HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 Planning & Environmental Commission Agendas, Minutes & Memos Jan. to june PEC Ja� - Apr �980
Jan.�aar 28 �198� �#�ri�] 28,=1980
m ,
LO�S 71 & 13� BLK 3, VAIL VALLEY lst�-minor sub URBAN DESIGN GUIDE A�At� V VYl.i.AG�
PITKIN CREEK PARK,-cand�tiona� use�.commercial spaee PEPI `S KITCHEN
L.OT 10, BLK 2, VAIL VILLAGE T3,�set�ack variances LOTS 2,3,�4 Blk. 8, VV 7th
PEC MEMB�R TO nR6 BELL �OWER landscaping
,�Feb,ruar 11 1980
SIMBA RUf�, pre7im7nary and io� line vacation request
1.0T 10, BLK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 13, setback var�ance
SIMBA RUN, preliminary p�an and lo� line vacation request
1ST BANK EXPA�lSION cond3�ional use
LIO�ISH�AD PARKING STRUCTUR�,.�conditiona1 use
` .-.--- _ . LOTS 11_s1r�d__�3-0,_B1k. 3,--VAIL VALL�Y 1st, manor sub �_-
-. . .. -___ - _. ._ __ _--��, ---- --
� �4arch T 0;��9�0
SIMBA RUN, approval a� pTan and 1ot 7ine vacation
FOREST SERVIC� praperty recent1y annexed
CREST,-parking variance
�Farch 24��1�80
VAIL 21 , park�ng and setback variance
PANORAMA CONDQS; Lionsridge #3,: SDD
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,.,` Januar 28, 1980
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..-;�= Y`'' LIONS MANE PHASE I�, GRFA Var.iance Request for units 23 & 25. ` �
VA�L VILLAGE 7.�'th, Lot 1.0, �lock 2, un.derground garage
VATL VALLEY 1st, Lo�s 11 and 13, B1oc� 3, -change lo�t .I.ine -
PITKTN CREEK PARK, TNC. , Special Development Dist #3, Commerca.al uses.
Februar 11 x980 '
S�MBA RLIN CONDO, LION�RTDGE #1.,BLOCK C, Lots 6-9, Pr� of 10, line vacate
VAIL V�LLAGE 13th, Lot 1.0, bl]c 2, NOTT RES. , setback variance
Februar 25, 1980
SIMBA �UN CONDO, pze�.im. approval o£ devel plan.
IST BANK BUILDING, con.ditanal use permi.� , e�pansion
' VAIL LTONSHEAD PARKTNG STRUCTURE, condtai.onal use per�it
VAIL VALLEY 1st Fxling, Lots 11 & 13, Block 3, change 7.0� 1ine.
March I0, 19$0
SIMBA RUN CONDO, approval of plan and lot Z�ne vacat�.on x�equest
FOREST SERVTCE, 8 parce3.s ann�xed, zoning
�'1�l,IN�ATURE GOLF, cond.itianal. use perm,it +
- CREST, parking VaxianCe tp a,l3.ow additiona�. meeting space '
MarCh 2�, 19$0
FO.IREST SERVICE,. (see Ma.rch 10) , _:� .
A.��iI 14,,,,.198 0
�;�GAIL 21, setbacls va�iance
PAN4RAMA CON1�0, Lionsr�.dge, approval of development plan
VAIL VILLAGE LTRBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, continuat�.on of consideratian
S �cYal ,Meetin�
APril 21, 198Q
_ VA�L VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GIIZDE PLAN, cont,inuation o� discussa�or��'
S ecia,l Public Hearin -
_ . �
Apri�. 28.,...1980 �
VA�L V�LLAGE URBAN DESTGN GUIDE PLAN, eontinued public h�ar�.ng
V�-IL VTLLAGE 7th, Biock 8, �a�.s 2,3, &4, r�s�zbdivisifln
�ASTOF GRAMSHAMMER kitchen, conditional use permi�
--- -. .. a. - - -�.... . _ � �: _
t y
� . �. , ��:
May �2, 1980
.,. �;
VA�L VILLAGE 11.th filing, Lot �, b1.k 3, approval of madifi. of fl.nod pl :
S�GHORN FIRE STA�'�ON, conditiona�. use to aiiow expansian
VALLEY - PHASE VI county referral items
VATL VILI�AGE URBAN DES,�GN GUIDE PL.AN, con�inuation of public hearing
May 27, I980 �
VAZL VILLAGE 6th FIL�NG, Lot-,'�, .Blk::_i,:. :,setback variance
OLD GONDOLA I BUZLDING, ONE VAIL PLACE, am�nded piat .:& condo map
�1d�n.e 9, 19$0
�R�D LTON e�pansion, condition use.
MUNICIPAL BU�LD�NG, lower I.evel, expansion
June 23. 1980
VA,�L MEADQWS F�ZING No. 1, Lot 37., se�back variance for duplex
1/P��JRCELL'S exter�.or al.teration
JU�-14, „1.980
BTGHORN 3rd, Lots I,2, 3, Blk 7, lot line vacation
MUNTCIPAL BUZLD�NG, condit.ional use permi.� for expansi�n
Study Session of Fire in Vail. Vi�.lage, review of zoning aFnendments
- August Il, 19$0
B�GHORN TERRACE, �.o� 1.3, addita.on va�iance
Study S�ssion, Urban Design Guide P1an
Au ust 25, 1980 '
LION�HEAD G�NDOLA BU�LDII�TG, exterior mada.�i,cation
VAIL VILLAGE 7th, Iot �., blk 8, setback. variance ta build deck
CHRISTZANIA parking vara.ance for addita.on
GOLDEI� PEAK TENN�� COURTS, temporary structure
VAIL ME�.DOWS SUB, #l, Lot 34, BZk 1., setback varianae for addition
�LLAGE CENTER D BLDG, _'.density cont�ol var�.ance and �xterior modificatio
... - , --- - ...._ . . �
� :�.,w_,.
� -
September Z, 19$0
FORQ PARK AMPHITH�ATER, South of �'ennis Courts
Se tember .8, 1980:.
`�LAGE CENTER BUZLDING D, Tract C, B1ock 5E, density control variance
LION.SRIDGE::�ONDOS:; T�ot�I, B7k 3;: Lionsra.dge Suh #3
��YRANO'.S, exteri.ox alteration for addi�ion
VAIL VILLAGE TNN, UNIT 12B, conditional use to change to real estate o£fice
GARDEiV OF GODS CLUB, rezone from PA tio HDMF
October ��, 19$0
MISKELL GREENHQUSE, Lot 2, Bik 2, V Village 13th
�AGE CENTER .BLbG D, denis�y control variance and exterior modification
�RE� B�IDGE. STORE, new shop on 2nd� f�oor
GART carport and entry adda,tiozi, iot.-12, blk 7, V Villag� lst
AA3DY NORRZS, amendment to height requirement for llS4
October 27, 1980 _
MCDONALD,_ si:te 15, Caso�:ar Va�l IT, setback variance
KNOX, Resuf Lo.t A-7, Casalar II, density contro�.. variance
November 1Q; 19.80
, _ � w..- � _� ` . __ �--=-_-.-_-----
_ _ ___-.- -- --:,. ;
�`- ,-�°'IC�R �t:esub�`lo�t �",7"���.`so7ar"��`d��'�."� co�i�rol�V`axianc�
GAtt'I' GARAG�-. lot 12; blok 7, Vail V�.1lage lst, f'�ont setback variance
VAIL .GUID�S-PRTNTERY BUILDING xeview of conditional° use pexmit
Novembex 24, I9'80
VAIL. 'GU�D�S (see above) : '
KNOX, Resub Lot A-7; .Caso�ar TI, density control vaxian.ce
' LIBRARY;:`condi�ionai use pexmit �
T'IME�SHA.R� �rom Gondi�ional uses i.n 1'ublic Accommodatioris
Decemb:er_ 8; :1980 _
KNOX Resuli Lot A-7, Gasolar II density control variance
�' Monday, January 14, 1980
1 :30 WorK Session-Site Visits �o the Va1Tey and Tmper7a7 Deve�opment
Condo Sites. Review o� P7ans submitt�d to �he Cour�ty
�€or West Vail and �he Val�ey
3:00 Reguiar Meet�ng-
1 ) Pre� im#nary Review of Si�e P�an for �ots A1 and A2,
�iansridge Filing No. 1 .
2) Caunty Re�fierral Items
A) Imperia� Development Condaminiums
E. of Exxan Site �n W. Vai7
B} T�� Ridge
C} The Va11ey-Phase 5
D) The Valley Phase 6
3} Execu�zv� Session-Litigat�on
� January 14, 1980, 3:00 P.M.
There is no official agenda far the Planning Comn3ss�on an 1�14-80.
There wi11 be a work session for Board Members. The next meet��g
is January 2$, 1980,
�`���- �
3:00 P.M.
�. ) Approval of Minutes of 12-10-'�� meetin.g.
2. ) Minor Subdivzsion Request fo�r Lots �1 and 13, B1ock �
Vail Va11ey 1st Fila.ng.
3. ) Condi��onaX Uscs �or Commercial Space at Pitkin Creek Park,
4. ) F�ont and Side Se�back Vax�iance Request to construct an
Underground Garage �or Eve B. Nott on Lot �.0, Block 2 ,
Va�.l Vi�.lage 13th.
5. ) GRFA Variance Request for Units 23 and 25, La�onsmane Phase II.
6 . ) Rezoning of a one acre parcel at �he Wes� End o� Bighorn (next
to Pi.tk�n Cx�eek Pa�k) from Heavy Service (HS) ta Low D�nsi�y
Multiple Famil�r/Special Development Da.stra.ct. (Getty Oi�. Site)
7. ) SeJ�ectian o� a PEC Member to attend D�sa.gn R�v'i�w Baard Meetings.
January 2$, i 980
3:00 P.M.
1 .) Approval of Minu�es of December �Q, 1979 meet7ng.
2.) GRFR Var�anc� Request for Units 23 and 25, Lions �Iane Phase IZ .
3. ) Rezoning of a One Acre Unplatted Parcel at the West �nd of Bighorn
(next ta �itkin Creelc Parfc} fror� Heavy Service (I-IS) to Low Dens�ty
Mul�ip1e �'am�ly/Special �evelopment D�strict.
4.) Setback Variat�ce to allow encroachment of an Undergraund garage into
�he side setbacfc on Lot 10, Slock 2, Vai1 Vil1age 13th.
5.) M�nor Subd�v�s�on for Lots 11 and 13, Bloc[c 3, Vail Va11ey lst Fi1ing
in order to change the Lot Line be�ween Lots 11 and 13 which -�ncr�ases
the E.ot Szze of Lot 13 so that it �s �n excess o�f 15,000 square �feet.
6.} Cond�tional Use Permit to Specify �omnerc�a� Uses in Spec�al Deve�opment
District # 3, Pitkin CreeEc Park, Inc.
� 7. ) D�scussion of Baard NE�mber to attend Design Review Board N1ee�t7ngs.
7o be publ ished �n �Che Va�l Trai1 or� January 25, i980.
Planning and Ehvironr�nta� Comnission
Minu�tes of n�eeti.ng of 1--25--84
• Pag� One
�oard Members Present
Dan Corcoran
Sandy Mil�s
C�rry Wh�te
Ro�r Til�emeier
�d JJx�ager
Staff Member Presen�
Jim Rubin
Larry Eskwith
P��er Pat�en
Chuck Tbnley
The Council pe�son ass�.gned to the m�tir�g, Dr. Ste�nberg, wa,s not present
1.} A�prova]. af Mi,nu�es of 12-IO-'Z9 rileetin�.
Ed Drager ma.de a �rio�a.on to approve the rninutes o� the �2-1.0-79 meeting.
� R,�ger T�.lke�ne�.er second�d the rr�t�on. The vote wa.s urzanamous.
2. ) A.ti.nor Subd�.v�.s�on R,equest for Lots Il and� 13, B�ock 3, Vail Va11ey 1st Fa.Z�,ng.
Chuck Donley expla�ned this it�n.
Jim l�ubin said that Larr�r Eskwi�h Yrad brou�h�t up the point that neithex o� the
lots n�eet the mini,m�i requirem�nt, 17,5Q0 square �eet, �ar a d�.tp�.e� �.ot,
Chuck Donley presented �he p1a�. Tt was explained that rzght naw under current
zoning, �hey can build a dupl�:x ar�d a primary/s�conclary unit with �the long texm
et�Iayee housing provision. The owiaer wants �o chan�;e the 1ot 1a.ne so tha.t they
can build �t�vo duplexcs,
Carrmissian members asked questa.ons o� �he 5�a�� and Rob �'ord who was representing
the owner who lives out of tc�wn.
Rogc:r Tilk�ier said the recent dawn�oning was des�.�ned to prorr�te employee
housixzg. We axe defeatin:g our puxpose by appr.o�ring �his. We are acc�plishing
more of wha.t we are trying to do by leaving the �ats as they are.
Rab Faxd said �he on�.y di��exence ini �he square footag� is 171 square feet.
He daesn't think e�al.oyee hausing wou7.d be used on the Golfcourse. He doesn't
thir�k �he Ga��crnarse wai.11 ever �e �n aspect of emp�oyee h�usang. He �a.id the
lat was bought be#'ore thE downzoning ordinanc�. The owner as trying to makc
. �he lots both above 15,000. The zani.n.g �ra,s for duplex on both lots when he
purc�ased them. He has �alked �cvith the ne�.ghbors and they ar� not apposed
to �his change.
Dan Corcoran asked a}�out �he drive�va.y.
Planning and Environrr�ental Co�nission
Mznute� of Meetzng af 1-28-SO
• Page 'I�
Jim R�abin sa.id thi.s change is not contrary to the intent. The sq,uare �ootage
�d' S `d, TTll.il]_q1UIi"I 1i1��C'�'.a
Roger Ti�kernei�r said �he irnpac� is the �ouxth unit.
Rob Forcl asked if there ax� any employee housing units on �he �olfco�arse.
He saa.d these units w��� be lon� term nr shor tertn rentaJ�s. 'I'ka�; owner
does not plan to se11 th�n.
Ed Drager said � axe trying to stap sho�t �er.m �entals.
Sandy Ma_lls sa.a.d sh� understands that they axe trya.ng to ttrali� the lo�ts more
confoxming but also �ha� �the one �it is the ane that ma,kes the di��erence.
Rab Ford asked wha.� �he p�ocess is i� this zs approved or di.sappraved �oday.
Larry Eskwa_th said if ap�roved, it wi:1� be referred to Coun�il, . a.� denied,
he may, they ma.y appeal �o �he Town Counci�. Another altexx�ative is tha.t
he may postpone this to a later da�e.
Rob �'ord said he would Iike this tabled.
• Ed Dx�ager made a m�tion �o tab�e �he minor subdivision request for Lots 11 and
13, B].ocl� 3, VaiX Valley 1s� Fi�ing �or no longer than th�r�y days. Ro�ex�
Tilkein�ier seconded �he mo�ion. The va�e was unanit�us.
3. ) Cor�ditiona� Uses for Corrm�rcia� Space at Pitkin Creek Paxk, Inc.
Peter Patten ex��ained �his it�n.
Roger Tilketneier asked i� tl�ere was a gas station plaran�d.
Jay Pet�rson sa,id no. It wou].d never get throu.gh Council.
Fd Dra,gex said a gas station wo�i.ld be a good idea.
Roger Tilkemeier said To�vn Counca� doesn't l�ow wha-� �he needs axe ou� �here.
Saandy Mi�ls said aestY�eti.cs of a gas station is not �ood.,
Rager Tilkemeie� saic� theace is a need.
Jay Peterson sazd if the day caxe idea does�'� w�rk, �hey wz3�, have to come
back to the comnission �or another use.
Da.� Corcoran asked if these spaces wauZd be oper� to the public. �Tay sa.zd
thep would.
Planning and Ehviroiunental Corrmission
Minutes o� Meeting of 1-28-80
Page '[�ree
Dan Corcoran rnade a mo�ion �o appxove the Conda.�ional L1ses for ComnErcial Space at Pitkin
Creek Park, Inc. as per the Sta�� ME3no dated. 1-24-'79. Sandy Mi11s seconded. The vote
wa.s uz�az�a.r�ous.
�d Dra.g�r said as lqng as Counci�z�n W�1to is nc�v present �i� wauld 1�.k� �a ask �i�at
considera�ion be giv�n to a gas pump a.n tha,t area. Bil� Wi.1to said �he Counail i.s
against a gas sta�ion out there.
4, ) �ront and szde Setback Variance Request to cdttst�uc� ar1 Lincierground Gaxage
for Eve B: Nott on Lot x0 B �" -
�ock 2;`VaiT V'i11 . 33tYi.
Peter �a�-�en explained this ite�n. He said mare study a.s needed between the
owners, the adjacent awraexs, the DRB, and the architects.
Sandy Mi11s asked if we have enough in�ormation or need more. She said
she feels there is de�iziitely a need there for this type of thing.
Pe�ear exp�a�ned tk�a.t DRB has not lookded at Nott's pro�osal ar undeargrourxd
paxking on the Iot ne� door.
�re Nott said shE can'� �crexy ea,sa.�.y wark ivz,th the neighbors as it is a spec
� Mr. and Mrs. Serafi.n said they are the �ers and it is not a s�c house.
�re No�� said the unc��rground ga�a.g� t�roul.d b� �.ike Gordorn P�.cxee's and
w�uld follow the natural cont�ur of the land.
Pete� Patten showed what had been submitted �or the proposal.
David Peel explair�.ed the neighbar's proposal.
Dan Corcoran askec� why the Se�afins ob�ect.
'I'he Serafins said �hey don't object, they just don't want this ta impact their
plans. They saz.d the DRB to�.d them ttiey cou�dn't go into the setback. Mrs.
Sera�in said sh� �hought this caulcl be done �without going itrto the setback on
Not�'s 1.and also. S�e doe�n't want to loak at a wa�1 so close to theiar property
David Pee� said by passin� this, it vwouT.d be very precedent setti,ng far this
Gerry White said he, toa, .�ee1s a.t i.s veacy precedent setting. He ��1s it i.s
a good plan in that i.t wauld restore the �.and �o �he way it is n�va He s�ggested
�he varia.nce be �ab1e far tv� weeks s�o t�a.� it coulcl be stud��d �urther.
Peter Patten sa.id 3�ath p�.ans could be disctxssion iterns on Ja.nua�y 31 with appraval
ian February 7 and then coms back to P�7C on F�bx�y 1.�, �.980.
Roger Tilkanei�r made a motion to table thc Front and Side Setback Vari,ance
�g,ues� �o construc� an Underground Garage for �e B. Nott on Lot 10, B1ock 2,
Vail Vi.11age J.3th. �d Drager seconded. The vote was unaniznous.
Planning and Envirnnmen�al Comnission
Minutes a� Me�t�ng of 7.-28-SO
� Page Four
5.) Q�FA Va.riance Request fo� Ur�its'23'�,nd ��, 'Li�nstl�drie P1�aS� TI.
Jim Ruban exp].ained the histoxy o� th�s �tem.
Sandy Malls asked Jim to c3arify the eurrent useage.
�Tim said it is classified as a one bedro�n unit with a 1o�t but �here is
evidence that the lofts ha.ve been occ�pied.
Sandy asked kaaw the Town is g�z.ng ta police tk�a.t a.t a.s employee used.
Gerxy White a,sked i� �he units can be bro�ght up ta code.
Jiin sa.id �hey prababZy cauldn't bring i� entirely up �to cod.� bu�t closer
than �t �.s at present.
Gerxy White asked if the people are Iiving in these units i�.�.eg�.17.y, can
�he C of 0 tha.t is cizrren��y on the �tti�ding be resinded.
Larry Esk�vith said people a.re not supposed to be �iving 'there now.
� Chuck Donley said one o� �he ways �he� don't m�et code is ��at �he �.o��s
cannot ha.ve virandows.
�7irn Rubin said Appollo park had ins�alled skylights to soZve this problem.
Roger Ti�ke�neiex said even i� the urnits do not meet code, they would be closer
tl�an they are now.
Dan Corcoran asked i� the Town approves the uni�s when �hep are not cc�letely
to cade, are �xable �� some�hing happens?
Larry Eskwith said he doesn't think they would be Tiable.
Jim Rubin said there is a possi3aility they would iz�stall the sky�.ig��s.
Sandy Mi11s asked about the paacking.
Jim Rt�bin saxd a.� is pxesently nat adeo�ua.te and Mr, Saxno� has agreed he
wou�.d wark with the Tawn Sta��, Egineer, et�. to cha,�ge and increase
�ne parking. Part wou�cl have �o be in the Tc�wn ra.ght o� wa.y but we would
ha.ve to work with Kent on thi.s.
Plannin� and Env�ronmental Cotm�.ission
Mir�u�es a� Mee��ng o� 1-28-80
� Page Five
Gerry Whi�te said he has a prob�.em irz that the unit is cu.rren,t�y a.1�.ega.1,
there is inadequate parking and it wil� no�t to�ta7.1� meet cade.
Larry Es��th sazd he just �ounci out that if a person is doing a r�nodel
of more than �0%, then the wh�le bua.ldzng mus� be brough� up -�o cade.
Sa.zady Mi�Zs said she thix�ks approva.7. woul.d just be compounda.ng �the ina.tia�
�roblem. We axe saying, yes, yau ca,n take storage and m�� �iving space Y� you
keep at it long enaugh. She a2so asked how we axe �oing to police the seven
year employee hous�ng c�ause.
Dan Corcoran asked Ed Dra�r about the Condo Association.
Ed sa.�.d a.t a,s a separate association, na� the same as his.
Mr. S�mon said �here wi11 be no cl�an� �n assessment and the assoc�ation is
silent on subject of C�'Aa
Jim Rubin saic� th�s case is d�fferent than others tha.t have applied �o conver�
loft space �n tha.t the space is alreadq there and is habitable.
Jim also sa.id they would be irr3proving the space and �o allow th� to use it
• properly is the best al�ernative.
Marvin Simon sa.id the units Y�a,ve always been used. as e�loyee hota�sing. He
said to �ook at the floor space and the 1ay out, you ivauld see i� was no�t
mean� to be a ane beclroom �it.
Sandy Mills �aid sh� fel� tha� b�cause no windc�ws wer� plaau�.ed, possibl y �hat
area wasn'� mean� �o be occupied.
Ed Drag�r said he has kept quiet because he r�presen�ec� Mr. S�mmon uThen he or�gir�al.Zy
bought these uni�s. He askecl Mr. S�.mon i� he cou].cI give sorne history on this.
�d said these un��s were b�uilt Ebe�ox°e Mr. Simon p�u�°ck�ased them) unde� a eounty
b�.i.lding permit wit� the state inspector cc�rning up here once every two weeks.
At firs� they had a three foo� �.o�t appraved but added five feet az�d k�ad ther�
approved that rvay'.
Dan Carca�an asked i� they axe structUrally sound.
Ecl D�agex said, "It's there yet."
Gerxy Whi�e said he �ee�.s �t is better to d�al with a.t as i� is �ka.aa� �o legalize
it. He does not feel becaus� it has a high ceilirig, it should be r�de habitable
or tha.t it cou�d be brought up to code.
Marvin Saunon said he is ,just trying to prov�.de decent hous�.ng.
. Gerry Whi�e said h� doesn'� cons�.der �t decent housing.
Planning and Environmental Comn�.ssa.on
M�nutes of Meeting of 1-28-80
� Page Sa.�
Sandy MiI1.s said she felt grant�ng thzs wo�.1d provide econonazcal gaz.n
�or Mr. Simon.
Mr. Sirrion disagreed.
Dan Corcoran said i�e doe�n't think they will 3�e able to get more parking.
Maxvir� Si.rrion sa.id he r�vi11 wor� wi�h �he 'Ibwn an bringing th�n up to cade
and providing more adequa,t� parking. H� agr�es there is a definite prob�em
wi�h the parking now.
Ge�rry Whi�e asked �a� a :motion.
Sandy M�.11s made a r►xatzon to deny tlae GRFA Var�_ance RequP� fnr Un�ts 2� and
25, Li�ons�aaz�e Pha.se II, Gerry Wia�.te seconded the rrx�taan and adc�ed sazne further
rennarks tha.� thexe is definitely a parka�ng need t�ers, he doesn't beli�ve they
could be brought up to code, and he doesn't believe that �nployees �.ike to be
put together in this kinc� of situat�on. Dari Corcoran, Sandy Mills, and Gea�ry
Whi�e voted �ox denial. Rogex� Tilketneier vo�ed aga�z�st derzi.al. Ed Drager abstained.
The motion passed. Roger vated agaaxas� �t because the proposa�. was a reasonable
s�lution to a difficult problem.
�im Rubin to�d Mr. Simon that he can appea� tn the Co�znci�. witY��.za ten days.
� C.) Rezonirn� of a on� a,cre parce� a�t th� West �d o� Big�ozn (next to P�tl�in
Creek Park) �rom Heavy Service f H�} to Law Density Nha.ltip�.e Fam�.1y 7Specia�.
Developmen� Dist��.c�. {Ge��y 4i1 �i�e) -- --
Ghuck Donley presented thi.s a.te-sn. (Ed Drager Ieft the meeting as he has
a con�lict on this item anyways )
�itz Glade shawed his new pians. He said he ju�t picked up his packet and
didn't rcaZize tha�t the S�af� was rec�ndang d�n�.al o� th�.s �.terrx. He sa�d
he has a cliscxepancy wi�h wha.� the Staff says was said at Tawn Council. He
doesn't remerr�r �h�n saping �h� uni-�s �oul.d have ta be deed rest�icted. He
a�so does not think they recarm�ended RC 2ioning. He said unde� I.�MF' Y�e will
ge�t moare units but he wi11 �ase les� Q�'A than a�Zc�wed. They are maka..ng �the
units srr�,ller so local peap�e can a�fox�d �h�n.
J�m Rubin said this has gane -ta Town Co�uncil �lax�ee oar �our t�mes �or reconmendation.
The l�,st direction was for residentia�.
Dan Co�coraa� said this is the first tiune h� has seen thi.s projec� as he was
nat on the Board when �.t wa.�s presented previously. He w�u1d l�ke �o be an
record as saying tiaat he fee7. �hat the Office Bui.lcli,ng was more su�.�ab�.� o�
ever� a gas stataon.
Roger Tilkemeier said he feels the ov�m�rs hav� been ,jexked around enough.
Planning and Environrriental Comnission
Minutes.of Meetzng of 1-28--80
. Pa.ge Sev�n
Rqger alsa said t�a,� he feels residential zs highly improper. He sa,id �ha,t the
Town is already a.nvolved in a 1aw sua�.t becau.se they took units away �rom sameone
who was entitled �to them, no�v ��ey are giving �anits to saneone wY�o is nat en�ta,tled
to therr►. �t is blasphemy to cantradict oua^selves in �blic. I-� cloesn't mee� our
grawth mat�agem�nt p�ans.
Sandy 11�i7�s said she doesn'� agree in this case. Peopie who live aut there don't
want a gas station or comnercial us�s. She feels RC 2oning woulci. be bettear as it
wou�d cu� da�w:n on the n�e� n� peop�e.
Jim Rubin said this wi11 have to be re�erxed to Cauncil aga�.
Dan Corcaran asked why no� cartnercial use. An office wauld ha,ve less traffic
than residEntial.
Jay Peterson said the developsrs of Pitkin Creek Pa,�k fee�. the �residezz�ial
cancept is right.
Roger Tilkemeiex ma.de a ��ion �o denp the �ezoning of thc: Getty Oil Site from
Heavy Serva�ce (H�) ta Low Density Mu�.,�a.p�� Fami�y/Specia�. Develapment District.
Dan Cnrcaran said �e won'� second this becau5e he �ee7. the people have been ,je�°ked
. araund enough.
There was further d�scussa.on.
�Iay Pe�erson sa�d �hey �ought the of�ice coneept because they fe1� i� was inappropriate
and residen�ial is bet�er. He feels i� shaul�. be approved.
Rager's mo�ion dies for want of a second.
Sandy M�,lls rnade a rno�ian to deny the LDMF zonin.g an the Getty Oi�. site beca�.se
she feels the dens.�ty is too ha.gh. Hex inotion fai.l�d �or �ack of a seconde
Gerry White asked �`acitz Glade if he wot�.l.d agree to LDM�' �ning as �ong as the
C�'A does not exceed eig�t �n�.�s and X�,250 square fee� a.� pzoposed. Fritz sa.id
he ur�u7.d agree.
Gerxy Wha.t� ma.d� a motion to approve the rezona�ng o� �he C�tty 0i2 Site f�om Heavy
Service (H�5) to Law Density Multiple Farnil.ylSpecial Development Distric� with the
stipulation that �he deve�o�anent daes nat exce�:d e3ght units & 10,250 squaxe �eE�.
Dan Corcorat� seconded the motions Sandy M�,1.�s, Dan Corcoran, and Gerxy White vot�d
�ox the [n�tinn. Roger T�.lkemeiex vo�ed against. The motion passed.. R.og�r T�.lkemeie�r
sazd he s�i�7. fee�.s a ga.s sta�ion is more appropria��.
7. ) Sel.ect3on of a P� Metnbe� �o'a.ttericl Desi.gri Revievv Boarc� Meet�.n.gs.
� Thexe was a discuss.ion as to who had already served. Santly Mi,1�.s ma.de
a motion tY�at Jack Goeh1 �ae appo�.z�ted. Dan �orcoran secondeds The vote
was unanimons. Jim wi11 not�fy Jack.
'I'Y�e mee�ing was adjou�aed a� 5:15 P.M.
DATE: Janua�y 2�, �980
RE: Zone Change Reques� far Woodbridge East (Getty Oil Site}
from Heavy Service to Low Density Mu1ti-Family
The proposal is for eight units with 20,250 square feet
of Gross Residen�ial Floor Area. What has been presented
is a schemat�c plan showi�g the approximate �oeations and
sh�aes of the buiZdin�s. Also shown on the schematic plan
is a small recreational amentity area.
LDMF Standards woul.d a�1ow n�ne un��s and 13,422 sq�are �eet
o� GRFA. RC Standards �ould alloW six units and 11 ,185 square
The Tawn Council last d�scussed th�s p�ece of land in ea�Iy Dece�ber.
At that t�m� they were very m�ch sp1�t as to whether �t shou�d be
used as an 4ffzce Bu�ld�ng or for Residentia� purposes. Oux
recollec��o�, however, �s tha� those rne�bexs �ha� desired Residen�ial
Uses were requesting RC Densities.
� As far as the sch�ma��c plan itself , what has been proposed is
�wo �rip��xes and one dup��� xesu�ting in a site coverage of lI%
and 45% of the site bezng �andscaped. Bo�h of these standards
are �n conformance w�th wha� wou�d be required under Reszdential
cha�acter �n �� un�er this propasal than under the past Office
building submxttals.
The S�a�� recommends �hat �he Zn�ing Request for Low �ens��y Multi
Family be den�ed. The max�mum a��owab�e de��i�y should be six
units, which would resux� in a strai�h� Residential Ciuster Zoning
Class�f�cation. The Staf� wuld consider the eight �nits only �f
a� least �4% of the uriits wex� �or low and modera�e inco�e long
term residen�s under gu�deZines proposed �y the applican� , which
wouXd requir� both Plann�ng Camzn�ssion and Town Counci� approval.
DATE: �anuary 25, 1984
RE: Minor Subdivision Request �o� Lots �� and �3, B1ock 3
V�il Val��y lst Filing
This request is to change the 1ot 1�ne between Lats 11 and 13,
B�ock 3, Vai1 Valley lst Filing in arder to make Lot 13 in excess
of �5,000 square feet.
At the p�esen� time, Lat 11 �s �7,00� square feet and Lot 13 �s
1_3 ,860. The proposed change �n the lot lznes wou�..d crPa�e two
lo�s of an iden�ical si�e o� 15;432 square �eet.
The purpose far th�s change is ta allow Lot �3 to be bui�� as a
straight dupZe�. Both lots are in a Two Fa�iZy Residen�ial (R)
�one Dzstrict. Z� the lot was less than 15,OOQ square ��et , i�
would have to camply with the new r�strictions for lo�s o� less
�han 15 ,000 s�uare �ee�.
• The new 1ot arrangement compli�s with all Zoning and Subdivision
The Depaxtment of Corrununity Development recommends approva� of th�s
DATE: Januaxy 2�, 1980
RE: Conditional Uses for Commercial Space a� Pi�kin Creek
Park, Inc.
See Sheet A
Upon review of S�ct�on �8.60�, the Department o� Community Development
recommends Approval of the Conditiona� Use Pexmi� based upon the
fol�owing faetors:
Consx�eration of Factors:
Relatianshi� and impact o� t�e use on development objectives_ of
�he Town. -- ._._.._. ,
The Cammercial Uses bein� requested should allow the crea�ion o� a
• small neighborhood center in Bi,ghorn, which we �eel �vi1�. have a
positive impact on �he deve�oprnent obj�ctiv�s of the Town.
The e��ec� af th� use on light and air clistxa.butian af popula�ion,
�ranspor�a�xon �a.czTa���;es , ut�la:t�es, schaoTs ; parks a.xid recreation
fac�.li��:es and at�ier u1o��:c fac�Z�ties arid � ub�ic faciTit�es needs.
A sma�.l. neighbo.rhood cerater sh4u�.d have a positive e�fec� on publ�c
faca.l��y uses and needs by providin� necessities within close proximi�y
to Bighorn R�siden� and vis3torse
�ffec�t ttpon tra�fic with part�cular reference to congestzon , automotz.ve
and pedeStrian sa�ety -arid. eaxiven�ience, �traf�ic �Tow a.rid control , access
maneuv�rabiTi�y , arid rerriovaJ� of �sno� from �he; s�reet a;rid parking areas.
The pro�osed uses should decrease some of the automobile tra£fic frnm
the Bighorn axea into Town, which will help ta decrease conges�ion.
E��ect upan the character . of the area a:ri urh�:ch the praposed use is to
be �oca�ed, iricTudirig tYie scaTe and bulk `o� tlie p�opdsed use in r�exation
to surrouriding uses. � T
A� the previous public hearings, the Sta�f has requ�sted tha� some
addi�ional a��ention be ga.ven td the extex�iox o� the commexcia�. building.
Pitkin Creek Pa�k, Inc. CUP �
Page Two
We wou�.d sti.21 encourage this, but �eel that �.� is a Des�.gn Rev�.ew
Board ra�her than a P].ann�.ng Cammiss�on co�.cern.
Such other �actors arid cri�eria �,s �he �Corrit�i�ssion deems ap�licable �o
_ . _ _ - - -- -
the proposed use.
There are no other fac�ors deemed app�icable.
The environmental am�act r�por� coric�rning tne pxo,posed use, if an
erivirorimenta� i�rlpact xeport a:s recLtiired b� CYiapter 18. 56.
Na EIR is requiared.
The Departmen�t od Corr�nun�,ty Dev�Iopment recomtnends tha� the Conditiona�
Use Pe�^ma� be Approved 3�ased on th� following fxndings:
That the pxoposed �oca�ion of the use is �� accorc� wi�h the p�rpases o�
�his ordinance and the purposes of the c�istrict in which the si.te is
� Tha �he propased location of the use and. �he con.di.tions under wh�,ch
i�t would be opera�ed or maintained would no� be detrimen`ta1 to the
publxc hea�th, safety, or welfare or �a�erially injurious �o proper�ies
or improvemen�s in the vicini�y.
Tha� th� praposed use wo�ld comply tvi�h eaeh af �he app�icable provisions
of this ordinance.
We feel �hat the uses proposed are appropri,ate for the area and
recommend approval.
P�tkin Creek Park, Inc. CUP
� Page Th�ee
In April o� �979 {Minutes Enclosed} , the Town Counca� gave �inal
app�oval to the Development P1an for Pitkin �r�ek Park, �nc. , with
two exceptions being the bus turn-aff design and the Cornmercial Uses.
The Commercia� Uses bing proposed are as �ollows:
Day Care Center 1,200 squar� feet
Laundramat 600
Food Store 3 ,000
Liq�or Sta�e 1 ,200
Restaurant 2,500
These uses are iden�ical to those that were discussed with the Planning
and Environm�ntal Commiss�on on March 27, i979. (Minutes Enclos�d)
The inten� a� �he restaurant is ta make it moderate pric�d (Similar to
the Bul�y III) . The . rest o� the Cammerc�al uses are pri�ari�y designed
to provide bas�c services �or the B�ghorn Area.
APRIL 10, 1979
' 3:30 P.M.
The Vai1 Town Council convened at 3:30 P.M. for a special meeting
on �'uesday, April 10, 1979, in the Conference Room of the Vai�. Municipal
The following Councilmembers and Mayor Rodney E. Slifer w�re present:
Paula Palmateer
Tpm Steinberg
Bill Wi�.to Absent: John Donovan
Scatt Hopman
Bqb Ruder
Also present was: Richard Caplan, Tos¢n Manager
TYte Counca.l then unc�ertook the matter of continuing the discussion
of Pitkin Creek Park, Inc. in regards to the commercial space and
the parking .
Chuck Anderson stated that they were considering del2ti�g the comznerczal
space, if this were the case they would turn the space into lz dwelling
� unzts.
Steve Kirby reviewed a new parking plan. The numbers are as follows:
Buildings 1- 4 32 units 50 parking spaces 1.56 spaces
5- 7 59 units 86 parking spaces 1.45 spaces
+ 27 commercial
8-13 65 units 98 parki.ng spaces 1.5 spaces
The Council was agreeable to this parking proposal.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the bus �urn-o£f and the uses
of the commerciat space.
Jay Pete�son then asked the Council to approve the p1.an but hold up the
Conditional Use Permit. Jay also stated that he would be presenting to
the staff a Moc3ified inducement Resolution and an Ordinance designating
specified use for the project.
The general concensus of the Council was to approve the plan with the ex-
ceptions of having a nsw design on the Bus turn-off on Highway 6 and further
dicussion of commerial uses.
Councilmember Bill Wilto made a motion to approve the pian with �he
exception of a bu5 turn-aff design on Highway 6 and commercial uses.
� Councilmember Scott Hopman seconded the motion. All present voted,
4 in £avor; 2 against (Ruder and Slifer) , the rnotion carried.
Councilmember Scott Hopman moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned
at 5 P.M.
� A'r�EST: . _.
- --°-- _.__ __ . -..�--.�-��___..�;- �-
_ ..._ ��__ •
i .. �. --._ ._ ...�,:F_�i-_m_�._,__-._ .�:._._
__- �__._ �, --, _. _ _ .- -
Town Clerk
Ed Drager "
Sandy MiZls
R4ger Ta�.lkemeie�
Ji�a Morga.�
Ran Tadd
Jack Goehl
Jim Rubin
The ��xst i�tem an the agenda, 5laugh�er Residence -- Setback
Var3ance Request , Lo� 8, Block 1 , Vai1 Vi�.lage F�rst `Fi1:�n g.
Tom Briner, Archi�ect was present �o represen� �he
owner of a house an 392 Mill. Creek Czrcle w'ho wan�s �o add a
one-car garage �o his xesidence. As �.� wilZ enc�oach a�n-�o �he side
setback requ�.rem�nt , �h�y are asking �ar a 7z f�ot variance. TY�e
owner has propnsed a deck an top of the addition. He �ta�ed �here
a.s concexn from on� of the ne�ghbors abo�� the h�ight of the
addi�ion , so a redesign removEd �he rai�.ing and pitched �he raa�.
He showec� the Comrn�,ssion pic�ur�s and drawings o� the proposed addit�on.
Jim Rubin ac�v�s�d. the CamFn�.ssion that the sta�f
recoman�:nda�ion is �or approva�. af -�his request , b�t added �hat
�he apprnval for th� se�back variance wi�l sor�ewha� impac� �he v��w
from. �he Cau�kin 's house wh�ch is behi.nd �he Slaugh�er residence.
However, the sta�f �ee�s tha� it would prabab�y be more unsightly
�a have parked cars outsic�e and tha� �the addi�a.on fits we�.l with
the e.xisting house .
. Sandy Mi�ls stated that she had vis�.ted the sa.te and fee7.s
�hat the view corridor �s dc�wr� further �ro�n_ the proposed addi�ion
and �ha� the Caulkins w4uld z�ot lo�e their .view of the Gar�s.
Skze also felt tha� the garage would cl�an-�up the area with �x�ash
s�oxage and pu�ting �he car inside. Roger Tilkemeier asked abau�
" the view irnpact �rom the secand floor of th� house behind �h� proposed
Mrs. Ell ie Cau�.kins ov�mer o� �he house behind. the propossd
garage addition asked to be heard. She ide��ifiecl herse�f as the
owmex of the house a� 304 Mil]. Greek C�xcie and that s�e �.s comple�ely
opposed �:a �he cans�ructzon of �he garage as proposed. She �
sta�ed that a.t wi��1 C�Bf1.ri1tE�.37 i.mpact their view and ques�ions th�
validity o� a one car garage, as she �eels thexe wi��. a]�wa�s be
more than one car parked �here when someone is in r�sidence.
. A gentleman in the audience who resides i.n �he Bass house
an Mi�� Creek C�.rc�e also fee�s that everyone in the area may want
� to add ga�ages and then axl the vi�ws in �tY�e area wil.l be �.mpac�ed.
Pag� 2 - MINUTES
P].anning & Environmen�al Comr�►issxon Meeting af 3--27-79
� Ron Todd asked whether �hey could p�.ck an a�.�ernatrve
s�de of the ha�zse for cons�xuction? Mr. Brine� st�.'�ed tha� �;�
they build on the east , it wou�.d b�ock theiar own v�.ew. There cou�.d
be �he possibi.li�y o� bu�.lding i.t �.nto �he hil�side of �he fron�
yaxd, bu� �ha.s r�alJ.y has�. '� been loaked 3nto because it wauld
be expensive and i.t would take th� garage away �rom the main entxy
to the house. He also stated �here a�e Iarge spruc� �rees irz
�the yard and som� o� them wou].d have to be removed i� th�.s was done.
A��er further discussi.on, Gerry Whi�e made �he Motion
fox deniaX of the variance request �Car a side setback since the
appZi.canl; cannot show a hardsha�p , and �here ar� no grounds �o
grant this variance. reques�. Roger Ti�kemeier seconded the Mo��on
and �he Cammiss�on voted 5 �o� denial and 2 opposed to denial.
The var�.ance r�ques� i.s dena.ed and �he appl�cant was advised of the
�Q day periad �or appeal .
Th� second i�em on the ag�nda, Va�.1 Racquet Club a Iica�ion
�or a Densit Varianc� ta Construc� Emp�o ee Hous3n on an Un la�ted
Pa�rcel in Ba�ghorn.
Walter Ka.xch was present as applicant for �his variance
reques� . He asks that the garden �eve1. units that were gi.ven up
valun�ari�y during the 1977 down zoning be returned sa tIaat he can
constxuct 16 ane-bedroom �.na.ts �or empin�re� hou�ing.
. He a].so �advised the Comm�sszan that Y�e may come baek .
with another app�icata�on �vnen th� ].ast two bui.ld�ngs are buil� to add
another 16 units �o� employees which w�.l� bring the �otal �0 32 �na.ts.
Roger Ti�.kemeier asked Mr, Ki.rcn how many smployees
� of the Racquet Cl.ub wil� use th� una�ts?
Mr. Kirch �eels that somewhere betwe�n 10 and �F o�
• these units w�.11 be used by Racquet C�ub emplayees, and �hat any su�plu�
could be used for o�her emp�.oyees in Va�.l.
Mr. Drager asked how long these would b� used for emp].oyees
and i� there would be res�xiction� �.mpo�ed on them?
Mr. Kirch stated �hey wauid res�ra.ct the use of �hese
una.ts far twenty (20} years as long-term rental una�ts for employees
i.n Vai 1.
Ja.m Rula�.n stated �hat the s�aff recommendation suppor-�s
�his applica�ion f or a density vari.ance and went thraugh the reasans
as stated in the memorandum prepared by the Departm�nt o� Community
Developmen� .
�7ohn Dunn, At�aarney at Law, addressed the Commissi.on as
� repres�nta�ivc for �he Condominium Ow�ex ' s Assoc.iation. He introduced
himse�.�. as Presi.dent o� thei.r Executive Committee. The Condomana�u.m
Page 3 - MINUTES
� Planning & Enva.ronmental Commission Mee�a.ng of 3-27-79
� Assac3a�ion represents 170 units and 500 to 600 residemts o� the
Racque� Club. He sta�ed that he is direc�ted to inform �Y�e Comrnission
that �h� Condo�ni.nium. Asso�iation is opposed to Walter's applica��on .
He sta�ed that he agrees w��h �the ne�d, but tha� owners are in
disagreement w�th Mr. Kirch as to where th�se units are being proposed.
They would 1.ike to sEe the emp�oyee housang placed a1.1 togethe� zn
one building rather than in Building "�.3. " Euil.ding "I�" i.s i� thc�
cen�er of the camp�.ex, adjacen� �o �he "bu�ble'' and the recr�ata.onal
facilitxes . This is the mos� congested part o� �he project, and it
�s a building tha� nabady wants. Th�y wan� this building as smal.l
as possible and no� a dormi�ory �or help.
Mr. Dunn continued �k�at the Condflmzn�-�m Association has
discussed Bua.ldin� "15" �.s a bett�r ].ocation since zt is at �he
edge o� the pxo�ect and they feel �h3s bui�.ding would be the lagical
place for empl.oyee housing. Mr. Dunn added that he is aware o� the
vo�untary c�ownzoni.ng, but tha� Mr. Kirch has to sa�isfy t�e ordiz�azac�
and the vax�.ance procedu��s. He �e�ls there are �wo �ancerns her.e:
�he �ixst i� a lega3. concern whe�her �hexe is ,�u.sti�Cication for -�ha.s
applicata.an jus� becau.se of the addition of emp�oyee housi_ng, Zt is
].auda.ble , but not a cancern o� �h� Zonin� Ordinance. H� cited a
cas� to the Commiss�.on that ref�ected this concer� . H� also stated
that the Tqwn o� Vail has no� made employ�e hotxs�.ng a �equ�.rement
as �hey have with parking requiretnents , etc .
The second concern is that i.n r�gard �o the Zoning 4rda.nance,
�� he fe��.s that the incxeas� n� dens�.ty is undesirable and w�].]. have
an uxt��.vaxable itnpact on the n��.ghborhood. He �e�Zs that emp�oyees
wou�d be more d�nse, as. they would be ft�l:�-�ime r�siden�s. He
also daes nat �eel that the parking �.s ad�quate �o� employee hous�.ng.
xt is his feeling that there wauld be two vehicles per un�.t in the
employee housing. He alsa feels tha� �he employees wnu�.d be naa.sy .
The own�rs want t4:� se� this variance reqtxes�: denied�, bu� they don' �
wan-� �a close the do�r �o a compr�mise , and would cons�.der havin�
�he employee housing aIl in one bu� ld�ng, theix pref�renee is
Building "15".
Fred Distelhorst aad�essed the Co�mission as a neighbor
of the Racque� C�ub. He asked �o see where thes� building are to
be located and �ooked a� �he sit� plan . T�e stat�d that he a.s agains�
�he i.ncxeased densi�y, and would �.�ke to see on�y $ units added.
Roger TilkemeYer asked Mx. Kirch wh�ther he was at an
impasse with �he owners?
Mx. Kirch stated that �t is h�s �eeiing that ev�rybodp
is far employee hausing, but nobodq wants it near �hem. He went an '
�o say tha� �he twenty y�ar lim��ata.an �,vill enabl.e him to e�pense
out his constr�c�ioz� costs , but :that it wou�cl be f�nanci�ally uzafeasi.bl.e
. to put alI the emp�oyee housa.ng zn ane building.
� Gerry Whi�e asked whether there wau�d be noise �estrzctions
pu� on the long--term r�nters?• Mr. Kirch s�ated that he wou�d insist
on contralling �he made of behavior at �he Racquet C�.ub. He stated
Page 4 - MINUTES �
- P�anning & Environmen�al Comm�sszon Meeting of 3-27�79 .
tha� h� does have a �ew ernployees living in the projec� now, but
� tha� most o� �he employees have �o drive £ro� Avon or Edwards.
Chuck And�rson, who was present to address the �
Commiss�on on Pi�kin Cxe�k Park Develap�ent , stated �ha� h� feels
�a�ter shou�d be app�auded for �ncluding the employee housi�g on
site. H� also agrees witfi Mr. Kirch �ha� financiaZ�y a separate
b�ilding wauld not work and that it �s �mpartant tha� �he community
be �ntegra�ed. He added that the �mpxo��es o� Vai� axe highly .
educa�ed, responsib�e people, and that w�th ava�lable and a�trac�ive
housing, �his wil� make for happy employees, and happy emp�ayees
arE good employees.
Ed Dxager a�.so �eels tha� a.t is a plus �ha-t -�here is
no. tax money involved zn these e�p�ayee units, and that a private
development z.s i.nterested an putti�g i.n emplayee uni.ts. Gerry
Whi�� agre�d, and s�a�ed tha� th�.s shou�d be cans�.dered as gaod
den:�i��' and positive growth.
Sandy Mills made the Mata.on tv grant the variance requ�st
for the Z6 employee hous�.ng uni�s a� the Vai,1 Racquet Club Condominiums
in Bighorn and as pre�sented in the Department of �ommuni�y DeveZopment
memarandum af March 23, �.979. Ger�y. �V'ha.�e seconded the Mo�ion.
The Commission vated ttnan�.maus approva�. Mr. Dunn was advised
of �he �0 day periad for appeal by Mr. Drager.
. Th� third ztem on the agenda, Pitkin Creek Park Devel.opment
. . Jay Peterson , Attorney at Law started the discus��.on
by advising th� Cotnmission that staf� has problems with the parking
prava.d�d for the pra,j�ct.
Dick Ryan , Dixector. nf Corr�nUnzty Deve�.apment s�ated that
the staf� concern is that this �mpioyee Y�ou�ing prbject have as �ew
pxob�ems as passib�.e and that the �uzzction is very �mpartant. It
is f�It that there are majar d�fic��:nci.es i.n the park�.ng as far as
�.ocation anc� distr�.bu�ion . He stated that one and one-half spaces
per ttni-� is a goad base for e�nplopee housing and thi5 would give
addita.onal parka.ng far guests. . �t was . the. �eeli.ng that the two
. and three bedroom units may have to hav� even rrtore than one and
one-half spaces. In regard �o the Commercia]. area o� the project ,
there will be 9,000 sq. ft. o� corrjmercial axca, �h� res�aurant has
a sea��.ng capacity o� 11.0 sea�s , but on�y 11 parking spac�s are
planned fox the restauran� and Mx. Ryaxi �ea-rs that th�se wau�.d
be used up by the emp�ayees �or the x�s�auraza�. He advised the
Comamis�ion that a cammon r�zle for parking far restaur�.nts is
3 seats �ex space., He a].so questions �he �oca�ions of �he �rash
enc�.osures and that the aspha�.� a.s not broken u� su�fic�.ently. H�
alsa sta�:ed that �he commerczal space should no� �aok like. a .typical
"shopping cen�er" and shou�d be design�d �a �i� in�o �his area.
. He �ecommended �l�a� �he app�i.ca�YOn be continued �o let �he sta��
and the app7.icant address some of th� conc�rns.
Page 5 - MINUTES
Planr�a.ng & En�rironmental. .C�mr�ission Meeta.ng
Jay Peterspn stated that �he Zon�.rzg 4rdinanc� requa.res
• a spec3f�c number of park�ng spaces, and �hese axe the guide�ines ,
tha� axe folYowed in setting ou� the parking. in �his proje��. It
is his feelin� �hat the project wil�. need less parkzng than the
numbers praposed �or the project. Steve Kirby, Archi�ect wi�h
Bri.n�r, Perkin & Scot� stated that �hey have ca3.culated the park�ng
r�quiared by the �an�.ng Ordinance. They have plann.ed �or 232
parking spaces. He stated that he knows abaut �the concerns of
p�.rking sp�.ces per unit , and the turning ratio at the end of �he
1ots. He wen� on to �xpl.ain tY�e site plan with th� open spaces,
�raes and landscaping a�zd the arrangement of the park�.ng. He
further explained tha� an alterna�ive to addxtiona� parking (29
spaces) would be to use �he higl�way righ�-af--way al.ong old H�ghway
. #6, but �hat i� �vau�.d be vary expensive because of the riec�ssity
�o construc� retaining wal�.s and changing �he access poin� a.nto
m s�Ear shel�e�s. y
ro 'ec�. .He s�iowed �he loca�ion af the du p
the p �
w�.l� be by paved areas v�rhere �rucks can have acc�ss and w311 no�
be ra.ght �n �rant of th� uni�s. He also explaa.ned that there would
be snaw sl;ockp�Iing a�eas where �.t would n�at in�erfere with the
park�ng spaces.
Jay Peterson s�a��d that they could �.00k at i�zc�easing
the parking during �he phases of cons-��uction.
Dick Ryan sta�ed tha� thc Town approved �98 hausing
�ni�s at �he park�.n.g ra�io af �.5 spaces pex uni� , so thep are no�
� jus� xequirin� it .on thi.s part�eular proj�ct. The �aning Ordi.na�ce
deals with tn�nimum requi.rements, and �.t a.s ha.s �eeling �hat mare
parking is �'equa.red for the Pi�ka.n Creek Project .
Jay Peterson feel.s tha� �he �oning Orda.nanc� is .the
on�.y �oo� the deve�opers and architects have �o wark wa.th and th�y
have gone by these gu�.del�nes. He added that if th� Zoning Ordinanc�
is in error, that it should be changed. He sta�ed th��y are w��-13ng
�o ].00k a� �his problem. and if �he Town Cfltxnca.l wants i.t done, �they
• wi11 woxk i� aut . However , t�� feels strong�y that this p�an wil�
wark as a.s and that the Corzdominiutn Associa��on .can also put �estric�ion�
on the number o� vehic�es allowed per unit.
Sandy M�.Zls s�ated tha� she feels �hey should look inta
addang parking with each pha,se of eonstructa.on �f it �ooks like �.t
wa�11, be necessary. -
Chuck And�rson feels that any more parking wi�.l turn the
proje�ct in�o an urban apartmen� comple�. He. �ee'ls �hat the restric�ions
as �o one car. per one-bedroom unit will a�leviate �he park�ng �oine-
what. He is very concerned about aesthetics and would ra�her have
p�op�e walk 50 �eet to their parkin� space than have a sea o� asphalt. .
He �eels that most of the p�op�.e who �.ive h�re and want to xzve he�e
are young, hea�.�thy peopl� and aace capable of walka.ng �his distanc�.
He a�.so explained to the Commzssion that th� commercia� space plans
� are nn1; finali.zed a,nd what �hey will b� construc�ing wa.11 �it into th�
ar�a. He �eels that ta put the praject off to a ].ater clate would b�
an incredib7.e hardship. Thc:y are on a ��ra.ct time�able with �he
Page 6 - M�NCTTES
Planning & Envi.ronmental Commission Mee�ing 3--�7-79
f�t�ancing and constructiona
J�tm Moxgan fec�Is that �he park3ng is not adequate and ,
�the ra�io should be 1.5.
Jay Peterson stated �hat they wa.i.l be assignizag parking
spaces anc� th�y don 't w�.nt ta encoz�rage peop�e to have cars, especia�ly
more than an�. Sandy Mi�ls ci�ed Sandstone as an �xatnple, -�ha�
lacals ar� living Lhere and th� parka.ng i.s adequa�e for their needs.
Craig Snowdon asked wY�cther �hey had Iooked into cavering a part�on
af the parking?
Jay answered that this had been considered but that it
wou7.d add to the cos� of construction subs�antially and �they are trping
ta keep the pr�ce of the units Iow for local people to be able �o
purchase them.
Roger Tilkemeier sta�eci tha� hs likes t�a� a�dea o� r�;stricting
the numb�r of cars. He feels that w�.th the cost a� gas and �he expense
o� having a secand car, that penple wauld be amenab�.e to restric�ing
the ntx.mbex of c�,rs they awn. He feels �his �s an excel�.e�t expex�rnent
�o �ry �;a reduce th� nurnber of vehicl�s, ar�d they should be allowed
to go with the parking guidelines in the Zonin� Ordinance. A good
se�.7.ing point cou�d be made af �he fact that �he project is oan a bus
rou.�s and try ta loosen peapl.e' s attachmen� �o the automobile. He .
� �eels �ha� this wil�. b� attraetive to employees and co�.ld reduce
the�.�r cost o� 7.a.va.ng. He wot�ld like to see �he p�ans appxav�d, and
i.f the park�ng sa.tuat�on becom�s in�to�erable , they would have a
relie� valve in the high�svay right--of-way. Thc Town af Vai� is
in the praces5 of acquiring old Highway #6, and would not need tkle
3.�0 foot right--o�-way tha� presently exists.
Ch�ck Anderson addec� that the commercaa� space is no�
be�.ng dev��oped �o pu11 peop�.e o�f �tY�e highway , but as a conv�na.ence
to the prajec� and those peap��; who live �.n �h� neighborhaod.
The, ca�nm�rc�a1 space �rill hope�u7.�.y reduce the need far peop�e ta
The Commission was �o�d that the developer v�ri�.� provid�
�, bus pul�--of� at the �ront o� the praject. Mr. Drager stated
that addi�iana�. pull-offs for this area should be Iooked into
and aYso ax�as for peaple who want to "share a x�.de. "
Ra�er Tilkeme�.ex made �he Mo�a.on �o apprave the Development
PJ.an for Pitkin Creek Park with �he pro�ris�.on far a bus s�ap a.n
cooperation wi�n the Tawn of Vail ar�d the parovzs�.an for relief valve
pa�king on the old Highway �6 ri�ht-of�-way as di.scu�sed. Gexxy
Whi�e seconded �he Motion and the Cam�ission va�:ed u�.nimous appraval.
The �'oux'th i.t em on �he agenda, a Minor Resubdiv�.si.on of
Lats 2 and 3, Black 8, Ba.�horn Subdivisa.on _Third Addi�tian.
� � Jim Rubin e�plained �his to the Commission. They are
. Page 7 - M�NUTES
P1,ann�ng & �nva.ronmen�a� Commission Meeta.ng - 3-27--79
. praposing r��noval o� �he �a� line and crea�ing on� lo� and are
proposing the construction of � uni�s. He stated that the sta�f
recommends approva7. of the replatting and r�mova� o� �he
lot 1ine . Afte� �urther di.scussian , Sandy Mills made the Moti.on
to apprave t�e m�.nox re subda.vision a� Lots 2 and 3, Block 8, Ba.ghorn
Subdivision Third Addi�ion with �he stzpu3a��.on that the easte�n
s�c�ion o� the �.ot be l��t as ap�n space. The Mo�a.on wa,s seconded
by Gerry White and th� Commission vo�ed unanimous approval.
The f�f�h i�em on �h� agenda is a Pre�.i.minary D�.scussion
� of tYie Cond�.tional Use Pexrnit Re uest �or �he Schober Buildin in.
Commerc�.a� Care I .
Craig Snowdon was pxesent repxesenting �he awner o� �he
Schober Bui�.ding and advised �he Comr►aa.ssion �ha� he has r�app�.a.ed
f4r �Ghe Conditional Us� Permi� and will be coming in far a �oxmal
presenl:ation on April �.0, 1979.
He explaznecl his second proposal in re].ata.on to the �irst
proposa�. �ha� �the Commassion �uxza�d down.
He showe d them drativings of the seeon.d pxoposa�. and
explained �hat an the first �.ev�]. , they are revising tk�e entry
and on the stream side there wi11 be an add��ion o� unde�^ground
s�orage wi.th �andscap�.ng on top. Thi.s wi.Il giv� ther� more gr��n
� space ara�.nd the build�ng. The enclosed restauxant pat�.o is s�a.J.�.
p3.anned as a greenhouse e��ECt , bu� they have pu�.Ied_ it back IO
�ee� so that i�L me�ts a�l requzrements. I�t will cuxve around the
building corner and mak�s -�his space much more attract�.ve by
removing the dirt c�.�ching ar�a that is there now, On the ski
shop 1eve1 , they have pu�led the �acont back 5 fee� and develop�d
the arcacle alang the fron� o� tk�e bu�.�ding: On �he �h�.rc� level,
they p��.n to bui�.d ove� �he d�ck. The first praposal asked �or an
addi�iana�. 99� sc�. �t. , and this proposal is adding only 7I5 sq. ft.
On �he 4�h leveZ , w�.th �he exis�ing large condorn�.n��.m and the ��vo
accornmnda�z.on units, the owner is now xequestin� two laarge condominiums
rathex than the �irs� p�oposal �oar three units. The t�ni�s would
share the back deck where there wou�d be saun�,s and a Hot Tub.
On the fifth level , there wau�.d be a starage area (wh.ich
wau].d na� count as GRFA} and tY�ey would be ac�ding a bedraom (lo�t) .
He showed the Comrni.�sion the site plan wi�h �:he �.mprov�mcnts propased
arid stated that the owner is in�eres�ed in a jozr�t ef�ort wa.�h �h�
Town of Vail on the landscaped areas, �tc.., around the Cre�ks�de
He stated tha� �.s �ar as tke Com�niss3on �s concerns wi.�h
the . locati.on af �he �oac�ing zone, tYZe arelocation pf the elevator wou�d
prevent parking o� vehzc�es he�e. Hc� advised �Y�e Comr�aission that in
regard ta the addi�iona7. sq. ft.., the firs� proposaJ. was �or a �otal
. o� 2,90D sq. ft. , the second proposal is �or � ,793 sq. �t.
� Page 8 -- MINUTES
Planning & Env�ronmental Goramission Mee�ing -- 3-2'7-79
Pe i Gramsharrkmer was pr�sent to speak. -to the Comma.ssz.on.
� p
Ae is cancerned abou� the parki.ng and de�.ivexy vehicl.es. He has
had alot of trouble wi-�h �ha.s around his bu�.lding and ��e1s �Ghe
cotagestion w�ll worsen i.f the Schober B�z�lding �s en�.axged. I�e
� adva�sed the Commission �hat he could add. more footage to his vwn
building, but he thinks th�s is th� wrong way ta �o, �hat
open axeas have to be re�ained �n the Coxe and that b�.ilda.ngs
should ntit be bu�l.t ta their maxi.m�m.
Cra�g Snowdan feels �ha� �h�s proposa� elamznates
Il �he prob].e�n wi�h delivery vek�acles, that w��h the official �o�ading
zone as establi,sY��d. on Gore Creek Dr. , there w�i.11 nat be a problem.
�Ie a7.so advised the Commission that owners of units i� �he Vil�.age
Cen�Lre have talked wi.�h him and axe very �.n�erested �r� seeir�g. �hese
improvements dane because tha.s wil� definit�Iy improve thei.x view
across the creek. �
Larxy Ra.der, Town o� Vaa�l Attorney, addressed sam�
o� �he conce�n�- tha� the Commissian has had with p�oposed
additian� to bttild�.ngs in Cammerc�a7. Core I , specif zcally �he
applica�ions for Conditianal Use. Pexma.ts in th� Co�re.
He sta�ed that tha.s �.s a prnb�.�m that plagues Condi�io�na�.
Use Pexm�ts and tha� co�u.xts have said -�hey do not cre4.te a preced�zat,
but there is the px�obl.em of being consa.stently incansisten.t and �he
� couxt rnay look a� this and say a� is un�azx.
H� stated that a Cond�.ta.vnal Use . Perm�.t is giv�n �or a
pexmz��ed use � bu� b�cause o£ paten�iai adverse zmpacts, �hey
have to be reviewed. I� ��Zese aclv�rse impac�s can b� a1.1ev�.ated,
t�ae Conditional Use Pexmit shou�d be approved. I� �hey canno�
be allevia�ed, i� should be denied. He:went on �o expl.aa.n tha�
the cri�eria attempt� to 5peci.�y tk�e adverse impacts, �uch as, �.� �he
increase wi�.�. eu� off light and axr , or if �here ur�.7.1 be more �:x•a�.fi,c
congesta.on. If there is no alleviation o� p�oblems crea�ed by �
tn� exp�.nsiorz , the Conditional Use Perma�t should �hen be d�nied.
But , �.� they can be a��evia-�ed by design a�.�ernative ar other
cozad�.tions, it should be approved. He �.].so �ee1s that �.f the Pl.anning
& Environmen�al Cotnmission does no� wan� to see any expansions that
they sh.au�d look ta amendi.ng the Zoning Oxda.nanee.
Cxa�.g Snowdon feels �hat the owner is very positive
about makin� h�s bui.lding a better bu�.ldi.ng and tha� he �.s not
�orcizag the maximum �or �his bu.ilding at all.
G�rry Whzte tha.nks �ha� �his deca.sion may zmpact �he entire
cammuni.ty wi�h �u�ure laui�Zd outs.
Sandy M�11s asked whether the decision should be �a._ keep
Commercaal Core � the sam� foarever by eliminating expansions �hrough
. the Zoning �rdinance.
Craig Snowdan asked the Commission whe�her th�y can
. commen� i� it is worth it for the •owner to come through wi�h ha.s
Page 9 - MxNUTES
� Planning & Environme�ta'� Commission Meet�ng - 3--Z'�-79
�oxmal presentati.on. Pam Hopkins, Mr. Snowdon 's associa�e,
� i'eels that �h� Pl.anning & Environmerztal Cammiss�on has �o have
gt.iidel�.nes �or inc�ntives tn clean up and improv� the builda:ngs
in the Core.
Craig �nowdon �eels �hat the P1.anning & Envaronmenta�
Comrni.ssion has to loak at the pxoposal in regard ta �ts p7.uses
and minuses , a.f the pluses ou�weigh -�he minuses, they should
cons�de� i.t a good proposa�..
Sandy Mills and �:on Todd spoke pos�.tivel.y abou-�
the revised proposa3�. Gerxy Whi-�e said t�at he �hough�: -�he proposa7.
did rnake some pos�tive changes �o the buxld�ng. �d Dr�,ger
and �'ack Goehl had no �uxther co�r,ments. (Jim Mnrgan and Rnger
Tilk�mea.er had �eft �he meeting bei'ore th�.s time. }
With na further business , the meetxng adjouxned at
5: 55 P.M.
. �
i �
DATE: January 28, 1980
RE: ��o�t and Side Setback. Variance Requ�s� to ca.ns�ruct
an Undexgxound Garage fnr Eve B. Nott on Lot I0, Block 2,
Vai� Vi��age 13th.
The app��can� wishes �o construct an underground �wo-car garage encraach-
ing 12 feet in�o �he wes�ern side se�back and approximately �hree feet
into �he �ront setback. The app�icant fee�s that bu�lding ��e garage.
as far west as is possib�e �s the mos� advantageous due to the p��se�va-
tion of numerous �re�s to the east and �or safe�y reasons (avoiding
poor s�ght lines to the east from the curve in the road).
Upon reyiew of Criteria and ��nding_s, Section �8.62. 060 of the
Muna�ci al Code the De aactmen� o�' Corrimuri�t � ��Dev��o rrien� recommends
tab�iri of the �re �uested Varlarice 3�a.sed tipori th� �oTTowa:n �actors:
� Cons�dera�ion of Factors
The relati.onsha. o� the re ����ed var�arice to other exist�ng or
poteri�ia7� uses arid structures iri tYie '�t�c�:ri��y.
The adjacent 1ot �o �he w�st was recent�y approved for the cons�truction
of a dup�ex. At the time o� DRB subm�tta� , i� was unsure whe�her or
no� the park3ng for �he proposal was ta be undergraurid or surf ace. Since
DRB can only Ioal� at one plan the surface parking proposa� was chasen.
There was considerabl� discus�ion regarding des�.gn consid�rations �or
the par�ing soluti,ons along �he north sid� of Bald Mountain Road in the
immediate area now urider consideration. The feeling o� DRB was to work
toward a design solut�.on whxch would avo�d a continuous s�tring of garage
doors right a�� �he road.
The Department o� Community Deve�optnent will be receiving wa.thin �he
next few days a resul�mitta� for the �o� to the west o� the Nott ' s �or
underground parka.�zg garages {one of the originaZ propasa�.$) . We ��el
more study is n�eded at �his point to work �oward a unified design for
�hese �wo parcels beca.use of �hea.x impac�s upon each other.
The de ree to which reTief from tYie S�ruct or l�teral in�erparetation and
enforcemen� of a Speci�ied �regu�;���on�i:s rieeessary �to achieve coinpa�ibil�.t
and uni�or�na:� � of �treatme�t arriong s�ts zri the v�c�:riaty 'or �to a�taa:ri the
� oi�jecta.ves o� this ti�Te wi:thout `grari� o� special przv�lege.
Natt Variance
� Pag� Two
Enforcement of the f�fteen �oot setback on the west s�de of �he
property line would neces�itate remova� of severa� Aspen trees �o
the east. We �eel the saving a� txees a�d na�ural topography on a
site is good reason to gran� a vaxiance. However , upon si�e
inspection it was noted that a 12 �oot �arxance may not be war�an�ed.
It appears th�r� is en�ugh raom ta reduce the side. setback variance
and still not remove any �rees. � This should be invest�gated.
The ef�ect of th� requested variance on l�ght and air, dis�ribu��on
of a ulation, transpor�a��on arid 'traff 1c �acilities ubTic
�acilities arid utili'�i�s_; and �ubJ:ic _safety.
Although the sight �.ines are poo� laoking down the curve tnward
the east , it does not appear ther� is ample area to construct a
back i.n so that backing on to the road couXd be avoi.ded. Siting
the garage as �ar �a the west as is �eas�ble �.ids the sa���ty �actar.
Such other factars arid criter3a as the 'co�ft�issidri deems a. �:icable
to the ro Sed variarice.
• Staff feels �ha� in gen.exa�. , underground parking, wel�.-designed,
is a superior solu�t�.on to s�xrfact parking. The proposal wi11
comp�.emen� �he s�.te by retaining na�uxa�. �apography and vege�a�ian.
The Plannin and Environmental Cornmissian shal.�. �ake �Yie �ollowin
findings before rantin a var�.ax�ce:
That the gran�ing of th� variance will not consi�itu�� a grant of
special privi�ege inconsistent wa.th the l�rr�itations on other
propex��ties c�assxfa.ed in the same district.
Tha'� �he gran�ing of the variance wi�.�. not be detri.mental to �the
public health, sa�etq, or we�.�are , or ma�eri.a7.1y injurious to
properties or improv�mtns in �he vic�.nity,
That the variance is warranted for one or mare o� �he �o].�aw3ng reasons:
The strYC� or 1�.�era1 a.nterpretatian and enforcement o� the specified
reguJ.ation would not resuTt in prac-�ica�, di��icu�ty or unnecessary
physzcal hardship �.nconsistant �rith the objectives af this title.
There are exceptions or �xtraord�nary c�.rcums�ances or conditions
appl�.cable to tk�e si�te of the variance that do noL app�y general.�.y
• to o�her propert�es in the sanne zone.
The s�r�.ct or Iiteral interpreta�zon and enfarc�ment of the spec�fied
regulation would deprive the applicant of pr�.vi.Ie�es �njoyed by the
owners of other properties �n the sam� di.strict.
Nott Var�ance
� Page T��ee
We recommend �abling this request so that time is allowed to study
and adequately solve design proble�s occurr�ng between the Nott ' s
proper�y and �he lo� adjace�t on the West.
DA�'E: J'anuaary 22, 1980
RE: GRFA Variance Request For Una.�s 23 ane� 25, Lions Mane Phase II
The Variance is �o allow the i�provement o� t�e two remainin� ups�airs
loft areas zn Li.ons Man� Phase �� with �he condition that 'two o� tYze
�'our upper uni�s owned by R�tarv�n S�mon remain as Eznployee (Long Term)
Housing for a seven year per�.od.
The present situation is tha� �here is upstaiars spac� in both units
that is habitable from a height and size standpoint , 3�ut .is not from
an access and f'i.re safet� standpoa.nt. The space preexzsted when the
bui�ding was annexed into the Town. At the tim� of ann.exation, �hree
of thc: seven, upper floo�° units had �the space alr�ady converted in.to
liva.ng areas. Building permits werer also granted by the Tc�wn far
two of the remain�.ng four units, to �inish �he i.mprovsmen�s already
started. The request a.s to aJ.].ow �he same xmprovem�nts of �he two
remaining uni�s. This adds approxa.mately 300 squa�e �eet consisting of
two bedroams and one ba�h�room to each unit . ( A total h�,story of �his
project is enclased in your packet. )
U an revier�v of Cri.teria and Findin s Secta�on �.8.62.060 of the
Munici al Code the De artmen� of Cornmunit De�rela tn�nt recommends
a roval of the re ues�ed Vaxiance based u on �he �ollowa�n fac�oars :
Considerati,on of Faci;ors
The relationship of the requested variance �o o�ther ex�sting__ or
potentiaX us�s and structur�s_ in �he,.v�ciria:ty.
There is n.o other bui.lding in tk�e Lionsridge ar�a �hat has been
brought to our atten�ion as havi.ng liveable space as accessible as
that in the uppear level units as that in Lions Mane Phase II .
The d�: ree �o whi.ch relie� �ram the stric�t ox literal inter retation
and enforcement of a spec,ified r�gulat�.�on �is nece�sar�r to achieve
com atibili� and uniformit of treatinent amon sx�es in the vicinit
or to attain �he ob 'ec��.ves of th�s t�tTe w�thou:t rant of s ecial
The hardship �.s that this space is and wi.11 probably continue �a be
tzsed as �.ab�.�ab�e space. It is impossible ta coninual�y police a
situa�ion like this , ar�d i� �is probably in everybody' s bes� intexes�t
L�onsmane Phase II
Pag� Two
especially with the emplo�ee haus��g .restrictio�, �o make �he space
truly saf� for occupancy.
The ef�ect o£ the re u�sted varaance on li ht and air d�stribution
o� o ula�ion txans ortation and tra��ac facil�ties ublic facili�ies
and u�i�ities and ublic saf e� .
Qne pot�ntial negative impact of this xeques� is paxking. There is
present�y only one parkzng space per condomi�iurn unit {which does not
incl�d� seven lock-a�f apartments} , Marvin Simon, however, has agreed
to wark wi�h th� Town of provide more parki�g by cutt�ng in�o �he front
bank along Lionsridge Loop and parking car� vert�cal �o the bu�Iding.
Such other factors and cr�teria as the co�nission d�ems a licable
to the ro osed var�ance.
There are no other factors deemed app�icable.
The Plannin and �nvironmental Cominission sha�l make the followin
f�ndings be�ore gran�i�g a var�ance:
That �he grant�ng o� the var��nce wili not constitute a gra�t of
i special privilege inconsistent wi�h the �imi�a�ions on other
propext�es classi�ied i� the same dist��ct .
That the granting o� the variance will not be detrimental �o �he
pubXic health, safety, ox wel�are, . or ma�eriaXly �njurious t4
prflpert�es or �mprovemen�s in the. vicinity.
That the variance is warranted �or one or more o� the �o��owing
There are exceptions or ex�rao�dinar� circums�a�ces or cond��ions
appXicable to the site of the var�ance that do nat apply generally
to other properties in th� same zone.
The Department of Cammunity �evelopment is recommending approval. We
feel �ha� i� is xmprovzng an exist�ng dange�ous situa�ion and is nat
�recedent set�ing in that there is a unique histary which go�s with
this space. A major factar in recornmending approva� is the e�ployee
hous�n� provision. We are supporting a seven year tzme perzod which
was the maxzmum time p�riod acceptable ta the owner, since we �e�� that
the space is there and would p�obably continue to be used as l�v�ng
spac� anyway. The �mprovernen�s being xeques�ed wil� ma�nly make it safer
�or fu�ure occupants. We also want ta pursue the creation o� �he
• add�t�ona� parking. spaces , and wou�d consider that to be on appropriate
conditaon o� approval,
1. ) Liansrnane Phase II--His�ory
2. ) Memorandum Explaining Units in Qu.esta.an
3. ) F�oor Plan
4. ) Cou�t Decisian
5. ) PEC Memo:randurn
6. ) PEC Minu�es Ju�y 1� and 25, �9'78
7. ) Gerary Whi�e Letter
8. ) Town Counci7_ Mxnutes A�gus� 1 a.nd 15
9. ) J'a�m Rubin Le�ter
Deceznber, 1975 Lionsridge annexed
Ea�1y , 1976 Conda Associa�ion requested Pierce and Carlisle
to inspec� �o d�.scuss smoke detectors
Spr�ng, 1977 Simon reques�ed inspection p�ior to purchase
(P�erce & Zieg�er)
July, 1977 Stap work order a.ssued
Aug. 5 , X977 Inspec�ion by Pierce and Toughil�
2 or 3 days 1.ater Toughi�l meeting with Simon
Memo delivered by S�.nnon
Aug. 8 , 1977 Bldg. permi� issue� for 22 & 24
Aug. 9, 1977 Agreement sa.�ned by Simon 23 & 25
Nov. 30 , ].977 Reinspection
Dec. 5 , 1977 Le�tter-10 days to comp�y
Feb. �7 , 1978 Sumrnons and complaint--Dist. Cour�
• June 2 , 1978 Cour� Dec�.sion (requiring Simon to go through
Variance 'Proceedi�g)
July 25 , �.978 Siman Va�iance App�aved by PEC by D�fault
(in exeess of T�me requirement)
August ].5 , ].9'78 Sitnon Variance denied by Town Councz]. by a �-3
. • � ` J / .�...-� �
.iC.1(,�C-.�`rau/ �/ � '�.
_. _.._ . ._ ......_ .:_ _ .. _._. ., ..____ . _ _ _... M�MORI�.NDEJM _.......... ....._.._ .._... _._ _ ..�._� . _.__.,. m_..._,�. _:._..W _.:_... ....�_._ ._ _
Mr. M�arvi.n Simon acquired 10 unit5 lOCa�ed in Lions Mane
Condominiums, Phase IT ].oc�ted in Vai1:, Galarado on the 1.4�h
day of �June.� 1.977• Amoz�g those uni�s were four, name�.y numbe��
22 , 23, 24 and 25 . �ach af these units consis�.s of a rc�ain
Ievel wi�h approximately 950 square feet ot usable flaor spac�,
a separate lockaff ur�it with fu11 ki�chen and bath taciliti�s in
a studio apartment confi.guration and a secand floor area Qf
approx�.ma�.ely 350 square fee�• The rnain unit was designed and
fix�u�ed �or use as 1 b�droam, 1 ba�hroom, living x'aam, kitchen
and u�ili�y room and dini�g area. At th� ti�� o� constructa,on
by the develope�', the � second �evel of each of these four units
was partially �'inishecl in the fall.owin,g manner:
• '#22 This unit had been remodeled prior �o Simon' s acquisi�i.on
due to a fi.re on Novembe�27 ► 1975 in �he uni�, but a� �.he time
af purchasa by Simon had s�raight stairway, carpeting, drywall,
clase�.s with doors, deck rail.s, na bath bu� p1.u�bing .in wa11 and
the secon,d �.evel space was wa.red. It had been being usec� as living
space and a permi� was first granted to repair the fire damage and
� subsequent�.y to Si.mon to upgrad� the exi5t�.ng second �.evel. spac�
and i.n5�all a ba�h to accomoda�e the imP�ovec� living space.
#29 This uni� had never been remode�.�d or impraved since
cons�ruction, which was pr.�or to annexation, but had drywa3.1, carpeting,
W].xirlg� deck rails, bathraom, close�.s and was az1 �inishEd on
the second �.evel a� the time af Simon' s acquisition. A permit was �
� .
, � ,
, . , � •
_ _.._. ....gx'antecl ta .Simon to. op�n up 5everal wall areas t° _�.mprove the_ _.,_...� _.x._..�. , _.,_.____K.
- -_ .._ . . . . . . _ _.... _... __ . ._...�.._. .. ... ..._ _ _._ _ _._ .
. _
h�adspace and access �n th� circular s�aircase which � hac� beeri��`��""
• in a close� and ta make a�her in�erior repairs and impacovements.
This uni� had at the �i.me of Sa.mon` s acquisi�ion .a skylight
� in one upp�r leyel bedro'om. It had been, used as� bedroom space ,
si.nce i�s cons�ruc�ion. �
� #23 Thi.s una.t at �he time of acquisi�ion by Simon had its
5econd l.ev'el space carpe�ed, ful].y drywal�ed, but na room di.vider
• wall as in #22 and 24, a s��ep stzaight stairway, d�ek rails, wi�ing,
a f�re exit papout skyliqht, no bath, but plumbing extensi.ons
in the wall. This uni�' s second level as was �he cas� with #22 and
24 h�d £rom �he time o� its cons�ruction been used as la.ving space
arzd a permit was r�que�ted to merely improve the existing noncon�orming.
use �o make the space more desirable. It was a request to upgrade
� a stairway that �aas dangerous and in no way would have increased
density, bu� by improvement o� the physica3. �aculty into fu3.�.y
fa.nished first c3.ass space sa the unit cou�d be ren�ed ta a fami.ly
un.it, rather than a group of 53ng�es.
�25 Wi�h respect to uni� 25, Simon was requesting a p�r�i�
to make �.nterior anadifications to '�he second �evel such as would
bx�ng -unit 25 inta a similar condition as uni�s 21, 22 , 24, 26 and
27 all of which have ful�.y finished secand Iave1 space. He was
r�questing the right to put in a legal stairwell �or ingress and
egress, a conforming deck rai.ling. doors, closets, a bath, adequa�e
�nspected wiring, carpet and �o fznish the space to a habitable
infact� candition. It wou].d have con�tained nothing addi�ional over
wha� was in �evera3. una.ts priar ta annexation ar wha� was permi�t�d
� . .
. . . �, �.
' b ermit in uni.�s � and 24 . The space has h�tarically been
. _ _ _ _ _. _. .._
� �� � used as sleepa.ng �area� loft and� clue �.o �the�unfin 'ished nature �of
. th� unir, has rented �o gx'oups a� sing�:e� who increas€� density,
parking and al.], other problems which �xist in La.ons Ridge.
Prior to acquisi�ion •of �he t�n units, Simon discussed the
mat�er wit�h �he �'own Bu}lding Insp�ctor and was adv'ised �ha� certain
repairs could be made, certain modi£icatians would need a buildinq,
pe�rma,� and certain �modifications were n4�. �exmitted by the Town
under its building code and zoning ord�.nances. This later group
of moditica�ions inc�uded putting lo�ts i.n several of the st�xdi.o
units. There is some dispu�.e as to actual reques�s and affirmative
responses with re�pec� �.o mod�.fications and improvements to the
fQUr main uni� second floor areas in question. Tn any even�., bui�ding
permi.�s were issued �ar construc�ion in units 22 and 24 which h�.s
b�en comple�ed. The work conai.sted of stairwe�.l impravernent, bath-
room ins�al.J.ation, genera�. repairs, wi�ing and the �i.ke. This work
� made histor�.cal.].y used bedroom space mare habi�able and upgraded
it �o the condition o� units 21, 26 and 27 ir� �he building. Wi�h
the completion of that permitted work on1y. 23 and 25 �now ar� in �
an unfin�.shed condition and reques�ed repair to 23 is n,a different
than that already permitted. Denial o�' �ha't permi� is disc�i.mination
wi�hou� distinction. ilnit 25, al.though i� needs more wo�k to bring
it to a truly q�ality habi�able level is no�. requ�sting any�hing not
permitted in 22 and 2� and the permit would only allow 25 t�
enjoy the privileges, albei� som� i�l.egall.y canverted, �ha� aZ1.
Ot�'lEx' second leve�. uni�s in the buildinq currentl.y en�oy. A
reque�t �or a review of the denial o� permits on uni�s 23 az�d
�' 25 i� reques�ed for the following xeasons: -
. � ��
�: ,
' . �. Modi�icat�ns reques�ed merel �m rove the uses
Y p �o wh�ch
_._._Pr�i...._ ._ ._._. ..,..
.... :. .. :.. ... ... �. _� . ._,..._....
___ _ ttie space has histcirzcall been .
- ._. _
.. _... .. .. . _.
Y__. Pu�. o�_.construc�ion, _alb�i-�.__- -.-----
� no� to code or according �o filed plans, hac3 been for bedroom
use in �he second l�vels. The areas have been accessed by make-
shi�t; non-codc s�airsaays and have been carpeted and had d��k raiJ,s
-� in th� case of 23 and w�re plumbed for bathxooms.
2. To deny �.h� owner the permi� �o upgrade the spa.ce ha�torzcally
used as sleep,i.ng space, an thc:se �wa uni�s,when aZl other second
level units in the building have been ei�her conver�ed before annex�
� � a�.ion ,by �he developers ar own�r� �aouid resu�t in a s�rict ar li�.era1
en�o�cemen� ot the regulations depra.vi.ng Simon of priviZ�ges a1.1
awners of similar units in �he sazne bui�.ding.
3 . Siman by acquir�.ng th� ten units has �aken ef�ective
con�rol of the Condom�.nium Assoca.ation and has cat�s�d the building
to be comple�ely redecora�ed to better compl�m�nt �he neighbarhood .
• in a high visibi].ity area. The building has resurfaced i�s parking
ax�ea, improved the visual appearance and zs in the process o� being
sold to viable owne�s who wi11 ei�h�r live in th� modex��te priced
units or �ent to i.ncii�criduals or �'amiiy uni�s wha are employed �.n
� �he Vai1 community. Simons influence has had a positive impact on
�he neighborhood and communi�y by taki.ng contral of a real �yesore
and improving �.ts appearance and takz.ng a 1.i�era�. s�.um and upgrading
it �.o �an awner usP project a� least as good as any in the neighbo�hood.
