HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Planning Commission Memos & Minutes January to June, 1977 AGE�DAS
Pl ann�ng Comtn�s.i.a� 1977
Janua�y• ��9�7Z
LO7S 4,5,fi,7,8 Blk 1 VAIL LIONSHEAD 3rd, resubdivis�ort
TRACT C,b:+Lot 8, " " "
LDT 9, BLK 1 , POTATO PATCH,-rezone
LpT 14, BLK 4, BIGHORN 3rd Addi�ion resub
Jar�uary 13,%1977
LOT � , BLK 2;�POTA�'0 PA7'CH rezone and resubdi v�de
LOT 9, BL K 2, POTRTO PATCH rezane
Jc'�uar�2�9;�T 9J7
L4T 14,:'BLK 4, BIGHORN S�B 3rd (80RWiCK, resub
T�1E MA�K - f-inal EIR
LOT 9;�8l.K 1,:�POTATO PA�'CH re zone
Jarruar � 27.�1977
�IANOR VAIL setback variance
LOT 1 , Bf.K 2, P0�'ATO PATCH 2nd,iresub
Februa�ry.��0, �1_977
LOT �1 , BLKZ, GORE C�EEK, Griffin setback
EMPLOYEE NOUSIf�G discuss�vn
Februa ���4;,%1977
LTONSH�AD 4th F�� ing, -Se�by/7afe� setback and �arking variance
STTE 9;idecrease from 90 to 60 un�ts
r 1�
'.� � r.. '� . - .
_ January E, 197�
� . Resubdivis�on of Lots 9�, 5, 6, 7, & 8, Bloc[c 7 , Vail Lionshead Tt�ird
2, Resubdivision af a port�on of Tract C and a portion of �.ot 8, B�ock 7 ,
Vai7 E.ionshead Third �i7ing.
3. Rezoning of Lot 9, Block i , Vail Potato Patch from HDMF to MDNiF
4. Resubdivis�on of [.ot 14, Bloc[c 4, Bighorr� Subdivisian Th�rd Addition.
5, LZonshead Theater
f '
.� Jan�tary 6, 1977
Dudley Abbott
�an Corcoran
Ed Drager
Pam Garton
Bill Han7on
Sandy Mi71s
Gerry Whi�te
Attached is the staff inemorandum which describes tl�e above-mentioned resub.
�erry White made a motion to approve �he request/qar� Corcoran seconded the riotion.
A unanimous vote was recorded in favor o�F the mo��on.
This resUb. is re�ated to the Lionshead Theater. By resubdividing this parcel of
property, it w�ll carrect a non-con�forminy iot size and con�Figuration,and will create
a conforming subdivision. It was noted that �he oniy way �Ch�s resubdiv�sion wi]1
be ap�roved by the owners of the ]and is i-F the L�onshead Theater variance is granted
�y the Counc�l . There was a7so discussion about ir�corpora�ing a 20' �edestrian
easement througk� �he property.
Gerry White made a r�otion to approve the resubdivision avith the incorporation of the
20' pedestr7an easement. Ed Drager secondec� the motion. A 4-1 (Mi17s against� vote
was recorded in �'avor o� the mation with Dan Corcoran abstaining. (Bill Han7on had
r�ot yet arrived at �he meeting).
Oiana ToughiT� asked �hat this ma�ter be pos�poned until next week. �an Corcoran
mad� a mo�ion to postpone discussion; Gerry Wl�ite secanded �he matior�, A unanimous
vote was recorded to ta�1e discussian. Ed Drager asked that the staff inves��gate
an alternate means of transpart thr.ough the �,ionsr�dge/Sandstone area -- this parce1
of land may be ti�e per�Fect lacation to �Eake some of' the pressure off of Red Sands�one
' Planning Commissio� �
' January 6, 1977
� Page Two
The Pla�ning Cflrnmission .had made a v3sual inspection of this proper�y last week. Applicants
would 1�ke �o subdiv9de t�e parcel into 6 dupTex lats with si.zes ranging from
15,5Q0 square fee� to 26,70Q 5quare feet. It was no��d that these lots are designed
ta meet the re�uireme�ts of the up-coming 40% s7ope requirements and tha� �he applicants
foZ1owed the s�aff request of no more than 4 uni�s per acre density in the
Leroy Tobl�r & Tim Garton made th� presentation of the proposed resubd�vision of
the Borwick Praperty ( Lat 1�, BZock 4, Bighorn 3rd).
The P3anning Commission felt very positively towards the resubdivisian but withheld
voting un��� the fo1lowing probiems have been worked out:
7 ) Easement committments �re: water)
2) Low wa�er �ressure �re: f�re protection)
3) Road profi3�s approved by Ken� Rose (re; sectians, cuiverts, cuts & fi17s}
4) The easement across �ot 13 (owned by Bonnie 0'Leary) should be
dedicated as a road
5) CATU service
6) Letter from Chen & Associat�s stating that the resub. is in line
w�th all geo�og�c concerns
7) How the parking is going to be hand�ed an the site.
This variance is for 11 spaces needed far the proposed retail area located on top
of the thea�er.
Jeff Selby & Ron Todd gave a historica7 description of the deve1opment of the theater.
In doing so they presented a schematic plan showing the developme�t wi�h the �1 spaces
needed for the retail area on the site, as well as the�r proposed plan showi�g no parking
on the site,
Attached is the s�aff inemorandum which aut7ines �h� Com�unity Deve1vpment Department's
concerns. It was suggested that the app� icants �nvestigate the addition of a loading
dock, and the placement of the cue sta�rway away from the bus s�o�.
Dudley Abbatt made a mation to grant �he parking variance for the T�eater; Ed Drager
seconded the motian. A 4-2 vo�e was recarded in favor of the motian (Mills & Hanlon
opposed & Corcoran abstained}. Milis and �anlon were against the variance beca�se
�hey fe1t that at a future time parking will be needed and that the trade outs
were nat good enough to �ust�fy the variance (i .e. completion of the mal7 , �andscaping)
Arguments for: the theater was a needed th�ng �or Lionshead; completion of �he ma7�
was necessary to the economic viabi1ity of the Lionshead area; on-site parking Vras
very una�tractive; committing the applicant �o a future need af parking was not
feasible or fair especially when looking at the unus�d spaces pr.es��t7y required
�� by the Zo�ing Ord�nance -- same sore of leasing agreement should be iooked into.
. ,
, ��MOaA�nur�
T0: P7anning Cammiss7on
FRONi: Department of Community Development
DAT�: January 6, 1977
RE: Resubdivision of E.ots 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, B�ack � ,
Vail �.ionshead �'hird Filing.
T�e applicant, Kiaser Morcus, is requesting a resubdivision of
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Third Fil�ng. This parceZ of
property present7y consists of a portion o� the Mark Property and Vai�l Associates
North Day Skier Lot,
The applicant would like to trade parcels of property with Uai1
Associates �n arder to mave the present parki�g 7ot further west so that his
� new proposed project would �'i� better within"'�he site. Wi�h the trade, 2Q
additiona� parlcing spaces would he added, �ut the square fofltag� of the new lot;would
remain the same as ��e old��u� �aving a�cif ef�e� con� �g�on.
The pepartmen� of Commun�ty Development foresees no difficulties with
the pro�osed resubdivision and recommends approval of the re�uest.
I�I ,_ - i303) ,�6B-62o1 . STOHM-DitA{NAGE � - . .
I P.O.BOx �axa - p.o.pox SZ=Q - - �
� .
January 3, 1�77
Mr. Mike Carlisle, Fire Chie�
Tawn of Vai�
P.O. Box 100
Vail , Cotorado 8]657
pear Mike: � �
We received the drawing of the praposed 6orwick Subdivision �rom yo�a
today and we would ] ike ta make some �r�lir�inary comments on behaif
o�' the 13ighorn Water District.
First, it aPpears that adequate wate�- pressur� cannot now be provided
to t1�e subdivis'san and that some means of increasing the. press�re will
i be r�eeessary. This cau�d be �ia .a booster pumpir�g statian, intercon-
r�ection to higher press�re zone, anc�/or storage abo�e the prnpose� site.
Whatever merhod is selected, it m�st provide adequate fire �laws as weli
as adequafe domestic service. W� wou�d recommend to the Distirict that
the devEioper be respansible for the cost of his share of any facilities
necessary to serve t�e site.
At this date, with 3 �mited time a�ailable before the January 6th dead-
. lin� you mentianed, it is na� possible to determine ei.ther the most
feasibl� service �i�e�hoc] nor the Distric�'s policy on service to this
pra�erty. We woujd just lik� to indicate that th�re is an unresotved
problem at this � ime. We are available to the applican� or his engi-
neer to discuss possible salutions.
Yours very truly,
By , ��� �
^' F'rancis D. Barr'e�t
cc: Waiter Kir�h
� Jim Collins
� �'
;. .
•°± ��u�, C����t�c� & C���, �1�t�.
I �
1740 Williams Street / Den�er, Colorado 80218 / Phone E303] 399-7053
� January 5, 1977
Mr. James �amon�
Planning �irector
Town of Vail
Bo� ioa
Vai1. , CO 8165'1
Preliminary P1at , Borwick
Resubdivision of Bighorn
Fi�ing 3 , Approxa.mately 3
Acres Cantaining 6 Duplex
Dear Mr. I.amont:
The Bighorn Water D�.s�r�ct has been xequested to respond
to the availability a£ water for the above-referenced praposed
Bi.ghorn Water District has previously indicate�. its abili�y
.- �o serve this prop�xty and does reaffirm i�s expectata�on �hat
watc�r service wa.I1 be available �a it. Afi. the present time ,
�rhe Distric� believes its Water Rights option contract with
Princevill� Corporat�on provides it w�.th more than adeauate
damestic water supplies �o serve the prospective build-out of
the Bighorn Water Da.strict. A1so at the presant tame , the Big-
horn Water Distric�. has jus� r�cent�.y consummated an intercon-
nection wa.�h the Gore Va�.1ey Wa��r District , providing back-up
water storage and raw ti+rater supplies in �he event of an emerge�cy
need. Finally, the Distra.ct is proceeding, along with �he other
water entities in the Gore Va11ey, to research and resolve remain-
ing water suppli�s , storage and capital �acilities issues . We
expect tha�. wi�hin the year this revised master plan for water
facili�ies in tihe Va11ey wi11 be complete and zhe B�ghorn Water
District is prepared to engage in eapital cons�ruc�ion which wi11.
serve the needs of its constituents.
We are aware of the wa�.�r pxessure problems of th�s particular
parcel . We believe that supplementary fixe flow pumps and/or sto�r-
ag� : on the property will resolve the existing problem. We �ur-
thex beli�ve that wathin a year fo3.�.owing th.e comple�ion of the
Valley-wa.de watex study that the supplementary water supply pumps
or storage wi11 be unn.ecessary, since pr�ssures in the area and/or
add�.�ianal storage will be increased so that the property wi11 be
i •
Mr. James Lamon�.
� January 5 , 1977
Page 2
ab3.e �Co be served norma3ly and adequately. Should development
take pl.ace prior to this time, o� course, such supplementary
water flow facilita.es would have to be installed by �he develop-
ers of the proper�y.
Finally, the T3istrict has an ou�s�anding issue with
Mr . Borwick, whic� could affec�. the ability to provide water
service . Consequently, unless this issue is resolve�. within 30
days- -this com�itmen� to serve will be wi�hdrawn. We wz�.1 for-
mal�.y ratify ox withdraw this commi�men� to you we1.1 befare your
�i� considerata.on of a Fa.na1. P1at.
if you have any �urther questions, please feel free to
con.tact us.
� James P. Co�.lins
I�yon, Co1.1.�ns �, Co . , Inc.
JPC : ah
cc : W. Kirch
A11 O�her Board Members
Thomas T . Grimshaw
Fxank Baxret�
ICent Rose
Terre�l Minger
Leroy Toblex, P .E .
T0: P�anning Cammission
FROM: Department o� Commun�ty Development
�ATE: January 6, 1977
RE; Lionshead Theatre Request for Par[cing Variance
and Resubdivision of a por�ion of Tract C and a
portion of Lot 8, Block 1 , Vaii Lionshead Third �'iling
Rich Tofel and Jeff Seiby have app3ied for the subject var�ar�c� in order
to a17ow the construction of a 380 seat t�eatre to be to:�ally underground, with a
1ob�y and ap�roxima�e7y 3,300 square �Fee� to retail space located above grade. The
site proposed for resubdivision is 11 ,480 square feet.
PAR�CIiVG VARIANCE: Required parking is 38 spaces for �he �hea�re
� and 11 spaces for the retail space. At the request of th� Plannir�g
Commission on preliminary review and Eldon Beck, a1T parking has
ueen removed from the site and landscapir�g and pedestrian improve-
ments subs��tuted. The variance r�ques� is for 11 parking spaces
far the Cammercia� area. The 38 spaces required -�or the theatre
are bezng satisfied by a joint-use parking agreement w��h Vail
�� Associa�es �r� the north day skier parfcing lat. �rnie Nunn af the
Forest Service has stated that he agrees with evening use of the
day skier 7ot but wouTd have reserva�ions of use of the theatre
were not s�ecifically designated for evening use.
i . The reiationship of the� requested variance to other existing
or potential uses and structures in the vicinity.
There are no other pater�tial theatre sites in the Lionshead area
which abut t�e ex.i.sting ma1T system and a7so adjacent to the major bus route,
The pro�osed site is unique 1n�his respect and forms a necessary completion of the
mall sys�em a� th� West end of Lionshead. Ti�e only structure ti�at could b�
adversely impacted is Montaneros and their view corridor is to the South; however,
the proposed bui]dings ar�e one s�ory in l�e�ght and the projec� is a def�n�te
aesthet�c improvement over the �xist�ng use. The lack of parking cou]d create some
,.� ,
.Lionshead Th�ater
'January 6, 1977
Page Two
: �
� prablems for �he surround7ng buildings i� theatre patrons drive and at�emp� to
park in private lots adjacent �o �he theatre; however, ther� is the large day�skier
]ot dlrect1y r�or�h of the sit� wh�ch is not used at r�ight wi�ach shou1d accommodate
auto traffic to �he theatre. Haurs of use of the '�heatre s�ould be strictly
contralled sa as not to cr�a�e a conf7�ct wi�h day-skier parking. We don`t feel
that we can 7ustify a pai^ki,ng variance �or t1�� addition o�' 3,300 squar� fee� of
retail space unless �he applicant can demanstrate that parking can be provided on
the site. We then feel we could justify removal of parking for aesthetic
re�sons to obtain more landscap�r�g. 7here have been no parking variances
granted in the Lionshead area except �hose removed �o allow more landscaping. This
could cansti�ute a serious precedent and grant af special privilege unless applicant
can meet the cri�eria outlined above, The r�tail space was added at the reques�
of £ldon B�ck who analyzed the project from stric�ly a design s�andpoint.
2, The degree to which relief from tf�e strict or 7iteral interpretation
and enforcement af a sp�cif�ed regulation is necessary to achieve
compatibility and uniformity of treatment among s�tes �n the
vicinity ar to attain t�e objectives of this ordinance withaut
grant o� specia� pr�vilege.
Str�ct interpretation of the ordir�ance v�au�d not a��ow the proposed
'�e wh�ch leaves the area in an unsi ht7y, muddy mess. A n��tber
buildin on �he si 9
of �arking variances have I�een gran�ed in l.ionshead (Vail Internat�onai , Sunbird;
Montaneros, Lodge at Lionshead) to a17ow for r�ore 7andscaping. In every case,
the parking ca�ld be provided but ]andscaping was more desirable in mee�ting the
�: goals of the Master PTan. The parking for the �heatre is sim�lar to the CroSSroa�s
request for joint-use parking and approval of the agreement would be in keep�ng with
treatmen� o�' Crossroads Cinenta as they were not required to provide separate parking
for �he thea�re. Ap�roval of the parking variance for the retail space, even
though it is extremely desirable as a terminus for the r�a71 and from a des�gn
standpoin�, would be a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by ather projects in
the area unless the app7icant can demonstrate that. on-site parking can be prov�ded
and that the pedestrian mall and more landscaping u�ould be des�rable. When we
have comp1eted a camprehensive parking study, variances of this na�ure may well
be jt�stifiable. We strangly suppart Eldon's recommendation for �he re��il space
and landscaping instead of parking but fee� that the par�cing niust be accommodated
in order to avoid the "CCI Syndrome" again.
3. The effect o� the reguest�d variance on 1�ght and air, distribution
of population, transpor�at�on and traff�c facilities, publ�c
facilities and �tilities, and publzc safety.
A positive impact cou�d be created pertaining to distribution of
popu1ation. The �ionshead area is in crit�cal ne�d of night-time ac�ivity to draw
peaple through the ma�� System ar�d create interest in the area. Transportation
could be impacted as we fee7 t�e majarity of theatre-goers w-ill use the b�s sys�em;
howev�r, use of pu6lic tra�tspor�ation �s lightest during the house of operatian
an� �he proposed �se shou1d not require additional public expenditure, Applicant
proposes to provide a waiting station for a bus stop within the project. We
foresee no adverse �mpact on the other fac�ors as �he bulk of the proposed use 3s
primarily underground.
- �, Li onshead Theatre
,]anuary 6, 1977
.•� Pd�� Three
] . Tha� the granting of the variances wi�l not cons��tute a grant
of sp�cial privilege incor�sistent with the 3i��tations on other
properties c1assified �n the same district.
Grant of th� theatre parking request is consistent wi�h
trea�ment o�F other sites and like facili�ies, W� feel approval of �he parking
variance would be grant of speciai privi�eqe and shou�d not be appraved unless
�he criteria outlined in Item 2 aboue can be met.
2. Tha� the gran�ing of �he variance will not be detrimental
�a �he pub�ic heal��> safety, or welfare, or mater�al3y injurious
to properties or i�nprovemen�s in �he vicini�y.
We feel the pro�ect would have a ver pos��ive impac� on the
neighborhood and wou1d nat be detrimental to any other properties in the vicir�ity.
3� 7hat the variar�ce is warranted for one or mare of the �o110wing
a. The strict or iiteral interpretation and enforcement of the
spec�fied regulations wauld resu7� �n practical diff�culty
� or unnec�ssary physicai hardship inconsis�ent with the
ok�jectives of this ordinance.
Se� description of the requested variance -- prac�ical diffic�lty
is created by the small lo� size and location of the exis�ing buildings. We
do no� feel , how�ver, tha� there is a hardship involved related to the parking
for the proposed retail space.
b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances ar
cond�tions appl�cab�e to the site of �he variance that do
not apply generally to other propert7es in �he same zone.
There are no other sites in the CC2 area of this size and dimension.
The proposed project so7ved a �ong-s�anding problem af a ver�r unsightly gravel
parking lot which probably cannot otherwise be resolved without c.ostly litigation.
�'he propasal also �rav�des a so�ution to the "end of �he Mall" q��ra���'Y �nd qives
much needed life to Lionshead.
The Department of Cammunity Developm�nt recommends appraval of
the requested joint-use agreement �or parking far the �heatre. We reco�mend denial
of the parking variance for the retail space unless the crite�^ia can be met, and
propose �hat �he app7icant �nvestigate the passibi7ity a� sharing space with another
�" praject which exceeds the parking requiremer�t. .
~�` �
Vail Associates,lnc. �
January 4 , 1977
Mr . Je�f Selby
Gore Range P�'operties
P.O. �ox 1528
Vaa�� , CoZorado 81657
Deax J�ff:
This Ie�tter is to con�irm our conversations �he a�her clay wherein
Vail Assoca.ates indica�.ed that it had no objec�i.on to the us� o�
oux no��h day-skiers parka.ng lot by the g�neral public during
evening hou.rs. Our understanding is that �ou contemplate develop�ng
a thea�tre at the wes� end of the LionsHead mal.1. which would be onen,
only during the evening. We would have no objec�.ion �o the use of
the north day-skiers park�.nq l.ot by theatre pa�rons c�uring th� hours
o� 6 :00 p.m. and 12 :00 midnight. Such k�ours �aould av'oid a con��ict
betw�en the parking requa.ze�nen�.s of yaur patrans and those o� our
skiers and still pezmit us to properly plow the 1a-� af�ter midnight.
�du should be aware, how�ve�-, that should you plan to offer matinee �
showings during the winter manths , there would � ik�ly be a direct
conf].ict wi�h the lot ' s intenc��d use to prova.de parking fa� our 5kiers
and our employees . By agreement urith the U .S. Forest Service , a
� minimum numbex of parking spaces must be available for skier use .
Accordingly, in recogni�ion of �his ob]�igation, we wil.7. continue to
control the daytime use of the 10�. �n acldi�ion, �here may be �imes
when the lot may be closed to the public for cnnstruc�.ion, maint�nance ,
or o�hez sirni.l.ax reasons , and again, we xeserve th� ric�ht �o close it
for such purposcs ��t ou� d�scxctian, although we bclieve tha� th�se
occasions wil� be infrequent.
By way o� clari�ication, this essential.ly represents our position with
xespect to the use of any o� our �ublic lo�.s by non-skiex�s . �7ack Barr,
our Mountain S�rvices Man.ager , is direct�y responsible fnr the aclmini-
stration of �hese pubiic lots and you shauld contac-L- him if you have
any further questions .
James R. Bartle�tt
-FXECU�IV2 Vic� P�esiden�
cc : Jack Barr
Town Council
Snx 7,Vail,Colorado 81657,303/G76-5601
� , r�' T.<<�.�r.
--� Agenda
; � January �3, i977
1 . Vail Associates, reques� to rezone and resubdivide Lot 1 , 81ock 2, Vai7 Po�ato
2. Rober� Lazier req�est to rezone Lot 9, Block 2, Ua�l Pota�o Patch .from
3. Presentation to the Council Members on the parking variance for Lionshead
- �:..
�, _"
� 1ur�ch Meet�ng
January 13, 1977
1 ) Request for printed cogy (up-dated} of the �on�ng Ordinance
2) Request for Continual up-da�ing re: litigation
3} General consideration of F{3gh Density Zones
4} EvaTuation of Grow�� Impact Ar�alysis rating sca�e
5) Parking --
a) gene�^al philosophy -w what it is/what it should be
b) reai situation -- as i� is/goal
c) grounds far variances (is �he ordir�ance realis�ic re parking requiremen�)
d) CCI Parking Contract Situation
� _ a-�
� ,
� , January 13, 1977
gudley Abbott
Dan Corcoran
�d Drager
Pam Garton
Sandy Mil�s
Gerry Whit�
V,4IE. ASSOCTAT�S, Request to Rezone and Resubdivide Lo� 1 , BTock 2, Vail Potato Patch
Roger Tilfcemeier, from Vail Associates, gave the Planning` Commiss�on some background
informa�ion pertaining �o the site in question. 1'heir prapase� plar� �s �a
down-zone �he property from MDMF to two family residential, and subdivide �he
property into four duplex ]ots and one single �amily lot.
At�ached is the staff commen� and recommer�dation wfiich was �or approva7 ,pravided
that the road right-of-way prab7er�i be resolved. Diana To�gh�ll d7d raise the
issue a�: possible "spot-zaning" per�aining to :the one single-family lot �ocated
with�n twa�family 7ots. VA's reasons for havir�g the orte SFR 1ot is that they
would like to have 4 good sized dupTex iots and l gaod sized SFR lot rather than
� 5 nominal sized lots zoned two family, and ��ere. seems .�Q be a na�ural boundary
�et4veen ;the SFR la�: and the adjoining dup1ex lot. if forced to have 5 dup7ex la�s,
one piece of ��^operty would have a natural drainage line right in the middle
o�F his lot,
it was suggested by Cammissioner Abbott �hat some other form of access be i�vestigated
o�her than the use of Sandstone Road w�iich is already tao congested ,ar�d becoming
a problem. The staff fe1t that th�s was an �tem �hat might be brought up as a
separate item on another Planning Commission agenda when the peopl� directly deaiing
with this probTem cauld be present.
As �here was no further discussion, Gerry Whi�e made a mo�tion �for approval of the
rezoning and resubdivisior� of l.ot i , Black 2, Va37 Potato Patch proV�de� tha�
Larry Rider review the question of 1 SFR lot v�ithin duplex zoning as "spot-zoning"
and �he appropriate action taket�> Dud�ey Rbbott secon�ed the motior�. A 5-4 .vo-�e
was recorded in favor of the mo�ion with Dan Corcoran abstaining.
The appl �car�t, Robert Lazier, requests dawn zoning the above-mentioned property
from HDMF to MDMF. F��s pre� iminary plans for the site inc7ude a 90 uni� project
with a GRFA af approximately 75,000 square feet. Ron Todd, t.he architect, gave
a presentat-ion of their preliminary master plan as well as sir�iiar p�ans locate�
on lower dens�ty zone districts. (This was done as a staff request for the
Planning Commissions information). Attached on the staff inemorandum is a char�
which compares the �roposal with the allowab7e factors in various zone distric�s.
Diana To�ghiii gave the staff presentatian which sumr�arizes the staff inemorandum.
She touched upon the fol7awing �ac�ors in re]ation to the project:
, . . PTanning Com�iss�o� -2- January 13, 1977
i ) Visual and aesthetic impact;
2� Popu]ation
� 3} �arki�g and traffic f7ow
4} Recreational amenities
5� R�Tationsh�p of the undeveZoped sit�s .in �he surrounding area to this
project as we1Z as the relationship of the deve7oped sites. It was noted
by �he staff that the genera7 neighborhood is of a residentiai nature
and wou7d a project af th�s size f�t in?
Commissioner Corcoran feit �hat the area is not pr�mari7y a residentiaT
area. There are a few single fam�Ty and duplex lot5 nestled in with mu7ti�famiiy
dwel�i�gs, i .e. Sandstone Condos. Brooktree, Almond Apts, etc.
Co�missioner White felt very favorabie towards the projec� in general .
According to the chart, the app7�cant has severely cu� �iis allowed site coverage,
a�ded �ore iandscaping, and has cu� down �he height of his buildings. He felt
�hat thas pro3ect was def�nitely in kee�ing with Growth Management was was willi�g
to vote on ��e praject,
Ed Drager, D�diey Abbott and Sandy Milis felt tha� �hey needed more time
to think about �he project and to dec�de which 1ower density zone is t�� most
approPriate given the exising canditions and charact�r of �he surrounding
neighborhood, A 3,3 vot� was recorded in favor of tabling fina� decisian until
next week.
� The applica�ts gave the same presentation to the Counci7 members present
as to �he P1anning Commission last week. The Plan�ing Commission voted 4-2 in
in favor of the �ark3ng varia�ce w��h Dan Corcoran abstaining a� their January 6,
1977 meeting.
Rod S�ifer
8i71 Wilto
John qobson
, �..i:�
i� .
70: Planning Commission
FRQM: Department of Commun�ty Development
DAT�: January 13, 1977
RE: Proposed r�zor�ir�g af Lot 9, Block 2, Vai1/Potato
Pa�tch f'rom HDMF ta MDMF
The applicant, Rabert T. Lazier, has requested a downzoning from }iDMF to
MpMF with a total maximum of 90 one- and two-�edroom units and a gross residentia�
f7oor area o#' app�^oximate]y 75,000 square feet.
The Planning Commission and the sta�Ff have discussed at great length what
the prflper zoning shauld be far �he subject property. We have a11 fe�l� that HDMF
� was too high i� density. Sirtce there seems to be no consensus, each zone d�strict
through reszdent-ial wili be compared for the si�e. (See a�tached chart).
There are several important fac�ors which tnust be considered hefore an
in�ellegent decision can be made to de�ermine the pro�er zoning for thls ir�portant
1 ) Visual and aesthetie impact -- Eldon Seck`s v�sual analysis of the
valley flags th�s si�e as on� with a great deal of visual impor�anee
due to its location and v�sibility from almost every angle -- It may be
�o our advantage to a13ow the additional un�ts and population in
order to gair� the covered parking and in turn less total site coverage.
2} Popu�a�ion -- 7he impact af popu1atian on the valley is critical to the
proposed growth r�anagemen� pjan. If we assu�ne that all our efforts
wi71 1ead us to a popu7at�an in the range of 30,000, HDMF zoning would
al�ow approximately 10% of the remaining population in th�s projec�;
MDMF' approximately 6% of �he to�a7 ; th� propased prolect approximately
3.6%; LDM�' a�proximately 2,3%; RC approximately 1 .�% and R less than
3) Relationshi of the use to �he develo ment object�ves of the Town --_
After contro7l�ng the population, our gaal has beer� to concentrate
� density near the ped�strair� areas and mass transportation. l��th �he
completion o�' the I-70 overpass, the proposed pro�ec� mee�s bath these
criter�a. It also has good auto access from the Nort� Frontage Road.
< < .s= Lazier -2- January �3 , i977
4) W� must also consider �he e-Ffect upon �raffic, with par�ic�lar
reference �o cangestian, au�omotive and pedestr�an safety and convenience,
.�. traf-�ic f7ow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow
from the s�reets and parking areas. 1"he proposed project couTd generate
i20 cars. I�' we assume the norma1 average trips per unit per day of
3.7 per unit, �t cou7d increase traffic on �he Frontag� Road hy 333 cars
per day. Th�s may not be a vaiid assumptian given the pedestrian over-
pass and the prox�mity to mass trans�t. There is adequate snow storage
area on the site. Careful attent�on must be given to er�try and exit
frflm the Frontage Road. Since the entrance to the Frontage Road is
on a fairly streep hill , we would strongiy recommend tha� there be
on1y one entry and exit paint rat�er than �he faur ramp sys�em as
5) Ano�her consideration is �he e�'fect of the proposed pro,ject an 7ight
and a�r, dis�ribution of popula�ion, �ransportation fac�3i�ies,
util7ties, schools, parks and recreation �aci7ities and other publie
facilities and publ�c �Facilities needs. The proposed project could
make i� necessary to add an add�tiona7 bus or larger bus to �he
� Sandstone route, There should �e little -�mpact on light and air as
buildings are �ower than �ast surrounding structures. The requested
down-zon�ng has a positive impac� on d�s�ribut�on ofr population as
it is significantly iower than �s now permitted. There cou'[d be some
3mpact or� schools if some units ar� long-term, and some impact on
water and sewer usage, as weT] as other utilities. Use of solar
energy on this south exposure should be carefully considered.
Adequate recr�ationa7 fac�lities sl�ould be encouraged on the si�e
� �o provide �or the project so as not to create an adverse impact
on public recreation fac-ilities. The proposed projec� is direct7y
adjacertt to the Sandstone Tot �ot,
b) Effect upon the character ofr the area in which the proposed use is
to be located mus� be considered, inc7uding the scaZe and bulk of the
proposed structures in relation ta surrounding uses. The character
of t�e Potato Patch/Sandstone area ha5 c�anged significan�ly since
Lot 9 was ariginally zaned HDMF; 9th �iling was down-zoned from
MDMF' to R as have twQ ather Potato Pa�ch si�es. �he entire Potato
Aatch area was down�zoned approxima�e1y 35% by Vai1 Associa�es at
the �ime it was subdiv�ded in 197G, The c�aracter is residential ,
primarily made up of 3ong-t�rm residents--short-term housing may be
in conflict with the �stablished character.
7) We must be extremely carefu1 in eva7uating the impact o�F th� prajec�,
both visual1y and physica77y, on the adjoining neighborhood. Speciai
care must be �aken that views are not blacked and that any surface
park�ng is scre�ned with landscaping to protect views from 9th Filing
and upper residential �ots in Po�ato Patc�.
S} Another considera�ion is the re1a�ionship of �he proposed project to
o�her existing ar potentlal uses and s�ruc�ures i� the vicinity.
One o�' the most importan� factors we must realize �s what can be
btt-i�t given the exis�ing zoning which would take an absolute minimum
. af 45 days to change. There are two remaining MDMF si�es and one HDMF
s��e in the vicini�y.
' � 3 - January T3, 7977
, ,.{•. Lazier
. ,
� hi5 is one of �he most important decisions
We, as a s�aff, fee� tha� t
ever faced by the P7anning Comm�ssion and feel that any decision reached should
be based on the positive and negative 'Factors enumerated, and nat on a staff
recommendation. We do, howev�r, fee1 t1�at down-zaning 7s very much ir� order,
but it must be decided whicf� lower dens��y zane is most appropriate given the
ex�st�ng condi�ions and character of the surraunding neighborhood.
r ��
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,�anuary 12, 1977
3'otal Site Area 214,273 S.F.
Total Caverage by Build�ngs 6�,400 S.F. :{28%)
Resider�tial 26,400 S.F. - (6 @ 44Q0 S.F.)
Parlcing S�ruc�ures 24,000 S.�'. -- (2 @ 12,Oa0 S.�'. }
Club House 7.,OOQ S.F.
l.andscaping an� Open Space 140,000 S.F. �-
� Tota1 Units - 90
42 one bedrooms @ 680 S.F. = 28,560 G.R.F.A.
12 two bedrooms @ 97a S.F. = 1� ,640 �.R.F.A.
36 two bedroams @ 965 5.�. = 34,740 �.R.�'.A.
Total Gross R�sidential F3oor Area 74,940 S.F.
{� Total Buildings w�th approximate3y 12,�9.�
G.R.F.A./Building. )
Ta�a1 Par�Ci ng 128 Spaces
fi4 covereci
fi4 uncovered
CR�SSROADS AT VAfL BOX 11$6 VA�L, COLQRADO 81657 476-5105
, � S
� � �.
�p: Planning Commission
FROM: Departmen� of Communi�y Development
DATE: January 13, 7977
RE: Uail Associates' Request to Rezone and Resubdiv�de
Lot 1 , Slock 2, Vai1 Potato Patch
�Q� 1 , g1o�k 2, yati� potato Patch conta�ns 8b,454 s�uare feet (6,541 acres)
a�d 75 presently zoned Medium De�sity Mu�tiple-Family which wou1d allow 30
dweZlin9 units to be cons�ruc�ed on the site. T�e request for resu�division and
rezoning is for five {5) . lots zoned two family res�dentia3 which wou7d allow
a maximum of 30 dwell�ng un��s, or a reduction in density of 20 dwelling un�t.
The resubdivision and rezon3ng of this site mee�s the specificatians
� af the subd�vision and zoning regulations except for �he fo]1owing:
� } We have alZowed the right-of-way width of Uiew Drive and Simba
Drive to be reduced to 30 feet. It shou�d be �4 feet, but this has
been reduced so �hat the raad conforms better to the to�ography
af the site.
2} Parts of the road right-of-way lie outside the boundary of the
praperty and are awned by the Sun Company an� Joe Staufer. These
easements must be acquired and of�ic�al7y dedica�ed �o the Town .
The Departmen� of Cammunity Development recomm�nds approval of this
rezon�ng a�d resubdivrtsion request. The density reduction �s i� line wit� the
presen� ef�art ta reduce densities in the Valley. 7h�s area o� Pota�o Patch is
re7atively fla� and can absorb the type of development proposed for the si�e.
.,.��--r: r .
, y 4
w '
TQ: Town Council
�ROM: Planning Commiss�on
DATE: January 25, 1977
R�.t Rezoning of L.ot 9, Block 2, Vail Pota�o Patch
from HDMF to MDMF
On �anuary 20, 1977 the �lanning Gommiss�on vated 5--1 in favo�^ of
recommending this proPosa1 in accordance with the staff inemorandum and
d�ve1opment chart.
In general the Planning Commission felt that �h�s request was 1n .
keeping with the �up-caming "�raw�h Management" program and �he schematic design
of �he proj�ct �Fit we11 wi�hin �he surrounding neighborhood,i .e. Sandstone 70,
Srooktree, Almond Apar�ments, e�c,.which 15 a predominate1y mu1t�-fami�y
neighborhood with a few residences nestled in. ( 5ee staff inemo �For complete description)
� Alternate residential zone dis�ricts were investigated closely in
relation �o this project (see chart located in the staff inemo) , and the Planning
Comm�ssion felt �hat the applicant had severely cut his a�lowed s�te coverage>
added t�ore landscaping, and cut down th� height of his buildings under the
al�owable o� MDMF.
