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B08-0306 (2)
� ,� � T : / � „ , , �` TC}WNOFYAI� ' Town of Vail, Comrnunity Development, 75 Sauth Frontage Road,Vaii, Co6orado 81657 p. 970.4�792139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsecfions 970.4792149 / LT I T r it o r j �t . �� �.,�_�� � ��� � Job Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAII Status . . : ISSUEQ l.ocation......: �dRO PIANA, RUCKSACK BUiLDING Applied . . : O8(281�00$ Parcel No....: 2101d8244403 Issued. .. : '91M7/2p08 Expires. ..: 05/16/2009 OWNER ROSENC2UIST,RICNARD N.-BROW 08t28/2008 -SELBY,CHARLES 385 GLAYTQN ST DENVER �;. � �� ������ CO 8Q206-4228 APP�ICANT NIGHLAND BUILDERS CORPC�RATIO 08128/2008 Phone: (719)499-9248 PO BOX 6345 VAIL CO 81658 �icense:2Q8-A CQNTRACTOR HIGHLAND BUILDERS�ORPdRATiO 08/28/2008 Phone:(719)499-9248 PO BOX 6345 VAIL GO 81658 �icense:2d8-A Description: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Td CREATE RETAIL CLC7THING STflRE{LORO PIRNA) Occupancy: M Valuation: $2b0,Od0.Q0 Type Canstrucfiion:VA 7ata1 Sq Ft Added: 0 ��.���.�.����,�������>�.������������»�..,.���..««��«.�.«����,��,�.�,��.«�����.,.. ��,���..����.��.�.��.���������������.�,��}�,���.��.��...�������:�,,,�»��„�����,,,��.� FE�SU�IIMARY � Building Permit Fee------> $1,553.75 Wiil Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees------__.____> $6,367.69 Plan�heck> >---------------> $1,009.94 Use Tax Fee--°------------------> $3,800.00 Additional Fees--___--_--------_______> $O.pQ Add'I Plan Check Hours-y $0.00 f2estuerant Pian Review-----> $d.00 T07AL PEl�MIT FEES--------------> $6,367.69 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $d.00 Payments--°---------------------------> $6,367.�i9 Totai Calculated Fees--------> $6,367.69 BALANCE E7UE________________________> gp,pp ikt:kik:kt#iF#tRk�k:F�tW�k*kk:k�k�YkiR:kfikakf#R>k:k�kkiF#�krt:FYN:F:Yi:*�F'*k��**hltie:tl:tkt%W F:k***kkaFk**fr4**ik*:kiek*Yr***:FM:4:F:FicR�k#i:#L:k:F:FrtkrtY:rtx�rt###k:k-.Fk:k:kirirY:%�k:t��kt�taF:k:F�k:Ficrtie:k#:FfkitrtY::F:k:F**�vF�k****MR3#iY#:Fi!'fR*tf D�V 4MI\M 1�V IYS I hereby acknowiedge that i have read this appiication,filied out in infiormation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and s�axe xhat aI1 the information as required is correct. I agree to compiy with the infarmation and plot lan, omply with ali Tawn ordinances and state laws,and to builci#his sfructure according to the towns zoning and subdivi_si Qd�� d cian review ap roved, l rnational Building and Residentiai Codes and oiher ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ° �° F2EQUESTS FC}R Ihl� CTIO „ ALL BE iV1ADE T�NENTY-�CJ12 Ht3Ui25 IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH(}NE AT 970.479.2149 tiR A7 OUR tSFFIGE FRt}NI 8.OQ AM-4; FN�1 -'� � " ' , , �w ,. . . � �, ��°"�"� � ,�,:`�` Signatu Qf Own or ctor �-�.�� ' at' ������ ����� ��� ��� Print Name bid_ali_constructian_perm it_041908 *,��,�����,,,���,��,,���..�«��.�,���.���,,,�������.«,.��.��«��«.���������,,..�����,��,..�,..,�,��.,������„�,..�,�,,.�,W„�,>.����,.,,��<,���<,,.�,,.,�.��.��.�,�.��<�,��,��.����,�.�«,«.���. V L Permit#: Ba8-0306 as af 11-17-20t38 Sfatus: ISSUED Item: 051QQ BUILDING DEPARTME�IT 09/�91200$,cgunion Action: CR CORRE�TIflNS REQIJIRED em�iled applicant and architect F:icdev\CH RIS�PERMIT.CUMMENTS\B�8-(?306\�08-0306.C�OC �0130/2008 cgunian Actian: AP APPROVED CORRECI ED PLANS Item: 0540Q PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11/12/200� rlf Acti�n: RP I�em: 056Q0 FIRE C�EPARTMENT 11/11/2008 mvaughan Action: AP separ�te fire alarm and sprinkler stamped shops are required. ����,�����,����,��.�����,����,��,�,.�„��.�.���t.,�,�����.�,,.,��.������W W,������,��,.�,«������..�„�..���,k�w,�����������..���,>,�„�����<.��,�,����,��������,�W,�����,�«���,.��,��������� See the Cc�nditians sectian of this �ocument fcsr any th�t rr�ay app�ly. bid_ei4_construction_perm it_041908 u � �.. G ITI F V L Permit#: B08-0306 as af 11-17-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 1 (FIRE}: FiF�E DEPARTMERIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY Wt7F2K CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIC7NS ARE REQUIRED TO CNECK Ft)R CC)DE CC7MPLIANCE. Cond: CON0010399 FIELD VEREFY ALL DUC7RS PROVIDE A MINIMUM 32" [�ET CLEAR OPENING. ARCHITECT SHOWING 2'-10" DOC�RS Cond: CUN001{�443 NC) FRAM(NG INSPECTION CAN t�CCUR UNTI�Ct�REI�HELL FRAMING IS APPRUVED llNDER 808-0072 bld_ait_construction_perm it_d41908 � � ��*����*��������*�������������������������*����*�*�������*��*��:������������������������*���� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ����*�*�**�*****��*��*��*���**����������***��**�**��**����������*��*�**���**��**����*����*�� Statement Number: R080d02197 Amount: $5, 317.69 11/17j200810c31 AM Payment Method: Check Init: RLF Natation: 1316 highland builders Permit No: BO8-0306 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 21d1-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: LORO PIANA, RUCKSACK SUILDING Total Fees: $6,367.69 This Payment: $5, 317.69 Total ALL Pmts: $6,367.69 Balance: $0.00 ******�*�**������**�*�������*���*�*��*���*���*=��**���������*�:�*�:���������������*�****���*�*� �1CCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PEIZMIT FEES 1, 513.69 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4� 3, 800.40 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECT'ION FEE 4.00 J '���f l ,•, c. .•lJ' 1l { t t, „^`Y t �'�:`ri a J=1J� JLr<�1 t �,.,, �i�Z�t,��' t� �� �"��,UV flr„e,: Y .,�d { yi1t11vaa'Jr li\ r "£ �r�c<.� ,:' sl �'f+r � � I,s,7o�t4z� i t r 1 1 rM?�z imir i� � � tr E •,;Y'" c i ? � iv?�rr l� S F �'� i7 � �s`:Ltz.�i�o�r<€�. � ��11�t, N �,� � �ttt� . a , ,�:...