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• �a-� �, �'�k t � ����t � t��� � �;t '�`� TawN c�a� v�zz, n$P,�R�$rrr o� c��rz� nsv�z,o��Br�r � �s � . �xa�r��� Ro� + � �aArL, ccr �i��7 �,1, ���-���-���a ����. NC)TE: THIS PERMIT Mi75T BE ��ST�13 C7N JC►BSITE AT ALL 'I'IMES ELECTRICAL F�SL�NIT°� Pertttit #: E'�8�4�81 J�rl� Aeldr�ss: 3235 I{ATSOS RANCH RD �tat�s . . , : �SSi�EI3 Laca�ic�n. . . � 3235 KATSOS k�NCH RD A�ap��.e� . , : 1.{?/�6/1998 Parcel. No. , : 2�.�?�-��3w0�-��.� Issued. . . : 1(1128/�998 Project NQ. : �,J 1a E�ccpires . . : �?4/2fi/�999 APPLICANT FRENC�E ELECTRIC, I�TC. Pho�e: 970�-3�8-52Z6 P.C� BQX 2(3�7', E�GLE f CQ ��.�i31. COt+i'T'RACTCIR FRENCH EL'�CT1�IC, INC. Phpn.e; 97(�-328-5�15 P.D BO� 2C}1.7, EAGLE, CQ $1631 f3WNPR CURRENT WILLIAM C & NANC'Y N 9Q4 N ClAK1�C�N, ML7I'+T�C� IN 4`i3�}4 nescripti�n: ��T r��w r��T��. �� �u�rrs�o��� �r�iu�ti�n: �., +ao� . �oo .rer.rrwre+rr�r�araar+•a*�r.rt�trrrrr�rr.rr.r..rr.e►rrerr�ri ggg „q{��p�Y� wsfrreyr►rrnerwKexr►rer+r►,rrerrwr��kr��+�r��rsrr�►s��arr��sr�+ $leetrical---� 5p.va . �rotal ca�cula�erl F'eea---7 53.00 �RB Fee ---> .60 Additiv37a1 Fses- -> ` .01] '[nvaotisfatxon� .[}0 TcaLal aaimit Fee--------> 53.00 W313 Cdll_""> 3.on Paymenes____ ____________ 53.On TOTAL F6E�___? 'S3.00 BFtIJINCE DC1B_____".___'°`> .08 •�rr+aa.axstr*.s�r+�wr+ry.rv..�r.wra+r,r+tt.rate+t,treier+r,s+r.�rer+r�..ea.r•rrreete+,rsrrsr►r��t+�tt�h+rte+t+t*+t++rrr+f+r�r+rtxt+�rr+rr�a♦ It�m: 06QQ0 ELECTRI�`AL L]EPAR�FENT Dept : �U�LI3�NG Divzsi.�r1: 1Q/28/1998 JRM Ac�iOn� APPR APPRQVE� �'�ern: D5�(]f� EIRE DEP.ARTMENi' Dept : RIRE Divisic��: 1�0/28/1998 JRM ��C.ic?x� : APPR N'/A w�IR6kkY�l�i�Y�TYYFwYIlV�Vf'M1tYiiiiii�Y�ki�#f6{sY;R4lr�t�;YWWYrr�ViY"1��hYV��Yf��F�FW1rM1���YRIF*dOr�Yfear#i�1�YtiY+t�Xi4��FOKiasi�ii��Ly��ii�i�ki+�r ��i��..�1�1Qir �� �������I�"�..�..� �.+.wwraww.wwrwra..�.a�ara�t.r�.���„�iawa++rrwyFe.�er��eet�.�v�.r..r.rr+..rrr+r�+r�.w.ere+.ere.eery►yr�.ete�eerser+r�a�xi�tatr,r+err.rr+srarr+�,.v 7JL'�J..lC'3.44t�.R.L�LxJ F 1�err-k>y �ckr.owk�dae thae : ktave �:ea3 thi� appl.zeatioto, E:illed �ut in �ull th� infc�rmatinei required, evspleted an accurete plot pkatt, mtnd state that ali r_k7e in[vi-m�ticr, g�xovided ae required ia carrect. S agree to cramply orlth the information and plot pian, to camply with all Towt1 atninaneee ar.d staT.a lawa, and Co Isuild Glsie �trucCUf-a accerding te t�xe Towta'e 2oning and �ubdiviaion �adee, design xevieM approved, []niEo�m auileling Cade aend ot�cr o�dinnncea �f the Torn applicablp there�to. RE;,�USB"C5 �'L7Tt ZNBpELi'TQNS 3!-iAI,I, HL MADE T`h1'Eta'2'Y-FOi1Ft }3lJS3R9 IH AS]VANC€ BY TSL&PH6NE A3' 479-2138 4R AT 8UR �FFIC.E Flt{7!�! B:OB AM S:aQ PM r Ii3NA'Ti1RE OF 8Ft �E2 �riTC 0R F[]R HIM86LP iMt� OWN�i7. . � � � � �**�*,�,r,�***��*���**�*�**�******�r���**,��r�***�*�*****��x*�r*���*�*�r� T{7W1� �F VAIL, C�L{]RADQ Statemnt �*�r*;r******�r��.�**��,�*,�,�*,r,���r**�*****�**���x��*�,�**,ra��e*���*�.****�r,� Stat�mtxt i�umber. REC�o459 Amnuun:'t: 53 . 40 li�/28198 10 :22 Payment I��ethcad: CI{ Np�a�.ivn: 7719 Init; JRM PE�rtt'�i� N�s E9$-�2�1. Type. B�-�LEC EL��'RICAL PERM�T Parcel No: 2101-f323-0�-Qlq Site Add�'�SS: 3235 KATSd� RANCH RD L[�C3tion: 3235 KATSL]S RANCH RD T�tal Fees : 53 . (�Q This Paycnent 53 _ Ol7 Total ALL ]�'m�s a 53 . (3[l Halan��: . Oa w rr rtc rk�Ir ilr�e^'k'Ik'k'k;k�e ie'k�''k ir°k Yk�A`'k*�Ir'k�A'aF�*�k v!''k�r�k�k,t rF rY�Ir er,t***it ir*sk�r*rk ir�lr�lF^�r�k ir***�F�k,t�k Accovnt Code I�escrigtion ���t �P [f07�fJ4Ofl311140(l ELECTRICAL PF�RM�'� FEES 5D .OfJ WC Oa1�74]0f�311280fl WILL CAiLL IN�P�CTIf3�i F�$ 3 .U(} ''**r.n:a���t �a�3.e G�unty Ass�ssor�fice , � . �,,�'?t 97G-32F-�6�f(l fax- Pazccl �`� TO�fi.d [7�' VA�TL CC�NSTF;U�:�i'SO;J w, ,� �'�PeIRCEL Ir': ��_Ca� - CJ1� -pd-�lc� �'�,P.r°�.iT APPLZC:AT.�C7N FOF'.;•f p�PL�TT � . L7r�.T£:� • - _• _ � � �iPP�xCAT:CDN I�iC]�T }3� ��.�LLx:D QU'.1' CC7?�IPLFTEL: QR I'�` }�fAl' r,'�`�.�' Il�' AC�E_T�Ti.l7 r ������ ���:����x����x����������� Pi��aiT :�Nt��M.,�'�TZ�N �;���*���:������������x���,�-f**� [ 3 --��z�1ci:�nc� [ �--Pliar�' �ng � ,�E�.ec��.z��7. _ . [ J--Mec}-�an�.c�:l [ ]---ot3i�� �o'.� ?�1'�r.�e: ���l'i�t'��1� _ �'[�b .�.ddres s; � / � "`f"�i f n.r•I..1 �'JJ ?}e�`u]. bescriptxcn: Lr�t4 Illo�k ; � . Fw�.J..T1[�' SUF�f]IC'I5i(3�'• . c�wners T�'arle: ';�1 �� �'l��i '%'�„�7 Address: � . ' Ph. Arc'xi.tec�: �,.c�dr�ss: ' .�. �Pl1. Ge::ez�l �€�scx'�.ptian: � ; ' . �� ��� 1L a �(' t� l 1'i��h L_ "7 r�'���+v� � I� �F` 7 .�r Ci.�B� '4I ��/;�1� lass :_ C ]-�e�r [ ]-A�t�zatian �' ��r��—_ . C 1-°Addit�.�nal [ ] -Repair [ 1�ot?�ex ?lumb�r a� fJ-.ae� ?:r�:� Un�ts; Nwnbex o� Accam:no�lat�can Unxts: I� ml3�r �nd T��� of Fi�`eplaces: G�s{ App�.�.a�c�; Gas Lags jti'r�csd/Pe11r�� ' �ir ne r 9r�c ii��7's'aF 7F'ak is at>t��} 'r.�F ie ir�:�'r.�yk�ir x ac�k�r�k 3k �,t��T.)��i��J�''�� �tir sr 3:i;�l•�F rr ie 9c r's;c r'r''r.�k��r r Jk sk 7:y'� '�c�k�:���:��:xzak £iJ�T�,D�P�G: � E?',ECTF,aeCAL: $ PLUI:%X��G: $ � �'C1 C12'i-T^�: � ' t�f EC't��,t`:L CAL; � r1'C77'AL: � xir>: 'r 'r.ac7rir�'r3r3r�t;�c°zcyF��rc�:}�74xiriris�k CC)j�Th�C . �ner�� C�ntractor'- TOF, �NFOR3�iFi�'�a�y ���:>�,�,�,�„�.�,��.,��,���.�,��Y;�,�r�,� Adclr��s: � �'nwn af 'V��.� Reg. �,To. �'h�n� 1,Tt1.�e �: E'.�c��-ical Con�z�ctnr. Ac:r��-ess: ; -�`�''�'�C`�� ,��r�.� Tawn c�f Vai� Re�. NC7.�#:�S`�,5� ��110r1� 3'Y��;!.°�°Z : . .�i��-�r�i - �a_L17[Ll�].T?c�' CC]Tl`�.��C:'CC]Z: `_ ���i . .� i:d�z��s: - ��;4Tn c�i �Taal fieg. �'G. . , P.h�n� Nur:��er: • — t�f�cha���ca.]. Ct�77'trac�oR.: —" Atie3re: s: '�". �'a�tn a;: Vail Reg. NR. � '� ` - p�][7 73 E Iv 11I�.X]E r'; �cirxisasr ��e 'r.xr':�rxx�cx-aF�4'�:-'r,i:r�cx"ys�F¢:�ki:dris � �+[]��I T]` N G F E�.i•��T Fr,.�; . FOR C7Ft;xC'� US� r����:��:��k���>,���������x�;> E�7T 7 b�Z�C F"�.�d Cd-iECx; FE�: x�:�r�x Y °L?f3�i� ��TG �ERZ•iT�' FEE: �'LLIMB�NG �'��i �� �i�.l �Cl?Z, �'FRMIT F�.�; CHEC'�: FE��; f ?��C'Tt TC1�L FEr: ' �ECFiAhTIC?�L Px=�v CHEC"r� FEE; �° �'I'.iE� :I`Y]PE OF r EE: , �'��'..EA'�'��N F'EE: ���� F��;: : � C�:Ar�i--'L��' D�'PC7S.1T: A, . —q—� ' '�"'UTAL �E�3r'�" F.�°Ev: TY�x GRC7U3� � �l.FT. V��LU?�T_LC7N BU�l�,i]IN�C: � - S SGN�Tu?,F,: � -� —�—�-- Z U?�'�Ir'C: - ----� S x G t��`,'�"Uh�'E: 'c�n�ent��; • . -':��_-=���:�' ����,n5z'C x�:�77s;I1 �'�: - � , � . � � I,.�� � ,�����. t '��� ���.Ec{�� -�-�� E� T[�G�1N C]F VA�L D�F'ARmMEI�FT OF' C�MMIIiVITY DEV'EL4PMENT 7 5 S. FR�I�TRGE �O,�SD ���C1 VATI.�, C� f3J��57 970-479-213E3 k��]TE: THIS F�RMIT M[]ST B� POSTE�3 4N JUBSITE AT RLL `�'IMES ADI3�/A1:�'1` SFI� SLFILd PERMTT Pe�mit �: B97-0453 Jo� Add,ress : 3235 KAT5Q5 �t�,NCH RD Sta��s , . . : ISS[JEL) Ln�c�tian. . , : 3?35 KATSaS FtANC:H RD Appliecl. . : b4�17�'i�7�7 ParccJ. Nr. � : 21p].-[i23-al-OJ.� Iss�.t�d. , . : O�,I24,11�97 I�x`oj�ct Nc�. : PR,797-fl�p39 Expires. . : �C��2I,/1997 APPL�CAi�IT NyIN'I�K CC}NSTR[.�c�TIDN �hon�: 3(33827592� P 0 �3�DX 4(]l�i, VAIZ., C�] 81�58 C(3NTRACT�F� MI�IICK CC7NS`1'�LlCTIC7N Phone: 30382759�4 P 0 BC7X 4018, VA:CL C[� 81658 {)WI��R �GURRENT WTLL�AM C & NANGY 1�1 �c�� r� ��KnQr�, r���vzc� I� ���o� T�`"V'1C�mm. I���. Dc��ription: �IE'�tl�u� dE'.�a It �E:�uCIC� A�DITIQN (��`' GARA�E AND REC Ri70M ���li'�V�C� ���� . C�ccupat�cy: R3 S.i_nc�l� F�mily Res�,de����� _ • Type Const�uc�ian: V �F Ty��: V Nc�n-Rated C���,� ,r,,� ' C� Va�.��ati�an; 2f)a, 504 1�r3r3 Sq Ft; f20 Fireplace Informatiors: Restri�t�d: H }tAf Gas Appliances: 1 11af G�s Lac�s: IlOf 4lavdfPallet: ,kir*�irir**R�4�kirir�t*#****iriririr*r�*irir�k�c�-�r�Ftr*��r��r�r�fr***ir�t�rkiriri�ir*�tak** FEE SUMMARY *-k**ik*#*�t#*�**�*�krkir�k�r*�#�k**it****#**#�r#�t�k***�Ark***#�rr4*tt�t E3u'slct'sng-----7 1,i44.0�] 1{estuarant Plan Review--> .OQ TotaL CaleuLated Fees---> �,G83.54 �lan [heck---> 7G3,64 �REI F�e-----------------> Zt}{?.0€} Rdditianal Fees---------} .ClO investiga[ion> .OU Re�reatiian Fee���---°---> 93.Ofl 7vt�l Permit Fee--------� �,b8��.Gf1 Will Ca�l----? 3.fl0 Clean-Vp ileposit_�__-_-°7 54f}.OQ Paymgnts�_------__r_�___� 2,b83.60 7ATAl FEES-------------> 2,683.Cr0 $ALAP�ECE DUE"__--------°-7 .00 k�k�F�r�fF***���*****�ric****lrir*k'k#iC�k'k'k**�'***�k k ik*�**##t ir��k k!r t�*#fr**ic#1s#********aE*it*ir:t*°k*sk*�k;4 irlr*�r�4**rk�F�*ir******�c***ir�r'k*****ir******#�**k k �t€�m: �5100 BUIL�ING DEP1II�.TMFNT D�pt: B�I�I,I?Tt�G Di'c��.s1.�n : �4�'17�'i997 �'I�iARLIE ActYOr�: i�C}TE PLAI�IS TQ nAI�F � o�/zl/1�97 cxAF�LZ� Rc�ic�n: ,�FPR I�em: C]a40(3 PLANF�Tt�G f]EPARTMEN�' D�p�: PLA�i�TIN'G Qi�rision. �}��/17��.99'� CH�IRLI� Action: NdTE PL,At�S TQ D�RK D4/'��f 1��7 DTFtK Acti�n• AP�R Ttem� (]5�60d �"IRE I7�;PARTMENT Q�pt: FIFt� Q��isiari : {l4/'17�'i�'�7 CHAR:�TE AeL-iar�. RPPR �T�A �t�m� 055a0 PUF3LZC WC3�K5 Dept: �US W4RK Division: 04�17�`1997 CI�ARLIE Acti,4�: RFPR 1V,�A *�t***�*��****�*�t*�r,��t�*�,�x��**�r�*****�t�t�**�*�t�r**�t*r�xx�k�t�r**���,r*�t�*�***�*�t�r��t*�t*�c�t***��x�*�***�t�t***�x�k�*i�***��t�******�****��r**� Se� Pag� � af thi� i�ac�men�. �a�r �ny eandi�i,on� that ma�r apply �o �his p�rm�.t. DE CLARAT x C1�TS 1 hereby ac9cnowledge that I have rea�l this a�plic�tion, �7LLC�d A4t in full the informatton required, completed an accurate plat pLan, and state that all the infarmatiar� peovidec� as requirec� 3s eorre�t. I agree te comply uith the infiarmatian and pLs�t pLan, ta camply with all ToHn ordinances anti state 1.aws, and tq build xhia stru�cture aeeflrding ta th� toarn"s zoning and su6divisic�n c4des, design review approved, Unifarm Suilding tode ar�ci ather ardinanc�s �at the Town applicabie t�aereto. RE4UESTS FOR INSPIECTI4NS SHALL �E MAUE YWEf�TYwFQUR H4llR$ IN AaVANCE BY 7ELEFHOdVE AT 479-2138 �R A� 4UR QFFIGE FR4M $;Q{l kM �:44 YM ��7�1I Send Clea�-up UepoSit To; MFNICK CONS7RUCTiON SIGMkTEIRE Of 6W E�0 �CpNFRA T R F0 HIMSELF AND q�lNE� . e • � � Page 2 �#**��*�*****���*�*�**��*******��*******�**�**�����*�*�#*******������*�#*���*.k#� C4���TTdNS ��i�it # ; 597-��63 �s af �4/2��47 S�aLus-�-: ISSUE� *��**���*����*****�*��������******�������������*�*�����������******�w�w���*�����* �e�mit ��pe: ADD�ALT SFR BUILD PEI�MIT Applied--: 44�17�19�7 A�pl�cant-�: MI�ICK CO�ST�UCTIO� issued---: �4�24��997 30�$������ T� ��pi��: �o/z�/i��� J�b �ddress : 3235 KAT543S RANCH R�7 Lc�cation----. 3235 KATSOS RAN�CH RD Parcel Y�e�--: 2�+�1°023°Q1-a10 Desc�ipti.c�n: AI]I]ITIf��i ��' GARAGE AIV�3 ��C ftO�M �xx**x�x*���rar���r***�*�***��*�����***�x��� Cand�f.�c7ns *���,r���**���r*�*��*��r***�r��*** 1 . FIELD IN�P�CT��i�S A.1�E R�QUIRED TO CFI�CI{ F4FL COaE C[3MPLTAI�TCE. 2 . SMC3k�E D�T�CT[}RS ARE REQI3TR�D IN ALL BEI]R�lClMS AAII] ��I�RX STO�`2.Y �S P�R S�C. 121Q �F THE �991 U�C . 3 . C�ISI� HaUFt CbNSTRUCTItIN IS R��UIR.FI7 S�TWEEN GI�RAGE A�D H�DUSE �^1ImH 2(} MIt��]TE' RATEI� Dd{7R/'CLDS�I��. � . A STEtiICTUAL �IdGII�E�R [�TIT�L B� REQ�J��ED TC} I�PP�OVE FRAMING ' REFC}R� �awrr OF V�TL WILL C)K FR11M�N� It+iSPECTIbN. 5 . N[] l�'IECHA[�'IGAL WC3RK CAN BE STARTED [3NTIL M�CHA�VICAL �ERM�T TS ��iTAI1VEC] FRt�?M T�WN C3F' VA,IL 1 � � **,r****����c�*��***,��*,�***�,��****��*******�r�*x�*w*********�e***�t�t� Ti3WN DF VAIL� CUL�RA�7(] S�atemnt �***�;*�*����*��*******�x**,�*�:�**�r���**�****,�����,�k*��x�x x��**�*�**� Statemtlt Ntlmber: �EC-Q�6f Amount: 2 , 633 . fiC1 C14 f2811'97 15 : 03 Payment Method; CHECK Nc����ic�n: #6888 Tn�� : �'D Pe�'m�t Na: B'�7-�-fl063 T�rpe. A-�UILD P.DL3�'ALT SFR BUIL� PE Parcel No: 21�1-C123-�11-47IC1 S�te Address : 3235 KAtS4S RAN�CH RD Lacation, 3235 RATSOS RAt�CH RD To�al Fees ; � � 683 . fC} Thi.s �aym�r7� 2. 633 . 60 Total ALL Pm�s; 2 � 6€33 . 6(� B�lance : . OQ ,t����7r�Jr�^�k aY�k*�1''k aY a4�t*�i4 a"r�k i�7l��k�l�r�t ir ic!c�k�!r�4�k sk Jt Jr�dt!r Jr'h'St�k•k k�lrt�k A''!r'k'A'A'�c 3F�k�k�1c fF�fr***** Accr�unt Codc I��scription AmoLbnt CIJ. [lOfl� ��310 BiJILI]It+FG PERM�T �'EES 1, 1.44 . f3Q Ol �Ot►C1 4I331 D�SI��I REVIEGJ FEES la{l . �D (ll Q+DOQ �1332 PLAN CHECK FEES 7�� . �5�1 C71 0000 22002 CLFANU�' D�PGSIT� 5�}�3 . 443 3�1 Q000 45032 R�:C��'ATIDN FEES 93 . 44 C)1 00�70 �1336 WILL CALL INS�'ECTTaN FEE 3 , OI3 � d � � � �mro � � o m � � r � � � Q� Y M y i q � x n � z a � � � n � � � b � �� r7 i .a u U�i fi1b ; �p(]�Sry� C � ~L~nN H O ^�C +� r t}XI y � ��t W }.0 �n n R n9 6] U � o t] p] W O I Isf ; i A ;a o+ tq � w i ',� i �l b 'D W I N y � � W '°' P4 � :1 � f7 3 i IA H •� C7 F° i x7 t'+7 � f+ r] �f] .+ � r➢ 7c' � � w O � � � � ^# � � 1a F O � O � �n h] C3 � Z a r� � R I n e � � n � a rr o a. i i d Q '+. 'r1 I I O N 1 I ! �] I VI [a I r� ro �� ro w m H t-' +] � � 2E Q `.0 +�, b O W �i � m tt1 � a m H :+1 '0 � � � � p � w � a i q �-7 y ` Y kt � � e�n � i i n x C �r � � G i � � h] u� i t �n i u3 C[ i T� b i [] � r3 ]+[�S O ['} 6 I I Q � ¢ 1 'j�� Y `�[I Q I � 1 �[] 4'] � 4 i 4 a O f �G�! �' i]� 1 O e O 1 N C� .7 1 i f ! y h� r a �] i q i y r i � . [u � � ❑ + p{t ° � o � o p �n r i sn � tn tn � a i � � " Q � �H d n i i r i7 y cs � o i �i7 9 { O � 9 � , � a� � Y � I O i i i o i r i !r i i � b i � i � ue i i v� i cn i s.�', � U i I O i O � �LO � � I ; 4 G ; q • i � � � 4 r � G r o � C � a � o � a �� � � � i i � i i i � � i b i h� � i y i !s1 + T7 i �� i r t9 p � r 4 M i � Sa� � o� G G CD + ; O � O �'c',''2� i � H U �n o � 'v r_� 9� G7 o CJ O � � � ' . . - � � TOWN OF VAIL DE�ARTMENT OF CQMMUNITY DEV�LaPMENT 75 5 . FR��T�G� Rflp� �RIL, CO 81�57 97�-�7�-2138 �QTE: THIS FERM�T MUST BE P05TED O� JOBSI�E AT ALL TIMES EL�CTRICAL FERMIT Per��� � : E97-���� Job Addr�s� ; 3235 KA�I'�pS RANCH R� S�a�us . . . : ISS�EU Laca�ian . . . : 3�35 KA�'�bS RA�CH R� Appli��. . : �4�17�1�97 Farce� N�. . ; 21A1-U23-�1-�10 �ssu�d. . . : p4��7f1�g7 praject ��. ; ��J97-00�9 �xpires . . : I��14�19�7 APPLICA�T DLD �LECTR�C Ph�ne: 303827591� P � ��X 49�, MI�TU�N C� 81�4� CO�TRACTQR QLD �L�C�R�C Phone: 3�38�7591$ P � B�X �90, MI�TURN C� 81G45 bWNER CURR�NT WILLIAM C & �ANCY N 904 � QAKD��, MUNTCE I� 473�4 ��scriptian�: ELECTR�CAL FQR N�W GARAGE A�D Ab�ITIQN Valuati�n: 9, 7�� . �Q ****�*R�F#��tir***�*�*�*#**********�*�*�*�*���**k�**��**#*��*� FEE SU�MR�Y ��*��*�*****�R*#�**����*�**����**�*��*atk�*�#*�**##*�*#**� Electrical---� 180.04 Total Calculated Fees---7 7$�.00 uR0 Fee ---> .�D Additianal Fees---------> .OD Investigation> .QO Total Permit Fee------°> 183.Q� �ill Call----� 3.QQ Payments____��m_-----___? 183.Qa TDTAL FEES--] 783.�0 aALANCE D�E�__---_______} .p0 . ##����*�#�**#���*�*��kk******�***********�1rk���*****��***#*******�kk***�*****��*�***�#******�*�**�**�********a�k*******�**********#�� It�m: �6��0 ELEGTRICAi� D�PAR�MENT �ept: BUILDING Divis�on: 44�17�19�7 CHARLIE Rcti�ns nPPR F�� ERNST I�em: D55�Q FIRE D��ARTM��T Dept : FI�� Dx�isivn; *�*����**�**�*��**��*��*�***�*�*�r*������***���*������*�*****�***�**�*�**����********�*���t**��***���***�*�***��t*�*�***����**� CO�D�TI�N aF APPR�V�L 1 . FIELD INSPEGTI�NS A�� ftEQU�RE� T� C��CK FOR C��� CQMPLIAN�E, **������*�****�**����*��*�**��*�***�*�*����,�****�*����***********�**����*�**�***���������**����**�*****�����*�*�**�***�t��*� DECLARATrONS i here6y acltrtauledr�� that Y have read this appLicativn, tilled out in full the irtft�rR�ation required� tomp�e#ec! an atcurSte plot pEan, and state that ell the infvrmatior, prs�vided as requireci is cvrreet. I agfiee to tvmply wiEh the information and plot pLan, tfl eomply +�ith alt Toun qTdinbnces and state laras, a�d to build this sxruct�re eccording to the bawn's zoning and subdivisicrcr cades, ciesign re+rieu s�ppr�ae�, Unifarm euilding C�de and ather �rdinances at the Toun applicahLe tfiereto. REQUESTS FOR IHSPECTIONS 5FiqLL B£ F6AUE TWEN3Y-FOUR HOURS IM A6VANC� BY TELEPHCrNE AT 47'9-213$ {]fi AT C7UR OFFIC� FROF1 B;Of] phl 5:t70 P�1 SIGNATURE f]F 0 H R pft CONTRk T R HiHSELF AND OWNEi! . . • � � �*��*�#�*�******�**�*����*k*��***�***�***�****�*****�*�***�*k*�� ��W� OF VAIL, CdLORA�D Statemnt �*�***��*��***���**�****��***��*�**���*�*����***�**����**�*��*�� Sta��mrlt �«��er : REC-d266 �ma��t: 183 . OD Q���8�97 �5 : �4 Paym�n� M�th�d: C�ECK No�at��n: #6885 Yni�: C� P�rmit Na: �97-Ofl56 Type: B-�L�C ELEC2'RICAL PE��TT P�rc�l Na : 2101-�23-D1-�14 Site Addr.��s : 3235 KA`PSOS �.z1N�H Ra Lc��;ation : 3235 KATSQS RAN'CH RD �'[atal r��:: 183 . 4Q This I��y�nent 183 , 0� To��l ALL Prrttr: 183 . 40 Balance. . {�0 %r k tY 4r�k�l'�c•k�F�c�r*ryt�r�k�k ir�Ir'�e 5k ir�tr*�r ak�k r4 9c yY sk�k k�k�Y sVr�k�k A'k�c�r a�*k�k�r�k 3r�r�F�4�k^k tk�k 4r tF�F�c*�k�r�lr ir Account Cac3e 1]escriptian Amc�un� {�l 0000 41313 EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT F�ES 180 . 1�4 Q1 oaa� 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTIL�N FEE 3 . {}0 .. ' . � � Tf3Wl�3 C}F VA�L i��.�AR�'MEP�iT �}F COMMUNI°PY DEVELC7pMENT 7 5 S . FR4NTAGE Rf]Ap VAIL, C� 816�7 5�7(}-479-2138 NDTE: TH�S i��RM�T MUST �E FC)STED C1N' JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES M�GHAt�ICAL P�RMI°I' Fermit £ : M97-p055 Jc�b �dr_lress . . . : 3235 KATSOS RAF3CH �f] fitatu� . . . : ISSUED Lacati.on. . . . . . : 3235 KATSf?S 1�A�(CH Rl� Rppli.ed. . : Q4/"17/'1997 p�rcel hia. . . . . : ����-oz�-ai-oi� Issu�:d. . . : Q�,I29/'19�7 P�oject lvumber; PRJ'47-(1Q39 �xpi�-es. . : Q3,I28�'].998 APPLI�ANT �DP+ICEPT IUfECHRNICAL, IiVC Phc�n�: 97�}949�Y2Q0 4134� LT. S . HWY � & 24 WEST, $LI�G E, �JNIT 4, AVC3N, CU $1620 Cbl�7TRA�T�R C�JNCEPT MECNANIC,AL� INC �hc�ne� 97i�94'�(32pL} 41348 CT, S . HWY 6 � 24 i�V"�Sfi, $LIIG E� []NIT 4, AV�AP, CU $162�7 DWt�ER CURREN'T 4JTLLT��I C & NAt�CY N �(]�k 1�7 4AKDON. MUNICE I�E 4734�4 Descrip�i�n : Valuata.on; 9,5�4 . 