Ed D�ager made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning wi�h
a 90 unit maximum developmen� to be placed on the apProval . Gerry White seconded
the mot�on. A 5-� vote was recorded in favor of the propasal . (Sandy Mi�ls
was agains� �ecause of �he ad�ed density ar�d �he location of the proposed praject) .
r Agenda
, �7anuary 20, 1977
. ,�
i Summary
January 20, 1977
D�tdiey Abbott
Dan Corcoran
Ed Drager
Fam Garton
Sandy Mil�s
Gerry White
�3im Lamont gave a brief up�date of the Council 's actions related to Planning Commission
Diana Toug��ll and t�re applicants, Leroy Tabler and Tim Gartan, gave a brief
�{� summary of the proposa7 (reference January 6, 1977 P.C. m�et3ng}. Most of �he
probTems men�ioned at the �ast meeting had been taken care of. One of t1�e major
qu�stions to be resolved before final p7at appraval is who wi7i be respons7ble
to pay for the CATV service? Tim Gar�on is to work that out with Frank Thompson
of the Vail CATU. Road ded�cations and pedestrian easemen�s are alsa to be
taken care of before final p7at appraval .
It was decided by the Planning Comr��ssion (Mills and Drager aga�nst) that the
$% land dedicatian was not necessary �n �his case -�- the land tha� wauld be
dedicated would be o� no reaT value or benefi� because of the lacatian �o the
TOV. 71�e applicant agreed to write covenents and ailow agricultura� zoning
to be placed on �hat parce� so that open space would remain.
�udley Abbott made a motian to approve �he preliminary resubdivision pTan withaut
the land dedication; Gerry Whit� seconded the motion. A 4-2 vote was recorded
in favor of the motion (Mills & Drager apposed) .
John Ryan gave a brief descriptian of �he changes in the Mark's EIR re�ort.
�he a�dit�ona� factors �o be considered cons�sted of:
i ) Ecanomic Impact
2) Bus Sys�em
3) ne�v sectior� dea7ing wi�h Mitigating Strategies
The Plar�n�ng Comm�ssion de�erred fina] action an the report untii next week when
they wi31 have had time �o comp�e�e�y rev3ew it.
�i � a:�A- �:
, :
Plann�ng Commission -2- January 24, 1977
As requested by the �lannin� Commission, a� their January 73, 1977 meetir�g,
�he appl �can�t, Rob�rt Lazier, returned �o the Plannir�g Commission for a f3na7
vote on his request (reference January ]3, ]977 meeting� .
After considerabie d�scussion, Ed prager made a mot�on to approve �he rezoning
wi�h a 90 un�� maximum development to be pTaced on t�e property; Gerry White
secor�ded the motion. A 5-i vote was recorded in favor af �he �otion (Niills
aga�ns�) .
As �here was no 'Further business to d�scuss, the meeting was adjaur.ned.
� . ►� ,
��` Agenda
, January 27, 1977
1 , The Mark Environmenta7 Impact S�a�ement -- Final approval
2, Manor Vail -- Request �For setback var�ance on B�i7ding B
3. Resubdivision af La� 1 , Black 2> Vail/Patato Patch 2nd F�ling
�inai plat apprava�
4. D�scussion of Timberfal1s zoning -- Ron Riley
;�.. ,
� Summary
January 27, 1977
Dudley Abbott
Dan Corcoran
B�11 Hanlon
Ed Drager
Sandy Mills
Gerry White
Th� appl �cant, Kaiser Morcus, had no additionai commen�s to r�ake,so Diana
7augFt�11 autlined the staff inemorandum.to �he A7anning Cammission. Areas that
should be noted or iden�ifie� some prob7�m areas were as fol7ows:
1 ) Occupancy data �- s�aff fe3it that �he figures were understated
approximately 1i�-12% during the peak t�mes.
2} OverfTow guests --- where wi17 they stay?
3) Employment -, more jobs created but poss�ble 7ack of emp7oyee housing
for peop�e employed not at the Mark
4) Recrea�ional A�nenities
5} Energy Consumption --� alternate energy sources should be it�vest3ga�ed
and possibly �ncorpora�ed into the design process
6) Sewer Capacity -�-� it was noted that the project wil� E�e completed
summer of 1975 ra�h�r than wir�ter of 797� (phase I of the project) --
this should have a benefi��a� effect upon the sewer capaci�y
7) surface runoff
8) fireplac�s -- the �otal project is limited to two f�replaces
9) pedestrian access from the projec� to Lionshead
10) parking
11 } increased bus usag�
The Planning Commission fel� tha� the repar� eovered all of the areas that needed
� to be discussed and was very cor�plete. The mitigating r�easures must be followed
throughou� the p�^ojec� as was out1ined in the Report,
�udley Abbo�t made a motion to recomm�nd approval o�f �he report provided
that the mitiga�ing m�asures must be fo�1owed �hroughout the project; Gerry
White seconded the mot�on, A unanimous vote was recorded in favor of recommending
approval of the report.
� -
. � . , P�anning Commission -2- January 27, 1977
, �
` Dick E1Tas gave a presentation af t�e des7gn af 8uilding B and explai�ed why
the proposed variance o�F approx�mately 8 fee� is req�ested.
Diana Toughill went through the s�af� memo (attached) and recammende�d approva1
of the req�test,
Gerry White made a motion �o approve t�e request; Dudiey Abbott seconded the
motion. A unanimous vote was recorded in favor af the request,
It was noted that t�is plat and resubdivision request has been changed to
incorporate 6 dup1ex lots rather than 4 single�family and 1 duplex lot as
was originally proposed.* Jim Lamont requested tl�at the applicant obtain a
let�er from CA7V stating who is going �o prov�de the service, who vriTl pay for
it, when it wil] be put �nto effect before the fina� piat �s brought before
the Counci� for action.
� * This change was made due to 7ega� imp7icatians of possible "spot-zoning".
Ed Drager made a motion to recommend approval. of the requested resubdivision
provided that the applicant subm-it a 1etter of committment to revegetate th�
� cut areas far the road and to do proper bank recontouring; Gerry White seconded
the motion, A 5-0 vote was recorded in favor of the r�otion, �an Corcoran
abstained from the vote.
Ron Riley, representing Timberfails, wou1d li[ce to volunteerily dawn-zone his
property provided tha� he get a guarantee -�rom the planning cvmmission or
council tha� h9s project would not bet down zon�d agair� when the Growth Manage�rent
pragram is put inta effect.
I� was note� by the staff & Planning Commiss�on t1�at this kind of comm3ttment
can't be made, The ar�as that will prabab7y be down zoned wi�hou� dens�ty
transfer wi71 be hazard zoning: mass wasting, avalanche, f7ood pla-�n, rock fail
It was sugges�ed that the applicar�t create a special deveiopment dis�rict ;
incorporating his existing zoning, �his wouTd aiTow h�s a "cushion"' aga�nst
�- � �
• � M��oRANou�
T0: Plannir�g Commissian
FROM: Depar�ment of Community �evelopm�n�
DATE: January 2'7, 1977
R�: 7'he Mark Environmental Irr�pact Repart
The Department of Commun�ty Development has rev-�ewed �he revised impact
statement for the proposed Mark project and have the fo1lowing statements:
1 ) Given occupancy data produced as a part of the Growth
Manag�ment Study, �he potent�al peak pop�lation impact could be und�rstated (page 9. )
2) The estimated overflow guests raises an interesting
question -- are there er�ough vacant rooms in the Lionshead area to accommoda�e
� the overfiovr? lls�ng the occupancy characteris�ics out7ined on page 9, a to�al of
438 condom�nium units or 875 accommodation units wouid be necessary to �ouse �he
guests tha� couid not stay at the Mar�C. �'he gr.eates� overflow is projected in
Ju�y. Using current units s�arveyed �n Lionshead (acco�moda�ion for approximately
2,675 people} and occupancy figures far those uni�s (51% �n July) and assumir�g
their occupancy wi17 increase at the same rate projected for the Mark, ad�quate
accommadations da not presently exist. Approximate7y 200 addi�ional accommadation
units or ]00 condominium units would be necessary. With the proposed comp7ex on
the Va�l 8 site, there shau�d be enaugh units in Lionshead (page 22}.
� 3) Projected employment of 272 persons at fuii capacity
creates an add�tional 129 jobs whlch in turn creates the need for additianal empToyee
housing units, If we assume that 80% of t}�e emp�oyees reside �r� the Gore Valiey
and that each employee unit houses an average of 3 persons, an additional 34 emp�oyee
� dwe�ling units (impact r�port estimated 40) would be required, Ka-iser contra7s
Fall Line apartments which he uti1ized for employee hous�ng. There are 54 apartments
, Mark Environmental Impact Report -2- January ZI , ����
� in the comp1ex or possibly fewer than the add�tional demand created by the project
�i,�` (page 24 & 31 ) . The additional residents ge�erated in Eag1e County compounds
this. We must also consider �he non-Mark emp7oyees t�at will be d�splaced by
�ark employees.
4) I� an analysis of projected revenue to the �own of
Vail , one important category has been over loo�ed -- the Recreational Amentities
Tax of approximate�y $81 ,OOQ.00 of which approxima�ely $25,000 w�11 be retained
by �he Town a�ter appropriate credit for on-site amenities �as been gran�ed. Another
major income category is tap fees to �h� Water & Sani�at3on District of in excess
of $60,000.
No at�empt was made �o estimate increased li���� ine waiting time crea�ed
by the Mark (p�fl b�b�Y �� ��possible task as the use charac�er�stics of Lionshead
will probab1y change with this h�ing the on�y Gondola) . Sut, if we assume an
average lift wai� of 15 minutes, a �9% �ncrease would be no more than a 3 minute
• increase which daes not seem significant (page 37).
5) The negative impact of fireplaces has been lessened
by l �miting fireplaces �0 2 in publ3c areas (page 40).
6} Energy consu�ption has been addressed, but the repart
does not sta�e whether the additional naturaT gas and electricity is avialable to
meet the demand. We would agai� strong1y recomme�d that alternative energy sources
and conservation techniques be thnroughly investigated �page �1 ).
7) Sewer capacity seems �o be a possible proble� during
the 1978 season, but wi17 be reso�ved prior to �he 1979 season. In the meantime,
the Town will be p�acing the burden on the Up�er Eag�e Va�ley Sanita�ion System,
which they will be equipp�d to handle (page 43).
8) Surface runoff should be provided for as out�ined in
the repor� or by an alternate method, This shouZd be a reqUire�ent for approval
� of th� E.I.R. (page 44).
` Mark Environmental Impac� Report -3- January 27, 1977
. • , � ,
. 9) Pedestrian access through Lianshead �o the gondo7a area
� must be tharoughly st�died by the Town and Vai1 Associa�es. The Mark pTan must
pravide access through the project from the West Parking Lot (page 45) .
10} The F'ores� Serviee is providing a general policy
s�atement regarding day-skier parking lot use. There appears �a be no problem in
�tilizing the west iot for� overflow parking in the summer months {page 46). If
curren� winter parking trends cant�nue, convent�ons during this time shou�d have
adequate on-site parking,
11 ) The estimated increase in bus useage generat�d by the
project tends to indica�e the necessity of purchasing at least vne additional bus
to serve the project, The estimated additional revenue generated annual�y is sufficien�
to purchase severa7 new buses each year �page 49 - 52).
We strongly recommend that �he Plar�ning Commission review the proposed
mitigatior� measures in detail and make recommendations to the Council �o incorporate
the.necessary measures as a part of tt�e �inal approva7 , Our staff specifically
recommends adopt�on of a11 the mitigation strategies that app�y to design and
iandscaping (page 54) and pedestr�an circulation (page 55) . A spec�fic require�ent
for on-si�e emp7oyee parking should be required during winter months (page 57).
A7ternatives outl�ned for large groups during winter season should be
carefully considered.
The Department of Community Development recor�mends approval of the f�nal
draft of the Mark Impact S�atement. A1] areas of concern liave been adequately
• ` � a
. ,
T0: Planning Commission
FROM: qepartment of Community Deve�opment
DAT�: January 27, i977
R�: Manor Vai� Setback Variance Request
The applican� �as requested a se��ack variance on the east side of B�ilding
B of the Manor Vai� Lodge in order to construc� a single s�ory circulation
hal�way addition. The required setback i� 12 feet �0°� inches; the applica�ior�
proposed a setback of 2 fee� 6 ir�ches at the eastern corner of the proposed
addition. Th� area in violation is a triangle wi�h a base of �1 feet and a
h�ight of 24 �Feet. This triangie is shown in red on the enclosed site plan.
The reason stated by the applicant for the variance is to improve the
appearance of the finished �roduct by �erm�tted a regu1ar instead of an irregular
shape and allow �For improved circulation within the bu�lding.
The Depart�nent of Cornmuni�y Development has review�d the criteria and
findings provided for in Section 19.600 of t�e Zoning Ordinance and our conciusions
are as follows:
� ) The relationship of the requested varia�ce to other
existing or po�e��ia� uses and s'�ructiari�s in the vicinity.
The sma7ler triang1e on the rear side of the building daes
not interfere w�th exis�ing or �vtential uses in the vic�nity. Directly behind
the rear of the buildir�g is a greenbelt ar�a which extends down to Gore Creek.
The location of the variance is more than 100 feet from the Creek. 7he require�
s�tbac�C from the center o� Gore Creek is 50 fee�,
2) The degree to whicl� relief from the stric� or literal
� interpretation and enforcement o� a specified regulation
is necessary �o achieve compatibility and uniformity af
treatment ar�ong sit�s in the vi:cinity or ta at�ain the
objectives of this ordinance w3�hout grant of special priv�lege.
. • Manor Vaii Se�back Variance -2- January 27, 1977
. ,
� � . .
+ J �e�ief from s�rict or l�teral interpretation is beir�g sought
� sa �Cha� t�e bui�ding is mare in con�ormar�ce wi�h bulk regulatians and so that th�
proposed addi�ion fits in with the shape of the existing struc�ure. The Northwoods
project is comparable to the r�quested setback as a part of �he SDD approva7 .
3} �he effect of the requested variance on light and air,
distribu�ion a� population, transportation and traffic
facili�ies, pubTic �acilities and utilities, and publ�c
saf ety.
Y�e see no adverse impacts upon these factors
4} Such other factors and criteria as the Cammission deems
applicable ta the proposed variance.
No additional factors seem �o be pertinent.
7he Department of Community Deve7opment fir�ds t}�at:
1 ) 7he grantir�g of the variance wi11 not cons�itute a
grant of specia� privilege ir�consisten� with the
limi�at�ons on other praperties classified �n the
same district,
� See section 2 of the cri�eria and findings.
2) That the granting o�' the variance will not be detrimental
to the pu6lic health, safety, or welfare, or materially
injurious �o propert�es or improvements in the
No other str�ctures or propert�es are located adjacent ta
the pro�osed setback reques�.
3} That the variance is warranted for t}�e fol1owing reason:
There are exceptional or ex�raordinary circumstances
or conditions applicable to the site of the var�ance
that do not apply g�nera�ly to other prop�r�ies in
the same zone,
The area being considered in �he variance request wi11 be
a�tached to a bui�ding which pres�ntly has a r�on-conformir�g setback distance. The
variance request is warranted due to �he pas� his�ory of �h� building, and due
to the fact �hat �t wi17 imprave the use and appearance of �he present site.
� The De artment of Corr�munity Deve1opmen� recommends approval of' this variance
as requested.
� �
� Ag�.nda
Febacuary 10, �977
Lat 11. , Block 2, Go�ce Careek Subdivision
2, Discussion o� Emp�.oyee �iousing
3. Discussion a� Hazard �on�.ng Ordinance
, A
� Surnmary
February 10, 19'77
Dudl�y Abbott
Dan Corcoran
Ed Drager
Pam Garton
Bi7.I Hanlon
Sandy Mills
Gerry White
Merv Lapa�n and Dzana Toughill , �oning Adm�nistrator , brough� a disagreement
as to �he interpretation o� Section 3, 505 0� �he Zonang Ordinance
to the Planning Commission fox �inal dec�.sion, The interpretation of
Section 3, �05, Dens�ty D�fin�.tion �or 2-�Family R�sident�al�, is a�sa
rclated to Section 1 .600, The Planni.ng Comrnission decided unanimously
in favor of� �he Zoning Adm�.ni.stra�or' s int�rpretation.
A�tached is the staff inemorandum �elating to this application.
BiJ.I. Hanlon made a mo�ion to recommend approval a� the setback varia�ce
as outla.ned in the staf� �nemorandum; Ed Dr�.ger seconded tYie motion .
A unanimous vote was recorded �n �avor of the motion,
These two items were postpaned unt�.l February 17, �.977.
. DRT�: F�BRUARY 10, 1977
L0� II , BLOCK 2, Gore Creek S�bd3vision
The applicant has requested a se�back of 15 feet from the front property
line in lieu of �he required 20 fiee� in order �o construc� a single family
�esidence, The variance is requested in order �o conform �o the �equired 50
foo� setback requiremen� fror�� GQre Creek and due to the topography of the la�.
The Departmen� ofi Community Development has reviewed the crit�ria and
findings provided fior in Secfiion 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclu-
sions are as follows:
The relationship of �he reques�ed variance to other existing
� or poten#ial uses and strucfiures in �he vicinity.
The plans for �he propased struc�ure would have no. adverse impac�
on o�her existing or proposed structures in �he area� �here are several o�her
lots in the Gore Creek 5�bdivision wh�ch will �equire similar variances in
order to p [ace house5 su���cienfily away from Gore Creek,
The degree ta which reliefi from the strict or kifi�ral interpr�fiation
and enforcement of a specified regula�io� is necessary to achieve
compatibility and uniformity ofi treatmen� among si�es in the vicinity
or �o attain t�e abjec�ive5 of this ordinanc� wit�aut gran� of special
One o# th� objectives of �he Zoning Ordinance is �o protect �he
en�ironment and to discourage excessive cu�s or fills. The propase� location
of fhe residence is in keeping wit� this objective. Existing houses in the
• area which were bui {t pri�r fo zoning are as clos� �o or clos�r �o the front
p.roperty lines due �o the same lof con#iguration problems. ��e have not had
� any residences constructed along Gore Creek sinc� the insfii�ution of the creek
se�back requiremen�.
' , G;°iffin w February 10, 1977
The effect of the requested variance on ligh� and air, disti�ubtion
of populafion, transportat�on and traf#ic facilii'ies, publlC faclli�fes
� and uti I �-�ies, and publ ic safie-�y,
We do not fioresee any adverse e�fec�s upon �hese #acfors. The propased
res3dence is quite small ( �ess ti�an 1 ,000 sq. ft. of site coverage) and a fow
prof i l e.
Such o�'her fiac�tors and cr i#er i a as the Comm i ss i ar� deams app I i cab l� t'o
the proposed variance,
No add i fi i ona 1 faci�ors seems 1�o be per�'i nent.
The Deparfinent of Communi-�y �evelopmen�F finds 1'hat:
Tha# the granting of the varianc� will not consi�itue a grani' of
special privi {ege inconslsten�' wi1-h �he I imi-hations on other proper-hies
c k ass i f i ed i n ti�e same d i s�'r i ct,
We -Fee1 it is mare impnr�'ant to preserve the Gore Greek stream bank
a nd avo i d excess i ve cui's or fi i I l s tF�a n r-ec�u i r�e p rec i se l y 20 f eet o# f ront se�back.
The lot topography and location o� stream bnaks dlc�'ates proposed placement of
� �'he residence on the site. Considering the very smali size o-F tha propased
res i dence, i�' wou I d be nea r I y i mposs i b l e to con5truc�F ar�y�h i ng on the s i�'e
without some variance, ei-hher '�rom the front or from `Fh� stream. We do not
fee I -hhat �'he gran�t of �'he var i ance wou I d be a grant of spec i a l pr i v i l ege.
The Departmen�h of Community Development recommends approval of the
requested setback variance,
- Rge�da
� ��� February !7r 1977
1 , Cartwright/M�ieller Subdivision
Preliminary Review
2. Selby/Tofel setback variance and/or parking variance-
;� �(.�/��
r �;
;: � ' �
� Agenda
February 24 , 1977
l . Selby/To�el -- request for setbaek variance or request for
parking vaxiance and setback variance -- Lionshead 4th filing
2. Si.te 9 -- decrease �rom 90 units to 60 units as requested by the
3 . Car�wrigY�t/Mue�.ler proposed resubdivision of Lot $, Vail Va.11age
J.Oth Fi�ing
4. Pulis property pre�zminary hearing on the possibilty o� a PUD for
a porti.on of the Sunburst property and the 14 acres north o� I-70
acxoss from the Go�.� Cour�e
February 24, 1977
Ed Drager
Dan Carcoran
Pam Garton
San�y Mxlls
Gerry Wh�te
The applicants proposed two options �o. the P�anning Commission.
Option A required a setback va�iance on �he nor�h side of the
proper�y and a 17 parking space variance. Option B, which would give
more landscaping, requixed a 16 parking space vaxianc�.
�ef� Selb� gave a brief history of events su�rounding the
various variance appXications and the Counc�l reaction .
� Ed Drag�r made a motion to grant a 9 feet setback variance;
Dan Coxcoran seconded the motion. A unanimous vote was recoxded in
favor of �he motion. Ed Drager then made a motion �o recominen d
approval of the 16 parking space variance �or the 4,864 square fEe�
af cammexcial space with the s�rpulation that $3, 500 p�r space be
pu� into a es:crow account 99 similar to the CCI agreement. Pam
Garton seconde� the mo�oin. The motion failed on a .2-3 vote .
At this t�me Pam Garton suggested a zoning amendment so that
the I6 spaces cauld be us�d from th� �andm�rk Pa�king Lot (which is
awned by Se1by) on a leas�ng bas�s . �d Drager �ade a motion to
approv� that suggestion; Gerry Wh�te s�conded the motian. A 5-0
vote was recorded in �avar of the motio�. Up�ion B was ap�roved.
T�e developer, Bob Lazier, voluntarily wants �o down-zane the
property from 90 uni�s to &0 maximum. This would be a reduction fxam
6 bui�dings on the pr�perty to 4. There would also be a di�ference
in 30 sur�ace paxking spaces. It was noted that the majar�ty o�
the project would be 2 and 3 bedraam uni�s.
Gerry Wh�te made a motion to recommend approval of this request .
Dan Corcoran seconded the rnotion. A unanimous vo�e was recorded
i . , _
, . : _. . _
.: ._ . _ _, - , ,
�. -
CARTWRIGHT MUELLER --- r�subdivision of their l.o� in the lOth �ilin
The applicants would �ik� to sui�divide theix lot into 2 single
family residenta.al dwelling units, with condztionai uses as s�ipulated
in the Zoning Ord�.nance. (This proposa� was di�cusscd at the Feb. 17
meeting wi�h J'ay Peterson rep�°esen�ing the applicants . �
Geacxy Whi.te mad� a motion ta recommend approval. o� the
subdivisa.an; Er� Drager seconded �he motion, A 4-0 vote was recorded
(Dan Corcoran abs�ained. )
The applicants would like the �.'7 acres, on the noxth side
of I-70 accross �rom the Gol� Course (not within �he Town limits) to
be cons�.dered for LDMF zaning with the x�sid�ntial portion of Sunburst
property �oned LDMF i� res�dential is not pract�.ca1. The:re woul.d
be the possibility o� 30-40 hom�si�es.
They then went on to give the current status af the Sunbur.st
project . The Owners (FDMI) would like to sell the existing una.�s
individualiy , It was n.oted that a ce��if�cate of occupancy
� could probably be �.ssued if the area was resubdivYd�d and rezoned with
Ghe landscaping requirement campleted.
The Sunburs� PUD called for 585 units on a 40 acre parcel.
72 una.ts presently exist with plans a�n the making for 30--40 additiona�
homesites . The area north of I-70 at LDMF .�oni�g (12 units per acre)
would ga.ve approxima�e�y 150--200 long�te�m housing units , {There
e�is�s about 14 buildable ac�es . )
The P�anning Commission did not make any mata.an at th�s
As �here was no �ur-�her busa.ness to discuss, tk�e meeting
was ad�ouarned.
P>. . . � � .. .
f y M1 A
DATE; F�SRUARY 24, 1977
LIONSHEAD 4th Fzling
Rich Tofel and Je�� Se�by have applied for variances which consider
two di��erent proposals . O�e requires a setback variance of 9 ' and
a parking variance for �6 spaces for 4 864 s , ft . of commercial
� q
space; �he second proposal is fox 4, 558 sq, ft . o� commercial space
which requires a setback var�ance o� 9 ' and provides 1? undexg�ound
parking s�aces , �or a recap o� all issues involved in th�s particular
szte and pro�ec�, p�ease see staff inemoranda dated Oc�ober I4, �976 and
January 6, �977. Issu� of setback va�iance will not be discussed as
� the same factors have been previously covered in the memos. The pri-
ma�y issue as we see it is the request �or a parking variance for X7
cars with a reques� �hat it be handled �n a similar way to those granted
�n Commexcial Core I . The applicants have stat�d to �he Council that
they would be willing to escrow su�f�cient money to cover the $3, 5p0
cost of a pa�king space at �he �ime they rece�ved a Building Permit .
l. Th� r�lationship of the xequested varianc� �o other
ex�sting or potential uses and struetures �n �he
There are no ather similar sites in the Lionshead area whxch abut the
existing ma�1 system and also ar� adjacent to the majox bus xoute.
The proposed pxoject forms a necessary comp�et�on �or the west end of
the Lio�shead ma�l system. It is very probabXe that Vail Associates
� s
� . . ��el�y/Tofel
. February 24 , 1�977
Page 2
will app�y for a large variance to remode�.: th� Gondola II Buildiz�g if
. � this variance is granted, In our J'anuary 6 memo we feJ.� that we could
not ,�ustify a variance un].ess t�.e applicant couZd demonstrate tk�at
parking could be provided on the site and then removed fflr aesthetic
reasons, which �hey ha.ve been able to do.
2. The degree to which relief f�Qm the strict or la.teral.
anterpre�ation and enfoxcement of a specified regulation
is necessary �o achieve compatibi�.ity ancl uniformity
o� treatment among sites �n tize vicinity or to attain
the objec�tives o� this ordinance wa.thout grant o�
special privi�.ege.
A number o� parking variances have been graza�ed in �,ionshead (Vail
Internationa�, Sunbird, Montaneros, Loclge at Lions�aead} in ox°der ta
allow for more Iandscaping, The mall sys�em would probai�ly work
better if there were not the con�l.zct be�ween cars and pedestrians
introdtzced and alsa a more attrac-�ive laz�dscaped area could be
Many variances have been g�anted in Commercial Core 1 with the pro-
viszon tnat �he applicant pay far s,�aces in the Pa,rking Struc�ure.
Da�a from recen� parking surveys iridicate that public 3.ots in Lions-
� hear are at capacai.ty and that pravate �ots are less than 50% fu1.�.
which seems to imply that more pt�blic parking and Iess pxivate parkin
are necessary. If we were �o escrow money wh�ch might have 3�een speng
an privat� parking which is not being uses and ins�ead apply it to
s�ructuri.ng addi�ianal parki.ng in th.e public lots, both public and
private needs seem to be best sexved. The fo`llowing is a recap of
', �our days af surveying private and publi.c parking lots :
% Occu�ied � :Occupied
Covered Uncavered % YM Cars
Hilton 51. 5% 0. 0� 4, 1%
Vail Interna�a.anal 59. 1 29. 3 g , �
Sunba.rd � 72. 0 �2.5
V. A (Gondola) 66 . 6 66.6 �g, p
Lionshead Lodge 66.6 40 15. 7
Treetops 27. 5 27. 7 4. 2
Lz.onshead Centex 4� ,� �7 � �� 5
Lifthouse/Vail 21 71 .7 45. 3 44. 0
Vantage Poin� 50, 0 42 , 3 17, $
Westwind 57. 5 66. 6 28. 2
Landmark 71 . 1 49, 7 2$. 0
Va�.lglo 64 .4 p, p g. �
Enzian ��, 5 15, 1 29 . 0
Mon�taneros 92.7 �4. 7 13. 6
� Mark 63. 6 37. 0 13. 4
La.an Square North 33. 3 4�, , � 44. 4
Antlers 43 �2 36.9 4. 0
Lion Square Lodge 81, 8 48 .8 6 . 3
: ;. : ,:, ,: : �
� ' �, Se�.by/Tof el
- Februaxy 24, I977
• `Page 3
East and North day ska.er parking �.ots - 71.4 � 94, 5% full wz�h
10% to 40% o� the cars with YM plates , d�perzdzng upon �he day and
� �he time surveyed.
3. The eff ect of the xequested variance on light and air,
dis�ributian of popu�.ation, �ransporta�ian and txaffic
faeilities, public facxlit�:es and uti�i��es , anid
pubJ�ic safe�y.
A Positive a.mpac� could be created perta�nxng ta dis�tx°ibution o�
popula�ion, The Lionshead area �.s in cr�.tical need o� addit�onal
act�vity to draw people through the mall area. We fOx'GSEE.' no other
adverse ampac�t on the other factors as the bulk o� the propased
project is quite low and sma�� .
� . Tha� the granting of the variarices wil�, na� cansa.tu�e
a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the
limita�ions on other properties c�assified �.n the same
distra.ct .
See Items 1 and 2 uzadex Consideration of �actors. G:rant
o� the par��ng variance with a con�tract to �scrow money in lieu af
provi.ding the spaces is cansistent with trea�men� of Com�rnerczal Core l .
Even though these are two separate .zone districts, their characteris-
tics are very simiZar. Criteri.a as outlined �.n January 6 memo has
alsa been met.
� 2. That the grant�ng of the variances wil�. not be de��i-
mental to the pu3�lic hea�th, safety, or -we��ax�e, or
materially injura�ous to paroperties or improvements '
in the vicinity,
We feel the pxopased px�oject (with parking variance) would
• have a very positive impact on the nca.ghborhood and. would not be
detrimenta� �o any other properties in �he vzcini�y.
3. That the variance is warranted �or one or .more o� �he
following xeasons :
a. The s�arict or la,teral interpretation and enfo�^c�--
ment af �he specif�ed regulations would resuZ� in
practical di�ficulty or unnec�ssary physica�. hard-
ship inconsistent wi�h the objec�ives of �his
The request for setback var�.ance is n�c�ssitated by the
proposed mall through the c�n�er of the project which makes the wes�t
end o� Lionshead a more desirable p�ace �or people.
� �
' Selby/To�e1
+ . �ebruary 24 � 1977
Page �
b � There are exceptiona�. or e�traordinary circum.-
� stanees or conditions applicable to �he site of
the var�.ance tha� do not apply general�.y to other
properties in the same zone.
There axe no o-�her si-�es in �he CC2 area o� this s�.ze and dimension .
The praposed projec� solves. a long-standing problem o� a very un-
signtly gravel parking lot which probably canna� otherwise be re-
solved wi-�hout castly �a.gigation. The proposal also provides a
solution to the "end a� the Ma11{' quandary and gYVes much needed
la.fe to Lionshead.
The Depaxtment of Corr�nunity Deve�opment recommend.s approval of -�he
rec�u�sted setback variance and �ar the pa�king variance so long as
the appli.cant is willing to escarow �unds to cover the $3, 500 per
space at the t�me a Building Permi� is g�ranted.
F .
� , .
The applicants , Johann and Ann Mar�.e Ivfuel].er and Willa.am H. and
A1ice Cartwra�ght , have reques�ed a resubclivisa.on of �he subject
lo� which con�ains 33, 504 square fe�t . A two--�amily residence
has been constructed upon �he sit�. The proposed pla� consists
o� Lot $--A which con�tains 16,74� sq. ��. and Lot 8-B w�iich contains
16 , 763 sq. ft , The proposed lat J.ine follows the cen-�erline of the
exi.sting dupl��, Both lots mcet �he minimum size requirements af
the Zoning Ordinance.
� The app�.icants have agreed �o pl.ace a restra.ction on the
plat which restricts each subdivided lot to no more tha� one sing�e-
family residence. The Town has the further protection of the pro-
pos�d hazar�' ].egisla�ion wh�ch wouJ.d not a11ow �urther development
o� eith�r site.
With the restriction placed on the subdivision plat and
the control which would exist through the hazard legislati.on, th�
Departmen�t of Communi.ty Developm�nt recommends appxoval of the pra-
posed resubdivisxon of Lo� S , Va�.l Vi.11age ldth Fi.ling:
r� � .
; Agenda
Max�ch �0, 1977
,'; �
I. Lapzn Residence
Variance from Sec�ion 3 .503 of the Zoning Ordznance
Lot 7, Vail Village 2nd Filzng
2. Pierce/Nilsson
GRFA Variance
Sands�one 70 -- Units 1�D and 15D
3. Benysh Setback and GRFA Vax��ance
Uni� 7, Bighorn Terrace
4. Lazier Parkiz�g Variance
Lot 9, B1ock 2, Vail/Potata Patch
' 5, Hazard Zon,ing Ordinance
formal hearing
�,'f '
�;: ::.:
,y �
�.`.� '
� • �
T0 : Planning Commiss�on
FROM: Department o� Commun�ty Development
DATE; March 10, 1977
RE ; B�nysh GRFA and Setback Variance for
Bighorn Texxace Una.t #7
The appl�can�s, Kathxpn R, , Ru.th E, and Howard M, Benysh,
have appl,ied for a gross resxdentiaX �Ioor area variance of 130 square
�eet and a setback variance of $ �eet on the north side of the
pro�erty �acing U. S. 6 in oxder to enclose an �xista.ng balcany on
the north sa.de of the prope�ty.
` � 1 . The re�ationsh�p o� the requestec� variance in other
existing or po�ential uses and s�xuctures in the
"The pxo�aosed addition :�s compatible in siz� and styie with
s�milar addi�ions in �he area. . , " We foresee no adv�rse impacts on
any other bui�dings in the vicini�q. It shou�d be no�ed tha� the
proposed addita.on does not encroach on any other e�isting struc�ures
and there a�s suffici.ent right-of-way on Higk�way 6 for �he snow s�to.r.age
wzth the setback variar�ce.
� 2. The degree �o which �relief from the s�xict or literal
in�erpretation and enforcemen� of a spec��ied regulation
is necessary to achieve compatzbility and uni�ormity
nf trcatment among si�es in tk�e vicinity, or to attain
�he objcctives o� this oxdinance wi�hout grant o�
speczal privilege.
The original intent o� the Bighorn Terrace was for secand �amily
homes , Over the years it ha� made a �ransition to housi:ng �or pe;rmanent
reszdents. It is evid.ent from the floor plan t�at th� units are not
suffa.c�c;nt for �.�ng-term housing. The proposed changes are zntended
to improve the comrnon living area on1.y and not to increase tl�e bed
capacity. Szmiiar additions could be permitted in the nea.ghborhood
prov�.ded that �hey do �ot vio.la�e the setback be�ween bui.lding requirements.
� In addi�ion, the location of the deck on the south s�.de of the s�ructure
improves �ts use�ulness .
, �_ fM " , Berlysh
'. ;� "' • Page Two
' � 3. The ��fect o� the requested variance on light and
air, distribution of population , transportati.on
and tr�,ff�c facil,.i�ies , pub�ic faci�.�ta�s and
u�a.lities, and pub�ic safety.
The r�quested variazace would have no impact oz� population,
transportation, tra��ic o� utilities.
�. That the granting of the variance wi11 not cons���ute
a gran� of special prova��ege inconsistent wi�h the
limitations on the other properties c�assified in
the same c�istrict .
We fee]. that approva� o� �he req�ested vaar.�ances would not be
a grant of special pxivil�ge an �he the praposed addition con�orms
to s�.milar structures i.n the va.cinity. AlI of the buildings in �he
Bighorn Terrac� area were constructed prior to . anne�ation and zoning,
az�d most exterior rr�odifica.�a.ons woul�d req�.ire a similar variance.
2. Tha� the granting of the vari,ance will not be
detrinnenta� to the public hea��th, safety , or welfare,
or materia�.�y injurious �o propertzes or improvements
in the v3ci.nitq .