<�6ZsC . .cztx2�.. ��r ` tcs i1 t 2 .t fV 4 �Uu !i��: t l`�, S� xr<n, z�S�� i r � .�r t k,?;r,t14� .i t tfr 7 ..Yz \y 1..... ? �?.. .4�,t s. t\. �'� �,ti �� ������-J., „4;= ,• • U ',.',,. .l t f fsi z;,} ,h �?a7frfi�f ZL,3 frtSY�}�i4S � nttrrl� U}tzm. . „ t dit<� . z t f tI1R�,{l f ..n? ..l i�l t t� .ar.. �, ,;, :e.... 7 s{ .5...�.F� �w� > �ra v �z�;�v u'1 11r�ra �S mS�,Yt�Zc�tlrk:�.�.�.C�f�.31;a�'i���l�Ur ���1�,n.'.*�11,��fC,���.}.s;,✓Sf�C 1,..,11b�(t7 �..��fdz tt.t�i�11�t�lr:�... 4 ., , ... �.<....�� � t . ..sT C .. � r. ; ,r�h.YZ�s�.1st tx�Su�3x#ur.:a�t�a'Jt�.idrtit�l`,����i15;tsG�'3�2�ax?}};���;�;�ta�X��s�u.3h'm}�;�?,€,.,Yl y�,;.....,. ,n....,:'�: ..,:.{�?,....:. ... ,tt;� t� 1?.,,: .`� � . ..,..�.{ , a3 �.�;..P$fi�. �, 3 ;;, }'� .�.. .., ,> `7. }1�`� ,,�, � �P� �1 �� � r t \ t J � � t� r rz t f ti � 'r , i � :1 �� L ; f. � > � � � a rf ,l. ,.. ,u, F...k, l } ta ... i �'� t. € s . s � ( .'�`�.. _`._ . �t �:' i a S � .l � c,,.,�. tS, .�s� V ti i � a, � E < �� 1 e\ � l„ S, i t � -i. � �� 5 r �. ti}t tf.. .v,,. :-< l 2 2 oh. � .� ..�'.:� L �I/ .. „ 1 'c t'. ` c�:�. s ::"l 7� 8 �5.. ::i. ,.,\ :a.. . �. ?,.:": } ,: T, ,f. ,� f. l ��. .. ? ���. � ..._�.. .s�r . . ..�. � .�.ts t�� �. >. ,-� �.,i? ,.'. �, �; 's ,, � � �•< : �, s; � � � , t, �vi � s �U f, . ,..f N. x .� , .. > .z. �.� t ��. a . .., �.. ,s.. .'�.. a 4�' n, ., � ,4. �, �. � _ s � � � , . : r �.. ..,. st ...�'�.: .k r ... t .. � , �;.c ... .2� r, ..r , ..,, :!.:. 33. � .. „. s � � . ., ,., , . ... , � i ::h ,n ..C�2 v�`... �ti- .a o . , aSr . r �, t � ,,,, i �t-. . .'.1 l. h , £ /h .�.. . ., . n. �, 3� C' , , � ,. /, :S ,..n.1 �. �Sr,,. :.�,.. .^: ..,. . }� .o- .w'. ..,... u. ..� , ..fi�-r � h> . 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M��l� '06�.�d B.�� � .. 4p��93 ..5��P� �8a1 .i ��141 6fi �&D�t+ f���{q�q y YP§ti4�e}ai���. Y�e��, y�'S� �,:t Xf � �1 t� J F��. 4,F ?� '' J t'� �f at ! ,i.� 1 y �1 '' ���� Q .P��� `Mttil b Y r S �i �i�(r :�r . � ✓ f� 7t�� .?'J,.i� Y2 a� "!......" ...i,. .�,.% ' � • ..;,'+ .}5.. t., , ..�.' 4...' ... .+..... .....� . _.:� `. .,.,:� +J,e,3, '� •... .�f. ...... .... ,r/ � � � TOWN OF� �AIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT ; 75 S. FRC}NTAGE ROAD „'; VAIL, CO �1657 :, 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES � ���� ���� � ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A08-0107 JQb �ddr�ss: 2�8 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED L�catian..,..: LC�R(3 PIANA Applied . . : 11/2$/2008 Parcel No...: 210108244003 Tssued . . . 12l16/20Q8 Project No : Expires . .: 06/14/2009 ! �WNER RQSENQUIST,RICHARD N. - BROW 11/28/2008 - �ELSY, CHARLES 3 8 5 CI.,AYTON ST DENVER Ct? 80246-4228 APPLICANT ALARMSPECIALISTS, INC 11/28/2008 Phone : (303) 986-59Q0 9457 S. UNIVERSITY BLVI?, #514 HIGHLANI7S RANCH CC� 8Q126 T.,icense� 693-S CON"TRACT�R ALARMSPECIALISTS, INC 11/28/2008 Phone: (303} 986-5900 9�57 S, UNIVERSITY BLVD, #514 HTGHLANDS 12ANCH C� 80126 License: 693-5 < Desciption: A1�I�ITI(?NAL DEVICES POR TENANT Sl'ACE (LORC7 PIANA) Valu�tic�il: $2,Od0.00 �*�*���*��**��*��**�****�****�*****�****�**�*��**�*****a�*�******��* FEE SU NIMARY ����**��:�*�**�*�*�����*****��****��*��******�*�**�*******�** Electrical---------> S 0.0 0 Tatal C;alcnls�ted Fees--> S 3 0�.0 0 DRB Fee--------> $o.o o Additronal Fees----------> S o.o 0 InvastigatiQn----> $o.o o Tota}Fermit Fee-------> $3 0�.o 0 W il l Cal 1--------> $0.0 0 PaymenYs------------------> $3 0�.0 0 TOTALFEES--> $307.00 BALANCEI)UE--------> $0.00 ***���*��**��***�*****�***+*�****+�***�*�***�*���**�*+*�*+**��**+**�***�*��*�**+:�*�+***+**�***�*«��************�**���*��**s***��+*�*�**�**��*�**+ 1���?T'QViI�S: Item: 05600 FIRE I?EPARTMENT 12j11j2a08 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted: 1 . Al1 heat detectar� shall be fixed temp. 2 . Pull stations shall be placed in an area ot control unless otherwise approvectJ 3 . Use NFPA 72, 2002 ed. (no edition listecl) . 4 . Change smake detector in mechanical ronm to a heat detector. **��**���**�*�**����***����**��*���*****��**������*�*�*���*��������*�����****������*����������**���*�***��*�*�*�*��*�*��*����**�**�����*��**�**�* CONL7ITIaNS {�F APPR(�VAL �k##>S�k�k�'F#�k*#'x##*+F###�#�##k#$##a�*�%�**##'a��K#%k#�*##��k#�K#####T�*#*�k#�M##.*��%Kx`�k%K*�K%k%k�K>k%k�'r�F�K�kvF�%KM#+k*��k##�k**�K��k✓f*�kiA�#**F�##�M%k##%k##�K*�k*�k*�#�k'+kM#��K#�K#�k��K*%k�K�K DECLARATIOI`�TS 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiicatie�n,�Itecl c�ut in fuil the infor�natian required, campleted an at;ertrate plc�t plan, and state that all the i�formatiatz as rec�uired is correct. I agree t�comply witl�th� infc�cmation and plot plan,to cc�m�[y with a11 Town ordinances and state laws? and to b�ild this structure accgrdin�t�the towc�s zc�ninb and subdivisic�n cades, design review appraveci, I�lternational Building a11d Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Tc�wn applicable tl�ereto. � � l��,t�cT�,srs�ou rNS�cc�rraN sl�AC,c,sF MAn�sEVFrvTV-Twa r�aL�r�s i�v ar�vArrcE�ax�r��,�rxor�E Ar 9°z�-a��-zzsz FROm s:ao An�-s nM, � '�' SIGNA RE t}FJQWNEI�Q C� ACTOR POR HIMSELF ANT1 CC:)'WNER � � ��*����*���*��***��*����������*��*���**����***����������������������*���*����*�����*�������� TC1WN QP VAIL, COLORAD� Statement ��������������������*��*�����������*���*�*���������*����������*������������������*��������*� Statement Number: R08d0023?4 Amount: $307 .00 12/16/204804 :11 PM Payment Method: Check Iriit: SAB Notation: 3345 ALARM SPECIALISTS Permit Nc�: A08-�107 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2141-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: LdRO PIAN� Total Fees: $347.00 This Payment: $307.00 Total ALL Pmts: $3Q7.Q0 Balance: $Q.