0(� � MECHAl�TCAL FClR NEW AI]pITIC}N Fireplace lnfe�rm�t4ort: Restricted� �Of Gas Apptiances: 1 fOf Gas Lags: fOf i�oad�pallet: ***�r*#is*3c�k�k**��kk*9r,tii*�it*�i�*ir*irir�t�-ir�t�t*�t*ir*#*#****at****-k�tat*** FEE SUMMARY *ir�t�kir**at**�li*********�tic***�17r*ir*�/r*�—k*�rirrl�kir***ir*rt�t�k***#**irt�� Ftechanicat---> �DQ.f�4 Restuarant PLan �evie�r--� .[]fl 7axal Galeutated Fees---} 2�3.t70 Plan Check�_�? Si�.Og nR6 Fee_____�------_____� .0�3 Addition�l Fees---------? .C30 Investigatian} .Ot3 T4TAL FEES---_°----------> 253.0{� Tatal Permit Fee-------> �53.[}U 4dill Call----> 3.�0 Payments________________y �53.OQ BALANCE OUE--------__.__.} .Q[} #*ik*ir�r*#ic�k�***#****'k�tdr*�k�k**-k rk'k*ie#'ksFk*o4f�irir ir*tr**rrik'k#�'k�*aF tF fk�k�tsE*ie�t��k'k'�k�t�*�*�F�kk*�k*irit****�fr*�r�F**�k****ir�*�**�c*#*******sk**rt#ir°ttiriek'�e*ir*�-k ieyk�F ik �tem. t��1 Q{} BUILDTNG I��PAF��'MENT D� t. BUILI3ING Qivisian: 09�'�9�1997 CHARLI� Action. APPR �HARLIE DAVI� Item: 4550D F�RE DEPARTM�NT De�t: FIRE D.�visi.on: 09�29�'].997 �HARLIE R�tion: APPR N�A CONDITZON �F APPROVAL 1 . FIELQ II�ISI��;CTIt7t�TS ARE Ft.EQUIR�D TCJ CHECI€ FOR CQDE CC�NlPLZANCE. 2 . Ct3t�BLTSTIUN AIR �S RE�LII'��L7 I'ER �EC. {Q7 {7F THE ].99J. UMC. 3 . INSTALLATZ(]N NfUST CC� FC1RM TQ MAN�IFAC�"URES II3STR[)CTIQIVS AND T(� AFPENDIX �H�.PTE� 21 QF T�iE 1�91 Ur�C. 4 . G.�S APP��P.NCES SHALL E�E VE�ITED ACCJRDING TO CHAPTER � AND SHAL�, T�RMIhI�'I"� 1�S SI��C��IED IN SEC. 9Q+5 QF TFi� �.991 UMC. 5 . ACCESS TCl H�A'I'�NG �QLI�PMFNT MUST CdMPLY WITH SEC.5i}5 A1tii� 7 4 3 OF 'I'I-TE 19 9 l i.Ft�C . G . BOIL�RS SH,A.LL BE NSOU�3"�'ED DN FLOCIRS Q�' NONC[3MBUSTIBL� CONST. UNLE55 LISfiET] FClR M�3UNTII�TG QN �QMBUSTIBLE FLQORIt+iG. 7 � PERMIT P�ANS AND 'CC?�E ANF,LYSIS MI�]S"I" �E POS'I"EL XI3 MECHANTGAL R�JUM P�tT�R Tt] Al�i IP3S�'ECTIa�i ��p UEST. $ . bFtR.TI�.AGE QF I�'fECHA3�1�C,�1L RaQMS C�}NTAINZ�G ki�ATI�TG ClR H(3T°WATER SUPFLY B�ILERS SHALI, IiE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOC}R DRAIN PER 5��, 2119 (JF 'THE 19 9� iTMC. x�****�**����x�**�x�**��*���;�*���r���;��*:���*v��x�����**�*����****�����r���*���x��*��� ;: ��e����z��s � � � - .. , . I hereby nckr�outedge that I have read this epp�icativn. filled out in full the in#ormatian requireci, co�vpleted an eccurate pEat plan, and scate that all the information �arnvided as rrquirrd as correet. I ggree to eomply With the i�farmatiorr and plot {�lan, to comply uith �LL �9N11 ordinances and atate laus, and ta build this structure according #v the Tawn"s zoning arrd su�sdivision tades, tlesign rcvieu approvtd, Urtiform Building �ode and ather ordinances of the Tctun �ca e thereto, RE4UESTS FOR ItJS�ECFS4N5 SHALL BE HAC1E TLlENFY-FOItR HDU _ YANCE,BY 7 H4 479-�138 OR T OI1R OFFIGE FRQFF :W AM S:U� PE7 SIGNATURE OF [}�NER OR CONTR0.LTOR FOR HiHSELF Ah4 041N�R �/' `�� I V ' ' '��'PC� � ' � � ��****�*w*�*��*����**�****����������*���**�*�*�**�*���*��*�*��*� T�W� Q� VAIL� CQLaRADa S�aternnt ****�**��*���*�����*����*****��****��*�*�***�����*���**#�*�***** S�atemnt Number: REC-0335 Amaunt: 253 . 00 09�29�97 I5 : 36 Pa�ment Methad: CHECK Not�tivn: £3b57 Init: L�a ----------------------------��---------------------------------� Permit Na: M97-��55 Typ�. H-MECH M�CHANiCAL PERMZT Parce� No: 2I01�023-a1-�14 Si�e Address ; 3�3� KATSOS RA�CH RD L�cat�on: 3�35 KATS�S RA�CH RD Total Fe�s : 253 .4Q This Pa�ment 253 . 40 Tota� ALL Pm�s : 253 .0� $a�anc�; . �� ������****���**�������**�*�������***�*���**��*��*�*�**��*��*���* Acc�un� Cade �es�ription Am�un� �1 O�QO 413�2 M��HA�ICAL PERMIT FEES 20� . D� �1 �4�Q 41332 FLAN CH�CK FEES 5D . �a �1 ��OD 41336 WILL CR�L INSPECTI�N FEE 3 . Qa � S�F-18-1 J97 2�=61 �CIhECEPT I"�CH�E�I I CHL� I NC. 970 �49 � P.01 w " � � ��� ����� � ����? �,��'��' �'����I. ��. � r � '����. PlUM81NG ■HEIITING ■SYST�M DESIGN ! �,�,,�,�,,�?%�`� I P.(?.B01K 1155 AVL1N,CflLI]RADO S1G�i5 PH[1i�E:f�7t}3 949-Q�] FN(:(470)9+�9•0300 �CpCC�Rt�i l$, �497 TCI� Mr. Ch�rlie I}avisa Tcawrt af Vail Bui�ding D�rtme�t FRL7�M: T'un Ra�e� R.�: Cum�m R�made�l 3235 Kait��ta�uch Raada Lat 5,Blcyck I,Yail V't�tag+e 12°s Filing B,uildang�e�ei�#897-CFCkS3;Flum�ing Pc�rmit#P'9'7�D�34 �3oile�r Plau�t Si�ing and H�ti�n�Cvnt,eras We�av�ca�leted c�nr heat�oss calc�l�t�vns fcar the abnve prvje�t�vn grnae�t c�ra,w°ir�s, R�values, and�#and�rrd A���cues fcrr ci�termining heat Icr��. T�e taatal��at��f�r thc�cic4itinn to the��rr�e is appm�rirn�#eiy 43, 82Q$t�th. T�e se� l�vel �npu't c�f the baitp'i�75,�0 Btuh The�t�d�ile�r wili be a T�e�iyne L�ars model#JVT-7S, T�s 6aiier can be�in�tatled with 2"ctearance to aamb�sta�a�e r��ct��n A cut ah�t on this t�il+�r is ex�cic�sed. This boi�er wi�l �ecv�three n�w ttytlraniic�F�r the�itinn. "['he ea�r�ylstair�one wi.il h�ve �.5 to 17�eet c��bo�rd. '�'�e garag�e w�ll l�a�e� 1 G,tN��tu€�uait h�ater. �n additic�the�`amily rocam will ha�ve 24�'cc,t o�bas�arci. Ba�+aau°c3 to be Slant Fin Mfa�ti-pak�(�with H-1 �emetrt vr�th��utput of T9�}Btuhfft. ai 18fl�.w.t. Tl�Tcrvim c�" �+'si�M�e�ea'►rca�P�rc�e�t fofi�w�this shect. P�r,�se call if yc� h�ve any c�e�ttivns. Also, pl�se c�ll me w�e�n t�ue p�nit i�processed so that�may cam�e and p�iv�c it ug. � much. : � SEP-18-1'39'7 �e�91. G[lh�fPT f"E�!I C�. I I�. �7'70 949 0�@0 P.PJ2 - " � � '� Tt3'fRI+T OF VAIL G'�NSTFtT]'�TTQN C� �����f PE�tMIT APPE,TC�LTiOH FURH � � QATE- 11,FFLIC-�TI�l� �[�5T SS f�Li�:I3 O'I7`� C�QI�IPLBTELY �1t ST �,1' NQ'�' BE ?�CC�P'I'EI3 �*�*�rtt*�r*+�*�r***��t��rr*:t�r*�r**� P�MIT I�'fRKA'�'IfJN **���*#�r**#���t**��#���*�*w��r� � I`�uil�iit�q [.�,-Plunbing [ l-gleatrir.��, � �-�E�,�ctri�a3. �']-pth�r � Jolo k�ame: t f+GCi'Y`�L�` ��� 1�7��t.+Tob ��dites�: � a� �� � Lsqal besC�a'tp�i�n: Lv�� Blsack� Fiiing V' - Own��� Nam�: W' � 'L�. �C�I"�1��°G(� Addres�: h. ��3�' Arch i�te�t: � l�iddres s: �.�, �x �,�'�.' $��`�'S#�`x"h. +�r '� Gener�i []�scripta�on; � t � ��r Wark Cla��; [ ]-New [ ]-�,lterat�o� [�Ad�c�li�i+�nal � ]-1tep`air [ )-�ths:r_ . l�iumaer Qf ���,�ng Unit�. � Nuuab�r of r,ccomntyd�t�.on IInits: � � H�r �d Type af Fir�places: G�s �ipp�fances � Gas Loqs�,_„ Woad/Pell�� �a��r*�r*�*��►***��r�*���#��r�t��r**���** Y]�[�AT�b�T� ��rttt#�r*�r***�t���*�r�*��**,t*�*�**�* HU�LD�NG: ISi.ECTRICAL• QTfi�It: AL��NG: I�CHAN�CJ�L• ° � 'I'OTAI.: *�*�k�r#�r,�**tt�**��rf�e��r��t�k***� �NTR�ICT4R TtiF��lTIK1�i **,k,k��t�����r���r�f,t�#�**�t�r��k,k G�ri�ral Gvntractar: / �r'� � C Town vf Va i 1 H0. �,dd'[�ss: .� . x-� !�f' • �� Phon+� �u�er:�t'�-- Z�"' �le+ctri�a� Co'ntraCtor: Tawn o� Yail Req. N4. �iddress: Phane I��um'�er: P�.�xng Cc�ntra�tvr: - ., Town �f VaiZ R N� � � � �cldress: �' i P vn� Numk��r-. �"' �+ ;t�a� y�, � � ' `(� -" �, � ts�ct�sica Contr+�et+�r: �T GC �!��---°r-� �, o�iri �! V x 1 �Reg. p �� l�ddress: ,� ,�. �- r '� Ph+�ne Nr�niber: � � �� �r*�r**�r��e�r�r�����t�}*##t�*��**��*�r* �'C3�C f�FFt�E USE ##*ir+�*,r��*,�ttff,ie�s�*,tr*�t�f�#**�t# BUIF�INC� PEBMI'I' FEE: BUILDING PL�iH CHE�R FEE; �'L�SIII�G FSIilYiI7' FEE: P�L1��3I3�NG 1�L1�1� GHE�GY!C FEE: ME�TI�,I, P'BRI�!'IT F1�E: I+�GGHHA,t�ICAL PLAN CHE�� FEEx RECR.�iTIf]N FEE: CLF.1�,I+i-Ti7P bEP'C]]5ZT z OTHER TYFB C�F FEE: �'U"�AL PERN�T �'EES: TYPL GROUP S(�.FT. �'VALIIATI(7N HCJII,D�NrG: . signsture: ,�oxxx�: ��gna�ure. —��--_�-- « ' � � �ot�N a� v�z� ���A������ �� ea�r���r�� �����fl����� 7 a S. �'RCJNTAGE ROAL► VAIL, CC� 816�7 97a-4?9-��.3� NUT�. THXS PERMIT MUST BE PClSTEO {}N JOE�SITE AT ALI. TIMES PLCFMBI�iG P�RM�T Permit # : P97-��3� Jcs�i �.c�dress : 3235 I{ATSC3S RANCH RD S��;tus . . . : ISS�U�;D Locai�ian. . . ; 323�5 T{AT��S RANCH RD A]3pli�d. , : 04fZ7�19�7 Par�e1 t�To. . : 2101-D23-01-�10 I�SUeCl. . . : a4�17��99 7 P�o�ect Nc�. : PRJ97�-0039 Fxp�_�'�s . . : 10�`14��997 APPLICAI�T C(7NCEFT T�IECI�P,NICAL� INC P}3UIll°: 97�949[Y�D'0 4J.348 U,S. HWY 6 & 24 WES`I`, B�,DG E, L1NIT 4, A'V{}N� CQ $1620 C:�(=lNTRAC"f'(JR CCJNCEI'fi P+IECP-I�1A�ICALr INC A�1[7t1e: 9 7 C}9 4 9 E}�0� 41�4E3 U, S . HWY fi & 24 W�ST, BLDG E� UNIT 4 , �SION', CCl 81f���3 c]�fNEf� CUk�REN°I' WILLTAY�I �C & t�1ANCY N 9a4 1'd QAKaQ�I� MUI+IIC� TI�T 473i�� Descr.iption: FLUMBING FO� AI�DITION ValuaLian: 3� 7(}O . QQ �*;k**�****sk**itsk*int****irtkir*�t**is�iF�#��*ir*�k�*�***�4fc**�4drirat��skic* FEE SUMHARY *#iririririr�t*iikis�**ir**r4aY****3r#*#***�:�r�k�§�1°�xir*frirk��*���kitir�:4�� Plumbing-----> fii�.Qp Restuarant Plan Rev3eu--> .dD 7atal CatculPted Fees---? 78.4� F�l�n Check---7 15.f�C1 TpTAL FEES--------------7 78_a0 hddit�oRa4 Fees---------� ,IX} fnvestigati�n> .fl0 TUt�I Permit Fee-----_-_y 7$.(}t} 43i1t [alL----? 3.00 P�yments°---------------> 7$.U(] ESAL0.FICE �UC�a�_�----�-��_°> LJO ir*k�F*st9rk##�t rtrY k 1r k#ir**#*1r*sF*ir*sk*`+k**a��r�iri�**�*ie***i4*�k*sk��k*****#k�**i**ic**#***ir*ir#*******ir**ir�ir#***#***�k*#*ie********:k*#,t*rk�e*�r f�#^�*irir#*** 7tcm: 05:1.f1{} StJILDI�JG D�PAFtTM�NT ❑� t; BL�ILDING Di�ri��can: [14,I17�1997 CHARLTE �ct.ion: A�'FR CHx's,RLTE �AVI� Item. Q5�fl0 F'I�t� DEPAftTMENT Dept: FIRE T]��isi�an: ��,��**�,���*�#�*�x�,���r�****�****�;�**��*���********��**�*�*�*��r****��*�,��*��*********�*���,�*�***�********��x�***���s��**��***��*�� COIVL�I'�'ION C?F' A�P1�C7V,�.� 1 . ��EL,L� INSPECTICINS AR� REQLIIE2EL7 T(� �EiE�CK FC1R C�I7E CaMP�IAI�TCE. 2 , ALL W�]Ri{ MUST CQMPLY WI"TH 1994 UPC �k*�k�,k�4**����rie**k**3r***�k**�k***ir***�4***#*******�r9r#�k****i�*�*************#ic irk**�k*rk 3r st*�rir*ir*****rk*�**-k*k**is*�kir*�r****irkaYkk***inHc*****k��k�k ��cL���zar�s I here�iy acknvwledge #�aa# I haVe read this applicatian, fitted out in fuZl the informatian reyuired, c4mpLeteci an aceurate plat ptan, and stat� #hat atl the infsarmaYion provided as required is correct. I agree to cqmply uiCh the infarmation and pl4t plan, td comply with �ll Tawn ordinancex anc! st3te L�ws, a�d to htiild this structure ecCOrding to the 7own"s zon7ng and sutrdiv�sion ccades, design reuieu �ppraued, Unifarm Build�ng Cade �nd vther ardinan�es af the T�wn applicahle theretv. F{EpUE5T5 F4R INSPECTIONS SkALL 6E MAt1E TilENTY-FDl1R H�9UR5 IH AIIVANCE BY 7�LEPHD�lE AT ti �J-�138 OR AT [?UR OFfTCF F'R7M B:Dd qp# 5:0Q pM �� � SIGNATURE F OWME OR L TRAC7QR FaR HIMSEEF AND �IJF�ER . � � � � *���*��**��*�**�*�***�***��****�*�������*���*��*�***�*+���***���x ��W� �F VAIL, C�LOFZAD� S�atemnt �������**�**���*���**��*����****��*�����**�***����*�***+��***��� Statemt7t I�umber: REC-026� A.�ot�nt. 78 . DO 44�'28�`�7 15:�4 Fay�nent Methr�d: CHECI{ Nofi.atio�: #68��3 Ini.t: CL� Perrnit Na: F97--17034 Typ�: B-�PLI�B PL,UMB�NG PEI�MIT Parc�� 1�Ic�: �1�1--0�3°-41-C�1(} Site Address : 3�35 KATSCIS RANCH �tL� Locatic�n: 3235 �€A'TS�S RA�NCH I�D Tc���l Fees : 7� . fl C3 This Faym�nt 78 . 40 Tc��L�l ALL Pmts : 78 , QQ Balance : . fl0 *����,�**������a��*x�r**�***�r�����*����*****�****�����*,��*���*****� A�count Code a�script�ion Am�unt O1 Od(l(l ��311 �'LUMB�l+IG PERMIT F�ES 6�J . {�{� {�i OQO�I 41332 PLAI� GHECK FEES �� , (]Q O1 �p0(� 41336 W��,L C�LLL IN'SFECTIC}�T �'EE 3 . 4�Y � � � � ;;<�`;`�-._, ��51�I1 ��VI�W �►,C�lUll �' Qr�l . _.�, row�u����ri '' T�'�VN (�F '�r�A�IL Pr��n�cct �i�:tzc. (t�rr•ent Resid�race i'�•c�jc�t �cs�:ri�rtie���: F� Foat C'cdar 1=cnGC Dc�� Encic��urc C}wnce, Aciclt�etiti and Yht�nc. Bill & Nancy Curre��t Ar-ci�itcct.f�'o�t�ir.t. Addre55 anci Pkaonc: Saundra �paeh, P� Box ��,Vail 8165$ f'r��cc� �t��ect Addrew�: 3�3� Katso� R�nch Rrnatl Lc�;al Dc�c�°i�ti�n: Lot 5, �iack I, '4'ail �"rlla�e i�tlti Parc�;l Nun�hc�•: 2YU1-[f23-l�1-U10 F3ui1�1in�Narnc: C'c�rrrrt�c�r�ts: Qaard ! Staff Actian IVI[3tl(NlI7V: NIA Actic�n: ;TA►FF ,4F'PRQVE1l Scc�rnd�.d b�1: ]�lA Votc: PJIA C't�nditio��: �C'c�wTt Plannet`: Bre��l Wil�c�n Datc: June 26, 199'� I)REi Fcc P�`e-Pai+d; �2a.00 E:1.1 �'1 itti'I5�1i 1f7R13tA1'1''R{7L'rt[.'�=]4"�('I iRRf:ti'1.C�25 _�-. "'�, �� (�ucsticsnw'?�1��`dat�rtis��Staff at�79-2!�fi s 1.`�,� �~' �� • ��-.,.. f, `�`k'' APPLI��ITf(]1`� I�()R DC��G� �CVi�'1�' r1PPRC)4'AL �'���'�'�0��'r�.�� � ��.� � � C� m° �����z�� ��,��FZn���.����c��, ��� TE�i:+��-rg�li�alicm i5 ('c:r�rty�rrt�;�e�t reqt.�irin� C)csi��rt �cvir��=zt����rov�l, 1�ny �rq.l�,c[rGc�tlsri3��desi��i rcw�icr�r tx�t�st rc�.civ� I-ycs�.�,Fi Rcti�i���� €i���?rcaval ,�riQr to st�hiTiittin�ft}r,� ht�ilctii��;��r���it. 1'crr s�ecitic i��fe�rr��ation, se�t�c stibrY�i#t<�I CC{�Lll!'C173CIltti t(7F C�'IC �'7SrrFictal:u-a�r�+roval tl�aF i� a��;q�scstcci, `l�l�c�{��piicali��tz�at�a�ot Ue ZCC���ted t�ntil �fl tfic z-cs�t�ircd it�t�,r�n�t�tiidrrl rti s�ih2i�ittec�, Tl�u�rc�j�:et A�1�y als�a ne�:d tc�k��;rcvzc�vc�1��y thc Towt�C'oGU�CiI �t�ti�'pr tlle P1z11ll1117���t3d F'n��isc���i��cnra( C'�f�7���7i�sics��. Desi�n Rer•ierv E3nard a�}�rc�vsif expii�rs �nc y�ear�ftri-tin�;! .�}��ror•�1 ur�jess a b�iilclin� }ac��•mi[is i5cut.cf �nd cnn:�l��uctinr� is startcd. r1. F7f?Sf'RIPT1f�N UF�"I-�I� RFC,�UFST: � r N-[�!-4 ��3��� ���`Al�� '�Of�— �G.�.,O S��� �. r,c�c�T«� �r r��c�r�a���r.: L,o�r� � r�r.��c�:�^�=x�.r�vc: ��� �r��rFs€c.a�.AaL����S�: � Z � � ������-�--G� ��. _ C:, b'r^,�itC'�I..�: �t o� - ��� ' �'t - ��C'Q«�itta�t �a�;le C`o. �1s�;�.�,c�r�[?Fts�c at 9741-3i�-KC��CI f'or}7arccl #) []. ![:)C�I�1 t=;: _ �. ���a����a�'��v�r,�r[���r s): [�� �--�-- �---���=`-r+' c�_ [��.�.��]" PvlAlfwlNLi �I3Uf�F:S�: f'HCINE: F. +D'�1'�I�;ri{S] S�+iGNATURE(�); c�. �.atiiL c_�r� ,�����c��3:v-r�: `��l� � �?-�t � f�7�[LINt; f1DDI�E;�S:�'C�- L� P�-1C�i�IE: ��� -� t�.,�� H. "i'l�"f'f� C�f� 1ZE�VI�l�� ?�NL) FEE: ❑ Ncrsr C'nnsiruCtion-��{}f] '��l1I1.5CflIL`tE011 Uf :i I1ClW���lildiii�;. ❑ Ar�d'aiinn- :���D fE���iu[�c.4 r�n�a� ��c�t�itii,n +��hc:re:;��tiz�•c€ac�tanc is a:ddet!en anu residc�ltial rar �:�r���r�icrei��� h�ul�1'sri�. � ,,�;�ti��ni`:1lteratinrz - `S�0 I��cli�cfcs it7riic�r�]7s�n�cs tc7 huilclii��s�t�d sicc iit��rc}v�ni�nts,sucl��.5. rcres�ti��4w. �.�intir�!,�.���iijcica�v�iri�iitic�ns. Irtza�S�:aJ�iri�, f��7ccs a�xd retnini�i� r.L+3��ti.CIC. I7RE3 fcLti a�`c tca h����icl rit t'�c ftll'6i;47t tiL11�1111iI'<lI. I.'rtk�.r,tvlle.�7 ����{yir��#'t�r:�h�►ilc3it�t�;]wn�iit,�3ct�,;c ic��r�tily tkic��ct�r�te���I�tiatio« o[tfic��rajcct. 71ic Tc��4•z� caf V�iil tivill�cljust tI1L 1'cc��c+�Y�din�*io t€tz��rojcct aal�as�tic��i. PLE"�-�►SE �;LIl3'�IiT TIiIS APPLICA`i'1('1�,hLl�SiJ�3�1'IC'I'TAL REQCI�RE14"IEi�lTS ,4,?'�D THE F'EE Ti�TX-�E DCP�►R7'11�1r1'�IT �OF CCII�'I11'�L9NIT4' DEVELC)Pi�viENT.7�SOUTH �Rfl1`�iTAG�, RC1AU, '�'r"�IL,CULORA�IQ $1�5"l. ���'�.�!Cti�c_!4��:4t nI�T: �'LC��11f�: �,_,�_ ���i#: �r4': _ ._.. ,�.p4>li�,lliott 1.)13tL; ❑I�..13 1V1c�.4it��;i��ikc: ['rc-AP�rlict�tic�n 1!��cliat�, �ate: _ ----,._---.--- �� �� . LiST(.)F PR[}PQSEG 1�1ATERIAL,�� I.�[�Ifi,I?iN�Ci Cv1.�1,TERIFsLS: T�'i'�CJF,;1$r�`f`�:��iAL: C'!�JL+C)f�:* lioof� . Siclinf= Utfi�a'W°�[I 11�1<it�.rial:; F's�st:ir� � a �� �C7 I'ti�s V+�'isitlo�,vs ll'i�i t��ti4-Tri tt� ... t�nt�rs _._---- T`�c�c�r Triz�7 1[<aiyd ar]�eck itasls Fl�ies I�lasl�iii�� C'IIilz�ncyS �l�ri��l� Ezicict5��ra:� __.� Gree��ti�ru5cs _. _ Ftict:tir�in{��r�',ills Ext�rit�r f.i�htin�** {�tE�Gr * �'lc3�c���,cify the ��i�crsi�f��t��rer'�cU�i�r,Ex�rrril�Lr and�ttacl�a small cotnr clii}a *� AI! c�;tcriur li�htin4� rl��isl mc.c�thc'I`okw�n's Lgnhtin�C_}rditlancc I�i.�4.C1�b41}. 1f ext�:rior li�htin�i��r�pc�scd. ple€��.c %�7�iicate the nud�il�cr o�fi�tures�sii� itfc�ati�sns ��1�t si:f�aeatc li;�i7ti�1��Slazi. Ide��tify c�s�h tixLure t��pL�u7ci�Sro��icl� thC 1�ci�,ht �l}����:f;►'acfe, lar�Ziens[�Lit�ut.ltl�zastic���s as�c3, a�ld sttaCli�C�rt;:ltic�t t�1`tl�c ii4�htis��fixt�.�rc.�. � 1J�datcd C��97 �RC3M : �I LL 8. I�WCY LIJRRENT � PF�INE i�0. : 765 284 �� �un, 29 1998 �7.=Q1�"M Pl JLk�F-29-19�9 �:aa F.g2 y ~ C}t�cEion67 (:ts�I thc P1nnt�r`g St.�1'f st 47'�-3{?$ ! 4L �'� A��'PLlCATION FUR DES�GN �t�;YLE�I+' APP�i.UVAL �'OWN�"F�AI� ; Thi��p�ii��iq�,i��'ar�y proje�rsqtiariat,�D�xig,n R.�.w,cw apprmnaaI. AnY�na;ect rc�ulri�g dt.�i�r��vi�w rrn�st rccerwe Gc�ign Revicw approv�l privr tc�dvbmitti��g f�'p building nan��l. f'�Spep�tC i�tf[a�m�e[ian,sae the su��ntttial f'C�u9rCmaaeta f€Ir th�F�ticuar ap�ravaI tita�4s rcqucsttcf 'i'E�c appl9c�noa rannat b�scc�s�e���otit�l�t,�rc,q�u,r�d infO�Ft`.�t1G¢'s i6 auh#7�ii#r�d. 7'iu ys�jciak r�;ay�s1,s+o n�dD[s l�e rcriewcci�}r the''�pw�n C�e�ai1 xttcl/c;e thc 1'i�ni�r��,t� r��vsroizrncmxl�C:e�mmi�xian. Llt�t,�Rev�cw L3naM�pprorrtl t�xpiras vne ye�r���er#�nal�ppror�l un�ess s , built����crrr��t is 3s�ucd and caustructinn is�lsrt�. A� bES�RIPI"IC1iV 43F THE RE4L�EST; ..�i � �+�d..I� �!���+4���ir!G�` . �`s—. �J�L�4�5 i.1��+E'" �. LO�:AY'1C�3�1 UF I�tOI't7SAL: LQT� � �3�.{1�CCK: � PI�,IhiG: I��� '4//�„� !�_„T�f t'HYS�C�4L ARDl�S,.�:.�.-,� �`,+�'�'�!'� ,F�4�tl�r� �1�. ''�—±., C_ P�4R�EL#i: (C'ont,�t,�a��Ca,/L�C�s��Uff��c ue 97(I-32�-$�forpas�c3:#) i3. ��J�1NG- ��_� E tiAill�'E f��dW1►J'E�i.(S�:_�f_E.� � �G �' l..L��7"' M`ftl LfNt:A.1]i3RL55: �� MIJ C../�"_,,.�,1.d� ,. PttON£- _�,�-��.�'�'�'� ��. ow��rt���c��►Tr,�t�f: c. �rn.m������.tc�►rr�r�._..�# MAIT.�iG AODRF�S�� �tr�_ �j''�� �l��.G.C��rLre.��--.- rx�r��:'�7��'�'�'"",� N. TYPE i7F REVIEW AND FEE: Ci ��w C�smtttien-��oQ C'csn�tt�u�tit�at cN'�nt.w btlilding. 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'�� ��.�.�' �� r � �. �5� � � �.S r.• ,��■■s� � ,f� � "7,� ' � �4'' t .��� '�` 4`� .�'':P i 1 . � r�,.�,� r y —_� � � �_ �:Y ' � y!;���' � Y. o� . : � � �!1 + �� � � �� w�° � �.���:�� a.-' �.�"�." � . . . �� ��. � � � �.�.�: .� �, _ lJJ : 1JJ .J .. J1 ��. ''�'� �/"� ����.�" � I .. - ., . ��7'�� d f �, � � �': ,� } � �,�,,� � . ^iR�. ���,#��:.�pg�• .. -_ . .. __ � ����'"�� .. � � � rsvf..a •l�7��� ]3�3Ii�T RB'V�SW Bt�AR�} APPLIC.ATIL?IST - 3`�Tr�N �F YA2L. CQLt]RA37E� DAT� R��EIV�D: .