HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Town Council Agendas-Work Session � � AGENDA VATL TOWN COUNCTL WORK SESSTON 4 JANUARY �.9 7 7 2 : 00 P.M. l. Paor Richards/Short Swing - xequ�st for conditional �se pe�mi.t �o allow archi�ects ' o��ice and heal.th c�.ub. 2 . Poor Richards/Sho�f Swing � reques�. to acquire two adjacent parcels af land, now awned by and 3.eased from the Town o� Vai1. 3 . Lionshead Theatre � requests far lot size, shage o� �ot, dis�ance between buildings, parking for thea�re, and parking for cornmercial space �a�iancesa 4 , Orclinanc� No. 1 , Series of 1977 , praviding regula�ions �ox buxgla� ala�ms within the Town of Vail, 5. Ordinance No. 2 , Sexa.es o� I977 , supplemen�al appro- priations to purchase Lo� 10, and ta fund co-sponsorshzp o� sp�ing confe�ence �aith University of Colorada on the topi.c of growth management. 6 . Discussion �ega�ding revision of contrac�or' s Iicens� to pro ra-�e �ee schedu].es. 7 . Discussion regard�.ng £utu�e plans �or Antholz Park. EXECUTIVE SESSZON � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL 11 JANUARY 1977 2 : 00 P.M. l. Dick Elias - discuss�.on regarding burglar a1a�m ordinance, an.d discussion regarding Cab�.e TV. 2 . Discussion regarding potential. impact a� snow condition5 on saZes tax revenue. 3 . Discus�ion regarding p�bla.cation of 1977 Budget. 4 . Status a� Rea�. Esta-�e '�ransfer '�ax. 5, Discussion of March 29 bond e�ec�ion and al�ernatives. 5 , Di.scussi,on a� �,inancial implications o�' purchasing Lot 10. 7 . Update on T�70 ove�pass. 8 . Discussion regard.ing request from vendor to se�.l escargot and chestnuts in Lionshead area. 9. Appazntmen.t of Council representa�ive to N���CCOG. �.0. Announcemen� o� Sa.te 24 sp�cial Coun.cil mee-�ing � Janu�,ry 24 , 11 . Interviews wi�h De�ign Review Board app�i.cants - I�iII Bishop, Marcy Pe-�exson. I2 . Skylian pxaject - applicant reques�t �o� preliminary review by Council. 13 . L�.onshead Theatre � xeauest for parking variance for commercial space. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCTL V,70RK SL�SSION 18 JANUARY 1977 12 : 00 NOON 1. 5ite 24 discussion. 2. z-70 Overpass status. 3 . Frank Thompson -- Cable TV rate discussian. 4 . Status of burglar alarm ard�nance. 5. Discussion regarding ski corrala 6. Status of real e��.ate transfer tax. 7 . Budget update, 8. Status of Lo� 10. 9. Da.sc�ssion regard�nq VRA/TOV lease acl�.endum. 10. Discussian regarding escargots vendar. �1.. D.iscussion of sign amo�tizatian orda�nance. 12. Discusszon a� ordinance pro rating con-�ractors license fees. 13 . Di,scussion of rezon�ng o�dinance. 14 , Tk�e Mark � reques� �oa� resubclivisinn. 15 , niscussion of The Mark Special Deve].opment Dist�ict ordinanc�. 16 . Sel.by/Tofe�. (Li�onshead T�ieatre) � request for resubdivision and �or parking variance �'a� .�� cars. i � AGENDA VATL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 25 JANUARY 1977 2 : 00 P.M. l. I-70 Overpass status. 2 . 5ite 24 status. 3 . D�_scuss�on of contractor ' s license ord�nance. 4 . D�.scussion of sign amor�i,zation ordinance, 5. RE;port on Eagle County Pl�anning Co�unission meeting hE�1d on Januaxy ].9 (Weiss exemption and Lions Ridc�e Loop #2) . 6 . Di.scussion of Vail Westri.dge plans � Bennett Grove� px�oj�ct p�.anner. 7 . Px�eliminary consideratian of request �o� rezoning of Lc�t 9, Block �., Vai,� Potato �atch, trozn HDIuiF to MDP�F -- Bc►b Lazzer. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK S�SSION 1 �EBRUARY 1977 2 : 00 P.M. 1. �iscuss�on o� Rea1 Estat� Transfer Tax . 2, D�scussion of �ater/sewage trea�xnen� faci�i�zes. 3 . Discussion �egarding transien� vendoxs' ordinance, 4 . Discussion regarding ski tax. 5 . Band election reso�ution. 6. Lot 10 �ease and purchase agreement reso�u��an. 7 . Cont�acto�s ' registration ordinanc�. 8 . Sign amortiza�ion ord�nance. 9. The Mark Envirnnmental Impact Report. 1Q. Manor Vail - reguest �o� se�back v�riance. 11. Discussion regarding ice skating noise. 12 . Sit� 2� c�nsu�tants & TJM �o be here February 14�16 . �3 . Other matters. EXECUTTVE SESS�ON � � AGENDA VAIL TOTnTN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION DES�GN REVT�W BOARD JOZNT WORK SESS�ON 8 FEBRUARY �97 7 2 : 00 P.M. �1. General palicy di.sc�ssion. 2 . Discussion of parking situation. 3 . 5ales tax r�po�t. 4 . Cloud seeding report. 5. Pre�..zmina�y discussian of hazard zoning ardinance. 