Further landscaping wi1Z bring tre�s, bushes and more vegetata.on to
� the site, Sevexal solutions are under consideration to reduce �he
vi.sua� i.m�act o£ �he dumpster. . ;
. ;
� s
. � �
. �-.._
1. �
• , w � . . � � . . .. �
._.._.._ _ _.___._... ._ ._ ._. � ... The Canc3ominium- lassociation__ is . in ..tit3.e__�o..3�a� A�-�t. �_�_.�.----..,.._.._ ._.�__.._..__,
� �o the Eas��of the bui].ding and is in a posi�ion ta donate
that graund to the Town fo� vpen space.
5. The ger�eral upgrading has ir�cr�ased the general �ax
base o�� �he community and hopefully, especialiy i� 23 and 25 . .
can be upg'raded �o the s�a�e o� a�l other Lions. Mane 2� second
].evel un��s, e�.iminat�d the town ' s �ast flop house.
You are resgectful�y requested to reconsideac fihe denial of
bui.}.ding permi�ts to Ma�rv�.n Simon for units 23 and 25 Lions Mane
, .
Phase �I .
If �he' p�:rmits are not granted, the units will be so1d, wi'�h
�nly th� second lEVel being drywalled off as storage 1o�ts. Th�
fu�ur� awrxers without a doubt will make the �o�t conversion without
permi�. and not up �o code. This is the inevitab}.e result af denial,
� and granting the permit wi11 al.low �nly logi.cal, code confarming
construc�ion and re�ain the upqraded character of this buildi.ng. .
^ � • �
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— - ---_ --- _ �__.—lI�]__'I�I.E.._.I�ISTRIC'L C�1JRT---- ------- _ _.._._ _,.___._
Civil Action No. 3597
. THE TOWN �OF VAIL, a " )
Colorado municipal )
corporation, )
Plaintiff, )
vs. • )
D�fendant. )
BE IT REMEMBERED that on Friday, June 2, 1978, .
• the same being a regular juridical day of the District Court
of the FifCh .Iudicial bistrict, County of Eagle, of the State
of Colorado, Che above-entitled cause came on for Hearing� on
Preliminary Injunction, the HONORABLE WM. L. JONES, District
Judge, presida.ng in the Bistrict Court in and �or the County
. of Eagle, State of Colorado.
A P P E A R A N C E S:
MR. LAWRENGE ESKWITH, Attorney at Lata, P.O. Box 1294,
Vail, Colo.rado, 8].fi57, appearing in the place of LAWRENCE RIDER,
Attor�ey for the Town of Vail, P.O. Box 1.00, Vail., Colorado,
81657, appearing on behalf ot the Plaintiff Town of Vail.
� MR. TERENCE J, QUINN, Attorney at Law, P,O. Box 1110, '
. Eagle, Colorado, 81631, appearing on t�ehal� of the Defendant.
. � WHEI��UPON, Yhe fol�owing .proceedings were txad and
entezed a� recor.d:
�Y x' Yc 4c �4 �� 4: 'iC I
l,rl� ��� �" '
• . • ' �
�•` � '� �J�� �
��,•, , y„�_ .��4 1��,.� .
r► i
-- ---__-.._ �.EI� COUIZT:^^� A11 right, gentlernen. The Court will
• find, based on the de�inition of the Code--and whether you :
like it or not, the Town is stuck with it-=that the area �.n
ques•tion, Units 23 and 25, was not habitab�le space. �
With that finding in �nind, I think it Chen eomes a3�out
� that rhere is a building permiC necessary, and accordingly,
I would ealoin the defendant, h�.s agents, contrac�ors, servants,
, empinyees, and attorney from proceeding any further with �
actual construction until such per�nit is obtained. �
The Court recognizes full well �hat a variance may be
� requzred. The Court a].so ful�y recognizes that the zoning
appliec3 to �his structure .is an absurdity in itself. Ta put
a place in which already has Chree-quarter times the alloraable
• density doesn't really solve many problems. I would point
out, Mr. Esqwith, in the section that you referred to about
non-conformi.ng uses, which T never can find--if you will look
at 18.64.fl40, entitled Uses, and read the entire paragraph,
" I think you wil.1 find it en�ightening: Begin about the fi.fth
� line down. "No such non-conforming use shall. be enlarged to
occupy a greater site area or bui.3.ding floor area than is
occupied on the e�fective date of the ordinance." �hat
' doesn'L say to me residential floar area, it says building
floor area, which means to me that we are concerned with .
that pazticular section of the ordinance. Density is not
tlze number o� rooms o� a structure or the number of bathroorns
or the nuinber of people that are going ro li.ve there. What �
� �
we are concerned wzth is how much of the site area we are �
going to be cansuming witli the structure, and this Court waulci ;
L-hznk it appropriate fnr the defendant in this case Cn apply I
� I
for_a variance, and assuming that he otEierwise complies w�.th
� . -z-
. . �
� . .
„ �
_ * ,. . • �
the.applicable bui.ldi.ng codes, clectrical c�des, et cetera, that '_
. _ _ _
_____�_.__.. .___ _ ;;
_....... ___ __._
----_ _._ ------ -
are.all in effect ttiese days, t�iat-wiTL�e appropriate ta P�ran �
� a varianc� uncler a si.tuation such as this . That precise issue, �
is not in front o� me at this Cime, and I can' � rul.e on it at �
this time. . �
For what it's worth and in the hopes that I won't be �
hearing this problem again, I will Cell you that that's the �
way I feel about iC. �
So, Mr. Si�on, you will have Co, proceed to get a building �
persnit. The Caurt recognizes that there is a lot of regu- �
lations in one`s life any more, but I feel tha� building and �
zaning is necessary, arid €or what .it' s worth, Mr. Esqwith, in �
response to your argument, these things. are probably necessary i
in some people's minds so that it doesn't get to be any bigger
� mess, as opposed to getting to be a mess. ;;
I will perrnit the withdrawal af the ordinance, the
adoptive ordinance, and the buildin�; cade book, since I'm
sure that you would have� more use for rhat than_the Court . �
has in its file.
Exhibit 4, being the zoning map, can be wi.thdrawn, and
�xhibit S, being the building condominium map, can be with-
drawn. •
Mr. Esqwith, do you wish to pursue further injunctive
relief in tkte nature of a permanent injuncti.oa, or did �he
CourC take care of thak problem?
MR. ESQWITH: Xour Horior, i�'s taken care of, once
Mr. Simon applies for variance and somehow waives the position
� thaC it's a valid non-confo nning us�. Cauld we just say that
if he applies for. a variance, we'l1 see how �hat gaes. •
_ TI-IE CdURT: He ca�i reserve his �i�ht �o petiCion
a�ain, if he wishes, It's obviously a non-conforming use. ,
MR. QUINN: But a valicl p�'e-existin� non-confarming
TIIG COU1:T: 111�, ri�h�.
(Whereupon, t.he abnvc matGer was co[�cJ.uded.)
� �
s� , , � �
, . �
DATE 6 JuJ.y 1.9'78 �
� Phase IT Units 23 &, 25 -
REI� Marv�n S�mon , Lzo�zsMane ,
Requ�st �ox Grc�ss Res�_den.tia� Floor Axea Variar�ce.
Units 23 atxc� 25 0� L�.onsMane .Phas� TT ha�re been �he subject
a� a 2egal dispute sinc� July �97'7. Constructi.oz� on lafts
commernced �G�ithout a Building PErn�it or �on.i.ng appraval and
work was o�fa�cially s�op�ed. When constxuctian th�n continued,
a Summons and Complain� was �issued and �he iss�e was �ieard a.n -
Muna.cipal. Co7zrt . The Cour� dismi.ssed �he charge� an a �echna.cality.
au� De�ar�ment �hen re�,u�sted permission from �he Counc�l �a
�a�e the matter �o District Co�zxt fo� a rula�ng. The To�rn req`uested
an imjunction �o prevent use o:�, tkze portion of the u?�its in vio-
lation a� Uni�a��n nuilding Code and �he Loning Ord�.nanc'� , wh�.ch
prelim�n�.xy in,�uric�xon was granted ur�.th instru.ct�.ons given to
Simon by Judge Jon�s to app�.y fo� the Variance and seek a. Building
Perm�t .
Th� par� o� Lot 5 , Block A an which the builc�ing is �ocated
cont;ains 17,791 sq, ft . and �he Mediutn D�n�ity Pdul.tipl� I{'a���y
2qning a,llows a maxim�zm of 6 ,226 .85 sq. �'� , of gross res�.denti.al
�1oor ar.ea (G�t��A) . The �xas�i.ng build�ng contains �6 ,803. sq. �t .
� exc�.uding any o� �the "questionab�e" 1.a�t areas . The proposed
Vara.ance woulci a.ncxease this zaon-con�orm�ng GR�'A by app�oximat��.y
3p0 sq. �i . Ckzap-�er 18.6� , Non-Conforming Sa.�es , uses , structures'
and S�.�e Tmprovem�nts , �.s very spec�.��.c about enlargement of no�z-�
con�orming strtic��a��s. Section 18 .64 .Q50 s�l;ates �hat :
"S�ruetures a.nd site impravements law�ul7�y �stablishecl
�r�.ar ta the c���c'��ve date of the oxdi.nance codi��.�c�
�r: 1;his ti�le �vh�ch do not con�ox�m ta the developr��nt
st�.nc�ards prescribed by this �it].e �or the dis�rict a.n ,
wh�_ch �.l�e� are situated may be �on.tinued. Su.ch structures
or si��e a.mprovemer�ts m�,y b� �nlarged only in accordance
w�.th tYie fo1l_owing 7,imit�ta.ans :
Structu.res �v3�ich do not confox�m -�o densi�y contro�.s may
. b�; �nlarged on�y a_f the total gross xeszd�z�ti�.l Fl.00r
area o�' 1:he eri3.a.r��d struc�;ur� daes n.o� e�ce�c� �he tof;al
gross xesiden��.a�. ��.00.r area of the pre--exa.sting non-
cai�.�'oxruing s1�r�zc�;ux�. "
Lar. ry Ra_der, in a �rev�ous inema �o �;he Planzzin� & �rivironmental
Con�n�i_ssa.an c�,u#:�orieci �h�.� we sl�o=a:f.d d�viate froiza �h�se :�tandard�
on�y 7_i� unusual �,nd e�treme c�.rcumstances .
GONS�D�RAT�ON O�5' ��A�TOI;.S (S�CTT(?N 18 .62 .06Q) �
� � . The r�]�ati.onship o� th� rc�ques�ed Variance ta �
o{.1i�r �xi��:in�; ox pai:�n�:i�,� uses and s�;ruc#;t�res �
i.r� �he �r�.c�na_ty . �
� � ;
. �'!'"�'�'- .
. - . ! � �
Pa�;e 2 � ' � '
ll4emorandum - PEC
� Marvin S�,mon , LionsMane Phase I� , Uni.�s 23 & Z5 -�
I � gequest for Crross �es�.denti.aZ Flaor Ar.ea Varianc� .
2. The d��gree ta which re�.i.e� from th� s�rict or
�iteral �n�:erpretatian and �n�orcemen� of a
speci�i.ed regulation is nec�ssary ta achieve
compa�;ibil.i�y and uni�ormi�y a� t;r�atm,en� ��Qng
sites in the vicini�y , or to a��tain the objectiv�s
of this oxcEinance withou� g�'ant o� sp�cial. pxiv�.lege .
3, The e��ec�; o� ��e req.uest�d varxance on li�ht an.d
air , distribu�ion of popula�ion. , �xanspprtat�.on and
�raf�i.c �ac��i�ies , public �acili-�a.es and uti.7-�:t�-eS .
4 . Such other fac�ors and criteria as �:he Commissian deems
applicab�.e ta �he proposed Vara.ance . - .
When th.e Lionsridge axea was annexed to the Town , �ur
Departm�n� , the Plann�.ng & Env�.ronmen.i:al Co��San�averag�h��counc�l.
��1� thE ex�sting density was ��r too high,
35 uni�s per acxe , and zoned �he exis�a:ng buildi.n�s Medit�m Density
so that no additional density could be added on �h� deve]�a1�e�-
sites . The adjoining undeve�.op�d sites w��e aor�ed either
Residen�t�.al C�.uster or La�v Density i.n az� a�ter�p� to bxi�g �hQ
overa�.� density somewha� closer �Lo the ba�.ance of �he Town of Va.il .
� Th� Grow�h I�Sanagement Repox�t con�a.rrned �ha� overpopula�ion
i.s �he biggest threat �o �he Gore Va�1ey .
The rEq�les�ed Var�ance does no� seem great ; however , a� -
average sized bedraom �s ar�T.Y 120 Sq . �� • �� � p�'ol�o�"�iona�e
amount o� GRF1� wexe added as bEd=ooms �to each u�i� �-� L�°���r���� ,
our. peak popu.lation in. this� area cou�d be incxeased by
25% Inc�xe�,ses of �:h�.s si�e thatul�tionb�n�the�Val7.ey�a.f�thectoi;al
have a disasterous i.mpact on. pop
number o� mul�ti-fa�ily units is coz�sider�d.
There l�ave been na other GRFA Var�.ances granted in the
Lionsr�.dge axe�,. Two �Tar. iances n� 80 sq • �1: . �ach that added �iving
space and not bedrboms were denied a,n �andstone.
Due �o �he e�tent th.a�; �Yia�s building ala�eady exceeds the GRFA
a.�.lorvable , ��e do �ee1 �ha� this wau�d be a grant o� spec�.a1 privilege .
The addi�ional square �oota�e would resu7��. in the GRFA e�ceeding
wha� �.s axlowed by a].�ost 300%.
1 . That the gr�.���in� o:f the Vara��.nce wi11 canstitu�:e a
gra.n�L of special pr�.vilege �nconsist�n� with th�
� �ir:�i�a�E:ion� Qn o�;h�r propert:ies �c7_a.s�a.�Ci�d in the
� satn� 3)�str�.ct . •
. �� . .
� , � - " � ! �
�age 3 . .
Memorand�m -- PEC
Marv�n Sa.mon, , LionsMane �'F�ase II , Un.a.ts 23 & 25 --
� Reques� �ox Gross Residential �'�.00r Area Vara.ance .
2 . That the gran�ing of the Vaxa.ance �could be
det�imenta� �o the pub�.ic hea7.th, safety or
welf�.re or materially �njur�.ous to propErtzes
or i.mprovements in �he v�c�n�.ty .
Granta�ng this Variane� cauld set a negata.ve pxecedent by
a3.xowa.n.g �xcessive�.y laxge mu�ti�fami�y units� 1;o he bui�.�G or
allowing add�.ta.ons on units whi.ch already exceed the GRFA
requxxemen� af t�� Zoning Ordinance . Non-con�orm�ng str�c�ures
shou�.d not be a�lowed to bec_ome more non--con�orm�.ng, p�.rt�.cularly .
d�nsx�y .
3. That �he Var�.ance is not warranted for the �o�.�.owing
reasons : The stric� ar literal i_nterpre�a�ion and
en�axcemen:�: af �he spec�:��ed regulation wou�d nct
depx�z.ve the app�.ican-� o� pxivile�es en,ja�red by the
owners of o�h�:r prapert�es in �he same Distric� .
The applicant s-�a�es tha� the hardship .3n this case is
th� number of peop3�e wlaa have been usa.ng the space and the
p�ssible reductian resu7.�ing from the expansion. (See
att�.ched app�ica�.ion. } We �ee7. this is an absurd axgument.
The Depar�men� o� Co�ntnunity Deve3apment strongly recotnrnerads
� c�en�.a1 0� -�he Gross Reside��zti.a�. F�oqr Area Variance sought
�ox the reasans s�a�ed above. W� also feel �hexe has Ue�n no
hardship sho��n. in the request . The Zonang Ordinance requi�es
tha� a phys�.ca1 hardship be demonstra�ed in order far a
Variance to be gran�ed.
� !
. �
� !
• 3.
� - - . .-.y...�
• � • , I • � J � . , � .
� • n��L�cnTio�a F�orz vnrz�nrrc�
� ' COt�![�I1'IOtlAL USE PER��1E7
� Ordinancc tlo, 8 fSeries of 1973)
Ap�licaiion pafe 3�B � , 1'��c`3 Public�tion Dai�e
Flearing Dai�a_ . _ — �EfQaring Fee
FEna1 Declsion da�e for Town Cauncil
• �. o. �rax 733
! 1�D�� art�rV'�.Y1 Sj�'lO�L_- - Qf _�_��� V�-3� 7_ Vi E?W T)�I�S4'w:..
, EApp l i c�,nt} � . (Address) ,
�o�or.�c3o , _ �I���. P�sone �. 6--L�� 1
. (S�a��e) (City1 .�._.
dc here5y reqvesfi perr�ission 1'o appear before i�he Vai ! Planning
' C4r�mission ta request the #olioti•ring:
� ( X 3 Variance #rom Ar#icEe , Section
( ) 7_oning Cha�qs from �Q
. ( ) Parking Variance
� , � � ( ) Gondiiional L1se fermii- to affow
� ��_ Zone.
� � .
For- the fol Eorring described praperty: [.a�t/i�raci� , B,lock
Fi ! i nr tdumbwr � .
, Clearly s�lai�e purpase �and inter�i' of -I�fiis application �'0 �0"riU7_2t�?
' � . • �nc� finis`� t'^e cecon� �e�rel� af 3..uz.i.�s ��---A�;-�2� i�7 �.c�r�c,rc��nc,�
� w i�%� t'-:P �:u i 1 d�n� c o d_e f a x �'^e '1'o ian a�' Va i.�.,� `�'�-___.�.�_:��..�d.i n�,
IJi.on ' s <<'ane�,._F"�.se ��: Conclomiriiu?�� was �.nnexed_ �o t%�,�'��_
. �zs zlan-con.forretn�; since �� -r.�c�ensi.i� � �xcee;:� .d ��e �r ss
. � �r�_�s�_c�en�i� �. .floor �.r�.�. t���t t%:en ��Tot�=l_d be �ermtf;t�d.. � -. �
• Y1ha-i do yau fee I i s �he bas i s iar h�,rds�� i p i n -!•h i s case? 'Ir�ec(�
u�z�ts '•��d T�r�vl�o��s"ly ��een used �v a5 m�n ?�.� ezr�'��� v �
- - �.5��.
. � ��1,P, rFaue�t;Pd cn���le� an .�;�.11��rovid� .� ',� ,' r .�er�zl.�
vrS. t'�i �:'�c�ir o��m bedroc�m �.nd ���o_��.�'�s for ��.c-� �.��artr��nt. �
�11.-� o�' t; ie ct-ler �zt�uer i.c�v�L uni�;s '�:��re _ '��e�r1 ���evic�usltr
� • comt�l.�tec� Fxce��t t;es� t;�an uni��e i�do �c3e3�it:�.ona.2 f�l.00r �
��».oP ,��� �1. � be ��dde�� . -, �
• � . `c:r s„�,,_ .. l _�V:) �
+' �° - J+C Y_.<...[���.y.�,
�..�.�..��.._P: -....�._.,.....
. AGF�I)!l
PI,ANN�t�G �1NI� E:NVII�QNPIC�I`f�ll, CQN�fISSI��I . •
� ' July 1�, 197� �
WnrY, Sessian - 1 :00 p.n�.
1. n�.scUSSion o�' enviz•onmental goals anc� lon�-range p�anning.
2. Discussion oE pa'oposc� F'l1D ordi.nance.
PuU1 i.c ticari.ng - 3:_00 p'm_ .
1. LioYysmane Pttase I�, N€arvxn Simon - �tequest for G�tFA variance £ar �,
u3�its 23 and 25, Lot 5, B�.ock A, Liansxid�e Fa ling Na. I. "" �-'� ��E`�
2. A1 fred Uihlei.�l - Request far setback varzance, Lotis � and G, � ��1 �f>�t,c��
�S�oc': 2 ��ail Villa�e Third Filing. �
3. Lear.3iing 1'r.ee - Reqiiest for Condi�ional Use Pexmit to alloiv a � �
pr.ivate sclxool in a�� AgricuJ.tura]. Zone pistiric�C, l�ioun�tai.n Bel� °'� ��J���
SitE. ' .
4. S3a, i�ri.cla, N.V. - �eq�a.est. for parking variance, Lot �., B�ock 2, ��/�,����
I �
Vai.l Iaionshead 'I'hirc� ��ili��g.
5. Canadas of. Va�.J - Request for Cor�ditional �se Permi.� ta al]a��r � �� ��
� xeal esi:�i�e office on first �Ioor in a'Crammercaal Caxe 2 zone '"�' ��
• district. , .
(,. A1dcr -- �tec�uest for Gr.oss Residentxa� Flnnr Area variance to allour ��nh��„ `�
i «. �
�c�di�:ioii to Iii.�]ZOr.tl Texxace ��niT..
7. 7'ai�:e3ucier -- Rcc�uest �or setback va-riance �:a al]o�a expans7_o�1 of � �������
� iesi.dence iocated an Toi�m��ouse Si�e 2, a po���:ion o�= Lat 2, Goxe
C�reek Aleac3o�;s F�iliil� �a. J..
i�otc� t:o f'l,liin�in�; Co�i�missio7�: 8:��.azice; of ��ic�itns ivi�l t�e x'�ady �lonci,�jJ
a.ftcz•nooli .i i� yat< <<�.ii��: to pi c�: tt�c>>n u��.
. . � • �
. , •�.�� .
� TO: Planning and Environmen�a� Cominission
FROM: Cathie J
DATE: 1-25-80
RE: PEC Member to attend DRB Meetings
Ed Drager has now attend�d Design Rev�ew Board for thxee
months. We will have to dec�de who w�1� s�art at�ending
�he me�tings in February at Monday's mee�i�g.
Of course, Ed might vo�unte�r �or another three months.
F�bruary 25, 19$Q, 3:00 P.M.
�. ) Approva.l of Minutes o� 2--1�-80 Meeta.ng.
2.) Pre�x.minazy Appxoval of the Development Plan and Lat Line Vacation
Request for Sirnba Run Condom�nium Project l.ocated on Lo�ts 6-�9 and
pax� of 10, R�subd�.�sion o� Black C, Lionsric�ge Fi�ing No. 1.
3.} Conditional Use Pexmi� to allow an expansion. of the ex3sta.ng Is� �ank
Builcling �ocated on Lot G, Va�.1 V�llage F�,Iing No, 2.
4.) Condi�ional. Use Pe�nit to allow �he construction of a P�.rkirzg St�uctur�
and 'I`ransportation Faci�a.ty on Lot 1, B1ock 2, Vai.1 Lionsheacl lst Filing
and Lot 3, a Resvbdivision of Lot 1, B1ock l. Vax�. Lionshead 2nd Filing.
5.) Approva.l of a ma.nor subdivision �or Lots 11 and 13, B1ock 3, Vail Va.11ey
�st Fil�.ng in order to chan� the Lo�t Line in order �a change the Lot Line
be�L�ween Lots 11 and 7.3 which incr�ases the lo� sa.ze of L�ot 13 so that �.t
is in excess of 15,000 sqt�are �eet. (Wi�hdrawn at request o� applicant)
g.} �lection of a P�7C tn�mber to a�tend DRB meetings.
Ta b� published �.n the Vai� 'I`raz3. on Februarp 22, �980
Miilutes o� �h� P7_anr�ing and Et�virorunenta7. Cormiission
Meet ing af 2--25-80
Page One
Me�ers Px�esent
�d Drager
Dan Corcoran
Sandy Mil�s
Rog�r Tiikerneiex
Gerxy Whi�te
Jim Morgata (came in during S�a Run Slide Pxesentat�.on)
Tc�m Council Pexsan Present
Ron Todd
Staf� Present
Larry Esl�wi.�h
Jim Rubin
Chuck Dan�ey
P�ter Pa�ten
Dick Ryan
DRB Members in Auclience
� Cra.ig Snawdon
T�xi,s Sivertso:�
Lew MesKime�
Fri�z Glade
Since �here was a problem tivith the �lide projector �or the Simba Ruxi Presentation,
I�em #3 was taken first.
3. Conditional Use Pearmit to allow an e ansa.on af the existin ls� Bank Bu.i�d3ng
located an Lot G Vai1 Va1�.a � Fil�ng No. 2.
J'ay Peterson was present to represent �h� l�t Bank. He said he rea��y
doesn't k�ave anythin� �o add to th� Staff D�mo. Prev�ously the Vi�.la
Corta.na people ha,d objec�ed to thi.s pro�osax bu�t they now agree.
Chuck Don�ey znade �he presentation frcm the Staff. He said the CUP far this
was app�oved over a year ago and has expired. He �a�ked with the Vi��.a Corta.na
people and �hey have wi.thdrawn their obj�ct�ons. The �raposal is improved.
'IY�e Design Review Board laok�d at this concep�uall�r and suggested more land-
scap7t�g ar�d that has b�en incarpc�rated anto the curren� p1�s.
Gerry Whi�e as�ed about the �arl�ing acc�ss. Jay pointed out on the plans
how it wou�d woxk.
� Dan Corcaran asked abaut employee par�ing and s�reet parking. �arrell Lathrop
said tYZe employees would park behind the Chapel az�d the stre�t parking wi11
renain the same as i� is now.
Minutes of PEC Meetin� 2-25-80
Pa�e �vo
Crazg Snowdan asked to see whex�e ti�e DRB suggestions had been incorparated
and Chuck and Jay po�nted them au�.
Gerry White asked ��' anyone ha.d anymore quest�.ons.
Sandy Mi11s asked about the uses of the new area. Darre�l Lathrop ��-�
i� would be fo�r lobby, parking ax�d s'�ora��.
Ed Dra,ger sa,id he �hougYat the Io�t a.1c�a wa.s for an.a���c�. Darrell �d
it wi.11 be for storage. Ed asked i� they walzld have to came back �ox another
�.pproval if it was �o be used for an of�ice and. was ta2d �hey would ha,v� to
cotne back.
Chuck Donley said DRB will have to see �his again affica.ally.
Sandy �Zi�.ls asked haw many spaces wiZ� be where the existing paxkang �s.
Daxxe�2 La�hrop sa.id they will ha,ve �$ where �here axe 20 spac�s now.
Sandy Mills made a mrat�.on to gran� �he Conditiona� Use Ferm7.t to al�ow at�
expansion of the existing lst Bank Builditzg located on Lot G, Vai� Vi�.�age
k'iling No. 2 as per �he Sta�� Memo dated 2-20-80. Dan Corcoran seconded the
motion. The vote was unanimous.
��I � Item #2 was now discussed.
2.} A roval of �he Deveio ment Plan an.d Lot Line Vacation uest for
Sirrba Run Condomsnium Project loca�ed on Lots 6-9 and par� of 10
Resubdivision o� B1ock C, Lionsriclge_Fa.x�ng No: �.
Tom Br�er and Cta.ry �vetish gave �he slide presentatian aga,in,
Tam pointed ou� the reasans theq had pos�.t.ioned the building� the
way tlaat they have. He e�Iained alI �the paxking, landscapin�.
He exp�.aiz�ed tk�e pk�sing. P�ase I wouXd. be built first. That
is the eastern most bui�ding. Phase II as the no�thern m�ost
building and Phase T�Y is the West�rn most b�ilding.
Gerry White asked v�r�a.� percenta� of the paarkxng is enclased.
Diana ToughiX7� said 85% xs enclosed.
Ge��r Whi�e asl�ed th� development schedule. Da.ana s�.�.d tizey plan
to start Phase T in the Fa�� of �980 and ccmpiete early �n �.982.
Phase TI, they plan �o start in the S�uruner or Fall of 1982. Phase �II,
they p�an -to staxt in late �9$3 or early 1984.
Peter Patten e�alazned the Staff's recannendations on this. He said
�he Staff has rec�uested that they have 18 employee uni�s instead o� I.O.
Diana Toughzll sa,id they are agxeeable �o thiss Pet�r exp�:aa.ned that
. when �his S`pec�al Developm�nt District first c� �k�rough the P�]]C, i�
vv�a.s p�anned �or Time Shar� Units. Under this new p]�an, sane of �h�
requirements would not be necessarsr a.s the impacts are di��erent.
Minutes o� PEC Meeting 2--25-80
Page Three
Peter said since Sitr�a R�m pXa.ns to �.m a shuttle system, the Sta�£
does no� �eet �ha� the Hus T�ra°n.o�� as n�cessary, H� an.d Diana m�� wz.th
Skip Gordon, B1FS 5`�.per�visor, and Ken� Rose Town Engineer and �h�y a1I catne
to this conclusa.on. They all felt �he bus �urnp�f �x�d �ot be necessarq
as the ianpacts ar� different, they will �e providing �Yiu�tle serviee, �he
Sandstone Stop is not that far away, and addi�ional. stops w�t�ld slaw �he sex�r�ce.
The S�a.�� �eels that the �TR I�.eport is acc�xra.te, the assuimpta�ons axe correc-t
axid adequate, The Staff recoim�ends app-rova�. based oti �he fo�.tr conclit�ons
s�t forth in the zta�no o� 2-ZO-84. Peter a�so mentioned that tY�e Staff has
reques�ed �hat -�h� �ive parking spaces on th� sur�ace be changed. Ctary
�tvetish sa.id that wotxl.d be no problu�n as the-Charter Bus paxking vvhich
was arequirect under the �i� Share P�.ar�, ha.s been el:imir�ated under this
R,oger Ti�kemeier a�l�ed wha� contxol there i.s over the shuttle sys�em. What
rvi1� s�op �he deve�.oper from stoppang it as soon as they are �inYShed w:ith
the pxoject or the condo associ.atz.4n �ram stopping it wh�never they decide
they don't wan� �o pay for it anytnore. Ed Drag�r said the o�vn�rs will be
taxpayexs and have a xight �o pirb�ic bus s�rvice.
Peter saa.d bus sex�srice cau�d be prova.ded �� xequired and the deve�oper is
agreeable to providing a bus turn aro�.knd, hawever, the Staff da.d no� feel
it wa.s that �ax to the Sandstone or Val�i Hi Stops.
� Sandy Mills said us�ng a bus on tY�e back side o� the project would not
be �ha� ix�canvenient.
Dra,ger said even a.f there is aShittle Serv�ce, people axe still goi,ng
to use the pubZa.c transporta�a�on systet�.
Ed Drager said with a private system, it is usua�Iy very convenient �or
the develope�•� or condo associa�:ians to s��l the bus wh�n i.hey zzo �.onger
�ind it necessarsr.
Laxry Eskw�.,th saa.d the.Special Development District regulations require
tha-t the develaper provzde the przvate s3rstem but there are no contro�s
a�ter the development is comp�eted.
Rogear Txlk�me�.�r sa�.d with the potential of the units being occupied
a� one time, {the developer is estimata.r�g tha.t the wlits will on�y
be occupied 6-�S weeks a year), he can't see saddlang the deve�aper
w�th requ�.r�d tarn�s etc. to rtu� the private system. Public Transportation
shou7.d be pxovided.
J�m Rt�in .-�a,id the Specia�. De,cre�.opment District requires that a pra.vate
bus sys�em be provided. The Town Staf� �ee�s that the neaxest bu.s stops
axe not that grea� a d�.stance. With the density being as low as it is
anticipa�ed, �hey do not �ee1 anQ�her 'bus stop zs necessary and would
only over burden �he exis�ing syst�n, By not provid3ng another bu.s
Spull aff, wa would �e encouraging than to use the priva,te system.
Minutes a� PEC Meeting 2-25-8Q
Page Four
Ed Drager asked i� J'im is saying we shou�d make �.t incpnven�.�n� �a use tk��
, publa.c systPxn. He �thin�s �his is coun�ex �a the purpas� of th� �ystem.
Jim Morga,n asked how �ve can en�orce �he keeping of the priva.te system.
J�.m RubYin sa.id wk�a� he was say7.z�g was �ha� to provide a �txblic system,
d�scoura.ges the use of the private system.
Da.ana Tough�7.J. said they axe willing to do whatever is required of th�n.
They wi�.� put in a b�s stop if necessary, they wi11 �ork to k�ep the shu.ttle
systcYn Yn �he priva�e decalra�ions. Larry E�kw�:'th Uaid priva,te decalarations
can be chang�;d.
Roger Ti�.kemeier sa3d there may.not be a demand for the system, then what
happens? As ta�ayers, t�ey ha.ve a rzgY�t ta use the system.
Diana Toug�i�l said the turc� existing bus s�ops a,re on�.y 800 f��� east and
I200 �eet west.
Rog�e�r Ta.1,k�zer said �he �oot pa.ths to the Va11i Hi b�s stop is probably not
plcn�red. Dick Ryan said �h� b�.ke paths axe all p�aved for the schoo� chil.dren.
Ed Dragex said nane a� the bike pa�hs/�oo� pa�hs are co�ec�ed. D�ck Ryan
saxd th�y wi�.�. be th�.s surtrr�r.
� Rog�r Tzlkemeier reiterated tha.t the service should be provided to them.
Ed Drager said there is alreac�y enough traffic on Lionsridge Loop. The
px�ob��m a� Vail Run c�r�ainly reeds.to be relisved. Dick Ry� said Ken�t
Rose is working on a solu�ion to have a p�owing system ther� with parking
on one side three days a week and park�ng an the o�h�r side �he a��ernating
Da.n Corcoran sa.id �hey are pa.rking illega,7��.�r a� Brea�away W��t. If the
Police just en�orc�d �he no paxk�ng there, there wou�cl be no prablem.
Ed Drager said they aare putti.ng a ].o� of �ara,��ic �n�o an alreacty bad area.
Ro�:r Tilkemezer asked i.f the developers kaad w�xked �ri�h the �`c�wn Eng�neex
to see w11at the �mpacts would b�. When Potato Patch started, they ha.d �o
work with th� Town. �gineer. Roger �hinks this needs to be addressed here.
He �hinks the Town �gine�r neecls to say whe�her �ha.t roa.d ca.n accornriodate
�hat much �nore traff�.c.
Gerry Whi.te said before the Boaard can vote on th9.s i�em, ther� needs to be
qualxfications in all of these areas.
Ed Dragex asked Ron Todd hav many cars would be generated on that road �rom
the S�lby/Tofel devel.opment. Ron said hal� o� �he cars would vse }3uffer Creek
and the other half would use �his road.
iRager Tilkerr�eier a,sked if a curb cut wou�.d be required to make the cut on
t�e �`ron�age �toad. J"�.m said it wou7.d be required by the State H�.�way Dept.
Minutes.of PEC Meeting 2-25-80
Page Five
Diana Tou�i3.l said -�hey are no� generating that much m�re traffic.
Sandy Mi�.ls said they axe tzying ta imagine what the wo�rs� possible case
would be. She realizes wha� the devel.ape�cs axe an�.t3c�patang as purchasers
but the Board is think ahead to who the awnexs mi.ght be in five yeaxs down
the �oad. Perhaps i� w�uld be a11 front range people who would genera�e
a lo� ma�e traffzc.
Ed Drager made a mo�ian to continu� this it� far 30 days so �ha� further
study can be done. Roger Tilkemeier seconded �he mo�xon. The vote was five
�or the continuation axzd one abstention. (Dan Corcoran)
Sandy Ma.1�s sa�.d she thinks they should disctrss th� prolol� they would like
resolved at this time.
Ed Drager asked to hea� fram Jon Eherle who ha.d ju�t come i.t� regaxda.x�g the
bus prob�.em. Jon saa.d tha.s was rather ne�v to him. Pe�er ax�d C�uck had met
with Skip Gaxcloz�. of his Staff to discuss the bus turn around.
Ed Drage:r asked �en the Ehv�.ronmental Tmpact Stat�ent had been su�ni���d.
� Diana Tough.ill said it was �n early Janua,�r.
Jon Eberle said he d�dn't �ee�. �h�y wauld use the Valli Iii stop if they
had to walk tha,t far. He a�sa �eels �here wou�d be-problems with az�othex
pull of� on the Frontage Raad in that axea. There �ro�.l.d defa,nitely be an
impact on the road b�hind.
Jim Moxgan asked if Jon is encottragang private shu��les. Jon sa,id there is
no rea� answer to tha.t.
�d I7rager asked i� it Jon's opa.na.on tha,t they make the pulo�ic system znconveni.ent
so the private sys�terta is conve�ien�. Jon Eberle sa.id he watxld give aaa e�ample.
He said if the Tc�wn were to annex West Vai� and the Roost wanted to contir�ue
the�r priva�e system, he would not pu� a s�op there. If �he Roost discontinu�d
their prxvate system, he wo�d pu� a s�op �here.
Jim Morgan asked if he is saying we should encourage private sys��rns.
�'an said we shouZd encourage private syst�ns bttt paravide pub].ic service.
Gerry Wha.te said we should incxease th.e pub�.ic system �d at the saxr� ti.rr�
encourage pr�vate. He said he �hinks we should have a special work session
to discuss aXl the prob�em areas discussed on this toc�ay.
The atl:orney for the de��opers asked to speak. He said Dia�a Toughill
. had gone to check on the da.te of submittal of the EIR and that they do
not want this to be de�ayed any �urther. The ir�pacts ha,ve been considered
and the deve�.opexs are wil.ling to do wlaatever is requaxed to get this approv�d.
Diana returned and sa,�.d they ha.d submitted th� EYR on January 21, 198a.
M�nutes of PEC Meeting of 2-25-SO
Page Six
Lew MesKx►nen asked the a��oxnep if he lived k�ere. H� said he did no�. Lew
said he shauld live up there and l�ow what the �ra�fic problerr� are.
Ed Drager sa.id the EIR only cpnszdered tY�e tra.��ic of a certain type o�
owner and not the second genexa�ion p�le.
Ken� Rose had jaa.ned the rr��ing and Ed Drager asked h�m about the impacts on
the roa,d. Ken� said th� road can.hand7.e the projec�. He said the probl�ns af
the older prajects should not ha,ve .to be taken care of by th� new developexs.
He said they axe going �o �unpletnent a no paxking procedttx�� s� that the road
can be plcnved be��er. He �,�.d �ie can do a study of �he road ai.f the �oard
des3res, bu� he a.s sure he will c� �o the same conclusion that the road
is adeqiaate.
Ed �rage�r asked about the Sclby p�operty. Kent sa.id he did a study an the
i�act on the road by the Selby project. He cone7.uded tYiat the roa.d �s adequate
as a lot o� the peopl� will use Buffer Creek Road instead.
Gerxy W1�ite ask�d DRB if they have an;ythang to add. Fritz Glade sai.d he
speaks fo� Kris Sivertson, Lew MesKimen and kzzmse��. He saz.c� they dan't
want to see a.rAO�her Vail Spa. They had quest�ons on �hc ma,terials, massing etc.
Aft�r the �panerna. �ssLte, t�ey quest�.oned the ��.a� �roofs. �i�y questioried the
rea2a�ty o� the landscapa�ng.
� Craig Snowaon sa�.d he is the oppos.ang uote af �he DRB. He likes the Va�.�. Spa
ax�d �the massing of �he Bui�dzngs. He li.kes �he way it is set back from the
highway. He feels we need relief from the Frontag� Road.
Roger Tilk�nez�r said that what Craag �.s saying is j�st re�nforci.ng �he
statement E�don Beck made a �ew years ago abrntt buildings b��.n.g perpendicular
�o the valley.
Crazg said he wauld like ta s�e a�l �hree phase� �av� dif�erent materi.als.
Kxis Sivert�on said he �ikes the 1az�dscaping but wou�d 1�.ke to s� more ma.ture
p].antings tk�ar� three foat aspens.
Ed Drager asked what phase the 1at�,dscaping would be don.e in. Diana Toughil7.
said �he 1ar�dscapi.ng wa�d be done an each phase if it wou�d not be destroyed
by the construction o� �he o�her phases.
Sanc�y Mills said she Iikes the �dea o� the heavy trees along t�e F`,�on��e
R,oad but in the winter, Aspen �xees axe not g�ing to hide a 60 �oot buildang.
Sandy Mil�.s asked about the employees housing squaxe �oota�e. D�.ana Toughil�.
said origna�.l.y they had planned the rc;�uired 10 t�z�its and they were all to be
two bedroom uni.ts o� 850 square feet each. The Sta,�f reques�ed �hat they
change this to 7.8 units and have a tr�ix of stud�.os, one bedroor�, etc.
Dick Ryan said the S`�a�� �elt this wa.s a better mix. Sandy agrees it is
� a bettex mix. She asked i� they wi�I rent to other than thear own �nployees.
Diana sa�.d �hey unuld ha,ve the same restr3.ctions as �he Valli Hi dev�lo�nent.
Dan Corcora,r� as�ked who will own the err�loyee units. D�a,t�a said t�e develaper wi1�.
Minu�es o� �he P�]C Mee�ing o� 2-25-SO
Page Seven
Gerry Wha.te asked a.f anyone wanted ta re�erse the previous mo�ion now that
sar�e of the questions Y}ad loeen answered.
Lax� �skwi�h said �he EIR had been approved as a part o� th� �o�al Specia�
Deve].opment Dzstrict so it dic�'t �eal�y mat�er when th�.s revzs�.an �.s �urn�d
Dan Corcoran sa.id he felt the �.sseie was just being de�ayed by all tYiese questions.
'I'he quest�.ons see�ned to have been answered.
Roger T��kemea�er saxd �Y�a.� he was not trying to delay the dev�Io�nent but
would like to quest�.ons answered. He twould like a �etter £x�c�m Kent stat�.n�
that the araa.d wauld be aclequate etc.
Dxck Ryan sa.�d if they do delay this, he wou7_d �.ike �a kn.ow wkza� o�h�r ain�ormatian
wauld be required befoxe the next mee�ing.
Diana Toughil�. said �he ��R �hat was approved with the �pecial Developrnent
Distri.ct a.n 1978 was for more density.
Gerry White said the problerr�s have been clari�ied somewhat and vve could proceed.
• Jim Morgan said he thinks this merits ��x�rther study especially on �he phasin�
o� the Ianc]scap�.xg.
D�ck Ryan said the �inal. landscape p].ax� should go to DRB, not PEC but the
Plann�ng Cozrm-i.ssion cauld recotrm�end some condz��ons to the DRB.
Diana Tou�hill said they are wi��ing to set a do�lar amount such as $250,000
for the �aridscapira.g and �hey would split it among �the plaases.
Craig Snowdon asked what �he PEC �.s app�ov�ng.
J'�m Rub�n said �hey axe �ooking a� the overal7. concept.
Roger Ti.lkemeaer sa.�.d he as not ask:ing for the fa.nal landscapi.ng p1an. He
is requesting that ma�ure -trees be planted.
J�m Morgan said the P�C nc�ds �o know that �he landscap�ng plan is ar� element
o� �kze design.
Diana Toughill said with what.they have in tneir va.ew corridor, they need to
screen and th�y de�'ini-�ely have �to ha,ve a �od landscaping plan.
Gerry Whi�e said th�s is aIl very confusing. He thinks the PEC sho�7.d �et
th� d�veloper l��w what tkae def�nite pxoblems axe. He asked each membe�
to s�a-�e his �ee1 ings on �;he developrr�n L p�.a.n.
. '
Minutes o� �he PEC M�tings of 2-25-80
Page �ight
� E D
d �ager sald he two bas�.c con.cex�ns. He thinks a bu� stap should be prau�d�.
A�.�o he would l�.ke to see a more specific �andscape plan. D�a.3na Tot�gk�i].Z sai�.
they are vcra.�.ling �o Iive with wha.tever i.s reqtti.x�ed of thetn. G�rry White said
"�d, do you have ariy problern with the site o� deve�opment pXax�?" Ed Drager said
he c�a.d not,
Roger T�Ikemeier said he does not want to ho]:d �xp the.dev�loper.bu� he thinks
the St�.ff and the Transportation De�artment should review �hi,s again. He wou�d
Zike a 1.et�er �ram Kent Rase saying t�at the raad a.s adequa�e. He wou�.d like
a comn.i.t�n� ��at►� �he developer about putting in mattitre tre�s, nat jus� a
dollar am�ttnt.
Sandy Mi�.�s said she thinks Skip and Jon sho�xld get togethex and cort� up
with a de�7ni�e reccnmendata.on. She thiraks th� stop on the back side is
adequa�e. She thinks they neec� ta get a eorrmittment �r�n thP c�ve�.oper
about �the Xandsca�ing plan and a t�vrit-ten report frarn Ken� l�,ose abou.t the
road. S�ae wnu�d also �.ike �o see the Breakaway West ProbZ�n solved. She
thinks the em��.oyee housing mix is good. She th�nks the a�mena�ta.es shou�.d
be apen to �he ptzb�.xc even thou� she l�ows th� d�v�lope� pr�fers not to.
She wauld li.ke tklem comm.i.�ted �o havi:ng the ameniti:es apen to the public.
Diana Tough�ll said they prefer not to ha:ve the amenit�.es open to the public
but wili do whatever is rec,�u�red. They wi�l. be under constr�a.ction �or twa
years and that can l�e decided during tha:t turje. Sandy Mzlls saa.d she fee�s
a limited membership is importan.�. Sandq is also concerned with the �lat
� rao�s and th� heigk�t of the bu�.�.dizags.
Jim Margan said he has a problem with �he paxking for the amen�.ta�.es. He
doesn't agree w�.th the EIR. He ha,s a problem with the height, He �ee1s
t�e landscaping is a very a.mpax�an� �sscte.
Dan Coarcoran said he d�esn'�t feel a �rrztten report is necessaxy and i,f a.t
�s meant �.s a de�ay, it is a poar move. He thinks �they shoulcl make the bus
pt�ll o�� as a condit�on of approval.
Rog�r T3lkerneier said he is not �xyin� �o .delay anythzn.g by request�ng the
letter, I� can be a condition o� approval'i� necessary.
�d Drager made a matian �o x�esind his previo� tnotinn and move that this item
be postponed unt�.1 the 3-J.0--SO meeting at whzch t� �he following �.terr�s wauld
be presen�ed:
z. A resolu�inn o� the bus situa.tion.
2. A statemeza� form Kent R,ose on the ad�quacp o� the road.
3. De�inite statenlen� on the lanciscapi.zlg and a co�mit�ment to p�ant
ma�ture trees.
4. Pr.tblic usag� o� the amenities
5. Agreement to �he Staff Conditions in �he m�no clated 2-20-80
J'irn Mnrgan secondcd the matian.
� Jim Morgan asked Tom Brin�r ifi he could look at th� height px�ab�em be�ore the
next meeting. Tom said by decreasing the heigh�, they wauld have to cover
more of the site.
Minutes of the P�]C Me�ting o� 2-25-80
Page Nine
The vote was taken. Ed Dra,ger, Rogex Tilkert�ei�r, Jim Morgan, and Sandy Mi1.ls
voted fox �he pos�ponemen�. Gerxy White voted against. Dan Corcoraan abstained.
Dzana Taughi�.� said she objec�.5ta �has postponem�nt.
Roger Tilkemeier said it just entails writing a letter committing to all these
th�.ngs. He doesn't understand why a �tivo week del.ay is �tha,t i�x�ortaxi� i� they
don't pZan to staxt until this �all. Diana sa�.d they are already on the Town
Counc�I Agenda. fo� March 4. Lew M�Kimen said they shouldn'-t ha.ve gotten on
�he agenda tvitkzaut PEC appraval.
The attorney for the deve�oper sa.id �hey can'� a��ord a deYap at thi� �9me
because �hey depend on presales ar�d mus� ge� �h�ir ma.rk��ing prograan under-
Sandy Mi�ls sa�d �he Board has been criticized in the past for approv.�ng
prajects just bec�.use the developex is in a hurry. She does nat feel twa
weeks is an a.nconven�ence ox a i�rdshi,p.
Gerry Whi�e said �h�y must move on to the ne� item.
� Item #4 was discussed next.
4. ) Conditional Use Pexmit to a11ow �he construction of a Pa,x�ki.n� Struc tt�ar�
, .........- --.._.,
and Transporta�ion Facili�ty on Lot`1, �Block 2, Vai�. L�onshead lst Fil�ng
and Lot 3,__A_Resubdivision of Lo� 1, Block� l, Vai�. L�,on�head 2nd. Filing.
Gerry White said thais �s g�o�ing �o happen.
Kent Rose ma.de the presentation and answexed qtzes�ions af the Board
and audience.
Gerry Wkz�.te as�ed about the Landscap�g. Kent said he didn't tl�znk
it would be carr�'Ieted th�s sur�tner.
Sandy M��ls made a mot�on to apprave th� Conditianal Use Permi� �o a1�1ow
the construction of a Park�ng �txuc�tzre and Transportation F'aci�ity on Lot �.,
Block 2, Vail Lionshead lst Filing and Lot 3, A R�subcli�rYSian o� Lot I, Block 1,
Va�.1 Lionshead 2nd Fili.ng as p�r the Staff M�no of 2-20�-80. Roger Tilk�nezer
seconded the mation. The vn�e was unanimou.�� with the exceptioza of Da� Corcoran
who abstazned.
ztem �1 was now di.scussed.
�.. Approval o� Minutes of 2-1I-80 Meet3.n�.
Sandy M�l�s Made a motion to approve the minu�es. Roger Tilkeme�er
� seconded �he rnntion. The vote was unanai.mous.
Minutes of the P�]C Meetin� of 2-25-80
Page Ten
. 6. Select�.on o� a Pk7C member to attend DRB rrieetiri�s.
Ed Drager agreed to a-��end the DRB xn�etings until Ma.y �, 1980.
Cerrsr White was chosen as a�ternate.
Sandy Mil�s made a rno�3on to adjou�x. Jim Morgan second�d, The meeting
wa.s adjourned at b:40 P.M.
DATE: 2-20-SO
The lst Bank a� Va�.l �.s reapplying �or a Cond���onal Use Pexmi.t for an
addition o� 5Q60 squa,re feet ta thea.r existing build�g. �.'l�e previous
�ex�it ex�pired last At�ust and the bank has r�quirec� �ull otur�ership an
arz add3�ional.connecting parcel sa �hey caxi expand an additiona]. 2260
square feet over �heir original proposa�. of 280d sq�e �ee�. 'I'k�.e
b��ilding is 1.acated on a portion of 1ot G, Vai1 Vi.11age 2nd Fa.ling
which is zoned Public Acc�dation (PA).
A joint parking agxeemen� is s�i1.I in effect betcv+een �st Ba.nk and the
Vail Tnterfaa.th Chap�l. Tlaa.s paarka.ng is b�ang �.ncluded as part of the
req,uiare,�n�,nt needed for the proposed eapat�sion. The zoning oxdinance
permits of�site parkir�g as long as it is Iocated with�n 300 feet vf the
user served. �n this instance, the furthest parking space a.s approximately
. 200 feet �rom the n�axes� corrier of �he ls� Bax�k Building. The last proposal
also recezved a covered parking variance bu� thi� ha,s be�n rectified wi�h
the inclusi.on of underg.�ound paxk�€.ng an �he proposed addition.
Tkie Xast proposal received substantial pratest frorr� condamana:u� awners
�.n Vi�.�.a Cortina (west of the bank}. According ta W�1� Obexit�g, President
of the Vi�la Cortina Condan�niwn Associ.a�a.on, �hose px�ob�etr� have been
reso�.ved. The Associat�.on nc�w suppox•ts the pro,ject.
Upon review of Sect�.an �8.600, �he Departr►�ent af Corrmur�ity D�v��optnent
recorm�ends Approva� of the Conclita.onal Use Pern�i� based upon the following
Consideration o� Factors:
Relation�i� and irr�act of the use on development abjectives of_the
To�m. -- - - ,_._ ..�.
By a�znpxovzng the existing �acili�y, the Bank wil� be ab�.e ta con�inu� its
sexvice in its current centrax�y ]oca�ed facility. 'I'�i,s wa�1�. parano�e the �
deve�oprnent objectives o� the Tpwn.
P�]C Merno
Is� Ban�-Pag� 'I�o
I' � 2-20-80
The effect of the use on li�Yi�t and air, da�stari�,na.tion of�popu7.a��an,
transpo�ation facilities, ut�l�ties, schools, paxks��anc1 �ecrea,�ion
facilit�es and other� �ic �ac�.l.���.es ancl� ublic fac�.lities needs.
The new proposal creates �re landscaped areas than ei�her the origi.nal
plaxz o� the existin� s�tua�ta.on.
Effect upon traffac with articular re�erer�ce to cong�s�ion autamotive
arzd edestrian �afet ancl:coriv�nience t�a�fic'�l.ow arid coa�trol' access,
maneuverabil.i�, and remova,l.af sr�a�r �ro�n the street and p�ark�n� ar�a,s.
��s.proposa.l wi�l �prove the curre�t t�a�fic situation at the �st �ank,
�wwever, it wa.11 a�so �;enerate mor� bank sta�� (15-16 people) and moxe
custorr�rs. The Interfai.th CY�apel's paxking pxr�bl:ems shou�d be a11ev�.ated.
Orx �he whol� the proposal is a posita.ve step toward irnpravi.ng traffic in
th� area.
Effect upon the character o� the area an vahich the prb�bsed use is to
be �oca�ed inc�.udin ttie sca�e ancl btx�k o� �he ropose� � �n relat�.an
to surroundin uses.
- --- �.._,.—.._...
• The charac�ter of th� bui�di.ng confox�ns to -the axcha.tecture o� the scyrraundi.ng
a.rea. DRB has g�ven conceptua� approval �o -�he design.
Such o�her factors and criteria as �Ghe Cqzimission dc-�rr� atiplicab7.e to
the r sed use. �--�— ,—,_._..__— ,_,...--•-•--•—
'I�e Des�.gn Rev.z.ew k3oa,rd has conceptua�.l.y appro�ved the entire proposa� �or
the lst Bank expans�.on. Their dnly s�ug�estion w�as �cvith regard to parking
config�ration and this idea has been zncorpoxa�ed into the p3.a:n.
The envzror�menta� impact repox� concernin� tka,e pra�osed use, i� an
environrn�n�a�. ' act re ort. is re ired b Cha ter 15.56. �'
No ETR is reqtxired.
T�e Departrr�nt of Cc�r�trntnity Development rec�nds that the Coz�ditional
❑se Penni� be Approved based on the followi.ng �indings:
That the p�oposed Iocation o� �he �e is iri accoxd with the purposes o�
this �rdinance at�d �he pur�ooses of t�e district �.n which the site is
That �he porposed iocatian o� the use and the conditions �der lvhich zt
� v�uld be a�era,ted or ma�.n�ained would not be de�tr3mental ta �h� publie
healt�i, safe�y, or welfare or tn�,tera.ally inj�urious to proper��es or
i�roveinen�s in the vi.cinity.
PEC Memo
]st Bank Page Three
� Tha� th�
proposed use woul.d corrq�ly w�.th each of the app�icable prova.sions
of this ordinance.
DAT�: FE�RUARY 20, 1980
APPLICANT: S3mba, �nc. , re�p�'ESented by L & M Prbfessional Consu�tarits,
Inc.--Daa.tia TaYxghill
7ANING: Special Development D3s��rict 5 {Deve�opment Area B)
S[IRl�IJUNll1NG L�AND US�S: �ast Vail Run, Special Deve�opment �a.s�rict 5
{Development Area A)
West Valla. Hi �loyee Housing Project
Nox�th-Casolar Vail S�bdivision, App�ox�.te�y 25%
� Deve�.oped
South-North F`rontage Road, I-70 I�nt�xs�ate
Szte Area of Simba Run 6.3 acres or 274,428 sq. �t.
Bui�.din� Utzlization Area.s
Dwe�ling Un�.ts ((�'A} �39,OOd square �eet
Comnon Area (Circula�ion) 25,OOQ �quare feet
Amenities {poo�, racquet ball, etc) 11,500 sq�a.re �eet
171 Covered spaces 5I,300 square f�et
28 Su.rface s,paces 7,200 square f�et
S�rv�ce Yard 6,300 squaxe feet
Total Site Uti��za.ta.on Areas
Buildang area at ground f�oor 58,049 square f�t
Percent o£ site 21%
� Open Space 2C�2,8�9 square feet
Pereent of Site ?4%
Tota� 274,248 square feet or 6.3 acres
PIlC Menna
Simba Run�-Page �
• 2-20-SD
Dw�lling Units
Avera.ge Simba Run SDD5 SDD 5
�. e No. Sq. Ft. /D.U. Sq. Ft, Ta�al Sq. Ft. Total No. Total
Condominit�n ]29 �,000 729,000 202,000 2�.3
Eknployee Ren�al I8 555 10,000 10,040 �8
�I.'AT, 147 139,000 272,a00 231
Th� Simba Run projec� v�a�1� complet� the developmen� of S�aeca.al Deve�opm�nt District
Five (�DD 5). Ft is the third generatYOn of developm�ent ideas for the si�e sxnce
SDD 5 was conceived in ]977. Tn October of 1978 an arr�nc�nt to SbD 5 was adop�eci
which a11t7wed �he s�te to be deveXoped wi.th �.n�erval own�rship condo�mi.n�tuns. Certain
requirc�nen�s and stipu�at�.ons relating �o interval ovms�ship-type uses were �ncl.uded
in the oxcliz�anc� a� �ttxa.� tirr�. The n�er o� un��s a�.�.o�arable was also reduced fr�n
155 to I39, with �.0 of tkzose required to be employee housi..rag units.
'I'he developer's prposal currently is not to ha.ve i.nterval awnership turits bu� singlc�
cn�er condominit�ns. A1so, through meetings with t�e Co�m�unzty Develapmen'� Staff,
the nuznber o� �nployee housing units proposed a.s I8, rather than the previous 10,
� It should 3�e noted tnat the former propasal for emplayee u��ts r�re 10-#.wo bedroom
�nits af XO,OpO C�"A, where as, now the pra�osal. inc].ud�s 18 ut�its of the same floor
area. The advantage �s a varzation in sizing o� �the unis as falZows:
�2-S�uclio Apartments
3-0ne Bedxoom Apart�nents
3-Tuvo Bedroom Apaxtmer��s
Ra.ther than putting an individua� that is hexe for the season in a uni� w�th a
stranger, he/she wou].d ha.ve thei� o�vzi sma11 apartment. Also, under this scheme,
goaixig by a �atio o� one pe��n/bedraorri, one more person cou�d be housed,
�e 147 dw�Xl.ixa.g txn�.�s wi11 be car�structed with three buiidings cansist�ng o�
three canstructian phases. Ma,jor recrea�tianal airienities (open to the public
on a 1imi�ed rr�mbersh�.p bas�:s) are three tenn�s caurts, two racqu�tbal� courts,
an indoor swiitgning pool a.tid .jacu��i. The in�tent is "to creat a 1u�urious resort
complex w�.th a coxxesponcling high-quality amenaty packag�" (Simba Run Envaronmental
Tmpac� Repo��, Janua.ry, 1980).
Construction of Phase I (the easternmost building a,r�d covered park�ng) wi�l begin
in Fall of �980. Phase II cons�s�s of the centex builc3.irig and �he recreationa�
ameni�ta�es wka�le �he wes�ernmos� �uiIdaxig compra.ses the thzrd phase.
PF3C Memo
Simba Run Page Three
'�e site is vacant with a m�.nzmtzrn of ground caver or t�rees. With �he exeeptian of
some steep slopes on -�he northwest portion o� the propezty the site is basically
�l.at. The �uildings ha,ve been oriented taward va.�ws.o� �he Gondola (SE} ar�d
positioned to the reax of the prop�r�y. An aggressive �andscapa:ng plan is proposed
to cr�ate a park-type atm�sph�r� be�ween the Frontage Road and the bu��.dings.
A �tot lot and b�.cyc7.e path wil� be 3.ocated in tha.s axea.
As required by �D 5, 8�% of the parking is underground (171 Spaces). 'I't�ere are
28 star�ace park�.ng spaces, a�so with the required ta-ta1 of 7.99 loeing rr�t. A
reqt�ir�nent �nd�r SDD 5 �vhen ai.t was.�elt �he Units �would be time--shared wa.s
to provade fox charter bus parking. The deve�.ap�r has included th�s area north
of the tezlr�is courts �au� �� is felt by botk� the Sta.ff and the developer tha� �his
wi�.l no� be n.eeded now tha.t the units wa.11 not be �imeshared. This wi11 increa�e
�he amount af green space in �h� pro�ect.
Another stipulation of the oardinaxzce is -�ha.� no parking be located an tkae srntth
szde af any building. The developer has proposed a.shaart-texm--�ive-car lot in
�ront a� the rna.in of�ice which t�i].i have to be r�novec�. These spaces cou�.d be
put into the surfact l.ot on tne No�hw�st corner a� the s�.te.
Another requ�.�etnen� in SDD 5 is the construct�.on of a public bus shelter and
tux�n-of�. A�ter cliscu,ssions with the Transpar�ation- and Ptzb�ic Works Depa,r-tm�nt,
xt was felt tha� the wit� the C1ose pa°�����r o� the S��.sten� �itas stop and the
Vaxli Hi bus stop it wa,s probably not necessary. �o inc�ud� anothe� t€un=off on
� the Simba Run pxoperty. Moreover, �he ordinance requires the dev�lopex� �o
provide an on-goi,ng shu��J.e system £or �he occ-tzpants of the pxoject which fur�h�r
decreases the n�d �or Town of Vail �us service. Th�.s, when peak occupancy is
xeached �'4L1TlC� CI1x'1StTI]a.S and Easter, the private shu��l� se�rice can be
correspond�xlg�y increased.
The design of the buildings is such t�a.� the ldwest hei.ghts axe.rea�ized
c�osest �a �he F`rontage Road, �he a.rea of hi�hest vas�.a,�. impac�. Driving
west on the Fx�onta� Road �he�re will be a. large �va�.st�a.�. impact of cont�.z�uous
buildings. Zhe opposi�e effect �,s experienced upon driv�ng in aaa eas�er�y
c�irec�ion. The impact going west i.s ac7dressecl through heavy plant�ng o�
Aspen trees.
The �acades a� the s�ructures aare. "barok�n �p" through pro�usions and ir�sets.
Thi, is an attempt to �educe the �risua� zmpa.ct of the size o� �he buildings.
A7.2 other remain�ng aspects o� the SDD 5 axE rn�� �n the deve�oprnent proposa.l.
The Staff fe�ls the EIR �iled for the paroject Ys �horc�ugh and, �or the �nost part,
we�.1-doeumen�ed. There are many asswr�tions mad� as to �he behav�or patterns of
the fut�are c�wners o� the units, however, �hese types o� hypothesis are an inherent
and necessary a5pect o� any E�R or EIS. A conscient�ous e�fort has been ir�.de by
the deve�.oper to include a�� relevant i.n�o�a,tion need.ed to assess �he �acts
1. o� �he proposed development. The Staff feels �hat the EIR �.s ar� adequate dacumen�
for �his type of analysis.
PEC Memo
Samba Run Page Four
� 2--20--80
The Department of Carmnm�ty Deve�aptnent recc�rrrnends approval of the Sir�a
Run Condomin��s subject to the �oll�wing condi.ta.ons:
1.) A public bicycle path 3�e constrttcted �o Town o� Vail standards
thraugh the property �ran �he Wes�ern edge of Vail Run to the
eastern edge of Va11i-Hi.
2.} Tk�a.t �.$ emp�.oyee housing units be constructed accordin,g �o the sizing
squaare foo�ag� as this memorax�d� indicates.
3. ) The developer pro�ride the priva�e shuttle transpoitatzon serv�.ce in
suf�icien�t £orm so that a high d�gree of servic� is prov�.ded to the
occupants of the project.
4.) The ��.v� park�ng spaces in �ront .of the maan offi�ce be remo�red arid
xep�.aced to the south o� the buildings or und�rgraund.
, DAT�: 2-20-SO
APPLICANT: Vazl Associates, Inc.
ARFA: Approxi..�na,tely 5.23 acres
�V'IlVG: (P) Parking and (HDMF') High Densi�y Multi Famz.ly
P�p�ID USE: Parkang Structure, Info�ma.tiart Booth, �he twa buildings
�or transporta��on relatec3. uses arzd ax� info�nation centex.
Proposed a�s the canstruction o� the LionsHead Transpor�a.�iar� C�nter tYia.t w1.I1
con�ain approximately �120 park�ng spaces, I8 bus paxkaing spaces, and in�orma-
� t:ion building, and tvvo possible buildings for sim-ilar faci�ities and serv�ces
as the present transpor�a�ion center,
The top deck c�oses� to the frontage road is bea.ng structt�a,I�y designed to
handle buses. Appxoxi��a.t�ly 30 bu,ses could b� parked on this area or 1$0
Desigxz o� th� information center and two poss�b�e bui�dngs on the sou�h si.de
wi�1 not be done unta.l 7.ater in the spra,ng. Th� architect ha.s been workzng
to g�� the struc��are design completed.
The plat�s have been unde�r review,by the Tovsm, Staff since 'I�ce�er and we
consider many of the problems ha,ve been reso7.ved.
DATE: 2-20-8d
Rob Ford who had submi_tted this application called J�tn RubYn om Febrtta��y 14 and
sa,id they are withdrawing �k�e app�icat3on.
DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 1.980
Jack Goehl. ha,s resigned from the P1ann ang and Environmental Conmi.ssion
and therefore, we need ta select a n�w person to attend the D�sign Re�ew
�oard Meetings. Ed Ihager ha.s been good �nough to a�t�end the m�eetirigs the
last two weeks in Jack's absence.
FR,OM: D�ck Ryan, CaTm�u�ity Deve�.opm��t Da.rec�or
DATE: 2-29-$0
RE: Vai1 Village Urba.z� Design Plan
Last Tu.esday Tas�m Cauncil x�e�ewed and discussed �he Vai�. V�.��age
Urban Design Plan. In adda.tion, the Design Review Board reviewed
a preliminary draf� o� the Axchitectwcal Guidelines �or Vai� Vi.11age.
The DRB wilX �e ha.v�g anoth�r mee�ing on the g�.ta.delaules on Maxch 13, �980.
At the study sessian on March 4th, Town Cauncil wil� be requested to provide
the Staff and consul�tan� wi.th dir�ctor to proceed on developing the �ina�.
urban desi� plaza and o�her tools necessary �o �rta�lement the plan. On
the �o�.Yowi.rig pag� are five cotr�anen�s af the Vail Village Plas� that we
need you ta sign off on.
Mast o� the Tc�wn Council members have received a copy of the.goa.�s and
po�icies, archi.tectural guid�l�.n.es and the service and deXivery repor�.
�hclosed in tha�.s packet are a copy of the goa.�s and po�.icaes and for the
• three Council persons wha clid not attend the work sessian last week a
copy of the service and delivexy report.
As T see it now, the �ina1 product of the Vail Village and Vai�. Lz,on�
Hea,d study wil� con�i�t o� the follo�ving �or Towr� Counci� rev�ew and
l. A d�tail Urban Design Plan for Vail Vi��age
2. A detail Urban Desxng Plan fo� Vail LionsHead
3. Ordinance c�anges in Va�.l Villa.ge a.tid Vai� LionsHead dealing with:
1. Height
2. V�ew Corridors
�. Stu�/Shade
4. Stree� E�c�os�.re
5. Bu�lding �pansions
4. Axchi�ec�ural guidelines for Vai� Vi�lage, Va�i�. LxonsHc�ad and �he
transition area. This wauld be used by the Sta,ff and Desig� Reva.ew
Board far projects in all three areas.
5. Requir�nts for construc�ion in Vai�. Vi7.lage and Vaa�1 LionsHea�..
(A draft af the requi.r�ments are encl.osed. )
Memo to Town Counc�l
2-29-80 Page 'I�vo
6. An ordinance for the con��ra1 ar�.d restriction of vehicles in the
Vai� Villa.ge cor�.
7. �n a.ddita.on, �he st�.f� u►o�d propose that thexe wou�d be a revi:�w af th�
IIrban Desig� P1ans each yeax to see �hat upda,tir�g if necessary is needed.
If needed, the sta�f wnul.d �hen hold workshop meet�ngs for com�t7uni�y
a.nput sim�.Iar to the curren� process and therx pxesent the proposed change�
to Tawn Counca,i a� a study session.
The sta�� is also looking at ha,vin�g two tirnes a� the year when applicatians fo�c
proposals zn Vail V�llage and. Vaai.1 LionsFlead would be aec�pted. This vwould
allow the Staff, Planning Cotm�ission a,r�d Town Caunci� �o xev�.ew and see
the impac�s of sevearal proposa�s an bo�h Vi�lages and the Co�anity.
�',A��.; �6��,,.��� ��.�� CC)MPONE�ITS
� GOALS/POL.ICIES -- Council yuic{e�ines �o enab�e staff �mplementation
� �'RAME4lORK PLAN - Graphic expression of general objectives
• . C�rc�al at�on -- Bus/Auta/7ruck
�• Pedes�rianizatiort
s C�aracter Districts
� � • gu�lding/Open Space
a Major View Planes
�. SE�VICE/DE�.IVERY - WarKshop/study report & recommendations far ac�ion
� lJR6AN DESIGN P�.AN - 5chematic diagrams to express de�ailed ��anning &
desinn ob,jectives
� o Bridg� Street/Gore Creek Drive
� Eas� �leadow Dr�ve
e l�est �ieadow Dri ve
( � LionsHead }
� ARCI�I7ECTURAL GUIDELIlVES - Key architectural character e�ements
ident�fied, described and dacumented
� . Context criter�a - views , s�n, service, etc.
s Bu3lding Height & Missinc� s Windows
p Setbacks • 7rash
s Facad�s • Accent Elem�nts
p Roofs � Landscape �lements
o Ba�con�es • Linhtinc�
2. Review procedures.
� • .
, ,��
1. Va11 has evolved to �ts present forr� as the result of cornnan assumptions a�out
character and function implemented �}�rough private individua1 dec�s�ons. As
" such, whiie �he ToN�n has achieved a certain COn515t�T1C�1 and quality, the potent�a�
� and even neec� for cF�ange s�i�1 exi s�s. Cl�ange wh�c1� bui 1 ds upon and enhar�ces �he
exzst7ng character, qual�ty and �itaiity of �he Town wi�� not be �iscouraged.
� 2. ' The Town, with citizen inp�t, will take an active ro�e in the dev�lap�nen� of an
urbar� design p�an �o quide ��ture ��ve�apmen� in the core areas. S�ch a plan,
and its var�ous componer�ts, wil� repres�nt the develop€nent object�ves o� the
cornmuni�y and wi� l serve to ident7fy, and express a g�neral direc��on in �he
resolution af r�iajor development concerns in the core areas. .
o The Urban Design Plan
Framework Plan -- Town-wide plann�ng objectives
Po7icies -ri General po�icy and goal state€nen�s to imp�ement the Plan
Sub-area Urba� Des7c�n Gu�des -- Specific plann�ng ob,�ectives for s�b-areas
� Architectural �c�3deiines -- iCey �rchitectural e�ements genera�ly prescribed
` Adop��on af �he P3an and incorporatio� �nto a�'dinances as appropr�ate
• Pub13c R.0.1,. expansion
� • An annual prQCess with cit�zen input to per7odically review and ar;�end the Plan
3. Th� To+r�n of Vai1 is comprised o-� two in�terrelated core areas, and a transi�son zore,
each with i�s own ger�eral v�sual character ref7ected �n architectural ar�d urban fcrm.
All �development in these areas shall �e consis�ent w9th �he �eneral character of ;
tf�at area. '
� �
� Architec�ura� gu�de7�r�es . E
4. Pedestrian circulat-ion 15 to be enco�raged in the core areas and an �nterconr�ected
network of pedestr�an �,�ays w�ll be �eveloped to 7zr�k the core ar�as and provide a
pleasan�, safe, con�inuous experience for pedestriar�s.
� Designated p�destrian syst�m and �evels of pedestrianiza�ior� , .��
s Deve7opment standards for ` _ �
' Building he�gh�, mass�ng Patias �
Sun/sha�e Activity .generatian/�and use �
Infill/open spac2 . L�vels of pedestriar��zat�an J �
Pe�estrian s�ale Serv�ce aqreements
• Time zoning and service park�r�g to reduce co�fl�cts
� �
, � . • . �
. �
YowN o� vA��
�- �
' . o Improvements to v���cles, to the Fron�age Raad area �minimize ��trus�on
in�o core}•
� Consistent desi�n character for improvemen�s in Town R.4.W. an� other pub��c
spaces. � �
5. Vai� 's moun�ain va�ley sett�n� is an impartant part af its identi�y, ar�d shoal� �e
recognized in the pZ�����9 and developmen� o� i:he Village, �ionshe3d and the
connecting area �hrough sensitivity to views, cl�mate, and o�her F;�ysical
characteristics of the Pnv�rons.
� Impartan� vie�rr planes identified and preserved .
� Sun-shade res�ric��ons
� Use af nat�ve or com�lemen�ary materials
• �mphas�s nr� Gare Creek, �ill Creek
� February 29, 1980
T0: Dick Ryan, Cbmmunz.ty Deve�.opment Director
�'ROM: Steve Pa.�tersan, Buzlding Official
1. Exterior wo�k may be don� �ror� November 1� thr�z April 15 and
from June �.0 �hx°u September 30 as long as a decorative ��nce,
app�oved by Buil�ing and P].anning depa.rtments, is erec�ed around
entire construction praject.
2, F�erior �rk frotn April 16 �throu�h Jttne 9 and from October �.
thau Novembex l� will be recluired to pro�vide nominal �encin�
axound praject. To be appraved by Bu�lding and Planning departments.
3. A11. fencing is to be a�proved by Building and Planning
depaxtrnents a,s to design and locations prior to any exterior
4. In�erior tvork on any struc�t�.x'e will have no a.dditional
� restxictions, other �han those alrea.c�y in e�fect, �ox the
ent�re year.
5, A, maximwm of 1 pe�nan�nt job vehic�e - l.ocation will be
deter�nined by the Towt� of Vail - at a�.� times between the hours
o� 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. only.
6. Delivery vehic�es �or constxuction supplies wil.l be al.lowed
a rr�a,xitt�,cam af 30 minute delivery tame on jol� site.
'7. Al] building ma.terial ir�us� be either stored inside stritctu�e
completely or if ma�erial is too laxge ta be stared inside th��
said t�naterzal will be located insicle fencecl area.
S. No permits will be issued for either care axea un�ess a ta.me
schedule is received and appraved. bp Building and P�ann�.ng
9. WY�en sidewalks, wa.J_kways, vehicular alleys, or any pedes�rian
axea is to be altered (temporary ar perma.n�nt), th�n tea�porary
facilities wil� be provided prior to construc�i.an a��er approval.
has been given by B�.ilding and Planning departm�nts.
Februax�y �l, �980, 3:00 P.M.
1. ? Approva.l of ma.nutes Qf Ja.�uary 28, �980 mee�ing.
2.) Preliminary discussion o� I�velopmen� Plan and L,ot Line Vacation Rec�uest
for Simba Run Condaninium Project located on Lots 6-9 and a pox~tion o� 1Q,
Resubdivision o� B1oc� C, L�onsridge FiYing No. 1.
3.) Approval af Sunw+ood Condomin�iu�n Map. {Located in Eas� Vai�)
4.) Setback Vari,ance to allow an undergraund ga.�rage on Lo� �:0, Block 2, Vail
Vi�lage 13th. (Nott ResiflenGe}
5.) Appro�ra.1 of a Plat Ma.p �or Vail Golfcourse Tc�wnk�omes Phase I
To be pub�ished zn the Vail 'I`raa�1 on �'ebruary 8, 1980
Meeting o� 2-11-80
� Members Present Members Not Present
�oger Tilkerneier Jack Goeh�.
Ed Drager Gerry Wha.te
Sandy Mills
Dan Corcoxan
J3m Morgan (came in during Si[r�a Run presentat�.on)
Staff Fresent
Pe�ex Patten
Chuck Don�ey
Dick Ryan
Larry Eskwi.th wa.s in bu�Ida.ng and ava�.lable i� needed.
Ron Todd, the Caunca€.1 persan ass�.gned to the meetang was at a Caunty meeting.
�d Drager chaired the meetirig in the absenc� o� G�x�ary Whit�.
I�em #4 wa,s �aken �irs�.
4. Se�back Va,r�ance for �he Nott ResYdence �o allow an utidergrauncl gara.ge
on Lot 10, Block 2, Vail ViJ�la� I3th.
. Peter Patten explained wh,a.t ha.d happened at the tvno Design Review
Boaxd Meetings s�..n.ce �he ].ast P�C mee�ing.
Rog�r Tiikezneiex made a rrja�ion to appx�ove �he Setback Variance �or the
No�t Residence to allow an undergraund garage on Lot 10, B1ock 2, Vail
Vz7.lage 13th. Sa.z�dp Mi1.�s said she wou�d second the motion but asl�ed
if the plan� are now acceptable to the n��igYabors. P��er exp�a�.ned that
xepresen�a�zves af the neighbors k�.d been p�esez�t at the DRB meeting ax�d
�hat Mrs. Nott ha,d worked wa.th Da,va.d Pee�., the Mu7.1.�/Sera.�in architect,
ta.sa.�a.s�y eve�yane. Peter alsa explai.ned that this im�st ga to Design
Review Board aga�n for final approval. The vo�e was taken. Ed Drager,
Rager T�.1I��e�.er, and Sanc�r M��.�.s voted �nr the approval. Dan Corcoran
abstai.ned. Jim Morgan Yzad not yet arri,ved. Tbe motion passed.
Item #2 was taken ne�t.
2. Preli.mit�.a�r discussion of UeveZapment Plan and Lot L�ine Vaca�ion R�quest
for S�a Run Condorninium Fro'ect located on �ots�6-9 arid a ' �tion o� 10
Res�bc��visioz� o� Block C; Li�.sridg� Filirig No. 1.
Tkxa.s is or�1.y a prelimtinary discussion of this item. Officia�. pub�icatzon
of the Ptzb�.ic Hearin� on th�.s i.tan a�s fo�r Feb��xary 25, 1980.
D�.ana ToughilZ, represerrta.ng the Dev�loper, introduced t�e architects
and mechan3.ca1 eng�.neer lor the project and ga,ve a br3.e� h�.stoxy o�
the project.
� PEC Minu�es o� 2-11-SO
Page 'T.t�vo
�iana expla�ned that they i7ave planned 1�9 units p7.us 18 emp�.oyee housing
units. Orzgina7.7�y only 10 emplayee hou��rzg units tivere planned iaecause �hat
is what the zoning requirec�. Hawever, the sta�f requested tha� additionaZ
emp�.oyee ha�asang units be add� if }�ossa.ble.
Toan Briner and Cfary Swetish gave a sl:ide pres�n�a�ion o� the Project.
The Board looked at the moc�el and a�ked questions.
Everyone agre�d that they should work to improve �h� bus stop area.
There were ques�ions raised about the height of bu�,ldzngs. Tkie average
height i.s �5 feet with the highes-� building being 60 feet.
The Board cliscussed the lacata.on of �he tot lot.
There was a di,scussion about the potentia7 owners o� the units. The developers
feel they w.�.�l have �the saine kind of buyers �ha,t they ha�sre a� the Spa �vhieh is
pwop�.e who will only be sp�nd�ng about six wceks a year here. There wi1l be
a minirrnun of short term rentals and vexy few caxs parking there.
Jim Morgan expressad a cancez� that he �hinks tha,t the developers ar�
� assum�.ng �hat everythang is going to b� the same as at the Spa and he
doesn't �h�nk t�is can be assuomed.
There was a discussion abott� �ncouragir�g developers not �o bu.ild to the�r
ma.�im�un. Diana saxd �hey had not bu��t to their maxim�un on the Spa; they
buil� 55 uni.ts where 98 r,�rexe a��.a�ved. Haw�ever, they �ee� they nc-�d ta
bu�.ld to the ma�3.mun in th�s �ocation. Dick Ryan sa�.d downzaning would
have to 1ae done before development pla,rzs are brotxght in or plaxzned.
Ed Drager ask� about cutting dawn th� s�z� of the buildings. To�n Br�er
said they k�a,d reduced the height as much �s possible. They ha,d ended up
with the bui.lclings �xch closer because Va.��i Hi is 182 �eet on th�ir property.
He �eels the trees will hide a good portion of th� px�oject.
There was a discussian of the �andscaping at the S�a and what had been
presented to �Ghe DRB about it, D�ana said tha.t shauld not be brottgh�
up in regard to this praject. SYxe a].so said they had becn rnisrepresented
at tne Design Rc�view Boaxd.
Sandy Mills sa.id she wau�d lYke the Town Co�u�ac�.l and Design Review Baard
to be no�ifi�d that th�s wi�l of��cially be di�cussed at the February 25
meeting so t�ia,t anyone interes�ed could attend and th�refare, no� causE
prob�� �or the devc��opers later on. �veryone agreed tl�a.� i�t would be
best no�t �o shu.ff�� peaple back and for�h between boards as has been
happening Iately. Sa,nc�y askeci Cath�,e �o see if a not�ce could be
s�nt to th� Counci� and DRB.
PEC M�nu�es o� 2-I1-8Q
Page Three
Joe Lewandowsk� asked i� the err�loyee housing wou�d be a doxmitary
or individua,l apar'tmen-�s, Gary S�tish sa.id tha� �hey had originally
p�.anned ten two bedroom apartrr�ents. Hourever, tYze sta.�� requested tha�
they break up �he units ma.kzng sane of th� studios, same c�ne bedrooa�
and sane �twn bedroort�. Th�y k�,ve not incr�ased the square footage but
have changed the units fram ten to eighteen.
Joe Ler�raxadaws�i a�ked if the employees would be able to us� the amen�ties.
Diana said they wouZd.
Jim Morgan asked about publi.c usagP o� �he ameni�ies. Diana said they
wouid rather not have them open to the pub�.ic but wiil work wi�h the
Tawn -�o do what they are xequi.red to do.
The access roads were discu5sed.
Kent Rase had joined �he meeting so Ed Drager asked him about the roa,clwa,y
sys�em in the area. Kent sa.a.d �he whol.e roadvvay system in the Lionsriclgoe
area is inadequate and beca�s more so as the densa.�y grows. Tk�.e whol.e
sys�em will ever�tua.Ily have to be upg�raded.
. It was �oi.nted out tha.t the o�ficia� publ,i.cat�.orx of the item.is for
I'�bru.asy 25 and motions for prel�minary approval or �isappxoval wi11
be made at that ti�rje. Diana said they would be prepared to do tkzea.r
presentat3on again.
I�ern #� wa.s discvssed at �h�s �ame.
�.) A rovaX o� th� minutes o� Janua. 28, �:980'ri��in .
Sandy Mi�ls said she had a question abou� the sentence on the Marvin
Simon issue. It reads, "At first they. ha.d a three �oot Ioft approved
bu� added five feet and ha,d them approved that waq." She does not
th�n� �hey were approved �ha,� r�a.y ax�d wants a.t ta read t�ia� tl��y
wexe bu31t tha� way.
Sandq made a motio� �a approve �he minutes with �he one above
exceptian. A,oger Tilkemeiex s�conded. The vate was �cananimows.
Items � 3 and 5 t�uere discussed next, pltzs sorr�e additional pJ.at maps.
Go1�co�urse Townhoir�es Pha,se I PIa� Ma,
Ro�er TiZkemeir made a rno�ion to approve and sign this plat ma.p.
Sandy Mi3.ls s�conded -�he mat�on. �eryone vated for approYra,� with
Da,n Cox•co�an abstaining.
� �,inwood Candominit�m Plat Ma,p
Roger Ti7l�emeiex made a motion to approve and si�n tha,s p].at ma.p.
Sa.t�zdy Mills seconded. The vote wa,s unani.m�us.
P�]C Minu�es o� 2-��-80
Page Four
Pi�kin Creek Tawnhorr�s Phase I Plat Map
Sandy Ma.Ils made a rr�t�.on to approve and sign this plat map.
Dan Corcoran seco�ded the motion. T�S.e vote rvas tu�an�xnous.
The Board then brought up some q,�est�ons they ha.d..
They requested tha.t �he sta.�� wri�c a l���er �o �h� Valli Hi d�v�lopers
requesting that they f inish the sta�ning; and painting and landscap�.z�.g
there as soon as possible. Ca�hie said she w�u�ti �a�.k w�th J'irn about
The Board was rer�nded about the 2:30 meeting �zesda,y, February 12,
With �he Caunc�.� on �on�.ng Ghanges.
Rog�r Tilkemeier asked a �avor o� the Board. He e�p�.airied that the
Forest Serva.ce �s meeting at 7:30 P.M. on TY�ursda.y, Febxuary. l4, ta
cliseuss uses o� the l.and a� Meadcs�v Mountain. He owns the �.ivexy operation
�hat has been operatzng �here for years du,rax�g the stminer ancl ask�d the
Planning Conmission to support that use there in the form o� a letter to
� the Forest Service. Jim Mo�gan made a moti.on to have �he S�af� �ut a 1et'�er
�Go�etl�er to send sa.y�.ng tkaat the PEC supports the livery us� at Meaclow Motmtain.
Sandy Mil�.s seconded the motion. The �rote was unan�nous. Pe-�e� Pat��n sa�.d
he wot�d draft the letter the ne� cla.y.
Sazldq Mi�.].s asked Peter to check on the �.ses tha.� were per�nitted at Potato
Patch. Si�e and severa.l o�h�r �crs o� �he Board �hought that the acestau�rant
�ther� was �o be a �na.�1 hot dag stand type operation and they: axe now advertising
�or full tirne chefs etc. Petex said h.e would check on i�Go
Jim Morga,� asked if there is wa.ter for the Samba RUn Project. Ed Darager
said the way they are phasir�g �he project, the Water Distr�;ct wi11 be ready
for them, They are in the process of upgrading the system.
