HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Vail Town Council Minutes MINUTES
4 JANUARY ].977
The regular meeting o� the Tpwn Council o� the Town of �7ai1,
Colorado, was convened at 7 :30 P.A�. on Tue�day, .Tanuary 4 ,
1977 , in the Vai1 Municipal Buil.ding Co�ncil Chambers.
Mayor John Dobsan and the �ollawing council.members were pr�sent :
�ohn Donovan
Rod S3.ifer
Bill Wilto
Others present were:
Stan Bernstein, Acting Town .Manager
� Larr,y Ride� , Towx�.�P�t�orney
Th� meeting was convene�l, and Council.man Rod Slif�:r was o��icial.3.y
sworn in by Town Cle�k Rc�salie �eff�ey to succe�d Councilwoman
Kathy Klug,
ORDTNANCE N0. 37 , Series af 1976 , �`��s?$ in-�roduced on second reacling.
The Mayor explained that the ordinan�e would estabZish pa�king
regulations for -�he Vai�. Transpor�tatid?� Center. Councilman Wilto
moved to app�ove the o�dinance on secorid reading; Cauncilman
Slifer seconded �he motion; all pr�sent ,��Qted in favor ; and the
motian carried. The To�san Clerk was instr��cted to have the
ordinance published by title only.
ORDINANCE N0. 1, Series o� 1977 , was introducec�.,an fir�t reading
by Clzief of Police Gary Wall. He explained that 4the Police
Department had received 660 burglar alarms du�ing `�-�76 , that
1,4 of those we�e Ieg�.�imate - an exc�ss af false a1-arms. He
statad that the ordinance requires a 'license �ee ot�•,$��• 00, a
monito�ing fee, plus a �a1se a�arm charge of $25. 00 ,``..as we1�l
as p�ohibiting certain �nfe�ior types of ec�uipmen-�. i ounci�.znan
Don.ovan moved to apprave Ordinance No. 1. on �irs� read?�g;
Coun.cilman Wilto �aconded the motion; a11 present voted in favor ;
- - ' and the motion carried. Tha Town Clerk �aas instructad; to have
�`; the ordinance published i.n fu�1., `°`
� ��
� The Mayor a�ead a. proposed reso3.ution to rename Antho�z Par�,
"Gerald R. Ford Park" , and invi-ted public comment prior to tl�e
• resolution' s formal considera�.ion a� the Jan.u.a�y 18 regular ',�
�n regard ta Paor Richards/Short 5wing' s �equest �or a conditi.ona�-
use permi� �to al7.ow architects' offices and a health c1ub, and
�oac a parking vara�anc� for 12 spaces, Gordon Pierce� architect ���
fo� f.he pro j ect, stated his cl i�n�. ' s p�.an, �o remove both Poor `
' d 'n s to construc� a health club,
' n buil �
Richards and Short Swi g g ,
1.2 condominiums and architects ' offices. He added that he
- planned to const�uct a wal.kway to Go�.den Peak ov'e� �he bridge
and �.o us� sala� heating for �he heal�h cl.ub. Councilman t�Tilto
moved to approve the reques� for a distance b�tween buildings `,�`
variance; Councilman Donovan secanded the motion; a11 present
voted in favor.; and -the motion carried, Coun.cilman Donovan moved
�o approve the reques� for setback variance; Councilman Sli�er
seconded the motion; all present voted in favo�; and the matian
� carxiecl. Counci.lman Wilta moved to approve the reguest for a
parking variance for 12 spaces, to be �eplac�:d partially by
� �'� vale� parking; Counci�man Donovan seconded the mo�.ion; Counci�-
� man S�i�er vo�ed against; all others present voted a.n favor;
and the motion carried. Councilman Donovan moved -�o app�ove �he
applicax�t' s request �or a conditional use permi�.: Councilman
Wilto seconded the �►otion.; a1.1 pres�n-� voted in favor; and the
motion carried. �
, - _�
� �' Minutes/Regular meeting
� January 1977
Page Two
With r�gard �o Poor Rzchards/Short Swing �eques� to acquire
� twa adjacent parcels of land, now owned by and �eased from the
Town o� Vail, Councilman moved to table the request
.../ �or furth�r s�udy; Councilman seconded the mo�ion; all
present voted in favor; and the motion carried.
Regarding th� Lionshead Theatre request fo� lot size, shape af
lo�, distance between bu��dings, parking �or theat�e, and park�
ing for commerc�al space varzances, Councilman Donovan moved to
table un�i1 the Janua�y �8 regula� meeting; Councilman Slifex
s�conded the motion; a11 pres�n� voted in favor; and the motian
Acting Tawn Manager Stan Bernstein announced tha� beginning
January 5 the Town sta�f would conduct a su�vey of local businesses
to determine the amount af fiscal damage caused by the lack o�
. snow.
With no further business, the meeting was ad�ourned at 8 : 30 P.M.
, . ��
� � �
Town. Cl.erk
. ..` ,�.
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r �
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` �$ JANUARY 1977
The regular meeting o� the Tawn Council of �he Town o� Vail ,
Co7.o�ado, was can.vened at 7 :30 P.M. an Tuesday, January 18 ,
I977 , in the Vail Municipal Bui.�ding Council Chambers.
� Mayor John Dobson and �he followyn.g councilmembers were pr�sen�.:
John Donovan
Jos�f Staufer
Rod Slifer
Bi7.� Wilto
Bob Ruder
Othe�s pres�n-� were:
Stanley F, Bern,stein, Acting Z'own Managex
� �awrenc� C. Rider, Tawn Attorney
RESoLUTTON N4. 1, 5eries of I977 , naming the An'tho�.z Prope�ty
the Gerald Ra Ford Park, was introduced by Mayor pobson.
Councilman Donovan movecl to approve the reso�ution; Councilman
Staufer seconded the motion; a1�. pr�sent voted in favor; and
�he motion carr,�ed. Special �ssistant Colleen Kline was
;� directed �to s�nd a telegram to '�he President in�orming him
o� the honor.
ORDINANCE N0. l, Se�a.es of 1977 , providing �egulations for
burgl.ar a�.arms �wi-�hin the Town of Vai�, was in-�roduced on
second reading. The Town Attorney e�plained that Pol.ice
Chief Gary Wall had met with Dick E1ias and other members of
the business communa.ty and had incorporated a f�ew mino� changes
to the o�dinance. Mr. Elias expressed his appreciati.on to �.he
staff and s�ated that he felt the o�dinance was a good o�e.
Counci.lz�an Donovan moved to approve �the o�dinance on second
' �eada,ng; Councilman Wilto seconded the motion; all p�esent
vo�ed in �'avor; and the motion carried. The Tawn Clerk was
instructed to hav� the ordinance pizblished in �u�.l to include
�he amend�nents.
� ORDTNANCE NO. 2 , Series of 1977 , rezon,ing Lot 16 , Bighorn Second
Addition, and Lo�s 11, 12 , and 13 , B1.ock 4 , and Lots 1 and 2,
Block 6, Bighorn Tha�d Addition, was int�oducecl �_y Zoning
Admini.stra�o� Diana Toughil.l . She stated that �he request was
fo� a downzoning from Two Fami�y Res�.dential to 5ingle Family
• Residentzal.. Councilman Ruder maved to approve the ordinance;
Councilman Sl�.fer seconded tha motion; all present voted in
favari and the motion carriede The Town C1erk was instructed
to have the orda,nance publ.ished in full.
ORDINANCE NO. 3 , Scries of 1.977 , establishing Specia]. Development
District No.. 7 for The Mark, was in�roduced by Ms . Taughill .
A�chitect Tom Bri.ner px�esented his drawings to the Counci.� and
briefly discussed merits �o the commu.ni�.y, such as a proposed
convention center. Councilman Donovan maved to approve �he
ordinance on fa.rst �eading; Councilman Ruder seconded the motion;
al.l pres�n�. vat�d a.n favor; and the motion carri�d. The ToWri
C1erk �was instruc�ed to hav� �.he a�d�:nancc� published in fu11.
�� Regarding the appointment of two membe�s to the Design Review, ___'
_�__.�. __ --_
Bo��d, ;P�ia�'y Feterson,�Bill Bishop, Ron Todd , and Lou Pa�ker
, _ -- --- -- ---- --�_�_
_ _.._. --.. J
had made appl�.cation. The Council. votcd by secret ballot to
----- _ -
__._�_ _— -- -- -
appoint Lou Parker, but reached a tie between Bi17. Bishop an_ � �:
--— �..---__
- ------ ,
� - - Ron Todd. They agreed to defer a final vo�e between the two
until the February 1 r�gular meeting when a1.1. membe�s of the �
Council would be present.
• y K �
Minu�kes/Regu�ar meeting
18 January �977
Page Two
With ---. _._
_.. --
' regard -to Th� Mark's reauest for resubd�vision fram
__ ' '-.. ._ . ..._....
.___-- -.--_-_. ---..... 1 _... -_....._ .____. _"_- _ -_'-_-.__._.�
Lo�s 3 , 4 , 5, and 6 ,_ Block__1, Vai.1/Lianshead Third Filing
-- --- - - - --- -- --- __ _..
to Vail/Lionshead Third Fiiing, Ms. Diana Toughil.l
� s�ated that both �h� Planning Commission and �he staff reCOm-�
anended approva� unanimously. Counci��nan Slifer moved to gran�
�he reques�.; Councilman Donovan scconded the mation; all present
vo�ed in �avor; and the motion carried.
� Regarding the Lionshead Theatre request for resubdivision and
• request �or a parking variance fo� 11 cars, Ms. �'oughill and
Jetf Selby explained �he changes that had b�en incorporated a�
Council.' s reques-�, Counci.lmembers expressed concern over the
need for more shops in Lionshead and for the reasonab�.eness
of more parking variances when a pax�king problem existed in
Vai7.. Ms. Toughill s�ated that the P1.anning Commission had
voted 4-2 with 1 abstention to approve the pa�king va�ianc�
and 5-�. with 1 abstention to apprave the �esubdivision. Mast
of the Council.members feZt they were nat ready to decide yet,
that �'urther study regarding the parking was warranted. Most
� wan.ted a furthe� look a� the site in Lionshead. Mr . Ra�der
s�ated that i� the subdivision were appraved, a structure could
� be built withaut a parking variance acc.ordi.ng to CC�I �egulations.
� Dr. Tom Steinberg suggested the Councal charge a fee for parking
� variances at a certai.n rate per space, to be escrowed to build
a future parking structure. Councilman Staufer moved -to deny
� the resubdiv�.sian request; Councilman 53.ifer seconded the motian;
all. present voted in favor; and the motian. carried. Councilman
Donovan then moved �o deny �he parking va�iance request; Cauncil-
man 5lifer seconded the mo-�ian; Councilman Wil-�o voted against;
a�.1 others present voted i.n favor; and the ma�i.on carried with
a vote o£ 4-l. Councilman Stau�er then moved to apprave a joint
parking agr�ement arrangemen.t between the Theatre and Vail
Associa�es for off-site parkinq; Councilman V�i1to secox�ded the
mo�ion; Counci.l�nen Donovan, Slifer, and Rud�� voted against; all
others present voted in favo�; the motinn �ailed wi�h a vate o�
3-3 .
Acting To�an Manager Stan Bernstein �xplained several. b�zdget
f�eezes i.ncorparated by the Town s�a�f in an ef�'art �o conserve
rev'enues. He stated the freeze� wil.l be in effect at l.east
`� until. December, ].976 sales tax figures are in and mare is known
abou�t expec.ted January snow conditi.ons.
� Town Attorney La�ry Rider announced �.hat ordinances regard�.ng
nonconfo�ming sign amor�.ization, contractors ' fees, and a real
estate ��ansfer tax would be upcoming and that capies would be
avail.able at the Town office �or interested citizens.
The Mayo� announced that a �2. 5 million figu�es had been set
�ar a structure to cove� the ice arena at Site 24 and -�hat a
March 29 da�e had ten-�atively be�n set for the bdnd eiection.
He s�ated tha� no design had been selec�ed as ye;t, Mr� �tau�er
announced tha� Vai1. Cable TV would be a majar topic o� the
Februa�y 1. regul.ar m�e�i.ng, far an upda-�e and answers �o any
ques�i,ans regarding rates� etc.
Wi�h no furth�r business , -�he meeting was adjourned at 9 : 45 P.M. ;
� r
Town C].erk
._ . ,�
� VA IL 7'OWf� COU�[C T L
The regular meeting of the Town Counci� of the Tow� o�F Vail , Colarado,
was convened a� 7:3� P.M. on Tuesday, February � , 1977, in the Vail
Mur�i ci pa� Bui 1 di ng Counc�1 .Char�bers.
Playar Pro Tem Josef Staufer and �he fo1lowing counc�lmembers v�rer� pr�sent:
Rod S�ifer
8�11 Heimbach
Bob Ruder
John Donovan
Others present inc7uded:
Stan Bernstein, Rcting 7own Manager
Larry Rider, Town A�torney
� ORDINANCE No. 2, Ser�es o� 1977, rezoning �ot 16, Bighorn Second Addit-�on,
and Lots 7� , 12, and 13, B�ocic 4, and Lots 1 and 2, B�ock 6, BTghorn Third
Addition, was introduced on second read�ng by P1r. 5taufer. There was na
d�scussion, and Councilman Donavan r�oved to a��rove �he ordinance on second
reading; Counci�man RUder seconded the motion, a�l �resent voted in favar;
and the motion carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance
publ�shed by ti�le anly.
ORDINA�lCE No. 3, Series of 7977, estab7ishing S�ecia1 Deve1opment District 7,
was introduced on second readir�g. Kaiser Morcus w.as pr�sent to answer any
ques�ions regarding the Mark's Special �evelopment �is�rict. Councilman
Donovan noted �hat even though the �lark's zoning would be SDd, it would
still be subject to any fu�ure changes in �he 7own's �aning Ordinance.
Counci7man Slifer poin�ed o�t that the Towr� Counci7 must anprove each
phase of the development separately. Counci1man Donovan then moved to
approve the ord�nance; Councilman Slifer second�d the motion; all present
voted in favar; and �he mation carried. 7he Town C1erfc was instructed �o
have �1�e ordinance pUblished by titTe only.
ORDINANC� No. 9 , Ser��s of 1977, reqarding the registra�ion of contractars
within the Town of Vai� , was introduced on first reading by Mr. �ernstein.
He expTained that under the ol� ord�nance all contractors ' licenses ex�ired
. on January 1 of each year regardless o�F the date c�rar�ted. He stated that
this ordinance would �rovide for expiratian of all licenses one ,year after
the date of issuance. He stated that this ordinance would include electricians
ar�d pl umbers who must be 1 i censed b,y �he State }�ri or to regi strati on ti�i�h the.
Town. Counciiman Ne�mbach moved to approve the ordinance on first reading;
Counci7man Donavan seconded the mot�on; all present vo�ed in favor; and tY�e
mation carried, The Town C�erk was instructed to have the ordinance nublished
ir� fu1i .
ORDINANC� No. 5, Seri�s o� 1977, amending the Sic�n Code regarding nonconform�ng
signs, was in�roduced on first read�ng. J-im Lamont exp7a�ned that the ord�nance
provided far the remova7 of certain nonconform�ng s�gned throughaut the 7own
within a five year period, Mr, Rider s�ated that the HaTiday Tnn has agreed
to remove their nonconfor�ning sign soon. Counc3lman S1 �fer moved to ar�prove
the ord�nance on first reading; Co�ar�cilman Heimbach seconded the r�otion, a11
present vat�d in favor; and the matian carried. The Town Clerk L�►as instructed
to have the ordinance published in fu17 .
RESOLUTION No. 2, Series of i977, regarding the lease and agreement to purchas�
for Lot 10, was ir�traduced by Mr. Bernstein. He exniained �hat Lot 10 �s now
� owned by Dr. Steinberg, e� al , and that through this reso�ution �he Town agrees
�0 7ease Lot 70 for $700.00 per month, from January through Apr�l , 1977, and
�o purchase �he Lo� for $70,000.00 vn May 1 , 19�7. He sta�ed that Lot 10 is
now being used for the bus raute �hraugh S��e 24. Lot 10 �s 7/2 acre. Council-
man Donovan moved to approv� the Eteso1ution; Councyl�an Ruder seconded the
motian; a11 present voted in favor; and the matian carried.
" "' Minutes/Regu�ar Meet�ng
1 February 1977
Page Two
R�SO��TZO� �o. 3, Series of 1977, ca77ing a special bond election �n the
� tata� amount of $2,950,000, was introduced by Mr. Berns�ein. He exp7ain�d.
that the resoiut7o� ca1Ts an election fvr March 29, 1977, and that there
will be two questions on the ballot: i . $450,000 for o�en s�ace, incTuding
Lat 10 a�d the Ka�sos Property . (74� acres) ; 2. $2,500,000 for an �ce rink/
multi-purpose arena. Bond cou�se1 Lor�ng Harkness asked �he �ayor Pro Tem
�o read the e�t�re title o� t�e resolutio� �nto the record: "A Reso7ut�on
Calling a Specia� Bond E��ction for the Puraose of Submitting to the Registered
�ualified �7ec�ors of the 7own of Va�7 , Co�orado, Two Questions of Issuing
General Obliga�ion Bonds of said Town in an Aggrega�e Principal Amoun� not
�xceed�ng $2,950,000 for the Purposes of Acqu�r�ng O�en Space and Acquir�ng,
Cons�ructing, Insta11ing, and Eau7pp�ng an Enclosed �ce Skating Are�a and
Mu1ti�Purpose Fac�li�y, said Election �o be held March 29, 197�; Designati�g
Judges and Clerks far said �lection; Providing for Publicat�on o� �otice of
Reg�stratlon and Pvst�ng and Pub�icativn of �otice of said Election; Pr�scrib-
ing �he Form of Ba71ot for said Election; and Otherwise Providing fflr the
Conduct Thereof". Counci�man S7ifer annaunced �hat a pub1ic hear�ng regard�ng
the proposed �esign of the arena would be held i.n two weeks and t�at Town
Ma�ager Terry Minger and the project architects wauld be �resent. Councilman
Donovan then maved �o approve the resoYut�on; Counc�Tman Ruder seconded the
motion; a1T present vated in favor; and the �otion carried. The Town Clerk
was instruc�ed to �ave the resalution pub�ished i� fu11 ,
� W�th regard �o the a�paintment of a member to the Design Revi�w Board, Mr.
Staufer stated that at the last meet�ng the Council vo�ed a tie bet�een
Bill Bishop and Ron Todd, The Council voted by secre� balZot, and Mr. Bishop
was ap�ointed �o �he DRB.
With regard to the Mar�'s Environmental Impaet Report, Diana Toughil� stated
that the Council �ad reviewed �he document a� wark session earlier in �he day
and that copies were avai�able in her office for a�y i��erested parties. She
stated tha� the Planning Co�m�ssion �elt that a�l points had been adeauately
address�d. Councilman Heimbach moved �o acceot �he Mark's Enviranmenta]
Tm�act Report; Caunc�7man Slifer seconded the� motion; a11 �resent voted i�
�avor; and the mo�inn carr�ed.
W��h regard �o the Manor Vail 's request for a setback variance, P�s. TaughiTl
stated t�at the request was far a two feet, six �nch setbac� and that the
request was part o� the overal� Manar Vail remodell�ng of ��s �la�a area.
She added that t�� p�aza wil� make a handsome entrance to the Anthalz Park.
�r. Qic� E1ias of the Ma�or Va�1 showed �he Council his remode1�ing plans.
Counci7man R�der maved �o appra�e the variance request; Counci1man Heimbach
seconded the motion; all present voted in favor; and the motion carr�ed.
Mr. Berns�ein announced that the I�70 over�ass wou1d b� rebid with�n the
nex� �wo weeks, and �hat a wire and canvas ca�opy was being considered rather
than the proposed gTass jn order �o cut costs.
With no further bus�ness, �he meet�ng was adjourned at 8:20 A,�.
M y r
�' ?' �
. G� /���.�
� Town C erk
� .,i
15 F�BRLIARY 1977
The regu1ar meeting of the Town Cauncil of the Town of Va�l , Colarada,
was convened at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Feb�^uary 1�, 7977, in the Vail
Munici�a� Bu�lding Counc�l Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and the folZowing caunc�imembers were bresent:
Josef S�aufer
John Do�ovan
8i11 Heimbach
Bob Ru�er
B�1T Wilto
Rod Slifer
Others present incTuded:
Stan B�rnstein, Acting Town Manager
. Larry Rider, Toti�n A�torney
Mr. A. �. Siccardi and Mr. E. N. Haase had not ye� arrived for �heir
special presentation, therefore, Mayor pobson moved to item 2 on �he
ORflTNANCE �Io. 4, Series of Y977, regarding ��te registratian o� contractors
within the Tow� of Vail , was in�roduced on second reading. The Mayor
explained that the Counci1 and the public shau3d be fam�liar with the
ordinance. Counci1man Donovan moved to approve the ordinance on second
reading; Councilman Stau�er seconded the mo�ion; all �oresen� voted in
favor: and the motion carried. The 1'�wn Clerk was instruc�ed to have
the ordinance publ�shed by tit�e only.
ORDINANCE f�o. 5, Series of 1977, amending th� Sign Code regarding nonconform-
ing s�gns , was introduced on second r�ading. There were no que�stions or
commen�s , and Counc�3man Slifer moved to approve the ordinanc� or� second
reading; Councilman He7mbach seconded �he mot�on; all present voted in favor,
and the motion carr�ed. The Tawn C1erk was ins�ructed to have the ordinance
published by ti��e on�y.
� ORDTNANCE Na. 6, Series o� 1977, making a subplementa7 appropriat9an from the
Generai Fund for cloud seeding, was �ntraduced on firs� reading. Mr. Bernstein
explained that th� ord�nance wou7d authorize $5,0�0 to pay 1/2 of a $10,000
claud seeding program; Vail Associates is to pay the other $a,000. He stated
that �he cloUds were to be seeded with the next storm. Counc�lmar� Staufer
obj�cted �o tf�e third paragraph regarding increased revenues, and Councilman
S�ifer rr�oved to approve the ordinance w�th the de1etion of paragraph three;
Counc�lman �ieimbach seconded the mot7on; a71 aresent voted in favor; and the
motion carried. The Town Cierk was instructed �o have tl�e ordinance �ublished
in full .
ORQINANCE No. 7, Seri�s of 7977, rezoning Lot 9, 67ocic 2, Vai1/Patato Patch
from HDNf� to MDMF, was introduced on first reading. Architect Ron Todd
explained that �h� rezoning was a volun�ary dawnzoning on the part of his
c7ient. Councilr�an Donovan strongly felt tha� the downzoning shou�d be ta
R�sidentia1 , and Counc�lmen S7ifer and He�mbach agreed. D�ana Toughill
s�ated tha� the Planning Commission had recommended approval 5-1 , and �hat
the sta�f offered no recommenda�ion. awner Bob Lazier s�ate� that the property
should be developed �o its maximum since �t was adjacent �o the overpass , and
Councilman Donovan countered that t�e Town shou1d ge� awa,y �rom the "develop
to max'' philasophy. A�Fter a brie�f d�scussian regarding sbo� zoning, Councilman
�'� Heim�ach maved to tab1e a vo�e an the ord�nance unti1 a deed restriction agreem�nt
couid be drawn up; Counciiman �lilto seconded tl�e motion; all preser�t voted in
favor; and the mo�ion carr�ed.
'_ ' Minutes/Regu�ar Meeting
Vail Town Council
15 Feburary 1977
Page Two
� Mr. Siccardi of the De�ar�ment of Trans�ortation, Federai Highway Adminis�-
tration, and Mr. Naase of the CoTorado Department of Highways , arrived and
preser�ted their "Best Statiort" avrard to �he Con�inenta7 Oil Company and
Va�l ViTlage Conaco. They also presented an award for th� Outstanding
�lighway Oriented Project Which Preserves the Environment to the �fown of Vail
and Roystpn, Hanamoto, Bec�C and Abey for the Vai1 Transportation Center,
OR�INANCE No. 8, Series of 1977, rezoning Vai7/Potata Patc� Second F'i1ing
from MDI�F �o �'wa Family Res�dential , was introduced on first reading. Ms.
Tough�7T exp1air�ed �hat the request was for a voluntarv downzoning with a
subs�an�ia1 decrease �n de�nsity. Councilman Donovan r�oved to adapt the
ord�nance on ��rst reading; Counci1man Ruder seconded the mo�ion; a71 nres�nt
vo�ed Tn �avor; a�d the motion carried, Councilr�an Sl�fer then moved to
approve the attendant resubd�visian; Counci�man Heimbach seconded tYte motion,
a11 preser�t voted in �Favar; and the mation carried. The Town Clerk was
instructed to have the ordinance pub7ished �n fu11 .
�ESO�UTT4N No. 4, Se�r�es af 1977 , re7ating to tF�e phased construc�ion of
�he T-70 overpass, was �ntraduced. Kent Rose ex�lained that the overpass
as designed was too exnensive and would be rebid withou� �he canopy. H�
� added tha� �he canopy v�ould be reb�d ar�d constructed later. Gour�cilman
Wilto moved to approve �he resolution; Counc�lman Ruder seconded the motion4
all present voted in favor; ar�d the motior� carr�ed.
The Counci� agreed ta �eave �he Site 24 discussion for the last �tem or� the
agenda, and moved ahead to it�m #9, W�th regard to the J.C. Gr�ffin request
for a se�back var�ance for Lot �7 , Block 2, Gore Creek Sub��vision, Ms.
ToughT�l ex�lained that 1/3 of the 7ot was located in Gore Creek and that
the applican� was request�ng a 15 foot setback rather than th� required 20 feet
in order to move �he house away from the creek bank. She added tha� the
Plann�ng Commission had approved the request unanimous1y. Cvuncilman Donovan
moved �o approve the reques�g Councilman Wi�to secanded the mo�ian; all �r�sent
voted in favor; and �he mot-ian carried.
W�th regard to the Seiby/Tofel (Lionshead Theatre) request for resubdivis�on ,
Nir. Selby reviewed �he �ocation of the theatr� brie�ly ar�d stated that he was
asking for a floa�ing 15 foo� easement (to be �ied down when pTans are more
firm) for access from the Mark �o the Lionsh�ad Ma17 throUqh th� th�atre pra-�
perty. Councilmar� Sl �fer felt �he �asemen� shou1d be a� 7east 20 feet.
Counci1man Heimbach maved to a�prove the resubdivision with the �5 foo� ease�-
ment; Councilman W�lto seconded t1�e motion; Cauncilman Sl �fer voted aga�nst;
� and t�e mo��on carried with a va�e of 6-1 .
Wi�h regard �o Site 24, Mr. Minger expla-ined that �h� Council had spent a
great deal of t�me ear1ier in the day revising the design concept of the
ice arena roof. He s�ated that they had com� up w�th a pavillion approach ,
a roof withau� sides which wou1d cast less and theoretically wou3d st�13
keep the �ce cold. The Mayor explained that t}�e �larch 29 bond election eould
still be held if the Council me� in one week ta amend the resol�tion ca�lir�g
for the e�ection, There were many statements pro and con �rom the f�oor
regarding th� pavillior� approach. Ther� were a1so many auestions regarding
the ice melting by the dasher boards of the new rink. Pat Dodson, Recreation
Direc�ar sta�ed that h� felt the mel�ing was due to the s�n's intense ref�ection
off the dasher baards. �'he Mayor returned the discussion to �he pavi7�ion,
and asked for a shaw of hands regarding that approach. The straw vote was
overwhelm�ngly in favor of the pavi7lion. Architect Da�e Sprank�e stated
that either a catenary or truss appraach �o the pavil7�on cauld be build for
araund $750,p00 and that a Butler building pavillian approacYt cou7d be built
�Far less, and �e asked for direc�ion. Some mer�bers of the aUdience preferred
the catenary appraach and others preferred �he simplest, chea�est a�proach.
F�gures were discussed, and many members of the aud9enc� objected to recavering
the $2�0,000 already spent through the bond elect�on. Mr. 8ernstein s�ated
� that an eiect�or� on bonding the ice arena roof could wai� unti�-mid-summer
and tha� the March 29 elect�on cou1d go ahead �or $450,�00 for Lot 10 and
Katsos. Mr. SprankTe stated �hat the Town cou1d wai� un�91 mi� su�mer to
vote on the ice arena room and stiTi be abl� to cons�ruct the roof without
delay. The Mayor asked for ahother show of hands regarding whether or not
�o wai� unti� mid-summer for a bond eiect�on for the ice arena roo�'. By a
", i Minutes/ReguTar Meeting
3 15 Fe�ruary �977
Page Three
� smaTl margin, most want�d to wait. Dick Elias as��d what the architectural
fees owed to Mr. Sprankle were to date. Mr. Berns�e�n stated that �he fees
amo�nted to 7% of $4.7 mil�ion, as agree� �pon at the time the can�ract was
signed, Councilman Danovan praposed to vote only on Katsas and Lot 10 at
the March 29 election and to put off voting on Site 24 until June, until
aTl per�inent data had been co7lected. Again, t�e Mayor asked for a straw
vote, and �he crowd unanimously �ndicated that they pre�erred to wait unt�l
mid-summer. Counc�lman Heimbach proposed s�tting u� another public hearing,
possibly for the second meeting in March, to look at the a1ternatives aga�n,
and to have Mr. Sprank1e re�urn with revised cost estimates. At �he close
o� discussion Mr. Frank Tho�psan of CATV critic3zed the Gouncil for its
indecision and the use o� straw va�es ta formulate policy.
With no fur�her business, the meeting was adjourned at 1T :45 P,M.
� Mayor
/ d�/V����-� � ..' °' ' , _
Town �erk
- r'.- - . `
'_ �.. ._. ..i
1 MARCH Z977
The regular meeting of the Tocvn Coun,cil o�' the Town of Vail,
Colorado, was convened at 7 :30 P.i�i, on Tuesday, March 1.,
1977 , in the Vail Municipa�. Bui�.ding Counc�.I Chambers.
Mayo� John Dobson and the following councilmembers were present:
Bzll Heim}�ach
John Donovan -
Rod S7.i�er
B�.11 Wilto
Bob Ruder
Others p�esen� were:
S�tanley �' . Bernstein, Actin.g mown Manag�r
Lawrence C. Ricler , Town A�torney
. Mr. F�ank Thompson af Vail Cable TV read e�cerpts �rom his
company' s annual report. He �nrarnecl -�hat illegal hookups wi11
be �u�ned over to the Vai1. Police Department �br pros�cution
in the future. Mr. Loren Mall., a'�torney for Mano� Vai.l in
current litiga�ion aqainst the Town of Vail and Vail Cable TV,
objected �o Mr. Rider ' s interpretation o£ the rate sch�dule.
Mr. Rider stated �.ha� a ..decision in Manor : �ail v. TOV iaas-
i.mm�nen-t and suggested �hat the Council wai�. to decide a ra�.e
mattcr until after that decisa.on was rende�ed. Mr. Dick El.ias
of the Manar Vail agreed that waita.ng would be reason.able. Mx�.
Ma11 asked that Manor Vai3. be kept informed o� futur�: decision
making sessions regarding Cable TV, and the C�un.cil. agreed.
Mr. Thompson: then mentianed the annual discount rate. He felt
�hat pro-�ated accounts should not be discounted., and Mr. Elias
agreed. The Tov�rn Council then unanimously agreed to en�orce
the advance payments discaunt, and Mr. Thompson pledged not to
begin advance billing until. January l, 1.978 .
ORDINANCE N�. 6 , Series af 1977 , making a supplemental. appro-
priata,on �rom the General. Fund f�r the purpose o� Cl.vt�d s�.'c'�.1ngr
was intraduced on secand reading. The Mayor annouz�ced that ifi
ihad incleed snowed right a�ter fi�st x�eading on this ordinance.
Councilman Donovan complained that the sludge pats wcre not being
opera�ed aften enough and asked Mr. Be�nstein to check an how the
monies were being spent. Cauncilnlan Donovan then moved to approve
the ordinance on second reading; Councilman Wil.-�o seconded the
motion; al�. pres�nt voted in favo�; and the motion carried. The
Town. Clerk was instruct�d to have the o�da,nance pub�.a.shed by
�itle only.
ORDINANCE NO. 7 , Sera.es of 1977 , rezoning Va�.1/�otato Patch
Second Filing f�om I�'ledium Density Multiple Famiiy to Two Family
Residential., was introduced on second reading. The Mayor explained
that the downzoning was voluntaril.y requcsted. Councilman
Donovan moved �o approve the ordinance on second �eading; Coun.ci.l-
man R�der seconded the motion; al� prc�sen� vo�ed in �avar; and
-�he motion carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the
ordinance published by title on�y.
ORDINANCE NO. 8 , Seri.es of 7.977 , rezoning Lot 9 � B�.ock 2,
Vail/Potato Fatch fram High Density Multiple Family to Medium
� Densi�y Mul-�ipl.e Family, was introducad on first reading. Jay
Peterson, attorney for owner Bob Lazi�r, updated the Cauncil. on
the proposed project. He stated tha� the densi�y hacl been pared
down from 90 to 60 units, but tha� hi.s client sti..11 wants MDM�'
I_ ♦ Y
• ^ `
Minutes/Regu�ar meeting
1 March 1977
Page Two
zoning to allow fo� 90 uncovered parkin:g spaces. He added �hat
he and Mr. Ryder had discussed the deed restrictions. Mr. Rider
� axplained that since last week when the Council was approached
wz.th �he praposed praject, the Supreme Cour-t of Colorada had
ruled that zoning can be cantractual , �o that now the Council
could write restricf.ions into -�ha ordinance and require �he
applican�. �o sign a con-�ract limiting -�he project to 60 uni�s
with 90 uncovered parkin.g spaces prior to second reading on �he
ardinance. Mr. Ran Todd , architect for the pro3ec-�, �howed his
p].ans and �xplained how the units woul.d be situa�ed on the site.
Mr. Donovan asked why �he develaper wanted MDMF zoning �or 6fl
unit�, n.ormally an LDMF d�nsity. Mr. Pete�son stated that hi�
cJ,ient felt that �he Town o� Vail was planning �o downzane in
general and �ha� LDMF could e�rentua�ly tu�n out to be �0 uni�s.
Counci�.man Donovaz� felt vehem�nt�.y -�hat 6� units was too much
den.si�y in an essentia.�ly residen.�ial neighborhood. He bexated
Vail Associates for sell.ing the property at such a high densitX
zaning when they sho�xl.d, he �elt , have downzoned i-� �to Residentia�.
and then so�d it. Counciiman Wilto fe7.� the deve,loper, Lazier,
had shown good faith �n volun�a�ily dawnzoning to MDMF. Several
members of the audience, including Planning Commission member
Sandy Mil�.s - who had voted in favor of the project in P1.anning
Commission voting �- expressed �heir feeiings that the neighborhood
� was essentially res.idential and that the p�ojec�t should not be
allowed to go forward. MS. .Pam Garton, chairman a� the �lanning
Commission, stated that the PC had unanimous�.y voted in fa�or
of �he downzoning and recommend�d that the Cauncil do �he same.
Counci3.man Wa.l�o then moved to apprave the o�dinance an �irst
�ead�.ng; Councilman Heimbach seconded the motian; Councilmen
Donovan and 5lifer and Mayor pobson votec� agains-� �he mo-�ion;
all others present voted in favor; and the motion faiZc�d with a
vote o£ 3-3 .
RESOLIITION NO. 5, SerieS of 1.977r regarding the fi�st amendment
to the Town. of Vaii/Vail Reso�� Association lease agreemen�.,
was in�.roduced by the Mayor. He explained that -�he ainendmcnt
was �Q al�.ow the VRA to repay �.he Town for expenditures incurred
�o �ix the VRA air system af.< tYie Vail Traz�sporta��on Cente"r, said
paym�nts to be spread out over a 7.0-year pe�iod. Counci�.man
Donovan mov�d to approve the resolution; Councilman Ru.der seconded
the motian; Councilman 51i�er abstained; al1 others present voted
in favor; and the mo�.ion carried.
- With rega�d to the Lianshead Theatre vari.ance requests, Mr. Jef�
� Se�.by bxought the Council up to date on the progress af the
pxoject and the denia7. o� all variances requestea up �ta now.
He then presented twa alternative pxopasals, one requesting a
parki.�.ng variance ancl a setback variance, the other requesting
ju5t a setback vax�iance� Diana Toughill exp�.ained that one
proposal would inco�porate unused parking within the adjacent
Lan.dmark building zn a join� parking ag�eement, thereby eliminating
�he need �or a parking va�iance. She explained tha� the se-�back
variance was still. requested to make the ma17. more attractz.ve in
general. She added that as an alternat.ive, the Counci.�. cot�ld
approve an ascraw fund �or futur� parking and charge the Theatre
a certain sum in exchange for a°�parking�' vari.ance; .�a-�her than
approving the jo�.nt agreement, She stafed that the Planning
Commission had recommended approval of thc se-tback va�iance with
the Landmark parking lease. Council.man Wilto then moved to approve
�he setback variance according to Planning Commission �ecommendationsi
Council.man Donovan secanded the mo�tion; a�.l present vo�.ed i� favor;
and the mo�ion carried. Counailman �onovan then moved to tab�.e the
request for a parking var�ance; Councilman Rude� secanded the motion;
all pres�nt vated in favor; and �the motion carried. Councilman
� Donovan asked Mr. Selby to ma�k o£f where the building was to be
l.ocated so that �the Counci.l cauld have a laok at next Tu�sday, ' s
work session and to check with th� Landrnark owners in regard to
where the parking would be Iacated. Mr. Se1.by agreed.
.- r • , �
Minu�es/Regular Meeting
1 Ma�ch 1977
Page Th�ee
Wi�h regard to Mickey Salloway' s appeal o� a Design Review Boara
� decision concerning the Gandola Ski Shop canopy, Councilman
Donovan moved tq table the request until the Council can have
a first-hand look at the canopy; Caunc�lman Ruder seconded the
mo�ion; a11 pr�sent voted in favor; and the motion carried.
With regard to the Cartwright/Mueller request for a resubdivis�on
of Lot 8 , VaiY Village �Oth FiL�ng, Mr. Jay Peterson, now repre-
senting Cartwright/Muel�e�, explained that the �equest was for
f�nancing r�asons, that the site was al�-conforming , and that
no variances wou�d be necessary. Counci�man Slife� moved to
a�p�ove the request; Councilman Donavan seconded the motion;
al� present voted in favor; and the motion carried.
Mr . Ride� s�ated �hat the Town Council couZd, by motion, initiate
�he rezoning of Mr. Lazie�' s Lot 9, if it so desired. Counci�man
S1zte� then mov�d �o request that the Planning Commiss�on begin
r�zoning hearings �o rezone Lot 9 from HDMF to Residential C1us�er
or to Residentia�; Councilman Donovan seconded the mo��on; Council�
men Heimbach and j�ilto we�e opposed; all othexs present vo�ed in
� favor ; and the mot�on carried with a vo�e of 4�2.
Mr. Peterson objected to the Counczl ' s hand�ing of Mr. Lazier' s
rezoning request, stating that the Counci� had not acted fairly.
wi�h no further business, the meeting was adjou�ned at �0 :�0 P .M.
Y �
� � ���
To Clerk
rt. ,e��._�! ,�
r� F�
�� 15 MARCH 1977
'�he regu7.ar meeting of �.he Town Counca�l of the Town of Vail,
Col.orado, was convened at 7 : 3d P.M, an �uesday, March 15,
1.977 , in the Vai3. Mun,zcipal Building Council Chambers.