�O ������*����*���������*��*��*����������*�*���*����������*�**���*��������������*���*�:����*��:�� ACCQtTNT ITEM LIST: Acccaunt Cocle Description Current Pmts �P 0010Q003111100 FIRE ALA12M PERMIT FEES 75.�0 PF 001Q0003112300 PLAN CHECFC FEES 232 . 00 '�' `i::.�.. l� . l�.\�r, ' � ,t�-.vi,t . ..�..t.�ic i� :� .u�.e,� . . ..., ,. , „ ,. ,�. , „ . �.. ,. �.�,.,.: c , k ,�i. ,.� ,r . ,. 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Applicatior� will not be a�c�pted without thi� �nforrrr�ation. ,�.M.��.... .�._�.�._.�...�_..._.�..�.��_�.__�����_.._�. ....�._�.� ��._...w.�_..r...�..__._.�_..�..�w_.��_�.._��__, ����.�___�_ � � ProjectlStreet Address � � �,���"�"`.i�'��w...�.�..���"A'.3+��..� __' t`""�.,.'-C'.�`�„- � Project#: '" j �, ___.� �,. /��j,,, ; �€����ntractt�r�Infvrmation: ' � �Buildir�g Permit#: � '`(1 �e.+ � � CompanY� _����1.�v"'��y�'i1''�-✓�'� �� _ � Alarm Perrr�if#:----���L{�'��� ; E � �....__�M�_��_� _�__.....,_�_� _.�,� _.�.___._ �, ._.�.. � Company Address-.���`� � �-{}��v� - ,� °�7' J�-�.-�'k���� _ � _: [�etailed Descriptcon c�f W�rk: I °'c�t�C�°`� = f E City: �Gc�°�(. �'a��^°Sfiate: � � Zip: �' � �° ; } ��� �� �� � �onta�t n�am�: ��� �:� g - � : ; ,� �� _ � F , : � ; F� . �'X, 'M �� ,�-�^�,�� / . �,�°�' i ' � y GC3fitaCt��i, ✓�� �4� `y� C�...-'� �@��. i:.� Lc�'�'� "�'�3��q I ' t E-Nl��[ t ����--.� ��,� y + i (use additionaE sheet if necessary} i P 2 s �; Town�of Vail C c ��r gistrafinn Nm._ � � � i � ��.._..�_ _.�..�_.�.�..�.�,.�__ _..___�.__m�__.�.,_ ' � '�� � Value of Fire Al�rm: $ C.-, �,��,� . � ; (Labor�Maferials} _ ` Contr�cto S nature(required) _�.a.�_.__�_.._.�.__..�_.,......_ .._�._..._...._...___._ _�..��.......� _.__. ` A. .�,..T._��:_�,,. , .�..�._.�.w.�.�.��,.w�..___�v_..�__�,_�_. . :..�..�.�.,.�.r..�... .�� VVark Class: ' Properky inf�srmat�on = ; = Parcel#�: � �� a�r ) ��dition{ ) Remadel (�� Ftetro-Fit( ) _ { p ( } C}�her( } i s � � � , �...� .�__.__.��._.�.�..��,..___.___M_.__..___...______.�__w ��.�._ �� r Legal Description: l.ot#: B1ock#: , Work Type: � 3 Subdivisian: � lnter:or{ Exferiar{ ) Both( } � ,._.� w.�.__ �.�.;..�...��._.�.�.��m_.wy..�._��,�, �._r.....�.���_,.�� F = Type of�uilding. ' '� ��ildingtCor�plex Name: � ; � � � Single-Family�(� } �Duplex�( ) Muiti-�amily{ ) � � Owner Nams; ' Commercial( j Restaur�nt( ) Other{�} ; ,; (�orparcel#,cqntact�EagleCounfyA essors��t3�ficeaf970-328-864C3�rvisit ,-a �-�-�------�--.�---�__._. ___._._ _�w.�.._�_..�_.._d�__..._._._.__e ; ,-.x,+uv.eaglec�ruty.uslpa#ie} � ��.___._w,..__..� _.__::.__�.._._._�__:____...____v m ,. ._._____.��.�::_ _,T...�.._.._�._.z � C3cses a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes ) �No O� � Dafe Received� ; ,.. ,,�.�� .. �� � Does a Sprinkler System Exist� Yes( No( } � , �-� , j � � .,,.w................�._._.,.�,_ �_.�.p� � �,_, i s�� "'+;�'���. hs?''�`� � �,.,m.,.�.w,.,,M. ,n.n„ (� �� �� ��� �_� lJ .� ��� t � � , �r,.. r,'>Z a` ? ��..�S, t�. � �.... ..�� � ,..,� ,, �� � �VO� 2 � ���� � � �:� � ��,«� � � � � � � ` � �. — _�__..�.�W.�. �.w.�riw_ e �C3�� ��' `�;���. s �`�� � �� � ��������� ��� �. ,...... , r. ,,. , .�.,�,. �. ... ., .,,.: ., ,,.,. _ �_ , ,. ,� ,,,,,,.y,,, . ..,.,. ,,. .. . . , , A �. �. r r , r �� �o�o�u�.. Town of Vaii, Community L}evelopment, 75 So�th Frontage Rvad, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2�52 inspecfiians 970.479.�149 �-� `���° �LE�T '� L ' 1° I� : - � C r j ct : J - 21 Jab Address: 288 BRlDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : lSSUED Location...... LORO PiANA Applied . . : 12/11/2008 Parcel No...: 210108244003 Issued . . . 12I11t2Q08 Expires . .: 06/09/2009 OWNER ROSENQUIST,RICHARD N. - BROW 12/11(2008 - SELBY, CHARLES 385 CLAYTON ST DENVER ca $a2os-4zzs APP�ICANT BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. 12/��/2008 Phone: 970-390-9221 P. O. BOX 474 LERDVILLE Ct? 84461 License:291-E Ct7NTRACT{�R BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. 12/1112d08 Phone: 970-39U-9221 P. t7. BUX 474 LEADVILLE CQ 8046� License:291-E C�escipti�n: TENANT I(�PROVEMENT FC}FZ RETAIL C�OTHING STORE: IRlSTRLL WIRIN� Ft�R �IGHTING ANC� RECEPTACLES Valuation: $13,5d0.00 �quare feet: f7 �����.�������*���*������*��*�*�*��������������*���**���������������* FEE SUMMARY ����������*����*�������������*���������������*��������������������������� Electrical Permit Fee---------> $3{�5.90 Tatal Calculated Fees--> $309.90 Investigatian Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $O.dO Wili Call Fee--------------------> $4.t30 Use Tax Fee------------------> $0.00 7�TAL P�RMIT FEE-__> $308.90 Ta�#ai Calculated Fees-------> $309.90 Payments-----------------> $309.90 B,4LAhlCE�UE----------> $O.dO **�����������������**���������������������������������������*�������������,����������������������������,�*,�������������������**����������*��*�����,��������*��������� AP�PROVAL� Item: 06000 E�ECTRICA�DEPARTMENT 12/11/2008 JLE Action:AP ��������������������������*�������������������������������������������������������������������*���:,�������������*���������������������������,�������������,��������� CONC7ITlQhlS OF&PPR�VAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL.D INSPECTIC)IVS AfZE REQUIREC7 TO CHECK FOR CC7DE CC7MPLIANCE. ��������������������*�������������*���*������������,��������������������������������������������������������������������������,�����������,�������������.������������ DECLA TION� I hereby acknowledge that i t�ave read fihis application,filled t�u#in ful!the inforrn�tian required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corrscfi. I agree to comp9y with the infrarmation and plat plan,to comply with ail Town ordinances and state laws, and ta build this structure according ta the towns zc�ning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUES7S FOR[NSPEGTIC7h!SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR NOURS Itd AD�lANCE �Y TELEPHC)NE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFtC� M 8:04 AM -4 PM. �� � I f ture af O r Cor�tractor d��e elec_prm_d41908 .