Roger Tilkemeier ma.de a motion to ac�,jottrn the meeting. Sa.ndy Mills seconded.
The vo�e was unani�nous. The meeting wa.s adjourned a� 5:?A P.M.
The Boaxd stayed �or an �nformal discuss�an for a �ew mo�e minutes.
M � MO
DATE: 2--1�-$0
At �he 2-I1-80 Plannang and En.viror�n�a1 Comnassian Meet�g, Diana Tou�hil2,
representing the develo��rs of �he Sim}�a Run Project, mac3e a pxesen�atinn to
the Boa,rd of proposed plans for the Si�nba l�un Project located betw��n �he Va�.�.i
Hi �aloyee Housing and. VaiY Run. The pro�ect wiJ.l cotrie before the Board on
Februa,ry 25, 1984 for officia� preliminary approval. Sorne o� �he Board members
requ�sted tha�t �he Town Cauncil and Design Review Boaxd be invited to a��end
'�he Februarq 25 rr�e��ng or �e� the Board 1�aw if they have any problems with
the projec�, so that th� developers wa.l�. nat be shuffled ba�ck and �or�h between
Boaxds as so many people kxa,�re bee�z �.a�el.y.
� T0: P�arzrzing and Fnvaranmen�a� Comnass�.on
F�C}M: Departr�rat o� Cat�munity Deve�.opmen�t
DAZ`E: 2-8-$0
RE: Not� Residence Underground Garage
Lot 1Q, BZock 2, Vail Vi�lage 13�h
The Desa.gn Revie�w Board rev�e�ared the praposa]. fox t��e Not� residence
tmdergrrnand ga.rage on Febr�ary 7, �980. Na of��.cza1 ac�xan �cvas �ak�n
but the Board's reaction was favoxable.
TYie Na�t's ne� daox neighbors, the Mul�ins (Lot �.�., B7QCk 2, Va�l Vi�lage 13th)
propo�al �or an underground gaxage received �inal approva� (4-0). Thcir design
called for feather�.ng back the x�oad cu� a].ong �he conm�n proper�y �:ines. The
Notts have �.ncorpora,ted this into their proposal a,nd they wi.1l ?�e responsa.ble
for matchz.ng the Mullins contours s�ince the two surveys do not match �act�.y.
The llesign R�view �oa.rd favors the design concept for the ga.ra�e, bu� they
request that the Notts conn� ix� wi.th a �inal pr�posa� o�ce the P� gives i�s
DATE: 2-].1-80
W� ar� propos�ng an adcli�ional hei:�Yit restr.ic�tion �o 1�m3.t the height of
a b�tildi.ng at any paint of the structu-r�. 3'l�us, in addition to the averaging
system w� now use �he�re w�.11 � a ma��rn�n hea;ght a� ar�.y point far a structure
in ea,ch zone disi�ric�. Also, we are proposing to eliminate the secta.on ax�
Supp�ementa�. Regu�.ations concern�ng except�,ons to the height Ii�nit for �l.oping
Zoning Ordinance Re�crisions are proposed as fol�.ows:
DE�'xN�T�ONS: '
�.8.04.174 HE I(�iT f AVERAGE)
"Average height" mea.ns the avera�� of �he vertical distances between the
� f�nished grade of a stracture a� the lowest point, the midpoint, a.nd the
highest point af each e�erior �a,�l more �harx �enty �ee� in length. Vertical
distances at each pa�nt of each wa11 shall be ta the copzng o� a flat roof,
�o �he deck line of a mansard roo�, or -to the highest rid� o� a sloping rao�.
18.04.175 HETC�iT (MAXIMUM)
M�.xamum he�ght sha�1 be a verta.cal da.stance a� any poa.nt o� a s�xnictux�e
meas�tred fram fini,shed grade to the coping of a f�a� roaf, to the deck
line of a zr�ansaxd roaf, oar to the highest ridge of a s�.oping xoo�.
18.10.080 �'R--HEIC�iT, 18.12.080 R-HETC�I', 18.13.p75, R P/S-HEIGHT, 1$.�4.080--
In the SFf�, R, RP/S Dis�xict, �he average heigh� of buildings ShaII be
thirty feet. Tiae max�rr�tun hei�h� a�t any point of the str�zcture sha.11 be
�hirty-fzve feet.
�8.1�.080 LDMF-HEIGHT, 18.18.080 MDNl�-HEIGHT, 18.24.120 CC1-HEIGHT, 18.26.d90-
CSC-H�IQ�T, 18.30.080 HS-HEIGEiT,
The average height of buildings in the I�MF, MDltg`, CC�, UC2, CSC, and HS
Distric� sY�,ll be tha.rty-fa.ve �eet. The rr�imun p,�igh� a�t anq pain� o� �he
s-�rttctur� shall be fortq �eet.
18.20.080 fIDMF HEIGHT, 18.22.080 PA-HEIGIiT
• The average height of buildings in the HDMF and P11 District shal� be �orty-fzve
�eet. The maxiirn�n height at any point af �he s�ruc�ure shaJ.� be �i�ty feet.
is.3�.oso a-�zG�rr
� The average height of bux.ld�.ngs in the A D�,strict sh�.11 be �Gwenty-�ive
fee�, except �ox accessory farm and ag�icultuxal bui�clings whieh ma.y
not exceed f�rty-five fee� in height. The rr�xim�ur� h�ight at any point of the
struc�ure sha�� be thirt.y feet.
Concern has be�n expressed tha.t the GRFA restarictions are too lax �or
1arg�r resi.dentia� Iots. One dup].ex lot in B�.ghorn cou�d �a.ve �.Q,328
square feet of hab�table �loor space and 7Q lots cou�.d have a (�'A in
e�cess of 5250 squaxe feet. Addressing �his cancern� tends to be p��blem-
atic, wi�h �he formula being manipulated �o serve the Town's purposes,
A maxim�q GR,FA, shau]�d be established and srna�.�er lo�s should generally
rs�na�.n as �hey are. Listed below is an a.nven�ory o� existing tu�developed
lats and their present square �ootages.
0-I5;000 15,000-25;000 25,OOfl=30,OOq 30,�00 & over
Nwnbex o� lots �Z 198 29 65
% of lot axea 25% 10% 10% �%
AJ.�.otved GRFA 4-3750 37�0-4754. 4'750-5250 �254 and over
There has been cancexx� expressed over �he scarriz�;g and visual prob].err�s wi�h �he
development of steep s].ope areas in the valley. Ti�e staf� has research�d various
vc�a.ys of �egu�.a�ing hillside devclopment and fee�s the �nllawing mod�.fa.ca�ions
to the zona.ng oxdinance wrntld lesse� the aes�hetic and environme��al problem�
with �he developrnPnt o� steep slope area,s.
The �taf� is r�comnendang two specif�.c changes to accomp�.ish the above abject�ve.
First, we �eel it wc�uld be bene��c3.a.1 to eliminate the provisaon fox lvwc:r density
zon�s wherein building on any axea af �0% or more slapes is allow�d.
Second�y, we �e�l there needs to be some �aix�.y stringent hi�.�side deve�opment
policies on hillsides be�ween 25-40% to �.nsure that safe and aes�het�.caT.ly-
p�eas3ng developRr�en� o� tk�ese i�r��or�ant and easily dis�tzrbed axeas, The
�ollawi.ng �s a brie� overview o� each recamm�endation an.d the reasons beh�.nd it.
The hills�de �pacts of a �axg� chiplex buzlt on 40% siopes can be sev�re. Any
development i3n areas a� 40% slope can po�ent�.al�y scar hillsi�.es wa.th Iarge
cu�s and fills, destray aesthe�ics of hi3lsides and/or cause the triggera,ng of
geological k�azards such as slope fail�ure and s�vere erosion. Thus, we feel
a],7.ow�.ng development on these slopes canno� be justi�ied in �igizt of these
potential prob�ems and �he planning object�_ves of th� T�wn. Howerrer, in no
case wi�l a la� wi�h any reasonable deve�oprnent poten�ial be den�,ed a� leas�
� one uni�.
Th� Staff feels sJ.opes be�tween 25J and 40J often possess cY�aracteristics
which war�an� eontrols over their d�v�?lopment. When a deve�o�nt proposa.�
. is presented �ox paxceZs con�air�ing at least hal� of the area tvith sla�s
over 25%, we would propose two new regulatzons.
Fi.rst, there wou�.d be requ�.reci. a series of data and a.nfoxYnat�on com�nly aCCep�ed
throughout the country as rr�.tida.�ory backgraund lri�OY'TI'�Lt�.DII �DY' h1�.�.S1C�EG develop-
ment. Rec�ui�ed would be an�oxmation on. soiZs and geolo�y, drainage, s�ructux�al
�ngi.neera�ng, g�adi.ng (cu�s and fil�s) , view impacts, roac�ray design, revege�ation,
retaina.ge and possibly an envixontnen�al impact staterr�e,nt (for laar�er projects}.
This la,s� �.s axi expansion o� the restrict�.ans for development an sites in excess
of forty p�rcen� slope in loRVer density zone� wha.ch is pxesen��y in the hazard
regulatzons (18.69.05Q). Under th�s new scrut�nz;�za.tion -o� hil.lside develaprnent,
creative site and building designs min�miz�.ng negative envix�onmental irnpacts
would be encou�aged.
Seconclly, �he Pl.anning Staff �eels that i.t wo�ald be bene�icial to lower hillside
densit�es, thus lessena�g al�. of the impac�s of their developm�nt. We would lake
�he PF]C and Council to examine the followi.ng system �or reducing densi�ies on
hil�.sides �vi3ich we feel cauld be an e��ective con�rol.
Vari,ous tnun�.cipa�.i�ties in Californ�a ha,ve pioneered hi,llside regulatio�as. One
o� �he mast cam�on controls a.s a slida.ng sca�.e tvhere density decreases as "averag�"
s�ope increases. Average slape o� a pa�rce]. is ca�cula��d by an accepted formula.
We would propose to reta�n the rule that area Q,crer �40% is unbui�.dab�e arid eliminate
��a.� area af.f the �op. Z� th� �etnair�der of the parcel passess�s an averag� sl.ope
. between 25% �a �a/, the sl.iding seale would kick in. The dens�.ty a�.xawed wou�.d then
be detexznined fran the slidang scale. This scal� would not allow for a more thari
50% reduc��on in the n�er of units now pern�.tte�. Thus i� �he avera.ge slop�
is at �0%, a 50% reduc�ion would be in effect. Zt shou�d be not�d that the
n�.m�bers for such a system are �a�a�'ly �l�xib�.e and can be arrang�d to ref lect
�he amount o� d�nsx�y reduc�ion th� Town clesires.
The Gross Residential Floar A�rea (C�.FA would be propar�ionally sca�ed dawn so
that the a]�Iowed �nits were not excessa:ve�.y buZky. This co�.ld be acco�lished
�hrough a sima.lax s].idirzg scale �or this p�trpose. Her� is an exarr��e o� how
this systFxn works:
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D. Ch�n Conditional Use Sectxon in MDMF and Pexrnitted and Conditional
Use Sec��on in HDh�' to remove Comnercial ancl Pro�essional O�fice L3ses
� as either Pexmitted or Corida.tiona� L7ses in bt7�Ch �ozZe D�.strictS.
The NIDMF' and �IDMF' Zorze Districts are residential �,one .dis�r�.ct� general.J.y
used for Cond�na.ni.wns. We feel �ha� ccxrrnercial and aff ice uses which are
allowed by r�.ght �.r�: �IDME' and �hro�zgh a Conditianal Use Process in NIDME' could
have a detrimental ampact on dev�lop�nen�s �n those zone districts by allowing
the spread of nonresiden��aX uses into th� r�sic�ential zflnes.
E. In th� Public Accamnodation Zone Di,strict, char�ge th� Pez�tted Use
Section so �ha.t any non--resa.dential. � � W
use is counted as C�i,FA (which it
�xesen��y isn't). � ..,_.____...,,��� ._
Tt�e p�rcentage of non-�resic�ential uses sho�ld also be reduced from 20% to 10%
and professional and busai.ness offa.ces should be r�rioved as Concli�tiona�. Uses i.n
�he PA Zone District.
F. �n the ResYden�ia� Clustex Zonc� District, we �tzld rec�nd changing
the Density Contral Sect�.on so tha.t no mox�e tlaaz�: four t�x�.its �ou7.d be
a�].acved in any one building, ('P�is wo�ci decrease the s�c� o� buil.da.ngs
in this Zone Dis�rict.}
G. On parking, we would s��ggcst tha.t the e�is��g parking requirements �or
resa.dential units be removed and replaced vr��h �he �a�lawing:
Accommodation Unit 1 space
and Stud�o Apt.
� J. bedroom �2 space
2-4 bedrooms 2 spaces
5 bedroorrbs 22 spaces
(We feel tha,t nu�er of bedrooms �s a better �arki.ng de�erminant than square
H. The folZo�ving a.s a �.ist o� larger �Oarce�s tY3at r�m�.�a.a uz�deve�.oped or
partial�y aeveloped a� �h� present tizne. We would lzke yo�ax a.,npu� a,s
to �hose that you feeZ should be i�nvestigated for potential d.owrazoning.
Ntianber o� iTnits
k�sidential Cluster ���
Potato Pa�ch Club 18
Carnie Parcel g
Sundia� 30
Lionsra.d�e AI & AZ 13
Casola,r T 13
. Bzghorn 3rd Addi�ionax (8 Lots} 30
N�r o� Una.ts
� Law Densit Mu�ti Famil ��I
Ta,mberfal�.s (Paresent Phase) 18
Tai.�berfal�s {Ftiiture) 35 (Appraxima.tely}
Racquet C1ub T�homes �1
Go1f Course Taumh�nes 39
P�1�.s 2�
Stm Vail (Lazier) 36
Casolax II {Lot A-7? 9
Bighorn 3rd Addi�ion-4 Ln�s ].$
Mediurr� Density Mtz�ti Famil�r 20X
Ra.cquet Club 46
Ha.l� A (Pota�a Patc�a) 8
Ha,�l B (Pota�o Patch) 30
Snow Fax (Snow Lion-Phase II) 16
Lionsr�dge Fi�.ing No. 3 (3 parcels) 101
High Density Multi-Farn�ly 34
O�d Fi�ehouse 9
Willow Circ�e Parce�s (4 pa,rce�s) 25 Additional
�ia�. Deve�opment District 435 Accomnodation
� �15 Dwellir�g
� P�.�k�n Creek Park 100
Vazl Village Inn �.$� Accoimiodation
MansfY�ld Village 150 Accomnodatior�
156 Dw��lzng
The Mark (I I I) 101. Accoirrrioda.tian
20 Dwelling
VaiJ. Rtui (II) I.3g
(Unless o�he�vise noted, th� Units l�.s�ed above are dw�lling un,its wl�ich have
The S�af� is a�.so pr�sently looking at dev�Iopzng exi�2ria �or re�onings,
� chang�.ng tne appeal pxocedures so �that they are mor� consa.s�en� -Ehroughou�
the Zonaing Ord�nance and trying to better clarify the call up procechzre on
Desig� Review Baard and Pla,nna..�g Comnission matters appea��:d to the Counc�I.
We ho�e to have informatzan on these �a,tters to you shor��y.
DATE: 2-7.1-$0
Lis�ed belaw are a series qf aptions flf GRFA restrictions. These forrrnz].as
are nat the only options av�a.ilable �d they c�.n be man�pulated to suzt �he
Tqwr�'s needs.
OP'rIC6.V' LC}T ARF� (Square Fee�) PII'�CIlVTAGE OF LOT ARF� GRFA (Sc�uare Fee�}
1 0-�5,0�0 25% 0-3750
1�,000--30,000 �Q% 37�0-5250
30,000 & Ove�c 0%
�____----------------�_---_-----------------------__--__------------------�250 �____
2 0--I5,000 25% 0-3'750
15,000-25,000 � �.0% 375()-4750
_:�__.�25,000_&_4ver __��____��____-----
----------- ----_------------------� ---475Q_-�____
3 0-15,000 25% 0-3750
• 15,000-20,000 IO% 3750-4?5fl
20,000-30,000 5% 4250--4750
3�,000 & Over _��0%___M_
_�_.�_.�___.�_____�.��_--------------------------- ------------`�750^^......__
4 0-15,004 25% 0-3750
Z5,000-�O,Q00 5% 3`750-4500
30,000_& Over Oa 45Q0
-------------- --__.�__�____-----------�___—______W._..�.__------------
5 0-15,000 25% Q--375Q
15,000-20,000 10% 375Q-4250
25,OOp & Over 0% 4250
6 0--��,o00 ��� o-���o
15,OQ0-25,000 5% 3750-4250
25,000 & Over 0% 4250
Department af Camnunity Deve�opmen� S�aff xecot�tnends number four.
Ma�ch 10, 1980
1:40-3:00 P.M. Work Session ox� Vai� Villa�e and LionsHead
3:00 P,M. Public Hear�ng
I. ) Approva.]. of Minutes af 2-25--80 Meeting
2.) Approval of Ikavelopment P�an and Lot Lin� Vacation i�qu�st �ox �imba Run
Condcmini� Project located �n Lots 6--9 and part of 10, Res�a.bdzv�si.on
of B1ocI� C, Lzansri.dge Fa1�ng No. I.
3. ) Discussion of.Zoning on eigh� parce�.s o� prapertp presen�ly own�d
by Fores� Ser�vice wh�ch w�r� recen�ly ann�xed into the Towr� of Vai7.
by Ordin�.nce No. 7, Scric�s 1980.
�. ) Conditional Use Per�it to a�Xow instal.].ata.on ar�d u,se a� an 18 hol.e
mi.x�.ia�ure gr�1f cottrse on Lo� �, Block 1, L�.omshead 1st Fi1�ng and
'I`ract H, Lionshead 3rd Filing..
5. ) Park�ng Variance for the de�e�ion of e�ght parking spaces unde�ground
�o bui�,d ac�d�tiona�. mee��n9 space at the Cres�t Ioeated on Lot 2, Block l,
Vail Lionshead F�.Iing No. 2.
Plannang and �v�.xonm�al�al Comnission
� Meeting o� Ma,�ch 14, �.980 Minutes
Page One
Manbers Present
Gerry White
Ed Dra.ger
Dan Corcoran
Ra�+er Txl�etnei,er
Sandy Mi1ls (ca�ne aix� after Sta�f Px�esentation o� S�rnba Run)
Member not present
J'im Mo�gaan
Council Person Present
Ran Tod.d
S-taff Membe�s Pxesent
Peter Patten
Dicl� Ryan
Jim Rubin
� Item �2 was taken f�.rs�.
2. ) A roval o� Deve�o ment P1an and Lot Line Vacation Re uest for Simba
Run Condom7.nium Pro'ect J.ocated on Lots �-9 and paxt o� �0, Ftesizladivis�.on
of Block C, Lzortsridg�e�Filiri�IVo: l.
Peter Patten ga� �he Sta�� Presentatzon. Peter said �ha� �he Board had
been sen� capies of �etters anc� other a�nfoz�na.tion regarding �he cancerns
on this pro,�ect fx�am the Ias� meeting. Diana Taughi7,T. ha.d rne� t��h Skip
Goraon o� tl�e Transportation Departmen� and Peter and th�y had �one out
to the si�e and found the �est p�ace for �he bus tuxn-�of�. Skip also felt
a s�aelter wnuld be best a� the location and D�ana� Toughill had agreed. Peter
said at the ta.me o� the ��t�g, Diana ha.d said she wauld ha.ve to check wi�h
the architects regarding the location of the b�us turn-of�. Diana Toughill
�n:��rjt�cted here that there is no � problem wa.th the turn-off and shelter
at ti�a.t locatian. They ha.ve not had �7rne to draw it on the sa.te plan, however.
Pe�ex� said Kent Rose had sent a �etter sayang tha� he �'inds the raad to be
adequa,te. Patex al.so said the PEC l�ad received a copy of the le�ter from
the archztects on the 1ancTscaping; ar�d a copy of the letter fr�n �he dev�loper
addressing the conditions raised at �h� 2-25--SO meeting.
��anning and Enviranmen�a� Commis�ian
. 3-10-$O M�xiu�es--Page 'I�vo
Sizr�ba Ruri conti.nued
Diana Toughill., repre�enting the d�ve�oper, asl�ed i� anyone had any
questions r�ga.rding the material presented to them.
Ed Drager asked who wzl� pay �or �he private shuttle, public bus turn-of�,
and bus sk�el�er. D�.ana sa�d �he developer.
Ed also sa.�.d �hat $250,0�0 is $1.25/square foot of open space on the s�.te.
He does not �ee� that is adequate. Tom Brit�e� said they had used tha.t �iguare
a��er consulting two qual��ied lax�dsca�e architec�s. They bo�h �el� the dol�.ar
amount was s�.f�a€.cient. They also both said the p�.anta.ng of trees over I.0-12
feet tall would l�e d�f�icult as they woul.d not have con�inued growth.
Ed Dra�er said �hat still does not sa,tisfy him,
Tam �riz�er said they doz�'t want ta hixe a 1a�dscape axchitect until they
l�tow they have an appravec� pro�ec�.
Ed ]�arager said the pro�ec� was presented and T`sold" to �he PF]C as being
heavily landscaped and his doesn'� feel $250,000 worth of ten �oot t�rees
is adeg,uate.
� Da.ana Tough�.�� sa�d t�ua people who are �xperts in their �ield, said it
was adeq,ua�t�.
Peter Patten saa�d he wanted.to po�nt out one more canda.t�on that he forg�ot
to mention earlier. 'I'Y�e developer would like to offer 2Q0 rr�mbershxps
in arr�enx�ies. 129 r�rou�d be �or owners and the ba�a,nce open to the public.
Sandy Mills askc-�d Ed Drager xf he s��'].J. :�ee�s the landsca.pe plan as
�nadequat� �'om Briner said �arger trees will not grow.
Ro�er Ti.lkemei,er asked to be excused to ca11 a �.andscape cotr�a.ny in
Sandy Mi11s asked i.f by adcling ano�k�er bus s�op on Lionsridge Loop, �he
service wil� b� of a lesser qua.l.ity. Da�ana Tot�gha.11 sa.3d �ha� a� their
meeting a� �he si�e, Sl�ip said by addzng this stop, it migh� solve the
prablerr�s that exist thexe now.
Rogeac Tilke�nei�r are�tarza�;d and said he had called Rocky Mauntain Tree
exper�s and �h�r ha.d sa,a�.c� a tre� 1C-18 feet ta1� (Gottonwood) would have
no prob�.�n wi�h continuai growth if planted correctly.
Tom Brirzer sa.id they ha.d p�anted la,rge cot�;onwoods a� �he School Board
of f ices x.n EagJ.e and they had all died. He sa.id th�y would be glad to
get �hem. He sazd he want�d to poi.nt out tha,t you can get rr�ore trees
� at �2 �eet tYian you can at 20 �ee�. He said �his could be discussed
further d�rzng the DRB process.
Planning and EnvYronrr�n�al Comnission
3-1Q-80 Mir�ut�s--Page Thr��
Simba Run continued
Dan Corcoran sai� that s�.,nce �he �andscaping is to be done �.n phasing,
the problc� of whether 20 foot trees ��1 grow cou�cl be l�andled during
the phasing.
Ger�^q White saa�d spruce axe much s�urdier tha.n Co�-�o�woods and wo�d
like to see those -�oo. However, he does arealize the cost.
Ed Drager said he stiZl Y�as a concerr� tha� ��iey are li�niting themselves
ta $250,000 and tha� by �he tame they get to their �ast pha,.se, that amo�ant
will have x�un a�xt.
Roger Tilkemeier sa.id the cond-it�.on should be phrased $250,000 or more.
Diana Toug�i�1.1 said they ha,d �used that �ig�e so that the Board wou�d
l�c�w tha.t there is money. I� more is rec�uired, they �i.11 use more.
Sandy Mi��s said she still has several prob�.ems wi�h this. There ar� lax�e
bui.�da.ngs here with a great �npact and they need to be screened. . There is
a need fox� a �ot of Blue Spruce. She sa,id perhaps PEC should give a directive
�o DRB.
� Da.n, Corcoran sa�d the p�an is what is �ortant, not the da�lax amatu�t.
Tom Br�.zaer said it �s rec�nded tk�a.� 1 3/4 to 2% of the total budge�
should go �o la,ndscaping. They are allocat�ng more than that.
Gerxy White asked for a tmtion.
Diana Toughi�l saa.d at the compl�t�on o� Phase I, they w3�I need the site
l.andscaped very wel� to se11 Phase II and so on. They are gr�ing to rrr�e
sure it looks gaod.
Ed Drager said that �.s sti�.�. no� adequate.
Gerry Whi�e a�ked fo� a motYOn. Since no one mad� a motion, Gerry m�.de
a motion �o a�prove the Develop�ent Plan and Lot Line Va�ation Request
for Simba Run CondominiLUn Praject located on Lots 6-9 and paxt of 1Q,
Resubdivisian of Black C, I,ionsridge Fi�.�ng Na. 1 includi.ng the conditions
se� �arth by the staf� zn the 2-25-80 P]]C packet and based on tne letters
in the 3-1,0-80 PEC packet with the modi.fica�ion that the landscaping be
$250,000 or maxe as reqttired to �u��i�l the plan �ha.t w�ll be approved
bq the Design R�viEwv Board. Rog�er Tilk�ier seconded the mo�tion.
Rog�r �ilkemeier, Gerxy White and Ed Drage� voted for approva�.. Sandy
MiI1s voted a,�;ainst and Dan Co�rcoran voted aga.ins�. Sandy felt ��e
stz��. ha,s problems with this project.
P�anning and E�vironrr�n-�al Comrn_�iss�.on
3-10-80 M3,nutes—Page Four
3. ) Discuss�.on a� Zon��on eight parcels of property p�resentl.y oumed
by Forest Servzce which wexe �ecen�ly'�exed irito the Town of Va�.T.
�_.Ord�.nance No. '7, Sexies �.9�0.
Peter Pat�en made �he sta�� pres�nta�ion. This proper�y i,vas recently
ann�xed into the Tcn►m and at tha,t time the Fores� Se�rice wa,s �old �ha�
i�t wauld be zoned as c�.ose to the County �ona.ng as possa.ble. Thi.s would
be Agricu�tural and O�n S�ace. Peter went over the �and on the rnap.
Dan Coarcoran said mos� o� �hese were en�orcement proble�s and were asked
to be annexed by the Police Depar�rr�nt.
Jim Pa.��on of the Forest Service said the Federal Govext�.tnent's zon�.ng
overrides a�l o�her zoning. Tt�ey are ha,ving �his rezaned because State
La.w requires it. Agri,cultural and Open Space .is the closest to the
County �oning �hat was on these pa.rcels prior to annexation and is
closest to �the Forest �ervice's Mu�tip�e Use Zone.
Gerry White asked �.f they shouldn't be �oned Green B�l� as A�icu.Itur�,l and
C?p�n Space permits residences.
Jazn Pa.�an said there are structures or roads on all these parcels naw.
� Ed Drager said if ariyone were to negoitiate a trade in ti�e future, they
wou�d be able to bu�.ld a residence -�ttder Agr�,cultttral and Open Space and
they wouZd not be ab�.e �o build under Green Belt.
Jim Paxon sai,d he would Iike to see the Zoning all�wed on Green Be7.t.
He sa�d the minim�un lat szze on these pa.�cels is five acres.
Roger Tilkemea.er sa,id the current zonin� is �. t�at �or evexy 35 acres.
under Agricu�tuxal and Qpen Space, if a piece is under �he 35 acres �hey
are s�iXY allowed to bua.ld a �n�t.
Ed Drager said i� th� land were zoned A & 0,5 and were traded, th�n a unit
could � bui�.t on it.
Jim Pa,�on saa.d he would �.ike to see the Tawn acqua:xe same o� t�ese lands.
Gerry Whi�e said the intent is to restrict �he zr�ing to the least dense �.se
which he feels woul.d be Gre�n Belt.
Roger Tilkerr�zer sa.id the zoning needs to be mtt�tipXe use with gra.��.ng p�xmitted.
The �'orest Service is an�y going through this re�nn�,n� beca.use it is rcquired
by S�ate La,w. The Forest Service doesn't have to recogn�ze Town �oni;ng.
Plann�g and Eh�rzronmental Comniss�on
3-10-SO M�nutes—Page Four
� F�rest Sc�z a�ce cont�.nued
Ed Drager said Pub�ic Use District Zoning would. be appropr�ate on sane o�
the paxc��s also.
�e�xy White sa,id he doesn't �hink each parcel should be considered separatel.y.
A1� �he parcels shou7d be zoned one th�.g a�d i� it is n�cessaxy �.ater, they
can be chaz�ged by rezonzng or vaxiance.
Roger Tilkernea.ex saic� h� th�nks we shou�d ge�t th� Green Be1t zonzng ta tl��
Forest Servzce.
Dan Corcoran said he thinks the PTA7 shouid be given to the Forest Scr�ric� to
read also as �� is mor� f7.exa.ble.
Roger Ti7kemeier sa,�d Peter should get t�gether with Jim P�on ta loak at
the di�£erent zones.
Ed Drager asl�ed if �here i.s time under the anne�,tion rules7
D�ck Ryan said �he�e is as we have 90 da�s fx�cxn annexatian.
Ron Todd said w� are not locked irito one zone di.s�rict �or all �he parcel.s.
Gerxy White said �nxng each �arcel separa��ly would rec�uire a study session.
• Rager Tilkexneiex made a motion to pos�pone th� Zaning on eight parcels
o� property presently o�ned by the Forest Service which were �ecently
annexed into t�e Tow�a o� Vai1 by Orclinaz�ce No. 7, Series 19$0 Lmtil the
March 24 mee�ing of the Planning a,nd �.ivironmen�a�. Conanissian to g,ive the
S�a,�f time to vcroark with the For�s� Service. Ed D�ager secanded. the motion
and Roger Tilkerr�ier, Ed Drager, Gerry White and Sandy Mr�.Is voted for the
postponerr�nt and nan Carcoran abs�ained.
�. ) Conditzpnal Use Perm2� to al�ow �ns�a�.�ation and use af ar� 18 hoZe
rn�.niature �f coux�se on T�ot 4, B1ock 1 Lionshead 1st Filiri and
Trac� H, Lionshead 3xd Filing.
Roge�r Ti�kerr�eier asked to be excused as he has a 4:00 P,M. meeting. H�
sa,id �e wou�.d like �t ta be ��wn that he i.s in �a.vor of thi;s �t�n.
Peter Pat�ten made a pxesen�a�ion from the Staff. S�.id Benedzct passed
arourid �he ma.terzals an �he Golfcourse. He showed a si.te p�an and
ga,ve his presentatian. A11 �he holes wa.Z1 dep�_ct bu�lclings e�Gc. in
Vail. Tfaey will be custan ma,de. There wi�1 be sue;h things as �he
Vail Chapel, �he Gondola, �he Skiers Br:�.dge, the Covered Bridge, the
Eisenhawer Tunnel, ��c. They are going to keep the cost mini.�rra.�.--
$2.50 for adul.ts and $1.50 for children. Tt �.s basically to encouxage
people to corr�e ta Lionshead during the stazrmer.
Planning and Environrr�nta�. Comnission
3-10-80 Manutes-�-Pa.�e Five
. Gol�cotxrse continued
Sandy Mills askecl, a.f �he land is owned by the An.t�ers.
Bud B�nedic�t said �.� is owned by VA and showed where it is on the map.
He expla�ned tha� he as sta1.1 nE���a�7ng with them_for a fi�re year lea�e.
G�rry White asked i� there wil.� be piped miusic. Bud said there will not.
He showed whe:re the �i�hting will be and explained how it w�ll be done so
tha.� it will not be �too bright.
Bud explained. that �� ha.d a rr�et�a.g this r�x�ning rega.rding his lease.
They sti�.]. have two problems wr�h it. �ey want a struct�aaral engineer
�to Iook at the plan �o tt�e sure it is safe. They also want to make
sure the access is adequate for t�e� emp�oyees.
�d Drag�:r aslied about the signage. Bud sa�d �.t wa.1� be very minit�a.l and
shc�wed a ske�ch.
���er Pa�ten.said the whole project a.ncluding the signage wi�I ha,ve to gn
ta Design R,eview Board.
Ed Drager asked if the Boax�d is approving this �or an �i,ndef in�.te pera.pd o�
time. He wouZd have a pxob�em with i.t if tha.t were the case. He feels he
wauld. Yike to Iook at xt aga�i.n a���x �he �irst year.
. Bu.d sa�.d he a.s hoping �or a �ive year lease with Vaa1 Associates. He wou�d
hape the Conclit�onaY Use Permit would be for a s�.milar period o� time. H�
said the rrnn�es gc�nearated �rom thi� will be enough to keep everything in
rea�ly good shape. His �.ntent is to do �his in a fir�t class way.
Bud caid he has a pe�ition signed by all �he merc�ant and condo c>�me�rs
who would be impacted by thzs except B.J. Britton who vra.s zn favox� but
wa.s out o� town when this was signed. Hc� sa.id �hey plan to advert�:se
to bri.�ag people �r�n the Vil�a,g� to Li.onsk�ead and enhance the bus3ness
].zability in Lionsheac�.
Sandy MiYls asked �f the Board should put a �ime limit on it.
Ed Drager ,said Y�e would put a one year limxt on it and ha:ve th�n came
back next year.
Ed Drager made a moti.an that the Conditional Use Pe�mi.t to a�low �nstaYla�zon
and U,se o� an �8 hole mina.ature gr�lf co�rs�: on Lo� 4, B�ock �., Lionshead ist
Filing and Tract H, Linnshead 3rd Fil�ng iri accardance wi.th �he conditians
Xisted a.n the Staff Memo af 3-6-$0 and with �he addita.on of the concli�ion
that the�e be no piped rrn�ic or pul�Iic address system and that the Conditional
Use Pertn�t would expire on 12-3�--80. �andy Mi.11s seconded the motion. The
vote was unarrimous.
Pianning and Environmental Corrmission
3-10-$0 Mzn.utes--Page Six
� 5. } Parking Vax�.ance �or the delet�.on o� eigh� park7ng spac_es �anderground
to buil.d additional meeting�space'at the �xest �ocated on Lot 2 Block 1,
Vai� Lionshead Fi�.�ng No. 2.
Peter Patten ma,de the Sta�f Px�esenta��.on on �ha.s i�t�m. Fie explained that the
Cr�st's paxk�ng wa,s buil� be�ore the cu�rent parka.ng foxlrnzla wa,s s�ar�ed. They
have Y2 excess spaces according to the cur�rent formul.a. By adding the meeting
raom, they w�ou�d need 5 more spaces than cttrren�l�r reqtz�.red and they would have
e�imi,nat�d these spaces. The Sta.ff is rec�nd�n� denial of this and ��at they
cauld bua�ld the mee-ting space i� they �re wilx�ng to make at simal��r and include
�he rec�uired spaces.
Ed Drager ask�d if the spaces �hey �zow k�ave are �ed. Nat I-�arris, xepresen�ting
the C:rest, said �hey are not. Sandy Mills said these wn.used spaces co�x�d be
leased by the Town or sorr�eone else a,s �here is a great need for parkin� in Town.
Nat Harris said with the rise �n ga.s praces, there is less trave� by cax� and rnox�e
and rr�ore of their guest are coming by plane ete. The mec�ing space �cvi�1 z�ot create
a need �or rrr�re park�.ng spaces.
Sa.ndy M�.1.ls asked why a.f the addita.on of a meeting room is such a plus, they
j�st don't take tw�o hote�. rooms and r�a,ke them a.nto meeta.ng space.
Ed Drager sa�.d �he rules say they have 12 iri excess but need �ive marc Y� �they
. add the meeting room even though they prabably wori'� use the five spaces.
Nat Ha.rris said they do have room on top for tlae �a.ve spaces.
Dan Ca�coran saa.d �hey can't exc�ed their sit� covera.ge on top.
G�:rry.Whxte said he �eels that rneet�g spacQ c�oes attract more ca.rs. Granting
�h�s vaxaance w�u1d be a da.ngexous p�ecedent to set.
Nat Harris sa.id they can't conver� �wo hate�. roorr�s. It just wat�ldn't be appropxa.a��.
Cerxy Whi�e said he �eels �his would �ae a vexy d�if�icul� tYaixig to grant�
Da,n Corcoxan sa.id if parking wasn't a problem, we wottldn't be build�ng a
n�w paxking structure.
The manage�r a� the Cres� said people a�re a�.ready pa.rking in their excess
Dan Corcoran said if peop�.e are parkiz�.g illega].ly -�here, the Town of Vail
wi�l tow therrx.
Ed Dra.ger asked abaut the size of the meet�ing room. The plans were shovvn to the
PZannYng and Envaro�men�a� C�rrrnission
3--10-80 Minutes---Page Seven
Ed Drager ask�d Jirn Rub�.n about the parking study he clid a �ew �rears ago.
Jim Rubin saic� it clid show the Cre�� parking was never at capacity. Howe�rer,
�he Ordinance does xequire this parking. The concern with putting more spaces
on top xs that more aspYaalt is added. He sai.d a� the Boax'd w�a.nts the Staff
to lodk at chang�ng the Ordinance regarding the park�ng rec��axc�cl by M��ing
S�ace, they cou�.d do t�tat.
Peter Patten sa,ad he would 1ik� �o poin� out that if they did put the spa.ces
an top, they �xld have to corne to D1�B.
Jim �tubin saa.d the s�a.�� �eE�s the b�st solution wauld be to take out less than
twelve spaces to t�� the rneet�ng roorrs.
Nat Harrzs asked how you calcula�e how many they cou.l.c1 �ake out.
Jasn Rttbin said he thou�it they cou�.d stil3 remove abou�t eight spaces but
he would have to go through the mathematics.
. Ed Drager asked Bud Benedict wha.� his opinion is. Bud said he is pre,�udiced.
He said ta believe that meeting rooir�s requ�re more� parking a.s total�.y unrea�is�tic.
They ha.ve rno�e than they need. People axe no� driving in this season. T�a.ey are
naw 100% occupied and sta�11 hav� �.0--15 parking spaces. H� sa.id �he Zoriing Ordinanee
and the PEC have to keep �p with the times. We are going to see f�vcrer a�d �ewer
cars corn�.ng hexe. He said the v�.aba:�i��r of �r Vail is the abi�.i�y to bring
conventians here. H� said �here are t�xnes when you tuiYl ha,ve too c�ny cars, but
by an large, you wiX� not.
Gerry Wb:i�� said l�is experience a.s di��erent. He bel�eve �he peopl� are sti11
gaing to be in �he auto. He sa.id Colorado people are �i�e pxime �r v,isitor
and they.axe going to drive here. He said the bus and Rocky Mountain airtiv�ays
have proved to b� tanre�iable for a lo� of peap�e this wi.ntex. More �eople are
rentzng ca.rs. They have had a need �or r�re park�.ng �his winter at the Ra,�harn.
Stxd said his experience is dif�eren�t.
Gerry White sa.zd trends chang� and ha,tes to see everyone give up their park3ng
spaces. Tl�e future is unp�edictible.
Ge�xy asked if there are any other cormients.
Sandy Mills made a motion to deny the Pa�king Varzance �or the deZ�ta.on of eight
parking spaces underground to build addi�ianai rr�ting spa,ce at the Crest located
on Lot 2, Block l, Vai� Lzanshead Filing.No. Z as per the Staff Memo a� 3-�0-80
� as zt �tala be granting of a spec.�a� pri�ilege. Dan Corcora� seconded the motion.
Th� vote wa.s -ta�an.irrious. Gerry informed the app�.icant tha.t they can appeal this
to the Tawn Cotmcal.
P1,ann.ing axzd Environrrienta� Com�ission
3-7.0-80 Minutes--Page Eight
The Cres� continued.
Sandy Mi�].s a,s�ked if the Board feels the Staff should look ��to whether
the Ordi.nance shouZd be changed regaxdi.ng the arequ�ement of more parking
�or rneeting space. Ron Todd said he �ee1s sotr� o� the assumptioris sta�ed
today were wrong. I)an Corcoran said he feels a st�ady wou�d have to be done
before any changes ccntld be tnade.
Nat Harris said he th�nks they w.�ll try to pu� the adcli�ianal fave spac�s
on top.
Dan Corcoran said they will still have to go through DRB.
��err� #1 wa.s then heard.
�. ) A��rova3 of M�inutes of 2-25-80 Meet�g.
Sandy Mills sa,i.d she had a questi.on regarding a discussion on the �.s� Bar�.
Ed Drager had asked about �he use of the loft space. It was sta�ted that
it was �o be s�orag�e and ma.ybe sr�neda.y offi.ce. EcI a�k�d if they would have
to corr� back -�o the Boaxd i� they chaizged it to offic� spac� and the answer
wa.s yes. San,dy sa.�d it Ys her understanding that since the meeting, it has
� been discovered tha.t that spac� wa.s oarigina].�.y considered for o�fiee space
a�d they wou�d not hav� to come back to P�C. J� Ruban said tha� is correc�.
However, he also add�d tha,� the appxaval. of the lst Bank item has been appealed
to the Council. by the Vail Rcligious Founda�ion. Jirn said tha.t at the 2-25-8p
meeting he didn't real�.ze that the 1o�t space was inc].uded in the n�mUers and
it is axzd they wou�.d not have to come back �to us� �hat space as an offic�.
Cathae Jarnot said tha,t will not affect �he minutes and the Boaxd said it
wou�d not.
Sandy Mills made a motion. to appx�ove �he mi.nutes. Ed. Dxager seconded. The
vote wa.s un�imous.
Tt�.e meet�ng was adjaurn�d at 4:55 P.M.
DAT�: 3-�-8D
The eigk�t parcels axe as �ollows:
Parcel S�� in Acres General Location
A 10.995 NW o� Potato Patch Club
B �0.243 �]E of 4 way stap �nt�rsection
C �.�..498 So. of Forest Rd. West Sea�bert Ci,rcle
D 5.006 So. o� Pta..rmigan Rd.
E 10 So. of Vail Valley Dr.
{Golfcourse Area)
F 14.5�.8 No. of Booth Fal1s Rd.
• G 5.182 No. o� ��ain Gore Dr. (�ast Va31)
H �0 �ast of Present Fast Bouric�ary o�
Sa tha,t �oning on these paxce�.s rana,�.n.s consistent with pres�nt County 2onin,g,
the Departrnent af Comc�a.tnity Development reco�ncis Agricult�al and Open Space
Zoning on �hesc� pa.rcels (I unit/35 acres).
Peter ha,s a map a� these parcels an his o��ice if you v,Tould lake ta �ook
at �hem be�ore the meeting.
DATE: 3-7-Sq
Attached are the let�ers and other i.nf�rm�.�ta.on you required on
�he Simba R�.m Deve�opment Plan.
� `
. � A�
taWn o� �a i
�box 100 , department of puhiic works
vail,calarado 87667
{3�3} 476•5613
' Ma.rch 4, 19$0
Ms. D�ana ToughiJ.].
L & M Professional Cansvl-�ants, Inc.
Bax 726
Vail, 00 81657
Dear Diana:
I have review�ed the carry3ng capacity of �he �oca1 roa.dway �ystc�t
sezving the propased Sa�nba Run deve7.oprr�nt and find a.t adequa�te to
• absorb the addi�xonal 147 units added.
zn mak�ng this review, g�o�etry of the roadwa.y inc�uding grades,
s�app�ng sight distances, ver�aca3 and horizo��al cux�ves and width
wa.s considered. The sar� criteria u.sed in the creation o� �he Baghorn
Street I�rovemen� Distric� �o establish trips genera�ed per dwe��ing
unit was al�o used.
The only de�iciency in the local raadway system i.s proper sigiixcg
anc! �olicing o� no parking �,ones. This shauld not be a concexn of
�his d�veloper and will be addresseci by the Public Works Depart�nt
Vezy �ru1y youxs,
����.� � ���,
Ken-� R. Rose, P.E. �s.�
Directoz� f
cc: Tc�wn o� Va�I P�ann�g and �.viranmental Comnissian
. '
� March 6, 1980
briner,'SCO�� Ms. D i ana Tot�gh i 1 1 , V i ce P res i den t
architects �- � M Professional Consultants, Inc.
Box 726
143 e. meadow dr. Va i ] , Co1 orado 81657
w�l,colorado 81657
(3Q31 476•3038
D�ar piana:
Regarding the ]andscape plan for Simba Run 1 thought we had addressed
that aspect of the project in the mann�r prescribed by the 5D5 ordinance.
Our prese�t preliminary landscape plars shows existing and changed contaurs ,
thus indicating "existi�g la�dscape features to be retained or removed".
Our plan further shows tFte location of bicycic path, putdopr paved areas, and
a to� lot. 7he plan shows the �xterst of open space as well as proposed
ext�nt and location oF tree planting. I be� ieve that our presei�t plans
provide the P3annir�g Commissian with a concept and scope of iandscaping
to the degree of detail intendec� by the ordinance, which requires that
"features" of the landscape plan be designat�d.
Because af the always nebulus starus o� projects at this stage of t�e
• pro�ect's design and beca�se I thought the planrring commission a�d town
staff were Ofl�y LO review the project in concept form I did not retain
�xplicit landscape architecture ca�sulta*ion but have described the project
to two landscape architects either of whom would be interested in this
project. The landscape budget of $250,000 has 6een established with input
from a landscape architect ° such a budget wou�d al �ow "�or a pianting
scheme that includes "mature" trees dependi�g upon yo�ar definition. It
is unreasonable to expec� success if trees beyand 10' - 12' hig#� are
transp�anted. Curiously, targer trees, if they surviv� the tra�splanting
can not be expected to grow much beyond their size wh�n transplanted!
We wauld not suggest planting Crees all nf one size. We believe tf�at in
some araas of tF�e si�e, particulariy the south east corner at th� Frontage
Raad, we can raise the existing grade 6' - 8' by way of terracing. The
effect would be like a berm in that it would block the view fram the
�'rontage Rbad. With trees planted on these terraces a barrEer height
could be 16` to 20' above the road. We wouid no� want a harsh man macEe form
+n this locatio�. That is why l refer to the term "terracing" rather t�an
"be rrn".
. 7�e palette of tree materiats as discussed with the landscape architects
would inc�ude �odge pale pine, balsam poplar, narrow leaf cottonwoods and
_ aspen. All of these can be transplanted up to 10' -]2` . We have discussed
spruce and certain ornamental trees as I�orway maple and hopa crab as comp� i-
ments to �he larger star�ds af pine, cottonwoods and aspen. As nated on the
pretiminary plan we woe�ld hope for ornamental plantings adjacent the pool
terrace assuming our exposure wilt al �ow it.
• � March 6, 1980
Page 2
. We believe that landscaping can �e most ef�iciently ha�dled in two phases
- see the accompaning sketch. �hase I would prnvide screening �rom and of
the Frontage Road. Aside from the ptanting o� materiais n�ted above�tihe
iandscape budget of approximately $125,OQ0.00 fo� this phase must inctude
irrigation, planting of pool roof, and construction of the bicyc3a �ath.
We are concerned that substantiai planting beyond what is shown would
be endang�red by construction of the north and west buildings. Phase 2
3andscaping wou�d provide scre�ning a]ong the west properCy lin� and
Lionsridge loop. There is an exte�sive amaunt of shailnw terracing between
the narth and west buildings and I be� ieve that most of �he ornamenta�
planting would take place during this phase, with some of these materials
going back �n to t�e Phas� 1 area.
�inally, if construction would permit, we would like to start snme tree
planting i� 5pring of 1g81 possibly designating a portion of the site as
a "nursery" from which we could transplanti as building construction
E hope this gives you enough of an outline oR the issue af landscaping.
I � you have any questions pleas� don' t hesitate ta ca] 1 me.
Yours truly, •
Thomas A. Briner
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5333 Mission Center Road,Suite 310
. San Diego,California 92108
{714)297-5480 Telex: SDG 69-5032
March 3, 198Q
�erry White, Chairman
Planning and Environmental Commission
Town of Vail
P. 0. Box J.00
Vai]., Colorado 81657
RE: Approval of Simba Run Condominium - Special
Development Dzstrict 5
Dear Gerry :
At the Planning Commission hearing qf �'ebruary 25, 1980, The
Commission required that five canditions be addr�ss�d in
a�rdex �or approva] �o be gran�ed at �he �l�arch 10 mee�ing.
Our response to the conditions is as follows :
� �, Transportation and private shuttle service - SD5 requi�ces
that w� provide priva�e shu��1� service �a serv� �h� �rans-
portatxon �eeds of the praject . SD5 further requires that
the developer prov�de a bus stop .
Our proposed development plan and environmenta7 zmpact
report include both of �k�ese requirements; however, we have
been requested by the Town sta�f to delete the bus stop �rorn
our project because the the planned atops are at Vai� Run to
the east and Valla. Hi to the west . Thexe also seems ta be
same d�sa�ree�ne�a� among s�aff inembers whether �o make �he
public transportat�on easily accessible to encourage its
use, or to discourage use o� the public system in order to
favor the private trans�ortation service �rovided }�y �he
As we i.ndica�ed a� �he hearing , we are mare than will.�.ng to
work w�.�h the Town staff ta arrive a� �he bes� so1u��.on far
botk� the �ub�i.c and private transportation systems for the
project and the Lions Ridge area.
2. Publ.ic street system -� Kent �ose stated at the pub�ic
hearing that the present stre�t system is adequate to handle
the t�ra��ic genexated by the p�oposed pxnject and that the
current p�oblems �.re created by improper or i�legal
on�s�re�� pa�king which can be con�rolled by signing and
� policing. The Planning Comm�ss�on requir2d tha� this
statement �e in wxiting and w� have requested that the
Pub�ic Works Depax�ment provide the Plannzng Comm�ssion with
the requ��ed documentatinn, w�ich they have agreed to do.
3. Amenat�es T SD5 requires that the ameni�ies be ope� to
the public on a fee bas�s �ava�ing condominium awn�rs and
guests . As we expressed at the mee�ing, L & M wou�d prefer
not to have the fac�li�ies open to the pubiic; however we
wi�� comply with the requiremen� if the Town feels �t �s
necessary .
If the facz�i�ies mus� be made available to the public, we
wauld propose �o do so on a �imited membership basis with a
max�mum o� 200 memberships, 129 of these g�ven to condo-
minium owners . O�vners wou�d have pr�ority for reserva�ion
o� tennis and racqu�tball courts . Employee hous�ng resi�
d�n�s wou�d have access to the amenities at non-peak times.
�. The Department o� Community Development outli�ed fo�r
cond��ions in �heir 2-20-80 mema wh�ch we have agreed to and
have incorporated into our deve�opment p�an :
a. � bicycle path wil� be constructed from east �o
wes� �hxaugh the property.
� b. 18 employee housing uni�s as out�ined �n the memo
and z�lustrated on our development plan will be
provid�d instead of 10 apartments required by the
c. Develop�x will provide priva�e shut�le servic�
for the project as out�xned �n �tem 1 of this
d. Th� five parking spaces an the south side of the
main entrance will b� removed.
5. Landsca�ing - As we indicated at �he hearing and on the
landscape plan, submitted as a part of our development plan,
e�tens�ve �andscaping will be provided with each phase. W�
have budgeted $250, 000 �or landscaping and will hire a
landscape archi�ec� �o design the detazled landscap� plan to
be submitted to Design Review Board. �Ve w�1� pravide ma�ure
trees which wil� b� incorporated into our final landscape
p�an. A separate lettex �rom Briner/Sco�t is a�tached
regarding landscaping.
Our architects, Br�ner/Scott were also reques�ed �o in-
vestigate decreasing the I�eight . The �eszgn as subrnitted
� meets the he�ght �imzt outlined in the zoning ordi�ance
. .
. and we strongly feel that the proposed design results in the
best site plan. Zf we were �o reduce the �eight of the
pxoject to mee� �he proposed new ordinance, it would result
in additional site co�exage and �ess green area. Phase I
contains �h� only portion of the project which is E stor�es
�n height. Phases TT and 3II contain no portions o� build-
ings aver 5 stories in height.
Aga�n, we want to assure the Planning and Env�ronmental
Comm�ss�on that we are more �han willing to wo�k wxth �he
mown to make Simba Run a project that we can a1I be proud
of ,
Si�c e�y, _
Vi.ce President
cc: Pendleton, Sabien & Craft
Leon De�cas
� DST/kjb
DATE: March 6, 1980
�'he appl�,cants wishe��o install an �8-Ho�e Miniature Golf Course Fac�laty
in the area Southeast of Monson'� Sun Deck in L�.onshead. It would b�
operated June �hrough eax�y- mid Oc�ober. A 48 squa.re foo� ticket booth
s�ructure is proposed. The facil�ty wa�td be 3.x1 operat�on from approxi,-
mate�y X2 noon to 10 P.M. A �ence consisting o� wood poles and wire rnesl�
�o stop the golf ba�ls is a].so propased.
Upon revi�w o� Sec��an 18.600, the Departmen� of Camn�ity Development
recorrir�nds Approval o� �he Conditional Use Permat based t�on the �ol�owi.ng
� factors:
Consideration af Factors:
Relationship and irnpac� of the use on develognen� objectives of th�
Town. - - � —
One of the develo�nent objec��.ves of the Tavn is �to inerease comnerca.al
usage o� �he Lionshead axea. '�'he Staff feels this proposaX greatly enhances
activity and creates a mo�re l�vely atmosph�r� in this current�.y "dead" space.
The e�fect of use on li � and air clistxibuta.an of o la�ion tran z~tat.ion
facil�ties, utilities schnals, arks and recreation �aci�ities, and other
ublic �aci].i�ies and ublic facilities tieedso
The �raposed use adds ano�ther ditr�ens�.an of public recr�ational oppoxtttna.ta.es
for Vaii's residents and guests.
Effect upon tra�f3c rvith p�.rti.culax reference �o congestiony au��notive
and edestrian sa,�et arid conver�i.erice traffic flow�ar�c1 control, access
maneuvera�ility, a�d re�mo�ra.l�of sno`iv from the street a.nd parking ar�as.
�he proposal creates no adverse impacts a.n these regaxds. All pedestrian
walkways will be kept open so no exxs�a.ng pedestrian traffic will be impeded
o�r changed.
CUP-M�ia�ure Ga�.� Caurse
3-6-80—Page 'It�vo
Effect upon the characte� o� �he area in �cvhich the�rbposed use is
to be located, incYuding the sca.le'a�id bulk �of tYie"propos�d use in
relation �a surroundin� �ses.
- — -
The proposal signi�ican�Iy �mporoves �he existing character o� the
space. Surrounding bus�.nesses and residents (10 con�.c�m:i.niw�ns) ha,�
given their approva� of the proposal.
Such other factors and criteria as the Gom�issiori deer►�s app�ical�le to
�he proposed use. �
There are none.
The Departznent of Co�mnana�.ty Development recomnend.s that the Conditz.onal
Use Permit be Approved based on the �ol.lowing �indings:
Tl�at tYze proposed �.ocation. o� the use a�s an accorc� wz.th the purpos�s of
this ord�nance and the puxposes o� th� district in which the site is located.
� Tha� the �raposec� loca�ion o� �he use and �he condi�i.ons under wh�ch �t
woudl be operated or maintained wrn�ld �ot be c�etrimental to the public
hea�th, safety, or we7�fare or ma.ter�.a��y injurio�s �o properties o�
�nprovernen�s in the vicz.na.ty.
�iat the proposed use woul.d ocmpJ�q with each o� the applicable provisions
of th�.s oarda.naaace.
Y. Gol�course be rerr�ved by Oc�olo�r 15 �ach year.
2. Acceptable light�ng scheme producing no excessa.ve glaxc�,
3. Opexation must c�os� i�y 1Q P.M.
Ma.terials on tnis wi�.l be presented at the mee�ing. Cath�.e ha.s tne
i.nfo�ma.tion if yo�tx would li.ke �o �r�ok at it before �he meeting.
� r�bruary 13, 13f30
Iiud Benedict� lias gone over tl�e ��ra��osed t�zni-gol� course to �e located
in tIie LionUk�ead area.
T am in favar o� �lia.s �>roposec3 addational busiuess in the Lionsliead area.
Dai:e Idarne Business af_f_iliatiorl
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DA'I`E: March 1Q, 1980
The Crest wishes to conver� space in their und�rgrolmd g�.rage to a rnc�tang
room. This requires remova,l o� 12 p�kii�g spaces, The Crest is in a
FIDM�' Zone. �he Crest wa.s buil�-E under the fax�ear parki�g �egul:a�tions whic�
required x2 moxe spaces thaxa under the present system. Thus, the Cxes�
could remove 12 spaces �vithout a va.riance. However, the addition o�
meeting space demands more �ar�ing spaces and thus, �akes the faca.lzty
f zve spaces shor�.
Upon review of Cri�eria and Findings, S�ction 15.62.060 of the Municipal
Code, the Departinent o�'�onmunity Development recomi�nc�.s Den�al o� the --
_ _ _ _
re uested Vaxa.ance based. u the fbllbw�.n factors:
� Cons�.dera��.on of Fac�ors
The relationship o� the �equested va,ri:�ee to o�her existir�g or potent�.al
iases and stz~�c�ures � �he vicirii�y. �
Ther.e are no effects upon o�her strt�c�ures in the vicinity.
The de ee to wh�.ch re�ie� faran �he strict or literal interpre�ation and
enforcement of a, ec�fieci regulation �s necessa. � �o a,chieve compa�iloi�.it
and uniformit of treatmerit'atnon' sites in:the vic�_nit �ox �o attain the
objectives o� this tit�.e without� g�arit o� s�ecial �riviZege:
The Staff f�ls �ha.t the granting o� �h�.s variance would be a specaa7.
pra.va.lege. The app�icant a.rgues the undergrounct spaces ar� not fu�.1y
ut�la,zed because of �he appa.r�nt �trend of less and less pr�va,te auto-
r�bzles coming �nto Vail. The S�aff agr�es �n �heory wz.th thzs as�d
supports the applxcant's ef�ox�s �o rechtce the number of pr�.va,te autos
caming to the Crest.
Howevex, �he Sta�� is not sup�ortirig the varia,r�ce because �� wotxld be
settirig a dangerous precedent �or �he conve�sion of the�e ga.ra,�s in
Toum and ther� is na gtzaxantee the present satua,tion will continue.
Paxki,ng Vaxiance-�`r�st
3�-6-80--Page '�vo
Also, undex�gxound parking serves the val�,ble purpose of aridding the
visible surface o� �he sight of parked cars. ���nating spaces
underg�rawnd l�as �he patential. to see those ca.rs at grouncl le�rel.
The ef�ec�t o� re uested va.ri�,nce on �igl�t and air, dz��ributiQn of
�opulation, �Gransportatidn and tra��ic facilities;..�itbla�c �ac�li-�ies
and Li'tl�'1'�l�S and li.c sa�ety. � �
Rerrbval of priva.te t�nderground parking spaces�has a ppt�ntiaily nega�ive
impact on �he Town's public park,i�g faci�ities. H�wever, the grant�ng o�
�he variance would require the applicant �o pay the $500a /space parl�ing
varzanc� �ee.
Such other �actors and criter�.a. a,s the comnission de� a 1ic�,b�e
to the pxoposed variance.
It shauld be noted that by �educing the si� o� the meeting space the
applicant could acc�la�.sh the e�.iznination of iess parkzng spaces and
bring do�wn.�he number of new spaces �required to possibly a��.aw the addition
wi,thout a variance. Th�s �s because �he C�est is 12 spaces avex the p�cesent
. parking require�nent.
The Plannin� a,nci Enviornmental Co�n.�i�sion shall_ma.ke the �oilo�ving
findings befox� granting a�variance: � � ��
'I`faat �he granting of �he va,riancc will not cons�titut� a grant o� special
privilege i.nconsistent with the i.iinta�ions on ather properties class�fied
in �he same district.
That the �ra.riance xs vv�a�rranted for one ar moare of the foJ:lowing reasons:
There axe �ceptions or extraorc�inary circum,s-taa?c�s or condi.ta.ons applicable
to the site o� the vaxiance tha� do not apply gez�era,l�y to other pxopert�.es
a..rx the same �ane.
The stri,ct ox �.i�eral inter�re�a�ion and enfarcet�n� of the speca�ied
refulation wou�.d depri.ve the applicant of priv��.eges enjoyed by the owners
of other pxoper�ies in the sarne dis�ric�.
Parking Vaxiance--Cres�
3-G-80--Page Three
The Depart�m�nt of Comrnini�y De�relop is recorr�nencling denial o� �his parkin�
va.r�ance due to dangerous precedez��--se�ting �f grant�d and because.we feel
it would constitute a speci,al pravi�.ege. We w�ould support the conversion
of the space i� i� can be c�one without n�e� of a variance.
Pe��r has plans on this �n his of�ice on this i� you would �ike to look
at the�n be�ore the meeting.
Da,.ning & Banquet
Areas 9,792 65.28
Hote1 Rooms 128 47,42� 9$.56
Condomini� 19 23,99�. 33.22
O�f ice 741 2.5}7
"I'O2AL 14? S�,�8 204
Presen-� ]�axking
Provided 2�.2
E�cess Spaces 12
MarCh 24, I98Q
2:OQ P.M.- 3:a0 P.M. Wo�k Session Vail Vil�a,ge Urban Design P�a,n
3:00 P.M. P�1o1ic Heaxing
I.) App�rova,X o� Minutes of 3-10-80 Mee�ing.
2. ) Discussi� of Zoning on.eight pa�cels o� p�°o�rty presently
awned by the Farest Service which were recently znnexed into -�he
Town of Vai� by Ordinaxxce No. 7, Series �980.
3. ) Pu}�l�c Hear�ng on Va�.l. Lionsh�ad Urban Desigin Plan.
4.) Paresentation of Air Qua,ii�y Report by Env�.ron�enta�. Health O��ic�r.
. 'E
�To be published in the Vail Trai.i 3-21-84
Maxch 24, ].980
2:d0 P.M,-3:00 P�M. Work Session Vai�. Vi�lage Urban Design Plan
3:00 Pub�.ic Hearing
I.) Appxov�a� o� Minutes o� 3-�0-80 meet�ng.
A. Corr�c��on on Page 3. In the last para.graph concerning
the vote on Simba Rw3, it should be chariged to read, "Dan
Corcoran abstained."
2. ) Discussion of Zoning on.eig�t parcels of prop�r�y presently
awned by the Forest Service which were recen�ly annexed into
the Tavn of Va�l by Ordinanee No. 7, Seri.es �980.
3.) Public He�ing on Vail Lianshead C7rban Design P1an.
4.} Presentation of Air Qua].itp Report from Environmental Health Officer.
. Maa^ch 25� �9sa
1,) Discussion of Down �oning wx.�thizz Town o� Vai�.
2. ) Revai.ew he�.ght af buzldings
3.) G.R.F,A.
4. ) Escrow funds for landscap�ing and pav�ng
5. ) Staff reveiw and recormlendation on Westwood Co�nty Referral
On Monday, Ma,rch 3lst at 12 noon the�e w�.1Z be a lunch meeting for
Town Co�ancil and the Plann�ng and Envi.rorunental Comni.ssa.on to rev.iew
and discuss the Vail Villa�e Urban Design Plan. In addition, �Y�e
Zoning Ordinance changes �or Vail Vi1�.age an.d Va�.� Liozashead vira.11 be
discussed. The rr�e��ng will �nd at 2:30 P.M.
Planning a.nd Environrraenta�. Conmission
Min�.tes of Mee��ng a� 3-24--84
� Page One
M�xs Pres�nt
Roger Tilkerr��.er
Jim Morgan
John Perkins
Ed I?rager
Gerxy White
Sa.nci�r Mi�ls
Dan Coarco�ran
Staff Me�ers Present
Dick Ryan
Ch-uck Donley
Town Council Person T�esent
Bi,Il Wa��to substituted �ox Ron Todd who had a meeting a� the Coun�y.
2. ) Discussion o� Zoning on e�.ght parcels of pro�ert��resentl� owned
by the_Fores� Sexvice which were recent� anriexed into the Town of
� VaiX by Ordinance No._;7,�Scri�s_Z980. T �'
Dick Ryan presented this iterr�. He saa.d tha.t Jam Pa�on fr�n t� For�s�
S�rvice had met with Peter Patten of the staf� and the Sta.�� is recommending
Ag�icu�tural and Open Spa.ce zoning on all parcels except for Pa,rcel A
which th�y recomm�nded �or PUD. Dick said tha,t at �Yte time of the annexation
the Town Y�ad agreed to zonc the prop�r�� as close �o the county as possib�e
and that would be Agr�.c�►.ltural and Open Space and J�.m Pa.xon said he would
laike the Town to stay with tha� agreemen�. J'im Pa,xon wa,s r�ot present toda,y.
Ed Drager said t�� Forest Serva.ce had ag�eed at the �.ast meeting to consider
Green BeT.� zoning.
Rich Caplan sa,id the Forest Servzce £eel.s they should stay with th�
Agricu].tural and Open Space �oning and if they are gning to trade a
parcel to anyane the�r vri�l come bac;k and talk with the Tativn before th�
Trade. Roger Tilkemeier said ar�yane can trade.
S�vex�al �ers feei it should be dawnzoned now and not at the tur�e
of the txade.
Ed Drager ma,de a motai.on. �o zflne Parcels BCDEGH Green Belt and Parce�.s
A and F P�a.blic Use. The vate was Unania�aus with tl�� exception o�
Dan Caxcoran who abstained,
� (Whxl� �he meeting wa,s in progress Cathie went and cal�.ed �he Forest.
�e�vice. She �alked �v'ith Joe Hari;man who sa.id Jim Paxon was in Denver
and mus�t have fargott�n the meeting. He xeiterated wha.t J'�n Pa�on
had sa�d to Petear that they would �ike to stay with �he Agaricu�tux�a�.
and Open Space Zoning. He also sa.�.d �heix Federa� Zoning precludes
�he Tc�vvn Zoning anytva.y. }
P�]C Minutes of 3-24-80
Page 'I�vo
3. ) Public Heaxing on Vai1 Liorishead Urban Design Plan.
Dick Ryan said he u�uid l�ke Jeff W�ns�or� to n�e ha.s presen�a��.on
Dan Corcoxan asked i� al� the ow�aers and adjacent owners had been
notified. D�ck Ryan sa,i,d �they had been no��f�,ed of �k�is pub�a.c
Jeff Winston made h�s presentation.
Dick Ryan said the 2.$-3 mil�ion dallars is mall�rproverrients on
public la.nc�s, nat private. Th�re are �everal private co�rr�ercial
expansiar�s p�anned. VaiY 21 is bei.zl�; considered �or x��nodel aa�d
expansion already. They t�ou�d like �o go ahead �o do ��ese tha.s
surrmer as there �s a�ready going to be a clisruption with tl� l�ualding
o� �he �ranspor�tatiozx cente�r. Dxck a�.so saa�d. �he m�erchan-�s wou.ld like
tne Tav�m to spend sorr� money to �rove the entxyway ta Lionshead.
The Merchants Ass�ciatzon a.s nleetai.ng Wed. at 5:30.
Di,ck Ryan saa.d he �.s pleased with Pt�la�c Znput and hopes tha.t the
plan doesn't stop at this point in the process.
� John Pe�k�ns asked how �he �ttndixzg wi�.l be se� up.
Dick Ryan sa,id a �pe�ia�. Impxovement District will be �et up. Different
assess�nts wil� be made for corr�nercial land ab�.tt�.ng the distri.et,
residential �and, cotrnnercial not abutting, periphery etc. The T�vn
wi��.1, contract wi�h consul�an�s �o do this.
Gerry White asked af the Lionshead merchants present axe p�.easc�d with
the p�an. A�1 �hose p�esent sa�.d they v�exe happy except �or Linda Ka.iser
of the Sunrise S�i Shop wvho said she �ikes their grass and wa,nts it left
the way it is.
Dick Ryan said this is a D�;sign Plan and c3oes nat mean that aIl tnerchaxa,ts
must do wha� is on i�. It wi.�l just make �he a�prova� process easier for
peo��e to do th�zx imrav�ments.
Linda. Ka.iser said �hey da no-� wan� ta be included in a xnass hand�zng
of the �na,ll. '1'k�eq want �o do theix avn thing; when they want ta do i�.
Gerry White said thxs plan would ��s� 'be a gu.a.de.
Dan Corcoran said i� �s jus� a guide2axi� �or przvate owners to foZ�.ow
if �hey want to.
. Jeff Wintston sai.d tha.s is �tzst a guide �o how th�ngs could be handled.
It a.s a cuJmination a� all the ideas and desires af the �eop�e at tY�e
workshops since last s�r�r. It wa.l�. rr�ke the approval process smoother
for anyone wishing to rr�alie ax� �cnprovement. It �s aZways open ta changes.
Dick Ryan sa,id this �� a gu�de�.�.ne arid as e�.ch section is' se��c�tr�.ed to be
worked on, �hey wi1� r►�ee� wa�th the people z.n �ha.� secta.on f�� discussion.
PEC ll�finutes of 3-24-SO
Page 'I�ee
Ed Dra�er a�ked the merchaz�.ts how they �eel about th� tax.
Li,nda Kaisex said she does not beli�ve ,9n public �t�nd,s Y�eing u�sed on priva�te
Ed Dra,g�r said th�.s �.s public �unds being �zsed on publie lands.
Linda Ka.iser sa�.d we like oi�s �he way it is, She said �Yi� has
said it rrrany times tha.t the funds being alloca�ed in Ar�a 31 are
a was�e of money.
Dan Coarcoran said he doesn't think the Town is gosng ta .i.mprove th� 1and
in fxont a� every s�ore bu� �heirs.
Sandy Mi��s said they will work out the problems in each sectzon as t�Ey
staxt the wark there.
Linda. Ka.a.s�r said she has said i� three or �aur �i.mes that she doesn!t
want thei.rs chang�d. They ��.1. han.dle �heir own s�nre front themselves.
Sud Benedict said this pla,ra, was pu.t toge�her by a professianal s-�af� fran
-�he ca�nents o� the Lionshead people. They have no prablenn �cv�.th Linda.
� keeping her grass. They pu,t tog�ether a pl.an to �].ow through.the Lionsh�ad.
Ma.11. Eberyone knows the�e wil� be chang�s but it is a g� overall plan.
Ge�acy Whi�e said i� �s a more detai.led plan than anything he has seen b�fore
and is ve�ry good. H� said they are cextax.r�ly nc� gning to de�t�xct �rivate
Mike C�ancy asked about the ar.ea aratand Vantage PoYnt and Study Area #5.
Dick Ryan said �heq plan to meet La�ier and Rasenqu.i.s� to make a b�tter
place to ez��ex the mall and make a.t mor� viable foar pec�es�trians.
Make C�ancy said he thxnks it is great that the Town is dress�ng up the
Jeff saa.d thexe w�l�. be a yearly proc�ss to laok at this pYan a.�d see
what has been done and what changes are necessary.
Ano�h�r gentleman from �he audience said they have a probl.em at �he
J.�.quor s�ore with water running of� �he.roof. He feels theix store
fxont should be e�ended so they can ha.ve a different l�ne.
Roger Tilkemeier k�ad to �eave at 4:05.
Ed Dra,ger asked wkiy gutter w�rk wi,ll solve the problem on a new roaf
line if it daesn't so�ve �he prob�em on the o1d roo� ].ine. The man
sa�d it is irr�aossXbJ.e wi�h the current si�uation. He said i� it stays
� the rva,y it is, zt wiI]� always be dangernus there.
Sandy Mi�Xs said she feeZs �.� �.s a bu.ilding des�.� problem.
Gerary White said #11 is designed �or �hat purpose. T�e rnan said their
s�ore is not a planz��d expanszon,
PEC Minu��s of 3-24-80
Pa.ge �'oux
Jeff Wi.z�s�on sa�d e�andixag that storefront wouid interfere wz.th the
en�try way axid conflict with the corner. The �na.n said it would a sha�
ta implement this p�an witho3zt salving the problem.
J�f� said he wottld have to think abottt it.
Dick Ryan said �t would possible to r�otre that as a possible expansion area.
Jeff W�stan sa�.d the th�.ng to do �.s to add another note on the plan and
let them s��rit a proposa�..
Sancly Mi1�s asked i� they think they wil� be able ta do this east entry
way tha�s s�rrcner.
D3ck Ryaxa said thep aare ��yi.ng to ge� �he money now.
Sandy Mi.�1s asked haw i.t is done.
Dick Rya.rz said �hc Tat�t�: Counci� vv�i].l have �o have a Public Heaxing �o heax
protests to the Improvement D�strict. Only owners may protest. The District
wou�d be approved ar disappraved basec� ora the numbex o� pra-�es-�s.
• Sa.ndy NL�i11s asked how long this who�e process wou7.d take.
Dick Ryan said the Li.ons�ead Mexchants Associa�ion says the sooner the
better. They don't want it to last �ive yeaxs.
Gerxy 'Wiax�e as�ed i� thexe axe anq �nre catm�nts?
Gerrsr White asked what a.ct�.on shauld be taken?
D�,ck Rya� sai.d he would �.ike a motion to ap�rove t�ie plan with the noted
�'d Drager made a motion to approve the Vai�. Lionshead Urban
Design Plan with further study be�ng done on t�e Lionshead Ccnter B�dg, at
the nar�h end. Dan Corcora� seconded the a��tion. The vo�e �cva.s �xnanimo�s.
l. } A roval of M�,nu�es of 3-�0-�8Q mee�in .
A, Goxxection on Pa.�e 3._ In the Ias� paragraph concex�irzg the
vote on Sitnba Run, it should b� chang�d. to read, "Dan Corcoran
abstaztied." - -
Sandy Mills rr�a.de a rrjotion to appxove �he minutes wa.th the abo�cre correct�.on.
�arn Morgan seconded. Th� vo�� w�a,s �aanirr�us.
AEC Minutes of 3-24-80
Pa,ge Fa.ve
Gex�y �'Vhite welcorr�ed John Perkins -to the Boaxd.
4. } Presentation of Air Q�,ta.�it Re rt fr�n Envi.rontn�ntal Health Officer.
Dick Ryan �ntroduced Lauxa Snyder.
Laura explained her report.
Jim Morgan ha,d to leave at �:35.
Gearry Wi�i.�e asked wha.� o��icial ac-�ion needs to be taken.
Dick Ryan said the Planning Coarin-�ssion should support this p�an
:i.f they approv� of it.
Ed Drager made a mot�.an to ask the Counci7. to do evexyth�g �o
a1r�Iement axid en�orce that portion tha,t ha,s already pa,ssed.
John Perkins seconded the rrzotion. The vote w'as unana.moia,s
The mc-��ti.ng adjoY.�rned a� 5:05.
DATE: 3--27-80
On Ma,rch 24, �9$0, the P]_anning and Enrr�i.ronmental Comniss�on held a
publ�,c hea�ing on �he Vail LionsHead Urban Design Guide P1an. A�tached
�s a copy of tY� p�Ian t33at was unanirnou��y apparoved by �he C.onxr�ission.
To�rn Counc�� has previous�.y �eviewed the plan at a study session. On
Tuesday e�n�ng there will be a public hearing to discuss and approve
the Vai1 LionsHead Urban Design (�.iide Plan.
DATE; 3-27-8fl
Dan's �eaczn expa�res 4�-80. The deadline for appi�cat.zons for the posa.ti.on
is 4-9-80 and the Council wi,ll appoint a replacement 4--15-50.
I checked wai.th Larry Eskv,rith and he said Dan can attend m�etings and vote
tultil someone else is appointed.
Dave Wi].�ette and Dan Co�coxar� have app�i.ed so far.
March 25, 1980
FROM: Department of Community Dev��opment
Concerns have arisen over �he height of buildings in Vail
and th�ir resuitant imposition upon the vlewer. 7he pro�lem
af administering any written ordinance is that a fundame��a�
con�radict�on exists between the appropriate height of
bu�idings for d-�f�erent si�es. A structure on a �ot which
�s viewed from across the vaTiey needs a di�F�erent set of
height criteria �Ghan those viewed from c�ose-up. Rdditional
considera�ians must be given ta sites wh7ch are access�d from
the top of the slope and those that are faTrly �Flat at first,
but that become quite steep �owar�s the rear.
An ard-inance whieh would address this contradiction of correct
cr�teria cou1d estab1ish a restrictive maximum e7evation ar�d
� wall he�ght. �he DRB wauZd then be given tf�e power �o allow
a height exception for app1ican�s tha� can show t�at their
design warran�s an ir�crease. The process would not be a
variance which would require that hardship be shown. Rather
the building 's designer would be expeeted to show tf�at he
has addressed t�e visual impacts of the pro,�ect and tl�at
he/she has sough� �o minimize the structure's �nfluence on
the viewer. Tn addition, prvspective applicants cou1d be
given a s�andard maximum height wh�ch would grea�ly sir�plify
�h� exist�ng situation.
Ti�e staff reco�mends a maximu� waTl height of 25 feet and
maximum elevatior� height of 35 feet. The Design Review Board
wouTd be g�ven 1� feet of discre�ian for elevations or 4 5
feet total . 4�a11 heights wou�d be 8 feet or a max�mum of 33
feet with DRB approval .
Tn addit-ion, we wi11 discuss some r�iated height prob�ems
including: original versus finished grade, uniqu� �ot types,
tenting theories and some predicted problems with this ordinance.
� March 25, 1980
FI�4: Department of Co�rarn�ity Development
A�� enclosed �loor axea will be counted except cxawZ spaces
undc�r �our (�) �ee�, and so1�r s�orage pending staff approval.
A 25Q sq.ft. bonus wi�l be included �or eacYi enclosed
paxkin� space up �0 2 p�r uni�. G.ft.F.A. wa.l� include
�radit�onal mecha.nica� rac�n�, Iof-�s, unfinished bas�nts,
gxeenho�es, and entry Iock-o�fs.
DATE: 3--17-SO
RE: Cox�ec�ion �o PEC Mintztes o� 3-YO--80 meeting.
On page three af the P�]C Minu�es of 3-10-$0, ther� is an error.
In the Iast para�,xaph concex�3ng �he vo�e on Sirr�a Run, Dan Corcoran
DATE: 3-�.�-80
The E�gi��. parcels are as �oZlows:
Parcel ��.�e in Acres General Location
A 10.995 NW of Po�ato Patch Club
B 40.2�3 NE of 4-way stop intersection
C 11.498 �o. of For�st Rd. W. Seibex-t Cir.
D 5.006 So. of Pta.r�nigan Rd.
E 10 So. of Vail Va�ley Dr.
{Go�fcourse Area)
. F 14.818 No. of Boo�h Fa.�ls Rd.
G 5.I82 No. .4f Ma.zn Gore Dr. (East Vai1)
H 40 East of Present Eas� Bo�ndary of
S�af� kxas me� u��h Jim Pa�on on �his and �he rnu�ua�. decision is �o s�ay wi�h
the Agricultural ancl Open Spa.ce Zon� on a11 parce�s exc�pt �or Parce�. A, which
would be Public Use District due to the water tanks. The reason for staying
with Agricult�ral and Open Space is because of a pr�viotts agrec�nent 3�twe�n
the Town and F'ores� Serv�.ce agreezng to con�isten� �on�ng w�.th �he Coun�y.
*After the PEC meeting it was dec�.ded t�a� Parcel A and F have the vv�a.�er
tar�ks on them, therefore, both should be zoned PTJD.
DATE: 3-19-SO
RE: Vail Lianshead Urban Design PYan
J�rn a�d �a.ck are pa.ck�.ng up cop�.es of ths Vai1 I;ionshead Ux��ar� Des�gn
Plan in Boulder to�xiorrow and �vill ha.ve them rna�Ied to yotz on �:�day.
DAT�: 3-24-80
'I�esda Maxch 25 1980
There a.s a work session with the Council on the Zaning CY�.nges. The
time of tnis m°e�sng has been chan.�d �0 4:00 P.M.
Monday, .,March �l, 1980
We axe going to ha.ve a ].unch/work session. Please meEt a� �he Vai�
Athleta.c Cltib at �1:45 A.M. This is to discuss �he Vai� Village Uarban
Desa.gn Plar�. It should end abaut 2:30 P.M.
Monday, April_ 7, 1980
We axe ga�.ng to meet on th� Ordina.nces ta impZanent the Vail Villagc�
and Vai� Lzonsh�ad Urban Design Plans. We w.i.�l meet at 3:00 P.M.
NdI`�iG`E IS �IEI��,EBY GNEN THAT Jam�s A. Rub�n, Zoning Admi.na�s�.ra�tor
� �or the Tvwn o� Vail, has requested an Arr�nc3ment to ChaptPrs 18.24, Cam�rcial
Core I CC�I) and Ck�apter �8.26, C,atm�crcia� Core II {OC2) of �he Vail Muni.cipal
Cade to es�ablish new guidelines and developrr�nt stancia,rds for the review a�
a].1 ext�rior modi�icata�c�ns vs�.th3xt CCl a�d CC2 {the Vai.�. Vi�1ag� and Vail L�onshead
Core Areas). Cha.�ges axe bei.ng proposed t4 the fo�.�.o�.ng Sectians:
1. Pe�.mi.tted and Conditional Uses
2. Conditiona� Uses-�pansian
3. Cozzdi�;onal Uses-Factors App�.ica.b�e
� 4. Setback .
. � 5. Height
6. D�nsity.Con�ral . �
7. 5�.1;e Caverag� .
$. Iaxidsca.pin� and Site Development
9. Parking and Loacling
I4. Location of Business Ac�i.��y '
A n�v Sec�ion wa.�3 also be introduced tha'� dESCribes the
procedu�� ��aa� wiJ.�. be �ollowed �n the review of exter�oar rr�i�icatians in
� �C1 and OC2.
Tl,�e ar�ndm�n�s wi�l be presented in con jzu�ct�on wi�h the
Urban Design Plans �or Vai� Vi�Iage anci Vail Lionshead.
A Pub�.�c H�axing will be held in accoxd �u�.�h �cti.on I8.66.06 0�
�h� Vai� Mun3_cipaz Code b�fore the Tcx�n o� Vail Planning and �ivz�onrr�ntal Coirmiss�ion
at a Specia�. k3ceting on Apri� 7th, 198b at 3:00 P.M. Said Hearing wa11 be he�d
in �;k�e Vail Mtxnicxpal B�ilding.
A copy of sa.zd Arr�nc�nts can be picked up in the offar.� af
� CorrFrtunity Develc�prr�n� b��veen the houss o� $:0� A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday �hra�h
� �Si'N OF 'V��.�L
D�'PAT�'I;�3F.�I'�.' DF CO,1L�'I[JN1'7'Y DL��fJP�'T'
` , .
/h.tQ �' ��
� � �s A. �z�bin
�oz?�n g Ac�nir2 i�i:r�tt�r
To }�e pt�bl.i.slaed �in the Vail. '1 rail. an ::i-21-80
I; �_.... _... .._. _:,�;-. .
Planning and �nvironmen�a� Comm�ssion
Minutes of �ee��n� of 4-7-80
� �age One
2:00 M�eting
This was a joint �eeting with the Town Counc�l . `
Planning Commission m�mbers prese�t were: Gerry Whi�e, Ed Drager, John
Perkins, Jim Morgan, and Sandy:..Mi11s. Roger 7ilkemeier and aan �orcoran
were not present.
Town Council Members present were: Rad Sl7fer, B�11 Wilto, Aaula Palmateer,
and John Donova�.
D�ck Ryan ask�d J�ff �inston to explain the Vail Village Urban Design �u�de
There was a discussion on �he p�an unti'I �he public meeting a� 3:00 P.M.
3:40 Public Hearing
Same of t�e Counci1 Members had to �eave a� tl�is point.
1 . ) Consideration of the Va�l Vi71a e Urban Des� n Guide Plan.
. Jeff Winston continued �o expla�n and discuss the plan with the
remaining Ca�nci7 people and members of the pub1�c.
Jim Morgan had to leave at 4:35.
�erry White asked w�at ac�ion should be take on �h�s today. �ick
Ryan expla�ned �ha� �hey can table this, approve it, or disapprove
The Board members said they wauld l�ke more time and perhaps a
walking work sess�an �o v�sual�y se� the different areas. It
was suggested that they me�t next Monday at T :00 at 5eibert Circ�e
before �he r�gular meeting is held at 3:00 P.M.
Ed Drager made a mot�an to cont�nue this until 1 :00 P.M. , Monday,
April 14, �980 at Seibert Circle. John Perkins secanded the motian.
T�e vote was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05.
•, .
_ . :;.
s" �
G�/��5 AND P4l.ICIES � � �
� . Vail has evolved to its present form as the resuit o�F cor�mon asstamptions a6aut
charac�er and f�nct�on ir�p��mented tnraugh private indiv�dual decisior�s . As
� such, whiie t�re To�frn has achieved a certa�n consis�ency and q�ality, tt�e potent�al
• and even need far char�ge s��ll exists. Change �r�ich bu��ds upon and en�ances the
ex�is�lnc� character, q�aa7ity and vitalif.y o�' the Tawn wi1i not be d�scouraged.
2. The Town, with ci��zen input, wi33 take an active ro�e in th� development o�F an
urban des�c7n p3�an to guide �uture development zn fY�e core areas. Suet� a plan,
and its various co:npanents , will repres�nt the developm�nt objec�7ves o�' the
- cor=ur3u�i�ty and vri� 1 serve ta �denti fy, and express a ge�era� di recti on i n th�
. resolution of major deve7opment cor�cerns in the car� areas. .
