HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 9 TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE REDEVELOPMENT LEGAL (2) • �� � ���� � �� ��� � � � � i ����r���l �r� �t��t� � � �e� in �his � il � I�+� I�t�� �+a tl�e C���+� I � r�er�� A li ��ti � r� � � � � f�r t� � F��d �r�� �� rr�� nt �f � t�t � Timb��� � r� � ���st Lod � � ���a��-���� � ���a��-�o��.�► �������a�� �E�o�-c��a�� �����-�a��� ��+�c��-��� � ���c���� � �� ���o�-�� � � ���������� � � � if � I I � � c� _� i '� rlln L�� �e �: T� be �e � ,, ������� �� . . . � M�.�o� Exte���vr Altr�ra�t�on . , ��. �ippl�cati�►r� ��: �ubr��.it�ed Ma �2 ��0�� `�� � � , � �,� PE��05-0�08(� � ; T�RB05--�550� ` � � ; � :�� � � � �1z2rZarae 'fI�IBERLJFtE L(3QGE&CONDC3S ����"�����w �+�I�IFf::�+�fi �S Hotel Clnits&28 Gandas e����"�r��'�� air,Golaradn architects:� enginesrs LJA Project#ff'�15�3 knnnrparaled H�TEL $Qu&� Tofal Numbe Tntal Squsre Rnnm Types �oatage I.EYE4-2 LE`VEE-i LEVEI 1 4.EV�L 2 LEVEL 3 LEW�L d D���m� Foalege Psr Ronm Pa►�toom Type 2-EIQRM �75 1 1 975 2-SDRM 896 1 1 895 2-SF]RAIt 8t8 1 1 878 2-BORM 801 2 2 1.602 2-g[�RM 8U2 1 9 802 °�-BpRNS 855 1 7 855 1-BEIRM 849 1 1 Bi7'! 1-9PRAR B96 1 1 1 3 2,C�88 1•60RM 573 2 2 2 � 3,d3II 1•BORM 6d2 i 1 1 3 t.926 1-BDRM T26 i 1 1 3 2.178 1-BDRM 91 B 1 1 9'!f� �-B�RM 54B 1 1 548 2-BQRkf 8A3 1 i 843 9T13000 485 i 1 495 STU1]FO 396 8 8 3,168 $Tl1Qt{} ABB 27 25 14 BU 28.�}&D STIlDIO fi9T i '� 1 3 2,09? Tatals 9 d F$ 38 32 Q 9$ 5�,521 5quare Tvtal Totsl Squere CONC�+O Faota�e �.E1IEL•1 LEVEL-x LF4EL 1 LEVEI�� LEV�L 3 LEVEL A Numher oF Faotage Per Room Typas per Racrm llnits Par Ftflnrn T}r�pe Lewal Z-6!)RNS C(7N�0 803 7 2 3 �.409 2•BaRN!CCYNhD 802 2 ;S 5 4,07U 2-60RM1 CONDD 807 � 11 Sb 12,818 2-�QRM CDN�O 8ie 2 2 4 3,273 sruora corwoo ��e EHif 2 EF1Us a Q Tatals Q U 0 p tR 9S 28 22,907 T�TAL'BUIL�INf��Q.FT.�Hotel 75�a28 �ofE� sz.s2� 71�.f1�02°� CONf50 22,50T 2�.��5% I'+Eate: Square Faqtage in�ludes Ht�tel Guest Ronms 8 Gondo Units C�nly � � � . i ,,��v0��� � 1)e,�rrrtrrrt�nt r3f'Au1�Iic� �n►ks& Trr�ras�nrtatinr: 13Q9 E'Ikl�or•n Gy��iuc �4�uil, C'U�Yl G57 97�1-47�J-2I58 F�x: 97(�-�79-?!�ib www.�'rril�av.cori� MLM� Tn: George Ruther Froin: To�i Kassmel, Tawr� Engineer R�: 7'imbcrlinc Roost Lotlge Redeveloprnent Ilate: U61011U6 'T"lte fio��n flf Vail Fu�1ic �Vorks Department has �received and revie�,fed the'1'imberline R�acrst Lvdbe Re�e�elapment sub�ntttal recci��cd 5f221(?G. The followin�itre: ccrmrn+�r�ts that sY�ould be �ddressed prior to �n�l np�ro�ral. General Gr���m+ents 1. Thc a�ccss pc�ints for the loadin�l«nloaciin�{�r�a da nat r�lcet the 40' centerlin� turnit7�raditis. � 2. The b�zs shelter shvulc� be �n�ve�i to the s��uthwcstein pro�erty line and an eascment provicie�. 3. Tt�e gradin�at t�ie Meadaw �iclg�e R�l swite�� back will need to �e fl�[tened ta ti��ork with t��c�ffset guardrai l. 4. Pro�ide addition�l �p�ciinglspo� elec�ation det�.il for the tiraina�;e alon�the backsi�ie ofthe bui�ding. 5. A �na] apprv�ed tr�ffic sh�ciy shakl be r�r�uirecl pri�i•to I'EC final appro�al. A traffic irn�aet f�e �f ��i5{JU per net iricr�ase ��eak hour tr�p s�lall be assessed to �l�e developrncnt. Portiorts of this (e�: may be offsct }�y h-aff c in�pro�+ements r��de ta the S. Pront��e l�cl. t�o specitically inclutfe Fronta�e Rd. roadr��ay wic�ening, Fronta�e �.d. sid��valkc impravcmcnts, and the c�n�truckir�r� c�f a transit stap. f, �'leasc cl�riFy the Tr�sli tr��ck tuniing nic���en�:enls. �Che exhiY�it s�c�ws the truck enterir��the exit and exitin� thc entr�ince. TY�is rna�er�lent ca�iflicts with site traf�c. 7. Sflnw sigtit dista�lce �ar acc�ess paints on both tiie site plan and landscape plzln. 8. Fro�ide Art In Fublic Places contribtition, coarcfi�iatc wrt�i A1PP. �, The pedcstrian canneetior� between the btis stop anci l�Teaciow Rydg� I�d. shall be within a dedicated P�iblic ��cess ea�emeni. This can b� c�ed�cated in conjunction with th��ir'ain�.�e easement in ihis ar�a, }��w�evcr#hc 10' propnsed draina�;e eascment shauld be�vidcncd to accotr�rnc�cfate tt�e walk plus a�' buffer and �lso be namec� as a general utility, draina�c,pe�estrian access easement. 1[]. Th�cantinuaticrn of�he concrete pedestrian w<alk frcYm tfie propos�d bLis stop to Buf�ehr Crcck Rd shoul� be rec���ir�ti, ih� wa�k stiall t�c a t�iinirnurtl Qf 1(}' wide. Conditions nf At�proval 1. The Town af Vai1 ��r7�ral �«i�tes shall }�e adcled. {Notes can be e-rnailcd�tpon req��est) � Z. Flease add Utality Si�n��ture b��ck and h�ve all utilitics si�n �rcknowledgirig acceptanc� af utiiity irnpacts ar�d desi�n. �4I1 cascments propos�d to 6e<��<tnci�ned shall be nr�ted �nd appro�al frcrm appropri�te �entities shall b�;��inec�. 3. Fi�al Civil �ira��rin�s shall �pproved and meek all"1'�wn stanciard�r t� submittal of huildin� }�ermit. D�tail�d comrnerrts G�7�11 he prc,vided at that tiine. T��e approval of Cir�il c�rawit�gs may takc beEween 2 tQ 4 manths. 4. �hpprovals f`roni all irn�pacted property�wner� sha11 be vbtaincd. A writt�� letter of ca�sent i�the � required easernents will be requireri fQr Cirril apprava�. Recorcied easern�;nts ��+ill be require�i priar�o constructio�l. 5. All coristructian staging issues s�ia11 he resnl�ed ��rior ta cot�stnYCtion in��uding stagin�, phasing, a�ceess, sehed�iles, traf�c cc��trol, �rner�ency access, parking, Ic�aciirng and delivcry, etc... 6. A Ft.OWIUtility permit sha11 be al�tained and approucd by the Town af V��il ��c� CL]+C3T prior to cor�n�encing���r cc�nstniction ti�ithin �ublic Righ!ot Way. 7. AIl im�rc��em�nts v��ithin CT]C3T�C��,V shal� b�a��pravec� f�y CDOT ir��clucting a11 Frvnta�c Rd irnprave�r�ents and landscapin�. This a�prorr°al wiil be rec}uiresi�rior ta Ci�ril plan set appra��al. '1'his include� a CDOT Acce�s P�rnr�it and CDOT r��tice tc�proceed. 8, Prior to a�prflval of an Exca4�ation permit a shc�rin�and ex�aw�tqc�n�lan shall be sub�nitt�d ir�cludin�; e�ceavation ptiasin�, en�in�ered shorin�pltans wi�h plan, prn�le��d crass secti�ns. �rass Sections and plan:� shall ir�clude all exist�ng caiiflicts (i.e. utilities}. Any shs�rin� r��vithin CI7dT R0�1U ti�i11 ret�uire approval F�-onl GDDT. Any s��rin�withir� zhe Vail p��blic R0�'4�will require Town c�F Vail ap�rnval and a re��+cable F�Cl�V perrn�t. 9, A Storrn VVater Disct�arge CL�PHE Pertnit and aIl appiicahle AC()E pe�-mits (i.e. Dewatering} sh�l1 bc s��bnzilteci prior to constructic�n. f(�. Pa•avide en�ineered stamped �rta1 dra�na�;e report, pavement desi�n repart, a�td �eat�c�h�ic��l repc�rt. I 1. The 5. T'rontage R�l, �mpror�e3nents shown sh�ll inclti+�e nceessary li��tin�'irri��itic�r�lsi��ia�e. 12. Buildir�� cant�c�x he built ov�r existing easern�nts ��s shvw�n withrauk tt�c�se easen�ents being abaridoned. This r�:c���ires approu��l Cram �all intier�st�c! utilities ar�d relocation of any existing util�ties. 13, An �ase:i��er�t s}iould he �ro�ided at the N��-th�vest corncr vf the property to prr��ide for the existin� �ncroa�chment ofthe roadw�y, c�rainage and sno�nr stora�e. Tilis shall include the cxisting asp}ialt aY1d � shouider area ar�d a 5' b�iffer area far sno�v ste�ra��artd �t�arcir�il. 14. Uetails shc�wn shall n�eet Tawn standarc�s (i.�, 4,U{7{J psi cancr�te witl� fiber mcsh, sidewalk detail shall be 6"��t�c:r�t�e�rt b"base, additional cletailcd cflmments to fc�ll���v during C�vil �'lan review) � � � � MEMV�arrou�n TC?: Planning and Enviranrrr�ental Cvmmission FRt,�M: Ccrmmun�ty QeveloRment ae�artment QAT�: June '�2, 2006 Sl1BJECT: F� requ�st far a work session #o dis�uss a majar exterior alter�tion, pursuat�t to Section 12-7.�-12, Major Exteriar Alterativns or Mvdifcations, Vai� Tawn Code, tc� all�w for the construetion of the Timb�rlin�e L�dge, Iocated at 1783 �Jorth Frantage R€�adlLots 9-�2, 6uf€ehr Creek Subdwvisi�on, and sett�ng farth detai�s in regard t�eretn. 4PEC��-(1080) Applicant: Tim6e�fin� �;oost �,odge, LLC, represented by M�uri�f[o Rlanning Group, LLG Planner: �eorge Ruther i. SUMMARY The purp4se af to�day"s r�vork session h�aring wath the Planning and Envirorrmen�al Cammissic�n is t4 al�ow the applicant and staf� �n c�p#�ortt�ngty to � present the r�e�rised majar ex#�rior a'#tera#ian appiication kc� allvw fc�r th�e cons#ructio�t af Tim�erlin� Lodge �nd rec�ive feedback from the Commission �n t�e praposed revis€an�. The presentakion wifl incl�ade: • A powerpoi�t �resentatian of the applicant's revised majcar exteria� �Iteration req�es#and asso�ia€ed d�velapment applications; • An o�r�rview of the applicable r�view cr�teria to �� used �y the Commission; and • A cvrnpar�tive summary o'f the development st��dards an� zoning re�ulations, The Commissi�n is nvt being asked to take any fcarm�l a�tian an this appitcatian at this time. �4s s�rch, stafF is r�o# praviding a for�rrai recomme�d�kion at khis time. 7he C�arnmissican, h�wever, is E�eing asked tv provide any addi3i�nal feedback regarding #h� prop�sal in anticipation of a final decision at a fu�ure pufi�lic hearing. II. DESC�t1PTIt31V C)F THE REQUEST The applica�t, Timberline F�oost Lodge, L.L.C., repres�nted by Mauriellc� Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a fevised majar exterior alteratior� d��elopment review application to the Tovun of Vail ��mrr�unity ❑eve6opmer►t aep�rtment fc� faci�atate tF�e reder�e�apm�nt af the Roast LQC�ge, located at 1783 3�orth Fr�ontage Road. The develapment applicatiar� includ�s: � 1} A r�vised maj�r exte�ior �it�ration �a alNvw f�r the demalition c�f #he existing Roast Ladge and the c�nstructian �f the new Timberline Ladge. t � � � The d�velopment sit� c�f the Tim�erikne Lodge is Io�ated �t '�783 Morth Frantag� Rc��dfLcats 9-12, �uffehr Cr�:�� Subdivisi�n. Accordirtg ta the s#amp�d topographic sun,rey, the devel��rnent site �ccupies approximately 1.9�8 acres c�r ��,597 square feet. Th� a�plic�t�t is pr�possng ta cc�nstruct a r��ew three to faur stc�ry tall iodge compri5ed of 98 accommodatian units, 2� dw�:lling units, 2 empl�ye�e hausing units with above and belvw grad� p�rking spaces. Th�e app9icant anticipates that the new lodge v+rill b� c�peraked by Marriott or another national ho�el brand as a "limited se�vice'" lodge. A eomparative summary �f the a6fQwed a�d propas�d deveiv�rr�ent standards has ��en i�cluded in 5ecti�n V af this memorandum, A vicinity map has been aktached for reference. (Attachment A) 111. BACK�RL7UND Th� �vvst Lvdge was c�riginally c+�nstructed in the early 197�'s as a motei project. The existin� Iodge con#ains 7� hatel rvvms, �ne dwelling uriit, a�� a pa�ed surface parking lot. Aecarding ta the Trawn's fil�s, with the exception af minar app�icatir�ns far repain#€r�g, new deck rails, re-roofing, etc., th� Roost Ladge has seen no significant modificatians since its arigin�l canstructi�n. �n Nov�mber 14 and ��, 2��5, the applicant appeare� befare the Planning & Envir�nra�rental �Cammission with a re�uest t� arr�end the text o� the P�blic � Accommc�dation zane dis#rict t� allow accommc�c�ation units to include kitchen �acilities, as a �c�ndi#iona6 us� in the district. Upon cvnsideratit�n of the reque�t, th�e Cvmmission dire�#ed staff an�i the ap�li�ant to prepare an amendment r,ruhich wr�uld r�sult in the creaf�an af a r�ew �on�e district purpasefuiiy inten�led to allaw accomrnadatitar� units to inc3ude kitchen facilities in certain �reas of Tc�wn. C7n [Jec�mber �, 2f��5, during the PECIDRB update to the Vail Tawn Caur�cil, staff informed the Tawn Cc�uncil of the r�cent discussions wit� the Planrring c� �r�vironmentai C�m�missidn regarding #he t�xt amendment and tY�e Greatican of a new zone district. The Town Cauneil acknc�uvledged that the intent af the prpposed text amendment m�y have merit, however, enc�uraged th�e skaf� and C�mmission tca e�aluate ather optians. For exarr�pl�, the possikaility of creating � n�ew co�difs�nal use with use specific criteria addressing tt�e relationship of the use to other �eigY€'�arinr� u��� and development o�jectives of the Tawn ar #he eliminalion of the prohibitian �gainst kitchen facilities in �ccammQdation �rnits. The Town Caunc�i expre�sed th�t it may b� appr�priat�e tca re-evaluate th� legislative intent c�f the current land use pr�licy prahibiiing kitchen faciliti�s in accc�mmodatic�n unit�. �n december 2{], �QC35, the Cc�mmunity Der�elapment l�epartment �resent�d five pvssible vpti�o�s for addre�sing th� applicant's desire ta construct a ladge cor�taini�g accommoda#ian units with kitc�e�n faciliti�s. Follt�wing discussican of the Uariaus ap#ic�ns, th� Council d+rect�d staff tQ �repare a text amend�nent kc� Title �2, Z�ning Regulations, prap�sing the creafiic�n of the Public � Ac�ammodatian-2 (PA-2} district. 2 � � � 4n January 9, 2U06, the Tawn af Vaii Planning & Envirvnrr�ental Gommissic�n held a puhlic hearing or� a text amendment a�gaplicatic�n crea#ing th�e Public AccDmmadation-2 distri�t and a r�qu�st ta re�ane Lots 9-12, Buffher Cr��k Resubdivisio� to t�e new PA�2 di�trict. Upon cvnsiderativn of the a�plication, the C+�mrr�ission uated �-(�-{� to farward a rec�mmenda#3on of�p�rova! t�f th� text am�ndment to khe Wail Town Cvunc�l. Qn January 1�, 200�, th� Vail Tov+�n �Cs�uncil held � �rst reading on Ordinan�es 2 � 3, 5eries af 2��5, creating the Public Accc�mmadation-2 district and rezaning t�e Timberline R�oast Lvdge dev�e�vpment $ite ta ti�e new PA-� distriet, cespectively. F�ollawing d�scussion v�r eac� ordinance, th� Town Cauncil approved l�ath �rdinances on first rea�lir�g. Secc�n� re�ding af Ordir�an�s 2 8� 3 is presently s�hedul�d for Tu�sday, FE�7TLlc`3f]I 7ih. Dn January 18, �a0�, the T�wn af Vail Design Review Bc�ard held a conceptual review me��ing ta review the reWis�c# major ext�riar alteratinn applic�#ion for the Tirt��erline Roost Ladge. Cln April 1�, 2(}OG, the Tawn of Vail Planr��r�g and Envirt�r�rn�ntal Commi�sion held a public �earing ta re�iew the propc�sed Roost Lad�e �xisting Grade� T�pograp�ic Map. Tf�e purpase r�f the review was tr c�eter�mine the exEStin� grad� canditions gf�a# would he �s�d by the Tawn to verify car�plianc� with the bu�ldir�g height rec�uiatians. Upon review af ti�e map, t�e Cs�mmissian voted unanimo�tsly ta apprc�ve the map as presenied. � IV. APPLICABLE PLANNiNG I3[7CUMEIVTS Vail Land Use i�lan Accc�rdin� to th� O�ffcial Land Use Plan fe�r t�e Town af Vail, the �evelopment site has a land use dessgr�atian of Medium Density R�sic�ential. Pursuar�t ta khe Vail Land L1s� Plan, "The Medium Density Residenfial l�n�" use design�tion r'ncludes sites fc�r housing which wauld typrcalJy 6� designed as atf�ched UnJts with comm�r� wafls. �Jensifr�s ir� this categary �vo�tld range frvm 3 fa 14 dw�ldrng units per�uildabf� acre. Ada'iti�n�f fypes of uses rn this ca�egory wauld ir�clud� priva�e recreation facili�ies, priva�e parking facifrties ar�d rnsfitutior�al/public uses such as churches, fire stafrons, and parks and open s,�ace facilities.„ Titl� 12, Zoning Regulatic�ns PUBLI+G AGCDMMODATIUN-2 ZOhIE DISTRICT (in part� CNAPTER � Commercial and Busines� Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACC�DMMaDATI�h# —� �PA-2} DISTRICT �2-7J-1: PURPQSE: � The pub�ic acco�nmadafirn -� district is intended tv pro�ide sit�s far lodges, limited service laciges, and residential accommodations orr a short term basis, for � � � � visitc�rs and gu�sts, tc�gether with such public ar�d semipublic facilities and commerciallr�tail and related visitvr oriented uses as may �e apprapriately la�cat�d withirt khe same district and �tampati�le with adjacent lar�d uses, This di�trict is intended to prc�vide #ar lodging sit�� Ivc�ted outside the peripfi��ry+af the T�w�"s Vail Village and Livnsh�ac� commercial core areas. The publi� accc�mmodatic�r� — 2 dis€ri�t is intended to er�sure ad�qua�e light, air, operr space, and oth�er am�nities c�mmensura�e wi#h lodge us�s, and tQ m�i�tain th� desirable resc�rt qualitie� of #he distri�ct k�y establishing appropriat� s�te d�evelc�pm�nt startdards. Additivnal nonresidential uses are �Il�wed as canditional uses which enhanc� the r�ature af Vail as a vacation community, �nd where permitted uses are intended tv function campati�ly with the high density lodging ��aracter of the distr�ct. 12-7J-�: PERMITTED U��S: The f�llvwing uses shall be �aer�nifted in th� PA-2 district: Ladg�s, irrcluding accessa�y eatir�g, �irinking, 4r retail estat�lish�ents locat�d within the principaf use �nd not �ccupyir�g rr�ore th�n ten percent (1�°/0} vf the total gross r�sidenkial �Ivor area �f the main structure ar struc#ures on the site; addit�anal a��essar�r dining are�s may be lacatet! on an autdcavr deck, pc�rch, ar terrace. Limited service fadge, includi�ng accessary eating, drir�king, or ret�il establishm+ents focated within t�e principal use and not occupying mvr� than ten perce�t (14°fa} �� the total grs�s� reside�ntial ffoor area Qf #he main structure ar � s#ructur�s dn the site; additioraal accessc�ry dining areas may be lac�ted an an out�ior�r deck, por�h, ar terrace.. 12-7J-3: C[]f�D1TI�J�JAL USES� The follawirtg �anditic�nal uses shall be �aermitt�d in the PA-2 district, subject to issuance of a conditianal u�e permit in ac�ardar��e with the provisians 4f cha�ater 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast, as further regulated by�ection ��-1�-18 of this ti#f�. Fractimnal fee club �nits as further re��aiated �y su�sectic�r� 1�-16-7A8 of this title. Ladges, includir�� �eeessQry eating, drinking, �r reta+l establishrnents foc�ted writhir� the principal use and vcc�pying between ken percent (1�°/�} and fifteen percent 415°fo} c�f th� �otal gr�ss resici�nti�i floor area of th� buildings, g�-aunds and facilities. Public or commereial parking facilit�es or struGtures. Pub]ic transpar#at�on terminals. Public ut'sfity and pu�lic service uses. The�ters and co�ventic�n facilita�s. � Type III ernp9oy�e ho�sing units as provided in cha�tes 13 vfi�his �itle. 12-1,J-4: AG�CESSC3RY USE�: 4 � � � The folfc�v+rirrg accessc�ry uses shall be �ermitted in the PA-2 diskrict: Hvme ❑cc�pations, subjeck te� issuance of a hame occupatian p�rmit �� a�cardanc�w�th the provisfvns of section '�2-14-12 c�f#his tit�e. M�;eting rac�ms. Swimming pr�ols, tennis courts, patios, o� �kher recreation facilities customarily incidental tv p�rmitted uses. f�ther uses custQrr�arily incidenta� and accsssory tv perrr�itted or�onditianal �s�s, a��d necessary far tf�e opera�ian thereof. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS:. In the PA-2 c�istrict, the minimum front se�back shali be twenty feet �2�'), the minimum side set�ack sh�ll be twenty feet (,2U'}, and the minimum rear setback shall k�e twersky feet ��[�'}. At the discretian vf t�ae lannin and en�iranrnen�al c�mmissivn andlo� the desi n review �aard Wariations tv the s�th�ck standards r�utiin�ed abo�e ma t�e a raved durin the review nf exterior alt�rnativ�� or modifications sectian �2-7A-12 af this arkiGle) subEect ta the a�plieant demanstr�tir�g �ampiian�e wikh the fall�wing_crite�ia: A.Prop�s�d building setb�cks provide necessary separatian hetween buildings and riparian areas, ger�logically sensitive areas and ather envirr�nmentally ser�sitive areas. � B.Proposed building setbacks will prc�vide a�ie�quate avai4ability of light, air and t��en spac�. C.Pr�pased bt�ilding setbacf�s wilf �]FOWId$ a cc�mpatit�le relatianship with buildinc�s and uses on a�jacent properties. Q.�'rvpc�sed building setb�eks will result in creat�ve design saiuti�ns or ather �ublic benefits tf�at �a�ld not c�#herwise �e achieved by c�nfarmanc� with prescribed setback stand�rds. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: �ar � flat roof or mansard roo�, the heit�ht of bu`tidings shal9 nat exceed farty five fe�et �45'}, Fvr a sl�ping raof, the height of k�uild�ngs shalf nat ex�ee�i forty eight feet (48'}. 12-7,�-8: aEfW51TY CQ�1�'RC3L: U to one hundred fift 1�{l s uare feet of rass residenti�l flaa� area Gf�FA ma be errrritted f�r each one hu�dred 1�� s uare fee# of �uildable site area. �ir�a! determination of allowable c�rnss r�sidential floar area sF�al! be rnade bv the lannin and environmental commission in accvrdanc� with sectic�n 12-7.1-�1� af this article. S ecificall in determinin a6��wable rass resid�ntial f���r area the planninq and environment�l commissic�n shall mak� a finding that p�'aposec� gr�►ss residential floar area is in conformance w�th aq�lica�le �lemen_ts t�f t�e Vail � C�mprehensi�e Plan. Total density shall n�t ex�eed twenty fiv� (�5} dwelling units p�r acee vf tauildakaie site area. For the purpases of c�lculating der�sity, employee housing uni�s, limited serv��e f€�d�e units, accammodati4� units and 5 � � � fractianal fee clu� units shall nc�t be cc�unted towards der�sity �dwelling units p�r acre). A dw�lling �unit �� a multiple-family building m�y includ� ane rr mor� attac�aed acc�ammodatian units. 1Z-7,1-9: 51T� CUVERAGE: 5it� covera e shall not exce�d sixt five ereent 65% c�f t�e tvtaf site area. Final d�#ermination of a�lowable site couera e shall be rr�a�le k� th�; lar�nin and �n�viranmental commissio� andlar the d�si n revi�w board in accordanc� wifh section 1�-`rJ `1� o# this �rkicl�. S ecificali in determinin allowaf�le site c�ver� e the lannin and �nvironmental cammissiar� an�far the d�si n r�view b�ard shall make a fi�din ihat p�c�p�sed site cc+veraqe i� in conform�nce with applicable elements of th� Vail Cvmqr�:hensive Plan. 12-7J-11: PA��iIh�G A�Jf3 �.�3ADIhlG: (�#�streef parking and I�adi�g shall be prouided in accard�nce with chapter 1 CY_o� tf�is title. At I�ast seventy five percent (7'S°/o) +�f the requ�red parkir�g sf�all be I�cated wi#hin ti�e main building or- buildings �nd hidcien fram publi� vi€�rn�. Na at grade c�r abov� grade s�rface parking or laading ar�a shall be foc�ted in any required front sett�ack �rea. �elow grade undergraun� structured parki€�g and shor� term guest ioading and drop off shall b� p�rmitted in ti�� requEr�d frant s�tback sub�ect ta the approuaf af the planning and enviranmental commission �ndl�r the design revi�w bvard. � 12-7J-12: E7�TERf�R ALTERATI4'�� �R MUDIFiC�TICNS: R. Review Required: The cvnstru�ction o� a new 6uilding ar th� alteration of an exis#ing �uilding shall be rev�ewed by the de�ign review bt�ard in accardance w�th cr��3pker `I 1 af this titie. Hawever, a�y projec�which adds additional dwelfing units, a�ccomrr��daiion units„ fraclianal Fee club units, 9imite� service �adge uniks, any project wrhich adds mnre #han �n� thousand (1,000} square feet a€ comm�rcia! flac�r area or common space, vr any pra��cE which has substantial c�ff site impa�ts (as deterrr�ined by the administratc�r} shall be reviewed by the planning �nd �nuircrr�mental cammissian as a majar exteri�r alt�ration in acc�r�ance with #his chapter and se�tian �2-3-� c�f tf�is title. Gamplete appii�atians far majr�r eycterior alteratic�ns shaff 6e su�rnitted in �cc�rdance with adminisfrative sc�edules developed by the d�parkment �rf camrr�unity develc�prnent for planning and enviranmental cvmmission and d�sign review bc�ard review. The following submittal items �re r�quired� 1. App�icatian: An appli�atian sF�all 3ae m�de 4�y the owner �f the buildin� or the b�ildirrg nw�rer's a�thor�zed ac�ent or representative on � farrr� provided by the administrator. Any appli�atian #or cond�min's�mi�ed �uildings shall be au�horized by the cand�miniun� associafian in canf�rrm�ty with all pertin�nt r�quire�nents af the cvndominium associat€an's declaration�. 2. Applicatsan; �ontents: The adrninistrat�r shalf establish the subr�ittal requirements fcar an ext�ric�r a6terat�on �r mc�difir.ati�on �ppl�cation. A camp�l�t� fist � of the submittal requirements shall be m�intained by the adcninistrator�nd filed irr tf�e department of community de��lopment. �Certain subrrrittaE re�uirern�r�ts may be waiuecf an�l�r rt�adified by the administrator a�dl�r th� revieuving bady if it is G � � � demanstrated by the appli�arrt that the informatifln and ma#er�als required ��e nat releVar�t to khe prapased develapment or applicab�e to the planr�inc� documents that camprise the Vail cvm�r�;hensiv�e plan. The adrt�inistratar andlflr the reviewing body may require tt�e submissian af additivnal pia�ns, drawings,. specifications, sarnples and nther rnaterials i� �eemed n�ces�ary to proper[y evaluate the proposal. 3. Vlfor�C SessiansfCanceptuai Review: If requested by eit��r the a��licant c�r the administratt�r, submettals m�y proceed tc� a work s�ssion with the planr�ing and �nvi�vnmental cammi5sian, a cQnceptual revi�w with the design review board, ar a vuork sessic�n with the tc�v+rn c�uracil. 4. Hearing: Th� pubiic hearing before the planning and environm�ntal c�mmission shall b� he�d in acca�dance with section ��-3-� of this tit3e. Th� . planning ar�d �nuironmentaf commiss�vn may apprvve the applic�tion as subm+tked, ap�ro�e the applicatian wik� can�iteons or modifi�ations, ar deny t�e app4ication. Th€ dec�sion r�f the �lanning and envirc�nmental cQmmissic�n may k�e app�al�d tc� lhe �awn council ir� accc�rdance with s�e�ctian 12-3-3 caf this title. 5. Lapse �f A�aprr��+a�: �AppraWal of an exterio�- al#eratian a� prescribed �y th[s article �hall lapse and k��come Wo�d three �3} years f�ll�wing t�e dat� af ap�raval by th� c#esign r�vievw boa�'d unless, prior t� #he �xpiratian, a building permit is issued ancf cc�nstructi�n rs ccaM-nmenc�d and diligen#ly pursued to c�mpletis�n. Administrativ� �xter�s�ons sh�ll b� aila►nred far re�sor�able and ut�exp�cted delay� as long as code provisiQns affecting the proposal have not char�ged. � �2-7J-13: CC3MPLIANCE 6URDE�J: It shall �e the burd�n c�f th� applicant ta prave �y a prep�nderanee flf the �vid�nce before the planning and environmental cammission and the �esign reuiew board that th� prapr�sed e�cteriar alteratian c�r r�ew de��lnpment is in c�mp�aance with t�e purposes Qf the p�blic acc�mmodatio� zone district, and thak the propvsal does n�t oti�erwise have a significant negati�re effe�t on the characker af the nei�hh4rh��d, and that t�e proposal sub�tant�ai6y complies with ather appli�able elements of the 1lail C�mprehensive P�an. 12-7J-�4: MITIGATIaIW G�F DEVELOPMENT INIPA�T�: Pra�erty ownersldevela�ers sh�ll also be responsib�e for mifig�ting direct impacts c�f their devefopm�ent on pub�ic infrastru�ture and in all cases mitigat�on shall bear a reasonab�e r�lakion tc� the dev�lopment impacts. Impa�ts may be determined �ased a� reparts p�-epared by quaiified cansultants. The extent af miti ation and ublic amenit im rc�vements shall he �alar�ced with the oals of redevela ment and will t�e det�rmir�ed b the lannin and enuironmental �ammissior� in review c�f develvpment nrc��ects and canditianal use permits. Substantial �fF site ir�pact� may inclu�de, but are nat 4�m€ted tc�, the failawing: deed restrict�d �mployee h�using, ra�dway improWernents, �edestrian walkway impravements, str�etscape imprbvements> stream tractJbar+k resEarativn, foadsngldeiivery, put�lic art imprQVements, a�td similar improuemenfis. The inten� af this sectian is #� anly require mitigatic�n for large scal� �ede�e�oprr�entldevelopment projects which praduce substa�tial aff site impac#s. � VI. Zf�NfhlG ANALYSIS 7 � � � Addr+�ssfLegal [Jescription: �783 hJ�r�h Frontage RoadlLots 9-1�, [3uffehr Creek Subdiv€sion Zaning: Public Accommoc�atiart-� (PA-2) pistrkct Land Use Designati�n: Medium Density Residentia� Development 21271�6 fi11�JbS S#andard A6lowedlRequired REC S�bmittal PEC Sul�rr�itEaf 1�4t Area: 'i b,�1Q(7 sq.ft.min. 86,591 sq.ft. N!C (]ensity: 49 Dwelling l�nits 39[Jwelling Units 28 Dwell'sng Units AU's Un9imited 124 AU's 98 AU's GRFA•,*"': 12�,896 sq.fit. 14a,240 sq.fk. 75,028 sq.ft. Buildiny Height: 48#e�t 48 feet NfC Sjte Ce�Verage**••: 58,�88.23 sq.f�t. (6`,�°/o) 52,$64 sq.fE. 52,545 Sq.ft. LandsGape Are�: 25,979 sq.ft. (3fl°I�) �1,984 sq,ft. 39,639 sq.ft. Setbacks"'`: Nt�rth: 0'-24' 20' 20• W�st: 0"-24' 2Q' 20' East: 0'-20' 20' 20' 5puth� �'-2�' 20' �D' Parkin�: 156 spaces '19�spaces 19t]sp�cQs � Leading: '! b�rth 1 t�erth 1 herth Empl�yee 3 units 45 k�eds� 3�niis{5 beds} 2 uni�.s�4 beds} Housing: *"** Subject to review�nd approval by the��anning& Enviranmental Commissian. VII, SUFtFtOUl�aIhlG LAND USES AIVQ �Q�iIhIG Land Use Zaninq �la�kh: Residential Tw� F�mily QrimarylSecondary R�sidential South: I-70 RUW NIA East: Residential Two Family PrimarylSeco�dary Residential West: �esidential Re�identi�l Cluster Distric# VIII. MAJOR EXTERIflR ALT�RATI{3N RE�IIEW GFCITERIA S�ctior� '12-7A-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Tc�wn Code, outlines the re�i�ew criteria for major ext�er9ar alteration appiicatic�ns proprased withi�r the Puk�li�c Acc�arrrmadatian �PA} zone district. Acc�rding to Sectia� 12-7H-13, Vail Tawn Cod�, a rnajar e�cterior afteratic�n shall E�e review�d far cQmpliance with the following criteria: 1} Camp1ia�tce with the purposes af #he Public Accr�mmadatian �vne district; � 2) That the pra�asal does noi otherwise have a �ignificant negative effect Qru the ct�aracter of th�: neighbarhoQd; and 8 � � � 3} That the propdsa� substantia�3y complies with Qther applicable elernents of#he Vail Compreh�r�sive Plan. Shvuld the Planning ar�d �rrvirc�nrnental Commi�sian choase tc� ap�rc��e the majar exteriQr a{teration appiicatiarr, s#afF recvrnmend� that the Comr�issian makes th� �a�llawing finding as part of the r�notion: "Pursuant fo 5ectr'on ?2-7H-8, �ampliance Burd�n, Var! Towrr Cacfe, the appfrcanf has praverr by a preponderar�ce of the er�idence before the Plar�rrr'ng and Enviranrn�n[al Gc�mmissrar� and fhe f�esrgn Review Bo�rd th�t the propased major exferror alteratic�n is rn ��mplianc� wi�h fhe purpr�ses caf the Pu�ri� Accomrn�datron zorre district, thaf the praposal is for a alevelapmenf srfe loca�ed' c��afside ot the scope of fhe V'ail V'i!lag� Master Plan, the Varl 1lillage tJrb�n [3ssign Guirle P1an and the Vai1 Vr'1lage Sfreetscape M��fer Pl�n and therefor� these planning dc�cuments �re nvt appli�ab�e ta fhr's a�plica�ion; ar�d tha� f1�e propds�l dc�es nat ofh�rwise hav� a significanf negatiVe effect an �he �haracfer of fhe neig,h��rhood, and thaf th�prc�pasa!subst�ntialFy complies with c�fher ap�licab�e etemerrts Qf the Varl Comprehensrve P1an.>' I}[. aISClJSSi(}N 15SUE5 Gt�mpleteness of A�plication + Th� Communi#y D�v�lapment Dep�rtmen� h�s comp�et�d a "`campfeteness" review of tt�e revised major exterior alteratian appiicatian � for the cc�nstructir�n af the Tim�erline Lodge. Upvrr completiQn c�f the revi�w it has been deterrnined kT�at th�e appGcation is largely camp#ete. Hawrever, additiar�al re�vised materials are required to be submitt�d prrvr t� a fin�l rev�iew e�f the major ext�ri�r alterat�an app�ica#i�n. T�e applicant ��eds tv �rovide the follawing: 1. Stamped, addressed �nv�e�opes with a list c�f the �rDperty owners adj�c�nt to the subject prc�p�rty. 2. A wri#ten statement d�scribing the re�rised prvpc+saf and how the p�opasal c�mplies with the applicable adopted master plans and plara�ring r�ocuments. 5pecial attention s�tall be gi�en ta the review criteria outlinec� in Sec#ians 12-7.]-6, 8, & 9. 3. A revised landscape plan. 4please consult t�re New Cc�nstructio� App{�cation fc�r Desic�n Review for minimum submittal requirernents} 4. A roof he�ght p��n demanstrating compliance with the prescrib�d height limi#�tion includir�g rc��f kc�p e[evatians far t�re flat raofed portion of the building. 5. F�evised arcf�itectural e�evati�n�. �please consult the �lew Canst�uction Applicati�n for a�sign Revi�w �or minimum su�mittal requirementsJ B. PRease address the written earnm�nts ad�ress�d in the letter frvm Tam K�ssmel, dated June 1, ����. {Attaehment B) 7, F��vised architecturati f[�vr plans nf all levefs vf the prvposed building. {,�lease canst�lt the �J�w Cansfructic�n App€fcati�n far � f�es'sgr� R�view#ar minimum s�t�mittal requirer�ents� 9 � � � 8. A revised 8.5" x 11'° reduced pfan set !s t�ere any additionai in#ormat�on required by the Rlanning & En�vironmental Commiss�on prio�ta �inal review? Mitigatiat� af Q�veiapr�errt Im�acts • Pursuant to 5ectifln 12-7A-14 �f the Zorr��ng Regulativns, "Properfy ovvners/develapers shaN also be resppnsibJe for mrtrgatang direc� rrrapacts of �heir de+ve�o�rm�nt an pubfic infrasfruc�ure and i�r e11 cases mr'figatr'on sha11 bear a reasanabl� relation to the devefaprnent impacfs. lmpacf.� may be �letermined based on reports prepared by quarrfied cansuffanfs. The exte,�t of mitig�trc�n �nd���,�Iic amenrty impravements shall �e bafanced with fhe goals of r�c�evetcapment and will be �'�fermir�ed by �he planning and envirarrmental �ommission irr r'evicw of dev�lopmerrt projects � and condi#ivr�a� u�e permrts. Su6stantral c�ff site rmpacts m�y include, but are not lrrnited tv, �he followrng: d�ed restrr"cted ernplayee hausrng, roa�lway irrtprovements, pedesfrian warkway impravements, streefscape improverrrer�ts, stre�m tr�ct/bar�k restor�tran, loadingfdelivery, publrc art improv�ments, and similar rmpr�vemen�s, The ir�fent af�hrs secfian�s t� �nly rer�uire mifigafiorr for large scale redevelc�prnenf/devefa,�men#prajee�s which produce sub�fantral off�ite rmpacts.,, � In keeping with the intent c�f Section 1�-7A-14, Mitiga�ion of Qev�;ft�pment lmpacts, the applicant is propasing to affset the imp�cks af the praposed develr�pmer�t by prvviding employee hflusi�g fnr a �ninimurn crf faur e�-npioye�s, placing a}�proximately 365 linear fee€ �f �xisting overhead power line undergraund, and constr�Gting a new public transit sto� alc�ng the North Frc�nta�� in frant c�f the new ladge. With the ex�eptian of th� pra�iding employ�� h�using, t�� a,�plicani will be r�:quire�i tQ wark with Holy Cr�s� Energy, the Town af Vail, and the Colvradv De�artment c�f Transp�r�atiora t� underground the a^verhead utility line ar�d construct tht� new �ublic transit stc�p. Are there any other direct impacts of the praposed dev�elopment b+esides eanpl�ayee �enerafi�an, wtility line relocation, and puhlic transit �nhancements that the Gommiss��rn beliewes �h� applicant should mitigata�? }C. ST►4FF RECOMMENDATI�hI As this is a wc�rkses�ion rneeting anly, staff will �a# be farw�rding a recvmmendatic�n on the majar exteriar alteratian to the Planning & Enviranmental Commission at this time. JCL ATTACHMEN7S � Attachment A: 1Jicinity Map Attachment B: Wriften comments addressed ir� th� I�t:ter frorri Torn Kas�rr�el, dated June 1, 2�08. 10 � � � � . `, 'M , _ "�"'� _. � .st- -' �� _ .� r �; .« � ' a The Roost Lv�dge » Vic�nity IVlap ►.� . , '�__r� 1783 Nortl�Frvntac�e Rnacd Wee1 � '•` e� Pl.�nr�in��:�nd k m,rir�nrriantal r;nmr���;srrn larii3rv : r1[7h._ �';t a�� r'h r �� � �r y �1���4�..� k��r����i� * 5 ' 'f r. t .. - � � .Sk-} AYi� a�"' _L' . � } a. , �r.e�` F+s�y� A�r ,GS} '�—',`d,, 1• k �5 "F `e'y�' .rr��� � ��cr .�� •' } �"r2��eFy� 4 , p a� }�,� �,� 1 ' � ��r,�y, r�',� �• v T r ,�, :� �v��;. � r .f + .{ - . '�, � �� f��L .���d., � ,,�. x ��t. � �- � .r d •.p � �.�+? C"'. - '+�+,�€:�.�+Sa � �' � i � .�'� �� �� ,y-� � ..a ., � . E . . . �sr: .� ... �. •�� �` ��,� �- � , �� ;.". .rr ' ,� 3 , _ ',yr :� ���� �. ' r" • . � /�`�. , _ � ���Ar' ,,. f � yy.+ - .I �.�L`'��� ��'N.�t � .;r. � ,�' }T L`� % .1 .j ,� Y ! � . � J; �' �e . 'y� „i '� '' e * `'i4#� r � �i+' _'' •' "l�,� ,�� �. �� f�' �f� A . F�� V�� .j i.�,� _ f� n,�. i�� �✓ I,�°� � �l r.. .. �T '4 . � � ��� �` * .�- .�,����r - � �� � ,�, . i �,�,�, . � � �,, ,, `� �� •�: � �, -�'��` „ �. 't�,g,�'►�' �!►� �. � ,�z������4�' . ' ti� .d ''�,� �� � �.• ' y �p' • `� ,� � . ��'' .� > ,:�� � ��r ry t,� �ti: I > _ ' � _ � , - _ - - � ` �,� '�'—` ,... � _ r:o ...., . . ,.,. , .. � ll � � � ATT►�CHi�IENT B . � �3'f+��F�'�L ' L�e�rrrtrxerrr nf Publrr. Works c� fr•rrrrspvi-t�rtd�ara 131J9,�fkhor�rr {Jr�ive Y'ceil, GfJ�3f 657 9 7C7-�7�-2158 I�'cLr= �70-479-21 G4 xt��.vtv.vt�rf�nv.cnrn MEIVI� To: C�'�ec�r•�� Rut.h�r Fram; TOtT7 Kc�SSIII�I, Tnw n Fn�ineer � Re: Timb�rline Raost Lodge R�.devel�prrient D�t�: 061�1 I�}G The Town af Vail Pul�li� �orks llep��-tmerit has rcc�iac� and re�viewed the Timber�ine Roc�st Lc�dge I��deuefopmcnt su�intitt�l recei�ed 5122,°fJ�i, The folla�vin�are ct�rnments ih<�t shc��l]c1��e �ddressed priar to �nal appa•oval. General �omir�ents 1. Tl�c aecess pc�ints for the lr�aeiii��lunlc�adi�i�area cio n€�t xneet the 44' centeriine turnin�radius. 2. Tt�e h�s shelter shoi�ld bc m�ved t� the sc�uthwestern property line and a�i easernent pro�ri�ed. 3. The grading at the Meadaw Ridg� Rci swztch ba��t wi11�-teed to be �attened to wark with thc af#`set guarr�raiI, 4_ Provicie aciditional graciingl�pat elevation detail �or�he drainage alc�ng tl�e laackside o€'the buifdan�. �. A final appro��ec� traf�c study shall h� rec��aired privr ta PE�C fanal �pproval. A traftic impact �`cc �f$�5(��per net incr�ase�aeak t�our triEa sl�all t�e ass�sset� to th� dc��elnprtlent. P�rtions vf this fee nlay}ae c�ffset by traffic improuernents made t�r lhe S. FrQntage Rd. t�speLi�c{�lly incli�de Frc�ntage Rd. roadway widcning, Franta�e I�d. sici+ewalk improvetnerits, an�l ihe ic�n��ructic}n Qf a tr�sit s#op. f. Plea�e Gl<trif'y the Traski xruck turr�ing movements. The exi�il�ii �hows the t�-uc�C � enteriY�g tlic exit and exilin.�the entrance. T�is movement cc�nflicts with site traffic. 12 � � � 7. Show �i�hi distancc far acc�ss paints�n both the site plan and fands�ape plan. S. Fr�vi�le ,l4rt in Publ�c Places cantribution, caordinate�rith AIPP. �. The�aec�estr-ian c�nnectic�n belw�een th�bt�s stap and 1'v�eadow Ridge Rd. shall b� within a dedicated Pul�lic access easemeirt. This can he dedicat�d ir� conj�ui�,tion with the drainage e�sen�ent in this area, however the 10' �ropvsec�draina�;e �ase�nen�skacauld be widened to acct�mrnc�date the rWal� ��lus a?' k�uffer�nd ats�o be t��n7ed as �getieral utilily, cir�iin���e, pedestnan access easem�nt. 1�. The cantin�iation c�1'the concrctc �edestrian walk frorn tt�e��roz�osed h�ls stc�� to Buffchr Cree�C Rd should �e r�qtrired, the �valk shall be a m�nimum vf 1 Q' wide. Conditinns [�f Auprr�v€�l 1. Thc Tflwn of�ail General Nt�tes sl-�all b�added. {1�1c�tes ca�be e-m�iled upt�n request} 2. Pleasc. adci Utility 5i�;na�ure block anc� havc aIl utilities sign acknoti�ledgin� accept�ai�cc c�f utilit� irtapacts ancl riesi�n. All �asemc�nEs prc�p�sed lc� �e ab�.ndor��d shall be raoted and a����roval frai�� appro��i•iate entities shall he gained. 3. Final Civil �rawings shall be appror��.d �tnd me�;t a11 T�a��n standards prior to si�t�mittal ofhuilding pern�i#. Dctailcd cornmcnts will bc pro�i�icd at that tirnc. The appro�Yal �fC:ivil ttr�iwin�s rnay take between 2 t��mo�ths. 4. Appra�als frotn all imE�acted pr��,erty crwt�ers s}��ll l�e ot�tained. A wr'rtten ]etter c�f c�r�sent t� tli�ret�uireci easements��ill be requiared for Civil apprc��al. � ReGOrded eas�mciits �ill be requirecl prior ta constructi��. S. All e��r�structi�n sttigin�issue� shatl �e resoliT�ed prior to ct�nstniction incliidir�g sta�in�, �ha�ing, acc�ss, sche�lules, lr�if�c ��7ntrr�l, en�er��ency access, parkin�, l�a��r�ing��nd c�eli�ery, et�... G. A R(�'4�LTI[Jtility permit s�iall be obtained and approwed by the Ta���n o#'Vail anc� C[�(�"I'privr tQ camtneticing any cortstructi�rt ��ithirt ��uhlie Ri�ht c�F'v�Tay. �. Alt improv��net�t� v�ritt�in �;U£�'1`RO�V �hall b� appror�ed �y C'lla"I' incl��clin��tll Fr�ntage Rd i�nprovc�nents a��d l�rtc�scaping. T}�is a��prmval will he require�i �yrior tca Ci�il plan sel agpr�Vai. T'his in�ludes a CDC}T Access Permit and CDf�T notice to proceeci. 8. I�rior to a�a,�rc��Fal �f s�n�;xc���tio�i�errnpt �sh�ritig and excavation pl�ua shall be suiamitted in�Iudiii�;; �CJ£C�V�tic7[] �7�t�Stt7�, ert�ineet�e�l s}�c�riclg���ari� �vit�i pian, �ro�le��nc� cross sectio�s. Cross Scctions ai-�d plans sl�all i�ctudc al� cxistin� c��l#licts(i.e. utilitic�}. Any�hc�rin� within C'L](�]"1" 1�DVV1r" will req►iire ap�rc�val Frc�rn �:DUT. 11n.y s�e►rin�witl�in the Vail public R(]5��will require Tow�l of�Vait approval aaid a revo�c�l�le R�(33'W perrnit. 9. A Storm Water DisG}aarge�DPHE Pcrniit and all a�plicable ACC}E permits(i,e. De����tet�ing} s�z�ll l�c su}�rr�ittecl priur t� cc�nstricctiora. 10. �'rovid��n�in�:ered si��ra�ped #anal drainage report, �a�ement desi�� repart, ancl �eatechnical rcport. I 1. The S. �'r.��ica�e �c�. improvements si�own shall incl�tde necessary [i�ht i n gf i t�-i�at i o i1�si gilag e_ 12. Builci�n�cann�i be �tiilt c�ver exisiin�;�as�men#� �a� sht�wn wiiho�it th4se � easem�nts bein� al�andoncd. This requires apprar��al fi�aan�11 intcrested. utilities and relacation nfany existin� utilities. 13 � � � 13. An easement shQttici be �rvvit�ed at the Nc�rthwest carner of the prvperty to proW�icie fr�r the c:ci�tan�encrcaf�cl�rnent c�f the rvt�ctw�t�y,tlrainage arirl snnw stora�;e. This shall incluci� t�Ye ��isting as��halt and shc�ulder area aild a 5' bt�ffer�rea fnr snv�v starage a►�d �uardrail. Details shr��vn shall meet TQwn stan�lartls {i.e. 4,0[lt�psi cor�cr�ctc with �ibcr mesh, sidewali€de#aii shall be(�" concrete on 5" base, addition�l detailed cc�anrnents tu r�ilc�vv c�urin� Ci+ril P � � 14 � � ��2zrzaa� r�Ma�RUr���oac��c+a�n� ����'���'#+�w ���w�:��wt �6 Hotel Units&28 Gs�►�dvs �����G��'��� au,cararsde arct�itects�:� engineers LJA Fro�ect#d5154 �nccaporoted F14TEL �Qu� Tatal Numbe ��'�I 5querr F{oom Typea Faatage lEII��-2 L£VEL•� L�11EL 1 L�L 2 LEV�L 3 LEV�L 4 of Rooma ��t��� Per Raqm Per Raorn Typa 2^SORM 9l5 1 1 975 2-�bRM SB8 1 i 885 2-BDRM $18 1 4 818 2-BORM 8flt 2 2 3,602 2-BARM 8fl2 1 i 842 i-Bi1RM 855 7 1 855 't•BQRM Ei�1 7 1 801 7�BDRM B98 1 1 1 S 2,D89 '1-BOi�M 5F3 2 2 2 8 3,438 9-8d]RM 642 1 1 1 3 ��9?$ #-9�RN1 726 1 1 1 3 �,178 1•BflItM 9�8 1 1 giB 'E=B�RM 548 t 9 5dB 2•BORM 343 1 1 843 STU�IO +F95 4 1 495 STU61�6 3$6 8 8 3,t58 STU�ld d89 2'E 25 id 8d T8,i780 S7uolO 687 7 1 � 3 2,097 Totels 0 4 28 38 32 0 98 52�521 5quare Total ;atat Square COIVDO FVOlA98 L�'1rEL•1 LI�V�I.-x LEVE�9 �.EVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Numher of �oatage Per Roam Types Per Roam Units Pee Ftvam Type Lau�el 2-B[}RIY�CON00 843 ti 2 3 2,4{19 2-f3€}RM C4NDO 802 2 3 5 d,fl1;} 2-#3�RM COhIRO SOt 5 1i 7� 72�$76 3��€�RM CC3NP9 818 2 2 4 3.272 STUd3[C2 CONC/0 qg$ EtiU 2 EHUs 0 0 7otaEs 0 I] p 0 9Q 18 28 ?2�5D7 T(}TAL BI�ILDI�IG 5fl.FT,{Hote1 75,f��8 HipTEL 52,621 7O.Oa�°Io co�aa zz,sa� 29.998°k Na4e: Square FooRage fracludes Hotel Guest Ro[�ms 8 C�nd4 Uni#s dnly � �`° i � . ., , �„ • ' � ` � ��_�y � �� � � k� _. e � � ° 5R � ,; ', i ' 'I ! � £ ; � � i � �� ,�� i � � .r r � I �� I� / ✓� %, �F ��\ � �, , � _ � ) / :;; �% . t-.:. �Ii I I � �, I � � / ,�° /� � I '�� ' i 1 i -' �� - I / . '/ �, r . �� �� � ��!i. � � � I ' ' � i +:ii; . / .: '/�, / ) i i i � I . �''�f r , � u�,l I � � ��'; �, `�j� k o '� 3 � �1 � � ; ij�, i � � � r'" �'i ��"�� �° � � � � ..�� , ' ' ' �yi� u� � ( � F I�i � . � I� ��' , � w � � . Jf ' l ,��� = ',s t °' � � ' 1� � � �,; � ': y''A, , `\, ,� �, ,Y7� I I � ' I ' t ` b� ; / � � ' ' ,� I �, _ ; • \ �'-- ` � �` i � a � � I , ,, , � � � � . � .i r , I. � f y ,` �i � �� i r � , � � '� � � � � , , �, s � � � � � •, ' � �� F ,r � � � i „ l , ° ; �� � ! i ' � � ' � I �� � � � l , � J I � � ; " ' " � .� �" i ' , � �s (' ' � i ;i pC , � i � `i ; � � � � ! ! � . �� � � i '-. i I �i i � .� � �� . I I J l�l ' � ] ��� � � �� � � 1 ' g I � . , r � ! ' ��r� ' � ; � � ; �. � ' 1 �' ' i �� � ; ' j ,'�� ; � '� Ip� ! , a; � I , i , , � �, -a I � � � � �� 3 ;� r (jr� ' '� i i;� ! 7 �.� � I j � i !j I f � � ' E� �l �' , W � r ,. 1�, i � , ,n �, . , , � , � , � � ,;� �. : a ��i i � f� G3� . � �s � ! � . � �� ¢0 . I � � ik� � � �R�i! � I � ��� �� r ;,�, �; �;; � �- .t!' i;, � , - - __ � � i;� 3 _ ��` ,� � � �. � I:� Gearge Ru#hsr- Raost Lodge 5it� � __ Page 1 � _ �- - _ --- � Fram: ""Jc�har�nes Faessier"��faessler�3a sannerralp.com� To: �gre�ther a[,7vaiigov�.com� Date: D61[}8J20�J6 2:32:55 RM 5ubject: R�ost Ladge Site Gevrge: Please forward these camment to PEC: f here�iy express my ful9 suppart for the'Raast L�dge"redeuelapm�nt proposal'yau are cvn�idering f�day. My understandin� of k�e refevant facts is: 1, The pr�perky is zaned PA2 which a�lows fvr a hot�el and 3�°/a credit for candomirriums. 2. The current plan has 99 hate� rooms (Marrioft Residence !nn}and 31 two bedroorn condaminiums. '� 3. The de�elQ�me�t plan is a s#raight z�ning request, seeking no var�anc�s and is no4 an S�Q. Based an the�ba�e and the definite need�or mid-price hotel knuentary- which gs hGg�ly unlikely t+�errer get build within Vai6 Village-, 1 encourage the P�G to►nake this p�aject possible. It is a good and ne�ded project for V�ii. 5incerely„ Johannes Faessler 20 Vail Rcaad Vad1, Colorado � — __ George Ruther-Timberline Lad�e Proje�� � _ Page 1 ; � Fr�m: "Mi'ke Sprig�s" �jm�afpha@earthlink.net> To: <gruther�vail�ov.com� Date: �6l08f2006 7:39:09 PM S�rbjeGt: Timberline Lodg�Praject .l�ne 8,20aG Taw� of Val Planning �arnmission Town of�Jail Planning ❑epartmen� 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 R�: Propvsed 7ir�berline Ladge�ondt�miniurn Praject Dear P{anning C�mrnissian: I am wriiing to�oice suppo�'t of the propos�d demalition and r�navatiQn of th�forrrrer R�c�st Lr�dg�, r�aw knawn as the Tlrnberfine L�dge Project. As fuli-time residenks ai 1477 Aspen Grp+re Lane, in the Buff�r Creek neighborhaQd, my wife aracf I support the reno�ation of khe dilapidated Roost hfltel. The r�deWelopment p�the Roost will be a �enefit ta vur neighborhood and #�the�awn of Vail. I unders#and that the developer is proposing a project#�at is consistent with i#s �xistinc� use as well as within the Town vf 1lai1 Zvning c��.rid�iines. � The proposed project wifl be a grea#impr��+�me�t aver the existing aging hedel and shou6d enh�nc�the ualue c�f p�roperties ir�the neighborhood. As residents, we rely an the Ftc�ost for aff�rdabl� accvrr�modati�ns far�ur visitors. Not a�l c�uests can a�#ard fo s#ay at the hic�her priced hotels, such as the Sannenalp and Four 5easons. We we�e disappoint�:d ta hear that tY�e F'I�nning Carrt�missian did nat suppvrt the previaus project and th�t the reuised pruject includes a si�nifi�cant redu�t"ran an hotel ydoms. 7he Tavu�n needs more mid-priced hnte9 accgrnmos�ations ancS my wife and I encoura�e yaa� to suppart tt�is Project at yeur next�'lanning �Commissian Me�ting. Thank yo�a, Michael Spric�gs � �RQM :�AAG�NDR�S � FAX N�. :9704765054 �n. 08 2��6 �9:49AM P1 � .,IUI'1� �, ���}� Tawr� �f Vail P[anning Cnmmissic�n �lo Mr. George Fiuther Tpwn r�f Vc�il � F�lanning Uep�rtment 75 S. �rvr�ta�e Raad Vail, Colorada 8165� D�ar Planning Gommi�sior� M�mber�: I ar� writing in support af t�� proposed demai�ti�n and r�noua#ion of th� farm�r Rovst Lod�e pro�ect. !n op�rating the Haag�n-aazs s�are in Vail �ince 199�4, we are very c�r�c�rned abvut ��e ioss of aff�r�abEe hausin� an� hotel roams in the Town �f V��I. The ivss of aff+ordable hotel raams has a direct effect�r� the sa1�s of small �usines�es in Vail Vilda��. � Ir� recent y�ars, #he Touvr� �f Vail h�s rsplaGed affor�able hot�l pra�ects such as #he �hza#ea�u at V�il (f�orm�r Hafiday k�n� an� the Vail Vit2age Inrt wrft� high-en�d hate! and condamin�um pr�je�#s such �►s the ��ur Seasans and Va�1 Qla�. 8y cantin�in� this tre�d, yau are e�Fective�y elimin�tir�g any iyp� �f af�or�able accr�mmada�lons for fami#i�s and ga�ests thra�ghout Vail, At #his tarne, the �in�y aff�rdab�� hotel gccdmmo��tinns �# ar�y size �n the T�vm are th� �oast and tt�� Woiiday Ir�n, The i2�ck o# affardable ac�vmmndations �as �nd will Gontirr�e te� have a signifi�ant r�ega#ive ef�ect on �he retail s�l�s fo� restaurants and shaps in the V�it�ge, A� you �re aware, this is one of +an[y a caupl� �f sitas in �he T�wn �c�ne� #�r accammo��tiar� u�rits where aft�rdabte hatel and � candomir�ium units car� be dev�l�ped. Et vuvuld be a shame ta waste t}��s c�pp�rtuni�y. The 'Roast has served the,l�ow t� modsrate priced travel�r far a� Iang as jus# at�vut any ather hote! in V`ai4. It was hsre f�ing f�fr�re th� hillsid�s resi�ential dev�lopmer�#s that have �r�el1 eonstruct�d behlnd th� FrQn#age R�a�. The propr�sed pl�n is cortsfstent v�itY� what �as be�n cQntemplated by the Tawn C�unci� in its Ger�eral��lan. It a[so suppart� �e go�l o#the Tawn to se�ur�e �dd:�ianal hvte! rc�oms w'rthin the Torvn ba�ndar�es. I wau�d �r�co�urage yvu to suppvrt this Pro�ect, Sincerely, �� 4C�lI urcel! .�'�`-,�,�� �-- � , � � � June $, 20[)6 Town vf Vail P#anning �C�mmission Tc�wn of Vail 75 �`. Fror��age R��d Vaif, �olaradQ '�1657 l��: P�oposed Rc�4st Cond�minium Pr�n�ect Dear �'lann�ng C�+mmissian: I �m►�r�t�ng in s�uppvrt of the praposed Timb�rlin� �.adge Pro�ect in'U'V+�st Vai1. As a small business awner in Va�l, ! am in full support of this prajec#. The props�se� praject will bring addifior��l affvrdahl� h�tel and condominium un�ts ta �aur �own. Bot� are �ssential ta the lvng range �ealth of our�canomy, Qur firm handles tha manag�ment and leasing o� candominium praj�;cts in Eas� Vail. We o�t�n re�cc»m�:nd the Rv��t a� an altemati►re t�a thase ►risitar� #hat c�nncat �€Fc�rd a �onc�orni�iu�m du�ring the t�igh seas�n. The RaQSt has fil#ed fhis low tv m�d-pr�ce niche in tY�e mark�t for � very lcrng ticne. The prvposed Residence Inn will c�nt�nue to meet this d�mand. � I hvpe you wili suppork this pra�ect. Sincerely, � /�"R Y J i r �_. _..������._ f r��- Kar1 �dg�rtor� ���� ��`Z�' _� `l��� � � � Scepheri �Dnn(311y r.c�. �����c�� 1Jail.C;C) tid(i5R � �97i�}47b-I�46 June �}, �OO�i T����n caf�v'ail Planning and Fnvir«nmental Cc�mr��issi�n C�'c, Mr. Ciee�r�e Rut�ler, Chief�nf Pla��niil� Tnv��n cat�Vail 75 S. Fa�ontage I�oac� Vail, C(7 �16�7 IZE: I�ec�evelopment�f tl�e T�oast 1_,ad�e I�e�r C'�ear�e: I •urite tc� y�.74a tociay in stippc�rt c}f'I`iinkr�r�ir�e's�?r«rsc}sed re�iey`��D[]131�I1t U� tI1� Ri7C?S� LC7C�fT� allCfi urg� yt�u r�c�t tn take any adr�iti«na� rcaca�ns o�t af t}7� pi•nject. As a 1��n�tirne �t�server of the �a3nmianity, I believe t�iat we need tc� maintain a mix of Iod�?in� c�3�ti�ns fQr c�ur �uests. As it st�nds tc��iay, the current �rojects �inder de�elc�pment catcr ta tl�e upper�nci af tl�e maa-ket. Not ei�c�u�h is b�in� dc�ne in tlie area c�f afforciablc lod�in� tllat w�aulc� help tc� attr�act taaaiilies anr� "e��try lev�l" gue�is. I�c,w many af Vail":� cttt'r�ilt r�sid�nis �larted nut as "ski hums" dc�in�; ti��l�at�t�er it tac�k tn Lut casts in ort�er to cc�n�e tc� Vail`? � As an acti�=e participant in the process ot salicitirl,�special event5, I �al� tl�iiik c�f a number o£ "1'ow�i f«�idec{ prt�jects t1�t�E neecf 4c� be ttble tU �lf�r rric�re affnrdal�le le�c��ing opti�r��. T�V�� �4'�L7U111�31f] C'r3T7"I�S, Sprin�Rack Tn �ail� the Fartrit.rs' �4'�arket and��ie Kir�� �F tl��Mountain V�n1leVball Tnurnarnent al� her�efrt hy t�aE�ing less exE�ensive lncl�in� ��vaila�le for guests. Wh�t �nnd dn�s it dn fc�r t}Ze 'I'owr�to sF�rend money� rn� eve�its that�rir��; pec�ple tn Vail �nly� to ha�e tht�sc �uests not be a��}u te� afi�rd to stay i��►'�Iail for the ni�kit'? This is not just my �pini�}n. In a_jc�itit ineetin� �f the V[�ivID�C and t�ie CSE, Beth Sliier ma�e the pnint that th� Tc�wn needs to he c�refi�l a� v��e develop our ��d�in� i��enl�ry. She warned tliat thcrc is a rcal cian�cr t�lat wc c�uld pc�tcntially�rice o�iY•sel��es c�u� c��tM� rs�arket if all we do l5 C��"4'elc�}�high-end�ra�}ects. T �Yrn cc»cernes� t��at this prc�.ject ��as airuady hccii re�u�ed by 3(� urlits. Ii�ii is redu�ed any�itrther. t}7e dcvelnper may�be foi-ced �n ehaiige direc�ion anci create t�igl�.-end �ondo�niniums to mal�e it r��ark financially. I ��n alsa c�ncerned that thcre seems to be� sm�ill �i'�up crf peop�e that are cc�i��plaining abaut this project th�t is i�npart�u�,t for the gnc�d oi'thc �r�eater comni�.inity. VW'e �i�ed t�� stanci u�a agai€tst t�le vocal minnrity and do wfiat is rig��t for residents �nci tax�ayers at large. I 511�7�'7C)TC YIl� 1'�C��V�10�?IT1�132 t7t fI7� K[7C�5� I�[IC��C�is prc��,nsed and ur�e y�u tc� apprc�Ve t�e latcst plat�s �rifiht�ul lisrtl�er reciiaciion of hnt he�s. T3�st �•cg�t�ds, � �. �,=�, � , 5tephen C nna��y � � d�wn Ris�ow �.t�. e�x �oa� r���i, ca s���$ ,� �►a�4��-�s�� ��o�� daw��k8�ail�a hc�tmail.com .1ur�e 9, 2�D�6 T�wn of Vail Planning and Envirc�r�mera#al Gommis�ian Glo Mr. �eorge R�at�rer, Ci�ief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rr�ad llail, �� 8'165� RE: Roast Rede�elopment Dear Commissian: The Rc�ost Lodge needs �Q be rede�r�loped and I sup�art the plans pr�posed by Timfa��line Cornmerciai Real Estate. I kr�ow the irnportance o� affardable lodgir�g fiirst hand. As a skating coach, I started �riruing students to Vail ir� 19$1. I m�oved here full � time in 1998 �nd �wn a hc�me in Town with my husband. H� alsa �upports t�e praposed redevelopment plan. it is �rery impc�rtant far V�i� to be afole to o�fer re�sonably priced accommodatiar�s. We need to of�er famili�s an affordabl� altecr��ati�e to the 5c��nenalp, the Gascade and the new hc�t�ls tha� �re curr�ntly being built in TQwn, if we a�re not c�reful, �r� will price ourselves out �f the market. Families will gn to Summit County inste�d of coming here. As we r�dev�lop our c�ommcar�ity, we n�ed to m�ke s�ar� �hat rrr� afFer a range af �c��mm�dati�ns. lf w� are r��t carefuf, the d�uelopers wil� vnly build high-end prvperties and Vail will pric� its�lf�ut �f the family market that plays an important �oie in develc�ping future guests. I urge yot� tr ap�rove the plans a� �urrently prc�p+�sed. Thank you ��ar yQUr considerativn. Sincerely, _� . �` 1-'�`� Y / r w. �`L' d� C � / { f ��`..����V?��� ��� 1 �GiYYI i ����VYY � � 'r� i ::i� ,., 4ra.sas.as�s vra.sas.aa3a tnx ,��eri�:s:�:;;r�����, � 1'� f�J. ■�. R'�� ! . tr. ;�e ■ 1 R � June 9, 2�146 Town af Vail � Planning and Zoning Commission Cl�: Mr. G+�or�e l�uther Hanc� deliv�red To w�am it may c�ncer�r, Many thanks far all af your combined efforts and great wnrl� as Vail undergoes a tremend'ous rertaissar�ce and d�-amatic chang�. I am writing, r,vith res�ect �o that change, in suppart af fhe renovation af the Rovst Lodge—specifacally to �h�e prr�posal being s�hr�nitted by Kevin D�ighan. My ex�erience with Mr. Qeigf�a� has be�n as � busin�ss owner, and awner Df offic� spac� in the � Gateway Building. Tim�aerlirre Carnm�reial Properties, Mr. �eighan's investmen#graup, interested me in the prvperty some four y�ars aga, Since th�t time, they ts�ak a uacant, non-functiortang t�uil�ing ar�d completely renflv�ted and re�ritalized what i� now a prime ofiFi�e and reside�iial locati�n at the e�trance to Vail. My support for the Raast project which they prapvse, is that they wi�l take the sarne level af professionalism tc� a project which brirtgs moder�te-range ladging vptions �or gue�ts ta �ur �eauti�ul resort. ! heartily endarse b�th the cancept arrd the plan. Though !, iike mast, h�te #n see the disappearance vf th� R�ost--as it has played a legendary rc�le in affordahl� ladgin� and gre�at staries throughout Vail's histary--�hange ks happening in Vaf� and a develnper with a gaod plan ar�d saiid backing deserves #he suppart c�#t�e cvmmunity. Best vf luck. Si C`erely, �:, -, �!� ,-� . ..., f� _��} atrici� E. Peeples � Peeples ink pR, Ltd. � Home � � page ] �of 1 ',�TC�F ��ER�}E�VELC1�'��'I` �� �i+�.�IL � HC'lAi� 7..C?I�r'I1tiG HiSTt7R1(' CR[7S5RC]r1I35 I.I�7�5l-3F:A�.7 �+EST�v'�,IL DC?�I.�TIf �:�7\'7',1C�'t'ti �' � ; ..j1�,� , , � ::. �, - � � � , --., : 1r ; � ���rl °"': r . .. �, �� il}� '� ��� '.� �. ;li � ,���r" '�� 1 �,�►�,� ..� ,���. � :�:,:. .�w�}E:�Y•�T.�F': ��.. .._� ..._ . .. .. � . •`d.�„' (�Y'�'??•'"_�'�ar�cF:`�1,�6'�CY?F'�'I�"�.�;`Fh'wi, ,yr5v�•.�y�f."�9!F!C'�FYr� .. . ... . .A+ws.•, �'Q5t �'�c�l� ��'est �'aiI h�s tzot k�ccn le�t c�ut c�# the?006 cirive ta ��p �c�ne �'�il. A rec���•elc�pr�ient�l��n for th� Rc�ost Loc�g�e R-ith es�lit F`lc�c��� tiwas put helt�re 1�� �c�wn. r�ain loeal i-esic��a�ts wez~e appr�p�-ia�ely alas�nied, �urr�car l�as it,the m�ar�cy�bchind �liis F�at�st remr�r�el is nc�ne other t�zat the C.rc�ssr�acis c�ev�lc��er. �"�1t��c�u�h t�'iis $i��e RoQ�t plan �-�5 tt�r-n�c$c�c_e�.�ra, �-c�u I��o�- a�ill be back�n t4�e c�ble saofz. �n-�aster pla��ring process �as �ls� been iriitiateti f�r t�Ye Wes[�v'ail cotn�nercial a�a�. IC is very im�nrt�iit th.�t the residertts �et intim��tely inval�ed in this gmportar�t pn7cess. �'t7e tc�wi�of'Vail�lantai�a�depa�tment,�t the �rst x�rflaster pla��ning meetiiig, has pr�posed an up z.vr�ng of ihese commerci�l arr�as hy 404°�0. Isn't�hat ir�credi�le, The Mall building �ould go up ta =� tlaars. �e��st iti West V�il the nutra�eous prc�}���al of a 4�a°�� u� zoning is ot�the ��hle fordisc��ss��on, tik�c ant�.�c�et �r��.��i����.� ind ec��ic:�te the tc���,�n th7� r��e t��.nt[ca �r�s���e raur lc��-ciensity��illa�e c�sY�i�unizti. Iie�are w�: ��p ic�ne 1�A�'�st ti�a t�� �E�c�k�lc� ha�,�e stu�iies in h���d��hict�eien�r�n:�tr�.te �ineq��ivc�cally c�le need tQr such �ac1 in�a-ease. V�Je shoulci be asst�r�ci tha.t ^��ic�� in�reas�s u�i11 nnt a�vei�s�l}-aff��.t the pt-ap�ttyr�alues in t��e are�. :�1n�.-1, ���e must be re�ss�red the u�rastnictur�, such as the rc�widahc�uts, can handle th�.c iner�,:aseci t�-a4�ic, 1��e C:rnss��aad.s v�ote is the first s�ep in halt�ng [I�is vill�ge u-s't�lc:e�rive to up zc�ne V��il th�iL sc� tl�reatens o�ar I��sty�e.�G�ie must di�w the line ther�. We must sent��.n�essage tc� our e�ectec��officials that th� �op�e mi�5t. �e cc�iisulted an�i be tl�e �uzai cPecisian rnal;�r� in this up jc�nin�dr���. �nci vou thou�ht thz Cmssa-nad� vc�te wRas jus�abc�ut Vai14�'illag�e. �� Web site d.esigned&hos#ed at�fflmes#eadT"` � http:ilstapo�verd�velvpment.netlll�'E�TVAIL.htrnl ��"��2��� � � � - �r�o��s � er�Ce���wr�mer�� ���,��� "1'c����n of Vail Flannin�Catrunissian To���oF Vail 75 Sauth Front��e Road Vail, Colorac�ca $i�57 To�r�n r�F Vail f'laaini�i�Commissian. I am �vritin� in full su�part of t11e ��rn�nsed`TirnherlinelR�ost E7rnject cu���ei�tly under considerati�rn at t�e West �Jaii sit� 4fThe ftaost Hni�l. This praject is``Ri�ht" For sa m�ny reasons. thc lcast af w�hich is t�e aver�ll ecc�r�c�rnic �ei�e�t to o�ar to��n. There �s a str+�n�ar�d ui�derser��er� t��ec� far s3fC�.7r�3ak�ie hatel� in the Vai��y anci rtlnr� sc� in Vail �rc�p�r. Much �(j th� ir�ic� tc� 4c�wer�x-►d bcd ��se is utiliz�:d �ti� t}�e youunger � �en�rations and fatl�ili�s w���io lYeavily° attei�d �peci�l events, �ki and ridc, dine and spcnd w-itt7 lc�cal merc.hants. Vv'�: t�<�-inc�t a�f�rd tQ lc�se tl�is�eonomical bed bG��e whi�:�i the ren�r��at�d Raost��ill coP�tinuc to se�ti•e in a new and iTt�prr�ved fashinn. `This is kee��ii�g current and pflt�ncial custcamers a� 'V ail's duE�rst��a. �I'11is taer e�f praduct is truly criti�al tc� ro��nding out the l�d�in�and c�ndQ ���ix in Vail. �s a Vail busin�s� rrw�ner f�r«ver Een yc:ars, f fu11y suppe�rt lhe pr�7Pc�se� Timberlit3elR�c�st ant� arn cc�n�dent that the TC�� Pla�u�in� C�onimissian �vill dc� the san�e. Uo the ri�ht thing and get b�hind this���ell thou�ht nut prc�ject. I encc�ura�e yau to not let th� l'OC3I tI11T7(71"I[�� CQT14�'ClI ��]� �]r�CCSS 3T1S� tl�'C1131a[CI�� tl�e niucl� ttecdcd l�enefits the Tirr�heriine,'RC7t}tid_ LC�C��L ��'1�I 4I�11VEP�O Qllf�COI313T3L1I71��'� Rcnards,� 3eff�rau5c} -- Fresidei�tlGC(7 HigltlYn� Sports & Ent�rt�i�ltzie��t, inc. � �i° a ^`,.�y..- ;. J � q '- �� � � + }r i: � w ���¢ . i� � �, W 0.+' _ - �... � ��,� in �p,r�«' � „ ��°�� _ n S'�9' 'M1 �y , � I+'. '. I; �� /Y L7 c �` - v rt � � � � � •� ��w� . �� • , E,p;��T+ � � �` �C]�O .y i � � s , P,; �-� o �'E•" � ° �, i � � � �. � � �, H `� � �-• �' ��.z�i� ' �a � �� � � � L� ' � � ,� �� s ' � .',� i �°��• �` � � � � � +.- �f� x", y ..`'�r._ � '�;'�� ;I,{; � ) j� � ? 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Y =� �..�I, � i � V.�� �I ♦� ..`�� r,� �lil� + �a� � , �� � �� � --,Q f � � �� _ f�� � �� ��.� � �, __ �. � x . . ,$ -� �� � � � ., � ---, � �: r __�,�� , , ,. ._ , � � ��� ���� r �-�� ��:��� , �� �:�, ��f'� � �� �- +;��, � + rI� �+!� ��� A''�j X �f+ . � �} ��rinal' I�f'y°�' � t ''� '! �'�1 . � �"'� �" ��� � ' � �� �- �f;�; ;�� ,�;� ��° �� �� � 1 ��' , � - ,, �° , �� � ��� ;�' ��� , l �, r� . � , .��� , � �.�- , j�� � �Q I�i�• ,, __� . . � i"- �Y � 1:�_ � � �:�! � � ���_�_� � .�. � . �� ,� -� �;�,� ,,� � , � ;' —'i �K "��.7� a� � �� ' � +�� r. +.� �.�. � � ' ` ,;' -j���� �k r � ' — � �` � ;, .�� � �� ,-0� �r � �' �. � :..� � � � �: . ,� ��.�'� �+ �:: - . �q� � , . � . <.p�'`,,.k�— *f'� ,� �r, +� `' �dr�� , . ;�.. p. � _ r. • M i . �,. , i �� �•r, �1 - • . � . r P�� � �� .�� r'��,. ,,. r ., � 1f,�1 , � � "jI',�r . ' -_— a ... . '• . .._ , � . �, .. ' • 4 4 r ` N.�. !fii4f . f y 1,Jj� � Y 1e t .p r �`� !/.1f .�(� I \ y/dH �� , . .. , ,�a�Y i'i��y^;.,�—I'f G �^�� P f� ' . "h�' l i I'� ��� �Yr � �7`7 . � ±,' � �g ��� , � _ . . �� � � , George F�utfier-Timberlin�Acc�ss � � Page f � From: Tom Kassm�;l To: 'Greg�astin�a�' D�te: ��Ib9l20d5 �:(f5:a1 P14� Subject: 7imherlin�Ac��ss Greg I highly suggest yau meet rvith C[?C3T with yaur new plan. They may ha�e cancerns e'eg�rding th�design of the acc�sses �nd the wid�ning taward i-7a. I was in a meeting in which we were discussing develr�pment and sl�awed them th�7'imberline plan far initial reactions. Please rememtaer ti�e Access Permit and Gonstr�ctaon desi�n are#wo differer��things in the CDdT prQCess_ The Town is requiring yesu ta have bath the Acces Permit and Natice to Praceeri {Ci�il Gonstr`uCtion {�I�n apprQWaG) prior to BuFlding Permit submw�#al. (See Candtian#7) Th�A�cess Cr�de requirem�nts area availatale if needed at htfp:llwww.dot.sta#e.co.usfAccessPermitsJPQFffiill_�_Acc�ssCode_May�O�l�_Reu�D(152005.pdf#search ='C[�C��%2paCCess%2C1�c�de' Thomas Kassmel, P.E. Torun �ng�neer T�wr� of 1lail PuE�lic Wrrrks departr�ent � 1�D9 Elkhorn �r. 'Jail, CC7 $1G57 {974}479-2235 GC: G�eorge Ruther � � ■ � . � Mauri�ello Planning Grvup i � �� �r � F, ,� � , ,L..a - Ravst Lodge ���� A+d_ia�ent Praperty f3wner List �� � ,� DAUPIIIN�IS-MiQ�ELEY CQl'wIST It'�C I4D4 MORAINE DR VAIL. C'� $1fi57 �,� MLT�2FH�E INV�STI'vIENT� LTI� 24�9 I�U81.II� RD PLAl�Q,T� 75494 �a) �I"I"E, �EM'�IIET�T I3AV 1 f� & IRM11I�AYSE -7T �4I5 E PRFNTIC� i'L G�EET�IWQOD VILLAGE, C4 84l 11 �,� M.L. HAR�IS �'AMIL�' PTNSITY LLC � 109Q� HEI'IVER P(�IN`�E i7R STF 2�1U OKLAHC}�v1A CITY, O� 731�0 ;� Hii,L�IDE C[aN13C3I►��1I�lUM ASS�CIATION C:1'[3 BEMIS, �R.EC'r�RY P(� I3C7X 3438 Vf1iL, CO 81�58 ,u� KARP, KAR�;l�i L. P� B[3� 2174 VAIL, C(� 81058 (rz� ?[]R3VIP5EEL?,J115[3N & C:ULETTE 1�5 SC)UTH E�ERSC]N D�,NV�;R, C4 8(7201 ��� T)[I�'[7�5, VIWiAI�I S. �Yi J�RC�E R. -JT 1�34 �A�.RIA AVE C[�T�AI. GABLES, FL 33146 (u) [�ZJT�TICIN,J[3H?`+I F., Mt1RG�Lk�J�:'i' M,A.., & ANT.�REW' MARK 18 t�MEAD(3W �ID�GE RD E � VA1L, CU �1b57 � � � � CA�,NEY,]QHr�i M. 1839 Ni�ADaW RIDGE RD B VAIL, CCl �1657-3944 r�3 PICI�ING, �I[�WAI�I� Ni., III &AD�LLE C. lOfl LC]NC'xVIF,W Ll�i 1�C1H�1ST'�WN, I�A 159(l5 +� 1��3, WENDY ELAThiE 1�i 9! MT'�'1D[]'V+J �iL7�UE RL7 CG �',gIL, CO 81657 @ JAMES .T. BIG(�S FAMIL`� TR[JST 183�A �GLACIER CT V1'�IL, C:f� $1657 Ir� r� lZ�[7LLAND, J�I�I 'T. & RQBEI�.T`I:1. -JT �8�32 TERRC�A ESCQI`�DTDA ;�AN C'i..EMEN�"E, CA 5�Zb73 � CHATEAU T'R�MfJNZ'� C}W'�+IERS AS��C 1I�1+C 5?9�DT� 1�I.VD STE 500 � �hIC�LEWOC�D, C(] 8(ll l 1 � RAI.PH W. HAJ(�SY REVf]�Al3LE 'I'RLJ�T 1725 CARVFR RD GRIFFIN, GA �a�24-882(J (�� B�YMEI�, R()13F:RT]AMES P+�J I3OX 1�i�1 VA1L, CQ 8I558 ('�l NhI�LEI�, JUHN L.. CI� VISTAR REAL F,STATE b�5 N I'R+C3NTAG� RD I 4�AIL, �(� S 1657 �a1 PRAGET�, DIANE M. &NFT.SCJIwI A, �JT 22f3[� E GR�NI7 A�''� L�NGL�V'VUOD, �:C� 8�}�13 �� I,E VARN, MARIA A. & MA�C -JT PC] B(]X 214 �ATL, �C? 81 C58 � � � � DICKSU��I, PHYLLIS � l f�17 11�FFAT)(�W RIDGE ��I] 1 VAIL, CO 81657 � MERRIMAN, L3AN�Y+C.,JANE M. &ADAM G. 1$5914'IEAI��JV►J R1DC'rE �D A VI1IL, Ci3 51�57-35�05 ��; I)EFOR�, WILLI�IM �'. I�5� MEAD�W RIDGE RD V,l1IL, C�3 81657 � FARQLTHAR, JERRY L. & I}F,R(�R.�H R. 1 S79 M�hI�C3Vi� RIDGE RD VAI I1, CO 81�57 cr?. STEITZ, �TEVEN A. &. CY`37"�-ilA A, l�95 M�ABC�VW h�lI]CiE ftD �TAIL, C(] $1�57 t� S�TCHFLC]R, RQBERT -F�Tt�ERALU, I]IAI�IE -JT P�7 B4� 5854 � VAIL, C� '�1658 � ALEKSANDE�.& IRJA F'IIItM�.TR.US"1`E�S �528 ADELIN� []R STaW, �H 44224 � WAC`rENI�Ai�T)F.R, TAMES F. - �:I�.II�f, MARY LEL -.TT 2225 I7�'1��LIA ST DENVFR, CO 802(?7 �er3, C(�R�iC]1�+1, BRIAN 27821 S TA.�II.AMI TR 2 �3C�NIT�4 SPRINGS. FL 3�134 (a; CRaC�ETT, RUFLTS PC) Bt]3� 3$37 A�YEN, CC? �161� �), MYR�7I'�!, GORD�N D. - '�lEINBENI7ER,TH[)MAS L. 2S6I ��TI I AVE 'W SEATTLE, ViTA 9$t 99 � �� � � MI�QR�.., STEVE& IJF]�TN1E. L,. -JT � P(7 BC7X 392 EI]V►,'ARDS, CC7 81 b3� � I�AI.FY, MIC'��AEL 5. 1� MARLA IWI. -JT 3037 SiJi�i CR�F.IC RIDG�RLl EV�RGFt.E�N, C[3 80439-8782 ��� �iL�tMANI'�I, HEN1�Y K. & MARY C. - �-IERMANl'�, KARI� -J`l 577 V�J ��JN�STrJGA CIR +�RANI7 JUNCT��N, C�D $15D4 .� �'Ah�H�,UL��I, MIST� M. & 7A�t�N]. -JT P� BC7� 63A�3 AVC?N, C(] 81 G2Q � WUMBOLT. �HRIS 8c DUAN�. Z24�3 CAF'E t11�C3�llR VI12.GINIA BEACH, VA 234�1 � �IG{�RP[7, DEE�IA M., IJINU D. & EVE P+C� B£7�X 3981 � VAIL, C�? 816_5$ � HINPv1[�t�I, .lUI�1�I S. & HARRIE`T H. -JT 407 MEAI7(]V�l F�T3 FI�WARll�, [�U 81€�32 � KI�ICITI3AL]M, PHILIP F. PJ BC�� 33 'VA1L. CU �1b58 � � CR�,ICI�ETT, R[JI�US r�o sox �s�� ASPEN. C� 8I�12 �� LE+�G, RANDY G. & JOEL�.EN f.. -JT ?�O[} � MAfi�IS�hi 5T L7�NVER, C� Sf}2]0 (ca7 TAT�Ul1�iI, TET�i]O-- MAI.�'[�IT, EMILY -JT P(� B(�� �858 L•;llWA��, C[a S1b32 �� � MQC]R�;, HALE W. � � . . � Y() I3U7� 3746 �1,VC]N, C.(� �162� �� r'AI3�R, QT`I'�-1LIE & CiE+ORGi11w11A PC} I�O�C838 LAC;LE, C+� $1631 ,a� MUSTANG C�ND�ll�vlIl�iI[JM A�SOCII�.TI(�hi CIC7► GU��RIERO, RANDALL 18591�TE�4D4W RIDGE RI� VA1L, CC� $1�57 ��_�u-_,) BUFFER CRT1�K WFST COh�J�ClMIN1UM ASSL�C'IATIQN, INC. CI(� IVIARKA W. M�SHER P �0 BC3X 9+Q2 V,rS,IL. �C.� 81 b58 �� T(7WN [)I' VAiL GI�J FINAI�iCE DEI'T 7� � ��l�.tJN'1'�GE [�D VAII., C(� S i b57 r�� MUS5C3hi, PAUL F. & ELISA M. -]T � 94�2 CRYST�.L LN LOI�IGMUIV'i`, C.[] �U203 �L� HAGCR:MAN, PHILIP R. &.TC�CEI,YI'+� K. I 31$S LATC3L:1R�TTF I�R FLN'i�tJN, MI 48�3� � CaL�3R.�I]t7� I�EPT C'1F TRAhi�P[3RTt1.TI+ON �201 � �RKA�'SA� AVE I�Cl`�VER, GO 8�222 r�rr�v��p cc� �t���� � � � .. r � ����T�� � THIS 1TEM {'VIAY �P►FFECT YDUR I�f�OPEFtTY PUBLIC NOT[CE h�Q�ICE IS HE}�E�Y GIllEN that the Planning and Er�vironmen�ai Commiss��n af the Town of 1�'ail �vill k�ohd a puk�lic hearing in accar�anc� with sec�io�r 12-3-6, Vail Tr�uvn Cvde, on July 24, 20(}6, at 1:f3� pm in the Town of Vail Mur�icipaf E�ui�ding, in Cons�deration af: A request for a finai review of a majar exteri�r alteration, pursuar�t to Sectian 1�-7H-7, M�j�r Exterior RlteratiQns or Mr�difi+eakions, Uail Tvwn C�de, to allow for additions t�, an�d th� renvvatia� of, the Lion Square Lodge East; a reg�aest for a final revfew af a var�anc� fr�m Section 12-7H-1�, Setba�ks, V�il Tawn Code, pursuant to Ghapter 12-�7, Varianc�s, Vail Town �ode, tv allc�w fvr er��raachments in the set�aeks; and a request for a final review of a recflmr�endation ta the V�il Town �Ca�ancil far art arnendment ta Chap#er 5, Uetai�ed Plan Recc�mmendations, Lionshead Redev�Eopc�n�nt Master Plan, ko create buiid-ta-lin�s t� aPlow far encraachments ir� the setbacks; loc�ted at 660 West Livnshead PlacelLot 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, Additi�n �, and setting farth details in regard therEtr�. (PE�O�-0041} Applicant: Lion Square Lc�c�ge East, represenfed hy B�II Ande�san Planner: Bill GE�son A� reque�t for a fEnal revi�w af a var�ance, fram S�ctian 12-�B-�, Setba�ks, Vail Town � �ade, �ursuant ta Chapter 12-17, Varianc�s, ta allaw fc�r a garage additian wit�in the +� frant setb�ck, located at 265 Beaver a�m RnadlLot 40, Black 7', Vail Villag�e �iiing 1, and setting fa�th details in regard t�ere��. (PECfl6-0(l4a] A�pp�icant: Qavid Cahen, r�presented by Fritzlero P�erce Ar�hitects Planner: Bill Gi�son A r�quest for a �ina! re�iew of a variance fr�m �hapter 14-5, Par�Cing Lot a�nd P�rking Structure t]esign Sta!ndards F�r All LJses, pursuar�t to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a garage entry opening to be 12 fee# (12'} vwi+�e rnstsad af the required minimum width of tw�r�ty fe�t �2Q'}, f4cat�d at Vail Gascade Re�idencesNail ��scade Subdivision, and settin� for�h details ira regard thereto. ��PECa6-4C345) Applicant: 5teve Lindstram, r�presented b� RKD Ar�t�itects, lr�c, PCanner: Matt Ge�rnett A request for a final revi�w of a floodpiain rnvdificativ�, pursuant to Chapter '�4-6, Gra�ing Starad�rds, Vail Town Gode, t� �Ilaw for tin� inst�llation of a sanitary se�wer line in the Gore Creek F�oodp6ain, lacated at 3$77 Lupi�e �riv�ILat �, gl��k 3, Bigharn 1st Addit�an, and setting f�rth d�tails in regarc� thereto, �PECQ6-�C746) r�ppiican�: Roiand an�! �6eanne Kj�sbo Plann�r: Matt Gennett A request for a final recomrnendatian to the Vail Tov�rn Gouncil, pursu�r�t tra SeckiQn i�-3- 7, ,4mendmen#s, Vail Tvwn Cod�, for prc�posed amendments ta Chapters 12-21, Haza�rd Regr�Eations, 14-7, GeologiclEnvironmental Hazards, and 14-10, Qesigr� Review � Stand�rc�s and Guidelir�es, �Jail TQwn Cnde, tQ create Wi�dfire ReguTations that �dd � wild�ire hazard t� th� Ha�ard Regulations a�nd require mitigat�an ir� high ar�d �xtreme wildfire hazard �anes, and s��ting f�r#h details in re�ard thereto. �PEC46-D�2�) A�aplicant: Tawn af'V'ail Planr�er: Rachel Friede � � A r�equest fiQr a finaP rev�iew �f an Exemption PPat, pursuant �� Chapter 13-1�, Exempti�n � Plat Revtew Proc�dures, Vaif Town Code, fa allow for � prQpQSed realignment �f #he camman pro�erty line betw�en Lots 2 an� 3, docat�d at 5�87 and 5U97 M�ir� Gar� Drive, B�g�orn Subdsvisian, and s�tting farth d�tails in regard th�r�to. �PECfJ6-OC��B} Applicant: Fr�d a�n�d Janet Streich arrod S�ndy Salmans Planner: Matt Ge�n�tt ,A request fc�r a final review of a vari�nce, frorn Section 12-fiC1-8, Density Carrtrol, a�d Secti�n 12-�5-2, Gross Residen#ial F�oor Area Requ�rements by Zane District, 'V�il Town Code, purs�ant to Chap#er 12-3 7, V�ria�rc�s, to allt�w fc�r th� secan��ry unit of a �rim�rylsecandary develapm�nt ta constru�t mare than 40% �f th�e allawable gr�ss residential floar area �GRFA), lvcated �t 1989 Circle []rivelL�at 27, �3uffehr Creek. Su�di�visi�n, and setting forth de#ails in regard tt�ereta. (PECtl6-QQ49] Ap;�li�ar�t: James +Garf�nd �nd J�h�n Kirschner, r��r�sented by �Gaf�n AasEand Planner: Bif6 Gibson A r�quest fvr a finaf review � major exteriar aEieratio�, pursuant tt� Section 12=TJ-�2, Nti�jor Exterir�r Alterations �r Modofic�tians, VaiB Town Code, ta aliow far th� constructiora of the �im�a�rline Lodge, locat�� at 1783 �4orth Fr�ntage R.aadlLvts 9-12. Buffehr �reek �;' Subdivision, and setting fvrth details in regard thereto. (PECU5-QC�8Q} ,T� Applic�nt: Timberline R�ost Ladge, L�.C, represented �y Mauri�ellr� Pla�rring Grau�, LLC Planne�r: George �uther A requ��t for � final review of filoodplain modifiGations, �ursuant tv Chapk�r 14-6, Grading 5tandards, Vail Tawn Gade, ta a4f�w for th� stabilizatian c�f the Gc�re Creek � , str��mbank and madificatian� tc� ths Tawn af Vail VV'hite Vllater Park, En fh� Gor� Cre�k fl�odplain, Ir�cated at l'ra�ct I, �lack 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, {9erteral�y located east vf the Interrrational �ridge an Will€�w Bridge Raad), a�rd s�tting fQrth details in rega�d theretQ. (PECf�fi-4(7�D) A�p3icant: Town of Vail, repr�sented by Gregg B�arrie Planner: Bill Gil�sfln The applications ar�d infarrnatian ak�aut the �roposals are avail�ble far pubfic inspectian during c�f�ic� h�urs at th� Town af Vail Commurrity Development aep�rtment, 75 South FrQr�tage Road. The public is in�ited #Q aYtend project orientatir�n ar�d #he sit� visfts that pr�cede the public heari�g in the Town af Vail Cornmunity aeveloprnent Department. Ple�se call 970-479-2�38 fs�r additit�nad inforrnatic�n.. Sign language interpretation is ava,ilable up�a� request, with i�-fi�r�u� n�t�fication. 'Pl+ease call 9�'U-4T9-2356, Telephone for the �ie�ring lmpaired> far Inf�rmat+on. Published July 7, 2C1{�6, in t�� Vai6 �aiiy. � � � � 1'a�e 1 oC? Dominic MaUriello � From: Rc�ussin, Ct�r�iel [�ani�C.Rou�sin��aT.STATE.Cc7.USl Sent: Sunday, July 1�, 20�f� 1:07 PM To: Dominic Mauriello; Znamenacek, Zane Cc: greg�timberlin�re.cam Subject: RE: �7Qrninic-Overalf yaur summary is�vrreet. I made sarr�e minor changes, Please locrk at fhe bvld blue wordir�g at yau �mail. Thanks []an Rousstin �s caaT T�a�c From: Dominic MaurGelko [mailtv:mauriellonC]+�omc�st.n�t] 5ent: Wednesday, July fl5, 2C?Ob 9:4[l AM T�: RDLI55111r t]aniel; Znarnenacek, Zar�e Cc; greg�•�timherliraere.cam 5u�jectc � Helln D�r� �nd Z�r��: Thank you fc�r tak�nc� t�me to r�eet wit� Gr�9 GaStia�eau and me on tk�e Timberline Lodge an�# �c�nda� �ra�ect on June 28. 8el�w �s a �umrnary af �he �nformat►on �ro�idecl during �he meet�ng: • 1n c�er�eral yau �11ouc�ht that the p9an5 lnnker� f,ne. in tPrr�s c�F acces5 5pa��ng, froilta�e r�a���vay �rr�pro�rements, anc4 �tk�Pr im�arc�vemen�5 �ra thc� Sttr�. . You �nd�cated thaG twc� ac;r.�5� per�ni�� wcau{d be r�q��r�ed. Th�s would k�e � level 2 traffi� �tuc�y wr��r�d b�: regu�red hut nc�t a full TlS. . A per�mi� �c�r a t�mparary can�tru�t�an a�ce�� w�uld be rcc�u�red e+�en i�F u�ing one af the �two �x��t�r�g �cce�� �n3a�t� on th� srt�. �he temporary con�truct�on acc��� �ermet wouf� be a��l�ed far a� the �ame �ime a5 �he permanent a�ces� perm�ts. . Ukil�ty �e�rmst woufd b� requ�red fQr the �euver and 5tormwater �mprov�ments in �he righ�- af-way, The utikaty� �arQ�rder would need te� be the perm�ttee. . l"h� pro�ca�ed Ea�� �helt�r anc� turn-off woulr� need to be rec�a�e�ted by t�e bu� �erv�ce � ��°o�ider (1"OV) an�# wouEd b� apprc�ved by CQOT'� operatibns departmen�-. hla actual �ermit i� rec�uired. !t would be letter of apprcar►al. 711�120UG � Page 2 of 2 � . LandSra��nc� and th�; ��c��walk are a�pr��ed w�th a �p�c�al use ��rmit. G[7C7�'� pr��erence is to r�c�t h��e larger Yand�ca�ae mat�riat� ,n �he rir�ht-of-way> but of propo�ec� � then the Tnwn would be re�pr�n��ble for �n�ur�n� tha� �� i� ma�ntained �raperiy. I�nd��ap�ng ir� the right-c�f-way w�ll require that CDC7T be li�ted a� add���c�nal insured vn the c�wn�r`� Ii�biRity palicy anr� � �erFca,�marice bo�ic� �� r'ec�Ui�'�d. This wawlc! be dt�ne by a Specia� �Jse Permit. • The pro�c���d I �' w�de s�d�walk ad�acent tc� th� �" �urb �� f�ne as dep�cted �n the prQpc��ed �lan�. • Turnine� ra�.��u� �flta t�e ��te car� b� propr�sed by the a�pltcan� l�a�ec� upnn I�rc�est ant�ci�atc�� veh�rl�: ac�:��5�nr� the s1te. CLIC�T u�ua[ly Ic�Uk� at a WF�50 buf: the �pplicant r_an �r�c�pn5� som�th,ng I�s� based �n nature af tra�fic tc� the 5�te. . ��I��: �xt�r�t r�� road widen�ng to accommodate the �rapo�ed �eft turn I�ne and v�h�r� road�v�y impravement� being reque�ted by the Ta�vn �f the �ppl��ant tc�w�rd f-7C� lookec� f��ac a5 lor�� a� �xpan�iQr� beyond the "P" line is avc�ided. . �'lan� p�-a�ided far acce�� perm�t an� hJe�#:ice tn Prnc�e� nP�cl tn b� 1 � x I r. TI�aT�k� agasn far takinc� f:hP tirr�e t� rr���t uv�th us. �I�d�� 4�t me kr�aw �f th�re i� anythinc� mi�SErir� that ynu beli�:v� ne�ec�5 tr� �e added to the �ummary. � Ssrt�:er��ly, Dom�n�c �, Mauriefla, AICP , , ,� .. r:�,::;:ar�ir.:�,;r; I��rir�ir7�� �>>i r�>i..�a, LL�:_. PQ 6ox I 1 27 5��J I R, W�Idric�r�e '�c�ac! Av�n. Gal�raclo 8 I 620 (970) '74�3-D92a p��ne (97C�� 74�-(�377 �ax (97C�J 37�-33 I 8 cell maurgc�lio�comca�t.net � 711(�12{�(D6 � � � � i � � Maurielio Planning Graup .9U�y r�, 2'QQ6 �'lanning and �nv�r�nrriental Cc�-nm��s�on �fc Gearc�e Ruther, AICP C�,ef of ��anni�g �owti oE Va�f 75 Sou�h �ran�a�e R,oa� Va�l, Ca9orado 81 �57 f�e= T�mlaerline Lcad�e Pro�ect Dear Gearg�: This let�er �s intend�� to addre:�s th� i�sues r��se�1 by yc�ur rnemorandum to �he � Planni�ig �s7�r�rarimentaG CQmm�ss�on clatp�[ J�r�e ! 2, ��70E. Alc�nc� w��h thi� lecter, the a�pl��ant ha� �aro��de�k re+r��e� �lan5 for the T�mb�rl�ne Lad�e that addre�� t�h� �ubmGt;�l r��u�rementa pnd �h� �dd�#ic�n�l comments ,��'c�v�d�d by t��e rt c�v�n staff. �3elow we haVe addre��ed the co�pl�ance b�rden �nd ath°r cr�t�=r6a �vund �n the F'1�-2 zc�r�� di�trict. Ynu will fir:r� that �he �rr�pc�5ed redevelopmen� pro�e�t G�mpl�e� with the r�le�+ar�t �riteri�. Ge�rrsphanc� B�rden: T;ne prcp�s�d Tii�iberlir�e Lor��e is in cor�l�l�ar��e with the purpases af the PA-2 z�ne c#�5trirt. I h� ��te is be�nc� dev�loned as � lim��e� �er�ice Ec�dr�e and �ther re�ider�v�al ac�cam��d���on� in th� per'i�h�r'y c�F the To+�m �UG�;c�e �he Li;�nShead anc� Va�l Vill�r�u car� ¢r�a5. f��e prQpa�eci F��,I�ty i� intended to �r�maril� 5erwe vi��tor� t� the 1 awn af VaRI. Th� �r���5ed pr��ect o5 m :��~r�l,ance N.nth the develo�ment �tan�;ar�� �a th� �A-� zane d3atr�ct wh�r_:h hav€; been e�ta`o!sshe%� to prov��� �or adeGu��P I�a�ht, �rr, n�en ��aGe, anc� other arn°nG�i�� ��r�»�en�ur•ate with IEmite� servi�e lac��e f�c�l�ties. The �ropQ�ed �larts th�refc��� �rov�de for �d��uatE I�r�k�st, air, and p�en ��ace. The t�iale laefow �e�rao���rat�.s t}�e }�roj�r�s c�nfc�rmance w�th the st�r�dard� c�f i���e zone cl}�tr��t. � i . . - • : . . � . � • F � i i � i . . � � � De�relc�pmen� Stand�rd Allvwe�.IRe�u�red __ Prapo�ed I�ot Are�: � C].C�00 s.�. 85,�97 �.f. densrty: �9 ut��t5 �C3 unit� �mral�ype tlav�in�;: 3 be�s 3 unit� hotel F.00mS: U3�I��mitecl ! Q! Umt� GR�A= i �°',8`�� �.f. 75,84� �.�. 7�7I�0 �pl,t (A�}: 7 � :5�U.3 �.T. �3,�9'T 5.f. 6u�icliric� t�ei�}F�;,: ��� �-8' Srce Cv�erar�e: 56;288 5.f. {�;5%} �44,37� s.f. 45 ! .2%}• L�nd�ca�� Area: 25,979 �.f. �30%) 38,E98 �.f. ��5.�'T%7 F'ar�kir�g: ! �7 5��re� 1 6� �paces Lt�ar��ng� ! be�th ! berth Not��: 'Une�ler�raund �arking �ncEudeci in site co�reraye calcuCa�ior� Adc��t�r�n�ily, the Cr�mpi�ance Bur�en sectoc�� ��ate� �n par� �hat �t i� the burden c�f tr� applfcant to sho��v tMt� "the �ropo�al dc�es not cath�rwi5� Fia�r� a src�rnfic�r�t ne��t�ve effect c��, the char�cter� c�a th� ��e��h�Qr},aod" [empl,a��s added]� W� believe �hat the �r�pc5a! ha� �ar�n�ficant �c��it��e ��fecc� �n the charaCter Q� th� n���h�orhoad. We re�agn�2e t�ha� there vu�li be �cme ?�t��l �r�d pe.rc��v�d � r7egatove impa�t� to i�r�i��dual pron�rt�es (5�.�ch as ir��pa��s to prjvate �r�ew� and ,ncrea5ed traff�c or� che I��rth Frontage �aad). ��1aw F� a li5t e�f posr���e and ner�a�AV�e chanc�e� �o rhe area tf�a� w�ll accur w,�h c�n�tr�c�,on pf th�s pro�ect. � 2 � � �os�tive �mpacts �f Pro�ect Negative IrrEpacts af Pro�e�t Commer�ts � ------__ __ -- In�:prave� a�sLhetics �ve impr�vecl ParV,�! chan�p af view t� Vie��v of hir�h�vaY �n�l Nnrth ar�hitectural r�uahf:y of�'.ruc�:ur� ad�auen�: neighrh�or5 �rr�ntage Raad are the r�rnnr'y ��ew� un ac�ecl Im�arQVec# fire an�i l��e �a9eEy o# Increa�ed Trar"f�c on Se�u�h Traffsc rn�t�ga�ed by new ��r�ccure- f���ucecl f'ire [�anc�er �rr�r�tage I�a:�u teft �.urn I��Y�. IVCJ c��G�eSS tn N��gh�orhnc�d c�ff U� Meado�v �dc�e �,oaci �roposed. Reduced f�g�it� pc�11�l��r�r� �rid A�lditao-7al sF»dir�g of Meadav� 95% o� �arking Ip�a�e�i aestne~:cs r�ue `n si�nif�r_ant �o��jP #�o�d �`iclerr�r-�unr� reci�,ct�on n� s�r#ace ��rk,n� e.�sac� ea5emertt �nd add�tio:��l �notv s�orage �ro�ided t� �own Im�ar��r�d ae5thets�� d�e to _ �ncrea�e m lan:�5cap�n - ��c�s� �e�'u�=t��an frr�m I-70 due_ t� E3ui6d�nr� part�ally E�locks pr�sence cf new �truc+ure �iews to and noESe frorn I- 7a and Pran�a e roact� I mprov�:c� p�er�e_�tr�an a.r_r�ss from M�adow I2.,d�� �oa� w�th pav�d � w�lk fi��~ use by ent�re rtet��ih�tarhvc;d I�r�w E3u, :a"op an� �lleEter � � Irn�rc�v�c1 �?er�e�trian aceessik�slity du� tc� rteN1 side^,�aI:K c�n ?vr�rth �ron�a e f�aa� Impr���ud ae�ther�c5 and redu:ed nor�� impac�t5 r�ue to relQ�a�irar� vf trUsn du��s�er fram a locatian imrn�da�t�ly�d�Ja�enC "c� �'�e. n����,hborin.g condor�inium �rc��e�ts tQ a uoueE•ed loca�ian a�vay 4rom irnrnediaf:� n�i�h�t�rs --...—--—._ _.—. Improvec� acst'�c��ey� �nd reduceu' na35e �ve to 1�4at�nn Icaa�ling ar-d �1e�,�ve^y clirectly in ;ront �uel�inc� I � aut c�f+�+e:v of r�e� nbornc�od i Improv�d aeschet,cs du� ta the � � �auryir7r� Qf a'der�ieaci �e7w�r G����S j ! ac��ac�n� t;� the pro�erl;y �nd ta � � immPd�ate r.e�F i�barf� ; � incr�as� �n add�t�anal 1��tel rcac�m� : Lo�f��ng �ax w�1C �ncrease worhin the i r�wn �f V�il i frrm �h�s prpper�y due fn , �n�rease �n I�c?tel rc�am5 i Ea�irt�_�r•J,ricie� Irnpraveci �r�f�ic �ir-��ia��ar7 due tc� Irn�rc�v�.�s tr�f�kc flnw f�r new I�ft tvrn lane ne���Fraors er�vebng on � North FG�c;ntar�� F�nad 3 � � � fn add�t�c�n to the �mm�d�a�e ne,r�h'��rnaod, the propa��d prc��ect �� cQ�����ent w�th the �cale and na�ure a# develc�pment alonc� th� Nc�rLh FCOn�c��� ROr�CC� ft'4m the ma�n Va�l extt c�f I-7(7 to the we�t Va�l �x�t cf I'-7�. �r�am �a�t fi:o we�t, there ar�e a �eree� o� larr�e 5�ale lodgync� and �e�icleni��l 'tas�ildin�s with frontage on �he North �ranta�e f��ac� inG�Uc�inr�: Middle Cre��; S�n Vail; V�,C �un; S,rnba Run; Savv� V�II��; ar�d 7imbcr f�idc�e �r� nam� a few. Many of the�e bu�ldings �re Ic?��tec� an ar�a� w�th �ow d�n5ity re5rdent��! develr��tnent. T�je prapo5e�l T,rr��aer��ne Lodc�e �r�c�ect i� cor�5i5Lerit �v3th the �harac��r t�f de�elc�pment alon� the Nc�r�h i ron�age Road. �'Ve �el�e�e I»t of �r�5itive irr�p�ct� �a �he characier of th� nefc�hb�rhaod v�rsu� negac,ve �m�ac�:� �hc�tivn �bo�e cieariy demcan�tra�e t�at nat oniy dc�e� the pra��ct nQt have a "��gn�f,cant" n�gat�v� eFtect on th� n����bcrhood, tha� an wh�le t�+e�e i� a net }�a��ti4,re efFe�t �n the �hara�ter o� the ne��k�banc��r�r�. Th� pro�ect al�o cnmplie5 w�tn the r�le�ant �ier�n�nt5 af th� V`ai1 CpmpreF�e�r�,ve Plan ,nclud�n� p�l,��e� 1 . f , I .�. I . I 2, 3. I , 3.3, 3.�1, 5. I , 5.�, 5.�; `�.�. The Va,l E�nc� 1J5� F'lan r�;r�c��rnz�� th�: exi5tinc� zc�rung on the prc7perty a� cantralling the clen5�ty� anc� lan�i uses. The� pro��ct is cc�n5i�tent wi�h the Ti own's �tated g�al of �ncrea��ng hot�l �eds w�th�n the Town. � Setba�k�: 1N�th re�pect to sect�on I 2-7J-6: ��t�aacKs, the prc��n5�d plan �c�rnplGeS with �r exc,e��5 the s�acc:cJ �tanclarcl o� 2Q' excep� for a 4' �ne-st�ry ertcrc�achrnent on the we5� �ode of �he bu�ld�ng wh�ch acc�mmc���te� a 5ta�rway ex��. Th�e propr���d �rr���ct r��rr�r�ri5trat�� r��ra�pltance with the folEowing cr�teria used to e�aluat� de+��ations from the �O' Setback. The �r�teria are addre��ed belo�v: A. �r'C��raS�:r� b��ilc�irir� ��:tbac�'k5 �rca�r�r�� r��c���ary �ep�r'ation b�tween F u�idinc�s and r�parE�n are��, r�erlagic�lly �en�it��e area5 and o�her env�ronmerrt�lly sensrti�e �r�as. ,ar�aly�,�5.. �he f-rr�pc�sec�`s�`�=�.�c'x dur�tat�ans allv.a�the ap�roprrate ac,��ar�t�on bet�•v��n !�c!RJdir�ra5. 1 h.er� are rao r,��ar^��r� Ure�� Cr r�ec�lor,�arGally senyf�av� 3i�r�,S 1!7 ��Ic�s��rc�x��mit,y tc� �he prt�,,r�t'r'ty. � � � � � L�. �'rapased �ausicE�nc� ��tbar.'�c5 w,ll �r•n�ride adec�uate availabet�tr� df Isc�h�, awr and a�en �pac�. An�ly��s: Tf�e prv��5er�"erie:��?�cfFrr��r�ts dc�r�c;t cfe�ract from th�avafJabtl��y of Ir�ht, a�r an�'Qpe.+7 spa�e yE�e�� tfa� hmit�d�rr�roachm�r�t b��ng 5au�h�and t.he limr�vd�re�ght af�he�rrcra�c.hmerrt. G. �ropo�ed �ueld�rrg 5et?�acks �vEf� pr�urde a comr�at�ble r�lat�on�h�p w��h bulld�ng� and u�es an ad�jac�nt prapertfe�. Analy�r�-. Tne encroa�hment o{the c�e�f ��de of th�l�UEldrn� af 4' f�r�ne-ste�ry prou�de.s an arch��ectural elsment tn the iuest �l�vat�or� c.f tfre 6urld�n� �n� d[�e t.C�ff3rca'.sf'��'� r.'raver° w✓�ll 6e r�la�ruvly rm�-er�'eptrble tc�u5�5 [�r� th� adfc;tnrnc�,c7��-�el. Q. 1'rr�po�ed t�usld�ng �etba��� w�64 re�ult an creat��re de��gn 5olution� or �other pubEic benef��s tha� cvuld not otherw�5e �ie ach�eved by canformar�ce wrth � pre�cr�bed Jetlaack at�n�a�d�. An.�ly.srs.- ihe,�rr�pa��d encre�a�',hrrrenta all�sv far�re��tr�.e d�si�r� .sr�lut�c�r�s �a the arch�tect��re cf th� burldrn� ur�th,r�uE �rbrtra��rly fr.�llaUUrnc� a ce�r�trnuau� s��back. DenSity Ce�ni�roi (Gi�F��: Wr�h re�pec� to 5ectton I �-7J-8: D�nS��y Con�r�l, the proJect, is b��ng de�velc�ped Urell b�low the �tand�rd 5tated �n tn�s sec+.�r�n w��ch allc�ws fc�r I 5C7 ��,�ar'� fnet c�� ��.FA fa� eac}� 1 (7Q square Feet of }�u�fclabl� �i�e area. The Gade alEQws up tc� 1 ��,&�� sq,. �t. { I 5D��}. Qf �h,� cotai, c�nly 75,842 ��;, ft. or �3�% af la�d a�ea �s b�inc� �ro�o��d. There i�. �o addirlr�nai c�sr•ect�or� f�uncl �n the Va�l Com;arehens,�e Pfan wi`h r��:�arc� r� ��r,'� an�! the pro�e�t therefare ��r°�pl�e5 wath ��h� F'A-2 zane ��� �s cons,�ten� wir}7 the Ua�l �or:�prehen��Ve Plan. � 5 � � � Sste Caver�ag�: 4V�t`� re��ect tQ 5e�tiar� f �-"�J-9: JiE�e �a�erac,e, the pro�e�t �� being c�e�e�r�pec{ at a ���e coverage of 5 ! .2 ia whach �s �elnw vhe 5�ated 5�andard of F5�'a. Ssnce the ��te i� bein� c�e�ek��e� bela�v ihe �re�,cr,�?e� ��ndard and th�re �s na addrtsan�l c��re_r_tian �o�nd �n �he V�ii Corn�r�h�r�5���: F'lan, ���e pra�ect is in GQ�r�laan�e ��v:�h PF�-� Z��7c: Q,�tri�t an�i ��7e Vail Com�rehen5iw� I'13n. Land��ape Area: Wif:h r��pect tc� 5ec�icn I 2-%J- I C�: L�rdSCa��inz; a�rd 5,te I7evelapment, the pro�ec� ,� be,ng dev�lo�ed w�th a tc��al lanr�c�+pe ar�a of 45,�% uvhich E� �n exce55 of the m�nirnum rec�uirement of 30`'70. S��ce the �ite i� beinc� deu�:l�p�:d in cn:r;p��ar�c� w�th �he presc�ibe� ��andard and th�re �� nc� add�t�c�r�al r�ar�cts�n �aur�d an the Va�l C�c�r.ipr���n5�ve PPan, t�� �r�r���ct s5 in cornpl�ance w�th �A-2 Zane C]�svnct and �he Vail Corr�prehensi�e l�lar�. ff yr�u ha�e any c�uestic�ns, pf�a�e fe�i fr�e ta eali mv. Sincerely, ���� � C?c�minrc �. Maurtello, Af�° Prr n��pa l � b —_ —-- Gee�rge Ruther- PE�05 0080 Tim�erlir�+e ge-Der�ied � 9 - Pa e 1 ' ---- � _ � From: Mike McCee Tts: Ge�arge Ruther C�ate: Q712UI2pq� $.�3:49 PM Subject: PECClS QC}80 Tis�L�er�in�Lodge- C7eni�d The appficati�n is denied by V�'�S for due cause as follows: 1. 5heet C 13 sf�aws krash truck dri�ing �gaints traffic flow r�ated o� Sheet T 1. S�:rivus pcstential canflict. �. �heet�C 4: 51ope on driveway access is shcawn ta char�ge from 8°la to 1°/�. Detail to praWe fire apparatus will nc►t drag tailboard is not shc�w�. 3. Sheet C 3: The area for fire dep2�rtment st�ging is not shown on the plans. The location for the Fire Department�c�nneetions is not shnwn. The laading zane�aiso shawn as"urtloading zone"'}at the front daor cann4t als�be�sed a the designateci�ire�#epar#m�nt staging area. 4. 5t��et�. 1; 7he lan�sca�ir�g p4an shows t�-ees in a pnt�ntially cantlicting area far fire departrnent staging. No stae�ing area is shawn as re�uEred �y Town of Vail ❑euei�pment Standa�ds t9l9�}, pg.14. 5. Civkl �rawinc�s drs nat sh�w water rnains c�r fire hydrants. 6. SI-�eet G 1: Na egress fram sfair tawers a�grade is shown. The egress into the parking gara�ge from the stair towers is obstr�cted by parl�ing. 7. Pre�iaus eonceptual approvals refle�ted a different builcis�� approach pl�n�r�d layaut. CC: Buileiing_Division; Fire_Inspectors; Jof�n Gul�ck; Russ Fvrr��t; Tor� Kassmel � � � � � a.