � Applica€�: Jerry Oliver for VaiE Associates � Mancuso - Revision af three decks. CS 1761 Alpi�e Drive Unit#f1/Lot 32, Vaii Village West Filing#1. . Appficant: Todd 5chmidt for�fennifer Mar�c�sa Cook- Fir�a! review of two 250 GRFA for additions#o a Primaryl Secor�dary Residence. GR 1p12 Eagles N�st Circte/l.ot 2, BEock 6. Vai! Village 7th Filing. � � ApPlican�: Fritzlen Pierce Briner representing Sam B. Cook KirchowskylSega! - Changes to approved p�ans. GR 2610 Ar�sa DrivelLot 3, Block D, Vail Ridge Applican�t: Steve Riden , The Ge�€al Store - SunbreElalawning application. �-W 6iQ Westl.io�shead Circle/ A�plica�: Ghiqui Hoffmar�n ' Stork - �dditio� and deck ad�ition. . �w -� 2fi05 �a.vos TrailRo# 23, Block B, Vai� Ftidge S�bd�vision. � Appficar�i: O�to Stork Vail Cammans - ❑eve�opment. AK 2099 �!. �rontage RaadNail Commans. , � Applica�: Town af Vail /� � vj .; � ,. ' -- Forey- Re�lac�walkways and stairs/landscape improvements. CS • 1755 WestGore Creek Dr�ve/Lat 6, Vail Village West Ffling#2. Applican#: Dan and Karen Forey , A�pl�nalp- Letter concernfng subdivision of �ot P2. q� � . Fite.- Req�est for a garag�separation. � � GR 314� Baoth Falls Ct./�o#5, Block 2, Vail Vi1[age Twe�fth � APplRcant: Ken Fite . TF�e applications and information about the proposafs are available in tF�e zaning admin�strator's office durfng regular office hours for public inspection. . TOWN OF VAIL ' . COMMUNITY �EVE�OPMENT � Pub�lshed 1n the Va€I Trail or� Septernber 15, �995. � , . � _ �... f:`evaryoneldrb`notice1492095 Des�gn Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL '�ategory Number Date 5�7 �qC _ _ �roject Name: �� �r►a-,;�"'�Cau1'T #S r Building Name: ' 1 Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:_r��f���r --�-� .7���. - Archite #1 n#act ddress and Phone: � , �fa�i. C'�. �(q- �I12 I Legal Description: Lot��. Block 'SD Subdivisian �� '� Zone District S-,br.� ��� Project Street Address: /2 � -� � - - - Commer�ts: � `�1'L.' �Jl�'7 �.��],✓J'��i.e� r,..�'n � �-��. -�� . - oar Staff Action MotEon by: Vote: S-D _ Seconded by: .����.�.�.� j�Appro�al ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Cor�ditions: /�'� `�"�'a°"� - � l. {���_,�un Sor--�r �� �.�.�G-�7- G-�1f�1t �-r c.,�- �2��rri��.1 - 3 ��- �� zo.°� , � _�T- l - Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Ac#ion Form TOWN �F VAIL �ategory Number Date Project Name: � B�ilding Name: Project Description: � ` � ..�T> Owner, Address and Phane: � ���,� Architect/ on#act, ddress and Phone: " �.�� ��._�,1 �-�-�'Ic��.. C'� _��r.�� —.-.- Le al Descri tion: �ot 1� Block 5L� Subdi�ision � � Zone District � � g p Project Street Address: � \ �� �-o�r�--� -- Comments: oard taff Ac�ion Motion by:��J�,_�- � _ Vote: '� �� - Seconde�by:� �Approval ❑ pisapprovai ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �•� � . , . � ^ ���� �.�a.✓7 '--�_ . �--�-. . � � �. , �' ,�dJ �`i� C� Town Planner , `'�'�'` �ate: �/���/'S� _ DRB Fee Pre-paid �� Design Re�iew Act�on Form TOWN OF VAIL •Category Number l� Date 9 Project Name: ,�;�.c�c�t��t2��r , .. . ......._._.___ Bui�ding Name: .,��.,��cnA ���.�-� JL�.���1��-a�:��+���.a_..__. E�raject Description: C �/'+]�i,�i�lf.� 7Z� ill7 . ��CJ .. , ,..,,.._.__ Qwner, Address ancf Phar�e: Architect/ ontac Address and Phone: �_��,�.____�• ,�J'- ���__. 3�3� . � .n.. � �,� ��, . �. .��. .. ........---- Legal Description: Lot 3 Bloc�C f� Subdi�ision �_, .. �,�L�.`. Zone District��_ Pro�ect Stree#Address: �1��f��_. .. � �_ ��� Comments: • Boar Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: .�..Lrr� �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Appro�al Conditions: /. � r ,� � r �, L�� ,���rr� T�� ✓��. �`^„^ ,��-�y--��/ ..._.. �..�.. • �"own Planner Date; _ 9� �}� DRB �ee Pre-paid �° � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL •Categary Number � �a�g— ��--��� - > Project Name: � • Building Name: �'�� � - � _-�' � Project E7escription: Qwner, Address and Phone; �7 ���� - Architectl ntac �Add�ess and Phone: �� �'�"" '�' '� Legal Description: Lot��Blacic� Subdivision��-� � ���Zone District , �� Project Street Adr�ress �3�'�� —f"�-��--�� — CaE'nments: � oard taff Ac�ion Motion �y, � _ Vote: '�^ - Seconded by;_ 09���'l �Approval ❑ Disa�pro�al ❑ Staf€Approval Conditions: .� t 1-, 1 Jf - Town Planner � Date: �� � �� _ (7RB Fee Pre-paid � � Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAlL �ategory �umber���� �L"� �� Date r F .S� J� Project iVame: �M�?rfMn�'! -- ���1 .. , ..., .,.,.,...._,.._.._ Building Name: Praject Description:� � P""`'�"��_��t�� , ,. ,__._` � Owner, Address and Phone; � �.�t [,.ic. S' B a '� � �t�ys'` ��� � .- �l�r Archite Contact, Address and Phone: !�+-._ -�_Q_�(' _?-r�(r�!���_�D �f�f�� /'��-� �'o��°.���.�f'p Legaf Description: Lot.,�,__._ BIocK h"� � Subdivision�.1�. �i�� Zone District �C- Project Street Address: . � .��� _ _� �__.� �� Comments: i Board 1 Staff Ac�ion Motion by: � � Vate; 'rv� \ � Seconded by: ��� �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions; �dt4� l{ ' � r d'1 / 0 C�� � , � � . � ;sr�t.4�i� � � , , � � °. . ' e � Town Planner Da#e: . � � DRB Fee Pre- aid� � P Design Rev�ew Action Form TQWN OF VAIL � � ���� �ategory Number'�� ' � '�+B`r"'II�te ° �' � -� c � Project Name: G�— Building Name: _ ��,��� � Project Description; - ___°��� � '` ���.�°�'��� ���� - . � �� , ) �� .SY`+�-�( 0 � � t J` c�`�- �d�a` s' �, S' �,r�c�J7.J,s°, Owner, Address and Pharoe:���t��o ��� �-- �7%�..__ _,Q�x'_ .�'o?D �a� �'d ���.�'�'' -- �---� Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: . ���"` Legal Descrip#ion: Lat Bloc�C Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address:���/ l�✓�t � , , _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.__._.___ Comments: • Board 1 Staff Ac�ion Motion by: /�LY� Vate: �^v 8econded by: �i�'�C� �pproval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � r� {� t�, Conditions! 11 �3' � � , � ��r�d� r,��^-�?� r�a �,ld�,��l... ' �, �. ' . � `� • � � .� � � P �� � �� � � � �� � � �,�� �' � �r��.��•��a� . � �� �� �� � ��-�U� � J'� v� �� � �'�� � ��.�' Town P�anner Date: _�. �� ' f ] DRB F'ee Pre-paiti�� �� . ..,..___ Design Review Action Form T4WN 4F VA�L {� , /' � �ategory Number 1 � �P1'�I G� Ltf't�tf�ln�C�'Date ��C�^ G � Project Name:_�dl���-" ����� Ip� ��- �C'�/��, - Building Name: ��4 �� - Project Descrip#ion: �S'� �'vw""`n'`�� ��� � ��"�-•� ,� � �-� � f/ _ � �- . � � Owner, Address and Phone: PSrS � ��� 2`,�,�,,,�./r �,�P �i� 3a.�°��!—a�-�-`� ,��'~,�-���` �` Architec ontac Address and Phone; ���/�-� �f C�(� ��s� � �:�,��Gl���'- t�4�Jr `fGtC�CSd k J�T'. . c]dI�• i����� � — \ Legal Description, l.ot � Block � Subdivision � Zone District Project Street Address: �0�1 A�� �tcf� +c.t(�. (�✓PJ`rt� - Comments: �� �� . �s� � f . �' • a � � � � Board 1 Staff Action Motion by, ���� Vote: �~'�' �-�►-- i Seconded by: � 1 ��- d ' �Approval 5 y�s�� � C�' � Q, � 5 � sd� �� �` a � ❑ Disapproval , ! �,,IS � � �'j!! �"" � � ❑ Staff A�proval � � � � S � r � � Conditions: f � � 3` Q � ' �, �� s �- i�� r.� � ` � A � � 1 �� Q s a�. �� .� - s �e � ,�� * �.� s � �6�����/������ �� .,. ��`�������t , � 7awn Planner � ����` � �� � Qate: � µ��� r`�� DRS Fee Pre-paid,��� Design Review Action Form T4WN �F VAIL .Category tVumber_. �� ,� Date � � �� Pro�ec# Name: ��C�[.c c�6✓ ��� � n �� Building Narne: �� c� � � ,, ., / �� Praject Description: �l � �C �c`� �� �{.��. �vk. G,�,�.� s �'�e. �ev�� �t ���L �-�' L�� �1�, � ,� � 6 qs , Owner, Address and Phone: E +�` �G �`� ��� ��'"r �� � .. �� ���� Gic�� �� J� ���� � ' Architect/Contac#, Address and Phone; i ��/L t � '" �! (7� ! � ..-��C ��.��' � ��C C s �� �C�s�° � Subdivision ���� Q'd� �� Zone District �� Legal Descri�tion: Lot�Blocic � � Project Street Address: � �� �°���� �✓�r Comments: s L�(� r �L-° C . ���� °,� `E-'��e����cJ �� i �� �r-� �aff Action Motion by. � • �� � Vote: ��� Seconded by:�� �V�mCO��c G� �roval r,(� G'��r���..�� ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � A -6 Conditions: � ���I� � � � g � `I� ��C.�' �vl L? ��� ��Ce9 o't, �/C.� CAr�t �' . � Lr , V]'1 c Pd• � 7" � �CQ�J.c.e � I` � ��.rJ 5'��� � �s��. ��� rt�, � ��. _ c�c �6�,.e��--�� own Planner Date: � � �—� QRB Fee Pre�paid Design Review Action Form TQ1NN OF VAIL �Category Number Date � �� `-� Projec# Name: Buiiding Name:_ �4�f� G� � [ �� I — � J r � /" Praject Description:_�V'Q �t,.� �� hq�.� rM t C��'��c�`�fl�'P 1r�LRC`C'— - /-� ��-2,11'�a�c.�.� G.�t/�.!" e.� rJ�X Owner, Address anti Phone:T �1. f 1'�� 1��4--t�'�7z�'�'JG� �,�4 `�� � `'�-��r�"( - ��o� �)C � �l-S / ,�a t L� Co_ �/�S" - Architect/Can#act, Address and Phone: _�-��P ���/� ���'p �`� � -- 1�� L�C�iX �t7�.�`�- T� t�f��Xr, ��`'J ���� �- /�� Legal Description: �ot� Block� Subdi�ision �� !� SV Zone District Project Street Address: ! ��-� ���'�G`� ��a � — Commen#s: • J Board 1 Staff Action _ .� �. _ ,.. Motion by: Vote;_ r�� . _.- � 5econded by: u� � �,�� �,��,� ���� ❑ Approval �� �,� � ��� �` ❑ Dis proval Staff Approval �9: � /'Lt. La r .�'� v� .5�� C��c�r�� ��,� � � � � ci� �� �e� � !�. ��.� �`� /��'� ~-� �L� � �''��✓� G�ec���V� G r�i� � ���LcJ+d, c�� � � • 7o Planner Date: r 1 v�� �I DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Review Action Form TOWN 4F VA1L �ategory Number "� Date _.� `�� � '�''�' � Praject Name: Buiiding Name: _ 6 Rroject Description: Owner, Address and phone:��U � � , ArchitectlContact, Address and Pl�one: C(QZ-C> - � Legal Description: Lot -l�J— Block � Subciivision � � Zone District � � Froject Street Address: Comments: � oard Motion b : Vote: �� � - Y � Seconded by: �Approvaf ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval . Conditians: � � � � Town Planner Date: DRB �ee Pre-paid `� � 1 � � DESIGN REVlEW B4ARD AGENDA . OCTQBER 4, 1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION 72:30 SITE VISITS 1:45 ' 1. Lifthouse - 555 E. �ionshead CircEe � • 2. Ying - 486 Forest Road , � 3. Van B�elen - 2337 Garmish Dri�e 4. Erickson - 1987 Circle Drive 5. Stevenson -3897 Lupir�e Dri�e , . 6. Knowlton - 1999 Sunburst Drive 7. Curtin Hill Ltd. - 244 Wall Street Driver: Lauren "Be sure to wear yo�r crash helmets"Wa�ertor� � � 1. Art in Public Places - Kathy �angenwalter 2. Van Beelen - Conce�tual Review of a new Primary/Secondary resi�ence RS 2337 Garmish Dri�e/Lot 19, Bfock H, Vail das 5chone 2nd Filing _ Applicant: Kathy Langenwalter representing the owner. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: -• CONC�PTUAL REVIEW- NO.VOTE 3. Yir�g Residence - Changes to approve� coior. RS 486 Forest RaadlLot 1, Bfock 1, Vail Village 6th Filing - Applicant: Bob Boymer � MOTION: Borne SECOND: Pratt VOTE: 5-0 �ENIED 4. Liftho�se Lodg� - Revisians to roof peak and handicapped accessibility ramp. JC 555 E. Lianshead GirclelLot 3, Block 1, Vail Lianshead 1 st Filing Appficant: Bob Lazfer MOTION: Borne SECOND: Viloldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED- Handicapped access rarnp only. The roof change was withdrawn fram the application. 