• The Urba� Des�gn P�ar� �
Fra�tet�rork P1 an --- 7ownWw�de pl ann5 ng abj ecti ves '
Po��cSes -- G�Rera1 pol�cy and gaa7 statem�nts �;� �mp7ement i:he P�an
Sub--area l7rban Design Gu�des --- Specif�c p7anr�ing objectives for sub-areas
- Arch-i�ec�ural Gu1del�nes -- Key arch�tect�ra3 eler�ents genera��y prescribed
a Adap�ion of the Plan and incorpora�ion �nto ordinancQS as ap�ropriate
• o An annua� process witf� citizer� input to periodica7ly review the P�an
3. The 7o�m af Va�l is comprised o� twa �nterrelated core areas, and a ra�s��:ion zon�,
�ach with i�s own g�nera� visual cttaracter ref�ected in archit�ctura�;�a'�`�Su"r'b �"�o'r�:
All deveiopm�nt �n th�se areas sha�� �e cc�nsisten� w�th th� ger�era7 charac�er of
that area. . -
Q Arch7 tectural & ��cape C�zidel3n�s . � '
4. P�des�riar� circula�ior� 7s to be encouraqed in �.he core areas and an �ntercann�cted
. n�twark af pedestrian i�ays will be deve7oped ��a l�nk �he core areas and pravide a
p]easan�, sa�Fe, continuous experience for pedestrians.
.• Designa�ed pe�estrian system and leve�s of pedestrian�zation.
� Deve�opment standards for
' . �ee h7a..ssing �
� •Buildi��g t�e�ght, �rasszng � � Pat�os ,
Sut�/shade Activ7ty ��nerat�an/�and use
It�fill/open space Levels of pedestr�an�zat�ort
P�des�rian scale Service agreem�nts
• Time zoning and service �arking to reduce conflic�s , .
. • .
� ��T.
• �� - �
'f041N OF VAIL �
_ � .
. ��sT,�rC�
S � Improvements to�vehicles, �o the Frontag� Road area (r�inimize �ntr�s�on
. � inta core). �
. o Consistent design character for irr�provements in Town R.O.W. ar�d other pUblic
. spaces.
5. Vai� 's mo�ntain va�7ey sett3na �s an important par� of its ��enti�y, and shou�d �e
recognized in the p7anning and development of the Viiia�e, L�ons�ead artd th�
connect�ng area �hra�gh sens�tivl�y to v�ev�as, ci�r�ate, and ather physical
character3st.�cs of the env�rons.
a Important view planes identified and pres�rved
� Sun-shade restric�iflns
� � Use of nati��e or complemen�ary mater7a�s
o �mphasis on Gore Creek, N�i�� Creek
• � 0 �`rontage Raad �perience
i � �
. . ,�.�.��
. _ _ ._. �
!� - `
• FRAMEWORK PLAN - Graph�.c Expressi.on of General Objea�ives
Charac�er Distra.c�s �
� SuildingJOpen Space
Major View P�.anes for Vai�. Villag�
• URBAN. DESxGN GUIbE PLAN - Schemat�.c diagrams to express detailed
planning and design objectxves
Bridge Str�et/Gore Cree3s D��.ve �
East Meado�a Dr�.v�
• ARCHTTECTURAL GUTDEZINES - Key a�chitectura� character elements
iden�ified, described and docment�d
for Vail Vill.age and Vai1 Lianshead
� 1, Context crite�ia - views, sun, service, etc.
Bui�.ding Height & Massing Windows
Se�backs Trash
Facades Accent Elements
Roo�s Landscape �lements
Balcona.es Ligh�ing
1. Commerc�al Core T
2. Coznmercia� C�re II
VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303/476-5105
Apri� 11, 1980
Mr. Dick Ryan
Director o�F Communi�y Development
Tawn of Vail
P.O. Box 100
Vail , Colarado �1657
Dear Dick:
7he foilowing are my cornments, follow�ng my review of the praposed
Architectural Guidelines (and the title should definitely be revised
�o �ndzcate the boundar�es for which th�se guide3i�es are in�ended) .
As you'll see, my comments are generally negativee They are not
directed toward any individUa1 involved in developing the document.
� Ra�her, they refiect my genuin� disdain for the �dea tha� such arbi�rary,
prescrip�ive, nonsensical "guidelines" should even exist. � canna�
overstate the fact that perscrip�ive documents like �his are f�FVER
successful , and are ALWAYS r�gressive in the developmen-� of good design
sa1utions. I �'ee1 �ha� �he goa� of maintainirtg the Village character
is exce7lent, and I �support it to the fullest. Bu� this me�hod o�F
attempting to maintain it could NOT be more i�l -conc�ived.
Critica1 ta remember irr�portanc� of VARI�TY of heights and massing
for v�sual interest. Var�ety o�F �exture, pattern, color, are also
des�rab1e and cri�ical , in my opinion.
I d�sagree with the ] im�ted ra�ia af 4/10 to 6/IO of Right of Way
width. The 10th Mountain Division's ideas from Europe should ref����e
this restriction. VARIETY and combinations o� "�entative rules"
i�7ustrated are appropriate. "Canyon effect" is not inevitable �f
variety exists.
Occasior�al un-braken masses provide visual counter-pnint and visua1
strength for "broken-up", in�r�:i�cate masses, and are desirable and
critical .
Some of the r�ices� ou�door spaces in �he vil7age exceed the arbi�rary
6/10 �at�on. Their potentiai exist2nce shou�d not be arbi�rar�ly
l�qislated away.
� Mr. Dick Ryan
Dir�ctor of Commun�ty Devalopm�nt
Apri7 11, 1980
page 2
�he Uillage Core is most defini��7y N4T perceived as a mix o� one and
two story �acades, a�d there are also many bui�d7ngs over �hree and
four s�ories. Th� basic assump�ions are wrong:
A11 roafs s�ould NOT be gables. Such restrictions are �nsane. They
are arb��rary, create boredom, and ineVita�le ice and danger problems.
Indep�nd�n� shed roofs are most definite�y N4T "more contemporary
des�gn statements," and they AR� compatib�e wi�h the v�llage character.
LOOK AROUND. Look at s�milar European vi1�ages. Hips, sheds, pyramlds,
and occasional f7at roofs are �otaT� ap�ropriate �o the village
4/12 roof s1ope is NOT most pr�ferred. 4%/12 �s mi�imum for shake roofs,
un7ess �he Town wants �o assume responsibili�y for roof leaks. Anything
less on�y works for buil�-up roofing_
The discussion of simp1e vs. co�p�ex roof p1anes should be ge�eral
• ONLY. STRY OPE� to si�uations which sugqes� something other �han the
"s�mple camposit�on" as illustrated.
4/12 slap�ng raofs meet�ng with perpendicular ridge ] 7n�s wa1� resu7t
in a valley with a slo�e of less ��an 2/12 and provide guaran�e�d
roaf l ea fcs.
A look around the Village wil� show many more coiors �han white, beige,
and grey. Such a restr�ction �s arbitrary, damaging, foolish, and
totally i17-conceived.
Why limit the wood, siding, and trim -�o "darKer earth tones"? Many
subt�e co�ors exist successf�lly in �he Villac�e.
Making upper f�oors "predo�ninan�ly opaque" w�ll arb�trari1y make fot^
very dismal residen�ial and office spaces. "Wi��ows punct�rina walls"
� are not appropriat� to wail�� wh�ch are c�ad 7n wood, and wood on �
upper floors �s urged in these proposed guidelin�s.
Saying all g7ass areas °`sho�7d be framed by waod trim W dark color,
wide (3" minimum)" is crazy. What t�� heil is the pain� o� a17 this?
Where would we be if every bui1ding in town had 3" dark wood window
� Mr. Dick Ryan
Director of Commun�ty Development
Aprzl 11, 1980
pag e 3
Whi7e recess�ng doorways ar�d en�rances may b� one good solution in
some s�tuat�ons, to say all doorways and entrances sf�ould be recessed
�s totally wrong. Tmagine how difficult it is �o provide an a7r�lock
entry vest�bule whert the doorway is already recessed. Think a6out
realities of life in Va�l .
As with all prescriptive legis�at�on �such as "window (transparency)
should compr�se 55% to 70% of the tota7 length of a commercia7 facade") ,
�he statemen� that "doors should be a� least 30% transparen� (glass) ,
have dark wood trim . . . . . . . . . . , and have an articulated surface . . . . . . ."
is insane, and guaranteed to provide unsuccessful resu1ts. }iow many
times must prescriptive legislatior� be unsuccessfu7ljr imposed before
peop1 e rea1 i ze i t doesn `� worfc?
To say that "�alconies should con��ast in calor and mass" w�th the
building 7s wrong. Tn som� cases they should. In many cases tacked-an,
contrasting e1ements a�^e not ap�ropr�a�e. As with nearly every o�her
. aspec-� of these proposed guidelines, and with every other prescri�tive
design guideTine, there are t�mes when what you say "shauld b�" actually
shou1dn't be, and visa versa. There are t3mes when solid and/or
l �gh� balconies are appropria�e to the architecture a�d totaTly
appropriate to �he Vil7age character�
Tn closing, T �eei it is sign�ficant that na where in the text of these
g�idelines does the work °'arc�itec�ure," or any derivative tnere of,
apP�ar. Tnstead of addressing arcl���ectural matters, arbitrary, pre-
scriptive rules are made for such �tems as 3" window tr�m and 30% glass
in doars. If s�ch prescri�tive rules had existed 9r� the caveman days,
we'd a�l s�il� be l�v�ng zn caves, because anyt�ing else, no matter how
va� id., would nat follow the guid�lfnes, and therefore be unacc�ptable.
These "g�i'de7ines" do no�hir�g but get in the way of good arc�i��cts
doing good archi�ecture. They prohibit arch�tects from taking a g3ven
si�ua�ion and providinq the best possib�e resul�s. Would anyone �'avor
leg�slat�on prohibit�ng his surgeon from removing the requ�red 50% of
a v��al organ, b�cause the "accepted standard" �s o�1y 25%? Or favor
leg�siat�on which permits his a�-�orney to use on7y 40% of the available
defense options, instead of 100%? Why keep architects from provid�ng
the best possible so1utions?
. Mr. Dick Rya�
Director of Community Deve�opment
April 11, 1980
page 4
I mentioned earTier, prescr�ptive "guidelines" such as these have
ALWRYS, ALWAYS praved to be counter-produc�ive. Campaunding the probjem
in Vail is �he fact that the people charged with enforcing these "guide-
lines," i .e. the Coun�11 and the majority of the Design Review Board,
are untra7ned �n archi�ec�ural matters. A11 �hey can do is app�y strict
litera� in�erpretations of 3" wi'ndow �r��n "gu�de�lin�s"_
Those areas o�' the Village which are successfu7 are at 1east par�ially
so because of good arch�t�c�ure. �!r�� obviousTy that arch��ecture is
w��hin the context of the Village character. Sut what is needed is a
qualitative sta�ement o�' what that character is, and �he freedom for
good architects to creat�ve7y prov�de and main�ain tf�at character, I�QT
statements that roofline variations shou7d be a�t leas� �Four feet.
I �hank you for a77owing me to express my opinians, and assure you that
in spite of my nega�ive r�actin�s to th�s approach, I am with you 100%
3n the ma�n�enance of the c�aracter of Vai1 Village.
� S�r�cerely,
ames R. Morter, AIA
• FFt�1MEW�RK PLAN - Graphic Expression of General Objectzves
Pedestr�an�zation �
Charac�er Dist�icts �
BuiZding/OPen Space
Major View Planes fo� Vail Vi�lage
� URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PLAN - Schemat�c diagrams to express detai��d
p�anning and d�sign objectives
Bridge 5�reet/Gor� Creek D�ive �
Eas� Msadow Driv�
� ARCHTTECTURAL GUIDELTNES - Key architectural charac�er elements
identified, desc�ibed and dacmen�ed
for VaiZ Viliage and Vai1 Lionshead
� �. Contex� cziteria � views, sun, service, e�c.
Building He�ght & Massing Windows
Setbacks Trash
Facades Accent �Zements
Roof s � Landscap� Elements
Bal.conies Lighting
1, Commercial Co�e I
2. Commercial Core IT
� •
DATE: 4--4�a0 . �
1. Consideration oi �he Vail Vil7.ag� Urban Design Gui.d�
2. Consideration o� Zoning Changes �or Comercial Co�� I,
Vail Village, and Comerca.al Car� II, Vai�. Lionsh�ad
` S�ctions ].$.24.010, 18.24.065, I8.24.100, I8.24.120, 3.8.24.I3Q, 18.2�.150
anc} ].$.24.170 are rep�aled and reenacted to rea.d as foll.ows:
18.2�.OZ0 se.
� � The Camlercial core I district is inteded to pz�ovide sites and �o r�.intain the
unique cha.racter of the Vail V�Ilage cam�rcia� area, tivith its mi�u�'e oF lod#;�s
and corrt�rcial estab�isl�unetz�s in a predomin�.tely pedes�ria.n �nvironment• �e .
catmercial core 1 district is in��nded to ensure adequate 1igk�t,air, open spaee,
and other amvnities appropriate to the per�td.tted types of buiZdings and u.,�es.
The distr�ct regulations in accorclance with the Vai1 Vi].lage Urban Design Guide
P7.an and A�chiteetural Guidel�,nes prescribe site develap�nent s�andards tha-� are
intended to ensure �he maintenaxice and preserva�ion o� the ti�tly clustered
�angement of buildings fron�ing on pedestrianways and put greenways, and to
ensu�Ce continva,tion of buildir�g scale and architectural qua.�ities tha.t distinguish
�he village.
18.24.065 �terior Alterat3o�s an Aiodi�zcations-Procedure
All alterations of the extexior of a� existing building in OCI st�a11 comply '�-th
the follaving procedure:
(A} 7.'he alteration a� an exis�ing building wYsich adds or renaves any
enc�osed �Iaor axea, or �he repJacenent of an e�ista.ng building
shal� be subject *a revie�,� by the Pla.nn�.ng and FhvironmentaJ. Cor�niss�.or�
as follvws:
(�} Appl�.ca.tion sha.31 be ma.de by the ownex oY the bu�.lding or his
' agent on a form provided by the Zoning Ac3ninistrator.
1 (2) The hear�ng before the Pl.anning and Envirotut�nta7. Commissaon shall
be held in accordance with Sections 18.66.06(l throu�h 18•66.090•
� � A dec�.sion of the 1�Ianning and Environmental. Ce,mni.ssa.on t�.Y be
ag�ealed to the Trnvn Caunc�.l in a.ccordance wi th the procedure
� specified in Sec�ion 18.60.070.
(S) It 5ha1� be -�he burden o� the app�zcant under this subseetiqn CA)
to prove by a pxepondexance of tk�e evidence befo�e the Plar,ning
and �vironrt�ntal Comnission �hat the propased building alter.a�ian
is in compliance with the purpases af the �CI Dis�rict as sp�cified
in 1$.24.010; tha.� the propasal does not alt�r the character of the
nei,ghborhood; and �hat the propasa.l complies with the Vail. Vil�age
Urban Design Guide Plan and Architectural Gtzidelines.
<4) The Planning and Enviz�nmental Ccmnission may approve the appla.ca�ion
as s�bmit�.ed; appro��e the application with condi�ions or
modifications; or, if the Planning and �hvirontr��ta]. Comnission �inds
that the applacant �ailed to meet his burclen of proof, it �a,y den� th�
(5) Applications under this subsectaon {A? shal� 3�e submitted on or
be�ore hia.y 19, 1984, �o be heard by i:he Planning and Ehvim�tnental
Cormiission on Jtine �, I980. Thea-eafter a,ll applicataons sha�l be
. submi tted anzaualiy on or befare December 15 or each yeax. 'Ttle
� Planning and �YtvixoncnPntal Corrmission shall then hold �Yse public
' hearing on the app3.ications submitted before the end of the follcwing '
(g} The modification or change to.the e�cterior facade of a bua.lc3ing or to
a si�e withi.n C�CT sht.11 be reviewed by the Desi� Review Bcard in
accordance �svith the �ro].laving:
. (1) Applica�ion sha11 be t�de by the v4+�ier af the b�ilding or his
� a�ent on a farrr► by the Zonis'�g Adm�nistrator.
. �
, � Pa.ge Tr�o
� � � � i
(2) 7'he hearing before the Desig� R�view Board sfnall be liel.c! in
accordance 'cvith CY�apter I8.54. A deci.sion of the Desi� Re�view
� Eoard rr�.y be �.ppealed to the `I'(nVil CQLA7C11. lri accorclance with zhe
� procecture s�cified in CY�a.pter I8.54.
(3) It sha.Il be the burden of the �pplicant to prove by a preponderance
of the evidence bef'or� the Desi�i Revie�,v Iioard that the p�'oposed
builcling modi�icatian is i.n cor��iance with �h2 ptupases of t?:e
OCI Distxict as specified in 18.24.0�.0; tha.t th� proposal. does
nqt alter the cl�aracter of the ❑eighborhood and tha� the proposal
cott��ies with the Vail Village Archi.tectural Guidelines.
(�} The Design Review Bcard rr�.y approve the application as su}�mi�ted;
approve the application with conditions on r�tiifications; nr, if the
Design i�,eview Board finds �hat the appl�.cant �ailed to meet his
' burden of proof, it rr�.y deny the appla.cation.
(5) The Zoning Ac�ninistxator may approve minox rr�dif'icatzons as provided ,
. an Section 18.54.060. A decision af the Zoning Admi.nistrator may
be appea�.ed to th� Design Review Board for review.
(C) A11 alterations �der SY�bsec�ion (A} above sha31 be subjeet �o revae�v
by the Desigt� t��vie�v Boa.t�d F��.l�vring Planning and Envir�n�a3 Co��r.iission
a,pprova.l �n accordance with Chapter 15.54. The Desi�gn i�evi�v Board sha21
review the same to insure that the sa� ccmply with the Vail Va.11age
Architectural Guidel.ii�es.
18.24.100 Setbaci�s
There shall be no �equired setbacks, except as �y be established pursuar�t to
� th�; Va3.1 Vi7.J.age �3rban Deszgn Guide Plan.
� 18.2�.120 Height
7.'he maxim�am height of buildings in ,the {7C1 dis�rict shall be tYzri�y-five f�e�
or as may be othex�vise specified by the Vail Vi�1a.�e i3xban Des�_gn Guide Plat�.
1,$.2�.130 T)ensit Contrnl '
' Unless othersvise provided in the Vail Village Url�an Iaesigm Guid�; Pla,n, not mare
than eigh�p square �eet o� gross resident�.al floor area (C,�t�F'A) shall be pertnitted
for each one htuadred square fee� of buildable site area a.nd not more than �zg�ty
9quare o� gross floor area shail be permitted �ar each one hundred square feet
of buildab�e site axea for a�y pezmitted or cond�tional use a�lowed by �c�ion
I8.2�.060, e�cluding gxoss residential f3oor area (GR.F'A). TotaZ d�nsity shall
not exceed twenty--fivE dsveZling units per acr� of builda.bl.e si�e ar�a.
�8.2�.150 Covera
Not moxe than eighty percent of the total si�e area sY�a,ll.be covered by
buil.dings and graund level patios and decks except as may be otherwise
speci�ied in the Vail Village Ur�aan Deszgs Guide. Pl.an.
15.24.�70 T�andsca in and Site Develo nt._ '
At l.east twenty percent of the �e�al site area shall be iand_�cap�d except
as may be othenvise specified an the Vai1 Va.11a�e Urban Design Guicle Plan.
There sha7.1 be twa n�w sections added to G7�apter 18.24 to read as follavs:
1$.2A.200 Reconstruction of E�ca.sting Uses
� If any building or structt�re Ioca�E�d within Corm�rcial Coxe I on .7une �., ].978, �
is su�sequently destroyed by fire or other ca5-ua��y to f;he degree pxovided an
Section 18.64.O�J0, that structurc or buildin� rrray Ue rc,ac:an��ruCted to th�. s�
or substantially the s� siz� dic�rc::nsions, 1ot.co��era�, and h�ight in accord�knce
� with tiie proc:edures ou��ined in 5c;ctien 18.6�.090, so long as tY�e Uuilda���; or
strucutre ccanplies with the applicable provisions of the Vai1 Village Urban l�rJsi.gn
Guide Plan.
Page Tt�ree �
. ;
. ;
. x
18.2�.?20 Ado tian o� Vazl Vi1� Urban Desi Guide Plan and Archa.tectura.l ;
� • (A�) The Vai1 Village Urban Aesign Gt1id P1an and Az'cha.tecturaZ Guidelines
are hereby adop�ed for the purpose o� �aintaining and preserviz�g
th� character and vi�ality of the Vaii Vi].lag� ((�I) and to �ui.de
�he future al.�eration, ch�i�'� and improvemen� in the OCI. Gopies of
the Vail Village i3rbazi Design U�xide P1an and Architectural Guidelines
shall he on file in the Comtnm9.ty Develo�nt ]7ePa.i't.ment of the Tawn.
(S) 7'he VaiJ. Village i3rban Design Plaxi and Architectural t�ic3elines sF�a�.l
bE reviewed by the Tavn Cowlcil annua�Yy and revisio:�s thereta may be �
' made by R�solution of the Tavn Council to insure zk�a.t the pl.an x•e�lec;�s ;
� the purposes and intent �or which it l�� been adap�ed. !
. �
� i
� !
' , ' Sections 18.26.010, 18.26.070, 18.26.090, 18.26.I00, 18.26.124, and I8.2�.�.�0
axe repealed and reena.cted to rea.d as �ol�aws:
18.2,6.010 se. '
� The carrt�rcial eore 2 dzstrict is int�nded to provide sites far a mixt�
of mu�ta.ple dw�llin�s, Zodg�s, and corrmerci.al estabZishmerits in a clustered,
UnifiEd development. Carrmero�al Core 2 7Jistrict in acco.rdance w��h the Lionshead
Urban Desi� c�i.de Plan �.nd Architectura� Guidelines faz',CC2 and is in�ended
ta ensure adequate �.ight, air, open spac2, and ot�er amenities appropriate to
the permitted �ypes of building and uses, and to maintazn the desixable qua.Iities
of the district by establishing appropriate site deve�opment standards.
18.26.Q70 Setbacks.
Tn CC2 dist�ict, the miniirnmi front setback .shall be �en feet, the minisnam side
s�tback shal be �en feet, and the mini.crnun rear s�tback shai3. b� ten feet unlPSs
otherwise specifa,ed in the Lionshead Urban T3esi�n Gua.de Plan.
�8.26.090 Height
- 'i`he �.xi�n �aeight of buildings in the CC2 district sk�a.11 be forty-��ive feet
unless atherwise speca.fa.ed in �he 7�ionshead Urban Desi�n Guide Plpn.• Density Con�ro�.
' Unless o�h�rwa.se specif ied zn �he Lionst�ead L3rban Design Gui@e P�.ax�, not rnore
than eights� squar� �eet of gross res3dential floor a,rea CC�RFA} sha.11 be permitted
� for each one hundred sqt�ar� feet of bui�dable si�e axea and not m�re �han ei�,fst5�
square feet of gxoss floor area shal� be perrn�tted �or eac� one hundred sq�are
f�t of buildable site area for permitted site area �or perrnitted or conc�xtiona�
uses al.lawed by Sec�ion 18.26.040, exci�ding gross residential floor area. �i�o�al.
density sY�a].I not exceed twenty-five c�lling uni�s per acre of huildable site ��a.
. i
18.26.120 Covex°ag�. '
. ! Not more than seventy percen� of the total szte area shal�. 'be covered by builclings
Zmless otherwise speci�a�ed �n tize Li.onshead LTrban Design Guide Plax�.
�8.26.1�0 Landsca ing and site deveZo nt.
At least twenty percent of the total site area shal� be landscapecl unless
otheiwise specif�.ed a,n the T.,3onshead Ux�an Design Guide P�an.
7.'Y�er� sha17. be �� new sections add�d to Chap�er 18.26 to read as follvws:
� 18.ZFi.045 �cterior Al�erations or �riodifications-Pz�aeedure
i AZ1 a�texatxons of the exterior of an exrs�z�zg bua.idirig �n CC2 sha11 comp3y
with the fallawing procedur�:
(A) �'he alteration of an exis�ing builcling which adds or removes any
encJ.osed fJ.00r area, or the �eplacert�ent of an existing buil�di.ng
skaail be subjec� �o review by the Plaauiing a�ncl �vixatunental
� Ccamission as �ollows:
(1) Application shaJ.�. be made by the owner of the building ar his
agent on a form provided by the �oni.ng Admini.strator.
(2) The hear�ng before. the Plannin� and �,hvirotur�ntal Ccm►nission
sha.11 be held in a,c:cordance with Secta.ons J.8.66.OG0 through
18.6Fi.090. A decision of the �Ianning and �nvironmenta].
Camnission may be app�aZeci to t?�e Toum Council in accordance
�vith the procedure spceified in Sec�ion 18.50. 070.
� (3) It sha.�l he the l��rden o� �he �.gplicant under subsection {�}
to prove by a preponderance of tla�eva.dence be�ore the Plannin�
and Env�.ronmentaJ. Corrmissian th�.t the proposed bui�lding alterata.on
is in carriplia.nce wzth the put�poses of the CC II Dis�rxct as
specified in 18.26.0�.0; that the pr.oposal d�s not� alter the
� character of tl�e nei�f�orhood; anci tt�at the proposal canp�ies , -
with the Lionshead Urban Design Gui.de Plan and Architectural
(4? 'I"he Planning and �vironnrental Corrrnz�sion may approve �he appiication
as sutxnitted; approve the application with conditions or mx�ifieations;
or, if the Plann3ng and �h��'o�unek�tal Conmission �incls tha� the
applicant failed �o mUet his burden of pxoff, it may deny the
, application.
(5) Applications undex this sabsection f�} sha1Z be su�nit�ed on or before
Ma.y 19, I980, to be heard by the Planning and �nvironmenta� Cocmiission
• on June 9, 1980. Thereafter all app]ications sk�a.11 be su�nitted
annually on or before Dececr�er 15, of ea�h year. The Planna��'
�nd Envirotunental. Cor�rnission sha.11 then hold the public heaxing ,
on app�.ications st�mztted Y.�fare the end af the following �'ebi�uary.
(B) 'The modification or change to the e�eriar faca.de of a builcling or to
a site within CCII sha3l be revic-�ved by the Desi� Revietiv Board in
a.ccordance with the fo�.ipwing:
(�} Applications sha.l b� made by the owner of the bzzilding or hi.s agent
on a form provzded by the 7oning Administrator.
(2) �he hearing beiore the Desi� Review Baard sha.1l be hel.d in
a.ccordance with Chaper 18.54. A decision of the Design Ftev�.ew
Board ma,y be appe�.].ed to the TcrHn Council in accordance wi�h
the procedure specifi.ed in Chapter 18.54.
. (3) I� shall be the burden of tY�e applican� ta prove hy a preponderanee
of the evidence befoxe the Desig� R.evie�w Boax'd that th� ProPo.��d buildin�;
m�dzfication xs in comp7iance �vith the purposes of the CCII District
as specified in 18.26.010; that the proposal does not alter th�
charac��r of the neighborhood and that the proposa,l co�rtpli,es with the
Vai1 Lionshead Arch�.�ectural Gtizidelines.
(4) 7he Design R.eva.�w Board rr�y approve �he application as sui�mittec�;
� approve the application tivith conclitions or modifications; or, if
the ]�s�.gn Reviw Board finds �Y�a.t the applicant failed to mee� his
� burden of px'oof, it may deny the appJ.ication.
(5) �he 7.ona.ng Adminis�rator may approve minor rmdifications as px'ovxdeci
in Section �8.54.060. A decision of the Zonirig AdtnZ.nis�ra�;or may
be appealed to the Des�gn Review Board for review.
• ? (C) All a].terations w�der s�sect.ian (A) al�ov2 sha11 be subject to re�riesv
� by the Design Review Boaxd folloang ���nang and �nvzronmental Camtission
approval in accorciance w3.th �:he Chapter �8.5�. Tt�e I�si�r► Review Board
shall review the satne to �.nsure �hat the sarne compl.ies with the Vai1
i,ianshead Architectura3� Guzdelines.
1$.2Fi.18d Ado tian of the Linnshead Urban l�si. C�ide I>la.n a.nd Architectural
(A) The Lzons�iead Urban Desi�,m Guide Plan and Architectural G�zideliz�es
� are hereby �tdop�ed for the p��s•pose of rr�.intaining an� presentang the
character �uid vitality o� Vafl Lionsh�ad (CCII) and to guid� the- futur�
. � altErataons, chan� nnd irr�provem�a3t in the C7CII. Copzes of �;he Lionsnead
� Urban Design Gtiiide Plan and Axcha.tEctuz�l. Guidel.ines shall be on �z�e
� in the Conmt.uiity D�velopment I]eparttr�nt of the Town.
(B) �he Lionshead Urban Design Guide P1an and Arc�ztectura3 Guidelines
sha11 be r�viewed by �he Tawn Cotmcil annually and revisions thereto
� rr�.y be ma.de by 13esolution of the Ta�vn C'.ouncil, to insure that th�
plan reflects tY� purposes and intent for which it ha.s been adopted.
� .
• A.) C�n�ral Concept �
The �eneral concept of these chazx�es is ta estab3.a.sh ncw gua.del9.nes
and procedures for the review of a�.l exterzor modifica�ions w�.thzn �
Corm�rcial Core I (CC�} ar�d Comnercia� Core II (C�II)-the Vazl Vi.11age
and VaiY Lionshead core a�eas. The new gt�.�.delines axe set �oxth a.n
th� Vail Vi.11age and, Vai� L�o��shead.Urban Design Guicle P�.an and
Architectural Guidelines. .
B.) Urban Desi�n Guide P�ans
Th�re are two Urbax� Design Gu�.de Plans, one for CC� ar Va.a1 Villag�
and tk� s�cond one �or CCTI or Vail L�.anshead. The Urban Desi�gn Guide
Plans establish �he �en.e�a,I areas and types o� expansian, tvhich will �e
� al°law�d to occt�r �n �he � core area,s.
The Gui.de Pla.n will be used �or the revievv of all �xpansaons.
Thase expansa.ons adding more than 50 �uare �ee� of enclosed �loc�r area
wi.Il be reviewed. by the Plannin�; and E��v�-ro�unental Coirmiss�on. It wi��.
be the appl.icants res�c�nsibili�y �o shaw that �Zis/her �ropasa.l rr�ets the
�ntent ,of the plan. The.�uide Plans wa.l�, be r�vi�v�d on an annua.l basis
�o consider poten�ial revisions to the plans with ���e plans being upda,�;ed
to reflect the changes.
C.) Architr�ctural Guidelines
Tkzere are aZso �two s��� o� Architectural �uidelines, one �or �he V'ai.1
. Villa.ge and a second for �he Vail Li.onsh�ad. Th� Archi�ec�tura� Gu�delines
exp�ain the types o� ma,terial.s, eolors, builciing massin�;, �oofs, fac;ades
windows, ba�conies, accen� elerr�nts, and service consid�?�a.�ions to be
obs�rved in �he design of e�er�.ar m�difications in the. twr� core ar�as.
The Architectura� Guide�ines wi.11 be aclministered by th� Design Review
Boax•d az�d i� will aga�in lae the a�pl.icants responsibi�.i�y �o show k�av
his/her proposal genera�.ly meets �he intent o� the gu.ide�.in.es. The
Design Review Baard w.i.l� rQView all propasals tha-� a�e bra�ght be�ore
the Planning and Environmental Ca�arnission in �h� Urba.z� Desi�n Guide Plan
Rev�.ew, as wel�. as all sr�,ller addi�ions and rr�.teria�. ch��g�s which al�er
the existing chaxacter o� a btt�.ld�.ng. A11 minor changes which are propased
in co��o�ance w�.th the architectural gu.ideJ�i.nes �ha� do nat :r�aterially
. change the appearance of �he building can be app�ovec� }ay the Commuii'�y
� I�velopment D2par#an�nt.
D. ) New Frocechzres
For �980, all expansions a� greater than 50 sqt�are �eet nn�st be �
sL�t�ed by May 19th, 1980 to be heard by the Planning and Ehviroz�nta�
Carmission on June 9th o� �98d. Far a17. subsequent yea.rs, expansi.ans will
only be reva.ewed onc� annual�y, whicn wi�l b� in Febr�ry. The expasa.sian
proposals �r►us� be submitted by ]7ecerrbe� 15th for the February review.
Far expansions of �ess �han �0. sqt�are �ee�, these wi�.l be he��.rd on an .
on�in� basis by the Desigz Revi�w Board throu�hou� the year.
• �
' 4 �
E.) Development Standards Changes �or OCI
18.24.010 Puspose-The purpose secti.an wi�]. be changed to rr�ke xeference to the
� • Va.i� Vi�lage Urban Desig� G�,iide Pla,n and Arcxtectural Guide].�.ries.
18.2�.020--15.24.Q60 PermittEd Condi�ional ilses wil� not be changed.
18.24.065 Conclit�.anal Uses-Expansa.on w�11 be rep�a�.ed and repiaced with
a new sectiorz describix�,g the new procedures.
18.,24.Y00 Setbacks; Hea��t; �8.24.130 Dei�sity Control; 18.2�.150
Coverage; and 18.24,�70 Laa�dscapirig and S�.te Development wi�l be rev�.sed to
incorpora�� the prova.sians of the Vail Vil].age Urbaxi Desi� C�ui.de Pl.an.
� �8.24.�.44 R.ecanstruction of ExistizZg Uses wi�l be re�.ntroducEd ax�:d am�nded
so tha� any rebui�ding o� existing stx�uctures zs done in cvnformance with
th� Vail� Village Urban I)cssign Gui.de Plan.
The res� of Comnercial Core T wi�l r�nain �he same. �
F.} Deve�oprnent S�andards �or Cam�nercial Core ZI Purposes-The purpase �ction will be changed to make x'ef�rence
�o �h� Vail Lionshead Urban Design Gua.d� Plan and Architectural Guidelines.
18.26.034-i8.26.040 Pe�tted and Condi�ional Uses rema.in t�changed.
18.26.074 Setbacks; 1$.26.090 Height; �8.26.I00 Densi.ty Cozatro�,
i18.26.120 Coverage; 1$.26.I40 Landscap�.�g and Site Development,
wi11 be reva.sed similar to -�hose in CCI �o incorpora.tP the provisior_
of �he Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan.
Thexe wi�I be a new section in Corm�rcial Core II to descr�be the new
proc�dures and a new secta.on �tY�at deals with Re�ons�r�.ction of �is�:i.ng
T,Tses. Bo�h these sections wi�1 be sim��.ar to �hase in Comr�ercial Core I.
The xest of Ccxrrnercial Care II wi.l� remain �he sarr�e.
G.) These changes are wha.t has been r�ommended by the Tc�wn of Vail Co�rrrnuii�y
Devcloprr�nt Depart�nt. They will be presented ta th� Plann�g and
F�iviranmental Ca�ni.ss�o� at 3:�fl P.�I. on Monday, April ?�Y� �.n the VA�1
Town Council Chambers. The recaitn�nda.tions o� the Pla.nn�ng and �hviron-
mental Conmission wi1.1 then be �orwarded �o the Tawn Counc�.l.
� Any inpu� ox corrmen�s on these changes be�ore the meeting �t�.d be gY'eatly
�PPrec�.a�ed. Please forward th�rn �o� �3�m R�.�bin or Dick RSran, �3epar�rt�nt of
Ccx�rmLma.ty Deve3.opment, Town of Vail, 476--5613.
, �
Ta: Dick Ryan
� �'ROM: Cath�e J
Date: �4-11�80
RE: Planning ar�d Env�ronmen�ai Corrmisslon App�icants
There are �wo applican�s for the Plann�r�g and L-nv�ronmentai Co[nmission
vacancy, Dave W�11et�e and Dan Corcoran.
Dee De� has schedulted Dave Wiliette to meet w�th the �o�m Councii
at 2:OQ on Tuesday. Dan does �ot have ta meet w�t� �he Coucil according
to Qee Dee. -.
. •
, .
•r `
� . December 17, �979
Town Council of Vail
Dear Sirs.
� This �.etter is to apply £or the vacant pasition on the �own of Vail
��anning Commission. As a lang term residen� of this area I would
l�ike to make a contribution in shaping the comznun�ty in which I live.
Z have been a res�dent of Colorado for �en years, �agl.e County for
one and a half years, and tihe 1'own of Vail for about two months.
Since � have just purchased a condominium in East Vail, T expect to .
b� a resident of the Tawn of Vail for the forseeable �uture.
I am emp3,ayed by Gore Itange Propex�ies as a sal�sman. 1'rior �o coming
to Vai1 I was iri the accounting profession for eight years, including
. thxee years as a con�roller. I have a B.S. in finance and a M.B.A. ;
both from the Univers�.ty of Maa.ne.
� '�hank you for considering tihis appli.cation.
Sincerely yours,
� l� ./ • .
� �v ��
David W. WillettQ
P. 0. Bax �.486
Vail, Co�.orado 81657
'%/�- (� �a�
, . .
. s�-l.`� �� `
���c� ��i�C Gl-�'�`-e-� `-��' � � .
��'�C��.� ��j..��� ������� ����' � ������f��� ���.
� P4. t'S0X 18?3 VAIL CAL4R�C0 S16S7' 303•476•4573
� _
March 2Q, 1980
Mr. Jim R�$in •
c/o Tawn of Vai1
Degt. of Community Development
P.0. �3ox 100
Vail, Colorado 81657 .
Dear ,Tim:
T am cL �r�nrly fi1].ing the balance of Ron Toddts �erm on rhe Planning
and Environmental Commission. •
As this term expires on Apri� 6, 1980 r would l.zke to take this opT
portunitq to appl.y for a fu1�. term on the CorRmission.
'�ery �r�ay yo���,
- _�����������
• Dan Corcoran
� .
4y. . �
SF<: �'w;�'.. 'i�Y,'� ,' .J
G:: , � . . ,'>: , � ,
u�'. ,. i::� � . . s��lii•4,.
� ������
Apr�T 14, i980
1 .OD P.M. Walking Work 5ession. A1T members and other interested parties
w�11 meet at Seibert C�rcTe ta wa�k throu h the Vilia e an� d'
the Vail V'
illa e Urban Desi n Guide P1
g g
3:00 P.M. Aublic Meet�ng
1 . ) Approvai of a Park�ng and 5etback llar�ance to a11ow remodel�ng and additions
to �he Vail 2T , which is located on �ot 3, Block 1 , Va�� Lionshead �irst
FiTing in Cor�anercia� Core II �one District.
2.y Approval of the Developmen� P7ar� �or the Par�orama Condominium Project located
on �.ot 1 , Blocfc 3, and �ot 27, Blocfc 7 , L�onsr�dge Subdiv�sion Fil ing No. 3
in accordance w�th the Sp�ciai Development D�s�r�c� Rev�ew Procedures.
3. ) Cort�inuatior� of consideration of ��e Vail Vi71age Urban Design Guide P1an.
4. ) �ontinuation of consideratian of Zoning Changes for Commercial Core I,
Vai� ViTiage, and Commercial Core TT, Vaii Lionshead.
• 5.) Approval o�F Minutes of March 24, 19$4 and Apri� 7, 1980.
1'o be pt�b� i shed �n the Va-�1 T'ra i 1 4-11-80.
Apri1 14�, 1980, 1 :00 P.M.
1 .) Cont�nued Pu�l �c Hearing on Va�l V�llage flrban �esign Gu�de Plan
and Qrdinances for Corr�nercial Core I ar�d II.
Ta be p�bl ished i� �he Vail Trail 4-'18-80
Apr�i 14, 1980
1 :00-2:30 P.M. Cont�nued Public Hearing on Uail Uillage Urban
Design Guide Plan and Ordinances for Commerc�al
Core I and II . {The Planning and �nvironmental
Comm�ssion, S�af�', and Pub13c wili r�eet a� Seibert
C�rcle at 1 :00 P.M.}
2:30-2:54 P.M. Q�scussion of options �o reduce the number af
dwelling units in the Town of Vai1 .
2:50 P.Nf. Discuss�on of Gounty proposal of the Westwood
1 .) Approval of Develo�ment P3an for Fanorar�a Condomin�ums (Phase 1 )
located on Lot 27, B�ock 7 , L�onsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3
and conceptUa7 approval af the Development Plan for Phase 2 loca�ed
�ot 3 , 81ock 3, tionsridge Subd�v-�sion Fil �ng No. 3.
. 2.) P�blic H�aring and considera�ion of variances �For setbacks, der�s�ty
con�rol , cave�^age, and parkzng to perm�t Corr�n�rcial Expansaon of the
Va�7 21 Buiiding that is in canformance with the Vai1 �ionshead
Urban Qes�gn �uide P7an.
3.) Continued Pu�7ic Hear�ng on Va�1 V�11age �rban D�sign Guide Plan a�d
Ordinances for Commerc�al Core T and Ii.
4. ) Appraval of M-�r�utes o�F �larch 24 artd April 7, 1980 meetings.
Planning and Environm�n�a1 Commission
Minu�es a� Meeting of 4-74-8Q
� Page One
Members Present
Ed Drager
Jim Morgan
John Perkins
Sandy Mi 11 s
Gerry White
Town Counc�� Person Present
John Donovan
Staff Present;
D-ick Ryan
Peter Pattcn
Jim Rubin
Chuck Dan7ey
8e�ore the Public Hear�ng t�ere was a Discussion vf the County Proposal
� of the Westwooc� Subdivision.
Dicic Ryan gave the background on this 3tem.
Basica17y they are com�ng �o the Town and going to �he County to see what
wou�d be accep�able densi�y there. They wauld like to see how many uni�s
would be al�owed there by the Towrt.
The Si�e is 47.7 acres.
Ja�n Kic�n�igh made his presentat-�on. �'hey would like to build 45 units,
a comb��ation of Pr�mary/5econdary �uplexes and Single Fami1y res�dences.
The Staff feeTs the density should be abaut the same as allawed on the
Se7by property. 21 Units were aTlowed on 43 acres.
1'hey have applied for RSM zoning in the County but -�he County hasn't said
how many �nits they wfluld a11ow there. Tntermountain �ngineer7ng has sa�d
there are 21 btaildab1e acres.
Dick Ryan asked t�e 8oard �heir feeiings on th�s.
�d Drager sa�d he feels it shou7d b� zoned resource because he �oesn 't
fee� it �s bui 1 dab7 e 1 and.
Jim Morgan said he thinks 19-20 �an�ts �s appropriate. It shauld be camparab1e
� to the Selby land.
PEC Minu�es--4/14/80
Page Two
John Perlc�ns said he doesn 't th�nk we can just pull a dens�ty fig�re from
t�e a�r. He sa7d there are a �ot o� probler�s with this ]and. F!e can't see
where they have spent �30,000 on enginear�ng of �i�is road sys�em. John Kidneigh
said he has five different pTans for �he raads. John �erkins sa�d he wouid like
to see them.
Sandy Mill s said s�e thinks the P��nr��ng Camr��ssion �shoul d send a letter
to �he Forest Service, BLM, or whomev�r �o �et them lcnow how �anhappy we
are with th�se trade parceis which are not deve�apab1e. She t��n[cs the
road system should r�ot be priva�e roads but should be bui7t to Vail s�andards
so they could be plowed and fire tr�cks can get in there.
Gerry Whi�e asked �f �lohn Kidneigh feels they can build 45 units on th�s land.
He sa7d he feels they can build q-0 uni�s.
John Perlcins said he feels they would have to prove to him how 40 units fit
Gerry White said �e feels maybe th�y should make a s-ite trip there.
Ed Drager made a motion �hat the �lanning and Environmental Commission recommend
that the zoning on this par�cel be left Resource. Sandy i�ills seconded the motion.
Ed Drager, Sandy Miils, and Gerry White voted for this mot�on. John Perkins and
� Jim Morgan voted against. Bo�h Jahn and Jim fe�� units should be allowed on this
parce� but �he develaper would ha�e ta prave how many units can be built on i�.
l .) Rpproval of Development Plan for Panora�a Condom�niums (Phase 1 )
1oca�ed on Lot 27, B�ock 1 , Lior�sr�d e Subdi�vi�si�or� F'ilin i�o. 3
and conce tual a raval of �he De�elo ment �lan for Phase 2 located
on Lo� 1 , B�ock 3, Lionsr�d e Subdivision �'il�n No. 3
Peter Pa���n said that Jay Peterson represent-�ng the developer has asked
�that this item be postponed unt�l May 72, 1980.
John Perkins mad� a matian to pos�pone the above until May 12, 1980. Jitn
Morgan seconded the mot�an. The vote was unar�imous.
P. ) Pub7ic Hearin and consideration of var�ances for se�backs, dens�t
con�ro� , cbverag�, and parking to �erm��t Commerc�al Expar�sion of the
Vail 21 Buildin that is in conf'armance with the Va�1 �.ionshead Urban
Design G��de PTan.
Dick Ryan �xp�ained ��his �tem and the Staf�F recor�mendatior�.
The Staff is r�com�end�ng appraval of these varianees with �he condit�ons
that ti�e owners pay the requ�red parking fee, 6e required ta partic�pa�e
� in ma11 impravements, b� required ta pay �n any mall impravement distr�ct
tha� �s established and improve the court yard which �s on pr�vate iand as
per the Sta�f inemo af 4-11 -80.
PEC Minutes--4/14/80
Page Three
� Duane P�per, the architect, made his presentation. H� sa�d the expansion
wi71 go in�o the setback but nat on �own Right-of-Way.
puane Piper sa�d �hey w7�1 pay the park�n g fee as required.
J�m Rubin and R�ck Ryan expiained that i� �he Lionshead �rban Design
6u�de Plan and Ordi�ances were already approved, these variances would
not be necessary b�t is necessary now.
Sandy Mills made a motion to grant �hese variances for setbacks, dens�ty
control , coverage, and parking to permit Comm�rc�a� Expansion of the Vai1 21
Bu�lding that is in conformance wi�h the Vail Lionshead Urban Desing Guide
Plan as per the S�af� memo of 4-11-80. E� Drager seconded th� motion and
the vote was unanimous.
3. ) Continued Pub7ic Hearing on Va�l Uillage Urban Desing Guide P1an and
Ord��ances for Co�mercial CoreTI �and T�.
The Board continued to discuss this plan with Jeff Wi�ston of Gage �avis
and Associa�es and the Staff. The Baard and Sta�� had walked through the
Village during the work s�ssion and �a.d some suggestions for changes they
would like �o see �ncorporated. Ed Drager mad� a motion to continue this
disc�ssion untiT April 2� , 198Q at 7 :�0 P.M.
� I�em 4 ( the approva7 of th� minutes) was not discussed.
The mee��ng was adjourned at 5:07 P.M.
T0: R�ci� Caplar�, Tnwn Manager
. FROM: Dick Ryan, Commur�ity Development, Direc�or '��.
DATE: April 8, Z980
RE; Options to cons�der for possib�y reducing �he number of �an�ts
within the Town.
�nder cu�^rEn� zon�ng there cou]� be �p ta 2,�60 new units withTn �he Town
o� Va�l . The Town Council and the PTanning and Env�ronmental Comnissian have
been concerned with tMe u�tzmate bu�1d out of tl�e Town. Below are �ive o��ions
to consider.
1 . Sta�us quo-Na change in the zoning d7stric�s as �o tt�e number o� units that
could be permitted.
2. Work to reduce the number of un�ts in Va3� by "X"%. �
3. Re�t��re that "X"% of uni�s constructed in th� Towr� be ava�lable far
�mpioyees af the Gore Valley.
�. Reduce the num�er of un-its by "X"� and require al� projects to have "X"%
for emp7oyee housing. �
5. Another option to cons�der is a�low�ng "X" number of �anits �a be c�ns�ructed
. in any year.
This would extend �he u1��mate b���d out o�' the Town. A merit system wauld
be developed wE�er� cri�eria for employee housing, solar app� ica��on, energy
conserva�ton, si�e des�gn, landscaP3r�g, parking and c�rculation, pub3ic �
faci1iti2s, parks, �ire protection, wat�r distribution , sanitary sewag�
col7ectior�, police protection, public transportatian, etc. would be developed.
A poin�: system would then be es�ab1ished and the projects Ulith the highes�
number of points would receive approva� for bu��d�ng permits.
i �
�A�'E: A�-i 1-80
APPf.ICANT: Gordon R. P�erce and Associates, Archi�ec�
7_ONING: �ledium Densi�y NEultimple Family (iNDMF) subject to Specia7
pevelopment D�strict Review Procedures due ta previaus
agreemer�� upon annexat�on o�F Lionsridge Subdivisian.
East--Vacant parcels zoned R R/S
West--BUffer Creek 5ubdiv�sion (Eagle County)
South--Buffer Creek Subdivision (Eagle Coun�y)--Sma11 Condo�rin3um Development
North�-5t�ep C�iffs and �'�rra�n--Vacant
Site_ Ar�a {Sg. �t. ) Bu��Edabie S��e Area A1lowable GRFA Ailowab7e No. of Units*
79,000 57,700 20,195 75
Pro osed No. of Un�ts Pro�osed GRFA Average GRFA/Uni�
14 20,09�2 �43i
Average Building Average Build�ng
Height Ailowed Hei ht Pro osed
35' 25'
Total Parking Spaces Covered Parking Covere� Parking
Re uired _ Required Spaces Prov�ded Prov�ded
27 14 37 14
*P�^evious Agreement between �ev�loper and 7own Cot�nci�
�'he si�e is presently vacant with litt7e �o no vege�ation on the
bu�3��ng areas in Phase 1 cons�s� of mild slopes of less �han 25� (mostly����v��
around 10%).
PEC Memo
Panorama �ondos--Page two
The steep LionsR�dge is s�tuated 200 feet above and north o� the s�te and
cons�sts of a near vertical clif� of �o�n�ed sandstone bedrock. Rockfall
has �een iden�ified as a potent�a� hazard to development on these parce�s
and wor� was started last fa71 toward mi�igating the �azard. Blasting and
sca�ing of the rocks lileiy to break loose w��7 be completed ��is spring,
the gea�og�cal report recommends no cons�ruc��on begin un�il �his work is
camp7eted and a lnnq tre�ch has been constructed across the lower portion of
t�e northern.si�e to catch and r�tain any falling rock from blasting �pera�ions
above and that �er�odica� �nspec�ians by t�e owner of rock�a11 po�entiai above
�he �ot be performed.
A soils report has been corrtple�ed with associated recommendations. S�te
grading restr�c�ions and guidelines �n repart shouTd be followed as wel� .
Phase 1 is proposed for 14 towr�hause-�ype un�ts. There are four clusters of
b�ild�ngs, three of �our units and one of two uni�s. A s��g1e access off of
Lionsridge Loop �oad is provided along with n�ne guest park�ng spaces. Single
car garages ar� provided wi�h each unit.
The Department of Commun�ty Deve7apment is recom�ending �i�a1 appraval of
Panorama Condominiums Phase 1 with the �oilowing conditions:
Y . Either the trenc� cons�ruct�d ta catch faliing rock r�ma7n �n p1ace
or �he rock�a�l �itigation work be compieted priar to construc��on
of Phase � .
2. The owner prov�de �For periodicai �nspection of rockfai1 potentia7
throughot�t the life of ��e project and tha� the proper mi�igation
measc�res be taken, i� deemed neeessary.
3. As recommended in the Preliminary Geo�echn�cal S�te EvaTuation by
Chen and Assacia�es, Decerr�ier 21 , 1979, pag� 6, a71 lower ievel
{basement) areas be �ro�ect�d by an underdra�n sys�errrfor dra�nage.
4. AT1 recommenda�ions for si�e grading found on page 7 of the above report
be followed.
PEC Memo
� Pa�orama Condos--page Thr�e
1 i 369 7 .87
2 i474 7 .97
3 1369 1 .87
4 1382 1 .88
5 1382 i .8$
6 1396 1 .89
7 1465 1 .96
8 1478 1 .98
9 1478 1 .98
10 1465 1 .96
11 1369 1 .87
12 184$ 2.OQ
13 1382 1 .88
14 1369 1 .87
20,OA�2 26.86 = 27
Plans for this projeet are available in the Comm€�nfty Develop�nent
Phase II
Th� appZ�cant has also requested �ha� �he P1anning and Environmental
Cor�ission commen� on �he propased �ayout of build�ngs on Pi�a�e II.
Phase TI is the larger parcel on the Nort�t Side of �ionsridge Loap
wi�h zoning for 48 �anits. The intent of the developer is to p�ace
42 un�ts on the upper parcel in a seven bui7ding c7us�er. The plans
will be presented to you at the rrteeting.
� 70: Planning and �nvironmental Co�nm�ssian
DATE : 4-11-80
RPPLICA�IT: Charles Rosenquist and Dick Brown
ZONT�lG: Cflrr�rtercia1 Core X�
PROPQSRl.: Three Commerc�al Expansion Areas cantaining 2,44�3 square �'eet
The Appiicants are propas�ng three areas of expansion ta the Ua17 21 Building
that requiare several variances at this �ime. A11 the proposed expansions are
�n con�ormance with �he Va�l LionsHead Urban Design Plan �ha� 1�as been approved �y
the Planning and �nv�ronmental Commissiort and Town Council . The proposed zon�ng
� ordinance chang�s for Commercial Core Ii that was in your packe� last week wau7d
per�nit the cammercia] expansian proposed w��hout going �hrough a variance pracedure,
Under the Zaning Ordir�ance changes the appl �cant would be required to go through
a process to show how the proposed expansians meet the Va71 ��onshead �lrban
Qesign Guide Plan and Architectura1 Gu�de1ines. The appiicar�t -�s going before
the P7anning at�d �nvironmental Commiss�on at th�s time so tha� construetion
can start �n �he spr�ng and not be de�ay�d to the summer or fa7� .
The �hree corr�ercial expansion areas are a 1 ,025 sq�are faa� expansion to the
ski shop, a 658 square fo�t expansion to Krismar ��D. , and a 760 square foot
expansion in the area of the Piace restaurant. All the praposed expansions
would be located or� priva�e property and not extend �nto Town of Uail property.
The expansion areas proposed by �he app� ican� were shown on the 1Tai� Lionshead
Urban Design P1an for several reasons. The two areas along the eas� wall of
the 6uild�ng ���t°e shown to first improve �tte visual entrance o� the Va�i Lionshead
MaTI and show visitors to this area that it is an ac��ve commereial and pe�estr3an
area. Second, �o extend the commerc�a� space beyond the damznat�ng b��ldings
and deve�op a pedestrian scale for this area. There ts a greater o�portuni�y
for window shopp�ng, added life, and v��ality in Vail Lianshead.
The court yard by The Place restaurant is currer�t�y an un�nviting place for
pedestrians. There is no draw of commercial activity, landscaping, etc. �o
bring people in�o th�s co�ar� yard. Proposed is commercaaT expansion tha� will
provide more visib�lity to now vacant storage space. In addi�ion, there wiTT
be �he opportun��y �'or outdaor eating in th� sun pocke� in the north east
corner a-� the court yard.
� The Planning and Environmenta7 Comm�ssion sha�1 make the fol7owing f�ndings
before gra�tir�g a variance:
�EC Memo
Va�1 2�---Page Twa
1 . 7'hat the granting flf the variance will no� constitute a grant of
spciai privilege inconsistent with the l�mitations arr other properties
ciassified in the same district;
2. That the granting of the variance w�11 rtot �e detr-�mental
to ti�e pubZic h�alth, safe�y, or we1�are, or materia7�y
injurious to properties or improvemtns in �he vicinity;
3. That �he var�ance is warranted for one or r�ore af �he foTlowing
a. 7he strict or literal interpretation and enforcemen� of �he
specif�ed reguiation would result in practical d�ff�c�lty
or unnecessary phys�cal hardship inconsistent with �he
objectives of th�s t�tle,
b. There are except�onal or extraardinary c�ircumstances vr
canditions applicab�e �o the s3te of the variance that
do not apply generally to other pro�erties ir� the same zone,
� c. The s�ri c� or 1 T teral �nterp�^etati or� and enforcemen� o�
the spec-�fied regulation would deprive �he applicant of
priv��eges enjoyed by �he owners of other properties �n
the same district.
(Ord. 8 (7973) paragraph 19.600. )
�'he Community DeveTopment Department recommends approva� of the variances
reques�ed. The Staff considers that there is no gran� of special pr�vilege
since the UaTI Lionshead Urban Design Gu�de P�an and proposed ordinance changes
wi�1 permit this type of commercia1 expansion. The staff recommends that the
ap�7icant be required �o pay the �Fce esta�lished by the Town Council . Tl��s
parking fee �s current7y under �^�view by Council . Attached is the memarandum
d�scuss�ng the paricing f�e. The app� icant should also be required to partic�pate
in mall improvem�nts. The percentage of 7own participation and private par�icipat�on
and pr�vate participat�on in mal� improvements has no� been fo�rnerly estab13shed.
�he a lican� would 1 -�ke to see r�a31 impravements take p7a�e on �he east side
with �he commercial expansions. In the court yeard on the wes� side �s pr3vate
property and should be improved by the applicant with the commercial expansion.
Another cortdTtion shoud� be that the app� icant agrees not to remonstrate against
the special improveme�t dis�r�ct �f formed for ma�l �m�rovements in Vai� L�onshead�
and agre� to jo�n the district.
DATE: 4-�}-8 0
�.. Considera�ion of the Vaz1. Vi1.l.age Urban Design Guide
2. Consideration of Zoning Changes for Comercial Cor� I,
Vai]. Village, and Comercial Co�e II, Vai1 L.ionshead
� A. ) C�nera� Concept
The general concept of the� .changes is to establish new gu.i.delines
and pxocedures for the review of a�l exterior m�lificatians within
Comnercia�. Core I (CCI) and Com�rcial Core II (CCII)-the Vail Vi].lage
and Vaix Lianshead core areas. The new guidel.ines a�^�; s�t forth in
the Vai1 Village and Vail Lionshead Urban Design C�uicZe P1an and
Ax�chi�ec�ural Guidelin�s.
B.) Urban Design Guide Plans
There a�re two Urban, Design. Guide P1ans, one for OCI oi Vail Village
a.tad the second ane �or ClCII or Vail Lzonshead. The Urban Design Guide
P1ans establish the generaX aareas azad types af e�ansions which wi11 be
a�lowed ta occ�x �n �he �tevo co�re a,7r�as.
The Guide Pl�.n will be used for the review of a�.l e�arasians,
Those expaxlsions adding more than 50 square feet o� enclosed �loor arca
will be reviewed by -�he Planning and �vironmental Co�rmission. I� wilJ�
be the applicants r�sponsibili.ty to shaw that his/her p�°oposal. meets the
intent o� the p�an. The.Guaide Plans w�I1 l�e reviewed on an annual basis
to consider potent�al xevisions to the plans with the plans being updated
to refl�ct the chasigcs.
C.) Architectura� Gu�.del�nes
� 'Phere a�°e a�so �Lwo se�s o� Archi�e�c�ux�a�. Guidelin�s, one for �he Vai1.
Va.�.la.ge and a second for the Vai�. Lionshead. The Arch�tectural Guidelines
expZaa.n the �ypes o� ma�eria�.s, colors, buiXding massing, roa�s, �acades
windows, balconies, acc�nt �lements, a�n.d sexv�c� consid�xata.ons to be
observea in the design o� exterzor rrndifications ai.n the two core areas.
The Architectural Guidelines w�11 be ad�n.�.stered by the Desi.gn Review
Boa�rd and it will again be the applicants respons.ibility to show how
his/her proposal gen�araZly rnee�s �he in�ent o� -�he guide�ines. '].'he
Design Review Board.wiXl review all proposals �ha� ar� brough� b�fore
the A�annit�g and En�ri�onmer��a�. Carnnissian in the Urban Design Guide Plan
Review, as well as aIl snaller addi.ta.ons and material chang�:s wh�.ch a1�er
the existing charac�er of a building. AlI mino�r chang�s which are pro�ased
xn. con�oxma.nce with �he architectural guidelines tha.t do not materially
change the appearance of the i�uilding can be approved by th� Cotrmuni�y
Deve�opmen� Deparirnent.
D. } New Pxocedu�ces
For �980, a�� expansxons a� gxeater �han 50 squa.re fe�� rrus� be
su�ma.�ted by Ma�r 3.9th, Y980 to be heard by the Planning and Environmental
Comni.ssa.on on June 9th of 1980. For aIl subsequent yeaxs, expansians will
only be reviewed once annually, which wil� be a.n Februaxy, The expansion
praposals must be suhmitted by December �5th for the Feb�a�ry review.
For expa,ns�.ons of �e�,s tha.n 50. sq�za,re feet, �hes� w�ll be heaxd on an
� oz�gaing basis by the I�s�.gn Review Baax•d throug;hout the year.
E.) Deve�op[nent Standaxas G�ianges �o� CC�
• 18.24.Q�0 Purpose-The puxpose section wil� be changed to make �eference to the
Vai� Village Urban Design Guida Plan and Arci�tectural C�r.idelines.
18.24.020-�8.24.060 Permi��ed Conditional Uses wi3.1 nat be changed.
18.24.065 Candit3onal Uses-Expansion will be repealed and �^eplaced w�th
a new sectian describing the new procedures.
�.8.24.100 Setbacks; 18.24.120 Heig��.t; 18.24.130 Density Control; 18.24.150
Coverage; and 18.2�.170 Landsca��ng and Site �evelc�pment wil] be revised to
a.ncor�orate �he provisions of the Vail Vil.l�e Urban Desi�n Guic�e Plan.
].8.24.�40 Reconstruction of E��.sting Uses will be rei�trodttced and �nended
so tha,�t any rebuilding of e�isting structures is done xn conforrr�ax�ce wi.th
�he Vai� Village Urban I3�sign Guide P�an.
Tkie rest o� Com�rcial Core I will rc�na.in the s�me.
F.) Develo ment Stan.dards for Co�miercial Core II
18.26.010 Puxposes-The pt�pose sect�.an will be changed �o make �reference
to �he Vai1 Lionshead Urban Design Guide P�.an and Architec�ural Guidelines.
18.26.030-18.26.040 Permz.tted and Conclitional Uses remain unchang�d.
, 18.26.0`70 Se�backs; 18.26.090 Height; �8.26.I00 I�ns�.ty Cantrn7.;
18.26.720 Cove�age; 18.26.140 Landscap�.ng and Site Deve�o�rr�nt,
will be revisecl similax to those an OCT to incorpo�cate the provision
o� th� Vail Lionshead Urban Des�.gn Guide P�an.
'I'lzere wi].X be a new sec�ion in Corrmercial Core II �o describ� the nevn
prc�ced�ures a.nd a new secti..an tha.t dea�s wi�h �.econstruction of Exist�_ng
Jses. I�th '�hese sections w�.�.l. be si.mx.lar to those in Co�mea°cial Core I.
The rest of Commercial Core I� w�11 remain the same.
G. ) These changes axe what ha,s been recommended by the Town o#' Vaii Cotrrr�utl�.ty
Developrn�nt Depa7c�men�. Ti�ey will be pxesen�ed to the Planning �d
Eravironmen�al Cca�¢nission at 3:00 P.M. on Monda.y, Apri� ?th in the VAiI
Town Council Charnbers. Th� �ecorrgr�nala.tions of tk� Planning and Environ--
men�al. Cozrmi.ss�.on will then be �orwarded to the Town Counc�.l.
Any input or corrc�nts on these changes be�ore the rneeting �inuld b� gr°eatly
apprecia��d. P�.ease �orw�.rd �hem to Jim Ruba.n or Dick Ryan, D�partment o�
Comrn�rai�y Deve7.opment, Tows� of Vail, 476-561.3.
DA"�E: 4-�-80
�.. Enclosed is a copy o� the revised analysis of existing
and potential development in the Gore VaI7.�y with the status of
each developmen�.. In addition, �he nttmber of dup�ex lots in
�he Tocvn tha� are o--is, aoa squa�e �oot, 15, 000-30,000 sq�are
feet and above 30 ,OOd squax�e fee-�.
2 . The staff w.i�1 a�so discuss the measurem�nt ot height, slope,
GRFA, ancl other zoning i.ssues previousl.y discussed.
3. Discussion o� �he parking �ee �or Cos�am��cial Core I and
Commercial Core II .
4. Discuss�.on of construction requiremen.ts in Vai1. Village and
Vai1 Lionshead.
�o: TowN cot�vczz�
DATE: April 2, �.98Q
R�: Revised Analysis o� �isting and Potential Developrr�nt
in the Core Va�ley
The below fi�ures represen� an up to date caunt of exis�i.ng and
po�ential development �.n the Gaxe Va�ley. In the �ollowing figures.,
accorrrr�odatzon uni�ts hav� been converted in-�o �r�llin� units on a twa
for one basis. Uni�s s�ax�ted last surriner which are close to completion
are included �.n �he existing unit colttt�. �a,nd purchases by �he Town
of Vail ar�d recent annexatxon a�e ref�ected �n the figures.
In this analysis an average occupancy �actox of 3.5 people �er un�.t
has been used. This factor will be ac�,justed based on the �inal r�part
on the Mountain Valley Capacx�y fteseaxch Study.
Exxst�ng Units Existing Bed Base
Town of Vail 4,763 16,671
West Vail 1,097 3,839
� 5,860 20,514
Thxs represents a bed base increase o� over 3,000 �rom the �a�ysis done
last May. Thzs bed base increase has been caused by �h�; considexable amount
of const�ructian that took place last sta�mler (approx�.mately �54 units were
sta.xted in �he Town o� Vail alan�) and a study by the Eag1e County Sua�ld�.ng
Department entit�ed, "Inv�ntoxy of Dwelling Unz�s zn �ag�e Coun�y, Colorado,"
whzch raised �he ntunber o� existing units �.n �h�es� Vail over our pas� estima.tes.
Possible Passible
New Deveiopmen� New Development
(Uriits) {Peciple)
Town of Vail 2,160 7,560
West Va�l 771 2,698
, ��, 2,931. 1Q,258
'I'l�ese numbers would xesul.t in an ul�imate bed base of 30,768, which would
represen� an approximately 50% inc�ease over the exist�.ng bed base. The
Gore Valley is the�e�ore about 2/3 of its ultima�� capacity at this titne.
Page 'L�vo
Curren-� 7cming
Speczal Ueve�opment Districts
a.nd Mu�ti Family Zones 1,373 Units
Vacan� Duplex IA�s �Q4 Units
Duplex Ir�ts with only ane t�t�i� present�.y 158 Units
Vaca.n� �zngle Family Lo�s 25 Units
TOTAL 2,160 Units
P�ge 3
Praposed Additianal
E��st�ng Units Units* Tota� Units
Courtsid� (under constrt�ction) 29 15 �4
Pota�o Patch C1ub (under const. � 28 16 44
Carnie Parcel. (no appx+ovaT) � g g
�.india]. (DP�}3 approval) 0 21 2�-
Liorasx�.dge Al & A2 (no approval) 0 �3 13
Casolar I (no approva.l for 13 � 1� 7g
remaining un�ts)
Bi�horn 3rd Addit.ion (no approval) 0 29 29
(8 Lots)
�.'0'I`ALS 63 1Z6 179
Timbexfal3.s (Present Phase) (unc�er 1�5 18 123
eonst. )
Tianber�a3�ls C�.t�ure) (ria �Aprova.l) 0 3� 35
Racquet Club TawnYio�rses (u�der canst, ) 23 37 60
Go��course Tawnhouses (under const. ) 26 Zg �
Pu�a.s (no approva�) fl 25 25
Caso�ax II (A-7) 2 9 lI.
Bighorn 3rd Addi�ian (no approval) �- 21 22
{5 Lo�s1
Sands�one Creek C�ub (undex c�nst. ) 23 61 S4
Va.:�l Town & Coun�;xy (Bld�. pexrn.i.t p 52
issued Ju:l.y, 1979)
�� �80 286 466
'kUnder cu�rx�nt zana.ng
Pa,ge 4
Proposed Additional
� Ex�:stzng Una.ts Una.ts� Total Uz�its
Sun Vail (under constx�uction) 24 36 60
Ra,cquet C1.ub (under construct�on) 245 30 275
Hall (2 parce�.$) (no appxova�) 0 38 38
5now Fax (Snow Lion YT) (DRB App.) 0 16 16
Lionsridge Filing No. � (paxcels)
(nn approval) 0 101 101
'I'�ALS 269 221 490
Ipaneana, (DRB approval) 0 9 9
Wzllow Cxrcle Paxcels
(4 parceZs) (no approva.�) 10 ?2 32
� Tyrolean Inn (Bld�. perr�it zssued
Apxil, �980) 0 8 8
T(7PAL�S �.0 39 �9
SPECIAL DEVFtLOPMF�I'.0 DIS.i`RIGT 51'7 711 1;2.28
TC7I`ALS 1,039 1,373 2,412
1,373 X 3.5 (People p�r uni�) = 4,805 Acldi.tiona� Peop��
*Under current zoning
PagB 5
A. ) Specia� Development District 1--Rep7.aced by Specia�. Devel.opznent Distri.ct 8
B. ) Special Developrzient District 2—Northwooc�s
Acreage: 7.643 acres
Ax�.o�ra.b�e Uni�s: 129 + 6 erripl.oyee ho�u,sing (COMFL�,�`ED)
AII.r�wab�.e GRFA: ].75,000 squaar� �eet
F�isting Uni�s: 89
E�isting GRF�1: �.�.9,362 square feet
Units/acre allawed: 17.�6
Un�.ts/acre actua.I: 11.64
C. ) Speca.al D��velopmen� D�.strict 3--P�tkin Creek Park
Acrea,ge: 8.29 acres
AXl�wable Unit�: �56 (UNDER CONSTRUGTION)
A11cn�vable GRFA: 126,500
. Px�oposed Uni�s: �.56
Propo�ed G�.FA: 121,294
�isting Units: 84
Exis�ing GRFA: 66,284
Units/Acre al�owed: �8,82
Ea��.staixig Una�s/acr�: �0.13
D.) Special Devel.opment Distr�ct 4-�ascade (Mansfield) Vi11a�
Acreage: 18.078 acres
Allowab�e Unats: 252 (PEC & TC APPROVAL)
Allawa,ble GRFA: 275,6I7
Proposed Unx-�s: 230 (I.50 acca�m7odation units, 89 dwe�ling units and
B6 Emp�oy�e Units)
Proposed C�tFA: 273,7�0 squaxe �ee�
Units/a.cre allou�d: I3.94
Una.ts/ar.re proposed: 12.72
�. ) Special Develop�nent District �--Sirr�a Run
Acreag�e: 6.3 acres
A].�.r�wab].e Units: 139 (PEC APPROVAL)
AIlc�vvable GRFA: I39,000 �t�are feet TC DENIAL
Proposed Uni�s: �29 + 18 employee units
Propsed (�.FA: I39,000 square feet
• Units/acre a�lowed: 22.06
Uni�s/acre �raposed: 23.33
1�a.ge 6
F. ) ecial Developrr�;nt District 6---Vai� Vi��age Znn
Acr�age: 3.�55 Acres
Ailow�.b�.e Units: 300 Accomnoda�ion Units (PEC & TC APPRpVAL
150 DwellYng Units FC}R PHL�SE III)
Al�awable C�.F'A: 1Q0,000 sqtia�e feet
P�roposed Units: 69 Acc�mlodation Units
40 Dwelling Uni�s
Proposed C�'A: 87,600 square �eet
�is�aixig Units: �Q9 Accaru�od.at�on LTni�s
Existing GRFA: �8,600 square feet
Units/acre a�.�owed: 43.4
Units/acre existing:3�.77
G.) ecial Develo m°nt Dis�rict 7---The Maxk
Acreage: 5.8 Acres
Al�avabl�: Units: 304 Acco�rnodatian Units (PHAS"E I CQMPLEI�
34 Dwelling Unzts NO APP�}VA'{�S"��Il-�� I:C)
Allc�wable GRFA: 134,000 squaxe feet
Proposed Units: 304 Accorn�odation Un��s
34 Dwell�ng Units
. Proposed GR�'A: 134,000 square �ee�
Exa�sting Uni�ts: �.79 Accomnoda�a.on
27 Ihvell ing
�ista.ng C�`A: 47,487 squ�re ��et
Units/acre a�lcraved: 35,91
Units/acre sxistin�:22.59
H.) Special Development District_8---Fallridge
Acreage: 1.3 acres
Allcnvab�e Un�ts: 7�. (C�LEI`ID)
A�lowa,ble GRFA: 85,000 square feet
E�isting Uni�s: 71
�isting GRFA: 85,000 squar� feet
Units/acre allowed: 54.62
Units/acre e�is�ing:5�.62
�. ) ial Deve�.o ment District 10-Val�i Hi
Acreage: 10.D5 acre�
Al�avable Unit�: 199 (r.JNnER C�V�TRUGT�ON)
A1lowable GRFA: 149,943
Proposed Units: �.99
Proposed Qi.FA: 149,943
�isting LTni�s: 102
� �istin.g GR�'A: 76,500
Unzts/acre alJ.owed: 19.8
Uni�s/acre existing:I4.I5
Page 7
Q--15,Q00 15-30,OOQ 30,OQ0*
DuPL� CVacant) 2Q 81 16
DUP�� (X Unit} �� 47 10
'PO'I'ALS 65 ��8 82
� 70: Rich Caplan, Town Nlanager
FROM: D7ck Ryan, Community Dev�7apment, Di�^ector �,�.
�AT�: April 8, �980
R�: Qptions �o cans�der for possibly redue�ing �he number of uni�s
within the Town.
Under c�rren� zoning there could be up to 2,160 new uni�s within th� Town
of Vail , Th� Town Cour�c�3 and the Planning and Er�v�ronmental Carrmiss�on have
b�en concerned with the u7timate b[a�ld ou� of the Town. Below are f�ve opt�ons
to consider.
1 . S�atus quo-No change in the zoning districts as to the number of uni�s that
could b� permit�ed.
2. Work to reduce �he number of units in Vai� by "X"%.
3. Require tha� "X"% of un-��s constructed in the Town be ava�lable far
em�loyees of the G�re Va11ey.
4. Reduce the number of un��s by "X"% and require all projec�s to have "X"%
for employee haustng.
� 5. Ano�her op�ion to cons�der is allowing "X" number of un�ts to be constructed
in any year.
Th�s wou�d extend the u7�imate btai�d o�� o� the Town. R mer�t system would
be developed where criter�a fpr emp7oyee housing, solar app1ication, energy
canservation, si�e design, landscapir�g, parking and circulation, publ�c
facil -i�ies, parks, fire protection, water distribution, sanita.ry sewage
r� ti n etc. would be deve3o ed.
collectian, police protection, pub� ic transpo a o , p
t b7ished and the ro 'ects w
ith �he hi hest
A po�nt syste�n would then be es a p � �
number of poirtts woul d rec�ive approvaT -�or bu�l d-irtg permi�s.
T0: ��.ck Ryan, Community Developm�nt Direc�or
FROM: Steve Patterson, Building Official.
DA'��: 4-4--8 0
1. Exterio� wark to b� done on any buildinq in the two Co�e Areas ,
or pertinent adjaining buildings. as c1e-�ermined by Design Review
Board, may be done year round a� long as a decoxa�ive fence, app-
roved by Desa.gn Review Board an.d Bu�lding b.ivision is erected
arot�nd entire cons��ucta.an projec� with care being given �o
maxntenance o:� Town .Right o� Ways, ease�nents and p���i.nen� traf�ic
�Zow. (Both veh�,�ul.ar and pedes�rian)
2 . All fenci.ng i� to be app�'ovEd by Design Review Board and Building
Division i.n regard ta design, loca�ion, and constructio�. prior to
any exterior wark bein,g done.
3. Interior work on any structure wi.l� have no adda.tional restrictions ,
• other than thase already in effect, for the en�ire year.
4 . A maximum af on� permanent job vehicle only wi�h the location �o be
de�ermined by the �'own of Vail.-wi11 be allowed at al1 �imes be�ween
-�he hours af 7..00 a.m. and 6 : 0� p.m. only.
5. Delivery vehicles far const�uc�ion supplies wi.11 be al�.owed a ntaximuzn
of 30 minute delivery ta.me on job site. T� any publ�.c area is to
be blocked during cons�ruction, c�ane, �tc. , the Town of Vai�
Police and Fire Departments will be given 24 hour notice. The
del.ive�y vehicles must meet -�he �ime zoning regulations approv�d by
the Town o� Vai.]..
6. A11 building material. must be ei�.h�x st4red inside struc�u�e cozn-
pletely or if ma�erial i.s too large to be s�.ored inside then said
material wil.�. be 1oca�ed inside fenced area. Adequate trash
�aca.�.ities wil..� a1.so bs locat�d inside fenc�:d area.
7. No pe�'�nits wi11 be i.ssued for ei�her core area unless a time schedtzle
.is recievea and appraved by �.hc� Building Division.
8. When strsets, sidewal.ks walkways, vehicular alleys, or a pedest�i.an
area is to be a1.�ered (temporary or perznanen�) , then �.emporary
facila.ties wi�1 be construc�ed prior to construction a��ex approval
has been given by Design Review Board and Bui.l.ding Div�.sion. Tem-
porary faci.Ii�ies will be provided in ful�. by builder. A�ter construc-
� 'tion is completed al�. disruptian to the Town of Vai1 Riah� o� Way
must be correc�ed to original cond.i.tion.
DATE: �-4-80
The Corrrnunity DeveXopment D�partment has revie�ved the cu�crent parking
�ee fox� �pansion i�n Cornnercial Core � and. II and is recorm�ncling a
reduction ta �he fee foar fxrst flnox expansions t�.at are in con�ormance
with the Vail Villa,g� and Vai� Lionshead iTrban Design Guide P1axi. Firs�t
and second floor co�r�exc�.al �xpax�s�.ons wauJ.d be reduced fr�r► the current
$5,000 foar each 300 square foot of e�ansion to $1,500 �or ea.ch 300 square
foot of expansion �or a thar�e year per�Lod. At the end a� �hree years, the
fee would be what Town Counci� has set for 1982. A�1 other types o� expansions
o� cha,�ges that rec�u.ir�: addi�a..onal parking wauld be required �o pay the
$S,Od� per parking space.
The ne� change wouid b� a change in where the £ee could be used. Instead
o� just for parkixig, the fee could also be used �or the bu,s system. The
ordinarice di�scuss�ng parking needs to be changed �o also inel.�de �ney
. being used �or the bus syst�n. The -�it1e should be Paxking and Trar�sportation
here could be some exi,stin paxking spaces tha� would
'1 Lionshead t g
In Va�
be r�noved �ox new canmerca.al spac�, additional landscapYng, pedes�tria�:
space a�ad trasY� starage. TY�e questions �s how we should dea� with the
red�xction �.n parkang spaces. T would recomriend the $1,500 �ee.
April 21 , �980, 1 :00 P.M.
1 . ) Approvai of Minutes from 3�2A, A�-7, and 4-14--$�.
2.) Continued P�b1ic Hearir�g on Vail Village Urban Design Guide P1an
and Ordinances for Comr�ercial Core I and II.
3. } Discusslon o� �.iv�ry Stable at Spradd�e Creefc.
Minutes a� Plann�ng and Env�ronmenta� Commiss�on
Meeting o� �-21�80
, �
Members Present
Roger T�lkeme�er
Jim Morgan
John Perkins
�d Drager
Sandy Miils
Dan Carcoran
Staff Mlembers �resen�
DicK Ryan
Jim Rubin
Peter Patten
No Council Qerson was present at the beg�nn�ng of the mee�ing.
i .) Approval of Ni�nutes fran 3-24�, 4�7, and 4-14-80.
Sandy Mi17s made a motion �o approve the above mir�utes. Jim Morgan
seconded the r�otior�. Everyon� voted far the approval of the minu�es
with the exception o�F Dan Corcoran who absta3ned as he was not at the
� me��ings.
2.] Cont�nued Publ -�c Hear�ng on Va�l Villaqe Urbar� Bes��n Guide Plan
and Ordinances for �o�nerc3al Core �I� and �IT. ��� � �W
The Board discussed the PTan w��h Je�ff W�nston and Dic�C Ryan marking
the recorrmended changes.
So�ne of the Town Gounci� Members came ta disucss the proposed livery
a� Spraddie Creek so the Board �ecided ta pos�pone this discussTOn
for about 20 m3nutes in order to d�scuss the �ivery.
3. ) Discussion o� E.iver Stab1e at S raddle Creek.
Roger T�lkemeier made his presen�ation. Bill Wilto, �aula Pa3ma�eer, Ran
Todd �From the Caunci� were present as well as Rich Caplan, Town Nlanager.
Dick Ryar� said that the Sta�Ff are worried about the amount of traffic
that will be going �p tl�ere.
Roger TilEcemeier said h� is wil1ing to work with the staff to es�ablish
whatever is nec�ssa�^y �For traffic and paric��g prob]ems. Ne is �h�nk�ng
of having �eople (customers and employees) park at �he Trar�sportation
Cen�er ar�d transpart them frorn -�here. �Ie th-�nks there wi11 be room for
8-10 cars on the site.
• Ed Drager asked abou� the possibility o�F inak�ng it a bus stop t�ere.
R�ch Caplan said it is no� a good spot for a bus stop an� the road
wouid have �o be impro�ed.
M�nutes of PEC Meeting 4-21-80
Pag� Two
Pau�a said she does not th�nk that the summer tour�s� would be w�l�i�g
to c� imb that hil� and walk �o the site.
Pau1a asked a�out the visual i�pact. Rager sa�d that t�e base fac�lity
wou1d 6e visible but the �ent camp would be �idden �ack in �he �rees.
Paula asked how many people wau�d be living an the s�te. Roger said about
Paula asked Jim Paxon of the Forest Service what requ�remen�s they i�ave �or
the living facilit�es. Jim said they require what the S�ate, Caunty, ar�d lacal
Dan Corcoran asked how �hey p�an ta get water �o the site. Rager sa�d they
are negot�at�ng to tap a spring and if tha� is not possible, they w711 haul
the water.
Jim Morgan asked -�f there is a need for people iiving there. Roger said �here
is a de�ini�e r�eed espec�al�y since this is so ciose to the highway. �f saneone
leaves a gate apen etc. , and the horses get ou�, it is vitally imp�rtan� to have
someone right there to get them off �he road.
� Bill l�ilto aslced who will be responsible for polici�g the area. Roger said
that everyone �eeis tl�at �his operation wi1� curtail same of the illegal
camps �hat are usual�y here d�ring the summer.
Dan Corcoran sa�d tha� that road is ustaa�ly open zn the summer. Will i�
remain open. J�m Paxon sa�d it w�ll rema�n open.
Jim Paxon �xplained that th�s is just an interim p�an and perm-�t. Roger must
subm�� permanent plans to them in July. The interim perm�t will be good �hrough
December 31 , T98Q.
Dick Ryan asked Roger i�' he �oesn'� think there will be mare than 10-72 cars.
Roger said he hopes a 1ot of the hatels wi11 use their vans to br7�g peop1e.
They will bring some from �h� �ransportation center and meals wil� be by
reserva�ion only, limi�ing �he number af peop�e who can come there.
Roger said he p�ans to apply for a long term permi� 7n July, possib1y for �F�ve
to ten years.
Paula Palmateer said if this operatian is to open June 10, it w�ll have run
for a month by the time RQger applies �ar �he �ong term perm7� and perhaps
then the 7own could red�scuss it.
Jim Paxon said th�y would welcome any commen�s from the Town at the time of
applicat�on for the long term permit. 2t would not be issued until fa�l-
• probab�y October.
Minutes of P�C Meet�ng 4-2�-80
Page Three
� Ra� Todd sa�d �hat part of the problem in Min�urn was that �he peaple
compTained that the build�ngs were �at k�pt up. He asked what wou]d
be done towards the upKeep of the bu�ldings here. Roger sa�d they are
o1d log buiZdings and he fee�s they are not an eyesore and he certainly
wou7dn'� want any eyesores in Vai� .
Roger T7lkeme�er said for the record, he would like everyone to knaw
that he is on leave from Vai1 Assaciates far a month so tha� he ca�
get this resolved.
8i11 Wi��o said he, too, is co�cerned w��� the number a� cars on the s�te
a�d going up t�at road. He feels that this is a very important amen7ty
to off�r here during the sUmmer. He f�els the key is to 7aok at i� 7o�g
range a�d make sure it is a first class operatian.
Dan Corcora� asked what wi31 be visib7e. Roger said �he corra7s, barns
a�d �og �ouse would be visible. He feels th�s is necessary in th�s kind
of business.
A question was asKed abaut the zoning on that iand since it was annexed into
the Town. Jim Rub�n explained ��a� the Fores� Service rules s�persede �he
Roger Ti7kemeier sa7d in the long rang� p�an, perhaps they could rezor�e this
� so tha� i� f1�s 7n w�th all zon�ng.
Sandy M��ls asked abou� the number of horses �hey would have on tf�e si�e.
Roger said 40 and possibly as many as 70.
Ed Drager asked what would happen with �he by product.
Roger Tilkemeier said they wou�d be �oad'ing and hauling i� off. They never
had a probl em with �t at Dav�d Junc��on. A i a� a�f peop7 e want it .
Dan Corcoran asked if all the }�orses wou1d be corralled or �f they wou1d be
grazing. Roger �'ilkemeier said they have appl �ed for a grazi�g permit bu�
dan't know �he status of tha� as yet.
Jim Rubin asked �f�he Farest Service has any rest�^�ctions far s�gnage.
J7m Paxan said they have to have their approval before erection.
Jim Rubin aslced that the s�gns come through the Town a�so. Roger Ti1kemeier
sa�d they wou7d.
