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Au� �� 4� 03: �7p p. l . � � '- ��'�'`������� , �-�-� - � �� � ,:. �-.�y fr�f ���4 r r' '����I� � �a :� ` f 4.t 8 f 2��'OQ , TCJ: 70Wt�1 QF VAIL FI'R� t7�PT 4� WEST MEADC�W DF� VA�L, Cl7 81��7 '.:r,;. FRC]M: R�3�ST LC�DG� 1��3 N FRC3NTAGE RD VATLE CQ $1657 ATTN: �HA,RLIE 17AVI5 Gr�etings from the Rc�c�sC! Wc� have re�tintl�r had to s�ut dawr� crur ihoifers du� tn tt�e floodin� �€�d mudsli�e +�n ]u�y �[�, :�UU[�. , Jer�-y Sible►� �1um�ing �ervic�d the l�o�lers tf�at wet��? flacad�d and issu�d tt�e I�tter kha� �al�c�w�, I a��fogiz� th�t tf�i� let�e� did nt�t �ea�h the appr�priat� depar�ments. Pleas� l�t us �now if anythinc� als� i� r�����led as far as �raper p���rwark �nd inform�tior► thrvtsg4� thc "��awn c+F V�il or th� firc departm�ent. Th�nk a x�� /� y /`. /� Rus.�ell Har�er Gener�! f�ta��ger, Raost �odge � �7,k i 11�r�a7�� F�+;1�i�rrr�r l..r.a�l l�f/ . U..il. �"`�xlrr�';irf.:RyII+,Si �7{7/:t7fi-.S,�,S1 + l�ii�' U7(1I-i7fr-Uf;.�• J_.1r1r1_:YI�-!l1fj5 • L'-rrrrzif,• lrart.arlrl,k�w°rrdf.�iear l 1L�� ��+'U �r � L�U U �U� �� ❑� ��; 4�� p. � ' � ., .1ERRY S��L�'Y R�,UIMBIN�, fN+C. i Cai]A�'�HEhE 5T1�#:�T �'.G',13C�)(34i',MIlVTU£iN ��81645 ;�7{�}627-573E Ftx�9�0)�2i•u2:3d .IL�Iy �Q, ��Ci(7 '1'c��� �f V:�il�aire De,psrt�r�c��zt '�� ��S�3L rV1G�i1�3W �l"- �ai1, L'`d ���i�7 R�; Th�P�.odsi Lc�;��� 175; �c�rth Frc�n�a�;4�ccl_, W�,st . 1�ail, C.'.41�radu This iLtte;r�c:�-�+c;s �.� ��ti�caL�c��a t3.���t J�:���y ��i131�:y l'lt�mUi�i�, I�ic. �c:-viced t17�b�z��r�t,�.a.L w�re tlaaded ���.July 1 U, ?U�U ai tfiu 1��osf Lt��y�:. (�} l;nile�:� C�I��•�.�c� S�a�c#17Q4�7 Cc�ic�l-ac�c� �lace�#�(i4{�� ��y��i��s were ca�npl�i�;Qn ar�ly I2, �UL�� ��i3cl tl�f�: !'ull�r��vid�� Wc•.i:x��n��,en,ts th�t w4re �xpo�c:c� t�wat�r wiru rc;pla�:c�. C�m�,�jn;�[ic�� G��s V:�lves I]ilot�Ar��Ttabfn� I�;TIl#1C}ll GOi3S1'O�5 A��i B��xuezs Qrfices, and ile�t�:xc��a�i;�ci•s wcr� ui��an�:c�. �'1Gase[anil attaeht�I r�aci��uts o{�cotu�ustic�z :t«��lysi� li-�r�r ��re:l� l��ile��_ S�nccr+�iy, ���„�_�,,,��,,;�- iC�:i�icn�Wy�tC � ��51', 11W�:. Cc: R��st Lod�� Ru� �� �Q �3. �7p �, � ,. • � . '�'�� �-�`� `���" � 1 --"�•-���: fi.��~�. .^�-�, W�r'?1�!�4't� 4��4:�s;�1 r y�?.?�.�.:u��3 Lµ^ �r��5?' ±� ,4�r �MS w,��' Ga� I T 4Ie.� °�' F; ��c.5 `F �!� 7, � � �� ?.l� ': . '� 83.$ ; ^1 t3'� `. � � l4'.4�.�c � W4�e P�'`n ��°` 7 � �F'� I�f" �,�{,_, � � � �3.S f � `: � �-�' ,�]� Gr L'�;�FT -- lt�f�'�ll ��,�:T ....�''V'� ir�t1�0 ����'� � � l.�z�:� � ~;� ���, ' �au� ��rn ar ls�,� � ,�r °t.� �'; i1L� ____.�_ r+�.r: �.,__�� R`t t,i-+–___.�.�.._ __�.__ v�,n��, �Mww� ___ _--___�--___�---;-'�=__1 ���r�iP,�.~!"���� ��i�t'J� �'�'tQ�� �� • ��,����ci �.�u:;;;T�s ����� �,$'�^�-��,�����" __----- td�T r,r�� ; ���4�r� � F7 4'�;.� °F f�� Y� ^��`^ �1 __�_��*L--'_-�=5—�- �` nl,.0 . -'-,-----..__-------'�—_� ���i� � R ��f'P[� �. �;r.e f . �7FF? -__-�__ i r1H'�x� . �;��,�d 4, �>�n ar ��.� r- Hi;T� . SbffYF: ti�� �� �����.��__ ____,___. ��=`t��__.`���� . , . _ � � �.�� ''� ������ ��'���d��� �+ � �r��� �t �=.. � ���� �ou�o�v�r�, _ � r . D�,�nrtrnent of C:ornmunr`ty 17�v�ln�r�tcrzt , . ?_5 Sactth F'rc�ntnge Rnad ;� ;, IJr�il, C�dnrc�do $1657 � ' , „ 5�7G-979-2�3$ � � �F, �� FAX 97C�-479-2�52 "" Nave�n�aer i(7, 1���a� IVfr�. .�o�i�i I-�az�r� d ]41 �'�°estl�ank i�c�ac� G�er�wood ��ri►z�s, CC3 8 I C�i VIA CER.TIFIED MAIL A]VD F�,CSiMII.F. �ce.- T���� I�cac3.s�t I.c�c��,se;'17�.�IVc�rt�i 1fr•�nl�lcrg� I�r�crcl Dear JQlin: Foi�r�win� are co�nn�eazt:�in respon�e tc� S�ai�r ietter �lated T�c}We�nh�r ��, l���. �ti Navember C7, t'��7, tlx�Rc�a�t Lflci�e sut�i»itt�� � Tc�wn r�f Vail tlpplicatian fo�'Dcsi�t� l�eview�Approval "tc� iE�staSl 1 � additional ligl�ts ot� t}�e �et-irrieter c7fpar�:in�; arca tca ir�c��;ase xii�lit Wisi'�i[i�4f �r�d safet}�." Accordin�to ��.ir recards, ttlis ap}�li�atian wa� u,�it�ic#r�wr�. I cat�not ��rrt�r�er�t nrl as�y verl�al c�in�er�aii�ns yc��i rr�ay t�a�•e had with nther employe�s iiz this nf�ice ai that tir��e, l�t�t ��€�ur at��ce sul�rnitte�i ai� applicatiflr� [wi#h y�our si�r��.ttdre} fe�r Desi�n Revi�v,� A}aF�ro��l. Dt�rin�; ti�e ialaz�th of Se�te►nber, I��8, I tr��ice disc�zssed tl7e �.p�r��v�l process tc�r this �p��l icatioji ��it.h a R���7s� I.�rc��e rn�in€.enance emp��yee ���tmec� Jeff. He ►��°as inf���ii�cd c�n bc7th accasiQns �t t��e n�c�essity ta rcccive dcsi�n r��iew�a�prowal, a ��ablic�.yay ��errr�it az�cl a buil�iin�'el�ctrical pes-rr�it frr�m tY�e �]'�wn. (7r� t`�ctr�9�er 5, 1998,th�Rac��t Lc�clge recei�ed a Tc�wn nf���il f'ublic Wa}�Fertnit tc� ��lnw fc�r di��in� wi�}iin (an� the ��se of) the +CIDQT ri�t�t-c�f-�w-ay alc�����Tcrrt�7 Fr�r7t��e K�a�. 7he �la�i subi��itted wit�� th�s �pp�icatic�n d��l nc�t inc�ude fixture specitic�tions or l�tiiens t�utpuk ���ires as rcc�uircd tor desi�� rc�ri�ti��.}���rc,vaf. I In���e��e�-, it rlit� siiff ice fc�r the purpo��s t�#'issuing a F�ii�lic �V��y� f�errnit. Oa7 �ctaber 2?, 1998, tl��e Rc�ost Lodge su�initted an a.��plicat�u�n for � b�iildii��r el�ctricai perr�7it. This pesmit �vas iss��ed (aIthc��i�h nr�t paidfre�ea5��) �an C)�t�ber?8, 19t�F u+ith t���c;c?�7dition t13at "17F�B a�apro�al is r�:��uirec� �ric�r fo �+unsfnautir��_" ��HEf.YCLEDPA!'ER . • � � l�fter t��e li�?�3tin� ���s co�istnicter� (withaut the bui�ciitl�lelectric�l permit the I�oost Lod�e a17��fieti ('ar}, yc�u ���crc a�ain E��tificd nf thc ¢�cccssity fnr ciesi�r7 r��•ie�� app�-a�raL t�t their T�t�aesr�ber 4t}z, I99$ r77eetir��, E}lE D�S9�f] R�4�ie�v Board �a��e ��caur r���reserztati�� 5]��ecific �I11'�C�P{]21 f711 1ZCJ�V C{J �G�11C"4'� CUt11[.3I1�1�CC Wit�] t�iC Tf3Vy'il Of���.1� C(]CI�S 8t7+CI t'��5f�11 t'���iew 4 uitielines. T'�Tntlii«g has beer� sul�mitted to t�le Tcsw« siiice tk�is rr��etin�. W�tIY re�ard t�the enclosure of yc�LSr c3umpster, }�l�ase be �ci�,�ised tl��t{staff} desi�n re�i�w a�prc>rFai is rer�uire�f ot t�ae erYCinsuz�e. A samp$e set c�f enclos�zre �rlan� has been attached fs�r refere�lce. Adciitit�n�lly, tE�e `I°�wra's �or�� �ecjuires that ten�es (enclosures} nc�t �exceed t}�r-ee feet. ��vit}�ia� a Fs�ot�t setb�ck. T��is is required fcsr tl�e tnainteriance c�i`tt�affi�, �isih�ii��y a.loni.� fron���es. It �vi�i be i��cessar�y t« le��ate th€itc��s� L��l�e's r��impster at l��st ?{) t'ee� behind yout frc�nt ��rope�-ty litle. L�'e have atte�apted to af#ord thc Roost Lad��sQme flexibilit�y in the ei�fnrceinent n�t}�e T+�w°r�'� l!!���ni�:i�al C:�de �y �7ror��idir�� yc�u ti�;•iih aal extei�rlecl deadline foe cc�n�piiaf�ce (�eeember 1�, 1�7�38). l�your prt�pc3sec{ c�.�n�pli�nce c��ate c�f I)�cenlber 3], 199� is m�re }�ractiUal for ynu, wve are willi��o tca b�flexiblc. We o�ly rec�i�est that you comply witl} the sa�Yl� �rcrcess and �uirlelir�es a�l other�t�sinesses follow. C:opies c�f all r�ele�r��it a����licaLit�r� F�7r�7�s arati ��er'rnils �re inclu�ecl f��r referen�e. If y�au ��ould Iike to discus: t��is r�atter f`urthe�-, ple�se cor�t�c� me �t (97Q} 479_?I�F. 5in�erel��, � �_. Hrent 1�'�'iI�«ri Plaiinin�Li�isan Officcr cc: Rob F�ord, n�a��or Tam i`vioorhe�d, Tnwn Attorney� . . � Qucsti4ris? �tl�c Plannin�5taff at 479-�I 2�i �� `�� APF��ICATIO�i� F(3R DESIGi`r" I�EV��W AFFRC)VAL �'��'`���,��''f���L (;�'uERAL TNP�itMAT'IOL� Tl7is��rp��cakio�� is for any�7rQjcct requirin��7es?gti Rc�iew`�pprr�v�il, Any prqje�t requ'sring d4sigi review�nust rccci�c Dcsi�n 32cvie�,v ap�ara�+al privr to subc��ittin�f�r a l�uilt���b permit. Fnr s}�ccit�c infQrmati�n,scc the st�'�mittal rc;quircti�ents tor thc particular appraval tl�at is r�qtx�.ster�. Tlie a�plication���u7ot be€��c,e,�te�until al�t�ie rcquired iiifc�rl�ia�ion is suhr��iticd. The praject «�ay als�nced to be c�:�!'sc��red t�y th�To�,vn Cauncil ai7�llar the F'lannin�anc{ En�rii`oElmental C�rr�►7tissigti. Desian I2cvicw �oar•cl a�}�rnvai Cxpires one ycar after ftna�l�pp�'ar'al �niess a builtlis�g p�rnlii is�sst�et� aatd catt&tructi�r�is startGd, �'C�Y�G2 � �I �U�j— ���' 0`�-��� � �, n�sc���T�or� �� ��-�E ������r: � �S �-- � � °��-.� -[C�� � ,� ��� c�.ldo cr��.� �,� �-� �'i _ `,�' �:i�� �c[,�'b ,�o�i 5 J (�.tl r`��-1�a.t�- � �- /��.�1rt1 � �"�� `TZ� ,�N�,r�--S� ,�1��� f�r��-��r� ,�J,�� 5��;` B. LC]CATI[7I�I dF ['�OPOSt1.L: LQT; E�� 4��r?�£3LC�CF�: FFLINC►; �• ' � ��.#�*- �r-r�rs��Ara��a�ss: t��'� � C. Z�Dtw11NG: c. �► U. NAIVIE UF C)Vv't�lElt(S):� �'� +�'�I� r��aFr�rvr� ,��nRZSS:.YL�L_ u�����'��- _ ,� �� � � �� �HU��:� � ��'��� �l� . �;. Uwr1J�i�R��)SIGI`�IATC]I�E[�}: ` F. NAME�F APPL[GAN�': � MAIL1I�rG AC�L7T�ESS: �'��QNE: C�. T`YPE 0�`'REVI�W A�+ID FE�, �. C� N�w C�onstruction-���� Constructian ofa ne�r�bui�ding, C7 1�dd9tt�n- $5f� lncludcs�}y�dditic�n where squar€faotagc is added tr�any re�idential ar Ccsn�mercial buildia�g. �I��i�nr.�itet'atit�n - �'�� IriCilii��.5!i1[S1Di'C�lilil�c:5'�4�ltil�dlilf�'5 a11C�51tC 1I11�CpVCi3l�k7�5,st�ch as, reroa�n�;,}�aintin�,wint3ow additions,landscaping,fe�l�cs�nd reta4J�ing walls,ctc, p Canceptual Rcvicr,v- �0 Fc�r�ny agplFCatian tiv}rcrc the�pplic�nt wishes to tit�.�t�,vath Design R.cview $oard ka deternzi��e whcthcr vr not the proje�t gcner�l�y cam}�lies with thc dcsi�n gtri delincs.'l�lte D�8 rlues nc�t votc vn caneoptual revicr��s. DR$fee�ar�#o he p�i�at the tin�c of submsttal. Later,when ap�lyiz��for a buildin�p�ertitit,�leas�iclenlify tiie a�ctarate valuation af the praject. Thc Tc�w�� of Vail will adjust ihe fee�GCOrri.in�ta the project valuatton. P��EASE 5[JBM�T THIS APPLiCATION,ALL S'UBMiT�'AL REQU�REiKENTS�.ND THE FEE T�THE DEI'AI�T1�'IENT 4F C�IVIMUNITY Q�VEL�PM�1�T,75 SOT.�TH FRO�I�TAGE RUAD, 'VAIL,C�LC�RADQ S1d57. �" tice'�,�,�nl� , ' �� CK�# `� �''��� ��, �� . . . . . . ��e���: , - �'►Pp�FCa�i,on bat� � ��,� �`�� >� t��U� �vie�:��7���te � Updaled 1f�7 r---�' . � � � ���:� � o � � � A►pFiL�CATlO� �arce�#:� � �-� ' � �-� ' �� - � �� �� '' �o�TowN a�va,��. n �---p a pUBL WAY P�Rl4�IT 19 Bldg. Perrnit#: l._J � ❑ ' � ❑ 1�1 ❑ 71Qx3�i1�{?F YAIL 1. , �L�� . �-".�` ''�I �C� Jo 6�m+� Streei Addtes8 � � � � � �} _ (Sf unknown r,,�li��� � 4T9•2 i 38 ext.0} vaE � n4re�tar N�me Mafling Addresa TaV Contractor"s Llc�r�sa Number F3�Q�lIR� � 3 ��y ` State Zip Phone#i 3. Start P�ste Cnmpletian data . �PermAt ExpEratlnn Date� �. W'ork Is#a�r�a�rci�one) Water Sewer Gas Eiectric Telep'�on� CAN i�ndscaping Temp. Site Access C7�thar 5. Trenc�-wldth � Lenr,�h Depth �min. 4`y 'fota� SF $ °fnta! L� $ Bond Amaunt '� Fermit Fae $�� 7otal f'ermlt Fee $ fi. A�l.I'+AAT�I�IAL, EC}U!!'M�NT, A1�a TR+�FFiC�b�1TROL p�Vi��S MUST�� C?N TFl�.lCIBSIT� B�FC]RE TH� Ja� �5 START�1]. �". Rub�aer aui-r@ggers er� required on exc�vating equlpmant when warkkng an asphalt. Aspha9t s�rtaces un�emeath th�bucket�nd luc�a shal!be protac#ed at ail i3mes. S. A sigrtatur�}�elow indic�tss a ravl�w of th� ar�a and utility lacations and a�pravals, Onoe all utility cc�mpany sign�tures+are ohtaingd, p�rmlttes has option�f routin�appiicaticrn thraug�the Public Wvrks offi�#o abtain the cessar�y�T�wn cs#Vai�s�gnaturea. Pl�ase$�l�w ane waek to r�cesa. ubflc Service Campany �1-eoa-s��-��s$�� ��` ut�iic S�rvice Nat�sral Gas�Grotrp (i-BO(� -19871� ���-�`3 r u.s.west{i-�aao-s2�-1 s��y � ��"� T�GI Cabl�vbsf�rn of ti�e Rockles (1•Sfl0-9��-1957} Y� `� Y `°� � � Upper Eagle�Valiey Cortaoiitiated Sanifatior� Q` i(476»748�} Hoiy Gross Eiectric Gomp�ny�9�4�-58�2) ` �� � � jg Puialic c�rks�479-�i581. Construct�orr Ir�spec#or lrclgatia� Ele�ctr�cians 9. TWERE W�I.L B� N�TOTAL STR�ET��.�S�1RESi A car��tru�tlon tr��f�c c�r�tral p�an must be�pproved by tha P�bf1c Wor{cs Qep�:rtment priar#o issuance af tha perrr+it. 1 D. All�xca�a#ion must b�dvne by hand within 18"of utilities-(Se�natg Bill 172y, 1 i, Perrnitt�e must�ontaet Publi�c Works Departm+ent at�479-2198 2�4 haurs prfor ta�ammgncir�g v#wc�rk. �ail�re#o notiry the Town w141 resulC in fartei#ur�a#bar�d money. Sch�du4ed Inspectians which are r�ot re�dy m�p r�ult in the Tow� c�arging#he Qontractar a rs9nsp�ction fea. 1�. !cert�fiy that I ha�vs rea�atl chaptars af Tit1s ��-Streets and Sid�walks,af th�Vail Municlpal�ada and all util�ty cc�mpeny agre��em�r�ts, signed �y me, �nd wil��b�de �y tfaa same,and that ail utilities hav�besn natifi�d �s ret{�Irec�. Gcsn#raat+or'�S�Qnaiure a!Agr�aement ' Print ne�m�el�ar�y Rata of 5ignature A►TTIA�H F��AN��F WORK, I�CLU�IN� C+ahITRIlCTfON TRAFFIC CONTRt7�. Pl.AN wh�te-�ueilowarks e�,.�,.��ir.�orc..�i+t, no�„�,� ���it�linna �nrl Inr�atinn nf r.t�t�. USE DASH LIN�S F[�F�C�.IT. Gold-Cvntr�Ct�r . � � � I � QF V'AIL 178PAF�'Z'M�NT C7F ��MMUN�TY DE'�L{?PMBNT S. FRb�"TAGE RDAI� IL,, Cf� 81�557 ! 70-�79-2138 1�TJTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST $l� P�JST�D ON J(7HS�T$ AT AL� TIME� P�BLT� WAY PERl4ZIT P�rmit #: PW9�-i�147 � - ��..._: — Job Add�ess: 1793 N FROi�TAGB RD W�ST Status. . . : ISSUEI� La��.��on. . . : 17#�3 �i. FROIVTAGE RI]. R�D{]S'T LU�G� App���d. . : �0/C�5/1�9� Parc��. Nc�. . : 21�3-�.23-0�-OD1 Issued. . . : 1{�/05/1.998 ]6xpir��. . : 30/05/�.999 APFLI�CAN'� C & JF �L�CTRIG Phane: �70-963-1583 ��5 47AIC R.[TirT, C�RF��II�TDAL�, CC) 8�.�23 �O�ITRACT�R C & JF EL�CT1�I C Phvne: 9 T�1-9�3-l5 8 3 19 5 �?A�C R�TN, �+C}NI�ALE, CO 816 2 3 (]t�T�R HA�BN �J'�H1�T W�,TS�3N' TI - MCKENZ�E I{AYE A� 17 8 3 � FRONTAGE RD W, TiIA�L C(J 815 5 7 �escrip��,Qn: ELEC'�'ktlC �$FtV�CE F�R FARKING �,�?'�` EXTBRZClR �,IGF�S i�Yr�Y4d*i**�ir�k�ki�M1'M�C�f�FF�FM`�YtWX��Yri#ti3t1��F��hiYYt��F4#�Mfl�F!*Y#�4iYvtF�'J F'k'.aE SLThfM31R.Y #Y�ikibAiii��Fy}etWiE#ftf#4fi##t*#ii*MiiWW�YiYi+YY►YrWi�WrfiWWYwih Pttbl3c APay-`°� 75.6D Tnveetigationa P�ymenta----------�---�-� 75.00 Sorfd A�no�^�t--� ,Qa BAI�A�7C'� �v&-------------� .oa TY3TAL Lo'FES---�> T5.40 YYrY4RM'tif�YWiY�YM*#i/r}+YkiW+M'�'���'�'WW#iRi�ri#���YJ'iitxW�Yi�t�rWiiir#tY*#�4�r�Y+���+`C"�"�"fkf+*i`ii4i�F�4i�y�4�F�WYriYwYYtY�►tki*��LY�Yi�*Y'i�liti{�.4tf*iY*i�F*t*k*#sYr4°W�kW �c m: ���a�a ��L`�c w�a��s nep�: P�a w+ar�c r�iv��g i on: �.Q�a�/�.�sa LsArmav� A�t�.on. �P� c� Na#���� �C�rn: d555�] ET�GINEERING I�ept: h'�IGII�d��R Di�isian: CdNAIT�01� �F ,�,PPRbVAL *rw+rr.r�rt�t�it�tarrrr�re�r*riiy+t�y�twwterr*�rrrer*trrir�t+.vr�rxrawrwtf�+�i�+r+t�rr��rrr�r�r,r+►+++yrrr+ti�t++ttttai*ark+��rrwwre��.ayw�ixrt• DECLARAZ`IDN& i cart�.fy Ch�t I have rasd �nkl chap�c�ra of Tit3.� ��-gtr mf khe Vwil b9uniaipwl Cade and all. uC'17iCy eampany sgraemscitt, e�gnad 4�y ma, auzd wi17, r�ri.rle 6y thm aame, etntl that ■11 uCf,l�tiied aa required. � Publie 1Ffvzks will havc a a�ecJdetail bools ava�lehls 7.n 3inril af 1995. **** RSQLTSSTS FOR �1VSPPCT14N� SHALL �Fs 1�iAD� �-FOUR HO�TRS Ii�3` �*** TN ADV�NC� B'Y '�'B��PHOPiE AT 479-�2�36 OR. AT C?UR DFFI�E FI��7M S : �4 AM T� 5 : �p PM 5TG1x+1ATURE OP' O'�TlSER itR �NTRACTOK YOR HSMB�I.F AN'b 6P1NSR . J � � � �� , � -` � r a�, ;, ���' � � � � 9 ffi�� � � � � � � � ���,�� � . z e9 u � � �'- � � � � �� � � � a� °R � W �f ����m� 1 � � °� � � � � �«�� � ��°' �1 � W £ ������ � a / tt � Ao.mQ C �' �I � ~ I �m9�rd�.B I RS t3 m .�, I ° a � q �� � � ' � �� m � � ��°xm� m � !� �" � �� �l � � � � ° u. z o . � ������ � I � • � ca''���'' '�' � �, � ; : � � °�.��� � , � N �o���� � : , m ' � rf ._.. � i : � r : , `' '\, � j F i t f � 3K . i' • ° � i . V � � 3� I � �ti 1'' - � � I i � R 1 � �,4: � � ' e y �f•,� � , O •, i ( �. ..,q � !° I '� i i y ,� � `�;!° � �� ❑ � ; ,� �� � I � a � I - �' � • � �� � � � ± � � o , � � ? � �� �� k �L i i � �� � ' � � I ; -----� � jl � , 2 C,. I � : p, � 1 � i ? � ` ^ ! . ; � t '� I 7 � � �il�i � ' S 0 � 4. . F• . [ � ,4 ' r ..+ �-•�, }� a + y � � � �p � t `�-' . 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[�j-Repair [ ]--C��h�r Nusn.ber o� T]we�Xj.ng '�'nits; � ;y , 2�urnber af Accomrioda�ic�n Unxts; -�-_.� N :nher and Type of Fiz-�places; �as r*;pp�.ianc�s G�s T1a s a. g ���"ar�d/Pel�.e�. l�' � *��u��xx����������������*����r���� V�?LUAT.T.�NS �74�c�c r';��n�c�k x 7k 7k$;r�r�:�:�r x'�'t�-x�c 'r..%�'s 1:�;�i:ic-ic at ,B�rL?�r��G: � �L•^c?�R���L: $ � PLiJ?4iBIn'G: � � M�CiT�NI�AL'. � ��� � C7T:?v?: � � rl�'��.'sZ9.S.i: � ��. �---.�� ������r�����;��*�:��x����:���;��� NT�ACTQr"� �iTF4R?'iATZDN ���x�����*�������a �r���**��x ,�enez-al Contract+�r: ��.� � � �ddress. i�wn a�" Va�1 �eg. 2 0. � � �Ph�ner? Pdum ez'; b-S"�t'S ;��c�r�.Ga� Co7�Lr�c'� r: � tiJ T � �C� i c.�+-� ,�-��, .�_ �ddre�= a: ����- �, ' � . . _ �c�wri o�� ���. Reg. i��Q� � . �-+4���u .�' C� �o �. Ph nn e N u*;,b e r: 3 .S 3 '1.ur�ing Cc�n�r� ��or: "� ��` .�c��n a,� Va,z� R� h , s '�C�{�x'c�'.SS: g. �'4`�.. Phar�e Nuriber: • i�ch ar.i c�l Contrac�,r�x--; --- '�Qwn p� Va a.1, �� ,dc3zess: g. h�. Ph�n� Numb�r: - �e�kis'�Y�'sykYa�F$c��r�k'�kx�Fisa�9r�ky�se�F�E7s�F�cyF9c�r�Y� �'��' QF'�',��'...� U�� *�Firf;ak�;y��k�k�k7rs�:*jk�c?�r'�}ys�k,k�rlr*�`r�k�k'*�E�F�kic U��.��NG :PERM��` FE�: ' BCIx�,DTJ�G P.T� CHECK FEE. LL't�fBING P.�k�M�T F'EE: �'LU?�BxNG p�,,� C'riECK �'�E: � ��..'�'�.t'L.�Z�'��r �'���J`-`. FE`�: ' �r.`��'�-��T��i1,� `p x' ` LECT�.�CAL JFE�t -L�N C_i��C� FE�; RECI�A'z'TON �'£E: -- �H��R TYPE DF FE�; � C�I�N-UP DEPQS�T: R� FE�': '�`C3T�L �'ERi��'ZT �EES: 'I"�PE GRDUP S t�.FT. �11'ALC7A'1`�C]N BU��,I?IivTG: ��G�rATT]R.=: { — .-�.�. ��3t I�,G; --� S�GNA'�'Jr'�E: - �nz�ents: - r°�;;t.P; �;' �7'�?'.�ST"'.;,F.-.'Ttd1] T�: � � TC7WN �?F VATL DEPARTMENT 4F CaMMU�T�T'Y DE�LOPMENT 75 S . �'RC)i'�'I'AG� RUAD V�.IL, CC3 81657 • 9`7(7-47�-2138 I3QTE: THIS FERMIT MUST BE PUSTED JN JOBSYTE AT ALL TII�'fES ELECTRICI�L FERMI`I" l�er�nit #: E98--�28C1 Jc]b Address : �.783 N FRDNTA�� RD WEST S�a'�us . . . � APPRQVED �ocatian. . . : ].783 N FRC7�i'I'AGE 1� WEST (Agp�.�.�d. . : ��J2�3/1998 ParceZ Nta. . : 2�.�63-123-02-OQ1 Issu�d. . . : �.[3/28/1998 Project l�t�. . Expires . . . 0�4/�5/�999 APPLICANT C & JF' E�E�'�'R�C Ph�rra.�; 97[3-9�3-1583 �9� CIAK R'C]�I, +C�RBON7.7AL�, C� S 16 2 3 ��INTRACT[�R C & �TF ELECTR]CC PhQr�e_ 9'7(}-953-1583 19 5 4AI� RCTN, CAR�3�}NDAL�, C� 816 2 3 flW�1ER HA�E� JUHI'� WAT5�71V �I - NfCKENZIE I�YFs A, 17 8 3 N FRUl'�TA�E RD T+�T, �TAI L CG B Z 6 5 7 I�esc��'iption: �LECTR�C`AL FC7R PARKING Lt�T L�GHfi�NG Valuatian: 6 C}a . D O r�rr+t+eaarara.e.�•xr.er.:.r.rrrrrrr+.+rtrs,raa•arawr....+re. 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C�4'�a sy � , r�dlQ- Ov"�i� �i�° X p� ��Q z� n waR. rnQ4 � 'NIYI .9 .s7-.� � �-y � ?�-.7 � � �� � � � r '',� rC` � ���� � - . ��" C) � � - r . � . .. `4��ry � � � • � � I � � • L'+ 1�__� w ' . � .. � � .--E ,a �, ' � , ',� II� , ., � o , • � � � — I � n � � ' � � . � � - : � o��� �� � . � � �w�a � �� � � . `� ' . �a �, �. � i � �A�o �t� ti�� F.�.1� ~��q�+ 0.� �Fl • .a� X�"�l W J� �' "x �'-�. ���X �� �� . . � 4'10 �iQ}� �6rS �'�` ,� ' ^ . . , . v .. , � ' .. . r . ' ' , � , . � • . . .. .? „+ ..,. -�r. . .1i�w;''9:•. v . . . �� , , ���.�• � ' . .. �:R; �r,�... . ' . . . ' �y': �iq•: :y�.ti. . . , y^7.w*...• •L . . . , .�{�,� „��OV-��-98 FRI D4: 15 F� 1�HN HAIE� & p�S�C, I�C FA� ��, 9709451315 P, �l _ , � � �[7�lll �ill��J����:�%L'�'l} �� � 1�1 �G;tt7.l11�i.��(fi'1C� C�r��llb'YL)C}C�.;,��f'i1'1�5, C:c�fiQr��cic3 �tGal �I[i�r�.t'i1h�r 7�r 1��$ �+�f+r; ltrc�i�tt ai`letfcr cla�tcci Navcn�bcr•�3, 1�19$��L: T�Laa�t r,�dgc, 'VaeC,C4 r��l�'1'N. I3r'c;p�� 1�lifsnii,F'f��11�1in� 1.ZiSiril OfYrtE r���L� �'j ��`7�� ���C�'� �� �o E� i'C7f�, NC:�yor "i-c3nt iViacn�cl��,�tc{, f��ty flltorn�y �)�:.,r Mr'. Wi1r��it: Yc��rr Iclit�r w�t�: iti�e�:ci 1 til�c�c�; �47�yl�. Wc 1Zav4 larc;» p�;�rt�aitj� sia-�cc c�zrly �9'�7 tllc ]s�;I,�i���c�Frf��. 1'ro�zi �1re��s c�C�i']zc Rat�st I,�3�l��i: ��=1zi�lz wa� �{�y��sscci ��iil� C�eor�u at tl�c I'�cir>>ii���; ��n��%nriin�c�fTi��ovcr n yc,��•a,�;c�. '�'h� �i�cd 1�i�t1�cs� li�rI1L5 V4'CCC�C11'�7ri]I�`CY1Gltl erf ot�r�7u�.sts �!S 5l3117C C3iti I7"r1W[:�;t3I1C bI�1�[�lc: LIP7Il��:iCkil]�;�I'e�r7it(] ]llf4 L}���IfG}i. GC[}r�C Si�lEC4� ,'ii P�z:�t 13i11;: �Itzt ik w�ls �cst l��Ft.t�55�1t]I Ln �ctk ��.��r��Y71 t�tr�u�li ihe]7��i�;11 I�uvi4w I3c�cll'C.� �I��{L�. WC �7l�1i111�:L� l0 11SC LjlG S�F27ZS'I,���-�c: ��F Viutna'i:�n�;�c�1��;li�;htin�;�n t}��fi�a�at, �lG��cli,��;i�� il�c t«t.��l itz�:����ot'nt�r�r�-;�p�.:cy. 1h'c�uccl��.�.,�.d tl��:�iccr.s�ary�i�ll�ii�� lixt�Rres �l�c��<�ti E�z� li�E�tii�� f1?c$L71-t�5 W'Ciu YCt"y 4�7Cj]Cl]51YC�3ric�11CC��L� CCl�c'. U!]Cl��etcc�. (:tl��ly in f1��. ys;�r wc�p�alzrd t��r�pc��,»it, SLl}7�111�[L"[� [�]G�WC7 I1�L[:L'S58t]+S�#5 Or17j�1S 1:C7�1�1C C.'.ity o('Vs�il, �tti w�:11 .��; �iic �rd�ns, d�E�d infnri�sa�ioi� r��ar�tiii�;ilre l�n��ca7s ci�;�t wr3c�iveal ui['hy ilic li�Tl��S hulG�, aE�ci nlher ilc�tails z�sk�ci c�I'�i�. ']'�r��cn�7it w�s is��i�d. 'wVc did �aot rcvicv��t��c I:tngira�,c ni�tlai:� �c�mit; ���i:a�ssliia�ct{ it wa3 � b�ilc�in��er�riit tv rwl7�ect lhe �l:�ns��t�anii[Icd. �+'�clici aiert k:�icrti,v �hri� tl�L p�nrzit w�� tc�cio tl�c t�n�l�:��;rofilr�� wirin�aniy [�at�r t��isl��f,:u). }uVc wc�rk�c� ���t lfzc �lel���s f3[�3I1 llz�:t�i7�ltt�c.rot�Eaci�li��;in�,wit�z t�zc�a��prt���ri�tv a�cizci��, �117c� ��C�ttli lt1 CL:�It1�1�C�C �IlfS �71'4?�JI:CI. YOtt!'QF�ICt��iCI 1147L I1t'�l]Iri7 IlS �f'F4�Is:13'�:�lC:�r`.1i7 cla���iii�; o��itis�i��l�:u�1 y�ur�i��ilr�iit�,k,crmii t}�,ii c��si�;t�r�view was ncc�ss�y. ��+�:n if C��-c�r�;e l�a4i ti��s�Ic: ;1 x7ii 5t�k� �i1cl �a�itii�tFcxrn��c{ �.�s, it�v���� sce.�,� to ine tl��t tl�is wat�tlic �ii��c tc� infi�r,�� �is sai'aliis--»ot ait�r tl3c f:�ct�ts yc���cli�, Wr.�r�crc i�nly c�GC�r�lly ��y1t€tllnt yo��r c�ffc�l�r�c� lc�st nur gI�»s tl�at wer��tt�a�l��d tc�o� :1���li��tCit�s� �'��r ��rm�[�rz�� iha�now�tif'��f•con,���,t�o��wc wer�tn 1�e rc�ic�wer�t�y tlze I]R�3. `t'1�u L)RT3 i�7vc71v�nic�7� �,v�s��ot .i clu�.5tic��� �t�zli] 1 rccent i�ci�;c��i���,�t�ler we �uci�rtrrc�iasc�, rl��. li�;ht�tG�. �i»�j 'tir�;l,�if�ct it. ;'1C7�C hl tttivi;;ud 11iaL w�: li,t�+u +�vc��'Y��.el �7,�r� �t� 1�f�ii7}; fizis 1�,ci�G 12��t was i,z scrious til�w��ciy;�ir, C{) 1LS L'Ld;�l'�.ilL �a5t�f'u} ap�7L:u',�i1�CC. ►�yL �I�:l'lIC lI1V[3lV'C��`C3U.0 L1fF1£f;wiili�,urp�a»s, ]r�c,7tic,���� o!`li�l�(s, �trn:� �y�;c�i'li��.i7fs. lirr s��7i�:tin�c �»w,. .�, , :'4�i(�V-�'�-98 FRI 0�:16 �ti JUE3N HA��N & �s�[�t;;, ��c r�x ��. �ru�4����� Y, �� .. � � G�Jticr�cta ti��c �c� �i•csrry h�t'��e��r�i��� tirc; lir�;�,as'? i��r. l�oc�914y �ottc�n i1zFc�rrtt�d ii�c t�oa[ tl�c ?}I�I3 cl��t nc3t lilc� i�7�-sltor��:i'r� fi�ca[ tall �iGlits widh �;la�c�;, Th��,lc�r�ea "Ir�ok��c�iik� l�trfl.�•"t� tl,i.��j. i !}av�; Uc��r ic�altiinv !`nr alt�ri-�,�tivcss sii�uc;tlzr.me�tir7�;,��c�w�.�+cr, tl7c �-f�����in�a�i tlie ��c�hcs ci�via��cti f�r�sn lli�� c:xisti�z�;Ii�,h�irz� ��,d ap�,�:�rance. I���aacl f,�ith 4vc I�4lVC 17[�t �(�11d��It]�it�t{ iP��;cr11�:s[�I# [It�r�;[ �7�ic1�r�est s�c��af t��e �ntrKiric�;�. !L4 yc�t: �:nuw, tl�c 5-�S�i��� Vict�f is�,i 1 i�;hts w�rc Ic�c;�t:-�� ��n il7i�pro�erGy n�tl�c�ntr��cc+�f «�cr tw�.niy yca7�.5. W'�; circi ar��i n�7��:.�c.1� oT tlacsc S-[�ulb 1��1r€5���x c�clz sic�e c�f tl��. en�i�ni�ccs, a.s t�ur�;u�st� wcr�4ii�ivi���� i�tt��tltc r�itcl���s c�ri tl��sicie c�f th.�e��t���r�cc cl��ri�ta;�in�; tl��:ir�;�c��ailri cirt�'�l��,i:��� _��� c4ilv�i•t�. A��ii�ttlxs year wc }t�d your iii;ti]]ta:n:ir1�� cicr�a�-lirt�c�t c�����c;.RL3t� (]�1CI1 t�iL' ��atn�7��� ctllvcrtS C7�t.;cd ��y�uc�[5 ��rin�; i�zL« i11c �iiCcllCs. T4wz7rziiny l�lc dcrm��slc��'iss«c, �v�: kvi�I f��icc ll�rc�:sscj�s of if wilD� �c�l�r tunci�i�, G'��i��r. '1`iri5 kviil ��� �c����}at�ic;�� �ry I�)c*.��ai3�itr:,�, !�J[1� [7r s4�inrr. ] 1��01: ti7rwar�l ta yc,��r r.�tll o�r 1��4aircitty 5C1 VsrC C,�1ri ]llC�i;1l7�I r�;SOIV� 1I1i5 �r�t'4i�CL'll 115. �'!�c 5t5u�lcr wr� car� ls`�;11t tl�is �r�a, thc ti:ifcr €�will �c Ic�r our�;p�.sts. r 1�i,�de��rc:�;�r�is, r � • _ % ' Fff� ' j `��\, J a Jc�1�3i '. Y l�zc,,, ll � ,� �t� ° � � � = I� i � 1 l '�m��'r �'��'..� �� �JO� '�"�Oa�OF �YA�'L � __ .� � � . � I)ePartment of �'vmmunrry Deuelc�Pr�zcrzt �'� � • 7� Sc�uth Frantage Raei�2 '�+ �,. Yai�, C�atorr�cla 8I657 ' '-� 97a-479-2138 �'. � ':k ;�; FAX 5�70-��9-2�5,� Nt�vember Z3, ]998 Mr. .loy�n Hazen I 141 4��estbat��: Road Glen�:canod S�}t-in��, C`�D 81��1 VIA C�RTIFIEI] iw�fAlL 12e: 1 f��I�cic�sl�!Ur��c;,�171�3 Nr���t17 Fr�»�tr.r��cc Rr�cacf Dear Mr. Haxen; !Ls yau are a�vare, the 'Co���n ❑f�'aii I��s��n Red�;e�ir I3�ard(DTLB} r�cet�lly �3cnied t�i� IZc�nst Lod�e's a�a�licatloti for a�ld�tic�r�al exteric�r li�htin�. At their N�vern�aer 4th, �995 rneetin�, tlie DR�3 �ave ynur r�eE�reser�tati�e specifc directiozl �n ha��to acl�iev� cc�nig�iar�ce with t�7e To4vi�of Vail codes and d�csi�n reaietiv�uidelii�es. H�7w�e��er, chi� exteriur li�t�iin� was inst�lled o�7 ar abc�ut l�ovember i§`, 19�8 — with�ut recei��t oFeitl��r I7RB a.p�roval (cr 9�ic�1c�licar� rsf tS�c�lir,�� 12- 11-3, Irnvr� c�f d�C�'1�1I�J21fTTCT�"1CII CCJG7rE.') c�r an eleGtrica� ���rmzt (c7 ��ir�larir�r� r�fSectir�ra 1U-1-7, Tr,w��� r�f L'ail�`rr»ici�.��rl�'nc�'e}. As of tl�is datc, nq revised �alans �ta�re been submitted tivt�ich re#�ect � �c�ad fait� e#�'nrt tfl cc�nf�ar»r tc� ihe Tt�wn c�f Vail codes ar guidelii�es. YQUr repres�:ntati�Te w�s alsv informed at this �neetin+, of an outstar��in� issue with r��ard to tl�e R.�sost Lc�c��e's trash f�cilities. Pursuant tc� Sect.iot� 12-1 l-�+. T��awn of'Vail Mur�ic�pal Cade, �arba�,e storage faciliti�es �ha�l be screened trom t�djtir�nt properties. Currently, th�unenc�nsed �um��ster�7r� your�rop�rty is i�ig}��_y �isi�le frc�in adjace�at prc�perti�s and n�otarists ala�i7q I�ortE7 Ffont�i�e�Zoaci. Acicliti��al�y�, ti7e pl�cer��ent nf r.he R��c�st I.ntP��e la�� nr� t�yis cl�impster conslitutes a viofati�n af the T�wt� of V�il :'���;i� Re�ulations, Ple�se c�rrect tl�ese c�ut�tat�din� Viol�tians by �riday, I�e�ember 18t�' in �arc�er ta avoid th� issua��ce [�f a citatian, Unce tk�ese issi��s ��av�: been :-esolved, pl�ase ct�ntac� me at(97[J) �k79- 2128. !��KECYCL�C+�'APEIt �� � ;. __. � �� � � 'I�his certi�ed letter �t�all set���c as an ot�iciaP natic:�: o�r�°i��iatian nr� ttxis J�ro�erty. �in�e�ely, � �,ti-�r���— Brei�t �Vi1�on Pfannin� Lfaison affi�er c:c: Toit� Nioor��e�ead, Town ,�.ttor�iey � � , � ,�������. L ������� ►� ����� �`�WN+�F YA�� � r � £leparfrrae�xt of Cr�rnnaunr"t}= I?QVe[n�mend •,. 75 SautFt Franta�e. l�nad V'ail, Cnlarc�cio 81Ci57 970-�79-Z!_�8 FAX �7C?�479-2452 ",: FA;1 T1tAN�,MITTAL :�iIEET TU: �.�ss C;[)1'NI':1►l'"#!Y NAiV[�: 'l'he Roost La��e �'A�' TELEP�T(]�E NLIM�FI�t: �9?ti) �7f-9158 ���M: I3rent i�ilson 17ATF: 1113U19S TIME: 4:05 �.m. # O�' Pt�►+�E� TN D£�1�'�I1��E1�'I. (N�`I' fN�:LL)llil�'l�" C'[�VF�R SHFET); 3 Russ, Atta�h�d is � eo��y� r�f the Tcawr� af Wai� Municipal �(:�r�e r+�quia-ernent f�r th� cn+�lns�r� n�'+�umpst�e��s. Relv�.��ting the dumpster t+n Ehe rear af th�e prc�p�rt�' wil� suf��ee in th� short te��m. However, ner th� fallowin� lette�r to .]ot�n H�rer�, the Roost L.,t�dge ►�xill b+� re�uirerl tn ca�mnly with ap�lic��le cacl�s b�� no �ater than Uec.ember 31, 199$. C�R�'CF'Cf.Ef]PAPF.R � � TOWIV C}F VAIL DEPARTMENT QF Cf7MMLTI�FITY' D��IEL(7PN1EN'P �� s . ��.a��AC�� r�c��n ` -- , VAIL, cc� �i��� � , J 9'7fl-479-2138 NQTE� THIS P�RMIT MLTST S� �'OSTET] C7N JOB�ITE Afi ALL TTM�S ELEC'I'1�ICAL A�,�.MIT Permi� #� : E98-�2$� Jo� Ac�dres� : 1`783 N T�RC7NTAGE RI} WE�'� Status . . . : APPRC�V�L� LoGatir�z�. . . : x�s3 �r ��c�rrrA�E �zn w�s� t�ppli�d. . : iolz�/l��e Parce�. N�. . : �1C13-123-a2-�t71 Issu�d. . . : 1�1I�8119�#� P�-e�j�ct N�. : Ex�7ires . . : 04/26/1999 AP�'LIC�' C �u JF ELECTRIC Ph�n�: 97[}-963-1583 ��5 aAK Rt�, CAr�aarr��L�, Cc7 81�23 �aNr�c�ro� e � JF �L�cT�zc pn�n�: ��c�--��3-i�s� I 9 5 DA K R UN, C'A1�ECiNDALE, CQ �31�2 3 �CJWN�R HA ZEN Jt'�HN WATSQIY I Y - N'ICT�s'NZ T E KAYF A, 1783 N FRDNTAC� RD L'�T, VAIL Cfl 8�657 D�scri�tic�n: ELEC"TR1�L �'aR FARKING LOT LIGHTIIVG ZT�Iuatic�n: 60� . C�D �.,t�i+rra�a,N►aearraiaar.�a�aa.�+aaawr,a,�a�aaw��a�a��ac�.r+��taa FEE SUT7h7AFlY a•i�k���aaaiaaatit;ii;�a��i�ttR�FAR4�F4x1F�M�+rrYrxY�s�,tae�ft��vtvw�ta�vva El+�c�tl:ical -• SCr.Do To�al ^a1c4�lated F'ess---� �a.os� �R8 Fee -"-� .[sq Rr7�iiL.iorral Fcr_s°-.-°-----_. ..p0 Inve�stigation± .64 T�a�al Pex-�nit P'ee--------.> ���.�ln W'+ilt C:ail.----s 3.ui7 F�aS/FIt91]ta----------�-----> DR T4'CAL ['C�S---=• a3.R0 HAI,ANCE DJE. .. ------- _ 53.UO YeavHfYAk*VY*iYiiki�F�Y+�ii�iYiiiiii�ii4iliMMiMtAV1}4iMv4a'�Ff+W�I"W�Y'L:'J'J-Y�iYJYJ�{i��kei�4ykJlMi}ypyyt�ttii}.yii�{�{rAi�Fiik*MWiilli*iVYrYlfW9FM1yYWy��FrW'kY1F Ttem• Q6oUa �L�CTRIC�� D�L�ARTM�NT �ept : BUILnING ]�ivisioi�.: 1or28/1�98 �3Rr�?r Actican_ APPR �FPROVPsD �712Nr- It�an: 0554� FIRE DEPA1�TNiF1�F'I' Dept : FI�E Divisaoi�= 10/�8/2'�98 .TRM AcCion: �FFR NIA +ar+y+�++��+�+at�a�aaaa���«�rrvy'Y�i'VVVY�'A'�Fe�if'kt'r'FMYW4�`V'1kY'�'YY�Y�!'Y1N4w�iyitiitiY*WA�WY�YYfW#WYrWSX%'A'r#'e�4'WWrYWWr�Y'Y�YJ'iiiilislibiai+ii4.r+tYiwf CONDIT�QN 47F A.PPROVAL 1 . Dl� APPRi]VAL RE�i7IRED PRTClR TO CC}NSTRUCTiNG wwrrwMr::r..v..e.er.rrrrrr.....r+r.+�++++.=++.*a.s.wrra,r+r++i+.+a.�r+.+�++r+.+ar,rr�.r..�...rx..�rwwr.��wrrxr�rw�r+r+ar.v..r,rrerrr.rr.�er� DE CLARAT I QIVS I hereby aeknawled�e :hat = haus read this appticati+ara, filled out _n full the intflrmat.ion raquired, campleted $n a�cuzate pl�ar.. pian, azZd state th.zt all Lhe irifcabmhti��n E�ro�i�zP�3 aw x-Ay-+iix-ed i9� c.itrect. I ��a��� tu r;tamply ws.L.ii L��e infoxznat%+�rG and ulc�- jala:;, �,o. c-vi���ly ^:'�it.3t till 'rs,�vrn cx-iiinancea and staCe laws, and to auild thi: 3Cructure aceoiding trW the iawti's �nni:�q ar�c] es,�1:�rli.vie�.ic�F� cadee�„ �.ienigri i��zew ap�E�r«v���i, �mi Fa�°m Au:?ding ::ade and othes 9i:c'inancec af the '1'uwil �pp]i��amlc tE�!;��ro. H�S(�S:I�:STS FOR SNSPECiI0IG8 SFEALL BE NIA�E TWSNT'Y-F9LTR ESOURa^ IN ADVANC� BY 'FC[o�Pll6idE AT �.79-2139 OP. AT 6[lR OF�F2CP FS2c]M S:i30 Ah1 �x;t�i} FM SIt;i�1P.T[JRF [7F �WNER (�R Ct�(t�`RACTpR t'QR HIMSELF AlU"B OWI�IE�.R �� _ � �; ,�I��_� .r _ �� �''t� �µ}��I�'4✓�1_1-' b,'���li� � .. 1� ��� ,�. j .�� _ f' / .!� � • 5**C��� �aet Fa�n,�e CaunCy 11`���r.s (];.=ice - G- a �76-3�8-86'�C� for Pabee�;�, T(7Fti'I�T C3F 'L'A�L�.C��';;iF,U.:TxC:�:; _ F '`' � •�� ,'AF.0 ;L a'1: '�+��' � i�,xi _ -" �s L��F'�..._f I I {` +=�,i. C � ��.�..2'�.E.'�1' t'1�1��r� '�l'YQreT �'0�'1 �� � / � �_ �f�S7'�: ✓ � ��� r °F��.F.f/y_� ... F��' l� X�L`. � / f? :�+ A���,ie�LT�orr z�v�� �,� �sz,rF�t� �vT car��r��=L� �� zT rux rrc��r �L �c�����n *�� <�*���:�**�*���*���r�r� ���x*�� PER�iIT xNFt�RMATZO�d ����*�������**�x��*:������k*��: � [ 1-�Bua.xdin� [ �-Plumbing �EZ����i.cal - � L ]--Mecha�ic�,�. [ ]-o�h�x- Job l�ame: ��C'r�� �.-.C,� ��� _ Jr�b Adc�ress: � �'j ! �. -.----_ ex�. ,�� �, .i��ga� Descr:�pt�on: Lo'� B1ock F.i�i.ng . �, Su�nz�zszo?�; (]wn��� Nam�: �.��►f,,, �,' '���.�z : �'.t�dz�ss: r'� r� ���'����i� P� �,��1 1���hi _�ct . � C'y �'-Gc L.._.. .,�:� ... �i� � ��:�,;b g;, �.ddress; �� . �en�ri I Desc7�i�tion: f�:�,.- �- •.�j _ '�-�--4-_ (�,,ti r � 1 � —.�_ t�� �'a,k C�ass;' �-N�w [ �-Altcra�ion � ]-�ddztianal � - .� '�. L�j �-x�pair [ � -athe�- , Nur�ex of Inaelzzng' Units : 2,'u,';��er nf Accomrnodatimn Uni.ts; � � --�___`r�- N �mbez an�I T}rpe a� Fi����a�es: G�s App�.�arsce� G�s Lc��� WQaa/Pel�et ,� r �k�k�k'�c7k�r�c�kykyk�E3r7E�c�'skxir7'r�E���'ricac�ty'rir�yl�yk�c �st?�,��ir?'.�.(�r�� �ky����}�;'�r��:�r�k�E3;7ksk�crr�k�k��c�rir�k���r�r*�cak�E B�r�LDIhi�: $ Er�FCT�xc�L: � t�, ��,. P7 UMSZ�"G: $ QTFiER: � ` Mf���3.�NYCAL: � TC3T�.z. � � ,.-s , � ' t-:�•�` , `� � x��x������ .��:����n:���:rx�:��� Ci�?�IT�`�CTOt; �t7�'{]��`'LAT��N ������t�*�*�������, *��;����*� e:��ral Cantrac'.-.c�r: �� G-.� }�. -�_�,_�,,,� � �ddress: TQ��n af V��J. Reg_ ; �. '"Fh ne ���xa �er: � � �-���--��. � � { � �.�� � F`�e�tr-, ca� CanLractC�r: �?. �j'~ �--:�� ".,.�_{� G ��`t.�'� C�C�+2�- ' A:�dre�- z. ��,�,� t"���__ �- , - ��wn o� Vai� 1-��g. ? p..� "�'' � ���� r�;r�.� t tl.�-Y r'�:; �; {. � Phc�n� �;u::�b�z: �' ''r�-�'-,.� ,.� . � � � �'lt.;mba.�c� Contr� .tc?�� - � 7,- � 7ida�-e�=s: � �'Qw� �� �,���� Ferr. �;0. - _ Phor��z �:T;x.�c�x': . � Mech�r,�,cal Contractr�r.: Ad�ress: T�wn o� 'sT�il Reg. �;�. Pi�c�r�r� Number; i�i:�ys7k�3:'krE�'e��:•'r,�kis '*.�F7'ss:ksk°?;��e�k�k�kFicA'�eaF �"`(}�7 O�F��'.� ��� �E���7F'�7E�k��rl�xak�:}F�;:k�krc��kykkak5't'ir#*�*y: �vzLnxr�c p���r�x� ���: � • �v��,r�wrr� �t��� c�r�cx r���: PLLit•iB�NG PEI?M.L 1 FEE: ?�LU�S�$It�G x`�Lr''�,P� CHE C1Y. �'�E: `� M�C,i�I!�r'SL, FFR,M�T r EE; MECI-T•AN�CAL �'Ll"1,?�T CFi�CK FEF': �LEc�'Tr�I�AL F,E�: RECI]�EA�'�Olr' FEE- _ OTH],� T�'P� C7F F�.�:: � Ci,E?�2�7-UP DEPC7�zT: DPB F�r: TaT�'�L PERM�T �:C�:s : i �5:�'E G�DLTF SQ.FT. �T�iI.�LTATTQrt EiU.iLDI'�G: II � S�C:d�`iT"�]��E: � I� �._ _ Z OIt'I�ti G: � � S?G�A'.�'CIRE: - �o�.�eni.s , — . � - r A ' 't'-"- ''�r.?T��C'7":'. �^"-':1°� SU_ . '`_. ... :Y i. ' _ _`. t�r.i_� 4. - _ J_ , . • ` ' � � � � �� �,i ����� LJ� ���� TS s0"al'ti fr�nlagt raac3 , - • vail, co�nracio II7FS7 {303� 479�-2J.38 or 47�-2�35 allfcc oP cor�munlfy deti�elo,7rnen� 1^O: � 1:LL �Ct�I�T`I`rJ�C�'U�5 CLIRR�rdTT.�`,{�, :�2EGZ5"I`�:{iI7 W�`�"rI '�'i-i� �'C���TN C)F VA�L , °r'RC `i: ao�•TN C�F `L+A`CL PUt�L�C �dCJ:t`r.S/CQ�iE•�:NxT'? DEC�r[}�i•iT"�1`i} T)A'I' �:: — - hiA P C I� :L�N �.9 r�c3 , . SEJ�::ECx'. ��NSTRUC.i T�td 1'�'�=�K��G � 2•Ln��'.�,R17j r '�* T� �T4�,GE 1n �ummar.y, �,�dz.nar,ce 2�0. 5 .��a�e�� ��hµ� zt a.s ur�.l�;��f�� f_�r �ny ;����on �o li�ter, tzac?� o�- cie�ns�.�. �rt,� s�,�� , x`oc;c, s�nd� c�ebrzs az �;�atcr�_a�., �r�c�t:eli,ng t�-�s1i dunps�ers, �aoz�L�t�;le �n;�eL-� at�d wc�z-l�nen v�hic]_��- �ip.�n ,��y s�r���, side4ti�a1]�, a��.��° or t��sb].i�c 7��s�� o� a�y pc��ti_c`, �hczca�. `I'n� Z':L�iZ�—�1.^;ti'3'�}F r�,; m �'�i�� s�.rects �ncl �-c5�xds i:; ����r�ximat�,l r i r 2�'�. •,OL•:i1 at 'nh�.� esr-clin�nce �.ri�]. k�e y�. Y �, ��. o�.` p�ve<<.�n�. �.z-;ictly cn�or��� l�� �}7� To��;n �� Vai� Pvblic j�r�r}:s D�:Qar_ �mcn�.. �cz-_�csris f�unc� v-wal��:�r�� tt�:�s o:�t7�r��ri�:w �ail,�. �� g�ven a 2�, ��our. r�z zt Lcn ��oLi�e tc� x-crnov� ��:��I a�at��?.;�, `�n th� eV�nt �A-�� t�ersan s� 1�a��.��,�c� coes ;��� cc�tnaly �aith t[i•� nQt.i�ce tst.ttz�r: �h� 2�S hoLt� tam� �pee:l.�aec�, thc� ��;�1.�c �°iar7-.� bep��t���c.n� �;z7. L r�mo�e �ax� �n����-ia? �� th� e�; � ,. . ��L�,.��.L�. r���.�.. �]Z��.�._Jr2�11��J �� �; } J� fll_�7 �C.nr`{,' �'�,:i�'. �t ����t.'aQ:� �p�li�:�b�c� to cans�r�lctzcrn 7r.a�nt�n�nc� }- �'h`a�" ���'t 1�� <<r�v st�-e�� ox ���cy �r_ any�u�z��.tie� in the���aa.r pzc�je�ts o�: � . �-_�JhL-a-Z��y. • ` � re�f��v�• arda,rar��� Nc?: C �n i:u�.l, �,�,�a_s� � L �a.J_ Huild�_�� L�e �ta� p�• tk�� To;an o� � p�r�.ner�t ta ob�ain � co��>, A��a;�}� y�,u �ar_ �rour � c.oa;�•:ra�i_on c�n `th].; �„at'l.