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. � Des�g n Rer►i ew BQa r�i ACTI�N F�i�N! i ! D�partrn�nt c�f Community Qerrelapment 1 V��� f� i 7S Sauth Frontag� Rvad, V,aif, Calarad� 61657 tel. 970.479.2�.39 fax: 97!q.479.2452 f�or+�,t4nw�'rD�vELa+�.��• WL'�}: WWW.Wdtf[�[IV.CDflT Pr�ject�Vame: JOHNSd�I A�VD BRENT TREES C1R6 Number. DRB05�3S8 Project Descript�on: FINAL APPRUVAL FOF�TH� R�fi+1�VAL 4F 2 TREES Parti�ipants: {�WNER JOHNSC3hi, Q�UGLAS G. - B�.ENT, 2335 BALD MOUPJTAIN Ra #1,5 VA�L C�+ 81657 AFPLICANT DOUG JC3Hf�SC}1V Q8,�11,IZQ06 Ph�ne: 376-32D3 �335 6AlA MC1fJNTAIfV RD VAIL CO 81G57 Project Address: �S7Q BALD MQUN'f`AIN RD VI�L �v�atir�n: Z57� 6AL.D MUlJNTAIN RDAD 2 Le�al Descrip�an: �ot; 33 Black;,�'�ubdi�vision: VAIL VTLLAGE FIL�NG 13 Para�l N�mber: �1UI�}34-03t�Q-9 Comments. SEE CdNDITTUNS 6QARQJSTAFF ACTIQIN Mvtion By: Acti�n: SFAFFAPR 5�cond By: Yot�e: Date of Approvai: 1D,Ii7J�0�6 Conditians; Cvnd: 8 {PLAN�: No changes to these plar�s may �made without the written consent Qf Town af Vail staff andJdr the apprt�priate review comrni�tee(s}. Cora�: 201 �RB approva!shail not becam�valid f�r 2� days foll�wing tF�e date vf appravaE. Con�. CaNOQ[�85U8 A�proval of this praject shafl lapse and beeame vaid one�i} y�ar fallc�wing the date of final ap�roval, �ni+��s tree removal and replac�ement is diligently purs€�ed taward campfetion. Cand: CUNO�a85�9 Applicant shall plar�t a 2° cali}�r C+�lorada hawtharn a�d a 2" �caliper Crabapple to rep�ace the two trees being rem�ved. Planner: R+4CHE�.�RIEDE DR�Fee Paid� $20.0� - - , � Mi�vr E�cterivr A�terat�ons ' . . �� �� ' 4 ` aP�li�ca��vn for D��i�n �te�iew '� `� . aepartrnenst nf Corrrmur�ity Development J�1��7 �$ ��0� � , � ; 75 5outh Frontac�e Roa�l,Vai�, Cc�lcar�dra 8165T _I �WN{lF YA� ���: ���.���.ziz� fax: �ao.�a�.z��z �in,{�� c�� �,,���[� w�b: w�vrw.+vailgrni.oam - . __ ___�.--u. _ Gen+�ral Informatior�: Alk pr�je�ts req+uiring de�igr� rcview must re�eive approva1 privr to subsnitting a buifding �mni'� applic.at'son. Rlease refer to t�ae subm�ttal requirernenis fnr the particular approval Lh:at is requested. A�+ applica�vn fvr Design Review canncit he aGCepted un#il all re�uired informat9�ra is receuv�ecf by the Cammucsity �evelDpment Department. The ; project s�r�ay also need ta I�e r��wed tsy tt�e 7own Cour�ci� andJar the Planning and Envirpnmen+taf Corc�mission. pesign reWiew appro�al lapses unless a t�uiiding permit is iss�aed and canstructian aammenoes within one year of the approvat, ;. De�cription of th�.Requ�st: �1v�G'v� f1� � � '��� � wa�f r� � � .'� fi �'�'� '�rWr �=�,r t +nn r'�F r� 't� +� r�ui��? +3w��" �ytS��wt� � ����s --- � f � � Lo�ation af the �rapc��i: Lo�: �� Bla�k;,� Subd+vis�an: ��-�I �`���i @- �'i�� n r� �� Pnysical aaaress: ��'fl �����`� ��'�,, R� Parc�i No.. r "� �U���.� �� '� �Cor�tact Eagle Co, ,4sses�r�t �7G-3�8-8f�i� for p�arce1 €�o.) Zoning: �, � � � Name(s} of Own�r{s): , B�f� -�1��'�9� � ,��.5�' �R�.n/� Mailin Addres�c � � c� .��.y, � +�, `��'S V`r� i� �'� $1 �5-� � g . . _ __ � Phvne• 4wner(��sig�aE�ure(s�, N�me es�Appiicat�t: �p�c�, .��t�G,�+�3 r'�' - , M�itirtg Aticfres„+; =��3.� �� � ��� ��!_ `���� V��! ,_ �'� �r�"s� Phone• �`�-6 �3`�� - 3�.��� E-rnail Addr�ss: u- � ►��[[? �v�n�� .�+��" Fax: ' . Type of Rerrr�w anci Fe�: ]��' — .��� �` � Signs $50 �f,�$1.Q0 per square€oat of tflta�sign area. �� ❑ C�nc�eptual R�view �Jo Fee , ❑ Nevw Cc��sskru�kion $65a For tanstructiorr of a new building or tiernalrebuild. Q Additior� $3�a For an additian where square foo�ge is �dd+ed to any residential ar cemmercial building �includes z5�J additFans&interiQr c€�nversions}. C1 T^linar Afterati�n $25@ For minor changes to buil�ings and site improvQmer�ts, such as, (snulti-family��ammer�i�k) re-rc�ofsng, Raint�n�, window additions, la�dsr.�pingi f�nces and `, . ret�ir�ing walfs�etc, � �linc�r Aftera�t�n $�� For minar changes ta buii�ings and site imprav�ern�nts, suc�as. (singl�-familyfdupl�.c) ce-roa�n9, pai�ting, wirrdc�w additians, landscaping, fences and retaininc�walls, ete. � Ctranges ta Appres�ed Plans $�t} �ar revisions t� pE�ns alr��ttY-d�prorl��_by Plannin�_ StafF��r� tfie f3esign Rev�ew Board. C� Separati�n Reque�tt N�r Fee ` ', � For affc� u� nly: , / r-•..�, : t� f I ' , ,� Fe� P�id: �� Ch���C No,; � �� By. ' �' , � _ � � � � � . ; f�'leetin� Date: ���° �� DR8 No.: � �� � � �� ; �� � �9anner: Pra'ect No.; � ��.. �*���*�**��************��**�*****�w�****�*������*�*�****��*��***�*+�*����*���*�**�**�***�*�� fiC1WN OF V�,IL., C:OI.C3�A17Q Staterrsent *******���a*�*�**s******�x*�*����*�**�***�a*�r�.�,��**+��*�r*�r**�*******�+*�+******�*********+*�r** Statement Number: Rp50Q01206 Arai�unt. $2U.E}0 08�11,1��06a2:41 PM Payment Nte�hc�d: Che�k I�it: �7S Notation: 1�6/B4i]G ��DHNSQN Permit No: I�RF3a60358 'I"y�e: DRB-Minor A1t,5FR/DUP Parcel Na: 2101-(}3�4-03D4-9 Si.�e Addar�ss: 2570 BAL,D A+i�J�JI�TA�N Et]] 'VAIL T,vcatiol7: 257(3 BAZD MaC7N'�`AIN RDAD To'ta]. Fees: $2U.00 This Pa.}+�ent: $2(3.00 Tr�tal P.LL PmCs: $�i�,00 Balan�e: $U.tla �s��x���t�**��**********�**************�+���x��a�*****�a�********s�*��������************�w+*��*+*+ ACCQUN'I'ITEM LIST: Accaunt Cvde ]]esc�ip�ian Curr�nt Pmts I7R fJOlU4f1f1311220(3 DESIGN REVIEW FEE$ ��.{30 Aug �e �6 a�: �9a Tom Lyneis ?2�-�93-9Q1� p. 2 � r'' s �� �' JOINT PI'�QP'ERTY 0��'JMER ` �' WR�'#'TEN/1��'pRAVA[.LE�Ti ER ����� � �irl. ��vl e,�-� `�'� S� �/--L-�. �°-L� ��9�'� T, �p�ir°rt name} ���vner Qf prn�rty lo�ated ak�(address�fegal deSa�pGion} ����G� � �� � � �' prvvide this iet�er as written apprcrva! vf the plans dated��r9�t ��k����� b+een submitted to the Tov,rn of Vai! Carromunity aevefc�pm�nt�?epartment far the prop�sed imprmvemer�ts tt�be completed at t�e�addr�s�s ncsted aiaorfe. I underst�nd that the pro�sed ar�^iprovement�ir�vud�: �Yh,r7rr �'^��S � •� � ` ��l r� ..�'�a�!' �'��,/�r� T- � I further wrtderstand that minor rr+vdif�ations rnay k�e made ta the plans aver the cours� of the review proce�s to e p[iar�ce wftfi t�e Towrs`s applic�bl�cods and regu�ations. � � �� (sic�r� ture} (��� �.1Fdev'y�ORMS},PERMCt'S1�nnir�9ldrb_mincr alt_i1-�3-Z�flS.�c Pa�e 2 oF 13 I1/73/2i305 ' PRQP�]S�p► UI#'VDSCAPING Botanic�l �atne Cormm�n Name uanti 5ize PRC3PDSED TR�ES AND SHRIJBS ���� ��s�rar�s�r�E�s � � � �.�,�,,,,,,������ ,����. � �,!�- ►�.`, . a u yS Ta �� I��MQ11EC1 f 4 L�t1- �"'�ca�� �'�'�� - ��v'�= �� �•, ^ �� nv.� ���t51 s�,rv+� . �� �y'�"� .� (�''` l� „F�-.S � �,��'���'t�t ��p'��`4wdv�� �, �r,_ ���,i Mir�imunn Requirert�ents far L,ar�d�caping: Deciduous Trees—2"Caliper Caniferous Trees— 6' in �eight Shr�bs—5 Gal. , Tvpe SqtFare_�ovtaqe GROUNQ CDVER SC}� SE�[� If�RTGATIQN 7YI��O� ES�OSION CL7NTR�L Flease spe+�ify nther lancise�pe features (i.e. re�inir�� wa�ls,fenees, swimrning pool�, ete.) F.1��+�1��"1S�PERMI'fS�Plannirtgld�hµmfnorraft_11-Z3-2dQ5.da� Page�'vf 13 i l,f 23,124p5 lf7II.ITY ARPROVAL&VERIFICAITQN . t� , �'�Ir��°�. � Th�s form serwes ta ver�fy t�at the propased impra�err�ents will not irnpa�#any existing or proposed uti�ity s�rvices, and alscs t4 � verify sen+ice��ail�aility+ar�d locatian for new constn.action and sht�uid be used�n conjun�ion with prepa�ing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, flocrr plan,ar�d eleva�ons�sha11 be subr�itt�d ta th�follawing utilities for appravai arrd verifs�atit�n. A�rthcrrized Sf n� ature Comments Date QW ES6 97i}.51�.7189 (tel) 970.3$4.02.57(fax) 97d.687.0722 (cekl) Cvntacts: St�W�Waters swaters@awest.�am EXCEL NIGH PR�SSUitE GAS 97C�.�5Z.4D75 (tel) 97(7,�58.14171 t€ax) Can'btt: 3iich Sisneros HC1LY CR�SS ELEGTRIC �7D.947.5425 (tel) �37b.995,4Q81 (�ax) . Coniact: Jeff Vraom ivroc�mCa�holvcross.cam EXCEL�NERGY '374.�6�.4a38 �f�x} Canta�ts: Kit Bogart 970.25�.4Q24 Kather�ne�iagert 'EAiGL� RIVER WATER$e. SAFlITATZGIH DISTf�CT 970.476.7480 (tef) 97Q,97�i.4Q89 (fiax) �ntact: �red ��s�ee fha sleeC�?en+vsd.org COMCAST CABLE 97[1.458.26b9 e�. 1100(tel} 97�.468.2672 (fax) Cant�GC� Brad f3�rC�s bradely dor��cable.�'�rncast.cc�m NO�'ES: i. If the utility approva! &�r�rifcati4n forrn has s'sgnatures from each af the utility campanies, and no ccrmrr�er�ts ar� made direCtly o�the�orm,the 7own will �resurne that there are no prnblems and tla�dewelopattent t�n proeeed. 2. If a utiliky c�mpany has concems with the prca�osed �onstrs�cdan, #he utility repr�ser�tatcve �hall nat� directly on tY�e utility weri�catic�n f�rm that there is a problem which ne�ds to he resalved. The issue shauld then he detailed in an attached lette�'to the Town of Vai�. Nov+r�ver, piease keep in mind thaE it is the re�pon�ibility aF the utility company and the a�plit�nC t� resolv� IC�Efltl�l�C1 �ff4bl�CCt'�5. �.Thes��erifica�ions da nQt relieve t�e eontrac.tor o€the respor�sihility tn abtain a F+ubifc Way�'e�rtit frflm the Department of Pu'blic 1Norks at the Town of Vail. UtiEity facatinns:nust be obt�ine� bef+are d�c�Qina ira any puhlic right-rsf-way or easement w�thin the Town of V�i9. A bu�lding perrrsit is no#a Pu�afic Wax perrnit and mt�st be o�tained�nat•ately, �h� [3evelcaper is requireci ar�d agrees to submit any revis�t�drawings to the�stiiities fcsr re-approval&re-ver�fie�tiora if the submit�ed plans are altered in any way after the authoriz�i signatur�dat�(unless othenvise s,pecifically nated within the cc�mment ar-ea of this form}. De�elc�per°s Signature Date F:�cde��,FpRNES�PERMI7S�Piannangl,drb_mir�ar alt���.-��°�6Q5.doc Page 8 af i3 11fZ3�2Q�5 � � � Q � El7 �I o. � � <t � x a� � � a � a Gt ="- m ro � W � =1 � � � U � U �`� r � �` ' - � � � a � �-� C! ,ac�� '�C a�. � �+ `��� , �,. � � � 3 � � � -._. ��f� O C � 4t CL (]. Q � � Q � C� Ll� W d � � F 1 �� 4: Y c - c � � o � � � � � m ii �� U '�t � a cL ri i� F- � �tI'i U B �ug 0� D6 �8: fl9a Tom L�neig ���-493-�01� �. 3 � � � � � � a � u� -� - � � . ,� � Q a a � � �. � c� � 0 � � 4 � � � W � Q � � r C..? � 1 � Q � � � m � � E �- � a� � � ar a .a ,� H v� c � � � a � ` � � '� 3 �- � � � 4 � ,e � o � o H �"' � ,� 4 � a a �r rr H � �7 U 4 � f . i '� � y f �� ` v l,�{,',� ' < Y � �i ' �. M � t".. � � � N � y �. T. � ' � � �yj � _f r� �� 4��� L"� fR � � .�� . % 1Y -� Y 4,�"�.�{ it �t '�y . . . . gr ���7� y � -. ' � ri � r 8 . . n . �. � , �� � �,� '� ; :� , , ; �, ,��� � � � � � `Yt r ` � '=X» • . � .�:. Ae� ,' � �� . � ��, � �� � � _ .. � .. R� t.�, ," ' f ["? �iC ,a �f '� � � � �� � � ,+' �!' Y V .�� .`, 5� . .. i � x�� �R �t � Y�ii � . _" r H�. ..�f� . � J ��� ��, '� ! k�� ^�.�f" _ ' �� � a � .'� ����: ' �i . . +����e r w �^ • - � �/°�i��� . �� .: ,• iCi ��i :'rY ` '.�`�._ 7 �� ` y � �� '�S,$ � � �� . '`� ' i ' ± � # ^': �j 4 '1`P �� �• '�� � . . � . f . � l`� ��, � `�d . � s� , � , „ �', ' +, ��" a s � � .. � .'�� . �. �� ` �• � � � � _ '�j � '.iu'a� ^ �, ��1, �.. � ;g: �.�..- _ . �^j� =.. , � ,�::_� . � . � A� � � ' � — - �r � . - y , � " �, ' - - �� FY ' 4i c �, � r , '� . � . . � . _ . 1. ._ .. }���i . � � ' ;` �, e . '•� S,. �q �U i ..i c. . :� .1'..�' ` _ ,1�..+_ _ �. SSG ,' F ` � � , \ /! � . F d ���� � � . . •. , �. •�' ��� , l' � ... . I _ ` � t ^ ?� , 4 �� �.' ta^ s ' �r ,�: „ ¢ �� �� ' � � � _ - a; A .'s_ ��' � � R � � �� ���.� � - � � R' e �. �' ;v � 0 3�., _ �� �� , ' � ; � � v � � ` � � �� � , � � � . �i ". . t.7�i . � �,.r �� . .� � '..7��`� '� i �>� ,��` � � �, • � _ ���- ��" .�,�,� a�+'', � �' �b; �` k � _ �f • a� �,�� F , : ��. '�' � . �� �r.�t � ._ , a' , �`�� � .'.' ` � ' _ �, , ; � :; � ZE r.� , � �s 'L' � t 7 s 'y b �" < :.-$� ,,.. ,�:� � 'g� `.y �"'�"r -; - [ !L� t_i>. -�" : l � �F !.r' � � �b "�.�� 4 �,s'ti r ' > � � .,. F91� Yy -. � �. , y. Y� � �- ��� �'Y� .f� � � � • '"Y �� ". _ . � grt S . •��. �5. "�I f�Y- '. ; •!yf , .�' '�ii ��i b� r � F } � Xr '� 3 . : � .'y . .� �� .f� ; :� � t R` � � �-� " r ,4` ,.,r � 'rr N � � n ,��v& v ` 1 •^� '�°'/! ��F��� � �•�q� �'��` �` '� � x • '� � ' �t '�s� � '�1wW .N'dn.�e� � -�: � k� � ���f+yb� . �...:�.� � t �� y F,�i A� - �� �` �'� tC r' . V�I . � at - � �' '� � �,4 �;s_ �.• ✓P �r I � � �S Y/ 'i!• !l� Y �4- • C � �� � � �• r �R � �,� .' �f � r. y � � � � .fa�f @ .� � � n R .�y � ��'.� . _ �� sr �ii . . 1 � . ' _ar . . i 'f�4,.�m'`rr:. . ., . - � s K . i -i'� T ;;,,,� . JQIN7'PROPERTY CIWhEER �� �� WRITTEN AFPRO'VAL L�TTER !ll�Ur !�� � �_ � �''-�--�-- L L� ��m. �y���� -�- �`�r� I, (�rint narne� ,r��vwr�e f properky located at(address/lega! � ,� descriptian} �S �t�' � � /��fc n : � � � � : pr�w�7e khis fetker as w�iCten approva!of the p9ans dated ��,�`r�f?� _ wi�ich have E�+en subrrtitted ta the Tow�r of Va+l Comrnuni�jr Qevelapmenl Departme�t for the p�°opa�ec# improvements te�be carnpleted at�Fre addre5s nat�d abave. I understar�d that tlae prapased imprc��crr6ents intlude: ��F"i.�✓�3-- � i�',�"�-� ��}�c r ��'.� i�.� � ,�' r � /' �_ �.�F `- T���� ��� � I Further understand th�t rninar r+��dificatians may be made t�the plans ov�er the course of the review prc�ess t��ca�npliance with the TQwn's appE�cable tr�des�nd regulatio�s. � � �- :� � � tSign �iure} _ {f7ate � F:�cdev��4)RMS'yP�RNIITS�Rfanning}drG_mir�ar aEt_11-23•�C3a5.tlac Pags Y of 13 11{Z3J2(l05 1 � � � r � � W � � � �. � � , �L � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � �` m ++ yr U1 — �i � W � d � � u"n r C.? (.) Q � � 'G '� c� ' a a � � e,s � � L 4� 0. � � � � C � +�7 � Il � �? c,� u�7 � � � F— W [L v � � 4 � � � ,C � ia � � � � � � tl�7 41 �I ` � a II II � —� V3 C� d i� T �} � ,[���Lf� ���� 75 South Frc�nta�e Rd. I�epartrn�nt caf�C��mmunity I]�v�el�pmeni Vail, Co�orad€��1 f 57 97�-479-21381479-2139 FAX 974-479-2452 Au�ust�8,Z�J46 Doug dr�hnson and Alisan Bretmt 2335 I3�ld Mountain I�.r3,#15 '��ai I, CD S 1657 ��nt �ia ernai] tc�: �[itik�c��tcr;,cc�rncast.n�t Re: I7RBf15-(}358 Lear poug and Alisvn, Thank ya� fc�r your ag�plicatian ta retx�ove trees an yaur�rop�rty. Per pre�inus emails and p4�ane cails �xc�ang�d with �aug, I can siaff apprc�ve your applicatioxl, l7RAUG-[1358ci,to allraw for the r�emv�val af�ap to 15 irees o�� y��ar property�vitt�tl��follow'ii�g two conditiQns: 1. That t�e tree�be replaced on site�avith a cambinativn csf trees that are c�ual in caliper tc� thc�se that ar�lheir►�remo}�ed. Calsper measurenxents nf`the trunk sh�auld b�.ta�:�n oi�e fc�c�t fram thc:expc,sed base of th�tree. 2. Th�t the trees be replaced 3s specified above hy June 1, 2[107. If yvu a�a,-cc tcs thcse ca�ditions.pl�se responc3 in writing t�y Tuesday, September S, 2[lClb in order fc�r this app�ication ta be staf�'approved befQre t�e Septeznber 6, 2�lOb Design Reti�iew 13�aard rneeting. Sia�ce yc�u will nnt reyuire a k��ilding perrnit �or tree remc�val,y��a will be a61e tc�begin r�ann4ral aFEer t�c: [3esi�m R�view F3��ard meetin�;if 1 hav�e r�eived the request�d documentatic�n �f vc�ur canscnt tc�thcse cvnditi�ns. Uo si�t hesitate ta cantact me w�ith ar�y questior�s or c�ncen�s. Bestr I�aclYel Friede F'lannex•, Towra of Vaal (97+D�479-2440 Rfr�ed e�cvva i 1 gnv,c�� � � Pro��sal for tree rem�val an�3 replantin� Ap�licati�aa # DRBOfi-[1358d Dc�u�JohnsQn & Alison Brent �57Q Bald 1vlountain Rd. 97C�-3?6-32�J3 This is �diagram of the tot. B �C I ll[)�`f:- #r —Aspen tr�e—(Ao���us trernulc�ides.} 3 #2 --Blue S�ruee�(Picea pungens) Replant: #3 - Colarado hawtham (Crataegus succulenta) Z" caliper �i�e. '� #�—Crabapple(Malus - hybridj��"caliper sizc. Final ch�ic�will be det�rmined by availability of �ybr�ds and th�ir flower cc�lor. ��� ���� � ��� � � �� � �C� � C� � , • T[7W'�i C}F 'V"AI1.. DEPAI�TM�I�T QF C�MMI�NI`lAY DEVE�.f7PM��1T 7S S. FRC]Irl7'AC�F� �t)AE� _. VAIL, CO 81657 �'` o�� =�� 97+0-=�79-2[38 1,j�'� � c ��� ,� � �j yQTE: TIiIS PCRMIT IVILfST BE �'OST�D �N JQB.SITE AT AT_L 'I"IA9�:S " AUL)fAL1" 5�R F3UlI.I3 PER1�1lT �'erct7it #1: 8{��-U?fi=� Proje�t # PRaCIC,-[}�{}0 J�ab ,Pe�ic�re�s: 2$7[) �AI.D MC)[.]�fTr�IN RI� VAIL S[at+us . . . : �a�SL1�D Loeatiora.....: ?�7f} BALD MCl[�t�`fAIN �IJ '�' A��plied . . ; f)91U8f?CHhS Par�el �l��...: 2 I(l 1(l i�(}3[H?� Issued . ,. : {}�1'2�1?(}ilti Expires . ..: [13/�112(}()7 c�w�� JQxi�sQ�, Dov� o�1 a e/2 o v� z��5 �Arar� n�ova�rr�x�r � #i� VAIL Cf7 $1�57 C�NTRACT�R 30HNSdN CUl�'I`RACTII+dG �9/C#8,/2{}�� Phc�ne: 3 7 fs-3 2 G13 2 3 3 5 BALD N!JUNTAIN RaAD #$1 S VAIL COLL?FtA]]O 81�557 �,icense: 854-B AFPLIC�N'F JUHNSO1rT, DJUG a�/as/�oQs 2335 BALD MOUNTAIN RD ##15 VAIL CC3 8�.6 5 7 Descriptint�: ELIMTId'A�E I�.�4S5 THROLTG'H BETW��I'3' K�°I'CHEN AnTD PTNING RC3C]Nl. NEG+I' CABINBTS, NEW i+VC}4� �'LC�CJ��NG �N KITCHEN ANi7 D3NINGRCJQM, i�3`EW TTLE �I�i ENTRY, TZI.,E F3P.SEMEIVT Ii.'�.LL AND BE�RDOM ('l�cu�:�nncy: `1'Ype Cc�nstructic�n: Va1�aaYiQn: '�Z{�,C1�1(1.{7f� Revision 'aaluation: S(?.QG► Tc�tal Sc� F� Adc�ed: Cl x�.�x�r+r�»xs+�+�x*��s»x�z.xr.wx�rssx.••x�=a�*r�a��*m��x�*x*x�*��s�ri*r��*trt ���5£.Ehlhi.'1RY *x*r:�W�x��x»ese�.��ffix�e�x�,.srr.rr+*+r:�s���rarrees*x:at��a��Kx:s lieii{cl�i��! > '�3�1.25 ftesniarant l'Idn Re��iew--3 �(?.i117 Tu[�al t`a14u9a[ed Fees-7 �5i3.(76 Plan Check---� $�l}�.;�1 R�ereaiism Fcc-- ----- -•--� $f7,i�l Asidi��c�rssl l�res- .. .....� •�C�.C�t) Irt3�eirigaiiskn-•� 3{].(,}U "C()'1'r1L FE:4�S . -> £533,t1fe 'intal Penrrii F�re°•.-----7 S;;i.00 W'ill Call------� G7.[1() PaymcrH.. ...............7 �i;�?.IN4 E3A1_1Nf'E I3[JF._..--_> :60.Of1 ##�##�*##+###��#�#�k#A'#f,k*#i�#�k##A�a*3�k######�A*f�k#?Ffi7G�k#��k*#*�R�k��M7�*Mk#FA:'+kF�:M�K#A�#*�#Y�##°��kit###N�#Y*W=#x�i�#*s:#.kkei�kA�#k###�ias�k*g�k7t#.#�KK�kx#'+k�i�*#r,e�#�R�'k+�7. A�prc��als: xtem: o�paa �u���s�c ��p��r�a�r��r a�r��l�a�� �z�ra �ctic�n: A� Ttern: �54f30 ��TNG T�EPARTMENT fl9/C}8/2Da6 JS Actian: .AP F ffi M x#�K ak A 6-x*Rfi�R�k�k 4�k A+��k f�1+RE i�e!I�x#l�#E i#FY'il a R i x Y S!�Y f►r�!Y�R Y!Y w Y!r�*Y+t y�t YeY�iYP.�;*e�Y Y i r'f+e k!!x�K Y F Y�7�4#it i1 s6 i4�ICf##��k R�k 7�#�R'J�:K t#'*N�R�I[*�k�S#�k�#ik##Y#E�k k�t#�k1�#*#*#A�¢�k�+k# See the Cc�n�fitions s�c:ttion c�t this D��cument tc�r �ny that may apgly, DECLARATI�JNS � her�by �cknut�•l�d�e tli�t I ��a�� read �t�is a��3icatit�E�, �illed nu� in tull tlze infc�rma[itan reyuirea�, com}�leted an accurate plot �a�an, and titatc ztlat all the intt�rmatic�n as rec��aired is c�rrect. C ��ree tc?eon�ply with tfte inf'orrn��ie�n arici �alr�t �Ian, [n e�st�p1}r Wl[�] d�E Tl7LVIl U�"+I:j3S3311C�S 3�C� S[iltt law�s, ar�d cu �ui1d this struc�ure accc�rdrri� tn ttie towns zoning at�d subdivision crxjes, c[esign review a}��rc�v�d. Internatianal E3uilcl�n� c�nci Residet�ti�] C.c�es �n�d �tl��r ordina��ces c�f cl�e `To�,ri� aE��€i�at��e thereto. RC[�C�EST�;EOIt 1Pr'tiP�CTI�N 4f1ALL BE AtAi]E Tlti�:�"TY'-1��LIIt lif3i'i2ti [ti :1D4'A`�'E 64"i'ELEPIif'1�u • ,A'F�'T5�1149()R AT fJUK(}N'E'ICE:F'FICI�r�3;04 AA1-4 PfLt. Y f Lf �I r� SiGItiAT[JRE[3F fl'W� _ (3R::� �!1'RACTOR FC7R H[MSELF A;vL) �IWNER #*#R����#x�*#��.*#####�#*#�###�*��**�#�#�#��#*###���#���**��*###�##*###����x���������*#*#�*�����#�*�*���� C[]I`�lDITI4N� {7�� APPRaVAI� Permit #1: l3(lh-{]?�i4 as of 0'�-?2-?Q{lG Status: ISS[1ED �w�*��:����n��*:����:�:���x�x�x�*:��x�x���:�x������*��*�***��*����*?.:��*:;���:��*���������*���*��x*��:�*�:��:�����M����* Pern�it Ty�re: ADI]fALT 5FR BLIILL7 PERMIT Appldeti: �91C1�31?�OC Ap�riicant: J[�HI�[S�1'�, D�UG 1�;���;c�: 091?212C1�6 Tc� �x��ire: C1312�12OU7 J�a� Address: 2S7f� BAI�D MflUIWTAIN Ra VAiL I.r��:atic�n: �57f] I3ALU MaUNTr'�I�l Rll 'E' PE�r�e[ Nc�: ?1[�1 Q3��3�C19 ��scri��tir��z: �LIfvI1NATfi, PASS THRQUCiH BETWEEN KI7'C"IIE�i AhiD �INING RUC]M. I�iEW CA131N�'1'S. N[:W WU[�L7� FLCIURIIV[� IN fCITCHEN ANI] DII"�J[i�GR+`JUM. Nf::1�1 TILL IN ENTRY. TIL� BAS6M�I�T HALiY AND BEDR�OM �k>k�k�k�k*ak##�k�k��k�}=�k�k���k�k�k�k�k�k�+k�k*>k��k##�kak�k##'k�K�k�����,tit��?� �[)IlL�1�S[3�T1S 'k=!`:yC'''"k?'"�`�C�kx�Cxc�Kac�ka<X=��x�kx�X#�x�k-�*ic�x��#��;�:kx�:K#x�M Co1]d: 1`? (E3l.DG.}: FI�LD 1N'SFT'CTI+QNS AR� REQUIRED TO CHECK FQR C�DE CC�Ni�'LIANCE. C�r�d: 15 fI3L�3G.1: {S�R} 5�1riC1d�F f�FTEGT+�R� ARE 1�E�QU�RED '��R S�CTION 1�31� UF THE 3i30� 1RC. *�t�t�����*��&����*��**��**��*������*���#���#*�#��������*�###t*###**�*���***�**�****#*#*#### TCI�r?�i i�F b'.�IL. �[)C�(7�.�UC.� Stat�mes�i +�*��**+���+����a��+��+���������������*��***+�*a�v�*�����x���:���*****���*��**���***�+****�****** Statement Number: R050faI��2 Amc�un�: $533 .�6 (19/22/2fl(�6�4:56 PM Payment Meth�d: Che�k Inat; LC Notativn: #154/DQUGLAS JC7HNS(]N Fermi.t No� BQ6-0264 'T"yge: AF][7�ALT SFR BUILD P�E�NITT �arcel IVr: 2].01-034-63{30-y Site Addxess: 257Q BALI] I��t3F+iTAIN F2I7 VAIL Location. �57a BALD MO't]NTAYN RD 'E' �'atal Fees: $533.[}6 This Payment: $533 .�5 Totai ALL Pmts: $533 .Q� Balan�e: $0.(?p **t�*+�����*#�r��*�r:*��ww*w�x�*�x�*���*������**����t�rrrx��*�*x���x���*���***�****�+**++*******�**t accc�v?v� r��!�t i_�sT: Acc[xunt Code Descriptipn Current Pmts -------------------- -------------------------- --— ------------ BF D41�C7��3111100 BUII.�'�7IltiIG PERMITI FEES 321.25 PF C��1d4Q031123{7[} PL�1Ai CHECK FEES 20$.81 FfC i�fll[l4[]831128D0 WILL CALL IN3PECTI4IV FEE 3.[]4 � = A f�ATIf3N WE�L NC)T BE ACCEPT�D IF fNCdMPLETE O#i UNSI+G����'�`��• �`Y'[�C� ''"`�, Project#: �� ,� �`� Building P�rmit#: : w.: f �' L1' ��`�4�����9;1���e�ti���� ��������}� T4WN C)F VAfL BUILQIMG PERl1AlT AP�'L1CATI�DN Separate Permits�re r€q�ir�d far�I�ctrical, �iurnbing, mect�ani�al,�t�.! 75 S. Frontage Rt�'. 11�ai1,Culorad� 81657 Gt7A}TRACT�R lh��DRN4ATfOYN _ Ge�teral CQntractvf: �'awn of V�il Ru�g. N�.. Gor�#2�ct Persvn a�d PE�one#'s: ��y+' �, yj �y 1 ? y �ry,� -�{,��d.%i"�, L.{�+4`'�L`j`y�,�j' �i �jJ �i�'" "'� '�!SI �F''I�'�.;.j"�'°�.. 1,� 7'�/ `;�d.[!� �1T181� t1�i�C�'SS: r:4. + v I 1 �}v'vl�.�;yft�. +'1�L'T- �7X�: �k!""'� y� r ''�A ''1 Cantract�ar Si�nature: ,, � �`.� � CQMPL.ETE VALL,fATIrJI�S F�R BUI�.DII�G PERI!�AIT Labar S Materiafs BUILDING: $ ! '� r✓" �' ELEC�"F�ICAL: $ ��i�U''� dTFiER: $ �!�`+:� � PLUMQING:$ �.��-�3 � M�CHANICAL: $ �,; — TCITAL� $ ' �(��? '-" FtrrP�+�e/,�X Cant�ctEe /�Coun .�Issesso�s �lfice at 3�7t74�28-BI�i?crr visr� c�ms�ea fe-cvun .cvrt� ��m�i# �. ��, _ ��� � � � �� � � �'� �� �.� �"�� � _ p L� � � .�ab[�ame: �.�'�-� ,!1 �'��'('� !'4�'��'��''� ,�o�Address: �.�.�� i�,�t�� �.. . ;�. � �,�..t'� t��J �'�v 5' Legal Descriptio� Lsst: �� Black: ,�; Fifing: °�,,�'l 1�t i� � +��y' Subdivision. C7wRers Name; ;�� .�` v�,;,�,.,. Adc[r�ss: '��� ] �.���� ,'�I,�n �c�.#i S ;��,�1 Phnne: ,��-�, -:3�..�� Architec#fDesigner. Addres�: Rh�n�: �ngineer: Address: Phc�r�e: . Detaile�#descrip#ion of w�rk: ��4 r�^`';.��-u ��� � ° �� h +[.� kv � �r °�'s� r��h. � 1 ' !. � �` rr��1 �.r r- b i� r+� �-Y��- 9'r`. '�4�t�- �3 ,,�1r��+� �t�+'�, �- 1 � t~�J�r. . +�. Wat`k Class: New ( } Add�tian ( ) Remoci�� (;�} Repair( } aemn ( ) Oth�:r( ) +VVork Type: Inter�or�� �xteriar{ } �oth{ ) poes an EHU exis#at this lncatian: Yes ( } No{ 1'ype o#Bldg.� Single-farnily( } Tw�o-'#amify f�) Multi-f�mi�y( ) Carr�rnercial( ) Restaurant( ) C7tMer( } T�o� of Exis�ing Dweflirtg Units rn#�is auilding: � No.of Accornmodati�n Units in#ktis buiki'tr�g: f�JerJT o#Fire ac�s Existi�t : �as #iances a Gas L s WcsodlPellet 1JVoad 8urnin hlafi af F�r� IaCOS Pf�} �: G�S A k�fiC�S i Gas L s WcsodfPellet WQCS�E3urnitr Nc�T ALt01N�[� [3oes a F�re Alarm Exist: Yes(�j No( ) �aes a Fire Spr�nkler Syst+�m Exist: Y�s ( ) N�a(�.-) FUR CIFFICE U��C�NLY'�**,►,"`'"."..,.*"�'`.�*'�'. ,"�*'.,"*�` � Typ+�vf C+�nstr�.t�ti�t�; _ . �Ucca�pancy�x�up: ��r.+��atec��3y. � � ; � � �, r .� - f�;!�� J �;: ���� ' � �'�' _ ..:4d �� �N � ✓�, _ ;�_ T���'}`' ' . _ . . �_......1 Ru� 30 a6 ❑6: �3p P• � .- � �� �� _ � ��. � � ������ � �y � (�' '�1�r�;r�i -L3 d�Z�� � 4r�i��r'�S;.ra�.-� � .���G�"� �� '� �'fI(�;�!f ��.1+� ,�.�j :�� 1�-,/l�l �, �?f,tr,r?���l� EHGLE COUN7Y, CO ����"�?�^��C� TER1C J SIMRH7�H � J.y ' a32 Fg[�: � ea:�+�:x2?n ����f F G��� i�ECa 811.fdd I3R�:� �t�F1.�;..r '``:- ,� � �1��! : .� . . _ _ _ -_ _ � � ���� � � ' Filed far re&arr! ihe� Yr��y of ,A.p. , nt o�elack M_ RECQRUER. Re�eptinn Na. 8y DEPWTY. WATt�AI�1TY ��ED � ��'I'1ifS l7L•'1.1), �dadc on this ciay c�t �7u1Y afl, �dJD6 , detwePn B12C7CE �7. T�ASSQ�i AI,'JD LSala'A C. KASa�UN — < �`'C' , ,I��[I.�'.. ; of cne �ourrty of EAG�I�E __.y and 5tate of CC7I�ORADD , af the Grantbr{s), sr� ' I�OV�LA� G. a7`DEi1�iSOAT ANA P�I.TSQN ST. G��1NL et2Ei�T whvse legat address is : 2S7U �A,L17 M4U1!7';CATN R:QAU VA'CL,. �CO BZ657 a1` the County af �s.�L�I.E snd St�tc of CCYLflRP.I?tl , af the �rarrt�e(s?: 4V1'�'N1:SS, zhaz the Granrur(s), far and in cansideration pf the sum at ($1..4a0,00�.00 } � ���Cl�e Millic>>r�`.,ur Hur�tilr+;t!Titnusu�ist suid{lOI1fYU'�*°� 1?Di,1.A1�lS the receipt und sufficiency of which is hereby aeknowledgrrJ, he�s yrar7�ed, b�rgaine�, svld ar� �on�eyed, a�id by these presents dnes grant, Gdrg�in, se�l, �canvey 2FtcE confirm unto the GranTGefs), their herrs arad assigns f�orever, r�Cr[ fn Cenancy in Ca�n �ut an anint tertancy, a[! khr rc�[ property, tagether wir,h i�nqaraverr�nts, if ar,y� sitr�ate, 4ying �nd 6cing in Che Cdeinty nf �;A�T,E ar�d State of Celar$da, dracribFd as 'Faliaxs: SEE k::����T ^A°1 AT'i'Il�T3 TiEi38T�D ANrI7 MA.I]$ A P,�iR.T HE12�C1� aisa knaun as sireeC nvnhee 257p BA�.