��T l � . DATE QF DR� MEETING: v 0� �r�r*�**,t�r�r* �r*w,w,�t**** I, PR��t'-'?' INF�RM,ATIAN; �,. .�ESC�.zP�rr�ra:���� �T1 _��-� ,��l�l�l-�'�.��� _�� , - H. TYPE Q�' R�V'��; �l�ew C�nstru�tiQn t$200.�3U� Minor Al�eratinn �$�(3 . Df}� Adaitic�x� t$5(}. (]Ol Canc�ptual F�eview I$i}� C. AI}DRE S 5: ��.�� ���:_�—� T�A� 1.�s�f C. J D. LEGAL I3E�CRIPTI+�N: I,at Black Subdivisi+�n V.�CiL_ l,//���-��/`�. �� ,F//�''/[! -- I£ grvperty is descril�ed by a meets and b�uunds legal deserigtion, please prt�vi�e vn a separate sheet and atta�ch to this appli�ation, E. �on�x�r�: F', NAME C}F APFLICAN'T': ��,���" Mailing Address : r �!``-1"(�!�(.�!�� - �`���`�. �hone - G. NAN1E {}F �,PPLIC�,N'I" S REPRES I�T�'ATIV�: �] �'`-�,�f,��„}11.� �,�. Mailiflg Address: G�' �` �' /L� �,f���`.�, PYL�021� ��r^':� ,�t H. NAME I�F �'C+NNER{�) ; L-1.�- � /2 �7WNISIi(S'1 .�IC�A'�i� L..� �i� ' �J � _ �- � t�ailing Address : �' - - _ �- ,s ,,.� Pl�vne �'!`,Z�fl�F-t��7�.� ��.. A�PI.ICAT�ONS �ILL NQ�' $$ PROCESS� WITH�'JDT GiF�NE;B'S S2GNATUR� �. Candominium Ap��vua1 if app�icable. +�, �i�B FEE: �RB f�es. as shown abave. a�e to be paid at the time v£ submitt�l of the nRS applica�.ivn. �at+�r� whe� aPP�Y��� f v� a bu�.Iding permi t. p leas e i der�t�.f y the accurat� va�.uation of �.he proposal. The Tawn of Vail will. adjust the �ee accor�ing to the tabl+� bela�, t+� ensure the corre�t f�e is paid. ;_ ,,.,�_.. , ,�_-. . , _- ,.. ; :. �r , , ,� .l ,��__, ,; f� . `_ �, , ,;� `�- G F- , , -,� � ,�, ,� VALLTAT�i]�R� FEE � f} - $ 1D, 4�a $ �0.�0� +�' ,kU r���11 - �i �.7t}� �.}�U �" ]�.�� � JUy�LV� '� �+ ��OrVVV ��V�.,VV $15U. 4C�1 - � 5�D0, 4(��} �24f�. 4� $5�C1. D[ll - �i, �04, 44t� $4[�a. D�Q $ aver $1, Q�3�, �DCYCY $5��.�[} DgSI�[►T REVI� B�� APPRdVAL S�XPIRBS t3NS Y.�AR A�'F�R FiNA►L AF�I�QV'AL []NLE�S A HUILE]ING P�Ii�T IS IS�USI? �iND C�N3TRUCTI�N IS STARTFD. � _�r- _ _--� � /,`� // _ � r ��--. _ _ � `� L/ � i � ;f f _��,r � �.'/ ��� �� � � ' � �^,,� ����� � � �� ��� � � I I, T�-AP ' �. * m �rr., � � A pre-applicatican meeting with a memb�r Qf �he p�ar�ning staff is encouraged tc� c��t�rmine if any addi�iQn�l applicativn 3Ia�Q]C7[13�1QIY iS I]��dE�d. It 1S t�'1E 3pp1iC3.i7k 'S r�spon�ilai�ity to make an a,ppoznt�n+ent with the $Gaff tn d�te�tine if there are ad+ditianal submi�tal requ�rements . Plea�e n+at� t�at a CDZ►+fFLETE applicata.on will ,�trean�line the revie�+r prt�cess for yc�ur prvj ect. IZ�, A. In addition to m�e�iz�g suhmi�ta� requiremen�ts. the app�icant must stake and tape �.he prajec�. si�.e ta inc�ica^�e �araperty li�ies, ��zilding lines and be.ai�din.g carners, All trees to ba r�znvved reau�t be �ape+�. A�.� site �apinqs and staking dnust be com�leted pr�or tr� the bRB site visit. The applicant must �en�ure that staking dv�e during the wint+�r is nvt buried by snvw. B. The reui�w process fr�r PdEW �UILDINGS nvrmal�.y �c�qv,ires �wv sep�rate meetings of the Desiqn R�view B�ard: a cor�ceptual review a.nd a fi.nal review. G. Applicants who fazl t� app�ar befo�e the Design ��view �aarc� vr� their schedu3ed mee�a,ng d�.t� �and who �ave not ask�d i� advance that discussivn on their ite�n be p�s tpane�d, wi11 have thea.r z tems removed f rvm th.e DRB agenda until �uch time as �he item �as h�en republished. D. The fc,llowing item,� may, at the discretion ❑f the zoni�.g ad�inis�ratoz�, he appra�ed by the Cc�mn�unity Develapmez�t �epartmen� staff (i.e. a formal h+earin+g before the DRB may nvt b� requir�d� ; a. win�.aws, skyli�ghts anc� similar exteric�r c�anges which dc� nQt a].ter the e�isting plane of the b�silding; �nd �. Building addi,ti�ns nnt vis�b�.e from any vth�r lvt or publi� space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants z�ust in�luc�� 1et�.ers from - - . adj acent property tiwn+�rs anc�/vr f a�Qm �he a�gent f or - or manag€�r �� any adjacent cvndominium assoeiata.an stating th� associa�ivn approves af the add�tivn. E. If a prop�rtY is lvcat�d in a mapped hazard area {i.e. snow ava�anche, r4ckfa1l. flo�d plain, debris �low, wetland. etc, } . a hazard study must be subma,tted and �he t�wr�er must sign an affidavit recogni�a.x�g the hazard repv�rt prior tcr th� issuance v� a l�ui7.ding perniit. App3icants are encouraged to check with a Town Pl�.nner prior to DR� apg].sGatiox� to dete�mine th�e relatic�nship of th� property �v al� mapped hazards, F. For al]. residential canstruction: a. Cl�.arly inr3�.cat� an the flac�r plans the inside face c�f the exteriar structural wal�,s af the k.,; 7 .a��..... ��G� k.4__...�__ �wy+ f _. }�. �nd.i�ate wi,th a das�ed line c�n th� site p�.an a aEour f ao�. dis tance f rom �he exteriar f ace r f the building walls ar �upp�rting co3.umns. G. If DRB apprvves the application with �vndita.ons or modi£�.�ations, �.11 conditio�rs of approv�I tnus� be addr�ssed pric�r �.o t,he applicatic�n €ar a b�ilding p�rmit, . � � � I��g� �F r��E���s � NAME gF PR�JECT: ' � `C 1 �'�'7 L�'GAL DE�CRIPTIDAI: �,(?T '�'� BLUCFC � SLfl3DIVISIC)N `�/� '�l �.�.r� �i �t#'"1 STREET AI]I]RESS: � �'��'��.��. .� t'`l�� �r _._� �j , The foTlc�wa�ng infcarr[�ation is requirec� €or submittal to the I]�sign Rev�ew Board befare a f�nal agp��val can �e given: A. BUILDI�TG MATSRIALS; TYPF DF 1�ATLRIA� COL€�R Raaf ,�j ,f � ,a��� �.!`d _ ;�C� ,� s i cti ng _�--�T�{��;�o��" r r�c� _ �]�her �all Material.� ��T [_) _ t''� ��1i��,�-���-,,,�,�'.� Fasc�.a _��Tc'"{� ��[�"�1� �, s v f f i t s �$�C--�-F i�X l.,� � � Wir�daws � � Windcaw Trim � - � T3oDr� �f /� -- Daor mri�n ;�,,�� , ,^, Hand or Deek Rails . F1uea ��- �1�7^!l�� F7.ashings ,�`'{� �,��7'�...� �'��� Chi�nnBy� - _ ' ��!��� Trash Enc�t�sur+es �reenhauses �,1�' Retaining wa11s �TZ_�C-C.� ~- �{ �,� �f�;��.�.�, Exi:�?.'�.�+r ;::i�=,s�_.�.- �`t .�'����' �- _� _ �J�h�� H. LANDSCAPING: N3me c�f �}eSigrz��r: �hone: 7 FLANT �ATER�S: Du�r�titv, Si�e* + PR{7�OSED TREES AND SHRUBS �3�'���L� ��P'�4 F���'tY5 i• i�I.���,'�L� � •1 V t�f'��= C�- _�__.���_ ��--r�,�,�� T'��=� �_/��t�� � ? � � *�ndieaG� calYp�r far decidu�us tree� , �it�tu�atnn„ ealin�r Indicate �ieight for cvnzferous trees . t�?-��s is 6 f�et. **Indi.�a�e size vf pr�posed �hruhs, trtinimum siz� a€ sh,�ibs �.s 5 aa I 1 orn. TY�� �are, ,�'at�ta�re GRC7T3I�TT} COVE�tS S+C}LJ °EED _��,�,TL��L���'���`_'`'_`-� ,,,,. ��C` �. °FYPE �DF I�RIGAT�ON T�PE C3R NIE'I"H0� C}F l'-' ? '� ERIJSTt7N CC)NTRC7L C. LA�]SCAPE �,IGHfi2NG. If exterxor l�.ghting i� prvposed, please shcsv� t�e number caf �ixtures and �ocata.c�ns vn a separate lighting plan. �d�ntify �aGh fixture fram the �ightinc� plan in the space helow and provid� �he height �►o�re grade, type af - �ight propased, �umer� c�ut�ut. luminc�us area and a cut �heet r�f �he light fixture. (5ection 18. 54 . {}50 �} �. OTHER L�75CAFE FEATLIRES (retaining walls, fen�es, swimnning paa1�, etc. ) Pl.eas� specafy. znd�cate heights of retaia�ing walYs . Ma��.mum height r�f walls within the frant setba�k is 3 � . II�l�axameun height vf wa11 s el s ewhere a� the property i s �6 ' . 8 � � �'LANNII�G ANa E1�V1R(�hIIV1ENTAL CC3MMISSI(�f� [�ovember 11, 199� M i n ut�es MEMBERS PRESENT: MEM�ERS ABSENT: S�AfiF PFiES�NT; Greg Mc�ffet Susar� G�nn�eliy ���9 �m�d�� Mike Mollica Henry Pratt George Ruther Galen Aaskar�d Dorninic Mauriello John Schofief�! airk Masor� G�r�e Usslton Tammi� Will�arnsan Diane Ga�lden Tom M�orhead Jt�dy Rr�drigu�ez Pub�ic He�rir�a 2;�10 p.m. The me�tint�was called tn �rder by Greg Moffet at 2:10 p.m. 1. A req€�est fflr a cor�ditianal use permif ta �Ilow�ar a Type If Employee H��sir�g Unit, .,�o�atecl at 4193 5pruce VlfaylLat 12, B�ock 9, Bigh�rn 3rd Additivn. AppT�.ant: Steven Peter� Pl��ner.; airk Iv��son - ,...�. [7irk Masarr gawe an°c�4rerview af the r�quest and state�i that staff r€�COmmen�d�d appravaE w�th the 3 conditior�s listed in�e staff inem�, �4 Greg Mc��fet asked i# the app�ic`a�-�t had anythirtg to add. . .�. L�,rry Be�rway, with Isom $ Asso�i�C�s re�r�s�nting,�#ie �pplic�ni, had nv�hing to �t�d. _..� ,lohn �chc�field questia�red the �tafif as tv� e re�soning f�r th� 2nd cc�ndition. �; [�drk Ma�san said the EHU was r�quired ta have''an er�closed space, if it were to be canstructed new. `� t�� Larry Benway wanted tv deed restrect the carpo�t, nvt tt��qarage. �irk Maso�n �tated #hat the appliear�t agr�eein+� ta deed restr'r�hth� earport was o� pag� i of th� staff m�rna. `:"_ .ti ., �en� Uselton F�ad th,��same cone�erns as Jahn Scho#ield� y�.,.�.,,� c�r�g Amsden h�d nv comrnents. �� ,, Galen Aasl�nd saw n� reasan to de�d restrict fQr parking. � �lanning an4![:as��ira�t�menlal C'umariissacm Mit�utcK; 1V[r�ember I I, 1'�4l, � � :;�� � � ��� ,� �^,> Henry Pratt wc�uEd like ta s�e #�re parit+ng structure rest�iped and rsn �arking in the front. He wanted to encaurage the ��B tQ 1�ak at the skylights ar�d that they 4e ke�t rnore �n line with the slape +�f the existing green'�o�se +over the p�ol. �reg Amsden had no �omments. Greg Maffet ct�mmended the applicant, s�atFng th�k he liked th� sol�tion �� tfi�e skylights. Refi�ct�ng the consensus, he a4so wante� na pari�s�rg in fra�t. Greg was in agr�ement with Galen, that he tc�o v+rar�ted very prahibit�ve 1a�gua�e with regard t� the storage spa�� nc�t �eing cQ�nuerted back into parking, Galen Aaskar�d made a motio� for a�prvua� in a�cc�rdane� with the st�.f� m�mv including the t'hre� conditians. H� added #c� the fir�t recommendation that in addition to r�turnir�g siorage back t� parking �paces, the �pplicant file a letter with the Town tY�at they woutd nat be able to cort�rert #�ose space� back �o stora�e wit�o�t writt�en authar�zatinn �ro� the T�wn. Ga1en also incl�ded in the mvtion to er�co�r�ge the DRB tv laa4� at t}�� sl�ylights, The restriping and n�t ta allow any parking in #he frc�nt. Herrry Pratt secan�ed the moti�n. It pas�ed �in�nimously by a v�+te flf 7-0. 4. A request for a frant set�ack variance to all4w �or a gara�e addi#it�n �nd a wali �eight variance t� adkow for an appraximate 8' tafl wal1, �o�atec� at 3235 K�.t�as Ftarr�ch Road{Lat 5, Block 1, Vail Village �3th Filinc�. Applicant: Na��cy and Wil6iam Current, �epresented by Saundra Spaeh P6ar�r�er: Dirk Masc�n L�irk Masan gave ar� overview of the request and stated that stafi wa�s re�commendin� apprc�val wit� tw�r �ondltic�ns. Greg Moffet ask�d if the applic�nt �r th� public had any comr��nts. Sa�rndra Spaeh, representing the applicant, f���i nathing to add There was no p�blic comment. Gaken Aaslar�d had nfl cornment. Diane Go�a�en had no comm��t. Henry Prait ask�d what ti�e calor �f the stuccv fi�nish was. Saundra Spaeh expfained the �arne colar �s th� existing �cal+ar on the fi�aus+e, or the cc�fc�r of d�ead aspe� trees. Plannin�nnd�nvirt�nmenta4�amsnission 14I inutes Nouombcr 1 l, 1996 "� � � � John Schvfield had no camment. Gene Use�ton as�ed i€ the agreemen[had to be sit�ned or was n4t n�cessary? Tam Moorhead stated that the PEC w�uld act independent�y of any agreements �each�d. Greg N9offet had nn additior�al camments. Gene �lselta� mad� a motifln in accardance with Ehe st�ff inemo. Jvhn Schafie6d s�cond�d the moti+�n. It passed urranimousiy kay a �ate af G-U-1. 3. A reques# #€rr a m'tnor amendm�nt to SDD �t 5 and a condit�ar�al use �ermit ta allow far the aciditian of c�nferenee space, locaied at 1 ��}� N. �rontage Rc�adl�dD #5, 5irr�ba A�n E3uildirsg. Applic�nt; Simba F�un Condarrrir�ium Asst�c., represented by Lynn Fritz��n Planner: Dpminic M�uri�ll� Dominic M�ur`s�llo gave an averview c�f the r�quest. He rnentioned that this item was tahl�� ai the last �neeting, ir3 v�der for ti�e applicant tc� �edesic�rr tY�e skylight�. dc�minic m�nti�r�ed that th� sky9�ghrts were redesigned ar�d redi�c�d in si�e. Gre� Mv�t�t ask�d if th� apy�licant had anytiiing to add. �liike S+chuit, with Fri�zlen, Pierc� & Briner representir�g the applicant, had n�othir�g t� add. There was no public carnm�nt. John 5cho#ield �sked staff if tl��y were canfider�t with the restriping p4an and a3so if tf��re wer� ar�y gu�d2lines fDr thi� r�striping� []�minic Mauriello said that stadf was eanfddent with the applicant's ability to abtain the park�ng space. He stated t�ra�the Cod� alfow� 25°!o vf parkin� spac�s tn be campact space. ��ne Uselton asked the applicant since t��re w�re two �ptions, which on�wouf� th� applicant prefer. Mike Schuit wanteti the ability tr� ke�p �oth o�tiQns. Dc�rninic Mauriello sta�ed that the fr�nt dri�+e is a dedicated fir� lane and parking �paees ��uldn't re�ma�n �ut fra�at. Gal�n Aaslar�d w�ul�i like no#ta see parking irr fran#an� warrted the wardir�� s�ranger r�garding the s�arage space being con�rerted b�,cl� to parking. Diane Galde� h�d r�o comments. �'lanning aotr�li�t�'iinninc:nt�l Cotnmission Minute;s Navembcr i[, f 996 � �� � � Henry P�att said he tiidn"t want such a light cof(3r sduc�o, be�cause it would st�nd �ut rn�re than a darker calor. He ene�uraged th� dRB ta look at this c�lc�r and matsri�4 closeiy, because sku�ca is nat a lang-Eerm materaa1 ar�c� within 4-5 years the stucco would deteri�rate� He encourag�d the applicant ta laok at alternatives. John Sch�field agreed with Henry's comments. �ene Us�lton had no ¢�rot�lem with the appliC�tior�. Greg Arr�sdert had no comm�nts� Greg �Illvffet stated that thi�was ervt a gtant a�sp�cial privil�ge and h� had �a pro�lems vuitf� this requesE. Henry Pratt �rade a motic�n i� accordance wiih th� sta�f ine�ra,with #h� ad�ition �at a third cQndition that the I�RB ��vk closely at the ce�1or ar�d material, John 5chofiekd secc�nded the mt�tion• f# passed unanim�usly fay a vs�te Qf 7-0. �. A r�qu�est�or � major 5QD amendment ta allaw far a madific�t�on tQ S�.vvy Villas, vf S�D #5, located at 123D Lions��dg� LooplSa�oy Vi11as, P'has� fl and ifl. The site is�enerally located east o# Timber Ridge Apartm�nt�, west c�f Simba Run, narth �f the �l�rt� Frc�ntage Roac� and south of L�t�rasr'sdge Laop, A full legal descri�tion is av�ila�le in the Cammunity Developmer�t Departm�nt. Applica�t: BWAB, Inc., represented by Chris Klein P3anner: Dflminic N�aur��lla Domir�ic Maurgell�gave an averview 4f the sta�f rraemo ar�d expfained �he changes fr�m th� l�st tir�e th� PEC saw this prvposaf. He n�ked th� 7 pr�ui�us c�rrditi�n� (oi �rdir�ance Na. 7, Series of 1995}, w�th the addition of 3 a�di�ianal prap�sed cond�tions. �reg Motf�t asked if the applicant ha� anything to a�id. Chris K1ein, repres�nti�g t�� �p�licant, had nothing tc� add. G�I�n Aas4and k�ad a prr�blem with� the Eayc�ut o# the 1ivi�rg raarn ac�� dinin+g roorn, statinc� they were marginaf at bes�. He said that the north elevatio� n�e��d lif�. H� lik�d the eonc�ition for large trees on that side, t�ut thought the elevatit��rs �n thaC s�de needing impr�,vement. H� �tated thaE the layaut af th� �nits need�d a �ederaC F�ir Hou�ing Gui�elines ��v�iew, specifically regarding access to the units. Diane Golden wo�ld like to see mar� landscaping, '�ut state� t�a�it was great#a have employee h�ausing. Pdantun�And En�irnmencnta!Cc�nunissicsn Minukes Navembcr 3 t, l'�9fi � �' � � Henry Pratt agreed with Galen's camrttents �rrd said that 6t didn't rneet Code wi4h the arr�ount Q# windvws. He alsfl want�� to see a better layout for the three-be�raom EHU. H�nry mentiane�i tfi�at s+nce w�w�re giv�ng t'�� applicant additiar�al G�FA, he wauld li�e to see another shot at the layout. Greg Mvff�t �sked if we c�auld refer the laya�t t�o statf. Henry Pratt sai�, yes or to the DRB. Henry saw no family spac�es ir� the EHU unit. ,�ofi�n Schofi@ld had na comments- Gene Us�ltor� def�rred to Henry°s and Galen's �xpertise. Greg Arnsden agreed with Henry and �alen. Greg Mofte#agreed with Henry and se�gges#ed mvving tf�e walls#or a b�tter laynut. Gal�n Aasland made a rr��tion in �:ccordance w�th the sta�f rnema incorporating an additiana� cor�diticaro t'hat we instruct tf�e appii�ant i� r��et with t�e T�wn staf� t� revis� the fEoor plar� and to impro�e the north efevakian af �uilding #5. Hes�ry Pr�tt secanded th� mot��n. �reg Mofi�i asked rf the Type Ifl wa� a for-�a9e unit? Dc�rninic Mauraello s�id, yes. Ch�ris Klein stated tf�at the wii�i6e building was far rent. Greg Mo#fet stated that i� sv1�i, it woukd b�pursuant#o deed r�stricti�n�. Darnir�bc Mauriello s�+d th�re wauld k�e restrict��ns or� t�e renta4s as wel1. The mv#ion �assed unanim��sly by a vote �af 7-0. �. A r�tyuest for a worksessi�n Ia �liscuss a��nditiona1 use permit f�r a proposed additiar� to the V�il Cha�e9, 4�c�t�d �t 19 Vail RoadlTr�Gt J, Bloc� 7, Vaif V�Ilage �st F�ling. Applicant: V��� Religious �oundation, r�pres�nted by l�ed �wathrn�y Plar�n�r: Dcrrni�i� Mauriellt� Henry Pr�t� recused hi�self fr�m review of t1�is item. Dami�ic Mauriellv gave an averview af this re��est. He stated th�re were two �arkfng schernes, with a ne� ir�crease of 15�arkirog sp�c�s in on� case an�i 24 spac�s in the other, i]�minic w�nt over khe discuss��n issues. He �Iso clarified the issue c�t th� survey inform�tion being autdated and ne�ded to be made current wfith the 5(}' siream centeriine delineat��, He expfained tfi�at pari�i�ng Scherne B added 1� spaces ta th� site �nd 5cher�ne A a�ded 2D spaces to the site. He said that the stream and wetland veg�t�tic�n wauld need to �� mitigaied, as it would bs dist�rbed t'laiming aira L'•nviruutut.ntal C�mmissic�n r��iznt���� N��vcn�ber 11, 199�i � � � MEMORAND[rM �� � ��'�� � ��� �� TQ: 1'lannin�anci �nvironm�ntal Cnznmissiun rR[�lr!i: �`ommu�jity L�cveloprncnt f�c�art�ent DA�'E; Na�cmi�er l l, 19��5 '�UBJEC:T: A r�:quc�t for a froizt sctback vari.inc�to allo�r far�► �ara�e aciditian �ind a wa11 t�ei��t�ari��nee tQ��ll�rw for a�a ap�re�xirn:3te: �' tall wail, l+�cated at 3235 Ka#;�t�� Ranch F�raadlLot 5, �3ln�k 1, Vail �rilla�;c �'?