HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Town Council Agendas-Regular Meeting � � AG��IDA VRIL TOWN COUNCIL RE�U�.AR MEETING 4 JANUARY 1977 7:30 P.M. OATH 0� OF�ICE - Rodney E. Slifer ORQTPJAIVCFS AND RESOI.UTIONS 1 . Ordinance No. 37, Ser��s of 1976, secand reading, regarding parking regulations for the Vai1 Transpartation Center. 2. Ordinance No. 1 , Series of 1977, first read3ng, providing regu7at�ons for burglar alarms within the Town of Va�� PRES�f�TATIO�[S 3. Poor Richards/Short Swing - request for cond�tional us� permit to a11ow architects' office and health club, 4. Poor Ric�ards/Short Swing - request to acquire two adjacent parce�s of land, now owned by and leased fram the 7own af Uai1 . 5. Lionshead Th�atre - requests for lot size, shape of lo�, distance betw�en bui1dings, parking far theatre, and parking �For commerc3al space variances. TOWN MAfVAG�R REPORTS TOWN ATTORN�Y REPORTS CIT�ZEN PARTICIPATION � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETTNG 1$ �'ANUARY 19 7 7 7 :3Q P.M. ORDTNANCES AND RESOLUT�ONS l. Resolution No. 1 , Series of 1977 , naming the An�holz proper�.y the Gex�a�.d R. Fo�d Pa�k. 2 . Ord.inance No. Z , Serie� of�977, second readir�g, providing regu�a��.ons for burg�.a� a�.arms with�.n the '�own of Vai1. 3 . Ox�dinance No. 2, Sera.es of I977 , firs-� xeadzng, �ezoning Lot 16 , Bighorn Second Addition , an�3 Lots l�, 12 , and 13 , Block � , and Lots I and 2 , B�ock 6, Bighorn Third Addition. 4 . Ordinanc� No. 3 , S�ries of .I977 , first read.ing, es�abla.shing Special Distric� 7 {The Mark? . PRESENTATIONS 5. Appo�.n-�ment o� �wo Design Rev.i.ew Board members. 6. The Mark - request �ar resubdiv�.sion. 7 . Se1by/To�e1. {Lionshead Theatre) - r�quest fo� �esubdi�- vision and request far parking variance for 11 cars. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPOP.TS C�TIZEN PARTICIPATION � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR ME�T2NG 1 �'EBRUARY 197 7 7 : 30 P.M. ORDTNANCES AND RESOLUT�ONS 1. Ordinance No. 2 , Series of 1.977, second reading, rezoning Lot 16, Bighorn Second Addit�on, and Lo�s 11, 12 and 13 , Block 4 , and Lots 1 and 2 , Block 6, Bighorn Third Additi.on. 2. Orclinance Na. 3 , 5eries of 1977 , second reading, establishing Special De�r�lapm�nt �istric-k 7 (The Mark) . 3 . Ordinance Na. 4 , Series of 1977 , fixst reading, regarding th� registxation of contractors wa.thin the Town o� Vail. 4. O�d�nance No. 5, Series of 1977 , �irs� reading, amendinq the Sign Code regarding no�conformzng signs� 5. Reso.�ution No. 2 , Seri�s of �.977 , rega�ding lease and agreement to purchase Lot 10 . 6 . Resolution No. 3 , Se:ries o� �977 , calling a special bond elec�ion in the �o�al �.mount of $2 ,950,000. PR�SENTATTONS 7 . Apppintment of Design Review Board member. 8. '�he Mark - Environmental Tmpac-� Repo��. 9. Manor Vail - request for setback variance. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTpRNEY REPORTS CZTIZ�N PARTIC�PAT14N . � � AGENDA VAZL T�WN COUNCIL REGt3LAR MEETING 15 FEBRI�ARY Z 9 7 7 7 :30 P.M. SPECZAL PRESENTATIONS _ �. A.J. Siccardi, Diva.sian Administrator , U.S . �epartmen� of Transportation, Federal Ha.ghway Administration, and E.N. Haase, Chi.e� Engineer, Colorado Departmen� of Highways. ORD�NANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 2. Qrdinance No . 4 . , Series of 1977 , second reading, regarding �he registration, o� con�rac-tors withzn the Town of Vai�.. 