HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Submittal Completeness Letter August 3, 2007 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Attn: Bill Pierce 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive Fallridge, Unit C-1 Vail, CO. 81657 RE: Bridge Street Building – Final PEC Submittal Comments File No. PEC07-0039 Bill, Staff has completed a review of your recent submittal for a Major Exterior Alteration of the Rucksack building. As a result, Staff has identified the following issues and concerns relative to the overall completeness of the submittal. Specifically, certain required information is either missing from the submittal, or is presented in a format that is inadequate to allow Staff and the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission to carry out a final plan level of review. In addition, several of the outstanding issues listed below have been identified in previous meetings between Staff and the Applicant, or are items specifically identified by the PEC as needing to be addressed prior to any final submittal. Issues/Information Outstanding (incomplete submittal) Site Survey: while the plan sets include a survey reproduced on FP title block, the Town of Vail requires a true survey, for the parcel(s), complete with surveyor’s certificate and signature. Site Plan/Site Coverage Analysis: while different sheets of the plans depict general existing and proposed site improvements, please be reminded that a Site Plan should be provided on a separate sheet, inclusive of all existing and proposed site improvements. In addition, the Site plan should clearly indicate existing and proposed site coverage – this item was previously requested and/or listed on previous Staff memos as an outstanding issue. Building Height Analysis: while plans have been submitted showing roof ridge elevations over “existing” topography, please be reminded of requirements listed in the Town of Vail Urban Guide Plan; specifically the Plan restricts building heights within the Village Core and sets forth certain percentages of allowable building heights. An analysis of the total percentage of the building (with new roof form) heights around the structure will be required. Verification of Joint Property Owner Sign-Off: for Town of Vail records, please provide evidence that Jeffrey B. Selby, signatory for the Rucksack Condominium Association (as listed on the submitted Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, does in fact represent 80% ownership pursuant to paragraph 12 of the Condominium Declaration for The Rucksack Condominiums. Additional Issues and Concerns Pedestrian Bridge Regarding the required Site Plan, Staff suggests that further details are needed to adequately assess the appropriateness of any proposed pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek. Although Staff understands that this is merely a concept to address building and/or fire code compliance, more detailed information will be required prior to any further review pertaining to construction of the proposed bridge at or near the identified 100-year floodplain, as well as details of how such pedestrian connection will integrate with existing grades on the east side of Mill Creek. In this regard, please also address the viability of providing enhanced and/or required egress over portions of Lots A, B, and C to the north of Parcel 1. Site Coverage Staff reminds the Applicant that information regarding total site coverage has been requested previously and has not been provided on the final plan submittal set of drawings. This information will be required prior to any further review of the proposed plans. The Commercial Core 1 zone district permits a maximum of 80% site coverage; it is quite possible that existing site coverage exceeds this maximum, and that a variance may be required for any additional site coverage (new stair case and associated walls/columns). New Staircase and Site Walls Staff requests that further information be provided regarding the potential impact(s) of the proposed staircase construction as it relates to property lines and the existing spruce tree located on Lot E to the south of Parcel 4. Specifically, staff questions the likelihood of survival of this significant, existing tree given the proposed location(s) of the stair case wall, and any required footings/excavation; any footings and/or excavation necessary to construct the wall may impact or encroach upon adjacent property. As well, the proposed height of the staircase walls and associated/integrated columns on the south property line of Parcel 4 will most likely impact the tree, necessitating limbing of a significant portion of lower tree branches. In addition, Staff suggest that the proposed improvements (site wall and column/trellis structure associated with the staircase and new entry) adjacent to Bridge Street and between the Rucksack building and the Red Lion building are contrary to Guide Plan goals and objectives. Specifically, the low site wall proposed between the staircase and the column will effectively cut off pedestrian circulation between the two buildings (and storefronts) and interrupt an existing “activity pocket”. Staff suggests that this particular design element be studied to better comply with the objectives of the Guide Plan. Roof Form and Overhangs As previously discussed with Staff and PEC members, the proposed clipped gable roof form proposed to face Bridge Street is contrary to the considerations of listed in the Guide Plan. Specifically, the Plan states: “Roofs within the Village are typically gable in form and of moderate-to-low pitch. Shed roofs are frequently used for small additions to larger buildings. Freestanding shed roofs, butterfly roofs and flat roofs can be found in the Village but they are generally considered to be out of character and inappropriate. Hip roofs likewise are rare and generally inconsistent with the character of the Core Area. Towers are exceptions, in both form and pitch, to the local vernacular style, which should be respected.” The proposed clipped gable form, while not a true hip, is not well supported by the Guide Plan; nor is a clipped gable form prevalent within the fabric of the Village Core area. In addition, the Plan calls for generous overhangs, ranging from 3-6 feet. As discussed previously, although staff understands the code-driven intent to maintain proposed roof forms and overhangs associated with the second level expansion within the property line(s), the proposed west elevation overhang appears to be approximately 2 ½’ – 3’ and therefore falls short of compliance with the stated architectural guidelines of the Plan. Staff maintains that opportunities exist to revise the plans to incorporate an open gable form, perhaps with lower pitch and with more substantial overhang on the west elevation. Window Transparency and Balconies Although Staff agrees that the proposed main (pedestrian) level windows facing Bridge Street meet the intent of the transparency guidelines suggested in the Guide Plan, specifically listing the percentage of transparency on the plans or as part of an analysis of compliance with the Plan will be helpful in any final plan review. As previously discussed, the Guide Plan encourages the integration of balconies on second level façade walls. As stated in the Plan, balconies “give scale to buildings; give life to the street (when used); add variety to building forms; provide shelter to pathways below.” Staff maintains that an opportunity exists to integrate a balcony structure into the Bridge Street façade, while setting the second level back slightly from the street to create a larger overhang. With regard to the scheduled final plan review (File No. PEC07-0039), scheduled before the PEC on August 13, 2007, Staff suggests that the Applicant request that this file be tabled to the regularly scheduled PEC meeting of August 27, 2007, in order to all the Applicant additional time to address issues of submittal completeness, a potential variance request and outstanding issues of non-compliance with the Urban Guide Plan. In an ongoing effort to work with you and your client, Staff is available to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this submittal and the review process moving forward. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (970) 477-3551 or shunn@vailgov.com. Regards, Cc: Jay Peterson George Ruther Scot Hunn Warren Campbell Senior Planner File No: PEC07-0039 Town of Vail Community Development Department 3