�r. ` �e� �n� ��}�now]� �t�g�d �,�: . . ��.,// �' �'i � �,_, ,;. , '� _ , �,.� �. ,y �, , ; �.; , ,'�� 1 �� �, ;. ,. �' � �! 1 rl' '.�f ' �. - . � �-`�-� 7a; .���.o���'�tEla -tionsri��Prc��cc� (i. c. ca~�t�acta •- � ! � ,, . . � z, c�t��,.�r7 �- f r �` r' �f ` �^ .. llate n . . � y ' . . ' ' � � � � ' , . � �y� � ! Y�Y ��W� �f u�� � . . _ 75 sou�'ts lranl��e rv�d . , vuil, colar�da tt��57 - (3R3) G7�-2' 3E� ar ��7�--2139 . o?�Icn a� conint�nity devQ�pprnc�i; �UILDI�G pEf;i'•iIT I55[JA�'{C� Tih1� �f�A�#E . Y f� tni,s permi,t requi t°es a 7Q��rn o°F Va�i ��r� Departnen� �lpprava� , .. �nc��n�er`•s ��u�7 i G '�lorks} r�y7 ew ar�� appr�sval , a �'1�n�t ng �e�ar�nt�r�� revie�rr ar F{ea7 'Lh Qepar�L�ment rc�vi�t�r, and a r�wic�r '�y t�he Ei�aildir�� Dep�r�tr�cn�, the estir��ate� time for � tot�a� review in�y ta���� as l��g �s t�rec �ti�e��;�.. F�11 cc�:nr,�er-c1�1 ��:�a;•ge �r° sn�a� � � ar�c� a11 m�r� t�--fani 11� p�rmi ts �,�i 11 have to fc;7�t��r �he abc�re rnAr��Zan�d �n�x.im��n r•�quir�er�en�s . ������n�ia7 ar�d sr�i�� i pra�ec:ts shc �7 r -�a?c� � � esser� amo���� of �ir���. Hc��rever� �f reside����l orry sr,1�11 �r- �rc jects �irnpact �i�e variQUS �t��v� rrcntibne� de,partr;ents 4•r�_tt� rcqar-d to necessary rev��w, �hese �rojec�ts r�4y a�s� ta�,e �:�te tt�ree �teek ���r-i a� . . Ev�ry attem�t :•���1� b� rrzade by ;��:is cEep;�rf:n�en�. �� �x�pec!�te l�li5 �'nl'fF!'1.��,s3S. 5,4�r d� pos: iY�i _�, � : , th�. und�rs�g�ed, �:ncier-stan� �}�: p�an chec€: r�r°o�e�iur�e e.nu t�me �-rame. ,—. -- ,�'f �'` f',����-a ' - , ��` ,` f . �r � ' J, , ,�_ �� /�E ��� ���� ` �, � � �° � �. . ��r�,� t� _y.,. . ` � ,� , �'�� . . . � ' "� � - � .:, �' r ., ���� �-��.. r ,�,�,��,�, . . pro;,��c� P;�me �' - � '��. � c, ,,�; � . , �,. . � �. - . Date ��ork S�ee�. was ��rr,e� i n�to t �e . �Com„�uni�y aevelc�nrn�:n� �7epartr�er��. ._ , , � � � t�I��Y��RA�DU��� TC7; �1�L GQ�TFdACTC R5 �'I�C]iv�: TO'�,�N C3F VA3L PJBL�C V,l(3Rf�S DE��R7F�3EN7' � ❑AT�: MAY �, �99� ° . ftE: '�r'HE�I � "pUpLIC ti��lAY P��MlT" !S �'��L�IF���.p Job i��me; I,�� �"�` '�. _� s. ;�: ,�;�,�.. � , ��. �. - C��e: 1� l.� _-c�� • . Pie��� �:nsw :;fF�� fc�l�aw;r�� c�����ionn�r� rec�ar�ling ti�e r�eeti f�r�. "P�'�'ic WGy Permit": � Y�S N� �� fs t�is a n���r residence? • ' �-'' �� ls demof�tian worl� �eing �erfgrrne� . f�`��t r�ec}�ir�s ihe use af tt�e ric�fi�i . � � ' r�f �ray, easem�n�s c�r p�.G�,lic prflpe.�Y? � � 3} fs a��ry �ufi�ity tivo,i� ne�de�? �, 'r� �� !v the �riv���ay �einc� re�:�vec�? . ,.�,�` 5} fs ciiH�ren# C:Mcess neee�e� to sct� . other t�t�.n exisi;ng c��zv��4ay? ��'' �} Is �7ny dr��n�c�e �s�.ro;�: bei �� �c1or�� �- , �fft�ctir�c� thc r'rgi�� of �r�r�y ����m�n�s, ;,�;f 4f ;�11�J�lC �3CC1�Je�rJ? . 7} 15 c1 PzE'.VOGG`�]�� '�'��;' �`; �'�'�.j�+ �;�il�"]f," ���' f�'{�I ���G�� • . �� �. 1� ih� ric��f �! ��.�y, ��serne,�ts or � �.--' �u� ;� pr�perty t� �e ��S�C} I4� 5te��l�lC7, `� ,�ari��in� or ienciny? , f3. !f -�o tc� 8A, is�r• �arkir�g�, st�r�ir,g ��f , -,•. �r ic rci�:� �p1� n r�qu�r �� by Commu�ify � D�v�:�f�p: �e�! ? . 1; y�u an�ti�v?r 7ci y�s ft� �.ny �d f��sQ �u��tian,, � "�'��li� �'�ay Per��-�ft" mu�f �e �u��i���, "Puhfic '�",��y PerrnitTM cr].p7;?IlCi-3�l4�IS may b� obi�.ined zt ii�e P�rb��c ljv'or�,�'s o`ii:,� or a� Ccammunity D��e3e��m���'. . �f you I�ave any c��aestions �1�asA_ca,� �harfiL ��v�s, tha To��r�, oi V�il Cc�nstructiea�� ]nsp�c��;, at ���-2��8. . f ha��� r�ad anc� �r�swee�� aEf t�te abave c�u�sti�ns. � '' )� r .�'- � �1 y� ,. ,y'�J � r [�"; ..t�'�,.....�.J� � �_��1 1 � 7`� '' _.__ y,'•��� 'LLr' ' �r''�i ti-��.: V,w/� ���'J� ;' ��� .. �I�:i:� ��.� ��l�v . ��l"1�,`i ! r �p��IC�I�i�. i J .�� c�i4C' I' , ���� , .•" . . . . . • , r . , . . r. - _ � . � � ���r . � „ . . '�� . ��W� �� V�I T5 s�u1h S -�nts;;c road afff�e Q!cornmunily c1�ve�c�pr7enl ' v�[�,cattar. sa �i�57 (3�3)nT� .i38 �3i:?�r,79 !�38 • ,, • , �T� �'zCIJ 'IsC] CC7ir7'?'I��1CTC3:�v�'f]�'7Nr�R LUILI7��S L�C ��L��e Junp 2C1, 7.��1, the ha�rn of V�il }3ua_�_ciit'�� L�e�artment has rie ��Ic ���i �he fallas�ing x�r�acedcares t�� ensuxe �hat new ���n�C:rucric�n � s� 3s �aue aciec�u��:ely esta��:i_shed p�-o��z e'�-ainacre fz�Fm �uil�iir;� S7; 'S �1.C3nC� �nC: dCJjt;c�[]L LC] Tos�,��l a� V�7_1 roGC.��; or ��re���, . :hr Tc �,a�n o�' Va�.1. k�ublic S•�o�k.; i]�t��r.Gmcs�t w.i.�]_ h� rec�u��-ed �� ins�ec; anci a�;-�ro`��� d�aa.nac�� �.�jacent ta Tawn c�� v�f.�. r.�acls �x stxLe�� �r:d the a.nst�?_1a�:7,C�tz r�'r �em�oz�ary car �crr���ncn� cu'�. �rE.s �� ��:ccess rao�.n�s ��om thu zoa�1 �*' stree�. c�z: to �.h� ce�zs�ruc�a.c � .�;z.tc� . S°�c�i �tF :?rc��.�al rstitis� be abraiz�c�u ��io� tc� any x�q�:cst �ar i.n��nc��cn ��y the 'I'o�rn a� Vail �ui�cia.n� �et�arL�n���� ��.: �oc�tin�s r�� te;,��or_ar� c lec�.r c�l ar �n�� o�h�� a.ns;:k�c�ic�n . i�lca�� ca11 �'�79--21u�1 �Q 7'CQ:3:'..al 3Yl inspCCtiQn �I-QIC{ t!lC' �L'.�?x]_G S'�x.7ii:f� D��J�7'�:(;G'C!�. . k�1�.��.CIW'; � �inzr��us.. c�i� 7.� h��Rr noG�C� , • �:ls�r, t.h� �z❑w� �� Vai.�. �u:�1�c '���arrs Q����ir.�.rn�.nl. G•r�ll b� an�rovi�-.c� a.��. £ir��l �i�. �zn�c�e and cu�.vez t znsL�llat:ion ti�ri�r� r�_:a�lt�.nr� roacl __ �z�.c?-iar g ' �3�s neces��ry. SLx�ch ��prava� tn�sL ;t�e c�Y��.�inPci ��ior ter rj.n�1 C.er .z�"i_c�te o� Occup�:ZC�A issuarA�� . .�� i � � p►�#:� � - o u � APPLI�CATIOIII €�aree�#:� � �-� - �' �-� ' �� - � � � �uB��wAV��EAnnrr �s eid�. �e�,,,��#: � � � - � a ❑ ❑ �� �u�v�F�� �`�'�' �,� `' �'��.�'`�'� 1. �,� " Str�et Adciress 1f unkriawr�r�ll��e�� � � � � � 479•2 i 3&Q�.4�� � � va g c�ntractor Name Mailing Addrass Tt�V Cantractor's Licanse�4umhar REQU6R� { } ��y StBte Zip Phone# ^ �— 3. Start Date Cvmpletian Qete �Permi#�scpiration[]ate} 4. Wa��k is far 4circie on�� Water Sewer Gas Electnc Talephane �AT'U Landscaping Ten�p.Site AGCess 4ther 5. Tr�noh-width L,ength De�th (min, 4') TotaE SF $ Tat�al LF � Band Arnaunt $ Permit Fee $�� T�taf Permit Fee $ fi. ALL MAT�RIAL, �4UIP"MENT,AND TRAFFI�C�C3NTROL DEVICES MU�T B��il�TH�JU�SITE B�FC�R�YHE ,lOB IS STA�TE�. 7_ Rubber out-r�ggers are required on excavating�qui�ment when warken�an asphalt_ Asphalt surfac�:s und6meath the buc�cet and lugs shall b6 p�otacted at all tirr�es. 8, A�ignature�el�w indica#es a revisw af the ar�ea and�tility iacati�ns ancf appravals. C�r�oe all u#f1ity cempany sign�tu�'es are ahtained, p�rmittee has option of rou#ic�g application through the i'ubfic Warks offic��t�obtaln t�e c�ssary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one vueefc#za o�ess. •�ublic Serv�ce Company(1-80{�-9?2-1987} � ���� � ��� �� �ublic Servi�ce �latural Gas C�r�rup��-8gq�9 -1�871 ` - �. � U.S.West�1-800-9�2-1�$7) —� � � ` ` I TCI Cat�levision af the Flvck4es �1-BU{1-922-"1987} v� � Up�er�agle Valley Ct�r�solidated Sanitation D t(476-7480} ; �"-� � � 'Holy Crc�ss El�ctric Campany (945-58�2� � ''�-�`�' - f Vait Pu r�s 4 i � +Cnnstruction Inspeccar - lrrlg�ativn Ef�ctrici�ns 9. TH�I�E W1LL B� NO Tt7TAL STREET GLL}S�1RE5! A�on�tructian t�'affic cc�nt�vl pl��must f]e a�proved by t�se Pu�lic VIlorks Depariment prior to issuan��of t�'tie permit. 1I], All excavatian must be done by ha�nd within 18"of utflities--(Senate�ill 172}. 1i. �'errnittee must cc�ntact Pu�lic Wor9cs De�artment at 479-2198 24 hours pri�r#o commencjng of work. F�ilure to nvtify the Town wilk result in forfeiture of band m�ney. Scheduied irtspectic�ns which are not ready may result irr the�"own charging th�c�ntractar�reirrspection fee. #�. I r,�rtify that I ha�e read all chapters of Title 12�Streets and Sidewalks, �of th�V'ail �lunici�aM C�de an�f al€ui�lity Gompa�y agrsements, si�n��d by me, 2�nd will abidQ byr the same, an�f thdt�II utilities hsve t�ean notifred as required. Crrntractor"s Signatura of Agreement Print�n�ma cleaoiy Rat�s o15'sgnalure ATrqCH p�A�11 p�1N�C7fil�►,IN�LUDINQ C�]N7RUCT�CiN TRAFFIC CiDNTR�t PLAN White-Pubf'rc Warks 5haw stre�ts with names, buildir�gs, and�vca�ian of c�ts, US� DASH LINES FdR CUT. Gold-Contractor � � � V�TI�T OF �]'AIL DEPARTM�NT (�F C[7N�fiTITY D$�TEL�PMSNT 75 S, FROi�TI'AGE ROAJ7 VAIL, CO 81657 �7a-�79-2138 F+]'4T�: THI� PERMIT MiT�T SB PiJ�STE�7 O1�F JC7�S�TF A�T 1�LL TIMES FUHLIC WAY PE�IT perrnit #: PW98-U1�7 Job .Ad�.re�s: 17$3 N F�UNTA.GE RD WEST �ta�us . . . : TSSUED Locat�.vn. . . : 17$3 �. �'RQ]Cd'�"AGFs RD_ ROQST LaI3�$ App11+�C3. . : 1C}�f�5�1.998 Farcel No. . : 21f�3�123-0�-4Q1 Tssued.. . . : 1D/�5/1998 ���r��. . : �o/os/�.��� .APPL�C`ANT �C � �.TF ELEC'T'RT� PhOne- 97�-�63-�583 �.�� Q� ��r ���d�il.r�a �.'� �3.�]�� CL7�'I'RACTC?R � & JF �LECTRI C �'Y1or1�: 9 7 D-9 6 3-15 8 3 19 5 DA� RUN. �'..�+SRB�NDALE, CQ $15 2 3 �JJWNE� I�AZEN JC]HN WATSUI� II - MCI�N;�TE F�AYE A, 17$3 N FRQl'�'I'AGE AD W, �T.A.IL CC7 8I6�7 �escrxpti�z�: ��EC'I'R�C SERV'I�E FC}i� PAR£�TNG L0"F EXT�RI(�R LIGHTS •felV��te�teaeYWWl�rWrf^YWiY'*wWSMwk4ii*Irf*iY#i*+a#Y��6aWwwVf��Yw4M�N�K PE6 SUMP7A.RSC +r►����rrtt++t�.+rrrrit�r+�+er+a�o+r�++a+rrrw�+rr�+r++.+�.os+,.r Public Wa+f---a 75..40 Inveatiga'tian5 Peyotents_________�_.____a 75.Q0 Pai�d AinaunL--s .tkQ t3AT��e o'.�-------------n .a� TOTAT. FEE9--'> 7:5.�0 w�rr�ir�*.++r+�r.rra*r�sr+++ar�+Wra•.wrrwwrrwrwwwwwxrk�e++r++s�,s��xr*•+.rr,��rrwirrrr.��rwrrRrxw�wr+��rwrwrwrrr,r�rr+rwwa,�rrrrr++ar.,.rerwr I t em: 0 5 5 0�} PUBL C WC3RI�S De�� : P'UB WQRK Divi s ian: 1(}/�}5/1998 LSAND�VxA Actian: APPR CK 1'�`fl#1563 �tetn; �555{J EI�G�NFER�NG D+ept: ENGIN�FR I'livi�ia�ra: C{7N,QITIC�I+T OF �'S,P�RC}VAL i*ir�F�F'iiiiYir##+i iwW�FV-N�"+'�"��+�'�"ty'WOF�YYMSti*�**�****#iii#*ii�LlMYii�i'i�i'�Yiii�YYYYYk*�FM�TRlYYFtY►R��FP*Y1Yt>YrtY�►'ii�Y�vtV ttYfRrt�'tt�k*YrWlf��Wis W tW�lY+M PECLARA'TIOlVS T Cet��f�1 khR� I hava read �11 ehaptere aE Title 12-Btr of the Vail �9unicipwl Cvda and �l�i utilz'Cy outr�,�at�y s�greetnenGQ, eiy.r�.gd by ma, and aai11 akride by �he eame, and that �11 utiliLiied aa requir�d. puk�lic Worke rrill have a npacfdetail book availahle in Rpril vf 1995. **+* REQUESTS F{)R INSPECTI�QNS SHALL H� MAnE TWFNTY-FOUR H�C}TTR� IN ***� TN AI�VAI�d�E BY TPLE PHC7NE A.T �7 9-2 I 3 S C]R AT 4rJR 4�'�I CE �'RC7M 8: �0 AM TO 5 :�0 �M Si4NATFIR$ CF {�WNER OR C(S]NI'EtAC£OR FOit HSMBELA 1'ii3� DWNER r � � �� a�� � p ���g�� I �°Y� � � 0.�. 1a7 � � 3� � w � � m'm'�'C U ��F.p_y � � C"Q,�� •�. � � 4 � dI .� ����N F Ir O m is� � � ..� ..i W ���Q�ym , ai q�y uj cL�`° � ..� W'�°wa�� � � �e=� 7+ � � u� ��r�z g� I � � = 4 m.= � ti x � ��a oA3 ¢ s�= m C � � {'C �"�,0'S2� (� _a mo � �,�a� i q Qi `o s�`°'� fA C] ~I � �p `� £ ���'"'$y�' C7 —o a� fJ ',; � E : � m—m`^E�� � � OJ � �as�mgi � � �1 � o � u"�. z a � ��a��"'� c� w � C1�C`�`��'' u� � LL i H N ��G�B�CL � � .� �E'nps'� �'4 j V � W��� t} � i w � �C����O [i� � fF, m F � I i i �J v In ' � � ' '` F . } J 41 , , f 1 � .. � �V S 1 �~°�� ; � f � r Y +� 1 � m �,� + � � C Y f 4i' � � S ;.. .. � � � '. . � ! � � � y�4.. i .�. � �� ❑ = n ��� � � � [1C : � � � � Q� O ¢ � �� e� � � a � ¢ � � _...�..� i. ' V � i! . ` � i. "` �� 1 ' � a .� � k � � � _. �•r�. �.'.,� '. (� � i °' -� 0 � '�'1 �ti' I ym , .r ! , W : � ''/�` '.jr � � 4�j , I x i� J ' � N' i 1 � � � +i� ..�.""- � ��. ; 4 ' ! 1rr ' , ! C o � . � I � � � N � 'w � ' f � . � a ' LL � � � d � L!� , � � C1 �' ' �f. U^ � : � � � I , $ '� � � � � ,� � � � o . � i r� , � w � I r �� � ' { � � � � � , �,. r � S � � � � 4 I � w,� ti� �' � � � � � f} � � w_ . . , � {� � Q � � , � �, .,:,*.'-.�._. ,._��..-.-�.. .�,......�-�..,�.._....,._ . � fl � � � i � 4 a '� L(___.__._._,.�> :�.. ._......._______.�.__ .--.--._._ i ' . a � U J i�} I ^I ' �4 i t _ _...... .......� � �_"_ " _ " "" .... ._...�—�_ 1 .. � .,��—. ."�..._... .....�. ..�i..• ' ! • �� � Qt�cStic,ns?�i1 thc F'I��r,nin�St�ff ai 97�-`�1?� r � `,�'� APPLICATICIN FUR D�SIGN REVIC'W APPROVAL ��`�������� r� ��[��A�. ��1�'� TI 1� This�pplic�tic�r� �5 far any�r�jcci rcguirin� D�i�it l�cvie��a�spr�v�al. �1ny prc,ject requirin�dc�;��,ln rcWiew ntust s-�ceivc 17�;;i�n Rc�itw 7�prc�val pnUr tr�suht��ittin� fc�r a 6uil�[in�perntit. Far s�tci�i�in�ant}�tit���.ScC tl�e sul�txlitt�l re�uirc:ncs�ts i�or#k�c partiGE�lar a,��rc�v:�] tli�t is�•�c�t�cstcd. Thc��}�licatioi�ca�u�at�c�ecc�rtcd�u}til a��l the requireci i�ztariti�ition is stibmit[eci. T�j�prt�j�ut ni�y 11St�stccci tn E��rcvic4veci hy the�r�w�7 Cauncil ancflc�r the Pla.rruzin�;ansi �:s���irc�i�n��nta1 CQaii���issi�n. UCSi�n Rc��ic�v 13oar[i a��rf�val cxpires hn�ycar after fiiial aj�pr�Dt��l�taless � hui��in � icrniit is issued ant� constr�cti«n is s#��•�ed. � � � ,`�� , , � �� ��`1 +�� y �; _�I�y _ d _ _� i: - ��, , _ ,. J1. DESC'It1I'TION[}F THE Et�U�ST, �I��' �S�"��'�-`° � �_� ������'�'"�.•� � � f�-��--�.�-`�� ��u..�� U��..t-o,�� _ �r 5 . f �- I�l��b�l!�_ C./'`�_l�C�',�.�x.r' � „� � `�" �;�f� ��:t�l� �;�-si s�) ��' r�I���� r� � ,P�r.�r �, ��.t ,��� 77� I.�'GrG��� ,��r'�if� U'����/�r� ��.� 5�.�� �. Lc�c�T»r� �� ��a�c�s�,t�: i..o�r: �w�a t�L��x: t=��.t���; ��� ' � �+-.�a� F�1-€�'SICAL Aa[:)R�SS: ���''� �`� ��-( C. �dNTNG: [G Ct} '�'� �� D. I�AME�CJF�iWNER4S): !�� � ��'--/� r,��r�.i�vc nnr�rr��s: �'1'-�I t�r,���'l� ��' � � �r` �ri�r��:�' � ����� ,�f'`/' �. t�r��frrt�:r����sr�r�aTU�c��}: � �"� ['. NANlE ()F:4F'F'LIC�+,.N1': �� MAIL�NC A[�G1�S5: �1 iC11�lE: Ci. 'T'Y'1'���'REVI�W ,4NI� FE�: 0 N��v Construetiort-�24U +Gc��7str-�ictioii t�f a ncav k�uiidin�;. C7 �lcidit�c9n- �5U I��cl�,dcs�►�y�dditioi��vhcre sqt���°c farrta�c is�dc�cd to a�yy residei�ii�!or cc�s-t���crci��bui��iin�. �1�'Iinar Alterati�n - $2i1 Incl�icles minc�r char��es tc�huilrli�3,e�,s a��d si�c iii�prc�vcznc��ts,such as, rcroufii7g,�aintin�, w�inc�Utiv acirl.itions,l�ndsct��i��,�,fences and retainin� wa�ls,�tc. 0 Canceptu�al Revic►v- $d Fcar�ny a��li�atic»wltcrc�he a�r�iicant wishes ta�r�ect witEa 1��sigtl Review I3oarri fo detennis�e►v��elher or n�at the�arc�jcct�;ener�ill_y cc�na�alics with thc ciGSiq���iic[cTit3cs.`I'fic L7�tt3 docs��t votc on cc�ntc�rtual rLuiews. DI�� fccs�a-c;to�r paid�t the€it�ic of s�.�b�nitt�tl. Lat�r,�vli���1p�iyin�f�r� builtWia�rcrcr�it,�lcasc idcnii�y tlae aeetiirate valuation c�f the�r�ject. The Ta«nn af V�il�uill adjust the fcc ac�or�in�tc�t1�4 prvjc�t va�u�tian, 1'L�.A�G SU$MIT THIS APPLI�ATiON,ALL SUB;�'IITTAL REQUIREMEfi+i'I�5 AND TH� �'EE T'Cl TI-IE UEPAR'TMENT CfF CClhT4'iLII'�ITY b�w'ELOPh'1E�IT,75�C1�]TH Fl�trJNTA�E ROAI�, Vr�CL,C(�LC�I�dDU S16�7. �`t�r_(fflt�tx�L,'se(�i�tv: ; >: , : ; ' f � I��:c A��cJ: C�';#�. �3}, _ , �5.����i�atic��� llat�: � �`'� "�,. UR�31Mc��sr��]:a;�tc; upc€ac�d 1r97 . 4 i ry � � I,���"1'C�F P (?I'OSEf114IATERIAi.�� U,�3 IT�T]1N ` .��'E�tT L ': TYP�[�F MA7`ER1AI�: C�L I�:* Ranf ,�idin� �thcr�r'J31f Matc��ials _ Fascia - �offits Windaws Window Tritn Dc�ors Llaar Trim I Iand or UCC�: Rai 4s �L«cs Flashisi�,� — �hin��zcys Tr��h En�las��res Circc��liouses _ Rct��in�n��'�lls }-�i�t � � ,�-- " ��. �xt�riot'Li�htitag** �� �+ /��/G� -- �sher * pieasc s�accaty the�Z��nuf�ctuccr's colar,nur►�ber and ati�ei�a sna��!cal�r�hi� ** All exterigr tx��tit1�;trntst ia�eet the Tc��vn's Li�l7titt�C1rc�inanc� 1�.5�.OS0(J). If cxtcri�r�ightin�;is�rs�ptrscd, �lcase iiydicate the nurTiber of fixture5�Zd iocatsQi�s c�n a separate libhting plaii. ldentify each fixture lype aa�d�ra�ride th�t3�i��it abnve�rad�,lulnens o€stput,�unlirlouS al'�i3,ai��i attach a cut siicct of thc li�htin�fixhires. 2 . � � �+[)��CIS�'D LANUSC`A�'ING RQtanic��l Na�t1� Ca��aai�r�Namc � n � Si..U* PI�C3PC�SF.1]TI�E�,� ANL7 S�f�UBS: - �:7{t�T1NG'I'REES T[7 BE�tCMC}VEI�: *11�i3aimuin r�c��tirGi73ciits fUr l�zndsca�i���: d�ciduau:� Cr�c� -2 it�ch�ali�er con'sfcraus trc�s- 6 fect i�� hci�;ht shn�k►s - 5�allarss �3,; S�u�rc T`onttE�c GRClUNI7 CQVE[t �[�i� . SLED IRftiG1�T1�1�P "��YP�fJTt METI�[]D C�F EkZC}S[(3N �`�1VTR+()L O'rH�R I��I'�T�;�;�:Al'E FEATUR�S{retainin�v��aEls,�cnc�s,swimmin�;poE�l�,etc,} Pi�a�c specify, Itldic�k�t��s�nd �ort�s�3�cic��titans csf retainsn�w�lls, Maxin�um hei�lrt�f�valis w�ithin the frant setbaUk is 3�cet. Ma.�ciit��ui�lieight r�f �v�lls c�se�vhcre o�tlic�r4pert��is 6 feei. 3 , � � TIIliT AT N V � FC ATI Thi�fc�ni�is tes vcri�y sc�'ic�av��ilahility and lUCati[s��for s�c;w Constn�ctian�utid:�hcauld Uc uSGC�in r.onj�incti�sn with Prc�ari«�your titi�ity pl�n a:zd scl�edii�in�is�sfzillxt��ns. Thc l�c�ti�n and a�ailz6ility of utilitics, whcthcr t}icv bc�ti�ii��tn�nl:��n�s or J�r�spc�scci Iis�cs,T��ist b��pprr��cd��n�vcrifie�i by the�c�ll�wiia�uti�iti�s fc�r th� ac�nin�anyi��r;�itu�lai�, � Atrthorizeci Si�r���hzrc 1.��-' U.S.�'cst Cotnnlsu�icatit�its 1-�;[?t� {J??-19$T 4b�i-fr'�(�f1 �r��9-45�(] � l'u�ili�:�crvic�C'oxa��any 949-57�1 C;ary Hal� Holy+Cr��s�;Elcctric�4:�s�rc. f�z���—�c��� 'I'cd'�-IuskylJt�h�t �3ov�d 1-Icrita�L C�6lcvisio�� T.V. �}4�]-Si3l) Stc�� Hiatt F;��lc [Z���cr W3ter & ����it�tic�n District * �i7f�-74�0 Frc�1 H�s�lcc _ _ � * �1��:�c�s�in��j sitc�la�z,t1c��sr plan,��nci Llrvaticss�s�vhcn o�ia'tnif�g Upper���lc V��llcy V4'�1tCT'&S�3�lit:iticm si�«attdres. C�ic-c 1lc�w�i�:�:c�s �i�+.sst b�.�tddr�,�scd. NC7TE5: �, it't��e i�kility verific�ti�a7 fo¢'«�l��s signatz.�res fr�m each�af t�e ut�lity�oinpat�ies,and no cQttl�t�etti#s 3r�rrtaric dircctly on the forrn,llz�?c�ti�+n urill presuine t13�1t thcrc�►re no prohlcros aa��! 4hc c�evelo�a��cnt�csi� praceeci. 2. lf a utility ca�a�pa��y has csrncc���s with t'hc��c�poscd cons#rti�ti�n,thc utility rcpr��entative shall n��tc d.ircctly�n the ucility vc€'i�ca�i«n t��re�i that tlicre is�probles�l tivhicl�aaeeds to bc r�salved. The iwsuc shQUid then hc d�;t�ilcd in�n attach�d lct#cr ta the Tnwn c�f Vail. Haw�e�er,�leasc kce�rn t�3ii�d thlt it is th�responsi�ility�of tl�e utility�ompany and thc appli��nt t�rest�lve idcntitied prable�n5. 3. "1 h�se�erifcati�ns do iaat relie��e thc coEit�actor gf th�res�ransibility#o at�f=`►in�Public Way Permit frc�m ttt� i}c�art�ti�alt of Pub6ic 1VQrks a#the Tosvr�nf'Vail. Utiii l �ati��n� tti �ab ined hef�re � i�i in any�ruhiic ri�iit-vf-way crr easetnent witl�in the�"own c�f Vail. A E��tilding�crrn�t iti n�k��ib1iG'�'av ncrinit�nd nwst be abtaincd se�rs-�tely. 4 . ` � � I. PR�-APPLC .�TI�`Q_1�._�1���E '� A y�rc-.��r�lic�Fic�n confcrcriec��°1C�1 �k F7�i11113fi1�S�i3F�171L111�3�1'15${TQTI�'I�l Ci1COlI�`c��,'G{�.NC7 c'1�1�7�1C.��EC}Il C1f3 I'}C �zeGe�rtccl unle�;s i2 i�Com�fct�:. ft is thc a��iicant's responsi�i4ity t�ny�ke�tn ti�ay�c�ii3tnx�;i}t«Rith thc;�tafi�t� dcter�i�itie�3C�[�I1E011�I tiLl'E7111E[Iil� CuQl11CCITlC11lS. I€. TIM�: k�F L]IPt�ME1�T� Tfic.U�:si�i� Review Ba�arc# iizects t3tt thc lsk and 3rd'4Uedn�sciays c�i�c�Ch j��a�lth. A cc�rn�sietc�pplicatiai� i`ort���ii�ci all acCCs�7���tfly�i����rzatc�-ial rns�st t�c accc�teci tay thc C:�rii����inity C�e�•c)c�}�iz��nt C]epartrtie»t a minimum�f iht'ee and�htilf(3 1,��}evGCks�riar tc�th�datc t�f the T)t��3 �i.iblii ltu�ring.w•itka tlt�exccpric�n nf �oi1C�}�hi�I review;. lll. REVIFW C�KITF,�4A Ya�ur�ro�ss7�a1 wi11 i��rcr�icwcci f'ar cot��plian�:e witl}t'�e Desi�ni C�uidclines as set f�rth iia Scction ]K.S4 nf thc M�snicipal (�:cr�c. IV. T�(lT�' TC)ALL APPI.iCANT'S; A. If a prca�crty is lvc�teci in a iita�pcd ha���{i arc�(i.c. si�a��.i�'�laneYte,i's�ckf�ll,#loottp�lain, debris #�ov��,w�tland, etc},a ha�a��c�shtdy rr�usi bc si1l��?littcd�snd tf�c own�r�t�ust sign an afiidavit rccu��iait3�;tl�c har.�lyd r�.port pris�r tc�t��u�sstsan�c caf'a t�tuldin�peraait. A�r�licanks ar4 cncc�ura�etl to cl�ec�:��+itt�t�ic planniizg;:�taf��E)ric�r to subri�ittal oI"� DRS�}��licaticrn t�dctcraninc tlie rclationsl}ip of thc�'srspctrty te7�li �iza�a�v� li4�r.��rdw. 13. L3�sic Plan ShcC#Forna4�t. F�r�i11 �ti�r�•cy=s,sitc�ians. l4u�dsCapC plaiis��n[1 4tlaCt'Sftc ii7��J1'CSVCill�nt:� �l�is,�11 Uftlie falltnvit���t�u�C l�c sht�GVr�. 1. 1'kan shc�!SiT���it�st�c 2�"x3�i°'. I�as'lar�;c�r���j�cks�1�r;�eC�ia�t sizc itZay bc allasvc�i. �.. Scaic. 'I.I�c Y3air�in�unt scalc is 1"=2(}'. All pP�ns atutst b�a#tfic s�irnc sca�c. 3. Ga�a}�ltiic h.Er sca�s:. 4. Notth arrcf�v. �. Titic hlc�ck,pro:{cct n�iz7�c,�t�i7jcCt at�dr�ss��ncl ]c�al ti�:s�rigatia��. G, �ncfi��ti���of�1�n p�rcy�arcr.address 3nd�hon�nu���i�cr. 7. ❑alGS�f ors�inal 1��a��prcparation 4i��cE a!1 r�visiou dltcs, !i. Vicsivty ma�s car lQCalion n�ap at a sca14 af 1"Tl,�}4la'or lar�;er. �1. S3iec#.[abc14 and,�usa�bcrs. 1 L? . A �c�rrlcr rvit�i�t ntininit�t�j lel�sidc�z�argin c�f 1.5". 1 !. Nari�LS vf all �djacent r�ad�vZys, 12. i�lara le��cntl. C. Fc�r nc�v co��struction�7d additians,fhC Sj7[7IlC�llt 313135f 5��ike�rnd taE�v ik�c praject site tn i€�dicakc ��t'a�crty lines,prcf�ased�Uuilc3in�s�nd btGildi���camers. All trces to t�c�'cinot�eci must bv tap�d. The s�ppli�ant �tlits#cns�r�that�ta�:in�tfonc ciurin�tl�e wint�r is nc�t huried by snc�w. All sitc tapang� and stakind rt�ust he�:nn��leted prior tci tf��e day pf the L�RS me�ting. L3. A��lica��#s�w�ho faif tt3 ap��car l�e�c�r�the IJcsig� Revie�v Bc�arc�nn thcir scl��edi�led meeting datc and wlia fiar�e nnt a:�k�d it�ad�°an�e ttr�:t di�s:ussi�it oia their itern be�oslp���c.d,��iil have thcir ite���s rcn;oved fram thc Dl�}3 a�es7s��i unt�l stiich tin7c as ihe itera}h��hccn rcpu�li�hed. �, Tf#he I3RF3 a�r�rraves tlt��t�aplicatiata��rith co�aciitians t�r m�t�ificativt�5,n11 c�nditi�ns of��apro���ii ��iust be resol�ed�to the i�suancc of a b�iildin�perini�. S , ^ � � V. ST,4E�1; 11PaP�UV,�+t-. Tlre Adrnini�trat�r m1y revics,�,��tnt{��pres�i:L�csi�ti Rcwi�w appii�;atiQi�s.a��r�vc wat}1�crt��in mc�cliiicatio�i5, duny€he���)licati�n, c�r rna,y:'cfcr thc�p}7licati�n to thi ll�si�r� Rcti•ic�v E3oai�d fc�r d��`ss}can. All 5t<nff a��ro�r�ks��re subjCet€o tittal a��srov�l h}+thc Dftf3. 'Thc tn1Ic35��ing ty�{�cs Qf l7c�i�,� I�,cvic�v a}�pl�catit�n5��tay �c sttift'���ro�ud: ,q. A�y a���licatfon fnr�n additinil ts�ari cxisting ksuildin�ihat is co��sistent syicl� thc architcctural dcsi�ir, ni�tca-ials a�1��colors caf the h�arlc�in�,as3�l a�►Pr�����1 lias bccn receive�l �y�1 authari�cd meixtbcr of a catz€3amit�ivm�ssociafion.if ag�piictthle; £�. An���{�p�ic�tiors to iat�,d�fy an cxistin�lauilc�in�ltiat�1ous nat si�n"sftc�u}tly�ctiatr�w#l7e existing�l�taics of khe t�uiictirtg ancl is b�:tzC+'afl_y consistcnt wstl�tltic 3rchstectural ci�;sign, niaterialti a»r1 ccrloz'S nf the huildin�.iiYC[uclin�,bt�i»ot limits;rl to�xtcrior k�uilciing finish i��a�eri�als(c.�;. stdiacti�v�rk,sidir��,rcj�f n�aierial�,y��int€rr 5ta'sn.), cxtcric�r li��ttin�.canopics oi`awnin�s,fenc�s,�a�t�:FSx��s, satellite tfisltc;�, 4�rig�dows,sk}fli�lrts,sicfi¢3�;,tixii�or co�Tit�}ercial f�C�dc;isa��►rnucmcnts,aY�d�tlicr similar modi�iC�ti4ils; C, /��iy a���lic�tiesn fUr site irii�rn��cments ar o�7o�lif catic�ns in�l�rdin�,but ne�t lii�iited t�,di�i�r�way mcdifc:itic�n�,situ�radin�;,sit�;�r'alls,rec�anvai ar n�osiificatic�i3s tn cxi5tin�l�u�d�capin,�,installatiaii Qf acccssoiy stn�ct«res ar rcci��.ational f3�aliti�s. , 1��. �1I]DE"i'i[)NAL REV EL�'ANL�FFE�i A. I9'tSii5 a�plicat�c�n rcyi�i['cs���c�raratc�cvic�a bV`��y loc�ii,s[at�; o►`F�,dcr,�l a�cney otlt�r than thc "I'owtt of`���il,ik�C�p�licatiesn fcc sl�all l7e incrca;c�i l7y�20U.[)4}. Cxat77�lc:�c�f suCl� r�vicw,i3lay incla�dc,h�it arc ttot linaitecl tc�; G��vra�ic� [7�;part�itcn!4f N�i�hway r'�cces5 1'crmits,Army Ct�r�ss of �Il�'li1L'4I�S 4��,Ct(;. I3, Tl�c isp�slicant sh�ll i�c res�on5ik�l�;f�r pt1�ll7�i117�+Fliit]IiS�llll�'FCCS L[+�ll�:kl�irc in cxcc�y af 54`%�f thc. ��pfic�tiasa fcc. ]f,�t tlmc a��pliean#'s requ��t,a��y�7aaftcr�s�ostp�ncci f�r licar7n�,c3tssin�thc it7a#tcr tr� bc sc-}�ubliskt�d,#hcn thc 4��tirc fec for 5uch rL-p�ibli�atian�hall bc�ait�by thc���licant. C. AF7Fl�dCEit10llS(�CCd11Ct�I I?�tH?iC�C.C31�1[ZZW7iLy L�CVCIQ�7[IYCII�DL'�]?1CLfIlCllt t0 I7iivc c��:si�,rn,land us��r othcr iggucs�vhich sa�ay' yl¢7VC 7.iS�,TlIlllCc`UlI ltl3�"Ie1C�OIl S�`8G CUS1liZlLiillLy I771]I CC(�LIlP�CCVI{:W�J'y CU[1SLlI�<�.nt5 in acii4i�i�an t�"1�4vv1i wt�tfi: �Sha�ild a determinatiQ�i k�c madc t�y thc To4�m �t�ff�tlaat an at�tsi�ic cons�slta�it is nredcd,the Cos7�n�ttnity l��v�lop���ermt Dcparitticnt��3ny hire thc�tmsul[�r�t. �he Deptirknacnt sl�all e4tim�tc tt�e a���o�u1t af rz�cm�.y r�ecessary tc���y thc co�'s�iltant and tfiis a�Y�c��u�t sliall�rc tc�nva�'d�.d ta th�Tc�wn 6y tl�c a�plit�nt at tiac ti�ne nf�iling a€g a��lictitian. �xpcns�s ii7C�u`ced by thc�Ibwza r�� excess of tttc�r7ioY�nt f�frwardcd by thc ap�alicatip�i s�ral! 6�pt�icl to t�c'i'oe�tl by th�applic�nt within 3U ciay4 of���#i�cation b�t1�c Tou�m. Any cxc�ss fs���c�s r��ill be rc;turite�e�the a�Plicant up�i3 rcvic�� cc}mplutioiz. • 4 V , � � � C��+iCEPT[1AL 1)k�S1{GN REV'IEW ►1 t� ��������� .� . 1. (;ENEI�A IItiiF'C)T��AT1C��i T�yC ccrncc�t�.ia] rcvicw is i�itcn�ed to����tl�u�}�plicant a hasic wzdantanclin�af'kk�c cott�patibality nf the prca�r�sal tivitli#he To�yn`s Ucsi�� G��'rdcli��cs, Thc d�RE3 docs��at vote a�7 co��eJ�tua] rc��i�.�vs. Cc>�it�afcCc,��plic�tions must be sLi'�mitteci two{?) w�Cks prsvr to�schet�u�ed t�RT3 i��cctir��. rl. �,11F3MIT'I�AI,RF. []i1�EM ��NTS C] A conce�tual sitc a«d�andscape�lan at�ttiictin�un�s��ie of 1"=�()'Ur�arger; p Conc���kuai elevanians shc�wing exteri�sr�natcria�s and a dc:scri�atic�t�of thc character of t4�e�r��t�s�:d Structt�re or strructurc.s; ❑ Cotn�lctcd Dl�£S a��li�:afion �arin, �7 �andt�isiii�i�s�tt ASSOC:`t�tion a�a�r�avx! [if�}�plicahfc} lff. !'RU 'ED JRF Up���rec:�i}�t t�f�t�a��licatian fnr cancc�[�i�l �dGsi�n rcuicw,thc Dc�a.rtmcnt oi��v�t3inw�"sty dc�cl�,�mcrrt sti�ll r�vic��thc s��bri�attcd�7�akcrial5 far�;cner�f cQrnpli�ncc��itli illc �►��rr��ri�lv rcqtiircrt7cnt:�c�f thc zat�ii7�cod�, ff thc�rc�y�ashl i�in bdsiC Cvtta�rli�ac;c ti�ith ihc -r,s�r�i�}�cc7cic rcq��ircr7�ccits,ti}e projec9 shtill hc fc�ns�drd�d to!hc 17�8 fC�r can�c�tual rc�i�w. If thc�p�li�atiost is n4t�cners��ly in�oiai��fi�t3ec with a.oa�it3�;cpdc rec��tiremcv�ts, thc a��lic:atioE� �id stiit���littal mt�ten�ls�li��l l��returneci to thc a��3icant wit�a�wCilt�:t� cxpf�tt�tio�t 7s tt��wk�y ihC�'os3l��iii��ity C7ev�lapn�ent T]c�r3rtmcP�t slaff it�s fou�3d thc�r�jcct nvf to b�ii�com�liancc with zcar�sn��:ca�ic rcquire�it�nts. �?ncc a cortlplete�pptication ly�s bCCn rccei4�cd,t�1C �R�SI�7II t'C�'iCW Li1C SUf71T]3ttCCi conceptua] rcvie��ap�lscation arid si�ppQrtin�;material in r�r�lcr to detei'�7trt�c v�hcthcr ar nat tlic p�'o,ject gencr��lfly G�ttlplics wikh the tie�ign�,ruidclincs. Th�D:�E3 dve5 npz�rc�tc an co�ee�t�al r���ie.ws. The property trwn�e at'a rc4arescntati�re shall be�resent at the DRI3 he�srirzg. .'**Cnntz�ct Fs,c,>le. C❑�anty l:ssess� 0£ficc . � ��at �70–�2F--9b�iD f�r Pareel i T[�F�v�N ❑F VAZL CC��i�`J�``�?UC'.L°`iG;� P�i��IIT �' �'e1RCFL 01,�,. �'�RM.�T AP�L�CATlOIr` FORM — �� -'"l�s f���i�l� `�+4��--"S��J . L��ASI� APPL�CATION MUST BE FSLI�1� dL7T C�MPLETELY O?� YT MAY NO'I' Bi AC�EPTED �*��r*�r�r���x��*�*������**��*��t�r PERM�T �NFQR2��:�TI�N **�*�*���-�t���r*����*���������, � [ �-1�aaixding [ �-P��mbzn� �,]--Elec�ricaX ,.�' - ,�- [ �--Me�hanical [ ]-Q�her Sob h'ame r��'� " " ` �'"`�i'>.��. fV; r- __ �,.� � �—. '-���.,�'�".•,��� �ob Address. ', -�- '�,,,,�',�z�,_� �, �_�"���,�' CCi -----� Leg�1 i��s��:ipti�n: La'�� Blc+ck Fizitzg . ����T>'� : f U$DIV � / ' . . �wne.rs Nar��e: '�`��'� '�-�:���--f _ _,_ T - ' I�d�r-ess: ,-`,?';:�'.,�C_.',,�'�.-rr�'tzc.�.� fi'xt!'- [/�r–�-"„ �'h, ��'!� _1 - � , _ ' 1��C�].1�GC�: � ''�� ..'it�_, ' A�.dr�ss: ,P Pk�. Gen�r�l Deseri��.�on: � ` :�� ` � � -`". . r' � r ...- � . �''�,!�j,r,,. , ' • . .� -�- �-'' Work C�ass,_ [ ]°N�w � ]-A�.tcra�.ic�n -,�dd�t,ior�al' L - � � ] -Repair r ]-other huraber crf Dwe�.�.inc� Unit�: � Nt�ae?� o� Accari�r.lociat:, � . on Units: N mb�r and Type nf Fi�-ep�,aces: Gas App�,iar�c�s Gas Lr� .� g� Woc�df�eJ.�et ��r���***����*�;�*����������:*���x��r VALUATSDNS ����:��������r�r*�r���r����*��r�:���-���� SUiLD�NG: �* EL�,C'?'F,ICI-�L: �.: OT�iE�: � PLUMBI2�TG: $ MECH..�'�IICAL; $ TJT�I�: � ��x��t���-�*����������������� CONLRAGTaF. INFQR2�ATZ0� �����������t*���t�*����*������ �n��aZ �ontrac�ar: � A�c�ress: Town r�k Vai� R�g. I3O. Phc�r�e TJumher: ���ctrical. Ca����c�c�k: .�c` v �r A�dress: ��� = � �`" .,�1 T�wn af Vai�. R�g. Np. - � Phc�r�e �7uml�ez: �'�'"�_�, � 3�'���_j �t's'�>���G� P�umbir�g Con�raci or: Town oi Vai], Rcg. hTC}. Addr�ss: �/.�� ��;�,�� 2�umber: Mecha:�i�a1 Contr�c�vx.; Address: �'owYZ oz Vail Peg, N0. �'�7,QIl� NlZI[l�]2'_'; • �*�r���������������*��x������x��* F+JR �FF�CE US� ���*����**��*��*��*��������r*�*� BU�LaING PERM�T FEE: ' F3Ux�,DSNG PLA�T CHECK �EE: PL[3I�HxNG PERI•S�T FE�: �'L[TI�:�TNG Z'LP.N CHECK ,�E�;- ML�CHANIGAL �ERT*IIT FEE: MECHF�.`�I:CCAL P�.,A2d �H�,CK F�E: EL�CTt`t±.CIiL �'EE: RE'CREATSDN FEE: �'I";�iER TYP� �F F`r.'E: C.�EAh�-UP DEPQSIi: DR� FE:�; T[]`?'r'�L PNRMIT FE�.S; � T�'PE GF�OUP SQ.FT. VALUAi z��I BC7�LDSAIG: S�GNFi?xU��...t: � -�- ��r�zrr�; STGNATU�E: Commcn�.s: • � , � 'C1�.1�tv T;iz D�.C�S?:T RE�i]t�iI7 'Tt3: � o#�� � �. �����'� � �"�,, � {'���`� �� ����� � � � ��� . �� ►� �� �. �� .. TflWN O�F YA1�L � � � Departrrt�nt o�f Commurtiry Deve2c�pment . � 75 South Francage ,�aad 1�aa2, Catorado 81657 ��a-���-za,�� � !�'A,� 970-479-2452 ]Vr��e��nber Z3, 1998 Mr. ]c�hn H��en 1141 Westt�ank �aad Glenwo�d '��rin��, CQ S l G(l l ��lA C:ER"I'IE1�.L7 ��A[L fZc�: Tlr� Rr�ry.s� f.r�c�!��:' 1 Tt33 N��r�dh ly`rrar�l��c Rc�c�d 'C��ar Mr. Haz�n: As yQU are aw�e, t�e To���n oF Vai� I7esi�n I�eView T3r�ar'd (DRRj r�cently d�cnied the R�ost Lod�e's �p�ticatiort for��dc�itiQnal �xt��•�c�r 1ightin�. A,t thcir N�arretr��er 4t1�, ]9�8 mcetin�, thc D1TB �avc y�nur a�e��re:�ei�t�ti�e �}�e�ific direc#ir+r� Un h�w t� �chieve �ar�pliance with th�e �Cown. of Vail c:c�des and d�si�n r�vir�4u �u�t�e�tnes. Hnwe�er, tl�i:� exterinr la�htin€� was installed a�� or about �lovei�ber 1 S', f 99$ —w�thc7ut t'CGCipt Of either DRg appfOV�l (�7 ��inl�xllCaia nf,S�clir�ii 1�- 11-3, '7'r,tivrr c��`I'cr;!h���r�icii�crl�-`rxa��)c,r an el�ctrical pertnit (c� ��ialcr�inrr n/.4ectrrttr 10-1-�. 1'r�»�rl r�f Yc,�iPlV1'r,�f�iei{�cx!('cic#�,�, As af this ciate, no r�vi��d pi�ijs have bee� subir�itte�i which ref��ct a good faitlj �ffnrt tcs c�7�forn� ta tl�e Tr�wn of Vaii c�des or �u€delines. Yc�u:-represer+tatir�e ��v�s al�t� infor���ed at tl�rs meetis��, c�f an �n�tstar�dir�g issue with re�a.rd lo t}ie Roo�t Lad�e"s#E-asF� faciiities. Pursuarrt tc� Sectic�n i2-1 jr5, `1"�]wn c���Jail Muni�:ip�] Ctac�e, �arb��e stc7r��� f��tlitae5 slt�.11 be �cr�er}ed f�o�n�t�ja.c�nt prapertses. �urrentiyr, the unencic�sed ciurn�ster c�n yo�ar prap�rty is �ighly wisri�le frc�►n ad�ace:�t }��-aperties and it�c�toa-ist�alon� Nt�rth �'rc�nt�t�e �t��d �.c��iitic��a�ly, the J�lac�rnent nf the Roost Le�d�e lc�go �n this dutt7�ster cQr�stitutes a c�ia�a�icrn of t�ae Towm oF Vail 5ign ��e�ulatians. Please cc�t'rect these c�utstandit�g vinl2�tierns 17y �riday, Deccinber i��t, in nrd.�r tQ a�void the i�suance a�°a�itati�an. �3nc�e th�ese i�sues ha�e �een r�so�ved, please conta�t rne at(97�J) 479- �1Z8. � ���Rf.Y,"SCLEDFAfiF.R . � � �`his certif�d letter shalt :ser�e$s�n offscial notice of vlot�tion on this propetty. Si�ce�-�ly, � �,.�L.�'.�----- Brent VVilsan Pla�tning Li�iscsn C}ff'FCet- cc: Tvrxa Moc�reh�ad, Tawn Attc�rney _ �AN—l�—�� TU� 1:+��� �'�' �A�;�7�:��4�u?s+� =��L � " ,.� �,, �.�• ��� �-�--,...,..... .����.. . � f„fs �I p� -vrs- : ! � � i �� � � . � . .D1-04f.1�,�2425 � �� �4a� L?�V'E1,��iR [!ulP���MENI"P4GREEME " ��� � `��"�'—�" I .�' . �G4�'��+'���iFi���{.�.[1(Tr i�Y��4�t1'�'f1tPYE�1l1�U� ���]t b#����� 1,���?"f �7'1��1�,,,f �'��„���,�an�a�rno� eJr�r�l r.er (tt�r��rs�t�ar�ailed t�re"L)evetv�r�, tfte TQ�tiAfN �F VA�L (tt�:+�$�1�Ster(�e�khe?G�"). 1��, � � ��'(�S�— �E��1�T�[1�ir�$�{3�?4�a c1S r'I C[7�TC�iG411{?���OV3t Llf�A � {��rts,dat�d � �l'__;.!^''�`'--}�''{°��,m 7��'+n��s ��te�r irr�o a Dev�c�er i�rra rnent �gre�me�t, 2� '�+1F�tER�AS,t�e f�+ef�c i�pbf:gat�[tc� prv�de 8+2c�trity trt C4lI�t�*i�! S�u�i�ci�t in il'� !�'8merrt o���i�wn to ma3ce r��e prccn��ior� fpr c�rnpl� vf+r�a�rr impro��rraer��s set€Ct'it� be3Uw;an� W�iER�e4S, t���e�r�q�e�wishseS ib j7r�ved2 C[31l�.t�3'2�3 �U �ll2fr7tfif'+�p!2i'{C�f13't8t7C0�t #�Zs ►�1gr+��f, tndr�cfis�g ca�uc4ion ot lt3e at3ov�re($re�cecf tr�spr�overrtents by m���f tt�� f�l�v+w�rinQ: Q0v$ivper�es t8 es�abEish a C��depasit wittl !he T�v+�m Ot'Ira�l Ire �d�tl3r amour�t M$�C��t� `-°—"�i 25%01�e��I3ttif CO�t Oi#T��r woKk Sir�rw[t betc�w�to prQV}�S�CUr[{y fpr ihe �a4kr�rirrg- � lMPRO�V�t�1Eht'M'� � �� ���� � �� � � .� �"v� t �. �,����-��r�.�" �"�� �"���� I�' `� �� � � � � ,�,�1'+� f F -�-,�f.�, C ,� ,�' � �.-�r ' � NGW, TH�R�FQF�E, 'tn Gcr��ra�Errt off tt��fcr�aw�g �rtu�tral cov�r�a:rts�rtd a�gr�ments,'{�� D�velt�aer�r�ci#����uvn ag�ee as�oltours: 1. Ttx� �a�rre{4pes�ag�r�2�,at i�st+ie�St 2is�d ex�4�lsss, to"h�mis� �i��v�?mer�t and matert�.4 r�ec�ss��y to perfonn arid cornpd�t�a�1 improver�rrls, ar�o�b�ffcrv � . Ti�e Deve�c�s s��lC ca�er��, �a�g�ad warkmanrke ma�r�r, 8�# irrr�rave �n�s as ffst�d�bovaa, €� aracord�r+c�with alf p�an��rt�?�C+�ic�I��,�FiFed ��t�te of�rc�c�f the C;omrr�nity[3�r�lC�pmen#Departrner�€,�te�°aum �i Vas'�,a�t ta dv�i vmn�it ' �r�tertt�f thereta �rdn� tv�d �rr�compi��c+��v,t�r�he i�lla�r'ang: � �cr� ath�r�sigr�,dr�u►ing�, ma,p�,.�p9c�c,a�arrs,skei�es, ar�t�tl�er r�aQ�' �ta�rn�!hy'�� ��rel�tv t�E 2�i'OV�d bY�y fli t�te a�v����ete,�+c�xl �ov��s ers�ite�. AIE said work s#t�b�done urrder�e i�#5��� o# attd tp '�e sab�sirac�Eior� o�, ttre To�rn �ngirr�f, tf�e Ttyr�m Bui[tlirtc� 0'tfi�i�, ar ather �nf�CiB� frr�rn t!'te�awr� vf V��I,as ef!`eded t�y s{�a�q,iStr�+ets vr s�r'vic�clfstntt�5, as th�r r�ve irrter�est may a�p��, and �#r,�ll nvt be desrned co�feEe u�t�`i �rov� ar�d��c�d as c�mp[et�d by the�Towr�nf Vaif Corn►rntrzifiy �?��lopment De�rtm�t ant!�'ubi'ic iNorics De�a�rt�rent. . �. To S�r�and c,�uarant�� �#cxm� pf i'f�ab���a�c�r�s as sec fc� h�e'sr�,#h� C��YE.'C4�i �f�:�S�tiy pr'[]YZdH S�G�ity�L}�C��}�t8fc� 2S fUl{01NS: o,.,.,.. �.. . iA.:�-'��-�� T�� �i.�:�: :�� i?�r�;�7iiJ�d����i� �:�k�� a J4 C3�� if�{7�ik�f'C{ tf� thl'$t�'lYf}4,ift�QP$ ' �i�;�`��= �[3�@'�'�►#�iG TOWR� a1S e�taw age�t, s�pr��v'st3e the secc�rtiiy#vr#f�� irnprava�+�nts s�t f�rth ataove i�ihere is a d�fisuf� ur�der the Agreem�r+#bY C��reic�sr. 3. lire I}eve�c�er rr�ay ai�r��r�rme s�t�sMute th��o�aterdi �rigfnaliy s�et�o� �b�ve ir�r ano[Y�r 1o�rrt�r�eo�t�,teraB accepta�al�to th�Tbwn to g�araMee f�ee f�fu( c�m�4ior� ai tt�ose irriprovemerrts re�enr�ed ta her�irt $nd t�ua��'o�ma�tC�C�ihe t�s [�#ti�'s� Agr��ner�t. St�s accegta�►cr:t>y' itt�Tow+m C�a�t�mati�e c�f�ateral 5�s2+L[t�af the�o+nm"S S�E r�scr�tion. a. Tl�e 7awce s�2�� no�� f�or 5ha11�y+Df�ic�P �Dr�r�pl�yP,.