� The proposed variance would no-t be detrimen�al to any ather
propertzes in the vicinity, due to the distance �rom other existing
builda�.ngs and the fac-� that .tne occupancy xate is z�ot increased .
3 . Tha� the vara:ance is warranted �or one or mor� of
the fol.lowing reasons ;
(b} There are exception,a�. or extraordinary circumstances
or conditions applicable to �k�e si�e o� the variance
�hat do not apply general�.y �o o�hex properties
in the same zone..
"The Declaration of Purposes in the Zoning .Ordinance state;
; "These regulations ax� enacted for the purpose o� promoting
'� the health, sa�ety, morals , and. g�neral wel�are o� �he Tawn
of Vail , and to promote �the coarda.nated and harmonious developrnent
, o� the Town in a manner that wi11 conserve and enhance its
natural environznent and its estab�ished character as a r�sort
I�` and x�esidential communzty o� high quality. "
There i.s a physical hardship created by �he small s�.ze o� the lo� and �
�he location of �he exis��.ng house. We feal that appxoval of �he
requested variances is cansa,stent with the� objectives o� the ordinance
� in tha� th� addition wou�.d give a "higher quality" af living far �ong-
�erm resa.dents ,
The Departmen� o� Community Development recommend.s approval c�f the
requested variances.
� �
�� ,
a�- ,
� �� �
TO: Plann�,ng Comma.ssion
FROM: Depaxtment a� Community Developm�nt
DATE: March �.0, 1977
RE; Merv Lapin, Variance farom S�c��on 3, 505 0�
the Zoning Oxdinance �or Lot 7, Vail Vi�lage
Second Filing
The applicant , Merv Lapi.n_ , is requesting a variance from
Sec�a.on 3. 5p5, Density Contro�., in ordear to construct 2 unconnected
' sing�.e-family uni�s on a lot zoned 2-�aenily xesidentia�. The oxdinance
as determined by �he Zoning Adminis�rator and the P�.anning Commission,
speaks directly to the fact that �wo structures must i�e connected on
a duplex zoned lo� . Curren�lq, th�xe exists �wa separate sing�:e
fami].y residences. The applicant would �.ike to remove �he "3-Pad"
structuxe in order to bui�.d a single-fami�y residence that would
bc;tter suit his needs �or a pexmanent residence. His basis �or
haxdship is the deep, natural drainage ditch that runs throu.gh his
propexty which is also used by the Town of Vai� ta dump snow.
. The re�.ationshi of �he r
� equ�sted. varz.ance to other
existing or po�e�tial uses and structures in the
vi.cini�y .
The applicant is across �he street f�om the C�inic, and then suarrounded
on both sides by dupl�x struc�ures w�.�h a sauthern boundary on Goxe
Creek. The pxoposed structure would have no more impact on the
surrounding nei.ghborha�d than what present�y e�3sts ,
2. The degree to which re�a.�f from the strict ox litera�.
interpr��ation and enfoxcem�nt of a specifiecl regulata�on
• is necessary to achieve compatiba.��ty a�ad uniformity
of treatm�nt amox�g sites in the vicinity, or to attain
the objectiv�s of th�s ordinance withou� grant af
specia� privilege.
� Lap�n
� Pa�e :.�'wo
� Stric� inte�rpre�ation of the ordi.nance could paroduce some
�'� environmental problems to both the applicant and the T6wn --
chan�ing the natural path of a drainage area cou�d be very hazardous
enviror�menta�l.y. It is �ar this reason we feel �hat granti�g of
this vaxiance wou,ld not consta.tu�e specia2 privil.ege.
3, The effect a� the reques�ed variance on light and
air, distributiono� populat�on ; transportation and
traff�c �acilit�.es, public facilities and utzlities ,
and public sa�ety .
We foresee no adverse effec�s on these factors,
1. That the granting o� the variance will not cons�itute
a grant of spec�a� privilege inconsistent wi�h the
limitations on othe� propex�ies in the same dis-�ric-t .
O�he� propex�ies in tlae 2--�amily residential dis�rict i�ave
complied with this regu]�ation, but to aur know�.edge none have been
faced wi.�h �he natura� drainage �xoblem �hat exists here. It should.
also be noted �hat the app�.icant is not completely startir�g aver with
a new site �1an, He proposes to �emove the one 3-pod structur� and
replace xt with a residence approxima�e�.y I. , 500 square feet less �.n
gr�a �hat what exists, as w�ll as to let the o�e single fam�.ly
' � residence located on the eastern side o� �he proper�y remain.
2. That the gxanting of the variance will no� be
detrimenta]� to the pub�.ic he:alth, safety or wel�are
or material.ly injurious to p�operties or �.mprovements
in the vica.nity.
We �aresee no adve�rse effects in granting o� this variance.
3. Tk1at the variance is warranted f_or one or more of
the follow�ng reasans :
(a} The stric� or 1i.teral in�erpretation and enfoxcemen�
of the speci.faed regulati.ons would resttlt in
practical dif�iculty or unnecessary physzcal
hardship .inconsis�ent wai.th the obj ectives o�
this ordinance.
The drainage way �hat runs �hraugh the applican� 's property
is mare ].�.ke a smal�, creek in that water is xuning through it at a1].
times o� the year; this, in our view, constitutes a physical har�lship
that woul.d be unnecessarily expensive and environmentally u,nsa�e to
try and mitigate.
With �he appla�can� ' s vo�.untarq red�ctian �.n grfa, th� �act that
� two separa�e buildings already exist on the property and the physical
hardsha.p created by the draz.nage; tl�e Depar�ment o� Comm�tnity Development
recommends approval of the requ�sted var�a.nce.
_, . :_. .... ...... .
- - -�
S , ' ,
,` �. �
. �
T0: Planning Commission
FROM; Depax�rt�ent of Communi.ty Developmant
DATE: March 10, 197'7
RE; Pierce/Nilsson GRFA Variance
The applican-�s, William Pierce and Johza Nilsson, are requc�sting
a gx�a variance in arder to enclose their respec�ive ba�conies i�
the Sands�on.e 70 comp],ex. The enclosures would add 85 square feet
to each uni,t; bringing the �otal floor area o� each uni� to 1, 053
square ��et ,
Currently, �he Sands�one 70/Westview development is over its
� gr�a allowance by �3, 988 square feet ; therefore, any addi�ions to
�ivi.ng area wou�d require a variance. It shoulc� be noted tha� the
proposed additions together wou.ld add less than . 3% to the GR�'A �ar
the �otal site.
' 1. The re].ationshzp of the requested variance to othe.�
existing or poten��.al uses and structures in the
The loca�ian of the praposed balcony enclosures face Sandstone
Creek on the western side of �he proper�y and will have minimal. �mpact
on i.�s neighbors at Breakaway West. During the enclosure process ,
the balconies will na� be extended, on.ly made more fuctional }�y the
enclosure. In �act , enclosing �he balcon�.es wou�.d giv� more �orm
and dive�rsificatian to an already unifoarm neighborhaod. We feel
that similar additions should be encouraged to make small units more
livable and a��ractive �or long-term residents.
2. The degree to wh�.ch relief �rom �he strict or li�eral
' � interpre�ation and en�orcement of a specified regula�ion
Zs necessary to achi.eve compat�bility and uniform�ty
of �reatrnen� among si�es in the vicinity, or to attain
�he obj�ctives o:� this oreiinance without grant of
special pxYVilege .
��.� . •
, �
There are 67 un.�ts on 3. 0 acres wa.thin the Sands�one 70/Westview
development . The small living space, 968 square feet per unit, makes
it very incanvenient for permanen� occupancy. The development did
� con�orm to the county regulations wh�n i� was built pxior to annexa�ian,
and due �o the existzng amount of grfa, any ad.ditional floor area
needed to make �he units more livable wou.�d rec�uire a va�riance. We
feel tk�a�t this request is in Zine with �he declaration of purposed
s�a�ed in �ne ardinance, and tha.t the granting a� the variance would
not be a grant o� speca.al pr�vilege as the nt�mber o� �n�.ts placed
on the small sa.te creates a physica�. hardship . It shnuld �e noted
tha� the app].ican�s wish to enlarg;e their c�ining room space rather
than �a add. more "bed space" . One sueh encl.osure a�.read.y e�ists
in that neighborhaod and �t has minimal impact or� the su.rrounding
3. The e�fec� of the requ,�sted vaxiance on light and
air, distrib�ztion of population, transpoxtation
and txaffic �aci7.�-�ies, public faciliti.es and uti.litieS ,
and pub�a.c safe�y.
We foresee no adverse effects on these �actors .
I . That the granti.ng of the vara.ance w�.�l nat constitute
a grnat of speca.al privilege .inconsistent w�,th the
J.imitat�.ons on o�he� propert�es classa.fied in the
same dis�rict .
'� � See Item 2 undex considcration o� Factors . We �eel that apparoval
o� the requested var�.ance would not be a gx�an� af special privilege.
Al1 of the bttildings in �he Sandstone 70/Westview area were constructed.
pri.or �o annexatian and zaning, �.nd most ex-�erior and in�erior
modifica�i.ons would, in our view, not be c�etximerntal.. The wes�ern
facade of �he 3�uildings would iae ir�proved as well as mak� them more
des�rable for the Zong-term resident.
2. That the gran'ting o� the variance will not be
detrimen�al to �he public health, safety, ax welfa�re
or matexially injura�ous �o properties or improvements
in the vxcini�y.
Thc proposed variance would not be detrime�z�al to any other
prop�rties in the vicinity , and th� adjoining px�operty owners
have vo�ced no objectians to tne requested balcony enc,�osures.
3. That �he variance a.s warranted for ane or more
o� the �ollowxng reasons :
(a) The strict or li.teral interparetati.on and en�orcement
o� the specified regulations wouJ.d resul.t in
practical difficu�ty ox .unnecessary physicai hardship
�nconszstent wi�h the ob,�ec-tiv�s of �his o�d.inance.
� There is a physical hardship c�°eated by the number of units on
a smal]. site thus g�ving each unit a very sma11 amount of living
space. The applicants want to use th� space a�forded by the balconies
on a year-round basis �o increase the size o� the.ir liva.ng and dining
area. As noted above, the zncreased gr�a reques�ed by tk�e variance
�. �
�� . Pierce/Nilsson
�_� , •Page� Two
, .
would add less than . 3% o� the to�al grf a in �he deve�.apmen� as wel1.
as making the units (lOD and 15D of Sands�one 70) more livab�e.
'' �. Appx�oval of tha.s variance xs cons�stent with th�:�bjectives of the
ardinance as s�ated in the declaration.o� pu.rpose �or the zon.zng
The Departmen� o� Community Developm�nt can �oresee no adverse
a��ects crea�ed by the proposed variance nor a grant of specaal
privilege, We, therefore, recommend approval o� the vaxiance sought .
� �
. .:
� March 3, 1977
1. Re'view o� Avalanche Report �or
�,pt ].6, Bighorn S�.bdivi.sion for
Mr . & Mrs . Hemby
2, P�eliminary discussion of employee housing
(American Development Corporata�on)
. � ,
March 3, 1977
Dan Corcoaran ,
Ed Dxager
Pam Garton
BiIJ. Hanlon
Sandy Mi�ls
Gerry White
Bill Heimbach
Rod Slifer
Bi�.l Wilto
Ri.ch Tafel
American Developm�n� Garp.
John Ryan
� Ji,m Lamont gave a bri,e� suenmary o� �he staff r�camm�nda�ion in regaxd
to �he avalanche report fa� Lat 16, BigY�orn Subdivis�.or� �or John R
and Margery J. H�mby. {attached) . The staff recommends that the
Hemby 's be con�ac�ed to get their pexrr�ission to send the repor� to
the property owners o� Lots I1 and 13 dne �o the fact that the�.� lo�s
are alsa endangered by possibie avalanches . Linda Lovejoy, representing
the Hemby' s, s�a�ted that the owner of Lot �l was contacted about
possib].e avalanche d�.nger but chose to not respond, ancl. that the H�mby �s
did not know of the danger to Lot 13.
Gerry White made a motion to approve the repo.rt and th.e approvc of
buil.ding on Lot 16, Bighorn Subdivis�.on with the constraints outlined in
the �epor� . Dan Corcoran seconded the mation. A unanimous vate was
�'im Lamon� noted tha� this por�ion o� �he meeting wouZd be an �nformati.onal
sess�.on on lor�g range housing x��eds in rel.a�inn to the Growth Management
P�,an. He t�en sited some figures from Jokzn Ryan ' s studies that show�d
the need £or long range employe� h,ousing. This was fol.�.ow�d up by
a surnmary of the sta�� invest�.gations : a. ,e, h4w many new projects a�e
being proposed and the af�ect theq wi1l have on the number of new employee.
jo�s created . -- haw will this aff ect �he availabi.J.ity o� hausing? It was "
noted that there axe three types of employees and the�r individual needs
:� should be s�udied: a.. e. 1) transi�n� ; 2) 1-3 year employee; 3) the
. permanent employee.
John Ryan �hen gave a brie� sum►nary o� &�a��rkforces .a�fecting alien�
� �or Eagle County in relation to housi.ng: -
s econom i. E. min�ng, X1EW ski areas, grawth management controls ,
county' Y
the construction element; th,e area operator, tou�ist spen �n� -
things �hat are �eeders �reas�of concernminQre�a�ion�to•employee� �e��
�n�o a discussion about a the pfltential shortage, the nu�nber
housing : i . e. �he present shortage, � S Economic base in
of jobs being created '.with expansion o� tt�eCdi���x'ing income ].evels ,
re�a�ion to the availabi�ity of housing ,
and the question of what kind o� op�ions can we or should we g�.ve
people in the choice of housing types? All of this material will be
includ�d in Ryan' s final repor� for Eagle County .
Gorcton Mikke].son. gave �o aQea�°we111as who�lieyAare�affiDiatedpwith,�s
and what it is try�ng 7�eted and some that
He sited some o� �the projects t.hat they have comp
axe �n the process of completian.
the archi�ect �or American Devel.opment , gave a sch�matic
Br�nt Mil�.er, wou�d l�.ke i� to be done in 2 phases
overview af their proposal. They have
wi�h 200 units on 10�� L�onsridgeharea���I��was notedstha��this area
picked out is Block ,
was e�armarked by Eldan Beck as being one for possibl.e employee housing.
�hase x of �he praject would include 96 units on 4' 6roxima�ely�$230. 00
� �or app
gp% of the uni�ts wou.ld be l bedrooms renting a�d 40% of the units
a montla, not including �urniture or electx���-tY 3x0. 00 unfurnish�d. The
would be 2 bedrooms renting �or apAr�����tely $
1 bedroom units would be appro��mately 560 square feet with the
2 bedroom uni.ts at lan �th�rreason they had�orientatede�he�buildiz�gs
e�plain �he floor p � ro ect were �o go ahead, the applic�:nts
the way they did, etc. I� �h�� p from Resid�n�tial Cluster to High
wau].d have to request an upzoning �a�.�ed farom the Plann�ng Commissi.on
Density Mul��p�e Fam�1y . Wha� they
was some dixec�tion; is what �hey are p�.anning a viable solu�ion? Should
they proceed in the airection they are headed?
Commissioner White felt that empl.oyee housing was de�anitely needed,
and he fel� comfortable with �he d�rection th�y w�re takin�. Sandy
M�Ils questioned the iegal aspects of upzoning this po��ail.°undeveloped
in fact the town is consi.dering a ma�or down zoning
parcels -- would it be fair? Bil� Heimbach suggested that �he
developers, go to the �nedia, -ir� ord�r to get feed back �xam local
ci.�izens because they are the ones who wa.11 either make the projec�
or break it . He then went into discussion abou-t �ob��mslthey hads�and
p�oject that VA propased �or Potato Patch, they p
why it was even�ual.ly aban�d��ssioner Corcoranaae].�eth t�thenrents
as Counci�.man Heirr�bach. C _ �t �s
structure was nat good enough to justify the needed upznning -
too comprobable tornsaas1Coxcoxan� available. Cornmissioner �rager
� had the same conce
With a fairly negativ� feedback from �he Com�missioza on '�his proJect �
�he me��ing adjourned.
4 �� `
� ,.
T0: Planning Comma�ssion
FROM: Department o� Communa.ty Devel.apment
DATE: March 3, �977
RE : Avalanche R�port , Lat I6, Ba.ghorn Subcliv�sion
John R and Margex�y J. Hemby
An avalanche report for the subjec� l.ot prepar�d by Art
Mears in.dicates �ha� a portion o� Lot 16 is free from avalanche
hazard, but could be subject to power blast. The report recommends
s-�ructure p�acemen� on the north side o� the Lot at least 10 me�ers ,
from the baundary o� the run-ou� zone. The report also recommends
. �hat engineering criteria sima.lar to �hat required �.n the Bou7.der
area be used to prevent possible w�nd damage which could aresu��
�rom the stagnation pxessure creat�d by the powder blast.
The re�or� also r�comumends �hat protection be provided
�ar the exi.sting hous�s loca�ed on lo�s ll and 13 of the Bighorn
Subdivision. To quote the report "Assuming a use�ul economic liFe o�
40 years fo�c �his bui.l.ding and an avala.nche probability o� 5 pexcent
a� a,ts location, there is an $7 percen� chance it will be reached
once by an avalanche. �f it is occupied for �0 years by one owner ,
there is a �0 percent chance it wil�. be reached once during �hat owne�ship.
Such risks are unacceptable and it �s recornmended that an avalanche
def:cz�se system be designed��.and built to protect this building. "
Our staff strongly xecommends that �he Hemby 's be con�tacted
� � to ge� their permission to send this px�ation o�' the report to the
property ownexs of Lots �I and 13.
:_ �';� �,. �.
, Based on "Avanalche Dynamics of th� Bi:ghorn Path" dated
Jantzary 1977 , the Department o� Cnrn�nttr�ity Develnpr►1en� recomr►3ends
approval of building or� Lot 16 , Bigharn Subdi'v�.sion with constra�n�s
as out�.ined in the report .
. I\"�-rw..1� � . .
�� March 24, 1977
l. Ha�ard Zoning Ordinanc�
(�ust a rEminder -- this must be �inalized �oday! }
2 . Site 9 --- Lazier
review af possible rezona.ng to either Residential C1.uster or
2-Family �esidentia� --- per Council reques�
3 . Vax.l. Ath.let ic Club
acquisition of Parcel B
� �
�.� �
�dY . �
� Maxch 31 , 3977 �
. �<
l. Consi.deration o� h4emorandum on Site 9 �o �
the Cnuncil '
�rd�.nance �
2. Final�zation of Ha.lard Zon�.n� �
• . �
TO: TowEi Counci� �
�� , • FROM: Planring Comrnission
DATE: A7arch 30, 1977
^ RE: R�commendatipn on Sit� 9 Zoning
� I'he Pianning Commission wants to reaSfirm its recommendation
, o£ agproval of i:he down-zonin� ot Site 9 from FIDIviF to MD1iF (The 60-unit
• proposal), w9.th the exception o£ Sandy Mills, who now supports
a lower density zon�ng on this site.
� Secause of Lhe Council's decision to reconsider �he propo5al,
the Planning Commission feels that i:his single issue, i.�. tne
appJ.i.cant's request Sor downzoning tEie property from H�1�fI�' to t,_�]PrfF
• with a 60-unit maximum on the site shoiFld b� d�cid�d on its: own merit.
1`he consideration of rezoning Site 9 to either 2-�amily resideni;zal
or residen�ial, clus�e:* has been f:abled a� this time; l�ow�.ver, the
• Planning Commissipn would Iike the Town Council to be aware �hat th�y
have dooked Qt vaz�ious zoui.ng and. der�sity a7.teraaLives during Che
• mon'ths that tlZey reviewed the proposals fo•r Site 9, and have xeviewed
� a residential scheme as recent�y as. 7.ast wc:ek.
. Ttze P7anning Commission woul�d like ta rei�erate the background
for its recammendation of approval �or the appl.icant's proposa3
, . on Site 9.
1) This site has been the����er of contxoversy fox ouer
� ��,��, �`��a
' "�"Wa`� yea�a.n regaxc€ to zts HDMI` zonS:ng.n The Plannzng ComcFtzssion had
. recornm�nded to, Council a review o� the site to consider xezona.ng it
�T . � to a 7ower density; hotivever, the Council declined to consider rezonzn� �
on this single, isolated szte at that tiine.
2) The present app�ican�: came in to voluntaril� req uest ;�� ,.�.� ���If� 1'�"' .
^ erva+-ira ,� l�V1d.X`twtc.�+y t��' '�C( (� (,�v3 f
dowr►-zoning o� the site �ram HDr4F, with a maYin�urn of 90 uni�s. °
At the urging of the Caun�il, the proposal was further reducecl to 64
units, which basa.calJy reducecl the pxoject to LDM�' standards. After
� long review and consideration o� the pxoject, tkae Pianning Commission
recommeuded approval based on the �ollowirig facts:
� , a) that the Tawn Counca�l had declxned to down-zon�
. the szt� previously
� b) thai the current proposed do�v�--zoning was of such
a signii'icant degrec tp bring �:hc; density do�vn to a very comfortable
. i
. anci logicaJ. Ievel. � '
. i
_ � �., . . . � .
' a) �hat the propos�� seem�d c.onsis-�ent with the schooZ
si�e and Sun-Vai.3. prqject to t;he east, and was a logical bu��er zone
•. , . • between tihe Frontage Road and the surrounding xesadential and
agr�culi;ure zones.
d) thaG the current proposal, with just �our H�iildings,
would have the least visual and aesthetic impact ota the site and
would allow �ox� ma.nima�. dis�rubance i;o ti�e site, as we�l as providing
a very ].arge amount of. open space. Both the Town Staff and the
• applicant's �rchitect presen�ed some very prelirriinary schemes nf
�awex density zones which the Planning Commission felt wou].d have
a considerable itnpact because of the greater road cu�s, dxa.veway
access, more privacy, mpre buildi.ngs and less ope❑ space.
e) tha�: the app]: ant had consistently respo�ided to the
concerns of the Pl.anni.ng Commission and Town Counezl and ha�made
changes an Lhe proposal ��g33z..-
� . �
� �- � � u� � � w►. :
� �
• . . .
. .
, .� .
.• � Aval�.nche, High Hazard Area - shall mean any ar�a impacted
by a snow avalanche with impact pressure in excess o� 60U
pounds per square fc�o�; and/or return int�xval of less �han ���
, 25 years. Hi�;h hazard avalanche areas shall b� designa�ed by � r¢
avalanche maps prepared for the Town of Vail by Arthur M�ars „��
or by definitive study as prescribed by the 7aning Adminzstrator
accordi.ng i;o commanly agreed upon sci.entiiic mei:hod o� ana7.ysis
� and caJ.cul�.tion. �S 1 h �"� ���,��`� J� � �� �
Avalanc:�e, h4edium Hazard Area - sha7.1 mean any area impaeted by
a snow avalanche with i.mpact pressure less than 60� pounds p�r
square foot and a return ini:�rval between 25 and 100 years.
]viedium hazard avalanche areas shalk be desi.gnated i�y avalanche ,
�. �rnaps prepared far the Town o� Vai1 by Arthur Nfears or by ���
de�initive study as prescribed by tt�e Zoning Admi.nis�;rator. �����
Construci;ion sha13 not be permi�:ted i.n these areas without
� definiti.ve studies ou�linin� appropriate defense mea�ures as
� grescri.bed by tha 'Loning Administrator.
Avalancl�e, Zone o� Influence - sha7l m�an any area in a
potenti.aJ avalanche zone wher.� detazled .information is not
pr�sently available. These areas are designated by avalanche
maps prepared �or the Town of Vail by Arthur h[ears. Con--
. struction shall not be permitted in these areas without further �, ,`, ,�
: ��_,t�!tg-:..,;:�.�'i.-�.
detailed studies, as prescribed by the Loning Administrator. ,.�r
�-.Y_ - ._. . �`lood Plain - shall mean any area subject to �mpaat by 100
year flood as defined by the Gore C.reek Flood Plaira Informati.on r
RePort, June 1975, prepared by Hydro Triad, Ltd. , or as
' designated bq defini�ive s udy as grescribed by the Zon�.ng
� Admii�istrator. IJ4.✓t_��,st' � R !�
� Garage - spa,ce or spaces limi ecl to the housing o� automobiles �
" not i.ncluding accessor•y storage a.reas. A garag� parking space �
� in a singl�--famzly or two-£ami�y structure shall be limited ;
to ara area of ]l feet by 21 �eet per space wi.th c�ach spac�
! l�aving u�iencunb�red egr�ss to tih� exterior. ;
. ' � ,
' �
, ,: .
;� � � k3a.pid `dass Wastin , Hi.gh FIazard Elrea - sha11 mean any area
sub,�ect to d�bris flo�vs, debris �J.aods,. debr�s avalanches, rock- .
' fall ar rock. avalanches which, because of thei.r probability. �
and destruci;ive potential, couJd endanger li�e and property. � -
Hz�h hazarc! rapid ma5s wasting areas sf�all be desi�nated by
� maps prepared i'or Lhe To�vn of Vail by Art-hur Mears or by �
defi.nitive s�udy as prescribed by the Zonin� Administxator
accoxdang to commonlyr agreed upon sci.enti.fic methods of
analysis and calcu7_ation.
R�ic3 �1ass Wastin�; Medium Hazard Area -- shall mean any area suTo-
ject to denris flows, de�sris Ploods, debiis avalanc�es, rflck�all
. or rock ava].anches where the impac�s are less severe than i.n a ��
hi.gh hazard rapid mass wasting axea. Medium hazard rapid
j��ass aiasi:i.i3g areas shall be designated by maps prepar�d �or the
� Town o# Vai�. by ArtYsur Mears or by definitive study as pres-
crxbed by the Zona.ng Admi»isi;rator. Canstraction shall not
• be permitted in these areas wi�uout defini.tive s�udies outlining
� a.pproprial;e defense measures as prescribed by the �oni.ng
Administrator. � ���`-'"�-
S� � Th� gradient or configuration of thE undi.sturbed land
' sur�ace prio� to site improvemeilt of a lo�, site, ar parcel �
which shall be established by measuring �he maximum number o�
f�et in elevation gaineci or los� over each 10 �eet or fractiot�
' �hereof ineasured l�orizontally in any direction b��;weez� opposing _
� 3.oti lines; tl�� xelationstaip of elevation or veri;ical measure-� +
ment as divided by the lioxizonl:al measurement sha7.� be exprESSed
as a percentil.e as a rneans o� quantify�ng the term s]ope.
� I
i � � � �
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', � April 7 , 1977
I . The Mark -- Resubdivis�on of Lots 5 & 6 Vail Lionshead Third
Fi]�ing and a Vacation of the VailfLionshead Fi��h Filir�g
2. Vail. Ath�.etic Club -- Pre�iminary Discussion of Bu�.lding
Bulk Control Variance
�. Apolla Fark -� Preli.minary D�.scussion of �he Addition o�
the Poor Richards Building �o the Projec�
, �` �
April 7 , 1977
: i
Dudley Abbott
Ed Drager
Pam Gaxton
Bill Hanlon. .
Gerry White
Fred Otto, repxesen�ing Kaa.ser Morcus, exp�laa.ned: that i.n the original
pl.a� o� the resubdiv�.sion, Mr , Morcus neglec�ed to get the signatures
of the individual condominium owners on the plat , By f.ai�.a.ng �o do so ,
the subdivisian pl.at was invalid. Wha�t they propose to do now �.s
cxeat� a resubdivi.sion of Lots 5 & 6 which wi11 e�clude the present
Maxk pxoject but wiJ�1 be in keeping with all of the requireme.nts .af
the Special. Development District . Planning Comrnission asked that
�he s�af� have Larry Rider check on the legal. aspec�s o� this
,� � change to make sure that it will be in. conformity with the requirements
of. the SDD.
Bill Hanlon made a mot3on to approve the resubdivision of Lots 5 & 6
Vail Lionshead Third Fi.ling and a vacation of the Vaa.l Lzonshead Fi�th
Fila.ng subject to the approvaJ. of Larxy Ra.der tlaat �this change wou�d
meet all the specifics of the SDD. Gerry White seconded �the motion.
A unani.mous vote was recorded.
Tt has been noted that th�.s projec� is in n�ed of a building bulk control
variance due to the f act tha� it is approximately 20 ' ove� the allowable.
The applican�, Gordan Pierc� , wanted to get a "straw vo�e" ��om the
Planning Comm.i.ssion ta see what theix �eelin�s wer� i.n relation to
th�s up-coming variance.
Jim Lamont read through �he cxi.tera.a and �indings of the �on�ng
Ordinance to see i.f the Planning Commission members could �o�esee any
di�ficult.ies ari.sing.
It was mentioned tha�t the configureation o� this part�cular si�e was
difficult and that the proposed s�txu.c�ure b�.ended we1� with the
sur�ounding neighboxhood. The Planning Connmissian unanimously �elt
� at this time tha� the va�iance would cause no d�fficulties. (Xt was noted
that if -�he builcling was made to conform �to th� regulatians, that the
swimming pool wou�.d probably have to come out o� the project . }
, �
� The applicant, CY�uck Ogliby, wanted to get a prel.zminar �eelzn from
Y g
the Planning Commissa.on as to the viabi�.ity of pu�chasing the "Poor
Richards" bui�ding and pJ.acing it on his Apollo Park pxoject . Apo�lo
Paxk at this tzme is a l�egal non�-can�orming deveZopmen� zn relation
to �;the paxking requzremen�s of the HMDF zone distriet . By placing
�his building, approxi�nately 2,400 square feet of additional grfa,
on the s.ite, he would need to supply addit�onai parking spac�s which
he would like to have above ground.
The P,1ann�ng Commi.ssion questioned whetk�ex an altera�ion to a non-
con�orming developmen� would necessitate bringing the �ota1 deve�opment
in�o conformance. Th�y directed �he staf� . �o find az� answer ta this
Before the Planning Commission could ga�ve any inda.cation to Mr .
Og1.�.by, tn�y wanted to see the site p�an redrawn to �e�lect how the
parking axea currently �xists and how the additional paxking.would �it .
into the scheme.
� t
� ` �
T0: Town Counc��
FROM: Plan.ning Commission
DA'�E : April. 5, 1977
RE : Recommendation on Site 9 �oning
The Planning Comma.ssion wants to reaffirm its recommendation
of appxoval of the down-zaning of Site 9 from HDMF to MDMF (Th�
6Q-unit proposal) , wi�h the exception of Sandy Mills, who naw
supports a lower density zoning on �his site.
Because o� the Council ' s decision to reconsi.der the pro�osal ,
tk�e Planning Commission #'eels that this single issue, i .e. �he
� applicant ' s request for down zoning the propex�ty from HD�F to M➢MF
with a 60-unit maximum, should be clecided on its own merit .
mine considera�ion of rezoning Site 9 �o ei�her 2-family residential
ox resid�ntial cluster has been. tabled at �has time; however, �he
Planning Cotnm�ssion would like the Town Counca.�. to be aware that
they have looked at various zoning and clensit�r al�ernatives during
the months that they reva.ewed the proposal.s �or Site 9 as well as
residential schemes as recent�y as March 23rd.
Th.e Pl.anni.ng; Commission woul�d like to �eiterate the background
for its recommendation of approval for the app�.icant ' s proposal
on Site 9 .
1) This site has been the c�nter of controversy for over
two years �.n regard to i�s HDMF zoning. Over a year ago, the Plannin�
',��� Commission had recommended to Counc�l a review of the site to
consider rezoning a.t to a lower densi�y; howe�ver , �the Council declined
�o consider re�on�.ng on what they judged -�a be a single, isol.ated si�e
Council -�- �pril 5, 1977
R - , (Site 9)
� at that t�me.
2) The pres:ent appXican� came in to voluntarily request
down-zoni�g of the site from HDMF , with a maximum of 246 un�ts, to
MDMF with a maximum o� 90 units . A� the urging of the Counc�l,
the p�oposa� was �urther reduced �0 60 units, wh�ch basically
xeduced the pxoject to LDMF standards . A�ter �ong review and con��deration
o� the project , the P�ann��g Cornmission recommended approval based
on the f ollowing facts:
a) that the Town Council had declined to down�zane
the si�e pxeviously;
�} �hat the current praposed down-zoning was of such
a signi��can� degree to br�ng �he density down to a very com�oxtable
and logical level.
c) that the pxoposal seemed consistent with the
� and Sun Vai� project �o the east , and was a �ogical
school site
buffer zone b�twe�n the Frontage Road an.d the .. surrounding resid�ntial
and agra�culture zor�es.
d) tha� the current proposal, with jus� four buildings ,
would have the leas� visua� and aesthetic impact on the site and
would all.ow for minimal disturbance to the sa.te, as well as providing
a very �arge amount of op�n space. Both the Town Sta�f and �he
applican� ' s archa.tect presented some very preliminary schemes of
lower densi�y zones �vhich th� Planning Commission �elt wottld have
a considerable impact on the si�e because of the excessive road cu�s ,
driveway access , more prz.vacy , more buildings, and less open space.
e) that the applicant has generally responded to the
,° � concerns af the Planning Cornmission and Town Council whieh. has 1.
re.s.uZted in changes�lin his original praposal.
' , . , ► Counca.I -3- Apri� 5, 1977
�rt• � (Si�e 9)
. -
It z� comrnon k
nowledge tl�at the purchase of this property
by �he present applicant is tzed ta a 60-unit min�mum by the
cantrac� with �he se�.ler. Because of thzs sit�.ation we have th�:
stron� impression that tha.s site will continue to be the eentex of
controversy if the present request is rejected..
,, ,„
Apr�.]. .1g, Y977 �:
�. Borwick Subdivasion . �
2. Beaver Creek Presenta�ion - Dave Mot� �
3. Hazaxd Zoning Preparation �
4. Timber Txuck on Red Sandstone Road ;
5. EIR For Vail Village �nn �
� . ;
� . � Y
� .
', •� . . . . . . '
. . - . . � _ . . . � . . F
14 APRIL 1977
3 : 00 P .M.
Chairman Pam Garton, Sandy Mi11s , Dud�ey Abbott,
Gerry White , Bill HanZon and Ed Drager
5taf£ present
Jim Lamont , J'im ltubin, Kent Rose
Rosalie Jeffrey - Recording Secretary
Ta.m Gar�on was present fox final plat approval of the
r�subdivis�.on of Lot �4 , B1ock 4, Bighorn Subdivision,
'�hird Addition, iCent Rose was called an for technical
advice concerning the roadway easement, perc�ntage o�
' � grade on MH-6 and dedication o� land. Af�er some dis-
cussion, Dudley Abbot� moved to approve the request
subject to the changes in items #2 , 3 and 5 af the
Staff Memo of 4/14/77 to the Planning Commissa�on, as
noted below.
Changes : #2 The p�operty in ques�ion is pre.sen�ly deeded
to Barwick and th� improvements axe deeded to the
water district. Tim Garton a�;re�d to sign a
� statement that the �and under the easement will
not 3�e bui�� an, and that , if the treatmen�. plant
is abandon�c�, the sa.�e is ta be returned to its
n.atura�. state,
#3 The permanent roadway easement is h�1d by
Borwick. The deveZopment requires an �asement
through Lot 13, which parcel is owned by Bflnnie
0' Leary. Tim Gar�on stated that he would attempt
to obtain a dedication from T9s . 0' Leary. The
Planning Commission agreed that if the dedica�ion
cannot be obtained, a roadway easeme�t would be
#5 Wi�h ragard �o the sewer line for the develop--
ment , a 38 o grade exis�.s in the lirie . KentRose
� stated that the VWSD would requ.ire an 18% grade
�or �hat dis�ance , since there would be a possibi�.i�y
� o� rhe 1�.ne clogg�ng at such a steep grade . Tim
Vai1 P1ann�ng Commission
� '' Minu�es
. �/14/77
Garto� agreed to redesign the sewer Iine
and pu� MH-6 at the corner flf Tract A w�th
a 1eng�h of 40' and a �ow�r o grade . This was
acceptable fia Rose, representing the VWSD.
With regard �o th� bridge on C.olumbine Road, �he Planning
Comm�ssion was advised n� a prablen� concernin� brid�e access .