Sandy Mills sa-id she realizes ther� is a time problem here but she �Feels they
need mare time to loo�C at this. She wouid be very definiteiy against parking
at �he bottom of the h�Tl .
Minu�es of the P�C Maeting of 4W2�-80
Page Four
Ed Drager aske� if the PEC gives a nod to �his �oday, wil� Roger st�ll
come in with a pTan of wha� �s to go up there etc. Roger said the plan
s�i11 needs a lot a� work but he w�l� def�nitely bring the plan to the
Paula asked i� P�C approves this today, doe5 it have ta come back as an
official �tem? Rich Cap1an said it does not. It is only here so that
the Town can make recamm�ndations ta the Fores� Serv�ce.
Dick Ryan sa�d h� thinks we need �o get up ��ere to see it.
Ed Drager asked what Roger's t�me schedule on this is. Roger said �hey
have 60-90 days wor�h of wor� to put into 30 days.
Roger said he wo�ld like ta ta.ke t�� Board up there Wednesday at noon to
see the si�e. He wil� provide sandwiches. Pau�a asked i� �Me Council
could ga also. Roger asked if someone on the Staf� would r,all the Council
to let them know.
The Board each gave their comments on t�is.
�im Morgan said he would ��ke to see i� avai�able. He �s concerned with
the visual impact and t�e parking.
� John P�rkins sa�d he l�kes t�e co�cept bu� has problems with �he obv�aus
traffic, the �ent c�ty and the tree removal .
Dan Corcoran said this operatian has definitely been a benefit in the past
at Dowd Junction. He has prob�ems with the san�tation, the roads, and �Me
5andy said she is very nervous abo�� th3s operat�on a� this loca�ion.
�d prager said he suppor�s it, but would l �ke to see all t�e problems
correc�ed and make sure it works before the �ong term perm�t is issued.
J�m Morgan had ta leave at 3:17.
PaU�a said the s�mmer program needs �h�s operation bu� sh� f�e1s that it
is up to Roger to prave he can make i� work.
Sandy Mi71s asked about the acreage invo�ved. Roger said there are 10-15,000
acres bu� the people who come �here most want one or two haur rides.
Pau1a said she assumes �f i� were not sa�e, �he �orest Serv3ce would not
grant the permi�. Jim Paxon said that is correct.
M�nutes of the PEC �e�ting o� 4-21-8Q
Page �ive
The Board cont�nued their d�scuss�on on the VaiT V�17age �rban Design Guide
Sandy Mi11s made a mo��on to approve the Goa�s and Pol-�cies for Va�l Vi7lage
and L�onshead as per attached. Roger Ti1lceme�er seconded t�e motion. 7he
vote was unanimous.
Sandy M711s made a motion to approve the 11ai1 Vi1lage and ►lai� i.ionshead Urban
�esign Guide Plart. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. The vote was �ananit�ous.
Jeff WTnstan discussed the Framework Plan w-�tE� the Board. John Perkins made
a motion to approve �he Frameworlc �1an for Vail Viilage and Vai1 Lianshead.
Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. The vote was ur�a�-�mous.
T�e Board and Jeff W�nston discussed �Che Architectura� Gu�del-�nes far Vai�
Viilage and Va�l Lionshead. Ed Drager made a motion to approve them. Roger
Tilkeme�er seconded the motion. 5andy Nfi�]s and John Perkins voted against
the mo��on. Ed Drager and Roger Tilkemeier voted for �he motion. It was
a 2-2 t�e. Dan Garcoran had lef� the �ne�ting at this poirtt.
5andy Nii�]s r�ade a mation �o cont�nue this until 4�--28-80 at 2:04. Roger
� Ti1k��ne�er seconded the motian. The vote was unanimous.
The meet-�ng was adjourned at 5:20 P.�1.
, ,
'� .
601k�S {I�iD POLiCIES � � �
� '
� � 1. Vail has evo7 ved �o �ts present form as �he resul� of corrsr�on d55UtTi�7�lOT15 about
character and function imp7eme�ted through private individual decisions. As
' suct�, while the �fown has achieved a cer�ain cansistency and qual�ty, the patential
- and even need for change stil� exists. Chanqe �rhich bu�lds upon an� enhances the
. ex�5tinq charactQr, qUa��ty and vita7i�y o�' �h� Town wiii not �e discourag�d.
� 2. The 7awn, with cZtizen �nput, w33� take an act�ve role �n the developmer�t of an
urban �desiqn �lan to qu�de fut�re development �n the cor2 areas. Such a plan,
and its various cornponen�s, w�ll represent the dev�lo�men� objec�i�es of the
� car�rr�un�ty and wil� serve ta 7dentify, and express a genera3 direction �n ti��
. resti�ut�on of major d�ve�opment concerns 7n .the co,re areas. .
0 7he Urban pes7gn P1an �
Framework Plan -- Town-w�de p�anr��nq ob,�ect�ves
Poi�c�es -- General po7icy and goal stateme�ts to imp�ement the Plan
5ub-area Urban Design Guides -- $��'C1�'EG planning objectives for sub-areas
Arcf�i tectura� Gu�del i nes �--- K�y arch i tecturai el�men�.s general 1y pres cri bed
v Adop�ion a� the Plan and incorporation into ordinances as ap�ro�riate
� s An annua} process with ci�-�zen �np�at �a periodically review the P�an
3. The ToNrn of Va i 1 i s compri sed of two i nterrel ated eore areas, and a �ra�r�s�t��en,r zor�A,,_.
each w�th i�s own genera� visual charac�er ref�ec�ed in arcl�itect�ra ,�ar�� urbari �c�rrrt:
All development �n �hese areas shall be consistent with the general charactEr-of
ti�at area. . •
e Archi�ectural & ���p� �idelines _ -
4. pedestrian c7rct��ation �s to be enca�raaed in the care areas and an interconr�ected
, t��twork of pedestriar� ways wi17 be developed �a 7ink the core areas and prov�de a
p7easant, safe, cor�tinuous exper�ence for pedestrians.
• Designated pedestrian sysfem and levels of pedestr�anization
• Deve7opmen� standards for
• . �`.ree hiassing .
� • Gui7di��g heigf�t, massi�g . � Patios
• SUn/st�ade . � J4c�ivity c��r�erat�on/�and use
In�i�I/apen space Leve�s of pedestr�anfzat7on
Pedestrian scale Service aqreements
o TZme zoning ar�d service park�ng to reduce conf7�cts . .
. � .
. ��
. R�Si�IC�
. o Impravements to�vehic�es, �o the �'rontag� Road area (minimize intrusion
. � in�o core) • .
. o Consisten� design eharacter -for in�provements in Tovrn R•0•�1• and other pUbl�c
_ spaces.
5. Vai� 's mountain valley settina �s an important part of i�s identity, and shou3d b:
recoQnized in the p�anning and deve�opr�4nt of ti�e Villag�, Lionshead and �he
connecting area �hro�gh sensitivi�y to vie�as, clima�e, and other physical
characterist.ics of the environs.
a Important v�ew planes identif�ed and preserved .
o Sun-5hade r�s�rictians
� e Use of native or complementary materials
a Emphas�s on Gore Creek, Mil7 Creek
� � �ontage Raad l�pex�ence
. � .
. . .�.K-��
DATE: 4-24-80
Pepi Gramshammer is request�ng that he be aZlowed to construct an add�t�an to
en1arge h�s resta�rant �itchen facil�ties in the �astof Gramshammer bui1ding
�n the Vil7age Core (CCI ��str�c�) . All expansions in CCI are subject to
Condi�7ona1 Use Perm�t revi�w proced�res. Aiso, heca�se the Vail V�llage
Urban Design Plan has not been �ota7ly adop�ed as of this appl�ca�ion, several
variances mus� alsa be granted accarding to the present regu�ations in ef�ect.
This is a s�milar proced�re to the Vail 21 building variances r�ques�s which
PEC unanimously approved on April 14, 1980.
� A. Density
The bui�ding �s a�lowed ] .6/1 F3oor Area Rat�o (FAR) and currently is at
2.6/1 . Sinc� the building is a�ready over, a variance mus� be grant�d �f
the kitchen expansion is a1lowed.
B. �a�dscaping
CCI requires ��at 20% of �he site be landscaped (grou�d f�oor patios and
decks da not coun� as landscaping) . Presently, the only area which qua] i�ies
as 1andscaping �s the square-shaped area west of the ex�sting b���ding where
�he add9tion is proposed. 7�is area is approximately 1880 square feet, or 13% af �he
tota1 s��e area. The addition will be reducing this by 500 square feet and th�
resul� will be abou� 10% of �he site 1andscaped.
C. S�te Cove_rage
Vi1lage Core requirements curren�ly dic�a�� no more ��an 80% o� the s�te can be
covered by buildings, decks, and patios. 0� the site i� question , this figure
�s 11 ,415 sq. �t. max�mum. There exists i1 ,0�7 square feet vf sit� cvverage. W�th the
additional covera�e of the addition , the total site coverage wou1d be 11 ,566 square
feet, 151 square fee� over �he max�mum.
A. Vehicu�ar Traffic/Off-Street Parkin
. Si�ce no restaurant seating is being proposed and no additiona� employees
generated, there wi11 be no impacts on these �acto�s.
�astof Gramsham�ner
Page �'wa
B. Gontral of Delivery, Pick Up and Service Veh�c�es
�Va change f rom present conditions are proposed in th�se regards. Time zoning
of de1ivery vehic�Ees �s part af the Vail Vi�1age Urban Design Gu�de Plan.
C. Deve7o ment of Pub�ic S aces for use b Pedestr�ans
Part of the Village Urban D�sign P�an ca11s �'or a pedestrian path ta the
narth o�' �he Gas�of Gramshammer/Cavered Sridge Build�ngs along ti�e south
bar�k of the creek. The parking iot adjacent to the proposed path is owned
jatntly by Pepi Gramshammer, �he Creekside Building an� the Covered gridge
Store. The Plannir�g Sta�F� feels that a condi�ion of approval sf�ould be an
agre�ment from Pepi stating he'll grant the Tawn a suff�cient eas�mer�� for the path-
way and that the prab�em of parke� cars encroaching too �Far onto the creek bank
will be m�t�gated. Trash and debris has bu��t up �n the �ower parking lot,
also, and this should be c�eaned up.
D. Maintenance of character of Area/Environmental Effects
No ef-Fects on these factors are �Forseen,
* The Plan `s original propasaT was ta a7iow a one story commercia� expans�on
ou� to the Children 's �ountain in �he area where this add�tion is prapos�d.
Rfter sor�e discussion, �� was concluded that the greenspace there now is one
of the few in the Vil7age Core and that it shauld rema�n, along w�th the large
tr�ee just to �l�e sou�h of the proposed add�t7on.
T�us, the� expans�or� under considerat�or� was generally acceptable as long
as it was restricted so as no� �p come out any far�ner tl�an -tf�e large�ree.
A. Ti�e Planning Co�mission shall ma�Ce the fol�owing finds befare granting a
Cond7tional Use Permit:
� , That the proposed laca�ion of �he use is -�n accord with the purpases of
this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is
2. That the propased Tocatior� of the use and the cot���tions �nder wh�ch
i� wou�d be apera�ed or ma�nta�ned would not be de�r�mental to the
publ �c health, safety, or welfare or mat�riaily ir�jur-�ous to praperties
ar �mprovements �n �h� vicin-ity.
3. That the proposed use wou1d comply wzth each of the appi�cable provisions
� o�F this ord�nance.
Gastof Gramshamner
Page Three
B. The Planning Commission shall make the fo1lowing findings befor� granting
a variance:
i . The s�ric� ar 7iteral in��rpretatian and enforcement af the spec�fied
regulation wauld resul� �n practical d�ff�culty or unnecessary physical
hardsh�p inconsistent w�th t�e objec��ves a� �his titl�.
2. There are excep��ons or ex�raard�nary c�rcums�ances or cond�tions
appl�cable to the s7te of the variance t�at do not app7y generally
to ot�er propert�es �n the same zone.
3. The strict or l ��eral �n�erpre�ation and enforcement of the spec�f�ed
regulation would deprive the apPlicant of privileges enjoyed by �he
owm ers of other praperties in the same dis�rict.
The Department of Community Development recorrnnends app�oval of �he Cond�t�onai
�se Perm3t and Var�ances requested. The proposed add���on possesses no
nega�ive �mpac�s upon the V�ilage Core and is a relat�ve�y innocent kitchen
addition. The valuable area of iandscaping a� the wes�ern side of the building
� is to remain as is and, thus, not a removal of valuab]e green area �s propased.
Cond��ions of approval are as foilows:
A. The applican� shouid be r�quired �o participate in Vil�age Core impravemen�s
and agr�� not ta remonstrate against the specia7 improvement distr�ct if
far�ed, and agr�� to join the district.
B, The exis�ing tree �mmediately west of the proposed addition be le�t
C. The applicant agree �o clean up a.nd mit�gate parked car encroachment on
the stream bank �n the Tower parking 10� behind t�e building.
D. �he app7icant agre� �o dedicat�o� of a su�ficient easment to construc� a
pedestrian pathway on the top of the stream bank adjacen� �o the parking
DATE: 4W24�80
Th�s is a �^equest from the awners of the three lots, Tra�ne3 Crow and Avedik
Ak�p�antz, to combine the three lots zoned R P/S with a potential developme�t
of six uni�s, in-�o two lots with proposed develapment o�F a total of �Four units.
7he proposed iat 1 contains a �uplex. �esign Review Board approval has
been issued for a proposed dup7ex on wha� would �e lo� 2.
Exis�ing and Proposed Areas are as follows:
Lot Sq. F�= Area in Acr�s Exis�ing Dwell�ng Units Potential Dwe7iing Un�ts
2 11 ,559 .224 0 2
3 '16,995 .394 0 2
• 4 1� ,803 .271 2 4
TOTA�. 40,357 .885 2 4
Lot 5q• Ft• Area in Acres Ex�sting �welling Units Potent�al Dwell �ng Eln�ts
1 �9,078 .438 2 0
2 21 ,270 .488 0 2
As this proposat �lim�nates twn potential units, �t is cor�sistent with tl�e goals
of the Town . Th� Departmen� of Cor�munity Development recommends approval . Tt
i�owever, shou3d be mentioned that one o-F the existing lots, lot 2, is under �5,�Q0
squar� fee� and �herefare, has the potential �'or an employee hous�ng unit if it
were buiit as a duplex under the ex�s�ing lot arrangement.
�0: R�ch Ca�lan, Town i�anager `
. FRaM: Dick Ryan, Community Developmertt, Director `A,'�. �
DAT�: April 8, 1980
RE: Opt�ons �o consider for pass��ly reducting the number ofr units
wi�hin t�e �'own.
Under curr�n� zoning there cauld be up to 2,�G0 new units wi�h�n the Town
of Vail . The Town Caunc�l ar�d the P1ann�ng and Environmental Comn�ssior� have
been concerned with the ultimate bu�ld out o� the 7own. Be7ow are f�ve optians
�o cons�der.
1 . Stat�s quo-No change -in th� zor�ir�g d�str�c�s as to the number o� units �ha�
could be permitted.
2. Work to reduce �he number of ur��t� �n Va�� by "X"%.
.3. Requ�re ti�a� "X"% of units cons�ructed 1n the Town be available �ar
employees af the Gor� Valley.
4. Reduce the numb�r of units by "X"� and r�quire ai7 projec�s �a have "7("%
for employee hous�ng.
5. Ano��er option ta cansider is allowing "X" n�mber o� �ar�its �o be cor�strtacted
. in any year.
�his wou�d ext�nd the uit�mate bu�1d o�� of the Town. A merit system wou1d
be developed where criteria for employee hous�ng, solar ap�l �ca�ion, energy
conservatian, s3te design, landscaping, parking and circu7at�on, pub�ic
faci� ities, parks, fzre protection, water dis�ribc�tion, sani�ary sewage
� collection, pa�ice protection, publ �c trans�ortatior�, e�c. would be deve�aped.
A pa�n� system would then be establishcd an� the �rajec�s with the highest
number of poin�s woul� receive approvai for �u�3ding permits.
� .
� �
APRIL 18, �.9$�
'� � �
� �
� �
].. Scope of Pro�ect
� To provide recreation horse-�reia�ed activities �or local cit-
izens and va.sitors �o the resort communzt.ies i.n the Upper Eag]..e
Lands id�ntiti�d includ� horse pa�ture, ditches, fences,
raads, trails, tempozary stable t'acilities and p3.�nned temporary
hou�ing �acili�ies �or stable empl,oyees.
Location o£ Prajec�.: Base facil.ities will b� located at the
moufih of Spradd].e Cr��k; cooko�t sites and campsa.�.es as described
in �he opera�ing plan.
2. �th�z Opera�ions
Gxouse Creek Livery Ltd. in�ends to opera�e a s�abl� a� Key--
s�one this year �rovidi.ng fa.na� arrangemen�� can be worked out.
with Keystona Manag�ment.
3. Projec� Descri�on
EagZe' s Nes� Livexy is �ntended to be op�rated as a recrea-
�ion horsa amenity �or loca3. ci�izens and guests of �he Upper
Eagle River Resoz� communa.ties. Th� following services are an�i-
� o Guided and independent rides for qualified .xi.d�rs,
with emphasi� on back-cauntry sigh�seeing inc�ud.ing
ha.storical, wi�.dlife and wiidfl.ower o��.en�.ation.
High coun�.�y horsemansh�.p and e�ique�te shall be
explain�d and s�r�ssed as pa�t of pre-�depar�ure
orientation. The Montana Horseman pamphlet shail
be used as a guide.
o Chuckwagon breakfasts , lunches and suppers prepared
and sexved cawbay sty�e �rom authentic chuckwaqon
provi.ding gues�s wi�h his�orica� as wel]. as en�er--
tai.n�ng experience.
o Riding 3.essoz�s and children's programs �o meet r�sort
o Pack t�'ip service5 will be phased in�o �he opera�ion
over a two to three year p�riod. �'ram an operatianal
s�andpoint, animals and personnel m�st be sp�c�.ala.zed.
and regul.arly scheduled to be econamicall.y viable.
The occasional pack trip is da.sruptive to aregularly
�cheduled ac�ivi�.ies and is not a practzcal solu�ion
�o resor� guests' needs.
� ��
� � A la�very stable praviding day rides and overnight txips �o
�he headwate�s of Middle Creek would be a v'ery at-�ractive Vail
Resort ameni�y. I� wauld provide services and �acilit�es nat
now avaiI.ablc within walking distance from hotel�s and lodges.
The Spraddl.e Creek, M�aai� C�eek, Bald Moun�azn area is ideal
for this ac�ivity for �he �o�lowing reasons.
o Th� base facili�ies are across the street and vis�.ble
fram the center of Vail.
o Thg facilities may became a gu�s� browsing area even
for �hose not plarining a pack �rip just because of the
na�.ur� o� the activi�y - x�ustic 1og cabin, corrals,
pack hors�s in use, etc. , etc.
o The base faci.Iities location will qive guests an over-
view ot the Vail recreatian c�mplex.
o The rise to the head of A�idd].e Creek is shor� enough
�o be reasonably comfartable for �he average inex-
perienced and unconditioned rid�r.
o The avearview of the Vail complex from the ridg� of
Bald Mountain is unequalled.
o The approach to �he proposed Midd�e Creek camp is
� spec�acular and memorable, y�t safe and accessib��
with same �rai7. i�[►provem�:nt and maintenance.
o The Middle Creek basin is "remote back cauntry" and
could be rnaintained in that state if rsserved, man-
aged a�d con�roll.ed as a back country pack trip area.
Th�: activa.�y must be managed in harmany with other grazing
ac�ivities and permits. Tou�ist exposure to livestock produc--
tion and �ange management az� fores� and wixderness lands i� a
desirab�e, �ducational and x�ealistic part af day rides and/or
wild�rness pack trip experienc� and day �ides.
Innovative use and managemEn� p�.ans in �he Gare Creek basins
are a necessity ta pr�serve recrea�ion options. Setti.ng aside an
ar�a close �o heavy touris� populations, ye� reana�e and id�al.ly
su.ited for con�rol].ed access guided pack trips and day rides is
not inconsisten� with other permi�s. The l.ong term preserva�ion
af �this type of activi�y i.n the Go�e Creek Va11.ey cou�d prove to
be a valuabl� management concept.
Th� plan inc7.udes development o� m�.nimum �ive day vacation
package in coopera�ian with one br two sma11 3.odges in Vai1. The
pack trip is planned for three days and two nights . The first
and third days are Z�isurc:ly �ravel to and fr�m camp, with the
midd�e day reserved �or fishing and sightsee�ng rides .
I � _
� � Tri�s� wauld be Iimited ta appraxiana.�ely eaght guests and
two urranqlex��. Facilities would consi.st of a seaso�tal�.y temp-
ora�y tent camp and a pole corral made of buck sections to pro�
�cride fox ease of movemen� and disman�Zing in off--season.
Grazing management wau�d require coop�rati.on between. �ive�
stock (slieep) permi��ee and packer/�.ivery p�rmi�tee to assure
adeqttate forage fdr lives�ock, wi�h supplamenta�. feed b�i.ng
provi.ded as required, for horses.
Need �ar Forest Service Lands : Use of Fnrest Servic� L�nd
is essenti.al fvr providing livery facil.it.�es £ox- the Vai1 Resart .
commun.i�y. No p�ivat� �.and is availab3.e �ar this �.ype of zec-
rea�.ion amenity. Furthe�'� horseliack ridin� is an effec�ive way
of 3mplementing and rr�eeting Fores� Service dispersed recxeation
goals and objectives.
4. Phe�had ot Opera�_ion
o Ownership: Grouse Creek Livery, Ltd, . a Col,oxado
corpora�ion dba Eag1e's Nest Live�y.
o Source o� Product: Outdoor recrea�.ion ar�,.ented
visitors to �he Vai�. R�sort.
a Place of Use: Spraddle Creek-Midd�.e Creek, Bald
� Mountain.
5. Schedule of Development
1980 - Temporary faciZities as described in the op�ra��.ng
p�.an th�,s season. By JuZy 15, �980 a 1.ong range development plan
will be submitted requesting a long �erm perm�:t.
6. Other Interests and Owne�s Af�fe�ted
Spraddle and Mi.dd�e CrEek: Chris Jouflas, garazing pe�mi�t�e,
and pri�ate land owrzers (Vai1 Assnciates, Tn.c. ) .
7. O�.her Regula'�oxy_Agencies
Tawn of Vai1
8. Projact Need
A livery stable in the Spraddl� Creek area, incT.udin,g approp-
ria�e support facil.ities as descri.bed in the op�:ra�in,g p�.an meets
the needs of the Vail Resort communi�y. Methods of operations and
d�velopmen� schedules have been crea�ed in cooperation with Ho�.y
Cross Distric� personnel �4 assur� accep�able programs.
� ' Vai� �has become a rna�or s�mmer resor� and is in need o� or-
ganized guest activities. Typical Col.orado summer visi�ors look
for 'Weste�'n atmospher�" which is generally horse-related. .
Eag�e's Nest Lzvery se�vi.ces are anticzpated to be an ex�erision
of the sigh�seeing and na�ure apprecia�ion experierices. Lodges
and promo�ers of gr�up bz�s�.ness have indicated cus�.omer de�nand .
for �.hese services.
Pack trips , properl.y organized, with shor� rides �o �emo�e
bu� comfortable, semi-permanenf camps wi11 g�ve the Vail vi�itor
�he oppor�uni�y of a back coun�ry experience not availabZe in
most Coloxado resorts. This ac�ivi�y may take two or more seasons
of deve�.opmen� befo�re regularly scheduled �x.ips are econontical.ly
If the p�rmit and d�:velopmen� p1.an is no� approved, the Upp�r
Eagle Va1ley Resprt communities will be wi�.hout clase in horse
orien�ed recreation amenit�es.
9. Alternaf.ive Methods
10. Technical Req�irement5
o Dev�lopinen� of accep�abl.� �.and use pla.r� for Spraddle
� Creek, in cooperation wa.th the Fnre�t Service and the
Town of Vail.
Effects on Wild�.and Environznen�: Ho��eback trips wil.l take
people to back coun�ry and wildexne�s areas caus.ing possible im-
pac�s such as;
o Lit�er
o Wild].ife �nterference
o Trail Erosion
o Fire Hazards
Mi�igation o� Itnpacts :
o Mdst trips wi1l be accompanied by wranglers who sha�I
inst�uct riders on 1it�er problems. On1y quali£ied.
riders w�.1.I. be a�.lowed to ride indapendently.
o Wranglers and gues�.s wi11 be instruc��d to pack out
li�.ter le£-� behind by hikers and campers, as well as
their own.
o With praper ins�ructions and authorization fram the
Forest Service, w�'anglers can serve as back country
��� � o Wi�d�.i�'e is usual�.y no� fright�ned by harseback
partias. With knowledgeab�� wrang7.ers , harrassm�nt
should be negligible. Livery wi1� assis� in �ish
�1 � stocking p�og�ams.
o T�ai2 Erosian: The livery operation, wi�h the Fo�est
Service, �vi1i take an activ� part in f.rail maintenazice
and impravement, �hus con;�txolla.ng e�osion probl.ems
more eff�ctively than can be done wi�h Fa�est Serv�.ce
personnel only.
o Smoking nat permi�ted dn the trail.
� SUMMER 19$0
I. Descrip�ion o£ Use
� -- -�-- -
Grouse Creek Livery L�d. a Golorado corporat.�on, in�.ends �to
opera�.e a cammerc.ia�. recr�ation horse faca.li�y on For�s� Service
Lnads, open to the publ.ic fox� day rides, pack trips and chuckwagon
meals. The primary area of op�ration is on �a.�d Mountain in �he
Spraddle and Midd�e Creek drainages. Pack trips and hunting caznps
are ant�.cipated usages, bu� may not be offered in 1980. Most day
rides and a11 pack �rips will be led by an Eagl�' s Nest wrangler,
howev�r, "qua�.i�a.ed" riders may be allowed to ric3�: ind�p�ndently
on designated trails.
II. O erations
Guide Quala.fications :
o Al1 guides wi�.1. be experienced hor�emen wi�h the
foZlowing addi.�ional qualif�cations:
- Current and val.id "naw course" standard firs�
aid card.
�- Emergency pracedur�s.
-- High country horseman�hip and e�iquette.
� - Local history, wildlif� and wi3.d flower knowledge.
�- For�st Service policies and enforcement proced-
Trips generally wi1.l begin and �nd at tk�e stabl� �ac�.lity a�
Spraddle Cr��k, howaver, there may be occasiona� �rips that begin
and �nd at other locations, such as Grouse Creek, Beaver Creek and
Gore Creek. When Forest 3.ands are involved in these speciai trips,
the Fares� Service wi11. be no�i�ied pr.ior to leaving and upon re-
$ase Facil.ities :
Base facilities w�ll. be located at th� nou�h �f Spraddlc Creek
generally in �he area identified in red on the at�ached map.
In th�: 19$0 operating seasans, base facili�i�s wa.11. be min-
imal because of �ime restrictions prio� �o the b�ginning of �he
season. They will include �.he �Eo.��.owing:
o Ranch type gate with app.ropria�e ove�head s�.gn a�.
fence line wh��e meta�. gate is presently loca�ed on
the access road.
� , o Ten� camp facilities which wi�� include sheepherde�
� � � type tents wi�h wood burning s�oves and wood floars
for accomodating livery personn�l will be located
�n the aspen grove a1on� Spradd�e Creek. Toile�
�aci-lities wi1Z be parta-johns o� vaul� toilets.
o I� a satisfac�ory and acceptable grey wa�er dis-
posal sys�em can be deve�oped �his season, a co�k
and mess ten� and app�opriate propane facili�ies
may be included along w��h shower �acilities.
Otherwise, these fac'ili�ies wi�l be provid�d o�f
o If the sma�� log bu��ding wi�h th� curved roof can
be moved �conamicaZly fr�m Meadow Mountai� this
spring, �t wi11 be used as a sadd�e roam. �therwise
��nts wi11 be used �o sto�e saddles.
o Hay s�orage wi�� be outside. Grain storage wi11 b�
in a �ent or a �ustic build�ng accep�able to the
Forest S�rvice.
a Pole co�ra�s and fence5 wi11 be bu�lt in accord- �
ance with a design to be submit�ed to the Forest
5�rvice for approva� with respec� to location.
Horse shelter may be provided in �h� corrals
using pale supparts and painted metal or asphalt
� roofing.
o Office faciii��.es may be provided in a tent or the
bui�ding presen�ly b�ing used �or an o£fi.ce at
D�wd' s �unction.
n Public �oil�t �aeilit�es in th� form of porta-
johns or vaui� toi],e�s be provided.
a An a�tempt will be made -�o secure �Zectrical
service �his suznmer. If it is eco�nomicalZy nn�
�easible, gas ar lantern lighting wi11 be us�d.
O Stockwater wi�.l be �aken trom Spraddle Creek. A
c'.ertain amount of gradirzg, raad work and o�her site
preparation wi11 be r�quix'ed. This work wi17. be
coordinated with and appraved by �he �'orest Service
on the si�e. The abov� facilities are consa.dered
tempora�y �or �.he 1980 season. A �ong range de-
velopment p�an which wi13. include permanen� ki�ch�n, .
mess ha11, toilet and shvwer �acili�ies for emp�oyees
offic�, barns pens, carx�a�,s, landscaping, e�c. will
be subm�.tted by �'uly 15, 1984 along with a request for
a Zong te�m p�rmi� which wi11. a11ow the improvements
tn be financed ax�d am�r�ized over the �erm of the
. permit. Crew facilities under �h�s long term plan
� sha�1 cnntinue to be �emporary in the form o� a
t�n� cam�. It is an�icipat�d that the log cabin .
now at Dowd' s Junc�ion will be �sed for �i�chen/
mess hall facili�ies ana �he barns a� Dowd' s
Junc�ian wil� be moved and used on the S��addle
Cre�k s�te if feasible, A porch an the big barn
wi�1 b� co�struc�ed for gues� sh���er and a por-
�ian of the porch will be enclosed fo� a pe�manen�
Chuckwagon Opera�ions:
o Eagle's Nes� Livery wi1.� opera�� two chuck�aagon meal
sites designed ta serve b�eakfast, lunch and suppe�.
One site �a�.11 be selected in lower count�y fo�' early
season opera�ion, hawever, in pe�ak time periods, �he
sites may �e op�ra�ed simultaneously to satis�y �nar-
kat demand.
o Sit� Size: Each si�e wil7. be selec��d tor accom-
odation of up tp approximatel�y I.50 peop�e.
a Site Facil.ities: Each �ite sha�� have the fal�awing
faci.Ii�ies :
� - Area �or wo�king horse demans�rations.
w Hi�.ch. rai�s or corraZs for horsES.
- Parkxng spaces for vehicles .
- Pub�.ic �oi].e�s -- (po�ta-jahns of vault toilets}
- Picnic tables as necessary to handl� schedul.ed
- Remov'eabl.e gri11 facil,ities.
- Camp fire and cooking fire pi�s.
If. is an�icipa�.ed �hat each si�e will hav'e in addi�ion, the
following lis�ed �aeil.i�ies, how�ver, in �h� early years of . oper-
ation, only one set o� these �aci�,�.�i�s may be required and wi11
be moved be�ween si�.es as nec�ssary:
o Chuckwagon wi�h fiy.
o Canvas sheZters for picnic �ables .
. o Sheepherders �ent and s�ove for foad preparation
� � including propane �anks properly screened �or gas
s�oves and gas refxigeration if required.
o Camp wagon far a�mosphere a�d accomodat�on of chuck-
wagon care�aker/cook �o provide security �or camp
and equipment.
o While pack ��ips and httn�ing camps will b� part of
�ag1e's Nes� Liv�ry' s long range operata.ng plan,
the�e activit�.es will not b� proxnoted in �h� 1.980
np�ra��.ng season. Campsites when neec�ed will be at
�he headwa�ers of Middl.e Creek and other locata.ons
mutually acceptable to the Fores� 5ervice and
pex'mittee. ,
Hoxse Trails:
P�esent lz.vc�s�.ock and othex trails along wi�h ��e raads
wa.J.l provide �.he basis £or riding �rails in the Spradd].e Creek,
Middle Creek and Ba�d Mountaa�n area. There is na doulat that
o�her �rails wi�.�. b� requ�.red ta provide variety for the day
rides. These trails wa.11 be dev�Iop�d with �.he Forest S�rvice
to provide maximum pleasure for gues�s wi�h the 7.eas� possib�.e
� impact on fores� lands.
The Spraddle Creek road is �o remain open to �he public
al.�hough unlocked gates may be p�.aced acxoss the road a� se1�-
ec�ed locations far stock control. and to define compaund bound-�
aries. The F`orest Service and p�rmittee sha�.l moni.tor public
vehicul.ar traff�.c on the raad duxing th� season to de�ermine
�he level of conflict and degree o� safe�y in cambi.ned hors�/
veh.z.c�� use.
Win�.�r UsA:
�� a sa�isfactar�r rou�.e and �ac�.l�ty can be worked out
�he permi�tee amy request permission to operate winter harse
d�awn 5leigh dinner excu�sion. It .is understn�d that another
p�rmi�.�.ee is providing snow c�a� tours and ski babbing activ-
iti.es in this same area. There shauld be no conflict be�ween
these opera�ions , and may compliment �hem.
Thc: Forest Service and permi��ee will inves�i.ga�e graz-
ing possibilz�.ies and location of drift �ences this sttmm�� with
the iclea o� providi.ng graz i.ng for up �0 3�0 A.U.M' s in �.he Red
� Sandstone allo�ment. Gzaz�ng will be manag�d in a manner not
�a conflic� wifih othe� liv�stock grazing parmits.
� TII. Procedures
Equipment Checklast: One and one ha�f to �hree hour guided
rides da na� demand an e�.aborate checklis�. Rain gear �cvill b�
pravided by the p�rmit�ee. The �'ollowing clothing items ��ii be
r�:quired by all riders:
o Lnng Trousers
o Closed shoes ar boo�s
o Light jacket
Th� �ollowi..ng items wi1l be ��commended:
o Hat or cap
o Sung�.asses
o G1ov�s -
Customer Brief,ing:
o Review af trail to be cavered inc�.uding waldlife and
pZan�s tn observe.
o Emerc��:ncy pracedures:
- Falling oftf
- Lost x'ider
� -- Unsch�dul.ed staps
o Expla�.n litter policaes and back caun�:ry ethics .
o No srnoking .on t�ai1.
a High cour�try nor5emanship and etique�te using
Montana Harseman Pamphl�t as a guide.
IV. Persanne2
Wranqlers ha�e not been hired as of this date. A11 wrang�.ers
wi11 be experienced riders and wi].1 be required �o have a cu�'rent
first aid card. A list of wranglers with thei� quaZ�.fications wi�1
be submitted prior �o op�na.ng operations.
Survival �raing�.ng is no� c�nsider�d mandatory wi�h ac�.ivitir�s
schedul�d for the ].980 season, although it �.s anticipa�ed that �m-
ployees will be expe�ienced ou-�doarsmen.
V. Equipment List
Each wrangl.er will be equipped with an e�ttergency first aid
kit as part ot his saddle gear.
-5- .
� VI. Rescue Plan
o Al�rt List;
- Eag�e Coun�y Sherif�
- PYiinturn Polic�
- Vai�. Police
-- Vail Rescue Team
- U.S. F'orest Service
- Vail Cl.i.nic
o Chain of Cnmmand for Search and Rescue:
- Stable manager or, in ha.s absence, as5istant
manage�, shall rnake decision on calling for
ass�.s�ance. Since most trips ar� ta be guidad,
�h� chance of a major search is remote.
-� Forest Ranger notxfication.
-- Stable owner a.s �o be notifi.ed af any s�arch
and rescue opera�ion.
o Accident Proc�dure:
- Wrang�.er �o provide immediate eme�'gency firs�
� aid.
- A� wranglez ' s sale discretian, an experi�n.ced
rider is to be sen� �o �he stable �.o report
accid�nt or �nrrangl�r may e�.ect �o �eave acciden�
victi.m w�th o�her guests and go fa� help,
- Emergency p�acedures ar� scheduxed to be a com-
tinuing part of emplayee training sessio�s.
o Emergency Phone Numbers :
- Stable office; To be submi���d when assigned.
�- Roger Tzl.kemeier, owner - 476-5801 -- nights &
47b-5607. - days
o Insurance:
Liabili�y coverage wi11. be provided in accordance
wi�h Forest Servic� Requirements.
VII. Schedule o� �er_atzons
The schedul� af opera�ion� is expected to be s�.milar to that
wh�ch is d�scribed in l.ast year' s Grouse Creek �i:very brochure
(copy a�tach�d) . A �'ina�. schedule of opera�ions which may be ad-.
justed during the season �o mee� �tarket demands wi1.1 be s�bmitted
pzior to opening as a supplement �o �his plan. Approxitnately
12000 serva.ce days are an�.icipa�ed.
The permit applica�ion was wri-��en from May Z �o December. 3�
however, depending an wea�her conditi.ons, actual use shauld be
from approxima�el� May 15 -ta Oc�ober l. Tf a win�er aperation as
described in sectxon T� , a supplemen.�ary opera�ing plan wiil b�
ChiZdr�n's activi�y haurs, inc�.uding riding lessons , ar�
an�ic�.pated dependinq upon marke� demand.
No nigh�. operations are scheduled.
Cancella�ion notices wi11 be phoned to lodges and guests wha
have made advance reservations.
[.• _' . ,.• .�• ���'..'�.! �� -.,ti„� �` " ` ' � . _ - � :'.'. . y` ,.-�- � ':
� . - ���^.r`,Y ` "'_ �.. ..`'�n �J'. `• - -�: Ar-�. _ � . . . �. .. � -.� ... . _;�„y�=
` ► '`I :� � ��' . �-��"� � � �� _ _ ' . . , � r'"7' T zr'�-re
' � '�� [.`'� �,Mi'" . .
_ ..• I -�`�� �'rY +� ;�
��,',�' _ '?�''••'r•r . . GHO[J5E Cr��r'� I.IY�&7 ,
' .�•w ���-�r, '�- •� - `!Ys , r n - dF�fInT1�4 P��.Z�Y - .
.��_r':;��.z�"=.==�=-:��'=';r..� ] General
_ � . ,,�. � .
�� '� ��= • �"''Mz�>- '�;'i='"�: The Grouec Creek Ll�vexy Stnb�e ls dcdic&tcd to prov]ding ao
*;_:<-� -' �?�`+�=�;:.;:; r.-�•
. .-_.:.;^-�f-__�r_�.-�-'�:.L� lnteresting� ee]�opeble. qu���ty xectern mo�ntnln xlding ezpeTSc�ce.
'��'=�==-�.�='.��..,.-"�r3% �phesl5 1S p�eced on slghsceing and hlstaTy oI the arca elong
. . --•-r-.= .K.�.....:�=��.v�
-�^�- �- :,- ,���- .e�th w11817.fe and r.�iurn 1ore. 171nne� and breeY.fasL r5des are
�.�_ �t- � �` des]-ned to 3-ovide the guest •r]th s typical an8 authentac uestern
,�`.��':��=�=x.:r�=;-".✓'�';~� � o P
_-���y�,,�.:.��:",?_=r�y�:'_� • chuckxagon efftlno exper�ence. -
>" -��c,�a:=�.!°-`�:.:Y'+'�
..�, ti-1.l�-_�,_.,, - - _
F��•��•-�;,;�•,��-.:::--� 2. �rany3er Avthorlt
y��-Y `'� �-.y..'..���7s .:z". ''�.���
— ---'`-�y.•`�'�� - - -- t�o� Lhe safetf and consideratlan of s�l rldcrs the xra*�g.ler
-d��;�--w� r-.- . - • •_.�.
- -. - �..:.�:��^.^.��'� rldln� with eavh Qroup nas a�solute eu�hority o-ver coWpsny-olrned
�?;,�-'r.�';=..`�_"?`-�:*�-_`=s�;"=:`-� hors es.
-- �.`-��_--r:�.;�:_ �_.-..� . ::
=`___`. _•-•.
�����'�--'=`�=�-���vt'.:y ti�
w�..�-}:�=;-'`,==T_����-,q=_-_� Ri�ht to �efuse Serv]cs
�:�=��.,T.-�''='•_:;�;�..R-�.-3. • Service sna�l not be refused on the �asls of race. rell�ion�
�4�. ����::��.V.,.-•,�-_� _�_.a
. -- - - . _- a «Y rnlnr nr rm,ntrc nf �"1='7n1 hn���pr. C;.�ni�cw (�-Pn1�- Ttvnrv n���
�'-"��;•=. .�.:_-�'�-=�=-'�-'�'.� reserve the ri�ht to refuse ser9lce to any persan. neasons mecy
=ti=='�_- .�,T-.-. :- .:-a'- �°
r�;:t-� - s=:.--.:--�a�
�_r��•=�_--:���..,-•,.�_1:.___ lnclvde. btat �re not 11RSted to tihe So].low±nr� and are at the sole
-}_�-. '�'..,� Y��.,=�-1'_--�
� _;=�'wr�,-.�� _- _-c des�retion of Gxouse C:ee� LSverys
��="-�r',--�_'�-=-�-=�'=��� - �idenae o£ alco3�olic or drvg consu�rtion� hoxever sl2ght_
�.,,;� �;�.;.�_��c�,.,.
:__.-,`..�;�-•.r_�`�-� -Improper clo:.tsing. -
��'�'""��>:r_~�=.�-'-'�� Abusive }.s��u�ge End/or e�Litude_
;���'�..` �.--�,'�M'�'Y r.='�_=T� c ond l a
._'='Y`�_ w_ -._s�'�_ �. Rdverse }e�ther t ons.
��;`:_��--�.:;�..�--�� �{:� Age of r5cier.
-�` -.T=-:=`-�'�--=��- 3efusa1 ta fo31orr �u�es.
��"�=`���s`�y s-v�r����
�.�^_���f� �'_�{_ -`_�`;�
-''=~"-''�`-"""" '` 4. L 7 abl l i t o
_-:��,.;- --: ,._�.:.�-.•_:
- - '� �` +����u'='="��"�"--�-: Grouse C:eek Livery essuyes na respnnslbil�ty for accidents,
--' �"`',r;':''�,=ir-��=_'.%��i;,'-='t
-.y, -��:-�- �- -���y��; �3orseb�ck r1dln� Sr the mountalns is noL cansldered a dar.�erous
_ :"- �,�":^-�..':f=_-T�_.,_„�-
Y��;Y���-_�_�t�:� ectiv3.ty, however, there 3.s so�e risk knvolved. -
� ��':-_ - - -_ -_�_�: _ '
'_- _ ' ±'-''::_:.��`� n3de Schedules
'=:.��'���.'����''�:.�- '::•'�_;;.�-,..-y � ��1 �Sdes shali o}�erate as s�heduled and poSted at t:ze
.�=-=-`=--'":-'�T��`=F�:�_'°=`'� stsble except r:hen cancelled becsvse of weatner or otner re�sonable
_r-,�=4, .�.,,�
`"`�='„ . �J-':~'��'"'°^' ~ uzfox-seen clxcu�st�nces.
_.,r�_.. _ • • -
-�=r��,����___:.�-�;.-:-_;-:.�""� rorest S°rvlce re�ulatio�ss lim�t the number of riders in any
=�.:�.,r�=='�-v�- - - ' - = one �roup to ?�j.
`"'�-�'` - -�'^ - = 5pec]el rldes for li�_^ited or prlvate �roups �ay be a7rranged
:�c-��'r""" -'.�`- -'•'�; - �3' aPPolnt�ent. .
:r-y-= `�=-- '_- - -�-�
-^'��=- �•_ -_ - - __ _= 6. Incet.enaent r��dinrr . .
�:.;;�:��,.w;;_ '.,
,,,.f;�� - _ - _ r ^ I�'sdep�r.cient ridAr�; Ss sra}.Iable to eYper�enced, qual�Sled
,�_y__ - - -�=.;� de t Ss not llslted Lo the
_ - - - - - zlders. 2uellflcetion �ay inclu bu
:!"'��~ --- - - - -- l fallowing re�uir=wents:
�=��' -`=�=--�-'"F-';:��.�„�` =�� -bz_onst:Q�ion af r�ding ebllltp.
���.'�:,;"'�".� "'� �='�-�=- . ,Accegta�ce of 3isblllty for accident or Sn�ury.
W - aY=_•- .. - ..`_•
--'-'---=-•'<�',; -- =�i_ '`+
-= -� '"�� - - -:a:--.�.- � .hcceFt�nce of ASabS.latp for horse.
-z"`!J�' "=' J'� •Unde°sLznding of horse�5 11�Ststlans at i�l�h e1tS4ude.
- .r�->%�,�c:_ _ �--'-.,:��=L;
f�Y_ _ _ .....�::�.�YU �-.� .�reF�ent no� Go �nlstreat oT x�huse stock or e�ulp^�e�st.
_ _ - -_ - - .- •ra�•tae:.t of search and rescue costs if recuixed.
��'`-s-- �`-"-'r'�-•'y�%. - 7. Aidln= ?:�rarel
�; _T:,��� __.^:�::f:..:�. _ _
. •� - " _ _. ' The f41]o�;ing c3.qthlr_g is Tequlred by aI]. rlc'e:s:
- - - - -:'f�-_ •?..o�s Lrousers.
_ ' _ _' -_,..�•,�J - -- •Clased shoes or boats.
_v:��.:J-°c"^i- �,r--' =~'� .LSEhti 3ac�et.
- - _- - _� —�''.� �1`he fo7.low�n� 1�exs are su��este3 s
- __"J:-_ _ - - - -,._='�.4 "C2� GI f:�L. .
_ _=-s�~-_= - `--_�•.,� �Sun �'e°ses.
- -_ !���_-�7
- ; �' - - - -- =3'; � �--�stes are pcsted at the stable and�ere sub3e�t to c;bnbe
" - "``=r' = - -'� x5thout r.ot4ce. '
:;`=�__ --_ _ ~,:::=,; q, Fa��ent :or SerTice o
_ =f = -_== = "s �a}wer.� _:7all �e ln e�'van.ce �p cesh, �prroced ct��ck� ar
�'_;= — -=�'`" :��-=:--T��;
�-r'- " - -�•����-���--:_ - � credlt c�:-3- `o cre�'St csten5e� under s.nj C�TCU=9'..a11Ce5. .
� ':"r,� ^``- t:�.-,--�.-+ - .
~��-` =-'�,~� - `;r
_ _ -.s:;= •�.�„+` __�
fC _ _^ ^��V�l�-.\�:?.� .
. � �
V . {.�r�\....�al: .� L/-w.V�..l.�.J 1�.r�J vrr.�?t.+...7 . . . .
- S _ • ��Cf. . - =�`'� �S T��i7.1�'c.'�.0 �O �si_'ir.8�'_� S C1EL�;: p.'_7d j]oo� ��w•,�'J:7G.
' � °�: °G�"-'7Ce . _ t _ _
i .
� �� 2. .:.�ct�� FQ,son wil� sd�ust t?�Pir nPrsonsl habl±s �-,d action� to
�' confor� �o t�e pollcles and cus�o�s af Grouss Creek Liv�r3.
� 3. �c� pe�so� :•=1��. TMpke 8 b'�?'S01]A� e�'fort �o ?3.ve �nd �:ork
! _ cc��avib�y �ith �'E'��.OY." s�af �'. ��spect �ach athers rights.
� � 4. .=�ch �erson is e�ect�d to ��
° lntain �h°ir livin� �u�r�exs in
i ����n a*�d h��i�abl� ca*�di;.ion. �vex-yone ki11 �Iso �e e�pec'te
to �S5�5t �n �e��.ntai�in� i%�e co-��an �iv�n:� �;G�s.
5. �cCll` ``�rson :-i11 „G'=�55 .}.�'?2 ��lii.�� C� � Z�4c�- rn i' - - ��--,-E -
?�,- r '_= 7 - r,._ � — ,.'�- z -_ ._ - s [.E' _..._'._ _ - - ' ��
� - � -- -- ---=" � _ �iaai r.:3� U? .�.1:�11=3" �?" �ai ..•i �i �c -.:GY-Z' -• �.
� L:o��i*��. ',1°s�az-n �,o•:,�s , s�ir�s , �?�ti�i���syrre -r��ui��d . ='?��s
� cannot be ovAr stx�sse^. -•
� ' _
�� 6. �ach �°rsor_ is e�-_oQcted to �ive full a.r�d i�:hol6h��r;.�c3 n�xticii
` �nd �.nvolr��ent ta theix �ola.
� 7• ..�acn �earson r•i11 =ssist in any are� w'r,�re r�ueded. �2ch 3ob -
' posit�on has it 's speci�`�c du�i�s . In �adi�ion �zch ����f
.' �e�bPr z�ay b° �ssked to ass�.st i� �en�ral dut�.es. f
8. Use of ��coholic bev��aY�s �•�?��1� �•,o�-�irxg Ss �x�ohiblted . Oi f
duty hoizx-s �z�� � �z�sonTs o::*n res�onsi�i�i�y. iio�•�ev��-� excess
. . use o#' ��ce�ao?, z�jni�e af#' du�S, ttihicn re�1�c�s b2n1y uron Gro��z
Creek Livery :•Ti�1.. be r��so� for dis*niss?l. �
g. ih�re i,*il� �° no �zse of :Ti?7����apg � n�rco'tics, or nor_-�x°scx����
aruxs on C-x�use Cree� T�ve:ry �q�ope�ty oz. Vrhi�.e �•�or=in� �'or
G�ouse G�-�e� �ivery �t•:�y iro� th° �;c�eda���e p?^op�:z���r .
10. No s�aki?�u t•:?�ile 1^�di*_zg.
fl . Wnen you gzet �Yie Fut�l�c do� so �t1�th � f?'ien��y arad court�au'�
attitUde. 13 :•:arm a�titude fro� th� staff Y:il�. m�ke z perso� +s
rid��� experi�nce more pleasurable. ��ile.
12. �v�ryone h�s frierds taho like �o visi� the �OU3'2��1pS . h�y
averrr'iszh� visi�s �us� be cl?ar�d t,�.th the �a7��4��ra;, . ��' g�es-�
eat �,. �z�l �•�ith the st��� t�ey 1�1�1 b� exbecied to p�y �'or it.
� � - .
a . �� - . . "' . _' .. �. Yndtptnacnt 8lding . ���..-�a�.-�
rfa .~'.���
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�yT� Evlep HogulatSans +�rid Po2�cies ������
. , �Y�-c - . . _ •--r_w•
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„ A11 lndependant rlders are rcaulred to �ign Lhla sheet �lilch -;�:,;-_:-���
`� ' � Sncindes the folloxkng xaivert -"�-'_'"""'`�
�r�-;� .- - 1='._.:_=::�:�=:
4� z" ' .� I hereby atatt and �rtform Grottse Creek Lavexy th�L I am axf "' ��'i```-„ti'`'x'
Y'� _� . �=�=.- c_
e=perlenced I-�.der and underetand zhe rS.sks gnd responslbllitlea �_. ��=
�� : � of T�ding hoTSebaeY Sn �he mountalns end iurLher Hgxeo to pay ?Y�^_ ��`--
����- ' search and 7-escue epexationa that may be . =,.y�-'�� "�'_
-■-��. tha cost of any _ _;.r-__ xr�
�-"`- � lnitlated on my behalf. - .
:.3._�;� .. _ `-�r� �'
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•�;? x fvrthe� hcreby releasa Gxouse G7eek Livery from gnp I.labllltr� _ T,_ _
1�.�=� . xhatsoever fnr a�cident or in�urr regsrdle9s of: eause and hert- � .'_�.����
���' by �aive my rig3lt to an �eaal recouTSa. �.�-'�:�_x��
.� _�_"�,.-�"-�c_.-2'S
�*�.. -. . .. � ' � - - ,r `�Y�,
�;� 2� veli!'Scatlonss -?��4'-�=.�
=:-`! Demonstrate ebl�.ity to �ount and dS.sboun� sasely. • . :��.:-�ti���„
'` '�'�� * ' to rein arid contxol �]PS'9B. - ��_-��c:.
=!'��� +pemonstz�eto ab2l�tp _j��
�`�`_�-� - .Demonstrate knowledge and fimi�ieritp �]th sadd7,e and equlp�ent. �=^�-��=
��� `�---• '
- ��,'-7. . •• �;�'�-��_�;�'
•Demonstrate knowle�ge of horses 1lmlta�ion at hlgh altltudes �_�,��_�_
:;�.,��� _ " and on mou:�tai�] tralls. �_�=�'��=-��
-'�^� -
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_�='�''-- gul,as and Fe�ulstlonst �
�� 3• _ �_ -��=:-�
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��'"'� • Mow3ta1n z'1�1n�; gen°ra11y 1s et a r+alk. �nere are some xeaspnablp _, ._�
:.v,.�.c� . -�- � ''r
- •'-r '� f].8t areas on the tralls suitsble Sor trotCSn or a contro�l�d
�=-�# '.s - � �y-=�:��,.
�- 3.ope. �=4��._._.��
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���� • po not trot or 3ope on any do�.�8r�8e. � • -- �
•�``=`� � t ime. �`
:�=�-�=? • Running snd ra�Ing 15 not al�.oxed at any �._ _ ..._.,,
��.- oun d.. =��Y�_-_�;�-`
�s� All 5ates she22 be left as f _ '��-�:���
. - _�=
��:-:.�� � �.�_``"'���_.r»�_
;-.��;� • All riders �ust sLay on roads ar trakls. ,
r_s?•,z. ., w�z�:- i��
,'.-,,� -' 'r_„_'_'_=t
"'`�--�-`J Riders shall not r5de in SrxlSstS.on ditches or pastures heing _ � �,, ,R„�
�:�.,�r� • - --'�-=`:.� �
�_-��?� 1z'rl5ated and shall ❑at ts��e� wlth ditches or h°adgates. _ ___�
�--+r-��:� . '�..r�.�-' �-
^*rr-=-:. . �orses shall not �e tied by relns - use the hslter and lead . ___ ��K_�:
'"-=`,v:';�t rope.and tle hlgh. __r�-=�
�,=�:_ : . :'___;'==
r�.ti-;''� r =�'-- -.r�.
'y_�=--'� . pv spurs. q��rts ox *+h1ps, nor abUSive tzeztment sha�.l be per�itted. _ __.,_r__ _`
.`��. =�� �
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�' ---� � ��y person Feturning e lsthered hoxse to tne �arn sha11 pap e _ _�, ..
� , y:r,�.�-4,;
�_��J"J"'� .DO add�tlonal fee. ' -;�����.��.
5� --`�' �Z� - ".- -K-`X'
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- - . p7�� trails are petrolled. l,nyone vSolating these svlles snd _ -
�'.;=� rQ4u�et�ons shall bt reovlTed to dls�ount and return to the b�rr� -.��,'����c
�"�'"'"`=:`8'� vn foot. aelinoulshing t�e norse tb the patrol�n� wrart�ler,
r "�l.i
��::��-^� Na refunds ��kk be consldered. .
_'r' :-;s - . - - -
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�jy-�:-? My s!gnnture belox indlcates that I have �_=' �Z unZErs�and � .-_�,�_ =�J
- ' ' the rules xesvlatlons and pO�SCS�S £or Sndependen� rSd1n� at ;-:����-"�-_
, . � =�--- =�:
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MARCH 24� t98U
. _
. �
r �
7his G�ide PZan regresents the combine� effor�s a�F Liansl�ead res-idents, merchan�s,
landowners, business�ersons, public o�ficials and consultants - a�l can�rib�ted
over months af time through a series nf pubi�c workshop�, through �he worksf�op
orocess o� collec'�ir�g idea5, testing, rev�sing & ref�nit�g .the cor�ce�ts have
evolved in�o an il� �astrati�e plan which represents a colle�tive opin�on about
itnprovemer��s tha� are needed, and clesire�, to improve' �he vita� ity and func-
tionality af Vail LionsHead as a core corn�ercia] area.
Whi1e i�lus�rative in nat�r�, t�te Guide Plan is in�ended pr�marily to suggest
tf�e general nature of the improveme�ts desired. It is not to �e ��terpreted
literally, i .e. dimension, location and design car�cepts are oniy approxima��
� and suages�ive. W�i�e design �nnovatian is encouraged, it is exp�cted that
ind�v�dual proposals will co��orm in spirit and concept wi�h the Guide �lan.
Pravision is made that minor adjust�en�s to the �lan can be made by the �own
Staff three times per year. �lajor amendmen�s will be considered by the
Planning Commission. _
KIOSK/DiRECTORIES - information, lacator �aps at�kQ�
orientat�on paints. Fatential sales fciosk ioca�ions �
'`A"� also, by special review and perm�t. �
SCUk.PTURE FEAI'f�RE - artwork �ntroduced at key, f�igh- �
visibility focal points. �
BEI�CHES - facing views and pedestrian ways, conver-
� sation packets where possible, recessed for snow s-�orage.
�iOVEABLE PLANTERS - in SUmme1" used to fi�� in piazas
far. coior and more intima�� scaie; �n w�nter, remaved �o
edges or storage to expand plazas tar skier crowds and
snow removal ease. �
� NEW/MODFFIED LANDSCAPE - landscape areas reconfigured
� to improve pedestrian flow, access�bility to stores ,
� and snow storagelremoval problems. New 1ar�dscape areas �
� created toscreen bu�ldings, enclase pas5ages, and im-
jprove space definition. In all cases attemp� ta :preserve
��� mature existing vegetation.
COMMERCTAI. �XPANSION - high transparency bui�ding exten--
s�ons: ta improve pedes�r�an sca1e at base of tall
build�nas, upgrade attraction of store facades (� and
generate grea�er pedestrian activity) , and turn diffi-
�,��, cul t s i tes (snow, shade, runoff) i nto vi abl e corrnnerci al
. .
OExpanded pedes�rian waiting plaza {bus shelter relocated) to bet�ter
accommodate skier crowds iri winter. High visibility entry symbol
(such as flags) and scu�pture reinfarc� main entry. to �ionsHead.
Moveable planters restore pedestr�an scale and colar in summer.
OVehicle access restricted (signage) au�o drop-aff relocated adjacent
to parking.
O Access rou�e from parking relocated northward• {by landscape
planter barrier) to separate parkinn lot route fram the crowded
bus wai�ing area, and reduce crossing thraugh the s�rvice area.
Commercia� expansior� (I s�orey) far sca�e, reinforce route.
'O Pocket entry park (created �y reduc�ion of parkina structure) to �
create and enhance an a7t�rnative entry ta the �lall , reduce conges-
tion a� peak periods, increase pedestrian exposure to back areas,
and to screen �he �arkin� structure and generally upgrade �he
approach to LionsHead. _.
O Addi�iona� 's�udy area to exp7ore potential to: further u�arade -
� second mall entry, expand and intensi�y �ion's Pride Cour�,and �
complete pedestrTan connection to Gor�do�a Plaza. ServiceJdelivery
functionsessential to maintain, as well as private park�nc�.
O Coir�mercial expansion (1-2 storey} to s�rengthen secondary mal�
entry wit� activity/pedestrian scale, and better uti��ize shade-
zone service court �minor) .
.O Court opened to f'ree access to LionsHead Court. Plantina area
reduced, relacated to abut LiosHead Arcade bldg. to provide
screer� buffer for restauran� and force traff�c flowout of
shadows into sunny area of cour�. Sc�alpture focal paint. �
.O Improve viab�lity of below-grade shops by expandir�g stair access
into 6roader landings and 5unken cour�yards. Sun pocket locat�on,
landscapir�g and paving to create a�traction competitive with grade-
level shops.
O Commercia� expansion { 1-2 s�oreys) to �etter utilize shade-zane
� corner and �resent an additional fran� facade actYVity to court.
. .
�� Plantina islands relocated to improve store accessibility ar�d to
expand dual ma�l passage for peak skier crowds.
1� Commercial expa�sian (1 storey} �a �increase pedestrian em�hasis,
scale of mall , and i�nprove sha�e--zone facades and accessibility.
�� � Opportunity exists for expa�sion nf buildinas, arcades, awnings,
etc. to irnprove scale, shelter, appearance of corm�ercia� facades.
13 Ticke� p��za expanded for skier queuing, snaw removal , a throuqh
passage. In summer, portable plan��rs restore color, sma17 scale.
14 Connecting ramp to r�ake the entire mall accessible ta emergency and
uti�i�y vehicles, as well as easy barrier-free access far pedes�rians.
�� Centra1 planting �is1and with popcorn wagon reeonf�gured to give
more unifarm c�.rculation and permit free mavement on all sides.
� �6 ComEnercial expansion {1 storey} 'to establish pedestr�an scale
benea�h building mass. Summer s�ason use o�F public r.o.w. by
permit for dir�ing patio. �urnis�ings �o be remaved for winter
- access, snow removal , and qeneral appearance.
17 Planting to screen non-commerc�a� areas and ma�Ce visua] green
link between plazas.
�a Commefcia� expansion {1 storey) �o emphasize pedestrian level .
Pa�io area enlarged siigh�ly for additional din3ng space ( a
sun-pvcket area} , and wider, ��vitinq steps alsa s�ttinq function.
l9 Commercial expansion ( 1 s�orey) ,and ground floor office replaced
by comrnercial , to imprave pedestrain scale, aecessibil�ty, and
create strong activity- ge�erator for south side of plaza. --
currently a snow co�lector, �ight tree scr�ening either portab�e
or in grade-level tree_ grates for snow rem4val and easy access.
2fl Ganda1a building rar�p, a second access to the Gondola to distri-
bute foo� traff�c, and draw visitors, through other areas of mall .
21 Tall sculpture fe�ture at highest-v�s�bility point as v�ewed from
ei�her end of the mall .
• Existing ma�ure vegetatian preserved for qreen, coTar, and 'scale.
Z� Supplement with portable s�mmer-time planters for additiona1
color and more intimate scale for pZaza.
Z3 A major, memorable identity feature for Vai� �.iansNead {fountains are
�he most photographed features throuahaut Vai� ) , and a fflea7 paint to
draw �eople to, and �nto, tt�e Gnndola Plaza. The �oun�ain is intended
ta �e a cascad� of water, aver �evels of s�onework and nat�ve veqeta-
�ion-to have a strang sculp�ural quality even in winter absent water
flowing-and ta be sub�ly i�lumina�ed.
�4 A winding series af shor� stair runs and overlook pla�forr.�s descend-
ing from the north parking lot �a th� Gondola Plaza. thrau�h the native
woodland planting. 7he stairs are ta have light but solid rai�ings
and close�y �ntegrated with the fountain, passinq over and around the
cascading wa�er. The stairs fo�^r� the primary linkaqe �o the north lo�,
the pedes�r3an bridge over I-70, must serve existina entr�es, and will :
potent�aZly be the linkage to a pedestrian cannection north of the
- Liftf�ouse Lodge.
25 Comr�ercial expansion (1 storey) to emphasize pedestrian scale
and attractive facades for improved commercial use, aided by
fountain as pedes�rian draw. A� north end, commercial expan-
sion (i-2 storeys) to create a th3rd acitivity edge to plaza,
� with oppartunities for 2nd ieve�t sun-pocket d�ning terraces.
26 Potential commercial (I-2 storeys) underground. A 15 foot grade
� difference o�'fers futher commerciai potential to form north
edge of plaza,as deseribed above.
�r Commercial expansion (1--2 stareys) to fiilyvoid corner. Decktop
plant�r �o enclose deck, add colarl9reener , and draw peds taJtfi�rouqh.
28 Upgradinq of a secondary Ma11 �ntry by replacinq sinale steep stair-
way with a gentler series of stairsJlandings and landsca�e fram�ng.
�9 Strang Zar�dscape �lantin4 to reinforce entry identity, with tree
Oplanters to sof�en alleyway and introduce meander to pathway.
�Q ' Reariented stairs, p�aza expans3on and infil� commercia� in shadow .
pocket to strenqthen pedestrian flow and smaoth connect�an ta
Landmark Mall . �
�3� Widened steps,. expanded upper terrace, with oppor�unity for
arcade or 6uilding expans�on. .
32 Arcade or canopy extension to define pedes�rian level at bas�
. of bu��dirtg, shade windows , indirec� lighting opportunity.
3� Roo�tap planting terraces �steppi�g down from Concer� �1a17 terrace to
soften the wail abutment, frame stairway and provide privacy screen
for resident�al unit. •
34 ��nctional improvemen�s include: separation of buses from o�her
traff�c, an auto drop-off (and s�rvice vehicle) znne, and at�
qrade traffic islands for pedestrian crossing and snaw storaQe.
The bus shelter, at t�e north end of the circ7e as the road gra-
dient eases, also serves to screen the loading area. Landscape
pjanting �s used to circumscribe the area an� focus attention on
the entry. A w�der plaza and expanded st�ps a�so serve to re-
in�orce the entry wa�y. �
3� �falks, separated �rom roadways, extend north ta tf�e pedestrian
bridge, west to the �arlcing lot, and south and eas�G tv Lions Square
and other mall entries - to provide safe, visible pe�estrian routes
to and from the Ma�l .
. � �
. ,.
r .
_ _ �
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APRIL 3, � 980
� -
r '
This Gu�de P�an represents co]7ective ideas abou�t func�iona1 and
aes�hetic objec�ives for Uail Village. T� has be�n deve7a�ed over
months o-� time,,through a series of pu�lic worksl�o�s, by Vai7 residents,
merchants, pUblic o�f3c�aTs and consultants .
D�agramr�a�ic in nature, the Gu�d� P7an is �ntended to suggest the nature
af �he imp�ove�ents desired. It is based on a number of urban design
criteria, �stablished by the workshop �ar�icipants as particu�arly
appropriate principles far g�iding change �n Vai7 Village. As such,
the Guide Plan is a res�onse �v curr�nt issues and perce7ved problems,
and �nten�ed to be a guide for current planning in bot� the public
and pr�vate sec�ors.
It is anticipated that perceptions of the prob7ems will change over
�Tme and tha� adjustments wi1� be made to �he Guide Plan. Those
adjus�ments w�11 be considered an an annua7 basis, through a process
similar to that which generat�d the Guide P7an, and based on urban
design criteria appropriate to Vai1 :
Co�npanions to t�e Gu�de PTan are three other documents whic� should be
� consu1ted pr�or to ar�y de�ailed planning or design:
� The Frameworic Pl an
Architectural Gu�delines -
' Goals and Palicies
The abovE establ�sh the genera� objec�ives an� ass�mptions under7ying
the specific recommendat�ans in the Guide P�an. . '
. .
� � Gore Cr�ek Pedestrian Feature area -
� � Path pavement trea�ment
Auto/Truck - 4pen Focal �o3nt -
- - �,�:; access (di recti on �xi s ti r�g or
�..�". , o� flow) prapos�d
- .y,�„�{„,,,. Fluta/Truck- �imited �':::~'.':•.:.-'':':��" Ir�fi�11 expansion
- acces s, �wa 1 ane �:::�::�;��:::::�:=::�:�:�:>:�'� oPpartun�ty -wi thi n
:.��".,,:'_�::'-. {un7oadin9,passing) E:::::;�::.::..:�;::.;;�::;':::�` established cnr�strain�s
Auto/Truck-l.imited Serv�ce & remote de-
dCC�55 , ane lane livery parking
� �
f.andscape frame4vork, , Separated pedestrian
dec�duous/coni ferous `�`���`'r' -'� way
. trees .
-- Annual color piant�ng Key to site�specific
(color accent to re- 7 considera�ions
.,� inforce movement)
��"� � ��G � Shuttle b�s route - Existing configuration
�:_, _. .;:, :
�' two lane {each direct�on � �` �
. ; .
� .. :;�� =�:, 3:' ��
,��-. .,. ,
�.; ,1;� ;, ,:;�FY Shut�7e bus route- Facade ir�prove�er�ts
,�..���� � c,.a OC1� 1 ane ••••r�•••�•� t"ECOfT�flt�Ci�eC�
i . �
O� Gore Creek walking path tVail �rai1) . Fnot-path from �ord Park to
LionsHead a�ong the �a�k of Gore Creek. Path alternates from north
tp sou�h side of cr�ek due to: Corri�ar width, privacy encroachments,
views and sun. 5eparate sections near Ath�et3c Club and Creekside
bt�ilding may require elevated boardwalks. Finai linkage to Ford Park
to stay on north side of creek as �er criteria mentioned.
O2 Limit�d two-way traffic on Gore Creefc Drive to a7iow serv�ce/del3very
access to east er�d of core area and there�y reduce truck �raff�c
tnrough pedestriar� zone.
� O� Future r�mate parking for service/deTivery vehicles. Private site with
Tong term parking cammitmen�s. Topography, however, favorabl� ta two
Zevel str�cture, 7flwer 7eve1 accessible from �ore Cre�k Driv�.
Oaemote service/d�livery zane.
OTurn-arau�d harrmier head for return traff�c east on Gore Creek Drive.
. T.O.V. parcei , �
� o En�ry "gateway" to Vi�lage Core. Road narrows �o one Zane exit to
discourage counter-f7aw t�^affic. "Mi77 Creefc bridge° �mag�, is
mechanis�n for narrow�ng - reinforces ga�eway sense, emphasizes creek,
and provides pe�estrian path separate from roadway {by bridge raiT�ngsj
to f�rther tie Mil� Creek Cour� into pedestrian �oop.
O� Mii1 Creek enhancemer�t. Tr�e p7ant�ng along creek to increase visibi�ity
and screen bui�ding backs to improve enc7osure of Mill Creek Co�rt. .
Tree/shrub clusters near roadway further reinforce 'gateway` to core
� and Mi�l Greek as tF�e baunBary.
� �8 Mi11 Greek wa7king path. Path completes 7inkage fram pirate ship and
mountain path to Gore Creek Qrive.
Og Commercial expansion (gro�nd floor) to improve pedestrian scale at base
of tall bui�ding, ar�d for greater transparency as an activity generator
on Seibert Circ3e.
10 Seibert Circ�e. Feature area pav�ng treatment. Relocate focal po�nt
{poter��ial �ountain) ta north for b�tter sun exposure (fa�l/spring} ,
creates increased plaza area and are the backdrop for activities.
Separa�ed path on north sides for unimpeded pedestr�an rou�e during `
deT9very �eriods. �
�� Limited buil�ing expansion/improvements. Tncrease facade transparency
. on south side ta strengthen pedestrian activity, with entry to s�reet.
Potential expansion of bui7ding ta sou�Eh property line - s�r�ce ground
floar below street 7eve1 no� cond�cive to di�ing terrace. Addi�ional
. �
one story increase at south face ta �mprove street enclosure propor�ions
without encroaching �nto view carridors. Second 1eve7 open baicony
deck �sun pocket} to restore activity to street 1ost from ground floor
terrace. .
�Z Future mid-block connec�ion to fur�her tie Mi11 Creek Co�rt to core
area. Entry reinforced by pocket park created o� 6r�dg� Street.
j3 Raised sidewalk may become major pedestrian route dur3r�g delivery
periods. Slight wi�ening warranted. Patentia7 for open arcade for
snow protec�ion over wooden walk. Landscape improvemen�s include:
n�w consa�idated Stairs , tie reta�n�ng walls replaced with masonry,
upgraded planting. .
14 Village P�aza. Feature area paving treatment, cen�ral focal point
visible fro� Gore Cr��k Drive. Major land for�n%planting �n N.W.
for quiet corner, with evergreen scree� p7anting to define west edge.
Wali street sta�rs,�with mid-7eve1 jog landing, opens entry area to
Lazier Arcade s�ops.
� 15 Facade improvements. Eyesores rer�oved, increased facade transparency,
entries simplified and arien�ed to intersection.
� �g Key intersection in Uillage Core. Feature area paving treatmenti.
17 Street access openEd.
� �$ Facade ir�provements. Increas�d ground floor transparency. ,
ig Feat�re area paving - entry to core area. ,
, Z� Comr�erci a1 expansi on -- 1 s�ory (from pi aza 3 eve� ) to i mprove encl asur•e
proportions, and complete third side of pIaza. Sun-pocket terrace
potert�ial at first ar second �evel .
2� Future arcade section (by remadel ) to cont�nue south side walkway
uninterrupted ta Wa71 Street. (Building corner barrier currently}.
ZZ Pocket park. 5creen fence to c�ose off alleyway (gate required} and
continue streetscape. Pocket park w�th b�nches, planter; snow storage
in winter. Serv�ce v�hicle zone opt�onal .
Z3 Pe�es�ri,an waTkway defined (by paving, planters , 7�ghting, benches,
etc. } to avo�d �ratfic conflic�s and un�fy diverse, d�sconnected
building. facades. increased attraction to reinforce lodge arcade,
� west end of Core Area.
z4 Service/delivery/trash zone (screened) .
Cammercia� expansion - 1 story to provide active facade ta pedestrian
25 street, help reinforce connect�on of Gare Creek Drive to Wi11ow Bridge
OBasement dei�very corridor (foat) �o Gore Creek Piaza building, to
Z� be preser�ed, extended east when possib3e.
27 Service/�elivery parking zone.
Za Resident�al expansion �to seal off adjacent bu�ldings. Infill af
parcel wi�l help enc�osur� of Check point Char�ie C�rcle, but should
be stepped �ack �o north to Preserve and frame dawn-va7�[ey views.
29 Access to Gare Creek. Gen�1e bank terracing (grass) and natural bo�lder
p�acerr�er�t for creekside sitting, wading, etc. Shrcab/tree in�'iil along
m3d point a�F s�dewa1k to define, gen,tly mo7�ed meadow edges for �ncreased
illusion of space.
' . 3� Bank improvements. Rip-rap,� reduced s1ope, re-seeding and shrub/tree
p7anting tor reinforcement of creek as visual feature o�f �he Village.
31 Future bridge improvements. Second major entry ta core area warrants
increased imageab�lity - such as with covered bridge {ta become
standard structure for .�edestrian crossings. Bridge structure gives
parital enclosure of creekside meadow .area a visib�e attraction from
crossroads. Reinffl rce �ntry further with pav7ng treatment and p1anting�
near br�dge. .
32 Existing walkway (separated) connectior� ta Crossroads area. _
� -
OShart-term imprQVements , to upgrade entry appearance and narrow Vai�
Road ta divert traffic east or west along �he Frontage Road. Im�rave-
ments include:
- p�anting bed expansions to fill voids, unify entries
- i sl artd to narrow Vai 7 Raad
- tree Planting ta f�rther restrict views down Uail Road
OFuture study area. Lot�g-term assessment of en�ry improvements in
conjunction with south frontage road improver�ents and Phase IV & V
of Va31 Vi7iage Ittn.
OTraffic c�rcie turn-araund to �imit penetration of lost �raffic. .
Conveying a dead-end appearance from Frontag� Road, it would at �he
same time make a major landseape fpcal point for west end af �. Meadow
Drive as linkage to LionsHead. Tra-�fic south of circle reduced by
clear sign directives.
O4 Landscape island to enclose circle, �screen Ban[c �arking, and make
visual �inkage to LionsHead. Bank ownership, caordinatfon required.
� Paten�ial lass of four parking spaces.
OSki Museum site improvem�nts. Outdoor d7splay area frar�ed by tree
p�anting. Raised paving surface with planters on frant (circle}
side �'or low-maintettanc� entry. Pedes�rian walk can�inues around to
OPedestria� walk, spearated �from roadway, reinforced by. tree �1anting, �
continues on narth side of E. Meadow Drive to LionsHead.
� 7 Landscaped o�en space, approved element of Vail Vi�1age InR special
O. de�e7opment district. Pedestrian path connection ta Frontage Road and
�own Hall .
OS Pedestrian wa1k, separated to Gore Creek pat�.
OPotential corrmerc�al infill - i story. Within specified constraints,
by infill deve7opmerrt coul�;
- complete �. �t�adow Drive, to its na�ural Uaii Road �erminus, .as
an .attractive pedes�rian stree� wi�h a var7�ty of 7andscaped open
spaces and pedestriar� scale shops - effect�vely exter�ding�'�fi�e
character of the core, to Vail Raad
- complete �he framing of the Vail Road infersection as a defined
open space, giving �oose order �o a presently nan-descript
� area
- preserve �he views of Vail Moun�ain and Gold Peak, screen�ng
out the parking lot impact.
- due to topography, a1�ow for beiow-grade parking und�r the infill
bu�7ding, with rear-access service.
10 P�aza linkage across �. Meadow Drive un�ting corr�ercial area. Feature
area �aving, planters, k�iosks, benches , etc.
�� Bus shelter.
�2 Separa�e_. pedestriar� wa7k by reducir�g E. Meadow Drive to s�ngle bus
1 ane. Upgrade_. by pavi ng, benches, inoveabl e pl ar�ter, 1 i ghti r�g. Bus
passing/waiting at eitf�er end adjacent to bus she��ers.
i3 �xisting b�rm/p1anting preserved. Co7or, vegeta-�7on, views , and openness '
pres�rve the variety of pedestriar� experience a7ong E. Meadow Drive.
�� P�aza lir�kage across E. Meadaw Drive �o t�e commercial- uses for
mutua� reinforcement, and to ma�ntain rhythm of open space nodes.
. Fea�ure area paving, planters , ber�c�es, etc. Tree plar�ting to frame
and soften plaza and roadway. �andscaped corner near Talisman as
quiet sun-packet sitting area.
15 Required s�rvice/�atron access points.
�� Separated pedestrian walk, •due to bus/a�ato traffic, cflntinues east to
Crossroads and parking structure.
� �7 Mixed-use traffic area. Trianguiar centra7 plant�r expande� to d�rect
�raffic movement. Wes� side primar�iy-for pedestrian connection,
alsa m�s� permit traf�ic turn-around. �raffic patterns directed by
signage. Intersection given feature area paving �o denote pedestrian
prinrity/slow traf�ic zone.
�8 Existing waik iowered slight7y to becor�e major separated south side
pedestrian route (barr�er free ram�s) . Landscape planting buffer
a�ong rnadway.
�� V�l�age Road traffic circie. Improvements to �order traffic flows
in/out of the s�ructure, and to reduce 7ost-tr�ffic �enetratior� into
the Vii�age, ir�clude:
- narrowing Frontage Road before �ntersection to eliminate rigt�t-
turn lar�e which funnels tra-Ff�e into V�llage Raad
. -- extend .cente�^ island north ta reduce apening
� �
• r�
- ciose is�and gaps to force all (but rental ) traffic into a
sing3e quene �'or �he sequence ofi entries
- narrow entry to E. Meadow Dr3ve from t�e circle to suggest
entry gap to Crossroads; Tilcewise, wi�h access to S�nnenalp
move traffic �barricade arm c�oser to c3rcle for visible
deterrence to travel east on E. Meadow �rive.
-. traffic circle w�th 45 foot radius minimu�n to accomodate all but
�argest truc�CS or b�ses (presumably deterred at Frontage Road}.
Recanstructed circle elevated 2 feet ar mare to decrease gradient
s�artirtg up Village Road.
2D Separation of 2--Tane bus route fro� tra�'fic c�rcle, by means of earth-
forrn buffer �o reduce bus/auto con�FZicts at peak traffie periods.
Pr�vate 1 and �ncroacF�men� necessary.
Z� Lim�ted commercial �xpansion - l story. Infi17 commercial possibility
to draw pedestrians both east and west along E. �leadaw Drive, which
witt� other impravements helps complete the pe��s�rian loop to the
� Village Core. �ow building, in foregro�nd of taller bu�lding to south-
west, w�11 no� encroach into view corridor. Facades/entri�s on north
and northeast s3des.
ZZ Roof-tap parfc/focal point over parking garage. Dense planting bed as
backdrop �'or low-maintenance feat�re area paved open space. B�nches ,
lighting, Pfl rtabie planters, and focal po-int serve as foreground �o
mountain vi�ws, and open space node on pedes�rian path.
OSeparated p�destrian walk ir� pub7ie R.O.W. (by narrowing bus lane},
23 with border pZanting to screen parking and make attractive connection
ta Covered �ridge Plaza. -
aFuture study af potential , and desirability, of beiow-grade parking
24 with o�er� space an�/or building expansion above to furtner reinforce
pedestrian eonnection.
� �
MONDAY, APRIL 28, �980, 2:00 P.M.
To �e publishe� ir� the Va�7 Trail 4-25-80
Apri1 28, 198Q, 2:00 P.M.
1 . } Approva1 0� Minutes of 4-21-80 Meet7ng.
2.) Continuation of Public Hear7ng for the cons�deration of Vail V��lage
Urban Resign Gu�de Plan and Ord�nances �For Commerc�al Core I and II.
3.) AppT�catian for Cond�-�-�onal llse Permit and Density and I..andsca��ng and
Site Coverage Variances to a��ow Expansion of the Gastof Gramshammer
4.) M�rtar Subdivisian far the Resubdiv�sion of �o�s 2, 3, and 4, Block 8
Uail Village 7th F�1ing.
�. ) Discusszon of the Options to cons�der for possibly reducing the number
af units w7�hin �l�e 7ouan.
6. ) Discussion o�F County project �or re�erra1--West Ua�l Common Deve�opment
7.) Selection of PEC Member to a�tend DRB mee��r�gs beginning 5�7-80.
8, } Discussion of resubmittal of �.andscape Plan for the Bell Tower Bu-�lding.
7�ESDAY, APRI� 29, �980 at 1 :00 P.M.
- t
7a be published in the VaiT Trai1 4-25-80
x �.
,��_ .
� 7UES�AY, APRIL 29, 1980 a� � :00 P.M.
Minutes af the Apr11 28, 1980 Ptanning and �nvironmen�a� Cammiss�on Mee�ing
Page One
5andy M�11s
Ed Drager
J�r� Morgan
Dan Corcorar�
John Per�Cins
Dick Ryan
Larry EsEcw��h
p�ter Patten
Jim Rubin
7he 7awn Counc�l Member assign�d to at�er�d this meeting was not present.
Item #2 was dzsc�ssed �'irs�.
2. ) Con�inuat�on o�F Publ�c Hearin for Consideration af Vail V�17a e tlrban
Desi n Guide Plan and Ordinances fior Commercial Core T and �I.
. 7he Baard d�scussed the prflposed changes to the zoning ordinance w��h �ick �yan
and Jim R�bin. T'hey marked a11 th� changes and rev�se� co�ies wi11 be sen� to
the Board members. A� 3:00 the Board decided to can�inue this �ater and go on
with the regular .me��;ng.
1 . ) Approval of Minutes of 4-21-80_mee�i�
Sandy M�lls made a mo�ion to approv� the minutes o�' the 4-21-80 me�ting. �ohr�
Perkins seconded the mot�on. The vo�e was unanimous.
3.) A �icat�on for Condit�onal Use Permit and Dens�� and Lartdsca in and
S�te CoVerage Variances to a�low Expansior�of the Gastof_Gra�sha�ner.
Peter Patten gave t�e Staff recommenda�ion and eanditions.
Pep� sa�d he rea7�y didn't have tao much to say, Peter had said �t a'fl .
�d Drager asked Pe�i if he understands every�hing in �he me�no and cond�tions.
Pepi sa�d he ur�dcrstands but d�sagrees with the waikway. There is no place
where ��ere are rooms in a quie� area for s�feeping. Sandy Mills sa�d she
doesn '� think people are going to walk there in the even�ng. ?'h�y w�ll only
be there during �f�e day.
Sandy Mi7Ts asked about the e�sementcondition. Does Pep� have to get the other
owners to agree before he gets approval . Jim Rubin said no. He just has to agree
to the easement on his �and.
, 4-28-80 P�C Mi��tes
Page Two
Pepi sa�d the cond�tian regarding the clean up upset him immense�y. Ne said
he cleans up everyone's messes not just �is own and as soon as a11 the snow
�s gone, he wi1� clean up everything. He also said there �s a question of
what is Tawn property a�d w�a� is h�s.
Sandy M�lls said someone shou1d f�nd aut where the prop�rty line �s so t�at
curb stops coutd be ins�al�ed �o keep cars out o� �he area where they are not
supposed to �e.
Ed Drager said the S�aff shou�d f�nd out where t�e property l �nes are so that
a pa�h could be estab�ished and curb stops �nstalled where necessary.
Dan Corcoran exPlained how to f�nd out where the proper�y line �s.
Ed �rager asked if anypne had other ��est�ans.
Sandy asked what is go�ng to be where the extra square footage is being added.
Pepi said part of it wil� b� a dressing area for the sport shop and wa�tresses
and part will be a cold kitc�en for freezer, caoler, etc.
John Perkins made a motion to approve the Appl�cation for Condi�ional Use Permit
and Dens7�y and Landscaping and S�te Coverage Variances to a�low Expansion of �he Gas�o�
� Gramshammer Ki�chen as p�r the Sta�f inemo of 4-24-80 with the fo�lowing conditions:
R. The applicant shou�d be required �o part�cipate �n Village Core Improvements
and agree no� to remonstrate agains� the special improvement district �f
formed, and agree to �oin the d�s�rict.
B. The existing tree ir�nediately west of t�� propased addition be left
C. The appZicant agree �o clean up and. work with the Town to determ�ne
property line and do whatever necessary to keep cars from parking
on grass etc.
�• App19cant agree �o wor.k with �he Tawn to estab�ish a walk way on top
to the stream ban� adjacent to' the parking lat.
Sandy M��ls secanded �he motian. The vo�� was unan�mous.
The Board adv�sed Pepi that �e must go before the Design Review Baard with
h�s plans and that there is a morator�um on b�ilding �n t�e Core. Pep� said
" T am happy ��th you guys and I wi11 start tomorrow." Cath�e sa�d she wiil
schedu1e him �or �RB on �ay 7. Peter sa�d he wi�l make sure he is scheduied.
for DRB on May 7.