�tt�l�re�#,�re i��e �r rc�pons�l�fv�'any�ocid�tt, le��.s o��e happer�ng ar c�cczrcrir��tc� t'Ftt�w€rrk s�e�Hi�d in 1�+� Ac��n�t�nor�o t�e c�nptet�an aRd �tar��vf t�s s�une, �3or sha�t��To�rm, nar artY O�tCef or ern��yee t#�e��, be fiab� fr�r�arY Perscxts or pr�r'rnl�rre�d f� r��son af �tte r�re a�s�ic!v+�ar�c,tx�t�� Df �d ii2�]�i�,'s�s sYr�S{ 2�nd ct�e�etE�y�,.sstlrn0d by the ���[4�. T�ae Devefoiper hGr�Y�gre�s#o s�ciemritiy 2�ti ttold hatrnless the T�w�, es►d any of its �f€�cer5,�ent� �r� �ay�es a��nst any tass�s,cJaims, damages, or Ria�rilitias fo whic�r tt�e �awrn ar any df[ts c�f�r,ers, agerns or�em�t�Yee�m�Y��'�ui�lec�fa,�+�scs#ar as ar�y � tc�sses, c��ims, cf2��ges cN�a�����s (�r aG#'it��s iri resp�t t�'ec)fy th�,t �5s vut vt or� bas�d � any p��rrrrr�a�c:��Y t�e Deue�aper hefeu�er;and k'�e bevefoy�r sh�l! r�m�xarse �6 Ts�w�'for arry as�d atf tegaJ ar�ther e�c�nsas r�asan�b�y i�c�rrecS'�y�h9 i'own in conraec�ia� w€i#i invers�g��g or dc�ndr�g a�y sucd� �QSS, cf�im, �4arnage, rabitity c�r 2�3#+�r�. i'h�s ind'�nt�y prov�iorr 5��i1 be ir� �cfd�tian tc��r'ty Oih.Br Efab�sty r�rtsicfi the Dew+eJDpeT may h�VL?. 5, t�i� rrtutu�liy a�re�d f�at�e Devaloper m�y app�Y to the TOurn 8i�d tt�row� sh��autf�or�e �c�r p�r3�� releas�e o� ttie tx�ll�teral de}aosrteci xr+in!ha Towrr#vr�a:� categc�ry' of im�xovem�r�t ai su�t�me as suetr lrnpro�ernen�s�re c�ca�as�uct�d In cv�g�ianr.�w�au ptans anc3�ons as nefcrencc�here�rKfet�,nd ac�te�bY th�7avm. k�r�dex'�a con+d�iern wii#th�e arnaurrt of �e ca�lateral#t+�1s being he+d b2 reciuc�d t�ous the arn+�u�rtk n#,7C4�S21[y to GO�ete sut:h im�}rOVet1'1�f1tS_ �_ t#tt�e Tawti d+�te�rsrir�e�that a�ny r�the irrrprovem�r�rs ct�Me��Cal�d t�ers+n�re not ccrr�s�rvuc�d in cam�f�.nc�with t�te plar�s ar�i sqeC�c�ab�ar�s set�or#�t i��r�iz�by me c�at�set €ortl'� ira P�ata�Jr.a�ah 2,the Ttr�m rrtay,blJt Sh2�l� nt��D�r2�{raii�t�a,wittickaw 3�a�t�s t�e G3sh 0��5i�S�]Cll�1117L�$2l�fCl�y'#?� il�$�(��Cf�Rlp�@[e ��tlfT$RISf1Ef1 ftiT�fCV!„'PiT2�1�5� �7� Yf)Vti►fi.$�l�ll �'��SUG�k'Ffl��r IJ���@ Wt'��#3f1 TEi�1,12�Gl�'�'i0 S1+aZ�Of'�1��'�ii{S`�ti]ilt�' L3ev��apm�r+i�epatu�ent sta�Rg ttiat�s ircs�xa�rerr�n�s Ir��re r�o#be�rt cvn�1�#�a� req�ir�d by#tse�reerner�t- Tl-re Tcpwn shaif no'�r�uire tl'��C�o�+CUats�►C�ot t�l�-d�e4o�er pa�or ta Ctte rele�s��f ttt�furids, n4r s��l�'te Tvwn �a req�ired#�ver��yy r�C�ep�zriendy that the impsrr�emertts haa�nat b�en �tra�teted a5 r�.cir�t3y this Agreemen�,h�.�t shait relaas9 Se�h #unds sole}y u�rci�t i�t� reqt�t of the C�rnm�r�i#y �7eweloprraerttt D�;rtraner�i_ �ths�sts c�#c�1m�letinc�tiae wark ex�e�et!the arr�a�r�f 4f tt��t3e�if,tl�e gx�ess, fagettzer wi�1 E�3tef�t 8�t t►K�ive�cer�t p�e�'ar��rusm,sFtaN i�e a ii�n ar�a�st the ptGp�rty arad m�y �COfiBCt� kry�fv��su�€or r�ay be re�rtF�"r�t1 t�s t�re tre,asu�er of E�I��`r4ttnty CG �!� cc�t�eeted ir�fhe�2une�rtanr+er a�Cl����q�tent ad val�r�m tax�.5 iev€ed agairtsi sud� �ro��• � m�p�rm�t h��er faias v�rei�as�s i�camplet�cr�e c[�anup and tart�cap�r�g, as de�ine�in tt�s cha�ter, such'f�ilu��� retus2�1 sha116�c+o�sidered a v�aiatio� vf th� Zoning +C�d�. 7. The Q�v�c�p�r warrar�ts�.11 w�4rK�nd�ateria� ftx �perfod o�a�s�ye�r 2�'ter �i�rtc�oi�i�YYw��rk r��t� 9r�xr�is A�recmcrit by the T�vr�p�ur9uar�t fiv Se�t�crn 17_��.,�5()i�a�ch waris i� it�cated or� 7rNrr�o�t Vali�rap�riy�G�w�t"sn 7owr�o�Vaal �igh�crf-way. 8. Ttre�ariies �rereto rmrd�a'�fy�ree'tt��,t ti�s A�ree�meftt m2�y be am�det!tr'�7m 1#me t4 time,�pror�that�uch ame�en�s�F�writing arti0 e�;c�ste�by a�i g�e� F,cre�. a�.ted th�s�i8�r,�!y�ftrst a�ove w[itt�. F�e 2 ct 3 . !A?+1-;�-9� TGiE �+'�:4u F?k'. � . �. k;�7ti9���9R��� � PA�E 4 , _'��G, C_v�J��'�J f J Y�r��'"..�-�- Cle�r@l�pgr Q�� �°�l �1P.�L� � STEl�QF�+Q�.Q�FE� � �`y- +CC3LIM�Y{]F EPI�LE ) �,� 'T�re for�ego [levelop�,r frr�rorler�+e�+i A�r��f w _�ckrr�w��r�� f�Gf�3rs me C � /f�� —��y�?f ��c� �3�'���yr � ° Gz ?.c� Wi�SS my�tar►d�nd o a#t ssa.l. �y comrn��ic�n ex�r�ss; "' ���- �`•! � � � � , � �� _� �. �`���.�-� � �a� �ar 7 A �. . .F'i�nner, r�►c,a�tCy��+nelc�rn6n# STATE+C���C7�LOF�A�? } ��� ' t,'.U�1NTY Q�F�GLF } TI3e fare�ol�[?e�relt�er I�tprav�e�nent Agre�e�t was a�kr�an�v�ged#�ore me tt3is �� d�y OF � Rf'tiJ�,'t'",�-'-`�.i. � y s��Y�� i Y' °��t!�}H�t t I'�;�_L�. Y U'�e���+hand anc3�aF�aa1 sreal. My C�r��nission+�xpires: �*-_° � �` ��'c' 1 '� � �l ± ��� � . �" ��� ; ;,±,-��� � .;. �� -� P���� ��� . � t,;�, Qar±k _ . - ..�__._,. � �'f�TE f3F C(7�.C?RA�I3 CC�UNTY�F EAQL� } The foregoin�L�erretoper l re�merrr v,r�ae#v�a�vie�l��d befc�e me t3�;s r��y of �y� W�trt�e5s rrry �r�incf off�2EI Se2[�. N�y�c�n expires= � �� , — -. _ ;. ,� Nvtary Put�jic . r � � ,. I�►esign R�vi�w Acti+�n Forn�. rawrv v�r�tt �' T��VVI'� �JF V'AIL.� �!'QJ�Ct�ai11E: �U45t �.E3(��� Froject �3e3criptiot�: Moving P�psi tna.�chine to rear �€�uilding#2 tc� non-�i5ible lr�catic�n (?wr��r, Addres� �nd Phc�ne: Rn�ney(:otton, 17�3 N. F'rc�ntage �'.vad 1,�l. ArchitectlContact, Addre:�s and Phan�: P�•aje+ct 5trc�ct Addr��5: 1793 T+�. �'r�n#ag� l�oad W, I.e�;al Descriptian: C.,c3ts 1(], 1 I, and 1,�, IIui�ehr C-re�k �ub Parcel Numher: I3uil�ing Twlamc: Ctammen#�: �oard I �taff Ac�i�n M�ation by: Actian: �taf�'a�pr�vcd Sec�nded b�: Vote: Ce►nditians: Tow� Planner: I?vminic �vlauriello Date: SII3199 DRB F�e Pre-Fa.id. �20.DU w � � 1iiSC��iVll:i.� �..�t�l{: 1'...�.f:lll��SC:ii: L.� i ,"i-_..:.^l �'� � � AFPLICAT�[)i� F�7R D,��i��T REVIEW APPROVA�L �������� ERA�, 1T�IF��RM.�TiC�N ThiS ap�Bicatios�is for any projcck�rcquis'in,�17csi�;n Rc�ictv a�pra��si. Any proje�t r�uiring dC5igz1 rCvi4'w tt�ust r�:cciv�. L7csi�i� Re��cw a�pra�rai prior tn su�mitting f�ar a bvilci�n�permit. �or s}�ecifc infarr�zativn,se�the subn�itt.al rce{�iir��i:ents fQr tfsc�ra�cul;ir a��r4ua!tlyat is rcqucstcd. �hc ap�licatior�cannat be ac�e�aicd irntiI all the rec�i�ircd inf'nrr�zatian i:;subsnittcd. Thc projcCt rnay also nccd tn hc r�ti�i�cwcd by thc T�awn C�UUn�il andl�r thc Pl�i�x��nd Eir�ir��as��tjesi€al C.�r��ittsssion. U�si�n Rcvieti� Bnart� a��roval c�x��ire�nne yea��after final apprnval un�ess a buil�n;permit is issuec! and constr�ction fs startec�. .. ��-- --°� / ' _� � � �,� l����r��'" A. ; CRi3'TI()N {�F'T= E REQUEST: y.i ; f�.r !�,,�-�� _ , ;��'• /'t-1:�f �j '�� i3. LC7CAT[C)N fJF PROF'C3SAI,: L�7T: �I.fJ�'K: FILIlwlG: . ��T -a � �� �. � � ��-y PHY�iC,�.L AGI?�ESS: � � � �f � f` .nr-"'��,-'r �' �'� ��' ['. PAR�G�L#�: (Cant�ct Eaglc Ca. AsscssQr;�C]�fiGe at�?(�-32$--��40 tor�arcci#} I�. Zt�fidil�fG: '� >� . E, i�1�+M�t]F CIWNEI��S): �,'`�,,,,.,���,, �!�,,'"' �,� -��;% y r � Mr'1[�,I�`+IG AQ S: ..f*[�.'i i'. rA.�f�,� /'ZC. ., , ... ' , � _ _ , � , _ � ��, ,� r .. --�` _ PHCJ�'E:�J'�C;� ;�`�� 5 �'"�,�.� ��-'�- . . _ , ' " _ �_,.�. ��. F�. O'4'1'TwiER(S) �ICNATURE(�). - . ' �. NAME C}�'APPL$CAT�iT: '�''.� . � ,� _ ��r .,c _ MAIL I'1�SS: :7: .' � ''r-e�sr�� �'`'`� :� c�'�° �� /r�� �' k'Ht7NE: �":�,,��. �_� ��_ H. TYPE C7F I��V IEW ANI�FEE: Q Ncw Construct�ni� -S2�Q0 Constr�tic4a�� ca#�a new��rldis��- 0 A�d�iitiar�- �SQ ir�clvdcs any a�iclition��+h�re squ�rc footdgc is acidcd t��ny rCSidci�tial ar c�snancrcial buildin;, Ci Mxn�r A,3tGration - ��[} I31CIlk(I�S Tt31TiC)T C�3dt]�CS xC7�ll1I�l1'l�S�ti�&lIC tI17�1TOV�ifIBAtS,such as, rcrooting,paic�kin�,wir�dow addirians,landscapin�,fences and rett3inin� wall�, cic. D�8 fcc.s ar�4o be paid at ttse tirrae caf su6n�ittal. L�ter,w�ie�3 applying fara buildin�pcnnit,plcasc i�i�ntify t$t�accura�c�aiva�it�n af the pro�ect, Th�T�rvn c�f'Vail will a�ijusi tlic f��accvrdiii�to t13c �ro�ect vaivation. PLEAS�+ StJBMIT THIS AX'1'I.ICATICIN,ALL S�1BiY1I"I'7'A.L REQ�II;E'�"iVIENT$r1�ND THE F+"EE TO TH� T3EPARTME�[T Q�'C[)PvllVfi]NI"I"Y D�VEL,OPM�NT. 7�5(7�UT� FR,Q�ITAGE�QAD< V�'�I�,COL�3Rt4.�14 �1657. Far af�icc� Lls��nlv;;:: . , j � J� f` f � � �; . ,': fi � �rT;� �'�e Paid:.. C.K#. ;�`�' �3y � -�, � � . . , . . _.�.... _ ,.:f ,..: ., .:_..,,.. _ . . , .. ,:. ,. , ,_. . _ _ . _ � ,. , .:_ .. Appl�catio��D�tc: �. i�RB �e��i�Q T�ate:,� . Prc.Appli�a�zort��r:t�t��;�atc:- � � � , . �-,Yf���-L, Design l�evie,w .��ti�n F�rm 4-x,�`_��. ~� A� �'�Wl� +�F VAIL �}���=���w�,t� � Pr�ject Name: Roost Lcrdgc I'`rnject D�scri�t�on. Dump�ter e�clas��i'e as canditi�n o��reti�ious DRB ap�roval {)wner,Ad�r�ss and Pt�one: Rndt�ey C�ttvn, 1783 1'�I. Frc�nta�e [�oa�i 'L'�. Archite�:IC'�ntact, Add�•cs� and Phone: p�=ojeet Strect Addr�ss: 1793 N. F,-antage Rnad W. Le�a417e�c�•i�tic�n: I.�t4 10, 1 I, and 1Z, Biiffehr C`r��k Sul� Parccl I�umber: 9�uil�.i��Name: Commcnts� B+�ard 1 Staff Actian Moti�i�i��y^: Actiotl: Staff a}��raved �cc�nded by: Vote: C�at�di�ie�n4: Town Plar�ner: Dominic �a�riello D�t�: 4113i9� DRI3 F�e I're-Pai�: nla . � �J' - � r . ` � . � -�_� 4 , -� f� ��; `���1� � � ' . � _ . � f��: ����} j , ' � ��' f . � �� �,' � r,�� '' r • � � � t---.�,,a� n� � � , r� ��';�� � f, 4� �, �� 1�� c� ���`'` � �, � : �i ,�,, ;�',�� � � � • ��'} , '�; , ti ..�� . L, � � ' � — ' �• ��� � rc� -° ' �� � �y ��° �; � ti f �y ' t �_ LLl � 4t � 4 ��. � , �"—� {� � � � � �" � �� �.�, � � �`: r �,� '`� '`a. �� .�'. � � � �--�--�.��- � i ; t.l f ,�`',y � ��1, �� �` �� � � �C�� � � ��4 � �i � �� j' ��" ��� �' ��. 1 �y� ! -i '� ! �I �v �r+ \ � � � � n �]t � '� �. 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'� +f3►����r�.�Sc�t�WG'�.si � �' � - ���t�f , �Y �-.�� �(�;�:_;-- Lec�a1 Des�riptian: Lo'��i!'�}l�ri2 Black Faling ����isZDN• ,-:�.� r ,{ r���' ' ,1��.,�4c� L 1�- ��: �P �t �.:��,.;;,� �� , � � -� �`"9'� i�1°''C�v�,*�'-,� .- l`- .y€ c. '.[:ct_'r��`�.� . -c.,—e� , Qwn��s I�ame: �� �2-�� Address �� �.i. �'�-{�-. C_ �'r.�' Ph. '����� Y�S`�rr� Arch.�tect: � �� � �'�i I �i �"� I`� C'�� J � ���� �������i ��� �'� Addre�s: ,''� �C7 vC" Ph, �1� '� 7� ° ��°r'��'�� -�1�; �:�sh-"�' �`FT���.e.-�'� ��-LV��a rs,f r_�-r�.-� �enera� aescripti.or�:� ,� �., e �o ;�- �. F � rz_ �-r��r'��::�[.� �� r��,r�v 5 I�r�cv. � ���' !sr�S Work Class: ]�Sf-N�w },�Q-Alteratinn [ ]�Additional ,�-�epai� r ]-pthex° Numb�r of Dw+�lling Units� Numkaer oP A,ccammodat.�on Units: � �_ N m�er and Typ� af Firep].ace�: Gas Appliances � �as Logs Waod/pell�t ***�r***��r�,��***�r��,r�,*��**�**��r��*� VALUATIGI+iS ��t**���t�**�����r*�t*��r��r�r��*�**�*�* �, � . ` �. �S,' ,' BUIL�ING: �`=.�,.'�C� - �. �y E�+�TRIGAL. � {?'I'HEIt: � FLUMB�NG: $ � v � MECHANI�AL: $ -- TQTAL: � *�`*�"�'�**�'��`******** *****�� C�NT CTOR INF[3RMA.TIDN ****���*��r�**�**�**�r*,���� � �TIC'I'c^l� G0311�x'SCtD�: ��'yil�.l ` �"'c.f'•h.) C'L+�l�.�`(:-- f }#.�4,.,€..�- � -� _ Tawn of V�ii Reg, I+JO:� Addx�ess; 4-- ? ��. :c,�-��.� � .��,..�= Phone �'umber: ; � (��, ��1 G�� � E1�ctrzcal. Cvntractar: �r��, Town nf Vail R�g. Nc�. Address: Phc�n� Numb�er: Pl,umbing Cvntractor: �'`�� � Town rf Vai� R�g. NO. Address: � P1�one Number; M�chanical Cantractorz �`�'� ��L.-- T4wn of Vail Reg, YVO. Adc�ress; Phane Nu�er: **����***�r***���e*�***��t��r����*�* �'OR OFFIeE USE �*�r���r�x���r���***�����*�*�r��*�� BUI LI�II�TG PEF�MIT F�E: BUI L�I�FG PLAN �HECK FEE: ' F�LTJI'�SING PEF,I�iIT FEE: PL'UMSING �LLA1�T CHEC� FEE: E�1,, MECHANICAL PERMI'1' FEEt MECHAI+��CAL PLAN CHECk� FEE: EL�CTRICAL FEE: �RECREAT�f?I�T FEE: C�THER TYFE UF F�E, - s. CLEAN-UP DEP�7S�T: DRB FEE: °�' �'t3TAI, PERMIT F'EES: TYPE GFtQUP S+Q.FT. VALUA°�'YON BiJILDI1hTG: � '" ' _ S IGNAT[7RE: Z�NING: �.�.�a,_ �` �-a,��'�..�., S�GNATURE; � eomments; _ - ���-Lr+.�E. �Ir �^"1,- �.-�z�rA!^r ..��.�."��arL.:-�� � �r{�r;-r-+ ,��=?� ''' a ' Ci.F.AN IIP D�P.C?SIT REPiTND TO: . • ° � � � - �'�'+ n 7 ���If �� ��I 75 south frontage r4ad v�il, colarado 8'IBS7 (3p3} 479-�138 vr 47'9��139 otflce o! camrnunity dev�al�pme��t �UILpING F�RP;IT ISSUANCE TII�E FRAh1F If t�is permi.t requi�res a Town �f Vail F�re Qe�artment Approva7 , Engi r�eer'�s {Pub�ic Warks� revi�w a�d appravai , a Pl anrti ng Department revf�w or Heal �h depar�ment review, and a reuiew by the Bui7ding Department, tfie e�timated time far a tatal review may take �s lvng a� thre� weeks, AT 7 corr�rmerc ia� �T arge �r smal l } artd a T i rnul ti-fami 1 y permi ts wi 11 have �o fo�lvw the abvve mer�t�4ned maximu�m requirements . �esidentia] an� sma7� �rv,jects shouid take a 1�sser ar�pun� af time. Hawever, �f residential vr smaller prvjects im�act th� vari��s abc�v� m�entioned de�artr�ents with regard to necessary review, the�e pr�jects r�ay als� take tF�e t�iree wee'k p�riod � Ever^y attempt w�'17 he made hy �his de�ar'�ment to exp�dat� thi� p���mit as. soon as posstble. I, �he uRdersi�ne�, understar�d the �lan chee#c prace�ure and time f rame. � � � .�� � � �� �` �, �,r � �' �`�.�,,�.s�� [,.(�;-�, � I` , � � � �Q � . ��°�.c � � � �' �' � �Project Name � I �ate '�ork Sheet was turn�d inta the � Communi ty Devel o pmerit Departm�nt. � . - � � � . �r�,!y �Q'�n Qf V�i "x T5 soufi� fran4age road v�ii, C4larado 81657 (��a) 479-2I38 or 479-��34 o#ffce cf �vmmunity de+�elaprreen# �a= ALL CONTRACT�L3RS CCTRRENTLYL REGISTERELI W�Tf� THE 'fi�CJWN C3F VAIL FRQM: TC�Wt�" QF VAIL PUSLIC WURYS f COMI�TT[7NTfiY �EVELDFMEN�' �ATE: MARCH I6, I9$8 SU&�ECT: C�7NSTRU�TIDN FA��CING & MATERIAL STORAGE Srt summary, Qrdinance �Ia. S states th�t it is unZawfu� for any p�rscsn tc� 1.itter, trac� c�r d�posi� �ny �oil� rock, sand, debris ar materzal, incTuding trasl� durnpsters, gQrtable tcsilets and warkmen v�hie�es upon a�y street. sidewalk, a�1ey ar pub�iG �Iace or any portion thereaf. T3�e right-of-way vn a3.� Town of Vai� streets and roads is ap��-e�ximat�ly 5 ft, off pavement. fi�,is ardi,nance wz1Y k�e stri�t�.y enfarc�d by the Tawn af Vail Fulalic Works Departme�t. Persons fvund vic�3ating thi� �rdinance wil� be given a �4 h€�u� w°ritt�n notiGe to �cemove said mater�.al- In the ev�z�t the perss�n so n�atified d4�s not comply with the n�,tic� wi�hin the 24 hour time �p�cified, the Pub�.ic� Wcarlts Department wi11 remr�v� said material at the e notified. The pravi�ions of this ordinanc� shall�nvtfb��rson app7,zcabTe to cvnstructivn, maint�nance or repair projec�s Df any street ar a�.ley ar any uti�.i�ies in the right-a-w�y- Tc� review Ordina��� Nc�. 6 �n fu�,l, p�ease stc�p by the '�awn �f Vail Build�.,�g ��part�aent ta �btazn a �o�ay. Thank you fr�r your c❑nperatic�rz c�n this z�atter. �" Read .�nd ackna��dged c� "� ' } t I f�"`'� � `����� � �� +�� �-T- �J�� �����{-.�-- { ` _ '�t�` `L-���-�� "�. �-��.:�`"7-,t;1.`�� �a ition,� ,.el�tionshi o Prc� 'ec P ��J t (i.�. c�ntractar, awn�ry �Date . ` � _ • � MEMO�ANDUM � T�; ALL C�MTRA�TORS FR+�M: T�WN QF VAlL PU�LlC W'(?RKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY �, 19�4 RE: VYHEN A "PU6L1C WAY RERMIT' !S REQL![t�EQ Job Name: . �'-` `a �� Date: � '=� c-��c{ Pfease answ�r he talio ing qu�stiannaire regarding the need far a "Rubfi�Way Permit"; YES N�p 1] !s this a r�ew r�sidence? �.=- 2� Is d�maliti�n wvrf�c b�ing perforrned that requ9res the us� �f tl�e right ofi way, easem�nts or pub�ic property? 1�--- �} ls any �rtility w�r�c ne�ded? �-- 4} !s ihe dri�eway b�ang re�a�red? ��- �� Is differ�nt aG��s� r�e+�d�t� t+o site a#her than existin� driw�way? �-�- 6) �� any drainage worl� beir�� dor�� ai�eeting the right of way, easements, �--�� �r pul�li� prop�rty? 7} Is a "Re�oca�le Ri�i�t � Way P�rmit" � re�uired? � $} A, fs t�e right Df w�y, ��semer�ts vr p�ublic property to be used far �taging, par�ci ng v r fe nci ng? ��" B. If r�v to SA, is � parkin�, s#a�ing or �encing p�an req�ired �y C�mmuni�y► (-_-r` Qev�lopment? If yo� answet'ed yes ta any of these questian�, a "Publi� Way Permit" rnust be obtair�ed. "Public Way Permit" a�ppl�cati�ns may be abtain�d at the Pubd€c Work's +�ffice �r at Community D�velopm�nt. li ya� have any q���tia�rts p��ase caid Gharlie C�av�s,t�e T�w� vf Vaif Constrr.�c�i�n lnspe�tor, �t �7'9-2158. ! have re�d and ar�swered all� e abave questior�s. � � �` r,!/ Lf I 9 '� �j� *' � L �'`` �`���'� ' � � '``__ ' �` '�'�L"- f`^��.�,,�G' �I.�' �� � j - , { � Jv� Name C ntr or`s 5i�n�ture � Date � ';�'�:..-�.�.�r��- �U�L�C VtilAY PERMIT PR4CE� � • . . , Hc�w it relates fa Bui�dirag Perm€�: �} Fill �u# the vur +cl�e�k list pr�vided with a buildin ermit a licati�r�. If yes wa� answered#o any vf the �bc��e questiar�s t�en a "P�blic Way Permrt" is req�xred. Yau can pic�c up a� applicativn at either C�mmunity �ev��c�pment, fc�cated �t 75 S. Frc�ntage Rvad or Public Warks, located at 13�}9 Vail Val��y L7r��re. 2� IV�ticg sign �aifs fo� utiiity compa�i�s. A�l uti��ties must f�eid verify �locate) respective ufilities priflr to signing appli�atiaR. Stame utili�y cr�mpar�ies r�c�uir� up tr� a 4� hvur r�ot�ce t� sche�ule � �acate). 3} A can�trvction traffic c�ntrol plan rn��t be prepar�d on a se�arate sl��et r�f p�p�r. This plan wilf show lacations at al� tra�fc cvnfroi devic�s (signs, car�es, �#c,� �nd tl�e work z�n�, �area c�f �nstructi�n, sfaging, et�c.� 4) Sk�t�t� of work bein9 Perforrned must be subrnitte�f indicatinc� d'rmensions �length, width 8� depth vf w�rkJ. T�is may be draw� �n the traffic +�nntrc�l plar� or a �ite plar� for the j�b. 5} Submit cvar�pl�#ed applic�tion #o th+e Public W�rk's offdce f�r r�eview. fi required, f�ca#es will b� sche�d�aC�d f�r the T�wn �f Vail Efectricia�s ��rd Rrrigati�r� cr�ew. Th� bcai�es are f�ke place in the m�rnin�, �ut may require up tv 48 haurs tc� perf�rm. 6} The Public Wor�c's �or�structian f�tspect�r will review th�e appfi�ativn �n� approve �r disapprave the p�rmit_ Yau wilP be cvntacted as tv the stat�s and �ny �char�ges tt��t may �e needad. Mvst permits are released within 48 haurs oi heing re�eived, but pPease ailaw up t� �n� week ta prac�ss. 7} As sc�on as pe�mit is pr€�ce�s�d, a cc3py w�ll b� faxed to CQmmurtity Deve�opm�nt alfow�ng th� "Building Permi�" #v be released. Please do nat corofuse th� "Public V11ay Permit" wi#h � "Building Permif" tv do wor�c an a project site itself, Nvte: *TF�� ahove proce�s is fvr w4rk In a r�g�t-af-�ray oniy. *Public Way Permi#`s are valid onfv until �lvvemher 15th *A new R�ablic VYay Permi# is required �ac� y�ear. . � � � �`^` �y�► �y �`�i�'�[��" Y.�,�L 75 Soutlr Frorrt�ge Rvad L)epartrrre�at�f Cor�r��;i��ri�3'27eve�e�pme�rt Y�iI, C�larc�clo 81557 97�-479-Z 138/�79-�`.�39 FAX�'7�0-479�2452 �ri�ti's:il��, i��u :��..w i w�i.r. L�.r it i i i i�.i1 ;.-ia'+�i�, '�' c'�3'��1� � v��'� ` �� .� I17r. Jr�hn Hazen 1 I3I Gr�i7� Avc. �lenwood 5�arinQs�o. R I t0 l Re: l3�iitiin� Applic��tic�� �fi7�6 A re��iew�c�fthc Town�f Vail S�ilc�ling 17i»s�on filcs iizdicatcs t�aat ther�}�as been na rc��.nt acti��ity���ith thc aba��e listed l7uiidin��crn-�it a��licatior�. Tt�e 19'91 L�nif�►rm Bui�d�n� C�e„ Sectic�n 34� (d}, rcquires evider��e�af c�nstn�cti�n pre�gres� each 1�U days tv aveaid expiration caf a per�nit. As per Ti�nifo�n Builciin�Codc :��3 4ci), yo�r permit has cxpircd. If nc��•csponse has beer� received v��ithin ?0 days nf thc�bc�E�c date, this fi�c �vi�l be tJc�ided, and th� ,i�� 1i':11 ��� �iV.:���; l3t t�1L �.+':I-iil�:i�:iiw �1.�. 1�`ii.i .iC7 �U�Cf14I� 1�i4�1�.�.i,lLii�'.y c�I � � Llt iUl1L�l1 lP� t.tril.»i�S rctuzncd. � cereiy, �--� . � C�--�a }�arles E. l�avis Buifding Inspectar cdlexpired � � +1► ��c rc•�,t't�t:att.x �.r �� ,' �'ign R�vi�w Action F�� . � T+C�'�III'�J �D F VA�!L Cat�egary M1fumber "`�' _ _ Dats "'.:�r'�"r� Praject Name: ��'�� � �. _ -"� i'i'� .�. Bv�lding Name:��,� �... r" �..�.c�-c�r�,�'-" G' Prcrject �es�ription:_., ,;�.� ���c�% 3 _ : ,��- r - � - � �,�r C3wner,Address and Phane: ; t . .,�,-4 � .i � x f - i-- Architectl�4ntact; Address and Phone: - ,� , . , ��-� �,, ; �l`.�/ r' �: : ��;� , - ' , ' ,' - ,�4-�ti ``,�, ' �� `�� _ �egal C�escription: Lot ___ Bfock Subdivision Zone [�istrict Project Street A�dr�ss: r Y� ` F' - " _ -- '` �--- �omm�n#s: _, _ � Board { �aff Ac#i�n Motion by, �t;�; ��.E�. V�te: - - c Sec�nded by.,, ' -- II Appr�Val � Dis�p�raval J S�aff Approual Canditions: t.. `� �: Tawn P9anner .�� Date, � �',�' . , ; -- ___ D�iB �e� Pr�-paid__.. ^ ' � � �����+�d� f + ravissd B/I7/94 �'' '� � " �3ESI�IT REVI�W �C}ARD APPLICATI4N - TC?WN C3F VAII��2 COLL)hAD(7 ��; �,, - �ATE RECEIVEI):. . . DATE t3F �R� MEETIN�: ' �` -41 lbRR �RL� !. _ _ �**��****�� � _. ... � - � INCC3MFLE'�'E APPLI'CRTIt�N� ��'_NC?T_HE SCHEDCJ'LED F'L�R 12EVIEW. ***�rx*�r*�r* _ I . P_�Q.TECT Il`TF4R1^+fATI{QN: A. DF�SCI�IFTIOT�: �`C� ' � - r ���' !�� r,�.���� /V �� � �� �. TYP� L�F REV�EW: N�w Construct�.c�n f$�OQ . 4D7 �Minc�r Alt�ration ($2Q . f}�) Addition (�54 .Q(?} Cc]nceptual Review {$C1� �., ; c. ��R�s s: _I'P `� � �_ 1� ���u ��;� � ���� �-C=� _ D. LE�AL I�ESCRTPT�C}N: LC7t Elvck � Subdivision ' If prog�rty is ���scribed �ry a m�ets and }�aunds 1e�a1 descriptian, p�ease provid� an � separate �hee� and attach tO thi5 app�.ir��,tion. ���� �� � E, ZON�NC: ' �' -Z,�';l�r �, �'� r �Ft f�� � ,�� �p�`'=�; ` • F. NAM� C?F AP�L�CAI�T'Z': �� L� ly.l 1r(-' �f�,l �.C�� =` �.��:,� P�ai�.ing Addr�ss; �-�+ . � ,r � � .: --_.__. PY1�arie �7�� .�'�,.5""l .� ._w �. 1�IAME C3F APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: `-���'�`'f� !`-t'��� Mai l ing Add�es s : �� � f Cjl2�� .�L�� �'�'' � ,� �rs�,��,t.s�'sS� �B- Phvrne ��� �t''�'-__�— /�� � ����, 1 11• .LV1Ss"liw 'tlr �Y+i�YL�Ll�S� . ,.`+� �� �T 'V� W`4�'� ' �` �'i��J� � �� G-� LsM4 . f[�� _ _ . r .���', ��1""�`� �... ^l . �' ..f'�'��"k �������, � 0�4?:ER �`���If�NA�'�'�t�r �,` ` ,.'L.-l.�-- , ": �_ � _ M�.�.J.i n g Ac.:��.e s s: f � "" :f ��'",�-- � ,. ,� - - � P���:�!e , ��� ._ - L�t� �'L"� � "``� �� � '��� ` AP.t"LI�.'ATIf?NS WILL~ NdT HE Fr�O�CE55�E1'7 WTTHC?UT OWN'�R's ,��G.�ATURE I, Condominium Approva�l if applic3ble. J. 1]RB FEE; D1�S f�2s, as shown abc�ve, are to be paid at the tirne ca� su�mitLal c�f �h� I�RB app��,catian. Later, when applying for a building perma.t, �lease identify the accurate valuatian r�f the propc�sal. . The Taw:� af Vail will adjust the fee according tcr th� table I�elc�w, t� ens�aze �he carrect fee is paid. �����R � CHEC� #• I]ATE• .,, BY. FEE SCH�L7ULE: v��u.��rxar� ��� � a - � �o, 00a � �o .o� � � �p �.±a, uu.i. - � �u, uuu �i 7U . UU � �a� oo� - � ��o, aoo ���a . ov ��50, 001 - $ 50Q, OQ0 $2UO . D0 �500, �Q1 - �1, 0O�, OQO �4UD . 0� $ Ov�r �1, Q��, QDU $5(�Q. OD D�SIGN REVIEW BOPiR.I7 APgR.OVAL F�XPIRES ONE YLAR AFTER FINAL A�PR�C}`L�AL LTNLESS ,A BUILI}IN� �ERMIT IS rSSUED AND CU�TSTRiJ�TI{7I� I S S'�'P�TEA. 1 � ��,, pB.Fz� I�LIC pN M � � � A pre-application meeting with a m�er 4f th� planning staff is encoura�ed to �3�terrnine if any addativna� appTicatie�n inft�rcna�.ion is needed. I�. �s the applicant "s respansib���ty to make an appointment with the staff to determine i� th�re are addi,tiQn�.� submittal r�guireraents . �lease note tha� a CO�iPLETE application wi�� str�amlin� the revi�w process far you� pro�ect. - II I . IMPQ�.�I'ANT N�C]TTCE REGAR13I1+7G ALL ST7�M�35IQ�TS TC? TH� D�:H• A. I�r additic�n to me�eting submittal requa.rements , the agplieant must stake a.nd tape the pr4jeCt site �.r� inc�icate praper�y lin�s, building lines and buil.ding corners . A1� trees to :be remov�d m�s� be taped. All s�te tapings and staking must la� c4mpleted pric�r to the DRB sit� visit. The �pp�.icant must �nsure that staking dane during the winter is nc�t ]burzed by snow. B, The r�view �racess far. NEW Si?ILI7ING� nc�rmally r�quire� twfl separate me�tangs of tr,� D�si€�n Rewiew B4ard: a cc�nceptual review and a f�nal ��view. C. Agp3iC�nts whc� fail to appear LefDre the Design R�vzew Bc�ard on their scher3ul�d meeting �date and wt7� hav� nok as�€�d in advance that di�cussic�n ctn their item, be pos�paned, wiTl h3ve thei� �,tems r�±mpved from the I]�.B agend� until such time as �he item laas ka�+�n republis-h�d, I3. The fcal7_c�w�.nq items may, �t the discre�.ion of the zoning adm��istrakar, be approved by th� Ct�mmunity T�evelapment Department staff (i . e. a fozznal hear�.n� �efore �h� t�RB may not be req-uired) : � . Wir�dows. skyliqhts and similar exterior changes which da not a�.t�r the existing plane c�f the building; and b. Buildin� adc3itions nat �risihl� fram ��f �th�r lot ar public space. At the timc such a propc��], is submittec�. ap�l.icanLs mL�� �nclude lette�s froan acljacent proper��;F �wners andlar �rom the agent for or managpr �f any a�jacent condominium assaciativn sra�inc} the assaciation a�pr�ves c�f the additian. E, If a prvperty i� l�o���.ed in � mapp�d '�azard area �i . e. snaw avalanch�, rockfall , f�orad pl.ain. d�bri.s f law, wetland, e�.c . ? , a hazard study must be subm�.tted and th� owner mus�. sign a.n affi�avit recagnizing the ha�aard � repoxt privr to the issuance o£ a bus3din:g geranit. �pplicants ar� ercauraqc�d t� che�k with a Tawn P�anner gx'�or �0 17�� a:�plicati�n to deterit�ine th� relat�.onship of th� �rvp�rty to al�. m�pp�d hazards . F. Fr�r a1.1 residential cans�ruction: a. �leaarly indicate on the floox �lans th� inside face af the exterior structura� �aiis o� the build�.ng; anr� •�., . �:`...''�G'u�c ;���.i � uaG�iicu �.zea� Utr Lil� S].�.e Flie1II d four f�aot distance from the ext�rior �ace of the building wal�.s c�r suppartin�r columns . G. �� DR8 approves the appJ.ication with canditiQns ar rrtiod�,ficati�.�ns . aJ.l con,diti�ns of appr�v�l must be �ddres�ed priar to '�he applicaticsn for a bui�,ding permit. 2. r ' ' � LI3T QF MATERI�� � ' • - YVAME C}F PRO,TECT; � ���� _ LEGAL DESCR��'TIt?II�T: LflT F3L(7GK �� �UBI3IVTSIC3N STREET AIII3RESS: The �o7.lawing information is required fr�r submi�tal to the I�es�.qn Rev�ew �oard be�are a final agprvval �an be giuen: .�i. SUILD�NG MAT�R.IALS: TYPE C?F MATERIAL COT�OR ���!'"'"T� i �.�a�+ �� �,� Raof `��� -- l�l��-�r�, � !`'� .� �iding othez Wa11. Materials Fascia � Sof f i ts � window� - Windc�w Trim I�oors � Door Trim Hand o� Deck Rails Flu,es Flashi�g� Chimn�ys Trash Encl�sures Greenhvuses Reta�ning Wa�Zs Ex�.erior Lightzng . Q�h�r B. LANDSCAP�NG: Name c�f Designer: Fhvne: 7 r _ , FZ,ANT MATE�: B ni � N . rr� - C�.Li�nti�v �iz.�* FRC3PJS�D TFtEES AND SI�RLT�S *Indscat€� calip�r for deciduflus tr�es . �I�nimum. cal��er �[ar dec�.duo�s tr�� is 2 inche� ` Indicat�e height fc�r caniferou� trees. Mini�rtuar� �i ht fcar c�oniferaus � **Indicate sz�e of prQposed shruhs . M�.nimum �iz� c�f shrubs is 5 cr��.lcZ. �@ ���re F�4�s�� GRC3UNT� CQV'ERS SC�D SEET3 TYPE C7F IRRIGATZC)N _ 'T'Y�E Ql� M�THOD ��" ER�5 ION CC3N�'RC}L C_ LANDSCAL�E LIGHT�NG: �f exteriar �aqhting is prop�sed, p1�as� show the num�ser of fixtures and Iaca�ions on a sep�rate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the �ighting pl�x� in the space below and provide the height aba�sr� grade, �ype of light praposed, lum�n c�utput, lumin�us area and a eut sh�et af the ligh� �ixt�re , (S�ctic�n 18 . 5� . 050 JJ D. OTHER LA1�L�5CAPE FEATURES {retaininq taalls, fenc�s� swimming p�ol�, etc . ) Ple�se speCify. Indicate h�ic�hts af re�.aiz�ing walls . tufaximurn heiqht af wa11s within the frc�nt setback a.s 3 ' . Niax�mu� he�.qht c�f wa].ls elsewhere on the prnper�.y i� f " . $ i • . E�ign Rev►iewr Actio� F'�m TC]W hl C)F VA!L " ' Category Number �' aate ��,�.�/ :'� , F�rajec# I�ame: �_�` �" , .- , ,_ - _. � - ,!�,-: ,,. � �-- - � � f, � Buifding Narne: k.. � � Praje�t Descriptia�s: � - ; , — , - � . � }- . . ' l_.�� j.. Gwn�r, Atlefress and Phane: f+ . ArchitectlConta�t, A�idress and �hone: � � _ -,_. r4, - Legal Descriptfan: Lvt�__ Blvck m Subdivision ; � : Zane D�strict Praject�trea#Acldress: ,��,;F � : ,.,.- -�.'�' �.. Camments: 8vard 15taff Action ������ �y: _ vvte: Secan�ed by:.. I_I P+pprr�v�l ❑ Disapprvual � Sfai�approval Gancfitrans: w � -- _ .. . . � _ _.,. - �-, ,,, - � --- �: .. _ —__. _�.._ - - , _ _. Tcrvun Flanner Date: ' QR6 F�e F�r�-paid ' �d'+riaad B/I7/94 � � DSSIGN REV'IEW Hf�ARI7 APPL�CATION - T[7WI'+� '�DF VATL. CC?L�?RA�O ' { I)ATE HE�EIVED: DATE {�F I?RB MEET]CNG: :: P �**�r��r��** INCQMPLETE APPItICATIONS �lAY NC?T ,8E �ChfEL1iT�„�D FOIQ*t' I�LFM!, ar::�r�r�r�r�r`��r -�i � ;.- . �. �QJECT INFC}RMA'T'YON: ���;t; :�i`' aj � �- ' ' /� A. DE CRI PTIC7N: C c.'�L �:�.,Ii r. 1��-;'�-�t�° r','�� ..'�� L L!"L�L' �'-� r C C C��. �fl l��4:.-t_ :r��'�-f /� ,�i,'G{. f�<-; �'• � � � �... � -� d�.�: �1_�-�'�.�--� ���- "' ,i �- _ -} � . ..�-� --� , � � .:r .,� . . , ;' ��c�_i r_�.ti �`_���'., _ ��r�� r�.�- ''� �1 r�..��[ u+v 62. � � - �'t c�.�`���. ,�.�� _ r-�-r�r� 2 . ���_ B. TYPE OF REV"IEW': l��w Con�tructic�n ($2(][�.0�} ��I?nc�r Alterata.on {$2(?. �0� �rldition f$51}.4Q1 �onceptua� Review {${�) C. ADDRE S S. 1 � �=� ��-? vt-t.�`�.��[��{� ''�7�,�L �±:.�«-_.._.l �. � . I3. LE�A� pESCRIPTI[3N: pLt�t �� If, l f �='� B].00k ��►�7�dZ�'.�.�u 1�� !�'�` j!'1,�-dfi,.l' } -.Cvt' :1r ��� "� u. i: "j�' ''' , � � If prc�perty is descrihed by a meets and bo�nds �egal d�sGriptac�n. Pl�as� pravide �an a separat� sheet and a�tach �o this application. E. Z(?NING: �:.,v,��•;..�.i`�`YLd.:�'�.s_.•i,-�-v;-k F. IrTAME 4�F APPL IC�IT: F f �'�� `'� �t'�' t'��� �d. 1 �L. � Mai�.i r�g Addr�s� • � �c-,�.-� �- ._ � �--.?_ �' � �'�c� �- ! �"� � �hs�ne �� � - � t-� G. NAME C7F P,FFI�IC�NT' � R�PRESEIVTATIVE t Niai 1 ing Ad.dress : Phpz�E x. �v� aF awtaER (s� ; �W��2 l8) .S1TG'�ITAI'.T'U�2E` � �.-t�-�-�f��k:. ��T! ,I��' �� k��t.' Ma�lin Address ,�� y �' L`-�• �'`�`�rPhan� ��- �,tlr��+-��a ,�� c�"lG 4 � .L�-7 � �` w !�i �_�,y_ ._�_ APP'L�CAi'7C)N� WILL !1�'�?T BE PR(3C'ESSSL7 WI�'HUUT C]WNE,R t.S .SIGNATURE � , Cvnd�miniu� Approval if �ppla�eab7.e. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees. as shawn above, ar� to be paid at t�e tirrr.e of subm�.t tal of the I7R$ appl i cati�n. Later, when applying fvr a bui�.ding pez�nit, pleas� i�entify the accurate valuation t�f the prapc�sal . '�he Tawn af vail wi11 adjust �h�. f�ee according to �he t�able belnw, t� ensure the correct �ee i� paid. ,r � u�''� ��'��� . l� ��� � � FEE P H 'TE 4 • � . F ��, � �,---� , ��u � �. VALUAT I C7N �`EE `�}�e� $ {7 - $ 1(], �?Q�} $ 2D , UC► 1 ,p iu, iiii� - � 5u, uiru ,y au .�iu $ 50. QC11 - $ �54, QDO $14(!. 4U �150. (l41 - $ 50(}� �(70 $20f� . Da $5a0, C101 - $1 . �0�1 , p00 �4{�fl.40 $ C?ver $1, 000. aDQ ��p(}.p0 nES��nr REVZEw Ha� APPRC�VAL �xP�R�s o�r� Y� �rER �rrr.�r, APPI�UVAL T,7�LES5 ,A $U�L�ING PERMIT I� I�SUED AND ��111TSTRi3C'I'I(7N I S �^'TARTED, 1 ZI . PRE-AP�LICA�N MEETING: � , . � A pr�-applicatian meeti�� with a �ernber �f the planning �taff is �ncQUrag�d t� detezmane if any additional applica�i�n informati�n is �eeded. I� is �he a�plicant � s r�sponsibility t� make an appointm�nt with the staff �o �e�erm�n� if th�r� are additional submsttal requi��en�s . Pleas� not� that a �OMPL�fiE app��cation wi11 streamline the r�vi�w process far your praject. YzI . IMP�RTANT_N��ICE RE A��ING ALL SUBM�SSI��S T� THE DRH: A. In adcl�t�.on ta meetinq submittal requir�rnents, the applic�nt must stake and tap� �he prc�ject site ta inc�ic��e prc�perty lines , build.�ng l�nes and bui,�.ding carners . All tre�� �a be rem�ved must b� �aped. A�.1 site tapings and staking must be completed �riaz to the DRa site visit . Th� applicant mti.tst ensur� that s�a}�ing done during the wi�t�r is n�t �ura.ed by snvw. B. The re�iew prc�cess fOr NEW II[7ILl�7�NGS r��rmaTly r�qu�.res two s�parate meetinqs af the De�igr� Revz�w IIaard: a concep tual r�vi ew and a f ina�. r��,ri�w. � , �pplicants who fai2 tc� appear before the besiqn Review B�ard r�n their sch�duled meetinq da'�� and wh� ha�ae raot as�Ced z.z� advance that discussidn 4n �heir item �e. pe�stponed. wil� have theiz items re�no�red frozn th� DRS agenda until such t�me as the item h�.s been rep�ab 1 i shed. D, 'rhe fallc�winq it�ms may, at the discretic�n t�� the �c�ning administratr�r, b� approv�d by the Comznunity �evel.opment Department sta�� Li . e. a forma�. hearing before the DR� ma�,� n�at be rec�uired) : a�. Windaws . skylaghts and sirnilar �xteriar ehanges which da nat a�.ter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addir.ions not visible from any �7th�z' 1.vt �r p�blic �pace . 1�t th� tizne such a propc�sal is subrni��.ed, a�plx��.nt� must includ� lette�s from adja�ent propezty c�wne�s anr3/or from the agent for c�r manager af any adjacent condominium assaciati.c�n sta�ing th� ass�aciati�n apprvves of �h� ac�ditirsn. E. If a property is iocated in a mapped hazard ar�a f�. .e. snc��+r avalan�he, rockfall , f laod plaa�n, �ebri.S flow, w�tland, etc. 3 , a hazard study �tu5� b� stzbmitt€�c3 arad the awr�e� must sagn an affidavit recognizing t�e ha��.=d � r�pc�rt prior t� the issuance af a� bui�c3ing permit. Applica�nts are encourag?�d ta check ��i th a Tc��an Planner prior to DAB applicatior3 ta determ�n�e the rel�tionshap of the prop�rty ta ail mapped l�az�rds . F. For a11 r�sid�ntial construc�i�n: a. Clear].y zndicate on th� f�.c�r�r plans th� inside �ace c�f the exterior stru�tural. wa37.s ra� the building; and L. .LASl1iC:C.4.t.` w��i� a �ias�.ed line an tne si te p.�an a four fc��at �lista�ice from �he ex.t�rirr face c�f the buiiding walls or supporting columns . G. If DR� approves the application with condit�ons or m�difications, a�l �c�r�ditions af apgroval must �e addressed pr�c�r tc� ��e appl�c�.tian far � building perrni t, 2 , �_ ex ' ' ' ���rx�raar��.� . . - . . Rt�QFiN� �CONT�tA�7+�R �� ' � , r�trcu��L�. ���ra �, �ar��gh�c. . D�nver, Colorado 84��2 ti� ��0:�7 a�-�sr�ss � �ex ��a:�y ��-o��� �.�,s�.��, ' � � �� Rc�ost . I�vct e �� -�" � "� �9 x� s�r x�a w� r7 � '/1/1� r�C�J' •r�Gp� � f,�� �••— • QlY,aYw'�Ti,�F CC�?( dGkY f�C�t�f . - - �fi3 L 1 r C c510�'��c] `�/1,��J �r+rs�r �s�o��.�s . . _ �e rt+cw� 1RY�teefrby�uprnit a��and asticrsales fc�; ' �'� praperse �c� r�d��k a�d reroo� ea�t w��g taf la�ge. - � j l���ove �31 �oafi�g �� Ioaci ir� c�ur�pster. 2� Reac�ve a7.1 pZywvr��! deck�ri� a�d ],dad in d.ur�pB��rR . �} ins�all nes�+r i)S$ de�kixig with c�ips. � 4) In���l.�. 4C��.b. f�.ber�ls�� base sheet. � 5} Ins�aZl � rn�difz�d tarchc3r�wn toafing �ysterx. b� N�w t�etal ��ig�n�. ° 7} Ne w w�ll �Aas�ing. - 8} All wor'k ta ai-ty cc�d�a. �}) Ru.ild�.�� owr�e� �o �e ��nera.'� contractcarr b�s rale �+��.1 be ge��3.n�; perre�,�s �n� d�r�pste�. 