�7 MO[7N'.TAIN R(3AD / VAYL VII�T,AGL �ILING fi.3 Bi.r�C:2 F.L7Tz3� Y7�7Tx 'fC7rl�l'lii:1� �ith all and sfngular and hereditsn�ents arxi app�rtenances thereto belongirsg, ar in anyuTSe appartaininy and xhe rev�rsian afyd rev�t•siQrls, r�rr�der and remain3ers, renx�, issues and prafits therevf; and �tl thc c�tate, right title i�r4erest� clais� and demand whatscever of tha Grantar{�J, eithrr in ta�+ or equity� af, in aa�d ta the abvve bsrgained premi�es, ui ih Yhe herediterrrents a�id appurtonartces; '�'U IfAL'Si.}I'q+Tj 7-O Fi{]l,p che said premises a�ewe I�arga�ned and de�cribed Hith �p�ur�etsanaes, s.usto the Granfiects), their heirs pnd essigns fure�er. The Gras�tr�r(sy, fsar htmself, hiG i�rirs and pers wtaf representatiwec� dac� eovcnarrt, grr�ni,' t�arqain, and agree ta snd with the Grant�ae(s7, their heir� and acyignW, that c�t the time of the enscaiirsg arxi ��:livery of rtresa pra�ents, he is uet� �eized ❑f tha �remises above canvcye�i, ha� govd, sure, perfect, a�olu[e aixl incie#eas9ole estate vt inheritance, in lak, in fee sirnpie, arid has goad right, fuli pQwer an�t Iawfut autherity ta gra�t, b�rgain, sell dnd co�vey the 5ame irs m��SheF' and 4o!'tn as a�pres3Td, and that th� s�me ar� frep and ciear frexn a!t fvrmer and other grants, bargains, sales, 4iens, rax�s, assessrctenrs, enevmbrances und r�s4rict'sons of wkotcver kind or natur� soc�er, ,. .u87�cr r� gnn�rsl Ca�r�a far tb� yaas :po6 n�a C,[i4P�R uNeti.tfic axcr.prlarsn dr.acr3bect bv re£erence Ca secardcd Cec�men.cn ao - �u� 30 Q6 0�: �3p p. 2 '9°(]�;[�:1'lfL•'1� r�iCh all and Mir�gvtar and hereditaments and appurtenan�a€ xhoretr, betongin�, tir in any�kise a}staertainang and Che rewcrsi�� anr# rev�rsiurts, r�hr�ander and rernainders, rents, isaues arRel prafita thereof; and �xlF thc estatc, right r t+tle "rnterest, claim and dem�nd uhatsaever of the Grantor(s), eithor in lzu ar equlry, o�, in and tv 4lle fi�IVVC bargainvrf �remises, uith khe f�ereditament� and nppurten�nc�s; `1"O F3At�I�:A1V17'�'O I�Ul�i7 the said �rwnises �bove harpained arrd destri&ec� with appurtenances, unto the fi�entce{s), '! thcin c�ira and aavign� farevrr. The Grantor{s), fior himsel#, hi� he�rs and persanal rcpreseneatives, dne� �nvenant, grant,• bargain, an� agre� tn arid with the Gr�nteets}, tFreir heirs �nd assic�ns, that at the [ime vf the ensenling and dc�i�ery a# these pres�nts, he is u�i! seized of the premises sbove cnnvnyrd, h��s goad, sure, gerfect, absnlut� ans! �ruiefeasi63c estal� af iralierit�srwe, irs {�w, in fce simple, and hss gossd ri9S�t, full pou�r and laufui authority t�o grsrat, tr�+'9ain, sell and eon�rey xhe same in mann¢r anct form as aforesaid, :�nrJ that the same ar�r lre� 3�d cicar frvm aLl forr+�er end athcr gront5, baryains, sate�, iicns, tax�a, �:cec�ment�, ancuohranees arxi resteietSons of Hhateuer kind Qr nar�re soever, � Suhjrne [�cs g�erarsI taxen Car Che ya.0 ?dtlr3 aad thoce icA��ilic IIxxxeA�ivr+='+ 'dsoczst�r�3� by iaPrsanae to rec��do8 doauma77to aa cs �..'.rcf3eoted Ln [7ro Titl♦ t7oo.wanta sevwpt.ed by 'uraneae{r-1 xn arr�ardance rich aer[ivt7 fl¢ f'l'StZe Flev3ew! ❑! Cf7�e Conirac! lsr '' tiuy unr! Be,LI RLS3 L"akat� r�al+el�ig tcr [!�v a,4o'vc daeGSi�=d rasJ prape.c�}-f ��otri6vtipn uti]3Cy saaws+ent�, (ineludiug nw.k I+r �� TVI: thaae cp��s�£i�aSly deacr�lb+*d r�r3htn a! chird p�ar�ties aaC� 4haM'+ by the F�7��1�� r�cos't1G ax` wLicla Gs'w�t�c(a1 laaa nctual = Aennr,rl�n�}gn n�d .e�irh arcrc naaapecd ,$y Qsaa�t+�frl � �aecatdar.o+ .rach 3rotion Ah (N.7ttw�cn nat 3hawn !ay CHv PuLI�e Kacordr} �i � af1Q SeaL�iaR Br (a�uYV�y Kevieie] vf thc Cr+ntrsict Ga Buy .+�+d �cTI R�aS tlatats raIneing te tfia abovc dcacr3bcd r.aa3 p�rvp�rty; % ,inalvcian o�f tha Prop.rCy M1�tGI]Sp ar�y npeaia3 !'rx rf.iatrict; ar�d, tkt berxeftt end �vYdenz aC any des3aswcS�r+ and p;rky +v+.I2 �_ i ��� a4rearreato, it anY, wd ackQr ' N/?l i'I�r Grai�tvr(s3 shall and s�i4[ LiARRANT AN� F�7R�VCR i7CFLN0 the ebp�e borguincd ,premisca in the quiet 3nd peaceable pos�assian at Ehe GrantoeCs), his heirs and assigns, against all ,ar�d every persor� or �ersvns las+iullY clnimiE�y zl�e Whole a vr any part therenf. The singutar n�anhcr �hall include the pEural, and the pLura! thc� srngular, and the use oi any gender shal€ be appl icahle tb el l ven+lea•s. � ,�' xN'4ti�iTiV'[{:SS'1�'IiFiTt�UF tlae Graniar(e) has �xacuted zhis deed an� th�^ �iae�e se��forth ahawe. �� r i b �, ,: ; ,,l � ,, . �/ , : �y: r � t ��I .t�,:�, i ,-'� ,r✓-s r 9 - BRVC�1!�. K_P,.�SQDV•� _ r�� i �` �`A . .a� _ i�,1 t�r �_ �_ srarE o� +��s,o�uno a Fi c- tc.��sc��v ,,; aas. ,�.:.�,_• =�....� Caunty tsf EAGLE } ����E� ��Qa�i� i � ���r�iR� ��.���� 5'#'��tTE�3F+C�]?DRAaC1 . iLYy C4mmiSSiCrn tx�nir�s J�n_$,��(�g The foresoins instrwnent was acknaW4erJged t�efore nre vn this cJa�y vf �TUt1S+' 20. Zt?06 _ , t+y �RD'�E N. tCASSCiN Al� �L1tiiA C. ]C;ASSOW � h�Y ccKmlisSiue� exp�res �.� �7 r� � '1 � 4licng�s my harsd aeKf official seai. •--����_�� �r�� � Na3'�ry Fuhl�r , N�me atxi A[idrt^� af I�er�an Ctestiny �►ewly Create+d Legal Aes�ripteon ( �&-35-106.s, C.R.S.? ,• Fsr.rawi� U56Q7524� When Recordod ReCUrn to; D{ILlGLAS G. JOHNSOH AND ALl50N S7. GERMAIH£ '' Titte� V5aQ1S2S� BRENT ,Z570 BAL57 IdOIlHTAiH ROA,L1, '�A3L, CO 87657 , i. t-orm g5 U8I�v/U, yrDJT.PPEN {,fvirrt Tenr�ntv} C354d534] ; +... ._ . ...., .,:...._..,.,... . ...... ....... . . .. .. . ... �. ..._.._ .. ._ -.,.:, .,.. ..... _... ...: .. ..,. .... .,.. 1 � �G�"' -- tl�� �� � y.��'�6'� �� '�r7f� ������� �� - ;��� � � a , � �m� Q - �, _- _ -- �,_ ; � ., � �� �� r�,� v� .I �i �ts sa„ o j x ��7 G _"'�-�. - � L�'C G7 � I I ���C � � �� o �+ I I I ,��� 7�°' � ! �+ • i cv C]�fr I I r ` P � , � 1� �r ,��SS ��f�"l � w�4� � o � � � � � � i � � � . :� ; � �� � �� � i � f � i � 4 '� � ►�v ; _`."� � � : " ..,�.� �: ' r . ' i `�y� ! � . I ' ,�'� �J�� � �y� ��a� ;i � � � s � I =--- �" . _: __� ��� 1 �} � , ] � 1 ��yv r f ilf�`•hl J @a � O � O �_ � � � �+� l�E7 S*? � � � . �4 W� , ���{^� � � l } {1,� } �f L� � E��d L / , 1 1 l � � 7[ \�/� V � fY3 � "C C? _ 'r ��� � � �� SG C m.O �'�� N ta 5S � � '} � ar niO�LL i. i � � � ' � � r _ _ _ . . .. c� L ���� '� �� �� � � ,� , � ,v� :� � �' � � �� � �� �� � � � � � � ;,� �� � 0_�' r �� .��� _ " i 4Y3`.. i�{�t �`vp� � '�'�' �-SIti: Y-. �, �. .�2tS :�h'; . � ', ..� � A�. � : �� ; = �,` � i... �'� � ,: � ; . � � �:�: Aa �:.x�:. .y: d. �' �: eF£' Y t � 3� ���jy �� R 7``� ��. � Fs�rr :s r+ �.�r r� F�nc �o. :�sae�a a,��. a� � ie:� P� �I�311`C[�, I��G. �C1. Eib[ 77V VYMFlI�T�R'iA'6E. CO 6����-���9 (3D3}4�6-[1'1bf Au�ust i 9,2t1� �o:Mr.Doug Jo�i.9nn 23�5 Ba�Mau�taia Rd., #15 Vai� CQ 8IG57 RC: SeleaC asbestt�s fip�p�ectEVn isr Lh�r.ar�truL�on�r�vf a�snzse. Ad�ress: 2574$ald Maum�ain Ra�,#E Vail, CO � S�npling: �er r�ast by Mr.k��asbestps sarnp�ing wa�s�cxic ir�nc�latct�c�''diniag ar� v#�the'�ause. �fQl�Crvving sa�pi�s w�e t�k�n: . N. b�of c�iag: 70-1 �4''all' c�ng,S-�m�:bris pilc c�a�lc�or. 7t]-Z Wall#c�turc, E.wa.tl,c�t.e�'pninx, S'�r- '7Q-3 1�YaIt#ac�ure,E,.wa�l, S. sicic,�'up. TD-4 Cea�g texture, a�rte�af ceiiia�. TU-5 I?�yw�,N.w�]]l,c.ct�ter pairr�t, 4' up. 70-6 C,�iliatg ttxtus�.T�.W. c�nrr c�f ct�iling. 7(]G--7 Dcywall mucl,T►�V w�1I, �. side,4�' ug. S.1�alf+o�cta'�iang. 70.S �CciIin�,te�tre, N.E.cxrrne�of�eili�g. . �'0-9 Drywa.� 5.x�+al1, N. e� 3"up. F�sults: 5ee th�e�tt�c��d report fram(��a�ct�rn La�.,�c. in�c�ma City, DK. N,���t4s was found in eny of the s�tpl�. Submitted by: �� �of�r,Taylar A,sbestos Iasp�tt,or i FRi�''f :S R'1 SL�3�i �HX MQ. :�45�4 Ru 9. 18 2F� 10.53f'€'i P2 �u�.i9• 2Gu� d'����1 ��•'�p�� �� �'� „ � � ��� l./�doR.��+4�s �{3}��P�D�Arr!��ity-d[731 m 1(*bs�7ss-7272:f�u 4�� Pob�cd Li�1rt Mi�+�c►atapy At.brstac��{�sis Rc�rt Qisanl�'l l�b� 14D951 t�� Yro�x�ce.mc. Act:ous�c Numbsr. $21S �.Q.Bsf� ?7iY ►N�ri..)tici�c.C`A BW3i U�4e�vcTVed� 0&'1$�10�G �toceived 8�: SMrb�F3ol+�' L�atc Analyzrd- 4BllEr22UUG Prajec� 257C18�kiMcmB:�ia rl,o�alyzed Y3y: �h+Es�G� Proj�t L.tuitivn: �ilA �„� �,�,,�pp Proj�Naenld�'. �+1f�4 [�-rFM C�sm� Catiw r �ao-�s *�my1e n:7 5as�e i n eomtposiaas+ �+ai�ti�+ h�r+�t'1'� Fib�f'•i} Oq1 7CMS -_ ��arao�ocw= C.x+n - Aai�wca7 Nd PiGac� tk�aTviG Et Tcxture {1Q2 :s0-2 1 l�►wna�vans Wir�lc AdxiaU�r TVot P�ar,� Cellnk�w �1 Icxaa� (x13 7i�S kicro�og,moens v�i,reo A�d�rus?�a Ptvcat +�teiwc rl "ic�re 4W fiD-1 iicmq�c�wo� 'w?,+rc A�csW,Nd Ptc� Ge76vk+�r c] c.�r� oQS ��s r�r�,� w+.� n�r�«� ��.� so 3baa�rn�Nc iHlb 70rd H�qmu�wna Wtwc .A�e:ssr+c nla�c� [:�!!r]arr �� C�isi+�Trxnn� �X17 70.7 Neaea�ert�.� WtWs A�ot Nul Prc�r�+4 Cdfltk� '1 ltlinl CrrnRlq� t]eiCC 4t�Cewxit iu�a�}I�y i1P iGC�p[1�G C3�G1G�u uCtje ss�'�G��S 7,70td11/��e fAr�a_ f�ni'F�t i��NVLAT acrs,�ked�'FJ.1 ad P�,yj y�ya�'(�Ckd.�,0449Y}'18�m�wrr mkxcs vny n�c�eet�t rt�snye.rl T�V t�k!' .w..d;wiw+.pgii�o.ly w�1��'u.a:a�r,s��F!!d�.1{1-1-a'�_;r.n-rce.;.�pp�A w Sul�MUp e aa�c F}. 7�c,lpo�t nsy�r,e be a,ed tr.elssn�r.nduct q�odad by�'Y"J.P wr e�y�A�c�sEcuCY vl9k�T,t�r� 7Ldt pepar+rna�twm hc wr�f�OPaoQ C�tay!m�rl...eehnw IDC iF�lltv�Viai�niTtha IsbptrEU�y �'�R9C 1 Gf�' ' FRLx'3 :5 1'4 �7t�Ca �FU{ FaCI. :393458�64 �lu9a iB � 18:54P6'i P3 ''��`'�� GQ��J �r��;�P�i hr�,'v��4 �, �`;�� � � � � ■ ��ap�'Aarlt t'�wf!{�14ih0��CIl�=OK T3124 f{�5?TbS��'1 F7G[(ff�J T55�2RS4 pals�ed s.�ht M:�,o�a�r�►�bestos waafiyxk R,rport ��M f..ab No I40i761 f:aenr Prc�aircn,lnc. /lcccs�,m'�►mbce: �I5 F_D,� 779 I3ue lfecei�t o�11'&�OOG k'b�+[R�dg�C�b �OQ�4 R,..�.�,�g}: �3arbzra I�icr13o� 6am A�sly.�� f?&'I�1IOi�6 Pxn��: 25+�*Q Ba�d 1►!ro�� .�nrlyxed,8�: ]c��i�lu�c 3"rv}ect i.eoatian NiA Mcdxos�nlogy- F�A ii� Frr��t Nuu�be[.. N.=A 1�uaa,�`�}++I Cli� Cder! �e�A.�oa sam�^,tn tD �r�e�o c�ieion � Asba�wc('�} �-�ry,��y,� DGB 7o-a Humc�meou wl�u, A#b��r,.,�`viPsc�aK � Ccl►s���x ri C•.1c�3"t�Ct�a'c � 70-9 ]���uc wiri�e kslrwios t(at rr.�ee�e Cd�H�.�e 1 a �ha�p�or� ;i�i BJOG . skam�+'wa��t � L]erena A�,tt _ 119lrst a[Lari�e�,�sn rccr�y�e�;�ydit;c�n af El�c�reYic+AC accwylirb4 firx a�rFpti�. 'f}u�u;TG4i li�]tiN'C�iT x�:�Sbm 11�M rar!PL1rf f�Laowsy�(L.�C..L�!CS:U�4j� ?'V�rcpae.:rSua oriit M 1hc�raiAr lres'4 q�[ted.71V3_f.A �CCa�:s9km�pl�ss amlp lu A1!!�i A�orty�is[�4C�7i l:h.Y{I•E-E7�!)�P�`r.ti.�7G)-,/�d'i=A en S�d[q E 7uld i�f- 37�5 x��Y r+al bc naed �Q C.�`i:ID�11c4 LTl�'17l�'�'1�����'+,p'Of i�i�Q'Y['aF�'O�[�['[�. �w�r�a'uua�y �LS R�N���4l���-�{�pp�ol'�}.MiS�4FIL t1�c*�+tt%��prvr�d af e!�bbora�o,cy P�2of2 � �- �- -. �..�___ _ _ _ LL Pa � 45 [�1-1�-2007 - fnsp�ctivn Request Re orting 9 4:15 �� V'�ilt.�_��it�� R�qweste�Inspect Date: Thur�day,January'11,2Q07 ins p$ct€on Ar�a: JRM 5ite Addre�s: 257'd BALD MOU6�iTAfN RI3 VAIL �570 BALC� AIIOUNTAEN RD'E" AfP10 Infarmat+an ACtivity: B0�-�}264 Type: A-$UILD Suh�ype: ADL1P Staius. fSSUED Const Type: C3ccupar�cy: Use: Insp Area: JRM awn�r: J(7HhJSC]FJ, [JC3UG Cc�ratrackor: JQHNSC3iV C(�NTRAC�iEIUG Phor�e: 376-3203 Apglicani: JDHNSON DC�UG [7escription: ELIh�11h�A7� PASS�'HF20UGH BETWEEN KlTCHEN ANC�DINlh��G RU�]M. NEW CRBIN�TS NEW WflC3� FLqC7RING IIV KITCHEN AND DIhIIf�GRi�t�M, h�EW"TILE 1N Eh��f�Y,71L�BASEfNENT HALL AfV[3 B€OROOM G�mmen#: RdUI��D TtJ JR AN[]J�7�-�iSUTHER Re�uested Inspection(s� �tem; 90 e�DG-Fir�af Requeste�Tirrxe: 4$.DO AM Requestor; JONN50h!GEJNTRACTfNG Phone: 376-32a3 Asslg�ec}70: GDEN�KLA �nkered By: OGOLDEN K A�tian: Time Exp: Inst�ec#fon Histarv Item: 5[71 PW-Ternp.accessfdrainage Item: 30 B�.�G-Framing ••Appraved„ b�l2FlQ6 Inspector: .}RM Actian: AP APFROVED Comament: Itern: 54 6LDG-Ensula#ion Item: 5� B�DG-Sheetrock�ail Item: 7� 8�{?U-Mlsc. Ilem: 53.3 PLRh1-T"�MP. CJC� Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL CIO I Ikem. 9(3 ��L3G-'Finai ti , �� �� f � . � �� ,l � � REPT�,��. R1111 Id. �241 �'� �1� �r� � Design Review Ba►ard f��`� t °�f�,�- ACTII�N FORM . - ' � Departmer�t of Community De�elopment �}'y���� �'j� ' 75 Sauth Frontage Rc��d, Vail, �Cafarado 8�657 ��� y� kel; 97(1.47�.2139 ��x: s�a.���.zasz cr,x+.�,�;��r�vt�a=�,E�,r web: www.vaifgvv.ct�m Project Name: I�HNSON E�fTRY ❑�t6 Mumber; DR607D5{}0 Pr�ject Description: FIMAL APPROVAL Ff]R THE ADDITION f�F AN �NTRY P��CH, VIlIN�OW�AN� DaC�RS Participants: �}WNER JC3HN5�7N, aG►UGLRS G, - BREN7f�9JI812D07 Phone: 970-375-32�3 �57t} BAL[� MCJUNTAIN RQ VA�L CO 81557 ARCHITEC7 WM �i�IN ASSCICIATES �9f 18jZQ07 Phone: 7��-265-5725 BILL NEIhJ 85L�5 E. 7EMPLE DFt. []ENV�EI� C4 8i�23T �Y���Se. c000aaz��z A�PLIGANT V+IM kfiEIN ASSC�CIAT"�S-F�ILL f#EIIV09/1$J2f1C�7 �hn€�e: 3�a-Z05-57?5 85C15 E, TEMPLE DR. ,#�09 I��NV`ER CC3 8C7�37 Praject Address: �570 �A�.D M�ItJNTAIh! RD VAIL Lcrcatic�n: 257[3 BALL MT RaAD Legal �?e�eription: �.ut� �3 61ack; 2 5�bc�ivision. VAIL VILLA�� FILIN� 13 Parcet N�rgnber� �101-03�+-43C1a-9 Cnmme�ts; B()ARD�'STAFF A�CTYUN M�tiar� By: Actic�n: STAFFAPR Seco�ci By: Yote: oa#e of A�provai: 09/�7J2fJ07 Canditions: Cr�nd: 8 (P�AN}; No�hanges to thes� p�ans rnay be made withc�ut the written cansent of TvwR vf VaiE �taff andlor the apprapriate review cc�mmik'�ee(s}. Cond: D (PEAhi); t�RB apprvva� daes not constikute a permit for building. Please �nnsult witd� Tvwn Qf Vail Buildin� personnel prior tp �c�nstructia� activities. Cand: ��1 DRg approval shalf nok bec�sn� vafid for 2D days f�l4owing the date of appraval. � . � - -Re�idential or Cnm�nercial .,,�,.�. �r . � Applica��on f+vr Dresfgn Rev�ew ����� � Depart�nent of C.c�nmunity E)evelnprrEent 75 5outh Frt�r�tage�€oad,Vail, Cnlcsr�da 8�657 te9: 974.479.2128 f�x; 97Q.479,�4�2 � weh: wwvv.►railgo+�.com Gene�-al Informa�tinR: All projc�cts r+�quirirtyy design revi�w must re�e�e �pprr�val pria�r tv suh�nat�ing a building�errr7�t applicc�tti��. Pleas�refer t�� the submittal requirernents ft�r H�e }�ar�lar approvai that is re�u�s#�ed. An app�icati�sra far [7esign F�e�riew cannot be acx�epted urrtii all required infom�ation rs�ceived by the Cc�rnmunfiy []ev�e€opmer�t Departxnent 7he project rr�aY also n� to he reuiew� by th�Tc�wn�unril andlor the Pl�nning and F�rrvircrnmerrlal CQmmis�ion. [7�esi�n review approval Iap� un�a buifdint�p�etrn�t is�ssued and�nnsdvctinn cammenc�s within one year of the approval. � C)esrxip#ionnf�hc�Request: Addi�ion of Entry P�rch Roaf Cc�v�r �nd change � of miscellaneous windows 'and daars. � La�calaorr of tlte propos�#: L.ot: 3� 84adc: 2 SuE�ivisivn: V a i�. V.i 1]�aqe �i 1 i ng 13 PhysiwlAdd11�55�257q Bald Mountain Rd .- �a�t Unit - Vail. Co. 81�57 Paroei lVo.: 21 Q�t]3 4 C�3 Q 0 9 (Corrta�t'�agle Co.Ass��ar at 97"�1-328-654€}f�r parcef �c�.} � Zaning• Tw� Family Dwe�.�.ing ,/�"'� ��_ Name(s)of f�wner'(s�. A1 i son B.rent and Dcauglas J[shnson Ma"tfing�kddress. 2570 Bal,d Ntountain Rd . - East Unit - Vazl. Co. 81557 . `t Rt��e: 9`l0� 375-32fl3 �3wn+er(s}Signature(s). `• Nameofdp�licant: Bill ein with Wm Hein Associ�tes MaiJingAddtess: 85[]5 E, T�mple Dr. #5t}9, D�nver. Co. 8t]237 � Phon�:; 72(?} 205-5'��� � r- ;'� ° ;;,,� � ,_,,� E-tnail Addr�ss: F�: 3 D 3� 6 9 �6�i 5 h=� } ;f�� �{ , f �� �'ype o�Revi�v+►and �e�: �� ��F � '� �,f10� a4 C7 Signs , $54 p�$1.W per s�quare Foot of totaf sign a �y " fl Co�rrceptual R�vi�ew No Fee � � New Gan�ction $65t] For�c.fion€�f a new building or d reb - �� '�1 F'���{'-�- _ _ ❑ Adciition $300 For' an addfirxi where square �aotage � o any res�dent�al or commerd�l buildir�g(irrdudes�5U additions& interiar conversians). �'J Minor At6er�tiort $�50 F�r mitxx change�ta huikl+ngs arrd site impravements, suct�as, (mu4ti�famiry°1comment��al) re-raxTin9, f�air�ti�g. window a�ditions, k�r�dsraping, f�rcces and retai�ing walls,ett, }� NEincx I�teratian �2(1 Fcar minor changes'to buildi�gs and s'rte impraWeme�sxts,sa�ch as� (s�ngl�family/dupiex} r�ror3fin9. Pais�ting, windc�w addid�ns, lan�scaping, fenees and re't-d4rsi�+� walls,ef�. ❑ {�anges ta Apprawed P�ans $�U Fvr �:wisians ta �Ea�s already app►vv�ed by Planni�g Staff ar tl�e Design Rewiew&sard. ["� Separa�on Requ�st No�Fee For O�fice Us�(]nly; � � "� ' ty _ --�,�t�,-,��� �-r ' Fee Pai�d: � �:, Che�e No.:,��By: r � ` ,r f�leeting C�ate: !� ��? - � � ..; � C�RB Nn.: � �' .� f-�� � ,,�����.1 �—_ � f�''�; �--; � -•w; � �' � �' .� �f'FiIBC: f~--- �" P19p]�#�EO.. F: ni� _ i _1 - - . 1 a 14 � , t TU�N�F V�I� A[)DITI�N5 - RES1b�ENT�AL�DR�DMNIERCIAL S�BMI�TAL REQUIRE�IENTS Ger�e�al Information: `rh(s appf`firation i�r�u�red fc�"a�pra�asa�in►folwing the additian of�A{grc�s residential f�r arr�e�a). This ir�u�des pr�pa�sais fnr 25+D ad�d�itiars arrd irrt�sior ao�rt�n�aar�s. See Tdie 1�, (�apbe�r 15-Gross F�esid�t3ai RoQr Ar�a For�'�c�g+�ior�- L SUBMITf14L RE#H#IR,�MEHT�** � �!I pa�ges oF Applic�l�ion�5 mrx�ie6e � C'he�dtlF�t is�arrd 53�fie�d � ",�amped Topogrdphic S�+rv�ey* :t3 Site and Gra�ing�lan* I] Lar�ri�cap�F�atr* . �# Ar�eh�ura!�ev'�tiorts* �1 set c�f R.�dlirret�efeva�tivns} ❑ F..�erior c�nlar and ma#�rial sam�les and s�if'�atiwans. �3 �tur�l F�a�or Plans* (1 set r�f Reciiined flo[�r p�ns) 17 Lighting Pk'�rt* and Gi,rt�s)Fo�'pro�d f�s O T�i+e r'�pvrt, ir�d�cling�A�e B t�verify�and� � P�t�f�e�xi�i�s�e artd adja�a�k structii�,wliere applic�bte. � Wn�+'r apprtxva� finr�r a �darn�ium associatio�n, f�°xibrd, and joir� nwnerf if a�pti�able Q 5ite-sp��+c Ce�k�gica!H�zard R;�t.�t, f#a�* ❑ Th�� A�nlr�ra�nr ard/vr {?�� m�ay req�ire � submissinn af add�tiatial p��s, drav►rings► �, samples and 4tlter mat�erials {indu��g a rnodel� iF de�rr�ed ��ary��ie�xr�ne�a piri�ek v+�[nrr�piy r��Guid�nes or�f#ft� int�nt ofr tf�e pr�o�ai �s rrot ds�rly�_ PlE+7S'S S�L�N1�#�C�}QQ�ti�S ll��A��tCYfQ�IS 110fE�Hrftl�Q1R�CF�S�{'�`,�. *�"�pl` �i'l�1EI7iQ{'r CCXtV�'.t.r,lf)k'l.r YYI�1 C� �' �� �� ZF�CI[ll� a3 c�mpf�e s� c� exis�ng ar�d p�pcx�etl flopr ',��s, a t�.1e �wt, a�vd � �apQra�val � a {�111�0117�i1{[llil�SQe1r7�Of1, �Ofi�,�t1i1�jCHT1�O'Wf1�.N', If 8�. I�114:!'�M1[�11i1f�E`�",a'�'�' 11�1�1��O'M+���St1�E�1�'�� �11��I11�17�5: Pro�eG�Narne• 257� Bald Mauntain Rd . - East Unit .�- Vail . Ca - �r. Contra�ct�r S��atUre '� � �'�-� � -� . Da�e Siyned �,�odev�l, lxirb �dd�ion,�li-7.3-�OQS.dac Pag�e 3 oF 14 illZ3r�'D5 R � 7�T1►17 PR(?P�R7Y QW�1ER '���"�� ' WRITTEN AP�'tt�1IA1 LETTER i, {print r�m�} Ed W�.11 i.am�^...__._ , a jaint�w�vner-�prc�pe� Ic�;ateci at �'�7fJ B�ld M0173P1t.dE$Il RQc�dr Va�l ► COl[71C�d+D $1b57 provicie this �as rv�tten ap�rrcrvai a�the plar�s ci�'�ed S+e t��t e m�e r 7. 2�[3 7 wh�ch have heera s�t�itted t�tf�Tawn+af Va7 Gnmmu�jr`De�nelnpm�xt[�parirn�nC fc�r the p�"o�as+�d impnav�nents bo t�mrnpleted at t�ae a�dress r�t�t,ed a�ove. I u�rclerstand that�hhe pro�d imp�n��s ir►d�: Addition of main er�try roo� cover and the chang� of miscellaneaus wir�dv�rs and doors. r � � �� ��� (s�) 1��:) Adrdit�na�IFy.�c�et�c#�e s�iaerner�6el��nn�r whict�is mc�t�dle t�yr�ru; ' I u�that,�r�ir�r rrx�d�if�ca�m�a�r I�rn�x�e t�r,f�re plans o�r the c�urse af the r� tn er�+ur�rxarr�aVir�rx.�e w�h d�e 7"a��rr s�pp►�6rfe tr�of�s and r�gu.�,i#�avts !� {Irri�aal hereJ � 1 f�]L1�5��i!�d�f lf1�i�A�i�d?Sf fi]fli�d"!"ff'UI`UL7�7�lW1S�',, Wf]lL7�i d!i°lT7r3"G��7��[31�/t.S C34�.°l'(]�A� ca�errse af t�e r�v�ew� be�ht tn my at�ra f�y t/�e a,�irant�ar�t�rna!apprr�s�arl �un�deryo,nng l�rtf�ef-reMiew by�fa�ie Tow�n. {?i7i1u11 here) . — - --- - � ---- --. — - -- � I I � . � f � --_ _ i , � rd ' r � J � , , �11__ I � F i 4 I f '� � - i i f � ' � �,. - - —_� ; � � r� � � �_ .I � ` ! -- � � �; � � G � ��W__! -:� ��= � � � _ _ � � � �-� � � �,� - � �---- -- � � � __--.-� i R R. , � 1 i u — — � �--- � 'V — �� a � � � 1 I' � f � � -- = - 1�_t .# /�;"f . � �. __ �/ - - _ _ - - _ .. -� i � � r :/ ,/� --_--_:� �' � � , ,� � _ . .-.. - J t,�r ,, `9 ---_.-._ �' � `4 I � l� 4 f i �� 1 �`�, f �'r. _---==��1�= �_ -�: ' � .. � , - � �� �;� ' '�°''� - lL. t�3 � � , , ` '�. � � ', l �. 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J ry , ;� al .3'-4., J;e � . . a, � s �-., v�. � � <. r � � � . .. - r�� tc � '�s' �' � ; � 1 . �' � - . � '#�7�� � '� �� �3''� \ v � Y . �� � -�'`�� v * �., � \ �.M�?� ��. _... �� e.0�� Y��� � ` u„ c �� �Y� ... � � �+f hata') � y F Y 1 ��'�_�°����a.' � � l _ ��'Y �`n��'��'`"& L� '"� h . � ,p•�- �t r .: �[.,��k,��.+��.k. - 5 ' � .../>) / / � ie. ,� � .�:1�.. \ ��.!� _� r �#d����*�I+�}#�k�ki�k#it�b�kyk�k�k�ic##�t'k###i#####*#i###*###�Y}#1�#*#i9k+kNk#######�##�+k#�k#*���kYk�*�k��k*W�k�K7!ak?k4##�kid� T4]Wi�l t]F V�TI_, CC]LC]R,4II3Q S[atement **s*******��+�**t+*��t�***�**�►***��*�*»**�**.#��********�***�***�**+�******�a!s��***�*�**s�t*��w S�atement Numkaer: R[3700f11893 Asnqunt: $Z0.00 f19I1$I20Q"l09:24 AM Paym+ent Method: Check Ini�: .T5 Notation: 124'7�nauG J�7III�SpN P�rmit No: Dft�3q7054Q �yge; �FtB-Minor Alt,SFR/I7UP Pa�cel �To; 21{11-(134-Q30�-� Site P,,ddress: 2570 BAL�IJ M4UI�TAII�J RI) VAIL Lpcat�on: 2570 BALD MT R{7A� To�al Fees: $2�.dU Z'hi� Payment; $24,00 Tqta]. AI.��, Fhnts: $�4.00 �alance: �Q.[�t� �*��a�#************�*�tt**�����w�**�+*�,��+�*****�*�+�����****a�***��*�x�**�*�******�***�*******�x*� ACCC7UNT 1TEM LIST: �lccount Code Descriptic�n �urrent F'mts L�Ft ��1QDQa31122(7C� �3FS?�N FtEVit;W FEES �0.0� t '" ',��w�+ ��c�u►��� �PP� Planning a�d Envir+�r��ental Comrni�son ACTIC3N F�?R�+1 i - :� �epartmenk of Cornmuflity �er�elnpment ������ ' 75 �outh Frontage Raad, Vaii, Colorado 81b57 te�; 97+➢.479.2139 fdx: '�7{7.479.245� �.,.+,r�,.oe�t�u�k� w�b: www.vailq€►v.com Pr�,�ett Name: SVIIf'WILLiAMS VARIANCE PEC Number. PEC07I7(736 Praject Descriptian: �J��� �- � ••� ��' FINAL APPR�VAL FOF�A'VARIAN�E fi4 ALLOW CQNSTRUCTIO�I C7F IMP�tOVEM'E�fT`S A�1D A�7flT1TON5 II�THE WESTER�Y SIQE '��FBACK F�rtici�ants. C}WNER WILLIAMS, EDDIE D. 05f30��Ofl7 Phone: 303-�f�-gBD�] 22 PC7LQ CLUB DR. G+ENVER CO 80209 APF�E�CANT BI�L HEIf�-WM HEIhi ASSt]C. D5f 3��`2(l[?7 Phon�: 7��-�[�5�Ofi65 $505 EAST TEMPLE C3R. dENVER CC] 80237 Projec�Addr�ssa �570 �3ALD MQUIVTAIN RD VA�L �.c�r.�t`rc�n: 257� BAL� MC]UNTAIN RD l.�ga�l Des�riptic�n: Lot: 33 Block: 2 Sub�ivisian: VAT�VILLI�GE FZtING 13 P�r�el Number: 21fJ1-034-030Q-9 Camnn+�nts: TC31NN CO�PVCIL APPEA� B(7AR[]jSTAFF ACTlUN Mn�ion By: DA�Y Acdc�n: R��FtCDVED 5econd By: NEWB�R�Y Yate: 7�fl-0 Date af Appraval: D�{25lZOi38 Cnnditi4ns� co�,d: carvaoa���� (PL�4N): Appra�ral af khis project sha41 lapse and t�eccsme vo�d two (Z) y�ars fr�ilowing the dake of Fnal apprc�val, unless a b!uilding perrnit is issued and cor�struetion is �r�mmenced and is diligenkly pursued toward cnmpletion. Cond: 30t] (PLAN)� PEC approval shal�l not ae ncat t�ecr�sr�e v�fid fpr 2[}days'following tl�e date of �pprowal. Cc�nd: 8 (PIAN}: No chang�s tt�these plans may �e made withrrta�the written consent of Tawn o� Vail st�fF andJ�r the apprflpriate re�i�w�c�mmi'�ee(s). co�a: c�ranaQ���� This approval is co�tingent upon the App�ir,ant obtai�ring a�proval raf the asscxiatec� design review applica�ia�. PEanner; Bill GibsQn P�+C Fee Paid; �5(}0.04 , � Y }� � ��� � ���� MEM�]RAAt[3111V� �� � TC�: Vai� Town Council +"jL� fr FR�M: Cc�mmunity development f��par€m�ent DATE: April 1, 2008 rr � � � � SUBJ�CT: An ap�eaf, pursuant t�s Sectivn 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Cade, of the � To�rn of Vail Pla�nning and En�uironme�tal C�mmissi�r�'s denial �f a varian�e requ�st frorr� S�ctian 12-6�-6, Set'�acPcs, lla�! Town Code, pur��+ar�t ta Ghapter 12-17, Va�iance�, tv all�w for an ad�ition within the west side setf�ack, lacated af 25��1 Bald Moun#a�in RnatilLat 33, Block 2, Vail Vil4age Filing 13, and set�ing fi�rth details in regard thereto. (PE�C07- f�Q3�} Appe�lant�: Eds�ie 1NiD[iarr�s, r�pres�nt�d hy l7E€en, Jc�'hnson, Rc�binson, N�f�, and Ragonetti Plar�r�er: Bill Gitason �. SUBJECT RFtOPER7Y The �u�ject �rcaperky is loca#ed at 257(l E3aid Mc�un#ain RoadlLr�t 33, glock 2, Vai1 Villa�e Filing 13. ll. SYAI�DINiG (3� A�'PEL�AN�' Th� Vail Ttiwn Cour�cil, th� ap�el[�nt, has sta�rdir�g to f1e an appeal of the P4anr�ing and EnvirQ�rment�l Commissian's �fecisinn ptarsuant tc� 5ub-•s��tion 12- 3-3C-'�, lJail Town Code. lit. RECUIRE�] ACTI(7T1 Tt�e Town CQ�ar�cil shall uphol�, oWerku�n, vr madify 1he Planrsing and �nviranm�ntal C�rnmission's approval, with cQndi#ions, of �he varianc� appGicatian pursuant to �ection 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail 7vwn Code.. tt�. g►�c�cG�aur�� �n �ebn.