' �EC Minutes 4-28-80
Pa�e 7hree
4.) Minar S�bdivision for the Resubdivisivn o� Lo�s 2, 3, and 4, BZock 8
Vail Vi�la e 7�h F��in .
�eter Patten gave the staff comments on th7s. Ed Drager asked J�m Mar�er
to expla�n the reasoning behind th�s application.
Sandy M�lls quest�oned the acreage in �he memo. S�e sa�d �t did no� add up.
Jim Rub7n said �he staff will correct this ar�d �'�nd whe�e t}�e mistake is.
Both numbers ShouZd be the same.
Sandy M�yls made a mot7an to a�prove the minor subdivision for �he Resubdiv�sion
of Lots 2, 3, and 4, 81oc[c 8, Va�� Vil1age 7th Filing as per the Staf�' Memo of
4-2�4-80. John Per[cins seco�ded the motion. The vote was unanimous w�th the
exception of Dan Corcoran who abstained.
Item #6 was taken next.
6.) Discuss�on of Coun�v project for referral-W�st Vail Comr�on_ �evelopr�ent
Peter �atten exp�ained that this is a n�w shopping eenter/condominium development
on 6.6 acres �n West Vail , east of Va�� Das Scf�one. It is a County subm�ttal
for �lay 21 and the Staff is requesting a recammendation from the P�anning and
Environmental Commiss�on.
• Tom Briner made h�s presen�atYOn. FIe explained they are attemp�ing �a stop
�he v-�sua� asphalt. T�ere will be walkway thro�gh to Vail Das Shone.
Peter exp�a7ned that the Staf� has a few concerns. They wou�d like to see
sorne employee type hausing incorporated into this p7an. Tl�ey �eel the project
needs more 1andscaping along the Nor�hern Bor�er (Res�den��al Area}.
There was a discussion of the rnad going behind. Some �eople felt there should
be access to the res�dentia1 area behind but the consensus was tha� -�he�e should
not be an access.
Peter sald �he plan shou�d the grad�ng to be done in the Fall and the projec�
started in 1982. �'om Br�ner said that is a typo and -�t should be T981 �'or
start date.
Peter asked about the drainage of the park�ng lat. �om said they have experts
working on �his .and they w�ll make sure i� is adequate.
Jim Morgan asked if �here couTd be few aspen trees in �the landscaping and
r�ore spruce. Tom Br�ner said it is a possibi1 ��y but t�ey did want to stay
w�th one spec�es.
`�here was a discussion abou� the size of the park�ng spaces requir�d by the County.
The Saard fel t a 10� of aspha�t coul d be el iminated if tf�e size of th� parfCing
� spaces was ►^educed fror� l0 x 20 �0 9 x 18.
. `PEC Minutes ��' 4-28-80
� �age Four
Th�re was also a disc�ss�on abo�t the right turn iane extend�ng to hfa71 Das Shone.
Tt was decided �ha� �ha� cou�d not be required of the deve�oper but cou�d be sUggested
to the County.
Sandy Mills made a motion that the Rlanning Commiss�on recorr�mend that the follaw�ng
items be incorporated into the West Vail Common Deve�opment:
3 . Emplayee hous3ng.
2. Mare iandscap-�ng to screen the residen�ial ared.
3. More landscapin� around parking lot and adequate snow storage area.
4. An adequa�e dra�nage plan.
5, Reducing the size of �he park3ng spaces �From 10 x20 to 9x 18 resulting
�n less asphalt.
6. Possib�T�ty of a r�ght turn lane extending to Va�1 Das Shone.
Dan Corcoran secanded �Gh� mation. The �o�e was unan-�mous.
• 7. } Selec��on of PEC Member �o a���nd DRB meetin s be innin 5-7-80.
�im �fargan made a motion that Gerry W hite be �he P E C mem ber �o a t ter�d t he
�R8 mee�ings for the next three months w�th John Perl�ins as the al�erna�te.
Sandy Mills secanded the mot3on. Ed, Sandy, ,]im, and Da� voted for approval
of the mot7on. John Perk�r�s vo�ed aga�nst.
5.} �iscuss�on of the 0 �ion �o eons�der �'or assib� reduc�n the number
of uni�s w�thin the Town.
Dick Ryan explained his 4-8-80 memo to R�ch Capian. The Soard d7scussed the
apt�ons. Sandy Mi71s said she def3nitely feels �his is an i�em that r�eeds a
grea� deal mo�^e study, however, she �nade a motion that the P�C recor�mend �o
the Council �hat they �o�sider a combinatipn of Options 4 and 5. ,I�m Morgan
s�conded the motion. Ed, Sandy and J�m voted f�r the motion. John and Dan
voted aga�ns�. �ohn said he feels the "X" 9� is too ger�eral . Dan agreed and
said he doesn't feel �he developer sf�ould be hit in �he �F1oor area as we11
as �he number of units. They both felt that t�e �F7aor ar�ea should b� looked
at to a grea�er ex�ent. After �hey gave the�r reasans, �d Drager said he
agreed and maybe �e shot�ld change his vote. It was dec�ded i� was too la�e
for h-�m to change his vote and a new motion would be necessary. The motion
stands. ,
� '
PEC C�l�nutes o�F 4-28-80
Page Five
8. ) Discuss�on of resubmitta� of Landscape P1an for �he B��1_Tower Bu�ldin .
Cra�g Snowdon made h�s presentat�on. The Board asked questions. 7�i5 i�em
was not pub��shed. However, it was no� necessary as it is only an amer�dment to
�he landscape pian. If approved taday, they can go ahead as the building permi�
e�c. 7s still in ef�ect. However, they would have to ga �o Design Review Board.
Jflhn Perkins made a motian to approve the Nmendmertt to �he Landscape Plan
nd roof lans would
not �v �ncl ude al�ey pl ar� or roof pl an. �'he al l ey a p
have to come �ack and be publ �sh�d. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion.
7'he vote was unanimous.
Catl�ie and Pe�er said they wau�d see �hat the Landscape Plan gets scheduled
�For RRB on May 7, 1980.
The 8oard discussed item #2 again.
2.� Continuat�on of Pub13c Hear-in -For the considera�ion of Vai7 Vil1a e
Urban Desi n Guide Plan and Ordinances fo+^ Commercial Gore I artd II.
�im Rub�n went over the proposed Zon�ng Changes ar�d marked rev�sions. Rev�s�d
� copies wi�l be given �o the Planning Comm�ssion fnr �he 5-�2 meeting.
�eff Winston went over the Va31 Ui��age Design Guide Plan Y'@V7510Y1S.
Dan Corcoran mac�e a mation to continue C�15CU55101� of this item until Nlay 32, 1980
at 2:00, Sandy Nlil�s seconded the mot�on. The vote was �nanimous.
The meetir�g was adjourned at 6:�0 P.M.
oArE: 4-25-s0
The P1anning and Environmental Cam�issian �ave had three long public hearings
on the Va7� Vi��age and Vall L�onsh�ad �rban Design Guid Plans. The meet�ngs
have been very praducti�e as diseussion of almost all o� the d�tails of the
Vai1 Village p�an has taken place. P1anning Commission also went on a fieid
tr�p to see possibie build�ng expansion areas and view corr�dars. I consider
that the P3anning and �n��ronmental Comnission has a very good understa�ding
af �he pl an.
Approved by the Planning and Environmental Cornm�ssian at iast weefcs meet�ng
were the Goals and Pal�cies, tf�e Framework A�an �hat includes circu�at�on �For
auto and bus, pedestrianizatian, character dis�r�cts, major and minar v�iew
corridors for Vail Village and the Urban Des�gn Guide Plans with some
� Next Monday afternoon, �he P1anning ar�d Environmental Cor�nnission w�ll discuss
�he f�nal two parts of the p�an. �he Urban �esign cans�dera��ons and zoning
ordinance changes for Commercial Core I and II should be approved at that time.
Th�s pas� Thursday, there was a 7engthy and product�ve meeting with several of the
architects in Vai1 regard�ng �he Urban Design Considerations. I cansider �hat
this workshop wit� �he architects has improved their understanding of �he proc�ss
and provided �aluable input in�o �mprov�ng �he Urban Design Considerations.
I am r�ot enclasing capies of all the mater�als nated belaw. Town Counc7T
has previously received the goais and pol �cies, tl�e plans, and t�e Urban
�es�gn Consid�rations. Enclosed is a copy of the Zoning Ord7nance changes
that you have not received prev�ously. Tf you would lifce cop�es af any of the
material , come to the off-�ce as there are some extra copies.
Bridge Street/Gore Creek Dr-�ve .
Eas� Meadow Drzve
� Sectzons 18.24.010, 18.24.065, 18.24.100, 18.24.120, 18.2�k.130, 18.24.150
and 18.24.170 are repealed and reenacted to read as �o1i�:
]8.24.010 Puzpose.
The C�rcial core 1 district is inteded to prova.de sites and to maintain the
unique chaxac�er of the Vail Village co�miercial area, with its m�ture of lodges
and comr�ercial establislunents in a predominately pedestrian environment. The
catur�rcial core 1 district is intended to ensure adequa,te light,air, open space,
and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buiidings and uses.
The dzstrict regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban pesign Guide
Plan and Architectural Guidelines prescribe site development standards that are
in�ended to ensure the mairztenance and preservation of the tightly clustered
arrangemant of buildings �rontang on pedestrianways and put greenways, and to
ensure continua,tion of bua.].ding scale and architectural qualities tha.t distinguish
the village.
18.24.065 E�te�rior Alterations Modifica�ions-�Procedure
A1J. alterations of the exterior of an existing building in CCI sha.11 canply with
the follaving procedure:
(A) The alteration of an existang building which adds or removes any
enclosed floor area, or the replac�nent of an existing bui]ding
� shall be subject to review by �he Planning and Environmental Comnission
as follows:
(1) Applicati.on shall be made by the vamer of the building or his
agent on a form provided by the Zoning Ac3ninistrator.
(2) The hearing before the Plannang and Environmental Comnission shall
be held in accordance with Sections I8.66.060 �hrough 18.66.090.
A decision of the Planna.ng and Environmental Co►rmission may be
a�ealed to the Tawn Council in accordanc� with the procedure
. speci�ied in Section 18.60.070.
(3) It shall be �he burden of the applicant under this subsection (A)
�o prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning
and Environn�ntal Comnission that the proposed building alteration
is in compliance with tk�e purposes of the CCI District as speca.fied
in; that the px•opos�l does not alter the character of the
neighborhood; and tk�a,t the proposal complies with the Vai�. Village
Urban Design Guide P]axs and Archi�ectural Guid�lines.
(4) The Planning and Environrr�ntal Comnission may approve the application
as subrrritted; approve the application with conclitions or
rrndifications; or, if �he Planning and Environmental Comnission finds
that the app3.icant failed to meet his burden of proo�, i� may deny the
� (5) Applications under this subsectian (A) shall be submitted on or
before Ma.y 19, 1980, to be heaxd by �he Planning and Ehvironrrienta7.
Catrnission on JUne 9, 1980. Therea��er all applications shal�. be
submitted annually on or before Dec�nber 15 or each year. The
Planning and Environmental Comnission sha11 then hold the public
hearing on the applications submitted be�ore the end of the following
(B) The mcxtification or change ta the extefi:eir facade of a building or to _,�.
a site within CC;T sha.IT be reviewed by the llesign Iteview T3oard �n :�° " �
accordance wi�h the folla�ving:
(1) Application shall be made by the owner of the bui]:da.ng or his
agent on a form by the Zoning Admi.nistrator.
Page Two
(2) The hea.ring before the Design R.ev�ew Board shall be he�d in
accordance with Cha,pter 18.54. A decision of the Desigiz Review
Board may be �,ppealed to the Town Cotmcil in accordance with the
procecture specified in CY�apter 18.54.
(3) It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance
of the evidence b�fore the Design Review Board that the proposed
building modification is in compliance with the purposes of the
CCI District as specified in 18.24.010; tha.t the proposal does
not altex the character of the neighborhood and �ha�'�he proposal
compla.es with the Vail Village Architectural Guide�ines.
<4) Tkze Design Review Board may approve the application as submitted;
approve the application with conditions on modifications; or, if the
besign Review Board finds that the applicant .failed to meet his
burden of proof, it may deny the application.
(5) The Zoning Achninistrator may approve m�nor modi�icat�.ons as provided
in Section 18.54.060. A decision of the Zoning Administrator may
be appealed �o �he Design Review Board for review.
(C? A11 alterations under Stiabsection (P.) above shall be stabject to review
� by the Design Review Boaxd Follawing Plannang and Ehvironrr�ntal Comnission
approval in a,ccordance wa.th Chapter 18.54. The Design N.e�riew Board shall
r�view the sa� to insure that the sarre canply with the Vail Village
Architectural Guide]ines.
i8.24.100 Setbacks
TkAere sha.11 be no required setbacks, �xcept as may be establzshed pursuant to
the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PZan.
18.24.120 Height
The ma.ximi.un height af buildings in the CC1 clis�rict shall be thrity-five feet
or as ma,y be othez�vzse specified by the V'ail Village Urban Design Guide Plan.
18.24.130 Density Control
Unless otherwise provided in the Vail Vil�age Urban Design (�xide Plan, not more
than eighty square feet of gross residential floor axea (GRFA) shall be pexmitted
for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area and not zmre than eighty
square of gross floor area sha,ll be permi.tted for each one hundred square fee�
of buildable site area for any pexma.tted or conditional use allowed by Section
18.24.060, excluding gross residential floor area (GRFA). Tota� density sha.11
not exceed twenty-five dwe�l�.ng units per acre of bui3dable si�e axea.
18.2�k.150 Cover�
� Not more than eighty percent o� the total si�e area shall.be covered by
buildings and grotand level patios and decks excEpt as may be otherwise
specified in the Vail Vil3age Urban Design Guide Plan.
18.24.170 Landscaping and Site Development._
At least twen�y percent of the totaZ site area shall be landscaped except
as ma,y b� otherwise specified a.�i the Vo,il Vill age Urban Design Gtzi.de Plan.
There sha,ll be two new sections added to Chap-�er 18.24 to read as foJ.lavs:
18.24.200 Reconstruction of E�isting Uses
. If any building or structure located within Comnercia]. Core I on June l, 1978,
is subsequently destroyed by fixe or other casualty to the degree provided in
Section I8.64.090, that stxucture or bui.lding trr�,y be reconstructed to the same
or substantia]ly the same size dimensions, lot coverag�, and height in accordance
with the procedures outlined in Section 18.64.090, so long as the building or
strucutare canplies wa.th the applicable provisions of the Vail Village Urban Design
Guide P1an,
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� Secta.ons 18.26.OI0, 18.26.070, 18.26.090, I8.26.100� 18.26.120, and 18.26.140
are repealed and reenacted to rea.d as follows:
18.26.010 I'urPose.
The commercial core 2 district is intended to provzde sites for a mixture
of rrFUltiple dwellings, lodges, and comr�rcial establish►nents in a cl�asterecl,
unified development. C�mercial Core 2 ➢istrict in� accordance with the Lionshead
Urban besign C�tide Plan and Architectural Guidelznes for CC2 and is intended
to ensure adequate Iight, air, open space, and other a�rienities appropriate to
the permitted types of b�z.i.lding and uses, and to n�.intain the desirable qualities
of the dis�rict by establishing appropriate szte development standards.
18.26.070 Setbacks.
In CC2 district, tne minimurn front setback shall be ten feet, the minimam szde
setback shal be ten feet, and the minimum rear setback shall be ten feet unless
o�herwise specified in the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan.
18.26.090 Height
The �i.mum height of buildings in the CC2 distract sha,ll be forty-five �eet
un].ess otherwise specified in the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan.
18.26.100 Densi�y Control.
, Urn�ess otherwise specified in �he Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, not more
than eigh�y square feet of gross residential �loor area CGFtFA) shall be pexlnitted
for each one huridred square feet o� builda.ble site area and not rmre than eighty
square feet of gross floor axea shall be permitted for each one hundred square
feet o� buildable si�e area £or permitted site axea for perrnitted or conditional
uses allowed by Section 18.26.040, excludi.ng gross residential floor area. Total
densi�y shall not exceed twenty-five dwelling Units per acre of buildable site area.
18.26.120 Coverage.
Not more than seventy percent of the total sa.te area shall be covered by bua.ld�ngs
unless otherwise specified in the Lionslaead Urban Design Guide Plan.
18.26.140 Landscaping and szte development.
At least twenty percent of the total site area sha,ll be landscaped unless
othexwise specified in the Lionshead Urban Design Guide P7an.
There shall be tuo new sections added to Chapte�r 18.26 �o read as follows:
18.26.045 E�terior Al�erations or Modi.fications Procedure
All alterations of the exterior of an exis�ing 3�uilding in �C2 shall comply
� with the follaving procedure:
(A) The alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any
enclosed floor area, or the replacement of an exista.ng building
shall be subject to review by the Plan�ing and En.v9.ronmental
Cottmission as �ollows:
(1) Application sha11 be ma.de by the owner of the building or his
a.gent on a form provided by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) The hearing before the Plaxining and F�vironmental Comnission
shall be held in accordance with Sections 18.66.060 through
78.66.090. A decision o� �he P1.anning and Environmental
Commission may be appealed to the Town Council in accoxdance
with the procedure specified in Section 18.60. 070.
• (3) It shalJ. be the burden of the applicant under subsection (A)
to prove by a preponderance of tkae�vidence before the Planning
a.nd Environmental Cornnission that the proposed building alteration
is in comp].iance wzth the purposes of the CC II District as
specified in 18.26.010; that the proposal does not alter the
charac�er of the neigYibox�hood; and that the proposal canplies
with the Lionshead Uxban Desz� Guide Plan and Architectuz�al
(4) The Plaraning and �nvironmental Commission may approve the application
as submi.tted; approve the application with conditions or moda.fications;
or, if the Planning and hivironmental Comnission finds that the
applicant failed to meet his burden of prof�, it may deny the
(5) Applications under this subsection (A) shall be submi_tted on or before
Maq 19, 1980, to be heaxd by the Planning and Environmental CoimLissian
on June 9, 1980. Thereafter all applzcations sha,ll be s-ubmitted
annua,lly on or before December 15, of each yeax. The Planning
and Ehvironmenta� Comnission shall then nold the public hearing
on applications submitted before the end of the following February.
(B) The modification ox change to the exterior facade o� a building or to
a site within CCIZ shall be reviewed by the Design Fieview Board in
• accordance wa.th the following:
(1) Applications shal be made by the owner of the building or his agent
on a form provided by the Zoning Acl�ninistrator.
<2) The hearing before the Design Review Board shall be held in
accordance with Chaper 18.54. A decision of �he Design Review
Board may be appeaZed to the Town Council in accordance with
the procedure specified in Chapter 18.54.
(3) It sha11 be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance
of �he evidence before the Design Review Board that the proposed building
modification is an cornpliance with the purposes of the CCII District
as speca.fzed in 18.26.010; that the proposal does not alter the
charactex of the neighborhood and that the proposal complies with the
Vail Lionshead Architectural Guidelines.
(4) �e Design Review Board may approve the application as submi�ted;
approve the applica�ion with conditions nr modifications; or, if
the Design Reviw Soard �znds that the applicant failed to meet his
burden of proof, it ma,y deny the application.
(5) The Zoning Administrator may approve minor modi�zcations as provided
in Section 18.54.060. A decision of the Zoning Administrator may
be appealed to the Design Review Board �or review.
� (C) All alterations under subsection (A) above shall be sabject to review
by the Design Review Board folloing Plannang and Bhvironrr�ntal Conmission
approva.2 in accordance with the Chapte� 18.54. The Design Review Boaxd
sk�all review the same to insure that the same complies with the Vail
Lionshead Architectural Gua.delines.
18.26.180 Ado tion of the Lionshead Urban Desi Guide Plan and Axchitectural
(A) The Lionshead Urban Design Guide P1an and Architectural C�iidelines
are hereby adop�ed for the purpose of maintaining and presenting the
character and vitality of Vail Lionshead (CCII? and to guide the fu�ure
alterations, change and improveznent in the CCII. Copies of the Lionshead
Urban Design Guid� Plan a.nd Architectural Guidelines shall be on file
• in th� Coimiunity ]�evelopnnent Department of the Town.
I �
(B) The Lionsheacl Urban besign Guide Plan and Architectural Guidelines
sha11 be reviewed by the Town Coimeil annually and revisions thereto
may be made by Resolution o� tY� Town Counca.l, to insure that the
plan reflects the purposes and intent �ox which it has been adopted.
� Mdy 12, 1980, 3:00 �.M.
1 .) Approva� of Minutes o� 4-28-80 mee�irtg.
2. ) Approval of modification of Flood Plain on L.o� 9, B�ock 3, Va�� Vi�1age
llth F'i� ing.
3. ) Condit-ional t�se Permit �o allow expansion of Sighorn Fire Statian on
Lo� 15, �-ighorn Subdivis9on.
4. ) Planning and Environmen�al Comn�ssion recommendation o�F County �eferral
A. Valley-Phase VI
B. Selby Subdivisian
5. ) Con�-�nuat-ion of Public Hearing �'or the consideration of Va7] V�ilage
Urban Design Guide Plan and Ord�nances for Comrr�ercial Core I ar�d II.
6. ) Recommendation vf two Board Members �o the County Master PZan Steering
May 12, 1980, 3:00 P.M.
� .} Approval of modification of Flood Plain on Lot 9, �1ock 3, Va�l Vi11a9e
�1tY� F11ing.
2.) Candit�ona1 lfse Permit to aliow expansion of Bighorn Fire 5tation on
Lot �5, Blghorn Subdivis�or�.
3.) Planning and Environm�nta� ,Commiss�on recommendation of Cour�ty Referral
� i�L-f.� �,,{ ;r �� .e.��.,.,
Item--Valley-Phase VI �-�
q. } Contlr��aation of Public Hearing for the consid�raCo�e Ifand, Ilv���age Urban
Desing Guide Plan and �rdinances for Commercial
�o be pu�l is4�ed in the Vai� Trai� on �lay 9, 1980.
�\ _- ., �
, Minutes of 5-12-80 Planning and Envi�onmental Commission Mee�ing
Membe�s P�esent
Ed Drager
Gerxy Wh�te
Sandy Mills
Dan Corcoran
Staf� Px�sent
Jim Rub�n
Pet�r Patten
Larry Eskw�th
The Town Counci� person assigned to attend this mee��ng was out
of town.
�.. ) A�prova� o� Ma�nutes of 4-28-SO Meeting.
Sandy Ma.11s said she had a question abau.� the West Va�.1 Common
�cecom�nendations. Peter said the minu�es did not have ta be changed
but that he would include Sandy ' s comments xe�arding followYng the
Town 's parking regu�ations in his memo �o the Couz�ty.
. Sandy Ma.11s made a mot�on to approve the above r�inu�es. Ed Drager
seconded the mation . The vote was unanimous with the excep��.on of
Gerry White who abs�ained as he was not at t�ae meeting.
2. ) Ap roval of modifica�ion a� F].00d Plain on Lot 9, Block 3 ,
Vai] Vi11a e il�h �'i�in .
Bii1 Pierce , archi.tect on the abave projec�, ask�d to pos�pon� this
item unti� �atcr in the meeting as he was expec�ing 5�an Bernstein,
the owner.
3. ) Condztional i3se Pexmit ta a�low ex ansion o� Bi�horn �'�re Station
on Lot 15, Bighorn Subdivision.
Peter gave the Staff R�commendation and conditions. Bill Piexce made
�he presentation. He said they are t�ying �o keep the pra�ect r�siden�ial
in charactex. I� �s certainl.y 1es� GRFA than a dupl�x. The heigh� is
not hig�er �han duplexes. They did na� wan� it to look like a govexnment
or instituta.onal type bui].dxng.
Dan Coxcoran asked why �he glass doors had been used. Bi1i and
Gordie saa.d merely so tha� people know it is �he fire statian. Dan
asked i.f they couXd be �liminated o� was there anoth�r reason.
Gord�.e said they do pravide light in tk�e bays. Dan sazd he still
fee�.s �.t �its in exce}�t for �he glass. doors.
� Ger�y asked if there had been any comments ��rom the neighbors. Peter
and Bil1 said they had both talked w�.�h the ownex of �the Wherry/Clauszng
Duplex. Bill sai�d �h�y had �ra,ed �o m�et al� his concerns rega�rd�.ng
b�ending and screening w�.th landscaping.
� ' 5-12-80 P�C Miriutes
Page Two
Sandy Mil�.s asked about the use of the domitary rooms. Gordie explained
that they are goang to have a program u��liza.ng some s�udents and there
W�11 be ane professional person supervisor on du�y at all times also.
These people wi11 be using the dormitdry accommodations.
Sandy ask�d w�ao will b� the peop�e livin� �n the apartments. Gordie
said �he apartmer�ts are fox people working far the Fire Dis�ric�t. They
are ��ry�.ng to comply wi.th the Town wishes to provide emp�.oyee hou.sing
�.n any new Town Fa�ilities, They are losing good employees because they
can't afford to live here and the Town Wl�l have the adva.n�age that
they are pro�essi.onal fire�ighters and t�ou�d be able to assis� a.n an
emergency i� needed becaus� a� their close proximity.
Sandy asked if 10 paarkzng spaces a�e enough. Goxdi� said they feel
i� a.s because �hey can lim�� �he studen-�s cars if necessary.
Bill Pierc� sai.d �hex�e is a change in the plans as submi�ted. Gordie
explained �hat originallq they wexe thinking of dozng threc� apartmen�ts
bu� the sta�f was not in favo:r of that because of the zoning
so they presented plans �ar one three bedroom and one two bedroom apart-
ments. However , the Fiare Board doesn't like thnse plans and asked them
to chang� the plans �o one-�two bedroom and twa-one bedroom apartments.
� Goxda.e said they �eel tha� if they have a three bedroam apartr�en� , i.t
wi].1 be rented bq three fi�emen who work �tagether a�l day and that is
just n�t a good situa��on where people work �together a�.l day and �hen
have to live to�e-�he� the rest o� the day. '�hey need so�ne privacy.
Tl�e board poin�ed out that the new plan is a reduction of a bedxoom
�xom five to four.
Gerry Whi-�e asked i� �there wiJ l. be a fulX crew available at aIl times.
Go�cdie said no that they can't afford �hat. He said there will be �wo
peopXe there at aJ.�. times , one pra�ess�onal and one s�udent and �laat
the apartmen� peop�e wil� be there most of the time to help in an
Jim Rubin said the sta�� is in agreemen� �cvith the change in bedxooms
even �hough there is one mare kitchen, there is one Zess bedroom and
technically it vvill lessen the density.
Jim a�.so said they do not feel the�e �.s a need �or more than the 11
parkxng spaces.
Jim said this will have to go to DRB.
8andy MiJ.�s made a motion to approve the Cond�taonai Use Pexma.t to
alJ.ow' expansion o� B�,ghorn Fire Sta�i.on on Lot 15, Bighorn per the
rev�sed plans submitted at �he meeting and per the sta�� recommendat�ons
and conditions of 5-9-$0, La�ry �skwa.th said th� Board will have to
• make fxndings as � is�ed on page �77 of the Zoniz�g Ordinance in �c;ction
18.50.060. Sandy Mil].s saic� she woul.d amend h�r moti.on to inclnde
the fact tYxat �he Board found al.l positive �ind�ngs. Ed Drager seconded
he mo�ion. The vote was �.nanimaus.
5-x2--SO PEC Minutes
• Pag� Three
2. ) Approval of modif�.cation of F1ood Plain oz� Lot 9, Block 3,
Vaa.I Village ��th Filin .
Bill Pierce said we �i�au�ci go on, even �hough Stan Berns-�e�n ,
the owner, had no� arrived.
Bili Pi�rce said they have a report from Hydra Tx�.ad and Kezat Rose
a�proving tha.s modi�ication,
Ji� Rub�n said that in order to amend �he 100 flood pla�n , the
owner must prove tha�t it w�11 nat a��ect property or the �low
etc. of the stream. Mr. Bernstein is adding �il�. and raisxng
the level of the front bank and has obtained �h� eng�.neering reports
and copies were �iven to the board. Hyclro Txiad was the firm that
did the o�rxgina11q0y� �laod plain report and they have done this current
report also.
Mrs. Suzi� Andersr�n �rotn the audience asked to speak. She exp�aa�ned
�hat her parents awn the house next to �h�.s lot a�d s�nce �hey could
not be presen� , she zs speaking far �hem. They are �rer concern�d.
S�e said she had a question about the Staff inemo. It said this
lnouse had been approved by .DRB. She though� they onl� received
. prelimina�y appraval . Jim, Pe�ex, and Cathie a�1 confa�rmed that
�he project had on�.y received preli.minary approval. Mrs. Ariderson
said that their attorney had also -�o1d them �hat a�n approving this
modifica�ion , the Tawn a.s liab].e �� a flood does flood her �aren� ' s
home. She also said �hat Mr. Berns�ei.n is able to increase Yiis
GRFA by adc�ing �his fill. Bil� P�.erc� said they can. build th� same
square foata�e on the presen�t site bu-� the building would have to
be three stories instead o� two. Mrs. Anderson sa�.d she wasn 't sure
if she should b�xng aesth,eti.cs into th�.s or to �Ghe DRB but aesth�txcally
they do no� like the sea wal�. zt is unp].eas�.ng and precident setti.ng.
Larry Eskwith said he does not f�e� �he Town is liab�e as Xong as
�hey are no�t ne�ligen� in approv�ng this. Hydro Triad w'ould be
the people �hat are liab�e.
Mrs. Andex�son said the�r attorney sai,d the Town would be �iable
and sk�e just wan�s the '�own ta know that they will pu�rsue this
point . She asked wha� the highest poin� o� the hnuse is. B�11
Pierce said i-� wi�1 b� 262 �eet above the f�ll or 30 feet above
the exi.s�ing grade.
Mrs. Anderson said she feeis it is a very seve�re thing ta mess
w�.th the �load plain . Things l��e this shou� d be left natura�..
There is enough Iand to build a house on without a7.texing the
fload plai.n and pu�ting up sea walls.
. Dan Corcoran said that the repor� shows that cuxxently Mrs. Anderson ' s
paren�s home �s in the �Ioad plain and that the alteration would improve
the flood pl.ain condi�t3on an her �aren� ' s property.
� 5-12-80 PEC Minutes
Page Four
Gerx�y White sazd tha� the Town had asked �ox a Professional op�nzon
and Hydro Tr�ad is the professional who said ti�e alteration is okay.
Sandy Mills said that S�an new wha� the flood plain was when he
bough� the lot. She doesn ' t feel it should be possi.ble for people
to buy a Iot �,n.d then ge� it engineexed to dn whatever they want
with a.t .
J�m Rubin said whcn the Haza�^d regulat�ons were ado�ted thre�: years
ago, there was a provisi.on for a�n�nding ��.00d plain etc.
Drag�r said if tkze map is co.rrect , Mrs. Anderson 's paren.ts are better
off with the modx�ication. He alsa said the Hazard Ord�.nances were
passed to a��.ow modif�cation with eng�neering expertise.
Gerry White said �re are not only dealing with hazards here , we are
also dealing with view corridors , ae��estics etc.
Jim Rubin mentioned that bath neighbors had al.ready btxilt before
the flood plain map was dane.
Gerry White said he was concerned w�th setting preced�n�s in movin�
� an �i��.l and changing �1ood pl.a�.ns.
There was a ques�ion about the sea wall. Bill P�.erce showed the
plans, Mos� of the board agr�ed a.t is not a sea wa11 .
Ed Dxager rr�ad� a rrio�ion to approve the modi�ication o#' the Flood P1ain
on �ot 9, B�ock 3, Vail Vi�.lage llth FiJ.xng pe�° the repar�ts �rom
Hydro Triad and Kent Rose. Dan Corcorarn seconded the moti.on.
Mrs. Anderson asked ta speak again. She said she could see what
was happen�.ng and woul.d like �o bring up some other deta�ls abaut
the aethestics of tl�is project . She said it is just no� p�easing.
She was not going �o bring it up here , she �hought �.t was for DRB
bu�t since Ger�ry b�ought it up, she wou.ld lik� to say that it will
black her parent ' s view o� the ic� falls and the cl.imb�rs that c�i.mb
them each year. This whole plan is just not pleasa.n� �o them.
Gerry White said he would J�ike to wi�hdraw a xittl� o� wha� he
pre�viously said. In ].o�king at �the p�.ans, he sees a.t di�ferent�y.
J�,m Rubin said �his wou�.d have to go back to DRB and �hat would
be a nnore appr4priate p�.ace to br�ng up the ae�hestics.
Gerry White called �or a vote on the motion. . The vo�e was three
to one with Sandy M��.1s voting against approval. She said she
�e�t an atterr►p� should be made to put the house an the existing
� lot north o� �he 100 year �lood plain.
Cathi� asked �.� Bill �ierce wi�.l bring �ha.s to DRB on the 21st
and he said no.
5-12-8Q P�C Minutes
Page Five
` •
5. ) Continuation af Public Hearin for the consi.deratioz� of Vail
Vi�la e Urban Desi n Guide P1an and Oxdinances fox Commercial
� Gore x and II .
The Boax'd discussed the ordinances. The Board wanted the word "wzthin"
added ta the time deadli.nes. They fel� the time procedur�s shauld be
maximums. That is if pro,��cts came in we�.J. �.n advance of �he dead].ine
it cou].d be approved when brought in and not have �o.wai� until the
speci�ied time. Dan Corcoran made a mation to approve �he �oning
Changes as revised and presented. Ed Drag�r seconded the motian.
The vote was unanimous.
The Arch�.tectuxa� Guidelines, now call Des�gn Consa.dera�ions , wexe
discussed. Jim Rubin exp�.aa.ned tha� the sta��� has me� wa.th a �.arge
group of archi�ects to d�.scuss these. John Perkins a�rranged �he
meeting and there was a goad �urnout. Jim exp�.a.in�d tk�at John was
at a County meeting today and unab�e. �a be here. A��er the meeting
with the architects, J�ff Wi.nston re�rised and xenamed �the gu.ideli.nes
and Jim delivered copies to all �hQSe archY�tects who had at�ended the
meeting and held another meeta�ng last Friday. On1y �our architects
came that �time.
� Sandy Mi].�.s said she thinks it a.s good if they d�dn't corne back to
Dan Corcoran asked if all �he things the board had said in their
meetings and all the comments �ram �he arehitects have now been
�ncorporated in the document. �im Rubir� said they had.
Gerry White sazd he thinks �his whol� p�an is qui�e good.
Sandy Ma.l1s made a m:otion to recommend th� Vail Vil�age Urban
Design Cansiderations dated 5-6-80 and the Vail Lionsh�ad Urban
Design Considerations dat�d 4-�-80 �o the Council. Ed Dxager
seconded the motioni. The �rote was unan�.mous.
4. ) P7.a�.ning and Environmental Commxssion reco�mendati.on of County
Referral Xtems:
A. Va��ey-Phase VI
The Boa�d suppoxted the S�a�f recammendat�on on this.
{See At�ached)
B. Selb Subdivision
The Board support�d the �taff recommendation an this.
� (See Attach�d)
� .,
5�-12-80 PEC Minu�es
Page Six
6. ) Recommendation of two Board Membexs �o the County Master
Pl.an Steera.n Commz.ttee.
Sandy Ma.11s and Ed Drager e�pressed an �.nterest but Gexry and
Dan said they def ini�ely could not do it.
The mee�i.ng was adjourned a� �: 20 P.M.
UATE: 5-9-80
�ick Ryan wouid 1�k� you to recommend two baard members tn �he To1vn Council
for the County Mast�r Plan Steering Com�ni��ee. Dic� said �o ernphasize �hat
you might not have to ga the meeting or might not be appointed by the Council .
The Counci1 wo�ld �ust like the names of two board members whfl would be willing
�o be on the Carrm�ttee if cailed upon.
DATE: 5-9-80
A proposal �or an �pgrad�ng of the Va�l �ire D�s�r�ct's �aczi �taes �n B�ghorn
including off7ce and residentia1 spac� was tabledby the app1icant at the
October 22, 1979 Planning and �nvironmen�a� Commission meet�ng. � rev�sed
proposa7 has now beEn submitted.
The PUD Zone �istrict's deve�opment standards are to be set fvr each projec�
by �he PEC prior ta ac�ing an an applicat�on �or a conditio�al use per�it.
The development standards i�clude �o� area, setbacks, height, density control ,
57�� caverage and landseaping and si�� development. Off=str�et park�ng
re�uiremen�s are also to be se� by PEC.
� If th� praposal as �resented is adequate in the abave development
sta�dards, �hey may adapt it as proposed. If you wis� ta s�t o�her standards,
�hat can be done now and a redes�gn to those standards would be requ�red.
��e proposal includes a new double-bay facil ��y for f�r� vehic�es, an o�fice,
six dormitory-type un��s for Fire District traine�s (with associate� cooking
and liv�ng faciliti�s) , a �wa-bedroo� apartment and a three bedroom apar�ment.
Ten park�ng spaces for the resi�en�s are proposed to the south of the apartments
accessed by a driveway �oap�ng in f rom the far eas�ernportion of the lot.
The questions of how many residentia1 units to ai�ow on �he s�te arnse and a
temporary mutuai agreement between the Town and th�e Fire Dis�rict was arrived
a� and is reflected �n the propasal . The pEC has th� discretion to set the
density controi on the property.
Site Area: 2$,793 square �eet
Praposed: GRFA=3365 square feet (I� resident�a] 5129 square feet a�7o�ed)
Si�e Coverage= 2960 square feet or 10.3� a� s��e
Landscaping Area-70%
Approximate �aved Area=55$5 square fee�=19.4% of si�e
Number of Parking SpacesWlO
Sighorn Fire Stat�on
Page Two-�5-9-80
I' .
7he r�s�den�ial spaces shou�d no� be increased above what is prapased. We
sti17 have a concern with the siting o� �he driveway on �he eas� because it
appears from site inspection �hat a considerdble number of trees wouid have to be
�aken out near t�e four ex�sting pines. P�acing �he off�ce space elsewhere could
solve the problem by a�lowing the bags to be moved �5 feet �o the west and �he
driveway could come to the west of the existing vegetation.
As requested by the owner of a new duplex under cons�ruc�ion on the lot to
�he east, the impacts of �he parking lot should be minimiz�d ta whatever
extend possible. A "bee�ing-up" of the Zandscaping proposed on the east of
the par�ing �ot shauld be incorpora�ed. Trees should be Spruce with possibly
a berm in �hat area a1so. A sim�lar treatment shou�d be �ooked at far the
west s�de of the lot to make sure the existing residence on that side is not
adversely affec�ed.
7hus, we recommend approval o� the uses and dEVe]opment standards proposed but
fee1 the westward �ovement of t�e driveway shouid be �nvestigated alang w��h a
heav�er screening o� the parking area. A f�na1 recornmendatian is that the
struc�ure should be residential in appearance. We fee� these issues can be
addressed at Design Rev�ew Board stage �n the form of con�it�ons for approva1 .
DATE: Niay 9, 1980
What is le�F� �o be approved by the PEC on the new Urban Des�gn Process
are �he �rban �esign Cons�dera�ions {fo►�ierly Archi�ectural Guideline�s)
for Vail Village and Vail E.ionshead and the c�anges �o CCT and CCTI that
wouid put the new proced�res into ef�ect.
Enclosed are the revisians �o the Urban Design Cons�dera��ons which
have taken in�o accaunt many ot the commen�s frorr� the meeting with the
Vail architects. (The archi�ects have received the revisions and we k�ave
asked them for any further comments) .
A1so enclosed are revised copies of the Proposed Zon�ng Ordinance changes
which reflec� comments from both �he P�C and the 1'own Council .
� Sections 18.24.010, 18.24.065, 18.24.100, 18.24.720, 18.24.130, 18.24.�50,
and 18.24.170 are repea�ed and reenacted to read as follows °
18.24.1070 Purpose.
The Comnercial Core 1 District is intended to provide si�es and to maintain
the unique charac�er of the Uail V�llage Commercial Area, with its mixture of
lodges and commercia� establishments in a predominately pedestr9an environment.
The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to ensure adquate light, air, open
space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and
uses. The district regu�ations in accordance with �he Vail Village Urban �esign
Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site deveiopment standards that
are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly cTustered
arrangement of buildings fronting on pedestrianEVays and publ7c greenways, and
to ensure continuat9on of building scale and architecturat qualities that
distinguish the village.
18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Mod��ications-Procedure
All alterations of the exterior of an existing building in CCI shall comply
with tfie followi�g procedure:
(A) The alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any
enclosed floor area or outdoor patio, or the replacement of an
existing building shall be sub�ect to review by the Planning and
Env�ronmenta� Comnission as follows:
� (1) Applicatinn shall be made by the owner of the building or
agent on a form provided by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) The Public Hearing before t�e Planning and Environmental
Commission shal� be held in accordance with Sections 18.66.060
through 18.66.090. A decision o� the Planning and Environmenta]
Cor�nission may be appealed to the Town Counci7 in accordance
with the procedure specified in Section 18.60.070.
(3) It shall be the burden of the appl9cant under this subsection
(A) to prave by a prepondera�ce of the evidence b�fore the
Plann9ng and Environmental Commission that the praposed building
alteration is in comp3iance with the purposes of the CCI District
as specified in 18.24.010; and that the proposal substantially complies
w9th the �ai� Village llrban Design Guide.Plan and Ur�an Design
Considerations or tha� the proposal does not otherwise alter the
character of �he neighborhood.
(4} The Planning and Environmental Commission may approve the
application as submitted; approve the application with conditions
or mod�f�cations; or, if the 7lanning and ��v�ronmental Commission
finds that the applicant failed to meet his burden of proof, it
may deny the application.
� (5) Applicat�ons for this Subsection (A) sha11 be submitted semi-
annually on or before the fourth Monday of May and November.
The Plann�ng and Environmental Corrmission. shall then hold a
preliminary review session within 21 days of the above submittal
date. A Public Hearing sha31 then be held within 60 days of
the prelim�nary review session. For projects which are deemed
by the Corrcnission �o constitute a major amendment to the approved
Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan or otherwise constitute a
significant impac� on the �own, a 9Q-day study period may be
requested by the Planning and Env�ronme�tal Commission, prior
to a final d�sposition of such projects.
Page Two
(B) The modification or change to the exterior facade of a building or
• to a site within CCI shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board
in accordance with the following:
(1) AppZication shall be made by the owner of the building or his
agent on a form by the Zaning Administrator.
(2) The hearing before the Design Review Board shall be held
in accordance with Chapter 18.54. A dec�sion of the Design
Rev�ew Baard may be appealed tot he Town Council in accordance
with the procedure specified in Chapter 18.54.
(3) Tt shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance
of the evidence before the Design Review Board that the proposed
building modification is in compliance with the purposes of the
CCI District as specified �n 18.24.010; that the proposal sub-
stantially complies with the Uail VillageUrban Design Considerations,
or that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character of
the neigh�orhood.
(4) 7he Design Review Board may approve the application as submitted;
approve the app1ication with conditions on modif�catians; or,
if the Design Review Board finds that the appl�cant fai�ed to meet
his burden of proof, �t may deny �he application.
(5) The Zoning Administra�or may approve minor modifications as provided
� in Section 18.54.060. A decision of the Zoning Administrator may
be appeal�d to the Design Rev�ew Board for review.
(C) All alterations under Subsection (A) above shall be subject to review
by the Design Review Board following Planning and Environmental Commission
approval in accordance with Chapter 18.54. The Design Review Board shall
review the same to insure that the same comply with the Vail Village
Urban Design Considerations.
18.24.100 Setbacks
There shall be no required setbacks, except as may be establ�shed pursuant to
the Vail Village �rban Design Guide Plan And Urban Design Considerations.
�8.2�.120 Height
The maximum height of buildings in the CC1 district shall be thirty-five feet
or as may be otherw�se specified by the Vail V711age Urban Desing Guide Plan
and llrban Design Considerations.
18.24.130 Density Control
Unless otherwise provided in �h� Uail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, rrot
more than eighty square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be
permit�ed for each ane hundred square feet of buildable site area. Total
density shall not exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildable site
• 18.24.150 Coverage
Not more than eighty percent of the totaT site area shall be covered by building
and ground 3eve1 patios and decks unless otherwise specif7ed �n the Vai1 Uillage
Urban Design Gu�de PZan and Urban Design Considerations.
18.24.170 Landscapi�g and Site Development �
No reduction in Landscape area shall be permitted wi�hout suffieient cause
shown by the applicant, or as speci�ied in the Va�l Village Urban Design Considerations.
18.24.200 Recanstruction of Existinq Uses
If any building or structure located within Commerc�al Core I may be reconstructed
• to the same or substantially the same enc7osed floor area in accordance with the
procedures outlined in 5ect�on 18.64.090. The bu�lding, however, shalt substantially
comply with the appl�cable provisions of the Vail Vi7lage Urban Design Guide
Plan and Urban Des�gn Considerations.
Page Three
18.24.220 Ado tion of Vail Villa e Urban Desin Guide Plan and Urban Desi n
(A) The Vail Village Urban Design Guide P7an = and Urban Design
Considerations are hereby adopted for the purpose of maintaining
and Preserving the character and v9tality of the Vail Village {CCI)
and to guide the future a7teration, change and improvement in the CCI.
Copies af the Vail V�llage Urban Design Guide P7an and Urban Desfgn
Considerations shall be on file in the Community Developrnent Depart-
ment of the Town.
(B) Revisions to the Va�1 Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Urban
Design Cons�derations shall be reviewed by the PTanning and
Environmental Co�mis�ion wi�h Official Action to be taken by the
Town Counci1 by Reso7utaon on a Semi-Anhual basis to in�ure that the p�an
reflects �he purposes and in�ent for which it has b�en adopted. The
Review and Action sha11 take place within 30 days follow�ng the Public
i Hearing on the applications.
Sections 18.26.010, 18.26.070, 18.26.090, 18.26.100, 18.26.120, and 18.25.140,
• are repealed and reenacted to read as foliows:
18.2�.010 Purpose
The Cor�nercial Core II District 9s intended to provjde sites for a mixture
of multiple dwellings, lodges, and commercial establishments 3n a clus�ered,
un�fied development. Commercial Core II District in accordance with the Vai�
Lionshead Urban Oesign Guide Plan and Urban Qesign Considerations are intended
to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to
the perm3tted types of building and uses, and to maintain the desirable qualities
of the district by establfshing appropriate site development standards.
18.26.070 Setbacks
In CCII District, the minimum frvnt se�back shall be ten feet, the minimum side
setback shall be ten feet, and the minimum rear se�back sha]l be ten feet unless
otherwise specified in the Uail Lionshead Urban Design Gu�de Plan and Urban
Design Considerations.
�8.26.090 Height
The maximum he�ght of buildings in the CCII district shall be forty-five feet
unless o�herwise specified in the Vail ttonshead Urban Design Guide Plan and
Urban Des�qn Considerations.
18.26.100 Density_Cpntrol
• Unless otherwise specified in the Vai] Lionshead Urban Desig� Guide P1an, not more
than eighty square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted
for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area. Total dens�ty shall not
exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildabte site area�
18.26.120 Coverage
Not more than seventy percent of the �otal site area shall be covered by build�ngs
unless otherwise specif�ed �n the Vail Lionshead Urban Design G�ide Pla� and Urban
�esign Cons�derations.
18.26.140 Landscapinq and s9te development
At least twenty percent of the tota1 site area shall be landscaped unless
otherwise specified in the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Urban
Design Considerations.
There shall be two new sections added to Chapter 18.26 to read as follows:
18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications-Pracedure
All alterations of the exterior of an existing building in CGTI sha11 comply
with the following procedure:
(A) The alteration of an exist7ng building which adds or removes any
enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement af an
existing bui�ding shall be subject to review by the Planning and
Environmental Commission as fo1lows:
• (1) Appliea�ion shall be made by the owner of the building or his
agent an a form provided by the Zoning Adm�nistrator.
(2) 7he hearing before the Planning and E�vironmental Commission
shall be held in accordance with Secti.ons 18.66.060 through
18.66.090. A decision of the Planning and Environmental
Commission may bc appealed to the Town Cnuncil in accordance
with the procedure specif9ed in Section 18.60.070.
Page Two
(3) It shall be the burden of the applicant under subsection (A)
to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning
and Environmental Commission that the �roposed build�ng alteration
is in compliance with the purposes of the CCII flistrict as specified
in '[8.26.�10; and that the proposal complies with the Vail Lionshead
Urban Design Guide Plan and Urban Design Considerations or that the
proposal does not otherw9se alter the character of the neighborhood.
(4) The Planning and Environmental Commission may approve the application
as submitted; approve the application with conditions or modifications;
or, �f the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the
applicant failed to meet his burden of proof, it may deny the
(5) Applications for this Subsection (A) shall be submitted semi-annually
on or before the fourth Monday of May and November. The Planning
and Environmental Commission shall then hold a preliminary review
session within 21 days of the above submittal date. A Public Hearing
shall then Ue held withing 60 days of �he preliminary review sess�on.
For projects whic� are deemed by the Commission to consti�ute a
major amendment to the approved Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide
P'lan or otherwise constitute a significant impact on �he Town, a
• 90 day study period may be reques�ed by the Planning Commission,
prior to a final disposition of such projects.
(B) The modification or change to the exterior facade of a bui�ding or his agent
a site within CCII shal"E be reviewed by the Design Review Board �n
accordance with the following:
(1) Applications shall be made by the owner of the building or his agent
on a form prov�ded by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) The hearing before the Design Review Board shall be held in
accordance with Chapter 18.54. A decision of the Design Review
Board may be appealed to the Town Council in accordance with the
procedure specified in Chapter 18.54.
(3) Tt shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance
of the ev�dence before the Design Review Board that the proposed
building modification is in compl�ance with the purposes of the
CCI District as specified in 18.24.010; that the proposal sub-
stanCially complies with the Vail Lionshead �rban .Design. Considerations
or that the proposal does not otherwise a1ter the character of
�he neighborhood.
(4) The Design Review 8oard may approve the application as submitted;
approve �he applicat�on w�th conditions or mod�f�catians; or, if
the Design Review Board finds that the applicant failed to meet his
• burden of proof, it may deny the application.
(5) The Zoning Administrator may approve minor modifications as provided
in Section 1$.54.060. A dec�sion of the Zoning Administrator may
be appealed to the Design Review Board for review.
(C) All alterations uncEer subsection (A) above shall be subject to review
by the Design Review Boar�t following Planning and Environmenta1 Commissian
approval in accordance with the Chapter 18.54. The Design Rev�ew Board
shall review the same to insure that the same complies with the Vail
Lionshead Urban Design Considerations.
Page Three
18.26.180 Ado tion of the Lionshead Urban Desi n Guide Plan and Urban Desi n
(A) 7he Vail Lionshead Urban Des�gn Guide Plan dna Urban Design
Considera�ions are hereby adopted for the purpose of maintaining
and presenting the character and vitality of Vail Lionshead (CCII)
and to guide the future alterations, chang� and improvement in the
CCiI. Cop�es of the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and
Urban Design Cons�derations shall be on file in �he Community
Development Department of �he 7own.
(B) Revisions to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and
Urban Design Considerations shall be reviewed by th� P�anning
and Environmen�al Commission with official action to be taken
by t�e Town Council by Resolution on a Semi�Annual bas�s to insure
that the plan reflects the purposes and intent for which it has been
adopted. The Review and Action shall take place within 30 days
following the Public Hearing on the applications.
� T0: P!.
DRTE: 5-9-80
Stanley Bernstein has requested an amendment to the 100 year floodplain
for Gor� Creek with the intent of canstructing a dUplex on the above
described 10�.
A �loodplain anaiysis as reqta�red by 5ect�on 18.69.033 was done by Hydro
Triad and has �een favorable reviewed by former Town Engineer, Ken� Rose.
�'he criteria �For review-ing floodp�ain changes are found in Section 18.69.OA�0 E
which sta�es �hat, "the work (modificat�on of the f1ood p�ain) will �ot adversely
a�fect adjacent pro�er�ies or �ncrease t�e quantity or veloc�ty of flaod waters."
Both �he Hydra Triad R�por� and the 1etter from Kent Rose have cor�cluded that �he
proposed f3oadpla�n revision w911 have no adverse �mpacts on adjacent prop�r�ies
and w��l not increase the q�aantity ar ve�ocity af �Toa� waters.
• P�ans for t�e new Bernsice�n duplex have been revi�wed a�d ap�i!^c�ved by �he
Design Rcview 8oard. The p7ans as presented comply wi�h the specific
requirements of �he flood piain re�ort.
7he Depar�ment of Community De�elopmer�t recarnm�nds approvai of tne requ�s�ed
amendment to �he 1�0 year f�ood�lain for Gar� Creek as presented.
�,._..... ..� •
� . ¢ � �1t •
� " ¢ � Y +�'��� �
[0��� O1 ����
box 10o ciepartrnent of pub€ic worlcs
vai�. colorado 8T557
{3Q3} 476•5613
Februax�y 5, 19$0 .
S�anley F. Bernst.e�n
S�an3ey F. I3ernstein, �nc.
p.4. Bax 79�
VaiZ, QO &�657
Dear Stan:
, � x ha.ve rev�.cwed th� H�dx�o--'�iad, L�;d. xeport, da�e�d Dec�rnber 21, �979,
a.rfd tran�i��ec� to t�� Tc�cvn of Vax�! �y you.r cover. ie�tex� dat� �7anuary 10,
T}�e repor� deals u���a proposed encraacYgnent �nto the �.00-year floodplain
v�iitli �ill �or land--devel.opment purposes a.nd existing a.nd �uture �looci-
plain� condi.txon.s.
Tn �y opxnxon, the repc3rL is conc]_usive a.nd �here wz�,�. be no adverse
e�fects crea�ed by the grad�ng op�ration. P1��se let �his serve a.s
approva� �o regrade Lot 9 Vai� V�]�la e F���ng No, �.1, ���hin th�
��ts indicatcd in the report.
Vexy tru�y youxs,
— �
� �,'r' ti�� 1,� �����..�
�Kent R. I3.ose, P.E. �
Directax � � ,
cc: Jim Rubin
� �
► Stanley F. Bemstein , ��� .
� Cerfified Public Accouniant
� f
American Institute of CPA's
Colorado 5ociety of CPA's
January 10, 1980
Mx. J im Rub in
Town of Vai1
P. Q . �o� 10a
Vax]. , Colorada $1657
Dear Jirn;
Enclosed is a report from ��ydro-Triad, Ltd. re-
� �ating �o �Che .flood plain an,alysis on Lot �, Vai1 .
� Vi11a,e Fi,].ing �k11. Based on the report, we are �
p7 ann��.� to all�er the flood plain and build i.n �he
aJ.�ered fload �lain, � assume this is ok. I� �
have �a obtain �ormaZ approval , please l.e� me kx�.ow.
We are plannin� to build a 4, OOD squaxe �'oo� du-
p�ex (2, 600 squa�e �eet an one side and 1,�Q4 on, the
a�her szde) plus garages this summer. Ba1.3� PiErce
wi�.l be aur archztec�t . please I�t rne know z.f you
anticzpa�e any pxablEms with �he c�uplex concep� �rom
a zoning po�.n� of viesa.
Very txuly yours ,
S�ar�ley Bernstein
cd . .
Crassraads Shopping Cenler / P, O. Box 793 Vail, Coloracfo 81657 Bus,: (303)476-195Q f Home (303) 475-3u33
. ,�_� ���;�,
+�� / f�'. '/<�l ..�
aecember 2� , 1979
Mr. Stan Berns�e�n
26pb Davos �'ra� l �
Vaii , CO S1657 �
�ear Mr. Berns�ein:
At your request, we h�ve p�rformed a fToodp�ain anaiysis for th� Tot
�n Vat] Vi1iages Filing #]i . 7he analysis cons�s�ed of eva7ua�ing �ne ef�ec�s
of �Fi�i3ng the lat withi� �he 700-year flnodplain and deterrraining the min�mum
finished f7oar� e7eva�ion fo� th� proposed building.
'�h� resui�s of th� ana7ysis show �ha� �he iot can b� filled w�thout signi-
f2cantly affecting the f�oodpiain. The r�t�nimum finished f7oor c7evat9o� was
� determin�d to be 8302.0. The details of the ana�ysis are presented be�ow.
�'he 3ot �or which �he floadplai� ana�ysis was per-Formed is located in
Yail Vi�lage Fi7�ng No. 11 (la-� 9} . �he si�e is in the Southwest 4 of Sectinn 2,
. Township 5 So�th, Rang� 80 West, approximately 3.5 mil�s east of Va�l , Co�orado
(see Fi�ure 1 ) . 7'he lo� lies on the north s�de o€ Gore Creek. The study ar�a
extends fro�� station 45��-75 to 457+p0 as defined �t� �he Gore Cr�eek F�oodplain
Ir�forma�ian S�udy (GCFIS, R�ference 1 ) .
7he purpose of this study is� to examine th� effects on th� �QO-year
� recurrence interval floodplain of the proposed regradir�g of the lat for bui7ding.
A minimum finished floor e�evation and the proposed over1ot grading were d�ter--
m7ned as requested.
A1�AL YS I S .
Section 49.7� of the �CFIS was oric��nal1y taken throu�� the lot in ques�Son
(s�e F'igure 3) . The orig�na7 _cross-section infarma�ion was p]o��ed (see Figure 4} ,
an� the propose� grad-ing o� tf�e lo� was es�ab3ished to determ�ne the cross-sect�on
after.grading at Section 49. 71 .
Using �he proposed after grading cross-sectifln, a backwater analys3s was
run based on �he future c�eve�opment condition 100-year f7ood d�scharge of ]807 cfs
(GC�TS}. Th� anaiysis was �nitialized �wo sections belaw Sec�ion 49.71 and ex�
ter�ded �wo sec��ons �pstream of Sec�ior� 49.71 to determtne any change in the water
s�rfaCe (see �7gure 5}. Resu7ts fro�n �he computer analys�s are encl�osed.
• ,
12Gf37 WEST ��DAf� Df�lVE - SUfT� 100 L.AI<EWOOD, COLORADO SQ228 PHnNF �03-J�9-7���=1
. .�
Mr. Stan Qerns�ein
Der.ember 20, 1979
Page 2
' The existing lot is zoned two-fami�y resid�ntial . �he �ega7 dirrrens�ons
of ��e �ot were obtained from t�►e Eagle COUClty A55�5501^ {see Figure 2) .
Presently, ap�rax�mateiy half of the iof: wi�� be covered wi�h sha�iow flood--
ing in the event Qf the 700--yea� starm. Upon comple�ipn of the proposed grad-
ing {see Figure 3) , only a smali amount of on s�te flood�ng w�ll occur. ��e
pr�posed grading plan invo�ves placinc� fi71 within the ipp-year filood�lain
. over a distar�ce of approx�ma�Ely 125 -��et, The 100-year f�oodpiain for thts
condit�ion shaws no ]ocalizeci water s�rface or ve7oci�y changes due to the
prop�sed grad�ng alterat�ons based fln the init�a7 GCFTS.
� � Table I presents a su�nmary of the backwater ana1ysis �or both the
existing and fu�ure g3�ading condi��ons. �ath ex�s�ing and future grading
condi#:ion floodplains ar�e shown on Figure 3. The cornputer prirr�out of the
hackwater ana7ysis is �resented in Table 2.
, . .
. �
�';:; � .
Mr. S�an Bernstein �
Aecember 20, i979
� Page 3
Th� f�nish f)oor e7evation of the praposed bu�ld�ng shail be two �'eet
above �he 100-year flaodp�air�. 7hZS pu�s the minimum finish �lo�r e]eva�ion
at 8302.0 ft, based on GC�IS datum.
Beca�se of the low velocity of the f1ow outside the mair� channe� ,
riprap wiil r�ot be needed ort �he regra�ed pQrtion af tne 70�. Grass will
be sufficient to prever�t erosion.
Qn the basis of t�e foregoing ana�yszs, we nave concluded �hat the
proposed overlot grading wi71 not have a significan� impact upon t�e flood�
�ng hazards upstream or downstream of the pro�erty. '
It we can be af any further service in this mati:�r, p7ease cor�tact us.
� 5incerely,
�lYDRO��RIAI3, �.�'D.
� ��' ��
� � � - �(�1 �
�� l•[ �J�
. . Jon R. Kidder
�l�ater Resou��ce Engi er
G�/,�G��C�! ��
� �!i 11 i am P. Ruzzo
Senior �ng�ne�r
WPR:JRK/dh .
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Back�C round
7hese Design Consid�rat�ons are an integral part �f th� Vail Village Urban Desigr�
Plan. �Che Pian as a whole is� t�e c�lm�na�.ion o� many man�h's effort by residents,
m�rchants , 1'o�rn staff, and consultants to deve7a� a mechanism ta manage pnys�cal
cha�ge in t�e Villac�e. I� is an attempt to ident�fy aspects of the phys�cal
character o�F the Vil�age and to assure as far as possi�le that fu�ure changes
wili be cansisten� wzth the estab��shed charac-�er, and wi7l make �osit�v� con-
�r�butions ta th� quali�y af li�'e.
Vai1 was originally conceived as a mountain resort in the pat�err� of q�raint
. european alpine vil]age. It remains fairiy faitf�ful to that image taday;
because of the com�nitmen�. of its early faund�rs to that concept. Fiowe�er,
recent ragid growth, bo�h �r� size and popular�ty, has ir��roduccd new pressures
for development, which €nany feel threaten the unique quai �ties from wh�ch �hat
succ�ss �as been der�ved. 7here are rapidly increas�ng �and �alu�s and resulting
pr�ssures ta expand exist�ng �uildings, 3n�ili parcels, and ever� tota77y re-
developed parce�s less than 15 years o�d. This pr�ss�re for growtf� �as brought
• wi�h_ �t �he poter�t'ial far s�gnificant change. �tiew �na�erials , n�w arch�t�c�uraT
styles, the premium on 7and usage, and sheer nu�n�ers of people and cars ail
have po�ential�y majar im�acts an the character ar�d �unction of 4tai1 .
That is not ta ir�ply tF�at aT1 grawth and cFrar�ge in Vai� is negative. There are
. many areas that are ur�derdeveioped. 7he actual area of Vail �ha� gives it its
� unique character is but a smali area of the Ui11age. There ar� defini�;e3y
oppor�un��ies to extend �he character of the Care b�yond its current lir�its.
These Des�gn Considera�ions, and the Urban Design P�an as a 4�rhoie, are in�ended
to guide growth and change in ways �hat wi�� en�iance ar�d preserve the essentia7
�ualities of Va�� V��7age. Th�s c�aracter, while inspired �o a degree by
european models , has evolved in�o a dis�inc�7y local �r�ter�retat�o�. Any
star�dards, in tl�e en�, m�st be� based �r�on Vaii `s own unique characteristics ,
and potentia� r�ow. To preserve this ck�aracter, care must be taker� to dVOid bp#:�i
new arc�t�tecturai prototypes, and his�or�cal ones , lacal or �Fore�gn, which do
not .share the same design vocab��lary. These Qes�yn Cans�derations are a
recognition tha� there is a dis�inctive des�gn character to the 1Ii77age and
tha� this character is important to preserve.
7�e Desi�n Consicierat�ons
7he characteristics identified herein, are first of ai� , d�scrip�ions of tiic
prinjai�y form-giving ��ysical fcat�res of the V�lTage. They are not exhaustive.
They are a descriptian of those key elem��ni:s w�thout wh�ch �he iniage of Vail
� would be noi;ic�abiy �ifferent. They are div7d�d into t��ra major ca�.egoraes:
' i
' •. 4 ",:
} i
Urban Des� n Cans�derations
�� General , iarge-scal� land use planning issues, as wel� as form consid�ratians
which affec� more �han one property (or even �rhale areas). �hese considerations
are pr�marily th� purview of the P1anning a�d Environmental Coi�nission. This
Con�m�ssion also has review res�onsibilities for additianal zaning code con�pZiance
such as �ensity con�ral , park�ng, etc.
Arch�tecture/Landsca e Considerations
Detail , d��tails, style and overa7� appropriateness of a d�sign for a given si�e.
These considerations are rev�ewed pr�mari7y by ��e Design Review �oard (DR�) .
B�lo�r is a general check1ist of major issues and concerns wnich th� applicant
must address i� �he course of the revievJ process. Each of �he fo�lowina items
' shou�d be a�dress�d at least br�efly in any application hearing ar submittal :
Urba� Design Considerat7onS Arch���etura7/Landsca e Considerations
� . Pedes�rianizatian 1 : ROO�S
2, Ve�icle Penetra�ion �orm •
3, Streetscape Framework Pitch
4. Stree� �nc7osure Overhangs
5, 5treet Edge Co�position
6. Building Height . Stepped Roofs
7, Views Materia�s
• Zoning Code Items 2• FRC�DES
- Ma�erials
1 . D�nsity Control Color
2. Landscape Area Reductian Transparency
3. Parking Windows
4 �oors
5, Trim .
�. � 3. B�LCONIES
Mass �
. P1 ant P�ateria i s
' . � REtaining Walls �
h1aterial s
' Cortstructian
� � ,
' ��
Second1y, the design co�sideratio�s are i�tended to serve as �uide� ine design
� parameters. They are na� seen as riyid r��es, or "cookbook destig� elements" to
� bring abou� a hor��ogeneous appearance in Vail . �ather, they are a state�nent of
interpretation, subscribed ta by the Tawn Planning/Enviro�mentai � Cnmm�ssion and
Review Baard, as ta the present physicai character and objectives of the V�7�aQe.
They are intended to �nable th� 7a�vn staf� and citizen review boards ta more
clearly con�municate �to �t°aperty owners �lanning and design objectives, and allow
pro�erty oti�ners_ �n town �o respond in genera3 conformance or �o clearly �emonstrate
wny depar�ures are warranted.
Fina3ly, these guidelines are intended to help inf�uence the fQrm and design of
buildings, �ot to es�ab7ish mini�num buil�i�g vo��mes . Of��n more than on�
criter�a app�ies to a give� situatio� e.9• Bui �di�g Height, �nc�os�re, V�ews and
Sun/Shade - all are canceri�s a�plicable to building he�ght and massing - and
' ���y� �nay be m�tualiy cor�f� ict�ng i� j��ged on eq�a1 t�rms. It is the rale of
�he review boards, together with the applicant, to deter�nine tl�e re1ative
importance of each consideratior� for a gi4��n situation. Th�y t�en r�ust apply
tt�ose consz�erations to assure that a balance is achieved be�ti�re�n t�e rights
of the public and private sectors.
• .
� .
������� ���������
� .
A17 new or expansion cons�ruction sho�ld
, anticipate the approprzate level of
pedestrianization adjacent to the site.
A major object�ve for Va�7 Vil7age is .
to encouraoe pedestrian c�rcula�:ion
through an intercann�cted network of '
safe, pl�asant pedes�ri�n ways. Many
of the �n�prov�ments recoyn-ized �r� the
llrban Design Guide Plans, and
accompanying Design Cansiderat�ons,
are to rein�'arce ar�d expand tF�e
qual i ty to pedestri an ��a1 kvrays �
� throughau� �he Village.
Since vehicular traffic cannot be
removed �'rom c�rtain strcets (��s
ro�tes, delivery access) a tata77y .
car�free ��des�:rian system is not
achieveab�e throughaut the en�ire
V�ilage. �herefore severai leveis �
of pedestr�anizatian a re prapased:
i . pedestrian-only stree�s
. . f
� I
� , , ��i
��d-�!, v8n'8�
, .
2. pedestrian s�ree�s with � �� �-- `"�`—'�
7 imi ted de� i ver�y traffi c- (�1�k �a55 (J,�f�ad i�arK
with suffici�n� w�dth �"ar
� ur�impeded pedestrian
. k..••. �
-- ___ _ - - :�"�:.,•�.:��;:
:��: � T� r ���:�
. �: ..
� � �'talo` ' ZZ' � 8`-}0 �o' �.
��-----�G ��'—_—_.__,.�c
k �
3. separated pedestr�an walks "� .
where s'treet width and
, traf�ic volume 4trucks,
. sF�u��l e bus, etc) precl ude .=�;:�:��:� � �:�:::-�:::=.
:•.,:.�.�: ::..... ..
joinfi vehi cl e/pedestr�an � �=V=:.::;:: ;:�::::'�::::;::
�:�.::.•:•. =i•�:::::
us� af the roadwa :.r:.'�.:.:.� � - ���`:":::��:
y ::��;;r<' �-.-.--4 C1 L-� ::�::>::.•�::.
•.�•. C�-`�� :���:;�•:
:::; _ -
�` � i �°�
_.I �iZ� � '����uZO� I
I� ��' ��1
. �4, primary vehicular rautes-
minima� pedestr�an , .
� development conf�r�ed to
w�de shaulder, sidewalk,
or separate pa�hway.
Th� Framework C�rcuiation Plan, and � �
sub-area Guide Plans des3gnat� the
specific type of street develo�- .
n�ent d�sired for major s�reets in
Va�7 V�llage. i
_ ;
. f
. 4
. �
, �
� �
� � �
To the maximum 2Xt��t �05516�� all � ��� � �
� no�-residen� traffic shou�d be routed
along the Fron�age Road �a Vai1 Uil7age/
Vail LionsNead parking s�ructures.
In conjunct7on with pedestrianization � Srg��e a�� rr.�
. objectives, majar e���phasis is fo�uss�d
Con���rrctror� -�o .
�pon r�ducing auto pen�trat�on into • �a�rwr�
mih�»�Ize er��rafrOv�
tk�e center of. the Vi 11 age. Vai i Road � 5f,��fur�
and Va�1 Ua]1 ey Dri ve wi�1 conti nue lN�o �'r�ape _
to serve �as the r�ajor rout�s for T�
serv�ce and r�esident access ta the
11i l 7 age. O
Road canstrictions, traffic circles , ��a��� �tr��t�ign�e ��
' sig'nage, and other measures are �r�� �nstri�#,'ony -b �
indicated in The Guide Plans to � re�firi�t acGe�l {�,
visually ar�d pf�ysica1ly disco�rage � �-���;+�{� a�,�#��� .Q
ail but ess�ntial veh�cT� p�ne�ratian � ���r �
b�yond tY�e Frontage Roa�. A1 �er�ati ve ,� �
access points and private parking �,� � ��
re7ocation, where feasible, shauld be
considered to further reduce traff�c
conf�icts �r� the Village.
To improv� �he quality of the waik�r�q
experience and give continu�ty to .
tl�e pedes�:rian ways, as a cantin�ous �
system, two generai types of improve-
ments adjacent to �he wa�kways are �
1 . Open space � landscaping -
berr�s , grass, f]owers and
� —�
tre� p7a��ting as a so�t, ���. � --�,' ---.a—�, � ,,,,�,
colorfu� fr�amework i inka e a ,� —=�- ���,M^-5
9 ��.s � .�____--��°
along �edestrian rou�es; �'�- °- _ ,�:� �
and plazas and park green � � .�� � - ' �
spaces as open nodes and _�___ _�- � \
facal po7nts a7ong those ���-------
� routes. � __ .
2. Infil� eonu��ercial storefronts - `
expans�on of C'X1St]Il[� IJU11d1I��5 ,
or new in-�i1T development to
crea�e new co��un�rcial� activity
generators to give s�reet �ife , � �
and v�sua] �nterest, as attrac-
# tions at key locatior�s a7ong
pedes�:rian roui:es,
, j,�'-
, '
It is �ot intended to enclose ail
UiZlage st�°�ets with bu�ldings , as in
� the Core Area. Nor 9s it desireab7e to
leave p�destr�an streets in the open
� and som24��hat undefined condi�ion
evident in many ather areas of Vai� .
Ratner, Yt is des�red ta have a
var�ety of open and enc7ased spaces,
� both bui]t and �aridscaped tanich
create a s�rong framewark for .
ped�strian wa]ks as weil as V75Ud�I
interest and activity.
W�ile building facade heights should W
no� be unifarm -From bu3iding to � --
bui�ding, �h�y should provide a ,_��•��`--
�� �, _ .<:.._ - Y, -�:
cornfortable enc�osure t'or �he <�- � -
street. '� -
,, �-�'�`_
,� � -
Pedestrian 5�Y'�EtS ar�e outdoor rooms , �� � - �:-�
whose wal i s are foy�med by tf�e bui i��ngs, ,-��- `;-, :'.-�� ' --"r '
The shape and feel of �hes� ' rooms' t �
� are created by the variety af heigh�s
� �
and mass�ng 4�hree-dir»nsiona7 vari-
ations} which give n�uch of the vis�al �d���m�vt'�
interest and pedestr�an scale unique �
to Vail . .
Very general ru7es , about th� perception �
of ex�er�or spaces have been cieveloped -
{enzpir�ca11y) by designers , based on
the characteristics af human v�sion.
7hey suggest that:
an external enclosure is most
cornfortabie wf�ere �ts walls are
approximateTy 2 as high as the �
width of tf�e space enc�osed; • . z
'if the ratio fa71s to q or iess , � �
the space seen3s unenc3osed; and
. � �
� if the fieight is greater than the
wi dth, � t comes i;o reseinbl e a
canyon_ j
s In actual applica�ian, facades are "-` �` �
seldom uniform in heighi on both sides .
• of �he s�reet, �or is this desired.
Thus, some iatit�de is appropriate � ` � +
in �he applicat7on o�' �his ?z - to - � - -
ratio. Using the averaqe facade height �
of both sides w�ll generally st�] 1 r
be a guide to th� "comfori:abieness"
� of the enc�as�re being created. X
�� ` -!� •`�x�•�x
• 2 .
In soriie instances , the 'canyon' effect
is acceptable and even desira�le - �
for exampl�, as a short connecting ���...�-��=��=�'
linkage between �arger s�aces - to t--���--�'�"'�'
� give variety to the walk3ng exper�ence. � `"� � �
For sut�/sha�e reasons, i�t is often �.��
advantayeous ta orient any longer .. •..
seymer�ts i n a no rth-so�,-Lh cii reeti on. - ��
Lor�g canyon stre�ts 7n an east-west � =��
direction shauld g�n�ra� ly be
d i s co u ra g e d. _�� _._____�
, When exce�tions to �he genera7 height . �
criteria occur, specia7 d�sign con- e"�Q��`'���°� �
5ldera�;i0r1 should be g�ven �o creatir�� G��E�� �`d� ��^�'� �
� a we�7 -defined ground floor pedes�rian
�mphas�s to overcome the canyor� e�Ffect. �
Canopies, awnings , arcade and � _ .'... .._ ., �_, b�a�
building extensions can a17 create � ����,
a pedes-�ri an �Focus and di ver� ��,�H
att�n�ion from u�per bui l d�ng � nar�y
heigh�s and 'canynn' e�fect. � c.���nyi6n
ar� � Gan��,e�G.
• For a�hPr consideratians ori
build�ng mass�ng see:
' 8u�iding Heig�t
5un/Shade .
Views � �
Stree� �dge .
• � ` .
. 8ui�dings in t�e Vi7lage Core should
form a strong but irreguiar edge to
the street.
Un�i ke n�any �Amer�can towns there ar� no
s�;andard setback requirements for
build�ngs in Vail Village. Consiszent
w�th tY�e desire for intimate pedest�ian �
scale, p1acement of port�ons ot a �
building af, or n�ar the proper�y � � �
1 i ne i s a�1 owed and encourayed �:o gi ve � 6��g� � � �
strong defi n�tz on tc� the pedestr�ian � ` .� � r �' y
s�reets. . � � 5+r��" �
- � � � r
: b�v•
� 7his i�s not to imply con�inuous
buildir�g frontag� along �he proper�y
7ine. A strong street edge is �
important �'or con�irouity, bu� .
per�ec�ly al igned �Facades over too -
. lor�g a �iistance tends ta 6e ¢ �
monotonous. W�th only a �Few ��
exceptions �r� the Villaye, s7ightly �,
irregular facade lines, bu�lding ',
jogs, and �ar�dscap� areas , �ive D �
1ife to the s�reet and v�sual �
interest �For pedestrian travel . � � j ,
Cv�uEffnear �f��ce��.��
Where bui�dings jog to create ,
activity }�ockets, other �7�1I(c�in�
elements can be used to con- 4i�� �� �-� �
tinue the street �dge: ���j�
-- 1 ow p�anter wal l s - arcades °r°�
- tree p]an�ing - raised dec�CS b� , ��l-- ��
- rai sed si c�ewal ks � 5 ! ;
, - texture changPS • � � , � '� ��, f i
i n grqund surface , ,. ,, '.� '.%`�{ � �
� .,, ��,1 �_��,.�. .
\�\ ,1�� � \ ,��
�\\�\�\• �� � ����.
, �
Plazas, gat�os, green areas are im-
�ortant focal points ior: gathering,
� resting, orienting ancl sf�ould be
distr�ibuted throug�out the ViTlage
with due consideration to:
- spacing
- sun access
� - opportunit�es for views _
- pedestrian activity �
See a7so: � .
Sur�/Shade �
Quild�ng Heigh�
Street �nclosure
. Views
Basically tne Vil7age Core is �
perceived a5 a m�x of two and
�hree storey facades, al�:houyh
�here are also four and five �
storey buii�ings . The �nix of
� build�ng he�gh�s g�ives variety
to the street- which is
desireable. The height criteria ,
are intended to encourage heic�ht
and massing variety and �o .
discourage un�form build�ng
� heigh�;s along th� stree�.
�leigli� shall be calculated as
,�-- �,d�rn-f
�he vertical dis�ance from
the average exist7ng grade
wit�in the bu�lding foot-
print to the mid-point of � -- — -- � � — --
• the raof, enclos�ng that � r ��� � �
partian pf the bu�iding ' ��
footprint. �
i �
. P,s.�
Qverall buiid�r�g heights up to 50' �`��� �� �
above existing grade s�ali be per-- . �
mitted withir� th� fo77owing . ���—��'�"� --- — �
. guidelir�es ; � `�
' � Cp�°)
� �
• 1 . At least 60% of the site
coverage area shoul d not � �`' � � � � �
exceed 30' �n height. � - -----�C��� :�'
2. No more than �40% af the
� site caverage area n�ay �
be higher thar� 3Q' , not to
exceed 40' . � �-
. -__�_____�
3. In des�gnated areas, by • - .
special revi�w, the abov�
. maximum h�ights may be
excee�ed (not to exceed � � �
50' maximuE��) if Rvarranted
by other cor�siderations : '
massing to preserve views, •
d�signated tower ]ocations, '
etc. He�gh� exceptions -
wi] 1 require proport�ona�
bui7d�ng reductions in
i & 2 above.
• G. VIEl�lS
11ai1 '.s mountain/valley set�ing is a - --_-- ___.—_....-_______ � �
-Fu�damenf:ai part af its ���n�ity. � .;�„ �
4liews o� the moun�:ains, ski slopes, � �'"` r�r �j,�. `
geologic features, ��c. are constant �� �,�;:t,3�r� " r�-�� �,` :..�,j�����,;�,x� { �
f, ���.- �...�. � �`M` --
reminders of tl�e mountain �nviron- >�� � �, '�'i3-�s �'�--, ��°��' � �-:-
, ���,4�� � . �
ment and, by repeated v�sibility ��fi� �;����' �,�� �..:.� ,p-, .f .
,���, �° �, ,�::#:-•:���:�::�;�.'::�::;'�;:__.;::'��'.��
s Y:;�, v::;• .,,;.�,;r.,....
��, . i�� �y i'' ::T.�ti:;:-,-.:�•= ?'.;'::'�::�
oi°ien�ation reference points. �,;.� _ <: �.;�.,;:::•.;. ::�.. :.::.�-,.
� t=� =:��,,:.::.r.:��•.:.-. .::�'��:�i
�lajor aiid miizar view corridors have �•:i�'��'���'-�:�'�'�`
1 ,r. � . ;��,._::•:�,.,:•.:•: . -.�
been des i ynated an the Vi ew P�ane ��. ::;.: �° �`�..,. ��.� :.`. .....{:: .
,;�,'..: :ti�- -�r:�� >�:::.
l.•• •'f - i:�:_;;.::�
'•- { �_t:'.::•:
.�:!`. _ ,��.� : .�•`.i:;:::. .
ma an element of the Vail V31ia e .�. =::�:.:':':`:-{: - :5 :�:�::,;:::;:
P� 9 ..�.r.: - � :��., . . ,}.;;:�..:
. ."4'' {' �:1,;.;',-.
.\'. ��.��,p,(.�;�.'-'.'�'.•�•' tK� .1.:�'=':•. '••'�
Urban Desi gn �rarn�work Pl an. �:..�:;:.:::`�.= _ ��.F_-�:==' .:
,.:. :�4-:::._:-� ;�F,•, •� {
'��ti7'!• i:.��. :.• ',�"r:..:r,:;:•�'�'r:1:r _ ':'{,'•:•�'.:;.;::'��. '.;
��l;t '�:':': .'•i• �.{:'' •ti�%"r^:' - 1�C.': �:;::
�.'}�W�'. .:•i,�4;�:'.;^ _.,' .:�'�.'- .', ~':fJ�.:�'::
:Y' �-�C..�,': �.�°'�'r.''- —':�,-?t.�'• ''�V�• '',;.1'` '
�:1�: •�� :i�:F'.��:';��i;:.: b`;',�`"r}:?���.
'•�':':':•.'°r ���'�''� �•'.rv}'�fr,:
... .,;�:1~':;:::•:;'r'z�"'' :�:
"$'�'�'�r,. �'.�,y_�'-_�•'•''.�.�: .
. 1;J. ::�:�..;,.:�.
-';f:=' '..;". ;ri:x;c•F.:`L•��:.•.'�.'; :'��L«�
;'�. _ -.,'f;.��t�� - _�.�`•�
�'�%r:; - ' :i�.: j'"~:=w`.-
'-X�: :'..`,�-'- :'^'x:?Ti. .,:��. tirw:.•:
--R• rY:'-'' ���
. :�.;:;:�.':.:
._,....—.u.�._:_�_l•':.C�a'•�_.1_...... . - .��.,t-.-ti..�_. -.L:�:.1
• � .
� Any praposed bui �ding changes which rn�'��{dEue� n�°w# ;r�;jl �{°U1 r�+er�
� woUld encroach into, or substantia17y � " . �'
a1 ter, t�e des i gnated ma�jor vi ew pl anes �(3�{s ui�� �� ��i �a��'k vi✓�u
� wi 11 be di scouraged. Mi nor �ncroach- drr��ar ��r�,t,���,
ments i�to the designated minor �9ew �
planes may be acceptable. Eaiphasis • �'.' I
�� � � �:.
*.. „
shoul d be upon frami ng and enhanci ng f-<l�r :r:i�. �- , ,._''�� �' ����t}�{� r, �
� ��-�r " � �'� � `"�r, ��.�t1t�+�''1" y.'•, �.
� vi�w p�anes rather than protrud�ng : ���� f,�;��;�� s�,��N�;����,��r;� �� ,,,-• �
��---� `�" , `: .�� ,� �� Z''� ,
d3rectiy into thern. ( ��� �
( � � .;y�:r:�. i-.��,�.
�j '\�-�x s j �r r�;'.°;:� :i i;:i ''1' `Y�\ '�
(�.� 1�. .�i= Y'-✓:'. �-:;:;•y� '� _ s
�aA, �'F E'J�-' ..'.�.'�::,.:.'::.:�:7 N I �, E
4 �6 �.•:•:.•:.•:�__•f•::::::�.Y .�I I ' I
U�heth�r affectir�g the desi�n�ted �t�-;�__ - ��� �::.::::::::1�::;:.r:'•;:�. ;� -�.,
view planes or not, �the irnpact rj�- � ��p.�. _.:.'. �:'�.:•J-�� -L �g; ..•':�.4: � i �
4� T.'•S .�.�\.":::.� �1•� ���
flf a�l proposed building ���,. - ;� � ?;�=::
�:: �������� �:: �
::r��::.:_.. i
expansions on views from pedestrian ����� ' �::�'�:::�:::;:��:�� ::�:::�;A�I
ways must be demonstrated, and _ �"�—__�'=��_�� ,
I ._.���..
mitigated where warranted. + o�
- � - `� -�=_ �E, � � 1 , �
, ,
�-� - _ .
�__� ��
� Any bu7Td�ng expansion s�hould preserve
the funct�ar�s af existing service
The few serv�ce a�leys that exist '
in the Vi�lage ar� extremely •
importar�t to m�n�n�izing �ehicle
congestion on pedest�ian ways.
T}�e use af, and vehicu�ar
access to, those a7leys shau1d
not be elim�nated except where
func��ona� , a�ternatives are
In ali new and remodeled con-
structi�n, del3very which avoids
or reduces impacts on pedestr�an
ways should beexplored, and
adopted whenever pract�cai , for � �
imn�ediate ar future usage. Rear
access, bas�ment, and be�flw-�round
delivery corridors reduce congestion.
Weather protection �ncreases del3very �
efficiency suf�stantia1ly.
• - .
� � ;�-
� Be�ow grade del �very corridors are
found in a f�w buildings in Va�i
Vi�lage (Sitzmark/Gore C��eek PTaza,
� Vil�age Center, Vail Vil�age Inn}.
Consid�ration should be given to
extending these corridors where
feasible and the creat�on of new
- ones. As build�ngs are constructed
or remodeied, the oppartur�i�y may
exist �:o deve�op segments of a • •
future system .
i. S�1N/SHAnE
Due to Uail `s alp�ne climate, $un is
an -important comtort factor, especia]7y �
in winter, fal� and spring. Shade ' �
areas have a�nbient tem�eratures sub- .
stantially be�ow those of adjacent
� � d�rec-t sunlit areas. On a11 but the
warmes� o�F sum��er days shade ca�
eas�]y lower temperat�res below
comfor�ab7e leveis and thereby
negativ�7y impact uses of tf�ase areas.