'I(3� Avqd to dv a�,l appli��tion. - - � � � Rc�on�s �o be incl.udsd. ' � ��) ]Gabvr w�rran��+ �'c�r �#��ee ys��s, r�aterza�s w�rr��ty . by �h� �a.rs�fa��tsx��x. Labo� and m�.ter�.ais $884C7.�U r�. � �� ��73��T�� h@reby tR7 rCi$taria!ar�fat�o�- �mp�ate ir�a�rdBr,Ce with 3Erova s�perJflca�atas,S€�r tri,�st�rM af, �' dcliars (�-�, .. "�__�,_-^--.�. FayRfrrtt.t+D Ey�i€�7�+�s�ic7�IexVYS: Dapoait � �{J��, `'�- � • ac�af7C� B� C[�t!'I ��'r;1Gk'{ A! •� r. AJ1 RI7KOfta!Es�/8d iC ba+-[��TCi7tlicl..A�1 work}@�9 es�nsplefrd i�►R. fl[H33�of1Zid '��� wars�,iar�c� mann.r a�aartlrn� zo siandard �rac�c„� .�urry skesxdan o,r ��rratura: d�a+�kan fre��otiro��,,�p�ri eca�i rrl�b t exoe�,a+�d onyy uQcr1+vr�t4�or��t�ar�d s��ba�f�an e�4r.�ch�tpe�+�er and�bove th� �O:tas AQ ay*ronman#s e�ae+iirt�a�,,porx stnke�.acciden�s crrdetay��aY�a^d h[ote; 7�is exr corxrn�Orrr7ar to carry fr�.tamadv and�s�r r�ecasaary i�scrs�ce. ►v�h��wn ����s!m�y 6a --—� � --.. �ays: . by t,ti�F r�Ot accnptad r�wi"iFtiR �'�ttr3rrt��{�]�a�3����rThQ nc�w.Prices`sp.c�Se�ane�nd � �ie�a mra sa��,�ry�i�tc+Rarc�r ace�p��d.You ar�authcrr�xs!r,�eo S34+T�W►�P:' ltaa+rvrk#s aps�a�led.Paym vsX w$[b�a+adC aa�ou[i-ineu itxxv� . Da[a o�1 Awcttpkaricf: � _. '�nais,re; - � . . . � � Itern Na. 4 �vas Fiz�sk readin� c�f C�rdinartc� 1'�n, 21, Series c�f 3g94, lst I�e�ding, an �rdinancQ ��,��,�ii,g Ct�apce� 1�.04, sekting f�rih de,finition$ fc�r ackir�e outda�rr recreaEiun, interpreti�e nature waCks, nakure pre�erves, passi�e r�utdc��r recreatian, private, p�iblic, quasi-publir, and changing the seetic�n nurnber af recreatson stru�ture; amendin,� C��a�ter 18.35, Pc�}�Iic Use T�istriet; amending Chapt�r 1�.38, �reenbelt anci f�laturai C?pen 5pa�e I7istri�t; art�f creating Chapter ��.33. C}utc�c�ar Re�reatiarti Di;�tri�t; aE�� setting �arth details in regard th�retv. �Based san exter�siV� discussir�n/mn�iifi�atians/addi#ions from the afterri�nc,r�`s wc�rksession)Tam Steinberg made,a rt�atic�n to table f�rc�inance No. Z� ta the next ewening me�tin�. Paul Johnstnr� se;contied the mQkior�. A vote was taken anc� passed �rnanim�rus[y, 6-Q. Itent �,Ia. 5 was a sign�rari�nce ret�uest by the I�oast Lvdge, Ges�r�e Rui�ier disp�ayed a draw�ng oF tt�e �rap�sec� sign an� r�ferenced a n�emc� daCed Aug�ast ]7, I99�, ta the DF�$ From the Departrnent aF C�?rnmunity Deveio�rr��ent. Gec�rge explained t�e rer�uest in c�etaii and statee� that stafF recommended appra�al �f the reque�t. Comrnents frc�n� Ce��,ncBl 1°vtembers in�luded a concern that grantin�; a �arianrc cotil� set a �r�ecedent, pro�a�sed sign wQUSd be a �;reat imprvvem�nt; and pc�ssif�ility�F inc�easing the size af the prop�sed ss'gn.Paul j�,hr�stoi�n7o�ed t�gran#the sign varianc� as recomre3ended by staff. jan S�trauch secanded the m�atian. A vQte was taken astc� passed UIlr3111171L�L15��'a I[7-�. It�m Ns�. 6 was k�e LiFt1�o�5e �.odge ,Appe�l. The �own CouTicil v4ri5�e� tc� review the PEC's recent �pprc�val t�F s�kback an� site cvverage varian�es and a maj�ri� ex�eric�r alteratic�n in the Caminerci�l �ore II (CC[I) zor�e district fvr the Liftho«se Lodge, losated at 555 �ast Li�nshead �ircie, legally c�escriE�ed as a portiosz c�� Lot 3, Blo�k 7, Vail Li4nsheac�, Ist Filin�. Fic�b Lazier, applicant, Galen A.astand ai»l f ay�'etersc�n were presei�t.Jirr�Currsulte reF�ren�ei�hvo mempa�anc�un�s dated Septernber b, 1�J4, tc� the Tnwrt C�uncii Frorn Commut7ity IJe�relopment, an� Augus# 2Z, 1994, ta the ['EC fram �omn�ut}ity i7evei�prrsent. Pau1 Johr�ston rsioved tc� uphr�ld the ciecision �f the PEC, with the ee�nditiQn that �va sets of wi�dows !�e anstalled on the eask side of tEte building as shc�vvn oz� the ��placant's coic�r rendering, un�ess �n engine�rin,� rep�rt t�et+e�ls thaE the struetural inte�;rity of the building wauld �ae threatened, th�n ane set aF windo�vs orr kh@ east sidc af khe buildin� wiI! be aflowed. Jim Shear�r secon�ed the r�natiorl. A vote was taken and passe�i un�nirn�usly, G-a. �tern No. 7 Presetltatic�ns I�e: 1995 C�ntraet/Dues�'I..eases: a, `lVTCB Infarm�kian $c�aths and Special Events. b. ABCI2A 1n�c�rmakior� ��r�ths. Ivlerv state�i the'Cnesr�C�� w�uld hear bvk�l presentatic�ns, f�ut ►vc�uld n�i make a deCisian �ntil � presentatic�n from the Vail V�Iiey 1�riarketit�� $❑arci su}anlits its fundin� re�Tuest oi7 Segtember ZCl �E � �e�t�nCil 4vur,�se:ssion. Frank Johnson,re,�resentin�the VV`�"CF, presenteti�pro�os�l t�,n�erate th�VaiT irtfc�rmatinn TSt�oths, m�nage and wrr�c�uce certt�tin Te�wn o�Vail sp��ial e�ents,and fOrtt� �e4ter e�ents cc�mmuriiCakic�n and r�servatac�n s�stcm for 1995. f�.ate 1CalIix�s c��the ABCRA explairled tfi�e az•g�ni�atinn,artd presented a gt�vpos�l tv rnan��e the Vail Inforii�ratiar� Booth� far 1995, and s����ested a more regs"onalazcti apprc�ach to include A�+ora, �is the i��Fe�rmatio�� �enter thet•e was already apera�ed by t�e A�CRA. ltem Nn. 8 was a repa�rt by the Tvwn ivianagcr. Bob statec� 1-se had nathing to �dd t� his mernaraa�s�um, wl�ieh had been iizcluded in �Cauncil parket�. Tlzere bein� Yac� further business, a motion ta adjQUrn the meeting `vas made and pass�d unanimne�sly, Tk�� rneeting was adjourned at appraxim�tely ]0:0� P,M. � Respectfu�ly sra}�mitke�, � �� Merv Lapin, MayC�r �"rb-Tern ATTEST: ��_,- . ���L� .i����1 C ��1� f��L�.�'tL�. Hr�lly �,. McCu�cheon, Town Clerk l�mules Eaker�by kally�.�AcGutchaon �L Yaif Tnwn Counril�ivenin��.�IrclinR 1'rlinu[aF Q4f(iP�9q t � �/ C�sign R�view A�tit�n F��m T�WN C�F VAIL �a#egory Number Date ;�r��i!��` 1 ! l�roject Name; _ -� ` r��. �,L- - , � - Building Name: t'" PFO�ect D�scripfion; : . . , � , �..-�- �wner, Address and Phan�:___ . ArchitectlCnntact, Rdc�ress and Phc�ne: v -> , . ,����.�' � -� ��; ,, "�� . f / ' � � � -- - , t i Laga� Descriptio�: Lot 81ock S�bdiwfsFOr��„ ` �Q,�g Distric# F'rojecf Stree#Address: _ , :.;� Cflmments: Bc�ard � Staff Actior� �� MQtivn �y: � . Vc�te: �. Seconded bY�. , .� Q Approv�al n L7isapprt�val �l Staff Ap�raaal Ca�tditians _- r� �. � .�_. � f �"�'; _ � �,`-�,' L�f�. �,� -- - -y-� 1`S� . %�"� <<. Town Planner Date: — �'. `, `�I � DR6 F�e Fre-paid . �� � �: � � � � THL, 1 �# 4 � �i y 3i—IT � GH � z � t�i P . � -,;;,a � � , A.P�L I CJ�'1'S QTW ,C�A`J'E ,_, �' !'���,�� ������N.,�,..�'..��1.�:�.�'�.� fPXeas� Pr�r�� vr Type) / T {�� a ,4,�,��V��� 'j� Nr'�� QF PRC7�7ECT W�'4°��:�,_`."�`� ,:�.�. .. .�..,...�„� � �.�...._.._.,� . .___�_..,.,...._. ... �3A3�SE C�F' P�R�C}N Si.}BN��'FT�'�IG ��, ��_.�r._.o.,..:,,.�.,—PFi�N�...L±L�1,.��.�_..,... �._._ A t���.F S� �f��7���..�.��''�.... '��..,���.�.�„���_�`�'1.L�....,.__...,..�.�,.� ..�....�......�.��.�,..�. � �a�:�:� a� aw���c �� �.- . _ -��,.r,,. �����,��'����+��.C__ �����. �����s..,_.��.����!���, ,����..L�.�?_.�.�,��� --. .+.�...MM.�_.........�. ����,���t�� a� ��� .�.,..�--�� i .�_..a� _� ��� . . �_.r..�.. �.�.,..�. .���.,�. �J � L�iCA'F��3�1 OF' P�d���"� ,,..���_[I���-.��.�!�� _ ......�.�...�.��.��_r..��..� � � ��S�RfP�'ra�i t�F PR�JE�°� ,��,rf�.l�u.._..��� p..°.� �,� � - __�_..._ �� � �u�� �t`��,...�'�''.�`...��!'�'..�'.��� � �e�'�:r�.�,�.�.tr�'���.��....��.�''�..;._�v..,,,._.., �.. -- - THE �'(jL�OWIN� INFC}I�MA I��T SS �,E��:.�F� �'�i�. 5UBi�iYT�,�+,�, BY '��I� 1LPPLICANT �?R�O�k T4 '��IE P.�QU�S'T ���N� S�F3�DUL'�'� �'�gC51� T�� �J�S��r� �"��"�`��:'� L��s."-.� . 1�. I��$CR�BrT�UN C3�' THE �rGI"��AWNING (���; STF�.�i�T�IS�1�� �'1��,L, Pi���ECTT�IG, l�T`G) � xNC�CI�E ���� M����.�E.,�►+��11'_S�s?�.tS�,.�._._..___ � ti_�:�...�..����:.,�-�,�..�... '�.r��.�`�. ....�.,._._....w��_w...t.�. __.,,-.,p,. ..�..- - .v.�..�_.�...._.._ � f � . �x�rr ��. �w��t�� t���r����L � ._�����' ��.��.'�..�..—_._ �,.:� ���,�.��`�r..�.,..��.,...a.ry..�_..._...____,�... _._. �....v �. ..,.�.,..��.��..�,.�.: � ._.�_. G. �I Z� �E' t3VL��.A�L 5���;N, ���� 0�' �E�'�'�R�NG Ah�D LOGC� r.R.�__�..�.,... v�..�., ..,,��._...�"4..'�.�'' - - - ��.��-.. - _�.��.��,__..�,_ . �---____--�r...� _._� -..�.��...�._..�. - - �,,�.�...�._�.�._ — - �.,�....�_�.�_�.... � , �r�r�H� v� S�c� ��c�v� ���� ,�� ,�����....���.�...�..�w.��.�..�.�.�..� �.��. � � . ��s��x�� �����rrr� ��xr����� �� r��c��o���y .�'��.,.�..�.�__.._..� �..�'�;,,��..��'��.._......_,....��.,�..,_��...,_�.V..�. ......�F....�..�..�.�...�.,��..,�_.�_.... l:�a, F . L�NG'fiH d�' SUS�N'��5 �"'RCINTAGF (FT) ��'�''� .����� _�^rww._.. G, CC)���a��f I N�L1Nf A S S C�C S AT I�}N �1,P F�ti�]�TAL �...,.,.,�..,,.�.AT TA�,[ .._,._��,�..-.. T ���� 1� . FEE: �.,�20 � ,� PL[�� $3. � Q0 �'�R : U�'►F��,�`t�0'T �iF ��Gt�1 AR�A��_�f `� '�A X�3 '���w,�, CI�E�1{ T�IQ. ," �.,,,,,,���...�'.,�: �1�TE� ,,,.�'����aL���,.... r.,,,,�,,.� �r, �``` � - �4.� { � ��:��.w,.��`��AL.��S...�..���.�� W I�"� ��?.]�_L����`��1_'� �� , 1 . 5��� P1.an 2 - ��.�.,. �le�r�ti�r,� s�owir�g �xact �.�c�tS.cn o� si�n �r ��r,�inr� pr� �h� t�uildinq 3 � �.,,,�i,,,.�. '�haCag�aghs shaw�.ng prvp�sed �a�a�i�r� � . ,�,:�.�.,,, �c��.�azed ��aZe �t��wwT�g 5 . , ._. - -- 5a�rple Ct' p�c��a�se�i m�t�r���s 6 , �, .;... Pho�,Qg�°�ph a� sign i�' �va�,X,��l.� ���r�`_,�.. � ..� . S i C�r1 Adnt��i i - -.,.� ._.......r-....� �ra�qt ovcx � � � ! + � � � �►I�plicat�.an Da��c ---���y'N' <.��a��,~� r . .,.e....�..�..7.. ; �, . � : 1 �PPLZ�,�TIC3N Fa� i�. SIGI�' V�Fi.TlLI�CE ,; /'j�:' I ��,,f „ � :, . �` � I. Th�.� pr��e�ure i� x+�c�uire� �c�x ar�y �ara�cct ��ques'G�ng a '�ar�ur��e. Th� �e��lic�ti�n w�.l.l nat ka� a�c����� un�il ��.1 infcarrma��on is �►xbmit��d. �+i. NAk'�� t'?�'' ]1PI''T.�Y�ANT �F�i'�' � �r�c��`�<� -- c � � _� ,� � , � �� -+�� _-=;��=>>f A'�DR�S S , � �� � � ��c��.,a _ �! ._�_ FHONE . / -�} � . ���j1�C-� . �fG. :-11�/1-, P� f __ 8. N�fL �7F A�X'L���.2�'�'S �t��StLSEN"7�A'SSV?� _�`�...,t.� 'a���.. 7�'I�t �?�I P � . � � r��, �t�..� ��'t i_.. '�' E{- f�'' ��rt t��_ PH(7I*iE �I �'�? ''{ ��-' � . �►�b��55 �`�``- _� � � �y. � �. -f'�'�/�?;�.2 r�3'f f����/i7"tl� Si��"�s ,�e,� 1t'3a'�:nE� �`. ��'� , � ;�y;'�'S'�S C. t�1�ME �F �7WhIER {p7�3.�3'� ca]C ���e� ��'.��a t.'� -,� r r� �;}r�,�1,!! � 'f , � ��_ , ,� _ , !�.�' +,� 1 . � �.. �;�, � S'�GN1L'�[f�tL AI�E7FtE5� ,,:�`�% s-+ ��'r �-��,F:��� ����1� tr�s� _C_if�f��! �1-IOt�E i_�-�� �� _.r�-��� � . I7. LQC�'�ION �OF 1'R�P�SAL � �����a�`� , � � � � �'ti i 1°.ti �-l.� ��r � r :1� 1 f ��.•�� ���� �%4' � LEGAL T��S��i��T�C�N �,a�f���HY�ck ,.�, F�i.�ing �,'';�,o,�,��F��� y�� • �<; ��s��=-��, : E. �'EE. $��OV �0 ' _f-- ,,4_ �.h�-<:��,1.- • ���,� ��'-i j � ��;�� �'�`�� �f � ��;�r'(� ��. Twa {2} �o�ies v� �?�c� fc�ll�wing �.n�c�x�natxc�n: ,�, 2� st�tement o� tkx� precis� n��ure o� th� var�an�� r�c�ues�ed, the rec�ula�ion �nva�vec�, and �h� �xa�ti.ca�. di��'icu�,t� or u�n���ssz�ry ph�sicaz ha��t�s�i�.�a incori��.s�en� witl� �he al�jc�ta.v�s o� �hi.� �rt}.� tnat wauld �e�ult �xom stx��.�� ar litera� interpretation ant� en�'v�cem�nt v� th� s�ecif�.ea r�gula�i�n. B. 7i site plan �hc�w�nc� �►�l ��zs��ng aizd presnc�s�d �e�tiur�� an t�� sit�, and ora $djvininc� sit�� �.� neaess�ry, gertinent �❑ the �a�i.ance ��qu��t�c�, a.n��,���.r�g si�.e �aund��i.es, X�qu�.�ced sc�tba�ks� bua,�.da.nc� �o�a�.ions and he��h'�s, tvg4g�aphy' �nd pt7y��,c��, f��tures, exi�i�ing ��,�n �.o+��ttions, }�ro�a�e�, ��,gn 3o���ions aand any r�la�ed d��a� C. Such addi.tiana�, materia�. as th� zcrning ac�mi.n�st��to�c may pres�r3.3��e or t�,e ap�lic�r,t may �uk�m�.� ��rtin�nt to �'�� �p�l�.���ion. Q. �S�.c�i3 �1pp��.�a�3.Qn Completad. II�. Time Requiremer��� . fihe Desi�n �t��'S.�w �3flard me��s r�n the ��t a��c� 3rc� W�dnesd�,y� o� the mon�h. Aiz app3.i�a�ian with th+� necc�ss�ry accamp�nying m�a�C�ria]� mu�� be su�rmittec� �3 w�ak� prior �� �h�: �at� caP th$• m���ing t� �11aw �or �ubl.��hing rc�quirc�m�n�s. ;; �.� �,► '� �. .,C.+�.,,�,,� .�.,1!�r�-�.-��-�,_.�.�,7 �fT2-c/LD � � � � .TI��- 1 �-�i� FF� I 12 � i � ,�E�� �#7`� 2��! F . �2 �� =���_ - . — _ ° ! _ � �������� " � � � a ; ; . - • : .s ". 'xi � '��,. s' = ti E � ' - " �'.r y 'y , . �� � j . s�.,..,.. Dt'�TE: July 15, 1994 "`'�- � � �L�i TfJ: Ta�?vti af Vail .,� �� � -�� , r �_�..�. L)esp�n& Re�riew Board � FRCIPvI: Larry As .� � ��/''.L.� �!. ,���-- f - ,� RE: Raost Lrad�e Hardship Vari�nce ....................................................................�-�---.......................................................,.....,..............,.......,..........,.., The new awners 4ft��e Roost Lodge h�ve inh�rit�d a si�n nf ap��rc�xima�tely 92 squar�e feet which do�s n�t �at}fnrrn tc� sizc, placement or�ontempar�r� standards. Th�y wish Highfiec(�t� fabri�at�a replacert�ent si�ri that will conform tc� a�l �sp�cts of the current si�n cade. The crnly pl�ce for placement of a wal� si�n �an the building that can b�vi�ible from the east and tlze w�est directions, is 'sn tl�e peak ofthe re�istration buildin�. Th� `Town cr�` Vail Si�r� Cod�, section 16.��.3�0 limits wal] signs to not projectin� r�ore than n+�ne i�ehes fram th�e face c�f the wall. 41 The new sagn vf 20 s+�uare fect is bein�propc�s�d as sha�w� �n the�tt��h�d tlr�win�. T}�e dista�ce fr�rri th�wall tc�the front of the eaves, ranges from a��raximateEy 5 �c� 8 feet. Pla�ement a�air�st the wall is not pc�ssil�le sir�ce the wail has windaws permiEtin� ]i�lit and ventilatic�n ft7 the secand l�vel ]iai�g unit. Placernent against it7e waly is also not practical s�nce the sign w�ul�i nt�t be wisi��le, exce�t for a �+D to 2� degree view�,ng corridor, fran� #he raadw�ay. From a sa�ety feature, traf#ic driving aiz l�inrtl�r Frantage Raa�1 VVest, shQUlc� b� a'�le ta see the lo�ge narne w�itF� sut�fi�.i�nt tixne tc� si�n a t�rn and slowdc�wn safely. A�ariance as to projectian from the wal€ would permit the abo�e��a�s t� he ac��iewed. In aciditi4n, frorn a struct�ral point, bracing a race�+ay across the beam [not tc� exter�d beyoun[i lhe roc�f line}, ai�d fastening the sign ta the suppartin� rac��ay and to the ea�ves via �ac� brE�Ging, will pravide t�ae strengt�l ta su}���rt the wei�ht and hold th� �i�n rigid 'rn high wsnd cc�nditions. A� den��,�istrat�d a6o��e, tt�e ne�w owners of t}�e F�.o�st Ladge ha�ve a hardship that is �ot caused by them, and cauld be c�rrrected to by petn�ittin� the si�n tv be attached tc� the eaues and projecting beams, as shown on kh� �ttach�d dra��in�s, HIGHT�ECFlSIGNS P� t�r�x��xF3 f'rc�ilkutm��..t�ntc�r ,i,���:�n tx '�J�if,C_U Sif,�B {11�?Rir�[uncfiar��i;a�r_i Gtle�l1/�J(]UCI S�JTC�3. 303.�1�1�i.4565 ���it��.1 3(�3.94',.(,b95 F�1Y ��f14(i7i] A�da}n,CC]F,IGZQ .T i 1 1 — � � — �i d T 'i-i 1 3 1 � _ �i � H F 1:. Fi T F� f: F-f �: T 1 ti N � F' _ G� -7 . + � � ��_�. _ .9_.� .�_ w ¢�����1'��l;�'1�S � ��T�: x�ty 2�, ��� . . � , T0: Tt�wn o�Vail �. � De��g�& �evi��v�o�ard � �� , , � FRUI'vi: �,arry Ast � ! RE: R�ost�..csd ards'�ip V�r��+�ce ..�..��.�.�.......................��... . ........,...._.. r.�....�..�,..�..�... �.�.�.�....�a.�.�..,....,.�..-...,....�..... . ... . e�. e..,.r.w.�a.�..a�..�..,.. F � TF�e new�w�,ers csf th�Ftur��t Lvc��e bav�inh�rft�d s si�n of sppr�r�,;imat�iy 5���u�re t�et which �c��es no�t �c�mf�rt tc� �iz�, pfacem��t or �on�����ra�v st��d�rds. `�'hey w��h Hi�;hTe�h to fabtic�te a reg����ett�e�t sigr� that will e+onfe�rm tv �!l aspect��f th�crurr�nt si�r� code. However th�fal��iwit�g tw�var�an�ce� axe bein� req�ested. V�riance numh�r nn�,, �c�+j�e�tiar,. The �r�3y pt�c�for pla�ement of'�w�11 s��n o�tfic �uil�ing t�at cu.n be u�s��?� frnm t��e�st and th�w+�st direc#i�n�, is i� t�e�ed'�o�the r�gist��tic�t�buildin�. The Tt�wn c�f Va�l Sig� C�Q�, aectaon 1�.�4.�24 tirtt;d.�w�tl signs cn nc�t prs���CZi��mare thar� nine inch�s f�'4t� ;�,e taCe ot'tli�wall. Th�Tow� df"�ail Sign�ad�, s�ctit�� �6.�fl�.2101s'mits wa�� si��,s t� 2t} sq�ace�cct, �'�r t��d���itica�i� s,�ctii�n �6.04,�2Q, th�sc�u�`e fc�tage inc�ud�;s the surroun�bard�r outsid�the text. T��new si,�n is b�ing pf�p��ed a� sh�wn on the� �tt��.l7ed�rawing. The dist�nce f'rc�m the wali ta tt�� fr4r�t of t�e - e�v��, i��:�z�;s fr�rrn ap,�����tt��telv 4 to� �feet. �i�Cerner�t against the wa{t is ttc�t�o�s.►.bl��i�G� th+�w�ll ha9 windaw�permittir�� light�d ver�tilatic�n tc��he s�c.c�nd Ievel ]i�•i�tg ur�it, Pl�c.�m�nt a��in�� �h��wali i�al�o��st ; pr��ti��1 �in�e tFte si��t wc��ld not be�is`:bl�r ex�ep�fr�r a l�t�a 2�de�'ee vie��rr�c�rr�dqr, f�om the raadway. � �rona a safety fe�ture, fraft"i�c�ri�ring on Nv�kh Frc�nt�gc Rt��sd U,'cst, sh�utd be a'�Ic tv s�c t}�c�ac3ge i7a����v�'itl� s�t�i�i�nt time t€� sign a#urn�nd s��wd�wr� saf�ly. �varia���as to pr�jecti�ri frt�m t��e�w�!{ �w�r�t��d pertrtit the abo��e gaa�s t�be�ch�eved. In �dd��ic�n, fram a str�ctur�poir�t, br�ci�g a racew��ay a�ro5s the bearn�ncrt t� exter�� be�o�d the rt�c�£�iri��9 and f�stenin� �he si�n to the sup�ortin� ra�way and tn t��e��v��vi�.h�ric�Sr�c.ln�x, wil� pr�vid�the strer�,�t�tq s�p�c�rt �he wei�ht and�ald tlie�i�rig�d in hi�h wind ct�nditao�s. ; �urre�t�y ti�e Rr�a�t L�+d�e has text thar is f�" high f�r tt�e R[�UUST LC�D(;E, and l�" �i�,�fc�r ECt�NC�hhnI�A1� L(��ti�G=I-�E����YC�UL., �l'�h�att��he�d re�uest�ontmin�text tha€ is 15" h►��fc�r���T, �nd 8"hig'� F4r L(�1��E, a�i�rii�icar�t reduction in si��fr�rn th�e�xisfing si,�n. The ar�a�rc��inc� tt�P�ign i�t��i�ng viewe� �s : d�c�rative�n� not text or lc��o�r anvtt��n�dir���y associ�t�d with t�e �rop�rty, but ar� attemgt ta matc�t�+� si�n � ie�s abtru�iv,�c�s [s:;'tgn. , : . , s H�l�"H7`E�C`HSI(i��k'�' P.C3.�px 2Gtiii Pa0[�iltili011�'�{1LCj A����&, "Vai�,C��16�8 41�J t�'c�ltii�gi�arrt Ftcr�ci �]e���t�ed Spr,�s. �4�.A•49.43G� 5u�tt 5.2 3�4�,9��,6G9S �AX; 939�4670 Ar•o��CD 8162� .Tlil - 7 :� - 't} 4 TNfI i � ' �l � F-1 T Y: F-iTFf' H � 7 f: F1R P _ �Pi � . . � � i . . � Ti�sign plac�ement w;tf k�e a�pr�k���,at�ly ]S[� 4���t frc�m i 7�3. riar t�,c atta��ed v�si�ili.t��hari, n�axf:i�►�r�� i����a�:t w�u�� he reache� for Roast, $ut not fnr Lc�d�e text. Xri �dditi�n, tk�e�olars �I�cted �r�r�vt t�e rrs�ximum ± visibility��r�d �r�1��k.�r� w�i�e, 1�'b'�ih �placemer�t near t�r� face of khe built�ir��, �but ins�d�the t►�°o exi�[ir�� . b�ams�, and a 45 d�gree'b�st vie���n��r���e, at �S miles per h�ur a ciriver v,r��1d �ave 125` tc���t�,� s'sgn, T��9 v��c�ufd ���fe to � 1I� SecDnCiS b��`r�re the dnv�r w�s�a.st the 5ign, 'I`hi�pr�per#y+�ornpete5�vit� �rt�et lc�d�e�f�pr drit��e byr tr��c�t�+e major�ty�'Fit�reye�tues). The�r'est Vail I.cxd��c and Wer+dy's, bc�c]� nearl�y liusii�����;�, but� ; l�a�e�ogn, wh�r� th� �e�ir���tcr c�ft€�� s�i�n is meas�red? excee�� the�imit set in t�e vrdinas��e� ; �s��tnonstrat�c��f�t�v� , tlie ntw�wr�ers �f#ne Rc�pst L�d�e have a hards�i�tha�t i� nn�c�i�cec� �y t€�em, �r�d . cc���d be�ro�r�;#e� by p�rmit:il�g th�sigr�to be ��t�ched t� tl�e�a�res an� pr�j�ctin�beatrtsi ��shown�n the � �ttachc�ri c3rawin��. . , � � � . � j , . t f f f � ` . , � � _ _��_ — — � =��1�! V� � + � r • ' _ /�,� ��. � � � � � � �' � � f.�3. SC�}( �v88 . '�.IAiL, CO 81�58 . � .94�7.45G� . FAX: 3Q�.�4�7.�G7Q ! '! r. . . __-.---_-__ -� '-°-- .. ""f� �r� , d ��`_ — � �,_` y_.�,�._ --,.�.�.-- �'{-�-.o !x:> ^'� ��� ' �� _ �,` r� / �_ f�. ���"7t T rr / `�� �`� �"'.�_� �rF � ���-�— � �� _� _// r �u �-'�f 1 �-4� ,�� F ��,- �i(,� �� 'f' � � � � ` - ;� � 7 � � _-; � , �— , � � ,�. �� � �; �� �� �a�, �T� � °� �� . �—��� _ _ — ��' ---� —i- '�;° F_ __ �-� _ r� �--:_'�` - � � rI � f�' 1 1 ���-° - � ���- � �� ����� ��1 �_ ��� ��� �� _ �---.- �t � .� _ - _ _�X �- .. _ 9v��,r�+.. , ,, i, � �_-F..;��-- J� , __. ;,j � -- �-��. � -__`;" -- �. _.�.�___. . — l+ -� �`�,�� � f f3'rw xw� ��`�ti.�'3 '� ,°� , ; ,��:.-r�'.��-�G� �- .r`'`� � � , � r L- ��,. �� �� ` _ �� ���y, ���,S � �� �J ,• f__'`\ ;��--_�� /�� �� , � '.f' �` `, � �r � � �I { �+ y� '�,� pp � J�' " �. i I-1 1 � I i� �� � �� I � ���I ��`�� �`' ` �� J� ��r� �`� �--�_'�e ��,' `� � �%�`��,�,�_�—�\ -����--� � � ��\ � 1 ! .J /��_� - I ��,� � - _ _��_L� � -- -. .I;+"�T�"—`��u.fr`�✓� � 1``�" :��.>1� '�� 'S � I' +/ � � �1 �� ��� � �: �'1,_i ,��� fJ � �`Z,�v � f � � � � � '':,__ �.�— � � �`�y� ��- � i ��, � � �1`-� �`=-=`"r� ��`-�---� �=---' == � � � - ~�� , � ��' � �� �� � - �. JC�B #�_ DAT� —B't' _ A/E_ C LEEN7�"°5�"� CO f�JTA�T� SCALE— _ PH�NE FH7C: � � MEnnv��ruQUnn TC3: Desigr� Review Bvard FROM; Cammunity �eveiopmer�t ❑epar�ment DATE: pugust 17, 1994 SIJ�JECT: P� sign varianc� req�rest fnr the Fioast L�dg� Ic�cated at 1783 Nvrth Frnntage RoadlLots 9. 10, 11, arad 12, a res�b. ❑f Buffehr Cre�k Su�division. Ap�plicant: Julian and Ghris M�z�li Planr�er: Ge�rge Fiuther . �,��: �C<< � , � � � ,fi��.�,�: �.,« �}� ; { � � ��� > �� :,.;. : , , ,.,. -, � . ..,: ..,.:....:. � . �, .. . -.,i: , , f, .... fi .�?. 1. [�ESCAIPTI+DM OF THE �tEC,�UEST The applicant, tMe Ra�st Lodge, represented by cv-awner Juiian Mazifi, is re�ue�ting �. variance frvm #he Tvwn vf Vail Si�n C�de, speciFically frvm the v�all sign 9-in�h pr+��ecti�n and maucimum �� square f�xot si�e requirements. The appli�cant currerrtBy has a wall sign whi�� daes noi confc�rm wsth the Town af Vail Sign Cod�� The extsting sign: ariginally approved in March af 1979, is an illuminated, ca�inet box sign ��proximately 93 square feet �� size �nd is mounted 5 ta 5 feet frorr� the face o# the buildir�g wall. T�ie existing sigr� is lacated on the sn�th face of the regi�tration bui��ling taeing in a souther{� dsr�ction towards the l�lorth+ Frc�ntage R�ad a�d I-7�. The new sign the applicant is p�'opo�ing wi�l ba di�playec� in appraximately th� �ame locatian a� phe existing sign. The propased text an the sign will r�ad "R4(3ST LQD�GE"'. Ti�e size af the si�n pra�osed by th� applicant is appraximately 33 square feet �n c�verall si�e with the t�xt k�eing a maximurn of ,�0 square feet �n sEZe. Thus, the need f�r a wall sign, size variance fc�r a sign gr��ter than the maximum 2� square feet and a Warian�e for a wal4 si�n prvje�tion c,# 5 ta G ��et is req�irecf, Se�tian 16.D4.320 �Detinitians} c�f kh� Tawn of Vail Sigr� Cod� defin�s a wall sign �s: °'a sign attached to, �aainted ��r, or ereGted agair�sk a wali a� a building e�r structure with the expos�d fac� of the sagn in a plain paraklel to the �ase af th� wall and not prp�eeting more th�an 9 inch�s fram the base of the wall."' R�lditionally, Seetivr� 1�.22.155�B) �5ize - Wall Signs - 5ingl�e Business Us�) permits a sir��l� business: '"2.5 soyuare#eet of sign fvr e�ch 5 froni lineal fee�t of the buikding wi#h 2� maximum area of �� �q�u2�re feet. Th� combin�d maximum ar�a fr�r more� than one sign shall r�ot exceed 2U squar� fe�t.'� �'r�-� - �'�-�--�---'' ,'�'� ��� /�H+r7 _ /]�,,.� s-- i � � II, FINLIIt�[GS ANO �R"tTERIA F4R APPR�GVAL Sefvre the Br�ard acts on a variance applicatian, the ap�licar�t must pr4v� physical hardsh�p and fhe Baard musf find that, A. There are s eciai circu�rrsf�nces ar condifians a I in tc� t�e land buil�i� s �opoqrapf�y, �eq�tatian, siqn struct�res or olher rnatt�rs on ad�acenl lats o�r within the �djacent ripht-of-way which would substantially restrict the effiect�veness of the siqn in pu�sti�r�, pravided, however, that su�h special cir�umstar�ces ar c�nditit�r�s are uni��e tta the particular business vr ent��rise t� whFCh the � licant desires to draw �tten�FOn and do nat � � ener��� to all businesses or enfer ris�s. Staff Response: Sta#f helieves th�t sp�cial circumstanc�s, ap�lying to the R�ost L�dge restrict the effecti�eness a� a uva�! sign mounted 9 inc�tes or less from the building walf and that a maximum size af �� square feet, ex�sts. Specifically, the registr�kian building, th� lacatian wh�re the �pplicants ar� proposing their sign, has a ur�ique front e��ve and fr�n� elevation tl�si�r� which wQUEd adversely impact fhe ef�ectiv�ness �f � wall m�unted sign 9 inches or less from the face vf the buiiding walL The front elevat�on is nearly �II win�dav+rs. T� mounk a wa�R sign wvuld kae difficult #rom a structuraf standpoint and wvuld affect the am�unk of n�tural light a3low�d ta filter intv the reg�stra�i�anl�ob�y area �f the hotel as well as �he Pev�r�g space located abave the registra#�onJlob�y are�. S�cr�ndly, the front eave desigr� an tF�e r�gi�trafi�n E�uilding is such that a wafl sign maur�ted 9 inches fr4m the building faGe wQUld have a limited view carrid�r. The fr4nt ea�e on th� registration b�uilding is a prow in des�grr, �riCh the eave prvjecting aut at its gr�ates! po�nt approximately 6 #��t. To m�unt the sign pu�suant tt� Code wauld, in �SS�nC�, �ury the sign up underneath the �aue, therefor� limiting the amaUn�t crf visual ex�osure �see w�isibility diagram atta�ched}. The Ra�st Lodge es �epend�nk upc�n k�usiness gen�rate�d by traffi+c an bvth the �lorth Fr�ntag� Ro�d and t�e Interstate. The proposed sign placem��t will be appraximatefy 15�Q feet from the In#�r�t�te. Per t�e Lettar Visibility Ghart subrrFitted with th� ssgn applicatiar� by the applicant� prepar�d by th� Color�da Institut� c�f Technolo�y, the maxim�m impact fa� readable distance vf 150 feek would bs a ie#ter hei�h�t of 1� in�hes. The proposed 4etter heights f�r the Roast Lodge sigrt are 15 inch�s for the tex# ��Roc�st" ar�d 8 inches far the kexf °Lodge", Ag�in, the applicant has pr�pose� the text pvr#i�n of th�e propased sig� to nat exce�ed �� square #ee�t. B. That s �cial circumstances were r�vt created b the licant or an one in riv t� the applicant. � � � Staff Respanse: The curr�nt owners of the Fioost Lod�e purc�ased khe acc�mmvdatian facility in the spring ar� 1�94. Staft b�fieves that the applicant did not deliberat�iy create un�a�ua� +circurnst�nces tha� wo�ld not allow him ta acf�ere to the wall si�n 9-inch prajection req�irernent of th� Code. Add€tic�no�fly, since t�e Rnast Lvdge lauilding w�� canstructed an the ��7U's, priar t� t�� c�r�str�ction of I-�'0, it was n�t Qf ar�y acti�n undertak�n by t#�e applicant wk�ich caused the buildir�g t4 �e �acated the dista�ce it is #rvm the interstate. C. That tl�e qrantinq of th� variance v+riff E�e in qeneral �armvny w�th the pur.�vse of this title and w�li rtat be materiafly detrimental tv the persvns �esi�lin� or workinq in the vic�ni(y, to adjac�nt propertv, to the neiqh�arhovd, �r to the p�ablic wel#are in�nerai• Staff Fiesp�nse. 5taff feels �hat the r�quest for the �ariance allowing t�te applicant ta construct a wall sign greater than 9 inches fram the waPf base of the building ar�d to further �Il�w fvr a sign greater th�n the 2� fovt t�a�cimum current�y �Ilvw�d by the Sign �ode rs reasonable, and is fn harmony with the general purp�s� c�f the Sign Cvd�, since the applicant is nc,t praposing t� create tF�e text portion greater than 24 �quare feet. 5taff daes nvt beli�ve the requestec� sign will be mat�ria��y �etrim�nta! ta �ther person� vr businesses residir�g and conducting bu�iness in t�e vicinity. D. The variar+ce a�plied for daes r�at de�arf from the provisians af t�is titfe anv more #han is rec�uired ta identify fhe aqplica�nt"s business ar u5e. S#aff Response: Again, as stated earlier i�r this m�ma, t�e �.pplic�nt is reques�ing o�nly to er�ct ti�e sagn far envugh fra�n the building to allaw the sign to �e adequateiy v�iewed irvm the North Frontage R��� and the Interstate, and k� Frave the text n� gre�ter thar� 2� �c�uare feet. Tk�e ac�dit'ra�al 14 �quare feet Qf sign area r�quested by the appti�ant is mainly far aesthetic purpvses a��d t� create harmony bekweer� th� sign a�nd the existing archutecture of the f�ont eave. III. STAFF REC(a►MMENDATIl�N Staff is recammending �pproval vf th� requeste�f sign variance tc� allow for a wall sigr� to be m�unted greater than 9 inches from a building �ace and ta all�w th� prop4sed sigr� to b� 34 �quars feet rather than the m�ximum �Q squar� Feet as vutlined in the Tov+rn of Vai� Sig� Code, Staff has reviewed the sigr�, Ivcatiar�, lighting and other ch�racteristics vf the �ign and tinds that #he prvposed sign is in h�rmany with �h� 5ign Code and varianc� criter�a li�ted ahove. c:lyeo egslmemarlmpst.B 7 7 � '�"D�sigri Rev►ie�ru Actic��=orm T�Wh� C3F VAIL Category Nurr�ber �" , ,� ,.;-:f: . , .•-� ' _..r-r�,� Date ,_ `;� •:'1'_.-- P�����'..L Irl'a��.. �1J...0 �' tr �- � .. . J..r' �._ .s.i.�.L-Y � ":., � Building �lame: ,�"�� .-- ` Project C+escriptian: �� i ; •, l� .� ..rLr'R.:�`,,—.r'� t �:�' w '�r�. . , . �wner,l"14�{�f�SS�f1C� f��°lC31'1�: , � �.f�i z r._ ' f� ,s_�!._ r`r`�r ; i--a"r2 -r �,. :-,r'! �'�,. .. . .r_-.:._. . . . . � . Arcf�itecf�antact;..�Address and Phvo�e: _;:"''°�____���-�� -. �','��-� ,�-'" �`�-,�,,--� ?�� ` �_��`� . `.� f,. � '�,- ;i C�.��� -- Legal DesGription: Lot JUr+��-81ack - Su�di�ision�:�, r .'<��_� j�}_.6 Zon� District ��.1�: ,f� , Pr�ject�treet�4dd��ss: � !. � ' _ _�-, � e�_.�.r�' ���_C���r�" Commer�ts: _ - .--- , ; , � : , �� . . ,� ,.� �-,., �,., , � ���..Lt' - _ �fi - Bo�rd f�t�ff Activn IVl�4��� b'�. 1'_.,.,y--r+, . _ VQl'�.. ���='L�� . .. Z � � 7h.L.�..i�.. � ��i.�'.���P.� V�.� -���-. •a�.---�" �' ._ r � 14'�'3�lC}V�� �j �is�pproWal I-I 5taff A�pr4val _ . . ; , � ,< � . . , Candit�ans: r` f . _. . " , � � . ,: .-.,1• : x- . . _ . ...� r� ; �_ - � � f� ��a � - '�/ .�-- 't ��,;_-i�.,� �.:�.< <_-�.:•��e.�..w-�`,�-7, ,�. r ` : �,; �,. �. . Tc�wn Planner rr:� � D�te: - .�� DRB Fee Pre-p�id _ � �� ,� � � r�vised 9/4/9� l�FLS AFPLICA,TIC7N -- �OWN �F V�L, COLORI�DQ D�i,TE APPLTCA"��C7I�T Ft�CE�'VED: . DATE a� i��B MEE�"�NG. . *��t�r*****�t "�HIS APPLICAT2C)N WYLL NpT HE ACCEPTEi7 U�iT�Ia ALL RE�U�RED It3F�RMATIQN TS SUHMITTE� . ' �*a+cic****�� Z . PRUJ`FC�' �NFC7RP�'I�,`P�l7TT: ' �. DE�CRI£'TSON. Pr:�m� and r+�fas�en any loose exteri.ar panelin9, ** � then, r�paint with the �xterivr Go�ars provided. Replac extera�or whi�� paint . R�pla�� exterior r�m�a t� _c i � �, �.T; �� Aaint w,l -_ _ � �.�.i1�3-�'.�� �,.,.,� new ext�z-ior runner �arp�t. �enexal Sprizig cZean u�. pc� any rninar repair � �� nec B. TYPE C?F' REV���'��ur� af r�iling att�ch�d F�ew Cvnstruc�i.4n ��20� . DDy xx`_Minor A1�e�a�ion ($2U . OU} �dd�.�ion �$5 O .�Q} G�ncept�aal Review 4�0} C. - A�DTtESS: I?. LEGAZ DESC�SPTIOAF: Lot �' ��� z DI�Gk ' Subdivisl�n Buffer �reek R�:su}�c�ivis��n Tawn r�f VaiZ T� prvpe.rty is des�rib�d by a m�ets and �4unds Zega7, dcscr�iption� p],ease p�o�rid� on � ;�para�e sheet and at�ach �c� this a�plicat�.on. , � � E. ZQNING: Publ.i� ���c�mc�dation pis�ri�t F . LOT I�A: T� required, appTi.cant mus� provi�i� a curren� st�mp�d survey �howing lat ��°��. G. NAME OF AP�'LIC�NT; Mazili �z Ma�li.ng Ac�dre,;s : `� 78� I�3t�rth �'rnn+-���. i�o��3 W��1- V��,1 CC3 $zE5'� 47�- �horie � � H. N'A,�1E (7F APPL�CAN'T' S REPI�ES�I`�T�i'i'TV�: 41"ohn H:���n,� ,7»1 ;,�-,,;_Maz.i li M�.ilxng Addres; : s��me . �hone ��45�_,�, � Z . NANiE QF �C3��I�RS ` ',7uli�ri C 1,ris Ma�,; 1 � x_, ,7�hr,,._ �� ,, , �a� McKen�ie *S�GNA°TII�LE �S} . ,� �', .-_ ';� � 'r , . , M�i�.�.ng Addr�ss • 1 783 Nor� Fran��e_ F�c��r� .rl'y���� vn, 1 � P rl Q k'Ie _ � � �,..=C}. J. �r�ndcrr�ir��.um Apprc��ral if applicahl.� . Ii. ]�RB FEE; DRB f�es, a� shs�wn ak�c�v�, ar� to be paa.d �t the t�me �rf subm.ittal of DR�3 �pplicat�on. Lat�r, wh�n �ppl�.ing far � bui.�.ding permi�, p].ea�e �.d�ntify the �cc�arat�: vaJ.uatic�n of the p�o�aasa�. . �'h� T�wn af Vai1 wi�.1, adjus� 'the fe� accordi�g �o the tab�.� below� to ensu�e the cc�rre�� f�e is paid. F�E PAYQ: ' ( .: . ±i 's d '��. : �.. �'�E SGHE�ULF �i t � ,°��•� � `� ����� ,} � VALLIA�zaN �'EL • $ (3 �- $ 1{l, DOQ S 20 . �:D estima�� 4,�][�f3.�}D --� $ 1�. L3d1 -' $ 5Q, fl0� S 50 . C1{� . S 5�, 007. � $ 15q. 0UQ 51�� . 00 $15f�, OD�.. - $ SaO, �J00 �20� . DO S5�Q0� �O1 - $7., fl00, ��0 $�p� , pp • ,� �Vf:x' $�.r '���,, �Q� ���Q , '��} • * n�sz�x �vz�w Bc�� �PRC��r�, �x�z�� {Jk�IE YEA�t .�iFTER FS�I, APP�OVAL UNLESS-A �,B(7]C-LI)�I�i� -k'�FtMI� -IS�.ISSUED AZ'tD CONSTRIICT�C}N I5 STAR�EI7. **I�TC? AL'PLx�TI�N WTLL $E PRC7CESiSED WITHOUT [�WNEl�'' S SzGNAT[3RE 1 r . � � II . F'R�'-A}?�?T�ICA'"�QN MEET�itiG� ,A pre-apgli cata.on me�ting with a m�anber s�f the planning s�a�� is strangly encouraged �p de�ermine if any �ciditional applicatian in�orma�.ic�n is t�eed�d. It is the app].icant' s r�spr�nsibi�i�y to make an �ppaintment wit,h �he s�a�� Lo determine if there are addit�c�n�1 submi�tal. r�quirements . Please nate that a C�P�IPLETE applicatzon wil�. streamlin� the �pprvval. process �c�r �a�r proj�ct . TI� . �MPC?RTAN'� Nt�'�'I�E ��GARD�P�G A1.�L SUE3MISSTC?i�IS TC7 TI-I� L�RB: A. In add�.tion ta meeting submit�.al xequiremer�,ts, �he applicant m�st stak� an� ta�e the �roject site �.c� indicat� p�aper�y l�.n�s� buildinc� J.ines and builc�xng ca�riers . ,All trees �.o be remaved mt�s� be taped. All s�te ��pi,ngs and staking must b� ct�mpleted priar to th� nRB si.�.e visi� . TYre applicanC mus�. ensure i.ha�. staking dane durinc� the win�er is nc�t ��ara.ed by snow. B. The r�view process far NEv� BUILDrr�GS n��m�l1y requzares twv �epaxate meetinc�s of 'the �esign Ftevzew �oard: a conceptu�l. a�proval and a fin�l �p�rava:� . Applic�nts ,;hould glan vn �reser��tinc� �t��a,r deve�c�pmen� pr�posdl at � a minimum o� twa me�tinc�s be�c�re abtaininc� fa.nal approval , C, Applicants who fail t� appe�r before �he DesS.gn Revi�w Scr�rd e�n �.h�iz sc�edu�.�d m�eting dat�e and who have r�c�� ask�d in ar��aance that discussion an i�hear z�em be pastpon�d, w.i1.�. have their a.t�ms remc��r�d. ��c�m the DY�E d�cke� un�il such tzm� �s the i�ern 3��,:; be�n rep�blished. D. The fallowing items rr�ay, at th� dzscr�t��n a� the zona.ng administratar, be approv�d by the Carnmunity L7evelopme�l� Departrnent staff �i . e . a f�r:nal h��ring k�efore th� DR�33 r�aay no�. �a� requiz�d) : a , ��.ndaws, �k�Iigh�� an� sa�mila� ext�ric�x changes whi�h cio not a�t�er �.he exi�tin� p�.an� oi the bu�lc�inq; �nd b. Buildin�q addition p�apQSals not �isibl� fram an�* o'�her 1ot c�r p�blic spa�e . At the Gime such a prapasal is submit��d, �ppla,cants mus� include lett�rs �rom adjacent properL-y owners andlar frc�m the ag�nt fca� or manager of �ny �djacent cc�ndominium assoca.atican stat�ng t�he a;socz��ion apgraves af the addit�on. E. If a �rcap�rty i� 14ca�ed in a mapped hazard ar�� (s .e . snow av�ilanche, �ack��13, f1�od plain, ciebris flow, , wetla�td., e�c) t a hazarc� study mu�� b� submit�ed and the own�er musC sic�n an affi�.avit �ecognizing th� haz�rd r��cart prior, to �he iss�tanc� of a builda.ng permit . �Applicants are �ncau�aged to ch�eck with a Tawn Planner prior t� DRH appl.ication �.o determine the rel��i.onship t�� the praperty to �11 map�ed hazards . F, Fa� a�.1 r�sidential canstruetiQn : a. Clearly inrli�cate an th� f�.ac�r plans the inside �ace af th� ex�.