�ary Z5, 2�a8, tt�e Planning ar�d Environme�ntal Cammission approved, with condi#ic�ns, a variance request fr�m Se�tion 12w8�-fi, Setbac€�s, 11ai1 T�wn Cad+�, pursuant to Chap#er 1�-17, Varian�es, to a�law far an additian within the west side setk�ack, I��ated at 2570 Bakd Mour�t�in 3�oadlLot 33, Block 2, Vail Village Fiii�g 13, ar�d setting forth details �n regard t�ereta. The Fetsru�ry �5, �O(}8, S#aff memcrrandum to the PEar�ni�rg and Env�iranm�ntal Commission has �een attacl�ed for refe�er�ce. Th� V�il Tawn Councif °calied-up" 'th�s �I�nn's�rg and Er�vironrr�entaf CQmmission°s �c#ion at its March 4, 20fJ8, publie hearing k�y a �ote of 7-(l-a. 1. , v � �� , ;, s� � �:�� �� , .� � � .� � � � , � � � , � � vi. sra���r�v�nr�Ei�aaria� . ��''"�'�� T•e Cvr�rnuQity�er�eEQpm�nt Dep�rtnnent reccsmmenc�s ti�e Vail Town Coun�i6 � ��' ,�i�lds��i�ning and ErtWir€snmen#a� Ccammission's Fetrruary ��, 20�78, "d�cision. Shvuld the Vail Town Cour�cil choose to uphold t�ie Cammissivn's� �� » �1�cision, Staff recommends the Cauncil ap�roves the foll�ow�ng �mQtion: � �r... �'rx� + "The Vail Town Coun�if upfrc�f�is the Planni�ag and' Environr;�ental .ai"`' ��,� ;� C�mmrssior�'s �pproval, with +�Qn�fi[io��s, af a variane� request from " Secfian 12-�C�6, Setbacks, Vai! Towr� Code, pursuanf �o Chapter 92-11, Variances, fo a11aw far an addi,tion within fh� west�rde setback, Iocated at 257� Sald �9+�unt�ir7 Road/2�af 33, 81ock 2, Vai! Vi11ag$ Filing 13, and setfing fvrth defai�s in regard theret�, f� its F�bruary 5, 2UCt8, public h�aring ta al1Qw fh�parties addr�ror�al fime to v6tain infc�rrr�ation.`" Vfl. �TTAG�iMENT� A. Febru�ry 25, 20CY8, 5taff mer�c�randum to the PEC B. Public Notice 2 � Vail Tvwn �auncrl Att��hm�nt: A MEMORANCtUM TC?: Pl�nning and Enw�ronme�tal Corn�issio� �R�M: +Comrnunity [�e�refc�pment D�:�aartment DATE: Febru�ry+ 25, 2008 SUBJECT: A reques# for a fnaf reWiew of a vari�nce frarn 5ection 12-�C--6, SetbacKs, V�il Town Code, �ur�uant tca Cha�ter 1�-17, uariances, f�s allaw for an addition with�[n the west side setb�ck, lpca#ed at 257�7 Bald Mauntain RoadlLot �3, Bfack 2, Vail V�3�age Filing 13, and setting forth details in re�a�d th�reto. �PECQT003�} Applicant: SVE1 clv Ed lNi�liarns, represent�c} by William Hein Assvcia�es Piann�r: Bifl Gibsan l. SUMMARY The Applicant, SVII clo Ec� 1Ns�liams, r�present�d by B�If H�in Assoc€ates, �s request'rng a fnal re�iew c�f a vaeianee frar� Section 12-5C-6, Setk��cks, Vai1 TQwn Code, pursuant to Chapter 'i2-17, Vari�nces, fo alfow an additian vuithin th� west side setk�ac�, located at 257p B�Id M�auntain Rc�adlL�t 33, Block �, Vail Village Fi�ing �f 3, and setking fot#h details in regard thereto, Based upon St�ffs review �f ti�e criteri� �utiN�te�i in �ection VII of ffi�is memarandurn and t�e ev�d�nce a�d testim�ny pr�sented, the Commu�i#y Developm�nt �epartment recammends appro�al, with cr�ndition�, o# this application, subj�ct tc� the findings noted in 5ectior� V�II af this m�morandurr�, ll. pESCRIPTIDN []F REQl1EST The A�aplicarrt, SVII clo �d Williams, represent�d by Qifl Hein Associates, is requesting a variance to accommodate a proposec4 r�novat�on Qf the w�st duplex unit at 257fl Bald lUlounkain Ra�d. This prg��sed re�a�atic�n w�ll include the canstructs�an e�� a 293 sq.ft. ga���e additi�n �expanding from one bay ta fwcs) on the nar#h side of the structure, an 1 fl8 sq.ft. �ntry and rr�aster bath addition (enclosing the br�ezeway between the existing hause and the �xisting garag�J, and a 2'11 sq.�t. �ecvnd story k�edroam and bafhroom additi�n {Ivcated ab��ve the exis#ing and propersed garag� sp�ces anc! �reezew�y enelosure}. Ap�aroximately �3.5 sq.ft. af imprn�u�:m�nts are prapvset� �n the bvth the main and t�pper levels c�f the structure within the r�quired 15 foot wesf side s�tba�k. A �ic�nity m�p �Attachment A}, t#�� previous architectural p1an� (Attachmerrt B}, the re�vised request �Attaehment C}, and th� reWised architec#ur�l plan� {Attachm�nt a} are at��ch�ed for reference. III. �ACKGR�UN� The s�ab,�ect pr�perty uvas annex�d int€� the 7own Qf 1lail in ���'2 and su�d:uided w�th Town of Vait apprc��al �n �9�5. 1 a , . . In t 978, th� c�rigrnaP develaper o�tained Tvwn of Vail design review a�prorr�l and a buildin� permit #a co�s#ra�ct the existing duplex. The originalRy ��proved building permi# pla�s shc�w t�at the du�lex wa� tcr fa� constfuc#ed 1� feet frcrrrr the wes# prop�rty boundary. In 1981, the Tvwn of Vail a�prc��ed arr additian tv ft�e re�idence base�! upc�n the original siY� pEan ir�for'mati�n, In 1982, attorneys repr�esen#ing the owners af the a�jaGent Lot 34 ser�f a letter ta the Town a� Vai[ indicating #ha� the su�ject duplex was nvt +originalay constructed in �ts a�praved bc�ti�n. The lett�r also n�t�ed t�ha# the approV�d 19$2 a�dditic�n was acivally being constrracted or► the ad�acent Lot 3�, rather than an the subject site. Th�re is a hand w�it��n not� on the �I� copy of that let�er that reads: °R�sol�fic�n was encr�aching was removed." A copy of a 198� imprav�ment Location Certificate (IL�} shawing ti�e true location of the suhject dupiex was submitt�d in a 20�2 I�:tt�r tv the Town of Vail. Based upan this ��.G, the subjec� dupfex was c�nstruct�d wEthin the w�st side setback an�1 �as been encro�ching �pon the ad}acent neighbor's prpper�y fo�` at least 27 years_ In 1992, tfne east uni# o# the sut�jeet duplex ob#ained Tawn afi Vail apprt�val to en�lqse t�e bre�zeway or�ginafiy separati�g th�e ht�us� and garage. In 2007, the east unit obtained Tc�wn of Vail ap�provaEs fo�a new er�try �wning. The Planning and Environmental Cornmissian r�viewed a similar variance req�est by the �PRlicant at its November 12, �{�07, put�iic hearing_ At that fime the �pplica�t vvas pr�posing a f�rger addition ta #h+e hame with r�ore substantiai encr�achmertts intv� tF�� p�operty's vw+est setbacfc. The �ommissic�n voted 7-0-a t�i deny that varianee reques�. fih+� appli�ant subs�quently fil�d a�n app�al af th� Cannra�issi�rr's Nov�mk�er 12�' denial_ (�n Jar�uary 8, 2�l[}8, #he Vail Town �ouncil tab{ed the appea! discussior� ta February 5, Z4[]8, at the applicantlappellant's rer�uest. TF�e appEica�t and the�r representatives explor�d varivt�s design aiternati�+es ter the prop�sed additio�s that wauld substantiaily reduc� the request�d encraachments inta the req�ir�;d setb�ck area, �aserJ upon the �pplicant's request to amend their varia�rce ' propos�l; at its �ebruary 5, 2U[�8, p�blic he�ring t�r� Council vated 7-0-� t[� rerraand #his rec�uest back to tfne Planning and En�rironmental Commis�ic�n for f�r�her review. !V. APPLICABLE PLAMNINC I]€7CUMENTS �taff f�elieues that the fallc�v+ri�tg prvvisio�s crf the Vail Tawn Gode �r� relevant to th� review of this ��aposal: T1TLE 12: ZC�NI�lG RE�E.�LATlC)NS Artic�� 12-�D: Two-Fa�nily PrimarylSecondary Resic�ential {P1S} Gistrici (in part� �2-�D-1: PCIRPQSE: The twa-famiJy prirr�ary/secca,ndary �e�i�entr'aI drstric� is infer�ded to provrde si�e� for single-family resrdenfiaf uses or two-family r�sid�nfial uscs in wtrich one unif i� a �arger p�imary residen�e and the �e�and �rnrt Js a sm�!!er car�etaker �par�ment, fogefher wifh such ,pu�alic facrlitles as may ap�ropriateFy be Jocated in the same ,zvne drstrict. The fwa-famify prim�ry/secr�rrdary residerrfial drstrict 1� rn��nded tQ ��sure ad�q�rafe light, 2 . V r air„ prrva�y �,�d open space fc�r each dwellirrg, eammensurafe Uvit+� sr"ngle- family and fwe�-farr�rly accc�pancy, �nd to m�int�rr7 t,he desirable resi�der+fi�l qualrties af �uch �rfes by establishirrg approprrate srE� deve�fc�pment sta��dards. �12-6�1-6: Setbacks In tf�e primary/s�cc�r+d�ry resfd'entia! dlstrict, the mir�irr�um front s�t��ck shall be rwet�ty feef (20'}, tf�e minimu,m srde setback sh�alf be frfteen feef (95',1, and#d�e minrmum rearsetback shafl be fifteen fe�t �'fi5`}. Chapter 1�-1 T: Varia�nces (kn part) 9 2-'f T-1: F'crr,�crse: A. Reasvns for 5eekir�g Varrance.' En c�rder to �reverrt vr fa l��sen such practica! �rtfic�rlties ar��d unneces,sar�+pl�ysical hardshrps rn�pr�sisfent t�v}th the abj�cfives caf fhr's tifle a� v�^oula' r�sult from sfricf vr lrtera! rnterpreta�ior� arrd er�fc�rcement, varrance� from cerf�rn re�ulatians m�y he gr�nted. R pr�ctrca! drffr`culty vr unr�ec�s�ary physical hardship may result fr�rr� the srze, shape, ar dirnerrsicrns of a .sife Qr fhe tcrcatiorr �f�xrsfrr�g strucf�res ftrereo+�; frc�m tapographfc or physical �vndifians �rr fhe sr"te or rn the irr�metfiate vicrnify; vr frvm other physrcal Irmifatior�s, sfre�t loc�tior�s rar concfi#ivns in the irnrr�ediafe vrcinity. �QSt t�r rncc�nvenfenc� #o fhe applr`canf �f �fric� or liter�� compfr'arrce �vith � regulatron �hal�nof t�e a reasor� for grar+frr�g a varr'ance. Chapter 1 Z-18: I�orrconform�ng Sites, LJses, 5tru�tures an� Sit� lmpravements 92-?8-1- Purp�se This c�rapfer ts ir�tende�d ta limif fhe number and exte�t c�f norac�nforming u�es ar+ct �fructa�res by pr�ohrbifrng or li+mr�ir�g their er��argemer��, their reestabJrshmer�t af#�r abarrdonment and their res�or�#ro,n aft�r subsf�r�fia! destructr'on. Whrl� �ermrttirrg r7oncc�r�forming uses, sfructur�s, and im,prt�►reme�nts tr� earrfrnue, this chapfer is rntended t�a Irrr�r[ enlargemen[, �Jteration, restoratron, c�r r�e,placemenf which vvrauld increase the diserep�ar�cy t�etwe�n �xisting condrtians ar�d the develv}�men# standards pr�scribed by fhr"s title. �Chapter 1�-18-�: C�ntinua�ce fVar��r�r�fr�rrr�ing sif�s, use5, sfructur�s, and �ite rrnprr�vements lawfully e,�fabli5hed prJr�r to f�t� effec�ive da�e +h�r�ec�f m�y �r�frr�ue, su4ject ts� the �imitafivns prescrrb�d in this �hapter. Sifest uses, struc�ures, and site rmprovem�nts l�wf�lJy au�harized �by permi�s �ar reguJa�ivr�s exr`sting prrQ� Co f�te effective date hereaf may cr�ntrnue, subject �� such lrmifatrons as ,prescribed by sUCh permrts or regulatiarrs. V. SiTE AMALYSI� Address: 257D E3alri Moun#airt Rvad Legal D�s�r�{�tior�: Lcst 33, glock �, Vail Village 'Fiiing 13 Zoning: Twc�-Fami�y Re�id�r�tial District Lantf Use P3an E3esignation: Lvw Density Resid�r�tial Current �and lJse: Dupiex 3 . � Lat Size: 46,483 sc�. ft. {1.C16�' a�res} Hazards: Mvderate Hazard �elaris Flvw Stand�rd AllvuvedlR�quired Existinq Pra�osed Setbacics (min): Frc�nt: 2C1 ft. 4S ft. 35 ft. West Si�e 15 ft, 0 ft. Q ft. �addi�iQnal encroachments) Eas� Side 15 f�. 4O ff. no change Rear: 15 ft. 18fl�ft. no change ��,:_�r�8-�NB�s" GRFA �rr►ax}: 9,438 sq, �t. 6,255 sq. ft. 6,6�7 sq. f�. �.�3� West Unit: nla 2,806 sq.ft. 3,248 sq.f�. �, �i�,�f (t`�°�'� East Unit: nla 3,449 sq.ft. no change Site cov��rag� (rnax.}: 9,297 sq. ft. (20%a} 3,7�4 sq. ft. (8°fo} 4,294 sc},. ft. �9°/a} �.3��°i����t���� Landscape (m�n.}: 27,89� sq. ft. (6U°/a) 38,49�st�. fit. (83°/0) 38,278 sq. ft. (82%0) �'arkir�g 6 8 �3 enc4osed} 9 (4 �encEosed} 'West Unit: 3 4 (1 enclose�f} :� (2 en��osed� E�st IJ�it: 3 4 (2 er�closed} ne� c�range VI. SURR[]UN�IN� LANd U5E5 AN13 ZpNING Existinc� Us� Zc�ninA Nc�rth: Resbdentia� Two-Famiiy Resitierttia! ❑is#rict South; C7pen 5paee Jutdvor R+�Greatic�n Distriet �ast: Re-sidential Tw�-Famity Res'sdential Distriet Vlfest: Residenti�l Two-Family Resir�enti�l District VII. R�ViEW CRNTERIiA The r�view criteria far a request af th�s r�ature are esta�Gshed by Chapter 12-15, Vail Tnwn Code. 1. The r�Ea#ianship of the request�d variance to o�her �xistin� ar poter�tial uses and structures in the vicir�ity. T�e existing duplex structure d+�es nc�t ct�nform tv the minimum 15 fo�t west siele s�tback re+�uiremer�ts. 1t �ppears that an �rror occurred du�ing th� vrigir�a4 construction of this residenc� artd t�re structure was not site�f in its appraved 1oc�#iar�. TF�3s e�ror was not discQVere�i untiB seUeral y�ars after t�e i�ritia! constructian w�s complete �rtd a�#er a subsequent addition was also constr��ted. Since the existing s�ru�ture w�s not lawfully es#ablished in its existi�g 6acatson, the strt�cture is na# "4egal�y non-canfc�rrnir�g° in regarcf fo t�e Town's seti�ack requirements. 4 . Staff belieues the propos�d en�losure �f the exi�tin� br�eez�way and ��e proposed garage ex�anssvn fur#her th� Tc�wn's develogm�nt ob�ee#ives of creating enciased parking and con�ecting residences w�th ti�eir ass�ciated �arages to create single unified �tru�tures. The ne�ghboring duplex, locat�d ta th� v�rest at 2550 B�Id Nlountain Raad, is �ited #�srtiner downhi9i �scauth) frern 8a6d Mvuntain Road than th� appficant's dup4ex. The �eighbc�ring p�operty a�lso in�ludes mature krees and substarrtial landscap+ng directly �dya�e�t ta the applicanf's prtaposeci additions. Tn�refvre, 5taff b�lieves the proy�ase�i breezeway enclosure and gar�ge expansiQn wili �rave vniy minar impacfs ta the existing and �otentia� uses and s#ructures in th� vicinity in cvrnparESOn ta �xisting candi#ions. The '�o�ember �2, �OCJ7, Gvmmis�iQn packet incf�ded a letter frnm th� ApplicanYs west�rr� adjacer�t praperty awn�rs, Rocky C�ristopher and Dr. Rona{ Wallard, stated that the previous propasal was "ac��pt��le" t� them. 5�aff f�e�i�v�s thk� r�vised prop�sal will ha�+e I�ss impact ta �he neighbr�rir►g prr�p�rties t'�an the previous November �2�` d�$ign- �. The d�gree to which relief from tFie strict and IEt�rai interpre#a#ian ancf enforc�ment of a specifed regulatian i� necessary to achie�e compati�ifity and unifQrmaty af treatrnent among sites in the w�icinity �r to attain the object�ve� of t'�is title without a grant �+f special priyitege. The Pl��ning and EnWironmental Cammi�sRVn has c�nsistentfy granted setback variances fvr new garage ad€�itior�s to hvmes that were ori�inaiby cons#ructed withc�ut garages crr with inadequate garages, since ti�e eonstructivn of a garage furthers the Town's developr�'tent gQais and objectiv�s related fa traffic and parking. The Pianning ar�d Environmental �C�mmissian often fr�t�nd that th� loc�tion of t�ese homes on their sites created hardshi�s war�ar�ting a varia�ce. Therefore, 5taff supperrts #he canstruction of a garage additio� wit�in �h� west setbaek tc� allr�w the Applicant to expa�d the �arage similar t� the east unif af#�sis duplex �r�d �ther sites in the vic�ni#y and wi#hi� the Two-�amily Residential ❑15�fEG�. The Vai1 Town �od� r��+�ires duplex reside�ces to b� p�ysica34y canneeted ta th�ir assr�ciated gacag+es to cr�ate a single, unified structure. The Applicant's prc�posal to enclase th� �xisting bre€�zeway #o conn�ct the exfstin� resis���c� and c�arage achiewes fhis Town develapment object. In 1992, the east unit af this �up�ex enclased the vrigir�a�l �sreezevuay �epar2�ting that ur�it fram ifs garage. Staff believes the ap�fi�ant sh�uld be affc�rded the sam� opportunity. The�efrare, Staff sugpa�s the co�tstructian vf an additian w5thin the w�st setbac'k to enc#ose the�r l�r�ezew�y similar to the eas# unit. 3. The ef�ect €�f the r�q�estet3 rrarian�e +�n light and air, distribut�on v# papufatic�n, #rar�sportatian and �raffic facilities, public facil�tie� and utilitie$, and putaiic safety. 5taff do�� not be4��w� this prapc�s�1 wilf i�a�� � significant impa�t c�rr the public heal#h, sa#ety or welfare, public facilit�es, or utiliti�s in compa�risan tv existing eonditivns �f the site. 5 � , . 4. 5uch �ther factvrs ar�d criteria as the commission de�m� applicable t� the propv�ed �rariar�ce. Vif1. STA�F RECQMI�IAENaA�'IO�hI Ti�e Community De�elc�pment Qe�a�kmen# recvmmend� appr��ral� Wlt� C017[Il�EOT1�ur of a final rewiew of a vari�rr�e frvm Sectiar� '62-6C-6, Setbacks, Va4l Tow� �vde, pursuant t� Ci�apter 12-'17, Varianc�s, ta allow far �n add�ti�n within the west side setback, 6ocafed a� 2570 �ald Mc�untair� RoadlLvt 33, Block 2, Vai� Vil4a�� Fili�rg 13, and setting f�rth details in reg��d theret�. This recammendation is based upan t}�e revi�w af th� criteria outlined in Section V�I vf thss memarandum �nd the evid�nce ar�d testimany presen#ed. S�auld the P�anning ar�d Envir�anmer►ta! Commissit�n choc�se to app�ov� this variance reqraest with cvndi�ions, the Carnmunify Development C?epartmen# recammenct� fhe Commi�sian pass the fallvw�ng matiar�: rcTh� Planning and Enviranmental ��mmissit�n approves, wrfh condifrons, �he � ap�licanf's request for a variarrce from 5ecfron 12-6G-6, 5e�backs, Vai! Tc��+n Gade, pur`s�rant tv Ghapf�r 92-17, Varia►�ces, to alfow for an addifran withr�r tl�e yv�si srde seiback, IQCa�ed af �570 Ba1d Mountain F?oad/Lc�F 33, Sloek ,�, VaiJ Vilfag� Filir�g T3, and se#trrrg fr�+�h detar�s rn r�gard theref�." 5hnuld the Plar�ning ar�d �nvirvnmental Carnmis�ion choas� to apprc�ve #his �ari�nce reqt��s#, the Gar�`imunity Devel��ment �epartment recammencfs th� Comrnission impose t'he fal6orving conditian: "�f. This approwa� is coatirrgen� �+,�orr th� app�rcan# obfaining approva� �rf #he assocrafed design r�vrew appficatiorr." Shguld the Plannin+� a�c� Env�rnnrr�ental C4rnmission choose tr� apprc��re ��ss variance reque�t 7+�vith canditiv�s, the Cammunity Qe�efaprnent Department recommends the Gommission mak�s the fvllowing finti3ngs based upan a review of Sec#itan V�1 of the Staff's �ebruary ��, 2008, rrt�rnar�ndum to the Plar�ning �nd E�vironmenta! Comrni�sivn, and the evic�ence a�d t�s#imany presented� "The �'larrning a�nd Envrro�m�nfal �ommissian finds: 9. The granting �f ti�is varia►�c�, wrth carrditiorrs, �vi�! nvt ccarrstrfute a grantrr�� r�f s,pecial privilege rrrcorrsis�ent wrth the �imit�tiar�� ort oth�r prap�rties classr�ed irr th� Two-Far,�ify Residentra!L]ist�ic�. �. 7"l�e grar+ting Of f�ris variar�ce, wifh conditiar�s, will �rof be detrimenta! ta tf�e ,�ub�ic health, safety, or welfar�, �r ma#err��ly injurrous f� properties or im�reavernents rn the vicr'nrty. 3� Thi� va�r�nce, wvifh cvnditrons, is wa,rr�nfed fc�r th�e fc�llot�'ir�g reast�r�s: �. 7�he stri�t Ji#er'al in�e�pretatr�rn a�errforcemer�t af[he s�+ecrfed regu�atian wilf r8sult i,� pra��ical difficulty �r u,�nec�ssary physicaf harciship rnconsrstent wrfh th� abjectrves of Trtle �2, Zorri�rg�Regufatr'�r�s, Varr 7r�wn Cade� b . . . . b. There are �xee�tivns o,r extraardrnary circumstanc�s or ccrnditions �p,�Iicable fc� fhe same si�e c�f the varrarrce �hat da nc�f aAA�Y 9�ner�!!y tr� other ,praperti�s rrr the TwQ-Family 14esrderrfra�Drstricf.. c. The stri�f fr+terpre�afiar� or enforcemen# vf the speci�ed regudatior� wrll deprive the �pprrcant af privileges �njayed by th� owr�ers of atl�er properties rn f1�e Twa-Farrrr�y Re�ident�al Dist�ic�.„ I�C. ATTACHM�NTS A. Vicfni#y Map B_ Previcaus Archit�:ctural Plans �. Rpplicant's Re�uest D. Proposed �Rerrised}Archftectural Pians 7 a _ �4ttachm�nt A � � r- °y ,r �•i:. s,� _ �rt - ��: ,'ti- �.:; •`, f � �i� . � y „. � � � .:� " ��, 3_§�� .�, ,t.�j'���� l.._ 'i "� S� '��^'[� ;Y- � f v. _ �:, � '� ; ' J` -� ` . �*� ,-� ... �.:{ �ti �,_'� ''r �y� A ."�-'� i �-+ ' 3 �'Y'���.8--� � � i S"��..��'����rt:.�S a � y:} �.i �•,:.. �i,° .,� �` � �` •``� ����`.'-��"f h.,7� •'L 1 �� ..�y;; i '� a r , "�. t-�.�, $ _ h �,, ��.�+"t—;�-�� �` �'�'' ':� �'�; � � ' :�� ,�. / � ._ '�t� _�x ��- ��''�.�q q�, �'y� o� ..,�G'� �� e f. _� ��� '�� �r�'.�� �F { ���z'r.,. ��' �„ �..iL..:� y'�I �s� �j� '}.M �ty. �� �� ��.{� t i ��i. •Si4. .."w'� .w. �� "�- � ° '� k�-�''.�h. �� t - � � ��.� ��,,�{ �t � �4,t- , �"� '� i�r .s +��'--�` � 't: � �a��., + t � '�� ?` ' .•i � � a� � z'.�'�` � , ,c Jk. s � �� -^�*�'�r. L' '" ���y,.� ��3 �..�.Ma `�,�r-�t�-k,� ` �; �Y'. �. h w *,yy,. 4.` ., " %°""y ''� �: ��� ^`. �,;�„„ ��A"' � ," ��� a �.c 's�,��' ��i ' � '_ c. ';�m ,'� ��.. ti_ �l�! Y` >���' ? `�� �„°:tc�.. ��!`-[. 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I 1� ��4f� � ii�? �'I��, .� ... .._._. _. .�.. , ,_ � � ..� �:� , -� ; '��__ ��- � ; ' : , � , � � �� �`; � � � �-� �� ���; - _ __.�.._.. - - .. cr, � �:�s�1�� .��r�;�'��i.� � .�t:�t u-rT ��;�� �v�rG� 2 �� r �..�Vta r_r�c az.w n::,•tTl.ia r.c+�- q�,� �.I L,!C�-fr�.-r^ ���. ���-C�Q��-C� •� Attachmer�t �C A A��hr��cturel'�Qnn'sr�g 'Wrr�N e�nAssc��i at�s AMeml�;rs nf tfi�: Am�ricar�]ns#xi�e oF prchitects Me�no �a: Town of Va i.l. • C[�r�m�ni��y Dev�elop�nen� pepartment From: B�11 H�in Wm .FFein A�sociates Date: Febru�ry �.2. 2008 � Subject; A�3di�ional Revisions . � Wt�st Uxp�.t - Two Fami3y Dup1�x 257Q Ba�.d Mountain Road Lot 33. Block 2, v�il VilZa+�e Fi�ing 13 ❑�11 r C[31o�adL7 Th� acct��np�rxying infarmation repr�sents adjustments tv th� prapos�� r�d��%gn for the rent��Iel c�� the abov� re�er'enced dupl��e unit _ Xssues of cancern r��,ating ta set�ksack conf�icts alvng th� w�st proper�y �.ine have been address�d and the �evi�ed plans �-�flect a �inimum amount c�� square foo�ag� tl-►at pro j ects �i ntc� the setback. T23 i s srna 11 encrQach�tent - X 3, 5 sq.�t.at bot'h the Main Level and the Upper Level , is needed ta allow a �.oqical conne�tion of �he exist�.ng �riit ta the existing garage. These adjustmer�ts ar�e in keep�ng with dzscussions cancerning the praject with Town sta��. The projec� redesi�gn includ�s �he foJ.low�ng: - Relo+�a�iare rf }.aundry tv ].aw�r l�vel - R�d�sign of master ba�h are� �t �pper level - Elimi.nat�an �£ prapQSed bedre�am s�ite abave g�z�age - Red�ction of height and mass o� area at, expanded ga�age -- rede�cing impact vn ad j acen� pro}aert ies - Significant retluction o� propcssed neor sqtuare: foata�� �'c�r the r�nit wi,th a minzmum propo�ed Y�eyond ��e se�b�ck line Alang with the abo^v� menti+oned a�justments. the foiloswin�r is a recap af th� ehanges to th� ea�fs�ing ur�it tY�at have alr�a�y been agr��ded to: - Redesi�n of exterz+�r to update and improv� an ald , tired 197f7 ' s st�ructure - l�em�ve ea�isting decks currently in� th� se�back a'� at the maiz7t lev�� � �fl�33 EasS A1�rrrs�eda De�ver.Cola�adcs 8�''�D9 3fl3�-722-�84(]1 fc�x 3U.3-b98-()66�.5 �, February 1�, 2(7Q8 Page Two - Remvv� svut�i facing deck off of the z�a��er, bedroom �t �he �tpper lev�� � - Replace the entire exter�or ffnish and r�aterials to t�te structure ta incl�ade s�uccar s�an� and Town acce�atab3e shingle roafing Additic�a�al�y. the �ollr�wing square. �ootage ad�ustazent appl�es. As �reviaus�y prtrposed � �.he amount- +�f added (new) square f�e� ori -the main level ��ta�,ed 17a sq.ft . of w�iich (+/-) 87sq.ft. wa� beyond �he setbac� li.n� and a t€�tal af fi�8 sq,ft. was �sropased at the upper level of �which (�f-) �fa2 wras in the setback. The current proposel ��duc�s t�ese nu�]aers signif_ ica�tly w�$th a main lev�?, tota�. af 1(]8 sq.ft. c�f whi�'h 13. 5 sq, �t. is in t�e setback. The upper level �cstal redUCes tr� Z� 1 sq.ft. wi�h 13.5 sq.f�. is beyrsn� the se�ba�k �in�. A tremendaus amount �f time has be�n invested to bring �1�is proje�t to t�is pQint , Numeraus mee�ings �rsth ad,�ac��t �wners ha�re resul.ted in �h�Yr support far the prr��ect. T�� unit awners appr�ciat� T�wn st�ff �fforts and time spent an t�eir behalf in helpi.n� with a dif��cult si�ua'�ican. Th� eanfc�rtu�.ate co�rditian tha� exi.sts with th� ar�ginal place�n�'�t of the structure �n the West s�tback cre�t�d problems for the awne�s and t�te Tc�wn ali�e. Hage�ully. a11. effar'�s tr� thi� paint can lead ta agre�ment, support and a�p�t�,val of a d�s3gn cc�ncept that wi�l benef�t �3.1 ccinc�rn�d. �, � � � ►4ttachment D �,3.h r:�-- � ��� r=�,+.+,.d��e• - � �,,� _ �� �� .�'r� �� �_� "_y;,y.,�, -..��_- � �_��-�^ �° �-� �� L.„*�'� �.}r~ _r� � . �. - - rr �r� �_ _ � �`r � •� rew rwnc � ----° � r�� [ttt.r ���,��,������ �� � -��t�,s�. y�� � , -- .�_ -- _ ._ « r �-' �-_ f�l �-� {{ I � �'�� �..,�- _ 1�.._�_ r .�_���:;�-.�� ---1 f��"`- -. - `�`-'�- _ Y .�,' � 1r�iylr. • E --�-.r�� �.� y�� �vrm.� � I�N� �� � / b� � '� � �'` 1� _' ueaa c'�a oE � r �. �I --� �' �`�4�:�...-��_�.r +Ir S : -._, ; (�`d'L.1�P l i-�._ _4�� ��� I yl „ �--- +h � � � �O-1�7�,•r_ �_� ' ���� _ �'rASriµ�� � .. •, f C+t��a . ,a Lf .y Ct1�u3rik YI++� ytNC.� �`4 i � '� `�`\ r' SFYLw�� I '�� .� � . . . . ._ . ._- -- _____ �� S�' NL2AE ��'�°F`�rF_�r' ._ . _..., . _ __' . . . . -. � � -'- . 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' . t4� � S 4 _ � � - ��_4 '�` i1-+l-��p6�r- �_ �� � � � �w _����— 1�_� �.vl� ' �wL k+�.hy `z��.T— -' l � ` __ �� . �� ��� ��y� � � .--:'�� �-- �'�' ,., - � Z:�c abs.r� t�x.a7tivr� �=.vs.r� �'wr�r ur�is) va��.,�.