Mayor �'ohn Dobson and -thc: fo�.�.owing councilmembers were present:
Josef Stau�er
John Danovan
Rod Slifer
Bill Heimbach
Bill wil.to
Bob Rud�r
Others present wereo
Stanley �'. Bernstein, Acting Towx� Manager
� ORDTNANCE N0. 9 , Series of 1977 , regarding transient c1eal.e�s'
licenses, was in�roduced on �irs�. readi,ng. The Mayor explained
that this ordinance would �i.ghten regulat�:ons regarding transient
deale�s by pxoviding far a $50. 00 license fee for �ou��een days
as weZ1. as a percentagc� sa�.es tax de�osit. Councilman ti�7i7.to
moved to approve the o�dinance; Councilman H�imbach seconded the
motion; aI.1. present voted in favor; and �.he mo�.ion carried. The
Town Clerk was instructed to have the a�dinance published .in
Mr. Dick Elias, chairman of the Growth Management Study Comma��G�ee ,
reported on the progress o£ -�he group and stated that they wer�
recommending a population ceilzng of 25,000 to 34, 000 peapl:e for
th� Gore Valley. He added that further reports would be farth-
coming from the committee as it reach agreemen-� on methocls for
achieving a growth ceiling.
With regard to �he Lionshead Thea-�x'e' s request for a pa�l�.ing
variance, the Town Attorney had submitted a memo ta the Coun.cil
recommending that the varian:ce be granted subject to �he Theatre
paying the '�owrz no� more than $3500 per pa�king space, said
� agr�ement to be binding on the applican-� �'or two y�a�s, subject
to a signed ag�eement between the applicant and the To�rn. Mr.
Jim Lamont, Direc'��r of the Depar-�ment o� Community Development,
stated �hat the Pl.anning Cammission un.ani.mausly endorsed the
arrangement. Councilman Heimbach moved ta approve the request
subject to the escrow agreement outlined by the Town Attorney;
Councilman Sli�e� seconded the motion; all present vated a.n
favor; and the motion carried. The To�a'n At�orney was direc-ted
ta draft the neces5ary agreement.
A'� this point, the Mayar c�xplained that the '�own Cauncil had
informa�ly agreed ta �econsider ORD�NANCE NO. 8 , Sexies of 1977,
rezonix�g Lot 9, B1ock 2, Vail/Po�ato Patch, ;��om HDMF to MDMF.
Councilman Wilto so moved; Councilman Heimbach seconded the
motion; a1.Z pxesent voted an favor; and �he motion carried.
The reconsi.deration was set for the April 5 �egular me�ting.
With rega�d to Mr. M�rv Lapin' s requ�st for a variance �'r�m the
provisions of Section 3 . 5Q5 of the Zoni.ng Ordinance, architect
Ron Todd explained �hat the reques� was to �eplace the exis�.ing
house on �.he iot due to drainage probl.ems. He added tha� the
*� repl.acement would be 1500 square �ee� smaller. Mr. Lamon� stated
tha� the Planning Cammissian had recommended approval. Counc�l-
man Heimbach moved to app�ove the reques�t; Council�nan Wilto
seconded �he motion; Cauncilman .Donavan vo�ed againsf., a11 oth�rs �
present. voted in favor; and the motion carried with a vote o� 6y1.
y � v� f
�` Minutes/Regul.ar Mee�.ing
15 March 1977
Page Two
Regarding �he request of Kathryn R. , Ruth E. , and Howard M.
�., Benysh for GRFA and setback variances for Unit 7 , Bighorn
� Terrace, the applican�s explaz.ned that the request was a�n
ord�r to build a clining room and to move the ou�.side deck -
a total enlargement of 130 square feet, �he stated �hat the
changes would make the uni� more l.�.vable and that th� P1an:ning
Commission. had recommended approval. Councilman Donovan moved
to approve the requests: Councilman Ruder seconded the mation;
a11 pres�nt voted in favor; and the motion carried.
Regarding John R. and Margery J. Hemby' request for approval
of the aval.anche report fo� Lot 16 , Bighorn �ubd�.vision, Mr.
Lamont s�a-�ed that the Planning Commission unaninnously �ecom--
mended approval. Courzcilman Wi�.to maved to approve the report,
Councilman Donovan �ecandecl the mo�ion; a�.�. present vo�ed in
favor; and the mot�.on carried.
Regarding Mickey Salloway' s appea]. of the Design Review Board' s
decisian requi.ring him to r�move a canvpy at the Gondola �ki
Shop, Mr. Salloway nor anyone representing ha.m was present.
Mr . Lamont explained that �he Council must act tonight according
to the appeal pracedu�es. Councilman Staufer updat�d that Council,
s�ating that the Design Review Baard had approved one size �or
� the eanopy; Mr, Salloway had built a 1arg�r size,• the Design
Review Boazd th�n sazd to -take �he w�ong sized can.opy down� and
Mr. Sa�.loway had appealed to the Council. Councilman Ruder
stated thaf. Mr. Salloway' s methods had been incorrect, but that
the canopy as built improved .the safe�y of the a�ea around it
by blocking falla.ng snow and ice, Councilman 51�.�er moved to
send the matte� back to the Design Review Boaxd fo� 30 days
fur�her review; Councilman Ruder seconded the motion; al]. presen-�
voted in favor; and the motion carriecl.
Mr. Bernstein announced that �anuary 1.977 sales tax revenues
were even with those for January 1.976 . He also announced tha�
March 29 had been se� as a bond election date to datermine
whether the Town cauld purchase the Katsos Property and Lot �0
(adjacent to Site 24) . He invited any questions.
Counci7.man Sl.i�er r�quested a l.ist of a7.1 Town o� Vail parking
� contrac�s from the staff wxth a proposal �or coll.ecting on them
by the next work session.. Councilman Ruder announced that Council.
age:ndas were now being prepa�ed on �.he Friday prior to the meeting
and asked that as1 agenda items be �.urned in by then.
With no ftxrther business, the rneeting was ad�ourned at 8 :45 P.M.
Town C1erk
_ ... :.+:
19 APRI�, T977
The regular meeting of the �own Council of �he Town of Vail , Colorado,
was convened at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Aprii 19, 1977, in the Va�1 Mun7cipal
Buil dinc� Cour�ci 1 Chambers.
Mayar John Dobson and �he follawing counci7members were present:
John Ronovan
8i11 Neimbach
Bob Ruder
BiTI Wil�o
Oth�rs present included:
5tan Berns�ein, Acting Town Manager
�arr,y R�der, Town Attorney
� ORDINANCE �Io. 8, Series of 1977, rezonir�g Lat 9, BTock 2, Vail/Potato Patch,
from HDM� to �[DMF, was introduced on second read�ng. Councilman Wi�to moved
�o app�^ove the ordinance on secand r�adir�g; Counc�7man Ruder second�d the
mo�ion; the vote was �4-1 with Councilman Donovan voting against; and the
motion carr�ed. �'hE Town Clerk was 3nstructed �o have the ordinance publish�d
by titie onTy.
ORDTI�ANCE No. 9, Series of 1977, regarding transient .dealers " lic�nses , was
introduced on secor�d reading. Mr. R�der ex�lained that the ti�ne periad had
been reduced to four�een clays and the fee red�ced to $5D.40 Uvith a sales tax
deposit of not 1ess than $100.0�. Counci�man Donovan moved to approve the
ordinance as am�nded� Counci7man k�ilto second�d the motion� a71 present voted
in favor; and �he motion carried. �'he Town Clerk was instructed to have the
ordir�ance pub1ished in full .
ORDINRNC� No. 71 , Series of 1977, regarding t�e sale of $450,000 of ��e Town 's
Genera� Ob7igatian Bonds, was introduc�d an �irs� reading. Stan Bernstein
read the title inta the r�cord: "Ar� ordinance to contract an indeb�edness on
behalf of the Town af Vail , Colorado, and u�on the credit therevf, by issuing
genera7 abligation bonds of said Tawn in the �rinc�gal amount of $4�0,000 far
the purpose pf defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of ac�tuiring real pro-
• �erty to be used as open space and/or recreat�on and park land; prescribing
�he form of said bands; and providing far �he 7evy of �axes and for the �p�Ti-
cation of sa7es tax revenues� of the Town of Vail to �ay said bonds and the
in�erest thereon". The Mayor asked if all members present had read the ordinance,
and a71 had. Councilman Donovan moved �o approve the resolution w�th the addit�on
, ,T — ,_,. . .�--��----- _..__..
to the t��1 e o�-- muni c7 pa1 serv�c�s as a �aossi bYe use; �unci�mar� l�li�to seconded°,
the motion; a17 present voted in favor; and the mot�or� carried. The Town G�erk
was instructed to have the ordir�ance as am�nded pub7ished in fu1T .
RESOLUTION f�o. 6, Series of 1977, approving �he conveyar�ce of ParceT B, Vail
Village �irst Filing, was introduced. The Mayor explained �hat ac�ion on the
resolution had been cont�nued from the prev�ous mee�ing. Fle added tl�at the
reso7ution Y�ad been amended to incTude a twer��y foot easemen� granted tv the
Town, and that s�a�ements had beer� received confirming �hat $1 ,5D0.00 was a
fair price for the property. Counci3man Donovan moved �o a�prove the resolutian
as amended� Caunci3man Neimbach seconded the mc�t�on; al� presen� voted in favar4
and �he mot�on '�carried.
RESOLUTION Pda. 7, Series of 1977, approving the Morcus Subdivision, was �ntro-
duced. Mr. Rider �xplained that th�re were technical errars in �he first
� subd�vision which �ad beer� approved by the CounciT nreviously and �hat this
resubdivisian would correct those errors. He added tha� the change wouTd not
affect the special development district. Counci1man Neimbach moved ta approve
the Morcus Su�division; Councilman Ruder seconded the motion; all present voted
in favor; and �he motTOn carried.
n. -: .
hlinu�es/Regular Meeting
19 A�r�l �977
Page Two
� W�th regard �o �he appoin�ment of a member to t3�e Board o� Ap�eaTs for the
Uniform 8uilding Code, the appl �cants were Ronaid A. Todd and Donald J. Potter.
T�e Council voted by secr�t ballot to appoirtt P�r. Todd.
Mr. Bernstein announced that sa7es tax revenues �or February �977 were down
5% from February 1976.
Tn response to a questior� regard3ng the status of the various Town of Vail
park-�ng cantracts, Mr. Rider stated �hat some had been loca��d anci that he
had sent a memo �o the Council earl �er in the day. H� expected a dec�sion
regarding co1lection af the cor�tract payments soon.
In response to a question regarding �h� t�metable for t�e I-70 overpass, Mr.
Berns�ein stated that the overpass should be f�n�shed in time for use in
�he Fa11 .
With no furtf�er business, Counci�man Donovan moved to ad�aurn at 8:00 P.M.
, �
� �{-'� .� ..
Town C erk :
... I.�� .....,J�� .
5 APRIL 1977
Th� r�gular me�etTng af �l�e Town Counc�7 o�F the �own of Vail , Co7oradv,
was canvened a� 7:30 P.M. o� Tuesday, Rpril 5, 1977, in t�e Va-�1 M�anicipa7
Building Counci1 Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and �he following council�nembers werr present:
Jasef Stauf�r
Rad STifer
Jahn Donovan
BiTI Heimbach
Bi�l Wilto
Bob Ruder
Others present included:
Stan Bernste�n, Ac�ing 1'own Manager
l.arry Rider, Town Attorney
� ~ Reconsidera�ion of 4RDIfVRNCE �Io. 8, Series t�� 1977, rezonYng Lot 9, Block 2,
Vail/Potato patch from HDMF to MDMF, was intraduced nn firs� read�ng. The
project's attorney, Jay Pe�ersor�, and Jim Lamont sta�ed that the ord�nance
had been defea�ed at the March i , 1977 meeti�g af the Council and tha� the
Counci7 had appraved a motion �o reconsider �he ord3nance at its March 15,
1977 meeting. Mr. Peterson and Arch�tect Ran Todd reviewed �heir drawings
and rei�erated the developer's good fa�th in voluntarily reo�uesting a downzan�ng
of the property. Kit Abraham presented and read a petition sign�� by res-�dents
of the adjaining neighborhood re�uesting that �he Town purchase Lot 9 and
convert it in�o gr�en space. There were many pub7ic comments both pro ar�d con
the praject and with regard �o various zoni�g suggest3ons. Mr. peterson stated
tha� �he present I�DMF zon�ng allowed a total of 215 units that could be bui��
on the site, and that Mr. Lazier was requesting a downzoning to b0 units.
�epi Gramshammer suggested that �h� Town purchase the property and build a
park-ing lot so that skiers and employees co�ld �aric tl�ere and cross ov�r the
I-70 overpass to Lionshead. Councilman Staufer ferven�ly expressed his belfi�f
in tl�e developer's right to use h�s pro�aert,y and �ra-ised the volun�ary dawnzaning.
Councilman Wi7to moved to approve t�e oi^dinance and the downzoning; Councilman
Ruder seconded the motior�; the vo-�e was �-2 �n favor, wi�h Councilmen Donovan
. and Sli�er vot�ng against; and the motion carried. The Town Cler�c was instructed
to have the ordinance published in fu11 .
ORDINAi�CE No. 9, Series of 1977, regarding �ransient dealers' licenses, was
intraduced on first reading. Coun.ci�man �onovan exnlained the need �o clarify
regulat�ons regarding �ransien� dealers, but reaues�ed that �he dura�7ori af �f�e
license be decreased Fram. sixty �o fourteen days. ��r. Rider stat�d that if �he
tength of' time the �7cense is granted for is shor�ed, the fee should be decreased
as we�l . Cauncilman Donavan then moved to approve the ordinance wi�h the time
periad reduced to foUrteen days and the fee reduced to $100.00; CounciTman
Staufer seconded the mot-ion; a11 �resen� voted �n favor; and the mo�ion carried.
T�e Tov�rn Cl�rk was instructed �o have the ordir�ance aublished in full .
ORDZNAfJCE No. 10, 5eries of 1977, an emergency ardinance authorizing �nterim
financ�ng irt �he amoun� of $450,000, was introduced. Stan Bernstein ex�lained
tha� the in�erim financ�ng was in relation �o �he recent Katsos/Lot 10 bond
electian, in antic�pation of revenues fram the bond sale. He stated that an
e�nergency ardinance was re�uired because the techn�cal closing date for the
� Katsos purchase is Rpril 6, 1977. Councilman Donovan maved to approve the
ard�nance; Counci�man Wiitfl second�d the motion; all present voted ir� �Favor;
and the mo�ion carried. The Town Clerk was instruc�ed to have the ordinance
publ�shed �n fu1T .
� .
RES�L,EJTION No. 6, Ser3es o�F 1977, approving the conveyance of �arcel B, Vail
V�Zlage First �'iling, was introduced. Jim �.amont explained �hat the resolution
appraved the saTe of Parc�l B by �he Town to the Vai1 Atheltic Glub for �arking
in exchange for an add�tiana� easement gran�ed to �he Town and $1 ,500.QD.
� ,�,�°w
M�nutes/Regular Meet7ng
5 April 1977
Page Two
� Parce� B would not count it� calculat�ons of GRFA. Counci1man �lifer as[ced
�For an outside opinion regarding the price� and Councilman Donovan was op�osed
ta park�ng on the parcel . Counc�7r�an �{eimbach r�aved �o table action on the
reso7u�ion; Counci1man Danovan seconded the motion; all present voted in favor;
and the motion carried. Act-�on was deferre� until the next regu�ar meet�ng.
With r�gard to the Gond�!la Ski Shop's appea� of the Des�gn Rev�ew Baard`s
d�n-ial of �ts sign app1i;cation, Mr. Lamont explained tha� th� DRB had o��.ginali,y
approved a twelve foot canapy s�gn, and the app�icant erected a 27 foot canopy;
�he DRB reques�ed that the Targer canopy be removed and the original sign erected
in its �lace. Mr. Sa11oway stated that the larger car�opy actuall,y was safer
because it protec�ed from me7ting ice and requested that he be a1�owed to keep
it. Counc�1man Ruder moved to over�urn the DRB dec�s�on and al�ow t�e curren�
canapy to stand; Council�an Wilto s�conded the motion; �he vo-te was 6-1 , wi�h
Counci7man Staufer vo�ing against; and the motion carr�ed.
With regard to the P�erce/Ni7sson requ�st �or a GR�A variance far units 10D
and 15D, �andstone 7a, Mr. Lamor�t explained that �he a�op7�can�s wanted to
en7arge the�r 1iv�ng rooms. �d Drager stated that the Planning Commissior�
re�cor�mer�ded denia7 0� the requests, despite a let��r of a�prova1 fror� the
Sar�dstone Condominium Associat�.on; the Plann�ng Commission feared the precedent.
Counc�lr�an Slifer moved to apprave the r�quests; Councilr�an Staufer seconded
S-- the motion; �he vote was 2-3, wit1� Co�anc�lm�n Heir�bach, Ruder, and t�dilto vot�ng
against, and Cauncilma.n Donavan absta�ning; a�d �he motion failed, The Council
requested tha� �he Planning Camm�ssion r�v�ew haw ta handle GRFR variance requests
in the future and subr��� its recommendations soon,
�ay Pe�erson comme�ded the Counci7 for its r�versal in ab�aroving the downzon�ng
reques�ed by Bob l.az�er for. Lot 9 and far i�s openess �n� grantir�g his c�ient' s
request for reconsidera�ion.
Mayor pobson anno�nced the Counci1 's decision to rebid the design cont�^act for
the ice arena, He s�ated that the pav�llian a�nroach had b�en abandoned sir�ce
Recrea��on Direc�or Pat Dodson and other consu1tar�ts fe�t that the approach was
no� pract�cal , wou�d not keep the ic� cold enough.
With no fur�her bus�ness, Cour�ciTman �onovan moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M.
7 " � - _- .
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. 3 MRY 1977
The regular meeting of t�e `fown Counci7 af the Town of Vail , Colorado,
was convened a� 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 3, 1977, in the Vai1 Municipal
Building Co�anciT Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and the fol1owing counci�memb�rs were present:
Rod 5lifer
Bill Heimbach
B;11 w77to
Bob Ruder
Others present were:
Lawrenc� C. Rider, Town Attorney
ORDINANCE f�0. 11 , S�r�es of 3977, regard�ng the sale of $450,000 af
� the Town' s genera7 obiigation bands, was introduced on second rea�ing.
Mr. Rider stated �hat the addition of "Mun�c�pa� Services" to �he tit�e
as approved by the Council on firs� reading was not necessary. Counc�l-
man Ruder moved to approve the ord�nance on second readingR Cour�c�lman
Wilto seconded �he motion; a11 presen� voted in favor; and the motion
carried. T�e Town C7erk was �nstructed to have �he ardinance published.
O�DINANCE N0. i2, Series of 1977, adapting t�e Vai7 Municipal Code, was
introduced on f�rst r�ad�ng. Mr. Rider exp�ained that this ordinance would
adopt the newiy ed�ted cod�fication of all Town of Vai1 ordinances. He
added that secand reading would occur at the June 7 regu7ar meeting since
the ordinance required two publications instead of th� custamary one.
Counci�man Siifer moved ta approve the ordinance on firs� reading; Council-
man Heimbach secor�ded �he mo�ion; all present voted �n favor; and the
motion carried. The Town C7erk ►�ras instructed to have the ordinance published
in full .
ORDINANCE N0. 13, S�ries ot 1977, amending t�e Zon�ng �rc�ina�ce and defining
hazard areas, was introduced on f�rst reading. Ms. Diana Tough�ll , the
Zor�ing Administratar, stated tha� the ordinance was nat yet in final f orm .
for the Council ' s cons�dera�ian and request�d a postponement. CounciTman
� Wilta moved to postpone action or� the ordinance until the I�ay 77 regular
meet�ng; Cour�c7lman Slifer secanded �he motion; a11 �resen� voted in favar;
� and the motion carried.
R�SOLUTION N0. 8, Ser�es of 1977, in suppor� of County dog con�rol measures,
was introduced by Mayor pobso�. iie read the ardinar�ce in fu71 and invited
comments. Mr. Lou Parker complained about the iack o� dog ordinance enfiorce-
men� in �the Sandstone ar�a, and' the Counci� instructed the Police Department
ta en�Force the regu7at-ions �ore s�ringen�7y �n that area. Counc�lman Ruder
then moved to apprave �he resolution; Counc-�1€�an Slifer secanded the mot�:an;
all �resen� voted ir� favor; and the mation carried.
R�SOLU�I�N N0. 9, Series of 1977, in appasition to a State coi3ected, locall�y
shared sales �ax, was introduced by the E�ayor, He stated that the propased
�ax c�ollect-ian arrangement could cut into t1�e Town's sa�es tax revenues.
Councilman S7ifer moved to approve the resol��ion; Councilman Heimbach secanded
the motion; a11 present voted in favor; and the motion carried.
With regard �o Doug7as Borwick's request �or a resubdivision of Lot 74,
81ock 4, Bighorn 7hird Addition, Ms. Toughill explain�d that the resubdivision
wou7d divide �he 3.6 acr� lot into 5 residen�ial lots near the Bighorn water
treatmen� facility. She added that the Plann-�ng Commissior� and the staff had
�� unan�mously recommended appraval . Mrs. Macci Carmady asked about access to
the lots, and Ms. Toughil� showed a map of the proposed easemer�ts. Councilman
Wil�o then moved to approve �he resubdivision; Counci1man Ruder seconded �he
motian; all pr�sent voted in favor; and the motion carried .
� �
� .`l
Minutes/Regular me�t�ng
3 May i977
Page Two
Regarding the Vail A�hie��c C1ub's request for a bui�ding length variance,
� Ms. Toughi�� exp�a��ed that �he need for this var�ance had been overlooked
by the staff and Pianning Commission earlier. She state�d that the proposed
building was about 2 feet too long to comply w�th Zoning Ordinance regu7a�ions,
and tha� the Planr�ing Commission recor�mended apprava1 by a vate of 4-T .
Councilman Wilto moved to approve the variance reques�; Councilman Weimbach
seconded the motion; a71 present voted in favor; and the matior� carrled.
Mayor pobsan stated �hat �own Manager Terry Mir�ger was schedu�ed to return
from his sabba�ical at Harvard tJniversity around May 22, 7977.
Severa� residents of �he Sandstone area compia�ined abo�t the number of dogs
in their area and abaut the apparen� lack of enforcement of the dog ordir�ance.
Tf�e Counci1 instruc�ed 8ob Manzanares �o study �he s7tuation and re�ort to
them at the i�ay 10 work session.
Nir. flud7ey Abbott i�quired abou� a report promised from the Town Attorney to
the Counci� in regard to t�e controv�rs�a� parking con�racts with GCi . 7he
� Nlayor stated that the repart had been rece�ved by t�e Caunc�l and had been
dlscussed at a public meeting. Mr. Abbo�� also urged the Council to abandon
cansideratian of the McAllister sit� as the location of �he proposed public
wor�CS maintenance �Facility since �� was so near ta �he Potato Patch and
Sandstone residentia7 areas. The l�ayor stated that the Cfluncil was considering
the McAl7ister site as well as the Pul �s property and the Selby/�ofel property
but had not reached a dec-�sion as yet, bu� will consider f�r. Abbott's
recommendat�on. Mr. Abbott a7so urged the Counci� to order i�med�a�e clean-�p
of t�e McAilister site, and the Council directed �he staff �a s�bmit a merno
aut7ini.ng what co�ld be done �y the May 10 work sess�an.
Mr. Ern�e Nunn of th� t1.S. Forest Service passed around a fact sheet regarding
the praposed sale of timber �rom the Piney area and �he subsequent use of
Sandstone Road by logging trucks. He asked the public to consider the matter
and stated tha� he wouid mafc� a formal presenta�ion a� the May 17 regu�ar
The Mayor �hen announced that at the May 17 regular meeting bo�h himsel� and
Mayor Pro Tern �osef S�auf er would be absent. He asEced the Town A��orney what
should be done to chair the m�eting. Nlr. Rider stated that the Counc�T should
appaint one of its members Acting Mayar Pro Tem unti� the Mayor's or the Ma,yor
� Pro Te�' s return. Counc7�man Wilta nom�nated Mr. Danovan �o fill the need;
Councilman 51��er seconded the nominat-�ar�; ai7 present voted �n favor; and
P�r. Donovar� stood ap�ointed Acting Mayor Pro 'Tem.
Wi�h na further business, the m��ting was adjourned at 8:30 P.Nf,
M or
awn Clerk
� - ':
� 17 MAY 1977
The regular meeting of the Town Counci7 0� the Town a-F Vail , Colorada,
was convened at 7:3a P.M. on Tuesday, Ma.y 17, 1977 , in the llail Munic�pa1
Bui7ding Council Chambers.
Acting ]�a,yor Pro Tem Johr� Donovan and the fallowing cour�cilmembers were
Bil� Wilto
Bob Ruder
Bili Heimbach
Rod S1ifer
Others �aresent included:
Stan Bernstein, Actir�g Town Manager
�arry Rider, Town A�torney
ORDINANCE No. 13, Series of �977 , amending the �oning Ordinance; defining
� hazard areas, was introduced on first reading. Mr. Rider exb�a�ned that
�he ordinance was not ,yet ready for Counc�1 s cansidera�ion and suggested
�hat �t be tabled ind�finitely. Counci�man Heimbach maved to table the
ardinance for an ir�definite period; Councilman lAlil�o seconded �he motion;
a�l present voted in �avor; and the mo�ion carr�ed.
With regard to the 1976 Audit Report, Jerry McMahan of McMahan, Siap and
VanDever�ter, Inc. , briefly reviewed �he unq�alified aud�t opin�on which
i nc1 uded tl�e `�own and a�1 snec�al di stri cts.
Ac�ing P�ayvr Pro Tem Donovan moved the me�ting to the 4th it�m on the agenda
_s3nce _everyoune_ concerned w�th the 3rd 7ter� had not yet arrived. 4�l�th rec�ard
� _ ___ _
to �he Building_Ins�ector' s_ap�eal of a flesign Revie�v Board decis�on regardinq
T�mber1ine Proper'ties ' proposed si�n, Dave Cfl�e of Tlmberline stated that the s�gn
was au�omatica7ly approved due �o inaction by the DRB. We stated t1�at there
were actual �y two signs in question, one a flag of 5 square feet, and �he
other a regular sign a� 9 sauare feet. We added tha� Timb�rline Pro�erties
did nvt plan �a use the f1ag sign, but fel� that the reqular sign was anpro-
priate for a second s�ary business such as his. Councilman Heimbach moved
�o canf�rm the a�proval of �he DRB� Councilman 1F�ilta seconded the motion,,
• Councilmen Ruder, Slifer and Donovan voted against the matian; and the motion
fa77ed. Councilman Slifer tf�en moved to reverse the approval of the DFtB;
Councilman �uder seconded the mo�ion.; and after further consideration, Council-
mar� Slifer wi�hdrew his mo�ion befare a vnte was taken. Cour�c�1man Slifer
�hen moved to ta�le act�on on the appeal until �he Council and the QRB co�Td
review �he matter further by �he June 7 regu1ar meeting of the Council : Council --
man He�mbach seconded the motion; a17 nresent voted ir� favor; and the motion
carried. The aQpeal was thus tab�ed un�i1 the Jun� 7, 1977 Council meetin�.
Acting Mayor Pro Tem Donovan returneci to item #3 and introduced �rnie IVunn of
t�e U.S. Forest Service to explain the US�S' proposed use of Sanc�stone Road
for logging trucks in 1979-8�. Mr. Nunn stated that the Forest Service would
prefer to use Sandstone Road to remave the timber sa�e than to construct nev�r
roads in�o a previously roadless area. He stated �hat the timber sale wouid
be comple�e in 1977-78, would be harvested in 1978, that 4QQ truck tri�s would
be made in �979 and 450 in 1980. After cons�d�rable pu��ic reaction pro and
con, Mr. Nunn s�a�ed that if the �ub7ic reaction �s totally negative the
Forest Service would rethink the pra�osal and that !�e would be so��citing
publ�c inpu� un �n�il the ��me tha� the timber �s actua�ly sold.
Mr. Donovan then moved down to item #8, aapointment of new me�nbers to both
� the Planning Comm�ssion and the Design Review Board. Ron 1'odd and Barry
, Lambert were app7�cants for a position on th� Planning Cammission; A�e
� Shapiro, Gail 5trauch, and Larry �dgeman were annlicants for a oosition on
�he Design Revi�w Soard. The �ouncii voted by secret baTlo� ta appoint
Ron Todd to the PC and Abe Sl�apiro �o the DRB.
� � �
Minutes/Reg�lar Meetir�g
7 7 Nfay 1977
Page Two
_� Mr. Donovan re��rned to item #5, and Diana Toughi7l explair�ed that the
Se1�,y/Tofel Lionshead Com�ercial �oroject was r�equesting a variance for
distance between bt�i�d�ngs. She s�a�e� that the requirement was far a
20 foot separation, but tha� the Council had asked the developers �o
request a 10 faot separation in order to widen �he Livnshead pedestrian
ma17 . She added that ��or�teneros aparoved of the reauest. CounciTr��n Slifer
then moved �o approve the request; Councilman He�mbach seconded the motion;
all presen� voted -�n �avor; and the motion carried.
W�th regard to �he amended plat for resubd�v-�s�on of Tract �, Vail Village
llth Filing, Ms. Toughi1� explained that the resubdivision had been previously
a�proved by �he Council and that the amendment was to change �he 1ot confi-
gura�ion anl,y. Councilman Wilto moved to approv� the a�nendmen�; Counc�lr�an
Ruder seconded the mo�ion; a11 present voted in favor; ar�d �he mot�on carried.
W�th regard to a request for a variance from Sectian 3.5Q5 of the Zon�ng
Ordinance far �he Dr. George Mizner residence, Lot 17, Bioc�C 5, Bighorn 5�h
Add�tion, architect Duane Piner showed the Counci� his p7ans for twa separate
struc�ures on a duplex 7ot. He exp�ained that ser�ara�ion of the structures
wou1d be a good solutian to a �o�oqra�,hical prob1em (a large rock outcro�npinc#)
and that he had designed the struc�ures around the rocks, ra�her than designing
� a typica� sing�e structure duplex. Mr. Jerry Schusse1e, a neighbor of Dr.
M-�zner's, �ppased �he solu�ion, citing existing cavenan�s which prahib�t such
a separation. Mr. Rider stated tha� the 7own Counc�l has no authority regarding
covenants and can anly act thraugh, its ZonYng Ord�nanc�. Nir. Schussel� was
concerned with the precedent �hat could be set by granting the Mizner variance.
Mr. Rider assured him t�a� the granting of variances was nat �recedent sett�ng
and sugg�sted �hat he seek reiief through the Cour�s. Counci1man Ruder then
maved to grant the variance reques�; Councilman Heimbach seconded the motion;
all present vot�d in favor; and the motion carried.
Mr. �d Drager asked what was being done regarding increased dog control in
the Sands�one area since a number of complaints had been ra�sed ear7ier.
Mr, Bernstein stated tha� th� Town`s efforts �n that area had been s�e�ped
up and �hat the probler� should be subsiding.
With no furth�r business, the meeting was ad�ourned at 10:OD P.1�.
; - , 1
� � . i � _
�'awn C1 r
�._ .�"4'..
F yV
7 JUNE 7977
T�e regu7ar meeting of �he Town Caunc�� of the �'own of Vail , Co3orado,
was convened a� 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 7, 1977 , in �the Vai1 Munici�ai
Bui7ding Counci� Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and �he followinr� councilmembers were �resent:
Josef S�aufer
John Donovan
Rod S3 i�Fer
Si1T Heimbach
Bob Ruder
B�1Z Wil�o
Others present were:
TerreTl J. Minger, Town f�anager
� Lawrence C. Rider, Town A�torney
Mr. D9ck Prascence artd Mr. R. E. Heathcote, of the S�ate Div�s�on o�'
Highways, made a speciai presen�ation to upda�e the gublic on �he
pragress of cons�ruction on Vai1 Pass and Ten Mile Canyon. Mr. Proscence
stated that h�s crews hope �o have the divided four�-lane completed over
Vail Pass by the time they shut down for the winter season, 1977-78. FEe
announced tha� �here could be traffic delays of up to 40 minu�es on an
in�Frequent basis durir�g �he summer. Both gen�iemen offered to be of
service whenever they cou1d and suggested that persans having questions
contac� Mr. Fitzpatr�ck in Erisco at 468-2404.
ORDINANCE N0. 12, Series of 7977, adop�ing the Vail Municipal Code, was
introduced on second reading. Mr. Rider explained that this ordinance
was a �Formality �a adont the new1y edi�ed codification of Va-il ' s municipa7
ordinances. Councilman �onovan moved to approve the ordinance on second
reading; CaunciTman He�mbach seconded the motion; all voted in favor; and
the mation carried. The Town Clerk was ins�ructed to have the ardinance
published by title on�y since there were na amendmen�s from firs� reading.
RESOLUTIO� N4. 10, Series of 1977, regard�ng the proposed annexa�ion of
� �he Wes� Vail area to the Town of Vai� , was introduced by the Town Attorney.
Mr. Rider ex�O1ained tha� a �etition far Annexation �1ec�ion had been
presented by Ms. Celia Roberts of �he West Vai� area �o th� i�eputy Town
C1 er�C ear7 i er �n t�e day ar�d that the Deputy 7'own C1 erk had i n turn __ _-
referred the Pe�ition �o the Town Council . He stated �hat �the signa�ur�s ,
_..__ ------..._. --
on the Petition had been verified as qual-�fied �electors and that the .
Peti�ion appeared to be in substantial compliar�ce wi�h the requirements
of the Sta�� Statutes governing ann�xat�ons, that is, th�y represented
at 1east l0% of the total number of qua1ified electars (resident land-
owners who are reg�stered voters) with�n th� West Vail area. He added
that �he Council now must adopt a resolution setting a time and place for
a p�blic hearing to de�ermine whether or not the West Vail area mee�s the
Statutory requirements for annexa�ion. Reso�utian No. 10 wouid set said
h�earing f'or the regular Tawn CounciT meeting on Tuesday night, JuTy 19,
1977 , at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Frank Carosell� of the West Vail Association
objected �a the Council 's adoption of Resolution No. 10, stating that
the residents of West Uaii preferred not to annex by a margin of 4 �o l .
Mr. Rider sta�ed that �he Council had no choice but to prac�ed w�th the
annexat�on process if 3� determ�ned that the Peti�ion was in subs�ant�al
compliance wi�1� �he Sta'�utory req�iremen�s. Mr. Carosell � then reques�ed
and received a capy of �he Petition. Councilman Heimbach then maved to
- adopt Resolution No. 10; Councilman Donavan seconded the mo�ion; al� voted
� in favor; and the mot�an carried. The Tawn C7erk was instructed to pub1is�
notice af the public hearing to be he7d on July 19, 1977.
` � ,
Minu�es/Regular Mee�ing
7 �u ne i 977
Page Two
� Regarding the quest-ion of parking contracts �n the Core area , Mayor Dabson
announced that the Council was warking with the P�anning Comm�ssion in
joint sessions �o resolve �he overa7T parking problem wi�h7n the nex� month.
With regard to the Rucksack`s request for a �arking variance, €�r. Jeff
SeZby requested that t�e Counci7 tab�e his request until �he P7anning
Commission recommenda�ions regarding parking are received ar�d �ntil Co�nci7
members have an opportunity to discuss the situation with adjoining property
awners. According�y, Counc�lman Slifer moved ta �able the request;
Councilman Wil�o seconded th� mation; all voted in �avor; and the motion
Regarding the 5pa's request for buiid�ng bulk and se�back variances, 8rian
Pendleton, representing the owner, outl�ned �he s�te �n west Lianshead,
and Tom 8riner, the arch�tect, exp1ained �heir d�sign options. Mr. Briner
stated �ha� the owners had opted for a larger bui1ding mass in arder to
have more open s�ace on the site. Diana Toughill sta�ed tha� the Planning
Commission had recommended approval of all four variances. With regard
to �he setback variance, Councilman He7mbach moved to approv� the request
subject to Eldan Beck's letter of �ay Z� and �o the P�anning Commiss�on
� recommendat�on; Councilman Wilta seconded the motion; Councilman Slifer
abstained; the remaining counci7members voted in favar; and the motion
carried. W�th regard to the bui1ding bulk contro1 var�ance to allow a
wa�7 7eng�h o�' 300 feet as opposed to 775 feet a�low�� by the Zoning
Ordinance, Councilman Heimbach moved to ap r�ove the reg�es� subject to__
- - - -
��E3don Beck'S May 2��h 7etter and the r�commendation of the PZanning Commission;
___ ..... - --- _—_
Councilman Sd�`f�o seconded ��e motion; �ounci�I�ian Slifer abstained; CounciTmen
Donovan and Ruder voted against�Fie motion;-and�e-motion carried with a vote
o�F 4-2. With regard ta �he wa17 offset var�ance, Councilman Heimbach moved
ta approve �he reques� subject to the Beck let-�er and �he Planning Commission
recommendation; Councilman WiTto seconded the mot�on; Councilman Slifer
abs�ained; Counci3men Donovan and Ruder voted against the motion; and the
motion carried wi�h a vote of 4-2. With regard �o the diagonal length
variance, Councilman Heimbach moved �o approve �he request subj�c� to the
Beck 1etter and the Planning Commission recommendation; Councilman Udilto
seconded the motion; Councilman Slifer abs�ained; Caunci�men Donovan and
Ruder vo�ed against the mat�on; and the motion carr�ed w�th a vote o� 4-2.
Councilman Staufer then moved to reconsider the vote on the wall length
variance; Councilman Ruder seconded �he motion; Counci�man 53ifer abstained_� .._
- _ __
all others voted �n favor; and the �otion carr�ed. Cauncilman Heimbach �hen
maved aga�n to approve �he wa�l len� variance per the Beck and planning
� Comr�issian recommendations; Caunci7man Wi7�o seconded the motion; Counc�lman
Slifer abs�ained; the remaining councilmembers voted 3-3; and the motion
Regard�ng �he CoTorado Mountain Ca�Zege regues� for a candT�ianal use permit
�o erect a ten� for SummerVail workshop activit-ies, Ms. Toughil7 explalned
�hat the tent had been approved in previous years to hause �he Col7ege
work5hop activity and that the Pianning Commission had recommended approval
th�s year. She added that the tent was 40 x 60 feet and would be in use
�rom June 13 to Auc�ust 19, 1977. Caunci3man Donovan moved to approve the
reques�; Councilman Ruder seconded �1�e mation; all vated in favor; and the
motian carried.
Regarding Holy Cross �7ectric' s request for a conditional use permit to
ins�all a gas pump and tanK on �heir premises, Ms. Tough�71 exp1ained that
�h� permit was requested in order to service Ho1y Cross mair�tenance and
ins�allation vehic�es. Councilman Ruder moved ta approve �he reques�;
CounciZman S� ifer seconded the mo�ion; a17 vo�ed in favor; and the motion
A� this point Counci��an Staufer excused h�mself from the r�eeting and took
� a seat in the aud-�ence. 4dith regard to the Vai] V�llage Inn' s request for
Counc�l approvaT o� ��s Pl�ase I� d�sign and for a�provai a�F its Environmental
Impact Repor�, arch�tect Bill Ruoff exp1ained that as a condit,�on of the
VVI' s Spec�aT Qevelopmen� Dis�rict, each phase must be brought �o the Cot�nci�
I- �
M�nutes/Regular �eeting
7 June 1977
Page Three
. and to the Planning Commission for approva7 . He sta�ed t�at Phase II was
�o rep1ace t�e Outback and that the Planning Comm�ssion had recommen�ed
approval . Counciiman Donovan �oved �o approve �he Vait Vil7age Inn Phase
II; Councilman Ruder seconded the motion; a17 voted 7n �avor; and the mot�on
carried. Counci1man Sli�er �hen moved to approve the Environm�ntal impact
Repor�; Counci7man Donovan secanded the motion; a17 voted in favor; and
the motion carried. Councilman Staufer a�s�ain�d from voting on both
mot�ons, then resumed his seat after �he motions had carried.