6 . Repo�t an fixc�pl.ac� study. 7 . Vail Associates -- reques-t for res�bdivision and rezaning of Lot l , Block 2 , Potato �atch. EXECUTIVE SESSION � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCTL WORK SE55ION 15 FEBR�IARY 1977 12 : 00 NOON l. Site 24 discussian,. 2. Discussian of budget xevision�. 3 , Discussion of �eal e�ta�e transf�� tax. 4. Merv Lapin �- xega�ding trash. 5. Y�-70 Overpas� reso�.ution. 6 , Supp�.ementaZ apprapriation o�dinance (claud seeding) . 7 , Repart on Vail Westridge. 8 . J.C. Griffin -- reguest �o� setback variance for Lot 11, B1ock 2 , Gore Creek S�bdivision. 9. Se1.by/Tofel (Lionshead Theatre) - �eques� for resubdivision. EXECUTIVE SESSION � , AGEND�, VAIL TOWN COUNC�L WORK SESSTON 22 FEBRUARY 1977 z : oo P.M. 1. Special meet�.ng regarding amendment of MarCh 29 bond election resolution. 2. Bob Green7.ee - x�egarding �aossib�e Ax�I radio s�tation. 3 . Judy �eck - NWCCOG. 4 . West Vai1 annexa�ion. 5. Cable TV. 6. Updat� on Bigha�n and Sandstone bu.s routes. 7 . Discussion of am�nclment to transient vendors ' ardinance. & . Bob Laziex� - �ezaning �equ�st, Lat 9, Bl.ock 2 , Vai�/ Po�ato Pa�.ch, �xom HI�MF to MDMF . 9 . Dauglas Barwick - request far resubdivision, Lot 14 , B�.ock 4 , i3ighorn. Third Addition. EXECUT�VE SESSTON i i AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L � WORK SESSION � 1 MARCH 1977 2 : 00 P.�. l. Cab1e TV. 2 . VRA Iease. 3 , Co�orado Rivers Counci� � reques� for funding . 4. March 29 bond eZection. S. Appaintmen� of inember to Board of Appea�s for the Building Code, Sec�ion 204 of Uniform Building Code. 6. Se�by/Tofel - Prqposal i - reques� for setback variance, � Proposal 2 � request for s�tback � parking variances. 7 . M�ckey Sa�Ioway � appea2 of DRB decision. 8 . Ca�twxigh�/MueZ�er - request for resubdivision of Lot 8 , Vail Village lOth �iling. - _ 9. Transie�t Vendors ordinance. ia. Douglas Borvaick - xequest for _resubdivisian af Lot 14 , Block 4 , Bighorn Thircl Adclit.ion. 11. Tour of Borwick property and of proposed We:s� Vai1. annexation area. � � AGENDA VA�L TOWN COUNCTL WORK SESSION ].2 : 0 0 NOON l. Tour: Borwick site. Sel.by/Tafe1. site. Salloway canopy, West Vai3. . 2. Bob Lazier re Lo-� 9 , Block 2 , Vail/POta-to Patch. 3 . Si�e 2� . 4 . 1.976 Financi.al. Repo�f.s. 5. Town o� Vail insurance. 6. Growth Managemen� S�udy. 7 . 'Transi�nt Vendors ordinance. i i AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESS�ON 15 MARCH 1977 2: 00 P.M. l . Site 24/Sun Va�ley report/Sprankle contract. 2. West Vail annexa��.on. 3 . Discussion o� proper�y taxes, 4 . Ma�ch 29 bond e1ec��an fac� sheet� 5 . Tonight' s agenda ; a. Dick E�ias �- Growth Management report. b. Transient vendors ordinance. c. Mickey Sal�oway appeal . d . Motion to reconsider Lazier r�quest. 6 . Merv Lapin - request for variance to construct single family residence on Lot 7 , Vail Village 2nd Fi1.ir�g. There is an exi�ti.ng sz.nc�I.e �'am�.Iy residence on the lat, 7 . John R. & Ma�-jorie J. Hemby ava�.anche xeport - Lot 16, Bighorn Subdivisian. 8 . Ka.-�hryn R. , Ruth E. , & Howard M. Benysh - request �o� GRFA var.iance and setback variance for Unit 7 , Bighorn T�rrace. 9. Se1by/Tofel - �equest for pa�king va�iance (also on -�onight' s agenda) . 1.Q . Update an Lions Ridge Loop 2 and Vail Westr�dge. � � AGENi�A VAIL TOWN COUNC�L I�ORK S�SSIOTI 22 MARCH 1977 2 : 0o p .r�€. l . VRA/VA - �egarding summer adver�ising. 2 . Discussion of parking contrac�s. 3 . Disc�.ssion: regarding c�oud seeding. 4 . Discussian regarding Si�e 24/Sprankle contrac�. 5 . Raport on ped�strian ove�pass bid open.ing. b . ��arketing strategy for $450, OOQ bond issue. 7 . Discussion regarding bus maintenance faci�ity. $ . Growth Management Study. 9 . Repo�t on County planning meet�.ng. I0 . Piercc/Nilsson �- �equest �o� GRFA variance for units 10D and 15D , Sands�one 70 . EXECUT�VE SESS20N i � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 29 MARCH 1977 �.2: 00 Naon DON'T FORGET TO VOTE l. West Vail Associatian � re annexat�on of West Vail. 2 . Herman Maricich - re ice arena cove�ing. 3 . Ordin.ance re Desi�gn Review Baard changes. 4 . Discussion af CCI parking cantracts. 5. Discussion o£ summe.r �ecreation programs. 6. Grnwth Management Meeting. 7 . Poor Richards/Sho�t Swing - Parce7. B acquisitian praposal . � � AGENDA VATL TOWN COUNCIL WORK S�SSZON 5 APRZL 1.977 2 : 00 P.M. l. Discussion regarding Grow�h Manageznent mee-k�.ng. 2 . Ordinances for tanight: Tr.ansi.ent vendors Snoxt term borrowing in the amount of $450, 000. 