5. Sunset Grill (Holiday Inn) - 5ign and awning application. GR 13 Vail Rpad/Haliday Inn. Applicant: MitCh Weiss for HoNday Inn M4T44N: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-� APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITIQN � . . t:leveryoneldrblagendas1100495 � � � G. WestStar Bank- Changes ta previausly approved pians far the Westeller ATM at the � GR Gorsuch Building located at Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Ap�licant: Beth Golde � MOTION: Barne SECQND: Afm VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 7. Vail Gateway - Change to appro�ed sign prograrn and a request for a traffic control slgn. GR 12 Vail Roadll,ot N, Black 5D, Vail Village 1 st Filing � . . Applicant: Craig Klemz #or owner . . � MQTfON: Bome SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 � APPROVED WITH GONDITIONS- Sign program anly. The request for a traffic control sign was withdrawn. 8. Stevenson - Reraof �W 3$97 Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Black 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Filfng. Applicant: Mark and Mauree►� Stevenson MQTIQN: Borne SEC4ND: Alm VOTE: 4-1 (Arnett dissenting} DENIED 9. Curtir� Hill Ltd. - Request for 2 new wail sigr�s. �W 244 Wal! StreetlLot K, Block 5C, Vail Village 1 st Filing Applicant: Jack Curtin � MOTION: Barne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 APPR4VED WITH C4NDITIONS • 10. E►ickson - Canceptual Review of a new primary unit. �►N �987 Circle DrivelLat 26, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Appiicant: Jeannine L. Erickson . MOTION: S�COND: VOTE: , CONCEPTl1AL REVfEW- NQ VQTE , 11. Laidlaw - Conceptual review of Primary/Seao�dary residence located at GR 1722 Geneva Drive/Lot 14, MatterF�orn Village Appiicant: Wait Lai�law MOTI�N: S�COND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAI. REVIEW- NO VOTE i 12. Knowlton - Conceptual review af a demalrebuild of an existing Prirnary/Secandary� GR resid�nce usi�g 2 - 250's, located at 1999 Sunburst DrivelLot i 4, Vaif Valley 3rd. Applicant: Mr. Knowltar�, represented by 5ally Brainerd MOTION: SEC4ND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW- NO VOTE . 13. The Lodge at Vail Ic�ternatlonal Wing � AK 17�4 Gare Creek Drive/Lots A, B, C, Black 5C, Vail Village 1 st Filing. � . Applicant: Zehren and Associates TABL,ED UNTIL OCTOBER �8, 1995 f:levaryoneldrblagendaslf Op495 2 � ,y MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Arnett - Bob Borne � Brent Alm � Hans Woldrich Henry Pratt �PEC) ffA r v Bailey- Driveway and Landscape revamp. RS k.ot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 1 st. ' Applicant: Mr. Bailey • � �ipp Window Changes- Afl Seasons Condos. GR 434 Gore Creek Drive/L4t B, Block 3, Vail Village 5th Filing. ' Applicant: Robert and Lori L.ipp Jackle - Walls GR ifi72 Matterharn/Lots 21 & 23, Matterhorn 1st F'rlir�g. Applicant: Sally Jackle Neill -Addition - JC 1630 Sunlaurst Drive, #19 . � A�plicant: Richard Vernon Ne111 Ribeiro - Hot Tub ' JC 1455-A Ridge Lane Applicant: Pedro �uiz Ribeiro S Thompsor� - Deck JC 1660 Sunburst Drive, #15 Ap�licanf: Dr. and Mrs. Carsnn Thompson Aipir�e Bank - Sign Application RS 141 East Meadow Drive/Crossroads, Vai� Village First . Appiicant: Bob Lucia � BFIIWe Recycle - Drop-of�facility. RS 211 N. F�ontage Rd. WestlVail das ScF�one Fi�ing #3 Applicant: Mauri Nottingham . � � Benson - Window Addition. LW� 332 Beaver Dam CirclelLot 6, Block 3, Vail Viilage 3rd � Applicant: Bruce Benson � . � Baggage Cheque - Awning & sign. LW 244 Wall StreeU 4ne Vail Place � A�plicant: Colleen McCarthy Johnson Residence - #�2 PIan/Materials change. RS �195 Vaii Valfey Drive/Lot 14, Block 6, Vail Village 7ih Applicant: Ned Gwathmey . � f:leveryoneldrblagandas1100485 3 Hitchcocic Residence - C�anges to approved plans. . LW ' 421 Beaver Darn Circlel�.ot 3, Block 4, Vaif Viflag� 3rd Applicant; Chris Hitchcock ; Hovey-Change to appraved pfans. • �W 1339 Westhaven CirclelLot 23, G�en Lyon Subdiv�sion Applicant: Mr. Hovey . Castor Duplex - Remodel. JC 2�65 Bald Mauntain Road/Lot 14, Block 2, Vail Valley Applicant: G8 and Mary Castbr . Goiden Peak House -.Addition of door for prevfously approved wirtdow. MM 278 Hanser� Ranch Road/Lo�s A, B, and C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st. Applicant: Dan Barry clo Eye Pieces Fallier Duplex - Minor floar plan changes. RS 1873 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 2, Block 3, Lionsridge 3rd Applicant: Jack Snow � Cascades - Cascades to Westi� staircase. RS Cascade Village Applicant: Westin 1 Cascades Management Associatian � � i � • ' f:leveryoneldrblagendas110D495 � PUBLIC NOTICE � N4TIC� IS HEREBY GiVEN that the Design Revi�w Baard of the Town of Vail will hofd a public hearing on Octaber 4, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of VaiE Munici�al BuildRng. EricEcson - Review of a new primary r�sidence �W 1987 Circle DrivelL.ot 26, Buffer Creek Applicant: Jeannine L. Erickson � Stevenson - Reraof LW 3897 Lupine DrivelLot 4, Block 1, �igf�orn Subdivision First Fiiing. ApPlicant: Mark and Mau�een Ste�enson Knowlton - Conceptual review of a demo/rebuild nf a existing Primary/Secondary GR residence using 2 - 250's located at 1999 Sunburst Driv�ILot 14, Vail ValEey 3rd. . Applicant: Mr. Knowlton Sunset Grill (Holiday Inn} - Sign application. GR 13 Vajl RoadlHoliday inn. Applicant: Mitch Weiss fior Holiday Inn WestStar Bank - Cf�anges ta previous�y approved plans for the Westefler ATM at the GR Gorsuch B�ildi�g located at Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village ist Filing. Applica�t: E3et� Goide Curtin HiIE Ltd. - Request far 2 new wall signs. �W 244 Wail Stree#/Lot K, Block 5C, Vail Village 1 st Fifing • Applicant: Jack Curti� Laidlaw - Conceptual review ot Prirr�arylSecondary residence located at �R 1722 Geneva Drive/�at 1 Q, Matterhorn VilEage Applica�t: Walt Laidlaw The Lodge at Vail �nternational Wing AK 174 Gore Creek DrivelLots A, S, C, B1ock 5C, Vai! Villag� 1 st Ffling. A�plicant: Zehren and Assocfates The app�ications and information aboui the �roposals are availabl� in the zoning administrator's office during regular of�ice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAkI� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published ir� the Vail Trail or� S�ptember 29, 1895. � . ��j � �� 1:leveryaneldrbinotice1100495 Design Review Action Form TOINN �F VA!L �Category Number Da#e l� � ! , Project Name: ` .� � ��c�,aL.--� /"` � � 4'.,�-'/'""'-�.',,•,,-_ Buiiding Name: _ �� - -� • -f --��- ��-- Project Description: � , Owner, Address and Phone: �°�ri � -- Architectl ontact ddress and Phone: ��S . � � �y u�� � __ f� Zor�e District � � Le al Descri tion: Lo# J`� Block Subdi�ision project Street Address: ��� ��.—.-��ly �1�'� — Comments: �w� �J 1✓ L /J �.t�r�i.�+��..rL�d ��t._.,4/ ! v _ __ • ' a oar Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: � ��� �'-��? - �Approval ❑ DisapprovaE ❑ $taif Appro�al Conditions: � � � � 1_���i1 �n��,...��-�,� o'), .nX ,�'T l 7`/'�- _ i Town Planner �/]� pU Date: 5 DRB �ee Pre-paid_ l�f1 Design Re�iew Ac#ion Form TOWN OF VAIL � .Category Number L-� Date_/t`?�'��� Project Name:._ `1 �.0� /�� � � .-- Building I�ame: --� Project �escription: �' , . Owner, Address and Ph ne: Archite onta , Address and Phone: _ �� �'--�-�~U f� �--�--� ,�`-��d _ ���� �� . c�l��i'� - — -- L.ega1 Descriptian: Lot '�' Block '� Subdivision °"�"r" Zone District Project Street Address:., j3 �,,����ri -� �- Comments: � Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote:��,,, - Seconded by: �Appro�al ❑ I7isapproval ❑ Staff Approvaf Conditions: f e ` �'�` � , . Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid �� �� Design Review Action Form T4WN OF VAIL �ategory N�mber Date �' Project Name; Building Name: Project Description: � � ' , Owner, Address and Phone: Archite ontact ddress and Phone: Legal Description: Lo# Block Subdivision Zone District � Project Street Address: l,Z �L���.�1 .�/° �.�*� Comments: ' . ard Staff Action Mation by: �� -�-� Vote: � _, Secanded by, �Approval ❑ �isapprovai ❑ Staff Approval , Canditions: �1 t��.r'���.�_ � -----� • ` C" � •�`_' -c-'� - Town Planner Date: �� DRB Fee Prs-paid Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL . Category Number � Date��X�( ''� -- � Project Name: , Building Name: Project Description: � Owner, Address and Phone: Archite Contact ddress and Phone: _. -� e ._ � � ��1..�_��� � � �� � d���one �istrict �'L'-.�_ Legal Description: Lot � Black `� Subdivision \�-C�c.� �_— Project Stree#Address: "`-'" ° Comments: i Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: � ^^–� � Vate; ��. - Seconded by:��,=� J�'�'� °�Appro�al T1 ❑ Disapproval ❑ Sta#f Appro�al Conditions: , Town Planner �a#e: � 5 DRB �ee Pre-paid G.v°�....�z Design Review Ac�ion Fo�m T4WN OF VAIL �ategory Number � � Date �� � L � � Project Name: e'f[ C�C.9��. fS L� e.�!^ r'�"�'C°�-�° � 1�'�'�t C �'�'!- •�2 c�E� �C r.� t � � 8uilding Name: � � �����'� �� � �" -- ` J 8 f Project Description: '�U �� �''�� �p��� � � "`'"'` � �% �C CC,`�--c� d+� � Owner, Address and Phone:_ �� �� �-�`�'� ���� '° �/� 8'� ���o�. �� �. 1���L c�� ���`�� ArchitectJContact, Acldress anci Phone, � � �� �� � �`� �`� / ,� "°t"`", � ��� �� �a 4—� � C..� + C..�J� — Legal Descri�tian: Lot .� Blocic_...,_,�_ Subdi�ision V���� �lc� -S�� �'�ne District � Project Street Address: ��.-� 1=c ��� �� �C"�"`�-- -- Camments: � c a � � o��` � � ���..� �r�PCX� • r��R. �I1`Gl` `� �,c1 C� r�.°u,� �� e �t G. !C � 7�� Qr.u�c.9�� � -�- � G�-t,��l.�-� � Board taff Ac#ion Motion by, � ���� Vote: ��� Seconded by: � �� � proval ❑ Disappro�ai ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: �� �c ���`�� � t f �.� �fih, l l � '—' C�� '�� � a f�� �'� C�L-'..5� Lc��. !' /�c�r�e'� r` w ,�v�,,. , c t�� � ���« ��� l �r a� e � � own Planner {�C� �ate: DRS Fee Pre-paid ����� Design Rev�ew Action Form - TOWN OF VAiL �ategory Number Date__ �./���-�✓ — Project Name:__ S Building Name: Project Description: � - Owner, Address and Phone: � � r ��. � Architect/Contact,Address and Phone: ° � I. �.� " � ��/�� , Legal Descrip#ion: Lot� Black�_ Subdivision� /l� � � F3__� Zone Distric# Praject Street Address: ����" ��- -- - Comments: • Boar / Sta�fi�tivm Motion by:��� � vote: Seconded by: �" ' �� � ❑ Approval �Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: ��_�� �� - Town Planner < Date: � DR� Fee Pre-paid l �' Design Review Action Form TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number Date �� ���� ` Project Name;_ �i���"�"��L � 1� � ' — Building Name: �� Project Description: ' �(�-� � . Qwner, Address and Phone: � Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:�� �� �'� � r . . W �� �. Legal Description: �ot Block Subdivision � Zane District Project Street Address: � � Comments: . ard taff Action � Vote: ��� Motion by:� — � Seconded by: �Ap�roval � D�sappro�a! � Staff Appro�al � � + . Conditions: � • Town Planner Date: I/��_���`"'7 - - DRB Fee Pre-pa9d �; 1.'!�'� � � _ «:� � DESIGN REVlEW BOARD AGENDA � Octaber 18, i 995 , 3:00 P.M. PROJECT�RiE�TATION . � � � 12:OE� Design Review Gtaidelines- Changes to ihe acfministrative processing sections of th� Sign Code and Design Review Chapfer af#he Zoning Ordir�ance : . SiTE VISITS 1:3� �. Amaco @ Rouncfabout � 2. A Secrei�arden - 100 East Meadow Drive 3. Gotden Pe�k House -278 Hansan Ranc�r Road . 4. The �odge at Vail�Eniematianal Wing - 174 Gore Creek Drive 5. Ying Residence - 486 For�st Road 6. Vait Comrr�ons - 2099 North Frantage Road West (35 minutes) 7. Steadman Resicience- Lot 11, Spraddle Creek Estates Dri�er: Andy 1. Ying Residence -Char�ges to approved plans. RS 486 For�st Road/Lot i, BEoc�C 1, Vaii Vi1(age 6th Fil�ng • Appl�cant. Bob Baymer MOTION. 