�� :� � �����**�������*�����*���**�����������������*��*��*��***����������**�*�����*���*������������� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �*��*�*����:��*������*****���:**���*�*���***���**���*���*��*���*�*��������**���:�*�*�***�*��:��� Statement Number: 120800d2346 Amount: $309. 9d 12j11/200809:49 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE R7otation. 6475 BIG BEAR ELEC Permit No: E08-0296 "Type: ELECTRICAL PERMI'I` Parcel No: 2101-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: LORd PIANA Total Fees: $3d9.9d This Payment: $309. 90 Total ALL Pmts: $309. 90 Balance: $0.00 **������**��z*�*�������������*�:�*������������*�����*�����*����**��������������:�*�*���*���*�** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP 00100003111100 ELECTFtICAL PERMIT FEES 305.90 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 f J f f' 1 2�' I. \� 1 4 't { ' J I �:.f{ P � t l 2 .) 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' �,,.,, C?C`IC�I����, w x� .�.� r ! !� d�f�i�r� ��ri��a��i� }. ����i�`� �t�ftt��� } �� K �,.�����������ifiiit�r�;�;c��� �!k� f } � ,�uki�i���ie�r�: �n„�a�����r��T�r��: � �� � � � �in�1�-Fa�i��� � T�r�-Far�€i1�'� � t�E�c�ti-��a����; � � E J�b P�ar��. �' > � � ��: ` � � „� � � C;�rnrr��rc��l Tc�r�l��r��� C���:s`� �� � �3���r����� � �,,, } � � � ���i���,�������: � �c��t�t�������_". � ������r����������i���� ������;������-���-��a���,����� ,e �:���i����:�����t��� ���., �,t.,� ������ �.,�.�� „� z�,� p��Nn�: �.� � . ` A�rcfs������ ;,��.��3�n�r��� ,�r►��r��»�ry� � � �'�` � � t��m�, �. � �� �� �� � �`.� �� ��. ; r � � � � � <�Ph���;� '����� � � � � � � � � ��: � , � ����i1: . � � � � � �� ; � � � �� � � �� �� � � � � � ���.,��. , rr�, ...3.��,�.M �<m�� ��,��,M,�,�,ww..,mM .�,.T��.w �,,.�N,.�,,.. N.,. ;,, ., ,.,n;..,u�.r .r ��.w���.�..� ������ ,� : ,�� '+ TOWN C}F VAIL PIRE DEPARTMENT VA1L FIRE DEPARTMEI�IT '' 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD �'� VATL, CC� 81657 . 970-479-2135 � NOTE: TNIS PERNIIT N1U5T BB POSTE'D ON TC?BSrTE AT ALI,TIMES ��;� �.��,C�; SPRINKLER PERNIII' Permit #: F08-0087 � ��:.� ������ Jab Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Locatian....�: LORO P1ANA Applied . . : 10/17/2008 Parcel No...: 210]08244003 Issued . . : 11/20/200& Praject Na : Expires . .: OWNER ROSENQUIST,RICHARD N. - BROW lOjl7/2008 - SELBY, CHARLES 385 CLAYTON ST DENVER CO 80206-4228 ' APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI 10/17j2008 Phone : 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 License: 338-5 : CQNTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI 1Of17/20Q8 Phone : 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 License: 338-5 L3esciptian: RELOCATE SPRIh1KLERS FOR TENAI�]"I' IMPROVEMENT Loro piana : Valuation: $6,000.00 �*�:*��**�*�****�*���******�a��z�z*���*�*�**a�**������*�������*�***�*�� PEE 5[JMMARY �*�***�����x���*�*�M�**+*�*�:�*��**�****+*�*�**��*��****���*� Mechanical--> $0.00 ReStuarant Plan Review--> $o,00 Total Calculated Fees---> $605.00 Plan Check---> $350.0o D1ZE3 Fee--------------------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.0 0 TdTAL FEES-------------> $6 0 5.0 0 Totat Permit Fee----------> $6 0 5.0 0 W il i Call-----> $0.0 0 Payments------------------> $6 0 5.0 0 BAl.ANCE D[1E---------� $0,00 �*�*+���**���*��*�**:�*+�****�:��*���*�*��*��x�**��*���*M+*M�**�**�****��***�**�**+***�***r*****+�*�*��*�*�*�+w�*+*�*�***�***�*��**�*�*�:���****�*�* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT :• Item: Q5640 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/18/2008 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF API'ROVAL ,; Cond: 12 ,,; (BLDG. ) : FIELD IN,SPEC'I'IC7NS ARE REQUIREL? TO CHECK FOR CC?DE COMPLIANCE. #*�k�K�k-k�`k*%k�k*#�k#�k�k�k##M#>k�k#**�'#>X##*#�*�'f#�F*#�k*#'X#�#4�k�>k��k��#�'•F#*$M*�'F%��*�k�k�#*#�#*'MR#yf####�*##%k#+k#�k#>k*#�*�k�k�k-k�k**+f�K#**`�k�#��K#*'�#�K*#M�k�k�`*�k*�k�k�*�#�k�k#M#*#* D�ECLARATIONS : I hereby acknow�edge that I haveread this applicatian, �'i11ed out in fiill the information required, completed an accurat�plat plan, ' and state that all the infarmation as required is correet. I agree ta camply with the informatian and plot plan,to camply with all Tow���rdanances and state Iaws, and to buiid t1�is structure accoa•diazg to the towns za�ing and subdivision cades, desi�n review approved, International Building and Residential Cc�des and other ordinar�ces of the Town app[icable thereta. '' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAl}E SEVENTY-TW�HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 ' FRUM 8:Q0 AM-5 PM. �' r'� SiGNA7' E C3F O ER�� CONTRACTOR FOR HIM�ELF AND OWNER *���������**������������***����**���������������**����*�*�*�����*�*�*���*�����*���������*��� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ��������*��������������*���*��������������*�*��������:������*����:��*��*�*���*��**�*���*������ Statement Number: R080002233 Amount: $6d5.00 11/20/200809:19 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notatian: Western States Fire Protection 107733 Permit No: F08-0087 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 21Q1-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: LORO PIANA Total F'ees. $605.00 This Payment: $605.