With regard to t�e Tow� Manag�r's appeal of the Design Review Soard' s
decision regarding Timberl��e Propert�es' sign application, Bi1I Ruof� as
Chairman of the DRB explained that �he DRB had f�nally approved the proposed
sign, stating S1gn Ordinance ambiguities as the reason. He added that th�
Design Review Board unanimous1y recommended amending th� ordinance �o b�
more c�ear in future cases. W�th regard to the Timberline Propert�es sig�
in par�icular, Councilman Siifer stated �hat �t appeared there were add�-
t�onal �enan�s o� the same f�oor as Timber7ine, thereby chang�ng the size
requ�rements for the sign. Ms. Toughil3 sta�ed tha� if there are other
tenants invo�ved, and if the Council approves �he sign, then the sign would
be non-conformin�. Counci7ma� Ruder moved to reverse the Design Review
. Board 's decision and deny the s�gn; Councilman �i7to seconded the motion;
Mayor Dabso� absta�ned; a11 o�hers voted in favor; and the mo�lvn carried.
The Timber7ine Properties sign stood denied, and the staff was ins�ructed
to get a memo to the nes�gn Review Board regard�ng proposed amendments to
the 5�gn Ord�nance.
Mayor pobson announc�d that a special meeting of th� Town Counci7 would be
h�ld on June �3, 1977, as a pubiic hearing regarding the praposed Avon
STOLpor� wlth presenta�ians to be made by Rocky Mountain A7rlines. He also
announced tha� the Counc�7 had renewed the Town Attorney's con�ract for
another year.
Brian Pendleton of the S�a requested that the Counci7 reconslder its vo�e
on the Spa's request for a wal� length variance and that said reconsidera�ion
be tabTed unt�� the nex� regu�ar meeting of �he Counc�l . so that the architect
could re�hink the design. Councilma� S�auf er moved to reconsider t�e variance
request; Councilman Danovan seconded the matio�; Councilman STifer abstained;
. a11 oth�rs voted in favor; and the motion carr�ed. Councilman� Do�ovan then
mov�d to table the reconsidera�ion un�il the next regu�ar mee�ing; Councilman
Staufer seconded the mot�on; Counci7man S7 �fer abstained; all others vo�ed in
favor; and the motion carried.
Mr. �ou Parker commended Mr. Staufer and archi�ect Ruo�f for a job we�� done
in keeping the redevelopme�� of �he Vai7 Vil�age Inn within the character of
the community.
Witl� no further business, Councilman Donovan moved �o adjourn at �0;30 P.M.
. y
i1� �+E�.Q
� Town Clerk
r �
13 JUNE 1977
A 5pecial mee�i.ng o£ the Town Cou.ncil o� the Town o� Vai1,
Colo�ado, was duly Caii�a and convened at 7 :3d P.M, on Monday,
June 13 , 1.977 , in the Vail Municipal Building Coun.c.il Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and the foll.o�,ring councilmeznbers were present :
John Donovan
Rod Slifer
sil.�. wil�to
Bob Ruder
The Mayor explained -�hat the speciaZ meeting had been called as
a publ.ic hearing for inp�xt �egarding the proposed Avon STOLport.
He stated that the To�,rn of Vai�., Benchmark a-� :Beaver Creek,
Eag1e-Vail, �agle Coun�y 5chool District RE50J, the Vai�. Resort
Association, and Vail Associates had jointly s�nt a l.etter to
� �he Federal Aviation Admina.s�rati.on on May 25, �.977 , requesting
answers ta �evexal areas of concern to the s.ignors - regarding
ope�ating approval, instrument procedures, safety, air space,
a.zrport use, and the environmental impact sta�ement. He added
that a reply had been received from th� FAA addressing �hose
concerns. He then introduced Mr. Gordon Autry of Rocky Mountain
Airlines to make a presentation to �he public rega�ding RMA' s
Mr. Au�ry expl.ained �ha� since air service to Eag1e had begun
in 1.966 coznmuter airlines had b�:en growing and tha� RMA expected
to be carrying 100, 000 pas5enge�s a year between Denver and
Aspen and 50, 00� a year between Denver and Steamboat Sp�rings.
He s�ated that RPdA will continue to use the DH6 Twin Otter
a�.rcraft for awhile after i.� begins sexvice �o the Avon. STOLpo�-�,
but wil�. change to the deHavilland Dash-7 in 1978 or 1979. He
added that the Dash-7 aircx�a�t will ca��y 50 passengears and
w�ii replace �he equivalent af 350, 000 automobile Erips between
Denver and Vail per year. He felt the environmental impact report,
when �inished, would be positive, and he asked for public support.
� Mr, Aut�y then showed a pramotional slide presentation fox the
Dash-7 . He stated that as �ar as pollution is concerned, the
�ash-7 would b� 52 times cl.eaner per passenger than the au�omab�Ie.
He ex-�ol�ed �he Dash�-7 as the "quic�te�t aircra��. in the world
-today" . He fi�ishec� his presen�ta�ion �rith a short �i1m and
stated that the Avon airport had 4300 feet o£ runway leng'th with
800 feet of overrun, an increased safety fac-�or.
The Mayor �hen asked �or other prepared statements fram the floor .
There were none, so Mr. Autry invitcd questions �ega�ding his
presenta�ion. �n response to a question from Councilman Wilto,
Mr. Au�ry stated �hat the Dash-7 would be placed in use first a-�
Aspen and second at Avon and wauld eventua��y be us�d as .the
only aircra�t at Avon. Tn response to a questian �xom Lou Parker ,
Mr. Autry s�ated that RMA envisioned 12 flights per day between
Denver and Avon, amounting to about 180, 000 passengers per y�ar.
Mr. Oran Palmateer asked wheth�r RMA anticipated any night �lights
to Avon, and Mr. Au�.ry' s reply was yes, with �he new precision
guidance sys�em to be incorporated at Avon, but that night f�ights
would probably stop at 10 : 00 P.N7. He added that the instrument
I.anding procedure had been approved by the FAA but had not been
^� �light check as ye�. Councilman Donovan asked for commen�
x�egarding the economic impac�s on Eagle if the STOLport is lacated
at Avon. M�. Autry sta-ted �tha-� a simi.].ar situation existed at
Steamboat Springs , when �MA bc�gan sending fZights into S�ea�baat
Springs, bypassing �he airport at nearby Hayden. He added tha�.
; M�nutes/SpeciaZ meeting
13 ,7une 1.977
Page Two
both airpor-�s were now prospering. He the� stated that in. the
� ten years Rocky Moun-�ain Airways has been servin.g �agle it has
consistent].y 7.ost money, since most passengars from D�nver are
headed to Vai�., and it is nat econozn�.cally practical to ove�fly
�.he destination. He stated �hat as Ac1am' s Rib and other Eagle
County p�oposed ski. areas are buil�, f li.ghts to Eag1e will still
be requi�ed, and �hat RMA does not plan �a stop f�.ights �nto
Eagle. Tn fact, he stated, RMA plans to continue the same
number of fl.igh-�s into Eagle since they cannot withd�aw service
legall.y without hearings. Counci�.man Donovan then asked for
commen� regarding noise, safety and polZution levels to be
expected. Mr. Au�ry responded that there wa�xld be no compromisc:s
on safety regul.atians and -�hat rep�esentativ�:s of the FA� �aauld
attend the Juna 15 hearing be�ore �he �agle County Planning
Commission specifically to address safety. Mr. Merrill Hasta.ngs
of the Eagle Caunty Airpoart Authority asked if air �ights had
been obtained as yet. Mr . Autry explained that the landown�r
has noise and sa�ety rights and is working with Benchmark to
protect �hat devel�opment' s xz.ghts, and will obtain air r�.ghts.
He added that no aircraft except Racky ri�auntain Airways and
Not�ingham p�iva�te aircraft would use the STOLport. M�. Has�ings
asked if RMA envisioned any competition. Mr. Autry stated that
� RMA Tnras investing too muah maney into Avon ta encourage competition,
and tha� RMA has monopoly righ�s as a public u�ila.ty, regulated
under Colorado monopoly law. In r�sponse to a question from
Councilman Sli.fer, M�. Autry sta�ed that a1� -�ake-offs and
landings must bc: �o the West, that the instrumentation was not
set up to al.low approaches and �ake--offs to the East, He added
tha� fare between Denver and Avon would be les� than between
1]enver and Eagle since i� invo�ved a shorter distance and that
transportation b��ween Avon and Vail wo�.1d be by limousine.
Mr. Bob �arker o�' Vail Ass�cia�.es, then e�pressed VA' s support
of the proposed STOLport as an economic boost to the Vail
busi�ess communa�ty. He sta�ed that Rocky Mountain �irways was
making an attempt to serve Vail better , eliminating a number o�'
automobiles in -�he area at the same time, He urged the Town
Council to support the STOLport pub�icl.y at the Eag1e County
P1.anning Commission hearing on June 15.
In response to a question �rom the f�.00r, Mr. Autry stated that
�'reight serva.ce would be scheduled for the future a� ra�es
comparable or low�� �han surface trans�portation. Tn response
� to another question ;rega�din.g the possible loss of �90 , 000 a.n
federal funds �to Eagle as a com�nu�er destination, Mr. Autry
stated that Eagle wi11 continue ta be qualified far thos� �unds
and that a possible �.oss of funding was misin�ormation. I�e
added Rocky Nlountain Airways' �ail�ingness to help secure those
f unds.
There U,r�re no further comm�nts f rom the f 7.00r or �rom Mr. Autry
or from �.he Council.. Councilman Donovan then p�apased that the
Council discus� the p�oposal at i�s work sessian on June l� and
then r�lay its opinion to the Eagle Coun�y Planniang Commission
at the June �.5 hearing.
Mr. Au�ry thanked the Council and the public ; and Mayor pobson
invi�ed any further commen-ts �o �he June �.4 work sessai.on,
With no �urth�� business, �he special hearing was adjourned
at 9 : 30 �.M.
� a a�
!/dl 1�:�C.��cG
Town C�erk
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19 JULY i977
The regu�a�^ mee�ing of the Town �ounci1 of the Town of Va�1 , Colorado,
was convened at 7:30 �.M. on Tuesday, JuTy 19, T977, �n the Vail Mun�cipa7
Building Counci1 Chambers.
Nfayor John Dobson and the foilowing counci�members were present:
Josef Staufer
John Donovan
Rad Sl�fe�
Bill He�mbach
8ob Ruder
Bill Wi1to
Qth�rs present were:
Terrell J. Minger, Town Manager
. Lawrence C. Rider, 7own Attorney
— -----_ ---------_ - ---------
QRDIfVANCE N0. 14, Series o� 1977, `amendin�c �he Vail Municipal Cod�_to .
-- -- --- - -
� --eniarge the Design Review Board, was inCroduced on second reading. Mr ___
_ __- --- --
�--Ri-der s�ate� �hat an amendmen� author�zing the Town Nianager to hire
corisuT�ants for any given �ro,ject l�ad been �ncorporated at the Council 's
request. Counc�lman Slifer moved to approve the ordinance on second
reading; Councilman H�imbach seconded the mo�ion; a17 voted in favor; and
the mo�ion carried. The Town Cierk was instructed �o have the ordinance
published in full .
ORDINANCE [�0. �5, Series of 1977, rezoning the Katsos Property and three
parking 1o�s in 1.ionshead, was introduced on first reading , D�ana Toughill
exp1ained �hat the Katsos would be rezoned from Low Density Mu1tipie Family
to Open Space zone ar�d that the parking lots wou1d be rezoned �rom High
Density Mult�ple Fami�y and Commercia7 Core II ta Parking zone. Councilman
Donavan moved ta approve the ordinance on first read�ng; Counci�man Staufer
seconded the motion; a11 voted �n favor; and the motion carr�ed. The Town
Cierk was instructed to have the ordinance published �n full .
PI�BLIC H�ARING ON RESOLUTIaN 4�0. �3, Series of 1977, regarding �he praposed
� tidest Vai7 annexatior�, was opened by Mayor pobson. Mr. Rider sta�ed tha� the
purpase af the hearing was to determine whether or not the area proposed to
be annexed is eligible for annexatian - that is, that the perTmeter of the
Town and �he perimeter of the area are at least 1/6 contiguaus, that a
community af interes� ex�sts be-tween the twa areas, and tha� the area ta
be annexed is urban or capable of being urbanized; whether there are any
7imita�ions on the proposed annexatio� - that is , tha� no land he1d in
single ownership is divided withou� the writ�en consen� of the owner, that
r�o land of 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation o�' $200,000 or more
is included wi�hout the written consent of the owner, that �there are no
pending annexation �roceedings �o another mun�ci�ali�y, and �that no proper�y
will be detached from one schoo1 district and g�ven to ano�her without the
written consen� of �he first board; and whether there are ar�y �erms or
conditions ta be imposed on �he area by the Town Counc9l . Mr. Rider added
that a Petition for Annexation Election had been presented ta the Town
Council on �une 7, 1977, and had beert found to be in substantial comp�iance
wi�h the State S�atutes, and tha� �he Council had du�y adapted Resolution
No. 10, Series of �977, s�ating said findings and setting tonight as a
public hearing on the proposed annexation. The floor was then opened for
testimony. I�r. Stewart Srown, attorney for the West Vail Assoc�ation,
challenged the va�idity of severa7 signatures on the Petition. Mr. Rider
� recammended that the Counc�l d7salTow the chal7enge as insuff�cient since
i� had accepted a su�ficient number of signatures a� its June 7 mee�ing.
. The Counc�l agreed to �roceed. Kent Rose testified that the l/6 contiguity
existed and tha� the an�exa�ion map was in comp1iance wi�h the Sta�utory
requirements. Jim Lamont read a memo from h�s department sta�ir�g �hat
ti .
� r
Minutes/Regular N[eeting
�9 July 1977
Page� Twa
• research has shown a communi�y of interes� �o. exist be�ween the two areas
and that the West Vai7 area is urbanized and that West Vai� residents work
ir� the Town of Vaii and use T(}V recreational faci�ities . No conditions
were r�commended to be impos�d by �he Council . Mr. Lamont a7so stated that
no school district would be invo1ved in �he annexation, no 20 acre, $200,000
parce1s were involved. Mr. Rider s�a�ed that not�ce af th� pub�ic hearing
had been duly pubiished and offered t�e praof of pub1icat�on as ev�dence.
Mr. Vern Ta�or read a statement drafted by the West Vail Association in
opposi��on ta the annexat-�an. Mr. Frank Caroselli of the West VaiT Association
asked �ha� a member of�he Associatian opposed to t�e annexa��on be appointed
as an eiec�ion corrrrnnissio�er for �he ,�lection. Mr. Brawn o�fered to submit a
1ist of names �o the Town Attorney, and the Council agreed. There ensued
much controversy over the d�sputed s�gnatures. Counci�man He�mbach as�ed
whether there would stT1T be time for West Vail residents to be annexed and
run for Town Counci1 vacanc�es in �Iov�mber if action on Reso7ution Na. 13
were postpaned unt�l the Augus� 2 regular meeting. Mr. R�der sta�ed that
there wou�d s�i11 be time to file petit�ons for the Council e�ection if
approva7 of Reso7utian 13 were postponed that �ong . Counci7man Stauf er
was opposed to delaying approvaT of Resolution 13. He sta�ed tha� the
signatures could be double checked 7ater and that if an insu�'ficient number
• of names were found, �he proceedings cou7d be stopped at �hat point. Mr.
Rider asked if there were any challenges �o the testimony presented in regar�
to the purposes of tonight' s public hearir�g. There were none. Councilman
Donovan moved to approve Resolution No. 13; Councilman S�aufer seconded the
mo�ion; Counci1man Heimbach voted agains� the motion; a11 athers vated in
favor; and t�e motion carried. T�e staf� was instructed to re�or� to the
Counc�l at the August 2, 1977 regular mee�ing regarding �he validity of
aTl signatures on the Petition. Severa1 me�bers o�f the audience asked to
make testimony regard�ng the desirabii�ty of the proposed annexatior�, but
Mayor pobson asked them to s�ay until the end of �he meeting and make their
remarks during �he Ci�izen Part�cipation segmen� of the meeting - that
testimony for the record of the pub�ic hearing on Resolu�ion i3 must be
restricted �o tf�e eligibility of the area �or annexation, any limi�ations
on �he ann�xation and any cand�tions to be imposed by the Council ,
W-��h regard to the Antlers' reques� for a gross residen�ial f7oor area
variance, Diana Toughi7l stated �hat the applicant had asked for a postponement
until the August 2 regular meeting . Cauncilman Donovan moved to postpone a
decision on the variance request unti� August 2; Councilman Staufer seconded
the motion; a11 voted in favor; and the motion carr�ed.
. W�th regard to the purchase of a site for the Town af Vai1 public works
maint�nance facili�y, Mr. Minger stated that tl�e staf� had r�commended
purchase o�' a site north of F'ord Park and across I-70, commonly referred �o
as the Pulis Site. The site was recom�ended af�er lengthy study of severa�
available 7ocatians. Councilman Donovan move� �o have the staff negotia�e
�o purchase the Pu7is Site; Counc�lman Staufer seconded the mo�ion; a11 voted
in favar; and the motion carried.
I�r. Rob Buterbaugh asked the Town Council �o cons�der a ban on smoking in
pub1ic places as th� State has. The Counc�� took �he suggestion under
Ms. Paula Palmateer asked what the Towr� was pZanning to do regard�ng �he
LionsHead ma11s. Mr. Minger rep7ied that Uail Assoc�ates had not 7ived up
ta its agreement �o supp1y a publ �c works maintenance s�te in return for
the Town' s taking over the ma�ls and .so the matter was st�1T in limbo.
� r
Minutes/Regular Meet�ng
79 Ju7y 1977
Page Three
• Ms. Alice parsons of the Wes� Va�7 area asked if the Town planned a clean-up
of the industria7 area a� the wes� end of the Town incorporate limi�s.
Ms. Taughill stated that agreements had been el�cited from the occ�pants
of thas� areas to c�ean up �he area and that a difference should be apparent.
With no fiurther b�asiness, Cauncilman Donovan moved to adjourn a� 10:00 �.M.
!'�'[ /�-��
� Town CTerk
; ,. �._._� �,
27 �UNE 1977
The regular meeting of the '�own Councii of the Town of VaiT , Colarada,
was convened a� 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 21 , 1977, in the Vail
Municipa] Building Council Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and t�e fol�ow�ng counciimembers were present:
Josef S�aufer
�Iohn Donnvan
Bill Hei�bach
8i�i Wi�to
8ob Ruder
Others present were:
Terreli J. Min�er, Town �lanager
Lawrence C. Rider, Town A��orney
� ORRINAiVCE N0. 13, Series of 1977, makir�g a supplemental appropriat�on from
the General Fund, was introduced on first r�ading. Mr. Minger explained
tha� �he appropriation was to make a contri�ution of $2,fl00 ta the Calorado
R�vers Council . Councilman Donovan moved �o approve the ordinanc e on f�rst
reading; Councilman Staufer seconded the mo��an; a71 present vated �n favor;
and the motion carried. The Tawn C7erk was �nstructed to have th� ord�nance
published in full .
RE50Lf1TZON N0. 11 , Ser�es of 1977, regarding a lease agreemer�t between the
Towr� of Vail and Ski C7ub Vai� was in�roduced by Mr. R9der. He explained
tha� �he lease was for the Town's use of the propased Ski C�ub building
during th� surrmer manths. T�e Counci7 asked tha� paragraph 1Q of the
reso1ution be replaced by a paragraph to include an extension o�tion at
a rental �o be nego��a�ed. Counci�mar� Danovan maved to approve the
resalut�on subject �o the change in paragraph �0; �ounc�Zman Wilto seconded
the motian; all present voted �n favor; and the motion carried.
With regard �o the Manor Vail ` s request for a stree� vacation �n order to
pave and landscape its parking area, Mr. Rider stated that he had met with
Mr. a9ck Eiias of �he Manor Vail s�nce worfc session ta work out some of the
Cauncil ' s quest�ons, and intraduced RESOLUTION N�. 12, Series of 1977. He
� stated that Mr. E� ias had a deadline of June 26 for his �Financial closing
an the planned improvements. The Council 's major concern was over� a 50 foot
sewer easement to be granted back �o the Town by Manor Vail . Mr. Kent Rose,
D�rector of Pub7ic Worfcs, s�ated tha� cost estimates were not yet in for the
proposed sewer iine �o Ford Park, and the Counc�� was reluctant to ca�mi� to
having the �ine f-inished before �he Manor Va�l landscap�ng wen� in or �o
spend taxpayers' dallars to replace the landscaping if the l �ne could not
be ynstalled until after the landscaping. After much discussian, Mr. Elias
stated tha� he wauld corr�n-�� �o cavering up to $20,�00 0� the cost af
re�lacing any Tandscaping wh�ch might have to be torn out by �nstallation
of the sewer �ine. Councilman Donavan then moved to approve Resolut�on IVo.
i2 sUbject to the add�tion of a �aragraph incor�orating Mr. Elias' o�fer;
Councilman Staufer seconded �he motion; a1� present vo�ed in favor; and the
mot�on carried. The 7own At�orney was directed ta amend �he resalutian b�
the add��ion of said paragraph.
With regard to a request �From Y.O. Gur�s �or approva� of a pushcart opera�ion,
t�e Mayor expiained that the pushcar� operation would be �rom specific
locations, not on �he pub1ic s�reets. l�r. Rider stated tha� the appllcant
would have �o obtain the appropria�e business license and cornply wi�h State
�� and local heaith standards: �le added ti�at the Plann�ng Commission had
unan�mous�y recomm�nded ap�rova7 . Counc�1man Heimbach moved to approve the
reques� subject �o said comp� iance by the applicant; Co�nci�man Donovan
seconded the motion; a11 presen� voted in favar; and the mo�ion carrled.
+ R ` '+y
Minu�es/Regular meeting
2i June 1977
Page Two
With regard to Studio in the Rack�es' request �'or approval of a jo�nt
� use parfcing agreemen�, Mr. J�m Jacabson exp�a�ned that �he agreement
would be to use Lionshead park�ng at r�igh� when t�e demand for parking
there was not so grea�. He stated �ha� he �ropased a sma1� concert
studia with recording and vfdeo �a�e faciiities. He added �hat he had
r�ce�ved the support of the Va�l Tnstitute for year-rou�d concert programs.
Counci1�an He�mbach asked �o include a provis�on for a park�ng attendant,
but the Mayar fel� that i� would be be�tter ta have the Po7ice Department
pa�ro7 the lot, leav7ng the qu�s�ion o� an attendant to the discretion o�F
t�e Chief of Po�ice. Councilman Donova� moved ta approve the request
subjec� to �he Mayor's sugges��on and with the unders�anding �hat the
agreement woUld be subj�ct �o a parking dis�rict �� one �s adopted in the
fu�ure; Counc�lman Hei�bac� seconded �he motion; a31 present voted in favor;
and the motion carried.
With regard ta the P�iis request for a resubdivision of a portion of Sunburs�,
Nlr. Warren Pulis requ�sted that the Counc�l tabie said request for two weeks,
pend�ng �'urther study af th� project: Caunci7man Donovan moved �a table the
request untii the Ju�y 5 regular meeting9 Counci�man Staufer secanded the
mot�on; a7� presen� voted in favor; ar�d the motian carried.
Regarding Bob Voliter's request far a setback variance in order to construc�
� a garage at h�s residence, Ms. D1ana 7aughil� ex�olained that the request was
for l.o� Z, S�ock 2, Gore Cr�ek Su�division and �hat the Planning Commiss�ion
had recommended approval . Counc�lman Ruder mo�ed to approve �he request;
Councilman W�lto seconded the motion; a�l present voted ir� favor; and the
mo�ion carried.
Ms. Paula Palma�eer asked if the newiy adopted Va�l Mu��cipal Code was yet
available for purchase. Mr. Rider sta�ed that it was a� a pr�ce of $50.00
per capy.
Wi�h no fur�her business, the m�eting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
• � M r
Town C1erk
..a ��„ --
5 J[!LY �977
7he regular meeting af the 7own Council a�F the Tawn of Va�� , Colorado,
was conv�ned at 7:3D P.1�, on Tuesday, July 5, 1977, �n the Va�� Munieipal
Bui1ding Counc�l Chambers.
Mayar Pro Tem Josef S�a�fer and the following councilmembers were present:
John Danavan
Bill Heimbach
Bil� Wilto
Bob Ruder
Others present were:
Terrel� �7. M�nger, Town Mar�ager
Lawrence C. Rider, Town Attarney
� ORDINANCE N0. 13, Series of 7977, rr�aking a supplemen�al appro�riation from
the General Fund, was introduced on second reading. The Mayor explained
ti�at the appropriat�on was $2,000 as a dor�at�or� to the Colorado Rivers
Cour�ci7 . Cauncilman �onovan moved to approve �he ordinance on second
read�ng; Counci7man Ruder seconded �he mo�i�on; all present voted �n favor;
and the mo�ion carried, �'he Town C1erK was instructed to have tY�e ordir�ance
pubZished by �itle only.
ORDINANCE N0. �4, Ser�es of �977, amendir�g the Vail Municipal Cade �o
enlarge the Design R�:eview Soard, was intraduced on first reading. Mr.
Jim Lamont, Director of Commun�ty Develo�msnt, expTa�ned that DRB ager�da
have become increasing heavy with sign review and that the ordinance will
crea�e a separa�e sign committee. Cauncilman Heir�bach s�aggested the
ordinance be amended �o maice author�zat�on to h7re outside consul'�ants
more expl-icitly �he Town Manager's. Councilman Donovan moved to approve
the ordinance with t�e amendment suggested by Mr. Mei�nbach; Counci�man
Heimbach seco�ded the motion; ai1 present voted in �'avor; an� the mot�on
carried. The Town Clerk was ins�ructed to have the ardinance pUbl�shed
in fu�l with the amendment incarporated.
Avalanc�e exp�rt Ron Halley made a specia� presentation regardina� the
� Gore Valley Water District storage. He sta�ed that the storage tank is
1ocated wi�Chin ar� avalanche path but that it canstitu�ed na danger as long
as i� remained partial�y fi��ed with water. Counci�man Ruder, speaking as
a member of the Gore Va11ey Distr�ct board , stated tl�at the report was made
public to reassure residen�s af the dis�rict.
Regarding the Dick Elias residence request for a gross residential fioor
area variance �� order �o bu�ld an a�d�tion, Mr. Lamont stated �hat the
Plann�ng Commission had recommended denial o� the request and tha� Mr.
Elias was nat contesting the r�canmendation. He added that �he Town Council
a1so needed �o vote on �he matter as a formality. Councilman Wi1to maved
�o deny the request; Councilmar� Donavan secpnded the motion; all present
voted in favor; and the motion carried.
Wi�h regard to the Deane Knox/Leo Payne request for a vaction of the property
line between Lots A8 and A9, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1 , architect
Fial �ngstro�n exp�ained the development proposal u�iT�z�ng bath lots as one,
and shawed �he Council a site p�an. He s�ated that the proposed density
wou�d remain the sar�e and that the Planning Commission had recommended
approva7 . Mr, Ruder asked what would happen rega�^ding the Tawsuit wh�ch
had been f�led by Knox/Payne against the Town regarding zoning. i�r. Rider
� stated �hat if �he Council accep�ed t�e vaca�ion proposal , lCnox/Payne wo�ld
automatical1y drop tf�e suit. Cour�c�lman Ruder �hen move� to approve �he
vacat�on; Councilman Donovan seconded the mo�ion; a11 pr�sent voted ir� favor;
and the r�otton carried.
T Minutes/Regu�ar meeting
5 July �977
page Two
� With regard to �he Cornice's request for a rezoning from H3gh Density Multip7e
Family to CommerciaT Core � , Mr. Mike Palmer stated that with the advent of
� the Va�7 Athi�tic C7ub the Cornice shouTd be rezon�d to allow some shap space.
Planning Comm�ssioner Gerry White stat�d tha� the Plann�ng Car�nission had
unanimous�y recommended denial of the request on the bas�s that such a
rezaning co�stituted "spot zoning" since most of the area was zoned Pub7ic
Rccommodations, and that traff�c could become a problem. He felt the request
was based on financial reasons, prohibi�ed by the Zoning Ordinance as sufficient
reason. Counc�7man He�rnbach moved to deny the re�ues�; Counc�lman Donovan
secanded the motion; a11 present voted in favor; and �he motion carried.
With regard to a request by First o� Denver Martgage Investars �o rezone and
resubdivide S�nburst, Mr. Lamont stated that �he Council had requested addi-
��anal informat�on during the work session ear�ier in the day. He explained
that this matter wou�d not be r�a�y for consideration unti� the nex� regu7ar
meeting of �he Caunci7 .
Regarding the Pulis request �or pr�liminary apprQVal of �he resubdivision of
a portion of Sunburst as Vail Vai7ey Third F37in�, Mr. Jay Pul �s exp�ained
tha� his c anpany p3anned �o eliminate lots �6 and 17 as requested by the
CaunciZ earlier and ta work o� a possib�e �and �rade with the Town. He
stated that he plans to deed a sect�on a� the area to the Town as greenspace
� and that another area would be7ong to the homeowners as greenspace. He
added tha� ai1 th� 1ots were proposed to be used for duplexes, �hat the pond
would be cleaned up, parking and �andscaping provided , but tha� the bik� path
would have to be relocated. Councilman Donovan moved to grant pre7iminary
approvai to the concep�; Counci1man Neimbach seconded �he motion; all present
voted in favor; and the motion c�rried.
Regarding the Ua�l Va17ey Medical Cen�er' s requests for variances , Mr. Chuck
T�bbs of the Medical Center stated that t�e regianal heal�h councils and the
Vai� planning Commiss�on �ad recommended approval . _ The Council asked for an
agreement that parking wou�c� be�mace�availab � in �he future if the bui ing
should ever be acquired by private enterprise. Mr. Tubbs agreed.. Caunc�lman
Donavan moved �ta apprave th� reques� for building bulfc variance; Councilman
Ruder s�conded the motian; all presen� vated in favor; and the �not�on carried.
Counc7�man Donavan maved to approve the re�uest �or a conditional use permit;
Councilman Ruder seconded the mo�ion; all present voted in favor; and the
mat�on carried. Co�nci�man Rwder moved to approve the re��est for a eovered
parking variance s�bj�ct to an agreement regardinq future parking, Cauncilman
Welmbach seconded the motion; all present vo�ed �n favor; and �he motion carried.
CounciTman Donovan moved to approve the request ta vacate th� property line
be�ween Lots E and F, Vail Village Second Filing; C�unc�lman Ruder seconded
• the mot�on; all presen� voted �n favar; and the r�at�on carried. All variances
were a�proved, and the Medica7 Center expressed its intent to proceed with the
hospital expansior�.
Nlr. Jay Pulis �^equested the Council to ha�d FD�fI �o its �andscaping plan far
the golf course parking area near Sunburs� and asked the Counc�l far a letter
of in�ent that th� �fown would exchange some property �For Lots 16 and 17 which
�e had dropped from h�s proposed resubdivision plat. The Council was ag�eeable '` �
to such a letter of in�ent and directed the staff ta investigate land avai7able
for a possible trade.
With no further business, Counci7man Donovan moved to adjourn at 9:45 P.M.
Town C er
,. ; � ,�
� 2 AUGt�ST 1977
'fne regu7a�^ meeting of tn� Town Caunc�1 of the Town af Vai� , Colorado,
was convened at 7:30 P.M. on 7�esday, August 2, �977, in the Vail
Municipal Building Council Chambers.
Mayor Jflhn Dobson and the �Fol7owing coUncilmembers were present:
�osef Staufer
John Donovan
Rod Slifer
Bi17 Heimbach
Bill Wi7to
Others presen� �nc7uded:
Terrel l J. Mi nger, `fown f�a nager
Lawrence C. Rider, Town Attarney
� OR�If�ANCE N0. 15, Series of �977, rezoning the Katsos property and three
parking Tots in l.ionshead, was introduced an second read�ng. 7he Mayor
�riefly explained that this ardinance wou1d r�zone the Katsas to Greenbelt
and Natural Open Space zone and the three parking �ots to the Park�ng zone.
Councilman Donovan moved to a�prove the orr�inance on second reading;
CoUnci3man Staufer seconded the motion; all pr�sent vated in favor; and
�he mation carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance
published by tit�e only.
ORDI�fANCE N0. 16, Ser9es of 1977, vacating the plat and stre��s ar�d ways
of Sunburs� an� approving the resubdiVision o� por�ions �hereof, was
in�raduced on first reading. Since there were severai questior�s regardir�g
easements unresolved at work session, Couric�lman ponovan moved to table
�he ord�nar�ce unti1 �he next reg�lar meeting; Councilman Wi1to secanded
the ma��on; all present voted in favor; and the motion carr�ed. Counci7man
Slifer then moved to vacate the Sunburst plat and the streets, roads, public
ways, and easements; Councilmar� Danovan s�conde� �he motian; all present
vated in �'avor; and �}�e motian carr�ed. Cauncilman }�eimbach �hen maved �o
approve the resubdiv3sion o�F Sunburst �il�ng No. Z; Co�ancilmar� Slifer seconded
�he motion; a3T present voted in favor; and the motipn carried; The Cauncil ` s
. actions left only Vail Valiey Third �ilir�q �o be approved at a 1a�er da�e.
ORDINANC� f�0. 17, Series of 1977, rezon�ng Sunburst Filing ]Vo. 2 and Vai1
VaZ1ey Third Fi7ing from SpeciaT �evelopmen� �istrict No. 1 to Two Fami�y
Residential , Greenbelt and �pen Space, Pub��c Use; and Specia7 Develapment
Distric� No. 8, was in�roduced on f�rst read7ng. Ms. Diana Toughill exp�ained
that an easement needed to be resolved regarding Vai1 Valley Third �iling.
Cauncilman Heimbach moved �o approve the ordinance in regard to Sunburst
Filing No. 2 anly, involving rezon�ng to Greenbel�, Public Use and SDD8;
Councilman Wi�to seconded the mo�ion; all present voted in �avar; ar�d the
motion carried. The Tawn Clerk was ins�ructed to have the ardinance
publis�ed 9n fu17 with the deZetion of a11 reference to Va31 Va11ey Third
F�iing. The Counci1 wili cor�sider an ordinance rezoning Vail Va��ey Third
Filing at the August 16 r�gular meeting.
RESOLUTION N0. 14, calling a specia7 bo�d election regarding issuance of the
Town's Genera7 Ob7igat�an Bonds in an amount r�ot to exceed $2,350,000, was
in�roduced by Mr. ��nger. He sta�ed that the resolution ca7led an electian
for 7uesday, October 4, 1977 , regarding three ques�ions: $� ,800,000 to cover
the ice rin[c an Site 2�; $3�0,000 to acquire land. for a publ�c wor�cs maintenance
fac�li�y; and $200,oaa to acquire th� K�ng Arthur' s Co�art proper�,y for wate�r
starage purposes. Mr. Rider then read �he ti�le into �he record: "A resolut�on
='� calling a special mun�cipal elec�ion for the purpose of subm�tting to the
registered qualifi�d electors o�' the Town of Vail , Colarado, three questions
a .
` '—' Minutes/Regular meet�ng
2 August 1977
Page Two
o� issuing general abligatior� bonds of said town in an aggregate principal
. amaunt not exceed�ng $2,350,000 for the purposes af acquiring, constructing,
install �ng, and equipping an enclosed ice skating arena and mu7�i-�urpose
facility, acquiring rea1 property to be used as a site -�or a proposed public
works maintenance �Facility, and acquiring rea1 property to be used as open
space and/or recrea�ian and park land, said election �o be held October 4,
1977; designating judges and clerks for said e1ec�ion; providing publication
of�ot�ce of said election; prescribing �he forr� o�F baTlot for said election;
and otherwise providing for the conduct �hereof". Councilman Heimbach
announced a special meet�ng of the Town Counc�7 to be he7d an August 30, 1977,
at 7:30 P.M. for the p�rpase of disc�ssing the special bond eiection.
Councilman Staufer moved to apprave the resaZution; Councyi�an Dor�ovan
seconded the motion; all present voted �n favor; and the mo�ion carr��d,
The Town C�erk was instructed to have �he resoiution publishe� in fui1 .
R�garding the se7ection of a con�ractor for the Si�e 24 �ce arer�a , Mr. Minger
s�ated that he and the arch��ect had interv�ew�d faur praspective con�ractors
with the fallowing cr��eria -in mind: 1 ) contractor' s fee; 2) time frame for
g�tting the projec� do�e; 3) wil1 �ngness to guarar�tee a maximum fee; and 4}
past performance. F�e announced that they had unan�mo�s7�f seTected Cohen
Cons�ruction from a graup including Hyder, Shaw; Centric and Cohen construction
companies, He recommended that the Town Co�tnci� contrac� with Cohert �o bu37d
� the arena. Counci1man Wi7�o moved to apprvve the selection of Cohen;
Counc�1man Heimbach seconded the motion; all present voted in favar; and
the mo��on carr�ed. �Che 7own Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary
Regarding the Antlers' request for a gross residen�ial floor area variance
to acco�ranodate add���ons already made to an existing unit, Diana 7oughill
showed the �ounc�l the applicant's plans and stated �hat �he addition had
been constructed w�thout design review and withou� a building permi�. Th�
applicants themse1ves were not present nor r�Preser�ted by counsel . The
Mayor suggested holding the item until the applicants arrived ar at 7east
unti7 the end of the meeting.
With regard to the Cornice's request for rezoning fram High Dens��y Muitipie
F'amily to Commerc�al Core 1 , Ms. 1'o�ghi�l exp7a�ned t1�at the vote on this
reques� at the ias� regular meeting sho�ld have been a pre7ir�inary vate,
�ha� the request had to be rep�bl�shed pr-ior to a �orma7 va�e. She added
that the planning Cammissian had unanimously recomm�nded denial of �he
request. Councilman Ronovan moved to deny the request again; Cauncilmar�
Slifer seconded the motion; ai7 presen� vo�ed �n favor; and the motion
ca rr��d.
Mr. Minger announced that th� Town af Uail had received a federal p�abl�c
works grant in th� amount of $�20,aoa, based on unemp�oyment data for the
Gounty. He s�a�ed that the Town now needs ta submit a �arma� application
by August T4, 1977, begin construction within 90 days; and that the project
must be a public works project. Me then suggested that since �he Town had
not appli�d for the funds and since M�nturn had applied and had been turned
down due to insufficient unemplayment data, the Town Council give ha7f of
the grant �o the Town o�F Minturn to begin car�s�ruction of a new, badiy needed
water �roject. We aTso suggested that the 7own of Vail use �ts half of �he
grant to begin construct�on on �he pub1ic warics mair�t�nance facility.
Councilman Wilto r�aved to accept the report of th� `�own Manager and to
__ approve _h_is sugges�ion to give_$21_0,000 of �he grant to �he Town of Minturn
and to use �he other �210,000 for phase I af �he pro�osed pub1ic works
—.._—..: -- -- — _ __—-----
ii�aintenance facil�ty; Couricilman Staufer seconded the motian, al� presen�
vated in favor; and the motion carried. The staff was directed �o comp7y
with submittal regulations for �he grant. I�r�. Vern Tatar asked why the
Town had not chosen to give same of the grant moneys to lrles� Vail . Mr.