00 3 . Disctxssion of proposed West Va�l. annexation � possib�.e districting of TOV; bonded indebtedness, etc. 4 . Februaxy, 1977 , fa.nancial reports. 5 . Appointment of inember to Board of Appeals far Unifoxm Building Code. 6. Discussion of summer recrea-�ion p�agrams. 7 . Recommendations fram Town A�torney rega�ding Courcheve� v. TaV ru�.ing. $ . Poo� Richards/5hoxt Swi�g - Parcel B acquisition proposal. 9. Reconsiderati,on of Ordinance Na. 8 , Sexies of 1977 , rezon�.ng Lot 9 , B�.ock 2, Vail/Potato Patch from HDMF ta MDMF -- Bob Lazi�x. 1.0. Mickey Sal.locvay/Gondola Ski Shop - app�al of Design Review Board decision. 11. P.ie�ce/Ni.1.�san - request for GRFA variance for units lOD and 15D, Sands�one 70 . • � AGENDA VATL TOWN COUNC�L WORK SESSTON �.2 APRIL I977 1 : 00 P.M. l. Report on sale of $450 , 000 G.O. Bonds to Bank o� Vai�.. 2. P�e�iminary summer projects/revised budgc�t -- Open Space/ Capital Tmprovements F'und. 3. Discussion af summer music program. 4 . Preliminary discussion o� Publyc T^TOrks maint�nance £aca�lity. 5. Discussion af passible districting o� the Town o� Vai7.. 6. D.].SCt15510ri of proposed Real Estate Trans�er Tax Ordinance. 7 . Prel�.minary discussion o�' proposal from Se�by/Tofel re L�bxa�y space in Vail Prafessional nuilding. 8 . Battle Mountain Recreation League �equ�st for funds. 9. Znterview w.�-th Donald J. Potter, appli.cant �or Building Code Soard of Appea.�s. 10. Discussion o� proposed Hazard Zonin:g Ordinance. 11. D�.scussion of resalution approving sale af Parce7. B to Fitzhugh Scat�E, Vai�. Athletic C1.ub. 12. Vail Athletic Club - reques�. �or bulk and offset variances. 13 . Kaiser Morcus - z'eques-t to vacate Vail Lionshead Fifth Filing and ta apprave Mo�cus Resubc�ivision� 14. Announcement of open.ings on Planning Commissian and Design Revaew Board. � � AGENDA VAIL '�OWN COUNC�Z WORK SESSI�N �9 APR�L Z9�� 2 : 00 P.M. l. �ick Peterson/F�ed Ot�to - re Lionshead parking. 2. P�esentation of� Hazard Zoning Ordinance. 3 . Presenta-�ion re �ublic Wo�ks main�enance facili�y. 4 . Chuck Ogilby - �equest to move Poor Richards building to Apo1�.o Paxk. 5. Resolu�ion to 5e13. Pareel B ta Vail Athl.etia Club. 6 . First reading of Bond ordinance tonight. 7 . Discussian of Town At-torney' s memo �egarding Counci7. procedures. �XECUTIVE SESS�ON • • AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESS�ON 26 APRTL 1977 2 : 00 P.M. 1.. Vail. Resort Association -- discussion of m��.tiple use a� Vail Ic� Ar�na. 2 . Presen�ation �egarding Public Warks maintenance facili�y. 3 . Merv Lapin - proposal regarding Library space. 4 . Discussi.on a� use df Red Sands�one Road for Iogging trucks. 5 . Apolla �ark proposal regarding Poor Richards bui�ding. 6. Part IT - discu5sion of Haza�d Zoning O�dinance. 7 . Disc�ssion r�gardir�g assistant building o�£icz.al. 8 . PrESentation regarding Ge�a1d R. Ford �ark. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCTL V��qRK SESSION 3 MAY 1977 12 : 00 NOON 1. Discussion regarding a�cha.-�ects {Requests for Propasa�.$) far Site 24 Tce Arena covering . 2 . Discussion regarding Coun-�y transportation sys�em grant, 3 . F�esen�.atian regaxding Gerald R. Fo�d Park. 4 , Tour of prospective sites �or Public Works maintenancc facility. 5. Reso�.u�tion in support of County dog con�ro� measures, 6. Resolution in oppositian ta S�ate co�lected, lacally shared sal.es tax. 7 . Ordinance adopt.ing Vail Town Code. . 8. Merv Lapin � proposal regardinq Library space. 9. DisCUSSion o�' use of Red Sands�one Raad by 1.ogging trucks. 10. Aouglas Borwick - request for resubdi.vision of Lot �.4 , B�.ock 4 , Bighorn Third Addi-�ion. 11. Di�cussion of Manor Vai1. street vacatian, 12. Va�.I Athletic C1uta - request for building leng�h variance. I3 . Vaa.�. Vzllage Tnn Environmental Impact S�a�ement. 14 . P�elzmznary discu�sion of Su.nburst request for rezoning and resubdivis�.on. 15. �istribution of Town o� Vail audit reports. EXECUTIVE SESSION i i Agenda VATL TOWN COUNCTL WORK SESSION 10 MAY 1977 2 : 00 P.M. 1. Time�able - Summer Bond Electian Necessary �o �ormal�.y "cal� �or election" at the June '7 council meeti.ng a.n order to have Augus� 2 bond election. Three questions. l. $1. 