8orne SECON�:Alm VQTE: 4-� CONSENT APPR�VED 2. A Secret Garden -Awning sign. �.�N i00 East Meadow DriveNail Village Inn Plaza B�iiding. Applicant: �arry Ast, Hightech Signs for Howard Rapson MOTlON_ Bome SECON�: A�m V4TE: 4-0 � APPRO��ED WITH COND�'i'[ONS � 3. The Ge�eral Store - Reconsideration of DRB condi#iar�. LW B1Q West �ionshead CirclelLandmark Buildir�g Applicarri_ Ghiqui Hoffmann . MOT[4tV= Bome SECOND:AIm VOTE: 4{? CONSEM APPROVED WITH QNE C�NQ1T10N 4. Golden Peak Hause- Master sign program. l�W 278 Ha�son Ranch RaadlGolden Peak House. Appiica�� Larry Ast, High Tech Signs for Golde� Peak House Condominium Associatior�. MOTt(]�- Alm SECOND: Borne VOTE: 4-4 APPRC]iVED • _ r. ..� 1 5. ��deri Peak Ho�se -Change to approved plans. �.W� 2�� Hanson Ranch Road/Golden Peak House Ap�licant: �PH Partners; Ltd. M�T10N: Borr�e SECOND: Alm VOT�: 4-0 �Q�NSENT APPROVED 6. a�us- Review of a demolrebui�d of a Primary/5ecandary � LW 2�3 Rockfedge RoadlLot 15, Block'7, Vail ViElage 1st . A�lica�t: ,1�lie Dews hI�QTION: SECOND: VOTE: . I��1 VOTE � 7. L�uferbacft - New si�gle family residence. JC 4�35 Spruce Way/lot 4, Biock 3, Bigharn Subdivislor� 3rd Additlon A�licant: Michael Lauterbach Mt�TlON: Bor�e SECOND:AIm V�TE: 4-0 aPPROVED WITH CONDCTIONS � � 8. �yrne -Changes to appraved plans. LW 12S Forest Roadl�ot 5, Block 1, Vail Vi�lage 1st Filir�g � A�plicant: Ror� Byrne ' lV�OT[ON: Borne SECOND: A!m VOTE: 4-D • �PPR�VED WITH CONDITIONS 9. T�e Lodge at Vail Internatior�al Wing AK 17� Gor� Creek Drive/�ots A, B, C, Block 5C, Vail Viilage 1 st Filing. Applicant: Zehren and Associates MOTION: Bome SECON�:Aim VOTE: 4-0 TASLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 1, 1995 � 10. Steadman Residence -C�ange fo approved driveway plan. � AK l.at 111SpraddEe Creek Estates Applieant: Dr. & Mrs. Steadman MOTION: Bor�e SECOND:Aim VOTE: 4-4 CQNSENT APPROVED 11. Vaf� Commor�s - Conceptual Review Devel�pment ProposaL AK 2�99 N. Frontage Raad WestNaiE Commons. Appticant: City Market represented by Victor Mark Donaldson, Arc�itects MOTfON: Borne SECOND:Alm VOTE: 3-i ( Pratt disenting} TABLED TO SPECIAL MEET[NG OCTQBER 25� 1995 . 2 . . � V� ��M r . . 12. Ey►� Pieces - Wall sfgn. JC 54� East Lio�shead Circie/Lot 3, B1ack 1, Vai# Lionshead.'[s# Ap�iicant: l.arry Ast, Hightech Sig�s for Dan Barry ot Eye Pieces Mt7�TfON: - SECOND: V4TE: T�3LED UNTIL NOV�MBER 1, �995 MEMBERS PR„�,�ENT � M�MBERS ABSENT Mic�asl P�ett Hans Woldrich Bob Bornc� - Brent Alm Henry Praft Staff Aanrc�vvals � Vail Assoc�i�#es - Gondola Ski Shop remodel GR 600 Lianst�ead Ma11/ . � Applicant: David Thorpe, representing Vail Associates, Inc. Zevada Re�ider�ce - Frant entry remodel. GR 1337 V�til V�Iley Drive Applicant_ Mr. Zevada Rucksack- New stair rail�ng. �C i � 288 Bridge StreeV�ot D, Block 5D, Vaii Viflage �st , Applicar�t: Ghiqui Hoffrnar� Golden Peak House - Retail spac�wEn�ow 1 daor changes. MM 278 Har�sen Ranch Road/Lois A, B, & C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Ap�licant. Lee Neeley clo Snowden & Hopkins Architects Club Che�sea- New awning and sign. RS 304 Bridge St. #C11CCE � Applicant- Elizabeth Bradley Cogswell Residence -Add�tion. GR 79�4 A Po�ato PatchlLat 10, Block 1, Potato Patch Suadivisian A�plicar�t� .�ohn Cogswefl � Beard Resider�ce - Interior 250 ReqUest. GR 2575 Wes�haven Circle Appli�ant= 5tan B��rd Lifthouse Condos Parking 5tructure - Replace pane�ing. JC � 5a5 E. Lio�shead Circle Applicar�t_ Packy Walker • � .• u Ho�bit Hfli - Repaint. �'W * 1546 Matterhorn CfrcielHobbit Hi�l APplicant: Hobbit Hi�! Associatian � ParEcside Villas-Ch�nges to approved plans. �-W �548 Matterhorn C[rcSelPa�CSide Vilias ~ � Appiicant: Rl�erview f'ark � , Scott -Addition. � LW 1 i 50 Vail View Drivel�ot 1 U, Casolar Subdivision Applicant: Rusself Scott � � McConahey- Entry additto�. . LW 41�6 ColumbinelLot �7, Bi9horn S�bdi�ision Appl�cant: Ste�e McConal�ey Golder� Peak Ho�ase - Exchange retail window for a door. MM 278 Hansori Ranch RoadlLots A, B, Cs �1ock 2, Vaii Village ist Filir�g . ' ApplEcant: Ron Ril�y Curtin Hill Sports- #2 New S9gn RS 25� Bridge Sireetl Applicant: Teak Simonett � I � � i 4 . JAMES FRANKLIN LAM�HT 30�8235856 P. 02 � � � E��T ����a�� �Io��ov�v�RS Assa��T�o�v=, �:�v�, -- O�c�z's: �5tid4nt - Ho#�Gfdvin Sc�setary - Gxctta i't�rCc� Tr�ab-uzex - Pat�ick Graznm DireccPZS - Judith 3erkowitz - llolph#�zdgcwatcr � �;Ziin c:au�t��s - ,�on�,angtey - sui Ivinr�a�n - c:oxun.���tsdae� �'�' T€��n�f VaiI � � I�si�n R�vi.G•� Bu�cl � �'a�wr�Cau�.ci� From;: ]kr,�Lamont, AdmxnistXatox ��#�: C.T¢�:tnhPr 17, i 995 R�: �.axdgc at Z�aii, Intcr�ntional Waz�g, �s proposed �� �FF�ication, �ctobe�r 1$, 1995 F�ease be advised o£t�e�pliqwing recommer�dat�o�s that are ot�er�d for your cor�sid�r- atian in revie�v o�the Lod�e at�ail, Internat�oz�a�Wirag, as propos�d_ . z. T�e seale a�the prc+p�seel st�.��t�=r�arlja.r.en�.t.c�the �a�sa�e v�fay hetu��en (�ne Vsi1 Place az�� ��e�nternational Wi�ng, as propas�d, s�auld be ec�u�va��rz�to t�e passage�va��etween Q�c Vai��'�aee and t.he I��i�l Bu�kdxza�. '�h�o Intcrnation�l4�zz�g, as pxopoyed, �aould stair ste� dowct towards the�t�e Vai�l�l.acs passa�e way and�ataz�P�aza. �'he v�dth of the �assage way bet�'��n C1ne Vai��lac�ar�d the Internati��a�1'�i�g, as pro��y�d, s��c�ul�i k�e �t►r�ax�xc wxctt�a as tla� �assa�e w�j+betvcreen the Hill Buk�d��g and t�e C�lden Peak House, The passage u�ay shou�� be a m�mmt�m o£25 £eet. �7esigt� should allvw xo� a yual�tat�ve or adequate �ede�tr�an c��rcu�atiaz� arau�ad th� build�n�. The b�tdin� desx;�r� sk►ould antici�sted a�d be cvr�patib��witl�an i�n�fillin�of tk�e parl�ng areas located svut�x of th�pr��o�ed buzldiz�g s�te t�at would pravide for a plaza g�v- kng dir�ct ac.cess beivvee.n rk��Vi�i�gs �nd the 1�7rn�r�tain: Should the Land �xchan$e szte de��lvp- rnent option �ot be �xe;rcised, allowahl�G�'.�caz�be�elacated�o lo«+er f�oo�rs, t�us �owez�r�g�k�e . profilc o�tkxc bui�ding. Thcrc�p�e�.rs to be no requirement in the�onita� corxtraat�u�tk�t�Ze'�'own of Vail that�t naust approved adju�.ct us�s suc� as conventio�n �aci�it�es. 2_ �A.d�#��xenz roof'style should be ezx�played, withaut resort to dorzxae�s, s�tk�at vxew bloc�ag�s�'�m surr�►unding Xes�de�tia�uruts a�d�ublic walkcways o�'Vaa� M�unta�r�and the Gore �taz�e are d�ereased. T1�e �athedral ceiling rao�coveriz�g the p�nthouse unit is excessive, it should be substantia�.y redu�ed in order tv �ow�z tk�e appa�rart �ti1�C�1I1$r�I�1gYlt. T�18�3TQ�7{}S�C� �4of farrns incFe�sec c�a�l�wi.ng nn p�dc�nian walkw�ys �tflc� public p�azas. A diffe�'etzt roof fortx► coulfl ca�se less sh.adowiz�g. The privacy�f, o�view�ira�m, �xxsting residential u�its shvuld not be diminished, xk�c upper most floor�h�uld be �rex�a<<ed as it ap�e3rs to e�:ceed�the�ei�k�t req�irement. 3. Flat roufs are n.eit�aex encourage or a�lowed �n Vai� Vii�age, tk�e bu��dzr.g stxauld can- £t7xm to t}�e�EO%!60% k�e��ht az�d sla�ing roo�"r�q�.�rerrz��ts o#'t,�� Va�l Vii�age Lrban Uesign Guidelsn�s. The arc�utectuxal �esi�n attr��utes aftl�e pxc�posed strvcture skould be reviewed far caznplxatice with the Va��V�lage Url�an D�sign Cn�ideliz�es by t�.e Tow-zx o£Vail praf�ssional de- . sign Xevi,e��v consultant. ,A,11 bwi�diz�gs i�Vail Villa�� axxd �.��y at�i�xs h.�ws�a.�le�car irn�a.cT.�, haves been �e�ui�'ed�o be rev�ewed�ox coza�,plianc�by the T�vv�o�'Va��`s �esi�gz� coz�suXt�t. 4. T�ie rov#'tentace shau�d be senr�oved x� oxder to maintain tl�e �rivacy of adjac�nt res�- �ential units. Tk�e si�ze ofte�ac� allovvs�'or�axge soeial ga2herings which are ina�r��a�a�iate at c�is levei o#'t�e bu�.dir�g, �iven the adjace�,cy a£residential units and the�azlure o�t�e app��c��,t to �xov�de px�vacy screens, . ��St O�1C�B4X Z38 Y83�� t:O10xAd0�i1�S��� Telepticszse:(974}827-SbSI� Messa�e/k'A.�:�9?4)$27-5856 JArI�S FRFiNK�.E Fa L�"+t�'ll3N'�' 3f�38:G'��t35� I'�. �� 5. How tiwi�ll. r�oxse arrd odcr fro� bui.�d�z�g ex�austs ar�d rr��c�ianical syste-.r,c��.ha�rriler�7 Wili they 1ilt���z�VVl#�i f�53t�8#i'�11� C�U��lty O��G'J�CeXI� �'�S1C��I�t���UtlitS� Ade�uat�prntectxo�� � . sk►�uld be�!YCi]tU �ut1UUI1.C�xCSZ�l�llf.13� 317C� G�1n17]CiGid� �7�Of�CS�1C5�xi7�'�t�csc£�ctpra•- � �. �3u��dir�g sk�il�zid c�or�torxn ta t��cfe�i�n req�irements ofthe va�I 'SriJ.�ag�N.[ast�x���n, wl�ick�requu�s cc�zrlmercial uses to be �ac�ted �t the plaza level. �a.rking���th�bual���sg sh�u�� be x-equ��ed ta be located i�nd�rg�rflu�d an the ��te. The Hameow�ers,A.ss�c�iat�on r�quests tk±at a�� su�sta�tive d�sigz� staz�d�xds and rev�t�v r�- quirement be impascd upozs tk�is n�ptication a�s they �,�ve beex� izn.poser� upq�t�!� other Ysui�diti�e c�similar siz�and scope tlnat h,ave�xn.dergone developmei7t���ithi��Va�� V��).age i�recs�t ye�rs. T�e�o�.eotivnars r'Lsaciat�on requests Lhe f�re�aing wi�hin the �t�ic�1 cozate�ct a#'ad�ocat��g eG�a�fireatmEnt a.nd standards£�ar a�� �ra�eriy �wners wrthin the sax�xe���e distr�c�t. k'aA�ur�€a �zov�de£ar equal trea.tment a�ad $t�ndards has the potential to se:�o�sI�uz�d�rr.���e t�e�thicaa in- tegrity and�u�teliectt�a� autk�o�tv csf che �aub(ic design review�z�acess wxthu3.tk�e Town of Val. , • � � PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE !S HEREBY G�V�N that the Design Review Board of ihe Town o#Vail wi�l hold a p�biic hearing on October 18, 1995 a#3:00 p.m. in the Town of VaEI Municipal Building. Review of proposed Code Changes- Sign Code and Design Guidelines. RS App�icant: Town aF Vail Golden Peak House-Master sign program. L� 278 Hanson Ranch RoadJGalden Peak House. Applicant: Laz7ry Ast,High Tech Signs for Golden Peak House Condominium Association. Eye Pieces-Wall sign. �C 549 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst - Applican�: Larry Ast, Hight�ch Sig�s for Dan Barry of Eye Pieces A Secret Garden-Awning sign. GR l00 East Meadow DriveNai�VilIage Inn Plaza Building. Applicant: Larry Ast, Hi�htech Signs for Howard Rapson Vail Commons - Development Proposal. AK 2099 N. Frantage Road WesWail Commons. Applicant: City Market represente� by Victar Mark Donaldson, Architects � The Lodge at Vail International Wing AK 174 Gore Creef� �r��e/Lots A, B, C, Block 5C, Vaii Village ist Filing. Applicant: Zehren and Associates Tfi�e General Store - Reconsideration of DRB conditio�. �-� � 610 West �ionshead Circfe/Landmark Building Applicar�t: Ghi�ui Hoffmann Dews - Review of a demo/rebuild of a F'rimary/Secondary �W 278 Rock6edge Roadl�.ot �5, BIocK 7, Vail Village 1 st Appliaant: Julie Dews The applications ar�d information about the proposals are available 9n the zonir�g adm�nistrator's office during regular oi#ice haurs fnr publ�c inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY �EVEI�OPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 13, 1895. � � . Design Re�iew Action Form � TOWN OF VAIL �ategory Number� �.� Date �� � L � ��� , Project Name��±l.�.�/� -�.