Minger replled that only governmental entit�es s�ch as a town or a eoun�y
were eTigibTe for the funds and tha� Eag7e County itself had received abau�
� ��a,00a.
. � '
� ��nutes/Reguiar meeting
2 August 1977
Page Three
� Mr. Rider stated that since �he proposed rezoning of Vail Valley Th�rd
Fi7ing had been published for tonight (as part of Ordinance No. �7) ,
it must be farma7ty tabled. Counc�lman Donovan moved to tabl� cons�deration
of the rezoning of Vail Va17ey Third �iling un�i� the August 16 regular
meeting; Counci�man SZifer seconded the motion; all present voted in favor;
and �h� motion carried.
He added that there were numerous con�racts stii] in effect regard�ng
the Sunburs� S6D� and that the Town Counc�l shou1d formally void those
con�racts between �he Town and 5hamrack/Vai� L�d. , the orig�na1 awner of
Sunburst, and d�rect the 7own Attorney to draft �ew contracts between th�
Tow� and FDMI in re�ard to Sunburst Fi�ing No. 2. Councilman Heimbach so
moved; Counciiman Wi1to seconded the motion; ali present voted in favor;
and the motion carried.
With r�gard �o t�e d�sputed sig�atures o� the West Va�l Petition for
Annexation Election, Mr. Rider stated that on June 7 �he Town CTerk and
Mr. �im Rubin from �he Department of Community �evelflpment had determined
the number o� persans eligib1e to sign the pe�ition to be 201 . The Town
Council on tha� date deter�ined �he petition to be in substan�ial compliance
� with �he 5tatu�ory requ�rements with 28 af �he 30 s�gnatures be�ng valid.
At the pub1ic hearing on �he petition on Ju1y 19, Mr. Stewart Brown, attorney
for �he West Vail Associa�ian, objected to sev�ral signatures as invalid and
present�� the Counc�7 w�th a voter l�st and a praperty owner list certified
by the Cou�ty. Mr. R�der on ��ly 19 asked Mr. Rubi� to update Mr. Srown's
lists using Eag1e Caunty records and to bring th� iis�s current as of June 7.
Mr. Rub�n did sa, and �r. Rider read an af�idavit signed by Mr. Rubin s�ating
his findings. He then read an affidavit signed by Ms. Sa�mye �eadows of the
Town A��orney's office, ver�fying the number of eligible signors to be 223,
using the updated lists. Mr. R1der t�en addressed �he chal7enged signatures,
He stated that �rs. Susan Fritz had been challen�ed as not being a prop�rty
owner, b�t that a copy of her deed was an file verifying her as a �andowner.
He stated that Mr. Erwi� Erb had �ot voted in the Navember 197fi ge�era1
election and therefore was no longer a regis�ered voter and so cou�d no�
�egitimat�ly slgn the pe�ition. He stated that �rs. J. £ngstrom had not
indicated on the pe�ition whether or no� she was a resident landawner an�
that the Council had disallowed her s�gnature orig�nal7y. He added that she
has been praven to be a resident landowner, but that the Council could stili
d�sallow her signature since it had done so to begin with. And he s�ate�
�hat Mrs. Patricia Dorf had not dated her signature as required and so had
to be d�sallowed. Me ex�la�ned that another five signa�ures had �een
. chaTlenged by Mr. Bro�n because of inaccurate lega� descriptioris, but he
recommended �ha� the Town �aunci� a�low �hase s�gnatures s�nce the peti�ion
had to be in "substantia7 " com��iance, no� necessarlly strict comPl �ance,
and the five signatures met a17 other requireme�ts. In summation, he s�ated
t�at by d�sallawing three signatures, �he petition still contained 27 names
and only needed 23 to represent 70% of �he 223 e7igibie signa�ur�s. �e
stated that Mr. Brown had asked him to a�nounc� tha� the West Vail Associatian
woul� make no presentation tonight but would c�allenge the annexation in a
lawsuit should �t succeed i� �he election. Mr. Rider then recommended that
the Council proceed w�th the annexa�ian procedure by pe�ition�ng �he District
Court �a appoint three eiection co�m�ssianers �o ca77 the e�ection, �opeful7y
for September 13, 7977. Ne added that an election on tha� date should still
�nable citizens of �he Wes� Vail area to ru� for Council vacanc7es in �ovem�er.
In response to a quest�on regarding �he status of the Checkpoint C�arlie
litigat�on, he stated that the p7a�nti�f, �ohn Amata, �ad agreed not to
proceed wit� �he case if �he Tvwn initiates th� Ma17 Rct by September 30,
and that t�e Counc�l had so agreed.
At this poin�, the Mayor returned to the Antlers' request for a GRFA var�ance
� for one un�t. The applicants still had not arrived, so Ms. Toug�ill sta�ed
t�at �he Council cou7d vote tonight or table the request un�11 �he next
regular meet�ng. She added that the P1anning Cammission had recommended
denial . Councilman Donova� moved to deny the re�uest; Cauncilman Staufer
a �
' Minu�es/Regu�ar meetir�g
2 Augus� 197'7
Page Four
seconded the motior�; all present voted in favor; and �he mot�an carried.
�ounciiman S��fer publicly thanked Streets Supe�^�ntendent Pe�e Burnett,
Bus 5upervisor Skip Gordon, and Chief af Po1�ce Gary Wall and their em�loyees
far a job we11 dane in coordinating traff7c, b�ses, etc. dur�ng �he Jerry
Ford Invitational Go7f Tournam�nt. l�ayor pobson, in turn, �hanked �fr. Siifer,
Mr. Donovan, John Purc�l� and Bob Barre�� for organizing the tournament �o
begin with.
Wit� na further bus�ness, the �eeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Town C erk
�. �
•. _ :�
1.6 AUGUST 1977
The regular mee�ing of the Town Council of the Town af Vail,
Colorado, was convened at 7 :30 P.A�. on Tu�sday, August 16 ,
�977 , in �.he Vail Municipa� Building Council Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson an.d the following councilmeinbers we�e
Jo�ef Staufer
�ahn Donovan
Rod Slifer
Bill Heimbach
Others presen� we�e:
Terrell J. Ming�r, Town Manager
� ORDZNANCE NO. 17 , Se�a.es of 1977 , rezoning Sunbu�st Filing No.
2 , was introduced on second �eading. Ms. Diana Toughil�. stated
that �he ordinanCe r�zoned a por�.ion o� 5unburst a� Vail from
Special Developmen� District �. to Low Den�ity P�Iultiple Famil.y
�estricted to a Residen.�ial Cluster density, Greenbelt and
Natural open Space District and Public Use Dis-�rict. Council-
man Danovan moved to approve the ordinance an second reading;
Councilman Heimbach secandc�d �he mation; a7.1 present vo�ed in
favor; and �he xnotion ca�ried. The Town Clerk was instruct�d
to hav� the ordinance published by ti�tle only.
ORDINANCE N0. 18 , Series of 1977 , rezaning Vai]. Valley Third
Filing, was in�roduced on first reading. P�s. Toughill. explained
that this ordinance reaoned anothcr portion of Surzburst a-t Vail
from SDD�. �.o Two Family Residential , Greenbel.t and Natura�. Open
Space Dis�rict, Public Use �is�rict, and 5pecial Development
District 8 . She noted that paragraph (2) (A) T�ao Family Residen-
tial D,istrict - should read "Lots l -�hrough 21. . . " rather �than
"Lo�� I through 1.7 . . . " She a].so r�ques�ed -�hat the xnotion for
approval include the covenants as part of the approva�. of the
plat. Councilman Slifer so znoved; Coun.cilman H�imbach seconded
� the mation; Councilman Donovan voted against; al� othc�rs pxesent
voted in favor; and �he motion carri�d wi�h a vo�e of 4-1 . The
Tow� Clerk was instructed �a hav� -�he ordinance published in fu�.1.
ORDINANCE NO. 19 , Series of �977 , vaca�ing the plat and streets
and ways o� Sunburst and approving the resubdivision of portions
the�eof, was introduced on f irst readinc�. Ms. Toughill stated
that this ordinance formal7.y vacated the oric�inal. Sunbu�st at
Vai1 subdivis�.on and resubdivided portions o�' it at Sunburst
�iling No. 2 and as Vail Val.ley Third Filing. Councilman Staufer
moved to approve the ordi,nance on f irst �eada,ng; Councilman 5lifer
seconded the motian.; al1 p�esen,t voted in favo�; and the mo�tion
car�ied. The: Town C�crk was instruc'�ed to have the ordi.nance
published in full.
RESOLUTIQN NO. �.5 , S��'ies of 1977 , redeeming $85 , 000. 00 af Bighorn
Street Imp�ovement District Bonds, was in�.rodtzc�d by Mr. Bi11.
Pyka. He stat�d that by this resolution the Town woul.d xedeem
a por�ion of the $540, aao . 00 in Bigharn St�eet �mprovement
District bonds at par plus accrued interest. Councilman Donovan
moved to approve the re�olution; Councilman Staufer s�conded the
�' motion; a].1 present vo-�ed in favox ; and the motio� carried.
� �
Minutes/Regular Meeting
1& August 1977
Page 2
,� Mr. Minger anno�xnc�d tha-� Town Clerk Rosalie Jeffrey had �esigned
in order to move to A�rica. He appointed Sammye M�adows Acting
Town C�erk until. �he positian could be filled on a permanent
basis. The Mayor and Council e�pressed th�ir thanks` tb
Ms:. Jeffrey and wished her luck.
Mr. Bob Parker asked what the rnet density of Sunburst wou7.d now
be aft�r the resubdividing and rezoning appraved tonight. Ms.
Toughi7.� s�ated tha� the density had been reduc�d from the original
585 units to a combined total o�' 195 .
With no �'ur�ther business, Councilman Donovan movea to adjo�rn at
7 : 50 P.M. , smilingly.
Act�ng Town Clerk
! �
n . .�. ..�
� 6 SEPTEMBER 1977
The xegular meeting o� the Town Council of the Tawn of Vail ,
Colarado, was convened a� 7 : 30 P.M. on Tuesday, Septemb�r 6 ,
1977 , in the Vail Municipal Bui�ding Counc�.l Chambers.
Mayor John Dobson and the following coun.ci�.members wer�
Josef Stauter
John Donavan
BiI1 He.imbach
Rod Slifer
Bill wilto
Bob Ruder
O�khers present were:
Stan�.ey F. Bernstein, Assistant Tawn Manager
� Lawrance C. Rider, Town Attorney
ORDINANCE NO. ].$ , Series o� 1977 , rezoning Vai1 Val�.ey Third
�'iling, was introduced on second reading. Th� Mayor explained
that this ordi�nance rezoned a part.ion of the o1d Sunburst
proper�y. He stated �hat copies of -�he ordinance we�e available.
Councilman Donovan maved to approve the ordinance an secon.d
reading; Councilman Stau�er seconded the motion; aIZ present
voted in favor; and the nnotion carried. The Town C1erk was
inst�ucted to have the aa�dinance published by ti�1e on�y.
ORDINANCE NO. I9 , Series o� 197'7 , vacating the plat and streets
and ways of �unburst and ap�araving the �esubdivisan of partions
thereof , was introduced an second �eading. Thc� Mayor explained
that this ordinance resubdivided Sunburst into Vail Valley
Third �'ila.ng and Sunburs� Fil.ing No. 2 . Councilman Slifer moved
�o approve the ardinance on �econd r�ading; Councilman Wilto
seconded the motion; a7.1 present voted in favor; and the motian
carr�ed. The Tawn Clerk was instructed �a have the ordina:nce
published by title only.
� 4RDINANCE NO. 20 , Series of 1977 , amending Ordinance No. 3 , Serie�
of 19�7 , which established SDD7 for The Mark, was introduced on
fir5t readinq. The Zoning Adm.inistra-�or �iana Totxghill and Bill
Ruoff , architect �o� the Mark, explained tha-� the ordinan.ce wauld
incorporate n.ew design p7.ans for the Mark expansion. Councilman
Donovan noted �or the record that SDI}7 would be subject to an.y
future modifications in the �oning 4rdinance. Counci�man Heimbach
then moved to approve thc� ordinance an first readin.g; Counci�.man
Donovan seconded th,e mo�a.on; all p�esen� voted in favor; and the
mation carried. The Tawn Cl�rk was inst�ucted to have �.he ordinance
published in �u7..� .
ORDZNANC� NO. 21 , Seri�s o� 1977o rel.a-ting �a Tit1e 9 of the Vail
Muni.cipal. Code (Publ�c Peace, Mo�als and ��Telfare) , was introc�uced
on �irst reading. �'he Town A��orney exp7.ain.ed -that the ordinance
5trengthened Title 9 by making it more enforceab.�e and more
cans�itu�iona.�lv �alid. Councilman Do.novan moved to approve the
ordinance on first read�.ng; Councilman Stau�er seconded the motion;
a].l present voted zn favor; ancl the motion. carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 16 , 5eries of 1977 , relating to U.S. Forest �ervice
� RARE T� inven.tories and recommending certain areas for Z�Jilderness
study, was introduced. Ernie Nunn of the U.S.F .S. explained �he
RARE �T reco�nenda�ions far additiona� ar�as which could be �aa�a
to existing Wi�derness ar studied fQ� future T�ilderness dcsignation.
. �
Minu�.es/Regular Meeting
6 September 1977
Page 2 '
Councilman Donovan took �xception to the County Commissioners '
� position tha� no more Wilderness was needed in Eagle County.
He s�ated that Eag1.e County is recrea�tional as well as agricul-
turaZ and that "recreation is wilderness" ; he then moved to
a�prove �he resolu�ionF Councilman ti�ilto seconclecl the moti.onF
aJ.l pres�nt voted in �avo�; and the motion carried.
Stan Be�nstein in.troduced Tony �tomero , CSU student who had
conducted a study o� �ireplace pc�lluti�n w�thin the Go�e Valley.
Mr. Romero gave a brief slide presentation and co�.cluded that
Vai1'� air quali�y is deteriorating; �hat during w.inter mon-�hs
�ireplaces are a major source af pallution�. and tha� �he problem
needs to be addressed soan. The Council da.rected the staff to
study the sit�zation and recommend legislative controls .
Wi�h regard ta the Rick Heller resid�ncc� request £or an encroach-
ment on Town af Vail property for a pa�king space, Diana '�oughill
explained that the owner was �eque��ing the encroachment for one
parking space. Councilmen Ruder and Slifer felt tha� �'our spaces
were really needed and urged that the other three be bua.lt in
the fu-�ure. Councilman �onovan moved to app�ove the encroacY�ent
subject to a program to incorporate the .remaining thr�e spaces
� within the next two year� , progra�r► ta be approved by the Town
staff; Cauncilman Sli�er seconded the motion; a11. p�esent voted
in favor; and the motion carried.
With �egard to the Lionshead P1aza� s reauest �or an encroachment
on Tawn of Vai7. proper�y for a covered bus stop, Jeff 5elby
5howed �.he Council his plans and a mode�. of the proposed bus
s�ap. He stated �hat �he Desic�n Review t3oard had recommended
approval o� �he design. Councilman Slifer moved to approve �he
raquest subjec� �o an agreement that the owner remave the canopy
at its expens� should the Tawn �ind it n�cessary in order to
accommodate emergc�ncy vehicles , etc. and �ubject -�o an ac�reement
�hat th� owner repair ar replace: the canopy at i�s exp�nse shauld
it be da�naged by any vehicle other than a Town of Vail vehicle;
Counci.lman Ruder 5econded the mationP all present va�.ed in favor;
and the motion cax��ied.
With �egard to a request �rom the Vai1 AsSOCiates shop for a
conditiona� use pe�ni�, rRs. Touqhi�.I. �xpl�i.ned that VA now Iias
a temporary CUP for a small buil.d�ng next to the Shop a�ea and
would 1.ike to make the arrangement permanent. Councilman Donovan
'� moved to approve �he r�quest for' a pex'�od of I,2 mon�hs ; Cauncilman
Heimbach seconded the motion; all present vo�ed in favor; and th�
ination carried.
With regard ta the Tom Leroi res�dence request for a setback
variance far Lo� 21, Vail Meadows Filinc� #1 , T�s. Toughi�l expl.ained
that tha reque�st was in order to site a house on �he lot to avoid
the avalanche zan.e. She stated �hat �he request was for a 6 �oo�
setback rather than the 10 feet requi�ed and added that the
P].anning COi'CITt115S10I'! had �ecommende approval unanimously. Council-
man Wi��o moved to approve �he request; Councilman Heimbach
secanded �.he motion; all presen-� vated in favar; and the motion
Wi�h regard to S�udio in the Rockies, Mr. Rider explained that
a 1et�er had been sen� from the Town Council to �he financing
agency for Lionshead Plaza stating tha� if S�udio in �he Rockzes
defau�.ts , other uses would b� considered by the Coun.cil for that
space. He added �hat it was a let�er of assurance to enable the
financing �o go through. Councilman Staufer moved to ra�.i.fy the
1e�ter; Councilman Donovan seconded the nnation; a11. presen� voted
� in, favor; and the motion carried.
. .
� ,..
Minutes/Regular Ageeting
6 September 1977
Fage 3
� Mr, Bernstein, Assistan�. Town Phan.ager, announced that Coll.een
Kline had b�en appointed Town Cl.erk by the Town Managex, effective
a.mmedia-�ely. He also announced tha� July 1977 sal.es tax revenue
was up 34� over �uly, 1976. He then introduced Gardon 5wanson,
reeen�ly hired as Fire Chief, and announced that Allen Ge�stenberger
had been appain-�ed D�.rec�or of Community Develapmen� to replace
Jim Lamont who had resigned.
Mr. Rider announced that Courchevel v. Town o� Vail , r�garding
the Lionsridge ann.exation, had been resolved through a stipulated
Regarding �he proposed West Vail annexation, Dudley Abbott �tated
tha� he felt the �wo communitz.es should ev�ntua�.J.y be an� but thafi.
too much haste could be detrimenta�. He urged the Council to
give heavy cansidera�ion to aece��ing the anne:xation if the Wc�st
� Vail voters ap�rave i-�.
Paula Palmateer ask�d �he sta-�us of the Ice Arena, and the Mayor
stated that a public hearing would be held at the regu�ar mee�ing
of tha Cou�zcil an September 20, 1977.
Carol Richards asked the status o� �he Bighorn, annexation, and
Mr. Rider stated that the Supr�me Court had sent the case back
to the Dist�ict Court for a decision, but that a trial date had
nat yet been set. Mrs. Richards �hen asked why the Council was
not consider�ng purchasa.ng the portion o� K�.ng Arthur ' s Court
on which th� foundations ar� located, Mr. Rider stated that
natice had been given to both the KAC owner and the Cedarpoint
Townhous�s owner �o remove the foundat.ions forthw�th. Council-
man Heimbach stated tha�t the Town was purchasing a portion of
the KAC property �ox a pa�k si�.e, not to remove the foundation.
Dave Gorsuch urged the Council to proceed with the proposed
Iandscap.ing in front of the Clock Tower Buildinc� this fa7.1.
H� s�ated that Gorsuch, Ltd. would pay 500 0� all costs.
Counci7.man Donavan urged tha� the 1.andscaping b� s�arted this
�aii and then mov�d to adjou�n.
With no further busin�ss , the mee�ing was adjourned a� 9s10 P.M,
ay r
'Town Cl.erk
�, .,,�
M I l�tlT�S
2Q SEPTEM�Eft, 1977
� The regular meeting of the 7owr� Co�ncil o�F �h� Town of Va�1-, Co7orado, was canver�ed
at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, September 20, 1977, in �he Va�T Mun9cipal Bu�ldir�g Counci7
Mayor John Dobson and the foliawin� councilr�embers were present:
Josef S�a�fer
John Uonovan
Rod Slifer
Bob Ruder
3i11 Wi1�o
O�hers present were:
Terrel l J. Mi nger, 1'own Martager
S�an B�rnstein, Assistant Town Manager
La4�vrence C. Rider, Town Rttorney `
The first ord�r of business was �he matter of a public hearing regard�ng the sc�eduled
Octaber 4, 1977, Bond ��ec�ion. Specifies rela��ng ta the question af the Vail Multi-
� purpose Arena were discussed. History of the project was presented by Mayor �ahn Dobson.
D�tai�s of the three questians a�pearing on the ballat {specifical�y, purchase of th�
King Authar's Court proper�y for the purpose of park7and and proposed water reservoir;
�h� purchase of the North Pu�is Praperty for the purpose of construc�ion nf a maintaincnce
faci7ity; and the Mu7�i-purpose Arena at �he site of �he Ilail Ice Rink) were pr�sented
by Terre7� J. �linger, 7owrt Manager.
Pa� Dodsor�, 1'own of VAiI Recreatian Director, exp�ained the detai�s of a year-round
program for �he proposed enclosed ic� rinEc. Possible design soiut�ons were present�d by
Pro�F�ssar Wi�hem Von Mo7tfce, �ram Harvard Univ�rsity. Ar�G Everett, ac�i�ec�, Everet� &
�eige� , 6oulder, Colorado and Eldon Bec�C, �andscape architect, Roys-�on, Hanamoto, Beck &
Abey, Mi�l Val �ey, Cal �fornia, ��resented th� Arena de�ign, scope, site p�anning and
landscaping plans. 5tan�ey F. Bernste3n, Finance Director and Assistant Town Manager,
presented the Budget and Financing progra� for the praposed arena. Dave Hu7� �From Cohen
Construction presented the overaT� cas� and tim�ng of th� project and Dan Herrington from
Beo-�tcher & Company, Denver, Colorado, presented the bonding considerations and outlined
the curren� banding rating for the Town of Vai7 .
Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1977, relating to Special D�velopment District #7 for the
� Mark was introduced on second reading. The Mayor �xplaine� �ha� the ordinance would
�ncorporate new d�sign plans for �he Mark Expa�s�on. Counci7man W-�:l�o moved to apprave
the ordinance an second reading; Councilman Ruder secondEd the mot�on; a17 prese�t va�ed
in �avor; and the mot�on carried.
Ordiriance No. 27 , Series of 1977, relating to Tit7e 9 0� the Vail Mun�c�pa� Code (Pub"lic
Peace, Mora7s and Welfar�) , was ir�troduced on second reading. The Tawn A��Gorney ex�1ained
the ordinance streng�hened Title 9 by making �� r�ore enforceable and more constitut�or�ally
val�d. Counciiman Donovan maved to apprave the ordinance on s�cand reading and pub7ish by
�itle only; Councilman Stauff�r secanded �he mot�on; a17 present vote� in favor; and the
motion passed. Mayor pobson direc�ed Zaning �dministra�or, Diana Taughill to invest�gate
zaning r�gula�ions regarding top3ess es�ablishments and showing of X-ra�ed movies in th�
Town of Vaii .
Ord�nance Na. 22, Series of 1977, was introduced on firs� reading. Niayor pobson exp1a�ned
-�hat the purpose af the ordinance was to encourage conservation af water ir� tlie Towr� of Vail .
A discussion fallawed regarding adequate wa�er flows f�^o� shower heads and wa�er c�osets and
what possible effec� reductio� of water flows migh� have on v�sitar exper�enc�s.Consensus
was tha� reduction of water use in water c1os�ts at the pres�►�t time was practicabl�, but
that severe r�duct7an in wa�er use from shower heads requ�red fur�her study. Councilman
Donovan moved to approve the ordinance on �First reading wi�h t�►e de7etion af sub paragraph
"A" regarding �se a� water sav�ng devices in shawer l�ea�s. Counc�lman 517fer seconded the
�, motion; Ail pr�sent voted in favar; and the motion passed.
Ordinance � 23, Series of 1977 was �ntroduced on firs� reading. �layor pobson �xp3azned tha�
the ordinance would prohibit depos�ting of refuse in public and private p1aces, specifically
in dumpsters. Followir�g a bri�f d�scussian r�garding s�gnage for the enforcemen� o� �he
ardinance, Councilman Qonovan moved �o approve the ordinance on �'irst reading; Councilman
Stauffer secind�d the motion; a�l presen� voted in favor; and �he mot�on carr�ed.
, , �
�inutes/Regular Meeting
20 September, 1977
Page 2
� Ordinance �a. 24, Series of i977, regarding a supplemental appropriatiort in the amoun�
of $67,420 f�om �l�e Recr�a�ional Amenities Fund was intraduced on �irst reading.
Counci1�an Slifer explained related to n�got�atiar�s between the Town of Vai7 , The Vail
M�tropolitan Recreation District and the FDMI regarding �he Sun�tarst pra�ect. Ne then
moved �o approv� �he ardinance on firs� read�ng; Counc-i7man Ruder seconded the ma�ion;
AT1 presen� voted in favor; ar�d �he r�otion carried.
Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1977, regarding �he annexatior� of the �lorth Pu7is proper�y
to the Town of Va�l was intraduced or� firs�: read�ng. Cauncilman Ruder exp7a�ned that a
petition had been submi�ted by �he s�ngTe owner with accompanying pla� and zoning plan.
The site is proposed for use u�on poss�ble purchase by the 1'own of VaiT for a mair�ta�nence
facility for the -�ransportat�on program. Councilman Stauffer moved �o a�prave the ordinar�ce
on f�rst reading; Councilman Slifer seconded the motion; all present voted in favor; and
the nio�ion �assed .
Reso7ution No. �7, Series af 1977, regarding the Tflwn Co�anci1 's inten�ion to implement the
Ma�i Act was read and introduced. Counciiman Ruder presented a brief expTanation o� the
�awn's inten�ion in imple�en� the Ma71 Act �For the purposes of legal peclES�rianization of
the Viliage Core area. He recammended that th� r�sol�a�ion be changed to reflect Dec�r�b�r
20, 1977 dat� for a pub7-�c meetir�g ta a11Qw �ime for a compl�te search of records and
natifica�ion of prop�rty �wners �n the area of use restr�c��ans and the �own's int�ntion �o
� designate the area as a pedestrian ma17 . Co�aric•i'lman Donovan moved to approve ��� 2�solution
and Councilman Wi7to sedonded the t�otion; ail present voted �n favor; and tY�e motion
Reso7u�ion �fo. T8, S�ries of 1977, authar3zing �he �xpendit�are nf Federa1 Anti-Recession
Fiscal Assistance payments was read and intrvduc�d. Bili Pyka, Gomptroller, �x�lain�d t�e
purpose af the f�deral revenue shar�ng funds and the purpose of �he unemployment program
stat9ng that t�e funds were used to �ire unemployed worlc force. Councilman Neimbach moved
�o approve the resoiution; Councilman Slifer seconded the motion; al� present vo�ed in
favor; and the motion passed.
Diana Toughi�i , Zan-�ng Adm�nistrator, �resen-��d the reques� �or a vaea�ion o-F property line
and eas�ment for the Uih�e7n residence �ocated on Lo�s 4 & 6> Block 2, Vaii Vi71ag� �hird
F�ling, and the request for variance �o a7�ow dwel7ing unit aver a garage. CounciTrnan
Heimbach r�oved to approve the variance and vacation o� proper�,y line; Counci7man Dor�ovan
sec�nded the motian; all presented voted in �avor; and the motion carried.
Mayor Dabson stated tha� the Counci7 had asked 8ii1 Hanlon to remain on the Vail P�anning
Cor�mi ss i on un�i i a repl acemer�t coui d be �Faur�d to fi 1 i hi s expi r�d term and �hat Mr. Ffan7 on
had agreed to do so. Councilman �onovan moved to �emporarily re-appoint h1r. Han7on to the
PTanning Cammiss�on; Cauncilman S7i-Fer seconded the mation; A11 present vo�ed �n favor;
� and the motion carried.
l.awrence Rider, Tnwn A��orney, requested d�rection fror� the Caunci1 r�garding the Corcheval
liti�ation ma��er. Following a very brief discussinn, �he Council requested a one-week
de�ay for the cons3deratior� of the ma�ter. D�rec�ion was postponed t� �he works�ssion an
7uesday, Septembe� 2�, 1977.
With no further business, Councilman Donovan moved �o adjourn; Counci7r�an Stau�fer second�d
the mo�ion; a1 � present va�ed in favor; and the m�et-ing was adjo�rned at 17 :00 P.M.
..�'i.k: ,� . � .. � r N.�i�:i•�. . •. . , l�r. . .-f� . '+W'����. ' . '�y,CXif�.♦ • ' . . �1�..r . . . . . ...•• ':rJ'. �� .. '.L�-r ,
- . r. . . .�, ' � , ' . . . . .. , � , , - � ,
. � � � xo��� t�� v�r� �
� l���ALYSIS OF EXIS7I�Ir, �pj,��p ��dDEPTE��•�ESS
. �' Page
. . - � .
• I. 2°6 Sales Tax Farecas�s , � . � � �
� II. �xisting Qebt Serv�ce (Ban���g) Renu7rer�en�s • z
III. 2� Sales Farecasts Reiated to �xis�ir�q Debt Service
. Requ�rer�ents � �
IY. Toti�n of {lail Prapo>ed B�n� EZect�an £�eme�ts 4
' V. I�n�ac� of �roposed $2.3� m��lion Bond Issue u�on - . • .
Availab7e Sales �ax BaTances � 5
• . ��� � .
VI. Anaiysis of Estimate�d Or�er��ing r�PVenues anr _
Exqend�tu�es - S�te 24 �9ulti-�urnas� l�rena � E .
. . - . . '� � - � . .
. - . . •� ' . �
• � � , �
. �
, • r
_ I. History - John Dabson .
IZ . Bond Election Da�ails - Te�ry Minger
1.. King Ar�hur' s Caurt Property
2. Nor�h Pulis Property � �
3. Mul�i-Purpose Arena
���. Arena Pxagram w Pat Dodson
TV. Design SoJ.utions - Wi1.h��.m von �Ioltke
V. A��na Design and Scope - Art Everet�
Vz . 5ite Planni.ng and Landscape -� Eldon Beck '
VII . Budge-� anc: Finance - Stan Bernstein
. VIII. Cost and Tirning - Dave Hu11. (Cohen Canstruction)
IX. Sonda�ng Considerations -- Dan Herringtan �
Council Questions ,
Publ.ic Questions
e .
. _ ____.,...,._._.-�_.�_
. --- ----�---�--�-�----- �
ri.A.r....�y..� ...-.-5...... - -- -�--- ----�....---- . . . . .
Y " . . •. . . . . . . . .
TASLE fi 70w�1 OF vAEL ExlsTtna oen� SERViCE , •
1474 2.�9 1970 .EO 197G G.3+�5 1976 .30 1977 .45 T.OTAL
YEAR FO�t� PARK C1TY HhL�/P05T OFfiCE RfFlr�tolra, 45SUE I-76 CAOSSI}�G . KAT505 AI.L ES5UE5
� $ 56,577 � 55+45.000 S 24,b43 $ 42,637 5�71,4C8
1978 520�.231' S3.347 525,700 29,242 3ft,050 345,016 , .
1979 2A9�331 � 545,87D 28,518 42.112 915.999
24M1,G1�3 5M1,9'0 40,9Q�3 934,A09
198Q 51.3l:5 5r4,700 27,792 . p 3 941.77a
1931 2A9,544 57.,OOD 27,033 39.-.5
• .244,106 52,£52 26,393 33,794 9fi5,530
1982 ' 243,3�fi 53.437 593,GG0 991,237
1983 632,400 25,717 42,b13
25G.b00 53.9d� A1.263 997.tl32
19t34 � � 5LS9.}p� 25,�43 �.
292,719 53,967 367 39,9fl8 9�2,599
i9II5 591,A40 29.
1986 291.EaA 597,200 2n,355 38,73° . 959,405 �
19a1 295�053 • ,35.200= 27,342 37,628 952,364
297.1.94 26,330 A1,355. 9�4,741
19�d 599,U00 978,385 .
1939 303,056 645,3h� 30,317 . 39,918 .
302,650 23,96� 38.455 973,56Z
1930 ' 296,33[S 674,II00 .
1941 622,200 27.°78 41,Bi8 990,933 , .
1992 • 29Ei,937 62T,500 31,637 40,003 994,22$
i993 300,088 b35,700 24,950 . 38,158 988,958 _
290,154 28,5�0 41.134 626,234
lgg5 556.507 37.1OD 76.038
1996 _ 46,A1$ • •
� 1997 _----�-- �
TOTALS �4.6E2,776 5435,1E2 S7:i.574.50D 5530,3$5 8808.923 S1T.Oi7,744
' P�a .e..?,� , ' , .
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. 1. XISS6RI[hL TRE1:6 AtwLY515 - � ' �
. f N7CR[ASE �z - � ' � � - '
. . - . OYEN PP.LYEOlSS Y;Lk�fp TAX� . . - . . • - - '
YEAR . YFAA _� � . . - -
� 19T1 Actual •<2Y 3 A13.P�'] � . . . . .. . .
' 1g72 Actuel �zax 509.�00 _ . ,
� 1?73 AcCuai . +20% fiO3.000
- 1974 Actual +29: 7s4.6�U , � , .
� )975 Attual *255 °_83,C�0 _ . �
1974 Actual �21Y 1,190.��� - .
� -191T Estfmated 1,2C0,020 �• Sase for Porr snow condltfons -FWuntatn Coes remaSn Open for 4nNr!SeaSOn
• ' 1471 wl9o4d snox ♦20f 1,59Q�000 - 8ese for�rr•'al Snorr tondltton5.
, j�, 5-YEAR$ALES TA%FORELASTS-2S _ . � � ..
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Nor Unrea]Sstic) . f.---»--- j------°-- - .
1978 �28 ��5 +tip 51.77�.c1�0 51.725,600 51.659,080 Sj:z00,OnP � �
' 1979 ♦1B .la .i0 . 2.Ot��,Or,n 1.5S�,a,^.o 1 aS6.0� 1.20��9na , .
1980 a38 +i3 ♦10 2.G;5.0�[7 . 2.2?3.4�.0 .
` . 193! •18 �12 +10 2.9U3.�ao 2.4no,On� 2.341,On0 k.200.00D
� 1902 +15 +10 +74 3.3+4,n�0 2.739,000 2.417,006 l.200.006
• •� ���, k£Y Yh,R1AnLE5 TFUST 1HFlOtt:[E WA SF�ES TAK RfY[6U[S � _ , , �
. . �n�r � .
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i979 2.OBB. 895 1,193 1,967 t395 1.Q72 3,815 i345 920 1,20fl 895 305
1480 2,A65 916 1.549 2,223 916 i,307 1,996 976 1,08D •1.200 976 � 264
I98] 2,908 915 1,993 2,490 915 1.575 2,197 915 1.232 1,20D 975 .285
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i960 1,549 222 1,327 1,3Q7 222 1,085 1,08D 222 t358 284 222 62
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4 OCTOBER, 1977
The regu7ar m�eting of the Tawn Council of the Town o� Vai7 � Co7orado, was co�vened
at 7:3D P.M. , on Tuesday, October 4, 1977, in �he Vail Munic��ai Build��g Council
Mayor Jof�n Dobsort and the foliow�ng Counc�lme�7��ers were present:
Jasef Staufer
Rod Slifer
Bob Ruder
8i17 Wilto
Othe�^s present were:
Lawrence C. Rider, 7own A�torney
Orditiance No. 22, Series of �977 was introduced on second reading. Ordinance No. 22
relates to installation of water sav�ng devices in tank type water close�s �for al� new
struetures and a��eratians o�F existing structures. Councilman Ruder moved to approved
�he ard�nance on second reading; Councilman Slifer seconded the mo�ion; a11 pres�nt
�� vo�ed in favor; and the motian carr�ed.
Ordinance No. 23, Series of �977, �rohibi�ing the deposit of refuse in public and
private p7aces, spec��ically in dumpsters, was �ntroduced on second reading. Counci7man
Wilto moved to approve the ordinance; Councilman {�eimbach secanded the motion; a�l
present voted in favar; ar�d th� motian passed.
Ordinance No. 24, Series o� 1977, regarding the making of a suppler�ental appropriation
in the amount of $67,420 from the Recreationa7 Amenities �'und was -�ntraduced on secand
reading. Councilman S19fer moved to approve the ordin�nc� or� second reading; Caur�ci1man
WiZto seconded the motion; ai1 present. voted in favor; and �he ma�ion carried.
Qrdinance No. 25, S�ries af 1977, regard�ng annexation of the f�or�h Pu�is property ta the
Town of VaTl , was in�roduced on second read7nc�. Counciiman S�aufer moved to approve the
ardinance on second reading; Councilman 4�il�o Seconded �he motion; al� present va�ed in
favor; �h� motion passed.
Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1977, was intraduced on f�rst reading. Lawrence Rider, Town
Attorney ex�lained that Ord�nance No. 26 wou7� amend �Y�e Municipal Cod� by adding private
c1ubs as a conditional use in the residen�ial ciuster and low d�nsity muitiple fami�y zones
+,vithin the Town of Vai1 . Co�ncilman S�aufer moved -�o approve ��t� ard�nance; Counci�man
� SYifer seconded the mo�ion; ali present voted in` favar; and the mation passed.
Mayor qobson, having been pr�sented with the o�Ffieial re�urns of the Mc�nicipal Bond Election,
read the resu�ts. A11 thr�e questions of the ballot passed, questio� number one b�ing
the proposed mu3ti-purpose arena, question n�m�er two being the propas�d pub1ic works
maintenance facijity site and question number three being the open space acquisition of
K�ng Artf�ur' s Gourt.
Lawrence R�der, Town A�torney exp�ain�d the proposed Vail Comprehens�ve Flan, Phase � ,
and �he Counci1 's approval of the Vail Pianning Commissian Reso�u�ion No. T , approving the
proposed p7an.
Mayor pobson annaunced the a�pointment of four new members to the Town of Vail Loca1 Liquor
�icensing Au�hor�ty. Jim Schorsch was appoin��d to f�11 �he unexpired term of Bil7 Grassie,
serving on the A�thority until Jur�e of 7978. Doug �[alker ar�d Rob Butterbaugh were re-a}�poin�
ed to four y�ar terms, exp�ring ir� Jur�e of 198� ; and Jack �Curtin was appointed to �he
fourth position, serving unti7 June, 1981 .
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at :45 P.Ni•
�� �
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18 OCTqBER, 1977
The r�gu3ar meeting of the Town Ca�cncil of the Town of Uail , Calorado was convened
a� 7:30 P.M. , on Tuesday, Oc�ob�r 18, 1977, in the Council Chambers afi tl�e Mun�cipa7
Bui7d7ng of the Town of Vail .
Mayor John Do�son and the foilowing Council i�embers were �resent.
John Donovan
Rod Slifer
Wi�liam �le�nbach
Bob Rud�r
William Wilta
Others present were:
Terrell J. Minger, Town Manager
Lawrence C. Rider, Town Attorney
Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1977 was ir��roduced vn secand reading. Town A�torney Lawrence
R�der exp�ained that the purpase of Ordinance #26 was to amend �he Mu�icipa� Code by
� the addit�on of Private Cl�bs as a conditional use in the residential cluster and �low
c�ensity mu1tiple fami�y zan�s and setting forth details in relation �o the use. Counci�man
Wi1to moved �o approve the ordinance a� seeand read�r�g; �ouncilmar� Ruder seconded the
motion; a77 present voted in favor and the �rc��nanc� was passed on s�cond reading.
Ordinance fVo. 27, Series of 1977, to cantrac� a special and limited obligation on beha�f
of the Town o�F Vai1 , Colorado, by issuing its short-term notes in the aggregate pr�ncipa�
amount not �xceeding $300,000.00 in anitcipation o� the co�lection of sales tax revenues
for the months of December, �977 and �anuary and February, 1978, said notes to mature
on or b�fore May � , 1978, for the purpose of defray�ng current expenses and meeting
current con�ractual obligations of the Town, and prescrib�ng the form of said short-�erm
notes; Assis�ant 7own Manager/F�r�ance Director, Stan Bernstein exp�ained the purpose
of �he ordinance and read �he ti�le ir�to the off�cial record. Councilman Ruder moved
to apprav� the ordinance on �First reading; Cour�cilman Wi1ta secor�ded the motion; A1�
present voted �n favor and the motion carried.