� Mike McGee �7J2Q 10:40 �M ��} Gec]rg°, While goin� �hrough Che pl�ns, I found a "se�cond set" af revisions dated 07J17JD5, Two issues: 1. The applicant 4wes the Tr�wn for a caup�e of more hours oF wasted time. 2. Th� a7f 17,IQ5 �et af plans are I�enied as well. The latest set af plans reduces the �re fane to i5 feet. This is nok acceptable. The or�ly change I s�e Form the ik2ms b�lwd is the trash truck asppears to be dirving the correct dire�tion this time. I lef�vff vne item on the list. The Fire Lane signs should m�et the Madef TrafFic�od�standard. I� is nat up ta tFie "contrator" to chaose as indicated an th� pians. � � — - --- — . , _.__ - __,�... --- —-- Matt Gennett- R�. Re P�C[l5�JClBCt Ti I�ne Lodge Qenied n .._ p . . �__` Pa�e�:i � Frarn: h�lakt Gennett Tra: Daminic M�uriello; Georc,�e Riither Qa#e: t171�1 J�C70C 8:30,4�4 AM Su�ject: RE: Re: F''�CU5 0(}8[1�imberline Ladge- C�enied Hey Clomir�ic, Qn Wedn�esday, I discu�sed with �ublic Works the necesssty 4#having a ten foat wide side walkl�ike path, and they mair�t�sned that since it is �art af�he bike p�th, '�0" 'ss the absa�ute minin��rn width. As you kno�rv, we ar� canGerrted abauk fhe trees planted in f1�e Ca[7T RC7W as there is raat much ror�m for grov++th and t9�eir starvival may tae jeapardized by being canfir�ed it�to such small spaces befweera cancrete&�s{�halt. �Pave yau exp�Qred the p�ssibilify of reconfigursng the bike path in a rrtanner whiGh allaws y�au to get m�re of your reqs�ired iandscaping Dn sif�? Also, we discussed the access far dis�bl�d people and the passot�ility o�incorporating if into the main en#ranc�t�create a sart af Univ�rsai Main Entrance which can serve e�eryane a#crne paint. Arayw�y, gi�e me a call or email me back with any thaughts or suggest�ons. Thanks, Matt Matfhew R. Genn�t�, AICP Tawn ef Vail Cnmmunity De�velapment Dep�rtment (�70)479-214L�C7ffiee � �970)479-�452 Fax �.3 "Dpminic Mauri�l{a"`�mauriefla@ct�mcast.net��}7121 7:58 AM ��� 4h Joy. ..____O��gin31 M�;ssage----- �rorn: Georg� Ruther mailt€�:GRutY�er vai9 ov.�orr� Ser�t: Friday, .�uly 21,20D6 7:48 AM Tr�: maurielbCc�comcast.net; Nlatt�Gennett Su�je�t� Fwd; Re: P�C�S�fl84 Timberline La€i�e- I�enied ...anci Gec�rge Ruther,AlCP Chief of Planning Town�,f Vail �970)479-2�45 affice �9T0} 376-2675 cell 497fJ)479-�4�2 fax qrufher�vailqav.com 7?>Mike McGee D7"12(l 10:OD PM ��> George, While going thrc��gh the plar�s, I ferund a"secand set"af � re�isi�ns dated 07f 1 Tl06. � � � � � � T R A hl � F' U i�? i' .4 r- � f� f'�a G s� C? u F' July 20y L��i3 FHf0i150A�VFEtVAL7RAFFiGAMALY5f5 Mr. Greg Gastaneau Tim�erline Commercial Re�l Estate 12 Vail Road Vail, CU ���i57 RE: �Final Traffic Analysis for#he Timberlinel�vast Lodge Rede�elopment Project Dear Ntr. Gastineau: This trafFic analysis summarizes th� tri� generation ar�d adjac�nt roadway �perations wit� t�e redevelopment of the existEn� Roost L�dge in Vaif. `fhis fina! t�`a�c ana4ysis is an update �o the prior traffic analyses �ompl�eted far the project dated January 6, �L}C1B and July 21, 2Q05. Since co�-npletion of #h� prior analyses, the proposed site and access �lan h�s modified sfightiy, co�mments firvm Tavun staff were r��eived, meetings wi#h CD�T ! � Town F�ave nccurre� to dESCUSS #�e project, and an �astb�und I�f#-t�rn lane was added tv the sit�'s access driveway alanc� hJ. �'r�r�tage Rvad. Th�s final an�lysis addr�sses traffic relat+�d camm�nts rece�►red an the prior anaiyses and refl�c#� the curr�ntly proposed land use pl�r� fr�r redev�lapment di the Ro�st Lodge site. The sit�; is located along the I-7fl N. Frantag� Roa�d app�raximatefy 30Q feet east of Buffehr Creek Road. The site's focation is shc�wn in the aerial be�vw. .,. r s u ' �¢�` Jf.����^i " ,.�Iwr4�'�„ �- '� ' �'�rt'��., '� S rWj?`` tS' a � �'� � s ��, ��� �4. `.� . + �.'�`r- `� • � �� a` �` r i � r ! °��� �x�—��p� '`'��� ��r;:�.� �,�+i ! ���� z �'�1��,, ��_lA a�'4�,' � v� .,� J�4�' .'F� f ��,r e� � 4yM +Y.1 �f ���; ����5-" �• ,��f if +``��y� �, '� �'Y ., . . . .��� �_. 'M �.i. ��p, +'8�;� 'Y�i i •"r$ � r'°/',.•"��+� � r.i�' j`�: 'yw,` �r'��'� i+� d��• �" ` �„'�C� .�' �� � r,,r''� I� ` ,�*+� ,F a� . ,' �_��� f„ /�,�A . '�}�._�'�'�a � ��` . { ��, ,:: �'�� ���� � ��� ,� � r... M`� e ti � q+� � � „ a f �. (` °� '�`��� ff��:�` � 4�,� �?� ie��,. \ �y `� "�Y i� �.� f,� ��y ���f� ��� ' � P.C]. BOX 1 97Ev�, k3C7LJLI�ER, CCILORA�C] BC,��❑8-27�8 Pr-iaN�: ��3-652-3571 � FAx� 303-'�72°232'9 I�F2 3❑3�652-6'�?4� � � � �rlr. Greg Gasfarseau Page 2 Timk�erlinelRoQSt�.adge Rederrelopment Rroje�t F�nal Traffic Analysis July 2Q, 2�CJ6 Th� Roost L�dge site is currently o�cupied by a 72-room hatel and 1 empl�yee housing condominium unit. Twc� fufl turn �ccess pc�Ents serve t�e ex9sfing site. Thc redeVefo�ment pfans �or the site include a 101-r�o�m hat�l, 29 recreativn reside�tial multi-family dwellin� units, and 3 em�loyees hausirtg c�ndominiums. Th� proposed s�te plan is ilfustrated on �ig�ure �. Recc�nfig�rat�on af the twv full turn acc�ss �ai�n�s are p6ar��ed to the site. Th� wt�stern access point will be designed as at� exit-vniy access. Th� eas�ern ac�cess driveway will s�rv� as an en#rance-only access with an eastbvund feft-turn lane added on �1. Frontage Rvad. The fallowing pres�nts th� fra�c ana�ysis f�r the Timberlinel Roost Lo�g� Expansion praject. Existing and Fu#ure Ganditia�rs The existirig R€�ost Lodge �it� is located along th� �!. Frontage R�ad. �'his rc�adway has a posted �peed limit af 35 �iles pen c��ur adja�ent tv th� site, then cf�ops to 25 miles per �QUr just w�st af the site. A single tr�,vel lane in �eac#� directi�n exists a��ong th� Frontage F�oad. Turn fanes are not present at th� h!. Frontage Road sit� access intersectians. Wide shnulders are presenf on the north side of thES rvadway. A� area tr��sit sf4p exisfs afonc� the Fron#�g� Rvad on #he wes#ern edge of the site. � Existing peak hour traffi� valumes used in this analys�s were obtained frvn�a the TQwn's Transpartat�vn Master Pfan Up�ate'. The traffic volumes at th� Buffehr Creek Road ! N. �ror�tage Road intersecti�n far peak winter weeken�d were used to determine the th�a�gh traffic volumes �long the �1. Frontag� Rt�ad adjacent to the site. The master plarr prajects that the� N. Fra�ntage Rvad wil{ experience a 31% increase in traffic ir� the next 20 years {from Year �09U). This equates to an apprQximate 1-�°/Q anr�ual growth rate. Thr�ugh traffic �olumes at th� site access points v+r�re estimated by fareeasting ��ar 2Q07 peak winter weekend traffic on the Frantag� Road by applying a 1.1 growtk� rate ta th� 2[}00 vol�rr�es. The Year �(]07 backgraund volumes at the tv+ro site access intersectior�� along N. �rantag� Rc�ad are ilEustrated an Figure 2. The volumes shown in Figure 2 assume the recanfigurati�n of#he acGess paints for in�ound arad outbaund or�ly. Trip Generativn Garnparisnn The v��icu�a� traffec for the si#e land uses ha� been estir�a#ed bas+ed Qn trip rat�s cv�tained in the institu#e af Transportation �ngineers �ITE� 7t" Edition Trip Generation manual� and is summarized in Tat�l� 1. The existing site �ses wfere comp�red #o the prapased site uses tm determine th� net sit� added kraffic wit� th� expansion in �lace. Fvr c�ompari�on pur{�c��es, the fallawing assumptions w�re used tv estimate tr�ffic ge�eratian af#he sit� d��el�prnent. � � Transportatican Mas4er Plan Update-Traffic Model,Washingtan 9nfras#ru�t�re Services,,luly 2Di32. � Trip Generativn, 7x" Edition, Irastitut�of Transport�tion Engine�es,2Q{�3. � � � IUir. Greg Gastin�au �'a�� � 7imF�erflnelRao�t Ladge Redevelaprnent Project Final 7raftic Analysis July 2[}, 2QQ6 Existing Land Uses: ■ �� f�ot�l roorr�s + 1 em�lay�� hausing �ondvminium �nit ftedevelv ment Land Uses: ■ 101 hotel �ooms * 3 employee h�using cond�aminium units ■ 29 r�crea�tion harr�e �ondc�m�nium ur�it� 8ecause the si�e is lacated alany the N. Frontage Ro�d with a regianaf �ransit route and the site currently offers and will continue to �ff�r shuttle service tvlfrom the ski area in th� winter, th�: �it� will experience a reductivn in a�tua� vehicul�r trips to accaunt fQ� transit and shuttl� #rips. This is � cnmm�n �c�urrenc� experienced in many mountain ski tawns. A 1�°Ia r�ducti�n in v�hicular f�ips wa� ap#alied to th� hc�tel, emp�oyee housing, an� recreation home uses �v a�count for shuttle, ride sharing, transit, and alt�rnative modes c�f transp�artation usage. Th�s reducfion should �e con�idered a �vnservative estimate becaus�: � + Timberline ! Roost property currenfly operates and will continue tv op�rate private shuttke service for it� pa#rons talfrorno the ski mountain, * a transit stop exists and will be improved in front of tFre site an N. �rantage R�ad serving the Vail area, • sidew�Ek� providing pedestrian access to retail �nd Qther us�s #a the wes# will be improved wifih this site, anc� � emplvyee h�using is provided on-sit� wh�re the te�ants occupying these un�ts will bmth work and live on site. Based vn the abo�e as�umption�, ti�e net site t�ip g�neration Fr�s heen calculated as presented in Tabi� 1. When campared t+a #F�e �xisting uses cu�rently an site, it is estimated that the redevelc��teci site uses will resuit in a ne� incr�a�se in traffic fr�m the existing uses of appr�ximately 3�5 daily one-way trips vui#h �0 trip� accur�ing +�uring #6�e wint�r weelc�nd P.M. peak hcaur periad. It is impr�rtan� to no#e #hat #he weekend trip rat�s fQr hote� and recreation units are �5-4�% higher #h�n typical week�ay trip rates for these same uses. Ncat only does this an,alysis for th� winter weekend period look at the highest s�asor�al traff9c volum� �c�nario at th� site access points and the ��'on#age Raad, but this analysis reviews the peak week�nd �ourfy traffic which only accurs 1�-15 fimes a year during the winter. Roadway and Intersection flperations � The site access int�rs�ctio�s with #h� N. Frantage Road were reviewed ta determin�: basefine opera�ions and idet�tify any capacity constr�ints. The Year 2a�7 backgrou�td � � � Mr. Gre� Gastineau Page 4 Tim6erl�nelRoast L�dge Rederrelcrpmer�t�rajec#Final Traffie Ana3ysis July 2�, 20�8 winter weekend P.M. peak ho�r valumes were review�cf as this p�:riod repre�sents the hic�her side street �r�d mainiin� traffi� conditiQns. In determining t�re vperational charac�eristics of an in#ersec�ion, "Levels vf Service" (LC�S} A thraug� F are appli�d, with LO� A indicat�rrg ��ery gnad operatians and L�7� F indicatin� cangested �p�rativns. The �ntersectivn L�S is r�epresented as a delay in seconds p�r vehicle for the intersection as a whole �nd for �ritical turning movem�nts. Criteria cvntained in the Hi�hway ��pacily Manual 4HCM)3 was applie� tc� the study area inf�rsectivrts in order ta determine �existin� lerrels nf se�'vice durin� th�weekday evening pe�k hvur p�eriad. The background Year �Oa7 winter weekend P.M. p�ak hvur tra�ffic valum�:s at tk�e two sit�e acGess p�ints� �lang t�� IV. Fronta��: Road were farecast to assMSt in d�termining site �ccess Qperations and any traffic impacts. The rtet incr�ase ir� site generated trafFi� ��alrames we�e added t�a the Y�ar 2��7 �ackgrvund �olurr�es and are sh�awn in t�e attac'�ed Figure 2. The we�t site access pvint is plann�d to serve as the primary acc+ess to th� sit+e. The �easterr� access driveway s�nfes the c�ondorx�ini��m parking spaces. All app�aach�s t�a the site access inters�ctic�ns w�r� r�viewe� with existing side stre��t stap car�trol and sin�le �pp�oach fanes witho�t any turn lanes. � The results of the inters�ction leve! of s�nrice anaFysis are summarized in Table 2. With #he addi�i�n of �lanned sit� expansion traffic, the two site acc�ss paints along the N. Frc�ntage Ro�d will ct�ntinue tn operat� w�thin aG�c�:�table levels vf service {LC�S �4 o►�era[I and LQS A-C far individual appraach+�s}, The kraffic assaciated with #he ren�v�fior�s planned on the site will result in vnly slight increases in traffic at th� fiwo acc�ss p�int�. �4uxiliary Lane Warrant A�nalysis Althaugh the site vicinity intersectia�s are prQje�ted t� �perate effciently with t�te expans�an of t'�e existing uses and the red�v�leapment vf the site will resuit ir� the same numk�er �f access po�in#s with greater sp�cing betw�en them, t�e N. Frontage Road corridvr ws wit#�in the jurisdiction of the C��ora�i❑ Departm�nt vf Transporta#imn (CDC]T} which require� camp�iance wit+� CDC]T criterja. The �tate has established auxiliary lan� warrant criteria for roa�dways tc� enhance safety and acc�ss alvng t�eir corridors. The C��QT criteria b�cr�mes eff+�ctiv�e an an existing use if the use chanc�es its site traffic by 24°/a or more. 6e�ause the site generated fra�c is anticipated ta increas� by mc�r� thar� �0°l0, the GaaT a�cess c�de crit�ria would app�y tc� th� �ropo�sed sit� expan�ion. Th� f�r��ast trafiic valumes at th� iwv site access intersectivns were reviewed tv determi�e auxiliary lane requirements based an current CDUT access cvde criteria�. Th� � Fiiahway Capaci#y Manual, Highway Ftesearch Board Special F�eport 209, Transport�tion Rese�rch 6oard, � Natianal R�s�arch Cs�vncil, 2(�01. 5ynchra v. 6 software utilized. 4 State 4ii hwa Rccess Cad ,5tate af�al�radQ,August 31, �V99S. � � � Mr. Greg Gastineau Page 5 7irink�erlinelRoast l.adge Red�velnpment Project Final 7'raffic Analysis Ju4y 2D, �OQ6 GaOT criteria for asgigned category ratings af F-R or Fron#a�e F�oad requir�e left-furn deceleratftin lanes with peak �a�ur ►ralumes greater than 25 vehicles when the pasted speed limi� is less than 40 miles p�r hflUr. �igh#-#urn deceleratian {ane warranfs are met wf��n c�reater than �D vehi�les cc+nduct a right-turn into the access p�int during a peaK 60- minute perio�d. A revi�w af the farecast 2Q�17-plus-s'st� �en�rateci peak hour valu�e� an�d the CaQT wa�ran� criteria d�termin€:d that turn lanes at the ent�anc�-anly �east} site access intersection is j�st below th� ►,�arrant thre�hold. �kowever, the dev��a�er �as a�greed ta constru�t an eastbvund �eft-turn deceleration lan� at the inbound acc+�s�. Tl�e lane should be designed ta� C�aT stand�rds. Storage �r�d ta�er is necessary far Frontage �aad categ+�ry ra�ings. In addit�c�n, tap�rs n�ed to �e incl�uded in �he design to recfirect through traffic aw�y fr�m the new tr�edian lane. All widening is t�ccurring an the south side of the Frontage R�a�. CD(�T requires a 16-faot wic�� median turrr lan�. The foll�wing s�rnmarizes the turn lane design stand�rds p�r the categQry rating af #he roa�#way ar�d forecast traffi� uc�lumes. Eas#�ound L�ft-Tur� Lane Desi�n � ► 1an� fene�th: 200 f�et �in�ludes 1�i� feet af taper at 1(1:�I far 16 f��t af lane width ar�d 4� feet of stor�ge} � r�c{irect t�pers on each si�e vf left turn lane: 320 �eet (�0:1 �a�er ratia far 16 feet of widenir�g} CD�QT Acce�s Spacing 5tandards Access spa�ing e�f site driveways was r�vi�wed based on camments frc�m the Tawn and CD[7T. In Sectian 4.� of the �D+�T Access Code, it is noted that rninimum spacing be�tween access pairrts to t�e Frvntage Raad i� based on the sight d�star�c� criteria. The desired sight dis�ance criteria fc�r a roaduvay wi#h a poster� speed of�� mph is 25d f���with nninimum sigh#distanc� of 225 f�et betwee� a�cess pvints. The spac'rng is m�asured fram edge� of access point� c�r intersectio�s. T�e exis#ing two access pv�nts tt� ��� �ite ar+� �paced approxi�r+ately 75 fee# apart (ed�e to edge}. Th�r� is an ex�s#ir�g dri�reway to the west �f the sit� which is apprvximatefy ��0 feet frc�m the west edge of the existing site access dr���way. WFth rede��lopmer�t of this sit�, th� a�cess pc�ints will be impr�v�:d and spaced at a minimum �of 250 feet a�ar� f�om ea�h other, including the existing access off-si�e tQ the west. Th�refore, +CDC3T access sp�cing requiremen#s p�r sight distan��s will be met. Conclusivns This �ina6 traffic analysis wa� cvnducte�d to summari�e the Timberline I Roost Lodge � redevelapment prt���ct site sp��ific traffi� gen�ratiorr and any re�i�w operalivns at the site a�c�ss pQints wtth the de�elopment as plan�ed. It was determined that the site traffic can � � � Mr. Greg Gastineau Page 6 F�r�tberlinelRa�st Ladge Rede►relopsnent Project Firtal Trafflc�4nalysis July 2�, 2Q�6 be �erved by fhe rec�nfigured access points �� th� N. FrQntage Rvad. Althaugh nat fully warranted, ar� east�c��and left�turn lane at the site'� �arvpas�d inbQUnd only access will be incfude+d in the d�sNgn. Access spacing wilf k�e imprav�d wit� this redevelopm�nt }�y gaining greater s�;paratian b�tv+f��n the twa �ite accesses an�d any adjaceenf driv�uv�ys. T�e prsapas�d separatian of access points from edge t� edge of a minimum t�f 25a feet will rr�eet Ca�T's access �pacing r�quir�m�nts. This cvnclud�s our analysis and summary of th� Timberlin� 1 Rc�ost Ladge redevek�apment praject. Sincerely, Fvx Higgins Transpartation roup, LLC Jv n Higgins, AIC Pr cipal Attachments:Tabl� 1 —Weekend Trip Genera#ion Estimate Table� 2—Weekend Peak Hour Lev�el of�ervice 5umm�ry � Figur�e 1 — Site Pl�n Figure 2—Y�ear 2(3Q7 Scenariv�llle�k�ncf Peak Hour 11�lumes Intersectiorr Capacity UVorkshe�ts C�c: �]Qminic M�uri�llc�, Ma�ariellc� Planning Group � � � � � � O J �, x � � � � ti � +.7 W V � ��I r 1- i31 'C�' {"7 � ++ � � �. � � � �.� O tC7 �„� t^, Q � �i � G � � t N � L ��� � � � m � � � � � o � aC . - - � Q � � -� � � � o � � � � � � � � j � o � � � � � a -- — � � yat cv r� cv r- cs� � 3 $ � t� 5r t� �ar rn m a 4 I. Q! r� r� o 0 0 � °�a o �. o �• � � c�a � � � � � � +�- � � � C. _ � -c� R1 F � � 0 � ?^ � N � C�L � � � � � C t; � �� � � N V7 L� — —•- -- -• - '� �v �'' W tl] �' M7 �I? f+�'1 � u7 C7 � � �. � ~. � � � � i � � � T � � � � .4 � � 7 I ' '� m � Q � �41 � 4y h4 �71 � h- � '� } � , r SD j r- CQ Q � +� U � � 00 l!S i Ck3 Lf3 c•7 � � m � '/+ G � o � a C. 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I � p � � � w I � � � � I p I � u.r � � o � �" I Q o � � �. � � I w I � � � �� I � I � I � �, � f� � � � ro � � C7 � f� I I � � r ' I � , Ij � � i 4 � r i CC1 i i ar � ; ';� i � - �V I a � I �i � � � �I j I , � I � 4 .. � � I � � I � ��f � � o , I ' I a �� i�l I ,� �i I I � -_,_. .— _. , ,.. -- _ I � l7 -- -- ! 1_ � y � Itl �� I z o , I� �� I o 0 y i I I � I F ti, ti l � � a 4 ti ,1y I a h � V � I 6 � � l4 . .. I i � � � �� � � � Q IL t__--�} I 1 � � , j � i � � � � � ;� � � - N � � s �i g w � � r� � y G 7 9: �° � 61 J u' a In t-y " � lJ 11) Vf� �l- � [� L r, � �l� �n � e, � � �4`� � z�,.� I�: Q 1.L �� ,�� � � � c� �v � „ � � � � �,, � � � � (f�uo a�uea�ua} �''� u «, � C7 ssa��y�;i� •� � � z �1 � r` � � � '� N � � I � � � � � x �. � � � � � a � '`' � I [] � �a �� I J Iw �.� � w � � L�..i `-� o w � � �c � � r � � a " � 4 �. _ � a �s� w w ��' 2 U �s, � {�7 .� w � i a`) m �j � C`1 � � d i-^ F-� N i � (,���s��4x�} � w � sse��d���� �� � o � l/'� l � ti' _� C'Z/��l. ��`-� c� � � � r� v i� � tir � QI � '[] a RJ � � n � � tll � (� a � x � Q ❑ � � - a LL w a �I � � � � � r�j a r^� N � m ❑ G Lj d � � � F LL � � HCM LJnsigna�iz�d �nt�rs�ction �apacity Analysis 712Qf2�{]� 3: �I. �rantag�I�d. &UV. Site Access � .� � � � � ,� Mo�vement �BL EBT WBT WBR 5��. 5BR �ane Canfigurations � � � � Sign Cantrol Free Free Sfop Cir'adB (J%n �1%o a% Vr�lurrt�{vehlh� (7 400 525 U °I� 10 Peak Haur�aetor Ct.92 i?.92 Q.92 0.92 Q.92 0.92 Haurly flaw rate(vph) 0 435 573 Q 11 11 Pedestrians l.�ne Wddth{f#) Walking Speed (ftfs} Percent glockag� Right turn�lare(veh} M�dian type Nvne Median storage veh) lJ�stream sigr�al(ft} pX, pla#oon un3�lc��ked vC, conflicting valurne 57'f 1Q[l� 571 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC�, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked v�al 571 1[}05 �71 tC, single(s} 4.1 6.4 6.� tC, 2 stage 4s) tF (s} �.� �.5 3.3 pQ queue fre�°fn 10(� 96 98 � cM capacity(ve9�fh) 10�2 2�8 52� Direction, Lane# EB 1 WB 1 5B 1 SB 2 Volum�e Tatal 435 571 11 1'3 Vnlume Left 0 0 11 0 Vr�lume Right 0 0 0 '8'i cSH i 7�]a 17�]D 26$ 521 Vofum�to�apacity �.25 0_.34 t�.04 O.U2 Queue Length 95th �ft} 0 0 3 2 Gr�ntrvk Delay {s} Q.Q a.[1 19.0 12.1 Lane LC}S C B Approach Delay(s) 0.[} O,a 15.5 Approach L05 C Interse�tian Summary AW�rage t�elay 0.3 Intersection Capacity lltilization 38.2% ICU Level a#Service � Analysis Periad(rr�in} 15 � FH#�l5(}44-�imberlinelF�oost Project Traf#ic Ar�alys#s Year 2Dt]7 Back�round Fax Higgins 7ranspartatio�r Group � � HCM Ur�signalizecf Intersectic�n Capacity Analysis 7I2Q120�� 3. N. �rontage Rd. 8�W. Site Access � � � � � �. � Mauement EBL E8T UVBT WBR SBL SBFt L�ne Cor�f�guratidns � ►� � � Sign Gontrol Fr�e Free Stap G�`�d� �°fQ D°/o 0°fa Volume(�ehlh} 0 410 525 a 15 �0 Peak Hour Factr�r D.92 0.92 0.9� a.�2 0.9� 0.92 I�ourly fEow rate [vph) 0 446 571 0 '[6 22 P�des#rians L.a�te�'1lidth 4ft) Walk�ng Speed �ftls) �er�ent �la�kage Right turn flar� (�eh} Median type None Median storage veh} Upstre�rn signa� (ft) p�, platoan unbla�k�ed �C, conflicting volunme 571 101�6 571 vC�, stage 1 canfvoi vC2, �ta�e 2 conf vol UCu, unblocked vol 571 1{}1� 571 tC, single(s) 4.1 �.� 6.2 kC, 2 stage{s) tF (s} 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free°/0 1�QQ 94 9C � cM capacity (vehlh} 1002 �64 521 Directiart, Larse# EB 1 WE3 1 SB 1 S8 2 Valume Ta#�9 446 571 16 22 Vc�lume Left � f7 16 0 Voiume Right � 0 Q 22 cSH 1700 '1T00 2E4 �21 Volume to Capacity 0.26 !Q.34 �.t76 0.0� Glueue Length 95th (ft} b d 5 3 �arrtrol Delay(s} 0.0 �3.[} 15.6 1�.2 Lane LQS G 8 Approach D��ay(s} 0.0 O.a �5.4 Appr�ach LO�S G IntersecCion�Grnma Average Delay 0.6 Intersectican Capac4ty Utilizatic►n 38.5°/o ICI� I�ev�l of Service A Analysis Periad{minJ 15 � FH#Q5i144 -TimberllneJRoost Project Traffic Analysis 20(]7+Site- PM w��kertd Fax Higgins Transportation Group � � HCM Unsignali�ed Intersect��n Capacity Analysis 712Q120(}�6 6: N. Frontage Rd. &E. Site Access � � � � � � � Movement �BL EBT W6T WBFt SBL �6R L�ne Configurat�ans �j � '�, 5ign Canirol Free �ree Stop Grad�: []°/m �% �°/a Volum�(�ehlh} 1S 40[7 �25 °10 0 d� Peal� F�aur Factor [�.92 0.92 0.92 a.92 �.92 0_92 Hc�urly flow r�te (�ph) iC 435 571 11 (7 � Peciestrians Lane Wi�th {ft} Walking Speed (ft!s) Pet-cent Bl�ackage Right turn flare (veh) Median ty�e None Nledian storage ve�} Upstream s�grta! {ft) pX, platflan unblocked �C, conflicting vtrlume 582 1Q43 5�� �rC1, stage 1 conf voi v��2, s#age 2 canf uol vCu, unblo�ked vvl 58Z 'f 043 5�E� tC, single(s) 4.1 �6.�4 5.2 tC, 2 stage(s} tF {s} �,2 3.5 �.3 p�]c�u�u�free°/0 98 10fl �0(] � cM capacity�vehf�} 9�3 25Q 597 aireetion, �.ane# E8 1 EB 2 WB � Valume Total 16 435 582 Volurrre Le#t 16 0 � Volume Fi�ght D D 11 eSH 9g3 170fl i 7Qfl Valume to Capacify �.[l2 0.26 0.34 Queue Leng#h 95th(ft) 1 D 0 Cvntrol Delay(s} 8.7 �A 0.0 Lane�C)S A Appraach delay(s) 0.3 D.� A�proach L�S Intersectian Sumrrta A�erag� C3elay 0.1 Intersectior� C�pacity Utilization 38.2% I�CL1 Lev�l nf Serv�ce A Analysis Peri�d �min} 1� � FH#�5(]44-TirnberlinelRoast Project Traffic Analysis Y�ar 24�07 Background F4x Higgins l�ranspo�tation �roup � � HC�III lJnsignalized Intersection �apaciky I�nalysis 712(}12Q06 6� N. Fro�t�ge Rd. & E.5it�Access � � � � �. �. ,� iMav�ment �BL E�T W6T WBR 5BL SBR Lane Con�iguratians � } '�, Sigr�Can#r�ol Free Frse Stap ����� o��e o4�0 o4rm voi�,me���nm� z� �o� 5�5 �s o � Pe�k F�our Factar 0.92 �.g2 (].92 �7.92 0.92 Q.9� Hourly fi4w ra#� (Wph} 27 44n 571 1� 0 q Pe�estrians Lane WVidth(it� Walking Speec#{ftls) Percent 8lockage Right turn flare{veh} Median type None Me�ii�n storag�veh) U�stream signal (ft} pX, platoon unblacked v�G, corr#licting^valume �87 1D73 579 �rC1, stage 1 conf vol �CZ,stage 2 can��Q! vC�, �nb�ocked val 587 '1 a73 579 t�, single�s� 4.1 6.4 6,2 tC, 2 s#age(s) tF (s} 2.� 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free°/a J7 100 100 � cM capacity�vehlh) 988 237 5'1� �irec#iQn, Lane# EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 Volume Tota! 27 444 587 Volume Left 27 0 � Volum�Right 0 0 1B cSN 9�8 17Q0 77U0 V'alume to Capacity 0.03 0.26 D.35 Queue Length 95th (ft} 2 0 0 Cankrol oe�ay(s} 8,7 [7.4 [].0 Lane LU5 A Approach D�lay(s} �.5 U.Q Approach L[3S fn#ersect�an 5umma Average Delay [�.2 lntersection Capacity Utilizatian 38.5°/o kCLI L�vel of Senrice A A�afysis Periad (min) 15 � FH#05Q44-Timbe�finelf�oosk Praject Tra�c Analysis �Q07+Site-PM weekend Fax Hig�ins Transportation Group � � ► - � �ill1 �� TL�L ` Deperr•1men1 afP:r6lic ��rks& Trans�artatia�z �3fi19 Elk�arn L)rive Yail, CO 8�'657 97�-479-61 S� F'rrx:5�7D-9T9-2f G�i 11•'4N77',VC��jP4 V,C RFTi ���� To: Mati Gcrincti F�-�m: "I'orn ��ssmel,To�vn Engineer Re; T�inh�,rlirie Rnnst Lc�dg�;Redeveloptnent Datet U?lZbl{)6 The To�vn af Vail Public Warks I3epaxtment has received and review�:c.� the Tirn�ierline Ronst L.c,dgc R�e�eloprr�ent suhr�lit�al dated and recei��d ?117f[]6 and the Traffic Iir�pact Analysis �ated 712�10�. The ffl�lowin�should b� conditions c�f final PEC approval. �vnditians of�ppro��l l. The Tc�tivn nf Vail General N�tes shall bc added. � 2. The Utility Sign�ture bi�ck rn�rili only be required on the tit�c p�age and shall ha�� all �tiliti�s si�n.atures. 3. Final Citi°il dr�wings sh�ll b� appro�ed and meet all Ta«rn stand�r�is �ri�-�r ker suhin�tt�l Qf building pern-�it. Detailed convnents will be pravided at that tin�e. The�ppraval af Ci�vil drawings may take bet�,reei3 2 tc� 4 rnonths. 4. Appror�als from all unpacted propert�a�wners �hall be ohtained, where necessary. Recc�z�ed �as�ment� will be required prior to constnictaon,whe�e necess�u�y. 5. AIl enrlsti-��tcnn sta�ing issues sh�ll be re:�nlVed�ri�r to e�nstrt.��tian includin�staging,phasing, access, scher�ules, traffic�antral, emergen�y access,�arkin�, loading and delivery, etc... �. A R(�VVILTtility perrtiit sha�l bc c�btained and appr�r�cd by the Tourn vf Vail and CDO"I'p�i��t� c4mmencing any constri�ction witlliai pLiblic Ri�ht of�Vay. 7. ,a.11 irn��r�ve��ents within CDC)T R[�W s}�all he ap€�rn�ed by C�]O�T i�icl�ding��l Franta�e F�d imprc�r�•ern�nts aa�d landscapin�. General apprc�val �rc�m GDOT r��ill be required priar ta �i��il plati sct appr�val. This�vi1l �ls� include a CD(]T Access F'ermit. S. Pri�r to �pproual of{u�Ex�.t���tic�n pernlit a shQring�nd �xcavafi��n �lan st:all t�e su�n�it�ed i�icl��ding; �xcav�tian phasin�, engineered �}1c�ring plan� with ��l�ri, pr��ile �u�d crass sections, Cross Sections �.nd p�aaYS shall include all existin�cor�flicts (g.e. utilities}. ,A,ny shc3ring��ithin CDQT ROW will rcquirc apprnval frQrr� CDQT. Any shorin�within the Vail �au�ilic ROW wil] require Town of V��il a�?pr�vtil anci a revocable I�OW perrnit. 9. Fro��i�1e en�ine�re�� starnpee� final drainage repnrt, �avernent �esi�n €-epaa-t, and �ec�te�hnical report. 1(}. �"he S. Fa-antage F�.c�. in��ro�vements shown shal� iraclude ne�ess�i-y ti��itir�g,�'irrigatronlsi�na�c.. 11, �a e�s�ment sha11 be pro��ider7 at �Y�e Northw•est corr�er a�'thc prQperty t� �rouide far tt�e existin� cr�crc��clunent t�f'th� rc�ati�t�ray,draina�e and snc�w storage. This sh��lI incluri� t}�e �xistir��as�a�aatt and �f�c�ul�3er sir�a.��nd �i S' ��iFfer ar��i ft�r snc�w stc�r�g� and �u��drail. � 1�, Frc��ide .A�-t In Public Flaces contc-ibutic�n, coc�rdinat� �vith A�IPP. 13. The pedcstrian canncctian�ween tne bus stc�p and h'I�adow �id��. shali be wit�iin a dcdie�.icd Yublie access easerrtent. T�iis can be dedicated in conjun�tion with the drain��e e��ernent in thi� �rea, llt�y�°ev�r tlie 1 U' ;�ra��sed dc�ai�iage e�serne�nt �Ft�ul�L be wid�n�d tn accnin���odate tlie walk plus a 2' buffer and alsc� b�rca�rned as a general utility, drainage, �edestrian acc�ss easerne�t. � I4. The c€�ntinuation of the ct�ncr�te p�destrian �valk from the propas�d bus s�op tc� Buffehr Creek Rd shautd Y�e re�qaaired, thc wali� sha�l b� a minirne�m o� 1{�' w�ide. I5. C:onstru�.tian ci�tai�s shawr� sPi�ll meet Tovvn st�n�ards (i.e. 4,C]UU psi �oncr�:t� with �ber mesh, si�ewti�k detail s�a11 be G" cc�ncrete�n G"base, additin�al detailed cc�mm�.nts to foll�w durul�,Ci�ril P�an review} 1�5. A.s per Tovvn Cod�the �rst 3f}' of each a�cess sliall ncrt exceed a gade of 4°l0, this may be adciressed at Civil revi�w. 17. A 1.5"aspha�t a�erlay will be required far the extents c�f the S. Fro�tage l�d. improvements. 18. T`he current S. Frontage I�d impravem�nts s�aaw a G' asphalt shc�ulder on tlxe north �ide, unle�s s�ecificaily required�ay+�:D�7T, the T�wn woulc� like t� see that naa-rcrtiv�d to 4'. 19. Tl�e proposed landsca�e plai�seetns very aggre�sive, the density of e��rgreen trees, may be unrealistic and will ha�e to be mcaved further back frQm the prc�p�sed pul��ic walks sc� thcy do not�ecc�tne a maintcnai�cc issu�. 20. The cie�eloper�h<�Il b� assessed �tr��fic implct fee caf�65Ut}p�r nel in�rease�7eak �lnur vcliic�ilaz-te-ip. P�ar�i�ns of t�ii� fee may be offset by traffic ir�l�ravements made ta the S. Fronta�e Rcl. t� spec�fically includ� 5. FrQntage Rd. roadway widening, 5. Frantage RcI. sidesva�lk improvem:ents, and t�c constructiot� �f a Tr•ansit stflp. The traf�� analysis datcd 7�'201�� int�icates that the net �acrG��e in gealc hour vehici7lar trips is 28,ther�fare a f�ee of$1$�,Q�[? sha11 be as�essed. � � , : , . - _ ,,.,...� Matt Gennet#-RE Public Works Camr'�s for Tit�nber�ine Pa�e`1_� � ..., �,,,����. . __. ._.. _ >� . : ..z���_.a����..,�_ _ �,..�_ ,—,.w.._ � Frflrr�: Tarn Kassrne! Ta: Qomir�ic Mauri�ilo Date: 07127lZ006 9:33:45 AM Subje�t: I�E: I�ub9ic Works Gomments for�f�mberline I dhou�ht I would g�with th� number in the I�tter instead of the tat�le. THe text�ortion of the report says 30, 1he tab9e says 28. Maybe you can get the deserepancy fixed for#inai PEC. Rnd I know yc��a dont want to acid ths walk...lfs ir�the hands af PEC. `Tho�as Kassmel, �_E. Town Engineer Tc�wn of Vai1 Public Wc�rks D�partm�nt 1349 Elkhr�rn �r. V�il, CO 81657 (97C1)479-2Z35 a»��Daminic MaurrelPo'"=maurie}lo@camcask,net�071�7 9.28 AM��� Hf Tam: 1 think the net in��-ease in PM peak haur#eips is�8 and nat 30 as your letter indicates. � 1 knaw you have he�rd lhis before, bu#wan#ed ta !et ya€� knaw that w€:do n�t believe tfi�e ext��s#ar�of the sidewalk in front of the n�ighbaring prgpe�kies to 6uffehr Creefc R�ad shauld be the respansibikity a�the Rcaast project. -----C�r�gina! Mes��ge-��_� Frorn: Ma#t Gennett f��ilto:lV�Gennett(a�vailgo�.eQm1 Senk.Wednesday, Ju4y 26, 200�8:52 AM Tc�: rnauriellc�((7c�rncsst.net; Greg Dencic6a 5ubjec#: Public Works �ommenis frar Tii'nberline Just received, here y4s� ga... Matthew R. Gennett, A9�P Town of Vail Ccr�nmunity�eWeEvpment l7epartment {97�}479-2'140 Off�ce [97�J)479-2452 Fax CC: 'Greg Gastineau; Matt G�nn�tt � � �� � , ��, ��� � --� __F��- �:;, �.:� - , � _. ,,",� �',�, _ ,��� � ,��,� � MEM�RAN�UM ����i'�`� { � c� � � ti � 1 4 ������ � � �}��� T�: Planning anc� Env�ir�nmental Carnmissian �� �` , ��'` �'r�` �M1� ��`t FRaM: �ammunity �3evelaprnent L�epartment ; ���� . DATE: August 14, 2006 SIJBJECT: A request for a fnal r�vi�w a r�ajor exteriar a�teratic�n, purs�ant to Section �2-7J-�2, M�jc�r �xterior Alt�ratian� c�r Madific�tir�ns, VaiC Tawn Gpde, t� aelc��v far the �c�nstructian of the Timb°rfir�e Lvdge, facat�d �t 1783 Narth Fr��ta�e RoadlLots �-12, Buffehr Creek �ubdivisior�, and setting far#h det�i4s in rec��rd fhereto. {PEC�5-�GBQ) Applicant: Timb�rlin� Roast Lodc�e, L�C, re�resented by M�uri�l�o Planning Graup, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett i. SUMMARY The ap}�lic�nt, Tir�beriine Rt�ast Lod�e, L.L.C., rep�re�ented by M�urielEa � Piat�nir�g Gr�up, L.L.G., is requestir�g final revier�r af � rnajor e�erior alte�ation application which, upon apprc��val, would facilitate the redev�lopment of the Roast Lodg�, lacated at '{783 North Frontage Road. �ia�ed �par� 5t�ff's review �f t�e criteria in Se�tiQn Vlll of this memarandurr-i anc€ the eWidence and testirnc�ny presente�, the Cor�-�mur��ty aevelvprt���t Departm+�nt recomm�nds approval, wit� coraditivr�s, vf the r�ajar exteri�r alt�r�ti�an sut��ec� to the findings and condi#ions r�oted i� Se�tions Vlll and I�C of this m�rnorandum. II. [IESCRf PTIUN t7F THE REQU�ST The applicant, Timberjin� Raast Ls�dge, L.L.C., re�r�sented by Nlauriell� Pl�nnir,g Group� LL.C., has submitted a reuised major exterior alte�atiot� devel�prrren� r��i�^�r application ta the Tawn nf Vail Camr�ur�ity D��relQpmen� Dep�rtr�ent to facifitate the ret�evelc�pmer�t af �he Roost �adge, locaked at 1783 Nart1� Fran#age �aad. Th� develapment applica#io�a is for a major exterior alterakiran fa allow for the demalitian a� the existing Roast Lac�ge and the �onstruction of the new Tirnberline Lor�ge in the �ublic Acc�mrr�c�da�FOn-2 4PA-�� zon� district. The devef�pment sit� caf fhe Timbcrli�re Lor�ge is f�cated at "�783 iVarth Frontage RvadlLc�ts 9-�2, Buffehtr Creek Su�divisivn. Ac�arding tr� tY�e stamped topographic �urvey, the develapmenf site occupies approxim�tely 7.988 acres ar 86,597 st�«�re feet. 7he applic�nt is prapasir�g ta car��truct a r�ew faur story � lodge cornprised c�f 1�]1 accammodatian units, 28 dwe9ling ur�its, and 3 Type III deecf �esEricfed emplay�e housing units, in addition to '�6� ��c�Ve and belaw grade parking sp�ces. Ti'�e total Gro�s Residential S�uare Faotage SGRFa}, 1 � � � in�9uding tY�e 1t3� accommadation units is 75,84Z sguare feet, C}f th� tatal, 53,D97 square feet (7�%} wil3 be fi��te1 rcaoms, �nd 22,745 square �eet will �e condaminiu�ms. Th� appl}canx ar�ticE�at�s that thre r�ew lodg� will be aperated by Marrivtt or araather nationaG hotel brar�d as a uiim�ted servic�" I�cige. A cornpar�tiv� surnmary of th� �Ilrwed �ncf pra�osed development stand�rds ha� been incEu�ed in 5ection V crf this memor�ndum. A �riciniky map h�s been �ttached for referen�e. (Attac�ment A) III, BACKGRC}U�lD The Roc�st Lodge wa� originally cDr�struc#ed �r� t�re early �970's as a rnc�tel' yaroj�ct. The existing 9odge Cor�tains 72 h4tel roorr�s, one dwel�ing unit, �r�d a paved surface parkin,g fot. Acc�rding to fhe Town's files, with the exception of minr�r a�►plic�#ians far repainting, new d�c� rai8s, re-roofing, etc., t'�e R.Qast Lodge has seen no significank �ociificat�ons s�nce it� crrigFnal construction. +Dn N�vemt�er 14 �nd 28, �005, the applicant appPared before the Planrring & Envirr�nmental Commissian with � reques# t� amer�d the t�xt of the Publi� Ac�ornma�lation zone disfrict tc� a�lava accorr�rnodatifln uniks to inclue�e kitcYren facilities, as a car�d�tional use in the district. �lpr�r� c�nsideration o� the req�est, the {Commissio� �ir�:cted st�fF and th� ap�liCant tr� prepare �n am�ndment whsch wo€�!d result in the creation of a new zone district purpos�fully s`nter�ded to alir�w � accommodakian units t� include fcitchen facilities in ��rtain areas of T�uun. Qr� ��:cember 6, 2Q[}5, during the PECIQRB update ta the V�il Tawn Gauncil, staif inf�rrr�ed the Town Coun�il af the r�c�nt dis�ussion� with tl�e �'lanning � Environmental �ornrriission regardin� the text ar`nencfinent arad the creation af a new zane district. The Tvwn Cc�uncil aekn�uvledged th�t #he in�ent of the prr�pased text arn�ndment rrray have meri#, howe��er, encourage�i the staf� and Commission ta �valuate �fher �ptions. For exampi�e, the pvssi�ility of cr�at3ng a new conditi�r�al use with use-specific criteria �ddr�ss�ng the relationship c�f the use to neigh�oring us�s and d�v�lopment c�bjeckives of the Town c�r t�e el�mination c�f t1�e �rohibiti�n against kitcY�en facilities in accommodatic�n unit�. The T�wn Councii expressed that it may be a}aprc�priate to re-�v�aluate the legislati�+e int�nt of the curreni land use pnlicy �rohibiting kitchen facilities in a�cornm�odation ur�its. ❑n December 20, �O�J�, th� Cesmmunity C7eveIQ�€�nent Department present�d five possi��e �pfao�s for addressing the appiicant's d��ire #� canstruet a I�dge cc�ntaining accommadation uni�s wikh kikchen f�cilities. F'ollowing discussion �t the various opti�ns, the Councif d�rected �taif t� prepare a text amendment ta Titfe 12, Z�ning Re�Ulatic�ns, prap�sing the creatian of the Publi� Ac�ammadation-2 �PA-2) district. On January 9, 2�D0�, the Town of Vai! plannir�g & Envir�nr�ental Cornrnissian ne4d a Public h��r�ng on � t�xt �mendment ap}�li�atian creating tl�e Public Accomrr�ad��ifln-2 distrtct and a r�q�est to rezone Lot� 9-12, Buf��r Creek � R�subdivisoan to the new PA-2 district. Upon cansidera#ior� of the app��cation, th� Commiss�on voted 6-0-i� to fe�rw�rd a recomrnendati�an of appraval of t�e text amend►r�ent to the Vail Tawn Cauncil. 2 � � � C3n Janu�ry 17, 2�a�, t}�e Vail Tawn Council faefd a fir�t reading on C7rdin�nces 2 & 3, Series af 20��, cr�a��ng the P�bkic A�cor�rr�odatic�rr-2 district and rezoning the Timb�rline Roast �.odge developmer�t site ta th� new PA-� di�trict, respeGtiv�ly, F�Ilawing discusswan on each ord�nance, f#�e Tvwr� Council �pprc�vec� bath ordinanGes orr firs� readirrg. Secor�d rea�ing of C3rdinances 2 8� 3 is preser�tfy sch��uled for Tuesday, Februacy T�'. C�n J��u�ry 18, �QO�, khe Town c�f Vail ❑esign Re�iew BQard held a con��ptual review rneeting �v review the re�ised majar exteriar alteration appli�atic�n for the Timberlir�e Roc�st Lodge. C7n Aprii 10, 20�E, t�e Towr� af Vail PEanning �nd �nu�r�nment�l C�mmissiQn l�eld a p�bl�c hearin� to re�iew the pr�pe�sed Raost Lod�e Existing Gra�es Ta�c�c�raphic hllap. Th� purpos� of fhe reaiew was tc� c#etermine the �xisting �rade condit6ar�s that wc��ald be used hy the `�c�w� to �erify �ampliarrce with fhe builciing hei�ht regulations. Upv� reuiew of tF�e map, ihe Cr�mr�is�Ean �roted unanima�sly tm apprc�ve the map as presented. Or� June 2�, 2006, th� TQw� of 11ai1 Fl�nninc� ar�d En�iranme�tal Commissian h�ld a public hearing ta cnnr�uct a work sessian ta discuss the pra�os�d r�n�j�r exterior alteration af t�e Timberlin�lRc�ost Loc��e rede�relapment site. The Cr�mrnission ex�ressed posrti�e c�amments related ta t'�e �h�ng�s mad� since tY�e April 1 Q hearing, especially the articulation af the rQOf, redu�tian af the rnass, � and impro��d landscaping plan, which �II war�c tQw�rd bringing th� pr�aject ir�to a higher Ie�eE af compatibiIity wit'� the neigi�bQrh��d. IV. APP�ICABLE PLAN�11�1G D�C7CUMENT� Vail Land use Plan According to the C7ffi�ci�l Lanc3 Use Plan for the Tawn €�f Vail, fhe deuel�pmer�t site has a land use desi�naticrn Qf Medium Lensity Resi�dential. Pur�ua�t to thre Vail Land LJse Plan, "The ,M1�lea'�um Der�s►fy Residenfi�l fartd use designation incf�ude,s �ites for housrrrg which would fypica�!}� 6e desr�ned as at�achet� +�nits uvith camman walls. Dens�fi�s in fhrs categr�ry w�orrJd range {rom 3 tc� 74 dwellr`ng units,�er b�ildab�e acre. Aafditional types c�f uses rn ttris categ�ry wvufd rnclude priva�e reereation facilifies, priva�e parkr'ng facilities and rns�ifu�i�na!/pr�blic uses such as c�iurche�, fire stati�ns, and park,s and open space facilities." Titie 12, Zaninc� F��r��latinns PUBL1� A�+�+DMM�QATI{�hl-2 ZG'��IE G��TRi�CT 4in part7 CHAPTER7 Cornm�rci�9 �nd Busin��s Districts � Article J. PllBLIC A�CQ1V}M�DATIC)�1 -� 2 �PA-2) �ISTRlGT �2-7.�-1: PURPC7SE: � � � � The P��ific Acc�mmod�tian-2 ciistri�t is intended to prr�vide s�tes far lodges, limit�d s�rv�ce ladg�s, ar�d r�siden#�al acc�mmradations or� a shart term basis, for �isitors and guests, taget�er with such pub�ic and semipublic fac'r�ities an�f cQrnmerciallretaii and re3afed visitar oriented uses as may be approprxately locat�d wifhin the same d�strict and �ompatible with a�jacent #and uses. Th�is d�strict is intended #o provide #or lad�ing sites located o�#s�de th� periphery Qf t�e Town's Vai1 Viilage and �.sonsh�ad cammercial cvre areas. 7he Public Ac�4rr�modak�on-� distric# is intended ta ensure adequate light, air, open spa�e, and other amer�ities cvmmensurate� with I�dg� use�, and k� mair�tair� the desirable res�rt qu�lities vf the dastrict by establishing appropria�e site r�evelopment standards. Additional nonresiderttial uses are allow�d as cand�tional u�es which ent�ar�ce t�� nature af Vail as a vacation cc�mmunity, and where perrr�itted uses are �nt��ded ta functi�rn campatit�ly with the high density ac�dgi�g character of the district. �2-7J-2: PERNIITTED USES: Th� follawing uses shall be permitted in #he PA-2 district: LQdges, includir�g accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments �ocated with�n the principal use and not acc�spying rrtare �han #�n pe�c��t (1C]°,Ifl} �'� th� total gross residentaal flo�r area af the main structure or structures an t'�e site; a�difional aceessvry c3inir�g areas may be foc�ted on an outdoar d�ck, porc�t, ar terrace. � Limited service IQdge, including aGC�ss�ry eating, drinkirag, c�r �etai! estabfis�rt�ents lacated w€tf�in the principal �se and nc�t accupyin� mc�re khan ten p�:rcent {�Q%) of th�e tot�l �rass residentiatl fl�t�r area �f the rr�air-� structure or structures on the site; adt�itional accessary dh�ting are�s may b� lacated an an outdoor deck, parch, flr#errace.. 12-7�l-3: CON�7lTI�NAL U�ES: Th� f��iowing cvndit�on�l uses shall be permitte�i in th�e PA-� district, subject #o iss�ance o�� cc�nditiranal use ,�errnit in acco�-d�nce with the provisians vf ch�apt�r �6 of th�s title; Beti and breakfast, as further regu€ated by sectian 12-14-'1€3 of this tit��. Fractional fee cCub units a� further regu�ated �y�ubsection 12-1�-7A,8 of this tltle. Lodges, in�luciing access�ry e�tir�g, drinking„ or retail est��lis�ments 9o��ted within t�e principaf use and �iccvpying be#w�en �en percent (�0%0} and fifteen percer�t (15°/0) c�f the tatal grcass r�siden#i�l flaor are� af t9�e buildings, gr�unds and facilities. Public nr camrr�ercial pa�king facili�ies or structures. Pubiic tr�nspar�tatian #erminais. Pu'�lic utility and public se�rice uses. � Theaters and cc�nven#ion faci�iti�s. Type I!I employee hfl�sing units as pro�ided in cha�ter �3 of this title. 4 � � � �2-7J-4: ACCESSOF�`�°' USES: The foliowin� accessory uses shall b� �sermitted �n the PA-� dis#rict: Hc�rn� occupatfons, subject to issuance �f a hr�m� occupafion permit �n accordanc� with k�� provi�ions of secki�m �2-14-12 of#his title. Mee#�ng rc��ms. Swimming pc�ols, tee�nis caur�s�, p�ti�s, ar �sther recreatian facili#ies customarily in�idenfal to permitted uses. �Dther �ses cus#r�marily incidental ancf acc�ssaryr ta perrnitted �or cc�nditic�nal �s�s, ar�d necessary for the vperati�n #hereof. 12-7J-6: S�TgACKS: fn t�m PA-� distric�, th� rt�in'rmum frant setb�ck sh�ll be �v�nty fe�t (�[�`), the rrzinirraum side setback shall be ��enty feet (20'), ar�d the minim�rr� rear setback shall be twenty feet (2Cl'}. R# the discr�tion of the_pianninp_and er�vir�rnmental c�mmissiqn andlor the desi r� rewiew �se�ard v�riatians to the setb�ck standards autloned a��Ve ma�l be a�praved durinq the revi�w �F exteri�r alternatians or mod�fic�tians s�ctiar� 12-7A-�2 of this arkicle sub'ect to the a lic�nt demansfir�#ing carnplian�e with the followinq crit�ria: A.Praposed building setbacks� provide necessary s�parati�n �+e#ween bu�ldings � and rip�riar� areas, gealo�ically sensifive area� ar�d ather �nviranm�nt�lly sensitiv�ar�as. B.Proposed build�ng set�acics will prnWide ae#�quate awailabili�y af light, air and op�� spaee. C.Prc�posed building set�acks �vill provide a campatible r�lativnshi� wi�h buil�ings ar�d uses on adjacent properties. D.Proposed buildsng 5�t�}aCI[5 will r�sult in creative design solutions or ather �u�ilie k�enefits t�at cauld not oth�rwise be achieved by cc�nfc�rmar�ce with prescribed setbacic standards. ��-7,J-7: HEIGHT: For � flat roof �r r�ansarc� roaf, the hei�ht af b�uilc�ings shall n�t exc�ed f€�rty fiv� fe�et (45"). F�r a slc�pir�g roof, the heEg�t of �uildirrg� �nall nvt exceed forty ei�t�t feet(�8'}- 12-7.1-8: DENSITY CONTRC7L: U tr� ane hundred fift 'f�a s uare feet r�f ross resider�tial fNaor area GR�A� ma �e erm�tted f�r e�ch one hundred 1�(� s uare feet af buil�able site area. Fina9 dekermin�tian of allowable r�ss resAdenti�l floar area shall be made b the lannin and environmental csarnmission ir� �ccordance with sectiar� 1�-7J-12 aF this artrcle. S ecificall in de#errninin allawab�e ras� reshdential floor area t�e � la�nin and env�ironm�nta� cc�mmi�sior� sh�ll make a �indin th�t ra ased qross resider�ttal floa� area is in canform�ncc with �pplica�le e}ements.c�f the �'ail Cc�mprehensive Pla_n_, Tofa! �ensity shall not exc�ed twenty fivE �2�7 dwekling S � � � units per acre of builda�l� si#e area. �'ar the purpo�es of c�lcraiating density, �mployee housing ur�its, limited service lodge u�r�ts, accvmmadafian units and fractional fee club units shall nat b�; cvunted tnwards d�:nsity �dwe��ing r�nits p�r acre�. A dwelling unit ir� a mult�ple-farnily� building may includ� one or r��re a�kached accommada�ion Units. 92-7J-9: 51TE CC�VERAGE: Site covera e shall not excee�i sixt five �rce�t 65°/o vf the t�tal �ite are�. Final deterrnination of allnwabke sife covera e sh�ll be rnade b the iannin ar�d en�rironir�ent�l �ommiss'son andlar the r�esi n review bt�a�d in accordance with s�ction 12-7J-12 af this articl�. Specifically in d�terminin allcawa�le �ite cavera e the I�nnin and e�viranm�ntal commissivn andlc�r the d�s� n revh�v� ba�rd shall rr�ake a find[n tha� rc� ❑sec! site cavera e is in �conformance wi#h �p�li�able elerner�ts af th�Va3! G�mprehen�ive Pl�n. 12-7JP11: PARKING A�VD LC3,�4CJI1�G: C�ff street park�ng �nd I��ding sk�all t�e pra�'sded in accordance w�th ch�pter 1CJ of this tit6e. �#t least ��venty five perc�nt �75°Io} af the required parkir�g shall b� IacafEd �rithin the main b�ilding or buildings and hidden from public view. N� a� grade or aboWe grade �ur-face parking or I�ading area sha11 be lo�ated in any required fronk sef�ack area. Belaw r�rad�: ur��ierground struc�ured packing and � short term r���st Ir�ading and dr�op off �hall be permitted fin the requ�red front s�t�ack subject to t�s� ap�roval of the �lanning an�i envirc�nment�l commission andlar#he design review board. 'I�-7.f-12: EKT�RIOR AI�TER,ATf(�N� {�R ML7Q1'�C�AT6C�NS: A. Review Req�ired: The co�structian of a ne►�v buiiding or tf�e a9t�tafion of an existi�g b�ailding shall iae re�oewe�d by the c�esign review board in accardance wit'� ch�pter 1� of this title. However, any prQ�ect which ad�s additianal dwellir�g units, accammodakion units, fractional f�e club units, �fimit�d serv��e lodge �anits, ar�y project w�ich adds m�re th�n one thausand �1,OQ0) square feet caf c�ommerci�l f�oor area or comman spa�e, ar any project which has subst�ntial ofF site im�acts (as determined by the adrr3onistratar} shali �e reviewed hy the planning and env�ironmental commis�iQn as a mayor extericar �iteratian in accardar�ce with this ch�pt�r and sect�an 1�-3-�i af this title. Complete appli�ations fc�r major exterio�- alteratians sha11 be su�mitted in accar�fance witF� a�iminist��tive schedules deve�opec4 by th�e dep�rtmenf of commun�iy dev�lopment for pianrring ared environrnental cQmmis�inn �nd design review board revi�w. The fiallowing submittal iterns are req�r�red: 1. AppEicatian: An a�plicatiar� snall �e made by the vwner of the buildir�� or the E�uifding ow�er's authorCzed agent r�r representati�e an a farrv� prc�vid�d by the administrator. Any appli�atior� far concivma�iumized buildings shal! b� authorized by fhe ca��dflmini�am associatiar� in canformity wi#h a1� pertinent requirem�nts �f the candominiurn as�aciatian's declar�tiarrs. � 2. Applicatio�; C�n#ents: The �dministratar shall est�t�fish th� suk�mittal ree�uirements far an exterior aiteratian ar madificat�on �pp1's��ti4n. �1 r,ornplete list af the submitt�l r�quiremer�ts shall �e maintained by the �dmir+istrate�r and fil�d in b � � � tl�e d�partment of cammunfity deve6vpm�nt. Certain subrnittal r�quir�m��rts map �e waived andlc�r mat#ified by the adr�inist�'atar andlor the re�iewing body if it is demorrstrated by fh� applicant that the infarm�tion and mater°ials requi�-ed are not relevar�t t� the proposed de�elapme�t �r applicable to th�� planning docume��s that corriprise the Vail compred�ensive plan. The �dminis�ratmr andlar th� r�vi�:wing b�dy m�y require the submi�sian af addition�l p9a�s, drawings, specificatian�, samples and othe� materials if deemed n�cessary ta pre�perly evalu�te ki�e proposal. 3. Work Sessionsl�once�tual ReW�ew: If requested by either €i�e ap�licant ar the admir�istrator, submittals rr��y proceed tg a work sessi�n with th�: p��nninc� an�d �nviranmental carnmissic�n, a ce�n�eptual rev�ew with tt�e c�esign re�iew b�ard, ar a wark sessir�rr with ti�e towr� coun�ie. 4. Hearing: The publ�c hearing before the planni�g and enviranment�l corncnission shali be held �n aceardance with secti�n ��-3-fi c�f �f�is title. The �lanning and enair4nm�nt�l comr-�issi�n may approve th� a��rlication as subm€tted, ap�rave the application with c�nditions or modificatiorrs, or cfeny tl�e app4i�cat�on. Tl�e d�cision of t�e p7annir�g a�ad environrner�tal comrnissian rr�ay be appealed t� the t�wn c���ncil in accvrd�nce witF� sectidn 12-3-3 of this title. 5. Lapse C�f Apprc�val: Approval of ar� exterior �It�ration as prescribed by lhis ar�icle shall la�se anc� b�com� vc,id three (3J years foll�win� the date �af�p�roval [�y the design review ba�r�i L�nless, �riar ta the expir�tiorr, a buiidir�g per'm�t is issued �nd co�structic�n is eammen�ed and dilagently pursued fa completi❑n. � Ac�ministrativ� extension� sha€€ be allc�v�red for rea��nable an� unexpect�d delays as iong as cade pravisians af€ecting t'�e propasal have �ot changed. 12-TJ-13: C�MPLIA�JCE BURREN. lt sha�Q be the burden �f the a��alic��t to p�'ov� by a prepander�nce of the evider+�e be�c��e the pianrai�g anc� enviranm�ntal cornmission and tk�� design review baard that the proposed exteri�r aiteratiQn or �ew developmer�t is in complianc�witt� th� purposes of t�e pub€ic �ccc�mmodatior� zane d�sfrict, an� that the �Srop�sal daes not atfaerwise have a significar�t negative effect vn the char�c#er af the neighborhoac�, and that the propc�sal substarati�lfy carnpfies wi#h �ther appiicable efements of the Vail �omprehensive Plan. 12-TJ-14: MITIGATI�DN 0� L7�UEL[]PMEM1IT IMPAC`fS� Property awrrersldevefapers shall also b� respon�ible f�� mit�gatir�g direct irnpacts of �heir deue6opment Qn public infrastructur� and �n a�{ cases mitigat�vn s�rall bear a r�asona�le relati�n to the deve��r}�ment impacts. fmpacts ma�r be d�t�rmined based on reports prspared by qualifie� con�ultants. The ex#ent of miti ation and ublic arnenit im rav�r�ents shall be balanced wikh th� c�als o� redeuelp menk �nd wilp be dete�'m���d b �he lannin and environmentaf c��mission ir� review �f de�relo ment ra'ects a�d car�dition�l u�e ermits. Substantial Off site impacts may include. �ut �re n€�t limited ta, th� �till�wing: deed restricted emplaye�e F�ousing, r�adway improv�rnents, �edestrian w�Ekway improvements, streetscap� imprt�vements, str�am �ractlbank restoration, Ivadingldeliv�ry, �ublic �rt im�rc�vements, an�i sirr�ifar improvernents. The intent � of #his secfiion is tfl �nly require mitigatian for I�rge s�ale rede�refapment(deuelnpment prpjects which produce substanti�l a�f site impacts. 7 � � � Vl. ZONiM�G ANALYSIS Add�ressJLegal ❑escriptian: 1783 f��rth Fr�ntage RoadlLots 9-12, Buf�ehr Greek 5�bdivasion Zoning: PubVic Accc�mrnod�tian-2 (�'A-2) District Land Llse Designat�on: Medi�rm D�nsity �t�sidenfiai I]evelopmer�t 21271Q8 OSli�T1�6 Sta�sdard AllprvedlRequireci FEC Su�amittal PEC Subm's�tal Lat Area: 1�,OOD sq.ft. m�n. 86,5�7 sq.ft. 8�,597 sq.ft. �ensity: 49 Dwelling Un��s 39 Dw�:lling Units �8 Dwelling Llnits AU's Unlimitet! �24 AU"s 1�1 AU's GRFA•"`"`: 129,8�JS sq.i�. 10C],�44?sq.ff. 75,f342 sq. ft. (70%�53,4�7 sq ft} �30°!0=22,745 sq ft} Builciin� hfei�ht: �l8 feet � 48 feet 4$Feet Site Caaerage•**"� 5fi,288.23 sq.ft.(fi5°/a) a�,8F4 sq.ft. A4,37B sq. ft. (51°l0} �.andscape�rea: 25,979 sq.ft.{30°IrrJ 33,96(D Sf�.ft. 3$,fi�8 sq.ft. �44%� 5ethacks""`"� lVorth: 4`-20' 2i7' 20' Wesf: (}`-20' 2U' 15,{1s'flaor5t�irwell) East: b'-20" 20' �0' � Sauth: 0'-20' 2fl' 2fl' Parki�g: 156 spaces 196 spaces 1�i9 spaces Loading: 1 berth 1 aerEE� 1 betth Employee 3[�nits 3 units 3 units Housing: "" SuY�ject ta rev3ew and appraWal tay thc Planning 8 Envrrt�nmental Cammission. VII. SURROLINDING LAiVD lJSE5 AND ZC}NING tand Use Zar�Enq Na�th: Resitf�ntiai Two Family Primaryl5ecandary Residentiai Sauth: i-70 ROW NIA East: Resitiential Two Family Prir��arylSecc�ndary Resid��tial West: Residen#ial Residential Clu�ter District VIII. MA.�UR �?CT��iI�IR ALl`�F�ATIQ1� REVlEW CRITERIA �ection 1�-7A-�3, C�mpli�nce 8urden, Vail Tawn Code, outlines th�e review criteria f+ar major �xterior alteration a�plicatians propc�sed with�ir� ti�� Public Accr�mrr�odafian �PA� zone district. Aecording ta Section 12-7H-'1�, Vaii Tawn C�de, � rnaj�r exterior alteration shall be reviewe� far com�liance with the fvl�owing criteria: � 1. �Cornpfiance with the pu�-poses of t}�e Public Accammodatian zane distr�ct; S � � � Staff R+�spr�ns�: The pur�oses �f the Public Accommad�t�on-2 (PA-�} zone e�istrict ar� listed v�rbatim in S�ction IV +�f this staff inemoran�lum. The prim�ry purpose c�f �he PA-2 �ane district i�: "to provrde srtes far lodges, lirnited se�vice 1ao�ges, and residenti�{ accorrrmodafior�s c�n a sh�r[' term 6asis, for vr�rtvrs and guests, tvgether wi�h sucf� public �nd semipubtic faeiEities and commerciaf/refar! ar�d relaf�d visrtt�r arienfEd us�s as m�y be apprapriately Jncated wrfhin the same districf arrt� �ompa�ib(� with adjacent la,�d uscs.,� Giver� the proposal is fc�r a lod�e cflrnpris�d vf 70°/o accvmmo�lation units and 3�`�/o candom�nium units, comple#� with the amenities typica9ly associ�tecf with a resort I�dge u�e, the prnpos�l aciheres to the basic premise of the PF�-2 zone distr�ct. The size 4f �he �rc�posed Timk�erline Lodge �as been gradually reduced nver the course di the ct�sign rew�ew pracess in response to comments from the pu�lic and �he Planni�rg and Env�iranment�l Cammission. Likewise, the raof has been �€ticu[ated in a manner which hr�:aks up the �+isua! bu9'k and rnass of the buiCding; the lanciscape plan ha� beer� re�i�ed to p�avide better screeninc�; and, th�; arcF�itecture af the building has b�en revised to create more cahesiveness � b�tweer� tF�e sub}ect pro�erty and ad�acent sites. The purpose statement af the PA-2 zone distri�t fa�rthe�states the fallawing: "The Pu6liG Acc+�mmodation-2 disfroct is in�er�cled �v er�sure ad�q+�ate light, air, rapen space, an�" afher amenrti�s comme,nsurate wrth l�dge uses, anc� to maintairr the c�esirab�e resQrt qualities �f the d�strict 6y esfablishrng appra�ariafe si�e development st�n�'art�s.,, T'he applicant's pro�osai incl�ades arrreraities commensurate with Iodge uses; such as spas, a fitness raom, arsd m€:eting f�rGiliiies; ar�d does rnainta�n thte desirable re�c�rt�ual�ties of th� PA-2 district by adh�ring ta th€� prescribed �ite development sfanda�ds. 2. That the propc�sal daes not �therwi�e 'have a signifiGant n�gati�e effect �n the �haracter of�he neigh�arhood, and 5taff Response: The change� made to the prc�pc�s�l sinee its originai submission ha�e �eerr suhstantial a��i have brvught the proposed buildir�g into greater cQ�form�nce with the existing character af the nei�hbarhoc�d. The character of the neighborhaod s�fluid be viewed in the eantext af what is currently pr�se�t an and �raund the subject skte. Tne R�oost �.odg� has � been in exister�ce sinc� t'h� �arly �97Qs an� pro�ren ta be campatible wi�h adjacent land uses. Gonsidering the various mufti-f�mi4y build�ngs in the imm�diat� vicinity c�f the Roast Lc�dge, tfl the west and nor�h, � stru�ture c) � � � which accammodates multiple famiMy dw�lling units and ac��mmodation units is in �C�eping with tY�e existir�g, s�arroundirrg �ses. A9so, the der�elnprnent site for the prapr�sed Tir�t��rlin� Lod�e �s camprised of four indivi�luaV Iats in the subj�ct f1�21�I1�}4f�14(J(�. T�18 size of the propos�d bui9ding is in direct ;�ro�ortian uvi#h the size a� the deuelc�pment site, uvhich encompasses apprdxir�ate{y twa acres. Ad�difianaily, cortsGderir�g tF�e physical state of the existing R�QSt Lodge, the praposal will hav� a significant, pnsitiv� �:ffect �n the ch�racter vf the neGghf�orh�avd b�:cause it wiff be a brand new, �e�tF�eticafEy pleas�ng structure ��aced e�n a well iandscaped site. The �p�licant is r�quir�d fo mitigate ar�y pote�fial negafive impac#s the proposal m�y ha�� an the cc�mmur��ty, and thraugh appr�pri�te con�itiorrs of approval, this shall be accomplished. Th� applicant will n��d to ad�i���s ihe subject af puk�lic art �nd agree with the Commission �r� a re�sonable approach ta a�dress t�is is�ue. Finally, �s it relates to this crit�rion, the charact�r of the �eigh�orhaod is �Iso d�fined by i#s �ocatipn an the Norkh Frontage Road anc� proximity �v I-70 and staff has cietermined this proposal fits 'snto the c}��ra�ter of its neighbarhaa�. 3. Th�t the praposaE suk�stantially �complies wit� c�ther a�rplic�ble �le�'nents of th� Vail Comp�ehensive Pl�n. �taff Response: T�e Vail Compr�hensive Plar� identifies #t�as area as part of the Mediur�r � D�r�sity R�sic�enti�l iarrd �ase des€gna#ic�n, which is fully det�iled in Sectian iV of tha� memorand�rm. The Vail Camprehen�i�e P�an d�fine� Medium density Residential, cn p�rk, with the falla�^ring I�nguat�e: "L?ensities ir� thrs category wc�uld rarrge frQm 3 tr� 94 �iwelliny ur�rts ,�er,�uitdable acre." The subjeet prc�per#y is appr�ximately two acres and �he prQpasal c�lls f�r a total of 28 dweilang units. Likewise, the iand use plan designat�on c�ntemplates "sr"tes fcar housrrag rwhich wouJd ty�pically be d�sigrred as attached r�nrfs with cvmmvrr walls." The propr��al is �designed with dwel�ing units sharing �om�on walls, hallw�ys, and am�nifies. With r�gard to these p�:rtinent, a�plicable elemerats �f tt�e Vail Comprehensive Plan, staff b�lieves the pra��sal cvnfvrms k�a this criteriQn. Th� cri�eria can#ained in �ertain develr�pment stanc�ards o� �h� PA-2 zon� dis#rict must a�sa be consid�red hereir�. Se�tion 12-�J-6, S�tbacks, cantains the follQwing pertinent lan�uage: "At fhe discretiQr� of the p�anning and err►rrronmenfa! commissic�n andf�ar thc design r�vi�w fac�ard, variatians tc� the setback s�ar��"ar�ls c�uflined above may �ie approved durirrc� th� review of �xterror alternafic�ns ar modificatr"Qns (secti�r� 9�-7A-72 af this artf�le� sttbl'ec� tr� fhe app�rcant derrranstr�tirrg crampliance with fhe fo!lowing crrteria: A, F'rQposed b�►ildi,ng setbacks provicle necessary separ�tiorr � faetweer� bur'Idings ancf ripari�r� areas, geolagfcal�y sensi#ive are�s �nd c�ther enviranmentally sensitive are�s. 10 � � � B. f"'raposed 6uilding setfaacks uvill provide �dequate availability c�t' Iigl�t, air�nd`capen sp�ce. C. Propossd b�ifdir�g setbacks will p�'QVide a camp�tlble refatror�ship with ,buiJdrngs and t�ses on aa'jacent praperfies. !7. Arapc�se�l �buiJcfrng s�t,�acks wi1J resulf in cr�ativ� design solut�ia��s vr �ther public ,�errefi�s that caulc! not atherwrse be ach►eved by conf�rma,�ce wvrfl�Rrescribed set6ack standar�s." As noted in Sectior� llf vf this memorand�m, the set�ack fram t�,e rrve�t praperty line is propased ta be fifteen feet (�5'} �n the ground I�v�l on1y, e�ue �Q a stairwelf enclas�re protruding tr�m t�e huilding's �xterior an the g�'o�anci leve�. Staff believes th� applicant's prc�p�os�l d�:rnc�nstrates �o�-nplianc�w�kh the criter�a �isted a�aUe. Als4 g�rm�ne i� this �ontext is 5ectian 1�-7�4-14, Mitigatian af�eveia�ment Vmpacts, vrhich states the following� ��The exfent c�f mitigatrc�n ar�af public �r,rrer�ify rmprvv�rrrents shaff be ba�aneed wrth the goals of redev�tvpm�rrt and will be determined by the planrring �nd env►'ronmental commissian in review of deveiQpment projecis and car�ditrQrraJ�rse permrts." 7he applicants have agreed to c�nstruct the te� foot (1(7�� WfdE �3i�i�.' ��tEi If� � fr+�nt af their praperty as shown c►n the Site Plan (Attachment D) and are amenable ta working with �rt in Public Places (AfPP} to develop � pian to provide public art on and arr�und the �development site. IX. STAFF RE�i]MMENDATION T�� Garr�munity De�veloprr�ent Department re�omrnends a�proval, with canditior��, af a majc�r �xterior alt�rat�on, p�ars�ant �a �ection 12-�J-12, Ma�c�r Exteriar Alterations flr Madaficativr�s, Vaif Town Gode, to aElovv fvr tMe demolition vf the existing Rc�ast Ladge ar�d the deUel�pment of th� pra�o�ed Tim�i�rlina l�odge, lacated at 1783 Nortn Frantage �oadlLots 9-1�, Buffehr Creek Subdivisic�n and set#in� f�rth details ir� re�ar�i #h�re#a. The recamm�n�ation is based upon fhe review o�#he criteria irs S�ction VI II t�f#his r;-��moran�dt�m and th� �vidence and testimony pres�nted, subj�ct �o the fof�owing con�ditions r�� approval; 1. T�e T�wn c�i Vail General Notes shall be added. 2. The Utility Sigr�ature black wi41 only be requir�� on t�� title page and shall have all utiliti�s s�gnatures. 3. Final Civil drawings sh�A t�e appraved ar�d me�t all Tc�wn starrdards prior to subrr�ittal o€ building permit. [7�tail�d camm�nts uviEl be prflv�ided at that time. Th� appraval Qf Ci�if drawi�gs rnay ta4�e betweer� 2 to � r�c�nths. 4. Approvals from all impact�d property c�wners shaltl �e c�btained, where n�cessary. Record�d ea�emer�ts wGlf be requered prior ka cQnstr�ctian, wher�e � r�ecess�ry. �. All conskruc#ion st�ging issues shall be resof�ed �ar6ar to cr�nstructian including stagir�g, phasing, access, s�hedufes, traffic control, �mergency access, parkiny, laading and deli�very, �tc... il � � � 5. A R�7`WlUtility permit shal! be obfained ar�d a�prQ�ed by the Tc�rrvr� of Vail and CC+QT priar to c�mm�ncirrg ar�y cor�struc#ifln wi#�in pU�lic Rig�t af W�y. 7. �II irr�prc�vements within CDC]T R�W shalf be ap�ravec4 by CDUT including �II �rQntage Rd improvemerats and lar�dscaping. General ap�ro�+ai fro�rr CD�T will be required prior to Civil plan se# appraval. This v�riii aisc� inc}ude a CaC3T Aecess Parmit. 8. Prior to �pproval of an Exca�ration perm�rt a shoring and excauatia�n plar� sha�! be submi#ted i�cluding; excawa#ion ph�sing, �ngineered sharir�g pt�ns �,rifh plar�, �rofi6e and cross sect�c�ns. �Cross Sections and plans shaG! inciud� z14 existing ccrnflicts �i.e. uti9iti�s). Any shoring wbthirr CDOT Ra'dl+' wiil require appraual from CDC�T. Any shorang within the V�il ,�ublic ROV�J will require Town af Varl appro�aP �nd a revocabke RC3W p�rmit. 9. Provide engineered stamped final dra�n�ge report, pavement design report, a�d r�eotec'�nic�l report. 1�D. The S. Frontage Rd. imprv�rem�nts shQw� shall include necessary li�htinc�lirrig�tianlsignage. �1. An easenier�t sha6i be pravided at the Na�thwest cc�rner t�f tF�� property ta proW��de far tl�e existir�c� encraachmer�t of tf�e roarJway, drair�age and snow stt�rage. This shall incfude ti�� existing asph�lt and shaulc�er �rea and a 5' �uffer area �r�r snow storage and guardrail. 1;�. Prr�vide Art In Pu�lic Pla�es cont�ibution, ccaordinate with AIPF, '�3. The pedestriarr �onne�#ion beiw�en the bus stnp and Meadc�w Ricfge Rd. sha11 be within a dedic�ted Pub1i� �ccess easem�nt. This can be ��:dicate�d irt conjun�#ian uvdth the drainage easement in this area, however the 1�' � pr�pos�d dr�inage easern�nt shou9d �e whdened to ��cammodate the walk p�us a 2" b�afFer and also b� named as a general ufiiity, drainage, pedestrian , � access ea�ement. � `��°�� `'��. The continuafiion of th� �ancrete pedestrian walk from the �roposed bus stap �ta BufFehr Creek F�d sh€�ul� be required, the walk shall be a mirrir�um of 14' wide. 15. Canst�ucfion cfetaiBs sh�wn shall meet Town stand�r�#s �i.e. 4,OOD psi cor�crete wit&� fiber mesh, sidewalk de#ail shall he 6" concr�ete ar� 6" base, additional detailec� comrrR�nts to f�llcaw during Civ�il Pf�n review) 1�, As per Tawn Cot#e the first 30' �f �ach aec�ss shall nvt exceed a grade af 4a14, this may b� addressed at Civi! review. '�7. A �.5" asphait ouerlay will be rec�uired for the ex#�nts af the S. Frontage Rd. impra�ements. 18. The current S. Frvntage Rd impro�ear�ents show a 6' asph�lt shvulder on tt�e narth ssde, unless specifically req�ired by �DC?T, th� Town wc�uld like ta see �hat n�rrow�cf �v �", 19. The propased I�r�dscape plan s�ems �rery a99ressive, #he density e�f evergreen #ree�, may be unreaEistic and w�lf haU� to be mc��red further back fr�m the proposed public walks sc� khey da nat become a maint�nan�e issue. 2�.The dev�lop�r shaii be assessed � trafFi� impact fee of $6540 per net �ncrease peak h�ur veY�acufar trip. Portions o�this fee may be offset by traffic imp�c�wem�nts made to the S. Frontage Rd. ta specifically includ�e S. �rantag� Rd. roa�way widening, 5. Frontage Rd. s�dewalk improWerrrents, and the _- _ c�nstructian c�fi a Tran�it stop. The traffic an�ly�is ei�ted 7f2QIC3� indicates - fih�t the net increase in peak hour uefaicula�' tr�{�s+,+s-�;-�h�er�f�re � fee c�f -�-��6 shall be ass�ssed. r- � � , ' ', ��� '��.�;T�e �e�elo er sh�44 work vvith tawn staff and the Design Re�i�w Br�ard #o `� _� �. � ���''� ,"��nccarporate the tra�sh dumpster er�clo��ire ink� t�e prc�pasaf in a manner wFtich ,� � �,r �� � � �� - 1-� �` - l �°�r��G. Ju.� ����.�I��_� � � � is not visible a� the ex#�rior of the �iuilding prior to a t�n�l approrr�l �r�m the aesie�n F2eviev+i Board. 5h�ul�# the Plannin� and Enuir�onmenta! Cammissiar� ch�c�se ta a�prove the rr�ajor exterior alteratior� applica�€on; staff recommends t�aak tkte Commissi�n makes the fc�llowing f�n�ing �s part of the motion: "Pursuar�t ta 5ectiorr 92-7F1-8, Carr�rplrar�c� Burden, Vail 7own Code, the a�rplicant has pr-aven by a �reponderance af the evi�lence befor� the Planning and Environrnenfal Comrnr"ssic�n that the propased r�aaj4r exterrar altera�ion is in cc�mrplrarrc� ►�ifh tt�e pr�rpc�ses of th� Pu[�lic Accomm�datr�n-�z�ne districf, fhat the proposal rs for a development sit� lacatecf autside c�f the scr�pe +�f fhe Vail Vilfage ,�r1`aster Plan, ��ie 'iv'ail Village Urban Design Guide PJ�n anrl the Vaif Villag� 5frcefscape Master Plan and �h�r�fore f�hese planning docr�ments are not appl►'cab�e to �his ap�alrcation; and that fhe ,�ropc�s�l dc��s ,�at flthetwise have a signifrcant negafive effecf an th� character of t�ie nei�hb�rhaod, arrd tf�at fhe�r-aposa! substantralfy compFies v�ith other applicable elemenfs �f the Var'1 Gnmpr�hensive Plan. Further, ,pursuarrt tr� S�c�ans ]2-�J-6�hr�u�rh ?2-7J- 77, Develnpment 5tar�d�rds, the Planning ar�d Er�viranrrrental Com�missr�rr fr"nds the applicatian to be ir� campli�nce with the pr�rpos� and rrrterat of the Public Accommo�dati�an-2 rl�ve�npmerrt standards.''' �C. ATTACHMENTS � ��tachment A: Vicinity Map Att�chmen� B: Le#ter from Tc�rn liassmel, r�atec� July Z6, 20�6 Atta�hment G: �et#er fram App9ic�nt's Represenk�ti�e, dated Aug�st 8, 2a0F Atfachment D; Rec�uced set of D�velvpr�ent F'lans � 13 � �'�,� � �'.� � :' �, a r ,� I�l�r.�Gt11'Pl$'19�. 1�1 ..S 1" �!L�,�. k� B k:4s, �L �.' i � � L4 'y,A. } �`�, ����� �� �� � ��,��, � , + `¢ .�.�1«��'y�a�'�' �"'�''��k}, � � r�t-�"'�°' ��'� - . - a�, '.r i � *�. �n t g-� � � . � .'x y � '�i _ �.�m .. �K . v .. - �� t� i .�€ '� .. � � �... � c`�� 1 '� } i` w< ����� s� C`;;s' . � �p 1 .fi � L � � .�..1 ,� �.. 1;�,1 's`y 'i� �3 a.19 b . r Nr.��. � '; � ;�; `p \ . � . �i2 , 2 �' v��C �4?a.''` c ��' �i4 ��.,f t r a_ '^x .'�. a �E= � I � mr _ '"` J ''�z �"`e �.� a� 1��� a _,�'d. '�,, . ' �.'�r� . S� � � ! .' t . � �'ii �'��f'"` '�` �" � � t 1�': `���` � � � '� �..� Y a.h 'S �����'; ti ' �` -� '� .Y x c+' a ,�S � �' '�. y;-. :.����'�`.�'+f�� �`��� .C��r�.�� ��. � w,J � �� . Y g � �:eY � � }� "Cw .,.. i���'��,.�6 u,��{p�'P�'��u �' � �. . � r a:a ����f 'a� l. 1' � wgy�,p'<<'S�+s�,.g°�*�M;�� s�`"�4 ,yi��� -a.� �P- �( � .,+N �" '^�,Y ly���'7sxa.4i��,$w^l'� � �i�'`�T � �' �i � �i, � ' � . . � ���wir �b' �•i k• p�� d` �� a #� � {.� . .. �'-� :: � •�- I �. �.+l,,e i tgW'!�"��r��,� 4 x �q . ..s. . .. � , �� .�,' � t f� ;� .1 �� e �'� 7? +�'7f�.,;��*��r���:,.�p � � �' t + � „ �����t�'�4� M�6�4o T�,.a ' �`� � ', { �_ � �� ; ,_.1k�'. °,' i� .,M1,�.h��"'"jf",�"'SAi"�li„,4 �A} i� k � � �� � ��i4e �. '�' .� f�.� .�C�''��,-a�'�' ��}��:.� A �" ;� } ..Y 3. �y P a� �_ , 4 ��4' � _ .�� Y�� � ��� K �A �q� � �� .I � GY� ,�w� '� � ��� } 4 JY3,� ,�"�' . . �y4.>. .. — � � F}a..F ` Tc_: t . � � � �, � -+{�,� t6 . . �:} � y�x� _ '�V{�` � � � �� � �� s a � �� k - . ��� � t 4 k ���` . � � � �� ���� `'R,� � L/J �� � ���. � � � y 'f.: � °�'� 's�`..'�°a" �.� '1� � py � . r�� � � �s ��,� �- � z . y �� � -� - �� � � f.�,� � � 1 . �� . � �� � . �� �'-,r'��. 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'�`,t�� �a-ryi f—��,�����! a"'�K��4���� ���x." �' :.� ,y , �. ' yiy�+?y . � r �* . . '�� �r� y� �"�''ti.� � A�..R�, �v a.�.tk+�: h�,:�."�yLi.`,� `Y * p�� T .M .,. ,.� � �_W "�, �'d_]�F�.� .. �', �. Y�- �'�'�� :.. �q �y7� r`:. + ti,'7",�,_.� �"��� "'.�'h' � �".'�^� 4��_ v�. � � .'°�'�s ,J,��`� 2 ; Aa s �g,X�y y ll_ . • - ,'t +�� ,f E : ,e� d'+':#'� �'� ,� ^[ '�l a"' n "�y 1 tir �`� +�,�,_ -• �a� , ,�:a.tFl" � 4. � t � 1. R�.".!�� S �^ "I�Mr �.^ F .q ,�... 5�i � �" - � �'"�� . � . ;e `�3. b�e s,"• � ,� � 9' , � s . ��. � �,�a�na„i.�:�h, �;�a �1 „ �` � . � � ' .� y �� +�rn " �.�"' � � - ,a �' tf y, ' :$ � �p,� � � 3'_���� r���;2�1'�, k �§'��}�, � 1 . .,`'�iif° .; � � � _� e�"� �'��s.t� F���_" _ K `.,�„; za�a"�rv.w.� '�,�+yt-.., ���` J,,.�. / � � ' , `�iti..'° _ �� ..� t���tw 7r.�4 � �°?°�� � ���� -,�` (�'� . �:; .:��. ,_ � .�, �4f ,4 y �4�. � � ��o �� 4 +. ./ �r ��; • , , z r ,�,;� � �,'+��_'+¢' �_ ��,�',�` � 1� �� e'�i� �.y Sri p+ C;'� i S „� r� f+�� ��" s�, ' - - � � _ - x d� y:.. ' ' * j'�' �'` 1P'/ ... ,...: � �. '. . . ---•... — :�;.u,.. _ -�_ '-_._— . __ _ _ . . .� .--.. � . �� , � � Attachment: 6 � � � IJ Maur�eilo Planni�ag Group Aur�u�t 8, 24Q� F'lanmr�c� anc� �n�rirnnmentai Cor�ir7i�ssic�n cla �'l�tt Genn�tt, A1CP �en,ar Pl�nner l c�wr� c�f V�a[ 75 S�uLh Fronta�e Raac� V��;. G�lo�ac#� 8 I 6:?7 f2�: 7imberl�ne L�dge �ro�ect L�ear fVlatt: Tho� Ietter is intendad to addre�� tl�e i���:e� ra�5ed b� the sta;f rrremorandum to � �he F'iannirg �nr�sr�nmPntal C€�mrri�,��on c�ated June ! 2, �C�C)�. llf�ng w�th tha� letter, the appiieant ha� prc�vr�#ed r��i�e�i pians f�r t}�e �u���erline I�Qr�ge ��at addre5� t�e 5ubmitta� re�uireme�t� and the add�tional c�rnment� pro�Eded by �he I a+.vn staf;. Bel�rw w� have adclressed tl�� c�m�aliance burd�n ar+d ather er�teria found in the P�-2 zorae di�tr�c�. Yau w,ll f�nd that the prapa�ed redeWelepmen� pr+a��ct complie� w�th thP r�l���ant cri��.ri�. Compisanc�: Burden: The propased Timberl�ne Lad�e �1 �n camplsGnce w��r r-he pur�c�se� of the f A-� zar�e c��5tri�t. T}i� s�t� is �eang dp�elo��c� a� a Iri7iite�l sPr���e Eodr�e and �th�r re5�dent�ae accor�modat�ans �n the per�phe y of th� 7awn outs�de the L�on�head and Va�l V�Ila�e �Q:°e ar�a�. 7he �r��cs,�d r"acal�ty �� �n�ended to prirr7�;�ily 5er�e vi5itr�r� ta th�e �[�awn QF Vail. Th� �rcapc�5�:r� pr°r��ect i� irt cc�mpl�;nc� w�ti� �r� de�elapr�ent 5�andarcl5 �f tf�� �A-2 zr�n� c�:��rict wh�ch hav� ���n e���bl,�h�� tc� prova�e for adequai� l�gh�, a�r, capen ��ace, anci okher arn�r7rti�5 cr�r�����°n�ura�e with Irrrs�te� ServEce lodge faeilrio�s, Th� p!'t��as�d pl�n� t�ereForre pro��r�e fear acl�c��uate lic�'�t, a�r, and c�per� saace. The ta�le belaw d�rna��trate5 �he praject� c�nfos rnanGe w�th t�e stand�rd� of ch� zeane di5trrct. � r . r = , . s I � i � N r i � , .{;i � � � Devela}�ment �tandard _ AIlc�w�dlRequ�r�ed Propa��d Lot Area: I C7,OC7Q :�.f. ��,5`�7 s.T. Den��ty: 49 uni1�5 �8 urnts �rrr��oye� I�ou�,nq: � beds 3 ur�st� �Icte; �a�m�: Unl�m���d I � I un�t� G��A: ! ��>��6 s.f. �5,�3�� �.f. ?C313Ca ��lic tAL:J� 7 f ,5G�.3 �.E. �3,0�7 �.f. �u�ld�ng he:ght: 48' �}�3' :�iU� C�vera�e: ��,28f� �.r". {E5%) �}�},37� s.f. {5 I .2°Ip)• �-ancl�ca�° A��a: �S,�J%`� �.�. {30°im} 38,598 s.f. {4�.�"�'o) ��rkong: ! 2� ���ce� I E`� ��ace� Lo�d�ng: ! �berth f berth hJnt^;: 'I�nrJere;rc��,�nc1 p�3-��nq tnclur�ed �n s�te coverage c�icvlaC��n A�dit,orrally, tFrc Cr�mpE�ance Burden section state.s in part �hat ,t i5 �he burd�n of �r� ap�aiic�G�t to shca�,v that �tl�e pr�a���a9 ciae� €�e�� ��f�ertivi�e ha�re a 5iqnificant n��ati�e eff�ct on th� character af th� neighborl-rood'� Iempna�e� ad�ed]. W� b�.liev�: �hiat t'�� �r�n�c:sal h�� �ir�rnfirant ��5�ttve �ff_P,f=l`-5 C]Yl thP e:}�arac.t�:r e�f trte ne�gh�orhoad. We rec�gn�z� t�at ther�e witl h�� �om� avtuar ara� perce�ved � negat�ve �m�acts to 7nd��idual �rr�p�rtie� ��uch a� ,��act� ta �rivat� views and ,nc_reased tra;f�c on the Narth �ronC�ge ���d}. �e;o�v ,� � I,�t c�� pas�t�ve ��n� nac�at3ve chanr�es F� the area ihat w�ll nr���r w�th cansLr�ct�an af t�tis �ro�ect. � 2 � � r osititi�v Irr���ct� crf Pr�Ject Ner�a��ve Impac�s af Pro�ect Gorrrments � Ir^pr•�.�x,,�;� ae�Lh:,f:��s �u� impr.�ved P�rt�ul eha;1��° �f �.�r�+rr tv !ft�+.�r �f hs.�h��la}� anc� CJor'�h arc'�rt��tur�! �u�lity df �truccur�e �d�ac�r�t ne�e�he�r� Frantac�e E�aad are t��e r�m�ry rrie+.ti�s �m �r_t�d 3m�ra�ed f�r� �nd �ife �afety of In�rease� I raf��c �n South �r�fi`;c mi't,gatec! by ne4v structure — Redu�.e� FEre G�nc�er Fror�tac�e �.caci left turn lane. r!!o access ta Ne�gi�borhocd aff of Meada�v Ridc�e �oa� ropased. �e�ucec! I,g'�t prziluti�an �r�r� A�d���eonai 5hading of Gvl�adow 5�°In c�f p�rk�rir� �ocated aesthetics due �c� s��}nif�c�nt E2idge I?Qad ur�derground i�edu�t�an ,n �aurfacc parlc�ng �cc�ad easement and acicp���or��l �r,o+r� �€o�r�ge rc�vi�led to T�wr� Im,�roved a�sthetic� due ta �n�r��5e in I�sicl5c,�rmr� n1�!se E�er�ur.t�on �r�nm 1-�CJ due tr� �3u�;d�ng �aartrally blacks �re�Ence �f n�w struczure v�evJS t4 �rd n��sc from f- 7�J �nd Fr�nta e ro�d� lmpraved ?edestrian �r�PSS frnm Meacfow 2�ca,�e f2.c��d witt�� pav�d walk for u�e k��,� Pnu�re ���i +�k�orhoc�d �1P+rd �ti5 Ste� ar��� SnPlte�r � Bm�ro�ed �ec�e5trian accessib�lity r�u� to r�e�4v s��l�vu�llc �r� Nor�si �ronta e �2�ad Irr�r��ied aesth�t.ics and reduceci na}se im�ac�s d�e t� relQ�atic�r� o� Lrash durnp�f:�r frc�m a IQC�tion �mmediately ad�ace�t to the ne�c�f�bao~mg cc�ndcmimum pro�ecis to a cvvered lacat��n away from irnmer�iate r��c��c hbc�rs Imprn+�e.d ar�st�etir_�7 and r�d�,G�� notse due tc� IaGac�nc� Ic�ad�nc� and c�eii�rery dire��h,� �r� front nu�lciiair� r�vi: af v�ev✓ of ne+.�hb�rhvod Irr.praved aes�I`l.`:�IC�T ciue to th� __ burying nf �Werhea� �o�ver I�nes �c�J:�ce�i: tc� t��e pro;�erty �nd l:c� � Mmmer�iate ne� }�bn�s Increa�� ir �r�u�t�an�l hotel r�c�ms Lodc��nc� �ax v�r+ll �ncrease w�then the Town �� 1�';�,! frarr, t:7,� �r��erty due to inc:ee�5�: iri h�bteG rc�c�rns b�in pr�v+ded Im�rpvec� �r�fi�Er: ri�-rulaw�Dn due tr� Irr��ro��e5 �raffic ffoWV r�r new 9e£t turn lane neFC�h�a�� ��avelir,g ��, � _ ' Ner�'� Fr�ntaqe �oa� 3 � � � In adr��tEon tc th� ir�mecl�a�e neEghbarhond. the prc�po�ed �ra�ec� �� con���ter�t w�th the sca?� and k1{zt�,r�e of �evelcpm�rrf alar�� �he North Fron���� '�nad �rom t�ne main Va�i exii: of I-IC7 Lc� ±F,� w��t V�rl �x�� af i-7C�. Fr�r�rn �ast tn w�:��, LFier�� are a ser�es c�f large �c;ale I�r��inc� anc� re��dent�al bu��dgne�� wrth frontar.�e �n the North �rantage �.oac# wncluc��n�: Middle Creek; Sun Va4l; 'Jail Run; Simba P�un; 5a�ay V�li��; and T�r�,bes i��r�e to r�am� a few. Nlany of �he�e bU�ld�ng� are I��ate�i en are�s �,�i��h Ic�w c�enstty resid�r�t�al develc�pment. Th� pr�po�e�� Timberi�r�e L�r�g� pra�ect is can5i�tent wEt4� the ci�arac��r cf �'eveEc�pment alon� t�� hlc�rth Fron�ac�e R��d. We ��f��v€: li�t of pos+tjve ����r�act� �o t�ze c���r�c�er of t��e neir�hborhood ver��u� n�gati�e im��c�� �ho�^sn abcve �6early dernon�trate �:hae not anty doe5 th� prd�c.�t nat ha�e a �`��gn�f�cant" ncgat��e ef�ect �n the ne,gh�onc��od, that on whaie t�e�P i5 a ne#: �c��t��r� �ff�r�L c�r� t}�� cl�i�rac:t�;r c�f �h�: r��:rc����r'�!oc�d. 7he prc��ect al�a �vrn;�l��� w�th the relPvanc �lerrEents c�� the 1r'a�l Ct�rr��r�}�e���ve Ylart iri�lur�ir'9 �c�l,r:�e.s I . ! , I .�, ! . i 2, .�. I , 3.3, 3.�, 5. I , 5.3, 5.4; 5._`i, i t�P Va�l Land U�e Pl�r� r�cc�c���ize� the existsr7c� z�nir��� an the �rop�r�y a� c�ntrall�nc� thc dens�ty �nd land u�es. The �ro�ect i5 cars�sterat w,th the Yc��rrn'� 5tated gaa� nr' �nr_-reasinr� };r�t�.l �aeds �vurh9n ��-�e Tpwn. � 5e�b�ck�: V'J;Lh1 i•e5p�ct Lo �ectaon i �-7J-�: `��tback�, tF�e prQpo�ec# plar7 cQ:TZplieS wi�l; or exceeci� the ��ated �tar�dard c# 2L' except fc�r a 4' one-5tory encrc�achm�nt on t�e we�t �ade pf che bualdsnc� wh,ch accornmadate5 a 5�a�r+�ray exi�. The propo�er� pro�ec� c�emcn��ra�e� compliance wsth the �allr�uv�r�g cri�er�a u5ecf t� evaluar� d::W����ans rrom the �L' �etba:k. The Grfteria are a�dre5��d h�lovJ: A. Pr�pQ�e�i t�uilr��nc� setback� prQ�r,cic� ne�essar•y se�arat,on betw�er� build,ng� and rip�r��n are�a�, �eolc�r�j�ail}� �en��t��+e area5 and other en�ironmentally sens�t�ae ar�as. A;�al�fs: rh�,,�ra,+�c��e�I setN�ack d���+�C-.�Uns ��'Iaw the�r;r�r��,rarra!-e�eparatrc�n h�:`�e°n f�U�ld�n��. Ther-� .�r�� nc? ,�,p�rt�r ar�.ea� ���g�r�ln�fc�lfy 5en�rtRV� .ar��a5 n� c;Io,,e,r�r-c�r�rrrrty to tf���r�,c-Ur-,f,y. � =} � � � �r. Propof��c� ���iI�J�,�r� s�'Wback� +�vill �?rc�v�c�e a�:ec���ate auailab�li�y c�f li�hf, a�r a»d op�n �pace. Analy.s�s: i fre prvpc�s�r.�encrc�acfa�rrer�ts dc� ra�t d';.tra�t fr�m ;h� a�rarlab�l+ty of!t yht, �rr a��d a,�e�7�pae� g�ven the l�mrtecl errero�chmenf�ern� �c�ug°�t and the I�mFt�d h��gh�rf r-he �ncro�chm�nt. C. �'ro�c��ed bu�lding �etbac�cs w,19 �r�v�ae a comp�tibl� r��a;.ion5i�a� w�th bu,ld�ng� an� u�e� on �d�}ac�nt p��pArt�e�. Analy�fs: �h� �r�crc�act,�n��°�t caF Ff�,°: wcsi s;Ga'�af G-��e E=v�lz�'inr� ��"4' fo�e�r,e-_��nr+r ,nrpvrcles a.n r�rchrt�ctG�r�a!e!em�r� t_-n t.��i� �reL� �°l��at�c�n af the �vu�fd�ng �rrc! due to I�rrca'sc�,�e cc�vt:r� �ifl�e r-�I,�t�rr�;l,v�r,�p�r�ent�rb�'� �o t.+s�.� c�n �h� a�'fo�n�ng,�arcel, C3. F'rapo�e� �u�ld�ng ��tb�ck� w�lf result �n crea�4+re de5�gn �rSut�cns or c��her aubl�c benef�t� tnat ce�uld r�c�� c��herw��e be ach�e�e� by ��nformance w�th � �re5criber� 5�^tb�c;k 54anr��rr�5. Anafys�s: The,prc�pc3_sec.!��acrp��hment.s aflp�fr�r�r�att�� des��rf 5c�luL-rc�r�5 to tfle ar�fa�t�c4�re af thc bu�ldir�cj �vi��c�ut ar'b�trarrly folle��v�nr� a ��n�inu�?v5 ��t�ack. Densrty Contral �G�A)T l�f,±�h re�pe�t to ��ctic�n I 2-7.�-�: Den��ty Cc�n�rc�l, the �r��ect �s be�ng de.�r�lU��c� weli b�lc�w the standar� st�;.ec� �n �hi� ��ction vuhicn �Il�uvs ft�r I 5�J square feet o; G�'�A far each f C?0 �quar� feet of b���dable �i�e area. �he cade �IIC7L4'S U� �� � 29,896 �c�. ft. {I 5Q�'�). Of th�� tota�, or�;y 75,84� �c�. ft. o� 89°I� af l¢nd area i� be�nc� �ra�a�ed. Thvr�e �� ncr add�t�c�r��! ddr�r_tian faund �n the Vail G�r-npre}�er.��ve ]'lar� w�i�l� re�ard ��� G��A ar�d thv �r�je�t cherefare com�lie� with the PA-2 xone an� is cans��tent w��h the Va�l C�m�rehen���e °lan. � 5 � � � Srte Co�erage: ��^J��}i r�s�ect tc� secL�or� I �-�J-`�. Si��° C:r�v�:�•�c��:, tk7�� =�r���ct �5 �ein� c�eveEapeci �v a 5�te cav�eracs� c� 5 I .�`�� �vi���h �� �eiow the ��atPd �t�nc�ard r�f ���'a. 5�nce the site �s b�ing c#evelc�ped bel�w the pre��ribed 5�ar�dar� �nd t�tere i� no ad�i��or�al direct�an found in the Va,l Ca+`r�pre.hen�tvP �'9an, �he pro��ct i� in campltance u,+i+�F� PA-� Zor�e D���r�ct ar�d th� �af� Cotnpreheri�iWe �lan. i�nd�cape Area: ��N;th r•ev-��ect tc� sect1an i C-7J- �C�: Land�c��,�� �nc� `i�� ��:v�lc��rn�nt, �he pr��eri is �eir�� cleuc:la��c� w,tt� a �oL�l land�cape ar�.� �� �}4.6% wh�c� �s �n �xc�5� a� t�e m�n�r�um re�u�rement Q� J��D. Slfl�� �hY°. 54L4° 15 rJ�IC�v� C��1IE'.jCJ�f�'d �n cr�mp��ance +���h the �re�cr�b�d �t�r�dard and �her� �� rn additiar�al dtrect�an fot�nd bn the V�i1 Cnmpreh�ns�ve Pl�r�, the }�r��ect s� En ce�rr��liar�ce wath PA-� �ar�e D��tr�ct ar�� the V��l Cr�mpr�hen5�ve �lan. If y�L, haWe �ny c��;3eat�an�, pl�as� fee! free �o c�ll mf�. S�ncerefy, U"� � � f�cmanic F. Mauriello. AI�P �rmnc�,�a1 � � � � Ai�act�ment: � , � . ��V��� � L?eJ�crrdrnent rt�1't.r�ul�c �f'�rks&T�-crrrs��x�•lcriiutr f_i�9 Elkfanr•rr IJr•i�e l�aif, C��16.i7 97{J-�€i�-?15`� Fczr: 97t�-47.4-�"166 ti�ttiv.i�ccil�nu_cn�n ���� Ta: �Ul�tt Geiulett Fram: ToFn I�assmel, Tawn Er�gine�r Re: �'iinberlinc R�ost Lad�c 'Rcdcv�tapment l�atc: U712GIU6 Tl�e Tt�wn of Vail Fublic Warks I3epartrnent has r�cei4�e�d and revieti�rcci the Tixraberline Roast Lac��� Redevelc��ament su'�mittal datcd an�.�•ccci�cd 71171[�� and the Traftic itnpa�:t l�z�<�lysis ciated 712t31OG. Th� �i71loz��i�b s��o�ild�e canditians of�in��l PEC, e�p��rc�val. Conditiotts of App�•a�val � l. Tfie Tawn c�f Vail Gener��I �Jc�tes s1xa17 be s�c3�ed. 2. The iJtility Si�riature hlock v��ill nnly he rec�uired c�i�the title pag�.�t�d shall have a11 utilities si�natures. �. Final Ci�il drau��ings shall be apprt��r�d �nci meet all Town standards prior to subnlifital a#`bui�din� pernyifi. Dctailcd eonuncnts �will bc prcavidcci at that time. The approv�il�f�i�il cirawin�s rr��y take between 2 ta 4 m�nt��s. 4. Ap}�r+nval:� �rom al] im�a�ted pra�ei-�y 4u�lers shall be ohtained,where necessary. Rec�rded eas�ments will be require�p�-iar tc�construction, wher�necessar}�. 5, All constructivn stabing issues shall be resalved pri�r ta eonstruction i�icluding stagzng,pha�irag, access, schedilles, traf�"ic�antrol, emergency ace.ess, p�rkin�, Jvaciing and delivery, etc... 6. A RC1WI[Itility�aermit sh�ll he obt�.irl�d and a�prc�ved l�y the Town of V�il and CDC7T priar to cammencing any cnnstruction within p�blic�ight af Way, 7. AlI in�proverr�ents within CDOT R.���' shall be ap�roucd by CDOT incl��dinb all�'rt�ntage Rci impravements and l�n.ndscapin�. Gener�l a�praval from CL�(]T will be required prior to Ci�il plan set. ap��rnval. This �vill alsc� include a�D[7T Access Permit. �. Prinr t� apprav�l af an �xcav�ti�n permit � sh�aring anci excavati�n plan sl�all bc submitted including; excavatiozi phasing, en�ineer�.�i s�c�rin�plans with plan,prc�tile and cross se�;tzc�n�. Cr�ss S�cti«r�s arid plans sh�I] include all existin�contliets{i.e. uti�ities}. �ny shc�ring�vithin CD�7T RC1W �nrill req�ire app�c�val l`rom C'T�(7T, Any�hc�ri�g vvithin t�te Vail �utalic ROW will require 7'awn of Vail approval and. a reva�able R(JW�e�ait. 9. Pravide engineered starnped �r�al draina�e repc�rt, pa�•crr�cnt desi�n report, an� geotechni�al re�s�rt. 1 G+. Tl�e S. Frc�nta�e Rd. irnprc��,Tements shawri shall include necesstiry li�htin�'ir�-igatic�nlsi�na�e, 11. �4n�a�em�:nt shall be prtavi�ied at t}t��lctrthY�vest cr�f�ncr ot tlle prop�rty to grc�vide fc�r the existing erlcre�acl�ment ofthe rc��dv��ay, drai�z��e ai�d siio�v skorage. This �ha�l incluc�e th� cxisting as�rhalt ar�d � shc��alder ar�a anci a 5' huffe�- area fc�i- snc���stoi-a�c and �uardrail. 1`?. Pra��id��rt 1�� Firbli� Pl<�ces �:c�ntri�t�ti�7n, cr�c�rc�in��te ���ith AIFP. 13. 7he pe�ic�stg�i�i cor�nc�tinn���een ihL �«s sto�� �nd M'esic�c�tir�'Rici�e.�. sh��ll be Svithir� a de�iicatec� Public ac�:ess eas�inent. This can �� ded��ated tn con�unctia�l wit��tlle draina�e e�sement in tl�is area, ho�revc�-tl�c 10' pra�oseci cirainage easement shauid be wicie��ci to accr�mma�late the wal�:plus a 2' bi�f�er 4inc� �ilsc� l��named �s a gencral utility, ciraina�e, ��ci�:strian ac�css �asLr�acnt. � 1�. The ccsfltinuati�n �f`the cr�ncrc�t��edestri�n walk frotn the �roposed bus stop tc� B��ffehr Creek Rd s�iould be required, tFze i�vall� s}lall k�e a rr�inimum «f�1�1' wi�ie. l S. C��r�struction details s�id�vn shall m�et To�vn stanc�ar�s(i.e. 4,D0[] psi concrete with fibcz zr�esh, sidewalk dctail shall bc G" eai�cretc an 6"bas�, additir��aal detailed cc�mments to folla�v during Civi1 Plan review� 16. .�,s per To�� Code t1�e #irsC 30' of�ach access shall nc�t exceed a gradc nf 4b/�, this may bc ad�irc:ssc� at CiviT review. 17. A 1.5" as}�I7al��vcrlay u��i�� he r�quireci tor the exlents �}l'the 5. Frnntag�Rci. irnpr�vein�rats_ 18. The current S. �ronta�e Rd iznpra�rernents sllow a G' asp�ialt shQUlder c�n the nartl� si�ie, unless s�aecifically re�uired by CDOT, t�ie Tor��n �fc�ul�i lik�t� see that narrowed tQ�', 1�. The pxnpc�scd lat�,ds�apc plan sccros �ery ag�e-essive,the c�cns�ty�f c�vcr�rccn trccs, may be unrcalistie �incl w�i�l lx��ve tc� be rnowed f�ri-tl�er b�ck �i•or� the �ra�osed pul�lic wt�Il�� so they do :nc�t bec��ame � iI3�lI1tCI1�1]C� 1S51]G. 20. The developer shall be asses�ed a traffic ii�Ypact fee of�650� per net increase pe�k h�ur�vehicular trip. Pa�tians vf thi� fee nnay be affset kay traf�c improvements mad� to the S. Frantag�Rd. td s��ccifically ii�.cltid� S. Front��e Rd. roadt��ay i�id�i�in�, S. Franta�c Rtl. side�valk imgaro�en�ents, �nc3 t�ie cc�n�tru�cti��n of{3 `]'r�n�it stop. 'Ch:e;treif�c analy�sis datec� 712��,rU6 inriica#�s that th� net inerea.�c ir� E�calc hour vehicul�r trips is 3�J,#her�fnre a fce r�f�l 95,0[�0 s�iali be assessed. � � � � Desic�n 1te�riew Bvard � AC�I�D�'�I F�3Rl+� ► - � T]�epartrn�nt v� �Comrnunity Deve�o�ament ��"/"y��'j�� ' 75 Sau[h Frantage Road� ilail, coloradp 81GS� 'l! yr te�: 930.���.z��� ��x: �7o,�a�.z�sz c:x.�.r���€w r�vri.�.h Re��- 4N8�]: VVVifHI.VaC�(�OW.COf1'f Pro�ect Name: TIM�ERLiNE LQDGE NEW HOTEL DRB Number: DR605455Q Praject Ue�crrption: TIMBERI��IE L�DGE REDEVEI�OPM�f�JT PRt].7ECT�FQ�tMER RaOS� L�]DGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE REDEVELC3PI��NT OF THE R+DL3ST LCl�GE Parti�ipants: OWNER TIMB��!_.INE RQOST LOD�E LLC 10/11�2Q65 1�VAIL RD VAIL CQ 81657 APPL�CANT MAURIELLQ PLANNING GR�UP, LL1fl/11,I20{35 Ph€�ne: 970-748-fl9�0 PQ BOX 1I27 AVQIV C� 8�6��? License: CQO(lOf}ffi97 � Praject Address: 1783 N FRaf�TAGE Rf�WEST VAIL Location: THE RQ05T LO�GE Legal Descrip#ion: Lnt: 9, 1 Bfac'k: Subdi►r�sion: B�1FF�R C�EEK RESlJB Parcel Number: 2103-]23-Q�0�-1 Camments: please see canditi�ns BQARDJSTA�F ACTi(3N Mntion �y: Du�ning A�ion; APPRC3V�D 5ecand 6y. Frikz�en Vo#e: 5-�-D aate of A�pro�►al: Q9J07/2(��5 Conditian5; Cc�nd: 8 �PLAN}: Nc�eh�nges fio the�2 plans rnay be made wfthaut the written consent of Town of Vail s�afF and,lc�r the apprapriate review comm€ttee�s}. Cc�nd: 0 (P�AN}: DR6 apprava� dqes not c�ranstitute a permit Far building, Please consuft with Town af Vail Buil�ing p�rs�nnel prioe to construction �ctivities. C�nd: 2(}1 DRB approval shall n�t b�ome vali� for 2�days fallawing the c�ate of appraval. C�nd: 2f}2 � A�prnval af this project shall lapse and become Vaid one�1) yea�follawing tYte date ❑f fnal �ppro�al, unless a huilding permit is issue[�and �anstruction is co�tlme�CeC1 and is�iifigently �a�rsued toward ccampletion. Cond: C4N0008430 That khe pro�osed 10' and 1Z" trees shown c��t th� landscape plan be upsizetl tr� 15' � � and 18', res�ectively, byr the appiicant prior ta C4 by planning. Cand� CDNa�JU8�31 That the applicant cvri°�p�ies fu�lly with the TOV devefoprnent standards hand�ook � regarding lig#�ting by�he time of�inal C� inspectic�n. Plann�r: f�att Gennet� DRB F�e�aid; �850.0#1 � � � � Design Revieuv B�aard ,� ACTI+DN fC)R� k - � De�artm�nt af Cornr�un�ty Dev�elop�rser�t �'�'/'���� ' 75 Sc�e�th Fr�ntage Ro�d, Vail, C�ol�rado 81b57 1�,,1 te1: 9�{3.4?9.2139 fax: 97+�,479.�45Z ,�.�.r.�.s�ai:r�FV��u���rr web: www.vail{Jov.COm Pro�ect Name: TIN�BER�I�I� LODGE �IEVV HOT�L DRB Number: DR805055� Prnje�Descrip�ion: TIMSERLINE L�DG� �:EpEIl�LQPMEN'T PRCIJECT(��]RMER R�IOST LODGE}-FINAL APP��VAL FC�R THE REDEVEL�pPMENT OF TH� R(70ST LU�GE P�rtitipantS: 0'WNER. TIMBE�LiNE RQt75T L�7DGE LLC 1CP/11,��005 �.2 VAI L R�] 1AAIL Ca 8i557 APPLICANT MAl#RIELLC} PLANNING GRi�UP, LL1QIi1C2005 Phone. 