�1� Filing. ,���lie�nt: t'�ll�ncy an�l`N�lliam Curt-cnt,r�prescnt+ed by Saundra Spach P�t�nner: I7ir'� I4�a�c�rt 1. BAC�C+GF�UUND AND U�:SCRIFTIU]V ��'THE REQUES� Thc �ite in qucstir�n is �aunc�on thrcc �idcs �y Katsos fianch Rnad. �e sitc is currer�tiy imprc�VCd witfa a sin�lc f�imily structur�: without a�ar�gc, The existin��iri��v�ay slopc5 dc�wn fre�m the ns�rth �ff of Kats�s Ran�h Rc,ad. Th� driuc�,�v�y i� curr�ntly su�ported by a timbcr rctait�in� wal� approximatUlw 7' 6" t+a �' b"' in hei�hk. A�jacct�t tc� tt�e cx�stkn� retainir�g wa�l is a lar�e stand of A�per� which effectivcly scrc:cr� thc rctainiri�wall. The ap�Iican#s.Nancy anci�illiarrt Cu�-rcnt, ar�rcqucs#in�a front set�a�k va�ian�c af approximatciy �'ta cc�n4truct �n a�kaehcd S l 4 ��. t�., twca-car�;ara�c. In c�3njunction.t�e �pplic�nt sccks a �' wall �ZC;i�h4 �rariancc (6'rnaxi€nurn �g�i�llk�llc�wcd)tr�con�ttruct a rctaining�rall af appraximat�:ly R' in hci�krt. Thc hi�fl �nint�fi}i�cxisting wall ��ril1 c�nly }ae reduccc3 by b", howcr�cz-, thc avcra�c f�ci�}�t ofthe wall will bc rect�ceci b� thi5�r€�pc�sa�. The �rall hci�ht Wa�iancc will al�c� inclucic s� 1.75' van�tnc�. (3� 171�#CI111UI11 }1C1��3f 3�IC}WCCI iTf �}1C FCCl�I� SL'II?c�C��tC1 COII5�FUC�� wali 4.75' in hci�;�rt t�ithin thc front sctback, T`hi;;sii� is currcntly itn�rovcd with a 4in�1�: farnily �te�cture without a �*�3r�.��. Thc cxistin�pave�i t�riveway c�n t}�c �;itc is in thc sarnc��ncrai arca that tk�c ��ra�e is�aro�aos�,�cE for. The applicants arc propa�in�;t�rnodify thc exi�tir�g wall ttr �r�+aide �eccs�tc�thr prt�p�sed ���ra�c. The�jppli�ant i� �cc���sir��a �in�lc wall, ralhcr th�n twc�tier��f�'fall w�l]s,or le5s, t�s pre�crvc the�;xititin�stru�;tur�:and a sis;ni�ic�r�t amnnnt of the ASp�n�to tllc s��uth. T�c;�itc cc�nstraint5 ir�clude rt�any large cvcr�rce€��to the nnrih of thc �raposed addltivn �.t�d cxistin�tiri�cw�y. So�xth of th� prc��oscd �:�i�iitit�n �nd ,rctaE��in� wall i�the existing stru�cturc and the lfir��: stand of Aspcn. 1 � � II. 7+aN��G AANA�11CSi� Zoning' Twa•famiiy Residen!'sal Use: Singl��amily resid�nce Lat�i�e; 21,D39 sq. h. t�ndard Ailowed �xsstinq Pro os Site Coverage: 4,2�8 sq.it. {2G°I'�J 1,547 sq.h. (�°1Al 2,�13 sq.fk. (119'�} Landscape as�a: 12.E23 sq.ft. (�Q°!ol 17.877 sc�. ft. (859�a} 17.d76 sq_€t. (83°I9) Setb�cks: Frartt: 20" 22' 16' sides: t s` �a��w�s�) ��o' feast} �ic{west) 14f}�(�ast5 Rear� 15' 43' �+�� 11�Jall Height: Front s�etback: 3'tsll 5'�'. and ie�s 4'9"�nd le�s Rernainder of lot: �6"tall 7'G"-S'6" 8' and less Parkirsg: 3 spac�s required �s�a�es�nane en�ltisad� 4 spaces{2 enclasedl IIL CRITERIA A1�+iD FINI31Nf;� Up���� rcvia�v��vF Sectian l S.fi2.00�(�. C'riteri� and �'indin��,af t�� Town �f Vail �1!lunicipal C�dc, the C'�amrn�nity I�cvclt��,tnc�Yt C�epa�`tment recommends appro►�al of thc rcqu�cstect front sctback variancc�nd bc�th wall �tei�ht r�ariances. The recairu�tencit�tit3n fc�r ap�arear�al i�basc�i on the fo3l�awi�ig factors, A. Con�ider�tion c�4'�'actor�: 1. The re�ati+anship nf the requested �►rariance ta other existin��r potential uses and str�ctures in the vicinity. Many tiit�gle farnily��7d two f�rnily hatncs in t�i�area wcre constructcd with �,ara���, Staff bclie�cs ti�at pravidin��ar'ages i4 Ei bencfit t� th� nci�hbarh�c,cl hy r�.mv�rn�cars�nd other i#c��� frr�m public vi�ew. T��c pra}��:;af is ccrrn��atiblc w•ith thc nei�hb�rhoad and adjac�nt structur�s. ���ch variancc� �fr�r�;ara�cs). wllerc a �liysic�i E�ardship cxist:� and thcre arc nc�nc�ativc�rnpact.5 t�r�djaccnt�rc��aezrtie5, ha�c bccn historically apprnwcd by thc F�C, St�ffbclicve�;th�3t thc�rapr��ed wall he:i�;ht �arianGe wili har�c minimal iEt�pact, ifany, c�rri �dj�ecnt prcrpc�rties ir� thc Vicir�ity. T��� �ropt�s�d r�tai�7in�wall will c�nfy b� visihlc firc�rn bcic�w t��c lat anc� is effcctivcly scrccned by thc cxis#ing stand t�f A:�pcn. '�h�. ��p�licat�t '��5 prc��oscd tc� rer�uce th� a�era�e hc;i�llt�f th�. rctaax7it��wall with thi�propasal, 2 � � thcrcforc, �-eci���in� tl�c arnourst uf n�nconformity cm thc siie. �. The de��rec to which relief from the stricl and litera! inlerpretatiar� and enforc�ernent�1`a s�eci�"ied regufation i� nec�ssae�y to achiev� compati6ility �t�d unifarrnity of tre��m�en# among sites in the �iciniiy nr to altain the vhjeetir�t;s oi"this title wit�t�ut grant�f specia! pri��ilege. Scaff hc�ieves that the laycaut ant�uric;ntatiarl of�he cxistin� structure�nd �cgctation rr�ake thi� �itc unique. The �xistin� v��ctation a�1c� trees Iacdted to thc n+�rth. ara�i �hc �exis#in� struc�ure and tre�:s t4 th� �uth af Ehc pro;�c���c� add3tic�n cor�stitute� p��ysica] harclship 4�+t�rr��ntin�prc�tcction a�d #h�rcfc�r4 �rewent thc ac��iitian Fram bcic��relocat�s� to the sout}a. The existin� slape c�f this �itc r-cquires tltic c�rivew�y Eu bc su�por�ed by a retainii��; wall. In conjur�ct�on wit�tl�c existin� vcgetation �,nci str�ci.�rc, �taff belic�cs a sin�l� retair�in�wa11 i�warrantccl�c� pa-c�tect thcse f�atu�res b�r�rinianizins�the ovcrall site;�i�stur�ance. The �pplic��nt llas properscd� #wQ-ca�-g�ras�e raf 51� �€�. ft., v��hich staff b�lievc�tc� b�:adcc�u�ite far access ar��i usc vf thc �aragc. Staff bclievcs th�prvposal is nnt a �►rant af spccial privilc��ciuc tc�the sitc constrarnt,s. 3. Th� etfeei af i�e requeste�i v�,riance on �i�l�t and sir, distribution of pp�ulatian, transp+�rtatian ar�d trafiic fa�cilikies, p��i�ic faeilikies and utiiities, and public safety. St�ffbclicves that the cca��:;�#ed variances will n+�t ne�ativ�ly affect thesc i ss u�s. B. . ,h� nin 7 arZd Envir ntn�n 1 '�rrtt ' -i �a 5���[1 m k� tt7 f ]lc►w' * in t�cic�re �;rar7tin�a va�-iancc: 1. Th�t t��c �i•aE7tin�of tt�c variai�cc will nat constitut�:a�rant s�f s�cciai }�rivaie�c inconsistcnt with thc lim�ta�i�ns t�n c�ther�ra�ertics classi�cd in the sarnc cii�trict. 2. Th�t th� �;rt�ntin�of the variancc ��vill �aot �e detrimental #�;the public hc:al�h, �af�ty t�r wclfare, nr rnater�ally injurious tv pro�ert��es or irn�ravCmcnl�ir� t}zc vicir3ity. ?�. TY�at the variance is wat-�'antcd for vne or ma�e c�f the fc�ilowin�rea�nns: a. Thc strict litcral inteE-�rctation or cnforc�m�nt of the s�ecif�cd rc�ulation woula result in pra�zicai diffieulty c�r unncc�ssary �!-ry�ical h�rrciship incvn�i�tc��t w�#h thc c�bjc�tivc;�vf#his titic. 3 � � t�. Therc arc�x�e�tions or c�xtrac�rdi��ary circumstance�or eonditians ��pplica�al�e to thc samc: site of thc v�a�'iancc that tla not ���lY �encrally tv ather pr�pe�ti�� in the Sa�ne �c�r�c. c. Thc strict ant�rprctation or cnforcem�nt o#�tYtc sgcci�cd regulatior� wc7uld�ic�rivc tlYe appEicanl of�rivile�e� cnj�yed by the�wnc�'�o�' c�til�r properties i� thc sat7ic d�strict. 1V. STAFF RECO�PVIM�NDA'�"�CIN `T'hC Coxnmunity !]e�cloprncnt �cpartment stal`�'rceommcnds appror�al at�thc applicant's front sctb�c�: 4�ar�anec and bc�th wall hei�ht varianccs sub�cct tv the fc�lic�wing �'indings: �. That the�r��ntia�g nf thcsc ��ariancc�will nc�t cc�n4titute�t �rant of s�eci�.l priviJe�c; incc�n�i:�t�nt with th� limitalic�tjs�n othcr prc�p�rtics classi�cd in t1�c samc c�istrict. 2, Therc are �xecptions�r c:�travrciinary cErcucnst�nces e�r canditions applicabl� tn t}3is sit�c that�ia n�at ap�lY �cncrally t�c�ther prv}�crties ir�the Primary,+`Secvitc�ary ReSirJenlia� �one. 3. Thc strict diteral inter�rctatic�n or cnf�rcemvnt of thC spc�itie+� rc��lation wauld re4ult in practica9 c��ffieulty or unncc�:ssary physical hards�sip in�:c�n�iste�t with tiic «l�j�ctivcs of thi�t�tl4. T}�c ��ccomrnenclatiun fc�r a�pro�al i�als�s�ubject to 1}�e f�llowing cvndiiians: 1. P€-ic,r to�hc Desi�rn Rc�ft�w 13��rd (DRB� mccting, thc ap�plicant sha�i pr�vit�c,�nd h434rc apprc�v�ci by thc 4'ublic 1�'��'ks Qc�artmcnt,a s,�'acling plan wvhich fully de#.ails the praposcci �rading af the sit�c(in�:luding rctair►in� wali�;}, Ac�di��anally, tlac �rapa�;cc�rctainiti��P�,11s rr��st bc designcci and starr,�c�i by a rc�istcred prof`cs�ipnal en�inccr in the S#atc of Colorradc�. �, `I'h�;�pplicant shal] ]ir�iit thc rcmoval o!�cxititing trccs ta t�r�e Asp�ns and c�r��: S�tvcc (as i��dicated on thc �itc �laE�}. I�ue t�a th� significant antvun�af tre��o� tl�c�itc, :;tt�ff bciic:ves �niti��tion �s not nccussary. f:levemyonelpeclmamaslcurres�t'�n 11 � -- ''�� r��y,* � � r,..ri l`�� .. ' '.i t,r�t'!� --; '��� ��'��..e x � �'�;{�J} � f'v" ��;�1 � - �j4 f -`�;,:. � :��;w ., �� � C � r=- �o �m x� ., , '��,� r"'{ �; r r' �� ., ,z- m �,I,� c7�'� � C � � � � I �� - - 5[ " � C; ' � _ �T+' � �iC] � JJ + ;�� f�R 't 5 �`: i : L�7�� / '.��� W � C��J 1 ; rt 1�• P1+-{ ' ;�,. 'y' �, ' D`f71 + �� `+.t ;� '� w�'`�t 1' r, � N r� � ti�.� �`.,.a� -Y �..� TI �;a] „e �1�' I�% P` r C , - �1 m 4'�� , ; {� {g �� j 'r�� � `�i'-- �� z� �n �� I� Iry��l�a v �'n "'n`-' • =o �` �`" ` .,�� ilY� r ���� �� j �,� ' , ,� ;, � 1��\ < � r�n F��n TS�.T °'y � � �"�,," CC Y ��'�f`. r.'� • ��•'+ti< �i �s �p <' � \ �� ` \��`�---_-�-�Y �� V`�:, ,� G'! �` � D�U} l '� 1�1 _ -'f �i^� °�Cj /r, —�`., }i,. �� 4 L'/ g�r�" - � _� �.a, —� � ��y s .�*,. .,; �'.�`\. ��T� i � _��. r�' �'r '�� ' r:- ? �_ � �� �� '�,. �' ,k ��;.� ,• � , ,' . ��'"'� i �.;., �N ` 4�� r= _ .'r �- �y C; x ''�" �� { _ h 1�I �.t� . �� ��� �� �M1: G�7 - .-r'`��`� "`• , eT: � - _ - + �* Y T ��� v✓?,:�r - '��-`-. � �^ y i �e r '�t '� t�/ L o- ... �4 � .'i1 - ° ,m + G k� _ c � � � ,� ` � � � h � `� - - .`����, � _ _ •�`� �� _ - � F ��_ �}'� �� � � `' � �n ; � '� �� r r � __ �k.� �['77 r ,� r �r",��� I�;rn �'ul ;� j^n �� { G7 '�`.��_y � . : �%I �I� � m C] �] � �"` . � �I ' � 3'C G7 �'Tl � `\`` I � f A� 1� f�l C7 � �:Q '� �,rn I� h7 2 p Jf� ���] ,� �� �1 �;C� �O � ��� � � , �`r y S� � �ri f�� G3 7C r+�'� a �E� � II,�� 1�'� � r� [� .I � 1 �� i",'�:� ,r 1r � rr, � \ -- - � - ; - i � s — _ 1.�. _ l �I I , �I �D llli�`�11 ,��, � I ; �I `� 1 r %� % �i � , � '� ,_ , � - � �p p C:p,� � �J j � , �,f. � �,�� � _ ' � � � , �— . � � 1� ) % �^ � � r � / i: � �- . �� a � � — „ -. r �� � n r i Jv � �� . Q. . ... �? i. �' r { � ,, //. , � i /(/`�,�� � �� � r - o,� s� , ,,� f / J � ,. � � t� �� I 4 /. ,* /TI e � � T ��� r �• ' , , V�;� , � �jy � I � � � , � _� --�C� � .�_� t i� — � � � � ' fj � / e � �lf — �� }� 0 I 3� � �i�li� 'i`� � — . . fe I � ' � ; !� � � S: i � ��� � : % . �� t7 � ��'-- . i_ ' � d /,� i � �; g ; �I - , � - . _ � �' � , � F . � �, � - �� _ �_ „� � _ _ .���� -I � . -- � _ ---1 - - - I i -r, _ _ ' , - , � � � : , ' _ ' \ I '1 _ � - � � �� � :` : �r � �� I II „ � � � ��� -� � - 6 � !� J �, � � � �: � I�. � �� '��� � ` D ,` __. -;— i. �"� ' �@, � �� , � � � r � c .- � `. L � � ; � o � . , � ; h � � :� i i �; i ,� R �= _ - � '� ' ,;� � L ' . = _� _ � ; ' �! I,' _ �, i � ; __ _ - - 1 -�� , - - � " � _ i� y i, r ��� � � ,�� ;� �� c � •x �. s 4 � � � � �e li � k�: €� " T, � ' �II � � + '� i 0 `' �i D � � II ° e � F ,'jl g v ! fI � — -- - ��� ' � � � � �C <, �- � r� pu � � -, _ � a 1 ' �� � _o« ✓r.�� %..r � � � � � � ��i � ��.c - � Zi ,�,- . . �� a� >/ i a. � A I k I � I E ' , � I /' ; e� c 1�� . ,�� __ � — _ � � / 11� I . �i , � \ :+1 i 11 � s �, i ti ' �� I .� '� , � — — � � � — �,.�'�— - - ' 1 � � i � I � i i 11` � � II „ \�I i f � Y � � �� si ' � � '� � w � � � � � 'u . �, � M � j h � �4 • K I�I — i � i I� • -�r�-= - - '�- -_ ,. _� ' � � I � I � : � ;hl ' � � � � � � �� �� � I�' � J , yl�� -- �� ` I U' � . �' �I I . � � . I _ _ _. . . i� il , ; l � I 1 �. ; _ _ , - ':"� : 1;�-� � - � I \ _�_ . , ���� �� � � �-� „ � � s � a� �_ �"� L J,�r—� r 17 � :�,_ ' � � , � . i� ; I � -�� � ' � �Y�-.. - . i�. '_�:�I �� � �i � � � ��� � "� : ' �� � I � —�_ . __ I I ` � �' ' �- � � - — .-.- �� I . � � "4;�i1.C;r�lcar.3tin Ilc�ns���r.C:nlr�ratlr� ,I'�Mc������ � l���vell f�a��iiteei°s. Inc�. I'�o�ven-tia�r I 8, [99f� Saun�ra Lee Spae�� A.i.A. Arc�itect i'(3 Bo�c�54 Vail, �Q 8I�58 Re: Current Residence I7r��ewa�y Reta`sniri� Wali, Vail, CvlQradv (M&�1#3445} Dear 5aundr�, Manroe t�. I"�ewell Engineer�, inc, is currently desi�nin� a ret�ining �vall for the Current residenc�e �dditian, Lat 5, �lock 1, '�'ail VilEa�e 12`h ri�in�, Vail, �;Qlaradc�. The wall height will �ary fi-�m three tc� six feet a:s �hawn t�n Sheet i of the arch'rteetural dc�curt�e�ts. The wall is�ein� desi�nec� ta suppflrt dcivew•ay laading per U.B_�C. 199! as well as�11 applicable snaw and backfill i��ds. 'VVe�,rill su�pIy ta y�ur affice a set of structurai �c�r�siruction dac�ments c�f t}ie r�tainin� ��afl. lf yau have any questions br c�rr�rn��ts, please call.. Very truly yc�urs, Mt�NI�()E 8c NEWELT., ENGTI�IE�RS, Il��. � k , � �—�--___.._�_ _ �---�. � �``�---� , _�. ---- - --�; � I-iannes Spae�t, I'.E. Principa.l Oqk1a�wr��frrrtrsaf, t R�vie�vve .,��`,��r`i�. F.E., Principall _�� <<�� a °� r — • !: r �'`:. �..�..... .:�e p. G�.. f1'` y..;...�a �. ..�s� 'VFa� y:� s:4 f��I�+� '�i f f• ,,.._�'y I €}'r ''�'...!�l�4 ,��f�/111�1:.{1i�ti� 41I1�i23 E. 13c�:io•�r C:r«h f3Itic1, + :+uit� 3S)1 • N. C�. l3c:rx 159- . A�<�n, C.s>6c�ra�i�� t�1�i20 s t,303f �3�)-%,G�i . I�.�X (.31�3) 94R)-�QS�r . l� _ � , � Qiuesti� Ca11 the I'lantting Staff at 479-�.�3t� APFLICAT�UI� Fi3R PLAIVNING At�D ENViRC►�v�1+vIvIENTAL „ COMMISSIUN APl''1�()VAL �� � ��������� . C�ENER.AG TI�iFURMATI�3� �"�is apglication is f[�r atty prmject requiring�'prov�l by the Pl�nning atid Environmental Cc�mmis�iatt.For sp�ci�c in.fornla#ion,s�t,�e�at�re�itt�l requiren�ents€vr thc particular�ppr�v�i that is r�c�ested. �"he applic�atic�n+�an nat he acccpted r.utitil all required infarrtaataan is submitked. The praje�t�ttay a�sQ necd tfl be re�iewcd by t�e Tawn Cauncil and�'or thc L3esig� Review H�ard. A. TYP�[7F APPLICATIUI�1: ❑ Additin�nal CFtFA{250} L7 A�nendment tc+ars Apprave�i Development Pian 0 Bed an�i Break#"ast J En�pl�y�c Hvu�in�Unit(`Type_ ) � ❑ ConditionaJ LJse Permit � 1Vdajar ar CI 1Vtinor CCI �xceriar Alteratic�n ❑ M�.jc�r or ❑ Mir��r Subdivisivn (Vail Vilia�e) I� Rczoning � Majc�r ar�J Min+ar�Cii Extcrior Alt�ti�a� CJ Si�n V�riatxcs (L�ni�sh�ad) �, Varaanncc C�I Spe�ial Devcia,pment Di�ixict �.7 �onin�;Cc�de Arnendmer�t C] Ma�#�r ar� j'Vlil3vz'A�ncncimerrk to�fi 5DU B. DESC'RTPTiON ClF TH��EC�UEST: �-�—�,41 ��C,►��7" �� �� �.� ��hlc' c �=l� ,��,��.� ���c�� -�-�� ���rza��. „ �'°~� r' ���a� r� h►�1c.� 4�'`�4,���?,�� C, L(3L�ATi(}N��'P�tO�'OSAL: L{)T ''� BI.00�, � FILII+IC'r v','�[L 11`�1._�J`'�,C-��` l =� ,:.� C11.1J�itR.��.7:J.�-��]_F-.1"4.1�17___ F-�tfV�� +��� FJlJ3�L+lJLIYti..J1�1�lY1LL. {..-�i".�s'lt�f'V.� 1�-�.�J .. i/. L V l V�'V. ""� �.�' !�� . �. 1�lAME�F C}WN�R(S}:��,�`�" �� � �7 t r_..��.� �', '�' L��:�-�?VV?� ���i..+11�IV�Dl\l.li'.35. �� • l V ' G-�r1J'�E^'�� ��I i�c�,�c r� r� � ���4 p���r�: -��� ��'�- �7'-'� � ,�. � �. ovvr���ts}src��-ruu���s>: .�� ,�,� �. �'�' � _ �- ,�� �<.�,� ; �. �aArv[�.o�°�PU�s�rrrA�rv�: ��. � � .�I c� h,�i�II.TNG AQF)RESS: ��'� �� �/'�L„�,L_ �'' � �'�f r�,�� �1�(7�NF: � !�� - ��'`� � �-[, F�E - 5EE THE SLiSMI?TAL REQLJIREMENTS�'�JR THE AF'PRl7PRIATE FEE. SiJBMIT THIS APPLICATI�N,AI.,G SUBMITTAL REQCTII�EMENTS AND THE�`EE Tt)THE DEPARTM�N�T UF C�M�'vIUNITY DEVEL�FME�I'!',75 SOUTH FR.C7NTdGE R4AI), VA�L,{CrUL[}It�DU 81657. For Qfficc llse 4�v: �� � ' F� fi�c P�idl�`��.- �f��C�-� �1�'#:��:�'� Sy. �f�4.�`�'"i �L`�- �`.-��{�'.lr��.�. ,�� "� f Appiicativn Date: ��'� � i�.`"'��� PECMe�tingDate:r�' ��" +� ��'-:'- x��+�d r�$ _ � SAUhIDRA LEE SPAEH AIA � �hf2CHITECT PRQF�SS�O�AL CORPCaRATIt7N �U����� �������N VAR�AtJCE APPl.1CATIC�I�I tQT 5, BLC}CK l�, VV 12FN fILIN�; C?c#ober T4, 199c5 Nature of .Vflric�nces: 1 . A 4'-d" feont setbncic varionc� Is bcaing requested fram zp�ing r�guiation 18.12.08f� Setbacks, for the purpase af c�dding a gorage to c�n exisTing residen�e. Present9y, the csnly place to park cars is En the apen, wifhin fh� front sefback vf #he pr�p�rty. 2. A 2'-b°' wall heighfi �rariance is beinc� re�uested from zoning regulntion 18.d4 Site I171�7fdV�fY6�f1f5, CUff�Il1IY, the property`s dtiWeway retaining wall cc�nsisls of F" ta 14' railrao�l tie walls w�th no gvt�rdr�il. The prapased voriar�ce wou6d allow ca raew concrete reiaaning wallJguardr�il that w�u9d meei building cades and reduce t'{�e sixe of fihe existir�g wall in m�ny locations. R�lativnship c�f Varianc�s to llses ar��d Str�ctt�res: 1 , Rflowing the gcsroge in ihe Front setk�c�ck impacts no use c�r acSJc�cenfi properiies. The property to ths North is steep ape�+ space and �seion�s to the Town ot Va'sl. Even If the open space �Sroperty were to be dew�lQped, the gorage encrvachment is completely screen�d by existing trees. 2. Rllouving a 9' wa1! impacts na use or adjoc�nt properties. The wnll is a� existing cQndit+ors and can nc�t be viewed fram any dir��t9Qn because cst the dense �xistfng frees an this portion ofi the property_ 7h� degm`�e c�f Relief frorn 5trict Enforce�ent vf Regulation: 1 . A 4'-b`° varfance from the 20" fror,fi setback regulatic�n is ��1ng requested to a19ow #wa cars tn !�e parked i�side 'sn li�u of in the apen In fhe setk�r�ck. �. A 2' -6" �arianc� fram the b` wall height limitati4n Is being requesfed #a im�,roWe a ccanciition ihat currenlly exists. �he Effect of 'V�ri�nce on 5urr+��ndings: 1 . AlCowing the garage ln th� s�fback will not eFfec! lighi and air, d6sfribution of populatian, #ranspe�rtatEcan , iraffic Facili4ias, utiiities or publie sQfety. 