Ordinance No. 28, S�ries of 1977, amending special development Dist�^ict 4, �o provide
for th� area �hereof, deveTopmen� plan and its canten�s, permitted uses, c�r'tain
acccssory uses, density, parking, recreat�onal ameni�its tax, firep7aces an� �rans-
portation, and se�ting �orth de�a�ls re�ating thereta, was introduced nn first reading.
. At�orney Jay Peterson and Deve7oper Ar�dy Narris presented the may and explanatian of the
spec�al development dis�ric� regard�ng parceis A, B, C and D, stating tha-� 900,000 was
a real�stic GRFA figure for ti�e projec�. Town Attarney Lawrence Rider asks wha� ��e _ � .
special district means in terms of the Mansf�eld Corporat�on that owns neighborhing
property. Diana Taughill explains tha� each subdivis�on can masterplan its own project
and that Mansfie�d will need to come in with a masterplan when they are ready to develop,
and that in additian, they wi�1 need to aE��end ��he EIR. Andy Norris exp�ained that the
net result a� their developmer�t wi�l b2 approximately 3.4 units per buildable acre.
Councilman Donovan moved to approve Ordinance #28 on first reading; Counc�lman S1ifer
seconded the mation; A�1 presen� voted in favor and the motior� carried.
Ord�nance No. 29, 5er�es of 1977, amending spec�al deve�opment distric� 5 and providing for
a deve1opmer�t �1an and 7ts contents, permitted cor�d�-tional and accessory us�s, deve�op--
ment standards, recrea�ion amenities -�ax, and other spec�al prflv�sior�s, was introduced on
first read�ng. Developer Bof� Byrd made a pres�ntatior� regardir�g the develapment of
an add�tional �hase of Vai1 Run and introduced the architect whn discussed the design
elements o�F �h� project. Mr. 8yrd s-�a�ed tha� the present plan was an effor� to
compromise between the origina� developmen� plan prior to annexat�on and �he proposed
plan after the annexa��or� of l.ionsridge and that the developers had haped tha� this plan
would elir�inate the necessity of pursuing a �iending iawsuit against �he Town of Va�l
re7ative ta the propose� zon�ng of density of t�e property following th� annexatinn.
� Councilman Donovan stated �hat he questions how much of a compromise had �een [riade and
stated �ha� he failed to see tt�e jus�ifica�ion of -�he dens�ty o�F �he currently prnpased
project. He further stated that the density of the current projec� �s unacceptab7e to
hir�. He rem�nded �he deve7opers that the current average densi�y of �.ionsrTdge is 33
unites per acre and �hat at the t3me of ann�xation, the residents of that ar�a stated t�at
they wan�ed less density tin future developmen�s. f�e then stated that he s�es no ov�ral1
reduction in the proposed projec� �rom the or�g�nal prapasals for development. Counc�lman
Ruder stated �hat he was surprised that no apparent densi�y changes were made �r� the project
4 �
�_ *
78 OCTOBER, 1977
PAG� 2
� and that he agrees with Councilman Donavan. l�e �Further s�ated tha� he sees th� p7an as
unacceptable in terms of density. Councilman Slifer s�atEd that having voted against t1�e
original developm�nt plan when he was serving an the County Plann�ng Camm�ss3an, prior �o
ar�nexation o�F the area to the Tawn af Vail , �e�ls that the project is �oo dense for �he
area and regrets �he amount of cammercial space in �he projec�. Dud1ey Abbott commented
��at he would remind �he council and the pubiic that the area �s com�ercial7y zaned so
a hig�er densi�y would be acceptable ir� that area. Ed Drager devended t�e action of the
p�anning camm3ssion in approv.ing the project and sta�ed tha� it 3s cnmpa�ible wi�h the
philosophy o� the growth management p7an for �he town in deeping high density �rojects
together in �he same r�eighborhoo� and �urther that he felt tha� �h�s was �he logical place
for a project of �his r�ature. Twa owners of �he Breakaway West project requested �l�at
the parking question be addressed in terms of -�he dens��y o� the p�oject. Bab Byrd
t�en expressed dissappoin�ment and cancern that the �ouncil had wa�i�;ed until such a late
date to express i�s negat�ve responses to the denisty ofi. the project. Mayor John Dobson
stated tha� ap�arentTy the basic prablem was one of dens�ty on�y and expressed apprecia-�ion
for the effor�s o� Mr. Byrd in the growth management pragram and exp�ained the cho�ce af
the council 1n t�rms af delay of the p�oject or vo�ing on �he project �hat night.
Councilman �ieimbacn maved �o conl:inue �he hearing until �he regular mee��ng on Nav�mber lst;
Councilman Donovan seconded �he motion; A11 preser�t vated �n favor and �he mo�ion. carried.
Resolution IVo. 19, Seri�s of 1977, au�horizing notice of bond saie �'or $2,350,QOO General
� Obligation Bonds, Series Dece�ber 1 , 1977, of the Town af Vail , Colorado was read and
introduced by Mayor �7ot�n Do6san. Councilman Danovan moved to aPproved the Resolution ;
Counci1man Slifer Seconded the motion; a11 preser�t voted in �avor and �he motion passed.
The next item of business an the agenda was a discussion of an appea7 of �he �esign Review
Board's approval af the Aiice Parsons duplex or� Forest Road. Diarta Tough�ll explained �he
history of the request for aQprava7 and tl�� results o� �he approval �y o�s;�n Review Baard.
C��izen Tam Jacobson an� severai other neighbors of the pr.ajec� expressed cflnc�rn about
p7acement of the duplex on the lot, disruption o�F views �n the ne�ghborhood and of the
qual�ty af the project. Design Review Board member Bill Ruoff defended the decisinn af
the board and stated �hat all precautions have been taken to insure �he quality af -�h�
�roject. �Nayor Qobson stated �hat �he Council can on�y b� guided by the best jcadg�ment of
the Des�gn Review Board. Ms. Parsor�s stated that tf�e duplex and the lot values exceeds
�hase of �he neigh6orhing homes. Mayor pobson asked for c�arification from �he council
as �o appraval of Des�gn Review Board dec�sion or not. Cour�ciiman Heimbach n�aved �o
uphold the dec�sion of the board; Gounci7man Slifer s�conded the motion; ali presen�
voted in favor and the mo�ion to upho�d the decision �o approve t9�e duplex carried.
Mayor pobson then moved on to a disucss�an of -�he Town of Uai1 1977-78 Capi�ol Zmprov�ments
Program. Members of the au�ience were provided cop�es of the propased pragram and �he
� �layor sugges�ed that it �e stud�ed by all �hose in attendance in �hat it was a proposed
progra� subject to later approva7 .
7he Mayor then explained t�e praposed rates �or the 1977-78 Transportation Center and
the ir►creases. 5tan Berns�ein discussed the need for rate �ncreases to generage additionaj
�� rever�ues to of�set �he d�bt serv3ce on �he facility. He s�ated �hat the terminal w�ll
open �or paid parking on Navember 23rd. Counc�lman Donovan moved to adopt the pro�osed
• rates; Counci�mar� Wilto second�d t�e motion; all present vo�ed in favor and �he mo�ion
�T` The �layor presented the nam�s af applicants to the Vail Planning Commissian as: Scott
Hopman; Jim Po�ter; �Foni Berns; Denr�is l�insha1l ; Wi11 Mil�er and Barry Lambert; A vote
, was taken and Scot� Hopman was elec�ed to serv� on the Vai7 Planning Gommission.
A�poin�ment af two members ta �he 5ign Cammittee af the aesign Review Board was discussed.
Since a11 the candidates were not present for interview, Councilman Wi1to moved �o post-
pane appointments for two wceks, �n�il Novemb�r 1 , 1977. Counci�man SZifer seconde� �he
motian; all present voted in -�avor and the mo-��on carried.
With no fur-�her bus�ness, the �ieeti�g was adjourned at 10:30 .M.
-�`, MA 0
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1 NOUEMBER, 1977
The r�gular meet�ng af the Town Counci� of �he Tawn of Va�1 , Colorado was convened
at 7:45 P,M. on Tuesday, Nover�b�r 1 , 19�7, in the Vail Municipa� Building Counc��
Mayor �oi�n Dobson and �he foiiow�ng fcounci7members were present: ���-��
Jasef Stau�Fer
Rodney Slifer
W�11�am iiei mbach
Robert Ruder
Will�am Wilto
Joi�n Donovan
Others present included:
Stanley F. Berns�ein, Assistant 7own Manager
Lawrence Rider, Tawn Attorney
OR�IPJANCE I�O. 29, Ser�es of 1977, rezon�ng a portion of Vail Rcan �rom RC to SDD5 was
introduced on first readTng, having been cantinued from the October 18, 7977 meet�ng
� of the Council . Councilman Ne�mbach moved��o continue the first readir�g of �he
� ordinance for 30 days, untii the ��cember 5, �977 council r�ee�ing. Councilman
Danovan seconded the mo��on, all present voted in favor; and the motiQn carried.
ORDTNRiVC� N0. 27, Series of 1977, regarding shor�-term tax antic�pation no�es, was
introduced on second read�ng. Councilman Wi7to moved to approve ��e ordinartce ar�
secor�d reading; Council�nan Ruder seconded the mat�vn; all present voted in �avor
and the motion carr�ed.
ORDINANCE N0. 28, Series af 1977, amendir�g and subd�v�ding SDD4, Glen l.yon, was in-
troduced on second reading. There was no discussion and CounciT�ian o van moveT�n� �s
approve the ordinance on second readi�g; Councilman Slifer s�conded tf�e �o�ion; all
present voted in favor and the motiort carried.
ORDTNANCE N0. 30, Series of i977, amending Titie �8 o�F the Va31 Municipa1 Gode and re�
zan3nq c�rtain parce7s wi�hin �he Tawn of Uail in accordance wi�h Growth Managem�nt
recommendations, was introduced on first read�ng by Mayor pobsor�. The Mayor �hen
�ntro�uced Tnwn Attorriey, Lawrence Rider who expla�ned t�e legal aspects and the pracess
of �}�e Ordinance. A�l�n G�rstenberger, Director of Community Development for the Town
af Vail , was thero introduced. �outrine�c tl�e agenda for �he fo7lowing pres�ntation
� and explained the background which �ed to the development of the ord�nance now under
consideration. He traced the history to �he formation o� the Town of Vaii Goals
Commit�ees and the resul�s of their work, �hen followed �y the staff working �v collect
data and �r�formation wlth the help of Briscoe, Maphis and l.amon�; a cortsulting firm from
Bou�d�r, Colorado; along wi�h assistance from Royston, Wanamoto, Bec�c & Rbey; a con-
sulting �irm fror� Mi17 Valley, Califorr�ia, �or a period of twa years. Then, working
with the P1anning Comm�ssion and the subsequent format�on of th� Citizens Gomm-i��ee on
Growth Management, through bi-week1y meetings for a period of 6 months, re�or�s were
submi�ted by subcommittees af th� Citizens Committee �a th� Plann�ng Gommission, form�ng
the basis and serving as an impetus for the current p]an. Ne then ir�troduced Dick
Eiias, Chair�nan of the Citizens Committee on Growth Management wha autlined the deta-ils
pf �he process and results of the eommit�e�`s work and added that he felt ��� committee
and i�s sub-commi�tees represented a responsible cross-section o�F ti�e valley w�de ir�terests.
He �urther stated that the commit�ee was not a no-grow�h comm�ttee and �hat he believed
the recommendations made were "middle af the road" recommendations. �e comr�ended the
committee and the staff for their work.
A71en Gerste�berger �hen summar3zed the iss�es o� the camm�ttee's report, statir�g that
�he com�nit�ee was s�r�ving �For equity for all property owners and reminded the persons
presen� that the process is an ongoing one, d�signed to martage growth as appos�d to
�_ contro7ling grawth. Town A�torney �.arry Rider paints out, for the r�cord, tha� the full
� ,- report has be�n reviewed by the coun��l and that copies have been made available ta the
Zoning Administratar, D�ana Toughill , then de�Fined the technica� aspects o�F the
def�nitia�s conta�ned in �he report and gave a brief background of the process taken
to d�termine the recommendatians which v��re being made . �d Drager, Cha�rman of �he Vai3
Pianni�g Commission was introduced. He outlined the process of the PTanning Comm-ission
and res�ated the approval nf th� Planning Commission far the Grow�h i�anag�m�nt project.
�;:x �..
' , Minutes/Regular Mee�ir�g
1 November, i917
` Page Twa
He rein�erated that the �lanning Commission had recen�ly passed Resoiut�on #1 of
. the Vai1 Planning Commission which incoorporates the repor� of tl�e Citizen's
Committee on Growth Management. �[e po�nted out that the vote of the P�anning
Commission or� �he Resolution was unanimous -�or �h� recommendations which were
being presen�ed here tor�ight. Resolution # 1 was preser�ted to the eounci7 as
the o��icial documen� repres�r�ting the P7anr�ing Commissions recommendations.
NEayor pobson �hen �nvi�ed citizen comment. Mr. Bob Byrd, a member af �he Cit�zen's
Gommittee poin�ed ou� �hat the p�an was based or� factors now known and asks tha�
the commi�tee monitor the plan and revzew the situation an a yearly basis ar he
�ears that the plan mig�t fai� . He r�comr�ended �hat a rev�ew committee be
implemented as soon as possibie:
Mr._ B�1.1 Lu_ke_ asked that the Towr� of Va�l not approv� the p7an. He s�ated �ha� he fel�
tha� the ��an was arbr�trary, '..and cited several general objections to implementat�on
of �he p7an based on inequities.
Mr. Lou Parker, a m�mber of the Citizen`s Co�nm�ttee, re�n�era�es tha� the subwco�nm7ttee
on which he served has asked for a �ower max�mum popu�ation �F7gure than the one which
appears in the report, and points out that �he exis�ir�g figure was unanimously approved
as a max�mum recommended figu�e.
� Councilman l�e�mbach s�a�ed that he has been concerned wit� Section # 2 af t�e Ord�inance,
and asked Di ar�a Toughi 1 i ta cl ari fy �he Pri mary/5ecor�dary Zani r�g cl assi fi cati on. Ms_. ...
Tough��l �hen explained, using a vailey-�wide ;map, spec3�ic�hat areas were to be zoned.
Counc9lman Heimbach again s�ates concern over the apparent ability to te71 anyor�e what
can be built on pr�va�e land, and fur�her states that he will vote against See�ion # 2
of the Ordinance. Mr. Ron Todd, a mer�ber of the Vai� ��ar�ning Commission, clar�fies
�he in�ent of 5�ct�on #2, stat�ng �hat the zon�ng is based on per-cent of GRFA. I�r.
Dud7ey Abbott, a member of �he Uail Plannir�g Comm�ssion, responds in an attempt to
clarify the section in question by sta��ng that one of the goals of the sect�on is
to lower t�e frequancy of large m�rror-�mage duplexes. Counciiman �le�mbach stated that
he did no� wish �o bela�or the point but that he s���l �s opposed to the sec�ion.
� Mr. Bi17 Shephard, a homeowner on Fo,�rest Road, stated t�at he understands the prob�ems
facing the Town of Vail , b�t �hat he was concerned over �oan values, and feels that �he
zoning had been arbr�trary �n that �t did no� i.nclude aiT areas of dup7ex�s. We stated
that he feit that owners of exist�ng buiid�ngs were being undu�y penal-�zed and requests
that a grandfather clause be incorporated into tl�e ordinance fnr exist9ng bui1dings in
an area �o be dawn zoned.
Mayor pobson expresses concerns a�so over some e�ements of the Ordinance. Ms. Toughi1�
and Mr. Todd made a brief ex�ianation in an attemp� ta c�ari�'y th� �ntent of the
� - ordinance and specif�ca�Ty Section #2. A brief d�scuss�on between members of the
counciZ and the audience then too�C p�ace concerning the question of replac�m�nt of any
bcaildings w�ich might be des�royed and effects of the proposed new zoning on rebuiiding.
Mr. ��ke asked for com�nents in response to h�s earlier com�en�s. A brief discussior�
took place betwe�n council members and Mr. Luke re7at�ve �o possible chang�s �n
charac�er in some ne�ghborhoods as a result of �he praposals in the ordinance and Mr.
Luke s�a�e� tha� he has great concern over what he perceives to be a di�feren� set of
ru�es for upcom�ing developments as opposed to �hose governing �rev�ous �evelopments.
Councilman Staufer poln�s out that r�les do change. Mr. l.u�ce further ques�ions the Town's
righ� �o �or�e use of land bu� not �opuiation. Counci�man S�ifer answers by pointing o�t
that courts a�d state stat�tes have upheld densi�y con�rols. Town Attorney Larry R�der
stated that �his ordinance and ti�e process for its imple�en�a�7on ar� d�signed to
correc� de�F�ciencies in the original zoning ord�nance and that compact neighborhoods
were a goal of the new reguTations rather than hav�ng pa�ahwork zonir�g.
At this point in the meeting, I�s. Taugh�ll began a parce7 by parcel explanatian of the
proposed cY�anges, beg�nn�ng w�th 1'h� Racquet Club and continuir�g �o th� �ast parce1
1isted ir� the P]anning Cammission memorandum of report which is attacl�ed and made a part
of �hese minutes.
� � Members of the aud�ence speaking on behalf of property owr�ers who were opposed �a �he
� �. changes being discussed were:
Attorney Dick Hart spake nn �ehalf af the owners o�F Pareel 4, (Jacksan, Gook & Zabl�insky}
stat�ng ��at the owners fe7t they were not being treated fairly in �he progression of
zoning up th� valley.
f At�orney Jay P�terson spofce for the owr�er,� of Parcel # 6, Lot 6, B�ock 2, Vail Potato
„ , ;.
, ,Minutes/Regu�ar Meeting
�, 7 Navember, 1977
Page Three
� Patch and Lo� 3�4, Biack 1 , Vail Potato Pa�ch; stating that the owners had s�agges�ed
a cor�prom�se. Roger T�lkemeier commended the owners for vo�unteering a dowr� zon3ng
comprom�se and expres5ed a �ope �hat Parcel C in Potato Patch cauld reamin open space.
He �urther s�ated that the covenants at this tir�e call for Tract G �o be recreation
space or oper� space. �iana Toughil1 and Larry Rider state that future plans do ca1�
�Far tha� �arce7 to be dedicated to the Town of Vail .
Regarding Parcel # 9, Lots 1 , 2, 3, Biock 3, Bighorn Subdivisian 3rd Addition, Ms.
Toughil7 �xplained the praposed rezaning. Mayor pobson aske� for any fur�her comments
from the owner, Mr. Sill Luke. Mr. Luke declined any further comment stat�ng that he
does so on the advise of counsel .
N{r. Abe Shapiro spoke on beha7f o�F his 9nterest in th� proposed zoning of Aarce7 # 10,
Lot 26, Black 2, Va�l Viliage 13�h �i7ing, stating tha� he has proposed a compromise
and expla�ned the elements of his proposal , remind3ng the council �hat th� p7anr�ing
commission had recommended a�proval of the compromise.
�u�w p�H Ron Lust�ck sopke an behalf of the owners of Parce7 # 71 , Lo� 7, B7ock B,
Lionsridge F7Zing f�o. 1 , stating his case for retaining the existing zoning and tha�
the owners of �he �a� feel that if Lot �# 8 can reta�n �he LDMF zoning, then Lot # 11
should be allowed to do so alsa.
� Regar�ing Parce� # 12, Ms. Toughi�l exp�ained the zoning ar�d the topography o�F the Lat
and read a �ette�^ o�F protest from �he awners o�F 1.ots 3, �, 5, 6, 7, 81ack 7 , Bighorn
Subdivision 3rd Add�tion.
Regard�ng �arcels # 15 through 2� , Ms. Tough�ll ex�lained that a�l parcels in this
group were to be changed �From �wo-family reside�tial to pr�mary/secondary residential
�istr�ct. She read let�er of protest from Fred L.azarus {Lot 1 , B�ock 1 , Vail Vil�age
lst F7�ing) ; and a letter����agreemen�^w�th propased zon�ng fram John Tyler, t�e
owner af a 3rd fi�ing 3ot. She read a letter of pro�est from Col . Edward A9. Brown,
Lot 9, Blk 5, Bighorn Subdivisio� 5th additian, req�aesting add�t�onal informatio� and
objecting to the down zoning. Joanna Peterson was preser�� to speak or� behalf of the
owners of Lot 2, Vail Village 7th Fi7ing (Crawford Ffouse) objecting �o t�e �roposed
dawnzoning and �resent�d a request for possib�e consideration of var7ance s�nce
�he owners had wanted �o b�aild an additional build�ng next door. Counei�r�an S�ifer
and Mayor pobson agreed in statir�g tha� perhaps �esign or variances cau�d soive �h�
�he problem.
R brie�f discussian foilowed Mr. Sha��ro's request for another c�ar��ica��an of the
meaning and purpose o�F the Primary/Secondary Zoning District. Mr. Lou Parlcer reques�ts
that a�l of the llth f�ling be �lac�d under �he pr�mary/secondary �istr-ic�. Following
same discussion, Councilmen W3�to and Slifer sta�ed tha� the 17th fi7ing probably could
-,- nnt be added ta this proposal by �he council . Mr. Parker disagreed.
Mr. Wil7iam Sheppard, owner of Lot 4, Block � , Vail Vzl�age bth Fil�ng spoke on l�is own
beha�f �n oposition a� the proposed zaning af his property.
Mayar pobsan quest�oned f�ow far zor►ing cou7d be used to accomplish o'ther goals.
Counci�man Danovan sta�ed that these are seTec�ed parcels to �e rezor�ed in an effort to
preserve developing neighborhoods. Councilman Sta�afer sta-�e� that pro�ect�on of a
develapir�g neighborhood can only be done by zoning. fNr. Shapiro asked for a clarifica��on
o�F �he use of the wor� "density”. A brief discuss�or� followed. Councilman Staufer
stated that �asically �he goal o�F this �ian was to preserve the quai�ty experience and
that it car� only be preserved tl�rough restr�ction of zonir�g for densit�es. Lo� Parker
questions the ratio o-F pri�ary/s�condary.district zoning to straight residential zoning.
Ms. Tough311 expla�ned tha� they were the same.
�own Attorney �.ar�^y Rider recommer�ded �o the co�nci7 �hat the public hearing portion of
�he meeting be closed and tha� the ord�nance under disEUSSion be taEcen sec�tion by section
and any changes to be ma�e be dor�� by motion of �he counci� .
Councilman He�mhach moved to remove Section #2 from the ordinance. Mayor pobson Seconded
�, �he motion; Councilman Weimbach artd Mayor pobsan voted in favor and al� athers preser�t
^� vo�ed aga�nst the ma�ian. The mot�on failed.
Town Attornev Larry Rider explained ��at some eiem�nts of sect�on #2 had been inadvert-
ently been ammitted �'rom the copies of Ordinanc� #30 and he explained �hose addi�ions.
�aunci1man Wilto r�oved to approve and inc�ude those sections left o�at. Counci�man S�aufer
seconded �he motion; all present voted in �Favor and the motion carried.
, � k�
, � , Minutes/regu7ar meeting
� 1 November, 7977
� �age four
� Sections of the ordina�ce were explai�ed briefiy to the counci1 6y �arry R7der.
Fallowing the planning commission me�o, each parceI proposed �or down-zoning
was �hen considered and vo�ed upo� individuai�y: No motian was necessary far par.cel
#1 . �� -- -- -
�ouncilman Wil�a moved that parceT #2 rema�n LDMF. Cour�ciiman Ruder seconded the motion;
all present voted in favor and the mot�on carried.
Counc�7man W�imbach moved to ap�rove the prapased changes ir� zoning for parcei #3.
Counci7man Donovan seconded the motion; a11 present voted �r� favor an� the mo��on
carri e�.
Counci�man Heim�ack moved to retain LDMF �or parce7 # 4; Councilman Staufer se.conded;
all presen� voted in favor and the r�otian carried.
Cauncilman W�1to moved to approve the proposed rezoning for parcel �5; Councilman
Heimbact� seconded the motion; a17 present vo�ed �n favor and the motion carried.
Counci7man Heimbach moved to approve �he compror�ise proposal that the owner's �nterest in
Tr�c�< £ be deeded to �he Town. of Va�1 . Counci1man Ruder seconded �Che motion;
Cauncilm;�n Donovan vo�ed against tl�e motion; ali others present voted in favor; and
�he mo�ian carr�ed. Parce� # 6 was the parceT voted upon.
� Counci7man Ruder moved to approve �he praposed rezon�ng of parcel #7. Cour�cilmar� Wiito
secanded the mot�on; ali presen� voted in favor and the mot�on carr7ed.
Counc�lman Wilto maved ta retain the �DM� zoning for parce� # 8. Counc�lman Heimbach
seconde� t�e mo�ion ; a11 present voted in favor and the motion carried.
Counci�mar� Ruder maved to rezone parcel #9 as prQposed; Councilma� Donovan secanded the
motion; a17 present voted �n favor and the matior� carried.
Councilman Fleimbach moved �a accept the compram�se praposed for parcel # 10. Counci�man
Wi�to seconded the motion; Councilmen S�aufer, Slifer, Wiito and Heimbach voted in
favor of the matior�; Councilmen Donova� and Ruder va�ed against the motion; the matian
car�^i ed.
Councilman Wiito moved to leave parcel # 11 as LDMF. The mot�on was seconded by Council�an
Heimbach. Councilmen Staufer, Donovan, Heimbach and Wilto voted in favor of �he mation;
�ouncilman Ruder voted against the motior�; The motion carr�ed.
Cauncilman Ruder maved to rezone parce� # 12 as recommended, Councilman Staufer
� seconded �he motion; all presen� voted in favar and the mot-�on carried.
Co�r�cil�nan Wilto moved to rezor�e pareel # �3 as recommended; Counc�lman Ruder seconded
�he motion; ali present voted in favor and the �otion carr.ied.
Counci�mar� Ruder moved to accpt the proposed rezoning af parce7 #74. Councilman f�eimbach
seconded �he motion. A1� present vo�ed in favor and the motion carried.
Counci�man Slifer moved to accep� the proposed zoning for parce�s # 75 �hough 21 . Council-
mar� Danovan seconded the mot-�on. Councilr�an hfeimbach �voted against the mo�ion. All otl�ers
present voted in favor and the motion carried.
Councilman Wilto moved to adop� Ord�nance #30, Ser�es of 1977, with �he amendments made __
by the Counci 1 , on �F�rst readi r�g. Cour�ci 1 man Donovan secon�ed the �not�on. Ai 1 prese�t 't
voted in f��vor, except Counci7man Heimbach who again expressed his opposition of Section
#2 0� the ordinance. The motion carried.
� Reslloutjon #20, Ser�es of T977 was introduc�d �y Mayar pobson. Counc�l�nan Wi��v moved
to apprave Resolution #20; Councilman Donovan seconded the matian; a11 preser�� voted
�n favor and the �esolution was approved ty the Cauncil . Resolut�on #20 sets forth
the upcoming week as Water Gonservation Week in Vaii .
Mayar pohson then turned the meet-ing to the prese�tations and o�h�r ma�ters. Pep-i
� Gramshammer officiall re uested the withdrawal of a �arking variance far 9 cars for the
Y q
Vai� Ath�et�c Club. I� was so noted for ��e recard.
Mayor Jahn Dobson then requested a rali ca11 vo�e for the a�po�n�ment o� two r�emb�rs ta
�^'� �''
� ��
� M�nutes/reg+�lar mee��ng
� 1 November, 1977
page five
serve on the Sign Review Comm7ttee af �l�e Design Review Board. The a�piicants were:
� Toni Berns; Fr�d D�ste7horst; and Gai1 S�rauch.
Fred D�stelhors� and Toni Berns were e7ec�ed to serve or� the Sign Review Committee of
the Des�gn Review Board.
Mayor pobson �hen read the names of those persons �o be appainted clerks and judg�s
for the upcoming Counci� eiectfon on Novem�er 22, 797T, A1� persons were appointed
�o the positions. A l�sting of tl�ose persons is attached, and made a part hereto,
of these minutes.
Cauncilman Donovan moved to adjourn the mee�ing, there being no fur�her �usin�ss for
the Councii �o cons�der. Counc�l�an Ruder seconded �he motion; all present voted in
favar and �he mee�ing was adjourned at 11 :15 pm.
� R
/ . ,
��� ���� - . _ -.
� �
� :�, ����OV EMa�R 22, i 977 . � . �
� ,. -� t� . , . -
clerks and judges .
€� '
LYN� LA�Vf�NAIU , : �
� :
� CINDY M4WRY . . .
j �IAfVNF HAG�N . �
� �
� JIJDGES, PRECINC� # 13 , �
� '
JAC�KI' �YlCA . _ -
� � .
; � KIT ABRRli,4MS
F GWEf� 4PP�NFIEIM � � _
� : : '
� � -
{ .
�. .
- ,
DATE: NOVEMBEft 1 , 1977
The foZlowing is a s�Enmary o� the Planning Comrnission meeting of S�p�em�er
Z9, 1977 and recorrQnendations af �he Commission ta the C�uncil .
Resolu��on f�o. I of the Vail Planr�ing Commission was approved which adopted
Phase I af the Comprehensive Plan and by re�erence the maps ar�d a11 documents
to which the maps refer, as well as recagr�izing �he Report and Recommendations
of the Growth Management subcommi�tee.
. The Planning Comm3ssion t�en unanzmously approved �he Zoning Ame�dmer�ts
outlined �n the attached memorandum.
Each parcel proposed for .down-zoning was then considered individ�a�ly:
1 . Racquet Club (13 acres )
Propased Rezoning: Red�c�ion o� units.
Maximum units current zoning - 390 units., County approval 360 units
Max�mum units proposed - 247 units
Planning Commission r.ecommendation - Main�ain NEDMF with 247 units
total maximum.
Walter K�rch proposed to the Piannin.g Commissian that they cons�der his
remain�ng undeveloped land and a proportional share of the land used for
recreational ar�en��ies at �he proposed MDMF inax9mum of i8 units per acre
or a maximum of 2�7 un�ts. This repres�nts a 30J down-zoning tor the balance
of the praposed �roject. A11 members were �n favor with �he except�on of Mills.
2. Yail Investment Prop�r�ies {�.4 acres)
Proposed Rezoning: LDMF' ta RC
iNaximu� units curren� zon-�ng - 76 un��s
� Maximum units amended LD��F - 57 un�ts
� Maximum units pro�osed rezon�ng - 38 uni�s
Planning Commiss�on reeomrn�nda�ion - Reznne ta RG
Craig Falson was present to object �o reduction zn density (letter attached) .
The P�anning Corr�m�ssion vvted 5 for an� Ron Todd opposed to the rezoning.
3.' Gore Range II (7.971 acres, approxi�ateiy 6 acres bu�lda�l�)
• �� Froposed Rezoning: LDMF with 60 un�ts maximum to RC
Max�mum �nits c�rrent zoning - 60 units
Maximum units amended I.DM�' � 54 units
Maximum units proposed rezon�ng - 38 units
- �
4 �
' �Page 2
,= Recommendations on pro�osed Zoning
Amendments and Down Zoning.
Plann�ng Cammissior� rec�mmen�at�o� - Rezone �a RC
Bob Warner, represer�ting the owners, notified r�e to inform the Planning
Commission that he has withdrawn his employee hausing proposal and that they
could proceed with the down-zoning to RC. Plann�ng Commission vated unani�ous1y
to rezone the parcel .
4. Jackson, Cook, Zabinsky (3.0 acres)
Praposed Rezoning: L�MF to RC
Maxim�am units current zan�ng - 36 un��s
Maximum uni�s amended �DMF - 27 units
Maximum un7ts pro�osed rezoning - 18 units
Plann�ng Commissian recomnendation - Rezone to RC
Cass Zabinsky was presen� �o protest the proposed rezanina�. Rfter a lengthy
discussion, a3� of the Planning Commission except Ed Rrager vot�d to reduce th� densi�y
to RC. Nfr, Zabinsky la�er requ�s�ed �hat the Plar�ning Commission reconsider their
� vote in 1ight o�F the�r dec�s�on on the Weisen parcei ; the motion was defeated
5. Lots 2 and 3� S�OCk $, Bi horn Subd�v�s�on 3rd Addition � .255 and .4i9 acr�es)
Propased Rezoning: L.DMF tv RC
Maximum ur�its curr�nt zoning - 8 units
Max�mum units amended LDN�F - 6 units
Maxim�m units proposed rezon�ng w 4 units
Planning Commissian recommendat�n - Retain LDMF
ErfKa McCall was present representing Vail East Ladg�ng. Sl�e pointed out
that Uai� �ast had already vo7untari�y down-zoned two o�F their parcels to
agricultura7 and would l�ke to retain the possibili�y of deve�oping five or six
un�ts on �he subject property. The Planning Commission va�ed to retain �he LDMF
zoning wi�h Sandy Mills opposing the motion.
6. �o� 6, Biock 2, Vail/Potato Patch (3.91 acres)
Lot 3�, Block � , Vail/Potata PatcE� ( .997 acr�s)
Pro�osed Rezoning: MDMF' to RC
Maxi�um units c�rrent zoning - E.at 6 - 117, Lot 34 - 29
Maximum units a�ended MDMF - �ot b - 70, Lot 34 - 17
� Maximum units propase� rezoning - L,ot 6 - 23, �ot 34 - 5
Hlaximum �nits prvposed compromise- 1_ot 6 - MDM�'(�0 unjts maximum,;
� Lot 34 - P4DMr units max�mum
Planning Comm�ssion r�cammendatior� - accep� co�prom�se _
' , Page 3
` Recommendatiqns on proposed Zoning
, Amendments and Down Zoning.
• Jay Pe�erson was pres�nt representing tl�e owner, John Hali . He req�ested
the P�ar�ning Commission �o re�ain the MDMF Zoning wM�ch permits .35 GRFA as
opposed to RG at .25 �RFA and limit the unit maximum to 30 units on Lot 6 and �8
. units on Lo� 34 to a71ow large luxury units. Pe�erson further proposed that Hall
would be wi7l�ng to quit-cla-im �o the Town of Vail his righ� �o develop recreatiana�
amenities and a tramway on Tract C {adjacent to Sandston� Tot Lot} , �[h��e, Abbot�,
Drager and Todd voted �n favor of �he compromis� w�th Hanlan and M111s voting
7. Belinda Ward We�sen [1 .5 acres)
Proposed Rezor�ing: LDMF �o RC
Maximum units current zoning W 18 units
, Maximum un�ts amer�ded LDMF - 13 units
Maximum �nits proposed rezoning - 9 units
Rlanning Commission recommendatian - Retain LDf�F
Ms. Weisen was represented by Jay Peterson who requested �he property remain
at LDMF since it is iocate� between �the Racq�aet Club and Ti�berfa�ls. Miils made
a motion for rezaning to RC which was seconded by Han�on; Tadd, Drager, and Abbo�t
• vpt�d agains�; motion for rezoning failed.
8. Lot 7, Block A, Lzonsr�d e ��13r� i�o. 1 (1 .234 acres)
Proposed rezon7ng: LD�IF tv RC
Niaximum units curren� zoning - 14 units
Maximum units amended LDM� -- 11 �nits
Maximum units propased �^ezoning - 7 uni�s
Pianning Cornmission recommendation - Retain LD�IF
Gary Fland�rs, represen��ng the new owners, was .present to protest the proposed
reduction in density and �o reques� the prop�rty remain L�MF because a-� i�s laca�ion
direc�Iy adjacent to Homes�ake. Planning Commiss�on vated unantmo�sly �o retain the
LDMF zoning.
9. Lots 1 , 2, 3, Block 3, Si�horn_ Subdivislora 3rd Addition (Lot 1 - .8�0 acres,
Lot 2 - .937 acres, Lot 3 - .732 acres)
Proposed �ezoning: LDNi�' to RC
Maximum units curr.ent zoning - Lot i - 9 un�ts, Lot 2 - lI units, l.a� 3 - 8 units
Maximum units amende� LDf�i� - Lat i - 7 U111'�5, Lot 2 - 8 uni�s, Lot 3 w 6 units
Maximum units proposed rezoning - �o� 1 - 4 units, �at 2 - 5 units, Lot 3 - 4 uni.
Planning Commissipn recommendation - Rezane to RC
� Lot 1 is owned by Jakob who has submit�ed no written �ro�est. Mr. Bill l.ufce
who owns l.ots 2 and 3 called �n a pro�est at 6.00 P.M. the day ot the meet�ng. Our
s�aff has since met with his attarney. Plannina, Commission voted unar�imously to
dowr�-zone all �he lots to RC.
� - ,
. ' , Page 4
' Recomm�ndations o� proposed Zoning
� Amendmertts and Down Zoning
� l0. Lot Z6, Black 2, Vaii Vil�a e 13th Filin (2.89� acres, 2.�43 acres buiIdable)
Proposed Rezon�ng: LDMF �o RC
` Niaximum ur�its current zoning - 34 less hazard = 29 units
Max�mum un�ts amended �.DMF - 26 iess hazard = 21 un�ts
Maximum un�ts proposed rezon�ng - 17 �ess hazard ° 14 units
Maximum units proposed compramise w LDMF/16 unit max�mum
Plannir�g Commission recommendation - accept compromise
Abe Shapiro, the owner Of �4'� 26, appeared before the Planning Commission to
present his proposed comprom�se, whi�h is a 55� down-zoning. The Planning Co�nission
voted unan�mously to recorrunend ��e compromise of retaining LflMF with a 16 unit
maximum. .
Z1 . Lo� 7, B�ock B, l�ionsrid e Fi�in N� o. 1 ('1 .541 acr�s)
Proposed Rezoning: i.DMF to RC
Maximum un�ts curr�nt zoning - l8 ur�i�s
Maximcam un�ts amended LflMF - 13 units
Maximum units propas�d rezaning - 9 units
Planning Cornmiss�on recamm�ndat�on - Rezone ta RC
� LRB submi�ted a site plan show�ng 18 units prior to the hearing which � was
disapproved due to lack of required drawings for zoning approval . Qr� Oc�ober 2b,
anotf�er se� of drawi�gs was submitted for zoning approval . These cantaine�
suf�icient deta�� for preliminary znnir�g approval ; however, these were d�sapproved
because GRFA was in excess of al�owable and insuf�icien� separation between �uildings
was provided. Plann7ng Commissior� voted unar►imo�as�y to rezane �rom LDMF tv RC.
12. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Block 1 , Si horn Subd�vision 3rd Addition {Lot 3 - .4�2
acres, Lo� 4 - . 42 acres, �,ot 5 - .497 acres, Lot 6 - .702 acres,
L.ot 7 - .822 acres}
Pro�osed Rezoning: LDMF' to RC
Maximum �r�its currer�� zoning - Lot 3 - 5 units, Lot 4 = 5 units, l.ot 5 - 5 un�ts,
Lot 6 - 8 un��s, tot 7 - 9 units
MEaximum u�its am�nded LDNiF - Lot 3 - 3 uni�s, �.o� 4 - 3 uni�s, Lo� 5 - 4 un�ts
Lot 6 - 6 uni ts, �a t 7 - 7 u n�t s
Maximum units propased rezoning - Lot 3 - 2 units, Lot 4 - 2 uni�s,
Lot 5 - 2 uni�s, Lot 6 - 4 units,
Lot 7 - 4 units
Planning Commission recommendation - Rezane to RC
Lots 3, 4 and 5 are owned 5y Ev�r�ing from whom r�o protest was received. Dr.