970-748-�92G PQ BflX 11�7 AV�I� CO 81620 LicenSe: ��3�i70a�b�7 � Project Address: 1783 N FRCDfVTAGE RD WEST VATL l.ttaccaitian: THE RaC}5�L�DGE Legal Descriptian: Lvt: 9, 1 81oC1�: Subdi�ision: BUFFER CRE�K RESUB Parc�e� Number: �1�3-123-Q�0{1-1 Comrnents: please see cantlitions BDARD/STAFF ACTIQN Matla� By, C7�nnir�g A�ior�. APPRQV�D Second By: Frit�Een Vc�te: 5-0-� Date af Approval. ��1Q71200� ennditians: Cand: 8 (PLAN}, No changes to the�e plan5 may be made with4ut tif�e writken ccrnsent aF Town of Vaii staf#and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: {� (PLAN): DRB appraval daes n4t eonstitute a permit f�r building. Please��nsulk wiCh Town of Vawl Buildfng personnel prior to construction activiti�s. Cand: Z�Q� E7R8 appraval shall nrt become vaPid for 2� days foilvwing the �aCe oF approval� Cand: ZO� � Ap�Srt�Wal of th�s project shall lapse and become void ane (1) year fierlinwing the c�at� of�nal�approvaf, unless a buibding permit is issu�:d a�d �on�tru�tian is��rr�menc�l and is diligently pursued taw�rd Gorr�p�etiar�. Cond: CQNOC10843�d Thak th� proposed 10' and 12' krees shawn on the land�cap� plan be �psGZed 'tcs 15' � � and J.8'� respectively, by the applicant prsor ta CC7 by planning. Cond: CJhl�fl�8431 �hat the applbean�c4mpPies fuily v+rith the TOV development sta�dards handbook . � regarding lighting by the time �sf Finaf CO inspectivn. Planner: Matk Gennetk DRB Fe� Paid: $fi5�.{1� � � � � Rlanning ar�d Envira�r�men�al �omm�ssc�n � A�TI�7�1 F�F�M i - � D�partm�nt of �Cummunity [?e�r�lt��ment ���� 1't]�L � 75 Soukh Fro�ta�e Road, Vakl, Col�r-adn �1557 t�l: �}70,479.2139 f�x: 970,479.�.45� c.��.�-.,a��w-fc,=;�«,;�,,,,:,,- r��b: a�ww.vail�ov.torn Praject Name: TIMSERLINE CUP FQR EHl3'S PEC Number: PEC06(?083 Prc��e+�t Description: T1M�i�RLCN� L{�[JGE REDEVEL�PMENT€�f�(�]ECT��ORMEF� ROOST LODCE}-FINAL APPROVAL F�R A C�NDIl7c7NAL IJSE TC7 Tf�CC}RPc�RATE TYPE 3 �HU'S INTC7 THE DEV�LaP�1ENT PLANS 'FC3R TIMBERLIN� LfJDGE Participants: OWNER TIMBERL'�NE R(JC7'�T L.�DGE LLC 11{21/20Q5 12 VATL RC7 VAIL CO 81�r57 A,PPLICAfVT TIfu1�iEF�LIiVE ROfl�LflQGE LLC 11J21�20fl5 . 12 VAIL RF] VAIL CO 81657 � Pr+oje�:t Address: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD W�ST VACL �acatinn: TFiE R�ClST LC7DG� Legal Descriptian: Lot: 9, �. 81�ck: Subdiais�on: BU��ER C�E'�K RESUB Rarcel Number� �10�-A23-42��-1 Comments: See mernv �ated 12�'13./Zfl06 BOAitd/STAFF ACTIaN Mot�on By: Kjesba A�:t�on: A�PRC7V�D Second �y: C��velanc� Vote: S-a-Q Q�te af Appr�o�al: 1�J1i�2+Dfl�6 Canditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN}: No changes ta khese plans may be m�de withaut the writ�en c+�nsent�f Tawn pf Vail sta�f andlor the appropriate �'e�iew �comrnitCee{s). C�nd: 300 PEC appraval shall not be not becc�me valid f�r�2�days fallc�wing the cfat�af �pproval. �Cand: 113 All devel�pment applications su�mitted ta the Torrvn �fter the e�Fe�tive riake af Ordinar�ce �6, Series 20�6 shall be subjet`��o the pending �mp�ayee hbusing � regulations in whatever forrr� they are fnally ado�ted; provideci, hawe�er� tha� if the Town fails tv�dopt t�e pe�ding emplaye� �ausing regulations �y April 15, 2�07, this Or�inan�e shall not apply Cp such �evelopment appiicatfans. Ptanner: Gearge Ruther P�� Fee Pai�: $550.(}a � � ��anditiana� tJse Permit App�icativn for Re�view by the ' . Plannir�g antf Enr�ir�vr�nr��:ntal Cvmmi�s��an ; , �}���'�� � Department af Comrr�unity D�eveiopment '75 Saut�h Fror�tage R+aad,Vail, Colorado 81557 ; tel: 97�.479.2128 fax: 97[].�79.2452 web: wrww.vaiigov.c4m G�neral Inf�nrmafion; Alf pro�ects re�€�i�-ing Plar�ning and EnW�ronm��tal Ccsrr�r��ssian review �nust receive approval priar ta subrn�tting a bu"slding �a�rmit applicat�on. Please re�er to the suhmi�al requirer�ents for th� par�icu[ar apprpval that is requested. Rn app9icatio� for Planning and �nv�ranrnental CQmmissipn re�+iew cann�t �e �ccepted until al! required infcrrm�tion , is rec�eiv�d by the Comrnunity l�eve[oprr�ent �epar�mer�t. The projeci may aiso neecl to I� reviewed by t�e Town Cvuncil aerd�'or th�Design Review Baar�. ' Type nf A�plic�t�t�r� a�d �e+e: ❑ Reza�ir�g $134t} �, Canditional Use Permit $�i5� C7 �1aj�r 5tst�ivisic�n $150� ❑ Flvot�plain Modification $400 <? � Mir�c�r Suhd9visivn $65� ❑ Minc�x Exte�'ior A6teration $650 a ❑ Exemption Plat $554 ❑ Majar�acteripr Altera�i�n $��4 " =i ' ❑ Minar Amendment ta�n 5Da $iOflD C7 D�vefopment Plan $15�0 '; ❑ New Special Development�istrict �b00a ❑ Ame�dment to a I�ev�elc�pment Plan $25Q 0 Majc�r Amendment ta an SDD $6�0C} l7 �oning Cc,de Amendment $13Qa ? 0 Majc�r Am�ndment t�an SC]b $125(} ❑ V�riance $50�7 (no�rteriormc�di�cationsJ 0 5ign Variart�e $24(7 � Descr�ption af the Requesk: `�1^�_���� "�`�� � ��,�'� �11St� Urst�t�� l� `��1.� ����.�►�nt�i'� '�t�3S ���?. ��-��. S2,,C��S'�' t;C�t�._ � , � L��ation af the Prvposal: Lot: -l2 Block: Subclivisian:�� C-�C' ���.� — � ' Ph�rsi�l Addre�s; _ l�4]� �3. �� !i�"c'�� ,�i ; Parce! N�.: ��4�?� �1'�� 'Drt�'{] -� I (Contact Eagl� C�. AsSessor at 97�-328-$64� far parce! no.) � Zc��ing: �� `Z- Name{s) af dwner{s}: W4, l.J �' I.�bC� �..� � , M�iling Add�e�s: �� '�11�L1. � �'�1`� t�,�� P�ane• �I C� �-�a��,. �� Owr�er[s} S�gnaturegs): i _ ' � � Name of Applieant: � Nl��lin�Adde'ess: �CwIG� �'k°a � s.... '; Phone� �-ma�� Ac��iress: �,r�� ��-=�w�,��,�r���,ev�•c�wa__Fax �°l� �--�lt�.��,�(� Fvr t3ffice Use L}rilyr 1�`i�.-�.'a!` I � Fee Paid: '°� ck Na.°�� By: Meeting [Jate: �"��"'� � PE� f�o.: : ' y �fanner: r � Project I�o.. � F:lcdevlFC7RN�SIF'ermik5lPkanninglP�Clear�di6v€�21_use.dac Page 1 a'f 5 i141{75 ,� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .... .:� � � . • � � � nnE�Q�aNmu� T�l: PEanning and Er�virar�rnerr�al Cammissior� FF�OM: Cs�mmuniky Develvpmenf aepar�m�n# [3A�E: D�:c�mb�r 11, 2fl0� SUBJECT: A request for a finaf revi�w af a cc�nd�ti�n�l use permit, pursuant to Section '12-7J- 3, Conditic�nal Llses, Vail Town Gvd�, kc� �l6aw far the canstructian af C�ree (3), Type 111 Emplaye� Hr�using Units, in associatio� with The Timb�:rl€rre Raost Lodge Redevelopment, la�ated a� 1783 Narth Frantage I�oadlLc�ts �-1�, Buf�e�r Creek Resubdiv�siQn, and settin� f�rtFr details i� regard t�erete�. (P��[�6-00�3} A,�plicant: Timberline R�ost Lvdge Planner: Gevrge Ruther I. 5lf M AVIARY The appiicant, The Tim�erlin� Roost Lodge, is �equesting a cc�nditivn�l use permit pursuant ta Sec#ian 12-7J-3, C�nditianal lJses, Vail Town Cade, as a pa�t af the prapased redevefopm�nt of The F�c�ost Lradge, I�cated at 1783 �lorth Frontage Ro�d. !f appro�ed, the canstructi�n af the Type lil Ern�pl�yee Hausing Unit (�HU} woufd pravide � t�ree �3� new 474 squar� foot hausfn� units �or a minimum �f three ernpfoyees within khe r�de�elope�i 3�uilding. B�sed upor� 5ta�f's r�view of the criteria in Sectian VIII nf this memvrandum and #he �evidence ar�t� testirnany present�d, the Commun"rty Develvpme�t Department recommends approval, with condit€ans, of this request su�j�:ct ta the • firrdi�tgs and canditions n4ted in 5ectian IX of this m�morandum. !I. D�SCRIPTiQN �F R�QLJES�' Th� prQVisions af Section 12-7,1-3, Vail Tnwn Code, id�ntify a Type lil EHU a� a canditiot�al use within #he �'u�lic A�ccornmad�ti�n �- � Dist��ct. This request is E�eing m�de in conjunctian with t�� pr�posal fc�r the redev�lopmen� of th�: Timberline Roflst Lndge T�e pr�pos�d EHU's will �e 474 square f��t in si�e and will incl�ade one bedre�om, kitch�nJlivi�g rcrom, bathra�m, and closet s�a�e. The EHLI has be�n d�sigr�ed wi�h its own entranc� �o the rrhain hallway of the �iuilding, TF�e applicant h�s p�ovided 4.� subsur�ace p�rking s�aces f�ar ihe EH[J's per t�e parl�ing requirements fflr� dweliing unit, whicl� are autlined in Secti�n �2-1(� of the V�i� Town Code. Tk�e provisions af 5e�ti�n 'i 2- 1 G-f and 1 Z-1 E-7, Canditiana! Use P�rmit, Va€l Tvwra �ode, det�rm3n� t�� revi�w criteria and prQC�ciure�or a canditional use �ermit. III. BACFtGR{7l.{ND Jn August 14, �CIC]�, the Planning and Env�ronme�tal Commisso�n reviewed t�re pro�c�sai §ar a major exterEC�r alteration t€r �aGilitate the rede�elapmer�t of The Timberline Roast � Lodge. As � part nf the redev�elopment request, khe a��licant is prnp�sing ta ��nstruct three 43} Type Il1 er�ployee housing units an the site of the new lodge. Th� redevelc�pment a,�pl'scatisan w�s approved by the Cammissic�n 7-(}-0. 1 � � � ` , 9 � 1V. Rf3L�S +C�F i��V��WlNC BQDIES C7rder of Ftewiew; Generally, ap�laGations v+rill i�e r�vieuved first by th� Plannin� and Environmental CQmmissior� for �cc�piabifiky of use an� then by the a�sign Review 8aard f�sr cornpl'rance af proposed buildings anci site planning. Planni�g and �rrvironmental �Commissicrn: Acti�an.The '�lanning and Enviranmental Corr-tm�ssion �s r�sponsible for final appro�alld�nialla�prc�v�al w�th conditions of Canditional Use Permits. The Planning and Environmental Commissian i� responsible f�r �valuati�ng a pr�posal for: 1. Relatic�r�sf�ip and impact �f t[�� us�e c�n d��v�la�pment objectiues of fhe 7awn. Z. Effect of t£�e us� on iight and air, distribution of popukation, transpartatian faci�ities, utFlit�es, schools, parks �nd recreatie�n facil9tie�, and other pubEic facilities and puk�fic faciliti�s needs. 3. Effect upc�r� traffic, wi�h partic�rCar referenc� to c�ngestir n, autQrnot�ve and pedesfrian safety and conWenience, #raffic flow and cQntra�, �c��ss, rr�aneuver°ahility, ar�d rem�val of sns�w from the streets and parkin� are�s. � 4, �ffect up�n th� char�cter �rf the ar�a in which the pro�vsed use is to be located, encluding the s�ale ancl bulEc af the pro�osed use ir� relatian te� surrQ�nciing us�s, 5. Such other factor� and criteria as the Comrr�issian deems �pplicabl� ta t�e prerp�sed use. D�sign Review �aard: Action: The Desic�n �eview Board ha� dQes nnt have review authe�ri�y an a Conditianal Use Perr-rait, '�ut m�st revievv any accarn�anying De�ign Revoew Boarcf appficatian. Town C�u�ncil: Aciions of E]esign RPV�iew �3a�r� nr l�l�nnin� �nd E��irQnmental Co�rnissian may b� appeaied tcr lY�e Tc�wn Cou��il ar by the Town �au�cil. Town Cauncil evaivates whether t�r nc�t fhe f�lanning ar�d Enrrirs�nme�tal G�r�missic�n ar Design Review Baard erred with appravals Qr d'enials and can uph�id, uphnld with mc�difi�ations, ar over#urn the �oard's decisian. Staf#: �he st�ffi is respor�sible for ensuring that afl su�arnittal requirem�nts �re provided a�d p(ans canfc�r� �o the technical r�q�sirerrtents of the Zoning Regu�ations. The staff also advises ihe applicar�t as to c�mplianc� with the desigr� guidelines. �t�ff prc�uides a staff rr�err�a cc�ntai�ing �ac€�graund Qn the prap�rty and provid�s a staff eval�aiiar� �f tF�� prcaject with res�ecl tr� th� required �rit�ria and findings, �nd a� � . . � � � recc�mmen�ati�n vn approvaf, ap�roval with conditions, s�r denial. 5laff afsa� facilitates the review process. V. ARPLICABLE PL�MNING DOCUM�NTS Staff beSieves tha� the following provision� of the Vail Town Gode �re relevant tQ ti�e revi�w of this pr�posal: Ch�pter 1�-2: Defir�itions � 12-2-2: Def�nitions E,m�lo�ee Nousing Unr't {'E,HU):A dwelfing �nif which sha�!rrt�t be leased or r�r�tec� far ar+y periad l�ss than thirty {3�} cc�nsecutive days, ar�d shal! be rent�cl only to tenanfs wha are full-fime empfoy�es of Eagl� CQ+�nfy. ENt}s shal! 6e aJtow�d in cerfarr� zone drsfrr'cts as set fc��fh rn fhis Tr`tle �S�ctir�rr �12-93}. 27e��lc�pme�rt star�dards far �NUs shall be as pravi�fecf in Ch�pfer 13, "Emp�c�yee Hor�sing„ of fhis Ti�l�. For the purposcs r�f#his definifior�, a "full�fime'°em�l�yee sI7a1{ mear� a per�s�n who wc�rks a mrraimum of an average of fhirty (3CJ} h�urs per week. 7here shall b� fiv� (5) ca[egorres �f EHUs.� Type !, Type II, Type Ilf, Type 1V, and Type V. Pro�visions reJatrr�g to each type of ENU are set farth in Chap�er 13, "Emplvy�e Hr�using,.of thrs Tit1e. VI. SITE ANALYSIS � Addre�sslLegal �escription: 1783 North Frontage RoadlE.c�ts 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subc�ivasion Zoning; Pu�Nic AccbmmadatiQn-2 (P�,-2} aistrict Lanci Use Desigr�ation: Medium D�nsity Resider�tial Qsrrelvp�nent Z127fn6 d810710fi Standard Allr�wedlRe uired PEC S�ibmittal PEC Sulamittal Lot Area: 1�],d170 se�.it.min. Ei6.597 sq.ft. 8�,5�77 sq.ft. Densiiy: 49 Dwelling Units 39[3welling Unbts 2$Dwelling Units AU's iJnlimited 124 AU's 1C11 AU's Gi�FA: �29.89�a sq.f#. 1 Q0�2�0 sq.ft. 75,�342 sq.ft. (7Q°/o=53�097 sq ft] (34°Ia=22,745 sq ft) �uiltlin� Height; 4�3 feet 48 f�ek 4t�feet 5ite Coverage: 56,288.23 sy.fl. �f5%) 52,�3fi4 sq, ft. 44,37�i sq.ft.{51%) Lar��iscape Area: 25,979 sq.€t.(3p°fa) 31,�5a sq.ft. 38,698 sq.f#. (44°Io� Setbacks IVorth: (7'-20' ?�' 2Q' West: 0'-2Q' 2�l° 15'{95C fioar stairwefl} Eas#: t�'-�Q' 20' 20' Sc�uEh: fl'-20° 2p' 2�' � Parking: 156 spaces 19S spaees i8�spaces � � '� • , Lr�ading: 'f harth 1 berth 1 berth � �mpfoyee 3 units 3 uniks 3 wnits Housing: VII. SURRQUNDING LAND USES ,�Na ZOIVC�G L�nc� Use �oninq Narth: Residential Two Famrly F'rimarylSeeandary Residential Sc�ut�h: l-7t7 RC)W N1A East: Resid�nti�l Two F�mily PrimaryfSec�ndary Residential West. F�esidential R�sid�ntial Clust�r District VII[. CRITERIA AND FIhJ❑I�VGS The r�vi�w crit�ria f�r a req�est of khis nature ar� eska�lished by the Tnwrr Code. The prc�pase�i Ty�r� Ilf EHU @s l�rcateci within �he Public Acct�mra�o�ati4n — 2 aistrict. Therefore, #his �ropa��l Fs subject t� th� issuance af a contiitional use permik in a�c�rdanGe w�th th� p�avisians of Cha�ter 3 2-1�, Vail Town �Gc�de. A. Conssderatic�r� af Fact�rs Re ardin CanditiQnal Use Permits: 1. Relatian��ip and irnpact of the use vn the develapmerrt vbjectives vf�h� � Tawn. W�en fhe Tawn Counca1 adc�pt�d the Town o� V�il Affe�rda�le Hr�using 5tuciy 4n I�avember �0, �99Q, it recagni�e�! a ne�d ta in�r��se the su�ply of Ic���IsJemployee housfng units. As recently as Octob�r 10, 2�t7�, the Cauncil discussed ir� lenc�t�7 �c�ssibGe t��tions f�r sa€ving the �ffardabl�; �rausing sk�ortag�;. The Tawrr enct�ur�ges EHU's. parkic�larly on-site, w�en pnssik�le, a� a rt�eans af pra�iding qua4�ty iiving candit�ons and expanding the supply of employ�� housing f�r bot}� ye�r-rc�uncS arid �e��an�i Ic�caf residents. Staff b�lieu�s kh�t the incorporatian of#he proposed units inta 7h� 7irnberlin� Roast Lodg� red�v�lc�pr�ent proj��t wiil haue a positive impact c�n the Tawr�'s r�ntal ho�asing needs. 2. The eff�ct of tFte us�e vn light and air, distribution of pc�pulatic�n, transpvrtatlon #a�ilities, utiiities, schc�vls, parks and recreatior� faciliti��, and ather pubfic facititi�s needs. St�ff beli�ves that th�re wili be an ir�significant irnpact fram the praposed Type III EHU's nn fight, �ir, pc�pul,�ti�n, tr�nspo�kation, utiliti�s, sc�ools r�r p�rks� and t�th�r public facilities r�eeds. 3, Effect upv� �raffic wit� parkicular ref�rence tc� cvnge�tion, automat�We and pecfe�t�ian safety and con�+eraience, traffic flow and contrcrl, access, rr�aneuv�rability, and removal of snow fr�m the street and p�rking are�s. � � . � � � T�ree ta faur additiona� uehicles are anticipafied in association with the �HU's. The a�plicant is prrspasing to �ccc�mmoda�� this �nticipat�d parlcing demand within the �elow-grade str�act�re. Additianally, becaus� the '�HU's wi11 b� loca#ed ar� the Tvwn's bus route and will be pede�trian friendly fvr ifs user, Staff �elieves that this pra�c�sa� wo�l have an insignific�nt impact vn the remainder�f the retert�nced cr�teria. 4. Effec€ upon tfi�e character of th� ar�a in which the prc��aos�ed u�e is to be locateci, including the scal� and bulk af the prnpase�d use in relation to surro��ding uses. St��F feei� that the p�'t�posed EHIJ's will nol sigr�ificantly impact khe sc�le ar�d buC'k of this project in rel�tio� to surr�undin� uses, 7he prapnsed �HU'will be cansis�ent with th� develo,�ment standards applicaale t�th�s property. 5, The prapased �HU meets the Tvwn's r�quiremen#s far zoning, awn�ershipltransferen��, GRFA, garage creditJstarage, ar�d d�nsi#y- a. �onin districts ermitted b ri ht or b condilion�k use ,4 Ty�e Ill EHU i� � canditia�a� us� in the Res�dential Clusier, Low Dens�ty Multiple �amily, M�dium []ensiry Multipie Family, High Density Multiple �amily, Public Accornmodativn, Puhlic Accornmodatian -2 �C�mrr�ercial Car� 1, �, ar�d 3 �dis#ricts, Camm�rcial Se�ic� Center, Arteriaf Business District, Parking District, G�ner�l Use f�istric#, and the S�Ci B�self�ecreatiar� D�st�ict. The sub�ect�rcaperty is Public Accommad�tian —� zoned . � �, t�wners�i�ITrans�erer�ce A Type �II EHI� may be s�kd ar transferred separ�tely from th� uni�s with whi�h it is associated. Th� applicant is prc�posirrg to seEl or transfer th� EH�1 sep�rately fr�m t�� proposed dw�llir�g units a�d fractional f�e uni�s k� �e constructed upor� the praper�y, c. Additiana[ GF��A Not a�plicable fvr a Type 111 EHU. d. Garage �red'itJStorage Rec�uir�rnent �lot applicab4e fc�r a Type Ifl �EHU. �. Parki� Per �hapter 1�-�0, Vail Tawn �ode, wnich regul�te� the par'king r�quirer�ents fior dwelk�ng u�nits (incl�ding �Hl�s}, 4.� parking spac�s �re require� for th�ese uniks. The applicant is currently pre�posing to com�ply witFr the Chapter 12-10 requiremer�ts fc�r th� vario�s proposed uses (incfc�direg th� prapcased �HU} upan Th� Tirnberline Roost Lcadge r�de�+ela�ment site, f. I�linimumlMaximum GRFA af an EHL� Type Ill EHUs are ali�awed w�kh a Gr�ss Residential Floor A�ea ��RFA� range �f 340 - �,�0�sq.�t. The pro�ased EHU's will be 474 sq. ft. in siz�. � �. Dertsity A Type ill EHL! will r��t c�unt as density in this in�t����. 5 � � . � B. The Plannin ant� Envir�nmental Cammission shall make the fallowir� find�n s befor� c�ranti�p a conditional use �ermit: 1. That the prapased lo��tion c�f khe use is €n ��cv�dan�e with the pur�oses �f khe �ondltian�l use permit sectior� of th� zoning code and the purposes of the Public Accomm�datian — 2 (PA-2} di�trict. 2 That the prapas�d Ic�catian of the use and the can�i�ions under wt�ich it will be operated �r rr,aintain�d will n�t be defrimentai to the public health, safe�y, ar welfare or materialiy inj�rious tc� �raperties Qr imprc�venients in fhe uicinity, 3. Th�t th� prcaposed use wi#I compfy witl� eac� af the appii�able �ravisic�ns caf the condition�l use permit ��ctian c�f the z�ning r�gu�atic�n�. [X. ST/�FF RECC]MM�NCfATI�DN T�r� Community D�v�lvpment De�art�-n�:nt recc�mmends appr4rral, with cc�n�dition{s� af a Gcrnditianal lJse I'ermit, purs�ant tc� 5ectian 12-7J-3, �c�r�t�it�onal fJse�, Vakl T�wn Code, tr� all�w for i��r�e (3) TYpe III Emplayee Hausirag Uni�s, located at 9783 N�rth 'Frorrtag� RaadlLc�ts 9-12, Buffehr Gr�ek Resubdivisi�n. Staf#'s recomrnendatian is based u{�vn �he r�view of th� crkterFa in S�ct�an, VlII of this merrac�randum and the ev�id'ence and � teskimony presen'ted, su�j�ct tc� the fc�llowing fi�di�gs: �. Thaf fh� �r�pose� tr�catran of th� c�se is �n accordance wi�h �he pr�rpr�ses o� fhe c�►7drti�nal use E�ermit �c�ctivn af th� zonrng code and the p�rr�oses af t�r� Pub1r'c,4ccQmn�cadati�n— 2 Distriet. 2. That the prap�secl locatic�n of th� c�s� ��r+ti the cc�ndificans under whi�h it wif�be r�p�r�tec� car rnairrtained will naf be detrimenfaf tr� �he pubfrG h�alth, safety, or welfare 4r mat�r'iall�r ir�juri�us ta pro,�ertres �rr impravernertts rn the vicinity. 3. T�raf the p���nased t�se wi11 com�ly with each of fhe applicable proWrsi�ns af the cor�ditrona!use permrt sectrvn af the z�ninc� re�ulatr�ns- Shv�ld the Planning and Envir�nmental Gornrnission choose to a�E�rav� �his con�iitiona! use permit request, th�e �Cammu�tity ��ve�aprnent E]ep�r�m�nt recornmer�ds the foldowing candition{s�: 1. Prror tc� ffae rssr�ance Qf a F�f�ifding permr� fhe appl�carrt sh�f! exe�ufe a Ty{�e 1�} ENU deecl res�ricfrc�n wffh the Town af Vai! �]epa�tment of Gvmmur�rfy Qevelopmenf ta permarrer�tly restrrct fhe us� of�h� EHU's far emple�y�e housrr��r. � G . . � � �, request far a final review of a major ext��ior alterakioni �UCSU�i1� �D ��['.ti0fi 72-7H-7, � �xteriar Altera#ions ar fvladificati�ans, Vail Tar,rvr� Code, and a fin�l review �f a con�itional u5e permit, pursuant to Sectian 12-71H-�, Permitted ar�d Conditional �Is�s; Basem�nt or �Garden Lev�1, and 1�-7H-3, P�rrnrtt�d and Conditional �ses; Firsf �I�or r�r� 5tre�t Lev�l,. Vail Town Cade, tn �liow for the dev�[c�pr�ent of 45 fractic�r�al fee �3ub u�its ar�d one additivnal reside�rtial dwe[i�ng unit, Ic�c�ted �t 728 1Ne�t Lionshead Circlel'�ot 2, West D�y Subd�visian, and setting farth d�ta�is in regard ther�ta. �Ritz-Garlt�n Resid�r�ces} tPE�Q�-0�781 and P�Ct}6-0�82}. Applicant: Vail f�eso�ts Development �ompany, rep�resented by B�au� Asso�iates, lnc. Plan���: Warre� G�mpbe�l A request for a final review �of a c�nditional use permit, �ursuant tc� Sec#ion 12-7J-3, - � Gor�ditior�al lJs�s, V�i! T�wn Cade, ta ailc�w for the canstructi�n of three (3} Type 111 Empioyee Housing Units, ir� �ss�c�atian ^with The Tirn��rline Roost Ladge 'l'�'` �,� .�, Redev�Ca�ment, lacated at 1783 North Front�ge Ro�dlLats �-12, B�f�eh�r Gre�k 4��� � Resu'�c�iv�sian, and setting forkh detaiis in regard thereto. �P�COfi-0083� � Applican#: Timberline Rc�c�st Lodg� Plar�ner: Gearge RUther A r�qu�st�or a worksession to c�iscuss #ext amendments to Titfe 1�, �anin� �tegulati�ns, Vail Town Code, to add c�mmercial �ink�ag� req�irem�nts and ir��c��asionary z�ning r��u�rements t� the Zoning Reg�ulations far the p�rpase of mitigating em�4oyee ho�sirrg imp�cts resulting frorn devel�pment in the To^wn af V�ail, and se�tir�g fart'h details in r�gard thereta. (PECO�-�D84} � Ap}��icant: Tawn of Vail Planner. George Ruther The a�pli�ations an� infa�matian �bout tk�e pr�pasals are available for p�abli� in��ectian during office �tour� at t�re Town af V�il Comrr�uni�y DevelQpmer�t Dep�rtm�nt, 75 5�uth �rantage Road. T�e pub6ic is ir�vited ta attend p�aject r�r�enta�ian and the site visits that precede tl�e public hearing ir� the Tawn of Vaif Commun@ty Development Department. Pl�ase call �74-�T9-2138 ��r additivna! inFvrmak'ran. 5�gn language int�rpretatio� is a��i4able upan requ�st„ v�i#h 24-hour natifica#i�r�. P��ase cal� 97t7-479-2356, T�1�phon� fQr fhe Hearing Empaired, far infvrmation. Pubiished I�avember 24, 2(}�YS, in the 11aiE Da�iy. � i � . . . � T���FV�G,� THIS 1TEM IUI F'fJBL C NOTIOER PROPERTl"" NC]TOCE IS HERE�Y GiV�N that the Pl�nning and Enviranmental Commissian aF the Town of Va�i! wiil hoid a �ublic hearing in accardance with �ection ��-3-�, Vai! Tr�wn Code, an I]ecember �11, 2(��6, at 1:0+� �m i� the Town of Vail M�nic6pal 8uildin�, in considerafion of: A r�que�t for � recc��nmend�tian to t�re Vaii Town Council, pursuan� ta Section 1�-3-7, Amendmer�t, Vaii Town Code, f�r pra�osed amer�dn�ents to �Ch�pter� 1�-�, Qefinilians, anci 14-f�, desigr� R�view Standards ar�d Guidefines, Vail �awn Code, t� crea�� wildfire regufatians and require �I�ss A roof�overinc� materials for �II skructures within the Tawn �f Vail, and setting f�rtih d�iails in regard therefo. �P�CQ6�C14�9} A{��licant; T�we� af V�il Planner: Rachel Fried� A reques# for a finaP reviev� c�f an Exemption Pl�t, pursu�nt to Ch�pter 13-�2, Exemptiora Plat R�eview Procedur��,, Vail Tawn C�de, to allow for the modification af existing b�ilding envelopes to eliminate �neroachments into cornm�� �re� par�els, the �ombinafi�n �f s�veeal car�mon parc�els int� � sir�gle common pa�cel, and the exchange c�f equal sized parce�s between Ridge at Vail an� Clifi�side ��t 1, lacated ak '1460A-F Ridg� �ane artd 1452 Cliffside Drivel�,ots A-L, Ridc�� at Vaii Su�divi�ia�, �nd �c�t 1, Cliffside Subdivis�an and s��tfng farth details in regard thereta. (PEC�6-0079} � Applicant: REdge at Vail Homeawners Assacia#ion and Mike Yn€��rg Planner: Warren Campbefl A reques� for a recommenc�atior� to the Vail 7awn �nurocii that th� Crossroads Rsinvestment Plan is cons�stent with the Va�l Camprehensive PEan. Th� prcaposed urban rer�ewal area inefud�d in th� Crvssrvads Reinveskment Pia� generally includes �he CrossrQads redeveloprn�nt appr�ved by T�wr� o# 1Ca�i[ flr�inan�e No. 5, 2fl�D6, �nd is �r�tirely wit�rin Sp�cia9 DeWeippment Qistrict N�. 39, located at 14� and 14� Meat4vw ❑riv�ILot F', �la�k 5C, Vail Vill�ge Filir�r� �, anr� settir�� forth d�tails in regard thereta. A�plicant: Vail Reirtv�stment Autharity P9ann�r: Russ Fc�rre�t A request fo� a fir�at rev�ew of a �ar€ar���, frc�rn S�ctic�n �2-6a-� SetbaGKs> VaiB Towr� Cade, pu�su�nt t� Chapter 1�-17, V�riar�ces, ta allow for �n �ddition abav� �n existing ��ra�e within the frant a�d side se#ba�ks, lac�ted at 315 Milf Cre�k �irclelLnt �, �lack 1, Vail Vil[a�e Fili�r� �, and setting fr�rth det�ils in regard t}�ereto. (PEC�S-(]D84} Applicant: Haward ar�d Judy Be�kowitz, r�pres�:nted �y Mauriello Plar�ning Group, LLC Plar�rter': Bii! �ibson � . �. � � . � Mauriello Planning Groe�p Roost Lodge Ad'acenf Pro ert Uwner Li�t � nAr,�Hlr�a�rs-r�osE�EV ca�rsT r�c 14C1� !+�.fIRAIT�i� �3R VAIL, C'C} �1557 � M[�RP��REE INVESTIVIENT� LTD 24�91�UBLTN RD PT�?��0, TX 75(}9� �� �IT�, KENNETH DAVII] & ��AK AYS� -JT 6415 E PREI`+TTIC� PL GREEM�L+'(�(]I) �aILLAG�, +CU 8D111 � 1'�v1.L. HARRIS FAMIL`�,' P`i'NSI�P LLC 1Q9(}Q IILFnr�R POII�iTE DF� STE 2C1U � rJI�I.AHOMA CIT�', [}� 73120 {t�? HILL.STDE ��3I`wiDC7MI1'+1TLJ�1 ASS4CIATI�N GIQ BEMIS, �REG(]RY P�Q B�X 343$ VAIL, G+0 S 1 G58 � KARP, KAREN L. PO I3(]X 2174 VAIL, CC] 81658 �`�1 TUkN�'SEED, JASON &COLETTE 185 SC}iTTH EMEI��()1�[ L7�ENV�R, �'C) �4201 � UUY�S, VIVIAN �. &.�C�RGE R. -JT 14�4 SARRIA t'tVE CO�A�.GAF3LES, FL 3314f� � [�U1VIC71�, �OHR F'., IvIARGARET N1.A., & Al'�IL)�:�,VV MARK 1819 �riEAT]p'L�J RLT]G� RD E � V.A.IL, C�J 8]657 • - • � � � � CARNEY, JaHN l�,�f. 18�� ME,�DOiW F�IIL)GE RD B VAIL, +CO 81657-39t�4 �' PICKING, HC)VdA�I7 M., III & ADELLE +C. 10(} L(�NfaVIEW L�1 ��HNSTO'+N�, Pt1 155�{J.� � ERB, WE:`rIDY ELAII�IE l 81� MEAD(lV'w' R1DGE RD G VAIL, C�3 81 G57 � JAMES r. BFGC7� FAMTI.�,' TRL?S7' 1834 A +GLA.CIER CT VAIL, �C4 $1+557 C�' R+C)T LAND, J'CIDl T. & R[}BERT D, -JT GBiI? TEF�REZA ESCC]1�1I]IDA SA�iV CLEM�NTE, CA 92673 � C:HA'I'�,AU TREMQIVTE (7V4'NERS AS��C 1NC 5299 I�TC` BLV'D ST� S 0[] � EN+�I�EWOC7I], +CQ Sfl 111 � RALP]H W. HAJ(�5Y RE�I�CABLE TRt.JST 17�5 CAI�.VER RD GRIFFTI�1, GA 3f�224-8'�20 ��� �(�YMET�, R[]BERT JAMES PC'BOX 14}OI VAIL, C'(J� 81658 � NAI�LER, ]C}�Ih� E. CIC) �IST.A� PEAL ESTAT� �35 N FRC31�iTAGE RD 1 Y e`►l�3 �Q ¢�VJ f L_✓ PRAGER, DIAN�M. &NEL��C}N A. -JT 2��?0 E GRAND AVB EN�LEWO�L7, CCl 8�Q�I 3 �� L� VAR�1, MARIA A. &:MA��" -3T P�(] BCJX 214 VpIL, CQ S 1658 � [� � '- � � � DT�'�SON, PHYLLIS 1 S 17 ME.AD�7'W RIDGE RI� l 'sJAIL, C(] SI657 �� MERRIMAN, DAI�t�iY �`., JAl`�1E M. c�Z. ADAM G. ]$59 l'vfEADOW RI.UGE RL� A VAIL, CO S 1657-3905 � l7EFQRD, WIL�,IAIVI F. 1�5� MEAD[7W RIDGE RD VAiL, C'� S I657 � F:�QUHAI�, JERRY L. c� �EB[7RAI� R. 1$79 M�AI30V4' T�IDGE RD VAIL, C�} 81G57 � STEITZ, STEVEN A. 8z �YNTHIA A. 1 S�5 MEADOW RIDGE RI3 VAIL, CO 81 b57 � BATCHELOR, IZ.OBERT - FIT�C�E�ALI�, DIANE -JT � PO BC?X 5854 �'AIL, CO 81�58 � .4LEKSANDER c�; IRJA PIi�.MA TRLTS'�'EE5 352$ ADELINE DR STCJW, �H 442?4 f!; ��'11(JENLAI'�1DEft,JAMES F. - GHIN, MA�Y LEE _3T 2225 DAHLIA ST DENVER, C4 80�07 cti C{C1R�TQI`�i, F3RTAN 2782� S TAMIA1�r�I TR 2 I3�l�TTITA SPRINGS, FL, 34134 C�. C'RCIC.I�.E�"1', �UFUS P�O SC3�C 3�37 ASFEI�, �"J 81b12 � M5�'RQN, +GC�RD�N I�. - WEI�IBE�7�R,THC�IVIA.S L. ZSf�I 2�TH AVF W SEATTLE, WA 98199 � � ' ' � � � '_I�IfJC]�E, ST�VE & DENNIE L. -JT T�(.� B�X 3�� ED��TARDS, CQ 81 G32 �r� HALEY, MICHAEL '�. &MARLA M. -7T 3(337 S[]I�i �''REEK RTD�F RT] E�'�1�GRCEN, �C3 $0439-8'182 � HERMANI'�i, HENRY K. & MARY C. � HERMANN, KART� _J.�, s�� �r carr�sTOC� r7R GRAND .TLTNCTIgN, CC} $15�4 rc� VA�IHEU.LEN, iV�IST`Z' M, &JAS(]N J. -�T PQ�3(�}� f�34:i AVQl`�T, CC7 81�2C1 ��, '�{)1'v'IB(7LT, CHRIS &. DUANE ZZ45� C:APE ARBfJR DR VTRGTN[A F3�.�CH,VA 23451 � aTCC]RPO, DEENA M., I)Il'�1� D. � CVE � P�J BC7K 39�1 VAI�., C:C� 81G5� � HINMC31tiI, JUHN S. &HAF.�tIET H. -TT 4C17 MEA�QW RD EI?WARDS, CC3 8I�32 cr; 3��ICH�3ALjM, PHiL,]P F. PQ F(�}� 33 VAIL, Cd 81658 �% CRC7CKETT, RU�US Pi0 �C3X 3837 ASPEPJ, C� 81�12 � LEG�, RA�dDY G. & 3{7ELLE1'�T L, -JT 2(]�t7 5 MADTS[]N ST DENVER, Cl7 8�210 � TATSUMI, TETSUQ - MALCUTT, "�M1LY -J7' P[7 BO��858 EDVL'ARDS, C'Q S]G32 � �: MQ(�R�, HALE VG', . . � � � P� $OX 374G �14''ON, C`[J 81G20 � FABER., UTTALIE &GEC�F�GT��IA P � BC�X $3$ �AGLE, Cfl S 1 G3� ��� ML1S'i'1LNG CQNL)CJMil�llUM ASSC7CIATI�I�1 CICI GLJERRTERO, RAl`�iT7AT_.L 1859 MEAD(]W RIDGE RD U�4IL, CQ 81657 �� 13L1F�`�.��'�EK W�S i' �'�7N1�aN�INIUI�S ASSCIC'IATT�77]V, INC. �''�} MAR�A W. M(7iSHER � C} B�?� �}�2 VAIL, CU 81 GS� � Tt�WN OF VAIL CICI FiNANCE 17EFT 7S S P1�Gtl'�i F'AGE RD VAIL, CC? 8 i 6�7 �� MtJS�C�I'�, F'�4LIL F. &. ELTSA Tv'i. -JT � �}4{�2 CRYSTf�L LN LONGMONT, CiD 80Z43 � �1t�G�FwM1�N, PHILIP R. &.JOCELYN K. l�31�� I,ATQURF.TTE I]R FENTON,MI 4843�} � Cf3LC}�ADQ I)EPT QFF TFtANSPQRTATIC}IV 42fJ1 E AR.i�ANSA'� AVE DE.1ri�JER, �CO 80222 L3�I��V�R, C[} $0222 � � � De��gn f��v►iev�r B�nard � A�TI�I'� F4RM . - ! �]�p�rtm�nt of Car►�murr+ty []evelgprr��nt ���� ��C3IL � 75 5c��:th FrantaQe Ro�d, V`�i[, �olcat�ac�v 8165� tel: 97f1.4e9.��39 fax; 97+D.�75�.�45� ,�-,•,,�:,�•.�-;�,_,,���;,,,e��.- vsr��. www,vailgov.�nrn Projeck Name: TIM��RL.IN�ART IN PlJ�3LI� PLACES I�RB Numb�r: C3RBQ605�}9 F"roject Description: �iNA�AP�RQVAL F�JR PUBLIC ART TQ THE�IMBE'�LI�fE LaDGE PROJECT, BUS SHEL�ER TCl f�EPLACE STAf�C�ARD TOV BUS SHELTER. P�rt�cipants; C3WNER TIMBEf�L,IN� RC�C]ST LC�DGE �LC 1�/n'�f 2�06 1Z VAIL RD VAIL C(] $1657 APRLICANT TC3WN DF VAIL ART IN P�BLIC 1�fQ�I�d�� �hone; 473-�3�4 13�9 ELKHORIV C3R. VAIL Ci] $�5�7 Project Address; i783 N FRCINTAGE RD V41EST VAIL Locatian; THE RC]�75T LDC��E � Lega! ��striptinn: Lot: 9� i 61ack: Subdi�risian: BL�FFER CREEi� RESUB Parcel Number: �1�3-1Z3-��.�0-1 Comrnents: Ata vote r�equrired BOARDJST�1��ACTION Mr�tinn By: Ac:tion: CONCEPT Secand By. 'U4t�: Date of Appro�val: Conditior�s: Co�d: 8 �PLp,N}: No chang�s to these plans may be made withaut the written cdnsent t�f T�wn af Vail staff and�or the�pprnpria�e review�ommittee(s}. Cand: � (pLAh4): I�Ft'�approval does nat cor�stitut�a pe�mit far �r�ailding. Please can5ult+with Town of Vail Building �ersonnel pricsr to �ons't�ruction aekivities. Cor�d: 2Q1 DRB approval shall r�at 6ecorne v�lid Far 20 days fallawing the d�ate of approva�. �anr1: 202 Approual ❑F this project shall la�se �nd becvme waid Qne(1} year fallowing khe clate � of finaf apprc��val, s�nless a building p�rmit i� issued and c�r�struction is Cc�mmenced and is rliligently pursu�d taw�rd c[�mpletic�n. Cc��rd: 113 All developme�t app�icatians submitted ta the Town after the effectiue date c�f t�rdinance 25, Series 2Q05 s�all be subaeck to the pendin� e�nplaye� h4using r�:gulatic�ns in whatever form they are final3y�dapt�d; pravid�d� hc�wever, th�t if the Tc�wn fai�s ka adQpk khe pending employe� housing regulatians by April 15, �Q[�7, thi� Qrdinance shap nat apply ta su�h devel�prri�nt applications. � Plann�r: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 � � � � i i � L � ������ � . I { I3epartrr�enl af P�rblic Yf�arks c�Trcrnsporicrtion � �3f�9,�Ykhnrrr L3r•ive ' Ycril, CCl 81657 � 97���"79-2�58 . ` , l�te.r,•97Q-��9-2166 ww�v.vcriP�ov.c�m ��� ' Tu: Cireg Ci�astaneau �r�m; Tnm �assmel,Town En�i�e�r Re: Timber�in.e Roost Lodgc Rcr�cvc�npment—Civ�il Improvement PI�n Re'�i�u+ n��C; 12f271�G � Cc: Cha�i�lie D�vis, George.Ruther, Mi3ce McGee The Town of Vai.l Public �Torks Dep�rtment�ias r�eceived�nd re�riewet�the Tir�bea�li��Roost L�dge Ci�il J[rnpra�e�ent plar�s�bmitta��lat�d 71I7Jf76 �nd received 12171�6. Priar to submitti�g fcar Buildin�I'ermit th� fvllowing comr�ents sttall be ac�dresscd,and t�e ccrnr�ilic�ns fall�wing shaU.b� address�d pzior to building per�it appr�v�l or as note�, Please res�bmit re�vised��lans alang with a response letter a�ddressing each co�atx�ent. ! Plcas�:cal�me if yc�u�t�rc�uld like tn ane�t andlnr dis�uss thes��e�mmcnts fiirtbez. . � CC�MI'vE�NTS SYte Plan Camments 1. Pravidc an ��gineered stampcd dr�inage report,t�us repart shall include any��p�cte�l gra�xi�dv�ratei (tempor�ry ar�cU�r pe�anenL ciewaC��n�}, Th��nal drainage repart shall includ�; Ilistoric and � r}eveloped flQw analysis, ?.y�r,25yr and 1DOyr Aow analysis, inlef eapacity��Iysis, �tozim scwer pr�files in�ludin�;hydrau��c�rade line,anaiysis sh�ll i.�clude a�'site krasuis �can ref�ieACe pa�t Tnwn of � 1f�il I]�-�i�a�e reports,pxcavided�y fihe T�w�a Qf Vail}, capture corn���t�"N"}aasius, CdTi�,p��#e�l�C�i'n�n�yy I . and h�+dzaulie calc��latzo�s, �ss��znptin�a.s,JT�F ciii-ve,r�f�rences f�r c�efficie�.ts. k �. I'7r�a�ide soi�s rep�rt for s�te. E �i. Plan camr�ex�ts; ! C-1 Show gaxage gr��in�and d�aiu�age. A11 garape drains s�all be x�ru���i thru�s�.nc�loil separator j �ric���#a e��tering the sto�m sewer, Shraw lncatia�i c�f 5€�n�!fJ�il �ep�ratc�r. (At this current t:un� ER'4'�u'S�7 is de�atin�as ta whet�er tliey will accept cc�v�red g�t�.`age drains intc� t'��sanitary s�wer,if th�y�a��ta the cc�z�clusian tf�at they�rill ac�e�t this flow, al�gar��e drains shall b� f route�tca the sanitary sewer vi�t�sant�l�zl �eparat�r. T'he Tc�wn will l��ep ya�t1 updated �n th�ei�• t , decis��n.} � C-� � Tlie general utility,clzaina�;e, at�cl p�destrian easemeut is d'zmcnsaaned ta th�bualti�ng on sF�ee� � C-2. DirrtensiQt�s�sll�c �minirn4.trn�' beybnd walk{tot€�i o�12') . C-2 The�icycle stripr"n�;o�t�1c Frantage Tt.d. s��nuld'�e rem.a�ed; xt zs z�at a designated bilce Ian�. � �:-2 '�'he n�rtll asphalt skioi�ller shall l�e�rnaxi�num o�4'. � C�2 '1`t�e�Qte vn C-°?"Higl�w�.y Irnprc�vements l�y�thess", sh�uld read sametYun�like,"Frc�ntage i X�oad Impr���ment� {.�iee T'r�nt�g�R.oad Imp�rovement Pl�s�y 1'e�k 1�'td Co�su�t�nt�d�tc�i � � xx-xx-scxxx, far`1'imberLine I�oast Locl�;�, t.LC.')„ � 1 C�2 Pravide u�d�ted lulework r�feren�c�with PLC plans i � � i . C-� �.d��e�lestri��n w�i k zamp ai north ene�of N--S w�llc o��res�side of pxo�ez-ty I C-3 SV�axiraunz slope for first 30' of driveway fram�u1�lic rn�d���11 be a maximuz�crf 4%a;please ! madi�y the ea�t drive ea�trance ; � C-4 'West�a.semt�n[l�ngud���nc�r�iinensian nceds tc� be u�rd�ted. i C-4 'What is t�,e north in�rert c�f tk���xi�ting pipe at S'I'-3C? C-4 tiVhy is the storrr�s�wer run`p' so d�ep. l 8"to 3' de�tl��f'cover is pr��'erred. A rr�inimum caf � 1°/o slape shnuid�e aclrieved on all gublic starr.n se�avers. . ; C�4 A mii�iinum df O,S°/v sl�pe shou[d be�hieved c�n all private stortn. i C-4 The ir�et and#lawline s�ioLtld fo�llow#he�rzr�anc! gutter in the hus stop area. Place inl�t in eur� ; n�at da-ive lane area. C;-� . Tti�f�ow�nes across the crflsspans sha11 be in the c��ater af the pa.n. A 4' pan can�c u�ed a�� , �ang as the invert i�max 1"and pravides adec�uatc ca�a�ity whi�t�shn�ld 6e shawn in ihe drainag�repoct. � C-4 E�texn mast ic�of skai7m s�wer�lon�frontage rt�ad is shown�tt I S",mini�aaurt� is 18" ^ , C-� The e�ectric li��c is s�Za�wn relncated into the �dj��ent p�i�ra#e property. ls#here�n appraved �, esscmei�t t�ie�e? TP izot�4ace Iiipc ��iicw TirnUer�ir�e Ror�st property e�seme�t. � C-4 �['�ate 4 should refer tn 3�ce1 nat Hnly(�rnss. � �-5 '1'his sh�e�shali 3�e in�luded as a�ra�t cy f l�e�a inal I}rainage Report. j C-5 Str�rrn sewer labels need tc� be upc�ated. ; I'ronta�e�aad Ynn�ravement k'lan Comments � 1. N�ow�he sl�roulder on the n,arth sidc to 4'. 2. P�ans sh�ll be upd�ted and c�oardin�,ted with Timbe�line�ar�st C�avii�lans. The driveway entran�e�,hus p�all-out and storm sewea•are designed diff`erently. 3. Pr�v�de a grac�ing plan. Shaw that a ditch zs able to b�e m�int�ined betwee�tl�e Frantag�Rd. a�id�-7Q. � I � � Provide a �rdrail if wairanted hy CD�T. � 4, Pro�vide t�r�.inagc rc}�ort ar caordinate �11 drainage in one r�port with site dr�ixaage;.re��rt su�mittal. S. Pro��vide stnrm sew�r rirn and inve�:ts on plaaa. 1'z'ovade pipe lcaigt� and slnpe an plans. Prpvir�e stai� s�wer�r��[il�. Most af this informatian is prc�vide�e�n the c:ivil plans C�r t�►e Loci�e,howev�r lhey need �a�e�oQr�li�t�ed. 6. Provide seetioils at 50' in#ei-vals�t�.ti typical pavement section aud det�ils, Fa�remcnt d�sign shall be �pproved by CT]d'T`. 7. T�is set shoul�b�rnarle a gaart cr�the�iu�ldzn���rmit package. i �. A CI�LT acc�ss p�ixnit s�all be rec�uirer���be appro�veci pri�r t❑ Civil Plan approy�l. Piease�mw�de a � ca�y. � � � � � C=UNDiTi()N� O� A.�'P���V'A� To �e com leted ri�r#c�Buiidin Yer�r�axt t�. rn�val ar as nated 1. The Uti�.ity Sigri�tttare black is onl�+r•e�,uired�n t�ic titic page and ShAll have �1I uti.�ily'a sig,natur�s. � �. Appravals �rvm all a�npacte�l}�r�p�r�y awncrs s�all ve al�tained,where i1�c;essary. Recarded e�se,�er�tslperr�itsl�eases wiil,h�rcqt�i�cd�rior to canstru�tio�i. 3. 1`s�l cor.��i-�ction staging iss�es si�all Ue F•esalved prir�r ta cc�nstruc#ion i�7cluding sta�ing,phasing, acce�s, s�hedules,trai�ic c�ntral, en�ergency acccss,parki�g, ioading anri deliv�ry, �tc_.. � �. A ROWIC.Ttility p�rmit skall�c abtained and a�aproveci by t1»Town of Vaii and CDC�T prior to 3 c�mmencir+g �r�y c:c�xzstructiQn watl�i�x public Rigk�t of Way, I 5, All iinpraveinents within Cl]C�T ROVtI shall�6e ap�rc�ved by�D�T including�11 Fro�a#age;R.d ! impx[�ve�caents and landscaping. . � 6. i'rivr tsa app�ov�l +�f�n Exc�.�+ation�errnit a sh�ring€urad excavation plan s�iall he suUiraitted inc��ycling; cxcavation phasing, engineered sizaring plaa�s witlx piaa, pa�afile and cross sectians. Cro�s�ectiaus ar�d ,. . plans shail include all existzr� c�raflicts�i,e. ut�lities). 1Lny shac�ng wii� C�C}T RQ'�FJ'will re�uire � apprav�l £�o�n C�.7�T. Any shorin�w'ct1�n the V�il public ltf��'will rec�u�re Tc�v;�n r�f Vail appro�val and a revflcat�Tc TtCI�pertnit. � �. Thc S. E'r�nta�e�d, imprc�vements�hown shall include nece��ary Izgkxti.nglirri�ationJsi�,�aage. 8. An ea5ernent st�ail he pr��ideci at tk�e Northwe5l cr�rn�r Qf#he property ta pr�vid�far the exis#in� encraach�zent af the r��dwaya dr�ina�e and snpw storage� T�is shal.l iga�l�.dc the e�s[irxg asp��t#and shoulder au•e� �d� 5' �uf�er area far�n�w stor�ge and�;i�ar�irail. T�'i15�c15�lTl�ri#S�t�I I?�T�CflT{�CC���'1C}I EO��� 9. 1'h�pedesi�ian cc�nnectir�n hetween tl�e�us stc�p an:d Meadow Ridge Rd. sha�I he wi�hin a cied�.��ted Pt�blic a�c�ss�a.;cme�-�l. �i'hi� can 1�� dedicat�d in cnn,�unctiotl with the ciz'�kn�t�e��.se�ez�t in k�is area, however the 10' ��•Uposed draii�age easennent shauld.be widcnec�to accamrnodat�the wa�k plus a 2' . buf:fez�nc��lsr�1�e named as� �eneral utilityr, drai�a�e, pe�iestraan access ease�n.ent. .This eas�n:�ent sh�ll he rec+�rded pr�or ta TCQ i{}. '�'�e prbpQS�d landscape pl�n seei�s verY ng�ressive,tfze densit'y c�f e�vergreen ti�ees,n�ay�e unrealistic and will have to�S� mo�ved f�urther back fxonx the proposed pul��ic avalks so ib.�cy da not becvme a �n�iinten�nce isstie. 1�.The develo�cr shall b� a.ssessed a tra.�f c impact fe�of$�5�fl per n�t in�rease peak haur vehicular t�.p. Foatic�ns n1'this�ee rnay be ofFsetby t�raf�"ic i.�iapzQVements ma�.e to thc S. Frontage I�d. t�s specifically it�ciud�S. Franfia�e I�.d. roadwa�widening, S. Franta�c R,€�. siclGwalk irnprovett�.�nts,and the c:onstruetaon of a Tr�zzsit stap. The traf�"i�ana�yszs �lated 7f2�7106 in�icate�tY�a.t the ncfi increase in p�ak haur vei�icu�ar iri�s is 28,t�erefore a fee���182,D�(�s�Z�ll i��as5e�sed.. 1�. k'Ian Cornment�: � . C;-1 �he�t C:-1 h�s t�mis�ellaneous 4' dimes�sion th€tt+�Qes nat a�ply. C:-1 Label�2)cn��S�Gt spt�ces an Level G�. f�-1[1 �rc�vid�additiaz��l �etmu,�ing wa�detail�lty�ic�i se�tion for each mt�lti-li�r ty�e wall�. Wall d�sign�sba�include desinn z�surn�taons (�, �}�`, surc��arge pressure wh�re �p�licdhle, etc...} � anr�d��i�;n calculatic�ns. C-1� �11 put�iic iz�nprave�ent,cc�z��rete sha:l� be 40�JC1 ��i with 1,5 �6�Icy c�f fiher mes�. � ��1 a All public irnprr�v�n��nt w���CS sllal�be 6" af eancreke 4x��r�p o�'6"nf class 6 basc aud.pa�red sep�rate i�am tl�e cu�°ti and gut#er. �-1� +Contral jaints s�ali b�ever y 1(7' and cxpar��i�n every 150' and at curb zetu�ns and at e�stir�g str�ractures. C-1[} Use C�OT"Al�A razzxp dettail with tr�ncat�d dc�m�s. � C-12 Pr�vid�st��-vey c€�ntrol'ben�hr�a�xk I�ca�tic�n in Tovv�n of'Vail.+Creneral Natc#�f. � . � � D��i g n Fi�evi er�► 8�a rd ACTI�N FC�RM � � � D�p�rt��nt of CommunitY ��'r��vpm�n� 7if]����� ' 75 Sc�:.a�h Frantage Road, Vail, �olo��ada 816�7 ll� te�; ���.�a�.�i�� ���: ��a.�7�.z��z _v��.r.,.��,�-.o_,,c�,:,�,-,,_ " w�b: www.vailgo+�.carn Prnject Name: TIMB�RLINE ART IN PUB�FC P'�AAC�S DRB Nc�rnber: DRB�b0549 Project Des�riptinn: FIfVAL A�'�RO`VAL FOR PlJBL�C A�T TO THE TIMBERLIfVE LOI]GE PR�]7ECf. BUS SHE�TER T� R�PLAC� 5�f"ANI3ARC]T�V BUS SHELTER. P�rticip�nts. O1NN�R TIMBERLIryE R005T LODGE LLC 1Z/�51`2(?Of 1� VAIL RD 1fAIL CO 81f�57 APPLICA�ffT TClWN C7F VAIL ART I�] #��18LIC 12J05J2006 Phone: 479-Z344 13�79 �LKHORN DR. VAI L C� 81CS7 Prqject Addres�: 17$3 N FRONTAG� RCJ WEST VAII. Location: THE R�7aST L�DGE � Legaf [iescriptivn; Lvt: 9, 1 Blcrcls: S�u�c#i�rision. BUF�ER CREEK �t�SL�B Parcel Number: Z103-123-0�44-1 Comments. l�o vote re�urired �30ARD/S'TAFF ACTIQN Motion �y: Acti�n: �Ct]NCEPT S���nd By: Va�e: Da�e af Appr�val: Co�ditians: Cond: 8 {PLAN): Na c#�anges to these plans may be rr}ade uvit�o�t the written car�sent af Town af Vail skaff�nd/or the apprr�riat� r�view cornmit�e�[s). Cvne1; [} (PLANy: DRB apprvval does not constitute � permit fc�r �uilding. Pf�as�e cansult uvith Tawn af Vail Buildin� �er�annel prior tv canstruction aetivities. Gond; 201 1�f�8 approvaf shall nnt b�cc�me valid far ZO �iays falFowin�g the date caf apprvv�l, Cvnd; ��2 Apprvwal vf t�i� prvje�t shall lap�e and b�came vo�d one (I}year€vllvwing the dake � of fi�al appro�al, unle�s a builclirrg permit is issver� and cae�struction is c�mmenced and is diligentiy pur-sued toward eomplekion. Cond: 113 All de�relopmer�t applicatians�s��mitted to the Town aFter the effect�ve date c�F C]r�i�nance 26, Seri�s 20�6 sha�l be su�je�t�o the pending emplmyee h�ausing � � r�egulations i�n what�ver f�rm fhey are finalEy adopted; provided, h�awever, that if khe Tnwn fails ta adQpk the pending employee hausing re�ulati�ns by �lpril 15� 2U�7i this ard�nanc��htall nok apply tv such development applic�k€ons, � Planner: Georc�e Ruther DR�Fee Paid: $O.aO � � , � � I�ew +�Qnstru+ctio� ' App►lication �or Qes�gn Review - t+ Departrnent�f C�mmunity Devela�rsient ��{��j,�,�R 4 " 75 South Frantag� Road,Vail,�olcrrado 81557 tiJ Yl1[i+ tel: 97a.479.212$ �ax: 970.479.245� wea: wuvw,vailgav.c�am Generai Infnrmatian: AIf pr�jects requinng desigrs r�:view mUSt re�ekve appraval pri4r to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirem�nts fic�r the parkicuiar approval tfi�at is requested. Ar� appiication for Design Reuiew ca�nnot be ac�epted until all required informa�ion is recei�red by th� Cammunity �e�elnpm�rst Departmes�t. The prvjeck may als�o need to he reviewed hy th� TQUVn Caun�if andJor the Plannsng �nd Environmental Commiss+on,. Design rewiew approval lapses unless a building permit is is-sued and �canstru�t�c�r� +commerices within one year of#he approwal. .;, t�` [�escription of th� Request; �_ 1.' ;, �: � " ; ' _- ; �_ , ,:= � � � _ - ,�� � `� _ , �:' _ -. . . � ..0 . ' . . ,{+� �_ y ._ � ,�� � �, �r,� �:S? Lacation o�the Proposal; L�t: '� - '��:-Bl�cic. Suhdivision: .;' - ° ;; -�- �' �� PF1�f5iC�I Al'�CIC`BSS: ,,"� _ ; Parcel No�: : `� .' � �y�'`' �'`(Contact Eagle Cv. Assess��a�97!D-328-8�4[l f�r aaECel na.} �j� 9 �f7i41Yt�: , Name�[s) of O�nrner(s) ,. , -. , _ � �, , . , a � ,. �•^ , R ._:�i a ' — r - , , - K� � Mailing Addr�ss; � r `.. ," A �r � F��OI'1@: `,- y,g- _ � ���:. .15 �wner(s}�ign�t�re4s): _ �;�-�-�- ' : � , � . _ , . f�,- r � �� Name�f AppEicant � - - ' Maifing Address: - - � � �' _ ` �► �1 Phane ,' , _- -�3��; .�— E-mail Address: � ...�� ,� —��_� _ Fax. ° � i Type uf Rewiew and F��; �] Sign$ �5D P�$1.OD per square foot of total �ign asea. ❑ Conteptual Re�iew ���� � �y�,,,f�a���,����n . $b50 Fcar constructitin Qf a new t�uilding or demaJrebui9d. '❑ Addit�Qn $3�0 Far an �dditis�n wh�re square foat�ge is added ta any resi�V2nti�l or �ommercial buiiding (inelucies�50�dditions�interiar conversians)- L7 Mi�or A�t�ration $�SO For mi�or changes ta�uildings and sit�isnprvve�nents, sufh���� �n� (mul'�-family�eomm�rCial� re-r4�fEn9, Rainti�ng, windc�w additic�n�, lands�apin9, retainir�g walls,etc. p Minar Rlteratian $24] Fa�'minar Changes to huildings and site irnprawer�aent�, Suf�c�s a�t� (�in�le-family,lduplex) re-roofing, pair�ting, w�ndow additir�ns, landscaping, retalnin�wall5, etc. ❑ Changes to Approvec{ PIanS $�0 FQr revisions 'to plans alr�ady appra�ed by Planr�ing StaTf ❑r the ��s"sgra Review�c�ard. ❑ Sep�r�tian Request I�Q Fee � For Dffice Use t)n4y: ,� �ee Paid: :'' Check Na.: �Y:_ � ` � Mee�ing Date; r� �;��% DR� No. ` '�` '��,_��' '`.,�ci�, 3 '��' PrajeCt h9cr. �'�.i� `' " "'�.� ��� Q9anner: q,��' � � � Karl Kru�ge�Architect+Artist P.o. a�� �s�� Avan �olorado 8162�1 � PhfFx{97fl} 74�-'E5�14 Bus Shelter at Timberlin� Lodge Preliminary 8US Shefter Desi�n De�emt�er 2, 20�6 Pr�j�ct Descriptaon: The attached drawings and madel describe the preEiminary design of a unique bus shelter cnneeived�a address the Art in Puhlic P1ace (AI PP} requirement as well as to a�dress th� need for a hus she�ter in the r�develc�pment oF the parcel currenkly occupied by the Roast Lodge �he cc�ncept of the bus shelter carne Iiter�Cly frorn th� name of the"'Tim�er}ine Lodge" and was d€;signed to simply evoke �bstracted irr�ages of tree antf farest-the materials c�f which the sh�:€ter wc�uld be cc�nstructed. The columns supporting the ronf are off-plumb tv evoke the natura� dispositian af trees in �o#h pin�and aspan faresta wher� tr�e� in vario�s siages a#Cife d�not remain per€ect4y vertical. Th�e cc�lumns exceed tY�e heignt af fhe r�af ta accentuat�the resding of the cafurnns as trees wh��e centra!trunk pserces the canopy of I�aves r�ther than terminating urrder the leaves. The thr�e- sider#w�nd screen alsa employs an rnfilf pattern mimi�king simpfifi�� brarrches thaf func�ian ta support and brace pl�xi-glass panels. The windscreen is suspended from three�fi the cc�lumns�n� is nok Visuaffy carrne�t�d t� t�e raof or siab in arder to avoid the �eading of shelt�r as a cc�nver�ti�nally construcked hous�. This "decom�aosit+arr" of the wall element frflm t�e coEumr�s, rQCSf and grau�d pl�n�allows the architectural efemsnts ta remain fragmented as an inteepretatian af ihe�eeming disarder of nature. Bus Shelter Siae and Functian: The shelter is designed to �e roughly#�te same size as Vail's prc�totype � bus sYrelter; rc�ughiy 9'-0" x 9'��" inside pl�n dimeRSinns and 7'-6" to 9'-6" ceiCing h�ight. The shelter is t�esigne�d tn prqt�ct�ccupants fro�n prevailing w�nds fr�m the h+lnrthuvest with waad framed plexi-glass pan�ls an three sides. The shel4er's wond screen also canveniently ailgws seating �acing th� arrival direction af the �us and conversely alEcaws the bus driver t�see pe�ple wait€ng ftr�the �us from the appr�oaGh heading west pn th� nnrth fr�antage road. The wind screen r�vill �e rafsed c�ff the concrete slab in order to a�l�w rapid cleaning an�tc� �eep tras#�and leaves from eollecting in the ,�rotected area. The waod caiumns are�fev�ted off the slatr by cor�crete piers for aesthetic affecti and ta isalate the w�od from the de#��ior�ting ef�ects of rain ard snaw Pre�iminary Canstrucfion Materials 1 Methr�ds: 7hks pTO�ect will require the serV's�es flf a psafes�ianal structural engineer. A11 ir�formatton belaw is subject t�a ehang� based on errgineering arsaCysis. The proje�t will ,�Iso compfy with the American with Qisabip�ties P�ct via confarm�r�g t�the AN51 A117.'i-'{998 51ab: �he sla�will likeky be�4"-6" reinforced cancrete with a turn-down at perim�fer and may incc�fparat�an integral calvr�r�tain�o diff�fent�ate it fram the adjacen�cancrete of the sidewalk. Th�re may alsa be a pattern stampe� intc�t��e concrete �elated to the timbe�theme Retaining wall: The retaining uval4 ariginaEly was desigr�ed by the praj�ct Architect of the Timberline �odge an�4 Condominiums to iaold up prapased gradfng near the bus shefter using the stacked black type incorparating gea-grid tie 6ack_ In tk�is scherne the wall is tiep�cted as a cast in place cQncr�te wall, As concrete Pt may alsa emplc�y an inte�ral colar and surface tex#ure tr� mafeh or complemer�t the bus s�elter slab and wcruld allow aptit�nal siep 9ights tt� be cast inta the wall. The wall couid also conceal a nich�e for a trash can andfrr newspaper bax.. Base far cnlurnns� 1Q"or 72' �J.D ro�nd sr�ooth co�cr�te piers wi{I pierce the concrete siab at � t�ae particular angle of�ach colurnn. 7he cQncrete pi�rs are en�ksPOne� tQ eome aaove the slab 18"-�4"and I�ave ca�thin t�em a steel knife plate desigr�ed #��ive fihe we�od colurnns of the same diameter. The knife plate and b�lts wauid �e designed f❑ be +ri�ibl�. Colurnr�s: 1D"�r 'i2" C].D. ro�nd s�rro�#h ��lurr�ns (ta�ered as th�go u� ff passible�will be � aftached ta eQncrete bases via a steel knife plate. Th�e wir�d screen and rocaf in turn will be a#tached ta the col�rrr�ns �y visib3e bafted cor�n�ctions. The uvood calumns, wind screen and roof mer�bers will IikeCy be pratected wiff� � dura�le senni-tr�n��arent stain. Wsnd Screen: The wind screen woll likely be canstructed ofi a 6xfi vuaod frame and 6x6 and 4x4 �iumk��nd diagonal irrset brac�ng. The wood frame wil! Ifkely employ embedded Ecnife plate cor�nections with exposed �al#� in keeping the with pier Ic�rlurnn ct�nnectians. The attachme�t af �he p9exi-glass p�nels will be t�wards the irsside surtace ot the wind screen ta al�ow tfi��"branch iike" hracing to show cPearly from tYr�outside. Fnr easy installatEan and replacement the p�exi- glass will be maunt�ed bei�n+een 2x2 glazing stops in (4J rectangular panels 6'-d'"ta�l and varyirrg widths rather than be cut to the cust4m triangles farrned by the bracing. The plexi-gl�ss will be Lexan MR-5, the same type and thickness �ased by the Tawvn ❑f Vail for bus sheliers. Roo#. The roof will flkely be compased af seemingiy randorn layout af 6x8 �eams and 6x�6 purlqins as stru�#ure, One aptian may be to employ a carrugated or s#ruct�ral translucent material over the 5tructural "branches"to allaw�unlight to penetrafe during tf�e day and ereat� an interesting illuminated �oof element at night. Visible ffashing details in a #�anslucent roof�ou�d be diffccult ta detaif at the cols�mn penetratir�ns. Ar�Qther optiQn 'rs to use T&G waa�i d�ecking ov�r tf�� structural mem�iers witYr conventionaF asphalf sh�ngle or buirt up roaf rac�fing. Flashing ar�und the columns using th�se roc�fing systep'ns eauld easily �ie accompGshed i�y aff-the-shelf flashings rraade for rc�u�rcf HVAG uent and fdue ra�f�ene#ratians. Yhe tops of the �olumns uvill require some sort�f ffashing ar w�ter praafin�to p�'eserve the war�c�. Bench: Tt�e ber�ch will likely be a 4x14 beam ar be built-up af gapped �x6 matersals to finish c�ut to a �112"x 14" seat. The bench will likely be directly supported by attachment to the columns�nc! wilf C�e ADA acc�ssible � Sign�gel�ch�duEe: There are vpptrrkunities fior signage on the prim�ry column c�r along the front edge c�f th�e raof or pos�ibly an the ret��ning wall. Bus sched�les and or� bulletin board have nc�t bee� addressed by thi�preliminaryr mad�! but could be incorporated. Cigh#ing� Power wifl Eikely he readily avaiiat�le fram tf�e adjac�n� Ic�dge building. With either the transluc�nt raaf or the a,�aque rr�4f a snrel9 placed up-light under the roof would cre�te ars uno�trusi��glow during dark hours. As rr7ent�aned prewiausly step figt�ts m�y also be cast into the retainin� wall fc�r safety leghting of the walkit�g surfac�. Ski 5tarage: ff r�quired, ski starage may be accomplished by devisin� brvad metai pegs {2" diam�t�r x 6" fong ) that ear� be anc�trred into the concrete wail 3D" abave �he sidewalk that waufd setve t� keep se�eral pairs of skis �pright and oe�t o�the way af ped�strian traffic. � ''�r1. ? . �. . 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'. � s ,� ,� i� � � '`� , a? � a 9 �. � �s .�.-r- 4 .j L�,. q,� -+.��' c7 _ �. _ � _ � } y� s` ■ • � 'cy r..� 1j v'e�� -c +� �¢�'� � ` � a.:+ � � � ��t���s � en�en���nmen� �?Ir�lr��� Town nf Vail Plannin�+Con�lissian Tow•n af`�1ai l 7S `�c�uil� Franta�e Raad Vail, Cc�Enra�tn 81 G�7 Town c�f Vail Plannin� Cc+nlmission, I am �ritin� in f�dll support a�'tl�c �aro�c�s�d `I�i���h�rlinel�aost projec.t currently under considerati�ii at the West Vail site c���l�t�e Rac�st Ho#el. `�his proj�ct is"Rig��t" far so r�7any reasons, the lea5t af'r��hicli i� t}�e ��ti=er��ll ecunc�rnic; b�n�iit [c� �i�r to�rn. Th�re i3 a strc�ia� and un�crse:r�=ed ne�ed fnr affc�rcia�le hcatels in ihe Valiey� and mQi-e so i�1 Vail �ra��r. l'v�uch c�l thc. mic3 to lo�er end bcd �asc is utilizcd �v th� yaun�er � generati�ns and �amilies �,�,�hc� t�ca��ily attencl spe�:ial ����:nts, ski <�nci ride, dine and spend i�•�th lacal mcrchant�. W� c�nnrat affard to Iase this ecc��i�mica] i�ed t�asc tivhicF3 t}�e renr���ated 1�oost wi1l continue tcs serve in a ne�v anc� i�l�prave� fasi�ian. "I�his is keepin� cunent a��d �,c�tential custc�mers at �'ail's dc�orstcp. This ti�r of product is truly critical t�o r�sundin�, o�t the ]c�dqir��anc� c�nciU t��ix in Vail. AS a Vail busincss o���ner f�r c�Ver t�n y°ears, 1 fu�ly support th� propflsed `��imk��rlin��'Rac�st and an� confic�cnt that the`C�QI��' Plaiu�in� Cc�rnrtiission will c�o the sam�. Do the ri�,t�t thiri� and g�t behind this vvcll thou�ht au� project. 1 encoura�� yau to nc�t let the vocal n�i�iarity c�ntj-�1 the �rc�ces� ��n� �altimG�tely the mt�ch i�eeded benetits the Timbe�Iin�IR��ost Lr�c��e will delit�er to�iir cc�rrirnunity! Re�ards, Tcff Brausc F'resi�ie�ltf�.�U Hi�hliile S�orts�.: F.ntertainn��:�tt, In�c. � � � � . �� � �;, - _` . ,; �`�",�: � � . "::'l��:1 l . , . �! 4' _ — - � � . . � --r.r / V � � �, � � � �'_� � � . i +� � � � ,.�. �' "�-., ��� —.,,��� a .M� � �. � , ��� � _, - _ , ... � '`''������ , � �� - .+, - ��T _ ' -. � � � � '_ _ � _ _ _ `�+ �.r �s,� i �'- •� '�""7;r} i ,�, ti . • � r� {+�f :'�� ,�.�� - � J"� - - � t J , _ . - - , � ,� _ ? � l� � 1 � Y� I � � - .' z�� � � - � � � � �' l ---,.�,,. �� � � ,�L .� 11Y II_ _ -_ _��, �' . � . i - � � k f ..�. . '"' ��`"'[, _ � � �t. "'.. �'p•- �'i 4. a •� ��s`� I � �I� . . �' ,�• `� .. - «�� d'., '- ` � � � u�' � � � � �I�( � i - � � � � � � C y{ 1 .- �'IM�N�iI f ~3 �. A • . T_ ,.y__ ti -- . � { �_ � .r' - - �_� � � ��� .. 'ti_ � . — . _ . - . _, . � � °- _ . 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'� �'''_ .y, - �' . • ' ;� . �`°'1�f' -_ . . �� � �� �� � j ��'--�-...� /� i�- - ' �r,' .� _ s'w , .._ �� �F:� :� � �/� � �. - � � � ; �a 'I � �� �� �s � s � _ � , � _�.����::�:ti� i,_ �c��;: 3 ��-�€ i i:.,!�,r- 1�.�r"l�• li r�t•a .�.�I:r+.L' �+:31':l:ll7c�1; 11:5:1':CI ih F�� �°�1i4��. �ll�.l� 16::�.t (1�ff!�' R[�:: TiEUlrrrl�n�� I.ad�;c��ll;li7L'1""-IxfkfLti[I.f1il��l'�1 ;'�l t i'�i. Fe•i�sit:��;t�#tii;��f ��ti:l�� � 7ti'L1, ��1'� 'a'ili" �;l',"�'t'� dGY �'F;;f143' :Y Ic'tt ll� �}}i �titilll: CC�:IYti{111� 4�.�1Lc�� :!!14: ti4'tL'i`I ::1�] StiC� '�:7ill 1L'i aNi,a:;itiS;�1 t;u1'ISt���us rtl�:�?irt;;�,i� .��sriu:ti�� 1-. '�)t#', I ��:�r,�>�:rti f��-tn�ti�7 E�i�*��.f•. �re*,iil��::x� .-�iG:ll. 4:i:tc {1°i�1SFiiL'\i114[}1S "1:41 .Il(�.1�1�a.i i�l��'s:l.iirrrc�s� F�.4{+lii• �i�icrl*.':ttt�r;l:il��rr: t'.i�"t� i. �' 1�;�:1� :t'l.tl:1C[�, :si �°L����i -1r-:-�fll'117.C�C::illcl]] % �••E°.;�1,�-•1 III I��i,riac:�•�• <�� ?�il►t�. I lzl.- tijt�.i�s�t� ito fisris��` �ix,�� ilyjr ��I`1e�1 �1c�i�t. .,�r.�� :i; ��x. :�Ci'+.n�.; }ic•a,,lil. cli�, ;..4. y :� ���e•�r;i,,!�'. t+v t�ZEi,iitt�, f: �1tcM. h�iti�'��'€:C. t1:Isyt�� 11�i �+r�r]��; lh� T:c�t1 tt� rls�liitll• f.a'1 ':.�I.I�r�r :iiral'.:I�y«;"�1111 la'.�,i�.'ctrlr:IR�rA�<al,t+ll '.:Illl�. � �� i, iii� ii �i�r,i:n.9ii.r� [ ar 'I�� iai�•f.i�ion ,.ri k;�h rr `:ic+};��c•; �+.illsuz t��. ri:451T III41l::1IIL11` IlIIII,-. �.�. ., fG•�,� �,u3� r 3 7 l��c�• ,���:.�7i -tr��n:lrl�,� w,ilrr �,�t�1 tiet+c� io-�lliri!fti. I uuEtl� �t�.�t .li.et yis�� :,lt:k�.• �...i il:li!r��c�. eit u r�l:t��.c,ta�lly lisn� ��Fr�r;fl f�t ilr:l"�t��;i�;'11iru �cr��tc'c�. L� �itr�i: iti:•;l �lii•�iia�,s�r° ,tti��tiit,�. i .,a'1 ;c•�9�i ��,u E`lt�lrc}�zi� 1'[)I. P;l.-.,�il°�ii:`��'u}7����•:I httiltli:�i�. , ��SY471����All� :Ir'.4� ti:'��•�.?�;111 IfS�' �1f>!If I�C'�Il's5. II ;Y9ll �).111' i:l1�r �'Llc'S�Tltlli�, i1f i'Uli{"i'•tlti. ���C:1kC C�7411�i1�1 ;71c t<.!'C�4�1'�!I {ip?d!��rls--}(��3y '�".Ilt[1°t�1`, ..._ �•'�.—.f. � � - l�=L'�_1{t:l}�'.IRC7111 l iniE�ti�i��:� R����cr I.akd�:L. [ I (° l.l". lii°151;�.' �lll��'.i�� k���,�, �_����,»�� � � � (:+�LU��E7C�a EyEPA�RXF4�ENT C)� 1 FtA�1;F'(7f��1'�l'kC?i�J ,.;�-s:._,��� �.. , �aa�l,s �TATE HIGHW'AY ACCE,�S PERNI�T ti,,�„+_�,;,:.,y.-,.,.,�;�:�,r�:1_,� � . - ' � a i Ci7[7,A ' 3.7.� l37� - L �-'��f'i�i; G4� .. � �..9i.:I lo.t._i,.a..-il � ncn . ..^:F .I ul .:A�.I 'i i�...�r� .. �L�J�.�}�) �j� 1}�7 � '}.� YS'r�.L',���.,nt L��lli 1 i!,��-+.Fr, ..... Pi�Nr�,rt��; r�t��._ �:�_�� ;•i:..r.j, A I i�aFE7:r:�:�� !{t�+,�.1 :,nsi�-= 1'±��•h_,�lisr:� ktuarsl I.�v1�C L i9 C�'{�1:1`.'I IP�i;1��1 'l�6-C'e''�I:l;+l.i+14:�[4 �' �ail R�j 1'�:ii� Ettt. �.: ;,{t� �is�^- �;,�l.[.'t.r �;t�,=:� �r't�-l'�h..bl,�`�.1 +e,r.�-:;ta.wl,i�� ti W e:.y,;i�r�lc��:�r��;"�i3;i-,r 4���rer:m.�_.:.c•':,t�[1 t,'7�O I�i_n.:y,-t rrF inr.a•::r 1'qlkl::I}tI?IA' I'G'...La.L..S sfrad a� -C^r�ln.3r.le�: rrn�r�.:inFri nr�_u5ro[ i v;rnr i„•�•�.wl"r I�i:;E�,�r�i�t.in�:!J'1:r.;Ifi��'ik IN Fl..,.k r.��y�.��..���,•s C�J[�r�� i-�,�iit.^.r,��ra�fK trnlc ;:r.�n:ial;ur•s:x��l+..s'u::!:� TC r���r.•r�sit�n.i�y F�ra•r:n�r�.6 ��v I��-i;.:c[n-r:ae€I�eriri�•a E.:l�+t•y Itr`•��t��t FC�,-�ai.t�r.^z-rP�z:u7c'e_-ii,��.ic:•Kl�;���y�a���l��.a't''1it�^Crrii9 �h� ��,��ilr:��liil�;..�Ey lf�c UtF��i s•�+.i�C 3�.��:�Fn r�1���Pr '� a:�:ie�rrl�vS ��,lia�`t5�rl'GfM�+h1.y�`cl�hEl:'°H Fr.,�1:�dirtliL',�...��1�f5[.fy':tr�:n�n�,.N•..:n;;l;r�urr uf�:'uL�colV[[1!`l.n�q i.f:f��l',@C h� w7��..:�;d'h+�ux;�r 7sL:` 1•�r��c.�tu�S _ . ... ..� - {_i1CcJ11C7f1' . I�,...li,�c�ti .`;�silt'�i° 'til l �4Dk'.:O:a•,TYli9;:lii1'+ Aii#-!t 4:.�5.+�� rrl;:i!:is�'r Q�.�fott i'�1. r�c;s^[>5'�tc�f'rtiviGe Se6'viCe tG. -� ` ,- _ �.�,�i ,�[��... ._ . .�a��r� �,,�:��; . ii- fl��tz•f ;ra> f)li� 'ill-J��!'•I��:"II�M1:?I{�l'[11.:Uf71tt]1KI:ll:I L�14•ll�.r.!'rltiK � �}���' 'h�,s. Idri°rra'isrn��k IlKZ;nc:, '� [3iI1: r7S�6Pr Tern�s�r:d�nnriisir�ns. �� �T 4 � NlUNfCI�'AL.ITY�Fi CC}�JN'TY APPROVAL 'a"SF3ULIIPF]Ci fll'1��:S'11tNf1 �fit"3 d'F7i5fLzU�'.,YtC° 0.7C�Ai 7lYff]Ofl[tij'rYt:Slfl*.ISSLI:ff�21i1F�'10�I�'k' ._: ._ - — -- LLti E?:}�;, �'i:e tixl 1�i�rfit 4h�S�qninr�of ih:�{a�rrni!Il�e pern�ittpe a!;rees dt�!h�Irxrm�,R�dor1 r.nndikions artci r�fpr�3nces�zistar:fxrsu�:nls cc;v�#��ner! Iies�'?�ir� 1141 G���St'�Ct1Qf1 Sh�il ta�r.:XrTi�rlelr.tl sr���n€�x�editic�i.as�r,c1 safr.rncfnnr:r:itrt9 Sli�a?I b�3 finishe�wRhi��°�d�y�ir•:;rn I�IetiafiCn Tits�peerif�illr�:�cee5s sh�fl b��r..mF�lc�r�r+irr,:c:;n,d3nc�u�rif'11 '�*�T€�r�:��n[:C:snsi�tirnts u(�Mr����:rrni[priof tc f:tairiy uS�3� The perm�it�e shall nQt6€y �ri�n 4(ilii�ra wit�r tne Coiarada D�partment vi 7ransport:�tdan,c�f�pr�c�r,e r7br. {9F0}24$-7293 at le�st 48 ho�ars prior to cvrrsrrmneing construction withit�the Stato Flighway right�af-way. Y1��+.N�i��:��t.._ir�fdrtg��5`r�9��'!'mif1�rt .,, ;;+.i t'w��:wra�:i�Jf!���i1`.�r.••�-t-.�;�4c.:.Y 1!•�{�r.;.�e:4y��u�a vexl E�y IrsC:y3�rmriir^, �.�rp=:.;�i•a7 h.�vH'-l:l�idB•�c.,i::��r 1�: �:,�.f�t ht r;��,i:i)�ir�e;y tc:�:rr`S Jr'3:o�Y�t'i'fn7t _ __--� �` , -- - �,�lC y —.. PQirtlit[tr�fJ 5+!]1M.i�'Uf8{` ---,t r � f,�J'•J -t;� rx1 L__�r,� �. �'S✓L'L-� ' _ -- -- -- — f'ermit�tre Pi}ntN�l h1a+InC. _-- "+��F°C�s� ����'�'�eir7s"•r �"}'�Y"1['�-`,�JV��' �'.�~ L�'�`-+�`n.�,:t�%� _.5..:�L. Th��rC�t'tit+S n�t v�+li:I�tr�iil fiaCl���d�i�1 i,�flV�ut�r�ri.�r��i rc:Frre�er7ta[iv?Of Eh�U�I�artn�e;�t. r.c?�.ORa,Qi?���r�#�y t,^.f=N i OF 7RA�v�=y��?R�"A3'lUha � __ �,.._. _.._ _._._... _. --.. . .iv � . 'J'i�Et I,Jf,s ..1:� I F . /'! .., � ,r° , �' T '4.' r 'r�� / ` _r'_"'�-. J��• �". / v,'Lti_y�-r r. ,��• r r/'�"qn, �f�, {. C���.�y i]lsOri6ui�rnn I�.� i � :lake�,�caic,ae ...... - , Prawou6 eailwrtR arn n1�sr�ir.MCX1nu n��y nus i�n uae�} i r. .r�e . f .c�. . �.'�vr�ei:.�R I'tc.4l�iIVi.J�'. LC1UT F.3rr�N10i $i�1B ��' ..=.1c..<r.l "�1T�:v�G;v.r. I i:iRn-i: :1fIM8P ��nrl"i_. ...�. .�� �:i �,L�a.i 'l...:i.���,�t � � � C�"J�J±�AC�Q Q��AR'�'i1,+lEl+il'f3F TRANS(�f}RTA"TIt7N ,^�„�`T`'', ,.,`•.`' 3t]701"� �TATE HIGHWAY l�CC��S PE'�MiT �I:slr•Hr.h;•:;iyN�,:�,�w:�,r� � r� � 470�� ��. r. 6�J3 ! ' , . , , , �— .. i -r�il�..,� nr1 � C11r�.�'�r:��-mltfai � k.-�rn � I ,:i'4� r4 , — ��3liV.'QY�J i ir�i'��'�,�/ . 7�' �,:y �15•1 St � e I:�'�.1455 � �'�[I�� "h��f'4rm:fr,ci.,'�; . Ar-�:4��.arli. ��Y�.�;. .. .';�� E�rii��c:'ir3�:dt.x+:�:f_r?.9��i' !irt�h��rf.r�u 9{o,i};:t i.��cf:.�t� L iiCL,f eJS1li1L'.11: � {if��!.Ci.:n.l!lt1�l f. ;' E,sii �{J,. I_ L'.�i! it:l. "..1:l,C'C1 �1fiti' 1':�tl i'ZD wit,," �,Y�l ��c� �kt���3 �?rf -i'r�-lr�u; •.:+.r��:�✓�^.ar t{!�f x.a:�ii�.,.�Vi�I•7�s.��wC ln,�r.:r,-5g!^.�p s+•��f ar.;r�.v.r�,�l�f^N Ic^.r�.�i.�:r•r�ilw�7l,.!kr:v I I��1.:,��e:.s�,'1�4 tic �.::��t�:���ty� r•i:.nrSarr��r7�i�r,,�F.:���J i�� ,�r::ni,y.'�'�rR���!!e Il��ti::r�van l.iiia:.ui:�a•�Sl�c�a[�!_�Ni�]�a.i ll.�a;°:-:f �1Fa,:r,.t:xny.�r+.:.:rmar.l=. Ifrrn•. .:�,rrr.'['r�r:;.�ew.}rxl�i:>I.�a �i c�:i��•rr i!�•r.iy L�c:acrr,tti.��'. �V"l�. 55J I'�a�llt':,rFY}�'ii�4f 1Cy lirnr'Yrr�;!r�-�I•?3+1,-..�.ts;3�^t±1�{• �,._ .:��IC a^ti�:'3°!S Cr��f'p„��.i�+�tt�f.7ti,:..S�,m r:J 7u!noriFa.II"r:f7��i:sHn'-ni�i'•�IFN.f!t:i'r ;;Frynxin��:�c;�i�[u��aJ ur ph7�nF:; i•v{I Cr,Y�alcl-raarn ass;r:��rM: i, � °. �r .-a�t:+,.��.d �•�ury�rc;.ru;x.�riy J�i<<��i.su•al:r ti�c L�p ae�sur�v#thn,r��Fr��sr�d �t�r�E,F�r.xui. _ __.. .._. �.i:�C ci t{GF7'. 't::�•::•:�iti?��t:tot:E:-E3rr:�iaaFal�{y iki�-Ei�•irr,�r�..E��L�,c•e�'c��:at . :� i� �':i sie:s�c,ff i ;sl.:+�F�. �C^,•�S5 t��Prtsvi�l+L ServiC,ta lct' • �I.�uGi t �._. : _. otic.,: :.,,�.n ii.,,,;-i idf;� ;�„rc•�� jf� f)�I't' �?t�-;���icfrieli:cic'.�t��Ec�crisrti�:r+��r��;F'�:',�r,u�.• , I�;94' =n�.,�-°trer:ai�c+nrik 61�rit� �• I?{i'� Q�Il�f IF.'Yf^5�f!d�i�flf�'l[iCfiS' � MilN1CIFA�ITY tJR Ci7�lNTY APPRE3VAL Fit�q ;ir=�,� r�rilv �+,�hcr,tftc:;t;t�rraFari�itc�Itir;al.3ulf�prity reta�r.s�ss4:�i[7 authuri[y. __.. _ UU:a Ti:1r. �b' ;k� I�F;r_+r-r ih�sagninr�of this�erm�P the prrmilCt�e.�ic�r��s tt�S!iH lt�r�r�;;��r��;�;:�ritiiti�:�s ard ret��enced a;tachrnenis c�ntair�d ncrr.dn /1,1 s:;rri�ltue:C€Ga1 5!13f!i�e Cb+'Y1pICSrC in 7n CN{�CL:dtaCait:S«ant'�+�3fe!l1:IP9fiY,f aru}>;fi:��,t�e firiF:�tt�!vv3t�t P�4�C3y5 ffUrn friri���;n 1�[;rrrrrrlttr.-C�t�r,��;::k�:31!t]ar s:�1�71p�e3t�;�ir�ai:C��'tl�3�'awe w'iih;he lerma an�r�v'aditiGn:;r�f ihc;perrnil �)r,czr tz� t�r�i:� uS�'.1 The p�rmitdee sha!!nvtify �lrian Killian with!fye Cvlor�do fTep�rtrnerrt of Transpr.!tatson,teiept�one ni�r. (974)24$-7293 at teast�8 F+ours prior ko cbmmerrcing consdruction wilhsn k}Ze Sfate Higl�way right-ofi-way. ,I..��iu.r:.:��.�;, zi�,a�o 91v�e:C•na ttrr_ ��:r6i`�•�a nv:ne-�:r!e{;xtl•r9.xryerl.nl�4F U'II'1::ftY�+r ty:,�er��1 l:y:For:��r.Wrn l[cJ,�;-.uC:a��..���:c��J�.aulhC�r tr'�7� ic:P(�I IFa;�s:�rn.�:t<<:!�f;�t.irr:�.ifnj t:WniliL��i-:. - f — � — - — --- � M:.tlr pAfRtil�C4 Sl�IT5�41FQ � �� " * � � r � 'j� �y� ,w} . � .� � �. ��� ,[,� ,� , -- - -- — �--_–__ Frrmittee Pr�nCrd Nadne:� i c:�?�`,• C:�i�k'`;t�-:d��::'�e 5; i.uY�lz�,{��.,�'��. i�,:B";��� l f;�`.�f�.�E t,�4y r, Tlt�s:xeF��ot i� r�ot v�li-) �.inti"3�c�nc�1 k��;;r �h�iy:�wll�[:si :?rf t�prcw�r51.31:ve a�f C�3�C]Eparffr���lt. CC7`.(;#�F"��1�C1FP,'1P.i i�.�1Et�1T�7F TFiANSF'�'?E2!�,�lC�1�11 ,--_ __ rr,-.n r�:�iFi v / - -.� ' ? --7 I ;,�. ' ff�.�t ,�Y1•y'_,. fi.• �.�� ♦ �J r�, � .._. �, ��� ..F}L4�1^y. _—.—.__...._ I �. � . 1� " � . ! � Lo���i�a[tlhi9Y{�ull_ �i�-.::.dlfPC" �ra�.����C�•�:;��ii.:•. 1•:1el�i�•�"�:.I�". :�� {'ICY4U4s C[�I�i81iS.dfY V�i^S�E�.!d11C�17i�'�fiOL �•B�.iGQ� �' . I,�u�a1+1+A-:ni[r Inr�;.r�:t¢- e<�::GC tiiEh�aii *.f7`,7T�Fn+n fi'•D1 43A ',rw:.�i�.c��il hilf'f �:k�r Ii.i'I�4:in�y:�..x,,. . ,:•:�Y'�r:,'.vii We:tM' ,'4oe":i�9�:t�.'��il � � � � � ��� � ���� ��'N�F'�AI� . Depr�rtme�at af`Commur�itjr�euelo�ment J�Sauth Frnntr2ge 12aad' T/�ril, �'olor�d'Q 8l G57 �70-�72-��38 FAX 9�0-479-?4S� ww�u.vail�rou corn Mar�h $, �[�C�7 Gre� Gastineau Timberline Rvost Lod��, LLC 12 Vail Road, Sui�e C�)�} Vail, �olt�xaci�i 81657 Re: Timberline Raost Lad�� �ui�ding Persnit Re�iew I3ear Grcg, � I ha�ve �orn��leted my re�ie4�v a�the buildin�permit set of pians (B�7-041�) on behalf af the Flanning Team. Bascd�rpt�n tny�re�iew c�f the plans, �ha�e denieci y�ur re+q�est for the issuance at a buil+�ing permit at tl�is tim�. Ple�sc address the fal�owing issues: • Title Slneet—�'lease i�er�€ify t�e locati�n af the one acic�itinnal limited service lodge unit (1 i�1 to 102} • A-l.l�—Area ad�ieci at ea�t cnd of parking struc�tz�re...both lev�ls. VL'hat is this:' • Plea�e identify the lacatic�n af the three required empic�yee housing units nn the building�errzzit �et c�f�lans, • A-4.0 —Pr�a�+ide specifi�atican� for all exteriQr matcrials �d nnt�the specs on the plans, • A-4.0—Winciow c��enings change7 Changes to exteriur plans (DRB application req'd} � A-4.1 —Eliminatinn nf��rind�ws? Ch�ngcs to extenar�lans (DR.B a�aplicatian ree�'d) • A-4.2 —C;}�ar�ges to exterior plans (DRB application �-eq'd} • T-1 —Pui! alI retair7in�wa11s back a minim�m of 2 �'eet frc�n�the property lines + L-1 —�'er Tc���rn of Vail�RB a���raval all e�,�erb een ir�es shal] l�e i�creased ta 15' — 1�' tall. • Yl�as�see nates v�re�-lsiaed huildin�;perrn�t set c�f pi�ns, dated Much 8, 204�7. � ��#REC"YCf F.D PAPE,R �i � � � Upan receipt c�f this letter please ce�ntact me sc� that �,��e can sc,h�dulc a mutraa4ly convenient time ta meet and gc� o4�er the re�isions r�yuired c�n thc plans. �c�u can reach �ne inc�st c�.sil�a at��70) �i�-?1�5. �incerely, � ���� � +Ge�r�e Ruth�r, �ICF Chi�f a#Plannin� ��!-�»�r7 nf Vail � � � � Design R��riew '�ar�d ACTI�N F�f�M � . i C�epartment cr�Commur�ity [�eveiopmgnt h'y�����j� � �5 SQ�ut� Fronta9e Rnad� '�a�E, Calaradn 81�a57 t�r r teC; 970.419.2I39 ffax: 97�.479.2452 c�r,,u�n�o�vE�.e��� wet�: www.waaigav.com Praject I�arne: TIMBERL.IIV� L47DGE CHANGE DRB Numh�er: DR�tl7a409 Projeck Description: FTNAL APPR�3VAL F�IR A CHANGE�C7 THE APPRQVED PLANS TO TFi�TIMBERLINE LapGE REDEVEL�PMENT PRC3]ECT tFI�RMER F���SI�LdQGE}r TQ R�L+DCATE RECREA`1`"IOIVAL Aiv1M�N�fIES INTO THE FRONT SETBACK.T�iTS AFLI�ATION ALSC} If�CLI�DED CHANGES"P'C} TFiE LAIUDSCAPE PLAN. Participants: fJWNEfi TIMBERI�N� RQC7Sf LDDGE LLC Ol./15/�fl07 12 VAI L RI7 VAIL. C� 81657 A�PLICAf�T GREG GASTIh�EAU Q1�"15/�aiD7 Phane: 475-459� 12 VAIL ��] �TE 6QC] VAIL � Ct7 81657 ProjecC Address: 1783 N FR�NTAGE R6 WEST VATL L�cation: THE RC3l�ST LC][7G� L�r�al Descript�vn: Lot: 9, 1 6loc�CS S�bdivisian: BIJFFER C�t�EK F�ESUB Par�l Nwmber. 21Cf3-123-�2��1-1 Cnmments: See Con�ition� B�►AR��S7AFF ACTI�IfV Matinn �y, Dunn�ng Action: APPROVEd Secar�d By: �}antas Vote: 3-0-4 Da�e vf ApprQUaf, 03/47/�OU7 Condations: Cond: 8 �PiA�I�: hfo ch�nges to these pkans may be made with��t the wrftten consent of Town of Vail staff and/c+r'th�e apprapriat� review carnmittee{s}. Cvn�i: 0 (PI_A�#}; pRB appr�aval daes nQt�on�titute a permit fnr building. Please consult with Tvwn af Vail Quilding p�rsvnnel privr ta ceanstrucY�c�n activities. � Cond; 201 bRB�pprova[shall not bec��me valid far�� days following the d��e of appro�ral. Cond: Za� Approval �af this praject shall lapse and becom�void ane(1}year f�llawing the d�te �f final �pproWal, un�ess a building permit is issued and canstruckis�n is cc�mmer��ed �nd is dili entT � 9 Y Pursueci t�ward comp��tion. Cand; 113 A1f dev�3apment appEicatiQns submikted t�the Towr� after the�fFec��v�date af Urdir�ance �6, Seri�s 2�Qa�6 sF�al! be sub��ct to the pendir�g e�ployee housir�g � rec��alati�ns in wFtate�rer farm they are finaEly adopted, provided, hc�wev�r, that if the Town fails to adopt the per�ding employee ho�using regulatians by April 15, 2i�07, #his �rdit�arsc� sha�ll not appiy to such development appli�atians. Cond: C�N[]a@8739 T�e ap�l�cant�hail �eplace any lands+caping remov�ed frc�rn the CDDT N�r#h Frontage Rr�ad right-af-way, useci to screen the hok tub area, d�e to imprt��ements n�ade t�r th� rcrad in the future. The gval of any repiacement fandscaping shall �e ta screen th� hot tu�area frorn �#�e �lorth Frantage Raad, Pfann�r; Warren Cam�b�ll DRB F� Paid: $2�.0(} � � • • �nges Tv Th� Apprv►�ec�la ns ° Applicativn f�r [�esign Re►riew � Department oF Camm�unity Deve�opmet�t 31�,i �T�,lF� � 75 5auth Frontage Road, Vaifr CCsl4�ad� 81657 � �r11,���r11iC, tel: 97D.�i79.Zi28 fax: 970.47�3.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: Ail projects r�quiring design review must re�eir�e approval prior ta subr�itting a building permik application. Pleas� refer to the submittal requirem�nts fDr the p�rticu9ar apprQVal that is requesked. An applieation for Design Review cannot be accepteci until a91 required informatFOn is received by the Cnmmunity Qewe��pment Department. The project may �fso ne�d ta be reviewed b�/ the Town Gaun�il andJor the Planning and Environmental Cornrnissxan. Design re►riew apprcrr►a! lapses unless a auifding permit is issue�i and oonstruetinn ca�mrnences ,witF�in one year o€#he appro�al. �� D���cripCicrn of the Request: A�PthC��' L� S'�-���6?�F� � � '` . -� �C:��c''�4`b7�l7�`6.,.J �1N1�L°�'l� �I+$� )��'�1� �.IYL Lac.atian of the Prapasal: Lnt:�Block: 5ubdivision; V . , ��L� Physical Address: N. _ � �ar�cel i►tt�.: �1 t7�' l'�� 'Q't.�0 r l (Cantaet Eagie Co. A�sessvr at 97f}-328-8640 for parcel n�.) Za�ning: A� -"L Name{s) �xf U+wner�[s]: �i 1N'l�.t.�t� � t,.t�.-' Mai1i�� A►ddress: 1`t. V►�rt�.. � ����� l.c� '1,. �U ` S� � ahane• � t��7_+��1_��C�a.��� � �� c�wr��r�s) signature(s}: Name af Applicant: �'v Cv�, �1� �� Mailing Address; `�� f�� Pi�on�� � �-m�il Addr�ss: A�re-� .'°�`;�ear}�n��� .c�i Fax: �.�l�.�`c-1�P• �`��'G� Typ�of Review and Fee: � Q' Changes tg Apprcaued Plans $2� For revisians to plans slre�dy�pprtaved 6y pl�nning StafF qr t�e bes�gn Review B�ard. Subm3#tal Ftequirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressir�g Pr�ject Ghang�s Signa�ure Qf Hqmeawn�r�s) �r Assaciatian r'° �vr Offrce use �1nly: ` , : Fee Paid: Che�k!Va . sy; .4�.�; .., �'t�"��# '��-c'� '��_ _-� �. ���� °�- � ' ,�� °� "�°`� �,�� �leeting C3ate. ' �' DRB IVa.:� �''°,d � ��' � �'a -� �� �-- �a�`°`, 'Planner: `` �;'° Project No.: " � � , ,�►4N 1 i� 2��17 � - , ; � F:lcdevlFC7RM5tPermitslPianninglDRBldr�_char�ge_to approved�lanss��age_05-1�-2a6C�doc '�'�U�I� �,j�-��'�fL � � � � � � Mauri�ila Planning Group May 19, 20Q6 I�+�ar Neigh�nr; As a nci�;ht�c�r tc� the current Itoa�� Lc�d�;e �roperty arid the site of the �rc�pcase� I`imberiine Lt�d�e, �ve wantcd to infarm yau that re�vised plans fc+r the site will E�e �uhmitted kc� the T'�w�n r�f V�til C:otnrnunity I�evelopm�nt Ueparcrnent t�n May �?nc�. We will provide t�ie T�wn with a.il extra set nf plans that will be available For y�it to review at the �c�rnn�unity Deti°elopm�nt of�ce, We anticipate th�t kh� Timberline; Lc�d�e will be presenled ta the Planriin� and Enviranmenial Cc�n3r�lissic�E� n€� Mc�t�day> June l2, 2�}�l6 as a wc�rks�ssion. 7�e pitrpose of th� ����rksessi�n i�#o intraduce the PEC to the revised desi�n, anc� to identify� and di�cuss � any�aspects ofthe project th�t they feei r�quire fi�rther inr�esti�atic�n. T'�ere will bc no tiai�l ��ote ari the pr��eet�t this m�cting. Vv'e wauld ]ike tca take this oppor�aanity to give you a�rief'update on what��e,and �aur desi�n tearra, ha4�e been doing over the pas�S�veral rnonths. �+le have heard tlic cor�ccrns Woiced abo�at thc projGCt fi�am several of yau anti frc�m th� Plannin�and En�°ircarir�iental C'�}mmi��ic�n nxemb�rs. WitYt those issGies in n�.ind,���e �ave tivorkGd v�ry '��r�t� mc�dify the de�igr� tn res�nnd to a� rnany of y�ur concerns as pnssik�le. �et farth be�ow is a l�rief sun-rnlary af soni�of the key chan�e:s made tcr ttie �lan:. + The propos�d de�elapn3ent l�as t�een rer�uced from i 26 hotel roorns, 37 co�donniniums, and 3 cm�alc�yee housir�g units to 98 hc��el rooms, �9 cc�n��rsr�iniums, and � empl�fyee h[�u�in� �nits. * The nv��rall h�ei�ht nf�he huildin� has a�sn heen rerluced. Tlie b�aildin�; is naw three s�:c�ri��tall at bo�th the east and west e�ds,and fc�ur�taries tall at thc c4nter. � A �igni�icant portian �of the w•est half of th� building now has �tlat roa#rhrhich iiu�ther lower� the height c�#the building and create�additional arc.hitectural 1 C1i�C�5�, � T13e am�aunt af�retair�in���alls on the site ljas alsc� k�een reduced, es�ecially i� � t�►�sc; areas adja�cent t� i+�ieadow Rid�e Rc�ad. r . . � r e . . • � � I 1 f ' ,1 0 - i • a • � � � The pr-njcct r�en�aitYS in cnrnpli,an�e wilh�11 asp�ct� o�'lhe To���n nf V�il's PA-2 �c�nin� re�ulatians, including 17ei�ht, den�it_y, �ite eay�ra�,e, sethacks, and landscape ca���ra�e. 1h�'e believc that th�sc�han�es respand to the comments wc h�ard at the last public hearin�; ans� hc3pe thai.y.ou will agree. VVe lo�k forward t�a a� t,�P«rtunity t« �iscuss tl�c revised plan5 with y�u. P�ea:�e feel free tn ce�ntact th� d�veic�pers dire�tly� via ernail if yc�u are inierest�ecf ir� rneetin� to re��iew the pr�ject iY-� greater detail. I�e�ia� D�i�han car� be rcachcd at c��i�hanon�iu�a�l.ca�n, and Gre� Gastineau can �ae r'eached at �re�;ci.iti mbcrl i n�rc.com. �incere�y, � � l�omanic T. Mauriella, AICP Princ i pal � � 2 � � � �nE�v�aNauM Ta: v'ail Town Ct�uncil FRUM: Cornm�n'rty D�aeloprr�ent D+�p�rtmer�t DATE: Apra� �, 2ClDF �IJBJECT: Presentation on �etermining �ompfiance with the Tawn's �uilding Height Regulati�ons 1. PURP�SE The VaFf Town Gouncil r�quested thaf s#afF pr�pare a presentation demonstrating haw building hei�ht is calcula��d pursuant ta the Town's buif�iing height regulatians. This request w�s made in respa�nse tr� �concerns thrat recer�t appli�ations #or dev�elopment review were "'S�1'EtGI71'�'1L� t1FlF,! lf7f$iT�' (?f tF7l° 1'E{],'UI�tliCJl7S'�i and if �e## una�dressed, �uildings cauld begin to "appear" significant{y taller than the maximum buildin� heights aHowed irt the various zon� districts. The purpose af thi� presentatian is tc�: � A. Pravide the Gouncil with a history of the Town's ���fdi�g height regulafic�ns. �3. Educate the Council nr� how campiiance with bu�lding height is deterrnined. C. A�law Coun�cil ta direct staff an next steps, if any, for pur�uing cf��r��g�s to the Tvwra'� building heig#�t pc�licy. II. BACKGI��UNC� Gn Ju�e 19, 1973, the Vail Tawn Coun��l approWed +Qrdinance No. 8, 5eries of 1973, an ordinar�ce establishing comprehensive zoning reguiatir�ns fc�r €he Tc�wn of Vail. Pursuant tv �rdinance f�a. 8, 5eries of 1973, in part, "herghf"was defined as, "The verticaf distance between the averac�e_ rq acle of a sfr�cfure and t�re hr�h�st poinf of the str�rcfure, or to fhe capirtg af a fl�t raof, fo the de�k line of a mari�arci rc�of, or tQ fhe highest ridge of a sJ�prng rac�l`.,' In addition, "grade, �raverage grade"was defined �s, "The average c�f fhe finish�d grour�a�t�ve!at fhe midpoinf r�f each of the exferr`t�r wa!!s af #he structure, �xcl�ding waJls 2D feet or I�ss in length, provided thaf c�rstarace +�e#w�err the grade and fhe fJnrsired gra+urrd�lev�fican at fhe lc�u�est,poinf adjoirring�he structure sha!! nof exceed 6y m�r� fhan 25 p�rcent the h�rghf �imrt �f�h� c�istri�t rn fhe sfruc�ure is 1nca�e�1.,, (]n I`lav�mber �8, 198(3, t�� Vai� Town Cauncil appr�ved Ord�nance NQ. 37, 5eries of 1980, � an ardinanc� amending the �or��ng RegulatiQns af the Tow� of Vail and providing fc�r r�ew � � � d�finit3ons of variaus ferrns. In part, Jrdin�nce No. 37 pr�vided far new building height standards. According t4 C7rdinance Nc�. 3T, the fo�fawing �erms w�re defined, Grade, Existing— The ex�sting grade �h�ll be fh� exi.sting or rratura!topography of a srt�priar to construetrQrr. �rade, Finish�d— The finrshed grade shaf!�e th� �r�de prnpcased uprr� cvmpfefion �f�1re prcajecf. Neight — The �dist�nce measured vertic�lly, frc�m fhe existing vr firrrshed grade �whichever i� more restrictive�, at any given poinf fa the #op c�f a flat roc�f, or mansard rc�of or to th�highest ridge lrne af a sloping roof. NQte — The exceptians io the height lirrtits was repe�Eed and a statement acknowledging the presence of the "Vail Liansheac� l9rbar� ❑esi n Guide �'lan and Llrhan Desi n Considerations" was adtled to the ComrtZercial Core I �Vail Village}and Gommerciaf Cc�re 11{Lionshead�zQne districts_ Gn December 21, 19�3, th� Vail T'awn C+�uncil apprc�ved i�rdinanc� �lo. 3�, Series �f 9993, an ardinance repealing and re-enacting two sect`son s�f t�te V�il T�wr� Cade. Accarding �a Ordinan�e i�c�. 33, ki�� ex�r��s purpc�s� af the am�r��ments was, in part, tn "�larify and make more el`fective [he �fefinition of hetght". Pursu�nt tv C7rdirranc� �J�. 33, the definitian of height was arn�nded to �ead as fallows, "The distance me�sured vertica��y from any pc�r"nf �on a prc�pased ar exlstir�g roc�f or eave vr finished grade {whichev�r i� more resfrrcfiv�e) locafed dr'recfPy belaw � safd prar"nt af the ro�f c�r e�ave. Withr"n any huiJding fr�otpr�nt, heigfrf sh�ff �e measure� vertrcally frarn any parnt orr a praposed Qr exr'stinc� roof ta �he e�cr�frr�g� gracte drree�fy bebw said pr�in#r�n a pragosed or exis�ing rovf.'= The text amendments appr�ov�d pursu�n# t+� C?r�in�n�e I�o. 33 w�re a result of an appeal heard before the Planning and Env9r+�nmental Cort�missian �n April 12, 1993. INhile the Carnrnissian unanime�usly (6-�-0� upheld the admini�#rative activns of the G4mmunity Devel�,pmen� Department, a r�commendatio� was made that further clarity sh�uld be ad�ed ta the d��nktit�n c+f building height through th� inclusic�� af the following s#atement, "Wr'�hin arty bui�ding fvotprinf, h�rghf s�aN be m�asured verticalfy fram any,pnint on a prvposed vr exlsting roof ta the e�isting grad� directly b��o�v said pcaint orr a proposec�or exisFing rcrof' Acc�rd's�tg to the Town's files and Zoning F�egulations, th� definitifln of building heig�t has remained unchanged since 1993. Furth�r, the proc�dures used by staff fQr r�Icu@ating building h�i�ht to determine campliance with the zoning regulations, haae also rerr�ained unchanged. The intent of#he of Tpwn's builcting heigk�t regulats�rts i� to encvurage the fayout�f the building follows t�e �atural tapo�ra�hy of th� �ite. III. STAFF RE�OMMEMDATI�QN � � � � There are several o�tions #he +Council cc�uld pursue shc�uld i� he d�termined that the Taw�'s buildir�g height palicies needs to chan�e. The purpose nf this sect'sQn a� the memarandurn is tra briefly summarize the options for further cvnsider�tion. 1} Direct staff tc� pursue and evaluate new methods far ca�cu�ating �uildir�g height. Fc�r �xamp1e, #he points at rrvhich building height measuremenks are �alcula��d cc�uld be redefir�e� or a s#andardized methad�alagy for determining existing grad� cau{d be established. 2� Direet staff tv amen� ar elimirtate the definition of "exis�rng grade'". As presently defined, existing grad� refers t�o th� exESting (ie, prior to canstruc�ion) t�pagraphi� condi#i�ns of th�deaelopment site. 3} Dir€��t st�ff to amend the definition c�f bui�ding height to in�lude a quali#ative st�teme�nt r�garding the ir�tent af the Town's adapted building height re�ulations. This vptiQn would �e similar tc� the way �uildinc� height and th� resulting building designs are addressed in Lio�shead Archite�tura� Qesign Guidefines. 4} Take na� action �t this time {]f the four optiaris autlined above, staff recvmmencfs a combin�tian af�ptic�ns 1 and 3. StafF r�cc�mm�nds that th� l"own �ouncil adt�pts a standardize prac�ss for re- establEShing existing grade, �s defined in 5ectiQn 12-2-� vf the Zoning Regula�ions and � amend� t�t� definitson c�f "height'" to includ� a qualilative design s#andard whi�E� shall be met ir� additian ta the already prescribed quantitative standard. A similar prfl�i�io� already exists within the Town's adnpted Zon�ng Regulativ�s. �or instartce, �aursu�nt to the Liansh�ad F�ed�v�lr��ment Master Plan, a standardi�e process far re-�stabEishing �xisting �rad� (i�, interpolated grade) and a qualifati�e desi�n standard h�ve �een establishe�. In th� L�anshead Mix�d Use I and II zone districts, "interpolated grade" is defined as, "T�re rs-e�ta�blisheaf tapographic cana'iti�ans of a deuelopm�nt si�e expressed in twc� fQCrf {2`} cant�ur rn#ervals and defermined �by cor�r�ec�irrg surveyed spc�t elevatior+s located af ter� foot (��) intervals around fhe p�rim�fer of a preaperfy boundary and used irr fh� c�etermina�id+� vf maxr"mum alfQwabf� buila"ing hei€�h," a�d, a qualit�tive desigr� standard ref�rring to how a raafi c�n a building shall look reqardless of compliance with the qu�ntitative de�eiapmen# standard �ie, 82.5 feet max.I71 fvat av�:.). According to �ectian 12-�H-��, �leigh# and B�all�, Vail Tvwn ��d� and Chapter$, Archi#ectural f�esign Guid�lines, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plant respe�c#ively, "Burldings shal� ha�e a maximum average bui�drng h�eig�t,t of sevenfy one feet ('77) with a maximurrr height c�f 82.5 fee�, as furth�r deiined by fhe Li�nshead redevelvpmerrf master pfian. A�� develapment sh�l� co�rrply u�ifh fhe d'�sign gufdelr`nes and standarc�s fQUnaf in the Lionshead redeve�o,�ment m�st�r plan. F�exit�ility with the standard, as incorpora��d in fhe Lr'onshe�d r�developrnerrt mast�r pl�n, sha!!b� affarded fo re�levelapm�rrt prajects which ,meef the intent af � C�`E51�1? gL1lC�"�EIft7+�S, as re+vre�+e�1 and approved 1�y the design revr'ew t�c�ard.=, � � � and, "frr additrarr, regardl�ss af�inal b�ui{�'rng heighf, buiddir�gs shall avaid mcrn�afonoc�s, un"�roken ridg� fines, a�ad �hall provrde visuaf in#ersst #hrough the use of varied peak FreJghfs, raof far►ns, ga+bles, ana�other appropriate archifectura!fechr�iques." Staff believes that a similar approach td �uildin� d�sign and #he arranging of bufk arsd mass can a deUelv�ment site can be take� tv e"�ectiv�ely prevent the potential a�uses of khe Towr�'s curre�t b�iEding height palicies. Again, as presently adopted, the intent c�f Town`s k��ilding �eight regulatiar�s is tn er��ourage the layaut of buiidings ta follr�w the natural tapography �f the site. fn staff's opinivn, th� presen# building height r�gu4a#iQns are fair and effectiVe w�en both the quantitati�e AND quafitat€�e s�andards are prc�perly app�isd. � � (3RDI NU� a, s�rr�s a� Y��3 � . � �� . !� F�.cxar .ArY�,: The sum of �n� nr�s� �1;�z�.��i�ta1 �r�a� �:C alI �?oors of a �ua.ld�n�, �.ncluc�i:1� l��:oit�l�?� o� tts��.��� �;en�hauses, �r4���.s beZowti� �rou�� �F�icZz a.x�� �:aY���a�le, and �tti.�. �;�ace, 'bu�. nat inc�uclin� uni�lha�ri�ta�_le or u.��s�a�l� areas be�Q�c �aut+d ar ir. �,ttics, as�d not inCludi.n�; ar�a.� �c�si.��ed �fc�r �,a.r�izi�; or J.oa�.in� w��h�iY thc� bui lr1i���, Fl.anr l�.r��,, Gi�ss I�=tisid�;ntiaJ.; Th� �otal �'loor �r��. �v��hin the �nc�o�i��� ival.ls r�f �'���e�.lxr1� unit� �r �c���rrx��3�.i:i�:�� uni�s, �t�cludinb c�.osrts, s�z�ri�e �reas, and ��terior w�.7��.s wi1:l�i�x the un}°�t, '�t2t e�.c].ta��.r�� balcozAi�s, ha�1�v�ays, �rr��ic�rs, s��.ir�:��ll�, gart�.,.��s, �z:c� s�r�ric� �r��� au��ia� th� d���lling U..�ii; ar accrs�xir�d�:ti�n un�.t �nclo�'ur�s, dr�.�. uninl�a.Iaitt�bl.� heatan� or mr�cf�anic�� ec�ui�nL areas. � ��^��cle, ar A�;era�e CTx�ad�;: Th� �.�c:ragti c�i' �he �'i��isizcd �ro�.u�d ].��-e�. �.t the nu.d�xaz.n� c�� �a.ch of th� exi.erzc�r «^�.l.ls s�f a s���z��ur�, ��c�.ud�ng �va].�s Z(3 i�ee� ar I�s in 1�Li�th., prca�ici�et tl�at d�s�a.z�c� betw��n tl�.e �,xa.ci� aricl th� fixzished ��ui�d ele��a'�ion a�e t��� lo�,�est poini: adjc�ining t�Ye �tructure s�a.11 not �xceed b�r r�;�r� tl�i 2� �ez c�nt tlx� hei���t l�l�t c��f the c��str�ct �n �;r:�ititz th� str��ture is �a��'�2d, I�Uit�.bz�� Any �rea desia7�ci ��r sl��pi7��, �.ivi.rs�, cc�okzn�, a.i_z�:�n�, rr��tir�, �r rc:cr�s�tion �� appli�cl �� flooi �rea. H�i,h�: The G-c�z-ti_r���l e�i5��:c� ��t�ere�n �h� a�vexw�� gra.dE of a struc��re and t��t� k�i�;����t pcaint c�f th�; �ti�,�,��:ule, ar to ���� cogin�; t�� �. rl�t i�tsof, tc� �l�e dr-ck I..a_n� �3i' a rara.ti�'�arc! rcr.�f, c�r �c; th� h����es� ric?a� t�1° a slapir_�; mo�. � ].-ZO re�. r� � � � 3 + � � �~ � ,.' .�"',, .1 � '� ` e �, ' ' � � 1 �-� j �� � �� .�____ or<.r�-t��,uL� r�o_ �� �5eri�s of 1980} � P�v C7F?a?I�F,�J:;E AM�NDrh� Cl-iAF'1'�:R 1� "ZC�N�PdG" � C3F 1�E V�,IL h1UNI�:i�'I�L C�t7f]F; E'RC]V-DI�I� FCFc i>1FV� IiF,F.i.NTTICNS' :'1E TH^ FC:�.T.�Vu'I'+ , ,� �`'�S: ' CR ri. R�� �, . � G _ r. R AR�i'„ ��:ISTIN'J G�F�i'E FIN;SH�D G��1DE AND I H�Ivii'"_': E�F((7VII7=dtia FDR �a�'W SIJILDI3�lv H"I��i ! �ARGS� PRC`12DING FOR � CP��iV���. 'I':� TN� y. SY�'Ci_�L REST:t3CTIi�N� S�C3'�UN 4'°.' '?'IiE HAZARC7 ! RE(;[JLATIr��i;;; Yk�pVIf�I1�G �"CR CIIAN�FS T:� T�E � PERMI"�TED :;SES SEC'"II�.N rJF TH� �ES:I]�;N'1'�F.L � CLLiST"�'R 20N�; ��STf:2CT, THE FLRPdSE A�tiD �: CJ�iD-TI0�1A� GS�S SECT�C1�1 OF �'HE MEG�UM I UE�]S,I�Y 'NUL'I--i'AMILY t�.A3C7 Hi�;� f?F.D]SIT'! I: ;1]U�.�TI-TA4IILY 7,pNF f}T5`!'FtIC"�'S, �1� '"H� 4` PERE�I�TTE17 CiSES SEGTII�N JF �1'flE E�r�EiLIC !� �CC��?i�DATIQVS ZQN�: dISTRICT: ��C�Va.DINV I FQR C:iAE�G�S ':'Q THE FARKI;�IG, �ESIGN R�.VIEW, �� ANG E�;G'IRON�?�'[�TA� INPA�T RE?��R^_ SECTIC�N5 � PE�iT�INIrdG TC? '£�E 2(�8 WfiT�R QUALI'TY CUN`P:;UL R PLF�TI; ?RCwI�ItvG �'��. A ?+1':W APPEAL �I��JC�U!�:�E: 4 ANi} SFTT i R[; FC7RT=1 ]7FTAT-�S ?�:L.i1'"I��, THE��TG. [ � i TtiH�REAS, the I'owr Staff, the ?lanning and �.nvironsnental y C�mmis3�_on, a�d �he °l'own Ccu�c;l af the `Pown of Vail r:ave �?een ,. jdiscussi�g c�rtain cnanges ta the 2ar�in� Cad� far t�e last � 13 �zlon�hs; ard �1 WHE�R�AS, the p�rpose of �hese char_ges is tQ imnro�.*� c�r`ain 1� � , sections af the exisrin� Zoninc Gc�d� tha� ar� �elt to b� de?rL<'ientl I' i and wHE�cE�,S, c:�e pra�ose� a:nen�rren�s ta the Z:�ning Cad� have b�er�, ' �rQperly considered bV vhe Pian;�ir.q �nd Er_��irrnment.ai Cc��ramissian i � after nctice waS c�:ven ��d the recnr,rnanc�aticns af the Planniny �. and �nairor:mental Cammissior forw�rded t� the Town Council; and �; . WHu�EP.S, the T.�wn C�unci', is �f the opinion that the zr�ninct �' _ cQde shC>ulr� he amgnde[3 as :��r forth below; a I � � �, {. . .-. -_ �,� �, �_ ,� ��. �` i � ' Nt7W, .1.HE�tEF{)lt;�. I3E lT (7RdAi�lEf3 AY TIiE 'iC)Wl*! CQ1J3�IC1I. iC]!" THE ! It7wl�hl UI^ VA1L, C(7L(?RAf7(}, TIir3�T: , Sectis�n 1 _ 5ectiE-�ns 38,Q4.06[7, � �rna.� �n, t R.f}4.140, 1 R.04.1 5(l, � and l$.04.170 L7�FINIT3(]�iS are repealed and r�enaczed �a rcad as � faila�ws: l fi.