•�"�,t�, �Ir�7 . ix , � . � Vail Town Council Attac�tmen�: B THf� ITEM MAY EFF�CT lf'C�UR PRDPERT'Y PlJ'gLIC NC7TICE NOTlCE IS HEFt�B`Y GIV�hI that the Tawn Cauncil of�he Tow�r af 1Jail will hr�ld a public hearing in accardance with Sectior� 12-3-3, Vail Tawn Cocfe, c�n Tuesd�y, April �, 2[1[�8, a#f:UO PM in the Towr� of Vail Munici�af Buiiding, in cansideratic�n of: ITEMI7+OPIC: Ar�appeal, pursuant ta Sectian 12-3-3,Ap�eals, lfail Tawn Code, of the T"own aF Vail Plann�ng and r��1. Environment�l Commission's appraval c�f a variance request ffom 5ectinn 12-6C-6, Se#ba�ks,Vail �w ` Town Co�e, pursuant to ChaPter 1�-17, Variances, #r� allaw for an addition wi#hin t�te west sic�e ��,�t���� se#k�ack, located�t 2570 6�#d Mvuntain RaadlLat 33, Block 2,Vail Vi�kagpe Filing 13,and s�tting forth �`` details in r�gard thereto. (PECO�-0{�36} Appellant: Vail 7own Council , Pfann�r: Bill Gibsc�n The applic�tions ar�d information about the prvpasais are a�+ail�b3� for pubfic in�pection cturing regular office ho�rs at the Town of Vail Co�rn�snity Deve�apnnent ��partrrtent, 75 5outh �ront�ge Raad. T#�e public is i�v�ted to atte�d prajec���ientation and the site vi�its that preced�the public laearing in the Tovtirn�f Vai! Cammu�nity f3�aelo�rnent Department. Please call (97(?)4'79-2'i 38 for additianal informati�n, Sigr� languag�; i�tterpr�tatian is �vailable u��n requ�st wafh 24-�our notifrcation. F�ease call (9T0} 4r9-�356, Tel��hvne forthe Hearing Irnpairec�, f�r informatinrr. . � �� �� L� � �� � � r��� ��� � �t���� r����r� ,s, �ac�� -rc�wr� c�� �v��� Mayor ar�d Ccauncil Town Qf Vail 75 South Fron�age �oad V"ail, �Q 81557 R�; Variance A,ppli�tiQn fc�r 257� Bald Mauntain Road, lNest Unit G��r iVlayc�r�nci Gc�unc�i: In yaur cansid�ra#ion af th� v�ari�r�ce applicatidn noted abv�ve at yc�ur April 1�t meeting, please accept thi� as my su�part of this variance far aur neighbonc��o�. Thi� applic��inn ��r the West Unit c�f 257+� Bald Mour�tain Road was submitted by my neic�hbor, Ed Wifliams, for expansic�n from a one car c�arage to a two car gar�ge and tc� enclose the breezeway conn�ecting th� existing garag� t� t�� existing ur�it. W'E�i1e this addition Will encrc�ach into th�e setback, it W�II be in ke��ing with th�type of expansion which has b�er� com�letec! in #he n�ighbo�hovd in ger�eral and on the other half of the du�lex in �arkicular. Many ht�m�� in the neighb�rhaod already h�ve tw� car g�ra�es. Ed addre�sed any questi�ns 1 h�d, and I bel�eve this �r�riance w�ll nat constitute any specia! privilege f�r his unit. Uur prope�y ir�terests wilf not b� harm�d in any way by the pr�posed gar�ge expansion„ which has b�en design�d to mir�imize the visual imp�ct �n adjacent prop�rti�s. i ��li�ve this addi�ion w�ll mak�e th� property mc�re attrac�ive and, as �uch, a benefit to t�e nei�hborhoad. 1 a�preci�t� yc�ur nptic� �f my suppvrt in your cc�nsider�tiv� of the variance requ�st. Your u - P�. �i ger� 264� Bald Moun in Ra Vail, CO 818�7 cc: Georg� Ruth�er, Cammunity �3e�elapment Directnr ✓' JAI�11�S � ALEX�,�DF�A H[1.r. _I� ��-, ��; [I ';ur �� � 26�15 T�alc� M�r��r�t��in ����acj � ��'`�`� �-� f (�'�.�i Vt�il, (.:oloi`ado 41657 � Mai•cl� 19, 2�l[)R ��W��1 C�F V�l�. ��aypr and [_'E���n�i] T�a��,'�i c71 Vail 7� Sc�uth Front��L Ttn��l Vai�, �c�lnracl�� �IC��7 ��ir.� {rlc:sintile: 97f7-�7�-�10� �:e. W�st iJi�it, 2a7�D Bald :v1o�.��rtain R��4i�, Vari�ii��e �+pplicati�i� Deai- Ma4�nr anci (�'c�uncil: I ltincnv y�Qti r��ill b� ccs»sicicrin�� the ��ariance �3�.�}�Iication fa��tlx� �'4'cst L�nit ;�t "�57C] Ra1c1 Mc7ut�tain Raac� at }r��ur ��g�ril 1, ?UU� z��eeiii��, and T ar�7 �,��r�itin� iiz su���c�rt ��i th��t ap�lieat�t�n. 1���v nei�,���hc�x, Gc� �Tv'i�li�a��s, h�s �;ul�rllitt�d I�is v�ri�t�c� Zpplie�ti��z irt c�z•d�r tc�r ��cld E� aciciitiantil bay tc� i��s �,arag�, e�pa��cli�z+� it tz-or�z a one car �ara�� tU a t��F�3 car L��tr��ge, �nd tn enclasc th� exi�tin� �7reeze�,�,Fay ��liicl� e����i�eLlS the e�isti�l� �ara.�e tn tl��; 4:�istit�2 ut�it. 1-':i.i is s�ekin� a ��•i��c� ��ecs�us�; tl�c: ar�diti�i2 will e��c.rc�a�h ii�t��th� setbac:k. Ed at�d his arcl�itLct Rilf �Tei�z n�c� `yith ai�e �lua'ing tlic desia�a �rs�cess t:i� ira�;ure tha� rtny cjuestions c�r cc:�ncera�s a#�n�ine �.��er4 addr�sscd. ManV i�c�ir�es in the nei�;li�c�r9:i�c�c�, iilcl�t+�in� tlic e��t sic�e af� tl�c dui�lc�, alt�cac�y� h����� lu��} ct�r �ara�es. T11� e.x}�ansi�iZ of the existia��; �ar��e 4�i11 L}e in 1<�;�g�i�a ��it33 tl�e t}t�e of �:��ai�sit�n ti�hicl� h�� alrc;��G1y heen can��letec� an tlae oti7er half nf tlie p�aperty ai7ci in tlzc �tci�hhcrrhryc�c! irt ����Zer�l, anci ti�°ill �ar�t co�istiti�tc a s������1 �rivile�e fc�r �d ��4�i11's�n�'s �init. "l�lle pro�,os�� �x��atis�oF�� llas l�cer� �e�i�neci tr� �n�nimi�e tlz� ti=iswal i�7���act o�� adjac�t�t �rca�rerties, �nd o�u ��r��g�erty ii7t�3-�.�t� ��c�z�lt1 nc�� bc 1�as-t�ze�: ii� any 1��ay I�y t��e �a�-��i.�e exl�ai�sic�n. 1 C�er�fore, �e h��e tl��t y�u G��i�I gi•ai�t �d '��rilli�na's����riax��e t�quest. Res`'{��'`�etfu • J 'A � � � .���i1�S �. 1�1�� J�f2I-i!9 ai�l I �'�c�: Gecar��. Rut�ler, Cornzl�t�nity �e��elop�ne�tt Direct�r Pa�e 1 of� �� � Bill �ibson - Lyncis Adciifion � � � From: Itc�cky Cl�ristc�pher '�'c�; 13i11 Gi��c�r� Date: C1�IU 11?0(1#� l_(�$ i'M Su�jec#: Ly�leis Adclitie�n C'�:: lton 4Vallard , 'Tont I.yn�is Vail Town Cvuncil: The Christophers and tf�� Waflards, as adjacer�t property c�wr��rs tr� 257Q Vlfe�t Bald Mauntain RoadlLot 33, B1ack 2, Vail Village 1�th, apprc�ve of t�� pr�po��d ac�ditio� as s�f #ork#� En plar�s titled Exhibit ,�G'� Rs�cky Ghris#c�pher fi�e�llC::li�+acu�nents artd 5ettingsl�'�dministratnrlLocai SettingslTeTn�1XP�;rpwisc147F23 7,.. {�4I(111��C18 •�..�� r.sr+� t�t���a€�crn� c�t.� � �,.....�, �N�y�1�IQ�y� 'A9 u•.rKf, �/�!����f 4Y._J �F..,.� - �" � - ��� �.��� �3 � � �� L � �� �� ..� ' o I� ,'�, — --- _ _---_�--- —----_—� _ �, � � �.v� �� � — F���� j 4 d�M ' I� ..� M �� r �� � � ��� I --� (� �} E� f� LJ �� ' - . --- - r-- -- --- —� ` � I f � I � I � tl � I f yr'� � ��� � j I � � I � � E ' 1 � -— � � _ i 1 i I � 1 I f C I ! f � I I ._ � � I � , k . � I �� . � �,,c� ..��.. �'���� � f =_ =-- --_ -��.. _�- - }(� �� _ MS ��,r -�-� -�' ��-�- .� 1 � - -- — - ---� i � s i � � I � _-__�---� , — � � � � , � � � � �_-r ; __- � t � — ; _�� � � a _� � � � � � � � � � � u � . ; ' � t • -- � ti I ` _YUOlrlw�tl CJ�✓'A � '+� �'ff V4TY �«Q :Aq Mf4�+Y� I �]��+1� /� ` L y1 ;i(q.lrriahyry f T IJ�II ll =uN x�el�e�atl .. �., -^�.--^!�. .. �-_ � ��� ��� _,�.. 1. �r� � �.. �� - � � ��, � � _. � �� ' �---� =-.__r ._ ..- -- -- - - _ - --- r.--�- - ---- - - � - _ �' � �-` , --�� � -- � � � � � i� _ - � � - .�-�- � ' � .,_ � ' �+ 7 � � I, �.� .•'W�� T.'.. x-..4� �� i � —- �--. .��1ppp .--r . � i ,F� .,{ ��.�{�}� ! , � � r-j` , � � � � -- — i�.. 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Y � � � � r � � - ; : - � - _ ; � � � � � �. � � � Vail Town +Gauncil Attachment: �3 THIS i7�M MAY EFFECT YOUFt PRQPERTY PUE3LfG NQTIC� NaTICE IS H�R�BY G{VE�! that the Tawn Councii flf th� Town af I,+aii wil8 Y�old a p�a�lic hearing 'rn accc�rdanc� with Sectia� '!2-3-3, V�il Tr�w� Code, on Tuesday, A�ril 1, ��1��, at fi.OQ PM ir� the Town �f hlail Municipal Building, in co�5ide��tion af: fT�IVIfT(�P�C: An a�peal, p�rsuan#to Se�tion 1�-3-3,,�pp�als,Vail Tawn Gvd�, o€the Town of Vail Planr�ing and � �� Environm�nta€ Commission's apprQVal of a�ariance requestfrom Secti�on 'f2-�C-�, Setbacks>Vail �+'� ���;� Towr� Cade, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, '�Jaria�nces, to allaw '�or an add�tian within the west side �.����� setb�ek, Ivcated at 2�7D Bald Mauntain RoadlLat 33, Bloc�t 2,Vail Village�iling 13, and�efting forth +� details in regard thereto. {P�CQ7-(�(}3Fa} Appellar�t: Vaif Town Council , Pl�nn�r: BiJ� �ibsan The applicatit�ns artd informatian about the propasals are av�ilabie for publNC tnsp�c#ior� during regular�ffic� h[�urs at the Town of Vail Community De�veIapment De�aartmer�t, 75 South Fr�ntage Road. The pu�lic is inrrited to attend project orientation and the site �risits ihat precede the publi� h�aring in the Town of Vaii Gommun'rty C�e�el�pn��nt Qepa�tmer�t. Please call (97fl} 479��138 far �ddittonal irifr�rmat�on. Sign lan��ag�e interpretation is available upt�n re�uest with 24-hour rtoti�cation. Please call ��7{]} 479-2356, Telephac�ne for the Hearing Imp�ired, for infarma�ion. ' � ��� -1 � • ��a��� , �� ���I:w� ���� ��' � �o � � � � ���1 � � �� � �+� ���e� ���s��: �t.� �� ��. Ap�e�ls �arm ���. �� {3zpartment of C�mmunity[?evelvpment -i"ht ���`��, 75 S[�ut��runtags Road.,Vd61.C.�loradv�1557 k�1:97i].9T9.�139 (�x: 970.R79.��}SZ web: �ilr,ov c, o_m �enaral tnforrnativn: Thls forrn Ys rec�uir�d far filing an app0ai a(a Sta�f,i3esigr�Review Bc�ard,vr Planning and EnwrevnmentaM Commisskxti acUonfde[ision• A complete farnn and a�sociated reyuirements must be submitted to ttie Gar�munity bevelopsnent Depardttent within twenty(dp)ealendar days pf the d�syuted activnJdecision, Flt�ivn/G+ec�sion beirtg appealed; Denial 4f PECp70Q3& "Williaa�a Variance" tv a11ow constxuction �f impaeo�ementa and additivns in tbe westcrly e#de �, 6eihaek. Dateof AGtfon,�Redsian: Naveart�er i 2, 2iTU 7 Baard or StaTT per,�v�ree�'ing acQvnldeClslon; �'�$��ing 6 Envi�anmant Commis8ian Qaes�is appeal imroh�a�speeific par�ael M lanrl LY� 4�) I�'yes,ara you an ad�aernt propert�owner7 tre�) (no kam�of Appellant(4)� Ecidie D. Williams �a���Ttig 14d�['qt55: 77 'n7_o .]�ih �Y'IVP� T�P74'VPTF GO 807(19 ���. 343--&b6�i}$Q� Physlcal A�ddress ln Vail: 2570 Bald �lvvnt8in Road 4egal[7escriQxFan vf Appellant(s)Prv in lfall; Lot���BEcfcic:� 5ubdlvis�vn.�'ail village Ff�ing 13 Appellant(s)5{gnature(s); [Attach a 19st nf s�gnatures if more space is reyurr�cfj. submitta�Ke+quirementa: 1. C1n a separate sheek�r sep�r�te sh�ets t�i papP�, prawde a det�a�fed explanativn of how you are an "aggrteved of adversely affected persvn". F. On a s�rate sheet or separaEe sheek�of paper, speci€y the precise n�ature o� the appeal. Please dte spec+fi�cade seCUans haviny rel�eva�e to t�e action heFng appeafed. 3. Prwide a listi aF nam�s and�ddresse5{I�qt�+�nashny an�physical addresses in Vadl�of all nwners o� property who �re the suh�ect af [he appea� and ali adjacen[ prvperty awners (+r,duding owneos whqse prapprtips $re s�par�ted fram khe 5ub�eci[ prvperty by a nght-of-way, si�eam, vr oth�' Intervening barrier}. 4. Pr�rvide st�mped,addressed envHapes tor e�h property gwner Ikst�d fn(3.}. Pt FA5�SSfBh1tY THES f{7RM AtVQ All SU@N4TT7AL RE(jUiREMEN75 TO: T(?WN QFVIUL,#IEPARTMENT 4FCC7MMUN]'ll"D�t+F1pPMgNT, 75 5C7U�t FRC}I'�TAGE R�AD,VAi�,COLOfdAaO 81fs57. For b111ca Use Only: patt ReceNed: Act►uxy No.: Plannrs: �. Pr4�eCt No.: F:1�'1F�7Rk51pERt�rTrS1PI�renmgVlA7��Rl'�eals.dx —1�-��rn=.._ — -. � � _ � F �_ ,�i. � . � ��. { i;+ _. _ I ui ; �EC 0 � 20(�7 � T�''V�N C7 F VA I L o � � � �v � ow �us � n� Deeernl�er 3��Q�7 KATHERIHE E IVERSQN 303 575 7578 KIVER$pN��QTTEN1pHNSOH CPM V1A HAi�U C]ELIVEAY C]epartm�ent of Can�sl�unity Qevelapment 75 5vuth Frvnta�;e }�c��d V�i I Caloradu, S i b57 Ae: L7enia! caf Ap�licatian� P�C[?7Q036,.`Williarn�Variar�ce'� [3ire�tur of Commun€ty aevelr��amenF: P am writ�ng on behaifafmy client, �c�c�ie Wifiiams,to appcal the Planningand Envirvnmcntal�ommissic►n's ("PEC"}N�vernber 12,2�47 e�ecisiv�i denyin��pplication F'E�'U70f136, thC"Williams Variance"{the `.�PPlicatic�n"}pkirsuant �o Scetian l"�-3-3 uf the T�wn of5Jai1 �9unicipa! C:oci�{Che"Code"). The A�aplication rec}uesteci �variance to allc�r�v a�exga�ssiun uf an exisiing gara�e within the side sefba�k. This ap�al is fiied withir�twenry {2Q)days aft��e �'�C's fin�l decision pursuant t��'osit; SNCtion 1?-3-3(C)(3). �s�die Will�ams is Ct�e applicant and 17as starodin�tc�appeal the PE�C's deLiSion �ursu�nt[0 1�'.-3-3(C}(?}, l�r'e request that the Application,the t7epartment of Cnn�n�unity �e�velnpment's NoWerr�her 12,2Q07 sne�t�c�randum reec�mmending approtral with co�ditions,incfuding a�k refer�nced Attachments,anc3 the tr�nscripc of tlae I3iowember I2,20D7 PEC hearing be made part of thg record fnr the�'own Council's revdew. "I"he App[icant is filing this��apeal to preserra�his rights unc#er the Cvde vahile he re�iews the feasibility of' pursuin;�alterr�ative proposals. 5incerely, � .��.�', Katherine �. lversc�n fpr the Firrn KEllkei cc: Eddie Wiiliams, E3ill l➢eitt �o�,�a i w5r. srvf�;rFf!+1'•; ..'Fr" � .,4,�1� lc.,�. ^el.vfC• r;e:nv�.r�; a�?:?? p: ,ps 7�?_ d.ti,�: � r:.�, o^%: f'.. .+; f,t�rr,... �rJ:,nn^:]ra I}EHYE4 ASPtN 5"E4M90A1 Sf�RIHC3S j Hila H�in 3�3-69s-�ss� p.� � Adja�ent Property Own�rs 2570 Ba�d Mountain �aad � vai1, Col�rada 91657 � � � � � � � � � � � o � � .� � ���v������� � � s � � � � � ° �. v � � , _ . �. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Q } � � � � � � � - � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �9 � � � � � °° � � �t7 ca � � � � � � � � � m � � 91 � � � 0. �' � � V � e�i � R�F lr � � �i � � o�i tV � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � _ � � . � � � � . � � 6 � � � � � � � � � � �' � � � r� � ^ *' �, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,� � � � � � � mm ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � g � b � � � � �. n � � �° i� !� � � N � .., w iG p � �� � W � 4f � � � � � � � � � � 1r N � ,� P4 '*-� � � ,� � � _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � t s . � � � � � � .. ,� � v � �' � � � � � � � us � ,� � � � � . � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . . TH15 ITEM MAY ���ECT Y+DUR PRf�PERTY PU�L1C �1CaTICE Nt�TICE iS HER�BY �IVE�1 that t�re T�wn �vuncil of�h�e Town af Vail will hold � p�bf�c hearing in accordance with Sec��4n 12-3-3, Vail Tawn Cod�, Qn Tu�sday, Ja�nuary 8, 20Q8, at fi:��Q PM ir� tf�e T�wn nf Vail Municipal Building, in consi�ieration af: ITEMfTC7PIC: an app���, pursuant tr�Section 12-3-3,Appeals, Vail Tr�wn Cade, of the Town nf Vail Planning and �1,� En�rironrnen�al Gorr�rnissian"s denial of a variance rer�ues# from Sec#ion 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vai! � ��� T�wn Cod�, pursuant to �hapte� 12-17, Variances, ta allow for an adcfition within the w�si side ��, set�aack, Nocate�#�t 257�Baid Mvuntair� Roac�I�.c�t 33, Blocl�2,Vai!Village F�li�t� �3, and settirtg forth detai�s in reg�r� #hereta. �F'EC07-003�) Appellant: Eddie d. Williams, represenfed by Bill Hein Plarrn��: Bill Gibsar� An appe�l, pursuant to 5eeti�rn 1�-3-3,Appe�ls,V�if Town Cade, of the Town of Vail P�an�ing �nd �r�vironrner�tal Cvmmi�siQn's appraval vf a reques# fr�r a fina! review c�f a conditi4nal use perrnit, pursu�nt to Section �2-7H-�, Permitte�i and Conditional Uses, Second Flc�ar and Ahaue, Vail Tawn Cac��, ta allow for a �+us�ness office (r�al estate 4ffi�ce} located at 71�Vllest Lionst�ead Circl� (V�il Marr�oi#Mouniair� Resort and Spa)ILat 1, W�st Day Subdi�ision, an�d setti�g �orth d��ails in regard t�eretc�. �F'�C07-tlt?�65} Ap�ellant: aiamcrnd RDCk Hospit�lity C�mpany, repr�:sented by Roberk Foss Plann�r: Ni��le Pe#erson The applications and infvrmation abc��t the propos�ls are available #or puE�fi� insp�etion during regular af6ice haurs at the Town c�f V�il Community Qeveiopment Depar�m�nt, 75 5o�ath Frantage Road. The public is invited to att�ncd project ori�nt�tion an�i th� site �isits th�# precede the pu�lic hearing in the 7own of Vail �ammunity Developrnent �epartment. Please calC {9TD}479-2138�ar additivnal inforrnation. Sign I�nguag� ir�terpretatian ds aVailahle upvn request with 24-�vur nvtificatic�n. F'lease cal4 (97C}} 479-235�, Telephe�ne for the He�ring Irnpairec6, for infarm�tion, DecrtU-OT D5:02pm Frvm-OTTE� �QHNSO� ROBINS�N MEFF � RAGONE�TI 9Q3 B�5 6525 T-95� P-OOtlD02 F-239 4 OTTE � JC� HNSC� N P�S;;�d��� ���E�F : f��G�l±'� i:�Ti I]eeembeP 20,�flOT �++Tw�Rero�� ivE�sow 303 575 7571t KtVERSQN�pTT5N�4NNSQ3N.CtIM •�1�L��' —'��0'''�I'����'+��� }�1�1'�j I�}$Oii L7��parrmenit af Commu�iry�+erralopm�r�� 75 5our}r Frpnta�e Rvad Vai1 Caloradv, S 1657 Re: Appticatian#�'�C07t1�36,"W illi;�rrtis Vari�nce„ }�ear Mr. Gibs�rn. I am writir��,an F�e#�a�f vf my client, Edctir V41iIlianis r�garding vur I�ecem��r 3.�OU7 requ�st f`vr app+�al caftF�e Planning arYd�n�riranmental Cotnmissi�n°s{.`PEC°')Nc��rerrabe� I�,24�7 c�ccisavn denying ap�plication PEC47[D036,rh�"Williams 1,Iariance"{�he"A,���icatior�"}. V4'�Fled th��Fpeal pursuanF to S�ction I2-3-3 [�f the Tvwn af Wa�il Mvnic�pal Code{th��`Cod�")to allow Mr. W��liams to preS�rve i1�5 righ�s ui�d��the Code while he rev�iews the implications of purs�.ing aliernati��prc�ppsals. 7he Towr, Cvuncii h€as ct�rr�nt�y scheduicd �,heari�g far th�appeal on Jarruary 8,2Q07. Mc.Williams is ir�th�pr�cess Qf investiga�ng the feasibility of ot�er prapass�ls,arad I am vvriiin�ta r�quest a cc�niinuance until th�s�cnnd mee�ir��in�ebruary ir� vrder t� allaw Mr. Williarr�s additia�al Eimc to �ather infc�rmaYi�n_ I'�]+'pLl�18V4 8fly C�C317GBP115��JQld1:D11T f��lk�Si, pl���c. Ceel fre�tra e�n�c'#me a#303-575-7578. aincerely, .�"'' Katherine E. Ivcrson for tt�e Ftrn� KEIlkei c�: Eddie Wilfiams(ewiliiams[r�wellbridge.c�m�: f3ill Hei�r 8'r❑ 1�VFryT(CNTN 5PRf�Y �UIT� !0(10 iJ[i4YlE' CQIt1P11!II �ip��J2 P 383 q25 �hd� F 3Cs3 Rc5 8f>2� W qTTFNlAisda30r..Cn�+ rIn393I OENVEi! �SPEN �T€Alag44r SP�IkGS M � 1• �� � � �� MEI'wA(3RANDUM ��I .�� � . ! TO: Planning an� �nvirar�men#al Cornmissivn �s�,�� �,��'� � FROM: Comrnunity �evelop�ent C]e�arkment �(��lc � DAT�: hlov�mbez 12, 2p�}7 va#� �►°t�—G SUBJECT: A r�quest �or � �ir�al r��iew r�f a �ariance from 5ectian 12-6C-�, ,�etbae�cs, Va�l �'own Code, pursu�nt to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to all�w for an �dditivra within the west side setback, Ic�cated at 257Q Balc� Moun#a�n RoadlLot �3, Black 2, Uaii Village Filing 13, ar�d setting farth cEe#aiks in regard thereto. (PECQ7-D(}36} Applicant: Ed 1Ni��rams, repre�entec� �y William Hern Associates Planner: Bill +Gi�son I. SUA�IMAF�Y The Appficant, 5VlI c1� �d Willi�ans, represented by Bill H�ein Associat�s„ is reque�t�ng a #ina# review af a variance �rom Sectic�n 1�-��-6, Set�aGks, Vai1 Town Cvde, purs�ant to Chapter 12-17, Var�ance�, to allow ar� additio€� within th� west s�de setback, I�cat�� al 2570 Bald Mou�ntain F�oadlLot 33, glock 2, Vaif Village Fili�g 13, and settir�g forth de�ails in regard thereta. Sased espon Staf#'s r�view af th� cri#�ria o�tlined in S�ctic�ra Vfl a�this memorartdum and the ��vidence and testamony presenk�d, the Community Develflpment department recommerads appra�ral, with c�+�di#ivns, of this app�ic�tian, subject #� the fiirrdings noteci in SeC#io�r Vfil of this rriemorandurx�. if. C]ESCR[PTIOM �OF R�C,�U�ST The Applicant, SV�I clo Ed Vllifiiarns, represented k�y Bill Hein Associa�es, is �rQposing a rencrvation af the west duplex uni# at 2570 Bald Mot�ntain Road. The rena�ra�io� �vil� ira��ude t�re construction af a 293 sq.�t. g�rage addition (expanding from ane bay #o �wo) on t�e nvrth s�de of th� struct�re, an 882 sq,ft. entr}r and n}aster ba#h addition (enelosing #h� b�eezeway between the �xisting i�ause and th� existing �garage}, a�rd a 668 sq.ft. sec��d stary b��iroom �nd bathroom additic�n {located abov�e the existing and pro�osed garage spaces and breezeway enclosure). The majari#y t�# thes� improveme�#s a�e Ic�cated within the required 1�foot wes# side s�tback. A v�cinity �ap (AttaGhm�n# A}, th� Applicant's re�uest �Attachment B}, a 1e�ter fram t�e adjacent praperty �wn�rs {Attacl�ment C}, archive file sit� �lans {Attachme�t I]) and th� praposed architecturaf p�ans (Attacf�ment E} are attached for re�erence. 1l1. BACKGR�UND The subjee# prc�p��ty was annexed inta the Tvwr� of Vail in �97� ��d su�ad'rvided with Tawn vf Vaif apprvval in 1�76. 1 { }ti 4': �-a�,�fij� .�+e � � �. ♦ �"+, , . t�` In 1�7'8� the or�ginal dev�laper o4�tained Town of Vaif d�sign re►riew appraval �nd a building perrr�it to co�nstruct t�e existing duplex. Ti he originally �pprQVed building p�r�mit plans show that the dup8ex w�s t� �e constructed 1� feet from th� west praperty baund�ry. In 1981, the Tr�wrt of Vail appraved an ad�litian tv the residence based upon the origina� site plan inform�t�ara. !n 1982, altarneys representing the awners of the �d�acent Lot 34 s�nt a I�tter ta the Town of Vail indicating that the s�bj�ct du�f�x was not �rigin�lly constructed in its ap�roved lacatie�n. The letter also nvted t�tat the app�'vv�� 19$2 �dditic�n was actually being cvns#ruc#ed on the adjacer�t Lot 34, ratFt�r thar� on the subject site. Th�re is a hand written nat� flr� �he �I� capy af that I�et�er that reads: "Resalutron was errcraa�hing was removed.,' A copy a€ a 19�Q 9mprovetrnent Locatior� Certific�te (lL.C) s�owing t�e true Ic�cation af the subject duplex wvas s�rbmitted i�n a 2Q0� letter tv the Tawn �f Vail. �ased upor� this ILC, the subjec� du�lex was car�structed within th� west sid� s�tback and has been encroaching upnn #he adjacent neighbor's prcaperty far at �east �7 years. I� �g92, th� east unit c�� the subject dup4ex obtained Town of Vaif approval tr enclose t#�e breezeway ariginal8y �epa��ting the t�o��e ancf garage. En 200', the ea�t �a�nit abtained Town of Vail �ppro�rals �ar a new er�try awr�ing. IV. APPLICABLE PL.A"��!lNING Ot]CUMENTS 5taff befi�ves tha# the foldawirag prv�isivns of the Vail Tawn Code are refev�nt ta �he review of thi� �raposal: T1TLE �2: ZiJNING REG�LA`�lUNS Articfe 12-6a: Tvuo-Farnily Primaryf5ecos�dary Residential (PJS) District {i� park� 92-6D-9: PURPOSE: 7he two-lamily ,�rimary/secorr�`ary resiclentiad district rs rnt�rrcf�d ��a prr�vir�e si�es for sin�le-family resicienfial u�es or [wc�-famrly resfrl�ntial uses in which on� unif is � l�rger primary resid�nce ar�d t,�e secc�nd t�ni# is a �►��rr�►- c��-er��cer a�a�rm��r, fvgefher wrth suctr pubfre faciJr�ies as may appropri�t�ly be ra�cated in �he same zor�� district. The twafamily pr�m�rylsecondary resrdential disf,�icf rs rr�tended tQ er�sure ad�quat� }ighf, �ir, prrvaey and vpen sp�ce for��ch duveflrrrg, �ommer�surate with sir��rle- farnily and fwo-famrly sccupancy, arrd to maint�in the d�sirable r�sidentiad qualities c�f such sites by esta6li��r�r�g appraptrafe si�e d�velopmen� ' standards. ��-sn-s: s�����r�$ In the primarylsecvndary resrdential disFrict, 1�r� minimum front setback shaJf b� twenty feet (2�`}, the mirrrmum ,sr'�de setback sna11 be fifteen fee� {t5), �t�d the mrnimum rear sef�ack shal!be fifte�n feet(�5'). Chapter �2-17: Variances (in par�} �2-17-�: Ptlr,pose: A. Reasans for Seekrng Varr`ar+��: !r� ord�r to prev�n# or to l�SSen suc�r pracfrcad difficul�ies ancJ ur�necessary physicaf harciships incvnsistenf wlfh #he abjecfives caf Z fhis fitle as wo�ld resulf frorn strict or litera! in�erpretafion and enforcemerrt, ' varrances fram certain regulatrarrs may �� grar�ted. A practicaf difficctl�y or unnecessary physr'cal hara�sf,ip may r�su!#frorn the srze, shape, or dimensic�ns of a sit� r�r the facatiorr of existfr�g s�ructures th�reon, from fopagrap,�rc or{�hysrcal conditrans t�n f}te �if� ar in the immedi�te vrcinity; or frorrr c�tfter physic�l lirrtitations, stre�et laeafrvns or conditrons in the i,mrraediat� vicirrify. Cast o�r ir�cc�nvenrerace ta the applicanf r�f sfrJct vr fr'�era1 car�p�iance with a regula�ic�n si3�f1 r�nt be a r�ason for granting�a v�riar�ce. Chapter 12-18: Non�vnforming Sites, Uses, Structures ar�d Site �mpravements 1�-]8-1-F'urpase Thr'.� chapter is intend�;�' tr� limif the nu,mber and exfer+f of noncQnfarmrng uses ant� sfrt�ctcrr�s by prvhibl�rng or fimifir�g their en�arg�ement, their re�stab�ishrrrerrt a�f�r abanrl�r�rr3�rtf anc� their resfora�ion afler st�bsfar�tr'aJ desfructir�r�. While permiftirrg r�onconformrng use�, strc�ctur�s, and rmprc�v�me��ts tc� cvntr'nue, thr,� cha,ater is ii�tended ta firr►rt �,n1a�'gemenf, altera�ion, F�3tQ1*c'?1�FOf7, or replacemer�f which vvoc�Jd inc�reas� �h� dis�repancy betvveen exisfit�g �an�lifir�n� ana� the develvpmen�s��n�iards prescribed by rhis �if1e. Gl�ap#�r 1�-18-2: Cantinuar�ce lVorreanformrng si�es, us�s, sfrucfures, �rrrl si#� irnprov�merats lawiully �'S�BI�IfSFT�t� �QFI'Or to the �ff�CPrv�� t�af� hereof ,may canfinue, subj�ct �c� fhe !r"mitafit�ns prescrrb�rf rn �his c�hapfer. Sites, r�s�s, structures, and srt� rmprr�vemenEs lawfully authc�rizecl t�y permrts or reguF�tinn� exrstrng prior ta fh� ��'ectrv� d�te hereof may contir�U�, st�bject to su�h Irrnifafic�ns as prescrit�ed by suc+h permrfs ar regula�icarts. V. SITE A�ALYS15 Address: 2570 Bald Ma�ntain R��d Legal Qescri�tion: �.a� 3�, Blvck 2, V�il Vii�age �iling �l3 Zoning: Ti«va-�amiiy F2esicientia� Dis#rict �and Use P1�n Dessgnatir�n: Low De�saty Residential Current Land Use: dupl�x l.at Siz�: 46,4$3 st�. ft. (1.Ofi7 ac�es} Hazarc�s: Mvderate Hazard Debris Flow Standarc� AllowedlR�Auired Existin Propasec4 Setbacks �min): Fr�nt: 29 ff. 45 f#_ �5 fk. West Side '15 ft. 0 ft. 4 ft. [additional encrc�achments) East Side �5�t. 4{7 #t. nr� chanc�� Rear: 15�t, '3 8� ft. no �hange �RFA (rnax): 5,��s ��. �. �,z�� s�. tt. �,2a� s�. �t. West l�nit: rrfa 2,806 sq.ft. 3,756 sq.ft. East Un�t: nla �,449 sq.ft. no ch�nge �ite cc�verage (m�x.