�-� ���� �� L� ' Building Name:�[��(���•� ���'� Project Descriptian: � Qwner,Actdress and Phone:�9������� ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: � � �� V�1� � Legal Descri�tion: Lot B�ock Subdivision ' Zone Distric# � Project Street Address: � Comments: . - Board � Motiar� by: �� '"+ Vote: �""� � __� Seconded by: ����1� — �APProval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Ap�roval Canditions: Town Planner � Date: � DRB Fee I're-paid� 7.d Design Review Action Form TOIJIIN O F VAI L •Category Number ' � "� Da#e � �` �� Project Name: +X.li'�� Building f�ame, � Project Descri tian; r Owner, Address and Phone: �w Archit ct/ onta ,Address and Phone: ��c 1 ad I �I�� � �/� �d� Legal Descript�on: Lot� B�ock_� Subdivision , � � ' Zone District �� Project Street Address:�C�i��o FrT"r-�S� t Comments: • Board / Staff Action /�'� � Motion by:,� Vote: d'��'�� ��� Seconded by: , _._�. �Approval ❑ �isappraval ❑ Staff Approval � Canditions: �~e-- '� � _� Town Planner Date, � � ° �� �RB Fee Pre-paEd' Design Review Action Form T4WN 4F VAIL �ategory Number Date �� / ���� Project Name: 5,'� r�j ��'�-� Building Name: Prflject Descriptian: � Owner, Address an Phone: ArchitectlContact,Address and Phane: ���-"`"e� �� c �'` ��"'�-- . . 0 � l C. � Legal Description: Lot� B�ock °� Subdi�ision �,l�r�.�� e_ � __ ______ Zone District � � 4 � � Project Street Address; �- Comments: • Board / S#aff Action Motion �y: �fl�rit{.. Vote: v Seconded by: ___,.�,c� �(Appro�aE 7 ❑ Disapproval �� ❑ Staf#Appravai Conditions; . �� � Town Planner C� � Date, � �I �Z4! �S _ DRB Fee Pre-paid� �� Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL •Category Number � �ate Project Name: � ' • , .� Buifding Name: Project Description: .�.C� ��.a �,� � ����c..���t���_„�, ..n�...�.4� � ���...�,-o�✓] . ��/ [A/l� � � ��lL�/ L��__/s,,,�..��a�._.� ���-,��_ Qwner,Address ar�� Phone: rn � Archite ontact ddress and Phone: _� �.� �� t � . �. � �L..��� s�',���� : t�- O. �.� 7�8� ���-, --�.�. T Legal Description: Lot '�7�? Block� Subdivision��5,�,,�� ��one District �� Praject Street Address:.,_�Q'7 �. "�� � � �..,��'��. Comments: � ,�- � . , �' .. ' • � �..�. 4 � --� �- Board / Motion by: • 7T�� Vote: �— � Seconded hy: �� �� �Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions. � � � - . � � �- (� �91 �3 �-.� 1" ' '� 1{�P/1�' bP,,r � Town Planner Date: _�DI1� I9� DR8 Fee Pre-paid,_._, ��. �._�. , ,�� Design Re�iew Action Form T4WN �F VAIL �Category Number � � Da#e�r� � t ��� Project Narne: Building Name: � Project Description: Owner,Address and Phone: * ��Archi ctlContact, Address and Phone; �J � � Legal Description: Lat � Block � Subdi�ision ZonE District �_..__ Project Street Address: " Comments: • Board Motion by:�� � -�ar�- �ote: ��- � Seconded by:.�< �� � �Approval p Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditians; � �, � a- � �+ � 1 • r � � c� ' b� �,o�-� �u � �� � `��� A� � �I���.. � � � �� i �h)r���4'm�i � Town Pfanner Date: � ► DRB Fee Pre-paid���� Design Review Action Form T�INN OF VAIL �ategory Number � Date�� ��✓ Project Name: .1/I�� �i �Y1�Y Building Name:_. ��/"�,�U,1��" l� Projec# Descriptian: � Owner, Address and Phone: r��l��"J �iY1f.�2U� �G�u.�'Uti ���f� ArchitectlContact, A�dress and P�one: � � _,�-- , \��� � �i Lo�-�- �-�-c�� �2� Legaf pescription: Lot Block Subdivision Zone Distric# �_ Project Street Address: � ✓ Comments: � Boar Motion by.�. ��I��V_l�__, Vdt�: 'n° r�°` � f Seconded by:__2��,�(Jt�� pproval ❑ isapprovai ❑ Staff Approval . � Conditions: • 4j i ��.�Y� � �]�P� • • �,�� ���� - - Town Planner Date: � aRS Fee Pre-paid , Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN OF VAIL �Category Number 1� Date � ` � (,I ' t�� Project Name: (�[��NC�x, ���! Building Name:��d m�IG ��G101- Project Description: �CQ��J�L�U��fGc,�(�/1 �� �� �,{.�C3�1 � Qwner, Address and Phone: V��� f\��.�UAf�� � f---�Gr U.�.� ��iJ�� ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: E�Y►��.'1M ���C�tY , ��I�(�C� ,i%C���1� S� • �LL�,�b � � Legai Description; Lot Biock Subdivision Zone District ��'�� Project Street Address:, �O�i����� �� ��� Comments; • Board 1 Staff Ac#ion ,�w!, �-- Motion by: ����--t�� Vote, � Seconded by: �'` � �Approvaf �C��j�� ❑ Disapprorral ❑ Staff Appraval Conciitions: A � A � •_,._�� .��/.� I�l��'h , -— Town Piar�ner Date: � v ' �� � �� DRB Fee Prs-paid � Design Rev�ew Action Form T4WN OF VAIL �ategory Number I (� qate V�� ��'"� � � „ ,__ ._.____ Project Name:�Q�� 1 �G�� "�.�1�� , , ,._ „ ,...__... Building Name: ���L U� � Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:����� � ���t�� ArchitectlCor�tact,Address and Phone: C�WC�/� � "���.�`Z� �l s�p� ��--'� —VJ r �i� V� (�CJ �J�.ti�� Legal Descri�tion: Lot Block Sui�divisior� .�t52��� Zone District � Project Street Address: �"� � ��Y�,..._. K� , Comments:�p�(�- � ��/i�� � �Jl� �L�����r uwv w�! --.._� � Boar ��` "-a•�-� Motian by: ���t � Vote: �� � Seconded by,� � . _� ;Approval ����Q�T/t,'�) � ❑ Disa�proval ❑ Staff Approval Cor�ditions: • � 7own Planner Date: �i,.,.V � i�) � �� DRB Fee Pre-paid � UlJ p� _ Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF VA[L �ategory Number_ (!� Date 1� �.-5 Project Name: Building Name: �lvs G� Projec#Description: � � ����r �G ` 4 � � � � Owner, Address and Phone: � e [J �°" �� O � �el�` ��` L , g'l�`_5" Architect/Contact, Address and Phane; -����`� ��_�•P./� ���"r �l�� / �O /�� `���� ��PC i.- � ���' Legal E7escription: L.ot � Block � Subdi�ESion � c �� t� Zone District �-�'-r� Project Street Address: ��7�"' � � �C Commer�ts: C � � � t C /Z�P 4.(�C Q?c�.✓�L- c.� c L� � � Board 1 Sta�f Action Motion by: �� �—"'�l�iti�- Vote: `"L'rV Seconded b : yV�Q.n� Tf L- f�a� ��`�- pproval � �,r�rTKp�.� - � S� ❑ �isapproval ❑ Staff Approval . � : t � F P ,�_(� Conditior�s: � r� � �..5 ' t � f� ��S��f�7 �f-+Ji�t.��- �, -�8��r�e �`t� a�,t� �� � --- � � /�� �7�"' /� t C �(�C'C� 4 C.Ai��', C�n�� ��. � ,e � ��,� own Planner f�'�CJ Date: t .s €7RB Fee Pre-paid �� PUBLfC NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING . NOTfCE IS HEREBY GiVEN tf�at tt�e Design Review Board of i�e Towr� a#Vai�will �old a 5peciai Meeting on October 25, i995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Mur�icipal Buitdi�g, Town . Manager`s Conference Room. Vail Camrno�s- Development Proposa�. (contir�uation} AK 2D99 N. Frontage Raad WestlVail Cammor�s. . Applicant; City Marke#represented by Vcto�Mark Donafdson, Architec#s The app[ications and informatian abaut the proposal are avaifabie in ihe Departrner�t oi ' Commt�nity Develapment office during regular affice hours for public inspeci�on. TOWN aF VAIL ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ Sign la�guaga,i�terpretation available upon request wiih 24 hour noiification. Please call 479-2i t4 voice or 479-2358 TDD for i�formation. � _J � � � - � � . x r {' � �ESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA NOVEMBER 1, 1995 � 3:fl0 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION- NO LUNCH 1:Q0 SiTE VlSITS � . 2:A0 � 1. - Austriar� - 666 Forest Road . � � 2. �ogsweil Gallery- 223 Gare Creek Drive � 3. Up The Creek- 223 Gore Creek Drive � � a. Tyrolean Restaurant- 400 �ast Meadow Drive Driver: Randy 1. The Lo�ge at Vail In#ernational Wing � AK i 74 Gnre Cr�ek Drive/Lots A, B, G Black 5C, Vail Village 1 st Filing. . Applicant: Zehren and Associates � � MOT�ON: Borne SECOND: Alm VOT�: 5-d APPROVED WITH CONDRIONS 2. Cagswell Gallery-Awning cha�.ge. �GR/R.S � 223 Gore Creek DrivelLot A, Block SB, Vail Village 1 st • Applicant: A�rue Egan for Johr�Cogsweil MOTION: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 3. Up The Creek- Awning change ar�d sign ap�lication. GR/RS 223 Gare Creek DrivelLot A, Black 5B, Vail Village 1st Filing - � Applicant: Anni� Egan � . � � MOTION: Borne � SECOND: Wnldrich VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNT�L NOVEMBER 15, 1995 4. . Tyrolean Restat�rant- Request for a new sign. L.W 400 East Meadow Drive/Tyrolean Inn � . Applicant: Pepi Langegger � MOTION: Barne SECOND: Alr� VOTE: 5-0 . CONSENT APPRQVED 5. Dews - Fina! review of a demo/reb�ild of a PrirnarylSecondary using �r+vo 2�0's LW 278 Rockledge Raad/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Appiicant: Julie Dews M4TIQN: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 � APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS . � Y � 6. Austrian - Review of an addition and rernodel. LW BB6 �arest RoadlLot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil Austrian MQTI4N: Borne � SECOND: Alrn VOTE: 5-0 � APPRQVED WITH CONDITIONS 7. Knowltan - Final revlew nf a demolrebuifd af an existing PrimarylSecondary GRILW using two250's. � . 1999 SunbursVLot �14, Vail Valley 3rd . � Appiicant: Sally Brainerd � � MOTION: SECOND: � VQTE: TABlED uNTlL NOVEMBER 15, 1995 MEMBE S P , ESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Michae! Arnett Nane Ba� Borne Brent Alm Hans Wofdrich � Henry Pratt (P�C) S.t��AR rD OV81S , Nelson Residence - Re-paint � RS 2498 Arosa DrirrelLot 12, �lock C, Vaif da5 Schane 1 st Fifing Applicar�t: Nevin Nelson , Curtin HiII S�orts - Sign application. RS . 254 Bridge Street/Lat L, Black 5C, Vail Village First Fifing. Applicant: Teak Simonett for Curtin Hifl Sports Hobbit Hifl Candominium Assaciation - Exterior#rim aolor change. LW . 1 v46 Mal#erharn CirclelHofabit Hifl. Applicant: 'Tessa Kirchner for.Habbit Hfll Association � ' � Vall/�.lanshead Centr� Gondomfnium Association - Plat Review. AK 520 �iansf�ead CirclelLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filirtg #1. � Applicant: Kevin Lindahl for VaEI Lionshead Centre Condaminium Associatian Rucksack - railir�g repiacement. JC �88 Bridge StreeU AppNcant: Ghiqui�Noffman Lifthouse - re�lacs paneling behind Lifthouse building. ,�C 555 East �ibnshead Circle/��ithouss Lodge Condominiums. Applicant: , Rabert Lazier Holm - Addition and remadeL � R� �1237 Columbine Drive, Un�t#221Big�arn Terrace. - Applicant: Arny Byers Holm � Vail Assacfates - Lionshead Chfldren's Pav�lion. RS � near 600 Lionshead MaIIlTract D, Vail/Lionshead First Fi�ing. Applicant David Thorpe for Vail Assaciates . 2 � a . , . , ' y Cagswell - Changes to previously approved plans. GR 794A Patato Patch Drive/Lot f 0, Block 1, Vaii Potato Patch Subdivision. Ap�licant: David Thornsberry�or Jahn Cogswell � Ying Residence - Change paint color. RS 48fi Forest RoadlLot 1, Block 1, Vail Viflage 6th Filing Applicant: Bob 8oyrner . � Ladge at Vail - Exterior lighting plan. - . RS .174 East Gore Creek Drive � � : . � ,Ap�licant: Charlie Viola 5war�kops - Skylight JC 413 Gore Creek DrivelLot �3, Block 4, Vail Village 1 st Filing Applicant: Klaus Swartzkops � 5errano's - New signage; existing awning. RS � 298 Hanson Ranch Road . ' Applicant: Annie Egan � Staff Denia�s Vail Lionsheac# Cando. Assac. - Ski Lackers.(praposing to use T 111). LW �390 East Lianshead Circle/Lodge at Lionshead. AppEicant: Jeff Bailsy, Manager for Lodge at Lior�shead • . . 3 F'UBLIC NOTICE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV�N that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on Novamber i, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the To►run af Vail Municipal Building. Cogswell Gallery- Awning c�ange. GR 223 Gore Creek Drive/I,�t A, Block 5B,Vail Village 1 st Applicant: Annie Ega�for rohn Gogswell Austrian.-Addition and remodel. LW b66 Forest Road/Lot 7,Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil A�slrian Dews -Derno/rebuild Qf a Primary/Secondary using twa 250's LW 278 Rockledge 1Zoad/Lot 15, Slock 7, Vail VilIage 1 st Filing. Applicant: Julie Dews � _ Tyrolean Restaurant-Request far a new sign. LW 400 East Meadow Drive/Tyroiean Inn Applicant: Pepi Langegger Knowltan-Final review of a demo/rebuiId of an e�sting Prirnary/Secondaiy. GR 1499 Sunburst/Lot 14, Vail Vailey 3rd Agplicant: Sally Brainerd � � U The Creek-Awnin chan e and si a lication. GR p � � � PP 223 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block SB, Vail Viilage 1st Filing Applicant: Annie Egan The applicat9ans and i�farmatior� about the pro�asals are available in the zoning admin€strator's office during regular affice hours for public inspection. Sign Language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notif�cation. Piease call 479- 2114 �aice or 479-2356 T��far �nformation. TOWN OF VAII. COMMUNITY DEVEL.