(}4.1�0 CF2EEK 0� SIRE�M "Creek" ar '"stream" rneans a hndy of finw,ing watc;i° indicated ati a "perennia3 stream'" Un the most re�en� U.5.G.5. topa- � �;rsphic map �f' the arc:a. i. 18.04.13U f-I..UCJ4� AR�;,A, CiR(�S5 [tE�TL7E�f"TIE1i_ �C'7rt�ss �tcsitl�ntial F1�7ar f�rea is defined as thc� total floor area � s�itllin the encleasing x�talfs .aF .� strA�uturc, in�ludireg a11 liabit��ble areas, greenhouses, incioor re�;rea[ic�n�l f'ac i I i ti e s, and starag� I' areas with zi seilis�g heiglyt uF greater tha�ti six (6� feez six (ti) in�hes, excludi��g tlie f�llnwing: Cra�+�l s�aces, attic aeeas with- � au[ � ceiling height c�f greatcr than six (G� feet six (6) inc�es. �; snl�r heating stor�r�e arCe�S, mcchanic:al tare�s, ancl arcas �esigned for parkin�, and ]nading. �7�+crlap�ing atairways shall c�nly be �:aunte.3 at the lowes[ ievel. ,'� � T'or Single F�►rn9Iy ancl '�wcr T?arrsil}� i�csicicncc:s, d ma>imum �rf 3Ut� syuare f�tt �er Veliicde s��sce with a rri�i�ne�rai o1' � spaces per � clw�t{ing uriit w i I1 be allowed t`or enalosecf garages. 'lhare sl�ail t�lst� bc �s ma�imum vf SU syuare I�Gc:i g`rucrn I�or mcchanical i aCe3s and 25 sqvarc feet g`sven ('crr siir lncks. Any sclua�re fa�tagC ower thc ra3axirr�uiri for eiihcr the g�rag�, the mechanicaI aa•eaa nr i' air locks w i 11 be �c�unt�cl as Gr�ass R�side;ntial E'locr Ara:a (GEtF�), i, j; For I'1L1fId3Tl�� c;c�nt2ining nzore lhan 2 dwellin� LFill($, dfl additi+r�nai �; i�Zf;A �t' u� tr� 2{l% �f th�: allowahlc i�#�A c-rn thc :�ite sht�ll be :tllowed f��r cc�mmon c o r r i d�r s, commnn s t a i r w a y s a ccfmmun h a 1 i w a y s, c�+rriQncjri �; els�sets. lo6by arcas, and enclosed common eecreatiranal t'acilitics. f: �nytl�in�, i n exc�ss uI' th i s �0;°o w i I I be �e�ucted f'rc+aai tl�e L�1-:A al�c�wed an tl�e site. �' 1 R.�34,l4D GR�DG, ��CISTth1�C; �• ' 'I'h� existing �,radc �hail be the existin�; nr natural tupa�ra�liw ot a site prior ta corrsiructiuro. , �E3.U4.150 t1RA�F,, F11�ISHF=.i7 Th� finished grade shall he the grade proposed ug�n s�eampleti«n of a projecr. � 1 �.[14,l 7C} IiEIGIIT 'l�he distance m�eatiured vertrcally, frvm the existin� �ra�ia or f'ittished �;rade (whit;hewer iy zn�r�. res[racti�e), at any bivea � poia�t !u the top �f a flat reaf, or mans�rd roai Qr tc7 thc highctit ri�gt linc af a slopin�; rnnf. i �, � ! ��_ i . t` � � � MEMGRANDUM TO: Pl�nning and Enrrirvnmental Commission FRQM: Cornmuni�y Develapment DATE: May 24, 1993 SUBJECT: A requ�st to amend Section '!8.04.170 af tY�e Za�ir�g Cvde ta clarify the definitian af the �heig�� af str�ct�res. Ap�fic�nt; Tawn �fi Vail Pfanner: Shel�y M�IIo M 5: f} #WA ?'FF rn.,c . . .. . � . S i �. . � ;fn5 f """""`�'4`�-'��/ ' � � .r � fi��f fi f > .. .c,,,. . r- c��� � o . # +,t . h . . Q�ib.� H,. .2�.nc��q�c� t-� .rG . a.c��k F �.� .� f rf �. t.�. t s� px a ���� . . . ��, � ,� r�iF.swcp t .. �,..���arz�r� • , x� � �e a w•:f���z � �,,. ....;..-:w. .. .�:.. .,...... ,�.,..oNc,f.w�:,�`..,...a.�,�r'f,C+`.S.L';7.��faiati�R4R•fr:,c��:�LY...<k,.-.....s...�.... .. .f �::.t-..>.....r.s�.ry, -- ....oxs.�sG.a4�dt�t��3�,.GY#iF.,,. I, DESGREPTIC3�1 4F THE REQ�EST R�ceRtly, the procedure for measuri�g the height of buifdings has carne inta qu�stion. At the April 12, 1993, appeal regarding this question, tne P�C requestec� that th� staff mak� svm� mir��r changes ta the definitir�n �of height, �ectian 18.(}4.1�D - He�ght. This amer�dmer+t►rrifl ncak �hang� the staff's current heignt m�asuring praced�,re^. Th� existing defir�i#iar� for heig�t scat�s: � "Th� c�istance measus`ed uer#i�ally from, existing �rade ar fir�ished gra.de �whicE�e�rer 4s more restrict�ve} at any giver� �oint t€� the to� raf a fCat, or mansford roc�f ��` to ihe highest ridge lir�e of � sloping ro4f." In resp�ar�se tv the appeal, t�e staff woul� like to pr��ose the #ollowir�g wor�ifng: Sectian 1�.40.17Q - Hei�ht "The �istance measured vertically from any paint an a proposed �or existir�g r�vf Qr eave t� the existing or finis�ed grade �w�ichever is more restricti�+e) �s�cafed �ireCt9y below s�id paint a� #he roa# or ea�e." f1. SfiAFF RECC)MM�M�ATIqN The staff recomrr�ends these changes in response tv tl�e direcfior� given by #he PEC. This amendment wiil n�t change the staf#'s c�rrent rrrethod of ca�cul�,ting height. � 1 � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � ��; � � � � �� � - � � �'�� � � � � � � � � .�_ ��� .� .-�� � � / ��l � ���' � � ; .� ,,� � . - �l `�. � ' �1���� ;�' � �� --�- �� � �� � . � � ��n � ���9 � � Q- ,� �'�� 9,�� . , '�— � �] � � � . ~�`� � /� � . � �:. ,�'� �1 -��-r , 1� � � � ir � � �- � �� � _ �c � � � �� � �`� � � � �-- �- �- � � -- � � �� r � � � � `� � _ . :..� �-- � � . I � � : � �. �. � �. � � _ . . � � _ ! � 1 � � _S �-.y � �-� �°�' � �1 � Cl� ,�q ���1 �.; �. : • � — � � .� �� � 4� 4;� � � � � ��� �k � � ,,,� Ct� �`d'� �.�_ =_ � i � y� �- ' f rf 1� � � Q '��i •�. � . ,�'� t� ��1 � �` � L�� ;� �''-' � �i�-, � � _ � � �.:�T '� ��` '� � r � � � �' - � � � �� ,4� � � f _ � � � ,� �F '� �1} , , � - � ,W� , � , �- 'r �. .� � r � � � - . � ' � �� � r ,� � � � �. � � . . . � � � � • � � . ,� ,; w� � . . �`�-� --� "i � • � 1,H 'ai� f,a4. I �� ��� ��l f� � � � � ]1 . . h�� , V . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� s � � � � � �� � � � `� - � __ -� � � � . � � _.._ - i _._,..._.._-- �� �- � �, � � I / �--� � � � � /� � �� �� �- �. � , i � � � '� � � � / �� � �_ � � , �� � � � � � � � � � � � � -� � � _ � � .�� v � � � � � ,�� � ; � ,�� � � � �_�.-- �� �. �- � �� � � � � � � � r � � � � ,i - : .--: . .. � � :� . � . . . � . � . . � . . . � � � MEMQFFtAMdUM T�: Plan�rirrg and Er�v'rronmental Corr�missiar� FR{�M: Gammun+ty �evelapment Departrr�ent DATE: April �2, 1993 SL]B.JECT: Appeal of sta�f interpre#ation of the calculation c�f ridge laeight and staff review vf C�RS applicati�n for the prc�posed pri�ary urrit �n Lot 15, Block 1, Va�l Potat� Patch Fili�g #11784 �'ata#o Patch Drive. Applicant: Loper Developrnent Appellant: Mr. and Mrs. Andy Daly a�d Mr. and Mrs. Wi�gers Planner: Sh��€y M��lo _. __ __. [. INTRQE�UC71JhJ 'fne staf�'s int�rpretatior�s of the calcuCation of ritfge h�eight and �ta€f revsew c�f a aRB a�plicatian are bein� app�al�ed to the Pfann�ng and Environmenfal �ommission �PEC] 6y twc� ac�jacent ne��hbc�rs, Mr, �nd Mrs. Wei�er �nd Mr. and Mr�. D�fy. The Design Re�s�w Board (aRB) a�apraved tfle prc�ject t�r� March �7, 1993. The vot� was 5-(] with #�re ane Condition tha# � t�e appiicatic�n must meet zoning �nd two r�cammendatians: 1. The ap�fi�ant wQrk with the adjacent praperty �+rrners t� amend the landscape plan t� in�clude adj�cent prc�perties, and 2. 5tone be added co the Zc�wer level, �'he DRB d�cision #4 approv� the pro�ect was app�ai�d by the Daiys and the Weig��-s. The Town Council reviewed t�e !QRB declsior� �n Apri[ �th. T�ey voted 4-1 to auert�rn the DRS's appraval l�ased on S��t�on 1$.54.(��� - �A},{B,1){B,2)(I). {5�e attached guidelines.} T�e a�pellant wi�hes ta purs�e t�e remaining appeafs �o t#�e f'�C for c9arity to preserve futUre rights af app�al. A€i �ppe�ls o# staff interpretati�ns are reurewe�d by tF�e PEG pursu�nt to Section 1$.6�.�3U{A) - Ap}�eal o� AdministfiatFVe A�tians o� th� Towr� oi Vail Zc��ing Code which states: "Appeal from any ac�ministrati�� �ction c�r determination by the tQwn m�nager �r the zoning ac�ministrator pursuant to prawisions of this tit�� may be faEed wi#h tf�e plannir�g cornmassian t�y any resider�t or prc�perky vwne� wi#hir� tuv�rtty days �41Eawi�rg such action car deter�ninatia�. In evenk af appe�l, th� commiss€�n, af�er receiving a repart �rom the town manager c�r zo�ning a�ministrator, may cQnfirr�, reverse, ar mocEify th� actian ot the #c�wn manager or the zonir�g administrator. A he��in� �hall not t�e required. Failure of tY�e commpss�on to act within thirty days of the fiiing c�f an appeaf s6�aff be deemed c�tncurrenCe ir� the ac#ion of the taw� martager vr the zor�ing administrator." � 1 � � � The faRlowing are ihe �ectiarrs befng appea}ed: Section 18.{�4.17�} - Heiqh# "Height"' means fh� distance measured vertically, fram the existing grade ar #inished gra�e {w�iche�rer �s mpre �estrictive�, at �ny gi�ren paint ta tf�e #ap of a fi�t r�af or mansar� roof or tr� t�he highest ridge line of a sloping raaf. SeGtion 1�.��.C�75�Pri�r�ary/5�candary - Heiqht Fc�r a fiat raaf or mans2�rd roof, the height of l�u�idings shali npt exceed 30 feet. For 5loping roofs, the height of �uildings shall r�ot exC�Bd 33 feet. S��tior� 18.54.04U - Mat�riafs ta be �ubmitt�� Pr�cedures - 5taffl[7R6 Pro�ed�ure� Th� C�epartin�nt flf Cammunity Cle�e4o�ment shall check materi�is su�mitted for Design F�ev�ew far cvrnpliance with the applicabl� provisiorrs caf the zanirag cad�s, subdivGSiar� regulations under S�ction 18.54.Q4�(}C. TF�e zaning admini�trator may r�quir� ar�y adcfiti�nal iterns frvm the applicant as may be necessary. If the appaication is found ta be in complianc� with tYte applicak�le provisions c�f the zC�ning c+ade„ 5U�7t�IViS10�1 LE'.C�U��fI0C1S c.`i�1Cj Sf,'Cti0C1 iS.r'.1'�.Cf�UC, the proje�t shafl �� placed upc�n the agenda far the next a�propriateEy scl�eduled DRB rneeting in accardance with the required application subaniktal deadlines c�r� fi6e in t�re �C�mmunity Develc�pmeRt Qepartment. If Th� application is faun� ndt to �� in cornpisance with applGCable � pravisions o# the zoning �od� and Section 18.54.��L�C, the applicatians a�d materials shall be return�d to th� applicant with an �xpfanation af the zoning a�lmirristrator's findirrgs. 16. Ai'PERLS QF 5'�CTIQt� 1$.�4.17�3 ANd 1$.13.075 Th� appella�rt f�els that the staff has kaeen ca�culating hefght cor�trary tc� the intent ofi the re��ulatiar�s. It is #h� staff's �rncedUre to cafcul�te heigl�t be measu�in� ��law �ny given point of the ro�f �o existinc� or prp�c�sed grade, whi�h�ver is most resiri�tiue. The appeliant feels that the maxEm�m r�dg� '��igf�t wit�r th� lowest paint of pr�posed grade shvuld i�e consid�red whether c�r not Zh�t ricfg� is directly above t�� proposed grad'e. In the cas� at hand, #he point of the ridg� is I�scated in ihe micidde af this building, Becaus� of this, in t'�� staff's apini�n, there is r�o cal�ulation from rsdge t� propased grade. Staff iakes t#�e ridge el�vation and meas�res tt� the exist+r�g grad�. Hawever, height is m�asur�d frorn t�e eave ta the propcased and existir�g grade. I� is the intent o# height calculations to control the height of buildings as they re�at� t� the spacific t�pography �f the site. In most cas�s, trie m�st restr�eti�e calcul�tEan is fram tl�e hig�test pflint �f tf�e ridge to the exist�ng grade. Qur rr�ethod compli�� with the znning cod�'s definition of height. The ant�nt af the regulatior�s is tQ encaura�e th�e layout a# the b�ilding #�a foilaw the exisking t�pagr�pf�y o€ th� sike. � � � � � III. S�CTIUN 18.�4.440 Th� app�1lant is also app�aling the sfaff's �rac�dure as it reiates to �Splic�tions ta the DRB. ln this ap�lication, th� �taf� was unable ta complete t�e sec�nd GF�FA check prior ta the se�at�� De�ign Revicw Bc�ard r�view of t�7GS praj�ct on Marc}� 17, 19�3. A!I other zaning �hecks had b��n completed, bu# fin�t GFi�;q had r�ot been c�lculated a��in after revisic�ns to the drawings had �r�en n»de. The st�ff w�s attempting to work with the appiicant �nd nei�hbars in an eff�rt ta �ccommodate char�ges in #he praject aft�r initial a�pli�atit�n, but priov to tt�e secorsd Design Re�iew �oard hearing. Drawings w�re su�mitted ta the T'awn af Vail the Friday prior t� the Desigri Review Baard hearing. Subsequent ta the aesign Review Baard hearing, a GR�A c}�eck was campl�ted and th� application was in f2.ct belaw the allcawable GR�A_ dt i� L�rry �skwith'S findi�g th�t ��n�e khe applic�tian was found ta be in compliance with tY�e applicable de�ek�p�nent standards prior to ihis hearing thak ti�is is nat an iss�e. � � 3 � vJ � y � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � ---�� � C`� •"�i�' - `��` q,�� la.'� 7 � � •..1 ,, ��° �- ° � � �-- � , �I , � �, ;� � � �- � - ,� f I ��_� � � �� a �, � '`� ` _ �•� � �, � � �,� ���. _ � � �`'f ��� , r �� �� � '� � �� `� � � _ � �_ � � � � vr `4 x � � ,� �`� ' � t.i7:il� __r� �„ '�+ � �l �/ "�� '` �— � � � � -�. � � � ,, � � �� � � �� �� � �1 �y -J � � �� � � � , . -�Y � � � '� � / � ,�] '�- ,� � � �� ��---. _.;_._�,....- _ �_...._ � � � � ` � , � � � � r � �- � ��. � � � � � � � � � � � � — a � � �� �� r �_� � � � � � � ,� �c� ��`,cE' � �a � _ . �� � � � � '� ��`^' � � � � ..� �! � � � � X 1 �--� � � ,� � � • � f `�`;, ;r,�°� ' �- � � � � fi�l �� �- l / ,° ,� � �!, �l � ;i�' �--. � / � � ~ 1 � �` � � � �` � � �� � � . � � � � � � � "� .� :�{ � � � , / ,� � � � � � � � , t ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � y � f � � � � � � �� �� � � � �� �� ��� � ` � � ' cs �,� �' � I � � ��, � � �'� p A _ ,� � 2 � � � � � y�� �� � � � � � r� � [�(�`} � iy �' l.�.S � � � ' � Q=a �(� ��j � r� �'�� [L-�+ �,l��J� !-�- �g � � ,� � � 5�--� �{�_ � L � �! � - �`c�, � 1 -� � ' € � � ; � � Q "� --�: � ���� � � � � � , � � � � �� � . � � � �- � � �� � .�.� � � � 4 � �� � d�� � � � � � � �� Q � ,�� �� � � � � �y _ �` � �� � �.=� � ' f Ct� � ,�_ � � [ � � 1 � f � � � � � �-- �, �_ �� Y � � � � � � ,� � �� `- � � �--� � � �- � ;� � � �-- . � � , �,_ � � �- �- � -��--�- ,% � " � �_ '�r�j _� � � , ,. l� 's �— � � � �� � . � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � �` � � � � � � � �l � ;� � �.. � � � � � � � ti� � �lt'���� � � �����t� �?� �.�'�� �i,3�. /J `f�r / ��� � �� �� � �� '''[1�! � �' '� � •i � � � ✓ I" �r��`� I�l�t� � � � 4 � �� `� � � �� ° �`� ,- � � � � � � � �� � ��« �.��� � ������ � � � ``�� - � �����i�� �z �� �`j �� , �jl � � � �� -� . � � � fi� � . ��� ��11 . �1�1� '� [tl���l -���� � � �.� .� � ,� � � � � '�� � � � � ���� � ��� � r � �..i vH i'�' G`� M���� �� � R �� f � �� i � � a � � � 4 �(]} I LJ � � � 1 � ������� ! �� �iil��t� � ----j��� � � � ; � z � � �{,�-'''`` ,�'� ` , U� r �� � `�'`��, --��, ��Ll^�11 � tl l �lt,��11��{ tr��. ttt .= �r�� � UYL7.a'ITD S�FT OS C.HAPT�R S AIZC�TTECTUAL DESI�'iN GUID�LIN.CS � � W � s � � � 1!d . �' ❑ CJ � � � . ] O � � ��/ � i i-4 .� �/r Y��� � � �� � � � � q I � � ==°= - ' c �'� � `�� � ; � � � � � � ; � w � � � � _-��'�.•- � �r �� � a,°' .� . ; �`-� � �, i :; , t�,� ' � �� 4. �^ a � I� � � �. '�_� 2 [z. , � '� '�.., . . p a. il �� �ti`��� �`r � 4 '°-. .�•' � .�'� rn c4 .^'r,.,t I{ � �, 'ti � . � I� � �r' ,�.+r � 1 . � f��„���Ji ��� ��d '� �_� �.r-��.�l . . �j � 4y -,� +'�� ,,, � � �„r � / i p,rf" � /. i ��� p� •1i- .�� -,��` � ; 1, •;' `� , , � + �- - . y ; _ ti��4� � � �1 � � �� � I i p , ,. . ;� � � ��� �, P4� �-�� -� � �� � �� r' ` � � • i� � �i � � � � p � � � � � I Pa�� �-22 LIQNSHEAI7 I�EbEVELdPIV�Ei'�'i' �AST�R PLAN I � � i � � . ��IAI'TER c� �.RCHIT�CTUAI. I�ESIGI",i�'i[FIDEL�iV,E5 UPUATED SEPT Q5 fi � I � � �. � � � � � r 1 � � � � 4 � a � �: e � � � � � � � � � � a � � � o � a �' D � 4 i � � � � r �+� � � 4 � } � '� � W � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �r _ r�� y~�~� � � � � � ' � A 1 � � E'� I �,,,, _ , � �-- ��_w�.�-.. �, x _ .� - o � 1 1 � h +-° > " � C�} �" 4 q G � � � 1 � � � x � � � � � q r y � ,a �n � �� ��:`���. f�,�- ca W x �` � �1 - � � � � � ��� � � 4 � � {:,f; M V � � ,.r�/ � ' � �� � 1 � � F—'_._� ` — Is � d � -� a � � � � ce ° ,,�,+'-r x . � Q" 6 � u' � �' a' . f} C'�. 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(PEG06-Dfl12} A�plicant: Timberline Rc�crst L�d�e, LLC, represent�d by Maurie�lo PIanrajng �ra�p, LL� Planner: George Ruther I. SUINMARY T1�e applicant, Timber�ine Roc�st Lodge, L.L.C., is requestirtg a �inal review �af an existir�g grades to�vgr�phic map �ar Lats 9 -12, BufFehr Creek Subdivisian. The � ex�sting grad�es topographic map wi@I �e used �y the applicant and staff ta de#ermine cc�r�pliance with building height regulations. ll. aESCRIPTIC�N �C']F THE REQU�Sfi The ap�li�ant, Tim�erkirre Rr�ost Lodge, L.L.C., is requ�sfing a final review of an �xisting grades tapographic map far L�ts 9 -12, �uffe�r Greek Su�di�isian. The existirrg gra�#e� to�vgra�hic map wifl k�e used by the applicant arrd sfaff to determine cc�mpfiance wit� �uilding height regulations. The Plannin� and �nr�ironmental Commissian is �a�ing asked #o apprQwe, appro�re with modifications, �r deny the fina! re�iew of the exi$ting grades #opographic map fvr Lo#s B-12 Buffehr Cresk R�subdivision. ill. �ACKGF�CiUhJD T�e Rovst Lvdge was ori�inally �on�#nacted �n the early 1970's as a �natel projsct. The existing 1Qdg� cnntains 72 F�ot�l rvoms, one dwelling �anit, and a paved surtace parking lot. Accord�ng t� the Town's files, with the exception c�f minor applica�tions far repainting, new deck ra��s, re�pro�afing, �t�., the F��ast Lodge has se�n no si�nifcant modificatians si�re its original constru�ction. rJn Nfl�rem�e� �4 and �8, 20a5, tk�e applicant appe�red be�fore the Plannin� 8� EnvirQnmental ��ammis�iar� with a request io amend the text af th� Public Accvmmodation zane district to allovu accommfldation units tc� inclu�e� kitcF�en � faciVities, as a cvnditional use in the district. lJpon cr�nsiderat�an a� the rec�ueSt, the Ca�missivra dir���ed staff and th� �pplicank to prep�re �n amendment which 1 � � � wc�uld result €n �he cr�atia� af a neuv zc�n� dbstrict purp�sefully intended to allow accommadation units to include kitche� faciiiti�es in certain areas af Tawn. On December 6, 2005, during the PECII�RB upd�t� t� the Vail Tawn Councif, staf� informed the Town Council af ti�e recent di�c�ass�t�n� with t�e Planning 8�. Enviranmental C�mmission regarding the text amendment and the cre�ti�n �€ a new �vne distriet. The Tawr� C�uncil acknowledge� that th� intent of th� pr�posea text am�:ndr�er�t may ha�e merit, howe�rer, encourage�i �he sta€f and Cammissivn t4 eValu�te other �ptions. For example, the poss�bility �f crea#ing a new eondit3onal use with use specifcc criteria a�dressing the relationship �of the use t� nth�r neighbori�g uses and deu�lvpment ot�jectives of the Tawn rat the elimin�tian of the pr�ohib�tion agains# �Citchen facilitie� in accomm�dativ�a �anit�. The Towr� C�uncil expressed th�t it may be �pprapriate to re�e�alu�te the Iegislativ� infent c�f the current land us� pnlicy �rahibiting kitchen facilities in . accommodation units. �Dn [7ecember 2�, ��05, the Cammunity Gevedopment D�epa�kment presented fi�ve possi�le �ptions far addressing the �pplican�'s desire to construct a lodge contasnin� accvmmodation units with kitchen facili�ies. !�allrawing discussian af the �r�rious ��ti�ns, the Council dir�cted staff t� �arepare a texi �mendment to Title 12, Znning Regulations, praposing the creation of the Public AccammodatiQn-2 (PA-2� districi. �7n January 9, 2��6, the Tawn o� V�il Pianr�ir�g & Environmental Commissie�n he�d a pub[ic h�ar3ng nn a t�xf amendment applicati�n �reating the Public � Acc6mm�dati�n-2 dis#rECt and � request to r�zan� Lo�s 9-12, Buffher Creek Resuk��ivisior� t�o t�e new PA-2 district. �lpon cvnsiderati�s� of the applica#i�n, khe C�mmi�si�n voted �-t7-� to forward a rec�mmendat�an af appraval of the text amer�dment ta the V'ail Tawn Gauncil. �n Janua�y 1�, 2006, the Vail T�wn �Councif �eld a first reading on Qrdir�ances 2 & 3, 5eries af 2006, creating the Public Accornmadatian-2 �istrict ar�d rezan�ng the Timberline Roost L�dge dev�9opment site to the new �'A-2 distriet, r��p�ctively. F�allawing discussian on �ach ordinance, th�; Tawn Council approved both ordinanc�s on fi�st readin�. �� January 18, 2006, the Town �►f Vail Design I�eview Board held a conceptual review meetir�g ta review ihe revised majcsr �xteriar alteratian a�plicati�n for th� Tirrtberline Roost L.odge. C�n February �, 2(���6, the Vail Town Gauncil approved Qrdinance� � & 3. Dn �ebruary 2�, �QQ�, the appl�cant appeared befare the Town of Vail Planning and EnWirc�nrrkental Cornmissian f�r a final review of a major ex�erior a4teratian ap�lication to rede�elop the Roast Lodge. �p�n reuiew af the �ppli�ation, t�e Commissian uoted to table the final revlew of the application ta a later date, at #he applicant's request. l7n April 4, �f��G> the CQr�munity DevelQpment Qepartment made a presentation � to the Vail Touvn Caunci� �dem�nstrating how c�mp�iance with t�e T�wn's building height regul�tions is determined. �oklowing the presentation by staff, the Town Cvuncil directe�d staff to pre�are an am�ndment ta the Zaning Regulations furkher 2 � � � � �larifying the intent af the Tawn's bui�ding height regul�tir�ns. The Cc�uncil did nr�t request changes to t�e metF�ods use� #a dete6mine b���ding, how�ver. IV, STAFF R�C(]NlM�NDATICaN The Cc�mmunity ❑evelopment De��rtment r�ctammends t{�at �he Plar�ning and Environmental Cvrrnr��ssion ap�ar�ves the fina[ review of an existing grades t�pographic rr�ap of Lots � -1�, Buffehr Creek Subdivisian. T�� existing grades tapogra��ic map will be used by the �ppEica�nt ar�d sta�F tr� det�rmine cflr�pliance with ��ilding h�ight regulatinns. S�ould the Planning and Environmental Commissic�n choose approue this request, the Department �f �omm�nity Qevelc+pmer�t re�commends th� C�mmission passes the followkng �nnt�an: "The PC�r�nrng anc� En+�rrorrmerttal �ommissivn a�aprvves fhe frnal rev�ew af ar� exisfing grades ��po�rraphic ma{a fc�r Lats 9 -12, Bufi`ehr Gre�k �u�division," Should the Plarar�ing and �t�vironmental �ommissic�n choase to a�pr�ve this request, the aepartment af Gomm�unity Development recommends the Town Cammissi�n makes the failowing findinc�s: � "Based upar� �he review af fhe ,��ost L�ctge Existi�g Gr�des Tvpographrc Nlap dafsd Apri! 90, 2(�Q6, �r�d th� evidence �nd tesfimony presente�', th� Plar�r�rng and Environmenfal Cammissiar� fr'nd.�: "That [he applicant +has pr�ven fn the sattsfactivr+ r�f the C�mmissiar� that the Roast Lvdge Exisffng Grades T�pagra,�hrc Map rs an accurafe rrrterpretatior� of the tapvgraphr"c cortditrons of t�h� d�velopment sife prior ta constrUCfion. The ,+I�fap shal! be utilrz�d I�y itre �omrnunity� L]evel�pm�r�f De,parfinent to de�ermfne compliance with the Town's ada,pted#�uriding heig�itreguJa�rvn�." � 3 � V �. �� — � � � � a V � /o� , � � � �`^ a4 � �' � . ��� � Rie `-k � 'a � � �� .� �1 � � j � ?. � 0 8 e �s e . . R+ x a- � � � � �� °\ 3Y� R �3 � t r � � 3 � 4y � ��� � � ��' � ��� � . � � ��� ; d�a � �� � � s za € : � � i � �� I`I h � � �' a�r B �lPqir i y�'� � � c � � . � � p Sa �y 9 � 3 � �I� � �i 1 � �I�� 1 � ¢ y ] J .< 59 � i e � � � � � i � 1 d P111 b P � I 1 { y 6 \ . ��� I i i � I � S r � � e ii � � � . 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R � � 1�A � �� � . � � O'00 � � � � _lPi O — Qo � � c ia� - �! l�Q $ V � � � � �� A ' /\� • % \\ / / � ��\ .. \ \\ ` /� / � V 00/8��/ / � �� � � � ��� _ t , - , \ ; ,�\�� , ���� , Apr-10—a6 09��1A � � P_ �2 � irlS'9lV4iAR� M� �ICKING fll 1�C� LpW����w �aru[ � J(]MI��tTpW�l� PA 1�9C'S April 10,�Ot�1� Pf�nning and Envirortm�n�]Goua►�il T hava juai raac�cc�v�d and m�vi�red Gavrg�R..��e�r's v,e�y thoraugj�a�r�aalysis ancd d�nition of"h���" mc�vrding t,�variou�hiatorit�l�crdes ar�d"clari;�ic�tian;." �xca�far tb��ity plarir�rs,far atk�ers,�t h� q}]{�'1�1193��1EC�1+Y IE�6ifiL`�f lift���. . �OICI@{I�}S�i'V$�LOiIS: • Cltd�anee 37: 3'�S�s is�er#'e�f�.y cl�sr ta m�. "��'v�ci��ia�—Th�e�t�g gi�de�t�a t,hs�xxi�sti��.�nat�rral u,,�n,giaphy c�f s a�ite prior to s��u:tian.", E�plarlaiiva: If thc r�rit.�r'��u�h�rities at that#iene dr..�ired�o e�teblis� �p�ryr�sor.�lt(a�1 infinitwn)v��+rtir�1 inaig,�#e�a��t�t fcn'�pr�sPcrty�taY w�su3d h��re Mrril�ea: � "�"irude,F�c"ss�ng—�`he�ex.isting r�adG.�4�s1i ba tl��na#ural toPOgr�ftp vf��itc bofdre or prior to any carissti�Uctiar�begir�oing+witb the�rst prtrjeet a�d exterMdu�$irsto tho�utue�a for�ei�y �araject�therea#�er. Fur#herm�rv.ifti�;�C?tci�irince 37 wax�te�d existin�ta mmsn r�atural the ward�wau�d 1�beefl ".,-rncistin��nat�ra�t4P���F�Y-...,, ■ Tha sl�lowanc�crfa perma�e�t vortics�height eascmestt with tt�v�i�iaat [a�egrapby�.the base ksas b�q�d wi�l ba�.`°nsg}strs�rQ„far ft�tute p�cha�ecs af real est�t�er+ r�al e��te purofcssiayn�Ilg,,' �qrr�t f�rr srry ptvcf�r tt�eve'l�ata�aropriateiY hif ProPc�j'(and real esta��gent�� appraisers ss wa!]),t�e buyer me�st obtai�+g ci�rii e��yin�r"statnpea!"de�+ermi�ar;cad o��s�s "cs�in�tt"aft�e"arigima�"t�Br�Pb�oF�y ad�o;nin�Iats th�hav�ixzn�lis�r�ec@�b�+ wr►str�uctivn ta deteranin�wbax his space ar�wi�w i�tiE;lst�aak li�t�us the futur�si�the easem+�t for heigl�et gQes on�c v . (This is a pr�eneia�",�ld mir�e"far atwrneysJl�v�suits)- Reeanamcnd�u�n, Use t,h�Fksping be¢ght�ute one ti v for i}i,a firsr pra]ect and�fter��;t"e�sling" . gr�do i�'I�Vebs�er'Y�cfluitlan. �'arr t#ze"fill"i�stGad of"��u"�iYU�[inn,�ocift�a.]1y f�rblrJ"F�1"a�r�u�twa) ta�ngrapl�y wit�aut PEC�d sdjacent prop�ert3"+�m�r a�sp�rov��, R,��ands, �G� � �' f--� � � � x.�t.����,xu cc: Gt�rge Ruth�t'. L`�i�f�fP�ing ''�uil Council . r � � � Maariello Planning +Gr�up I�r�ost Ladge Ad'acent Pro �r �wner List ��� llA�.IPHII'�AIS-MOSELEY CC}I'�1ST INC l4[�� M1�R11I�1L•' ll�. VAIL, Ci0 8Ifi57 C� iVfURPHTiFF �VCSTMEI�TS LTn �'4[}{) L7�UBLIN RD PL,r^,.N�]. "I�X 75094 ��� T'ITC., KLN�ETH Dr�VII] & I}�MAK AYSF. -�TT 6415 E PRENTIC� PL t�I�L•'1:N W[}UD '�IL.I.AGE, �O �()1 l ] r�� M.L. HARRIS F"r"�MILY P'I`?�I�H�' LL�' 10900 H�:FI�(ER POII`v�TE �7R STE 20(1 � �ICLAHC]M11 CIT�', C�K 7312D r��; HiI.I.�[nF CC�t�iL7()Pv�INIUNi ASS+C)CIATI�N C'.IC} I3EMIS, GRECrC)RY' P£� B�)X 3�38 uA1L. CC7 �1b5� l�� �lli h �I"L��-ly �.. P[) Bf7X ?]74 VAIL, C� �i�58 Fr�� TLJRNIPS�Lll, JA'�C7N & CQLETTE l$5 SC3UTH EMERSC7I� I�F;�VER. CQ St]2U1 'rx? I7iIY[35, �+T�VI�i�i :�. & J(��U� f�. -3T 1434 S,�RRIA AV'E CrJR�L GaBLES, FI� 33146 !�� GUNIt]I�I,J[)N1V F., M/'1�C;11I�,'1"M.A., c�i ANI�F.LW MARK 1 S�9 ME,r�DOW RIDGF. RD E � �anr.L, c�o �a�s 7 , � � � � CARN�Y, J+f�HN M. 1839 MEA�C3W RIDGE �U I3 VA1L, CC} �1657-3tJ[l� �y PIC�I3�C'�, �-�[�W'ARI7 M., III & �IDELLE C. 100 L+DT�GVIE�' LN �OHNSTQWIV. �A 159(]5 F� . ET�B, 'WE1r1I�Y ELt1.IN� 1819 MEAI��W RIDGE T�I7 C"1 V11IL, Ca 81 b�7 r�; JA:�ILS J. E3IGUS F'AM1L1'TRUST l$34 A �LACI�R �.l. UAIL, C[7 81+�5? � RC}LLAND,.�4DI T. 8i R�B�RT i7. -JT �58Q2 7`E��;�A �;�C'(?I'v�I]lUA SAN C'LEMENT�, C�A 9Z�573 r-a� CH�1TEAi.J TRE.`NfC�l'�iTE QWNERS ASSOC 1NC a?�)�) I�TC �LVD STE �40 � ENGLCVv'�UL7, C`U $0111 (�� R�1LFI-� W. HAJQSY REVC]CA�LE TI�U�T 1725 CARUER F�D CiF�1�FiN. G14 3U224-�$�Q (c�i, B(JYM�R. R(7I3�f�`I�JAME� P J Fi4� 1�O 1 V.AIL. C� 81658 �� Nf1i�T.FR, JCli�i F ClU VI�"I�AR FtE;,�L ESTATE �i35 1'd �i�[�]'�l`I"AC'J�, RI] 1 Vt�1L. (�°�J �1b57 �;c� PA.AG�R. I7IA1'�iL; M. &N�LSC?�i A. -JT 22Q0 E �RA1�i�] AVF EN�GLE1�'[�i�I], C'(3 ��lt l3 C� L�VARI�1, hrI1�RI��. & M�C -JT PO BO� 2l4 V�1lL. CU 89��8 � ��J . . � � I7ICKS�IV, FHY�.�.IS � 1$�I 7 �I�AD4�W �tII]GE RD 1 VAIL. CQ 8165`7 r� �� MEF�R.IM11.1`+1, �7.lh.NNY �., JANE M. & ADAM G. 1859 MEAD0IN RIL)GE FLD A Vt1IL. C+C� 81�57-�i9{�5 a� U�1�'(lRI], WILLIAM F. 18�9 ME1'�D�W IZII)GE RD �1AIL, CC1 81�57 let�; FARQLJHAR, IERRY�,. & D�'[3t�1ZAH R. 187t) I�'IEAI�[)W RIDGE RI7 V�1IL, C(� S 1 b57 ��J STI:iTZ, STC�JI;hT A. & +C�'NTIIIA 1�,. 189�5 1VIEADOW RII3GE RD V1�IL, C'U �1657 ��i� I3A"T`CH�Lt3R, �.(�BE�`I' - �`ITZ�C;ERALD, I]IANE -JT YU BUX 5854 � �+'nIL, CC� 8]f�58 +�a; AL�K5A1'�D�R 8c IRJA PIIRMA TR[JST��S 3528 �,IlEL1NE 17R S"l�{}W, (?H�4�24 r�,} t�v'AGENLANI]ER,3.hMES F. - �'HIN, MARY L�� -�T 222� 17AHi.,IA �T DENVER. CCl 8�2�7 �� . ,. � �{JRRI(3?�, BRIE11'� 27821 S TAMIAMI TR 2 F��1'�ITA SPRINGS, FL 34134 �cz', CROCK�TT. RLTFUS �a B�x ���a R'1SPEl'�, C:(3 Slbl2 � MYR()�T'�I, �'r(lR[]()N D. - WEINBENDE�t, THOMA� L. 25�1 2�'I'H AV�:. Vd :5��'1'TL.E, Vv"A 98199 � ,rr? . • � � MQCIRE. �TFV� & 17FNNI� I.. -JT � PC� B+DX 392 EI�WAI�DS, CC3 816�� ��� I-�11LE,Y, MIC�-�ALL S. ,� MARLA M. -.IT ���� s�»r c`'RF:TK RIT]C,F RF) �V�I��I�EF:�, C�C} 8043'�-8782 ic�� �J HERMANN, HENRY I�. & MARY C. � HERMANN, K11FtL -J`I' � 577 W CQNF,:�T[�G�1 GIR GRAt�ID 1UNCTIOI'�I, Cf) �1 S[34 �` VAI�THG"t3i..�'N. MISTY Nt. & JASQI�,13. -1'I� P� B(�� 6�4� AV�hi, C� SlG'?0 ��� VVaMB4LT, CH1�IS & bUAl�1E 224'� C:1�I'E A,W3U� DR VII�C'�1NIA F3�AC:H, V,4 23451 r�7 ������'�y ����� �.., I���Q Q. �L ��� �� B���i �J�}�� � �t�11., ��Q ���]�$ f�� HINI��(JN. JC}IIN 5. & IIARRI�T II. -JT 4fl7 M�ADt7VV�v' RL] L;I)W�RI�S, C'C) �1b32 � K.�IC'H13AUM, PHILIP F. PO B�7� 3� VAIL, GQ �1b58 �a) c�c����rT, �.�FUs �o �c�x ���� as���:tv, c.c� �i�i z ��J LEGG, RAI`�lI7Y G, & .if�ELLEI�i L. -JT 2{�4�0 S MADISQN �T I�ENVER, CCl $��lU `�fj TATSUMI, TETSU� - MALCUIT. EMILY -JT PO BUX 2858 �:i)'1�'AI�IJS, �� 8163� �c�; � MOQRC, IIAL� W. . • � , � � � �'C? I3rJ� 3745 AVC�N, C(� '�162a ,'"c FABER. (�`I,.I`AI.I� & G��R+C'iIN� P fa 1t3[)X 83� �:AC�I.F, �C`C_7 81631 `�1 MUST�NCi C.UNI�L�MINILJM 4SS+QC[AT'I(7iN �'I+D GUERRIERO, R1�I�7UA�L 185� �vIEAI�f�W RIDGE F�D V11IL, C'U 816�7 t�' BU1'FCTt C:R�.L� 1�v'LS�1' C[lND()MIP�IIUM ASS[J�CI�►.TI�C7N, II�C. CI0 MAI�.KA W. MC)SHER Y (7 L�UX �3C1� VAII., CC? f�1 fi5$ ri� �c��wr� c�� ���r. C'IU FiNANC� DEP'I' 75 S FR4NT�GE RU VAIL, C,'(� f�I Ci57 ��I J Mi.TSSUN, PAUL F. B� ELISA M. -3T � 9�02 CRY�"i'AL LN I.E�1�IC'�MC]NT, Cf) ��12(}3 `�� � I-IAGERM1�h1, FHILIP R. 8c ,�[}��LYN K. 1�188 �A�'�LT�7'"['E DR l�'EN'I'UI�. MI 48430 � C�IL�RAIJ�(} I]EFT C�F TRANSPt3RTATIC}N 42+�� E ,�.R�AN�AS AVE DLN�IER, C.{� 80222 �I�11 Y �:l\g �,� 4]4/`�L � � � � �, �! ��c . y -� � �� �.�,�� a � M�MURANL�UM °s.,��k ��_e��_ j � ��r l T[]: F�lanning and �n�rironmen#al CQmmissic�� - ,p' � �s ���-r�� � FRC3M: Community Developmer�t Departm�nt .��!�� DATE: �ebruary 27, 204fi SUB,IECT: A request i`nr a final re�iew af a majc�r �xte�it�r altera#ion, pursuant ta ��etion 12-TJ-��, Ma�c�r Exterior Alterations c�r M�dificatians, Vail Town Cade, to all�w f�r tfi�e construction �f th� Timberline Ladge, located at 1783 h�orth Fro�tage Rc�adfLats �-'i2, BufFehr Cr�ek Su�division, and setti�g �a�th de�ails in regard theretc�. (PE�(3�6-U012) Applican�: T"rrr�b�riirre Roast Lodg�, LLC, r�pres�nted by Mauriellc� Planning Graup, LLC P�anner: Gec�rge Ruther 1. SUINMARIf The applicant, 7im�erline Rac�st Lodge, L.�.C. is reque5ting a frnal review c�f a major exterior a4teration applicatton to facilit�,te the red�vela}�m�nt of the Roost � Ladge, lc�cated at 17$3 Nor�h Fror�tage Raad. The key elements af the app9icat�on inclu�e: • Dernolition �f the existin�g R�ast L.odge and fhe cc�nstruction of the new �irr�berli�re Loc�ge, • 12�i new limit�d service Ivdge units, and • 39 dwelling units. TF�� key i�sues for car�sideratian with regards to t�e major �ext�riar alteration include: ■ Compliance with t�e pres�ribed developrr�ent standards, � Cr�mplia�nce with the criteri� fv� cansiderati�n of a majar exterior alterati�n, � Effect upon €he character of the nei�hborhood, and • Campliance with the Vail Campreher�sive Plan. lL ❑ESGRIPTI�N 4F THE .REQUEST The applicant, Timbe�line F�oost Lodge, L.L.�., representi�g by Maurieila Pl�r�ning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a re�+i�ed maj�r exteric�r al#er�tion deuelopment reView application ta the Tc�wn of Vail Community Development peP�rt��rent ta f�cilitate the redevef�pment �f the Roost Lfldge, lacated �t 9783 Narth Fr�ntag� Road. � 7he de�elopmer�t site Qf the Timberline �odge is lac��ed at 1783 �lortF� F�or+tage Road1L[�ts 9-12, �uffehr Greek 5ubdivision. Accordir�g to the Star�rped 1 � � j ' � � ° tc�p�graphic survey, the develvpment site vccu�ies approximateEy 1.988 acr�es ar � 86,5J7 sq�are feet. The applicar�t is prc�posing tc� canstruct � new fvur t� six stqty t2�ll "iimsted service lodge'° com�rised caf 126 �ccorrrm�datian unifs, 37 dvvelling units, 3 employ�e hou�ing units and 197 a�rove ar�d belcaw grade p�rking sp�c�s. The applicant �ntici�at�s that the new lodg� will be op�rated k�y M2�rriatt or anot�e�' r�ation�f hatel brar�d as � "limited service" lodge. As prapased, #he accornmadatit�r� �nits vary frort� A63 to 731 s�uare feet while th� dwelling u�its are approximately 850 square feet ir� size each. The three emp�oyee housing units are rc�ughly 4�0 square �eet ir� siz� each and c�nfigured ko pro�id� hc�using far a total af five emplc�yees. As �designed, the e�#eri�r materials on khe Rod�e are prc�posed to be a mixtur� �f star�e ancf wa�d sitiing with asphalf shingfe rv�fing. Exteri�r t�eck� and balconi�s have been add�d to tt�e buiading°s fa�ade along with a roc�f ric�geline of vary+ir�g heights to irn�rave both the �+erticaf and h�ori�nr�tal articulatian of the buildin�. According to Secti�n 1� 7J-13, of the Vail Towr� Code, "tt shaJl be t��e b��rd�n t�f tlae ap,plic��f to prove by a pre,�Qnderar�ce of fh� evrdence befare the pfanning and en�riranrrrental cammissron and fhe design revrew baard �haf ih� prQpased �xterior alteratiQn ar ,�ew develnpmen� is in c�mpliance v!,�i#h th� purposes of the pubfic aec�rrrm�da�i�n zone dlsfricf, and �hat the pro�osa! does nvf othen�vise � have a srgnificant raegatrve effect or� the chara�cter of the neighhorhaod, and �hai tl�e ,�ropos�J su�st�ntially c�mplies with oth�r appflc�t�Ie elemerrts of the Vail corr�preh�nsrve plar�.„ A vi�in'rty map ider�tifyir�g t�e loca�ion of the development site h�s be�n atkached �or ref�r�nce �Attachrnent A). A reducet� s�t af plans have been att�ci�ed fc�r referen�e (Attachment B}. Ili. BA�FiGR(]UND The Rac�st Ladge was originally con�truct�d in the early 197(}`s �s a motel praject. The existing [��ge cc�ntains 72 h�tel raoms, ane dwelfing unit, and a paved surFace parking lot. Accarding to t�e Town's files, witYro tl�e exceptian af minor �p,�iica#ions fvr repainting, new deck r�ils, reproafi�ag, etc., the Ra�st Ladt�� has s�en na signifieant rn�atiificatir�ns since its original construction. On t�ouernber 14 and 28, 20�5. the appficant a�peared befare �he Planning 8� Environmental �Comrnissit�n with a requ�st to amend the text af #he Public Accc�mmodatian zarre d€striGi ta aliaw ac�c�rnrr�odatian units �o include kitch�n facilities, as � condi�ianal use Ar� thc district. Upan cr�nsideratir�n a� the req�..��s#, the Ccammission directed staff artd the applicant to prepare �n amendment which wo�fd resulk in the cr�a�ian �f a new zar�� cSistrict purpo��fuffy infen�ied to a(lovv accomr-�od�tia� unit� tc� inclu�� kitchen faci�ities in c�rtain ar'eas af T�wn. � On �ecember 6, 20Q5, during the P�CIDRg update to tY�e Vaii Tawn Council, st�ff ir�forrned t�e T�wn Caun�il of the recent discus�ic�ns with the Plannin� & � � � � Environmental Ge�mmissic�n regarding the texf amers�drnent �nd the creatisn of a new zc�ne district. The Town Cauncil acknaw�edged that the intent of #he proposed text amendment may ha�e merit, how�ver, enca�€rag�d th� staff and Commissi�an tr� e�aluate ather optinns. For exam�l�, the p�ssibili#y of creati�g a new candi�ional use with use �pecific criteri� addressing the relatianship vf the �s� to ofher neigi�bc+rir�g uses and develo�ment �bjec#i�es af the Tawn or the elimi�atian of the prahibitian against kitcherr facilities in accommQdati�►n units. The Tcavvn Council e�pr�ssed that �t may be apprapriate #o r�-evalu�te the legislat4ve intent of the current lan�i use pvliey prohibiting kiichen facilities in ae�ornmodation units. an a�cember 2a, 2�05, th� Camrnunity [7e�relaprra�nt ❑epa�tme�t �resented fi�e poss�h�e options for ac�dressing tt�e applica�t's desire to c�nstrucf a lodge cQnkair�ing accamm4dation units witt� kitchen facilifies. Fvllov+ri�g discussi�n af the variaus options, the Cvuncil d�re�ted staff to prepare a text arnendment to T�tle 12, Zoning Regulatians, proposing fhe creatian of �he Pubiic A�cornmadation-� (PA-2} district. On .�anuary 9, 2UQ6, �he 7nwn of Vail Planning 8� Enviranment�l Carnmissia� held � public hearing o� a text amendrnent appli��tior� creating the Public Acccarnrr�o�ation-2 distric� and a reques# to rezone L�ts 9-12, Buf€her �Creek Resubdivisior� ta the new 4�A-2 district. Upon consideration af the application, the Comr�-riss�on vc�t�ed �E-�7-�] to fo�ward a recvmmendation o€appro�+al c�f fhe text amendment t�the Vail Town Cr�u�tci�. � an January 1�, 2��F, the Vail Town Council I�el�d a first reading an Ordi�anc�s � 8� 3, Series caf 2�1Q6, cre�ting t�e Pu��ic Accammodation-2 district and rezon�ng the Tirr�berline Roost Lodge development site to the n�w PA�� district, respactiWely. Fal1owing discussior� on each ordinance, the T�wn C�uncil approved both afdinances t�n first reading. �f7n January 18, 2(7Clfi, �he Tawn af Vail Design Revietnr Baard h�eld a conceptual review meetinc� to rewiew the revised rriajo�' exterior a�ter�tion applica�ion far th� Timberline Raast Lodge. Or� February 7, 2��16, th��`ai� TQwn Gc�uncil approved �Ordinances 2 & 3. !V, R�LES QF THE REVIEW�NG B(�AR[�S The purpoa� �f this sectic�n of the rnemnrar�cius-n is tv ckarify t�� respansibilities af the C3�si�n Review 8oard, Plan�in� and Envirt�nmenfal Commossion, Tc�wn Cfluncil, and 5taff an the varic�us applications submitted an beha�f of Vaii Resorts ��veEc�pment C�mpany- A. �xter�or AlterationCMat��ficati�n in the Public Aceommedation-2 zane district �7rder c�f Revi�w: �enerally, app�icatians wii9 be rsview�d first by the Plann#n� and Environmentaf Cor�r`imissic�n far i�npacts of us�ldevelopment � and then �y ihe �esign Revievu Baard f�r �compliance of proposed buildirags and sit� pl�nnin�. 3 � � , �1ar�nrrrg artd Fnvirar�merrta! �Cammissior�: � Acfion:The Planrsirag arsd Environmental Gomr�rission is respor�sible far fin�l approval/denial vf a M�jorlMinor Exteri:Qr Aiteratian. The Planning and Envir�nmental Cornmission shall r��+iew th�e �ropasal for campliance with ihe adopted criteria. The Planning and E�u�ir�nmenta@ Commissiar�"s approval "s�all �ons#itute appraval of th� b�sic form �r�d locatian of improvem�er�ts in�c#uding siting, buiiding setb�cks, height, buiiding bulk and ma�s, site imprav�r�ents ar�d �an�scapirsg.°' Desigr� F2evi�w 8a�rd: Action: The C]�skgn �Revoew �oard has no review authority c�n a Majar vr MiROr Exterior Alteratic�n, bu# must re�r'sew any �ccampar�y�ng aesign Review Board app�icatian. Staff.� The s#aff is respc�n�ihle for ensuring t�at all suam�ttal r�quirem�nts are provide�i anc� plar�s confc�rm to the teehnical requirem+ents �f the Zaning Fiegulatians. The staff aiso advises fhe �pp3�cant as to �campliar�ce with the design �uid�fines. Staff �rc�vid�s � staff m�mo cant�in�ng background an th� �r�perty �n� pravid�s a staff eval�atian of #he project witf� resp�ct to �fi�e �eq��red cr�ter�a and tindings, anc� a recammendatian on appraval, a�prc�v�al wi#h cc��ditians, c�r deni�l. Staff aasa facili�ates ihe review process. Tc�wn Cc�u,�cil� � A�tion� of Desigr� Revi�w Baard c�r P4a�aning an� Environmental Commissic�n rrzay be �p�ealed to the T�wn Cour�cil ar �y #he Town Councif, Town C�un��l e�aluates whether ar nc�t the Pl�nning and Environrnentai Comrnission �r �esign Review Baard erred witFr approvals or d�nials and can �phold, uphold with rnodificatians, or �verturn the �t�ard's decisinn. V. APPLICABL.E PLANNING DQCUMENTS Va�l Lanti Use F'lan According to the �Jfficiad La�d Use Plan for the �c�wn �f Vaii, tF�e devekoprnen# site f�as � i�nd u�e d�signatic�n af Mediur� Qensity Residential. P�rsuant t� the Vail Land l3se Plan, "The Medium C7ensify R�sid�ntia! larrd use cl�sign�ation includes srf�s fc�r hausrrrg which woufd typlcally b� desrgn�d as attaehed unrts wrth commor� walls. �ensit�es irr fhrs c�f�r�ory wot�ld r�r�c�e frc�m 3 fa 14 dwellin� units ,�er btrildable acre, AcYdition�f types nf uses in this cate9ory' tvc�Uld ir�cltrde private recreaf�on facrfities, private parkir�g facal�ties �nd inst�tu[rraraallpublic us�s such �s cl�urches, frre sfafion�, artci p�rks and vp�n space f�ciJitr�s." � =� . � � � Title 1�, Zaninq Requlations PUBLIC ACCC]MIVIUDATI[]N-,2 �QNE DISTRIGT{in part) CHAPTER7 Commerciaf and Bus�ness Districts Article.!. PUBLIC ACC�aMMQ�ATlc�N —� (PA-2} DISTRICT �2-7J-1: PURPDSE: The publ�c �accvmrnadativ� -2 district is int�nded ta pravid� s�tes for lodges, limited senri�e ladges, an� residential acc�mm�d�ti�n� on a short terrn basis, far visitors and guests, tvgether with such pu�lic �nd semipublic facilities and cvmrnerc�allretail ar�� refated �isitor oriented uses as may be appropria�ely loc�ted witf�in the same district and campatible with adjac�nt �and uses. This dis�rict is intended to prov�de for 6odg'sng sit�s Ic�c�ted �utside the p�riphery af the Town's Vail ViElag$ and 'Lianshead comrriercial car� areas. The public �ccomm4dation —2 district is intend�d to en�ure a�iequ�te f�ght, air, op�n space, ar�d o4her amenities c�mmensura#� w�th Ioc�ge uses, ar�d to mainta"sr� t�e ciesirable resart qualities af the district by es#ab�ishir�g appropriate site devel�pment �tanda�`ds, A�ditiana( �flnresi�ent'ral uses are allflwed as conditional �ses which enhance the nature �f Vail as a vacation community, and v+rhere permitted uses are intended to funct�an campatibfy �nrith tiae f�igh density i�dging character of the district. � 'i2-7J-2: PERMITTED 1JSES: The fallawing uses shall be perrnitte� in the P�-� distriet: Lodges, including ac�essc�ry eat�n+�, drinkir�g, or ret�il e�tak�lishments 1ocated withir� the principal �se and nc�1 �ccupyir�g more than ten perc�nt (1�°Io} af t�e total gross residenti�l #ir�pr area of the main structure or .structures on the site; additionai acces�ary dining areas may be 4o�ated on �n au#dr�vr d�ck, pvrch, a� #erra�e. Limited servtce loc#ge, including �ccessory �ating, drinl�ing, �r retail est�blist�ments It�c�ted within the prir�cipa9 use ar�d nc�t occupying more than ten perc�nt (1�°l�) of the tQtal grc�s� residentQal flaor area c�f the m�in stru�ture or structures c�n the site; addition�l access�ry dining areas may h� lacated on an c�utdocar deck, pgrch, Qr terrac�.. 12-7J-3: �CC��lC31TI��lA�L USES: T�r� foflowing canditional uses shall b� permitte�4 in th� pA-2 diskrict, subject ta �ssuanc� c�f a conditia�aal us� p�rmit �r� accardance with tt�e pr�visions of ch,�� 16 of this ti�2e: �3ed �nd breakfast, �s further regulat�d by s�c#�an 12-�4-18 Qf this title. Fractional fee club units as further regulateci l�y sut�section 12-16-7A8 af th�is title. � I�c�dges, including acc�ssQry eating, drinfcing, or re�ail e�tab@ishments I�c�#ed �nrithi� the pr�ncipal use and accupying b�tweer� ten percent �10°!Q} and fsft��r� 5 � � , pe�cent (15°fa} of #he total gross residential filc�4r area of t�e t�uildings, groun�s � and facil�ties. Public or commercial parking �acilities or struc#ures. Pu�lic transporiation terminal�. Publuc utility and public senr�e� uses. Th�aters and convention faGifities. Type III em�alQyee housing unit� as pravided in cha�ter 13 of this title. 12-7J-4: ACCESS(�F�Y USES: Th� f�llawin� ac��ss�ry uses shall be pe�mitted in th� PA-2 district: Ffame �ccupatian�, subject to issuanGe of a harne accu�at�on permit ic� accc�rdanc�with the pro�tsions af secti4n �2-14-�� �f this tifl�. Meeting ro�ms. �wimming pools, tertnis cc�urts, pati�s, ar other recreati�n fiacilifies �ustomarily irrcidental ta permkttecS uses. �ther uses custc�marily inciden#�I a�d �ccessory to permitted �r canditic�nal uses, ar�d r�ecessary far ihe ❑peration thereof. � 1�-7J-6: SETBACKS. In the PA-2 district, the minimurr� frt�nt s�tback shall b� twenty feet {24"), the minirr�urn side se�back sh�ll f�e tw�nty f��t (�fl°}, and f�e rruinirnurr� rear �et��ck sh�ll be tw�nty f�et {�0'}. At the discr�tian �f the plannir�q and envirc�nrn�r�tal cc�mr�nissiran andlar tE�e desipn review b�ard, v�ri�tior�s to ihe s�;tbacl� standards c��itCin�d abvv�_may be approved durir�q the r�view af exterirsr alternatEO�s ar modificatic�r�s sectir�n 12-7A-12 of this article sub�ecfi tQ the a licant riemc�n�tratirrq cQmpliance vvith the follrvuinq cri�eria: A.Propc�sed buiiding se#backs prca�ride necessary se�ar�[ion be#ween k��ri[dings �nd riparian �reas, geoic�g�cal�y sensitive areas ans� other envirnnm�nfially sensit"s�e areas. B.�raposed builc�ing set��c�CS will pr�vide adequate availak�ility �i light, air and s�p�n s}�ac�. C.Frapo�ed bt�ilding setbacks will �ravid+� a c�mpatible refationship with buildings and �ses c�� �djac�nt properties. C].Prcrposed ��siiding s�tbacks will restalt in creativ� d�sigr� soluti4ns or oth�r �ublic 6enefits t��t cvuld r��t ath�rwise be ��hiev�d by canfc,rrnance with prescribed set�ack standar�s. � � � � � 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: �or a flat r�of or rr�ansard rvof, #he height of builclings sh�ll nc�t exceed farty 'five feet {�5'). �o�r a slapi�g r�af, th� hesght c�f buiidir�gs shall nc�t exceed forty eighf feet {48'). 12-1J-8: �ENSITY C�}NTRO�: U tv one I�undred fif 15fl s uare feet of 6�ss residenti�l f�o�r area GRFA may be perrrrit�ed f�r each �r�� 1��4ndred �1DD} s�uare feet af buildable sit� area. Final deterrnination af ai1Qwat�te rass r�sidential floor area shall be made b tFre lanr��� and er��i�anmer�tal commission En acccrrdar�ce with section 12-7J-1� vf this artic�e. S ecifical! in determinin allc�wah9e ro�s residential floar area t�e I� ann�nc�_and €�nvironrnental cornmissi�n shall make a findinc� ti�at propased ras$ �esi�den#i�l flaor area is in c�nformance +rvith a licabke el�ments �f the Vail Compr�hensir�e Pl�n. T�tal c4ensity shall not exceed tvwrenty five �25} dwelling t�ni#s per acre c�f buildabl� sife area. For the purposes o� calculating der�sity, employ�� hausing units, limited service lodge units, accommadati�n unifs and fractianal fee club units shall rsot be counted tvwards d�ns�ty (dwe�Bing units per� acre}. A dwelling unit irt a multiple-family buildir�g may include on� or mQre a#tached eccflmmodatian units. 12-7J-9: �ITE CQV�RAGE: � Site coveraqe shall nc�t exce�d sixtv fiWe p�rcen� (f5%) af the t�tal �ite ar�e�. Fir�al c�eterr�-tin�tiart af allowable site c�vera e shall b� rnad� b the Eannin and �nviranmenfal commission andlor the desi n r�view board in accor�anc� with s�ction 1�-7J-12 af this a�ticfe. S ecifi�all in det�erminin allowable site cov�rage the �lanninc� and environrr��ntal �c�mmissian andlc�r the ciesiqn review '�aard s�a11 make a findin tY��t ro osed site cavera e is in canforman�ce with a�plica�€e elemenfs p�tf�e 1J��� Comprehertsi�e Plan. 12-7J-11: PARkfING AI�D LC�AaIIVG: Off street parrking and loa�iing shsll �e prc��id�d in accardance witFr chaqter �� �f thE� title. At le�st s�venty five per�ent (75°!0} c�f tf�e require� parking shall be lo�ate� withir� the m�in buildir�g or b�ildings and hidden fram public view. Nc� at grade ar a�ove grade surface parking ar loading area sh�ll be I�eated in any required fror�t ��tb�ck area. �elow grade underground struc�ured parking an�i shart term guest ioadir�g and drop c�ff sh�1i he permitted in th� requir�;d front setb�ck subjeck to ti�e approval of the planning �nd en�vironm�nt�l commissivn ancilor the des�gn review baard. 'S 2-�'J-12: E�(TERIQR ALT�RATIf�NS t�R MC3DlFIGATIC�NS: A. Re�iew F�equired: The canstruc�iQn flf a new building or the �fteration of an exi�tir�g bui1ding s�all be re�riewe�] t�y the d�sign review board in �ccrrdance wi�h chapter 11 of this titl�. HQwever, any praj�ct whi�eh adds additi�nal d�relling units, accommc�dation units, frac#ianal fee ciub units, limited s�rvice Eodge �ar�its, any i project which adds mare than on� tnc�usand (1,afl0} square feet of cc�mmerci�l � floor ar�:a �r comman �pace, or ar�y projecf which has subst�ntial aff site irr�pacts �as determined by th� �drrtinistrater) shafl be revi�wec4 by the p�annirsg and 7 � � . . . �nviranment�l commission as � ma�ar ext�rior �Iterat�o� in acc�ardance with this � chapter and �ectian 12F3-� of this titEe. Complete appf�ca�6ons for m�jor exterior aEi�rations shall be subrnitt�d in acccsrdance +�,n+itt� adminis#rative s�h�dules de�e{vped �y the department af eammunity devei�prnent for planning �nd environrr�enia! c�mmissie�n and design revi�w baard review. Th� follawing sukamifi�l iiems are r�c�uired: 1. Applica#iQn: An appEFCa#ioru shaE9 be rnade by the owner n� the building ar the building �wner'� authc�r�z�d �gent or represen#atiue vn a �orrr� pravided �y the administratc�r. Any applicatior� for condc�mi�iumized buiidings sh�ll be authc�r+zed by the cvndQrninium asso�iation in cc�nformity with ali p�rtinent �-equirem�r�ts of the cor�dominium asse�ciatic�n's decl�rations. 2. fi��licatic�n; C�ntents: The administrakor shall est�blish th� subrniktaf requirernen#s fc�r �n ext�riar a�teratian dr mc�dific�tion �pplicatican. A �ompf�te list of the submittal req«irem�nts sh�ll be rr�ainta€ned by ti�e adrr�inist�ator and fi4ed in #he department of car�rmunity developmen#. Certain submitt�f requirements m�y b� wai�ed andlar mvdified t�y the administratQr andJar the reviewFn� bady if it is demonstrated by the applic�nt th�t th� i�fc�rrn�tion �r�d m�t�ri�ls req�ir�cf �re not reiew�ni to t�e prc�pased develc+pment ar �pplica#�le to tG�� plannir�g docurnents tha# cornprise the Vai4 c�amprehen�ive plan. Th� �dministrat�r andlar the reviewin� bQdy rreay �equire the sub€nissian of additian�E plans, drawings, s,pec�ficakians, sam�le� and oiher materia3s if de�med necess�ry tc� pr€�pe�ly evaluate the prc�p�sal. 3. 'Work SessianslCc�n��ptu�l R�;viev+�: if reque�ted by eith�r th� applicar�t car the � adrr�inistrator, submittais m�y �rac�ed ta a work sessian wi�h #he planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review v+,rith the design review boart�, or a wark sessi�an with the town council. 4. Hearing; 7he public hearir�g �efore the planning and environmental commissi�rn shaEl be hr�ld i� accordance wi#h section 12-3�6 a� this title. The planning and environrfrental commiss�on niay approve tFse application as subrrritted, apprc�ve the appllc���on with c�nditia�rs r�r modificatie�ns, or deny th� application. Th� decis�o� of the plarrr�ing and environmenta� c�mmissian may be app�aled t� the tc�wn c��anc69 in ac�ord�nce wsth sectfon 1�-3-3 of this titie. 5. Lapse C7f ApprovaE: Approval of an exterior alteratic�n as prescribed by this arficle shall lapse �nd becr�me �void thre� (3} years fc�l€owsrag the dafe af apprnval hy the design review be�ard ur�less, priar to the expiratian, a b�tildin� permit is issued ar�d constructic�n is c�rmmence� and diligentl� pu�sued tv �ompletior�. Admin3straii�� extensions shal� be allc�wed f�ir reasc�nable ant� unexpect�d deiays as Bong as ct�de prov�isians affecting the proposal have not cnar�ge�. 12-7J-1�: CQMPLIANCE BiJF�DEfV: I# shaf4 be the burd�rr �f th� a�plic�nt to prove by a preptanderance of ihe evidertc� befare the planning and enviranmental cr�mmissian an� the design review baard that the prc�poseci �xkerdor alt�r�tic�n or n�w develc�pr�nent is "tn carrrpli�nce wi�h kh� purpa�es of#he public acc�mmodatian z�rne district, and that � the prcapasal does nat otherw4se ha�e a signific�nk negat�ve �ff�ct on t�e Gharacter of the neighbarhafld, and thak fhe prop�s�i su�st��tiabfy complies witF� c�tF�er appli�able elemenks of the 41�ii comp�ehensive pian. $ . . � � � 12-7J-14. N1lTiGATIL3N G1� [�EVELC?PM�I�T IMF�ACTS: Proper�ty �wnersldevelop�rs s�al� also be resp��sible for rni#igating direct impacts af th�ir d+evelapment an public infrastructure� and in a[k cases mitigatian s�all bear a reasanable relati�an to the d�velapment im�acts. impacts may be determin�d ba�ed on repoets �repared by quali#ied cansultants. The exter�t of miti ation ar�d ubi�c amenit im ro�erne�ts shall be balar�c�d with the vals af redevefa men# ar�d will he determined b ths :lannin an� environrne�ta� cornrnission in revi�w of d�vel� ment r��ec#s and canditit�n�l use ermits. Su�stantial off site impacts may lnclude, but are nc�t limited tQ, the fc�llowir�g: deed restricted emplc�ye� hous'n�, ro�dway improvements, pedestrian w�lkw�y imprc�vements, streetsr��e improvem�nts, stream tracUbank rest�t�ti�n, 6aadinglde�i�ery, public art improv�ments, ar�d similar imprc�vements. The intent c�fi this seetion is ta oniy require mit�gativn for larg� scale redevelopmentldevelapment prr�jects +uvhich produc�su�star�tial vff site impacts. V!. �C�NIN� AMALYSIS �4ddr�sslLegal Descriptinn: 1?83 NQrth FrQntage RoadlLats 9-�2, Buff�hr �re�k St�bdi�rision Zaning: �ublic Accommvdatiarr-2 (PA-2) C�istrict l�.and Use �esignat�on: Medium Dens�ry Residential De►r�l�pment Standard AlfowedlRe uired Pro ased Lot Area: a Q,[lf?0 sq. ft. man. 86,597 Sq. ft. � �ensity: 49 awel�ing Ur�its 37 []v�relf�ng Units AU's Unlimit�d 126 AU's GRFA'`�**: 129,8�6 sq. ft. 1 Qf3,C�Q sq. ft. B�[iCding �9eig�at: 48 fe�t 48 feet Site Caverage""•'"*: 5�,�88.2� sq. ft. (B5°/�,) 5�,243 sq. ft. (64°/fl} Landscape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. t3Q°Io} 39,998 sc}. ft. �4�°/m) �etbacks**�`": North: (�'-20' 20' llllest: Q'-20' 2L�' East: Q'-2�" 20' S�uth: �'-�0' 20' Parkin�g: 1 fi7 sp�ce� '�97 spa�es Loading: � berkh 1 be�t3� Empi�ye� 3 units �5 k�eds} 3 units �5 �eds) � 1�ousing: 9 � � � , , '`**'` S�abj�ct to r�eview arrd apprrav�tl �ry the �'ll�anning Sc ERVIfC}f3�1"lE'fltc'3I � Commissian, pursuant #o Ch�pter 7, CQmrrz�rcia� and Busines� aistriCis, Artic�e �. �'ublic Aeceammodati�n— � (PA-2} C�istri�ct, Vail Tawn Code Vll. SIJRRCIUNDING LAND �1SES AN�] ZC3NING ��r,� u�� zfl�,�� Pwlarth: Residentaal Two FarrEily PrimaryrlS�corrd�ry Residential South: �-70 RQW �flA �as�: F�esidentiaa Tw�o Farr�ily PrimaryfSecondary Residential W�st. R.esidentia! Resid�r�tiaE Cluster aistrict Vflt. MA.7OR E7CT�Rl17R ALTERATIQM FtEVI�W CFtITER1A Secti�on 12�7.�-13, Gorn,�liance B�rden, Vai'� Town Code, outCines th� r�view criteria ��or major exterior �It�ratic�n applications proposed v�r�t�tin the Public A�cornmodatis�n - � �P�4-2} Distri�t. Accc�r�ir�g t� 5�ctic�n 1 Z-7J-13, U`ail Tr�wr� Cc��e, a majar exterior �It�ration s�+�ll �� r�vi�wed f�r campliar�ce with tF�e fQllowing criter#�: 1} Complianc� with the purp�ses of tY�e Fuk�lic Accammo�atian zane di�#�ict; 2) That thte proposal dc�es r�t�t ntherwise have � significant neg�tive effect on th� �har�cter vf th� n�ighborho�d; and 3) That th� prta�osal substa�tially co�mp�les wi#h ather appli��ble � el�m�nts �f t�e Vail Cc�mprehensive Pl�r�. The a�plicant has pr�vicied � written r�sponse to each af tk�� a�ove described criteria. A copy of t�e applicant'� written respanse ha� beer� attach�d far r�ference (Att�cYrment C). 1) Complianc� wifh th� purpases of the Public Accornmodation - 2 zone district. Skaff R�sponse: Th� purposes flf the Public Accomm�datian - 2 zc�r�e disfri�t are �tated irr Sectipn '12�7J-1, F'urpose„ Vail Tc�wr� Code and reiterated in Secfion V af thi� mem�ranclum. As st�ted. the Public Acc�mmoc�atiQn � 2 zc�rr� �istriet is intended tc� �r�v�ide sites within th� community autsid� af the periphery of the cor�rczercial �ore ar��� of the Tr�wn ai V�i1 €or lodges, limif��i servi�e Ic�dg�s, and res�dent�al a�commodations on a �hort-term basis, far vis�tors ar�d guesis, together with s�ach p�blic and serr�ipublic facilities and ca�xrmerciallret�il and �elated visitar �riente�d uses as rnay be apprc�pr��tely laca�ted withir� the s�m� �istrict an€�' carr�patible wxth a�;�cent land uses. Adcii�ian�! rrar�res'rder�tial uses are ailowed as conditionaC us�s ir� the C�istric� which enh��ce the natvre of Vail as a Va�tir�n carnmunity, anr# wh�re permitted uses �re intended t❑ fL1ftC�iC}I"1 cc�rr�patibly with the �igh densi#y ladging cf�aracter af the District. �he develapment s#andards � pres�cri��c� fQr the District w�re mQSt r�c�ntly establisl�ed �y Urdinance h1Q. 2, Series of 2Df?�, and intentied �o prc�uide incentives for de�el�pment in �cc�rdance wfth t�� gQ�ls and dev�lQprr�ent abjectiv�s of th� Tawn of 14 , � � � 1IaiL In reviewing the prc�posed Tim�erline Roast Lacfg� prflje�t far ccarnpliance with the expr�ssed purpases vf�he Public Ac�c�mmada#iart - 2 zon� district, staff finds t�at the major ext�r�or alteration app��cation campfies with tt�e intent of the zone district and adh�res tc� the deuelopmer�t standards presc�-i�ed far d�ve�apt�rent wi#h the Distri�t. The app�icant shall be required, hvwever, ta submit a rev���ed set of plans addressing the buiiding height overas�e of six inc��s �n rid�e "U" a� depicted on Sheet C-10, Buildi�g He�c�E�t Plan. St�ff �elieves that the proposed maj+�r ext�ric�r aiterafion is in compliance with tf�e purposes af tf�e Pu�lic Ac�r�mmadation - � zone district as dem�nstrated by the discussitin ab€��ve. �} That the praposal dQes noi otherwise hav� a �ignificant r�egati�re eff�ct an the ch�racter of the neighbarht�ad. Staff Response: Staff has �review�d the praposed Timh�rline Roas# Lodge prc�ject in an att��npt tc� identify any significant ne�ative effects tha# rr��y be cr��ted on the characfer o� #h� neigh�orhaod as a result of the cv�strrackir�n af the ha�el prr�ject. S#aff has identified s�ve�al signif�cartt negative effects that the prop�sal will ha�+e (ie, sunf�hade, irnpacts ta views, i�creas�cd uehicufar traffic, �oss af l�ndsc�ping, gradi�g � drainag�, et�.] on the c�saracter �� the r,eighborhofld. For exarn�le, staff believes that the � applicant has dan� a gcsod jv� vf �esigr+ing a �uild�ng which camplies with the deve�opment standards prescr�t�ed fvr d�uel�pment in the Pub{ic Accommodati�n-� zane �istric#, h�wever, the resulting design has created the ne�d f�or a signi�cant �mcaunt of re#ainir�g walls to be constructed on the site. The r�et result is a �uilding which, uniike oth�r '�uildsngs and structur�s ir� the ne�ghborhraod, requires a s�gnifsc�nt num�er of retair�ing walls to accommodat� fh� new str�cture. The applicant has prepared a list af "pvsit�velnega#ive irnpacts caf tFre prajecY' fvr the Cammission's c�nsideratiort. A c�py af t�e list is contained in Atfachmer�t �. St�ff believes that the pr�posed major �xterivr alteratic�n will nat res�lt sn any significant negative effects on tF�e char�cter o€the neigh�orhoad which outwei�h�the positive irrr�acts of the project. Additiana6#y, staff b�liev�s t�at the resutting negati�ve impacts of the prc�ject F���e been mitigafed �y the ap�alicant through variQUS d�sic�n changes. For �xar�`�ple, staff sugg�ests that th� applicant shauld furkher �r�crease the �mount and sizes �f the euergr�een trees proposed r�n S1�ee# L-1 af the �lan set �� visually t�uffer the �resence c�f the retaining walls and th� n�w building frQm the existir�g adjacent uses. Furth�r, staff suggest� that the P�anning &� En�iranrnen#al C�i1lCT1[SSIDt1 forwards � f�CC3f71fT�i��1{���IflTI to the �esign F2e�iew Board r�questi�ng th�t s�eciaf cansideratian fa� given to fhe roQf design �f tl�e t�ui�d�ng with special attention gi�en to the arn�unt and Iflcatio� of fihe reroftop mechanic�l equiprnent. � 3} That the pr�posal substantially cvmplies with other �ppfica�le �lements vf the Vail Campre�ensive Plar�. 11 � � . . Staff F�+�sp+�nse: � Staf� ��s c�mpleted a eewiew of the Vai� C�ampr�:hensive Plan ta d�termine which �leme�t� of tk�� plans ar� most �pplicabf� t� this maje�r exterior alteratit�n application. The fc�llowing paragraphs summarize staff's review. Vail Lan�i Use P1an Acec�rciing ta the Vail Land Use Plan Map, the subject dev�lopmer�t s�te has a land use desic�natian af "Medium Density Residential". Pursuank ta the �Ean, the Medium D��srty Resid��tiai land �se designation includes sites far �ousirtg which wc�uld typic�lly be desagned as �ttsched units with cornmc�n r,vaals. aensities in thss eat�egory would range fram 3 Ea 14 dwelling �nits p�r build�ble aCre. Addi#i�r��l types af uses in this c�tegc�ry waule� include private recreafian �aciliti�s, pri�ate parking faci��ties and in�tituti�n�!lpub9iG use� suc�r a�s c��rGhe�, fire statiorss, and parks and c�pen space facilities. Furtherm�re, siaff believes #hat the f�ollowing �.and Llse Plan �oa�slPolicies, as a�ti�culat�d in Ch�pter I� of the Vail L�nd �Jse Plan are applic�ble tc� this applicat�on 1.1, '�.3. 1.12, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.3, & 5.5. A cr��y of tF�e Land Use Plan Gaa�slPc�€icies has been aftached fc�r refe�ence �Attachment �). 4} 4�ther � Staff Res onse: Pursu�nt to Sect�on 12-7J-1� c�f the Zaning Regula�ians, "Praperfy� owners�'t�'evelopers sha1� aJso be res�aansrble for ma�igatrng dire�f rmf�acts af tf�e�r cievetQ,�rnenf c�r� �ub1i� infrastr��ct�rr� �nd in aFI �ases mit�'gatr�n shail bear a reasv�abFe r�dafion to the development rrrrpaefs. �mpacfs rr�ay be determinea+ bas�d arr re,�arts preparE� by qualifred consul�a,�fs. The extent af mitr'g�tio�a ar�d pub�rc arrrenify rm�src�vemer�ts sf�al��e �baJarxcec� witl� ��e gc�als of redeve{aprnen� and wif! be d��ermined b� the planning a,�d environmental e�mmrssian ir� revievv c�f d�vefo{�menf pra�ects �nci cc�rtditiQna! r�s� ,p�rmrts. �Subsfar�tia! aff site rmp�c�s may include, �iuf are not limited to, �he f�lfowing: deed restricted employee h�usr'rtg, roadw�y irrrprovem�nts, pedestrran walkwaY improvemenfs, sfreet�cape r�mprt�vements, stream fracUbank resf�ratran, fc�adirrglcleliv�ry, ,�ubfic �rt irrr�r�vernents, t�nri srmilar rn��rc�vem�r�ts. The J,nten�of this se��Jon is ta on�y require mitir�afiorr far large scale r�deu�lopm�nUdevelaprrrent praj�cts w�hich prQduce substantial c�ff srte �rnpacfs.„ In keep9ng wikh th� i�tent of Sectivrr �2-7A-14, Mitigatic�rr c�f D�vel�pnner�t I�npacts, the appli�ant i� propasing to offset the imp�cts �f the praposed � developm�nt by �roviding emplc�y�e }�ausing for a min�mum af €ive empfoyees, placirsg ��}RfQXIfTEBt$�lf ���J Ilfl��f feet of exisfin� overhead pawer line und�rgrounc�, and constructing a new pub[ic transit stop along 1'? . , . � � � the N�rih Frc�ntage in fron� of t�e new f�dge. Wit1� thc except��n vf the prc�viding emp��yee h�using, the applucant w�ll be required �o work with H€aly Cross Energy, the Tc,wn of Vail, anc� the G�lorad4 Dep�rtmertt c7f Transpvr�ation #c� unciergraund t�e t�verhead utility line and cans#ruct the new public transit s#op. Staff recommends that the appli�a�t pr��ar�� a plan for the i�carp�ratiar� of public art into the �ropos�ci detrel�apm�r�t plans #or t�e Timb�rl�n� R�o�t Lodge project. Sai� impravements shali be prapos�d t�y the applicant and r�aiewed for comment and recamrnendation by the Town vf Vail Art in Public Places Bvard. The re��rr�mendatian nf the Baard shall t�e forwarded �a the Town of Vail Planning �& Environmer�tai �Cc�mmission far c�nsideration of �ncnrpara#ing puk�lic art into the major exteris�r aCt�ratiQn appli�atson. IX. STAFF RECC]MMENL�ATION The �Community Developrnent Qepartment recammends that the �I�nning and Environmental Commission apprvrres, v+rith canditi�n�, this r�ajar ext�erior �Iter�ti�n, pUrsu�r�t t� SeC#ion 12-7J-13, Exterior Alterations or MQdificatians, Vail Town Gvde, to a��ow for th� canstruction of the Tim�erline Lodge, lac�t�d at 17�3 I�or�h Fron�ag� RoadlLots �-12, B�f�ehr Creek Subdivisior�, and sett�ng forfh det�ils rn �eg�rd thereto. 5taff's recc�mrnendatic�n is baseri up�n t�e review nf the criteria described i� Sectiar� V111 c�f Ehis memorandum and t�e evid�nce ar��d testimany presented. � Should the Pl��ning arrd Envirt�nmental Commissian choose appr�ve, with car�ditinns, this majQr exterior a�'teration, the Deparkment of Community �evel�pment recammer�d� the �ammissi�n passes the€ollowi�g mation: "The Plannrng and gnvrronmet�tal Comrrrisslon approW+es, with co►�diticans, fhis rr�ajor exferior aFf�rati�orr, pursuant [b Secfiar� 12-7J-�3, Exterior Alterafions or �v?odrfr`cafions, Vai1 T�wn C�cfe, fa a1�ow fc�r ihe constr�ctrrn of the Tirrr6erlr`rre Lc�dge, Ic�cated at �783 No,rtf� Frontage Ra�dlLots 9-��, Buffeh� Creek Suhdiuision, and' setfing forfh details ir� regard fherefn., subj�cf ta �he fvllawin���ndifions: 1. Approv�! af thr� maj�r exferior alteratran sha!! be corttingerrt Wpon T�wn of Vai!apprnval r�f fhe re�af�d destgn review appJicati�ra. Z. Thar fhe applicar�f sr�bmits a deveJapm�errf applicatic�n to fh� TQwn af Uart Cc�rnmu►�rfy D�uelapmenf Departmenf for r�view anc� approWal of a minar su�c�rvrsion vacatin�r tfie cv�mman 1Qf lines between Lo#s 9, ?fJ, ?9 & ��, Resubdivrsion flf Suffher Creek Subdivasion; vaca�ing and relac�trn� fhe exrstirrg �afility ea��rr�enfs �recsptrc�n no. 9807"7' � bQr�k 255, pag� 353); cr�ating a new 20 foot wicl� pu,bfi�pecfestrian access; creatrng a drainage eas�mer�t a�c�rrg the westerly pro,�er�y 1►r+e of exr°sfr'ng �ot 9; creatr`n� a new pu�lic rig�af of way easemenf far Meadvw Rr�ad at fhe norfhern �orner of the �xrsting Lof 92, and cre�trrrg an easemenf for �he Tvwn of V�il bus stc�p an tt�re Norfh Fr�r�fage Roaa' . 7he a,opficant shall recnrd the amended frn�� plat � with fl�e Eagle C�unty Clerk � R�corder's Offree pr`r�r to fhe issu�nce of a ,buildrr��per,mif for fhe cansfructian c�f the prc�ject. 13 � � � - . 3. 7hat the applicant submits three sets af civrf er�gin�er drawings for � review 6y fhe To�vn of Vail Public Warks Departme,�f. Said ,pJans shaJl f�e appravecl �ay the Tc�wn c�f Vai�,°ut�Fic Works Qepartm�r�t prr�r f� the app�icanf submit�rng ar� appfic�fir�n for a building perrnif for the construcfic�n af the,pr�jecf. 4. The a�a�alicar�f shafl su�rnif dc�cumer�t�tio,� fa th�e �'own vf Vail Cammu,nify L�evelQpmer�t �?epartmer�t demonsfratrng �ampliance witfa �he employee hausing o6ligatic�n of a mirrima�m af three deed resfr�cfeci em,�Ic�yee housing unrts as indica��d on f�e appraved developm�nf plan, dafed February 8, 20�6. 5. The appfrcant sha!!submit a Design ►'-�evlew applicafiorr fa fhe Tawn of V�il Cc�mmunity f�evelopm�nt [�e,�arfinent {ar review arrd approwa! c�f th� prop�sed bu.� SfO�7 C�B51r.�"n. �8lCl a�t?,pI1Gc�IIQ�7 Sf7c'?II bB �,ipp�t7VBd prrar' fa fh� issuance of a i�uildrng permit fc�r tire c�,�strucfirarr rf the �roject. 6. Th� applicant sha11 be requrre�l to submif a revised .�et af plar�s addressrr�� #h� ��[til�ing height ove�age �f six irrches t�n ridg€� "U'; as d�,�icfed o�r Sh��t C-91�, Buifdirag Herghf Plan, fo fhe Towr� r�f Vai! Corrrmc�nity Devefapmerrt �epartm�nt werifyrrag �e�mplrar�ce �ifh flae Sectian 7�-7J-7; Heic�ht, oi the Vai! Town Co�'�, prior tr� final r�view �f t,he prc���cf by the Town of Vai1 C�esig� Review 8oard. 7. That the applr�anf slTalf am�nd Sheet L-1 �f t+he pJ�n set f� fr�rfher � incre�s� th� arr�aut�� and slzes of th� �v�r�reen frees prapds�ci on the site tD visua�fy buffer the pres�nce af the retainrr�g wadls ar�d fhe n�w buildrng frc�m the exisfrng adjacenf uses. The fc�faJ li��eal foc�fage af ew�ergreer� tr�es shall be equa! �a Qr greafer than 7,2�C1 feef. ��id �merrdmerrt sha�1 be ac�dr�ssed,by the applicant prior fc�frnal review of the prc�ject by the 7�own of Vail C?esign Review Baard, 8. Th��t th� applicant prepares a plar� for th� i,ncorporatron of pu�alic arf i,�tv the praposed c�evelo,�m�rrt pfar�s for the Trmberfine R�osf Lodge praject. Sar�" rmprovem�nts sh�ll �� pra,�e�sed t�y the applrcant ancf reviewed fQr comm�nt and�e�ammendatran by fh� Tvwn of Varf Arf in Atrf�lic PJaces BrJ�1"d. ThE reCO,pltmerto'�tr�fi of the Board shall be fc�rwarded t� the Tc�wn of Vail Pl�r�r��r�g & Er�vrrQr�mental Commissi�r� far c�nsider��ian of ine�r,por��tir7r� J�u��ic �rt in�o th� I7]e�f CJf C'XI��fQ� alteratron �pplrcc�tiQn. The requiremen�s for p�rblfc art sha11 be met pr�car ta ff�e iss�ance of a temparary c�rtificafe �f ac�upa,�cy c�f �he ,�roJect. 9. Tha( t��e a�rpficant addres�es each of th� ��nditivns af appravaJ of fhe m�jo�r e�#erior al�erafro,n applicatiar� as identrfred in the lefter' !o George f�uf�rer, from TQm Kassmef, Tawr� Engrneer, c��ted February �2, 20f76. (A[tachment E) Should t1�e Planning an�i Envarc�nmental Commission �ch�c�se to apprr�ve this � m�jflr exteriar alk�ratian, the Dep�rfm�nl c�f Camrnurrity Dev�lapmen# recommends the T�wn C�mmission makes the follawin� findings; 14 � � � "Base� [�pon the review di the criferra autlr,�ed in S�cfi€�n VIII tFris Sfaf� memor�ndum tQ fhe P�arrnrng and Errvironmen�al Commission d�ted February �7, 2�7�6, and the evirienc� and testRmany presented, the Planning�nd Fnviror+m�r�taf�Cc�mmissivn frrrds: "That the appli�ar�t has pr�aver+ #� ffre safisfaction c�f the �'ommissron fhat fhe th�t the proposea' exferrar alter�fi�n !s in cc�m,olrance wit�r fhe pur,nvses of the �ublic Acc�mmodafron-2 Disfrict, that the proposaf does rrQf ofi-rerwJse h�ve a significanf r�egative effec� on the character of the neighbnrh�ad, and thaf the proposa� su,bs�arrtially complres wifh ofher applica�le ererme�nts af the Uail Camprehensiue F'tan." �Ci. ATTAGHM�NTS Attac�ment P�. Vicinity Map Att��hm�nt B. R�duced Plan Set Attachment C. Appfic�nt's written respanse Attachment p: Vail C.and U�e Plan G�aIslPalicues Atta�hrr��nt E: Letter io George R�ther from Tc�rn Kassmel, d�ted F�bruary 22, 2��� � � l5 � � . . � - -- �f�+�r.'� � e .� _ _ - � ��"���r, �� •�.< The Roost �,u�dge� - Vcinity Map ;�,�-�.,��,'�:���'�'`` . .�� 7T83 Naeth Franfage Raad Wesi �� �fi�v,; i�t= f tr R�ar;��i �� an:i c'��.irenrienxa1���n�miSSiCr� Je�nUa�4 e3ti �;��� r"����'���a�;'°`,"'�:�I �: �,�i�-y�=.W , y�� �',_ � � r.� 'T} � r r e; � �, } � �k�� �'°e.��an'° &�,,;F �,ri'���^�`'r� '�.,k9"� '��'d.�-�c,'�, �*.�'. � :�; � ♦ �,s '� : � ` y� �r� r�� �.`�c,r.�,�-�,�.^�r�j[?x��f -J ``' � � ¢ � x ���`�" °ife,. 7 r. ��. 5��3 ?f'" "� ��'r� {.�'r_ � i � ��� ^y �ry, ,y ? .i �� 4' r' -�., ��+�.�. ,,,� . �`"�rs�,,. , I `� W -'�e �#`'�'L*:_$:4"'� �Y' .. ��' tW 1�.. y�Sa s " [}'r,N '"�^f1 Aa f... �y .�' .i - }`1.1"��'" i t 'R'/ y. 1 1 'r�� � ! k�p� rf� r ry {'�'t'�11'i°+�-i'Y �.r ra' � k:2i ,,,p,.dr�},*^'-"� r� x � '" '�f'r, . l'� ; i �� + r �•� ,� x �. �"- �.,ti�1� ��w.�'��s.1` ��e d .�' „�:r , '���r�i�,'r4 t�+ �'=�* ' _ °�'� �. ' T"�; �C�1 /�?�--'S"�A' ,#r- f�G'- .r � � . �3'�,�'a� �trr� '�'' �- �_F � ;� ��� :��. �� �� �� P�, R� k`'7�F w; •:; i � �' 9 y.f j ��f' � . � � � , },�6. ' ���4 :�fA" a p.,'t � 'r° .t r � i � � .-,���s Mk }�'.,s•. ��j .' ... �. *� .r� M �, I �y�'�tF�,¢���hf �e°� .�°�+ f �y�,�`��i� � �{1• - �'� . �• '' ''�'�1E� � ' .:� ,i '� %�.a�'�{r''"r��,.,,� -�.�` � J.,� - .,r. i�i�„#�J� Yy�t""� '�" f 1 "� ',� r ,� . 8,�, � '¢f^ . .' r .r-. . . � �. 6Y°N .�.� , ,�y ':t '� ; - . FvFp � �A ¢F�o��.:` y'i.�+� . �✓_ ,.::.� � �' ss`.�I'"'. ,r�. I � y ��'� ��� ,�y'���..✓,�✓ T�' .. ;4°� #� �j�,�o' � �„ i � y-i.• " tr�' t�. ,� 1p7 :� ' � �p. I ��'�' .. .�.� � � � � � I � ��' s , , �'`� ��_""� ,r'}'r ;' r . '�� ; v P `� � ' ` �. . .: '" , '.rs L w 4 � I x �, � `�;'+�N�b �� �� � N At# _ Q�p s � � � . �� { ^'�`^ � k �"h` I � �'�d ..'1�� �� . � i ,�'��.� �` ..,�„� � $�,� tiT'� ,� , � �..' � � � �" �'t �=�:" � .d" °�p�� � 4 +� � � +r� .w ts� {*' y { � R ,I' _ ..P;..�.J� �.R'''� +lµ�"k ,C.'V', . �..�"' y , FT . i� J ' 1. ��'�. i .' � �.�� � � eL�'v "S:: �� �� �+. � - --..�i?. . t ., 4����" .:.�;.�['E� .� '�fe. � .�Yl�i{�� ! i �t' � *. .! s.. � W ,4 t �: Y-Y-_.. ... ........,,. . .,. .._ ... . .. � � � d�7 , • � � ► � iJ ��rJClJC1C}l � �`, �{��Qb Maur�efla Planning Graup Planr�ing and Environmental �c�mmi�s�sn clo �eorge �ut�er, A1CP �Chi�f of Plannin� Tawrr c�f Vc�il 75 Sauth Frc�r�tage �oac� Vail, Calora�do 81 b57 Re: Timberline Lodge Project Qear George: This le�ter is intended to adc�ress t�� issves rais��l by yovr rnemQ��xrtdum #o the Planning �nWiranmental Commissiar� dat�d January 23, �DU6. AR�n� with this letter, t�re a�pl�canfi has pr�v�ided re�ised plans fQr t�e `�imberline � Lodge t��at ad�fress the �ubmi�tal requirements or�d fhe additi�naf camments pravided by �hE Tawr� staff. Piease note that the m�ssing mo�iel has n�t bee� reaise� as it is c�enerally �an5istent with the revised �rc�ject. Belflw w� haWe addressed the com{�liance k�urden and ather criteria found in the PA-2 zp�e d�strict. You w�Gl fin� that tk�e prc�pc�sec:� rede�elopment project �c�mp9ies v�rith th� relewant �riteria. C�m�lianc� Burdera: The propased Timberlin� ��dge is in camplianc� with #he purpas�s c�f the PA-� z�ne districf. 7he s��e is k�eing develc�pec� as a limited serr�ice ladge and o�h�r r�sidential acc�mmadc�t�ans in the peri�ahe�y af the Town autside the Lianshead anci UaGI V"illage eare are�s. Yhe prQpc�sed facility is ir,fi�:r�ded tc� prima�ily serv� vvsitors to th� T�+�vn of Vcsi�. T�e proposed prc�ject i� in compliance with the d€;ve�opment standarc�s of fhe PA-� zgr�� dis#rict which hc�v� been establis�ed to provide far adeqvate lir�ht, air, open space, and c�ther amer�ities commensurate witl� limited service ladg� facilitEes� The proposed plans therefare prc�vicle far adequate fight, air, and apen space. The table below d�monstrat�� th� prajects confarmance wifh the standarc�s a� th� �c�ne distri��. � ; _� �� • � . 4 _ .. � . e . i � F :' ° '''4 � •.s, .+ _ � ' 1 f • •1 1 1 ' I � • � v■ ;��� ' ' �?'`s..x.'4a;:.i:;w,sa�� >.�.i � � . . De�elc� ment Standard �411ow�d R� u�red Pro ase�9 � Derrsity: 49 units 37 un��s Emplcayee Housing: S be�ds S b�ds Hotel R�c�rns: Unfim��ed 126 units GRFA: 129,89b s.f. 102,229 s.f. 7�7130 split {AU�: 7 7,560.3 s.f. 71 ,560 s.f. Buildir�g height. 48' 4$' Site Goverage: 56.288 �.f. (f�5'�'oJ 55,243 s-f- (b3.1`�a1* Landscope Area: 25,979 s,f. 41 .6�0 s.f. ��48�j Pcsrkinc�: 167 spaces 197 space� Lr�adir�g: 1 berth 1 berth NQtes: 'UncSergrc�ur�d �nrking inclucied An site c�ve�c�c�e cafculation Additior�afly, the Compliar�c� Burden section states �n par� that it is th�e burd�n c�f t��� appliccant t� s�c�w that '"the pr�p�osal doe� r�at ath�rwise hav� c� si�n�fcar�t �negat'sve �ffecfi an the character of the neighborhood't [emphasis addedJ. We believe t'�at t�e praposal has significant positive ef�ects or� the c��ract�r of the neic�hk�orhaad. We �e�agnize t��at there will be sc�me a�tua� and p�rceived negaii�v� �mpa�ts tc� indirridual properties {���� as irnpacts #c� privc�t� views and in�re��ed traffic c�n the � �1Qrth Fr��tage Roacf). B�I�ow is a f�st af posi#i�u� and negative changes tc� tlne area thc�t wilf ���ur with constructian of this pra}e�ct. � � . . � � Pvsifive Impa�fs af Project Negatirre Irt�pacfs of �roj+ect Comments Improved �aes�hetics due Parfiof ehange c+f view tc� View of hig�wpy a�d � improved c�rchiteetural quafity adjacent neighb�Qrs Narth Frontage �aad of struc�ure are the primary v�ews im c�cted Impro��d fire and life safety�f Increased Traffic c�n 5auth Traffic mitigat�d by �ew �tri.►Gture-- Redu�ed Fire Frvnta�e R�ad f�:�t turn ic�r�e. Nn ac�ess Danger to I�ei�hborhood off of ,�vleadaw Ridge Rc�c�d ra o��d. Reduced light pallution an�l Additianal shadEng of 97% a� �arkirrg lacated �esth�tics due tc� �igr�ificant Meadaw Ridge R�ad undergre�ur,d redu�tr�rr� in �urface par�Cing _ Road eas�men# an�l ad�litionaM snow starage rQVided to T�wn Improved aesthetics due tca ' in�rease in I�ndsca in �loise Re�uction from I-70 du� Building part�aliy blacks to presence af new stn�cture e�iews fio and r,oise from I-7D ar�d Franta e raad� Improved pedestria� acc�s5 firam Meadow Ridge Road with paved walk for use by entire nei hborhaad New �us 5to c�nd 52�eit�r � Irnproved p�destrion accessibility d�oe ia new sidewalfc on Nc�rth �r�nfage Road Improved aesthetics and � red�c�d na�se impacts due ta re6ocatian af#�c�sh dumpster s fram a loca#ior� immediately ' adjac�nt ta the n�ighborirrg candominium prc��ecfis to a co�vered lo�atian away firQm immediate n�ei hbors improWed a�stheti�s and reduced nc�ise du� to locatin� laadir�g anc� deEivery direcfiy in front b�ilding out �f�view of nei i�borhood Impraaed aes#��ties due �a the --- burying of averheac! pawer line5 adjta��nf to tYr� properfy and ta immediate nei�hbor� Increase �n c�dditaonai hc�teE Lodging tax will incr�ase � �o�ms within th� Tawn �f V�if fram this property c�ue to incr�ase in hc�fiel r�oms beir� r�vided Irnprowed traffic circulatio� due kmpr��e� traffic flaw�far �p �ew lef� turn lan� neigh#�c�rs trc�ve6ing on � North Frc�nfi❑ e Road , . � � � In addition tQ the immediate neighbarhoc�d, the proposed progect is cansisterrt wi�h the scc�le aa�d na#ure af d�ve[c�pment alang t�e �c�rth Fror�tage Raa� fram the r�,ain Vail �xit of 1�7� to the west Vcrcl exit c�f I-7C�. From east to west, there ar� a s�:ries Qf large 5ca�e f�dging ar�d resic�enti�l buEldings with frontag�; on �he Narth Front�ge Ro�rd including: h�"lidc�le C��:�:P€; 5un Vail; �/ail R�n; Simk�a �un; 5a�oy '�illas; and Timber Ridge to r�ame a few. Mar�y of these buildings c�re located in areas wi�h lc�w density residential deve�c��m�n#. The propc�sed 7imberline Lod�e project is consisterit witl� the character �f dea�lopment aa�ng the �lorth Frantage Rc�ad. We he(ieve lis# of positiv�� im�acts �o the ch�ra�ter of #f�e n�ighbr�rhaod versus ne�ative impaefis shcrwn r�b�rve cle�rfy d�m�n�trafie that not anly doe�s the Project nQt �rave o "signifi�arrt" negativ� effect on the �eighbarhood, t�at on wh��ie �her�e �s cr net positiwe effect on the char�aeter afi �h� nei�hbQrY�oc�d. The project also compli�s wvith the relewant elemer�ts c�f the Vr�il Cc�mpre�er���ve Alan in�luc�ing policies l .l, 1 .3, 1 .12, 3.1, 3.3, �,4. S.� . 5.3, 5.�, 5.5. The Vc�if La�al U�� Plan recognizes fihe exesting zc�r�ing on the property as cor�troilireg the density c�nd land uses. The prQje�t �s consistent � w�th the Tawn's sta#ed gocl of incre�$�ng ha�el beds wi#hin the 7awn. Setbcacks: Wit� r�spect ta se�tian 1�-7�I-6: Setbc�c�CS, the �ropased plar� complies w�th or exce�ds the stated standarc� af �(7' �xcepfi in twc� minc�r Icacc�tiQns, Un ���: wes� end c�f fi��e buildir�g there is a or�e sfiory �xit tc� the build�r�g tl�at encrQaches 4' into #hE, 20' setback. Gn the snuth �ast cc�rner �f the kauildfng fi�ere is a sm�ll arr+� story c�rner �ncraac�rr�ent af 2' fQr t�� e�try featvr� tc+ th� p�rrking c�arc��e, I���th�r of t�ese encrc�achment� requires a vc�riance ta allow th�m t� aceur. 7h� propos�cf �r�ject demc�nstrates cc�mp9ian�e weth the fiollc�wir�g criteria u�ed to e�aluate deviafic�r�s fram the �0' setback. �h� �ri�erECS are addressed below: A_ Pr�pQSed buildir�g setb��cks pr��bde r�ecessary separatic�n betwe�r� bui&c�in�s and riparic�n arec�s, gealagically s�r��iti�e ar�as ar�d other er�v�ironmentaliy sensit3�re areas. Analy�rs: � S � � . . The prc�pasecl setback devi�t��ar�s sfilJ allc�w th� ap�rr�pri�rte � separatrQr� befween ►�ur��inc�s. There crre no ripc�r�an areas or geolc�gicc�tly sensitive crr�crs in cr�se proxr'mrty to th� pr�perty. � � G � � � �. Pr�posed building setback� wilf prav�de adequate a�ailabiaity t�f light, air and open space_ Ana�ysis: Tt�� prc�posed encrar ehments da nat detrcrcf from f�h� av�arlabillty of light, air and Qpen sp�rce given the frmifed �ncroachment �eing sought. C. Proppsed I�uoidir�g se�k�acks will prov�ic�e a compatib�e relationship with buildings and uses an adj�tcent g�roperties. Analvsis: . Qne af the encroachments is tocat�ci i�, an �rea franting th� �lr�rth Frc�nta�e f�aad and therefore hcrs no +mpact u,pan laurldings ar uses c�r� adjc�cent prQ�aer#i�s. The encrQQChment af the west si�de of �he f�uirdi,ng af 4' fc�r ane st�ry pr�ovid�s an archr'tectvrc�l element fa fhe west �levc�tion af the bullc�rng and due tc� Jc�ndscape caVer wif! be r�fcrtiveJy rmperceptrble ta uses on the adjor'ning perr'eel. � D. Proposed building setb�acks wiil resuifi in creatiWe design solutions or ath�r pubiic benefits that could naf �therwise be a�chieved by enr�formar�ce with prescribed setba�k s�andards. Analysis: Tl�ae prc�pased encr�achmer�ts a!!ow for creative de�rgn sc�lutions to fhe architec�c�re af fh� bu�rc�ing vvithQC�t arbrtrarily fallowrng a cr�ntinuaus setback. Densitv �Contra) [G�FA); Wi�h re�pect to section 12-7J-8: Densuty Cc�ntrQl, the project is being deu�Rc�ped well bela� the sta�dard sfiatec! an this sectic�n which aiPow� for 1�Q s�uare feet nf �R�A for each �0� square feet of bui�dakale si�e area. The co�fe aiiaws up �0 129.8�6 ��q. ft. (15Q%�. af thi� tot�l, only 1(]2,229 sq. f�. i� being propos�d. Th�re is no ad�itic�na! directiQn fc�und in the Vail Campr�;hensive Plan with r�:gard tc� ���A and fihe prc�ject therefare crmplies with the PA-2 zone a�d is consisten# with the Vail C�rripreh�nsia� Plan, � 7 � � � • . $I'�� �t]Y�fC1C��: � VVith respeet to secti�on �2-7-�: Sit� Cc�v�rag�e, the prQje�t is �ein� c�evelaped af a site cc�verage of 63.7�a which is �elow th� stated st�andard c�f 65�'0. S�nce the site is b�ing �iev��c�p�d �e�r�w �he �rescrik��d s#ondard and tf�ere is no additio�al dire�tion fc�un�l in the Vail Comprehensiue Plan, the proj�ct is in co�npfiar�c� v�r�t'h PA-2 2one Cistrict and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. If you harre any questi�ns, please feel free ta cail me. Sinc�r�ly, Dc�minic F. Nkc�urieiCo, AICP Principaf � � S � � � , � � � CHAPT�R II - LAN� USE PLAt� G�ALS/P�?LIC�ES _ r � ��� gval s arti cu3 ate� her� r�f�°c� ti�a d��i r�s a� the c f ti z?r�ry a s . �xpress�s� through the seri�s of pub] i c m�et��rgs t'hat wer� hel d thrv�ghou 4 - the �r�je�t. A set of i ni ti al goal s w�er� deVe]aped wh�c}� were �hen sub- stan#.ially revised af�er dif��rent types of o�in��ns were braught aut in i the secand meetirag, The gaa] statements were deve�c�ped to refi�ct a � general car�sensus, ❑nce the p�sbl ic had had tF�+� �pportunity ta r�fl�ct �n the concepts ar�d ideas in�t�aily �resented. 7he goal statem�nts w�re then �� revi��d t4�r�ugh tne review pr-ocess wi th the �ask Force, t!�e P]ann�ng and � � Er�vi r�nr�ntal Carr�i ssi on and To�rn Co�nc�� arrd r�aw represent a po� i�y gui de- �ine f�r �he Land Use Plan. T�ese g�als ar�� ta be used as adopted policy �. g�i�elines ir� tF�e revi�w process #or new development proposais. Tk��se goal - statem�nts shQUl� �e used i n can,�ur�ct7 on wi tY� the adopte� Land �Jse Pi an . , m�p, in the eva�uation t�� any dev��oprrient propvsal . _, The �aa3 stat�m��ts w�icn are refaected �n t�� design of the propased Plan i ; dr� dS fD] �i7W5. t �. C�Tlet'd� �1"0'Kt�]�D+2Ye�Upm2Tlt - , i _`.' 1.I Yai] -shvu�d cont�3 r�ue to gr�Qw i n a c�ntrol i e� envi r�nm�nt, �ai niai ni ng - a balance �etween re5identia� , �orarnerci�] and re�reat7onal uses ta ; ser�ve both the v�s�tor and �.h� per�n�nen�c res�dent. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, wa�er and ��her n�tura� resflurces shauld be pratected as tf�e Tawn grows. � - o •� . 1.3 The qual i ty ot d+��el opir�ent �h���]d �e �nair�tained and upgraded whenever + , pQSSible i - 1.4 The ariginal tY�eme a� the old Viilage C�r� sr�ould be carri�d ir�to new deveiopmer�t in the V�1Zag� Cor� �hrough �antin�e� imp�emer�tation of � , t�� Urban �esigr� �uide Alan. T ' 1.5 Carnmerc�a] strip d�velopmenG of �he Valley �h�uld �e avoided. F_� . � Z.6 Deve]�pment proposal s an tr�e hi 11 si des shou�d be eval u�t�eci on a ea se Dy case �asi s, Li mi ted d�vel ap�rer�� r�ay �e pertni tted f[�r soir� 1 aw . a nte�si ty uses i n areas that ar� nat pi ghly vi sible fram tY�e Val l�y ' fl o�r, Ne�e �, P � 1 prajec'ts 5h�uld he Car�full cvntra� led and deve�o ed wi ��7 " 5�fia7 tl V1�]�' t4 '��]@ �f]Y1#"OFI�Ti�'Rt. �� I.7 N�w ��bdivi��ons shou3d noC be perma�t�d in Y�igh geo]og�c haz.=r� _ areas. ; 1.8 Recreati�na� and pu�lic facility develQpm�nt on �latio�al Forest 7ands i_ may �e perrni t�.ed wt�ere r�� hi�h nazards �xi s� i f: : �� Communi ty ob�ectz rres are met as �rti cu7 ated i n t�ae Compreh�nsi ve � P1 an. � �� The par�el is adjacent to tl�e Town boundari�s, with goad acces�. �c� T'h� affected nc i ghborl��o� �an be i nvol ved i n the deci si�n-r�aki rtg � � proce�s. _ � �� � � � �.� 1.4 �lati ona� Fore�t 1 and whi ch i s exchang��, sc�l�# or� ot'�erwi se ;a1 l s �ntc� pri vate awner�hi p shoul d rer�ai n as vpe� space and r�at be zvned Fc�,r� private develo�ment. � � �' 1.�Q aeve2opmer�t ar Ta�n o+�ned �arrds by th� Town �F Yai� and apen space? �,ay be p�rr��tted where no h�gh hazards �e�st��i;�suc�a � deve�o�rn�n� i s `�r- ,publ i� use. � . 'I.I1 T�wr� a�v,�ed 1 ands shal � r�at be sol d ta a pr�va�e enti ty, 3 ong t2rr� ;: � leased to a ,private er�Li ty or �anverted to a pri vate u�e wi tho�t a , pub� �e hearing prace5s. I.1� Yaii should accarnmadate most �F the additi�na� gr�wt}� �n exi5t�ng ` developed area� {ant� �� areas}. � . . T 1.13 Yaii recognizes its stream tract as being a des�ra�Ze ]and feature as , well d� �t5 �otentia] `ar pub� ic use. : ; � 2. SkierlTouris� Corwcerr�� . , ;; 2. Z �h� camrnunity shauld emph�s�ze it� roie as a destina#,jon resor�� whi] --- a�co�rmvdati ng d�y vi st tors. � '� - , s �.2 '�l�e sk7 area owner, the busin�ss eor��nun�ty and the 7own ;eaders shauid - warfc tgge�her c�osp]y t� �na�e ex�sti ng �aci 1 i ti es and the 7own ;u���- �10�1 fRDT'� Er;iGl�'f!$�„�+. � � 2.3 �'he sk� area owner, tMe busi ness cvmmur�t ty ar�d the ��wn 1 eadcrs , � w�rk tc�gether to improve �ac� ]ities �or day skiers. snau�d ; 2.4 The ct7r+nruni ty shaul d ir�prc�ve s�rrr,er recreat7ona2 anQ cu�tura1 0 or- � turri ti es to encour�age �ummer to�,r-i s�n. PA �.5 The community shauld improve non-skier r�creationaT opL�onS tv �+�prav� �' yEdr-rOUnd t{7U�^1 StR. • # �.6 An add7 tiar�a� gal ` eourse 2 s needed. 7hn T�wn �h�u7 d wor�lc wi tit �1�� � dQwrt v�i i ey camm;�n�ties to devel ap � p�ubl ic ga� t �Q�r,��� as we�1 �s � other sports �aci 1 i ti es Lo s�rwe t�,e regi anal ��mand `ar� r�creat��nai � . taci 1 i ti es. i — 2.7 The Tawn �F Yai � shau�d imRrove the exi sti ng par�C and flpen space l ar�ds w�i ] e cont��nuing ta �urcha�e open s pace. � 1_ 2.8 �ay slcier- needs �ar parki ng ar�d a�c�ss 5hou7 d be aceomm��at�d creati we sol uti c�r�s such as: t�ir�ugh '_ a} Increase bu�Tng ,`rOr� �ut o� tawn. b� �xpanded pv�nLs Qr aece�� ta �he maunt��n by addi r�g addi ti�nai base portais. c� Conti��ing to pro�ride tem�rorary sur`�ce p�rking. ` d) Addit�or� �o` structur~ed psrlcing, 3, Co:�raxe re i a� � 3. 1 '�he hc�tel bed bas2 shou2d be preserved and �s�d marn e�ticient �y. • � :� i, ' � � , � 3.� 7�e Y�l1ag� and Lionshead areas are t�e 6est ]�catian ;vr hatels to � �. �erv� the future needs a� the d�stination ski�rs. - � 3»3 Ho�el s are i mpnrtan t to the cQnti nued succe�s a� t � _ '��er���r'� cr�r�versi a� to can�ami ni ums sho�i d be �i scourage�wn ❑� Yat] , � 3.4 Cvmmercial growth shau�d be �conG�ntrated iri exist�rag c�mmercia� araas ;, ta accomrrrr��ate b�th 1 oc�a� ar�d vi si tor� needs� r .3.5 E'ntertai nn�ent ari ented bu�7 nes�es and cu�tural acti v�t�e� st�nu�d be � � � � , encc�uraged �n the core areas ta creat�� di versi ty. Mrare n�ght L�me � �us�i nesse�, or�-ga�ng events ar�d sanct�vned "street happeni r�gs'" st�nu7 d b� encatrraged. `?.�-:� 1 , . � � ^4. Vi]�agQ CarelLi anshead - _ - � � ' 4.1 Future c�mmercia] de�e]opment shfluld cvntinue ta o�eur pr-imari�y i�n : � , ex�sti ng cam�nerci ai areas. Ft��vre �a�rrmerc�a� deve�opment i n the Core _ '-' � area� needs ta �ae careru�3,y cantr�l 1 ed to faci i�ta�� acc�s$ and. - ._�w � dei i very. _ -. � - ; , _� _ 4.2 Increased densi ty i n the Car� ar�ea� i s acceptahl e"s�r 1 ang as tl�� . �_ _- existing character aF each area is preserved thraugh implementatian c�` ; the lJraan tiesi gr� Gui de �]an and tl�e Vai� Vi 1 i ag� l�a�ter P]ar�. . I 4.