�rie�r stru��u�al walls c�f the bui].d�.n�: and b . IndiG�.te with a dashec� line on �h� si�� g�.an a four foo� d�s"�ance �ar�� the exterior face Qf th� L�uil.�3inq walls c�r suppQr�.ing �o�umns . G, If -DRB a�prc�ves�-th� a�pl.a.cation- wa.th conditior�s car modi�ica�ions, a7.]. c�ndit�on� of appra�a� must be resolved prio� tc� Town issuan�e of � building permit . 2 • �v, ��w ca�s���za� � A. Three cop�es �f � recent to�a��a�hic_ su�vev. S�amped by a licens�d �urvev�r. at a scale �� 1" = 20' ar larger, on which the fol�awing �nformation is pr�vided: 1 . L�t �r�� . 2 , Two f�o� cantour �ntervals �nl�ss th� parce� cons��ts o� 6 acre� �r mare, in which case, 5' cantou� ��te�vals may �� accepted. 3 . Existing �rees or groups af trees havzng �runks wit� �iameters a� 4" or m�re. as measured �ram � point one �oat ab�ue grade , . 4 . Ro�k aut�rop�ings �nd �ther sign�ficant na�ural features {large bau�ders, intex�itt�n� streams, �tc. ) . 5 . Hazard a�eas (avalanche, rockfall, etc. y � centerline c�f s�ream ar �r��.k, requir�c3 cre�k or s�ream �etback, 10C7-ye�� flood plain and sl�pes of 404 or m�re, if �.ppliC�ble . � . Ti�s �.r� exis�ing k�enchm�rk, either ❑SGS landmark or s�wer inv�r't, xhis i.nfc�rmatian shc�u�.d be clearly �t�.ted �n the survey so that a31 measurements are ba�ed c�n th� same st�rtinc� pvint . Tnis a.s particularly impc�rtar�t� fo� h�ight measux�em�n�s . See Pc�licy t�n Surve� Information, fc�r mc�re �nfc�rmation reg�rdia�g SL�rveys . 7 . �oca�ic�ns c�f the fallowinc�: � . Size and typ� c��' drainage culverts, swales, e�c , must Y�e shawn. b . Exact l�cation of exis�ing uti.lzty source� anci prvposed servi�e 1.ines frc�m th�:i� saurc+� to �he s�ructtire. Ut�Ia'�ies to incluc�e: C�b�.e mV Sewer Gas T�:��phon� Water Electric c. Show �I.1 uti.lity m�ter locations� including any p�destals ta be located on site ar in t�e �ic�ht-�of�w�y adjac�nt ts� th� site . R��oc�bl� pe�'mits frflm the Tr�wn of V�il, 3re require�3 frar improveanents in the rzght-�of-way. d. Praperty lines - distances and be�rin�s and a ba;is ot b�aring mus� k�� sh�wn. e. A1.1 e�se�ents (Titl� report must alsc� inCiude exi.�ting �as�ment ].ae�tions) 8 . Existi.ng �nd fini�hed �grades. 9 . Provide spot �el�vations af the stree'�, and a minimum p�" 4ne spot el�evativn on �ither side �f the lot� 25 fee� au� tram the sid�e prope�ty lines . �. Site �lan 1 , Lo�ations a.� �he �'a�,l.owinc�: a. Prc�posed surface drainage an and aff site . b . Propa�ed driveways , Perc�nt s1.�pe and spot e le�rat i�ns must kae shown. 2 . All existing improvements including st�uctures, landscaged areas, s�rvi�� areas, stc�r��e ar�asr walks. driveways, off-�tre�t parking� laading areas, retaining walls {with tc�p and bc���om r�� wa�.l s�ot el�vatiarrs) , and other existing site i,rrtprov�m�nts . 3 �, Elevati�s �f t� a� roaf rid es �h �xis�in � a�d ro ased �rad�s sh�wn underneath) . Thes� elevati�ns and grades m�st be provid�d in ard�r �or �he sta�� �o determine b�ilding height . All ridg� lxn�s should b� �ndi�a�ed on �he si�e p�an. Ele�ations f�r roaf r�dges �hal� als� be indicated on the site plan with ��r�esponding fin�shed and exzsting �rade elevations . 4 . �riveway grades may not exceed 8$ unless approved by th� Tawn Engineer. � . L�n�sea�e P�a� {1" = 20' or larger} - 3 cap�es r�quired 1 . The �al��wzng in�ormativn mu�t h� pr�vxded �n the landscape p�an. The lacation o� existing ��� diamet�r �r larger trees� the ��c�ti�n, size, spac�ng and type [cornm�n arid 1at�n name) of axl exisCing and prflpased p�an� material . �11 tre�s t� be saved ar.d to be remaved must a�s� be indicat�d. The p�an must al�o differentiate betw2�n exis���g �nd pr�posed v��etati�n . 2 . C�mp1�Ce the a��ached landscape material� list . 3 . The Ioca�ion and Lype of �xis�ing and prop�5ed watering system� �� be em�loyed in Caring for , p�ant matezial f�llowing i�s installati�n. 4 . ��is�i�g and p��p�s�d contaur lin�s . N�TE : �n order t0 clarify �h� int�s-relatipn af �he �ariQUs d�vel�pment p�op�sa� co��onents, p�ease inc�rpara�e as much af �he abowe informa�ion as possibl� �nta the site plan . D . �ian o�f �rom each utilitv c�mpanv ve�i�ying the la��tz�n of u�ility s�rvice and a�azlability 4see a�ta�hed} . E. A �re�iminary �i��� rep�r� must �ccampany all s�bmiC�als, t� insUre prap�rty awnership and l�cat��n of all ea�ements �n pxoperty. F . Ar�hi�ecturaZ Plans (118" � 1' �r larger, 1I�°" is p�efe�red scal� for reui�w} 3 ��pies reauir�d. 1 . Scaled �loor plan� and all elevat?ons of the pronos�d develapmen� . Elevations mus� shaw both �xisting �nd f�nished grades . Z . �n� s�t o� f�aox �lans mu�t be '"red-Zzn�d" t� sh�w how t�e gross reszdential fl��r a�e� (�RFA� was calcu�ated. 3 . �educti�ns o� all �levations and the �ite p�a� {8, 1I2" x 11"y for inclusa.c�rs i.r� PEC andlor Tawn Cc��ncil rnemos rrzay i�e requested. 4 . Exterzor surfacing mat�rials and mat�rial colflrs �hall be specified €�n the attac7��d materials list . T�his mat�rials Iis't must b+� c�mpleteci and submitt�d as a part o� �7RB app�ieatiarr . CQlor chips, s�..ding saz�pl�s etc. , shou.Id be present�d ta �he ❑esign R�view Boar� me�:�ing. G. Zane chec}� list {�ttached} must be ec�mple��d if pr�ject is lracated wi�hin tn� 5in�le-Family, Primary/Secondary ox Duplex zon� districts . H. Phc�tos of the ex�sting si.te and wher+e applicabl�, of adjac�nt stru�ture� , 4 , ' I . The Z�ing Adm�nist�ator and/vr � may requi�� the _ suhmissi�n Q� addi�i�nal plans, drawin�s, sp�cificati�ns, s�mples and �ther mate�ials (includzng a model} i� deemed n�cessary �a determine whether a pro�ect will comply with gesign Guidelines , V. MINOR ALT�RA�I�NS �a �HE EXTERT�R OF BUiLDFNGS . Photos �r sketches which cl�arly c�nv�y the x�development prapos�l and th� 1����i�n (sit� p�an} af the redevelopmen� �r�p��al may b� submitted in iieu �f th� m�re forma� requir�m:ents set forth ��ov�. Fr�vided all i��ortant specifi�ations for the prapasal including ��l�rs and ma�erials to be used a�e submitted. VI . ADD�TI�NS - R�SI�ENTTAL �R ��MM�R�TAL A. Ori�inal flopr plans with all spe�ifications shawn. B. �hree 5et5 �f pr�pased fl��r p�an5 1/$" = 1' or Iarger (1J4�� = 1' is preferreti) �. Three cc�pi.es c�f a site plan sh�wing existing and propos�d constructian . Indica�e rc�a� ridge e�evat�ans with existing and prap�sed grades shown underneath. D . Elevat�4ns of proposed additian. E . Phatc�s of the existing structure . F. Specificatians �ar ali materials and c�1.or samples or� ma�.erials list (attach�d} . A� �l�e request af the Zoning Adminzstra�oz� yo€� ma� a�.sc� be �'equir�d �r� submi� : G. A ��atem�n� frc�m each u�ility verifying lacati[�n af service and availability . Se� atta�hed utility lc�cation verification farm. H. A site improvement survey, stainped by ��gist�red pxc�fessionaJ� surveyor . I . A prelimina�y title repoxt, t�r verify r�wnership caf prc�gerty, wha�ch list� �11 easemen�s . VII . FIt+iAL SITE FLAN Qn�e a building permit has �een issued, and c�nstruCtit�z� is underway, and b�fore the St�ildinc� l�epartment ►aill scheClule � �rarning inspecti�n, two ct�pies a� an zmprc�vem�nt Locatian Cert.ificate survey fILC� stamped by a r�ga,stered professianal engineer mus�. k�e su�rni�ted. The ��1lvwin� infarmati�n must be pravided vn th� ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to propert� carnersr i .e . distances and �ngl�s , S. Bu�lding di�nensions to th� near�st tenth o£ a fc�+at. C. All utility �e�vic� J,ine �s-b�xil�s, showin� 'type of ma�erial us�d� and size az�d exact locativn o� lines . �. t�rairtage as�bua.J.'t s . E. Basis c�f bear%ng to t�e ta section coxner. F. A�.1. prQg�er�y pins are ta be either fvund �ar s�et and stated on impr�vem�nt survey. G, A1�, ea�ements . H. Build�ng floor elevati�ans and al,l roa� ridge elevatiQns with existing and proposed grades she�wrt under tY�e ridge lines . 5 VI3I .C�NCEPTUAL D�SIG�EVi�W � ' A. Submi��aY r� uir�mpnts : The �wner flr authorzzed agent . o� �ny prajec� requiring design appr�v�1 as prescri��d by this �hapt�r may su�mi� p�ans for c�nceptu�l revi�w by the �esign Re�i�w Baard t� the �epartm�nt af Com�unity �ev�lop�ent . Th� conceptua? review is int�nded t� give the appiicant a �a�i� understanding of the c�mpatibility of their propv�al wi�h the Town' s D�sign G�idelines . This pr�cedure i� �ecamrnenaed pr�mar��y for applicatiQns mare compl�x than ��ngle- family and twa�family r���dences . H�we�er, developer� of single-family and �wa-family pr��ects s�all not �� excluded �rom the opp�rt�nity t� request a cance�tua� design reuiew. Compl�te applicatiQns �ust b� �ub�itted 1� da�s privr tn a sc�ed�l�� D1� �eeting. �he f��lawz�g info�mati�n shall be submitted f�r a canc�ptua2 r�view; 1 . A c�nc�ptual sit� and Iand�c�pe plan at a minimum �cale of one inCh ��uals twenty feet, 2 . Conc�ptual ���vations showing e�terio� ma�erial� and � descrip�inn of t�e chara��er o� �h� ��aposed structure ar struc�ures; 3 . 5ufficient inf�rmaGion to Show th� pr�p�sa1 cQmplies wi�h �h� d�v�Iopm��t sta�d�rds af the zane distri�L in which the proj�ct is ta be lpcated (i.e . GRFA, site ca�erage caleulations, �um➢�er �� p�rking spaces, etc . ) ; 4 . Co�pTe�ed �RB appTica�i�n f��m. B , PrQCedure : Up�n receipt �f �n applicati�n f�r c�nceptua� de��gn re�iew, the Departmen� of Gammunity D�velopment sha1� revi�w the submitted materials fo� �eneral comp�iance with the ap�r�priate r�q�ir�ments a� �he zoning �o�� . I� the pr�p9sa1 is zn basic c�mp�ian�e with the z�ning cad� req��r�men��, the prajec� shalZ be forwarded �o the DRB for con��ptual review. If the appli�a�fan is not general�� �n complianc� w�th 2onirg cad� require�ent�, th2 application an� su�mittal materials shall b� re�urned to ���e applicant with a written �xplana��an as �o w�� the Comm�anity Dev�=�pment aepartment staff has found �he pr�ject n�� t� b� in eomp�zance with zoni�g c�de requirements . OnCe a c�mplete applicati�n h35 been r�ceiv��, �h� nRB shall re�iew the submitted ��nc�p�ual rewiew application and supporting ma�erial in order t� determine whet�er or not the pro��ct gen��ally c�mplies with the design g�id�lines . �he �RB �aes not v�te on Conceptual ���iews . Tne prap�rty awner ar his representatzv� shall be pr�sent at the DRB hearing. 5 � � LI�T OF MA�ERIALS � NAME �F PRQJECT• LE{;AL T]ES�RIPTIUN. Lq� BL4CK SL3BDTVISIC7t�T STI�EET ADDRESS : DESCRIPTI(JN OF PRC�JECT : The fc�llvwing informatian is required. for submitta]. t� t�ie Desigr� Revi�w Bc�ard b�fr�re a fxnal apprQVa]. can be �qiven: A. BU�Li7�TvTG NlAT"ERIALS : T'YPE Q�' MATERZAL CQLpI� RD�f 5iding t7ther Wall Materials �ascia So��i�s Windows� Window Trim ��4�'S fl�,7�L' T2'.].TR Hand or Deck �ai�s �'lues Fla�hings Cha.mney� �'rash Enclosur�s Gxeerika�uses a�.her H. LANDSCAPTN�: Narne c�f Designer; Phon� : PLAhTT MATERIALS : Bata�ii�al Name Cammon Name ;�ua_ntit,y Szze* PRQPOSED TREES EXISTII�1'G TREES T(7 BE 1�EI+'IQVED *Indicate calig�r fc�r decidu��s tr�es. Nlinimum cal�p�r fc�r d�ciduc�us trees �s 2 i.nches . Indica�e hezght fc�r conifez�aus trees . Mi.nimur� he�.aht �or cc�niferous �r�ees is 6 fee� . 7 PL�2�iT MA�ERIALS : �ata�ical �ame �amm�n N�rn� �anti� Size* � ` P�QPOSED �HRUBS EXIST�NG SHA�BS TQ BE REMOVED *Indicate size of pr�p�s�d shrubs , Minimum size af shrubs i� 5 �al�on . Tvpe � uar� F�o�� � GFtDUI�a CC7VERS S�D SEED TYPE �F IRRIGATIaIV TYPE OR METHJD Qr EROSIQN C�1VT'RC7L C, LANL�S�CAPE LIGHTING: If e�terior light�ng is grapas�d, pl�ase shaw th� nuan�er of fi.xtures and 1ac�tions an a ��parate J.igh�ing �lan. Identify each �a.xture frvm �he lir�hting plan rsn the list beZow and �rovid� the wat�age, height ab�rve grade and type af ligh� prop+�sed. Q. �DTHER LAt�i}SCA�'E �EATi�RES (retaining wail,s, fenc�s. swirnming poc��.s, e�c . ] Please specify. In�icate heights o� ���aining wal�.s . �Iaxirnum height of wa?1� �ithin th� frflnt setback is 3 fee'� . �Iaxi,mum height of walZs elsewhere c�n �he praper�y is 6 f�et . 8 . * . � UTILIT� ���ATION VERIFIC 'a� S�BDIUISIQN Jt�B NAME LQT BLDCK FILTNG ADDRESS The lacati�n ancl availabil.i�.y o� [3�.1�.1�1E.'S� whether th�:y bE: main trun}c lines or propc�s�d lines, must b� appraved and v�ri�ied by the following u�.il.iti�s far ��.e accomganying site plan. �ut�h�ri�ed Si nature Date . U. S . TrJes� Camrnunications 1-8(J{J-922-1987 �58-�685a or �349-4530 Pubiic Ser�ic� C�znpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Ht�ly C�ass EleCt�ic Ass4c. 94��5892 Ted Husky/Micha�l La�verty Heritage Ca�levisian �.V. 949�-5534 Steve Hia�t Up�ez Eag'�.e Val].ey Wa�er �& �anitation District * 4?5-74$€l Frecl Has�ee N(JTE, I . This form is tc� �re�zfy service availaba.�ity and locati�n . This shQUld be used in ca�ajunction with prepa�-ing yc�ur .uti3.i�y plan and sch�duling inst�.11at�ans . 2 . For any new cc�ns�ruction p�a�ac�sal, th.e appli�ant must provide a cc�mpleted utili�y ver,i.fication form. 3 . �£ a utility cnmpany has concerns with �he pr�posed canstr�ctic�n, the util.ity representativ� shQUld not directly orr �he utility veri�a,Cata on fe�rm �hat ther� is a prablem whiCh needs to be res�lved. The issu� shc�uld then be spelled c�ut in detail in an attached �et�er �.o th� Town of Vail . H�we�rer, pleas� keep in mind that it is the respansibility a� th� u�.ilzty c4mpany �a reso�ve id�nti�ied prc�blems . 4 . If the u�ili�y v�ri�ication form has signa�ures fram e�ch of �h� utili�y companies, and nv comments are made ciirectly c�n the form, the Town will pres�am� �hat there are nc� problems and that the dev�lopment can pro�eed. �. These �eri£icata�vns �10 nc�t r�lieve the cantractor �f his responsik�ility to o�tain a ��.r��t cut permi.t from t�ae Town of Vail� Depar�.ment at Public Wor�Cs and tv obtaan utilitv lc�c:ati�ns beforP di�qinq in any pub�.ic righ�-of-way o� �asement in the Tc�wn r� vail . A k�uildina permit �s not a street cui. permi�. , A street cut perr�i� mu�t be vbtain�d ��parately. * Plea�e bring a site plan, f].c�or plan, and el.evatiar�s when vb�ainine� Upper Eag'1�- Valle�r Wa�er -� -5anitation �ignatur�s . Fir� flow ne�ds mu�t be addressed. 9 � ZaN� CHECK � • F�R • . �r R, Ft, R PI'S ZON� DISTRI�TS DATE: LEGAL DESCRI�TT�N: Lot Block F�.�.ing AL7DRESS : C3WIRTER PHaNE ARCHI TECT' PH�1�3� ZONE DISTRICT PROPOS�D �]SE **L€3T SIZE AJ�l�wed Exi;�tinq Prc� tased Total Height 43[}} i33) 'rvt�l. GR�'A P�imary GRFA + 425 = Sec�snc�ary GRF� � 925 = Setback� Front 2(?� Side� 15' I Re a r l 5' �+later Cnurse Setback (30) �5 Q) Si�e Cc��e�ag� Landscaping I�etaining Wall Heights 3' /6' Parking Reqr� �a�d�� �r�a�t {3�Q) t60fl) C9QC�} �12[30J Drive; P�rr�it�.ed Slc�pe F3 fl_ Actual Slap� Date �pproved by Tawn Erg�ne�r: View Corridor Enc�oachmer.t : Yes No ??7 Environm�ntal/Hazards : 1) �'lood Plain 2} Percent SZQpe 3? G�ologic Hazards a} Snow Avalaneh� b} Rpckfall c) Debris Flaw 9} wetlands Previt�us cvnd�tions af approval {check pr4perty fil�� : L�oes this req�est invol�re a 250 Addition? Hvw much t�F th� al.�c�wed 25[7 Addition is used wi,th this req�aest? **Note : Und�r S�ctions 18 . 12 . a9D tB) and 1S . 13 . USO {�) c�f the M�snicipal C�de, I�ts zoned Twc� Family and PrimarylSecvndary wh�.ch are less Lhan 15, UD� �q. ft . in ar�a may nat c�snstruct a s�cQnd dwe�ling unit . �'Y�e Ct�mmuna.t.y �evelapment Departm�nt may gran� an exc�ptafln ta thi� �estrictzvn provided the appli�ant r�eets �h� criteria set �c�r'th uncer S�ction� 18 .12 . 0�� �S} and 18 , �.3 . C�8Q t�) �f the Munic:i.pal Cc�de including p�rm�.n�ntly �-estrictin� the unit as a- 1.Qn��-term r�nta�, unit ��r ful�— Gime emplc�yees af the Upper Eag1.e Vall�y, ia __ _ �� � � � i �� �.... �. � � � � � � � f � Uro .� w : -� � � �� � � °"�' ° � +i �tiaa ` _ �Cti c '"� Q � � �' � � N� rc �c� . � I� �� C � v� .� � :''r� -� u, ca � ¢ o .�� c, � '� � �n r+-� e7 rr.7 � �� � � C ��� � [+f r..� "� � � 4 C7 I � � c �yv � c� Q w � o � � � �' �� c�i ¢ o r� v, �s � c?, c? u�. � � L � � .� e � n'S sY1 �' I ±� y O � � U � �' � C�] I w � �� ���'� � C►] � � q W �~y I p �O � "' �� oa� � 2 w H LL G'r G11 I I� U' � � C .. ,.�M � � � yy� q�D u7 � F�i �J C7 "� 2' 4°��- �C r�l, �Ct J I� � � � � lw4 � 6�. � � �tj� y t' � 4�s � O.^� s���`. �Z 4 47 L] W ,,,i w w { ,� � � . � a '� � m Q °- {J d �y+ � C? ay a W ��j I��+-V1 � fA ^�` p Q C � �} �° � � ,� � � Z 2 6-�G � 2 � Z � Q � �+i I4�.'f W �❑ v� C C CJ. �-��-. �' a � J J LfJ � O� �" U �r � �' 'U" q '� Q � I�� I[_f* � 4 ��Q�� p `�F � � W � rl H cL 11J � W C] V1 W � � !Q � �" � R7 � ►. 1� � J J � w w � en p � Z U� e v � z � ca � u, ei � � a C.> > �, �� � O �L� va 4 �1dltaflltfA m ��s cz*' Y , � `� � Q �� s � � � �' a ca� '�„ � �, � � � � � t�� :� �, �•: �� 04 O � � �[ � � � � � � 4ovs+ � � � � � � a �� �� � �U ' 1''. � � � � �a � a � � '� �� v° � cn��s,.� � � ? — r,,, y� � r� � � �° sU� trr fi v1 � � = � �y � ¢ q U W � �Q� � �I�Vti �'J�'i '�G' � � �� U'� �,y.� L{} rV C7 � w^` Q [� '- 4 -� .. p �'' p � U p R1 C]C .�'.� [w e,U pa F- �° r�f � � }� �„ � u5 rC �� C3. i (� W �Y � � � `s�� � � p � �w � � � � � I � � � � � c.�i Q � � �'�� � c ��� � � Q D t} a CS �C � � N 7�� �� ��"``�,".�.j (] � H a u�� � H � `� � a Gy � � 3.`� 'O; `�.>` � �' � �— � a� � � � � � � �- c � .. � o o a � ° a � x � E o p � �., a , � � � ' � � [[ r, +. � � � � � Q � � � � � � � p� w � � w v�s 0. �� �� � W �" --� �[} tU w � � � � { � ' d . � LL 4�J N � [13�� � � � 3 ° � a � � x � � ¢ a a � � c� � E � �'�� � � � FY � "� +' � ~ � ¢ � F � � O Of � , � � E1X � LlJ T � u. E1J F '� � ~ C7 , — i] [4� � f-e F Q w � � � � W CJ � � ' r 'G7 d LL � � � � [,L � U C:+ ~ � w �5 s ? u � w � H � 2 � n m � � W � � � Ll. ~ � ,� � w � � w o '�y u- A , w� � 7' � � � � ul l I W � � � p a � � �o �1 'f � � � � � � � V] � C�i 2 C � 2 � '� p m � ¢ O a� fs., o. ;� � a rr � � u7 O �7 � :z1 vr �} Q � � � �x � y�� � p � � � � � � � � � p � �� oo pd o C� W � t7 C3 s� C7 r � w w w ua � {� e•3 �+ n cV U � a °. t` � � � � � � � � � d �I 1 � � � 1-� � . r�"� � J «.! 1� _..I J Ar ' c �1....l� i�/ G J � r4�CJ7 � �i � '!-� r� ,�i � �7 7 � 3 � � ., [� � '�7 CJ] � H H lL 1� la. LL LL � � � � -1 C� Ri � � "� Q +� Q Q �1 el W � � � � � � �,. (a5 �[_] r`-3 41 Z � H C[ l�� � � J � J �r J � �i J � � .� '�7 Lll Q 111 � � M � �,r.� � � � � ._] � U LL U lL F- ,� F }`°� LL� �. I� IL� �- IF 6i � F" JL-y � � �../ � Q C CO 01 �- � � � � J � � J CL� � J iY iY �y--` '�' � a � w � ,� � � a � a � a � a c� 4� � � W � 0] W � 4 �. � [r U � U � V � V � L} �. � w � �e a '�° oc ¢ `�' � _ � � � ��� � � m � � � � w � � F � � � � � w J � Q � eC � � � � � � � � � � a � � 'd 4 w Q � C7, � O� p � � ! '� �`� II�JS��TICI�V RE+C�U�SMT PERMIT I�UMBER OF PRL7,�ECT _ TOW1V CJF VAIL C7ATE ;-;, JC�� NAME — � CALL�R REA�Y FC7R ENSPECTiC�IV: MQN TUES WEO 7HUR FRI + ___ AM PM LC�CATi It�l�: _ _.. BUILCiIIVG: PLUMBiNG: C� FC)C7TINGS ! SY�E� .�.�_.__,. ❑ UN[7ERG�OUND �,�dL1Ni7A71QN 1 5�'EEL ❑ F�C7UGH f ❑.lhl.V. • ❑ FRAMiNG ❑ RC3UCaH 1 WATER —__ � R4�[�F � SHEER 17 GAS Pi�I�J�", PE..YWC)�� PJAILING � I� 1hJSULATiC)N _.__ ❑ PQC}L 1 H. TUB _,. ❑ SH�ETf�OC� �}AIL ❑ ___ � ❑ O FINAL � F1h�AL __ ELEGTRICAL: M�CHAGVICAL.; 0 T�MP. PQWER _ �7 HEAT#IVG _. ❑ �iUUGN ._�_ Q E?CF-1AlJSY HOODS �.� ❑ ��7NDUfT � SUPPLY Al�i , ❑ [7 � FINAL � FINAL "�... �CJ APPFtC)UED C7 D#SAPP#�C�VEQ ❑ REI�fSPECTICIN' REQL11f�E� � GC RRECTIOitiJS: � . .. -� -, —9 . DATE , . ' _ 1�+15PECTC3R `,,�,.,r.x `---._:....m _� SAeprirtlery�vnn � I�JS CTI�N �E[�UE�T P���n�� r��M��� o� ��o��c-r row�l QF vAl� ` � ,� � C7ATE ' --.� JC]8 NAME —_ �.�. J� ��_ _._--- CALLER Ft�ADY FUR INSPECTiC7N: MJN TIJES V'JED T�#�f�R �RI AM PM LOCATIC7WV: �IJILDIhIG: PLUMBIN+C: ❑ Ft7C]7lNGS 1 STEEL � ❑ EJNDERGR�I.lNC7 ❑ FC�Uh�aATIC7N I STEEL ❑ RC�UGH ! a.W.V. _. • I7-_�RAM���G ---_--- 0 R4UGH I WATER Q RC.�C�F $� SH��F� L� GA5 P1PIh1G F'LYW�OD NAILING _-� ` �� 1(V��ILATfO�J ❑ PC)CI�L / H. TUB � ShiEETRC]CK NAI� Q Q ❑ � FE�JAL � �INAL ,-- E�EGTRICAL: N7�CHANICAL: C.� TEMP. P�DW"ER fl � �EATING —__..— � RQU�ai-� � EXk+AUST HQOQS r___- [� C�?A�E]U�T ._. ❑ SUP�'LY AIR � �] Q FIhI,AL T - ❑ FINAL —__.. � APPRC7VEE� _ L�_�31SAPPRC3VED - 0 R�lNSPEGTIOM1J R�QUIR�[? �,- G�[7RRECTI(�nES: _ ��__ - _._ " _ r,-� -_ . '4 .. � _- �`;�..._� ,ei � r � "� • �- .- � p.��, �� � ` � � f`�ti �. 4 �E � __. _. - .. .. . -__ - f �... __ _. } -._- r � _ �,�.�'--��� ���°`�� ��,..�; � i _ �.._ � �.�_`--- � _ � � � ' -.*r �' _ ---- --� - �a ? �3ATE � II�SPECTflR. �; ; ,.-_�=� � _ - �° � r% , i ih�annury�va�i -• :;;_�,: _ ,� �' �'���-`� - It�J���TfC]N REQUE�T � P�Rnn�'r rv�.r�n��� o� PRO.���� T(�WfV UF VAI L �ATE - _ J(]B hIAME — _ --- -�- ---� �ALLER F�EA[3Y FC]R INSF"ECTIOhl: MC7N 7UES WED T�-I�JR FRI �.��_�__ AM PM LQCA�IC3N: _ __. BUILDIf'+iG: PLLJIWI�INi�: ❑ FDOTINGS / ST�EI. �] LJNC}ERG�QUNC] C! FC]UNDATIC7lwl 1 STEEL � ROUG�--I I D,W.V. ❑ FRAM�N� -- --^ � �iOUGH I WA7ER 0 FtC3�F & SHE�R Q f3AS PIPING �LYWC?JQ NAILII'�fC ❑ IhJS�1LATIDN __ - ❑ PC)dL f H. TU�3 ❑ SH�ET�OCK �IAIL --..— ❑ ❑ ___ - C1 - -- 0 FINA� _ ❑ F1P�IAL EI.�CTRICAL: M€CMAMI�►4L: C7 TEMP. PC3WER ❑ H�ATING 0 ROUGH _ ❑ E3Ci-iAUST HQCiDS � GC�h3DU3T �7 SUPPLY AIR � ❑ ❑ FiNAL __,._ ❑ FINAL � ,�IFPRC]VED CJ C7fSAPPR0IA�D 0 R�EINSPECTION REt�UIR�D CUfiR�CTI(]NS: _ DATE 1 �` '- __ _.. INS�EGT�]F� . --- --- . ihe o+�nxn/.�waa�. _ � T INS CTI+LIN REC�UES PERMIT NUMB�R OF Pl�OJECT T[7V11N C7F VAIL C7ATE °�, _ '` _ - _ JQB NAME �� ` ..,� _ CALLER .-. _ ;. , , ��' RE,ADY FC3R ��JSP�CTICl�: M4N TUES W`�7 THUR FR€ --.-- _ _- - AM PM LdCATIUi�: - BUiL[71fi+IG: PLUMBiNG: w � FdC]TINGS / ST�EL ❑ ��D����d11�� . L F�OIJNDATiC7�7 / STEEL __. 0 RC]L3GH / L7.W.V. ❑ FRAM[NG _ _ ❑ RC]UGH / WA,I"�R F3CJt7F & Sf�EER ❑ GAS PiPING � PLYWCJ�C7 fU�ILlh�� ❑ 1NSULATIUN _. ❑ PQC]L I H. TI,JB __ . -- ---.--- -- - C] SHE�I�FiC7Cf� �.IAIL ❑ � _ . -. -- ❑ '-' � F1NAL �'��,,;'�<';� _ _ � FI�IAL ��._. _.. , _ LE�TRECAL: MECHANICAL; ❑ TEMP. POWER —__. 0 H�A,�`Ih�G --- __ _ _____.,., ---- - - 0 RC�UGH _ ❑ ��CHAUST HOCJDS ❑ C{7NDUIT __._ C] SUPPLY AIR ❑ _ �7 ❑ �lhIF1� ❑ FIfVAL _ � ,.p-p,pp�pl��p � DISAPPRC?VED ❑ REINSPEGTICJN FiEQUIRED CC7RRECTI�}N�: —_ . ; , -,a DA7E � ��, - NN�P�CTC)R -- �+ ' �^ - ,i . � _ � tnaprinsery�va+r � � r�vi���l 5/18/91 � � ' • DRS AFPLICATIUI'3 - TJWN C}F VAIL, COLORADO DA�E APP�,ICA`FIC7I�7 RECEI'V�D: DATE OF DRB �FEETING: ***�k*��*�* TSIS APPLICATTON WILL �b�' SE ACCEPTED UNTIL I�.LL REQU�RED INFd1�I�+IATION IS SUHMITTEI� ***�*���** . . I . PF�JJ�CT INFQF'�TTUN : .. . � �':�' ' � '"� 1�,. I�ESCF�I�'TI�N. .- . , � ,;�,f � ,- : - t ,c.���'.<�-. Rl r-r ' ��� ��+. " �. �f M 1 fj_ . y'x�� ' .. . .�". _��"�i+ �__ 8. TYPE C�F REVIEW: �'ew Constructic�r� fS�OD . 00y :�inar Alteration ($�a . GG�) Addition ($50 . Q0� Caa�c���ual R�view (��} C. �1Q���J. � � �!{'J f'� , 1 /[z � / i[�� ' ;1. - . ., ' , �r �� r� Q. LEGAL DESCF�IPTI�1rT: Lot '' �s';`'� ,`�.'. Bloc}�,- `.� ,��! , `",:'.,�,��''�; �" _ '�'� _ S�x�diuisic�n �_ � If �ar��erty is c�.escribed by a meets and �ounds 1�ga1 desc�ipt�on, please pravide nn a s�par�te sheet and att�Ch tr this app�icat�Qn . E . ZONING: F . L[7T ARE�: If req�aired� ap�licant must pr��a�de a c�:rrent Stamped Survey shp���ng lot are� . - f. �` G. NAME �}F APPLICANT � ,_ f ' �'�r'✓`�����"- `- ' Md111Ci� ,�C�' r�SS •'` ' `�- ;''t,'� �- / �-"�,7, ,a�k -y�'i'�y ,"_ � r ��' 'y +'P�lf)Il� �`�/� �- � •1 / 'k7"'_'—, H. Nr'�ME C7F A�'PLIG�NT' S AEPRESENTAT�VE: �ailzrag Address : Phone �-; ;�` _ I . I�'�ME OF CJW:'�TERS : '; � . 1 - *S�CI�iATURE (S) : ' � - M�iling Addre�s ; - - PY'ifli7e J. daizr niu�t A� va� �f applic� . -- - l�;. ,' ,� -' � � - • f, . �� ;!. . t'. �._. '�; � . -�-- ee � ,, as s f wn� ab� re` to � e paid at �he tirr,e'c��f su3�mittal of DRB aPP�:ic�tion. Later, when �,,��lying far a building permi�, ple�se ic3�n�iLy th� accurate vaTuation c�f the proposal . Trkc. `�°own �f tTa== wil�, adjust the f�e accorr�ing �q the table h�J ow, �o erisure the car�ect fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHE�LJIr� : - VALUAT I O1V F�� � 0 -- $ �C�, �?�0 $ 2C1 . tlQ S 10, (}01 - S 5�, 00U � 50 . �0 S 50, 001 - S 15C�, Oa� 5104 . OQ �150, 041 - � 5��, ��� a2J0 . 0� �500r [}41 - $1� {l(�0� t7t�(] $4�}�} . QO � C�ver $1, �Ot7, fl�� $S00 , 00 *N� APPLICATIC]N WILL BE PROCESSEI] WITHGUT QWATER' S SIGNATIIRE X � � Pr�ject Applicatic�n Gate -'� � � Projec# Name: � � ,, f. "-� ',7. . , d� ��.k..e , � t��', � ri� �;`�r , i��;., ,, �`t,�� _,_-- � 'F i `1� �° '���� I Praject descriptlon: �4 � '�� _ ' � f .-` f+ �'�+ ,�,.� �,�'';-� � , ,,�—: Cantact Pers4n and Pho�se j* - i Owner. Address and �'hvne: r '�. �`� , � I � 4�i' � � . _� �_`�:�� ��� �. J Ar��dtect, Address and Phvn�; ` ��. �� �� , � � �,� �� � �_� ,.��. � � �� ��__ �� L�gal Des�rip#ian: Lat � f � ' , Block . Filing �'� � ` f '`.�Z��`,`Z�ne ' Cvrn m e nts: ___ D�51C�1'1 R�VI�EW B[]71'f,� Date MotiQn by: - - Sac[�nde[! hY ---- APFROVAL DlSAf'PR011AL Surnmary• _ ` � ` '�,,' � f '`�.L � �- v'�- �' ? � .��✓ �`;..�.-� '7' I�i f,__ �-, `, 1 • 'i j �5-,��?'� �+� �r ,! . _. � .. � �'������� F-,a � �i���_�.�..���.� .,� .. ` Town Pdanner [�}'�5ta6f Ap�]raval . j ,,/�� . ����� �`� Qate: �FS" _-�?""` t_. � � August 24, 199D Staff appr�rval vf awnin� er�t�y at Roast L�dge B�ckgraur�d �c� s�rvey a�+'�ilable of the property Used the '�own �f Vail 's Raad sur�eys far rc��d aka�ve the prQperty to determirt�d tha� th� northwest corn�r af th� western mcrst b�iidinr� is apprQximately �.7 ' frc�rn the property line. �rom this we �cr�clu�dec3 that �he pr�p�seci wi11 not b� in any setbacks. �ut own�r on nat�.ce that no further impraveme��s will be allc�we�. vn th� praperty withaut a sta�nped survey being submitted with the appl�.catian. She11y Mello � �>'•,� � Project App�ca#ivn ' -'" date :�°�� t' ���� �'��� Prr�j�ct IVame: . 11 Prajecl DE�scri�ti[rr`E: 4:,,?; ,, , ! I ! !� C.`' i � '`��fi%` :� ,i�''�'�i,,�' ���-L r� . �'E. °�`:� ! � �r�ntact Pcrson and Phane - - ----- ,�' r �wnPr. Acfdress and Phone: �1 � �1..-':`�'�-"���� � � �� ��. � � �. , Architect, Addressand I'hone: _ _— 4 I'� J --- �,4��:.�' ;��- �'��,p' � �;: Legal C�esr.ription: LQt � 81nck , Fifinq , , Zone i Commen�s: �� aesign Review B�ard Dat� Mation by: S�c�nd�d �iY — - h APPROVAL f�#SAPPRC}VAL �h -y R.� / q SufllkYlaly ti�,. ��, 1 �`'�,li �,��/1�e�✓ � �L.- � J _ � `i ,, , f`'�-V��'�}�l� f'tC,���i��4�� � e "_��.�,�,��, � � �����,� Tawn Planncr �Sta#f Apprpw�f ,, r-� � �� '�� , � � �ate: �.—��� ' � � --- - -� � �" ���.�-��,� ��,,f�� �� . QRH A�PLICATIO�1 � If � QATE APPLTCA'TIi3IT �CEIVED: li�;�,,�s!` j,� DA'"�'E t3F DR.B MEETIY+fiG: ' *****T�i�S �1���.,,:+CYATIDN ',�+�TLL NC7T �E ACCEPTED UNfiIL ALL INFARMAT�C}N IS 5:17��TL`,£'TE�***** I. PRE-AFPLI�ATIQN MEE2ING: A pre-a�plicativn meeting with �. planning �t�ff rnet�ber is strongly suggested to determine �f any additional information is needed. Na at��lYCation will be accepted unle�� it is co�plete �mus� includ� all items required bv �he zoning administra�ar] . It is the applicant's responsi�ility to make an appc�,intment with the staff to find out about additional sub�itta� requirements. Piease nvte that a C(]MP�,E'�E application will �t�eamline th� approval p�c��ess fr�r y�ur praject by decreasin� the r�umber c�f cQnditit��� c�f agpra�a� that the I�RB may �tipulate. ALL �co�ditions r�f apprc�val must b� resal�ed before a building permi,t is issued. Appli.cati�n will �c�t be pro�essed with+out Uwner's Signature. A. PRC)�E�T aESCRTFTIQi�i: f s. , : � 'r �' % � - . ; ' � I ,., -r: �. .�'j�� . . • . + , �. z�c�Tx�o�a oF ���a�as�L: Address ' , �f , _ . �,^,,,' ,�.-' ,_.�.,_ Legal Description La�t , %` Bloc}� Subdivision �aning �. NAME OF APFLTCANT:�� ` ` . M�+iling Ar�dr��s: f - ' ;; � , . . � � . . , .,,, - _, Ph�ne - '' _ � •�,z' .r . D. N�ME ClF APPLI CANT'S REFRESEN''I'ATITiIE: �� .. _ 2da�.l irng Address• Ph�ne E. NAME C]�' OWNERS: - SYGNAT[IRE{S I ; , � ,-._. _ _ - Mailing Adt�,ress: . _ Phone F. Cr�rrdaminitx� Appr�ual i� agaplicable. ,'`;;;';'!;. G. DRB FEE: �}e .�ee will Y�e paid at th�-,time a buildinct perrnit is �ais� fc�r. VAI,�,�'I'IQ�3 EE $ D - $ 1f7,4��1U ; I�.OD $ 1Q�0�1 - $ 5i3, Oi�O $ 2'�,0� � �o, ovz - � ���, �Qa $ �o. 00 ��.�a, c�v� - � 5+��, vaa ��o�o.o0 S��o+�, t���. - ��,vvo,oo� �200. ov S over S�,aao,aoQ �3oQ. a� ! � ` ` . II. IMPaRTANT �OfiICE REG�RQING ALL SUBMISSIONS TA THE dR�. A. In addi�ion to rneeting su�mittal requirements, the applicant must st��� the site to indicate groperty lines �nd buil�ing �arners. Trees that wi11 be removed must also �e marked. This work must be comp�eted bef�r� the �RB vis�ts the site. B. The review grocess fvr NEW BIIILDINGS wili n�rmally involve two se�arate meetings �f the tiesign Review Board, s� the applicant sh��ld plan on at least two m�etings f�r a final approval. C. Ag��icants whv f�il to appear befv�e the Design Review Bvard at th�ir scheduled meeting and who have no� asked fo� a post�vnement �ill b� requir�d to �e republished. D. At the d�s�retian of the zoning administr��ar, th� f�liawing items may nat ha�� t� be presented tv th� �esign Re�i�w 8oard. They, howe�er� have t� �e pres�nted t� �he Planning D�partment fvr apprava�: a. Windo�s, s�ylights and si��lar ext��i�r ch�ng�s th�t do not alte� the existing p�an� of the building; �nd b. Suilding additi�ns that are n�t viewed fram any vther l�t �� public space, w�ich have had Tetters submitt�d fr�m adjaining property owners �pgrvving t�e addition, and/ar appr�val fro� the agent far, or manager of a candamini�m assoc�a�i�n. �. You m�� be required to c�n�uct Natura� Hazar� Studi�s a� your p�opezt� (i,e. snow avalanche, rock�all, debris flow� wetlands, etc) . You sha�ld check with a Town PTanner befar� praceeding. i r �- ' ' r � � � LIST QF MP.TERIAI,S • t .r:��� '��� NAM� QF PFtc3J"EC'F.f s � ___ �� - �. �.. r-r � z���r� t��sc�a��rzor�: �m'- { �� .a�ac� � s�B��v�.��vN ��i' �- ,,_�,.<�_�-�v. STREET ADI3RES5: _ -- %�f 'L,,�,�.�' r' '' . !f• ,� r'`. � �, � I7ESC�tIFT2{3N �F PR[3JECT: ���'{ ��;-; ;;�ri''' ?.- i.,;��' ,.,.,` ,�1;N,f '�'.�f, `�' � �-^ ta Th� falY€�wing informatiQn is required �+�r submittal to the b�s�gn Review Bc�ard �efare � final apgresva� can be g��►en: ,A. BUTLDING MATERIALS; TYPE OF MATEI�IAL - CC3T�C�R Ror�f '� �" '' �.',. -�- �f Siding '� . ' .' - y �. �� - Other Wall �at�rials ,'�,' t Fascia /l�' .'`= , ; S of f its _ '��`-'� r, Windows "`, � . . .._..�t• .� Windvw Trim ' . ; �; {` �-.� r� �r{; �:�-' Dcs+ors ,,��"�;�' � I7aar Trim �r � H�n€1 or I7eck Rails ff� .��+ -- � ., F�ues � '.F� . ., . Flashings " �� Chiamn��s i1, Trash Enclo��res ;`' ° %'- �reenhouse� '�Us.' "�� Uth+�r i"!',�;;.i� _. . , ;. . $. I.ANDSCAPING: N�1TLE faf De5'iCJF1Br: {f�- ''�� �^� ''!�-�,✓��l>a: `.rf f Fhon�: � - _ y :/ �{�n , , , � . _ , �>> , . , PLA�IT MATERYALS: Botani�al N�m� n ame �uantit.y. �iz�* '' f PROP(3sEU ��t��s -� `'�,`f'��,-r��" G`:-�"' �� ., c ,� !�:.- t`" ,: ,, -�- , f � -- - ��,� �.-� .�:r �_,__�.r �, .." `c f {. .�` - �` E�I�TING TREES Tt) �'�:� l7�� 8E R�M�VED � � ^� *IndiGate ca�.iper fcsr decidupus tr+ees. N�'�nimum cal$per for de�iduous tr��s i� 2„inches. Indic��e hei�ght far cr�nif�raus trees. Minimu�a height �'ar caniferflus trees is C f�et., � � • - . PLANT MATERIALS: �a�anica�_�a�n� Commc�n Name �}uantity S��* PRQ�USED SHRUSS EXISTING SHRUBS ° TQ $E REMC}VE� *zndica�.e �ize af prop�sed shrubs. Mir►imum size o� sh�ubs zs 5 gallan. Tv�re Squ�re Fvatag� c�au�rQ cv�v�Rs sot� SE�'� TYPE OF IR.RIGATTqN 3'YPE �R M�THCId C7F' ER�STOI�i Cbh1TRdL C. dTHER LANDSCAF£ FERTURES (retaining Wdl1s, f�r��e�� sw�mming pov].s, e�c. } Pleas� spe+�ify. Ind�cat� heights �f retaining wa11s. Maximum he�.�ght of wa��.s wit3�it� the �rant se�b��ck is 3 �e�t, Maxa.rnum height of wa31s elsewher€� or� the prc�perty a,s 6 fe�t. f.� , .,� ; _ i ,--- � '�,�lf �'1�`� � i � � -�- y �, � }— �""� Q3 V;�.[+'i V) C�] � � p� �Q � U tF? 2 � � �w � � � � � � � � I� � �� O e .�? � � rn d �, �, �a o �� � � Pa �f � '�� � � � �s Q � I �I r�-- � `3, C � F W � � Q � � � � I W 4 ��'N Q C� iJJ '`�, �. y ��ti�� F � � � � II7 [C � � � Z � � � H�y 3 � C] � � � ` � � � Q p U W �. a ry� ! � ru .� �� � C] ~ W ti o � W � ~C� C Q � �S � � � q � � I � �H °-Y � Z � � h` LL E-1 1 � J h (� � � � C � � - � .- � � m t!7 � H IJ w-� �¢ Z� �� � fA � � c:r � � ��' u��.r Y � J � '� w � � I� � 1� �q • � � �-k! r��' z Q ? � z a � ¢ � � � o '� � � z ��; C� _ � ,�. 1� ?� � � m ¢ � � C! GJ w UJ rl �u a] � '� 4 Q � H � v � � � z � 2 � "` '� ' � x � W c� �-! �� � ❑ U . �C7 ,� au � � v � m d � � ¢ � � 1c7 � � °�C7 U C c � �w � � w a � � Z L�3 � x � � Q ~ d � +-� � [7�] x O '� �G O �2 � � � � � w � � � ; ; � �� � I2 �H � �� G � �� m h1011i{flllih co a w c� � [t ❑ U 7 � � �� V] p �3 � ,f?— ca �L �� m r+J Ci id p,'-' •- � � �� a Ca I � � �- � I r I rn���� r � t7 � Q 7 � J ' +� �� -p 4] CC � g � Q W � �� � ur � p � u° �+ 7 ,� � cs � F ' I � c�-� � "U � '" � — � � � � � � _�°— � ca� x `a .� � � � � --- � Q R's c � �� � w `., � � w �u`�i'� � � z r� ✓� PC >C �`a � 7 � � _ � cV � a C7 �' I � "E � : i � f7.Q 4] � C � — � p 4 � ?1 � � �C� H S a U � cC5 Q-- ,.. 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TQM: ALL CaNTRACTORS CURRENTLYL RE�ISTERED WITH THE � T�+WN DF VA�L FR4M: T�WN �F 'VAIL PI3HLIC WO�K5,,f COMMUNITY I3EVELOPMENT �ATE: I�lAhCH 15, 1'S 8 8 SLTBTEC'I': CDNSfiRU+G'I"IDN PA�tKI1+�G & MATERIAL 5T°C�RAGE In summary, Ordinance Na. g states that �.t is uniawft�l f�r any persan t� l:�tter, tra�k vr depvsit �ny sQi1, rock, sand, de�ris �r material, incluc��ng trash dumpste�s� parta�Ie tailets and war}cmen vehicle� upcan an� streetF sidewalk, al�ey or public pl.ac� ❑r $r�y portian the��of. Th� right-of-way c�n all Towr► cf Vai� �t�eets and �aads is agproximately 5 ft. ofi pavem�nt. - T�iis Qrdinanc� will be strictly �nf��ced �ay t�e Town cf Vaii Public Warks Department. Fersans �vund violating this �rdinance wi31 b� g�.uen a �4 haur written nvtice to re���e ��id matarial. Ir� the +�vQnt the p�r�an sca notifi�d does nvt �amp�y �i#:h the ncatice wit�i� th+� �4 hour time spec�.��ed, the Public Wvrks Degartment will rems�ve said matarial at �he e�er,s� c� persvn ncrtiffed. The provisivns o�f this r�r�3inance sh�ll nat be agpiicable to can�tr��tion, maintenance or r�pai� �roje�ts vf any street or alley or any uti�.it��s �n the right-�a�way. T8 review C3rdinan�e Nc�. � in full, please stop by the Tawn �f Vail Huild�ing Uepartmen�t tv obtain a copy. Thank yvu far your c�aper�tian a� this m�tter. , �ead r�fid a �Wledged---by: ,i . -._ ��� �•. r' ,r`'� f _..; r - -'� P+�sit on/ ela ��o�sh�p tr PrQj e�t �i.e. cvntractc�r, owner) � Date � � � �� � � ������� .