}: 9,297 sq. ft. (�0�°/0) 3,?6A� sq. ft. (S°/�) 4,105 sq. ft. �'�°/�} 3 L�ndscape (min.): 27,89� sq. f�. {6Q°/a} 38,494sq. fit. [83%0) �8,278 sq. ft. (�2°/0) Parking 6 8 {3 encEosed} 9 {4 enclosed� Vlfesf �1nit: 3 4 {1 enclas�d) 5 42 �nclos�d} East L�nit: 3 � {2 en�l�sed} n� cha�rge VI. SURRQUfVDiNG LA�JD USES A�Nd ZONlMG �xistinc� Use �Dr�inq Narkk�: Resider�tia� Two-Family Res�d�:ntial �istrr�t South: Upen S�race t3utdoor I�ecreatia�n Di�#rict �ast: �esidential Tw+�-Family Re�idential Districf We�t: Fiesidential Two-Family Resider�tial Distrdct VCL �CRiTER1A AN� �IN�Ih1GS Th� revi�w criteria fit�r a rer��est c�f t�i� n�tur� �re established by Chap#�� 12-1 fi, 1Jail Tow�n Code. A. Cc�nsideration c�f �ac#ars (�eqardincp Vari�nces; 1, The reFa#ionship of the req�aested �variance tv u#her exi�ting or pvtenti�i use� and structures 'rn th�vicinity. Th� existing duplex structure was �of car�structed in �ts �p�rr��ed �€�catian, and dae� nat conforrn ta th� minimrum 1� foot w�st side setba�k requir�rrsents. The existing s#ru�te�r� was not l�w�u11y established in its existing loca#i�r�, thus the stru+cture is na# °`legally n�n-c�anfarming" in regard to the T�wr�'s sett�a�cl� requir�rnet�ts. Staff belge►r�s the prc�pos�e�d encfasure afi the �xisting bree��way and the pro�os�d �arag� �xpansion furth�r the T"own"s developmer�t �bjectives o� creating enclt�sed park�ng and connecting r�sidenc�s with their associated garages to create single unified str��ctures. Hrswerrer, 5ta�f do�s nat beli�ve the prvposed cs�nstruction of a secvnd stvry bedroam addition above t�e g�rage furthers any such de��lvprnent a�bjectiv�5. Th� neigh+bcaring duplex, Eocated tfl the we�1 at 2550 Bald Mc�untain Rnad, is �ited further duwnhifl �50Ut�,� �`fm�tl gald Mgunta�n R�,ad tha� th� applicant's duplex. Th� neighb�ring �rap�rty alsv includes m�ture trees and subst�r�tial I�ncfsca��ng dir+�c#ly adjacent tc� the appli�an#'s pro�osed additions. Therefc�re, Staf# beli�r�es #he prQpasec! breezeway e�closure �nd garag� �xpans�on wifl have only min�r impacts t� t�e existing and potenti�4 uses and sfr�ctures in the �icinity in cc�mparisc�� ta existing Ctar�ditians. Howev�r, Staff believes the propc�sed second stvry �edroam addit6oe� does �ot further any Town d�velc�pme�rt ob���ctive a�d will haue a sigrrificant effect on the exi�tin� ar potentia6 uses ar�d sfructur�s in the vicinity compar�d �e� exist�ng cortdrtiQns. 4 The owners �fi the neighboring duglex at 2��{l 6ald Mvur�tain Raad have st�bmitfed a letter 4f suppa�#for th� Applicant's prapvsal (Attachment �}. 2. The d�gree tn which relief from the strict and literal 'rrtter�retatian and �nforcem��t of a �pecified regulation i� r��c�ssary to �chieVe compatibility anci unifarmi#y af trea�r�rent a�m�ang sit�s in t�� vi�inity vr tt� �ttain the ab�ecti��s vf tF�is t��le withaut a grant af special prirril�ge. Th� Planning and Enr�iror�mer�tal Cc�rnrnkssion has car�sis�ently grar�ted setbacic varianc�s far new garag� additions ta hornes that were vriginalfy constr�acted without g�ra�ges vr with inadequ�te g�rag�s, si�ce t�e construction of a garage further� �he Town's �levelc�pm�nt goals and obje�t�ves relat�d ta traffic ar�d par#cir�g. Th� Plann�ng and Enviranmental Corrrmission c�fte�t found that the loe�ti+�n �f these hflmes vr� th�ir sit�s createc� �rardsFrips warranting a variance, Th�r�;fo��, Sta�F sup}�c�rts t�re �constr�ction c�f a garage additiors wst��n the west s�fback tc� allow t��: Applicant to expand t€�e c�arage sirni[ar �a khe east unit of this dupiex and ather sites in th�vicir�ity �nd within the Twa-F�mily Residential District. The Vail Town �c�de requires d�plex resid�nces �a be physically cor�n�cted #o their assaciafed garages ta create a single, ur�ified structz�re. 7he A�plicant`s propasal ta �ncl�se t�� existing bree�eway ta conne�t the existing reside�ce and garage achie�es this Town develo�ment ahje�ct. in 1992, the €�ast u�it of this dupl�x �n�l�s�d #he original breezeway separatir�g t�aat unit from its gar�ge. Staff belieues the ap�licant sho�ul�1 be afforded tf�e sarne opportunity. T�erefore, Sta�f supparts t#�� canstruction �f an addition withi� the west setback t� enclose t�eir bree�ervay similar to the east unit. The applicant is p�0�Jfl51il� a sec4r�d stary t��:drvam and bat�room �dditian a�bov�� the expanded garag� and bre�zeway enclasure. S�aff believes this secand story additson exceeds the rninimum degre� of relief n�:cessary for the A;�plicant to achie�re campatibility and �nifc�rrr:ity of treatme�t �mnng si#es in the�icinity. Staif ds�es nat believe the pr�sposed 5ECOII�CI story additian f�rthers t�re Tpwn's cievelpprn�nt objectic�s�s. Staff t�elie�es ti�e prapos�d second st�ry additi�n wiil have increased impaet� tv th� adja�ent pr�perties aver a single �tp�+ garage �dditir�n. Since th�; �xist�n� duplex struct�re was no# constructed i� its appraved location, �t wa� �herefore nc�t lawfully estabfished in its existing location and the �tructur� is na# "legally nQn-canfr�rming" in regard to the TQwn's setback req�iremer�ts. There�or�, Staff believes the gr�ntir�g of a variance fQr the sec+�nd stary bedrvam additi[�n would be a grant af sp�cial pr�vilege. 3. TNe effect of xhe requeste� �arianE�e on iight and air, distributi�n of papulativn, transp�rt:ativn ar�d traffic f�CII1�1�25, �.]UI3IFC faciCrties and utilities, and pubiic safety. S Staff daes r�vt �Sefieve this pr�pc�sal will have a significanf impact �n the public health, safety or uvelf�r�, public f�cifities, ar utilities in camparisc�n t❑ existin� conditians of the site. Hcswerrer, St�f�does belie�+e the secand story addi#i�n el�men� of this applicatron will have a nega#iv�e affect �r+ light and air, and will creat� additiona! visuaf impacts tiu� to adjacent prap�rties d�e ta i#s clase pr4xirnity to the praperty l�c��ndaries. 4. S�uctr other factt�rs and criteria as the cammission deerr�s applica�le tn the propc�sed variance. Th� �x€st�n� d��lex structure was cc��tstr�cted under Town af Va�l jurisdicti�r� and was nof apprr�ver� to be �anstruc#ed in dts present lvcatian, As shown on the original building permit plans„ the suf�ject �duplex was approved t� b� I�cated 'Efi feet inside the west prcaperty boundary. Th�refare, the �xisting structure was nnt Iawfully estalalished in its existing Ivca#i�sn and the struc#�re is r�o# "legally rron-conforrrEing" in regard tc� th�T4wn's setback requiremerats. V111. STAF� RECOMM�ND►t#TION TF�e Community a�velr�pme�# Department recomm�ends apprarraf, uvith c�n�lit�ons, vf � frnal re�riew of a variance from Section 92-6C-�, Setbacks, Vaif Town Ccade, pursuant ta �#�apter 12-'17, Variances, to alfaw for ar� additiQn within the wes# side setb�ck, �ocated at 2�70 Baltf Mour�#a�n RoadfLo� 33, 8d�a�k 2, Vail Vill�ge Fi�snc� 13, and s�tting forth d�t�ils in regard theretQ. Thi� recommencfation is based upc�n the review c�f the criteria rauf�ined in Sectivn Vlf vf t�ti� �emorar�durn and the eVidenGe and testimany presented. Sho�ld the Plann�ng a�d Er�viranmental CQenmissi4n choose ta apprvve thi� varian�e re4uest wit� conditio�ts, the C4mmunity Dev�elopmer�t Departmerrt r�cc�mmends the CommissiQn pass the ft�Ekowirtg motit�n: "The Planrrirag and �rsviron+rnenfaf Commission appraues #h� apy�lican�'s reqcresf far a variance frcrrr� Sectio,� ?2-6C-6, Sefbacks, l/ail Town Code, pursuant to CFrapter 92-77, Variar�c�s, ta �Flow fvr an a�fditic�rr wi�hr'r� fhe w�st si�fe sefbaek, I�cat�d af 2570 Bafd Mc�untain Raar1/L�# 33, 8lryck 2, L'arJ Vilfage Fifirrg 13, ar�d scfting fc�rfh det�ils ir�regard t,heretc�, sub}ecf fv the fo!lowrng condi�ior�s: i. �his setback variance apprava� �half orrly apply �c� the pr+�ptased second gara�e bay additron ar�d f,�e encic�sure of the existrng breez�v�ray �e�aaraCing the hr�use and garage. This s�tback varr'ance approval does rraf apply fo the pr+�pased secand sfory ad�litian.'" Should the Planning and �r�virc�rtmental Cc�mmission �hr��ase tc� approve thi� va�ian�e request with condit�c�ns, the �ommunity Develv�meni Gepartment recommen�s the Comrriiss�o� makes th� following find�ngs based upon a review of Section VII Qf th� Staff's I��ve�ber 12, 2{1�J7, m�mvrandurn tc+ the Plannir�g and Environme�t�l Commiss�vr�, a�nd the evfdence and testimany presenfed: 6 "The Pla+�nin�and EnvrronrnenFal �amnrrssron frnds: ?. Th� grar�[ing v��hr� variarr�e, wrtt� �onelrCr�arrs, will ncrf con�titute a gr�r�trng raf s,pecia!privrlege �ncorrsrs��nt wifh �he �r'mi�afi�rrs orr other p�op�rties classified in t�re Twa-F�mily R�sider�fraF Drsfrief. 2. Th� granfing af fhis varianc�, wrth �ar�ditians, wif! n�t be d�frrrtaent�I �� th� ,pub�rc health, safe�y, nr w�ffar'e, or maferr'a11y i�jurious fv properfres or r'm�rovem�rz(s rn ffre vicinr�y. �. T�ris variance, wr'th car�ditior�s, is warranted far the i�llowing r�asor�s: a� Th� sFrict frteral inferpretafr�n or enfarc�ment of tl�e spe�crfred r�guJafron wili resuft irr pracficaf difficu{fy or unnecessary physical hardshrp rneonsist�rrt w�th th� objectrves t�f Titfe 12, �onir�g Regul�tians, �'ai! Towrr Code. b. There ar� exceptrorrs or extraorc{inary cir�c�mstan�es or conrli�ions applicable t� the s�me site af the variance that�fa r�a�aPpIY generalJy to ot'her pro{�erfies r,� the Two-Family Residenfi�l Disfri�f. �. The strsc# interpre#atior� or errforcEment of th� spec�fi�d regulatian w't41 d@pr�ve the applicant of privileges enjayed hy th� ow�ers �f c�ther pr�perties in t'�e �w�-Fam�iy Re�ide�tial �istri�#." IX. ►4TTACHMEA�75 A. Vicinity Map �. Appli�ant's Ftequest C. Adja�e�t Praperty 4wner's Lett�r [7. Ar��ive File Site 9�1ar�s E. Prop�sed Architectural Plan� �. Public Natice 7 ' . ,� . 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Aftachrn�nt B Architectur�lPl�anrsing IIVm H�I r�r�►SS��i[��es Membecs a'�the Am�rican Insish.rF��af Ar��itects Mema to: T�wn v� Vail Ca�munity Develop���� D�pa�tmen� F]CDm: $�11 Hein Wm Hein A�soci�t�s Date : May Z9 , Z(7Q7 Subject: Zonirag variance Requ�st �T�st T�'nit - Two Fami Iy �3u�J,�x 2570 Ba�d Mountain Rnad �,vt 33. �1c�ck 2 , Va�.l Vill�ge Filing 13 Va i l , CaJ��radc� Tnclud�d herein is a d�scription +�f t�e cqnditians �hat �nderlie a vari.�nce requ�st �c� �onsider allawing unit i�nprov�ment� and addi+�i.ans within th� wester�y fi��een fac�t side setlaack af the above reP�r�nced p�Qper�.y. Also incl�ded is a wrritt�n sta�ement r�sponse tr� the i�st�es cvntained in tfie Tr�wn of Vail variance a�plicatian, PART I The own�rs o� the West Unit ref�renced abov� desire �� repair and imprave ttreir un�it. Rec�ntly major d�.m�ge occurred to tl�e un�.t because of a tieat�r�� system malfunctir�n and suhsequent rupturing �f wat�r pzping that r�sul�ed in uni� flac�ding . I7ue to th� exter�sive repair req�ired �o �11 thre� �evels uf tYie e�n�t, �Y�e �wners hav� elec'ted ta mc�difry, up-grade and �dd an �o the un�t a1� this time . Fiavin� r�ade this decisian , th� owners need to address a prv�lem that they were urra'wa r� crf w'hen th�y gurc�ta�ed i.�. in 19�9. They did r�ot know �h��. the building was non-compi%ant with Tc�wn of `Vail planning a�d zoning r�gulations in tl�at the btxilt�ing was built outs�d� Qf tl�� allowable building �enVe�ope . T"hUS , it not anly encroach�d into the required westerly side setbac`� for Lat 33 . bu� also �n�r�aeh+�d in�n th� adjac�nt site - �,ot� 34� 255(7 Bald Mvuntain Road . B�cause of �ne building ].ocatio�7. tn� patential t� make additions and i�nprovements tr� th�ir uni� �s sev�r�ly c�nstrained . ]n fact a practical diffaculty exi�ts du� ta t'h� reala.ty that a large 3Qa3 East Wameda De�ver.Cc�farads�i�`�D9 �-722�34(71 fax 3Ck3--fi48�76�x5 ��� ��i ���7 Fag� Tw� p�rtion �f any unit a�justmen� and/or addi�ian would occur within the influences of tfi� designated side s�tback. Th�refore� many impr�vernents �hat wo�ld typica��y be all�wed , b�sed �n Desi�n Revi�w Bo�rd ap�rova� , wQUld b� i� eonflict wi�h T�wn r�gulataons becau�e �f setback encraact���nt . As a result, � ���uest is her�- �y made tv the Tvw� �f Vatl �o grant a variance to allaw tfie p��gosed i�prov�ment� t�at encroach int� the w�sterly fift�en faot side s�tba�k, A description nf th� proposed impro��ments fvr the subject �nit i� as fo�lows . - The existing a�ove grade decks tha� encro�ch int� the s�de s��back and the �d��cent sit� will b� remvved. The owners of the s�bject un�t h�v� taken th� �nitiative ta �ontac� �he adjac�nt �wners and w��k aut an acc�p�abl� svlu�ion. In addx�i�n to the deck remvval , th� exterior desi�n; overall building heights. �xterior material usage, windaw lvcatiQns, etc. ; hav� been discussed with adjacent owne�s. - Extensi�e adjustments and up-grades t� al� Qf th� existin� interiar spac�s and f�ni�hes are planned. - �he owners want �� r�capture �he lps� and wasted a�en area that �urrently ex�sts u�der roof hetween the �xisting unit and the e�isting sing�e car gara�� . This area is a ��bre�z�-way„ tfia� can easiiy b�came usable in�erior space for ��e unit with na negative impact ta adjacent units, The campanzon unit zn ��e dup��x, which i� similar in d�sig�. has already appl�ed for , be�n grant�d an� has i��tiated � similar change . A partion of the proposed encl❑s�re is within th� side s�tback. - An a�ditlon �o the exist�ng s$ngle car garage ta a�l�w �ar tw� enclased car spaces is grtipos�d . A portion of the expande� garage falls within t�e side setback. - Th� majarity �� the pr�posed add�tion and new square foot�g� for �he pr�ject i� contained in a new b�droo� suite planned abflv� �he �xpan��d garag�. Though rnadest in siz�. �he owners see a real �eneFit in this ad�itian. �onsi�ering a�l �� the c�nstrai�ts that the existing cQ�ditions af the site imp�se, there �s no �ther practical lo���ion for thi5 impro�em�nt . Furthe� ► considering t�e s��ping charac�er af th� sit�. the lo�atian af the ad}acent units and the extensav� tree caver as w��l as the mature lands��p� eo�e� �f the sit�, the addition �f ��is bedrovm s�ite shauid nat neg�tively impaet adjacent units or anyane an the road above . May 29 , Z0�7 Page Thr�� The adjust�ents and ad�itions as prop�sed ar� well -within the a1lQwabl� site �o�erage and g�v�s resi��nt$al fl�or ar�a for the szte. 4�hen considered in conce�t with ��isting conditions plus p�tentia� impro�emen� �ossibiliti�s faz th� campanian east�r�y �n�t, the d�velapment opgortunity far the entire site will n�t approach maximum ��ild�out lim�ts. fiherefQre . the hardshrp imposed �n the su�ject unit �y the existing conditions resulti�g from the initial incorr�c� place- ment of t�� �uilding on th� site , create� a pr�ctical diffic�lty. It limits t�� own�rs enjaym�nt �f an impravemen� that wauld atherwis� be allowed a�d that has , er has b��n � enjoyed by own�rs at �ther sites in the immediat� vicinity. FART II The f�llowin� st�te�ents respvnd to iss��s cnntaine� in t�e Town a� Va�l su�mittal requirements fo�m: a } The relativnshi� of the r�quested vari��c� �a oth�� �xistin� �r potential �s�s and structures in the vicinity is ane of ca�- �lete compatibzlity wi�� adj��ent prop�r�ies and their r�siden- tiai uses . The anly issue invo3ved w�th thfs varianc� request is f�x the c�nsideration �o make impro�em�nts in th� side s�t- back that w��ld o��erwise b� all�wed �f t�e proper plac�m�nt vf th� building an the sit� �xis�ed . b) as s���ested in a � a�ave, this r��u�st asks f�r the same c�nside�ati�ns pf the T�wn of Vail review proc�sses that wauld b� avazlable t� othe� �r�p�rt�es in �he vici�ity. The original er�vr an siting th� buzlding on the pr�perty cr�ates the existing non-canfarming �onditian. There�ore �o special p�z�ile�e is bein� ���u�st�d . c} �he granting �f this va�iance request will na adv�rseZy �ffect light and air, distributiQn �f populati�n, transpvrtatian� traffic �acilities. utilities and pu�I�� safety. � ) The proposed impravements that are subject t� this varianc� request will brin� the unit int� co��liance with ado�ted Town of Vail plann�ng p�licies and de��l�pment �bj�ctiv�s in a� least two ways . Enclaaing th� exis�in� "br��z���ay" hetw�en �he garage 3�d �h� unit addresses the abjectiv� to limit de�a�hed garages. and the expansian af the �ne car ga�age to two car spa�es �ddress�s �h� �bj�c�ive to pravide enciased parking an th� cammuni�y. SeR 2� 07 ��: 59a 7am Lyneis 72Q°493-9018 p. 1 09A2J128B7 19:17 �i�561838� RON u�L�W�D PAf� 91 _ Att�achment C - , �: City vf Va�Pt�annir�g�an�Er�virvnr�reri#al C�n�rtiis�+n F . i�t�cY Chr�s�c�pF�er [�t. Rt�sld 1111a�rd . s� is,2� �_ ' � �Sjvr,ana �c�f un�� [++�t uru�} raf 257fl�#ald Marur�n Rasd W awrrn bath unit�aE tt�e dtip�t aR ZSaU�Il�+uni�rt R�ad, irinmediateky ad osnt and m the rMest Crf 1�he sub�r�t prape�ty at Z57'Q Bsl�'l�Aou�t�in Raad. �` ha�++e axa�+niri��d f�he prtypa�ed sacpar�ak�and r�enanr�tic��the�crb�Ct , and h�v�be��d of tt�prvppeai. 1Ne n�c�rti�e�urt Utiec!e i� e +�ri�canli�re!a ba s`n e+ncr��an ixtr p�,arxi w�a r�c�gn�ne#h�i b1��d�nvt+x�frxm k7 itw►�y�.�ac;c n�3es.and t�at f1�aa�r+erw en�l�r�nU�Sa rwnt c+or�la�rn!u t�e pi�r n�i�. ll� reat�it�the propo�sed�,a ciedc�r+�that r�w e�nt�ct�e�crrt txjr �►wlil�e remaved, the�#�r of tlhe�iriir�wiN be r�ted, ar�d the anea w!1 be e�arrde�l. TNe pianneci e�r�al the gs�sge,tt� aborra�e�flr�ge,�he new a�e�a�,ia�d exierivr�k�rn#hes r�r�rf Adi�, and the pnopcisec! ead�rkx�3a si�e aR1d Ior�Eivrt ar�e sa�ble t� us. In ` Of ttte no�fif�0ori�s��rrd the cafitinrued en�x[�c#�rtrt�e�t or�vur p �rre support tl�e e�ar��xr 8rtd chartiges p�ed i�nr Un�t S af 257p B Mvc�ntain F�pe�d�p�ans a�abm�f�fa pye Va[1[7esig��tavi�r Co m itt��nd't�e C�y of V�ai F"tarw�tir�g arxi Err�►nro�rr�nt�l �n. R C ar � D��e Ra�d VI� �3a1B � M��a to: City c�f V�il Plannin� ar�d Enuirr�nment�l Cc�mmissian Fr�rn: Rocky �hristopher �r. Rvn�ld Vllollard Date: Septemb�r �9, 2Q(7T Subject: Prop+�sed Expansion and k��novation af kJnit 8 (west unit� c+f 257� Bald Mo�ntain ��ad We awn br�th units of the duplex at 255�D Bald 11114urttain f�oad, immediately adj�ce�t an� to the west of the �ubject property at 2574 Bald Mnunf�in R�aad. Vlle h�we examiner� the prvposed ex�ansion and renavation of the subject prap��ty, �nd have been informed c�f the prapasaL We recogniz� #hat there �s and wifi contin�e to be an encroacF�ment an �aur property, a�d we re�o����e th�# th� subj�ct prvpe�y do�s not cQnform to the city s�t-back r�les, an� th�t the r�ew imprvvements will 2�Isc� nat canform tc� the ��ty rules. As a result of th� propc�sed chan�es, a �leck area that now �ncroaches on out' prQper�y will be removed, the ��cterior af th� buiiding will be re�aovated, an� the garage area will be expanded. Th+� plann�d expansic�n of th� ��rag�, the bedre�om abvve th� garage, the n�ew and expanded exferior deck on the rear of �h�: bui�ding, and the prQpos�d ��#erior patio size �nd loc�t�on are acceptable to us. In spite af the nDn�confc�rmance issue� �nd th� continued encraachm�:nt on our prop�rty, r�re s��pa�t the expansiQn and �hanges propr�sed for �1nEt B c�f 257Q Bald Mor�ntain Roa�i per the plans sr��mitte� #o the Vail Design Re�iew �ommitte+e �nd the C�ty c�f Vail Pl�nnir�g and Er�vEronm�ntal Commission. - -�; , �� � �--�. � ��` -�"-c��� �.ocky �hr s�a�h�er ❑�te �� � � � � � �r. Rorrald WoClard Date � �Ep �� zoaz TC�1NN QF VAfL Attachment E7 . � � � � 1 � ,� � ,� � s ' r-�--" * � � t r�I�� k•.}�+ ^ 1 � .�`� t � �� �� � �Jr�r++^ ` � �� { , �y ` � � Y ! ` p f � F ! �i e' 4�' + �'� �� �i i r � 'i � t /f � � f � ! '�'i;7 f i ^e � I "'r� +, ! �� # 1f �;''k � ' . '< `�,_ '�r ' � � �, � � .�- ,.r�_.�� _ � ;� �` � , � r ti °� . 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' ---` I. _r � L_�4�_'_ 11 ��li f s�, { , � w � �, y � ;j —�.. � �i�� ' ,i� :�;��,�F I �� _..�.. _ �.. ;��'" �, --. -. - -. . �� � � ' I ; �� , � ' , a � ��° (j1 .��, �'I�"�IN� �'--�'�C�';;c",�1.:� �_ . . � �;�:+ �-* ����i �3�'G� 2 3 r �..�JCa ,K�: �:-v�:�.,�r`n��� �: �.9rr�r�-�— 1//}.. ��,..P Ca.r"-� AttacY�m�:nt F � __ �� T�FFN 0�YAII, TNIS 17EM M►�#Y AFFE�CT YC)UR PRUPERTY P�JB�{C N4�T10E hlQTICE QS HEREBY GiVEN tt�at the Pf�nning and Er�vira�nrr�ental Commi�siar� �f the Tawn of Uail wilf hcrld a pubfEC hearir�g in accc�rdance witi� s�cti+on 12-3-6, Vai! T�wn C4de, an �C7ctaber 22, �UQ7, at 1:L#fl pm in tF�e Tcrwn of V�il Mu�icipal �uilding, in considerafian �f; A request frr a final review c�f a �ariaa�c�, from S��tian 1�-3-1, Minimurn Standards, pursuant ta Chapter '�2-�7, Varian�es, Vai! Tawn Code, to allc�w fc�r �eviatiorts from minimt�m def��ctior� angle for driveway ac��ss, 1c�cated at �7�5 Sn�wk�erry f3r€ve1La# 1�, BlocEc 9, Vail le�ter�nountain Suhdivisian, and se#t��r�g �arth de�a€Es in regard thereto. tPEC07-C?062} Appficant: Dave Hilb, repres�ented by Jahn �. Martin, Arc�i#�ct Planner: �ill Gibsor� A requ�st for a �r�al re�riew c�f a major ext�rivr alteration, pursuant to Sectio� 1�-�H-7, Majvr Exterior AI#e�ativ�s or Madifications, Vai� Towr� C�de, #c� a4low fvr the Gernstructinn �#a dwelling unit at the L.i�anshead fnn, lo�ated at 705 West Lion�head GircFelF?art of Lc�t 1, glock 2, Vai� Lic�nshead Filing �, and se#�iRg ftarth detail� in rega�rd tf�ereto. �P��07- {}061} Applicant: �.ions�eead fn�, LLC, represented by Maurieilo Planning Group, L�C P[anner: �ilf Gibsc�r� A req+aest fvr a fi�al review of a +rariar�ce €rom Sectian 1 Z-6D-�i, Setbacks, Vail Town y � � Cade, pursuant ta Chapt�r 12-17, Variances, ta allow for an ad�ditian wi�hir� ti�� w�st side �'�'`�'�� �� setback, lo�cate� at 257p Bald Mountain Rt��dl�c�t 33, 81vck �, '�Jail Vill�ge Filing 13, and settir�g forth de#ails in r�egard thereto, (P�C�J7-D�3fi} . ��LL�' A�Plicant: Ed `Wilfia�s, re�resente� �y Vlfifliam Hein Ass�ciates P4anner: Biff Gib�on A request fc�r a final r�commendation to the Vail Tcawn Council, pursuant ta Secti�n 12-3- 7, Amen�fm�nt, Vail Town Cnd�, fvr prescribed re�ulat�an �rr�endmer�ts �❑ Title 12, Vai� Tvw� Gade, tc� require puk�l�c art far c�rt�i�a dev�lo�ment and r�d�velopme�t pra;�ects �n Lic�nshead Mix�d Use 1, Lionshead fVlixed Us� �, P�blic Accamm�datians, Pubfic Acco�nmod�tinns 2, �ammerciai Core Z, Cammercia� Cc�re 2, Cam�nerciaf Cor+� 3, 5ki �ase Recr�ation, Ski Base Recreatic�n 2 aneS S�ecial ❑�v�fvpment Qistricts, ar�d setting fc�rth deta�fs in regard theretv. {PECOT- a033) Applicanf: T�wn t�f Vail Planner: Rachel Friet�� A requ�st for a fina! review o'f a ca�rdific�nal use permit, pursuant to Sectian 12-9G-3, Ganditiona� Uses, Vaif Towrt G4de, ta allaw far rr�adificati�r�s tv a public building [enn��gency pawer gerser�tar}, I�cated at �5 5outh Frantag� Raad West {Town af Vail Admirt�strati�n Building}fUr�plattecf, ar�d setting farth details in regard th�refo. (PEC47- 4063} Applicant: Towr� of Vai� Planner. 1Jicn6e Pete�so�n Page 1 � f �, � � Planning �nc� �nwironrnentaf C�mr�aiss+�n 1�I�TI0�1� F�RM i � 17�partm+�nt of Corrtmunity Qevelapment ������ * 75 Sauth Frc7ntage Rnad, Vail, Cnlnra�f4 81fi57 tel: 97i�.�#��.2139 fax: 97fl.47�.2452 Crra+tnal�rL7EV1E4.P�AdEatr W@b: WWYlI.Val�!]BV.C��T1 Proj�t Mame: SVII/WILLIAMS VAR.