2. Al�awing the dri�� refaining wall ta be relaudlt will no! eff��1 6ight anci air, ciistributEan of papuVofion, transpartation, traffic facilities, ar u#ififi�s. li wiEl imp�ove publie saf�ty Qs we are p�apasFng tea tauild an inte�ral guardrail as pc�rt a�f the n�w retafnirsg wall and regrad� the adjacent ecsrth fid diminish the hei�ht. Light IS nv1 impacted as tF195 orea is c�mpleleky screened. Campliance wifih Vail's C�amprehensive Pl�n: � � Granting thls �rarfance will en�lase fwr� m�ar� cars from view. 2. Gr�ntin� #his variance will have nv effect wlth respect tv Vaia's Compreherssive Plan. PJST OFFI�E BQX 4�4 VA9L ��LORADQ 83558 97Q 47b 899� Printed by Dirk Mason 10��5I�� 12:��pm From. Jeff Atencio T�: DirK Mason sub���t: cur��nt -==NnTE====a�-----�--=1o/�Sl96=1a :39asn= There are na fir� dept ��jeGtiv�s to the aubmittal _ Sorry f�r t�� ��yaY. w�`ve b�en a bit bus� with s�uff and it go� �verlav�ed. N� �xous�. P�g2; � � � �ONE CHEC�f i L)ate: ,�'�',r`�2�'�''�� �� Lega� de���iptian; Lcat - Blca�:k ,' Filing (�c� �r�r��, /��� .'�:,�� Address 3 Z �-.�-�` r'�;F--��-�� s f�,-a..�.�c�.�/ ��e�.-�� C)LVFlf,'C_ 4'�,t 1-�- c�.n c1 .��J,e1.�v Y' �-t ,(��.�.r T E3}lOf1C �I r� "' o�t��,/ _ `��''l� ?� }�II'C�llt#`.C� `_}xl�...nr C1i2r�f �r�ln rE`ft ��`lOF1C '���� ° �'��c--- Zone districf �,� ���:.1., ��: C �� F'eo�oscd usc =�r= Lot si�e. �! � G�3� �' •�,/ �'�� �� Buildabl�.�rca � , , _ . .. �`�� Allawed ��i "� F'3m �ti a�� �temainin� �✓, ` ___�_�_� y'��� �C��t '"�S" Z � � ,`-�-��- � ��,��'€�t� �RFA �j'3 5 + -� _ �7� a' + � � � /' ' � � � `+' C� t� �'� '�,�� I�?r�ar}'GRFA �+{425)''�675*�= v 7 7 � Z� �- %.� _ . " '� ��'`� �' ?�•+-���� '� ' �` 4; ,d.�}� C�.�-����33-(�1,��-=--__—-r �.�- - -�-��.�y--��—°�� �..�� �, � � * E1�,S-A��S Cl'�C�i�}'SIllS�SU�{�L�1tIdi1 � r�s�- � D�4es khis rec�uest in�[rlwe a 2�[}Addition? �� Hr��.0 mucb[�f thc�Ilt�w�d 250 AdCli#ion is used with this requew-t�? � Sife Gr�v�rage ��a 6 n�u�.,,� �/N� �� ! ��I + '�r ; _ _ `Z. � 1 �' �� %�_� Hci,�,h�t (?,� 33)_-1 ,,v-�f,e�k_. 3 � �' �c�. $' ��� Sethas;k� Front �0' �'� � t�" ° �._. Side� 2 5° '��!'��'�rr � ��' , I . Re�r i�' �'_`,�5. � .�+�RJ�; ��J� _- .� � Landscap�ng �°/Minimum 1�', �1� 1" `� ,�%�— �'� �'� ` } .� � `t`J� � ° �� . R��air�i�g LV41��1 Hei�hta � 3,,�`b' , �r L;°� _ ._ _ t� ...-,- Parkin,� Required � � �.�^ � Enclosed Ca�ra�s; Crcdit �3�]tl� t)(1��,9l7[1}(f�(3d} Sl q f]riv�way Pcmuttcd Slapc � °�`a Prop�ascd Slt�p� � °ln Cc�arr�lie�tivith TC1V i�i�;htang l�rdinanec Ycs Nv .4re finis�ed gr�cles lesti than 2:1 �S[�%) Yes Na _ __ __ �nvirr�nmentallH��r�i� I}Fer�ent Slo�ae({�3Q°/9)_� � '�"' ��� ,,,�r� c�d'i.��.�.-. -4-t, � lG�� a�,• �,-;�.-e,.�,� �}Floadptain +'�'��! 33 Wetlands �-'%� -- 4)Water C�urse Sethack(347) (5�7}_ �''./#� _ �)Gcotagic Haa.arcis ��+-��-�� a� Snaw Avala�7achE �-�`,'`ir� b) RoGktali 1 r c) I3ebnis Fic�w N' � Previo��s conditio�s Qf appravaf �check pr�+perry[i�ej: �-'_ [s ilac praperty r�an-�crnformin�j De�cribe: T�.�i � r � ti � �.f � • ._.� I : v�+���A�r� ���r� ,��, ,n �-iT�S DEED, Ma�e this � day o� Sep�emb�r. 1994 , k���ween MAF�A GRAS�S B�SS�W of the Caunt� af Eagle ar�d 5tat? o� Coloracia, granr.�r, � � and WILL'AM C. CURR�NT �NL� NANGY N. CURR�^�TT whc�se 1��a1 �ddr.�ss is �04 N. 4akc�a�, Mu?:ic�, In 47�C�4 af th� c��unty of anc� St�re c�f �ndiana, grantees : �____ WITNESSETH, That the c�rantor �r�� anr� in �a.�siderati�n of L-h� surr� of , ti TEN L7t�i.,LARS AI�FD �THER Gc70I� AND G'AI.,UI�.�LE C41'dSIDERATION the x�ceipt ��., , �nd sufficzenc� r� c�rhich a.s h�.re�y �cknoEale�g�d, has �rantee�, �-�' ba�ga�n�c3, sold ai:c� canveyed, ardc� �y th�sr ��L��ents do�� �r-an�: , b�rga�r�, s�1T, cc�n��y an�. confirm ��n�o tk�� ����ntees, t��eiz ���.rs a��. � assigns f�r�ver, t�c�. it-� t�vn�nc� �n c�;�:t,.;rn �ut �n oir:a �.�.r�nc „ J ,�,�,f, �' ` n J T y, �l� � �� �rea� properCy, tcy�th�r w,�.th �.?�prav�r��nt�, if any, situat�:, lyFing ar� L� k�ezng in th� Cour�ty af Eag1e and St�t� oi C�14rada descri:r��d as � E fallaws : L�T 5, �LGCK 1, VAIL VILLAG�, TW'�LFT� FTL' I}�G, A�cnrda,ng to th� Pla#� rc�cc�rded r�.ugus�. Ib, �y�-72 �n Bc��k 2�5 at Pag� 89 as Reception Ncs. 1�U�55 . as known by stxeet and number as : 3235 Katso� Ranc� R�ad, Vai� , CQlflx'�.da 81�557 T(7GETHER with all. ��a si��t.��ar tl-ie 1:�e.r�dzt�m�r�C: ;F�d appur��r�ances th�reta �elc�n�ing, or- in a�y��ri�r� a�a���ta�.z�.in��, a��� '_��a_ r•�ver�ic�n an� revex�ions, rernaindez and :emai�°�d�rs, �ents. ��su�s aa�.d p�°�fits thereo� , and �1]. the estat�, righ�., ti�1e, inte�est, �laim �nd demar�d f�� whatsoev�r o� the gr�rt��r, eith�r.• in law ar �q«ity, of in ar�c� t� the � above b�rgairied x�r��n�q��, wit�h Ch� h�re���am�ilts �n� ���ii r te:nan�es . TC� F��VE �'Vn TG �i��,�` nc� s�i�3 �z-�=.rr�is�s abc?v� ��rgain�d �n� c��sc:x�iY�ed, Wi�i1 t�"LG ap�7L1Y°��F;41?iCr`��:�, ��r1L"C7 i.�l? C��d:tL.�Er hiS I7�.7.�� �c:l� �7SS1'�rS forever. And th� g�a�tc�r, ��r l�i�ns��f, Yris �i�irs, dzZd pers�rial �epresentatives, dc��s cc�venant, grant, 3��,zc��i�1, aa�d agr€�e to and w�,th tl�� grant�e, his he�.rs and assigns, tha� at th� tirn� c�f_ trLe enseal�.n� and deliv�ry :�f t-hes� gre��nts. h� is wel� s�izec� af the px_emisps abcv� r_GI�vev�d, htis ��od, :�ur.r-�, ��:-Fu�t- , absr�l�t� and ix:defe�sii 1� �sta�N r�� it�hcri.`��nc�, ii� l�w, ir; f��� ;��n1}�1�, ari�u has gc�Qd righ�., full p����r �r:cl l�,w�ul a�:�h{�ri�jr '�� c���r:t , :��rgain, se�l :�� �.r_d canvey t,he same in �tanriex- an� fc�rm a� a��:,z��saa.c�, �nd t�a�� tne ;..., sam� are fre� and �lear frc�m �11 fc�rmer and 4tt�er grants, bazgains, 'x� sales, Z�ens, taxes, ass�ssn?�n�s, �ncumbr�n�es and rPStrictiQns af :� whatever kind or nature sne^��:�, exce�t V� Thas� ma�.ters set £r�rt��: in Exhil�it � a�tach��? r��r�t� =.nd rriade a par� he�e�� . The granto� sha11 ar d will Y�ARRANT I,�JI} �'QREVER pEFEi;L the dbav�-bar°gain�d pr�mists it� �:h� quiet and peaceable pc�ss�ssir�n o� th� grdntee, hi� hezr� <Rnd ass�c�ns, �gain�t all ar�c� es.��ry �ersc�i; or persons �.aw�ully cl;�.�r:i��g t�?�� �.�h�1e c�� any ��rc tY��:r�:�� , T�:�: singu..ar numl�ey �r��a.l :�r:��1�s�e tn= �1u���, v};.;= ��wur°.�� _l�e :�i�gul�r, and �h� �ase a� any ��;nc���r. �t�ail b� �p�licak�l� �:� ��.:LZ �ender� . rN WIT�1E�5 W�IER�O�r the c�ran��rr has �x�cuted riais de�d on the aat� se�. for�h abc�ve . :}P UNO'���.�_ a ,,. . . . � : .•. . . ,,� . . . r.. . �.. . �.1,�;f; ;�:Uy�i.,�. iL'C�VC�'1055 L��CafT eQE I '�le l'1S i r:7 ��,u. : ,y.�i ; 1 : i l i,� r"!'- � �nd°r�tie terms��th��C I�Cy,whelhe�o�na:�l 5`�����:�e � ,;�� d �cn=uit noi ,�f p�ian��,1�rn.�n� � e` no r ot es,k��e� of thE O�it�^.5 p1ati��?� f�:r �n there�y conCe�z i�a���oty pr��va+v2 any provosaan pf!h�5. ., z tr`.E COnlpi+'ly 5�'�nIV ilN�n tnc e� � s: �`, � ,,,,�,�.�nhr ffi�++Ar r,�Y �h an�r c nhlinal�nnS IR!hR i��Il1P(�Uf"f1Ef�"1�5 OQ�iC'r � S C H E D �J L E A � �?RL7ER 1`T+� . : 940�,Q847�-2 P�LICY N�. < u-99�3 -3281G3 aATE QF POLICY: 5e�ten�aear 2�}, 199� at 1 ; 33 F.1�3 . AMOLTiVT} C�F II�3�SUF�NCE: $ 4 3 5, 0 0 0 . 0� 1 . NAME C�F ?N�U1�ED: WILLZ�M �. CURR�NT AND S�TANCY �v. CURP�I�IT � . THE ESTA°FE �?R I�T"ER�ST ]CN TH� L�D �iICH �S �OVER�D BY THIS P�7LTCY IS : Fee Simple 3 . '�'ITLE T(� THE ESTAT'E QF� ]CNT�d�EST IN THE LA�i� �S ',7EST�D TN. W I LL IANf C. CURR�NT ANL7 AND NAl'�TCY N. CURRE�'T 4 . THE LAN� FZEFERREL� 'I'�J IN THIS PQLI�Y IS IN LHE STA'�'�' d�' �C�L�RA�DC?, CC3UNTY OF EALLE, �.FvU IS �J�SCi��B�L AS FC7LLCJ�vY� : LC3T 5 , BLdCi� 1, VA�L, VILLACE, "I'WELFTH FILING, Ar�ccrc3in� to �h� Plat ��coxded Al��ust 16 , 19'7� a.n Bc�c�� �25 �t P�ge 89 a� ReCe�?tiC�i7 No. 12U3�5 . AUTI��RIZr�� CCUNT�RS rGNA'T'UR� ° �TEW.�RT T[TLE isUARAti7Y C��t�4F'ANY � � � . S C H E D L' L E B PJL�CY t+T�. : U--99�3-3�81U3 THTS PQL�CY DGES NOT INSUi�E AGP,Id'�TST I,�C�SS C3R D�GE (AND THE CaMPANY W ILL NC}T ?�AI� C'C)STS, ATTt�R1+1EYS" FEES pR EXPENSES) WHICH A�ISE BY REASaN n�"= 7�- . RTGHTS OF� CLfiIf�1S C3,F PARTIEfi IN �QSSESSI�N ?�T�,;7T SHUi+4'P�I BY 'T'HE pUBL1C ��'C'G��S . 2 . ]�ASEM�'NTS, U� CLAIMS �F EASEM�'NTS. �3C7T SHC;�WN SY THE PL'�L,IC z�EC�F�D,S . 3 . t]�SCR�P�'VC�ES, CONFLIGTS ��I SC�UNDARY L�N�S, SHbR'�'AGE Ii�T AREA, ENCROACH?�;ENTS, ANL� ANY FA�TS WHICH A CC�F�Ft�,CT S�.Tt�VEY A'VD iI�TSPECTI��N C7F TH� PREMISES 'vuCUCLD L7ISCLCSE AN1 Wi�ICH ARE l�iC}T SI��OWl�d �Y T�E FU]�L,��, R�C�FcTiS . 4 . ANY LTE'V, C�R RI,:1HT T� A L�E'_V, FOR S�RVI�FS, L.F�3CR G�R M�,TERit�L �iERET�:C?R�' C1R HEREF�FTER FUI�i��I^I°'�D, IM�OS�D BY LAW �N'L7 NflT S�i�4V1V �Y 7'HE PU�LIC i�ECC]R.DS , 5 . UNPA'?'E�;TE:D NYII'dIN'� CLAIMS; I��SERVATI0I�S C7R �XC�PTI+�NS IN PATEPdTS OR AN ACT �,UTH�Ri Z�NG THE I SSU�iTCE THERE{7F; W,ATER RIGHTS CLAIMS �R TI��,E TD WATER. 6 . Any an� a�.l �:npa�d taxes aarzd �ws�sstn�r�ts �nd unr�d�etaied �ax sales . 7 . `I'he �ffect s�f in�l.us;on� in any �ere�-al o�- spe��fic wat�r conse���a�cy. fire pr�tection� se��l cr�n�erva�i.an Qr at�re� distx-ict c�r incl�s�,on in any watex• s�rvace or st-reeG improv�men� ar�a . 8 . Reser�»,tior�s �r �xcegtic�ns cr�nt�ir��d in U.S . P�te�ts, o� in Acts a�.�th�rizing tr� i.�s�:a�ce the�?cf, cf rec�c����., r�:ser�,,irtg �1 Rights of t�:e ��-��rietcar of � ve�i� or lc�de co ex����ct and ��mr�ve his ore ther�fram and 2} �i��ts af wa�✓ fc��- di�.ches and canals �on�tructed urder the autharzty c�� the Unit�d Sta�es . 9 . R�strictio�s, wi-�ich cia na� con���n a far�e�ture c�r �-everter clau�e, recorded August 15, 1972 in Bc�e� �2S at Page is8 as Recep��on NQ . 120854 , ana amend�d by ins�.ru:��n� recc�rci�d S�ptem�er 25, ��7� it_ �ook �2� at PagA 475 as R�c�;p�iun No. �21�50 . 1D . Easem€�nts, restric�ian, and ri�hts-�s�-way� �s 3''C��'rdI�l an th� plat of Vai1 Viilag� T��elftn �zling, recorded Al�gust l� , 1972 i� B�ok 22� aC £'age 8� as R�c�p�ian N�. 12C�855 . 11 _ A 1�r�d rf fix-e;,C ;�aLec� ��>��L.�z��t�ez �, 1��� , Qxecut�:d hyr Wi�.li�m C. C�zrr�nt ar:d �Ia��c�� .3. C�urr�iir, �c� t�E �=,�bli.c Trustee �� ;Qc�l� Caunty, t� s�c�:xc an :�nde}���ar:e�s Q� $345 , UDO . Q0, ir favc�r af First Merchnn�� 3ank, N.A. recr�r�ed 5����mb�r �a , 1 y9� i.n Bc�c?�C 65C� at Page 385 as F.ecep�.ion Na. 5�64�4 . EX�EPTIONS T�IL7MgER�;L; ARE HER��Y C71'�'PITTE� � � �4.-��1ti:�`�1.: �'omm ity D�evelopm�nt Pian Rouh g F'vrin Rowted Ta: Gre� Ha�1, �'ublic Wc�r�� _ T'erri I1�artinez, Public Work� Todd C�ppenileimcr, Public Works Mi1�� McGee, Fire Return To: Dirk Mas�on, Community Dcvclopmcnt Dat�Routed: 1 Q!]6196 Return �y: 1 a123f9f Pr�jcct N�rr�c: Gurren�- Setback and Wa}1 Height '�'ariance Prnjec� Addre�s: 32�5 Katsc�s l�ar�eh Roa�i Project Legal: Lot 5 �l�ck 1 Vail Viilage l2th �'raj�ct I3escription: A request for a front setl�ack and wall hei�l�t var�ance to loeatc a gat-agc additiom � the fron�setback. Approved Denied �cite detail�d re�sQns) X Approved with canditions �'�,`}�,�..�� � , � � � �, �,; �T . . : _ ; . �_-----� �.�.�...�� ._..,.,_��_�__.�., C�4� fi'1��ta11��r ta� c�'[tC� Sk4t�f1 - b v. iic �`eu �Ar ral�ab! �.c��e n� r�de c��d plCk� un�btt�cr^ 11 i�lc� t� is - UaW1 �rY1 � ti1� w�min t� tr' h�c��� r�st-rrc}ic+n- 'b�r,l� �he Qwn�i+ depc�rr��r,t dasr�c're res.v� c,,r� �y �, rQiri��r,�] �tiYh ��� ���S a w+t�n t� �c�c�er► .��rh a s I-�+� � T�r�.��u� be� i���,aX 4 r�s s�ovrn ,s ttn t� hr a, rhe ��;�4�e. r� �-ode -.� �r,s- _ �: r�! ID�Il��v[� �re�e�f� t�•t2•�v: r�h�rc�d !p r�3�c�. � w..r� ,... . � �`.� r �1�, �� i,G rr-t a. �� k: - ( .�e�s� �c�S� /+ , 1 _ _ + Date re�ci ved: �errievvc�b�,J: Date reviev�red: � �'` + � � i:: CuRRENT R�SIQ�NC� ADL7ITlDG� VARiANCE APFLI�ATIC7N Ai7JAC�NT PR�PERTY 41W�1ER5 LQi 1 BLK i : Micht�el and CynthEcs 5teirrsle ` Jot�n and Rufh Sieiml� Pt�B 3t�2d Vail. �C3 81658 LUT 2 BLK l : Robert S. Garpenler Etiwcard and Ki1ty GwathmeY 2i 70 T�curr�seh Park �ane ] Qat� S. Frantagc� Rd. W. West Lafayette, �N fi74Qb Vaii, C�? 81 +559 a` E �'_ LC�T � 6LK t ; Ray an� Pam Story 323C+ Katsos �c�nch �d. Vail. CO 81657 . •� :� LCJt A BLK l : Kenni#h Lubin 3236 iCotsas Re�nch Rd. VaiE, CU 81 �s57-4635 L[aT 6 BLK 1 : Do��7las McLaughlin Frr�r�c:ie cancf hrtarvin �'arliment Randy^ Wall 3241 Ka4sos Ranch Rd. ` PD8 1 � 2 Vcs€i. C� 81 b57 � Vail, GC� 81 d58 iRACT A. Town o# V�ail 75 S. Fronfage Rd. W. Va11. C4 81657 M . � � THiS tTEM 14AAY AFFECT Y4UR PRUPERTII �u���� r�aiic� hl{�Tf�E l5 HEREBY CI'V��I th�t the Planning and Enuiror�mental Commfssion of the T�w� af Vail wi#� ht�ld a public hea�in� in ac��rdar�c�e witf� S�ctivn �8.55.0�0 vf the Munici�al Gode of the Tawn af V�il �r� Mo►+ember 11, ��96, at �:O(� P,I�I. in the Tvwn of Vail Munic�pal Builc�ing. in can5ic3eratio� a�: A r�quest f�r a canditionae use perrnit to a14ow for a Type BI Er�nployee Housir�g L�nit, utilizin� an additenn�l �Dfl square feet�f GRFA, lacated �t 4i93 Spruce VYaylLot 12, Blaek 9, B�g�orn 3rd Addititan. Appiicant: Stev�n Pet�rs Planner: i]irk Masvn A request far a frant setback variance to allow for a ga�rag� a�d�tion �n�i a wali h�ight variance ta aElvw�or a 8"-G" t�ll wall, Ic�cate� at 3235 Ka��vs Ranch Raadl�oi 5, Bl��k 1, Va�l Villag�. l3th Filin�, ;� pplicant: �lan�y a�d Wiliiam Curr�r�k, t�epres�nted by S�u�dra Spa�h ' ianner: air�C Mas�n A re�uest#or a minor subdivi�ion to r�focate khe commc�n praperty lir�e between Lots 7 and 8, I�cat�d at 666 and 696 F�rest RoadlLcats 7 �nd $, Block 1, Vail Villa�� 6th Filing. Applicant: Neif and Nar�cy Austrian Planner: Lau�er� Watertan A request f�r a cor�ditional use permit to allow far a 7y�e II �mployee h�using �nit, Ivcate� a# 2s642 Kinni�kinnick Ca�rtl�at 5, Bl�ck 2, Vail I�termo�rr�tain. Applicar�t: Sue C�ugan Planner: �Geart�� �uther A request #Qr a wr�rksession t� discuss the rezanirmg, fror� Publie Accamrnr�datian to Carnrnercial C�re 2, af a p�rt of TraGt G, Hlo�k 5D, Vail Viilag� F�rst Filing. Applicant: Sannenalp Prape�ti�s, fnc., r�presented by Gordon Pi�rce Pianner. Gearge F��th�r A reque�t far a w+orksess��n ta review the existing Grvss Reside�tial Floor Area �G�FA) poli�y and tn discuss alternat�ves. Appficant: Town af V�il �lanner: R�ass�ll Forre�t llflflllll Th� ap�ii��ti�r�s an� informatian ab�ut the pra�nsals are available f�r pu�fic ins�ec�itin d�rir�g regular c�ffice hcsur�s in t�� prc�ject planner's �f�ice loc�t�d at the Town o�Va3l Comrrrur�ity DeVelc�pment De�aartment, 75 �fluth Frontage Road. Sig�s lan�uage interpretatian availak�le upan requesR with 24 hour notifieation. Plea�e ca11 479-21 i4 uaice ar 479-23�£ TDD fc�r anformativn. Camrnunity CleWe4vpmertt Qe�artmtnt �!� Pc�blished aa#aber�5, fi99F in the Vail Tr�il. ,�,�r`�� ���{, ���"� '' �� � �. r � � � . � _�.—.. _,�----�— — -- ___..__.�.__. �.�.Y_�.� — — .�,..._....�.�.�., -_. .__.,_—_----.._:...... — - - -- """'_,:�� --- � - 1"C}l�'�i QF�AIL sx�cet,rT:�o. .- UEretR7M1sF.:ti C nF c41�'�f3iLT7Tl'DE7'�LOAn1E.�T t r - T*A.�iE �J�'Q�+�I� Ir'�� G������+'�- . — R�,.; f•s! �� / _ � ADI}l:�i+..S � ' S)A3� 1 �� ,. ` + � k., � P iif?S�;C7 � ' � " CITf:Ch;�MA'D�PAl'�AALCti TO T4ttT;[3F VAIL . - �CCdL".ti7ti0. - .. . .._. _..._. .. . ... . _ .. . ITF.1S .._.,.._... .. .:._.,.,." �0:...:.�:.T�'..�,. COST�F�A_._...._�yOTAL. ~' Ql0(1�1b43540 ZC�1�1��.�,N1].1t?DF2I:SSMIIPS 55,Q0 • ,z O1 [10�1D�::i5 6 litiINE]R.i4 IiI;�1LDi;�'C� Cfl[�1: 554.Ct�7 � ,� ' 4 L?1 fi�{3(i4�2�17 UI�IFC}R,,'�9 PL�:��S�31NG CC}D�� �39.�0 " = Ct� (}f�+OCI 42415 U;�'f�DF.;+��1 ?�11�C f{r�;�IC��L C'Uk�JE: 537.00 • - �li [?(}(1{J�3?415 � E.Jh'ir()�tA4 FaKE:C'U[�t; , � �;yf.Qp ' •y - - �'1 (5f)C1U-+�-�15 NATIf]:�:�,I,1�L�C71tIC.1L C'<)i71= I 5�7.4C� * �' (�1 �1i1t�0»��i 5 I C�T]I1:�'t CL7Ql: !a(lUF�S { �� _- [a1 C►t7�r0-�1��� I I3��}� �'�F;v7 i:�1YLr�RS) � ! 57,0� • �,> .._ 41 L�}Cr;'��"-;1Z I ?s1��0?� �+�PIkS I Sb.25 + � (�1 i7Csf)�7 wZ�iZ 57tiDIl�� . � 01 [�C�{�Ca=+?=,l? � T4��'F�F�S C'fJ�.'rU`I'1���RC�G�v�;��[ 55.00 �• � QI CH}Cl�;l�a'�.i7i � P}�'�':�LTY F1�LS i�Li:-�';vSi FC'i'fC�',ti� � -= 41 [x�C]t�=�13�2 Pl..:"+;J�Etil:Vli:l'�' �'�F;-�`i��:C K I��.l:! �4(� 1 1?��� Ii�t. �- r• � (1k {10U(]a?i3? � (aFI�li'C}tJRS I�SF'l=CTIC]'+I �l;i'_5� ' .. � (D�1 Uf��3c�=,1`412 � COtiT� fL��,`7f�1�tSLICI•�;`t51rS Flvl�� I x � 1d� L1Vlf��v��I4�J I �Y�,\ J13�i LYL 7�1�1U� 1 1�L � J�41.VW � = f11 C}UC���1�13 I .A�JI?IT��'.';1L�IG�:.�IC,? ��F� [51.0(3 P R 5 .i=T. ! � Y. 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I �- --_.� �IIE'.`�t-31�'f �'"f� '� - _� ._. . �# Pc9iC�C lRt'��yi f ��-f_'__ ,�fr. a.�+.a,Gi� flrarn by. _: - N�r• . .� � 1. . i cn�t� e,�: e f � ' 9r0!! Uf � c��� � � I[.f�f� `x ir j�Y t`��i}/{ ����4. a o �� ��l� , Co�nm�ty De��elopmrent P��n I�.vut� Farm Routed To: +�reg Hali, Pu�l�c ��rarks �'e�-�-i Nl�.rtinez, �ublic Wark� Todd �lppenhciir�er, Pu�lic V�Jorks M�k� McG�e, ��ire F�ciurn T�: Diri� Masan. G�mrrtuni�y Dcvcic���cnt Datc Routed: 141�{19� ° 'J � ! `';�, �Cttl�'tl Q�+'. ��f�L��q�} ` .r ,/' '' .` a �.,r't` T�r�ajcct?�Iame: Curr�nt- Sett�:�ck and ��'aII �Ici�ht V�riance Prc�ject ,�1.ddress: 323� i�ats�s Ft�nch Road �rc�jcct i.c�al: Lc�t 5 Bloek l Va�l Vi��a�e ]2th Pr�jcct ��escziptior�: A rcqucst f�r� frc�r�� setback artd ���aFl hei�ht �r�riance tc� lc�eatc �. �aragc adciitiv� in th�. front �ct��ck, �p�rc���ed � I]eniec� (este d�tail�c� re�son5) � Appro�ed with canditic�ns �:'�'�����`�`�� . . �t�, '�Yt�v�qi1 mw�Sr 's�� c�rx`�, P��czm b v. I i c e . -� t'aa c� r-��.�t c�r-� r� r�� ar�d p���r; �w�� watl c:�in lo�lo� r�-sis - c�a�1 r�c� ��11 be.wsmr� t t� �' ��q�} r��#�-~cii c� - bur,t� �1,� prc�s�ni �,�x��'r dt�n�� '�ci:�te c.�n }��1`TCP fD�11{:m v11'f�'1 G�" e�l� o�C vs 5r'�l �il cl�.�t"► tn�l t-hf tl 51 GE k?-i �h�;c��d�� t�c�aw �ewa�l �,s ��av�� ,� �;,� 1r t�� a, tk�e wae����e. � ��de -5� tan- ��:Gf�+� �D•ll4�l(p f�Vt�+.�lt;[s lp•3�•=ilo, c�hx't�� f D•�3`1W. � ,•�.