8 f�r arena 2. ? land for pub�ie works maintai.nence faci�ity 3. real cstate transf�r tax question 2. S�a�us of Public Works Facili�y Site 3 . Sta-�us of County Bus System 4 . Summ�r Day Gare for children 5 and undcr 5. 1.977 Audi� Repor� - Reva.ew wa��h Auditoxs on May 1.7th 6. Library / Dogs 7 . Status of Ch�ck Point Char7.ie 8. Status o� �oxd Paxk Development 9. 1978 Budgetary Proces� - �ero Base Sudgetinq 3.0. March Sales Tax - af� I2. 5� from 1975 i1. 5tatus o� West Vai�. Annexation 12. Status of Growth Management 13, Join� Mee�ing - �'own Council and Planning Commission Thursday, May 12, 1977 at 3 : 00 p.m. Review major proposed Developments as follows : a. Vail Vil�.age znn - Phase II b. Vail Run c. The Spa 14 . 5tatus of A�sistant Building Of�icia�. 15. �tezns which Council may wish to discuss . � AGENDA VAIL '�OWN COUNCIL WORK SESSTON 24 MAY 1977 z : oo � .r�. l . Fam Carton �- Planr�.ing Commiss�on ,items , 2. Frank Pettv, Ski C�.ub Vai3., r�garding �ease af Ski Club buzld�.ng. 3 . Cha�l.es Blomfiel.d �- discussion of Des�gn Review Boa�d process. 4 . Considexa�.ion o� �eques� £ro� Bob 'Parker �o send Ie��er to F .A.A. regarding propos�d Avon. airpor�. 5 . Review/upda�e of Town of Vail summer pro��ctse a . Fo�d Park b. Crossroads c . Village Cc�nter/streambank improvements 6 . Updat� on Publ�c Works �nain�enance �acility. 7 . Upda-�e an Grow�h Managem�nt. 8 . Update on County tran�po�f.ation system. 9 , Review of Vail Vill.age Inn SDD 6 , Phase �T , and W� Envix�anmental Trnpact Re�!ort. i0 . Repoxt rega�ding County Pl.anning Commission meeting. �.1. . Update on Mall Ac�. • • AGENDA VAZZ, '�OWN CDUNCIL WORIC SESSION 27 MAY I977 2 : 00 P.M. 1. 1]iscussion o� Town of Vail �ummer projects: a. Cross�oad� b. V�.11age Centez� c. Ford Pa�k 2 . John Kates - reques� to p�ace historica� si.gn on VaiZ Transpo�tation Center. 3 . Update on County Transpo�tatian 5ystem. 4 . Upda�e on praposed Wes� Va.�l annexation. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COt3NCIL WORK SESSTON 7 JUNE 3.977 12 : 00 Noon 1. Discussion of parking issue and r�commEndations of Planning Commission for CCT. 2. Discussion re appa.intment of Chairrnan for P�.anning Comma.ssion. 3 . Selby/Tofel - Rucksack request �or parking variance. 4 . Tom Briner - The Spa request for bu�.ldi.ng bulk and setback variances. 5. Colo�ado Mountain College -- request for conditional use permit to e�ec� summer t�nt. b. Ho�.y Cross �lectric - requ�st for conditional. use permit to in�tall gas pump. 7 . W�.liiam Ruaff -- Vai� Village znn rec�uest for approval of Pha�e II and for app�oval of Envzronmental Impac-� Report. 8 . Y. O. Gu��s - request for pushcart vending license. 9. Golden Peak House - request �'ar encraachment of re�ai.nzng �+ra7.1. an. TOV praperty. 10. Ski Club Vai7. - �equest �'or TQv sponsarship of Four�h o� Ju�y rodeo, 11. Discussion. af dedicata.on of Gerald R. Fo�d Park. 12. Jordan Hochstadt - discussion regarding Check Point Charli�. 1.3 . Status af propased West Vail annexation. 14 . Status o� Colorado Rivers Council fund.ing �equest. EXECU�'IVE SESSION � � AGENDA VAIL T4WN CQUNCIL WORK SESSION l� �UNE I977 2 : 00 P.M. �.. Di.scussion regaxding p�oposed Avon S��.L,po�t. 2. Ed �xager - Planning Commission items . 3 . Th� Spa - request far W�ii length variance, 4 . Y.O. Guxts - pushca��. r.,equest. 5 . Discussion o� Eag1e County P�an.ning Commission items. 6 . Katy Nug�nt, VRA - request for funding of Fourth of Ju1y rodeo. 7 . Dick Hart, Colorada Rivers Cauncil - request for funding. 8 . Merv �apin - p�oposal �egarding "pod buildings" . 9. Dav� Co�.� - Timberline Proper-�ies szgn. 10. Ma�.l Act Citizens ' Committee meeting. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L WORK SESS20N 21 JUNE 1977 2: 00 �.M. HAPPY FTRST DAY OF SUMMER! 1. Dudley Abbott - Planning Comm�ssion it�ms, 2. The Spa - request for �taall 3.eng�h varianCe. 3 . Y.O. Gurts - pushcart request. �. Studio in the Rockies - reques� �'ox joint us� parking agreement. 5. Sunburst - discussi.on o� proposed resubdivision and contrac�uaZ agreements. 6. Jay Pulis - discussion of resubdivision ESunburst) . 7 . Bob Vo].ite� - request for se-�back variance {garage) . $ . Eagle County Planning Commission report. 9. D15CL1SS3..011 �egardi,ng Ski Club Vail bui].ding. 10. Disct�ssion regaxding TOV Iandscaping. ii. Supplemental appropriation ordinance - Colorado Rive�s Council �or $2 , 000. 