�AN�CE PEC Number: PEC07a036 �ra�ject Qes�r�pti+�n: FI�JAL APPRC�VAL FC7R A WARIANCE Tf�ALL[�W CC��STf�U�TION C]F IMPROVEM�NTS AND AC��IITI�NS IN THE 1N�5T�RLY �IdE SETBACK Par�tici�ants: C3W�3ER WTLLIAP'�S, EDC]IE Q. U5�3QJ�[l07 Phone: 303-866-080(] 22 P�QLD CLU6 DR. aENV�R C4 �a�il9 APPLiCANT BTLL HEIN-WM H�IiV ASSOC. OS{30/2d07 Phor�e: 72Q-��5-�}655 85�0� EASf TEMPLE �R. DEtUVER CO 8[3237 Rrojes:t Address: 2570 �AL� MOUNTAIN Ra UAIL L++�caatic�n: �57(� BALQ M(7llIVTAIN RD L�eg�i DescriRtEOn: l.ot: 33 Block: 2 �ubdiv�ision: UAIL WILLA�E FILING ].3 Parcel Mumb�r: 21{11-034-(l3Q{]-9 Camments: K]ESBQ &GU�iHIO� OPP[7SED B�ARD jSTA�F ACTIflN Motian Sy. PRf7PER Acti4n. APPR(7V�� Seee�nd By: T]USSEM Vc�t�: 5-2-0 E?ate of Apprar�al: Q2/z�,�2�d8 �Conditii�n5: Con�i: C�N{]D09797 {P�!I�i); Apprava� of t�is prfl�ect shall lapse�nd b�cflme void two (�) years#alfowing the date af firaal apprav�l, unfess a building p�rmit �s issueci and construction is cammenced artd is diligerstly pursue�i tc+w�rd �o�pletion. Cond: 30C1 (PLAN): P��approval �hall r�at k�e no�hecome valid for �Q day��allowing the date of , appraval. Cand: S (PLAN�; No Char�g�s to these �lans may be m�de withoUt the written ca�sent of Town of Vail sta�and�or the �pprapri�te review comr-nittee{s}. Conci: CC]NDUQ9798 T'his appraVal is c€antingerrt upvn the Applicant o�ta%ni�rg appraval oF khe associ�ted design re�iew applicatian. Planner: Sill Gibs�n PEC Fee Paid: $S�Q.OD � { . ' �� �� ,�" r M�MaRAN�UM ��'` ,. �� TC]: Planning and Enuironmerrtai Cammissian �p��b�� �,�,, rn.t� FRdM: Cvmmunity Develo�ment Depar�rri�nt • �,i��� ��,��, DATE: February �5, 2C�a8 ��,�r��"` ��/�_� �} } J6r�F- �-�-�+ �LaV*'.'y�� �f�Q °FF�'y�+"� SUBJ�GT: A request for a fznal reView of a variance from S�ct�c�n 12-SC-S, Set�acks, llail Tc�wn �od�, pursuant to �hap�er 12-17, Variances, ta allaw for ar� addstion within the w�st side se�bacic, laca#ed at 257C� �3a1d Mo�ntain RoadlLat 33, �lock �, V�il Village Fi:f�ng 13, �nd setking forth details in regard thereto. (PEC070�36} App�icant: S1/II clo Ed W�4liams, represented by William Hein Associa�es Pfarrrr�r: Bill GibsQn l. SUMMARY The Ap�lic�nt, �VII c!a �d Williams, repres�nted by Bi91 Hein Associates, is requ�sting a final review of a varian�� frarta Sect�vn 12-�C-�6, 5etbacks, V�il Town Coaie, pursuant t� �Ghapter 12-17, Varia�ces, ta aflow an aciditiQn withi�t th� west su�e setbae�C, iocated �t 25�� �alc� Mountain RaadlLot 33, Block 2, Va►i Vil4�ge Filing 13, a�d setting forth de#ails in reg�rd thereka, B�sed upon Staff's review 4f the criteria aut#�ned in Sectian V11 af th�s memc�randum ar�d the evidence and t�stimony present�d, �he Gomm�nity C}evelopm�nt Department recomrnen�is approval, with cvnditions, c�f this appli�aEion, subject tv the findings noted in Sectian VIII af th�s memnrandum. I!. ��S�RIPTIOh6 OF REQUEST The AppliGant, SVII clo �d Williarns, represented by Bill Hein f�s�QCiates, 15 fE!C�UEStifl� � variance tc� acet�mmvdate a prop�as�d renava#ian af the west duplex �xnit at �STQ Baid Ma+�ntain Road. This prv�osed renavatian will include th� constru�tiQn of a 293 sq.ft. garage add�tion (expanding frarn a�� ��y to two) on th� north side of the struc#ure, �n 108 sq.ft. �ntry ant� rr�aster bat� additian �enclosir�g the t�re+ezew�y between the existing h�us�e and th� existin� garage), and a 21� sq.ft. second stary bedrva�n anci bathrr�c�m addition �Ic�c�ted ahove the exi�t4ng �r�� praptrsed �a�age sp�ces and breez�way e�rc�osure�. Approximately 13.5 sq.ft. af impre�uements are propc�sed on the both the main and upp�er IeveEs of th� structur�:within the required 15 f�at v+r�st side setback. A vicinity map (Attachrnent A}, the pr�evio�s architect�ral plans (�Attachment B}, the revis�� request {Attachment C}, anc# the revised architectural pla�s (Attachment D} are attached fvr reference. III. BACKGRt�Uht[3 Th� subject property was annexed into the Tc�wr� of V�il in 1972 and �uk�div�ded with Tnwn pf Vail approval in 1976. 1 . � Lrr 1�78, the orsginal developer c�btaine� Tawn of Vail design review appr�Wal and a t�uilding permit to construct #he existi�ng duplex. T�� vri�inally approved building permit p[ans shc�u�r that �he du{�lex w�s to '�e car�structe�i 1 fi feet fram th� west property bvundary. fn �981, #he Town of Vail approved arr additoar� #a th� resid�nc� �based upon #�re of�ginak site plan infvr�nation, 1n 198�, attorr��ys representing the owners of the adjaeent Lot 3� sent a fetker to the Tc�wn vf Va�il indicating that #he s��ject duplex was nc�t origir�alfy ��r�structed i� its ap�roved koCation. The le�ter a�s� nated #hat the app�oved 198� �dditivn was actually being canstru�ted an the adjacent Lat 3�� r�ther than vn the subjec# site. T��r� is a hand written note or� the fike copy of tfiat letter that reads: "Resolu�ion anras encroachin�r was removed.„ A copy of a 19�+� Improwement La��tian C��ifcate (!�C} shcrvuing the true loca#ion af the subje�t cfuplex w�s subrraifted in a 20Q2 letter to the Ts�wn o� Vail_ Bas�d up�n this ILC, the su�je�t dupl�x was cvnstructed v�+ithin the west side s�tback and has be�n encr�ta�hing upon th� �djacen# ne�ghbar's property for a# fea�t 27 y�ars. in 1992, the e�st unit of the subject duplex obta�ned Tvwn afi Vail appr�va� to encic�se the breezew�y c�rigir�ally separating the house and garage. !n 2Q07, the east unit o�tair��ed Town of VaER appra�rals for a new entry awning. The Planr�irtg anc� Environm�r�tal Cammission reviewed a s's�nilar vaciance request by the applicant at its November 1�, �047, publie hearing, At tha� time the �pp[�cant was prc�posin� a larger addition to the home with more su�astant��l �r�crr�achrne�nts ir�to the prap��#y's v�rest setb�c�. The �+�mrnission voted 7-4-4 to deny that va�riance re�quest. T�e app#icant s�bsequ��ntly �fed �n aPPea1 of the C�mmissior�'s 1Vcrve�b�r 'i 2`�' denial. Or� January �, 2Q�8, th� Vail Tvwn Cauncil ta�led the appeai discussion to Febr�aary 5, 2Q�8, a#the ap�licanElappeflant's r�quest. T�S� applicant and #heir re;�resentatives explc�red various �esign �Iternatsves #a the prapc�sed additions fhat vuc�ulcf �ubs#�n#�ally reduce the requested encroact�men�s intv the r�quir�d setback �r�a. Based upan the applican#'s request to amend their variance proposal; at its Februar�r 5, �Q�8, public heari�g th+� Caun�il vot�d 7-D-[� ta r�emand this reques# back ta the F'lanning and Enviranment�l Cc�mmission f�r fur�her revi�w. Ill. APPLICABLE PLANNING ��DGLINIENTS Staff k�elieves that the fol�Qw�n� prc�visions of th� V��I T�wn Code are relevant tQ th� review of this propas�l: TITLE 12: Z171�1NG R�GU�TI�NS At�icle 12-6D. Two-Family Primaryl5e�ondary Residential (P1S} District {in pa�rt) 9�-6,D-�: PURP�SE: Tfae twa-family prrmaryls�cond�ry re�rder+ti�l distrrcf is infended fc� provrde sites fQr srr�g�e-f�mily r�sidentral uses or twc+-f�rrrily re�id�rrti�! uses in vvhrch orr� unil rs a �arger primary residence and tia� secc�nd tlr�rf rs a sm�lFer caretaker apartm�rrf, together vuith sueh p�blrc faGifrti�s �s rr�ay ��apr�pria�e�y be loc�t�d in tl�r� sam� zone dis�rict. 7h� two-family prim�rylseccand"ary resrdentral disf�rcx is ir�tended fo err�ure adequate fight, � air, privacy and c�pei7 sp�ce far e�cj� dwel�ing, eommer�sur�te wrth sir�gle- farrr7ily and fwa-family occupa�ncy, and fo mairrt�in Fhe d�srra�Je residentiaf quarrties af such sites by esfablis�ring apprvpriafe srte develo,pment starrdara's. 7Z-fif]-6: Sef��cks In the primary/secc���c�ary resicl�r�tial c�i,�tricf, the mir�imum frant setback sh�Il be twer�ty feet {'2{�'}, t1�e rrTrr7imum si�ie se[t���:k si��{1 be fifteen feet ('f 5'�, �n�!tne rnirai�r�[�rn rear sefb�ck shal!be fif�e�n feet {15'). Chap4er 12-17: Vari�nce� �in pa�f) 92-17-i: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seekrng Uarianee.' 1�� c+r�ier fo prever�t or fo lesser� sueh practica{ difficulties and tirlr�ecessary p�rysica�hardshrps rr�cor�sistenf wrth th� c�bjecfives a� fhis fitFe as woulrl resul� frarn strict or' Irteral irrterpretatiora a�id enforcem�nr, var�rar�ces frvm c�rtair2 regulatrorrs may be gr�nted. A practic�f drffrculty or unrr��essary phys�ca� harcishrp r,�ay resulf frQm the size, shape, or dlmensi�r�s of a si�e or fhe l�cafior+ of exis�rng structures �+her�c�r�; f,rc�m tQpr��r��,�hic or physical c�ndrtions on fhe site ar ir� fl7e irrlmec�lafe vicir�i�y; vr fr'am ofher Rhysical " limrf�frr�r�s, stre�f l���tr`ons r�r cortditrons rn the irnr7�ediatc vrcinify. C�ast or rr�conv�nrence ta ihe applicant af stri�t c?r fi[er�f complran�e with a regulatran �I�afl r�o#be a reasor� for grantrr�g a variance. Chapter '12-1$: No�ic�nforrr�ing Sites, L�s�s, Structures and Site lmprov�m�nts �2-18-1- Pr�rpcas� 7f�is cha,pfer is intended tc� limrt �f�e r�umber arrd �xtent vf non�or+fr�rming uses and str�uctures by ,�ro�hr'bifrng vr �rmrtin� therr er�l��gemenf, their re�stablr`�hrr�er�f af�er abarrdonmer�f and fheir restorafron affer subsfanfi�l desfr'uction. While perxniffing r�oncc�nfvrmiRg u�es, structures, and imprnverner7ts to contir+u�, #h�s c�ra�ter is inf�r�ded tc� limr[ enlargerr�ertt, ��tera�ron, res�oratir�n, �r re,�lacemenf whici� wc�uld irrcrease fhe discr�pancy berweer� exr"sting condi[ions and the dev��oprrrent standara's prescribe[�by tf�rs titl�. Chapter `f 2-�8-2: Cvntinuance Nr�ncor�fr�rrnir�g si��s, r��es, sfructures, an�f si�� impravemenfs lawfvll}r �stabfrshcd prior tc� �he effecfive date her�rf may canfir�ue, subject ta fhe limr'taticans pre�cribed i�7 fhrs ch��t�r. Srtes, uses, sfruc�ures, �r�d s�te rmprc�vemer�ts {awfc�lly aufhprr�ed by permifs �r reg�fl�frcans exrstir�9 p��r�r fa the e�fectiv� da�e hereof may c�ntir�ue, subject ta such limitatrons as prescribe�f by st�ch permr"ts Qr regulatrrns. V, SITE ANALYSI i Address; 2570 Bald Mountair� Rt�ad al Reseri tion: Lat 33, Block 2, Vail Vil4age Filin� 1� l�e� P Zaning; Two-Family Resic��ntial �is#rict L�n�i Use F�lan ��signataan: Lcsw Density Residential �urren# Land Use: []up#ex 3 Lo# �ize: 46,483 sq. ft. 41_�fi7 �Gres] Hazar�is: M�oeierate Hazard De�aris Flow S#andard AllowedlRequired Existin4 Prvposed Setbacks �rs�in}: Frvnt: �A f#. 45 ft. 35 ft. West Sirle 15 ft. � fk. (� ft. (additional er�c�aa�hrnentsj East Side 15 ft. 4Cl ft. nc� ch�nge R�ar: 15 ft. '�80 ft. no cfi�ang� GRFA (�nax}: 3,438 sq. f#. fi,25� sq. �t, 6,697 sq. ft. West Unif: nda 2.8tJ6 sq.ft. 3,�48 sq.fit. �ast Unit: nla 3,449 sq.ft. no chanc�e site co��r��� �m�x.}; �,z�� sc�. tt. {z�oa,ro� �,784 5q. ft. �8°.�0� 4,z�� s�. �t. ��°��} Landsca�e �min.): 27,�90 sq. ft. {6fl%} 38,494sq. �#. (83%) 38,278 sq. ft. (82°/oJ Parkir�g 6 � (3 enclosed) 9 �4 encla�ed) West Unit: 3 4 (1 e�cl�sed) 5 {,� �nclos�d) �ast �nsit. 3 4 (� �r�cic��ed) no change VI, SURFtOl7NClIhIG LANQ IJ��S A�C� Z�NING Existin�7 U�e Zonin�c' �lorth: Resident�al Tv+ro-Family Residential �istr�ct S��th: Jpen �pace C�utcioor Recre�tion district East: R�sidentia! Tuva-Far�nily 4�esidential District West: Resi�de�tial Two-F�mily Residential District VII. R�VI�W CR�TERIA The review cri�eria fc�r a re�quest o� th�s nature are esta�lishe� dby �ha�ter '{2-'i fi, VaiC Town Code. 1, Th� r�lat'ronship vf the requ�sted ►►ariance to other existing or �otential uses anci stru�tures in the v�icinity. The existing dup�ex struc#ure doe� r�c�t conforrn ta the minimum 15 foot west s�de set�ack requkreme�tts. It appears th�t ar� errQe �ccurr�d r�uring th� ariginal c�nstructrort af this res#dence and t�e struct�are wa€s not sited in its appr�v�d IocatfQn. This errvr was not discover�d untiE several years after the ir�itial cc�r�structvQr� w�as c�rr�,�let� and after � suf�sequent addition was also canstructed.. Since th� existing structure was not larv�uily+ estab[ashed in its exisfing location, the structure is not "4egafly rrQra-cor�fo�rr�ing" in r�g�r� tv the Tawn's set�ac� requiremer�ts. 4 S#aff befieves the propersed er�clasure of the existing �reezeway ar�d tfi�e pr�pa��ed garage exp�nsion furtl�er the Tc�wn's development abjec#ives c�f creating enclosed parking and cnnnectin� residences with the�r assaciat�cl garage� to �r�at� �ir�gle �anified structures. The neighbaring �lup�ex, located to the w�st at ��50 Baid Mountain Raad, is sit�d furkher downhil{ (south} �rc�m Bald Mountain R�ad that� the applicant's duR4ex. The neigh#�oring properfy also inclucfes matu�e #rees ar�d sub�tantiaf ia��dscaping directly ad�acent to the a�p�ic�n#`s pr�pase�d additions. Tf��refore, Staff believes the prop�sed br�ez�way enclQSUre arrd garage expans�on wil! h,ave only minar impa�#s to the �xisti�rg and patent�al us�s ��d sEructure� i� the vicir�ity in c�mpa�is+�r� to existing cor�diteons. The C�ovember 12, 2C�C?7, Gommis�ivn pa�cket inc�uded a I�tter frs�m the Ap�licant's va+estern ad�acen� prap�rty awners, Rt�cky Christopher and Dr. Rona! Wal4�rd, stat�ti that the previQUS propasal was "'acceptable" t� them. Staff be4ie�+es thi� revis�d praposal will have I�ss impact to the neic�hbaring properties than the previous Mo�rerrib�r 12x�'design. 2. �he degree to which relief frvrn ti�e s#rict �and literal interpreta#ion arad en#ercemer�t of � speci�ed regulati+an is necessary to �chieve campatibility and uni4vrmity vf treatment among sites in #he vicinity or tcr attain th� objectiV�es vf this ti#le witttout a grant of special privileg�. The Plan�ing and Envirvnm�ental Cvmmissian has c�r�sist�n#iy granted setback va�iarrces for n�w garage additions ta homes that were originaliy ce�rtstructed without garages or with i�adeq�aate garages, since the �anstructian a€ a garag� ftarthers th� Tawn's develo�ment goals and obj�cfives relatec� to traffic and parking. The Planning and Environm�ntal C�mrnissi€�r� aften found that th� Iflcatson of these ha�es c�n tl�eir sites cr�ated hardships warranting a variance. 7her�efat�e, �taff supports the canstruc#ior� af a gar�c�e adclition within the west se#b�ck t4 allow the Ap�alicant tc+ expand the garage similar to�the east ureit vf this duplex anci a#h�r sites in the v�cinity and withjn the Twa-Family Resider�tiaf C?istrict. The Vail �own �ac#� requir�s dupaex re�id�nces to he physical4y cann�cted to their assc�ci�teti garages t� create a single, urrifie�d �tructure. The A�plicant's propasa! to �en�c4ose the existing br�e�eway to c�nnect the existing resid�nce and gar�ge achiewes this Town de�ei4pment c�bje�#. In 199�, the east ur�it of this ciuplex enclosed the c�riginal bree�eway separa#ing fhat �snit fr�am its gatag�, Stafif '�e�ieve� the applicant sfic�uid be aff�rded the same opportunity. Theref�re, Staff supports t�� canstru�tion af an additi�n wi4hirr ih� west setback to enclose their bre�z�way simi[ar to #i�e e�st uni#. 3. The effec# vf the request�d �ariance �n I�ght �nd air, distribukian af pnpulatic�n, transpartation and traffic facilities, public #acilities and uti{ities, anci public safet�. Staff dc��s r�vt belie�re this pro}�a�al wiii haue a significant impact can th� publ+c health, safety c�r we�fare, pu�l�c faciliti�s, ar utilities in CC�I"I'1p�f15d11 �v existing cvnd�#�c�ns af ti�e site. 5 4. �uch oCher fac#€�rs and c�iteria as the commission d�eems applicabl� #o the prflpos+�d +�ariar�ce. VIII. STA�F REC�'AAMENDA°TIL1N Th� Cammunity Devel�pment Departmenf recc�rr�rr�ends appra��l, uvith co�r�ditians, of a frnal revi�w of a var€anc�: fr�m S�c#ion 9�-6G-�, Setbacks, Vail Town Cot��, pur�uant ta Chapter 12-17, Variances, to all�w for an ad�di#ion within tha west side setba�ck, lv�at�� at �57[l Ba�d Mc�untain Roadfl��t 33, Bfvck 2, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting #'QrtF� cietaiis in regard t�i�retv. Thia reccammendatic�n is based upo� the review of the criteria autlined in Sec�ion VII of this m�mor�ndum and the evidence anc� testirnony presented. Should the �'lanning and Enviranmental �ommissior� choose to appro�e this variance request ►►vit� conditivns, th� Communi�y De�elapr�ent Department recommends the Cc�mmission pass th� follc�erving m�►#io�: "Th� Planning and Environrn�nfal Co�rrmissrnn approves, wrfh C�RdI�`IORS, the s�pplicant's requesf for a v�riance frc�m Sectian 1�-6C�6, 5efbacks, Varl Tcrwn Cc�de, pursua�Tf fo Chapter fi2-fi7, Variances, tc� aflvw �ot' an ac�dr�ion wfthi;� th� w�st sid� sef,b�ck, �ocated at 25l[7 8afd J�Vfountain Road/Laf 33, 81v�k 2, Ur�i! L'iflage Fili�g 73, a,�d setting forth det�il� in regard t�eretv.„ Sh�vuld �he Planning ar�d Env�ronmental Commiss�t�n chaose to apprave this variance reqGest, the Carrk�nurtity D�aelapment a�partment recc�mmenc�s th� Gammission impo�e th� follc�wing �ond�tion� `"1. Thrs approva! rs car�[in�ent u,p�o,� th� �pplic�nl cabtatnrng approva! c�f ��te assc�crat�d d�sign re�rievv applrcation.'` 5hoe�ld the P�anning and Envirvnmen�al C�mmission choos� to approve this variance requ�st with �ondi#ions, the Communi#y Develaperre�t# Q+�parkment recc�mmends the Commissir�n makes the �o�lowin� frrdittg� ba�eci upon a review of SectiQr� VII c�f #he Staff s February+ �5, 2flf}8, rrsemora�dum to the Planning and �nv9rc�nmental Cvmmi�sion, �sr�d th+� evider�ce and testimony presented: "The Pl�r+r�ir�g arr�f�En►rironrnenta� Carrrmission finp's: '�. The grantrng Qf�his variance, with �Qrrdrtrons, wifl not c�r�stitute a grar�fing of sp�cial �rrvife�� inc�nsisten� wrth the limr't�tians on ath�r prop�rftes cdassifr�d ir� th� Twa-F�mrly Resrdential l��sfricf. 2. The gr�r�trr�g �f rhis variarrc�, with c�ndifr�rrs, will nc►# ,�e detrimenta! [� �he pul�Fi� healfh, sa��fy, �r w�lfare, ar maferiaffy rrrjuriaus ta prapertr�s �r improv�ments in th� vrcinrty. 3. Thrs v�riar�Ge, wrth conditivrrs, r`s warr�rrted fvr the f[�llowing reasons: a. The strrcf literal interpreta�i4n c►r enforcement of the sp�crfied regulaficsn wi�I res,utt in pr�cficaF dif�iculty c�r�rnnecessary physi�al hardshi� r"nconsr'ster�t wifh fhe a+�j�ctives of Title �12, Zarring Regufatior�s, Var'1 Tawr� Code. fi b. There ar� exceptrc�ns c�r extr�aordi�aary �irrcumstar�ces or can�itior�s applic�ble fc� the sarr�e srfe c�f the vari�nce fhat d� nn�aAR�Y 9'�'r�erally fv �ther properti�s!n �he 7�wo-+�amily Resid�rrtral District. �. The sfrrcf ir�ter�retatiorr o►' er�farcemerrt c�f th� s,oecified regulafion wi1E deprive th� �,�plicant �f prrvileges er�joyed by flte awners of oti�er prvperfies fn #he Two-Fami}y Resrdential �rstrr€:f." Ix. ATTAGHMEN35 A. Vicinity Map B. Pr�vicaus Ar�hi#ectural Pf�ns C. Appiicant`s �equ�st �. Propased (Revised) Arc�itectur�C Plans 7 , _ . Attachm�nt A � ' � i.��K i�.. . • -. �' � .' �< 4 • � �•- �' : ��r.� � 4 "�'i�._�: *3T y.� .S``°°'`. 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Y.t�{ '�� �y� - ,y � � • .� , 4 ,�� � �+,�..�' `'�c�F���`.,�'t-� �., ��1��TY��� y:�L .�.i. .� �x -+` ���EF' �� ��� �.` f�� ���`. y -y'4 � �n j , �a. ,.y4y�A�� _•'. ! S ,�'eh� � � ' ..� � � �,r� Mr �7 1-Yv��Zi�a�� �'�,�+; �.�.' ��: .�A � y�� �!'� �tf��.;�a'� - . .1�� �'�.�f x� . - ..�, S- ry. _e.�•# . 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'� ;+,I i r, �.. � I''. ___ _ _ __'x.�i� .. . _ 4!F I� •I �I �`� I I .. �i. i ' —e��- f �'r ��� !Y I�� � i! � i i� i±�� �;�a i�.yrl` i��` � � .__r_�. `� � 3 ---- '`' ' 1 -- .� _- -- --- - r� j ' --�-E- - ,��- ' . � � k i i ' �� ,- � a � d� a--� 3�� � � .��, �'.i�`r1N t �C'��;�;�^��i� — —_ _ � 4dL`..�T ::.-°'Y .�_ . ._ � �`�J �J�G'"E- 4�. :�?a'r S...a�i/�' z_�e ��ti.�,,�.rr.w��-_ K.<:v. u..i�,c�-•rr�� VP' G�J,�[7�:� - attachment C . A�'chit���ure/Ricinning Wm���n��sa��c�tes Merr��rs of tt��A�rne�ican Ins#eFufe r��,archrtects Mema to: Tot,,r� af Va�.1 � C�mr��nnity Deve�.apm�n� Depa�tment Far�m: 8�.11 Hein Wrn .I�ein Associates D�t�: ��'bru�i'�I �.�r �CJL�$ • S'iibje��: At3d3.�i+�F1�1 1��Y1�lUAs ^ W�st Un�.t - Two F��ily ��plex 257+� 8ald Moun�,aiz� �ioad Lat 33 . Block �2 , Vai.�, Vi�lage Fil�ng �,3 Vail� Co�.ora�� The accampar►ying in€Qrmati.an repre�ents adjustments to �he prr�pc�sed r�desfc�n �oz the re�node� af �h� abov� referenced duplex �n�t. I�sue� a� cc�ncern relating to setba�k canfii��s along the �,rest prvpe�t� Zine have b�en ar3dressec� and t1��e revised �lans refl�Ct a minimum at��unt o� squ�re footage that prajects in�+� the se�hack. Thi.s smal� en�rc�a�hment - 13.5 sq .ft.at both the Main Leve� a�d �:'�e Upper Leve1 - is ne�ded tea a11Qw � loc�scal eonnecticsn af the +�xisting t�n$t '�a �Yi� exi�ting gara�e. These adjustm�nts are in '�eeping wi�h d�scussiarfs concer�int� th� prc�jec� sait� Town st�aff. The �rc�j�ct redesign includes the foilQwing= -- Re].ocation raf �aundry to lawer l��re1. - Red�sY�n of n�aster I�atn ar�a a� upper 3eve3 - �lfminatia� �f prQpQSed bedr�t�am suit� ab�v2 garage - Red�cti.c�n a�f heYgl�t and mass af area a� expande� garage - rec�uc�.ng impa�ct c�n adjacent prop�.rti�s � Signifi��nt reductian o� prapcas�d new square: fr�ota�� �or the un�t with a minxmum �arapc�sed �eyand th� s€��back 1 ine Alr�ng witfi t'he a'�ove mentian�c� adjus�tnents, th� €r�llowing is a recap �f th� changes to th� exis�ing urti�t �hat have aXready �e�n agre�ded tc+: - Red�sign of exteri�sr �a upr3�t� and i�npr�v� an �ld, tired 197c� ' � struG�ure - Remowe existing d�c�cs curr�nt�y fn the s�tb�ck at at the m�in l�vsl � 3DD3 Easfi Alr�meda [��nv�er.Coloresda�L12€79 30�3-72�-&�[]i f�x 3D3�548-�5:5 Fe�ruary 1�, 20�$ Pag� Two - Remvve so��h f�cing d�ck vf� �f �he master bedrQam at �he �ppex Zevel ° - Replac� the �ntire exterior fznish and m�teria�s tv the stru�ture to �nelude s�ucco, �tane and Town acceptabZe sh�ngle ��afing Addzti�n�l�y, th� fall�wing square_ fa�tage ad�us�m�nt appZies . As previously prap�sed, th� amount• �f add�d (�ew) squ�re f��t on the main �e��l t�taled 170 sq. ft. vf wh�ch (+/- ) 87sq.ft , was �ey��d the s�tback line and � tvtal af 62� sq,f�. was �roposed a� the upg�r lev�l of which (+/-� 262 was in the setback. The c�rr��t proposal reduces these numbers signif- ieantly wi�h a main �ev�� to�al o� 108 sq.ft, ot �hich 13 . 5 sq .ft. �s in th� setb�ck, �he �pper leve� t4�a1 r�duc�s t� 211 sq.ft. wxth -13,5 sq.ft . is bey�n� th� setback Iine. A tre�endaus amount of time has b�en invested to brin� this proj�ct t� t�i� pvint. N�mero�s meetinqs �ith �djac�nt awners h�ve res��t�d in their sup�art for th� praject � Th� uni� awners appr�ciatP Town s�aff eff o�ts and �ime spent �n �heir behal� �n helping with a d�fficult s£�uati�n. Th� unfort�nat� can�itivn tha� e�i�ts wi�h the original place�ent o� the s�ructure in the west setback created p�oblems for the ��ners and the Town a��ke. Hop�fu�ly, aIZ eff�rt� t� thfs polrit �an lead �o agre�ment, supp�rt �ri� app�oval �f a design co�cept that �ill benefi� all conc�rn�d. � Attachr7rtent a , i.A . � _ . • _ � _ —��;' --" :7 " � �x-F.+u-�,�i��+,.� � �•_ ---�'+--- .�-- __� �� - - �'-��:� �, _ _ ,;' �.�� �� �� , /jsr _- - _'_�s _" :�1!s�' � �� �� �.. � _rr rf � �,��� . �~ rvew rHnc� �.� �_�_�'�'`"}yf.�.-���.�--��� r• �r^--- � � CfJ.t'Y`I �I r..., �•.9GY� yr � __�—JI I ��-`" �,. .. ------ _�.t� i _- rl' ' a - 1; .� / � � f � r- �� � .�-� ==�_' ,A. _�__�T_ _--�--�--� ,.''° ,-- _ �a � ��� _�i ,- -_•:�tF ��" i r:-t , - _� s�iv`�, l `� f 1'.� � I.NG n'f'�! 1 / � ; - f�` ,� �1 �.�- ra v� ���.-.�-.�, f .:. 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Inf4rmati�n: All projects requ�ring Planning and En�ironmenta mission review must r�cei e ap����rk�c�s ' �y building �rerr�it applicatian. P se refer to th bmittal requirement�for�he pa r a�proWa�that is reqr�ested. �L� An applicatian fvr Plarsnsng �n vir �mmission revie �a nat �e accepted until all required i�formation �s received h}+ t�e Communiry epartm�nt. may also need tcs be reviewed by the Tc�wn Cauneil a�d�dr the Design Revfe � Type�of Appli��ia n ❑ Rezoning $13Q0 Ce�ndition�l Llse Perm� $65fJ � [� Major Suhdivrsi $15C�, �k �loodplain Mad�f �4(}6 �,s ❑ Mirsor Su $ ❑ Minor E�ct $654 Cl Ex�rnpti $ �1 Niajc�r F�cter n ' $800 �� 0 Minor e t n 5�47 ❑ �evelo e $1�OU � p �le �eWelopment Qi�� 4] ❑ endm to a [�e�e4opment Pfan $25� ❑ M endmsnt tc�an 5Da �£�l�p� Ci �Amendm�r�t $1300 endment ta an S 1250 X�f e $5a0 ( xt-err"ar mc3difrCr�tions ariance $��� scriptionvfthe uest� Tc� a1� strueti�n of imprra�r�men�s �nd addition n the westerly setback _ � Lncati Prapasal. Lat: 3 3 2 SubdivisiQn.Va i 1 V�l la�e F i 1 i r�q J�3 � Ph dress. �57f� a s�untain Rr�ad 8., 21 b 1 Q 3�0 __ (Contatt�agie Cn. Assessflr at 97�-3�8-8fi�{l for parcef no.} Zaning: � wellin Name�x) of CI SVII c/o �d �illiams �� €• . 22 Polo Club I�rive D�nver, Calorado 8C12Q9 � Ph�ane. 3�3} 866-CJ�f�d ] �ignature(s): ~ ameofAppli�an�• Bill Hein - Wm Hein Ass�ciates � Ma'tlingAEddress: �5C15 East Temgle Driv�, I]enver► Co�arado 8(]237 Phane; 72t�) 2C15-5725 � �ry�`J E-mail Address; '� Fax 3 0 3 +6 9 8 •9Crfr� 3a3 � 86� - ���� � �J�'� F�r Uffi�� use� �.�.. ,�'�l l � Fee Paid: Check f�o.: �y: -' Meeting Dake• _S�"-a "'�" PEC No.: `~ - Plar�ne�r: Project Nc�.: _ F:IcdevllFdRM5lPermits�'EanninglP�ClvarEanGe.S7oc Page 1 of B i14f0� - �} *`;. v, . �. f, f � �. ' � .� � -� � * ��r �� ��. . � r,a ,' wb e� � ��+ r,� y� T' �� '�: ,, .�• '�' � .,�,'�� +�r� �.� " � � .,� ` �, +�4�'�`�' ` ., .�: '�''F' 1e+� � � , �' � ���� � � �� , �,, . � , p f4 { . .8�m � �- � ;c� ,�,i ��`.*Y -��` ,�� �m �� �^� � " �. � f ��'. �� � .. ' z��° � �� �� �,i` �, � �'� !�� �;. �` �.� � �: .,- �°� �. Y �.�..�►�r""` � � � � ��.�,, �� , s�� �x� x�_ . .��' ��`��. ,�;�;''`, � 4~�,r�"' 1��:.' ,� ..74 � �p}✓ ,.D�'`'�,�. � ,'f.:��, � .�.. � � � .,�.,. Canc�p�tua� Rev�ew � . Appli+catia� fvr De�ign Revi�w � � � �����y�� � �e�ari�nent of Community pevelopr�ent Y 75 South �rontage R��d, Vail, Col�srado �1f57 te1: 97U.47�.�128 fax: 97Q.�79.�45� � we�: www.vaiEgov.com Generaf Infarmatian: � All prQjects requiring design review must re��i�+e ap�rgval primr to submi�ing a building p�rmik appli�atifln. Please eefer to the 5ubmittai requirements far €he par�icular apprr,�afi that ss reque�ted. An appli�ation for []esign R�view i i �cannot be acte�ted urstil al# cequired infarmation fs receiv�d by t�he Communi�y ICtevefap�reni Departrnent. �"he � project rnay a15D need ta be reviewed by th� l"own Cos�n�il a�dJar tht �Idnning anc# Environmental Commission. Design re��ew appraval laprses unEess a building permit i� issued arrd constru�tian comm�ence� within ane year af the appraraL - ,� � [7e5cri tion of the I� uest: �c'�''�� °!