�PMENT Published in the Vail Trai1 on October 27, 1995. . � �� �� R � �� �� Design Rerriew Action Form TOWN 4F VAIL Category Number � _ Date�,� N = � 1 ��7 . ' Project Name: Y Building Name: . � � , Project Description: '� �l 7�i�� � Owner, Address and Phone:,��__� . ArchitectlContact,Address and Phone: ' � � , �.�� � � Legal Descriptian; Lot �� Block� Subdivision �one Distriet � Praject Street Address: � ,/�Jl.�� � - Comments: Boar �f�r�en Motion by,, �` ��(YY,�.Pi Vote: "���� �-� Seconded by: �. �"C L i�Yl _ �Approval / �� � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al , . Conditions: , ' � , l/w���il� own Planner Date: � � DRB Fee �re-paid r � • Design Rer►iew Ac�ion Form T4WN QF VA[L Category Number T r ._,_._ I]ate.___1��f��• � j�,� . Project Name:.__.,,�,.11I4�VI� �°/�� _ Building Name: Project�escription:. _ [_c ` � Qwner, Address and Phone: Architec�IContact, Address and Phone: � � � � � Legal Description. L.a#� Block �._ Subdi�ision ` � Zone District �_ Project Stree#Address: r a�I1,�'� �`� �� � Commen#s: Board Motion by: � Vote: �'— � Seconded by:_ �,' 1 L LVIr1, �Approval � y ❑ Disa�proval ❑ Staff Approval ;° . n Conditions: �(� _ �_���i 'YY��1C �1�Ar�� �'i {�i�r � IM�n.� ��',l�-�i�(1G� �i�P.,�.�r+C�� 47/�IMQ�, �s �°� ' ����P � own Planner • Date: �_ 41�� L 1 � ._,_. , DRB Fee Pre-paid��' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number � Date 1� � � � �� , Praject Name: � �� Building I�ame:���..E(��t.. �i�/�- Praject Descri�tion: ��J �-S'CY� Owner, Address and Phone: � � � . _ L�a�> (".r �f�5�-. - - ArchitectlContact, Address and phone: Legal Descriptian: Lot Block Subdivisian Zone Dis#rict Pro�ect Street Address: � � � Comments: . oard �#�ct�arr �_ � Motion by:_T��� Vote;. Seconded by: � � ��l.� Approval C�� � ❑ ❑isa�proval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: a awn Planner Date: �k � � � ��'J DR8 Fee Pre-paid����,_,,��_�, Design Re��ew Action Form TOWN OF VAf L C / Category Number u � ���� L`��.� Date --.--�/ 'r f� � S �e� s r Projec# Name: �" � .J' Building Name: ___ f ���-- �--.._ . .. l Project Description: r � .� � s �!^ c� �' �. _ � �' Owner, Address an Phone: � � � T��'°"'���� � � Arch' c Cantact ddress and Phone: .� �� /�/� ,�'��"��� —.... Legal Description; Lot�_ Block SQ Subdivision �'G������ Zone District eC..3� Project Street Address: ��� �.r�.� �� Comments:�-�m�-�.v�u�a-t = Srf� � -- • -- — ----- -- . Board 1 Staff Action Motion by: � Vote: ��� Seconded by: !.� � �j Appro�al !� ❑ �isapproval � • ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � � -�f, �� a'� �i r rl�✓` � ,� 1'. own Pfanner Date; ��` � � �� DRB Fee Pre-paid � ? � DESIGN REVI�EW BOARD AGENDA November 15, 1995 . 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION i:30 � SITE VI$ITS 2:15 1. G�race- 1042 Eagle's Nest Circle 2. Vail Gateway Plaza- 12 South Frantage Road 3. Knawlton- 1999 Sunburs� 4. Tuchman- 3110 Booth Creek Drive 5. Up The Creek-223 Gore Creek Drive 6. Lord La#igo -286 Gore Creek Drive Driver: George 1. Graae-Driveway signs. GR 12i0 Westhaven Drive/Lat 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision, Applicant: Larry Grace M�TIDN: Borne 5ECOND: Alm V4TE: 5-0 APPR4VED WITH CONDiTIONS � • 2. Vail Gateway Plaza- Sign variance. GR 12 South Frontage Road,Vail Gateway Plaza Building/Lot 12, Biock SD, Vai�Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Leo 1'almos MOTIDN: Barne SECOND: Altn VOTE: 5-0 RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL 3. Up The Creek- Awr�ing change and sign application. GR 223 Gore Creek Dr��elLot A, Biock 5B, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: An�ie Egan MOTION: Alm SECOND: Borne VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 4. Knowltan-Fina1 review of a demo/rebuild of an existing Primaty/Secondary GR using#wo250's. � 1999 Suriburst/Lot 14,Vail Valley 3xd Applicant: Sally Brainerd MOTION: Borne SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED VVITH CONDITIONS • , t i 5. Lord Latigo-Addition oF a bay window and landscaping. LW 2$6 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A& B &part of C,Blocks-A, Vail Village 1st Applicant: 285 Bridge Street, Inc.,reprasented by Chamois Pierson .: M�TION: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED VVYTH CUNDITIONB 6. Tuchman-Remodel to allow for an addition(including 250) to the huilding. JC 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, B1ack 3, Vail Village 1 lth Filing Applicant: Mr, Tuchman TABLED UNTiL DECEMBER 20, 1995 IVI M ER RF.�FNT ����IRERS ABSENT Mike Arnett Bob Borne � Bren#A1m Hans Wa�drich � Henry Pratt (PEC} ��ravals Garfinket's-Entry way lighting. CS � 536 West Lionshaa.d Mall/Lat 5,Block 1,Vail Liansheac� lst Filing Applicant: Mitch Garfinkel Davis -Hot tub addition. ' 4415 Bighorn Road, Unit#2, The Vic�orians/I.ot 2, Block 3, Bighorn Third Additian. LW � Applicant: Ma�cimum Camfort Poo1 and Spa representing Margo Davis � Lodge at Vail -Outdoor Iight fixtures. RS I74 East Gore Creek Drive/T�e Lodge at Vai�. Applicant: Chariey Viola representing Tl�e Lodge Apartment Condominium Assaciatian Rembert-Landscaping,lighting, etc. � 1547 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 2nd Filing. Appliaant: Steve Buccino of Land Design by Ellison for Frank Rembert Dauphinais-Moseley -Duplex Subdivision Plat Review. GR 18�4 Glacier CourdLat 21, Blaok 2, Lionsridge Filing#3. � Applicaut: Pat Dauphinais 2 • s, r� Gibson-Robinson- D�plex Subdivision Plat Review. GR i 153 Hornsilver Circie/Lot I0,Block 1,Vail Village $th Filing. . Applicant: R. Thornas Gibson and Nonnan Robinson Eyepieces-Sign. �C 599 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3,Bldck 1,Vail Lianshead �st Filing Applicant: Dan Barry Salamunovich-Window additian. RS 1905 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27,Vail Village West#2 Applicant: Nancy& Torn Salamunovich Lionshead Children's Pavillion-Seasonal tent. RS 600 Lionshead MalllTract D, Vail Lionshead 3 st Applicant: Vail Associates,represented by Dave Thorpe ancl�oe Macy Byme-New Primazy/Secondary changes to appraved plans. LW 126 Forest Road/Lat S,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: Ron Byrne Dressel Residence - Ch�ge to pxeviously approved plans. GR 1�490 Bufther Creek/Lot,Block 44,The Valley subdivision Applican�: D�rk Dressel � i Vista Bahn Ski Renta,l- Sign. LW 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Golden Peak House A�licant: Larry Ast,Hightech Signs Bridge Sh'eet Lodge- Sign. LW 278 Hansan Ranch Road/Gald�n Peak House Applicar�t: Ron Riley, GPH Partners Eye Pieces- Sign. LW 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Golden Peak House Applicant: Larry Ast, Hightech Si�ns Crossraads-Redesign of bus stop. NiM 141 E. Meadow Drive/adjacer�t to Haagen Dazs Shop Applicant: Crossraads Condominium Association I?enials Kelton-Removal of a 40' spruce tree. RF i034 Homestake/Lot S, B�ock b, Vail Villag� 7th Applicant: Arthur Kelton • Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please ca11479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. 3 MEMORANDUM i T4: Design Review Board{DRB} FROM: Cornrnunity Development DATE: Novernber 1 S, 1995 RE: A sigm variance request for the Gateway Plaza Iocated at 12 S. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block SD,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Leo Palmos,represented by Craig K1emz Pla,nner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTI4N OF THE_REQ�]EST The applicant, Leo Palmos owner of the Vail Gateway Plaza Buildi�g,represented by Craig Klemz, is requesting a variance from the Town of Vail sign code. The applicant is s�eci�cally requesting a variance from Section 16.20.040(A), free sta.nding signs joint directory signs for multi-tenant building, Purpose. The applicant is not requesting • additional sign area. Instead,the applicant is requesting a change in the purpose of a free standing jaint directory multi-tenant building sign. Rather than identify each int�xior tenant with a one square foot sign,the applicant has proposed that the individual signs descr.�b� each af the different types of gen�ral uses within the building(restauraut, galleries, shops,ATM). In addition to�he smaller signs,the applicant is proposing five square feet far display of a building identi�ication sign,which does not require a variance. According to Section 16.20.040(A}of the sign code,the purpose o�a free-standing joint d'urectory sign iv a mulri-tenant building is: "to list all tenan#s within a multi-tenant building and to guid�e the pedestrian to an individual tenant within the building." Addit�onally, Section 16.20A40(I}, Special Provisions, s#ates that, "five square feet may be included in the free-standing joint diarectory sign for the purpose of identifying the buildzt�g,in lieu of any other sign�or the same purpose." The free-standing joint directory sign the applicant is propasing wiil be displayed in a landscaped planter adjacent to the Main Vail roundabout. T`�e proposed direct�ry sign is . � "contemporary" ir�design{see attachment 1). The proposed sig�will be rnount�d to the _ cantemporary art-like structure,wi.th dimensions of eight feet high and three feet wi.de. . The total calculated siga area of the sign is nine squaxe feet. Five square feet has been included�or building identification as permi#ted by Section 1.