3 . Orclin.ance No. � , Series of 1977 , second reading, amending the Sign Code regarding noncon�orming sign�. 4 . Orclinance Na. 5 , Seri�s o� 1977 , firs� reading, mak�ng a supplemental appropria�ian from the General Fund fo� -the pu�po�e of claud s�eding. 5 . prdinance No. 7 , Series of 1.977 , �irst reading, �'ezoning Lot 9, Black 2 , Vai1./Patato Patch from HDMF to MDMF . 6. Ordinance No. 8 , Series of 1977 , first reading, x'ezaning Vai]./Po�tato Patch Second Fa�ling from I�4DMF to Two Famil.y Residential. '� . Reso�ution Na. 4 , Seri�s o� 1.977 , relating to the phased construction, of the �-70 overpass. PRESENTATIONS 8 . Site 24 discussion. 9 . J.C . Griff in - request �or setback variance, Lot �.1 , Block 2 , Gore Creek Subdivisian. �.Q. Se1by/Tofe7. (Lionsheacl Theatre) - r�quest �ox� resubdi:vision. TQWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPOR�S CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION � � AGENDA VAXL TO��I�T COUNCIL REGULAR MEETTNG I MARCH 1977 7 :30 P.M. SPECTAL PRESENTATTON l. Cab�e TV annual r�:port. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 2 . Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1977 , second reading , making a supplemental appropriation ��om fhe General Fund for the purpose of c�.aud seeding. 3 . Ordinance No. 7 , Serie� o� 1977 , second reading, rezoning Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing from P�DMF to Two Family Residential. 4 . Oacdinance No. 8 , Se�ies af 1977 � first reading, rezaning Lot 9, Block 2 , Vail/Pota-�o Pa�ch ��om HDMF �o MDMF. 5 . Resoluti.on Na. 5 , S�ries of 1977 , rega�ding the �a.xst amendment to the TOV/VRA lease agreemen-�. PRESENTATIONS 6. Selby/Tofel: Froposal A - request �or setback + parking variances Proposal B -- request �o� setback variance 7 . M�ckey Salloway �- appeal of Design Review Board decision, 8 . Cartwright/Mue�l.er - x-equest �'or x�esubdivision of Lot 8 , Vail Vil.lage I.Oth Filir�g. TOG�N MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITTZEN PARTTC�PATTON 9. �iscussion of March 29 bond election, • • AG�NDA VAZL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETTNG 15 MARCH 1977 7 :30 P .M. ORDZNANCES AND RESOLUT�ONS i. Ordinance No. 9 , Series of 1977 , first reading, regarding t�ansient dealer ' s licenses. 2. Motian to reconsid�r Ordinance Noa 8 , Series of 1977 , x-ezon.im.g �,ot 9 , B?_ock ? , Vai�./�otato ;Patch from HDMF to MDMF. PRESENTATIONS 3 . Report from the Growth Managemen� Study Comn�ittee, 4 . Se].by/To�e1 - �eques� for paxka.ng variance. 5. Merv Lapin - requ�st far variance from the pravisions of 5ection 3 .505 of the Zo�ing Ordinance. 6 . Ka�hxyn R. , Ruth E. , & Howard M. Benysh �- request far GRFA variance and se�back vax�iance for Unit 7 , Bighorn Terrace. 7 . John R. & Margery J. Hemby avalanche repox�. �or La�. 16 , Bigh�rn Subdivision, 8 . Mickey Sa].loway - appeal o�' Design Revi.ew Board decision.., TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PART�CIPATION � . AGENDA VA�L TOV�TN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 5 APRIL 1977 � :�o P.M. ORDZNANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 3.. Recons.�deration of O�dinance No. S , Series of 1.977 , firs� �eading, r�zoning Lo� 9, BZock 2 , Vail/Potato Patch from HDMF to MDMF. 2. Ordinance No. 9, Series o�' �977 , first reacling , �egarding transien� deale� ' s licenses. 3 . Ordinance No. 1� , Series of 1977 , an emergency ardinance autho�izing interim financing a.n the amoun� of $450 ,OOa. 4 . Resol.utian No. 6 , Seri�s of 1977 , approving the conveyance o�' Parcel B, Vai.