� „ �,r . �1!"e re, � e. r.-� � `. r.r , .. � '.� . . . _ - �. . � ���c�s, wn�� �.. /� ' f _ ! : ,,.ti . . � ,'?�.: irE�:��`��t CI(.+�i i � � , - .� .,+�,, ,. . �_ <z..•!+41.y ,,. . ��-�s�[� . } r i.. y'1,�1 ..:y6:'e-<...r�.�i �.�..� :�� � . -.. .. � . . - . . ;1�f �� -�' . � �j � � �Ayk.,l�vil�.:'._"•, . . � � � � E . . �. r��i.�—..r..�.�.n.•�...�.r�.-r..�..w. ...� ' � N {q P..-..... -- �_' _-v� Y ' � 7J'S�i�r recir�viVCid. ` RcWic���ed �Sy: I)ate revicwed: -� c� r� ca c� r� � � � � � � � � � � (;7 � � m m t ,o Q � � � � � � � � n � � cn s� � o, --• � � � � � ��� � ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � f] a � � Cq -� m � � � ..� �' � c, � � -� cz � � � rn „� � c � a � �,. ±�-. a aa +a � ar c� � . � �7 � r �J 70 r`" � � � � � � � � m � f,r -1 -r, � � a �+ 1 -� -� �i '� c� �, C] � r Q � �7 � 0 � ? � --.r ��T+ p aa fi - m � � � m C] � is � _ � � � +n � m � � � z m � � � `C m Q G) A � � m '�ru ,� ~ p � � .� � . �Q y •� � G� c� �- � � � r � � � r} c � � �° � °°,� � a` � � � CH"` �` � �° y �'`1 � '�' � � r r � �FW`' � O� G�'] C3�G� � � '"� S�J 0 �'' ��� � 7 � � � � 1�- 31 q�� � � � s C�7 Q C9 C W 'ft � r w � � y `-+ � �� CY O � tt+ L7 va ET9 o-t r.a �j r � � y i ''� 4l] t"" t''� W � � � Q�y- � Q f��' rd � Q t�_' O v�'r � � �� � Z �: Q W � �U t^S �3 � v � `-' � � � C 'Li � C" y C9 � a� 'l+F� H � '�7 ��H �1 � t17 '� � � � c� t'~'� r y � p�-7 � � '� �y 7 � m �, I � I� � I I� u�'� O� x � '� � � "� 4� k'+J � � � � � _ _ �,y -i � a � ' m rn q 2 -i ' 3i rra I r � �7 m �+ '� �C} � .-� '� � � � n � � q Q �] fJ I � � � � Ly m � v �Z � kT1 C �{f] O � � � � � ,..{ -I R1 7t i p � � � � e'n �� � � � C� �+ �� � '� � � -� ? 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I � � � � � � �� � �.. � � a � � , � � � wm ri � � I � c� � q N. a�a 'v`�.� � O � r�+ f � I � � r � cn � � '� �" � � � � n� rv yov ra tn o� u�', � � .� a*� -.� n� .s�- � -�'+ �° f�„��. � a� € rn j �-.r .Q ua c� .� �, a r � tn �-.. c, rn c,o r, O E� p� k�" C f � w ns C7 �- v, cb c� a� .• � � _ .. � �' �n �'m = �J �� A C7 c7 t� C) [� 1 t6 C3 t� � �J �! �--°y r� r-+ �._ � [}° v�i � � O C/� ..�"i i L9 m� �A W � � � � � O � L"i � � c�q [u ry�.', C • rn �s7 t� W r--' . '�..� `? � 1 � �� (45 �: � N I N l.h W r� 0 y �� � p [7 � [� � sa � C6 - I ! i ._ N � � � '� Cl � � A� _',� �i...-'� �� }�.��j�� . � '/'�.�. � I + �`_� =� . �'��-7�G�(F,�. - - H �,�.�.. � t � � � � � ' r + P3.an Revie�r Based a�x r � th� �99� t���.f�rm Cades N�ME:BC}SSC}W REMC]DEL DATE: 4-24-92 ADDRESS : 3235 �:AT�I�S RANCH AD CC?NTRACTC31�: GI�A & ASS�DC. V�LIL, C{}L�R�UC� P,.RCHITE�T : N(]1+�E OCCUPANCY: R-3 �T�G�tJ�EF�: 1�IONE TYPE C)F C�1VST�2U�TYLIN: V FLANS �XAMIT�TER: DA3�JJ STANEF{ C(?R�;CTION� �iE+�IIIRED The i.tems listed below �re nc�t intentled '�o Za� a eomplets listin�g of all passi.ble ccxd� requirements i� the adQpted codes. It is a quide tc� sele�ted sectaans Df th� cvde�. The following is not ta be construed tc� be ara appr�val of any violation of any of the gro- vis�ans of the adc�pted codes vr any ardi�ance of th� ToR,rn of Vai.I.. 1 . SMGKE L7ETEC�i�RS REt�C]IREn �N ALL $E�RC3�]MS A�T1] HALL� AS PER SEC. 1�10 199T UBC . 2 . GUARDRAIL� Ti� MEET SEC.l`�1� �99Z UBC. 3. C�AWL SPACE T(� BE A MA�IMUI'�1 a�` 5"" FRQM GR0�1'�D TO STRUCTUAL FR�MING. � � � , f°i�iF.' 1� ';� ��;�: �� �:��� i'. 1 F . ! F� � ' i ` � , � �s •• � , 1 �Y�``�,��j� #'S6E'1b . S„�i_*dFr ♦ �i�,a r^� �.����r�c��a v���r�c�x���r su��rv;sz�r� a�� r��� � �� ;�'�s� 's L{7"I" ` SL47CK � P IL I1�i�a `�,,• f j t , ADaRE�S �,_"�?r' �.,.�P_*:;GS �t='`._.��,. � ,�'t ., 'Th�e �vcatz�n �f ut�lit3es, whathar they be main trur�i� 1i�es or progosed ' lincs, m�a�t b� apgrav�d. �nd vcrifi�d by �i�e fQllowing u�ilit,i+a� f�r the ac�r�mp�rtyir�g s�,t� pla�Y. AuChorix�d S�,gr��tu�^e ���e • M�p+ut�t��� Be�1 _ ��� . 1-�i34-377'$ -- 4 • W�S��rn Sic�p� �a8 • � � hl�rry �oyes ,� o °1 � .z"-/���. , Pu�l #c Serv�ce Com�a�ny �___ -- f � p, � Ga ry Ha 71 -�.J�LA� ''� � � � r�-�- * Ho�y Ct~oss 'E�ectr'�c Ass�c. � ,,� �---'' , '� F�r r��w cc�ns�t � Ted N�Sky,��fchae� �avert,y /`��" ,���,�-�.�.�.� �'-,__�_,�____. ��;�1eas� fi11 aut ���►_� ���ached sheet. , �r �r{�r�1� Ca��t+� T.11. ��� , �' � •--�l��I� �? r�,-�r�,���d � r . ' / }� /� :.�:t'. Upper ��ga e Va��e,y ���er ' ° �� �nd Sani�at�or� �}i s�ri�� , _.-���' S��'�`'.� ��l__ � _,�,,,F._..— � Davi� Kreneic NOTE: `3"hes�� var�.fica�l��r�s dr� n�t� xetieve th� �vr��r+��tor �f his . - xespvns i�il ity tc� c�btairt a �txee� �u�t permit �xom th+� '��w�� �f Vail� De��rtment a�` �ublic Wc�rks ar�� t� abt�i.n ' utility �ocatia�� befaxe dig�ing �n any ptabli,c right- ���w�y or �asem�nt i�a thc T��m Qf '�ail t � b�i�da.n� ��rm�.�C is nc�t a stseet cut perm�.t. A st�ec�t cut permit must b+� abtained 3���r�.��ly. , � . � A' This fc�rm i.s t� vsrify servic� availat�l�ty atxd location. 't'f�i� �hvuid h� usad ir� �cn�ua��ti�n w�.th pr,�paxir►g your utility pl�.n and 5chedulir�� inst�ilati�ns. � �: � � Projec# Applicatior� .�f,�"� / , Date �/ ��;J �� r ?_ � PCb1�L'Ct {V��E: � .�� � �`4f`,� i� � k f�• �� �J " - L;�j ;yd�1 �y � ,I ,�l f ,�,� � Proj�Ci C7es�n�rtion; �[��r��G'fi' T'+-� � �}:+�-%�� ��+ -�J --"' 1*: ' t:. �1�s,f''!,�'i��' el��,:,'r.r �.i . , f , r � '�- 1 C+�ntact Persan and Phc�r�e r-� Ct' �"� C�� r�•; :�.',� ("�',%i.;��,�- ��`-�°��f( � � � �' �" � ., � � �,t�y;?�� �_`_�,� f' f.f;ir�'�r��� �. �/r�"%e;�;' �'F ,q ,, , G�£'�=. � `,�,=��i :'"7 r.�r<�^'."` .�� �� �'`�. t�G�5 .'`=,, �' y!� Owner. Address and �hone: _ -------�- °` -� _ o -- . �� Architecti, Address and Phc�ri�. ,�f� � � -- � � 1,�% +✓✓'/f%"� . '.� rGc•� � Lec�sl f�escriptidn: Lat � . Black � . Filir,g .��'"�' 1� ;� , Zone �'r��''�' � � � _ � n " Commen�s: ` ----_ '� _.-----_—___ _ --- � Qesi�r� Revi�w Board , a�c� f�.�'�'�'/ � � � �' � ._� , lvlation k�y: � ,+-���.� � t-`;��. !�--- . � ' � ✓ ,� . Secanded by: , �� ��` �1. ,� � � � '� ` � � APPRUVAL 171SAF'�'R4VAL � ���-",'�t,��,'�i,,�,�.1� '` � ;� A � � :' ��rrnr7�ary: _. �'G ��� ' "�✓".�J �� ,;i ,7c� �,.7� "C� - i/'/GF' /�' ,i'G�G' er�` )r �: '' '..�-''� � � ' :.;�� � f� ,�!;i%r'�i� ' . _ _ , ..� .,—�. �''' - - - - - i� C � < zy_ � s, , f I� � ,> ,,' � � ,,�� , �r--° � ` ��., ' ,�('''" I f� � � ��f.4`;� ��,�i E 4''4� � �'� � ,,� ,� �,% i ti � � E. Tvwn P nner � ❑ 5t�tf Approval ` �- " ��`�� � f3ate:. GF. : _ _ . . _._.._._ ..._.. , , �� � ��,. ��� n ��� � � � � � ;'I;�;,� , . ��� �; ifESIGN RLV�'�L�'F1 SC3ARd.7 AGENDA � AP�IL 15, 1992 3;00 P.M. r SITE VISI'i`$ 1; �0 p.m. 1 Mind3.in A.eside�ce - 8�?0 Potato Fa�ch Drive. 2 Li�n�head Mall - Susdial �laza. 3 Bailey Res#.dence - 1J3 �eaver Uam R�ad, �3 5lci Musau�a pvcket g�sk - Lacated �t the northw��t intersecti�� af Vai�, Itoad and W�st �+leadow D�rive, 5 Vail Gatewayr Flaza - 12 St�uth �'rontage Road, �i Vaii Vill�aqe Inn Plaza - 1L�0 South Frontage Avad. 7 Smith Residenc�e - 9�0 Fair�aay Drive. 8 Scyssa�w/Acu�f Residene� - 3�35 Katsc�s Raneh Acsad. 9 Ka,�.�er/Ha�.I Residenc� - 4�15 Juniper Lan� . ��°} �.u,. ,,..,, .... ... .. �. a. �; � �:� � �= < �� � ' ; ' ;ss�.... „,, ': '. AGENI�.F: 1 . S]ci Museum pc�cket park - Canceptua�. review; lc�cated ��! at the narthw�st inters�ctic�n af Vaal Rc��.d and West Meadow Drive . MQT��N: SECCJND: Vf3T�,: Goneepfual - no vat� taken . 2 . Lionshead Mall - Sundial P�aza . JKr�P Located w�st af the Lifthouse Ladge . M�TIQN: Gear�e Lamb SEGC?ND: Diana Danc�van �,IQTE: 3-Q Approved. ApFli�ant agre�d tn inv�stiga�e gra�at�ng flaastQne, 3 . Th� C�ub - New front ent�y da�r, r�L� 304 Bric�ge 5treet/Red Lion �uild�,ng. � MC�TI�N; GeQ�g� Lamb S�CC�NI?: Sher�y Dorward VDTE; 4-Q . Cc�n��n�. �pproved. 4 , M�ndlirt Residence - Adc�itivn to prirnary unit of Jft/AK existing prim�ry/secandary r�sidence . 8��7 Pata�r� PatCh Drive/Lat 7A. Blc�c�. l, Vail Pr�tato FatCh. MOTIO�I: Gefl�g� Lam3� SECON�: Ned Gw�thm�y VpTE : 3-1 Approv�d w�th co.ndi�.ions. Diana Dono�an �3ppvsed. � � � Y 5 . Grubbs Res�.denc� - 250 Add�ti�n and exterior �7K/AK mociifications t� existin� single family residen�e . ' 1�31 Eagl�' s N�st Circle/Lot 1, Sloek 1� Vail Village 1st . r����ar�: ��cc�r��: vo�� : TABLED Z�(} MAY 6T8 ME�T�NG. 6. Sailey Reside�ce - New Sing1.� Family. JK/AK 193 Sea�er aam Road/Lot 3'8, Block 3, Vai�. Vi�lage 3rd Filin�. MOT��N: G�arge L�mb SECONI7: Sherry L�orward VC}T� : 4-� Apprc�ved with conditions . 7 . Smit� Residence - I�ew '�upl�x . AI4 95� Fairway Dr�.ve/Lat 6, Vail Villa�e ��th Filing. 1"���'TOI�T: SECJND: V�TE: Cc�nceptual Review - na v�te �ak�n . 8 . Hutchinson - New pris�tary with reStri�ted 2nd uni� . �?w 2995 Basinc�dale Rc�ad/I�nt 15, Block. F, VaiZ �ntermc�untain . MOTION: G�orge �am� SECQND: Sherry Dvrward VOTE : 4--D Approved with conditians . 9 . BassowlAcuff Residenc� - B�c�r��m/Bat�xrao� J�/Sr� Add�tion . 3235 Ka�sas Ranch R�adfLo� 5, Blc�ck � , �aiZ Village 12�h. MOTI4N; Gec�rc�e Laml� SEC���]: Sherry Dorwar� V�TE : 4-(� Cr�nsent appro�ed. I�] . K�i��rJH�ll Residence - Carpc�rt addition tc� existing SM primary/secondary r+�sidence . 4916 Junip�r Lan�lLat 5, Block B, B�gh�rn Sth �'il�.nc�. M�TI DN: SECC7N�7: VOTE: TASLEI3 TC} MAY 16TH MEETING. 1� . Freir� Resic�ence - Revisivn ta d��.veway canfiguratir�n, SM l�nds�aping and eievation changes . 7�8 Potatc� Patch Dr�.velL�ot 8, Vai�. �ot�to Patch. MpT�ON: �eorge Lamb SEGQND: Sherry Darward VOT� : 4-� Agproved as submit��d. � � �� ,��?s�i�,� ����,-rf'�'����� - ��3� ��,s��-�a�:,� ,� ' �'�`��,.��' t� .��`�,� .1`i�",� . ��� .�r','�7•' �,�� ,��"�r`f�� '' c1 �/ ,.�` r, � r��,.��'� ��` �.�I :��r�'� f • �``��'��',.! a �rd� ��',�'� ,�//��-�` ����" ��.� - �'t..�� '`�� - S�t='� .: ; 4� � ,���`' �'`��i' .���.� ��.3 _ � ���� �" r'�"��i' ; /�,� ,����`��``�:��` ���ra ��`l� ����. �`�� �.��{5�? = �rra ,�;�� � �c-.x�,�.,�'J C�A .�.�r.''.�r�s T��fs �� _ ?'7.�.GFArS{!' ,��fT��'.S �-�E;�t'/ �r�-'�.,�1 �'��"J.�'l.�".�i�'�_ ��;'�"� _�2/`!� ��CJ c�.�F� ./��°i���i�ai�+g��'�4C�c�:'�d.�� �.�' _ ,.:e,, - ;�. . . .,F . � -,,.� . ...-, - �, , �-.��. �,.:; ,��_.� ,..- . , �.�:.. . �. .r - x.., .: .r_ � -,,. .� � 4. �i� ' , �.. . . �, _ - '� I�. _ - , �. � ,� < -� E� .� ����. � . , �,� ��k�; � . �° � � �'' � �, ,r� , �, . i'' . � � � •'� r. - �=' k^"��,�1��` ' � �� � � ��� �.. �� ._ , . ..k . .a.,� -'-�..... �"v.�. ;�«�'3A- ��, -. �"<,�s.. -- . �.._ ._� � . � .. ...i�... �. . ...w ,. ......,. z`..�w, -�.....��'.� . �c. . _,m„' k3.,..., .. �`'.,L . �. ::�liR . ,`';°.=� i .�.:. _.ra�..�o.,.o:..,,,�, . �j�lr�f��r = s;..�,��� � �, _ _ TCl WiV' [3F �A.IL , DEP�RTI+I�` �F+COi�IML�YIT'Y DEVEL+QPivIENT •r''I4J�i FC)Iil�t '��x��T�,�..�.3�GC' J��r .f��.�`s�� J� t:` �r��'�E ...���� .�'!`7���''-� /�i�1?C����7't UhTF °�` 1'�� l �� {: •� l��'�/d� - � ,f/azf'` � r r,�� r � a_, :ncca�,�r��a` ��:�,� ;�c�. cos�r�.�: �oT:lt, (31 4[lpQ 41540 I Z�Ui��,WG A.I1D ADDRE55 IV[AF5 �S.LKJ {31 L�0424IS I U?�IFOR,'vt BLTII.DI�Cs C�DE S5C7.44 Ol f'�474�!�IS [IiJ"fF43�.'vt PLUV[BL�1G CODE I 5�36.b�[ll �,� 41 {�4 42�15 f t1MFC]RM MECHAMCAT.,C{�DE S32,C3� ��: {�I �fl�U 42�t5 I L'NTFC?f�M FCR�CC]DE 535.� �': ; O1 OU40 d2dI5 � NAT'FDl*T�.Ei.EC'I'R'CC�I.CC]!]� � �S3Q.�J0� <:�< ffT t}Q�Q 32415 I C]'T�-IER CL��+E RCtC]KS � � I t� O1 C.1C+00 d1�43 � BLi.�PRIN'FS{MYLAfiSI I 57.{H7 OF ,��G�Q 42�12 � 7C�R[]X CC)P'ES!STUDiFS � SD.251 41 �b�30-�'_'3',1 j PE;v`AL"Cl'FEES/RE•IIvSPECTTt)h'S � �;; O1 (��041�32 i PL,�'v RE�'IE�RE-CHECK FEE [Sa�PER HR.] � O1 �4Q4�232'' aFF HOLIRS P�iSPECTIt7N FEE5 I � ,,.�' 0� +?6U4dS412 � COY�"TRACTORS LTCE�15E5 FEES O1 OflOf��133� I C)TFiER FE�S C1 i CDUO�P d l 3 � SIGN APPLICAT'It?N�EE i 320.04� fi";;; .._ .. :;:SC' 01 0�0�41�t13 ADDI"TTO�I?�l...SIGdvAG�F�.E [51.4�AEk SQ.�"t`.j �z 41 a0C'(J 42C�0 VTC ART PftQJECfi�`.� � '� t?1 �{?41331 �PRE PAID L7ESIGV R�Vi� . ..� . . . . . ,�Q Q(� 0 4 fl[9Q0 � ';s`:: :>;: ,�. :�: . ; ,. , :. ,:' ; �E(�;'�PPLIC�.TIC`��?.��„ <: {1l El(}f}0a133{3 I:�i7�:�f�:w:�LGR,t�.-� "�?�t�" _...-$2W.(�.3i :: -. 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R �Ek'.*' � � 'Y . ' �. .�` .� ' *� � . � e ...p,y�,]� s� ,- ��'"- � ",e � ��'�'�.`' �1�y�x� a e .,n • -f e-. "4'3'�°,.Sa"'� i t/�y� Zi.�,a �,.,��`ii •.. �sa l i' � _ .,�. «a-�' '.��.K.�. �. :F�+..K �'. � . � _� /],� �t-�r` ��.c� ..... _..._.--- . ...._,.. _ .. - � . � �/i�` _ . --�-�.. � �8Y13@C� ���r�X. r � . , `7 , � � DF�Ei A�''�L7+GAT�UI+T -- TC�WN' 4F V�1TL, C{3LC}F�AD�3 }� f`-- 'i ,I` � , L. �}��"� .l$�P�,��.pi.`Z'�{�� ���Z��: '�� �,� l�:"�":; ' � I�AT� C}F FJRS ME�TING: , � � ; + �t**�**,t**� 'TI3�5 AFPLICAT�CC)�T WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEd � UI�ITIL ALL REQUIFtEi) 3NFC��TIC?N IS SUB��i�TTED � ���t*���*�t* .. fk I . 1�RC��7FCT INFC?EZMA7'ZC�]N : I i 1�. I��SCRI��'ION': 7` .� .���� �����i �1�' - - .- � I B. TYPE OF REVIE'f�. � �� � ��_New Cc�n.,truction t$2�O . G�}) Ma.nc�� ,�.3,terat�ion (SZfl . 00) f �Ad�l��i on (�5 f} . ��Q) CQnceptual kevi ew f$�) I c. ���s s : ,,,�-�`� ��--T.S�S r�,�J�H� r�,�..� _ f � . L���L ��s��x���or�: Lc�t� � B�.ac� 1 ; �/r�,r'� �l ° . � , ` 1�J.L I�'� �_ - -- Subd�.v,�sion � 3 �f prc�per�y is d�scribed k�y a meets and l�aunds 1.e�a1 , i c3�scriptaon, please prQ�ic�e an a �eparat� shee� and ; at�ach to tl�is applicat�nn . ' 7-�L'�,=� .�'1.�f''�'t:. , ; E . ZOt�IING: ' � J������ �t17�r� �, � , � { � �. L�T AREA: I� req�ireci, app3.ic�ri� �t�usL- pr�vid� � �tarx�n� ,� stamp�d survey show�ng 1ot area. � f G. NAME ClF APPLICANT' : �1�1r� -�.�'�'�{,�' �..l� J[.�I�� ���'� I .�iai��.ng �lddres : ,��� tlS` � _i'� ,�L l �hon� ' f , � p. � � ;�� � s`',:� ���.�-r..� .:. H. 1�AI+�E OF ,F�PPLTCANT' S F�P��"ENTA7CIVE : s�`G -•��';r ,;e's.' ,��:°.� /'i.r,,�.,.;`�,,�,�/.r�,.� l��a��.i.rig Addre�s ; �'h�ne z . ra�� a� aw��.�s : �1���. C,,4-��1- ' u F� � '*�x G�TATV� {�� : ��.v-� �° ; � • _�. ` � Mailing Ar�circ:ss : -' . .S, �".� � � �han� i J. Cnnd[�mina.�rn �ppraval if apnlic�b�.� . � 6 r K . DFtiB FEE : I�R� f��s, as shc�wn �bav�, are to b� pait� a� ; the time �f suk�n�i�tal o� 1�ft�3 applicata.on, Later, wh�n � ���l.ya.ng for a building p�rma.t, please identify the aceurat�e �raluation c��' the �ra�asal . Th� �`awn c�f Vail . wi11 adjust the fee ���ording tr� the table be].r�w� �� �ns�re th� correc� f�� ..is paic�, c� ��� ��T�: � �� - �(� rT� 5CHE17UL� : r.:;,,;�;� � ..__ L� (,�rF�a ,r'..�� r:;:, '.._ ""� - -� - (''"!/''�� � ,,�',u'�, �TALUAT I t�i�T FEE � --, ,. .". � � $ 0 — � 1�, ODQ $ 20 . 0� � ; $ 1D, U�1 -- $ 5�, �0� S 5� . 00 i � 5{7, QQ�. — $ 150, 00� $�.�lfl . (��l s1�Q, oo�. - s s�a, oao ��oa . c�� S.5C3�� 001. - $1, 0711, (}f]�3 $40C} . DO � �a C7v�r $1, i1C10,� (lf7[l $5�10 . OC1 1 ' I � DESIGN REVIEW BO�RI� APPRQVAL EXPZRES s'�N� YEAR AFTER FT3�AI, � APPROV�L UNLESS A, $U��DING PERMIT �S �aSUE� AN�7 CC?I�ISTR[T�TI�?N �S ; � s����� � f , **N4 A.PFL�C7�T'IC�I�i 'ri�LL BE P�QCE5S�I7 WI"Y'HOUT OWNER` S STG�iTQRE ' n • � � ' Z��]F CHECK r FQR I� SFF�� R, R PIS Z4NE DZSTRTCTS s D.�°�E : LEGAL DESCRIP'I'�C��: Lp� ,�, B1oGk �, Filing �" � •r ADD�SS ; �� ��" � 1C�r�-� � �`r'�J l. �� i'�--�� �WNER � �G�C•+ ,� C�'� f'f`� FH�?NE .��cH��r�c°r ��- �-� � � �'�-- 5 S C) �x�ar�� .b�.�'� �-�C - -? fi- � . . zar�E nzs�r����r � ;-°r��,�f ' ��aPOS�D �s� �� 5 1� �� TYI � � *�LUT SIZE +� ��r '7 �'� _ Allc�wed Existinc� Propased T�tal He�.ght (301 (33} Tot�� GRF�. � ��� ��``'� � � � �� Prim�ry GRFA + 425 =- Second:ary �RFA -� �25 � _ S�tbacks F�Qnt 2(l' f� +� 5id�s 15' R�ar 15' Wa�er Cou�se S��back t3�� �50) Si�e Goverage Landscapinc� ��� f J ��� Retaaning Wall H�ights 3' /�` �'arking Reqrd Garage Gredit (3001 (5�1�y {900} C12DLl � Driv� : Permitt�:d SJ.ape 8� Act.u��. S1ape � � 1� T3a�� a�apr�ved by T�wn ��►gineer : Va�ew Carridar Encrc�achm�z�t : Yes Nv � ?"?' Enviranmenta}�/Hazards : 1y Flvod Plain 1" (: 2} Percent Slope � � 3) Geolc�gic Hazards � � a] Snvw Aval.anche .� �) �o�kfall cl Debris Flnw ` __ 4} G�Tetl�nds - P�evic3us candit�ons of appraval {check �rr�p�r�y �il�� : D�es this request in�rvlve a �5� Addztic�n? 1 `,� �` How much caf the a�lawed 250 Additi.on is used with this request? **Na�e: Under Sect�ons �.8 . 12 . 090 (B} and 1.8 . 13 . �Q80 (B? Q� th� Municipal Cadex lots zt�ned Two Fami.ly and Frimaryl����ndary which are l�ss th�n �5, OUfl s�. ft . sn ar�a may not construct a sec+�nd dweJ.ling unit . The Cnrnmunity D�velvp�n�nt �epartmen� may grant an E?XCE'pt�.f}ri to tha�s restriction provid�d the applieant meets the c�it�ria se� fc�rth under Sections 18 . 12 . 094 (By and 18 . 13 .d�0 4S) of �.h� Municipal Ct�de includi�g permanently restri.c�ir�g �he unit a� a long-terrn rental unit �nr full- t�me emplayees caf the Upper Eagle Valley. I�I � PLANT MATEFZ��� BotaniCal Name C�rnmmorr�m� �uantit� Szze* ��o�os�� s�RU$s � " ��C�,+ 5 i I � �-- - �,. `r , EXISTING SHRUBS � �� � T"C3 B� Ft.EM�VED . *Indicat� size r�� pxr�pt�s�d shru�as, Min�.r�um �i�e of shrubs is 5 qallan . T e S�ivare �"aotaqe GFtDUND CC7VER5 � � SQd SEED TYPE U�' II�RIGA�'IL7N TXPE c�R METH[�T7 OF �� ER�SxC�N C4NTR{�L ' r 0 C. LANI�SCAPE LIGHTING: I� �xteri�r l�.ghting is prapo��d, glea�e show �he na�mb+�r vf fix�u�es �nd locations on a �eparat� �igh�.a�ng �lan , Idez�tify each fixture f�om t�e I.ighta.�g plar� on the J.ist b�low arid provide the wat,tage, height abc�ve grad� and type of light p c�pased. � � D, �THER LA�DSCAPE fiE.