1.2. Town Manage� items. � + AGENDA VAIL �OW[�T COUNGIL WORK SESSION 28 JUNE 1977 2 : 00 P .M. I.. Vai�. Insti�ute - request for funding. 2 . Fi�zhugh Scott -- cliscu�sian of proposed pond k�ehind VaiZ Athletic Club. 3 . To�xr af Vail Ath�.e�ic Club property and Pu3�is Sunburst prope�ty. 4 . Planning Commissian items. 5. Vail Tn�ti-tute - prela.minar_y consideratian o� renuest �ar conditional use pe�mit far tent, 6. Mike Palmer - preliminary considex�ation of �equest to rezone �he Cornice �rom HDMF to CCI. 7 . Alaskan Shop - r�quest to a1Zow gold panning and wood carving demon�stration� in front o� shop during Faurth o� July. � � AGENDA V�1�L TOL7rd COUNCIL WORK SESSI01`d 5 �7ULY 197 7 2 : 0� P.M. 1. Report on water con�ingency plans . 2 . Planning Commission i�em,s. 3 . Dick F1.a.as residenc� - reques� �or GRFA variance. 4 . Deane Knox - reques�. for vacation o£ �raperty Iine between Lat A8 and Lat A9 , Lion� Ri.dge Subdiv�sion, Filing #1. 5. Mike Palmer - pre�iminary considera�.ian of rezoning of Corni.ce property from HDME' to CC�. 6 . FDMT - discussion of contraatual agreements regarding rezoning and resubdivision of Sunburst. 7 . Pulis - request for resubdivision of Vai1 Valley Third Filing. 8. Vai�. Va11ey Medical C�nter - request for condi�a.onal use permit �o al�.ow ho�pita� addition, bu�lding bulk contral va�iances, variance from eovered parking reauire- men-�, and reru�st to vacate praperty line between Lat � and Lat F, Vai1 Vzllage Second Fi7.ing. 9. Town of Vail rezona.ng of Katsos P�operty and Lionshead parking lo�s. 10. Ordinance No. 14 , Series of .�977 , res-�ructuring the Des.ign Revaew Baard. 11. Ran Ha�.1ey - regarding Go�e Va11ey ��Iater Distr�.ct avalanche situation. 12. S�atus of Transportation G�ant. � � AGENDA VATL '�OW�I COUNC�L [^lORK S�SSION 12 JULY 1977 2 : 00 P.M. l. P1.anning Commission items. 2. Eagle County P7.an.z�inc� Cor�unission �eport. 3 . Repar� regarding Pulis �.and �rade (resu�division o� Va�.l Va11ey Third Filing) . � . R�port �egarding FDP�II (Sunburst) request for r�zona.ng and resubdi.v�sion. 5. Report on Zonzng Ordinance requ�.rements regarding consultants ' �ees. 6 . Brooktree Condominiums requ�s� rec�arding clean--up o� McAlister prop��ty. 7 . Review of plans and budget fnr East Meadow Mal.l z.mpro�crem�nts. 8 . Review of plan5 and budget for ���st Lionshead Loop Iand- scaping improveznents . 9 . Mauntain Rivers Substance Abuse Task Force - request for �unding. I0. Sta�.us of Transpartation Demonstra�ion Progxam Grant. I1. On-site discussian ��ga�ding Tract A fenc�. EX�GUTTVE SESSION � • AGEPIDA VAIL �OWN COUNCl�L WORK SESSION 19 JULY .�977 2 : OD P.M. l. Planning Commission items. 2 . Sunburst (�'DMI) - r�qucst �or approval of �inal pla-�. 3 . Corrzice -- request for encroachrnent o� re�.aa.ning wall on TOV property. 4 . Timber Falls -- avalanche control. p�oposal. 5. Discuss.ion regarding West Vai� annexatian. 6. Status of public works ma.�n-�enance �acility. 7 . Tour of t�ro �ots proposed to be traded to Pulis (Sunburst) . � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCZL WORK SESSION 2 AUGUSi Z977 12 : 00 Naon 1. Joint session with Vai.� Water and Sanita�ion D.is�rict Boaxd o� Directors. 2. Everett and Ziege7. - contract rati�ication and selection of contracto� for Si�� 24. 3. P�anning Commi�sion iter.ls. 4 . Antlers - x'equest for GRE'A variance. 5 . Puli.s - r�quest fo� final subdivi�ion approval. and �or rezoning (Sunburst) . 5. FDMT - reqrxest �or �inal subdivision approval and for rezoning �or S�n.burst. 7 . N�ike Palmer - reques� for enc�oachznent on TOV p�opar�ty �or the Galden Peak House. 8 . S�atus of McAllister site c7.ean--up. 9. Resolution call.ing bQnd election �or Octaber 4 , 1977 . 10. Stanley' s numbe�s regarding October 4 bond election. 11. Status of Vail Symposium/Seven. �.2. Di.scussion regarding next Ma11. Ac� Cammitt�e meeting. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWrI COUNCIL WORK SESSTON 9 AUGUS'� 1977 2 : 00 P.M. 1.. �oint session with Planna�ng Commission regarding the Mark. 2 . Golden Peak House - request for �ncroachment on�.o Town of Vail property. 3 . Je�'�' Selby -- regarding a1ley by the Rucksack. 4. Abe Shapiro � land exchange proposal. 5 . Marinc� WorZd/A�xyca USA - request to opera�e horsc-drawn s1.�igh. 6. Dr. Steinberg - re�or� regarding Mountain Rivers Substance Abuse Council reque�t for f�nding. 7 . Recreation Depart�ent x�eques� �or �uncls regarding Sands�.ane Elernenta�y School. 