�; 8runi , �he own�r of Lots 6 and 7 Phoned in a pro�est after the �lanning Comntission �
hearing and ha�s . now submitted a wri�ten �rotes� to the Council (copy at�ached) .
, planning Commission vated unan�mously. p�. a�3 lats to rezone to RC•
• . , i
b � 1
. � Page 5
Recommendations an proposed Zaning
r Amendmen'�s and Down Zoning
13. Lots l , 2, 3, B�ack 7, �i horn Subdivision 3rd Additian {Lot 1 � .526 acres,
� �at 2 - .430 acres, l.ot 3 - .430 acres
Proposed Rezoning: LDMF to RC
Max�mum units curr�nt zoning - Lot l - 6 units, Lat Z - 5 units, .
Lot 3 - 5 units,
Maximum un�ts amended LDMF - �o� i - 4 units, Lat 2 - 3 units, Lo� 3 - 3 units
Maximum units praposed rezoning - Lot 1 - 3 un�ts, Lot 2 - Z units, I
Lot 3 - 2 units
Planning Commission recommendation - Rezone to RC �
Lots 1 and 2 are owned by Kidder and f.fl� 3 by Sir�pson neither of wt�om pra��ste� ,
the downWzoning. Planning Commission vo�ed unanimously ta rezone the i.ots from
LDNtF to RC.
14. World Sav�ngs__and_L_oan (6.733)
Proposed Rezoning: MDMF/with 97 uni� maximum ta E.DMF .
Maximum units current zoning - 97 units
Max�mwm units amended MDMF - 97 units
Maximum units proposed rezoning - 60 un�ts
. Plannir�g Comm�ssion recommendation - To LDMF
walter Kirch, who has exercised an option an the sub,�ect praperty, indicated
. that the proposed rezaning appears �o work with h�s plans for �he parcel . The
� Piannir�g Commission vote� unanimously to rezone �he lar�d from LDMF to RC.
�ots currently zoned for Two-Family �esiden�ia� (duplex) are praposed for
rezoning to the new Zone Distric� Primary/Secondary Residential . These are listed
below by neighborhood:
15. fVew Pulis Subdivision - Lots 7-21 , .Vail Val�ey 3rd F�7ir�g.
These lots aiready have a cover�ant identica� to the proposed r�zoning.
16. Mi11 Creek Circle - Lots 1-19, �lock i , Vail Village lst Filir�g.
A wr�tten protest was filed by �red Lazarus III, who owns Lot 1 .
11. Beaver Dam, Forest and Rockle�e .Road - Lots �-4� , Block 7, Vail Village
ls� Filing.
l.ots 1-6, S1 ock i ; Lots 1-10, B�oc[c 2; Lots i w6, B1 ock 3; Lots �-5, BT ock 4;
Ilail V�llage 3rd Ft��ng.
Ti�ere� were r�o protests from property owr�ers i n thi s ne�ghbornood.
18. Lower Forest Road - Lo�s i-i5, Block � ; Lots 1-8, Block 2; Va�� Village
� bth Fiiing.
. A writ�en protest was filed by Wil7iam P. Sheppard, the owner af Lot 4, B1ock 1
on which is constructed a presently non-conforming duplex.
19. Galf Course Area - Lots 1-4, Blocic 4; Lots �-6, Block 5; Lots 1-14, B�ock 6;
�ats 1-3, B�ock 7; l.o�s 1-4, Bloek 8; Vail Vi11ag� 7th Filing•
Lats 1-10, Block 1 , Vail Village 8th Filing-
� No prot�sts were received fram this area.
• . ,
M'� 1 _
' , Page 6
� � Recommenda�ions on proposed Zoning
r A�endments and Down Zoning
20. Po�a�o Patch - Lo�s 1-33, Block 1 ; E.ats 2-5, Bloc�C 2; Lots 10-72,
� a Resubdivis�on of Lot 7, B1ock Z, Vai�/Pptato Aatch.
Lots 1-y, Vail/Po�ato Patch Second F�ling, a Resubdivision of �nts 1 and 2,
. Vail/Potato Patch.
Property owners di� not object to �ropased rezaning.
21 . Bighorn. -� Lats 1-15i B1g�lOrn Subd�vision 5econd Addition.
Lots 1-5, Borwick 5ub�ivision, a Resubdivision of l.ot 14, Block 4, Bighorn
Subdivision 3rd Addition. Lo�s l-8, Slock 4; Lots 1-I9, Block 5; Lots l-4,
Block 6; E.ots �-20, 81ock 7; Bighorn 5ubdivision 5th Addt��an.
�a pro�ests were rECeive� �rom owners in Bighorn Second Addition. The
Borwick Subdivision was approved with covenants similar to the propased
new �one. One wri�ten pratest was recei�ed from Colon�� Browne wha owns
Lot 9, Block 5, in the 5�h A�dition.
Planning Commission voted unanimo�sly to approve tl�e rezoning of each lot
enumerated in Items 15-21 from TwowFamily Residential to �rimary/Secondary
Residential .
� , �"otal density reductior� as autlined
in Growth Management Subcommi�tee repor� - 447 un�ts
� Tatal density reduction as recommended
� by �h� Plann�ng Commission - 440 uni�s
'T�ere is no "scientific" way af calculating the �opulatlon .reduct�on for the
Primary/Secandary rezoning, but we are cor�fident that it wi11 have a pasitive e�fec�
due �o the sma�1er size of the second a�lowable unit.
i -
, .� y .,,;. ' . . . � . • . . _ . �
, . .
. � ,
. -* .
' RESO�f3TIQ1T N0: �.,• 1977 _
' r FLANI3IICG Cfl�,IhfISS�ON . .
� ' ' ' •
. �
..� . �
WHEREAS, the Plann:ing Cominission ,has .the duty and .
; ' ��_
� � authority to adopt a Comprehensive Flan �or the Towa o� Vail; `�
< ��.
ana, , �.
WI�IEREAS, the Plannzng Lommission has mad� a ca�eful study �
. �
of the present conditians and future growth, o� the Tawa, with k
' t
� , • � due regard for its rela�i.an to the rest oP tre Gore Valley and �
. i
. - �
' . ' Eagle �GUriL9� a.Tl{Y j �
PIHEREAS, a Publ�c H�aring was held bEfore the Planning �
Commission on 5eptember 29, �977 aft�er Public rTotice thereof; i
as�d, . • j
. f
. . � 1 WHB�tEAS, the Plannin,g Gommission is o�. the oginion �ha� :
� � �
- Phase� l of the Comp�ehensive Plan �houl.d be adopted and would .�
so reaommend �a the 'Fown Council: - - �
. . � . � � . . .- {
,M� Section 1. Purpose. The�Compreh�nsive P1an has been prepa^ed
. :: 3 _
with the ganer�.l puxpose to. gu�.c3e an� direct a cooxdi:nated, adjuFted .
� 0� , ' . . . . . ��
- and harmonious development o� the Tovir� af 'Vai1 in. accordance with
itB presBnt and•�uture needs; �o pro�note the health, safe�y, cnorals,
; . ;,��1� � order,,,convenience, pxoperty, and general wel�are of the residents,
, . • •: ,."; � includ#.ng, . among other th�ngs, adequat.e provision �or air and�
. 1
•�,a water quality and sa�ety from hazards such as fi.xP, flood,
:. �
' , ava�anche and ].andslide; to pxovxde ad�quate w��er, recrea�ional
� -� . ' . � . -
� � � oppartanities, li.ght� and air; ta promate hea��hPuZ and cbnvenient
" � �� distribti�ion of popula�ipri; to promote �aod civic design and
- ' , :,,�}
~ ���� arrangement, _wise and e��icient ex�enda.tures of publi.c �unds, �znd
� : �he ade�quate provisian oi public uti.].zties, service and other
�, � ,i ' Public requirements.
° . ' .;'�y Section 2. Approval of Rep�irt�� 1'he Flanni.ng Comrnission :
• . ;.� . �
� , � • �hereby reeeives and;:appro�es o:� tne following. studies and xeQarts
� . �
, re�ating to Phase 1 oi the �`ntivn of Vai�. Co�nprehensive P1a.n:
� . ' . .
{ . , .,
y ^ ' ' ' . � . � �
' .
. �
. � ' A. Flood Plain
� �! 1. Gore Cree�c F],00ci Pla�.n Information; Hydra-Traid, ��
� Ltd. ; �7une, 1975. �
2. Gore Creek 5Q0 Year, F�ecurrance Ynterva�. k'lobd
.. Plain; Hydro--Tra9.d, Ltd.; lYovember, 1976. j�
B. Avalanche � ��
. 1. K.A.C. �Avaianche Study; Ronald L. Ha13.ey, Hydro- .. ��
' Triad, Ltd. ; Septembes, 7.975. .• jt
, , 2. Vail �ieadaws Aval.anche Dynamics Study; 1�feDpwell, 1�
. Sc4tt & Cax, �nc. ; June ld, I976. ., ;�
' 3. Vail 6leadows AvaJ.anche; Ronald L. Iialley, iiydro-- ';
. . � Triad, Ltd�. ; A�rzl, 7.97T. � �' �
4, �Vaxl Racquet Club RvaJ.anahe Defense; Arthur hiears, . �
. , ' . LicDpwel�., Scott 8c Cox; Inc. ; September I7, 1976. . .
, . 5. Ciubhouse GuZch Eltralanche; Aonald L. Halley, �Iydro- �
• Triad, Ltd. ; April, 1977. . �
6. Avalanche Impact Pa,rameters, Silver State Un�t, '
° I�AC Development; Ronald I,. Halley; Hydro-Traid, i
� . I.td. ; April, 1976. ,
� . 7. Evaluation af the Sno�v :valance Hazard �i.n the 'Valleq �
of Gore Creek, �a�le Coun�ty; Coloradq; Institute �
. - , � of Arctic and Alpine Research; 1973. �
' � 8. Snow Avalanahe Hazards of �he Vail Ar�a, Eagle County; �
� Colorado; The Colorado Geological Survey; hovember I9;
�I975. _ � � , . �
- 9. Snow Avalanche Hazard Study, Shapiro�Pxvpe�ty, Bzghorn �
. Subdivision, Vail, �Colorado; i�ic;]owell, Smith Sc • '
' Associates; ,Iuly 22, 1975. �
`� : '� :` 10. Avalanch� Dynamics and Defenses on tlie. Shagiro P�pperty; ;
� Vail, Colorado; Arthu�r �tears and hfeDowell, Smith
• •;j & Associates; Janu2ry, J.976. - • �
. 11. d}.d �tuddy and Pa�h 5 AvaAanche 5tudy; .Arthur ASears;
. 1day, 1976.
, 12. Ta.mbexfalls Avalanche, Vai�, Colorado;, �Yhi.tney �3. t
� Bor7.and: Jul.y 27, 1973. - ' fi
' � ' � 13. An Avalanctie DefenSe SYork Study fox �he Timber Fa13.s
�' � Corporation; Hans Frut��ex.; September 2d, 1973.
��I �I4. Avalanche and 1iudflocv Hazards on `Fenth Fiiing and
Katsos Ranch Froperties, Gore Creek Va3.ley, Colorado;� ':
. � �.;;.-� .' MSC. Inc. ; September, 1974. ' � ' s
• 15, Avalan.che and ltudf"c�v Def�n,se Tenth Filing arid Ka�sos
- �± Ranch; blcDawe�.l, Smith 8c Associates and Arthur biears;
� � F'ebru.ary 1�, I975. "
' 16. Ava2anche Dynamics of the. Bighorn Path, Vai�, ,
. , Colorac3o, a S�udy to Determine the Av&Ian�he Hazard
` • . ' to Lot 16, Bighorn Subdfvision; Arthur Mears; 3anuarp,
� . ?' . I977. _ - -- _ - _ :
;, �
� , '.•l�� •. - G. Geo].ogic- = Rap�-d llass Nastiiig -W--. - -- i
� � '�.,,� 1. . Rapid �Iass i4'asting Process�s, VazJ:;. Coloxado; Arth�r
., � hleaxs; Apri�, 1977, - , --
� � ', 2. Appendix to Bedrvck Geologic 34ap; Co�arada Geologic
," . , Survey; October 23, .I975.. . --
, D. Hi17.si.des �.nd Slope : _ _.
l. Pex�ormance Controls �or Sensit:Lve Lands; AmeriCan
; �'� , . ;:.�� Socie�p of Planning OfYic3als. - � _
` ' `;;� Section 3. Phase 7., Comnrehensi�ve 1Car�s. Tkie Paann�.n�
, . . ............_._.._�_-
. ' ::t Commission here�y adopts the fal]owing mttps and other descriptive
. ' ' material� as Phase z :af �he Tawn o'f Vai]. Comprehens�ve PZan:
" � .
. ,.
. , . : _
- , •�y �- - _ _ _ .
� ,.:. -- - .- - _
_ _____ _.__ ___ __._____
' '� , , _
`; � . . .� .
, . _ . __
� . .
� . . ... - _ �_ ,. - . _..-_... .
'9 , . . . . . :, . • . . .
1 . . . • ' . . , . �.. . � - � . . . . ' . .
� . . -
, '
. . . : . *
� ' A. . Camprehensive maps (�ast, Middle anc3 9�est Seetians) •
,- . • 1. Avalanche (East and sia.ddle Sectfons only) .
� 2. ,�Geologic - Rap id ?yiass Wasti.ng
� ; 3. Flood - lOD year . �
4: 51ope Anaylsis �
5. Vegetati.on/SYi1dli.�e (�
' 6. Environmental Constrain�s �
� ' .. 7. Existing Land i3se . ��
� 8. Open 3pace/Recreation
_ 9. Transporta.�ian �
l0. Utiliti.es �
� 1�. Zoning (Pze�z4us�.y adopted by Ordinance No. �, ,
-, � 5eries of ].973) �;
- ,1 � . � � . . '!-
� $. Growth hianagement Study
. s 1. Report and ftecoramendations o� Gxacvth Mana�ement {
� � Sub-Committee on Contro3� Techniques; �Iay 23, 2977. ;
2, Growth :�4anagement for the Gore Va�ley; p
January 3Z, I977. �
pF THE TpkYN QF VAIL ON THE 29�h DA'Y OF $EPTE",iBER, 1977. ' I
• . �
c . ' � �
. , , �
� . I , �. ;.
' BX: • }
- -i Edmund H. Drager, Jr. , Chairperson :
- ;
. � `�
. �i .. ......_ �.. . .. . S�!
� � . � ' • _ . ' �l]
. . . ;� . � - � � . . � � �I
• � Town Clexk .; :�
. , '{ . ;E
. . � ,;
, . .
. . �3
' ' �� . , . . ' ' � , . � �)
- , ;� . �
. � ,#• . . � .. - . ,,i
� , '� ' . � � . � � � � .
.,�� - � • ' � . . . . . _ _ �
. • ` . �'.� . . . � . � �
r .. l�
. . � . - . ' � � ' . . � . 3
. , . •{ . ' ' . . e ' . I�
+ . �
o • . . ��+ , . ' . ' . . . . . �
. . . �} � � ' ' . . . . . - . . . �
�'� . . ' . - � ' ' ' ' . �
� . � . � . � . , - .
' • �
. - . + . �
k •
� � ' ' �
. i�
� q r t . . � � ; . . . ' . .
• . .' . . . . . . _+ . . .
. - � � � . . ...t . . .
. �EMo
� �� :
TO: Terrel7. J. Hi�nger/Town Council
• � FR01� : Depar�m�n� o� Comrn�ni�y D�velopmen�
DATE : 30 August I977 �.
RE : Summ�.ry o� Zoning AmEndments to Tmp�ement .
Grow�h �fanagemen�
The recommenda�ions of �he Ci-��zens Grow�h 1�anagement
Com:�it�e� hav� be�n �rans�a�ed in�o (�} amendments �o �h�
Z�ning Ordinanc� , ar�d {Z) downzoning of specific parce�s .
This Memo sumrnarizes the praposed amendments and .
. �dow�zoning �or your .prel.iminary review. .�
- The P].anning Commi.sszo�. has re�riewed these recommez�d-�
� at�.ons . A Publie Hear�.ng k�as b�en advextis�d �ox Tixu�sday ,
September Z5 .
' � A._ _ GROSYTH AS�V9G�h��'NT -�4NING A'�i�ND�iENTS :
1. Add to �h� definition of "Accommoda,tion .units"
. . the phras�, "Each accommodation unit sY�all be
count�d as one-hal� {z} a,� a d���el�i.ng un�.t �'or
. purposes of calcula�ing allowa�.le units per acre" .
� � (Ar� . 1 .E00}
. � 2 . Cr�at� a "Two-�amil�r Prima�y/S�condary Resident�.al"
Zone . (�A���copy o� the proposed �one is attae��ed}
.� The.�major paints wil.J. be :
. � a. One una.t is a l.ax�er prxmaxy� resid�nce
. � and �he second is a sma�.�er "caretaker
, • apaxtment" .
�� b. D�z��.mum �.ot or si.�e axea wi.�.�: be �6 ,000
� square �eet .
� c. If th� str.ucture a.s a duple�, one of tY��
units shall not exceed one-thircl (1/3}
. , of the a�lo�v�,ble �;ross residentiaJ.
. �loor ar�a (CxR�'A) . -
3. Two-��.mily resid�ri�i�,l. : P�opos� increasing minimum
� ].o� area �x�arn I5 ,UOQ squ�.re feeL �0 1•7 , 500 squa.re
' ' � �ee1; . (�x•t . 3, 50�. ) . . � � . �
� , . - �.�{.
' Page 2 . :'
- . _ :�
� �Summary o� Zonin� Amenrlmen� to Impl�ment ;
Growth� �Mana�ement . Au�us�� 30, 19�7
� ' .
4 . Low-density 44ultipl.e Family : Propose reducing
densa.ty �'rom �resent 12 c�wel�ing uni.ts per
� acre to 9 dwel�a.ng units per acre . (�r� . 4 . 100} ,
5. Il�edi.uin density �iu�.tiple Fami�y : Propose reducing
density i�om pr�sent rang� o� 15-34 dwell.ing
� units per acr� to maxa.mum o� 18 dwel�a.ng un.�ts
per acre. (Ar� . 5. 100} . _ .
. 6 . Hxgh density t�iul�iple Fam�.ly�° "Propc�se x'ed�.ca�n.g �
- densi�y �rom presen� range o� 25-50 dwelling
. . uni.ts p�r acre to max�.mum of 25 dwe�.lirig una.ts
� - per acre . (Art . 6 . I00) . : ,
?. Public Accommad�.tions : Add a rrtaximum densi�y o� :
� . � . 25 dwe].�a.ng units per �,cre . P.A. Zone_.n�w has
. no maximum densaty e�ce�� GRFA. (Axt . 7.140) .
, . � . � 8�.�Comm�rc_ial Coxe I;_ Planning Commissians sub- .
' �� • . commi-�t�e has deadlin� of Septe�nber 25�h for -
-�� =makin.g- r�commend�.tions to Counci.�.: . .., - _
. �,:_- � - . • . _ . .
' 9. Cornmercial Coxe � : �aa ���Hoxizan�al Zon�.ng" -
- � and se�s a max�.mum densaty of 25 dwe�.lir.g '
ixn�ts per acre. (Art . 9 . �Ofl and 9 .-300} .
� 10. Commercial� Servic� Center : Se�� �he ma�zmum
� density .at 1.8• d�vellin�; un�.ts. per acre. - . CSC .
Zone no�v has no maximum densit�r . (Art . �0 .605) .
. 11 . Spec�a�.. Developmez�� 1]istr3cts: -� . - � .�,..��Y3
, � -.._, �,,� .
�a.�$igharn Juntion (SDD3} : .�[�e current
�,f�- , . al���vab�.� clensity' 3.S.r�J. 28 d�vel��ng
� ��: t� ; � r .,� units��e� aer� m�,:�am�m «�l�ich �al�.s
� [.�'� °`~ `�..� � { i.n'�o� �h�,'1�D�iF z�ang� . Ps•oposal. is to .
� � i; � F reduce tt�iZ�iiisity to the current -
`�. f��'� � � � � � L�D�f�F--st�.Y�ct�.x��c�.f 12 d�We�Ia.ii� uni�s - ,
. C�' ' `
; � '�� ��'�` per;.acre ; ail c�t� r can�par�.}��.e�-: .
,��. '� , .
� i 'r.! pro��r�ies are also. �in� dawnzaned
1 " , --
�Y,,-��� ��.p��axintately ttie sam ercent�ag��.
� __ .
. . � .,. _ . . . _ . _ ., . ;. T; -
' . _'--` - --- � ---- ---� _.. ,. . -,r - -- �.';�: .- ..�., .. .
, :�� . .. . . . -. .- . . . � .. _ � �
� . . . , � . . . . � . . � .
- .�
� .:, � ' . ,
. +
Pa�e 3 4 _
' � Summ�.xy of Zonin� Amendment .ta Tmp�,emen�
� GrowtY� Management . , Au�ust 30, 1977
. J ' .
�� . : • ,
� ., .
� The �oll.oeving chart indi.cates a�.low�:b].e and
�proposed nc�w densiti�s .within �DD3 : �
: EfNf7t�L DL�SITY VLA� . ' �� - . . . .
AavvEevrrnt P�rrfnP,wnet O��cl..=.•.•ny,•�sn] . � .�
le�a F �aP�� B T_rra 1���, ,��i�� ' •. . .
. - �oa.rloo,e7. �" . - � . .
•rra_ 7.0�ceac 5 aer��/�•���r.. 7.+9.er•. - .
�. !
' ' kaalnu+e�nD�e ' x � . � . .
ao�•v1{In: � -�,tl 236 � ' .. . .
, . i�w M /�]6 . . . � ' . .
pnl[n pe� ��V . . . . . .
� acra si la- is.9i.•.�. � . . .
' ,� '
1raPn•e0 - . � � -
, .�tn�q . � . .
. �w�M..rfYy . - . . . . .
, �reti<ne vnu. �x s� u . n . , , . - . ' . - . � .
�Prorc.•ea uel<s - ' - � . - �
. . 'f Aee�ere 1� � 3l 14 . 17.0�u . . . .
Our general reco��rner,dat ion ha� been �o--not xeduce
� GR�'A; how�ver , we beJ_�eve tha.s SDD ivararants anathe�'�I,00k as �
the all,owable GRFA i� development area B i� .50 which�� is� very
clos�%to HD:�iF. The GRFA for areas A & C is . 35 which doesy.not
pos,� a particular pxob�.em. ' +
/ . . � - ��`
b . Vaxl Vi�lage Inh (SDD6) - The allor,v�,ble '
� � density �is in � wi�h pro�osed. reductions . . �
��� . �7
c. Tlae I43ark (SDD7) - The a�lowable densi���'
- . � -.3s approxim� ely � uni�s per acre -�xr�excess
. -_ ��' �/� .o� �Ch� propos� reduction . At�� t.ime the
� 1.�" _. Mark was being �sid�r�d,��l�e proposyd
� �.�' ..� ra�io �or calcula�ing ri'si�y was 2z .
. �,/�� accommod�.ti.ori un�ts�..��qr``�each di�re�.lin� unit ,
� �� ,� th�.s has now be�xr�x�ed��ed to 2 which crea�es
� �he eXCess.�''Y�is is an��,projec� which must
� be c�onsi eFed separa�ely �.�,is it wort�
. a].�a�v' g aPpxoximatel.y 27. e�cess un�.�s
, � to et a much need Town Convention fac�.lity , .
pri.v�.te expense? �
' A nucnber .o� parcels have beerz selected ta be
do�vn�,oned. The folloEVin� chart �.nd map locate the parceJ.s
. anci give� in�ormation at�out each : . . .
� . _ - .._
t . , . _. . �
.� • . • . . ,
, _ . _ _ -
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ta: � Towr� co�rict�.
DAT�: NOVE��I�ER 1 , 1977
� ��
�'he fa�law�ng is a sum�ary o� the P�annir�g Commiss�on meeting of Septe�ber
29, 1917 and recor�mendatinr�s of �he �ommiss�on to the Counc�l . � �
. � .
' fiesolu�ion �Eo. i of t�e Vaii P1ann�ng Corrm�ission was approve� which adopted
Fhase .I of �he Comprehensive Plan a�d by re�erence ti�e maps and al] dac�ments
�a 4rhich the maps r�fer, as weT7 as recagnizing �he R�port and Recommendatioras
of the Graw�h Manage�ent subcomm�ttee. .' . . �
The Plar�r�ing Commission �hen unan�mausTy apprQVed �he ?oni�g Amendments �
� d m. E
ou�lined in the at�ached �ner�oran u
. . . �.
Each �parce� proposed fo�r dowr�-zoning was� th�n cons�dered� ind�viduailY: � 5
1 . Rac ��eg t Club (�3 acres} . �
� Proposed Rezon�ng: Reduc�ian o.f uni�s. - ;
Maximum uni�s current zoning � 390 uni�s, �:oun�y approval 360 units . �
� �Maximum �anits praposed - 247 ur�its -
P�anning Commission r.eco�nenda��on - N€aintain �1DNiF with 247 units
tota�� �naximum.
Walter K�rch proposed �o �he PTanning- Commission that �heyicons�der h�s
remain�n� undeve�oped land and a proport�anal share of' the lar�d used for
� recreational ameni�ies a� tf�e 'proposed MD�1F inaxir�um o� �S ur��ts per acre
or a maximum o� 247 �nits. This represer��s a 30% down-zoning for 'the balance '
af the pro�osed project. A1� members wer� in favor wi1:h the .exception of Mil�ts.
� � 2. VaiZ Inv.estment Properties �6.4 acres) . '
� Propased Rezoning: LDM�' �a RC . � '
� Maximum u�1�s c�rrent zoning -- 76 ur�its .
Maximum ur�its amended E.D�1� � 57 units
- Maxim�m units Propased r�zor�ir�g - 38 units �
P1 anni ng Cv.rrun�ss�on recomrtendati an �- R�zQne to �C �
Craig Fv�sbn was present to object �o reduetion in dens�ty (letter a�tached� :
The P�anning C4mmission vo�ed 5 for and Ron Todd op�osed to t�e .rezoning. .
3. Gore Ran e .II .(7.97� acre5 , approximately fi acres b�ildable)
� Propased itezonin�: LDP1F witi� 50' �nits inaximum ta RC
Miaxintum units current zoning - 60 uni�s .
Max�n7uin un�ts amended LDMF - •5� units _
M�xint�ir� units praposed rezaning - 38 uni�s .
� , . . .. .. .,_
Page 2 . . " ,
Recommendations on pr�posed Zon�ng .`t
Amendments ar�d Down Zoning. � '
� . . . . . ; .
Plannir�g Comr�ission reco„r�endation - Rezone �a RC
Bob Warner, representz r�g the oU�ners, no�i f�.ed me �o i n�Form the P1 anr�i ng
Cpm�ti ss i on ��at he has �rri thdrawn hi s . em�l ayee housi ng propasal artd tl�at th�y
couid proceed �ri�� the da4vn-znning to RC. Piar�ning Co�nmission �voted unan3mausly
to rezone tne parcei . .
. �4. Jackson, Cook, Zaair�skY �3.0 acres) .
Proposed Rezaning: LDMF to RC .
Nlax�mum units curren� zoning w 36 c�r�its
Maximum units amended �DMF - 27 units
Maximum unit.� �roposed rezon7r�g - 78 :�r�if.s
. P�annir�g Corrunission recommerida�ion - Rezone to RC
Cass Zabinsky was present �o protest the proposed rezaninq. Aft�r a Ie�g�hy .
�� discussion, a71 af the Pianning Camm�ss3an except Ed Drager voted to reduce� �he density
to R�. �ir, Za�insky 7ater requested ti�at the Pianning Commi�s�on r�consider the�r
vote in 1igf�t of �#�e�r decisian on �h� W�isen parcel.; the mo�ion was defea�ed -
� unanimo�sly.
5. Lots 2 and 3, Block �, Big�orn Su�divisior� 3rd Addition• ( .255 and .4i9 acres}
. Proposed Rezan�ng: . LDi11F �o FtC . . . - --
� �laximt�m un�ts c�rrer�t zon�ng - 8 �anits � .
� Maximum units amer�ded LD�1F - b u�its �
Max�mum units proposed rezon�ng - 4 uni�s . . ,
� Planning Comirtiss�on recommendatin - �e�ain �.QMF
� �rika NicCa3 1 was preser�t representing Vail East .k.odg�ng. � She �ointed out
that �Vail East had a]ready vt�7untar�ly down--zoned two of' �heir parc��s to.
� agricul�ural and ti•rau7d lik� �o retain the possibility of deve�oping f�ve ar six
ur�its on the s�bject property, The Pianning Commission vo��d �a retain the E.D�iF
zor�ing w�th Sandy M�lls opposing the motion.
� b, k.ot 6, Black 2, Va�l%Potato Patcf�. (3.9� acres)
Lot 34, Block 1 , Vai1/Potata Pa�ch �.997 acres}
Pro�os�d Rezoninr�: hlGf�#F to RC
' �laximum un��s ccarrent zon�ng - �ot 6. - .l i 7, Lo� 34 � 29
Maximum� un�ts ar�ei�ded f��Di�F - Lot 6 - 70, l.o� 34 - 17
' h�ax�r�um units proposeci rezoning - �,ot 6 - 23, �.ot 34 - 5
Maximum units pr�oposed compromise� 1_at 6 - M���iF/ 0 ur��ts r�3axi�um.;
� � � Lo t 3 G - P��J r 1 F�3 un��s i�aximum
Planning Cammissiori recommenda�ion - accep� compromise . • �
.. . . . . _.._.. . . . _......
, , . . . - ,
Page 3 .
Recommendatipns on proposed Zaning . � ��;'
Amendmen�s and OQwn Zoni�g. .
. • .
. Jay Peterson w�ras presen� represen�3ng.,.the owne�r; Jnhn Nali , N� reques��d
the Planning Comr��ssion to retain the N€D�F' Zoning which permits .35 GRFA as
,apposed to PC at .25 GRFA and l�r�it the uni� maximum to 30 uni�s on Lot 6 and 8 ,
.- � un7ts on Lot 34 to a� �oar large Zc�x�ry units. Pcterson fur�h�r proposed �hat Ha��
would be s4liiling to quit-c�a3En �o the Town o� Va.ii his right to develop recrea�iona1
amen�ti�s and a tranf��:ay on Trac� C (adjacent �o San�s�one Tot Lot) . Wh�te, Abbot�,
Drag�r and Todd voted in favor of the cor�pro�n�se w�th Hanlon and Mills voting .
� agains�. �
. • 7. Belinda la'ard Weisen (1 .5 acres)
Proposed Kezoning: LD�`�F to RC �
Niaxirr�um units current zon7ng - 18 units
MaximUm !�nzts amend�d LD��1F - �3 units
Maxir��m uni�s prapased rezoning - 9 uni�s
. Planning Cor�m�ssion recomrr:endatfon - Retain LDMF .
Ms. 4�e�sen was represen�ed by Jay Pe�erson who reques�ed t�� property remain
at LDMF s�nce it is �ocated between th� �ac�uet Club and Timberfalis. M�i�s made
a mo��an for r.ezoning to RC wh�ch was seeonded by.Hanlon; Tadd, Clrager, and Abbott
� vo�ed agains�; mo�ion for rezoning faile�. �
S, �.at 7, Block A, Lionsridge Filin9 �No. T (1 .234 acres} , �
, Propo�ed rezoning: LDti9�. ta RC �
- Maximum units curren� zon�ng - 14 �an�ts � .
. Maximum units amended �.DMF -��l un�ts � �
Maximum units prapased r�zar�ing - 7 �tr�i�s' �
� . Plar�ninc� Cammission recommendation - Retain LDMF
Gary F1'an.ders, re�resentir�g the new owners, •was pres�n� to prot�st �he proposed
� � �reduction in density and to recjuest the �roperty remain LDh9� becaus� o� its Iocat7on
direc�7y adjacent �o Hamestalce. P�ann�ng Commiss��n va��d unan�maus�y to re�ain the '
� LflMF' zaning. �
. 4. Lots 1 , 2, 3, Blocfc 3, Bi tiorn Subdivision 3rd Addit3or� �Lot l - .8Q0 acres ,
Lo� 1 - .937 acres, Lo� 3 - .7�2 acres)
� Prapos�d Rezaning: LD��1F ta RC � .
Maximum uni�s current zoning - �ot l - 9 units, Lot 2 - 11 units , L.ot 3 - �8 uni�s
Max�mum units am�nded t,Q�rlt= - L�� 1 - 7 un�ts, Lo� Z - 8 units, Lo� 3 - 6 ur�its
� Maximum un�ts proposed rezor�ing - Lo� 7 - 4 ur��ts, Lo� 2 - 5 �nits, ,La� 3 - 4 t�n�t:
Planning Comm�ssion recnmm�ndation - Rezone �o. RC
�-__ ��,
l.at 1 is owned by Jakob who has subm�tted n4 writt�n protes�. Mr. Bill Li�ke .
. who owns Lots Z and 3 called in a prot�st at �:00 P.M. �he day of the meeting . Our
sta�f nas stnce me� W7�h }175 a�.�orney. Plar�nina Comn�iss�or� vote� :unar��mausly �o
dativn-zone all the 10�� �o RC. '
... _ . _ .... _
, . • , . . , , _ .a.
, , � '
• Page 4 .
� Recorru�enda�ians on proposed Zoning , -.; `
Amend�en�s and fla�rn Zor�ing
� 10. Lat Z6, S�ocic 2, Y�iI lli� �a e 13th F'ilin (2.891 acres, 2.43 acres �uY3dab�e)
prflposed REZOning: LD��iF to RC
Maximram units current zoning - 34 less hazard ; 29 uni�s
Maximum uni�s a�ended LD�F' w 26 less hazard = 21 units
. � Maximum u�i�s proposed rezoning - i7 less f��zard = l4 t�nits �
Maxi;nurn uri7ts proposed compromise - �,Di�iF/i6 un�t maxim�m .
P1ann�na Cor�r�ission recor�mendation - accept compramise �
Abe Shap�ro, �he awner of Lot 2fi, appeared before �he Planning Com�nission to
� presen� h�s proposed cor�prom�se, u�hich is a 55% down-zoning. 7he Planning Comr�i5sior�
voted unanimousiy �o �ecomr�end �he comprom�se of� retaining L��#F' wit� a �6 �n��
m�x�mum. �
�1 . Lot 7, Block B, Lionsridge Fi� ir�g No. 1 (i .541 aer�s)
Propased Rezon i ng: �.Di��1F �o RC . �
� Maximum uni-�s current zoning - �8 units :
� Maximum units ar�er�ded �DM� - 73 units .
Max�mum uni�s proposed rezoning - 9 c�ni�s .
plannir�g Cor�mission recommendatian - R�zone to RC
� . �.RB s�bmi��ed a site plan showing 18 urEits pr��r to the hearing w��ch • was �
disapproved due �o lack o� required drawir�gs for zon�ng approvai . Qn October 25,
another se� o�' drawings Uras submit�ed �or.zoning approva� . T}�es� con�ained
sufficient de�ai� for prellm�nary zoning appraval ; ho�Never, these w�re disapproved .
because �RFA was ir� exeess af ai�awable and insufficier�t separa�ion between bu�7dings '
' was provided. Planning Comm�ss�on voted unanimously to rezone fr�m �.DM�' to RC,
32. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Black �f , 8ighorn Subd�vis�on 3rd Addi.tion (�.ot 3 - :442
. acres, �.o� 4 � .442 acres, Lo�5 - .497 acres, Lot 'S - .702 acr�s,`"
- . Lot 7 - .822 acres) : � �
Pro�osed Rezon�ng: LD�F �o RC " .
Maximun� un�ts current zoning - Lot �3 - 5 uni�s, E.o:t A - 5 units, 1.ot 5 - 5 units,
� �o� 6 - 8 �rn��s, l.at 7 - 9 un�ts `::��:.. :
�axi�um un�ts amended� E.DiNF -' Lo� 3 - 3 un�ts, �ot 4 - ..3 uri�ts� Lo��: 5 - 4 ur�i ts
� � � , �` L.at 6 - 6 un��s , Lot 7 - 7 units
Maximum units �roposed rezoning - �.ot 3 - 2 uni�s, l.o� 4 - 2 uni�s ,
� Lot 5 -� Z un�ts, f.o� 6 - 4 uni�s, .
�at 7 - 4 units . . '
. � Plar�ning Comm�ssian recam�enda�3on - Rezane �o RC .
Lo�s �3, A- aiid 5 are awned by Everiing �rom whom no protest was received. Dr.
►� Brun7 . the owner o�F �.a�s 6 and 7 phaned in a protest after the Pianning Co�nmiss7on �
h�i� and has . now submi�t�d a wr�t�en pro�es� to �he Co�anci7 (cnpy attached) . .
P�a�ning Cammission vo�ed ur�an�maus�y on,a71 7ats to rezone to RC.
.. _ , . � .:;.
, � -
Page 5 , � `
Recammendat�on�s an proposed Zonir�g .•
Amendments and Down Zoning �� '
• 13. Lo�s i , 2, 3, Block 7, �ighorr� Subd�v�s�ar� 3�d Addition {Lot 1 - .526 acres ,
Lat 2 - .430 acres, Lot 3 -� .430 acres
Pro�osed R�zor��ng: �D�F to RC
� Niaximum units curren� zoning - Lot T - 6 un�ts, Lot 2 - 5 un�ts,
. Lfl� 3 _. 5. urti�S,
Max�mur� unit5 ar�ended l.D��iF - f�ot T - 4 units, Lot 2 - 3 �nits, Lot 3. - 3 units
Maxir�um un�ts proposec# r�zoning - L.ot 1 - 3 units, Lot 2 - L anits,
�at 3 -- 2 ur��ts
Planning Commissian recommen�a�ion - Rezone to RC
�ots 1 and 2 are awned by Kidder and Lo� 3 by Simpson r�e�ther o�F wf�or� prot�sted
the dou�fn-zon-ing. Planni�g Cornr�ission vot�d unanimous7y to rezor�e t�e Lots from
I.QM� ta RG. ,
1�, Worl�d Savings ar,� �oUn (6.73�3).� �
� Prop�sed Rezor�.ing: ��i��9F/with 97 unit. maxi�um �o L��1F
Miaximum units curren� zoning - g7 un3�s
, Maximum un�ts amended� MDf�F -� 9l un�ts _
Maximum un�ts proposed rezoni�g � 60 un��s . .
- P�annir�g Comr�iss�on r�commenda�ivr� - �'o �.�MF' :
� Wa7ter Kirch, who ]�as e�x�rcised an option on .th� subj.ect property, indica�ed
that the pro�osed rezon�ng ap�cars �o work with his �1ar�s far th� parce7 . The
Planning .t;ommission vote� unan�mous7y to rezone �he land from ��MF to kC.
. l.o�s currerrtly zaned �nr Two-Fa�ily Resident�al (dup�ex} are proPosed �or
rezoning �a th� nEw zor�e Dis�r�ct Primary/Secon�ary Resid�ntia� . These are 1lsted :
be�ow by nei gFrborhood: � � � �
15. Ncw PuTis Su�division -- Lo�s 1 -Z� ,�.Vail Va71ey 3rd F��ing. : .
Th�se lats already have a covenar�� iden�ical to �he pra�osed rezon�ng.
�6. �ii 11 Cree�C C i rc1 e �- Lots 1-�•9, �Z ac�C 1 , Va i 1 1f�1�age 1 st Fi 1 i ng.