(See attached letter : KRR to R.A. Prosence ; 4/5/77) .
The motion by Abbott was seconded by Bi11 Hanlon; a1� �resent
voted in favor, and the mo�ion carrzed. APPROVED.
( 1
Rec r �ng ec
, •
, .
. _ . ... .,
r ..� ._..
� .,- ��
,� �
T0; Planning Gominission . Developement
De artmen� Of Community �
FROM: �' 1977
DAT�: April. 14 , Bighorn Sub-
RE : Resubdivxsion of Lot 14> 81ock 4, .
division Third Addition ����'i'.�'�.
- �
� Lot 14, Black 4, Bighvrn Third Additaon cantains I59 ,865 �
square feet {3 .67 acres) a�ow��lPunits�ta bencons��uctec��an
res�dential which would al �
�h� s��e, ThP request �or resubdivision wo�tld allow a maxi- �
mum of �2 units on 6 lots. Th� �o�s have been piot��<4_ tQ be
in compl�ance V�i.th �he new hazard zoning men��recommcnds ap- �
The Department of Comrnuni�y Develope �
praval of the resubdivision with the fall.owing cond�.�ions: �
],) Tract A k�e dedicated to the Town af Va�.l as f
. public open space
.— The site of the Booth Creek Wa�ex txeatment- G�'�� �
� . 2)
plan� be d�dicated to the Town o� Va�l as �c1`'Y�
public open pace, i� the �r������� �
remnved. L�-G� ���� �i��d
� a �asemen� through Lo� 13 be
/3) The roadw y a � reeorded on
an.d xecorde� at th County � , ���.�� � �-. �. 1�.�
the Final Pl�,t (� � � C1 ����
4) A correction be ma-de a.n the se�re -�h ].in�
o� the �egal descri.ption changing �he nttmber
50.00 �ee� to 5$ feet
'J5) The sewer line fa�low th� road be�ween
� • MH--6 and MH-7
T .
�f Y
� •. l 1, . . � . .
i , � f
_ .. �l1
� y l� , .
a �� �� -
�����10� �v��
box t00 ' office of the towt� manager �
vail; coioracio s�s5� Apri.7. 5, �.977
(303] a76-567 3
. �.
Mr� R.A. Prosenc�
District �ng�ne�� - �
Calorado Depa.rtm�nt o� Hz.ghways �
P.O. Box 2�E�7 � ''
Grand Junction, Calorado $1501 � �
� z
DEax Dick: � y
As .a paxt o� the Intersta�e 7Q projeet, a concretE box cu].vert
was constructed �o s�rve as aceess �o a smal�. piec� o� pxa.va,te
land tha� was no� con,demned during xight-o�-way acqu�.sition•
Th� loca�. road is Co7.wnbi.ne Dri.ve in the Bighorr�. area.
The Town o�t VaiJ. has been main�aining the boX as � P�v���d ��ke
roadway sy5�e�n, but nat ��ithaut gxea� di��iculty .
� �o enumexate the problems we have had; anticipa.tc� additional
concerns , and ask i�5 ,th� Hig�.way Depax�ment can o���r any
reli�� in the matter, •
. �
I�, � 1) Poor v�sibi�.3.ty; s�.ght distance on north end is not
� adequa�e flue to .�Ghe alignment o� �he bo� wx�h the roadway.
2) Icing condztion; w�.�ex flows into the box and freezes ,
maki,ng �.t ZIT1pc'1.551.�]�.E due to th.e combinatian o� �.ce and excessive
grade. If �wo vehic�es ent�r the box simultaneously , downhill �
.veh�.cles cannot s�op without h�tti.nb th� box wa�.ls Qr �he o��her
ve�iicle, Snativ plows often ride the walls of the box �vi�h the
b].ade b�ca�xse they cannot straignten ou�. Residents af �I�e area
park on th� snutkl s�.de o� the box and wa�lk ov'er the Inters�a�e
b�cause they cannat d�ive or �valk thro�z�l� the box ,
3) IIlowing snow �arms a cornice on the north en,d tha� must
be knoc�ed ot� a.nto the raad�vay and p�owed alvay .
� �
_ Mr. R.A. Pras�nce -2� April 5, 1977 • . .� .
} .. . ' '-r . . .
, '
� 3) Actdi�fa�ai �ra�zfc cr
eated by the proposed d�ve�opmen�t
o# �we�v� addi�zoz�al uni.ts wzll increase the accident pot�nt�ax
in the one-lane box.
2) r���1�: w�iking over th� Tntersta�e a�t�r it is open
w�.11 pl.ac� themselves in darigerous si,tuations and in�ex��re u�ith
3) Snow p�owzng operations on �he Interstate could
poten�ia].�y �oad �he rc��.d on the rz�rth end �� �iie box to �he
ex�en#: that the Zocal pio�s could not push thraugh on the '
� uphil� grade,
. ;
I feel the Highway Depart�en� has a respons�bzlity �o Yze1p �
a7.leviate tYzese prob3ems, A� �his �a�e date i� onZy makes sense '
to �ry to work with wha� we have rather than consa.d�:r major �
rev�.szons in the bo�. �
- . . �
The axea on the noxth end of th� bax shauld. be regrac��d and shapecl �
. to impxove site distance �ax vehicle� enter�.ng or exi�ing the `
box. At �Y�e samc time, the exista.n� cuJ.vert , xelated dra�nagc� �
and snow storage areas could be �nereas�d to stop the �low o� �
water a.nto �he box, A �aermanent snaw fence migl�t poss�bZy be
. ins�al�ed to stop drifting �n�o the area.
i �
We have documen�ed these conditions on fa.1m and would like �o
m�e� wii;h your xepresenta��.v�s to cooperatively solve our problems.
Thank you. �
' Sa.ncexely, �
� �
� • • `� f ,-
� �= � � �, ) �
���� v� ��:�c..�
ent R. Ros�, P.E.
� D�.r�ctor
� KRR/j ek -
cc: llir, Tim Garton � �
� . . ' �,
. � I
. . . E.
. . I
� . � ;
� � � . � . � � �
� .,. ._. .� . ,. ,:I�,
r, ...-.. '
Gj ?�-�" ����"� '�
,` � W}il'LE fiIYER NATIdNAL FORE5T : .
Minturn, Colorado 81645 �K RErIT REiER YO:
� � 2�400
April 5, 1977 ,
Wes� Vail Association
Mr. A1 1Neiss
I905 West Gare Cre�k Drive •
Vai�, Colorado 81657
Deax Mr. Weiss: - •
`The Forest Service is �lanning to se11 a ti�nber sale in the Moni.ger .
� and Dickson Creek area. The sale wof.�3.d be sold in 1978 and would
require that log trucks use the Red Satidstone R�ad.
� We would Iike public input concerning the propased timbex sale and
the use of the Red Sands�ane Road. The road ar�d its use by heavy
�� . truck t�a.ffic may be of concern to some o� your members in the Red
Sa�dstone area. We wou�d appreciate y'our passing this an �.o members
tha� would care to commen� or have questions�
For further information-, pl�ase contact the Holy Cxoss District
� of£a.ce in M�.nturn� �
_ . . Sincerely, �
�� �
; ���. . ' ' � . . . • � .
Aistrict Ranger
, � � �
� - �
...::t:.;.� , r� ..M l `i :"� ' .�,' .
' (,�� v1�i���� ,�`'�� .'r��!'.1 �Y T'..,�.- �r��',�.,'�V��..�- , 1���r
' � - , r� , 7,a rG ���c�� l� �v�� ��.;�
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J�S�V��L �''�"��'�`*�� /r4 �rV �i �1.�,�s.�;,j �f����/��l�l �� (��"
', �/�L� �J�� ���� • f�.����5 o't=- C���.:��fi��i��j ����-�'
��' � ��I�,,ll �� �vUJfi /�.�>tT�..c�rlC x(7�
� . - - . ,
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, . .
. . . ,:., . � _
: . . _ __. . . �.,n„ .�_� .
� _ . �' � '�,
Apri1 2�, 1977
1 . ) Amendment to the Zoning prdinance in relation
to the addition a� a sub-commititee to Design lteview Board
ta review signs.
�� 2 . ) Re-subdavision o� a portion o� the Sunburst property
r to Vail Valley Thircl. Addition
3 . ) Apo110 Park -- Preliminary discussion af the addition
of the Poox Richar�s b�ilding to the project .
� . ) Vai1 Va.11age �nn - Fhase II - Environmen-�al Impac�
, ;
� .
21 APRIL �977
� 3: Q0 P.M.
Present : Gerry White Dudley Abbott
Ed Drager Bill Hanlon
Sandy Mi11s
Absen'� : Chairman Parn Garton
S�a�f Present : Jim Lamont
Jim Rubin
Rasalie Jeffr�y
Members of the Commission voted to a�point Ed Drager as
Acting Chairman for the meeting due to the absence o�
Pam Gar�on. �
� Warren and Jay Pulis, own�rs of a portion of the Sunburst
property known as Vai� Va11ey Third Addi�ion, were pr�sent to
make a preliminary presentation to the Planning Comrr►issi.on
for develo�men� of the property . Jay Pulis explained the plan
� as inc�uding 23 Dupl�x units along the 18th �airway of the
golf caurse on 1500 square foot lo�s. '�he land is curren�ly
part nf the Sunburs� P.U.D . He noted. that an avalanche area
has been designatec� by Hydro Triad, Inc. and �s outl.�.ned on the
preliminary plat . Mr. Pulis then commen�ed that the Town wil.l.
have to vaca�e the bicycle path wh�.ch is on his propex�y and
reloca�� it along Sunburst D�ive. Tt�e Town wi.11 have h�.s
coo�aeration in the matter .
Ja.�r► Lamont statecl that �he Departm�r�t of Community Development
wi11 study �he proposal in dep'th and bra.ng a report to the
P1.anning Cotnrnissian concexning the legal status o� the praject
as it relates to �the exist�.ng Sunburst P.U .D.
With regard to Sunburst Drive as it exis�s, Jay Pulis said that
he wi.11. request it be vacated; will then build ano�h�r road and
a cu1.-de-sac to the east on the Katsos property . Bi]�l Hanlon
cammented tha� he feels there will be an outburst to the �roposal
to separate �rom Sunburst and make duplexes, also to suggest
a cul--de-sac be p�aced on public proper�y. Warren Pulis nated
tha� the purpose of the cul-de-sac is �o give access �o the
lake and picnic area only if wan-ted by the Town and VMRD.
Ji.m Lamont remarked that Article 13 , which provides for SD#1,
o� tlz� Zoning Oxdinance w�.�.J. have to be reviewed and amended.
There is also a questi.on concerna.ng access to the land b�tween
� the o1.d and the new Katsos parcels , bo�h o� which are naw own�d
by the Town.
. PC Minutes 4/21/77
. , Page 2
� Mr . Pulis then sta�ed tha� the �and in the high hazard area would
be dedicated to the Town of Vail, totaXl�ng approx�mate�y 8% o�
the development .
Dudley Abbott questioned the passib�lity of building single
�amily residences rather than d�plex. �r. Pu1is replied that
it would not be ecanomically feasible to do that ; he no�ed
that his proposed 42 uni�s represen� a dawnzoning �ro� �he
current P.U.D . Sandy Mills ask�d to have the rela��onsh�p
between Sunburst and FDM� elarified at the next hearing.
Gerry Whitecommented that he feels that the market is SFR.
Dudley A�bo�� �hen moved to �able considera�ian of th� re-
subd�vision o� Va�l Va1�ey Th�xd �i�ing un�i� May 3, �977 ;
Sandy Mills seconded the motion; a1Z present voted in favor;
and th� motion carried. TABLED.
�Yilliam Ruoff , arc�ztect representing the project , pres�nted
the Fina1 Environmen�a� Impact Report on the entire projec�
to the Planning Commission. Jim Lamont cam�z�n�ed �ha� the staf�
had reviewed th� report ; he no�ed that qu�stions which the s�aff
had have subsequently been addressed and recommended approva�
of �he report . Lamont then noted changes as outlined concern�ng
. water consumptian, water supply, impact on bus service, economic
�mpacts (e. g. emp�oyee increases as r�lated to housing and paxking) .
Gerry White moved to accept the �nvironmenta� �mpact Report for
the VVI ; Hanlon seconded the motion; all present vot�d in �avor ;
and the motion carried. APPROVED.
MINUTES o� �/14177
Dudley Ab�ott moved to approve the �/l�/77 Minutes as submitted;
Gerry White seconded the motion; a�� present voted in favor ;
and the motion carried. APPROVED .
C�uck Ogilby was present to request that the Poor R�chards
building be �emoved to a port�on o� the Apollo Park property.
He �s also r��uesting a bui�ding bulk control variance of ten
feet and a covered parki�g variance of 75%. A�ter making a
study of. the ava�labl� parking on the site, Og�lby reported :
Park�ng xequ�rement per ordinance - 117 cars
Actual parking/standard sizes - 121 cars
Mini lat/standaxd 10� combination - I31 cars
Ogilby stated that he would install traf�ic cantrol gates and
� issue a card to each p�xmanent res�den� and a sticker to be
piaced on �h� w�ndshield. Park�n� 1ot wi11 be divided inta
West an� �ast lots. He is t�en w�th�n the requirem�nts o� the
zoning ordinance regarding parking.
. , PC Minutes 4/2�/77
, ' • Page 3
Concerning tne opera�ian of Poor Richaxds , O�ilby explained
' ` tha� he will rent both double and sing�e rooms on a six month
lease basis. Bi11 Hanlon remarked �ha� O�ilby ' s prnposal w�ll
canvert green space into units and that controJ.led park�.ng
should be requ�.red.
Jim Lamon� stated that the Town Counci.l wants a lzc�avy commit-
ment to a good landscaping p�.an around the property with berms,
and there must be green space within the parking lot . Ogilby
to�d the Commission that his arck�i�ect will phatograph and
superimpose �he building on the Apo�lo Park site so that
heights can be relat�d to the area; redesign of the Poor Richards
bui�.ding e�terior wi11 be studied �o include balconies.
Ed Drager commented that the pro,�ect could allev�ate emp�oyee
hous�.ng probJ.ems, and reminded Ogil.by o� tl�e time �rame re-
garding hearings before �he Planning Commission, Design Review
Board and the Town Counci� . Ji.m Lamon� suggested that a joint
meeting of the Planning Commi.ssion and Town Cauncil be held
the �0�.1�owing wc�ek. Sandy Mi�.1s said that she would r�eed to
further study parking, si�e, ].ocation, and �hat the project
must not be rushed, due �o potential controversy . Ge��y Whi�e
remarked tha� the primary Design R�view Board concerns are
heights, landscap�ng and bulk.
� Lamont explained the concept af the ordinance amending the
zoning ordinance, te�r�s of appointment and the appeal �rocess .
The amendmc�nt would inc�ease the Design Review Board' to seven
members, with a three-me�nber �ubcommi-�tee ta review signs.
Since the ardinance was not in fina�. form, White moved -�o
table i� ; Mi�ls seconded the motion; all present voted a�n favor ;
and the motion carried. TABLED.
Th� sta�� was da.rected to include qualifications of applicants
in pub�.�c notices for vacanci.es on planning commission and
desi�n xeview board.
Dudley Abbott noted his concern regarding the prQposed use of
San.dstone Road �or loggi.r�g trucks. His cancern centered on
tY�e hazard (primarily due to a b�ind corner and the resi.dential
character of the neighborhood) , dust , noise and general nuisance.
Lamont was i.nstructed to contact tk�e USFS and request details from
Ex�nie Nunn since tne upper part of the road is owned by the
Forest Service. He stated �hat he wouXd have the ma��er on the
followi,ng week's council work sessaon agenda since the Planning
Commission would be mee�a.ng joa�ntly with the Town Counc�l con-
�'� cerning Apollo Park and the hazard ordinance.
. • PC Minutes 4/21/77
. ' , � Page 4
Gerry Wha.te commented on the conservative reac�ion of �he
Town Counc�l to the presentation by Art Mears on hazard
areas within the Town o� Vail . I� was ha.s fee�.i��g that we sh.auld
have adequate legal backup to prove such statements . With
regard �o tk�e question of high hazard areas with 40qo slope
not be�ng buildable, White remarked -�hat de�ail.s must be
As �there was no furth�r business , the mee��ng was ad�aurned
at 5: 25 P.M.
Respect�ully submit�ed,
��a.�,a,�,� �
Rosalie Jeffre
� Recording Secr�tary
A�RIL 28, 1977
1 . Considera�a.an o� a rec�uest for a �andscaping and
parking variance for the Rucksack building.
2 . Consideration of a xequest far a bua.lda�ng bulk
contro� variance �o� the Vail Athletzc Club .
3 . Prel�minary discussian concerning the A�o110
Paxl� proposal
� . Cor�ideration o� Minutes af Apri� 21 , 1977.
� APRIL 2&, 1977
3 : 00 P.M.
Present : Chairnaan Gar�on Absen� : Gerxp ti'Vhi�e
Ed Drager Bi11 Hanlon
Dudley Abbott
Sandy ItZi�.�.s
Staff present : Jim Lamont
D�ana Tough�.�1
Wi�h regard to a rc�qu�st fror� Jeff Sc�lby, represent�ng
�he Rucksack, to postpane consideration of his re�uest
for a landscaping and parking variance, Dudiey Abbott
moved to postpon.e; Ed Daragex seconded the motioz�; all
present voted in favor; and the motion carrzed.
Gordon Pi.erce was pres�nt and requested that tl�e total
r l.ength of the buYlding be allo�ved to extend �0 195 �eet
' � rather than the 175 feet required by the ordi,nance.
Ed Drager moved to approve the request according �o
�he staff inemorandum; Dudley Abbott seconded the motion;
Garton, Drager and Abbott voted in favor; Mills voted
against ; the motion carried. APPROVED.
Gaardan Pierce also areq�ested an af�set variance if it
as needed. Abbott moved to approve the reqtzest if
n.ecessary; Dragear seconded the motion; Garton, Dra�er
and Abbott vated in favor; Mills voted against ; the
motion carried. APPROVED.
The Planning Cor�m�ssion xequested that th� sta�� do a
complete comparison of the pxoposal by Og�.lby wzth the
ordinance. They also wanted size standards for mi�x
car spaces to be checked with the ar�hi�ectu�al graphic standards.
Drager moved �o postpone zon�ng am�ndmen�s �or the
Design Review Board; Abbot� seconded the motinn ; all
voted in favor; ancl the motion carried.
R " k
MINUT�S - APRZL 21� 1977
Tt was decided by the Planning Commission that Minu�es
�rom previous meetin�s would be ��ven ta cominissianers .
for their review and considered for approva� a� �he
followxng mee�ing,
As the�e was no �ur�her business, the meeting was
f �
' .. -r
T0: Planning Cammiss�an
FROM: Department of Community Development
DATE: April 28, 3977
R�: Uail Club, Variance from Section 7.506 of t�e
Zoning Ord�nance far parce7s ir� Tract B, Vai�
V�ilage First Filing, Town of llail , Eag�e County
Co7orada (Poor Richards/Short Swing) inc�uding
adjacent Pa rce1s A, B, C, approximately 26,852
sq. ft.
�he applicant, Fitzhug� Scott, is requesting a variance from
Section 7.506, Bu�k Control , in order to construct an ath1etic club, hotel and
office on his praperty. The ordinance requires tha-� thhe..:length of any building
�ace or waTl sha1T be 775 feet and there be an offset of �0 feet in every 70
. feet of wa�� �length. The maximum distance between any two corners a-F a bu�lding
at the same elevat�on sha1T be 225 feet.
1 . The reTatianshi� of the requested variance to other existing
or potential uses and structures �n the vicinity.
The proposed structure is adjacent �a �he Moun�ain Haus, across fram �he Transportation
Center and backs up on �he large green be�� to the south. 7'he praposed building wiTl
provide a very goad transition of scale and bU]k between the "oversized" Mountain Haus
and the "in scale" Vorlaufer.
2. T'he degree to wh�ch rei i e� from the stri ct ar � i tera� i nterpretatT on
and enforce�nt of a speci�Fied regu�at�on 3s necessary �o achieve
compatibil�ty and uniformity of tr�atment among sites tn the vic�n7ty,
or �o atta�n the objectives of this ordinance withou� grant of
specia7 privi�ege.
Str�ct interpretation of the or�inance could result in an a1ternative design
that wouTd be higher and w�der. This 3n turn would diminish �he iarge sunny landscapped
frartt yard which is very desirable as a relief from �he deep s�adow created on the north
side af the Nfountain Naus.
� 3, The effect o� the requested variance on light and air, d�stribution
of popu�ation transportation and tra�f�c facilities, pubiic �Fac�lities
and uti�Tties, ar�d pub1ic safe�y.
We foresee no adverse effects on t�ese factors.
Vai7 C�ub
. Page Twa
�� ..,
1 . That the granting of the var7ance w7T1 not const7tute a grant of
special privi1ege incons�s�ent with the limitations on other
propert�es in �he sa�ne district.
The adjacen� Mountain Haus is approximately the same in length, but w�th
a much larger face d�e to the height. The Vail Club bu�lding �as a considerab�y
smal�er vertical face d�e to the steep shingled roo�. The Iarge vertica3 offsets
�n the roof rr�or� than compensate, visuaily, for the offset and 1ength requirements.
2. That the granting of the variance wi�l not be detrimental to
�he pub1�c health, safety or we�fare or ma�er�al�y injur�ous
to properties or improvem�nts in tlie vicinity.
We foresee no adverse e�F�ects in granting of this varianc�.
3. That t�e variance is warranted for one or more of the following
(a) �he s�rict or litera� interpretation and enforc�ment
of th� specified regu7ations wouTd result in prac�ical
di�ficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent
with the objectives of �his ord�nance.
7he 1arge module of the handba3l courts, the indoor swimming paol and under-
. ground parking as weli as the shape of the praperty have created obvio�as dimens�onal
problems; this, in our view, constitutes a physica7 hardship that wou�d be unnecessari�y
expensive to accommodate with other salutions and the aesthetic considera�ions in our
judgment would suffer.
The health club in par�icular wiil greatly suppl�ment and enhance the available
ameni�ies in the Town of Uai7 . The massing and arch�tectural concept will also visually
and functiana�ly i�nprove and "clean up° a very impo rtan� carner o� the Town,; the Department
af Community Development recommends approval of the reques�ed variance.
. , . �
. �.
� �fr H o G. r rr w r.� a� �� v �u�, e. c, y�ro x�a o� w •n a�o -t nn �rf a�� � rn - a ro w n�C� �.
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May 5, 1977
1. Dr. Mizner Residence - Request for varia ce from Section
3. 505 in order to allaw �wo separate uni s on a duple�
lo� .
2. Selby/Tofel - Requ�s� for variance for d stance be�ween
buildings for �he Lionshead Commercial B ilding.
3. Rucksack - Reque�st �or variance �ox �anc� caping and parking.
4. Amended Pl,a� for Resubdivision a� �rac� , Vail Village
llth Filing.
5. A�allo Paxk - Request for variance wa.thd awn.
, .
� t 4�NUTES
MAY 5, 1977
3: 00 P. M.
��esent: Chairman Gaxtan Absenta Ge�ry T�7hite
Ed Drag�r
Dua��y Abbptt
Bil1. Hanl�n
Sandy Mill�
Staff present: Diana Toughill
Rosalie Jeffrey
MIZN�R R�SID�NCE - Bighvrn 5th Add�.tion
Dr. and Mrs. Mizne� and aarchitects Wheeler and Piper were
present to request a variance �.o allow two separa�te uni�s
�o be built on a du�lex 1ot. D�.ana Taughill noted tha�
she had received a letter of o�position from a neighbor
who had apparently read the n.o-�ica in the newspaper; she _
had been unable �co cantact 'che party by telephone. l�uane
� Pzper explained �ha� the reason for the request is �he
topographical canfiguratian of the si�e. He showed
�hotagranhs and a drawinc� of the propo5ed buildings to
the P�.anning Commission. '�oughill. mentioned th.at the
�otal site coverage �,rould be 1800 sc�uare feet; the total
GRFA tirould be 2481 square feet. Piper commen�.ed that
�here are nther residences of this type in th� area, and
that the�e woul.d be no r�moval of trees.
A discussion en�ued xegarding the possibi.l.i�y of bui�.ding
�ut ta the total all.owable GRFA. Abbo-�� wanted ta pu� a
condition on �he vara.ance regarding square �ootaqe.
Mi].�.s and Gar�.on found the variance acc�p-�able as proposed.
Drager commented that �he�e is a ne�d to amend the ordz�-
nance concerning duplex zones to disallow each unit to
be bui1� any greater than �Oo o� the total. a�lawab�e GR�A.
Hanlon moved to approve the vaa�iance reques� according
to staff inemo (see attached) ; Mi3.ls secandecl �he motian;
a11 vot�d in favor; anc� the mation carried.. APPROV�D.
S�LBY-TOFEL - Lion�Head Commercial Building
Toughill stated that the app�.ican� had reques��d the ma��.er
be �o�tponed. The Town Council had asked tha� �he mal�.
area in the center o� the project be wic�ened, and it is
� now being worked out by the develaper.
P1ay 5, 7.9 7 7
�age 2
. Han�an moved to pas�pone at the applicant' s request;
Drager seconded the motion; a�l vot�d in faVOr; and the
ntotion carried. POSTPONED.
RUCK5ACK -- Landsca�ing and Park�ng Variance
'i`oughill stated that the applicant had reques�ed �ha� -�he
variance reques� be postpaned again. Hanl.on �ov�d to
postpone; Drager seconded �he motion, a11 voted in favor;
and the motion carried. P08'�POP3ED.
Planning Comrnission then requested a Memo ��o�n �he Staff
regarding non-con�orming �xses.
Due to view carridors and the spring runoff, Toughil.7. ex-
p�ained that lat l.�.nes on �his trac� had been moved. �h�
presented �he amended pla� for the commission' s approval,
stating tha� the plat was init�all� approved earlier in
the year. There wot�ld be no change in the squa�� footages
o� �he 1ots. Drager maved 'to app�ove the a�nended plat;
Hanlon seconded the motion; a�1 vo�ed in favor; and the
motion ca��ied. AP�ROVED.
Tougtzi�l stated �ha-� Chuck Ogilby has wi.thdrawn his
reguests for va.riances due to a tirne problenl �'or
approvals frorn Planning Commission, Town Council and
Design Review Baard. Abbott commented tha� at was
�oa bad the project didn't work out because it would
have provided much needed employee housing within �lze
Town o� Vai1.
Prapasals to be reviewed join�ly are:
1. �'he S�a {across �rom The Ma�k @ LionsHead)
2. Phase T� Vai�. Villaga Tn�n
3. Vail Run - preliminary proposal for c�mpletian
o� development projec�
May 5, 1977
Page 3
Correct�ans to the April 21 minu�es includ� the fol�owing:
1. Line 6 - should read 15 �-000 s�uare �oot lots
2 . Pulis dedica�ion of about �Og af deveLopmen�, not 8%
3. Last Line - Apollo Paxk - should refer to number of
parking spaces
Abbott moved �or approval as cor�eCted; �rage� seconded
the �otian; al� voted in �avo�; and th� motio� carr�ed.
D�ager suggested tha� if �here are no applicants for
the Planni�g Commission vacancy, the posi�ion should
b� re-advertised �o include �he qualifica�ions.
Chairman Garton noted that there will �oon be a need
�o re-appoint a chairman and vice-chairman to �he
� As theace was no further business, -�he mee�ing was
• T0: Plannzng Comm�ssion
FROM ; Department o� Communi�y Development
DATE : May 5, 1977
RE: Dr. George L, Mizner, Variance �rom Section 3. 505 of
�he Zoning Ordinance for Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Sub�
diviszon, 5th Addi�io�
Duane Piper, represen�ing Dr. Miznex , is requesting a variance
�rom �ectxon 3.505, Density Control, in order to con�truct two
sepaxa�e sang�e-family units on a lot zon�d twoR�amily xesidential .
The ordinance, a� de�er�ined by the �onzng Admzn�strator and the
P�anning Comm�ssion, requires that two units be in a single
structure or that �h� units be physically connnected by common
wa11s , The praposed project cnmprises a primary residence and
a garage wath a simall rental unit ab��e, connected by a walk-
. way . The basis �or hardship is �h� �opographical con�iguxataon
o� �he site.
1. The relationship of the req�ested variance to other
existzng ar potentia� uses and structures �n the
The a�plicant is in an area where �her� are a number o� gaxages
separated �rom the dwel�i�g un�t (see p�c�ures) . The pxoposed
structure would have no more impact than a garage separated from
the primary residence. There are several residences cons�ructed
in the golf course area with the same type of configuratian which
wer� built prior to the e�ist�ng ord�nance.
2. The degree to which re�ief from the strict or
li�era� znterpre�ation and enforcemen� of a spec�fied
regulation is n�cessary to acheive compatibility
and un�formity o� treatment among sites in the
vicinity, o� to attain the objectives of t.his
oxdinance without grant of special privilege.
S�ric� interpretation of the ordinance would destroy a s�gnif�cant
• rock outcropping and require cutting of several large trees. The
guidelines for thE Design Review �oard specifica�ly states that
. �
Page 2
�ve�y e����� s�ould be m�de �o ������v� �ign��sean� �a�ural �oek
� autcrnppings and preserve the natu�al vegetatzon. We �eeX that
th� possib�e env�ronrnenta� damage which could result from connecting
the �wo un��s is justification for separa�ing these units as
request�d. We thexefoxe �ee� that granting of this variance is
not a gran� o� specia� privilege.
3. The e�fect of t�e re�ues�ed variance on lig�t and
air, distribut�on o� pauplation, transportation and
�raffic facilities, gublic �acilitzes and utiXities,
and publie sa�ety.
We �orese� no adverse effects on these �acto�s. The
sma1� renta� unit and a primary residence ful�ill the
�own goa� af reducing overall population. The �ot cauld
sustain a Iarge m�rror im�ge duplex.
F�i�llINGS :
1. That the granting o� the variance will not constitute
a �rant of spec�al privilege inconsistent wz.th th.e
limitations an other propex�a�es in the same district .
See I�em 2 under Conszdex�ata.on af Factors. The geologic
and topographic consa�deratians dictate placem�nt o� the
pxoposed duplex.
• 2, That the granting o� the vara.ance wi11 not be detri-
menta]. �o �he public health, safety or wel�are
or materially injurious to properties or iznp�oveme�ts
a�n the vzca.n.a.ty.
We foresee no adverse e��ects i.n gxantin.g of this variance.
3. That th� variance is waxxan�ed for one or more of
t�ae fol.low�.ng �easons :
{a) The s�ric� or literal interpre�ation and
en�orcem�nt o� �he specified regulations would
r�sult in practical di�ficulty or unnecessar�
p�ysical. hardshzp i�.eonsistent with the objectives
o� this ardinance.
I� the a�pla.cant did connec� �he two dw�llings, the
applicant would be forced to increas� the hei�h.t a� �he present tinit 1
and tk�e bulk of the project to such a poin� �hat in oxdex to meet
the setback regula�ions the house wou�d probab�y tower over the pres�n�ly
�xist�ng trees which in oux view wou�.d be aesthetically unpleasing. �n
add�.�i.on to that , zt . would be impo�sible to bring �a d�iveway u.p �hrough
the rock lc�dge �o �he garage so that the applicant would tnost �ikely
have to have the garage as a separa�� building down below �he house.
which would resu�t in pxacta.cal di��icu��y ancl would serve n.o purpose
� as the vi.sual impact �vould be the same.
Page 3
� The Department o� Community Development xecamme�ds approval o�
�he prQposed variance.
;f�' .
� May 12 , 197?
�,. Rucksack - Reques� �or pa�king variance for two (2) cars
Jeff Selby
2. Vaz]. Village Inn - Phase Y�
Prelim�.nary review of proposal
3. Vai1 Run - Preliminary presentation of master plan
for completion o�t pro�ased pxoject
IIob Byrd, Cab Childress , Bob Yeagex
4. The Spa - Preliminary presentation o� �rariance rec�uests
Torn Bx�nex
5. Lionshead Commercial Buil�ing T Request for distanc� bet�cveen
buildings variance
Jeff Selby/Ron Todd
i' ` ..."'1�
.�:. .
, 4
� �d�NUTES
�4AY 12, 1977
3 : 00 P.M.
Present : Acting Cha�rman Abbott Absez�t : �exry �Ihate
�d nragex Pam Garton
Bill Hanlon
Sandy It4i.11s
S�a�� : Diana Toughill
Ji.m Rubin
Rosalie Jeffrey
"�own Council : Rod Slifer
Bill Wi�to
Also Present : Tom Briner Jack C�rtin
Bryan Pendletori Doug P��cLaughlin
Leon Deicas Ross Cooney
Jef� Selby Cab Chi.1 dress
Bob Yea�er Bob Bird
J��f S�lby was present to request a variance for distance
bc�wcen builc�in�s . As a result of a request from the Town
Counci.l to w�.den �he distance i.n the ma�1 area, Selby stated
tkza� �tY:e n�ontaneros �ondaminium Assaca.atz.on :h�.d reviewed
t�Ze proposal and it was satis�actory to them. Drager maved
to approve the variance as outlinec� in the staff tr�emos of
�'ebruax�y 24 and May 12 , 1977; Hanlon seconded the mot�on;
all voted in favor; and the motion carried. APPR�VED.
Jeff Selby, awner of the Rucksack Bu�.l.d�.n�, xec�uested a parking
variance �or �wo cars fox ha.s proposcd adda.t�on o� E�_l0 sc�, ft .
o� commerc�.al space. He also presented plans for the addi�ion
to the Planning Commission and explained that �.t is his in�en��on
to enc�ose the entry on �he north side anc� enlarge ��ae apa�t�nent
on the second floor east sic�e. He commented that he needs the
variance only far �he com[nexcza�. space. He sta�ed that the �ox�er
owner had �eceived approval to pu� up gates on the soutiz side
walkway in December 1976, which eliminate� the passageway between
the Rucksack and the Ped Lion Buildin�. �t was the consensus of
� , May 12, 2977
� ,� ` Page 2 ,
, r
� the Plannin Connn7ission to wait for the Town Council ' s ruling
an coxe area parkzng with relation to varianc�s. Hanlon
stated tha� he �.s and has always been against granting parking
variances. Abbott was concern�d �hat the living space would
become cornmercial space in the fu�ure and with the im�act o�
pedestrian traf�ic wi.th the elimination of the wa�kway.
Doug McLaughlin, lega� caunsel representing twenty condoma.nium
owners and eigh� busin�ss in the ll�ill Creek Coux� bu��.�ing,
was present and objected to the gran�ing of the variance to
allaw the c�osure of the walkway. He stated that it is his
Zn�ention to bring a quiet ti�le action against Selby. He
also noted tha� he had not been advised o� the development,
and tha� he had o�fered to pay �or half of the improvemen,ts alang
the walkway to e�iminate �he ice and snow probJ.ems.
Jack Curt�.n , Bishop and Company and representing �wo owners o�
t�� Mi�l Creek Court Building; objected on behalf of his clien�s.
He cotnmented that they had been worki.ng with the Town �o a.t3nprove
the cour�yard area to the east o� �he R�cksacl�; said improve-
ments to be done du�ing this summer.
Belby then remarked �hat his development will not affec� �he
Mi1� Cr��k Court area, and that the Red Lion has not objec�ted.
• Abbatt �hen noted that due to �he pending parking decisidn by
the Tawn Council, citizen objecta.ons anc� the need to fur�he�
study the ordinance, the Planning Commissi.on s�ould defer
rulzng on the reques� at �his time. Hanlon was of the
opinion that the Plannin� Cornmission should vote according
to the p�esen�G law. Drager then moved to table considerati.on
af the request until A�ay 2.6; Mills seconded the mo�ion; all
voted in f avor; and the motion carr�_ed. TABLED.
Preliminary plans were then presented for Vail Village Inn
Phase IF , Vail �.un and The �pa.
As there was no further business the meeti.n� was adjourned.
y �
r°� f �
,` ' �` .
� .