8 . Discussion r�garding r�al estate t�ans�er tax and grow�h management e�ections. 9. bisc�zssion of possible trip to Boulder rec�arding �aiis and op�n space acqu.isi'�ion. L0. Tour of PuZis dup�.ex lots in �ega�d to possib�.e �.and -�xade. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCTL 'G,TORK SESS�ON 16 AiIGUST 19"�7 i :�o �.M. 1,. Meet at a�.ley between Rucksack and Red Lion Tnn. 2. Growth Nlanagement presentation - Subcammittee on Con�.rol Technic�ues. 3 . D�,cussion r�c�arding �.�gal requirements �or real estate transfer tax election. 4 . Planning Commi�sio� items. 5 . Discussion regarding Cedar Point Townhouses, Bighorn. 5 . Ogilsby - prel.iminary consideration of reques� for GRFA variance �ox Lot 13 , Black 5, Vai1 Vi�.lage First Fi�.ing. 7 . Ordznance Nd. 18 , Se�ies af 1977 , rezoning Vai.� Valley Thircl Filing. 8 . Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1977 , vacating the plat and str�ets and ways af Sunburst and approvin.g �he res�bc�ivi.sion af portions thereof. 9 . Ordinance No. 20, Series o� 1977 , annexing a part of the N �./2 NW 1/4 0� Section 9 , T. 5S. , R.80�T. , o� �he 6�.h P.�4. , Eagle County, Co�.orado (Pulzs) . 1Q. Resalutzon No. 15 , 5eries of 1.977 , ta redeem Bighorn Street Improvement Dis�.ra.ct bonds. 11. Discussion of I977-�78 tTail mransportatian Center ra�es. 1.2 . S�atus of proposed [n7est Va�.� annexa�ion. 1,3 . Status o�' ice arena. ].4. Discussia� �egarding proposed ath�.etic field fenceA 15. Discussion regard�ng extending Brass Quintet contr�ct for one week. �.6. �,oca�. Liquor Licensing Au�hority appointments. EXECUTTVE SESSION � � VAIL TOWN C�UNCIL woRx sESS�oN 30 AUGUST 1977 2 : �0 P.M. l. Planning Commi�si.on it�ms. 2 . Report r�ga�ding propos�:d �.and trad� by Abe Shapiro (�our?) . 3 . Vail. Trails �a5t, Vail Trails West, Texas Townhouses, and A1.1 Seasons - �eques� for vaca�.ian of Gare Creek Drive. 4 . Lionshead Plaza - request for eneroachment of covered b�,s stop onto Town of Vail property. 5. Von Al�men -- reques� far encroachment of addi�ional parking on.to street right a� way. 6. Report �egaxding appeal o� DRB deci�ian regarding Criss residence. 7 . Report r�gard�ng wat�r saving devic�s £or toilets , showers, etc. 8 . Eagle County Planning Canunission item -- proposed subdiv'ision of Vai.l das Schone. 9. Proposed Growth Management amendm�nts ta Zoning Ordinance. 10. Propos�d ore�inanc� revisinn �7ail l�unicipal Cod�, �itle 9 and Tit1.e 6. �,1. Status o� Ice Arena architect contract. 1,2 . Report �rom Police Departmen�t regarding parking in cor� area. 13 . Status o�' �rip to Bould�� September 7 rega�di�zg mall� and open space acquisi�.ion. l�. Discussion of Club 20 �eques� �'or funding. 15, Liquar Board appla.ca�ions . EXECUTTVE SESSTON . � AG�NDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L WORK SESSION 6 SEPTEMBER 1977 2 :00 P.M. l. Planning Comm�.ssion i�ems. 2 . Vail Associat�s Shop -� request far condi�iona� use permit. 3 . Tom Le�oy, Lot 21. , Vail Meadows Filing #� - request for setback variance. 4 . The Mark - amendm�nts to SDD7 . 5. Eagle County Planning Commission upda�e. 6. Merv Lapin xe Eagle Coun�y Trash. 7 . Report �e propas�d expansion of Gandola I bui.�ding. 8 . Repor-t re water canse�vat�on devices. 9. Presentation xegarding air quality study. 10. Forest S�rvice - presentation regarding RARE �I. 1]., Status o� Ice Arena. EXECUTIVE SESSTON � �- � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 2Q SEPTEMB�R 1977 2 : 0� P .M. l. Planning Commission items . 2 . Courchevel - discussion of s-�ipulat�.ons. 3. Gore Creek Associates -- preliminary �eview of propased amendment to SDD4 and proposed Glen Lyon subdivisi.on. 4 . Vai�1 Run - p�eliminary review of �roposed amendment ta SDD5 for rezona.ng. 5. Abe Shapiro - prelim.�nary discussa.on of proposed down- zoning af Lot 26 , Block 2 , Vai�. Vi.11age 13th ra.�ing. 6 . Gore Range IT , Warne� Propertzes - pre�iminary discussion of proposed downzoning and preliminary desa.gn for �mp3.oyee hausing pro�ect. 7 . Uihlein - request for vacation of prope�-�y line and ea��mer�-� for Lots 4 and 6 , Blacic 3 , Vail V�1.�.age 3rd F�.Ia.ng , and request for variance to allow dwelling unit over garage. 8 . Temporary reappointment of Bi11 Hanlon to P�.anning Commission. 9. Staf� �epart rega�di.ng Heavy Services Dist�ic�.. �.Q. John A. Behrend - application �or appointment to Design Revi�ta Boax'd. 11. Discussion o� proposed 1.and trade for Vail Va�ley Third Filing. 