A wri tten �rotest was �i l ed•by Fred 1.azarus I T I, �ho o��ins �.ot 7 .
.�7. �eaver �am, �arest �and RockTedge Road - Lots 1-47 , Blc�c{c l, 11ai1 Village
�#s� F�] ing. .
Lots 1-6, Block 1 ; E.ots 1-�0, Black 2; La�s 1-6, Block 3; i.ots 1-5, B]ock A�;
lfaii 11117age 3rd �i�ing. �
'There tivere na pro.tes�5 from proper�y awners in �his neighborhoo�.
� 18.� Lower �or�st Road - Lots 1-�5, Slock 1 ; Lots �-8, Black 2; Va�� Vil7age
� b�h �'�iing. .� .
R writ�en �rotes� tivas fiTed by Wii� iam P, Sheppard, �l�e owner of LQ� 4, Qlock 1 .
on which is canstruc��d a presently non-eonforrr�i�g duplex.
19�. Golf Co�rse Ar�a - E.ats �-4, Block 4; l.ots 7-6, Block 5; �.ots 1--.14�, Siock 6;
� �ots 1-3, E3lock 7, (.ots 1-�4, 8�ocic 8; Vai] �Y3T�age 7th Filing� �
� Lots �-�0, ,81ock 1 , Vaii Vilia�e 8th Fi� ing�
No protes�s w�re received �rom this area.
� �� Page �6 � : . , :
Recommendations on proposed Zoning � -
Ame.ndments and Qown Zor�ing �
. 20. Potato Patc� -� �ots I-33, Blocic l ; Lats 2�5, Block 2; Lots 10-�2,
a Res�t�divis7on a�' Lat 7, B1QCk 2; Vail/Fotato Patch.
Lots 1-7, Vail/Patato �atch 5econd �iling, a ;tesub��visior� a� �.o�s 1 an.d 2,
-. Va�l/Po.tato Patch. '•
Pro�erty o��rners did not object ta proposed rezaning.
21 . Bi�•g�orn - lots 1-16, Bighorrt Si�bd�v�sian 5econd Add��ion.
Lo�s 1-b, Qortirick Subdivisio�t, a Resubdiv�sion of Lot l4 , Block 4, Bighorn
Subdivisian 3rd Addit�on. Lots �-8, Bloek 4; Lots � -19, Bloc{c 5; l.ots i-g,
Blac�C b; Lats 1-20, Block 7; Bighorn Subdivisio� 5th Add�t�on.
� No pratests were r�eeived from at�rners in �ighorn Second Addition. �he
Borwicic Suodivis�or� was ap�raved with covenan�s sir�ilar '�o �he proposed
net�r Zone. One wrz�t�n protest �vas received from Co�oneT Browne who owns
l.ot 9, Biock 5, in the 5th Add�tia�.
R�anni�g Commission voted Unan�mously ta approve th� rezaning of each lot
�numerate� in I��ms T5-2Z from Two-Fami7y Residential to Primary�J�ecandary
�. Residentia� . _ �
7otal densi�y r��uc�ion as out7ined
zn �row�t� Managemen� Subcommittee report -- 44�7 un�ts
� ,, r.
'fotal �ensi�y reduction as reco�mer�dec# �.
by the Planning Commission - 440 uni�s
There �s no "scienti�Fic" way af ca3cu�ating the populat�on reductior� �or �he �
Primary/Secondary rezoning, but we are conf�der�t that i� w�l� have � posi�iv� ef�Eect
du� ta the s�nalTer size of the s�cond allowable ur�i�. -
� ,
• Y � . . . . . . .. ... . . � . . . . . � . . ' _ � . '
+ '
..f .
� ATTOFIfVEY AT LAW � . � .. .. . . .
� � . su�rE aea�
, . � QALLAS. '3��XAS 752C71 •. � . - �
. . � � - . . TELEPHC7N� . . .
S�ptelt7be�. 28 , 1977 ca,�a� -i4�-���� .
� Pl.annin�; Cc�mmission � .
Town o�' Vai�
� Vai� , Colorado 81657
Re; Vail Investment Proper�ies
� 6.4 acres - Bigharn
� 7oned LD�hF
Dear Planni.ng Cornmission: �
I parti�.11y own �.nd �ega.J��.y repres�nt all the own�rs o�
6.� acres i.n �he Bighorn are�. of Vail which is referred -
� �o as Vai.l Tnv�stm�nt Proper�ies. �
I stro;�g].y object to a r�duction in densi�ies cancernin�;
this propexi:y £ram LDNiF to RC fflr the fo3.lowing reasons :
�. } �conomic Fi�.rdship . �
. This property w�,s purchased �.n Dec�mber, �.973 , �'ar
a purchase pra.ce of $20,� , 000 . Wneri prior annual �
� 'payments and abliga�ians are add�d to the principal. �
balance owing on �Y�e property, the new cost in the �
prop�erty becom�s �295, 3�7 . tiVith ?7 un�.t� present�y ,
� p�rmatted on �hi.s property , the per un�,t �and cost -
• is present�� $3 ,837 f'or the investment to b�eak
eveii. I� �he der�sities, ar� reduced to RG (6 . units
per acre} a totaJ. of 3$ units wou�d be permztted. '
Thi.s m�ans w� must s�11 the property for $7, 772
. pei• uni.t to lar�ak evetf and nat rea:Lize any pro�it .
My s�udies show i;he current market price per u.ni�
� for c;ompa.r��.b�e �and �o be $5 , 000 per uni.�. . If we
� sold at $5, OQ0 p�r �tnit ; we wou�ld suf��r a $99, 792. �
� loss . I wol��.d hope the P�.anning Commission would
conside� tliis undue economic hard:�hip a:z�d l�ave�
. present densiti�s in e�fect .
2) Pavin� �.nd Road Sp�ci.�,l Assessmt�n�
'�'h� ownexs of �he 6.4 ac:r•es ar� eurrently �bli�atec�
� to pay the Tc�wn o� V�.il $19; 8�7 �.s a speci.�.l assess- �
� meii� for pavi.�g ar�d ro�.a impro�emen�s made in the
� . _
Big�axr� area in I976. This ass�ssment was based on ��
� zoning far 77 units and the Town o� Va�l should honor
the present ?7 units just as w� intend to honor the
$19, 847 abligation. To do atherwise is neithex �quit-
able nor �air. .
� •
3) Inten� of 'I'own Counca�l •
• As a eonc�ition �o annexation o�' th� Bighorn ar�a;
the Vail Tnwn Counc�l �romisec� "not to cause economie
ha�dshi.p an a property ownear or developer; px�ovided
that the public health , safety or welfare are r�ot �
jeopardized . '" Ta reduce �he densitq an this proper�y
is to c1.�arly cause undue ecanomzc ha.rdsh�p as �as
been shnwn previously .
4 ) FaiZure to "Down-Zone" Equitably
Twa (2} parce�.s i.n the Big�arn zoned MDA�F and per- �
mitta.ng 26� un�.ts have not been inc�ud�d in the r�-
quested dowri-zonin;g . Our 6 .4 acr�s is less than 100
yards from one af �hpse developmen�s . Th� failure
to do�vn-zone a] J. paxcels goes against 4h� in�en� �o �
be fair and equ�itable as the Town Counci� prom�sed .
I submitted a proposed development plan �a �he Town
� af Vaa.�. in Jarauary , 197� and I agreed ta �reduce the
� praposed 190 units .to I��4 un3.ts . In l�ovember , 1974,
� again �gree d to �e duce t he 1 4 4 uni�s to �he pr�sen t
I11 uni.ts . . .
In concZu��on , I strongiy �esent any subsequent reduc�ion -
in the densities for this parcel o� property . To da
� o�h�rwise a.� to cause obv�.ous eca�omic hardship and �a
go a�ainst �h� inten� of the Vail Town Council to be
� � � fair and �qu�tab�e. _ .. .
. � RespECtfully s�zbmi;tted,
. C. Craig Folson _.
� -- - -
. � � .. n-f_ � . ,
• . - .. . - . - . .. . s
. �,
� ' �:
• . _ �
, }
� . a.
� . POST OiFICE BOX 3149 - � � . .
� ' � ' VAIL�COLORADO 8563'7 � � . VAIL FROFES510NAL BVILOING � . . . � � z
�� [303) 476-OQ92
. JAY K.PEl'ERSON �eptember - 29, 1977 - � � {;G3) S<9'S38C � � 3. .
�or,r� M.ausH . �,
Di.ana Toughi 11 . .
Zoning Ac7mz.nis�rator
Town of Vai]. • :
P.O. Box 100
Vai�, Co�.orado
' Deax Diana :
Pursuant to our conversation �his we�k, I a.� formal.�.y notify-
. ing the Town of VaiJ� that Beli�da Wi�sen i5 contesting the
�rezoning of he� .1 Z �acre parce�. of land adj acen� tc. �.he
Racquet C�.ub in B.iqho�n, Eagle. County, Col.orado.
The r�asons we're contesting �he down�zon�.ng a�e as £ol�ows : �
� .
�.) The prop�r�y is loeat�d i.n an area where
the unit density per acre is m�zch g�'eater
than you� proposed r�zan.i�ng o� �his property.
� 2) The owner 'o� the property has rel.ied on the �
present zonin.g and wi�l suffer nnonetary �
damages due to this rezoning. . '
. �
� 3} The property was zoned app�'o�inlate].y twa years �
� � ago and circumstances hav� no� chang�d i.n .such �
a manner as to justi�y the dawn--zoning. �.
We are not anly contest�.ng the dawn-zoning to residen�ia� �
C�.t15te7Cr bu� a�so the reduction of . a�.�.owabl.e units in the
, � Low Density Multip�.e Family Zone. .
If you have any questions reg�rding oux pasi�ion, p�.ease
contac� me a� my o��ic�.
. � Sineer��.y yours,
� OTT4, �'�T��SQN & BLZSH
• . By:
. Jay K. P�terson
�KP:pf . . , �
� �c a Brent Manr�ing . _
• �,�;
„ , , � � M.
,� � �;�i�
: � - �� .
*. `�
� � �{.�? ;�:�:.,� Dr. &Mrs. Aldo R. Bruni : ��
� � �"` 4 �i�� 55U Meadaw Lane , �'
s � f,
� ;��� ' Barrington, Illinais 6001 D � �;,
�+3���;�. ����,,� . : �.
• �.{��k � � c'�ober 23, 19'77
.�� �3,
Town o� Vai1 . ifi
. �epartmen� af Com�uni�y D�v��o�ment ,
Eo x 100 '
Vai1, Calorada �1b57 -
�Jear ti?rs. Tou;hhill ,
Z am wr�.�*in� tiais l�tter, b�cause �" will not be ab�.e to a�t�nd
� the nub7.�c ���,r�.n; �i�ver��er 1., and 7�5, 1977 rAFjarding th� . pro�osed
down-zoni.n� of �i��'lOT?1 �ubdivision praper�y. '�3
Tha pux�os� for thi.s �etter �.s ta prat�5t �tron�ly against �hi.� �'
pro�ased dev�I.�xatton of this prap�rt�s �ecause T f�.rml.y believ� �;;
thi.s i.s very unfa�� and un�ust. .
. :,,
� bou�;h� this propex�'�y a�pr. �0 year� a�o �hxough a legal co�i,rac�
which assured m� this was a commerc�.a7. trac� af land. � �pex�� � �:.
a consid�r�b1Q amount of mone.y and ti:�� �ri�h �h� �o].� pur�os� �`
of developing this property. Abou� nine years a�o I i.n��sted ` ' �-
� �8�000. --- wf.th Mr. Krabacher, an ar��i��ct, �.n a set a�' cons-truc� �'
tion p1an� for a 75 room �•odge pius ?�e�tauran�, Thi� unfortunately �
did not �na�eriali.ze due to �unexpec�ed d�ffucult�e�. .At a later �-
date I contEm��.a�ecl a mult3. �a unit co�p�ex a� �he T a�alian s'�� �.� �
p� Y ,l � �;;
bu� because the s�ructures were A�-�'r�:�e �the pra �eGt� and the perm3.� �
was denied by the E��1� County �evelo�ment Cox 4 The s�ru��tur�s, v.
a.ecoxdin� �a them, did not fi�t the Vail archi�ecture. Thi:s ��ras ?
� a�ain �. discoura�'in� f�ctor and I ��cided �hen to se11 it, and _ �
�.� was pla,c�d in th� hands o� 3.oca1. Re��,��ors. �h� prop�r�y how�v�r . a
' dic� not se11, becaus e �,t that �ir�e it �ras 'undec�.d�d whe.r.e T 7� was �
��o�.ng ta be. The pro bl,em a f tha high�ray �in�.�� ;aas sa]�v�d : It �a.r� �
� no� gp �hrou�;h my �raperty. �i�w luckY �ras �. . . . . . . . . , . ��ae �rop�rty ;;-
then wer�t back in �he hands of' t'he realtors w�.�h a r�duced pxiae tag �
�to i.nco�rage buy�r�. �Io�ver the tr�nching o� �h� s�wer �.ine and �
� �he mess ].e�t by the in�ersta�e to�e�her with the �irs� dowrzza�ing �
by Vai.� discouxager� the pos��.bl� one or two praspec�ive �au�rers.
The praperty now has been in �he ha�c�s of Rea�.�ors for over s�x �
years anc� reoently I evan lo��ered fur�her the pr�.a� aski.ng naw, '
�or aver �wo acres of land �oned for. �n' �ondom�.nium Un:�ts, a �
redi.culous ����000.00. Ever� a� tha� pr�.�e � had no rsp�.y �o far.
Now i:f �hi s prap�rty shoul.d be downzon�d a�ain, � wi�1. z�at be able #
� to �e� ha�.f the amou:�t.
Pased an these�, fac�s � stxon�].y pra��s� ag��.nst this new proposed
down z�ning. You understnad i� 3.s not neces�ar,y tha proper�ty � am ��
tryi��; to p�ot�ot, beeau�e fundamenta�.l.y i� w3.].�.eno� ef�ec� tny
fin�t�cj.al. status, but �t is the �rinei�le behi.nd it I am de£endin�. �
� feel , a.s,: a �roperty awner, tha� m�r r�.�h�ts are consic��rably
v�.ol.�,�e,d�, :;especial�.y �.�j �s Am�xican C�:�izens, we beli�v� �in �he
aot� titu��.ora of th� U S A. �
' f , . . • . .. , ' . ...
. . 1 � . . . . � - .. . . . .
� � , ' . . . - "* . . � . .
'.. `ti �.;� Ar. &Mrs Aldo R. Bruni .
; .'te �^, 550 Meadow Lane �
� �''-''�� � • Burrington,Illfnais 60010 .
-��;-�'� � � . . . �
�-: �,���=
� ` �_
� �
� �as�d on this �ust prin�i�el e,let m� ask you 031@ C,�U�5��.OTli
"How wou3.d any �rronerty owr:er in Va�l proper fee1. , �.f Uome--
ane woul.d i�pfl s� them to r�nt aut on7.y half of their i�c t��- �
or Conda��.r,;a� rooms in or8er �c� keep �n� popula��.on of VA�.3.
VSll��e �as l.ow �.s po as.ibl�1" I. aa sure th� ans�rer wnu3.d be
�us�ly desastr�ous and rebellious. � aan assurP you my �ee�.�.n�;�
are the same x��ardin� your n�w dow�.-zOniY�� proposi�ion. ,
. �
I have been d�aling w�.th '�aiz since ths very �arl�y birth of �
the Vi�.�.aQe , �.n�ac� t�r�en V��.1 was on3.y ar� em�°i:o i� :��ie f�.e�d
o� s'�iing � i.r��es��d subilt�.nt�.ally trust�n� �a ��e suca�ss ���
� the orga.n�za�t3.on, and � am. sur�, Peter Sei'bert can verify to
this �a��. , �
� �.
� I �m not hexe to askar to tel7. how ta rurz th� V�.�.la�e "of Va3.1; �
but if' Vail is 3.n��.re��ed now in contral�.in�; �he pupu�a�ion �
ex�o�.os�.on, �rhy didn' t the c�.vic I.ea�.��wof V�:i�. th��k of th�.�� �
i � before by stopping constructlon n€ s�y s��xap�r-�y�pe buiZc�ir�gs, �
ona sh�dowin� thaY other as it h.anp�ned in V�i�. prop�r and in �
Lionshead; , ��w�.��s�eadt th�y �hi.nk. o�' dcvalua��n� smai�. �
. parce�.s of �.and whic!� have no� even sta�tett ta rise from the
ground i.n order �o control the pa�ulatian �rowth. I th�.nk �
wha� I am safing has a la� of s�. �e. �
. . �
However �.f V�il has inten�ions o�' :can�roJ3.in� this preoaupp�irig F
popu�a�ion �roVr�h, 1e� it happen on the vil�:ag� exp�nses anly -�
and not at �he �xpense a�' �he ou�side �roperty vwners. �
In thi� case I �m �i�.ling to �e11 m�t lots '� Va�.l a� �. �air
market prics and �hen ��ie V�l�:a�e can do a�:l �r�e contro�.�,i,n� �
sh� desires with my bless�n�, wish�.ng her a prosperau� future �
�s r#;e ha� had a �1or��ous past. �ut xf Va�l should dec�.�.ne �
my of#'er �o puraha5e �tne property, -�hen p�.e ase don'� u�der- �
� zona it. �
I si.ncerely and deeply appr�cia�;e your ur�d�rs�and�.ng and
000peration, since � �'irml.y bel3.eve i.t i.s a fair rec�ue��
. �from my side. �
� . . Sincer�l.y ours, _ , .
� �j4.t-.L.J.����, �
, ' ..... -- •-- �-a ._�_��-�
<:_ A1cIo R;.�. Brun�.�M.�. ? _ _
. , �
_ �'.t�'��'� �.�f�l���n-�'�``.
. . . : ,-: - -
. .. Hile�� �.rd C. `Brun�. - . .
' .
. . ,
. t
. - '�
- � �,
. . � . �..
, ! , �
r M � {
i�7cov� �oA� �
QYS�ER BAY, NEW YQ�tK '�1771 � ' �.
� . : �.
�p�tember l.5th, �.977 . »
' Ms . Diana S. To�ghz.��_ .
Zoning Admin�.stratar �'`
Tawn a� Vaii
Post O��ice Box �.00 z�
Vail, Col.orado 81.657 � :
Dear Ms. Toughill , �
Thank you �o� your letter of Sep�ember 7th, con�aining � �
the p�opased zani_ng changes th.at app�.y to my resid�nce a� 3�:5 �
Mi11. Creek Circle. I concur wi�h the Co�nmittee' s goal af xe- €i
s��ic�xng �he ultima�e population and �hink �hat �he proposed
regul.a�ions are �ta2r.
In at�empting to trans�ate �he developmen� standards of
Sec�ion 3 . 50Q to �ny present house and site dimens�ons , I �ind
�,� that Z do noC have a copy af �he r��ulatio�s whi.ch set for�h
the grass residence floor area (GRFA) . Could you pl�.ase send
me a copy of �hi�s rebula�ion? Z have, a�C various tir�aes , tr�ed
�o work ou� a �eriodeling o� aur house and have been s�yrnied �
by the changes �.n �he zaning Iaras since �he house was buiZt
in 7.962 . .
� Our house was buil� be�ore the raad was 1.aca�ed in i�s �
p�esent fo�rm. Do you hav� a map of Mi�.1. �Creek Csrcl.e showing
'the �oads in �hexr fxna� location in �ela�ion ta �h� houses or,
specif�.ca7.�.y, my house which is Lot 2 , B�ock 1, First Fili.rig�
� I wauld appreciate any help you couZd give me and �ri�.7. pay
the cast of reproducti.on ot the appropria�e matcria�.s. As �
you can. see from �he enclosed plot plan, the house was �ntend-
ed �o be set wel1.-back �rom �he road. I thznk i.� now sits
with the �ron� porch act�al?y i.n the righ� o� raay: On.e las�
ques�ion, who' s answer Z assume is o�viaus ; mos� of �he houses
� in the p'roposed r�zoned area of Lats � th�ou�h I9 , Block �. , �
Vail• Village, First Fz�xng are al.ready i.� e�is�erice. W�.Z� � -
�he new re�ulat�.ons , therefore, aAP�-Y onYy to any changed
use of �hese hause sites �ather �han f�rce a canforma�ion on
� �he pre-exis�ing structures?
Thank you £ar your he�p.
Sincerely, �
e � �,�- ° '��
�` �- �"� .
� � He1.en �taeedy- Ringc�uis� ' '
HTR/rss . �
Encls . .
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��o��� �� ����� . �
bax 3 00 . otfice pf the,town manager .
. vail, cofaraclo $1fi57 _ .
(303) 476-5613
Sep�ember 19, �977 '
./ �
Mrs. �1e�en Tweedy Ringquist
177 Cove Road �
Oyster B�y, l�le�rr York 11771 .
. R�: �Lot 2, Blocle � , Vail Vil�age lst F�iing
Dear �1rs. Rir�gqu�st: . _ _ .
Tl�e r�aximUm gross residential �rloor �area {GRFA} praposed �or t�� new �
� Zone 1$ th� same as �ha� currently al�ow�d. Rat�er �h�n 5end you ar�
� unreadabl� ord�nar�ce, �h� al�owabie GRFR is .25 x �f�e io� area or 3,�21 �
square �fieet of ha��tabl� area. Th� oi�7y new restrict�on �s��t�at if
two units are bu�lt, one �n�t may b� n� l�rger than or�e-�hird o� the
max�mum GRFA permitted on �he site. All other reguiations, s�eh as setbacks,
. ar��as s�ated �n �h� packet you r�ceived. �
I am enc�os�ng a Xerox copy of the Mi�l Creek area wh�ch is a fairZy
. accurate representation of actual road lacat�on. Pre�ex3sting struc�ures
that do•not confarm to the new regul at�ons wi 1 i not be forced �n�.o COi1fOCCE1di1C�,
bu� c}�anges in usa or structure mus� con-Form.
I� you have further ques�ions, plea�� feel �ree to contac� me.
. S7ncerely, �
� ' ' � U�PARTtr�E�l�' OF - :
C�MMU Y �EVE�OPh1��E� , .
� " .
r �
qiar�a S. Toughill
e Zoning Aciminis�rator .
DSl'/di � . , .
' Enciosur� � .
- - . . �.
. , , � �
' � , �
' ��c� 2G •razr� ,Fzr�.:�c� i �Tr:�^�� , �.�z� -
. ;
. . ;
, ,)hen I purchased �his pro�er�y it was zoned Li�i�:�', havirig a
� � lanc'� area of 2,�?0 ��cres of 125,9,5$, sr�. ft. linder LDIt:.� zaninL `
12�,qj8 sq. :�t. divacied by tae 3.5ooa �q. f-G. crit�ltia a.11ows
. � 35.}�=" uniL-s, Under �_Ji�:i' �onin� based on G,�.`r'�� there would be 43.��
_ ur.its a1�o�.FF`,�.e. 'ire existin�; zoninz; there�ore allams�s.93:� anits.
vpproxi!raa��;Ly :;.ares� ai 1977 vre �vere advased �iy Diana loug;ni.la,
F and �im :�a.;o�art th��.t •the totivn was in the process o#' develo�in� a . ��
� netiv zoni.n� oi•^in��_�c� Y�hic?� amoun� other thin�s would e�.imina�� �rar �
the usabl.e c�.1_culaale land arPa, any land aver �U; gr�.de. �:.`e im�mecla.a���;; �
start�d fliscussions �,�ra:'�h thewe rseop�e re�r�senta.n�; the Town and had mar���; • �
detailed meetings wha.cn concluded i.n I}iana ordering Vail k�sociav�s
� tc produce a �„ap v�hich woul.d srow i:he area lafi; on �'ni.s lot '�v'h�ch
was afiected by the 40�0 ��ade. Dura.ng a�l of these dzscu��ions th�re
� 4vas no� any indication wha�soever that �his �].o#; woulcl have any�hin�
� ' but the exis�;in� �ll:�',l' zonin�. t,zter i�i.ana received the m�,P froni tlail
� ��ssociates tive had further me�tings w�ich de'�ermined that 'che usable
� , ar�a exclusive ot' the �4�� area �va`s equal to 1Cj,488 sq, ft. �hich
" accordin� to ZDi;:� zonari�; would a�low 29.16 ur�its of 109� sq. f��. ` ;;
GRFA eacY�.
_.. . . ; � •
As Diana T ou�;hill and ;;irr� Lamoant knows , we a�reed t o s�art aur
� � cor.cep�ua�. 4vork ar.cl planning on the �asi� of 20 units , no� 29 units
. �
� to be c�evelot�ed on Irot 25 , each havi:��; a �RFA of approxima�ely. 1550
� sq. f�. , with a plan for 1.fl uni�ts to be s�a���d in tf�e Spri��; of
197�3 and the remair.in�; 1D in Sprinr; of 7.979• ��Q x+'P� ir. constarit.. touch
with i`!�e '�'o�vn of Vail as �o �he status of �his r�ew ordinance pr�ctacall.;;' '
� on a weekly basis , sa that tner� was nc� quest�on that �e woul� be
� perma.��ted to build th� 2Q Ll:`:.I�'.S 011 '�his. �ot. 'ihis al.ready �ep�ESen�teci
. a downzonin�; of ��.�i�.
. � Cn :�ept. 2 , iy?7, after our u�ual. cont�ct, with t):�ana qn the
� . zanir.E; ar.din�nce sta�;us we vrere told for the °very fiz��t �im� that i;he
. . .�i - . ' � �
. • � Council �iti�as cons�idering; c.han�;islg �;his lot �'ra�i LJ�r;�' to RC zonin�;.
- �n �:he basi.s of RC r�.ther t'nan I.,D:::s� Sve would ht�v� �.ess £���'fl �bil.ity ?
J ', �
, ,.
Patre 2 _
�oi2�. �:
. �
; LOi 25 V�IL 'IZI,�1C�; 1 r ilin Y► �Ir1rZ, °
� . . + �.
_ ! (L17.;:F peimit�i.r.g .30 as com�arc� to HC permi�ting .25 �R'r'�} � ..and in �
• addition our zanin�, �vou�.d nou�� t�e reduced �to 1�.58� uni�s �'rom 20. unit:�.
- � . � r��a^ � 'ri m a GRr� reduetion oint �
;°:a think t��i..� a.s un�ai.r and un_4asonabl.e ��a P
of' vie4�; a�.d f`cow: t'r,� nu,r.ber of un?ts poin� of. view. =.
- . �
; '.:e belie:ve -Lha� uY�::er some circuirzstar.ces th� .'Sown is on �h.e
� ri�ht trac� in do�n 4onin� cer�ain heavy u�nsity parcels and �rra
. can understand it w'r,ere parcels havE exce�tionally hi�3� uni� nu��bers .
and��r the :i�:<ix` and ��:I):�:F .�onin�. ��e dan't thini� its faa.r or reasonaUle
. to zone LDi:r and �C zonin� .�o somethin�; 1e�s than th� existing
. zonin�, becau�e its so low a1r.•eady. �
�ased an the worr that we h�ve done and in ardex to m�.ke the site �
� i we have economica�.ly vzab].e to enable us to build a pres�igiaus �ype �
� �, of deve�.opment that would� be a. compliment to Vail, we mus� cont?nue
our LDi;:E` zoning as i�G naw exists. Hawever, in order "to try �.n�
cooperate w�.th the 2�oals of �he To�rn we �.ou1d a�ree �o limi� �he. number �
of uni�Gs under LD:��:'r' to a maximum of 16 , a.nsteaa o�' 29 uni�s or 20
� uni�s , which is 12 uriits more than would have existed under �;he �C
t e � zoning. '���d-
'���fe there�'ore request 'that tn���ilannirg ::nd �onin� bbarci xeeomr�.end
. � ' to the .i�:ayor and Gouncil �hat Uot 2b , Vai� Vi].Iage , 13th x'zlin� �
remain zoned �:Di+;F but �fith a maximum den�i�y oi 16 urits nermittec�.
1'his cvi�.� represenL a �j.��%� reduction zn the .n�inber of ur:its �rorrs
�he presen� zoning. ��re .beli.eve at �hzs rate thi.s site is ma�tkng more
than i��:� contri.bu�iori���te do�r��n�on��z� cauU�� . �
. � � . , �.
- �.
. , ' � �
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� . . . • �
�. : � , . � Septembex 14, 1977
• � .
� i � .
F ' . . . . ' . . � .
. � - Ms. Diar�a S. Toughill .
� Zozii.ng Admi.nistxator -
' Town of Vai.1 �
Box 1.00
r Vai�., Colorado 8�.657
� Dear Ms. Toughill:
i _
�} Tn response to ��rour let�ex concern�.z�.g.th�; xezon�ng of man.y of
��--- the land 'parcels i.n Vail Vil�age, I wou�.d like �o hereby sta�e
my abjecti.aris to such an action. -
4 I arxi the aw�er a€ Lot 1, Block 3., Vai.i Va.11age £�.rst �i1�.ng. The ,
• r �
address of xny house �.s 325 Mi7.1 Creek. Gircle.
� . � I don't �hink any Qf �he owners in B1ock l., because of the si�e of
i �h�ix 1ots, can curren�ly anlarge i:h�ir d�re].�.ings appreciab�.y, ,
�E How�ver, the exis�ing zaning might �ake the lots �or the �.ouses �`
, �hey are on rnore sala�le at a later date than �he .new res�xicted
zaning. I don'� believe.th� change izi thc: residen�ial zon�ng, as it �
- . �, wnu�d apply La Black ]., can have any .appreciable a£fect on tlie .
� � :��� ' s�rvices p�ovided by Vai3. Viila�e, the ec�iogy or the envi.ronrnent, .
- ,: � ��
� '� There£ore, I am agai,xis� the proposed rezaning ix�. th�s area; naxnely �
___._:..: - � my own apecific lot: Lo� .�., Biock �, and �h�e res� of BJ.ock 1. �, .
Sincerel.y, �
;. �
i 4
� �.1`.�. � ;
: � � . . -�-� �
. , . . ;
_,. .
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�err+� n7 wr�� � Ar� • � '
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hox ioo � office af the town manager _
vait, coEorado $1G57 � � � :
eso�� a7E-�61a Sep�ember 19, �9J7
. F'red Larar�s III
� 44� Torrence �
Gincinnati , Ohio 9�F202 � �
, ' Re: Proposed rezonin� o�F ta': 1 , Block 1 ,
� .Vai] Villa�e Is� Fiiing .
Uear Mr. �.azarus: . '
. Your 'et�.er i s correct i n assur�ing �hat mos� o� tf�e i ots on t�i 1� .
Creek Circie ar� c�rrently built t� �he max�mum aliowable size. Th�
:t�eason �Chis ar�a is proposed for t�e rezonin� is �ha� .the °Pr3mary/Secondary.`:
� � dis�rict re���cts the current con�itic�n on mos� 7o�s. �?e are, �n ef�ec�,
� protec�3ng tf3� pra�erty o�aners from r�d�velop���nt w�th "mirro�^ imaqe"
. dup3 exes. G�vert �and vai ues on f9��1 Gr�ek Co�r�, �� woul d not �e au� of �
the ques�ion �'or ar� existing residence �o be �arn do��rn or r�oved ar�d a duplex
' bui l�:. in �ts p1 ace.. I p�rsonal ly �Fee� tha� the new zon�ng cou�d er�hance
pro�er�y va�ues. .� . .
. , . .
� � I� you i�ave �urther �ues�ions ar cor�m�nts, ��ease g�ve r�e a cal� �
or a��:er�d� the �Pubi i c hearYngs be�ore Pl ann��ig Comrni sszan and Towr� Co�nc�� . '
' • � S�ncer�ly, �
D�PfiR�'t�1�'�T QF .
C�h1h#UNI�'Y ��UE�:OPt�t��d7,...�;��� � . "
- ;, � r;_ �• ; ,.r �
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.� _�-�1`""`�.--�''r�`'."�{r ..'` ,w 'c�°.i � �
� . �;,G-��-,�' ` �.,'_--"'�;� . .
qiana S. Tougl�i j 1 ,�'� , .
. Zo�ing Aclmin�s�rator : �
�S�'�di � . •
,. .. • ., ., . . � .. ,. ' �. � ..� .- .. ..,.,.. . .. . ... ._x4. • . , . ��5:� . .. .. . � .- , ..,. {��.,
� . . . . - . � . �'�'� .
. . .. . a ' ' � . .
. . , . .1 . - . . . � ' . -
. 'Jox�x L. Tx�R ,
. � � �82� SavTx �ai��na Lnrr� .
. . . .;li , • . Lrrrt.L�oN. Cor.arcnno 9�321
� � Qc�al�Er 25� 1977
. ��ar :'�s�m�ers of tt�e �,rai� To��n Coancil, ,
(Je t�iave receiv�d '�he lette� to �ror�er�y or,�ners f`rorn
. - . the� Zo��i.n�; r'�dma.nistrator coracerni,ng praposed ar�er�dmeni�s
�o the 7oning Ordinanc�, etc. ,�Je air� narticuiar�.y
.interest�d i'n tlae pr.opasa.ls to downzone s�ecific �aarce�,s
of Zand.
� �
�Je are especial7.y i.n favor af dq�+1t].2,.oYlirl.m �,he ;�3e�.vex
. • �7am Rd. and �'orest ��r�; area zr��ere private hotnes taave
: Qeneral3.y be�n ot�e--farnzly residenc�s. sde feel it �.s
ini�or�ant �a aon�rol �hc po�ula�ion .af the area because
the streets ar� narrow a�id parking �.s �.i.r:�i��d. �le" �
' cer�ai�ly do not c�rant to :,�iden �he s�r�ets so we m�s�
, consid�er cantrollin� �he r3umber. of cars cuhich need ta
� �` . use those streets. a
• The homes ar� usual�y pccupie� lay �h�e owners ancl L3zezr
�amziies. T�e t�rould ��.ke to i�e�p that at:r�osph.ere. If .
� rESidences� can be t�ep� sr;,a1�. t�y zanin,�, perhaps we
wi11 be abZe �o maintai,n tl��s rua]�ity. iJ.n�'ortunately
some oversized. str€�c��zres are h�inU bui�.� nos,r, I�
wou�.d be nice to prev�ent that hapr�enin� �n the fut�re.
. E
l�fe hi�hly reco�nmend �hat ��e To�,rn Counci,� ta.tce �
. � affirmative act�on or� these do«nzan�.ng pra;�asals. �
_..._____.�..._._ a
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_ . . . . . , - . � ' . , $__
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. • � �.
. .
�����. �����w �ir/�w . . .. . . .. - . - . . � . . .
900 S. St. Paui Blvcf. •
� Midwest City, Oklat�or�a 73130 � '
1-�305-732-22�9. . `
t� �
�` �
� �.
� Se��embeX Z2, 1977 �
��,,� . �
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lle�.,:. t.� •. �r�ur:�.Cy I3evt.l.opment
Cztti'.•: . ^`�5. `�'OL1�;f11.�.�. ' i.
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To Whom It ::�s,= �rxz: �
'� ;
� . I, Wil.liam P. Sh�;"'., � .W°.ish �o px'otest �he down �radir,g o£' I,a� 4 �3K 3. •
af. 6th fil.�r.` oa `; , �`a�f 5�0-£Ofl-a ore5t k:cl.. Vai.E, Cn3.axado} as Ch3 s
praperty h<^.s a3,reads� . ���x on it, anc3 .az�y down ;�adic�� o� zoni.n�
taouZ.r.i on:Ly cause cor�:!� = '�''n the t��:1e, and eott�d d�:�tr�y t�ie I.oan
�alue oF tr►i.s prop.er�y. .
I c�a not c�i5a�r�.e 41�.�i1 v��e^..� ,. . s;,perty being tla�an grr�c�.ed �a��ere this
do�•�n arading does not cre��� _, �,lstiip upo� its oEan�r.
.. � .
. �
� �` . ill:ir�m P. S�l�ppard
� . �o, 5t. �'aul.
`.; i'"�?sC Ci�y, o'��.�. 73130
� � _.,�
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�+'15 . r1i cl''?& .�7 . �'Q'[.t6�'�'�l�. `
Zani.�x E+��iris�;rator �
. Of flce af tl:P town P�ana�er � . � �
V�.i� , Colorada
DPar r�s . Tou�;h1.11; - �
�� . �:
This �s Sn response to yaur �.et�er af Sep�e�rber 7, �977, �
�,r�visinR th�,� �ry nropPr.tV, �at 9 block � , �i�Y�orn Subdlvislon ;
jth �addit�on, ha5 been de��griated by your camm�.��°e fnr "down_ ,
� zonir_�r" from dut�l��t to a n�Vr nr�r^.ary�s�:candary re�Sden�ia� `,
�o���� ; anc� �hat a hear�.n� w�.l�. be before the Vai1 Planni�n� �
Commi ssion on Sep'�ez�ber 2�, � 9'�7 e
`! As a ?��nber of �he ar��d forces sttt��oned ou� of state, �
� f eel d� sac�va�taared in that y'r�ur Sep�errber 7 ].����'r {r�cei�,*�et
�er��em ber � 2 j �.s the �'i.rst lnklln� �,re h�v�: h�d ��ha� a r�--zaning
sfiudy «as ln pro�'ress. A��a b�cause of �y mil���.ry du�y, �h�
� short notice of an im�r�npnt he�rin� ��r��.P� �e tY�e oppar���ity
�o b� prespnt �t the Sept�r�rer 29 hearin� to ob�ect �a �he
�akin{z from us af a very va�.�ab�e ��roperty asset. A��ordingly .
I a� asking for the followin�r :
� '� � � � � A list con�aining the names a�c� addr�sses of �he
m�mbers of tHe town aouncil, the town plann�n�
- coa�issio±�, and '�he co�r��.t�ee ��mb�rs wha cor�duct�d � �
-- �he zonin� s�udy. .
2. A copY o�` tM� "ln depth study,� presen�ed: by the
. committee.
�. Was any an�lysis mad� of �r.o��r��y avrner�hip by any
� and all of �he persa�s of the ca�nci.�.s/ca�cmissicns/
� � co�rmi�te�s (�isr�r� in 1 above) to deterz��.ne if t}�e
propased rezan�.n�^s result iri property .znn3.ng
• advantasr,�;s th�re�a?
�. S�nc� t�� comm���ee met rrany times aver the past e��ht
mon�hs , iti*as any coordinafiion mad� bef;ween �h� �a.x.
asse�sor/col�.ectar's office to pl�.n appartion�Pnt b�-
� � twe�n asspssmen�s �'ox� road. pav�ttg com.mensurate with
the propose�. rezonln�; plan? I recent�.y pai� ov�r �1 , OOD
. fa.r R p�v�r.�g �ssessme�t ��aln^C my �ot ?�a�ed an f�al�.
' - �uple�r �on��.nq.. Tp �s�e�� on a basis �t" one zonin�
� '
. . , :
� � � . . ' ' � . . . .. ...• . 3,�, �. . .. . � ....'_�. . _.... . . ... i wcr. . .� �'.
. ' ' ,y'�� " - . ' . . . . ' . .. : � ' .
.�� . , . . . . . . .
• � .
. � ..j
� ..�� . ' . . . - . _ ' . . , . ' . - , � ' ,� ' - ' �
' . _ ' - �_.-
':� , wY�en �t is fu.�.ly p�anner� �o change i� so�n is� in
_ tc�� s �ar.uon� a rlp off. �'
Y €
� �n clos'�n�?, �re �r�,sh to �xotesfi. tYte pronosed r�zo±��.r� af �
- our proper}Y ar.4 ne�� ��te ��ove in£orr��t�on #,o adequa.tely �
� assess ��� C�I"CU1T'S�AYzCPS un�er which the Septe�nber 29. 1977 i
hF�.rin;� i�, . �c� '�E conducted. �
' - - ' .. � � �.