DATE: MAY 12, 1977
Jeff Se1by� represen�ing -�he Rucksack Bui].ding , has requested
a pax�king vara.ance far two (2} parking spaces zn oxder to allow
the addition of app�oxzrna�el.y 61.0 squa�e feet af comme�cial. space
and 246 squar� f�c:t of gros� �esidential �1.00r a�ea {2 bedrooms and
a bath) to be added to an existing residential dwe�ling unit. The
site area is 4 ,242 square faet which permits 3 ,�61 square feet of
GRFA. The exis�ing builc�ing contains �, 6�0 sc�uare feet of GRF'A; br-
' ! inging tatal proposed GRE'A to 1,84b square feet. E�isting commercial
space consists of 3 ,75I. squar� ��:c�t.
, l. The relationship o� th� requested variance �o o�her
exis�ing or potential usES and structures in the vicinity.
The Rucksack BuilcTing is one of a �era buildings a�� -�he CC1 area
which is not bua.l.t to the: absol.ut� maximu�n al7.owed und�r -�he current
zoning ordi.nance. This bui�ding, .J.ike almost a1I others in
Cornmercial Core l, was constructed before the adoption of zon�.ng
and therefore, space for parking �ras not provided when the lo�s wer�
subdivided and sold.
2. The dega�ee of which re7.ie� �ram �he strict or litaral
interpretation and enfo�cement of a specif i�d re:gulation
is necessary �a achieve compatibil.ity and u�nifarmity o�
tr�a�mexat among sites in the v.icinity, or ta attain the �
objectives of this ardinance wi�hou� grant of special ��
� The stated purpase of the CCI zone dis�ric-� is: 11The Commercia�
Coxe 1 Di.strict is ix�tended �o provid� sites and to rnaintain the
unique character of �he Vail Village comm�rcial area, with its
anix�ure df lodges and commercial establishmen�s in a predominan�ly
-" - , Rucksack Building
- , � May 12 , ti977
A Page Two
� ed�strian envi�onment. . .The district �egula�ians pr�scribe site
developmen� standards tha� are in�.end�d ta ensure the nnaix�ten.ance
and preservation of the tightly clustered a�xangemen� o� bu�.Zdings
fronting an pedes�ra.an ways and pu.bl.ic greenways, and -�o ensure
con�inua�ion o� the building scale and axchitectuxal qua�ities that
distinguish �he Viilage" .
The praposed addi-�ion to the Rucksack building is in keeping
with thc: purpose outlined in �he zaning oz�dinance as the ��t�ucture
remains in scale �ri�h �he Village, and the architect�ral quality
of the structure is improved by the changes. Forci.n.g prov.ision
af parking in CC1 is in direct opposi�ion td .th� stat�d purpose o�
maintaining a pedestrian area. Re�.aining long term dwelling uni�s
in the cor� area and making thein more livable �or long �e�m residents
is consistent with the goa].s s�ated for Horizontal Zoning.
Approval of �he variance would be in keeping with many athEr
parking requests in the area. The request is similar to the Schober
Building Addif.ion, the Hill Bui�.ding Addition, the S3.i�er Addi�ion
and th� Cov�r�d B�idge Stor� which were al1 variance requests for
parking in orde� to expand ex�s-�ing buildings constructed prior -�o
3. The e�fec� o� thc r�quested variance on Iight and air,
' � distr�,butioxz of population, transpo�-�ation and t�affic
facilities, pubiic facilities and uti�.i�ies, and p�xblic
The proposed e�pansion of �zses should have little effect on
the demand �or parking in the parking structure, ancl the parking
structuze has su£tici�nt capacity �.o provide for any additional
traffic wh�ch might be genexa-�ed by �he expan�ion.
The proposed expansion wi11 n.o� necessitate additional vehicu7.ar
acces� into �h� p�d�strian area as delive�y vehicle� are al,ready
servicing exis�ing uses and the �ncrease in GRT'A is an adclition
to an existing unit.
The ma�s transit sys�ern is capable o� . handlin.g any increased
demand, if any, generated by �he prnposed expansion.
The �ffects of the variance on ad�qua�e light, air, distributian
of popula�ian, public facilities and ut�lities and public safety are
neg3�igible. The addition does make access from Mil.l Creek Cour� more
difficult..as this area has been used for pedestrian access �o Bridge S�.
` 1. That the gran.ting of the variance will not cans�itute a
grant of special privilege inconsisten� with the �.im.ita�.�.ons
� on other prope�ties classif ied in the same dis�.ric-�.
'M Rucksack Building
��'� '�� . ` May 12� 19 7 7 �
` , � � P�ge '�hr�e
We do n.ot feel appraval o� the varia.r�ce wouid be a qran�
� � �f special privil.e e as a xoval wou�.d '
� g pP be conszs�ent w�.th previous
parking variance requ�s�s, and other izKe expansions in the Core
have nqt been x�equired to fuxnish aclditional parking.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenta�
�.o the pub7.ic health, sa��ty, or wel�are, or anaterially
injurious to properties or impro�rements in �he vicinity.
We �eel �hat denial af the variance would be detra.ment.al to the
pub3.ic health, safety. and wel.fare as parking an the si�e would
cr�a�te additional vehicular traffic and could bc� hazardaus �o
pedestrians using �he area. On site parking cou�.d be injurious
to the pedcstri.an area �rom both an aes�hetic an�. safety s�.andpoin�.
3. That the variancc: is warran-�ed for on� o� more of the
followzng reasons:
(a) The stri.ct or literal interpre�a�ion and enforcement
of the speci�ied �egulation woulc� rasult in practical.
difficulty o� unnecessary physical hardship incansistent
with the objectives of this ordinance.
(b) Th� st�ic� or Iiteral interpretatian and enforcement
ofi the sp�cified regula��.on wou�d deprive the applicant
I� o� privileges enjoyed by �he owners of other praper�ies
' � in the same das�rict.
I� On the site park�ng in �he CC1 dis��ict would be inc�nsisten�
wi�h �hc� desire to pedestrianize the Core and inconsistent with
application �o othc�r st�uc�uras in the sar�e district.
Th�: Council discussed parking variances and contracts at
'r �he Tuesday wo�k session. Larry Rider explained the legal ramifications
of the exi5�ing con�racts to purchase parking in the Transportation
Center. �'he Council. has stated �ha� they will consider the entire
issue o� parking variances in Com�ne�cial Core ]. at the May Z7
I'� CaunCil. �neeting and wi11 reach a genera�. po�.icy decisiori at tha�
� time. Any action on, the subject variance shou�.d be consistent
` with �his important decisian.
'E .
I� �
� '
DATE: MAY 12 , �977
The Town Council requested Selby/To�'el to restudy �he proposed
�ommercial building in an attempt to widen �he ped�strain ease--
ment through the proj�ct. Thi.s reques� necessitated a distance
between bui�.dings variance ta acheive the wider pedestrain ma11.
�he Department of Community Deveiopment has reviewec3 the reque�t
and tind that the criteria and findings are consisten-� with
recommendata.ons in memo dated February 24, 1977 re�ating to a
setback variance for the sazne project and would therefore recomFnend
a�proval o� the subject va�iance in accordance with those criteria
and �indings appiicab�.e �o the setback variance.
._ ....... . ... .. . __ . . .�.,.,_.�_�._�---._.....
. �. �
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� May 12, 1977
l. Ru.cksack - Request �or parking variance �or two (2) cars
Jeff Selby
2 , Vail Village Inn - Phase II
Preliminary xc�view of proposal
3. Vail Rur� - Prela.mi.nary presentation of rr�aste� pl.an
far compl�tion o� propased pro,�ect
}3ob By:rd, Cab Childress, Bob Yeagex
4. The Spa - Pr�liminary paresentation of variance requests
Tom Briner
5. Lionsheac� Commercial Building � Request for d�.s-�ance between
buildings variance
Jeff Selby/Ron Todd
�J t �
, ,�T , .
., `
�4�AY 12, 1977
3 : 00 P.M.
�aresent : Acting Chairman Abbo�t Ab�ent : �erxy White
Ed llrager Pam Gar�on
Bi11. Hanlon
Sandy Mi11s
Staff : Dxana Tough�ll
Jim Rub�.n
Rosal�e J'effrey
Town Council : Rod Slifer
Bili Wilto
Also Presen� : Tom Bxiner Jack Curtin
Brqan Pendle�on Doug �,4c�,a�zghlin
Leon Deica,s Ross Cooney
Je�� Selby Cab Childress
Bob Yea�er Bob Sa.xd
Je�f Selby was present to req,�zest a �vara.ance �or dis�ance
between bui.l.dings . As a result of a request �rom the Town
Council to wid�n the distance in the mall area, Selby s�a�ed
that �re ",4ontaneros Condomin�.um Associa.�ion h�,d r�viewed
the proposal and �.t was satisfacto�y ta them, Dra�er maved
to approve the variance as outlined in the staff inemos of
February 2� and i�ay x2, 1977; �Ianlon seconded the motion ;
all voted in favor; and the mation carried. APPR�VED.
�'eff Selby, owner of the Rucksack Buildin�, rec�uested a park�.ng
variance for two cars. for his proposed addit�on �� °�10- sc�. �� .
fl�' commercial space. I�� also presented plans for the addition
to the Planning Com�nission an:d exp�.a�ned that it is his intention
to enclose the entry on the north side and enlarge �he apa��men�
on the second floor east sid�. He commented that he needs tk�e
varianc� only �or th� commercial space. He stated that the �ormer
owne� had received approval to put up �ate� on the sauti�z s�.de
walkway in December �976, which elimina�ed the passagewap be�tw�en
the Rucksack and the P�ed L�on Bui�din�. It was the consensus o�
� May 12, 1977
, .
�' .� � Pa�e 2
. r .
� ommi sion to wait for the Town Counc�l ' s rulin
the Plannxng C s g
on core area parking with relatian �o variances. Hanlon
sta�ed �hat h� is and has always been against granting parking
variances. Abbott was concerned �hat the living space wauld
become commerc�al s�ace in the �uture and w�.�h the impact of
pedestri,an traf�ic with the elimin.a�aon of the walkway.
Doug McLaughlin, legal counsel xepxesenting twenty condominium
owners and eight business in the Mill Creek Caurt build�n�,
was present and objected ta the �ranting o� the va�iance to
allow the closure of the wa�kway. He stated that it is his
a�ntention to bring a quie� �it�.e action against 5elby. He
also na�ed �that he had not been advised o� the development ,
and that he laad o��ered to p.ay for half of the zmpacavements. along
the walkwa�r �o ela�minate the ice a.nd snow problems.
�ack Cuactin , Bishop and Com�any and xepresenting tv�io owners o�
the Mill Cx�eek Court Building; abjec�ed on behalf of his clien�s.
He commented that they had been warka.ng with the Town �a imparove
the caur�yard area to the east o� th� Rucksack; said improve-
ments to be do�ze dtt�ing tl�is surnrner.
SeJ.by then remarked that his deve].opment will not affect the
Mi11 Creek Court area, and that �he Re� Lion has rrQt objected.
� Abbott then noted tha� due to the pending parkin�; decision by
the Town Council. , citizen objections and the need to �urther
study �he ordinance, -�he Plan�ai.rag �o�nmissi4n should de�er
ruling on �h� xequest at this time. Hanlon was o� the
opin�.on that the Planning Commission should vo�e accarding
to �he present law. Drager thex� moved to tabie cons�.deration
of the request unt�.I May 26; Mi]��s secanded the nnotion ; all
vot�d in favor; and the motian caxr�_ed. TABLED.
Preliminary pl.ans were then presented for Vail Village �nn
Phase II , Vai1 �,un and The Spa.
As there was no further business the meet�.ng was adjourned.
�' �.r .,, ; � . .
!� , �s .
� r
DATE: MAY 12, 1977
Je�� Selby, repre�enting the Rucksack Building , has requested
a parking variance for two (2) parking spaaes in order to allow
�he addi.ti.on, o� approxi�r►atel.y 610 square fee� af comme�cial. space
and 246 square feet o� gross �esidential fl.00� a��a (2 b�drooms and
a ba�h) �o be added �.a an existing residen�.ia1 dwellin.g unit. The
site area is 4 , 202 sq�are fee� which perFnits 3 ,3G1 square fee� of
GR�'A. The exa.sting building cantains 1,60D scx�are feet of GR�'A; br-
',� ! inginc� �o�a1 proposed GRF'A to 1,846 square feet. E�isting commercial
space consists of 3 , 751 square feet.
CONS�DERATION 0�` �'�CTOR5 {SECT�ON 19. 600)
1. The relationship of the req�e��ed variance to other
existing ox potential uses and structures in the vicinity.
The Rucksack Building is one of a f�w buildings in the CC1 area
wha:ch is n:ot bua.�t ta the absol.ute maximum allowed undex the current
zoning arda.nance. This building, �ike almost alI o�hers in
Commercial Core 1, was cons�ruc�ed be�ore the adoption af zoning
and therefare, space for park.i:ng was not provided when -�he lo�s were
subdivided and sold.
2. The d�gre� of wh.ich �elie� from the strict or literal
interpretation and enforcernen� of a specif�ed regulatian
a.s a�ecessary to achieve compa�ibili�y and unifnrmity of
tr�a-�me�:t among sites in th� �r�cinity, or to attain the
ob�ec�ives of this ordin.ance witho�ut grant af sp�cial.
, � '�he sta�ed purpose of �he CCZ zon� distrzct is: °'The Commercial
Core I Dis�.rict is intended �o pravide sites an.a to main�ain the
unique character of �he Vai]. Vi1.l.age commercial area, with its
mixtur� o� ladges and comtnercial establishments in a predominan�ly
• • Rucksack Bui�din,g
� , � May 12 , 1977
. Pag� Twa
� edestx�ian environment. . .The di5trict regula�ions prescribe site
deve�.o�ment standards that are intencle�to ensure �he main�enance
and p�eservation a� the tightly clus�ered arrangemen�t of buildings
�ronting an pedestrian ways and ptiblic green�aays, and to ensure
continuation of the building sca1� and archit�c�u�a�. qual.i�ies -�hat
dis�inguish �he Village" .
The proposed addition �o -�he Rucksack building is in keeping
with the purpose outlined in the zoning ordinance as the structure
remains in scal.e with the Village, and the archi�ect�ral quality
of the s�Eructure is imprvved by the changes. Farcing provision
o� parking in CC1 is in direct opposition td the stated purpose of
maintaining a pedes�rian area. R�taining long �erm dwelling units
in the co�e ar�a and ma3cing �hem more I.ivable for 1.ong -�erm residents
is consis��n� with th� goals sta�ed for Horizon�al. Z�ning.
Approval of �.he variance would be in keepzng with many oth�:r
parking reques�s in the area. The request is simi�ar to the Schober
Bui�ding Addi�ian, the Hi].1. Building Addition, �he 5lifer Addition
and the Covered Bxidge Store which were al� vara,ance reques�s for
parking in order -�o e�pand existin.� buiiclings cons�tructed pri,ar ta
3 . The effect of the requested variance on light and air,
', � d�st�ibu�ion o� popul.a�ion, �ranspo��ation and traff ic
�acil.ities, public facilities and utilitie�, and pub�.ic
Tha proposed expan5ian ofi uses should have Zittle effect on
the demand �or parking i.n. the parking struc�uxe, ar�d the parking
s�ruc�ure has sufficient capac�.ty to provide £or any additiona�.
�.raffic which might be generated by the expans�.on.
The p�oposed expansion wi11 no� neaessi�ate addi�iona�. vehicular
access into the pedestrian axea as dela�very v�:ha.c�.es are al.ready
se�vicing e�isting uses and the increase in GRT'A is an addition
to an existing un.it.
The mass transit sys�ern is capabl.e of handlin.g any increased
demand, if any, gen�rat�d by the p�opos�d expansion.
The ,�fects of tha variance on adequa�e light, air, distr�bution
of popul.a-�ion, pub�.ic �acilities and u�.ilities and public sa�e�y are
neg�.igible. The addition does make access from Mill Creek Cour�. more
di�ficult .as this area has been used for peclest�ian dCC�.'S5 �o Bridg� St.
1. That -�he gran�ing a� the vax�i.ance will no�. canstitute a
grant of special privi�.ege incax�sis�ent wi.th the 1a.�itations
on other properties c�assi�ied in �he same dis�rict.
` Rucksack Building
�� ��' � � May �2, 1977 � � �
` . � � P�.ge Three
� W� do not f��1 approval of the var�ance wouid be a gran�t
�of special privilege as approval. would be consistent wi�h previous
�a�king variance �equests, and other like expansions a�n the Gore
have not been required to furnish addi�ional parking.
2 . That th� granting o� the variance will nat be detrimental
tn �he publ.ic health, sa�ety, or welfare, or ma�e�ially
injurious to properti�s or imp�avements in the v]..cinity.
We feel -�hat denial af �he variance v�auld be detrimen-tal to the
public health, safe�y and wel�are as �arking on �he site would
cr�ate addi�ianal vehicular t�a��ie and could be hazardaus to
pedestrian.s using the area. On si-�e park.ing couZd be injurious
to �he pedES-�rian area from both an aes�hetic and safety s�andpoint.
3 . That the variance is warranted for an.� o� mo�e of the
fallowing �easons:
` (a) The s�rict or li�eral interpreta�tion and enfarcemen�
af the specifa.ed regulation wauld result in practical
difficulty or unneces5ary physical hardship inconsistent
with -�he objec��ves of �his ardinance.
(b) The s-�ric� or literal in�erpreta�ion and enfo�cemen�.
of the sp�ci�ied regulati.on would d�p�ivc thc� applicant
� o� privilege� enjoyed by the owners of other proPerties
in �he same distxict.
On �he site parking in the CC1 distric-� would be inconsis�en.t
with the desire to pedestrianize the Core and incansi.stent w�ith
applicat�.on to other structures in the same distric�.
The Council d�,scussed parking variances and cantracts at
the Tuesday wark sessaon. Larry Rider exp7.ained �he legal rami�'.ications
of the existing contracts to purchasc� parking in the Transpar�ation
Center. The Council has stated that they wi11. consider the entire
issue of parking variances in Commercial. Coxe l at the May �7
CoUncil mee�ing and wiZl reach a general policy decisian a� �hat
�.ime. Any action on -�he subject variance shou.ld ba consis�en�
wi�h this importan� dec�sion.
DA�'E: MAY 12 , 1977
The Town Cot�ncil reques-ted Selby/Tofel ta res�udy the p�'oposed
commercial building in an atf.empt to widen the �edestrain ease-
ment �.hrough the project. This request necessitated a distance
between builaings variance to acheive the widex pedestrain mal�.
The Depa�tment of Community Development has reviewed th�: request
and find that the criteria and �indings a.re consis�ent with
recomntendations in memo dated February 24, 3.977 relating to a
se�back variance for �he same projec� and would therefore recammend.
approva� o� the subject �rariance in acco�dance with thos� criteria
and finda,ngs applicable to the setback variance.
[�::-0..��� - <o.a�„ -------.
. �
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May 19, 1977
1. Vail Village inn Phase II - Approval �equired by Special
Development Distr�.ct
Bill. Ruof�
�: �.
r ,
�9 r�AY �9 7 7
3:40 P. M. .
Present: Gartan � Absent: Drager
�lhite Hanlori
Mil.l.s Abbott
Todd, new member
Staff: Toughi].1 � .
Bil.l. Ruoff, archi�ec� for the project, was pre5ent arid reviewed
�he prel,iminary pres�ntat�on sr►ade at the previous week's meeting•
He con�irmed �he project's conformi�y to �he �equirement5 of :the
Sp�cia7. D�ve3.oprnent Di.�trict. Toughil.l agr�ed that the proj�ct
complies with deve].opment standards as �Equired i.n the SDD.
She noted that there w�.1.1 be a parking problez�►. with a shQr�age
of spaces to occur during on� phase o� the dev��.oPm�nt Plan,
Taughi].1 then presented a S�a�f Memo (5/19/77 see at�ached)
� outl.ining �urther �equirements �o be compli�d with and
ref�x�ed to Sectian �.3. 3U3-6 (#1) of the Zoning Ordinance
which must be conformed wi�h in this develapment.
' Ruoff no�ed that aonst�uction, of Phase TT is to commence
August 29► 1977 . He then read a letter from �he Town' s
' consul�ant, Eldon Beck, of Roystan, Hanamo�o, B�c.k & Abey,
c o n c e r n a.n g t h e p l a nned deve�.opm�nt {Se� l.etter attached. )
. �Vith re�ard ta parking, Ruof� stated �hat at the compl:�tion
o�c PhaSe II parking wi1.�. be insuffa.cient, but with the
con��ruc�a.on of Phase �I� parking wili be mo�re than adequate.
' Phase IIT wi.11 cantai.n 60� of �h.e tatal pa�king. The in-
sufficiency wi.1.1 occur du�ing the 78-79 season► and �2r.
� Staufer will have controlled parking �o al.leviate p�ob�:ems.
Toughil.l then pxesented a Memo concerning parking statis�ics
far the p�oject. Chairman Gar�on commerited that Mr. S�aufer
has excellen� s�atistics regarding his actual pax'king� versus
his `on�Paper' �eQuired p.arkiing, and that at the �ime of the
initcial study a� the SDD he was aske� to p].an �ox. maximum
parking. She also �ta�nd nhumbers��:n�the1parking�lotpa�.I.�s
been aware o� �he use a
along, and Mr. .Stau�er has cooperated in this r�gard�
` +�
, � . • 19 May 1�!�i
Page 2
white commen�ed �hat there is cur�entTy insuf��.cient parking.
Garton repli�d tha� that is the reason that �here must b�
a stipula�ion concex�ning �an�rolled parking for �he 77-78
. sea�on. _
Tot�ghi.17. in�or.med the aom�mission that although it was not
� � men�.ioned in the M�nno .there should be restrictions con-
` cexnin� a con�:truc�ion entrance and s�orage o� cbnstx�uction `
� mate�ia�s and the parka.ng of canstruction vehic�es. She
� a�.so saa,d that at �he May 12 meet'ing, the Planning Comm�.ssion
• asked �or a r�solution regarding commexcial space as related
�E �o Pubiia Accqmmodation Units, and that the caznmercial
; - must no� exceed 20$ GRFA of th� enta.re project. The Tawn,
Cauncil would have to pass the resoluti.on a,�d Dudley Abbott '
; wants the d�tails regardinq parking contro�s� tiec� down in
the Planning Commission approval..
� Ron Todd then moved �o approve the propvsed Phas� �I td,
inciuc1e the conditions a�.n the Sta�� Memo p�.us ' the
� following s�ipulations:
� �.. The usage of the parka�ng lot is to be ao��►�nt�a, ;,
; � 2. A1]. con�truction ac�ivity £or Phase �I �vill take
p3.ace ir� the nor�heast corner o� the pr�per�y-
The con�tr�ction ing��ss and egr�ss wiL�,i be along
the nor�heast side of the building. Ca�istruction
activi�y and s�orage i� to be concentra�ed on the
east side of Phase �L and nowhere can �.� come
. within 30 feet of East Meadow Ma11.
3. Cons�ru�tion storage i� not to be all.awed on �he
southwest parking lat. _
Whi.te seconded the motion; al.� px�ese�t: vdted �.n favor;
�- and the motion carri.ed. APPROVED.
� As ther� was �io further business, the meeting�. was ad�ou
�ed. .
. , . . . Z . . . - �. . ... _ ..' .
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�. � - . . . . � � . � . . i� � � .
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� . .� � � ' � a. - - . . .' _' . ' ... � - .
DATE : MAY 19, �977
The Departm�nt of Community Development lzas reviewecl the
proposed plan,s .�or Phase I� of the Vail Village Inn Special Develop-
men� District , The proposed building is in conformance with alI
regulations o� the Spec�al Development District Zone. Phase II
will contain 7, 918 square feet o� corru�ercial space, 2 , 9�.7 sq. �t ,
o� GRFA i
n three dwel.�i.n
g units, and 1, 60Q sq, ft , of storage which
becomes art of �the
p under round arkin when Pha
g P � se Z�� is bui1� .
There is one problem associated with Phase iI wh�.ch is not
addressed in the SpeczaZ Development District �xdinance, bu� was
discussed at tl�e time approval was gzve� for the SDD. Parking wi�.�
be approxima�ely 50 spaces too few untzl Pliase T�I be�ins . Ou,r
sta�f suggests two conditions �or approval o� Phase II :
� 1 . That the parking be controlled e�.ther with a gate or
by a park�.ng attendant so that the available parking will be uscd
only by gues�s and c�stomers of the comp�.ex. The avaa.lable par1�-
a.ng will also have to accornrnodate construction vehi.cles and matearials ,
and tlais use shouxd be closeiy supervised.
2. In �he event that Phase IIY is not constxucted within a
two yc�ar period from the completion of Phase II , tha� the Planna.ng
Cornmission and Town Council review the park�ng which exis�s (approxi-
mately �.14 spaces) and de�ermine i�' that number is adequate. If
the Planning Commission and Coun.c�l determine that parkzng a.s not
adequate, an alternative plan to provide the required parking be
3, During this int�xvening time, Vail Viilage Inn should
documen� parking usage in as mucn as practical. This wa�l.l assist
in setti.ng a reasonable parkimg xequiremen� �'or the balance of the
pxaject or document the actual need in the even� that the p�oject
do�s not proce�d,
We would strong�.y recommend the approval of Pha�e IT of the Vaa.l
Vil].age Inn,
� •• � , ' M 1+.-� U .T7 � T u tl f. v. d M U'tl N . N T H tll A L � .
V• �9 u l. �L �i I/ l: D l: �: Gi�+ V+ J1.)rJ�. p
� u w r, O � a � �J w M u � s-f: � n a u.� T P G
�L J r� . N ' 7"1 N 10 k1 N.u 'U'V :l H A .
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. . , �anamoto
- �3�ck &
� Abey
I � Agril 25, �.977
I _�
Mx. Pass Cooney •
Cooney Wadman Da3.tan �
1737 3.Sth S�re�t
Boulder, Ca�.orado 803�2
M�. Wi11.a.am J. Ruaff, AIA •
praw�r 2178 .
. Vail., Colorado 81657
�e; Vai1 Villag� Tnn . Phase 2
�]ear Koss and 13i�.1:
Thank you very much �or sending drawings, s].ides and the black and whits
pha�ographs. I continue �o be impr�ssed w��h the project and the em��gence of
a con�emporary village with a strong histnric f�a��ar. It's ve�y difficu].t to
create something tY:a�. fits well in ei�.he� the 3.7th or 20th century, but a.t
seams to be ha�pening.
My camments are vEry tew £or overall i� fe�ls good: �
� 1. The basE of unit H �eels abrup�. � cannot �e�d we1.]. where �he
lower flaor windows are. Zt seems �ha� this is an importan-�
facade and shou].d be quite operz - �he view in and out can be �
' tiaw about pulling �he steps ou� and run them along �he south
�ace? This migh� relieve the abruptness and creats a rzicez
plaza space.
. 2. The buildings al1 seem a l�it bulkie� than �.he origina]. model
(Drawing/Model "I]", dated Apri.�. 6,7, 197b) � azld the c�ntral
� plaza space a bi� tighter.
. You might 1001� a�. tha� space ve�y careful�y, and consi:der
widening it by abau�..�' . Pl.ease check sun angles, ��Y ��
determine where a few key tx�es mic�h� he placed and judge i�s
� sca1.� with a�.l ingredients p�esent. The slight s�ep back of
�.he second story ir► some p].aces does help.
� i,andscape Architccts: Principals: Assc�c;iascs: 225 Mi]]cr Avenuc
I.,anil�'lunning � � l2ohcrt 12��yston�A5LA H:truld N.Kul,�ryust�i ASLA Mill V,allcy
Url�an i�csign AtiA H:!]l:kF310[U fLSLA RUI�Cf1�',E;aitcr�nn f�SLA C.oli(urnia 9d441
#'�irR�'I:uE�in�; ' E�Ido�i k3�ek AS�A George W.Uirvin ASi.A Q t5:183�7906
�,nvirunEUCntal Pl.inning Kazuo Ahcy ASi.A RuE}crt S.Se��a ASLA
I.uais G.Allcy AlA
• ��i�rici.i C.irlislc ASLA �
� . . .
, � ,
Fi .
,, ,
. ; . .
Mr. Ross Coaney � .
''_ � . Mr. William ,7. Ruoff -- 2 - Ap�iX 25, 1977
� � -�
3. Many windows a� the �.ower ].eve1 will o�en the space greatly.
'� Tha� is hard �o read from the pho�ographs. Any baZconies
ar dormers a� the second ].evel to ch�.ng� scale?
That is a�I. T� £eels very good and I xecommend that the Besign Review Board,
Planni.ng Comtnissia� and Tawn Council all give their respective stamps of
appx'ova�.. TY:e Phase Two i5 cons�ster�t wi�.h ine grevious sgecial Development
Distric� a�a�provals. ;
Hest of Iuck. Than3cs for keeping me pos�ed. I have no schedu3.� �a appeax in
Vaii, but wi1.1 le� you knaw if p].ans change:
�i erely t
�{ f
� � . �
don Bec
CC: Mr. James Lamont �
� Ms. Diana Toughil�.
Nl�. ,7nsef S�auf�er
� � .
♦ ' .
` .� ' - � . � . . .
DAT�: MAX �2 , 1977 ,
The Town Council requested Selby/TofEl to res�udy the prapased
carr�mercia�. bui.l.ciing in an a�ttempt �o widen �he pedes�rain ease- �
ment tl�rough the project. This reqtzest necessita�ed a distance '
between buildir�gs varianc� ta acheive the wider pedestrain maii.
The Depa��men� of Communa.ty Deve�opm�nt has reviewed the request
and find �hat the criteria and findi�gs are consisten� wz�h
recommendation� in memo dated February Z4, 1977 re�ating to a
setback variance �or �he sa�ne projec� and would �here�ax�e recommend.
approval of �he subjec� va�iance �n accordance wi�h those cri�eria
and finda.ngs applicable to the se�back varianc�.
� , !
' �
� - .
� ;
, l .��'
May 2�, 1977
PR�SENT: Abbott ABSENx : Hanlon
Drager Mi1�s
STAFF : Toughill
Jef f rey
Peopl:e present representing The ��a were: L. Deicas , owner; T. Sriner ,
architect ; B. Pendleton, attorney:
�om Sriner outlined the d�tai.ls o� the pro�ect spcci�y�.ng that it would
con�ain 56 condominium units in addit�on to a health c1ub . It was noteol
that the builc�i.ng would be owner occupied approximatEly 3--6 weeks a
year wi.th no rentals .
Dudley Ab�ott �e�t that the proposed fireplaces were not real.istic from
�� the standpoint of �he pressing a3r qua�ity problem. He th�n asked
� about �he d�cisions r�ached by the Growth Mana�m�nt ._comm�ttee in
rel.ation to �he �easibi.3.ity of this project
An environmental impact repoxt was requested of the owner .
The variances �equested are as follows :. 345 �eet cliagonal , the
ordinance allows 225' maximum; and 10 foot setback line, the ordinance
' requires 25' rr3inimurr�.
Ed Drager was concerned with the length o� the building facing The
Mark. Other than tha� he liked �he project. Gerry White would l.�ke
to see �he building set baek moxe tha�a it is, and he �vould prefer nat
to see such a long walJ. . He would like to see some altexnative pxoposals
for �he project , Ron Todd �elt that the design was good and had no
prolo�em wi.th the bul.k control variance or setback vaxiance par�iculax7y
s�.nce �he se�back area �n question is p�destrian. A� thi.s poi�t a
� favorable l�tter was submi�ted �rom Eldon Beck, RHB&A consul.�ant,
critiquing the project . Pam Gar�on liked the approach to the si�e and
project but she wanted to be sure that there w�re good, solid
reasons fo� the vaxiances. It was stat�d that a solid ra�ionale was
needed be�ore the Commission could recommend approval. o� th� builda.ng
wails wi�hout the required offsets on the diagonal.
Tom Briner felt tha� the basis �or hardship was the �arge scale of
The Mark pxoject which does no� allaw for a view corridar ; the
topography; the shape o� the site and its relationship to the adjoining
- � buil�dings . z� was noted that the Planning Commxssion has granted
' J variances on these reasons before .
� .
, �t'
I-� was a�.so noted that �f the patio was r�moved, a 3esser se�back vaa^iance
~ wi11 be nceded.
Ed Drager made a mot�on to approve the 120 foot diagonal; Ron Todd
seconded �he mo�ion based on the s�a,�f inemorandu�n and �ldon Beck' s
recommenda�tion. A unanimous vote was recorded, APPROVED
Ror� Todd made a motion to approve the maximum wall length variance of
55 fee� . subject to the provisians of the staff inemorandum. Gerry Whit�
seconded the ma�ion, A 3/2 vote was recorded. APPROVED
On the questian o� wa�.l lengtla with no of��e�s, Pa,m Garton requested
tha� if the varzance was approved tha� it b� bu�1t according to Eldon
Beck' s recominenda�zons and tha� it be sent to Design Review Board to
solve the paroblem, Ron Tadd made a mota.on wi.th a directive to DRB
�o cons,ider E1don Beck 's recomr�enda�ions �or approval of the var�ance
mentioned a�bove, Dudley Abbott seconded the mo�ian, {it was noted -that
he was not strictly tzed to Beck' s recommendatxons} . A 4:1 vote was
recorded •xn favor of the motion. APPROVED.
SETBACK VARIANC� -- 3.0 fee� at the stair �ower and three feet at each
of the othex two building points.
Ron Todd made a mation f'or approval o� the setback variance; Ed Dxager
seconded the moti.on. A 4 :i vote was r�corcled. APPR4VED
Dudley Abbot� made a motion to �able aiscussion a� the applican� 's
request ; Ed Drager secanded �the mo�ion , TABLED
This variance reques� is �or two parking. spaces so that tYie applicant ,
Jeff Se7.by, can expand the builda.ng. Tt was noted that �he gates between
the Rucksac Bui].ding and the Red Lion were approved by the DRB on a
ternporary basis, T�e staf� has taken nQ position :on the variance rec�uest .
Je�f Selby reqtxested that they be treated as aI1 other parka�ng variances
have been �reatec� and granted in CCI , Ed Drager asked wheth�r �he applicant
would be wi�ling to si�n a paarking contract ; Selby answered a�firmat�.vely
and said that he woulc� honor it, Doug McLaugh�.a.n protes�ed the applicatzon
sta�ing that hardshi.p must be shown in order to gxant a variance.
Ron Todd, on the question o� hardship, agreed tha� the s�oxe does not
�unction well but the owner knew that when he purchas�d �.t , Gerry White
could see no hardship sznce economics are no� to be considexed by P1,anning
Commission. He was aJ.so concerned about the possib�e blockage o� the
pedestrian way between the Rucksac and the Red. Lion. Ed Drag�r cou�d see
no hardskzip and he wants the Tawn Council to make a decision on the whoJ.e
. question of parka.ng variances and contracts , Dud�ey Abbatt fel� that
the applicant can use his property wi�hin the limits o� the Zoning Ord�nance.
H� feels a.� the vaariance is granted then the P�anning Comrnis.szon wauld
be pu� in jeopardy. He can see no �ustzfxcation, Pam Garton sees a
• uniqueness o� CCT z.n relation to pedes��rianization and the TOV' s efforts
, �1�;
to discou�age paarking in Town. She is apen to the parking variances
bu� does not want the variance tied down to a contrac� . Gerry White
thinks �hat two cars couXd be put on the si-te, so is against the variance.
Jef� Selby said tha� he cou�.d upgrade the building to an addi.tzonal ;
1�9 square �ee�t W1tYlOLl� benefi� of tk�e parking v�.riance.
Doug McLaughl.in, as an interested party, fe�.t �hat �he�°e was no basis
f or haxdship, the aesthe�ics of the addition would be unpleasing; and
th.e additian would cause hardship �o people who use �he walkwa�. He
stated that he was w�l�ing to pay �ar 2 0� the upkeep of �the wa�kway.
A q�estion o� t�tle to the praperty was raised in r�lat�o n to the
walkway .