� Vi].1age First Filing. PRESENTAmIONS 5. Mi.ckey Salloway/Gondola Ski. Shap � appeal of Design Review Board decision. 6. Pierce/Nilsson w rc:qu�:s� �4r GRFA variance for un�.ts .IOD and 15D, Sands�on� 70. TOWN MANAGER R�PORTS TOWN ATTORNEY RE�ORTS CITIZEN PARTICTPATTON • � AGENDA VATL '�OWN COUNCIL R�GULAR M�ETING 19 APR�L 1977 7 : 30 P,M. ORDINANCES AND RESOLE.TTTONS l. Ordin,ance Na. 8 , Series of �.977 , second readi.ng, rezoning Lot 9 , Block 2 , Va�l/Potato Patch from HDMF to MDMF . 2. Ordinance No. 9 , Series of 1977 , second reading, r�garding transient dealer' s licenses. 3. Ordinance No. 11, Series o� 7.977 , �'irst reading, regarding the sa1.e o� $450, OQ0 of �the Town' s G�neral Ob3.igation Bonds. 4 . ResoZution Na. 6, Series of 1977 , approving the con�reyance o�' Parce�. B, Vail Vil7.age First Fi.3.ing. 5. ReSOlutipn No. 7 , Series of 1977 , approving the Morcus Subdivision. PRESENTATZONS b . Appoin-�men�. o� member to Board of Appeal.s �or Unzform Bu�.lding Code. Applicants: Ronald A. Todd Donald J. Po��er TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPQRTS CITIZEN PARTIC�PATTON ! � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L R�GULAR MEETING 3 MAY 1977 7 :30 P.M. ORD�NANCES AND RESOLUTTONS l. Ordinance No. 1�., Series of 1977 , second reading, xegarding �he sale af $450 ,000 0�' the '�own' s General Obligation Bonds. Z. Ordinan,ce Na. 12 , Series of 1977 , fi�s� �eading , adop�ing the Vail Municipal Code. 3 . Ordinance No. 13 , Series �f 1977 , first reading, amending the Zoning OrainancE; de£in�.ng hazard areas. 4, Resolution No. 8 , Series of 1977 , in support o� Coun�.y dog con�raZ measures. 5 . Resolu�ivn No. 9 , Series of .�977 , in opposition to a State cal�.ec-�ed, �.ocalZy shared sales tax. PRESENTATIONS 6. Douglas Barwick - request for resubdivision of Lot 14 , B�.ock 4 , Bighorn Third Additian. 7 . Vail Athletic Club � r�ques� for bui7.ding �ength var�ance. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITTZ�N FARTICIPATTON � . AGENDA VAIL TOWN C�UNCI� REGULAR MEETING 17 MAY, 1977 7 ; 30 P.M . ORDTNANC�S AND RES�LIITI(3NS 1 . Orda�nance #13 , Series of 1977 , �irst readin�; , amendzng the Zoning Ordinanc�; definin� hazard a�eas , (�!+Ius� be �ormally postponed, ) PRESENTATTONS 2 . Reva.ew of the i976 Audi� Report � Jerry �'�cl�iahon 3 . Public di.scussion af logging trucks ' use o#� Red Sandstane road - Ernie Nunn 4 , Appeal of Design Reva�ew Board decision re�ardin�; Timberline Propexti.es sign applica�ion , 5. Selby/Tofel , Lionshead Commerc�.a1 - reques� for variance �ar dis�ance between buil.dings , 6. Amended pJ�at �ox �esubdivision of Tract E, Vai1 Village 1.lth ��1in�, 7. Request �or va.r�.ance -- Dr . George Mizner Reszdence -- va�iance from Section 3 , 505 of the Zoning Qrdinanc� �or �,at 17 , Black 5, Bighorn 5th adda.tion , QTHER BUSINESS 8 , Ap�ointment o� new memb�rs to Desi�n �i.eview Board and Planning Commission, TOWN MANAGER REP(�k�TS TOWN ATTORNEY REP4RTS CITTZ�N 1�ARTICIPATTON � . AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L REGULAR MEETTNG 7 JUNE 1.977 7 :30 �.M. SPECIAI, PFtESENTAT,ZON l. Dick Proscence and R. E. Heathco�e, Division o� Highways, x�ega�ding �-70 summex constructioxz an Va�.l. Pass. ORDTNANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 2 . Ordinance No. 12, Sexies of 1977 , second reading, adapting the Vai� Mun.