12 . Y.O. Gurts - reques� for �enewal af ag�eemen-� to operate di.sconnected retai� o�tlet on priva-�e property. 13 . S�ev� Cadwell - request �o operate horse-drawn s�eigh. l�. Dave Gorsuch - regarding landscapin.g near Gor�uch, Ltd. 15. biscussion regarding acquisition and improvement of Go1.f Course park�.ng lot. � 16 . Discussion regarding annexation po�.i.cy for ��Test Vai1 a�ea. l�. Liquor Baard appointments. 18 . O�'dinances e a. Nor�h F't�1.is annexation. b. Use of txash dumps�ers . c. Supplemen�al ap�a�opriation from F.ecreational Amenit.ies �'�nd - $67 ,�20 . 00 . d. Water con�ervation devices . Resalution.s : a. �mplementation of Mall Act. b. Regarding Federal Anti-Recession Fisca]. Assistance paym�nts . 19. Sta�us of Tce Arena publ�.c pr�sentation. �XECUT�VE SESSION ,�� . � � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN CO��d�i� WORK SESSIOIV 27 SEPTEMBE� 1977 2:00 PM i . Planning Commission items 2. Eac��e County Planning Commission items: a. Rvon Stolport b. Vai Das Schane F�ling #4 3. Gore Range II - Design Review Appea� 4. 5teve Cadwel7 -� request for approval of hayr�de opera�ion 5. 5upplementai a�propria�3on for water cons�rvat�on devices. 6. �eport regarding Cedar Paint Town houses 7. Discussion regard�ng October 4 bond elec�ion EXECIlTIVE SESSIOiV � � AGENDA VATL TQWN COUNCIL woR� s�sslaN a oc�og�R �9�� 2:00 �.�. 1 . Planning Commissian i�ems 2. Repor� regardir�g technical data of proposed Avon Sto7port 3. Resolution to adap� comprehensive p�an 4. Ordinance to amend �oning Ordinance to a7�ow priva�e club as cond�tional use in LaMF and RC zones. 5. Discuss�on of 1977-78 rates for Va�T 7ransportation Center 6. Discussion of water conserva-�ion program 7. D�scuss�on of canopy design far pedestrian overpass 8. D75CU5S'lOt� of request for route c�tange by Steve Cadwe1l operator o�F "Hayride5" 9. Appointment ofi members ta Loca7 E.icensing Au�hority EXECUTIVE SESSION Ordinances scheduled for pub7ic mee�ing tonight include: Ordinance #22 - regardir�g water conservatian dev3ces - second reading Ordirtance #23 - regarding refuse �n pu�l�c places - second reading Ordinance #24 - supplemental ap�ropriation from Rec. Amen�ties Fund - second reading Or�dinance #25 - Annexir�g a portian af �ul �s Ranch - second read�ng Ordinance #26 - Amending �oning Ordinance �or Private C7ubs - first reading Resolution #19 - Adopting the Town's Comprehensiv� P7an i � AGENDA VRIL 70WN COUNCIL REGULAR �ORK 5ES5ION 71 OCTOtSER, 1977 2:00 PM 1 . Interviews with appiican�s for pasitior�s on Planning Commission anc� Sign Corr�ittee o� Design Rev�ew Bo�rd One pasit�on open on P7ann�ng Commissian: Appiicants are: Scott �iopman J�m Potter Toni 8erns Dennis ��linshal7 Will f�il7er Twa positions open or� S�gn Comm�ttee of Design Review Board App�ica�ts are: Tani Berns Fred Distelhorst Gai7 Strauch 2. Plann�ng Commission Items 3. Discussion regar�ing proposed use af soccer field parking ]ot for winter parking 4. Discussion of proposal to lease priva�e parking spaces 5. Discussion regard�nc� Stolport let�er 6. Renor� on status of EDA grant EXECUTIVE SES5ION � a ZENA�IVE A�ENDA VAI� TOWN C011NCTL REGULAR WORK SESSION �8 OCTOBER, 1977 2:00 PM 1 . Presentatian and Discussion o� Capitol improvements Program 2. Discussion af �oldola I Building 3. Discuss�on of �rdinance # 27, Series of 1977, regarding Tax An�icipation iVotes 4. Discussion of Reso1utio� # �9 autharizing Publ�c Sale of 2.3 Mi7lion Dollars in Bonds 5. Preser�tat�or� regarding opera�ian of Vai7 Nature Center dur�ng wi nter mor�ths 6. �iscussion af proposed �ncreases in salar�es -For Counc�7 and appointed commiss�ons 7. D�scussion of Chr�stmas pragrams 8. Planning Cammiss�on items � � .AGENUA VA�L TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSYON 18 OCTOBER 3.9 7 7 2 : OQ P.M. l . P7.anning Coinmissinn �tems. 2 . Appeal of Design Review Boa�d approval of Parsons duplex on Forest Road. 3 . Ordinance No. 28 , Series of ,1977 , amending ar.d resubdividing SD��! {G�.en Lyon)_ . 4 . Ordinance No. 29 , Series of 1977 , ar:tending SDDS (Vail Run) by rezoning portions thereo� �rom RC to SDD. 5. Presen,tation of Capi�al �mprav�ments P�ac�ra�n. 6. Discuss�.on �egardzng R�al Eatate Trans�e� Tax. 7. Discuss.�on regarding 1977--78 vTC rates . 8. Presentation regarding o�e�ation o� Nature Cen�er duri.