Pam Gax�on then ent�red in�to the record Iet�ers of opposition.
{Dan Telleen, Jack Cu.rta�n, Tim Gax�ton, Grego��r Keltehne�r, Cindy Sexton,
Bill Mc��.hanie, Mark You�g)
Dudley A�bo�t made a motion to deny the application; Gerxy White seconded.
A 4: 1 vote was recorded in favor af the motion . DISAPPROVED (Garton
against )
Ed Drager made a motion ta postpone discussion at the reque�st o� the
applicant ; Dudley Abbott seconded the mo�ion , TABLED
` Ed Drager and Pam Garton s�ated that they wanted �o fo�cwaxd on to .the
, Town Counc�.l a requ�st to consider parka.ng exemp�ions in CC� . It was
their feeling that parking is wxong;ly bei.ng used as a tool �o k�ep au�
'a '
.'.� ' .
� �_
DATE : May 24, �977
Tom Bxiner, r�;present�.ng Urida, N. V. has applied for seve�ral vari--
ances in oxder to allow the cans�ructa.an of 57 conclominium una.ts in
a single bua.l.ding ra�her than �n severa� s�parate bu.ildings , The
si�e is a portion o� Lo� ]., Block 2, Vail. Lionshead Filing 3 , con-
sisting of 142 , 742 sq. ft . which wou].d a11ow 92 units and a GRFA o�
approximately 5�, 000 sq. �t . The: proposal is at �he maximum GRFA but
wc.11 undex the allowable un�ts , thus laaveing a positive aff�ct upon
the peak population possible.
The requirement in the HDMF zone is a ma�imum of 225 ' di.agonal , a
maximum wall leng�h of 17�' and �a mi.nimum wall o��set of � ' for
each 7 ' of building length for ea.ch wa�1 in exc�ss of ?0 ' in length.
The developer proposes a maximum diagonal of �45' , a maximum wal.].
� Ieng�h of approxitnately 2$0' and three wa�J.s which do not meet the
offset requirements . The Iongest wal.�. with no of�set is 1.60 ' . The
setback requirement zs 25' and th� closest point on the south side
is appraximately �.0' .
1 , The arel.ationship o� th� requested variance to other exis�ing
: ar potential uses and structures in the vicinity.
The proposed structuace is c�irectly acxoss the stree� from the
proposed Mark which is a v�ry large struc�ure. The �roject , as
proposed is a.n keeping with the architectural charact�r a� �he Mark
and smaller. buildings �cvould be dwar�ed by tkae impflsing Mark structu.rc�.
We do feel, however, that �h� �ong unbroken wa11s cauld be o�fset
Somewha� to �elieve the flat expanse, especially towaxd the Enzian.
The req,ues�ed setback variance is in kecping w�th the zero setback
included i.n the Maxk Special D�velopmen� �istrict < The proposed
building 1.oca�.ion{ does cre�.te special problerns in th� area wY�ere the
Mark is an the property l�ne and. the proposed Spa is withzn ]�0 ' of the
propert�r 1ine, A v�ry naar�ow space (approximately 45 ' ) is created
that must be considexed. We would recotnmend that this sect�.on of
L,ionshead Circle be p�;destrianized in ord�r to al�eviate the con�la�ct
between the pedestxi.an and auto in. this narrow space. The narrow
' � area could �hen be landscaped xn such a way that a '"�.7�h Street"
cavern is not created.
. � The �pa
, Page 2
2, The degree �o which re�ie� from the st�°ict .or litera�. interpre-
k :� tation and enforcemen� af a specif�,ed regulation is necessary
ta achieve compa��bility and una.formi�y o� . treattnen� among
sites i.n the vicinity or to a�tain the objectives of this or-
dina�ace withou� grant o� special privilege.
Strict intex�preta�ion of the ordinance wottld reqttire at least
three separa�e, oar perhaps four, structur�s on the si.te which would
greatly dirna.n,ish the amou.nt o� gr�en space and possible recreational
amen�.�ies on the sa.te. The site is also peculia� in �hat �.t is a
difficult one topographica��y. The "ha.�l" is a man-made one which
apparen�ly resul�ed from the construc�a,on. of Highway 6. The proposed
plan recogni�es the exis�i.ng topography and dea].s with in an imagznative
way arather than flat�enxng the enta.re site. A�ain; �he bulk and
mass of the proposed Mark shaul.d be consic�ered �n approving a building
size criteria for this si.�e.
3. The effect o� the requarested vaxiance an light and air, distra-
bution o� population, transpor�ation and txa��ic facixities ,
public facilities, and utilities , and public sa�ety.
We see no advers�: impacts on the above factors . The prapased
us� of the buildin� represents a decrease in populata.on which xs in li.n,e
with p�o�osed growth manage�nent program and has a positive impact on
di.s�ribution of poupla��on in �erms of avernight gu�sts. The pxojec�
is proposed for the use o� the owners only, and is nat proposed for
short-teacm rental. The project is on a major bus line and will have
, � some impact on the bus sys�em, howev.er, much less impact than a short-
term, maximum number of �nits pxoj�ct which could have be�n bui�t on
the site. A major plus a.s that a17. au�o' access to �he site is from
the Frontage road which �nables a major portion of the landscaped
area �o be adjacent to p�destrian access from the West day skiex
parking ].ot . As the pxoject is on the bus 1ine, there should be 7.ittle
i,mpact on traffic and parki.ng requirements in other parts o� Town.
1 , That the gxantin� of tl�e variance will not const.itute a
grant o� special pri.vilege inconsa.sten� wath the li.mitations
on other pxaperties c�.assifi�d in th� same district .
See Items 1 and 2 und:er Consideration of Factars .
2. That the granting o� the var�.ance wil.l not be detrimental to
the public hcalth, sa�e�Gy, or wel�a�e, or mate�°ially an�urious
�o properties or impxovements in tk�e vicinity.
We feel the pxoject would have a very pasitive im��c� on the
� neighborhood, bo�h on the basis af design and landscaping qual.ity,
and would no� be .detrimental to any other propeart�.es i.n �he vicin�.�y .
3. That the variance is warranted �or one or more o� the
�ollowing �easons:
a. xhe strict or literal interpre-�ation and en.forcement of
the specifi�d xegula�ions would result in practi.caJ�
dif�i.culty or unnecessary physi.cal harship inconsistent
i �
' • '' The Spa �
' ° ,Page '3
wa.th the objectives of this ordinance.
� The proposed structure has the appearance of several
s�ructu.res rather than one very large one, and is in keeping wi.th
oth�r projects, both co�pleted and proposed, in the neighborhood.
b. There are exceptiona�. or ex�raord�.naxy c�.�cumstances or
condita�ons applicable to the site of the variance that do
not apply generally �o other proper�i�s in the same zone.
See items � and 2 under consideration of factors .
The Depa�tment of Communitp Development would strongly
recom[nend that the Planning Cornmissa,on revi.ew �he bui.lding bulk
control standards to determine �f they are valid. We would point
out tha� only one building since the 1973 adoption of tY�e orc�inance
h.as been built wi.-�hout a variance from these s-tanolards. We would
also point out than sevexal projects either approved or under con-
struction, are in varia�ian frorn these standards . Possib7.y the best
example of a vexy good building that does not meet t.h�se standards
is the Vail Village Inn r.edevelopment .' It inay be in �h� best inte�cests
of good design to remove the bulk cont�^ol standards, and usc� them
merexy as gu�delines in r�viewang individual projects.
The Department of Community Deve�.opment recommends approval of
the requested variances with special attentian to paints raised by
both the s�aff and Eldon Beck in achieving the intent of the ordinance.
� � ;; i ui
I i .� .
� � ' Royston
Beck &
', • Abey
May 20, 1977
Ms. �iana Toughi7l
Town of Vail
P. 0. Box 100
Uai7 , Colorado 8i657
��: Vaii Spa Condominium
Dear Diana:
On Thursday, May 19, 1977, I met with Tam Sriner and Leon Diecas in
ir�y office to review �he proposed design o� the Vai7 Spa Condom�nium.
Overall , I found the project to be well conce�ved and in most cases
in conformance with Town design criteria. Nly co�nents are as follows:
1. Tl�e placement of buiTdi�g mass on the site is good and
the three resul�ing apen spaces are we1T located and
�. �n relat�an to adjacent stre�ts and to the Enzian.
The oniy ��gh� relationship is the southeast wa11
line front�ng on Wes� Lionshead Circ�e. The space
between �he proposed project and the proposed ex-
pans�on of the Mark wili be t�ght.
At this 1aca�ion, �he builciing a�pears to extend into
ti�e setback at one corner by on7y twa feet. This is
nat a significant prab�em. We discussed the one ,
apparent option of b�ailding �his wing to the narth e�ge
of the property on top o� the garage, i'his would transfer
bulk from within the site to the outer edge with significant
detrimer�ta7 visuaT effec� on the spac�s as se�n from the
Tnterstate. In r�y op�n�on the p�an proposed is t�e best
of the two optians in terms of community impac�.
2. The height and bulk of the bui�ding �ave � imi�ed impac�
on existing impartant sight lines. It was represented
that the heigh� of the building conforms to ordinance.
� l.ands�cape Architects: Principals: Associates: 225 Millar Avenue
l.�nd planning Robert Royston EASLA f�arold N.Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley
Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T,Batterton ASLA California 94441
Park Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W.Girvin ASt,A 415 383-7900
Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey AS1.A Roberf S.Sena ASLA
Louis G.Alley AIA
Patricia Carlisle ASLA
� . ,
` • Ms. D�ana Tough�ll -2- NEay 20, 1977
3. The �ong wa71s do exc�ed ordinance requirements. However,
because of the building shape and �h� break up of facade
6y s�airways, I recommend that a var�ance by gran�ed. Qne
condi�ian should �e assigned, and that would be �he re-
quirement that 15 to 20 ma�ure con�f�rs (3Q' - 35` in height)
be ciustered �n three or four Toca�ions aTong �he long
walls. Plar�� r�aterials can achieve almost the same effect
as an archi�ectur�al setbac�C. Zk�e candi tion shoul d f�r�her
state tha� these trees are "architectural features" and tha�
�hey must be weT7 ma7ntained and replaced promptly in case
of �oss. {The Ownc:r and Architect agreed to this conditian. )
q�. A req�est was �nade to study �he interior r�g�t ang]e wall
in��rsect�ono(the two tennis court spaces}. A notch or an
angle or some other saiutivn to create shadow and a better
cannection wo�ld alTeviat� a potentia3 v3sual problem.
5. The amaunt of park�ng �s de��cient by 13 spaces. 106 covered
spaces wi�l be provided in comparison with 119 required.
In my opinion, 13 surfac� stalls at the� north s�de of the
bu�lding result in 7oss of critica1 landscape space and �orce
� a poor serv7ce area access dest�n. Approxir�ately six �a
ei�h� surface spaces work fair7y we11 . I suggest that �h�
ap�rovals be worded requ�r�ng confor�iance with the ord�nance
within a pertod of two years after f�ll operation af the
project and then only if a par[c�ng de�Fic�ency is apparent.
6. The service area and �uggage pickup ar�a is not we7� solved
and c{oes not have the quality of the rest o� the project.
Mr. Briner agreed to s�udy this area further.
7. The site plar� and landscape p1an req�ires fur�her design and
must show access �o tenr�is cour�s, �xterior terraces and
kiosks, ear�h form, and a more detailed plartting plan. It
was suggested thdt the west tertnis co�rt be depressed by
approxi�nately four feet and that mounding on �he southwes�
perimeter wauld da much ta lower apparent bui] ding he�ght.
Also, matur� tree planting a7ong West Lionshead CircTe
(east of the pedestrian access to VaiT Spa) would soften
the building rela�ionsh�p with the �lark. It is apparent
that West �.ionshead Circle is very �mpor�ant to the visua7
image of Lionshead and improved landscape south of the Enz�an
Condominiums, in concert with new landscape by the Vaii Spa,
is esser�tial . The Town and th� Enzian shou7d bo�h participate
in environmenta] impravement.
� , �•
�{.!' � ..
� �
� Ms. Diana Toughill -3- May 20, 1977
8. Ttte need far a quality bus waiting shel �er and terrace or�
West Lionsh�ad �ircTe was d-iscussed. Mr. Diecas may be
willing to participate in the �evelopr�ent o� s�tc� a facilTty.
9. A winter t�me �ennis b�abble was discussed. A single cour�
bubb1 e on �f�e east courts woul� be be�ter thar� a doubl e
I recommend that requested varianees be granted, but including �he
condit�ons described in this letter. There shou�d be further detai7ed
review of the site and landscape p7an with an agre�ment to plar�t
�a�erial s�ze and quar�tities. As any bu-ilding reaches maximur� size
and, �n fact, exceeds the maximum, it becomes ex�remely impor�ant that
extra care be g�ven to proportion, scale, materials , and color. The
ski11 of �he Architect becames very important and �he To�vn shou1d
con��nue to require careful design d3a�ogue. I believe tha� this
�ro,�ect is we11 co�ceived and patent3ally car� be one of the rnos�
attractive in Lionshead (in part because of space for s�rong tree
plantzng) . This apin�on is being �xpressed as a concern for both
the Vail 5pa and for any fu�Cure political actions on the Mark.
` � Please feel free �o ca17 me if I have missed at�y af your concerns.
Wi�l� best wishes.
El Beck
cc: Mr. Stan �ernstein
Mr. Jar�es F. Lamont
�Ir. '�orrt Bri ner
Mr. John Dobsan
f ` ° '
''� � Pierce
Fltzhugh Scott Inc.
Arch itectu re
Ptanning May 24, �977
P.O.Box 2299
303 476-3038 �r. Jim Lamont, Direc�ar
Depart�nen'� of Communi ty Devel opment
Box lOd .
Vail , Colorado 81657
Dear Jim:
With reference to your �e�ter af March 2S, �977, regarding �he
pro�osed Vai3 Spa Development, I've taken note af your concerns
and ha�e attempted �ere �o give some answer to the items spec-
ified. I don't consider this ietter an Environmenta1 Tmpact
Study but hope that it fulfills your own requirements for infor-
mation concern�ng these relationships, Should �Further documen-
tation be necessary, I, thro�gh r�y consu1tants cou�d, I'm sure,
more accurately, i.,e. , with numbers, references, etc. , describe
�he specific impact af this proposed project.
' � ' of ro'ect to ro osed Marlc deve�op�ent . . •
#� Rela��onsh�p p 3 P p
Adjacent construction is genera3ly large in scale. The
propased MarK addi�ion zs also �arge. The Vail Spa will
no� have a raof �ine a�ove t�e Enzian Lodge or �he Mark I.
View corridors have no� been interfered with. Views toward
�he village `and/or to the moun�ain remain apen and perhaps
enhanced with development on that particu�ar piece of land.
"Mass" wi71 be broken up by the staggered, non-symrnetric,
sawtaoth p1an. The �uilding is composed of three w�ngs
arran�ed to farrti three courts, which w�th significant
planting will offer a foreground to break up building sur-
faces behind. The f1.at roo�, beYng "crenelated" by pent-
houses ar�d so�ar collectors, wi�� not have a horizontal ,
straight proflle to persons a� ground level . Cansiderable
attention has been given �o �he visua� effect of th7s project
�rom various viewpozr�ts .�ncluding Red Sandstone Road, tl�e fron-
tage roads, ar�d the pedes�rian approaehes along �[est Lionshead
Circle. 5fcetches ar�e available to �ndicate the project' s
"fit" in�o its se�ting. The interes� �n facade �enerally
obtained by offsets will instead be developed �hroug� pattern-
ing of windows and doar opening� and locatian of wood and/o�^
� .
` Mr, Jim Lamont Page 7wo
, � �
stucco panels with re��ef being given by projecting bay
wi r�dows at stai rways ar�d occas�onal balconi es rece5sed
into the building's form.
Addi�ianal carrmentary is available in Eldon Beck's letter
of May 20, 1977, to Diana.
#10 Re1ati4nsh^�p . .. �to existing s�wer and wa�er ., . surface .
drainage �rom parking areas.
Using the Colarado Ue t. of liea��h Desi n Re Uiremen�s
and the Colorada Plumbin Code as a guide and assuming fu�l
occupancy of the living units, restaurant and health club
fac�l�ties, we have approxi�ated the follawing sewer and
water demands:
Sewer � 24210 ga7. per day
1�ater - 28500 gal . per day with peak AM ar�d PM
requirements of 18U ga�. per minute
Neith�r the wa�er or sewer loads account for the probab�:�
. use of water-saving water closets.
W�th regard to surface drainage af �arking areas , the prA�ect,
to r�eet parking requir�ments, proposes �6 sUrface parking
spaces. (It is t�e sugges�ion of Eldon Beck that these
spaces be hel d i n abeyance un��1 the fu1:1 req�i reinent i s
justified. } Parking, service apron, and approach driveways
amount to approximate�y 9700 sg. ft. of paved area. We do
no� feel �hat th� area invalved or the amount of use,
particularly the parkin� spaces, justifies special mea�s
for detention of si7t and oil droppin9s•
�2 Relationshlp of praject tfl . . . population increases . . .
r�ountai n capaci ty . . . 7owr� of Vaa 1 revenues . ..
Aside �rom a mar�ager's unit, it is not expected that this
�roject will add to the Vai1 permanent popul�tion. it is
. projected that the condominiums wi11 be sold to fam�lies �
interested in visiting Vail during the summer season as well
as the winter. Av�rage length of stay may be two-three weeks.
When nat occupied by the owmers, the units wi�l not be rented
o�t -- pr�ser�� arch�tectural plans do not allow far the
spl i t�i ng off of bedroor�s for rer�tal pu�poses.
The health facilities are considered primarily as an amenjty �o
the condominium awners. However, a limited number of
, ;� �. . ,
� � •
� f�r. J�m L.aroor�t Pag� Thr�e
f �
membersh�ps may be affered ta �oca3s -- no competition is
envisioned w�th the propose� Vail Health C1ub.
The resta�ran� wi11 have a seating capacity of s�xty persons
and will offer two evening sittings, lunch, and poss�bly
breakfast �or the occupants of the Spa.
1"hough figures have no�t been formulated, it is presumed that .
revenue to �he town t�raugh the development of �he llail Spa ,
wi1Z be in excess o�F �he cos�s to the town's provision af
pot�ce ar�d fire protectian as well as other municipal cos�s
including sI�uttle bus service. Utility casts very likely
w�l� be borne by �ap fees.
Saurces of revenue to the town wiZl �nclude:
7. Building permits
:_ 2. Amer�ities tax
3. Sates tax accrued �hrough Spa residen-�s spending
in �ionshead and Va�l
4. Town of Vai1 share of rea7 estate taxes based upon
approxi mate �narket va7�es o� $1 fi0,000.OQ per uni t
� . * #14 Re7ationship to pedestr�an, mass transit, vehicular c�r-
culation . . . transit system service levels. �
Vehicular �ra�Ffic genera�ed by the Vail Spa would not occur
on �test Lionshead Circle t�us a�lawing that street ta become
pedes�rianized. Aceess to patron's, owner's, an� service
vehicles would be from �he Sou�h Frontage Raad -- over 400
�ee� east of �he intersec�ion w�th Wes� L��nshead Circle:
A propasal to t�e 7own of Vai� will be made �o share tf�e cost
of a she�tered bus stop a7ang with the Mark. This could ��
loca�ed on, or pvssibiy across, West .Lionshead Circie convenient .
to the pedestriar� entrances to both the Vaii Spa and the Mark
ad�f ti on.
John Ryan has calculated that for every visi�o� in Vail , there
are generated i.65 bus trips*. This figure daes r�ot reflect
ti�e i nc�dence o�f use duri ng peak AM and PM per�ods or cans4 d-
erat�on of prox�mity of loading point to destination. Assuming
�Full occupancy of the Uail Spa to be approximate'ly 204 persar�s;
at �.65 trips per person, the increased ser�ice level woui� be
3�9 passenger �rips per day. Tn light of this project's con-
ver��ence to the Gondola �no less than �he Mark's) , 1� is
probab�e that this figure �is substantially higher �han what
it actual7y wou�d b�.
�� * Mark Environmental Impact Study, Page 50 �
,'�, • . .,
. -
Mr. Jim La�nt Page Four
� .
Re: Energy conserva��an . .. water cons�rvatian -- the deve�oper
is desirous of constructing an energy efficient project and
techn�ques to �hat end �nclUde:
1 . Use of double g7axed windows
2. Provision of solar ca�lectors for the domestjc ho�
water requirements
3. Probably elec�ric h�at
4. To the extent possible, exhausting building heat �
through �he parking structure •
5. Minim9zing bui�ding projectlons (balconies)
to red�ce ir�su7ating/infii�ration prablems
6. Location of sidewa�ks and terraces on south
and southwest side of building
1. Research into efficient f�replaces (57')
8. Use of water-saving water closets
Finaliy, Jjm, I again recognize that this is not an Environmental
Impac� Study. However, I hope yau and your staff wi11 agree that
those concerns you �ave on the impact of this project on the town
can be met in a pasit�ve way and that benefits .to �he towr�, while
not without some expense, stil� j�stify the deve�opment of th�s
� Sincerely,
� Thomas A. Briner
. ✓
cc. Diana Toughill , Town af Va�l
Brian Pendeltan, Denver
.. °� .
June 2 , 1977
�escn�ation of the �ropased plans �or
1. Sunburst px'el.iminaxYro erty
the balance of the � �
2. Hn7.y Cxoss Elec�a:'ic
conda�t�,onal use permi-�
3 . Colorada Mountai.n Col.lege
conditional use permi.t
�, Town. of Vai1 and Paxking Lots
rezon.ing of Ka-�sos Pxoper�y
5. Appx'aval o� minutes May
5 , 12 , 19, 197'7
6. Discussion of appointment o� Chairperson and Vic�--Chairperson
and Design Review Boaxd membe�'
7, Discussion o� recomcnendatians to Council regarding the
parking situat�on
8, Discussion. o� County Plarzning Wnrkshops
June 2, I977 .
PR�SENT: Abbot� ABSENT; Mills
Gartan STAFF : Toughi�l
HanZon Kxamer
Blair Ammons and Rob O'�onn�Il were present for thc� discussion.
There is app.roximately 40 acres �.n the to-�a� approved PUD for
�unburst . The Pu�.is ' own a por�ion of it and FDMI owns the bua.lc��ng
and 11 acres o� propoerty contiguous to the build�ng. Present7�y �here
is no forma]� zoning for the open �and , Zt was noted that FDMI has
been worka.ng with the R�creation District and the Pu1is Family to work
out some o� the exist�ng, contxactual problems surrounding the Sunburst
projec�, i . e, sewer line location, road rights-of-way and alignment,
parking, �.andscaping, and bus service, as well as Urarking wi�h the
Town of Vail s�a�f , On the ques�ion of park�.ng and car location,
Dudley Abbott felt tha� the Recreation Distri.ct ought ta take another
look at using the existing underground paxking spaces (�43} loca�ed
' � und�r the exis�ing building which would be more aesthetically pleasing
�than reloca�ing the pa�king above ground as they have reques�ed be done,
The problem of �.oa�ng so arises from �he question o� distance and
conveni.ence for the gol�ers in relation �o the clubhause, greens, e�c .
Pam Gartan felt that i� the Commission �eJ.t strong�y on this paint that
they should send a memorandum to the Recreation District about it becau.se
i.t was not a pxoblem for Planning Co�nmission to woxk out due to the
� or3g�na]. parki.ng con�ract and negotiations between Sunburst and the Rec
District .
I Buxlding A, wh�ch presently exists, consists o� 7�. condomimium units
� with 54 lock o�� units in additzon to commercial space which brings th�
'� total bu�lding to approximately 89,76�. square fee� o� net floor area. FDM�
E would l.zke �o have the bua.�:ding zoned a special dc�velopment district with
I the remainder o� the �.and, approxxma�ely 9 .acres , zoned residentia� c7�uster.
They proposed �o have a density of 6 units pear acre which would bring the
densi��y to abt 50-54 units. I� was noted that FMDI does not want to be
i.n�rolved in the development proc�ss , They want to iron aut the pxoblerns ,
get �he Iand zoned, and sell it as a package. If necessary tlaey would be
involved in the sale process of the existing condominiums in Bu�lda�ng A, b,ut
would px�fer to sell it in to�al. When asked about any addit�.onal recreational
amenities being placed on �he project, Blair Ammons commented �hat FDM1
had no plans �to add any more than what a�ready exis�ts.
� .
Page 2
�n the preliminary concept that was outlined above, Ed Drage� �elt
� that the build�ng was a real�ty and was always going to be there and
there was �ot much to be done about a� , He �e�t that Residen�ial
Cluster zoning �or the othex portion of the pxoperty was good.
Dudley Abbott �elt com�ortable with resid�ntzal cluster for the
vacant ground bu� had some cance�ns about how �he proper�y and
respectzve zoning would relate �o the Pu1is ' p��ns �ar their proper�y.
It was noted by staff tha� this proposa� �s identical . to what the
Pulis ' propose for their prop�rty except fa� �he. di��erence in hous�ng
types. �n general Dud�ey Abbot� had no problems with the concept .
Gerry Whi�e �e�t that �he plan was a substant�aZ �own zoning, whicli was
very acceptable, and �hat the SDD zoning �or Building A was a good
sol�tion to the prablem. Ron Todd thought EDMI ' s plan was a good
solution but he wanted it no�ed that some of �h� open space that
was re�uired by �he orig�naX SDD will naw be taken up by deve�opment
as shown by the preliminary ca�cep� . Bill Hanlon sugges�ed tha� wh�n
�he app�xcant appears fo� �inal review of the pro�osal that he draw
up a s�te plan using exzsting houses to show how the duplexe�, might
relate to one another -- whethe� th�y be mirror images or primary
and secondary units. �ay Pulis s.tated tnat on their s.ubdiv�sxon, they
were plannin� to have r�s�rictive covenants o� the allowable size for
the second units but at this �ime did not have any size break�owns.
The Pulis £amily was in agreem�nt wit� FDhiT ' s p�ans.
The app�zcant was directed to wo�k out the various p�ablems surrounding
the project befoxe coming back to the P�anning Co�mission, who found
�he genexal concept of the plan agreeable.
Holy Cross Electric �s applyi�g for a Cond�tianal Use Permi� in
oraer ta a�low erection of a gas pump and �uried tanli on their site
west of the Va�� Associates Shop. Th� pt�mp wouid service five
vehicles. The tank would be a,2, 000 gallan capacity with the dimensio�s
o� the pump bezng 5z' X IZ' . The pump would be th� only visab�e
por�io� af the operat�on.
Dud�ey A�bott made a motion for approval based upon the criteria
and findings a� the staff rnemorandum; Ron Todd seconded the motion .
A unanimous vote was recorded. APPROVED
This is an application for a t�mporary conditional use permit in order
to allow erection of their summer t�nt to be used from �une 13
�o August 19th. The proposed locatxan �s northwest of the A-Frame
and is presently zoned agricu�tural ,
B��1 Hanlon made a mot�on �or approval based upon the criteria and
�indings o� the staff inemorandum; Gerry White seconded the motion. A
unanimons vo�e was recorded, APPROVED.
Page 3
� The Town would like ta rezone the 150 acres o� pxoper�y laca�ed
directly east o� the go�f course fxo� tile existing LDMF �oning
to Greenbelt and Na�ural Open Space Dzstxict in addition to xezoning
: the two publie parking lots owned by Vail Assoc�ates located in
Vail Lionshead Firs� �iling and the pub�ic. parking lot west of the
Mark located in Vail Lions�ead Third Filing fram �he e�isting
HDMF zone and CC2 zone d�stricts �o a Parking Distr�ct .
Bill Hanlon made a mation far approval ; Ed Dragex seconded the motzon.
A unanimous vote was xecorded, APPROV�D.
It was noted that a conditianal use permit would be needed if some
time �n th� fu�ure the Katsos property was developed as a recx�a�ional use.
Ed Drager made a mot�on to approve the amended May 5 minu�es ; Dudley
Abbatt seconded the mo�xon. A 5-0 vote was recorded. Todd abstainea.
Ed Drager mad� a motion to approve the May I2 minutes ; Dud�ey
Abbott seconded �he mot�on. A 3-0 vote was recorded. Gartan,
Todd, & White abstained.
Gerry White made a mot�on to approve the May 19 minu�es; Ron Todd
seconded the motion. A 3-0 vo�e was recorded. Hanlon , Abbott ,
� and Drager abstained.
In response the the Council ' s question of wh•o should appain� the
P�anning Com�mission officers, either the Council or the �lanning Commissior,;
z� was a g�neral conce:�:sus of the Commission �ha� they appoint their
own office�� fox a 6 month term. Tt was fe�� tha� �ne Planning
Commission shou�d appoin� a member each week to attend the Counci�
work sessions and to attend the Counci� meetings so that they cou�d be
on hand �o make th�ir own presenta��ons.
Dudley Ab�ott made a motion to appaint Ed Dra�er a� Chairman and
G�rry White as Vice�Chairman; Bill �ianlon seconded the mot�on. A 4-0
vo�e was �ecorded. (Drager and Whi�e absta�ned} ,
It was decided to wa�t un�il Sandy Mills returned next week be�ore
appointing the rota�ing Design Review Board member.
I� was �elt that CCI shou�d be kep� pedestrian and that pa�king should
be d�scouraged. It was the Planning Carnm�sszon ' s feel�ng �ha� paxking
was wrong�y being used as a tool to keep out expansion. Their question
was whether or not �he contracts were valid. Bill Hanlon �elt tha�
� i� we did away wi�h the parking requirement that every porch and pat�a
would be enclosed in order �o give the b�siness ' moxe commercial space
and as he could see it parking was the o�ly hand�e to con�rol this. The
balconies and .patzos are what makes CCI wark in te�ms of commercia�ism.
Page 4
Gar�on agreed but felt that the parking requirement was th.e wrong
way to go about controlling it . She �elt that there was some other
way within the �oning ��dznance ta contral it : Dzana Toughill
� ��� suggested an amendment to the Ordinance that would �equire all
increases or conversions wi�hin CCI , CC2 and the surrounding areas to
be regulated by a conditiona� use pexmx� . T�at way each addition
or conversion cou�d be consid��ed on its own merit . Ron Todd quest�oned
whe�her or not we could cantrol add�tions and conversio�s wi�h
the landscapang requaxement .
Dud�ey Abbott felt the answer to the prablem was �n two pa�ts:
l, create a parking dis�rict that wou�d incl�de CC� & CC2
(both areas should be consadered equal�y) , and the District would
�ave a dol�ar amount for �embership . Each variance tha� has be�n
or will be g�anted wi�X requare money to b� pu� into the D�str�ct .
2 . He felt that the variances that were granted pose a
problem that has no� been addresse�. The �act �hat some of the
contracts ar� not en�orceable make a11 of the variances gxanted
invalid a�d the Council should act accordingly in respect to the
parking district and rnaking some o� the o1d var�ances, which are
inval�d, j�stifiable under the pa�king d�strict . He �elt that most
people would pay up. Ed Dragex fe�t that �andatory deconve�si�n
could be used as a means to make those who wex� na� willing to join
the dis�ric� pay up ox suffer the consequ�nces. Daana Toughill fe�t
that �he question of mandatory deconv�rsion was ane which th�
Counc�l should decide.
� The P�ann�ng Commission asked th� staff to work on the "candi��onal
use zdea" and try to come �p wi�h cons�stent regulatians �hat were
equitable and benefic�a� to the community for CC� , CC2, and the
immediate surround�ng areas .
It was felt the P�anning Commission should pr�sent to the Council
a �ew positive ideas for which th�y couZd accept, modify, or disregard.
Diana Toughi�l gav� a summary of the planning workshops that were
being held in EagXe.
As there was no �urther business to discuss, �h� meeting was adjourned.
..'� F'��`����)-����$.���.g�°�3.
Jun� 1g 1977
Mr. Jay Pulis
Vail Valley, Ync.
3841 South Magno�i� Way
�enver, CO 80237
i��ar Mr. P�t)is:
You have requested an additional cla$sificat�an �f tP� ru�ot�t
areas defined for the wet spring avalanches bey�nd �h�t ces�t��r�e� in
t�e r�port "Ciubhous� Gulch Avala�c4��, lfail , Colarado" April 1�77 �r�d
th� �ubsequent letter to you of �ay 24, 1977. 'This a�i��t�c�n�i ���ss�-
fi�ation �s whether t�e wet spring avatanches sho�ld b� cla�s��i�d �� �
high or rnpderate hazard.
Based u�n the fioa�in� and damaning ciensitiea �nc� vel��i�ie� for
these w�t snow avalanch�s, th� run�ut 13mits as defined vril� r��� ex�er��nc�
� the b00 pounds per square foot pressu�e which is us�d ir� �t�� Vatl ���a�°d
regulat�nns for th� pressur� demarcation b�tweer� high �nd mo�erate h���r°ds.
The r�curr�nce interval for many �f th�se t�e� ava�anches �s m� th� �rd�r
of 5 to 10 years b�at r�a�t sliding un�For9nly to the run€�u� l�mits ��f�n�de
For the purposes of �nur ��ann�ng for the preliminary p��t �c��rri�tal > I
would recomner�d tha� yau consider th� defined iimit� of th� wet spr�r�g
avalanches as the moderate hazard cias�ification a►��i that a s�cond�ry class�-
f�cation line be used in tl�e plat process iocated 3Q ���°� (^°1� �et�r�)
uphill �south) of the indica�ed runout lir�i� lir�� as �he rlem�r��a�io� b��w��r�
rr�oderate and high hazar� because o� �h� frequency of o�ci�rr�r�c�. �'his wo�atd
b� ir� accardance with the hazard vrdinance definitior� �s adt�in��tered by
Yai] , a�thfl�gh rigoraus demarcation o� the wet sp�°�ng av�1anches ��t tY�e
hazard cat�gories d�velop�d pri�narily �for the r�a�c�r sli�e paths �ay be
�verusing the metho��logy due to the inaccuracies �f fr°eq�ency d�t�a�m�r��ti��.
If I �an be o� fur�her a�sistar�ce ar �f quest7ons arise or� �his asp�ctA
pleas� cantact r�e< �
� �
Rpnald L. �alley, P.E.
� �r�s�dent
Rl.H/j h
CC: Tri-Consultar�ts, inc.
, �,"J. A.91SSI�;�;11�� .. ; -
�ATE : JUNE 2, �.977
Holy Cross Electric has applied for a Cond�tional Use
Permit in oxd�r to al�ow ex�ction o� a gas pump �.nd buric�d tank
on their sa�te west of the Vail Associates Shap. The pump would
sexve four service vehicles .
Upon review o� Sectian 18. 60d "Cr�.teria and �'indings",
the Department of Community Deve].opmen� recomrnends approval o�
�he Condita.onal Use Permit based upon �he �ollawing factors :
� l. Relationship an.d �mpact of the use an development
objec�ives of the Town.
2. E��ect of the use on light and ai�, distributi.on af
popul.a�tion, transportation �ac�.l.i�ies , utili�ies ,
schools , parks and recreat�on facilities, and other
public �acilities and public facilities needs ,
3. E�fect upon tra��ic, with particular refexence to con-
gestion� automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience ,
traffic flow and control, access, maneuvearability ,
and remova]. of snow from �he street and parking areas .
The pxopased use has little or no impact on the develop-
ment objectives o� �he Town or on ti�� other factors.
4. E�fect upon the character o� the area in which the
pxoposed use is to 1oe located. , . in relation to surround-
ing us�s .
We �oxse� no negative impact on the cha�cacter of the a�ea
or on the scale or bulk o� surrounding uses, The site �s surrounded
with o�her heavy servic�s uses--V, A, shop to the east and the
� Texaco station to the West . The px�oposed storage �anks are
located we1.l away from Sandstone Creek and should no� create
.� �Holy Cross E��c�ric
'� June 2, 1.977
1►' ,
� an environmen�al problem.
5. Such other �actors and criteria as the Commission
deems applicable to the pxoposed use.
The Fir� Department should rev�ew tY�e proposal from a fire.
and sa�e�y s�andpo�n�.