��, , ' I �C� �If J ��' ti7 C LL -� - - � � N U �4� lL �r' C,� u� ua {�', � 3 � � 4� a � � F'" • �c��� � 2 cCa � I� C7 � ,U t�9 r�i y J' Q O � �� ��C } N � � � "� 0 a ¢ � t� 9� J � � � a � � IO � i� � � U� p � { I �^ stl � ri ^"� ' rrl ! fsr C�� C C 4] H 1 � U � � �� P/S � � � � � ~ � � 4U �._ � ¢ ` D � ��/ Z Lt vS '�-�d � � N s9 C '� � Z �3= � � F-- � � H � � Z7 � �� � uj � � W � � u�1 � F� ��� ���'' C3 C � � � � a W r I� � � � � �� ��. � � F p � LL ` �� (� � 4 � O•� C O � � J �� W m VA � �. r J� � L� �.� . � � �. �� � °� ' ¢ `� w �, a � H a i- C� �U rt0— � �LIJ � r9 r.� � U c�u J " � w � � �U ra �`!s J R� W a� '❑-r'i C3 Z p � ,� z � '� a, c7 a .� o � ❑ °� � �,�� � ��~ F+ s '� E N � I- � � � � �'' z � " � � ~ � � at � � ��'' I� °�� w "� � c c�, �� L!, Lu � � � t) � � � W � `� J �[S�+ ¢ �v7 CJ C C ��y . �W 3 � J LL! [-a C) F-� 2 L7 Z � � {j, C7.! O CJ L 1`�� F�Z � ts� w a � � � tY � ¢ s[ Q W bd I C7 � Qy *" 4 Q F y� � d ua � � c� sn t,, w F- C] �`p H � ���j ' t � � J J _J w W N.1 J {I7 n3 ,y,,. ,� L �(] � Nt711'df]lNA � cL w c� � a o U � � '� ���"' v ��C� 4'- eo�Y d � �� �� � , C3 � � � .. ,�y ,� `' � � � I � �,Y Q-,�c ''� � N z � ,�, � �� cm � H � o ¢ � J � � � S�3 �1 �2 Q1 � �, O (l. � 4 � � � �� � � � } OC � J � � F � �� �� � [�j� �lP� LL y ►� �1 Z � � Q : �, - m a `z � � � ,�� ro rn rn � � " , z `� � � z � � �� � �� C� oe+ � w � � � °- w r�n � `� �� � � 7� a� t � � �.� �+�, }' � c.2 C 'L 4 � '� 4 Q �.O.� e� � f�'' 0� '� ! a � '.�'. � � q � � � C �f11 � �`� Q C] ..� a. r� tG 4.- U w' x ¢ �= � � T }I c�cu sn � �' 4h I � o� � n �' '� I�' w ��?���'O ° `�a �H � � a : ❑ tsa�t � ._ ,�, ri w z z w,� �7 a z u' ts ti.. �~ c H L^`-� F- � C3 G7 C]}-I � w � GS � � -p� �i "�.� Z � � .�7 a Q� z ri � � 47 R7�3�. � � '� dC� . [5` Cy � I ~ � r2 � C �� � �. � } a� . � � a ' v> � � a W t�C Z3 r„�j O � �H 1 t�3 3 , � t_ u� vr � � �7 � Q � U f7 � � 2 � �� �G C R3 � � �4 aU � q � � �} . fJA ; 2 �Cl 47 � � r�� � ¢`� E- � � S7 N _ w i � } [,1 �a � � Y � a � ,� � F a 7 f- = p L C} �� ` i$.7 l F C7 �7 � u� C7 U � �. Y U I � w rj �' � � �r ? u� � � X � ' > O w �O � t� � � 'o = u. au . � H 2 ¢ Rn m A � W � ~ � � � � w � � d � � � � � � W � W� � � C U o � � � E� � � a `� u� w � � � � � �r � � � � � � � ^ � � � a � o � � � � � m f-�v ' � W � � � � � � � �' � � � --� a"�..� �` c�n �-r � w w w w � � +� � W � °C � � � � � ���? J � � � Q � � � � c� w � H � � y �' � � � �a � � J � c� � � � u. �. ❑ J J � � Cl. L� ." '� � � `� �-� � � o � �' � ```� � "' � w � � � � � � � � � 4 C7 � � `� ' � � � �` � �- � � � w � � � � � r`,.4� � � � � �J U � J � .. �.., C� -J [L` CY_ ^-� LL' d�C �. � � � � � lll � � W 4 � r,,�j � � � U � C7 � L7. J J � � �' '� 4J Cr U � C� � G-� w U `'' � u �"—'� () [�i7� m Z C�.� Z � � fL' � � � � = t� u.f �1 � Q � t7� � � � Z ..J � � ~ '� ~ O J � � d � � � �- Q �� � Q b � � U U U � � I{'r►I�PECTIaN REQUE�T PE�CMET NUMB�R t]F PRC7JECT T�]'1�+"�IN �F VAI L • I��7� ,�Q B I�iA ivl E _ _ Cf��LER READY Ff�R IMVS�'�C�IUfki: MQfU `�UES W'�Q THUR FRI AM PM LCJCATIQN: BLJILDIMG: PLUMBIMG: Q FOOTIh!'GS / STEEL ❑ UND�R�aR�UND , ❑ FC�UiVC]AT6C�N / S���L ❑ R�`}U�GI-I l C).W.V. ❑ FFiAMING _ _ _ ..._ _ C] RC7UGN / WATER � R+�C]F & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPIN� T �'LYWUC�[3 MAILIIV� Cl �NSULATI�N � PC7C71� I I-I. TUB k7 SH��TRC)CK NACL p C1 ❑ � FIt�J1�L _�__.__..._ I� F€NAL ELECTRICAI.: MEGHAf�+IICAL; � T�M#'. PC3WER C] HEATING ❑ RQUGH �L] EKHRLlST H�ODS __ � CUIVI�I.IIT C7 5€JPP'LY AER ❑ ❑ C] FIhIAL ❑ FINAL C] APF'ROVEL7 p El15APPRQVED 17 RE[f�SPECTIC3N FiECUIRED GaRRECTEC3NS: _ �� f � � __ _ _ � «. aATE _.— IN��ECTC7R _ t��r�ap � Pro'ect A licat�on � � P� date P�DfeCf I�3371E: �� `n�C?•6_-'� ; _ �� �w projeCt [3es�ri�tiori:--- C�ntact Ferson and Phvne _ __ T_----._r �wner, Address and Phone: Architect. Adc�r�ss arad Phone: Legal CJescr#pti�n: Lat . Slock _ , Filing , ZQne Gomments: Des'rgn F��view Baard a��� h�t�tiQn by: Seconded by: � - A�'PRQVAL DlSAPP�iC�VAI. 5ummary: •?k_'' Tnwn 4�lanner ❑ St�fif Approval f�ate: _ the pnmery va- 4 � � The Ro�ist Re. Business licens� fvr Infarmation Co�nmuni�ati+�n In��rnatic�nal 8f�6/�0 Staff ineeting It was determi�ied that this was an accessozy use tcs �h� Roast Lvdg� an�d �herefore allowable as a bv.siness within the Roast. BR � � �NSPEC�PIC�N RE�U�ST �ERMIT NUMBER C?F PRQJ�CT TC]WN (�F VAfL aAT� __ JC7B NAII�� _— - `'. , : CALLER REA[7Y FQR INSP�CTIC]N: Iv10N TUES WED THUR FRI AM �'M LC+�AT1�3N: 6111��I�1G: PLUMBING: � F�UTINCS 1 STE�L Q UfVDERGROUND ❑ FOIJNDATfC7�V / STEEL O Rt711�'aH 1 D.W.V. _ ❑ �RAfv11NG �_. I� RC}IJGH 1' V'VA7ER ROQF & SHEER C7 CqS PIPING � PLY411t��DC7 fVAILING __._. __ � IiUSU�AT40� . O PDC3L 1 H. T1.98 C7 SHEETI�C�CK hJAI� ❑ C4 ❑ -�-- - ❑ FINAL C7 FII'JAL ELECTFtICAL: M��WAINICAL: ❑ Ti EMP. PUWER Q 9-1EAT1l�G �_—_�.�..,_. �— � RC]UGH _ ❑ E�{HAU�T HDi�DS [� COhIDLJ1T k7 �EJP�'LY AI� � � E� FINAL 0 FINAL �._._- _ _ _ � AP�'RC?VE� � a15AP�'R+�VEa � REII�SPECTIC?I'+� REQl91RED CC7R��C�1�7NS: C]ATE II'a3SPECTQR . , ���N �� _ �-� �t . I�y � � Ii ��`�`�- __ -��`"`� INS CTI�ON F��QU��T PERIl+�11T h�UMB�R C3F PR47.1�CT TC7WN QF VAIL �Ar� _�°,� _���� �-��� .�o� n�a�nE :��c'�s� ���(.�- l�-cc���� �f-�p���� t�t.�� GALL�R ��'��•�-,� ��r �.L��"'�'�_.��.5 _____ ---- �,��_-,-��., -- RE,�+„dY FCIR ENSF'ECTIC]f�� MLN ( TUES �+ WED THUR FRI AM �F�-`�?M�� �.__. LC]CATIC3IW: C $r�£; j't.�. ;=k,'t?,''�1 F�'�.:�=-` tCU ti$'�• ���:�'��� � �U[LQING. RLUMBlNG: 0 FOC3TI�iG� / ST�E�. ❑ UNa�RGRC�l1ND 0 �OUf'�f[71�Tf{�IV I S7'�E� 0 RC7UGH 1 D.W.V. CI FRAMINC-� 0 RQUGH ! INAT'ER ❑ RC]OF & SHCER p GA,S PIP�NG P�YWUQD NAILlNG 4 ❑ INSiJLATION ❑ P4�C3L ! �I. TUB —...� ❑ SNEE7RJCK f�JAIL 0 __ 0 � - � ,� �'IhfAL _,._ __ ,____ _ C7 Fff�AL _ EL.ECT�iiCAE.: ftiflECHAI'VICAL: � TEMP. POW�R � HEATIN� � RC]UGH �_ _-, _ � EXHAU�7 HC7Df�5 C� C4]f�DI�IT ❑ SUPPLY AIR __ _ f� ❑ __ ❑ Fli'JRL ❑ FINAL _ C7 APPf�O11ED Q DISAPPF�C)VE[] ❑ REIlV5�EC710�1 REQUIFiE� C{}f�RECTI{1N5: = �___ - - +��^ ' �. i� � � .� �' � 9 =,-�', �'' ) , ---- ,r ; . , .� ,. � �� y : �- r :: �'s--�_f s:��' + c.... • � ,� 4'._ �-. _ , ---v � � � : - . 4' w J � . ✓ 3 � .°+ ,�' , - _ . ._._ : , '�~�� dT'J A '� +�� �.1 �I+, .; � �1 r� `': ( ° � -� .,5'r � .��rs {- �' F ��...��.� - _ .. �� _ � — : �,lf ,� j:. C7A�E �.._ `� �-3'�� _ IN`a"'f7El�TGIR �_.,� ��. ' �'r �'.r'" , ,�` .�;�=�� .._ � �'YS�� � � .�{�>� ��.7p�L•���� ���V��T PERNFIIT NUN'kBER CJF f'RC]JEGT �UWN C3F VAIL „ . •;;- ❑ATE _� t�-.��'� JC]B NAM� ��•:�Y-;�' ,.';��'-:,�,�=�.. {� , �ALLEFi ��?`-=;,�,�'. � F�EADY FOR INSPE�CTIC)N: MOI� TUES 1N�d HU�'F� FR! AM PM LC7CATIQfV: '_ . : _:5 ,,�:-�:.��'.,� `�;�� ,-��°�x'` - - -- BUILDIi�G: PL.UMBING: � FCJt7TINGS / STEEL ---_ Q l�f�QERGR[�Uf�[] ❑ FC7UNDATIC7N ,' STEEL C] RQL.I�H ! 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POWER __. _ 0 H�ATING O FtC)�.lGH _. __ ❑ E7fFiAUST HC�a�S _.. 0 CONDUIT __. 0 SIJPPLY Alf� _ _ � _.. ❑ _ _ —.. � Fff�IAL _ ❑ F{NAL ,p A'PPFiOVEL7 � �71�APP1�[7V�� ❑ REINSf�ECTI{71� REC�UfRED ���iREC�1�3NS: C�ATE _. _�— IhJSPECTC?R `_ _. � '_ tne arsnterv'�•a�i � �`��:, ,�r i � ���� �� ��� 75 south frontage road �a{i, cvlorado Si65? (3�3) 4�5-7ama �iiffce �f cvmmu�n[Ry devefopment i�arch � , �934 h1r. dst�rfc�ss S�ue �ky's Unl�m�ted 1783 Nc�rt� Frontage Road -- Wcst Vail , Colorado, 81657 RE : P�rmi t �1r��8, R��s-� ReF�a i r . 'Lot 9, lfl, 11 , 12 Resubdivisiorr Suffer Creek . ♦ Qear t�1r. �Jsterfoss, E1pcn c'heck�ny o�r b�,i 1 di ng p�rmi ts , t•1� f7 n�i t}�at ynu di d ncit cal i thi s d�partr�ent f�r a f i nal i nspecti an an t}ii s �erEni t. The an�y �r�speetian �ve ha�re in ya�r h�i �dii�g permit -�i�e in fc�r a shee�rock r�aiT done D�cember � , 1983. Yaur ie-�ediate ��Gt.e��i�ian to this mat�er is requ�st�ed. You m«st respar�d to this ��tter five days from �he da�e of re�eipt. Th�ar�k y�u, 5i nC2r21.Y, �. ��` a,�� �. ,�.''"�;� i,r 'C-y��--i-r✓.�.,�-�', .L� �' +` � ��ry �lurr�i n • Ciuilding Ins�ec�r�r. Grf,/rme � � l�V� �I��T�+�]�I RE�UE�T TC]WN OF VA1L DATE �a� ���� . GALLER � • � Ft�ADY FC}R INSPE+CT1C71V: Mf�N TUES WEd TH4,JR FFiI AM PM �� l� LOCATICC�IV: gUIL��1�1G� PLUMBEN+G. O Fflf]Tl'NGS J STEE� [� UNb€R�R4UfVl� � � ��UNC7ATIQN / STEEL � RC7UGH 1 L7.W.V. ' � FRAMIIV�.., O RC3LlGH I W'ATER �C��F �& SHE��i L� �AS �'IPING � � PLYW�OC1 N�11LfMlG C� Iht�IJLATiC1M11 C] P�C}{aL / hi. TUE3 ' 0 SH��TRC)C1{ NAIL � ; t ❑ � _ � Ff1VAL ❑ FIt+dAL _ ELECT�k1CAL: MECHANI�CAL: l7 TEMP. P�WER ❑ WEA7'INCx Q RQLIGH 0 EXHAU�T HUODS � CC1hJDUIT ❑ SUF'f�f�Y AIR � � m--- � �INAL ❑ Flh�lA� ❑ ��PRCJV�� � [�ISAPPF�C7VEL � REi1�iSPECTl4)N R�QIJIR�ED ' �C�R�ifCTIG1NS: � S E7A�E INSPEGTOf� 1Mp�lanWryivai! . � � -` ��� `� I ��� ���� �� 1�1� 75 souih frvntage roac# vall,cnlorad❑ 81657 {303) 476-TOV� atflce vf cvmm�n3fy dev�lopmen# �lanuary 9, 1983 James �ster�ass ala �f le �.��}S` �Q��� i7�8 Nor�h Fro�ttage f2oad Vai1 , Colara�Q $1657 Re: Roost L�dg� d�ar N�r. Os�erfas�, I h�ve Y'e��2TV2� camqaa7nts concernir�g the idTing of busscs fvr extended perio�ds 4f timc in the parking �ot of the R�ast �ate at night. As you are aw�re, the problem has arisen in the past. i was under th� impres�ion th�,� it had been reso7ved. Caul� yvu please have yaur staff explain the si�uatian �a the bus drivers? �hank yvr� very rr�uch, S�ncere1Y> �� � �'' � -�..-��---�- - - : D�C�C �YAf�.,.__� Cammunity �eveTopment Dire��or DR:bpr �g•�-_� � . . ^,�.� y ��t; r"�r-r—'i_.IVr-1i iv�v f'Vi-1 'Vf+�111IiIVk.r�. ,. . - , . `w.. s .' , a.,. - '�� .^., �ry,w�l' .- . . �.,r . i,, . } . x4 Y'� ' ' ' . ` .. . . . . I . ' ,� ,.+, �, �rvm thv 7onin� f�asoluti�n �f � ��ja �o..��`�.�=�,1= t - . .' ., ` �a�jlo CQUnty, Cator�J� . , ' r-e� P���s � • , . , Cs�sto rocd, '� �� - � r � to tl°�c � "• `,. . . � � ` �'X��� � � �an�ng �v�rc� c�F Adju3tmcr�ts ' �i ,- " , 1 . ' .' � � . � � . , , - {mir�imum 5 capies r�ac�uircrd; print or #YI�, except �le�natures} `�• � _ ' . . ��� .°,' . ` Seeti+�n'�3.D4.(75 r , .;. � . , .. , � ' . �:�r 4' . � � /' K, i ,�: ... • � ��5�]��GBI'ItroNlh4C�%f�'1 '�1'��'�1r t�3�,''�'t , ' � . . ..i.� � �. � M�x19 Address � � ��� �!"1�,�1` �� _�l►_�"� �#�'31 f,�- .. f'f`Aan�: . . . ,F . . r . �3. Re�uiation and Seotdc�rs�tumtscr(v) ot Zontn� #��rsalu#lon irorn whtci� Vart�u�►ce f3 sovg�t: • - • �r � �y ,� �f►1`Mii. �-(��h3�� . � �� - _ � , � . ��'�� �:. �f�S��t �6�� � . � . , . 3, Gariara�l Ia�atian of prope�ty (#n refatian iv ¢�vwn� Rc��� Strea�rn or vthvr E�rriark}: . i '- . , ��, �J�►j �i�i�'f'�'/�� ��'� r1�f�s�'��'� • . . ��/i►�W � .w"7!�`� �"�`f�`��+� �!'�� �� ��,/�� ' ; . � . , . t � �. � + , • . , . ,•4. L�ga1 dC�s�ript[vn Gt prtapert , '%� ' � . ,�r ti �� ,a. Sub�iVistvrt {'�Isrna� '�����"Q i��i� Lot 6ik ' �tu, . .� -` ` ; _ . , :;�'� �lv/��'; r r �. �,� t�. �rraates �r�d tyour�da �may bo +�tt�Fia�d) in�cl�adQ surv�y crr m�g. /� • . v bd p _ :r f r }� " � ' ' : ��� ' • . � .� . " : .. ' . ,. ��' , . ����.�-� �� � . . . � � ., . , . � x:. � 5� BrioF Aur�rvs� €and R�sasan fvr�Varlanee (mesy !3a at#achad}; ' ° � �. � ,��' ��'�1�� %��7'�'''',�v'�?'ii'�,�.� �� � ��r . : 1�''��`/�` �''`��i"`�'������ �'''�`�� � � �. At a�� g�lav7atiQn that r�n� ar �r�re c�ndFtlans exlst und�r aec. �.04.06� 1-5�� . ����r� � �/I'#i/� - . .�, ��8�@m@Ylt: � . � ' � • . A �cc�rnplaie list af mff awngrs addresses, of !�e �ra�erty prc���s�d for V€tri�nce nn,�nf . ' ail owne a!l ad�� pra ' s is hed heroto; tf�is :uignpttiry i� propc�rly . �.ttho " d tt� m4 st�st , , = �c�rialura ca suthcxri zed a E; owraar De�to ,�/��.�C. � s� � . �/j f�' ./ , � _�__,.__� ..»«..�____�____o_.._�r____---- __-_----�---_____.._r..�__,.�.�,...__------ --�------------ ' ' otfice usc3�''� '.;`, , .. .- ° ' 4 • i , , . • i . . . , �2: . . • • , Ap,�Gicntian e+cceptt�ci �s carr�pl,�to ivrPubl(� HQ�rI+� vr► � ."� '_ ,. . . '��''� .�'�'� � �1.7�P°i'r1'l�1� �� ��a�. ^��+^ � : . �� f` , - ,�y�l ica o�e ecteci n3 1nco�c! te far Pe�bC ir ;��aring l�ccwscr: . ; - . f G .`'- . • ' � . � � , � •�. . • . , .- . • i. . , ,. �. . . . . � . � r.,��, . . , , _ r ,� . . ` i ; . .. .{ . .. . � '�:4k. . i . ' .' . 4`S��. , , ' ' . �y: � � 1�1�1�`1L �i 1�1�4' _-___ . . . pl irx� �dxryin6:lraL4r datn F'a.3c, lof � . . ' . , � � . ' . �� ��s �� �. .��'��`��' ' �✓�'�►� �`,�s.�► �'i�'�"i��' ��'/i''��i7t�' r�'/�J", � , �.%�./' � ��G�`�"�3�� . ,r',� �.�`�`A�'l`,� �'.� �►�� ��.�, ..�''` �r �.�'�li� ���"�/�,� ,���''��'� �%�.� �," /�� �' /�''�"''� ����.r� � ,� s�� ►� ,,� .�i/'�r�� . �h� �'�''� �*,�i .�,�rc� ,� � ���� ��v� ►� �e �'�r�"� t�'I°,,�1' � ,�s�ri-�► s�' ����J ��4�'e� �,�c� r�� ,�7r��v�,��' �i/�''�',�' ,�;� �' ,�e,,° � ��I�,� ,���7 /3 � � �'�'�" �1� �1,r�r�►�� �1c�'� �1��'''�' � ���C� %� v� ��'� +� /i��► �� �"`✓� y /.�' �'� ��i''`?�'�c'�` �� �� � � � �� �� �� ! �, ,�'`�� +,�'.r,�"�� ��%'r� �`� ,��,, �/� /�► �,',�►��"�' ,► � ..,��,�'�►��r ,�r � ,�?�',��,�'' � ,�`,��,�7 V1'�!�f r'j,E�l���: F�,�'�L�Ci��-I C)i'e � �=ilo �.+�.��+�. , _ ,� AG�i�n nf �Crti'tt� [3o�rd af Ac1ju:;tt�e�r1E Dr'� V��ri�r'�c.e Ar:i�loc:tior�c .;I Fa��ro�Jf � � ��r°rd i t i�na: ,I Adeq�at� Landscspin9 . CJeni�l � '� ' � rc�:��n3. {4cw Urcie; �f f}'ic u�ar�n attatii�ecE) � � • ,� ;� I i � I[� E�'C-.G-' . �•-r!"—�% '�G��.,.`,�, . L7�f , heari g�— t��sirman :� ' � s ,� i( �+leste: S�r•tion �.G�.�b "�7p�=�ls f;am fha Baard I ° f�ny fu�'tl1,^r �;���C�! f�4n� �I r� d- isicri of lF�e t3o �r� r-a��y t�� , 'i i . tn:..de fc t9-,:� c��rtv, �.��r�ric .7 �y I�v,�, a?rnu� a�_�, i-sow>;vcr, i lh�:i s:+cl'i -u•.�;a�:�! is rn:s�:: pri.�r t., l�r���nty [2Q) tiG,ys i � . � ioSlaw°iny t�a� ci�:ia n;` t`��� n�tii�c��ic>r� af tft� �3o�trCl's d�ci�ira;�, i . • � ' � � � ,.,., ..... :.. . . . �.,r i � l � � . � . � � }� r... , `�i , • - � � � � �, � �� .��� w�� , ,���� ��'M�E' �ept. t,� F;�r�,����� :.. !7�vm�. l�o�t Lo �e �., �°�`".,�. � �. at Vail ,=,�,ri1 1 , 1�79 ��rsan 'Jaugf�n EagLe C�unty Dspt, of Planni�g and �7evel��ment Eag].e� Cal�. 81�,31 D��ar l�s. Uaur�hn, The names �nd �r�dres�es ��` the aa�rt�r� ❑f the E�illside G�ndaminium an E3i��'fer Lr��k f�PS�f�. �3K ��1 F�G 554 �re: flruce F. �nd H�er�ert �i. Mielke �❑� ],731 Uail, Calo« SI�S7 Niickey Eugen� a�d Bill E. �'aoge 493� Sunbird Cli.�'ts Col�radta 5princ��, Col�. 8Q�(�7 Cl�ncy, dlss�n r�nd SC�+unk E�x ��8F Crr�,ar�cia S��irrg�, Ct�lt�, Ei��3� UJill�am E. Gawski �n� Cumbria Cr��� �iaac �9[]� Vaal, Calo. C�1�57 8a1��, Mc 4�onalc� and Gu�t�fs❑n �355 D��etmt�u�� Bc�uldr�r Colo. 8Q303 ,]❑hn �laqu�t Box 307�+ Uai]., Co�.d. 81657 .�❑hn Fischer P.O. Bnx 97{] �1ai1, ��1t�. 81C�7 F�ank L, [3��01 U�i,]., Cola. 81f�5'7 � 5in �re , ���� � � t��.y2C�'�� �� �� � ,3. st rf❑�s i where frien 1y hOSpitality Combines with �pmfaetable accnrrac�[i�ti�r�s, P.d.8ax 97#1 11ai1,Colc�rado 81r5T {303) 476-545� ��`��",�{a ..���}�����°��� � � U����rl:n��ynt _n� I'�ar�i�i��c� �nd C��veio�ment �. f?: �fl� ��� E�IGL�, CC]LC)�iADCl �31�37 r���PN4€�r� 3C33/328-73]F 11 A�ra 1 1�373 F3t�RFt�1 C]F COIJ�lTY . Ct�r�.��w����lUr�r.:�:S Ext 24 i E1L7 F.R I��f{ST#t AT IpN Ext �41 AfV1f�9A1� SI.i�LT�� �r1G' v�l� T}"t�l� 9�f�-47_92 !�, Q. Q(3X 1� a,sa��s�� Vail , CoTc���ad� ��657 e�t�oz aui�.n�rv�, �rv iIVSPEC�F IC]IV � L-xd 27.fi �ar Z2� CLE��4 & R�CC)RC]EF� Ex; 2f7 Re: f�oti c� of Publ�c F�ear°i ng cc�u����r ;€�ni re� anard af 1',d j us�;rf�ent I�fi7t7Ftf`+EY ext za2 �[1 ��ldy 1�379 �rw�eraE�r� Ext 236 ENV[RC3Nh4�I�iTAL IiEAL7H Ext 23$ ex'r�r�siorv P1 ease publ�sh �tze �ttached h3�ti ce of P�al71 i� H�ari n� as � ���rkT Leg�l flkc�tice in the I� r�pril 1979 pub� icatior� af y�ur paper. Cxt 247 u�RAR�r P�ease bi�� an� send affi dav�� of p��bi ica�:i�r� to t�i s offi c�. �x1 25s PIJE�LfC HEALl`h{ Eiiyl� E�;Y �5? Vail 47�i•5�4G PLAlVf�lYNG Ext 226 or 22:7 P�.3RCHA5INC�J Thank yoc� F'ERSC?iVP�EL � Ex# ��5 �� �, � F��7 A❑ & E3 R I L7G E /��� �� ���_ E x t 2 S 7 ���`�r'�'` rr rla�..�1-`�`C� ShieRlFF ��'Y'111E �`���'T'S� Eaqle [xt 2l1 Q��7CA h�3tldflf_'1"/�S°::}"���f",}• Basafi 927•32�14 ° Giiman 827-5751 5f3CIAL 5£RVICES • 323-632E Tf2EA5U REFt Ext 201 � ��`., fi _ � ' , .� � � ��� � � .,,,� �, ,,,._ ..;�. � .�- '.::'+�,,� '' `�� •}�,� . ,. _ � `� . . .. ` k � •� . r���rcr o� r�����rc f�c�rz�r�e cou�ar� o� ����,[., �o�o�.r,nc� N�t i cc �s Herel�y G�v�n �h�t th� EayT e Cc���nty �or�ar�� �o�rd ❑{° Adj us�ment �iT7 f�o�ci a Pub7�� 43�d�r•i�zc� I�eq�i��nir��� ��G 1�:00 fl.r•�. �n 1a M�y 1�79, �n accardar��� wi th Sec�:�i on �.f�4 �f �he F:agl e [:oerr�i:y 7_ani r�c� Resa1 uti c�n. Sai d I��ariny ti•:i 17 7 r�c�uc�c f:l�� fa��o�vi n�: �il� �lo. 7u-�5-7� - t.3im f]sterfoss R�q�fes�: �`ar�aracE fro�n SPrtfc�n 3_[17.�}�(i�} ��F the Zoning f��sc�iu�i�r�, Mir��inum S�tback Lac��i�n: Lnt�s 9,1[�,11 �r�d 12, Buffer Cr�ek Subdivis�on Fi 1 e tJa. Zv-��-79 - Arv�n Kas�?arai ti s Request: Vaa�ianc� fram t�h� Tliniinum L�t ��ae 3r7 the R�sicl�nt�a� Subur�an h��ed��m ZQne � [.aca�tion: Lats 3�,�� and 3�, Buffer Cre�k 7hi s Heari rrc-� t��i 1 i b� �e7 d i n t�e f�lcDonal d E3ui T dz r��;, Ct�uri�y C�met�7 s��or��rs � A�ee�ing Roorfl, �A1{]3, 550 �ra�d�°ray, Eagie, Coloracf�. Persan� be�ng affect�d by a decis�or� �n th�s rec�uest �re irrvlted to R�ak� � cvmments ta the Board by appear�ir�g at th� H�aring, or by suhmi�ting wri���n statem2nts 7n person n�� !�y f�ai� ���ru the Secre�ary. �ur�f�er 7r�f�r3�iation n��y be of�t�ir�ed or c�nmients su�mitted, �,� ca�n�act�ng '�he C�gle Co«nty I]���rtEnent �f }?�an��ng �nd �evel���ment, 55� Brna�way, Faa7e, �olnr��o. Phor1� 3�8�7�11 by: Terr�il3 Ynie�h'� Sccrefi�ar�y, �anin� �oard of A�fjustn�ent xt�'�^"`-- �.. - � �.. . ' �4� <<v�f;,. �;, ,� � . iLS q-; �T �� i � �% � ���� �� 'S v � �� ��1 sV �� ��� � t � ���� �� �� �� �� � � ��� � 4'"�,,�'Q'� _ ��' ^��'/ � � � � � ��_� � � � �� � � � G��'�`� � � �' ��� .� _ � �� 1 � f���,{� �J� ,� _ f�� � � °� `'"�,�" �f •��-- _ �` �--- ,��,4. Y'� ? � ��� `"�- `�j �.a �.�}� �`� � f � ,�• ,,�' .% � p # � ��� � � a.+-.� � � I �� 'C—\��� f/� �V r � I�� 3�• J � � '� ,.� � � • L�'��i � � r � � � r• a� �, �..� � � � � --�..� U'l � � �; o � � �4 � �' � ° ! � � f .��"��t � � �,. a � � � �+ � t� c°3�� � a o C"y�� � f �� d[�� R��`` �y �. f 1 � ! f f � � , r�� �� �I 3 � k � � rr1 � � a �, �, � c� � � QfE+ � � - � � � � ttr 1� '�'S �'E j --�_. - - � f �� � ___ f � ff R3 � r,� + '�+7 � � � J • q I � �f � � S u� � •—� � � �., ��5.�'3� +�,m �, �-�3' � � 5 �- � �f� �r �.�. �'.. �n `� � lp�' ` � ��'' � ' �y. � J U � - � O�`�t�` �� � V � � cd ����E�,'�� s � � �, +n o .�+ p����� �� � r'.'�� � � �r , � � . TI-IE I�A�JRTERfTC�dD PARTNE�SHIPr ArtA LIS7ING 4F 51JBJECT PR4PERTY O�INERS AN� ADJACENT PR�PERTY QW^�Ef�S 5ub,ject �r�perty Owner: �st�rfass, �im P.O. �ax 97t� Vail , Colorada $I657' Adjacent Praperty Dwners: 8uffer Creek C�ndQminium Uni� No. B�uiTd�ng A. on Lot 8: � . Hodges, G. I , P.L3. Box 68 '�ari�, Texas 75460 �. �eLc�acY�e, Michae] 3�1-�11 �h Avenue, Sc . West Mp�ltri�, Ga. 31768 3. Faber, Ottalie & Georgina P.Q. Box 4�5 Vail , Colorad� 81�57 4. Sc�7eicher, Rayrnond J, & Bernhild Gen��-aT Delivery Geargetawn, Cal�r�ativ 8��44 5. Vil� ier�, N�rman & �udith G. P.Q. Sc�x 202 Vai1 , C�larado 81��7 6. Be1T , Ele�nor Wrenn P.O. Bcax '�33 Uail , �vlorado 81�551 7. Ma�MilTan, ETizab�th K. P.p. �ox 1014 Va i 1 , C��orado 81�57 8. Macl�illan, Eli�ab�th K. P.p. Bvx 1014 Vai� , Colora�o 81557 9, Hinr�an, Jo9�n S. & Danald Le�oy P.{�. Bax 72 Vail , Calarado 81557 � ,�,,._ � �- 1�' 7 CRC]SSR�AaS AT VAiL B+�X 1�8� VAIL, CC�LOF�I�Dt7 81657 �75-51�Q5 TFIE M[)RTERfT�f] PARTIV�RSH�R, AIA � �.; . Ad,3acent Pr�per�ty (lwrners - corrt. 1[]. Kricht��um, Phil�ip E. � �.(�. Bax 33 11a i 1 , Col oradt� �1G5T Lot 13: Carpentry UnTtimited, Inc. P,Q, Box 388 V�il , Col�rado 81557 'Lot �4: Carpentry Unlimi�ed, Inc. '�.0. Bax 388 VaiT , C�lvradv $1657 Lo� ],5: Gu�rriera, Rar�dall Bv�e 7931 Vai7 , Co��racio 815a7 Parcel p - ?ions Ridge - Filin� 2: L�ons Ridge Ventures P.O. Box 439 Birmingham, Michigan 4801� ���d��'�'�ty �+.n���ai�i� � �� � � Dr���rl:inca�t of I'��r�r�i r�c� ai�c1 D�v�1 opment E7. �J. !��^x I7�3 E1'��LE, CQLUIilaL7Ca �'�G3'! r����ti��v� .��s��za-��t t 10 istay 197'� �n��:f� e�r- co��r�TV . CC�E�9iv1l5S10N�4:S �xt 2A1 14�Iv1 I IV i S T'F2 AT I 011t Ea;t��1 Jin7 Osi:erf�ss A�v�rr�a�sr���_.Y�r� Ciox 97� �'`�•�a�� 1Fai 1 � Cal a��ado �31�:i7 A55�5SL?R [xt 2�12 �t�i�.pir�c iN ir�s���c-rtorv �x9 2?_fi ar 229 e�Fr�� s� Re: �i 1 e �o. �v�55--79 � Vari�ncc� �o �he r��CCsrtr���x � ?��-," �et�ack. Ext 2S7 CC7Ul4TY ATT�Rfil CY Fxt 242 . Ervu�nr��R At� t�ei r r�gtil ar meet�i�g �n 10 ��ay 1979, the Eagle Co�nty Zor�ing . �x� zs� Ba�rd of Rr�justr�er�t a{��rroved yaur vari�nc� rec�ue�t. FiFF�r.i..�"HP�iMCHTAL �f yQU have arty questZans, �lease cantac� this af�F�ce. �xk?3$ E7CTF{VSIC7fV ,AG L�Pl�' Ext 247 ��� LI�RARY ��,�► Exf 255 � Pu$LRC ��,���� 'tr� W�11�ar�s r.a��� k:Kt ��z T_onir�g lr�spector V�il 475•a�44 PLANfVi�:G Ext 22fi or,'429 ,]�J�"�{� , F'�1RCHASI�IG f , PER5f7�11'�EL Ext 2�5 �rt�an � �+�ir�c� cc: flnard a� 1�djustmer�Ls Ext 25? 5;-#�Ft1FF EVgie f=xt �11 Basa[t 927-3244 Gil�xi�n $27-5751 SOCil1L SERVICES . 328-6328 TR�ASURER Ext 2�71 ���d ` `��trr� �-._ �t•� �� v F ,.�---� .'��_, � �-`�"'�� �`-- �.� ��'`� -�._-�.,�.. ����'����� ��. ����� 7�P�. OF �LANir'II�G �. U[:V�LO�'NiE�d"f�E�ox 1l9 � L-"A6GL'�, ��OL.OI�A[7�7 81�31 l'�LEPlIQhi� 343J��£5-7331 �C3ARf]clF Cf�UIVi'Y ° CC)�w1�.11551CDfVF�f�S � �xt 24� �}7�`1� �,'�, �.��� lLL7E.9 i f�1 Sl`f�A�f'EC}�V �.x# 241 ANIMAL SFiELTER �49-4292 ASSESSOR +�111] �S�E'.1^'�f355 Ext 2[�2 ��X ��� su«orn�c; MN Vai 1 , Co. 81G57 46VSF'F,CT1[]fV Ext 22�ar 229 . c�E�y� � R�: �ile fV�. �u-65-7� - Vari3nce ��C�i�r���t . Ext 2 i 7 �r�u�tr�r At f:he7 r r+�yu�ar m�ettr�c� an 1$ Apr�i l 197�, th�e Eagl e ,���r�far�LV Caura�y Plannir�� Ccrtu;�is��on recarrc��nded a�pt�oval o� your Ext 242 � var�ance req�est. ��ctrvE�� ��t�3� This r�commendatic�n will be pr�esent�d t� ti�e ZQni�g �fVVIRCJ[Vh�ENTAL B��r� af Adjustment at tF�eir� pu��i� ��earin� �n 1� r�ay HFALTH l��g, Ext 238 • exT�r�s�ora If ya� �ave ar�y questions, �lease can�act �his �fific�. ALryE�JT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU���lC Kf�P,LTFi � f ��� . Ea le Fxt 2S2 � e lAail 476-5844 +�"��+� PLANi4lIVG 1 Ffl �1�� 1 c�1115 ext zzs or zz� Zar�i ng Insp�ct�r PlJF2Ci-iA5[1VGJ PERSQNlVEL Ext ?.45 ��r j� �naa s� ��i�c� cc: Zoning �oarci �f Adjustment Ext 257 SFi�RIFF Eayfe �:xt 21 3 BasaE� 3?1-3�A9 Gilman 82?•5751 . SC)CIr"�L SEFtVi[E5 , 329-632f3 TRLr�SIIRER Ext 201 ��� � �� � �� �. � 1� � �,,, ."'"� .- °� `•'�,"�.�r 4`. `' .�'..�-�—."�[. �.. � T II�S �CTI+C��J REt�UES TQWN OF VAlL DA�� ; - .1C}B �IAME ' ;; GALLEf� �iEA�Y FC3R iNSPECTI(�1V: ivl�N TUES W"�D 7HllR FRI h�M PM LOCATI{�M: , BUILDlN�: PLLiMBiN�'a: �"3 �+��TIIVGS / ST�EL ❑ lJNDERGRDUND CI FC7LIN�A�TfC}N ! STEEL 0 RC]UGH I ❑.1N.V. � FRAMIhIG ❑ RC?UGH 1 WATEFI � FiC]C]F' & SI-fEER L� CAS PIPIf�lCa PLYWO(ad N�lfLING ❑ IhISULATIC?N G PC10L f H. TUB 0 Sd-1EETRC?�CK NA1L _ 0 p �1 � Flh]Al. ❑ FINAL ELE�TRIGAL: MECHAMICA4.. ❑ TEMP. PClWER � H�ATING � R�IJ�H ❑ E7iHAUST F�OQd� ❑ Ct7NDUIT ❑ �uU�F'tY AIR � - � � FlM�IL -- - 0 Fi�AL ❑ APPRC}V�D 0 DISAPPI3�C?VED � REIhISPECTCC3N REQUIRED Gt3RRECTIUNS: '' :. J. ,' GATE . IhJSPECTOR - �,.��,rf„�ks�� � � Tzr.t�c��.�r�� Cer�i fi cate c��' Occupancy C�nunty o�F '�agl e '�epart�ent af Plann�n� and aevelopr�ien� Bu�ld�ng �}�vis�c�n. Thi s certi fi cate ��sued pursuanfi tt� the r�qui r�mer�ts c�f sect�on 306 of the tlnz�orr� B�ilding Code cer�ifying that at the time �f �ssu�nce tfiis str�cture was irt compZianc�� ►�ith the var�ous reso�utians af the cnunty regul�t�ng building �an�tructian �r us� for th� fol �ot•�ing: NR�1E Roast Lodge - Jim C�st�rfQSS - Bax 970, Vail , Col�rado 8�557 _ Use C�ass�ficati�n �6 hotel units, 3 a�t. units, worksh�pG�auA R-1 �ui 1 di ng �errn7� I�o. 13I5 Type Canstrtxcti an V Fi re 2�ne 3 Use �on� C.L. O�w�ner af G�71 d�nr� Jim Oster�ass �ui1ding Rdclress 1783 W. N. _ Frontage Raad, Vail , CQlaradca 8I65 ,_ Qtai�d�ng Officia3 .�-� Dat� '--�✓�{:- �''C� `' '� i���- �� 1"��� �'�� �� � ��� Please no�e: Applicant must instal� windaw sil�s ir� all un�ts. 148 G.F.I . cioes �ot turn ��f. 24� �an in bat� claes n�t warl�. �4� fa� i ra bath daes not war�C. � � � BUIL�IN+G PEI?�MIT AP�LI��►T�C�►N k � ,�a�risdi�tian of���' '> a � Appfecanr ro camplete numbered s,vaees vr�ly. N J66 aDOR E55 /r � � �_ � , t,OF NO. ' � 6LN iW� . . y L[GAL � / /�'7 l i,��SEE AT7�CNED SkE�Tk `oF.SGR. �Jr! �y`Y'/ Y f S+ (.�f �� �f �C � � . / 4WNE µAIL�E55 21P' PW�ANE � �C`-�J� � � `� �� ti�! �/ �i � ���'��..� { WTqAC7O� 41FIL 1�4�E>; PiIpNE iICENSE NO. � P�� , ��C � pRCMl1'CCF OR� �SiGNER R.tA1L p[iORFSS PMONF. �_ICENSE M0. � ,fi^ � � L �,� � �� /,� 6NGINEEA e�nAIL AO6RE55 l akON� L.i[ENSE tiU. 5 L.ENpER MAIL AQDRH55 BAANGr� 6 use ar uia r+a � � 8 C#ass af wurk: �IVEW ,�A��ITION ❑ALTERATIplW Q HEPAfR O MOVE ❑ REMDV� 9 Descr�be wvrk� �� c�,�1 � f ��t � r� S `� t ,�'� 1Q Ctrange trf use from Ch�nge�rf use tn 7 11 Valuation af wr�rk: $ -} � ,���• �,,� PLANCFiECFf FEE � PEFiMI�- FEE � SPE�IAL CC3N[]I71C3N5: _ �vv�os ^��'�"G vccuvancv �.�3• DC1 . . �Const. �rnup []��i�sinn Sete of kildg. f'+fu.ui fM�ax. � {Tota3) Sq.�t. Storfes t}ee. Loa¢i Firq lfSe Fir�S�rinklgYS APPL1CATp{3N ALCEPTE�81" €'LAN$CNFCK.F4�NY � APP�7{7VF,[)FS7ft ItiSIIANC�pY ZOi7@ ZQfle ReqviFed ❑1/�3 ❑MD �� �i QFFSTF'IE�T PRRF{11VG SRA�ES: �welling Units Coveretl Uncovered N d T E C E Special Apprauals Required Recnived N€�t Reyuirsd SE�ARATE P�RiVElTS ARE REC�UIRED FDR ELECTRIC.AL, P�UMB» Ze]ntING Ed4G, HEATINC�,1lEFSTILA7ING C3Fi AIR CqPJL}ITkOfVIPdG, �-{�qLTH C7EPT, THdS PERMIT BECpMES htULL APril7 UDIU IF V1fOHK C71-1 CQNS`C`HUC- TI�N AU`IFir71�lZ€D IS N(]T CC7MMEi4CED +Nll'HIN 120 aA�YS, QR �IR� dE#�T. IF CQNSTRU�Tlt}N C]R W[)RK I5 SLfSPENpEE? OR ,�SAh![7O�JE❑ 5D{L RE�pAT FCJR �1 PER�[]EJ OF i2❑ [7AY5 AT APdY TIME A�l°ER 4VC7FiK IS �Qhf1M'�hICEQ. C7T''I-I�R [5pAGlfy} I I-kE1�EBV CERTIFY YHRT I HAVE REA❑ ANf] E%AMINk97 TF!!5 APPLICATi(7N AIVC3 K#W�W �hiE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CC?Ft�ECT. PrLL PROVI�if,�T35 {]F I_AWS AfVp pRDINAi'JCES G�VEHNiIVG 77-!IS TYPE �� Wt7R9�C 1N4LL E#E COMPLIE� WIT}i WH�THEFI SPEGIFIEO H�REIM1I 4R NOT_ TFi� GRAf*�TIhdG 9F R P�ERM�IT []DES Nr37 PR.ESUME TC� G1V� Al.lTI-IQ�trTY �C7 VIpLATE d'F[ CAftiCFi� TF�EF _-. PF�pVIS�ipNS 4F RNY 07HER S71Y1'�C7R L(}CAL LAW REGULATIlVG CCJhfSTRVCTIpfV f'�R THE PERFC7RMAIYCE �F COhi5T�F4UCT!{]N, - --- - �IGNATLRE O/ � 7AkCTOp ON AU . El3 4EM �� EOF.� C� � � .r� � � R7 E 9 GwhER � 7 GWHE.� 60.1 � '� E! FtEN PRDP£RLY �►ALIDAT�D (iN TfiBS SPACE} THfS IS YKDUR �ERA+IlT /'31'� PLAh{ GHEGK VALkDATiO�f CK. Nf.C7. CRSM P�RMIT VALiDR.TaC3N C1{. M.D. CASH '� � ��� r��53(�, 4-�+�'(c 9� � Form 1DEl.i �-77 ��''��J���'�� � � � � INS�'ECTl0�1! APPRUVl�I.S �ATE REMARKS iM$PECTOR �CTUNDATIQNS; � SET BAGiC TREfUC�i REINFClfitGING , FOUlV[?ATt�N WALL & _J WEATWER PRpC]FING CCJhfCRETE sLAS FR�IMING INT. LATI-fII�G DR DRYWALL �XT. LATHING 9U'I A`SG�1V f�Y ---.. , . -- I _ FIfVAL � U5E SPAC� 8�LC3iN FOR NUT�S, FOtL(3YYUR, ETC. . + . f'/�;�L= �:(7��o�E�1` E;L?iL_G����� f'�i����1E-1- 1�.,��f�l_4C-�!,"�'�nfW � F=f i'�E3L: ��/�� �i�J�.3f���;Tp C�I�! , Ll�I�!�?"�.��J',f�� IN;aI�'E=� V iC>>� �=CFsiw! �ievi�w f?�:}:..�tir��� !�c+rrn � } �'sirr-��ry� F�?��..�tir�� (�� Pc�r�����i��q � � ,� . �-� �� ��-�.�..� � /31,5" : L��te: Rt:f;rr��� E��a�iic:�zz�l P�rmit I�fc�, 1e�1�..�i''.c t- %'��cr,�l' rCL,.�- . Lc����ian � Pl�rir3iiic� Carri�T�iasi�in Fil� h�o. Revic�=�,nr �s��Ci �'Gtur�� to tl�� �%aur�t}� E��ilciirrc C�ffiGl�l �vitEilp"3 E� ���arkir�� Cl�y� F'I���nin��; �amr�f�ti:a v��itfZ: Y'es fi�a ��a����rti=�ci by: Da�e: _ - ��i�+�iai.7ian F��:���_rl��ti�n� � � ! e, Zs�r7�r�� Fi�:;�ul afii�i°�.y _ �i�e �1�� �L.�ndsca�ing) Q �� r � . � � nccorr�r:`�eric+ A�prov Cio;-rlmer i"Lu: C�C,Ir4ty En�in��r: Ra�.G'8 � Q G rac�i i�c� ❑ � �. Dr�inac,�'� � � ^ _ �- �7-;P ``` � 'R�corr�mend Appro�raC : .,,%'r a��`-��.!�,_. ;' ;'.��!r,��`� r�` {'�: Commer��s. � CQUnty �-9¢�It�r: 11V�,ter f_._.,I � ....-..� S��t�tic�r� � ❑ Perc. 'kest ❑ � F�eccamrrs�r�d P,p�ro��l. ._ j- . rrs � ' t�� _�,, Camnr�ents: ^l�-"—� `�� ,r� Fina4 lr���ec��gn: C/fl _ R�cor-�as�r��:rad l+��rc�v�l L� � _____ Corrirr7ei�ts: Firbc�f Irt�,��ction: L,�.�Cl;c�g?ing _____` f��carnmend �+,��rc���l � ❑ ,_, Comt-r-�er�t5: C jC] 4�.��u�;d �,��� .� ___ -- - ��te� _ � �zran! �ilinn I-]:tl6� , . . � E�,GL� GC?'L1NTY E3Ul Ll�R]G f-'ER!'+�li i Af�P�t GI'��i I O!'� � FI��L: C/CJ IG�:�F''�Cl"E�+PJ , LA��S�l�!'E l�tiSPECTI�C�J FC�RNi F��Wi�vv Rou€in� ��rr�r� �, ) Primary F3c��rtir�� ( ) Ft�routing �� ^ �� �i�r�sf L--�D��� � _.�l� �s�f-'��s Qal� F����rr�c� f�,�;�1 icar�t Pe3°mit No_ ' -���f F,f-:r°���° ("�/'��-=�„�", _ ;��, Lr�c�ti�n Pl�r�nirig �or��missivr� �ile No. R��ic�vv ��.rlr� refit�rr7 tc? tl-�e Cc�tar�ty �uil�ir,g C)fficial withii� E� working d�ys P la�nir�g: Comx�l �es �rsi�h: "Yes Nv R�vi�,r�f�d E�y: Cta�e._ ��ii�divisiQn R?gul aiions � Ze�r�ir�g Re:=lul�tian� � �J 5it� 'F'I�r� l;L.�ndsc��irrr�} � � . .� : / , . r, . � . .. ,. +�[;��.4' �3�L?�1.� �,�. �W. �j �/ �f � �^�, �-L�C L7�'1"i�"�l1 L f�'1'� �'S�,`�..,�:4 u� :.�'�f.[-c;:r z. .: t.�� t !' __ �i�7CTlffil@r��'�:,�rrx1�'`�U_d+J ���� 13'�'t�}� I�!f�r t,���. �!� ►ssfJ'e�3. �fA+:^I A.iw��'��t�+11 �a; �_�)P�, J���,�7 _�S �A �1 t.� ,�'�._2�F�1 I�r���7ii1P Jo1'`73�� 1�.'iT►�s ��'7"7� . , _ �j 1 G +��'. ��"f?�"�C'� �4'tJ�T�„�`'_'� (*�� �.�l�v!'��G,��'IA�JC�r I7�-AdV SfkxU1.[`] ��Id 1r/ �lc�C I�F ►'��+C'� S 3 �N'dW ST01�f�� ,��"9+ ' � �hfJ�u7t/ � � � M�su,er�r �'�, r1f �'�e�r�� ,�e,� �n�o � ���►� ���� � �our�ty �nci;�e�s�: Fi�ads C�r�dirrg � a . Dr�in�.c��� � � ❑ � R�can�rncnd Apprc�v�l : L�C)E�Y1 r3"L°I�t S: Coifnty He�.lth: W�tAr � � 5ua�titai:ion �� �] F'�rc. t�st fl � F3��arnF�r-,�r,�d ,G��roval : _ � Comm�r��s: � , .--- '�.���� -- +f � . � --- � Fin�l I ns�rY�tivn; G/O R�com��rld A�prc�val ❑ ❑ �c�mmcr��:s: Fir��� insp�ctiori: t,.��,d�ca,�ain� . R�c�rrrr-im�:r;� A�prov�i � � Cort'Zrr�:.�ra��; �/C� I�s��^c� `T �Y �_� Y l ❑ate �inal �i h in� C.�ite --- � . .. . AGLF_ ��Uf`JTY �Ui�.f��i f�ER�.�111° �F'PLIG�IT{CJ�'�! � �=1EJ�,L: C/� INSP�GT�Oh1, �.A�'�1C75CAf�E Ih�kSPEC�IUiV F�f�M Rev�ew Routing F��r-n +(� � Prim .�,r F�{outi c� �R�rou'king �� - �,?—�"���f� t° ,�— «'�- � ``��°`;�+r� '�-�f-�� '�`� ' C�at� Fleferre�l �ApP3 ic�rit F�rr��i i ��la. . .� �. .�7',��::`� �r.��_ `>� Loc� ion . Plar+nid�c� �omrr�i:�sion Fil� No. Re�ri�w �nd� return fo ti�� Caunty Builcfi�,� Cfficial �nrithin �i workartig �ays P I�nr�ir�a: Cnrn�I ies with: '��s No Revi�vre�d by: �at�: Su�dfvisi�an E�e�ul�.tir��s � �oninc� Regulatic�ns � � � .— Site Pfan tLanc�sca�irsg) ❑ � ' ..,__ � � rsecon-1rrl�riCi a-"i��E�fc7'V�! : M Carr�r��r�ts: -; ,.� �� �a, � --- s�r N . . T-FA . . . . � . . . . . . .^r_ - . . r_f�, . . . . Cour�ty �E�r�ine�r: Roads � Q Gr�ding �] �ra�na�� � _.�. � Recvmr�-��nd Ap�r�a��l : '1 � Comments: Cc�unty H��1th: Water Q Q S�anitat'san �/�, [.] P�'fC. �@S� r,;�,r � �/ �r L___.I r, []`f Recornme��c� �+�}�r�v�r : . � Gornm�nts` {' ,`p (��r '- t '--'f di ii.�' �° ��' �,i`7 r�1"'-� ° " �,c' - ��,.� � - — �_ f� ����-�-� ��'.3� r" .} `-� _ -' — 'G�` L'��._� ��, - Final I���pe�ti4n: G/O R�eam�nend �lpprov�f � � Cvmm�nt�; Fir�a� ins�ectic�n: L�ndsc�ing . R�camrn�:ncf fipproU�l � � Comrrser��s s � C/� [ssued by � d�t� - Fin�l Fi1 ir�g 'D�t� . A ' I f , � '� ,�`° "'..,F F ',�, ,,�;� y 5 _L Ff�l'f_ 1'l��f_�t�: F 31. ��.��,.=L���ri P.-� 4.'1 tih�s'L�� ���,...� kr i;l . y�l I .. J�€'f1f;1i��_'•;f C.i� �'L;�`,1�3'll�t�;� g� f)f`+,'E:'�C;;'C�L:�I�f l�ail � t)r}��}..rt�'.�7 q I.��sa��. -- �L7-3��'3 :�t�i��.�, �:E��c��-���r�;� ��i3J 1 � i`ELE:f'PI'.Y{`+If_ 3D3J3'P.8-7311 �� f'��3"C�} ���� :C1e"�12i_)C]F' i`fYf iP�t°3Y • i °Cat.lf;;i5;lt?[�"r-l{`_; � � xt 2�sf J1lTl �5�.4:}"�pSS • �. �3. ��;{ QI� i[Jf��ilfdlS`I"I�ATt"C�N '�i17 � , �G�(3Y`c,:�U ���v� �xt 2�#1 �,C�IP�.11:L Sf IL"l.�i�ER ��'a9-4�9� �,ssr�so� R�: A�pl ��at.i c�r� fr�r �t_�i 1 cii nc� ,�c:rr�ift �rc £�ac�l e Car<�ty , :xtaoz J.� rlr�e� �lr�ifis, ., k��,. L�id��s, f��r�r�k�hop-"- �u� f�t° �t°���: 5ubd�v;����n .u����rrc ir� The R��.,t I_ndc�� - Der�icd �a�ssr_cT-i�xe 7`r�� F:���� 4;a��rtf;y P�ailclir,q �;:��t. r��t�ir�e, t���t ��1�plic�ti�ar�s for �uildin� :xi zzf,a�zzs �eri�ii i,s �n �.����e Cc�:�!i vy b� r���u�ecl t� t;la�� Eaq7 e Cr�t�r�Vy P1 anni ng, ���gi r,�Ar•in;, �x_€�rc � and �rrvi r°or,���nta� �ie�l t!� [7e��r•tr�:crii,� fo;� t:;E:i r cor��er�ts pr�or to issuance �cco�o�� of t�e ���^t�ai�.s, '�[��zr� �p��� ic�t�an saat�s routc€� cn r1�r�c}� 14, ��374 . xtz�a �T.Y�I`rL'f �-1S�E� �,iL�G`�`; c7T"e�' t�'�� Ci7�-C11�I�1�:S �1�iiE Y'"�.'CO��';iiv�fiUr��'i.l�I1S t','i7iC�'3 4':�i"t"`.. �c�S�c �j( l.i7E'. � P " :xt �n� abc�vE de���rtaneni� d��r�n� f;he rotrt�t�c� pr{o:��lure. If S�au Ftave �n}� q,.,�sf,:iuns ��rr•,��r� ��' ti','i�'� to y�t a fur�.t�er �xpTwnat�on, ,��:ase c�n�:act th� �ppro�r-�atr d����. �t zas ' pLR�dEJIEVC: �d�� JIP�F�QVE[]: Rear ��t���ci; rr���si: L�� 25 feei;; landsca�e plan � r��:�r�a�vrr��r�-ra�. s3�auld shn��r sizQ r�f �lari� n�ateria� �; , ;n��•,� stQt�a e �rca neecis to be s!�o���n ' ��a�_-,-w � � �t2�a i��ea:;iri°iny ��`a t�f ��arFai�� �rea (�G`,' af �3� x �[�� = 3�€�[� sc�. ft. } . _ i xr�-rti���o�v r %� ��� � ��r'�y.'� � �ry��r ���'.�a�f�T_r/l•�/� C.�/st����� ! "t` >� 5��san Vauqhr�, I�lann�i r��j` �����v �y xt2�5 EfdCTi�k��t�Ik'iG: �vC�T FPF'�ZCIV�D: Appl �c�rt must c����:a�r� a���:ru��a� fra^i Co�c�t^��� u��ic ��Rt��H SLa�:e !I-ic�h����zy �epart���cnt for ctalve��� ;-�ze �t c1r°iv�vra�r in�ersectic,r� �•��ith f��r��;q� a9Pe ExE 25z r�ad. ��prca��a7 tia�?1� ��nt �� c�i ve�� lay the C�un Ly unti i State apprC�val i s rec��vcc�. a,l �7�-5��� - � L,��'+1 i�f I f�f Cy �r,�/-- �� �� I xt 22G or T29 � {- � ! � _ i::3� J JRCHASli�:C( ��5��'�£L �el ton �. At�•a�l 1 , C��u1'�Ly Engl neef^ xk z,� C}ACl & E3RIL3GE �t z5� f��FALTH: APPR�lVE� -�����-�' 3'�C �.K��� � 3salt 9t7-3:?�J4 I ilrnari S2i-575i . . r 3Cl/�l. SE?tVFCE=S � �s-��zs . o I�. wr�u�ci �e �a y4�.rr �civ�nt��� �f y��1 r���in to rt:s�Ive �r�y prp���ms �ndlor t�z�it���r-� �`c'c�u�rem�nts as s��n as �assi{��� so a� n�t t� c����,y �he �ss�iancn af yDUr hui 1 cia ng �cr�ti f; any �c�n�er �ii�n iz�ces��ry. } 1��� - ' �:� � � _ �r ��,� , , �, � F . �• r- ��.e:�.,«t-�,� �:ti7. � ��)�'c' , ;- I��es f��uc�l�as t- E�gle Ct�«�i�:y �iui�d7ng l��rici�� � � - ' �_€7 j,�k ��.