�cipal. Code. 3 . Resolution No. 10, Series af 1977 , rega�ding the proposed annexation of the TnTest Vail axea to �he Tawn of Vail. PRESENTATZONS � . DiSCUSSion of parking cQn��ac-�s. 5. Rucksack - �equest �'or parking variance. 6. The Spa -- request for buiiding bu1.k and se�back variances. 7 . Co�.orado Mauntain Co1l.ege - request �or cond��ional. use pe�mi� to erect suz�nmer ten�t. 8. HoZy Cross Electric - reques-� �'oa� candi�ianal use permit -�o .i�stall gas pump and tank. 9. Vail V.il.lage Tnn - �eque�t �or approval of Phase II and for approval of Environm�ntal Tmpact Repo��. I0. Appea� af Design Review Baard decision regardzng Timberline Properties sa.gn. app3.ication. TQWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL R�GULAR MEETTNG 2�. JUNE 1977 7 : 30 P.M. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS �. Ordinance No. I.3 , Se�ies o� 1977 , first r�ading, making a supplemental appropriata.on from the Gen�ra� Fund. 2 . Resol.ution No. i1, Series of �.977 , regarding a Iease agreemen� between the Town o� Vail and Ski Club Vail. PRESENTA'��ONS 3 . Manor Vail - request xegarding s�reet vacation. 4 . The Spa - request fo� wa7.1 length variance. 5 . Y.O. Gurts - request fo� pushcart operatian approva�. 6. S�udio in the Rockies -� request �or joa.nt use parking ag�eement. 7 . Pulis - rEquest £or �esubdivision. 8. Bob Voliter -� �equest �or setback variance for garage. TOTaN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION • � AGENDA VAIL T���T[�T COUNCIL REGUS,AR MEETING 5 JU�,Y I.977 7 :30 P.M. ORDINANCES AND RESOLLTIONS l . Ordinance No. 13 , Series of 1977 , second reading, maka.n.g a suppZemental appropriation �rom the General Fund. 2 , prdinance No. �.4 , Series af J�977 , firs-t reading, amending �h� Vai.l Municipal Code to enlarge the Design Review Board. PRES�NTATIONS 3 . Ron Hal3.ey -- report regarding Go�e Valley Water District ava3.anche situation. 4 . Dick Elias resa.dence - request for GRFA va�iance. S. Deane I:nox/Leo Payne - request fox vaca-tion of �roperty line betu�een Lots A8 and A9, Lions Ridge Subdivision, F`iling #l. 6. Th� Co�nice - xequest for rezaning from HDMF �o CCI. 7 . FDA�fI (Sunburst) - request �'or x�ezoning and resubdivisian. 8 . Pulis - request fo� resubd�.vision of Vail Valley Third Filing. 9. Vail Val.ley Medical Center -- requ�sts for canditional use permit, building bulk variance, covered park.�ng var�anc�, & request to vacate p�apexty line between Lots E and F , Vail. VilZac�e Second Filing.. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN AZ'TORNEY REP�R'�S CTTTZEN PARTICIPATIOT�i i i AGENDA VAIL TOWN C�IINC�L REGULAR ME�TING 19 JULY 1977 7 :30 P.M. QRDZNANCES AND R�SOLUTZONS l. Ordi.nance No. 14 , Series a� 1977 , second reading, amending the Vail Municipal Code to enlarge the Design Review Board. 2. Ordinance No. 1.5, S�ries of 1.977 , first reading, rezoning the Ka�sas Proper�.y and thx�ee paarking �o�s a.n Li.onshead. 3 . Pub�.ic Heaxa.a�g on Reso�u�a.on Pdo, .13 ; 5eries a� 1977 , regarding the �raposed West Vail anne�cation. PRESEN'�ATIONS � � � � _ � 4. Antlers - �equest �or gross residential �1.00r area variance. 5. �c�cision r�garding purchase of site for public works main�.enance facility. TOrh]N MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PARTIC�PAT�ON . � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L REGULAR MEETXNG 2 AUGU ST 1977 7 : 34 P.P�. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUT�O�dS l. ORDTNANCE NO. 15 , Ser�es of 1977 , second reading, rezoning �he Ka�sos PropertX and three parking lota in Lion�head. 2 . ORDINANCE NO. 16 , Series of 1977 , �irst reading, vacating the pl.at and �t�eets and ways o� S�nbu�st and approving the resubdivision of portions thereof. 3 . ORDTNANCE NO. 17 , Se�ies of 1977 , first reading, rezoning Sunburst Filing No. 2 and Vai�. Vall�y Third Filing. 4 . RESOLUTIOPd NO, l� , Series of 1977 , ca�ling a special bond electian regarding issuance of -�he Town' s Gene�a7. Ob�.igatian bonds a.n an aggxegate principai arc�ount no�t ta exceed $2 ,3�0, 000. PRES�NTAT�ONS 5. Selection of con�rac�tor for Si-te 24 ice arena. f. Antlers - requ�st for GRFA varianc�. 7. Carnice - request for rezoning frorn HDMF to CCl. TOWN M1�NAGER REPORTS TOU7N ATTORNEY R�PORTS CITIZEN PARTICTPATION � � AGENDA VA�L TOWN COUNC�L REGULAR MEET�NG 16 A�3GUST 1977 7 :30 P .M. ORDINANC�S AND RESOLUTIONS 1. ORD�NANCE N0. I.7 , Series of 1977 , second reading , rezoning Sunburst Filing No. 2. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 18 , Series of �977 , ��rst reading , x�ezaning Vail Va11ey Third Filing. 3 . ORDINANCE NO. 19, Se�ies of 1977 , firs� �eading , vacating the p1.at and streets and ways o£ Sunburst and approving the resubdivision o� par�ions thereof . � . RESOLU'��ON NO. 15 , Series ot 1977 , redeeming $85, �00 . 00 of Bighorn St�ee� Tmprovement District ?3onds. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOWN ATTORNEY R�PO�.'�iS CITIZ�N PARTTCIPATTODI � � AGENDA VATL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR M�ETING 6 SEPTEMBER �.977 7 :30 PM 4RD�NANCES �1ND R�SOL[ITIONS l. ORD�NANCE NO. 18 � Series of ].977 , second reading, rezonir�g Vail Va11ey Third Fa.liz�zg. 2 . ORDTNANCE NO, 19 , �eries of 3.977 , second reading, vacatin.g �the p�at and streets and ways of Sunbur5t and approving the re�ubdivision of portions thereo�. 3 . ORDINANCE NO. 20 , Seri�s o� 1977 , first �eading, relating to Specia� Developmen� Dist�ict 7 ('�he Mark) . � . ORD�NANCE ND. 21, Series of �.977 , �irst reading, relating tn Title 9 of the Vai.l Municipal Code (Public Peace, Mo�a�.s and Welfare} , 5. RESOLUTTON NO. 16 , Series of 1977 , rela�ing �a U.S . �or�st S�rvice RARE II inventories ana r_�con�mending certain areas for Wilderness sf.udy. PRESENTATTONS G. Report regarding air qual.ity s�udy, 7. R�.ck He�1er residence - request for encroachmen� on Town of Vai1 property for parking space. 8 . Lionshead Plaza -- r�quest �or encaroachment on Town of Vail property for a cov�r�d bus stop. 9 . Vail Associ.ates Shop - request for can.ditional use pe�mit. 1.D. Tom Leroy -- reques-t £or setback variance for Lot 21 , Vail Meadows �'a.l�ng #l. �1.. Motion concerning 5tudio in �the Rocki�s. TOWN MANAGER REPQRTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPQRTS C�TTZEN PARTICI�ATIpN . � � � AGEN DA VAIL T4WN C4UNCIL REGULAR MEETING 20 SEPTEMBER 1977 7 :30 P.M. PUBLTC HEARING l. Oc�:ober 4 , I977 Bond E�.ecti.on, specifically Vail Mul�i- � Purpose 1��ena. ORD�NANCES AND RESOLIITIONS 2 . Drdinance No. 20, Series af �.977 , second reading, re�.ating to Special pevelopment Distric� 7 (The Mark) . 3 . Qrdinance No. 21., Serzes of I977 , second reading, relating to Title 9 0� the Vail Municipal Cade (P�blic Peace, Mora�.s, and Welfare) . 4 . Orclinance Na. 22 , Series of �977 , first r�ading, requiring wa�er sav�.ng devices for all new structures and a1.�erations. S. Ordina�ce No. 23 , Serie� o�' 1.977 , first readi.ng, prohibiting the depositing o£ xe�use in public ancl private �laces . 