�TURES f�'eta�ning wall�� fenCes, swimming pQOls, etc . ) PTeas� �p�eify. Indica�e heigh�s af r�taining w�.l1s . Nlaxa.m�m h�e�.g�t of w�l�.s within �.he �rc�nt setback is 3 feet . Maximur� ��ight of waJ.ls elsewh�re �n the prap�x��y is � f�et . �� � $ � � �,��"�� L�ST {JF N'lATERIALS � � ,�` NAME aF FRC}JECT : � �S � �,� Lj,� � II,��C''�-�' ' � - - .. LEG,A,L DESCRIPTTDIw1: LqT � BLC�CK . F SUBDIVYSIaN L� � f , SfiF�EE'Z' AL?L�RESS : � ��,� � �j �� � DESCRIPTI�N C3F PROJEC�': �[� ���- � L� � +T7c;� __ Th� fQllow�ng infox�mation is z�equa.red for submittal �r� the �esign Review Sc�ard b�frre a fanal appra�al can b� given : A, BUILDII�33G NIATERIALS : TY�E C]F MAT��"tIAL CC�LQR RoOf �j �r 1��--�-�- � � l ��.. ! 'I �`'\r� � Sidinc� other waii r�a�.erial� Fasci� 5�ff.�ts , Wir�dows Window Trirn . Do�r� � Daar Trim Hand t�r Deck Rails Flues Flashinr�s �' _--,- Chimneys Trash Enclq�ures � J4 �Gre�nht�uses �ther B. LANDSCAFING: Name ��' D��xgn�r; Pho.ne : PLANT MATEI2S,�L� ; Botanic�l Nam� Commo�. 2�ante �uan�itv Siz�* PR(�POSED TRE�S EXISTI�dG TRE�S �"C� „� ,�� I �`� BE F�EMQVED *3nciicate caliper for decidta4us tr�es . Minimum __c�Xiper for d�cicluo�s trees is 2 inches zx�d�ca�e h�ight fc�r c4n�.f�rcaus �r�es . Minimum tZ�i ht for �t3ni��rous �rees is 6 fe�L . 7 < � n L A N � � I� L E G U A R A N T E � � � M P A N Y Representing Title �nsurance C�mpany of Minnesota THAI�K YDU FOR YaUR �R�E� MarGh ��, i992 �ur �rder Na. : V18525 BUYER f�WNER: MP,F� GFtASIS Bt]SSOW SELLER: .�ACK P. ACUF�F AI'�U CARq� A. ACUFF ADI�RESS: FTLING �2, BLC3CI: �., I�UT 5 VAIL V�LLAGE � � CL4SER 1 Attn: LES +G�1�E RA3+TGE PRdF'ERTI�S 511 LIC?NSHEAD MALL VAIL, C� 81557 1 Attn. JACKIE l�t'ORTHRaP 47f-2482 CflPIES � Attn: PICKEI) UF F4R QELIV'EkY AM_ P�+I Ct7VE1VTANTS ATTACHED YES N�3 �'OR �'ITLE �[IESTTOi�� CAL� �EN �fO�TH 303 476-�25Z FOFt CLC�S��G QUESTIC3ll�S CALL �S KEYS � �I: �M �.I �p' �!Y 4`:'Rl, ' �^�B�:Y ' ! I��_9.� Yk E �y` .6 I{. p i ��.:. v c::�r_r: "�;g � ��., �{�.at-a..; LANQ TITLE M f N h�E S�JJT�4 �C+�mrn�trnent To Insure co�v� T I T L E �s����n,��g�ch�o���f- P. CD. 8nx 357 _ � '!08 5. Frc�n#age Rd. W. Vail, CO 815�8 --- 475-�25�lC3ireCt 595-9613 FAx 476-�1534 Hf]AAE CIFFICE . 3�33 �ast Fi�t Au�_,5uite 5C1p FIDOL�R5 GREEIV BRECKEIVRIDGE f?env�r, Cd 842f3� 6�10� 5. Fiddlprs Green P. �]. Bax 228Q P. O. Box 544U Englewflad, CC3 80l i 1 a(1� North Ridge Den+�er, CO 80�17 17T-4539 !FA}C 771�5�fi �re�kenridge. CO 804�4 321-i$80 !FA7{ 3�z-76�?3 453-2�SS !FAX 453-&b14 �Q'�P��� CAiTEE R4�K AQANIS 8$�1 E. Harn den, #�4t] 9101 Harlars, #10f} � 51� W+Icox Qenver, CO 84231 Castle Rvck, C0 80104 Westminster, C[� 8D(13� 75f}-�t223 1 FAX ]5q-Q267 �88-�363 1 FAX 688-4143 427-9353 s' FAX 43D-T572 lEFFERSCIN CaLC1RAiD0 SPRaNGS ,AfLAPA�OE 7�4 Kipling, #202 10� 5. Te�vn, #1Q0 77G4tl E. Rra ahCae Rd., #150 Colvrada Springs. CC7 809D� P Lakev+rovd, CC7 80215 �34�82�1Direct 595-4113 Englewoad, Ct] 80112 232-3111 !�AX 238-295� FAX �634-3190 770-9596 l FA}( 290-9Q4a SDU7HWE5T PARKER ARVARA 3fib4 5. Wadswarth, #115 1}594 E. N1ain St., #145 5440 Ward Road, #Z0� Lakewaod, CO 8�235 Farker, �0 8Q134 Aevada, CO 800�12 988-8550 f F�4x 98(7-83z4 Sd1-49{}Q 4��?-OZ41 1 FAX 423-1365 ,��`L YOSEMITf p. p. gc�x 357 E3fTHANY 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 1(38 5. Frontage Rd. W. 11059 E. Bethany Dri�e Denver, C{5 8�D237 Vail, CO 81658 Aurora, �O 8aC134 f94-2837 !FAK 843-Q�1U2 476-��51i[3irect 595-�b13 750-1117 1 FAX iSQ-5�T1� FAX A�76-�534 g{}U L�ER AG��ETS EI�5T 24�5 Canyvn BIWd., #23t7 33�a S, Parker Rd.. #1p5 Bcaulder, CO 80341 L7URANGO Aurara. �C} 80[}14 4.qd-4i01 f FAX 786-8423 1201 Main Avenue 751-4336 1 FAk 745-26i9 buran�a, CC7 8�3(73 7�7_58EiG� ';^�;�: z4i-?C1R� _°,'�..�:'t,�'!�ti',. L.AH� T�'LE GUAAA[�JT�E �CJY . A � T � C � M M T T M E � � � SCHEDULE A �ur �rder N�. V18525 t �ar Informatz�� O�ly FSL��G 1� , BLOCK 1, LC}fi � �IAIL VILI�AGE - Charges - AL�A t]wrier PoliGy $7G8 . 00 Tax R�p��'t $20. 00 - - TDTAL - - �788 . D(7 ****WITH Y(7UR REMITTA:hTCE PLEASE R�F`E32 "FC7 OUR �RDE�. Nd. V18525,***'* 1. :��fectiv� Date: 1'�arch O� r 1992 at 8: U0 A.M. 2. P�oliGy to be issued, �nd prvgosec'1 Insured, "ALTA" �Qwne�''s Policy $�12, Qf]0. bd] 1987 R�visivn (Amnended 199Q) �rc�posed Insured: rr��, ��,szs sassQw 3. The estate �r interest �n the land d�sc�ibed ar referred to in this Cammitrnen� and ca�re��d herein is: A F'ee Sim,ple 4. Ti�.le to the es�ate c�r interest covered h�rein is at �he effec�ive �ate hereof vest�d i�: ��,cx �. �eu�� �arro c�€zoL ,�. �.cv�� �. The land referred t� in this C�mmitment i� d�s�ri#�e�3 as follows: LOT 5, SLC}CK 1., V'A�L VILLAGE, TWELF'I`H �ILING, ACCC}RDxNG T�C] TH� PLAT F2ECORL7ED ALTG[]ST 16, 1972 IN BaQI{ 225 AT FAGE 89� G4UN'I'Y �F EI�GL�, ST�iT� O�' CC?Lt7RAD0. PA{�E 1 ' A L T � C Q M M I T M � � T � SCHEd�LE B-1 {Re;�irements) �ur �rd�r Nv, V185�5 Th� following are the req�irements ta be c�mplied with: 1. Payment to �r fax th� acc�unt �f the grantvrs or ����q�g�rs of the full ��nsid���tivn f�r the estate or interes� ta be �nsur��. � . Prap�r instrument�s} cr�at�ng �h� est�te or interest tQ b� ��sured must be executed and duly filed for �ecord, to-wit: 3 . RE�E�SE a� �EED �F TRUST DAT�D Sep�ember �1, 1�78, �ROM JAC� P. ACUFF AN� CARaL A. ACUF� T� THE PUBLIC T��STEE �� EAGLE COUNTY F�R THE �SE �F F�RST�ANK flF VAI� TQ SECURE TH� SUM �F $8�, Q00. �� RE������ Sept�mher ��, 1�78� IN Bd�K �74 AT PAG� 7�3 . SAXD DEED �F TRUST WAS �URTH�R ��C�R�D IN ASSIGNM�NT �F R�NTS R�C�R�ED �ep�embBr �6, 1978, IN B�dK 274 �T �AGE 724 . 4 . �ELEASE aF DEE� aF TR�ST �ATED Apri1 24, 1�8�, FR�M JACK P. ACUFF AN� �AR�L �. ACUF� �O �H� PU�LIC TRUSTEE �F EAGLE �DU�TY F�R THE USE �F FTR�TBANK �F �V�N �� SECURE THE SLTM �F $8�, 0�0.0� REC�RDE� Apral 30, 1986, TN SD�K 44� AT PAGE SD2. SA2D DEEQ �F �R�ST WAS FURTHE� SEGURE� �� ASSIGNME�T OF R�NTS �E�D�DED April 30, 1985, IN B��K 44� AT PAG� ��3 . 5. EVIDE�CE SATIS�AGT�RY TO THE CQMPA�Y �HAT THE TERM�, COND�TI4N5 AND PR�V�SI�NS O� THE TOWN aF VA�L TRANSFER TA� HAV� BE�N SA�IS����. �. WARR�A�iTY DEE� FRflM JAGK P. ACUF� AND CARaL A. ACUFF T� MA�, GRASIS B�550W Ci�NVEY YNG SUB�JECT PRt3PER'TY. THE CDUNTY �LERK AND REC+�RDERS OFFI�E REQ[]IRES RETURN Ai3DRESSES �3N �C]CUM�IVTS SE3rTT �'OR RECC3RDIN�! r pAGE 2 A L T � � O M M: I T M E I�Y' T � SCHEDULE B-2 r (Exceptions) (�ur arder Na. �18525 � Th� pvlicy or polic%es to be issued wiii contain �xceptions te� the fvllrwing ur�less the same are disposec� of t� the satisfaction a� the Company: 1. Standard Exc�pt�ons I. through 5 print�d vn the cover �heet. �. T�xes and assessm�a�ts not yet du� o� payable and speciai assess�sents na�t y�t �e�tified tc� the Treasurer's offsce, 7. Any ungaid tax�s c�r asses�ments against sa�.d land. °. Lie�as for unpaid water and sewer charges, i� any. '�e RIGHT QF P��PRIETC7R OF A 'VEIN OR LO1�E fi� E�TRACT Al'�I] REMdVE HrS QRE TFiEREFRC7M SHDULfl THE SAME BE F�UND TQ PENETRATE �R INTERSECT THE PF�tEMISES AS RESEFtVED Ild UNITED STATES PATE�IT RECflR�]ED M�3y Qfi r 19�]5, IN BQDK 48 AT PAGE 273 . 1�1. RrGHT f]F WAY FC3R DITCHES �R CANALS CC]NSTRUC"I"ED BY THE AUTHO�RITY OF THE 'TP�ITED STATES ,AS RESERVE❑ IN UN'ITEb STATES PA'I"ENT R�CQRi�Ei� May' 06, 1.9[�5, TN ��C}K 4 8 AT PAG� ,�7 3 . 1 T. RE�TFtTCTIV� CDVENANTS, i�1H2CH D� NUT CONTAIN A FQRFEITURE C3R RE'VERTER C�AUS�, A5 CC7I�T`PA�NE� IN TNS'�'Fti7NIE�'T E���IRT�ED At�gUSt 1�, 1372 , �N BC3QK 225 AT PAGE 88 AI+IT) A5 AMENQEQ IN INSTRUMENT RE�CQRDED S�ptember 25, 197�, XF+I BQaI{ ��5 AT FAGE 475. �2, `T"HE EFFEC'T C3F A SPECIAL zA'I�1�JVEME�T ASSESSMENT AFFECTING VAIL VILLAGE T2T�i FILING AND THE POTENT�AL LIEN CFtEATE�? �Y A SPEC�AL IMPRDVEMENT DISTRICT FC3;R 'THE PT)1�P(7SE QF COMFLET�NG A RC?CI{FALL BERM. �.3 . �°ERMS, C�NQI'I"TC�NS AI�TD PRC}�1YSI�ONS OF �'LAT �tECORQED August 1E. 1.9?2 IN B�7�K 225 AT PA�E 89. . PA�E 3 � L A N D T � L E G U A R � N � E � C O M P A N Y , DISCL�SURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bi21 91-14 AJ The �ubject r�al pr�perty may be located in a special taxing distr�ct. H} A Certifi�ate vf T�xes Que listing �ach taxing ju�isdictian may �e �btai�ed �rom �h� Cvunty Tre�suxer �r the County Trea�urer's auth�r�zed agent. C} Trie inf�rmation regarding special districts an� the ��undaries �� such d�stricts �ay �� vbtain�d from th� Board �f Count� Cammissianers, the ��unty C�erk and Recvrder, or the �ounty � - Ass�ssa�c. s �__ �INAI. INSPEGTI4N'S COMPLE�E"D � . The items below ne+ed tc� he comg�et� ��efcrre giving a perzn�t a €iTTal C csf 0. , � Please check ❑ff in the bnx proa�+ded. , �� 1 ���� ������ DA�E; � FINAI. MECHA�ICAL � DATE: rr f � ���i��� ����'� � �.�,�+ t ✓.`�: ' '.�... t: � .�°.% , _ r I ��'"� �.�i�I} �+�mr'`�-� �}1�1irE; �,,•✓r yr" f> �� FI�'AL ELECT�IC�I, DAT�: � FINAL BiIILI3ING �AST S�I]E: WEST �IAE: � DATE: ��� �,'� �EMPflR�RY C E!� 0 r� • , I7ATE: 'rf t,,: , "' > : r �' I �; CERTTFICATE 0� �}CCUPANCY DATE• �� LANI}S�t�'I�G �UE LI,ATE: � , � � � � FILE NA1�f�: �� _ja � ,,�_ �.� ,�, �'�,�- ��� � � • ..�--�fi' . ' �: � � - +��4� ������ �� ���� �d b�x 1+D� office af th�town manager v�sil. �olvradr� $1657 (�[i3� 47Fi•5fi13 September �� , 19'�7 Jay Pe�erson Svx 15�2 Vail , Col�aradr� $]�657 R� : �,ot 5 , �Zo��: 1 , w�,i� vil�age 12th F�ling Dear Sir : As a repres�:nta�iv� r�f the Town r�f Va.il , �}epartme�t af . Cvmmunity Deve��Y7men1: , I wc��ld ]_ike ta e�press my cangra�ulatic�ns to you fQr th� fine l�ui�d�.n� you recen�ly cvnst�uc�ed on the �.U+��re n�.m�d }�rc��aertv . � fe�1 that yr�ur tzvme is a welcc�m� �.ddita.ara to Vai� and oz� b�ha�.� of th� Departr�ent r�f �ommunity . Dev�l.opment , woul.�. la,ke to �xpress my �.ppreciatican tor yaur effc�rts . In c�:�der to recei�e a Certifi.cate o� (�ccupancy ar �n apprc���d f�na� inspection , it is necessary that yr�ur dra.�*ew�.y and parking ar��. bc p�,ved �.n �ec�a��.ance with tlle �onin� Dr�iinanc� of �he TQwn v�' Va�.l . rt is also n�cessaiy that ex.pc�sed me�a1 ��ash:�.ng pz�Ges, flues , and the �ike, be painte�. • th� �r�.m co�.vr o� y�Lpn c�+us� . . I�' it pr�i�ves imperssible tn ha�e �k�as �voxk dc�ne �.n the nea.r fu1�u�`e, t�� TflW13 of Va,il car� iss�e y�ou a TeFnpc�r�.ry Ger�ificate of Qccu�aiicp �pc�n ag���in�; to have tl�is woxk don� pric�r ta a mutua7.�y agr+e�d �3�.t� in the fu�ur�. Sin�rely , D�L�P�R7't�i�NT F " COhf��Ul�I TY VELflFN� � ��` I. �"� . �-,�-�� . Bi��. Pierce ' S�i1�3in�; f3�fici�.1 BP/di . � � � • , . P[TBLIC N47'I'TGE PLEASL TAI�.ti NQ�'ICE THAT Mr, Jay Pet�rson has a.pplied �o� a se�baek ��.riance fre�m the provisions of Sectir�n 3. 502 c�f -�I�e Zan�.n� Drdina.n��, Ord�.narcee Nca , 8 , S�ries o� 1.9"73 i,n orde� to c4nstruc� a g�,rage an LQ-� 5, Hlrack l , Vail Vi.�.l�ge l�h Filir�g. A Puk�lic Hearin� wi��. �ehe�d �.n accord�.nce �vith Section 21 . �OQ of the ��nang f3rd�.nanc�, C3rdinance No. 8, Seri�s af 19'T3 , r�� Septemb�r 9, 197�; ��efr�r� the Towrt v� Vail PJ,�,nning Coanmission �vhose d��isic�n wiJ,l �e transmitted ta �the Tc�wn Cauncil for �ina.l decisian Said hcaring wi�.l he held in the 'x7ai1 Municip�,l 1��ilding. TC}�b'N DIc' VA I L DEPARTi4iENT C)F CUMMUNIT'Y� DEV'ELC}PM�NT � I��.�f'���-- �,!- Lc�'-?�� L�iana S . �"au�h�ll Zc�ni.ng �dministrator Publish�d in th� Vail Tra.il Augtzst 20, �976 � � � . e.. a • ,�� � ��, ry ` �+�� �i .�7,'Cl 4"`I'� '-; „r--� �'7 �A} ''� M � � �' '� o o � 7, ;� ;y tv,- � t= p 4, m r'� f '< � �' � °' � � "': �.. � � n �,? � �' y � � t� C7 wr � � i�- '�' � ��� �� :7 W �+ °a W q. :� y � »+. �' �° G m Y r � n" n� �m ¢'�C p.G � � � �] Cs. � �ri � :3 � rti ?+ [v r'+'� 'r-' p.`q � '� w �� � � '�' � O J � r � ,,'f��' :: � 4 � G�s''l'i� `i.T`}•,. p. � ,- Uw �S p � � � � � "'• 'f7 r�i [rb � � �� � �� �� ,.< ,7 � ("} k �.Vy ro K ��; R� O. r � -�Ji y Q �r„ � � ry � [� "'CS ° 'Q � r�-� '�- 6t' �. � rp w �ty, „�.. rCr L' �- C] � � �- � CL a-w+ w .� GR r�.,`.T� ��• Ca ,�:� `s � �ry* w' � G. f.+ L'' � ro Po �� y.�.'4 �7 UR ,.�.,� ky..� �} '.J'�+ � � L f. r�..��' • O V' N. � �T3 4 �l C7 � � �''f P.`� "tl �. � `�' � N '1 . � � `.�' � � W i;}� � '-[ � � n � r ��',� � � [� '� �, �� ra rv � r' '"+ "° �° C � a u,' m ;�`r� j11 C � � � lC µ '.er+ �� c' rl� d {5 ,��, R' ,��y,�'+ ip fl,«� � �•� _� �R �, � L'�` � +�r ,� � � �G=� '' � m rt.� � @" '�-' �r�..... (� .� �W " � � p y� ' ��r- ,� ��p' �• Q a r .� � �.c P.•Q i� � s� Q �, �� � l. r"*- �ia � �7'4 � f v+ �� p � � ��/ ;.,r1 � r. Q �. � �p'' y/� ,� 7; � [u r„ ,�� � �� R.� v+� � ('�, � `e ^j =' � "+`` C 'C �' d t."p � �'' f '" C.`�-r m :�. � �1 '�' ro Q. C3 � -"' r� � ' �b q. �� r � � Y � � � � G � � �'" u� � � ~ ti � � b � �* :: � ��.�;.�.� � � � � �, � .� � �, °'� � .�, c,,.. �, �' a' n' f6 Y �, e�°n �'" a �`�° ; � c��e � sa � � � � � � � � � � W � T� r � � � � � � � � �" "" o` C i° Q°P� iG �-' �' r. •n O � p `�i w �" ta �1 ,� �s � � �,�'q r - F'..� rp ,ro � ��`�� `�� � Cp �' r� �,' r�' -� �K ^i p Q,� � `"'� � � � ,� � �•-t� � '� � •r�s� T O °.� �rs� �! v � � � N ���.�1 4. • c_r) � rr'o �. �' `a�'�s �' cr� e� � -•a � � �^b � p t� � � �' � ,��, r�p^O �' m � � � � R' ro � fl.` �y � �J � 9" � O r� ✓ ..�"� 4�� A- � '��� C4 e� -p+s �' �'t A1 r� M Fi �� �n R �-. `�: t3 " fG � tt� �. �� p�p �w.. � if'�'"� � p�. � .v �'L,y .�x' tb «7� ti�f:� N � � � � M � �. �� � � � � � � (� �' � ' Y��' J.-�i � �• J� � h m � � � Cy � � rn �. p � d..:. �-.,��,.� � .. m � � � � � n� r' o,. fi.�l. � N t7. �'4 �,C� rL *`�3-a� .Q.� '� a� 'is �''Q„i��'np� �p�p^+� . .aii� 7^�ad�.j r�'Fw��Ar�.. C•J cn n.y 7?ti p ,- F a c,T��til I � �7:::�m J�r�P Q m 7' � � _�,��3�'nm�t'yn��m �c�-�-�a n Is�e. a rn `�n�'.`-+�� �.9 w 7 Cp C Gn+��Qa w � cn K4'? G"ID y 'S tt?_,._.a��' _•n?'^.L T. �r",r73�� � � e?.en��r'�_,4'en6m^� MO a Z +��yQ�.�-� +�,�µ�Z o � ryq -i e �l7 �.��n"-� :2..� -1 t=� - � fn .p+o n�#7 m����f E:�_il � • p� ���U�'U�I +�o''ry�m',4,=?!�n..ni m �d o t�'� m���:t.�� d,�y. 1 ����� an��QR����'mm��Y �¢ D tn[7�[} � u'":C� �' kpi�� � ?.�romn b�3�3� ��"'as �"��a< m���: �o. r'--4n• @�i/ ' ae'+et y C=�r=�C:a�. �t��..�� 2j Q�«�jb,� '�?�Od.��i'�,'? �3mA.{ , a o- -- -- - ' '� O � � 1 }'f 1 ti. '� . . ��,��1 ���°�� a� ��`� � box 1c�o c�ffic�of#he town manager vaii, cc�loradv 81657 f�a�l ��s-5��3 Qctaber Z0, �97� Mr, Jay Peters�n c/� I�cLaugY�7 �rr & F�t�rsar� Vai7 , Cv7�rado 81657 RE; Lo� 5, Blcck 1 , Vai7 Viliage 12th Filing Dear Jay: As yc�� kr�ow, all res�de�ces '�u��t �f�er the ac�apt�c�n c�f �rdi nanc� iV�. 8, S�ries r�� i�1�, (tt�e Zor��n� �Qrd�nance} , ar� subject to �he provis�ons or Sccti�an 1�, wh��h ir� essence state tha�; all on-s��e parking are�s must be paved. A� visu�i inspe�t�on 4ras c�nducted by vur affice this week. A� that �7rne we not�c�d tlti�� yau f�av� not �aved yQUr driv�vray. Ys�ur c��p��ation in cv�tp]eting this t��k 6�fare the wint�r season is up�n us wou�d 6e c�reatiy apprecia�ed, � If yQ� have an,y c�u��tions, p1eas� fe�7 free tv con�act this � vffic�. � � � 5incere7y, � ��PARTMENT OF � �(7�'1�1L1N.�TY DCVE�OPh�E�T— - � `` .�f— I .; � � -1� - !�� f` . '� ��.. • F' � S � -Y+ � � t�fil�ia� F. P��r�e � '� ; au�i��ng Offici�l � 'c �� f � � � � .► � — _ —_ � � ° `o � �'" z w �, -� �.ec�a� con�. D w rh {�r� � C 4] -°� DESG. ARCHITE�T TfiACT[)R C3YNhIER m � {VI r m A � a 3 � � (" 3v C � '�' m � n ° -� r n � Z s� � z t� � a 'O m �. ,,.,r � cn m � � ,p T, p ..� 7a D � --� � � ts �I � 2 -� { p � j q m � a � n � i�� � � CC � � '' C7 C3 v '� � C p � t7 O' � p i`• � � � C � 70 �, 7[1 . � L�- � ��' +"r � LR . p . 'c C7 �p . �y m � m�f � �j � ffi � "�'t � 6A .f � � � � � � Q � -� i � � 1 y �� � � �� f A �i'_ � � ^ �_ h { � � � 1 , � v. ^ �1 � f'} 8� � r � � 2 q - 'fl '4 �p ��} � - � x a z �h � � m � �.■ � � ,, _ �•. , 'rv' �. � r � 1 t=- w t7 ��� �, r+ � i �, _, (�. ,� �} �., ys �' � �"}. � �'} i � � 2 � fll � 4 � � !•� wa�uaTia� o x� �n n ca � �+ � ' m -� rn n z � y c � c o r� � 3 � n � �, .� ? �c -e � v Q r� ra �n �, n �o r 'Ca m Or � � -t � -�4 � z r^ 2 O m v W � ...,p ro � 7C ?� m vr �,y f7l s �� � D � �4 i p m �-I r m r' C r e � Z o �r � � �' � � � � �Q � � r `" o ', � � m n = � o 2 C) � Cj b � � � `� � r rvf 2 C7 ,� � 'n ' C � 1 XI �9 y , it] � � � d � � � � T! v7 � 3a p � � � m ' r � � n ? � � � v v Z+ d ��G7 � r' � � � � "i m 9 m m � IT! �- �,+ � '-t � � r�n ,� � m r�-� � �,�., � A� � � m �n Q .,°' � p � n � � � � rn-- A �r' !x � s] y' C7 `� � � � � y -a m o ,� � � � ,i.,,�' a � � � � � �ti � a L �' 4''� � � a o " v x .rri ry �7�l ❑ � � G i �p � �7 m � ,y,� � ., fl ��j � m F�9 Q . � � � � u"'; '�1� � ':.�5 � y �' � ' � .� � � � w Z � n � � � 2 m �.'� � �µ 'i ��'� � n v � � � � \ � �, � � � � � � y + C" 1 r, �,Y �fi �`r o r r � r r C D � Q � � O i m;�� D C�! z � � �' r.' en tn C] 3 �� D m r r � � � Z � 7;, °° n � � -q ,-I � r- r p --.. ti � ;a � rn � �' a [? � �` m C) � r � D r �t �e i,,� `� '�.� ___�m = t G t� �� � � � � � m I � � p � m � � a � �j �� A � � 0 ` V . r ' �ry 7J '�� . 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P�LUMBI'��JN�EGHA�VICAL ��R'�VliT � TOW'N OF VAII. � DAT� �� d(lB IVA � � �WN� A��RESS CpN AC7 � ,,� FF�[]�lE (��.� (.��� USE OF BUILpING: CLASS OF 5NOR1<; N�W �.I AI]DITI�I+J � REMd�EL � REPAIi� �ESCftIPTlp�l QF Vu�RK: PLUMBING: IIIUMBER � ��J .� - � , MEGFiA91fICAL: M1i�1MSEFi I `) �-' -��' I� VALUATIt71U � � � - ,,�-�� '� VALUATIa6�� REEIIIARfiCS; REMARKS: PEF3MIT FEE �-`�- �• :�)�-"► P�R11111T�EE ��_� '-`` f. � � �APPRC}VED Q DISAPPR+t3VE[} ��. ��.._ '�"-�— DATE t ��- ��� �;,�1� TdTAL ��ES: $ �3 , c•�= '�'��(� ,�'fi � � � � r ` � , '�QW'I� U� ��.1� / : , ,/� - 7ob Name.... .........��'�'_.�...��'':�!'��..... 'c�.,. _.--�---.. ..___"�-� �T,F����L�� �'��� �7 / Dat� �af Application........---1--�.,.,...._.- ••.--�.............................�9. ./..�.. _------------ Y f .�'" "'"_ '°"......._.. .[.....�...,._..'"""".' °'""'"'"""' �� J� Electz�cai Contractar..... ... �� ---- . �. �r.:�.5 ��f� . � f ,:r' Buildin�Valu�.tion $------------- ------ ------- Applicant---------�• "`�- • � - ---_. �.. ....,.,..