�.';�' . �,.. ' <>�, ' _"� �:, - � •-»�`��'�.. ='k,,,,�, � F L_. 1. ':.�Ib� , • I " ' • .... , • � r'' F &6 �.�.y .y�� �,,., � . R� � " �] (?l C" i:-' �V ��� � �'Y•.c C. �'�4�. =�!� 1�.�I i ..�. y� .v F'�,x.�,,� ����. sr sk',� � � 35 � r�rprj�;Trierrr �� r��_1�a���rr�� �� ���,E����;�f��-r ��x �a�� ��;�—r.;�� �AGL�, C'.C�i��f��C�� �S�G31 . f"tbr��c�r,� fi, ],�J79 �sr��,�� �,F �r,3����� t:[7G:1'�tt`,;�d{.1Y'�dk_R5 3:?c-;;;�6:J f�Ci",'I�'d1ST�ATIdhi �1E?1 �S�E'.Y"�USS sa_f�5�7� The ��r��� L�r��� P,P�'Ifa1�L �hi�LTCft �GY. �o�'O c �;, ,�_� � ,�.�. 4r�z Vail , Co. ��.G57 r�.ss£ss�� �z�-��,�ss , : �-� r� � � + F.L: A��l ira,. ���� for° :��r�i�.J��1g � �r��1it ir� Cas��e Cot��►vy �i���ec�i�r� 1� rl�i.e7 Ur�i�;s, 3 A{.��. L1r�� �.s, 1�lorks�;op -- Ll���iec! :��,:-���� ��-'��� � The C�c�3� C:ot�nty E��_iildin� �c�}�.. re°�;��ir�s cE1ai; ap}31ic�i:�or�s �'�r �iuZ1c1�����-� r��c�-�r�w� �:,�!c .,��-t�:��� ;7�fi��;1i�,5 z� ��i�i e (.�«r7ty b� r-u��ed tr� �.h� E.�g�L Cr�L4r��i:.�� P1 ari�� i��q, Fr�dc�i r�.=�r� e�5��: �z�-:�z�a �t�c1 �rt�f �nv��or�m���tal He�al th d;��ar�:ntent� i�c�r f,he�r ccr��r;��r�ts rl'E"�IC1T" to c�su��Y issc�ance �F �t�e pr��,r�i�s. Yc��;r ap��licati�n ���3s r�tated c��i �IZ�/79. h�--rc,izr,F�v �z�-�:,��� �75�i;��3 �E�L?NJ 1Y-� �f�[.' C0��1]!I�'711.5 dt1Ci Y`�GC1113IlI�'tlU�ii.ltJ's75 t��iii C�1 �'w:-•}'�' }iic�f�� �i,�-' i ii� �zu�,'z�� aE��ve cl�p�r�t��t�r�ts durir�r� �i�e �ouvin� proc�cf��r�, If y��� i�»v� �ny qtk�s Lion� FRl1�IRLfd[vE�fd7A� ��' w�sf� �c� t�e��. a �furl:h�r �x��la�;���tic�n, please c�r�ta�� �h� ��?}_�rt�pri�t� �i�pt. �zshiiis F�U�LC�IF���: 11ot �{���hovec3. 'J�����a�i�n of yt�ur �aaQr� is ver^y 1Q��, �Je u�.} �x��rvsio� r�u i�d�iig 5ti�r�citxr'�fs 7af�1�s �o�,�f�i�u�•e v�l u;�t�Q� a� �2�.GD]�s:�. `F�. ,����:�� �r �"zs-e�7a �� � ;� �' �f��� . 3zbi'�EiY Les Dca�gi�5�,. F�g�e Ca. [�1 d�. Off?c i�1 ('l1BLGC �IEALI"H �L�NI�IPJi�: ���L�. ���}�ra���9. �.) A 1 aridsc���n� pl�n i s ne�ded s!�€�+.�ri na si�F� , e���� ��;-����+ v��i �17�-S�L.r, speci��� ar�ci ltacation c�f p��n� r,a�:���ai�; �} ��h� sigr�s n?��s� p�,��,vi�c h� brc�t�c�h� into confc�rm4�snc� ���ith th�e Cr��rnty' s Si�a� ���gul�t�.�Gns; �zs-ss�s 3} !?r�ina�e �'� sr������ rer���va7 are3�y n��ast L�� shaxan; �!} Se+��im���� ftp.a� & ���a�E c�nt���41 faci 1 �ti e, ne�c! �o f�� sl7o���ri. � 32�-G5�11 5!-�f F�#�F Jf �-' EcIL�{�G' ��sOi•��]� � � �s��.{�e.�����.•f .' .�y��Cr..[.Fr�.-�-i.•: - ��,s��t J27-3?_�4 Su�an G'ati��in � P�ar�t�er Giln�a;� �%7-5751 ' sc�cia� �i�;�IrJ�EF�I�G: [�7��; a��rnvecf. Crad�n� anc� dr°a7r�a�:� r.�u�t �e ci��:ailed sr��v�r�s .;�s-csz� inclu�ir�,; �i��:ails af seci�m�=n� b���n ar� l�asizis Fr�v�r�ed. i itFFkSUREP, r�j ��+�. 328-E"s7fi ����•,' r. .��� ���n�� ...�G� _ � �`i���ton 1-�t+��1 �1 , Ct}u+��ty �Enc�7n��r~ � ,�{i ,^ k f1 q . ,.! I.� f.,. , _f f1L7�L 1�I. IW�1� P��I�V V��.. tJ�.J�L.�.�.�� �1�7�f� ! �C1�iC��e�� �Vliiiiil`�.i�4,� �] J} uiiil � �i.i.'`�'.+'r`�. �;� �Ily . 7��2", r�� �� .^�f tJf ��` �� � Eri���i��n, R,P.�. � �' � . ; It wQUI ci I�e to Y�ur aciv�n��ge� i L yo�� �eg7 r� t� rest�l�+t �t�,Y �rrr�i�l���s ti� _ ; ai�d/or �°equ�rer���ts �� soon �s ���;i�Z� so 7s not ta c��l�� tlie i s�uanc� �.: f a�` yatttn t��;�i 1�i nc� �3ermi t any �anc�cr �.fz��ri necessary. �- �� i• �•'h�„ -"� Fr; ,�.�}� F�� �� �� �` __ '� ���j� ��5 a�ll��`� o ''.� Ca�l� Cc�. Gutilciinc� Off�c���� .`� " `�`:� cc:: 1��. Atttirel 1 , E, G��een �.. �. -- �� .� :.:�'�. �.,�.��'' '�. �� . �5�rt� . . . . � .,�<._ .�... PLlJ�M6 +�► P��"V'I�T �4PPL1� TI�I'� a P ; Juri�dictian v# '� � � ' � Q 0 Rpplicant ta cnmpiete numt�er�ed s,v�ees anfy. a � �ae no��acss L4T HO. 6lR TIIR�[T �[SCR. ' S�'-SEC ■�vaL,yEO SM[[*� r �. , Gj� �,,�, �'r ,� �� �_ ali'�;: - �� , i..� r c- - � _ r��', �: r ,� OWME� �,, �nai� ao�p1YEl8 � LIP PreOx4 ..�-. �7 ..� r q . � � • # f �. ,.� ,. - � +-« G r , 1 � ,� - � �. L' 1 � _i � I' .�' ,l' 14� � C.' !� j 1 f���r taHS�.t*o� MaIL aPlJ�i'JS PNOI/[ ' ��c€NSC��o. � ,+f r 3 �-�- , ; � �, / i'r J � �y a �; , �� r, J� t � '�r_� ,,, �i, r <` .�1 k, �, _ �� , r ANCMIiEC� P dE51GNLM � Rr� MAlI NODAE75 �pMONi[' � CFCCk3C N4i�fi! � . .+' --'-��� f !-1 EwGau.[E� M'ilY a�pRE55 PMllx£ [.ICEN$[Hi}. . J �EM�LR u��L AppR[55 �XAIaCH � :it! ❑F !f?'ia.d+HG f . 7 8 Class af wvrk: �NENI � �ALTERAT9�N C7 REPA6R � J T]escribewvrk: /.'/ _... ' � �� �` i{ , PERMiT FEES Na. Tyxrr ad Fixtun��pr dt�rm l�nr �PECIAL CON[�IT'14NS• `Yi wAtEw C�aSE� drCJILET3 3 �` �. ... BlkTH7lJ�B ��' r .. �'`::7 LAVRT��RY (WASH 6R51N) -L SMOWiER . - ra KIYCNEN SINK& ❑ISP. _,.. p� J^� Di5►iWA5h1ER APPL+CATI(7N ACCFP'TF[3AY FL.ANSCwECK.EO'8k AwvRVVEOFUR ISSU�ANCE BV Vq,lJNC3RY'Tf}A1° �CLOTI-iE5 WASHiER WArtER 4^IEAdEH _ _ N�T6CrE 4JF8iIMAL I3RIhEKlh1� FQUMTA4N I HEFZEBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE Fi�LlU ARI� EXA.MIh![Q� 7HY5 ----- RPPLIC.ATI�DdV AhlL 1{f+IC1W THE. SAM1RE Tf�BE TRIJ�F AIVp Ci)HREGT. FL{3E''R�-SIMYS OR pRAIf4 ALL PHC?v15E(]MS OF l.AWS AN❑ ❑R6INANCES GQVERNIAEG THIS ��-fla`�INFC TYPE QF WpRK WILL 6E CUMPLiEC] WITH WF#ETHER SPECtFIE❑ � GAS SYSTE.H15�• NO.dU�'TL,,:�75 WEREiN OR NOT, TH£ GRAhtTIfJG DF A F'�EFtM1�i 13C7ES NOT yy7qTER PiRtlhG d. Ti�EATIIVG EQL1fP. PRESUhAE TC] G1VE A,LJ7'HdRITY TS] VIt�LATE OR CANCEL THE pr,�q57E �N7EFRC�PTC)R. PRflV151pN5 O� ANY' pT'�i�R STA7� C7F� LC7CRL LlaW REGU�.J�tING - C�C]NSTf2�.UCTION i]Ft TH�E PERFORVNANCE OF CphISTFCUCT�4N. 'vA+CU�JM 9REAKERS L.A1NN SPRINI{LER SYST�M - SEWER C£55Rp4 L � rc,i SEPTIC TAl4YC•PIT r,-- }.. � _ � rf '`L- flLywTVR[T���COHrRASd70� OR wr�,�k�11,92CD AGCNT � I T[4��� � ��� � ' �-'�: PE#iMl'C � r�:' r (: T4�TAt F�� ,. . �' �GN T R pf QWNE11 1M OriMiA M1u1LOC�1] _ IC1aT€1 � r �� i i. r i v Y 'WHEl�i RROPEAL� VALI[]ATEd 11N TFlIS SPAC�E1 7Hf8 1S Y�C11JR PER�IN�T �/� �r� F�LRhI CHECK 11A�LIDA"CI�DN cK. n�.a. cASM PERriAI'� VA�.IDATION CVi. MY.D. CASH �"�' �.��3� ,,_.1.�'� �RC�v]M kNSPECT+JR Faam 1{1a.2 11•73 wcati�oe�r�or: 1NTERNATI�DliAL GQPIFfREFlC6 OF DUILDIMG OFrICIA�tS��a�a s,waw�r4�n�a�[ti�.awc�• w�errr�ew,ew�iw.�e.ar � � • � ....-;--. ..�...... �......... ...m._..:.................-,.�...,.. .......... ..,,,.. .._..... .,..... .. � _..� .. .._ ........_ .. . . . r.,i(, I , . . . .. ..-., ..._.-...-,...,._._ ....__e_..�_�._.� (4' ..�t'�� �. _....__...-......-..-_.,._._..-._..`.._.__-_...._...__....._ . .. �..� . .___. .._. i I i . . . "'__-___'_.-....__._._.____ _. ' -- ' --�. f .. .�-"'__ _� � � . . ' _____. .-.�................ I I U5E SPACE E�CCC7vV F��' I�4�Tf5 F�LLfJV4'-�!P �ET�_ .� s � � �aultty uf E�gle Th� Roast L�dge-1783 N. Frontage Rd. 'West Vail Fa'`LECTRI�.`AL P�RNIIT Job Name........ ............_. ....,....--..-�-----.------- Date af Applicatian--- -----��............ ........ ...Augu�t 30---..._._,19.....��.--......... �° � ��d Electrical Cor�tractor..R�ss.,El�Gtri�-B�x�503.,.. Vai l , Co 81657 BttildingVal�atinn $--�------------------------- Ag�Picani._...........-�------...........----...._... -----�----..........._...._..---------d....__......_.,---... S{�aature Electracal Valuation $--.---.--...�....-----•----- AFPR+DVALS 27.D 00 Permit Fee �-------�-----�------------- �ns�cti�n�'e� �... .......... .................................................................... -------�-�---��-...__................._ •••••-•••••••_••.•.•••••. Plan Checker Ua[e 7ota1 �'ee �-- -�_1Qx!�[�........,.. --�-��- --��- --�-g �-----. �....................----..... ---...... -�------�------�----.............----.. C�leF$�sitdin Offici. lnu;e T�ate Paid•••_-•.A��ust 3f3} 1979 .....-•-••- TH1;5 FORNI IS 7Q BE P@STED uDN �teeei�e� ��r . K,...?et.e��on...............- J+i)8 'S1TE DURIN�'i CONSTRUCTI�N receipt #5542 ��ildin� Permit #�315 � Hou�s �n�n�v�cE r�o�c� ItEQUI��D FOR 1[+15PEC'I'IUNS � EL'�+�Ti�AI �ER�1►lIT APP"LI�ATI�� . � m z .�LIfISrC�iGt10�4 Of ' °o Applican t tQ compleie numbere�f spaces anf y. �^ � JOA �pPME55 . . . . - l �I Ctr� /r`�Q I'�,`['� ��,F'�Itl'!'�f r�,r=� � � �f F-_: � LQT liO. OL1C TRA�T LlG�A4 �SLE A778CHE� SY�EET) �oescn. P'wNER M1a�Ci. 14UO�RES5� . �f� �'.� aNONE . ... J �/t 6[�+ S a- .�,d �r r�. � � �-�'r r'�r,.k' �rJ r-J�Fri L/^ () �..J jfc,r„- / /�i.`. - .? 5 f. gpp7'qq�TOR � Mkl4 AOURE55 PHGNE LICENSE MQ. 3,,�Q s s� �`L .r` U ,��, v ,�.�c- �,��: /S`� .; �rl�� G.� x e �/G �`7 S�5�� `,�'�a a` �h ARCHItiC7 QR PE.SIGNER �MiL AGORC55 pMON£ LYC£NS£ H6. 4 EN6!NEtR MAIL FtlmRE55 PWON£ �ICEN9F.NP, J L£kaCH ��AtL A.DpRE9S 6RANCH � US[ C�F 6U�l.ninG ! $ Classvfwvrk= �NEW ❑A��ITION �ALTERATi�N '�� REPAIR 9 Describe wn�k: �--�r/� �"'�" �V � �� � PERMfT FfES Na, Ea�h Fee SPECEAL C0IVDITI�OM1iS� 7�tsl RECEP7ACLE OutEets LkGHT SWITCH . Toral LIGHTI�9G Fixtures qPPL�CAT�ONACCFPTEUBI'. PLANS£HECKE[565r� APFRQVEOFC]Ri55�UANCcBY FIXTIJF#ES RANGE5 GL4.fJ'ff�'ER wrR.HT�R, �d710E �aRS�z�� oisP. sTn.cor��c r�� f HER'EBY CERTIF°/ 7HAT I HA"JE f3EA❑ ANL7 FXAIV�3NEGt THIS ��SH.WASM. C�C771^iE5 NIASFi. APPLICATIdN ANp KNC3W 'I'Y-VE SAMF TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. SpF�CE HTR. STA.APPL.�i N.R.hM1AX. Al..L. PF3QVl53�fV5 OF LAWS AND CJ{�DINFiNCES C,[=7VEFtI�1ifYG T4��115 S`fPE i�F 'NCffd#( Wit.�. BE CD�MPLIER WCTH rfJH�7�HEH SPFClFIEp ._ . ._. ____ . . . . - MC}TORS: Fi.P. . NERCIN I]R hEC?T. THE GRRNl�19VC3 ClF A QERhtFIT �ClES IVC3�i� �. FHESUNIF_ Tc7 GIVE AUTHdRlTV Ta VIf,7LATE UR Cf\i4CEL TIlE PFtpV151p�NS C?�17M16Y[7THER STATG[3R LC7CA� �.AIN REGllLlal�ING COlVSTRUCTION OH iM� pERFC7RMA[JCE �F CU�*ISTRUC�I4N. [MO.TRRhlS. 51 G PI5 fVO. LAfVIFS TEMP.P4WER �POL� UNDGD. SEft'V I CE o-2ddA 2p1�46pA ,�, '�-y.c`� !r',,� �- ���. '' `'� Ll rv�w �oi•nonA S' �A.TVR'€ oF [ONTaRCT�p ❑R Ai1T440�ICIiEP AGEN7 IG0.TEY ������� �v���oa� PERMlT ISSL7ING FEE # $14 T R� bF'O�wH[A 1F 4WHE1� B4a4DSRJ +CATEi TOTA�FE� '.fi� d �, � .....„. ._ . ... WHEN PAO�ERLY VALIOATfD i�N THIS SPACE} THiS IS Y011R RERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATIC31� C�.• Ib1.0. �A�W PERMIT ilALIOA7EUN c�c. nn,o. casH �� � ���� �'� ��G� �.//�/�- �,�' � ,i�.r''i5�.'�i':Fi Fofm 16�.3 11•�73 w�ons>EA�F�ROr�s- AFF"f'ERNATI6WRL CONFERE'3+ICE OF 6Ull..C}'iNG�4FFICIALS+sxen s_wnRwr.ta.vw enr���aa�n� WHITTI[TR,C�41F,pnaa� � � ` I�J�PECTI�N f�EPO�iTS . --- _ _ . $ - - bpTE ITfM REh7ARtCS INSi'€CTQR ` I U5E" SF'.4CE �3EL�C]W Fi]R NCIT�S, FCILLC7dill Uf�, ETL'. eu�L�iNC �i�risi��v '� IIV�PEC'�1�1 REC�IJE�T r. a. Qox ��� P�vNE: 3z8�6339 E A G L E C � 41 N T Y DAi`E ; ' JC3�NAME F_ . TfME RECEIVED � AN� PM CALLER �� k3l1iLE31Al.�f'a G�V'�R f�LUMBlf1!G MECFiAl1lIC�1L E�ECTRIGAL F�QTftVG {IUSULATPf7N RC}l7GH VEl'+�7iLATlf}IV TE�1�7YQRARY FC}UNDAT{Ohf S�iEETRC]�K STANbP{P� HEA7'IhJG RO�GH YVDGS , FRAI41lf�G VENEEf3 FINA� FlL3f}D5 FII�AL FiIUAL RQDF -----_�_.__..— r 5�'JtQKE E?ETECTOR PARTIAL PAI�TIAL PAR`f1�4L PARTIAL PARTIAL LO�ATIDN: LC]CA'f1Qf1i: LCI�l�Y1Qi�: tC}�CAT1��3: LQCATlOI'�: Y t d' _,,��3 � C3THER . ` *°' , � PFtCi�IAL. LdCA7iC7hl REAL?Y FbR 111iSPECTIQN , �} � � .=/ ; NfOAf !7'U� ' WEQ TFiUR FR9 � � "`_ . AM;;'PM CDMMEN�S': � - _ - :.�;' �' r f,, _ , ,,f ; t tri ,.. , i ._ . .t � � _ � r f �� '' " " � � - - � f .�� � , . , . . ... j _ . �,.i .. -• 1' e � '. . �! y.' << �,� . . .. /" . r,,��-,. ,F k .�F ���APP��C7VEC7 � ❑ DlSAPPRflV�D � � R �INSP�CT � �.�JPC}N T�I£ F�LLAWIN�i CC7i�RE�C71t7�NS: C4�flREGTI�NS ,, _ ' .� _,� — ' � � � � p " �` � 3 . . r ,� :. , = _ . ,� : - - �+ . , , .� 4 • - _ �_-.: � pATE '' -� - _ �'' � �. -; _��;.� �. �� t� ' j' ' '� . � , . �,,. � t �..j y._., � �� �r—,. .:�- • J , ,l.� _.. . . d . _ , . . au«.a��c ai�isio�v � IIrJ'SRE��C�1� REC,�UEST P. C7. B�X 179 p�o��: 3zs-6339 E A G � E C [� U hI T Y DATE .` . ' __JOB lVA�U'IE .< _ ,� �, , ,. . ,':. �. _; ` f f�_,, ,�} TIME RECEIVED A'M �M CALLE�i ,~-f`',-�y�, Bll1L€31NG CUVER �LUMBII�G NIECH�R�lIG�4L ELE+CTfilCp►L ��OTING ll'+1SULAT6�N .� RDUL'.,H VEI�'I`fl.AT1f)N 1"EMPi]EiARY FdE�C�1DATk()I� SHEETR[�Clt STAIIIIIPIP� FiEA'ft1�C; RD�iGH w 17 G S FF3AMIT'EG 'U'�N��R �EAEAL F!C]OC3S F111�E�L FIk�AL F�OCI� . SMOKE E]ETECTE]R PAR'ClA L PARTIAk PARTf,4 L P,�'I�iTI,AL PAftT1A L LQCA�IC7EV: LOGATI�3N: LC}CAtIUkV; L�b�CA7ldhl: LC?GATI{3N: ❑ (1�yER � PARTaAL. LOCATiON REAOY ft]R INSRECTION MON TllE INED THUR FRi AM PM C06�+IME�ITS: _ �"APPRaVEE] [f �15APPR�VED � REINSPECT ❑ u�ant �HE �o���w�rv� ce���ECric��as: COFiRECTlQNS __.�;' � �`_ - ���� . - � DA,TE '� , r'` �u�i��ir�� oiv�s��n� � I N 5 P EC�'�IV 1�E C�U E'�T P. (�. 60X 17� P�oru�: 328-e339 � A G L � C [] U l� T Y DATE ,E43B�fA.ME TIME RECEIVEa_.. AM PM CALI�ER BUiLC?li"�G �C1VER PLUMBI�!G IUIECHA�dICAL ELECTRfCAl. F(]C3"C1N� INSULATIClN R�'llfGi� VEl1�Tl°�ATl0�3 TEMPQCiARY Ff}UhlDATIC]N SH�ETRt]CK STAiUDPIP� H�A�Ii'�G� Fi[}U�H W ❑ C S ' FRAMI!'VG V��IEER—__ Fff1iAL HOOE�S FiAtAL F1�3AL FtOQF �,_ SNIt]KE aETEC'TE]R f'ARTIAL PAR�tAL PARTI/�L PARTlAL FARTIAL LUCATIDN: �LaClkl'IOf�; L(3GATlOf�: LOCATIUI�: L4CATf0�N: 0 QTiiER ❑ PARTIAL. L.f7CA7lf7N R�AD'�' F[?R INSPECTI�N MON TUE WED TNUR FRI AM PM C{3MMEAIT5: �] APRRC]VE� [� D� SAPPROVEC] ❑ REINS�' ECT ❑ �3PON FHE FQLL011?J1NG Ct7RREGTIQNS� CC]R R�CTI t7NS � G+ATE eui��i�uG air�isi��v � �I'"���p�C:�C]11� REt3UE�T F'.�. 6C3X 179 P�orv�: 3��-�33� E A (� l. E C L U N T 'Y' �ATE - JDS h3RME __ ;�`. ., t. _. TiME RECEIAJED ,AM PM CALLER ` _°" >--� BtJI�DlNG CC)VER PLUMBIi\;G MECHA3�IICAL �LECTRICA� �c�o°rir�� ir��ur_.A��ora �ou��+ " , v�n�rr��ar�ar� TEMPDRI�R'! FO'iJh1DATiC3N SH��TR[�CIC STA�+1RPiPE HE,A"i'fi'JG FiQUGFi w v c s FRAFU1IN{� 'U��lEER _ _ FI�fAL HCi[�C]S FIRIAL FINAL ROO� Sh+FC1KE D€TECTt}R PARTIAl. PARTIA� PARTfAL �ARTIAL PARTIAL L{}C�ATION: - LC}CA'TION: �C]GA'f1�N� LOCAl"14CV: 1,+0�ATlC1{V. ❑ OT#iER C� PA,R7IAL. LC7CAT{C�N REAbY FOR 11�3PEC71gN MQN TUE WED' THUR FRI AM PM CQMMEkVTS: , � �'��.�,�?__ • r -APPFtC1VED [] aISAPPROVE� [] FiEINSPECT ❑ UPC}IV THE F�LLCJWING CORFiECTI+OhIS: CORRECTI+�NS , __ .� __����—.-- DATE �^f � _ _�_ �t�i�oi�� a�v�sian� � � l'11�P E C�C71�►� R E C�lJ E S T P. o. sax �7� _ PHONE: 3�8-6339 E A G L E C O U N T 1( " �`-- ' _ ��_� l�;5 DATE ��B NAME `f9ME RE�GEIV�D AM PM CALLER BUILDiNG C�CfVER PLUMBIIL'G NIECM,4iVICA�. ELECTF�ICA� F�47111iG I{If�UL�A71t31M1 _�.,� RC}iJGH VE4VTI'LATI�f'�f TEMP�E?ARY F�[JIV[JA'1"I�C7N �H�ETFiOCK �TAI�fUPIP� �iEA"f14riG ROkJ�aH W [3C5 �RAMING VEh1�ER FIIVAL HC}Oi35 FINAL FIIkkAI. RClt7� SMOKE i)ETECTOR �„�,,,���,q� PARThAL PARi"IAL PpRTIA� PAR7fAL Lf}CATIC]t�f: Lt)CATIOIV= L(yCATICyN. L��A71C)�: Lf)CATIC]N: � pTHER ❑ PA�{TIAL. LC1C�1�'I{7N fiEA�Y F(7R INSPEGTIC)N MON �UE WED THUR FRl AM PM CGI�VIM EN TS: ❑ AF�PaflVED ❑ L7ISAPPROVED � REINSPECT � UP�N TF#E FC}LL+�WIfVG C(}RRECTIONS: °- _ ,Iw f.. coR��c-r���vs , < <_.�„�'��� . ��rL. ti _- � r _ �� �' , `�-�' � ��-����- ;,�'�+. - - � -,„ - - . . i � � f DATE ° /�� °.�r-r �f ;� •I �� • _ . - �� � � Bl1lLD[NG '�IV151�N � I �;����IC�1'hl RIEC3UE'�T P. C1. aOX 17"9 . pHON�: 3zs-6339 E A [; L E C �77 U N T Y L]AT� JC?B NAME T1ME FiECElVED AM PM CALLER --- �UVLC7ING CG101ER P�.UM�111EG MECHANICAL I�L�C�RI�AL FC?C3TifttG tNSULAT!(}N ROl1GN V�lIf7fLAT1Qt11 'T�MPLaRARY FQE1iHbATiGlh1 5F#E�TRi]CK STAt1I�PIP� HfATCiVG R(]UGH w � c s .FRAMIfiEG V�NE'�� �lNA� HCltlbS F�NAL FiNAL �tO�F SMtIK� DEFECTC�R PART[AL PARTiAL PAR71A� PAfiT�AL PARTEAL LQCATlON: l�f]CI���C31'+1, LC3CATION: L(7CATIO�II: L�ATE�D{V: ❑ O�'f-�ER ❑ P,4RTt�4L. Lf7GATlC7N RERDY FOR IRISPE�TION MC]IV TUE W�f7 THUR FR1 AM f'M� ,` r CQMMEN75: t `,,.< , ,. _ �.�4. -�_�= ; ,����,,-�° ,� � APPFCOVEd ❑ DISAPPR�C}VED � REINSPECT � u�or� rrt� �a��aw�t�� coa�ECrio�vs: C�FiF�ECT{C?NS �i4�r'� - _ t��'� ,fi lfia+-�1 la�� "�'s ar'�, ��'� C�� �"'�. l�i:�� ."*�; a�... � a;-� ��•�- �. .:v;�( i ":a � t�" Us-- __ '� cfi�'Ci� f=- �, _ , . ;, , aATE f{ - ' t � sui��in�c orw�si�N � 1�1►ISiPEC�C]N RE�UE�aT ' P. Q. BL7X 179 ��[7r�E: 3z�-�339 E A G L E C C7 U N T'�f DATE JC7B�JAN{E . �, '�lMf �E+CEIVED AM PM CALLEFi 3� z� �UELGlk1iC; COVER PLUM81h'Gy M�CHA�JICAL ��ECTRICAL. FQOTiNG '`Ii11SULATIC3N RC7UGH VEN�rLATI(�N �EMP�FtARY F+�UIVCJATiOCJ SN��TFi�CK STANDPIF'� !-I�ATI�lG l�bUGFi w n c s FR/�MING V�i1k�E�R—__ FINAL HCI�[]S FI3VAL FINAL Rd]DF SM[}�SE D£TECT(3'F� PAR�IArL PARTIAL PAR71,4L FARTIAL PA#iTIAL I.00ATfC11V: LUCATlC3kV: fs�*:� L(7Cl�TIOIIt: �:OCA"f"ICIN: L[)CATIt7hJ: Q DTHER ❑PARTIAL. L�CATI�6V , �,�. � �� -�' _ _ „��_.:.F- � :_ _ .. . . . . ; , __ ,_ , _, r . .. - , ..- ,. RERCIY FOR INSPECTlUN MpN TUE VIlEO' THUR FRf AM PM r Cf1MME�1iT5: - � r [J 4� ,,,1� - ' r i � � � 1 � �� - t.��—� v �_�. O APPR,-£}VED ❑ DISAPk'RC)VED 0 �tE1fVSPECT Q UPOAJ 7HE F�C}LLOUVING CCIRRECTIQAiS: CDRRECT{C7N� , - , ,� M1 f f . �:_F j, �'�,R i €` s.,t. '�I�. �;'� t � r4 n� �i�r t-a.,.��1 `+ l�'`11��� 'i . , .<; • - ,�.- , - , . �§... . „_. ; F; _�. •l �°r ° ..��� °� .�� . � � ' - .' r x� _''� f� : . QATE A .°' ' "�:��.: -- � ; . gui�oin�� aG�isko� -- _ � IIVS�E��f�,J RE�UEST �. �. gax ��s PHC3IVE: 32s•�339 E A G L E C C� Ll 111 T Y QATE J(3B�1lAN1E TIM� REC�iVE�] AM PM CALLER �� 9� 6�11LD[N+C CC?VER �'LUlVIEiI'�1lG ME�HAi11iC.4L EL.�CTRICAL �aoTi�e intst���t�rea�u Rou�� v�n�Tr�ar�or� TEMPt7FiARY FO�IVpATlC►hJ SH��TRdCK STAIVdPIPE HEA�'��G R011GH wucs FRAMING V�!"�3E�F3 FI�fAL HfJ[]pS �1NAL FIi11AL ROC3� SM�KE DfTfGTOR �AR'tIAL PARTIAL PAR7IAL PARTtIAL PAF3T�AL tdCATl011,1: LC}CATiON: L[3GATIi)N� LC3CA7'1C7lU: I�ClCi4TIDN� ❑ OTFlER �PARTIAL. LCICATIC}N FiEADY F{}f� INSPECTf4N NiQ�J TUE W�D �"HU�i FR! AM PM CCIM�VIEiVTS: D ,qPPRpVEp QDISAPPROVEl7 ❑ REINSPECT ' � UPdN THE FCILL(]WING CClRRECTIU�JS: CQF�R E+CTI�I�S ❑ATE � . ++� r.� . Y . ,.'. , y'_� ��A � ti j ' :- - � sui��in�� a��is�c�su � , . I IV'Sr�EC� �IV R�G1 U E'S T P. fl. BO?C 17� PHar�E. 3as-�3�s E A G L � C +D U N T Y pATE - J[7B NAME �IME F�ECEIVE[7�. ' ' `�'` AM PM GALL�R _ BUIL[�111IG COVER PLUM61h?{a ME+�H.A�hIICAL ELECTi�IGAL FC]Q�ih�G � , #lUS�]LA�'I+�fV ROUGH VENTC�ATiO�i �EMF'LIRARY' F(IUNQ,4TICfA1 SHE�TFi+QGK STAfk��PiPE H��t'FiPtG RC3UGFC tNDCS FRAM�N� V�NEER �f'�3,4L 1-iOUC�S FIkUAL FII'VAL Rf}[}F _ SMOKE 17E7�CT�R PIaFiT�A� PAf��fAL PARTIAL PAFiT1AL PARTfAL �dGATION: L.{3CAT1C�M1t: �O�ATIU�1� l.�CATIC}i'�t: L(3C�1710{�; ❑ DTHER ❑ PARTIRL. L(7CFlT'ICIN �iEAQY �QR �NSP�CTIQN (y1pf1# 7i„d� WED iHUR FRI J�M PM ,, COMMENTS: �' ', ; �'" . i' � �'1�r ��:�`7 �' - , r'c��:, ��� �..� ��. � APPRC?VED ❑ DISAPPRflVED ❑ REINSE'EC� I� tJP[?IU THE FO�LOWIIVG CiDRREC71Oh15: CaRRE�TI�NS i. , f, r .. w - , , , . _, a -..�' �ki � ' � : ;i'e { -- � F . ._ , . .. ._.._ I . ,J.'�' ! -�` ' � �ATE � � ..:� . � ' : ; 4'' _ �- '� :.� — �u�L��N� �a��ris�ar� � I�rl S P E��C�N R E�LJ E S T P. �Q. BflX 979 PHa��,�: �za-��s� E A G L E e � u n� T �r .,- . . :. , , . �. Q�arE , ' �a� n�a�nE , ' � . - . - ; . , . .__ ; TIME RECEIV�D AM PM CALLER - ' . .' f_ � -: BUILDlSVG CUM;"�� RLLfM�I�kCa MECMANIGAL ELECTRlCAL FQ07lNG Ih1SU�ATlfJh4 R�UGf,t VEf+671"LRT10�1J 'FEMI�O�ARY F�UNDATI[�Af 5N'�ETR(]CK STANE3PIPE HEATiI�G �i�UGH w � e s �FZ�IUI�[1{t's VEI�EEFt _ F�hI/k�L Ht,7QF35 FII'J,4L FINA�� RC1C]F SM43KE DETEGT(3R PAFiTlA�. PAR"f1AL P�IRTIAL PARTIAL PRR7iAL LdC�'k°fl{)N: �.G1CAT10�4: LOCA7IQ'f'�; �+�CATlUi17; Lf3�A�'I(7N: CI []THER ❑PA'RTIAL. LOCATIC}N Fi�ADY F4R ENSPEC�7IQN MQhI TUE WEI] �' THUR ''� FRI AM PM _ xJ, �,.�__.--_ �Q��.��T�: L 'A� . -' . ,�'� •�:a�- �,—r'.Ea-',? �"APFFiQVEC7 ❑ DISAP�R(3VED [� REINSPEGT ❑ 11PfJhl THE �OLL�WING �CaRRECT1C7N5: CQrRR�CTIONS ��l ��:�--°�'`_� ,�'`, ; : " " I s opT E � �`" - �� � :�`'- '�` ,^ � _� - ���J's .�!�:' f,,s,-. ., �'/ , �, `,� ,r"a�....R �r � �i �►�r� i�V. F'�rkins/Ar�hi#e�fi, �.IP+1"'�'a+p 7 Resort, 10�}D Lions �2ici�� �.o�p,r'�',�2G�,Nc�r�,�y����.�7/3t�3—�7�351� � :_��_�,-,,r , �----. . � ..�4� .�_. �- , � � . � f�.Y.�n i fi.�:.� �h�i . _..0;1 k. ..I '1�•'C i a �. . � ' r a.`�, �r:F.3, �,i...^,... �:�:i" 4- �, f �.'+s+ y s • .. � ;� ��.� + 5 '�p�ara�`�'�� :+c�p7��.:e � 'r'� s .'`,1 .':.aP "�4 f#�, ' �,�g t .,� '_f�.�, 7�"��. a � �''�.�v�ss�i�� _ f 1 l,Y�,��'J L J.6.. � 1���+ �� 11i�^• L�i�1� 1.y:71��-+�1���+�=:j 'i'`r�� r c�o s•� i��a�i�e P.G. Lox �`7� �'���I , i;o{ara�z� t;l�;��, �1Pc^_j' u Lai7: �' r-G�.i_�iFu „ � � T �=- L•c��_�=:., c A �:�<<� �it� of a�.r� _ - a � ta �t�r� ��� t�n .vi ti,'r� ;, ,� � 1.:i11� c'-:CI�.:.1 �1C7:1 Z�'.`.:r VJE'.��} 3.t, Iti� :'.i�! Oi]Zr'd7.C�?� t`1?i�• �:y :J�:�.:SlC:iil'�`� �.1t�.C.�Pi�-' tic fir'e—�:xti.�.�;a�;�'r�in�; syti.te:�, �:� r�t ne�es:>ax��{ �F:ci::�:=� �� tr�� �r— ��a�iori s�t�.te�� i�? ��ct.bor. ���°� ( ;_,}1 of t:r�e t��ni�orr�s i��,�il�ix� �nri� ,�.i�h ��ecif�c re�p�c�; to s��#2r•e f�P � c�f o���rtin�T for ��cl� �C) �i_�,neF�l .�e�t ❑i ex��r•inr w�.1�. ��s y��u �c��n�v� I ,^;p.nt tri,�cau�'-� t;tte5e c�,lcu��— tionY ��;itla �e� fc�u��l�.� �r�� :�e cc�ricurr�er�, I f t��iA.r i i�e Pr•e�tLCi,in:: ?��i.�t,r•z::t i:«� in f�r�t 1��c.?1,� i:{icr:;,ea t:ri� Lafe a����;,r Cn�ie �ri�n I ieel ;�au �.�o�l�. ��� r•�1;�is� in r.�t i::st�zllia�, an �.i ecir�ir��.l fix•e �;���.rm s;y sterr� �� ��r� t'r=•,t Cc�c3e ' � r��;uirement� �n�i t�o ttie :��:.tisf�.ction �i ti7� r'3ra_ Frotc�v�tiar. �x.�t;ric�. ;i��c�r��y f f��.� i��rw�� ��� • �,y,e:�....u� �3 a:�ri ,,,. .�er•���, AI�. ut�:Y:�,S L'C :� ;"I". .L,�:; r�0�.e;�'1:;�.' !�iT'. LrO�"{1C7Ii :�'�',"w�:t1.:C!:. :��."� �u��a�a�� n�vision� � 1NSPEG�1[]N REGIUE P. U. B[]X 179 p�tt7N�: 328-s33s E A G L E C O U I�1 T Y ,/ �/� [1ATE J�DB I�AIVIE ` -� -•° - . __ . . � , �� L . . , . � TIME RE�EI'U"ED AM PM CALLE'� s ; . - `_. � BUfLC]Ii�J{:i C�G"u'ER PLUMBII�lfi3 M��CHANiCAL ELEGTRI+C►�,L F4}(7TlN{i ENSUL,AT'IOhI _. RCaI.lG�-I VENTfLAT$4l'� T�MPt3F3ARY F[�L9ND,�471t31V SHEETRf]GK STAT1'�7RIPE �€ATIhfG Rt]Ii�GH w D c S FRAMIi11G 1JENE�Fi FI�FAL HC?{)Cl5 �IG1�AL FIAiAL ROOF �_��. SMUiC� 17�7EG"�(7�t PqR1'IAL PA�R"I`iA� F�ARrIAL PAR��AI.. PAR�IAL. LOCATi{}N: �C?CAT�QN: LOCA7tON: LC?CATI(lN: L[7CATI£�hl: � O�HER � PAR�IAL. L�L?CAi"]ON FtEA�Y FUR l�1kSPfGTI�f� Mt?�I TU� 1NED TH�J�t FRI AI'�} PfUI �QMM Ei11T5: ,� �a -�= ' �? _-�--.�.�` � ..+c �] �PPROVED [] DISAPPR4VED ❑ R�If�SP�CT ❑ u�an� �r�� �a��owa�� ccaRR�c�rit�NS: __,. . _ _ Ci�RF�EGYlUNS -.�:, --r : :• ,,.�ac�.�, , _-�:.. � . f .,�-,r- . f]ATE _ ,: : ..__� _ ,�''£: -, �!'EL[� �GU�Y au��o�w� a�v�sio� �� BU I L!�I i'V� EAGLE +CORJN�If. �.o, �vx ��� R E R M I T Ct3URTM(]US�� EAGLE,CC7,—PH.{3�73) ��8..��39 ❑ATE ��'1� � !9g �'� F�ERMIT NO. tJ J �F�'} `� APRLVCANT �TRI �S��I"FC�S�a -- �C1-'(,!'$'t Lf�+'�5�� A�UkESS ���� �f�. Vc.��T Ct3. ` �` 4HO.k ($TR[�7) I;Ct}IlTR�$ LftEh'SEJ p��n��T To�4[�stT'�C� fi'h�s� lE -- � �o�r MurneE� c�� {FYPF, OF IMPRdYEMENT} � ryp:��� . _ �7WELLIplC. CII�l3�i�5 � �(PR�POS�;D ll$�� �' AT fL6CAT3oM} ���i3' !'°. P�. FI'+�nt�lcle Rc#. ��isrR cT— �xv.r {STREET) � ae7-w�ew_ ar�n _ _ {GRVSS sTRe�7) {eR455 s7REET3 � SUBDIWISISIN. �'.'61'���T �,����, L�F BLOCK ��F d lJ q 9[11L�IN6 IS Tp BE FT, WIDE 8Y , F�T, C,ONG 9Y FT�. IN FiE�IGfiT AN❑ SHALL CL7NFbRM IM CONSFR{1CTIflN m 4 Z 70 TYPE USE GR{�UP 9ASEMEMT WqLL5 JR F6UNt]nTIVN � � I TYAEF d � R�hAARKS: AREa 9s� f 1�Pf CIIeC{C FBe $��2.6� VCiLl1ME ESTfMATE❑ C05T � � �}�}� �O FE�MIT � �i{'�f.�� �CUBIClSql1ARE F��T} «� RpdS E �.O��Q! OWNER e¢ A417RES5 � `�' � Vc`1 F C4 8Y��� �EPT� i'; �_ lN5PECfiC�N RECQRD DATE N�Te Pe�{CJ�iRE55 — K:h'S'ICI.`iMS� �+aJO REhtkR4{S iNSPEC-4i? EI-`�GLf=: CC)�Jf�JTY �3l�ll G F`'CRNi1'i� �I'6.'L!�Al'I C]N �"IN�,�: C/� If*�faF'EG�N , LANUSC�IPC= Yhkl��F'F:C�"1C]f��C7�M Review P�outirlc} F�rm � ) f�rirri�ry f-�o�,�� tg �°�:;�j #�erQ�lt�ng : -„ � :r �,: � ��� �' � �' �.. C L� � ;��._.f,�-' D�tc� Fic�errec� A�p1 icant � f�errr�i� h4la. -- --�. ''�� Lr�c� ior� � Pl�r�nir�c� �orr�mission Fi le No. R�wiew �,r-�d ret�.rrn to ih� Cou��ty Buildiri� Official wit�in 5 wark±r�c� d�ys P I�r�ning: �c�rr�pl i�s v��ith: 1'e� Nr Reviewed by: Date: 5���adi�i�iara C-�cr�uia�`sor�a -- �onir�c°�} ReC,iul��44n5 � � ' � �ite F'l�s (�ar�tdsc�.�in�) �. � � ! . � � R�cornm�nd Apprc�Val ; � � �- - ��' �' f _ Cc�mrr��r�ts: Cas�nty Er��ir�eet': Ro�ds Q � GraCiinc� a � Drain�ge Q � Q ❑ Rec�mrri�r,d Appro+ral : C�mm�r�ts: �our�ty He�lt�: Water� � Q -- �anit�3�ir�rr ❑ Q Per�. �est ❑ � � ❑ R�cQmm�r�d A��rov�l ; . Carnment�: F i n�! l��spect i an: C,lC3 � ".�._�._�.�� R�cc�mrrr�r�ci Ap�ro�al Q I—I �c�rrzrn�nts: Firi�l 1r�s�c��ctiQr�: L�;�rs�i�c�int� Ficc�n�rr-rcr7d r�+pprc�va! � � �bmm[�ri#s` �A ----�._ C/� {,avuer� by _ � C�at� f=in�l �=i I ir,c�# C��tc� • �AGL.E CC3UN�Y C3UlLD1l�+G PEF�MIT F+PP�iC��iG+N � FINA#�: C/O [f�tSPE�TICIN , LAf`JC�SCAPE 13�f�PECTI�]hl FC�RM �i��iew Routing Fr�rrr� ( ) Prirn�ry F�ou . i� �( } R�rvutir�g ..� � ---" � C.�� � Dat� Referred Appl i car�t Perrr�i L No. • !;�� � � Loc inn . - Pl�r,nir,g Cc�mmissiorr �ile Na. R�view arid return �e� the �oun�y Buifdir�c� �fficial within � working days P lannin�; Cornpl i�s �rith: Yes No Revi�w�d ��r C3ate: 5u��di�ri�ion F�iegulatirns �• Zoning R�.gulation� � � Site F'I�n �L�ndsc��ing� [� � • � �R�cQmm�nd Ap�roval : r �� �omm�r,ts� '� ■ County E�n�ineer: R�ads ❑ � Grad i rag Q a ..__.. Qr�ir��.g� � � - � ❑ Recomrnend ApprQwa� • .,�,��� � I� ]�' C�trirr�er��s: Cc�unty He�1 th: 1JVater ❑ Q Sani�atian � Q Perc. test ❑ � ' ,��'] � Recommerid A��re���l ; Commertt�: `��' `� j,. __ . .. . . ���� F i e�al C rrspect ign: C/�Q Re�vmmend Approval � ❑ Carnmer���: Fir�al inspt�ctiori: L�rldsc�inr� RccCsmm�rid Apprnval � � �crmm�rats: C/C'� I ssued !ay � � Clate �rnal �i i it�c� CJat� :- " . � � c�u�T� o r- ��� L� — �:�� ����� o��r!����a �;.��.�;�ty �r�i�rtl�ou;� Ar��nex Ea,l�, Cr�1Qr��3tr . . �';i�r�r.a {3�]3� 3?°-E3:��J � � , - - �. _.� �� ,�� . � ' . � ' � � .�' : ! ' �,. � i : � � � s�, � � � , � 1 '. � ....� 4 _. _ � '� .._�' i._� �.� i_.� �, ': . • NC� TICI� Tleis t�uiidiror� h�ts bcerti ins;�P�ted and ar► arder to st�(� warlc ISSLIBE� f�ar thc: #allo4viatt� reasons: • !`C'�a;"t"v'C�tc�,'1 �.�� tl-r;��� � �ul ��il�� �CYI'i�Bt 15 � vir�l�tic�r� c�f �"f, -r^ninr. �'^s�sl�itit�n. �f�is is � '?r.r1 `t�� ''ar':c brc'csr •�RC tF�f> ren�at��; vinlr,ti��n ,,r i 1 1 +:�- rc nc:rt�.+� tt� the �'a�+l e ��r7ur�ty Lec��� �cryt. "Idny persan, firm ar r,nr�oration vioEatang arsy pr[�yi�e�y+t of this CQCIE shall he dccrn�•d r�uifty o# a m�sJ�trrc.i�[�r an[� tapon convictiai� th�reof, ;liall he . t�ned nat m�eee i'han �?0).00, ctr im�:risc+nrrtrrts f[sr mtot more than �Jt! eiays, or I�aih. E�ch and c:very cliy aiirr�nq wfiir.h 4c��li itllcc�al eraction, cansrtr�clic3a�, ;ilfer� tion, reCOnstr�l�trnn, rttaic�tcnareCC: az l,sc CUn[iccue�5 511a1I '�]E t�PftM9t1 A Se�7Trasn nffense. Lncatian ofi Buildiny . - - - . .`''^.`?��. ly�,��'s'. .: .� .�. :'..��, . :�. . .�r�^nt'.��� ,-`,' �.�^.,�' f1ai � , �lt� !ns{)rCtec� . , . . .'.��?!s'- • '�,I. ' . .,�. . � . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . f_ f� �C'`�, � �' � P�I . . j` �� �Y , , . . :.`::`��—.. . . . .`. . . .°. ._,1. .�: . .. . ., . � {�Ci:i�.. �r:a'1r,�.,�tiiC,i�7r' ` i'� �--- tl"_�_ � ..ti '�- =i.�r�^�'� w ' i 1 � � ' . � . .. {- . � � , I � E���� ������ � � eu� td��,4 ��Q�r�tm�r,c 3ox fi��? �AG�.�, CC?LC3RAD� 8'l�31 Apr i 1 1� , 1�73 BDARd �7F CC7fJM1f7Y CdPAP�11551DNER5 328•�809 A�h+1VfV15TftAYI�Y11 �li'11 Qsterfass 32s-6s`74 c!o 'F�crs� l.od�e ��v���� s�E���� Box 970 s4s-�zsz ►,+ai t , Co, �155� A55E550 i� 328-6593 gus�air�� �e; A�pl ic�,t�vrt for �ui �c�inq P�ermi t i n Eaql� County 3�$533��0� 1783 W. i�i. Fr4ntaQe Rd: , Vai 1 � 0��'se� RECpFtDER The Eac�1 e County E?u i �d i n� L�enartment ree�u3 res that aopl i cat�ons for 'E3+�I2 �zs-���� bui ldfrsn {�ermits in �acr}e �ount b� r�uter! t� th� �a�sl� C��snt Planr�ina 8asait 927-3244 Y Y _ v �oUr�TV '�n�lirreer-1nr�, and �n�ri r�nmer�tal Heait�h b�oartments F�r 'th�i r cr�mment� ATTC7FtNEY nrior to I�suar�ce �f t�� permi ts. Your �rppl i�ati r�n v�as routed �,� ,qort i sz$•ss�a 7, �97�. ENGlhlEER 328-6337 �I�k��Ra�v�E6v�AL L i sted �elow �re the car,�nents and r�cnmm�ndat f c�ns ��h i eh were made by HEFILTH the abo�re c�e�n�rtments c�urin� the roi,atine� procedure. If yc�u have any 3zs-7��� qu�stisns or r��ish tr� a�t a f�arther ex�fan�-�tion, p�ease c4ntact ti�e �xr��v5iorv aQprapriate �1e�artment. The tel�rshan� numb�r� an� a�idress�s af t�e RG EI�t7 s28-�370 comment ia�g de�artt�ents are 1 i s�ed +�i th ea�h comment. �EBFtARY �za•na� p�AtdP�f�fG ; iVat an�ro�rcd, ,:d�1ee� 1 andsca�e pl an ��awi n� propcased �1 arst i r�g PiJBLfC FiEALTH and herminn alvr�o hic�ksway.�' Earyie 32Fi•659� — VBrf 476•5�44 PLRNf�1ff�IG � /_ ; � 328-5338 4* �t�aa & BR][�G� �Ct i ff �-+ ski T ,�Pia�n 9n�"Der�t�'� 328-559Z gpx �7� , �aale, CQ. U1�3T SHERIFF ���iE szs•��1 t 328-6338 Basalt 927-3244 G'slman 827-5i51 Sc�Ci�4� �N�IfI£E�IPIG: A�prove�d. SER1110E5 szs-ss�a N�AL.TN: Aps�roved. �r���asu��� �aa-s��s It �rlou1d �e tca vt�ur adrrant�qe if yv�a benin to reso��e any p�vl�lems/ and �r ree�uirem�nts as s+�on as �posslEsle sd as not ta delay the issuance � . saf ya�rr �Suildina raPrmit anw lcrnv�r than r�ecessary. � � ' � � _ � �'� Les Douq a a ► -�.� '� Eagie Cvunty F�ui l�ding �fficial ,= '� L�Ii� �� ...�.�-�' tc: Terrill Ynight �. ��� �,��,.� �'�...4 -_' �' � "•,p� � F t ����a�� ,,,,�_iti� � - � � �UIL�II'�� PERMIT �4PPLI�A►Tl�1�l � m Jurisdictian c�f d b Applicant to com/Ceie num►here�d spaees anly. N N fan AooR C5s -'"f1 � t . f � � � t�'�+'! �7" '�°. �� '`% �' �,. �' 40* wo. f e�x LR4LT //r � 1 LEG►L �� �✓ ' ''Q+* ..�I �/ �I �6.-� In9E4 kTTACMED SrlECT1 � � �1 C]ESGA. ..w II�� i�F �,. ,i OWNEA�,�"' M.�+AIL k9I]Rf55 . 1�^ VMAN�. � �'! � �'''r'� _. . ��i �1.� .� ✓`r�� �a� ' ,sy �f � ���:2�� � �"�.,,. - ZQ�iTRACTOR b.IR9L qpOR�.55 PHUN� tl{�HSC M4. 3 � 1 A� � 1��'' . �a -+�'#t7"] �.. AR[MPTECT ESIGN[R.� � MAl��L^RC53 � Pli�GkE LILEHSE NO. �^� .� 4 � A �" ]l�i � ,�f!'°.�''�s'+t�v� f-` '` �� �'' .- �� i' 1,;� T' /� � � EHG6N[E� MAIL AfyCRES! aMONE L1iCEW5E N0. ��� � 1.?I'r'`"r L/� rr I, .,0 f � F ta�r�l , r f/"� -'� �I�� � ✓e�/" �,1� -- `� 4iNOI�R MAl6.A.GCi1659 gRA�LGN 6 ���� � � ;�se ac e �� c � � �J [� ,�,,,�- � $ Class viwark; � hiEW .�.A[laITE�N CI A�T�RAi�ION [� €iEPAIR Cl MQV'f C] REMOVE � '�� . a � ,r "�: 9 Oescribe work: 1'�/ ,�"� " F-1 '�{"G"°" ��.� � t. �l�'r"f ��+��! "'. �; ,1 J ' ��' �z.`'�' h� � ,F. r,��,� �, � 1U Chac�ge af us�frsrm f Chang�nf use!o 1� 'U�Ii3841bf1�Ff WOf��4:v�+ 7` ,r�' f' ,{'''�,�" ,-..'h PL_AM1d CHECK FEE JA.,.�. E'�f PEF2M�iT FEE .��r. ff�f ft $P�C6AL G�h![]I'T1QNS: Typr,ar Q�cupancY CnnS�t. G+akitl ❑ov�sion Sa�e o1 Bldg- Nu.uf M�ax. (T�etal� Sq. Ft. gtorle5 DcC. L�ad Flre Use Fsre 5prinkier5 4P�'LICATtON.4CCEPTE681`' PLAI3SCF{ECKE�&Y APPRpVEC1FpP I.SSU'AM[E BY' zp�lg Zp(�g ReGUires4 'QYes ❑M1l�7 Nr�.nt QF�STF�E£F PAFtKING SPACES: Dweltirog Units Covered Uncowered N 47 T I C E 5pecial Appravals Ftec}uired Raceived Npt Requirerl SEPARATE PER�+71T$ AFIE RECZUIREL] FOFi ELECTRICAL, I'LUMB- �C7hFiNG —._^. -----� �NG,HEAfiING,A1�fUTILRTICVG'C1Fl �41R C"I�NDITl�1�1NG. MEALTki 6EPT. 7HIS PEAMIT BECQMES 1�ULL Afkl[7 Vdl[] IF WC}RK C]R Ct11�35Ti�11C- llphf AUTI-Ip3�9ZE[] IS i`JQT COMMEiVCEL7 Wl7HIN 120 C]A5`�, OR FIRE OE'AT. IF COhESTRUCTIQN QR W4RK iS 5USPENDED L}R ABANt]DhJE❑ SOSL REPO�tT F4R R PERk�D OF i20 �AYS AT A.EUY TIMiE ,4�T�R INORI{ IS CCYMMEN�CE�_ OTWER (SVecilyh ' 1 HEREBY CERI"f�Y TFiAT i FiRV€ REAG ,4iWD EXAMIN�D THlS APPLIGATlflM1! AIV❑ FCNOW THE SAME Td SE TRUE AEVD COFRRECT. ALL Pl�t]L'I�IC7C{� OF LAWS flhlD ORDIMANC�S G4u�RNIhIG THaS TYPE DF WOF2�1£ WI�L. SE C�MF`�..IE6 WITI��! 1NtiE7'>1ER SP�CIFIEO - -- HEf2[iN OR hl4T. THE uRANTIN� OF A ❑�F�MI7 p��5 Np�' PRESUhAE T4 G4VE AUYNC1RdTY TD 'VIQLATE OR CRNCEL '�ffiE PRQ'WISIt7fV5¢F ANY QThiER STATE GtR LOCA4 4AW REGCSLATIM.Cr� CQNST'F�UC7ION JR TF�iE f'£FiF4RN{Ah10E QF COM1fSTRYJCTIC?N. 51GHATVRE � CD�Y�N-'�0A O�R I� H� �tlCd ■P�ENT (�A4E} � � !' .Y' Owri. II PI �[7AT(Y WHE14 €'RC3PER�Y 1fAL1pATED 41N i'H[5 SPA�'�1 TFiiS IS YCIUR P�RMIT ' PLAN CIiEGIC VAL DA�TIC7N CK. 'M.D. Ci�lSH PERMIT VALI[�A,TI�JN CK. IN.O. �pgf{ ,����' .� ���� +�'�b.�.�.� � �— ,f� i���'` Frarrn ID0.1 1•7T ������i�!� � � iNSPECTIQN APPRCIVAL� _....d.� �...._._______.��._. _ .�__ CYATE REMARK5 Ih�tSPEC7[]fi __ _,...�..... �ourap��ioNS: SE7' 6ACK TR EF�FCF� R�IIVFOR�ING Ft)Uhlf]AfiIC}N 1,�u',�,L�, $a WEATHERP'RQOffN� _ _ _ CDNGRETE SLI�e FRAMING IhJT. LATHING �� f3RYWALL EXT. f�RTHING MA,5C7 N�i Y FIfUAL U,SE SP�i CE f��L C7 W FO R Nl]TE S, FC]�.L DW LlP. F fC. CC3U�Y [�F EAG�E - BUIL�IP�G�VISl�N $ ; Cvunty Cvurt�au�s� A�nex Eagte, CQlarado { Ph4n� (303) 3�8-F339 ' ! � � �`i. � ; "� N � TICE � ,� This h�ilding I�as laeen inspecte� and an nrder to stnp wnrk issuec� for the fo{Iowing reasons: i F �ov�structt�n r�►it�t a� '���1d��� �armlt #s a � �r�+�latic� of !fie it�t�g i+C�sa�s��t��n. �+ls Is a f �"and sto� ti�c�k ��er an�i t#�e rap�e+�t�c! vic�t�t�� ° r�T�1 i�e r��tad t�a t� Eag7 e �n�nty '#.�eja� 1�#. + �, _. _�.: , _ , . - � �,�.� <�� ����. . " • �l.'.:" ' R..} ?a, % . _... -. ,... . �.:5�:; _ . . ..Y% Y�:r "Any person, #irm vr car}�aratson uivlating any pra�isian of this Cade shall � be deeRnecl c�uilty of a misrlemaanor and irpnn carauictian therAOf, sha11 he #ened not more than s30[�.�D, os- ion'�risot�ina��a for raat m+�re than 9p days, ssr °j Goth. Each vttd every day duritrg whi�h suclt ilfey�tl erection, construction, altera- tian, reeanstructzorr, maintenance ar Use continues sha[I be deemed a sc:parate o#fertse. - _� Lac.�xian af�uilding • • , . . RID!}S�_ LR1Gft�l�l. ."'. ��� .I�I.a 1�._ 4��+0�1�� � ''� �e�# 1�r 1 i. Date lnspeeted. , . ,�,1�����. . . .,r . .. . . .. . .. . , . , , . , � ��.�k�/'� � 1 � �f.�� � � s �' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , nspectpr '�'�.. L �_ ��'[6-�= � R � PLUN��I� P�RMIT A►P�LI�A o 0 � = Q Jurisd�ct�orr af a a a a .4ppiica��2 tv camplete r�umbered spae�s only. � Jon wonq ess � a �pT}f0. SLN TIIRCT LEGkL �SEE ATTASMEO 5#EET] 1 n�scR. OWNE}R 14FAI AODRESS ZIG � �XO�, Z � 4 w� J�` a� c`� �C� �' CuN�seACr(�P MAIL ACGRE39 PHONE LICEN5L HO. 3 ���� � � � � `�' �.? � .71�: � � l� 0.AiC111iCC7 OII ES�IGNEfl MAEL AO Rf5�5 PHOHE L[CENSE MD. 7 EtiG�NEEM MAIL ADOFE55 i�HONL LICEM9E H6. 5 4E`�AER MA14 Ap�pRESB ■IIANCUI 6 'JS�C pF 9VaLb�Y4 .. 7 � Class of work: EW C7 Af]DITf�JN l�ALTERATtUN ❑ REPAIR 9 Des��ibe wofk: r �, P�AMIT FEES IMfo. Type of Fixtun or lt�m Fw SP�CIAL CdNC?1TI{JfVS: WA7ER CLOSET(Td31LiE7� S C�Cg 6ATHTUB � LAVATDRY(WAS�f BASIfV) � °� 5li9W�R .