�.20.040(I), and fvur square feet has be�n included for the general nature of the building occupants (see attachment 2). Thus,the applicant is requesting a variance ta allow for the inclusior� of t�e generai nature af the b�ilding occupants, rather than specifically listing each tenant by name. The ap�licant believes that allowing#he display of the general nature of the occupants within the bui�ding will result in easi�r recognition of the cornmerciaUretail use af the property. It is the appliaant's belief,that the loca�ion of the building at fhe intersection of the South Frontage Road and Vail Road, and the exteri�or appearance of the building, creates the impression.of a professional offxce building rather than a cornrnerc�aUretail building. Additionally,it is the applicant's feeling that�he Vaii Gateway Plaza Building, while being zoned Commercial Core I(CCI}, does not generate use from pedestrians. Instead,the applicant feels that the ma,�ority of the patrons to�he building arri�ve by m.eans of vel�icles,and therefare the display ofthe general.nature of the building occupants should be allowed for easiex recognitian. II. BACKGROUND T�e Vail Gateway Plaza Building is lacated a�the intersection of Vail Road and the South Frontage Road. The property is zoned under Special Development Distr�ict Number 21 � (SDD# 21). The underlying zoning of SDD#21 is CCI, According to Sectian 18.24.010, Commercial Core I,Purpose, in part,the CCI zone district is intended; "to provide sites and to main�tain the unique character of the Vail Villa.ge commercial area,w�ith its rnixture of iodges and cammercial establishments in a » Please note that the Gateway Suilding currently has two building identification signs. If the variance is approved,the appiicant wili be able to put another building identiftcation 5ign on the property. Since the sign code allows for only two,ane of the existing signs will have to be removed. . ITI. FI DIN RITERIA F R APPR VAL � Before the Design Review Board provides a recornmendatian on a sign variance reqnest, � the applicant must prove physical hardship, and the DRB must find that: A. There are spec�al cireumstances or conditians applying to the land, • 2 PvsLrc NoTICE � • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will ho�d a public heari.ng an November 15, 1995 at 3:00,p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Deroulet- Change garage into recreatioz� area,remove garage door replace with window. GR 1042 Eagles Nest CircleCLot 2, Block 1,Vail Viliage 8th Filing. � . Appl�icant: . � �Dan Deroulet . , . � , Grace- Driveway signs. GR� 1210 Westhaven Drive/Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision. � Applicant: Larry G�ace � Vail Gateway Plaza- Sign vaaianoe. GR 12 South Fronta�e Road,Vail Gateway Plaza Buiiding/Lot 12, Block 5D,Vail Village lst Filing. Applican#: Leo Palmos Up The Creek- Awning change and sign ap�licatio�: � GRIRS 223 Gore Cre�k DrivelLot A, Blqck 5B, Vail Vill�ge 1 st Filing Applicant: Annie Egan � Knowlton-Final review of a demo/rebuild of an existing PrimarylSecondary GR usin�g two250's. � 1999 Sutaburst/Lot 1�#, Vail Valley 3rd . Applicant: Sally Brainerd Tuchman-Remodel to allow for an addition(including 250}to the building. JC 3110 Boot�Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 11�h Filing Appticant: Mr. Tuchman . The applications and.information about#he propasals are available in the zoning administratar's� � office during regular office haurs for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vai� Trail on November 10, 1995. � Sign lariguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificatian. Please call 479-2114 voioe or 479-2356 7'DD for information. � PUBLIC NOTICE . N4TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board o#the Tvwn af Vail will i�old a public hearing on No�ember 15, 1995 at 3:OQ p.m. �n the Taw� of Vail Municipal Buiiding. A request for a var�ance€rom Section 16.2�.040 {A} o#the Vai! Municipai Code tn allow for a freestanding, joir�t-directory sign at t�te Vail Gateway Plaza at 12 Vail Raad/Lot N, Block 5, Vail Village �st. AppEicant: Craig Klemz The applications and infarmation about ihe proposals are available in t�e zoning administrator's office during regular affice hours for public inspection. T�WN OF VAlL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pu�l9shed in the Vail Trail on October 27, 1995. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour r�oti#ication. Please calE 479- 2i 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informatian. .. � �n �. �a/���� Des`rgn Re�iew Action Form TDINN 4F VAIL �ategory Number � Date ���• �.� Project Name: ��' Y�i- �7�4X-.�.--p (��`w�r Building Name: (��-C C�- �` � Project Description: � �����.e�. ��-r+- �Cf � � �y� � t�c-.��� 'd� . Owner, Address and Phone: ' - ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: �.�-°- ✓�I��'� Legal Deseription: Lot Blocic Subdivision Zane District G'�.� Project Street Address: Comments: • �_ / - � y� Board 1 Staff Action Motion by;-��Jt�x-�-. Vote:��_" 1) . ._, . Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff A�proval (�,QF1dl{IQ�35: Towr� Planner Date: 'I r DRB Fee Pre-paid�Q'S�y�.� Design Review Action Form T41NN 4F VA1 L �ategory Number Date � .��� , .�� Project Name:� 1#� `17��G �'.�.��1C �.r� ,���_ �,� Building I�ame: l� � �_,..._. Project Descriptian: ,,�-� .� : c .,.�.;� .�:,- � � � � � li�' ..�.�1 wn , Address and Phone: � [.�LI _ IGS 7 Ar e ontact, Address and Phone: �-�� . , C�,�.�.-, _,�=/�[��� Legal �escription: Lot � Block� Subdi�ision �o.�..l �� Zone Distric# �cr Praject Street Address:�,�.3 � � �_�� __ Camments: � � � � �• '���� �� _ _ _ _ ��� O '� Motion by,r Vote: J'—l� ,� Seconded by; �A�pro�al ` ❑ Disapproval " ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: � ,_,.�.� x-�' ���?�mm_�'�o.r���n� f¢ �� �� .�1�� �j�/�"..�- . � , s 3 3 � - , � }���. � �.� ���-�_� - - Town Planner Date: , -�I2I'r�/S DRB �ee Pre-paid� � J�. �'�' Design Review Act�on Form T�'WN �F VA1L � � Categary Number Da#e ��q �� � �-✓ ------ � e � Project Narne: � Building Name: y ' � , Projsct Description; �}"� d Owner, Address and Phane: ' �' � � �-�� �.f� ���t�'� � - ArchitectlContact, Address anc! F'hone: d� . r Legal Descri�ation: Lot Block Subdi�ision Zone Districx �i� Project Street Address: �� � �� L�� ���`� -� Comments; ti � a � Board � 3 � Ma#ion by: � Vote:�r � _ - � Seconded by: �Appra�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al . a � Conditions: � , . � S own Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Re��ew Action Form = f�, TOWN 4F VAIL �ategory Number �/ Date � I��I��_ — Project Name: 8uilding Name: Praject Description: ./j �r �_�C,� ' - Owner, Address and Phone:_ lC��e-� ^ � .�r�rn --- - Architect ontact ddrESS and Phone: g .�1��(� � ��..do ��� � C'r� �l I�egal Descriptian: Lot� B1ock '! Subdi�ision_ ' � Zone District � Project Street Address:�� �M�-��- - — Comments: � Board taf# Action Motion by: Vote:_ S`D - Seconcfed by: � Approval ❑ C7isapproval ❑ Staff Approval Concfitions:�`��Lo�r„Y-iG.�JS c�F !�'����� iu � %,��� _ �4TG� 11 I 9S own Planner pa#e; � ���/'S�9S DRB Fee Pre-paid�7 , ; �. DESIGN REVIE�BUARD AGENDA � Decern�b�r�6, 1995 � 3:O�p�P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION 1 LUNCH 11:30 SITE VISITS i2:30 1, � VailGatewa P1azaBuiidin - 1.�:���':�u�d`<':':':::;:�'�:. Y . � .* 2. Marriott Vail Mountain Resor�:.<.:,'���::,''����:�:i�,,�.�d Circle 3. Cascade Crossings- 1031 S�.�t�Fr4i��:�C.p� ,; , 4. Innsbruck Meadows - Lots.�.8t�6....:.:........:.::::.: . . ���, 5. Henkes- 2824 Snowberr�,��� k��»�.. : � 6. 'Reeman 1 Randall-2865�����1���€y�,��, �`� 7. Aasland-2527 Arosa Drz�� '. �`�'��,�\ � ; , .., ......... ,.�. ,..:z:: ; TELECONFERENCE-Le ����u.���.n�o�`��t��€��(�ap�an�.RSVP- Randy) 1:45 .�: .. . . Driver: Raudy ' Rem�nder : Chrzstn�ri�,�'�.�`�-�d��3������.��.� ,�.��,� ��I��� m. ��y, , :.:... ..,ti.�� ,.....::�i.v�4U:'O\: ____ ���`� ` � , � ' ,, ' ' ,��, _, 1. Cascade Cross��� -��I. r�...... }I����, ``���k - } l�W ...:,�.::.:::�.,.��......�..:.:.:..:..::�....: ...>.:.:>:.<:.::::... :::..::.a.......... .: ..:�:.: .:.,,.;:..:.; ..: :;>.>;:..>.�����:<>;:::;;>:;;;::;;::<:_:::, 1 Q31 Sauth Fr::o�i�:.:.:,.:...:::F�'�:,....:: . .:::..,:.:.,:. .:,.. ��:> : s:::E����: : ��_:::::::<.:,:;:<:=°:::€:.�::::::::<:. �lg� ���1����d�.� 4�t� � �r� Applicant: �rr���x H��."f'�����������������e��it�t�, MOTION: BC��f�.,: ..._.:.. .......: ����3�C�...�ti1�Ct......:.: .....:... ....:.:�t:�,?TE: 5-0 � .;:.:;.;:_:<:<:;:<:<;.>:. :..:.:.:.:�:.:.. . : . ,,,,"., k __ . ____...:�..�:.:.:'.:�.:�:. . ____ _ _ __ ' '..::�. :: APPR�V����M�C����'�'��3�' • ' :.::.�:.,.<;.:.:..n.�>::>.;:::::.: ; , Vail G��������St���t�nt� ���:���I�i,��r����'��'������ � CR 12 Vai�����# �� ��0���,����'�1�� ��t....... ' , � � . Appli��t� �i� I�I��z# ��������v��� '' '. MOTIO�I` ���'�� ��,��NC.�.�'�'�:t� . ��'����-1(Waldrich dissenting) .......,. ......:. :.�.:::.::.::...:.: <::::::::�:::::; ..:. APPFi+�'��D�`�'�,��f�p�T����...::... . ..:.: .....: . ' ' ' . ' - '�'`;:`:;*. ' 3. Mar����'�a�l �����r�R��� f�� ��il��n ! � ���fr������i.,�.., , � - GR k 71��� �€�����d�i�����4��3�;���;��c�c��,��I Li�r���t�d�� F�t�r�� :,: �YY �I.,::,y�,4�/4' ���������_._ *_� ',, ', ►M }Y �����f�` ��I'�� . ,� WJIKFY��1�[� �� ���MFFi YR�£ . � . '... ::::::.... ......... ... ..�.... .�.:'::::�::'::'::�.::::.::.....:...:.::.:::.�:.:..-:...... ':.," ____ ;..:... -_,- __ ::: ' -:::..i:':::':::'�::.: . , , - , . ..:..:',..' :..................:......... � ��� ......,....... ...: -..:., __:_ � ..n.:: �,:,.:L:::.:: :.�::'.�'..�..�:::.. ....:...ii:'vi::.�:.:i'vi:v. -.: ,,.::.�..:�:.�..�:�: ................... .. .. .....: �-�'- ......... .. ............ -.: __ _ :::.�..�..,...:�.�' '.....:..-.-- ".. . ._'_ __.:�.:�.:.,.�............:.:..... , ...... .;. ... ��. . ... .......... .:....:. ��... ', , , ..� : �+t�N���T�4��RQ�D v :: ...... ,...�...... :.: ... >:;<:::<::<.>..,,; .:.�...w....,..... . .:., ...�.... .�..:::.:.v .. ..:....,.:::::> >:.::.. ....... � . .. 4 - ,y .:::.::::::::::::::<.:. «:;.>:.<:<.::>:::>:: :.:::... ' ..:��' GR . Henkes �'~Pri��ryY��e��v�������.�����'�a�i�, . . .. ::.... ... .. 2824 Snawb���`�:f3c�ve�df`�€:�:<:8�p�,��:�f�tii�����"C�t��r�t�i�ii1. - . .�r.::...., • Applicant: 5teve Riden i������ti�i��>�i`�'w�Henkes .�.: � MOTION: Borne �� S ��� : Aim VOTE: 5-0 y\. . �\'�\\ � :��\�� �����v�i DENIED � * ' ' ` � ,.., �.�� s:�.: ti•,�\�a w,.��.;�,�,,-��, ,\ti��l� ',�,�`�\'���� .ti ��,�:�\�\ .,.�,1 �� ,�„� , -. A� � ' �. Aasland - Addition to a primary unit using an additional 250 GRFA allatm�nt, RS located at 2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block FJ, Vaii Das 5chone ist Fiiing. . Applicant: Galen Aasland MOTION: Barne SECOND: Woidrich VQTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH CONDITtQNS �.���� 6. ReemanlRandall - Ne►n�s+�rgl�amily residence. RS 2865 Snowberry Dri�elLat 2, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: John Railton representing Clive Reeman and �.ouise Randall MOTION: Borne SECON�: Woidrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH CQNDITIQNS MEMB,�RS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Arnett Bab Borne Brent A�n , Hans Woldrich Henry Pratt S�„ff Annrovals Galden Peak House -Ex�erior building Iighting program. LW 2'18 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B and part of C, Block 2,Vail Village 1 st Filing. � Applicant: Craig Snowdon for Clark Willingham, GPH Partners, Ltd. Meal Ticket Cafe - Sign application. RS � 244 Wall Street/One Vail Place Build�ng Appiicant: Julie Iverson and Kiendra Hoover Golden Peak House - Landscape planter(west side af building) MM 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lats A, B and part af C, Block 2,Vail Vil�age 1 st F'iling, Applicant: Scott Jones, Land Designs by Ellison � Saiamunovich-Window addition, RS 1905 West Gore Creek DrivelLot 27,Vail Village West Filing#2, � Applicant: Nancy and Thomas Salamunovich Los Amigos-Wall si�n application, ' LW 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlGolden Peak House Applicant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs for Ron Riley Vista Bahn Ski Rental - Sign applicatiott. LW 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlGolden Peak House Applicant: Larry Ast,High Tech Sig;ns for]ane Gros . � 2 . { _+ Br�dge Str�et Lodge- Sign App�ication. � LW . 