� Th� arnb�anCe a` the Yillaq� �s impor�ant t� th� ident7ty o` Vaa] and � should be preserved. (Scale, alpir�� character, sma]1 t�wn feeling, + �nauntai ns, nat�ra� s�etti ng, i ntimate �i ze, cosr�ap�l i tara E ee� z,��, � �r�viranmenta� quality, y � � 4.4 The e�nnectian betw�en the Y��lag� Core ar�d L�ansh�ad should �e -� enhanced tnrough: a7 I�5td178t1[�n o; a �ew tYpe o` peQple r�aver. L �} Im�roving the pedes�riar� system with a creative�y desi�ned connecta an, ari ented t❑ward a r�ature wallc, a�pi n� gaa�den, and/or � . $cuTptur-e pl aza. , c� I�ew deve7 opment sh�u�d '�e �cor�tr�l l e� t� 1 i mi t carrmerci al �s��. 5. iiesi dent5 a3 �- 5-1 A���ti ona] r�si denti al gr�wth shou�d c�n�tinue to o�cur �rir�ari3y i,n existirsg, P�atted areas an� as �p�ropriate in new areas where 'high � hazards do ��L exist. � � 5.2 C��raiity time share units should �e accorrmodated to he�p k�e� occupancy � ra't�s up, `� 5,3 Ar`ordabl e er�p3 oyee housi ng shou�d be made avai 1 abi e through pr�va�a � e�forts, a5si �t�� by li,�ited inc�ntiv�s, provided by tf�e Town �� Uai] , . wi th apprt�pri ate r�estri cti ons. '-- • 5.4 Re�i denti ai grawth sh��1� ;cee� paGe wi t�t th� market ,p3 ace demar�ds ��r � � a fuli range v� housing �yp�s. 5.� The exist�ng e�p3ayee hous�ng base sF�o�rl� be �reserved and upgraded. . Ad�iti�na� empi�yee ho�sirrg needs s�auld be acc�mmadat2d at varied 5i tes thrc�ughvut thoe comn�uni ty. . 8 �� � � � � 6. Gomn�nity �erri��s _ 6.I Servie2s ��vuld ke�p pace with increa��d g�owth. � � �.� ��e Town �f Yail sh�uld pTay a role in future d�ve�o�me�t thr��gh �alanci�9 9rowth with ��rviees. � , �.3 Services s�houid b� adjuster� �a kee + periods. P P�ce with the needs of pea�c ''i A num�er of additiana� goa� s were deve7Qped as a res�r] t of �h� � ' meeting input. �`�ese goals were rela�ed to other elements af t�e Com�� �c hens7ve P1arr su�,� a� ,Parics and Recreatian, Trans�ortati�n and Econ�me� i' �ev�i apmer�t. These ar-e i nc l uded or�)y f�r i r�formati onal . Appendix B. The�e gaa� s are no� �Qnsrdere� as a art af ��rAos�s tn �n thi s Lar�d Use Pi ar�. P the g�a�s adapted ; . : � � _ � ; � � � � � • , d J � r . � 8M � � � R � ���F�� . Dcpr�r°tn�ent c�f Pulalic 6Y'r�rks& Ti•arisporlation �����`1�LjFPYn.,�A'IV2 �(l7 Z, ��'�f�1.�� 97G�-479-2JS8 Ffr.r: �7t7-479-?16Ci �3wri�.vrailgov.corr� 1VIEIVIU To: George Ruther Fr€�m: Tr�m Kasstnel, TQwr� .F.ngi rleer Re: Tim�e�-line Roost Lodge RedevelDpment PEC Dra+��ing Review I�ate. f32f22/UG The Tawn €�f��ail Public Works �leputment has recei�ed and reviewed the TimY�erline Ro4St Lt�d�e Rede��lQ�rz�er�t AEC retirisec�suhinittal reeei�e� 21�8f06. Thc f�Itowind are �.omm�nts tl7at should�e ad�lressed�ric�r t�o final appro�al. � General Camments l. 'I'he tumin�mov�rrzenis sho��rn For the trash vehicle does nat use standard c�.r�terline radii. i7nless otherwise c�nfx�ed a Single Urtit�ehicle shoul�i b� used. P]ease revise plan. 2, The most re�ent traffic r�eport �ated 11�G1�15 in�iic�les that left tun3 Ianes are not r���rranted for this d�v�lapment, Ta��n staff heiieve tl�at it is in the TQ�n's �incl �ievei�pments best ir�t�r�st tc� hatiTe t�ye devcloper add an au�il�ary lef�harn lane. Ti�c cur�-�nt �la�is ref�ect that conciiiion howe�rer thc Traffic Repari has ncat t�een updatecl thea•efare an nfCcial traffic impact fee has not bee�t generated. The traffic study su�gcsts a�5%,redti�ctinri for vellicle trips, Tliis rcdu�tion is nc�t s��pperrked. A reduction c�1'that magnitud�€s nat affset hy thc existin�intemtikt�nt transit servicc, whic�� has an approximate frGquency of 3U minutes. Tl�e skier shuttil� sei�vice s�aiild not be co�sidered since it mG�y be elizziinated at �nny time. Because o�'i�s �acati�n it can be expected that tl�e priinary madc crf transpc�rtatic�n wi11 l��vehicular trips. In the past we have use�i �r�c�uctions of�f3%o fc�r 1has�developi3�ei7ts that a�� �n tlae villa�e core area, due ta t3ieir�rc�ximity to a full transit�enter, a ped�strian �illiige {restaurants, retail, ski ar�a, acti�itie�, ctc..,),publi�transit witli 5 to 10 minutc frcqucncy, �.r�d access�o a 13�U �ehi�le parking�ara�e. A reductiun oft�ips on the c�rder of 1�°/a vvould he more apgrapriate. An a���dutec�tra�{j�ic � sturly:s,�na�ld lae s���ar�citted. P�� Conditions nf�inUrnwa! �7 � � . 1. '1"he 'I'own of V��i� Ge€�er�] I�Iates sha�l be added. �Nates can l�e e-nlaileti t�pc�n � requ��t) 2, Pl��se add Utility Si�,�ature bl�ck arld l�a�.�e ail uti[ities si��� a�eltnow�le�i�;in� acce�tar�ce of t�tility impacts ai7d c�esi�n. �11 easements prc���as�d tc� be aY�andaa�ee� shalI be noicd and appro���l frcrr3� ap�ropriate �ntities shall bc gaine�, 3. F�r�al C'i�=il cir��w�in�s sh��tI b� appro�red and meet �tlt "T�w�r� st�nciarcis�arior t� st�brnittal ��f huildiraa �S�rr�Yit. T�etailec� comr'n�nts �vill �ie�ar�t-iilecf at ti�at tiane. Th�e appro�.ral o#'Ci�,�il c�ra��in�s may ta�e bet�areen 2 tc�4 rnonths. 4. :�l���rQ��•a�s frorn ai] irn�ac�ed ��ro�erty ati4=ners st�all be �t�tained. .4 w�ritten letter of'��t�setit to t}�e reqtrired e�:�ein�nts ���ill '�e rcquircd for�'ivil a�prQVa]. Rc:cc�rcieti eas�.z�rGnts ��•ifl be re��liircd pnar �a c�n�tructian. 5. All eonstruetion sta�iL�� issues s��all ��e �'e�e�lvcci prior to �c,nstructian inclu�inb staging, pt�asing, acces�, sc.hed�i�s, traffic c�ontrc�l, cmerge�icy access, parkin�, iaadixt.� and dc�ivcry, ctc... fi. �A. RfJI�'�r'IUtility perrnit shall be cabtai��ed and a��ro��ed by the TQ�vn of Vail {�nd CD[�T J�rior to cc�mrn�tjcin� arty c���structi�r� ���it���n puhlic ki�ht af ti�iay- 7. All imprave�Yents witliin CD�7T RO'4'�x s�lall be appraved �y CD�T includin��11 Fro�zta�e I�d in�pro�r�rz�e�tts and land�caping. This a�pro�ral r�°ill t�e required prior tv Cir,�il pian sct appro�rai. Z�his i�cludes a Ca+C}T Aeccss Pcrrnit a��ci CD+OT nvlice to proceed. $. Pri�r tcr a�proy�al of a�7 F.�ca4�c�Cic�n �erri3it a sh��rin��rYtl cxcaE��ti�n �Iai� silall l�e subi��ittcd incluc�in��; exca����ion �llasi��g, eil�iineereci st�aring pla��s ��%itli p1a�n, � p�-ofile and crc�s5 sectiUns. Cross Sectic�ns anci �l�ns s}iail incluc�e Eall existin� conflicts (i.c. utiIities}. Any sl�Qrirr�i��itt��r� �;'D(��1' �LQI+V will r�:c�uire a�pr����I from CL)Q'1�. .^,,ny s�vrin� G��ithitl the �'31I �3Ll�E]I1C ��W W1I� T�C]LII1Te 'I'o��n �fVail a���rc�val ael� a s-e�rc�ca�lc RC}`l�' perrfiroit. 9. A St�rm Vvra�er Dis��a��e CDPHE Permit and al� a�plicable ,a�C�E permits (i.e. TaGti��atcrin;) shall k�e st��r�iitt�c3 prior tn construction. lU. Prr�vi�ie en�ineerer� stamped fnaI tlraina�c rc�€�rt, par��ement d�si�m re�ort, �=eatcc3ir�ieal repc�rt, �in�i Zi �natir�� tr�ffic �ludy. l 1. 'I�1te c��evelvper���i�I be assessed a fce per pc�� }iou� ad�itianal ti-i� �es�erate�i. This fce may be affset by s}�ec�fic traffic inl��rc��rein�r�ts (i.e. rrorrta�e Rd. iraflic �mprc�ven�ent�). Based oi� t�yc T���n's rcw�icGV c�f thc traffic stucIy €t is c�ti;���tcd tha4 ttie Izct increase in F'h�t Peak hour�c���rltileci lrips ��i�l 1�c -49 lrsp�. ,Ar� ��pdat�d traffi� stti�y �vill be reytiiircd in oa-der io confi��t�l this. Portic�ns �f this fee rnay h�affsct by_trat�c irn�arcar�•e�t��aits mac�e ta the S. I�rc�ntz��e R�i. to �pecifically. incIucie �r�nt���c Rd. road���ay 4��idenin�, Front��e Rd. �idc����l� impror��etnent�, and tl�e coaistl�ction Qf a transit stc�p, 12. Provli�,E A.]-L I11 F�tl�}I1C F`�3CLS Cf}I]C�iE7l1tIC117, cc�or�iinate ��riil� AIPP. 13. T��e S. Fornta��e f�c�. irnpro��emenis shdtir�r� sl�all in�lucie necessary, �i�htin��'irri�ationisi��rya�e. 14. The prapc�seci Bus She�ter �ht��alc� l�c m�ved la the Sc�t�thw�Fest carner a��l�e prc�p�rty and aii easen�e�t prc�vided. 15. The pcdestrian car�racctiQtl i�r:t�s��een the btrs stc�p and Meado��= Ri�i�e Rd. shall be � r��ithin a c�eciicated Fublic access eas�mex�t. Tli€s can be deciicat�d in c�njuizction urith the clrain{��e easeni�t�t ii3 tlzls a�•ea, IZQw��;�er the 14' E�rc�p4scd drain��e 18 � � � easenient sho�ald be wide�cd to accammod�t� the walk pius a 2' l�uffer and also hc namctl as a ger�eral utility, drait�age, pedestrian access e�sement. 1G. The c�antinuatic�za af th� eoncrete�edestrsan v��alk from the prop�sed bus stap kca B�ffehr Creek Rd s�lau�d be required, t�e wallc s�all be a minimum af 1(�' wide. 17. F3eilched�va11s rnust campiy ti�ith the Tc�wn of Vail D�velopment Hanc�t��ok standards and have a minim�arn tacnch width of�', s�n� �enc}aed wall at the east e�d c�f t}�e �raperty is shvwrt at�-3.5', this shr�uld hc madified. 18. �'�rkin� st�uctur� will. rec�uire a sand�'oil structur�. Y 9. Sliow snaw storage area�hauld not conflict witl� �andscape ve�etation. 2[]. Thc Cross slope of all parking spaces shali not exceed 8"Jo, 2I. The prvpc�sed concrctc v�alk shaii inciude a 2' shouldcr. T�Ye ar�a j�st �vest afthe cast�cntxance will require same sli�hi mc��ii fiicati�rl to accom�lis�this, 22. (�uar���ail andlar safety rail as �-equired wi�l be necessaxy an �11 three sides vf th� parking structure entrance. �3. Builciing cannot be built n�er existing casements as shawn withcaut tY�nse ease�ncnts bcina abandt�ned. T1�is rec�uires appraval from all interested e�tilities and relocation af any existin,� tililities. 2�#. An ease�r�ent s}�cauld h� provided at ihe North��est cvrner of thc pro�erty tv pra�ide far the existin�encrt�achmerrt of the road��ay,drainage�tnd snow �tora�e. This shall incl�de the existing as�ha�t and sht�t�lder�uca z�nd a 5' t�uffer area far sno�� storage and �uardrail. 25. Th�site plan indicat�e� tw� way �rafl"ic u�ithin a lf�' dri�e lane. Minimum witlt for � lwa-��ay traffic rs�2'. 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H ,I '1 � � �I c�,y , '""� i „ ..� — ' e -� _ r i"'�� `� �-�� .� E� �Ic.._� :_�t�,gr.� �� _ .�;d T �I ��,x�� ��.^.I ��-�, � ��' � i ----s, � �'� � ti f k � �� - � `� � � - � , � � K �' i j � - � � �'�F- f� "�� _ ._i .�`i ,�I 5 `""' F - . r., � � �;i; � Ti��� �n Pr ��;;� � i� ,�a I L,..� b.3 ' �, '! ' , i .�i -� I� � � � � "�� ' �. � W � r1�� � r' � i w " ; ' _ 4� =� az � � � � � � � ,i. ���_�� w.� �; �, �� �� �a � , �` � �I �' �€ � � r � � � � r: � i .i � h � i r7i ��44i Fj �� �' Q� t��� �,• '�� � � `v{ �1 V� �I ��: �� � � {� 'r . ,i � 4 ' - �'I 'e t 5� i j �' � ; � "y 9� �� ��, �� ��s�*'`��—� .,� I a� �'�'J� :=1 g ' t;� ! � < � � a s �l �s � �"-�s .... ' {i�'� �c:�~ ,�-��;��� '� � _ ����a�y �, 2��� Vail °�own Cc�uncil � '{Presposec�' Structure to r�place t�e F�oost Dea�r Counci� m�mbers , �n �'anuary 25, 2����� we were surprised to learn of the proposed struc�.ure tc� replace the Roost. I'� w�.s kin� of Warr�n Campbe�� tp mee� with us an shc�rt nctice to explain T�mberl�.ne' s p�opa��d pro,Ject. Hecause we are dlrECtly behinci 'the Roost on ,�'ieadmw Ri��e Road H111side Co,t7.dos Ur1it rrC'� we realize ht�w �he pr'�ppsed strtzCtur'e w�ll . aff�ct nat on7.y us but th� ent�re nei�hborhoad. Th� prr�posed structure w�ll aff�cfi, both �,Y�.e I�Torth FrranLa�e Rc�ad an�3 ��rectl.y across '�he S�uth �"ran'ta�€� R�ad because i� wi.1� ]�� very vlsib�e fram the Svut� Fron#.a�� �oad �s well. Th� prr�pr�s�d buildin� is comp�etely out o�` character w�th the a�chitectural style wh�.cYi dis�.3ra�uishes Va�.� from other sk�, resQrts , and �Lh�r tawn�--�ven cic�se-�y dc�wn va�ley to '�he west vf Va�.1. "I`ake a laok a�, t�c Dano�r�.n Fark Cvr��¢�unity �uilc3in� locate� an Sauth Fronta�e Rcaad across from the Roo�t. Tk�.fs buildin�Z has kaeen thc�u�htfully desi�n�d �o r�fl�ct an a2pine arch�t.�etura�. styl� , u�in� r�eal woc�d tlmber, vaulted eeilin� in harrnony wit�� the character of a "ski 1��dg�e" aP�ropriat� ta th� cha�acter anri desl�n them� wk:�ch epi�ta;�iz�a Vaile �'riis i� a taste- � �'ully d�si�ned structure wt��ich fi�s �nta the landseape anc with flther structu:res surroundin� i.t. '�ake � laak at th� City ��Iarket�, a co�nmercial buildin�, tc� s�e �iow well it fi�s intr� tYae �rea af �ath camcnercial an� res�.dentia.l b�ail�in�s. It w�.s d�si�n�d tt� r�fl�et a raof--z�ne and buildin� hEi�rY�� wkzick� fits into the exist�.n� �andscape t� enhance the ne�.�hborhvad and reflect the ckaaraet�r oP �. Nountain Vf11�.�e. Take a loak �t "��e �vve:�yhdt�p�,effie� abov� th� Roost which have been conat;ruc'�ed mare recen'�ly and add ,�Va.].ue" tc� th� nelgt�ec�rhmod and enhance th� entire ski area. '��-r�s� st,r�act�ar�s fit in �rc�iitectura113� . Cr� l�oth s�.des o�' '�he I 7�� ( k�o�,h I�c�rth an.d South Fron�a�e �Cr�ad, wit� tk�le excepti�n of VAIL FiCt�I (wh�,ch is 1�C]T pr�tty ) �tne atte�p'� Yias be�n made ta enhance 'the appearance af Vai1 to the West. The propased �i�nberlin� atructure �whet��r �'�arriot �r anyvne �lse awn� it) wil�. stick aut 13ke a ' SDRE THUI�iB'' ar:d be an unattractiv�, d�pre�sin�, ekaeaper, lt�w--rent dlst�i�t par� af �Ta�.l and not �am�thin� which mast g�ople wou�d cons�der to represent Vai1. csr the kinc af a plac� Pete 5eibert, and �ar1 E,a�,on riad in mind--an� � �oubt if Adam Arron wc�uld a�prove of the s'�r�acture eit�ier. � ur.d�rstand the �ntent c+#' the town council is to prov�de rooms fflr ski�rs a't a mare a#'f'c�z�r��ble pri�� �;t�an sor�e of th� rc��s in Golden Peal� , the V111a�� ar Lions���.c�. '�'h�r� ls nc� r�a6an wk�y tt�zis car�not be achievec� �n �. st�ructur� �ti�t�ic�i w�J,Z �'it in with the exhistin� can�r�urs c�f the lan� an� �he o�h�r ar�hi'�ec�.ural �tructures � more cons�stent w�,Lh V�.il ' s charac#.erist�c desi�n s'tanciarc�s. A atructure whi�h wou�d �� possibly � st,ories f'rca;n the �round level �me�n�n� ane more story hia'h tk�an the ex�stin� Roost7 ��i,�.hout cut�t�.n� inta the hill�ide , witnout pu�hin� th� bul,ldi.n� back, with- c�u'� "fud�in�" on hei�ht �easurement, without c�verin� the �nt�ir� exlstin� �ot , but with di��in�r dawn for und�rc�r��znd parkin�. ir�ere ��s t�be a �olutian ��r �r�vi�i� r�oms for skiers compa#,a�;�e w�tY� �.r�e arct:ite�'tur�.l style tr,�t enY��ance� Va�3 and ' da�s nnt �arn Vail in'to ��s�. �.ny �t��ler rn�tz�o�alltan area �which is ����re tnese ccQkie-cu�.ter it;arriot or ariy c�t���r Yai�h-r�se cY��ap�r �laces tc sLay abaurzd ) . As prn�a��d a rooru w�th ki#,tiher� � faci�ities will na#: be �r�n��n� tre �ki�rs back �c� tr.� vi3la�e for din:��r, or br�ak�ast, ar lu:�ck�l. 'Trley wi��l r��,flok--1�1'{ �.nd not ueat,�-out" . But that will make 1� �nore afforci�.b�.e for a skier Lo stay averni�ht . The propcsed stru�ture woul� compl�t��l�x chan�e th� present c�:�.ract�r af tt�e resld�nti�.l n�i�Y��orhoc�d 3� �,�e knc�w �t an �.�adow R�d��e Road. �`h� ham�s w�:lch ��c�re �ui�� 3�n th� ' 7:� ' � , and hillsid� Con�os , �h1�c�. w�r� built i:z � �77 aave �1� af th� ski�rs�---hvm�awnera , �on�d� ❑wn�r� , tk�� beneflt raf a beaut�if'ul vi�w af tn� maun#:ain,. �afiLh �uorniri� , mi�day an� aft�rr���n s�n. The prflpc�ser3 s�r�acture wau�� cam�l�tely block out an;� ct'.ance to see ar.y p�.r�t af the entir� � Casc�d� �ift line or any�tt�,lr�� 3�at the v�ry " tiAFY-t��r� �� ��� mount.�ln. T�a� �tre�t w�ruld Qe cars�letely dar� and bineked A rc�m arty natural sun�i�ht, And nc�w instead a�' ��=��n,� stara �nd the moan� the n��.�hborh�r�c� wi�l sEe windows with some �.i�hts, c�th�r man-�;a�e ele�tri� ll�ht�,n� wrh�cY: penetr�at�s ther.n�.t�ural quiet ev�n�r��x �,Lmosphere, vents from bui.�,dira�r� , s�noke, ex�iat�st and a�.l c�f the c�ther unpleasa�t nec�as��.1e� wr:ich �n wTtta con�es�.ed r�ver- bui�t dwell�n�. As t�:e Rc�ast pr�sently �t�nds , the st�ru�t,ure �ends �.ts�1i to a nei��bor�aoa� feel because �t fit� in�t� the space as it w�s or��inally nuilt. The ' ��' s ac�i#,ion was don� in a wa� wri�ch �ras :�ot d�st�^uctive to t�he cfiaracter �f th� n�i��iborhood . Tt�� ftar�st is fr�endly . .�iead�w Ftid�e Rcrac� is a plac� �'r�re peo��e tak� w�:s w�th trie�.r dfl�s ur�d kicisrn�kr--but witr� trle pro�osed � ��.ruc#.�.�:�e t��e pl�asant �alks w�.11 no 1an�er be possibl�---�.t w�u1d be mQre like wa].kirz� b�ri�nd a wa�.l thrc�u�Yz a 1c�n� dark tu�-anel. Re���ct fr��^ pEQple who cUme ana settlec3 in Vail in the Iats ' ��' s , ' �� ' s arad ' 8�' s sho�a].d be import�ant to the t�awn cauncil and a part of tk�� h�,s�.crry af t��e tvwn of Vall. Tn�se peaple were �nvo�ved in the �rawth �.nd are ��ri�. Qf' t.ra� faundation Qf �,he town. TYi�se �eopl.e az�� tY�e lvy�.l every day �k�ers , tax p�.�Ters , permanent r�esidents , sa1#. ��' th� e�rth �i� Vail. 3'h�se peQple at�.end tr�e cY�urcY�i�� , awn an,� work �n the sY�aps , wark on �he mourata�n and are � v�luable �art af t'r,e �?lue af th� comm=.�ni ty af Vai]. . �The SiA'TE OF T;.� ZGWii ���aRT, Preaared #`or Annu�.l C���nunity �veeting, riost�� �y Va1I Tawn Caur.cil ana S�.a�f , January 12, ��JS shaws a m��vr�.ty Of faetcrs in favor oS' �am� �,truc�.ur� �t t�he Raost other tk^xan th+� prEs�nt pr4�osa1. i . In a messa�e frnm ��:ayor ftoan�y S11fer r�� states "as �eade�s we are c�nt�nuir�� to Qo cur part to �nake sure t��ese developments are ir� keEp�n� w�,tY� ',��il° s criara��.er ar�a ct��.�rtu--the key �uallties tk�at cQntir�ute ta Vai�' s �uceess as �. dest�n�.ti�n rESOrit. " T'�e p�opcsecl stru�ture �s t.arcly in k��pin� wit,kl Vai1 ' e c'tia�a�t�r and c�ar�. �, Tvatze�n�.l �.n� ��,:;,on�; 'Tr�nas �o no�. sur�crL r�n �c���'�ance of the pro�c�se� s#.ructur� : t�.is �s not w!-:at �►��n� baby Yaaomers wau�d lik� ; �ravele:s Kill be stay=ln� in �.��eir awn r��ions-_nQi. �t� trii� str�ac#.ure ; wfl�ze:� a��r �+� w�].1 nat �e skiin� as trfuch. . . �,hey �.lsa will no� �e in��re�t�d in kitch�n facil�.ties ; the r��turn of t�-,e in��rnational visi�c�r. . .will ncrt be sta��zn� �.t t�-�e pra�ased structur� ; ir�cre�sed cr�:t��a�"�iti�n r�� sultin� �.n visitQrs s�a�,'in� �.n #.i�i�lr �a�r:� re�i�an pr�clud�s tt.�y will nat� ��� �t�yinc? in this p_�o�csed 3 � � pa�e 3 . �truc`tur� ; evidence a�` �--7� �onrrestic�n clearly shows �ha't this s'tru�turs is r�ot helpin� ta allevlate tt�is r�re�k�ler� but ls actually cantrii�utin�r to it ; t�re c�i�n�in� �ynamies of" second � hacneawners anc�ws tk:a.t, th�y w�ll n�at b� c�ndidates for this prr��ase� structur�--th�y wil� nat r�t�re to an 85� sc�. ft residenee ; �ther imp�Sc�tions repQ�ted wi11 f��-ve no a�'feet posltive r�r ne�at�ve an th� proposed sta�ucture. 3. T�i� commun�.ty o#' Vai1 d�r�r��raphic ��'�ifts, populatit�n pra,�ec�i�ns, Elfdp�O�Ffll@Clt. �13.V� �ittl� b�arin� on the pr�pos�d s'Cructure . However wh�n only 44$ of �a�.l' s housin� un�ts �re �cc��aied full time, wi�en new residentia�. �row'�h is �c�urin� �d�wn. va3ley and c+�ndt� prices are increas�n� th�� do�s n�t subatantiate expected sal� af 39 r�sidential un�ts. ( The un�'G� w].1�, be too smal� for fu11 t�me sesic�ence� and too ��i�r� pr�eed.� �. Ir� terms c�f the economic factgrs--when sales tax �s t�h� t�wn' s lar�est s�n�le revenue saurce tl'ze pro,��ct�ed structure d�es �.ittle tc� k�elp, 1�either daes r�t��l sales . The p�Qple wha wau�� poss�}��y be �,t#,racted ta the proposed st�ructure wil� not be �aut �,shapp�nc�'' . 5. Tr�e 1on� ��rm f�nanclal t-ie�.l.th af V'ail looks �ood and w,�11 n�t be �i�n�.ficant�.y a�'fected eit}�er �dod ar bad by the pr+�pased structur�---tt,�r�for� thcre is na �aod r��.sr�n #,�o �,�prave it in it' � pr�s�nt prr�pc�sal, �. �n the m�rket�n� anr� tourlsm, researeh sh�w� '�k;e i,mpartanee of shoppin�a and; dinin� to the financial wel�-bein� af th� town. � The praposed structure wi11 not paslt�ve�.y contr�bute to �,his . The geople who wau�d st�.y in t�h�s strucL�re w�.11. be ��ami.n� with �roceries ar�d �'ear '��r�-tow" . hopeful�y they wi�1 k�e bu�in� a lift �ick�'�--�bu� �.t wi11 prti3�ab�y ncrt be at "fulJ. pr�ce�� . 7.'�h� I�sues and �p�ortunit�es Repor't era�pha�izea tra�.t a sense of ca�munity i� fmpc�r#�ant. The pr�posed structure w�.�2 very d�finately n��ative3y af�'�et tk��e sE,�se �af community . Th1� need fr�r reapect fr�r peaple and cn�nmunit�y r�as been m�nt��ned an pa�e �. 8,�n '�erma r�f �n#'ras�ructur� the prc�pased s�ructure w���. on�.y adC t� th� I�?� ��'a�1e�n. �.In t�,� �owr� raf Vail �sr€as of Facu� �r�r 2a��--Leadership and • Partr�erstx�.ps�-a ��rtner 4utr�ach Goal tc� Exp�ore c�ppr�rtu���ties to lnvr�lve p�rt--tir�� resid�nts �n buildin� Va�I' s Sen�e of C�mmunit�� , �s i�3�ntifiec�. This sense of c4m�unity c�.n be str�n�th�ri�d by respectin, the "a1d time"' residen�.s and ncat �.11vwin� an ar�ck�alt�eLur�.11y „mi.sfita' �eect�d which would cor�ple�,ely darnina#,� th� �a,n�scape, block out tne sun, bla�k Qut t�e view of the mouratain, and �enerally l.c�ok 1�ke it daes not be].on� in Vai.l. In the 2���5 Year-�r�d fteview p.6 p1�.r�r�in� iriitiatives it i� mentioned "that the R�ost Lc�d�e �zas filed a redeve�r�pment application � for a new Y��'tel and dondc�minlum p�r�ect. W�en campl�ted, the new sub--�.r�� plan will reco�nmen�l ways to address a��t-•apriate commuczi'Gy and commerci�l uses , inclu�inR public irnpraver�ents , arcritectural �Ylara�ter �.nd �es�.�rn tnern�s �ssc�ciated with lar�d��apin�r and si�na�e, '' T�e quest�on st��.l� rernains to �e ans�ver�d--WHAT I� �'HE �RC�:I'�'ECZ'[3RAL c�:aRa��'�� �F ���� ��o�as�� �zi��c���;=c� s�;�i�ii7��.k fl z�� ���cE z��.� Rca��a � _ - r � p��e � Tn erur �pi�ian �h� ar�cY'litect�ur�l craract�r af t�n� proposed structure to r��i�c� t'r:e R�o4t is as t��s �c�n �en�ion��i---t�.a� of a cc�aki�-cutt�r, r�,i�h-ris� , lust nff t�� int�r�t�te overni�r�"� � accc�:r:ra�c?��tian fc�ua�c3 �n �r.y �'run of ti��� mill°' area across tk�e nati�n. �'he arcriitec�.ur�l ct��ar�ct�� aaES not reflect tY:e Vail s#�ar�dard of exc��l�nce as ex��ibitEd in the "re�ord :c�nstruct�.c�r�" bui].d�n� pro,�ects Lh� town council ra� '���n pr�oud to appr�ve and facilitate. :he pro�c�s�d st:^uctur� will nc�t add ta �,�ail' � ��pea� as � �reat p1�ce t� 1ive, ��o�k and pl�y. �es�ectfully and sincerEly � li� ,G���G�`r' - Adel�e C. ��.ckin�? � �� �� � � � H ��rd M. Pick�n� II� �iaward ,"Skip" � Acielle Fici�ira� Hill�ide Canca� Unit C � �� Lon�vi�w Lar� i�ead�ow Rid�e Rc�ad �io�.nste�wn, YA 15y,�� V�il, Cc� 8� �57 �14-2�5-�:�SE 97�--�7�-�+2�8 � � � � � Feoruary �, ���6 Vall 7'�awn Cnunci� riP�'o�c7sed�� Structure ta r�place th� Rac�s� pear Cauncil m�m�ers , �'Y�ls �Etter is meant tr� �.��pinpany my wi�fe' s let�t�r of February5,20���i� wh��h I �u11y egdc�rse.. �n additian tc� the inap��rapr�a�eness of� arc�i�.tectural des��r� ta en�iance tr7e ehar�,e�er af the cprnr�unity �.hat Adelle �.ddr�sses , I h�ve a avuple �if m�tters that trouble me. I�c�tif�ca�ian. I see tha#, nr�t��.f��n� the Pres�den� of a CorY�3a Associatian ia de�med sufficient in 'the ca�3e for code chan��s. Z bel��ve it waulc3 be mare ec�u�tahle � � don" t knaw the 1e�a.1 i:nplica�ions} ta na��fy ad,�ac�nt prc��er�,y owr�ers , nat �ust assaG�.at�c�n t��e�ds. [In�e�s dir�cted to do so , assc�ciat�on pr�sid�n� dc�es nat �peak for m� . In this case we are "late" with c�ur o�servatians due tc� a less than r��oroua ccanda associati�n notificatiQr� sysLem, Tt��.s qu�s'�ianable � nc�tlficatiQn sy stera may al.sc� a�ply to the code c�ian�;�� in th� mid ' 9�' s for 'the Roost prc�p�rty alluded ta in the pu�lic memae . Build�n� Y����r,t. It� se�ms ta tne ti�e hei�xht c�uestior� is 1��ltimate since the in.��nt, as I un�er�tanc� it, was to prev�nt "view �locka�e" , not tc� enable .�t. It app�ars tEae `�gropc�Uet�'k build�n� �a� d�si�nEd frnra a Philad�lpt�ia lawyer' s per�sp�ctiv� , r�tt�i�r than an architec� tryin� #.c� acco;r�:r�oc�a�e a� ente�^p�i�e ir�to �ts �ur•rc�undin�s. Business call�d me �xrr�e i,n lat� Ja.r�u�ry . '�I� wSll �ct�urn c�n �'ebru�ry 2�, 2���. Fleas� advlse us at th� Iisted �ddre�� �pho�e �S]�-��5-42��) as ta our ri�r��ts, stand�n�, and tir,7in�r ta ac�c�r�ss this l��ue in p�r�or� with cauncil and or otY��rs. 5�ncer�ly , ' /�,�f,� :� {� G'�� • � ,y Howarci i�1. Pickin� ITI � y ���� �� Acelle C. Pickin� H111side Conda Unit C 1��� Lan�vlew Lane Nie�.daw �ti.c��e Rr��.�d Jok�nst,awn, PA 1 �9J5 �Vail, GD 8i �5� 814-255-4�5� �7�-�7�-42��� � � Vail Tawn Caunri2 � Fe6r+�ary_ 17, 2t7(l6 RE: Roost Lodge redevelapEnent DMear Council rt�emh�rs: I am oppos�ed to ceriain asp�cts of tl�e�ropose� plar� fc�r the R�st rede�elapment. I understanc� tliat the�lowable totai hei�ht is �8 feet. That is what yrau to�d ane at the cot�n��I rneeting last w�ek. That hei�ht �dc�es seem tc� cvnfvrm #o the surr�un�Eing buitding heights. The E�.s�ern s�ction of the buil�ing, I am tald by Kevin Dc�an is �rf.posed to b� between ti9--70 fee� talI. This I do nat understand �tnd ne=:ther dc�th� �th�cr c ;�panents e�f t�his �lan, of which there �re ma �y. Ho►�v ca�that k�e appro�ed i#'irtdeed th� I.sl��i� 11177k� 15 4� feeC? I have h�en to1� that in :�97 there was a c�nge in hc�w�ei,�ht m�asuremen:s wer'e ca�culateci. 7� Ceet is MUCH�[J HIGH. It aoes nc�t con '�rm to the nei��bc_ho+�d and is nat in keeping wit� the �pirit o�the�urrvunciing area. In your State vf t�e T��,r�Repart Mr. Slifer pled,�ed on �,,c� �ehalf of�t�e Tawn�ouncii reg�rdin�develvpm�ent projects in the�'awn of Vai� our r�ale will be ta �nsur�e these � projects are designed in a responsibt� martne�that they aee in keeping with Vai E's characier and charm. I hage you wi.11 cansider how thts project d�es not a�pear i�l�e in keepin�wit.,ya�r pledge tQ the citizen� in the Town af Va�l Sincereiy, � � .�' �`�� ��-� ,;.�.��- -� :� k'hyttis I7icksQa� President+Capstane TQwnhoe�s�As�aciation 1817 MeadQw g�idge R.d_ Vai�, +Ca, 81G57 � � � _''. .�'��—'�s✓ !�� �.�� C �'�+' 7 � �h����ll'�C��'10�1tB Q-�.� f$���.IQf1S�t#����.DO� �"�I�,����.��J 1' Phnne:97{�-47g-�891 fax:�70-479-7891 Bi111�assWCarol.cam 2-18�20QG The Tc�wn Counc�! Tawn of Vail 75 South Frant�ge Ro�d Vail,CfJ 81�fi�7 Re:The RQOSt Redevelt�pm�nt Gentl�men; My wife and I recently had the apportunity t�hear a presentatian by the devela�ers,Timber�ine,af _ #heir plans for redeveiapment af the a�aremerrtao�ed,�r�perty. I am ama�ed that the P�C and D�B have albwed th�m to pmceed with a six story sectivn of this prn�erty when he+ght restrictions are 48�eet. By their awn admissic�n,the building propased will�e � in exc�ss of 7�fe�et. If this varianee g�es thru,I can assure y�ou that the owners of the adjac�nt pr�perty tn the East wil! m�ve tu buitd additional 70 fee�stru�tures tp th�Pust Dffice,This will�rea�e a density and that wiU create cangestio�an the f�orth Fr�ntage Ra�d and incr+e�sed nai�e to th�e 5auth as a result of tlte S�und Baard created bythese structures. Additic�nalfy,th�ere has been little if any consideration to la�dscaping on the back vr Narth side of ti�e structures.This wiil tae the vi+ew of exi�ting resi��ntial�uildin�gs after th�new stru�tures have eliminat�3 same of the view to E)anavan and Matterhorn areas. i assume that the Ger�tlemen of the Vail Town Council will nat be deceiued by th�e exp���tations of haw a 7�feet structure falls within 48 feet�eight restrictin�s.Six stories, is not Fo�r. Sin�erely Y�ours, � � � . �,� .� I��J��� ,��i1� ,i�'�- Biil And Kass W�eiss , CC;Vaia Daily Ge�r�e Ruther d�t8 � liay Feny � � '� �-'"��- �—� �-�d �C�� �'aaI Tawn Councif � Februa;ry I?, 2p06 RE: Rc�cast Lod�e redevei�prt�ent I3eae Cvuncil members: I arrx Qp��sed ta �ert�in as�ects �f the pr�p�osed glan for th� Rc3ost redevelopr:�ent. I underst�n�tha# the allowable total he��ht is 48 fe�t. T,h�at is what you �ald ia�e at the CLIUIICII lT]�t1I1� ,�85C W�C�C. Th3t I1�I�]�[ �p�S SP�fYI �t3 CDlk{�4C7I] f0 t}l�5ll17QL]i1,fing buildirag hei�;�ts. The Eastern �ectic�n of the buz�ding, I �m tc�Id by Kevin De�an is prc.pnseci to bc between 69— 7C� feet ia�l. Tfiis T da nat understand and n�=ther do the other c � onents of � �his ptan, of which there are m� �,y. �-�o�,v� that be ap;�r�ved if inde� the �. :i�ht iimit is �8 fee�? T ha�e been told ttzat in :997 thcre w�s a ch�:��e in haw }Ai�ht mea.suremaen_s w�re calculai�d. ?Gt�eet i��UCH TO HIGH. It does nat c�,n �r�n to the neigt��c.hood ar+d is not in keepin� with the spirit �afthe�vnraundin� at�ea. $ Ira yvur State af th� �'o�:n Repc�r*Mr. Siifer ptedged Qn ...� betta,�f afthe Town Cv�ancil re�ardir�� d���c�,�pmer�t projects �n the Tawn af Vai] aur ro�e will be ta ensure thes� pra��cts are de�ignec! in a r�spansible mar�ner thai they are in keeping with Vai�'s � character and charm. I hope yo�w�l� consider how this prc�ject dt�es nat app�.r to be in keeping wii:,yc�ur p��dge to the�itiz��s in the Town flf Vail Sincecely, �����-�. �'�� �' � y,. �� ��-�- � Phyftis Dzcic�on Fresident +Capsto��Tr�wnhouse Assoc�ativn 1817 1'+�ieadaw�iidge Ra. Vail, Co. 81557 � � � HC7INARD M. P6CKING YII 100 LOPVGV3EW LAN£ � JOHiJSTOWN� PA 1591�5 February 23, 2(lOfi Fax�-g74-479-2452 Doug Cahill, Chairman anri all members of the Planning and Environmental Gammissic�n of t�e Town of 11�iC Mar�aret Rodgers, Chairman �nd all rrrembers c�f th� �esign and R�eview Baard af the Tovun of Vail C3�ar M�mbers, F�e�arding tMe prvposed structure t� re�lace#he Raost, we have sevsral concerns: The praposed structure does not�t the charact�er af khe neighbc�rhood–ARCHITECTUR,�4LLY. Architect�rakly the pro�osed sryle–'`high-ris�", "cookie-cutter", "'off-the-intersta#e" or"'beside#he airpart overnight ac�am�nvc�atiar�"faund in any"run af the mil!"area acrass the nation---dQes not r�eflect th�Vail standard of�xcellence in building desig�. �ons�der the buildings in the neighbor��ad. The Dcrn�ovan Park Community Suifding located an South Frrantag� Road a�ross 1�0 from the Roost has been th��rghtfully designed to reflect an alpine architectural style. Here real wo�d timber, aaulted ceiling and ather feafures�re in harmony with the charac#er of a"sl�i IQdge" apprc�priate ta the character and design theme which epitDmiz�s VaiL Th� C3ono�art Pari� E3uildin� is a tastef�lly designed s�ru�cture, which fits in#a the I�ndscape and fits with c�ther structures surrvunciing et. Th� pra�ased structure for the Roost in comparis���ri11 s#ick out like a "S�ORE`fHUM'�". � ,+�noth�:r buildir�g just to the West an#he iV�rth Frantage Raad, the City Market, a�ommerciai buiBding in a residential r�eigh�orhoc�d, fits inta the �rea af both cc�mmercial and resident�al �uildings. It rvas designe�t4 reflect a raof�ine and building hei�ht, which fts irtto the existing lands�pe to enhance the neighbarhood and refl�ct the character�f a r�ountain village. Take a lao#�at the lov�ly duplexes�ulBt on the ridge�bave the Raost. These residenCes have been cvnstructed in a typical upscale r�ountain residence style, whECh adds value to the neighbarhaad and enhances dhe entire ski �rea. Th� p�apcssed structure daes not fit th�char�cter of the n�ighborhaod—SITE WISE. The proposed buiiding is pushed �ack#�the limit of thre pr�perty 1ine, cc�vers tao r'nuch af#he propert�+, proposes ta cvt inta tf�e hillside to change the cantours af the land whiCh"'Mother hJature"intended. There are several �rrvhlerns associated with this. Cu�ting inta#he hillside changes the flow of the ground water (und�rground and on top af the grc�und}. Gutting �nto the hillside tends fo rr�ak�the land and adjnining lan� less stable, Cu4ting into the hillside crea#es a need for a large ret�ining wali, which can he dangerous and is by nature unattractive. �low can such �wall be landscaped ar be ancarparated into the�existing n�ighb�rhoc�d. Tf�e proposed structure Ivoks like sameane trying to fit a piece of� puzzie intt�a place wh�re�t does not �c�gic�lly fit. The desi�n for the propc�sed structsare does not m�ke sense a�d does n�t lopk right or fe�el right�for the neighbdrh0ad. {A weli-respected lawyer ance t�ald me how ta knc�uv if s�rnething was right or wrc�ng –lf it loo�CS� right, fe�fs right, makes sense and is lagical–it is pro�ably right. If ot does rrat loc�k right, teel r�ght, does nat make ser�se an�d is not IogicaC–it �s prabably not right.J In this case, the prc�posed struc#urs s�oes nat 600k right, daes not feei righf, dQes no#m�ke sense and is ns�t fogical–an�i i#is not right for thi� neigh6orhaod. It is a "cc�ntrive�" structure, trying to fit too many ��dies ic�to toa sm�ll a space. The structure daes n4t impact the site in a positive sense. It is tc�a high, tc�a straight, pushed tr�o far back, and uses toa mr�ch c�f the space auailable an the it�t. 3#fias ta� much b�lk and ta� much mass ta fit inta the neighborho[�dlmountain crammunity. � � � � The �rr�pose�st��cture need�to be redesign�d in a manner, which calfs far stepping a buifding �ack gradu�lly fitting into the existing e�n4ou�rs af t�� far�d and the surrounding buildir�gs. The pr�ap�sed�structure ��es nat fit the character of the neighbflrh�ad --RESIC�ENTIALLY. Althaugh it has been stated that the pr�posed stru�ture rnee#s"Zoning Requirements"far a spc�t zQn�d pub9ic use parcek of land, w�icf� is lacated in a camqletely residential neighbor��od, rr�eeting that clairned zaning requirement daes �ot mak+e at"raght"—rnorally or ethically. It meets the tecl�nic�E height requirement becau�e it has been pushed �ack or� the parcel, desig�sed in such a way th�t the eaves are sfepped �ack so that the mea�urem�nt wiil fall in a certain way a�d the building height measurement be�ins�n a levei not ct�nsistent w�th�he ke�ei af th� R��ast hut�Iready s#arts a measurement fr�m a hsghee level b�cawse vf a za�ing °cfause" allawing far s�me C7NTRIVED eievatian which is "projected"and na#verifahle ir� fact as Ehe la�d sits th�re today—and has been s6tting there f�r many, many years. The eff�ct of the height allawanc�d�es not fit into the residential neig9�borhor�d. 7he propased structure wiil be highe�than any huiNding 4n t��area. Ifi wiH bloek the view of the mountain for at�east ten residenEes behind i�ar�d will im�aact on rnany more r�sidences on M�adow k�idge Road ar�d the surrr�unding are�. It wilE bfock out the sun and#he stars. It will pollute the r�eighbarhaod with electrical light, vents, �mvke, exhaust and aIY�f the ot��r unpl�asant nec�ssities, whi�� ga wi#h cangested o�er-bui�t dweflings. Meadow Rfcfge Road is a piace where people take wafks with their dogs and kids naw—but with the prapase� structure#he pl�asant wa6ks will r�o langer b� possible— it would be more like walking behind a�a19 wall#hrough a lang dark tunnel r�vith a precipitaus retaining walV just waifing for s�rr�eon�t�faPl over. In the presen# praposed �lan th�re i�no rr�om far proper landscaping b�fitting an upscale mvuntain sl�i tcawn Gke'Vail. Realistically, there has been nc�a#tempt an the deve9flper's part to rnake thi� proposed deve{'optnent fit architecturafly, site-wise, residentially, or fan�scape-wise. We�nder5#and that the in#ent vf#tae town council is t�r inc�ease the number af hvt�l rooms far skiers and ther� is r�a reasan why that c�nnat be achieved in a structure which will fit into the n�ighborhaod with the use a€ natural ma#erials, i.e. real w�sod �nr.i real st�ne, stepping a huildsng back to fit the exi�tia�g cantaurs 4fi#hs� � Iandlsite and a raof line in harmony with the neighborhond which wEll n�i negatively irnpact the residential area.. A buikdrng which will show respect fnr pe�ple who carree and s�ttled in Vai9 and are� part c�f Va�l's history— people who we�e invalved in the growt:h af Vail, loyal every day skiers, tax p�yers, and perman�nt res3dents; peopke wh�attend the churches, awn and work�n the shc�ps, wtrrk c�n the r�aur�tain and are a va9uable part of the immediate r�si�entiai neighbonc��bd s�ur�aun�ding this smaBl parcel zan�d "nari-residentia4" by an accident of history rather thar� �y an apprapriate land-use pl��a. A structure which is prc�portionate in its k�ulk an�i rnass ta the charact�r af the ne�ghborhaod and which will contribute to beautE�ying the area and add to Vaid's appeal as a greaf place to live and work and �lay—thaYs the s#ruet�re that should replace th� Rvost. Sincere�ly, , ,� —. ��. A�elle G. Picking ,,�� ��. � � ,� Howard M. Picking, Ill I�oward &Adelle Pi�king Pickir�g Hi�lside c�ndc�s lJnit C 'f0� Lc�ngview Lane Meadow Ricige Raad Jahrastown, P�A 15905 Vail, G4 81657 814-255-4256 97�I-�17Ea42�8 8�4-241-Ofl90 (Gell} � . . ._. -�'� . --..- ��� � n � .l� s . � ._ . - ���- -�1s _•.'�} ...�:..� S . �� � . . ��-� �.W: . _-� .�"�.-.+'*'�t N — Y d . ���, "� �'A_'�. Y�7 L�y`• —. II '� � " � . "�' � M � =��7':' � '' -`t_ _ �r ,}�`,' � � 'z'��,� ' � �} �L __S' j, C : } I� ...��'' T � - ; � � , �. , • �. i � �J. _' '� � � � � d � p '� '�, � t� 'c���� � -'-"'^"'� ! � — " � � � � " " ` - _ � i �. � 4 I _ __ . �r__-r ' _Y . . `�,.;.._ �� ►,� �► , _ ---� � � ,; �. -- - ' �'���-�. . �. 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' ,I �� F�� � � 2D�fi I '� � Application fvr Rev►iew by the � ,�. . � , , �. _ `+ ' ��� Planning and Environmental Commiss�cr� . ; _ ►� '� ' � - �^f�'}T��� j� iy ✓�'J �7 ` I l!!Y 1'1 Vr V� 1'<"l�� P tY p __ _ �.._-_�_ De drtmerrt of C�rnmuni Develo ment ` __—� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Calvradv 81b57 te1: 97Q.479.2I39 Fax: 470.�79,245� weh: www.ei.vai0.co.us General Infnrmation: AI1 prQjects rEquir�ng Planning and Envircanm�ntaf Commissi�n review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit appiiealipt�. Please re€er to the submittal requir�ments for the partieular approval that is requested. An applicakian for Planning �nd Enviranmentaf Commiss€�n review�anno[be acc2pt�d unt�1 all required infcsrmation is received by tf�e Cvmmunity E7e�elc�pr�ent aepartrrient. The prajert may also need to b� reviewed by the Tawe7 Cauncil ar�dJar the Design Re�iew 8oard. 7'ype of Application and Fee: ��,. Rexoning $130Q Conditional Use Per-in�t $��Q n1 Major 5ubt9ivis�on $15�6 Flobdplain h'Ia�diEi�akiar� $4a0 Minor S�bt4iwisinn $65fl t�inor Exterior AlteratiQn $654 Exemption Plat $550 Major E�cteriar Alteratian $Sfl� Minor Amendrnent ta an SDD $1Q00 Dev�loprn2nt P4an �15D� New 5pecial�3evelopment C�iStriGt $fi�[}0 Amer�dment ta a De�elopment PEan $�5� Major Amendment to an 5D[7 $6fJUU Zoraing Cvde Am�ndment �13Q0 Major Amendrnent t4 an SC1[} $1250 X Vari�nce �5Q� � (np exterior madi�c��tr`onsJ Sign Variance $2Q0 � []escriptio!n nf the Request: �'ari�nce from Uesiqn Guidelenes Se�tlan 3 minimum centerlin�turnrn � r�dius o�9€1' Lacat9an af the Propo�al: Lat: 9-12 Black� Subd�visiQn: �uff�er Cre�k Resub � Rhys�ca! Address: 1783 iVorth Feanta e Rc�ad Parcel Na.:21a3I�302�D1 ( Eag1e Co. Assessor at 970-3��-$6�}0 tar parcel nfl.) ' Zoning: Public Accommoc4atian -2 (PA-2� �Jame(s) flf Owner�sJ: '�lAh� ��� lA���•1�G �+laifiny Address; 12 Vail Roa� Suite Ga0 Vail C(3 81G57 Rhan�: 476-1464 Dwn�r(s)�igna#ure[s): _�.. C� ��n'� fVame of Appli+�ant: Rearesented t�y Ma�riella Planninq Grauo. LLC Mailing Addres�: �'C? 6ox 11�7, A�ron, C0 81.fa4� Phones 48-(1920 E-mail Address:mauriellc�Cacamcast.net Fax: 748-d377 �or 4Tfice U O I 'X + + `f '` „��' y� �'�7'�r� � `<�'�^r�.;�� ' ��j"'� ���� �'.m Fee Pafd: � Check No.: � By: � _ � Application Daie:���r�- PEC No.: � �lanner; P�aiect No.: Y �1�31 IDb ♦..' � � � January 3 I , ���75 �'lar�n�r�r� �nd �r�vironriental Cermra�,��ion �l� �eorg� f�uther, AfCP Ch,ef C�f ;�lanrr,ng Tawn of Vai! 75 �r�uth �ron�ac�e f?��d Va�l, CoEora�D 81 657 f�.e: Var�ance App��caC�on ��r T�m�erl�n� Lod�e — Turn�ng Rad�u� �7ear �:r�mmr�5i�rers: � After add6tianal analy5i� af the I imberlane �ocast Lc�dgF it ha� �ePn de'term�n�d th�t we 2re u����ale �c� �'am�ly ��v�th �h� Town'� de�+�jn standarr� w�'IC:FI f'Ec�{JII"�5 a Lurtiine� r'adiu� c�f 40' ft�r' l.r�� ex,t lar�e raf aur parkir�r� r��r�� a5 it apprr��Ghe� the Surface. 1+v'e I�ave work�;� far se�eral uveef�� to try to compky �v��n �he standard an� have found that c��v�n th� r�arrc�wness af the ��.te and t�e need ko prcav�de �tru�cur�� �arkinr� nn tl�e 5i�e w� �rr� unUl�iP ta m.�ke rr�eet E:hiS 5tanclarc�. We �eti�w� we }�a�e pro�vi�ed �r7 adec�Late �r�e�ns o� ex�ti��r� t}�e �rte that will remain saf� and eff,c�en� and 1��ve appi,e� �or a var,�nce �o a!4'ow the use of a 3d` rad�u5. 6ackgrc�und T}�e i nwn r�i Va�1 Uevelr�pr�ent `aLandards �1ancJbaok, Se�tion 3, �ncl�de� turn�ng rad�us star��ar�5 for s,s�r�1e-famiiy and two-fam+��y re���l�r�t�a1 pro�ect5, mult��ie €�m�ly �ro��.ct5 with �4 t� i I d�vell,nc� urnts, and multipl� fam�ly prr���ct� witF� rnare ;han I P dw�ell�nc� un�t�, The rn�n�mum centerl+ne turn+nr� rar��� are �O', 3�', ar�d 4C)' respect�a�ely. I bel�eve �he t�;sory beh�nc! the ci�ffe.r��7g radiu� 5tan��rds ar� now �a�e� u�on the a1a�l�ty af v�hi�le� to make a certain turn�ng rad�ua but b�sed u�on t.he speed pr volume of traf�tc {+.e., w+t� greatPr nurrib�°r a� �eh,cle5 �t �s mr7r� c�c��rr�fc�rtable t� �ia�e a rn�r� c�er�tle raciiu�}. T�mberl�ne Ladge A�p1icat�an a� 5tandard The propas��1 s�te plar� and tr�ff�c c�rc�l��ion �ia�rarri5 �ha�v th,�t ciel���ery vehicle� r�an Pa�ily acc�s-s t�e prc��erty an�l �x,t ut�l�z�nc� the �0' rac#�u�. ��livery truG'�c� a•-e i7�t acces5ong ch� parksng structurea aniy car�, Cars ex�t�nc� the pa�k�ng r�r�� � � � � are �b1�: tc� exir t��; �r�perty �IQng a 3(7' centerl�ne rad�us but c�nrtc�t accrmme�da�e a 4U' c�nfier��ne �,ac�ous w�t�ieut se�rerely �Qmprc�mi�sng the bu�l��rrg and �he �bte plannrnr�. A ��ssenc�er v�h�cl� can easily marseuver � turn on a 30' Gent�:rlir�e rr�diu� ar�cf th�refC3re the 5ote will �l,an�tipn eff�c�eri�ly �rir� 5afeiy. Var�ance R�ec�ue�t T�� 17e���lnprr�ent St�ndards 1�I�ndl�dak ,t�rP, „var�ance� to the Development Staa��larr�5 may b�; allawed wh�en pra�t�cal ciif�icult�e� and unnecessary p�y�ical 1�ard�h�p� incc�n��5tent wit1� he purpo�e and �ntent of th� De�relopment Stand�rd� ex�5t." The app����t�an c�f the 4a' rad�u� pre��nt� a pract,c�l d�ffiruCty �nd � p�iy�ic:�l Fiarr��r�i� a5 ���I«;r� tc� the �rr����t. �r�� 5ste �s very �ar'raw aa�d uvtth the ne�c� ;,o �rc��,d� �trt�cturec� par�inc� on the ��te and prav4de p�'oper acces� ta th� �ark�r��� �h�r� ,s n�t er.au�`� r�om on `�he �ra�erty to prc���e � ��' r�d��.+s rnr��ernent. T}�� Tr�vdro'S c�eveln�ment st�3r,c��rr�� allc�uv a 3C?' r�dius +rvher� a�c�s5�ng P 1 c�w�llene� un�ts, 5o tt i� n�t a �1��;ter n� whether a �°�icfe �� c��able r�f makirg a 3Q' radiu5, it i� a matter of car�enience and perha�s �peed (i.e,, �t >> �as�er �or a dr�,�Jer t� make a w�cier tur� rather than a rr,or�e n�rraw turn). Adc��t,c�nal9y, vYh���fe�; �r� �bl� to ap�rnac:h th7� i�c�rtri �rQr�ac�� f�raci ,n a perpendi�ular pos�t�an be�Qre advanc�ng F�7tc� the rr�a:�way. 5c� th�5 var,ance re�ues� doe� nct d,ma���h the �afety c�f t�-re ��te �r the o�era9l �vn�t,rnal�ty of �he �rt�. �u� m�y �e.duG� the �peed at w1^�eh one can romFor�ably exii the �rr���r�ty. I� ���c�ulc� �e � ri�t�:c� �t�a� rr�e traff!c� ar�a� ar�� h�ated, makinc� the c,r�ulatian �hat rrauch rn�are ��fe anc� er�?c�ent. The cufrer�� Rc�a�t L�d�e property i� noncanfarming in m�r�y a�pect� tF�at �he prr�pa��r� �!an rem�diP�: c�r- srr�pr•c��i�5. . T9�e PA-2 zone d4�tr��t re�u�re5 thaL at lea5t 75% o# t�� rec�u�red par�k�r�r� be lc�ca��d wr�th�n a struct�r� �nd h+dden fr�m publ�G v�ew. A�E �af tF1e ex,�t�n� p�rk�ng �� loc��ed a� th� sur•f�ce ��� �n fuE� W�ew by t}�e p��l��. The �r�pas�d �roJect �rou�des r7�ore thars 75�ro of the rec;u�red park�ng in � structure e�ut df �uh�l�c v�ievv. + The PA-� zone d�s�r�ci �roh�b�ts �ar�,ng ,�aacea I�cated �n the frc��iL- Setback. The ex,at�nc� �vrfa�'e �ark�n� ,� loc��f€�r� withjr� th�e frai�t setback. 1��e prc�po��d ��an r'ernov�s a�l parkir�� frc�m th� frc�nt 5etbacic. The cor�d,t�ons that �re be��� r�mecl��d ha�re �dde�l to the need #c�r tFie var�ance due. �❑ �he ne.ed fir str�9�:t�ir� th� p�rk�n� �elc�w c�racle acces5ed by a ram�. Var,ance Rev�ew Cr,�e�-�a 1 . Th� r�latic�r��Fii� of th�: r�q�je�tec# �rar�ance tc� o�her exrst�+�r� or �o�ential u5e5 ar��f �truc��re� „� the v�c,���ty. � 2 , , � � � C)ttr AnalY5lh: The prca�osed variance w�ifl have 9ittle, +f �r�y. �mpact on the c�n vther ex�stmg nr �C}tenti�� uses in the neighobnnc��ac�. The turning ra�ius only aff�ck�� i�he car� ex�ting frarn the pr�per�y and �� anythong the redu�ed rad�us will �lo�v �he a��anc�° of car� to the Frantac�� f�oad thus r�duc,nc� pot���1�1 Gon;li�t5 w��h trr�€fic +n th�. �ir�riiry. �. The c�egree tc� wh�ch r�li�f frr�rn the Str�C� rar licera! �nterpr�tatia� ancJ enforcement �f a �pec�f�ed regulat��n �� ne:ce�5�ry tc� ach�eve cnmpat���l,ty and up+�c�rm�ty c�f tr€��trn�,r�t arnonc� s�te� �n the v�c�n�ty, or to attadn the o��e��r�e5 of tl�a5 ��tle v,��thout grant of 5pec��K pr0��9e�e. �ur �+r�alysis: �re �ropo�ed �rar�a�ce wa11 allotiu th�s sate c� rneet ti�e nb�ect�ve� of the Zdr��ng Cod� and de�e�opment st�ndard� �n�,t��aut a �rant of �pec�al �r�vifeg�. Tre practical da�f�cult�e� ar�c� �hys,�ai hard5h�p af the ��ri�t and I��era� �nt�rpretation af the �tanciard wc�uld cau5e ��c�nif,cant imp.�ct� tc� i:he de�eloprnent c7f th�s srte. 7he narrc�w�^�ea5 of the s�t� �rtd the neeci tQ prov,de �nder�rounc! p�rk�n:g ha� created t1-ic nards���ps rela�ec� ta thi� � �t�ndard. 5rnc� Lhe tra�fsc �r�a� are heated �k�ere i5 a redu��d r+�ed to pr�v�d� wEder cti��res. Non� bf the o+�her pr��ert��� ,n rl�e are� ar�� zon�d fQr �adc�i�� ;acil�tse� and ��eref�re �ro{�ert�es ,n the area are �Irp�r�y tr�eatec� d9fferentiy du� tr� zvr�,ng. 3. The effe�� c�f the rer�ue5ted variance c�n lic�h� and ���', d�str�but�r�n af �c�pulat�an, tr�ns�c�rtat�c�n �nd tr'af��u F��,�it�Ps, publ�c facil,ties and ut�l�ti�5, an�i publ�c s�fety. �ur A,nalv5�5: �he �rapg�e� w�r�anc� +���11 ha�e I�t�1e, �� any, �rr���cL or+ the5� ,ssues. �he c,nly lmpas�c is tv rF7� �p��d a� which a ��hi��e can ex�t the prop�rty, which ev�ll h�e rec�uced by t}�� prcpQ��c1 variance,. If yc��� have �ny q��est�nn5, �I�;aSe f€�I free to ca!{ me. Si r.�ere�y, �pm�r�iG �. Mat�raeflo Princ��al � 3 �' � <<,._.—_ �;, ApPii��ati�n for �t�view b�y the T , �� Planrti�� and Envirar�menta� +�ommission 0�'�I�,l�� �';��� Depart�nent of Camrnunity Devefopment 75 5auth �rontage Rc�ad,Vait� Calorado 8].557 'tei: �7Q.479.2139 fax: 970.479.Z�5Z w�b: www,ci.vail.co.us Gen�ra I I nfarmatic�n: All prajer.ts requiring Planning and EnviranmenCal Commission review must receive appraval prior to su#�mittdng a buifding perm'rt application. Please refer to khe submitta[ requirements for the p�articular apprava!that is requested. An appfitatiorr fcar Plartning and Ersvironmer�ta[ Commi�sian review can��t be d[[epCed until �Il required inforrnatian is r�ceived hy the Cornmunity Devefapment ❑e�arkment. T�e {�roject rr�ay a9� need to be revievued hy the Town Counci! ar�dlar the I}esign Review 6r�ard. fiype n�Applicat��n and Fee; � ,� Rezoning �13f7� LI Canditianal Use Permit $650 � 0 I�ajor SubdiWision $1500 � Flpodplain Modificatian $4Q0 ❑ Minor 5ubdivisian $fi50 0 Minor Exterior Alt�rat+oro $65D ❑ Exem�tian Plat $650 0 Major E�cterior Aiteration $80{} ❑ Nlinor Amendment ta a�� SDD $1000 d Dev�iopment Pfan $150[1 0 New Spe�ial Deuelopment District $S�D� f� Amendment to a D�v€lopment Pian �254 ❑ NEajor Amendment�o ar�SD❑ $60[]4 ❑ Zaraing Code Arrzendment �130� � Major Amendment to an�DD $125a ❑ Variance $�0� (no extericrrmodi�catians) ❑ 5ig� Variance $20a Uescriptian of the �equest: R�z'onrng€�fl.'�.stAr�per(y ta newz�ne drstrict P.4� � Location�rf the Prt�posal: LQt, 9-12 Blo�k. Subdiv€sitan: 6uffer Creek Resub � Physi�al Addres�: 1783 North Fronkage Rvad _ � �'arcef Nt�.� �1031�3�2Q(�I ( Eagle C�. Asses�or�t 970-328-864�7 f�r�arcel no.) � Z[aning: Public Accommodatian�PA}IProposed zoninq Public Acco�modatian - 2 Name�s}of Owner(s}; Tmberline Roost Lod e LLC Mailing Address: 12 Vai1 Roadr 5�ite 54�,, V�il, C[7 SI557 __ Phane: 47�-1�64 �7wner��] Signature{s}: +� ,� _, �+;�;, - -"��h� - �` �,[.�L . .� N�me nf Applicant: .v Re�pres±�nted by Maurieila Plannirt Grou LLC Mailing Address; __Pt]6ax 11Z7, AYOn, CO 8164d _ P11or1e: 748-0920 E-mail Address:maurielio�comcast.net Fax: 7�F8-0377 ; __ _ _ For�c�..E�,s�n�+�.-� Fee Fa�d: ;, .. C eek 9V 6y: Applicatian Date: �!p- �� � � _. P€C N�.: � `�' � Planner; --� Praject No.: �-. � � 1'�J2 I;(35 � � � MEM{�RANDUM TO: Planning and Er�vironmental ��ommission FRf7N1: Corximunity De�efapment Department �ATE: January 9, 2��6 SUBJ�C7, A request far a finaf recammendat�an tv the Vail Town Counci[ of a zc��e district �oundary amer�dment, pursuant ta Sectian 12-3-7, Amendment, Vasi Tawn Code, ta re�ane �ots 9-12, Buffehr Cre�ic Resu�di��sion, F�ovst Lvdge, frvm Public Aecommadatian (PA} district tn Publi� Accommadation -� �PA-2} district, ivcated at 1�83 North Frontage Ra�d, L�ts 9-12, ��ffehr Creek Resubdi�isir�n,and sekting fortt� de#ails in regard thereto. App3icant: Timberline Roast L�dge L.L.C. Planner: George Ruther I. SUMMARY � The appiicant, Timberline Raost Lodge, L.�.C., has submitted a dev�elopment �evieuv ap�licatir�n to the Community DevelQpment Department t� allaw f�r the rez�r�i�g of Lots 9-1�, 6uffhe�- Creek Resubd"svisior�, from Publ9c Accommod�tion (PA} Distr�ct �� Public Ac�mmod�tion-2 (PA-2) District. The app�icant has submitted the application in antici�atian of the redevela�ment of the I�oost Lodge. Staff is recomrnending tha# the Pl�nning �& Environmental Comrr�ission forwards a recommendatior� of apprn�val vf t�e ap�l�c�nt's development rev�ew application. II, � C1ESC[�[PTfON C1f REQL�EST The app4��a�nt, Timberlin� Roost �odge L.L.C., has submitted a d�vel+�pment r�view appiication ta t�re Town of Vail Commur�ity Dev�iopmerrt �eparkm�nt. The purpase of the applicatian is ta am�nd the Clfficial �oning Map �f the Tawn a# 1Jail whereby Lvts 9 -12 Buffher +Creek Resubd�vision are rezoned tv Public Accommodation — 2 x�rne distri�t. Acc�arding to the applicar�t, the rezoning is intended to fac�iitate the r�development of t1�� Rovst Lo��e. A v�icinity map a� the deve�opm�nt site and surrounding ar�a has be�n attach�d far reference. (A�tachment A} III. BACKGROUND A review af #he Town's fiEes and records clear{y identifies the inte�t �f t�e exist�ng regu4atians regar�ing accommoda#ion units and the prohibition against all�v+ring � a�ec�mm�dati�a�r units to �antain "kifcher� faci�rfies". Tf�e fifes �haw that the IegislatiWe ent�nt behind the cu�'rent regulatian is to: 1} discat�r�ge long-term l � � accupancy a� what ar�e intend�d ta be shart-term renta9 ur�its; 2} pr�vent the � likelihaod of the sale of accamrnodatian un�ts �s dwellin� units; 3} encourage visitors and gu�st� to frequent the m�ny e��ing and drin�Cing esfablishments in th� town �uring their stay ir� Vail; and �) ens�re compatibility am�n�st surraunding land uses. A further reviev+r of t�e T�wn's files shows that the existing I�ngu�ge pe�ta�ning to defira�t�ons c�f acc�mmc�cfatian units, dwelfing units, kitche�n facilities and kitch�nettes f�as r�mairted unchange� since their ad�pt�an i� 1973. Th�� anly re�cent and notable amendment to the regulatior� of ac�ommadation ��its came in t�e late 199Q's when the deve�opment standards fiar density we�� amended and accc�mm�datic�n unifs were no long�er c�aunted tc�wards �de�sity. Finally, a �eview af #he othe�' resort communities` reg�tlatic�ns pertaining t� kitchen facili#ies within hotel ra�m� rev�als a wi�e range of approaches, Fo� exampl�, the G'rty of Aspen Land Qevelapment Regulatic�ns, by de�nition, permits kitchens vuithin indavidual hotel rroms in a h�tel flr Eot�g� wh��e the Tr�wn Qf E�reck�nr�dge Land De�elopment ��de states that"`no kr`tch�ns of any kinof�re,permi�fed wifhin fhe ��its" af hotei, €e��ges or inns. �n Novemb�r 14 and 28, 2(7�5, the applicant appeared bsf�re th� Planning � Envirorarn��ttal Cammissian with a requ�st to �men� the text of the Public Accommodafion �PA} zone district to allaw ac�cvmmr�datic�n units tc� include kitchen facilities, as a c�ndition�l use in the district. Upon consid�rati�n of the request, the Comrnissivn direct�d staff an� fihe ap�licant to prepar� ar� am�ndment whi�h wauld � res�alt in the creatipr� af a new �t�ne di�trict purposefully intend�d to allvw accornmadatian unit�ta include kitchen facilit�es in certain areas of Tc�wt�. On De�mber fi, 2D�5, during ttie �ECIDRB update to the Vail Towr� C�uncil, st�ff informed fhe Town CouRCi� af the recent di�cussiat�s with the Plann�ng & Enviranmental Commissi�n regarding th� text amendment and the �reatian �f a rrew ��na �istrict. The Town Cc�uncil acknowle�ged that the ir�tent af the proposed te�c# amendment may ha�ve mer�t, hawev�r, encvurag�d fhe staff and C€�mmission ta e�ralu�te ather c�ptians. F�r example, the possi�ility af creating � conditional use wi�h use-�pecifsc �riteria addressinc� the ra�ativnsh'rp of the use to �t�rer neighboring us�s and dev�fopm�nt c�b�eGtives of the Tc�wn car th� elimination c�� the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommc��dat�on units. The Town Cqt�n�il expressed th�t it may b� appro�riate to re-ev�aluate the legislat�v� int�nt c�# the current land use palicy prohibiting kitchen facilit�es in accommo�ation units. Un []ec�mber 12, �[l�5> the �pplicant appear�d t�efvre tt�e Planning & Enviranmental Commission ta d�scuss tFa� m�r�ts of cr�eatin� th� Public Accammadation-� �PP�-2) di�trict. F�Ifvwir�g discussion on the t�pic, t�e C�mrr�i�sit�n directed staff #Q �arepare a pr�pose�i text amendment far tf�� Cammissian's cvnsiderativn a�d recommendativn. Un Qecesnber �0, 2�05, C�mmunity Revelapment a�partment held a w�rksession meeting wit'� tt�e Va�il �"awn Caun�cil ta present #he o�tiarrs for addressing the desire to al�vw kitchen facilities in accammoc�ation unit�. � 2 � � � IV. RC1L�S UF THE REVIE1NlN�G B�DIES RezoninqlZc�ne District Boundary Am�ndment Plan�ing and En�rironmental G�ammissian: The Planning and Enviro�rraental Cvmmission is adv�isory #Q the T�vur� Cou�cil. The Planr�ing and Envirvnmental �omm�ssiort shall review the proposai arrd make a recommendation ta the Town GQUr�cil vn the carrrpatibility �f the prc�pvsed zc�ning wi#h surrounciing uses, consistency with the Vail Cornprehensive Plans, �nd impact an th+� general w�l�are af the cammunity. �esi�n Re�ri�w Qnard: Th� Design Review Board has na��►riew authority on zaninglrezonings. 5t�ff: The staff is responsit�le for ensur�ng that all submittal requirem�nts 2�re provided. The stafF a�vises the applicar�t �s tc� comp�iance with fhe Z�nir�g Regulatia�s. StafF pra�ides a s�aff memo containing bac4�ground c�n th�e prQperty and provides a staff evalua#ian of the project with respect t� the requir�ed criteria and findings, and a recornmentiation on apprv�va�, apprvval with canditions, or d�nial. �taff als� facilitates the re�riew process. T�rnrn Caunc�l: � The Town Courr�ii is responsible fvr final apprvr►alldenisl Qf � z�nic�glrezc�ning. The Town Coun�il shall review and approve the �rr�pas�l based an the com�atibility c�f th� prt�pased zaning with surr�iundEng uses, consi�tenGy with the Vaii �Ct�mprehensiv� Plans, and im�act vn th�ger��:r�l welfare af the community. V. APPLICABLE PLANNIhJG E]pCUMENTS� Zvnin� Fte-�ulati�ns ��-�-�:A�r�nrfln��nrr.� A. Prescripflt�n: The regulatror+s prescrr,�ed' rrr this tit�e arrd the bound�r�es o�the distrr`c#s ��tawr� on the ��ficial zoninr�m�� may b�arnend�d, c�r repeafec� by �he tvw,� cvuncr`� lr� accordance wrth fhe pr�cedures prescribed' ir� this ch�pter. 8. �nitiation: �. An amendment of the regufatior+s o� thi� title r�r a ch�ng� rn a�rsfrict 6aund�ries rrray �� inifiated by the town caun�iJ on it� ov►+n moti�n, �b� th� planning and environmentaf c�omrr�ission on its own mvtiorr, by pe�ition ot arry resrcient ar pro�a�rfy awr�er in the tc�wn, or 1�y�,h�admr',nistratar. �. A petitian far amendme�nt vf the regufativns or a change in dist`rict �oundaries shall be filed �n a farm ta 6� pr�scriL�ed 6y fhe adrrrinrs�raf�r. The �aefrti�n shall incfude a summary�f the propose�'revr'si�rn of th�regvfatlons. ar a complet� cfescriptr`on of proposed char��es ir+ drstrrct bour�daries and a m�p indrGatin� fhe �xi�ting and proposed di�tric�boundarres. !f the petitian rs for a � charrge irr district br�urrdaries, th� p�tition �halJ include a lrst of the Q�ners c�f al!properties wrfhirr f,he baur�daries of the area #a be rezQr�ed r�r changed, arrd 3 � � � �he prvperty ac�jacent thereto. 7he owners' Irst shall includ� the names �f all owr�ers, fher"r mai�ing �rad street address�s, and th� l�gal descrr'ption of fhe prvperty own�� by each. Accc�mparrying fhe Ils# shall be stamped, addressed env�lopes tv each own�r to t�e used for the marJing of the notrce af hearing- The petitrpn alsQ shadl rncl�rde such addifrQraal ir�for�nafic�n a��arescrrbed by�he admin�sfra�or. Tawn af Vail Land Use Plan M�di�m Der�sify F�esiderrtiaf — Tfre medium den�ity residen�i�l categ€�ry includes hn�sing WF1fCI7 wau�d typrc�lly be designed as a�ached units wfth comm�rn wa!!s. C7�nsrties in this cafegory tnfpuld range fram 3 to 14 dcvelJirrg units per b�ilc�abl� �cre. AcJditiana! fype� nf �rs�s in thrs cate��ry wauld rnclud� priva��e recreati�n facili�i�s, private ,�arking facilifies and institutronal/pubfic r�ses s�ch as parks and operr space, churches, an�{fire sfafiar�s. Resvrt Accomm�dafians and Senrice — Thrs area rr�clr�d�s ac�rvities aimed af accr�mmodafing the �vernrght and .shvrt term visit�r t� fhe area. Primary u�es inclrad� hotefs, Iodges, service sta�ians, and parkirrg sfruct�res (with densities up ta 25 dwelfing urrrfs �r accommoda�iorr unrts per burlda6l� acre), Ttr�ese are�s are arier�t�� taward v�hicc�lar access from r-7D, wrth o�her suppc�rt c�mr�7er'Ci�1 and busine�s servr�es inclraded. Afso allowed in fhis ca�egor}�, woufd be rnstitufional uses arrd variaus m�nici,�a!us�s. � Ghapfer 1!—Lan�f Use P1an Gaaf�'Pnlicies 1.1 Var'1 shou�d can�rnue tv graw ir� a cantro�led er+vironmen#, maintaining a balance 6etween resid�r�fial, commerclal and recrea�ional uses to serve bv�h �he visifor�r�d�he perman�r�t residcnt. 1.3 The quality of der�elc�pment sh�ulc� be maintained and upgraded wf�e,�ever possi;ble. �.12 Vail shv�rld accvmmoda�e mast of the additiona� gr�wfh in existing d�velQped areas (ir�fill areas). 3.1 7he hDte!b�d base sho�ld be preserved anc� used mc�re e�frcier�tlY- 3.� The Village and Lir�n�head areas are the �aest facafian for hvtels to serve the fufr�r� needs of the desfr'natforr s�Ciers. 3.3 Hofels are r'mpor�ant ta the can�inued success nf the Toav°n af Vaif, fherefore �vnversion tv c�ndvminiums shor�ld be discouraged. � 4 � � � VI. Z�NIN�G t4NAL'�f'SiS T�e fallowing �oning �nalysis provides a comp��is�n af the de�elapmet�t pa#er�t�al currently allowed �ander the Public Acccrmmadation �P1�} District #a that vf th� propased Public Accommvdation �� (PA-2) District. Lega� Descrtption: Lc�ts �-12, Buffh�r Cree#� Resubdsvisir�n Lant� Use �esignati�n: Medium Qensity R�sidentia€ Lvt Siz�: 86,597 sq. ft.f�.98� acres Development S�andar� PA PA-2 Lc�t Area: 1�,4Q�D sq.ft. min. 1 C1,�04 sq.ft. min. 5etbacks: �0' all sic�es* 2(}' all sides* Height: 48 feet 48 fe�t GR�A: 129,895 sq fk.'�* 129,895 sq. ft.""* Qensity+G�ntrvl: 49 du's 49 du's Site Co►�erage: 55°I� car��i,288�`'`� �5°Ia t�r 56,288 *�** Landscapir��: 25,9�'� sq.ft. min. 25,9�9 s�. ft. mir�. � Parking Per Chapter 14 af Per Chap�er 10 of the ZQr�ing the Zoning Regulations R�gulations " S�e Sectrans 9�-7J-6 and �t�-7A-B for furfher detarls ""' At the cfrscrefior�of t,�e PEC per Seetiarts 12-7A-8 andi2-7J-8 '''"` At the r�rs�refiorr of t,he PEC per Sectrons �2-7A-9 and?2-7J-9 VII. SURROUhldING LAND l!5€S ANQ ZC}N1NG Land lJse Zoninq �lt�rth: Residen#iai Twa Family P'rimaryl5econ�lary South: l-7C1 RD1N NIA East: Residential Two Farraily Prim�ryf5ecot�ciary West: Resid�ntial Resic�entia� Cluster Vill. GFiITERIA AND F1NQiM�GS Am�ndment tc� the O�ficial Zoni� Ma of the Town o#Vail rezonin �hapter 3, Adrninis#ration �nd Enfarce�ent, Title 1�, Zoning Title, �f the Vail Town Cade autharize� amendm�ntS i� the flfFic�al Zonis�� Map af the Town �i` Vail. Pursuant�� Section 12-3-7, Amendments, in part, � 5 � � � "ar� applicati�� �o amend the dis#rict bc�r�ndaries caf �he �r�nrr�g Map may be r'rritiated by petitr'on of any resident or properfy awner in the Tawn." Furthermare, S�;ctio� 12-3-� C prescribes th�e criteria �nd findings the Planning and Envir�nmenta� Cammissian and Tr�wn �a�rncif shall cans�der with respect #o a request to amend the Zoning Map. The a�plicant is se�king a re�ornmendation vf a�praval to rez�ne Lots 9-12 Buffher Creek Resuhdivisican from Pu�lic Accommod�tian �PA) district tc� the Pubiic Accommvda#ion-� (PA-2) distric�. A�cardir�g tv Sectivn �2-3-� C, af the Vaii Town Cod�, Befare acting on an app�ication far a zQrre distncf boundary amendmen�, #he F'lanning and Environmenfa! Commrssrvn and Taw'n C�uncil shall corrsider #he follvwirrg factc�rs with respecf tr�fhe requested zone district baundar�am�ndment: 1. Th� extent ta w�i�h the zane district amendment is cvnsistent with �If the applicat�le e�ements vf #he adapted gvals, abjectives and polici�es outlined in tha Vail Camprehensiv� Plan snd is c�vmpatible with the de�elapment o�ij�cti�res af the Town� a�d Secti�n V of this rnemorandum autlines the ga�ls �nd �olicies that are rele�vant to the propcaseci rezoning 4f Lots 9-1�, Buffi�er Creek � R�subdivisi�n. According to Section 12-7J-9: Purpase; Pu61ic A�comm�dativn-2 [PA-�} {7�lS�CICf, "Th�publrc accc�mrnQdatic+n-�dJstric�is intended ta pravrcle srres for Iodg�s, lrmrted service lod�es, and r�sidenti�!a�comrrroda�ic�ns on � short t�rm b�srs, iQr vrsifors and guests, tdge�her wrth such pubfic anc! semipublrc faciliti�s and commercrallretar"I and related visi�or ori�nfed uses as may be appropriatelylc�cated wr'thin th� �arr�e distrrcf and cQmpatible with adjacent larrd uses. Thrs d'istrict is int�nded to,provide for Igdgrt�g sites�v�at�d outside fhe periphery af the T�wr�'s Vai1 Village and Lianshead cr�mm�rcial care areas. The p�rblrc accorramodafion— �disfrrcf is in�errd�d fo �nsure ad`equafe Nght, air, open space, and ofher amenities cQmrr�ensurafe with ladge uses, and tv maintain the desirable resort qualifiss�f the disfrict bp�stabfishing approprrate s�te d�ve�apment st�ndards. Addi#ional rranresrdentral uses are a!lowed a��r�ndrticrnal uses which enhan�� fh�nature �f Vart as a uacatic�n community, and where permitted us�s are ir�ferrded fo f+�rac#ion compatibly wifh the high density Jad�ing charact�r of the Q�I�aStrJ�'i�,xr This �c�ne [�ist�ic#was specifi�ally devefoped to provide incentives far praperties t� redevelop as limited service Ifldges. The ul#imate goa� af � these incentives is create�ariety�nd di��rsity�mangst resort I�dging unEt 5 � � � types. Arsy future redevela�ment ��#he praperty w�iE� be require� t� camply with the�tandards outlined far de�elapment in the district. The praposed rezanir�g is consistent and campatible with the Vail Comprehen�iv� Plan and fhe Tawn's �evel�pment c�bjecti�ves. 2. The extent to which the zone dis#rict amendment is suitab[e rn►ith the existing an� pvtential land uses ar� the site and existing and patentaal surrounding land uses as �et out in the Town's actapted planning documents; and The Public Accc�mmvdation-2 district es�ablishes zvn�ing that is cansistent with bath existinc� and praposed uses vn the parc�l. The prc��ased us� of the p�-c�perty will remain �s a l�dge thus prov�iding 5hork-te�'m ac�arnmodatians fr�r guests a�d visifor� to th�Town. The zon� distri�t amendm�nt is con�istent with existing and potentia� u�es c�n surrounding �roper�ie�. Acc�rding to the V�il Land I�se �Ean, the adjQininc� lar�d use designativns include Mediurr� I�ensity Resi�ential. Pursuant tv the Plan, the existing land use designat'ran is Medium Clensity Residentia{ and is r�ot �r�pose� to chang� with thi� appficatio�. Gir�en th�t the existir�g us�; is a Iv�dg� ir� khe m+�dium density residential lancf use desi�nated area and that the new uss �s not a �ubstantial chan��, stafF believes that ti�e amendment is suitable wkth the exis�ing antfi potential � land uses surr�unding the sit�. 3. The extent to which the zone distric# arner��dment presenfs a harmonious, con�enient, worka�le relationshi� among land uses �cvnsi�tent wi#fn m�nici#�al de��lapment objectiwes; and The Public Accamm�d�tion-2 disfrict is con�istent with th� exis#ing and prvp�sed use af the p�operty. The proposed zon� d�s�r%ct implement� specific go��s af the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff b�fiev�s that the prnposed re-zoning presents a I�armani�us, convenier�t, and work�b6e relatic�nship with land uses in the area consistent with the existing and pra�ased use of the praperty. Far exampie, wi�i[� the c��erall density of d�velflpment an the Rvost �o�ge develc��m�nt site will increase as a res�lt of the �one district ba�ndary amer�dment and subsequent redevelvpment tF�e dewelop�nent standards od tine Public Accomrnodation-� district ensures a wflrkable rel�tionship amon� land uses. The anly reai distinction an future development under the Public Accornmoda#ion district versus ihe Public A�cvmmadati�n -2 �istrict is th� presence of limited servic� f�dge units that c�ntain kit�hen fac�ti€ies. 4. The extent to which the zone district am�n+dm�nt prvr►ides for the gr�wth of an �rderly viable corr�muni#y and daes not canstitute spot zoning as the amendmen� s�rves the best interests of #he cs�mmunity as a whole; and � The pro�osed re-znning establishes �vn�istenk zoning for the property, This re-zaning will create a zone district �onsistent with the existing and 7 � � � p�c�posed use of the properky. fhe proposed re-zongng and develapmen� plar� provide for tF�e developrnent of a� orderly viable community cansi�tent with the Tawn's de�relopm�nt 3r�terests as expr�ssed in the Vail Land Use F'lan. For instanc�, the purpose �f the P�ublic Accc�mmo�ati�n-2 district is, in gart, "�v provide sites for Jodge�, hvfels, fraefivnal fee clu6s, lodge dwellrng units, �nd li,mr`ted service 1Qdg� unlfs". 5taff b�lie�es tha# this am�ndment further� the development vbjectives �f the 7nwn and �erves the b�st interes#ot the cammunity as a whal�. 5. The extent tQ which the �a�ne district am�n�iment res�lts in ad�rerse or beneficial impacts Qn the natural enviranment, including bu# nc�t iimited ta wa#er quality, air quality, noise, veget�tion, ripariar� �nrridnrs, hilf�ides and �ther cf�sirah4e natural features; and The prapvsed re-za�ing wi�� nvt significantly�Iter the existing character or uses aflowed an the s%te. As such, staff d�es nvt far see any adv�ers� impacts �n t�e natural environment �o i�ciude w�ter qualiry, air quality, noise, vegetation, etc. fi. The extent ta wfiich th� zane district amendme�t i� consistent wi#h #he purpose statement of th� proposed zorr� district. The Public Ac�vmmodatiQn-� �istric# is prapased for the �ubject property. The prap4sed zane district is consis�ent with the inte�ded pur�ose of that zane district. � T. The extent tv which the zvne distric# amendm�nt demonstrat�s haw cand�tions ha�e char�ged s�nc+� the zoning de�ign�tion o€ t�e sul�ject prcap�rty was adopted and i� no longer a�propriat�. Sin�e the �riginai ��option of zvning on the property, the T�wn of Vail has underga�ne �n extar�sive grovv#h and change. P�s �uch, the Tawn has a�opted clearly identifiable go�ls arad o�jectiv�s for dev�iopment in this generai area of Touvn. ln arder t� �rt�ure that these gc�als anc4 abjectives far devekopment are c�rri�d o�t, the Towr� adapked the Public Accommod�tior�-2 district. �f approved, the applicant will be af�ordEd the apportunity to r�deve[op �he site with the Town's gaals in mind. S. Such oth�r factors and criteria as the CQmmis�ian andlnr +Courr�cil deem applicable�o the pr�apos��d reza�nint�, IiC. STAFF RE�QMAAE'NOAT��]N The Cr�mmunity Qe�elopTnant D�partment recommends that the Planning a�d Enviranmental Ct�mmission forw�rds a re��mmendation of apprc►val af an amendmen� fa �h� �3�cial Tawn c�f Vail �oning Map, pursuant tca Chapter 3, Title 12, Zonin� Re�ufatior�s, Vail Tr�wr� Co�ie, to rezvn+� Lots 9-12, Bufi`rr�r G�eef� Resubdiwis€an to the'V�ail Tawn C�unci�, subj�ct t+�the fallowing condition; � s � � � 1. That the rezvning shall anly become effective upor� the adopt�an af an ordinar�ce duly establish�ng the Puk�lic Accommo�ati�n-2 district, as presently contemplated �y the Vail Tawn Council. Ska�F's recammendation is bas�d upo� the review c�f the criteria autlined in Sectian II111 of this mem�randum a�d the evidence and tes#imcany �reser�ted, subject #a the fallowing findings: "Befvre reeQmmendir�g and/c�r granfing an approval of ar+ appficati�on fnr a 2ane distrtcf b�undary amerrdment fhe Planning & Enviranme,�tal Cammission �nd �he Tawn cou,�e�� �,��rr r���r� the fallc�wing findings with respecf fo the requ�sted am�ndment: i. Thaf fhe amendm�nt is consisten� with �he adapfed gaa�s, objecfives and policies �uflined irr fhe Var� Compr�het�sive Plan and c�mpatrble wi�h the develnpmenf objectrves of the Town; and 2. Thaf the ame+�dme,�t is comp�frbfe with and surtable �o adj�eer�f uses and a,ppropriate far th�surrvu�rdrng areas; ana� 3. That the amendrnent�rvmo�es the healfh, safety, ,morals, and genera! welfare of the Tt�wn a�td promotes �h� caordinafed and harmc�niaus a"evelopment �of fhe Town in a manner that cvnserve� and enhances it� natural en�rironment and r�s es���lr`shed character as a r�sort and � residentraf cnmmunify cr�the highesf qualify." 3�. ATTACWM�NTS A. I�iciniry'Map � 9 � 2 , i �,, 4 4 F� � F>k � , 'v� �� �`�. �.��� � ,. � �.6�. � , � : � . - v �. . 4l .��' � h .�i �..� `� ... ��� 4 n � . �� > � �1 �f �y ��� ��� �fry�p.>: �.�� I �-.�ry � f� ���t 4�+ '.F` h �'N � / ? � Y:, 4 Y' ti I M�i y� � 1 ,�}' b `' .r r� w�4 �, t�t x� �.t �'�� � . r�S ��` � � - � rr � "�y :.� ,� '^�y"�'�.���,.`��'� y�'a 5',. ° �.'�` � � +, 'v _ �hy k'; ` . uN�� ,� �.��, r z � y�Yp Y � �1�'°F4 ...NY� � � `YS�Fi�✓k'� ��'�F y L��T H:r�Y;��y f . 4'�� �� � —— � .I. G ^ '� �'���� �I Y4$�d����''�y�ip3k��F�t,��cJ�r � � `� 's� '�'�3,�.�r�A$�'�3��.�M��'�1 k!S`�v� �'' p� - ���' � �.> �;b` �'. 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UJ I I ��� �y�� �.'�, ' 4.{ w+ , ,�, Q ! ,�1`/ . ,�4 •. h� " .,. � � � f .. �,y,,b . j. �� n, t!� r �v'!4 yt � ' {R . �,i �` (] S'"�I � • 1' „ �- __ � ry , �' � � � W� ; ...,� 1;.`;•. . � .'� y �� �I �r,f k i �'* ❑ � � � � Projert Name: TIMBERLII�� RDUST VARIAI�CE PEC Number: P�C�60fl12 Prnject D�scri�tion: I�MB�RLINE L�DDCE REQEVELC]PMEN7 PRDJECT(F�JI�ME�i R405T Lt]QGE)-FINAL APPf�4VAL FQR,4 VARIANCE FR�M DESiGIV GUi�ELINES SEC�T[QN 3, MIIVIMUM CEN�i'ERLINE TURNING f�ADIUS C?F 4(}". Participants. OWI�ER TIMBERLINE R�OST LDDGE LLC fl2j�3JZ�Ofa 12 VAIL RD VAIL C� 81657 APPLTCAf�T �AURIELLQ PLANiVIN� �Rf�L#R, LLa2,�03J�006 �hone: 97�0-748-09�0 PC} BG+X 1127 AV(]N Ct7 81524 Lice r�se: COCIQaa 1697 � ProjeCt Oldc�re�s: 1783 iV Fk��NTAGE RD WEST VAIL Laca#ion: Ttl� ROOST L[3DGE Leg�i Descriptic�n: Lot: 9, 1 Blac�C. Subc�irr�si4n: 6UFFER CREEK R�SUB Par�ce� Nu�nber: 2103-123-{]2(7Cl-I Comm+�nts: Fees Refunded Ba�FtuJST►aF��cr�or� Mat�on By: Acdon: WITNDRWN 5e+cand By: Vr�te; Date af Approv�l: CQnditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN}; �to ehang�s�a th�se p4ans may be made without the writken cvnsent of Tav+rn csf Vail staff and/or the appropriate review comrr�ittee�s). C�ind: 3{3D P�C approval shall �ot I� n�t be�ame walit# fc��2(}days followin�the date c�f appravaf. � Plann�r: George Ruther P�C Fee Paid: $50b.Q� � � Planning and Env"rrvnrr�er��al �Comnrri�son � l�►�TI�I�►�I F�RM . # Departm�nt af C�ammunitY Developrnent r�y������ ' 75 5c�uth Frontage R�ad, Vail, C�lorado 81657 1 u tel: 970.479.�J.39 f�x: 970.479,2�4�� �v�x.r���r•ret�[�o���_�;° W�Eb: Yr�WW.V�PIgOV.COfTF Praject lVame: PEC Nur[tber; PEC05fl081 PEC Ty�e: TIM�EFt'LT�IE L4�G� C�lP Prajec#description� T�MBERLIN� LC}C]GE REDEVEI:QPMENT PRCJJ�CT�F�RMER RC3C75T LOQ��) Participants: dWNEk TIM6ERLiA[� ROC]ST L�DGE LLC 1�1Jilf 2G105 12 VAIL RD VAIL CC} $1�i57 APPLICAf�T MAU�tIELLt] PLANNING GR�UP, LL10ji1J2C1{l5 PE�one: 970-74&�9�0 PCJ 64k 1127' AVON CQ 816�f1 Licens+�: COQOOU1�97 Proj�ct Address; 1783 fV FRaNTAGE Rtl WEST VAIL Location: �THE R005T L{�DGE Legai DreS�rip�tit�n: Lnt: 9, 1 6lack: SuF�dir�isian: 6UFFER CREEK RESUB Farcel Numb�r: 2103-123-�240-1 Gomments: 6UARD/;STAF'�ACTIUN Ma#ion By: A+�tion: NIITF��RWN Secand By: yote: aate vf Appraval; Meeting Efa#e: Ca�sditions: Cand: 8 {PLAN}: f�o changes tr�th�se plans may �e made►+vithout the wri�ten consent of Town of V�il stafF andJar the apprvpriate re�iew committee�s). Cand: 30[� PEC approval s�all n�t be not becorn�valid �or 20 days faklowin�the date of appraval. Planner� Gevrge Ruther P�C Fee�'aid: $65U.a� � . � � � �,� � Ap�li��tiort for R�rrlew► I�y� the : - .� Planning and En�ironmental Comm�ssian � �� s� �a��'����,� ��';��� Department of Cornmunity C7evelopment 75 Sauth Frantage Road,Vail,Colorado 81b57 te1.970.�79.�139 fax: 970.479.�45� web: wwWU.ci.�v�ik.co.us General Inf�rrnation: All proje�ts requiring Pianning and Environmental Cammissipn re�iew must receive approv�l prior to submi�ting a building permit appli�at�an. Please refer to the subtrrittal r�quirements for the particular apprvvai that is requested, An applicatian far Pl�nning and Environmental CvmmissiQn review Cannot he a�cepted until aEl requare� inFarmatian _ is r�cei�ed by the Community Q�ve€opmee�t Dep�rtmenk. The praje�# may alsa need ta be reviewed by the Town Gounc"sl and�or the Design R�e�+iew Board. Type of App#ic�tian and F��: ❑ Reaoning $13�� �Conditional lJse Permik 5650 C] Major S�bdivision $rS�1Q 0 Floodplain Modification 54�(l f7 N7inc�r Subdivisian 5G50 � Mi�ar Exteridr Alteration 555� ❑ �xempiion �lat �650 0 Major Exterior Aiteration �80[] �l Minor Amendment tfl an S[]d �1�d� 0 Qe�elopment Rlars $1�a� �, ❑ �lew 5peciai Develapment aistrict 55p(}q � Amendment ta a Development Plan ��5� ❑ Majvr Amendment to ar� Sflb ��iQ�QO � ��aning Cade Amendment $130a p�^ ❑ Ma}or Amendment ta an SDD �1250 ❑ Variance �SaO ���i (no exterior modificatronsJ � Sign Variance �2U0 � D�SCriptian of the R+equest: M��iar Exteric�rAlter tia!n af the�istincl Roost Lodc7�Qrvaerty includinc� �. � a text�mendment, and cvnditioraaJ use nermft Lacation c�f th+� Praposal: Lot: 9-1� Block=5ubdiv�s3an: Bu�Fer Creek F�esub � Physical Acldress: 17$3 North Fror�taa� Road � Parcel No.. �103123(?2401 ( Eagle Ga. Assessor at 97�-328-854�far parcel n�.} � Zaning: PuhGic Ac�amrnadatian PA Narne(s] of Qwner{s): .. 'ft�►�a�'4��',.�BS� 1��7('ste� � Lr+�.� Mailing Address: i2 V'ail Raad,. Suite 600, Vail. CO 81657 Phorte. �#7G-1�16�4 Owner(s} Sigr�ature{s): _ _ Name of Applicant. Re res�nted b Mauri�lla Plannin Gtrou LLC Maiiing Address: .._PO �ox 11�7 Avc�n C{�$1b�#Q Phone: 748-0320 �-mail Address.rnauraelloC�corneast.net Fax: 748-0377 Far�Office Use�nly: . ` Fee Pa�C�: ��'�t, .� Check N[3.: �..�.,� L. By; [{ w v��c��i�v°,.-i 4 i< �� x �1- �_ty�.:� [�.4.-�_ � ApPPicati[�n pate: PEC�lo.: __. Pl�rtner: Pr4�e�t Nd.: f19�0?i05 (��'��`'� � ��� ��� � � ���� � � � � ~ a� .�� I v�11��Y�IU � T"H!S �TEM MAY AFFE�T Y�7UR PROPERTY PUBLIC �'�JOTlCE N�7TlGE I� HEREBY �IVEhJ that the Pfar�ning and Environmental C�mmissian af t�t� Tawn of Vaii wiif hol�i a public hearing �n accardance wfth se�tivr� 92-3-6, Vai! Town Cade, an hfovember 28, 2�05, at 2:pfl pm in the Town of Var"I M�rnicipal Building, in cnnsideration of: A i��uest for � �r�ai rewtew �f a mi�ror am�ndmer�t #o Special Dev�lc�pment District N�. 3�, ��aur Seasc�ns Hated}, Pursuant to Sectivn 1�-9A-10R , Vai! Tv►�u�n Cad�, to aF�aw �ar a new mixed-use hotel project, loc�ted at 13 Vai� f�vad and 28 South Frontage Roadl�,afs A and �G, Vai� Vil�age Fil��g 2, and setfing fa�th details irr regard theret�. App�+cant: Vai� D��v�lopment, �LG, represente�d �}�Tfiom�s �. Br�nk Plann�r: Matt Gennett A request fvr a fina! r�view ofi a c�ndit�ana� use permit, pursuant #o �ectic�n 12-7A-3, d,�,�4�� l C�an�i�iona! Use�, Vai� T�wn Cod�, tv a��vw fiar fhe constructio�t of �24 �ccnmm�da#i�n �` .� .;� ur��ts with ki#chen faciliti�s, iQCated �t �783 Norti� Fron#age RaadlL�ts 9-12, 8�rffehr ����4���` � �re�l� Resubdivisi�n, and setfin�forth details i� regard thereto. � � ' Applic�nt: Tim�e�line Raost Ladge, LLC, repres�nt�:d by Mauri�if� Plannin� Gro�p, �LG Planner: �e�rg� �uther A req�uest f�r a final r�view vf a v�riance, �rc�m S��tion 12-fiD-fi, S�thacks, Vail fipwrr C�d�, purs�rant tc� Chapter 12-�7, Variances, Vail t�wn Cade, f� allow fvr a deck within th� setk�ack, ��cated at 1$35 West Gore Creek DrivelLot 20, Var! Village W�st Filing 2, ` �nd �etting fc�r defails in reg�rd tY��r�to. i App����n# Kevin R�ley and �fate Skaggs ; Pfanner: Elisat�eth Eckel � The appfcafior�s arrd infc�rmation abo�rt the propc�sals are availat�fe fvr�a�rblic inspe�tivn i durir�g afFice hours at the T�wn �f V�i! �ommunity Develapr�a�n# Departme�r�, 75 S��rth �ron#�ge Road. The public i� invited ta a�end proj�ct ori�ntatiQn �nd th� site�isits that precede th�e public hearing in the Tvwn af lfail C�mmuni�ty Devel�pment Qeparkment. Please ca�i 97U-479-2138 for addi#ional informatior�. 5ign languag� interpretation is availab�e �pan request, with 24-hvur rrotificafion. Pleas� c�l[ 9�0-4�79-2356, Telephvne for fhe Hearing impaired, f�ar�nfarmation_ Pu�fished Nc�vember 11, ,��QS, in fhe Vail a�iiy. � � � � Prvject Narne: TTMBE�tLTNE RaOST REZ�hITNG PEC Numt�er; �E�aS��.�3 Pr�jecC De�cription: TIMBERLI3VE LODGE aEDEVELaPMENT PR4}J�CT(F{3RMER RC3aST L(3a�E)-FINAL AFPROVAL FQR R�ZC)NING TO A NEW ZC�NE QIST�ICT PA-2 Participants: {3WNER TIMBERLI�I� Fi�}OST LC}DGE LLC 12J2�,12�}05 12 VAIL RD VAI L CO 81fi57 APP4.IC�WNT MA#JRIELLf3 PLANNING GROUP, LL1�/2Zj2005 Phvrte: 970-748-(192D PO BOX 4127 AVON ca 81�za Lieense. Cfl(}(7�D1697 � �raject Addr�ss: 1783 N FRDfVTAGE RD WES'#�VAIL Lacation: IE RDQS7 LDaGE Legal De�riptian: Lot� 9, 1 61ock: Subdir►isian: BUFFER CREEK RESl36 Par�el IVumher: 2103-1�3-02i]0-� Comments: See Ordinar�ce No. 3, 5eries of 2(]06 BOAF�D f'�TJ4FP,ACTI�M Mr�tir�n 6y: Kjesb� ACtian: AFPR�VEf3 Secvnd By: V�efe Vote; 6-�0 l]ate of Appraval: Q1J(l9/2��6 Conditivns. Condw 8 {PLAN}: N�changes to these pians rnay be made withaut the writken consent of Town of Vail staff a�d/vr the appropr�ate review�nmmittee(s�. Planner: Genrge Ruther PEC Fee t�aid: $1,30Q.�0 � , -- —__ — -- - George Rufher- Roost re-developm�n � Pa�� - _.._ . , .._ . . _._:�..�_ --_ .... ,�� m�....�,,,gw -.�.� �.�.�„3�...�.� � From: �RMGVAIL a��t�l.com- To: r�ruth�r@wailgov.c�m� Oate: f]2J1012�1�}�8:2f1:33 AM 5uh;�e�t: Rnr�st re-deve9v�rr�ent G�orge I wanted to give y�u som��►f my feelings as a near kry, long term resident af fhe iower east Buffer Cr�ek r��ighbarhovd, an the new R�ast project_ First of afl the massive nature of this projeck does not seem to fit the area ar�d se�ms tc� ernly be a �aenefit for the developers.Atter wiewfng the c�neept disc I became aware af how�xt�r��ive and f�ll this �roject is as planned. lf allowe� to f�e built�s p3ann�d all the pra�ert�es to tt�e N�rth would ha�e their�iews a�d sun sewerely cvmprami�ed. I �9a understand �he developers desire to maximize t�here de+reioprnent potentia6 but to dp i#at the expense o�the neighbors�nd wi#h little rer�ard for aesthetics. I f�ee6 fhe property s�rauld at ieast be d�e�elaped ta#he stand�rds af the r�e�r by Vail Carr►mons and possibly to a hi�#�er level.As many of us know�'ail is trying t� cF�ange for the kaetter and any new prof+�cts shoul:d �ae designed to rr�eet#he clesi+�n criteria ihat w611 be needed for the r�ext fifty to one hundred years.TF�i� projects design d�aps back to#he eighties or euen the s�venties and ha�ing lived in th� nefghborhaad sinc� 1972 i d� know what that laaks like. I dc� kaope we as �group�an help this project m�et the needs of c�ur camrr��nity without ruinirtg th� neighborh�oad and upsetting the lor�g ter�n resid�:nts oi the area. Thar�k yo�a�or your war�C an this, � Sinc�reiy, Randall Guerriera 1859 Mead�w Ridge Rc�ad Vail �Co. t - � ----- _ _ _ _ Ge�rg� Ruther- Meeling with �bC:l'T on st Pae�e 1 � _ __ � _ _.. � Fr�m: "dominic Maura�lla" �mauriellv@car�cast.nets Tr�: '""Tam Kassmel'"�TKassmel rz wailgQa_cam�, ""Hudsr�n, Skip"' �Skip.Hutisor�a�DOT.STATE.CU.US3 [3ate: D1f�(}12�Ofi 3:54:46 PM Subject� Meeting with CC�QT on Roast Hi Tom: Greg and I had a�rery productive rneeting with 5kip Fiudson at GDC3T on Frid�y. 5k�p 4n gener�lly firre with vur pl�ns but there are IQ#s vf detaifs ta wark au#. It appear�the �rr�je�f�an be de�elop�d wathout changes to the current site plan�ting for the project. Here is a summary of the meeting: ' While T�V h�s indicater�generaus �ane widths, CQOT might allvw svme#hing more narrmw [i.e., 11'tr�vel lanesy; � ' Skip is generally f�ne w@#h the widening project being locakeci narth of th�f+�nce b�tw��n I-70 and Frantage Raad wh"rch we are assuming repr�sents the"P"or"B" IEne. UVe need to address impa�ts ta draina�e and'c�ther patenkial "wvrk" beyand#he fence line. * Skip w�s fi�e vvifh ihe design wtth c�nly one leff turn fa�ae tcs the main entrance and nane to tk�e eask access, as curren#ly programmed. ` Sk9�ti�ought th�desigr� waiver for the access spacing would not be�prablem b�sed c�n the circumstsnces and how closely the project�ames ta rneeting the requirement. A de�ign waiwer►ruQUld stil[be required in �ppfacatian process. ' Th�sidewa#k is fine and will need t4 he incl�ded ir� a sp�cial use�pplica#ior�. � � Utility changes wauld r��ed to b�addressed i� a ---- _ _._. ._ Gearge Ru#h�r- M�sting with C�aT�n st . '�age 2 . � ___ � _ . � sp�cial use appli�atian. * The transit sfop wauld need ta be req�rested by t�e "transit authority"to C��T[Charles Myer�. The imprc�v�mer�ts �i.e., shelter}wo�afd be included Fn#he sp�cial use permi#app�ication. ` Soil nailing. CDQT i�awaiking the c�nclusians reached by the FHA on the Four Seasor�s prvj�ct and will follr�w whatever direction gvven 4�y FHA fnr fuE�ure pr�rjects. C�ar� Lowder is th�contact at CD�T fc�r this issue. * All landscaping wiil be included in a landscape permitlspecial use applic�tion. Wi61 req�eire bonding t� remove imprr�vements if+ever neeessan/. Any irrigation system will aiso need to be detailed in the permit appfication. � ' We need to ura�i�erstand �row the Tow� will p�rmit its porti4n of the uvark. The permit prncess could be e�sier arsd rnc�re streamlined if the Tpwn uv#�er�e to cantract and canstruct the�ntire R!W impravements as a rraadw�y impro�ement project. Ski�nee�s to understand this project wi�l be approached and permitted. Skip, let me and Tarn kr�ow if yot� have any additional camments. Thanks, �[�rrsinic F. Maurrello,AICP Maurielfo Plannir�g Grvup, LLC P� �ox 1127 56a1A Wildridc�e Raad Avon, Colorado S 1 C�D � �97�) 748-U92�] phane __ ___ - _... . � Ge�rge Ruther-Meeting with C[�C7T on �st � Pag�3 i � {97fJ}T48-0377 fax �97Q]376-33�$ c�ll mauriello'�--7a ct�mcast.rset C+C: ",Ge4rge Rs�ther�" �GR�t�her@va€1gou.carn�, ,��Greg �astineau'" �greg a�timberlin�ra.cam> � � � � � �����CJ'G MEMQRANflUM � TC}: 4�lannir�g and Environm�ntal �C�mmission FRQM: Community Devel�vp�nent De�artm�nt DATE: Janua�y+23, �flQ6 SUBJECT: A request for a final review of a maj�r exterior alt�e�tion, �ursuant to 5�ction 12-7J-12, Major ExteriQr Alterati�r�s or Mvdifc�tions, Vail Town Code, to allc�vu for tf�e ��nstructinn af the TimberlFne Lcadge, Iacatec� at 1783 Nort#� F�`Qntage RoadlLots 9-1�, Buffel�r Creek 5ul�divasion„ and - s�t#ing fc�rth d�tails in regard thereta. SPEC475-00$�) Applicant: Timb�rlin� Raost Ladge, LLC, represented by Mauriella Plan�ing Grc���, LLC Planner: �eorge Ruther I. SUMIIflAFt'�' The purpose c�f today's work s�ssir�n h��ring with the Plar�ning and E�vironmental Cammission is to alG�rw the applicant and staff an c�pportun�ty to � present t�e re�ised ma�Qr �xterior al�erativn application to �llc�uv �vr t�e c�nstruGtio�n of Timberline LcrcSge. The pres�ntation will include: . A pawerpoint presentation of t�e 2�pplic�nt'� revised major ex'teriar aV#erati�n request and asso�ciat�d c�eveiap�ent applic�tions; • A summary �f the staff and DRB eommer�ts an the revised majar exteriar alteratian request; !� ■ A summary af the CQmmission's roles in th� develr�pment re�+i�w praeess; • An �ovenr�ew of the applicabie ��view criteri� t� be used by th� Commissic�n; and • A summary af the deveivpment st�ndards and zoning regulat3ans. Ti�e Commissiar� is not beir�g asked to ta�� any farma! action on this appli�atic�n at this time. As sucF�, staff is not pravidin�g a formal rec�mmendation a# this time. The Gammission, he�wever, is beinc� ask�d ta provide any �d�€tit�nal feec��ack r�garding the prcapos�! in anticip�tion of a final decision �t a future p�ablic hea�i�g. II. ❑E5�CRIPT[�N U� THE REQU�ST The applicant, Timberl�ne R��st Lcadge, L.L.C., representing by Ma�sri�1lo Planning Grou�, L.L.C., has submitted a revise� major exterior alt�:ratic�n devefopment rev�iew applicaticar� t� tfie Touv� of V�il �c�mmunity Develapment aepartment to faciVitate �he redevelo�m�r�t �f the Roast LQdg�, It�cated at 1783 � North Frontage Road, The develapment applicatian m�cl�des: 1 . � � " 1) A revised m�jor exteriar altera#ic�rr tc� �Ilow fvr the demolition of � the exlsting Raost f�odg� and the eonskructaan o� the new Timb�erline Lodg�, Th� d�v��lc�pmer�t sit�e of the TimberNne �odge is I�cated at 1�83 North �ronta�e RaadlLats �-12, BufFehr Creek Sub�iWisic��. Ac�ordTng tc� #he starr�ped to�vgraphic surv�y, the deve�vpment �ite oc�upi�s approximately 1.988 acres or 85,�97 squar� fee#. The applicant i� pr�posing to �vnstruct a new four ta six story t�lE Iadge comprised of 12f� accommr�dation units, 39 dwe�lir�g units, 3 emplr�yee I���asing �nits and 1�8 abov� and beic�w grade parking spa��s. The ap�fic�nt antacip�tes that the new Iodge wilf t�e ap�rated by Marriott ar an�#h�r nati�nal h�itel brand as a Nlimited service'� l�dge. As propQS�d, the accommr��ation units vary fr�m 463 t� 731 square feet w�ile the dwellsng ur�its are appraximately 8�4 square feet in size eaeh. T�re tnre� �ernpPoyee housing uniks are rc�ughly 4�a �qu�r� feet in size �ach and carrffgured to provide housir�g fo� a total Of fiv�e employees. As desigr�ed, the �xteri�r mate�iafs on t�e lodge are prt�pose�i to be a mixture af stone and woad s�din� with asphait shingle raofir�g. �xter�car de�ks ar�d balcvni�s have been added tQ th� building's fa�ad� aic�ng wit� a raaf ridgelin� of varying �eights to improve bath khe vertica! and hc�rizantai �rti�ulatian of#he building. A v�cinity map identifying th� loca�ron of the dev�€apment site has been att�ched far reference �Atta�hment A). ITI. B�ACKG�OIII�D � The Rovst Lodge was ariginally cor��tru�ted in khe early �97C�'s as a motel Project. The existing iodge contains 72 hot�! r�ams, one dwelling unit, and a pave� surfac� parking lat. Accor�dirrg tt� the Town's files, wit� the exception r�{ minor ap��E�ations f�ar repaint�ng, new d�ck rails, re�ro�fing, etc., the Roast Lodge has seen no significant rrtadificatic�ns since pt5 �riginal constru�tit�r�. C7n [�vvem�er 14 ar�d 28, 2�Q�, th� applic�nt appeared befc�re the Plar�ning & Er,vironmenta! Corr�missio� with a r�ques� t�a arnend the text of the PubfEc AccQmmc�dation zone district to aiFnw accorrarrtodatic�n units to includ� kitchen facilit�es, as a cora�iitianal use in the distric#. �lpan eo�sideration of the request, the �ammis�ion directed staff�nd the applic�nt ta pr�pare an am�r�dment wh�ch wfluld resul# �n the creatkcrn of a new zone district pur�os�;fully intended te� allaw ac�€�rntr�od�tic�n urrits to ir�cfude kitc�en facilities �n certain �reas t�f T�wn. C�n aecemaer �, 20�5, d�uring tF�� PECIDRB up�ate to the Vail Town Caur�cii, stafF informed the Town Council of the rec�ent discussions with the Plannin� & Envir�r�men#al Gommissi+an regarding the text amendment ant� the cr�atior� �f a new zane district. The Tawn CQUnc€I �cknowled�ed that the intertt af the pr�pvsed text �mendr�e�# may have merit, however, encauraged the skaf� and Cammissian tc� evalua#e other Qptions. Ft�r exampl�, the p4ssibility af Gr�ating a new �Qnditi�anal �se w'rth use specifi� criteria addr���ir�g tf�e relatiranship of the use tc� �th�r neig�bc�rinc� uses �nd developm�nt �bjectives of the T�wn or the � elimi�nation n# the prohibition against kitche� facilitie� in accc�mm�dati�r� units. The Town �ouncil expr�s�ed th�t it may be app�c�pri�te ta re-ev�luate the � � � Ie�islativa �nterrt of th�e current Eand ��e palicy prohibiting ki�chen facili#ies in � accammodataon units. C]n Clecem�er 24, 2Q�5, the Cammurrity Devei�pment departme�t presen�ed five possible �pti�ns for addressing the applicant's d�sire to c�nstruct a Iadge containing accqmrnodation units with kitchen facilities. Fvlkowing disct�ss�an of th� va�iaus opti+ons, the �Council d3re�ted sta�f ta prepare a text amendment to Title 12, Zoning R�gulatzc�ns, praposir�g the creation of th� Public Accr�mmr�dafion-� (PA-2) district. C�n January 9, 2�0�6, the Town of Vail Pl�nn�n� & Environmental Cornmission F�eid a pu�lic hearing on a text amendment application creatint� the Public Accomm�adatio�-2 di�trict an�d a request t�o reznne L�ts 9-'!