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6Q5.00 Balance: $O.dO ��*����*�***�**�*��****�*������*****�*�*���*�����**���*�*���***�*����������*��*��*******��*� accourr�r ITEM Lzsr: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OOlQOQ03111100 SPRII�TKLER PERMIT FEES 255.00 PF 0010000311230d PLAIV CHECK FEES 350.00 APPLICATION WILL�t�T BE,�C��P�"Eb i�INC� �L�T�C}�l�N�iGN�D �roject#. �.. u�l�iing �ermit#e .« �pri�kler �ermit#: f {!" �' �7t7-479�2935 l/ns�ecfions ��t'�i` � �� � � I L� T� ;v��� , �, �, � �—��` _ ` r�h�p �rawings�r� r�:quir���it time of permit suk�m�ttal and 75 S. �c t��� � ��-, �;r�t. ��v'� ! th�foll�wing. ��r�ni�a�spli�a�ion will not be accepted �/aii, ��1� rada �1657 w�thout t i��:rrf�rr�ation: � "�< � A�� t�radts �egi�tered �r��pr�e�r'��tamp �r .I.�.E.T. Level ill (min} stamp. ��''� �'�. ' '� '�5�'�► Ec�u��rnent�e�t�h�et� af mat�rE�6so �!; i'; o Hjre�ir��alic �alca�i�tic�n�. • A�tate af��I�r�do �ia�r� ��istr�ti��farm. .... _ r `�_"� _�'. `� h `�"`. Plan� rnu�t be subr�r�tted !�y� �gistered �ire Pre�tecti�n �ontra�tor. Ct�l�1'T �T�I2II�tFC� �h"�"I()1�I Fire Sprinkler Contr�ctor: Town of Vail Reg. Ne�.: Cno�tact and Phane#'s: �j� ��.2 .�'��- ?� " G� �t�l�l1 r� �'t ��r.�., � i1,2'1^�{`� �' > v't.� ��� � t<1 �-Ma�l Address; �`-�e �c. - �C�r �. i� . c.,t Contractc�r Signature: "-,'� __. CO P����!/ALl1A71� � ��R,4L.�4R �� IT (Labt�r& ateria�s} Fire Sprinkler: $ j �� _`� �ontact Ea 1e Count As�essr�r� {}ffi����970�32�8-�64C1�a°vi�if w�w.ea Pe-count .com for Parce/# P�rcel# � � � � Job Name; Job Address: '� ° j � � ��� � ��'` �r�./'i e Legal De�cription Lot: �lock: Filing: � Subdivision: � C�wners Name: Address: Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone: � Detailed Locatic�n of work: (i.e.,floor, unit#, bldg.#) e �.G K.S f...�LC t�l � lr i �t � � C7etailed description of work: � eLoc.�"��. �tiw� � ,�.�C-r�s� � rl��9 !11✓g Work Class: New( ) Addit�on ( ) Remodel�j �epair( ) Retro-fit( } Otf�er( } Type af Bldg.. Single-family{ ) Two-fiamilY( ) Pvlulti-famiEY( ) Ccrmmercia6 Restaurant( } t�ther( ) No.of Existing Dwe9ling Units in this building: (Vo.of Acccrmmodation Units in this building: Daes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes( } �!o( } Dc�es a Fire Spris�kler System �xis#: Yes { } No( ) �:�:�;��:x��:�;������:�::���:���������:�:��:���:��:���� ��FFI�E t3� L�:����:�����;��:��� � �, �:�:����:����:�� �ther F���: P��li�: � �erm�t Fe . ' " Occupan�y�roupm . ���_-�:�; � \\Vail\data\cdeviFORMSIPERMITS\SPRICPEIL�I.DOC U7/24 ��� ���� � ,�,,.�-.„.....,� w.�-"` � _ • , , � f` TO�NOFVAC� ° Tawn of Veil, Community Develc�pr'nent, 75 South Frc�ntac�e I�oad,Vail, Colarado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.4792452 inspections. 970.479.2149 C 1 L I e r I t : � - 2 4 ACC3M F'roject #: PRJ��-0���1 Jab Addres�. 288 BRIDGE ST VAI� Status. . . : ISSUED �.�scation.�,..: LQRC3 PIANA Appiied . . : 11l18/2t?Q8 Parcel No...: 2101d8244003 Issued. . . 11/1S(2QQ8 Expires . .: 05/18/2009 ' OWNER RC}SENQI�I�T,RICHARD N. -BRC7W 11/1&/2008 -�ELBY,CNARLES 385�LAYTC?N ST C�ENVER CQ 80206-4228 ' APR�.ICANT GLIMA'f�GC}NTROL.CO OF GWS 1111812008 Pnone: 970-945-2326 P Q E3�7X 10�t2 GLENWC}9D�PRINGS CC> 816Q2 Lic�nse: 129-M GQNTf�AGT()R Gk:IMF+TE GONTROL CO OF GWS 11/1812QQ8 Phone: 970-945-2326 P C?BQX 1{�42 GLENWUt�D SPRINGS GQ 816Q2 License:12�-M �}es�iptian. T�NANT IMPROVEMENT: INSTAI.L ONE FAN COIL AND ASSOCIATED DUGTWURK >: Yaluation: $45,C1QQ.Q0 ����«,�����,�������:����**��**�*����������,�����,��.,��������.�,.����������������W�FEE SUMII�ARY�����W���������:����,���������������«����,��������������������������,����������«������� Mechanical Permik Fee..-> $900.Od Wiil Caii------------� $4.Q0 Tatai Calculated Fees---� $1,184.OQ Plan�heck--- ----_:r___-__> $225.00 Use Tax Fee------> $O.Od Rdditional Fess-------°--� $p.DQ Investigatian----__o________--> $p.p0 TOTAL PER{Vi1T FEE-°-> $1,1$4.4t} Total Calculated Fees--> $1,184.00 Rayments_________________> ����gq;pp BAt�ANCE DUE-________> $p.pp ������������,�«««���*������.��,���������.�.������,�.�����������«���.������,�������,������������������«��������,��.������.,������������������������.����������������.��������������w��<�„������ AF'PRCJVALS ' It�m:051D0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11(1 S/20��JLE Actian:,4P �,����������������*���*��������������«�����«��������������.����.�,���W��,�>„��.»��������������������.�������������������������.������.������.�„x�������,����,�.��,�,���,�,����.�����.����������� GONDITB0�3 f)F APPRC}VAL : Cond: 12 (BI�pG.}: FIELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REGtUIRED TO CHECK FC?R CODE CC7MPLIANCE. ` Cond:22 ; (BLQG.):CC}MPU�TI(?!�!AIR IS REC2UIFtEQ PER CHAPTER 7 t�F THE 2003 IMC AND SEGTIC7N > 304�F THE 2Q03 IFGG AS MQDIFIED BY 70WN OF VAIL. Cond:23 (BLQG.): B4lILER INSTALI.ATIflN MUST CONF{7RM TO MAM1IUFRCTURER'S Ih1STRUCTIC3NS ANl� " CHAPTER 10 C)F fiHE 2003 IMC. , Cond:25 ' (�LDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHAL�BE VENTED ACCORDING TU CNAPTER 5�F THE 2003 IFGC. '; Cond:29 , (B�C?G.):ACCESS TtJ MEGHANICAL EC2UIPNiENT MUST C(7MP�Y WITH GHAPTER 3 t7F THE 2003 IMC ANl�CHAPTE(�3 QF TNE 24d3 IFGG.. ' Cand:31 {BLC1G.}: BCJlLERS�MALL BE MC}UNTED flN F�OORS C}F NC3NC�MBUSTIBLE Gt7NST. UPILESS LISTEIJ FC}R Mt�UNTINC'a ON COMBUSTIBLE FLO{?RING. : Cond:32 ; (BLQG.):PERMiT,PIANS AN[}GC7DE ANALYSIS MUST BE PC7STED IN MECHAN�CAL RC?C�M PRIQR TC?AN INSPEGTIC?N REQIJEST. ; Cond: 30 (C�LDG.):BC11�ER R�}�'}M�SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A F�C}OR[7RAIN t)R OTHER APPR{�VED ' MEANS F{?R DISRC7iING C?F LIC2UID WRSTE PER SECTI�N 1004.6. ' mechcanical_permit_Q41908 t�8*�**it*t�**t���#rt&#t#w���ttrtrtXtr*�tt#krtWnLtt##�3&�%�i#t4rt�rtttdtt��&Wrik%rtrt#�W***fi�3#tr**ttR*�t*##**nrt#�t#���*#�rtR%i�#�rtrt�#%rt##�Wrt�X&�tA**�*dek#****i&***#i*&4*&t***�***4*%W*k*kt#��**X�Ytrtrt LY�4i5..N1\f°T�i�1V� .. . . ( �k: i heraby cknc�wl tlge t at 1 tiave read this application,fiiled out in full the information rsquired,Gompleted an accurate plot plan,and state th�t alI�he inf�rmation as re ir d is car ect: agre�to comply with the infnrmation and plot plan,to comply with ali Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to buildthis structure accor 'n to the wn zonin¢`�and subdivision codes,design review appraved, international Building a�d Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town a�pli� bl theret��. f FtE Ft?