• A�1 r�ew or expanded b��1 di n�s shoul� �
r�ot substant�al1y increase �he spring
ar�d fa17 shadow a��ern (March 21 _ , lw
through Sept. 23� on adjacent 5ummy5�t� =�'Qr��7 �ra�(
pro�ert�es or t he p�b7 ic R.D.W. . _ � �a�c�2; or �
��t �� o�
�` �iii�r
��r��►���it l� S�n
5U�1 aVl�le=50� ,
In a�l building construction, shade �°
sha7� be cor�sidered in massing and jl ���' 33'n�.
4vera77 height consid�ra�ion. Nat- � .
witt�s�and7ng, sunJsi�a�� considera�ions � ��� ,
arc not �ntended �o restr�ct bui 1 di ng �,,,�„�� I ! � E � �i !
hQight alTowances, �ut rather to
�nfluence the mass�ng oi� bu�7dings. � �-------�-
�.�mi ted hei ght excepti ons may be h�ex,;!��,��,�u
granted to meet this cr�teria. . ::��f•
. .,�,�
' �.
Additions to existing buildings may -� Y
be create� in several ways to avoid
� extending shadow pa�ter�s. � /���
� �p�i��� �sr���
�i���J ��tiY �CiSti�
� '''` �°zl�f�;1�
� ��,� �
. �Jn a,�f��ti � � �
5,�° y �� � �p��:2.
, � l;l�i��,�j ; ' �Vt f �i I ' � U
. � � ii• !:�Ij ! � �� � ;,��
� I� ��'!:�'�� I f � ! 4,�
. ,
- . ;
� �. a3 or ;
�i f �e I
M�J�� 2 r 3 .r:E ;-'�"i �
�o° ����� 1 � r ' `�:��{?ar�.�t�
' � � �
, i �
na�n � � j � t �
� � � �
. ��!`�} ;; �x��F���g ���g.
, i I I��'�';' �� ,�
. �I� �; j
- � _ _•---�. --_. -" .-"� '� •es r �R fi..e .
� rI ������■ Y� ■ ���� .
• .
����� .
�fhere v�sible, roofs are often one of
ti�e n�ost do��inant archit�ctura� �lement5
in any built �nvironm�nt. In th� Village
roof form, coior and t�xture are v�sib7y
dar�inant, and ger��ra7 ]y co�sistent, which
tends to uni�y �he 6uilding diversity to . .
a great degree. .
The current expression, and objective, �
for roofs in the Uil�age is to fo�m
a consistentiy unitying backdrop for '
tf�e architecture and pedes�r�an
streetscape, and to avoid roafs which
tend to stand out individua77y or
� distract visualiy from the overall �
character. :::•::�: •..4
� ::�;:��:;;;::n�:�::� ��,.
Roo�' Forms � �
. �.•:•::::::.:.,•::........
Roo�'s within the Village are typicalTy � ��" � � �
. �� :�;�:��_':�;:,:;���
gable �n form and of moderate-to-7ow � �
pitch. Shed roofs are f requently �
usec� for sma1� additions to larger
.�. ���. .���
bu��dings. Fr�e-standing shed - ' - ---
raofs, but�:er-Fly roofs and �l at �
roofs, can be founci in the Villag�
b�rt they are genera� iy cons�dered
to be out of character and inapprop-
riate. Hip roofs likewise ar� rare
and generaily inconsistent with �he
character of the Core Area. Towers �:���ti�:<.:
� arc excep�ions, in both form and ��;:�;������ �_.`.:.:.::......::::."�::�:?
pitch, to ,the genera7 criter�a, but . -,_��'� ::.;.;::.,-.;:= .
do have an estab7ished loca7 � �r'-�---� ��-�:��-`���
v��nac�l ar style whi ch shau7 d be o '�-� ; !
respected. � !�
t�M�2 ���c�c,;� .
i -
? :
` P�tch
Roof slopes in the VI71age typically • � ��
irange fro� 3/i2 to 6/12, with sl3ght7y �
steeper pitches in ] iinited applicatzons. �
Aga�n, for visual cansistency this �
genera� 3/12-6/]2 range should be � 3�I� 'ra �l x h�'� .
preserved. (See Cor�struction below. )
Overhangs �
Generous roof overhangs are a7so ar� ,
established architectural feature �n '
the Vi1lage - a traditiana7 expression
of shelter in a�pine environ��ents.
� Raof ov�rhangs typica77y range �'ram . � � ::��r`:":�':``"`�'''
3 to 6 �eet ort ali edges. Specific 3'��� ;� '-�6' �
design cons�deration should �e given -
ta pro�ect�on o� pedestrian ways . .
adjacent to bu�ldings. Tee fa� �s,
snow slid�s, and rUnoff �azards can _
be reduced by roof or7enta�7on,
gut�ers, arcades, etc.
4verhang details are treated with �--�
� varying degrees of ornan�entation. .
� Struct�ral elemen�s such as_ roof beams
are expressed benea�.h the overhangs,
s�mply or decorativeiy carved. The
roof fascia is thick and wide, giv�ng ��-� �rn�
a substantial edge to the roof. . expa�d
Cam ositians
The �ntricai:e roofscape of the Village
as a whole is �he resu�t of rnany in-
dividual 5imple roaf configurat�ons. - •�=' ��
�or any single building a varied b�t
simple composit�an of roof plancs is �'���' `�
prefer�ed to either a single o�� a
co�plex arrange�nent o#' many roo�s . As .
individua� roofs became more comp�ex �a��e srr�fe r�ofP�'a�,c �re���r�' sr���e KEo�.
the roof at�racts visual atter���o� �°"��`��''
away from the streel:scape and th� tota� ,
rao�scape tends toward "busyness" rather
than a backdrop com�os�tion. . ��,�jQ� r� '��'' � �
flau�s _ �,�„
. ..�"L
� -'"f'" _`�:�; '�.ti;,;::::::'-;:',;. . .
, �:����
S�ped�� Roofs
• As bui�dings are stepped to reflect
. existing grade cl�anges, res�� t�ng raaf :::.... ..
step5 shou�d be made where the height
change wi11 be visually significant.
Var�ations which are too subtle appear
to be more styl �s�ic than functional ,
and out o� character with the maical
straight-forward roof design �yp �
ir� the Village. __. �
. ' �l�%r16�7(�Y�� �•Y'.'—�•y'..'^r'-a��.'h•."r':_-:•.
. , ��'.�.• � �
;,r. �i1 s� _'_ ..� ... — ___— T. -�•� -
Materials � �
Woad-shaices, woad sh�ngles, and built--
�p tow ar�d grave1 are almost exclusiveiy �
used as roof mater�ais in the Uillage. -
� (See Construc�ion bei.ow. } For visual
consistency any ather materials shou�d
f�ave the appearance of the above. '
CoE�7mon roof problems and design con- �
s7derations �n this climate inc�ude:
- STlOWS� 1 C�ES anto ped�s�rian wa1 ks
-- gutters ireezing
- t�oo� dan�s and water in�iltration �
- heavy snaw 1aads �
Careful attentian �o thes� �'unctiona� �
� details is recommen�ed, as weli as
fami7iarity with the loca� bui�d�ng
code, proven construct3on de�:ails, ,
and town ord-i r�ances.
For built-u� roofs , pitches of 4/i2
or steeper do not hold gravel we�7 . �
For shingle roofs , pi�ches of 4J72
ar sha1ln��rer o���n resu�t �n ice
� dams and back�'law �eakage under ,
t�e sh7ngles.
. &��
' Co7d-roof construction is strongly
preferred, unl�ss warm-roof benef�ts alr���
for a specific application can he . alr�e
� demonstrated. CO�d-Y'OOfS are doub1e- �
roofs which insulate and prevent snaw j �
me�t from internal buiTdir�g heat. By 5��, �'Y �f�-�
retaining snow an �he roof, many oT � . • _�.
the prob7ems listed can be r�duced. '__�_���" -
Period�c snow r�r��oval wi71 be required
and should be anticipated in th� ��yf.
design. . .
� Ver, 11�iUjafl.a►� �fov���[�-(��G�
Roof gutters t�nd to iee-in comp7et�ly �� se,'�.r�dFc� �ya� air
and become i neffec�i ve i n the Ua7 i �a� r�eep�, rnsld�s�sr�
cl ir�ate, espec�al�y i n shaded tlOY'tFk- �J2dt r�`Orn h�2[f�`F�,��
side locations. Hea�ing the interior �� � s"a" o� � rc�F
circu�nference wi�h heat-tape elements
� or other devices �s generally nec- �• �
essary to assure adequate runof�
con�r�al in coider months :
• �
� ,
FAC��{�S � �
. Materials
Stucco, br7ck, wood (and glass) ar� the
primary building mater�ia7s �'ound in the �
Ilillage. Wh�ie not wishing to restr�ct
' design •freedom over-much, existing
cor�ditions show that within this small
range of ma�erials much variation and
indiv�duality are poss�bie whil� pre- ,
serving a bas�c harr�ony. Too many
diverse materials weaken th� cont�nuity
. and repe�ition which un��'ies the street-
4f the above n�ateriais stucco �s ��e �
most cor�sistent7y used materiai .
Most of the buildings in the U�71age "
exhib�t some stucco, and there are .
virtually no areas where stucco is
entirely abs�nt. It is int�nded to
pres�rve the dom�nance o#' stucco-by
its use �n port7ons, at l�ast, af all
new facades, and by assuring �.hat ather
materials are not used to the �XG� USi01�
� of st�cco in any sub-area wit�in the
3�here is greater �atitude �n the use of
color in th� Village, ��r� sti�l a �
discernib]e consistency within a generai
range of colors. '
�or wood surfaces, trim or s�d�ng, darker
color tones are preferred - browns, greys ,
b�ue-greys, dark olive, s�ate-greer�s, etc.
St�cco co�ors are genera7�y l �ght - whi�e, '
. beige, palE-go�d, or ather ligF�t paste�s.
Other lic�ht co�ors cou�d �e appropriate,
as cansidered an a case�by--case basis. � � .
Sright colors {red, orange, blues,
maroon, etc. ) shou]d �e avoided far.
ma,�or wal] planes, bca� can be used
effectively (with restra�nt} for
decorativ� �rim, wall graphics, and �
� ot�er accent eiements �see E. Accent �
�1 emer�ts)
. .;!'�:#.
� �
' Generally, to avoid both "busyness", an�
wejk visual interest, the variety af I�� r � �� � i � „ � � �
ma or wall colors (and materials - � il� � �
• exclud�ng g lass} s hou 3 d not excee d fc�ur � � ��� � j '
nor be less than two. • �; f�� � 1 �
A color/mat�rial change between the � j ; . i .� �-�I-�--;� -. .
- ground floor and upper floors is a _ __Ef
; ;
con�non and effect�ve reinforcement f �� - ��
of the ped�strian scaie �af the street.
Trans arenc
Pedestriar� scale is created in many ways,
bu� a major �actor �s the apen�►ess,
� attrac�i veness, ar�d ger��ra11y pub�i c . .
character o� the ground f�oor facade '
of adjacent buildings. Transparent
store front� are "peo�le attractors" ,
opaque or solid walls are more private, "
intply "do not approach".
On p�d�strian-oriented streets SUCF1 d5 . � �yPpeY-�',�rs �rP�fOmfna�f�
in the Vi�i age, ground #�7 oor commerc�al � ���aque wfW�.�,�a�3 �u„��,r�
facades are proport�anately more trans- �. ;; wa615. �
- parent thar� upp�r �Fl aors. Llpper fT oors � -i: �! ��.�,�' � �:
� , �-�^� l�J
are typcially n�ore residen�ia1 , private � ` �' �
� and thus p � � � � �
7�SS 0 ET�. � ���� �� , �,�:, �
���� � ���� �� ������� ���
:�.i. �:��/` ��� �� i� i �
v , � ' ;, !'� ��:' / r! �e'
. °.f.i
"'�fQ��G� �'I!br'S��DI1?;N„3�Cf�
�1a�5 a��s'rhal� pe��c�1�
� ��ap�g�e rr�f-�nats.
. !
� 4— - -
,` h � � �
._ - -
� ,
�:.: ":
, �
As �a measure o� tiransparency, the most ----�
` characteristic and successful ground
f�aor facades range from 55% to 7Q%
of the to�al ]eng�h of the commercia� � � � t G Q� � 55/�O7U°I�
facade. Upper fioors are ofte� �he �� �,� i T ��}3!
i converse 30%-45% �rans arent. :;; � walf�r5tar�
� .,}�:�; . ..
.•r>::!: :� t•;•
'�.'•r::�'�, . �:�:;:�1.:•:
�:a :• '• : f:•+:.
: � ��..� _
4 ;�:i�:
fxamples of transparency (lineal �1' �
feet of giass �p 1ir�ea7 �'ee�
af �acade} an grauncE ]eve7 . ,�� w�,d�5�z�^4e
� Covered Bridge Bldg. 58%
- Pepi ' s 5parts 71/ �
-- Gastho�F Gramshammer� 48�
- Tne Lodge 6�/
- Golden Peak House 62% '
- Casino auilding 30%
- Gorsuch Bu�lding ,�/ -
Wi r�dows
in addition to the general degree of •
transparency, window de�ai]s are an
important so�rce of ped�strian scale- ,
g7 vi ng ei einents.
The size and shape of wir�dows are of-ten
� a respor�se to the furiction o� the street �
adjacer�t. For close-up, casual pedestrian �
view7ng windows are typicaTly sized to �
h�man-s�zed d�mens�ons ar�d charac�erist�cs ��{,
af hu�nan vision. (Large glass-wall s�ore- �
fronts suggest un�nterrup�ed view�ng, as � A
from a n�ov�ng car. The sense o�F �r�timate �$� j
pedestr�an sca�e is diminished. } Ground
f�oor d�sp7ay windows are typicai7y
ra��ed slig�tly 78 feet � and do not
extend much over 8 fee� above the walk-
way leve7 . Ground floors which are
notic�ably above or be1ow grade ar�
exceptions. • , � �
t� �$��
� •
�'�>. .. ..
. ;�: u
� �he articulation of the window its�lf
is still another element in giving _ f�fv����
pedestr�ian scale �human-relat�d dimensions) . � i �ct`�"�u1�r
� �1ass areas are usually subdiv�de� to _ � _ j tu{ndou�S
express i nd�vi duai wi ndow ei ements - and are ����`���
further subdivide� by r�ul� ions �nta small �� ' { � I � �rr�rfr'�r,s
fan�s ? !
par��s - which is respons�ble for much af .� i --- -- — �
the o7d�world charm of the VilTage. — --�
Sim�larly, w�ndows a�e most O�t2T� GJUp+G� hprtiztjn�,�'� ,�e#'�+�o„
clustere� 7n bank5, juxtaposed with
plain wa17 surfaces to g�ve a p1easing
rhythn�. Horiaontal repe�ition of s3ngle — .:; ,:.a
window elements , especially over long :�� ��� ��'��� '�' i �
distances , should be avoided. �`:? :�
•�� :�'� ��
. :'� � � � �
. — � � —�`��`^~
�------� _. _
....�' ..1�. W�
.�:.:,:.: � .
r::-:�: .
. ;i::;.:;:.� p` .
.•:•...•.• c.'� "�
, �!~. � � ~`-��
� ' �_. �� � ` .
Large sing'�e pane windows occur �n �t�e
_ Vi 71 age, and �rovi de some con�ras�, as ��� �D!^g �'��n� g(�`� arc�
long as they are generally consisten� :�,::.,--..�r.:.��:=:=.;:�.::.:-;..:_:,__...•-':�.•m.•.:
i n fann w�th a�her wi ndows . Lang :_:`Y::;-::;:::::"':_::::,:.::-:::.:>::::::: ,
cont�n�ous glass is out of character. ;..��' �:�
�.�' f ��.`
� _ -,_
� �� ��`� ��
Bay, bow and box windows are cor€�mon
window rietaiis , which further variety �_____
and massing to facades - and are ;;��==���"
encouraged. 'E ��' ' I I ,:,I
� �'� ��I I I�. 13
Ir I �
' �li� � I�i!
R ��` � !
. --•F-^=- __ _iF-� ' _;i'-���
� . � �1 baw
. � _ _._�
� --_-- , I �,i
j / f I,I ,1� i; .
,� —
� :��
Reflective glass, plast�c pa�es , and
aluminum or other meta� franies are not .
� consistent in the ViTlage and 5hould
be avoided. Meta7-clad or piastic
- clad waod frames , having �he appearance �
af painted wood have been used success-
fuliy and are acceptabie.
Doo rs �
Like windows, doors are �n�portant to
character and scale-giving architec�ural •
elements. They should also be somewhat
transparen� (on retail comr��ercia7
facades) and consistent in de�aili�g
wi�h windaws and other �Facade eiements.
�oars with g7ass contrib�te to overail ��� � ����
facade transparency. U�e to the
v�sibilit of eo 7e and n�erchand�se � T��` � �
.Y p p ,'�;.;?.;_: a{ �e�yf 'jJ°/ la'�
ins�de, wir�dowed doors are somewhat K•:�t=:�� �
���,. �
more e�Ffective in draaring peap]� inside " �-.:::.:..:�
�;�.��� ar�cu���� Su�'���
�o retail cammercial facades. A7though
great var7ations ex�st, 25�30io � L���
�ransparency is fe]t ta be a minim�m . �'� �
transparency objec�ive. Private
� residences, 1adg�s, restaurants , and �
other r�on-ref:a�1 establ i shrnents have
different v�sibility and charac�er
need5, and doors sho�ld be designed
accard�ngiy. Side� igh� windows are .
also a means of �r�troducir�g dnor-
transparency as a co�nplement ar sub-
stitute far door windows. �
� � �:�
Articulated doors have the decarative
�uality desired tor Uai� .� F7ush doors,
� 7 ight ai umi num frames, p7 ast-�c app��que ::�i:.�:� -i-�„n dark . �.�.;, glan
:�:: E �'!:�•.I
� � e�ements al] are considered �nappropriate, :�a;:�:::� f��
mc3al �•,:.��.
~���.=� fr� �=' ,>. � fr'�me
;�:.:�::, �me�k Q ❑ 3�
. � ���:� Ci � �a�n��
F�•���.'� �
--_'�.�. .
: ! /.:.
�a r� �;:`��
�� ;�,�' . c�-af�ve
r ����1 ,;��':���'� ::� m�a1-
. . � ° ���py �,•'�Y��3 �rk'
'�- ��:/.:::i
L'• I
cSl3#Zfn G3C�t' .
• '���'r:-:3 j a�OfCF
1 ';::;:;::;;.:�� -
t .•::.:::
� ::::.;:•.
. f :�:,:;:.::;' � a?�1 wrin urrt
� :�:: :� � ��e
::;F2;: -
� .,.,�.�
NO�E: Sec�rity �s an important design _
cansiderat�an in Vail . Dead-
bo�t iocks are encauraged.
�ocks , daor handles ar�d g�ass '
sE�ould a�1 be des�g�ed to
d�scourage breaEc--ins.
Securi�.y-c�esign discussions with the
Town police sta�f are encouraged.
As an expression o� entry, and � �
sheltered welcor�e, protected entry--
ways are encouraged, Doorways may ..�,�
be reces�ed, extended, or cavered. �:�' �
. :��
re�`�� exfe��� �over ed.
t '
�t"i R1
prominent waod trim is also a unifying
�feature in the Viliage. Particularly ?:� ='-�''• --^--'�•"�'��'��•� •'•'•�� :� . _
at ground floor 7eve3s, doors and dark � . �`�
WDoGf �: � �
windows �ave strong, contrasting �r��
(see Col or-Facades) frar�i ng el emer�ts, � ��-
wh�ch tie the various elements � __�= ':m
tog�ther in ane composition. l�indow5
and doors are treated as stror�g visual •
features. Glass-wa�i detailing for
ei�her is typically avoided. "
� � �
� .
� I��C�CS ��D PAT'�C}S
� Dining d�cks and patios, when properly `
designed and s�ted, br�ng �eopi� to
� the streets, oppor�unities to laok and �
be �ooked at, and generally contribute
�o the liveliness of a busy s�reet-
• making a richer pedestrian experiencQ
than if those stree�s were empty.
A review of successful decksJpatios • - � -
in Vai� reve�is several coii�n�on c�ar-
acteri sti cs: •��(Gl�l[� �t' �?{��r ;�VP�f"�1dv�g
-� etfc�;� �p��e
� - direct suniight from 17 :00 - 3:00
_ i ncreases use by many days/year � �Inl�l'p�ja t�Y�Ti���.°��i�1�E�
and protects �rom wi nd -iDf COfOt' a��;��Go�o
-- el�vated feet to gi ve di ews ����'��r� ����'Llre�
in�o th� pedestr�an walk (ar�d �---
no� the reverse) y}t-�f- �U�'f�' .
- physica1 separation from pedestrian ti! �� � y �
wal k of ta (pl anter better �har� ��� �o � �� ��� r��
a wal i ) ' ,� �`
� 'q •,,,�ii'� I
i ) `_i;.
- overhang gives p�des�rian scale/ � ; � "
� shelter.
h o �`� �
� 6 �°�.o � � � ':f,�____�
Decks and at7os should be sited and ' �-
designed wpth due consi�eration to: �� �{'t.
�f� In 4'� �� I�f�.
.- 5un - v�ews
_ w�nd - pedestriar� activity �--�_ .
. �
� Baiconies occur on almast a71 buiZdings �
in the Village wh�ch hav� at least a
second 3eve7 facade wali . As strong �
repetitive feat�res tl�ey:
' - give scale tp buildin s I! �''��
9 � `..,�;�.
- give life to the street (when used} � �1 { ,-
- add variety to bui i ding forms � `- :>�
- provide sne�ter to patf�ways below.
The prominance of balcony �Forms is due �
to several �airly cominon character�stics: �__.. � �
. , _�
Col or � -
7hey contrast �n co�or (dar�) with t�e . � �_ • . . • • . , -
building, typ�cally match�r�g the trim � ' � �- d�"�� �'`�''
colors �see Facade-Color) . , �i_j,1i�l�� .��;�;ir�, � I��k� f.nurd��r�
�__J_ , -��,�_
{ ���'���`�.'� �� , ha�lr�ra.rn�
;" � , ��� .
� �``�� �' ,.� .
Size '!/�-,��=�i;�:;�.-,y��,�-;.��°�' �'vaf�� �rv#�u.��s
. �'y ,.-�..;%� :,.�,.;,,;' .�.ft�� k��r(�tnr� .
� They extend �ar enough frar� ti�e bu��d�ng . - - ,����, �
to cast a pr�o3n�nent shadow pattern. _ � � ��
Balconies in Va�� are f�nctional as well .
as decorative. As such, they should be
of useable s7ze and located to encourage • �
use. Ba1conies 7ess than six feet dee�
are seldom used, nor are those always
in shade, not oriented to views or �
street life.
Mass , ' ��, � , �-G'E�rr�l�f5 f� 6e
�:`� �.,;:- �:'�:;, ; �
—�, {,e�c, ,aY�d�r
. 7hey are commonly massi�e yet semi-trans- - : �.t ,� d�,or�j�le ��uf
parent, distinctive from tf�e bu�ld�ng, � � �% ��, � ,E ; � � �
ye� a7low�ng the bu�lding to be somewhat i� ��; '��;` ; U151�rjr��
vis7bie behind. So��d baiconies are ;�% ��,:
�!'� `,;�r ' �rr�,v,tC�h 1`�
found occasional7y, and tend �a �� toa ;� � ,
dorninant obscuring the bui7din archi- ' :,�;Tji:;� ,�.�1;;:��., •- � ���}6Tfawf
� �'/�'�.��;;%;;'./,/'%'- ,
tec�ure. l.ight balconies iack �he� • , _ ,_ . �
visvai ir��pact which �ies the Village . ' �
together. • �
g%:''.�';"�.� �r;� ��i�3tt:' f ''S�y �
R:. � + ' f E
��, ,.%!�� {{i:4�; � ,;'��;�
j � . ' ' r i � _--�� �i I
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� �� �_���� i 7; ':1 j
. ,
--- - °-- �
, �.�_.W._._. �
�-f n T��� 1_r:�r-1 r �
. �
__�__�__._ _ ----�---�- --- �
� �
� Materials .
Wood ba7con�es ar� by �ar the most � ���
corrrmvn. Verti cal structura1 rn�n�bers � �'
are the most dominant visually, ofte� t - -
� decorativeiy sculp�ed. Qecorative � y`
wrot�ght �ron balconies are aiso
co�s�stent visualTy where the vertical
members are close �nough �o create �
semi-�ransparency. Pipe rails, and '
p7astic, canvas or g7ass panels should
be avo�ded. � ' -
. ��o��t r��
Cantz7evered beams , b�ams extende� to �
� suppor�. the balcony, ar� most ofter� � �„-. f_ _ i ' �
v3sibiy ex�ased on th� unders�de of , �
balconies. As such tl�ey arP arr jl �� �
express�an af structure and tie the � � ,� � ,,i� '
� ���- � I
balconies ta the buiT�7ng visual7y. � --
��?��� pf �-�rc��crre�
� '
, .
� .
. ACC��T �L�I����'S -
� T#�e iife, and festive qua3ity af the
. V�i�age is g�ven by judicious use of .
accent e]ements which give ealor, '
r�ovement and contrast to th� Vil�age.
� Colorfu] accent elements consisten� with
existing character are encourage�, such
as: �
Awnings and canopies - canvas, bright
color or str�pes ofi two colors.
Flags, banners - hanging from
� build�ngs , poles , and even across
s�reets for special oceasions.
Umbrellas - over tab7es on outdoor
patios. �
Annual coior fiowers - in beds ar in ,
• p7anters.
Accent 1ighting - b�ildin�s, plazas,
wir�dows, �rees (even CF�r�stmas
7igh�s all winter) .
Painted wal� graphics - coats of
arms , syn�bols, accen� CO[l1�051t1OC15,
. Fountains - sculptural , witf� both
winter and summer character.
� - �
k. �.
. Landscape considerat�ons include, b�t
go beyand, the placement o� ap�ropriate
p7ant materials. Landscape considerations
� - plant materia�s ,
-- paving
-- retaining wa11s
- street furniture� (benches, kiasks,
trash, etc. }
- lighting .
- signage �
P1ant. Mater�als .
Oppar�unities for planting are� not
extensiv� in the Village, wh�ch ��aces •
� premiun� on the plant seiection and
design of the sites that do exist.
Framework planting of tr��s and shr�bs
should include botlz deciduous and
evergree� species for year round
continuity and 7n�erest.
Nat�ve plants are somewhat lirnited in �
� variety, but are clear�y best ab�e �o
withstand the harsh winter cl�mate,
and to tie tf�e Village v�sua7ly with
�ts mauntain setting.
Some typica3 1ocal plant mater�aTs �
include: �
Narrow-leaf cattanwood
�al sam popl ar
Lodg�po1e pine .
Co1nrado spruce
Subalpine fir .
� Serviceberry
Al pi�e turrant
Mugho p��tie .
� Potenti �la ,
�. �
� Pavi n
The freeze/thaw cycle at this aititude
� virt�ally el �minates common site-cast
concrete as a pav�ng surface {roncrete
� spall) . I�igh--s�rength concrete may �
work �n se�ected condit�ons. Aspha7t
briek {on concrete or on sand) , and
� concre�e b1ock appear to be best suite�
to the area.
In ger�eral , pav�ng treatments shou�d be �
coordinated with that of the pub�ic
R.d.W. adjacent. 7he Town uses the
fo7lowing mat�r�a�s for all new
� construction:
- as�halt - genera7 us� pedestrian
-- brick on cortcrete - -�eature areas
{p�azas, intersections, fountains,
etc. ) '
�tetaining �lalls �
� Re�aining v�alTs to ra�se p7anting area
� often pr�otects the landscape �ram
pedestr�ans a�d snow�lows , and s�au�d
provide seating opportunities:
1'wo types of materia� are aiready wel�-
establ�shed in tl�e Vil �age and shou�d �
be utiiized �or con�inuity.
- sp� it-face moss rock ren�er --
Village Cnre pedestrian s�reets
{�Ypical )
- rounded cobbie �7dden mortar -
in open space areas if above type .
not already establ�shed nearby.
(example: Tpwn of Vail entry wa1� )
Wpad re�aining walls are strangly dis-
couraged �ue ta deterioration caused �
by the harsl� c�imate. They may be
�ff�ctively us�d,wi�h appropriate
� d�tai7ing to resis� rot artd express
craff.ed joint con��tians.
, Li h,� tinc�
Light standards shouid b� coord�nated
with those used by the Tawn in the
� pub7ic R.O.W. _
" Re�er to Town af 1lai� Signage Ordinance.
Co�or�'u� annua�s are used in key _
7ocations throughout th� Village to
accent �edestr�an areas, highiigh�
building entries, and as p7aza foc�i.
These co7or accents can be provided
�n: . .
- retained planting beds .
- f�ower boxes .
- hanging pots , baskets
- ground beds •
� .
� � .
, ;�
, r n
Trash hand]�ng is extremely sensi�ive
ir� a �edestrian environmen�. Trash �
� co�iec�ion �s primarily made in aff-
�eak hours. Tt �s the b�ilding
flwners respansibi�ity to assure that r��
existing trash storage problems are E i .
corrected and future ones avoided. �
� i
. d X ��'�� ���
G;(Ir:��V bVIC'(�C�•�
� ?rili'; f}'�Yi4a'�E[.�VEY{V�
� . G�YYa'0�1YG �DYfu
�td�aCe�f �x,li jd i� -
Garbage, espec�al�y from food service
estab7ishments m�st be carefully
considered, includ�ng:
, - quantities generat�d
- pick�up freq�e�cy/access , .
- con�ainer sizes � �
- enciosur� ]ocation/design
- visua7 , o�or impacts
Garbage collect�on boxes or dumpsters � ,
mu5t be readily access�ble for� coi-
�ectian at a7� t�imes yet fu7�y .
screened from pub7ic view - pedes--
trians as we11 as upper level windnws
in the vicia�ity. �
Materia7s �
� Exterior mater�als far garbage en- .�-���.�,�� ,� �� �
closures should be consistent w�th �
. arr�[j.re��eu� a11��° aon5
that of adjacent buildings. �
Constructian � �1°-0�`
`�°�J . � ,
Durabi 1�ty of the structure and aper- �t-�vi►� . �
abi�ity of doors i r� a71 tveatf�er .ar�
prime concerns. Meta7 �Frames and posts .
6eh i r�d f:he preferred �x�eri or ma�eri al s
should be considered to withstand the {
Znevitable abuse these struct�res suffer. � i
� ;
• �V;.: _
. � - � � � . �;� 'at
• _�
7p�N OF VAT�
. _ -- _va�� c��o�s�c�� - .
� '
. . APRIl� 4, 1980
. �
. �
, ;
, „ �
,.:...' ;
&A���1�1 ���1�� ��i������� 1 ���� : ; ; ,
_ __.:_�...; ..._._ .
� . The L�onsHead architec�ura] s�yle is
� noticeabiy absen� of an,y references to �
. historical ar geagraphical styles -.. ;
(oTd wes�, georgian, sw�ss viilage
etc. ) . The chaltenge in LionsN�ad
is �o develop vitality, visua] -- _. .�..: ._
-interest and p�des�rian sca7e wi�hin �
a contemporary architec��ral ex- ��-
pression. . .: . . .
- . 2. The generai urban for�n of LionsHead ����`
. .. . .. ,_.._
is th�� of a series of connected p]azas
or courts , occasiona� ly ]�nked by a �
; .. � ._
� , ma]1 or narrow passag� way. Both - - :_. ;
archi�ecture and landscape improvements � ' "
.; _ ..
- should reinfarce that urban form. -�
3. The height and spacing af buildings, � Tentative ruies , developed empirical]y,
and �he 'strong' architectural about the propor�ion of exterior spaces
character of the upper portions as related to characteristics o� human
. of buildings {�Qng wa�ls, massive vision, suggest that:
- ba7co��ies, regular �repetitions, etc. )
tend to �v�rpower the somewhat weaker �---- an �xterna] enclosur�
graund floor -Facades, d��racting from is most cor�fortable
� tf�e pedestrian experi�nce. A major ►�here its wai�s are
emphas�s in all architectu�,al �m- approximately 2 as
, proverr�ents is to strengthen �he h�igh as the 4vidth o�
- � grpund floor VlSibl�7�y and ;� th� space enc7ose�. �
a��ractiveness, siach that �t r�- r
estabiishes a sense o� pedes�r�an �f �he ratio fal�s
scale throughout i:he n�ai � area. �o .4 or iess, the
space seems unen-
�.__. .
_ ...
closed; an�
and if the heigh� is -
��j' greater than the
w7dt� , it comes to
� � reser�ble a trench or
_ : ; .
4. �he LinnsFlead Mail was or�ginaily � . .
planned and d�s�c�ned as a pedes�rian t �
. � vehic�e--free zone. In mos� cases ;
�eri��heral servi ce/de1 i very {and ; .
parking) corridors were provid�cf. _... .__ _
A1] �m��roveni�nt5 sliould recognize _ ' � ' .
and preserve the func�ion of thflse : ;
corridors where they exis�. .
� �
. . � ����°r�Cl°���L� �� ������� �
�� .
� ������- ��� n��s���� _ �_.
A.1 . Special d�s�gn considera�ion shauld s Canopies , awnings, arcade and build-
be given to creating a wel�-defined , �ng ex�ens�ons can al� create a pedes-
ground floor pedestrian emphasis to trian #'ocus and divert attet�tion fro«z
avercom� the car�yon effect. upper bui 1 d�ng he�gi��.s and 'canyan'
_ -�-alf b�8. �. .
-�aca�� ---��� ��. �x��n�io�y 4F�G c�wr����i
�or,uy a+��Nf�a� 0�1
pecl��r�a�► 1e�el
�...._ ..._._. _ � �
�e�+e�tr�a� , � �
a��a °
_ ..:_� °
. , _ � .
� ; . . _ �.
A.2. Building ex�ansions shall �er� - `
be limzted to one-story, and Z-storles _ :--
. .�. _. ._. ..
as i ndi cat�d on the Gui de �1 an , _ r-... _._._.. _ _ _
or as can be demons�ra�ed to have - : -_
a positive visua1 and functional �- - '
effect. , .., _ � ;_ ,
_ _ __ . . _
�_: .... .
. ..__
_.,.. _
, _
f_. �_:_ .
.__�.w_._... ._ ; , ..
. ._.f__. .... .. . _ : ._ ., . -
� i '
-. _i . .... ..._�._t._}__»_.. ,� '�'
, ......... . . . .
_. .. . . - ,_�_-'_.�.... ..... , . . . . _ .
� ..... �+ �� ,..j �.. . .. ' .__ . � . .
r.`n rwn � ' •
� , . .. - � . . � .. . .
5���� � '
_�.., ___,....--..._..
. , ....
6r ZO�. 2 �ey .� ._._ ,.._,_ ___.._�_ ., ..
, ...._.. or 20�t. �
, ;_
C�7x• �fn�" . , _� , �-_, __
' _._. � . .
o� �tr'-�on �° , __ :. : ._ .
, ,:
af ra�n�.�ocn �.,�� � ,, : _, . _.
:� .-, . . �
� . : . ;
._, __...._.._
� , ; ;
� : . .
, , ,
� ; , , ,
Story hei ghi: E�e defi ned by _ .--._.___.. . .,
existing arcl� ra7 expressions _ ' : _. .
• , .....E......... . . .. � . .
of f]oorS (s;; beams , textur�/
color chanqe; hangs, roofs, �tc. } '
or, where not. ��,ise apparent,
10 foot �ncr� �xbave existing -
natural grad.. :ent to the _.._.___.
buiiding. . . . ..
' max. he�ht oF -
_._. ..._ _ ��cpa�y;o� w� _ . . . _ :. . .:_ .
C�mm�r�Ual �t
°-- %z l�vef I�efav
, 2.-foriey \ �rat�� �_
��YzY,�feri�:; � -:.
� <;;
� �. ��a�n .
. -�;
�. . .
� �� � .
� ;i�G'}lo� �oln� : . ..
�— ; :t,�� �,y ���o� , -
z5tar�� ; rt�2r l�v�i �'�oD�.
��;i� --�DmmE�t�G��� -. �
ang � ��dN5�0�1
5for� _.
. ��
�uioE�.�NES �iscuss�oN `
, . .__ _ ._�__ _ ____ .
Na�withs�anding, wherE compatible
w�th the exist�ng bu31cling, a : _.
] in�ited variety af m��ssing of ex- • �
� pans7pns is �ncouraged to avoid the ' , ' °
r�onotony of contin�ous one-story • � �
expansions. :
. . ,
. ;
_ .. < , _._
� , _ ' _
i _ _ .
, . � . . . �. �r�)�
1 . �
: c�u�u����v�s aiscu�s�o� ;
_._ .
� _ . � �, � �
� Notwi�hstanding, wher� com�at�ble ' -� .__ ,
Y-�. ... .._.
w�th th� existir�g building, a � ; i ;
limited variety o� nias5ing of �x- �
pansions is encauraged to avoid the : . : , i i � :
� . monotony af continuous one-story : : , . ;..; � ' ,
� expansions . : , �_,
- .,_.__ , • -_�_.._� .._.. . _
; _
. __� ; .
. . . ...E_..
. :. ,. .. , , . . ...._.�.._... ...._. .
. . . ... . . .,......�_..�. . ... . ,
. . ......... . . �. . . ,- �. .f...... . � ' .
� . . . ...., . . . . . ..... �... _ .
. . , . . __.._.:.. i,.. .
. . . . ... . .._�,.-.., .. ... .. . ..:- ..._..._.._. . .. . . . .. ..... ,
� - . � . ., . ' � , � __.. - . _ . .
. . . . . .......� . . .
... . . . _ _: _ . . ...... t _t__i_... . . .
. . . . � .. .' _ . . . .. _.�__C .�-..-'_. .. .. � ' ��. . ..
.. ' .. . ', .. '. . . _- _._�._�__,._.. __ . . . .
. . , . . � ' I 3 � . ...
_.._.. _ . , . . ..._.......,j_' _
. '. _...___.... .
, . . . . . . . _.___.._�._..-._. ... . ,
.....:.... . ..
-- E- .. _ _ _
� _, ;- .__ _
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, ,
...'., � . . .
. . . .. �.i .._ . . .- � .
.. � � . . . . ... � � . . �� - � ' � -
- � . . . . ._ ,:. . . .. :_.�.__;._.,.. . . . ..__. _
. . . . .. - . .:.... ....... . . . ,._.--:.__i-_.�...,_... . .. . . . . ..
. . _.__; .. .. . . ...........� ._.._..__. ... . .. ... ._.,. .
- - ...... .. . . . _. ... .,�. ....._.. � .
� ._ _.... . :.,...._.....t . , . . . .. ..
� . . .. ' . . . . .... - .., t ..,,., . .. . ..
' � . ... ... . .. . .
, . . . . , . . . . . -
.... ..',.... ____ . . .
� � - - - . . . � , .. -
3 .
B.1 . �'lat, shed, vaui�e� or do��e raafs are e Gable roof forms are more �raditiona7
acceptab7e �'or bui1ding expansions . and shou1d be avo3de�i in LionsHead
for �xpansions.
� dorne� ar
-��af rc�f' ��e�! ��f
uau�f� ,..
•. ro�f�.
� �
- _ � _
8.2. Connec�ions af roofs to exist�ng • It is �mportant t� integrate expar��
b�i�dings shau�d be respective af. any sions with exis�ing bui�ldings so as
exist�ng s�rong architer_tural lines. t� ��oid a patchwork, �acked-on
� (spandrei beams, textureJcolor changes, q�����y �°r ��or�sHead. It is hoped
ov�rhangs, etc. }. �hat all expar�sinns w711 appear ta
- have been part of the orig�nal desi�n
C6�)rv�P�'Ct�a.l ��.2�v�5rc� of each bui7ding. _ .
. d��'4ne�. ��j �x�5-�iv�� ar�rte�fur�f - : _
�J2'S�i6�1 ��hrk3J1G�PP� h�f . .
��. . L
_ � � � I � 1 i` �
. �
� , i ; � �
. __ ; �� _ � � ;
� � �
GUfDELINES pJ������p�
B.3. Roof slopes for expansions should no� e Most existing building roo�s are
exceed 12/12 pitch and should be hig� enough to b� unseen. Where main
• relativ�ly consistent within any one buiidir�g roof. planes are highly vis�ble
proj�ct. (See A.2. ) �Fron� the ground, expansions sho�ld
� . • -- - � � match that pitch,
r Shallow roof slopes are common, 6u�
�X3mUm may be exc��ded, wher� campat�ble
with exist�ng str�c�ural ] ines of th�
�� �����f� bui7ding-sparidel beams , balcony leve�s,
_ � �2 12�fZ insets , etc. (See 8.2.)
�---COI�b�1�t'G{�( . Roofiine variatioris add varie�y wf�en
�`PaV15!°� Used wi th restra�nt. 7hey shoul d
� n however be limited in any on� �roj�ct
� to avo�d creating cumu]ative "��siness".
� �
� � .
� �
, � ;
8.�1. Roof overhangs shalT be 1irnited from s Roof overhangs in L7o�sNead are often
: 3 �nches up to 36 inches. ' min7ma1 but shou7d as a minimum define
� the eave 1ine.
s�adoc.� dln� �I�u,Id : _ :
d�f�n� e�� lin� . _. _
, �
E � �:: - : . _:
I � ;!� ' ' � i- � _ . _ � :.'_ ; V
1 _
,.�.�.�� . , .
�3������ �� "� � ,: �,,� I !
_ .. .._.. _... �.. .
� �� �i , ; � _
D6�'_�a� � '� � 'i I� '�E , _ _ . -
i ,,� �� �
6.5. Roofs may extend beyond the overhang � :
: __. .
limit when used to create arcades or � - ; - -
.__ ; .
� cover�d walkways. In such cases the �
roof ext�ns3on shal i be 1 arge er�ougf�
to prov�ide a cor�foi�tabie passag�way, ' '
. �.. _.... . ...
b foot to 8 foot r�inimum. _
� _ . :
.. . _
- .. _ . �. : .: f??C�`B�SP.� �� :.::. ` ...._ . __._ ....::..:
_ D�l°r� �'D� .
_ _ . cov���l���G o� , ; • _ _
� , ar�d� . . : .
. _ .
_ � _ __. _ _ - >- .
� - _ _
��+���'t. _�
. - rnin. . . ... , : _ _
� �amiliarity wit� the Town's ordinance
B.6. Common roof �robiems , and des�gn �ar periodic sndw r�moval �From roofs
cons�derations, in �his climate �s encouraged prio►° ta roofi� design.
; .
- snaw slid�s on�o pedestr�ar�
_ wal ks _. . : .
- gutters freezing
- ice dams and water infiltratior�
� - heavy snow loads (require snow . _
remova] periodica�ly) '
. . � ,_ :
__ ��
GUIDELI[VES o�scuss�aN
B.7 Acceptable roof materia1s for roof � While some vanity and accent is desirablr�
� surfaces vi s i bl e from pedes�rian i n t�e mal� , genera� COt1515t�nC�/ and
ways sha�l b�: restra�nt in roaf treatment (such a�
� ' avoiding loud cc�lors) wil ] preserve
„ meta7 - w7�h ribs ar s�and�r�g the harmany betw�en elements -- also
seam, dark color an �m�ortant visua] quality for
glass - e�ear or sr�ioked, no
co1ors � •
plast�c - clear ar smoked, no -
For flat roofs and those oth�rwise
un-seen from pe��str�arl ways, buiit-
� • up tar �or �ar/gravel } may also be
used. �
' (See also C. ) .: ..
� _
� . '
C,] . Concrete, concrete block, glass , metal • 1rlhile r�o� wishii�g to restrict design
stucco, and waod are �he prir�ary freedo�TZ over-much , existir�g con-
�aterials to be encouraged in Lior�sHead, ditions show that a restr�ct�d r�un�ber
� af materiais and coTor can br�ng �
harmony, and yet s�ili allow for
great varia�ian and �ndivitluality.
A profusion of co�ors bri�gs visual
chaos 4�rhich destroys thc unity of
t�� buii� forms.
C.2. WaTI planes (�ncl �d�ng struc�ure) of � S�ucco is a unifying eiement found
coricrete, block, and stucco should be throughout Vail , w�th a ��ar�ety of
wh�te or 1�ght pastel . (beige, grey) , o�her materials an� co7ors whic�
CO1i575��'t1� with (not r�ec�ssari ly give con�rast.
�he same as) t�e ex-ist�ng buildin�.
Wood surfaces shauid be sta�ned to
match existing wood colors. W�ere �
wood does no� exist in the exist�ng
. bu�7ding, wood in expansions should be : .
stained �o a medium range or to match '
� the main bui�d7ng cQ�or - avaiding
eith�r dark or light "new" wood co]ors.
C.3. Darker earthtones are to be used � '
primar�iy for �rim and €nuT1ions. Bright
colors , and light sF�ades tF�ereof (eg. . - "
red, pur��e and arange) are unacceptable
wall or tt°im colors. �
C.4. Genera�ly, the variety of major � Too rnany coiors/r�ateriais create a
ma�er�als (and/or co1ars) an any °busy" app�ara�c� ar�d detract firor�
- ' bui7dings should be limited �0 3 or sim�le variety which exists.
� : � .
FACAC�ES--1'R�4�l��At����Y �
D.1 . Ground �3oor core�merc-�al facades should s Trans�arent store fronts are "people
be proportianately more transparent �han attractors" and give pedestrian, open,
upper floors. pu�i�c character to the street.
(Opaque wa11s impTy residen�ial ,
��iva�e, "'da not stop to �ook". )
�raf�� �'Ic�rs �recPoyvtiina��(� -
�I�sy ��y�fr �-��� � Second stor�ies are typ�cally more
� � p��U� ���� r�siden�tial , private, and thus less
.-� ,, ,, , o pe n.
hc /�' j/ j ?�;:' �
y � �� fi� c i��,���r�, / �ii r,�i
� �� i� � � �d ���� % <.i� ��' % � �� .
c�., r / .. . j / �J�/ �j//f -- . .. .
i . "/. � i / 'i� _
N r//� f.:/ i: /� '�� �/ G� � . .. _
-D.2. Ground floor display w�ndow si]7s shauld
� be no more tharr 78 �nches from walk leveT . :
FTaor to ceiling g]ass �s accep�:able.
I i ; � - .
. � ; � ,
� �
� i�- ,C-----
4 �
� . • �
p.3. Windaw (trans�ar�ncy at lea5t 70%) shfluid
• comprise surface area ofi the ground floor
con�mercia1 facade.
% ' /�� �
- ; �
� : , ; �,;; � .
� ��; ;; �%� : � � �
� ;� ; � ;�
, a ` � � ��/ !j
f� ,;,�::�_ ;';' �/ � _�_ ._ � � � .
�_ • -�� %'�,��`�% - �
I� b ;
8fa�s ar�a '_ �c�% (ax�) � .
D.4. G1ass should be grouped into banks of
windaws un�ied by comman trim and , -
mulTions. Create broad glass/wall . �
patterns, avaiding the impressior� o�F _,:: _ �
windaws as regular spaced "h�oles" in
� �he walls.
.� _ ' : .
� � i � ,
� - . ; ; --�- , _.
, � , .,
%i i i, - , ; ��
� ; i i ;� -, -
� �' y �� ; % � �/�
. �
i;"' i '� �,� i! i5,i ;; �/, _ _
.1/ . . ,r= . i . ,, � '�. . � . _.,_..� . . ,�
tu�r���s ��� tn�
t�aul�s �mav► :
rnurliou �
s�"udur�f 5u�parF Expr���cp� _...
• � : _ :
D.S. Glass should be subdivided ��ith jaints
or n�uil �ons �o express ind3vidua� . � ;
� window elem�nts ( or the generaiiy .
vertical proportioris) . further
subdivision of w�ndows into smal�er
panes to �ncrease pedestrian scale � •
____....__. .
is desireabl�. Lary� si�gle--pane . . _
windows are not �rohibi�ed however. _
�1nd�v�dv�( u����o� �{�UV��«,�:� --: _.
� �� � _ .
, � , . .. .
, . _ _
�"'c7.�rt��� h�i,�?r(��H �av �'P�' y���, _,.: ..
�hw��,l(�r p��n�s �cr i�xrc��
�`.',"l�'-�Irru+n �rGa.(�° �
. .. __:� S '.1_. 'f '� i . . ... . . . .. . .. . _ ,.. _�._ , .. ._.. ... . .
�ruti '...
t_� _ ' 'i�: - . . .__..._ ...
� ._f--_ - � � . ,
-- - -:=�� ;�; ' `�� _. ..:
: �._;. .
Bay, bow & box w�ndows are encourag�d. - :- - -
• _ : '
D.7. C7ear or tinted glass , non-re-Flective ' ...
, . ....
are acceptable �or windows. bark °� ` -
:. .
colored �vood or �etai are acceptable � -'-� '-
_ � . � ._.._.
mu11 i on and frai��e materi al s. : ._._. .
_ . _ .._ _ __,_..,.�_,...._ _
D.$. Exter7or poors on publ�c frontages -
should be a� ]eas� 30 percent . :
�ransparent and consistent with � � ' •
oth�r el ei��ents of the facade i n '
design, cf�aracter and n�ateria�s. ' . .
� _ : :
, ��
D.9. Doorways and entrances sho�7d be • 3tecessed entrys give stronger entry
recess�d from �he facade plane. �dentity and a sense of sheltered
� Recesses �ee�er than 2 fee� shou7d welcome.
also be highly transparen�.
--~� � � - _
��°� ��/ t �"
, }�% - <%
/, =�-; ,/, � :i,
� j ��� , ��:���
z ,�1�� , I � '� � �� . - .
r � r . %
�;'r ' �.��� �. j
;i / 1.:.F.� _ � //'
i i
� --� _- . _
D.�O. Security is an important design
consideration in LionsHead.
Dead--bolt Tocks are encouraged.
Locks, c�oor hand1es and c�lass �1ace-
ment should all be des�gned to
discourag� break-in. � _ .
Early security�des�gn discuss�ons w��fi
the Town po7ice sta�F�F are encauraged.
� ' �
. _ ._
� .
�_. ���
����� � ��i����
E.7 . F�nctional decks or pat�os, pr�marily a Dining decks and patios, when �roperly
for ��ning are strong stree� ] ife designed & si�ed, br�ng peo�7e to �he
�lements �n Lior�sH�ad and are h�ghly streets , opportunities �0 1oak ar�d
encourag�d, ort either �he ground or be �ooked at, and generally contrit�ute
second f�oor level , to the iiveiiness of a busy strqe�-
. maki ng a ri cher pedes tr�ar� �x�eri ence
� than if those stree�s wer� empty.
. E.2. Decks and patios shouid be s7ted and • A rev�ew of success�ul decks/patios
. , , designed with due cons�derat�on to: in LionsNead reveals several common
charac�er�st�cs :
- sun - views
- w�nd -- pedestrian act7vity - direc� sunl�gh� from ]� :00 - 3:00
- accessibility and protec��on fr�m wind inc:reases
use by many days/year.
- elevated 2 ta 3 feet to give v�ews
into the pedestrian walk (and no�
the reverse)
-- phys�cal separat�on fro�r pedestr;an
� wa�k of 2 fee� to 6 feet (a pla��ter
more effective than a wallj
- overhang g�ves pedestrian scale/
. . sh�l��r
� _
�� , .:�
i4CC��V'f �L.E�E�1'S '
F.7 . Judicious use of colorful accent e7er�ents, � '
consis�ent with exTSting character of
LionsHead are encouraged, such as: �
Awn�ngs a�rd canopies - canvas, brigh�
color or stripes of two co�ars . -
F1ags, Banners - hanging from bu7Tdings, .
poles, and even across 5treets for �
specia1 occasions.
Umbre7 ]as - over tabies on ou�doar pa�ios.
Annua� color f7owe rs - �n beds or
pianters, in balcony or w�ndow boxes.
Flood lighting - buiTdings , plazas,
windows, trees (]��ghts a]7 winter}. -
Fainted wa� i graph�cs - symbols , accer�t .
compositions, etc.
• Fountains - sc�aip�urai , w�th bo�h .
wint�r and sum�ner character.
�udicious use of brig�tt colors to _ -
accent trim (pinstr�pe, scrol7work,� -
eg. ) wi1 � be acceptabl�.
. . . - : .
LA��lD�CAP� �L.���N�'� ' : � .
� G .
G.1 . Framework �lant�ng of trees and shrubs • The contir�uity of extensive tree/
is appropr�ate and des�red on eaeh • shrub and grass planting so�tens and
parcel . Plantings should inc�ude fi31s the urban plazas of LionsHead.
both decidious and evergreen species 7�is pastoral character 7s ar� impor•tant
; for year raund. continuity. . distinc��on fra� the Vil�age, and shou�d
be preserved.
. �I�th tl�� exception of annua7 color, tree, � f�ative p7ant materials ai^e somewhat
shrub species us�d should be those r�a�tive lim�i�ed in range, �u� are o�viously
to ti�� area. . best able to wi�hstand �he harsh
ci�mate and ta c7osely ��e the Vil1age
- wi�h its natural maunta�n setting,
G.2. Colorful plan�ing sho�1d be used ta m Color plantings should t�� prov�ded �iy:
accent pedestrian areas and highlig�t
buil�ings; entries , etc. - p7an�ers (reta�ning walls , large
_ n3ov�ab�e pots) -
- pianting beds
' - flower baxes, and hang�ng po�s
(from ��rindows, balcony razl�ngs, etc.
• � . . � _ _ V _
G.3. Curbs and retaining wa17s are used to � Curbs an� reta3n�ng wa7is pro�ect the
define most o�F the pianting areas in landscape �'rom pede5trians & snowplov�s.
� LionsHead. Retaining tidalls shouid in- .
clude seat�ng opportun�ties and be Twa types of ma�ertal are already �r�e17-
� . constructed of e�ther: establ�shed in LionsHead and sho�]d be
� u�ilized for cont3nt�ity.
- concrete ; _ . _ _
� T'he lan�scape areas irr�nediateiy adjac:ent
- rounded s�one cobb�e (hidden mortar) to the c�rb are often used for 5now
(examp7e: Town of Vai1 entry sign/wa�l ) storag�. Tree/s�rub p7an�ing should be
Wood r�taining walls are strongly dis-- ._- _
_ - ' � couraged due �o deter�oration caus�d by __ - . _
__ ..�- --... . .
� the harsh c] imat�. _ _. . .�. .
G.4. Paving ma�eria7s , for consistency, should a �spha�t paving and un�t pavers �appe��
�ie general �y ]�r�ite� ta the folTowing: �o be best suited to �his highly variabl{
; ei���ate. The freeze/thaw cycle tends to
- asphaTt - generai use, pedestrian � cause ca►icret� to spa�I .
. , .
� � - in�erlocking pav�rs - ta hi��hligh� : '
fe�ature areas , pa�ios, fountains , etc.
_ .� ; _ .._. �--- ; .. _ . _. °
� , ��,3.
7 . ' k .
� � .
' .
• � ��,���� �����:������E�° � � � � �
� � � � �-�, L�r ,�"�•
� ��--J � } ��� # �- ��•� �� �� r `-'� `�--� �i� �� � � 1�� ` �
a�:����.-�� �� � ��� � �� .W_��.�.� � ���-..� � �
MllY 6, �9�30 �
i . -
. �;�
, �� �
� �� � ,�
i � 1
� S
Bac�ground . �
These Desiyn Consid�rati�ans ar� an ���egra7 part of the Vai1 Uillage Urbar� D�sign
P1an. The. Plan as a whole is the cu�minatio� of many mon�:h 's effart by res��ents,
m�rchants , 1'ovrn sfia-ff, and consu�tan�s i:o d�ve�op a raechar�ism �a manage physical
change �n �he Vil �age. It is an attenz�t to identify aspec�s af ��e phys�cal
.character of �:he Vi]lage ar�d to assure as far as �ossibi� that fut�re changes
wi 11 be consi stent wi th f:l�e �stabl ished cliaracfier, and w�71 r�a�ce positi ve con-
• tributions �:o th� quaiity of life. -
Ya�l was ot°iginal7y cance�ved as a mpunta3n resort in t��e pattern of quain�
_ european a7�ine vil �age. It remains fairly fait�fu7 ta �:ha�: 7r�age today;
because of i:f�e conuni tmen€: of i ts early fc�unders to that co�cept. �{oti���ver,
� recer�� ra�id groti•�th, bo�h i� s�z� and�populari�y, has introduc�d new pres5ures
for developiz�4nt, Urhich many feel thrPa�:en the unique quali�ies from wh�ch €:hat
success has beer� derived. Tl�ere are rapidly increasing land �alues and resultir�g
pressures �:n expand existing buildings, inf�71 �arccis, and �ven i:otally re-
deveiop�d �arcels �ess than 15 years o3d. �his pressure for growth has brnught
witl� �t t.he pat�ntial for significant ct,ange. (�eti�r �na��rials, net� archit�ctura7
styl es, the �remi�r� on 1 ancf usage, and s}ie�r nu����ers o� peopl e and cars al�
� t�ave po�:�ntially major ir�pac�s on �he character and �unction of Vail .
� That is nat �:o imp�y that al � grow�h and char�ge in Vail is negative. 7h��°e are
many areas �:hat ar� underd�veioped. The actual area of Vai7 thaf; gives i� its
- � unique character is but a sma33 area o-F the Village. �l"f�ere are defin�t.ely .
oppor#;unities to �xtend �f�e charac�er o�F the Cor� beyond its curr�ent �3m�ts.
7hese Des7gn Considerations, and th� Urban �esiyn P�an as a who�e, are �n�:er�d�d
ta qu7 de �ro��ath and cha��ge i n �rays tha� wi 71 enhance and preserve �he essential
quaii�ies o� Uai7 Vi�7age. Th�s character, whilE ir�spirecl to a degree by
european E�lodels, has evolved in�o a dis�tirzct�y �oca1 interpretation. �ny
s�anc�ards, in �he end, must E�e- based upon Va�l �5 D4��n �n�que charact�ris�.ics ,
and po�:ential now. To pres�rve tf��s character, care mus� be taken to avoid �oth
new arcliitec�ura1 prototypes, and h�st�r�ca7 anes, local or �oreign, +�hich c�o
nn� share the sar:ie desi�n vocabulary. T�cse Des�y�i Cons�de�°ations are a
recc�g�iitio:� thai: there is a dis�inc�:�ve dpsign charac#:er to th� Vil�age and _
that thzs character '15 i�r�portar�t to pr�s�rve.
� Tl�e Desiqn Carlsi�era�:�ons � � �
The charact�ris�ies id�ntified herein, a��e firs�: of a7� , de5crip#:ions of i:h��
pr�r��a��y for�rn-c�iving �3zysical features o� i:he Vi] lage. They are r�ot exhaz�stive.
Th��y are a dc�scriptian o� those key elen���n1:s tti�i�:��out t�hicft i,he �n�age o� Vai�
woE�3 cf he noi:i c�abl y di ffere�t�. They a��e di vidc�d i nta t�•ro riajor c�i.egori es:
i � � � � . :
. ,������
. . ,�,�,.,�.
f::. `Y�
� � �
� �
Urban Desicn Considerations
Genera1 , lar9e-sca1e land use planning issues, as wel� as �0���senconsiderations
� � which aff�G� rnore than ane proper�y (or even �rhoTe ar�as) .
� are primarily fhe pur'view af the Plann�ng ar�d Ei�viroi�mental Commission. This
Conunission a1so has review responsibi3ities for additional zan�ng cade compi �ance
suc� as densit'y controi , park�ng, etc.
. Archi�:ecture/l.andscape Considera�3ans
De�:ail , de•tails, style and avera1� apprapriateness of a design for a given site.
These considerations are revievred primar�ly by the Design Reviev� Roard (DRB) .
�3elo�J is a gcnera� checicl �st of major issues a�d concerns arhict� the app3icant
must addres�s in the course of� the revievr process. Eacl� of t1�� f0��I04�ring ite���s
� � ' should be addressed a� least br7e�Fly in any ap�lication hearing or subm�ttal :
Urban Desi�n Cons i dera�.i ons Archi tec�ural/l.andsca e Gonsi dera ti ons
� , Pedestr�anization i . ROOFS . �
2, Vehic�e Penetration Farm '
3. S�reetscape �'ran�ework Overf�an s
Q. S-Lreet �nclosure 9
� 5, S�:rc�t Cdge . Composition
6, �u�7ding kieight . Stepped Roofs
. �, Views . Materials
Zonin Code Iterns 2• �����}�S
--- - --- E�katerials
� � . �Dens�ty Cantrol Ca�ar
2. Landscap� Area Reduc��on 7rans�arency
3. Parki ng . !,!i ncioi�rs .
4. Doars.
�. . Tr�� . .
� Co�or
Size �
Mass �
�9a�:eri al s
4. oeCt:s & P��r�as
5. ACC�?�T EL�(�1���T5 ,
Plant i�4at�ria1s
� • Pavi ng .
' � . � Retaining k�alls
Li ghf:�ng .
Si yr�age
' CoE�s�ructian
� • �y • . .
. . � .�:.,, -.;.
� , .
� . .
� �
Second�y, tihe design cansidera�:ions ar� int�nded to serve as guidelir�e design
naramctcrs. �h�Y are not seen as r�gid rules , or "coakboo�: desiyn elernents" to
' brin� abaut a homogenenus a�pearance in V�il . ftather, they are a stateEnent of
ir�ter�retaCian, subscribed .to �Y �hsicalncF�aracteg,and�object��ves�of�ti�e1V�l�a9�.
• Review Qoard, as to ti�e presen� phy
They �re intendcate��:ona�opertY o�wr�ers�p�a��i�c�Cand�de5ign�obj�ctiaes��andra�low
clear1y cornmun p dei�}onstraLe
' �r���rty oti•rners in town to respand in general cor�formance or to clearly
why deparl;ures are warranted. .
Finally, tf�ese guide� ines are in�:ended to h�l}� 3nfluence th� farm and design of
bui 1 di nqs, nat �;o c:s�ab� i sh mi ni m��n bui 1 d�nBui 1di��51�e tigh�e�Enc�osuren Vi etvs and
cri'ter�a ap�3ies to a given situation e•9- 9
Sun/Si�ade - .a�1 are conc�rns applicai��e to bui�ding t�eight and massing - and
. • they' may 1�e rnutually conflicting if judged on equa� �erms. It is the role of
i:he rev�ew baards, together with the ap}�licant, to detennine t6�e relative
� importance af each consideratio��a�r�abala�c�sisuach���ved�beyl�r�en�thesr�9pPsy
i.hose considera�:ions to assure
o� �he public and priva�e s�ctors. , , �
• �
i � . . . .
� �
� �
'��-�������:���",`�'���� '
• �
A1� neti�r or er.pans�on canstruction should
. . , an�:icipa�e the appro�ria�e 1eve7 0#'
pedesi:rianization adjacent to �the sit�.
R �najor objec�:�ve for Va31 V�7lage .is � �
to enco�rao� pedestr�an circu�ation .
throuyh an intea�connect�d network of
safe, pleasar�t pedestrian ways. Nfany
of tr�e improvements recoc}nized in �he
l�rban Design Guide Plar�s, . and
accampanying Design Considerations,
are to reinforce and expand the
� qual�i ty t�.o pedestri an ���al kti,�ays
Lhrou�hou�. the Vi7lage.
Since vehicular traffic �car�not be �
. remov�d from certain s�:ree�s (bus
routes, del�very acc�ss} a totally �
car-�'ree p�destr3an system �s not
aehieveab�e ti�r�aug�ou� the en�ire � � .
Vi1�ag�. Tf�erefore several levels
o� p�csestrianizatzon arc proposed:
1 . pedestrian-on�y streets
. . �
. !
� 1
. �4Ji�'�, vGr�2.y-��
• • .
' '°�!����4
- . cY�.T���h�.
� — ^ � -
` ' < 2. pedestrian stmets with �a55 (��.(�3� �dIK
limii:ed delivery trafi'ic- ���k
with sufficient w�dth �'or
unimpeded pede5trian � ;.:.:;.;;.
wal ki ng ��.�:��::= .
i : _. _ _ .,.�:..�::
7 '.i'+}�`�.�•.
:�• � � .fi��
..:,:'���'�. : � '''_: - _ �'-_
,;..: � �
2Z` $'-�o �p,
' . ��fn��� �j{-------��
_ ?� _. _
. ��---
3, separateci pedestrian wa�ks �
where s�:reet wid�h and
traffic volu�ne (trucks, .:,_ � � :��:::_,
' shuttle bus , etc} preclude :;�::;:.:: _ .,__
::.�.:::; ::;, :_:::�
. joint vehic3e/��ed�str�an � :_1:::.::,, :;:.:'.:?:;�-;
•:r.:;{.•. : U ��
use of the roadway :�:{�.:>:�::� � =:�:.�.�:::�:•:=
.�.; � =r:.�:a.•:.�.�:
� . ::s: C==�
.# � � , ����
, � Z2' �l,$'-��lo� � .
fk� �� �'� ._—�`
�, prinlary v�hicu�ar ra�tes- .
' m�n�ma� pedest►�ian
development cor�#��r�ed to
� w�de shoulder, sidewalk,
or se�arate pa�:hway.
The Framework Circu7at��n Plan, �nd .
. 5ub-area G��de Plans designatE the -
speeific type of stree�: deve�oP- �
. ment des�red for major streets �n
' llail Village. .
� • , .
� �.:, �
. ,.
;.: �
� B. �1�FIIC�.0 P�:N�i'RA7]ON � .
�'n the rrtaximum ex��nt possibl� all � ���T ��T^ �
non-residcnt traffic should be roUted
alony the Fron�ac�e Raad to Vai} Village/
• " Va�l �,ionsla�ad �arking structur�s. ' .-
� In conj«nction with pedestrianiza�ian � 5r$��ye av�c� r�
. objectivcs, n�ajor en�phasis is focussed Cqn�,�rrctro.+ -�o �
upon reduci��g auto penetrat�an inta • • �'�'�w�
the center of. the Vi 7�age. Vai 1 �oad . m�►umrze �er�frafr�+� {.r�t,k,�rg
and Vai 3 Va�1 ey i}a�i ve �w�11 conti nue IN�o 1����ap2 �..._��
to serve �as the r�a jor rou�:es for �
�service and resident access �o t�e
11i77age. �
�.�� �fd��iG GI`rG1Pl h t�r�3�� ��
Road eonst.i°ictions, �raffic eircles , �
. • sig'nage, and ather rneasures are � �r�� �,�;fri�#r'on4 �
indicai:ed in The Gu�de P�ans to re�tri�t 4�Ge�1 {� n
visual1y and physica�iy discaura�e � reh�t%►�� a�7r��e�u�� �y�1�
all ��� essentia1 veh-E�c�e pene�.ra�iort , � �'nlr �v
beyond tY�e Fr°ontage Raa�. A1 ternat�ve
acces5 poi nts and private pa�°ki ng ��v� � ��
re7acatlon, where fcasible , should be
cansiciered to further reduce traffic
� conf] ir.�s in the V� llage.
• To imp�°o�Je i:�e qual �ty of �:h� wa3 !c�ng :
ex�eriencc� ar�d g�v� continuity to .
the �edes�:ri an ways , as a cori'�7 r�uous
system, �ti��a g�n�rai typ�s of in�pr�ve-- . . .
ment5 adjac�nt to t�1e wal k�•rays are�
1 . Open spac� � �andsca�aing - �
b�1"rT�S , grass, ��o�vers a�d .�,F��-� � �, � 1-�
�rce �aTit�ng as a saf� �'�`�� �--,����!:='��`�'�,,,,-.�`c,
� > u y;l s�„-�. ' t �._.��.s.-.,�
colorful -frame�vork 7inkage �;���� �-=�''----"�����,�
� -��:���-.---��,
a�ong Pedestrian routes ; .J���.,�c� ;���' � '� �:
and plazas anck par{; green ��'� ��- �n� ~� ����
� spaces a5 apen ��odes ar�d _---� .�.' ��- �_� . r
� i'.ocal points a�ong those �--�_--��-�� �
. routes. � —
2, lnfill cor�u»ercial storefron�s -
expansion of cr.istinc� �uil�ings ,
or n�w infi�� dev��n�n�ent �:o
crea�:e t�ew COI1111iE'1'C�f3�' dCti Vl�.y � .
gcr7cr��tor,5 to gi ve stre�t i�fe , �
and visual ii�tei�c�s#., as attrac--
' tions at key locations aloi�y
E�edes�:rian t�ou�.es. , �.� �
. h� ' �
. �>�
�: . ..
� - ,
' lt= is not zn�endcd �o enclase all
Village s��°eets with bu7ld�ngs , as in
�he Core �rea. Nor is it desireab�� to
lcave pedestrian str�ets �n the open
' � and somel�lhat �ndef7ned cond�tion '
• eviden� �n n��any other areas o� Vail .
. €tather, �t is desired to have a
variety af open and e►�ciased spaces ,
• both bvilt and �andscaped wY��ch
create a strong frame�york far � �
pedestrian 1���7ks as �vell as visual
interest and ,ac�ivity. .
` �lf��i 1 e bu1 i di ng facad� hei gf�ts sho�al d .
not be uni i'orm frarn bu�]di ng to _, �.'f''":-
bui�ding, Lhey sl�ould provide a _ ,<,.... -��_��''_ .�:
"comi'orLa�1e" encl o$ure for i.he `:-`' �-� ^ ,..
street. ,.;�`�� - �'
..� � �, � � -
Pedesf.rtian streets at°e outcfoor rooms ± _ ' �-"�''�
�!' '.• •. r
. ��.r.•.' ; - •. :.r
rrliose walls are for��ed by #:I�se bui l dings. , , . _ '��
� '��e shape and -Fee1 of t�ese ' roams' t �`
are creatcc� by th� var°�ety af heights ���#
and r�assing (three-dir�����sional vari- `� d�����u
at�ons) ti�lhich gi�� much of the visual � .
� int�rest and pedestr�an scale uniq�e
�o Vail . _. _ . . .. _ . . .
Very general rul�s, abo�t �he perce��ior� .
of exterior spaces have been deve�o�e�
(e�npiric�lly) by designers , based on
the cf�aracteris'tics of 3�uman vision.
7hcy sug��st tha�:
an external �r�c�osure is mast
com�oi��:abl e tv�ere i ts wal� � are
approxi�tiately '-F as high as �ne : lz
w7d�.l�i of the s}�ace enciosed,
� 'if 'Lhe ratio falls to 'a or less, �
�:he space seertis unenc7osed; ar�d
� L .�� __.�.t 7�
. • t
�f. �:I�c hei gh�, i s greater than the � �
�,ri ciLl�, i t comes to resci�ih�e a
� ca��yoti. , !
1 .
� � . �:?::�' �.�
� .. �
� _.._.._ —— .�..�
` In actual d�1�� 7Cdt1DT1, facades are
sc•7 dom uni form i n hei c��t on botl� s i des •
of the street, nor is �his desired. ,. -
Thus, some latit�de is ap�ropriate �� ''
in tf�e app�i cati on of thi s 'Z - to -- i � �
ratio. Using the averac�e facade height y .
,� of t�nth sides Uri 71 gerieral 1y sti ] 1
be a guide to the "comfor�:ableness"
• af the er�c7asure being crea�ed. f� X
• , � .. �{ .`�x� ./x
In some i«s�ances , t�e 'canyon' effect .
i s acceptah 1� ar�d even d�51 T-abl e - m-,�:
for examp�e, as a short cannect�ng �'�;��'='��'�' ..T„r,ri,,,,
��nkage bctween larger spaces - to �:::"��''_:�
� give var�ety to i;he tivalkinc� �xperience. � \�':'�=:•w':���r���
For sun/shade reasons , �t is often `''"'---�-1"����•��
• advantayeous -�a o►���nt any ionger �
seyments ir� a nortl�-soui:h di rec�:ion. ':;.,�
Lang canyon streets in an east-west ��>���i
di rection slioul d generai �y be
when exce�;tians to �he ge��ra1 �eight pc�e;;�s.na� —� } .
� criteria accur, spec7al design con- v�NEj. �,��� ���� � I
sic�eratior� shouid �e giver� �o crez�ting
� a weil -dcf�n�d c�raun� f7oor pedestrian
���phas�s to overcor3ie the canyor� e�Ffect. �.�a��
� Canopi�s, awnipgs , arcade and � — ---� --- -- =_ �'��j
buildi��c� extensions cart al� crea�e � �`;���
a p�destrian focus and d;vert �.�ry�-�ri � �
ati:en�.ion -�rorn upper bui�di ng err.��ac�y G.�F�%r�lan
heights and `canyon' effect. �� �^
ar�3 t „or�p� E�L.
, �Qr othc��� cons i derati ons on
building massing see:
• Building Heig}�t
Sun/51�ade � .
Views �
5�r�et Edge � - '
� ,
� .
. ,�,�,�
= �
� '
. ,
�. S7RE�� �DGE
Buildings �n th� Vil�age Core should
� form a strong bu� irregular edge to •
the 5�reet.
Unl ike ��anY �����ri can towns there are no
Standard sei:bac4; requi remen�Con�si ster�� /
buildings in Vail Vi�lage. /
� W��;�� �,y�e dcsire for intima�:e pedestrian � '
scale , �lace�i7�nt of por�.�ons�o�ya � �
bu�ldznc� at or near the �rop _ _ ���, � • �
1ine is allot�red and encouraged �o give � � � f � /
_strong d�f������� �� the pcdestrian _ � � 3����. � �
.streets. . �. ____ �
. � . b�v�
• �his i�s not �o zn�ply' continuous �rty ��
b�i j ci��g f s�antage al ong the �i°�P
�i ne. A st.rong s'ti°ce�; edg� i s - ,. �
lmpor�ant �or cantinuity, but . . --
perfectly alig��c� �facades over �:oo _�T�
� a �, +
�. long a dis�.ance tends �° few �
monotonous. 1�i�:h only ` .
excep�ions in the Village, s�ightlY � -`
irregula�° facade li�ies, Uu�lding '
jogs, and 1andsca��e areas , g�ve
b �,
lifie to �he sl:ree� and visual j �,� .
intet°est for pede�trian travel .
. • ���u��ti�ear af,•�eE�'�a�'r.�
Where bu�ld�ncls Jo9 to create },U�(d�n
acti vi ty {�ockets, o�.her .
l:i�e j�� --� �'.��.
eleii���nts ca�i i�� used �o con- . nc�wify
tinue Lhe stree�: �d9��
or�,3 �
_ ��,�� �1 antcr «a�1 s - arcades ��
.� ' � i
- tree ��ani;i ncJ - ra3 sec� decks ��p. ` ,
� , , �; ` I
F � '
— t^�31SCC� S1(j°1ti'c�� E:S � ` � l ' ���v � � �
- #.extUa�c cl�a�ages 1�. �� ��_�._i
�. �� �
� �n gE°o�,�7c! surface ' ��� �. \\ `
\ � . .. .
� �� �;���'� �� �����
���� ��` ��` � n .�..
� ___... .
..___��..._:..-____--�— --�.
. �:.
� � �
Plazas, �atios , �reen areas are im-
portant faca� poin�s for: gatheri�g,
resting, or�enting and shou�d be �
. distribu�ed throughou� the V9ilage �
with due consideratio� tp:
� - spacing
- sun access .
" - oppartur���ies for views . .
- �cdestrian activ�ty
See alsa: . .
. Sun/Shade ' �
[3ui1ding fie�ght
Si:reet Ei�closure �
� � Views �
Bas�cal�y the Uil7aye Core �s �
p�rceived as a r�ix of t4�ra and
�i�re� s to i°ey faca des , a�tho�gh
th�re are a�so four and five �
si:arey b��ldings . The mix o�
b►�i7ding 1ie�ghts yives variety
to �:he str�ct- wnich is , �
d�sireab7e. �he h�ight� criteria � .
� a.re i n�:ended to encourage hei ght
and massirzg va�°iei:y and to . •
discourage uniform bui]ding
. � heigl�ts along the stre�t. . .
He�gh� shall €�e calculated as
follows : . � �rd�;n� .
'�he ver�.�cal distance fram
t�� averaye existing grade
� with�n �:he builc€zng foot- -
. p r i r��: �:o i;h e Ell1 C�-�]O 1 1l t o f � ,, - -- -- �� � � — �"
� • i:f�e roof, enc�os�ng that � .- .
. part�on of the b�ild�ng � �
foo�print. �
• � � .
�� "
�:;. �
, ' _.....,,._,�..,�... _.�...�....�_..._.
Overall buiiding heights up to 50'
above exis{:ing gradc shall be per- • __ rx'
mi#,�ed within the fnllowing . i� ��Wr� �
. � o�
guidelines; �� `. �r
� 1 . At 7east 60% of t�� si�e e _.. �_ _ .__ _-:�- e 4d
� . coverac�e area shouTd not � ` �� �� /yp� ��
� exce�d 30' in heigf�t.
2. �io more than �40% of the �
� s i te cove ra.ge a rea n3ay
be high�r 'than 3p' , not to
exce�d 40' . �!�°
3. Fr� designated areas, by • � � . .
special review, the above
. mar,����um l�eights �nay be . � . .
exceeded (noi: to exceed �
. . . 50' maximum) if warrani.ed .
by other co�lsiderations : �
r��assinc� to pres�rve views , �
designated tnwer locatians , �
etc. He�y�t exceptions �
w�77 require proport�onal
builciing reduc�ia�s �n
� & 2 above.
� Vail ' s rr�o�m�ainjvall�,y setting �s a ��-�- `��������
funcia��}ental paE�� o� its identity. ' � �
V1�4�5 0� �he moun�a�ns , ski slo�es, �-'-��� �'�� "-��``��;'�'";:=`�,,, �� �
, ��".�-�����._..�r:,!":�.
..,�;:.r;t�•i ,. , � � . �
geoioyic feaf:ures, e�c. are cor�stant .,,.,:.,� 4�.ir�•;'�,��_ �;�:Y��.. ��,--�_''��_�:�.��r��`;,��i�;.-��
� ai environ- �;�� 4:��-:�'�'P-��, ,^•,�s .,:> _- ..,�.,, . �
rerni nc4ers of the ,nouni; n :� �, � �:K.°-�l• �:•.:�`�.���., .,;:�."=.. .
klf.�?M ,rt..T „"x �+ {• ._ . . �.. :y -
n�ent and, by repeated visibi� ity, `�:.��! �,r. ;:;,,a,��{�,�f� . �:� �;��:::•.:�_.•::�-���.:•::.�.::.
. \`f�Jjt;�;M �-.' i , •�,����,•.'�"'�'�ti' '�
orien�:a�ion re��rence pain�s. ,��;�. =�y �,-�. .: .c:.;.::�.:�.,.:7��.::::''.:���sl--:,
Major a�id mii�or° ��ew corridors have � � �� ,� � `"
, .��.�.... � - :.:�.�;:-:;��:;
� : -. .....
�;,.... C�/ .. . ,,;...: -. . �:.�.>:=:::�
been desiyi�a�:ed on t�� View Plane �,.:,. �: ;:�°;�. ..,,�:```��:'..... �'�r�;'��'�:�;�:':':�::�?` -::�
�::;::�:�:�::::�.:::: . .:7 •.:-.�::;:�;: • ��a�:'�.::.::,:•.;>;..;:�.. �.:��=:��:•:.
.l:;Y.:�'.::.� . �:�:'.:: _. . 51_....�..�. :i . '�
. map, an cler}�en�: o� i:F�e Va�1 Vil �age ..c. .. :.. ��. :..�.::�::'::-::=::�.::..;>`�::::�<:�:::;:�..'::•`::�:::..::`.'::::;:::;
r:;:::•;::�:: � �
' Urban D�si gn Framework P1 an. '��`����.���^�� �• � � � ' ��, f�� .
:i:_ c � ., ti ,. :1
t•�ti,�i: .,: .� .}:. ^x�-•,'�«� ;`��,::{�;J�
.-~`J _ �,J.�^.-'�ti;`�f,�',� .4�.'..•:T:,'.' ,'J:`-:�.r'_' :1
, �, '.�,ti.•`+.'-.•.::.: �. y:+7 L 1 .__' �
''.'.t::.::T'.':. :s..;� 'V �r r . �� -Y �; .
:�� .'i-� '�..r� } • � f
' �` ;, - ::T.::�:�' }' =l.
'.}= :r.: •:i.�-:. .}_�•�_�'.- - :
�'.� .::�;=�
,�y..-:.,; ;:,;,�r•;-
- :�::
. �•.•�" •:r.. 'r}:' '•`..�
, •.?'}. -'.fi�: - :'1:�::
. . . - - - ::�-�'�•:;:�.�.' .
• , . - .,__.�.._.: .ti:;�
- _�. ._.s_...__.__.���.u•.:''�•�': _,:.�:��...� -
� �
-.p fr',r�{,Y:t
' , '..�'.��,G
` . ' !�..--: '.�
�'-' _
� Any proposed building chanyes which tn�� � � IT.�_—.
���EUE, �t w� 1Lt:i� �_°J°�• A�e,�
� ' wou��d cncroach into, or substant�al ly °� ` . �'
al ter, thc des i gna tea ma�or vi ew pl anes .�f��dor��W �p' n�l ���� ��°��
wi11 be discouraged. t�linor encroach- a C,��t}�"
mGnts into the designated minor view ;
� p�anes may be acceptable. �Ecnphasis ��'•. � s .; '
-�e� � �,�,�..�,. ,, �
should be upon fram�ng and enhanczng � ";�r:��s�;x� �r�; '." ,:'; ,�;;,:,
�% .4, •� -`�,r'. t`. �`ki. :•
' view planes rather than protrud�ng ;,��t�'� .�r' �.;�,�al��-�;:� • � �--''��,�"� ���� �''^
.;���� �� �,3--%�,-; + `;'�'�''�:�' '�%��
� directly in�o them. ��..��r N •;�;�-.;;_�- �:;�� ��.. __ ;
� :�� .ruf; �:��-?:�:�. ���ti- � �` � __ ;?'�
�. ,/'. .^�.;, �:'��•�! �i ,' �
��:�:�`�:�:�::�:�:,:':':�::�:�:�:�:�:�:=�:'� I�I �
�Ji�etY�er afi'�cting ti�e d�s�nated ��.k�� '� �:;:;::::::.r-�:::_r'��:_;:�� ,4i f
--- «� - t��><<.:..;..... ry� �
view �1anes or not, ti7e irn��act r �j �T:;��=:�� ..--.�..,_.__�. -fi.,, �
�� �::�-�:r:;':::�: �`����� �:: ..�� �
of ai 1 proposed bui�diny ���r: ..�..:.�.��;;�:. � �::�::::�:-::=:i� �
expansions on v�ews fron� edestrian .. ��`€�'' ��"�'`'`��� �� �" ' �^ � ;
P ���� ---�_�:���::;:;;�;; ::�:�;,�;�.�.;��::..:��:�:-�
ways musi: be der�ionstrated, and �-�_��__��_����
m��:i gai:�d wiiere warran�ed. . � + �
. . ��-��__ �.� � , �
- � � ��;�� �� �
� _ -
. . �_�� ��-
� � �`
Any building expansion s�hould preserve �
the funci;ion5 of exis�:ing serv�c�
� a�leys. •
The few se�°vice a77eys that exis� � �
in the Vi��age are extrem�ly - -
' irnportani; to minin7izing vel�icle � .
cor�gestion an pede�trian ways. �
. � The use o�, and vE��hi cul ar
access to, �hose al �eys shou��
not be climir�ated er.cept where
{UnGti011�1 , d�t�rt1c��;lV@5 �r�
. �rovi deci.
Zn all new and remodeled con-- .
str«ct�on, del �very wh3ch avaid.s
or rcciuccs �irspacts on pedestrian
ways should beexplored, and
adopted ��lienever pract�cal , �or �
inimedia�:e ar futui°e usage. Rear �
access, f�ascn�en�, and b�lotiti�-��°ound �
deli�ery corridors reduce con�estio��.
IJe3th�r E�ro�:ection increases de� ivery �
ei'fic�ency substantially. �
� �
' �
� 1
' , Below grade delivery corridors are
fot�nd in a fevr buildir�c�s in Vai1
Villaye (Sitz:narkJGore Creelc �laza ,
Villaye Ceni.er, Vail Vi77age Inn) .
. Consideratian shotr7d he g�ven to � �
�xter�ding these corridors vrhere
� . feasiblc and the creation af new
.� or�es. As buildings are constructed �
or remocieled, �he op�ortunity may
ex9st to deve]op s�gmen�:s of a • '
fu�ure system .
� Due to Uail 's alpine ciimat.e, sun �s .
. an ,important comfort factar, esp�cial7y .
�n �rin��r, fa�l and spring. Shade
areas hav� ambi�nf: �:emE�era�:ures s�6-- , .
Sta��i;ially belot�� �hose of adjacen� .
� � d�rec�: suiz� �t areas . On al l but the
war»�es� of su�r��T�er days shade can � �
easily lower �en�perai:ure� beiaw
. ca��fortable leve�s and thereby
neyativ�ly ����pact �ses of those arEas.