`` � ��-�tf"��.'�.f �'� �� � ����i�� P � � � �� d Locatinn csf the Proposaf� L.ot:�� B#ock:� S�sbdivisinn:��C�� �� �-- � � � ghysic,�l Address: � .� ��..� �cs ��-i ����„�`�c:�+v� �4-;-� Parcel No.C��—� �j ��'t �' � ��'� {Cc�n�act Eagle+Cc�. Assessor at 97Q-3�8-8fi4� for parcel na.) ZOtlinc�: c� ��W1� � N�me[s} af dwner{s): � � � I C C� �� � �• l t��t �%u 9 �� ��� � �y � � h+faifin Addre�s. � � �fi_`� ��'• __ �-"�L� � �,-- � [� L; �+c�-L' .. . _..... _ .. . . .K _.-P�'I011e:'.._ � �/ _ �� � �-�`- — L awner(s� Si�natur��s�: -- - _ Y �--� . _:.. � , ;� .�( r _ -_ r^ 1 �. .� Mam�of Applicantr �� Clt�..t�;� �►•� G, �� l�q .-'`�S.�C��s c� '�� � � � � Mailing Adciress: � ��--� � �. ��-�:_.�?�t- �� ���t �1�-�- ��x �i�--'c �ne: ._���• � _� �'�_ � �,�� , �-mail Address: Fax: s ��f�����`- �-�� � _ Ty,�e af Review�nd Fee: ��1�~ ❑ Sgns $5f3 Pfus$1.Q(} per square foot af total sign area. `�Canc�ptu�l fie�sew �fl Fee ❑ New Gor�structian �65D For c4nstructiora af a new huilding vr dernoJ�e�iud6d. O Addition $300 Far an addition where s�quare faata�e is add�d tr� ar�y residential or cvmmercial huilding{includ�es 25Q additians&interiar conversis�ns}. ❑ Mincar A{teratiQn $�SO For minor char�ges t� buildings and site impra��ments, such as, (mu6t1-familyf�ammerciaf} r�-roofing, painting, windaw additions, landsc�ping, fen�es and retaining w�Els,et�. ❑ Minor Alteration $�0 FUr rt��nor thdn�es t4 building5 and site impra�ements, such as, �[single-family/dup9ex) re-rao�ng, paintit�g, windav++ additians, landsc�ping, fences and ret�ining walks, ete. ❑ Changes to Appro�ed Plans $20 For revisi�ns tn pdans a�ready appro�ed by Pla�rning Staff or the f?esign Re�iew Board. CI Separatior� Requesk Na Fee �or OfE��e Els�Unly: _ � _ - Fee Paid: •�' CY�eck No.: By: Meeting Date: �` � � � f DRB ND.: �� � � � P3anner: � Praje�t Na.: � � � � *���****��*�*********�*******�*��**��*�**�**************�**��*#***�**#****�****�********�*** TOV�t�+�C?�'VAIL, COLORADa �taten�ent *at**�����*+��*�**��*******�*�����+*��**�*�*��**�**�+*****�z*�*�x*s«�*************���***+****** Stat�me�nt� Numloer: Ft070C1L30�1S l�aount; $SQCt.40 O�I3�1/�OC6748:41 AM �ayrnent Method: Check Init: .7S �Iv�atian< 1.31�/SUZ� Permit 1�0: PEC07�[536 Type: PE� - 'Variance P3�`Cel No: 2IOI-034-030�-9 Site Address: 25T[7 B�1LD Nd{]UN'PAI�i RD �7AI� Locativn: �57p �,�,ZD t�QUNTAI�T R.I) Totai Fees: $5Qfl.00 Thxs Paym�n�: $540.4f� T�tal ALL Pmts: $�qf].(}0 aalanee: $fl.OQ *�*****��******�****�***�*��*******�**#*�*********�********��**��t**********�s**��**********� ACCC►UNT ITENf LIST: Account Coe3e De�cription Current Pmts PV 0�1{10Q1731125t3fl PEC APPLICATIf7N �'EES 5Q0.aQ � � -� ' Mla �j� /p i� !Sl�T�VP I�2L� THIS ITEM AAAY AFFE�1'YOUR PRC1�"ERTY PUBL�C NDTICE ��+�i�TICE IS HER�BY GIVEI'�! that th� Planning ar�d Envir�nmental Cammission +�f #he Town of Uail w�(I h+�1d a pubkic hear�ng ir� accardanc� with se�c#ic�n 12-3-�6, Vail Tawn Code, on June 25, 2007, a# 1:00 pm in th€� Town of Vail Municipal �uild�n�, in �onsi��ration of: A requ�st fr�r a final recammendatit�n fv the Vail Tawn C�uncil on a proposed major amencirnent #� Special D�velo�ment Distriet Na. 39, �rossfoads, pursuant tt� Arti�le �2- 9A, SpeciaE []evelapment a�strict, Vail Tawn Gade, to allaw fc�r an increase in #h� nurnb�r of dwelling unifs firarn �� units to 77 units, foc�ted at 141 and 143 Me�dc�w C]ri�elLat P, BlcrGk �D, Vai1 Village Fi�ing 1, �nd setting forth details in regard theret�. (PE�07-0�135) Appi�cant: Cros�roads East C3ne, LL�C and �rossrvads West O�ne, LLC, repres��tec� '�y Mauriello Planning Grraup, LLC Planner: INarren Campbelb ' � D�'� A requ�est far a final re�riew of � variance from Sectic�r� 1�-fip-6, S�#backs, Vail Tawn �„�, +� � CQde, purs�aant to Chapter 1 Z-17, llarianc�s, ta allow far an addition within t�e west side ,��� y,� se�back, lacateci at 257�J Bald Mvuntain RaadJLat �3, Block 2, Vail Village Filin� �3, and V� s�tting farth det�ils in regard theretc�. �PEC47-Q{13�6} Applican#: Ed W�fliams, repr+�sented by W`slliarr� Heir� Associates Pfa�ner: Bill Gib�on Th� applicatians ar�d in�t�rmatian about th� proposals are available �or pub�ic inspection during vffce haurs a� the Towr� of Vaif Commur�ity Develnpment L7epar�ment, 75 5ou€th Frontac�e Road. The pubf�c is inviE�d tv attend pr��eet arie�tation �nd t�e site vis�ts that pre�ede the pu�rEic hearing in the Touvn af Vail Com€-n�nity '[]��+�Ivpmsn# Depart�'tent. Pbe�se call 97D-479-2138 for additional infarmatir�n. Sign languag�e int�rpretation is avai�abl� u��n request, with 24-hc�ur n�tifcatian. P6e�s� cal� �70-479-2355, T�I�phone for the Hearing Impaired, far informatian� P�bl�shed ,luRe �, 2C�Q7, in th�V�il QaiiY- Pa�� 1 � �� 1 � � � �� i � �o���rL �' � 17eprrrtrnerrt af�ommarrrity lleuef��rnent 75 Svur�i Frontrtge ldae�d' Tf.�il, Calnruda 81G5� 974-473-�1_3S F,r��C 970-�7�2�52 w�ur�r.��il�nv.earn June 18,2007 Bi11 Hein Wilfiam H�in Ass�ciat�s 85a5 East Tempte Driv� Dersv�er, CC]80237 �E. SVII �Ed Wiilfam�} Reside��es {P��U7-0�3E} 257[? �3ald Mo�ntain RoadJLcat 33, !Black 2, Va€I Village �iling 13 Dear Bill, 7he Town of Vail 5taff has prelimirrarily reviewed the Variance application €r�r th� propased additi�ns �� �he SVII RBSiti�r��e located at 257� 8ald I'�t�untain Road. The #�llawi�ng is a surrimary af th� co�nm@atts from th��reliminary re�+iew: 1. Wr�iten appr�vai rnust be�uhmitted from ali utility c4mp�nies. 2. l�he �xi�ti�g and proposed�ross residential#�aor are�., site cn�+erage, a�d lar�dscape area calc�fat�os�s must be based upan the lot as a whofe (i.�. both west�nci east unitsJ, ��e allowahle ualue5#or these calcueations can nat simply�e diW6ded in half. 3. Submit a�ompFets kandscape plan. 4, Site Plan: , • The s�te plan must �e revisec�to accurateiy show ihe existing deeks. • 5now all proposed roof lines with praposed rFdge and eave elevaxi4ns. . Show snow starage areas and area calculatians i�square feet. • Sh�w ali requir�d p�rkinq spaces wit}�a 9'xi 8'bvx fflr interit�r s�aces and a 9'x19' box #or exteri�r s{���es- + Label the TC7W (top-af-wall} and aOkN (bvttQm-of-wa�l� el��atic�ns#ar all r�t2�inir�g wa�ls. r Show prapC�sed u#II'tty 5er�iCB 1111es. . Id�nti�y if any r,ha�tges are being made cQ the extsting driveway. • Show t�re pro�c�sed limits-o�-di5turb�nce (ence and eressio� contral meth�t�s. �, Fla�r Plans: « Fully dimensic�n the ffaar p1an�. • Sf�aw dimensiar��d raaf eaves and ov�erhaR���. • t�ne�et of°'red-fin�d"fl4ar plans rnu�t be su�mitt�ed shc�wing h�w the existing and propvsed grnss residential floor area �GRFA}w�s calculated. Ple�se suhmit revised plans addressing the abbve listed iter�s by Noon on Wedrresday,June 20, �U�7. PS�as�be aware ihe Town Staff will be fonvarding a re�vmmend�tian af d�nial to t'�e Planning �.nd Enviranm�rstal Cor�tmission far a s�tback varianc�to allaw#or khe praposed sou#hern d�ck encroachm�nts. 7he Tawn Staff wiN als� be recammending denial of a setb�ck varianc�fiar the pr�posed upp�r level bEdraam, �at�room, and stairw�y er�crcaac�ments, The Tflwn 5taff w�ll anly br� recomcnendin� appr�ual of a set��xcfc uarianc�fo ailvw for a sees�rtd garage hay and a sir�gle story co�ne�tir�n between th� house and garage simiiar ta�he east half af the dupl�x. �^�]�recrcter�n.�rra . - � 1 V�V� 1�L�[L ; T�evctrtment af�'ommunity Devel�pmtnt 75 Sauth Frontrt�e Rnad Vai� Calvruda 81�'iS7 97Q�479-2138 FAX 970-�79 245.� www.vailgoucam ff you have any que�i+c�ns or comments, feel free to contact r�e d`srectly at{970) 479-�173. S�ncerely, � ,� �.«''f��' -�-�� Bill Gibson, A1CP Town Planner Town of Vail ��.�CY(:°LE'!?AAA'F,R 4, ^' �� j � � 4 � �� t �� ������ I�'eprtrtrnent v�`'�'arrrmunity Ia�ela�ment 7'_5 5outh.Frontrtge k"oru,�" l�nil, �'oluruclp 81G57 ?70-�79-�1,�3 FAX�7f1-479-�452 �uwzu.v�rilgav.com As�g�st 5, 2Q07 66�I F-fein William Hein Associates 85f�5 East�emple �rive �env�r. C�] SfJ237 R�: SVfI (Ed Wil�iams) Resid�ences �P�C�7-Ot}35] 257� Sald Mo�ntain Rc�adlL�t 33, Black 2, Vaif Village Fslkng 13 Dear Bill, 7��Town c�f Vai1 Community C7evelaprr�ent Qepartmec�t has nat yet receiue�i the corrections andlar addit�anal i�formation we ha�r� discussed that is n�eessary to cc�ntinue the review af the set�ack variance request applicatian for 2571� Bald Mnuntain RQ�d. T�is iiem has be�n tabled from the Planning and Enviranmental Cammissi�n's (P�C's) Auge�st �3t'� hearing to the PE!C's I�ugust 27, ZOa7, hear'sng. P,ff nEC�ssary correctio�s and additi�nal infe�rr�atie�n mus� t�e subm�tked�iy no later than noon fhis Friday, August 1t], 2007, tQ cor�tinue the rerriew of this applica#ivn, If the necessary corr�cfions and additional ir�fa�matin� are n�t submitted by �his deadline, th�a}�piicatiQr�wiil be cansadered incomplete and thus null and void. If yvu have any questians c�r camme�ts, feel free to contact me directly at(9�0) 479-21 T3. �i�cerely, , r ��-�--� -�--- BiN Gibsan, A1CP Tow� Planner Town r�f Vail �� !I�{'YCLED PAPf1R OCT-Q4-�00� FRI 0�:�� PM FA� �0, P. U3 ' � � � � Tvrr� Lyneis 6TD0 East Darada Greenw�vod Viilage, Caiarada S�'i 11 +ceil 30�-888-87 57,offics 720—�93-9D17,fax T2fl-493-9�718 e-mait; tOmi neis a01.C[srr� Memo t�: N1att Genn�tt Pianner II Tc�wn of Vail Frvm: Tam Lyn�is Dat�: Octa��er 4, 2UD2 Subjsct: ��7(? Ba1� Mount�ir� Road � Q�ck Exp��si�n I t��nk you and Judy for meeting with me Fr�day concernin� the �ncro�chment probiem b�tw�en a�tr west ha�f�if the duplex at 275fl Bald Mvuntain Rr�ad and aur neighbt�r— F�t�cky Christc�pher—tc� the w�st. �nr y�ur review I �►�v+� enc�c�sed a cc�py vf the aldest sur�ey I coul� �QCate, dated Ju1y �'!, 1��0, by ,1ack W. Jahns�n, � �elieve I h�ve seerr, but cvufd nc�t Incate, an ��d�r survey done in i9T8. I wili ke�p rvokir��. The 138(} s�rvey shc�ws a smalf encroa�hment of a c�rner c�f tk�e walkr�vay deck, A surv�ey an August 1, 2(�t71, which uve cvmmissioned, shc�ws � greater encrt�achment r�f the walkway d�ck th�� the 198+D survey. Uu� neigh�crr wants ta get this resal�ed sv h� can p�ant mc�re firees and landsca�in� on his prc�p��ty ta shie�d his ��vp�r�y frc�m aur b�u6lding, From bc�th surv�ys �t is easy ta �ee Chat not Qnly is t�ere a si ni� ficant e�ac��achme�t �n the property tQ t�e w'est df us, �ut also that the de���and dupl+�x are we61 withir� #he �5' side lot setback rules of the T�wr� o$V�i1. ( ��n'i kncrw what the rules or pvlieies were in th� lat� 197D's —rruh�r� th� unit was t�uilt. At any r�te, tt�is is what exists taday and h�s existed fQr c�v�r twenty years. D�r ��c�pc�sal, ran� which aur duplex ne�gh�nr t�th� west will accept, is f�r us to remov� a11 t�+� deck that encrc�aches plr�s an additivnal amount�of deck which is in the �urrent setE�ack ruies, fior � t�tal ram�Val �f 261 square feet. We pr+�pase to extend the deck imm�diate�y in front af our patio doors by a' tv the svuth �lang a 16' width, fvr a total of 8fl �quar�e feet, and a�id a s#air ta the ground. The skair and mvst�a#this deck additian wc��ld not be ir� tk�e 15' setback �but p�rt nf this a�di�ian will he, A r€�ugh estir�ate �ut� about �F4 square feet c�# n�v►► deck in the setb�ck (it may be less, b�t it is difficult to estimate with th� scale orr the In��rmouni�tn surv�Y�- The west par� fl�the dc�plex, p6us �he garage and some af�he rerrraining deck, wc�ufd alw�ys be in the s�tback, ac�-oa-�oo� F�� a�:�o �r� ��� �o. p, o� . . ' � � october 4, 20��2 Page two I have �nclused, far y�ur revie�v, � copy of the 19�4 survey, the new 20U1 survey, ar�d a p�ckage w€th pictures of the duplex and a description o#the issue. V"U'e war�t to right th� �ituatic�n �s best we can. Please r�wi�w the sit��tivn with yc�ur cammittee �nd pr4v�de me with directic►n an haw we shoulc! pr�ceed. All parties invalve� ar� "i DO°/� behincf #�he sotution pro��os�d, and I ca� get documentatian to sup�o�t the chang�s �rc�m the neighbars to th�west and tfi�e own�r af t�e east half af ac�r�iu�lex. Since we back ont� !-7D no� c�ne else in the neighbe�rhoad sees th� �rea ar is at all impact�e� by tFtis prvbfem. Thank yvu for helpirrg with this matter. . ° � ��t 1 �� 3 �.r�;n�. ncsc����°���� [:A5°C UN I'1 A �,�;r�el. a�f la��d laeln�, a }�aE•t caC I.c�t 33, a 4t�sul��iivlsi�:ti nf L�� 2l, V�sil Vi�.l.�� e, '11�3.rCe�ntli t�Liii��„ Taw�l a� Vail., �agl.e Cou�ity , Gaiaradv, 13Aoek 2, � mvre part�cularly descr�la�.�� as fa�llt�wg, t� `aiC: Iiegins�in,� at a ��oin� c��i tlye c�trmmc�t� wall ��etween twc� �ri.va�� reside�ices, i xc�sn whicl� tht� 5o�rfzw�st�rly cc�rz�cr r�f sz Lcl Lr�t 33 Ue�rs S.��°17' 3fi"id,thnnce� feee clls�an[; t��ea�ce �lnn�tll�ir_eL��i�n��1�.41�°3U' f.lC]"C.11fi�714L�e�;3L1���ce�S�.7�°3U'O(1"�r. 5.79°�f)' L10'°�. I$.9S fe�t, re - � a � "[J. 11.75 €ee�; Clie��c:e �G.(?0 ��*+�L; tla���ee S.}�°�[}' UU"lJ. 1.�E.U''i f+ee�; t;li€:rice F�.7�]°7U'Ot3"W. 4.0 �3L1'f}�,r�. thenr_� 5.1.b°3Cl`[}U"1J. 3�.�+� fe�t� Lherice ��1.'1'9 3l) t3U S.1(J°3i�"{�[�"W. ] 5,5t) feet ; tl�ctu�e �I.79°34}'OU'°Id. �C�.�(] £+'ee; thens� r1}(�� �eet; 19.'.3G Eflet; theitce ti.79°!3U 'f)�'�'�LUt�l7�e����inC}of��L�egicitii��y�(} U{� 1. tt��tZCe t3.79°3�]'UO'°I+1. 0.4� Cee Sai� parcel of 1�11d contail�s 'L30G square f�et ar (�.052'� a� �n acre, mv�e vr less. � ( , . '� � �7 �' 4 . .r� LL c. ,1. i_ �-', '�'�,1� �� ' , ` , ' � •. , �` �. � .:. '"4�51 --�� .Iack W. .I�l�sisaki lt.I�.S. `� f' , Ua Ce �tti i�r+�r `'� � f#�4'r0�. .EKl7g1��75 •*�s�t' a`+.�,j+ .'`��,n �t,�a.'*1� }t. � . . : . .. � : �� 4- 5 � � ;*; . 5 . �# �j�M • r� r{J}�,• � �, • �+ 7 �• • ± {aa ��C '�'Qf` `,n 311P�; .�°�,�� 'ir�j f�` ��•�Q�(�'*i�J f rl�f f t��lµ`►'1 • w ..._.�—��. ..�� ,� 1 . r� ' � � ��L ;} s�� 3 LE�GAL llESC�tTI'"]'�(}N C�iJMCiOi�i i'ARCJ�L ALl o� I�oC 33, a fies��bcii�risl.Uti c�f I.Qt 27, I31ock 2, v��i v�i���� Tilirteent�l T"iling, 'Towr� af V�il, i:ag.le C��a;l'�y , Cc�J.o�acl�,exeP��t the En�t Unit anc3 West Ur.�i� as ��et�i.ousl.y descrll��d. Contaicxing 41,9U4 ��{u�re fee� or C�.�J62(] of �t� a�re, mvre or less. To�;etlte� wiCli an ��GCamerir [c>r° tfle r��tit Cc� �e vekri��le dr��'� [Ixrvu�;}� tl�e cvrner c�f the t�artliwest se�.tLr��t c�C [.c�t 7�. ��iir1 easesnenC w�s rec�rc�ec� :Lrl Liuok 255 ��= f'a�;� 45�r �f tlie L"zgle [;caui�ty Cl�ric aia�l lZeGOr�i�:r�s liecor�ls. � � � • '� !� �r ' ' ' � � �o `�� _r f a. ,c ,�� . �/� r� T J�ek W. .IUlrostsox� �R�L:S. 4551 r I]a te 3 KJ 7 9 J 137 5 ��`��t��.}����+y� �''��`��' �'.� rr�► "y�'�,.,�,�Q,1l97k��C��'���r�r '� r n �' •i L � r . r t#: 455 � ;�`� � . : �� �;�''•��R,�, �U�•'Q? �,�,*." .o auny, ,�Pi•• f`f'+�P�'�++A 1 j 1'F�����*,ti � . � _`� �. a . � �Sl�ce�. 'l U€ 3 L1:t;11[, t��St�f�CI''1 iUN 1J 1:5'k U Ed'C T A ���reel c�f l��i►d l�ei�t� �i y�arC c�f Lc,4. :�3, .� ]�e:;u��lir�isior� caf �.a� �l , l��c�ck Z' Vai�l. Vill���', 7�'liirt�entfi l�i.l�.li�,r 1't�tiatt c�f Vail, i���l� Caustty, Ccrl�radu, m�r� �}�rti�ul.;�rly �ie�eril�ccl as ic:,l.ic�w�s, �.� wit: �jeg�.rtt��i�� tit �l � a�,itit nix tlie cnrrunoii w:39.I laet�rr�en twa �r�.���� res�cienets, frozn wl►icli the SuuLitta��SteCl.y �L.or���r af s�s.a ].crt 3'� ta��rs 5.0�°17' �G'���• th�nce� Ceel: d1:�Cai'�t; tlke��c:e alc,r��; �r+icl C'i7E111q[7il �r:71 1 li. ].{} .3� [}U �tttier�ic°c�it�79°3[�"[�11"��. Id.79°3U'EJ. 2$.�31 feet; tla`szr_e N .ldl°3C)'OU"f�. 1�s.G5 f�et; �3 2C►.C10 �eet: theti�ce 5..�0°.��r �'�Le�[' �1►ea�ce��{LEn�ltllit��l�I�ste�'1y�l.i's�ieLaf4b��i.�1 e�t; C7ien�e S, �U°3Cl'IlU"l1. �3, f�'� C + tl�ence lsat 32 S.U9°22`{72"1:. 3.'L.CJU Ci��C; il��t�ae 5.79°_3fl',lQ"F:. 7. 54 tYtenee r7. 1043U"UO"'L. 5. 1{l°3(}'(]U"W� 15. 73 Cc�et; Cl�er�ce. 5.7� 3U �30 G. �+ .lU �eet; C4.65 feet; L13ET1CC.' 1y. 9fa feet; tl»nce 5.7�°3U"UU"l"s. 1.2.�i2 C���; tltee��.e 5,10°3Q`Q'�"l�. 5. 79°3U' [�0"�. U.�}5 Cu L'lte }�vizit c�C l�eginstiEet�;. 5aici parcel of l�ttid cc�tttains 2173 sc{�x�re feet nr �.[}a2�2 �f acz e7CF�� more vr legs. . � i � �� � � . , i i +�{ ! 1 l, , � i' lJa'Vid��kel R.I,.S. 41fl9 / J (7at� .�����r�7� . , . . � . �� �� , . � � S3►r�eL � �� 2 �J3�;�L�I�l�`I'1.C7t�i '? V�'ll ]. U1.a.�.�1C1E' �I'�]1L f�G'�211�:�I 1��sein�ett c�r��alt��ci tc.� j,r�� 3.3 , F�lnck , � Fi�is�� frorri Lc�� 32 , '�lc��r•k t , Va.i3. �i].lac�e "Tt�irtc*ini:la F`il.itz�1- The f_c�l.l��winc� c�ccl�L��t�ernicari4.CfC:c�i�c�r.��L.i.�n�c7wn�r. r�f�I�rsL-�31� Pett�?e ��-�c1�y5t�.r.zcs , '[r�c. . `' ���il Villac�;e Thirt�'�»�h �, Iie�Uka�lz�ri.si�?n S�F I��l 27 , I31c�c_k 2 , � �h�, �wnez- �� ��- l il]ny. 'Tlt� ��is�t�1[�i�st� i.3 c�r7n�t.[yc} i=r� i�c�t 3_' 4' r i�c�itr� cc�r� oE I�ot. 3� , E31ack � � Vail �il.a �c}� '1'liiz't:renth ��r'�s'�_he c�wn�r� F��tt�� �nclu��ri€�_rr If3�:. 'T1�� ea��r��r�nt� cic�s��ri.bed g ca� ���:orel c�'� i.r�L ?�:3 i:l�� ri�ihir�n�e��f. I�o�1:13��. ��Tlie�clriv�uata:���.4#t� �p�n�er t�f t:��e r1cyr.�.1tw�:±:�� s�c,L �r w�t��irt � loc:ati.c�n ���-1.y f��c?�= �z�'m t}� a��ral�c�l��� Fi��r���`'Ic7��r t�i.rs r�f l�c�t 3� anc� L.�L 33 c�i� a � isz� �l�nnir�g 'f , Rra�ci aricl fr�ifi L-}7c� ,t�me cc7rr��'t �j}ti � �ecl�r.�L.i�r�n��r��e�sc��reni.��c� }.ot 1.ine Sr�u��ti �y f���y f.c��t a7.Io�+ the o�ata�r �.� L�� �33 �"t�e 2� a}nd t�he���z'���}1 tL,t 7 i�s��unr.��trictec'� clrxue c�n r1�� ��ro4�eri�y �F Lc�t 3 �..i�e a� a �ri�e wi l-.t� nc� cc�i�i��sem�r t�z��ast�l�to ar��.tts�Use��enL-�c�wnQr 3a , 7'hYS e1�clar�t.tn�� ancl �t �� re�rc��ecl af +L-he ��roF�eri:y Lc��. 33 its ti�ir.s at�ri succe��n�e�� ��yTti1,� de�laratian �r�c� �aserec�nt ar� form�lly ���� �e�a��� �o�,p�ratzc�i3 0� �wiz�r o� r�corc� 'Pe��.ee Ir���;str�.�.' I�lo�k 2 , �ia� 1 Viila�Q '1'l�ir�e�r��:l� J,�t 3�C , a Resuhc�ivisi.ai� o€ i,c�k: � � ' sass wit}� any� tratlsfer of: Filil�r� ta Lc�t :33 , �aic1 e�se�nent �a� � Y �wners�ii� �o �he new t�wner c�L- rec;ox�l. � . , . � � � �'�► � � ' �'�'",,�'�_� �1�r,�L- 1 C�r- 2 , . � � � � . � ,� ,�'�,.�,� �'�°;� ��� f ��r.��` '��,�,. -���:o� — k --�-s-- �� . � ��a• ��° � ,���'��l ��.��' ���,r a �� . � w z-�.�• �n � �r`�9r rry�° �-- � ,�,� ��'}'�'�+i1�4-°••+I r�t..�� . � ��� ..g�,�' � a r,7,7� �- �v`� i'z n�" ,:•^�1-—�F�'[�� � � .17c+ �' ����'' -,' + I ,�,�s�°��� .. � q, f,�z t � J �i � f���, ---�r � � ¢a�' ���- � �- .� �'J '� . � --�.1 .,.., � ;;r:.. � ,Co��3 i� � 'x': :��r� °� ��, ��' - _ � o � �a ' � � � � � �� �� . .r— o �,��.�yti/ 15d•°� � -� � � �� � # � , �c�s��'.� � �� 4. G'��1���� -�- � � � L,r�,�L prsctz�pT�c��a v L�c�t 33 � a ReStllJtiiV].51017 4� L4t 1�+ r wc�st one-�ialf �L Uutyl�x, °reswi, �sf 'Vail , C��Ile I3lvck 2 , V�tl Vi114�,c�e . 'fl}irt���'r1�=h Fiiknc� w County � Cc►lurac�a. IMP�it3VF"�t�IJT LC]Cl1'1'I4N C�,�T�F�C11TI� I Ja�:k G�. .��hn�c�i� , 1iE�rE�by cez'�i �y i��z�t tlz is imvr.avem�h� , r� �red �:c�r �'ettQe Iridust�rt� ' suzvey ].c�cation c:�rt:i Cicate was T� �' ��vious ��r.o� - �' ir►provetn�nL l�ca�:ic�rr beiiyc� b���t3 on <`� 1� o�, �ttie� t'hat h�� k�een mai7ument�c'� t�y fatl�ezs anc.� i�liat it is �n� �v �n ' + c�n fr�r thc� cs�.a�al.isl��7i�n�. o� fer�ce . buzldiric�� re i iec� u� - �u'�ure impro�em�nt �ines . z further cerl:ify t-hat tlze im��rc�v��ez�'�e�°�������ility cor�- r�r�.b�d �arcel ori tizi�s �late , 3u�y 11 ` ].9�(1 t necl:ions , are �1�'�i�'ely wiLl�in t�ie l��aunc3�ri�s c�f t��� t��rcel , ex- C:E�3�. � � st�ows� r ��k�a� tlzere �.re r�Qt encrna�ch��emi�es�,�exkc�nt��s�i�ec� p�'e�ni�e� t�y ir.���ro�remea��s on �ny ac3��tri3. �,�setn�n� �,nc�ic<,�e�, a���J. �=h�� �l�ere i� ��� nh.Y�ict�l e�riclence c�� a�►V � art r�f saici p�rcel . excei?� as noted c�osginy c�r l��arci�nii� any P on ..�13ee� twa a� two. �� r� � ��� .� + , �_`fi ' , 1 t � � � �.I�.S . 4551 4� ' ' ! { �. a�!�`�yy,]yUI{�'�rtr �r]G}f. ��. �'b27T]SC1I1i ,� �� i r � � ���� 44�; ��• 15fL''+�t���rrj r'�`�i'�`�� ��U•' �'f+ � , •� : : `* � � .J �./ � ��~ • • " a a � i t�.�. i . •.-. �T�i f�i �/���� . . KL41K(GIG!W L'+TUN U.'FiO,iY1L[T[GI iilll8'�I[RAIO7Y1NJ4711.N63�SY4A - psx�l k n ��.r . �� a ^+w �r+ �C7�b'a0�0� 'AllV110� 3lJb'3 '�lf�"A �Cl C�LMOI �i LAi-Wiv�MLi)SIMI1 0.7'l96hY t7.it0�'0'�i RTO11f7I�^J�IdW:2 aefl �a»G4 iPP n.�i!p+uuf uc�v.Ja Pa i�YF i P F'�iUl ml �� wt �4 P4u�P�ua g�cw.a� �R pw w xa a�y1 6i�,aaw6.s3 7� � �u oil+�nupy—�a; l ux?�� �al:4z xJV�no u��� oiCa �uG sr.u�Raul A� } r n ^�3 VA '1 �} 7 �}f . T+ p � � raG�d Fno�ay uw�o� po�oiuc.� �s �..r�t�l�PLI ,o ��sw�r.oP � {�fV���3 �'{�Z� ��✓��17lr1 ��Vfi �Z /1��1a P��[.. 1{�� "° , = n �r ��� ���� s y ci++D;SY?pP�r�i�.yw ;s vvsmd ���o�u� IoWi i��rki ul p � Ii ����� �➢rlmkina ;� al�Ikl�.m 1n�M0.4d 1Ay,9 R4C�CG NdA'V DOUe�IP.UO� 1A p-�n C �1 �+ �/! 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BOX 153�-VAIL, CC7 S{lDc7� ��pro�re[# Desciptian; �rywall patch; repaint; r�carpet, kxt�ehen cat�in�'��� S`[�..�] vanities, ti1� upgrades ,�� fSt C+ccupancy 'I'ype Factr�r Sc7 Fee ��'�' � Tc�t�ls. . . $31, QC�O.DO* Number�f Ih��elling Uruts: 2 `i'o��+n o�'Vaxl r�djustcd Valuatian: �31.[l0(}.t]0 Fireplace Inli�rmltion: [2estn�ted.1` h u!°G:u rippliartccs: !3 �oF��as I.c��,s. � �uf R'aad Pnllet: [1 »ee�*ae►�R�e*�+ti+f+r+�r+a�+�+tr.r�►�r�srs�rrr�*rhrs�err.ser�.�xr�z:r�w«+�n+ F�L SL.'s'4It�S:���' •""das*+.s�r:.�rr++rwrasxa.:;�sa•ra�.a•.wrs►*s+f*�++ittasssasr L3uiltling--__ 5357.fl0 E�zs#uarani Ylan ELevies�'-•-' S4.00 "l'«tal Calu�utaied I��s----_ $1,199.O5 i'&nn L`heLk---, $232.95 I3F2B 1�ee__�_�-°-.�....:. $4.q0 ;��ldiiianal f�ecs � S0.D� Ln�•esii�ativn-= $357.00 Hei-rc.stinn f'ee-__.�....._� �er. 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( ��ree ��,compir1 v��ic�the i��tarmati�a� artti ptat plan, tc�camply�vith al] '�av��n � � I'.�4(rF Z �*�*�:*x��*x��m****����*�k*:x�«*��***M#�*******�*****��*��x��u***a���«��a��:���*�;x����x�����***k�*�:x�**��**�*******=►* carr���r�tc�r��c�� ,�n��oW�.�� Permit Y: B�0-f1�3� as at� i(}-1?-'���3t) Status: ISS[IED *���c*****�M��*���**�******t*�***�*****�:�*x:��:��**���*****��*����****�t�*�*�*�**x�*�a�*��***:xt******�_�***�e�c P�rmit Type: AD�iALT SFR BUILD PER.;�wilT A�rplicci: IUJI dl2f)00 .���ticant. ��LF(�R-R�4�ICA� [ssucd� IUII?l2(l�0 .�ob .�,ddress: ?77�BALD iVf�L`NT�II�I 1�D VA1L La�atia�: Far�ci ?tio: ?d�i(}3�03G(?8 ���**�***�***x�*�������*�*��***��*****x*�x°x*�**�=�**�*����**���+���*����*r�*���**�****��***=��x*��*�**��� CG�;�7ITI+QNS t�k�#�ac�ic9K#��k7k*�*#ac�*�#*###*##�#*#�k�*###?�*##�#�c#�#�**�#*#�kzx#*��k*��k###��###�#########*�#*#*###�k#*?k�k��##�k## �C3I}C�: �2 �°�,�L.I3 INS?ECTIC}11TS A�E RE(�7UIR�.'� 'FC ��CK FCJR CC3DE �vMPLIANCE. �an�: I6 SMCJI�E DET�`CTCRS ARE REQLTIR�D IN AL� BEDRf�QMS AND �,VER3.' STC�RY AS FER S�C.310.5 .1 QF TH� 1997 LTBC. o�^dinanee5�d st�l�1�«°5.and tt�build th�n�ciure acc:c�r�iin�� tc� �4�c lca��»s::onin� anci �Z!tl''dii°isroai codc�.d�sir�m r��•iev�°approvcd, Lniforrz� Bagifdin�Ccx�c �nd olh�z'o�din�c�:s�?Cthe'I'����-n :�pplic;.ibi��i�:r�:tc�. ' RL•QL'EST:S F+bA I`v51'1�CTICSh]SH�1LL Li�hiill7L":`.1'EN-€Y'-��'JUR Ii�ll=Rti Iiti li]`,",s r=Iil' �,:.1 '-�'f�[l'�� -^_r ti�Clt2�1,3'[�I,Tii[)FFICE PHC];�S 8:96.�..'41-5 P14. 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FEE �'�1..,C�i 35i.�� ��iC Q01�00�311��00 t��LL C�LL INSFEi.fIGN ��� 3.0(l . � ARpLICATI!?I►�LL NUT BE ACCE�P'TEt?IF 3NCOMPL�R UNSIGN�L? Prvjec# #• Bui�ding Perrr�it #. (`':;�? .�Z - ' i 970-479-�149 �Inspectic�ns) .� � £ T0�0FYA1��, Tl7WN �� VAIL BU�tDIN+� P�RN1�T ARPLI�ATI�N = 5�p;�rate pfrmits :�re r����ireEl ti�r�i�ctriG:�l, �rlurntain�, r��echanieal,e�c._" 7� �, �rc�art�l;r 32c�. � Vail, Cal�rado 81�557 . _ T1���� ��r� � � ���� , Contac�Ea /e �ourr .dsses�snr.�Q�c+�at.�70-.3�S-�9S417�r vrs�t �vvvs�:eaol�-cnur� .crar,� far Par�el# 3 � F _ __ Farcel # �, �� ,�, � ,—.� �. _ 3at� hlan�e. 1G'f�''1 �.`�{r,���� Jat� Addr�ss: �J�D ,�jl��� �'1�l�ll.�. �� . ,' _ - - " Legai D�scr�ptior� Lot: F��acic: �iling� Subdivisi�r�: : ; _ _ ; C?wners Name�. ! Address: .� Phc�ne: �� �GYd��� <�. � .� �c,��+, �= � �3 '�i f3 - � � A�ehite�t!'Qe�signer: Address: Phar+�: ;, ,. _ , �ngir�eer: A�dress: Phar�e: � _ ��:taifeci descriptivn vf work: t��o�t� {�+c�.�r� � �-<'pct±•�,+ � {`�CCir�� � ���c�er� �A.1r�, . �. !�:�S ��`� � t��S Work Class: fVevu � ) Adc�iti[�n � } Rerr�c�de! ( } Repair �� Dem� � } Cather� ) _ � : , Work T e: Interia�(�) �xteriar ( } �€�th ( ) Daes �n EHIJ ex�st at this location: Yes ( ) N� ( ) � p �YPe of 8�dg.: Single-f-�mily( } Tw�-f�mily(x} Multi-farnify f ) Cc�mrr'��cial � � Fiestaurant{ ) C3ther ( ) { fVo. of Fxisting awelfir�g Uni� in th�s building: No. c�f Acc�mmodation Unit� in this buildinc�: � NQ,�T' e af Fere laees �xistin : Gas A liances G�s L� s Woad/Pellet 'W�ad Burr�in ' �Jc�l� e of �ir� laces Pro vs�d: Gas A �iances Gas Lo s Wood Pellet Wovd 6urnin NC3�ALLUINED I Qoes a Fire A�arrn E�ist. Yes (� ) N� ( ) Daes a Fir� Sprin{cler System �xist: Y�s { ) hlo (�C) ' 4 # CL)MPLEI"E VALUATIQNS F�Ft BUILDYWV� P�RMIT (l..