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlGolden Peak House , Applicant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs for Ron Riley Eye Pieces- Sign Application. LW 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlGolden Peak Hause Applicant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs for Dan Barry Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Offices - Stairway a.cldition. RS 846 Forest Raad Applicant: Gail Grider SureFoot- Signs. RS Bridge Street Lodge Applicant: Larry Ast,Hight�ch Signs Gaziog�u- Change�o color and add stucco. GR � Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12tb Applicant: Peter Koliopau�ous Los Amigos -Twa new sigris. LW 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Bridge Street Lodge Sign Fzle • Applicant: Lar�y Ast,Hightech Signs Copy and Design- Sign application. R$ 504 East Lionshead/Lians Pride Building. ' Applicant: Tiffany Truitt Ski Base - Sign. LW 6'15 West Lionshead Circle, Sunbird Lodge Applicant: James and Sari Lucas Aldre�e-Remodel. RS 1784 Matterhorn Circle/Lat 3, Vail Village West#2 Applicant: Brent Aim Miller Residence- Calor change. JC 14�7 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 3, Block 2,Lionsridge 4th Fiting Appiica:n�: Will Miller , Rembert- Site Ligh#ing. AK 1547 Springhill ZanelLot 2,Block 3, Vail Valley 2nd Filing � Applzcant: Frank and Marlene Rembert � � Holm-Remodel and Addition. . RS �237 Columbine Dri�elLot 22, Bighorn Terrace Applicant: Claes and Amy Holm 3 � � ; * Ke11ey R�sidence-Addition. GR . 992 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 7th Filing Applicant: Ray and Mary Ke11ey Innsbruck Meadows - Change to previously approved plans. . GR Lots 5 & 6/ Innsbruck Meadows Subdivisinn Applicant: Bob Borne � MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: � �ta.ff Denied . Spang- Shed addition. � R� I486 Buffehr Creek Road, Unit A43/The VaZley Condaminiums, Phase VII. Applicant: Ralph and Patty �5pang Sign language interpretation available upon rec�uest with 24 hnur not�fication. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. � • ; . . • � PUBLfC NOTlCE � NOTfCE IS HER�BY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town ofi Vail wilf hold a public h�arir�g on December 6, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vaii Municipaf Build9ng. Aaslar�d -Additian to a primary unit usir�g an addit€onal 250 GRFA al{otment, RS located at 2527 Arosa DrivelLot 3, Block D, Vail Das Sc�one �sf FifEng. Applicant: Galen Aas[and . Keltor�-Tree removaf. R� � 103�E Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block i,Vail Village 7t� FiEing. _ Appliear�t: Arthur Kelton, Jr. � Vail Gat�way Plaza Bui�dir�g - �reestanding joint directory sign. GR 12 Vail Raad/Lot 12, Blac�C 5D, Vai�V�llage 1 st � Applicant: Craig Klemz, r�presenting owner Reeman/Randall - New singl�famify residence. RS 2865 Snowberry DrivelLot 2, 81ock 9, Vail Intermoun#ain. � Appfican#: John Rai�ton �epresentir�g CEi�e R�eman and Louise Randall � Henkes - Prirnarylsecondary separation af units. GR 2824 Snawberry Drive/Lot 17, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Ap�licar�t: Sie�e Rid�n representing Andrew Henkey Meal Tic�ce#Cafe - Sign application. RS • 244 Wa�l Streetl One Vail Place Building A��licant: Julie fverson ar�d Kiendra Hoover Cascade Crossings- Sign application. � �-W 103� So�tt� Frontage Road/Cascade Crossings Building. Applieant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs representing Walt�r Kirsch fnnsbruck Meadows - Change to previously approved pfa�s. GR Lats 5& 6/ Innsbruck Meadows Sut�division Applicant: Bob Borne , The app�icatians and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular affice hours for public inspect�on. TOWH OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vai[ Trail on December i, 1995. � Sign languaga interpretation availaf�le u�on request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or �479-2356�DD for information. � • �, . "1� . . `a, 1 PUBLIC NOTICE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town af Vail will hald a public hearing or� December 6, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town af Vail Municipal Building. A request for an additional 250 square-faot allotment in accordance with Chapter 1$.71 of the Tawn of Vaii Mun�ci�al Code, located at 2527 Arasa DrivelLot 3, Block D, Vaif Das Schone 1 st Filir�g. Applicant: Galen Aaslar�d The applications and infarmation about the proposals ar� available in the zaning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAfL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vaii Trail on No�er�ber 17, 1995. 5ign ianguage interpretation available upon requ�st with 24 haur notification. Pleas� call 479- 2114 voice or 4'19-2356 TDD for information. • ; i Design Re�iew Ac�ion Form TOWN 4F VAIL �ategory Number l� Date ,_.___1����/q5 _ Project Name:�.,�.�,�/.5�6��.r��E�4 = K G�� � a.�.�-, '�1/�S Building Name: ����-L• c��f� '� � Project Description: ��JaF 7% 1ei!/`l�rT:C�ti�tL�T -LT -rL.!�—�..�f.�I�L��11�� Owner, Address and Phone: Architec ontact, ddress and Phone: � ��,c� �_ln����hr����. .7'�..r�_ �—T�� _� �. .��/ y /�44� /����� Legal Desc�iption: �ot�� Block -----' Subdivision � v zone Distric# L_7]/?/I F� Praject Street Address: �2 !¢�F� �iviJiClL�i�,�JiG �t�� Comments: • o� Staff Action Motion by:_�'!�1 Vote: �Q� . --- ---- - - Secanded by: ��..IQ �r2.� �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: l���r-�►.� �� ;-�/�-.c�rs W�ifl-T'.�i--� /2�/�j�" �--- �. `- ��f Town Planner , � pate: �Z��9� DRB Fee Pre-paid,�� �� , ��, Design Review Action Form TOWN �F VAIL �ategory Number /� ��r�j / � ,-�.r� _r Date 9'� Project Name: � _��-;!�'?�-.�.��c�.�� Building Name; ���--� � � Project DESCription: , �L�c,�J �lsi���.�. r��._��, ,�� ,ea -�'= �? ��, 1�}�,�1� � ����.�� Owner, Address and Phone: � � Arc�itect/Contact, Address and Phone: ���.�_ql�-•� �.�-�r� ��� ��-- ����,�...�..7• L�q�-� L�� ����7 Lagal Description: Lot � Block '"" Subdivision � Zone District l�_Z'���'I,�' Project Street Address;.�._,2�� �-r-�.�--� .,���.���..��-ri-n.T+/ �l Comments: • oard Staff Action MQtian by:��_�� _�, Vote: �'C� Seconded by: .r, �.��►�� ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditians:_�t y _.�I��n� ..r� .�t'-f1..� �/� � .�.�� � � Tawn Planner � Date: �T�g� DRB Fee Pre-paid��, �� � Design Rerriew Action Form TQWN OF VAIL •Category Number Date � �" Project Name: t�� �M �� 1. � . - Builriing Name: �,.,,�-.-.�--� �_.�..d,L.�.,-:_-�.�- Project Description; `��-G��� � �2�_i ! ,�� in�'��v:f�a� Owner, Address and Phone: Archit � Contac Address and Phone: �� ,C.� � q����- �iC� .1�,-z�..�_,,.� �.�,-.n �3� `��.�.I : �i'i �//_55-7 Legal Description; Lot �� Block "' Subdivision Zone Distric# �� Project Street Address: I.�3� � L-���.�.���7 ��� , Comments: • � Staff Act'ron Mvtion by: �ir�� � Vote: � Seconded by: '�[1.��_��./^ .�h �Approval ❑ aisapprova! ❑ Staff Approva! Conditions: � � � � e �//�z/r� __�.� ��:�.��� �..� Town Planner. Gf� Date: Z � � DR6 Fee Pre-paid��. ..�..� Design Rer►iew Action Form T4WN 4F VAIL �ategory Number � _ Date � � � Project Name: L���_�.��-�-���-�-� Building Name:��-r+1,!/�✓J ���/�-�� - - Project Description; �C1.n � �a � ,�.���_..,/�,,� ,�,,..�.1��z,��. , , Owner, Address ar�d Phone: ��� �� 5/7�- ' �I�/� rchitectlContact ddress and Phone: 'S���,� ' l�._a• ��;L �.��� 1��..a. �� �/6� ��-�/,�/ l.ega9 Description: Lot�_ Block "�" Subdivision�� � ��...�.n C�i1 o Zone District �� Project Street Address: /9�7<��,ti, _— ��� �-_ ----� � Comments: • Board 1 Staff Action Motian by:�-� Vote: �aC� SecQnded by: + �� _ '�Appro�al ❑ Disapproval ' ❑ 5taff A�aproval , . .. ConditEar�s: � I � 4 ' __..�. . Town Planner �� Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid� Design Review Action F`orm TO1NN OF VAIL �ategory Number� LLc�.} L-� Date ���,9� Project Name; .� Building Name: C_vrz1 � � `3 __ _J Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: �c.c.r�.�. ����.a ArchitectlContact, Address and f�hane; �r7�x� �� I.�..c-tri_,La.ay�-r���,� .1--�� - Legal pesoription: Lot,_� Block �' Subdi�ision one Distric# �7.�r�'l� Project Street Address: Comments: • oard �aff Action Motion by:��� _ _ Vote: �� Seconded �y: � �Approvai ❑ Disapproval ❑ 5taff Approval Conditions: ��1 . .n .�� � ,q ,n n . .t .��,-'r� �� �,� �/-�! �- � Town Planner Date: /O/I2�9'Y — _ DRB Fee Pre-paid � �� �a�+ Design Review Action Form T4WN 4F VAf L �ategory Number d �,�.��� r�.n-,� Date , ����" Project Name; `T'��►��b2�.r�� `�'Yl�=1- ���s Building Name: � � _ .. Project Description: f`i.Ev.[ �ESi D��c..� Owner, Address and Phone: �' ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: S �-�� � ' I l6�' 6� . �.egal Description: Lot �-� Block ---- Subdivision_T'� r,�,�.f,r�u�J�L"f��av�rs Zone District L��' Project Street Address, Comments; Board 1 Staff Ac#ion Motion by:�-1vn Vote: '�/-f�--� Seconded by: �{ Approval I� ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: ' � � I �'i � �. ��._ �� . ./ -- �� 7own Planner Date; _.. 7�2a��� � DRB Fee Pre-paid �� Design Review Acfion Form TQINN OF VAIL •Category Number.._ �� Date_l�/�/9� Project Narne:_ � ��2�i��,p '�� Building Name: Praject Descriptior�; Owner, Address and Phone: Architec on#act, ddress and Phone: �c►-� �_n�-�-ti.�..� ���-�l. 1j7� � � LEgal Description: Lot� Block -� Subdi�ision � ,� '7'12.LCa.�one District !<� Project Street Address: � Comments: • Boar taff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by, ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval �Staff Approval Conditions: � .r _ f� • 7awn Planner � � �ate: ������'!j DRB Fee F're-paid��. ^ Design Rer►iew Acfion Form TOINN OF VAIL •Category Number�. , � Date . 7— . . � Project lVarne: Building Name: Prajec#Description: . o Owner, Address and Phone:��.a�� � _ . _,� �1 .���� 1�j , �I�Gr, 8�I lO Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: �� Legal Description: Lot� Block � Subdivision Zane Distric# � Project Street Address: Comments: � oard 1 taff Action Mo#ion by:� �1,,�,� -` Vote:�'Z`� Seconded by; `�L Ap�roval 1� ❑ Disapprb�al � Staff Appro�al Cor�ditions:,_�,n c�� . ..�. .� .�..a f _�-y����� �im _ .�+ c., � _ �� � "Town Pfanner f�ate; � � DRB Fee Pre-paid ��. � Design Review Ac�ion Form T4WN 4F VAlL � � .� S. ���7�6� �ate �D '` . Category Number / � �� �_.,_, � Project Narne: � r � Building Name: � Project Description; � ' .P Owner, Addrass and Phone: ��� < � •u./ �4 �'/� S"` � �'��-5`�;S/l� ArchitectlContact,Address and Phone; ,.�„ .� ,�, � Legal Descrfptian: L,ot_� Block � Subdivision ��{���r}t°�k , � Zane pistrict Praject Street Address: �' � Comments: . r Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: �r� Seconded by: ��� � �'Approval / � ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval � � Candition : ' � c ��J � � ' � �� / Town Plann Date; �' ' � DRB Fee Pre-pai� Design Review Act�on Form TO1NN OF VAIL •Category Number � �ate ,._��I7I�� Project Name:���� �,_— .!� _,ft...,T_�_a ��,a.. �T,T.� ��,/1• Building Name:� 1,/�,�_ J �F � ,-�. .-. �1�, .� Project Description, r-�...�,-� ` ' . . Owner, Ad�ress and P�one: l��� ,��-; -A� Archite J�Contact, ddress and Phone: � � � � � �� r � Legal Description: Lot�_ 8lock 5: Subdivis9on 1/�,�� ,�'(.����.r�.-- � Zone District �,� Project Street Address: I7,���<__! �� ' Comments: • . �oard ?S�aff Action ��._ . Motion by;.,._,,,�L'��, +_-,-� �_ � Vote: �� '�-� lv�Ulc`�J�i � _ Seconded by: �Appro�a! ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions; � � � �,���; ���� - _ Town Planner Date; �� �'� DRS Fee Pre-paid_��l. � . ....... ..___._. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL •Category Number"�' L� ��V ��� Date ������1� Project Name: �l�P� / /����� - ----------- Building Name: Project i7escription: P•Gi/ � � s ,�J, _ � Owner, Adclress and Phone: �//� /L�'��� d���-�. _ _.