6. Ordinance No. 24 , Series af I97'7 , first reading, makin.g a supp�emental appropr.iation in the amount af $67 ,�20 from the Recreational Amenities Fund. 7 . Ordinance No. 25 , Series of 19'77 , �irs� reading, annexing the North Pulis Prope�ty to the Town of Va�l. 8 . Resolutian No. 17 , Series o�' 1977 , regardina the Town Council 's intention to impl.enten� the Mal� Act. 9 . Resolution No. 18 , Se�ies o� 1977 , authorizing the expendi� ture of Federal An�i-Recess.�on Fiscal AssiCtance Payments . PRESENTATIQNS 10. Uihlein residence -- request fox vacatian of prnperty line and easement for Lots 4 & 6 , Block 3, Vail Vi�lage Third Fi�.ing, and request for varianc� to a].low dwelling unit over garage. 11. Temporary appointment to Planning Comm�ssion. T0�1N MANAGER REPOR�S TOWN ATTORIQEY REPORTS CTTTZEI:� PARTICIPAT�ON r � � � MEETTNG ON VATL MULTI-PURP05E ARENA I . History - John Dobson II. Band Election Detai�s - Terry Ming�r �. King Ar�hur' s Couxt Proper�y 2. North Pu��s Property 3 . Mu1ti-Pu�pose Arena TTI. A�ena Prog�am - Pat Dodson IV. Design 5olutions - Wilhelm vqn ��oltke V. Axena Design and Scope - A�t Everett Vz . 5ite Planning and Landscape � E�don Beck VII. Budget and Finance - S�an Bernstein V�II . Cost and Timing - Dave Hull (Coh�n Const�uc�ion) �X. Bonding Considerations - Dan Herri�gtan Cauncil puestions Public Questions � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING � oc�oaER , ig�� 7 :30 P.M. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS l. Ordinaraee No. 22 , Series of 77 , sec�nd reada.ng, requiring water saving devic�s in tank-type ��ater close�s for a�l new s�ructures ar�d alteratians . 2 . Ordin.ance No. 23 , Serz.es of 1977 , second reading, proh�bitinq �he depositing of xe�use in pub].ic and private pl.aces . 3. Orda.nance No. 24 , Series of 1977 , second reading , making a supple�nental appropriation in the amount of $67 ,42a from the Recreational Amenities Fund. 4 . Ordinance No. 25 , Series ot 1977 , second reading, annexing �he Narth Pulis Property to the Town of Vail. S. Ordinance No, 25 , Series o� 1977 , first reading, aznendinq sec�aans 18 . 14 . 030 and 1$ .16. 030 0� -khe Vai� Mun�.cipal Code. PRESENTAT�ONS 6 . Fr�sentation of the Vai1. Planning Commission Resolution concerning the Vai�. Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2 . 7. Appointment o� members to Local Licensing Authority TOWN MANAGER REPORT5 TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITZ�EN PARTICTPATZON � � AGENDA VATL TOWN CDi3NCIL R�GULAR MEETTNG 18 OCTOBER 19'17 7 .3Q P.M. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS l. Ordinance No. 26 , Series nf 1977 , secon.d reading, amending section,s 18.�.4 . 030 and 1$ . 16 . 030 0� �he Vail Municipa�. Code. 2 . Ordinance No. 27 , Series of �977 , f�rst reading, regarding short-term tax antacipation nates. 3. Ordinance No. 28 , 5eries of 1977 , first reading, amending and subdividing SDD4 (Glen, Lyon) . 4 . Ordinance No. 29 , Series o� 1977 , first r�ading, rezona�ng a poxtion of Vail Run �rom RC to SDD5 . 5 . Resolutian No. 19 , Series of 1977 , authorizing pub�.ic sale of $2 . 3 mill.ion of �he Town' s G.O. bonds . PRES�NTAT�ONS b . Appeal o� Design Revi�w Board appr�val of Parsons du�lex, Forest Road. 7. P�esentatian r�garding iown of Vail 19'78 Capital Impravements Pxogram. 8. Discuss�.on regarding proposed 1977-78 Transporta�ion Center rate increase. 