�c� winter rnonths. a. Discussion of salary increases £or Counci� and appointed commfssions . 1a. Ordinance No. 27 , Series of 1977 , r�garding Tax An�icipat.ion I3ate� . 1.1. Reso�ution No. 19 , Series of 1977 , au-�horizing pub�.ic sale of �2 . 3 mi�.li�n in bonds . 12. Discussion regarding Chris'�mas p�ograms . EXECUTTVE SESSTON � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNC�L WORK SESSTON 25 OCTOBER 1977 2 :00 P.M. 1. Planniizg Commission items. 2 . �nterview Gail Strauch for 5ign Committee of Design Review Board. 3 . Charlie Crowl�y re sales -tax reba-te. � . Fire Department/Building Offic�al -- re occupancy permits. 5. Public hear�.ng regarding Budget - General Improventent ni.strict. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCZL WORK S�SS�ON 1 NOVEMBER 1977 2 : OQ P.M. l. Vail Ski Museum - reques-t for fe�nding. 2 . Sta�us repor� on I-70 averpass. 3 . Vail Athletic Club - requ�:st for parking variance for 9 cars . 4. Ordinance No. 29 , r�zoning a po�tion o� Vai.�. Run £�am RC to S�D5. 5. Ordinance No. 3U , am�nding the Zoning Ordinance and rezoning sel.�cted pa�c�ls within the Town of Vail in accardance wi�h Growth Manageinen� recommenda�i.ons . 6. Ordinance No. 31, hazard zoning. 7. Sunburs� - request for name change. � � AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 8 NOVrMBER 1977 2 :Q0 P.M. 1. Planning Commission .�tems . 2 . Roge� Till�emeier, Vai�. Associates - regardin.g propas�d sale of Meadow A'lountaiz� -to Fores� S�rvice. 3 . Discussion �egarda.ng �978 Budget. 4. Discu�sion regarding proposed cantir�gency �und far 1.9'78 . 5 . Barry Stott - r�garding p�oposed Edwards airport. � � AG�NDA VATL TOWN C�UNCIL W�RK SESSIqN 15 NOVEMB�R 1977 2 : 00 P.M. 1.. P1.anning Commission items . 2 . Ba�tle Mountai.n. R�creation League request �or �unding. 3 . Brooktree Condominium Association proposal. to acquire Pa�cel B-7 , Lionsridge. 4. Discussi.on o� proposed expansion of Creekside Building. 5 . Brooktree Candominium Associa-�ion proposal t� acquire Parcel B--7 , Lionsridge. 6. Resolution regarding Vai1. A�soc.iates' sale af Meadow Mountain to U.S. Fores� Service. 7. Discussa.on regarding aix� quality. 8 . Review of Minutes. 9 . Review of proposed ].978 Budge-�. � � AGENDA VA I L TO�i]N C4UNC IL WORK SE�SI�N 6 DECEMBER 1977 2 : 00 P.M. l. Jose� Stau�er - reques� �or ��nds �or Vail Hospital. 2 . Ted Ma�t�n, Ski Club Vail - reques� for �unds for Buddy Werner League. 3. Planning ComtnYSSion items , 4. Creeksid� Building - app�al o� Zoning Administrator' s d�cision. 5. Y.O. Gurts - consideratian of specia�. permit . 6. Resubdi.vasion o� Tract D, Vail Village llth Filing , 7. Hellberg Residence , Vai1 Vi11a�e 3rd Filing - request �or variance to al��ow gravel dra.veway. S, Breakaway W�st - r�ques� for conditional use permi� to allow tempnrary swimmzng pool cover. 9. Alic� Parsons Res�dence - request �or encroachment of parking nn Fores� Road. 10. Ordinances : a. Re2oning o� North Pu1is property b. �nterim ��.nancz.ng re North �u1a.s proper�y c. Leas�ng o� pxivate pa�°king spaces d. Re saZe o� $2 ,350,000 in Bonds e. Annual. Apprapriation ardinance f. Supplemental appropria�ion fo� Rural Transportation Demanstration P�ogram Z1 . Discuss�.on re�ardi.ng Open Space/Capital Improvements Fund and Recreation Ameni.ties Fund. 12. Ja�n A. Dobsan Arena update and budget , 13 . Minutes for Novemb�r 15 & November 29, i977 , m�c�ings . �- � AGENDA VAIL TOWI�T COUNC�L WORK S�SSION 13 DECEMBER 1977 1.2 : 0 0 NOON 1.. Bob Byrd, Vail Run - xegarding SDD5. 2 . D�.scussion of capital improvemen�ts i�ems , 3 . D��cussian regardi,ng proposed vendors' fee. 4 . Vail Ath�.eti.c C].ub - discusszon regarding emp.loyee housing. 5 . Discussion regarding proposed Town Council/Vail Water & Sani�ation bistrict Board o�' Directors meeting. 6. Discussion o� proposed letter t4 Highway Depax�ment regarding Vail Pass . 7. Ernie Hen�y, Publi.c Servicc Co. - �egard�.ng change in bi.l�.ing p�ocedures. 8. Discussi.on regarding �ecreational plan for Ford Park. �_ � AGENDA VATL TOWN C�UNCIL WORK SESSTON 20 DECEMB�R 1977 2 : 00 �,M. 1.. Planning Comm�ssion items. 2 . McAlliste� P�operty - request for condit.ional use permit to a11ow priva�e club. 3 . T�andmark -- rec�uest for setback and parking variances. 4 . John Horan-Kates , Vai]. Associa�es , Inc. - regarding sumrner marketa.ng �epo�t. 5. Dobson Arena s�atus .