�, Bu�Fher Cr�ek I�esubdivision to t�re new PA-2 d�stric�. Upon considerati�n of the application, the C�ammission voted 6-fl-(7 to f��ward a recammenda#ian �af approval of the tex# amendment to th� V�ii Tvuvn �Council. i3n Janu�ry 17, 2�D6, the Vail Tawn Council held a fi�s� reac#ing vn �rdin�nces 2 & 3, Series of 2�(�6, cre�ting �he Pu�lic Accornmadatifln-2 district and rezor�ing the T�mbe�line Raa�t L�dr�e dev�fapment site ta the new PA-2 district, respective�y. ��Ilowing discussion an �ach c�r�ina��c�, the Tawn +CQUr�cil approved both ordinances an f�rst reading. Secor�d reading c�f Ordinances 2 � 3 is presently schedu6ed for Tuesc�ay, February 7�'. Dn January 18, ���16, the Town af Vail Design Rev'tew B�ard held a conceptu�l � r�view meeting to reWiew #he revised major exterio� alteration applicati�in for the Timberline R�ast Locige. A summary of the �aard's cc�mments �an be faund in the ietter tc� Greg Gastineau, dated January �9, ��]06, and a�t�ch�d for re#erence {Attachment B� IV. ROLES t}F THE REVIEWI�JG BOARDS The purpos� of this section af the memar�ndum is to clarifiy#he res�onsibilith�s of the Design Re�riew Board, P1anning and Er�vironm�nfial �ommissi�n, Town Council, �nd St��f vn #he vari�us �pp4ications sutamifted �n behalf c�t Vail F�esorts D�eve�opment Carrrpany. A. Exterior i4lterativnlMa�ifica#�on in the Public A�cr�mma�{atio�-� zane dastrict Or�der caf Review: Generally, �pplications will be r�viewed first by the Pi�nning and Enviranment�i Commissian far impa�ts of uselde��lopment and th�n by the Desi�n �e�riew Board for compliance of pr�ipased bui9dir�gs �nd site planning. Plaraning and�Environm�,�taP Commiss�on: ; Action:The �ian�ing ar�d Environmenial Commissi�on is responsible f�r ' �nal �pprovalldenial e�f a MajorlMinar Exferior Alteration. The Planni�g and Envirra�ment�l Camm�ssi�r€� shall review the �r�posal for cort3pllance � with tYre adopted criteria. The P6anning and Environmental Carnmissian's a�proval �shall cs�nstit!uke a�prov�af of the basic form and }�scation vf improv�ements including siting, k�uilding setbacks, heic�ht, auildEng bull� 2�nd 3 � � m�ss, site impravements and lands�aping.°" � [�eslgn Revi�w Bvard: Actian:The �esign Review Bo�rd �as no review a�uthority on a Major or Minar Exteriar Alterati�n, but must rev3ew any a�co�npanying �]esign Rcvaew '�oard applicatinn. S�aff.� The sfaff is responsible for ensuring that a!C subrd-iittal requiremenfs ar� provided an� plaRS ca�rfarm tc� the i�c�nic�l requiremer�ts �f th� Zflnir�g Regulations. The st�ffi alsQ ad�rises the �pp�icant as to carnpfiance with the desi�r� c�uidelines. Staff �roVides a staffi rrremo cont�ining backgrt�un� arr �h� pr�perty and provides a staff eualuation of the project witFr res{�ect ta the required criteria and �nding�, and a r�commendati4n on appr�val, appraval wFth cc�ndititrr�s, or denial. Staff also facilitates the r�view prQCess. T�wn �nuncil: Acfions c�f �esign Re�iew Bc�ard ar Planning and Enve�rc�nm�r�tal � CQmmission m�y be appealed tp the Towr� Cauncil �r by the Town Council. Town Cou�cil eval+�ates whether c�r nc�t the Planrsing and E�vironrr�ent�l �or�mission or Desi�n Review Board erred wit�h �ppr�vals or der�ials and car� uphold, uphold wift� mc�r�ific�tions, or avertu�n the bc�ard's decisit�r�. V. APPLICr4BL� �LAI�NIh�G D(]CLJMENTS � Vail Land l.lse Pl�n Accar�iing #� the GfFiciaf Land Use Plan for the Town of Vaii, �he development s�te has a land use d�si�nation c�f Medium aensity Residential. Pursuant t� �he 11ai1 Land �Jse Plan, "The Nledium Qensrty Resrderrfiaf land use de�ignatian includes srte� for hou�rng which wauld typrcally be desigr�ed a� �tfached units w�fh cr�rrrmon wall�s. Qensffies rn thrs categvey wrauld range trom 3 tv fi4 dv�e�l�rrg unit�per buiJd�bfe aGre. ,4dditinnal types of uses in this c�tegory wauld ir�el�de privat� re�re�tion facilities, priv�te parking facrfifies and irrstifutronallpublic us�s such as Ghurches, fire sf�fi+�r�s, arrd parks and apen space f�cilrtr�s." Titl� 12, Zaninq Rec�ulat9arts �UBLIC A�C�DIV�MODA7tC�Ml-2 2C}NE QISTRI�T �in part) CHAPTER7 Camrnerciai and Business pisfricts Article J, �UBLIG AGCt�MMQaAT10N �2 (Pfi-�J DISTRIC7 12-7,�-1: PURP+�S�: � The public aecort�merd�tian -2 district is intand�d tQ provide sites fcr� fodges, limited service Iodges, ant� �esidenti�i accvmmadatic�ns on a sf�c�rt t�:rm basis, for 4 � � visitc�rs and g�ests„ �aget�er with such p�ublic �nd s�mipublic facili�ies and � cvmmereiallretai� and re�ated v�sitor ariented us�� as m�y be appropriate9y lacated within the same district and corr,p�ti�le with ad}ac�nt land uses. This district is ir�ten��d to pravide far 9�dginc� sites 9QCate�t �u#side the periphery af#he Town`� Vail Viilage and Li�nshead co�mmercial �ore �reas. The publi� accc�mmodation-- 2 dis#ric# is intended to en�ure adequate light, air, c�pen space, and c�ther amenitis� �t�mm�nsurate with It�dge us�s, and to rnaintaFn tne d�sir�ble resart qualiti�s �f the dist�ict by establishing appropri�te si#e development standards. A�ditit�nai nonresiden#ial u$es are allowed as conditi�nal uses w�icG� enhanc� the nat�re of�lail as a �acation commur�ity, a�rd � where permittec� �ses are irrtended to funct�on compatibly wit3� the high d�nsity lodging character of t�� district. 12-7J-2: PER'fVIiTTED USES: The fallawing uses shall be permittecf in the PA-2 di�trict: LQC�g�s, includ�ng ac�ess�ry eatin�„ c�rinking, ar retail establishments lo��te� within the principai use �nd not o�ccupying mare tharr ten percent (10°/a) of �he tC]tc'1.I �f�DSS feSPd�fitl3� �Ii]Of �fEa D� tll� f71�1f1 5t1"UC�Ur$ 0� St�"UC�LI}�B5 OCl ��'ll� 5l�E'; ad�itia�ral �ccessory dining areas r�ay be located an an outdoor d�ck, �orch, or terr�ce. Lirni�ed service Ic�dge, including accessary e�ting, dr�nl�ing, ar retail es�ab[ishrnents lvcated uvithin the prineipa� us�e and not accupying mgre tfa�n ten p�ecerat �1�aln} of the tc�taf �ross resid�ntiai floor ar�a vf the rn�in structure or � stxuctures c�n the site; addition�l acces�Qry dining �rea� may b� located ❑n an autdaar deck, porch„ Qr tarrac�.. 'i2-7J-3: Cal�f�IT6��JAl� USES: The folivwing conditianai uses shali 6e permitted in tf�e PA-2 distr�ct, s�bject tv issuance vf a candi�ionai use perrnit in accor�anc� with the prmr�isions af cha�ter 16 c�f this title: B�d �nd beeakfast, as furkher regulated t�y �eckian 12-14-18 of ti�is#it�e. Fractinn�l f�e cluh units as further regulated by suhsecti�n �12-'i6-7A� r�f this ti�le. Lodges, including ac�essory e�tin�, drin�Cing, ar ret�il establishments �ocated within thc� principak use an� oc�upyin� hetween ten pe�c�nt {gD°/�) and fifteen �a�r�ent �15°/0} of �he #a#al gross residential floor are� t�f the bu66dings, grounds and facilities. �u�lic or cQmmercial park�ng facilities or s�ructures. Publ�c transpartativn terminals. Public utility �nd p�€�lic s�rvice uses. Tl�eaters and �anwen#ion faciiities. � TY�� Ifl empl�yee hatasin� u�its as prouide� ir� chaqter 13 vf this t�tle. 1�-TJ-4: ACCESSQR'Y USES: 5 � � The ialQowing acc�sSary u�es �hafl be �ermi�ted in the PA-2 distr�ct: � H�me occupations, subject ta i�suance c�f a �ome occ�patian permit in accorda�ce with the pravisions of section �2-14-12 of this titfe. Meetinc� rocams. Swimming poals, ten�is �ourts, patia�, or other re�rea#'ra� facilities eustr�marily incident�! t�i p�:rmitted �se�. C�ther uses customarily incidental arad acce�svry to permitt�d or cc�r�ditionai uses, and necessary far t#�e +�peration therenf. 12-7'J-fi: SETBAC�CS: Ir� #��; PA-2 district, the minimum fr�nt setb�c9c sha[I be fiwenty feet (�0'}, the minim�m side setback shail be twer�ty fe�t �24'), and the minirnurn re�r setback shall be kwenty feet �2�°). At �he discrefiar� of the lannin and envir�r�rme�tal cc�mmrssion andlar the de�i n �eview baard uariatiar�s to the setba�k standar�s outlined above m� be a rov�ed durin tne rewi�w af exterior a4t�r�atit�rts ar modifica�ions s��tian �2-7A-12 of tY�is a�tic�e sub�e�t t� t�e a licant demc�nsfratin�corn�iiance with the followire� cri#eria; A:Pr��ased building setbacks provide necessary separation between 6uildings and riparfan are�s, ge�l�gi�ally sensrti�re areas and other environmentally sen�itiue ar�as. B.Propo�ed building setbacks wil[ prouid� �dequate �vailabil�ty of light, air and � op�n space. C.Propas�d building set�iacks v�rill provide � cr�mpatible rei�tionship with building� and �ses c�rr �djacent prvperties. D,Prr��aser� b�ilding s�tbacks will res�lt in creatrve desic�n �c�lu�ions or other public �enefits that couEd nc+t ot�rerwise be achieve� by �or�formance wi�h prescri�eci sett�ack stan�ards. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: For a fl�t ro�f or mansard ror�f, th� he�g�t of bu'r{dings sha€! nc�t �xce�d farty five fee# �45`}. For a slQping roof, tl�e height of buiidinc�s shall np# exceed fiorty eigF�t feet (48'). 12-7,#-$: �]ENSITY C�NTR��.: UA to one hundre� fffty (�5�� spuare f��t �f �ross residential floar area �GRFA} ma b� ermitted for each �ne hundred 1 a0 s uare f�Pt of b�jifd�bfe sit� area. FFnai det�rrr�ina#d+�n of�Ilowable ross residentiaf floor area shall be made by the lannin an�i envir�nrr�ent�l cornrr-�issiort in accc�rdance with sectian "f 2-7J-1� af this arti�Ce. 5 �cificall , in det�rminin allowable ross resid�ntia@ ��o�r �rea th� lar�r�ir� and environmer�tal commis�ican shali rnake a findin that ro as�d ross ressdentiaC floor are� is in cpn'�armance with applicabfe elements of the V�il �am�reherrsive Plar�. Totai density shall not �exceed twenty fi�e (25} dw�lling � units �er acre nf buildable site area. F�r the purpr�ses �f calculafirrg density, emp4oyee housing units, limiked s�rvice lodg� units, accamm�dataQn un�ts and , � _ � � � fractional �e� club units sha11 n�t be cour�ted towards der�sity (dwelling units per a�re). A dwelling uni� in a multipl�-fiamily building may include on� or more aftached accomm�od�tior� units. 12-7J-9: 51TE CQVERAGE: Sit� c�vera e shafl r�nt excee� six� five ercent �65°14 vf the t�#al site area. Final determination r�f allawable site �cavera e shalf be made b tt�e lannira anc� environm�nt�l corr�r�ission andfor the desi n review haart# in accordance wif� secti�n 1�-7J-�2 �a� thiS artictle, S ecific�li in det�;rminin al�owable sEte co�era � the lanrtin and en�+ironmental commi�sian andlor the tiesi n review b�ard sha�f rnak� a findir�q that prapased site c�overaqe is ir� conf�rmar�ce witY� app�icatale elements of the Vail �omprehensive_Plan. 12-TJ-11: PARKING ANQ LO�AI��NG: Otf str�et parking �nd lo�ding sh�ll be prvvided in accc�rdance with cha�ter 10 of this #itle. At I�ast seW�nty fiv�e percent �75°/a� of the required parkin� si�all be loc�ted within the main building ar buildings and hidden from public view. �v at grade vr abvwe grade sur#a�e parking �r loading ar�a sha#� be Ivcated in any r�quir�d frant s�tbac'� area. 6�Ic�w c�r�de under�roun�d strt�ctured par�ing and s�ort term guest lcaading and drop a�F shall be {�ermi#t�d ir� th�e r�:quir€;d �rant set�ack su�je�t �a the appro�al r€ the planning and env�r�nment�l c�mmissi[�n �r�dlar the des��n review board. � 12-7J-12: E�TE�IGR ALTERATIC��JS�flR Iv1a[]IF�CATkOIVS, A? F�e�view Required: Th� c�nstructiQn of a new huilding or the alteratian �of an existing building shall �e rev�ewed by the desigr� review board in accve�ance with �haQter 11 of this title. Hawev�r, any �arQje�t wt�ich adds addit�ar�al dwel�ing units, accvmrriodation unit�, frac#ional fee ciub units, lirnik�ed serwice lod�e units, any pra�ect ►rvhicf� adds merre than ane tl�r��sand (1,C}0�) square feet of commercial flvvr area �r commvn spac�, or any project which ha� substantial off site impacts ��s determined by #fie administr�tor� shall be revi�wed by the planning and en�irr�nmental cammisscor� as a ma�or ext��iar alt�ratian in accordance �+vith tf��s c�apter and s�c#ion 72-3-6 af this title. ��mplete applications for rna;ar exteriar alt�rations sYrall be st��mitted in acc�rda�ce wit3� administrative sch�dules d�velope� by the department fl€ cr�m€nuniry �evelopment for planning and environm�ntal cc�mr�issia� a�d design reviaw bv�rd review. Th� follcaw�ng submittal ifems are re�uired: �, Appiication: A� applicatic�n shall he made by the awne�' of the building or th� buiiding c�wn�r'� authori�ed agent ar represer�tative c�n � ft�rm pravided by the administrat�r. Any appl�cation for candaminiaamized buil�in�s shali �e authoriz�d by the condominium associativn in caraf��'mity with al( perkinent req�tirements c�f the �vndc�minium assaciation's declarations. 2. Ap�licati�n; �ontents: The adrninistrat�r sh�IS �stablish the s�bmitta1 requi�-ements f�r an exterior alterati�n or madificati�n applicatian. A com�l�te list � af the submittal requirements shall be maintained by th� administrator and filed in t�e ciepartment af cvmmunity d�vel�pr�enf. Cerkai� su�mit�al requirements may be wai�+ed ar�d��r mvdified by the adr�ir�istrator andl�r the re�iewing body if ►t is 7 � � demanstrated by the a��licant that the infor�atic�n ar�d mat�riais rec�uired are nat � relev�nt tc� the �rop�sed d�velopment or a�plicable to the pi�nr�in� dQ�uments that comprise th� V�il compr���nsi�e plan. Tf�e administratt�r andlar the re�iewing bady m�y require the submission af additianal plans, drawir�gs, s�ecificatians, sampPes and other materials if deemed necessary to prc��erly eualu�te the propflsal. 3. Work Sessic�nslCanceptual �,�;view: lf reQuested by either the applicant or th� administratar, su�smittals may proceed ta a vuc�rk sessian with the �aiar�ning �nd �nviranmentai cammission, a �onceptua! review with th� de�ign review baard, ar a work sessian with the town cauneil. 4. Hearir�g: The pub6ic hearing before th� piannin� and ��rviranmental commissior� shall be hel� in acccard�nce witf� seetion 1C-3-6 of this title. The plannir�g and enwironmen��i commission m�y �pprove the �pp��catior� as subrr�itted, apprnue the appfication with c�n�itions c�r modif`scatir�ns, c�r d�ny the application. T�e d�cisior� af tf�e plar�ning ar�d envir�nmentai commissian may be appealed to the town council in a�cordance with section 12-3-3 0�this title, 5. Lapse �f Appraval: Approval of an exterior afterati�n as pr�scribe� by t�ais artic4e shalf la�se and became void three [3} yearS fr�llc�wing the d�te af��iprava� by th� desi�n review baard un�ess, �rior t�o the expiratian, a buiidirtg pet'rnit is issu�d an�d consfru�tion is commer�ced and dilig�ntly p�rsue� to cvmpletian. Admin�strati�� +�xtensians shall be allawed far reasor��ble ar�d unexp�cted delays as Ivr�g as cod� provisions �ffecting #he prop�sal have n�t changed. �2-7,J-13: �QMPLIARI�� BURDEN: � Ck sh�f6 be tF�e burden af fhe �p�licant tv prov� f�y a preponderanc� c�f f�he �vidence befiare t�e planning artd enviranrr•r€��tal cc�mmission �nd the desigr� review board that #�� proposed ex#�rior alteratic�n or rs�w development is in �ornpliar�ce witf� th� purp�ses of the pubfic ae�commodation zane dEStrict, ar�d th�t th� proposal does not �therwise h�ve a significant neg�ti�e effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the praposal substantiaily complies v�rit�r ather a�p�icable �lements af th� Varl Gompreh�r�sive plar�. 12-7J-14: MITIGATIQN pF DEl/ELC)PMENT fIv1PACTS: Property �wn�rsldevelo,�ers shall �Is� be respor��ible f�r mitigating dFrect impact� of tY��ir devekapment c�n public in'Frastrueture and in akI cas�s mitiga#ion shall bear a reasanable relation ta #he d�uelopment impacts. Impacts may �e determin�d b�sed on re�o�ts prepared by q��l��ed consul�ants. The exie�t of rniti ation and ublic amenit im r�vements �haia be baf�nced with the qoals df r�develQ ment and wiil be determi��d �y the �lar�ninq. �nci er��vironmental �c�mmission in re�view of d�velo ment ro��cts and �anditional use ermits_ Subsi�ntial off site impacts may include, �ut ar� n�t fimifeci to, the ft�liawir�g: de�d restri�ted employee hn�asing, raadway im�rovern��ts, �edestri�n w�lkway irnpravem�nts, streetscape impravements, stream tractJbank restoratior�, loading/delivery, public art impr�vements, and s�milar irnprovements. The intent of this s�ctic�� is tt� c�nly require mitigatian for farc��e scale fedewelapmentld�velopmer�t projects wh�ch produc� s�k�stanti�l c�i�site impacts. VI, ZONlNG ANALYSf� � � I � � Ad�r�sslLegai Descrip#�c�n: 1783 North Frantage Roa�lLots 9-12, Buffehr � Cre�k 5ubc�ivision Zaning: P�ablic Acco�nmadativn �PA� District Land Lls� Desigraation: Medium []ensity Resider�tia� Ueveiopm+ent Stan_dard • AllowedlRepuired Pro�osed .. Lot Area: ��3,000 sq. ft. min. ��,59T s�. ft. D�nsity: 49 Uwelling L1ni�s 39 Dwefling Units AU's Un�imit�ed 124 AU's GRFA*•`«: 129,8J6 sq. ft. 1�]0,24C1 �q. ft. Bui�d�r�g H+eight: 48 feet �8 f�et Site Ga�+erag�*�**: 55,2�8.23 sq.#�. (fi5°IQy 32,8�4 s�q. �t. La��scape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. �30%0) 3�,�6Q �q. ft. S�tbacics**'*: � �fa�h: �'-20' 20' VYPi.'Clt. ��-LIJ� LLR/ East: 4'-2f}' 20' � South: 0'-�4' ��" �'arking: 191 spaces �9� spaces Loading: 1 �erth 1 berth Emplflyee 3 units (5 beds} 3 units �5 beds} I�ous€ng: �*"� Subject to review a�ci approval by the Planning & Environm�ental Cammissic�n. � VlI. SiJRR[]U�4DING �.A�1� USES AN❑ ZC�N�NG �and Use Z�nirrq NQrth: F�esid�ntial TwQ Famiiy PrirnaryfSec�n�ary Residential South; I-7[� �QW NfA E�st: Residentia! Two Family Pr�rnarylS�candary Residerttia� V4Jest: R�sidential Res�dential C�ust�r QistriGt VI{L MAJt3R ExTER1C}Fi ALTERATION REIJIEW CR1TERiA 5ection 1�-7A-13, Ga�nplian�ce 6�rden, Vail T�wn Code, autfines t�e review criteria fa� maj�r e�ter�or alt�r�ti�n applicatic�ns pro�osed within th� Ru�lic � Accammodatinn �PA� z�one district. ,�ccc�rding tc� 5ection 12-7H-13, Vai9 Town �Code, � maj�r exieriar alteration shall be reviewed fc�r cvmpfiance with the foilowirag cr�teria: �' � � � '�} Cvmpfiance with the pueposes �f th� Public Accommoda#ior� zon� � distri�t; �) That the proposaf is car��iste�t with the Vai1 Vi�lage Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban desar�n +Guid� Plan ar+d tl�� Vail Vilfage Streetscap� Master Plan; 3� That the proposal dc��s rrc�t otherwise haue a s�gnificar�i negatir�e ef�ect an the character�f the �n�ighbarh�ad; and 4) That the pr�posal substantially complies with c�ther applfcable elem�nts of the Vail Corr�prehensiv� Pl�n. 5h�u�d th� Planning and E�virflrtmental Comma�ssion c�or�se to �pprove th�e ma�or exteritir �Iteration applic�tion, staff reeommend� that the �c�mmiss��n rr�ak�$ #he fi�llawing f�ndirtg as part af the rncatia�n: "f'urs�ar�� to 5ection 12-7N-8, C�mplrar�ce Burden, Va�! Tavurr Cradea the applicant has prcrven by a pre,aonrierance af fhe evidence �efcare the Plannrng and Er�viroramenfa! C�mrr�r'ssron ar�d the Design Re�riew Board that �I�e propo�ed major �xt�ricrr aJteration is in ct�mplranee with fhe ' purpQSes of rhe F'ubfr'c Accammadafron zarre drsfrict: fhaf the pra,�rosa� is for a development sife 1o�afed outsrde of the sc�pe c�f fhe Vaif VRllag� Master Alar�, Ph� Vail Village Ur,��n Desi�rt Guide Plan ar�d the Vaif Village Streetscape Master PJarr and fherefore tl�ese plannr`n� documents are not appficable fo fhis �ppl�cafion; and fhat the prvpcssa! does nvf ofhervulse have a srgnifrcanf n��ative effeet t�n the ch�racf�r vf the neighborhar�cf, ar�d lhat the prc�,posa!su6stanfially camplies �ifh other applicakl� el�ment5 � of�he Vai! Comprehensive PI�n." IX, DISCUSSIL�N �SSUE� C"amplet�ne�s vf Application * The Cornmunity Dev�lopment Qepartmenf has cr�mpleted a "cornpleteness" revi�w af fhe re�ised majc�r exterior �Iteration applicati�n for tl�e constructiar� of the T�r�berlin� Lodg�. �pon campletian o� th� review it has been determined that the applicatic+r� is largely carriplete. H�w�ver, addition�l revis�� mater��ls ar� requireci to k�e submit�ed �ri4r to a final review af the rnajor exteriar�Iter�tion �pplication. The applicant needs to proWic�e th�e fc�llvwing: �, Stamped, addr�ssed envelapes and a �ist c�f the praperty � owners adjace�nt to the sublect �r�perty. 2. A written statem�nt d�s�ribirag ths revis�d pro�rasal and haw the pr�posal compli�s with the applicab4e adopted mast�r pfans and pl�nr�ing dac�ments. Special a#ter�f�an shail be gi�en t� the review crit�raa autl�raed irr Sectis?ns 12-°�J-6, 8, & 9. 3. A revise�i tlandscap� plan. �pie�sc c�nsuft the New Gonstr�uc#ic�r� Ap�iieation for Design Review for minimum submittal requirements} 4. A rQOf height pl�r� d�f'�pn5trating com�liance with the prescr�b�r� h�igh� limitatic+n � 1[? . � � � 5. Rev�sed arch�tectural e�evatians. �please cansult the New Con�tru�ti�n Application for D�sign Review fvr minimum submittal requirements} f�. Pleass address t�e written comments addressed in thre letter frc�m Tom Kassmeli dated January 17, 2��6. 7. Revised archit��ctural flo4r plans af �II levels ofi the propased ; t�uiEdir�g. (pl�ase c�nsult the New Construction Application �or � �esign Review for minimum sub�i#tal requiremen#s} 8. A revised digi�al massing ar�d site plan model 9. A revised 8.5"x 11" reduced plan set Is ther� �ny actditi�ana� infarmation required by the Planni�g � Enviror�mental Cc�mmissi�on priar#��rtal re�riew? 5ite �lanning • The Cammunity De��lapm�nt Department has reviewed the revised site plan subm�tted fior the Timberlin� Lvdge. �.Ipan c�ampleti€�n af th� r�view, sever�l questiQns �t�ll remain reg�rdFng the prQ�osed site design, The staffi believes t'��t the �pplicant has dvr�e a gaad }'ob �f desigr�ing � bui6dir�g +which complies with the de�eiopment star�dards prescribed fflr d�evelopment in the Public Accvmmadation-2 zan� �istrict. For �xample, since the 6ast me�;ting with �h� Plar�r�ing & Env�rc�nment�l Commissio�, #he app€icant has rnoved to the south in an �ffart tc� r�d�ce the site grading and retaining ar�ur�d the lodge. � �t�ff does beiie�e, �c�wever, t��t additional d�sigr� wor'k �nd thc�t�ght shc�uld be �iver� to the site d�sign �nd layout of th� new ladge. As propased, the result�ng site pl�n creates several undesirabl� c�nsequences. For insta�ce, a twenty-three f�at tall retainin� wall design with three-faat wide henc�es between the walls ir�cated at the rear of the new lodge, a loading and delivery �erth located at the guest drvp �ff to �he 4odge, a pc�tentially difFicult tc� a�cess frash enclvs�are, � �arrdseape desig� and pianting pl�n vs+hie'� r+vill be se�+erely impacted as a result of t�e required left-t�rn fane on the Nnrt� Frontage Road, a grading plan which pote�tially requ�res easements or a similar fa�m of �greement wFth adjc�ining pr�perty owners to grade aff a� the pr�per#y, a traffic circula#ion . plar� wh�ch daes not meeY minimum standard�, th� need for rninirn�m em�rgency egress af tl�e occupants vf�h� lodge, etc. While nvne c�f these , issu�� �revent fhe construction +of a new lodge, they da p�se pnten#�ally undesirable cansequsnces and ct�nfl�cts which bear further study prior to final revi�;w. What additional input ar f+��dback, if any, does the C€�mmissic�n ha►re far the �pplicant with regard to the proposed application? Traffic Circulativn ' « in accc�rda�nce with the pres�ribed s�abmit�ai requirements, the ��piicant h�s suk�mEtted � r�ev�sed Tr�ffic Analysis f�r the R�ost L,od�e Ex�ansic�n Pro�ect, dated January 6, ,��QO�. In s�arnmary, the Town Er�girreer has � � cancluded that the new kadge will warrant the need f�r e�hancements t� t�e exis#ing traffic control and geometry alc�ng the frontage road c�rridar irr fhe form of a relacated public trartsit stop and � new le#t-turn iane. 11 � � . Acidit€onal revisions fo the site plan shall be requi�ed to addres� �ir�imum � vehicl� t�rrnin� ra�ii. C]ne aptior+ th� applicant is �xp��ring to �comply with the minimum stanr�ards is io G[7r�Struct a one-way �raffic flow �aftern_ Prior tQ taking final action on this appiication th� �nmmunity Cl�;velc�pment D�partment r�commends that the applicant's cor�sulting traffic engin��rs and t�e Tc�wn Engineer pres�r�# their fina! findings and ct�nclusior�s ta the G�mrr-eissi�n for review and cc�nsideraEuan. Mitr'gatian flf �evelopm�nt lmpacts � Pursuant to Section �2-7A-14 af the Zoning Regulatior�s, "Prapsrty awn�rsJdevelapers shal! also be responsi6le fnr mifigafir�g direcf impa�t�s of fheir clev�lc�pment an publr�c infrasfrucfure and rr� a!! cas�s mitigatic�n shaJ! bear a reas�r�able relafi4n to fhe d��r�Foprr�ent impac�s. fmpacts may 6e de�ermrned based on repQrfs pre,pared by qua{ifi�d eons�altant�. Th� extenf of miflgatior� and public am�nrfy improvements shall be bafanced wifh f�e gc�als af r�developmerrt and wr"�f b� defermined by the plar�r�r'ng and errviraramerrral cc�rnmission in review of d�velapment prcajects and can�drtrona! use perrr�its. Substanfiaf oF� site rmpacfs may include, bu� are nQt limr`ted to, fhe folJowing: deea' resfricted em,pfoyee hausing, rQadway irrrprcrvemenfs, pedesfrr�n wallrv�+�ay improvemer�ts, �treetscape imprc�v�rnents, sfream tracL'bank restoration, Ir�ading/delivery, ,�ublic art ��mprovements, and sr`rnil�r � impravements. The intenf�f�his sec�ion rs ta only requrre mitrgatir�n � for farge scale r�de�r�lQpmentJdevelopmenf proje�fs whicf�r prc�duc� substanfl�f off site r'rrrp�cts." In keeping with the intent of Section �2-7,f1-1�, IU3itig�tic�n af QeWelap�ent Irnpac�s, ti�e appiieant is proposing to 4ffset ihe impacts ofi the prt�Posed develapm�r�t by praviding employee hvusE�rg far a minimum of fiv� employees, placing a�pr�ximatefy ��� linear f�et of existing ov�erhead power line undergrflund, ar�d c�n�trucfing a new pubfic trar�sit stt�p along the �J��th Frvntage in front �f th� new lodge. Wit� the �xce�tion vf the providing employ�e hausing, the applicant will be re�quired to wc�rk with Haly Crflss Energy, the T�rwn c+f Vail, and the Ca9orado Qepartment of TranspDrtation to undergr�und th� �verh�ad u#�fity line and C4�l5�fUCt tFl� n�w publi�transit stc�p. Are there any vther direct impacts +of the pra�osed deVelQprnent beside� employee generataor�, utility line relacatir�n, antf pubiic transit enhan�em�nts tha� th� Gorr�mission heiieves the appEicant sh�uld mit�gate? C��B Gomments Un J�nu�ry 18, 2046, ths applicar�f �gain ap�eared befar� the Town vf Vail �esigr� Revi�;w Bt�ard for a cflnceptual review of the major e�cterior alteratic�n applicatirn. To da#e, t�e goard has be€�n Wery �omplinientary af the applicant's effort in addre��ing �h� gc�ard's comrnen�s and cc�ncer`ns, � The Bo�r�, h��vever, did request tha applicant furkher ex�lares �ptians and sal�rtic,ns t� the ��sign to ensure cnmpli�nc� with the T�wn's �daptes� design guidelines, A cr�py af the Brard's comrn�nts and 1� ,� � � . ques�io�s are contained in a I�tter to Greg Gastit�eau, dated January �'�, � 2+�416 {Attachm�n# BJ, �C. STA�F R�CCIMMENDATlC�hJ As fhis is a wa�ksessio�n meeting only, staf# wili nat be forw�r�dirrg a recommendatian qn th� m�jar exterior�Iteration t� the Plannir�g � Env�ronmental C�mmissinn at this tim�. x�. ATTACHRIll�h1T5 Attachm�nt A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Letter ta Greg �as�ineau, �ated .�anuary 19, 20U6. � � � 1�3 � � . I �; '—_ _._ � . • - .. � �"`��: g �' � Ty �`, �-' Th� �c�ost �adge - V'rcinity Map I �'�.�� �;r=� "�z I -r ,r,,T-� _ I' '1T83 NGrth Frnnta�e ltoad Weee - , �� .�s ^°` �,,i,- � [' �... - �k� ��� ,` � _�ri,� n� . ' � -�...r �.. _ � �"�+o- '" a�,+f I� � v e��t r/�R�' ,. I ts�� T � ��'' � 3y�'- _ �' C F i1�r fi-'s�'°�h �'. � ,,, f�j,k� � y�, ,Aa` �'. . .�°�,* �i'r� (.. .,� ,,�i y t v ,F' � .� � .� .(a,' ��.���'���'� xd' �t-.r+. r' tr�.�,;�� 5,5�, ' r a ,.� s ,. �':: '��.},. � ' JF' ti, .� yl6 YYr.��� y�.,�,.�a�;f,,•�� �r. „ ,s� �" ,l�. '�" ..A'�} �� 2 �� +�!!'f �$ , Jf,'r.,. .� k J' v 1�. �-,f�r . }�t� � k'�. � t'� ��°r#�" r*6_ �' "#r,�,�,'..f �''^..�(,r�� ' riy-^�'rr f ..PKV..`w . �s� r�'d �`��, .. - x,,,�� ::e" ,n �34�*��'S.�F.t�a�::;Y� F'�q-!�4'" �i s.. �.�c;` .�.� �'� �.�� ¢�.�, �'��. �� � . � . �. . z ..�. ,... . ,. . ._ ` � � t i .ri �. n �:17�.' J L ,I '1 } 'x`-i5.. ��F_ � ��� � - : r� S �� p� � -Jr��� _'�+ �� � _'� +,f�' �.'�.'•_ .✓.'R'��. ��� � ' .. � 1 . ��,' �'C i' � �� �~'���, � �����', �{ - r � .�-r r:- d . s �;.:g.�c �`� "� /" ;x ,� ,�;.r LL.�» r' ����r�'�J���{��k�&"� y�.� �{�� .��. _ _ ry 4' �/,/ ' �r�, R. 9 ti .� +:a�� ��`�� e}' ��'� / . .° . �9� _° az�c �'�t � ��_�f ��� ., - Y-.. �r ` � � ,�+�� � ;s s,,r,, i s'e� 1 V/' • „�` ,, � i; ��� ,�s,�����4 r�k _.... �� r' �`�. i �r'�,,�� :a. �:' P".1ti�'.� '/ '�� -�"�! �- � "' ,�� 3,.` '���,' �''�., � �""'�� ' ,� b ��� ,�r� ��' �-� .� ��, f g+:iE4 � w(r a,. ,- a.�.,� � � w� . ..' . . � .. , ���` � r ,� tia �� _ �f .�-:; , .�� I `` �� ,�l,�"` - �,'i��� �)�� - �:.:�sx'�' �.r�:•► �y �,,.e;4.��� �- I r �' � :',t °�". " sM`^ • � . �°�,+ �'' f � �' "`�. I � x ,`t ° - ;��� ��,, ��,�_: �u �y � r"". .` �*, �'+ � ,a 1 I � -f'F,�,� �:• 1' �.�.F�' �i _ x' -�G�. ri. �� y�. .. [ - y�-. ..��.. .i. ... e . . , s .. , ... . . ., ,. .r • .... .. _��lTj � ~ .�.._ ���. .._.. ... ..�.....� n....... ...�..._. . ...� � f li f � �� �,- ' ° • '� � � � - # J.V�l!� lt7.lL , � Depar7rr:ent of`F'ublie�G'or,+cs� Trcrnsportc�cinn 13a9 ElkharrT Drive � Yuid, �'C3$1 GS7 97D-4 i 9_215� Fax.• 97t�-479-2f�5S kb�t?Y4'.Y'RI��ClY.Cf3Yfd lYll'11M1� Ta� George I�tuther Fr�rn: Tarn Kassmel, T�wn Engixie�r Re: Timbextine Roast Lad�e F�edev�Inp�ner�t PEC Dra��ing Review pate: C}11171� T}�e TQwn of Va�I Publi�;Warks L7e�artrnent has recei�led and review�ed the Timberline l�c�vst Locig� Redev��nprn�nt 1'EC re�rzsed sut�mittal set dated 12,�2�I05. The following are c�mnae��ts that�hc�uld be acidx�ssed pz�or to apprnval. General Comm��ts 1, Suildirrg eannc�t b�e built c�ver existinb e�semeazts as shawn withc�ut thnse easertients bein� � abandaned. This requires appraval frc�m all iriterested utiliti�s and relocatzon c�f any existir�g utilities. 2. An easern�nt should b�prc�vided at the Nc�rthwest com�r of the prope�ty tp provide for the existin� eneroachrnent of the raadway, drainagc and snc�w stora,�e. This sh�:�ll in�lude the exis�ing asphalt an.d shoul��r area and a S' buffer area for snor�� stora�e and �uardrail. Th� �arnnc�sed guardrail shall he set bac�C at lea.�� 5' clear fr�m the existin�;eci�e af�sphalt. Th� current plans �how r�mova� of a par�ion of this e�tistinb��phait and gravel shoulder fram Meadaw L]riue in qrder tt� acccammvdate the pra�ased retaining waiis. The existing asphalt road��idth shouid be�'n�intained t� r�t�intain traf�c safety. 3. Al1 e�d par�ing�pa�es on�il parkin�l�uels must ha�e adequate area to tux�`►arnunii. Please modify glan, thc�se areas designated p�des�rian will need ta l�e modified t� ac�oznrnadate this. 4, Crvss�over aisle on l�ve12 s�all �e a minimurn of 24' v�ride{non-str�ped) 5. Show turning mo�vements for all Ioading an�i deliveny�, includin��assenger vehicle ir�teraction. Fart cc.»here must still func�ian wi�h l�ading delivery bay nccupied. G_ T`l�e tra�tic re�ort dated llbl�}5 inciicates that left tum lan�� are n4t w�arranted f�r�his development, To��vn staf€belie�e tha# it is in the To�.vn's and de�a�tapments best inCerest tn have the de���loper add an auxifiary�eft tum la�e,please s�e Tra�fic Repc�rt merno attac�ed. 7. The traffic stud�su�,�ests a 25°lfl re�iL�ction fc�r w�h�c�e tri�s_ Tl�is reduction is not supported. A reductinn of that magnih.�de is n�t nffset Y�y the existin�interrnittent transit s�rvi�e, which has an apprc��irnate frequ�ney of 3Q minu�es. '�'he skier shu�tle ser�,�ice sh�uld not be c�nsTdered s�ce it rr��y be elxmin�ted at any ti�e. �ecause of its lc�cation it can be ex�?e�ted #hat the prirnary made of tr�ns}�artation will be 4�ehicu�ar trips. In the pa�t we have used reductic�ns of 30°/n fc�r those develc��inents that�-e in t'�e village c€�re ai'ea, d�te to their�rvxirr�ity#a a fu11 trarasit ce�nter, a � pedestrian�zila�e (restaurants, retail, ski area, acti��itics, etc...), pub�ie trans►t with 5 to I D mi�ute , ; ..� _ fTec�u�ncy, and access� 130(� r��ehiele �ar£cin��ara�e. t� r�c�tiy�in�f t�ips G�n the order a�� I O%, ._ would be �c�re tigprop �te. #' �. The impr�o��ements tc� t}l�, S. Fronta�e Rd, shall inctude a sectinn as f�ilaws startin� fram th� north side: a. 1�J' �;oncrete�pedestrian ��alk � b. 2_5' �'urb and ��tt�er c. 4" pa���d shoulder��r as re�'d by �D�T) d. 1�' r�restk�aund laale e. 16' left turn Ianer'accel �aneJmedian f. 1?' eastt��unei lane �- �' as�ah��t shauld4r(or as reg'd by CD�7T) h, �' gravel s��ulc�c:r improvem�nts s]�a�l alsv include li�htin��irri;�tiorv'signa�e and a lo�atFrrn for a bus �helter. 9. In c�rrier xo accommadate th�s sectic�n [��bus stag shauld be mc�ved west straddlin�trie ti��estern Roost propert�y� line. 10. Pr�r�li��� �� pedesxrian connectian b�tureen Meada« Rid�e Rd. an� the ne�v bus s�ap alon�t�ie S. Fronta�e Rr�. tc-� �ncourage trans�t use in this n�ighborho�d. Tiais ti�ill require a peciestrian eas�r�aent tha� �an be �ranted in cr�njunctic�n��°ith thc dr�ina�e casiment in this area, ;• l 1. .� cnntinuation of the coricrete pe�ieskrian ���alk from Buffehr Creek Rd ta the �ast end afthe prc�per�y will be rec�uir�d, the«Falk shall l�e a rninirnum ��f 1(7' ���ide. l?. �3�nched E��alls must�c�rnply ti�•ith the To���n of Vail Deveiopment Handl��ok standards and have a minim�m bench width c�f`�', 13. Parkin� struetur�will re�uire a sand,�ai� struct�re. 14. The stc�rm seti��er alon�t�le Frc�nta�e C�c�,shall extend f1.:rkher to the�ast property line ta catch the existing ditch. I5. Ac�e�uate draina�e shou3d be pro�fided betr,�•c�n the r�orth east r�tainan��valls and the propased buildin�. Sho��� gr�din� in t�zs arca. I6. 5hvw �no�� stnrage area. � PEC Canditi�'ns t�f Ar�Araval 1. Th� �`e�wn of Vail �eneral:�c�tes s}ia�l be added. ��.'ot�es can be e-maileci upon request) Z, Fiease add Utility Sigr�ature bl��k and ha�.�e all utilities �ign ackn���Ie�3gin� c�GC����Fl�� Qf Utl�1tV 1dT7I321�.t5 and c��sz��. �'�11 eas+ements prt�psas�d ta be abandr�net! shall be noted anei apprt�va� �rom appropriate enti�ies shall t�e gai�e�. 3. Fina1 Ci��il drawin�s shatl be ��prc�v�d and meet all To���staz�darcis pnc�r to submittal of}�uilding p�rmit. Detailed cr�mrnents w�iPl be pro��id�d at that tin�e. 4. Apprc-�vals frc�m al� rmpacied prapert�r awners shall b��btapned. :� ��r�tten lett�r af ec�nsent to the r�quired ea�ements wii] be re�uired far Ci�,Fil appro�°al. Recorded easemer�t�ivill bc required priar t�a COnsiTUCtic�n. 5. Al! c«nstn.tctic�r� sta�n�iss�es �h�ll be res�lved pri�r to canst7-Tactian inc�udinb stagin�, p�lasing, a�cess, schedules, traf�ic cantral, emer�ency� �ccess, parking, lQadin� and d�liveryr, etc... 6. A ROWIC]ti�ity perr�lit shall he �btai�ted an� approved by the Toti�n vt'Vai� and GDC�T prior to cvntmencinb any construction w�ithin public �i�ht �f V+��ay. 7� Alf imprc��=�mencs���ithin CDOT RD�V sh��I he�ppraved b}�CDC�T includin�all Frc�nta4e l�d imprflvenients �nd landscapin�;. This appra�fal ���ilI be rec�uired pr�c�r to Cyvil plan set approval. $. Pric�r to apprc�wal of an Exca�atic�n p�rmit a shc�rina �d ��ca�•atian ple3n shali lae submitteci incluc�in�; exca�,�ation ph�.sing, eng�ne�red �hc�rin� �laEns «ith pl�, pr�nt�Ie and ernss se�tions. �`rc�ss 5ccti�r�s and plans s��all znciude�.11 existin� conf�icts (i.e. utilitres). Any slz�rin��,��ithin CI]C7�T R.(���' wi�1 r�quir� ap�ro��al frorri CDC�T and FHL��rtl. �ty' shc�rin����ith.in €�te '�'ail p�blic RC}Vsi �,����1 require Tow� �f Vail � appraval and a revocahl�: R�V4�'permit. - ; , . . -- 3. A Stflrm Water Disch�r��P�E Permit and all a�,p�i�able AC[�L�rmits (i.�:. Dewatering) sha�l be su�mitted priar tn constru�tion. l U. Frc��ide eng�ne€red stamped final dz�ina�e report, pavement c�esign repQrt, and �e�technicaI repart, and a finaIired traftic study, � 11. The d�et�xelc�per will he assessed $SOaO per�a�ak hour acidition�l t�ip generated, This fee may be offset by. specific traffic amprv��eme�t� �i.e. Frontage Rd, traffic improtirement�). Sased on t�e re�view af tPt� tra�tic study it is esti.rnated that the net increase in Pl'�+1 p�ak hour genectate�d tr�ps wi1� be 49 trips. T'�is ugill req�ire a tr�ffc impact fee af$24j,(30f}. Portions of this fee rnay b�e Offset Y�y traffic imprc��vements rr�a�de to the S. Fr�nta.g�l�d. tc� speciiically include Fronta�e Rd. r4adway widenin�;, Frantabe Rr�. side��alk improwerrrents, and the cnnstruction of a.transit stc�p, The remaining impact f�� shall be , submitted to the Town�af Vai� far additinnal traf�c irr�prc�vements as d'eemed appropz`iaCe. 12. �'rnvi�ie Art In Public Places c�ntributiQn, c+nordinate�vith AIPP. I3. The access points dc?n�ot aneet the si�t di�ta.zace s�paration requirerrtents of 25{l'. An engine�red analysis shauld be sut�mitted for tt�is variance. Also this varian�e wi�l be required to�ie appro�ved by �CD4T. � � [ � � r � ������� s ,fJepart�r�eral n�PIS�YIIC WOT'ILS i� T►'[IJ25'flO7'1Cl�11711 13�1�Elk�sor�n Drive ��ai1. CC7�'f GS7 97�J-979-215R � I'r�.Y: �70-479-21 Gb �tnvw.varlgr�u.carrr MEM(3 T�: ��o�-�� �ut�e� Fram: Tc�m Kassmel., Town Engineer �te: Tirnberline itoost Lod�� R.edc���e�apmenl�'EC I]�rawing R�r�i�w Date: ]21f�71D5 The Tawn c�f Vail Puhlic W�rks Dep�rtrnent h�s �eceivcd a�id ret��ew�d th� Timberlir�e R�os# L�dge Rcd�vclapment PEC revised submittai s�t dated 9/271L15, re�ci�eci 1 113[]I175. Tlie majc�rity�ofthe initial �ear��.ments �en�:r�il��i c�n 1(�127105 have nat h�en ac�clress�d. Tt�e follawii�g ar� additianal comme�its as vweii �.s tk�e previnu:s coi����ents tliat shc�uld b� addressed ��-iar tc� approval. It sl�ould b�nQtcd that at this point a reviseci traftic study matchin�the mast recent submittad has nQt yet be�n subrnittcd, �General Comments 1. Buildi�3g canrtot be built s�ver ex�sting easements as shown without those ea�ements being al�an�ioned. This requires appror�al fr�am all interest�d utilities and relac�tic�n �f any existing utilitics. 2. A 15' e�ra�nage easemend shoul�i be provir�ed for the existin�drainage system a1an�thc «cst �rn��erty lit�e. 3. An easement shnul�i �e pr�avicieci at the i�Iarthw�st corncr af the property ta grs�vi�e for t}le existiri� �encraachment nf th� rc�advvay,drainagc and snow stara�e. 4. �CD�T access perrr�it, landsc�zpe pez�mit, apccial �ase perrr�its and notice tcs praceed vaiil la�requircd f�r all in7��r��eme�lts and access�Yaai�ges within the Fd.�'4'l�. 5. Limits of disturbance fence rnust not encr�ac}Z inko any pri�vatc prvperty withvut�pprn�alltempor�ry easement. G. All cnd parkin,� spaces on al1 parkin��e�vels n�drst hawe aclequate area tc�t��rn around_ Pl�ase modify plan, lhc�se area,s de.sigr�ated�acdesta-ian will need to be rnadi�'ied tQ accommoda#c this. 7. Crass-��rer aisle vn fe�e1 2 s�all lae a minimum of 2�4' widc tn�on-striped) 8. Dim�nsian mai�i structure level er�tran�e �i+3th. 9. Show t�irning maven�ents #r�r all loac�in��inci ci�li�ery, includk�i�pas�senger vettic�� interaction. Pvrt cc�chere rnust stiil functian �vith laading deli�ery bay oc�up�ed. 1 D. Shc�w location of the trash dumpst�r anc� turnin� move�cnts for trash rez��.ow�a4. t 1. The access points dc� not��e�t the sight distance separati�n requirerner�ts c�f 25�'. An engialeered �r►alysi� shaula be ��ib�itteci fc�r t1�is variance. �4isc� tllis variance will be req�u�rcd to be approved by e�o�. � 12. Pl�ase subrriit a3� u}�dated traff��iic stuc�y. I 3. The pre�ious tra�'Fic si�dy suggests a 30�%o reductivn fc}r 11�te�lco�ido ue�i�Ie trips and a 5U% re��uction fc�r em�ic��ee urzit trips. T��is redLict�on is not supported. A red�ction af'that rna�itu�� ss not affset by the ex�sti�nterinittealt trartsit service, which has�pproximate frequency of30 n�inute�. The ski�r shutt e se�-rrice shau[c� not be considered sinc�it may be eliminated at arty tianc. Because�f its la��ti�n it can be cxpected that the prin�ary mvde of transportatian:will be �ehicular �rip�, 1.n the p�st we ha�e used reductio�s of 3f7% fcar thcrse de�elopment� that�r� in ihe r�il lage cc�re � area, �ue tc� trie€r�roximity to a t�ill lrar�sik ccn€er, a per�esir€an village{restaurants, i•etail, ski area, activi�ies, etc...},�ublic transit with S to 1[7 m3n�te fr�equency, a.�id access to a 13Q[� �ehic�e parking garage. 1�€. Thc previous traffic study suggests left turn lan�s are nvt wan�anted bccause ea�h acee�s does n�t ,�enerate CD(lT's minimurn ieft turt� critcria of 25 lci�s per peak nour far a pc�st�:d �pe�t! oC l�ss than 4[]n�ph. Bas+�� c�r� th� new acc�es� cr�nfi�t�rat�c�n � wUUici assume that this +C'DC]T n�iniinusu lef� turn criteria is naw met. Far a de�vela�n�ei�t this size the T�r��rn will require ie�. turn lanes. l 5. The im�rovements tt� the S. �`ronta�e Rd. shouic� include a secti�n as fol�ows starting from the north side� a. lU' concrete pedestri�n walk b. 2.5' Curh and gutter �, 4' paved should�r d. 12' w�stbaund lane e. l fi' le�turn lanelacce� lanelmedian f: 12' e�sCbc�und lar�e g. G' asp��alt shaultler(oi-as re�q'd hy CD[7T) h. 2' �ravel sha�lcler Imprar�ements shall also include lightin�firri�ationfsi�na�;e anci a lacatir�t� for a bus �helter. 1G. �cantinuati�n of�the concrete pedestrfan 4�valk fr��n Buftehr Creelc Rc� t� the east eri� of the ��-o�erty will he require�i, the walk shall �e a minimur�i �rf l�' wide. 17. Ec�trance pans shall be 8' wi�e. 18, Pra�ic�� snvw�plow protectiQn abave �valls at the n�rthwest carner alang Mc�do��v Rici�e Lane. � 19. Retaining walls n7ust be a minimurn 2' from prc�perty lrnc. 2G1. �enc�ed walls anust can�ply with t�ie Taw�Y �f Vail Devetopment Hancllao�€� standards aiid��a�re a II111111111i1T1 t3�I1C�1 'VVlf�t}] (]��'. 21. Pra�ri�e addiiivnal spat eievations at Frant an� back�f pans, �€ 10' behind ba�k af pans, at all gradc brca.ks, high paint and low��oints, 22. prauide a Drainage Repart 23. Farkir�g structure wil! req«ir�a sancil�?il �ir�ac�ure, 24. Alt utility services and relocatiot�s��v'rll require utility appro�al. 25. Show all uti�ity connections includin�gas, kel�phane, cable and electric. �6. The o�verhead power lincs sl��uld bc buricd as a p�rt of this praject. Z7, 'I'he slv� sewer�long the Frc�nta�e Rd.shall exteald furth�r to the �ast prc�p�rty line t� cateh the existin�;ciitch. 28. An adequate ditch shauld be cvnstn�cted behind the buildin� alc�ng t�ie toe of the slope from Mcadar�v Ridge Lane. This prope�ty ha� fl+aoded in the past and ad�cquate protecti�n shv��l� b�. added. 2�3. Adequate rlrainage shnulei h�prn�i�ed between the n�rrth east retainin�walls and the prvpose�l bu�Idin�, Shvw �radin�irt this area. 3f?. �how snc�w starage arca. 31. '1'he cunrent plans show r�;rrrivv��l af a pr�rtion of the cxistin�asphalt and gravel sl�c�ulder f�-am Mea�iaw Drive at tlte switcl�back in ot-der to accc�mntoda#e tlte proposed r�iairtin�walis. The existing asphalt r+aad wedih should be maintained ta rnaintain traf�c safety. A roadv�tay easement shauld be prQ�rided alang with some rac�m far snow �taragc.. '�PEC Conditions nf Approval 1_ The Town of Vail Generalltiiotes shall he add�d. (Notes can b� e-rr�ai{eci up�n request) Z. Please add Utility 5i�n�tu�lac�C and haye all utilities sign ackn�v�gir�g acceptance of utility inn�a�ts and desi�n. 3. Final C�v'rl drawings s�all hc approwcd and mcct all Town standa.r.rds priar tv su:bm it#a] of huild�n�; permit. �etailed cazzxrn.enls will be prvviciec� <�l t�at tirne. � 4. A�pro�als fror�� all im�acted �raperty ow�lers shall l��obtained. A v��ritt�n lettec of consent to#he reguired easements wi�l be required far Ci�+il a�proval. R�corded�asements wi�I b�e re�uireci privr canstnactian, S. All canstruction stagin� �ssues shall be resol�e�prior ta const�uceion inclucling sta�ing, phasin�;, ace�es�, s�h.edijl��, tr�fF�;cc�ntrc�l, emer��ncy acces�, etc... �. A F�C1W�"IJtilit-�;pentiit sha11 be abtained and apprflv�d by the Tnwn of Vail and �DC�T�rior to� commetici��any cvnstr�ctic�n within public Right of Way, 7. All impro�ements within CD�IT R�W shall �c apprvved by C��T ineluclin��ll Frc�ntage Rd imprvvemcttts and lar�ds�ca�ir��. This ap}�roval will be ret�uireci prinr zn�'ivii �lan set appr��r�l. 8. l'r��c t� appraval c�f an FxcavatiQrti �er�rnit a shoririg asid exea�+atia�t plan shall be submittcd in+�luding; excavati�n phasing, engineered sl�oring plans with pta��, �rofile anti cross scctic�ns, Cross Sccti�ns anc� plans s��l} include all existing conflicts {i,�, utilities). �ht�y sharir�g witt�in aC.QOT R{3W will require appmval frc7rrri �DC}T ai�d FI��A. 9. �, Stc�rrr� Water Discharge CQF11E Y�r�nii and ��[I ����i�.able AC+C7E permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be �uhrniitec�prierr ta ec�nstrueti�ri. i0, Provid�en�ineered stamped fir�al drainage report, pavement design repa�t, an�i geal��hn�ca] re�art, and a finaliaeci traf�c study. 11. Th�dcvc[aper will be assessed $5�}U0 per p�ak hvur actditional trip ge�Yerated. Th�s fee may be offsct by specific ti•affic improvem�nts {i.e. Fr�ntage �d. tratfi� i�nprove�nents}. 12. Provide Ar� In Public Pla�ces contril��ttian, coardinate with AiPP. � � . � I t � � �� � � T R A N 5 P ❑ R "f A T I L] fiwd G F� C� U P July 21� LLJIl� FH�(Y54A8TRAFF7CArilALYS1S �f. ��@!� '�BS�II�E?�L! Timberline Cor�mercial Real Esta�� 12 Vail Rrrad Vail, C� $1657 RE: Traffic Anafysis for the Rvo�t Lodg+e Expansi�a�a Rraf�ct D�ar Mr. Gastineau: This traffic analysis summ�rizes th� trxp g�n�r�tion �nd �djacent rc��dway �peratiar�s wi�h t#�� r�d�W�l�pm�nt �f the existing Roast L,odge in Vail. The �ite is lacated alon� th� I-�� N. Fre�rata�e Road approximately 3t��7 feet e��t of 8�ffehr Cre�k f�oad. The �ite's loc��ion is sh�wn fin fh� a�ria! be�ow. �'.w� ^�y �,v'" ,z, +. N w �,.�,'�.� � E� #+� ,� �,m �h°y��r+��"*°�',� ���,..a�'^�, 'r, � ..a$�'� �' -�e ;�,. . r :�.'�'�� �na3' ��"��,� c8�„ � ��- ��°�i��� �.�b 1rn y w� ,i.�,p., (* .a '� �y�;s BF 5.�r R w� $�.'�. d,��`,k {s�'+� , : t ;� � �(� ��,..:. ��i:;�3 �� �c Y`-� �R `� �r'��� ' t `�Y �'��,t � '�ax. 7f �►� i� �sn�� �. � rv,�,�.� ; + ��..�� c�.i. y"�'�a�', +� ..:. �k�� � N� ,. ". '����� � j�� �.: ��M °�*��v �� .�S^ � h fG� �`�f ��� ,r ri"" .L .q,F _ .�.�scmr .'�� �� �,�» �'�"'y � �. � , •r{ J �� 's'' �a^�,� �� �, h �t :# y�" ,,�l�� ,!-` r- '+��d�� � �� � �r i ��. `4 �+« � ti.�'iJ � �'�tlk .: �`'��,� „«� �,r �'t a 4f,' K -� 1�' „$�`�, '�z�jak ��•• +t n"'; ti•��' .. � az Y �° :� � �,a ; �, i a°�. y� r��, _ �„ s tv ��'�, 3:,�'°--�` '�i"� .,'• �/�,,r'� 1 �'� � -�� ti +F .!i T ,�rC�k J" } .,'� Ti' ' au�' :� .�. � '� � ,�`'' � }.. ,. ,, ��; } ' a�r_���-' - / � . ���Rx. ��4��� .�� Y ., ,{,� �S s'� ` �'"f.� ��'fJ, ;. F f � �.'^ � � '4ryd^},„4� �����.� ...,: �.,� _�,y� ��F �^` '�� �w;� J � �` �§��{�� 4 �ti��r�ir. �� �3}��� � ��s ��j T 4r � �V`���"a '�'�'� �� ¢�,?`�s� ^`-- sfv� � �" •,����k S� ' '� , J y �`. y�y ,s'F1 'iy��. � '� r-a�.l, ��m� 1 � � �}�.A�+�� �y}Y'` d° °� 4t .� ,��°'!'� +�.4b��yt.,;�^r�'�k3}., � '� '� . , ; ��� ��� �� a..��.„�,r, .:�,+j �,i�' ��;, �'T�� .�,v� �,. � ? � , ���s✓" � ''J �'fi'� 'f �:� * $' '�� �'�"r'�t.�� �"�e!'�s r�"; �•4 ,� 4y,^ y � � '�° aS �s ���� �� ',���,;�/' �� ���{� ����� �� "� � The Roast Lodg� site is current�y accupied by a 72-ro�rn hotel and 1 emplaye� hous�ng candomir�ium un�t. T�ro fulk��cess point�,e�ve �he exi�tir�g �ite. The r�devel�pm�nt plans f�r t� site includ� � 131� nm hQte�;41 r�creati�n residential m�lti-family dwelling units, �nd',�.;�m�loy�es ha g cond�miniur��:�Two access points ar� planned ta tf�� �it� with the we�tern access p tnt to the Frc�r�tage I�oad limite� ta �/4 �urr� mowem�nts (nc� left- turn �a�tboun��. Th�e fc�ll�wing present� ths tr�ffic analysis for the Roost Lodg� Expar�sivn � project. ,�° � �� �' ��.� .��� P.O. Box 1 9768, Bau��eR, Ca�c��t•ko� S�?JO�-276H F'HC71vE� �Ci3°t55�°�57 i ■ FAxt 303-772-���9 OFt 3L73^'S52-�r5'e+4 . .. � � Mr. Gr�g Gastin�as� Page S � Raa�t Lodge Expansi�n Project Traf��f�alysi� July 21,�005 Exist�ng �and[#��ns The �xist�n� f���st L�d�e site ds lo�ated afon� ttre N. Front�ge Road. 7h�s rc��dw�y f��s a posted spee� lirnit of 3� miles per hour adjacent tc� t�e site, then dr�ps ta 25 mi��s per haur west afi the site. A single trave! lane in each directior� exi�ts alvng th� Frontage Road. Turn I�nes are nat present�t the f�. Frontage Roa� site ac�ess int�rsections. Existing �eak hour t�affic valumes us�d in this analysis w�re obtain�d frar� the Town's Trans�or�ation Master Plan Upda�e'. The traffic v�lume�s at the Quffel�r Cre�k Road 1 N. Frontag� R�ad int�rsect��n for peak wint�� weekend we�-e used ta deterrnine the thr�ugh tra�fic volum�s afc�ng the �J. Frantag� Road adjacen� ta the site. �he m�ster plan prvjects tl�at the hl. �rar�tag� Road wilf experi�nce a 31°/o ir�crease in tr�ff�c i�n fh� r�ext 2[� years �from Ye�r 2aG�}. This equates ta an apprflx�mate 1°/a ann�a� grvwt� ra#e, Tra�fic vofumes at the �ite access point� w�re estimate�f by forecast�ng Year 2��16 peak wint�r weekend traffic c�n the Fro�ntage Rtiad �y �pplying a 1.aB grawth rate to t�re �ODQ u�lumes. The site acc�ss int�rsecti�ns with th� f�. Frontac�� Road were reviewed #n determine baselin� �r �xisting operations ar�d ider�tify any capaci�y cvnstraints. T#�e �xisting winter � week�nd P.M. peak hc�ur �vnfumes were reviewed as �his period repr+esents th� higY�er side str��t and mainline trafific cc�nditions. In determining the operatianal characteristics �f an intersection, "Leveis af Serv�ce" (L0�} A through F are ap�lied, with LC7S A ir�dic�ting very �ood a�erati�ns and LC7S F indicating congested c�p�rations. The interse�cti�n LQ5 is repr�sented �� a delay in secc�nds per v�}�i�l� f�r t�� int�rsection as a wf�oEe ana� �ar critic�l turr�ing m�vements. Crit�ria cantain�d in the Highway �apaci#y Manual �HCM}� was applie� to t�e study �r�� interseeti�ns in arder ta determine e�is€ing levels of service d�ring the weekd�y e�rening peak hour peri�d. The� resuBts of the LOS calc�E�tians �re sur�ma�ized in T�ble 1. The inte�section Revel of service works�eets s'��w the traffic valumes and are attached f�r r�ference. The data in Ta�l� 1 il�ust��tes th�t the 6ntersectic�ns are cUrrer�t�y functionir�g at acceptab�e leve(s during th� peak �our p�rfads �LUS A range ❑verall} with the all of the individual app�aaches alsc� �perating acc�pt�bly {L�QS A-B}. � Transn4r�atiQn Master Pian lJpdate_-Tea#�ic Model,Washinqtan Infras�ructure 5�rvices,July 2��2. � Hi�lhwav Caoacitv l�anu.al, High��vay Research 8oard Spse'sal Repork��9, Transpprtatian Res�anch Board, Na�onal Research Cvun�il,2Q01. Synrhro v. �i soPtw�re utili��d. � ' � � Mr. �Greg Gasfineau p�y,� 3 � Rvast Lodge Expansivn Proje�t Traffic Analysis July 21,Z00� Trip GenerafiiQn Comparisor� The v�hicular traffic for the site Iand uses �as� been estirn�ted bas�d on trip rates c�ntair�e� �n the Institute af Trans�artatian Engineers �IT�} 7t� Editio� Trip Generafi�n manuaf� and is Summari�ed i� Table 2. The exis�ing sit� uses were compaC�d tv the prapQSed sit�e uses t� determine the net site added �raffic w�th t�e �xpansi�n in place. Far �omparisan purpQSes, th� fc�llowing assumptio�rs were �asad to est�mate traffic ger�era#ion o#the s�te dev�laprnent. Existin �:��d Uses: + 7� hotel rooms • 1 employee ht�using ca�damir�ium unit Red�vef�pment L�r�d Llses_ � �'�1 hotei rooms �°�.�� • ,�'��mpfoy�e hoUSir�g c4ndaminium uni�s � ■ ``�1 recreatfian home GortdominC�m units � _ �� Becau�e the site is it�cated ala��g the �J. �rantage Ra�d with � r�gional transit rc�ut� and the site will off�r s�ruttle s�rvice to tf�e ska area in the winter, the site will experience a reductivrt in actual vehi�ular trips to �ccaurrt �or transit and s3�uttie trips. This is a �ommon accurrence experienced '[n mar�y mc�untain ski towns. A 30°/a reduction_ir� vehic�lar trips �____.�..�� �- - was ,ap�lied to tYte__hat��� recr�tion Qme_uses f,�c�ount _for transit_.�asa��. In ad��tion, a�r�d�uction was_�Iied ta _the „employee_. hau�in� or�-site as the t�nants occup��ng t�re un�ts_wial b�th wark an�_live �n site. A 5fl% r�duction in tra�ic ►nras applied- t�a fh� em 6a e� h�usin ta n�t onl _ __. � Y _...:.�.,.w_._..�,.. . ,Y �����.���r the live_wark car�ditior�, but the fact that _ _.. . . ._..�,_. _� �. t�a�s�t i��availabfe immedi�tel� u�jacent to the sit� �long the N, Fror�tag�e R�ad,; �as�d �n the abr�v� assumptiort�, t�� net site trip g���rativn has been c�lculated as �resented �n Tabl� 2. W'�er� cor�zpared ta the ex«tir�g uses currentfy Qra site, it is e�tim�t�d that the prQ�vse� land u��s wi;; ��sult in a n�t increase ir� trafF�c frflm the �xisting us�s of �_..�._�_ - �=..T�.� a_pproxir�ately 43�_daily_�r7e-w�,y tri�s with 4� trips c�c�urring dt�ri�� the winter weekend P.M. peak hc�ur �erioc�. � --- 3 Trip Generatiff�,7"'Editic�r�. Instikute of Transpartatinn �n�ineers,2[}Q3. . � � � Mr. Greg Gastineau Page 4 � RoastLodge Expansian Praject'�raffie,Ana�ysis July 21,2�05 Rvadway an� tntersection t]peration� The b�ckgrQUnd Year 2�U6 winter weekend P.M. peaK h�ur trafFic volumes at th� twc� site access points �long the I�. �rontage Road were f��ecast t� �s��st in determining site traffi� �m�aacts, if any. Th� net in�rease in site traffic v�lumes were a�d�d to the Year �Q�� b�ckc�raund volumes ar�d ar� sh�wn in th� attac�ed Lfl5 worksh�ets �or reference. The site traffic destir�d t���'e�e�st wauld� car�duct this movem�nt fir�m tk�� site's east �c� P.� west site access otr�t iS lanned t� be limited to / turn_m_�►rements. Thus, al! ��tbou�d ..! �ss ' driveway. All approaches to the site �cc�ss in#ersectior�s wer� reuiewed with existing side street stap cantrol and $in�le ap�raach lan�s without any turn lanes. The r�sults of the interseeti�n level c�f servi�e analysis are summarized in Tabl� �I. With the addition af plann�d site expansian traffic, t�e �rt� sit� �cc�ss paints alang the N.. Fro�ta�� RQad w�ll ��ntir��e ta operate within acceptable le�rels afi service (L�5 A averaif and Lt�S A�C f�r individu�l appro��hes}. The traffic asso�iated wit� the renQVations planned an the site will result in c�nly sl�ght increases in traf�ic at the tw� access paints. A�xillary Lane 11Varrar�� Rnalysis � Although the site vicpnity intersections �r� projected' to rperate efficie�tt&y with the expansian af tY�� existing uses, the N. Frontage Ro�d �c�rridar is wikhir� th� jurisdic�ti�n of the Caloradc� Depar�ment af T�anspnrtatian 4CC7�]T� an�d needs ta carn�afy wit}� CLUT cnteria. The State has estabfished auxiliary I�ne war�ant criteria far roadways ta enhance s�fety and access along t��ir carridors. The GDOT crifieria l�eccames affective or� an existing use if the u�e ch�r�ges its site tr�f�ic by 2a°/o or more. �eca�a�e the sit� �enerated traffic is anticip�te� to inc�-ea�� by mor� t�an 2D°Io, the CDC]T acGess cr�de criteri� w�uld apply to th� praposed site �xpansian. The f�r�cast traffic volumes at the two site acc�ss intersecti�ns were reui�ewed ta �etermine ��uxiliary lane rc;�uire�n�nts �ased c�n cur��r�t GDQT acces� code criteria�. Th� C�QT crit�ri� far assign�;d category ratings af F-R or Frar�t�g� Ro�d require left-ttam decelerati�n P�nes w6tf� p�ak haUr vaiumes abave 2� vehic��s wY��n th� posted s�eed iimit is less than 4� miles �er h��ur. Right-turn dec�leratiar� lan� warrants are rnet wh�n greater th�n 5C1 vehicles conduct G: right-turn into th� �c�ess pvint during a peak �[]-minute p�nad. A review of the for�Ga�st 2aa�-�alus-site gen�r�ied �eak hour vvlum�s �nd the CDaT warr�nt criteri� determin�c; th�t �u�n lanes at th� either of tl�e sit+� ac�ess inte�secti�ns ��� not v�rarranted. � �, Y._,�� �7'Q� - �U�o v�� ����- • � 4 State}-Er hwa Ac�ess Cc•r_ie, State of Calaradv,August 31, 1998. ' ' � � Mr. Greg Gastineau Page 5 � Ro�st Lodge Expansion Prvj�ct Traffic An�lysis July 21,2�b5 ConcluSionS This traffic �nalysis was �onducted to sur�rm�riz� the R�QSt Lod�e Expan�ion Prcaje�t sit� sp�c�fic traffic gene��tian and any rvadway impacts� as�ocsated with the deve��pment as planned. It w�s det��mined that the site #raffic can be served by th�•��,�ccess points to the hl. Fr�r�tage Road and dc�e� n�t warrant enhar�cements tc� the exis�g trafFic,c�ntr�l or .�__ _ - __���_T._�d ....__�.�_.�v� �metry alonc�the c�rridc�r. ,. This concludes our analysis and summary o# fhe Roast Lodge Exp��n�ivn si#e dev�lapm�nt praject. Sincerely, �"'��� Fvx Hi�gins Transporkat:�n roup, LLC �._ J� Higc�ins, AIC � Pr ei��l � AttaGhments:Ta�le � — f?eak Haur L�uel af Service Summary T�ble 2 — I nt�rs�ctiQn Ca���ity Warksheets Cc: aominic Ma�riella, fJiauri�lla Planning Grc�up � ' ' � � � � � xn � � o Q �c � mi� � �xr� .� � -.' � � ' �s _ ,— ;— . _ ---- � t � � c`n, � � � � �' °� � j c�;� a °p ea s*s o a� � � �' -�',� � ;cx,� r� r +� � a � � � � � cs � '� ,a ,' -� � � �y � � o c�'� � m 4 �r �Cw ; � �+ � � � ° x� � u � iv � � � � � � � � � � sa y � Nc� U � M � r3 �? j J � � o � � C7Q � ,��, Q CaC� � t'ts � � � � � � ... � � Ca 47 m � � � � � $ � I � � � Q N � � J i �! � v a � � � d� � `° a� m � � � ti- m �c �' � � �= � �=' I � -�' . � e ar �D � „� rn �� I t � o �, '? � r� � �„� `� �,� F- .: s � � � � ` fl � � � � � � a u : y i7 � a'� ,�c °'[� r� � � � � U7 "p � ` � "��H q � c9 � 41 C 'w 4 � � s J � � � � J t!7 . � S] {,1 � '�J _l ~ '�3 N J � -�p 7�, � � � � � _ � � C � � Rf i � � o � � � O p S7 d � c LL�. � -.�,�- .c O � � �C ❑ � � 't'� o. � � � Q. � � � � � w � c� Zur � c°n z° � x � � � � � � � . - � � � � � � . x # �., � a��. �{ � r' ca � N �o iti � � � € � _ I ��a � L O C M m � '� � 4 � � i m O V7 7 N p�i � I � ! � ro x i a � 4°'.. E-°� I � ° `��i � � o � o -�; $ `r � �u � -- . _ _ � o O � "r I P�- �' F��- �t i`�'I `p '� �' • f� � Q Ca c� C� ay U �V y RS 'L � Q [�V `_ �O �C�7 �`� � a S��+f n�s � �» I N �� .. _. _ � 6 ? . � . q a � 'r C' C�7 i`! Q � C7 � ['�V n N � • �. "�lr; �[4 [`+P '�'7 tY- N y '� � � ��' � � � � N p^. � .� 'fl.. � � � � �� I u7 (Ci � � N m �-,a�i � � � � ~ � � r- � 4 � ro � Q 7 «. � � U 4'-- � ° � 'r'� : ar � a� r- r— ` c, .�. �cn � � t�'s � r Lfl (p �C7 .._, y \�( 4 ,� �LL CU Lf7 QO 117 frS � � ,f�1 '� �iL � :� 64.� Q u � #c �1 � � � .�r "�1 =� � F � � L ; � o � a � o m u � � � � � � � � � � � � �; � a � � � � � �. , � a ,� z ,� � � � � � � ° � � � � � � I� � � � " � � M o � : � a � �p °a � 'n � � u' � � � � ° �s1 a � _� '� o � � Q � � � � � � � • � 4 — `�.° � v °. � F-- � 4] �tl} }-- N � � ❑ ❑ � � � C 'rS Z7 � C � � � � � a l�...� ,..,F � y N � � ^ r ar �,'ic7 ra^"�� a w � m i � �r ti m a+ m � Ca � a � � c "� `� � �.'� � ro �Q R° a' 1� « � [�a � a .r. � C b "' � �y m h � . ' � � � �� � � j � G1 � o � � ' � � � � a m � � � � p � � o > .E _ � � � c A � f!j'� p N g t I V7' � � � � � f] � �C . .�, q)� O ti � � O iU � U G � � U � � L} � � � � 4 � `� � .' � ��° V .0 O � 4; Q Q � q �c � Q � �,t � .� [+') N C ['•] C°V SV � �. � � � � �� � .� � _ � � H�M Us�signal�zed Inter�ecti�r: Capacity Analysis �12�12005 3, N. Frt�ntage Rd. &W. 5ife Access � � � � � � .� �n���; t�' -F� � ��� :,� Lane Canfigurations � �'�, � � Sign Cantrol Fr:;e Free St�p ,�.q u,.�,.� `�;�� ��` ,,-, GI"�C�O ''v �% �°/o Vo�ume(vet�Ih� 6- :a'_:Q 485 4 3 5 � f�eak Hour Factor 0.92 t. ..2 0.92 d.92 Q.9� 0.92 ' �lourly fl�vr rate�v;�h) 7 �_,0' 527 4 3 � Pedest�ians Lane Wid#i�(ft) r�:� �� �z.e;: -����u��d������''����`. . Wa�king Speed (itls} " � Percent Bl�ck�ge ..,, - ,.�•,....,,.,..., u�����'�' - ... „"-.�-: : �. r� _! :.�.,, �,If��Pt tlJFil fl�fe �V��l} � ��: x i `T� c• s��: �r �� ��G�Ic"�R'�1fFJ� „r,v �? t-S,° ,,,,:::. �'1�f?f1E � ;�._- "e � � � _... , ��_._ � Median storage veh} � Upstre�m signal �ft) � ���. _�;: pX, pfatoon �rnhlvcked vC, canflieting vcaCume 5�2 . : -; ,���:; �2� 52g �x���- ���� _..,� . v�i, stage 1 canf vol vC�,stage 2 co�f vol ;�� '�3�i:- � � > _ . � . ._ �t..c:... ._*�.. ..._..._, r:r-, ._e:.,� ;:.' . . .. vCU, un�facked vol 53� 923 529 ,., . �a. .. tC, single (s) 4,1 � A�"� f �: 6.4 6.2 ��. w:�' �'& ,..�. '�' t�, 2 siage{s} ._� �F �'s} 2.2 }�'ar�g� ' _ 3.5 3.3 �. , '�", �� pD q4ie�.i� free°�o J9 99 99 � �M capa�ity[�rehlh} 1(l36 ��'3 � 298 549 A' ���� {' #��'�� �.. _ __ _. . ..,.� _ . , : . �i�'�•� OR,'�.c9Tt8'� ��'� 11`�. 1 „+�;� 1 ,�x �::'��`�'• §,; � ' ;�'� .: x„ . _ . , 5E Ifcalurr�e 7ataC �87 .2 9 •` ,. ; V�ol��me l.eFk 7 � � _ 1/tJlUme Righ# {1 � 5 _.,,. ,. . ...t _. . •�y. -� �.. .. ��,�rr�a' °�' cSH �036 � Q 417 ��,�. t VO�I.fITIG LN LI{�fJL�GI� C7.h1 S . L.J I �.LlL �X��.a;�"x�1{�4F.,`'».`y�i�'�1�4.�"ii�M1TYY���t�,�1��P�.�l lF��.,g�..�' . . �1 'QlJ�l1E ��fl���l ��3�1 ���i � L� � Cor�trol D�IaY(s) O,Z �.0 13.8 � W. . �. Lane L�S a B /� {� �} ry �1� .y+� ❑ . . ...... x..��3 :'� ��g� 1�4�J����{�i� V�����C3� V.G ..V IJ.I! . . . . . .... . °� � ..�,''- Approach L.[�5 B ���'}s�?rL71R✓'i!�4l�ii�Li� rs�k}!.'� �-'.�� x'�. E .`d��P"y' yY��M�i,"a4§,..+� .e.,_ J� ..., .. .. . a�_ . . Average C}e#ay �0.� !n#erse�tian Capacity lJtilization 35.8"!� 1�U Leuel of Senrice � 4 �` �1A°'�° '''�"'��� �����. �. ��, �� ,�n�iysis Perio� {minJ 15 �� � FH#05Q�4�4-Rvast Ladge �roject . �ffie Analysis Year 2(]05�ackground Fox Higgins Transpartation Grou}: ' . � � HCM Unsignalized Inters�ction Capacity Analysis 7l2012D05 6: N. Frcantage Rd. &IE. Site Access � .� �. � �. � .� ��t �k��� }�����.: „ sa� ss� ;:� , .n �.ane Con�rgurations _ �' '� '►�r Sigrr �on'��i Fr�e Free 5top � ,., ,� , .� ;�°�: -.�- 4".a&��w .iF'G�i�t,. ?���� i�: .�� ` . GC3de ��'I� 0°ru �d/o Valume(v�ehlh) � 355 48a 4 3 5 ;����''���_ . Peak Hour Factor 0.92 U.92 �.92 (}.92 q.92 �.9� Hourky fiUV�r�te(v�h} 7 38fi 522 4 3 5 � _ Pede�trsans Lane�'1�"rdth (#t} ' � .. :,'��'�"'� . Wal9Cing Speed[�fls] � � :�.�,��,�::-.. .. �,,,.,� y� Percent BloCkags : - �;;, :- � �" , �ight tur� flare(veh� . M�dian tyAe ������ ��'' �� , Nane '?,°�, . - .� .: w�� �, Med�a� storage veh) l.lpstream sigrsa9 ti#� ��'� __. , e�.=�.. .�:,. � -..»��n T k }�X, platoor� un�Gack�ed v+�,conflicting valu�e 52B '�'; 923 5�4 •��� ..�`�� � vC1, stage 1 conf vol vG2,s#age 2 conf�01 - ' , _ _ , _. , `'� _ vCu, unblocked vo9 52f 9Z3 �24 � ., . , -., tG, si��le (s} 4.i 'r • ; ' ' . ba ..� ...: �-4 �7.� ���1 ,� ..:�.;;r�< t�:� r���. ..,...�. ...�.� . � . � CC, 2 Stag@ (S} tF(s) 2.2 - 3.5 3.� ��,�,"�� -:,� � ,;;- �,��• -�; pa Cji,let�e fl'ee % 99 99 99 CI� C�q�Cl1.}I�V@hlh} f€�41 Y.� ' 29� 5a3 f l x� p � -- v ... ,... . , �. . _ „� :. �ireG#i�t�,'Larte# �� ES 9 '�IfB�t B � a;. ��.r�� ,,�°`.,�, .� Valurne Tofa'� 392 5�ti � Vol�ume Left 7 a � Volurne Righ� � 4 5 , _- _ ,}�:a�:�..,,���+a�.wu �...��+tu�u:.a�t��s�ninmie�"��l " eSFi 1041 1 ,'00 419 Ilol�me to Ca�acity Q.Q1 �,31 Q,az ,r � ����. �K�'-- ` _ka•��� �-�-�-,{�s, ns�: �tueu� l.ength 9�th (ft} Q q Z Gon�ral t}elaY(s) 0.2 O.Q °(3.8 �,' � - L�ne L�S A E3 Ap�raach Delay �s} 0.2 .;... �3.b . � _.. _.. Ap�arvacf� LC)S E3 _ �ti��rs�.�c�ri.�urnrr�ary �� ��= �"�� Average De�ay L'.� Intersect�a� Gapa�i#y Utifizatian ; 3,�:5% . I�U Level�f 5ervice �:� A �` ,,,; '`< �p'-' Analysis PeriQ�i (min} 1; s�.�,-� • . .:; ���?ii�, , _ � FFi#45044-Roost Lodge Praject Tf_.,;ic Analysis Year 2006 Ba�fcgrawnd Fax Higgins Transportation Grr�up . � � � HCA11 Ur+signalized I nt�rsectiar� Cap��ity Analysis 712Q12C1C}5 3; N. Frpntage Rd. &V11. Site Access � � � � � � � �n� ���f� - �r ws� ��"���. �����' _ o. Lane Configurativns f; �, � Sign C4rrtrol _ ':Fre� Frae' Stop ��;,��;,�;k,iu�'��a' S � ����' Grade G _ /� 0°/a Ilv[ume�vehlh) 15 3� �:G0: 7 0 t 0 ��� �� � ... . _ Peak Hour Factor p.9� o.t . �.�� 0.92 Q.92 C7.92 Hour�y fl�ow rat� (vpF�) 16 4C ? M�+3: 8 �3 11 ' _�,......._ . . _ P�des#rians Lane Ulfdth{ft) . V�Jalkirsg 5pead{fUs} _ _ ... � _ _ _ F'ercent�lockage � � _._-�:,,T-7�-�; � _ : , Righf turn�lare (veh) Median�+pe ', °�� �. _ "� iVdne Ax" �����_ � . m .�v.� Mecf�an s#orac�e vehy �..ipsiream signa�(fik) �4¢ z� �"'�`� .. .�:, _. . . pX, plataan �nEaic��:ke�i vG, canflicting vvlutne 551 , {"�=i 982 �4T �:��.' vC1, stage 1 oonf Vol vC�,stage 2 canf�vi ,,;�; vCu, un�lacked val 551 98c 547 tC,single (sj 4.1 - � �.4 6.2 i;4' ' tG, 2 stage (s� tF{s) 2.� =� ,:: 3.5 3.3 ' . p(� queue Free "r`a 98 1 Q+J 98 - �-: •:.". 'z�^:i; r . a�. . . cM capacity�veh1Y�) 1 a'!9 - ��� 272 637 � . _�,_ ,�n��.. .. � ,�,.-. , .,., , � .�. _ �lr�'+�iol�;�n�.#� �� 1 ���; . c�� � �.��.., � _ � :. VAfume Total 4�i 8 ;:, �i 5 � .a . , . .�- �.��"nx��"z�„ � �,:;' 1l�lu��e Left 1� Q'. _. Volume Right �: � � � r;;,�._ . ,x.. �,. ��-:�n7��'. _. cSl� 1Q39 1 i '7 � '�F7�Ui1'lB�Ki'���7aClf}+' �.U2 0,. v J�b� .�1{'�t��4.�«�'��!�. , .� f�� �i�i7�„:.�.� °�� :.. _ _ Gtueu� Lenc�th �5th (fi�) 1 2 {'�i0flt]'Q�QE��y��'u� Q}'.r3 �. � , irl��`':io �.af1� ��S 1�, � �. , . . . k t &�!'FI'f-� Ap�roach pelay{s) �3.� _ 3 :��,�: ..�. ,. , �.4�`� �_ . �,"...�a,�:�. R�praach LflS 3 �TS��li�t] �a�l�'IfTi�, up�'°��: �.a: Average De€ay � Intersection C�paciEy Ll��izaiion .:�.�'!a . fCU Level df Servec� �,,.�,; . A :�s�� , ��,����i� Anafysis Perit�d (E77irs) ry �,�- ,w;• - ���;��. � FH#{��fl44- Rnas�Lodge Project'I ysis Year 200�+ Site Fax Higgins Transportation Grou�a . - . � a . ; � � HGM Unsign�lized I nterseGtic�: ��ity Analysis 712D12��5 6: N. Fror�4age Rd.& E.Site Ac�ess � ,� �� �_ � �. .� � '" r �'° �+- r ii �E '�-�;� >;.'7��r `s° - Lane Gonfi�gurat�ons _ � x � ._ . __ ...._ Si n Cantrnl 'Fr� �;e 5to , ��� k `�';' ' �� G ade p �±��+��:�� ,�u I�°,/a VaEt�me�vehlf�) 1Q .,. :�Q '!C� 14 1Q . , Peak Nour Factor� 4.9� u.. ...2 0.92 Q.92 0.92 _ hlouriy flow rate {vph} 11 3` �: �� 15 11 "° ` Pedestrians � _ .. .� a.- �. . Lane lll�dth (ft) w� �. �, Walkiny�peed tftls� ..� ,,. ,.,;,� - Percent Biackage r, � ,��:.�_ __x,�., , . � �. ..� = . , . ,"t�9�.,.�� Right furn fiar� (veh) _ _ .. � � ��C'�i�T!�1�,7e f �:._ �"" �1�oFle °�r�e��sr�-_�"�-W����*�'rr��",&,i^� �� Med�a� starage v�l�} U�stream signal(ft) '�.'�" � .�.;� � .�.��., .-� pX, platca�n unbiocked ai:. . -t- � -a,° � , L- � -�:�- . vC, cor�flicting valurne �43 { � 953 538 � �Q�« �� �� , ...x. . , y. �� �, �.�� , vC1, stage 1 conf val vC2,stag�2 ccs�f vo] _, � " _ `x uCu, unblocked vol 543 �5� 'S38 tC,single (s} 4.1 � �� B.4 6.� �` �.��._ ��� �:_ , tC,Z s#ac�e (s) t� (s� 2.2 ,' f` 3.� 3:3 ,. p�D queue free % 99 �5 98 �� � cNi cap��ity(vehlh) 1025 >, ` 28a �43 `` +���� -- „ '�`��, _ . _>q�,�' i`t��$r ��'C�iOC}, �:�i1 P#E �,�� '� I�:•. , -- ,;: . . : . �i]�LfFT1E�Of�3� �Q2 :�' . °S�f3�UfTl� �@ff �'� - Vo�ume Right '�" � "' � .__ _ _ ._ _ _ _��; cSH 1 D�5 ' � Vnft�me tv Capacity 0.01 ., t �>:: ....: . _�;;... �'�������:--����uai�;�;';�;�' i�ueue �engCh 95t�s (f�} 1 -' CQntr�l L��lay(s) 0.3 =� r,� � �±��:' . �.., _ Lane LC]S A Apprva�h �7elay (s) 0.3 ���x `���.��°�`;�-' � , r �.r.�. � �°$�<����d: � �3 Approach LOS �rrt�r�`ectiv�"Surr�tr�, w�':- Auer�g� �7el�y fnfer�eetian Ca aoi lJtilization , � ���=��:�,�� p �'' �;,�,� I.CU Lev��t�f 5�ruic� ..��,��e�$;,,. A AnaEysi� Periad 4�nin� ' _ _ `" ���: ,� ,� �� J� - �:: . �.- . � FH�k�5�44 -Raost Ladge Pro��:c _.,s Year 2006+Site Fox Higgins�"rans�artation Gra: y �l � � Appl ication fv�r Rewiew by the � � � P�anning and Environmenta� Cvn�tmission ����� ��'���,� QepartmQnt�c�ammu�ity deve�vp�ment 75 Sauth Frontd�Raad�Vaii,CalorddO 81657 tel: 97p.479.213� fax:970.�i79.2452 wc�b: www.ci.vail.ca.us Genera! �nformatio�: All prajects rec}uinng Planning and Envirvnmer�tal Corr�missaon reyew rnust receive apprr�val prioc to s�bmittirrg a ��ilding p�rmit a�plic�tion. Pfease refer t�the subrr►if�af require+ments for the particular apprava!that'rs requeste�d. An appli�t�an far Pians�ing and EnWironrr�ental Cornmission revlew cannpt be a�cepted until afl requireti information is receF�red by tl�e Cornmurrity Rev�:topment E3epartment. "�fise pr�ject r��l+ also need ta be reviewed by the Town C,�unci!ar�d�'or the t7esign Review�oard. Typ�of Appl�cation and F+ee. O Rezoning $13�aQ ❑ Condibor�al�i�Perrrrit $65t1 O Majar 5ubd"nvision $t54}0 C] F�ovdplain Modific�tion $4Q[� O Minar S�bdiuision $65� 0 Mir�or Exter�ar A1te�tian $650 ❑ F�cempi�on F'Jat $65E� 1'� Ma�or Exter+�ar A16eration $8(]f1 CI Minras Amendrr�ent to an 5�D ��vaa f� Deve�la�ment F�an $15QQ � New S�ec�al berrefopment[3istrict $60f10 ❑ Amendme�t to a Uewebpment#�an $25U Q Major Amendment to an SC337 $6fdQ(} 0 Zonin9�ode Amen�rnent $i3Ufl � Majar Ames�dment to an 5E3� $1250 0 V�riance $5QU ('na ext�riormts�9',i'i�atio�tsJ C� ��gn Varianee $2�0 Desctipt+an of the R+�ques�:�Aajcar E�rterigr.A�Ite L��n Qf Ltte��dnn Rr�ost Ladye pmp�,i J r�flinr� � �text amer►dmer�t. a�d r,z�r�it7ana!use p��xi� Location of the P�posal: Lat: 9-12 Block•;,�Sut�div�sicm: 6��reek Ftesub � Phrsi�cal Address: 1783 l�c�rtFt Fronta�e Ra�d , --- -- � P�r-c9e1 N4.:21{131�3L120D1 ( Eagle Cc�. Assessar at 97{1-3�8-8G4Q for pa�rcel rx�.) Zoninge Pub�ic Aoccammodati4n�PA) Na�ne�(s} af Qwner(s); '� M�iling Addre�; 12 Vail R Suike 6D0 Vail C(7 8]657' Pi�one: 47b-1464 Owner�s)Signa#ure(s]; Name of Applicant: RePr�r��l.�v aunellc� Plannina �rou�, LLC _ Mailinc�Addre�s: PQ F�etx �127 Avon �0 8164 � Rhone- 74t3�} 2� �-r�ail Addr�s;m�urielioC���ast.net �a�c: 7�48�377 Far tH�ic�e Llse On1y: , �ee Paid: rC'�!� • � Ch2ek t+�a_: �r�?�' gy; f °,_ar�..�e..�l ��'�r''-t_.-�,S'� ���" {_,^-.�--. � AP�alica�on L7ate: PEC Ntr.. "` �' Planner� Projec�No.: ' Q9I4121Q5 - �'������ � ��'a ocr � � �oa5 , � �T� rn b e r� � n e LC.��d � � C��d �ev�lc� r� en� l�rc� �.�� �' � ���rm�� �,c���t L�dr��� �5�;��� ��,��„�������� �,� �-+�� ��« � r � �s- � ��� . � ��� � ,� ' � ���.. � � � r�.n„�x �^ ,.,M �..-� � as �� t,� '+ �>s� �"� � „;,: " - � � ,�.•:s'�,'`'�`�' �- � �� �,." � ._._ � � r:Y� Pk���� r, '� ? �.:F' di'� �'"`�..4Y �" �,,,.,�p /'N 2;.f�' �� S. �� ,:,�,�� F'r ` k�..�, i. ..� . S _ � � { :. ,M .�� �f�:. � @? �a� J �. � . S i � � r5. - k f��`��'�r �.. .� n � �jr _ �°��� ����7 � `�f� . �� k;- �r . `h ~�r ss,.? �` fi�1/,J�� � - � �r ;�' �° , �<; ,�° ��ry: "'k�'�.. ,�,i�` .,s '� � P,: ~�, � � ,,,, r �p '�, / f.. :� w. a�' � '�", • . + �� ro �^��� ," _sf�r .rr.���� t� `�` ��� .� ,,�+�f F lr� �� �� � r°„-����� r�t�'+s,- f+'' � ' � ;�^ .y,& ,`-� �y.��°. �:'` ,. '�� •-� /�p.,,e`f � ��!`�, ' �� ��k��' 4�I�. /'' �h h'� �'h:� •`� . .� .. U- t' "1�SS C�e��r�r� ��v�euv an�l Ma��r� �xt�:r�c�r �rlterat��r� A I �c�t�c�r�� �� C�ctaber COC�� ����.�� �r��-+,�� �.x r���� Y� �'�.r�,�4s-i{�a� �t�i °��i w�.� ��+�. '���rr�-w;�'.�_.. `$��'�'q"��xi � i � � Mauriello Planning Group a � � � !. �a�kgraund �nd Summary af f�ec�ues� The appl�car�t ,� prc��os�nc� tc� rede�elc�p �he ex��t�ng Roo�t Lodge �ro�erty a�, th� �or�ibPrtirie LUd��. �he de�elo�ment plan fnr tht� new ha�elJcandamin�Um prr�ect w�ll �xp��nd trie �xi�tinc� u�e aF the pro��r�y. �he devefopmen� pian c�ll� for �h� d�m�litevn ca� the. ex��ttnr� hc�tcl and the de�eEe��rnent of ! �4 new hc�tel roc�m5 (7� raom� exi�tinc� tc�day}, 39 dwell�n� unbt5 { I dwelling un�t exos��nr� tr��ay}, 3 on-��te employ�e hau��r�� u�i�� with 5 p�llows and �urface and �truc�urec� park�nc�, The pro�o��d �ro�ect +nrrll f�acu� on prav,ding a price �en�i�a�e a��c�mm�c��tic�n optic�n �uhile 5ub�tantially �pgradan� �he �e�thetic� of tl�e fa�ility ar7c� pr•r�v�c��r�g �dd�t�Una! ar��nat�e� tc� loe�r�i��g guP�ts. The prapraser� condc�rruru��m5 {3J vnot�} are prapol�d �a b� a��rc�x+m��ely �5Q �q,�rare ��.�t. Tk�i� redevelc��mer�t �rU��Ut wi{k mcrea�� bc�th the �ccammc�da�ic�n �nd dwel{ang iUd��r�� b��e fc�rr the Tc�wn c�f Vasl. Trt� f�ac��t Lc�c�r�e �va�, c�rfe��n�{ly e�n��ructed �n th� early 197fl'� �� a motel �ra,��Gt. Th� �xistanc� ���� conta�n� �� hotea rr�c�rri� w�th �r�all k�tch�n�, includwng r�fr�gera��r�, ��c�ti��� and mrcrowave av�rt�, ane dvvellen� un�t, a pQOI �ac�lrty, and �a�ed �urfac� �a rk�r�g. �he prop�r�y �� �c�ner� Publ�c Ac:car�rnoda�i�n. The prc�p��ed pro�e,ct i� bPinc� r.l�:v�loper� un�er exr�trrT� zonfr�c� {k.e., nr� SE�C�). Th� �ro�osed �rt��ec=� will be de��r�ri�c� tn r��:fl�rt a � `-lac��e style" arr_}��t;e.cf:ure that will c:onta�n f �� hc�tel rr�c�ens rartr�rr�g �ri ��ze frnm 4�3 �r�r���r�; fe.r�t tc. 7.3 i s�uare feet �nciud�r�c� �mall k�tchen�, 3� condvm�n�u�r�� c�f ap�rnx,m�t�ly 35f� sq. ft. �a�h and thrce c�n-��t.e em�loyee hou�Mn� unit� cc�nta,n�n� psllvw� f�r 5 ern�loyee5. The pro�ect wv�ll al5o have f 73 enclQ�ed ��ruc�ur�d park�ng �pace�, �� �urface �ark.ing s,�ace5 and related ho�e1 and cr�r�domi��um facElitaes. It ,5 ar���ce�aa�ed that the �ote9 w�lf �ae �perated a� a MarriDtt f�e5ider�ce Inr� ar a� an�th�r nat�onal brand "sel�ct 5erv,ce" hotel. A farc�e perc�entaye �F the h�tel5 current�y be�r�r� d�v�elc�pe�� thrc�uc�hout the Unitec� :�t�tes are b��nc} c�e��r�ner� as "��lect ��:r•v�c'.�„ hc�tel�. Th�S is a c�row�nr� tr�nd �n the ho5p�tal�ty ir�c�u�try tn r�5�c�nc� f:a c:an5�trrier c�emar7c�. A "�el�c�t ��:r�i�.e" hr�t�l �ften inclu�le� or�P r�r t�vn bec�rc�c�rn5, a r�rea� roc�rn, k�afhrc�c�tri �nd � 5rnall �cit:c��er�. All r�f taae nati�r��� hc�t.�1 cvrr��an��s ar•� agc�r•e��ive�y ex�andMrac� th�� cor�ce�t th�r�vughout the Ur��ted 5�a���. An exampCe Qf �,m,lar "se��ct ser�ac�'" hatel5 are '�owr�e Place ��ite� k�y Marr��t�, Amer�Surte� by tlyatt, Hawthorne �u�tes f�y hyat�, S�rinc�hiRl 5ur�e� !�y Marrjdt�. tiome��,�Qad Su�t�� by �1rCtc�r�: k1��tQn Garden Inn, Co�fart Su�te� by Cc�mfor� Inn and �xten�ed S�ay P,meri�a. �ven the very po�uiar Marr3��t Cc�Urtyard wt9l �r��n �nclude some k�tchen fa�il�t�e� �n the r�ewer 17p�els, Gu�sts ar� flocicing nat�c�nalfy ta ho�el raam5 w��h ameni��es that inc�ude ki�cher��, �YmS anci bv�in��� cen��r�. 1Nhile th� �elect �er��ce 5e�tar �� rapldly �rowfna�, the ma�c�r ho�elaer� are �cal�ng ��ck on `°fuil ser�vGce" hatel� �o re5pc�n� �Eo r�arket tre��c�5. Marr�Q�t a6rane currently opera�es o�er �{�0 � T,m�er°I�ne Loc�ge 1 Maur,ello Pl�nn�r�r� Grn�ip. LLC . - . � � � ��elect �er�ir�e" r�c��el� �t[�tal af apprr�ximatefy 5�,C70[]+ rvom�) �n the UnGted State� with a cnrr��arable amc�unt under �evelnprr�er�t. kl�lton, Sheratc�n. �omfart Inn and F1yat� a!I h���e ma�Jc�r ex�ans�an plan� r�f th��r r��spec�E�e "�el�ct �ervic�" hotel brands that w�ll rnc�re th�n dQUL�Ie na�sanaE c�unt c�� s�lect J�rvice ht�tels, The con�umer expect�t�or�� fc7r � '�o�el in toclay's marke�t�l�c:� have �x}�anr�ed tc� wnclude kit�}�en fac�lntGe� a� wel9 a� .� �i�nng rar�m, bu�Ar�eS� �erv�r_�:5 and fam�ly amenitie5. The de5�c�n an�! ar_r.h���cture c�f the prc�p��ed bufldanc�� w�l! be a �rr��t ��r���ta�er�ent wh�n comparecl ws�:h t}�e current design of the RoaSt �r ma5f. c�ther �tructures loc��ed c�n th� nc�r�h sic�e of th� h�c�hway or ou���r�e c�f thc; V�llac�e Cor•e. The propQ�ed �u�ld7nr�� incluc�� �tc�ne, ,�ucco and �imulater� wnnd fac=�des (��rr�ilar ta the Lion�h�ad ful!-��r��ce Pviar•r�ar�tt) w�th th� �dd���Qr� of heavy t��mb�r ��:cent� to create L�he "lodg�" �eel. rF�e ;�ro�o�cd 7�mberl�c�e Lod�e f<�cfl�ty �� antici���ed tc� 5er�e a cer�aon niche w�thin �he loc�c��nc� market by prv��e��nc� a �r��ce �en��tl+�e "�elect �ervace" hvte� facil�ty �ha� meet� the current under�eruer� c��rnar�d fvr afford�F�le hotel room� wi�hin the Tc��vn �� 1�atl. In addit�t�n, the prc��e�t w�ll prcrv�de ni��, well ap�aointed twa bedroQm condorn�n�um lJfll�.5 vvrth �a��r acce�� tc� the Villa�� Gor�. � � Timberf�ne Lnr�qP � Maurl�;llr� Plann�nq �,roup. LLC . , � � � II. Zvn�ng A,naly�i� Zara�n�: F'ubl�c: Ac:c:ammoda�ic�r� (PA) �c�t 5�ze: �3�,597.2� 3q. ��. or ! .988 acre5 Standard Allar,�edlf�eauired ,_ Prc�po�ed I�enstty: 4� Qwell,n� Un�t� 39 Dwelling UnitS U r.a!�"�� ;��.� AU's Unl�,nit�c� I 24 At]'s GI�FA: I 29,�3��.92 s�u<,r•e �e�t I �JC�.�4� sc�uare Ceet �1��� � ����"�� au�ldiric� HP�c�hf.: �t3 fe�t ��3 f��t S�te �ow�rac�e: 5�,28�3.23 �quar� f�et (65%a] 32,8��} ��uare feet I�nd�cape P�r�a: �5,97`� �r�uar� feet (3�7�ay 3 i ,��0 sq,�sare ��et Setbacks. i�or�h: J'� ��' 2C�' � Illr�:��: �' � ��� 20' . Ea�t: C�' a ��,� 2(�7' �' sU�,�n: o° �- �,�,, �a�-� P�rk�nc�: � 9 I �paces f �� ��aceJ �� F��+kt � C��°�,��,c�r Loa�ing: i berth 1 berth Empl�yee 5 p�llows 5 pEilaw� 11ous�nc�: j U�.1+�� � tJ�i'�S � T�mh�r•lint� L��c�q� � Mauricll,� PCann�ri� Gr•taup. LLC . ., . � � � f II. Mitigation of �+e�relQpment I mpact� Th� RoQSt Lodge �tiGG oper�te5 a5 � IEm�ted �erv�cP hnt�llm�tel on the pro�erty, I��r.�u5e n� �t� current u�e �s an accprnmodat�c�n unit operat,c�n, t�he vff-��te 1rnp�ct� af t.h� propc�sed d�velc�pment tc� th� cc�mmunrty are negleg�ble. �et �arth beivw �� a deta�led analy�i� a� b�th �he emplQye� hous9nc� and traffic +m�act� fc�r �h� propo��d �rn�ect. A. �mployee Hcau�ing The Tow�� of lla�l ha5 h��taricaily rec�u�red �he c�wr�er� of n�w and red�veloped proyec�5 �o pro��c�e �nlplc�yee hr�u��ng w��en develap�ng ,n the �awn. �l��tar�caely t}-�i� ha� br�en ba5ed e�r� t��e ancr�rnen��l increa5� �n ���e number of employee� c��ri�:r�tec� by a new �ro�ec�. The Tc�wn, tc�-d�t�, has nev�:r cr���fi��# thi� r•e�uirer�-�ent ar the formula u�ed by �taff �o determrn� th� em��oy�e hr�u5ing r��uir�ment. Ur�der tk��se �ircum�tancES, the a}�}�l�c�r�t lna� appliec� th� f�rr�ult� that ha� �een tradit�c�naily used by �he Towrt ��aff. Pn addition, �he Tr�uvn h�� h��tori�alVy applwec� a cred�t to applt�ant� �or the ex����nc� u�e3 laca�ed on the pr��erty. Ut�l�zin� thi� hi5tor�cal formula, �he pr�+�ect i� fareca�t tc� ger��r�a�e the need for 5 emplQyee �111c�w�. pc�cord�r�gly, the a�pircant w�19 prc�Vtd�: 5 em�inyee p�llow5 �hat w�ll be inr�lud�r� r�n-��te wit'�An the prc�per�y. Set Forth belQw �� the � �alculatior7 as �t r��l�te� to tl�e �r����:�: Employ�ee Hvusi�g ��Iculativn Existing Roost De�velopm�nt Sq. Ft. ar Units Formula Grass Employees Hot�l Rooms 72 �1.25DU 18 Multiple-Famiiy Urrits 'i �.404L� (�-�' T�ta f 1$.4 Propvsed Roast De�elopment _ �q. F#. �rr Units Forrnula �G�oss Ernployees Hc�tel Raoms `I�4 Q.25aa 31 Multipl€:-Famify Units 39 0.40D� 15.Fa ToEal 46.6 Net Increas�in �rass Ernployees 28.2 13°I� Fact�rlT�ta� B�ds Required �.� � i i��i}��;rf�n� Lc�clrar_: `� M���riell« F'i�nniriq Grc�u�. �LG . � . ' � � � P�. 7r�f��c Generat�r�n Accord�ng to the upd�ted traf��c r�:port far the }�rojcc� �� �rov�d�d here�n ar�d ba�ec� u�aon c�r�ver�atfor�� w,t� GDDT, no accelera�t�n GaneS ar turn lane� aff af the North Fr��ta�e �.c�ad tv�Il be �°��u�rec�. ThP attach�e� traf��c ��udy ,n licate� tha� tF�ere �5 a ir��nc�r r�et increa�e c�f �C YM ��.ak hour� veh�r:t�lar Lri�� proc�ucer� by the r�r���elnpr�l�rit af thi� ��t�. IV. T�xt Amendment ta All�ur K�tcf�ens �n A��omm�da�iorr �nit� Th� prc�pr�5�d hc��el is �ntic:9p���d ta �rperate as a M�r•r��vtt f�e�,dence Inr7 c�r a�ather r�atronal brand "Jelect �erv,c�" hatel. A ReS,den�e Inn or ,imilar type hc�tel affer5 a ��rta�n cla�� c�� am��rtfe� t� serve an e�er-growin� market r��che ar+d to re.�pr�nd tc� consumer c#emand fc�r ac#dit��nal ameni�ie�. �he hptel amenities exp�cted b� gve��� who �tay 3n "5elect servsce" hc�tels �nclu�ie k�tchen facil�tie� w�th�n the hotel room�, b���ne�� �er����ce� and fam�ly amen�t�e5. The propa5ec� i�o�el ha5 been initially de�,gn�d to m�et t1�s� c�emand anc� tca ���ov�c�e � pro��uct �rnr�c�r re�re�er�tec� ,n �he �own of Vail. Th� �ro�ac�5�ra text arnenr�m�nt: w�ll al6o�v t�CGOrrirnac�atfc�ri urtit� with a ki��h�n, �� be iricl��c�ed t�s par� c�f �c=c.omr�r�c�atic�n unit� �ub�ect tca a �vr�d�t3c�na� u�� perm�t. Set fortk� � belc�w ,a the prc�po�ed lan�u�c�� tr� the amendm�nt: Adr.l tc� th� I��t af cond�t��nal u5e� in the �'A �r�ne d��tric�; � Accommor�a��nn un�i:� v��th�n � Inc�ge. n�' hc�tee fac�lity w�th k��G�en �ac�lit�e�. Thc� �r•opc�5e� te.xt ��m�r��lmerat will �E{c�w the Pl�nriir�r� Cpmmissoc�n tc� ��pro�ve �hi5 ty�� r�f h�a��l pr°c�duct w��hMn the F'ublfc Accammradat�c�n ze�ne d���r��ct ��b�ect tn the exi5tinc� crnd�tic�nal u�e �r��er�a. Thi�, allow� ��ch ind�vodual ,��e to be re�ri�wed 4n the r�c�ntext rf the Town'�, goal� and ab�ec���re5 wh�r� apprc�v�r,c� hc�te4�, cQntaining �ccc�mmr�datrr�r� s,ir��t� wrth kr�cl��n�. It �hc�uld be noted that e�en thc�u�h �he hatel room� have k�tck�er�5, the d�veloprnent �lan �pproval anc� the �i awn Cc�de wc�uld pre�ent �he�e room� frvm ewer be�nr� condominium�zed and �olc� as c�well�nc� un�t5. ���� �Set" �+�r�w�+�T C.'�2r�.�ti r4 �, r�. S a.�.-�,,: 1��. `��j,`s ! � Timberlinc LC�r�c3e � ?vl�uriello F'lanning G�•UU}�, LLC • � • •` . • � � ... ,J` ti�. . 4 .,:•� � . : ; , :'Li. ,_ �.. . . � V. Conditianal Use Per�rn��rit�r+��.��-r-.r: . : ��`a_w��;,.-.:.•r' ���. �;,�,,.�+►=�'��`.,`w° .. A5 t.h� prc���s�d ":�el��t �erv�ce" hotel �d5 kitche�i' f�c�l�t�e�`withiri'�h� 'ho�el �rdams,,� ,�, �andkt��na� u�� p�rm�t uu�ll be required to aIIQw the�e kitchen facllities, 7h�: 7�awn Of V�rl •, conr��toc�naE v5e �r,�er�a are add�e���vl;b��4+�►. ,A; :.•� :.;�� :.y".. . . � . . . ' . A. Rel�t�on��ip and impaG� of the u5e nn de�relr�pment �b�ective� ca� �kie�tnwr�. . . �j. .r a'n.w j. A , � .�• • ~. •* C7ur Ar�afYSr_�: � Th� �r-n_�r�.�rd {�c_�I�ty �vr�I,prc�vrr�'� 5�/�'c�t 5�:r°�EC.P f.�t��'�J �fa�ilitr�� tn'�lrLLG"�'i�5t SUarl �rPa Lfl��- c��ll ��rv� a d1t`f�r��tt .�ec=t,��r� o� tfi�'�t���r�5t:rt�r��t�:�n�.�he.,�'r�t��t,r�ot F a , cua°rentJy me� �ra �he TQ�.n� of V��l.� Th� �ro,no�ed ac.�c�c�mrrtvd��t�vn un��� w�th k�tcf��n Fac�lr�r�s �vill hel� tc� �rr�re�se th� rarr�c o{ lac�'g�ng.at��'c�rtcrr"i�t��� �rrj:f�ac� rawri. A ma�r�rfty of hotel.� ,�ern� �evelop�d En 6�th r�.sar� anc+' i�at�onai mark�ts �re "5elect" .�er�.�ce hc��efs that �rr�ft��e k�tchen fac�litr�s. ��h� .�rc�J�ct� w�Il. : � .•°. � re�e�✓e1��� a ��r�p�r�y that ��.� or�grr�af�y ��e�elnpecl +rr G�h�'.7 9�"�J'� �i�`d iia�`�e�n ` ���ntFfr�r.� by.the 1�Qw�� �s a �Jc����af .rec�e�elr�1'�,,��.:�E��� vu��h��r �h�• .�c�r���:.:�he �'rr�,�r��ec� U5�'�ifl,�rc��rde a net rr�crea�e rr7 ho�e! be�accorr�mo�atr�ra un�ts ��h��'la ha.s 6e��� � �ta�u'�o�l,e?f�i.��� �c�ur� � ;} ; �, , . . : .�. ; , :�-. . `4�� ' �,ti ;-..— � . . . . .. � „ . . . , . .. . � t T ;j ` �._ . . . " �a � �. The effect of �he u�e �n I�ght and a�r, ds5�r9butic�n c�� popul�t�ar�, �ran�pe�rtatic3n fac9lities, ut�litie5, schapl5, �ark�, a�d recrea�ion f�cilttie5, and �rther publ�c #acsl�ti�� need�, , , '_ . . , ,..": .+ .. . • ;.,'4�:.![:+wt:°, .. :°. . _ ; ;o - t . ' . . C7ur.Ar�al�:�i�,- - . �,. . . . � . - Y . -`� ,.A� FF#�'�t°bp��ed'�or'idi�ioi�al u�� �fll hav.�4l��t1�, �f any. nEga���e rm�act on the �hov� r efer�,���r� ���u�,�.:�• Fhc;�,�r�;c��e�';p.r��er���s.��r�i� dev��lo��d u✓�G�hrn �h� ��ri�!- cc�rformai��� af tf�e c.�e�elQ�rrrer�� �tar�c�'�rd.� caf th� PA �an� di.�trrcL�. �f�e cr�r�r�iLfr�r��l r�5� pr�r•rr�it �� orrfy r•��il�r•c°�a' �r� �flc�e.t� the fro�el r'QC�ms �`c� have krtCh�n f:�c��lrt.�e5 �rF c�c�rafnr�rr���rrc� u���tl-i th�' "5elect her•vir_��„ cle�����atican. The add�L�i�ri of k�tc'f�en ft.�c�lrtr�� wfll h�fv� r�c3 ��ca'ca'rt�c,n��f trnpf�c:� E�por� tfre ��su�5 ra�sed l�y th�� e�r�ter�vn. C. �f��c� upon traf��c w,th part�cular reference �o �ongest�nn, au�om�t��ve and pedestr�an safety and c�r��r�n�ence, tra�fr� flow and cora�rof, arcess, m�n�euWerab�l�ty, and rer-rrc�rral af 5ncaw from the stree� and park�n� area�. Jur An�ly.���: rh��ro�c�sed corrr�itional u�� ��!!hav� I�ttJe. if any, negate�re rm,r�act c�n tl��� �.�br��r� referei�c�� rssu��. �h� �rr�,�vsec� ,�roJecL� r.� 6e�r�g d�v�lc�ped wi�hrn tfr� �str�r_.-C- � Tamperline Lr�c�c�e � Maur�ello P{a���,nv Group, L�.0 -���� � ,� - .. � . . � -�� �� ���� � � ������E�. ���s � ca�� t��n�-r►�,�� wu�t�s ��� �a , !o wv� ir�v a ."' � '`� "� �' °� +G��'►�5 • C o�.s c��" f ,��sdre�,c�R��.c�..�r� �k� ��� D� �Lr.��� � �`� �'+� �� C.tt�'��v� � ��� ��� � "D�Ri+�t�, C.OtR.1�..s�rt.r�c�a.! �Q �� �(�W c.�� V` �� � '° �c� z �-'� - ���r' ��►.�c.�.�,r W I�-'i.� ,r,n o p�l y}� ��+ � �.�r��E Y�.re� 5�i4 l� '�i�^E. ��Y�-►..1 . . . � j t �bt.►�1� ;�,,.� �flert.e#�, � ��Ca�.,F=r' uQE �.� � �,'' �' C7 � �,�'�`1�. �E.[� � �C7� �►4�+�'�'Y�[._, �. .�- ��r�,� `#� � r=���� � � ���- ��,� ,►'�.,rr.� Twa¢�r 1...�.r� e3�%�s, �'Y1�r�..;.r�[� e��e �+��.�c.� v�c.r...��s �;�.,cr�, � � � ��.� � �� A•• • . _« . . ��y� * , ���� ��.• • �, • , •'� -.`.i ✓� � . � . ..� � ���w• , . �! y F • , ' , . . �� , . cc�n��r`ri�a�c�'' �a` �he ���elr��rr�ent� .�f���darc;.s o�` the PA zar�e �'f.�tr���,� .TJ�r. . :�t.i. , � . .: ' �r�r�c�4-a4�'i��l�:-r�s� p�'mr� r.� c3rrly�i�c�`�+i1'���' tr� al'Ic:�i�.�'��i� fi�tel:r'ooriT.� to h�ve kr�Chen f�C�(��re.s, g��� �cAtc.�itrQrt c�f katc.h�r� f�Cilrt_e�5 �ill 1-ia�� rla f.��r-�iL-r�nal.��r�j.aC� ,r����7 the '�:t� �s.�ue.5 r•�r��r,J by ti`�i5 c:�°sf�r•icarr, • , .. . .. � - ' : ' . , ,i ' ' , . I7. ��fe�t u�an ��e ehar�ct�r nt the are�� iri which tf�e propased v5�:�3�to�be li�cated, incfu�i�g the'.scal� and bulk o�:�t� prt�to��� i��e irr•rel�t3on �o �urrar�nc�rng use5. .. . � C7ur Anaf�r�z.,. . .. � "" • + rh��r`c�,�a�ed cond��fan�1 u�e w�fl h��e h�tle, rf any, nec�at�ue �m�act� c�n L�H� atzov� .f'� .r., ; r�f�rerrcec� rssues. �Jae prQ,��,��ect'�prc�,+��'r5 i�e�r�g =�errelc�,r��d ui��hrn the .�trfc� confc�rma�r�e tc ti�� c,�ev�lc���rrr�:rat yG�r��a:�r�_��t��r� PA.��Qne•�dr����t an� �herefore r� �:Ir�r���rc�r�l tc� be cc�n��yt_�rFt Uv�th ac���jc'�rrt.,r�r���r:�rt��� ar�� �ur-rn�l����l�nr� u���. �he ,r�r•r���:rt_y fir�5 he�n cJSe� as a ho��l.f���ity �f����rrUr�' t�if�r� �C� y��.�r•h wrL-h l���r���r�l kttc'fren,�ictlit�e,��1�_r�� a��4rrr,��tr6�'�,r af��� �atef u�e�arrc� t�t� ne�g�ihc�r�r�g ri�e.s ` � ha�ie�nc�t-�heen �d�r�t��fred'a.s"a �o��cerr�. ��e concJ�f�tonal u���e�rrf,t x� vnly r�����r�ec.� f r� allo�v �he hot�i rQC�m� t� h��r� krtchen fac�l�t��e�. �h� ��'d�f��n c?f kr�c�l��n ; :,-_ � f,���l�trc3.s.;�}ll.f�a�r� pQ±a�d�t-ftl�al im�a�; �an �i��u��r,�i5ecl layF�i,'cri�err�rr. . .. : , ,-.,�-� '.r � , :��• : � •� '�"• , i � :��;, ' �`i��? .� �':: .. ` . . �' . .. . . Y 1. . ti ' .- ! .:1- `.�. . '!..°~,Y. . ,�`,r': .• �-L�... S�Z J,' *"�* r':..�.1. � � . . I_.��. „ �`�...� . � ' �i� : 1 ' ..��.'.. ` I3�.