$ INS ECTION SHALI.BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HC}URS IN ADVANCE BY 7ELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT C7UR OFFICE FROM 8:Ot AM d .� �$ � S" t re o Qwner or Con ractor Date �� � .�.. Print Name ! meetrcanicai_permit_44�908 > �z ., , , �*��������*�*�****��****�*��������*������**�:�:�:�:**��*��**��**����*���**����**���***�*�*��***� TQWN QP VAIL, C�LORADO Statement **:�*����*���**��:�**�:*��*����*����*��������*�:���***��*���*��*����x****�����****��****�***���** Statement Number: RQ90000034 Amount: $55.00 01/13/200908:59 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 1342 HIGHLAND BUILDERS Permit No: MO8-0294 "Pype: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location� LORO PIANA Total Fees: $1, 184 . 00 This Payment: $55.Od Total ALL Pmts: $1, 184 .00 Balance: $0.00 ��*���*���**:���������**:�:w�:**�*�*�*�*����*�����***����*�*�*�**���**����**��:�*�**��**��*��x::�** ACCC}CINT ITEM L,IST: Account ��de Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECFC FEES 55.00 ; N<<vr,....t ' : .o��„r<�,1, , u»„A' . �e.,.,,,Y ,..� ,1:�,1iL „u<„. ��,s,�� ;., ,;,. �c�,a ,u. . ,�,., r, ,. ,. , , ,i e „ �,t.c .,a, >> , , ,, .,...� . .. . � il<<.t,.. 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'�^� �z . P"�e,�,�a�'�"'�i��� �f�� � � l� b �•�K.,;.� l� ��'6 � t�� � �m,�,�G r,�. �,�; �: � �,�s'r� �'� A,,r wc-c a"`��x� ; �.� z uy�� �� `t 't��,�� K^-��,� : � ' ! . „� e� '`s 5k'c, ,�,� � . �` w�, � �� ,yv;' u °� ��i � ,. ., , � \_ _ / .. ,�_ h� :� � i6,a, Q�j �N '� r . a .3���`� s„� �s � ����; �`�i�'"�.� ,-k�'r�. � � �,�"� a�"�;�� �` �• � �� ;a�'� �, �:. . ��� . - , ,�_ . � r , �a �. '�«,�r,���"«3���%f `���,,,��` �,�� ,. ^ . �t"�C�� 1���� ��' ft��isi�r��u�mitt�ls: 1. "Fie1c� �efi"t�f apprc�ved;plans I�iUST��cc�r�pany revisic�ns 2. �}�furthe�irsspectsc�ns wi11 be per#c�erri�� until the revisic�n�are a�prc�ved &the p�rmit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisic�r�s are�5�.{�0 per ht�ur(2 hc�ur minimum), �nd are due upon issuance, y.�.��.,_.._,_� ..�...,.�...�...��_�.�..a.,�� .�.a__�x.�.��..��.��....�.�._��.�.,���,�...�.�.�.�,w .,.���.r�.�__w��...�......�_�.._�__..��.�,..�...�.,�..��.��..��,� i � ) FZevi�ions , : �'�rrnit#{s} infc�rmat�c�r� applies�o: ,�tt��tic�n. { ) Respe�nse to Cc�rr�cfiion L�t�er � 3 � �a�.t�ched ccspy o#'ca�rrect[on let�er ; � " � ( } L�eferred S�abmitt�l ? � ( � C7ther � _ � Y � � � �,� ��, �,�,.� .,� �r,�.�,,.u,A��a.��,� �,�.�,�,�.��.�.� „ �. ,�.�� M �GF�. .�m �� ���� �.,�escripticrn t List of Changes:� ; f'roject�ddress; � � � ? `�� � � � �:� � ' � ', ' �._��._�. � � � � � � �°' .._.��..��_�.�,...�..�..�..���� .. : , � ,����.��.�.m�.�.��m r.�� � ; �e��t�ct Infc�rmafian : � ����� , � ' �1 �� "C" � £ , � � y � � ,� �� � , �� ° u = � ��w � � ' Company: � , � : �, � � ' � � � � � £ � Cc�mpany Ph: �������*`� ��ax: ��`" �`, �� � _ � R, ��� �, � � � G�ntact�3a e:'; � ,. �� � �� �; � : , �- ` � � � ; Corrtact Ph t��'�" ` �"°��� _Ce[I: _ � ,;�� ; _ � ; x � ��� � � ' � � E=Mai1: �� � �_ � { Town c�f it �rntra tar egisfration No: � �{ i � � : , � � � �� � � � g � � , �.... � . ; � � . t,,. � £ :'_ � ' � . . : : �tC,�na"��Ir {��quireti} $ ' � _.�� > �.�.�._...,�:-���..��.�.��,_,.�...,,..��__-��,w_����m_�,�.�_� .�� � �..._ � ` ��v�sed�[?L7ITIUNAL�V�1�tatic�ns (L.abor� �teri�[s} µ� � � 6 � � � (t�Q NAT include oric�ir�at'�ratuati�n} 3 � � � � � , _ � � Bui�dir�g� � ; � e P(umbing� e addifiionai sheet if r�ecessary} � � _ � „ E1e�tricai$ ' � i � ; � EIVlechanical� ..�,.�>_..n.� rr �.._M,_..�._�....._. _ ,�,. ..,.m�. .r :� � i ' ; C�ate Rece€ved: � � Fire Sprinkler/Alarm� � �� � � i� � l r_°r�i < I $ �t� ���� T�tat$ � � � � � � � � + � � �� ��� � � ��� � :� ���� �� ��� �� . , � � .� ; ; , � k ` � � m ' .�....._�.,.,..�.�..m_.�_...�..�,...�W._�.,�._.m m_�__�___,_.�......,..._..�.M�........��...�.�� � � , .u. �' .�> � ������� ��� Rj � � � � � ���� �� � � �. � : � , � , , .' TOWNOFVAtL . Town of Vail, Cammunity C7evelopment, 75 South Frontage Road,vaiB, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 A I L I �r It : 4 ACt7M Project #: PRJ08-4�2'� Job Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: LORC7 RIAtVA Appiied . . : 11/1812QQ8 Parcei No...: 21d1Q8244003 Issued. . . 11/19/2048 Expires . .: 05118/2009 OWNER RCJSENS�UIST,RICHARD N. -BROW 11/1&12008 -SELBY,GNA,RIES 385 CLAYTON ST DENVEft CC) 802Q6-422� ? APP�ICANT GLIMAl"E CONTROL CO OF GWS 11118/2008 Phone: 970-945-2326 P C)BUX 1042 .�'ti�ENW9O[?SPRINGS CC? 81602 Licens�: 929-M C�tVTRACTtaR CI..IMATE CONTRC}L GO OF GWS 11l18/2008 Phone:970-945-2326 P�?E3C�X 1042 GIENWQ9D�PRINGS C� �1602 License: 129-M ! Descipfiqn; TENANT IMPROVEMENT: IPISTALL C7NE FAN COIL AND ASSOCIATED ' C7UCTV1iC?RK : Ualcaation: $45,000.00 �ot�:tt�t�t��a���*�tis�tt:tzr�:tx�:trevt�,rve�x�,r�rr,�w����+e��a�aa�r��+r��t��x�,xv:,�v�xsrx:v��:e�rw,aF�E.�`SU����Yar�,a�,r�,aa���,a+�tr�,rx,t�:ex,x,r��azss��vr:��ae�ma�x�w��,t�,rx����,r,t�,tr�,���,xa�a,t,t���,ra���,t��,r,esx.,x,xw Mechanicai Permit Fee---> $960.00 Wili Cail-----------> $4.00 Tatai Calculated Fees---� $1,129.40 Plan Gheck--- -:.