Sincerely. �
_ � . . �� � . �7• � � , ' . . ' . . - �'.
.- a,��� � <.
. ���- ��:'� :` � ,:�� :� �, �
j Col. Ldwara Y�i. Bro��tne "�° .
� � 1?�5b� L�ke Trails C�,. �
- � Chesterfi�;ld, I�:o. b?(317
_ , I . � �
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���l�� ��� �'�j�� �` .
• � box Zon . ' o�fice� of t�e touvn mar�ager
� vail, colorado 81657 � � .
Iso�? a�s-s�1� September. l9, 1977 . -
' Col . Ed�,tard P�. Srowne � � ..
1�664 �.ake Trails Ct.
Ches�erfie]d, ���0 63017 ' , .
R�: Propos�d down-zaning of L.a�: 9,
� � B�ocic 5, B�g�orn Subdivision, 5�h
, � � Addition .
� Dear Col . 8rot�ne: . � :
• ��: -
- � In answer to your letter of Se�tem�er �3, �he �nfurma�io-ri you �' ' �
requested in iterns i and 2 of your 7e�ter are enc�osed. An ana�ysis
o� propert�es he�d by �ou�c�� , P3ar�n�ng Cemm�ss�or� �r commit��e memb�rs
ii�dic�t�d �ha� f7ve Tovrn Council t�er�:bers o�vn property pro�nsed �For dowr�- -
zoning and fo�r r�embers ofi�;�e corrm�ttee were also arfe��ed• f�o one on
' any Commiss�or�, Co�nrnit�ee ar any otf�er person, b°ne�ited �fram the �ropos�i . �
. The Toti�rn Council �as agreed �o �re-ev�iva�e. the street assessmen�s . �
.in light of tf�e pro�osed do�vn-zoning, t�rhich shouid be don� as soon as .
� � . a'�1 p�tblic hearings ha�e bee� h°7d. I strangTy diff�r t,rith your opinion
that we plann�d the r�zoning vrhen we �v�r� assessing far �he s�ree� �aving--
�th�s is not a �act! The Tawn has no int�ntion o�= "ripping--off" anyone.
�Fhere wi13 �e ��r�her hearings held before tn� Tqwn� Caunca���:.on
. Novem�er. � and i5 a� 7:30 P.��i. Since you ind�cat� yau can 't be present�
. �or the hear�ngs I Lr��1 forar�rd your 1e�ter to Planning Cor��mission.
I� you have any further c�ues�ions piease ca17 me a� the above numf�er.
� . . . �
. S�nC�rel y, �
I}£P�1�TA��'NT �4F
� ,� COI�1��SU�'��1�Y DEVELOPh1�l�T . r -
_ . �
- � r�
�ana S. ToU h��i � � � �
. • Zon�ing �c�ii�inistratar �
� ��5�/di � � ' � ...
.� �. . ,. ' _ ., .: , . _ . -. . ...._._....a.. . �,., ,..
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. �
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. . . � - � � . � � ��Y - �
�n�roduction . -
1. Overview CAgenda} Al.len _
2 . Lega1 aspec�s ' Rider
Planning Process
1. Goals , Gr.owth P�fanagement � Citizens . A�.�.en
2 . Citazens Commit�ee Recommenda�ions Eli�.s
Recommendations - � -
1. Amendments fio Zoning Ordinance .
� a. S-taff Presentation D�-���
b. Planning Commission Repart ��'�g�=�'
c. Ca.tizer� Response . _ .
'd. Council Discussion ` �
2 . Rezoning o� 5 ec�.�ic Parcels
a. Staf� Presentation � Dk�n� .
b. P�anning Commission Report - �- �Drager
c . C�tiz�n �esponse (by Neighborhood} �
(1) O�al Presen-�ations
( 2) CorrespondEnce ,
d. Council Acta.on
� . , .
,. �_ _ . . r..__ - -_r�-'
. ",`- ,' .. •
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,b n. w � � n �+ H. ca rr a. o r�• m �s �-r �n o � a
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i5 NOVEMBER, 1977
The regu1ar mee�ing of the �own Counci7 of the Tawn of Vail was convened at
7:30 PM on Tuesday, November 75, 1977, in the Vail Munic��ai Building Counc�l
• NEayor John Dobson and the follow�ng Counci�members were present:
�osef 5taufer
Rodney Slifer
Wi 11-i am He�mbaci�
Robert Ruder
Wi�l-iam Wilto
John Donovan
Others preserot �nc1uded:
Town Ma�ager, Terrell J. Niinger and Town At�orney Lawrence R�der.
Mayor John �obson opened �he meeting with some personal remarks �^egarding th�s
being his Zast Cauncil mee��ng as Mayor ar�d acknowledges those who have contribu�ed
- tl�roughout the years during h�s service as Trustee and as Mayor. He brief1y
�ddressed t�e f�ture of Ua�I and expressed feelings that �l�e Town should cantinue
its commi�tment to exce7lence stating that "the Town of Vai1 canno� have exce�lence
�hat i� cannot a�'ford, but it cannot afford to have less than that". E�e thanked
ti�ose faithfui who have come consistently to Cour�cil meetings and stated �hat he
believes the Town of Vail has a rewarding par.ticipation in Citizen`s Comm�ttees ar�d
Cammissions. He �hanked them a71 and acknowledged a debt �o ��iem.
Th� Mayar then introduced Town Attorney Rider who stated far �he record the title
and purpase of Ord7nance #30 which was presented on second readir�g. He as�Ced for
questions and discussion from �he audience and the Counci1 . There was none.
Councilman Stauffer then moved to approve Ordinance #30 on second read�ng. Counc�lman
Ne�mbach seconded the mot�on. A11 prese�t voted in favor and the motion carried.
__ _
Ordinance #30, Series of. 1977_, amends ._Title #1_8_of t6�, Vaii Municipa7 Code, re-
zonine certain parce�s of 1and wi�hin �he Town of Uail '�-in accordance with �he Growth
Management recor�mendat7ons.
Mayor pobson then introduced Resolution #21 statin� support from �he Towr� Cour�cii
for the proposed purchase o� Meadaw Mauntain Proper�ies by the Ilnited S�a�es Forest
Service from Va�7 Associa�es, Inc.
He then asked Town Rttorney Larry Rider to summarize �he purpose and intent of the
Resalution far the publ3c. Attorney Rider expiained tha� �he Resolution re�ated to
the sa7e by Vail Associates, Inc. , to the U.S. Forest Service af the Meadow Nlountai.r�
Ski Area and t�rat this Resaiution stated �he Council 's suppor� of the sa�e. Roger
� T��kemeier, Vai7 Associa�es, �hen 7ntroduced Mr. Bo� Poo�e o�F the United S�ates Forest
5ervice who thanked the Council �or its s�ppart an� exp7ained br-iefly the purpose of
the sa�e, being �o guarantee preservation o� the area �For pu�lic use. Gounci7man
Donovan added emphasis regarding the �mportance of the project irt ter�ns of �he wi�d--
Tife preservation in �his area. He �hen moved to approve the Resolution. Councilman
Ruder seconded �he mot-ion. A�1 present vated �n favor and the motion passed.
The next �tem for discuss�on b�fare the Council was an appeal of �he Zoning Administratars
decision regard7ng the Creekside Building. Zoning Administrator Diana Toughi�l explained
for the Cou�cil and the pub7ic the CI@C1S1011 of the staff regard�ng the proposa� and
�he reasor�s far �he refusa� af the varianc� request.
Jay Peterson, Attorney �For the app7ican�, explained tha� tne or�ginal reques� was to
remave parking spaces c�rrently existing behind the Creekside building and �hat he
be1ieves �hat the removal of the parking will he an advantage to the 7'own af Uai1 when
the Ma�l Act is approved. Councilman Ruder inquired abou� the 1/11 int�r�st the other
bu�ld�ng occupants may have in the exis�ing loading dock. Attorney Petersan stated �hat
� the owners wou1d like to keep �he dock but would probably agree to giv� it up if that
was a condition �o granting the current proposal for con�ersation of ex�st�ng parking.
� A general discussion among members of the Council fa�lowed. Diana Toughi7� explained
that t�e appeal was made to �he decision of the Zoning Adm�nistrator's decision ar�d
a particu�ar intr.�pretation of the Ord3nance. Larry R-�der explained the Council 's
alternat�ves r��arding�a decis�an and there was a generai d�scussion regarding tt�ose
al�erna�ives. Counciiman Donovan suggested a postponemen�. Councilman Stauffer suggested
—_ �.._— ---- - —�.
• .MiN�T�S
15 NOVEMBER, 1977
-__ - - ------- - — —
A joint work session w�th �he Councii and the Planning Commissian ta d�seuss the
�� long range -�mpiications af this kind of decision. Counc�Zman Danovan then moved
to table the� appeal to the next regular meeting of �h� Town Counci7 , Councilman
Ruder s�conded �he motian. A1� pr�sent voted in favor and the mo�ion carried.
The next iter� on the agenda was Tvwn Manager reports. 1'erry Minger then made some
• commen�s regard�ng the ending o�F an ear and the beg�nning of ano�her er•.a ., in that
the �wo memeber o�F the Council wou�d be missed, adding tha� �he previous y�ars had
been good ones for the Town. He �xpressed hope that Mayor pobson and Counci7man
Stauffer would remain active �n 1'awn affa�rs since they have a continuing contr�bution
ta make and and further, tha� he was persona7ly happy to have been a part o� this
council and associa�ed wi�h this group of peaple.
Mr. Minger then asked Councilmen Stau�fer and Donovan to address the items which were
left aff the agenda for �his meeting. Cour�cilman Stauffer then expresses his personal
feelings abaut leaving �he Gour�cil and said "Goodbye". He expressed hope that he
had served well and that he �elt the positions he had taken reflected the majority
of those he prepresnted. He �hen thanked all those persans for the apportUnity of
ho7ding o�Ff9ce and stated �hat he had never served w��h more s�ncere and hones� people.
He then thanked Mayor pobson and read Resalu�ion #22 regarding official Town of Vail
appreciation for the Mayor's long years of service, and moved to approved the
Reso7u�ion. �ounci�man Donavan s�conded the motion. All present voted in favor and
� the mot�on carried.
Fol�owing that, Counc�lman S�auffer proceeded to read Reso�ution #23, specifical7y
name�ng t1�e Vail Ice Arena "John A. Dobson Arena", and �nove� to approve the �esolution.
Counci1man Donovan s�conded �he motian. A11 present voted in favar and the motion
Counci�man �onovan then read Resolut�on #24, expr�ss�on o�F�'ic�al Town of Vail
appreciation for the long years of serv7ce of Councilman/Mayor Pro-�em Stauffer. He
�hen moved to approve, Mayor. :l7obsan seconded the motion. A11 present vo�ed 1n favor,
and the mo�ion passed.
Counc�lman B�11 Wilto expressed his personal ap�reciation �ar the chance �a serve with
this council .
Counci3man Donovan maved to adjourn �he meeting, there beir�g no further buslness for
the Cauncil . Counc�lman Ruder seconded tl�e mo�ion. A11 pres�n� voted in favor and
�he meeting ad�ourned at 8:40 RM.
� �
, �
29 NOVENiBER, ]977
The Va�1 Town Co�ncil convened for a Speczal Budget Hearing Meeti�g at 7:30 PM
in �he Courtcil Chambers o�F the Town of Vail Munieipa� Bu�7d�ng on Tuesday, 1Vovember
29, 1977. �
• Mayor �ohn Dobson and the follaw�ng Councilmembers were presen�:
John Dor�avan
Rodney Slifer
William lieimbach
Robert Ruder
Wi�19am Wilto
and newly elected �ounci1members; Tam Steir�berg and Pau1a Pa�mateer.
A]so present were Town Nlanager Terre1l J. Minger and Town A�torney �arry Rider.
Mayor pobsor� ca1led the mee�ting to order and explained that the first matter of
business was the taking of oaths of the new Co�anc�lmembers and those Gour�c�7members
who had been re-elected.
The oath of office was adm�n�stered by Town Attorney, Larry Rider to the following:
John Donovan �
Rodney Slifer
Rober� Ruder
Tom Ste.inberg
Paula PaZmateer.
He then stated, �For the recard that Raber� Ruder and Tom Steinberg wou7d serve on
the counc�l for twa years and that John Donovar�, Rodney 5lifer ar�d Pau7a Palmateer
would serve �For Four years. Counc�lmen Fleimbach and Wi7to wiil serve out th� r�maining
two years of their or�ginal four year �erms.
Fo7lowing that, �he Mayor stated that the next order of buszness was the e7ect�on of
Mayor and Niayor-Pro-tem for the Council . A vo�� was �ak�n by secret ba7To� fram �he
Counci7 and Rodney Slifer was elected Mayor. A vote was then taken by secret ballot
fram the Cauncil and John Donovar� was elected Mayor Pro-Tem o-� the Co�ncil .
Mayor pobson then �urned the meeting over to Nlayor Rod S1i�Fer for comp1etion of the
mee�ing business.
Mayor S7i�Fer �ntroduced Town Nlanager Terre7l J. Minger wha stated an overview of the
^ philosophy of the proposed Budget for the Town of Vail for 1978. He then ir�troduced
Finance Dir�ctor/Rssis�an� Town Manager Stan Bernstein who explained �he basis on
which budget�ng was p7anned and outlined specific cat�gar-ies af tn� budget. He then
as�Ced for questions and opened the meet�ng to CIISCUSS1011 0� the budge�, stat�ng �hat
. si nce many pu�l i c members of the audi ence had j ust seen the dacument,��.�faat.:�erh�p�_. :�
there wou�d be questions at a iater date. F{e reinterated �hat there wvu1d be two
more public mee�ings, at wh7ch the budget would be d�scussed, if there were questions
after pub7ic examination a�F the docur�ent.
7here be�ng na further business for the Counci7 at this meeting, Counci7man Donovan
moved �o adjourn. Counciiman Wilto seconded. All present voted ir� favor and the
motion carried. 7'he m�eting was ad3ourr�ed a� 8:50 PM.
.; .
. �..� f
6 ��CENiBER, 1977
The Vai� Town Counc�� convened for its reguiar meeting at 7:30 PM, on Tuesday, December
6, 1977, in the Vaii Munic�pa7 8u�lding Council Chambers.
'�+iayor Rodney Slifer and the �o11ow�ng counc3i mer�bers were present:
Paula Palma�eer�
John Donavan
Thamas S�ei r�berg
Robert Ru�er
William Wil�to
W�11iam Fieimbach
A7so present were Town Manager Terreil J. Minger, Deputy Town Manager/Finance Direc�or,
.S�anley Bernstein, and Town Attorney, Lawrence Rider.
Mayor Sli�Fer called the r�ee�ing to order and introduced the first mat�er �or the Council 's
atten�ion which was the approval af minutes of the November 15th regular meeting of the
s�Town Council and the November 29th special �eeting of the Tawr� Counc7l . C�uncil meEi�ber.
�onovan moved to approve the minutes of both mee�ings; Counci7member He�mbach seconded
ation; a17 present vated in favor and �i�e motion carried.
The nex� ord�r of business was a specia� presentat�on and for that Mayor S1ifer introduced
Ernie Nunn representing �he United States Forest Service who presented a National �orest
Service award �a former Mayor Johr� A Dobson in recognition and appreciatian for Mr. Dobson's
many years of service and lead�rsh�p in the areas of major land use decisions and the
preservation of na�ural enviror�ments.
The next order o� business was the introduction of Ordinance #29, Series o�' 1977, first
reading, rezoning a port�on of Vail Run from RC to SDD5. Councilmember �1�lto moved .
to table ��e matter and postpone reading of �he ordir�ance until the re�u7ar meeting af the
councii on December 20, 1977. Councilmember Paln�a-�eer -s.econded the ,motion; ali presen�
voted in favor; and �he motion carried.
Mayor Sl�fer then in�roduced Ordinance No. 31 , Series of 1977, on �First reading, regarding
$2,350,000 of the '�own's General Obligatior� Bonds. S�an Bernstein explained the purpose of
the ordinance be�ng to contract an indebetedness on b�haif of the Town af Vail by issu�r�g
Generai Ob�igatian bands �n �he amount of $2,350,000. There was no discussion forthcam3ng
fror� e-�ther the Councilmembers or the public and Councilperson Steimberg moved to approve
the ordinance on first reading; Councilme��ber Wilto Seconded the mo�ion; all present
'�ted in favor and the motion carried.
Ordinance 1Vo. 32, Series of 7977, was in�roduced by Mayor S7ifer, on first reading. The
Mayar then introduced Zoning Administrator, Diana Toughill who explained the purpose of
�he ordinar�ce being to rezone �he North Pulis Property �rom Eagle County zoning "Resource"
dist�^ict �o �he Town of Va�l 's zoning °Publ�c Use" district, which would a71ow the
cor�struction of ��te Town of Vai� Main�ainence 8ui7ding on that s�te. There were no questions
from �he public or �he Council . Caunc�lmember pa7mateer moved to apprave the ordinance on
first readir�g; Counci7member S�einberg seconded �he mot�on; aTl present voted in favor and
the motion passed.
Or�dinance No. 33, Series of 1977 was introduced by Mayor S7�fer vn first reading. Stan
Berns�ein, Deputy Town Mar�ager explained the purpose of the ord�nance being �o make avail-
able �he fed�ra1 funds granted �o �he Town of UaiZ under the Rura� Transportation Der�on-
stration Program. Coordinator af the program, Jon Eberle then expla�ned the s�art-up date
and �he �our prlmary �lements of the pr.ogram and t�e services to be pravided. 1'here being
no d�scuss�on or questior�s �rom the pub�ic or the Council , Counc�lmember Wilto r�oved to
approve the ordinance on first reading; Counc�lmember� Stertnberg secor�ded the motion. A17
preser�t voted in favor ar�d the motion passed.
Mayor 57�fer �hen introduced ar� first reading, Ordinance No. 34, Series of 7977, amending
Section 18.52. 170 of the Vail Municipa� Code to aliow for leasing of pr�vate parking
spaces. Diana Toughil7 �hen exp7ained that a survey of 7oca1 parking had been r�ade which
t formed the background for t�e staff recommendation to Counci7 �hat private parking spaces
� be made available for lease to those who might desire to use them. Mayor S7ifer asked �Far
comments from �he floor. Phi7 Ordway from Vai1 Associates stated that he had spen� a gre�t
`� dea7 of time s�udying the 7ong range parking problems ar�d �hat Ua�l Associa�es suppor�ed this
6 ��CEMBER, 1977
Ordinance. He further stated that Vaii Associates was int�res�ed in inter7ng inta leases
�w�th private owners to relieve their own parking prob1ems and to prov�de s�pplementary
ar�ing for VazZ Associates. H� expressed the feeling that this ordinance was an important
first s�ep to sa7ving the parking problem. Councilmember S�einberg asked how the Town af
Ua�l would monitor the ordinance in the �ut.ure to provide for review; Diana Toughill ;
explained tha� a pracess for regular review �ad been established by the 5taff. Cauncilmember
Do�ovan �h�n moved to approve the ardinance on f3rst reading; Council�ember Heimbaeh
�econded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motian passed.
Ordinance No. 35, Ser�es of 1977 was �ntrod�ced on first reading, and explained by Town
Manager Terrell M�nger as being the annual appropria�ion ord7nance for the 1978 Budget and
F�nancia7 P1an �or the Town of Vail . He th�� exp7ain�d t�e budget process and the
motivatian regarding the ph�losophy of budgeting and stated �hat this was a conservative
docu�ent assuming a narmal snow winter and narmal summer and that the budgeting revi�w
process would be an ongoing one. He then introduced Stan Bernste�n who explained briefly
t�e recap of the budget �xpend�tures, ou�lined key �und�, balances, surpluses and revenues to
be gen�ra�ed, and th� expenditures of specia7 accoun�s 7�ke the transpartation cen�er and
the ice rink. Mayor Slifer thanked �hem both �or their pre��ntations, and asked for council
comments. and public comments. Charles CrowZey asked the Council to consider a vendor's
. fee far the Town a� Vai7 . He wen� on to explained that a vender's fee would ai�ow for a
rebate of a p�rcentage af the sales tax collect�d by businesses to be re�unded to the
bus3ness w��ch collect�d �he tax. Ne stated �hat he expected a good season thls year and
would 7ike the council to serio�sly consider enact�ng �he vendor's fee. Phil Ordway asked
for clarification of the article �n the newspaper r�garding two additiona7 police officers
�eing requested in the 1978 budget. Pol�ce C�ief Wall expla�ned that due to the un-
certainities o� 197� season, one palice office, whlch was approved in the 1977 budge� was
nat hired, and that �he 1978 budget requests 1 add�tional officer on7y which will bring the
total number of officers to 15, Qrdway stated that he wa5 in favar of t�e addi�ional
officers and that his ques�ion was for clari�ication o�]y. Other comments �orthcoming
from the Council w�r.e. made by Counci1memb�r St�inberg regarding the �roposed Town of VR�1
staf� salaries. He stated ��at he fe�t �hat co�pared to o�her communities, the si.ze
of budget and size of sta�f comparison show�d that the 7own o� Vail was getting a good
dollar valu� and used Pete Burnett's crew as an exampl�. T.here being no further discussion
Councilmember HeimSach then moved to approve Ordina�ce #35 on f�rst read�ng; Councilma�
Steinberg secanded the motion; all �resent voted in favor and the motion carried.
Counciiman Wi3to then commented that �he members of the GounciT would be available to
answer any questions �rom the publlc that might came up during the next few weeks regarding
the budge� and that the pubiic should feel free to contact any cauncilmember regarding any
Resolution No. 25, Series af 1977 was introduced by :Mayor S7ifer. Stan Berns��in explained
that the purpose of the Resolution-was to desig�ate the award of �he $2,350,400 in Town
of Vai7 General Ob1igation Bonds ta Kirchner & More Company of Denver, Colorado who
submitted the bes� bid for sale of th� bond�. Counc�lmember Ruder moved to approve t�e
resolution; Councilmember Steinber� seconded the motion; all present vo�ed in favor and
Tthe mo�ian carried.
The next item of bus�ness was a presen�ation fram the Lionsridge Neighborhood Qrganization
�egarding open space acquisi�ion. �ayor Slif�r introduced Toni Berns representing the
roup who read a letter �rom the committee addressed to �he Public and t�e Counc�� requesting
Town af Vaii support and assistance in the preservation o� open space in the L�onsr�dge
neighborhoad. Mayor slifer thanked the cammittee and Ms. Berns for their invo�vement and
expressed a welcome to any group or ind�vidual who wishes �o att�nd meetings and ex�ress
local concerns.
The next item for Counc�l attention involve� an appea� of the Zon�ng Adm9nistrator's
decision regarding ��e Creekside Building. _ Diana Tough�ll exp�ain�d �he staff recommenda�ion
and the unusual circu�stances of the request and the subseyuent denial . Jay �eterson,
representing the Creekside Building explained the reasvns for the req�est and pointed out
that there se�med to be no obj�ctions to the requ:est from the ne�ghbors of the Creekside
Building and tha� granting of the request wou7d be an advantage to the Tawn of Va�l �n
e7iminating some of t�e �raff�c now allowed through the Fou�tain area. Mayor Slifer asked
for Counci7 a�d public COtI�lE�t. John Dobson commented that he thinks �he request is a
good idea and asked for clarificat�an on how th�s ma�ter concerns the park�ng contracts now
�n effec� for other core bu�l�ings. Diana Toughill exp1ained that th�s is nat a request for
�variance, bu� s�mply a request to remove park�ng which was not requir�d in th� first place.
(attached to these minutes and made a �art thereof is a staff inema regard�ng the request
and refusal to gran�:same) Mr. Peterson stated that the prablem represented here re.��tes
to all the bui�dings in the core and �hat everyone involved there should share in the
solu�ion. H� further stated that he doubted what would be the outcome o� current park�ng
contracts signed previously. John Dobson clarif�ed �is cancern over the long range
resuits af this decision and stated tha� this shou7d not abso�ve oth�rs from participating
6 DECEMBER, 1977
�n solving the prob�em in the fu�ure. 7own Attorney Larry Rider c7arifi.ed �hat this
�equest, or �he gran�ing of the reques�, wou7d no� exempt �he Creekside Building �rom
partic�pa�ing in the future solution of the greater problem.
Mayor Sl�fer expTained the aZterna�ives for vo�ing �o the Coancii which w�re to uphold the
decision of the Zoning Administratar denying the request or to reverse t�e decision ma�e
�y the s�aff and grand the appeal . Councilmember ponovan as��d if landscaping re-
uire�ents could be �acked on to the ap�roval if granted. Jay Peterson sta�ed that he
felt �hat was alright and his client would have no objection. There was a brief discussion
between Mr. Peterson and Mr. Dobson regarding the deeding of the l/1� percent o� the exist�ng
space ta the Town of VA�1 . Larry Rider C7arified that the tenan�� in common cou7d be
deeded. �osef Staufer addressed hYS concerns abo�t the practical applicatio� o� no parking
for �he comm�rc�al bu�ldings in th� cor�. �e stated that he fee7s �hat in theory this might
be alright, but practical�y speaking, cars wi1T be park�ng in the plaza and sees this as
an impassible situation and asks th� council to w�igh this in mak9�g any decisians. Mr.
Peterson stated further that most v�h�cles com�ng to the bu�lding would be delivery trucks
which would back down into the loading area a�d that the request does remove employee
�park�ng from behind the ba�Zding.
Mayor S1ifer then called �or a motion from �he Council . Councilman �il�o mov�d to reverse
the decision of the Zoning Adminis�rator and gran� the reques� �rom Creekside Building ta
remove �he park�ng s�aces, an� ,tha� the �i�nter..est �n the 1 par.king .space be conveyed or
�ran�ed to ��e Town of Vail at a future date. Councilman Steinberg am�nds the motion to
ncluding landscaping requ-�re�ents. Cauncilman Fleimbach seconded the motion as amended;
The fol]ow�ng Counci7members voted �n favor: Palmate�r; Steinberg; Wilto; Ruder; He��nbach.
Councilman Donovan voted against. The motion carried.
The next order business was the consideration of a request for resubdlvision of Tract D,
Vai� Vil7age llth �Filing. Dan Corcoran was introduced who explained the request for his
client, Thomas J. Cacchione. Fle stated that the resubdivisian would aliaw two residen�ial
lats an �he property he. now owns. Diana `�oughill exp7ained tha� the P1ann-ing Gommission
had approv�d the resubdivisio� and tha� the Staff recommended approval . She further stated
that there had been anly one objection to the proposal and that f'rom Lou Parker, wha is
a neighbor to the proposed resubdiv�slon. Mayor slifer asked for comments from the public
and councll . �ince nane were forthcoming, Councilmem�er Palmateer moved to approve the
req�est; Councllmem�er Rud�r seconded the motion; ai1 present vo�ed in favor and the mot�on
iVext on the agenda was the considera�ior� of a variance to allow for a gravel driveway for
the Hellb�rg Residence in Vail Viilage 3rd Filing. Diana Toughill exp�ained t�at the
request was being mad� �o provide for better surfaee runoff, tractian and that all others
in the area were gravel . Sh� added tha� the Plannin� comm�ssian voted 5 �0 2 in favor of
gran�ing the request. Ed Drager added that the Planning commiss��on had approved �he request
rv�ith the condi�ion tha� la �eet of blacktop be provided on the drive where i� conn�cts to the
; road. There was a general_di.scussion regarding the quality of the gravei to_be used, _and __
Counci�man :►�onovan-moved to gi^ant �he vari ance request accor�i ng �o �h� Pl ann i ng Coi��i��. re-
quirements and added the requirement t1�at they comply w�th any future changes in the zaning
rd�nance. Councilmember Ruder seconded the motion. Counci�man Steinberg suggested that
�he Sta�Ff review the existing zoning ordinance with a vi�w toward revisions. A71 present
voted in favor and the mo�ion carried.
The next item of business for co�anc�i cons�derat�on was a request for cand�tional use permit
to ai7ow �emporary swimm�ng pool cover at Breakaway West. Diar�a Toughil� :expiained the
request being ta cover the exist�ng pool �hrough the winter months, Decemb�r 7 thrc� .lune 7.
The p�anning camm�ssion voted to approve. The length af time was discussed by the CoUncil .
Councilme�ber Pa7ma�eer moved to approve the cover; Councilmember Ruder seconded the
motior�; a�l present voted 1n favvr and the motion carried.
Fo�lowing that, the Council ad�ressed the request for encroachment o� park�ng on F'orest
Raad from the Alice Parsons Residence. D�ana Saugl�i7� : explained the history and proceedure
bringing abou� the request from the Parsans Residence. There was a brief and general
discussion of how many cars were current�y parking on t�►� road and what the �mplications
of granting mor� encroachment rights might be. Councilmembers Wilto and Palmateer s�ated
that they would rather there be on an-street parking a�ong Fores� Raad. Mayor siifer
� resta�ed �he request and asked for a mot3on. Counci7member Steinberg moved �ta approve �he
request; Counc-�lmem�er Palmateer seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the
motion carried.
• •
There were na reports from the Town Manager. �he Town Attorney reported that th� m�nu�es
f the Town Council meetings fram February, 1976 through Navem�er, 1977 had been prepared
:and were ready �or approval . Counei�member ponovan . moved to approve the minutes as
presen�ed; Cou�cilmember Palmate�r seconded the motion; a�� present voted in favor and �he
motion carried.
��e Mayar asked for ci�izen par��cipation. �e then comp�imented the Public Works Department
f the Town of Vail for an outstanding �ob done on the snow removal and control during the
Zas� weekend. CounciTman Donovan requested a pub1�c mee�ing wi�h a presentation from
the Water a�d Sani�atian aistrict of Vail regard3ng the new water treatment plant. T�rrell
Minger stated that �e would set up a:�.date and advise the cou�ci� and public. Mayor Slifer
stated for ��e pubi�c in�ormation that the Council wou�.d hold work sessions on7y an the days
when there was a regularly scheduled publ�c meeting of the council at nigh�, and tha� the
work sessions wou�d begin at noon. He further stated tnat the counc�Z wnu7d try �his
new schedule to see if �t worKed, and if �here seemed to be d��f�cuities, the schedu�e would
be reexam�ned.
Ther.e being no �urther business for the Cou�cil , Counc�lmember ponovan moved to adjourn;
• Counci1�ember Steinberg seconded the motion; The Council meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm.
� ,
� .::
20 DECEMB�R, �977
�e Regular meeting of the Vail Town Counci7 was convened in joint session wi�h �he Va��
Wa�er and Sanitation D�s�ric� Board o�F Directors at 7:30 pm, �uesday, December 20, 7977.
�yor Rodney S��fier and the fol7owing council members were present:
Paula Palmateer
John Donavan
Thomas S�einberg
Rober� Ruder
WiiTiam Wilta
Wi7liar� Heimbach
A7so present were T.owr� Manager, Terrell �. Minger; Town Attorr�ey, Larry Rider; Town
Director of Public Works, Kent Rose and members of the board of the Vail Water and
Sanitation District.
�he �oin� session was called to order by Mayor Slifer who intraduee�d Ken� Rose to present
the background and status of �he proposed new waste wa�er treatmen� p�ant. Fo71owing
genera� d�scussion, the joint session was closed.
�e public hearing regarding the Mall Act was then opened for discussion. Since there were
To presenters at this meeting, the pub�ic hearing was clased, and the next pub�ic hear�ng
for d�scussian flf the i�al� Act was set for February 14, 1978. Councilmember Wil�o moved
to pos�pone �he pubiic hearing �o that date; Cauncilmember Stein6erg seconded the motion;
ai� present voted �n favor and the �notion carried. .
Next on �he agenda for councii consideration was Ordinance No. 29, Series of�977, wh�ch had
been continued from �he December 6, 1977 reg�alar meeting of the counc97 . Ordinance No. 29
was introduced on f9rst reading, concerning the r�zoning of a portion of Vai1 Run from RC
to SDD5. Counci1member Ruder suggested a change in wor�ing �o c�arify section 8 paragraph
8. Diana Toughill , Zoning Ad�inistrator �xpiained that �he change would be made and covered
what arrangemen�s had been made regarding density and parking since �he first presen�ation of
the praposed ordinance. There being no further discussion, Councilmember Heimbach mnved
to approve Ordinance No. 29 on first reading; Councilmemb@r Pa�mateer seconded the motion;
voting in favor werE caunczlme�bers Palmateer; steinberg; Ruder; Wilto and Heimbach. Voting
no was CaunciZman Donovan. The motion passed.
Ordinance Na. 3� , Series of 1977 was introduced an. secand reading. Mayor S1i�er exp7a�ned
that the ordinance was regarding �he $2,350,000 general obligatian bonds o�F the Town of Vai1 ,
nd authorizes the sale of same. There being no discussion, Councilmember lie�mbach moved
o approve Ordinance No. 31 an second reading and �o publish �he ordinance by ti�le oniy.
� uncilm�mber Wi3to s�conded the motion; a17 pres�nt voted in favor and �he motion passed.
Ordir�ance No. 32, Series was intrvdt�ced on second read�ng, regarding the rezoning of �he
�rth Pulis property �Fram Eagle County "Resource" District to the Town of Vail "Pub�ic :Use"
stri.ct zon�ng. There being no discussion, Councilmember Ste�r�berg moved �o approve �he
ardi nance; Counci�mer�ber Ruder seconded the moti on; al i pr.esen�.�voted i n favor ar�d the
motion passed.
Ordinance Na. 33, Ser�es of 1977, was in�roduced on second reading, making a supplemen�a7
appropr�at�an in the amount o� $17,000 from t�e Rural Transportation Demanstration Program
Fund. N�ayor Slifer asked for questions and comments from Counci� and the public. There was
no discussion. Councilmember Ruder maved to approve the ordinance on secand reading; Co�nc�7
m�mber Wi7to secflnded the mot7on; all pres�nt vated in �Favor and �he motion passed.
Ordinance No. 34, Series of 1977 was introduced on second reading, amending Sect�on 18.52.�70
of the Vail Niunicipal Code to a71ow for the leasing af private parking spaces. Mayor S�ifer
asked for questlons and comments from the Council and Publ�c. Diana Taughi1l stated that a
c�ange had been made and that the ordinance would be amended to add "Provides sufficient
Emplayee Parking" under section B-7 Caunci7member Pa7mateer maved �ta approve the ordinance
as amended, and that it be published in �ull ; Counci7mer�ber Steinberg seconded the motian;
��li presen� voted in favor and the mot�on passed.
ries af �977 was introduced an second reading, bein� the Annual
Qrdinance No. 35, Se >
Appropriation Ordinance for the 1978 Budget and Financ7a1 �lan o� the �'own of Vail . Mayor
Slifer asfced far questions and comments from the Counci7 and the Publ�c. S�an �ernstein
. Stated that �he Capi�al Tmprovements schedule which has _been reviewed by �he Council had
been revised and that copies of tha� schedule wer� available to pub1ic, and that Counc�l
_ '�
had also seen the revis.ed sch�du�e. 1'here �eing no further discussion, Counci7member
• St�inberg moved to approve the ordinance on s�co�d read�ng; Counciimember He�mbach
seconded �he motion; a�i presen� voted in �'avor and �he mation passed.
Next item on the agenda for Counci� consideration was a presentation by the Lionsridge-
Sar�dstane Neighborhood Organization regarding their request for fundinq for open space
ac4uisi��on. Mayar Sl�fer read a letter from the organization, and there was g�neral
comment from severai mem�ers of �he neighborhood who were present. The ;Veighborhood
Organization is request�ng assis�ance from the Town of Vail �For t�e purchase of �arce1s
B-4 and B-5 in ti�e LTonsridge area so they �igF�t be preserved as open space for the enti�^e
L�onsr�dge neighborhoad. Mayor Sl�fer, speaking for t�e Cauncil , stated that the Council
would take the matter under cor�sidera�ion and that more discussions would be taking place
regarding the request, and that interested parties were we�came �o at�end work sessions
� to discuss.
Next an �he agenda was a discussior� regard-ing somk�ng in� �ub�ic meetings. Caunc�l�ember
Pa7ma�eer suggested that �h� Cour�cil impose a sor�king ban durinq Public meetings and work
sessions of the Uail Town Council , wi�h a break during the r��eting �For those who wish to
� smoke. A bri�f, but general discuss-�an fo7low�d. Councilmember Palmateer then moved to
enact the no-smolcing ban; Councilmember Wilto seconded the motion; Those va�ing yes wer�:
Palmateer, Wilto, Steinberg, Ru�er and Slifer: Counci7member po�ovan voted no and Co�ncil
member Heimbach abstained. The mot�on carried. There wi�l be no smoking in the publ�c
meetings af the Vai� Tawn Cour�cil or. in the work session mee�ings. There will be a break
during meetin�s for those wha wish �o smake �o step outside and do so.
The nex� item �'or discussion was the propo�ed Uendor's Fee. At the prevlous meet�ng of
the Counc�� ; Charles �rowiey , a .village busir�essman, had requested that the council
consider .inac�ing a vendor's f�e for the Town of Vail . Stan Bernstein had, sinee that �ime,
prepared a memo for the Cauncil outlining the imp�ications of enac�ing such a fee. fie
explain�d the de�ails to the Councilmembers. 7here was general discussion among the Council
and consensus was that the Counci� was unanimously opposed to such a fee, following a
verbal poll of the Council by Mayor Slifer. The ma�ter was closed for this time.
Fo7lowing that, Mayor Slifer introduced Diana �oughi3l who exp�a�ned the re�ues� from
Vail A�hl�t7c C�ub for ar� amendment to the parking variance previously granted to t�e Cl�ab
which would allow for Employee housing. 1'hree parking spac�s are involved. The P7anning
Commission voted 5 to 1 in favor af granting the req.uest. Ms Toughill explained tl�at there
wou7d be a contract s�gned between �h� Town of Vail and the Va�l C1ub restricting the Us�
of the space and requ�ring that park:ing be provided on the Mcalister property. There being
no further d�scussian; Councilmember Steinb�rg moved to approve the amendment �o the
variar�ce; Co�ncilmem�er Heimbach seconded the ma�ion; al� present vo�ed in favor acnd the
motion passed.
� Niayor S�ifer then introduced Jeff Se76y from the Landmark deveTopment who exp1a�ned tha�
they were asking for a se�back and parl�ing variance to allaw for �he addit�on of 7,Q00 p�us
�Feet of .commercial feet to �he �.ower floor of th� �andmark building. �'here was general
discuss�on and some feeling that there were yet many unanswered questions. Counc�lmember
Donovan moved to �ab�e the request for a max3mc�m af 21 days. T1�e motion was seconded by
Councilmer�ber Heimbach; all presen� voted in favor and t�e mo�ion passed. S�nce no
Regular meet�ng of the Town Council will take place after the January 3rd meeting, ir� time
for �the request to be heard wi�hin th� 21 day period, �he request wili be heard again at
�he January 3,1978 meeting.
Town Manager Terrell Minger repor��d �hat he will be meeting with Mr. �an Walker, regarding
the L3onsridge ques�ions and that Mr. Walker would be meeting with the Town Council on
January 3, 1978 regarding ��e purchase o�.�other .openspace lands at .the regular work session
and tha� al� ir�terested parties are invited �a attend.
There being na further matters far the Cauncil atten�ion; Councilmember Qonovan moved to
adjourn. Counci1�ember Steinberg seconded the motion. A11 es�n-t:�voted in favor and the
,� meetir�g adjaurned at 11 :00 PM. .
Tawn C1erk