All new ar expar�ded bu�ld3ngs shou7.d �
not sE�bstan�:ially inc��ease th� spring
and i'a�1 shado��� a�tei�n (�vtarch 21
� thr°augli S�pt. ?_3� on a�j�cent : SUn�n��i'S1.'t� ���crt�flrra�( I
propert�es or t�e publ �c R.O.W. . - � �S�E;�2� �r �
� � � i
< �;�� �3 o�r �
• . r.ur� �
i � t
. 1 ��. UJfli�s' I
, 7�PI11����Qt� � ;� SDPi j
� �u�� �-���e=50° •�� r
� . ,
� •
In all bu�lding construction , sf�ade �p
s�a�� be cnnsic��re� in n�ass�ng and �� ���. � �,.
avera7� F�ei g�it eons�dera�i on. ttot-- , � >'� "°'
wit��standing, sun/sh�cie considerai�ons ; � I � ��� ,�
arc no t in i.�n de d i:o res tric t bui T dir g �����,�_��a+��� � "
h�ight ai �o��fances, but ��ath�r to '
in�l uc�nce i:he r��assing of bui 1 d�ngs. . � � �{--'�- •
l�m�ted f�eic�h�: excep�ions �nay be �'�yx._�?��;�:�v �
grani:cd to rnc�et th�s cr7teria. , .�����
. ��.�
. ;
�! �
• '
' Ad�itions ta �xisting bu�ldings may � �-T
be crea�ed �n several ways to avoid
exter�dinc� shadow pattern�s. � • ���`
, C��c�11�lf�.fi �i�r��Y1 _ �
� ��c����Y.cl �1"Dr11 �(I5�(�:.�
� �tlljGi 1)'fi
' � i�{,��l'
� � i lp!���� c°,Xt7�1i'1J
. �'JI� c�i��� ' ��`�' , i
. � � S , � k.� , �
� �1.� .,�/ "� � � i �%tia�;
' �I�� � � I�� �
. ' • �r;,. ; ;�1 �cr' 4,:'Sr�s2? � ' f��
: i � �I+ ; i j� � �� � r ' '1
i !il f:1 j,� � � � i �,�
�,,� �, i� �.,.� i i
. �
� '
. . � ^ ,
� 2� or � � � `
, ,�. +^''� j
� M�f!i�1 `�j � ... °i ; i ' �
. ' s�b 3���—�r � l' �''`-�'`�?.;'��;?s:'�r i �
7 �
, �� � � 1 � � lI � � { � . I
t?09l� � } � �
' i
� � ' ` �
. j '
� � . I I�II'�iji ' .�.���iII7Q V��� �
� � fl�;i�i �' �� U G.
• I �f�I �;� {� . '
� _'- _ ___ -
. � �"
� , •
. .A_�`�`'�
� _
� ` , } .
�!" .
����� • . .
Where visible, roo�s� are ofter� on� of
the �r�ost domi nant archi tectural el er�ents
in any bui��; enviranment. In tf�e V�17age .
� roofi fnrm, co�or and texture are visibly .
�oi,��nant, and general�y cansistent, which
�ends to uni€y the bi��7 ding di versi ty to , . •
a great degree. . �
7i�e curr�nt expression, and obj�ctive, �
fior roofs �i n t�e Vi 1 T age i s f�.o form
a consist�ntly unifying baci�drop for '
i�he arc�itecture and pedestr�an � .
streei:scape, and to avo�d ��acfs wh�ch
tend to stand out indSv�dua77y or .
di strac� Vi5Uc1� �y �Ft^OfTt the ov�ra] 1
char�cter. � ::��`�
�::�:: :::�
� �
� �00� �01"TiIS ,n�-�--�r�-,-�-*
�rl'` �::; i
Raofs within Lhe Viilage are typically • ,��'���''�=,;;�;`��'�����'�'�'�---
gab1e in fnrrrr and oi� modera�e-�;o-low u { ��
pitc�. Shed ��oofs are fre��en�tly - ' �
uscd for sma� l additions �o �arger :�'--,�:�`�.�.�.��
• .,� .�..� . �_ ..::�
� bui 1 di nc�s. F►��e-stand�ng shed -�---_ '"" -
raofs, buii:erfly roofs ar�d flat ' _
raofs, can be found in the Village
but they are gen�rally co�sidered
to E�e out of cha�°acter and i napprop-
ri a�e. F�i p rooi's l i�:ewi se are rare
and �enera�7y inconsistent 4•rith the
character o�f i;l�e Core Area. Towers
� a re e x c c�t i o n s, i n b o�L h �o rm a n d ---�r����-- ��:;:::::::::.::::.::�:;.�:::•�
p i i:c f7, t o ,t h e g e n e ra i c r i t�r i a , b ut . �-�:��-.���r�:-'`.=-`""` . -liY....,:.4..::.'.,...'•;.';....,1
do I�ave an estabi i shed laca� � �� ��`==`'��''�
vei��acu�ar sty�c ��rh7cf� sliould b� o `_---� '
respected. . �
��_:�; -
--•--� .
C�NCI� t�;i►�P�;� .
. .�,..
. ;
; ;
. �
. ,�
' Pi�ch
Roqf s�ope5 in the UI��age typically � � �^�
range from 3/12 to 6/12, wi�h slight7y �
stceper pi�c�es in �irn�t�d applications. •
� Again, far visual consistency this � �
, ��i►ge�era3 3/12-6/i2 range shoulci be : 3�1� 'ro 6/+x s��
pr'eserved. (5ee Construction be�ow. j
.� �._.�.�
Overhan s � �
GenProus roof overliangs are also an ,
es�:ablish�d architectural fea�:ure in �
the Vi17agC - a traditiana� ex�treS5i0n �����
of shel ter in� a3 pi ne envi ronr��ents. '-� :';:�::::..:::�:�.�; �
� Roo� overhanc�s typ�ca�7y ranc�e fr�rn . �. .: � . :��"r::•:;`�:-"�'r`'
3 to 6 feet or� a11 edges . Speci�i c 'k��' :: �3'��' '
desiyn cons�c�erat�on siiou7d b� given � ' �
to �rotec-�7on of pedestrian ���ays ' .
adjacenf: i:o bt�i�d�ngs. Tee fa31 s, • �
SfIOW �Zicies, ar�d ru��nff hazar�ds can _ . ----
be reduced by roo� orienta��on,
��tters, arcades, ei.c.
OvErltiang c�etai 3 s are treated vri th °�
• varying cicar�ces of ornan�entatian. �r:
Structura� �l�n�ents such as. roof beams
a��e exp�°esscd beneath the aver�;angs , -- "`� -
� simply ar d�carat�ve7,y carved. The
'� roaf fascia is thic�: and ti•ride, giving ��'a� �rn�i
a suhs-tantial edge i:o �he roof. - �TY��
Cam�osi�i ons
The i ntri ca te roofscape oi' ti�e Vi� 1 age
as a +�Y�ole is the resuit of many in-
d�vid��al s�m;��e raof configu►�ations . .:.�:�:::=�'`��.
i.,'��. ;�h�'_w'�a-;+
For any sinq�e �ui1ding a varied but �� � �
�„'"�:��::::�;:���������_;�:-. �-�.:::�� �
s�mple coina.�ositian o� roof �lan�s is
pr�ferred �:o ei�her a s�ngle ar a .
compl�ex arr•ange�t�ent of many roof�. As �,�e sr,yf� ��� a�+� �c�.�r4� �r�,� �r� r���.
indi vidual roofs becoizie more com�l ex { F�, �' ' y
t}�e roc��' at.tracts vi sual a�:tenti or� ' �`r�{"'`"�
a��ray f3,oir� t}�e streetscape and �he tota� .
roofsc�pe �:ends toti�:�3rd "husy;ress" rat:her .
tl�an a backdrop co��ipasit�or�. . C���l�.� rra� �:�.�I���,:_ .
�l$4tC� �;�';':`y'�,�
_ - , ���•�'.�
�r�� �..,,.,: . .
. ���-��-.��-�--_--,—��1��_._�._
� �_�. _ _�_.
� .�s:�
:; .
. �
. �
Si;�ji�d _f2o0f S .�.-.�-..-""'..
11s buildings are stepped to refiect
x3 g grac3e chanc�e5 , resul ti nc� roof �
'n :��:;;:::;:;::
haul d be n�ade where the hei�ht �:;:::.;:::.:�:
::.:::�: ���:��-.••-�-•-_
� cYrarlc3e wi71 be visua�ly s�`-���1eCa�tear ������
Variations which are too su PP
tQ �e more stylist�c than f�nct�onal ,
� and out of character with the �10ical �
straight-�or�lard ruof design �y{�
in the V��lage. �--
� . fk.��h✓t��`�' ���'''���:-;•::�_���.�:�•
�=��f�,����������.��`����=�� � ..
. ' ' 'Y^-^� •''' �•�
. ':
. . . . . ' _ � " •.ti1
-r�•'T*T�w!:. J1
_�.� -��.r.'P�h'.4'-=���� •-_�-.�� l ' __�_r+J3�J�i�i_�•�+�J
t�lat�r�als � �
Wood-shakes, wQOd sh�ngles, �nd buil�-
up tovr and c�ravel ar� aln�ost exc1usive3y �
used as roof ir�ater�a�s i� tf�e Vi�lage.
(Sce Constr�tction beloti�. ) For visual
consist�ncy as�y oi:her maf.erial5 should
�ve �:ne ap�?earar�ce a� Y.h� aba f�.
. Construction .
Ca3nmon roo� prob�ems and des-ign con- �
siderations in this clirna�;e incl �de: '
-. sno�4s17des onto pedes�ri�r� walks �
-- guttcr5 fre{�zing
- roflf dams and water infiitra�ion
- h�av,y snow loads '
Car�{'ul d�:�.Lflt'IOTl to �h�se i�«nctianal �
� c�etai3s ']5 recomm�ndecl, as weli as
familiarit;y ��f�th the local bu-iic��ng
. code, prov�n corrstruct�an de�ai�s , �
and town ordinances.
�or t���i� t-up roofs , {7i f:ches of Q/12
or stee��er do nfl�: ho�d grave� �•re� 1 .
For shi ilgl e r•c}afis , pi�cl�es af �/�2
or sh�11 n��rer oi�ten resu�t �n i ce
darns and bar.E;f�ow le<3kage uE�der ' .
�:�'1E S�l�llE�7C'S. '
� . •
S �
' Cold-roof construction is strongly
preferred, unless warm-raofi�benefits . . a�r veN4
for a specific a�p� icatian can b� , afr�Ge �
demonstrated. Cold-roofs are double-
r�fs 4rhich insulate and �revent snow �lyu� �.�
��t fror�� in�ernal building heat. By s�,,, -� �,�� �
� retain�ng snow on tne roof, many of . ��r�-��r�' _ ���
the problems �is#:ed can be r�d�,ced. . ' -.� T��=''1�`�1:
" Periodic snow removal will be required ,� _.�-
and shoul d be an��ci pated i n the �— �S��f•
design. ' � ve►� . �nsulafi.� a�� wc��`��e
Roof gu�:ters tend to. �ce-�n comp�etely C'� �°�����, �%y�N �ir
and become �neffect�ve in the Vai1 �ar�l�k�'-c-p5 i�srd�,�.�;,�
cllmate, esp�c�ally in shadetl north- �� � ��� �`rOrn �et{-Vrg�-;�e�
side �oca�ions . Heating the in�erior `+�� on �'f� ra�
circu�i�ference w7th �eat-tape eTemen�s .
or other dev�ces is generally nec- � '
�ssary ta assure adequate runoff
con�ra] i n col cier r3ian�hs .
� �
� • ,
� � •`'`!�_��
' FF!"i�,/l-���� . .
�ucco, brick, wood {and glass} are the .
� primary building materia�s found in the �
Vi l i age. �lf�i 1 e not wi si�3 ng to restri ct
' design �freedom over-much, exisfiing •
condit�ons show tha�: wi�hin this sma11 �
range of m�aterials mUCh variation and �
individual �t�y are possible wh�le pre- � •
serv�r�g a basic har�rior�y. Tao many
diverse mater�a�s +rreaken the continuity
and repetitior� c•lf�ich unif�es the street-
Ofi' th� �bove materials s�ucco is �he �
mos� consisl:ent�y used n��terial . .
Most a�f �t�e bu�ld�ngs in tf�e Vi�lage
exhibit some stucco, and �here are -
Y71"�.u�lly no areas whG►,e si:ucco is
entir�e�y absent. It is int�r�ded ta
preserve the dominance of st�acco-by
its use in portions , at least, of a�l
new �acades, and by assuring �hat other
� materials are nat usEd to �he exclusion
of stucco in a�zy sub-ai��a within tne
� V�llage. �
Color '
There �s grEater lat�tude in th� use of . .
calor in the V�l�age, but s�i�l a
disceri��b�e coi�sistency with�n a genera7 . .
range of colors.
For ►��oo� sur�'aces, trir3� or sidi�g, darker�
color tones ar� pre�erred - browns, greys>
blue-greys, �ark oliv�, s1a�;e-greens, etc.
5t�cco colors are genera�ly lign� - wh�te�
be7ge, ��ale-go1d, or atl�er ligf�t past�7s. ,
Dther 1igl�t colors could be appropr3ate, .
� d5 C01151 C��1°ed on a case--vy-case basi s. . ' �
Brighi. col ors (red, orangc, bl t�es, � .
maroon, etc. } shoul d be ��voided �for
major w{�7� p3an�:s, but can t�e used
eff�ctively (with restra�int) �or , .
dc�corat�v� trii�z, ��al � g�����h�cs , ,and ,
othc�r accent clr-.men�s (see E. Accent
� �1cEnenf.� ) � .
� ��.�
' Generally, ta avoid bnth "busyness" , and
weak visual interest, thE varie�y a#' � > >;� s � I( I! f ! E � � I [
maja'r 4ra� 1 co�ars {ar�d mat�rials - kji fl ; �; �
exc1uding glass} sY�o�ld not, exceed four � � '��r ��f� `�
nor be less than two. • 1 � ,�
. . '� . _ _� �
��. ._�.co3or/r�iateria1 change 6etween the • - � Y ,R� � _.i�-�_{}�_
flaors is a �: - - - � �
. or and u er ; . �
gr�ound fia PP �� . . . _ .
conm�on anci e�'fective reinforcement ' �
of the pedestrian scaie of the street.
�frans�arenc� �
Pedestrian scale is created in many ways,
but a ma�or factor is tf�e openr�ess, .
• attr�activeness, and g�nerally public . - . .
character of �he gro�nd ��oor facade �
. p� ac�jacen� bui �dings. 7ransparent
si;o►°e tronts are "�eopl e a�trac�ors° ; ,
opaque oi� so�id ��ralis are rnore private,
in�ply ��c�n E�at appro�ch" .
On pe�esi:rian-or�ented s�ree�s such as ,� � �ypper-�:�r� �-cd,�n��.,fer7
z n f:he Vi 11 age, g1°ound fl onr commerci al d S�paque ��w��:��a f�u�,�r,�,�
f�cades are ���oE�ortianate7y more trans- : ;"; , ,,., + �'��r,. �
� �a rent �.��a� upper �l oors . EJpper fl oors � �; % � � ��
r ci al l n�ore res�d�n.��a1 ri va�e � __._ � —
aetyp y , p -
a��d �.hus less op�n. ? , ���';�''
: � (I , .
( , � �
� , f � �� r '� ���-- r' ��� ', �'.�
�� ' ' �„/ �l�1. 1 � 7� r
� . . . .� _ ��� � '���, -�� -(�.�..'cL[�� :f , �t
. _........�_�, �
`��P�;t�� -�;!,b,�5 j�r��::n�;,;��.-.��
� � �la� �r::��ali p�,-c�..���
• a4 of�vc irwf��al5.
�--�--- --- _�� �,
. . �__ _ f_ �; if
. - ;° r'tt � �;__ :� , __ i I
;- ,,.- -
�i . .
. - �
�.<:; :�
KS �a measure at transparency, the niost �
' characteris�ic and successfu7 ground
�f�oor• fiacades range frorn 55% to 707 q �. o �,o
� t � �5/��7u!o
of t�e tota� Tength of the Co�z�mercial � � ', G �{� o���#a�
facade. U��per f�oors are o{ten tt�e . .-f�, �---L-�� �ata,�s�act
converse 30,�--45/ transparent. . ����i��� . -�T=. i-
. �� �'=-� �'�.: :.3��:
� � � �r:�'� :- ;:;•_. � .
�:i . •
� �' �';:'�'f�?:. � " ��ht�:
. _�'-ac�.�._
Examples of tran5parency {� ineai - . �
feet ot' g�ass to ] inea7 feet .� t,�.e
of facade) on ground 1eve1 . �� W�.��14 �
- Covered Bridge �idg. �58%
- P�pi 's Sparts 71% � �
-- Gasthof Gramsha���mer 4$% .
- �he Lfldc�e fi6%
- Ga�den Peak Ho�se 62% � '
- C�sina 6ui7ding � 30% �
� - Gorsuch Quilding 5�% '
Wi ndovrs
�.n additior� �:o t�e general d�gree of -
transpa�°er�cy� 4V1I1C�OL�r deta7is are an
impoi�tant sourc� of pedestr9an sca�e- ,
g�v�ng e7emcnts.
Th� size and sh��pe of 4�rindaws �r� of�en
a response to i:he fu�ictSar� afi the street , �j �
�cijacent. For close--up, casual pedestrian
�ew7ng �•lindoti�s are typ�cally siz�d, to . `�
human�siz�d c�irnensians ar�d characterist�cs �;�. �
af t�um�n visi�n. (Large g1�-�ss--GVall s�ore-
. fronts suggesi: un�nterr��p�e� viesving, as � _ _ _ 4 °
� from a mov�ing car. The se��se of in�i�na�e ,��" ;,,i�
pedestr�a�� sca�e �s dir��nisi�ed. ) Gro�nd -�.
�loor d�splay windows are typically .�
rais�d sliqhtly 1B feet � and da nat .
ex�end rnuch over 8 feet above �h� walk- ----
way leve� . Ground f�oars w��ich are
r�oticeahly abav� or belo+i� grade arQ ,�------�T
er,cepti ons. � ,- � t a
, � ��,�i
. ,
� � �
' The �rt�culation o� tf�e windovr itself ���Y�� !�'U����
�_ _ . ----- t�civ��olar
is s�ill another element in giv�n� - - _1--� ---.I-�_�_���. ` w�n a.�s
gedestri=�n scal� (hu€nan-related dimensions) . _ ; ���f�L��
G�ass areas are usually subdivid�d �o ' � � '�-�--; � ��1�
II� -� � i ndi vi dt�al Uri ndow el eEnents - and are 6m� � ' -� I� �- ` �
t `- �
� sut�di vi ded by mul� i ons inta smal l �ar�ey ���,^ ;I_-��__ ' �-����. �
� panes - wf�ich is res�on��b le fo�' m u c h o f �.�--=----- �---
�h� old-world charm af the Yillage.
Similar1y, windows are most of'�en a�o�d �y-�����z'� +^�''�t'{'b"
clustered in banks, jux�aposed with
pla7n wall sur'face5 to give a pleasin9 -- :.. _� .-� :-�
o� sin 1e ' �:�I '
Horiio�tal repetitia� 9 �� �:.
thm. �'j �'� �)?��i �=•� ����
r�y esp-ecially aver long '-:, ;:� � �� .;. . ,
ments :`�;:•_.r �:;� �+
Win�aw ��� should be avoid�d. "�' - -�
dl 5�.d11C�5 , �~="� . ` �`--- _`��
� ��-�"`�._.�
. • , _ 1 `=�
. , e. _._._.._ --
u:_:�,--�.---, 'r,�:
��;�:,: :,5�'�'.�:�� ..__ .:}'..�
� � :�E�. h •�,{r:•
. ..'.'.'..'.:".h'''"•''''"� Jir f�{{:.
•.'1„°.".'.'.'."�'."-','•' `\/ � �—� •
� :.�.'�.�.�.::..;1::.':.' 1 .
:::�::.�.r:�.•.� �J�'•�'� A � �.
...,�-�---_- --�
.�-- � �_ -.
. - -�.1 1 r` -- � •
. _ _:___ � -` � -..
� � . � ' � .
--_�--:------------� ..�—._—_..�
�Large s i ng7 c pane wi ndot�rs occur �r� t�ie aV� (n;�� c��-rnr� F3�� �r�� �
� Village, and provide some co��tras�, a� � _ �
�_�, �
� �or�g as f:h�y are yeneral�y consis�:�n� - -
.�:.,-.;.-::,..:�Y::-.:..•.-.�::��•`�:�:=:�::=•'.� �,
��1s . Long ';f;::::'���:�:::��:��`:�:•.�,
�'or�n wi t�� oi:her ti•r3 nda .�.�
in f�a��acter. `�-'��������- .�'��" -
conti nuo�as gl ass i s out o� c :::•::..::• - -
��_�"~ �'�
�-_ ~�.
` _` _���_~'
. .._�--.,-�-
Bay, bati�r and f�ox windows are co�r��an �
���:._:�_, - � �---_
tirirzdo��r �ic�.ails , wt�tich furt�ier varietY �-..---�w.�-
and ma5sing .to �aca�es - and are �'�"� � '; �'fi i I ---�,
'� � „'
encour�c�c�d. �j �: i; "�
; �� � ��,
Y� � `� - —:rf:
.,._ �--__-
. E�.-� ba�
� � . . � �__�� . .
, ��� �
� . • i '� ,' t� '.��
� .•{y'A^fi° ,
�s ��
4�'� �
�eflec�ive glass, p�astic panes , and
aiuininur�� or oth�r meta� frames are not '
co�nsistcnt in t�e Vi17ay� and should
be avoided. Metal--c7ad or p�astic �
;� c �rood frames , having t��e appearance • �
_ �inted waod have been use� success-
fully and arE acceptabie.
Doors � �
� Like windows , doors ar� �mpflrtant to
character a�d scal��g�ving arch��ectural •
elesnents. They should a3so b� somev�ha�
- �ransparent (on r�taiZ com�iercial .
� facades) anc� consis�:�nt in detailir�g �
with windows and ather facade eiements. •
��oors wi th g�ass corl�:ri bute ta avera�l� �,,, ��K ��7-�in,
facade tr�nsparency. n�e ta �the . � • .
vi sil�i 7 i ty of peapl e and ���rchandi se -`��'��� � °
� ;,:-��;�. � �,.�
�.;�.�;.i �_ Gli ��`� �.il �jo�-�
inside, vr�i7i�owed doors are somcti�hat �-�r.-��r
more e#�fective in dravr�ng �eopl� inside ' ��.:��;..�, � ar�,culafi� S�.f��a:�
tc retai 1 comm�rci a1 �acades. A1 though ��'�'��''
� _.
gy��at variations exist, 25-30;� � ���
transparency is �elt to be a min�mur�
� trans�arency abjective. Private
resider�ces , �odges, restauran�:5 , and
• other non-rei:ai7 establ �sf�ments have . �
���crent visibi1i�y and eharact�r
�``c:cis , and doors sl7ould be designed
accord�nyiy. Sic�elight tiv�ndows are �
al so a mea��s of �r3trocf�c�ng daor-
transpareney �s a comp7emenl; or sub- � � • �
s��t�►�:e for �oar windows.
� �
.�..,A-- .
� 3
Qrticulated doors have the dECOrative �
quality des� red for Vail . �lush doors,
�-:.-.-,�.--- �-
l�ght aluminum frames, p�ast�c aPpli�ue z:`��:;:.`����f �-�,�n dar.� r.`:�- �--���
t::: �:::;*.:•.,
, �-..,_.,,.,... I
' ele►nents all are Gonsidered inappropriate, i ai,:��::�: y�'��� I �";��
' 1.';ii _' E'��v IfF-1-�1 v�}• ♦
..�f':;;€; � �``� � �T23m�'
�•' •`'�' r^Me�IC � ❑ c�Yl�
� `�:;:I'�_�;�::.;� � � pa��l
� � Y� � ::_•.:::�: .
. —:,� r �r� -:•� �t.:::' ��,,���
:;;::_'t,, �'-%;'.•.:��'�, �O�IU�
'`# ���.?� i./r.,.,J.
. ��:', �::�L:;.. t11i,�c�j'
_ , `,-�r� '_'�':�
��.� s�_j.�,: �t1��(�.
° �1�r�� :_i."•''- ` '
�—.-� �>.^�: :'i -
� � dui-�(a �I;� : ...��
. �: �:.•:::�:: r_� .
� o Y��
� , ; - ;;i ;; , .
. :y;: �'�. d...�a'u1o4�1
. � .; �
:i�:: :!� ���u
- � � �:{:..;;�I
. I •',�.1._._.i�_ .
� . .. ♦ '
NO'FE: Securi�:y �s an impotntant design _
consid�ra��on in Vai� . Dead-
bol�: locl:s are encaurag�d. . .
���};S , apor hancfl�s and g�ass
should all be designed to
discourage brea€c-ins.
Security-d�,sign disc�ss�ons wi�h the
Tawn po7ice sta�f are encouraged.
As an express�on o� entry, and � �
� she7 i:ered «el com�, {�rotected entry-
� ways are cnco�rraged. Doo���rays may ;
be recessed, extend�d, or covered. . � �:�:'.-T,� x�,
. . .:' ���� ��::�
��: -
--�:.rr'.:::.-,:`:`.::i�.� _
, r�.����,� ex�e��d��� ��v�r�-
7ri m
Prominenti wood trim is also a unifying •�
feature in the Village. Particularly : :�=,:�� - .. .�'�''';�:--- '- :
� ro�lnd floor ievels, cioors and � ` � � i �
a� 9 GI a rk�-- �; I
t;n:�uvrs have strong, contrasting WDod I
-�rj ri� i }
�+e���l or-Fac�d�s) fr�sm�ng ei ements, i ;�
` 'e the vari ous el ements _ __� .__ ' �� ��'���
�ti+tt�lcl-i ti -- - '_. --�-;: I
toge�h�r i n one conzposi ti on. �Ji ndows
d �s stron visual -
� doors
are t 9
f r
d •ai� in o
i et
Glass 9
res. .
ei�her is typica�ly avoided.
. .
, . ,
�-• �
� .
?z. '�
� ��C[t� �►�D PA�"���
qit�ing cl�cks �nd patios, when proper1y �
desiyned and sited, �ring �eo�i7e to
t�e stree�ls> apportuniti�s i:o look and �
��o���� a�;, and generally contribute
• to the liveliness af a bu5y stree�- .
. ��k�ng a ricf�er ��edes�rian ex�erience
than �if tl�ose s�reets were empty.
A review of SUCC�SS�u� d�CI+SI�c��lOS
in Va�� revEal s severa� camn�on c�ar- ���`��'�, �r ���,��� �v���1d��
acteristics: � � '' � J
. -�o e�7c�;,'� �pa�e
. - di recf: sunl�ght �rom �3 :00 - 3:00 � �i������,G��� �,�, �;i,��-.����tL�'�
. . , increases use by mar�y days/year �;�r �����,�j,� �✓ol�
and �rat�cts from wind .
• ��jL!'��a�L' E1'..'l:r'�Lffe I
� � elevateci feet to give views
into tl�� �edestrian walk (and �-� �;U�#�a•
not th� reverse) . 5,r�f '
- �u 'y G
- �hys7c}1 separa�:�on fraFn �ec�estr�an ti� ,�`�y ��` � ��
wal k o� to (pl ani:er� better thar� ��;'� c ` �-=�..�
� '1�;� Y }/ Gi rr;���;��"�a
� Wd�'� � i .�„q � f ,'�t��� ` �
. � ��� , �,, � t
� �, ����
� overha�g g�ves pedestr�an sca��/ !� i
sh�l ter. ��n.w a��,� �'�.-^=i:�� '�
. . � � -�,_�.:;:-�z 1 j�I, ..����
� �.�€Y��':_____J
ec�:s and pai:i�s sf�oul d 6e si ted and ;4i
f�signed 4a�i�.h d�e cons�dera�:ior� �o: _ � ��'�-
�_�� �
�.�.�,.�.�°.�. _� � ;c�� �. ��f.
���, f: �_ � I
.. S�� � views
�- wir�d - pedestrian activi�y i . , � . .
� . . .
. ���
�;`;•:, �
���������7 � .
Balconi�s occ�r on almost a�l bu�ldings ..—
in_ the V�1 ]�ge which i�ave at leas� a
��c'ond 3eve1 facade wai � . As strong �--.._.-_
��t�tive �eatures Lhey: �!
�� �,� i'
� - give scale to bui1d�ngs � ' ' �:�•--�
- give i i fe to the stree� �when used) � ,,,����! � -'f�f
- add variety to bu�1d�ng forms "•��-:°`�` �j
- provide sneiter �o p��hways be7ow. � I
The pro�i7i nance o� ba�cony for3ns i s due _ � ---� �
to severa7 fa7rly co�unon charac�erist�cs: ��t
� • '`�
. � � -�
Coi or � . �
�'liey cantrast �n cnlo�° {dark) wi�f� the - �. '� � � - " � ' ' ����c ��c^�
bui 1 di n9� �J'P�cal l y matc}�i ng the trim �, ' r(1,�,,Jjr�i '• !,:+ �;;,i„i ,� �,:,,E r�, ,
colors {se� Facad�-Col or). . - _: :� ;i. ��c,�1ru�
��=� � �-�y
_.__"�" �:�,.° f� ,;; � � � i�ia' I� � : �d::�;,�!"P',ANL�
. ��13 ��s i� s5��� ,.�`� I�e �
�� �r�,. 1 �r. � t�` . '.. � /
S7 Z� �:r !i � ^ r �j-f��1��.% :'p�.�,('i1iY ��J�t,t2�5
• c��<%c:=�`�ILr��'!�� .� �✓m �Jrlr�!►��
They ex�;end far enough fro��� the bu�1 di ng , • ����,��.�����, �
ta cast a pr�oi�inen� sl7adaw pat�:ern. , -- . .
�alconies in Vai� are func#:ior7al as we11 .
� decora�ive. As s�ch, tncay sf�ou�d be
o-F usea��l e s i ze and �ocated t.o encourage
use. �alco��ies l�ss than six feet deep
are seldor�i usedy 110F" are t��ose always .
�in shade, nat or�ented to views or �
� str�et 7i�e. �
�'lass ...�—__.. �.._. ,.� �L�',r',;�t1 r'S �v �e
. . . ,;�♦f;.,�� , ���. .
�?��t�':�::':�;�� �i:�::s. r �
. �hc�y are com�zon�y «�assive y�t sesni-�rans- • � � , �'e�`���°"7`��r
paren� di sti«c�i ve #'rom t�c b�i 1 d�ng ��: i- ��� �� �:'�''T��P� ��`��
, ,
-i i
yet a]1 owi ng the bu�1 d�ng �:o b� sor�eti4�}�at %'% ;�:� � a ;:'?;r��i�i�� .
';'', '''� �",''
vis�b�e l�ch�r�d. So1id balcflnies �are � w;-r.• ?.� '' � � ���r.n{��h ts
found occasionaily, and tend to �e toa :';�;;. ` � �`��"' � ��r;�;tif:
. ., , :.:,.< -.�;;;,.. ' i,nr�
do�ninani: obscurinc� the bu��ding arci�i- :''��%,": -';,i> ' -�,• �• �
�,;.�r:�-�,.��,:. ,:�_ .�i/'—
tectur•e. Light l�a�conies 7ack the ; ,
visual im��act which ties the 1�il �ag� .
�ogether. �
r( r_jt� �,��,,.� .
.'>�';n�'�� �r`'`�; j��,,l�i�l
t;'" •� ����� � I�N,�I ��.'�'J,
� � ► : ; : .�_. _.��:.,
. . � ; �1 ..� �
, , . � , , � ,��
► � ` � ; , ,�t:; ;
_ _.�,. _�___�
� _ . ���t� . _.�T^G� r.�.:;;�r�__ -
._._.....��. �..� .,.�-------.--�-
� ��
, � ,
Wood ba�cor�ies are by far the most ' �
common. Uert�caT struc�:ura] memberS ���a,�jy
e �he most darni r��n� vi suaT �y, often �-�-----__.____._- ,
� -===-=-;�.:�__-------,
carat�vely sculpted, pecorat�v� j � y
wrought iron balcon�es are a�so ' � I
cons�s�;ent visually wher�e i:he ver�ical � �
member-s are c]ose �nough to creat� �
semi-�:ransparency. f�i pe ra3 3 s� and •
plastic, car�vas ar g7ass panels sl�au�d
be avo�ded. '
, �� , -
. . c�racr�kf lra�
Canstr��c�ion �
. • �.
Ganti levered be�rns , beains extend�cf �p � � —� �
s�p�orL. the �alcony, ar� mos� often
vis�l�7y expased on t}�e undersid� o� •-�-,�;�-�_;'—`�'-�-� ;_ ��'
�___;.�.� —'� �_�.� ;��
ba1canies. �s su�h #;f�ey are an � ��� I�! " j � � j ;�j����� ,
exq�ression of si:►�ucture and tie tF�� . �,'�'I�`�'j .� �� ; Ii� ��l`�j<�, €
,� � � ;i �r rf .
co��es � I �
� to i i�e b u��7 d�n g v i s ua 17 y. . �' �'��:��� : �,---��,E� ; f
� =-�`�'�-�`��r,�� �
, _' __—_._� :��� � �
��?lC�� r�f ���rclG�ttre� �
� . �
. . , . �f
.� ' ,
_ �.'z
' s�sr�Mn»
� ACCC�T ELE����'� •
7he life, and festive qua� ity of the
� Y7�lage i5 giver� by judicious use of . .
. a .Eenti elements which give colar,
,,vfirnent and contras� to the Vi 1l age.
� Colorf�l accent e�ements cons�stent wi�h �
ex�sting c�arac�;er are encouraged, s�ch . �
as: ' �
Awr�i ngs artd canopi es -- canvas , bri ght
colar or str�pns of two co�ors.
Fiags, t�anners - hanging from
� � • 6u�1 di�lgs , �07 es , and even across � ,
str�ets for specia1 occasions . �
U�nbrellas - over tabl�s an outdoor
� patios . . •
Rnnual cfl�or f7owers - in beds or in •
� pl an�:ers. .
Accent ligh�ing - l��ildings, plazas ,
w�ndot-1s , �rees (even Cf�r�istmas
� 1 �ghts al l w�n�:er) .
Pain�ed wa73 grapl��cs � coats of . .
, arms , symbols, accent�compasitions, .
1=ountains - sc�l{�i;ura7 , w� th both
� win�er and s�irnmer character.
� .
: ,�.
;, �
1 '
������A�'� ���I��d�NTS
Landscape cons�derations inc�ud�a bl��e �
go beyand, �f�e placement af apP � .
_����t materia1s. Lar�dscape considerat�ons
i�ue: .
• - plant materials , _
- paving .
- retaining Hra�ls ' -
- stre�f: furn7t�re� tbenches, kiosCcs, .
trash, etc. }
- ligf�ting � .
_ signaye �
P7ant Materials -
Opportunities �or pl�nting. are� no� .
exi.ensive in �:he Village, which �laces
a pren�ium on the p�ant select�on and , . -
design o#� the sit�s tha� do exist.
Fr�zir�e��rorl; pian�ing of �r�es and sr�rutss
shou�d include botii deciduo�s and
evergreer� spc�ci.es i�or year raund
r.ontir�uity and 7nterest. ,
�Eat�ve p�ants are som�t�rf�ai. 1 i�ni ted i n
var3ef;y, t�ut �re cl �ar�y b�5t aU3e i:o
withstaric� i:l�e harsh w�nter cl imate,
��,nr� to �:ie the Vi� l�c;e v�sua77y with .
�.ts ��o���italr� setting. .
5on�e ty��i cal 7 ocal pl an�; n�a�:eri al s -
� inc�ude: •
� Trees
Nar�row-�c�af cottan��rood �
f3a1 sam popl ar �
�.odgc�pQ7e pine -
Goi aracfo s�aruce
5�f�a1�i ne f�r , '
Si�rul�s �
Id i�1 at�� .
• 5ervicet7erry �
!I1 pi ne currat�t .
Muqho pine � .
Potent�ll� �
I3c��'faloE��rry .
� '
- .'t�q�_..n,
. �°., .
. b�'.:;��, .3.
,. �
., �8 V 1 Il�, � '
�he �reeze/thaw cyc�e at th� s altitude
virti�ally eliGx�inates comn3on s�te�cast
cflncrete as a paving surface (cancrete .
{i{�h-strengtt� concrete may
ected conditions . Aspfialt
t�rick (on cancrete or on �and) , and
• concrete Y�lock appear to b� best ��ited
to tfi�e �rea. �
�� general , paving treatmer�ts shauld be
coordi nai.ed wi th that of t�le publ�c .
{�.p.W. adjaccn�. �he 7oti�n uses �he
fol�owinc� ma�erials for all new
canstruc�ion: . .
� � �- asphalt -- general use pedes�rian �
• stree�;s .
- brick o� concrete - �'ea-�ure areas �
(i3lazas, interscctio;�s, fioUntains, .
etc. }
Retaining_�a�7s .
� R�tain�ng �,�alls i:o raise plan�:ing area
often pro�ects i:he 1 andsca�7e �rom
�3�destri��tns and snoti�;p�oti��s , ��d shaul d
- • �,;:ating opport�nities:
-�ti�a �ype; of' materi al are al r�eady W���°
estab�ish�d 1n tht Vi11ag� and should
bc u�:i 1 i zed i'or co�}�:i nu�i ty. - -
- 5p�7t-��G� n�' �c�n��:1"lijllp5�t"EE.'�S
�l��c��]� CDT"� � _
��,y�71Cd� �
- rounded cQbble hidden mortar -
-�n op�n s�s�ce areas i#� above typ� �
no�� a�7°eady �stabl i s13ec� nearby. • -
(exa:i�pl e: �oti�n of Va71 entry wa�� )
� Wood ��et�ining ��,a11s are St1�Qnq�y ��S"
� courag�d c�«e. to cieterinr�tinnayabeed .
� l�y tt�e f�a.rsf� cl�»�at�. 71�cy . � .
effectivc�l�7 +�sed.ti4ii.h ap},ropria�e
� deta�i7in�1 to resist rot �7nd express
Craffi.ed joint conc�i�.ions. . .
��-- _ � ,
. �-�
� .� �
, �iyhting
L�ght standards shou�d b� coordinated
with those used by �he Town in the
pub7ic R.O.W. .
��.�--'��:�a .
� aefer �o Town of Va71 Signag� Ordinance. .
Co�orful annuals are used 3n key •
lacations 'throughout the Village ta •
accent ped�s�riart areas�, high� i�ht
build�ng entries, and as �Zaza focii.
�hes� color accents can be prav�ded
in: . '
- reta�ned planting beds �
� - flaw�r boxes '
. - hanyinc� pots , �askets • . �
- ground beds � •
��f .
� • .
. -���.;
;=x° `
.�--- - - .
, � •
�ra�h•handling is extremely sensitive �
in a pedestr�an enviror�me�t. TrasY�
callect�on is przmar3ly n�ade �n off-
�eak t�aurs. I� �s tf�e bu?1dir�9 —i
nwner� �,ponsibility to assure t�at t� � -
E �
� �rash st;orage problems ar� • �
� + .'. �,
correcte.� and future ones avoided. �-:---� ��G�.`fYE ������
, . (,tyt�.!'aff CLk'IGti;�'r"�
- ;l;r.�.���V bl��C'��''� •�
� � r;���:'�rcr,�c�t����euu�{��
e+�a��r� fDr�r
- ' C�a�:��t°Gu`w►�o � .
. . . . Qd fa�t �iai fct t�9
Garbage, especial��� from food service
es'LaUl isk�inents r��ust be carefu7ly
considered, includ�c�g:
-- quan�i�:ies genera�ed '
� - pie.k--up freqt�ency/acr.ess � ,
� con�:ai»er s�zes
� enc3osure �aca�ion/design
��; odor irr�;�act.s
Garhage collection �oxes flr dumpsters
�nust be rGadily accessiblc for� col�
lection at al� t��nes yet fu� �y
screened i rom }�ut�l i c e�e��vel ewi ndaws
�;rians as well as upp .
in the vic�nitiy. ,
�9ater1al s
�� -fy�►� ;�,�. �.�����7ru�de
� Exterior ma�er�als for garbage en- �����e� �� ull��° :���
closures 5I1flLE�C� �)� consist���t Nrith . I ',:
�;f�at of adjacent l��iildirigs. '�►�ic�'c� • . � � �� :.
.��� �r ��!
Cons�rucl�ion E�t� c�if : ! � �_
Ux������r . ; �.i;l ,
f�urah3l i�:y of the structure and o�er- _���r. ,� _�—
abi 1 i ty of daors i n al 1 �,'�ai:her .are .
prin�e COi1C�l"[1S. h1e�a1 fr����fes and �osts � .
behind the >>rcferreci exi:erior �nater•i al s
st�ould b� co�7sidered to wit.f�stand the
i�eyitat�7e ak�use t��ese st.ruct.ures su�fer. �
� � .
. Maq 27 , 1980
�. ) Approval of Minu�es o� May 7.2, 1980 mee�ing.
�. ) Se�tback Variance Reques� �or Vigor Duplex loca��d on
Lo�G 31 , Vail Meadows Fila.ng No. 1. tWithdrawn by
Ap�licant. )
3. ) Cnndi�ior�al Use Permit to allow �he expans3.on o� �i�e
Red Lion Znn �n two phases. (Tab�.e at r�quc:st of app].icant. }
4. ) Side Setback Var�.ance Request �or P.A. Nove�ly an Lot 7 ,
block 1 , Vail [��llage 6th Filing.
�. ) Approval af Amended P1a� and Condo Map f or One Vai1
Place (Old Gondola T Building)
� May 27, 19$Q, 3:00 P.M.
l . ) App�ication far �ide Setback Variance for P.A. Novel�y
on Lot 7 , B3ock � , Vai1 Villa�e 6th Fil�ng.
2. ) Approva� of Amended plat and Condo Map for �ne Vai1
P�ace ( O�d Gondola � Building) .
_ ^
Minutes o� P�.annaing and Enviranmen�tal Cammz.ssion
Mee�ing of 5-27-80
M�mbers Present
Sandy Mills
Dan Corco�ran
Gerry White
Ed Drager
Roger TiZkemeier (came in during I�t�m #4)
Staf� Preser��
Jzm Rubin
Council Membe�r assxgned to a�tend PEC was not in attendance.
1. ) Approva]. o� M�.nutes o� May 12, ].980 mee�zng.
Sandy Mi�.ls made a mo�ian to approve the mi�utes of the
above me�txng. Ed Drager seco�d�d the motion. The �rate
was unan irrrous.
� 2. } Setback Variance Request for Vigo� Dupl.ex located on Lo� 3�_?
VaiY Meadows Filing No. 1 . Witlidrawn by A�plicant.
3. ) ConditionaX Use Permit to al�ow the expansion o� �he Red Lion
Inn �i.n -two Yiases. Tabl�d at re ueSt of the appl�cant .
�k. ) S�.de Setback Variance Re u.est for P.A. Nove1� on Lot 7
Biock l , Vai�. V�11a e 6th Filing.
Jim Rubin explained this i�em. He said there �as been a
change since �he memo �vas written. A recent survey sho�rs
the trees �o be in a dif�erent area tha� orig�.nally believed.
The applican� finds that he now needs a front setback a�nstead
o� a sa.de setback. The hardship is that to bui�.d the garage
elsewhere on th� lo� wou�d mean ctttt�ng s�veral t�ees.
The app7.icant said he didn' � have any further com►n�n�s other
�han that he will work with DRB and whoever else to rnake this
a very Iow pro�i3e project.
Dan Corcoxan saxd he does not wa�t to see the pad that is
there foar parki.ng now paved.
Gerry White said he sees no reason �or gran�ing a variance.
He said it is not �ea�1.y a underground garage bZ1t a one story
building. H� does no� �eel it is necessa�y �a build a garage
' PEC M.znutes
5-27-80--Page Twa
and aethestically it i� not pleasing. Trees would no� have to
be cut if they simply da.d not bui.ld a garage.
Jim Rubin said they do have tY�e right to build a ga�rage and could
just cut the trees w��hout comma.ng to the PEC.
L�d Drager made a motion for approval of the Sid� Setback Variance
Request �ar P.A. Novelly on Lot 7, ��.ock l, Vail Vi�.lag� 6th Fi1�ng
wi�h the amendment to a front setback variance instead of side,
acknowXedga.ng that -�ha.s is being approved because th� hardship
is the cutting a£ trees, therefore, n�a trees shou�d be cut �ox this
project. rn addition a memo should be sent to DRB saying that PEC
recamimends that they limit the pavi.ng in �ro�� of the dr�.veway and
not extend to pad �hat is pr�sently us�d for parking. A�.so ask them
to recnrnmend a landscape -treatment. Roger Tilkemeie�r seconded the
mota.on. Sar�dy, Roger and Ed voted for the mot�on. Gerry Whxte voted
agains� as he £e1� th�re was no hardship and no reason for granting
this variance as the gara�e did no� have to b� bui].t. Dan Corcoran
Dan Corcoran asked if the �r�es will s�ti��. dae. The applicant said
they had taZked with Howard Gol.na.ck and he did not -�hink the �rees
� would die.
Ge�ry White said he s�ill feels �hat the garage should not be
5. ) Approval o� Amended P�at ar�d Condo Map �or One Vai� Place
(OJ.d Gondola � Building) .
Jim Rubin showed the amended plat and he and Dan Corcoran
exp�ained about it . Ed Drager made a tnotion to approve
the amended plat as px�esented. �andy Mills seconded the
mo-�ion. Sandy, Ed and Gexry voted �o� �he motion. Dan and
Roger abs�ained.
Jz.m Rubin presented the Condo Map . Sandy Mills. made a mota.on
ta accept the Condo Map as presented. �d seconded �he mota�an.
Ed, Sandy and Gexxp vot�d �or the motion. Dan and Roger
�d D�rager made a motion to adjourn the mee��.ng. Dan Coxcaran seconded.
The vate was unanimous.
Tkae meeting was adjourned at 3: 20 P.M.
. '
DAT�: May 20, 1980
The ap�licant wishes �a in�rude 7.5 feet �nto the eastern sid�
setback on the �o� �o cans�ruct an underground garage for two
cars. The variance is xequested due to two mat�re trees to the
eas� of �he exist�ng house, which presently has surfac� parki�g
off of Forest Ro�di separated from the house. The applicant
wishes to preserve the trees and locate the �ara�� to the �ar
eastexn po�tion o� his lot .
Upon �eview o� Cri�er�a and Findin�s, Sec�ion I8.E2.060 0� �he.
Municipal Code, the Dep�a�tmen� o� Commun�,t�_ Development recommenc�s
approval of �he re uested Vaxian.ce �ased upon the �olldwing fac�ors:
• Consideration o� Factors
The �rela�ionship of the requestet� variance to otlier e�isti�ng ox
�otential uses and �structuxes a.n the v�:ea�nit�.
The lot �o the east is presently under corzstxuct�on for a hous�.
The p�an �or this house locates �.t on the eastern side of the 3.at
so that there wil� not be a prdblem with dis�anc� be�w�een the gaxage
and the new house.
The degree to whicY� re�ie� �'rom �k�e s�rac� or lxteral interpretation
and enforc�ment of a speci�ied xegu�.ation �.s necessary to achieve
compatibi�.i�y and uniformxty af treatrrient aniong sites in the vieinity
_ � . - -
or to attain the objectives of this title without grant o�_ speci.al
privile��. �
A physical hardship is demonstrated here in the �a�� of ���stence
af mature trees. it is �h� s�aff ' s objectiv� to save. natural
vegeta�tian to as grea� an ex�ent as possxbI.e and the var�.ance
reqt�es� �.s cons�sten�t with other approva�s for simi�ar variances
in the Tawn.
The effect of th� reques�ed varian.ce on IigYit and air, distribu�ion
of populat�an, �:ranspar�a�ion and traffic fac�iities , pub�.ic
- - - --- - --- -
�acili�ies and utilities,_ _and �ublic sa�ety.
� The granting of this request removes sur�ace parking in view
when one drives Forest Road and puts th�se cars. in an und�rground
PEC Memo--NoveXl.y
Page Two--5-20-$0
� ,
Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems a plicab�.e
�o tl�e p�oposed variance.
The P]anna.ng and Environ�ental Commissa.on shalT �nake the �nl�.ow�ng
finds before �rantin� a va_riance: �'
Tha� �he �ranting af the variance wilX not consta:tute a gran�t of
specia�. priv�.lege inconsistent wi�h �he �xmita�tions on other
proper�ies class�fied a.n the same district.
That �he granta.ng of the variance will not be detrimental �o �ha
public health, safety, or �ve�.�a�e, or ma�erially injurious �o
properties or improvements in the va.cini�y.
That �he var�.ance is warranted for one or tnore o� the fol2owing
• The s�r�,ct or �iteral in�erpre�ta�ion and enforcement of the speci�ied
regulatzon would resu�t in practical di�ficul�y or unnecessary
physa.cal hardship inconsa.stent with �h� objectives of this title.
There are exceptions or extrao�d�.nary circumstanc�s� or conditions
app��cable to the site o� the variance that do not apply �en�ra�].p
to other properties in the same zone.
The Department o� Community Devexopment recommends approva�. of
the 7. 5 foot se�tback variance w�.�h the condition that no mature
tre�s are removed.
June 9, 7�980, 3:00 P.M.
l. ) Appxova�. o£ Minutes of May 2�. , �980
2. ) Conditi.ana�. Use Permi� to allow the expansion o� the Red
Lion Inn in two phases,
3. ) Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion o� the lo�ver level
o�' the Munica.pal Bua.ldxn.g �owards the south.
4. ) Discussion of PXanning Commission person to attenc� Desi�n
R�view Board Mee�i�gs.
To be published inthe Vail Trail June 6, I98Q.
Minutes of the June 9, 198p Planna,ng and Envi.ranmental Commissa.on Meeting
� Members Present
Rager Ta.lkemezer
Gerry WYtite
Ec� Drager
Jim Morgan
Sandy Mi�ls
J'ohn Perkins
Dan Co�coran
Staff Present
Larry �skw��h
Dick Ryan
Peter Patten
Counci� Members Pr�s�n�;
Bil1 Wilto
Rpn Todd
Jd'in Donovan camc �n in the middle of the Red Lion presentation.
Paul. Paxrna�eer came in �or a �ew min�.�es.
1. ) Ap�roval of the Minutes o� Ma�___27_,_ I980 Meeting.
• --- - - -- --_ __- - -- - _
Sandy Ma.�.ls made a motion to approve the minutes o� the May 2'7 ,
�.980 mee�ing. Ed Drager seconded the motion. The Vote was
2. ) Conda.ta.onal Use Pexm�.t �o allow the expansion o� �he Red Lion
Inn in two phases.
Dick Ryan explained the appl�catian and th�n asked Bi�l Ruof�
�o make his presentation.
Bill said Dick had made a thQrough presentation and �.f �t was
satisfac�ory, he �vou�.d just answer questions of th� Ba�.rcl and
audience. D�ck saxd certain issues had �o be addressed and
asked Bill to make hzs presentation.
Bi1Z Ruoff showed a drawizzg o� �the �roposed plan ta the Boar�
and sevexal members of the a�.dienc� went up to see i� also.
The Board asked qu.estions of Mr. Ruoff. Gex�ary Whzte rnentioned
that he had recez�red twa l��t-�ers af protest on this rnatter, one
from �he Pl.a.za Lodge {Mrs. Joanne Hill) and one from Mr. Beebe.
Mr. Ruof� said �ha� Mr. Beebe will not have his view �.mpacted
bq th3.s expansion and he wishes he would ha�ve contacted him
or Jeff Selby s�veral tnonths ago and �hey wauld have been .
. able to answer all his questions. Mr. Ruoff saa.� he �eel.s
�he mini park a.s a real imp�ov�m�n-t . They are asking for
approval of Phase I only taday.
PEC Minu�es--June 9, I980
Page Two
Mr. Ruo�� said Ph�.se Two has not even been de�zried yet. Zt wil�
3�e on �h� south szde and needs mare study. He guarantees Phase I
will not look like something unfinished wait�ng for Phase II. They
hope to get started on Phase I this s�mmer and hav� it �inished by
An a��orney for Mr. Beeb� asked som� qu�stions. He �xp�ained �ha�
Mr. Beebe has �he th3rd f3oor condo in the Rucksack B�.i2ding. Mr.
Beebe seerned �o think this expans�on would block hYS views �rotn
his living and dining areas. He said he is a�.sa subs��.tuting for
Mr. McDermo�� vcrho represen�s Mrs. Joanne Hi�� who alsa wanted her
concerns �ro�ced. She is upse�t with �he phasing o� tha.s project.
She would ��ke to see ail of it done or none. She dn�snT� l.ik�
�the roof�ine in phase T .
Jack Curtin speaking �or Christy Hill said �he�r have concearns abou�
the two phases also. Mrs. Hi�.1 met with M�. Ruoff the day of the
meeta.ng and a�.so did some measu.ring. Phase I doesn 't ef�ect her
and wottld no� mind if it were approved. However, they don '� l.ike
�he �dea a� approving bath phases. They feel each shoul.d be
handled separately. Phase TI they fee� will a��ect �h�r� and they
hope by apprav�ng Pnase I today it c�oes not g�vc a b�a�ke� app�ova.l.
�o phase Z S . J'ack a.lso said �he�e ax�� seve�a� pxob�er�s that he
. feels wou�d have to be addressed before a bui�.ding permi.t should
be issued an any phase. The probxems are where bui�ding materials
will be stored, where the fc�nce will be, and i.f there wi11 be
adeq,uate space for fire trucks etc. to get t�irough.
Jim Moxgan asked abou� �he reduc�a.an af GRFA. Je�� Se].by said that
partion will be retired until Phase IT.
Dick Ryan said increasing the GRFA would have tn b� done with the
appro�ra�. . o� Phase ZI and if Phase II wer� nat appraved, they wotx�d
s�i1� have to come back to PEC �or any changes not approv�d under
Phase T. Tt may have to be i.ncorpora�ed back �n�o pk�a�e I , but
it wouxd have to come �ack.
Sandy Mi1.J.s asked what -the extra space will b� used for between
Phase I and Phase �I . J�:�� Se�.by' said it wi�l prabab�.y stay
as it is now for storage. I� de�in�tely will not be �or seatin�
or kitchen.
Gerry Wha.te said it �is his undexs�anc�ing �hat the Board is only
laoking at and approving Phase 3 �oday.
Dick Ryan said �hat �he view corridors studied in th� V::i:�lage
Core Studies were not �rom one bu�.lding to another but more from
the street;s e�:c. There is not defined v�ew corridors in Mr. Be�b� 's
case. Dick Ryan rea.terated tha� �he Board will only be approv�.ng
� Phase I here today. Dick also said that the problems of storage
and fencing w��l be addressed by th� DRB and Bui�c�ing Departments.
PEC MinutesW-�une 9, 1980
Page Three
I, •
Gerry Wh�te said he realizes �ha� �he view corridors dzscussed
in the study waxe from street level but he does think �hat athsr
view corxidars must a�sa be cons��ered and anyone abjecting must
be heard i� ���ir complain�s are �egitimate.
Ed Drager made a motion to agprove the Condi�iana� Use Perm��
�o allow expansion of the the Red Lion Inn Phas� T. Roger T�lkemeier
secon�ed �h� mo�ion.
There was more discussion.
Jack Curtin asked what happens if �he Board approves th�s and the
B�zlding DEpartment can 't f�n� a solution to t�e starage p�oblerns
etc. Larry said no building pexmit can be issued until a so�ution
is foun�.
Sandy Mills asked about the extra room b�ing added. She said she
feels there �s a v�sual �mpact. Dick Ryan said he tho�ght s�e was
re��rring to the cut out £or a .deck an the �ou�h end. Sandy said
she f�e�s a vi�w is lost to �he Rucksack Tower. Jeff �elby and
�z�l Ruoff said no.
Craig Snowdon asked the Board to have the S�a�f s�nd DRB any
. concerns they would like DRB �o look at when seeing th�s project.
J�m Moxgan asked if Phase I wil� definitely happen in �his buil��ng
' season. �e�f and B�1I sa�d yes. .
The vo�e was taken. Everyone but Sandy Mi11s voted �or approvaX.
Sandy voted against beca�se she daes not Iike �he change in thE
raofline and does not feel the chan�e in th� apartmen� is warranted.
She fe�ls there are some view impacts. She does think �he minx-
park and �he �n�rance ar� good.
A short break was taken before discussion of item #3.
2. ) Conditional Use Permit to a��ow exparision of �he 2ower Teve1
o� the_ MunicipaJ�_ Build�ng towards the sou�th.
Dick Ryan made t�.e Staff presen�ation on tha.s. He said is
bas�.ca1.�� a 1220 square �oo� add.��a.orn �o the south s�.de
o� the builda.ng to al7.evi.a�e the cx�owded conditions a.z�
sev�ral departments. He mentioned that �he De;��gn Rev3ew
Board had been a.nvited as they had turrzed down �he proposal
at �heir meeting on June 4.
Gerry Whi�e asked how far away the new Libraxy �.s. D�.ck
Ryan sazd it a.s one to two years away. The Town can not
. ask for anymore bond i.ssues u.ntil. they have the permanen�
financing for �he Parking S�rt�c�ure. Dick said the present
Iibrary contains �600 sqnare feet and he feels �tha�t once
i� zs vacated, it wi11 be used with or withou.t this addi�ion.
PEC Minu�es--June 9, I980
� Page Four
Gerry Whi�e asked what �h� schedule is for build�ng. Dick said
once they get P�C and DRB approvals , they hope to start by mid
Craig Snowdon sa�d that Design Review Board had looked at thas
as a dxscussion it�m only �ast Wednesday. The �hr�� Board members
pr�sent felt �ha� i� is not consistent w�th the main part of the
building, �he f�at roof at that locatiQn was not appropr�a�� a�d
the addit�on loaks �ike a �ack an.
Lew MesKimen said he wanted to emphas�ze �ha� the decision was
John Perk��s said he feels that the camments were appropriate.
I� �s not attract��e as done.
Dan said maybe another area cou�d be �ound that would not be
so visible.
Jzm Morgan suggested that they do a garden 1eve1 addi�ion in that
• same area and match the existing roof line and bui�ding,
Cra�g said that they had sugges�ed a sha�Iower addition and
i� necessary, go two s�aries. He said they would no� be opposed
to a garden level there or another location.
Roger T�lkemeaer made a suggestion tha� they consider mov�ng
the present �ibrary into an addition an the north side of the
building un�xx the new library is construc�ed.
Jo�n Danovan said he doesn 't like that idea. He d��ini�ely feels
they need to get a better p1an.
��m Mo�gan asked if the Board approves this now are they Iocked
in to the locatian. He thinks ��eryone agrees �hat more spac�
is needed. However, a be��er p�an is def�n�te�y need�d.
D�ck Ryan said �f appxoved todaq, they def��i�ely would b� locked
in to �his zacation.
Dan Corcoran said he �eels this shou�d be tabled �or further study.
Sandy MxX�s asked i� �he r�ason t�ey don 't want �a do the two
stories is the cos�.
Dick Rpan said �t as the cost and the fact that thep rea2ly can 't
. justi�y 2500 square feet.
. PEC Minu�es--June 9, �9$0
Page Fxve
• Gerry Whx�e saxd �ha� �vhen this build�ng was bu�lt original�y,
i� was no� bui�� wi�h expansion z� m�nd. It �s a prominant location
and was bui�� wi�h grea� study and concern. He feels any addit�o�
should show that sam� s��dy and concern.
Dan Corco�an sa�d he doesn 't think the gar�en �eve1 �dea is feasible
because of utility taps being �h�r�.
Jim Morgan made a mo��on to table this for futher study un��1 J�ne 2�,
i980 at which time a more fina� and adequate plan could be prese���d.
Sandy Mil�s said she just doesn 't think it laoks good. It lpoks like
someone decided they needed maxe room and drew up a li���e �ack on
Roger Tilkemeier second�d th� motian. The vote was unanimous.
�. ) D�scussian o� Plann�ng Cammissaon persan to attEnd Design
R�view Meetangs.
Gerry White, the person currently assigned to attend, said
he canno� do it. None of the othex members were willing
tn do it ei�her.
Cathie said s�e �ad two su �stions but didn't knaw how
, i �ega� o� acceptable they were. On� was �ha� i� she doesn 't
have quoru� for the DRB, she can �ust call a1Z PEC un�i�
she ha� sameone who can make it. Second, they cou�d �ust
ass�gn the members f or two months like �he Counci� are ass��ned
to PEC. Larry Eskwith said �here has to be som�one on PEC
ass�gned. The members said i� they wexe asszgned and couldn't
make it , they just wouldn 't show up 1�ke the Council does.
Gerry Whi�e made a motion to a�point John Perkins to attend
DRB meetings. Roger T��kemeier seconde�. Everyone vo�ed
�or the mot�on except John Perkzns. John said he didn't want
�a be . the person assigned for two reasons. One was �ha� �his
is a vexy busy time for h�m. Second, when he �n�erv�ew�d with
�he Counci� �ar a DRB posztiori once, they �o�d �im t�ey �e��n��e�y
didn�t want anoth�r architect on the DRB.
The meet�ng was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.
DATE: JUNE 5, �980
�. ) The Red Lion Inn has requested an additian o� enclosed ��oor
area as described below which requires them to pbtain approval
of their requ�s� accarding �o the follow�ng gu�delines. Although
�his appZ�cat�on for this project was submitted pr�or to the
passage of the New Ord�nances, we are reviewing it under the new
procedures, sznce the proceduxes are now in effect and the
app�icant was aware of the prabab��ity tha� �hey wou�d be in
effec� when �his application was submitted.
The Red Lzon Tnn plans to pxoceed with �heir expansipn in
two phases , with Phase I bezng the on�y one be�ng rev3ewed at
this ��me. Phase TI is planned to be submitt�d for rev�ew �n
the latter part of August .
Phase T inc7udes two add�t�ons o� e�c�osed f�aor space: �21
� square �eet on the first or gro�nd Ievel, wh�ch is �o become
a new entryway into the L�onts Den Restauran� and a 3�2 s�uare
foot loft addition which is above �h� seco�d ��oor �esidences.
A�so inc3�d�d �n Phase T, but not �nvoZving the addition of
enclosed ��oor s�ace is the addition of an exterior daor and
the conversion of about 150 square �ee� o� s�orage space into
a small o��ice for Red Lians �nn �se on the North side of �he
second floor, an addi�ion of one window on the East elevat�on
and the addition of windows, a balcony and a stairway on the
West side (wh�ch faces Br�dge Strest}. A�so inc�uded �n the
application is the canversion of the rack. garden next to the
Rucksack into a Publ�c Park wzth b�ick pavers and bench�s.
Existing: Restaurant and Storage
Proposed: Unchanged
Firs� Floor
E�isting: Restaurant and Bar
Propos�d: Unchanged
Second Floor
�xis�ing: Two Resident�al DweZ�ing Uni�s
Proposed: Unchanged
� Third F�oo�
ExYSting: No C�rrent Use
Propossd: Addition of Smal1 Loft A��a
Red Lion--6-5--8Q
' Page Two
�. ) Height
AlZowed: 60% of s.ite coverage under 30 �ee�
�Ol be-�ween 3Q-40 feet
Proposed: 100% under 30 feet
2. ) Densit�r Control
Lat Area--23,989 squa�e �eet
GRFA Allowed--1� ,19� square �eet
GRFA wi�th Lof� Addit�.on--3,7$0 square �ee�
3. ) Site Coverage
Alxowed: �1, 191 square feet
Propased; �0,901 square fee�
4. } Lardscapi.rzg
A�.7.owed: 2 ,798 squ�.re fee� minimum
Propased: 3 ,050 square feet
5. ) Parking and I�oading
��isting: Two �car garage
Proposed: Parking Requi�ement is .797 of a space
• grea�er because o� increase in si,�e o�
smal�ex unit.
6. ) Gross Residen�ial Floor Ax�ea
�xzs�.ing Propo�ed Ne't Change
Sma11 U�it 583 �.,380 +797
Large Unit 4,462 2,400 -2�'2�"--°--
TOTAL 5 ,045 3,780 -1 ,265
(The 1 ,2�5 sq�.are feet net loss o� GRFA w�.1.1 remain unuse�.
until Phase ��)
18.24.010 Purpose
The Cornmercial Core � Dxs�rict is interided �o provid� si.tes and
to main�ain the_ unipue charac-t�r o� the Vai1 Valla�e_�,Commercial
Axea. wzth its_rrtixture of 1od�es anc� comme�cia� �es�ab�ishti�ents in
a redomanatel edest�iari �rivironment.� The Commerci.al Core I �
Dxstrict is in�ended to ensure adeauate 1��1i�, air , operi space
anc� oth�r amenities a��ro�riate to,__„�;he �permittc�d._tvpes of buildin�s
and uses. The Distr�,ct re �ations i.n accardance wi�h the Vail
Vi11a�e Urban Desz�n Guide.Plan and Desi�n ConsidPrations �prescra�be
site develo ment s�andards that ax� intended to en�sure the main-
� ��nance and reservation of -�he ta�. ht� c7�ustered arxari ements o�
b il 'n s fxontin on edestrian wa s and ublic reenwa s and to
ensure continua�ion of bu�.�.d�ri scale and a,rcY�itecttzral txali€ies
that i t 'n uish t�Ze Vi��a e.
• Red Lion--6-5-80
Page �hree
The proposed Phase Z ��pansion of the Red Lion �nn complies
wx�h a�� aspec�s a� the Purpose Section
�. ) Sub Area Concepts of Urban Design Guide_,Plan.
Number �2 describes a �uture Mid-b�ock connect�on to
Mil� Creek and a pocket park crea�ed on Bridge Street.
The proposed expansion daes �nclude a stairwa� connect�on
to Mill Creek and �he pocket park an Bridge Street. The
park will be public but stairway connection w��� no� real�y
be pub�ic due to private residences. The through conn�c�ion
wi�� be pursued when substant�al alterations are proposed �o
either building face �ronting on �he connection . No other
sub ar�a concepts are considered �n �his proposal.
2. ) Urban Desz n Considerations
� a. ) Pedestr�anization on Br�dge S�reet enhanced by
Packet Park wi�h Seating Area, whiCh is also the
f�rst step in the pedestrian connect�on th�ough
to Mil� Cr�ek Court,
b. } Vehicle Penetrat�on--No impact.
c. ) Streetsca�e �ram�work--Zrnproved landscaped area
by pocket park and �ncreased exposure a� commercia�
ac�iv�ty o� n�w entryway.
d. ) S�reet Ene�osuxe: Improved by new Entryway. . The
Height of the Lof� Addition only extends above the
exxs�ing r�d�e 1�ne by �hree feet which should not
have any xmpact on Street Enclosure.
e. ) Stree� Edge: New Entryway and park adds to the
Strong but Irregular edge of Sridge Stree�
�. } Bu�lding Height : Conforms comp�etely with Height
Requ�rement . Lo�t Addition provides a m�x of building
heights {���ch is speci£ical�y men�ione� as des�rab�e
in Hei�ht Sec�ian.
g. ) Views: No major of minor view corridors are impac�ed
� by this propasa�.
Future subm���a1s �rom this and othe� applicants should znc�ude
analysis of visual impact-sk��ch, photo simulation, or rnodel of
bui�ding �n its immediate set�ing. An application form which
contains th�s requ�rement is being pu� �ogethex at this �Yme. )
• Red Lion--6-5-80
Page Four
h. ) S�zn/Shade: The �hree �oat height �x�ensian over
th� pr�sen� roo� lzne shou7.d have no impac�t on
thE. exz.st�.ng sun/shade corad��tions on any Public
Ri.ght o� Way.
3. ) Zona�ng Code Considera�ions
a. ) Density Control: The praposal a.s 7��1 square fee�t
ttnd�rc the GRFA maximum for the site.
b. ) Landscape Aarea ReductYOn:
The unimpraved rock axea is being convc�rted into
a pocket park which a:s st�.l� a Landscape Use and which
we feel is an improvement . No other landscape area is
being removed or al��arcd.
c. ) Parking: The .79? increase in the parking requiremen�
would requi�e prepayment into the Parking fund of $3985
(whi.ch i.s the prorated share of the $5,000 space. )
4. ) Archx��c�uaral and Landscape Considerations
� a. } Roo�s
b. ) Facad�s
c. ) Ba7.conies
d. ) Decks and Pat�.as
e. ) Accent Elements
f. ) Landsca�e Elements
g. ) Service
These are primarily the concerns of the Des�gn Reva.ew
Boaxd and wi�l be addr�ssed by �he applacant zn tk�e
presentata�on to �he DRB. Based on preliminary review,
howeve� , we do �ee�. that the Phase � expansa.on sub-
�tantial�y compl3�s wY'th a1I o� the specific items
mentioned above.
The Department o� Comtnunity Development recommends approvax
of Phase Z of the Red Lion Expansion according to th� p�.ans
as pres�nted.
,.�� ,
DAT�: 6-6-$0
Tha.s w�.1�. be my Xast P�anning Corr�mission Mee�ting as I have
accepted a position of secretary to the Personnel. Dxrector
upstai:rs. I wiYl miss calling and working with yQ�u.. Tt
has been �un . Stop upstairs and say hi once in awhile.
DATE: 6-5-80
The Town is proposing a �.220 squar� foot addition on the south
side o� the existing bui�.ding, east o� �he Iib�rax�y. The addxt�.on
will contain mostly o�fices, with a sr�tal.� confe�ezace room and storage
area fox fi�es. The Communzty Develop[nent and Libra�y Departz�aent�
will use the new office space. A large existing spruce �ree on �he
site wi.11 remaa.n wh�le same exi.stang aspens wauld be transplan�ted
on th� pc�rimeter of the addition.
Upon review of Section 18.600, the Degartment of Community Deve�opment
recommer�ds Approval af the Candit�onal Use Perrnxt bas�d upan the
fo].�owing factors:
Consideration of Factors:
Relationsh_i.p and impact of the use on det�elopment objec�ives o�
the Town.
The Town needs the offic� space to rrtore effeciently and com�ortably
The ef�ec�t of the use on light and air, distribu.tion of popula�ion,
�xa�is�oxtation faciTitic:s, utiTities, schooTS; parks arid �recrcation
faciTzt�.eS and o�her ubXYC �ac31�:�ies ancl ptxb]�ic facili�ies needs.
This is a needed p�.bla,c faca.lity.
Ef�ect.. �on traff�c wi�h particular re�erence to congest�on,
automotive and pedeStrian safety and coziveni�nce, tra��ic �1ow
and con�ro�: , �ccess, maneuvera]�ility�and_rer�`�ov_a� of _snow 'fram
the street and_paark3ng areas. �
Na add�.��onal emp�oyees wi�l be generaged so there will be no effects
an these �actors.
• Municipal Building--Page Two
Ef�ect upon the character o� ttie area in whicYi the proposcd use a�.s
to�be��ocated; i:ricTudiri tlie scaTe a,rid bulk 6� the�xoposed use in
g � - -
-- - - -- - - ---
relata.on to surrouridin us�s.
The Design Review Boaxd, upon preliminary review, has found concerns
with the addition in �errns o� matching exa.stang roof p�tches and the
one story na�ux�e o� �he add�.ti.on.
Such other factors and criteria as the Commiss�on deems appla.cable
to the proposed use.
There are none.
The environmenta�. irn ac� re ar� concernin the ro osed use i� an.
environmenta� impact report is requa.red by Chapter T8. 56.
No EIR reqni:red.
The Department of Communi�y Deve�opment recommends that the Cond�.��onal
• Use Permit be Approved based on �he �01�.o�r�.ng fa.ndings:
Tha� the propased location of the use �s in acco�d with the pu�poses
of this ordinanca and the purpases o� the distrlct ir� which the si.te is
That the proposed locatian of the use an.d �he condi�ions und�r which
�.� wa�xld be operated or ma�ntained would no� be d�trimenta]. �o the publ.ic
health, sa£ety, or welfare or ma�exia�.].y injta.rious �a prnpertzes or
improvemen�s in the vicinity.
�`hat �he proposed use would comply with each of the app�icable pra-
visions d� this ordinance.
The Department of Community Development r�cammends approval. We feel
�he design prob].ems c.an be worked ou� and wil� attempt to have some
DRB memb�rs pres�n� �or this discussion on Monday �a address �his.
DATE: 6-�6-80
Gcrry White �s unable to attend the DRB rr�ee�in�s and �he
altearnate pexson, John Perk�,ns, is very busy a� this time
of year. Therefore , w� need to s�lect someone else to
attend the meetings.
Monday, June 23, T980, 3:00 P.M.
1 . Ap�rovaT of minutes of June 9, 7980.
Mun�cipa� bu�lding conditional use tab�ed until Ju�y 14 meetinq.
2. Se�back variance ta allow construct�on of a new d�p�ex
on Lot 31 of VaiZ Meadows Filing No. 1 .
3. Exterior alteration for PurcelT 's Restaurant which is iocated
�n �he Lifthouse bu�lding in Lionshead.
� P�ann�ng and Evironmenta� Commission
Monday, June 23, 1980, 3:00 PM
1. Approval o� minutes af June 9,�980
2. Conditional Use per�zt to allow expansion o� the lower
�eve1 of the municipa� building.
3. Setback varianc� to a��ow cons�ruction o� a new duplex
� on Lot 31 of Vai1 Meadows Filing No. 1.
4. Exter�or a�teration for PurcellTs Restaurant which is located
in �he Li��house building in Lionshead.
Tv be p�b7ished in �he Vail Tra31 Fxiday, June 20 , �980.
DAT£: June 23, �980
RE: Request for rear setback �ar�anee ta aZlow construction of a new duplex on
Lot 31 , Vail �eadows Fi7ing Na. 1 .
The applicant, Kent Rose, of Aus�in-Rose Canstructian, is app�ying for a 12 foot
variance on the rear property line, abutting National �orest Service �and. Hardships
exist due to both natural and man-made conditions to be described belvw. The proposa�
�s to a31ow construction o� a duples cans�sting of 3330 Sq. Ft. af GRFA, 1294 Sq. Ft.
under the maximum al�owab1e of 4624 Sq. �t.
Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Sec�ion �8.62.060 of the Munieipal Code, the
Departme�t af Commu�ity Development recommends ap�roval of the requested Variance
based upon the follawing factors:
Considera�ion of Factors
• The re�ationshi of �he re uested variance ta other existin or otentiai uses and
structures in the vicinity_.
Existing dup1exes on each s7de of Lot 31 v�olate side setback requirements, to the
Eas� due to a variance granted �or avoidance af avalanch hazard (6' variartce} and to the
West because the bui1ding was b�ilt under Caunty regulations af 10' side s�tbacic. The
�ot contains ar� interm3ttent stream wit� dense, �nature aspens lining �ts hanks. The
stream approx�ma�e�y besects the �ot ar�d should def�nitely be preserved as is.
An additional naturai feature of the lot is a subs�antia� grove of your�g, hea�thy aspens
on the eastern, or front por�ion of the 10�. 5ome of the r�ore mat�are aspens are diseased,
whic� ma��s the preservation of �he young aspens more significa�t.
Thus, the natura� features of the lot force development eit��r to the nQrtheast or
southwes� partions of t�e parcel . To build an the nor�theastern area would further
crowd the cul-de-sac, wi�h a dense appearance of development and loss af privacy for
all tl�ree dup7exes. The appTicant proposes a detached garage in the easi�y buildab�e
northeastern area w�th access to the residence via a foot bridge in order to maximize
preservat�on of the stream and the surround�ng aspens. Tl�e duplex �s, then, proposed
to be located in a clearing �eh�nd the aspens on the southwest partion af the property.
The de ree to which relief firor� �he stric� or literal inter retation and enforcemer�t of
a s ecified r� ulat3on is necessar to ach�eve com atibi1it and un3forr�it of treatmen�
among s�tes �n the v�cirrity or to at�ain the objectives of this t�tle without �rant of
� The most impor�ant factors under this heading are �ha� the iot is aiready "squeezed"
on each side (in the �ront} by the existing struct�res, and the outstanding naturaT
features of the lot are being sensitveiy addressed by �he applicant. The grant�ng of
the variance woiald be uniform trea�r�ent of sites in the vicinity and would definitely
not represent a specia1 privilege.
. � •'
T�e effect of �he reques�ed var�a_nce on_1�g_h_t and air, distribut_ion of__�opulat_ion,
trans or�tation and traffic fac��ities, ubTic facilities and utilities, and ub1ic
• Na� bu7lding �n �he front se�back area may be a positive factor upon snow removal on
the eui-de-sac. Moreover, t�e proposal leav�s open the f�ont portio� of t�e lo� hav�ng
a pos�tive ��fluence on ligh� and air for the d�plex �o the saut�.
5uch other factors and cr�teria as �he commissiv� deems a licab7e to th� ro osed
The app�icant, Mr. �ose, has undertaken considerable s�udy and uncommon care in
sensit�vely tr�ating the environmental factors o� the 1ot. The construct�on wi�l be
carried out by h�m whic� ensures cons�ste�cy in the proposal and site care during
Mr. Stan Black, partner in the d�piex to the sou�h has no major concerns w7th �his
pro�osal .
T�e P�anni� and Environmenta� Co�mission shall ma�� the fol�owin findin s before
granting a variance:
That �he granting of �he variance �i�l not canst�t�te a grant of spec3a1 privilege
inco�sistent with th� limita�ions on other properties classified in the same distr�ct.
That �he gran�ing of the variance will not be detrimental to the public h�a�th, safety,
or welfare, or materially in�urio�s to properties or improvements i� the vicinity.
• Tha� the variance is warranted �or one or more of the follow�ng reasons:
The strict or Titeral interpreta�ion and en�orcement o� the spec�fied regu1at�on wau�d
result in prac�ical d�fficu7ty or unnecessary physical hardship �nconsis�ent with �he
ob�ec�ives of this t��le.
There are �xc�ptions or extraordinary circumstances or condi��ons ap��icabTe .to the
site of the variance that da not app�y generally to other properties in the sa�e zone.
7he Department of Community Deve7opm�nt recommends approva� based upan the existence
of �oth natural and man-made hardsh�ps.
DA�"�: June 23, �9$�
RE: �xpansion of �urcel1 's Restat�ran�
Purc�11 's, located in Commercial Core II ir� the L�fthouse Lodge building, is requesting
an addi�ion o�F 288 square feet o� restauran� space at the Lionshead Mall �edestrian
level . This zs a one stary addi�ion and wi�7 unify the total facade o� �he restaurant.
Two existing spr�ce trees w�11 be relocated wfiile an exist�ng spruce and �wo existing
asper�s w�11 remain.
T�te proposal attempts to b�i:ng the �irst �Z�or v� the m�ss�ve Lifthouse Lodge building
out to pedestrian scaTe and to give a sing�e identity to the restaurant.
Exis��ng Res�auran� and Bar � 3,122 sq. ft
Propased Addit�on = 288 sq, ft.
% increase = 9.2%
The commercial cor� 2 distr�ct is �n�ended �o pravide s�tes for a mixt�re of multip1e
dwel� ings, Todges, and cammercia� establishmer��s in a c7us�ered, ur�if-ied development.
7he camrr�ercial core 2 dTStric� is intend�d to ensure adeq�tate l�ght, air, aper� space,
and ather amenities apprapr�ate ta �he permitted types o� bui�ding and uses, and to
main�ain �he desira6le qua���ties of �he district by establ3shir�g appropria�e s�te
deveTopmen� stan�ardse �he commerc��a� core d�strict is in�ended to include sites for
resident�'aT dweili�ngs at d�nsTti�es not to exceed twenty-�Five dwel1ing units per acre.
The proposed restau�^ant expans�on ful ]y comp1i�s with ali aspec�s of the pur�ose section.
T) Sub-Area Concepts of Ur6an Design Guide Plan
Number i8 suggests a one story commercial expansian to emphasize pedes�rian 7eve�
and that tlie pat�o be enlarged for additionaT din3ng area. Thus, th-is prapasal
is in complete co�npatibili�y wi�h �he P7an.
2) U1^ban �esigr� Consi�et^at�ons
a) Pe�es�rianism: The proposed add�tion will enhance the pedestria'n experience by
making the scaTe of the fror�� af �he bu�ld�ng a more comfor�able one for the
person waTkir�g thraugh Livnshead.
b) Veh�cie Pene�ra�ion: NA (service is s�z1� at rear of building)
• c) Streetscape �rar�ework; This proposal w�1� add some variety and interest ta
the Lionshead Stree scape, so�neth�r�g tha� �s grea�Ty needed.
d) Street �nc7osure: This bu�]ding ex�ensian wi�� improve �I�e street enclosure
situa�ion by reduc�`ng the impac� o�F �he reia�7vely iarger Landmark Buildirtg.
e) S�ree� �dge: '�he S�ree� Edge will become slig��7y mare frregular which tends
to enha�ce thE pedes�r��an experience.
�) Building lieight: The one Teve7 pra�osal �s we�T1 under the allowed bu�ldir�g
g) Views: No views are impacted by thi� proposal .
� h) Sun shade changes: Not signif�can�.
3) �oning Code Considerations ����`
The 288 sqUare foot addition genera�es an a�di�ional parking requirement of two � �
spaces, which resu�ts ir� a $6,Q00 cha�g�. ,'j
-�'�..... �'� �� �� .,�_�1
RECQMMENDA�T��lS J� ��z�"'�
The Department of� Communi�y Deve7a�t�ent recamr�ends ap�raval as the proposal spect�-
fically orients itse�f �o the objectives of �he �ionshead U1^ban Resign Gui�e Plan
� (reinforces pedestrian sca1e rt�at^ massive bu3ldings) ,
� '
Minu��s of the Planning and �nvironmen�al Commission meet�n�
June 23, 1980 3 •`'� �'/�'1
� Membe�s presen�: S�.a�� Pres�n�
John Perkins Pete� Patten.
Ed Drager Da,ck Ryan
Dan Corcoran
G�rry Whit�
Council Members Present
Ba.Zl WiZto
1.. Approva�. of the minutes ot June 9, 1.980 meeting.
John Perkins mov�d to apprave the minutes, Ed Drager s�conded.
Vote was unanimous.
2. S�tba�7c�variance to a11ow construction of a new dupZex on Lot 3,
Vail Meadows Filing Na. l. (5027 Ute Lane)
Peter Patten explained the xequest and recommended approval.
K�nt Rose af Austin-Rosa Cons�ruction added a few additional
comments, but sta�.�d �hat Peter had ma.cle such a c.amplete p�esentata.on
in the mamo, he did no� have much to add. Kent shotnred a p�.ot p].an.
John said i� made sense �o him. Ed pointed out that it seemed
much better than a previous p�1an ta reraute the s�reazn.
. Kent explained that a driveway and culvert would be bui�.t to
facilitate construc�ion, and �hen the culvert and driveway removed
leat�ing a path and foot bridge.
Ed Drage� moved to appro�cra, and Dan Carcoran seconded it. The
vote was unan,iinous.
3. �xter�.or alteration for �u.rce�.l's Rastaurar�� which �.s l.ocat�d in
th� Li���:,use bu.il.din in Lionshead..
Pe�er Patten �xpl.ained the r.eque�t as presented in his memo.
K�n W�ntworth presented drawa.ngs . Distance to thc� p�operty line
a�d numbe� af parking spaoes was discussed. L�d �rage� said that
we were encouraging this typ� o� thing to happen a.n Lianshead.
Gerry added �that approval. shou�.d be wi�h the coandition that the
appl.icanf. agrees no�. to r�monstr.ate against the special a.mprovement
district if �ormed �or ma1.1. improvemen�s in Vail Lionshead, and
agr�es to join �he district.
Ed Drager moved to approve, John Perkins s�conded. Vote was
The meeting ad�ourned at 4 :00 P.M.
Pus�zc N4TICE
� . NOTICE �S HEREBY G�VEN that John Wheeler of Wh�eler
�iper, Architects has �eq�esfied a Minor Subdivision for
the vacation of the �ot lines between Lots 1, 2, and 3,
Block 7, $ighorn 3rd Addi�ion. Applica�ion has been made
zn accord with Section 17. 32 M�nor S�bd�vision o� the Vail
Municipa� Code.
A Public Hea�ing will be held in accardqnce with Sec�ion
18 . 66. 060 0� the Munzcipal Code on July �4, 198a at 3: 00 P.M.
before the Town o� Vail Plann�ng and Environmental Commissian.
Sazd Hearing wi�1 be held in the Vail Municipal Buxlding.
The app��cat�on a�d in�ormation rela�ing to the proposed change
�s avazlable �n the Zoning Admin�s�rator's of��ce during regular
business houxs £or review or insp�ction by the pub�ic.
Jim Rubin
�oning Administra�or
Published in �he Vail Tra,il June 27, 1980.
� NO�XCE IS HERESY GIVEN �ha� John Whe��er of Wheeler
Piper, Archi�ects has �eques�ed a Minor Subdivision for
�he vaca�ion o� �he �ot �znes betwaen Lots 1,2, and 3,
B1ock 7, Bighorn 3rd Addi�ion. Applica��an has been made
zn accord w�th Section �7.32 Mino� Subdivision o� �he Vazl
Municipal Code.
A Public Hearing will be held in accordqnce with Sectian
�8. 66.060 af the Municipal Code on Ju1y 14, 1980 at 3: a0 P.M.
be��re the Town of Vai� Planning and Environmental Com�m�ssion.
Said Hearing wil� be held in the Vazl Municipal Building.
Ja.m Rubin
Zoning Administrator
Published in -�he Vai�. Tra�l June 27, �.980 .