__--°----> $225A0 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Addifianal�ees----°-----> $O.QO Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOT/�L PERMIT FEE_-_> $1,128.04 Tatai Calcuiated Fees--y $1,129.00 Payments_________________> �� �Zg,pp BALANCE DUE--°------s $Q.40 �«�*��:,�*�,�*�:*»�,�,�,�***,��*���,���,�������„�*.������:.#�,����.�������������������������������.��*,�,����������,�����,�,�����,���������,���,��„��.���x������,����������*�����������*������,����,����z� ,4PPRt)VALS i Itern:051i7D BU1L[}IN��EF'ARTMENT 11118(�t?08 JLE Action:AP v�-xwnrt�rev�rtxrt�rrrxwir exwwr:�r�rt,r��,v,v,t��,c����-x�,as��x,�xxxxeneW W,r,exr�zzr�:r�xxWa��a,sa,rxx�ax,x,aa,t,t,t�x,t�mma,tra�v�,r,av�wxw,axx�r,rwr�,�w��a�z,txr�w,tr,trra��;araar�,r���ar�nx��r��sce,v,rx,exx:rraw�:r�v�a��z,r�rtzx�,axaxaa:r>rz�:awwr xa� �✓�N�}�TO�N�}F�f����V��.. ' Cond: 12 ; {Bi�QC.): FIELD INSPECTICIN5 RRE REQUIRED TO CHECK Ft7R CC}DE GQMPLIANCE. ; Cond:22 ; (BLDG.}:CC?MBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER GNAPTER 7 OF THE 20d3 IMC AND SECTIt�N ? 344 C?F THE 2003 IFCaG AS tV1QDIFIEd BY TC7WN QF VAIL. ; Cand:2� ', (BLDG.):BC711�ER INSTA�LATI�N MUST CONFORM TO MANUFRCTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND ; CHAPTER 10 C}F THE 2003 IMC. Cand:25 ; (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANC�B SNALL BE VENTED RCCORQING TC3 CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond:29 , (BLDC'a,):ACGESSTU MECHANICAL EQUIPMEN7 MUST GOMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND GH/aPTER 3 tJF TNE 2043 IFGC.. ! Cond:31 % (BLDC�i.): Bt'�IL�RS:SHA�L BE MC}UNTED ON F�C}{7RS QF NONGC7MBUSTlSLE CONST. UNLESS I.ISTEi7 F�}R MOUNTING t�N GC7MBU5'fiBLE FLC7dRING. ' Cand;32 i (BLQG.):RERMIT,PIANS AND CdDE ANALYSIS MUST BE PC}STED IN MECHANICAL RC}t3iVl PRIdR ' TC3 AN IN�PEGTION FtEG2UEST. ' Cond: 3Q : (BI.C}G.}: B{�ILER ROt?MS SHALL BE EC2UIPPPED WITH A F�t}OR DRAIN OR C}THER APPRC3VED ' MEANS FC7R C5ISPQSING t?F L�C2UID WASTE PER SECTIQh! 1fl04.6. ' mecheanical_permit_041948 �� �, s � ,,,,, , , ,, ,, ,, x ,, ,, . ..,. ..... ...... ., ,.,. . ���,�,����,���.��..��,���*:�W���������.,������*W��.�����������,��������������,����.���,�������,��,������������«����������������,��������.����,����,�.����������������:����������������.���������� DEC�a�.aTioNs 9 hereby acknowledge that i havs read this applicatian,fiiled out in full the informatian required, compieted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. f agres to compiy with the information and piat pian,ta comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build#his structure ' according to the towns zoning end subdivision codes,design review appraved, internationai Building and Residential Cades and other ordinances af the Town applicable thereto. .> REQUEBT F� INSP TION SNALL BE MADE TWENTY-FC7UR Ht�URS IN A�VA�ICE BY TELEPF�C7NE AT 970.479.2149 4R AT C3Uf2 OFFICE F12�M 8;0( AM-4 PM. `� � `�.- � � � l �� L Signature of 0' Contractor date ��� 4 � �'�'"�., � E ��� Print Name ` : mechcanical_permit_041908 *�#####��####&#*###########**���#*#**#�##�#*##�*���#****#*����*�*##***��#�#�######*##��##*�* Tt}WN OF VAIL, COLaRE1DQ Statement *�:���*:��***���**:���****����**��*�*�***�*����*������*��������������****�����***��*����**�**�� Statement Number: R080002226 Amount: $1, 129.40 11/19/200802:34 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Climate Control 26037 Permit No: M08-0294 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-Q82-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: LORO PIANA Total Fees: $1, 129. 00 This Payment: $1, 129.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1, 129. 00 Balance: $0. 00 ��������**�*��*���**�***�*�����****�*****�**�*���******���****�***�*****�***���****�***:�***� ACCOUNT ITEM LTST: Accaunt Code Description Current Pmts MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 90t7. �0 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 225. 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Project Address = Project#:_ � �����~`�� ` �.�� _...... .�±...... � .. �� ��� L ... ; � ___,. , SuiidingPermit#: ,��� � � � : Contraetor information �� � ���� Mechanical Permit# Company: �t���1� ��, �St�°F��� �..r.. .. � rr..,. ..,,....r. .., �,:` ��.._.F., Detaiied description of Work. i Company Address: � i City � � ��� ..� state, � zip: ���� ' _,.� � � �� Contact Name: ���� �� � , � �` C��.t � ' Contact Ph: � � �� - �� Cell:� °,���- � � ; ; E-Mail: � � ��.t ��_8 (Use additionai sheet if necessary) � � „.��_. ._� —. ..,. _. r,� ��-_ — �.,.�.�. _o _: Ta n o Vail ntractor Ftegistration Na: Gompfete Valuatian for Mechanical Permit. � Mechanical$ ��.� � � Contractor Sign required} . Property informatian �� � � � �� �; �lork Class: �lew Addi#ion{ } Remodei( } Repair( }Other( } ; ; Parcel#: ���� �����'�� � ;_ .�_ �._�� _�„__,_,. _. _._ . ..m ___„� .,._ __._ _._ _�; Boiler�ocatiar�: � Legai Descriptian:Lot# � f� ���� �" °�, Interior{ } Exterior( } Other( ) � �/�t�. �� � �� �°�`�`�`�L.��� �, .�,..„� .. _,� ..�,, ..� ,....... . �. ..�.,�� 4 ` Subdivision. Noi1'ype E�€isting Fireplaces: ; Job Name: /�� ��,��� = Gas Appiiances{ )Gas�ogs( }Wood/Pellet( } _.,.__ ...� . . � .. _�_. . - �_ _.__�_ ..._.. _._ Owner Name: /��� �. c� tdolType Propo�ed Fireplaces: ' Mailing Address: Gas Applrances( )Gas Logs( }Wood/Pellet( ) �v,,., .,_r„r r.. _...__ , ,,. ....- �..�.�_. �.n .�..�. ; (For Parcel#Contacf Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) Buildia�g Yype. _..__..�.___�_...�. _��.r __.m. ... __uw Singie-Family{ } Two-FamilY( ) Multi-Family( } Architect( } Designer{ } Engineer� � � ����� Commercial( 7ownhame( ) Other( } s Name: i Pi�one: i Dafe Received: �� Fax: � �i—� � , � � E-Maii: �i�� ; '_ � �r. f � � j ���� ;� �'l ���f ' t �� � _ _ __ __ , �� � { � i�� �!!� ���i! �V � � 2��� 1�°� � � i � ` � ,.