-- FCITCHEIV SIf+dK& CYISP. _ � dl5HWA5'�-!£!� 4PPL�CI4TION ACCERTED BV P�AN5 CHECKEO Qv 0.PPR4YED FOR ISStlAMCE BY LAUNC}RY TRAY ,"� CLQTFlES VYA�HER WATER HEATER �1IC}PIC� tJRfNAr� LSRINKiN[z FpL11HTAlEV I HEREBv CERTlFY ThIAT I HAVC READ AIV{] EXAMIfUiEC3 THIS . APP�ICAT1QiV AN❑ F(MC3W TH� SAINE TO BF 7F3UE ANQ C�RREGT. �LC]GR 511'+IK QR t,]RAiN ALL PRi]Vq51�C1N5 Y]F LAWS ANp pRpINqNCE5 Gf?V€RNIPIG TWI$ SL4PSPIVK TYPE C7F WCJftYC W6LL 6E G�yM�PLIEp WiTN WF-pE7!-IER SPECIFIEC7 GASSY�TEMS: NO.�i,iTLETS HEREIN CiR 1`JdT, THE GRf41VTIlaIG pF ,� PERMIT ���5 140T VyA7EFt P9PING d,TREATINGI E+QUIR, Pti�SVnn� TD GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIpLATE DF� CANCEL T3-IE WASTE IIVTET�CEPTOFt FRC1V1540N5 fJF AtVY C]TFEER STATE pR LC]CAl_LF1W F3EGLILA�'ING CC3NSTRiJCTI{]N �R �f`FIE €'ER�f]RMANCE 4F �COIVSTRUCTIC]N. '�'pC�UM BFtEA�KERS LAWN SPRIMK�ER SY5'rEM SEWER CESSP04�. SEPTic TANK k PfT � ��- � `, tGNaTUk [1F COHiR C7071 ON ■UTHO�RtIEO I R7�Y � � � � 1 � #�ERMI7 5 /�'p C7C7 yIGHp AE pF ��wl1EA IF 6WNEA 8U1LOE.N] - 146TE1 �T��A�FE� ,�j �"'tj WHEN ARC7PEFtLY VA4�Rp�T�D ({N THIS SPA�E1 7'1i15 IS YOFIii �ERMIT .�fy PLAN CHECI� VA�bDATION c�c. M.�. c�,sH PERM�T VAL�f�ATi�7AI c►t. �s.a. �ASH �r���•��s� � r,% � Form 1a6.2 1-77 ���P��{]� �. � t � � 4N i�`EGTiDl1� R�PC3�7S �D�4TE ITEPIN REMAFiKS INSF€CTOR U5E S�ACE BELdW FDR 1`Jl7TES, fCILL(7WUP, ETC. � � ���� ��,G�aE�� a��,5�or� I�ISIpEC'�I� T p. �. B�� ,�� !'�I I�E C�IJ E S F�c��a�: �zs-s�a� E A G L E C O U N T Y QATE 3i36 NAME T1ME REC�IVED AM PM CALL�R �u�L.DI�1G C�VER PE.UMS11'��G M�Cfir�A{ViGAL ��.E�T�'I�AL ����,�� in�su�a��o� �au�� VE81lTf'L,4TIClhI r�nn�o��a�v Ft]i�NDA`ff0lN SH��TFl�C3G STANDF'fP� H�ATiNG R�(}LlfsH W [] CS FRAi!Vi�C�IG V�NEER �INA� �-!Q[3�S FIN�F4L FIl�MAl. FtO�JF �, SMdlKE[7ET�C'i(]�R PAR'PIAL PARTIAL Pe4�tTlAL PAR�I,�1. I��4RTIAL l,T]CATIt3N, l�OCC�'F'IGN: LOCATlflfll: L4CA'f14�: L�#�ATi+[��1i: � 1�THER ❑1'ARTIAL. LOCATIDN R�ADY FClfi INSP�C'Ti01� MQN TU� WE� THUR FRI AM PM �CiMM�1�7S. [] APPROV�D ❑ DISAPPROVEU ❑ REIhISPECT ❑ UPL7N THE �OLL�3NIWG CORREC71f]NS: GORRECTlONS 1�ATE INSPECTOR ���� � � 6i,JILDING QIV�SIpN ��'1��iF�ECTIC�N �EC��.JES� R. O. Bf}iC 179 PHUNE: 328-fi33� E ,PI ['a � � iC f3 U �1 �� �ATE JOB NANiE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER B�.JIL.l�iNG CiJV�R PLIJIVl81[1IG I!w11ECHANlC!'�L ELECTAICAL �c���r��u� in�sU���ria�u Rou�� ►r���r�.��ri��w 7�nn�c���a�v FC7UNL}ATt�]N SI-IEETRI3CK 5�'AN[)PIPE Ft�ATlIVG Ri]ldE.f',W w a c s FF4AMil1fG VEhIEER �INiAL Fi{0(?C]S FIfVAt� FIlVAL Rf7�C}F SM�KE DETE�TOR P►�R�'!AL PARTIAL PAR'T#AC PAR°�l'AL pARTIAL l.�CATION: �U�ATEOI�: LOCA'�117N= LDGATIDhI: LUCATICt�: ❑ €�TFIER � PARTI,4l.. LOCA3°lON - READY FOR INSPECTfQlV MOrN TUE WEQ THUR FRI AM PM cor�n�Er�rs: [] APPROVED ❑ DISRPPFi(7VEG [] REI �VSPECT l� UFC]N TH� F�LLOWfNG G[]RR�CTiC?N5: CC]RRECTI011lS DATE Ih15PECTOR � � � (:�DUt��;Y a� Eag�� Jim. (7sterfoss - 1783 N. �"r€�nt� e Rd West ��E�'r'FiGIGAL PERM�T .��b rr�.��................................................................ . . �- _ ., . bate of Applicatian..--_--------------.TuJ.�--14,--19.78---.-..............19.._.................. �° Russatt Fau1.1 Electrie - � � � '� EIectrical Cc�ntractor.........................-� ----- - .,.._...,.....--- �--.........---.......-----....... B�ilding Valuaticrn $_......-•-�................. AFPlieanL--------- ------------ - ---------------------_..�..............----._.._...-•------ -------.....�.---- Sl�naiure �lectricaI Va[uation $---------------------------- AFPRCIVALS Perrnit Fee �; 39.OQ...----, Inspect�an F�e - - -- -- - -� ----- -- ---- -------------------------------------- .....---•---- �.......................�. ........-•-•........ ••--- I�Inn Cherker U&[e Tatal Fee $--3.�---Q�].�------------- 7 14 78 ... - - -- �.-- - . ..... .................................... .... ��:....�... .... �- -- ...... C:h9e�Hu Iding OffIcial fraFe uTLI�.� 1�� �.��� L)ate PA,Id...... . ._ . .- - --•---.-.••.•°••.-•-.......... THIS F��M IS T+D BE POSTED Ohl ����"'e� B�'.. ... �. ������r----�- � .. JID6 SITE l3U�"II�G C[�#M15TRU�..'TION Ree�ipt #3787 Sl�ig. Pern'��.� �7944 #8 N{}URS ADVANCE �i�TiC�: REQUIRED FQR 1i�SP�C'T'fQle[S � � E�,�CT1�I�AL PER�MIIT APPLI TI+C�N p � � m �����;�t;on �� � .� > 0 t_ �� Applicarrt to c�rmrplere numbered spaces anly. ��� �oe nooR iss i- N � � , � /�� �'.? i(.�� 0�P'��1 � r�6 I"d 1`f��� �"!�1.) ���� �.... � 613T N4. 4LK � TiIACT � �1 L[4hL �SL{ A:1AtHEO SME[T1 `'�f T AescR. r— � _ �, e.��i� aooe�ess xin l.='� dWN[R PkONE 2� � � ,���2 L� ; J �,1'� ' 0,�� „„_ � G8N7HASTpR MAIL A60RES$ ���FHqryE iCc:,+',5� w0. � � iD 3 'l,+.4�r� 1 / - �!-�L'L Ll �[.�.� T►��� 1��-�"-i�C:?e �d�!'�, �� � - � r��6 / �� � � � _ ��t�.c.�' --r ARGNITp�7 4�OES�iGHER M�IL RpBp€45 �!O'HE LfCEN5f NO. � � �� 1 � � �� L �.,�l rL�. ,J'L C c:p� ���,:"?.���� c EHGINEE� � uAIL wp R�gS PlttYkE LIGENSE M1O. �9 � �,�',� , � LENDER � � MAIL AROKf:S-'i �RANCM 6 �/ � � JSE U4' SV�LO1lJG / - �1 / t � �. �i V� �.1 �j �-s! .L'_ � � ,� �L/ ir'L- � ���/'`�'1 .�9 � .. . �h S GIBSS QT WpPI(: �I'�iV�EW �FIDD1710�E Cl ALTERAI`i0N ❑ REPAIR �` �y 9 Describe wotk. � /t��� � D 0 ,+7�. . ,/a,�7 L J 'r!d,r✓' � � C.�7 ;7'ff ,� S� ,�"1 ��'�%' J f � �I�1 � ,� � fi ��r �. C F'Lt IYt G� C I 1� I����[/� `��,,� � �. '�� PERMET F�ES �o. Each �ee S�ECIAL Ci79YDITID9VS: RECEPTACLE 7otal I,CGHT C�utlexs SWITCii Toqal LI�HTING �ixtures APP�LICAilipry qCCEA7�V BY �PLANS CNEGKED BV APRRC]VED FC1FI�SSUANCE B'+ FIXTURES RANGES CL.[7.DRY�R WTR. HTR. N t�T I C E �as�ea�E oisP. s�a�. cno�c row I HCFt�6Y CER�1'IF'V TI-Ip7 1 HAVE RERD ANI] ESCAh71NEt] TI-fIS f71SH.WASF-�I. CLC.77HES WASH. RP�LIC,qT�QN A.I`�pD KfVOW TI-9E SAME TC?E3E.TF2L3�AIVO CQRRE�T. SP,4C'�E HTR. STA.FIP��. liz M.P. MAx. ALL PRC]Vf56C}FJS C7F LAWS AND dRl]IhlAtifCES GOVEFthtIdVG "1H�S - Tl'PE OF WOR}C LVILL F3E COMPLIEO WI7H 4VHET3-IER Si'ECIFIEp � - MOTOf25: H.P. ' k-1EF2Elh,l F]R M1CDT, TH�E GRANTIMG QF ,q P'�RMIT DO�S NOT ._ - _ I'RESU'aV1�E TO Gf VE /aIJTFi[7FtITY �-O VIClI_.qTE flR CAiW��L THE PROVtSI[]NS c7�ANY p�HER�TAT�C7R L.00AL LAW REGULA"fICBG C[71V5TF2UCTiIJ}Y L1R 7WE P'�Ft�QRMAfVCE 47F CQI'+1STRUC710fV. IVp.Tf�AN5, S I G i'+15 NCI. �,.ANYP�a � TEhh�. P�WER PC3LE UNOGI]. ,� ,� SERVICE 0-244R �� ,� �ni� ��, '^f �`�? �91•40(3R �(_-vwt�'`��--. J'Jt . _! t�.,cl...?� .._. Q N�w aoi..6c�va, S1GtiATURE F�iyC6N7RACT6R DR AuTHO�R12£b ,�6�.N7 � - I.nAaa'J ❑�HF1fV�E 'd1A�f{�jQOA � PERMIT 155LlIlYG FEE � sicr�nruRS o�awaEn �F owNEn evi�oere� icnre� T4TAL FEE s � WIiEN PROPEALY WALIDA7E[] �Ily1 7H15 S�PACEt THIS' IS YC3UA PERMIT Qi��}� PLAN CFIEC�C VpLID,�0.T40�J c►c, rw,o. ca,s�a PERau'lIT VALEQA71�[JN c�c. n�.a. ca�h � Y � ��� � � �.�.�crc�r. Farrn 14Q.3 11-73 nsprqp�R rpq�rn:INTEFtHpFI£]NAL CC?hI�EE2�NCE O��F HV1LOIhIG C?�FtCfA�S•s]ea o.won�aw.wN en�rs.�ROAIS�• WN�T'rK6R,CALIF'.v9Ofl9 � � � ' II�SPEC�'fON REPORTS DAYE bTEAI� AfMARKS 4F1'SPEC7GR U5�SPACF BELCIW F47t? I'u'(?7'ES. J�t3LL(7W-UP. �TC. � � Bu��a�N� �bv�s�on� 1 i�►�S P ECT I Q�11 R E C,�U E S T P.U. BC7X 179 ��a�v��. szs-s33s E A G L � C t] U N 7 Y , _, DATE ,� J�B,N'AME , ,�,; _.. TIME R�C�IVED AM RM CALLER -" �l�lL..[�If1iG_ Cf�VER PLUMBIF�G M�GHAIVJCAL ELE�TRICA,L ��a�az�na� Arus��arrc�nr ��u�� v�rur��.�-r�c�n� r��nPC����v FbUNDATIt?N SH�E�`Fi{J�CI� S�AC�DPtP� HEATI�� ROUGH W D C $ FR�'1MMHiG V�II3E�R FIN�L F�E(7�Q{]5 FIN1�L FINAL FiflC7F _-� SMtlKE Q�7"�CT�?R' PAR1"IAL PART�AL PA�i�1�lAL P�#RTIAL PA�3TI,4L LUGA`Tlf3fV': LOCATI[)411: L{]CATIC3iV: Lt'JG,�'kTIT]f'�. LOCA�iC}6�: � f?THER �PARTIAL. LC7�ATf{D3hE �tEADY FOR INSPE�TIQN _ , MO�J TUE. WED 1'HUR FRI - � AM PIVI �[}MMEhITS: _�i.—r�.- ❑ APPRt7VED � DISAPPFiCDVED ❑ REINSPE�T � UP(?N THE FOLL{JWING CORRECTIONS: C�RRECTCQNS n , i� fi c:_ ❑ATE ,;�„� �NSPECTpFt � � �ui��in�� a��ision� IIM�S�ECT#C]N F�EC�IUES7 P. Cf. BOX 179 PF�C7N E: 3�8-6339 E A 'G L E C (7 U N T Y �AT� J{}B NAME TIME RECEIVE�] A�V'I PM CALLER _ BUILQAN� C�VER f'LUMBIl�G M�CHANI�AL ELECTRI�CAL �oa�'��vc in���r�a��c�ra �QU��t v�r�r���.�r�c�r� ��nn�o�a��r FOIflV[]ti1TIQN Sh�ETF3tlCK a7AfVt7PIPE HEATING R[}UGH ws] CS FR�'IMING ►J�1'�EER FI�AL �IC1Cl[�S FINAL FfNAL RtlC1F __� Sn±'lQKE C7E1'EC�`OR �ARTiAL PARTiAL PqRTIqL PAR`TIAL PARTIAI. LQCATIC)N: Lt�CATIf]�I: L�CATIQh4: LO�ATICJSIl: LQCATfpN: CI 4TH�R � PARTIAL Lf3CATlp9v READY Ft}R fI�SPECTIQN MQAJ TUE WEia THUFt FRI AM PM COMNlEAITS: ���" [) APPI�+C7VEd ❑ qiSAPPRC}VEL� ❑ REINSPECT Q UPC7hl 1'1-EE F4LLOW'ING+��RAEC7IONS: CCIF�I��CTI�CJiVS '�,�, �' rr�. �'.�-¢* ,r - 6-�'. _ k :.�-��=---------= -. � _ �«ti ��G����Y ,r� �—�'.a�� er—.i!' ��_ - .. -'_. __._ • .` � � �_z, , vl'�— , . ," ., QATE , ° .�f ---�- _ , � �� ✓{: `__.` " __- �� -- iNSPECTQR � ?fi_�,' , BUILDINGD11Jl5��l� � ��.��ECTfO� R�Q��ST P. O. BOX 179 �r�ans�� �z�-s�3� � A G L. E C 0 U N T Y DATE '-� JOB 311AME _ �-','�.�, '�_f�..�„: . T1ME �ECEiV�D xkM PM CALL�R `, � _ _ �#UIl.�I�VG �Ql�'ER__ PLUI�lf�If�G M��k�ANI�Al. EL��TRICAL �ClC�T1N� INS�.1L�17ECJ1'+1 'R(?UGH VENTI�,A�i(3N T��It1PDRAfiY FfJl1C3LJA714M SHEETRf]CK STANDPIPE �-IEATING RCIUGH 1Npcs F�AN911�G V�II+���R FI[t€AL HC►(][]S FII�tAL Fil'JAL Fif3C7� SM[]KE DETE�Tl7R PAR'��AL PAR TI Al. P,qRTI A'i. PARTY A L PAR'�f iA L L��ATIC}I'+,k: LOCAT{(7�1: LC}GATIU�t: L43CATI�N: LClCATION: ,,- .�� ��. LJ 07HER ❑ PARTIAL LOCATI�N REAQY FOF� Ih1SPECTICIN M01V TU� W�D. T�illl� FRI AM PM COMMEhlTS: �G;, � �����'�- - •'� ��s�� �'''=1�r"�'...+'s:� ��i�` � ,' f tf` i � .r,,,"_ . ;' �' APPRC�VED � aISAPPRQVED � REINSPECT ❑ UPOhI TfiE FCILLOWING CORR�CTIQNS: CQRRECTIQNS [7ATE f �"�`�- � �� =� ,e'��'., � INSP£CT{l� , .~ r'� � � .., i�s7�_+ �.%P B��La�r�c aiv�s��nt 11'IJ S P E�T I C7 N R EC�LJ E;�'T r�.r�. gax �79 PHO�f£: 328-6339 � A G L E C � U N T Y DATE Jl7B h1A1NE TIME REGEIV�D AM PM CALLEFi BIJtL[]II'�4G CC}U�R �LUMB_1!�'.�; MECHANIC�L �L��Ti�lCAL F�OT�NG iNSl.fLA'TIC7N �i[JiJGH VENTrLAi"�Ui11 TEM6'[]k31��Y F(}1�Na�Tlf1�1 SHE�TRDCK STR�l�plPE HEATING RQUGH w a C S FRA&W91NG V�I��ER Fli+�IAL Hf){)I]5 FIhIRI. �Il1dAL RC][]F SML7K� DETE+CTOR PAN�7`tAL PARTIAL PAR'�IAL �'A�tTIAL RA1�TfAL �C7�I�Ti47�1: LC3CATI�C71"d: LOCATI(lN: t.C1CATfON: RCaCATI4JlV: ❑ DT11EF� ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY F�Ft iNSPEG7IUN MOM 7UE fNED TNUR fRl AM PM Cl7MMENTS: � �. [�.���PFtC1VED OR{ SAPPRCl1IE� [] RE� NSPECT � UP{JIV TH� �i7LE�47WMNG GOfiI�ECTICINS: CC}RRECTlONS QATE ' INSPECT4R � � . �u��nir�� o��rision� 1�'�►1�P E C T I t7 i'V R E C�7 U��T P. a. Bax ��9 PHONE: 328•G339 � A G L � � C} U N T Y DATE JOB NAM� T�ME FiECEI'VED AM PM �Ai�L.ER BUILDING GQVER �'L�}MBI_�!G NlECHANlCA� ���GTRECAI. FfJC}"�111EG II'�SULAT!(�II€ Rf]UGH VE11fTTLAT4()N T�MPC3C�ARY FOl7�JDATkOIV SHEETRCICK �TA,h1DPIP� FiE��IiV� R+QUCH wwoCS FF�AMVlti1G VENEER F]IVAL ii{3+DDS FINAL F13VAL FiQ+C}F . .�.,�._.._.� wPUI(7i�� [)E7�CT[�R F'A�CTI�LI. PARTIAL PAfiTIAL PAR�kAL {�ARTlAL L(7CA�t�flt: Lf]Cl�tT101V: L(.IGL'ITi�N: LOCATI4��: I.�CAI'I�lU: ❑ (?THER L� PARTIAL. LdCA,TION READ"Y FCDR [�5PEC74CDIV fNCiN T'UE INEL} T}-4UR ��i1 '� r <'.'' � AM PM C4MMEI�TS: ❑ APPRC3VECl 0 DISAPPR{�VE� C] REI NSPECT ❑ UPflN THE FOLLOWINC, C�RRECTICDNS: C�C}R�iECTt�NS , . ,.; .��"�" ,;, �..t'y , ,��� . :•- . - _ �`� ,�-,' ' . .� !,.��' , r l � , :1�:� �' �'fi`''� � "�� r�"' • ��x ��. �_T � r - _ , �� , _ ` I , . . .. . .� .- tf . . ..-F,., , � � �.�� _ , . {� , , . - - ' - _� _� � . , , . �,jc ��.e r, �-� : ��.� � i f '��t , .�Ay .*' � C]AT� - r " �.�.�''�< � - IAISPECT��i � � f� �� f � f✓ $ui�r�ir�� m�v�sro�v IN�I3ECTICCIN R�L�UEST P. +C7. BOX 179 ��oN�: szs-��a� E A G !. � C C� U N T Y ,---� C�ATE .fOB NAME .'_�`..•= TIME R�CEEVE[] AIV`l PM CALLER - BUILi�tNG COVE�i PLUMBI�!G MECHA[V1�CAL EL�CTRiCAL FtJ+DTIR§f; INSULATIO'I� -__-- Fi�UGH �tJEfVT�'L�4TIOlV TEMP(}�{ARY FC?UiVDATf�N SHEETROCK S�`ANDPfP� FfEATIM1IG RQUGH v� ocs FFiAI'VaING �J�11l�ER 1��I11AL FidC�l]S �Il�tAL FINAL RQI�� _._� SMQIfE []ETE�TC)R R,�,RTIAL PA,RTfAL PA�RTIA� PARTiAL PA�tTIAL L:�Cl�74Gf�; LQCAT1l7N: LC3CATtC?�J: 6,OC,CITI4N: l.f3CAi`FDN: CI {7THER ❑ PARTIAL. E.00ATfCTN f�EADY F+DR INSPEC�`ION IW�E��13 Tl,l� WED THUR FRI AM PNi � �CC�MMEIVTS: �?-}�^ __": _ .. _ �' � -' _ -����- '-� ,.� . - \� _� �,� ; � , .� . . � , � __. f,°--°_ ,i, �r. .�� �`� �'�. �-�� ,.� i� � ,4 ,.;r�, . �#.,, _ , > � � �` � AP�'R�C]V� d ❑ DISAPPRC]VE� ❑ FiElNSPECT L� u�vru -��� Fo�.�ow�NC c����crion�s: ca���cTiar�s , s� oar� :. _ - :� .�"���-- �"` �;,� �,� �° , '. ,.c t ;�_� �. "�" in�sPECT�R _ �,'` �_f______ � � } �., � . �� �: .� --•�--, e Y. a t �� �'� t � xs � . F�.r,� r � 8 -i '•wl ��� yyy �� ..t+' � s- � .. . �'v � Sr � � � �" r '� ��7 �A `ts� ppp }. ��. %�f k s � ..*. � �y t '����� ���.;� l 1 � r �N k}e� '. � ' 4t 1 I�J u. }'4r f .j y ly 9� � F L o" y 4 k� � } � r �a .,.'�7 .; +w '� f �. �t �`- l� M t �r � .:i�� �r k w .. �l ',r ,�:: 1 ?°/ . � � �x, ; .-, f ��.t4; . � �,�$ ... j 2�s��t �. �s m�a�ti�� -:� r 'Nt.ti.: va-r � F rt-� a �9r:i@$9�} �fi'�� a � ��r°fi�tl�� ��� `�r f .n-����s+ . 3 �it��p . ..�m. . � �Q���� - �� � - ..,_ti�r-..e_.�Li: ..n i..,sa...C..u.k-'3� .�ke1 .�__,�__�i.uss_ - _ , F ii �;�� }�. �,4 _ }°y+�+o�y�� '� - y Y !I a• s ,i" \ 4� '6-T � °' � -�g ' .�� f � _ '�—+�— __ . -! ��.�a k1w- _ _ a __ �. .•- � a y� 1� � . }� �Yy' .. . .- .--. ._ �. _ �. __ �e.. _ .. . . . ,� a �,�.. � _ 4 j �`"} f'�. �� - �' =r r i�'�! w:3 � ' ` < { fI . ;r `: {'ti ; � �; �. , y� _ � �� �4� �', a��'p1P '. . �, . � {�J � .����r4+.�. � ' I� y 1s � �Q� � �R�',,�EI- � � � � k�ij �4` � � *'�.; :, ��x��+ � ���- ��`t z _ r�Y�,�� . . 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E�X I79 PHC]NE: 328-6339 � A G L � C Q l� �II T Y DATE ,IOB NAME ?IME FtECEIVE[] AM PM CALLER BUl�all��a CC7VER PI�LJM6�lI�G I'WI�CHANfG,�L E�.ECTRICAL Eoc��ri�u� ��asu���ric�nt --.. --- �au�r� 11ENTCLAT}C)hi TEMPQ�tARY FC9UNC}ATIf)1+�# Sti��TRf3CF{ S'TANDPIF'� H�AT19r1G Ri3UGH wt� es FfiAMlS1iC; V��11�ER FlN,�4L kiL7C?T]S Fl['�AL F�f+JAL RC7C]F SIVVQKE DETECI`OFi PARTIAL E'�4Ci�FfA�, PARTiAL PARTIAL PART�AL L�CATICIN: Lf3�AT1C3N: LCICATION: LOC�4TfON: LOCATtON: � i3`f'H�� 0 PARTIAL. LD�ATIdAI READY FflR I NSPECTI4N MON TUE W�D l'kiUR FRI ,4M PM CC]MMEN7S: [] p,PpRC)V�a ❑ DISAPP �iC�V�L� [] REMNSPECT ❑ U�ON 7W� FOLLC7WENG GQF�RECTI�7N5: G{}F�REGTrONS � „ �F s,�_„�-�_ � `�~°' '� * '^., d. l7 �'' , C3AT� -� ,�-�,.-P ,, . �y �^'; �. �.. 14'�SPEG`I OFi FIE�D C47�Y` . �ui�Qr�r� �a�vis��w v� B U I L�I N G eAGL� cc�u�r�,r, p.v. �ax ��� p"ERMIT ec�u���c�t�s�, �,a���.e. cv_—p�. ��v�a ���-���� ❑ATE_ ~'Y1Y ��J r s9 r----�.� PEFaMIT h� � � V aP❑�rcna�r cTln �StiaEl'�CJ�iS AdORESS ��sC?X Q '��.11� �1 r� ' {NO.k i.5T1i��T) �{CONTR'S LICENSEJ PERMfT 7Q ����4I. ..'�'�3Z.�1.��.].�.' {]'(}��) 57br�Y NLIME3ER ❑F {TYPE f]F IMPf�DYEMlLH7} � ryp � . _OW'�LLIhlG [JNiTS _ (PROP65EQ USE1 - A� {LCJ�CATIOhI� ._ ���ly,{�� p-L���rl�f� � ZONING f H�.1 isr�tEert DlSTR fCT BETWEE�u � f�ROSS srsEFr1 A�� rn � � - - ICRA5s srp�Er+ a sua�iuisiot� �ll.�l'GI' �Y"�E�£ �or � � a'�ocx �-nr m SIZE 4 U O gU��aING IS T❑ BE FT. WIQE BY FF, LDNG eY� ._rT. IN HEIGHT AM4 StiRLI. C9NF4Rh3 IN CpNSYR1JGTtph1 rt7 O � TO ��YPE _ USE GROUP g. � .._BRSEM�N7 WALLS OR FpUM�AFION ' � �7YPE1 � �ennaRks: .�''u r'E � � Cttll��'. � � '1 lf r. i l � qAe,a o� pLnL�i�i Gil:t:�C� F`F�—,.-..._.���, VOZU�ME i yt�, n nr� -,������ [cuelcAsbua�E F��r1 ESr�7NATE❑ cOST �S .L,sJ �V{�r vv F�EMIT � ' r � ow�,ER �lU�; �s� �S t�Il�.].�t].�-,GC� ItIC aooR�ess �(��C ��C�s r�l � CCJ Dx'c1�{� � �.. �`� �ui�.o�rr� r� — ar_ :� iws��croo�+ �tECr�ap — csx�'ecEsr�s aNr H�usarrKs �- � aNSPE[:.�°OR DATE h]CSYE PF7f?GFTt,55 ,� � � �►UIL�II'�#rG RER,MIT APPLI� IC3h�! z � .lurisdiction ot �.A.GLE C�UNTY a � A Applie�nF ro camplete numbered s,paees anly. � .�ao snofl€ss � _or wo. e�x XWACT � LtGA�, � �yy �� ���� �� ��� l� JSEE A'fTA��71EA SHEETy � T�ESCJi. �[r/� . f.,� �� Lt J+ � �f !f OYaH' lAA1L AC�11055 f 2�P WHOHE � Z � � J f �r � _ �? , �' .� „��`.?� „� � fON�T�/,/�CTC�Rr + r.+AIL A�'DRE55 PHO.NE LiCCNSE NO. � • f� E��' I7'`] �� � 11RC1aiY��C7 �j! EsIGN Ft�� / MAIL ROLRE53 WH(yHE LeCCH9C NO. .� � y(/ � _// %� 1�,} �"! ! L / L�f Ef ��� V` � . �HGINE€R 'nA1L A[:O�pES� K`MOYE LICC.4�SE 5i6. � � ` � LEY�ER MAfL Af7DRE55 BAANiM � V VSE 4�� �[1�� � �. 1 �" f r � �' �t'� _ _�' � 1 8 C9ass af wark: �NEW ❑A,d�l'CI�N d ALTERRTIOiV ❑ HE�'AfR ❑1ulQVE ❑ REMpVE � � � � � �J [3escribe work; �. � / � � � �.� � � Lf C_' � ` ^ , -E�. �;I� ,� `� r'� � 1p �hsnge�i use from � � _ � _ _ _ ___�. _ t1 Change nf use ta 11 Uaivation of work:$ lr��' '/ ,A p�qN CHECIC FEE �Q.C!�1 �+�a�nir Fee '� r � C� v SPECIAG CC7N[71�"I�?M1i5:WC3I"�C inl�'��'1�i1 i.�'IE CClll�l� rvnP a+ [sccupancy �1. h�i"'C��^'WC3. W1�� �'E.' 7�1T'E' .--E.'�'ITI1.'f`w Canst. Grau,n C7lvfsion f I'4i13 �+`OU,Tl� f�li �.I1�£..'�'a _ 5rze�s! Bitl9. Pla.of Max, - (TotalJ Sq. Ft. Storles 4cC. Laad 1 ."�' _ C� '` � Fire lJse Fdre Sprinklers APPLtCAYt[] �CfiE�: .Y PLAN5i;�.k1E..KFfTk�Y PARf]VF(7Ff1RIS$UANCF E1Y �ane �one R:2qtJl��Od ❑Y25. ❑N� � . ` . �-....-... � No. of _�—.'' QFFSTR�ET PARKaNG 5PACE5� Dwellinp Undts C��er�d Uncwuered IV OT IC� SPecial Approvals Requireel Received II{ot Required SEPARATE PERMiTS ARE REt2UIREf,3 FQR ELECTRlCAL, PLUM�- z�rvrr�� IIVG,HEATING,1I�l�JT#LATING(]R AIR CC]NL]iTIpIVI1+�EG, H�q�-�H a�RT. THlS I�ERM17 B�CClM�S NUL� L1�id VQ1d !F INflRK QR C�NS7RUC- TIUN ALJTHdRIZED IS NF77' COMME�3CED W17Fi1N 120 �7AY5, OR FiRE oEiaT. IF Ct7fVSTRUCTfOM DR hN�C]RK iS SUSPENDEQ OR ABAR9�SONED svi�. �ePV�r FQ� !l PERIOD 4F 120 f�AYS AT AhIY TI�7E AFTER VJORK IS �C{}MMENCEL3. C]l'HEFi {SpeGifY1 1 HEE2�SV CERTIF'1+' THAT I HFlVE F2CP.{3 AM�[7 E.?iA[41EPVE� THIS APPLI�ATlON AfY{} KNOW T3iE SAME Td E3E TRUE ANCs GORR�CT. ALL P�ROVISIdf+f5 dF LAWS A(V{3 OFtt71NAfVCE5 G04f�ERTVING 74-195 TYPE OF WC7F2K NIILL [3E CO1vfPLIED WITN WHETFIER SPECIFIED HEF.EIht DR I�6T� THE GRRNTING OF A i'ERMiT ❑OES NC}T PR[S4J9NE T rGfWE AlJTWORI7Y V10LAYE QR CAfVCEL TI{E �'R�C7V1510�F�R GTHER � T E OR L�C]CA.L LAW R�G � ATING �COMSTRU I C}FY Tli FORM�4M1lCE 4F COMST G OM1�. :;% f� � 'S: R � 'L4� � OR �4THOR12E0 6GFN7 {p .E� IG71 T q F pWH£F➢� IF qWNER �tJIL6EFi� 6ATEf 1NHEN PR��R�RL�'' Vi4LIdA7E� (IN 7hiIS SYACf1 TFifS f5 YdUR PERMI'f ����,.��Q' PI�AN Ck�E�K VALI�ATIQN CK, M.O. CASH PERMIT VALI[3ATIi�N nn.n, c�sM � ��'�a/ P" / i-�.'�.t�[��.�J, _�.� ,�"/ ����Ia� �' ir'vsP�crr» FQI'i11 ][1l],] 1]-7�� rseoapeae rx�avu�: IhETERTlAT1�C]MAL Cs�HF�ER�NG�E C]F B�iJIL�ITsiG OF�iCIAL.S�sx�a a,weRxM,�,y Mi�l��p,yD• Wt11771ER,CA�IF.90�aof � � , : INSPECTI(}�V APPROVALS DATE Ft£MAIR KS INSPECTCIl� FOUf�[7AT1(�NS: 5ET SACiC TR�NCH f��INFClRCIE�G FQUNDATIC3�1 WALL gc WEA7HER PRQOFING CC}fVCiiETE SLAB FRAMING EfVT. LATHING Ofi DRYWALf� EXT. LATNIf�G �,�ASQNRY F1NAR� usE s�ac� a�taw��R nrar�s. �c�t�.c�w-v�. Erc. 4 � . � DEP�R�'�E�T aF P�A��'�NG AND ��VEL�F���E�'T MtDonald Btdg. 550 Broadway P.4. Box 179 Eagle,�Colarada Si631 �BG1�� CD�NTY �.i r�Y l�°�� P lue Sky's TJnlimi te�i, Inc. c/o Jim Os�erfa�s P.Q. Bax '�'�Q Vail, �vlorado $IG57 Re: Applica�iQn far Buildzng Fermit in Eagle Caunty Lots 9,�U,��.,�2� Buffer Creek �ubdivision Th� Eag��; County Bui��.ing Uepar�ment requ�.r�es that �ppl�.catic�ns for �auilding p�rrnits in Ea�le County b� �-c�utec� tc� the Eagle �aunt� Planning, En�in+eering and Er�viranmental Health Dep�r�rnents for thei� corimen�s pr�or to issuance of the p�rmits. Yr�ur app�ication f'�r Lats 9, �0,11. and 12 tThe �?oost} in the Buf�er Cr��k S��adivision was �vuted on � r�� i��r�. Listed be�ow are the CdR1Ii��Il�S and r�ecc�mmen�ations w�.ich wer� �na.de �y �he abc�v�; I7epartmen�s durin� the r€�uting prc�cedur�* If you Y�ave any questians vr wi�h �ta get further �acplar�at�.�n, please c�nt�.c� the apprapriate departments. The telephvne r�u�b�rs ana addres�es of �h� commenting �lepartments �.re lis�ed with �ach commen�t, PLANNING; Appraved. . '�L3.�kdSC�.pe plan shaw� only minzmal plant materials. For futur� per:nits an this site a de�az�ed landscape plar� shr�ulr� a�cvmpany th� s" te plan.'► ' f • ' r R-�- '.��- c'f rri ��;r� , P anner vx 179, F�.� e, CQ �'1�31 3��-633� ENGINEEi�II�G: Apprc�ved. No cnmrnents. HEAL�'H. I�at approved. "Need rn�re detazls ran fi�ter and chlorine roc�m. Chlorine raom must be �ealed vff frc�m laun�ry rc�c�m and b� prp�erly v�ntzlated. Pnc�l pl.ans :must be a�prav�d by ;i�a�e Health, F�o�er �mades or Ral.ph Le�dhaldt, t�21�1 East ]�.th Ave. , Denver, C�3 $a��a." 6 �� �� ra. �` . { �en, . . . Bt�x $��, Eagle, ��J $�.�6�� 3��-??1� 1'lannirs�; Plc}�:�rtmt�nL1I'lannir�E; C�mmi4sian: �uk,di+visian, Ftczonin�, A�aplis•;slicins ,dnt� Ftnvirw i.�p3) 32$-633$ F3uifdin�; (}Ffiri�tl: I�uiiding F'rrruits and Ins�aect.inn, Zpnisz� Adn�in�st.ratson (3031 3?�-&3,39 i Blu� Sky's Unlimite , Inc. � � Page � It wrrul.d be to yvur a�Iv�an�age zf you �egin ta r�esolv� any prak�ler�s a�d/or r�quzrements as soon a� pc�ssible so as not to c�elay the issuance of y�sur �rui,].ding p�rmit an�r J.onger than necessary. Enclosed pl�ase find a cvpy vf th� Revi�w Routing Form fc�r yc,ur infvrm�ti€�n, Thazik you v�ry much, G����c{' Lester L. �o las Eagle �Cc�unty Bu.ildzng Official LL�7:TK:L'W�:ge . enc. ' cc: `�errill �ii�h�, Eagle Cou��y �lannzng Departmen�; Erik ��T. Edeen, Ea��.e Cpunty Sani�tarian; Ralph L�i�hvldt, Colorado Depar�tr�ent of H�alth . � � _ '(:O�ilt��y +�f E�gl� 1 h e ?-i;a��t ELE+GTRICAL FERII�II�' ,�s� r.i�m�.................................................................. ................... ........�...----...... Date of Applicatiort...,..s�?�;�?.�--.�.�r.r.............................�--�---�--�--13...'�.:'..-�----...... �° - - - �rent ServicP � �1 �9 Electrical Cc�ntractor,-----�----------------------------------------------�-------�------------�--------�-�----� Building'►la7u�tivrt $........------------�------ �PPlican�---------------�------��-�-�------�--�-------...----�-----.......------......----------------.._---------- S��nature El�ctrica�Vafuation $...---......----------.... APPROVALS l�errriit F�e $...�:��.Q!�------�----- Inspeetion Fee $. ......................................................�-----------..�.,._...... .---------�-----•-�---�----- -----�-- -•••-•.------------ --�... Plan Checker I]ate , " Ta�a1 Fee $---�:��.C3.1�----_....... ` �Tune �� 3.�3"7r� . . -�- - -- � -f - --------- ---,- .. ..... - - - -- ------ - ---- --------•---..�......... .. Ch1ef Suit ing @ffic'. F)ate Date Paid_..�?.�2�-'.+7.�..... ................�.-�-�--�- TNIS FO�i�M 1� T� BE P�ST'ED +�N ����xv�d sy..Le�...��u��.��................. J�►B �ITE DURII►IG C�t3N!�TRUCTI�I� kL�%��1.�11 C4C�� G.`+..�.� f 48 N�URS ADVANCE NOTICE RE+QUiREE7 F(lR IAFSP�CTI�diVS � ' ��'� ELE�TR �►L PERI'+►NI� AF'P"LI�'A�I�I"�J .; � P ...._� __.. ..._ --�. .- 2 Jurisciict�on af -- _ _ _- �5 • � ��-r'c,.,.��'`"� p o Applicaf�t tr�eanrpJ�te numbered spaces o�Iy. { � N Jfl6 APb�P'S5 - � � f ���P LOT W6. i9LIk TAACT LEGaL USE� qTTACMEtl 8HEE7� �nEBCN. OWNER M41L pOpR�$9 YRp � GMGNF � ° CO TRaCTO M►I�. Ab6RE55 PwpNE LICEN5€ nd. 3 ARCHIT�L7 Ok LYt51�GrtER MAIL.AGO�R'ESS FHONC L10EN9L NO, a �� ENGIIJE[R MAIL AO�Rl35 PIid1JC L4CEN9E NO. � � � ~�— LENOEFY M!11L AO��E$� 6RAp�W 6 .,sF Gr n-.�ii..oi�FG . . _ � _. T 8 C}ass nf wark: ❑ I�EW C�AD'DITION ❑ALT�f�AT14N Cl HEPAfR � M . 9 Describe wark: _ �,�, �� � PERR+11i' FE�S No. Ea�h Fee Sf'£CIAL Cf3NDlTi4N5. REGEPTACLE Total �ufiets l�lGHT — SWITCH - Total LiGHI I�JG FGx�ures AFPLiCATIOM17ACCEPTkV6�" PL.�hI$Cw1ECKE69Y pPPfIfyVE0F06#iSS�UAN[;LBV FI}STU�'��.5 RA�GES GLO. DRYER WTR, HTFt. IV(]"FICE �nRe,a�� ais❑, s�ra. coaK roR I }iEFRE:I3Y (:t.FaTFFY rHAT I 'NRV� REA� AND eXAI+hIPJED T}il5 CrISH.VVA'SH. CL4TNESWA'SH.. APPLiGATIqN P,ND KN4�W THE 5:4NYE TQ 6E TRiJF AN1.7 C[JkREL'1', $p,q��HTFt. 5'I�f�.Ai'PL. 4x H.P. MAX. F1LL PRbV151[7NS bF` LAWS AND OR�IF�IANCES GOVEFtNING TFilS '` TYPE C7F' WC5f23�{ !WILL 8E CC7MPL£FQ WtT!-I WHFT!-1ER SPE�CIF1ECk �°" �- � - MOT�RS: H.P. HEftE�N QR f�kt]T. THE CsRANTING [JF p. PEI�MiI- C1f]€5 fV6� �------- . PRESUR+YE TO GRVC AUTI-14RITV TO VIdLATE dR CANC�L TFfE PR(3V15iC73VS C1F AfJY F]T9-IER S7,lal-€ C7Fi LC7CfaL L./dW REGULATdPJG � CQNSTE�iJCTIOPF DR TFlE PERFORMANGE 49F CONSTf�UCTIQIV. _ u dVQ.TiRAhS. SIGh�S ava. �annas TEMP.POWER ❑POLE IJNC]GC7. S�RViCE i?-200FL � 241-9fl0A � ❑MEW d41-600A 51GN4TUAF.OF LOH7RAC7�pR an AL1TftORIZ6O A06WT [nnre� []��pt�ya� pWER 6SSOA P�Rlvtl'3' 155UIrJt3 FEE ; �ECpATUNC L7'F CwNEA IF OWNE11 �VILGCR; (UaTEj T'OTA`,FE� � � WHEN PRUPER�Y VAL�DATED 41�U THIS SRACEi 1'H15 GS 'Y�UR PER{VtiT P�Ah1 C'�ECK VALIDATIQN c�c. r�.o. c,nsa PE�MIT VALIIJATION c►�. a. c�asr� � /•;7 G`,�. �`��'_�-.�'_l�.�,� ,_-���` ��?-=�I,�, ;;� �P.fi.f�Ec;Tr�� Ft}Nf�11 1[}{}..3 ]],-]3 RCpfipLil rreairl: Iht7ERNRTIQHAL C6N��REiNCE 4P 6LlL[]FNCa pFFICIAL •53��0�,WP]PKMAN M14L RDRO� WHII'Y�Ep,CnLlf',vonnl � � .. � INSPECTION REPt}RTS DATE IT�M R�MARKS INSF'ECTDR USE SPACE 8EL�7V1+'FQR NOTES. ���LOw-u,�. Erc. � BUILDI�1lGD1V151�N � N„ar'-,pE��[�� RECI�JE�T �. Q. aox�$� P�o�u�: 3za-s3�s � A G t E C l7 U N T'Y DATE JOB IVAME 7iME RECEIIIED . AIV3 PM CA�LE�i BI.II�.�11UG CC7�V��i P�lJ�1/i813�it� l'�EGHAI�I�A�. EL.�'�TF�IC,A�. �ac�r�t�� rr�su��TS��v �Q��� v��u-�r�..�r�vr� 7�nn�aRa�� : ���1N[}ATl�C3f� SNE�T€tC)�t( STAfVE7P�i'E i-1EATI�3C� F�C?UGH W [] C � �F1�1M1hJG �/��E�R — f�ilUA1_ }-l�tJi�S Ft'1�AL :: �fNd��1L i�C��k= �..._�. .--- SV'1f1C.1KE [�ETE+CT[l#� _ PF#Fi7'lAL. F'aA�t1'1A� PC4R�{'likl FAF�T��'ii� PARTi,�L �aca�rio�v: �.�c�-r�c��: i ���A�ra�n�: �oc���c+ru: �ac��rsan�: �C)THER 0 PARTIAL. LDCATI(]N READY F[)R IhJSPECTIQ�,I M�N TUE WEC7 THUFi FRI AM �'M COMMENTS; � aP�ROrr�o ❑ D15APPR�VEQ ❑ � E� r�s� �cT ❑ UPON T'WE FOLLOWING �OR�ECTIQNS: CORF3ECTIUIVS [7ATE II�SP�CTOR BUfLDI�lG DIViSIalV � II'V�PEC�C3� RE�UE,�T P.fl. BOX'789 �HOI�[E: 328-s33� E A G L � C C? Ll N T Y DATE .fQB NAME TIME RE�£fV�D AM PM CAi.LER BC1tLE�iI�JC CQVC�3 PLU��fi�C M�CF�A�1i�CAL �LE�TRICAL -------- — - �-�--- �C9Ci�lN� I�65l1LATl�14�J Rt7w�GH 1��NTiLAT1C3f�3 F�MPQ�tAi�`Y F()IJNDATI�]i1a SFEE�I°�iCfCK STP,P+IDPIP� i�EATI�IG F��]UGH 4� C7 C S Ff�AMt(1�fi V��l��IF�_._�_.� ���41�1P. ��[]EaiT�S FlNA�.. �9iVAL Rf.7C3F �M+�)k{E ���''�CTC1R P�RTfAL F'A:RT�I�L 4'+4Fi�l'1A�. PA�TlAs� {'AR��AL �CICATICI�f: LOCA71Ci�: ' LC3�GGe'T�OCV: �['dCATlt]'�: F���A�'iC}I�: � ' -- _- _ ❑ OTMER ��'!�R`flAl�. L{7�CATIOIU READY F(1R INSPECTlOIV MdfU TUE 4uED 7HUR FRI AM PM C{3Mi+Jl�E1lTS: Q APP�OVED 0 DISAPPROIJ�a ❑ REI h15�'�CT � l,lP(�hi TliE FOL�dYU6NG �C�RRECTl�C7iVS: CC�R�E�TIOCVS DATE Ik�S�'ECT[�R � � � � �UIL'�IN� P !T �F�PLI��►►T��N E � J€�risdieltian of � � m � ApplicanC rn cQmplere nura�6ered spaces anly. � w .108 ■L�PR[55 ' . f' •�� ' • 1✓l � � .. p �r�l� �f ,. 18T pb.. 6LK TRACT JJ � / LEGAL ' �� J T f SQ-`+CE •7V4CME0 SHEE7;. ���fiE5CR. � �� 7.�� �l � f ' ,f '� � f � �,• �'� / �` t- � y ,4 %. r ' � � � � �, �e � n� � , , �"� �' � � �� � �.�o aH� OY'HEA MAt�. Af1NCSi > � a Y. r � r i 4 k �r � .. , +P 1 CGMTl1ACTOR � �f' � '� MA�L 4RaRE55 PHOHC LICEqsrta0. 3 v,` , r, �' -._'� �:� � ,i�RCH�T��T (1f�:J7E91fiNEA M�AIL Af>CtRE�:� 1'�ISbN£ I.ICF�v$E �ES• 4 �'f.�, �.�.�,d - I EM'GPNEClI M�bIL •pCRt55� PHONE LI{�H3E N9. 5 LEt:OER MuIL AODRESS BRaNCH j� � ..... ... ._ . . . . . _ __. .__. . . __ . U4E. :+� R��LAjING � � - f,`F $ Class of wc�ric: �NEW 7 A�ID171LlN C7 ALTERATIQN ❑ f3EPAIR � M[iVE ❑ REMaU'E � Q'�SCfCE}�4 W01'IC: � � r � � � 1(1 C#�ange ot use frnm Change of us�t� 11 V�luation of wark: $ , �.' .. ! -� r �-.' � �- PLAM1I CHECK FE� PEFiMIT FEE ,' �" r SY�CIAL CC]NC]4T 14N$: TyPe oT OCGUpancY _ � Corts4. Gre3up L�ivlsinn _ 512e Of BItSg. hfo.ot Mdx. {Tat�lt Sr�. Ft. Sior�e6 �C7CC.. Loatl . __ ._.__. - Fire USe Flre 5prin�clers hPP�I�qT�tJN'A4CEPTEG BV 1'L�M1S C�IECK£D 6Y RPCGt[]yCW FCyFi 1$$V+7NQ;E BY Z()ny_ z{ynC F[equired �'�,r�s ��`y lVO.�T [7��'STFtEET PRRFCING SPRCES: �yyelling L,1niF5 Cnveretl Uncnvere[i NM1:1T IG� S�ecial Appravals Required Received f�ot Required SEPRRA7E PERNfITS ARE REQUIREd FClR ELECTRICAL, �LUMB� ZOPFING �NG,�t�ATING,VEMTItA€IiVG£3Fi AfR CONDITI[7NING, �EA�TF�t �EPT. THlS i��RMIT SEC�MES NULL AN�Vt71� IF WqfORK bH COAlS"i"RLJG- - TIQA1 AUT�-ICIRIZ�p IS hROT COMMEi+JCEa WI°1°Hlh! 7?0 L7A"YS, (7R F1FiE pEpT. IF CC7lVS'i'F{U!G710N f]R WC}Ft6; IS SUSPE�J4JE17 �H Ak3Af`JC]L]1VEU SClIL RE�di;T FC1R A PERiO� QF 120 D,4YS A7 AhJY 7111+1E AF7ER WOFiK lS �.r.H�R �5pec�tp} CCJMn�7�hqC�D, ' I HE.REB�Y CERTIFY TH'AT { FiAVE REf46 ANQ EXAMINF_Ca T9195 � APP�LICAT60itiF H:M1ID �[N�W 7H� 5AIVYE TO E3E T-RLIE�i'NL7 CdR.REC�T. —.—�. _ . _ ALL PF[C3WISIC]NS C7F 4AW5 ANp C]FtpFNA[4CE5 GC]V�FiNING l'FfES 74'PE f3F WQRK W]LL BE C[7�h1PLIED WITW WY�-1�7h1E1� 4?ELIFIEQ - HEHF.'IiV C7F!''� IVC]T. TH�� �GRA,�3�TI�iC', []F R �ERMIT ❑CJFS [Vp'C P�FtESiJME`�TO G1V� A4..ITMC1.R11�T0 VIdLR11E L1Ft CFLtVL'EL THE P'fdC7'V15�3['fNS r�Pf�ANV CJTi F3 1�'S-( TE C}R LC7CAL LAW RE.UL+4TICJ�C; f CC�NS7ftlJ�G,f'�"-iUfV C7R TH�P�'RF4RMANCE OF CL"�t4�fF2UC.71C1N. - - � ��`'���,.y, °� f" >� '''{�f �__ - - �,�.`S .��r Y ��;r - '� �fiA f 4F �FL .A�fFO�`031 AU7MD�112'CQ H.GEN7 ��� IpA �7'�� t 5lGYaT AE O/ 4WNER 4F GWNBR 51JILOERI f�ATEi UVFiEN PRQPERLY VA�.IDATEI] (lN+1 THIS SPA�EI THiS I$ YOUR PERMfT PLAf� C�1EC1{ VA�IdATI[�1� cr�. nn.o, casH F�ERMIT VALIDATI{?�t eK.-� nn.v. casH - ���rr�` Af�J�I'ECTC]fi � "'' '�"' �C� �� Form 1t7c1.1 11-73 aeoaoew rr�oerc: IMTERNA7IK]t�lAl._C[]hiF'ERENGE S]F AUILOING OFFkCEAL3�!]i0 f.WCRKMAM na���nawo• wMirr�es,CAI.IF_9R8@! ,� � � 1hiSP��TfDN �1PRRQ►JALS _ �ATE R�FJIARKS lNSPEC70R FOUlV�AT1QNS: 5ET BACIC �fiENCH REIN�OR�1�lG FflUNf3AT1C3�1 U4�ALL & WEATHER PR�QFING CC]1�CRETE SLAB FRAMIEVG I�JT. LATH�VVG C3R QR1'WA�L EXT. LATHlNG 11AASONRY FINA� U5E SPACE B�LCJ�tI FC]R lVCJTES, ,F`I�LLOW-UP. ETC. + EAGLE COUN� gU ] L. Dff"+1G PERMIT AR� ICP�TIC71�J Re�i ew Raut i ng Forrn /'%-'f>c.r t�''`'�-frs -...- ;�`.:t.i•���.r f`. ,.,f. �'� / F :�;.=l ��'%!r"'-2yrY/c�-�.�� r..........�. [?ate Referred �4�p1 ic�nt . ` �.J,�.,f�.�,�= Rermit f�[a. ,-�✓„�''`� - - `�'-e:/.., f^_ . r `"a `.•t, �`q ��, Loc�t i can . P!�ase re�i�w the att�ched a��a#i cat i�n and r�turn i t and thi s comp l eted form tcr th� GQUnty Building C�fficia! within 6 wc�rkinc� ciays. Planr��ng Commission File P�9o. Planning: Complies with: Yes f`*Ica I�eview�d by: Date: Subd_ Regulatic�ns � Zoning R�g�l atians � ,, J f��j.c_ �� f .'} .� ,� � � � Recomm�nd Approv�l E i ��� �Camm�n s: �t,�'�,.;<�, �. � .-, '^ �� ��� -�..r,,�r ,�`�. 3 � �� �..r ` .,.,_- � � , , �.�_' ., ��- ��. _ _ . . _. , ,� �},;t"` f ,r �; a`` > ; . . , g/ / �,r �' . '�.. r , T.+_'�'. - ./ ��r,. �-f•- ?l. �L�. �2...!�-.. r"f. _.tSri.:• i �w� �c�unty �ngineer; Roads � � o� Grading 1...,..J � . Drainage � � Re�commend Approvai � f� Ccamments; .- . �.� . �, Gt�unty H�alth: San�tation Waker n ` -',�`"a c_� � � �__�..� � ..�-� � � � � � .�___. Ftecvmm��d ,4pproval j�"� Gammerrts�: _ �/-�'� ��� '� _ ��'� ''�'��'�'� � _ - � ��,,�<- ` `� /� � - ' ���f' �-� ����'�``�i -��;�`-� r ����L., � � i.r��- �'�_ �'-��:!'�~,!r-'� ���L T���^�, �'c���, . � ,��j�� � ���..� ,��-�'�� ��� �� �,� � ��'�� �'�� � ��'�- ��� �,�,���.� ��- � r�� �-� l� `�----__ � �� �`�' ��,�� �Ls� �:� ��' �����'� . � �����l�"�,f�'�- �-��'� �c� �'�--- f%�'�'��.�-� ��� �.�� - - - ��' ' 1 �UiLDIN� �ER�V'lIT APPLICA► I�C3� _ : .Eurisdictian af EAGLE COU�dTY ^ : __ a " w A plr�ant�a complete numbered spa�es anly. ! . 4�AO�G�1[Si . . . LCT NO. . ... _,. . �4� . . �M�T - . ... } .�f 4aL ^�r^- (�-+ /r� {�SC[ ■TTAGN[Cr ti!1[iTE � ��[7CR� ��r ,/�^'.. �� � . . . � ✓ ��� "-.^� ���4 F - @„rqt � MIYR� AOCASSi Ilp �MOM[ � � � ,� ,',t� c l�' �i �' �..Sr �`�v`� � ca�r�ea�ro� ..r�4 • flACSa rno�c ��t[net Ko. , � Y !� /� �� � •IICMIT CT p �[SIGH R 1a��1L �AflR(35 flF4ll[ LfCCX6C N6. _ 4 ,y� _ ` ,d1 I�''�^ � �J C _ —_ � . LM{�NKC■ M�IL �ODACS7 �NOHC LI{EN�3C N�G. '� 5 __ . ..- -- __ - . - - - �, � �EMBC■. MAIL AQORE33 671�NC�+ . � yj./J .. . . . —_—. . , . . .. . . . _. 7f s.C� I�SE OF 1LOINC � � _ T- � � � � � �. � , .. '. ' � . 8 C1�ssatwnrk: �NEW �7AUU9TIq1V DA�T�RATfON � REPAIFi L7 MQVE ❑fi£M�V� � _ �,� � 9 Descri�e work: � � 1 � �� � � � � � � r _.� � �� � � _ t4 hanQe nf uss fr�m - - - - - -- _ _ . _ � _ "�, Chenge n#use ta , -_ _ ' 1� Vatuation r�fwork:S ����'!�, -..;�_.�_. -. p�AN CHECK FEE �(J�,�f(� PfRNR1T FEE '��J`" � ` C`� SPECIALC�N�ITI[7N5:'vVQT'K w�thin the �i{;L]At Ty¢eot vc�uvan�y . Ri ht�-�f—wa w�ll re ui,re permi� Cansk. CirauP o�Y�:�a� frc�m Cc�unt �,n ine�r. S�z�p}9ldq. Mo.ot Max. - [�fvtal)S4. Ft. Staries Cdcc.�oaC � Fire Lls� Ffr�Sprinklers ILP�LICATf¢N CCEPTED 9�Y PLANS C}iECKE�87 APF" -�BY 'ZpYIE "� T,ZOYIB " RBqUIT� ❑YrR� ��. r`� '� �o e� C]FFSTREET PARKING SF'AC�S: """ I7welfing linits [avered Uncavered �,�T�,�� Speciall�pprovals Required Receiwed IVotRequirrd SE�AR�TE P�RlN17S ARE RECIU9RED FOR ELEGTRf , M�-� zarvirvc IIYCi,HEATfNG,VETU7ILATIfUG[]R AIR CC7l11i79TIOM1IING. _ HiEALTFi OEPT. THiS PERh11T BEGCIME3 NUtL AND VC?1D IF VL�OFi�i'�R E'np15TE3.lJ_C•. , TI{7M11 AUTHORIZEp IS {V{]�" CQMM1AE�lCEd W1THlh1 124 DAYS, ❑R ��R� aEPT• IF CQ�$TRIJCTipfV �R WQRK IS SUSP�[Vp�D S�D6L REPDR7 FQR A P�R10[7 OF f2O�DAYS AT ANY TIME A'FT�R WORK IS C�MMEfVCED. -- C17HEFt {SpeclfYy I HERE�Y C�RTIF'✓ THAT� I HAVE REpO ANF EXRM9ILE'C7 71-115� Ai�PLICATit7iV AND KIVOW TNE SAME TD BE TRU'E F1NP CCIF�REC�. ALL RROVISIQN5 QF j,.RWS AfVD p�DINANCES C,17VERIVIIV[i���fiH15 • TYRE OF WD#iVi WILL DE CdNiPLIE� WITH WhtETHER SPECf�FIE.O . -. . NE'REdM OR f+�L]T. Tt-1� GRAhtTiFJG OF A ❑�i2FIIIT C70E5 hiDT . PRESUME 'C GiVE AUTf-#f]RITV VIOLATE 4R CAhICEL THE RRdVi51C1N ��R OTM�ii�T . . QR fqp[AL LAW R�G ATI�NG CC]RISTRLJ I OR TH FC3RMAIVCE OF COIVST C {3N. __. _.. � 11 O '� �R �.�1TNORIIEa RG[N7 IU L -- � . . . � IGw�7 R[ Or CWNER �* OwN[■ ■V�LbiR p,�7C} WWEhf PAI�PEA�.Y "VALiDATE� {IN THIS SPkCE} THiS 15 YOUR RERM17 PLAN CHECK VA�IDAFIC}N CFt. M.O. CASH PERMIT VAI lDATIQN �rt. �r,o. cASr� . ' INSPECTOR - - - Failn lOD.� 3.1•73 wsaReie��or: IMT�RHATIC}NAi COlV��R�NCC pF ivILDInG�FfilC1AL3���a a_we�K�awM w����e�o+ rr�w�ari�er..ew��r.���« .. � F � .. �, } . . . , . _ . . — - . . — _ — _ � — — —___ _ . _ _ — --��,_ .. __ _ —_ . _ _ — _ . _ . — . _ _. . . _ _ _ . . ' . . ` ` _ . .. _ e ' . . . � " , ` . f. . . . `{ .. . ' . . . . ' _ . .i�:+��� �y_,j . . � . . . 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