�L _ .' - . . . :R nc. . .�. L-4: � a�` �� "` . . ::�4 '.�"r,^. .., �. y , , ,. , , r � . '�-��1' � �.{S��':,� ���3,� .:-�� .:s 7,. • ._ �rVail�bl� '. • � ,,. , , �,�+� s r + ,n±��a..�..�� F � �f • , f . .. ' R. i J� � `�� � "� �.... P� _ "a, �.��'�• . .� �� i'�i� irt�.�.�t-s• .��� � 'r„ r l� - t . i • . �r--1�, 'i4�' . . i' r�:' _:�«. ..� ..`�. . ' . �.y . .. Y t t . . . -'��.r-w�- • ,�l,j�,•+ , �:� �F"1 !r':. .r•` . . �...��+ . .�. r r3p�.,�`�-�� + , • #� �" �'f ... rt� , . , + , . . . ... _� ."Y.• , +e �r � `9k " •,_ � � � .:iF�.��� �^;,y`L+,� r � �A • r'. ^�' ' �J��.L '�• t 7 �, .� r r�' {_�r'r,: ..r�:i G,l a � a.�P- � � r. . � . . . . .� . �.�P'� .a . ��` . .�#'r.�r �� ��� .� • ' ; . 'k�,� r ` •�a � ` ` r iK `ji . �, ►F 'i� fii�::i,' '�' ;:#. •.�, �• ;".'a •!, v°t ' ..»,; .°„t . ..t.� . .: .� . . . . . , . . .F E .. . . , ':�'� '.,� �}i;t. . . +i}: � �r ! ���r 1''. � �:i„ � rx« �:�',7y� t, w . , t ' . � • °i �..� •�; �� �.��. .r�« �!li:. . (.`���'�� ... •�+ ..:e.�l'w1':'.. 't"� � .i . .lY.W I.. � � , ,; ` s '� � +t, . • `s'i�. � � •�1ii.� '�, , .s `3.�y ,-�. , . �.a.-y.'� � � � . .. ._.�`i�#�.'� .!.'�iX '1{• + .'ia . ��'�': . . . . . . . • .. . .� �;��,�L� �.�� �, ._ , � •, •�_'7'. .�u�� ;1�}�.� �Y.. '� - �1171E?�r�ll1� �{.7f.��C: .. , ,. t, , '• 7 ��1avr�iella �'lann�nc� Grvy�?.,Ll.� , ' � _ , +: ` . � . .. . �� �•s . '«" .��� � � Cl�t4' �c��.��sr�.�! � ��'t� J�+;.�►� .� . . _ - , . "'��(a�2i,+�.1.�c�,, �;r� Lr��r � � r l�"�'''- ��� . r�'4 °F `�� �� C'd�d ��. � =� �� v�►�� �,,� � ���� h��. � ���.C]r� � l+��t1�'T-� L��j]�;�,�' "'`�'`�C� � 'L'r���-+�1 �..cht��+► �4��.ovd.es "Ki��.► Frst." /�� .�-�----� Cr �1 j� �[-.,L., i`l4� � +`�_""�{� �. ��j" �'"� ��t�R-- �Lt�` ��t�' ... r'�t�T' t-�r� +�'�c►r� , �+'�.'i rc T�! r� C`7v�t.�, � ���'1r� +u� �.��.�, C�u-r r��� �'"cad€ L�4 uq c.�r�c�E =�' �E�En �v 'R�.�.t�5�. ���kT" �`. � 1'�E�Q �E PT' '�'UR�! Lr�kt��.. � �Ffht.R �e� '� _ ��, d��c� Ft�e � aF �wt,�, t�c�* �� �� ��� t�l�cr� �r�. tA��^►��c..h.�,t��� � �� E,I€�r+�ri ca,.t� � P.��.a '�'b �c �5 t_R���c�. � ��EI �'��� rr - C'c��x�-i�r�.�'�� �� t�'�2 c..�-�. 5�i.�rl� uub�z��r�� R�dc�� �D�LSY1QuC Tr4�; [i � 1�l�T�t_ i'� 4��� . C..+D�'�..t 1'�1� V1f�i�l W� �D+,..�c�3 Y I I- L�'�4 id�. l__.1�.�. T7�'1� ��I.yt�,��1. ���+� • '�-�,c�t �,�,� . � ��.[ , r'u�jt�✓��o iuln �►r�f�i�,�, ca til�Irc.E.�.t "�Z�d�� ; � �t r� � r�cuc.��, � '�.xr- Y�rr t�a rn�r '�'1 v��1A� ��r--r�'� lk, �'"��`�1� ' I+�Y'1od�.� � Rc'r�`�i �c.+I IG yw1���' �vo� CQ+s�� 7'�2�f"#'�� � p'�'"'". `�.�c�u� C�1�. ' t� � �'rk'1 S� '�'o � �D+2cEP r�...x rr� �-hE. �i�. � �GN.,� �L1L� �p ��" �u/��i� i S 1'�VEI�� f r�� ' ����i��46� 4 ��� j.. L j. ''�7`��"[�4 G Q �� tii�` ����]ie � � �u 1�L-. �►'�;.i b �Y4�A��•� 'C��,� F E'vl i�'v..! �'.!!�!� �-T7 YY1�C�E r+ �-�' i� �tl a+4.e� ���i � �u►�� ,�� �,? �. P ' � � � Mawreello P1ann�ng Group Rvvs� Lodg� Majur Exterior Alterat�an Ad'ac�n# Pro er Uwner Li�� �AL�PHThiATS-M[)SELEY C(31"wiST 1NC 14041'viQRAII�➢�I�R VAIL, CO 81�57 MUI�'I�REE iNVLS"1�11�1�NT5 LTI7 Z�[]9 t3i1F3LIIV RL7 PLAI�IC7, TX 7Sf�94 FITE, KEI�INETH I]A�1ID � IRN1AiC AYS�. -JT 6�15 L•' PF�NTIC'E PT. GR£ENV4FO�D VILLAC�E, CQ 80111 M.L. H�,k�RIS FAl`vIILY P"I;N��-I� �,L.C' � 10�00 HEFh1ER P�ITITF. DR �TE,240 DKLA,H�MA CITY, �K 7312C� HILLSII�E ��NI]UiVIIT+lIL1M I�,,S��DCIP�TTnN C.IC? REMIS, GRF_.G[7R"4' P� RC]�X 3438 VAIL, CU 8I�b58 MUSTAI�G C`�Jl'wI�C�MINILTM �:�5[��'LATI+C31� Cf+C) GUF_.RRTFR�, RANI7C�LL 1�59 MEAD4W RII]GE 1� VAIL, CQ �1657 �UFFER CRFF:I� WEST CC7IV�]�MII�IIUM ASS�CIATIC)I�I, INC:. CJO Mt'1RKA W. MOSII�R P 4 I�O� 90� VATL. CO 81658 TO�'N �F V�IL CI� FII�IA.NCE DFPT 75 S FR(��I"I'AGE RI1 WAIL, CO 8l�S7 � . . , � � � � N[USSC}1�1, PAUI., F. & ELISA M. -TT 9�D2 CRYSTAI., Z�1�1 L.C�N�MtJNT, C� 8(]203 HAGERM�1�1, PHILIP R. & J+DCELYIti K. I3188 LATOUR�TT� DR FENTON, M� 48430 � � Jui `�7 �5' ��:Sla ��HI�KEVI� �EIGHRN 970-47�436 �. � � � �OM�7ITME�iT far TITLE T�'STJI�.Ai►fC� issued by T1TLE �Q�riPANY C�F THE RDCKIES, INC. as ageut fvr Fl42SF A�F.'�1CAN�TI'L8�$UR�4YCE x.+4lFTpANY Rr�ereo�e: Ccrmnnitmeat�Tumb$r. d7Q1623-C2 k'repared Icar: Inquiries shau3d be directed tv: Larry Agne'berg Pa.c�ard Evans 7he�'rudential Gore Ra�ge Properties,rnc. The TitIe Co�apany vf the Rockies-Summit Nor�t� �11 Liansh�ad Ma�l P.O.�ux 5688 Vail,CD 81fi57 61�M�StCect Friscv,Cfl 80443 Sc�AU�.�e A. 1. Effettirre Date: Ja�u�ary 31,�f1D5,7.OQ sm Issue Date: February 17,2�{15 2. I'alicy(ur Folicies}to be issued: � ALTA Qwn.cr"s PoliCy�lOf 17l9�) Policy Amvurst: � F'rv�sed;Fsssured: Tiaaber9ine Commercial Real Estate 3. The�tate or inC�rest i�x t�.e land described Qr referred ta in this Cammitment gnd cavered hereim is� Fee SinapTe a,nd�tle thereto is sc rhe effective dste h�eaf vested in: L.ester W.Warpecha,Eva A.'VL'arpecha,Zbigniew W'�rp+echa and Roseat�n 17Varpecha,as t8p3IIt.4 lIi CO�Ig30i1 4. '[he land referred co ir�tttis Cvmrnit�reat is Pv�ated in the County o�`Eagle, State of CoZ4radv.a�t�is descrabed as fallo«+s: F'OR LEGA].IIESC�tIFTrO[Y S�E SCHEY�[11.�A C(]FWTxNL�l7 ON iV�Xx`PAGE � Rlta Carmrtrr,nenr.SchztL,rde.4 Pgge I of 7 �ul �� �� 1D:51� �pH3N KkVIM �EIGHHM 57�-47�343� p, 3 � � Sch�3ule A(ear�tinued} Cr�mrni�snt�ia.47Q I b23-C2 L�GAL DES�CRTPTION Tbe land�eferred to in herein is Iocated in t��Ca►�nty of Eagle,State of Cviarado,atAd described as fu ttows: Lots 9, 14, 11 and 12, R�SLTf3DIV IS�t7N C7F BT.lFFER CRE]�K,according to the Pla*Lhereaf�eled C3ctaber S, h963,at Reception��,48077, E7GCEPT those portians included in the ri;ht-of-way of Depar�eat oFHi�ways, 5tate oFCalorada,Fc�r [nteratate 7p; AND EXCEP'�ti�az pottiaet conveued to the�a�rd af�ounty�Commiss�vners ofF..a�[e C�unty and the depar�nent ofHighways,State af Calorad�,�y i�stl�zmeat recvrde+� �4,ugust�6, 1969,in Book�15 at Page 8�8. � � Afr�Camriaimuenr-Schedule.3•conlinuer� �Qt�?of� �u1 07 D5' l�: �la R�BIM KEVIN DEIGH�N 97Q-47�3436 p. 4 � � 5chcd�[e 8-I Rec�uire:nents Camrnstment 3�IO.47D 3 623-C2 C0,1�ENIE'CME�6T EOR TIILE I1tiS�.'�12AavCE Searntn.� S-S�crror�I R�Qua�n��:�-�rs T3�F�LL(]W�NNG.4R�'rI�E R�C�T�'}��IEh?T5 T�BE Ct7MPLIE�WITH: Ftem(a) Paym�nt tv ar Far th�ar�ount of the,g-antars ar mnrtgagnrs of tC�e fWl aansic�eratian£or the estate or intereSi tv be inssu,red, Icem�) Praper�nsirument(s}cr�st'i.ag the estate or m[erest to be insured musi be exccuted and duly fil�d for record,ta wit: . l. l�elease by the Pubii�TrusCee vf Eable Co►�nnty of the D�ed of Trust fram Jvbn Watson Fiazen,II and Kaye A.McKer�e al�Cla�r'McKen�a_ie for the use of Alpine�arak and Trusf,ta secure �2,323,Oi70:�4,dated November 5, 1997,and recorded�3o�amber 12, 1�97 at Receptian?v;o.639149_ N[JTE:Assi�nent ofRents recorded Vovember 12, 199'�a4 R�eptian Nv. 63911�Q,given in caanec�an with the above IDecd of Ttvst. 2. Release by the Publi�7nsstee af Ea;2e Cou�ry of tYre Dee�af Trust&om L�st�r W,Warpecha,�.wa � A. Warpecha,�i�iew Warpecha and Ctaseann Wargecha for the use af Alpine Bauic,tv se�ur� $1,6I0,593.55,dated March 20, 2i�17�,and recorded ApriJ 15,���3 at ke��ption�o.82994�. 3. Deed frflm Lester W.'Warpeci�a,Eva A.Warpec�a,Zbigniew ia1'arpechs and,t�oseaz�,o Warpecha ro ',I'imberline Commercial l�ea!�state. NOTE: Daaly exccuted xeal property�'aus€er c�e�laration,executed b�+�ither xhe Grant4r ar Grantee,t�aceosnpany�he IJeed mca�ioned aha�re,pursuant to ArticLe 14 vf Hause Bill No. i288-CR,A 39-14-IO2. 4. Certi�e�te of Inearporation,Ce�ificate of Authority or T.imited ParmersY�ip A�eement,as certifred by ti�e Calv�ado 5ecr�fiar3+of 5tate,ar Trade i�fame AfSdavit v�Fartnerstup A�eem.ent,vvb.ichever is �PPropriate far Timherline Cornmercial ReaI�s�ate. NQTE:'T'his requiremeat is necess�v due tv k4ie fact tlaat tfle�c�mpany has not been advised�s ta the nature of'�usi�ess organiration of#he Timlxriine Gommercial R.ca!�st�te, S, Er^i�ence sai;sfac#ory to the C�mpany vr its du�y aut�acarized agent that alI dues andlar assessments levied hy the H��xeowners Associatiau��e heeu paid thrvug�h the date aEclosicig. 6. Eu�dence satisfaCtary to the Company or i�s duly authorized a�ent that the"r�a]estate tran.sfer ta7c" imposed by{3rdinan�ce IvFa. Z6,Series of 19i9,�f�Yi�Tovvr�of Vaii,Calorado has been paid,and that the lien im�aased 6y S�ctian I 1 thereaf has beet�ful�y satisfied. ',T�e O�er's FoPicy,w�en gssued wi14 nat�o�tain ExeepLivns No. 1,2,3 and 4,pmvided t�at: (A.)The enclosed form of indeuanity a�secment or fznal affidar7t and a�eeme�f is � praperiy exec�ted and ackngwleriged by the party(ies]indicated and retumed to tbe Alrn Commre,nexr-5ckedute f!-,f Reqvirementr Page 3 af 7 �u1 �07 �� 1�: 52a RUHI� KE�IN ��IGHRN 97�-47�3435 p. 5 � � Comm%�emtl*In.47016�3-C� Schedule B-I Requiremenu(tontinued) Com�any os its duty authvriz�c�age�t, (8J�he Cvmganv ar its duly autharized agent receivcs and appravos an AI,TA siuvey praperly certif�ed by a re�istered surveyar ar���neer,and (�}App�acable scheduled ciiar�es in crae amaunt of$T5.df1 a�re pai�.ta the Campany gr its duly autb.oriaed agent. � � ,r�lra Cammirmenr-ScF�edule&-! ,C�eqvrreme�rrs eor.rimred Fage�J ojA Jui Q7 Q5 i0rS2a ROHI� K�VIN DEIGHR� 970-4��436 p. E ' . � � Sc�edule B-II �xceptions Cummi�ient Nv.410 f 623-C2 Co�mu�:�rr �o�z T�In'S►�4,•c�e S['HEBULF S-�ECTIO'�II �X�EP'PI[1NS Schedu�e 8 af the pv]icy or p8�icies ta be issued wi]l cantain exceptiuns to the fol]vwing ma,t#�rs waless the same are dispe��ed of ta the satisfaetion af the C4mpany. Any ioss 9r damage,inciuciing attorney fees,by reason of rlie matters shown betaw: 1. As�y facts,rs�tats,i.nterests,Qr ciai�s wi�ich a�uvt shown�ay the publie recvrds but which couid be ascertan�ed by an inspection of said land ar by maki.ng inquiry of persmns in passession tlaereaf. 2. Ease�ents Ur elaims 4f e35eme�ts,uat sha�rcr}�y t,�e public records. 3, Di�crepan�ies,eozafliets in baundary lines,sh�aRage in area,eacmac6mez�ts,and any other facts which a carrect survey would cL�sclase and whic�are nat show�by the pub]ic records. 4. Any lien,or ri�ht tv a lien fvr services, 3abor ar material her�tcafore ur i�ereat�er furaisbed,impos�ed I�y law atad uo#show�s by the pa6�i�recvrds. �. D�fects,liens, encumbrauces,advexse clsims ar other matters, i.f any created,first appeariaag ixi the � public re�vrds ar atta,ciun�subsequent to th�cffcctivc date 3�ereQf,but prinr to the ci�te vf the proposed insured acquires af recard far value the estare oa interest or mort�a�e tixerean cflvered by tEris C�mmi�emt. 6. Taxes d�e aud paya�le;and any taac,s}�eci�]assessmesrts, eharge or lien i�pased for water vr sewer service,ar for any othec special taxing distz°ict. 7. R igb.t of Ehe Pro�r►etur uf a Vein�vr Lode t4 extract and remave�s ore therefro�,shau�d il�e sazu�e be Found ta pene�ate or inteYSect the preraises hereby�-as5eed,as reserved in Lnixed States PateAt recQrded October 4„ 191$,i�Bvok 9� at F'a;e 301, S. R.ie,�t of way far ditches or canals cvn�'trucEed by the authvrity of tlae United States,as reserved in LTn.itecl Skafes Paterit record�ed��fober 4, 191 S,in Boak 43 at Page�01. 9. Any and a1t vrater an�d wa�er ri�ts,reservair and reservair ri�ts,ditc�es aad ditch righrs,and the enlargements�nd e�ctenssaas tliereof,aza�afl laterals,flumes and headgates used in�onneccian tfzerewith. 1 U. Res�`icuons,which da nvt cout�in a€ar�cihue ar reverter clause,as sontai�ned iz�iz�s�ent re�arded Cictaher 8, 1963,in Braok 178 at Page 75,as asnended by ins[rume�t recbrded April 1, 19G6,iu B4ok 192 at Pa�e 34�and May�5, 145b,iu Svok 197 a�Page I. 1 I. Easeme�ts,n�its of way and aPl atlaer ma�ters as shown on the Plat of Resubdivisian o�Bu$er Czeek filed bctoher 8, 1963,at Reception�o.98�77. I2. Hcaiy�ross Electric Assaciarion Ix1c,,}i.ight of"V4�a}+Easement as�anted by$lue Skys Unluni[ed, inc.recvrded J�ne 14, 1977 in lBoak t56 at Pa�e 35s". r3. I�otel Br�ad�an�Serv��ce a�eeme,nt and Granc of Eas�meac recorded rlpxi]z4,�{1Q3 at R�ec�tian � �Io.$3l 111. .4lru Cornmitment-Schrdarle B-71 EYeeptiarxs � Page 5 af 7 Ju1 �OF Q� 1�: 52a R�BT� KEVIh D�IGHAN �7�-47�3436 p. 7 � � Cammitment Nz�.47416?3-C2 Schedul�H-dI Exceptions{cantinued} � � ,31ra Gommitrr+errt-Schedule 73-II Ercepriaru f ear�rrnu�d� Page d o,�i ��1 �i �� I�: S2a ROBIN KEVIN DEIGH�� 97�-4��3436 p. 8 � Cornnuuaent No.47416Z3-C2 Disclosurc Scatemer.ts � � DISCL+DSURE ST�1TEI�NTS Nnte 1: C�o�arado Uivisian 4f Lrisurance Fteg�lari�ns 3-5-1, Fa.ra�raph C of�.rticle VII,, requires t�at "E�ery title en�ity s�al]�aE responsible for all matters�v�.ich a��ear uf record prior tn r4�c ci;nc of rccnrdin� whezaever the title entity cond.ucts the cfosin�and is responsi�le for recordiug or filin�vf legal documencs res�lting frotn tTae�ansaclivn which was closed."(Gap Pirotectiqn} [+IOte 2, Ex�ept�on l�o. 4 of Schedule B, Section?n�this C�minatatzeut qn�y be ciel�ted£rom the Ch�er's Poliey tv he issued hereunder ugon co�nplian�e with the fa[lawing candi�ions: A. The la�d des�rt"�ed in Sc�.�dule A of this �vrnix���ment rontut be a sing2e-family residence, w�.ich irs�cludes a GondQU�.inium ar town�in�tse unit. �. Na labor or matcr�als �aay b�aWe been tlu�aished by mechauics or materialuten for purpas� of cons��tion Qn the land des�ribed in Schedule A af!�his�nmmiiment withis�tke pasi 13 montlas. G. '['kie Campany must recex�ve as� appropriate afsdavit i�demnsfyin� rhe Company a�ainst un�led mechanic's at�d materialmen's lie�s. D.,�iy deviation fro� conditxQns ,�, thoug�h C abavG is subjeet to suc�, additiaaal requirem�nts ar Informatiaa a�s ttce Cvmpany ma�+deem necessary.ar,at i�s optivn,Uhe Company raiay reiv.s�tp delete tlie ex��tipn. E. Payment of the premium fvr said caverage. � Nofe 3; 'I"he follawin;disciasures are t�ere�ay made pursuant ta§iA-]1-1�2,C.ILS•: (i) The snhject real praperty may�e lncated in a speciai ta�cis�a district; �zi} A cerrificate of taxes due listin� each taxina j�sdiccaon shall be obta€ned froz�a the Cvunty Treasurer or�xe Cvunry'Ireasur�r's a�thvrized a�e�t;and (i'ti)Ta�formation regard'uag special d�s�icts�nd ti�e bou�d,aries af such disti'icts may be c�bt�i�et[&Qm the Cvunty Com�issioners,zhg Counry Clerk and Recorder,or the Ca�rty Assessor. Nate �: �f the sales price vf the sab}ect pr�pezty exceeds �lOD,QDt1•40, the sei3�r shatl b� rcc}+�u-�d ta comply wit�the dis+�lasur��r withha�dr`ng pro�+isions of C.R.S. §34-22-fiD4.5(�ian-resideni withholding). Note 5: E'+.�rst�ant to G,R.S. §l a-11-1�3 Nvti�ce i$�iereby give�: (a} If there is rccorded evidence tbat a uiinerai estate has bcen severed,Ieased�r achen�ise conVey�d fror�x tLie surfa�e estate tl�en tl�ere is a su6stautial Ii1celilaaod that a third party hvlds svme or all �,terest in oil,gas,nther rnin�ra�ts,or geothermal ener�yy ui tbe prdperty;and (b) Tkat suc1�m4neral estate naay uaclude the right ta enter and usc t�e prop�rry withaua the sz�rf'ace awner's permission. Nvtc 6: Effectir�e Segtem�er 1, 199?, C.R.�. §30-1�-406 �equzres that all dr�cuments received for recarding or filing in tha cl�ric and recarder s e�ffice s�at� contaix�a top iaargin of at Ieast ane inc�zund a left, ri�ht and bvMom r�argi� af a#leas�vne-1,alf�ch rhe cl�rk an�recorder rnay refuse to record or file any document Cbat does not co�fvrzn. Note 7: Qux Priwacy Palicy: We wil3 not re�eal nvnpu$lic persanal customer ukformarivn tm a�ny e�cterna! noQ-affiiiatee3 argairi�atian ru�css we�a�e be�u autharixed by the customer,ar are required by law. � ,4Jra Commrrmenl- Dxsclasures �'�Se��"f� . .�y . � � � Mauriella Planning �Group l�nas� Lod�e Adiacent Prope�ty Qwner �ist f?ALiPHIh1,nIS-MQSLLLY �.C}N5"I� tI�1�'. 14C�4 �v'1ClF�A11'��� T7R VAIL, CU '81657 :1RiJRPHREE INVESTMENTS LTU 2�4��3 L)1_IBLi�f ItL] YLANU, T� 75[��}4 IiI"I'E, KE�k1`�ETH DAVI�}& IRME4IC !1`�'SE -.TT b41� E PI�EI�TICE �'L. GREENWC7�(7MT) VII.I.A[�F., C+C7� 8011 t M.L. IIARRIS r�I��1IL'r' P7�IVSHP LLC' 1 f19�� HFFNCR POINTE T7R S"I'� ?�0 � f_)T<LhIIi�M� CI`I'Y, ();� 731�4} 1-IlZ_1_SIDE CC�I�IDOMII�iI[JM ,�SS��GIA`11�C3h1 Cl� Fi�l�ti�. GREG+C)R`ti' 1'(} �3�l� 3438 VAC C., C� $1 f�58 Mi;�TANC_r C'Ut�fiI](�IUIIN[GiM 1+4SSi7�CIATI�C}N �'/O C�[.1FRRIFRC'�, RANDALL ���� nnrnnc�� r�lUC��: � V,41L. C'+J �1 G57 SUFFF..R CRCEK V�TCST CQNDf31�IINILIM ASS(3CIATIf�N, IIvC.. C'�U Mh�KA Vv. M{��HLR P C7 I3[7�C 94)Z V�11i,. CO 81�i58 '1�(?Ve�i'�J C}l� VAiL C;f[) FINA�i[,F T)FPT' 75 S I�R[)T41"1'AG� i�.I7 v�rr., co s 1��� � M[ISS�N, PAUL F. � ELISA N[, —JT ' � � � � � 94[�2 CItYS`I'AL I.1�1 I,(�NGMf�tt�T, Ca 8�2U3 I-�11GL1�NIAN. FHILIP R.. &JClCELS'N �C, 13188 LA`I'[3i�RFTTF DR I�'�NT(�d�f. M 1 4$43�J C.:(�L.(�RftiL7� I?EPT (��` TRANS�'��T�TIC1I�i 42C�1 lj AR�AN5A5 A'�1E DF.NVFR, C'�[7 �p�?2 � � � � � n��MaRar�ounn TC7: Planning arad Envirc�nmental Gammisspon FROM: Community �evelc�prnent De�aartment DAYE: Nov�mber 14, 2Q45 5L�8JECT; A request for a final rev��w of a maj�r exterior alteration, pursuant to Section �2-7A-�2, Ma�o� Exteri�r A9teration�s o� Mod ificatians, Vail Tnwn Cade, to allt��v for the cor�structi�� af the Timberline Lodge, lo��ted at �783 North Frontage RcaadlLats �-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivisian, arrd setting forth defails in regard thereto. {P�G�S-U084 �. {1C�81} Appiicant: Timberline Raost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriella Plartnin� Graup, LLG Planner: Gearge Rufh�r I. SIJMM►4RY The pu�pose af t�aday's wark session h�aring with the Rl�nr�ing and EnvironmentaE Cammissivn is ta allow the appfic�nt and sta� an opportun�ty to � present the majar exter�or alteration application to allvw far �he construction �f Timk�erline Lc�dge. The presentation wiil include: = A descriptian af the applicant's majar exteri�r alteration requsst and associaf�d development applicativns; • A summary of the Gammissiv�'s roles in the develapm�nt review proces�; + An overview ofi the applicabl� review criteria to �e used by the Cvmmissi�n; and + A summary of the dev�rapment st�ndards and zoning regulatic�ns. The Cvmmissior� is not be�ng asked tv ta�e �ny formai activn on this applicat�an at this time. As �uch, st�ff is not prvvidin� a fvrma4 r�commendatias� at this time. �'he Commissic�n, hawever, is being asked #� provid� in�tial feedb�ck regardir�� the prop�sa! i� anticipation vf a fsna9 decis�on on Na��;mber �8, 2{]�5. Staff and the �pplicant request tfiat th� Plannir�g and Envirvnrr�ental �Cammissi�n tables th�s application to t�e November�28, 20�5, puk�lic hearing. Il. CIESCRI!PTIUN OF TIiE RE�QUEST The appli�ant, Timb�r�i�e Ftac�st Lodge, L.L.C., rspresenfing k�y Mauriell❑ Pianning Gr�up, L.L,G., has $ubmitted t9�ree deveiopm�nt revi�w applications to th� Town o# Vail Cammunity Qeveivpment D�partment to facilitat€� th� redevelopment nf the Roost Lodge, located at �783 North Frontage Road. The � three de�velapment a�plications in�lude: 1 � � � 1} A maj�r exterior alteration to allaw far th� dernolitivn �f the existing F�c�ost L�dge and the construction of the new Yimberline Lodge; an� Z} A text amer�dm�nt ta am�nd Sectton 12-7A-3 �anditiona! Uses, ad+ding �ac�cammadation ur�ifs wrt►h kitchen facr�rti�s" as a r�ew cc�nd€tianal use in the Public Accommadatian �PA} zane diskrict, suk�ject ta tfi�e issuance t�f a conditionai use permit in a�cc�srdane� with the procedures autlined in Ghap#er 12-�fi, Conditional Use Permi�, Vail Town Cade; and 3) A c�nditie�nal us� ��rmit t� allaw fvr the op�ratian of a fodge with �24 "accommodativn units wrfh krt�hen facilities". T6�e develapme�t site �f the Yimb�rline Lc�dge �s I�cated at 1783 IVorth Frantage I�oadl�.ots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Sut�di�vision, According tv #he stamped tvpagraphic survey, the develvpment site occupies appraximate�y 1.988 acres or 8�,597 squar� feet. The ap�li�ant is prc�pasir��g ta cvnstruct � new fc�r to six stvry #al1 Ec�dge cvmprised of accommodation units, �� diN�II1f1� Lif]ItS, 3 emplQyee hvu�ing unit� and 1 6 ab ve and �elow �rade parking spaces. The app�icant ant��ipates #ha# tFre ew I dge will be ap��`at�d !ay P�larrifltt ae a�avther natiQnal hot�f brand as a"s ct se ice" hQtel. �.v`� �� 1`�.� As propase�, the accammc�dation units vary from 463 to 731 squarc feet while the dw�lling units ar� approximatelp 8�D square feet in size e�ch. The tfi�ree emplayee housing units are roughly 46(7 squ�re feet €� �ize eac� and �anfigured � to �rowide hvusing far a t�tal of fiue employees. A vicinity map iden#ifiying #he lacat+on �f the develc�pment site has been atta�hed for re�erence (A#tachmer�t �}. A description of the prajeet pravided by t�e appli+�ant is att�ched f�r reference �Attachment B�. A reduc�d se# vf p4ans dated September�, 2(1Q5, are attac'�ed fc�r reference (Attachmar�t C). !f!. BACKG�t(}UND Ti�e F�vc�st Lc�dge was vriginaliy construct�d in the early 1�7�'� �s a mcrtel prajeek. The �xistEng lvdc�e contains 72 hat�l ravms, �n� dwelling unit, and a pau�d surface parking �a#. Accardir�g to the T�wn's fiaes, with the exception of m�nor appli�atians fc�r re�rain#ing, new de�k rails, repr�ofing, etc., �h�e Racrst Lodge f�as seen na s�gnifcant r�odificatians since its ariginal construction. IV. ROLES �C7F THE R�'V�EINING BC)ARDS The purpos� of this section of the memarandurn is to cl�rify t�e r�spansibilities af the Qe�ign Ft�view Board, P{anrring ar�d EnWiranmental Cvmmissi�on, Town Gou�ncil, �nc� Staff on th� various appl�catians submi#ted crn behaif af Vai{ Resarts aevelopment C�mpany. A. Exteriar AlteratianlMvdi�ca#ion in #he Fu�lic Accomm�adatior� zone district � (]rder af Rerrievtir: Gen�r�i3y, applicatiar�s will be rev�ewed first by the Pl��rrirrg and Envirvnmental Cc�mmissia� for impacts of useldevel�pment 2 � � � and then by th�e design Fi�view B�ard for c�m�li�r�c� �f propased t�uil�iings and site pla�ning. P�anrring and Fnvirortm�nfal Cammrssron: Actian:The P�anning and En�iranment�l Commission is responsible far fnal a�pr�vaildenial �f a MajarlMinor Exterior Alteratio�. The P4anning and �nvErc�rrmental Cvmmission shall re�iew the proposal fc�r compd�ance with the �dapted criteria. The Plan�►ing and En�viranmental Cvmmission's a�prava� "s�all cor�stitute �ppro�al �f th� ba�ic f�rm �nd locaticar� af impravements in�cluding siting, building s�t�ack�, height, bui�ding bulk �nd mass, site improvennents and iandsc�ping." Design Review 6aard� Action:Th� aesign Re►riew Boar� has nv re�iew authority or� a Ma�vr �r Minar Exteriar Alteration, but must r�v�iew any accompanying aesfgn Review B�ard applica#ion. 5taff:• The staff is resp�nsibl� for ensuring th�t all submiital requirements are pravided artd plans conform ta the techni�ai requirements af the Zaning �eg�lations. The st�f# als� �dvises �he applicant as tt� carr'�pfi�nce with the design gui�e�ines. Staff provides a s#aff inem�a cvntaira�ng backgraund on the �roperty and pravides a staff e�aluatian af the project wi�h respect tv the eequired cri�eria an� f�ndirrgs, a€�d � recr�mmendativn on appr�ual, approv�l with conditions, vr denial. 5taff a4sa fa�ilitates the � review process. Town Counci�: Actians of �esign Review B+oard or Planning and EnViranm�er�tal Cc�mmissior� may be ap�ealed ta t€�e Town �c�uncil or b�y the '�own Cvunci&. Tawt� Cauncil evaluat�s whether r�r nat the Pla�tning and Er�vironmental +Commissian or Design Review Board erred with a�provals or denials a�d can uphvid, uphold with m8dificatians, or overtum the b�ard's decision. B. Gonditws�r�al �Jse P�rmit(CUPa C}rd�r o�Review: Generally, applicati�ns uvill be reviewed first �ry the Pfanning and Envirr�nmental Gc�mmissian for acceptabiiity af use and then by the Design Re�ieuv Br�ard far com�fia�ce of prt�pt�s�d buii�iings and site pianning. Pl�nnir�g and Envirc�nm�ntaf Gommissiarr: Action:The Pkanning and Envirc�nm�ntal C�mm�ssson is respvnsik�le �or fir�al apprc�valldenial of CUP. The Planning and �r�virvnm�ntal Ccamm�ssi�n shaH review the r�quest fc�r campliance with the ad�apied ccmditivnal use permit cri�eria and make findings of fact uvith regard to th� pr�ject's compliance. � Design Review 8oard: Actior�:The Desi�� Re�+rew Bc�ard t��s no revisw authprity an a �UP, but must reuiew any accflmpanyir�g Design R�view Soard application. 3 � � � Sfaff.• The staff is resp�insible far ensuring that all submiktal req�ir�ments �re provided �nd plar�s c��form tc� the techr�icai requirements o� the �aning Rec�ulativns. The staf# alsv ad►�ses the �pplicant as to compli�r�ce with the d�sign guidelines. Staff prar�id�s a sta�f inema cor�tainin� background c�r� the property and pravides � staff evaluatic�n af the project with respect tc� the required criter�a and fi�dings, and a recammen�ation on appr�w�al, ap�roval with candition�, �r denial. 5taff also facilitates the rev�ew proeess. Tvwr� Ca+�ncil: Acfic�r�s o# Design R�view Board ar �'ianning �nd Environmental Comrnissian may be app�aled to the Town Coun�il or by the Tawn Cour�cil. Tvwn �vuncil evaluate� whether or not the Planning and Environmental Cr�mmission or D�sign �eview Boarc� erred with apprauals nr denials and can uphold, uphold wi#h modifications, or vverturn th� t�oar�'s decision. C. Tex#Amendment Ptanrrir�g and Enviror�m�ntal�ommissron: Actian: The Plannir�g and �nvironmentai Commission is respansible for forwarding a re�ommendatiQn vf �pp�avallapproval with conditionsldenial tc� the Tawn Councii c�f a text amendment. � The Planning � Environmental C�mmission sha4l cansider th� fvllawing factoes with respe�t to the requested text amendment: 1. The extent to uvhich the text amendment furthers� �he general and specific purpases of the Zar�inr� R�gulafians; and 2. The extent tfl whi�h t�e text �rraer�dment would bettef irr�plement and better achieve the applicable e��ments of th� adapted goals, flbjectives, and palicies autEined in �he Vail Cam�rehensive Plan an� is cornpatible w€th #h� development a�jecti�r�s af ti�e Town; and 3. The ext�nt to w�tich th� text amen�men# d�mnr�strates how conditions have substantia{ly �changed s�nce t�e advptivn af the su�jec# regulation and h�w t�e existing regufatior� is no langer ap�rrvpriate ar is inapplicable; and 4. Th� extent to which the text am�endrnent �r�owides a harmoniaus, conaenient, workabl� relationship among land us� r�gul�tions �onsistent with municipa6 develapment�abj�ctives. 5, 5uch other facto�rs and crit�ria #�e Cornrr��ssic�n deems �pplicable ta the pra�QSed text amendment. Design f�eview Board: Action:The Lesign Rev��w B�ard h�s na re�riew a�#hority of a t�xt �mendment but must reuiew any a�cvrr�panying Qesign Revi�w appiicat�on. � Tawn Cauncil: 4 � � � The Tvwn C�uncif is respc�nsible for fiEnal apprvvallapprvval with conditionsldeniai af a text amendme�tt. T�e Town Cou�cif shall consider #he #ollowi�� �aGtors with r�spect to� the requ�ested text �mendme�t: 1. The �x#ent tQ which t�e tex# �me�dment furthers #he c�eneral and specif�c purpos�s of the ZQning Regul�tions; and �. The extent to which the text amendment would b�tter impleme�nt and better achiev�e the appiicable ��ement� of the adopted gaals, objectives, and pofiaes o�atlined in the Vail C�amprehensive Plan a�nd is compatible uvith the deuelapment ab�ectives of th�Town; �r�d 3. Th� exten� ta whic'� th� text am�endme�t d�m�nstrates how conditions have substanti�lly changed since tfi�� adoptian v�the subject reg�lation �nd haw #he existing regulatian is r�o €onger ��propriate or is inapplicable; and 4. The extent to which t�� text amendmen� pro�rides a �rarmaniaus, con�eniertt, warkable relatio�ship amar�g fand us� regul�tions consistent with municipal dev�lr�pment oE�jecti�ves. 5. Such �iher factors and crite�ia th� �vmmissivn andl�r Council deem applicabfe t�the praposed t�xt arnendment. �taff.� The stafF is respv�sible far e�surir�g that all submittaf requ�reme�ats are prqvided and plans conforrn to the technical req�iremer�ts af the Zoning � ReguEations. The staff also adv�ses the applicant as to compliance with the desigr� gu�delines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and prowid�s a staff ewaluation of the projecf wi#h r�spect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommend�tion an approval, appraval with conditions, or denial. Staif alsc�facilitates the review process. V. APPI.ICABL� PLANIVING OQC�fMENTS Va91 Land Use Plan Accvrding tg t�te C�fficial Land use Plan f�r the Te�wn af Vai�„ the d��efa�ment site has a land us� designation �af Medi�m []ensity Residentiai. Pursuant t� the Vail Land Use Plan, "7he M�dium £7�nsity Reside�+tial land �se designafion rnclu�'es srfes for housing which woulrJ typicalfy be designed as attached units wifh corr�mon wa!!s. Qensitr'es in fhis categQry would ra,�ge from 3 t� 14 dwelling �a,�its per b�ildable acre. Ada�rfronal types af uses in ihr's category wQUfd fnclude privat�e recreatr'o,� facil�fies, prr'va�e parkr,ng facilrtles �,�d rrrstitutional/pu�lic uses �uch �s churches, �ire statiQns, a�d parks ar�d opeta space f�cilitres.,, � Zoninq Reg�latians 5 � � � PUBLI� ACCC?MM()QAT�C7�N Z�'INE DfSTRICT (in party 92-7,4-?: PCIRPO3E: The pu�lr'c accc�rMmvd'ation districf is irrtena�ed fa ,oravide srfes for Ivdges �no' resrder�ftal accommvdations for visif€�rs, together with su�h p�rbl{c and semipublic fa�ilifies and limrted professi�rnal r��fr'c�s, rnedica! #acilities, Rrivate recr�afion, ccammerci�l/retarl and related visitor oriented uses as may+ apprapriately 6e Ic�cat8d' within f,he same distrrct and com�aatrble wifh adjac�nt larrd us�s. Th� publrc accnrnmodatron disfri�f is intended to ensure ade�u�te light, air, open space, artd` other ame�nrtres comrnensurate wrth Jadge uses, ar�a' tr� maintain the rlesira6fe resort qualr�ces of �he d��frict by establishin� appropriat� site develv�ament standartfs. Addifrar��! nvnresr`c�enira! uses are permit�e�# as conditionaf us�s which enhance th� nature of 1lair as a vacation cammurrify, and where permit�ed r��e� are rntended fa furrctior� campatibly with fhe high derrsr�y lodging charact�r vf th� district. '��-7A-92: EXTERIOR ALTERRTlC?N�C1F�M�O�1FfCATl�1VS: A. Review Requir�a": Th� consfructior+ af a new b�rildrng c�r th� alfera�ian of an existr`r�g 6urdding shall b�revr�wed by the d�srgn revi�w board in accnrdar►ce with ehapter 9 f of fhi�iitle. Heaw�v�r, arry�vrofect which adds adc�itiona!dw�!ling units, accommodatrcrr� unr�s� fractr'onal fee cJ�b unr�s, any pro�eef whr`ch adds more than orre tlrousand {1,O(J�) square feef pf cQrmmercr`a!flovr area or corrrmon space, �r any praj�ct whrch has s�r6stantia! off site� r'mpacfs (as determined �y th� � adminis�rafar) shall be revrewe�f ,�y the planx�irrg and er�v�ronmen�at cvmmissian as a major exteriar alt�ratrtrn rn accordarrce wr'th thrs c�hapter anJ secfivn 92-3-6 of thrs titfe. Cornplefe appficatians far majar exterior alterafions shall,be su�miitecf in accarc�a�rce with administra�ive s�hedules devel�ped by the departmerrt of commun�ty deve�opmeraP far pfanrring and envirvnmenfal commission and desrgn r�view bQard review. The falJowrng submitt�!ifems are requrred: f, Applic�tion: .�n appJr`catrorr shal! be ma�e by #he owrrer af �he building ar �he bur'�ding owrrer"s authcrriz�d agent or r�pre�entative orr a form provr�ied by �he admr`nisfratc�r. Arry applica�icrn far cor�rlominrumiz�d burldings s�ral!be authc�rized by fhe c�n�"�minium ass�ciativn irr cnnfarmity with a!! perfinent requir�msnt� c�f the cond�rr�ini�m associafr'on's decfarations. 2, ApplicatRan; Conter+ts: 7�he adrnrnisfrafor s��rr esta�alish �he su�rraitta! req�uirements for ar+ exterr'�r a�teratian nr madrficatinn ap,plicatrono A c4mplete list af the submittal reqcrlremenfs shaJ!be marn�arn�d ky tl�e arlmrrr�strator and frfect rn fhe c�epart+mer+t af cQmmunify deve�opmer�t. C�r��in su�bmi�a! re�uirements rrr�y fae warved arrd/or mvdified by the administr�for andf�r fhe reviewing bo�'y rf it is demvrrsfrafed by the applicartf fhat fhe infarmativn and materials req+�ired are r�ot relevan# #o the propased dev�lopmerr# or �pplicable fv the planning dc�cumenfs that �omprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The admr`nisfra#or arrd/or fhe revr'ewr`ng bvdy may require fhe �ubmissrarr af additr'�na! plar�s, drawin�s, .spe�ifications, samples �rrd ather materrals if a�e�med r�ec�ssary fo properly evalua�e �he proposal. � 3. Wark 5�essionsJ�oncept+�a1 f?evr'ev�: If requested by either the a,ppli�anf or the administratar, submittals may prviceed to a wark session wi�h the �lanning and 6 � � � envirnnmerrtal c�mmissivrr, a car�cepfu�l revrew vwith fhe d�srgn ret�iew bvard, ar a work��ssiorr witir the fcrwn cauracrl. 4. Hearing: The public l�earing b�efare fhe planning and errvr'ror�me+�tal commissic�►a shalf 6e hsfd i►a aec�rdarrce wffh s�ctian 12-3-6 of this frtle. The planning and er�vir�nm�nta! cvrrrmrssavn rnay apprave the ap�alication as submittecl, a,�pr�+ve the applic�tian wi#h cvndition� or modrficafions, vr deny the ap�vlicatiorr. The decision of fhe planning ar�d environmerrfal commission may be �Apealed tv the fown cvuncil in accQrd'ar�ce wr`th sec�ran �1�-3-3 of fhis frtJ�. 5. Lapse Of Apprvval: Appr�va! c�f an exterior alterafiz�n as prescrr'bed by tlais artrcle sha11 lapse and become vaid fhree (3) years fa!l�wing the daf� af approva! �y the desr'gn review br�ard unles�, priar fa fhe ex,�ira#ivrt, a �uildrng �aermif is issued and construction rs commenced ancl tlifigentJy p+�rsu�d ta comp�efion- Adr�rrinistrati+�e exfensr'ans sh�f!be allQwed fr�r reasonabJ� �nd unexpected delays as lar�g as code pravisivrrs affe�tin��he�arv,00sa!have not chanc�ed. �2'�7�4-93; GUMPLIAlVCE BfJRL}EN: It shall be the burd�n of fhe applicant fa prvve by a ,�rep�nderarrce of the evidence befare the pl�rrnirrg arrrl er�viranmen�al commi�sron and the desr'gn review board �hat the propose� exferrvr alteratian or rrew t�evelopme�+t is ir► c�mplianc� with tf�e purpases of th�pub�ic acc�mmc�dativr+ z4ne districf, �hat the pr�pe�saf rs consrstent with ap,plica,ble elemen�s of the Vai! vr!lage mas�er plan, � fhe 1laif village urban a"��ign gu�de p�an and fhe Va�l sfreetsca�e m��fer ,vlan, �nd�hst the proposaE does nc��ofherw�se have a signr"�lcant►�egafive effecf on fhe characfer nf the neighborhaac�, and thaf the prc�posaf subsfantral�y c�rrnpties wifh r�ther applrcable elements of the Vail compreh�nsiv�plan. 9�-7A-�i 4: MITlG�lT1UN C7F DEIJEL(7PM,E�++ff 11UP,4CTS: �'r�perty awnersfde�r�lo�ers shall als� b� r�spansible far mitigating dir�ct 9mpac�s of th�ir d�veiopment an public infrastructur�e and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reaso��ble relati�n tv the de�elo�ment impac#s. Impacts rr�ay be d�termined based an reports prepare� by qualifie� cc�ns�4t�r�ts. The extent of mitigatian and public amer�ity imp�-overnents shall be balanced with #he goals o�f redeveioprnent and will be de�ermined by t�ie planning and �nWiranm�r�tal commiss�vn in review a� develc�pment prajects and conditi�nal use permits. Suhsta�tia! �ff sit� im�acts may in�lude, but 2rre r��t limited tv, the following: �eed restri�ted �mp4�yee housing, r�aduvay im�rs��ements, ped+estrian walkway im�ravements, streetscape impro�ements, stream tractlbank restaration, loa�iingldelivery, pu�li� art impro�err��nts, a�d similar imprs�vements� The 9ntent vf t�is section is to anly require m�tigation for large scale r�developmentfdevelapment prajects uvhich praduce su�stan#i�l off site impacts. VI. Z�NIN�G ANALY�1� Addre�sfLegal Descriptior�: 1�83 hl�rEh �r�ntac�e RoadlLo#� 9-12, Buf€ehr Cree'� 5ubdi�ision � Zoning: Public Accvmmadation [pA} pistricE Land Use Qesigr��tion: Medium De�rsity Resident�al 7 � � � Developmen# S#andard AflawedlRequired Prop�sed Lot�rea: 1 U,0�0 sq. ft. min. �6,597 sq. ft. Qensity: 49 DweliEng Units 39 �we&ling Uni#s AU's Unlimited 124 AU's GRFA: 129,8�fi sq. ft. 100,24Q sq. ft, Building Height: �8 feet �8 fe�# 5ite Coverage: 56,�88,23 sq. ft. (6�glo} 32,864 sq. ft. Landscape Area: 2�,979 sq. ft. (3fl°Io} 31,9�4 �q. ft. Setb�cks****: Nar�h: �'-20' 2U' West: fl'-2fl' 2fl' East; �}'-�0' �(�' South: t]'-20' 20' Parking: �91 spa�es 196 spaces � Loading: 1 berth 1 �erth Employee 3 units�5 beds� 3 units (� beds} Ha+using: '`*** Subj�ect to review and apprav��1 by the Pfanning 8� Envirc�nmental Commi�sior�. Vll. SUfiR4UNDING LAND USES AhID ZUNlN+G Land Use Zonin Narth: R��idential Tw� Family Pr�maryl�ec�ndary F�esi��ntial South: i-?(� ROW �JIA East: Residentiaf Twa Family PrimarylSecondary Residentia! U►Jest: Resi�enti�l �esidential Cluster Dis#rECt Vlp. MAJ�DR EXTERiDR ALTERAT�0�1 REIJI�'W G�tIT�RIA Secfic�n 12-7A-�3, Campiiance B�rden, Vail Te�uvn �Ca��, ou#lines the revieuu criteria for majar exteri4r alteratiQn appiicatic�ns prc►posed wit#�in the Public Aecomrnadatian (PA) zone distr�ct. A�ccc�rding tv Sectivn ��-7H-13, Vail Tawn G�de, a majar e�cterior alter�ti�an shall be reviewed fvr �mpli��ce with the fallawing criteria: 1) Compliance wit� the �urpQSes of the Public Accarnmada�ti�n zane � district; S � � � 2� Tha# ttoe prvpas�l is consistent wikh the Vail '�+'illage Mas�er Plan, the Vaif Uil�age U�ban C7esig� Guid� Plan and th� �lail Vfflage Streetscape Mast�r Pla�n; 3) Tf�at the propo�ai does not c�therwise �ave a significant neg�tive effect on the character af the neigh�orhoad; and 4) That the prc�pasaC substantially camplies with ather applicabl� �lements caf the l/�il C�mp�ehens�v� Flan. �hc�uld #he Pfanrrin� and Environmental Cammissivn cha�se ta approv� the major exteriar altera�ian applicativn, sta�f recammends that the �ammission makss the follaw�ng finding as �art af the rnatiar�: "Pursuant fc� S�cfr`on 1�-7N-8, �r�mpliance B�rden, Vail Town �ade, the appli�ant has pr�ven �y a prepanderance of fhe evr`dence �efore the Planning arrd Errvircar�mental �Cor�nmissivn ar�d the Design Revi�w f�oar� that fhe praposed rnajor exferr�r alt�rafior� is rn campliarace wr`th fh� pur�ases of the Public Accarnmocf�tion zone dr`s#rict, thaf the propnsal i� #or � development si�e Iocated oufside af the scope of fhe Vai! VJllage Mas�er Plan, fhe Varl Village Urban Design Guid� Plan and the Var'I Villag� Streetscape M"ast�r Plan and �herefore these plannrng dcrcuments are not a,pplicable tv this applicatran,� ar�c� that fhe prvpos�� does nc�t otherwise have a significant r�e�a�rue e�fecf orr th� charac�er of th� neighbvrhood, and th�t the prop�sa!s+�bstan�ial{y corraplies wifh other�ppl�ca6fe elemen�s vf�he VaiJ Cnmpr�h�nsive Pfan.,' � IiC. G��IDITI�NAL U�� PERIVIIT REIIi�W CRITERIA As previvu�ly �iiscussed in Secteon II of this m�:mara�ndum, the ap�licant, if possible, uvill be requ�sting ap�roval of a conditional use perm�t, pur�suant ta Section 12-7A-3, +Goc�ditional lJs�s, Vail Town Cade, ta con�truct 124 "�ceommodaticrn unrfs wiflr krtch�en facr'lifi�s" in �c�t�rdance with the prnvi�ions r�utlined in Chapter R6, Canditional llse Permits, Vail Town �ade. In c�r�der tv make this r�quest, l�awever, the Vail Tvuvn CQ�uncil must first ad�pt an amending ardirranc�a adding "accamrnodatian ur�r�s with kifchen facilitr"es" as a n+ew cqnditi�onal use ir�the Pubfic Ac�c�mmodation zc�r�� �istr�ct. Secti€�n 12-�6-fi, �Criteria; Findirtgs, V�il T4wn C�de, vutlin�s the review criteria f+or cvnditivnal uses permit requests prv��s�d within the Public Ac�ommod�tian zone d�stnct„ Accarding to S�c#ion 12-1fi-6, Vail Tc�wn Code, th� Planning as�d Er�viranmen�al C�mmission �hall cor�sider �h� fe�llowing fac#ors with r�spec� ta the pr[�posed use: 1, Reiatianship an� im��ct of the use an de�velopment c�bj�ctives af th� tow�. �. Effect o'�the use on light ar�c� air, d�stributian �f pvpulatic�n, trar�s�ortatian faci�ities, utilities, schaols, parks ar�d re�reatio� facilitie�, �nd r�ther public facilities and public facilit�es r��eds. 3, �ffect upon traff�c, with particutlar reference t�r congestivn, autnm�tive and � pedes#rian saf�ty ar�d cc�nWenience, traffic f�ow �nd control, aCCess, manauver�bility, and remoUa� �f snow from the stre�ts and par'�ing areas. 9 � � � 4. Effect upon the chara�t�r of fhe �rea in which th� �arop�sed use is te� be located, inciudinc� the scale and bulk af the praposed use �rt ral�t�on tQ �urr�unding �us�;s. Shauld the Plar�ning and Environmental Commissi�n choose to a�prave the a�rpli�afion, staff recommends that the Cammissian mak� the fallowing findings before granting a c�anditional use permit: 1. That the pra�c�se+d IaGatic�rr of the use is in accard�nce with #he purposes of the Zoning Fi�guiations and the purposes af k�e Public Accommodation zane district. 2. That the p�opvs�d lvcatior� of the use and #he cc�nditios�s und�r which it w�uld b� a�erated ar maintained will not b� detrimental tQ th�e publi� health, saf�ty, or welfar+e, ar materially injurious tv prop�rties �c imprc�uements in the vi�in�ty. 3. That #he proposed use camplies with �ach a# the applicabl� prvvisians of #he Zaning Regulations. �C. �ISCUSSIQN 15S1JE5 Cc�mpleten�ss of Applicat�c�n +� The Community QeveBaprtnent �eparkment h2�s completed a "cornp�eteness" review af the major ex#eriar alteration applica#ion fvr the � cons#ruc#ian a� the Timberline L�dg�e. upon campletFOn af the r�view it has been determined tha# the applicatie�r� i� farg�ly cQmpfete. With the excepti�n of additian�l building height informafion, up�a�ed t�affic study infiormativn, and encreased scaled dr�wir�gs, the applicat3�an is �amplete. The appficant, hawever, requested at a pre-applicatia� meeting that tl�e req�irerr�ent for an architectura4 ar massing madel by wa+ved pendirtg input from the Plannir�g & Er�vironment�l Corrs�nission. Does the Planning & Enairanmental Corxiimission b�lie�re tf�at art arci�itectural vr massing madef is required to compiete a thoraugh reaiew of the majar exterivr alteration applic�tion? If a m+�del �s requiredf which type is preferred, digital ar physical? Per the su�mittaf requiremen#s, is tl�ere any additianal subnnittal materials t'�at the �ommis�si�n wishes to review �additianal pians, dr�nrings, specifications, samples, etc.} pr��ar to taking final action on this appiication on Nav�mt�er��, 20Q5? Site Pfannir�g • Th� Cnmmunity Oevelopme�t ae�artment fi�as revE�we� the prvpose� site plan submittec# far the 7im�erline Ladge. Upon compietior� of the reviewv, several questiQns �rc�se re�arding the �,ro�ased site d�si�n. While the Pl�nning & Envir�nmental Comm�ssic�n is not �eing req�ested to take final actian on this applicatian at this time, we believe that it is valu�able #o pravide the appficant with any feedbac4c an� input th� Gommissian and � sta�f may have at thi�time. la � � � Tha� said, the staff believes that the appEicant has dane a g�aod jo�i of d�sigr�ing a buildir�g which camplies with th� developrr�ent standards pre�cribed f�r develapment ir� the Pubkic A�ccommoda�ivn zvne district. For example, thrau�h th� creafion c�f an undergrvund parkint� stru�t�re the applicant has successfully camplied with th�e minimum parki�rg requirernents. 5taff �oe� believe, however, t�at addttional design wark and thought should be given tc� th� site d��ign and IayQ�t of the new lodge, As prn��s�d, the resulting site plan creates s�veral und�sirable consequences. For instanc�, a twenty-four foat tal! retaining wall design with two-foat wid� bench�s �etween the walls Ic�cate� at the rear af the new 6Qdg+�, a lo�ding anc� delivery b�rth lacat�d at the guest drop to the Ivdge, a I�r�d�cape design and planting plan which da�s very 1ittle to cc�mplime�t a faur to six-sta�ry tall building, a grading p1ar� which potent�a��y r�quires eas�ments ar a sim�lar form a€agr+�emen# witi� a�jvinin� pr�perty auuraers tc� gr�d� �ff �f the pra�erty, etc, While nane af these issu�;s prevent the construction af a new lc�dge, they da pose potentially unde�irab�e cansequences w�rich bear further study and review. What �ddi�ional in�ut vr feed�a�k, i# any, does the Gommissivn fnawe far the applicant with re�ard ta the+ prop�o�ed a�apiica#ion? Traffic Circ�fativn � ■ In accvrdance w�t6� the pr�scribed submittal requir�ements, the applica�nt ha� sub�itt�d a preliminary Traffic Analys�s for th� Rvast Lodge Expansion Prvject, dated J�uly �1, 2�DQ5. In summary, the traffic er�gineers conclude that the average daily trip� ta and frc�m the de�elapmant site will increase by 429 #rips. T�is is up fr�om an estimated 41� trips under ��rrenf c�r+ditions. As a re�ult haw�ver, the c�nsulting tr�ffic engineers da nc�t believe that ihe new Ic�dge will warrant the n�ed for enhancements to the existin�g traffic con#��I ar ge�me#ry alnng the frantage ro�d corridar. A copy of #he Analysis has k�e�n �tta�hed for reference tAita�hment D). Privr to taking final action an this applica�tiAn t�e Cammunity [��velopment aepartment r�commends that the applicant's cansulting traffic engineers �nd the Town Engine�r presen# their findings and conclusior�s to the Commissian f4r revi�w and cansideratian. Mitigation of Development Impacts • Pursuant ta Sectian 12-7A-14 of the Zan�ng Regulations, '.Prvperty �wr�er�Idevelopers shall also be res,�nnsi,�l� ��r mitigafing dire�t impacts �f their de�efr�pment �r� public infrastruc�ure and in afF cases mitigatian shall bear a reasona,ble refatir�n fo the developmerat impacts. lmpact$ may be determined based on rep�a,�s preparec! by qualr�e�f c�nsuftants. 7he exfent o�' mi�igation and public a,menity imprv�ements shall be balan�ec! wit� �he gaal� of redeveJopment arrc! wrrl be de#ermrn�d by �he �lanr►ir�g � and envrronrnenta! cammrssic�n in review af deu�lv,�ment proj�cts and cc�ndi�rnna� u�e p�rrnr�s. Subs�an�ial +o�i slfe impacts may include, 6�af are r�ot limit�d re�, the fo1{vwin�: �leed r�esfrict�d 11 � � � empf�yee housr`ng, raadway i,mprc�vements, pedestriar� walkway rmprc�verirents, sfreetscape im�arvuemenfs, sfream tract�6ank restorafion, Jaadingfdelivery, public art improvernent�s, and simrlar rmprovements. The r'rrtent of�his secfion is to only requir�e mit�gafion for large sca�e r€�rlevelnptnen�'dev�fopment projecfs which prvd�ce �ubstan�r'a!aff sife impacts." fn keeping wi#h the intent af Se�ti+�n 12-7A-14, Mitigativn of Qevela�ment Impact�, tf�� appl�c�nt i� prvposing ta offset the impacts of t�e pr��ased developrnent by praviding empioyee hvusing far a minimum of �ue emplayees, placing ap�rvximately 365 I�n�ar f�et �af �xisting c�werhead power lin� underground, and constructing a rzew puhli� transit stop alor�g tfi�e Nort� Frontage in front af the new I�c�ge- With the exc�ption c�f the praviding empfoyee housing, th� applicant wi�l �e required ta wvrk with Holy Cr�ss Ener9Y, t��e Town Qf Vail, �nd the Colarad� Department o€ TranspQrt��ian tr� undergraund the averhead utility line arr� canstruct ihe new public transit sto�. Are there any cather d�r��t imp�cts af the proposed d�►veiopmerwt besides emp�loyee generatian, utility line relocatian, and public transit enhancernen#s that the Commissian b�li��es the applicant shQ�ld mi#igat�7 Public Wc�rks Cc�mments • O� Jctober �7, 2005, khe Tawn Engin�eer generated a writt�n li�t af � �camments in resptinse tc� his re�i�w of the prapr�sed major ext�rior alteratian application. A copy vf#h� memorandum has been attached fvr reference. Prior t� taking finai action on this app�icataan, the appficant wi11 need to d�monstrate to the satisfacti�on �f#he CommESSion and �ovun staff that t'hs issuas identifed in th� memorandum have k�e�n either ar�dress ar �re n� lar�ger applic�k�le. In addition to the conyments outlined in the memarandum of 4cta�er Z7�', �re #here any addEtianal issues that the Cvmmission has at #his time with regard to publi�wvrks issues'� XI. NE3CT 5TEP5 The follawing is a tentative schedule vf hearings �ates at which the P1anning and Envirvr�mer�tal Cc�mmission �PEC� and the Desi�n Rewiew E3oard �DRBJ will be asked to reWiew, comment, and take ��tian on the propased Timb�rline Ladge: . Town Council Nv�ember 15, 20Q5: 1Norksession t�eetir�g tca discuss ailaw'sng "a�eQmmc�datrarr unrts with krt�,her� facrlities" as a �v�ditiana! use in the Public Acc�mmodatian zone district. • dRB Novemb�� 1fi, ���5: Introduct�on to tfi�� praj�ct by the ap�licant and Staff. Th� QRB will be aske�d �o �rQWid�e irrttial comments. No f�rma! actean requested. � . F�EC I�averrrb�r 2S, 2(}05: Req�aest #or fnal review vf the projeck by the applicar�t and Sta�F if all camments and con�erns haV� 12 � � � been addressed. Th�s �eview will b� canditicaned upan T�wr� Councif actian tan l7�cember 6, �{1[�5. • Q�ec�emb�r 6, 2(1�5: First reading of an arnending orc�ir�ance tc� allaw for "accvmmodatio�n unrts with ki�chen facilitres" as a cor�di#�or�al use in #�e �ublic Accammc�dati�n ��ne district. KIL 5TAFF REC(]MMENQATI{]M The Community Devel�pment Dep�rtment an�d the applicant request th�t t�� Planning and Environmental Gc�mrnissic�n tab�es the �nal r�view majvr ��erior a4terativn, p�rrsuant ta Sectian '�2-7A-�2, Maj4r Exterivr AI#erations �or IVlodificatio�s, V�i[ Tawn Gode, ta allaw fvr t�� corastructian of the Timberlirse Lc�dge, Iocated at �78� �iorth Frc�ntage RaadfLc�ts 9-1,�, Buffehr �Cre�ek Subdivision, #o the �1Q�remb�r 28, 240�, public �earin9- XI11. ATTACHMENTS Att�c�ment A: Vicinity Map Attachm�nt �: Applicant's 1Nritten a�scriptiQn of the Req�aest Attachme�t C: Reduc�d Drawings A#tachment C�: TrafFic Analysis � � 13 � � � �� � iw , , :: s i, .. . y � 4 ni , w . u� t �+ � r � �_ , � �; t , ° � � ' �p � � , , � �. � e � .` �� , " '`� 9 � Y�� . , � ', � 3 � 3 .` ��� \ 4 �. . ' � ei \ .,� ��� : _W � t IJr� ' �� ?n� x4 � *� i 'x � � i i$A. �� '�� 4 -� �' �, ; � 'Y'}�:, kl ,, . y �� � `R 1. � ` k � o " �' o � ��� ``ti,;�� ti�r> N ` v,� 4 �^� 3, � a � , .;> � �y ��]a 'ti � '`�'F . ,,� L � (Q N `t� `. .. �^\ � � aY� : .� 9 ��� 'vtE�„ � � r�, � � `� '� . a � � N � '� t : � �M Vi O � . .�.a4 ��.wi i = d Z I� � . F .�ep� 3 :� ,� ' �;� � � _ ��; / � y �r � `�.� ' •. ,{ p ',�� I OI N \ ¢�� ; ' � � � A � _ � '� � ', � ' ' � � ��I � II � � .o LL � `� a :?, � ; I I � ` o p ',�� . � � 5� r J r m � � - �� u o c r Z � ° OO � c � o c LL d W �r x'' .:� `w, ��'�'� � � t 'O � ��`,� � ; I � . F e .e "� � � s� � �� ,�. � � � '��. , m ��i � , �a. �� � , � < _ ,�,� . �. � . , . , ,: � ' _ � '�n , a s�,,�, � � �,,, ; �� , � . u41 � j( �n„ _ v � � x� '�� >�� . d e��t �+ A �4 " P " �� i �'� y`J ��r� '•�� i �'"� 4 i�l ' �^� i�Y' SiZr4 �P '� �'.°F' `F, � k tt � i n � �'�'�'} � � � �' �#_�� �� �, 3� � .fi � S . ^ } . � Y . �� 1 � � y� � `� . ?��� £�i`«% � �ii; �/ . � . ,.,� . .� � ��, ` .�� , i t�� ��,�.� '�^ ' � ,�� .. -. . rr t L � � � "y�yea� '� � � �F� v. 1 . � � �� ��� � � �� � ' `� \ y � g'� ~ ��+ '��� � l�*+ ,� � ,a� � e . ° � , � - �, �` "� < i . ,'� � � Q �j i 2��r,�� "�, , , ` �,r �* . . , � � '�n� . , '`�.�' .�� `, z � � s � ,��0��"�� ' 1]epartment of Par�lic I3'arks�'c T'rrrnsport�rtir�,n �30�Elk�nrn D��ive Yuil, �GCJ 81��7 97a-979-215f3 F'ax:97a-�`79-21 G�6 w4slw.vailgov.corn ���� To: Gearge Ruther Fro�: Tc�m K��ssmel, T'r�wn Engine�r Re: Ti�nberline Roast T,odg�Redevelopment PEC Draw�iz��Rer�iew Il�te: 1(�1271175 The Town af Vail Publi� 1�V�ork�I7ep�u�ment has recei�eci and reviewed the Timherlin�Roost Lc�ti�e Red�velv�ment PEC s�l�mittal set�iate�i 91291[l5, re�eived 101121fl5. 'I'h�fotl�wing are comrnents that shoulci be addressed priar to appro�al. General Comments ]. Bui�ding cannrat h�€�uilt nver existi«g�asemen#s as sh�wn with�ut thase easetnents laein� � abandaned. T�is zequires apprQVal fram all interestet� utilities �d reloc�tion of any existing utilities. �. A 15' dr�inage easernent shauld be pro�idea �c�r the existing draina�e system along the west pro�erty 1i�e. �. An easernent should�e provid�d at xhe l��r�rthwest carnex of�he praperty tc�prvvide fc�r the �xi�tin� encroaGhrnent of the raadway, drainage and snow storage. 4. Cbdfi acccss��rmit, landscape perrnit, spe�ial use percnits and notice tc�proceed will be rec}uired for �i1 im�rc�vernent�and a�;ce�s chcu�.ges within the ROW. 5. Limits of ciisiurbance fence must nat encroach i�to any priWate prop�y withc�ut appr+�valftecnparary easement. 6. All �end parking 5paces an a11 pa�'king levels mttst hav�a��uate area tQ turn araund. P�ease modif`y plan, those areas desigx�.ated pedestrian wi11 nee�i tn he mc+difted ta a�ccommadatc this. 7. Cro�s-o�er aisl��n l�vel 2 shall be a minicnum of Z4' wide(nan-strip�d} $. What ar�the°`turre�s"that appear vn the parking Ievel plar�s? 9. All surfa�ce fii11 si�e perpendicular parking shall have mini�nurri dimensir�ns of 9'x I�'. 1�. Dimensi�n rnain structure le�rel entrance wi�ith. 11. Show turning ma��ments for all lnading and delivery, includin�passen.�er vehicle rnteractian. Part c.��here rnust still functian with �a�ding d�l'avery bay occupied. 12. Show turnin�mov+e3ments �or trash remo�al, in�ludin�passenger Vehicle interaction. Parkin�lc�t must�unction typicaiiy while trash r�mvval t�peraticans ar�accurrin�. 13. Tht�ee a�ces�paint� �lvn�the S. Frr�ntage Rd. is uztaccepia�le. The curr�nt design ft�rces a si�nitiGant arr►c�unt ofsite �pecific circulation onto the S. Franta�e Rd., nc�ne afthe aceess points � rneet sight distance �eparatitrn re�}uirements �25U'). The western aecess is approximat�ly 7S' fram the access af tlhe property to the w�st,plea.se show this access on the plarr.s. The Town is �urrently completing an Access �trc�l Plan ir�cQnjunctivn with CDaT, �is an atternpt tc�zninimue accesses to the S. Frontage 1��1. wh�-e po5sible. 14. The current traffic stut�y d�es not�rtatch the suhmitted plan, please revise 15. 1'kie tx�ffic study sug�;ests a 30%reduction ft�r hatelfcandc�vehicle trips and a 50°/a reduction for � employee unit trips. This reduction is not supported. A reductican af that m�gnitud� as nat of�'s�et by th� existin�intermit�ent tracZSit setvice, �vhich has an approximate frequ�ncy c�f 3U miz�utes. Th� skier shutCle service sh�uld n�t be considered since it m�y b��liminat�ci at any time. Because of i#s lacation it can be expected that the�rimary m��ie of transpc�r��tian will be v�hicralar trips. In the past we ha�e used reductions of3C�°!o f�r tliose develop�-��ents that are in fhe vi�lage care area, c[ue tc� their proximity ta a f�11 transit cente�-, a pedest.�ian Willage (restaurants, rctail, ski area, �ctivities, etc...), public transit with � ta 10 minute fireq�cncy, c"lIl{1 3CC�35 �4 €� �3C,1{] V��llti1��}31'�G]Tl���I"5��. 1 b. The traffic study alsa su�gests lei�turn lanes are not warrdnt+�a bec;ause eac� ��cess does not seer�i tc� generate CI7DT's rninirnurn �eft tum er�iteria c�f 25 lefts �er peak haur far a posteci speed Qf less t�an 4DinpY�. T13is is rnerely a funct�ean af having�nultipl� accesses to c�ne site. The mraltiple acces�es tfl this c�ne site should be ecansic�ered as one due tc�their clvse proxirnity. Far a de�elaprnent this size the Tc�wn will require left turr�lanes. 17. The impra�vements to#he �. Frontage Rd. should inclua�a section as fallows �tarting frorn the north s{de; a. 1[]' concrete p�d�sErian walk �. 2.5' C�arb and gutter c. �' paved �haulder d, 12' westb�unci lane e. 1+6' left turn lanelaccel lanelinedian � 12' eastbound lane g. b' asphalt shoulder h. Z' gravel shoulder � Irnpro�e�nent��ha�I alsa �nclude 3i�htin�'irrigatianlsignage and a It�cation for a bus shclt�r. l�. Traffic st�dy should address additic�nal trip generatian due to site circ�latinn bein�;forced aut ontv the S. Frontag�Rd. 19. �1, contanuation af the concrete p�etlestrian ti�al�C from�u�'ehr Creek R.c� te� the east eiad of the prop�rty will be requir�d, the walk shall be a rn.inimum c��' i f}' wide. 2{]. F.ntr�nce pans shali be F�' wide_ �1. Provide snowplor�r protectivn abt�ve walls at ihe northwest cQrner a3ong Meadow Ri€��;� Lane. 22. �etaining walls must be a rninimum 2' from property line. �3. Bcnchec�.walls must camply wit�r the Town af Vail De�elaprraent Handba�k standards and have a minirrttarn�enc.h wiG�th t�t'4'. 24. Pra�vide additional spQt elevations at Front antl back of pans, at 1 Q'b�hind back of pans, at all �racie breaks,l�igh pain�and low pQints. �5. Show grad�s of�teep slope� as 2;l, 3:I, 4:1 etc... 26. CDQT requires the grade at the edge of r��d b�a minimum 4f�i' at�:1 and then na more tha�3:I. T'his will require ext�ding the pipe hetween the East and Middle entrance and addin�;c�rb and g�tter. 2`7. Pro�•ide a Drainage�2.eport 28. Parking structure will require a sartdlc�il s#ructure. 29. All utility service� �nc� rela�cations will require utility approval. 30. Shor�r all utility cflnne+ctions including gas, teiephane, cable and electri�. 31. The overheari pawer tines should be burie� as a pari af this praject. 32. Tl��stt�rm sewer along the Fronta��e Rcl.�hall extend fram the we�t property lirte�c�the ea�t prc�per�y line. The alignm�nt shvuid b�mnved to beneath the crarb and g�atter with type 13C irilets pnor to the '� +entrances. Connect the existing piges on the west prQperty lin� wath a manhflle and adci an inlet be}�ind a propvsed walk on the western property line ta catch the sv�rale drainage. 33. An adequat�ditch sho�e constructed behind the buildang ala�he toe af the sl�pe frc�xn Meadow Rid�e Lane. T�is prr�p�rty l�as fl4oded in#he pas�an�� a�i�r�uate prc�tectinn shc�uld l�e addet3. 34. Adequate draina,�e shauld f�e prvvided between the north east retaining walis and the propc�scd � building. Show grading in this area. 35. S4�ow snow stvrage are�. PEC Ca�nditians of Apuro�val 1. `I�ie Town csf Vail General �c�tes shall �ae a�dec�. {N�te� can b�e-mailed�apon request) 2. Please add Utility Si�ature block and haVe all utilities si�n acknc�wledging accept�nGe c�f utility irnpact� ancfi des'rgn. 3. Fanal Civil drawings shall be approvcd and meet all Town standards prior tc� suhmittal af�uilc�ing �ermit. Detailed c�mment� will be pra�ric�ed at that tizne. 4. A�prcavals fream all impacted pra�erty c�wners shall �e obta.ined. A written le�er�f consent t�the required easements will b�required for�i�iI a}�proval. Recordes�easernents will be requirec�pric�r cQr�struction. 5. All canstructi�n staging issues shall �e resol�red priar ta cc�r�s�tructivn. in�luding staging,pi�asin�,access, schedules, traffic cr�ntrod, emergen�y access, etc... 6. A I�C7W�'[.]tility germit shall be abtained and apprnved�iy the T�wn af Vail and CDQT prit�r to commenein�any ct�nstruction with€n pulalic Rig;ht af'vVay. 7'. All impravements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by�CDCJT inciuding al] �'rontage Rd impro��tnents and Iandscaping. This appro�al will be re��ired pr�r�r t� Civil plan set�pproval. 8. �rior�a apprt�r��l vf azY Exca�atic�n permit a sht�ring and excavati�n plan sha11 be submitted includin.g; � excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with ptan,pro�.le ar�d cross sections. Cr�SS Sectit�ns and plans shalY include all existing conflicts {i.e. utiiiti�}. Any shorin�witfiin��[]T R+D�V vvill require appro�al fram CI](7T and FHWA. 9, A Stvnn Water Discharge CDPHE Permi# anr� ail applicahle A�flE perrnits(i.e. L7ewatering} shall be subtnttted priar tn �nstructin��. 1l�_ pr�v�de engir�eered stamped final draina�e repart,paWement design repe�rt, arr.c� ge,�technica1 repc�rt, and a�nalized tr�ffic�tudy. 1 I. The devel4per will be assessed $5000 p�r geak hour additional trip generated. Th�s fe�may bc affset by �pe�ific tra�fic.imprvrrernents (i.e. Frantage Rd. traffic impra�e�nents}. 12. Provide Art Ir�.Aublic Flaces contribution, covrdinate with AIPP. � �\ ,� , '� `, 1, �` :� ��'° ,. �, � ` � : ' V`���. � �, � _ r; _ \ ` ✓,: r', , � � `�y ,� '•, � \ �y�e � ` � i°. ,5 \y� '. 1� ,y `. � �' �� �� � i �� � . �'� R � \, � �� , � ' �`%A�� 4 w � �: � �'��., � as , � �� 1 / �� � �� e � �t` �\ � �4`� ��f � �-,1 � � • . va �, � �t. �� � �'� y` ` � ;'`� W /�� �:y � �� } � ♦ � � . ` f ; .I'" lA ` � P�iy4 ( Y� �; � \ � \ �p � ��. I �atir =' S � .1 'v��t=y � � �'J� :��hv�+ � �. � •�i, � � -- � .A�3i 9 � � t�-k� = r :,,t y• tl� � �\\ ? ;'� �� � \ ,�•ti\ , � �, � ,�4,�� � � � y �'� '��� �;` �„` ��. � - . - �� , ? + \ - . ,� , . � :� , : ' . � : � �. r°` � �,� �,� / �, �t i- ' ` ` A�.. ° ,�. '. e I _,� � ti , � ,�,y : ���i s � k �� �:�. . �'Y. � '`.' • � - ' "� '� � � � � � �� „�-' ` `, � � � "; t� �� y . � � irr T YI I� .� f. V �i F#* � r�` a x � �Y � \ ~ � Y . , �, r' � ,v � _ � ` � z sa.�_ �, ' � � ,i' n ; - . J e�. - �� J � /i* � %: ,.:��, , ,. �. , ., �''�u -� � t'�. �►._ � / :. . � 3 `1' � , . , � � proposed us� af the ��r�p�rty. The pr�pased re-zoning an� develapment � plan provi�e for tf�e dev�lc�pm�r�t o# an arderly viable community consistent wfth the Taw�'s devefopmen# i�terests a$ expressed in the Vail Land lJse Plan. Fc�r instance, tlze �urp�se of th�e Public A�cornmadation-� dis#rict is, in pa�, "to pro�i�ie �ites for lQdg�s, hotels, fractronal fe� club�, l�d�e dwelling unifs, a�rd �imit�d senvrce Ivt�ge unifs". Sta�f l�elieves that � t�tis amendmerst furkhers the �evelo�ment objectives af #he Tawn and serv�es the best interest nf the cammunity as � w�ale. 5. The e�ttent ta which the �ane d��trict amendmen� resu�lts in adverse or h�eneficiat impacts on tF�e natural enW�ronmer�t, including but not limit�d tv water t�uality, air quality, noise, veget�tiar�, ripariatt cvrridQr$, hillsides anc� o#her desirabl� natural features; and T�e proposed re-zoning w�dl nflt significantly alt�r the existing cl�aracter or uses aliawed an the sit�. As such, staf� �oes not f�r see ar�y ad�rerse impacts on t�ne natural enviranment t� include water quality, air quafity, naise, vegetation, ete. fi. The exterat ta which the zon� district arn+e�ndment is consistent with the purp�se sfatem�nt vf the propvs�d zone district, The Public Accommodation-2 �iistrict is propt�se� for th� subject prop�rty. The prvpc�sed �or�e district is Go�sistent with the infended purpr��e af that �one districk. � 7. The ea�cter�t ta uvhich the zane drstric# amencfinent demanstrates hQw eanditions have changed since #he xonit�� desigr�atic�n vfi #he subje�ct proper�y was adopted anr# is no {anger appropriate, Since ti�e nriginal adoptiflr� of zvning on #he prope�y, the Tawn caf '+lail has und�rgo�� ar� extensive c�rawth and ehange. As s�ch, the Tpwn h�s �dc�pted clearly identifiable go�ls and ob�ectives f�r developm�nt in this general �rea a�F Town. In order to ensure #hat these gv�ls an� csbjectives fc�r �evelopment are carried 4ut, the Town adopted the Public Accomr�adation-2 district. �f approv�d, the applican� will be afforded the vpp�rtur�ity tv redevelap #�e sit�with the Tawn's gvals in mind. � $. Such other fa�tors and criteria as 4he Comnnission andlnr �vuncil deem applieabl�t�the p�ruposed r�zaning. !X. STAFF FtECOMAA�NDATIC?N The Community []e�elvpmerrt Dep�rfinent recomrnends that t�e P{anning and Er�virar�menfal Cammission f�rwards a recc��nmenda�ian vf a�apra�al c�f an arnendment to the O�icial Town r�#Vail Zaning Map, pursu�nt ta �hapter 3, Tit�e 12, Zc�ning aeg�laticrns, Uail Tov�,m Cvde, t� reznne Lots 9-1�, g�fff�er �Greek Resubdivisian to the Vail Town Cauncil, subject fio �he fallowing conditi�n: . � 8 � � � tY�es. Any f�ture re��velap�e�t af the �roperty will be required ta comply wifh the s�andards vutfined for develapment i� tf�e �district. Tt�� ;�roposed rezor�ing is c�nsist�nt and compatibl� wi#h the VaiP Camprehensi�� P�an and the T�wn's de�relopt�nenf c�bj�c#sves. 2. The exte�t #v which the xr�ne district amendrne�t is suitabfe wi�h the existing and potential fand uses on th� sit� and exis#ir�g and p�tenii�l surraurtding �and uses as set aut in the �awn's adopted planning d�c�uments; and The Publ�c Ac�comm�dation-� di�trict establishes zoning thaf is consis��r�t with both existirtg and propos�d uses on the par�el. The prrposed use of the praperty will remain as � l�dge t#�u� providir�g shart-#erm accomr�c�dafions for guests anc� visitc�rs to the Tc�wn. The zcane disteic# arner�timerst is c�nsistenf with existing and patential uses on surrc�undir�c� prvp�rties. According t� tfi��Vai! Land Use �'lar�, �he �dlc�inin� Eand use c�esignati€�ns include M�di�..�m Density Residential. Purst�ant tv t�r� P€an, the existing la�n�d use designatian i� Medium density Residen�ral and is na# prapr�s�d to chang� with this ap�slicatpot�. Given th�t the �xisting us� is a Ic�dg� �n the mecSium d�ensity residential fand use designated ar�a and ihat th� n�w use is nat a substanta�l ch�ng�, stafF helieves that tf�e amendment is suita�le with the exi�ting �ntf potential lartd us�s surra��rtfing the site. � 3. The extent to w�ich the xon�e d�str�ct amendment pre�ents a harrnonivus, can�enien:t, warkabl� rela#ionship among �and uses ccansis#ent with municip�l de�elopment objective�; and The Public Ac�t�mmc�datian-2 d'rstrict is cpnsist�nt with fhe existing and prap�sed use �f t�e prvperty. The proprse� �one district implertnents specific goals of the V�i9 Land Llse Flan. Staff b�lieves that tl�e propc�sed re-z�ar�irrg presents a �tarm��ious, convenierrt, and workabl� relatiar�ship with land us�s in the area consis#ent with fh� exist'rng and �rc�posed use of tfi�e prop�rty. FQr example, while the overall d�nsity af dev�IQpment on the Roast Lodc�e �eveioprrrer�t site will in�rease as a r�sult �f the zon� d�strict �t�unda�y amendmerrt and su�sequent redevelc,pm�nt the devei�pment standards of the Public A�cammodati�n-2 ciistrict ensures a workable rel��dflr�shi� amang lar�d uses. Th� only r�a1 distin�tion c�n future deveivpment under the f�ub9ic Accc�mmodatban �istrict versus t�e Pubiic Rcc�m�odation -2 district is the presence o� limited service ]ndge �rt�ts that contain kitche� facitili�s. 4. The extent to which tFr� zone district amendmen# pravid�s for th�e growkh of ar� r�rderly viak�le cor►�munity an+d does nat constitute spc�t zorring as the amendment �+er-�es th� �est �n#erests af the cvmmunity as a whc�le; and � The propc�sed re-zoning esta�Iishes c�nsistent zar�ing for the p€'�perfy. This re-zor�ing will creat� a zane district cansisient with th� �xisting and � � � � "ar� a}�plrcafion t� amend the di�#rict �o+�ndaries of the �'orrin�r Map may bs � inr�iafed by pefifiorr af any resident ar property awner in th� Town." Furtherm�re, Secti�on 12-3-? G prescribes the cri�eria and �ir�dings the Pl�nning and EnvirQr�mental ��mrr�ission and Town Council sha�i �car���der with respect to� a r�quest to amend the Zoning Map, Th� applica�nt is seeic€ng a re�omm�ndatic�n �f �pprc�val to rezone Lots 9-�2 Buffh�r �re�k Resubdivision fram Fublic Accomm�datior� (PA} district to the P�bfic Ac�ommod�tir�n-2 �PA-2} district. A�crrding to Seetion 12-3-7 C, �f the Vail Tr�wn C�sde, Befvre acfrng orr an a,�plicatron fr�r a zon� clisfrrcf boundary amendmenf, fhe Plar�r�ir�g an�t EnvirQnmental �vrnmrssia,n and Town Cnuncif shal! cc�,��ider Ph� fc�llc�wix�g factors wifh respect to �h�re�uesfed zr�rre distr'ict bs�undary amendm�rrt.: 1. The ext�nt to which the zvne distric# am�ndment is consistsnt wit�r afl tF�e appiicable elements of the adopted gaals, abjecti�es and �oEicies c�u#lined in th� Vail Compr�hensi�e Plan and is compa#ibis with #he developrr�enf abje+�tives af the Town; and Section V of t'his memarand�m outlines the gaals and poli�ies th�f are relevant to t€�e propo�ed rezo�ing af Lc�ts 9-�2, Buffher Gree'k Resubdivisiqn. � According t� Sec�ion 12-7J-9: Purpose; Publrc Accommc�c�atir�r�-� (PA-2) district, "The publfc��commQd�ti�rr-2 district is interrded ta provtde sites �rar Jo�g�s, �imite�i ser+rr'c�Ic�dges, arrd residentiaf�ccomrnod�tior�s vr� � sh�r#terrn basis, for vrsitors and g�re�ts, together wrfh s�rch pubfic and �emr�ublrc fac��r"ti�s and cammerclal/retaif and related vis+tor arierrfecf uses as may t�e appropria�ely located within the sarne districf and cQmpatible with ad��cer�f lant� uses, This disfricf is inter�ded fc�prc�vr"de for fo�'gr'ng sr'tes 1vc�ted outsrd� the periphery ai the Town's Vai1 Villag� and Lic�nsh�ad commerciaf cor'e �reas. The pu6lic accommodatFan— 2 districf is ir�fended fo ens�re adeqr�af� �ight, arr, �perr sp�ce, arrd a�her amer�rties cQmm�nsurat� �with lodge �ses, and ta marn�ain fhe de�sir'a61e resarf quafrties vf ffre district t�y establishing apprQprrafe srte de+�elopmerrf s�and�rds. Additionat nanresra+ential uses �rs affr�wed as cc�rrdition�F uses which enharrce the natur� of V�F1 as a vacafr�n commurrity, a�ad where permi�ted uses are 1rrt�rrcl�d fo functiorr cQmpatibly wifh fhe high der+sity lodgrng character a�the district.,' �`his Zoa�e District wa� �pecifically developed tv �rovicie in�entives fQr prvperties tQ redevelap as limif�d service 3adges. Tl�� ultimate goal c�f � these irscentives is create variety and div�rsity amor�gst resart 6adging unit b � � � VI. '�C}NING ANA�YStS The follawi�rg zc�ninc� analysis pravic�es � comparisc�n c�f the development potential currentiy allawed under th� �'ubiac Accomrr�odatir�n �PA) C�istric# to that of the propvsed Pubiic Accommodatian — 2 (PA-2} Qistrict. Legal a�scriptio�: l.ot� 9-'i2, �uffher Creek I��s�bdivision Land �lse Designatian: Mediur� Der�sity Residential Lot Size: $�i,597 sq. ft.11.988 acres Dev�lflp�ent Standar� PA PA-2 Lot Area: 1(l,a{�0 sq.ft. min. 10,0�� s�.ft. min. Setbae€cs: 2t3' all sicfes" 2a' all sides* Height: 4�8 feet 48 feet �R�'A: �29,8'�5 sq ft.*" 129,895 sq. �t.*" ��nsity Cantr��: 49 du's 49 d�'s Site ��verag�: �5°Ia or 56,�88�•` 65°I� car 5fi,,�88 *#* Lar�dscapin�: 25,97� sq. ft. min. 25,�7'9 �q. �t. min. � Parking P�er Chapter �0 �f Per Chapter 14 af th� Zoning th� Zoning Regulatitins Regulations ' See Sections 12-7J-6�rrd 72-7A-6{ar further details •' At tl�e diseretion of�he P�C per��etians 12-1A-8 ar�di2-7',J-8 "*" At the discretian of ffae P�C per Secfions 12-7A-9 and 72-7J-9 VII. SURRC�UNOiNG LA�1D USES ANd Z(7NfNG Lar�d Use Zoninq Narth: Residerttial Twa Family PrimarylSec�ondary Scauth: I-Ta RO1N hllq East: Resid�nt�al Twa �amify PrimarylSecondary West: Re�iden#i�l ResidentiaG Cluster 11'ltl. CRIT�RIA AND F�NDINGS Amenc�ment t4 the C�fficial Z�r�in Ma of the T�wn of lAail rezt�nin C�apter 3, Administration and En�orcemer�t, Title '�2, Zoning 7�t�e, of th� lR"�al Town Cnde a�thorizes amendments #o the �Tfcial �oning Ma� of the Tnwn of Vail. Pursuant to Sectis�n 1�-3-7, Arnenefinents, �n part, � 5 � � _� fhe prap��rty adjacen� tf��reta. The awners' list shal! include fh� name� af all � owners, �heir maifing ar�d ��r��� �ddresses, ar�d the Jegal descriptran of the property o�ned 6y each. A��sampanyrrrg fhe list sha11 b� sfamped, addressed envelop�s fa ���°h crwner fv be used f�r fhe mailing of fhe nc�tr�� vf hearing. 7he pefrtror� afsc� shal!inclu�e such ad�frtiar+al r`nformafior� as prescrr'bed 6y th� adminisfratr�r. Tawn� af Vail L.and Use Pfan M�dium a�nsify 14esidenfia! — The medFUm density resr"derrfial categ�ry inc�udes hc��rsrrrg which wouJd �ypic�lly be designed as at�ached units wifh �ammvr+ wa[Is. ,�7er�sifr�s in fhis categary wr�uld range from 3 ta 74 dwelfing unifs,�er buifda�ble acre. Additr`nnal types Qf u��s fn this category wauld irrcJude private recreation facilfties, �rivafe parking facilities �nd ir�sfftutional/public uses such as parks and o,��n space, churche�, and frre stafions. Resart Acca,►r2mv�afrvrrs and �enrice — This �rea includ�s acfi�rfles air�ed at accorrrmoda�r'r�g the c��ernigh� and ��+art term ursitor fo th� ar�a. Prrmary us�s include h�tels, fc+dges, s�rvice statrarrs, �n�l parkir�g �tructur�s (vrvith �'ensifies �rp to .�5 d"wellin� units or ac�orrrmodafron units per bu�ldable acre). Tf�ese areas are orrenfed foward vehicufar ace�ss �rom I-7t7, with o�her support c�rmm�rcia! ar�� busrness s�rvice�includerl. A{sc� aflowecf in this categary, wc�uld t�e ir�s�itufiana!uses arad varic�us rnunfcipaf u��s, Chapter 1!—Land �Jse Plarr Goalsr'Pvlicies � 1.9 Vail sho�uld c�ntinu� ta graw in a cvntrolled �envrronrn�nf, maintaining a F�aPance befwe�n resider�fial, cvmmercial and recreatiQrraf uses to serve both the t�isrtvr and the perrrranent resielenr. 9.3 The q�rality �f development should tae mairat�r'ned and upgrad�d uwhenever pos.srf�le. 9,�2 Vail shoul�' acc�amrr�od�te mt��f of fhe addrtional grc�wt�h r'n ��crs�rng develop�d ar�as {'in�Jl ar�as,�. 3.�' The hat�l tre�,�ase should,�e pr�served and us�d mc�re efa`icr�nrly. 3,2 The Villa�e and �iorrshead areas are �he b��t location for ho�els fo serv� the fufure neea's �f the destination skiers. 3.3 Nr�tels are rrnpartant fo the cantrnued success af �he Tawn af Varl, therefore conversivn ,to cond�miniums sh�ul�6e discs�uragea". � 4 � � � 1V. RC?LE5 QF THE R�VfEWtNG gC3DIE5 Re�anir�QlZane Qistrict B�undary Am�ndment P�anning and Erta�ronme�ntai Commis�ian: The Planning and Envir�nmentaE Commtssion is adv�isc�ry ta the Town Caur��il. TF�e Pfanning and �nWir�nmentai Cornrnissian s�all revfew t�e prapos�l and rnake a r�commendation to the Tawn Cauncil �on the comp�tibifity of the propnsed zoraing rnriEh surrvunding uses, cansistency wifh the Vail C�mpTehensiv� Plans, and impact an tF�e ger�eral welfare af th� cornmur�ity. design Re�ievv Board. Tf�e Design Review Board h�s no review authority on zaninglrezanings. 5taff: The staff i� r�spc�nsible far ensuring tfi�a# all submattal re�uirements are provit�€�d. The s#aff advis�s the applicant as to compl�ance with the 2c�r�gng Regulatior�s. 5taff pravides a sta�f inemc� cont�ining �a�ck�round on the property and pravir��s a staff ev�luatir�n of th� project wi#h resp�ct 4� the required CfftEFP� �nt� finding�, and a rec�mme�rdatior� on appraval„ �ppraval wit� conditions, ar deniaf. 5taff alsc� facilft�tes the review prQCess. Tflwn Gau�cil: The Towr� �Council is res�onsi�f� f�+r �nai apprcav�aiJ�en�ai r�f � zoning�rezaning. � The Trwn Couneil shall review and apprav�e the pr�posal based an t�e c�rmp�tability c�f the propos�d zc�ning with surraunding use�, consisten�y with the Uaii Compr�hertsi�re P9ans, and impact or�the�er�eral w��fare af the cc�mmunity. V. APPLICASLE PLA�1NfNG DOCI�ME�JTS �aninq_Reqviaf�ons ]2-.�-7.• AM�fVL�ME�'�J T.• A. F'rescripfion: The r�gu�atrar�s prescri6ed ir� this title arrd the bc�t��rdari�s of th� drstrrcts shown crn th� ��ficial zvning m�p may be amer+ded`, of repealed 6y th� tca�vn councf! ir� accordar�ce with the �racedures pr��crib�d in this cha,pter. B. lnftiatic�n: �. Ar� amendm�r�f �af the regufatior�s of thi,� title or a chang� ir� di.�tricf boura�iari�s may be ini�iafe� by ih� fbwn cot�rtCiJ on its own mpffon, 6y fhe planning �nc� enviror�mental coxnmissrQn Qrr rts own motion, �ay ,oefrtron of�r►y residerrt ar prr�a�rty t�wrrer irr fhe fowrr, or by the ad'minrstrator_ 2. A petitic�n f�r �rn�rrdment �f the regulations or a change in district bouradaries shall be filed on � form ta be pres�ribed by the adminisfr�for. The p�fifr'or� sh�!!rnclude a summary Qf the proposed revisi�n �f f�ie reg�lafrc�ns, ar a cvmplefe descripfion of prraposed �harrges ir� dis�rict bQU,�d�rres and a map rndicating the �xisfing and propased dis�ricf bourrdari�s. !f �he petitlon is fc�r a � chang� i,� disfrict bvur�c�ar'i�s, the petitivn sh�l� rrrc�ude a list o�the owners o� �[f properfres wi�hr`n the 6ound�rres of fhe area fo be rezan�d ar changed, and i . � � "� � - e��ct�parfcy of whrat are Entended tv be short-term renta! units; 2} preve�t the li�ek�t�oc�..�f the sale of accammodati4n ur�it� as dwelfing units; 3� encaurage visitprs � and gues4s ta frequent th� many eating �nd drinking esfablESFiments in the fowr� . . • " in iduri�g their stay in Vail; an�d 4) ea�sure campatibii�ty amorrgst surra�unding land uses. A further review aF the Town's f�ies shows �haf th� existing Ianc�uagE pe�taining to de#i�nitions af a�cammodafion �r�its, dw�Eiing �nits, kitGhen f�cilit�es and kitchenettes Itas remained unchan�ed sinc� their adoptio� irt 1973, 7he anly recent and �otabl� arn�ndment ta the regulation of accommadation uni#s came in ihe Iate 199[}'s when the deuelopme�tt st�ndar�s for d�nsity were amende� and �c�ommodatir�n units w�re no longer cc��nted towar�s density, Finally, a review �f the c�ther r�sorf cc�mmunities' r�guYations pertaining to ki�chen facilities withirt hotel raams reveals a wide ran�e of approache�. For exarnple, the Gity af As�en Land De�elopment Regulations, by d�finitic�n, permits kitchens within individual hotel rcaorr�s in 2� hotel ar ladge wY�ile tl�e Town Qf Breckenridge Land Qevelopment Code stafes that"no kit�hens �af�ny kr+�d are permitted within the �rrif�" af hot�l, fc�dges ar inns. Gn Naver�b�r 14 and 2$, 2�(]5, the applicant appeared befare the Pl�nning & En�riranment�l Cammission uvit� a request to amen�i the text of the �ub�ic Accammodatia� (PA} zone distr�ict tr� all�aw accommadatian units t[� inciud� kitch�n facilities, as a conditio�aa use €n the dis#rict. Upan cansideratian of the request, the C�mmission directed staff and �h� applicar�t to prepare an am�ndmer�t which w�uld re5ult in t�e creatian of a n�euv zar�e district purposefully intended to allaw � accommodatian uniks tv in�lude k�#ch�n facilities in cert�in areas of Town. On December G, 20�5, during the PEC1aR8 update to the Vail Town Councif, st�ff infvrmed t�e T�wn �ouncil flf the recerst discuss�or�s with the �lanning $� Enuirot�mental Commission regarding the t�xt amendrnent and the creatian of a new zane district. The Town Council ac�Cnowledged t�at tfne intent af the proposed iext amendm�nt may have merit, howev�r, encc�uraged the staff an�d CammissiQn ta �valuat� other�ptions. For example, the passibility af creafing a conditic�n�l use v+rith use-specific criteria addressing tY�e relationship of the use ta flther neighboring uses and develapment ��je�tives of th� Tawn ar the elimination of the prohi�ifion against kit�hen facilities �rr accammodatia� units. T�e Town Council expressed khat i� may be appropri�t� ta re-e�aluate the legis�atirr� infent af the current I�n�i use palicy prohibiting kit�hen faci{ities in �cc4rnmodation units. Qn December 12, 2�1a5, the applicant a�peared before the Pganni�g & Enviranmer�t�l Ca�-nr�issian ta discuss the merits of G��ating tfi�e Ruhlic Accornm�dation-2 �PA-2} distri�t. �'c�llawing discussic�r� an the tapic, the Commission dir�cted staff to prepare a �r�posed t�xt arrienc�ment f�or fhe Gommiss44n's can�itleration and recommer�datiQn. On December �0, 2�a5, CQmrnunity Develop�nent �epa�Cment held a wr�rksession meeting with the Vail Town C���cil to presen# tf�e opti�ns for addr�ssNr�g the c�esire to allow i�itchen �acilities in a�corr�madatian units. � � � � ' � �..' � �o��iE � a'VlEMDRANQUIIA � ��� �p����� TO: Planning ar�d Envirv�nmental Comm�ssion �~ FROM: G�rnrnunity D�velo�rment Departrv�ent RATE: J�nua�}r 9, 2a06 SUBJECT: A r�equest for a finai rec�mmendatfon to th� Vai! Towrr G�ur�cil c�f a zane districi bo�nda�r am�ndme�t, p�rsuar�t ta S�ctian 1�-3-7, Amendmer�t, Vail 7own Gode, #o r�zone L�rfs �3-12, Buffe'hr Creek Resubdivision, Roost Lodge, from P�blic AccQmrnodatior� (PA) district fo Public Acct�mmodatior� -2 �PA-2� district, Iocat�d at 1783 North �Fronta�e Rvad, Lots 9-12, 6uffehr Creek Resubdivision,�nd setting f��th details irr re�ar� theretr�. App�icant: TimberPine Rovst Lodge L.L.C. Pla�ner: Ge�rge Ruth�r I. SUMIV�ARY � T�e applican#, Timberl��re �c�ost L�dge, I�.�..C., has submift�d a develvpment review applicati�n #o the Cammuniky D�velapm��t De�artment to allaw far the r�zoning of Lots 9-1�, Bu�f�er Creek Resubdivisior�, fr�m Public Accommt�datic�n (PA) OEskrict tc� Public Acomm�datian-2 {PA-2) District. The applicant has submitted the app�icativn ir� anticipatian of t�te redeveiapm�n# tif the Roost l.odge, Staff is ��cammending that the Plannirsg & Enviro�m�nt�1 Comrr'siss�ar� fvrwards a recommendativn e�f apprc�val c�fi the applic�nt"� �eve4Qpm�n# raview applicatiorr. II. DESCRIPTION C}F REQiJEST Th� a�plican#, T9mk�eri�ne RoQSt l;ndge L.L.C., has sut�mitted a de^��lapment revievu appf�cation to the �'awn af Vail �ammunity ❑evela�menf Department, The pu�pose af th� applicati�sn is tt� amend t�e fJffic�al Znning Map af fhe Tc�wn c�f Vail wheref�y �ots 9 -12 Buffher Creek Res�bdi�i�ion �re rezaned ko Public Accammndat�or� — 2 zone dist�ict. According t� the applicant, #�e re�c�rr"rng is intended to faciliEate the red+ev�lflpment of the Rflost Lcrdge. A vicinify map of th� deveiopmer�t site and surrvu�dEng area has been att�ched for ref�ren��. �At#achment A} III. BACKG��UNa A r�view af t�e T�wn's files a�d records clearly ider�ti�es the intent flf ih� ��cistinc� reg�rfations regard'rng accommc�da#Pan unifs and the prahibitic�n against allowing � acevrnmodation �nits to contair� "kifch�n faCilifies°', Tf�e files shaw that the legisfative intent b�hind the current r�gul��ion is te,: 1) ��scourage Vang-term 1 � � . A request�ar� final rev�ew of a majar�xteriar alteration, pursuant tc� S�ction 1,�-TB-7, � Major Exteriar Alteratians or Modifica�ti�r�s, Vail Tow� Gode, to aldow for the �xpa�sion af ret�il ��nti restaurant space �Sweat Basil and �mata) �nd fh� mo��fECatian of an existing s�utdaor d�ning de�k, lacat�d at ��3 ��re �reek �Drir�elLat �B, Block �, Vail Village Filing 1 (Gore Creek Plaza B�ild�ng�a�rd settin� farth d�tails in r�gard t�erela. �PE�05-�JD9�"} Applicant; Gore Cr�e�C Plaza Cor�dominiurn Association, represer�ted by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Efisab�#�r Ec9tel A request fc�r fin�l review vf a text am�ndment tc� Chapter A�, DistrFCts Esta�IEShed, 5�ctian �2-4-�, Designated, Vail Town Cc��e, t� allow for the establishrrrent af the Pu�lic Acc�mmodafian — 2 ��'A-2} �istrict, and setking fc�rth details �n regard thereto. �PEC�S- 01 D3] Applicant: Town af Vai1 Planne�: Ge�rge Ruther A r��uest #vr a recommendation to the 41ai1 Te�wn Cv�ancil of a zone d�strict bc�undary � � amendment, pursuan# to Se�tion rt 2-3-7, Amendment, Vaal Tawn C�d�, to r�zane Lats 9- �, ��, E3uffe�r Creek Resubdi�is6prr, Rcaost Lc�dge, frat�t P�r�iic AccQrnmar�ativn �PA} district �� �� t � ta Publi�c A�commad�#ion -2 �PA-2} �istrict, iocated at 17�3 North Frontage R�ad, 4�ots �� - 9-12, Buff�F�r Creek Re�u�divisican, an� set#ing farth details in regard thereto. �PEC�Q�- ' � 0�[74] App#icant: Timb�riin� R�ost Ladg�, LLC Planner George Rtather � The ap�lications and informat�on ab�ut t�e �ropvsals are a�ailat�ie far publi� i€�spec#io� durir�g office haurs at the T�wr� of Vail Comm�rni#y DeveEapm�nt D�par�m�nt, 75 5outh Frantage l�oad. T��e public is invited to at�end project v�ientatian and the site ui�its tha# p�ecede fhe public hearing in the Town qf Vail Gc�rnmunity Qevelopment Department. Pl�ease call 97t1-4�9-2138 for ad�ition�l informatic�n. Sign langu�ge interprefat6on is avail�ble upon reque�t, with �4-hour notifi�atia�. Plea�e call 970-479-�356, 1`elephone for ti�e Hear�ng I�paired, fvr infQrmakion. Publishe� December 23, 2(]C15, in the Vail Daily. � � � � � • Y ' THiS IT�N! �+'lA�Y AFFECT YC3UR PRflP'ERTY" ��Na��`� � PUB�IC N�TIC� NC�TI�E �S HEREBY GIVEN tl�a�the Pl�nning anc� Env�ranmental �ommissi4n of the Town of V�il will hold � public h�aring in accc�rc�ance with section 1�-3-6, Vail Town Cade, on J�r�uary 9, �U06, at�:QU prn in the Town of Va�f Municipal Building, in cansiderakian af: A request for a finai review �f a varianc� frvm Secti�r� 12-�D-E, Sethacks, Vail Tawn Cade, pursuant ta Ch�p#er 12-17, Var�ances, Vail Town �otfe, to allow fr�r a de�� a�d patio within the side and r��r setback, located at 32� Beaver �am RaadlLat 19, Bfock 7, V�il Vill�ge Filinc� 1, and setting forth details ir� r�gard #heretv. {PECQS-�}�92} Appiicartt: Peter I�alkus Pi�nn�r; �i�i Gibsor� An appeal of an administrative interpretation, �ursuant to Se�tian 12-�-3, A{�peafs, Vail Tawn C�d�, for �clarifi��t�an� to the �ravisic�ns t�fi�hapter 12-15, Grass Residential Fi�ar Area, Va�l Town Code, �nd setking f+�rth de#ails in �egard thereto.. Applic�nt: T+�wr� 4f Vail Planner: Bill Gibson A re��est far a recamme�d�tion to the V�il T�wn �Cvuncil on a �rvposaf ta establish � Specwal Devel�pment ❑istric4 No. �9, pursuant to Rrticl� �2-�{A}, �pe�ial Q�velapment District, Vail Town �CQde, to allaw for the redevelnpment of Cr�ssroads, a mix�� use de�r�lapm�nt; Ioc�te� �t 14� an� 'i�3 Meador� arivelLa# �', B9ock 5a, Vaif Village Filing 1, an�i setting farth de#ails in r��ard thereto. �PECaS-0{�93) Applicant: �eosstaads Eas# CJn�, LLC and Crassr4ads West On�, LLC, repr�s�nted by Maurief}� Pla�ning �rvu�r LLC Planner: Warren �CampE�ell . A r�que�t far conditianal use permits, pursuant ta Sectian 12-7�-A�, Cont�iti�na! U�es, Vaif Tawn Code fa allaw for, a majar arr�de; � theater, meet�ng r�oms, �and convent�or� facilities; multiple-family dwellings and ladge�; a priv�te club Sparking club}; � bowling �Iley� �nci the autde�or qp�ratian af �n aecessr�ry uses {�ce skat3�g rink} [ocated at 141 and 143 Mead�w ❑rivelLat �', B�vck 5D, Vail Villa�� Fiiing 1, ar�d setting forth details in regard ther�t�r. �P�C05-Of]�4] Rpplicant: �rossr4ads �ast Qrae, LLC and Crossreaac�s Wes� Qne, �,LC, repr�sen�ecf by Maurielfca Pla�ning Group, LLC �'lanner; 1Narren Campbell A request for te� amendm�nta, purs�ant to 5�ctian �2-�-7, Amendrnent, V�il T�wn Gode fo Section 12-2-2, Definitians, Vail Town Co�e, ta define a bQwling a11ey ar�d � requ�st far a text �m�ndment tQ Section 1�-7E-4, Conditic�nai Us�s, Vail Town Cacf�, ta all�w for a �awling alley as a c4nditic�r�ai use in t�e Cc�rnmer�ial 5ervkce Genter zorre district; Ic�cated at 141 an� 143 '�I�adow privel�at P, Block 5D, 'v'ail Village �iling "I, and setting for�h d�tai�s in reg�rd th�teto. (PEC(7�-O(}95) A{�plicant: �rossrvads East �r�e, �LC and �rassrtiads IN�st �Qr�e, LL+C, repr�sented � by Mauri�lla Pla�nning Group, LLG Pl�nner: VI]arren Campbell � � A reques# for a fnal recomm�ndation t�the V�il Town Cc��rncil vf a majvr amendment ta � Spe�ial Devef�pme�# �istrict No, 4, Cascade ViElage, pursuant to Section 12-'�A-1a, Arne�dment Pr�cedures, Vai� Tewn �ode, t� al4ow fc►r add€tional dwelfing units and offic�; uses in SQ�D Nca. 4, located at �3�� V1p�sthaven Drivel�ascade 'Vill�g�, and �e�[ing forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: CasGade Village Thea#r�s, Inc., rapresented by Mauriell� Planning Grvup, LLC �lanner: Matt Gennett A req��st f�r a final rev�ew of a conditic��al use permit, pu�staa�t to Sec#ion 12-7H-4, � Permitted and Cnnditiona[ Us�es, Secand Floa� and Ab�ve, Vaii Town Gac�e, tc� allow for th� oper�tion �f a catering kitche�, lv�at�d at 71 U Lianshead C�rcle, �.Jnits A and � (Vail Spa�fLat �, Block 2, Vail Lions��a� Filing 3, �nd settirrg f4rth details in r�gard thereta. Ap�lican�: Kyle artd Larr�ine Webb Pl�nner: Matt Gennett Ti�e ap��ica#i4ns and infr�rrnatsnn about th� prap�sais are availat�le f�r�ubli�c ir�spect�an during �fFic� hours at the T�wn of Va�i �ammunity�evelopmer�t Depa�tment, 75 5v�ath . , Frantage Rc�ad. The public is invited to attend proj�ct c�rientation and th� sit� �risits t�raf precede the public hearing ir� fhe Tawn af Vaif Car�mur��ty De�elapme�t Department. Piease r,all 970-479-�138 fc��additional information. Sign language interpretatic�n is auaila�le upon request, w�th 24-hour raati�eatioro. Please call �7C1-479-235��, Telephone for the H�aring lmpaired, far in€armatian. Pu'�1€shed Uctaber 28, 2005, in the Vail Daily. � i � � � -�t;", � 1�� ,��. TO'WN�F�',�IL �5 THIS fTEM MAY AF��GT YOEJR PRORERTY F'Uf3�Ll� NQTIC� �1QTI�E 9� HE�EBY GIV�N th�t th� Planning an� Envirarrm�ntal Commission af the Town of Vail will hc�id a public hearing in aceorda�ce with sectifln 12-3-6, Vaif Town Cade, �n �a�rember 14, 2045, at�:f}0 pm in �f�e Town ��Vaif Muni�ci{�af Building, in consid�r�tian of: A re�uest f�r a final recommer�dation to i�e Va�1 Tawn Cauncil of a zone dEStr�ct b�aundary amendment, �ursuant to Sectian 12-3-7, Am�ndment, Vail Town �vde, ta r�zone Lot 2, Block 3, V�il Liorrs�ead 2"tl Filing, Evergre�n �.od�e a# Vail, from High Density Multiple Fa€niGy �HDMF� �one district to Lianshe�d Mixed lJse 1 �LMU�� zane district, Iocated at 25C� �auth Frar�tage Rtrad W�stlLr�t 2, Block 3, Vail Lic�nshead 2"a Filing, ar�d �e�ting �orth d�tails in re�ard there�o. Appl��ant: Evergreen �odge at Vail, Ltd., H,�. �evelopment Co., represented by Thomas J. B�-ink Rlanner: �Georg� Ruther A req��st for a final rev�ew of a majar exte�-ic�r alteratiQ�a, pursua�t to S��tion 12-7A-12, ���,� iNajc�r �xteriar Alt�ratis�ns c�r Mvdifi�ations, Vail �`ow� C4de, t� �Ilow for the constru�tiorr �� ��/�� vf th�Timberline Lo�ge, Ivcat�d at 1783 hlvrth Frontage RoadCL�ts 9-12, Buffehr Cr�ek � �f � Subciivisi�an, �nd setting forth d�etails in regard thereta. �� Applicant: Tirnberlin� Fdovs# Loc�ge, LLG, re�res��ted by Maur�ello Plar�ning Group, �LC P9anner; George �uth�r A request for final review c�f a text��e�dment to Secti�n 12-7A-3, C�nditi�nal U�es, p�rsuan#tQ Sectian 12-3-7, Am�ndm�nt, Vail ��awn �ode, tv ac�d "`accv,mm�adafian uni�s with k�[Che,� facr'!itles" as a ra�w cflnditianal use in t�e P��lic Accammadati�n z�ne district, a�d setti�g forkh c�et�ils in reg�r� �hereto. Applicant: Timberii�e R��st Lvdge, I,.LC, represented by Mauei�llo Pianning Group, LLG Planner; Ge�rge Ruther A re�quest for a final review of�n amendm�nt ta an A�proved Devel4prnent Plan, ta allow for modi�catior�s ��tf�e existing p6atted building envelope �LQt 1), site access (Lc�t 1}, an incr��se in Gross Residential F'�oo�Ar�a �Lots 1-fi}; ant# a request far a final review of an amended firsal pl�t, pur5uant ta Chapt�r �3-12, Exempti�n Plat Rerriew Prncedures, V�il Tvwn Cad�, ta am�nd tihe allowable Gross F�estd�ential Floar Area, within t�e Eleni Zniemer Subdivisi�� ��cat�d a# 17Q1A-F �uff�hr Creek Ro�d1L�t� 1-�, Eler�i Zniemer Subdiaision, and setting �arth details in reg�rd theretc�. App�icant: BufiFehr Cre�k P�rtners, repr�ser�te�d by �ritzlen Pi�rc� Architects F�lar�ner: 1Na�ren Campbell � � ,, � � � ' ' . Th� applicatians �n� infnrmation a�out th� proposa3s are available for p�a�lic inspectican � durir�g o�fice �ours at the Tawn o�V�il Community aeveir�pment ��partment, 75 Sauth Frontage Raad. The publi� is invited to attend project r�ri�nta�ian �r�� the site uisits #hat preced�the public hearing in #h� T�wn af Vail �ammunity C}�velopment Departmer�t. Please �call 9��0-479-�13� for addi�ional ir�f�rmaEion. Sign language in#�rpr�tation is available upc�n requ�st, with �4-ha€�r notification. Please cal! �70-4T9-235�6, Telephone f�r#he �iearing Impaired, f�r informatian. Publi$hed January 27, 2��6, �rr the Vaii Daily. � � *^ � � � � � THIS iTEI'4fl MA,Y A�F�+CT Y�LlR F'ROP�RTY �������• PIJBLIG hd�3TlC� t�OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the P�annir�� and Environmental Co�,missio� of th� Towr� af Vai! �+rill hc�ld a public he�rin� in accardar�ce wi#h secti�ra ��-3-5, VaiE Town Gode, a� Febr�aary 13, 2Q06, at 2;�40 pm in the Tawrt of V�il Municipal Building, in cor�siderat€an c�f: A request far � final revi�w of � cvnditir�na! use �aerrnit, psarsuant ta �Chapter 12-1�, Cond�tion�i Uses, to allow for the temparary us� �f th� tennis facility fc�r ct�nfer��rces and conventions, lacated at Special Qev�lopmer�t District N�. 