9 . Appointment of one rnember �.o �lanning Commissa.on. App�.icants : Scatt Hopman Jim Pott�r �oni Berns Dennis A7inshall Wi11. ��ill.er �.0 . A�poin-�men-t of twa memlaers to Design Review Baard Sa.an Commi�tee. Appl�cants : Toni Berns Fred Distelklorst Gail Strauch TOWN MANAGER R�PORTS TOWN ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PARTTCTPATION � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L REGUL7�1R I!'IE�TING 1 NOVEMBER �.9 7 7 7 : 30 P.M. ORDTNANCES AND RESOLIIT�QNS l. Continued from Oc�ober 18 , 1977 mee�ing: Ordinance No. 29 , Sera.es of 1977 , �irst reading, rezoning a portion of Va.i�. Run from RC to SDD5. 2 . Ordinance No. 27 , Seri�s af 1977 , second reading , rega�ding short-�erm -tax anticipation notes. 3. Ordinance No. 28 , Series of 19'77 , s�cond reading, amending and subdividing SDD4 tGl.en Lyon) . 4 . O�dinance No. 30 , Series of ].977 , �irs-t r�ading, amending Title 18 0� the Vail Municipal Code and re�oning ce�tain parcals within the Town of Vail in accordance wa.th Grorath Management recamm�ndations : Yntroductzon 1 . Overview 2 . L�gal aspects Plannina Process 1. Goals , Grow�h Management & Ci�izens 2 . Citizens Comma.ttee Recommendations R�commendations l. Amendm�nts to Zoning Ordinance a. Staff Presenta�a.on b. P].anning Commission Report c. Ci�izen Response d. Counci]. D�.scussian 2 . Rezoning of Specific �arcels a. S�taff Presenta�ian b. Planning Co�nm�ssion Report c. Citiz�n Response {by neighborhaod) (Z) Oral Presen�at�ons (2) Corresponden.ce d. Council Ac�ion 5. Reso�u�inn No. 20, Series o� 1977 , regarding G�ater Con.-- servai:a.or. Week. PRESENTAT�ONS 6 . Vail Ath�.�tic Club - requ�st f'or parka.ng variance for 9 cars. 7 . Appointment of two members to Sign Review Committe� o� Design R�view Baard. Applicants : Toni Berns Fred Dis-telhorst Gail S�rauch 8. Appointm�nt of Clerks and �udaes for November 22 , 1.977 Towrz Council. election. TQWN MANAGER REPORTS TQT�Ti�T ATTORNEY REPORTS CITIZEN PAR�'TCTPATTON � � AG�NDA VAIL T4WN COUNCYL REGULAR MEETING 15 NOVEMBER 1977 '1 :30 P.M. QRDINANCES ANb RESOLUTTONS l. Ordinance No. 3�r Series c� 1977 , second reading, amending Tit1e 1.8 of the Vail Municipal Code and �ezoning certain parcels wi-thin the Town of Vai�. .in accordance with Growth Management �ecommendations . 2 . R�sol.uti.on No. 21 , Series of 1977 , regarding the proposed purchase of Meadow Mountain Properties by the U.S. Forest Se�vice from Vail Associat�s , 2nc. PRES�;NTATZONS 3 . Creekside Building - appeal of Zona.ng Administrator ' s decision. TOWN MANAGER REPORTS TOT�TN ATTORN�Y REPORTS C�TZZEN PARTTC�PATZON . . � � AGENDA VAiL TOWN COUNCiL SPEC�AL ME�TING 29 NOVEMBER 1977 7 : 30 P.M. 1 . Oa�h of O�f�ce - new Councilmembers. 2 . Sel.ection o� Mayor. 3 . Publi.c Hearing regarding proposed 1978 Budget az�d Financia]. Pl.an. � � . � PUBLTC NOTICE NOTTCE IS H�R�BY GIVEN that at a sp�cial meeting of the Vail Tawn Counci� to be h�1d T�esday, November 29, 1977 , at 7 : 30 o' c�ock P.M. in the Gouncil Chambexs of �h� Vai� Munfcipal Building, in addition to conducting a public hearing regarding �he proposed I978 Budget and Financzal P�an , the Tawn Counc�� wz�l sel�ct and appoint one of its members �o s�rve as n�ayor. D�TED : N�vember 25 , 1977. /s/ Colleen K1ine � . Town Clerk � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCxL REGULAR I1+iEETTNG 6 DECEMBER 1977 7 : 30 P.M. 1. . United States Forest Service - Specia3 Presentation. Z . Approval of M�.nu��s : November 15 & No�r�rriber 29, 1977 meetings. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 3 . Continued from Navember 1 , �977 meeting : Ordinance No. 29 , Ser�.es o� 1977 , fixst reading , rezona.ng a portion of Vai1 Run �rom RC to SDD5. �. Ordinance No. 31 , Series of 1.977, first reading , regard- ing $2 , 350, 000 of the Town ' s General Obl.�.gation Bonds . 5. Ord�.nance No. 32 , Ser, ies of 197'7 , first reading, rezoning �he North Pulis Pro�erty fx�om Eag1e Caunty "Resource" Dis�rict to �he Town' s "Fubl�c Use" Distric� . 6. Oxdinance No. 33 , Series o� 1977 , firs� readi.ng , making a supplemental appropriation in. th� amount o� $17 ,OOQ from the Rural Transporta�ion Dc�monstratzon Program Fund. �- 7. Ordinance No. 34 , Series of 1977 , �a�rst reading , amending Sectaon 18 . 52. �7Q o�' the Vail Municipal Code to allow �or the leaszng o� private parking spaces. 8. Ordinance No. 35 , S�ri�s o� I977 , �irst reading , the Annual Appropriation Ordinance far the 1978 B�zdget a�� Financial. Plan af the Torvn o� Vai�. 9. Resolution No. 25 , Series o� 1977 , re�a�ding �he sa�.e of $2 , 350 , OOQ a� �he Town ' s General Obligation Bonds , PRESENTATTONS 10. Liansridge Nezghk�orhood Ox�ganization -� discussion regard- a.ny apen space acquisit�.on. 11 . Creekside Building -- appeal of Zanins; .A,dmznis�rator' s decis�an. 12. R�quest for resubd�v�sion of Tract D , Va�.l Villa�e l�.th Filing. �3 . HelJ.berg Res�.den.ce , Vazl Vil7.age 3rd Fili.n�; - request for variance to allow gra,vel driveway. 14. Breakaway �Vest - request far conditzonal use permit �o al�ow temporary swzmmin�; pool cover. 15. Ali.ce Parsons Residence - rec�uest fo�c encroachr:7ent of parking on Fores� Road. TOtiVN P.+IANAGER REPOPTS TOLYN ATTOI�NEY REPORTS C�TT�EN PARTICIPATi�UN � � � TEPdTAmIVE AGENDA VA�L TQWN COUNCIL R�GULAR MEET��TG 20 DECEMBER 1977 7 : �a P.�. J��N�' SESSION: TOWIV COUNC�L/VA�L T+�'ATER AND SANTTAT�ON DTSTRICT BOARD OF DIREGTORS PU$LZC HEARTNG: THE i'iiALL AC'�.' ORD�P3ANCES AI�TD RESOLUTIONS � 1. Conta.nued from Aecember 6 , 1977 : O�dinance No. 29 , Seri.es of 19�7 , fixst reading, rezaning a portion of Vai1 Run �xam RC to SDD5 . ?_ . Ordinance No. 31 , Series of 1977 , second reading , �egard- ing $2 ,350 ,000 of �he Town' s General �b�.igation Bonds. 3 . Orda.nance Na. 32 , Series of_ 1977 , second �eading, xezoning the Narth Puli� Prope�ty from Eagle Coun.�.y "�e�ou�ce" District �o �he To�rn' s "Public Us�" District. 4 . Ordinance No. 33p Sera.es of �.977 , second reading, making a supplemental. ap�ropriation in the amount of 517 ,000 from the Rura.1. mransportatian Deznon,�tration Prograr,l k'und. 5. Qrc�inance Na. 34 , Series o� 1977 , second �eadina, amending Sectian 18. 52 . 170 of �.he Vail Municix�al. Code to allow fo� the leasing of private narkin.g spaces. 6. Ordinance No. 35 , Series of 1977 , second reading, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance �or the 1978 �3udge� and Fin.ancia� �lan of -�he Town o� Vail. PRES�NTA'�.'TOi�IS 7. Lionsridge-Sandstone 2�eic�nborhooc� Organizata�on -- rec�u�st �or funding for open space acauisitian. 8. DiscussiQn reqa�ding smoking in puk�lic me�t.a.ngs . 9. Discussion regarding proposed Vendors ' Fee. 1Q. Vai� Ath7.eti.c Club - request �o� amendmen-t to pa�king variance �o pravide for c�mployee hausi.ng. 11.. P�cA�.lister P�o�erty - reques-� fo� conditional use permit to a1.�ow private c1.ub. 12 . Landmark - rec�ues� �or. setk�ack and parking variances . TOWN MANAGER I-2EPORT5 TOW�T ATTORNEY R£POP.TS CITI��N PAR'I'ICI�A'�'TQN � MERRY CHRISTA4AS �