6. No environmental im�ac� report is required.
The Department of Cammunity Development recommends
that �the Condata.ona�. Use Pexmit be appraved based or� th� �ollow-
ing �indings:
1. That the proposed �oca��on o� the use is in accord
with the purpases of -this ordinance and the �urposes
o� the da.stri.ct �.n which the s�,te is �ocated.
2. Tha� �la� proposed 1�ocatian of the use. and the conditions
, undex wha.ch a.t woul.d be opexated or maintained will
not be detrimental to the public health, sa�ety, or
welfare, or materially injurious to propex�ies or
improvcmen�s in �he vicinity.
� 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the
applicable provisions o� this ordinance .
, ,t� • •
TO: Planning Commission
FROM : Department af Community Development
DAT�: June 2, 1977
RE : Colorado Mountain College Rec�uest for
Condi.ta.onal i7se permit for Summer Tent
Coloxado Moun�ain College has made application for a �0 ' X 60 '
green and white striped �ent to be erected in the A-Frame parking
lo� . The proposed ��nt i.s far use as �ummer Vail Ar� Work Slaop
space to be used fram June 13 ta August 19th. The �ropased
location �s northwest of the A-Frame and is zaned agra.cultural.
Upon revi.ew of Sec�ion 18. 600 "Crit�ria and Findings" , the
• Department of Communi�y Development xecommends approval o� the
C�nditional Use Permit based upon �he follow�ng fac�ors :
' l. Relationshxp and impact of the use on development objectives
o� the Town.
One of the �rimary goa�.s of the Town has been _to expand �
th� available cultural and educational opportunit�.es�.�,
the Community. The proposed terit furthers thi� objective.
2, The ef�ect of the use on light ,and air, distxa.bution of
population, transpor�ation �aca�lities , utili�a.es , schools ,
parks and recreation facil.ities , and ather public faca.�.ities
and public �acilities needs.
As ther� is a grea� deal of publ�c parking, whi�h is
not used in th� summex, directl.y adjacent to the proposed tent ,
parking should nat pose a problem. The site is also on a bus �
route and should not adversely impact the transportata.on : s�stem '.
Impacts on other factors a�e positive.
3. Effect upon tra�'fa�c, with particular reference to ec����s�t�o�:� .
automative and pedestxian sa�ety and convenience, traffic
flow and con�ral , access, maneuverab�.Iity , and removal o�
� snow from the street and parking ar�as.
k .
Colorado Mounta�n College
,;"'� Page Two
� , .
� The effect on traffi:c sho�ld be posa.tive as the
smal]. amount of p aarking which has been av-ailable near the A-Fx�ame
� has been a �rem�:ndous contral problem.
4, �;�fect upon the character of �he area irz wha:ch the propased
use is to be located. . . in relation to su�rrounding uses.
The applicant feels �hat the �ent w�.11 enhar�ce
the quality a� Site 24 by elii'ninating the parking by �h� A-Frame
and will, also serve as a barrier �or constxucta.on undexway at the
Lodge at Lionshead. We do not �eei �ha-� any negativ� a.mpacts
on the character of the area or on �he scale or. bul�k of the
surrounding uses �s c�reated by the tent ,
5. Such. o�her factars and critex�ia as the Comm�.ssion deems
applicable tti the proposed use.
No other �actors sY�ould bE considered,
6, No environmcnta,l �mpact repor� is required.
The Depar�ment of Community Development recommends
that the Conditional Use Permit be approved based on the �ollowing
� �
f in.dings :
� 7�. Tha-� �he praposed location o� the use is in accord with
the pux�pas�s af this ordi.nance and the purposes o� the
district in which the szte is 1.aca�ed.
2 , That th� proposEd location of �he use and the conditions
under which it would be aperated or main�ained wi].l not
be detximental to the public health, sa�ety , or wel�are
or ma�crial.ly injurious to properties or improvemen�s
in the vicinity.
3. That �1ne propased use wi.11 camply with each of the appl�.cabl.e
prova�sions of this orda.nance .
:�-' � •
� � � �,
� NOTICE IS HER�SY GTVEN THAT the Town af Vail intends
ta rezone the paxcel �f �.and known as �h� Katsos prope�rty con�a.st- �
ing a� appxoximate3.y 350 acres lacated direc�tly east o� �he �oZf" . €
. a
course from the exis��ng Low Density �Mu��iple Family zone distx�.c� ;
� �
to Greenbelt and Na�ural 4pen Space District. �
NOTTCk� IS FURTHER G�VEN THAT the Town of Vail. intends �F
ta re�one �he two public parka.ng lots owned by Vail Associates �
located a�z� Vail La.onshead Firs� Filing and ��e public .parkin�
lo� west of the Mark located ir� Vail. Lionsh�ad Third Fila.ng �rom �.
�he existz.ng Hi.gh Density Mu�tiple Family and Commercial Coxe 2 ;
zone da�stricts �a Parking Dis�rict.
� App�.icata.on has been filed pursuant ta Section 21 . 500 0�
�he Zaning Oxdinance, Ordinance No. $, Seri�s of 1973, as aznended. '
� A Publ.ic Hearing wi11 be held on June 2; 1977 be�ore �he
Town �� Vail Planning Cam�nissi.on �_n accord with� Section 2�.. �00 a�
the �Zonin� Ordinan.ce. Said hear�ng will lae he�.d at 3: �0, p.m. in .
the Vail Municipa� Buil.din�
. TOWN 0�' VA�L ,
Diana S . Toughzll
�aning Admin�stra�ar
Published in th� Vai.� Trail May 13, 1977
�` .
June 9, 1977
l . Vail Valley Medical Center - Prelim�nary Rev�ew
Chuck Tubbs and Da�e Watson
• 2 . Pu�is Resubdivision, Rezoning, Ava�anche Repox� and Variance
� for two lots with no �rontage - Va�l Valley 3rd Filing.
Waxren and Jay Pu1is
3. Design Review Board Zoning Amendment
4. Bob Voliter - Request for setback var�ance
Mo�ion to pos�pone un�i1 June 16, 1977
5: Cy�ano' s Reques� for parking variance for two cars
Ross Davis, Jr,
6. Discussian o� P�anning Commission projects
une 9, 1977
Dudley Abbott Toughil�
�d Drager Kramer
Pam Gar�on
Bi�� Hanlon
Sandy Mil�s �
Ran Todd
Gerry White
Chuck Tubbs , of the VVMC, gave a b�ie� �escxiption o� the various
approvals needed before the addition could take plao.�, �ncluding Sta�e
County, and Town, Th�y need and want �o of�er more servzces to th�
residents af Eagle County, as well as visitoxs, and M�. Tubbs wen� �nto
a d�scription of what is existing at the VVMC and what is proposed in
addition �o the proposed �oca�ion of the new services. He also outlined
the �raposed parking layout and tra�fic patterns. The n�w services , are
for �he mos� part , for the conven��nce o� the out patients and they
will be �Xexible, if the need arises , to expand the hospital bed base.
� D�a�a Tougill noted tha� on �une 30, �977 the VVMC wi�l be coming
before the P�anning Commissian to ask �or a Condi�ional Use Pexmit to
allow a hospital add�tion in a Medium D�nsity zone and �he variances
ne�ded are:
1) Wal� �e��th -� requixed 125' -W proposed �28 '
2) WaI1 offsets �W required � ' per 5 ' -- proposed 128 ' wi�h no o��se�s
3) Wall d�agnol -W 164' �- proposed 300'
* 4) determination of the parking need because the. Zoning Ordinance
does not directly deal wath parking �o� hospitals.
On �he parking requi�ement , Da1e Watson noted that the majorzty o�
hospitals require one parking spac� per hospi�al b�d in addition to one
space per e�p�oyee on e�ch sh�ft . The VVMC proposed to have �5 par�ing
spaces with �he abi�ity to expand into the parking area pxes�n�ly being
�` used in the winter by the skating r�nk i� the need arises .
I�; The pxoposed t�me fra�e �or ca�pletion, as noted by Chuck Tubbs ,
` w��l be hard to determine. They had planned to bei�g this summer, but due
to some unfareseen de�ays they prapose in-house remode�ing in either
�ebruary or Maren and once that is completed they will begin wi�h the
exterior modifications, Once they are "out of the graund" , canstruction
wi�l probably take one year .
` � * It was no�ed tha� a variance will be needed to a11ow uncovered
� parking in a Medium Densi�y Zone.
Pag� 2
� Ross Davis, representing Cyxanos, at this time did not want to
proceed with �he variance application but wanted a "straw vote" of the
Planning Commissionls �eelings an this application . It was noted that
the applica��on would be tabled until the eminent changes in �he parking
requiremen�s fa� CCI a�e dec�ded �pon.
The applicants would �ike ta add 14 feet to the exis�ing .bar
area and this addition in GRFA would require �wo moxe parking spaces . The
addition consists of approxima�ely 320 square feet of additiona� GRFA.
Basically they are exchanging or trading existing exter�or spac� for
inte�ior space which would be used for wai�ing area and more bar s�ace.
It was noted that the bu�lding is pxesen�ly a non�conform�ng
building from the standpoi.nt of parking and that the ��.oposed addition would
not make th� build�ng any �o�e non-con�orming exc�pt �xom a parking aspect .
Dud�ey Abbott expressed concern about the number o� var�ances tha�
this restaurant had been granted as well as asked �or �n the past . BiI�
Han�on echoed t�at concexn.
The Planning Commission did no� want to give any co�nmitm�nt of
t�eir �eelings on this var�ance du� to the ins�ability o� the total parking
situatzon in CCx , bu� the applicant pressed �or i� : No o�fic�al vote
was xecoxded �ut in�general discussion it appeared tha� Ron Todd was
for the var�ance, Sandy Mills had no s�rong fee�ing e�the� way , and
� �he remainder of �he Comm�ss�on was agains� granting o� the vaxiance.
Bill Hanlon made a �ot�on �o postpone act�on on th�s variance
for an indefinate time at the request o� the applicant ; Gerry White
seconded the motion. A Unanimous vote was recarded, TABLED
An item not on the agenda, Ross Davis , r�presenting the applicant
wan.ted to get a read�ng ��om the Plannang Commission as to how they
f elt abou� a mobile frozen yogert cart in Lionsa�es.anVa�l�Associates,
at the atheltic f ield duxing soccex and rugby g
owners o� the Mall , have given their permission and a�� of the health
questions have been worked out . It was noted that the Zoning Ordxnance
is completely s�len� ab.out vend�ng operations on pxivate land. There
are regulations aga�nst vend�ng operations an public str�ets and there
is alsa a regulation agains� having a business not located wi�hin a
Gerry White questioned the administxa�ion o� such an opera�ion
and �elt that i� could become an over commerc�alization wi�hin a sma11
community. Ron Todd also questioned the administration aspect b�t
�elt �hat the idea had merit and it would add chero�tope�atxonawould
Garton felt that a controlled amount of ��is typ
� add a great deal to the axea. Dudley Abbott liked the idea and
Sand� Mi�1s question�d how �he cart would get from Lionshead to
the tennis courts and saccer field. She also was woxried abaut the
possiblity of a precedent setting actian -� where do we dxaw �he line
on who can vend their wears and who can not .
Page 3
Bill Hanlon felt i� was a good idea as long as it didn 't hurt the
other businesses in the area and if �he people in Lxonshead wan�ed it
�hen we should �et them go ahead. . Ed Drager f elt that def�nate plans
and more detailed in�ormation was needed be�ore �he Planning Commission
cou�d come to a vote. , i:e. trash pick up, type of vehicle, a Zetter !.
of endorsement .from �he Lionshead businessman 's assac�ation, etc.
Dudley Abbott made a mo�ion to pns�pane consideration of th�s
� request �or :one week until moxe informa�ion could be submitted; Gerry
White seconded the motion. A unanimous vo�e w�s recorded. TABLED
On tne avalanche report, a letter from Hydro�Triad dated J�.ne 7, 1977,
was submitted as an art�endr►�ent to the original avalanche x�epor� for the
area �i�n question, With this amendment the staff xecommended approval .
� Gerry White made a mot�o.n �o approve ��e avalanche report as amended b�
the June 7, 1.977 letter for Vaii Va1�.ey Third Filing; Dudley Abbott seconded
the motion. A unanimous vate was recorded. APPROVED
On the proposed resubdivis�:on, i� was noted that al� o� the l.ots
axe above 15, 000 square fee� of buildabl� area. The average lo� size
is 17,421 square �eet . The applicants are going to �'en:thus�.asticaliy
consider" protective covenants res�ricting the size al�otrrient for �he
second unit within duplex�es.. They are aware of what has happened
�rom an a�s�hetic standpoint with r�tirror image duplexes : A pedestrian
easement has been gxanted in order �or people to get from the bike path
�nd sma7.]. parking area �o th� picnic axea near the 1.ake on �h� goxf
ourse. The bike path generally follows the �asement and they would
like to vacate it and have �he bikers u.se the existing Sunburs� Drive �or
a short way. It was noted that one veary small por�ion af the bike pa�h,
that the applicants wou�d like to have vacated, has �.ever worked proper�y
and the staff recomtnends tha� it be removed at the developers e�pense.
This seemed to be agreea}�le wzth the deve].opers .
Dudley Abbott fel� uncomfortable with �ne lack of single �aznily
lots and how this proposal will fit with FDrdI ' s pxoposal of RC on �Y�e
remaining por�ion of the Sunburst propearty. Diana Toughil.l noted tha�
gzven �he togopraphy there is a natural break betw�en. the area be�.ng
proposed �or residential clust�r and the area being pxoposed two--family
residential so tha� the projects will not interfer with each othe�. Abbott
felt very strongly tha� the applicants dev�lop a .strict protective
cavenant to discourage large mirror image duplexes. Bi11 Hanlon voiced an
objection to the variance f or two Iots wi.th no �rnntage (Lots 16 & 17 as
shown on the plat ) because he thinks a better so].u�ion would be p�.acemen� o�
a cu1.-de-�sac in order to smooth o�zt �h� txa�fic f�ow, paxka.ng situation,
and fzxe safety . Both Ron Todd and Gexry White think that the solu�ion as
shown on the p1a� :i.s the superxox due ; to aesthetic �reasons. It was noted
that th� F�ire Department has not reviewed the plat as ye�t and any approvals
o� the variance wi��. have to be subject to �heir appraval o� �he plan.
On the R�subdivision of �he Sunburst proper�y, staff recommends
approval subject to �he Fire Department ' s review and approva� . Dudley
�bott made a mo�a.on to approve the resubdivi.s�on with �he conda.tions not�d
y s�a��; Gerry Whi�e s�conded the mo�ion , A unan�.mous vote was xecorded.
Page 4
On the re�4ning from High Den�ity Multi-Fam��y to two family
resid�ntia�, with a rezon�ng o� Tract A to g�een belt and open space
� �and a rezoning af Tract B to public use district , Pam Garton made a
motion �o recommend the rezoning noted above; Ron Todd secanded �he
motip�. A unan�mous vote was reco�ded. APPROVED
On the varia�ce for two lots with no �ron�age, Gerry White made
a mo�ion for appxoval; Ron Todd seconded the motion. A 5-2 vote was
xecarded in �avor of the motion, Bi11 Hanlon was .against for the
reasons s�ated abo�e. APPROVED. �apd� ����s was a�so against the vo�e,
Due to the changes made by sta�� and the Design Rev�ew Board, the
Planning Commission wanted to table consid�ration o� the matter un�il
the changes had been i�coxporated. Dudley Abbott �ade a motzon for
po�tponement for not more than two weeks , Gerry Wh�te seconded the mation.
A unanimous vote was recorded, TASLED
Due to the inaction of the applicant to ��ubmit the necessar�
information, sta�f requested a pos�ponement o� the application.
Ron Tadd made a motion for tabling �h� application; Gerry White
seconded the motion. A unanimous vote w�s recorded. TABLED.
As noted by Chairman, Ed Drag�x, items 1-4, and 6 on �he. attached
1.ist take �ap priority. It was dec�ded to set up subcommittees o
define the pxob�em and come up with positive solutions. Th� sub- omm�ttees
were also requested to submit all ideas, gaod or bad, within �he r �ort
so tha� at a later date one could txanscend th�ir tra�n o� though�.
Dud�ey Abbot� and Pam Ga�ton were assigned ta Task 1.
Gerry Wha�te and Bil� .Hanlon were assigned to Task 2.
Ron Todd and Sandy Mills were assigned to Task 3.
Ron Todd and �d Dragex were assigned to Task 4,
Ed Drager, Pam Garton, and Gerry White werc assa:gned �to Task 6.
It was. noted that a staff ine�nber wauld also be assigned to each
sub--committee to ass�.st .
Ron Todd was selected to be th� Planning Com�aission ' s represen�ative
to the Design Review Board for the nex� •�ix rrionths.
As th�re was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjouxned.
�une 9, X977
1 . Parking � CCl and CCs and ot�er commercial areas
a. Parking D�str�ct - Rider prepar�ng �egal memo review�ng
b. Zoning Amendmen�s/enabling leg�slation
2. Add�tions in CCl and CC2
a. Conditionax use criteria
b. Zoning amendments
3. Building bulk control
a. R�search building types and signs
b. 2oning amendments
4. Subdivision Regulations
a. Redraf� to reflec� hazard amendments
b. Redraf� to re�lec� zoning standards
5. Landscaping ordinance
a. Include cxeek bank requiremen�s
b. Include paving s�andards �or exis��ng drives and paxkinb lots .
6. G�nera� zoning amendments - Growth management
7. Ve�ding and s�reet and mall activiti�s
• 8. West Vaii annexation
9. Mall act
10. Land acquisition pragram - es�ablish priorities
1�. Mini special development districts or PUD legislat�on
12. Cap�tal xmprovments - estab�is� priorities
�3. Solar/energy/conservation Iegislation
I�, Economic diversification
�5. Hous�ng
� June 16, 1g77
l. D�scussion of work programs and genera� busin�ss 12 : �5
a• se� priorities
b. assign subcommittees
c. Cauncil representa�ive �or the June 21. meeting and worksession
2 . Gxow�h Managemen� Sub-Cornmittee presentat.ion I ;30
Bob Byrd, Dick Gus�afson , �7im Morter
3. The Spa -- reconsideration of' the wa�l length variance at the 2 ;��
request of the Council
4. Studzo in, the Rockies -- request �or joint-use paxking 3 ;pp
5. Suni�uxs� -�. discussion of contxactuxal agreements � ; 30
First o� Denver Mortgage Investors
6, Elias Residence � ;��
gross res�dentiaZ flaor area variance
7, Bob VoZi�er .�- r�quest for setback variance 4 : 30
8. Approva� of min,utes for May 26 and June 2 5: 00
'� ___---�________
- Reminder: llth Fi�ing Plat mus� be signed!
a) Zoning Amendmen� for Design Review Board � ; �p
b} Discuss.ion of Design Reva.ew Board memorandum re : paving problem
� , 5: �.Of?
� June �6 , 1977
Dudley Abbo�� Ron To�d
Ed Drager
Pam Gar�on ST�FF ;
BiI� Hanlon
Sandy Mills Diana Toughill
Gerry White Jo Kramer
Jim Mortex, Bob Byrd, and Dick Gustafson wexe in a�tendance
for the pxesenta�ion. A copy of �heir report was handed out to �he
Plann�ng Commission and a g�ne�al discussion followed.
Ed Drager asked ��at the Planning Commissioners �eview the report
in detail during the week and give their questions, axeas of concern and
or recommendations ta the staff so that a list ca� be compiled. It was
noted that �he Planning Cotnmission shou�d give their recornmenda�ian to
�he �ub-Commi��ee by June 30t� . �o �hat the �ackag� can proceed to Cauncil ,
It was suggested �hat i� the Planning Commissioners had a �op�.c br
an area of concern t�ey would like �o have discussed at the Symposium, that
a decision be made and �.�s� o�' poss,ible speakers be given to Co1�.een
Kline zn the very near fu�ure, The Commission �elt that a specif�c
topic would be the mast beneficia� to �hem; ia.�. r having a major company
lzke Ral.ston/ Purina,who developed Keystane, come to ta�:k abou� their vzews
and �indi,ngs on planned development , Ec� Drager. asked th�.� the Commission
�hink about �what �hey wot�ld li�e to hear and report back to him ASAP,
Th�.s is a request �ox� 37 parking spaces to be lacated zn the Narth
Daq Skier Parking Lot fram the hours af 6 ;PM to Midnight . A letter affirming
Vail Assoc�ates ' approval is attached. Th� applicants , as noted by Jim
Jacobsan, would �.a�ke to put a concert hall/audio visual anc� souncl studzo in
the basement porta�on of the new �cl�y/To�e1 Building in Lionshead. In order
to da this they need permission �o Iocate thezr required parking on someone
e�.s�s property, Attached �s a complete description o� the applican�s '.
pxoposa]. , It was not�d tha� Selby/Tofel have nothing to do with �his request ;
they are just suppling the building.
John Perkins, from Mor�er/Todd, ran thraugh the pxoposed plan �or
�he space, At�ached a�s a reduced copy of the J.ayout ,
� Jim Jacobson stated that �he concert hal� wi.1.1 not be used as a pu�blic
commercial. use be�ore 6 PM, If other town organizations , txnd�r special
circums�ances, needed to use the space before 6 PM �he applicants wouJ.d
Page 2
• b� amenable to work sotnething ou� , Jacobson stated �hat tl�ey were wa�lling
to ;sign a con�ract binding �hem to the fac� that �he parking would b�
used an�y after 6 PM.
Sandy Mi�.ls fe].� tha� a problem exists and that this proposaZ is
along the same Iines as the Lionshead Theater request . �kze fe1.t tl�at
we may nat have a parking pro�lem now, but in five years the pro'b�ern may
becom� appaxent , She questioned �he use 4� the Nor-�h Day Skier Parking
Lot once the school r�ym and pedestrian ovexpass axe �inished, Jacobso:n
ar.gued that this �equest was no-� lik� the theater beca�.se o� the fact
tha� it �.s a totally new sex�vice to Vai1 and the entzr� area . It was poi.nted
out that tnis service could be a good promota.on deal for the Vail area
especially during the o��-season, They propose �a :have big name .arti.sts
came and record during the day and then at nzght give �. series o� concerts
�or the community, �Yhen r�fer�:ng to th� sta�f inemorandum which stated
that this request is simi].ar to the on.e granted Crossroa�.s Cinema, S�ndy
Mills �elt �h�.� this request was very di��erent due �o the fact that
Crossroads already owned the park�ng �ot �hey reqeusted to use for joznt-use
whereas the applicants did no� ,
Gerxy White fe�,� very corri�ort.able with the proposal. He felt
that it sa�isfied a community �eed and -wouZd not �b�:come a px�ce�eTnt `
se��ang action for the north day�skier lot �.ue to the �act that both
�ail 1-�ssocia�es and the Fore:st Serva.ce�closely monitox the area, ~�—�—� —
Dudley Abbott felt very ositi.ve�_ -�owards the _idea of �th� concert ha11
and audio vi.sual studio but did. na� want �o commit to the joint-use parking -
r�quest due -�o the irstabilz�tp of the tatal pa�king situa�ion in CCI and
CC2. He wan�ted to wait untiJ. it was solved becau.se �his joint use
request if granted might become, at a later date, a problem. In. gc:neral. ,
he fe].t tha� the paroposa]. would be a gx�ea�t asset to the Vail community and
was in favor of what they waz�ted to do.
� Ed Drager �e:lt �hat the reques� �it into Sec�tion 14. 500 of the
Zoning Ordinance which deals with joint use paxking anol co�,1.d be justified
under such, He was in favor of the idea an.d it pu� to gaod use parki.ng
spaces tha� are not presen�ly being used,
Gerry Whxte made a motion to grant �he jo�.nt use parking requ.est accarding
to �h� sta�f inemoran�.um; P�,m Garton seconded the motion. A 3-3 vote was
recox�ded, (HanZon, Mills and Abi�ot� agai.ns�}
Warren Pu1is, B1air Ammons. , Bob O°Donnell. and Ted Kindel,, representing
�he Rec, Board, were all present for the discussxon,
D�.ana Toughill noted �hat the staff had worked ou� the ma,�ority a�
contrac�ura�. proi�lems with FDMI anct the Rec. Board sur�ounding the
Sunburs� Property,
�ob 0'Donnell wen� through the various planna�ng step� that Zead to
' �DMI 's r►�aster plan for the parking area, They want to remove the 90 s aces
presently located under Build�ng A and relocate them with the 60 spaces
used by the Go1f Course Clubhouse on land tYxat is own�:d by FDMI ,
Page 3
It was no�ed �hat �n �he par�ing plan a bus �urna�ound would also
be supplied �n addition to the I50 spaces . Ted Kindel , r�presen��ng
, � �he Rec. Boa�d, was very much in favor of the proposed plan, They felt
that the parking p�a� now brings the gal� course parking area in �ine wi�h
the fz�st class golf course,
Diana Toughill wen� through the staf� memorandum g�v�ng a br�e�.
descriptxon of its impact (a�tached) . I� was noted that FDMI would like
to r�ceive a cre�it �owards their rec. �ee on Bu��dzng A because of �he
�wo acres o� �and they are providing fax the Gol� Course parking.
Dudley Ab�ott made a motion to approve the xesu�ts o� the negotiations
between the staff and FDMI ; Ge�ry White seconded the mot�on . A unanimous
vote was recorde�, APPROVED.
', This app�ication was tabled fo� reconsaderation due to misin�ormation
on the staff inemorandum.
Dud].ey Abbott made a motion �o table �he application; Gerry White
seconded �he moti.on, A unanimous vote was recorded. TA�LED.
The appiican� p�roposes �o build a garage onto his residcnce, See
s�a�f inemoxandum for camplete descripta.on .
Gerry Whi�e made a motion to approve the request; Pam Garton seconded
�the rno��an, A 5-� vote was xecorded in favor of the mntion . Mi��s
agairtst because she felt tha� there was not enotzgh information to make
a conclusive dc�cision, APPROVED ,
Ross Davis, representing the applican�, submitted a de�ai�ed plan of
th� cart . T� was noted that the caxt would be used on�.y at the Gold
Pea� area.
The PZanning Cornmissian �e�t comfortab.le with �he reques� as long as
the permit was a temporary one �or the 1977 season on1y; it was subject
to an agreemen� or con�ract drawn up by Larxy Rider, Ross Davis, and
John Foo��, the app�.icant ; and that Bi11 Wri,gh� and the Rec. Board's
approva�. be sought .
Gexry Whi�� made a mo�xon to approve the request sttbject to the i��ms
aut��ned above and subject �o the coz�ditions set �orth on the submitted
p1an; Dud2ey Abbott seconded the motion. A unanimous vote was recarded,
� �
TO Planning Co�u�.is�ion
�'ROM Depar-��nent of Community Development
DATE June �6 , 1977
RE Elias GRFA Variance (Vai1 �lalley �'�rst Filing
Block 3 , Lo� 12 )
The appl.ican-t , J.R. E�ias , is requesting a GRFA va�yance
to co�vert a garage and a laund�y room into -�wo b�drooms and
a recreational xoom. �'here �s also a new addition af
approxima.te�.y 30 sq. ft . , which is to be a raindow seat for
one of the bedrooms . The conversion a.nd addition would add
approximately 760 sq. ��t . o.� GR�'A �o the unit.
The curr�nt GRFA of the existing duplex is �456 sq. ft. ; the
allowable is 50I2 sq, ft. The present duplex is approx�.mately
1444 sq. f-t. , over what is perrni-�ted. `�he proposec�. add.ition
o� the 760 sq. ft. woul.d resul-� in the GRFA exceeding the
requirement by 2204 sq. f-�.
1. xhe relatzonship o� the reques�ed va�iance �o othex*
existin� or potentia� uses and s�ructures in t.he vicin�ty.
The requested variance would make on�y a mino�
modifi.catiort to th� Exterior a� the e�isting structure,
bu-� would eliminate a covered parking space. This wouZd
incx��as� �the number of cars parked outside the unit which
could have a nega�ive a.r�pact on the area. A3so, pro-�ert�ve
covenants for Vail Valley First Filing require garages.
2 . The deg�ee to which relief from the stric� or literal
in�erpretation and en�orcement of a specified regulation is
necessary to achieve compatibi:lity and uniformity of treatment
among sites in the vici�ity, or �o attain the abjectives of
this ordinance wi-�hout gran.t of special privilege.
Due �o �the g�eat exten-t that thi.s variance will exceed
the �RFA requirement, we do f�el -that this wou�d be a
grant of a special �rivilege . The addi-�ional 760 sq. �t .
wou�.d resul.t in the GRFA exceeding what is allowed by
almost 500 .
Page 2
� Memorandum
Planning Cornmission
Elias GRFA Variance
3 . The effect of the reques�ed varianc� on li�ht and air,
dis�ribufi�o� o� population, ��anspor.tation and tra��ic facilities ,
public faci�ities and ut�l�ties.
We forasee na adverse effects on fihese �actors .
1. 2ha� the granf ing of the variance will consti�u�e
a gran� of special privilege ineonsiste�t with the limi�a��ons .
on othe� properties classified �n �he sa.me dystr�c�.
See Item 2 . , under Consideration of Factors .
There have been no other G��A variancES g�an�e.d in this
2 . That �he ��anting af the variance cau�d be detrimeizt��.
�o the public hea�th, safety, or welfare or materially injurious
to proper�aes or improvements i� thE vicinity.
See �tem 1 under Consideratian of Facfiors . Garages
a�e no� on�y for the p�otection of cars ; they are alsa
� to decrease the v�si�ility of cars in residential
neighboxhoods .
3 . That the va�iance is no� warran�ed for the fo�lowing
�easons :
(c) �he 5trict or li�eral interpretation and
enf orc�men� of the spec��ied regulations wauld not deprive
fihe applicant o� privileges enjoyed �y the awners of o�her
p�opertzes in the same District.
S�ruc�ures in the r�s���ntial neighb.orhoo� are genera��y
in campliance with the GR�A requiremenfi of �he Zoning
Ordinance. This house as it presen�ly ex�s�s is well
aver this requirement. W�, �herefore, feel that a �urther
variance is not warranted and would not depriva �he
applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties
in his Distr�ct.
The Depa�tment of Community Developm�n� recommends denial
of the variance sough� far the reasons s�a�ed above .
T0: Planning Commi.ssion
FROM; D�partment o� Community Developm�nt
DATE: June 16, 1977
RE ; Rober� Volitex -- Request �or Setback Var�.ance
Lot 2, B�.ock Z, Gore Cr��k Subdivision
The applic�an� has requested a setback o� 4 �eet from the side
pxoperty 1�nc� in lieu o� the required 13 feet �n order to constrttct
a single car gax�age addatian to the exxst�ng house .
The Department of Community Development has �eviewed the
cri�eri.a and. �i.ndings porvided for in Section 19.600 of the Zaning
Ordinance and our canclusions are as �allows :
� The relationship of the xequested uariance ta othex existing
or potenti.al uses and s�ructures in �hE vici�ity ,
The plans for the proposed s�ructur� would have no advers�
i.mpact on other e�isting or proposed stxuctures in the area. There
are several other lo�s in the Gore Creek Subdivision which are
presently non--conforming in the same vane,
The degree to which re�i.e� from the strict or litera7. intear-
pretation and enforcement of a specified regulati.on is
necessary �o achieve cornpatibility and uniformity a� treatment
among sites in the vicinity or to at�ain the objectives of
this orda.nance wa.thou� grant of special pri�rilege,
Due �a the configuxation o� the lot an:d �he placement o� tk�e
exi.sting house on it , the proposed loca��.on o� the garage is .the
anly viable one. I� is close to the xoad, so that a minir►aal amo�ant
of asphalt will be rec�uired; x� is �ar enaugh away �rom the creek,
� so �hat i� is environmental�.y sa�e; and it daes not infringe upon
the righ�s of other p�opc�rty owners . As stated above, �he�'e �.re
many residences that were const�ucted without regard to setback
� requirements. We fee� �hat the propased lacation o� the gaxage
is in ke�p�ng with the objectxves of the Ordinance in- so are as
compat�biiity and uniformity of �reatment among sites in the vicinity.
The ef�ect of the requested variance on light and air ,
distribution o� population, transportation and traffic fac�l�ties ,
public �aciZities and utilities , and public safety .
We do not �oresee any adverse e��ects upon these �actors.
The proposed garage �ronts on Kel-Gar Lane, There is an eight �oot
right�of-waY fxom the proper�y line to the pavement ; with this in
mind we can �oresee no interference with public sa�e�y o�
�ransportatian �f the setback variance is granted.
Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems
appl�cable to �he praposed �ariance,
No addit�onal fac�ars seem to be pert�nen� ,
� The Department of Community Deve�opment finds that :
�he strict or ��t�ral interpretation and en�orcement of the
spec�fied rEgulation would result in practical di�ficulty
or unnecessary physical hardship anconsistent with the
objectives of this ordinance .
Due to �he configuration of the 1ot , it wou�d be impnssib�e
for �he app�icant ta construc� a garag� on this site W1th�U� some
variance, either from the e�ase��ent. .or f:rom �the oth�r: prope��y l���s .
We do not �eel that the g��nt of the variance wou�d be a gran� o�
special p�i�vilege.
The Department of Corcununity Development recommends approval
o� �he requested setback variance.
� ,
T0: Planning Commission
FROM: Department of Community Deve�opment
DATE: June 16, 19'77
RE : Sunburst -- Review and Recommenda�ions
Regard�ng �he Contractural Agreements
At the direction of the Planning Commission, the Department
of Comrritxni.ty Develapment staff inet with Blair Ammons and Bob
d',Donnel� , who represent First of Denver Mortgage Investors , ta
attempt to resolve the vara.ous contracts which are a part of t�ie
Sunburs� Special Development D3strict . The �oJ.lowing are our
recommendations :
1) A nerv landscaping plan must be su�ma.tted for Bui�ding A and
-time commitments shou�.d bc agreed upan . P�.ans must be sub�n�tted to
�,nclicate comp�etion o� exteriox o� Bua�lding A,
2) A reso.lut�on of the Rec. Distxic� 's contract which involveS
praviding a par�ing lot �or the Golf Course and a raad realignment
and concurrent land txades. As of Wednesday , June �.5, the Rec.
ten�ative ,
�oa�cd gave their/approval o� the �roposed pax�kizag and road plan.
3) Wi�h resolution of (2) , a survey must b� prepared both as
a preliminary plat and to calculate ac�r�s to be traded.
4) The requi.x�ement for a pri,vate transportation system, shauld be
5) Oper� space being dedicated with Vail Val�.ey Third Filing' wauld
satis�y the $% dedication requ�remen� for both subdivisions (11,4 acres) .
6} P�atted Road should be vacated and a new r�ght�of�way
� with a minimum width of 40' be dedicated from Va�l Va�Iey 2nd
�iling ta Va�l Valley 3rd Filing, The impxovement and realignment
of this road is to be at the expense of FDMI .
7} Unde�ground paxking in the build�ng contains rnare than
the xequired n�mb�r o� parking spaces , FMDI agrees as lo�g as it
�s in a �osition o� control �he use o� addi�ional pa�king, They
will encourage the d�veiaper af additional land to locate the
overflow parking under �he/building,
S} FDMI wi11 be required to pave th� Fire Lane.
9) FDMI should have the abil�ty ta relocate the ex�sting
recrea��onal amenities and where apprapriate remove the existing
�acil�ties and replace the �aci�ities that FDMT and the Town might
�ind mo�e appropxiate ,
� 10) The Town of Vai� s�aff recommends �hat landscaping mo�ey
on Building A
,�� spent by FDM�/be applied to the Rec �ee due to �he Town af VaiT .
�1) A new drainage plan mus� be submit�ed which re�l�cts
the revised build�ng plans ,
12) FMDZ should not be required to build a new ?Qridge.
13) The Depar�ment of Community Deve�opment sta�� recommends
that FDMI not be required �o submit a le��er o� cr�dit or bond
guaran�eeing the construction o� amenities; however, FDMI should be
required �o restrict by covenant cer�ain �ypes o� recreational
amen�t�es as a condit�on of building permi� a�proval of future
1�) �DMI should no� be requir�d to provide, build, or pass on �o
an eventual land developer the requ�rement for on-site employee housing
units .