4, Cascade Village, Ar�a A, 130�7 Westhaven Drive, and setting fo�th details in r�gard tf�eretra. �PECa6-�4�2) Appficant: Vail Cas�ade Resart a�nd Spa, r�present�d by C3on MacLachdan Planrae�: httatt Genn�tt A request ��r final review a� an appeal af an administrative actian, pursuant ks Se�et�an 12-3-3, Appeals, Va�f Tawn CQde, appealing the st�ff determinati�n of an ir�compPete deveCapment a{�plicatian, 1148 Sandstane Dri�elLot A7, B9ock A�9, Casa�ar Uall, and setting forth d�tails in r�g�rd theret�. (P�C(}5-QU96} Appl�c�nt: Eric 6eringause, repres�nted by Fritzl�� Pi�e�ce Ar�hit�:cts Planner: M�tt G��nett � A request for a fina{ r�v�ew af a �varian�e fr�m Sect�on 12-6D-6, Setback�, Vail �'vwn C�,de, pursu��t to �napter 12-17, Varian�e�, V�iI Tow� Code, ta ailow for a resic�entiaf �arage ad�i$#on, wit�in #}�e sic�e setback, located at �673 Matterhorn CirclelLot 2(?, IV3atterhr rn 'V�flage, and setting f�r�t� details dn r�gard theretr�. �PEC06-�0�}6} Appiicar�t: D�n�e1 ��ndos, represented by �tuart Brummett Design Studia Pla�nner: 6ill Gibsorr A request for a r�ecommen�ation to the Vail Town Cauncil af an amendment t� the Lianshea� Redevelapment �3aster P�an, p�arsu�nt ta Section 2.8, A�vption and Amendmenx of the Master Plan, �ionshe�d f�edevelopment Master Pian, to �mend the Lit�nsF�ead Study Area Ba�nd�ries and C�apter 5, �et�iCed Plar� Recc�mmendations, ta include #he study "W�st Lean�head" area, generally lacated at f46, 862, 890, 923, 93�, 953, 140�, and ��J31 Sc�uth Frontage R�ad W�stlLo# 54 and Tract � af Gler� Ly�n Subdi�i$ian, Tra�ts C a�td Q, Vai6 Village �'iling 2, ar�d several �r�piatted parcels (a �rtore cc�rr�pfe#e ar�a d�scriptian is available at the Cammunity Devekca�r�ent Departra�ent), and s�ttir�g forth detafEs in regar�f thereta. �PE�06-(3008} Applicar�t: Vail Res�rts ��velopment �om�any, Towr� of V�il, and �len Lytin �ffce ��ildirrg G�ner�l PartnersE�ip �'�anner: W�rren CampbefE A req�est for a �ir��l review of a major extet'it�r alterati�n, �ur�uant tc� Section 12-TJ-1�, � Majo� �xterivr Alteration� 4r Modifications, Vail 7own Code, tc� allaw for the constructivn � � �` af the Timberline Loc�ge, Ipcat�d at 1183 Nc�r#h Fr�nt��e Ro��lLots 9-1Z, Buffehr Creek � Subdi�is'ron, and se�ti�g fa�h det�ils in rega�rd th�r�to. �P�C05-{�080) °�� �� � Ap�licar�t: Timberiine Raast Lodge, LL�, represer�t�d by Mauriello Planning Grvup, L�C ��anner: George Rufher . - � � 1, That the rezor�ing shall anly hecc�me �ffective upan the a�aption of an � vrdinan�e �i�fy establis�ing ti�e Pu�blic Accommvdatian-2 district, as pres�nfly contemp�ated by the Vai�Tr�w� C�uncil. StafF's rec�immenda#ion is based upan the review of the crit�ria �►ut'f�ned in S�ction Vlll of this memor�r�dum ar�d the evidence and testimany presented, subject t� the foflawing findings: "Before recomm�ndir�g andlar grantrng an apprav�l r�f a►� applicatr�n fc�r � zar�e drstrict �avundary amendrrrent the 1�lanning c� �nvr"ranmer+taf �ammrssian ar�d the T�wn Cr�unci! shall make the fc��lowing �indlr�gs with re�pect ta th�requested amendmerrt: 7. T�iat the amendmen� is consistent with fhe adopted gaaPs, objecfives an�i pvJr�ies auflrned in the Vai� Campreherrsive Plarr and compafr6le with �h� �levelapmertt abjectives of th� Town; and �. That the amendmenf rs compatr'ble with and s�ifable tv adjacenf uses arrd appr�priafe fc�r th�surrvuna'fng�r�as; and 3. Tha�the amendment pro►not�s the heal�h, safefy, mot'a�s, �nd genera! w�lfare �f the Tvwrr �rrd prom�te�s �he cc�ardinafed and harmoni�us devefapmerrt of the Town in a manner t�at c�nserv�s and enhances ifs naturaf �nviranrr��nt �nd i�s establisherl char'ac�er as a resvr� and resid�r�tiaf c�mm�anify of�he hi�h�st qualify„ � �_ Ai°I"ACHiW1ENT5 �1. Vicinity Map f � 9 . ���II�rYt �Y;:. � . '�- •�� '1,, � s,,r �r a �� �'42,�°jl ���� y'?��� . ti'.. 'y� j � ` �x � ���"�' -�. l•� o�.� ��vr� � , � � `� � 'r . � � ` vt E� � �Y.�.. i:� � �� "'' jl, ��_' ��. �� T.. ��,� � '� C'�' `^'r` '� .,.+. .5 ,..1 ti�' � ��� �qy �"� � .� � 4 �, -.�� ,�'- ,� �i�yS�. ..�' �� ��''e` #�ti - � •�.. \4 �," � i. _�'•�� i� G .w ��cr � r °e ���t���� �� ��� � ^ , �� � ',..ti � ,��� � s��.>,'�^ ��'�,.��� y+c�'* � � . 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'�1 �!y��°�F'�'Y d'�e.�'��.�L "E �'i"+°yf_ .Y . .. �,R'�?''� . . ���,�•' � �t�y^',+.y �^13e��C�� � y ��t�� �.t. '�' !�. K. 1� ,� 6.��T"� � '� ""E •^ t�'1_ '��_ t,� r .�,. . '� ���,w"�;d m& , o:�: '�°�t� - y � , � �q �", ' � :�S' � � . �r� � � {4 �.�`[aavc� Fs �_-a .. r �z ',, . �' +�- � � , �. .' _�� R�.�: K�c� �r,r, l :v�� .,r`,. � �'.� � ..:¢ +�t�,��.�,M��x��q V���b,u� �:- . ...., ,._ �`n J '� � ���S�� ����k �.�y°N y�i� y/ �J � — �I '.� `f 5}> Y �' � `•{,��Y. � � � IVa��VI[)RANDLIM T�J� Planning and Environmental Commissic�n �RC7M: Communbt� De�elvpment Department �ATE: December 1�, 2aa5 SUBJE�T: A request for a recommer�dativn t� the V�il Tc�wr� CounciC of a text amendment, pursuant ta 5ection 12-3-7, Vail Town �ode; ta amend Title 12 af th� Zoning Regul�tion�, a� necessary, to a1l�w accom�nadatiora uni�s to include "ki�chen facili�res", and settir�g farth details in re�ard ther'eto. (PE�C�S-0��9) Applicant: Town �f Vail Plann�r: Gearge Ruther I. SUMM►a►RY The applic�nt appeared b�far� the T�wn t�fi Vail Planning & �nviranmental CvmmissiQn on Nav�m��r 14 a�d 2�, 2�C35, to dis�uss the afvrementir�n�d text amendm�nt. As a �es�ft �af the twa prev4vus w�rksessian r��eetings, the �ommiss�on d�ee�etec� staff to � prepare a text arr�endment to the �oning Regula#ic�ns crea�tirag a new zvne di�tri�t which would �i1ow fvr the d�ve9opment af a "lodge" eon#aining "accamrr��dati�n u�its with ki#chen facilifses". The purpvse of this publi� hearing is #v present the proposed text �mendment cr�ating #he r��w �t�ne district f�r th� Cammissian's consideratian �nd feedba�k. Should the Cvmm�ssion wish to pursue the n�w zane district furkt�er, the next ste� in the re�iew praces� shall t�e ta pravide adeqs�a#e �ublic notice ofi the te� arr�er��ment, in accordance wit� Sectior� 1�-3-7, Am�ndm�nt, Vaii Taw� Cod�, and retum t�o the Planrm�ng 8� En�tronm�ntal Comrrsissian fcar fina4 re�riew an�i recorr'rmendatir�r�. IE. DESCRIPTI�hI (]F THE REQUEST On November 28, �D05, the Tawn af llail Planning & Enviranmentai C�mmis�ivn direct�d staff to prepare a text amendm�nt to the Zaning Regufations of thte Town of Vail creating � �ew ��r�e dis#rict wh�ich wo�ld allow for the de�eloprr�ent of a "Ivd��" that c�n�ains "accornmadation units w�th ki#c�en fiacilitEes"a ]n respvnse ta the �Ce�r�tmission's re�u�s#, the appli�ant and #he s#�ff have prepared a series af text amer�dments� ta th� Zaning Regulatians which wc�uld a�hieve the g�al of the Commissioro. � 1 � � � Th�; prv�ased amendments are �s fallows: CFlAPTER 7 Cc�mm�rrcial and Business C#istricts Article J. PUBLIC ACCC3MII�Q�ATIDN —2 �PA-�) DiSTRiGT 12-7J-1: PURP03�. The public accQmmcrdati�n -2 districf is `snt�nded ta pravide sites for ladges, limited service Iodges, and t'esitier�ti�l accommodatic�n� on � short term basis, �c�r visitc�rs and g�u�st�, tt�g�ther with s�ch public and semipublic fac3l�ties and commercialir�t�il and related visifar vriente� �ses as may appropri�#�ly be loc�tec� within the same distric�and compatible with adjacent I,and uses. T�is district i� intended to prav�ide for lodging �ites located outside the peripher}r�f the Tawn's Vail Village and Lionshead cammercaaf core are�s. The public accommo�atic�n �- 2 di�trict is in�ended ta en�ure ad�q�at� light, air, c�pen spa�e, and other amenities commensurate w�th lad�� uses, arad to maint�in the desirable resork qualities of tt�e district by establishing a�propria�e site d�Uelaprs�er�t st�ndard�. Additional nt�nresidenti�l uses�re all�wed as conditianal uses wh�ch �:nh�rrce the r�ature af Vail as a vacati�on commu�ity, and where permikted uses ar� inte�ded to func#ian compatibly with tF�e high �ensity ladging cl�aracter af the district. � 12-7J-2: PERMITT�D 11SES; The followtng uses sh�ll be p�rrrEitt�d in the RA district: L�dge�, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishment� €ocated wi#hir� the principal use and nat occupyin� mare than ten percent�10°/a) Qf the kc�tal gr�ss residential flaor area of the main structure or struc�ures on the s�te; ad�i#ional ac�essary dining areas may b� located ar� an c�utd��r�deck, parc�, ar terrace. Limited senr€�e fod��. '{2-7J-3. CUMDITIQhIAL USES: The fofiowing conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA�istrict, s�abject t� issuance of a conditional use �ermit in accordance with the pra�isions of chapt�r 1�vf this t'r#te: g�d and t�reakfast, as furkher regulated by sectivn 12-'�4-'i8 of this fitle. Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsec�ian 12-1�-7A8 af this title. L�dges, including acc�ssary eating, drinking, or retail �stablishme�#s tl+�cated within the principal use and c�ccupyi�g between #�n perc�nt (1C�°Ip) �nd fifteen percent(15°l�) of t�e t�tal grvss residential fl�c�r area of th� buildings, graunds a�d fac`slities. � Pu�lic c�r cammercial parkir�g fa�ilities ar structures. Public transpartation terminals. 2 � � � Public utility arad publie �ervice uses. T�eaters and canventian facilities. Type !II emplc�ye� hausing units as pr�vide� in chapter 13 vf th�s titl+e. '�2-7J-4. A+CCESSORY USE�: The followir�g accessary us�s shall be permitted in the PA district: H�me oc�upations, subj�ct to issuan�e o�a hame �ccupatio� permit Frr a�ccr�rdanc�with the provisians of section �2-14-1 Z c�f t�is tiffe. Meetir�c� r�om�. S�vimming pools, tennis �c�urts, patras, or vt�er recreation factfities custvmarily incider�t�� #cr permitted ladge uses. Other u�es cus#c�mar��y inc�dental and accessory ta permitt�d vr c�nditional us�s, and nee�ssary for the operation ther�vf. 92-1,1-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIQNS: � The minimum lot or site area sha�i be ten thQUSan� (1Q,�00} square feet�f bui�dable ar�a and each si#�: shall ha�r�e a rnirrimum fr4ntage of thirty�ee� �3�'}. ���h site sha�{ be of a s�ze and shap+� capable of�nclosing a square area eighty fe�;t ($0"�Qn each side within its boundar�es. 12-7.l-fi. SET'gpICKS: In the PA dis#rict, the m�nimum front setback shall be twenty feet �20'), the minir�urn side setback shall be twenty feet (2fl'), and the minimu�n rear setback �hall be twenty feet {20"}. At the dis�cretion of the planning and envirr�nmental cvrr�mission �ndlflr the desig� review �aard, variatiorrs tc� #he setback standards Qutlined abc�ve m�y be apprvved during th� revi�w af exterinr alt�rnations �r modific�tions�s�ctivn 1�-7A-12 of th�s a�ticle) su�ject to the app�lic�nt demanstrating cvmpliance with the follawing criteria: A.Prapose�i huilding set�sacks provide necessary separa#ion between buildirags and riparian areas, ge�ofogically sensitive ar�as ar�d other en�r�ronrrtentally sensiti�re ar���. B.Prc�pcase� building setbacks will pr�ovide a�iequate a�vailab�Eity of iight, air and apen space. �.PrvpQSed bui�ding s�t�acks will provide a compa€ik�le relatir�nship wifh buildings and uses on adjacent prdperties. D.Prc�posed building s�tbacks w�l! result in creative desigr� sol�tions or oth�r �ubli� � k�enefits that could r���atherwise be ��hieved k�y con�ormance with �rescribe�i setback standards. 3 � � � 12-?J-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof vr mansard raof, the height of buildir�gs shall nat exceed forty fi�ve feet �45'}. �ar a sloping raaf, the height of k�uilding�sh�ll not�xcee� fvrty eight feet�48'). 1Z-7J•8: aENSITY CUf�TRC)L; Up ta �ane F�ur�dred fifty (15�} square feet of gr�ss resi�e�#ia9 fioc�r are� (GRFA} may be perm�tted for�ach ane hundred ('140} sq�a�r�f�et af buildable site area. Final determination �f allvwak�le grass residential floor area shall b� made by the �fann9ng and env�ronm�ntal comrrr�ssi�n in accordance witl� section 1�-7A-12 af this �rticle. Specifica€dy, in determining allowable gross residential flaor area the p�anning and env�ironmental cornmiSSion sha�i make a fin�ing tha� proposed gross res'rdential floor area is �r� cc�nfarmanc�e with applicable �lernents of the Ila�l CvmprE�ensive �lan, Tvtal d�nsity s�all n�rt�xceec� twenty fi�e �2�}dwel��ng units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of ea�culating density, employee hc��sing units, limit�d serwice Ic�dge units, ac�ommo�at�on �nits and fra�tional fee club units �hall n�t k�e caur�ted towards derts�ty (dwelling units per acre). A dv�relling unit in a rnu[tiple-family builc�ing may include c�n� or more att�ched accc�mrrEad�tit�n units. 12-7J-9; SITE �OVERAGE: � Site ccfvera�e sh�ll not exceed sixty�ve percent�65°fo� vf the tvtal site ar�a. �ina1 determrnatic�n af allov,rable si�e coverage shakl be made by the planning an� envirnnrr�ent�l cammis�inn �ndlor the design re�iew bo�rd in accar�anc+e with s�ction �2-�R-12 af this article. �pecifically, in determir�ing allowable site cc�verag�the planning and environmenfal cvmmissio� andlor th� d�si�n revr�w baard shall make � fir�ding that propas�d site c�verage is in c�rrform�nce with applicable el�err��nts af the Vail Comprehensive Plar�. 1�-TJ-'fCl: LA�NDS+CAPi�IG AND SITE DEVEL17PMENT: Af leas� thirty pezcen� {34°/0}af the t�atal site area s�all be landscaped. The minimum width a�d I€:�gth of any area c�ualifying as landscapir�g shafl be fifteen teet (15"}wi�h a minirnum area n�t I�ss tharro thr�� hur�dre� {3��} square feet. 12-7J-'19; PAR'K1NG AND LOAQING: Off street parking and lc��ding shall be provided in accarda��e wit� chapter 10 af t�is fitle. At least seventy five perce�t(75°/0) �f tE�e required p�rking shall b� located within t�e main building �r�uildings and hidden from publi�c view. Nn at gr�de ar above grade surface parking ar loading area shall be Ivcated in any requ�red f�ont setback area. Belovu grade undergra�and structured parkir�g and short term guest loading and drt�p o�f shall be p�rrnitted in th� r�qu9r�d fc�nt setback subj�ct to the appr�W�l af fhe planning anti envirc�nm�ntal cc�mrnissifln andlor the d�sign r�;view baard. � 4 � � � '!�-7J-12: EXTERl�?R A�LTERATIQMS OR Mt}DiFICATI+aMS: A. R�view Re�uired: The canstru�tian af a new buil�ing flr th� alt�ration �f�n existing building shall �e reviewed by the design rev�ew br�ard irr �ccordance with chapter '11 of fhis title. Hawe�er, any project which a��s a�ditional dwelling ur�its, accommvd�tior� units, fractiana�f�e c�uk� units, �'imited �ervice lodge units, any praject which adds mor� than or�� thousand �1,U�3�} square fee�vf commerciaf flQVr area ar cr�mman spac�, c�r any proje�t whic� �as substantial off site irrrp�cts (�s det�rmined by t�e admiraistrator} shall be reviewed by fhe planning and enuironmental commission as a maj�r exteriar afterat�on in acc�rciance with this chapter and �ection 12--3-6 of this tit�e. Gomplete �pplicatians fc�r maj�r �xterior aiterations s�all be subr�it��d �n a�c�rdanc�wikh admPr�istrative s�hedules dev�e�oped by the department c�f commurrity developmerrt#or planning and env�rvnmer�ta� cammission and design r�view b[�ard rewrev�. The following submittal item� ar� required: 1. Applica#ian: An appli�tian shall be made by the �wner Qf th� bui�ding �r the bu6lding owner's aut�orized agent or re�res�ntative on a farm provided by the a�min�stratar. Any applicatic�n f�r candcaminiumized buiidings �hall be authorized �y the cor�dvminium associ�tidn in confvrmi#y with all p�rtinent requiremer�ts of the c�r�dominium assaciation's declaratia�s. �. Applicatic�n; +Cor�tents: The administratar shall estab33sh the submittal requirements far an e�erior�Iteration c�r mod[fication applicatic�n. A cam�lete lisf af th� su�mitt�l r�quirernents shall �e maintained by the admir�istrator and filed in fhe d�parfinent of � camm�nity�ievelv�ment. Certain submittal requirements�may be waiv+�d andlar modified �y the admir�istrat�r andlor th� rev�ewing t�c�dy if it is demonstrated by the applican�th�t the informat�an and maferial� requires� are nv� relevant to the prr�pos�d develnpment or applica�ke tn tf�e �lanning d�cumer�ts that cflrnprise th� Va's� compre��nsiv� p�an. The adminisfratar andlar the reviewing �acady may require tR�e sut�missivn of�dcliticanal pl�ns, drawi�gs, specificatians, samples and ather rnat�rials if d�em�d r�ecessary tc� prap�:rly ev�luate the prt�p�sal. 3. Wc�rk S�ssiansfC�rrceptual Review; If req�aesked k�y either the appli�ant a�the �dministrator, suf�mittals may proceed tc� a w�rk session wsth the planning �nd enviranmentai comenission, a canceptuai review with the design review £�nard, or a war�c session with th�town council. 4. Hearing: T�e public hearing k�efare th� planr��ng and environmental carnmissivr� shall be held in accvrdance with section 12-3-fi of th�s title. The pfanning �nd environm�ntal commissian rr�ay approve the applicativn as submitt�d, appro�e the applicatian uvith conditions or moc�ificati�ns, or deny the appiicatian. The decision Qf th� planninc� and environmental comrnission rnay he appealed to the town c�uncil in accardance with section 12-3-3 vf fhis titl�. 5. Lap�e C7f�4ppro�+al: Appror�al af an exterior atteratian as pr�scribed by this �r�icle shall lapse and become vaid three {�}y�ars follvwin� the date af appro�al by the design revtew t�vard unie�s, prie�r tfl the �xpiratiorr, a k�uiktiing permit is iss�ed and canstrucfion is camm�nced and dili�ently pursued t�o c�mpletion. Administrati�re extensivns shall be � allowed fo�r reasvnabie and unexpected delays as larrg a�code prov�isiar�s affectir�g the prQpasal have n�t char�g�d. 5 � � � 12-1J-13: ��MPLI►4NCE BURD��1; it shall b�the burden of the appliGant ta prc�ve �y a preponderancc of the evsdence bef�or� �hae planning and enviranmental camrni�sian and the desrgn review baa�d th�t the propased exteriar alferation �r n�w development is in c�mpliance with the p�rp�ses af the public accomm�dation zone district, and that t�e proposal does r�at atherwi�e hav� a sigr�ificant negativ� effect on th� charact�r o�the nei�hborhoad, ar�d that the pro�aosa[ substan#ially cQmpli�s with oth�r applica�le el�m�nts o�the Vail carnpr�hen��ve plan. 12-TJ-'�4: M1TI�GATION OF DEV�I.�(7PMEN7 IMPACTS: Praperty ownersldevel�pers shall also be responsible f�r mitigating direct impacts of their development an public infr�struct�ee �nd in all �cases rr�itigatian shall bear a r��sanab�e re6ativn tra �he d�v�l4pment impacts. Impa�t� rr�ay be de�ermined based an repor�s prepar+ed hy qualified c�nsultants. Th� �xtent of m�tigation and public ar�enity emp�ovements shal! be balanced wit� th�gc�als of redevelopm�nt and will be d�t�rmined �y th� �ianning and envir4nm�ntal �vr�missian irr re�i�ew o�develc�pment prajects and cvnditianal use perrnit5. S�bstantial ofF site impacts �+ay include, but are nc�t limited to, the fallowing: deed restricted emplayee housing, raadway imp�vuements, pedestri�n walkway imprnv��ments, street�cape improuem�rsts, stream tracUk�an�C restc�raiic�n, loadint�fd�li�ery, public ar#improverrbent�, and similar imprauements. Th� €r�tent af thi� section is tr� only r�equire mit��atian fnr large scale redevelopmentJdeve�v,�men� pfojects whi+�h produc�: su�star�tial off site impacts. � 12-7J-15: AD�ITIQW Qf GRC35S RE51aENTl►4L FL�d4R AREA TC} E�CISTIhIf� P►4 P�tC3PERTIES: Far ar�y gross residential flc�or area added t� a public ac�ommodation zoned pr�p�r�y followin� �he effecfive date her�c�f, a minimum s�f seventy percer�t (7fl°Jo) of the adde� c�ros� residential floar area shall be d��+�ded t�accflmmadation units, ar frac#ionai fe� ciub units subj�ct to the issuance of a conditional use R�rmit. This limit�#ian shall no� app�y t� grass r�sidential f�oor area being added in accordance with se�tians 1�-�5-4 and '!2-9 5-5 af this tit�e. The fvll�w�flg new definitit�ns are pr�rposed: SE�Tf+QhJ '12-�-2, []EFINITI�NS: to�ge Unit, Limited Service: Any room or group of rvoms wit� kitche�fa�ilities in a fimited servECe lodg�whic'� are �esigned fc�r tempor�ry occupancy by�isitc�rs, �ues�s, individu�is, ar fami�ies on a short�erm rental basis, and accessible fram comr�on corridors, vualks, or b�lcanies withQUt passing #h�f�ug�a another accomm�d�tian �r�it, limited service fodg� unit, fractic�nal fee club ur�it or dwelling unit. A Itmited service Icadge unit is nat intended for permanent residency�nd shall nvt be subdivided intfl an indi�riduaE cnndomir��u�rr unii, pursuant ta Chapter 13, Su�divisian Reg�alativn�, �1aif Town Cc�da. Lodge, Limited S�rvice: A b�aildin� �r group of associate� buildings designed for � occupar�cy primarily as the temporary lod�ging pl�ce of uisitc�rs, guests, indiwicivals, car families, on a short t�errn renta3 basis, either in accommodation unit�, limited servic� ladge units, fractional fee club units, ar dwellir�g units in which the gross residentia�flaor �r�a deva#ed to a�ccvmmadation units, ��rrfited service lodge ur�its, and fract�onaf fee � � � � club ur�its is equal ta or less tF�an seventy percent�70%} af the tatal gross resi�ierrtial flovr area an the sit�, and in whic� all such ur��ts ar� aperated under a singl�e mana�emen� �ro�iding th� accupants th�revf c�stvmary I�adge s�nrices and facilities. III. BACFC+GRC7UNQ A review �f #he Town's files and records clearly identifies the intent af ths existing regulatic�ns regar�in� ac�orr�moda#ior� units ar�d th� prahibitian again�t allc�wing ac�ommadatiar� units to contain "krtcherr f�crlrtres". T'he files show that the le�i�iative intent behbnd the current regulatian is to: �) discourage fon�-term accupancy Qf wh�t are intended ta be short-term ren�al units; 2} prevent the likef�ht�ad c�f the sale af accommodation units as dw�lling units; 3} encourage v�sitors and guests t� fr�que�t t�e many eating and drinking establish�ments in the tflwn during #heir �tay in Vail; and 4} ��sure compatibili#y am�t�gst surrvunding lan� us�s. A further review �f the Town's files sh�ws that the existing language pertaining to definitians of accommodation units, dwellA�g units, kitchen factlities and kitch�n�ttes has �remairred un�hanged ��nce their ad�ption in 1973, Yhe only recent and natable ames�dment tn the reguPatior� of accommadation �rni#s c.�m� in the late 1990'� when the development standards for densi�y w�re amende� and a�ccamr�odat�an units were no IQng�r cc3unted towards densi�y. Finally, a revi�w of the c�ther reso�rt cammuni#ies' regu�ations pertaining �o kitchen facifities within hotel r�oms reveals a wide range vf approaches. Far exam�fe, the City � af Aspan Lar�d Ueve�opment Reg�lations, by de�nitian, permit� kitchens within iradividual Mot�l raoms in a hotel vr ladge whil� th� Town af Brecke�rridge Land �evel�pmant Cade states th�t "no kFtchens of any kind �re p�rmitted uvithrra the ur��ts" vf hot�l, lodges ar inns. CJn hlovembe� 14 and �8, 20C}5, the applicant appeared be��re the Planning & Environmental Cc�rr�mission with a r�quest t� amend the text of the Public Accs�mmrdati�on zc�ne district to allpw accommodation units to incfude kitch�n facilities, as a canditic�rr�l use in the district. lJ�an consideration of tt�e reque�t, the Commiss�on directed staff a�d the applicank to pr�pare an amendment which wouid result in the crea�aan of a new zane district purposefu�ly intended ta allouv accvmmodation unst� to inclu�4e kitc�en facilities in certain areas c�f Tc�wn. Cln Decemb�r 6, 2Q{l5, during the PECIDRB u�d�te tc� the �ail Tawn Cauncil, staff inform�d t�e Tawn Cauncil of the recent discussions wi#h the Pl�nning � �nviranme�tal Gvmmission regarding the text arnendment and the creatior� �f� new zone dist�ict. Th� Town Caur��il �cknvwledged that #he intent �f ti�e prapased teact amendment may have rner�t, howe�+er, encauraged th� staff and Cvmmission ta e�aluate other options. F�s exam�r4�, the �flssibility of cr�ating a conditional use with use specific crit�ria addressi�g the relatianship �f the use to ather neighboring uses and de�el��ment ok�j�ctives o� th� Towrr or #he slimination af the prohibitic�n againsf kitcR�en facilities ir� accornmodatian units: Th� Town �ouncil expressed tha�t it m�y be apprapriate ta r�-e�aluate the iegislative intent of #h� cu�rent land use �c�licr� prohibi���g kit�hen facilities in accomrrrcad�tion units. � 7 � � � 1V, R�L�S U� REYIEWING BC3alE'S Order of Review: Ger€eraCly, text am�ndm�nt a�pli�atin�s will be reviewed by the Pl�nning a�nd Envir�nment�l Commission and the Cflmmiss�c�rr wi�f fvrward a recomrnendation �r� thse Town Caun�cil. The 7avur� Cauncil wiii then review the #ext �mendment applicaticsn. Planning and En�vironrnental Camrnissian: Th� Planning and Er��ironm�ntal C�mmissi�n is responsi��� fc�r #he review of a text amendment applicatian, pursuant to Sectian 1�-3-7, Am�ndment, Vail Town �ade, �nd farw�rdirrg af a recommendatio� to the Towr� Council, ❑esign Reyiew Bvard: The Desigrt Review Board has na review authority ovee a text amendrnent tv t�re Vail Tawn Code. Town CQUncil: The Tawn C�uncif is respc�nsible far final a�prpval, approv�l 3n+ith modificativns, �r denial o# a tex� amendment appi�cation, pur��ant to Sectian 1�-3-7, Amendme�tt, V�il Tawn Code. The To►�n Gauncil ha� the authr�rity to h�ear and de�ide appeals from �ny dec�s�an, determination, c�r interpretati�n by the Pl�nning �nd �nvironmental Commissivn andl�r Design Review Br��rd. The Town �auncil m�y afso call up a d�cisi�n €�f the P€anning � and �n�riranmental Comrt�issit�n ar�dlor Design Revi�:w Board, S�aff; Th� T4wr� Staf# f�cilit�tes the application review prac+��s. Staff revi�ws the submitted appli�atian rnraterials far c�mpleteness and general complianc� with #he �p�rapriate r�quir�m�nts of the Tgwr� Gad�e. Staff also �ravid�s the Planning and Enviranm��tal Camm��sion a rr�erric�randum ccarrtainir�� a des�riptiQn ar�d backgr��and of the applicatiors; a� evaluation of the appCication in regard ta the crit�ria and fintlings Qutlined by the Town Cc�de; and a re�vmmendativn vf appro�val, apprc�val with modificatians, �r denial. V. REVIEW �RITERIA T3�� re�view criferia and factors far cc�r�s�d�ratiQn fc�r a text amendm�n# application are established �y �he provisions Qf Section �2-3-7, Ame�dments, Vai1 Town C�ade. 1. The extent tv whieh the te�ct am�ndment furthers the gen+�ral and s�ecific �urpases of the Z�ning Regufatior�s; and, �. The �xten�to which the#ext amendment wnuld kretter implement and better achie�e the applicabie e�ements af the adopted gaals, abject��ves, and polici�s au#lir��d in the Vai! Comprehensiv� P1ar� ar�d is cc�mpatibte with thg c�e►ve�Qpm�nt �bje+c#iVes vf the Town; and, 3�. The extent to which tFr+� tex# amendment demanstrates h+�w canditEOns have substantially changetl sinc� the ada�ptivn of the subje�# regulation � and haw t�e exist�rrg regula#ion is na langer ��p�apriate �r is inapplicahle; and, 4. The exte�t to which the text amendrnent pr4vides a harmc►nious, 8 � � � can►renient, workab�e r�el�t�nnship amvn� land use reguia�ions consistent with rr�unicipal development gb�ectives; an�d, 5. Such vther fact�rs and cri#eri� the Commissior� andlor Cauncil d�ems �pplica�6e to the prapased text arnendment. VI. STAI=F RECOMA�ENDAT�QN Tfae Gommunity Deve�apment ae�artment recammends that #he Pf�nning 8� Enviranm�ntal Commissi�n eva�uates #he merits af this policy c�ange r�q�est and, �f apprc�priate, dir�ects staff tfl cantinue in the preparation of�4�e text amendment creatin� a new z�ne district. G�ven the cc�mplexity of thi� issue, S#aff#urther recommends that the P�anning & Environmental CommESSdan �enc�urages the Tawn Cc�uncil tc� schedul� a worksession meet�ng wit£� the Staf� and applic�nt #�a �iiscuss the merits of this t�xt amendment, or ar�y others, in an att�mpt to provide poli�y directi�n an the rnatt�r to the Commiss�can. A possible warksession meeting with the Town Cvun�il couid be held c�n December 20, ��(l5. � � 9 � � � MENIDRAFJDR�M TCi: Planning and Envir�nmentaf Ccammissi�n F�t(]M; Comrnunity develvpment Department �ATE: N�vember 28, �{�05 �L16JECT: A request for a recommendation ta the 1J�il T�rwn Council of a �ext am�ndment, pursuan# #o Section 12-3-T, Vail T�wn Code; ta amen�i Title 12 nf the �vnong Reguiations, as necessary, ta a�ic�w accvmmodation units to include "kifcherr facrlit�es", and setting forth details in regard thereto. �PECflS-Q{J7�} Applic�nt; T�wn af Vail Planner. Gearge Ruther I. SIJMMARY Th� applicar�t, Timberline Ladge, L.L.C., is �aropasing a text am�ndment to ��rtain sections of the Z�ning Regulatieans, V2�il Tcawn C€��le, tcr all�w accflmmc�dation units tc� incf�d+e "ki�chen facilifie�"", and setting forth details in regarr� �here�a. The Carr-imunity D�vefopment �epa�tmen# recammends t�at th� Pl�nning 8� � Environmental Cc�mmi�siar� ev�luates the m�rits c�f this palicy change request and, if deemed appropriate, forwards a recommendat�an af appro�al of one r�f the pro��sed options ta the V�il Tc�wn Caur�cil far furth�r teview and cflnsideratian. Il. DESCR�PTI�}N CtF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Lcrdg�, L.L.C., is prcrp�sing a text �mendm�nt to certain secti�ns �f the Zoning Regulations, Vail T�wn �ode, tv allaw accc�mm�dation units tv include "k►�cherr facilities", ar�d setting farth details in regard ther�ta. The Zoning Regufati�ns current�y defin� �n "`ac�Qmm�adafion uni�"as, "Aray r'ovm ar grQ�p �f r�rr�ms �ithout kitchen t�c�lities desi�ned f�r Qr adapfed fo a�ccupanGy by guesfs and accessrble from cQrnmon c�rr�a+�rs, walks, ar balcvni�s �ithout,�assing through ancrther�ccammodati�n unif ar dweffing ur�rt.,, According to the applicant, the gc�al of this text am�ndme�t is ta allaw V�il to remain campetitive irr the destin�tion r�svrt market by ensuring a wide range af shorf-term lo�ging apportunities to meet the n�e�s of our guests and visitors. Far z�ning purppses, th�Zaning Regulations define °`kitcher� faci{ifies"as, ",�rxtures and �quipment for �c�c�d storage and preparation af ineafs, irrcluding a srnlc, stove, and refrrger�afion and foad s�orage facilifi�s." � The applicant is prop�sing to am�rrd Sectian 12-7A-3, G�nditional Llses; Public P��commod�tian z�ne district; Vail Town Gr�d� ta alfow "accr�mmod�fion units with kitchen facilrties" as a new cr�nditivnal use, subject t� the issuan�e of a eonditic�r�a! u�e perrr�it. At tt�e Navernber 14, 2t]f1� p�blic h��ring af the Planning & EnUiranmer�tal 1 � � � Commi�sion, tfi�e Commiss�on tabled the applicant's request and directed Staff tv pr�vide a li�t �f ad�iit€c�nai aptions for achieving t�e goals of �he request�d text amer�dment. In respan�e tc� the Commission's directiar�, �taff has ass��nbfed a list of six Qptions for �chieving the g�als afi the requested tex# amendment and includes a list r�f poten�iai pras and corrs �4r each op#ion. Th� list of ept�ons is autlined in Section VI af this memorand�rm. ln. BACKGR4UND A �eWiew af #he Town's fles and records clearly identifies the int�nt of the existing re�ulations re�arding accammadation units an� the prohibFtion against allowing acc�mmadatian units tQ contairr "kitche� facilJ#i�s". The files show that the I�gis6atsWe intent k�ehind the current regul�#iorr is to: 1} discourage Ivng-term r�ccu��ncy of wi�at ar� intende� ta be shart-term rental units; 2) preu�ent the iik�lihood afi the sal� af accommodati�on unit� as dwelling units; 3) encr�urage visitvrs ar�d guests to frequent the many eating and drinking es�ablishments ir� the tawn during their stay in Vail; ar�d 4) en�ure compati�ility arrtongst surrvur�ding land us�s. 1� f�arfiher review of the Tc�wn's f�les shaws that #he existing language pert�inir�g to defi�itions of accc�mm�dation units, c�welling units, kitchen faciliti�es �n�f kitchenettes has remained unchang�d �ince their a+�option in 1973. The only recent and nafable amen�ment ta the regulation �af ac�ommadation units c�me in the late 199[�'s when the de�relapment standards far density were amended and accc�mmc�datio� ur�its were na longer counted tawards der�sity. � Finally, a review of the oth�r r+�sort commur�ities' r�gulations perkaining to kitchen faeilities within hotel roorns reveals a wi�e range of approaches. ��r exampl�, the City af Aspen Lan� Develc�pment Regulations, by definition, p�rmits kitchens within intfividual hatel roams in a ho#el �r lodge rrvhiie the T�wn af Breckenridge l.and aevelopm�nt Code s�ates tl�at "na kifcher�s of ar�y krnd are permitted within t�h� un�ts" of hokel, lodges c�r inns. illl. Rf3LES C3F REVIEWIN� BC3�IES Order af Re►riew: +Generally, text am�ndment applications will be reviewed by th� Planning and Envirvnmental Commissior� and tt�e �ammissir�n wiSi forward � re�omrr�endatinn ta the Town Cc�uncil. The Town Ct�u��il will then review the �ext am�ndm�nt�pplicatior�. Planning �nd Environ�nental Gommission: The Planning a�d Env�ironmental Cammission is responsible f�ir t1�e review �f � ��xt amendment application, pursuant tc� Section �2-3-7, Arnendment, Va�il Tawn ��de, and forwarding of a recomm�ndation to the Tc�wn Gr�un�il. Design l�eviewr 8aard: T�e Design Review Bc�ard has no ��wi�w authari�y o�ver a text arnendment to the Vail Trwn �ode. Town Cvuncil: � The ��wn Cour�cil is re�ponsible far fin�l approvat> approval with madific�tiar�s, c�r denial c�f a text amendment application, pursuant �o Seetian 1�-3-7, Amendment, Vail Tawn Cade. 2 � � � Th� Tow� Cvuncil has the au#hority to hear and decide appea�s frvm any decision, determinatior�, ar interpretation by the Plann'rng and �nvir�nmen�a! �C�mmissi�n andlar ❑esign Re�riew Bvard. The `�own Council may �Isa ca6l �p a decision ot t�te �'lanning and Environrrrental Commission andfvr k�esign R�;view 6�aard. 5taff: The Tawn 5ta�ff fa�ilitates the applic�tian r�Wiew pro�ess. StafF reviews th� submi�t�d applic�tion materisls fr�r cnrr�pi�teness and general corr�pliance wi�h the appropriate requirexnertts ofi tt�e Town G�ode. Staff als� provides #he Plannrng and Envar�snm�nt�l Camrnissic�r� a mem�rarrdum containir�c� a description and backgrcaund af the applicati�n; an evaluatior� �f th� applicatican in regard ta #he criteria and�ndings autlined by the Tc�wn Cod�; �nd a recomrr�endation af approval, apprc�val with modifications, or denia�. V. REVfEWV CRfTER1A The r�eview eriteria and factars far cansiderativn for a te,act arnendment appli�atian �re established hy the pr4�risivns of Saction 12-3-7, Am�ndments, 'Vail Town Code. 1. Th� extent tv whieh th� t�xt annendment fur#hers #he gen�erai and specific qurp�ases of the Zoning Re�ulatican$; and, �. TF�e �xtent to which the text�mendment wauld better implemen#and bett�r achieve the applicable elements vf the a�#opted goals, nbj�ctives, and poticies ou#lined in the V��f Camprehensiw� Plan and is �4mpatiE�l� wifh � ' the dev�eln�ment ohje�etives of the 7own; and, �. The �xtent ta which the text amendment demvnstrat�s �hvw Gonditions �arre suhstantially �changed since the adoptian of the sul�ject re�ulati4n and haw the existing regulation is n� longer appropriatQ or is inap�plrcab��; and, 4, The ext�nt to which the text amendmer�t prouides a harmani�us, conrr+anient, warkable re�ativnship among land u�e r�egulations cansistent with municipal devefopm�nt o�ajectir►es; and, 5. Such other fa�tors and crit�rya the Commi�sion andl+�r Council de�ams appli�able to the proposed text am�r�drnent. VI. t]PTIC]FJ5 FQR CDN5IDERATI�GN The Ga�^+munity D�velopment D�partment has generat�d a list af six p�ssibl� options f�r �Ilt�wirrg acc�mmadatican units tc� cantain kitChen $acilities wi#h the gQal trf allr�w�ng Vail t�o r�main comp�titive in the destinatiar� resort market by ens�ring a wid� range a� shart-�erm Itrd�ing �ppartunities to meet the needs af aur gu�sts and visitc�rs. The 6ist af optians includes: 1. Cr��te a new zone district(ie Pu�lic Accvmmoda�tion-1 8�2 zc�ne districts� This c�ption wc�uld essentially �create a se�cond zon� district in the Town with the � primary goal being the pravisian �of ac�ammodation un�ts. An exception #o the second district, however, w4uld be #he ability to cor�struct a�commvciatian units cr�ntaining kitchen �acilities. Thi� zone district cQU�d be useful i� k�etter regulating devela�ment vn th��e pra�erties p�esently zar�ed Pub{ic Accammadation �PA} 3 � � � district, but la�at�d well away from th�Tawn's corr�mercial care ar�as, Pr�s: Prese��res integrity �f accommodation units locat�d near the car�mercial Gore ar��s of town; Cans: Adds anc�ther zone district#o the Tawn's alre�dy lang list of z�ne districts; Qther less cc�nPus€ng ar�d more impl�menta�le c�p#ions �xist; 2. ArJd "accammodation units with kitchen facilities" to the [ist of allnwable conditional u�es Thi� opti�n is ►nrhat has besn propased by the app�ic�nt. As cantemplated, the zoni�ig reg�i�tians in the Publi�Ac�omm+�datian zc�ne district would be am�nded to add "accomm�dafian units with kifcher� facrlifi€�s° as a cor+ditional use ta Sec�ian 12-7A-3 Qf the Z�ning Re�ulatians. ❑evelc�pment projects within the Pu�ilic Accomm�datian zone district cauld t�en app�y for a conditic�naf use pe�'mit to allow for "accomrr�adation units wlfh klfchen facilities'; subject to fhe issuance of a conditional use perr�it, pursuant ta Chapter 16 vfi the Z�r�i�g R�gulation�. �"rQS: Ea�e of impl�mentation; Prac�dure f�r review already�e�ists; Cons: Daesn't address the real pr4bl�m ar issue; Can nat truly be �nforced as a CDndition�l u5e; � 3. Redefine "acca�mmodatron units" and "dwelling unit�„ This vptian w�uld entail am�nding t�re definitions of "c�CCD17]l77t]dc7ffflf7 u1711'S" �nd "dwelling unifs", As presently defined, the Qnly real readily identifiable di�t�nct€fln be�nreen an �aceammodation unit and a dwelling unig is the �resen�e �f "kitche,n fa�ilities", as defined in Section ��-2-2 of ti�e Zoning Regufation�. By way Qf reference, an "accommod�tior� un�t' i� define� as, "�lny room ar group vf rv�m� wr"tho�f kitchen faci�rties designecl f�r �r adapted to occup�ncy by g�►ests �nd ac�essible from c�ammon corridvrs, �alks, or balcor�ies wrthouf passr'ng� fhrough ano�her accammQdafrorr unit �ar dwelfing unit." and a 64duvellong �nit" is defin��J as, `�Any rovm c�r group of rc�vms in a �wv-farr�ily ar multr�rle-fa,mily br�ilding wi�h kitchen facilifies design�d fcrr c�r used 6y one family as an irr�eper+derrt ho�sekeepir�g t�r�if.,, An �ppo�tunity sxists t� further refine the definitir�ns of th�se two terms tc� mvre �learly state the m�anings of thes� terms which in turr� may mare c�early articuiat� the pu�pvses of thes� twcr land uses. For exam�le, regar�less af the �res�nce of a stnve, an accommodation unit for the Town's fand use pu�poses is clearfy intended for shQr#-term ��cupancy �f guest arad visitors an � nightl� ar � weekly rental basis. However, the current def�nitian rr�akes no reference to the length of occug�ancy, the inalaility to subdiuide the uni#s in#o individual cor�dam€nium units, the djff�rence in density caiculatians, c�r the a�railabi§ity far short-te�rn rental. 4 � � � Pras: Addr�sses a real problem in the Zoning Regulatians; Results in a cEearer underst�nding vf the two differing land us�s; �+'laintains the ir�tegrity vf accorrrmodation €anits; �urthers t�e purpase of the PA zone district; Cons: Mare difficult to implement; Results� in additionaf time �. F�edefine "ki#chen facilities" andlnr"#itchenef#e" 5imi9ar #v the option above, this option wou[d essentiafly amend tt�e definitic�ns of "kifch�n �acilities" and "kitchene�te". As preserttly defined, "kitcher� faci�ities„ means, "�ixtures and equipmenf fc�r favd �torage anc� pr�par��ran of ineats, includr'r�g a sink, stove, arrd refrlgeration and foad s�c�rage facrlrties', �nd "kifchenet#e" rr�eans, °,A raam eonf�inrng naf fess than fhe follawing fixtures ar�d appfiances: a microwaue vven andlar eaakrrtg surface, srnk, and refrigeratar.,' Arguably, �he definifions are very similar in m�aning witfa �nly min�r di€f+erences. As interpreted and implemented tvday, ar� "accorrxmodation unit"' may be a "kifch�nefite" �ut rr�ay not cont�in "kidcher� faciliti�s". An a�P�rturrity exists t� better de�ine and implement the meaning and intent of t�ese twQ terms. T�day, it '� is uncfe�r whett�er a "stove" is a "cookirrg s�rrface". !� refining the definitinns af thes� twa terms, further �mendm�nts ka o#her relev�nt sec�ions of the Zoning Regulations may t�e needed. Pros: Ar�dress�s a rea! prob�em in th� �o�in� F�egukati�ns; Ftesults in a clearer understanding af the twa di�ering land uses; Maint�ins the 'tnte�rity �f ac�ommadati�n units Cor�s: M4re difficult tv impleme�rt; R�sults in addifianal time 5. Create � new lartd us� �ie, extended stay hvteltladge, select serv��� hotelllodge, residential hotel,} This apti�an wcsuld create a new fand use in the �anirag Regulatians which cauld be add�� ta the fist of p�rmit#ed �r cor�ditional u�es in the Pubiic Accammadativr� �r other zc�ne t�istricts. The terms ��sted abave ha�re been �sed by other commur�ities to d�scribe a type o# land us� which p�rmits short-term rer�tal of hatel ravms on a raightly, wee�ly, or I�nger basis tra rr�eet the speciaR needs of their guests and visitors and tt� fu#� a void within the Vodging market. Ra�ardless af the term us�d however, e�ch af these land use� permits kitchen �a�ci[ities, c�vking faciiities, r�r kitchen�ttes. Pros: Ge�s to the roat of the issue; ease of imp�emer�tation; More thar�ugh than c�ther o�tions; Main#ains integrity of acc�m�nvda�ion units; Furthers the p�u�pases � a#the PA z�ne disfri�t; Cans: Mvre difficult ta implemen�; �iesults in additi�nal time 5 � � � fi. Add "lc�dge dwelling unrY' ta the list of perrnit#ed or conditional uses in ihe Public A�commvdativn zor�e dis�rict This �ptivn would add a land use and term alrea�y defined in t�e Zon��tg Regulatian� to the lis� �af permissibie uses in the Public Accammodatian zone dEStrict. Accarding fa S�ction '�2-2-2 of the Zonin� Regulations, a "1adg� dweflin� urri�' is defined �s, "A smalJ dw�llirrg ur�r"t with firrri�ed krtchen and flaor area an�" which cvntarns srx hundrec! fifty (�5�) square fee� r�r le�s of floor are� and rs ir�t�nded tr� �re rer�ted arr a short term basis." Lnd�e dwelling units are curr�r�t�y allawed in the Lionsh�ad Mix�d Use -1 & 2 zone districts. In bath zor�e districts, icrdge dwelling units are Conditiona! uses allawed vn th� ground flaor ar fi�st level of the buildir�g and perrr�ifted uses on the fl�ors abnv� the first level. C}ne important distinction af "Iodge dwellfr�g �nits" is that while t�ey are intended ta pro�ide short-term rent�il 4ppor�unities far guests and v'rsi#ors, th�y �re firsE and for�mvst dwelling units vwrhich ean be st�bdivided into indivi�ual condominium units and sold as free m�rket dwelling units. Pros: [�efinitian already exists; F�ev�ew process alr�eady exists C�sns: May ne�t maintair� the ir�te�rity af the PA zc�ne district; � VII. STAF� RECC}NIMENDATION The �ommunity De�elc�pment �epartm�r�t recc�mmends that the Planni�g & Envirr�nmental Gomm�ssic�n eval�ates the merits c�f this policy change r�qu�:st and, if appropriate, fo�war�� a re�Qmmendation r�f approval Qf one of tt�e �roposed vptic�ns ta the Va�f Tawn �ounci! for f�rther reuisw and cansiderafion. Mare spe�ifi�ally, Sta�f r�car�mends that the Cvmmiss�an directs Staf� to prepare a text amerrdmen# vufiiGh incorpQrates C]ptians #3, #4, � #5, as generally d�scrghed ir� S�ctic�n 'VI of this memarandum, far T�wn� Cc�uncil review and cansideration. While the crux of the text amendmer�t would be the creat�e�n c�€a new �and use as c�ntemplated in {3ptian #�, Staff believes that the revisions c�ntempla#ed in (]pti�ns #3 & #4 are alsc� needed t� fully implement �ption #5 t� t�e greatest exte�t possible. In the end, this hybrid of the u�rivus op�ions ach�eves the �oal of the appi�cant a�rd wauld furt�er th+e de�el�pment abjee#iwes of the Town vf Vai[. � 6 � � � MEMURANOUM TU: Planr�ing ar�d Environmental Cc�rnmission FROM: Depart�tnent af Comrnunity Develo�me�t DATE: N�vember 14, 2Q�35 SUBJE�T: A request far a rec�mmen��tion ta the Vaif Tawn Council of a text amendment, pursuant ta Se�tian 12-3-7, Vail Town Code; to amend Title 'i� of the Zaning R�gulatians, as n�cessary, to allow acc�rr�modation units ta include "kitchen facilitres", a�d setting forth details in regard th�retv. �PEC(75-[?079} Applicant: TQwn r�#Vail Planner: George F�uther i. sun��n►�Rv The a�plicant, �imberline La�g�, L.L.�., i� pr�pasir�g a text �rr�er�dment tvi cert�in sectians of the �aning Regula�ions, Vail Town G�de, to all�w aecammodation unit� to include "kitcher+ facrfifies", and setk€ng #or#h details in r�gard thereta. The Community �eve4apment De�arkment recomm�n�s tfiat the Planning 8� � EnVironmer�t�1 G�mmissian tables this app1icatian t� the Nav�mber 28, 2005 pub�ic he�ring of the Planning & Enuiranmental Cc�rrrrnissian and directs t�e sta�f tc� conduct further research in#o tf�e �ros and cans of allc�wing �ccammadatian units with "kifchen faciltties". II. I3ES+CRIPTION aF THE REQUEST The app�tcar�t, Timberline Lod�e, L.L.C., is proposing a text amendmenf to �certain sections �f tF�e �onir�g Regu�ations, Vail Town C�de> to allaw accommo�ation units ko ir��lud� "kitchen facilities", and settir�g fr�rth details ir� regard theretn. T�e Zvning Regulati�ns currently defin� an "accommodatian �rni�"as, "Aray room or graup of ra�oms wr�h�ut krtchen facilifi�s designer! fcar or ac�apte�f �o accupancy by�uesfs arrd acces�it�re frQm cvmmarr corrrdors, walks, c�r b�lconies withaut passing fhrough ar+oth�r accommvdafiorr unrt ar dwellinr� �,�if�„ According ta the applicant, the goa# of this text amendrnent is ta �Ilr�w Vaif t� remain campetifiu� in the destinativn resort market �y ensuring a wide r�ng� of shart-term lpdging oppartunities ta meet the �eeds of our guests and v�sitvrs. F�r zaning purpose�, the �oning Regulations define"f�rtchen f�cidrti�s"as> "Frxtures �nd e�uipm�nt for food ,sf�rage and preparation vf m�als. ineluding a sink, stave, and refrigerafivx� a+�d fo�d si'o�'ag�e facrfrties.,, � The appficant is praposin� to amend Sectiar� �2-7A-3, Conditional Uses; Pubiic Accommodation zone district; Va91 Tow� �ade tv allaw "accemmadat�an unifs wifh 1 � � � kitchsn facllrtres" as � new conditiona� use, subjecf ta th� issuanc� c�f a cQnditi�n�l use permit. The purpose of this p�blic hearing is ta determine whether#he Planr�ing &. Enuiranment�l Commission beli�v�s that the Community Development Qepartmer�t should pursue a text am�ndment tt� the 2oning Regul�tions which wou4�d allvw a� acc�mrraadation unit �a include "kitchen facilities". lf t�e Commissian belie�+es that this text amendment is war�hy �f fu�ther dis�ussion and delib�ration, staff recommer��is that the Cammissian ta�6es this appiicatian ta the Novemb�r 28, 2045 public he�ring of tt�e Planning & Envirvnmental Comrnissic�n and directs the staff and the applicant t� ret�rn with more in�ormatsan regarding t�e prc►posed texf arnendme�t and hQw it m�ght be best implem�r�#ed, 114. R�LES QF REVIEWi�VG BCIC?IE5 (3rder crf Rerriew: G�rrerally, tex# �mendrnent applications will be reviewed �y the Planning a�d EnvirQnmental Commissi4n ar�d the Cammissran will farward a re�omm�ndation ta the Tawn CaunciL The T�vun Council will then review th� t�xt amendment applicatian, P`lanning and En�ironmental CQmmission: The Plannir�g and Enviranmental Commiss��n is resporssible far the review of a text amendment applicatian, pursuant tv Sectian 12-3-7, Amer�dment, Vai1 Town Cvde, and forwarding �f a recvmmendatian tc�the Tawn Gouncil. '� D�sign Re+�iew Board; The Design Re�iew Board has no review authvr�ty over a text amen�ment t� the Vail 7own Code. ; Tawn Cc�uncil: The Town Cauncil is r�sponsible for final apprava�, �ppr�ual w�th ms�difications, r�r deni�l �f a #ext amendment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendmen#, Vail Tvwn Code. The Town Council has the a�utharity to hear and decide �p�eafs fram ar�y �decisi�n, de�ermin�ti�n, ar ir�terpreta#ion k�y the P�anning and �n�ironmen�al Cc�mmi�sivn andlor Design Review Baard. The Town Council may alsa call up a decisian flf the P9a�ning and Eravironmental Commissian andlar Design F�e�riew Bc�ard. Staff: The T�wn Staff facifitates the applicatior� review pracess. 5taff reviews the submitted appfication materials for car��let�r��s� �nd general cvmpliance with the apprapriate requirerrrents of t�e Tvw� �od�. Staff alsa provides the Planning and �nvironmental Commissivn a memarand�m containing � descrwp��on a+�d back9raund of the �pplic�tior�; an ev�luatic�n of the applicatian in regard to the criteria and �ndir�gs outrined by the Town Co�e; and a recommendat�on Qf appraval, ap�rovaf with rnvdific�tions, vr denial. IV. FtEVI�W CRITERIQ � The c�view cri�er�a and factors �4r cvnsideratian for a text amendm�nt a�plication are est�blished �y the proVisi�ns of Sectian 12-3-7", Amendments, Vail Towrr Code. 2. � � � 1. The ext�n� ta which the tex# amendment furfhers �Ehe ger�eral ar�d specific purpases of the Zo�ing R�gul�tians; and, 2, The e�c#ent to which the text ame�ndment wau�d better implement��td better achi�ve #h� �pplicabl� elements af the advpted gnals, Ok7JBC�iVl�5, and pvli�ies aut�ined in the Vail Cnmprehensirre Plan anc� is campatE�le wEth the de�velopmer�t vbjec�ives vf tt�e Town; and, 3. Th� ex�ent to which #he �ext amendment demvnstrates haw co�ditians harre su�star�tiaily changed since t#�e adop#ivn of the subje� re�ulatian and how th� existi�g regui�ativn is n+� Ivnger appropria�e ar is inapplicable; and, �. The extent t� which the #eac't arnendmerrt pro�ides a harmanious, conv�enient, workabie relationship among land use regulatio�s cgnsiste�t witFt mur�icip�l development�objecti�es; and, 5. Such other fac#ors and criteria the Cammiss�on andlor Council d$�ms a�tpli�ahte ta tl�e proposed taxt am�endment. V. STAFF REC�MMEN[]ATION T�e CommunEty Development De�arkment recammends tY��t the Plannin� � � �nviranmental �Commtissian tables this a�pplicatian t� �he November 28, 20�5 public hearing af the Planning & Envi�anmental Commissian and c�irects �taff to canduc#further research into the pros and eans �f allowing accnmrnodatian units with "kifchen facilifies" i� the Town of Vail. S#aff believ�s that there maybe meri� in amendirr� the Zvr�ing R�egulations as proposed and �eliev�s tha� if it were deem�d beneficial to allow accamrnfldation un�ts to have "kltch�n faeilities", there may be a bett�er way�a implement the new policy. A,r+�#here any specific qu�s#ions that the Commission w�uld like the stafF ar applicant ta ar�swer with regard tv tha �rapnse�i te�et ar�endment? � 3 � � � � > �Ippiicativn for Re�v�evu� by the � :� Planning and Env�ronrnental Cvmm�ssian 1 V 1'Y11� U� ��rt��L - DeU�rtrroent o€Comrnu��ty f3err�lnpment 75 Svuth Fsantaye Ro�d,Vail, Coforada 81657 te1:974.479.z134 fax: 970,479.2452 web:vrww.ci.uail.co.us General infarmat+an; All prajects requirtng P3anning and Enviranmental C.�nmissaan revfew must receive appso�al prior t� submittbr�g a building pemzit ap�liea'�an. Pf+ease refer ta th� submittal requ�+�ements far the par�cufar apprnval th�t is request�l. An applicatiQn frx Plann'srrg as�d En�ironrriental C�mm3ssion r�view cann€st{,�e accepted uritil �II requlre�d informatian is received by the Cc�mmunity C�e�velo�ment De}7arrt�ment. TFre praject may alsc� neeel to he review�ci bY'��`Cown Cvunr�l andJor tlie Qesign Review 8aar'd. Type af Appficatian a�rd Fe�: ❑ Rezoning $i3M} ❑ Candi�ionaf Us�Permit $650 Cl Majar Suhdivision $15Q4 ❑ FI[�odpiain Modificatic�n $4aD 0 Min�ar 5ubriivisias� $550 a Mi�ror Exterior Alteratian $65[} ❑ Exempt�vr7 Ffat $55b ❑ Maja+r E�'terior Alteratio�t $8�� O Mi�t�r Arnendm�rt[a an SD� $1OQa � [)evelQpment Plan $150Q l'� New Specia�Deueloprn+�nt Distr�t $54Q0 � mendmeett to a i}evelo�r'�ent Ptan $25Q l�3 M��ar A3n��ridm�nt to aa� SF]� �64]00 �4ninc�Code f�mentE�ent $i3pQ C] �fajor Ame�tdment td an 5�3L $iZ54 �I Variance $`'� (no�xt�rior rrK�dificc�tionsJ CJ Sign VarianG� ��QO DescriRtivr�cs�the Request: Max,�rExt�ri�rAltera�on a�'Ghe�.+crs�`rr�7 RoostLodcte ira�+r�dir�q � a text amendmen,� �nd c�na'itrar�a!c�e,p�r�rnet lc�atian of the Pr�oposal: Lot: �-12 Bfr�k=S�bdivisi�n: Bu�er�ek f��su� Phy�sa+cal►�Iddress: 1783 North Franta � �oad � R�rtel Mo.:21Q3123a2001 ( Ea�le�a. Assessvr�t 97U-3�8 8fi4f}fvr parcel no.� Zonir�g. Puhfic Ac+�ornmorlati�n �A � Name(s} of O►nrner{s]: '�'lw►�J4����6�5� 1.+� 1.� Mailir�g Address: I2 Vai! Road S � ail CD 81657 phone• �?f-14�4 Owner[s}5ignature(s): �ame c�f Applicant: Repre�ented by M�ttriell0 Pl�nnir� Grvu Ll-C Mailing Address: PO Bt� 1127 A�ron CO Sifr4f} ' Phone: 7�8-{Y9�0 E-n�ail Address:rzaaur�eflacClcccc�mcast.r�t Fax: 748-03 For Off r�e Use Dn�: _ L�.� Fae�aid: �1�3 u'U. Check No.: '� J i.'Z gy, ���-.��,,�l'c,,r�. ��,--� i� ,e - Appl�caticrn L]ate: PEC Nv.: -" � Pt�nner: Froject lVa.: . �19f(�2IfY5 � � �. �,��'°y ����.1 � �-� � ��.d� <ti_ R�+C'a fJC T � �J 20a5 6� „ • ~ r • I � � � Mauriello Pl�nning +Grvup Roost Lod�e ixezar�irrg and Text Amenvment Ad'ac�nt I'ro er Uwner List �AU��trr��.t�-r�c���:L�� car�sr [Nc 14(�4 Ml�RAIN�: L]I� VtLIL, C:[� S l�57 1��11:Ftl'H1�LL INVESTMT:NTS LTD 2409 l�i]F3I.11�1 RL] PLAN{J, "!'� 750�� FITE, KL:NNL''1'li I]�1VIT) & IRl1�AI� A�YS� -JT Ci415 F. PRF:N'I'ICE FL CiREE1�1V1�17(�I7� VILI.AGE. C(� $0� 1 1 M.L. H1��I�I� N'�MILY PT1�1SH1' i.I,C � )()�)(]Q HL-'1�i�fI:I�..PC7INT�: I7R STE Z(}D i�I{.L1SI��MA CITY, �� 731�D HILL:SIL}C C(�hiD�MINIUM AS�UC�A"I'IC�N C1'Q B�MI�. �IItLC�C�RY I}U ii(�)� :�438 �AIL_ Ct� $]G58 MUSTA�G �(�N[�(}VI11�1LIM AS�CJCjATIC3N C.!C) ��L,1�KIER[=l, RA]VDAL.L 1859 MF..AT3(7W RIDC�L R_D� VA�I1, CC7 816a7 BiJP��:i�+�'I�.EE� WT:ST C(�1'�ID(JfVI1lVIUM ASS�CIA�1'IUI�i> I1'�1C. C'l[� MAI�I�r`� 1'��'. MDSI I�� F rJ [3�7X 9a2 � '��A�I., C� $16��3 T(�'WN �C)1� VAIL C.1'Q F1�lANC� I7FI'�I' 75 S FR[�NTACf� I�L) VAIL, C'(} �1 L�57 � . ,. r � � MUSS�N. PA�I. F. � �LI�A M. -J'I� � 9�02 CkYST�.L LN LC}l�]+GM+DNT, CQ 80203 I I�IGCRMAN, �'I I��.IP It. & JQCELYN K. 1�i i�8 I.ATt7i�RETTE DR FENTUN, MI 4�43{� Cf]LI�JRAD[) IJEP"I� C)H� `1`RA1�SP(7ItTATIDI`�I 4201 1; AT�KANSAS AVE I]ENVER, Ctl 8{]22? � � 1 � � � � �� � : , Appli�ativn fqr i3esi�n Review � �� � � � ' � �`t � D�partment oF Cammuniry Development ���„' ���r�`��� �:{°. 75 Sput� Frantag�3�oad,Vail,CQlc�r�d� 81b57 �j� ke1: 370.�}79.2139 fax: 97a.47�.2�+52 wEl�: www.a.vail.cr?.us Gene ra I I r�u r rna#ion: All prajecks requiring d�sign review must rece�ve approval prior to submitting � bui�ding permrt d��iitd�ib�. Rieas� refer to khe submittal requiremer��s fr�r th� particula�-approval that is requested. An application for [?esig� Review eannat be �ccepted ur�til �II required infarmation is receiveci by the Cornmunity De�velapment Bepartment. The prajeek �tay also n�ed to be reviewed by the Town Coun�il andfor the Planr�ing and En�irQnmental Cart�ms55ipn. Design reuiew appra�a� [aps�s unless a lauildin� permit is issu�d and cor�strucbon commences within nne year of the approvat. Descriptian of the Request: Rede�elopment of Roost Lndge Location of the Pro;rasal: Lot: 9-1Z Blaek: Su�divis��n: Buffer Cr�e�c Resub Physic�l Addre�s: 1783 North Franta e Rtfad Parcal Na,:2 1�3�2�d�1 � Eagle Ca. Assessar at 9T�]-328-8640 for parcel no,� Zoning: Public Ac�amrr�odatrt�n FA Name{s) o�Ownee+[s}; `t1 wt S,t �A�C',� Mailing Address: 12 Vail R�ad Suite 500 Vail Ca 81657 � Ph�ne� �i76-1454 � Owner(s)5ignate,rr�{s}: Name af�4pplicarrt: F2epresented by h�lauriella Plarrnina Graup� LLC Maifing Address: PD B[�x 1127, Avan, CC�8i6�a Rh�ne: �7�-74$°092(� E-rnail Address; dn�uriellraC�cQm�ast.net �ax: 97t}-748-U377 Type of I�eaiew and F+ee: 0 Signs �5Q P us$1.A0 per square foo�of total sign area. Cl ConceptuaC Review �No F�e �}. l�ew Canstruttion $550 For constru[�an Of�r1Bw bullding or demaJrebuild. 0 Ad�itian $30a For an additian whers squar� faotage is ad�ed t4 dny residentlal ar catnmer�ial builtiing (ir�cfudes 250 atiditidns&interior conversions). ❑ Ntinor Alkerati�n $25D For-msnor changes to buildings�nd site amprrnrements�sueh as, (muitf-fami9yjcflmrriercia[) reroofi�g, painting, window additions, pandscaping, fences �r�d retaining walls, etc. 0 Min�r Aiter�t�on $2C] Far rn�nar changes ta buildings an�s€te imprQ�+ements�such�s, �siragle-famaly/duplex) rer�rafing, ,�airafing, window additions� landscaping, fences and r2t�ining w�As, etc. 0 Cha�nges tp Approved Plans $�C� F�- revis�ans to pEans already c�ppraved hy Plannir�g 5t�ff ar khe Design Review �aard. CI 5e�arat�on Requ2�k NQ Fe� For Ctffiee Usg�DnlyR f Fee P�i�: L y `a�f ��-'t" Check No.: ���-s C.�-- By: { �..+.�La���`^� f��;,_�S S�- l.�a� �.. _� � Appli�ation �ate: DRB No.: Plar�ner: Proje[t€�o,: _���� ���` ��� REC�Q ocT � o zaa� ;�/ERG14'YlA%'g�!"�Of4Ys1.'[NJSISJ:R�iF•JPM/A!LY.'wWaP•'LR�➢'i7'�.M%'1%dJl�N+fAfY'l��!'MY�I/4l,P!!!/BYS!/J/IPI%ri'A'.t1F�lCSC/Y/lY:4'/.2�3�a►f,�Tii��JBK:RrnPfGl.�;►%;n':3':.d':i,rv�:!:Pr+P•"�TSd-iS9'f///�15'rY/AlA•'A/.�.',A'.SVfiFi"'#rid%� �4 ��� j Y � f � / � g � Tirrib�rline Loc�ge � � l7esigr Review Checklist � Q 1111 d1(l5 � � r � 8 � � � 0 5ite Pla�ning � �� o Rcaof Foirnsl{3�r�rhangslSoffitJFascia � � � � a R�of Mat�riats � � � � o LandscapinglPlant Materials � r � � Q Exteric�r Building Materials � � � � o Architectural Details � � � � a Building Forms and Massin� � � o ScaleOCharacter � i � � o GradingJReta.inir�g Walls � � � � +� F�terior Daors and Windaws d � � o CoPors � � A . � � o Exterior Li�htin� � � � e a R�af Top Nlechatuc�.l ¢ � f q � � 0 l, � � � � ' � g �'--r 4 � Y —� � � � � � � � � � � i� J . �p � � �} � s� y r 9 � � g 1 � � � � } � �:cns�.acvr�wi.ar:+u�.ta!�r'.a-vicecxar�sa+e.:sa;ssw'.�;��wr:cw�rs�fYraurr�r.er.nr�i+ti.t�;++�'rrswrav+r.s>;rr�aewc:r•r..w,Pr,rt�+'rs�:unar✓i.n'.ar.w�?P�.r.v�+vrrurr,rf.iv.a'aswrrw,xar..Hrs�ri+',�rnewrsi.scx�vwc;a�.sri.rio�..cx.:s�rrw�� ! �--- � ������ � De�c�r�rrae°r�t df Lpm�nrrnity D'et�el�prrz�nt 75 South F'rarat�ge Rnad Yail, Colvrucl'v 81��% ��o-���-��:3s T�4X�7G-���-�'�s� wwau.v�rilgau r�rn C-7ctobcr 17, �(}08 Greg �astineau Timl�er[ine RoQSt LU{ige LLC 12 Vai! l�c�ad Sui?te G0+0 Vail, +C�lorado Re: Plan review extensi€�n �7ear C�'rrcg, T}�is ]�et�er is a follvw-up to �ur meeting of a fc��weeks a�;cr it� regards io Ehe time limitatians far the"1"im�erline plan revicvv. The p�mxit applicatiott i�.ay rernain active �� lon��s the �p�licati�r� is purs�ed in�oc�d fazth. ��c�the ��ans hawe �een apprc�ved and a lapse af a�tivity of 1�U day� th� application��vi]I chpire. I am �11�«re�l tn grant an exten�ion �f up tc� 9[7 da��s peri�ds froin the date�f lasi activity of tiie�r�aject. This extcnsi�i�rcquixcs a written request by tl�e appli�.�r�t indicatin�;justifia�Ie causc for t�ie extensi�n. 'I�hi�reyuesi ne�ds tc� ���. suF�mittec� pric�r tt� expiration Qf the a�plic��tion. ("rreg, i would reevmmend the fol�owin� to insure that the t�p�licati��n is kept active for the iime periads requested; 1. The pla��s ar-� required t� be upda#ed ta the ZQCI� NEG as ��c�ntly aciopted by tlle 5tat� of�'.olc�rado �nci `I"o«rn af Vail. Pursuing the re�ris�ng of th�plans fa� thia purpr�se wil� �xt�n�th� a��licatian anc� shc�w activity of the perrnit��s�lication.. Flease�e cond�n3atG of the ]$d days af ina�tivitv by submitLing th�revasion prior t.� th� lapse �3f 1 f3� days. 2. Aftec� c��n��etion ai the re��i���, ���it}� tiie reviscd�lectric�l plans, su�rnit�r�c�uest fc�r exlen�;in�� witliin 180 days o�the plans s►pprova� datc it7dicatin� reasons for inal�ility tcr pull perm�t ie ec�nomic c:�nditiot�s, weather, caniraetor �I�gatiatian�, etG.� 3. Plcase be aw�are we �re pz�pv�in�;to sutarnit tt�the 'I�Uwn +C�nunci� in l�te 20U'� the l�test e�iitic�n of tl�c Suildin� codes fQr ap�rnval. Up�n apprcaval ��e w•ill r�qtaest that �11 a�?plicatic3ns be u�dated to th�c i�ew eo�le� anc� � new �1€m check fee r�,�nuld be r�q�iired. I would rec�mmend pullin� the t�uilc�ii�g permil prir�r to tliis action. ��� RECYCLLIJ PAPER 4. +�7n�e the t�ui4diti�pernlit��as been�ulled yflu h�.ve a� radditianal 18Q �iay�tcs , shov��activity Qf tkae project, if activity� is not shown within ti�e 18Q days a l SQ c��iy extensic�n may be app3aed fc�r. �T`his rec�u�st r�ust be rr�ade�ric�r i� the-�errr�it expiration. P1eas��e ati��are th�t tlxe U1[tt8 appror�als and an� conditional appravals by �he plannin�team may e�pire outside the buildin�perrnit application process. I wt�utd suggest that yau�c�ntaet Warren Campbell, Chief�af 1'lt�u-�in�, �cr insure t�iese approv�ls will n+�t expire, Sii�.�erely, l'vi�rtir� A Haeberle C�ief I3uildin� �Dfticial Tc�wn r�CV�iI cc: W arren Campinetl, Ch�ef of Plaul��i��g Chris Gunion,Plans Cxaminer CIeQr�e IZuther, �7irectnr c�f Cc��nmurjity Developn�ent .� _..__ .. _ _ ----- i 21C17l2(}�8}Warrer� Carnpbell - Re: Shifting of EHUs i� Timberline Lad�� Page '1 :, a �,G' �'_> I �', �I1 �'� .��... ��wE��r'��;� �°��� K � �;�r. Frorn: Geor�e Ruther To. Warren C;amphe3l Date: 02�O�I20Q8 8:21 AM Subject: Re: Shiftir�� �of EHU� in Timl�erline Ladge Warren- Can y�u piease put a copy of th�s correspvndence in the p�'operty flle? ThdnkS� Gearge Ruther, �LICP Directnr af�ommunity Develaprr�ent T�wn af Vail (97U} 479-2i45 affice �9'�Q� 376-�675 cell �9743� 479-�452 f�x gruther@vailgov.com ��� Warren �Campbeil D2J04�2C108 5.51 PM ,3� Greg, T� reviewing yot�r proposa6 and the original ink�ent af the EHUs in the Timf�riine Lodgei Nina and I agree that the propr�sed relocatiQn wiH maintain the original intent and dn�s rsat need tr�go baek tv the P�C. If yau wish to mo�e farward with this chan�e please depict it an a set�t r�vlsed Buiidi�g Perrnit plans, c9early idenCifieti as ar� EHtJ. Ygu do nc�t need ta submit a D€tB a�plicatian. Reg�rds, W�rren �► � - ,. :. i � , ,--� ,� � � � , 4'" �al� �.� ���� �'� ,�y�_ ,�y� -� ` � C1 e-�`"`�-` � �� .� �� � --�.€� � ;�, C � � � � � � Y :4'"v'a� �� �'F�'���. � �.��IGN �tEVI� �,,. ,.��;� �`,� ` � �� � 0 � '�TA�FF APF��IIJ� ,� ,.., �'� 44E1.7 F[CG`�1 � � � .. _ �-.. .. � �_ . . � y d �� ........��.__.�__—_'_ � 'SECAI+pM.t' - 6ATH 5=ccnvr-rxr e�'r•t -. \� 1 M TER ShTN \ J� V�1'Ef? 3.-=�in�1 v ,.._���, ��_ � ' ;:�� � '�1 I���; ti � �' il�� 4'�,;+1{�� w ; � �I '������ �../1..+/f ��� 1 �,�4� 5GALE. 1,/8��=1�—C3�� T4N�: BEL]RC7C>Nf — C� �QUARE FC7�?TA�E; G�� � -i�a._ :. ,�-, F �"�� V'11�I 1/�4�/Yi+vt IM S�a�� . � � Iks� T ��'�}y +] (/�fy��/fr+'� i1b1iW7Q�� - 1 I�L/���1�� �`� i.r V� 3GlRC-!M IDUOB.f�Y1PdEA"� ... M f3'P_�I.NiW ' '°� #illi•IR.NI.ffi3 m�.aat ! r � ._.. T'"� fiE�. � f Y � � I I � O — �� �i � 'I"�2. TER I74^L 3 `----� A7M I, _ � ER � MASTEft � L,�Tki d L1+Ud�1L:�Y �� GIQ�.AT R�M � � �, 4�� �i,' � ;� � ',t�- �� .i " � ;i �., '� � MA5TER �r�il20G7M �'�'�`�+ ��~ ��a��-- �����L��1 R�111�''��� ;��,�FF A►PP'�t�33V1�.. ' ��-�� �� ,_ �� __ ���. �1�1�,��:C7��' �C��I�C:� �'l�r�l`�l ��.���: �r�b°=��-o°° ar�� �,�r��,caM - ,� S�L���E FC�G+T{�GE: 4�4 ,=_;�;. i,; �� �:'9:�.+ RM arp/r ._ � � - T11����L11�� L�]�C�� u�iunr anm �ac��a ��nsoram ewe ee m.�.�n Fm nn�a..u�� .. _... ���� # ��sign I�eview �aa�rd ACTIC3hl F�R�'! . # Department of C4rrontunitY [��vefa�rt^�ent ��V�n��j� � i5 Sauth Franta�� Raa�4, V�il, C�laradc� 816�? �r ru� t��; ��0.�7�.a�3� �ax: s��o.a���.z��z ��.�,����r���c����t�: web: www.vailgov.cam Project Mam�: TIMBERLIh1E R005T�HANGES DRB Number. DRBfl7�687 Prnject Descriptian: FI�AL A�P�tC)VRL F�R A CHA�IGE T(�THE APPRC�VED PlANS F�1R THE TIh'IBERLINE LOQGE l�EDE11E�dPMENT FR�.7EC'T' (FORMER �OOST LDDGE)T{]THE EkTERIC�R l�F TH� BIIILdING; ADDiTIpNAL SIbEWALKS; CHAhJGE IN R���TOf' CHI'MNEY SIZES; ADDITIQNAL SEJPPC)RTS F�R THE 6ALC(7NSE5 AND Rarticipants: CIW�lER TIMIBERLINE ROQST LOD�E LLC 11�2$,12iJ47 12 VAI L f�[� VAIL CC7 81£�57 APPLIG4�JT TiMBEaLIN� RU�ST L+QbGE LL� 11,128/2a(�7 12 VAI�t RD VAIL CG �1657 Praject Addres�: 17$3 N �RUNTAGE RD 1NE57 VAI� Location: T�iE RQ(3'�T �C3DGE Leg�l Descriptian: Lot: 9-12 Block. Subdi�rision: BU'FFER CREEK RESUB Rarc�l I�umber: 21D3-I23-fl24fl-1 Comranents: See Conditions BOARI)jSTAF�ACTION i�lotion By; A�ion. STAFFAPP Secand 6y: 17ate uf Ap�roval: Q1116JZ008 ►►ote: Conditians: Cond: 8 (PLAiV}: No chang�s to these p�ans may be made w�thout the w�-it#en consent of Tvwn of Vail st�ff and�ar the appropriat� review committee(�}. Cc�nd: A �PLAN): aRB approv�l does not c�nstitute a pern�it for building. Please consult with Town o�Va�! �uilding personnel prior ta canstruction attivities. Cond: �fl1 �R8�ppr�va� sha{I not became valid �or 2D days�oll�wing t�e�ate of appravai, pur5uant tv the V�il Tawn Cade, Chapter 12-3�3: APP!�A'�S. Gand: 2(}Z Ap�raval vf tt�is pr�ject sh�ll la�pse an�! became void an�e �f�year fv�lvwing the date af fina� apprc�v�al, unless a t�uilding permit is issued anc� �orastr�ctivn is c�rnmenced . ar�d �s diligentiy pursued taward compfetion. Cc►n�d: 113 All developmen�applic�tions submitted ta�h�e Tawn after the effec'tive date of Ordinance ��, Ser�es �ClD6 shall be subject tc�the pending employ�e hc�usir�g re�ulations in whatever farm they are finally adapted; provided, howev�er, that if Yhe Town fails ta adopt the pending emp9ayee hQUSing regul�ti�pns by April 1�, �O�17, this Ordinance s�all nat apply tcs st�cF� dev�lbpment applications. Planner: Warren C.�mp�eli DRB Fee P�aid� $2�O,OI1 � � ' Charnges Ta The Appr��red P'tans � Applicatio� fvr Qesign ��view . Departrner�t af Communfty DeWefopment ����tF� j 7S 5outh Frontage Rrsad,Vail,�CoEorado 8i657 1� te1: 97�.47g.Z128 fax: 470.479.2452 web. wuvw.v�ailgav.�om General Inf�rmation: All projects r�qviring design review mus[receive appraval priQr to submit�ing a buiFding permi� applieatia�, P�ea� refer to the su6rnittal r�quires�ents f4r the partieular apprvval that i5 reque5ked. An application for Desigr� Review cannnt be accepted untif a91 required inforrrsation is received by the C�m�nun'sty �7eveloprrrent Dep�rtment. �h� projecC m�y �Iso need to be reviewed by th� Town Couneil and/vr the Plsnning and �n�iranrnental Comrnission. Design revi�►n► apprvval lapses unless a building perm'rt is issued and c�rtstructian commences within � nne y�ar of the a�sproval. Descriptian�f th� R�t�u�st. ►+U�1� CN�+�J�S�n�����1 �'��'�' C�--- � �r � l��S�. �� st S �� �� � C�t 2� � e�t-'t7 � 1�� � � � [31 TC� CI�a�C�'�a Loca v v the Prop€�sai. Lot; -4'L BEock; Sutxiivision: �'� ,/�"j ��r Physical Addres�: �l�R�� � �'r��� i�.v� �"�t1�, c,� ��1���. Parcel No.: ��li�'� - (Cvntact Eag1e Co, A�sessor at 97�-328-8+�4� fc�r parc�l no.} � Zoning: ,��'� -'� Name{s) of awn�r(s}: +r,�. fi '�C) �-'�C- Mailing Address: Z 'J#�+� -��'� �7 - Phane: �i��� ' `� Own�r(s� Si�natur�{s}; Narn� v�Applicant: Mailing Address; `�'�_ � -��� Phone: �-nn���Address: ���-�-;W,��►l�,rs�e��.c����� Fax:_ f�l��� �°�`�"� __ Type af Review and Fee: _ z , �Chang�s t�i ApQro�rer! Plans �2D Far r�vis��ans kv plans already apprcrv ��r�g StafF t�r t� +,r-', �``' ��sign Review L�ard. 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Pke�se prc�vid� d�:#ail vn wher� this addGtional �anit is and how it was achieved in the approved b�lk, mass, and height. • The limits of disturb�nce f��ce needs t� include the three sidewalks wh�ch lead ta tFre si�+�wall� �l�ng the Fr�ntage Road. • Tvv� af the three �idewalks cvnnecting the pr�a�ect ta the s�dewalk afc�ng #he Fronta�e Road ar� nvt depi�ted �n the �pprove�d DRB set. A ch�nge ta a�prave�d plans appli��tiQn vuiil �eed ta b� submitt�ed. + (7n Sheet A-�.�, Garage Level � and Garage Level �, there �ppears t� be a l�ss af c�ne p�rking spac� on each flaor and the west�rn �nd af the level. A parking ar�alysis wifl ne��d ta be submitted ta �nsure the foss o#these spaces does not negati�ely im��ct the requir�d p�rkir�g. + The p1�ns submitt�d far ��ilding perrnits shows a different confrguratior�for pra��ding candn owner stor�g� within the garage I�vels. Additionally why are there 3� storag� lockers on each of the �Garage Lev�l 1 arrd G�rage Level 2 flQr�r pEans fQr 28 �vndos in t#�e buildir�g? This c�range will need ts� be subrnitted, reviewe� and ap�roved. �_-�- • The plans submitt�d fvr buildirtg p�rmit shc�w the dwffering typ�s c�f units that wer�e a�pra�+ed �eing rno�ed araund an� r�ekacated. Ple�se pravid� infarrn�tiart c�n whether�r nc�t ther+e are the $ame nurnb+�r�f studiv units, �r�e- bedr�a+ams, and two�bedroams wuthin th� praject. • C�n 5heet A-'{.1 Le�el 1 , Unit '{30 was a #wo-bedreaom in the approv�ed plans. Thi� change and 2�r�y ath�rs wilk nee� tc� be su�bmrtted, revi�wed, and appr4ved. • C3n Sheet A-�.2, Le�el 3, Unit 3�7 is 5ho�vn ta �e#h� �oc�tion of the EHU on the approv�d plans. �1n�t 3G5 is nc�vv sfi�own as the EHU. Plea�e praVid� information on wh�tfner or not th�re was a change in square foc�tage af the E�1L�. It appears it may be smaller. !f there is a reduction this ch�nge wffl need t� be s�bmitted, re�iewed, a�d ap�roved. • On Sheet A-1.�, Level 4, Uni�s 455 ar�d 464 are sh�wn t� �e EHUs. C7n the apprc�ve� pians Un�ts 4�5 and �7G are shvwn to be the EHUs. In th�re rel�catic�n was square faota�e afFected, It appears t�ey may t�e smal�er. If ther� is a reductiar� this change will need to �e submitted, reviewed, and ap�rov�d. • Qn 5heet A-�.O th� chimney on the east e�e�vation appe�rs tc� hav� be�n reduced in size fram what was 2�pproved, Addi#ionally, chimn�y` caps ha�e been a�ded to s�veral of the chimn�ys. Please provide details �n the chimn�y ca�. The chimn�ey and chimr�ey caps wi11 require a eY�ange tr� �ppraved plaris. • �n Shee# A-4.Q there is � sign shc�vurt o� #h� sauth elevatian. A separate de�ign r��riew sigr� �ppli�ation will need to be s�bmitter#, revie�red, and . approved. �4ppr�val of the building perrnit will nat include a�prova! �af any signage. • Th�re were several chimneys add�d on #he eastern haif af the sc�uth el��ratian. Pleas� submit a change t� appraued pl�ns appficatian. Several of the$e comments may create the need '�ar a Change ta Apprav�d Plar�s Uesign Revievu applicatior�, c�epending on how they are ad�iressed. ti 12 V�il Road Suite 640 � � Vail,CC7$tifi57 s PH{97C1J 476-14�I FAX{97t]J d7C-19$B ���� To: Warren Campbelf;Gearge Ruther From: Greg��stineau CC; oat�: Navem�er 19,2007 Re: Timberline Ladge-BuIlding Permit Carrtments dated Navemka�r�9,20t77 Please accept the foliowing as Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC's uvr�tten respor�se to the Planr�ing Department comments we rece"nred from Saf�built�n November 19,20t37'. -^� r. 1. The additio�al accommad�tion unit was cr�ax�d �n Le�rel 3 within th� space previausly ;j''�' ���-��� occupied by � stairway and eievatar that serviced #he faurCh floor �raaft�p) spa deck. The �---` , creati�n of this�t#ditiar�al unit did not affect the bulk, mass, height or exterior app�aranc�of the ,r°a building, � 2. We will adjust the lar.atic�n af the fenee in#his area a�ccardingiy. '� —__ ,..�.d1. ... ',. 'l�� ..... 3. It is �rnc[e�r which sidew�lks yau are referring ko, but I be9ieue we added sidewalk connections ,"`� �p']--- -- as part c�f our C]RB amendrrient tha#was appravecl c�n March 7,20fl7. �' °.��'�� � 4. Per George Ruthe�'s s�ff u�nemo dated Dec�mber 'f 1, 2D46, the proj��t re�uires a tataE af 15� parking spaGes. I wilf assurr�e #hat due to fhe fact tf�at an ac}ditional AU was ereated, that requirernent is naw 9 57.The project#s currenily designed v+ritFr a to��l of 16�parking spaces. 5. The c�ndfl starag�e unit cbr�figur�tion w�s changed as a resuli pf input from our struGtura9 engineer ar�c� precast concrete desig�er. This change accurs b�Eaw c�rade and does nvt impact � p�' tF�e G'�FA, �a�lk, mass„ �r heig�l of tf�e build€ng. As frsr the num�er of unifs, I don't believe there „ - r is a 16mit on the n�mb�r of storage clas�ets w�ar�allowed ta pro�€de wifhin t�e project. �. The praj��t was appr�ved on Decem��r 11, 200B with a configu�ation of 14� AU's, 28 Ql3's, and 3 �HU's. ThES cr�nfiguratian r�mains the �ame witf� the exception af an additiona9 AU per item #1 above. I dan"t b�lie�e the appro��l specifed � requlrement for different raam ty�es (studios, 1 BR, or �BR unitsJ, as this mix does noi impac# bul�t, mass, heigl�t, or exieriar appearanc�. 7`. S�me an�wer as above. 8. The EHU's that were appraved on �ecemb�;� 11, 20�6 were approximately 4T4 square fee# in size. The curr�nt EHfiJ's are 486 square feet in s�ze. The change ir� focation ar�d size �oes nat affect tlre bufk,mass,height, or exterior appear�nce�f the buil�rng. 1 , �r 9. The EHU's that wer� approv�d �ort C4eeemb�r 11, 2{�U6 were approxima�e}y A�74 square feet in size. The c�arrer�t EHU's are 48fi sq�are feet in size. The chang� in location and size daes n[rt af€ect the l�ulk,rnass>height,vr exterior appearance of the b�39ding. 1a. Per rr�y recent cor�versatlons wifh Geo��e Ru#her, I h�ve been led ko belier+e that these min�r changes cc�ul�d and wou1d be approved at staff€evel. 11. We underst�nd that a separate appli�atic�n will#ae required fo�arry project signag�. 12. Per my recent can�ersati4ns wikh G�orge Ruther, I have been l�d to b�lieve thsat �hese minar changes cauld and would be a�proved at st�ff IeUel. • Pag�� _ _ _._ .__ --. .--- ---- _�_._____..,�_._.._�_._ __ ___�.�..�. (�J9f�4f20Q7} �G��rgc Ruther-Timberline L�dge �'�9� 1 . -- , .e._�r--- - ____ -- , ,� ����� ��`'�� ��rf�n� (.�d�c Cr���,��:�;; , . '�-�"�r , Fram: "Greg Gasti�n�au" �greg�timberlinere.com� ��� � ���� Tn; ���George Ruth�r��� �GRuther c�vaifgav.c�m� I]ate: Q$13�f2(}07 4:27 PM 5uf�ject: Tirnberline Lcr�g� Gec�rg�: Thi�email serves to�onfirm the issues that were discussed at#his af�ernaan's rneeting, and the directiran th�t yc�u've asked me to take. F�s disc�ssed, t�ere t�av�e been sugge�tians made �y vari��as peer eevi�w, an�lt�r subcontractor consulfian#s tr� irnpr��ve the "cor�structability'"af thre Tsmherline Lodge project. ln some cases these suggestions in�calve minor adjustments#o the�xteeior design that has been appr�ved by the 7t�wn af V�il's Planning Cammission and Design Review Bo�rd. S�far, khese suggesti�ns inci��e the faflowing: �. Adjustment�tQ the roof pikch 45�12 a#the smajl gables ancf rnafn ridge line; 4.25:12 at the mair�entry gable} Z. Addition of a °chimn�y like"f�ature at the r-�id point af khe east wing of the building's rc�of ta accommadate fresh air intake for the garage exhaust system. Ycsu have stated that thes� cha�nges can be apprc�ved at staf�Eevel, but you would prefer to review and apprave them aif at c�n�e r�ther than ort�at a time as they arise. With that ie� mind, please ac�ept thi�emai! as a recc�rd c�f our prapased ehanges tQ date. As alway�, i �pprecia�e your tirne, coaperatic�n, and willingness tcr alEcrw the fine tuning nf c�ur pro;ect to proce�.d in this mar�ner. Most sinc�r�ly, Greg G�skineau Timberline �oast I�adge, I�LC ��r�� � . 1�-� j�/�. C�esi�n R�v�evv Bva rd ACTI�N FOMi�M � l �ep�artment of Carnmunity Elev�iopment +��'/��� � 75 5o►�th Fror�t�gs Road, Vail, C�iorado 8165? i ll �li� tet: �70.���.z��� fax: �a�.���_z�as� ca+,�w�re�ve�� wek�; www.+raifgt�v.car� Proj��:t Name: TTh�BERLTNE RC�OST CHANGE DRB Nurn#�*r: QRBQ7D1g2 Prs�ect Qe�ript�on: FINAL APPROVAL FaR A CHA�IGE TO THE APPROVED FLANS TO CHANG�TH� 6UIL[?ING EKfERI{)R C�U�T� BUILC7I4�G C4DE CaMPLIAIVCE ISSUES Participants: c71NNER TIMBERI..IN� Ra05T LQbG� L�C 0511��2007 12 VAIL Rf� VAIL C� $1557 ARPLICANT TiMBEi�LIN� f�DUST LC3D�E LLC U5f 1�,12{}Q7 12 VAiL RL7 VAIL C(] 81657 Pr�ject Address: �783 N FRaIVTAGE RD WEST VAIL Lo�atiorl: TH� RC]aST LCIQGE L�gal D�:scrip#i�n. Lc�t: �-12 6lock. Subdivisian: BUFfER CR�EK RESUB Parce! NWmber; 2i.�3-123-O�i�0-1 Comrrnents: See Cx�ndition 6{)ARD{STAF�ACTIaN Ma#ion By: Mike �antas Actian: APPRC]VED Secand By: Tam du6�ois Vnte: 4-41 (f]unr�ing a�stained D�te of Approval: U6�4fif 2��7 Ganditions: Cand: 8 (PIAN�: �fv char�ges ta these p6ans r�nay be m�d� without the written cvr�sen�af Tawn caf Vail �t�ff and�vr the apprc�pr�ate review commiktee{s}. Cond: � �P�1S�}: []RB a�prc��a! does nat�onstit�te a permit for �uilding. PfeaSe eons�lt witY� T�rwn Qf Vaii B�ailding p�rsannel priar ta c�nst�uction activitias. Cvnd: 201 13RB approvai shalk not becarne vafici for �a days following the date of apprvval. C4nd: 2(]2 Apprcr�al of this project shafl 4apse and k�ecome vaid one [1}year fol�awing �he date �f fin�! appT[3u�1r ur�less a k�uifding perrni� is issued and const�'uction i5 c�mr��nced and is diligently pursued taward completian. Plannew: Warr�r� Carnpbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.�0 � �Change� To The Approved Plans '. � Application fv� Design Re�riew . Department af Commun�ty �eveloprnent �" ' '� 75 Sauth Frantage Ra�d,Vail, Co�arada 81557 ��'I4'�FV� ' ��i; s7o.���.zi�s ���: ���.���.z��� web: www:vailgo�+.com �eneraf Infarr��tran: All proje�ts requiring �esign review must r�cei�e approa�l prior t� submitting a building p�ermit appii�ation. Please refer t4 the subrnittal requtrements for the particular approvai that is requested. An applir�tion for Qesi�n fteview can�rot be a�cep�ed until ali required infarmatirsn is received by the Community I�e�vebpment De�artment. The pro�e�ct may also need to be reviewed by the Tawn Caunci� andJ�r the planning and Enviranmerata9 Cvr�rni�sian. �esign r�view apprc�►ral lapses uniess a baildwng permit is issued and constnuction �br�nmen�ces within one y�ar ot the approv�al, Description nf#he Reque�t; , C�c�� � �����t?�t`�v ���'���"'��ltu�'uLr��, �t� ��. C`�51�,�V� �s€? L�'�T�S' �,►, �, R �� �i� �'_+�-k�JST �1`3� �. V��rC- Location o�the PropBSa�. Lot: "�� �lack: S�bdivis9on: ���'�• Pf�ysical Address: � �S. ..� ''�L � ' ' � Parcel Nv.: `���� ' l�-"3 � ��U ` � (Contact�agle Ct�.Asses�c�r a#97�J°32$-$64t1 far�arcel no.) z�ning: � -� Mame(s) of�wner(s}. "T�w��� i(���" '1.��'dC�"�'r l.k-� � Mailing Addre�s: l2 ''��r1,"v l Phone� '��0 �• � �wner(s) Sigrtature{s;: �� N�rn� nf Applicant: �.1 Mailing address: �1� � � Phvne• !��-rnar!Address: t�,r�A �°��+�e.�.�i�s�:,t�..��'av+. Fax: . " � �" 7yp�of Review and F�e: � Changes to Approved Pians $�4 '�or revisians ta plans already a,�prvved hy Planning StafF or the D�sign Review Board. 5ubrt�itkal Requitements: 3 Sets af Plans Ad�re�sing Proj�ck Changes Sign�ture of HQrneowner�(s} vr Assaciatic�n Fnr OffiC ��ly: .-•. �� � �� � Fe�Paid: C� Check i�la.:��� By; r �:� � � e q �'� ��' c� f � i ;'� n = .., D�tB�1�.: � Me�ting aate - � �` __ �'�� � :'t � ���a � r , Pro ect No,: , �. Planner:_�o� l F:lcdevlFDRMS1PerrnitslPlanninglL7R81drb_ehange_ta�approved�lans_1�age_05-11-2406.doc ■ �I■��Hip E�d1i��1���y�iF�flil�IB�pl��r,�[1��11;�illf�._'�l�tl�llli�93 87�i �I I IJ�}R,��I�� f IA�� F I�f 1 �llw7 ��11 l���� 1 pI��'111���fp��IW�l�iIfI.1H.�lFF� � "�i�i iu� a i�ii�i���i °��`��_��� R ��i� �r � in ��iQii�'r �yI wu� s n q�, �� m�{�a��Ai��!�r��i��� iaov�u�� nn.�.�+ nu[IIH�1[I R �111t1�1il�l�l�q��� ���II i � I i . ,N�ll_l�MlI��1�1J�111� 110.1$I��i1FiA 1/�I�I�I11�fa1��� 11 7i I 1 1 L�1��7�'�1111Fy1��IUy��I�q�Mgl�f7 r "W t7 1 f�i'' -Nmu�nuam�nq�E{1ncif�.�iu���i mn,i�It111 i� u� i �!lil��I �r��illikl��rl��R'6��, ' ■. �� . . -�NIV�[1l�lll�rltyll�t�l�,'�I���'TI1�II.U�11�� "I�'��I� *1�:�1�I�" `NH�flr NW� �ulnl�uili'�4�i1" �LL11��i 1 111���,�6 '�lIW t' '� I� II�A � `, � �� � i rtn�ar � . 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R�nst Lodge, LLC Legal Desc�ip#i�sn: LQt. 9; 1 91ock: �ul�clivision: '�UFF�F�CREEK RESL16 Rarcel Numl�er; Z1D3123�2QD1 Cammentsa BUARDJSTAFF ACTIaN Motivn By� Woldri�h Actian: APP�.aV�Q Second By: Vi�le Yate: 4-fl Date vf Apprnval: �f/18�2Q�3 Conditiorrsr �and: 8 (PLAN}: N4 chang�s ta these pEans may be �raade withvut the written cansent of Tflwn of Vail staff an�i�or the appro�riate review c��rnmittee(�). Ca�d: (l (Pl..p,N}; p�tB appr�aval daes nat cQnstitute a permit for huilding. Please �onsult with Town pf Varl Building persannel prior to cQnstruction acti�ities. C�nd: +�Q�Et7Q{�S94Q Entire railing rr�ust t� complet�cl ta rr°�atch. Pfan�+er. AlJisan C3chs DR8 Fee �aid: �Z5Q.0�1 , � � �������, . APp�licati+�n fa�r I�esign R�e�rfew '�` y "-� � Qepartment af�ommunity �evelopment 7'(�}T ]� (] [ 'frP 75 S�uth Frontage Rcrad,Vail, Colc�rado 8�55i 1 V F�`(!� 4I� 4''�1"1[1� t�l: �7C1.�E7J.�139 fax: 97D.479.�45� web: www.ci.�aia.cc�.us Gener�l Inforrnat�nn: All projects requsring desi�n revaew must receive appr�sva! prior to submi�tir�g � building permit �ppli�atian. Piease refier to the su6mittaE requirements for the p�rC�CUI�r ��aprDVal that is reque5ted. An appEication far Llesign Review cannot be accepted until afl required infarmation is recei�ved I�y the Cammunity De�efapmEnt C]�{�ar-tment. The pr[��ect may alsc� nee� to be reViewed hy the TQwn �ouneil �ndJo�' the f�lanning an� Environmental Cammission. Design re►►iev�r ap{�roval lapses unless a buifding permit is issued and construction cvmmences within one year nf the appro►+al, C�escripfa�n of the Reqe�est; G 1 C.K u1+� �l�j N ���,�.s� S���,�►,�s. _ ��'��,� L�'h � �� �T ,�f��-� Loc�ation vf the Pr�posal. Lot:�-!�. �#ack: Sulxlivision:_�.�r+�� ����� �E.���— _ Rhysi+cal Addr�SS: ��jQ�3 �� f RailrAG� !� Parc�l N�,: � l03 3Q�DC�1 ._�(Contact Eagle Ca Assessc�r at 97f1-3Z8-864(7 f�r �arcei na.) Z��ing: 'Q5L C _ T Name(s� of i�uvner(s]; L-�'S%�'� s�r ���[:lt,,�- �"�1 ,�"`��t�r �'�� Mailing Address: �2c+''� �'t�'tirf• ���?s����,� l�� I+�.i- _�� �i�,��,%`���� �P�one: )� __ :y'7S 1 4wner�s) Signature�s): -- ,�- °. �'. C,�� I�ame c�f A�plic�nt: �� ���� ��1�y �C�� - Mai�ing A�ddress: '��J`f� r��� ,�-��r��� �hane. E-mail Addre�s: Fax; ���6 - �7JSr� Type of RevN�w and �ee: ❑ 5igns $50 Plus$1.�0 per square fac�t of total sign area. C❑ ��nceptual Re�+iew No Fe� C� f�ew�ans�ructian �55� For constructian nf a new buildi�g c�r demqJreb�ifd. C7 Adtilt�pn ��0[� For an �dditton wh�r� 5qu�re fnata�e is added ta any residerr�i�l ar comrner�ia6 building {includes 25�add�tions�&interior cgnversions}. � Minar A3ter�tlon �250 Fvr rninor changes t4 buildirtg5 and Site imprnve�rrents, sueh as, [mulki-fair�ilyJ�ommercial) reraflfing, painting, window additians, landscapi�g, f�nc�:s and re'taining walls,etc. ❑ Nlinor Afterati�n $�0 Far minor�har�g�s ta t�uildings and sste improvements, such as, �y, (single-farrrily/duplex} rero�fing, paint'rng, window atlditipns, iands�aping, fences and [,Ic?�C�`�' retaining; vdalls, etc. � —���� ❑ Chan�es tca Approved Plans $20 F�r revisians tcr plans aiready appro�+ed by Planning Staff �r the �esign Rerriew 8a�rd. , CI 5epar�tbcsn ftequ�st No Fee '� Far[)ffic� tJ�se Ur�ly: ���� «• . F��e Paid: �� •6-v Check I�a.:� '��t`i� 6y: � ,`' �'��'U AppliC�tiqn D�t2: DRB No.: � � �� �'� Pfanner: �rojecr�la: ^ ` s�'_T,��- ,r _ � � . . ❑ Ex�st�ng and prapased c�ntour lines, Retaining w�lls sh�ll be included v�rith the top of wal! and the bot�orn of walP �elevati�ns rsflted. l�ighfing Pfan: o IndQCate typ�, location anel rrumber c�fi�'ixtures. � o Inelude h�ight a�QUe gradc, lumens �utput, lumino�s ar2a ❑ Att�eh a eu[sheet for each proposed fixt�r€. YI. REFAINT PRCFP![?SALS For al! proposaCs to repaint existing building$, the fallowing sup{�lemental informati�n is required: a Calar chip or calor sample including th� manufac�ur�r n�me and colQr number�s} ❑ Arcfiitect�ral elevation cfra�vings which ckearly indicafie ��e locatian o�proposed ealors [ie. siding, stucca, window trim, doors, fascia, sof#its, etc.} The foliowing is an exam�le; . . _ ��-- - ��,n.--- -- - -- _� �` �;i:- � 4 . .. 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