__ __ Architect/Contact,Address and Phone: ��� J���� ���[���� Legai Description: Lot !� 8lock,�,,.� Subdi�ision �� \ Zone District �___.:__ Project Street Address: a`���� ��Y�i �ls�— , �' tE r Comments: ��' �"r' ( 2d �S� S-� � ��' �� � Board 1 Staff Act�on Motion by: Vote: �r(✓� � , Seconded by:��� C�� �Appro�al ������ ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appro�al � ` � ,Q� Conditions � !0 �i � • �`� � �� � � � � �r � ` z .�� p � �; f, i \ � t c p� l[ I/zt � �j P•qrt� '� r��P� '�y �����-� � � ��s� � �.,� !�� � ���J�3�ls �;� p�,.��,a�� Town Pla er ��k�� ��r�'Pf q ��nv��erry �-� ��' �'� �ate; ��' ?` I�� _— DRB Fee Pre-pard� � , � ,�e� �c �����r- �J�� �r � c�� . � q ��d',��. �y� Design Review Ac#ion Form TOWN OF VAIL � � Category Number Date_..�--�'� - � � I`� __._— ,. �� !_ - ? { Project Name: 0 Building Name: G7C� � ���� Project Descrip#ion: ��, � � � Owner, Address and phone: ��� r ' �C�� Architect/Co tact, Address and Phone: �� �w ' "��� � E � Legal Description: Lot Block Subdi�isior� i� _ Zone District � Project Street Address: �� � � � Comments: ,� ,� �� � . � Board Staff Action Motion by: � ``�-�� Vote: � �� Seconded by: �� � �Approvai ❑ Disappro�al � Staff Approval Conditions: y � �� � � ��,���� �_� �.�� - . , _ Tawn Planner Date: ��� � �� �� DRB Fee Pre-paici_: �'��' ... _ ; . i � � DESIGN REV�EW BOARD AGENDA . December 20, 1995 3:00 P.M. PR4JECT ORlENTATION 1 LUNCH 12:30 SITE VISITS I:45 1, Brown - 1239 Westhaven Circl� 2, � Gray - 2672 Kinnickinnick Ct. � . 3, Dauphinais - 1875 West Gore Creek Drive 4, Mizner- 5030 Main Gore Drive South 5. Meal Ticket Cafe -244 Wall Street . 6. Oleson/Vo�inn - 3275 Katsos Ranch Road Driver: Randy . 1. Meal Ticket Cafe - ,Standing rail for outdoar dining. , RS 244 Wall Stree�/One Vail Place Building � � Applicant: Julie Iverson and Kiendra Ho�ver MOTION; Alm SECOND: Borne VOTE: 5-a � APPROVED WITH C�NDITIONS 2, Reeman/Randall-New single faznily residence. R� 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot 2, Block 9,Vail Interrnountain. Applican#: John Railton representing Clive Reernan and Louise Randall MOTION: Barne SECOND: A�in VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 3. Gray - Dog run and fence. RS 2b72 Kinnickinnick Ct.ILot b, Block 2,Vail Intermautain. Applicant: Harry Gray MOTION: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL�ANUARY 3, 1996 4. Innsbruck Meadovvs - C}�ange to appraved plans, Units 1 & 3. GR 2892A/S and 2832 A, Kinnickinnick Road Applicant: Bob Sorne ' MOTION: Waldrich SECOND: Alm VOTE: 4-0-1 (Borrie) � C�NSENT APPROVED _ • � f y 5. �leson/Voliriri Residances - Conceptual review of request to separate duplex uni#s, GR 3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lat 11, Bloak 1, Vail Village 12th Filing . Applicant: V.M. Donaldson, Architect far�leson/Volinn MOTiON: Borne SECOND: Alm VOTE: S-0 DENIED 5. Brawn Duplex - Change to approved plans. GR 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, C�len Lyon App1'icant: Sally Brainerd ' MOTION: Waldrich SEC�ND: A1rn VOTE; 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED /window changes and meter enclosure b. 5adler-Final review of a Primary/Secondary residence, GR 1950 Charnonix/Lot 34, Buffl�er Creek Subdivision � Appiicant: June Sadler MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED - (p�ior to meeting) 7. Dauphinais - Conceptua�review of Primary/Secondary residence. � GR . l 875 West Gare C�eek Drive/Vail Village West#2 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais • MQTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE � S. Mizner- Conceptual review of a new single family residence. RS 5030�Vfain Gore Drive South/Lot 1, Vail Meadows Filing#�1. , , . Applicant: Duane Piper representing George and Joanne Mizner MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE � 1V�EMBERS,�?RESENT MEMBER B NT Mike Arnett Bab Barne Brent Alm Hans Woldrich � Henry Pratt (PEC} 2 • ; :,, , . �.taff A ro�vals_ Gaziogiu- Co�or changes and stucco addition. GR 3120 Booth Falls Caurt/Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing, Applicant: Peter Koliopoulos representing Halide Galiaglu � �Millex- Color change to exterior. 3e 1477 Aspen Ridge/Lot 3, Slock 2, Liansridge Filing#4. Appiicant: Will Miller Holm- Changes to approved plans. RS 4237 Columbine Drive/Lot 22, Bighorn Terrace Applicant: Claes and Amy Ho�m Vail Management Co. -New directory sign. Lw . 201 Gare Creek DriveBell Tpwer Building Applicant: Larry Ast, Hightech Signs Surefoot- Sign application. � LW 278 Hanson Ranch Road, old Gold�'eak House/Bridge Street Lodge Building. Applicant: Larry Ast, High Tech Signs • Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DisYrict- Stairway instaliation. RS $46 Forest RoadlSewer Plant Applicant: Gail G�ider far UEVCSD Picture This -New Sign. RS 298 Hanson Ranch RoadlLot 6, Block 2,Vail Village 1 st Filing Applicant: Eddy Krasauskas � Tucl�man-Remodal�to allow for an addition (including 250)ta the bui�d�ing. 3C 3114 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vai1 Village l lth Filing Applicant: 1V1r. Tuchman - Hughes -Rernodel to allow for an addition (including 250}to the building. JC 3114 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village l lth Filing Applicant: Diane Hughes, Kendall Burney,King Hughes Bannister- Satellite dish �C 2943 BellflowerlLot 4, Block 6, Inter�nountain Applicant: Frank Bannister Innsbruck Meadows - Change#o previously approved plans. GR � 2832 A Kinnickiutiick Road/Lo�3,Innsbruck Meadows Applicant: Bob Borne, Snowshae Develapment 3 y Innsbruck Meadows - Change to previously approvEd plans. GR . 2792 A Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 7, I�nsbruck Meaclows Applicant: Bob Borne, Snowshoe Develapment Bridge St. Lodge -New Sign. LW 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Bridge St. Lodge Applicant: Mike Justis Teileen � Minor additipn, �W 931 Rec� Sandstone Road/Aspen Tr�e Condas Applicant: Dan Telleen Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 haur notificatian. Please call 479-211�}voice or 479-2356 TDD far infot7nation. • � 4 • PUBLIC NOTiCE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN t�at the Desigr� Review Board of the Tawn of Vail wilE hold a public hearing on December 20, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. in the Tawn af VaiE Municipal Building. Meal Tieket Cafe - Standing rail far outdoor dinin�. RS 244 Wa11 Streetl One Vail Place Bui�ding . Applieaa�t: 3ulie Tverson and Kiendra Hoover Mizner-New single- faxnily resid�nce. . R� 5030 Main Gore Drive SouthlLot 1, Vail Meadaws Filing#l. Appl�ca�rt: Duane Piper represe�ting George and Joanne Mizner Tuchman-Rennodel to allow for an addition(including 250}to the building. JC � 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9,Block 3, Vail Village l lth Filing Appiica�t� Mr. Tuchman Hughes -Rer�todel ta altow for an addition(including 250)to the building. JC 311 Q Baoth Creek Drive/Lot 9,Block 3, Vail Village l lth�iling Applicant: Diane Hughes,Kendall Buxney,King Hughes Reeman/Randall-New single family residence. R� • 2865 5nowb�rry Drive/Lot 2, Block 9,Vaii Intermountain. Appiica�t: 3ol�n Rai�ton representing Clive Reeman and Louise Randall Brawn Duplex - Change to approved plans. GR 1239 W�sthaven Circle/Lot 37,Glen Lyon Applic�t: Saily Brainerd Sadtex�-�inal review of a Primary/Secondary residence. . GR 1950 Chamonix/Lat 34, Buffher Creek Subdivision Applica�t: June Sadler � Innsb�€ur�Meadaws - Change to approved plans,Uuits 1 &3. GR . 2892�/S and 2832 A,Kinnickinnick Road Appliea�: Bob Barne Daup�i�is- Conceptual review of P.x-iimaty/Secon.dary residence. GR 1875 W�t Gore Creek Drive/Vai1 Village West#2 Applir.a�: Pat Dauphinais . The apg�.cations and informat�on about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office d�ing regular office hours for public inspection. • TOW� �F VA.IL COM�Id�.�NITY DEVELOPMENT Publishee�in the Vai� Trail on Decezx�ber 15, I995. � Sign lar��;ursge interpn•etation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please ca11879-2114 voice ar 479-2356 'TDD for ir�`for�r►ation. . Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VA1L �ateo Number�G'� '�� ����"( ate �' �� ���� 9 �Y � Project Name: ���-f / � �� � _ �TY` � S' �� Building Name: R� � � � �. c Pr ject Descrip#ion: '�` ' i�( � `, �"�I 0. Qwner,Address and Phone: ��'�— ����d+��- �` ��� f�r�P'� ��/ "°����� � � � �� . �_ �� Architectl nta�Address and Phane: � ' Lega! Description: Lot Block Subdivisian zane District ��-�� Praject Street Address:��� �� � . ---.-.- -- Comments: i Board 1 Staff Action Mo#ion by:_� � Vote: C'�r'd Seconded by: �Rppro�al ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Appra I , Conditions: � �. �.�'.� /11�- c �� �/��-." �J� /'�- dC a�.R �. � e J� ���� � r � .�� c�„�,�"- t� � , �'own Planner �� �� �� J�.r� -P.�, � Date: � DRS Fee Pre-paid �---- � Design Review Ac�ion Form TOWN OF' VAIL � �/ � �Category IVumber,�� �- �� �7�—� Date � � ' � � Praject Name: �r Buifding Name: Praject Description: ��` �wner,Address and Phone: �� � /��� r `�? °� / � �� �-� ���w"�'�1�4 `�'� Architec ontact,Address and Phone: � Iod�� 1�`e�-f',� /-'���y9���.� $�,� �,30, l��d�a � �l(�� , �/ � �.egal Description: Lot_� Bfock�,� Subdi�ision ��L�'�"'`�~ Zone District �� Project Street Address: �-��S' �� Camments: . Board 1 S#aff Action Motion by: Vote: �r'� Secor�ded by: +bL�— �Approval ❑ Disappro�al ❑ Staff Approval Conditio s � � �� � d�-�`i`" `� � � � � � � � � � � � �.. . own Plann Da#e: - ' DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Rer►iew Act�on Form TO1NN O F VA!L �ategory Number /� Date /_��95 Project Name:�„��.,:.�, ���3 11 �/ �,�c�� Building Name: �._-r��-� L �-�-�� Project Description: � . . �—��...J c..,.�-� -�--�--�,� ��-�c.�._,0 4c.-:11 - Owner, Address and Phone: Architec 5n�a�t;Address and Phone: (�-a--,� ��" . ��.., \/� �n '��6�"�_ _ Legal Description: Lot^L�� Biock -- Subdivision Zone District���__ Project Street Address: lZ� 1� �.� �_--��� - Comments: • Board taff Action Mo#ion by: Vote: �l� _. Seconded by:�_�� �Approval ❑ Disapprova! ❑ Staff Appro�al Condi#ians: � Town Planner GG Date: ._f ZI Zb/ f �. DRB F'ee Pre-paid Des�gn Review Action Form T�1NN 0 F VAI L �ategory Number Date �2/2d��S' Project Name: Building Name: Project Descrip#ion: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: �� -�-1;.;�.� ����-����� � � � r� .� Legai Description: Lot, /� 81ock�_ 5ubdi�ision '� l � �` �� ' Zone District �_ Project Street Address; Comments: Board 1 aff Action Motion by, Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approval `�Disappro�al / � ❑ Staff Approval Canditions: �. ��� � Town Planner � �'° I Date: �Z � _ DRB Fee Pre-paid Design Re�iew Action Form TOWN 4F VAlL �ategory Number Date_l2 ��' ` Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: �' • Owner, Address and Phone:��_ .. __ _ l! � �O F' '��-�'�' _�_ ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: l.egai Description: Lat�.l? Block�_,__ Subdivision ' � ' trict � S F'roject Street Address: Z Comments; oard 1 taff Action Motion by: Vote: "��"� — Secanded by: ❑ Appra�al �Disa�proval ❑ Staff Approval �-, �, .. Condition . �- •–• -� � . �,�. �� �J-� a Town Planner I pv Date: IZ�l9� DRB Fee Pre-paid�o��-