���.u����`��� �� ����� �,��� �.������ : T 1 1 1 I �. ro�roFV�,. Town of Vail, Community Development,75 Sauth Frontage Road,Vaii,Colorado 81657 p. 97d.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspectinns 970.479.2149 PLU 1 IT er it : -� Q9 -�'����`���' roject : JO -0��°l Job Addr�ss: 288 BRIDGE ST VAi� Status. . . : ISSUED Locakion:....: L.URt'�PIANA Applied . . : 02l02l2Q09 Parcel No...: 210108244403 Issued. . : 02/Q4I2Q49 Expires . .: 08/03(2009 ' UWNER Rt�SENQUIST,RICHARD N. -BRt7W 02102/2009 -SEI�CiY.CNARCES 385 GtAYTC?N ST �ENVER CC} 80206-4228 APPLICANT SUNDANCE PI.UMBING&HEATI�IG 02/02/2009 Phone:970-748-8977 P.Q.�{�X 3684 AV(>N C{�1 $162Q �,ic�nse: 101-P ' CQNTRACT(?R SllNQANGE PLUMBING&HEATING 02102/2009 Phone:970-748-8977 P.Q. B(3X�6$4 AVQN CQ 81620 I�icense. 101-P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENT:SlNK,TOi�ET, DRINKING Ft'�UNTAIN ; Valuatis�n. $6,544.Q0 �:�*�������*��*��*�*����*�*�����������«���������«��������«���������������.��,����� FEE SUIVIMARY ����������������������.�������.����.�,�:����������WW�,���������*�����*��*���������� (�lumbin�Permit Fes---� $105.00 Wili Cali------------------� $4.00 Total Caiculated Fees---> $135.25 Plan Check--- __.a�_P___� $26.25 Use Tax Fee--°--------> �a.oa Additionai Fees-----_--_---> $O.Q(3 Invesfiigation----___..___---� $p.pp TOTAL PERMIT FEES--> $'135.25 Totai Calcuiated Fees--> $135.25 Payments-------------------y ��35,�, BA�ANCE DUE----°-____> $0,00 #*�rt#�irkts*a�kR#'k&#k*i�.fit*R�rtir.*xSis#r.'kt<�tfr4Rk��iR�i����>:v:aif�rirt���rti:,air#ir3rxrtx�xxrt+tAWx,tWt�xY�xwawik t,rx*art*:t&xtaaa&sw,twa�aa�t&t,rt,rr,r,r&#i:�kk#&nsc##tak+:,rw#kA�i:ti�aY�xztyrzw-zxrrtt�rt W t:tceiririrx���t tirt�k#ir:tirtrir� . . . ri�f RVtlMi�a7 : Item:�5100 B�JILDING DEPARTMENT {?2142f2���JLE Action:AP , ,..���„ �����,,�:t;.,��,�,��,�,,,,,,t�x..�,..,�..,,,x.�«<,�..<..<,�,.,�.�,�>,<�,���<„�,�,�,���,���.�«,,.,.,w�www.,.,�,�...�,..,.<.,,.�«,w..,�.�,,..w,,.�,,..�..�.�,..,,.,,.w..�....��,�<„��,....���.,���< CONDlTIC)N OF APP�dVAL , �and; 12 , (BLDG.}.FIEi.C?INSPEGTI(}NS ARE RECtUIFtED TO CHECK FOR CO[:JE GOMPt�IANCE. w���������������*�:,�,:�����;+��;,���.�.���«.���������.���.����«�,������������.����«����������:���.������.������„����««��.��.������..������«�..�«���.�..������,�>.ww������W��,�.��.����,����rt������ DEGLARATIC?NS i hereby ackn�2wledge that l have read this application,filied out in full the infprmation required,completed an accurate piat plan, and state that a11 the information as r�quired is correcf: i agresto compiy with the information and pi�t plan,ta c�mpiy with ali l'own ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure s aceording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, internationai Buiiding and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOt2 INSPECTION SHALL BE NIADE 1WENYY-Ft3UR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHt}NE AT 870.479.2149 OR AT tJUR OFF'ICL FRdN!8:p€ AM-4 PM. ,� Signature of ac or Date � �"_--�. Print Name plmbpermt1_041908 ����*���**��������������������*���***������������������������*���������������**������������� TQWN <JF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �*�������*�*�����*���������*��*�*�*�*��*���*���*��������*��������*�������*��**��*��*��*�***� Statement Number: R0900Q0113 Amount: $135 .25 02J04/20Q903 :23 PM Payment Methad: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2323 sundance plumbing Permit No: P09-0009 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Lacatian: LORO PIANA Total Fees: $135.25 This Payment: $135.25 Total ALL Pmts: $135.25 Balance: $0.00 ��:����:����:�:�*****�**����*�x�:�*�������*�*�*�;:�:�*����***�*******������:������*��***���*���*��*��* AC�C>UNT ITEM LIST: Accc�urit Code Description Current Pmts PF 4O1Q4Q43112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 26.25 PP D01900Q311110Q PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 1�5 .Q0 WC OO100a03112804 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4 .00 ,�,,,e�A.3 u r,�.�.w <r:.,a<.,�n,> „� f,:�.� ,r�.<.�d£.,� r .7,�<<.�u:.c . � ,,»,�..:.,�., u�.� .S ,,.;,:�,:.:,t.rs ,«1,.�.�: �r��u;i�.,,tF ., ,.,r.zaas �I�i�, .r�zi,n 1, . i"ti'ER��4r���i9i� �tlP�B��B��I�i3�83�.e������ d.���4.si.B�@°��!��i8.���i ��� � � . . !9 1�'�`t�,���fi#`� Q '�" �° � �i� i ` ��° �� : T ��. 1 �r� �r it ; � . � � -���-���� �xn� ���i���� ��� �.��..: ���. ��n��� �c�'. � � �Ia; �1�r� � ' �` T �' ' �' Pl�rrtbir�g Confiractar: � Tt��r� o�Vail R�g, Nc�.: C�n�ct P�r�ar� ancl P�r�ne#`s: C� �'' a �,. �"� P^- ��.�' - �1� t�� SS: � ��: �antra�c�r�igrratu��a �-t .-°" ` � �° � �� ' � �° ��� � � r����� ��u��z��: � � � � � ,� l� a�r� ,��� � � � - ��i�i r��a le-c��t�� .c�rn ar / rc�1 ` � �� �� � J�b Narrte. �' Jcab'Addr�ss; �° �� � �' � ' � ��� � �� L�g�� @��cri��ic�� l.ca�c ��a��k. Fi1���. ���d�rri�iear�. Ct�ne rne: "�' 1�ddr�s�9 Phc�n�: � En�in�er: �ddress� Phc�r�e: C�et�iled de�cription�f work: � � �, . � �� �. �- ;�. � '` ' t�Vs�r�Cfas�: �lew( } Additiort (�`'j �lt�rati�n ( ) Rep�ir( } �ther� } ; TYpe���31�g,: Single-f�mi€y( } f��plex� } M�alt�-farnilY{ } C�rnnn�rci�l� Re�t�urr�nt( } t�kher( ) ��. �af Existing €�wellin� l�nits in!th€s k�c�ilding� ' �!o< c�fi�cc€�rt�m�d�ti�n llnits in this building: � ' � �� �`€� 1� � �;�� � � � �� � �� � � �� � � � ��� ,��m, ��� �,�.�� L `.� �� `-�; i�� :��:�����:�:�������������;����������:�:�������F ��I !� ��������:���� ������:����������:�������� �i . � � . : . � f .€ ) � � ���1 �e ya\?�e ��.. ��./�� a �..,.,..,,�.. ,�F�F�. ,#w%��i<�.�., n,i � _,,, #a ���1 ��� �.���"� � � � ����2 V.... ^w5.. �.,,,,,-�`� \`���, �?°; � � p� �. t ,t � � �t ��"`�r'��� ��� �✓����� � r„ „ <:,.� ,. ,�,,'"�, t"4 1. 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