�___-__. ._._.. ..., ........ ...... ............ .-, siy�a � �,� � � �.C�'�?-�_ �'� �_- 'Electri�al'LTalu�atian $---------------------------- APPRD'f7ALS Ferrnit Fe� $�.......�.��......_. Inspection�ee $-.. ��� ----------------------�------------......_..---�------.....__.._... .,...........-�---..�......-�----•------ •-..-•. � -..-. ••_'"Ean CheC&es D�i� `c. .� ���� � f'� _ 2 / Total Fee ................_....... ��" � L - ,� " • �. :�.�, .............................................. ._'---���?...�'�.....__...«.. � hi8t�u14dtn�OffEclal ��tQ f C f' ,�' /��j� �ti1 DateP'�.id.•--�.................!_..._._---___------------ - �, THIS F�R�iI 1� TO BE P�STE� +aN ��. Received By--------------------- ---:...�:........_..... ,�aB ',��TE L�U RI NG C�NSTRUCTiON �4 �auxs An���vcE �vo�c�c� REQUIRED F(7R INSPEC7'I[}�5 .r+a s wC!!!P� re..a�wxc• aoisr� .,..,.,.,_. �' � L1E5 iG;� �£V I��d ���,F�D � �` d1'�i�� {�F �°iE�TI1d�� S�p��'mY���' 1� , 1�7'� �f�I�iB'�R5 PR�SEP�T: Ruv�'f , 13iI1 � �ibbrat� , I�uci 1 cy Hanlan , Bi11 � Parkc�r , Lcau �a�e, Darc 5l�fiJ�CT. J�Y F�`X`ERSON residence� - dc�si�n v�' �re�nhouse - BoQt�i Crec�k , f;C�fI�I�� 3A1��.1� �3Y �QrAf�Q: ., ,/� �` /' --- NI[3T T OIr�{�� �:.��.����.�' �c'����-��� ; S Ei 01�lUc C1 B1' , c.���-�� / vor�: ro�: ���rr�a�: �- . . �;�� c;� �r� �_ APPROVED; �:� ,r��?�-��' ��,r�� � �IS{�PPRDV��l: 513t;i�1:�P�Y: - � ' � + � � �' _ � "�'✓ .�.f.��?.f'�.�` ''-�f- _ --�=�'-`�� . , Z• � � l ,� � ' t,/ --�'"n�.\ . . _ C��air t�r� o� � -f3carc� p 7 c�t; �� ► N' • " � - � �rs�cr� nr�r�r�v �r�n�n � w �• n��� or �,�L�T���. . '% ��� C�� , Ef�P,fL;L�{S PP�SEi�T: ,� . f �- -���r ��'� �.�C�c _ ��'-� ��.=-��' , ;��.� �u��a�c�r : .� y „ �� � .� .. � � �� � �,cTZO�r Tn��.��� r�� �a�rn : � - D�IC)T�C3:i; '� � i`�(� SECCI�VDED BY: i ��` ,�L,. V�]TE: �'�1Ii; AGAI ItST: ��J/r��r'�°�1'�.��2 ,� n��sTr�;�r z��r : �����,�<<��� : . . �.���E����7i;Q�=���: - . � sv�i�r��r��� : .��' ' - � . —- 4 � i • � ��/ �. � � � ��� ("�� ��:E:Gii ta,f=������li'c� r•c� - ���'}>�e�.l�i l. ( � _-.–_.__�`� l # �;�, __ ,-r � _�a � � �LSI�fy F2EVIEld �Of�!�Q � �ATE [lF h�E�TIIYG: Auc�ust 22, �974� �4�1�1E3CRS PR£S�fi�T: Ruof�', '�ill �'" � Abbott, [7ud1 ey �� Hanlan, Biil �� Par�Cer, L�u c..��- Sage, Dave - 54��3J�CT: �l�Y PETERSDf� -� r�s��ence -windo�v +'�C�-,-Y,� --- - � ACT�(]6� `6AftiEr� �Y E3t?f{Ri�; � 1��aT I���# ta a r�ve by :���. �' ��; SEC�f�D�� �Y ';�� �.'�-* _._��� � ,��- �"� . l��}7L: �f3i�: AC1�TT�5T: 1 ,.,; . > ?-- � , �'r c f �',!�/�►f�-f'A� -_- �p, r �'�,. �,r ,.� ��'��i����: � � ��s����av��: . � SUr�u�tA�Y: ' ��� - ��r - -_.� � � w ____. �� g�• r�.-,� q� 4 i,� � �//�+j6�,q� '� � � �.� F C � ���' Cl�a�r�r3a ,i'�� tf�� �3�aarti � pp i��zn#: � � ._ � �8�'4 ,i U��.:rf I 'f�}'i'.+j i C3 I" �"n A/I!'W Lj!�,A�fi .r,7�f . t.�,r .'" ./ . . � T�J4lh� �'�F V;�I L � . . E"'�!L'1f:(�htr•��1-JTAC_ f��4"IF��� C'Ilt:K! E`,1 �.� __---_.___,__—�_---�---- i �' • � r - , Projact �_w, Typo af F'rvjecf Q ar n�r .�"�^�-�r•s�..��,as , L c g,�! C}e s�r i p t i cr s� .?� . ,�,"'��` - Pif1 ('.n � � s'C�n1n _r;i'�I i 1+'3C�aCt r�;�GCt fr1U.;1' �il' M�t�C �Gr 3nY B���G'��Vi'f'y' ktf"R E 4hi fRyy cVE �rayy �crntr i vi a l ef fec! c�n 4he envi �ronrs�nt. t'f t�cts i nc! ude €rnui ronmersta I const�ucrF- �es of bnth f}rinary nnd secandary naiure. The `ol tlor,inr ques�Fian; sf,a11 t�e u�ed ay e�uidcl ines 1� dccide whether to n:al�e v • ' n��7ative d�claration or dn envirt�nr:c:nfial im�ac�' re�ort. ( I ` answer is unkncwn, wri '�e "u°.knc�wn" in yeslra cclumn) . YES N<7 ! . Cc�;,1�i #ha prc�ject s 1 c�n� f i�ar�t 1 y cha��� yresent usc, +�f tf�e pro_�eci � I ' area? � l, f.vc:� #h� pa`oi�:cfi si�nifi�anily confli�t ��riifi �;��Iic:aCle ge�rae�r�: l pf�,ns arr� t�re Vsii Ma�tcr PI�n? _ � 3_ Cn�lcl ther ��ro�j=:c:t ��ffcac�t th�: use flf a r�creational area, or ar'ea c! important visual value or �r�-eErp# � site Ylith p[rten:ial recr�:�tie�n= � a I ar �pc.n sp�cc� val u�? 4, lYi I I �r�y natura! nr m.an-mas��: fe�iures in 9h� F�r�j[�ct �rfla wtiith x�r� unieue, that is, nc�� fv�nd ir, nther p,:r�s oi ;hc Town, County, � t�r Sfaie be: affgetedF �. Y7iII the �rbJe�t 6nve�! vr� c_�r�st � uL? w6n csf facilitics c�r� � � le�e af �. �0 {��r�cnt �r gr�eator? d�yrft.�L /Q �'o _ _ G. '��i I I `Ihe grGjecP' ir+vc�I �F c.�r�strvcE ion of far�i I u l ies in dn ��-ed os �,r g�olac�ic hazards? _ �� 7. '�ifi1l lfie �roject ir�r�olve construetian of faciiities 1n �n area �r suhJeci- #v avalan�he? y� � 8. Cnuld iho projc�ci charcre �xls�Inr fpai'ur-es or involve canstruci-ion � � i n any f Inad �r I a 6 n, nc�i ur�E dra�r�s�c,e �purs�a, vr wa°lercourse' 9, Is the pro,(eCt, as p�rt of a iaroer projeci', onc o# a Scr�CS of c�mulativa acfiioroy, which aE#h�uGt� individually ;r:�al4 , may aJ a � w'��s I e krave s i�n i F i eani �nv i ronrnenfi�I i r;�aci-? 1(l, i]n�s 1�h e p r�j r�c;• i n�c�I G°e r:x t v n s� v c y x c�,t���i 'o n o r- f d I I ? Q.c+-�`� , .�e� C+r-r.�r� �y�-,�.�...�.�,�-�e� �«r� �� 1 8 , t�e� Trir ro,��c-� ar�:�e ;�r ttrL p o �eci s i Fc: st� ve us a F,a� i t�t, `eod sourcM1, ni�stinr� plBCe, trC'`'si ^c�, h�intCr� nc arCa, �•GU��cC C�i r,a'Ier, a t c, f a r w i tl d I i f e 5 p e C i C 5? �,;. �f•,,t,�,�,,y�,�C..�f� � r� i2. Ccuf� the proiect signific�:nl�ly atscct reurin� dreas c,r ha�iiat j of fiah S�ecies? � 13. Pre there anp rare or �nd�shgered plan# species in #he pro,ject 1+ a r e�,'? ✓ E4. Caulr.� the: ��rc3�e�l r_h�nc�E exi�.iir�n fe�iures c# any of th� rarior's � 1 � �tream frontac;e trr c�rf:enT�cslt arta�? �f 1 5. Y!i I I ih� prn jPC I ren��vs• substanti�l :smaunt� �i v�gc#a; ic�r, i nc l �d- j� � k i r�t� �r a u r�C c o�e:-: ��.�'p �,,,,��l.C.,,�,� JE`��..� i L/1.'�'�'Q't '"7'?'e.'�.r`.., �������u;c.-'�,i�'��K�,�-�`� EG. Gnuld the pra��ct �c�ulY in �igna4wcant chanG� fn tY,� hydrol�3Y / � al ttie: are�? � L e 17. Cou1tY thn �rr�JecY rGSUI�F in th� di-SpI�CG'rn�r�� of car.rmuni�y residants7 � IE�. CauIJ 1hc prGject serwe tD encoWr�qe deuclvpmcnt ca* presen�Yly� un- develcped area� or in�cr�sify devcicpmen�� of alrezdy cl�;veloped � ztirr�ds"t ! .�..._. .� 4 19. is #here ap�,rcci��le o��F�vsitipn io the �ro,;a�t ar �s it liltEfy to — ^� �Se cc�n t rov�rs i a 9? � � P . i ( . . � r YE5 ,�b • 2U. 4t'i B I � pro,;eci r�eatA rCw oa' agurc�v�ri��i s ! i r�e hea I th hdaar��? � �✓ 2I . Y,PII 1t�p r�roaect iR�snlva the appliCatlon, use aa- r�isp;,�al ot � � p�rtential4}� �a��rderu; rr�sferials? ----- , i • 2�. Cou I d ih�: prc i�c:t genPraic s E yn i f i Cc�n t amr�uni a cf du;t ar Qdcar? � � � — �i �3. Cau I d tl�e pckt-,j�et generate s icn i f i c�int nna se? �4 , 1�li I I -tk�� projpct rilscharwe signi ficani v�lum¢s o� scl id c�r I iaui �i / waster? �/' �5. C�uld tne rpa�ec�' r�sult in damage fia so3P capaL'tliiy ar la�=s raf � � agricultur-�f lar,c!? ' 2b. C�uld 1`ne pro,ject sig�ificently affet't the poleniidl use, ��:trac- � tfon, c�r consc�rvatior� cai a naiural resnurce? _� I � 27. C�uf� pro,jcct �I #er fo�<�I ira`# i� p�tlerr,s �r cause a sicanifi- � � cant 1 ncreasc i r� i ra`!i c vc tl ume vr ir�ns F i serai �•-ea rzoad�? 28. A�di� lUn�7! rem�rks: _ � _ — � � , __ � �. I _...._._.�___� � � . ? I . ' R e v i�:3v t;h��i y fi ::�r�p I c t e?d b y . --• � �.�`fsti-a-�-' �.�'t� � [7ate �����.. • Chc,ckl i�t R�W;a�.red ty� _ �------------. " � - - — -_ ---_ 1 i I I_c� - ---- � + Ti �le " � E3�sed on •hhe a'�c�vc re�i ew, +-h i s found #het ��� Envi ranmerta I I mp�ct ftepvri �s r�quirGd. ` S i t�ned � U�7e�.� �l�GATIVE GEC�_ARa7fC�9 {3as�d cr+ -�h ahr3vr. r�wi�tis�, ��nci fihe s•fat:�meni- belcaw, ] ii' is iounri C�iaf ihis prG.)�ct c: nr�t c�use y �i gn i�f i cant env�i r e�nn•�r�i�i i r.tp�ei . S i ��ned _ µCa�e ��� STkT�I=^.EFvT UF Eir°V I RdC:`�if1�f7AL EF!-E�=; :3 i FUr �nv poii�is answergcf yes or- "u�nnown", the r�asor�s arc a� rc�lla�+s : � . ,�.� � �`'�., � � �/r`'_� ta.-].� � G��-�{` �. �: °� + � �✓f . . G/Lr�YLj + /�/l � � y.- /1 L d .IC . - � �LrrL�ry'"s f"� �/ � ��f �,"1��--�"1 'f � . � � • ' � 1 o r f . , .. > � _ . _ �' f� . � `r « , ,� � , �r _ . _ ._ , �, . .. _ ., _ .. t? =:c: - :: ' s . . � , i��•� �r�; � - i+�}'sp f i.. . _ T� ri .., � s L.:.� � �_ ' ' . .��� iJr . . . t- ! _ ,� �1J .J� ��� � m - -__ °____ .. 3� L ��t i''_ r�S .7 r�1'J'�y �G 1J ���1 ..7 J ""' ' �, - ...e.-__—. .—I )T 5 1 Z�� °�y': Doo ; ��;^�:�"e .�,,-;i ��/ __,____�_--__ iTEAG!:� . �,�� � i r•_ a -- Frcn � r�i� , S i �es ,� f� 7 /�' t•���" , R��r �� f .���� � , AC�tua 1 - �r-or�* .�+0 , 5 i de� �� ✓'`� � , R�:� r _ �� _ l S7fi'�C= �����.,,.�'; a" ! Lp � i:.�c . �ecsu i ra�; � J ua I � _� _�._.� � 6 G�3T : ?�r�vr�cc :�ra�e Ne i �ht Ai low�d r" , Rc��ua I _�'�?� ; .�. F .,� . : • ,�..� R�ti �, Alinw�bl � sq . f� . ..?,.ai� , Actual s� . f� . l.�1.�a. �;•�P'E�viF.L FL.��'� n'WP, : �erce��-�re al 9ow�� l � �` , A ! lawa� le sc� . f� . ~" �__ Ac�ual sq . f~� . ; L#1 i.[7 i �JG B:JL�C C�J`1 i RGL � r� R la��+�b l e r��x i �;�m 1 �rrg1'h -� , t]d ac�o�a I '� � _ �au � red � � r�e�r , Actu� € 1 ersfl a h "� , D i a�ar+� 4 '� ,_; 47�. Cd'lEt��,��. : f�. l i �w�� l �: �'� � , AI In+�rabl � �� , ft . S�3� , Actual � . A c��a I s a . f t . la..�+`� ; • S��,BI.� CJ�E�^�E S°.�C�: : .��q� i red .S�A@ _ s� . �t , , Actua l �',_!_9,�`� �q . ft. , ���und Leu� I , �- � , Cor�imors , `� .^ � ANDS�;�� l �;G: P,°rau i red +�vO � , f.� r�a� s� . Ft . , Actua i '�� k�19���'� sc� . r f , PIo . Ac��u� 9 .,� , Coue rc-�r.' - A�K12��:� RCdi� L.C��",� ! ���;: "�r� . Requ i r�a r v� , ` �ri r�� � No , ; Cc�vered AC�ua 1 , `� s C�SJ I ��C �P F F'C�V�u L ` � e ' � " �`-�-�._.� ' � �oni �q �ldmini5tra -or , �`�� iES I Gi�� RFV ! E1�d BC7F,�?� Ai FRi7V�,L � . •t - - -- . - Ch� 4 �'m�n , �es i �n r?.ev i ew �G��d Da��: �31 L f�' # dS �°PRCVFL � Tt���s �r�g i rte�r Cl�'�� :�'�' I F�O;Si•'�iy�"r1L � �-i�'nCY n�r�L�b'r11� - - ---� . ' !�l�a y C�� �']�i� 3a�`e �u�r�i fited fc�r Zur� i nc F�Av i ew , �7ear] I i n� C3ate )af e 5;����� �1-�d fcar C�s i `r re� iew , �e�d I � ne D'ate . )ai�e �u�r..i �fi�� #�r Enti�i r�r.�;t�n-a I l rr�a�� Rev i e�r� Qead l i ne __� . � �xt�i�ts i �n c�f ta �5 �c r�-.i i a � d itern � date 7y 5�ction c�f x�rc� � n�nce 'r1o . � � Serie� af i973� , ;{�i•1�1 E��!l�5 : Q r�c+�?c.i a �r-f 4.�1C .►,+ A,�t e,t S 7�' +E �et v�d. -.- �OTI �' � � � . , _�-- �/�� ' lc`a - `��J ,�..�- � / ��yX�R� — loao � �� �,r�t- �.r-�-f _ J .�,f%'�'`" � �a�s- 4 so.,��- afJ'. �►n 9,T-x 7� . �c r �o � .s_ �J,J+ ���'/- S° �. 4 � � � ry � r � �ES��r� �ev r�t�r �t�,��� C?A7� (?F t�iEETI��G•. �ugt�s� �5, 1974 + hSEt��3�F.S f��ES�T�T: Ruoff, �3i1� Ahhott, aud7ey �f Han7�n, Bi71 Farker, Lau � � . Sage, Dave �� � S��J�CT: �AY FETE�SO� -- residence � fina3 - Bo�th Cre�k . .��' �L.�i�:� � . AC1�I�F� T11F.��� [�Y F�DARD: f��1�7�1� t� apprav� l�y --�t:._� } S�C06��ED QY �� �� r - -� VDTE: F�Ft� AGIIIf�lST: {. ' . I�P�'R[]VFD: DISAPP��OV�a; sur�����: � f���c�� ' � 1?�e��1' �`-'f,G-�d.�?�.u't'<'�L����.�� �. � I' li�'�. �'�' �� -��;� ., r _ � �� _�.��'.�^ ' '�,c`� - ' ���` �'?�.r� .�ir� � ` = �. � �� �� �� . ' C'QfrtJ ''� ���} ., •��. . � � � .�..�.� ..����.' _ ����-�-��� ��-r.���.�-��-�� � J . !�� �'������ �y r � � Chairma �� Lh� 8aarci _ p� � ant ` � o�- � � �'7 �, r � � � � , D�5IG7V Fi£l'I�l'� �i0.'1�?Ls J)3:SIG:3 C:I1�C��LI�T INTI:�F�t1C'I'IE1V: 'Chi s clieckl�st i s intcnde�l as a �ua dclir�e tar eti+aluati:��; a i�:ii'_c s�ectrur� af structiaTes. Cfln- s�c�ue��itl}• sa�►e �arts oi tl;ese ruz�ic?anc s da nvt ap�3ti� to �11 structt�rc�s ancl � r.e�ati�•r rc- Sl�nnsc to a s�eci�ic g�iic?e�ir.c cinc�s ncst neccs- sa:�il}' su��;cst a i•ejecti�t7 af the cntire c7esign. I. Gr:;�L2��L: Yr:� :�c� �-!°t.�,=� A. Pa�s tlxe s�ralc�, l�cation, and ��chite��uxal de�ihi� o� tl�e r,xii 1 din� +�aa-�ez�i de ti.i i n t}�e surroundin� c,^,�Firan��cnt l�ot}: rxi.��in� and �' futur•c? �3. Ar� open s�,acc� left in a nat�si•aZ state or rel�nuscr�p�d to blend tl�e structure to � 3�:5 SLtT2'fJL1F1�.1Ti�T5� , C. Is the in�sngra�hy af the site -�xse� in a beneficiE�� z,ra}•', � Il. 7f Cd7[. AR4I fzI] s]a��r5 arc requircct, • are thc�•, scul.t�turec� (��•`i:tl� t}�e u�e of re- . tain3n� ��.a21s, ei�.) and relanc�sca�ed io V�"} k^� k'� blend �sith the surrau�;di=igs? - E. Ts the vi�ual i�^pact ❑{� ❑ff-�treet � parYi��� r�i.niz-iazccl ihxQUr:� a�plical�a;�a of � . landsca}�;.n� �z�d bermir.�? . . I�. In �sncral, a.s l�ndsca�73ny usc? t�o thc t�ca�cfi,t 4f �33e al.ner and th� pab3ic? � G. If the bui7dirtk is r�si�icntial, c3o�°s . . , — i.ts locaYaa;i a�zc� eon�i.�;��rs4ic7t na::ar�izc thc ��rit>acy� nf Kur�-csi�3i�`i.ng r�l,•cl?in�;s �nd intri:d� � . �nto Chwir ti•iets�S �� t}�e r�iniritzrt Gxtent • fe�si.t�l.e? _. .�_ II, 3�iATE'�F.1LS N��1 �1?�CHITECTURaL 1�ESIG:�: �1. Dves the rUOf har�� a pi.t�h �7/12 �r � �x'ea�:er? If nvt, is t}jerc a bn�� re���n i�oT t}�i s and is *}te cTesi�n c�t,;��^t.i i,le t,-i tll the surroun€l:ng area? ]3. Climataca]1}-, do�s tlh� �iuildii,� r�e:si�,�n �ake acl�-ar�t��;e taf s�;n, ticincI, prec�_}�i�ation, • ctc. , througf� ].�iGnt�.on ai �c:�cstrat,:oa�, i71'f.`FIB�i1�S� SJ1UttCTS� eLC. i ;:4?Y4� �i'Y1CI'2i1 � aricrtation t�n i:1�e site" C. 3la thc desi�n and n�zterial= used o�7 the ' t:1U1.��171R Tef�.G'CL tF]C Tl.^�]@�t1C I;;`JL;T1:1i�1 r.{:t�° �/ " ti.n�; azzd 11lpin� �iJ7a�;e scalc. n: ltf.: T�,z,-..": f• Tl. ,Ai-c t}�e hui3ciin� r�:et�rials t,�ee� in a� ir.ia�;inatiti•e ?r,d ere:tir•e itiay sn a� tp lr s��=iz � t}�e monatnn}' r�f ieuilciin� nl::na �t�rfnce:s ar.r� coorc:i�:at� fcneszrat-i an l�aeax:nns? ' � � YT•.S A'C� f}'f'f�[:h i ,� , E, Ai•c t}ic p�t-cr:ent matcri:als can �ziivs, puh]ic st�aces, dri;�ce,��r�, 1nr� ��xrkir�F; ;�z�r.as ' cam��aY.ii}]e �:itft tl�c intcndctl use r�nd otlier � . surroe��rdi�� �' F. Fs t3te dc�i��� nf acccss�ry �tr�aettires, fences, t�aJls, �nd ct1.�r sti•��ctiarsl land- . , sc��7c features eoex��tible i�t Iocat�on, re- � 3atit�n <�r:c3 r�aterz.al i,ith tl;e: rtiain 5tz•t:ctttre �.- ����'� an� the 3•est af ttz� surrv�:r:dir.g c��ti�I7'0131n�13C� '"� ' G. Are the finish cnlnrs co�npatible a�•ith ��• • � the surrot�ndi7:�; rnd�irvnr.tent? (':atur:�1, earth cc�I�rrs are fati-arc:i, ;�ccent �olers I shouTc] hc usee? �.ath c�iscretion and cnl}� on � A�' �objce�s ai' visr�al iri�,artance; r�eta2 triny an� fl�shirx�, slz��u]c3 i,e aaivdzzed or p�intec� tO 1?B 110R°YG'�ICCt11��C.� , I�I. SCt'1LE, (3PE`: SPhCF:, SiC��n�Gt; _ — Jl. If the Proje�t :s ccr��nc��ciaZ in characte�•, is it relati�e:}• ti�ht-knit, :ntir��Gte, an� � pedestriar� in s��leF Uo�s ii. ha�-c an o�rez�- all si�t� vro�ra�r �};at iril] llar;r:nr.i�e si�;a�c of eor..�uercic:l int�res� itii.tt� r.aeti o�Cher and the surrotarAClinn +en�-irnnrte��4? B. Are parkznF areas screenca fren public � �ie�, and bra}�en up t;it�i J.anc�scapari�? C, I�C the buil,ciin�; is resi�rIenti�] in character, Xs L-hei-e a laoser, l�a�.er density char�c�er? �� fencing is p3�a�neci, is is h�trmaniau� �:ith at}�er fcascin�; �nd build�ng Tate:ri�is. {Snl��, � hi�h ferrc�s are a�5�������a in resic?ential areas,) : : D. Are sert�iee areas, nutcl�,esr star�:ge, . . ga7•bn��c c��as, and trash stor��e �rea; sc�•eened frvn aul�cc7�t �a•nZ7c�r'�iz�s, �ti�eets, anJ othcr . . pui3lie are�� b}� �l:�ntir��;, fences, ar Qtlier "� sui ta'ule r�ate��ials' �' � . . "�Y�� £. 11re stora�e areas for b�ats y tr�alea-c a � ..� car�perfi, mratnrc)�cies, n{f-ra�cl 1-ehicics, etc. , ' rv;.ipl,�tel.}� rnrl�4ed br screened fror, a��ja[ent propez�ties, stre�ts, and oth^r �}ublic arca5 h�- p].antir�g, fenc:es, or ot3icr siiat�ble ma- . teria].s? , ' � '!' � . ' f1CVEL��'I�:lT f��01;71;1G S�IP Pfi(1.lEC7 s - � OWtl�kl[}EVCLaF'Ec?—_�r� ��-1-�'�_-�•..J SUm"9i�11Ak, bAtE - ;/��l7-7�' mr ` UATL PftCC�SSiIdG OATE � EId7 I 7 1 E S RECL I YE[7 taE;a,vi t rlf- C�"!F�LETCn 5 P d:,�ATURE k�r�ARhS � P�CL;F1I��AFY STAF'� ' l kEylE4! .�� I r . }AA57E� 4'LF,a � � , ! � . � , LANDSCAF'I�.G �_ � ' REC6?EP,7iQh � � Ah9�f11 T I ES � � Et�GR. CNCCK � OfSIC��! Cfi1ECK 1J����. /1 � ��� �_-�.0�,�� I �NV I ROCJt•1EdiTAL � IIdPACT ftEVICW � r �rJV 1 R0��1l,iCN7AL '� ' IFiF'itCT REP{1fi7 • � r '�ZL��JIMG CHECK -�L�.� �• � � +' , , � ti PI.AI,ltl, C0�•SFt. lYARIA?+CE =CfiN�1TlC7NAL 11SE ' 1r • � . � . fiflWt! GOUF;CI L � . � ° , " . -. � ' , • •{'f 'REVlEYI � - . . � I ��5 I G!# R�Y 1"c Fi � . • 'J.'J�'i✓ • 4 �IHRL ZONIW(� . R€YIEh' — � . +14��� y ' � , - �tllC+ltd6 �EPT, ' �,i'`. 6�_ � ' j �. . �N CHEC1: +�'� ' " I , �l �rrl�LS�, � � . • ' ! �;'�""-E i�� • '. � ,.�c�a i c�,�. � .�a�i c rra�acs. ' " ' i FIH€ DEFT, � � � ` PS1c�LICATIO,� RkT� HEARING [SATE . . � . FEF.S: r TYPC Awi4l1��CT DATE F'A10 R�"A�KS VARIA'1�E C4?�D, L35E "-"' ` CKVCft, IMPAC7 —` PLRF� CNCCK 7.r3.r1 L7 iiLCl2Lii'P FOF� �.�'�. r��,�Q �` � l�ic PEfi3•117 r E3LOG. _'�� ' f�LUI•?oltaG • ` - fSCClIAN1CAL � . ESL F.C7!;!CAC . 1 _ - . i�3�SA4�� +r'1�VrG� •� � , I + • , . C�`F'E'el; .�G,� , i � r ` � � DESIGN REVIEI� BQAR� URTE OF MEETi�JG. � �� ''��� ME��B�RS PRES�iVT: �'��' �� - f � • . - S1�6�}F�CT; �..�-..1 ..��� ACTION 3'RKE�! �3Y BOAR�: � MOTIfl� ��� ; S�CQf�pED BY�G�� --�� 11�1TE: F�C�R: AGAI I�ST: . �" . APP�fIV��: DISAPPRC�V��: SUi'�'�ARY: - � , �-----_ Ch ir�nan o� rd � a ar�t � - - �- _ . �7�t•i�S C. C���C�-Ct]si5"��?LsCT�D�I--CO. -_ . _ _ _ � �`�' "`' � _�.-. � -- - _ � � J45 CC3ST E��ix. ; ,�p� T�;�-US� (�F' -- "�`- �t7� i� 4 .� �4��` �` _ . _._. ._ _.__ �--- --- , ---- -— -- - -- -- _ �� � � ,; — �._. _ .__ _ t ___-- — �-- — -- �� -- ,�u �� �I� �! 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