Page �
Z5} FDMI w�ll �e rC�c��uixed to have the Fire Depaxtmen� prepare
� a Fxxe Saf�ty Report on the existing build.ing. �'DM� will a�.so
be requ�.ared to have the building inspected by the Town Build.ing
16) The Town should, not require the realignrnen� o� uti�.ities
as both new subdivisions wark with the uta.�ities as they presently
' 17� FDM� has request�d and the Depa�tment of Community
Develo�ment agrees that the cos� of the paxking lot fo� the Golf Course
shou�d b� credited to xec �ee and that the area owned by FDMI be a�.lowed
�or density cal.cul.ations,
! �� �une 23, �977
Z; 00 Discusszon o� proposed Town of Vai�. Pub��c Works facility
Terry Mi.ngex, Allan Gerstenbergex
3 : Q0 Pxeliminary consideration o� Condi�ional Use Permit
�or Vail Ins�itute Tent
3: 15 Request for vacation of property line between lots A-$
and A-9, Lions�idge Subdivision, Filing No, 1
Harold Engstrom,
3; 35 J, R. E1.i.as - Request for Gross Residential F�oor Area
4t00 Mike Palmer - Request ta rezone the Corn�ce Bui�ding fror�
High Density Multip�.e Family to Commercial Core 1 ,
�;45 Approva�. of minutes of June 1& meeting and appoin�ment o£
representative �o June 28 Council work session,
, 5t00 Zon�ng annendment relatin� to Des�.gn Re�iew Baard
�-- .
y �
/ � � �
R' ,
t June 23 , 1977
Abbott , Dra�ger
Garton Todd
FIanlon - late
Mzlls STAFF PRESENT ; Toughill
WY�ite Kramer
T�rrq Minger gave a brief descrzption of the Town's criteria for
selection of �he proposed public works facility��� a.ncluding .locatian,
ca.st p�r, acreage, u�ility location and cost , and how i� wa.11 reiat�
as a "good neighbar" , He we�a�i.through each of the �our major
con�enders (Pu1is , Selby/Tofel',r E1mor�, and Mc1�il:xs't�-r) and stated that
the Town was leaning �oward the Pu1is si�e even thaugh it was a �
very visable site. Ge�ry Wh�te mentioned �he New Electric bui.�ding
and land as weZl as the site east of tk�e Mountaa�n B�ll building as
�. possible alternatives , Kent Rose spoke to the disadvan�ages of both
of those sites .
Jun,e 2 & 9, 1977 -- Dudley Ab3�ott made a motion �o app�ove; Pam
Garton seconded the motion, A unanimous vote was recorded. APPROVED
June 16 , 197? ,..- Dudley Abbott made a motion to approve; Pam
Garton seconded the motion . A unanamous vo�e was recoxded. APPROVED
It was noted that the Tent needs to be erected by July 3 and the
formal hearing for the tent is not until July 7, The Vail Inst�.tu�e
would like a preliminary approval from the Planning Comrtfission at thi.s
time. Patn Garton made a motion for preliminary approval ; Sandy Ma.]�]s
seconded �he motion, A unanimous vote �va� recorded, APPROVED PRELIMINARILY
Attached is the sta�� memorandum giving a connp�ete descrzption dfi the
request and reasons �oar the request . It was noted that the p�ob�em that
accured las� week was due �o the figures be�ng based on f�.00r area ratio
ra�her than on grfa making the house much bigg�r than reality , Those
�igures have been corrected,
The house, as it presently exists, is a legal non-conform�ng use
due to th� �act that is was built under the old zoning ordinance gr�a
� calculations ,
Pam Garton felt that this request , if gran�ed, wou�d be a grant of
special privilege without any strong technical rEasons far hardship,
and that a negative precede�t would be set in this neighborhood if the
requestw.�x� granted, �his was the genera� fee�in� o� the whole
Planning Ca�uniss�on, Pam Garton made a motion to dxsapprove �he
xequest ; Dudley Abbott secanded �he mot�on, A unanimous vote was
recor�ed. DISAPPR4VED,
Requ�st �ox vacation of property l�ne between Lots A-$ & A-9,
Lionsr�dge Subd�visxon F�1ing No, 1
The appl�cant , Deane Knox as represen�ed by Hal Engstrom, would �ike
to join prope�ti�s with Leo Payne in order to ha�e a c�us��r housing
development consisting of eight duple��s and ane trip�ex. The
vacation is needed b�cause unde� the present plan , one o� the dup�exes
would rest right on the prope�ty �in�, I� the vaca.tion was not gxanted
th� applicants wou�d loose only one unit ; Diana Toughil� felt �hat
the trade off o� one add�tional unit was worth i� due to the pro�o�ed
cohe�zve development plan, D, Abbatt made a motion for approval ;
Garton seconded the motian� A unanimous vate was recardedr APPROVED
St was no�ed by M3ke Pa�mer, the appl�cant , that the primary reason
� for the request was ��nancialt The Planm�ng Comtnission felt �hat
th�re was no justification for the xezoning because �he Cornice
Bui�ding was not contiguous to CC� and the pedestrian area, It was
surrounded by PA and HDMF zon�ng, Tf this request was gran�ed,
the �ss�e of spot zoning would become appa�ent with no logical xeason.
Bill Hanlon felt that i� this bu��ding was comia�ercial pedestrian
tra�fic would be �ncreased on an already bad corner and could develop
into a safety hazard, The applicant fel� that with the parking
structure and the proximi�y o� the B1ue Cow that the Corn�ce Building
�ent itself to a cornmercial use. Dud3ey Abbo�� felt that the
horizon�al zoning ordxnance in CCT might be more xestrictive to the
applicant �han his present HDMF zoning,
Du� �o the fact that the Planning Commission could find no just�fication
for the rezoning, Pam Garton made a motion �o deny the request ;
Sandy Mi11s secanded the motxon; A unanimous vote was recorded.
As there was no further bu.siness ta discuss , the meeting was adjaurned.
T0: P].anning Commission
FROM: Department of Community Development
DATE; June 23 , 1977
RE; �lias GRFA Variance
Va31 Valley First Fi�.�ng, B�ock ,3, Lot 12
The applican� , J.R. Elias, is requesting a GRFA variance
to conver� a garage and a lau�dry room into a recrea�ional room.
Tl�ere is also a new addit�6n of approximately 30 square feet
which is to be a window seat for one o� the bedrooms. The
conversion and additian wauld add approximately 330 square feet
o� GRFA �o the unit ,
The current GRFA o� the �xa�sting dup�ex �.s 4, 863 square feet ;
the allowable is g, 255 square feet , The present dup].ex is approxiznateJ.y
60$ square feet over what �.s permitted. The proposed addition o�
the 330 square �eet �vould result in the GRFA exceeding the requzrement
� by 938 square feet.
1 . The relationsha.p of the requested variance to
other exista.ng or potential uses and structures �n �k�e
The requested variance wou.ld make only a minor modification
to �he exterior o� the existing structure , It would, however, make
this unit i.nconsistent wi�h ather una.ts in the r�eighbor�ng area bq
allowa.ng a greater amount of GRFA �han �.s perm�ttecl by the Zoning
2. The degree to which relie� from the strict or l.i�exal
interpreta�ian and enfarc�m�nt o� a specif�.ed regulatian
is necessary to ach�eve compatibility and ttna.formity
of trcatmen� among sites in the vicini.ty, or to a�tai.n
the objectives of this ord�.nance without �xan� of special
Due to the ex�ent that this variance will exceed the GR�'A
requireraaen� � we do feel that this wou].d be a gra��t o� special
privi�ege, The additional 330 squarc� feet wauld resul� in the GRFA
exceeding wha� is a1low�d by almos� 20%w
�l�as Variance -2- June 23, �977
�� 3, The ef�ect of the requested varianc� on light and air,
� dis�r�but�on of population, �ransportation and traffic
facilities, public f acz��ties and utili�ies��
We �oresee na adverse effects on ��es� �actors.
I. That t�e granting o� the varzance will cons�itute a
grant a� special privi�ege inconsist�nt with the limitations
on other prapert�es classified in �he same distric� .
See Item 2 . , under Consideration o� Factors , There have
been no flther GRFA variances granted in this area,
2. That the granting of the varianee could b� det��mental
to the publxc health� safety , ox welf are or materially
injurious �a properties ar improvemerits in �he vicini�y.
See I�em �. , under Consid�ratia.n af Faetors� Granting o�
th�s variance could se� a negative precedent by al�owing excess�v��y
large houses to be built or a��owing additions on hauses which alr�ady
exceed or are very close �o the GRFA requireme�t �f the Zoning Ordinance.
Many o� �he structures in �he Vail Valley �ubdivision are at or ov�r
�he maximum gr�a and have similar garages. SeveraZ of the units
have two or three car garages , �hac� i� converted, would add
� substan�ial density to the neighborhood.
3 . That the vax�anc� is warranted �or the follow�ng reasons :
(c) the strict or Iiteral interpretat�on and en�orcement
of the sp�cified regulation wou�d not deprive t�e
applicant o� privileges enjoyed by the owners of ather
properties in the same district .
Structures in �he residenta.al neighbornood are general�y in
compliance with the GRk'A requirement of �he Zonin� Ordinance. This
house as it presentxy exists is over this requxrement , We, there�oxe,
feel that a further variance is not warran�ed and would not deprive
the ap�licant o� pxivileges enjoyed by owners of o�her properti.es
in this distarict .
The Departmen� of Community Devel.opment stx�ongly recomm�nds
denial of �he variance sought for the reasons stated above. �r� a1�Q
feel �ha� there has been no haxdsh�p shot�n ir�. th.e xeq,uest ,
' �
TO: Plannxng Commission
FROM : Department of Co�nmunity Development
DATE: June 23, 1977 ,
RE; Ja�es M, Pa�mer Request for Rezoning
o� the Cornice BuiLding �rom KDMF to CCI
The staf� �as reviewed the request fox rezoning �n accdrd wi�h
�he Zon�ng Ordinance and have the foXlowing comments:
The applicant has xeques�e� that �he Cornice Bu��ding be rezoned
��am the �xisting HDMF tQ CCI , The bu�lding consis�s o� seven dwe�ling
units and one real estate off ice.
R�lati4nship and impact of th� use on . de�e�opmen� objec�ives
• o� the Town.
The purposes �or the HDMF zone d�stric� states "Certain
non-residential uses are permitted as conditiona� uses which relate
�o the nature af Va�� as 'a winter ana summer rec�ea�ion and vaca�ion
communi�y, whe�e permit�ed ar� �ntended to blend harmoniously with
th� residen��al charac�er of the distric� . " We do not �eel that a
�otally commexcial building is harmon�ous with the residential
character o� the area, The Cornzce prov�des af�ordable employee
hous�ng near the core a�ea and remova� of thzs rare type of housxng
un�t does not seem campatib�e with �the Tawn 's desire to keep a balance
of housing (pa�ticularly �ong-��rm employee units) and commercial
space. We feel �hat is is impexative that the comrnercia� area be
lim�ted to the CCI area and not a�lowed to spread into the areas
which are primaxily �esidential �n nature.
Ef�ect o� the proposed rezoning on �ight and air � dist�zbution
o� popu�a�ion, �ransportation �acilitxes , and othe� pub�ic
facilities and publ�c facil�ties needs.
The primary concernis one o� distribut�on o� popuTation. We
believe �hat a �ong��erm residen�s should be encouraged i� the area.
Fur�her , since there axe no parking spaces on the site, there cou�d
be a greater impact on �he �ransportation c�nter , Conversion to
commercial of the approximately 3 , 00Q square feet wou�d require a
parking var�ance of four cars (the di�ference between the xequixemen�
� �or �esidential and cotnm.ercial) ,
' Cornice
' Page 2 � �
Effec� upon traffic, with particular �e��rence to conges�ion,
automotive and pedestr�an sa�ety an� convenience, traf�ic flow
and con�rol, acc�ss , maneuverabzl�ty, and removal o� snow fram
� th� streets and parking areas , �
A commercial space could contr�but� additional tra��ic in an
�� already congested area ��hexe no onWs�te parking is ava��able. We
�eel that cus�omers will doub�e park along �he roadway whxch would
crea�e an unsafe traf�ic condition, and make snow plowing a prob��m,
Effect upon the charactEr of the area in which the pxoposed
use is �o be located; �ncluding the scale and bulk af th�
pxoposed use in re�ation �o suxrounding uses.
We feel �ha� passible us�s would have a negat�ve impac.t an
�he res�dent�aZ charac�er of th� neighbarhood. T�e surraunding
uses (Apol�o Park, Texas Townhauses , Vorlau�ex , Gxey & Whites , Vai�
C�ub) are all pr�marily residential in character. The only
commercial building in the area is the B�u� Caw, a non-confoxm�ng use ,
Such other f ac�ors and crz�er�a as the Commission deems
applicable to t�e proposed �se ,
Appxicant stated a� �he time the condit�onal use permit fo�
�he real estate af�ice was gran�ed that he intended to do a great
deal of landscaping and general �ehabzlitation an the s��e and the
buzlding; to date, substantial landscap�ng has no� been completed.
We fe�Z this is an important site visua�ly and should be given a
• genera� f ace-lif�ing,
The Department of Community Deve�opm�nt makes . the faXlowing
findings :
That the proposed rszoning is not �n accord with the purpos�s
of the zaning ordi�ance, We do no� f�eX that a commercial building
is in keeping with t�e inten� o� the ar��nance nor in accord wi�h
the reszdential character of the neighborhood.
That the pxoposed rezoning would be detr�menta� to the publ�c
heal�h, sa�ety, and we��axe, and wou�d be material�y injurious to
properties or irnprovemen�s in the vici���y.
The probable traffic prob�ems which could .be created by �he
proposed commercia� bui�ding where no on-site parking �s available,
could be de�rimental to �he publ�c safety, and detrimental �o �he
�esidential character of the neighborhaod,
The request is no� in conformance wxth the zoning ord�nance
as the pro�ab�e convexsion to cammerc�al would require a parking
vax�ance �or a minimum o� four cars ,
Requests for rezon�ng have been the subject of many court
decisions zn Colorado and in other sta�es as well � G�neral�y, the
Colorado courts �ave xuled that an applicant mus� prave one of
� two reasons for rezoning, one that the original zoning was a mis-
�ake, or two that thexe has been a subs.tantial change �n the neigh-
borhood, The Department o� Cammunity Developm�nt strongly recommends
Page 3
denia� o� the requested re�on�ng as the ap��icant has shown neithex
an incorrec� axiginal 2oning, o� � signi��cant change �n th� �2�gh�
borhaod, (Moore vs , �he Ci�y o� Bou�der , Rooseve�t vs , C�ty o�
� Englewood, Kizer vs , Beck) , Each o� these cases �s similar to the
rezoning requested b� the Carnice xn that they wexe requests for
rezoning �xam r�sxdential �o conarnercial or �rom lower zone distxicts
to "higher and better uses" . In each case , the caurts found in
�avor o� the mun�c�pality denia� af the �equest .
• �
� �
June 30; 1977
3 :04 I , Fzrst o� Denver Mortgage Znv�s�ors and
Pulis ' request to rezon� the �unburst Property
3 �30 2. Vail Vallc�r MedicaX Center
bua.ld�ng bulk control varainces and conditional use
permit to al�ow a hospita]. addition and a variance
request �rom �he covered parking regulations , vacation of
property line b�tween Lots E & F Vail Village Secand �"iling
4 :OQ 3. Zoning Amendments re1a��.ng to Design Review Boarc�
4 ; 30 4, Approval. o� June 23, 1977 Minutes and Council
representativ� �ox �Tuly 5th Council M�e�ing
(work session and nigh� meeting}
, _
f' .. _�
�°5� T
1 1 �
30 JUNE 1977
3:00 P.P'l•
Members Present: Members Absent:
Chairman Drager Todd
D. Abbo'tt Hanl on
P. Gar�on Mills
. G. White
Staff Present; Lamont
The �irst rezoning wi71 vacate SDp#1 and create S�D#8 for the existing
Building A on i .3 acres. Garton moved to ap�rove the request according
�o the Staff Memorandum of 6/3fl/77; Abbo�� seconded the motion; �he
vote was unartimous �n favor; APP�OVED.
The second rezoning concerns the remaining 1Z .3"�acres now owned by FDMI .
Th�re will be a 54 un7�t and density maximum on the parcel . Abbott �noved
� to approve the rezoning with the condition that a nota�ion regarding
max�mum uni�s and density be on the final plat and deed restr-�ctions;
Whi�e seconded the mot3on; the vote was unanimous for approval ; APPROV�D.
The third rezoning is for the remaining 5 acres owned by the Pu�is ' .
Gartan moved to approve with the condi�ion �hat there be an 18 unit and
density �naxirrEUm notation an the final plat and deed res�riction; Abbot�
seconded �he mo�ion; the vote was unanimous in favor; APPROV�Q.
� 7he �Fourth item was the submission of the f�nal p1at for a minor re-
subdivision approval so �ha� the Sunburst property may be divjded by
Pulis and FDMI. White move� to approve the resubdivision; Abbott
seconded t�e mot�on; �Che vvte was ur�animous in favor; APPROV�D.
Chuck Tubbs and Daie l�atson made a presentation regarding the proposed
expansian af the Vai1 Val�ey M�dical Center. Several requests for
var3anceswere also made.
� ' Minutes/2
' ., ` . 30 June 1977
Bui1ding Bulk Co_n_trol
M Wa�l Len tl� - Garton maved to apprave the proposed waT7 leng�l� of
128 ft. ; White secanded t4�e motion; the vote was unanimous in favor;
Diagonal - White moved to approve the proposed 300 f't. diaganal ;
A�bott seconded the motion; the vote was unan�mous in favor, APPROVED.
Offset - Whi�e moved to approve th� request to e7iminate the offse�
requ�rement; Garton seconded the mo�ian; the vo�e was unanir�ous in
favor; APPRQVED.
Conditiona1 Use Permi�
With regard �o the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a
hospital in an MDMF zone, l�lhite moved to apprave; Garton seconded
the motion; the vote was unanimous in �'avor; AFPROVED.
Parkin Variance
4�ith regard to the VVMC request to have no cover�d parking, Garton
moved to approve; Abbo�t seconded the motian; the vo�e was unanimous
. �n favor; APP�OVED.
A second motion was made to set the num�er of spaces�required for
�he project as it has not been designated in the zoning ordinance.
After some discussion, l�lhi�e moved to set the required parking at
101 uncavered spaces with the fo17owing cond�tions: {1 ) the
wester7y portian of -�he site be subject to si�te cleanup and
revege�ation p1ar�; and (2) the Planning Commiss�on would re�ain
a continuing right to monitor parking needs with the righ� at a
future date to require parking an the westerly lot if deemed
necessary. Garton seconded the rrro�tion; the vote was unanimaus in
favor; APPR�VED.
Vacation o� �ot L�ne
Vai1 Val�ey MEdical Center awns Lot E and t�as an agreement to purchase
Lo� F. The request wou7d a�lo4v for the treatment of Lats � and F as
one site, upon purchase of' the �and. Abbatt r�oved ta approve; Garton
seconded the mo�ion; �he vo�e was unan��ous in favar; APPROVED.
Ci�ucic Tubbs requested a copy of the �9inutes of this meetinc� for his
Chairman Drager asked that the Planning Co�nmission be notified when
the Design Rev�ew Board reviews the project so that PC members might
� at�end.
�` . � . Minutes/3
; " 30 June 1977
These zoning amendments wou�d create a Sign Sub-Cammittee as recommended
by the Design Review Board. Certain revisions have been �ade to the
draf� a� ��e Town Counci1 's request. �im Lamont presented the Commission
with copies of the proposed amendments. Chairman Drager comment�d tha�
violators of the Sign Code should b� dea�t with more strictly and noted
that the DRS can sti17 over�urn decisions of �he Sub-Committee.
Whi�e moved to approve the proposed amendments; Gartor� seconded �he
mo�ion; th� vote was unanimous in favor; APPROVED.
MINUT�S OF 6�2�7
After reviewing the preceding week's Mir�utes, Abbott moved to approve
them; White seconded the motion; the vote was unanimous in favor, with
Drager abstaining due to his absence at �hat meeting; APPROVED.
The P1anning Cammission �hen requested to meet with the planning
attorney, Kirk Wickersham, at his conveni�nce.
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
..�, �
SECT.i�N �8. 52 . 010 PURPOSES ,
� Special Deve�opment Distric�t 8 is establ.ished to ensure comprehensive
deve].opment and use o� an area i.n a manner that wi�l be harmona.ous with
the genera]. charact�r af the Town , provide adequate open space and
recx�ational ame�i�a.es, and promote the o�jecta.ves of the �oning Ordinance.
The development is xega�ded as complementary to the Town by the Tnwn
Counca.l and the Plann�ng Commission , and there are sign.ificant aspects
of the special. development which cannot be sata.s�ied throu�h �e imposition
o� standard di�stxicts on �he area,
Special Deve].opment District 8 is established for the development of
mul�i-fami2y dwelling and commercia�. enterpr�se on a parcel. of 7.and
compris�.ng 1. 3 acres in the formerly created SDI area o� the Town ;
Special Developmen� District 8 and said � , 3 acres i.s referred tn as
The existing building consisting of 7]. dwelling txni�s contains approx�-.
mately 85,000 square feet o� gxoss residential. f�oor area and approxi-
tnately 5, 250 square fee� of commercial space� and ]43 underground
park�.ng spaces , sha11 be inc�uded in SDDS
SDD$ is more particu].arly described as follows !
(legal description}
� �ECTION 18 , 52, 03Q PER�42ITT�D USES
Tn SDD8 (e��sting building and recreational. facilities) , the following
uses shallbepermitted :
(A) Multiple f amily residential dwelli�gs
(B) Accessory retail and resta.urant and service establishments
not occupying more �han 5'y�250 squaxe feet including the
�Eolxowing :
Apparel s�ores
Art supply stores and galleries
Book stores
Camera s�o�es and �ho�ographic stttdias
Candy stores
Chinaware and glassware s�ores
Specialty food stores
Gift stores
Hobby stores
Jewelry s�ores
Leather goads s�o�es
Liquo� stores
� Newsstands and tobacco s�ares
Sporting goods stores
Stationery stores
Toy stores
Variety stores
Barbex stores
Beauty shops
Travel. and ticket agencies
'��-.: �
Delicatessens with �ood serv�ce
"� . �, ��.'- t 'Cocktai-Z�.].oun�es';' t avexns and bars
. ;. ...._. ,
' . . _ . �4__'"' __ } . .,..�. ...�. .� . .
Co�fee shops . .�_. --,..�_.-:--->. ---
_ . ,-- _ �__.�, � ,�,�:
Fountains and sandwich shops
{C} The �easing or selling o� e�cess park�.ng spaces a.n order to
attempt ta accommodate automabiles generated by development on
adjoining p�operty ,
� ,: {D) Add���onal businesses or services determined to b� sim��ar
� � . to permi��ed uses in accord w�th the provis�ons of
Sectio� of this ordznance.
� In SD8 �he fo�law�ng conditional uses shall be permitted
subject to �he issuance of a Cond��ional Us� Permit in accord wi�h
the provisions o� Article 18 60 hereof :
(A) Public utili�y and public service uses;
(B) Public buildings , grounds and �acilities;
(C) Pu�lic or prxvate schools;
(D) Public park and recreational f aci���xes;
(E) Meet�ng rooms ,
� In SD8 the followin� accessary uses shall be per�itted:
(A) zndoor and ou�door recreational facili�ies , including
but not limited to, swimming pools�; tenn�s cour�s
{B) Home occupations, subject ta issuance of a home
occupation permi� in accord with the provis�ons o�
Sec��on� hereo� ,
� (C) Other uses customarily inc�den�al and accessor� to
� pexmitted or conditiona� uses and n�cessary �ox the
operation thereo� ,
G�neral Density P�an o� SD$, �xisting Build�ng Maximum
gross residential f loor area (square fe�t) 85T000
Maximum number of dwelling units 71
Maximum grass commexcial floor area
(squax� feet) 5 ,250
Underground park�ng spaces 143
The Deve�oper sha�� pravade a parcel o� �an� o� approxi�ately
2 acres from land adjacent �o SD$, presen��y owned by it and not
necessax�ly contxguaus to the SDS, wh�ch parcel shall b� used �or re-
creatianal amenities to be provid�d by Dev�loper , and determined joint�y
by the Dev��oper o� the SD8 and the developer of the said adjacent land
subjec� to approval by the Town, The owners of dwe�ling un�ts located
within the SD$ shall be �ntitled to use such amenities pursuant to
� the rules and reg�lat�ons of the �omeowners ' assoc�ation .governing the
xecxeational am�nitzes parcel of which aX1 ow�ers a� dwelling units in
.. SD8 and an s��d adjacent land are m�mbers.
-,,_:� _
TQ � P].annang Co�m3ssion
FROM: Design Review Board
DAT.E : June 30 , 1977
R� : FDMI and Pttlis Rec�uest to Reaone and
Resubda.va.d.e �he remaindex� of the Sunburst
Th�re are three separate rezonings and one resubdivision
to be considered, On J'un� 9, 1977 the eastexn porta�.on of the
origir�al. Sunbuxst propex��y was approved. by tYze Planning Commission
as Vai1 Va1�ey Th:ird �'iZing.
The first rezoning is the creation o� Specia� Deve�.opmen�
Dis�rict 8 (s�� attached SDD ordinancE} for the existing
bu.�l.ding an 1. 3 acres . Using an HDMF zane (previous zoning
� on property} there would need to be 3�; 2 acres o� land �o.r �he
existing building, �� is au� �ecommenda��.on �ha� by al�owing
. the bu�.lding �o be plac�d on ? , 3 acres would perm�t greatex
f�exib�.li.�y for �he placement of �he new buildi�ng and provision
of recreational �enities . The difference between 3. 2 and l, 3 wa�l1
not be used for additional density calculations ,
The second rezonzng zs on �he remaa.ning 1Q, 1 acres now
owncd by FDMI , At the request o� the Counci� , the proposed zone :
�or the 1.0, �. acre i.s LDMF, but wa.th a 54 unit maximum to be noted
on the final plat and in the deed restrictions , The xeason
for LDMF instead a� RC is to al�ow fox grea�er d�sa.gn flexibility in
�he subsequent cons�ruction to gzve a better ma��ing relationship,
AXong wi�h �his rezoning are the following conditions concearn�ng
parking for �he Go1f Course Clubhouse ;
1 ) The Town o� Vail will purchase one acre from FDMI at
approxiam�ely $2 , 00 per square foot ,
2) FDMI will pay entire recreational fee o� approxir►�ately $67,000,
3) The Town of Vai1 wi11 bui]d the parking lot ,
The third rezoning is on approximately �our acares wha.ch is
owned by the Pulises, The proposed zone �or this four acres is residential
�`� The �our�h ��em �o be considered is the submission of the �inal
p�at for a minor resubda.vision appraval . This is necessary �or the
proposed division of �he Sunburst property by th� Pulises ancl FDMI ,
T0: Plann�.ng Commissa.on
FROM Department o� Communi�y Development
DAT�� June 30 , 1977
R� : Vail Va�.ley Medical Center
Request for Thxee Building Bulk Control Variances
A Parking Vari.ance , a Conditxonal CTse Perma.t
and a Vacation o� of the property lin�
between Lots E and F, Vax1 Village 2nd Filing
for cons�ruction of an additional 8 , 700 sq, ft,
to the exa.s�ing VVMC
The Va�l Valley Medical Center is reques�ing three building
bulk control 'variances: niaximum wall length, bui�ding diag�.nfll ,
� and building offsets . �
Wa11 Length 125 ' 128 '
Da.aga,nol 1�0 ' 300 '
Offset 1 ' /5 ' over 50 ' 128 ' w/no offset
The proposed additi.on a.s in an MDMF zone with �he Pro�essional
Bu�.lding on one side and the Hiltan Inn on the oth�r , Due to the
hi�h intensity use of these buildings and the already high intensity use
of the m�dica� center, �he proposed addition should create no additz.onal
adverse impacts on thi.s area.
The degree to which relief �acom the stric� ox literal interpre--
tat�.on and �nforcemen� of a specified xeguJ.ation is necessary
to achieve compatibility and uni�orrnity o� treatment among
sa�tes in th� vicinity ox to attain the objectives o� this or.-
dinance without grant of special. p�'ivilege .
The Va�.1 Va11.ey Medical. Center is a unique en�ity in Vail , ,
The reason for the bulk control variance request is to permit
mare effica.ent utilization o� space within the hospital complex.
� We, therefore, do not feel. that these requ�sts would be g�'ants of
spec.i:al pxivilege
. >.:. �.. .
,.. �.. ::..: - -
��,' ,
The ef�ect of the �equested variances on 1igh� and aix , distri-
� bution o� populat�an, transportation and traffic facilzties,
pub�ic �acil�ties, and ut�liti�s .' and public sa�e�y .
We see no advexse impacts on the above factors . The proposed
addition should not have any negative impacts on surrounding
property owners or uses.
Tha� the grant�ng of the vaxiance w��l not constitut� a grant
of special provil��e inconsistent with the 1�mitations on
othex proper�ies classi�ied in �he same dis�rict �
See Items � and 2 under Conside�ation af Fac�ors ,
That the granting of �he variance will not be detrimental
�o the publ�c health, safetq , or wel�are , or mater�al�y
injurxous to prope�ties or impravements in the v�cinity .
See Ttem 3 under Cons�deration o� Fac�ars ,
That the variance is warranted �ar on� or maxe o� the
fol�owing reasons ;
b} There are except�onax or extraordinaxy circumstances or
. condi�ions appl�cab�e to the site o� the var�ance that
do not app�y generally to othe� propertieS in the same
See Item 2 under Cons�dexatian o� Factoxs
The Department of Community DeveXopment recommends approval
o� the requested variances to a11ow for the most e�fici�nt operation
o� the new addition to the Vail Val�ey Medical Center,
In an MDMF zane , one of the accepted conditional uses is
for "Hospita�s Medical and Dental Clinics and Medical Centers" ,
The proposed addition to the exis�ing medical center fits wi�hin
�his category,
Up�n review of SectDevelo*men0��ecommendsaappaoval�ofg�he t�e
Department of Communi�y p �actors :
Condi�iona� Use Permit based upon the fol�owing
Relat�onship and impact of the us� on developmen� abjectives
of the Town,
� One of �he primary goals of the Tawn is to provide the best
health serv�ces poss�ble �o both the visitors and permanent population,
The proposed e�pans�an of the medical center would work towards
t�is objec��ve �
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�:. -.; : - . . :. �.. :.
� ,
The effect of the us� on light and air, dastr�bu�ion or
� population, transportat�on �acilities, utilities , schools ,
parks and �ecreation facilities and other public �aczlztzes
and publ�c facilities n��ds ,
The proposed additio� shou�d have no adverse effects o� �he
items Xisted above .
Eff�et upon tra��ic with particulax xef�rence ta congestion ,
automotive and pedestrian safety and conven�ence; tra��ic
flow and control, acc�ss, ma�euverab���ty , and removal of snow
from the street and parking areas,
Along with the propased add�tion �s a relocation o� �h� main
ent�ance o� the hospital to the west of �he existing building ,
Th� parking �o� on the south side of the existing building (a�ong
j�est Meadow Drive) wil� b� removed, T�is will �urther separate the
cars using the medica� facility �rom nearby resiaences . It will
also a�low for better circula��on �n and around the Medical Center.
���ect upon th� character o� the area in which the proposed
us� is �o be �ocated, , , in relation to surrounding uses:
The two buildYng located adjacen� �o �he Medical Center are
the Professional Building and the Hilton Inn , On the south sade
of the ��edica� Cen�er axe a �ew scattered residences The
� addzt�on to the existing Medical Center s�ould ha�e no signi�icant
e�fect on these uses .
Such o�h�r factors and cr�teria as the Commission deems
app�icable to the proposed use,
No o�her �actors shou�d be cons�dered.
No environmental impact repo�� zs requ�red.
The Department af Community Deve�opment recornmends tha� the
Candit�ona� IIse Permit be approved based an the following findings ,
1 , That the p�oposed location of �he use is in accord with
the purpose� of this ordinance and the purpose�� o� the
district in which the site is �ocated.
2. Tha� �he proposed location of the use and the conditians
under which �� wauld be operated or maintained will not
be detxzmental to �he public health, safety , or welfare .
or materia��y znjuraous to properties or �mprovements
in �he vicinity ,
3 , That the p�op:o,s�d ; use wa�� co�ply with each o� th�
applicable provisions of this ordinance.
_ _ -.f �� b. ��.� �..� _
, , �
�:��, �,��;RKZ'I��: V�'R��NCE (�S�ECTION 1,8��,�8�40�
.Tza a MDMF zone, 50% of the xequired paxkin� spaces mus�. be
covexed, The Vai1 Val],ey Medical Center prapased 138 parking
spaces in its new p1an� with none of thea� covered. The actural
number o� parking spae�s required by the �aning ordir�ance is not
specif�ed �or this project, The proposed number of spaces does
conform with na�i.onal standard for this type a� facility ,
The rela�ionship of the x�equested variance ta oth�r
existing or poten.tial uses and s�truc-�ures �n the vicinity ,
The new park�ng lo� is a relocatio of an ex�.sting parking 1ot
and there�ore should create no new adverse i�npacts on surxounding
structures or uses. The removal �f �he parking space alo�g Wes�t
Meadow Drive should have a positive impac�c on residences a.n that
Tk�e degree o� which rc:lie� fram the strict ox litex�al
interpretation and enforcemc:n.t o� a speci�ied regulation
is necessary �o achieve compatibili�ty and uni�oxmity o�
treatment among si.�es in �he v�cinity , or �o attain the
abject�.ves o� this ardinance without gran� of special pr�.v�.lege,
� Since an e�a.sting uncovexed parking lo� is being moved
to another �ocation, w e do no�t feel that it sho�xld be
necessary to cover 50% a� the new lat , The new parking
arrangement wi11 also provicle bet�er access to the si�e,
The e�fec� o� thc requ�sted variance on light and air,
distribu�ion of populat�on��f transpor�atior� and tr�.ffic
faca.xities, public facilities and utilities, and
public safety , .
We see no adverse impact on the above �actors ,
� - � --�::� -Y.o
b � �
� . !
� That the gxanting af the variance w��1 not constitute a
grant of special privi�ege �nconsistent with �he limitatzons
on other prapert�es classified in the. same d�strict .
See Item 2 undex Consideration o� Factors
That the granting of the va�iance w�lz no� be detrimental
to �he public health, safety , or wel�are, or ma�erial�y
injurious ta pxopexties or improvements in th� vicinity ,
See I�em � under Consideration of �acto�s
That the var�ance is war�anted �or one or more af the following
(a) The strict or literal interpretatian and enforcement
of the speci�ied regulation would result in practical
d�fficu�ty or unnecessary physical hardship incons�stent
with the objec�ives af this ordinance,
Since the parking lot is being relocated'+' it wou�d �e a haxdship
to requ�re the applicant to cover the new lot whereas the previous
1ot was nat covered,
� The D�partment of Community Deve�Qpment recommen�s app�oval
of �ne parking variance.
The Va�� Va��ey Med�cal Ce�ter pres�ntly owns Lot E and has
an agreement to purchase Lot F, Th� request wou�d a�1ow for �he
treatment of Lots E & F as ane s�te, once�.�.e ..�and has been purchased.
�he Department o� Comtnunity Development recornmends approval
o� this xequest �o permi� de�elopment o� the expanded medica� center
on both 1ots.
_.: _.�.. . :,,� � .;�, � s� �� �
�. , ,
. . _ . , . , .� �- . , , ,. _ �„�
, .,, � �
_ .�.,_ , ,.. - �_. .
r - l.
„ .,
The Department o� Cnmmunity Development recommends approval
� of the three �'ezonings and �he one resubda.vision in the manner described
i.n tha�s memorandum
.��;� �.. -
..� �-���' - '