�bor & I��teri�ls) � , �UTLDING: � �� C�IC."� � ELECTff'�CAL: � __ I�THER: � _ , {'LUMBING: $ MECNANI�L: $ TC]`T.'�[,: � ft�f�[J�fU CLF.4�JE1P���'(751T��U: �'�u' �,y,,� C(��1VTRAC'fQR TNFURMATIUN f � Gers�ra� Cc�r�tractor: (����� Tvwn a�Vail Reg. f��.: Contact and phon� ,�`s: _ � ���- � J"�� �2.�V�'�.C�t�,� -�'� -��� 1 . Contra�vr Signature: �'zx:.�:?c�#kfr�4aira�ir�,frt.��Fa��rk�'i+4:k'x*�F�k�ka:'r�irx�:r+;:'::'rk�Vl� �f"�"116.� V�� �N�t�.:�ca=�:k:ric:F:Fx�rx�.c...;r?:.*:'sz::'.cic�:i-i�:r::�9::.xa�:�:: �C3ther Fe��: Type of C�nstructian: ; A�ce�t�d BY_ � � . --- � �RB �ee�: �+�tupan�GrouL:-- i � Pl�nner Sign-off: i , ; ` Puhlic Way permit F�: j j ba�e Ftec�iv��d: �: F:Jeveryc�ne/far�s/htdc�perrrs f� _ --- Tov►�N ar �a��� ar���rr��r��r�r c�n��tur�l�r� o�vrt.oPn�r�T 7� S. FRONTAGE RC�AD VA[L.CU S I657 97[]-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERM�T MUST BE POS�'ED QIkI JO�iSITE AT�LL TIhr�ES PLLJMB[l�IG PEI�1�iIT Pcrmit #: P�t�-[lliS Job.Qddress: 2�7(�BALD M+DLlNTACI�I RD V AIL Status . . . : ISSUEI7 L.�caticaE�...... Applicd. . : 1[/1512(}(}{� P�rcei I'�o...: 2l(Jl[13�f}3U()8 Issucd . . : ] lJ1fi1�U(]{l Proj�t i�1v : � ���U� -�:.�Z-_I- Ex�ires. .: U5115f2()[l 1 OWIVER S.V. T 2 11/15 f 2�t]� Fhc�tze: B 19 SI�ER�LAI�T S'Z' I}ENVER CC� 8fl2�1-2913 C[7NTRA�TOR ALLIANCE MECHANIG�, 11�`15���U0 PhQne: 97Q-328�D3Q3 P.C}_ B Q�f 18 5 S �".GLE, C�CJ 81631 Licens�: 147-P AFPLICANT ALLIANCE MECH�]`iCAL 11/15f2Da0 PYr.ones 97�0-32�-03t33 P.O. BD]f 1$55 EAGLE, GO 81531 Dcsciption: REM�DEL1RElNQVAT�ON INTfiR1C]R ��aluatian: bl.1�O.�J�7 Firepl�+ce Is�f'ormrtlion:Rcctric9rd:77 rt oFG�s e'1p�linrtc4s� ?? �OI G15 I.�?�: '�} N of'Wnad Y�1luM: �? 1�liidt�flii►iftYii'M1�1��i�i�fi[#R��i�#ilikifi�i�pf�iYt�litkt�l�Y�t�t�t ��5,���.�.��.- ■a�s�sr.r�rssk*ses�eMx*sa�ass+sF:ts�is��+►�+rs�raxs+s►�rrrratt 1'lumbin�----- $30.Ofl �testu�r.�n!Plan RarrirFV--• SO.v(� 'Cnkn£Cnlctiinted]�zas-' $�10_50 F'lan Ciferk-' S 7,5 a rl1�Ii Fcc- ._..-.- $t�.ao tldda�'snnal Fee:s-> $o.a o fm�eslig�ti�n�=� $0.Dt3 '�'�'C.+II.FF.rS �4#�_Sff Tutal 1'c�'rttit E�e: - - $4 4.50 '4Vi11 C;ull----= $3.ao PelmCnis $40.�D E�n1,:L�C:liI]LiF - So.ov sitaatsatatiassaarat�:ttttt*aattstata�atta��s*xtrtt�atsttaatrasrtt��tiaitit+t+tirai+s�st��++.sa,eaast,*�.arata�rs����r�a�.�.�a�+�sra.ra►.sst.rsas■ Item: t�5�.00 SUZLDING DEPA�tTNlENT 1I/�.s1���0 C��vls Activn: AP Item: �5600 FIRE DEPRRTMENT Ci�NL7iT�C]N �F APPRCJ'+�AL Cond: 12 FI�LD I1�SPECTIC}NS ARE REQUIRED TO �HECK F9R C�DE CQM�LIANCE. tZ�i�J►1►1��ki1�i�l�ii/�1[�i�t�t���i�fti[ftiii�i���l�fttiifitli�iR►��M��i�1�#�i�►1Ri�i��i�i�i\t3�ififi�iti�iii��{Y�ttXiit�Rli►f�#A*�f��}*k#►A1�\t►##/R DECLA►RATIONS I hereb�,� �cl:nc�wledge that I l�ave read l.h�s ap�lie�tion, Glled out in full the inF�rniation required,campleted an accurate plot plan,�n� state that a�l tkze infonnatiori as requir��is conect. [ agree to eampiti�with tlie�nforn�ation a�td}�lot�lan,to eornplti°�vi�h all Ta�an ordir�anccs and slatc la���s, and to build this sEructure acGC�rdin,�ta ihe tar�r�-ns �crtun�and subdivision codes,desi�n rec�i���r appro�ed, Unifon�� Bt�ildiF�� Cv�e�nd other 4rdina��ces o£tl�e Ta��n applicable#lxcreto. R�:(�t?���fs t�LDR INSPFC`�1i�N SEf:1F.P.�1F hiA�3E T�,VFNT'Y•F(]1 iR 1-Ic7t�RS I'.�:1i�V.�NCF.Rl'�'E:f.EPEt(7NE.4T 479-2 t3R�R:IT UUCfR C]F�3�Cg:I�RC)M 8:an A�d.s PA4. � � L Slf� 11'TITRI'DE�{}W'�F[:�(�12 CONTF2,�.C�'1'OR FdR i�IMSEI,i"/�N17 f3WM: � � *�**��*��***�****�****�*****�*s*�**��****�******�»�**�**�***��***�r�***�*�*******»��*�**r***:� `i"f7'LVN(3F V��II., C[}l.{)1tA1)(lC�rpy Reprin#eel on I1-iG-�Oi10 at 1Z:17;{13 i 111G1�0[lU SEatv�nen! **�****�***���**********�************�******�******�********�x*******+�****�*�*��***********� Statement PTumber. RDOOOQ0217. A�nount: $4d.�0 S1/i5/200Q12:14 P�E Pay�ent �iethad: Check �ni�: CD NDtata:one #52pB P�rmit No: Pi�Q-t7135 Type: PI�[JMBING P'�RMIT Parcel �o= 214I{734(�30(18 Si.te AddxeaB: 2570 SP.LD NF�C]UI�TAIN RD VAII, Lacatisan: Tatal F"e�s: $4{},5a This Payment: $40.5D Tt�taJ. P,LL Fmts: $44.5d Balan�e- $O.DO sk*##**�c*�:�k**�k*****#*#�*#*****�k*�**+k***?F�t!�*�t#�k�k#*d�#+k#****##*#*�k*#*#*******i�#�***�k��k�k*****�k* A�C()1JN�'�TL;M�.[S'T: Acco�nt Cc�d2 Descripti4n Curren* Rmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF UOlODU0311.2300 f'LAN CH�CK FEES 7.5fJ PP C}41D�6031.112[DO PLUMBIN� P��MIT FEES 3�.4�(1 WC 4�lU��Q31128a0 WILL CALL INS€'ECTIOPJ FEE 3.00 AP�'LTCAT30�LL MDT BE ACCEPT��] IF TNCC3�IHPt��'!I� UNS S�EC7 Proj�ect #: —� ,�' �ui[dir�e� Perrnit # 7� '�lumbing Permit #: � U 1 � 974-479-21�s(Insp��ie�ns� T4�PN0�'Y"A�. Tt�WN []F 1114IL PtUM����G P�RI"�II�' �IP`RLICAT��N 75 S. Frontag� Rd. Vail, Calarado 81fi57 Contart�a Ie �'oun .�.ss��ssor.�C?��e at 9,7D-3�8-�64!!+vr Misit �rww.e� le-rc�ur� .com fc�r Parcel# Parcel # �R�quired i# no '�Idg. permit # �s provided abav+�} � �i' � _ Jab Name: � � 1 ,� 1 � [ � �ab Address: r ��-i � j �' "� � - ,�''/'� ,� LegaE Descriptican Lr�k:�� Black: � Filang: p � � � Su�r#ivision: �wsters Marr:e. Addr�ss Phone: . �r�gineer: Addr�$s; _ Ph�ne: -- - i �etail descriptian of w rk: � �., ,�, " �p ' t� �. Wc�rk CI s: fVew ( ) Additic�n ( ) ,41t�ration (�,.•}�epair Qther ,�},,� -� ^ , ��� Ty�e pf Bldg.: Sfngle-family( ) Dup3ex{d�}—�lulki-famiiy{ ) Cs�mmercial ( } I�estaurant( J �C7 r( ) No. t�f Existing Dwelling lk�its in this b�il�iia�g� Na. af�c�ommqdatic�rt L1nit� ir� khis b�tilding: Is this a c�nWersion fram a wood �urning fireplace �o an EPA, Phase II deWiee? Yes t ) No �'� C+CMMPL�T'� VA�UATI�N FC1R RLIJMBING PERMI`�`(Labvr& Mate�ri�ls) _ �� � _ _ R�UM�IhJG: ;$ ,.�'r�'�f -�-- e+vn�T� � ���ra�vr� _ _ _ ' PI �i or�tractor �own af Vail Reg. �Io.: C���t a�d Phone �'s: 'r .,� ;,--.- , T ��_�..� _�'� � —�' 3�� ' Contractor Signatur�; �'� -r� _ .-. - �,�`�; __ _ *���+�*�*��**;�**�*���*���*�x�*,��***�����CfR ���IC� U5E ONLY,�x�R���,�,�,��,������������*�x��;����,� ' [T�her�+ees: ` �at� R�ive : � �Ft6 Fe�: Acce t�d B : ' " ��� � t� 2(��](� , a���,��f s��-��;._---— --- -_ .. . . __-_� Ff everyaneJforms�plmbperm i . _ � � . . � .-�� `'��� ...���^i�" -� �;��-�' � iYli�'N 4F V�'�l ��� ❑�� �E '�T� ��'�-� ���� Towrn af Vaii 5urvey �arnmun�ty Deu+el��ment De�aRment R�ssel�F�rr�st, Oirectc�r, {97Q)479-29 39 C�hec�s al!#�at app�ie5. 1. V�,'F�ich [7�artment�s) afid you cant�ct? �uiit#ing Envirflnmer��l Hausing Adrnin P�a�ning dRB �EC �. Was ya�r ini�ai cor�ta�;with our sf�ff immediate si�w or na ane avaii�bie ? 3. �f j�OU w�t�r2�Ul��d�SJ W'�1�, C1t7W�C�tl�WSS E��1Efo�e y(JU uV�'�e he#ped? 4. W�s yaur�ro}ect review�c�n a time#y basis?Yes 1 �€v If nr�, w�y no�? 5. Was ti�is ya�r first�me to�le a DR� ap� PE�ap� 81dg P�rmit NfA 6, �leas�rate i�e p��f��anc�af t�e st�ff�ers�n who a�si�.ed y�au: � 4 3 2 t N am�: (1cn�wf�dge, r�s�ons�vene�, �vaiiabi�i�r) 7. {)V�C�ff �#��Ctive�+ESS�]f the FC�CI�.�.�N3C°�Oe1[���C. � 4 3 Z 1 8. UVhat���e best time ofi�ay far ya�t� use the Front Service �ou�ter? �. Ar�y c�mmeni�yc�u have whic#�w�u�d�Ilaw�s t� het�er s�rve you n�zt�me? Than�S yflU�Cft��4i[?(� t�'t�bi�1��('} COt11plE#t?�'1�S SUf Vey. WE �f'� CACI'atTlf�[�� fVTl�1f'UV1Il�€7Uf S�MC�. q : �.�` +� �.�8,: � m� , a �� �di- � � �` ' ' F �# �' � t � �& h , � ������f4 S,4'� � �s . . .. �- s ' a �: - , .1 �. sE 7. "�i . . . ': . � �7� ' J ' 'i? �, � �s. � ,�-..�.�,(�`x 7 - � � �. � � `�: . . . . � �4 k .� � , � 1r��J � � F��,�" Stt�# � 5 ��c � � � � � �+.. �. � 1 g g� . ��. � g��. � �:k�r � M ap�,` �F �1 3 � � � . �':�' , �5 �Ag�� a� ;��:� � � ' . _ '� .. . ,.� � - w :. -� _. . . . . .���vr� - �.�t ?i , �. �}z��� k" _ . _ . .. x .. � - •. , n i 'i. ' ,;, �� �z; z r. � „�. ._�. . :��,: ... . . �., „ � . . . — _ .,._:.�r.:..�..__' .. __. . . . , , � � � � � � � � 6 O QI N ❑[� ! Ctl `L,`y 1 p 1 Q ; 1 p J:i O � O 1 0 E Q 1 {�]� Y 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 a�7 I i E+ 1 1 1 f �� � i i � a � � � , � � � , � , � � �� � O � a 1 p � I O I O 1 p �7 Cj � • " ; • ❑ S] � 4 b �� 1 Y7 1 ul L N � f� � C4 � N � ' I 9 Y I O ry 1 1 1 1 I 1 W ! f] f q� i o a a � o � { a � o � o O � dA� i o r 4 � D I H 1!1 1 if1 f N y TJ N Fq 6 + a� � i p� A H i i � � Ci i � C1 � H�+ i i F .'] � ti y'*', b 4 i b .'� � {q J O � 1] i + O 7 E f7 O � i C1 R' Pr'Y 4 � 6 i � D V C]� i0 C ' 4!! N � N g. p rv i n i . n 47 � � i p � � � � + � � S � y3 � W � � W c� � H � 0 4 � d � h Cl dA Nr� I I N C7 � 'tr + `a W W }r W C`. F] s 3fl � d W {s 1 Q '�] � � � � � M � N 5k `+ q F ca H W •+ PC IL N {q }+ L1 Vi h� � � � C i � i ~ � � + fV F u� i i � 2, I � ry � � Q � E � N w i lu E» ,.�T H i 4 ry U o � � � i .�-�P 6] .+ � a � z o"a � w m s�. A ex � ct v m x 4 i � C7 C! ' o C � W w� � 7 �p i O�F E �� d r�+n i � U V i to a � H x �w� v�a-.. � �� U a t� p�� � LS � N P �� � V p1 w � i o h� F F F� r{� 4 � Ct � fa � � w� �S � �i �, � a�, a R�iCF � � � (7 G � ; � � ��-'�t3-:?��'�°i i�l^�����^d��et k�'��x�*��k �i� �1�33tg � , €�;�g+e 11 t,''::3�,Q�`s'i •� ---—... _ �. .�.-- -•_.. _._ ._ .i�`�%�a,.���:�-.�.�!�'i�'w��_°��_ _. _.��_ -- - ��u�5�t!1rr�����t7�t�: 1F+f�1t�e�+el�y,!1�t4 18,�l�i}7 xi��!$;��ef�ta: �f���t3�. ls3�����c��* IyFse: k��.�'Ju I3�rs+����t� t� "�fi�:s: �t7"+'s aiSc:r�tdCf�'+e-��►: 2�7#F�3�.1��GIJC�t�'Afi4i��l h�V'A1L 1�1�#�r�ra,a�s A�?hts�y: �17�-�� 7�r:a4, A-�'1Jli_�3 �U�3"},�re; .'��k.11°' S4a�ts: '��L1E'CY Ct�trst iy�' flct�rp�stcy� L's�°' '��! 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G�ntract�r� , �c�wn vfi Va� Reg. o.: Contact and Phone#'s: ` , � i�'�-{ Gi' C� S� � �'' - �. � �� � �� � Emai1 address: _ _ _ ` ___ _ - ___ Contraci�r Sigra�tur�: CQMPL�TE YA�lJATIOhJS Ft'7R BUII,DING P�RMiT Labar & Materials BUILDING. � � ,�v°-' EL�CTRI�CAL: $ t7T�lER: $ : � PLLJMBII�G: 5 MECNANICAL_ $ TC3T�41.: � F'c�r Parcel# �Cor�tact Ea 1e �Gounf As�essars 4�ffice a#9T0-3�8-864Q or visit w�+t�w.ea le-c�ur�t .corn ; _ ___ _ _ _ _ £ Parc�i# —� ,- � ' , � � � , - �� I � :�� ���.�: �-� � Job I�ame: Li�' Jgb A�dr�ss: �,,���I���"£„� ��' � ��� � S� cl� h ���- Legal Descriptiort Lot: B#ack: Fil�ng. 5utadivisie�n: _ _ _ _ __ _ C)wners N�m�: Acidress. Phone: ' _ - - _ . Ar�hiteetlC]esigner: . ,4ddress: - Phone: < �' Engineer. Address: _ F�ht�r�e: ` Detail�d descriptian vf work: �,�GF�_ ` , -x_. �. , � -� � �� C' �Y�-i a: � �.'-�Ls � J.__�-_.� n A 1: Wa�rk Cl�s�: Rl�ur{ ) Adds`#ic�n ( } Remod�! � ) Repair( Demc, ( j C�th�er( ] Wtark fiyp�: fnteriar( � Exterior{f`�,) Bc�th [ ) [�oes an EHU exisi a�this location: Yes [ J hio , �ype vf Bldg.: Single-family{ ) Two-family[ ) itillul['r-famil �ommerc'sal � y Rest�urant( ) +Qlhet( J i Mla. vf E�isting C)welling Units in this building: Na. of Accc�mrn�dat�a� IJnits in this bu�lding: NaIT e of Fire I�ce� �xistin : Gas A �iarsces { Gas �o s VlloodlPellet Wc�od Bumin Nol7 e of Fir� laees �'rv �se : Gas A liarrces Gas L.o s 11VoadlPelle� Wood Surciin AiUT AL�C�WE❑ _ �aes a Fir�Alarm �xist: Yes( J hJ�{ } C7oes a Fire 5prinkfer Systerra Exisi: Yes{ } fVa ) �*,�„�,�,��,�,����***,��,�,4«,rFt3R C�FFICE LJSE GFJLY**�*�*,�����*,�**�*�.**w*�*,�* ':� ! 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" . . nR p.a �s r � � Design Review Bvard ���J�� ACTI�I'►�I FORM � ►� �._ =�`� �,�i� (�epat`tm�nt of Community De�elopment �`V'�,+�,r�'�i ,�}�' �''�f� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colc�rado 81557 • te1: 97Q.479.2139 f�x: 970.479.Z�#52. web: www.�i.v�iLca.us Praj�ct�lame: Kasson D�ck �l�odi�icatior� G�RB Number: pR6�2[�312 Praject Descriptior�; Char�ge tn approved plar�s- R�place redwood deck wit� trex and keep same railing and additian o�side deck at grad� Rarticipanfis: OWNER KASS�pN, 6RUCE N. & �LNA C. 09,1�9�200� Phone: 2570 BALD M�]�NTATI� RD VAIL Ct7 81557 Lic�nse. APPLICAN7 ICASSOFJ, ��uCE hf. & �LNA C. D9�'09�2�{]� Phone: 476-275� 257D BRLD MOL�NTAIN Ra VAI L CO Brucelcas�ara@vail.net 81557 Licens�: Praject Address: 257� BALD MQUhlTAIN R�VAIL Lacatian: Legal Qescription� Lot: 33 Blo+ck: 3 5ubdivisi�n; VAIL VILLAGE FILI�VG 13 P�rc�l Numbgr: 2101U3403�09 Ct�mmer�ts; 5ee conditiDr�s BUARp,ISTAFF ACTId1V Moti�on �y: Actian: STAFFAPR S�cvn�! By: Vot�e: Date of►4pp�orral: U9Il�,��f��2 Candi#ians: Cond: $ (PLAN}: !�o ch�nges to th�se �fans may b� made witi�c�ut th� written canser�t of Tc�wn �rf Vail stafF andJar the apprapriate review cvmmittee�s), Cand: � (PLAfv}; �'�B approval daes nat constitute a permrt for building. Please consult with Tr�uvn of Vail Building per�annel prior tfl cvnstruc#ion attiwities. Plar�ner: Ge�rge Ru'ther DR� Fee Pa�d: $20A� � � � < �, ` l�p�l���tiv�a ��r Q►�s�gn R�viev�r �� �:. �:�� Departrner�t raf Cornmur�ity C�ev��oprr�er�k .; i5 S�o�th f-rar►tage Ftoad,Vai6,Color�do SI�57 T�t��'�v'�F ��''���� ���: ���.���.���� ���: ���.��.���� w�b. www.c�.vai�.c�.us a; � General Ta�forrnatiort: �' A41 �pro}ects r��iring design revtew musL r�ceiu� �pproval prior ka sutam��ting � buil�ing permit apPlicat�on. P9ease t r�fer tts th� submit�al require�rsenk� far th� particular �pp�val tk�a� is recyuested. Ar� application for C�esi�gn R�e�iew ta carsnc�t be acxep�ed unt�l al1 r�quire� dnFormat+c�n is received �y �7� Cac��munity D�veat�pmer�� (�e�artmerrt i h� prn�ecz may a4so need t+a be reviewed by tkse Town Councrf arod/�r tl�� �anning and �r�v;rc�nmen[al Comm�ssi4n. � � I�esign rev�i�w �pprovat ��pses uniess a b�ilding p�ermit is issued and cunstructian ccymrrwen�s within ; one y�ar t�f the appra�val. � t I� � ,� � 1 G t� �� � , � d�ESC�"� tIQN"��'���i� �u@� '� ` ���. o _. ;�� �i . N"1 , r . ,�. . . � (�,, n ^a, � �. . , , • `_�,'�.,� , , �„ - � � �� . . � � � � '��'r �`r�- . . � �:,,�� �c;�;, f�'i � �' l.crcati�rn c�f��e Prop�asal� Lc�t: ��Lc�ck: � 5ubd"vis�on: .�, ,., � � �,�-� 1� Physicai Address: �--� (�' _�- � � �% � �,�'`�, �'.� �''� 1 ��onf�et Eagle�o, A�sessar art 97C1-��8-854t1 f�r !�aecel �o.} Par�el N€�.� � r , �t�ning• _ . X' �� � �'� - '�_ , . f �. � Name(sj vf Clwner(�}"s ° i �/ '+F'`S �] Ma4�in� �Idciress: �,� �� ��� ��'l��-� +�.-_� '� .� � r R �har+e, � ���.,9 �f�'f�.'� ,�= �! - � `' Clwner{s) Signa#ur+��(s): . '� � !Narne af Appt[ca�nt� _ ��� L� .�.... � - _ �-�'w+ - - . n � � � , ��l�117i� p►��t'�@55: `.� � '�JKY(.� �r�e1�' ` _ � P'hane: �i G � l� � ; �.�:•�, � �'�„� _ i Fax: �'7� _Z�t� � `. �-maii �d�lress: � TYP�nf Review arrd �ee; � � Signs �50 ?�is�l.flf},�r squ�re foot c�f tts�al sign area. C� Ctancepktaal Review h4a Fec ,; � C� Nev�C�r��ta�uct;on 5654 Far cor�strvcti�n of a new,r building�sr�emt�lEeb�ild. , ' C� Addita�n 530fl Far �n add�ic�� where sq+�are fr�ota�e is �dde� tr� any residentia� vr ii comrnercial b�ildi�g (im�cl�sdes�50�dd�i�ns&intericrr c�nversi�sns). S p Mi�or Ait�ratian $Z54 For rnir�ac�h�ng�s to b�uii�ings and site im�ravem�nts, su��c�s as�ti 1i (r€�z�lti-family/cc+rnm�rcial] ��rcaafir��, �?ainta�g, wirrtiow adt3it�ons, lands�aping, i `j�` r�t�ini�g wa!!s,etc. . Mirr�r Aftera�on $�f1t�J Fdr minor c�san�es to bul�dings and �'Ce improvemen�.s, such�as, � I�:x � reroofang, Palceting, wis�dow a�ditir�ns, land�pir�g, Fences �n�i �.(sin9le-fami9yfduP ) }���� retairs�ng wa!!s,e�c. � or tt�e ,�i ` �Char�g�s tc+A�proved P9ar�s $�[� FQr rer!�si�mns ka !�lans already appr�r�ed by P�an� � ^��� 7� � Lesigr� Rev�ew e��rd, `.�° (� �� i:u�s:,. � ❑ Separat{o� I���esk No Fee �. � a Far(3�fgfc� Use Ur�1y: � _ - Fee Paid: _ '� C�neek No.: .`��"�� �Y= _ � ' t7Ft�No.; ; '' �Pli�ation Date: - ;'� - ���- l,J � Pl��n�r: Proj��90,: _ � , , r _ ��:�11.�' �� �_'�..� � � � . � ]{3INT PR�OPERTY�VYNER �'`"� . WRITfEN APPR�C7VAL LETTER ,.Y.�-�.� .,'~ � ��� � �LJ��+1�' 11� ��rf��� � _ I, (print name}�'�YY'� �°�' �''��r 5 , a jc�int owner of praperty €acated at {ad�iressf legal ��SCI"1��1011� ��3 /�� ��� 11! L� �f y1�4�.;�'P `•�Zt{� L. I.rli'e:��� �i� � pro�ride thi� letker as written �pprovaf c�f the plans dated � ��'`� _ which have been su�mi�t� to the TQwn af Vail Comcrauni�y ��velapment Department for the pr4posed improvements t�a be cc��pleted at the address noted ak�ve, F un�erstar�d that the proposed impra�rements incit�de:. �,' l C.L•7 ���l.r � r .�+ ���' r r��'1. __.�_ _ _ I �urther understand that minor modificatior�s may be rrtiade to tF�e plans v�+er the cvurse c�f the review process tca ensure ec�mpl'san�e with tf�e Town's ap�licable�cr.�fes and reg�latic�ns. ��-�-�-- �1 f� ��-' (Signature) {$��te) T P�ge 2 csf 12/�zJ07f(J2 � � �''a���4� "• 1 11 �� ����� ���L� . I]e,�czrtrrae�xt Qf Conrin�naity Develo,�me�t 7� .5r�ulh Frr�r�ta�e Rr�ad �'�arl, C'�[vrcrc�n ��1�S 7 �7�-�79-21.�$ fAX 5�70--179-2�5� ww�v.ci.u�ril.cr�.us 5eptemb�r 12, ?(7�� E3rt�ce I���sS�et 257Q Balt� Mountain Vail, C`.C7 $1+5�7 Re. De�lc rnQditicztiaiz anef a�i�iitic�n. DG7r F�ruce, Tlte Totvn qf Vail has recentCy`PCVie��ed ti�e Desi�n Rc�vieiv applicakic�n far tl�e rt�odificatir�n an�i ��dition at'ttiva e�istin�c3�cks. The p�ai�s sub�nitt�:d dern�nstrate campliance�vitl� eurr�z�E regulatie�ns a�id gc�idelines. St��f�ha�apprc�v�d ti�flur reqEZCSt b�tsed s.t�o�t tlle iiifarn�atir�n pr�7vided. �'nclasecl, �1ea�e Cnd t1a� T�25i�.;17 RCWle1i�' B(7�rCj r��.:1.1Of1 I't7!'it3 [�l:lt !}�t�I bt.TC'4�Ulf+�Cj [lF7L'�El c"l]]E]I1C�11[7I1 D��l L71111tjIR�pern�it. If y�ou l�a�e�:ly qt�estions reaardin�vc�ur Desi�t� R�vie��r a��[icatiotl, �le�se d�»at hesitate tcj call rne at(97�}}47'�-?1�U. Si��cerely, �� � � r�� Mlatthr:wv R. Gens�ett P�3fYilCF �� En� `�,rat,r.7�c:r.t�„rnrsx ., -- f ``�,� _ . �� C�'` `f� � � �,,;,�;,;,� rl �:�;� �iw .,,! + � � , ���� '� �,.� ���:����� � . - ��,��,;���� � j ��f.� � '�' f '' !�I }� i ;'' ' _ rM" ,M1' �` ��.,``.__._. `� � ��`�1'°` . } ��b ��� t ������� 1 � �,�C. ��� ". � �I�� 4 I� r P^ti �T F�,7��J�'�� J . � . _. �� ,,yj ka�vJ ��p^� S 1 - ' �- � � �� �� � ; �'�t'J p�a�� � ,f . + t1 i ��� , .. ��''� �1�`"� r� � r � . i � 1 F � r � � �� �� , � �� ��'�Y'� �`'�'�� �� ��--.�� , � .! � ��. ,�L �� `_. ` Y���� � �4`` '�1 -�1• -�_ �� _ -.,�� � � �.se' �. �. ----_�_,_._ . _ ..� -- • • ,� �,. ,/ - _- �- ,� ' -.�`� ,.�-;. `�. ( . 1 r . ._`--—°-.�`�``. °``^ _..�t f 4^* � .�� —_'. �'� c �_�-a��_ f%� 1� �` _�,��- r4�3���'-� - - - - .. 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Secar�d By: Vate: Qate s�f Appra�ral: 08��1J���2 Co�nditians: Cond: 8 (PLANj: No changes ta the�e p�ans rr�ay be made without the v+rritt�n consent vf Town af Vail sta�f and�ar the app�opriate reveew cQmmittee(s]. �Cand: 0 (PLAN): �1R8 apprvval does nvt constitute a perrriit for�uilding. Plea�e consult with Town of Vail BUildira� perst�nnel pri�r t�cvnstructian aCtiuities. Cvnd: CQN�UC15511. Skirt trim ��all tr�af real,lnatu€�al wocxi sa as tv cover the expc�sed cut af the�rex decki�g Cond: CQM�O(?5512 A��arav� per pfans �tibmitt�d Pl�nner: Gearge Ruther DRB �'ee Paid: $20.(}� � � ;: . � �'� A�pplicati�n fnr De�ign Re�riew � �� �;'�! Departrnent of Cs�mmunity QQVelopment ryr/�r,� (} F' �`�' 7"5 Sat�ttt Frantage Ro�d,Va�i,Colorado 81fi57 ,f l.1'Y4��� V�������.�`�� tel: 97{3,479.27.39 fax: 974.�79��952 ' web: www.ci.vail,ca.us f :, J . Gertera I I nfnrmafion: AC! pr�j�ect� re�uiring s��sign revier,v must re�ei�e appraual pric�r tc� suami�ting a building perrrait application. �lease ` r�fer t� t��e submitta� requir�ments far tF�e particular appra�ai that i5 requeste�. An appl3c.�tiar� for �l�sign R�v�ew ; cannak be accepted until all required infarmatir�n �s rec�eived by the Corrsrnunity Deueloprnent Department. The � pr�s�e�t may aisv need tt� be rev'rev,�ed hy the Town Couneif and�'nr the Plar�ning and Er,viror�ment.af �mr�ission. + �es9gn re+view appro�ral �aps�s unle�.s a buil�in� perrrrit is is�ued and c+anstru�inn car�men�es within one year of the appro^vaF. _ i Des�ri�rtian �f the R�yues#: � ' ��C-�11G ��Y1 �-ir r��r � �{C/�. �_l.r �� f� r� °`- -ii C%��i- � �� .� - .. . , ^ ' : � Loraa�tio�r of#he Proposa�: Lok:�,�Black:�_Subdivisirar�: '�h �, �r +�r� (��,, � �,�f�f � ; � '�i � 1 } Physical Addrexss ������} A_c��` f��t�'�.,� f"y ���_�cl . Parcei No.: � !� � U '� � L'� ��i �Cor�tact E�gle�. Ass�sser at 97Q-32�-864tJ 5vr parc�� nc�.} Zoning: Marne{s} af Qwner�s): �,�G!c�;- �� L�'1��ct � (.���c`�1 F �, �`� [ , ,r Mail�ng Address: L rc� �f '�" �'��--c� ���.'�c�,.l-� 3� �.�� ��; � ���° �� /� . A Phane: `1?��.��7� -�7� i� .� `� � orn�ner{s) s�gnature(�}: ; c'.�.:� .1 � - ., r Name n�AppE��ret� �ds�'c� � E�`�S��_ �— � �.>.. � �'r�� '> >t �.i: �. F p 1 Mai�ir�g Addr�s�: � � `f'� �z��f ,���!t�� c"��t �d"�� � ����`� Phor�e• :. . �-mail address: � � �,�c� � � Fax: �'�r:r �� - � `,� � � Type af Re�i�w and Fee; � f� 5lgns $5D Pius�1.C�0 per square foat of tat�al sign a�ea. C Con�p�ual i�e�few I�o F�e `� �7 New Canstruction � . �fiS�Q For c�nstruetie7n of a new huii�ing or demalre�ui#d i : � ; �: ` � �.9 f� Addttion �30D For an additian wher� S�uare footage is added to any,r�si�ential csr � .� carnmereial building �irsc�udes 25�additiar+s&interiar c�onvets�an�� �4;; � Minor Alterati�n $250 Fc�r minor cFaanges to �uildfngs�nd site imprr�v�men�s,suc� �s, (rnul�-familyJcommercia�) reroafing, painting, window �dditi�ns, landscaping, fences and retaining walls,etc. �MinoT Alterataon $2Q For minor ct�anges to bui�dsngs and s'rte irnprcrvements, such�s, �singl�-farttity/tfupiexj rerc�ofing, p�inting, wtndow a�ldid�ns, lan�scaping, fen�es and retaining walls,etc. � C��nges to Apprr��ed Pians $20 For r�visions t� plar�s air�ady approved by P�anr�ing Sta#f ar the Design R�wiew Baard, - 7 Separ�tian Requ�st No Fee , �. 3 Fi3C Q'�EGB 1,�5+@ 'C�i'1�]1: -y r , , _ , ;, , � �. �ee �aid: _-�%' �. eneac n�� �:-����� ey: � . ��- � ?��ffi? A��a,C�����, a���. r��� r�o.: } 7 .�,:_ - �.:.�-� , Planrwer: Pr�ject h1c�. �',f �' �� �;��, "'4-,4 't �'f", � � ]QIMT PROAERTY O'N�VNER �;:`. , 1NFfITTEh1 APPR�V�1.L�TT�R �� T������� �F �''1�II I, {Print n�rne) � ►�r3 �►rl�� , 5 . a j�int owner af pr�perty la�ated at(addr��sl�egal � + 1._ de�eripticrn) � ;� �C? 1�E��c7 �'`�?0 u rt [_":j ,?rt ��'�� . � c�{� � prc�v#de this fett�r as written approval of the plans dated "� � � �L�'{°'{ whic� have b��n submitted �ca the Town oE Vai! Community L�eve�oprnent Dep�rtmenC ft�r the prcapos�d irnprnv�ments �a he cc�rnpfeted at the �ddress noted abave. i �nderstand that the propvse� impravemenks include: r ! ': ;��C-��'� ' ; ." 1'"�'i.r c-��-,� I furt�ter understand that rnit�t�r m�odificat�ans rr��y be made to the plans over the eourse of the review prc�cess ic�er�sure tvrnpliance w�kh th�Tawn's applicable codes and regul�tions. .. � �_ � _�, �� -�- ��'--' � ,����1�I ���� � �5i�n�t�r�) �pate) Page 2 of 12/�?2/fl7 f�Z � � PRURt]SED MQTEItIA�S Buil__d_inq Materiais T e nf Material Colar Roof Si€�ing C7ther Wall Materials Fascia Sof�its Windows Windc�w Trim [7c3or5 []bc�r Trim Hand or Deck Rails �..� � + �-�r]�� � G,��-,1� �-t� ��c'��c�� j����ue���. Flu�s Flashdng �r�t�rni C?F r�,e� cn�m�eys DESiC�hf RE�'IEW TraSh Ene�osures �P Greenhouses C1ATEs d - Retair�ing Walls STAFF: Exkercc�r L�gl�ting C�ther ,� . . t�� � ��Y]'►•t����-��r� �� Y'���j n�otes: Piease specify th+e manufactu�er's name, the cc�lor name ar�d nurnber and ��tach � color chip, Page 6 of 1�/D�S�l7J{]2 � � , ❑ Ex�sti�g and propased contaur lines, Retairaing walls shall be included with khe top af walf ar�d the bottorn of wa�l elevat�ons noted. Lighting Plar�: r� Indicate rype, lacati+�n a��i number af fxt�res. d I�+clude height a�ove�rade, fume�s outp�t, I�minaus area � At�ch a cut sheet for each pro��sed f�xture. II, REPA�NT PR+[IP�SALS For all proposals to r�paint exi�ting buifding�, the follawing supplemental informat�on is �requirer�: ❑ Cal�r�hip or cafc�r sarnple including the manu�acturer na�ne and colQr�tumber�s} � Archi�ecfural ele�ation drawings which clearly �n�icate the focatian of proposed colors (ie. si�ing, �tucco, window t�im, doars, fascia, so€f�rCs, etc.) Th� #oflorrring is an example: . �l�.—_ � �__ � _ - --� � -�� R . " '_ �:�,�—�-� .-- � . — �— �.�^ -- . ' - � " � .w-�"' _ _ F - � 1,- ,�. , _: . : .�,�, ' . . . . ..� .. -. .._= ta �,..�.,:z-l4..x+�*r' � . . ..,� � .J. _._- ..r�°r .�.>; —�.f-,.--� .',,. FASClA � ``�;; F _ � WEh3L!C]W T�1M � �L.?- , T'R�M B�N�7► , ; � : �;� - � ,; , l7 �_.� a-r=_-__�-.-=� - �i,,.,�.,I � �_..:,,iE` tU�'v b .+t - :L. — � r�p+'�.w.��6 eaa�.�.,�a . .. I � ya.��u+�.+�.+a. �_ �'�,.���.'.�, m�r.Mna..a�. UPPER 57UCGC7 S'C7UTlH ELEVAfi1dN S�F�iT ,y ± � � LC�WER STU�CCO r�__ x -- -_ . � ,,� - ___� � _ ----�-- WEST EL�VATI{7N �age s c�f �2�o2fa��o2 � � ��****�***�:�**����***�*��x�*�**�s*�*�*�*�**�**��*�*��*s*���**+*�r*�*�*�*v��ra�*�*�*�***�*s*+**#�:* TC3'v�'�'+1 C7F V.atI.. ��ULCIR�1DCt Scaternent ��**�����*�*�*��*�*�*���*���*�*�*�*�*���**�*�«�**�*�*����«�*�����*�r*�v�+��+�*�*+**��a*s*�***�* Statement Number; Ra000(}2404 Amaunt: $20.4[3 08/19/2D4243 :17 PNI Pay�tent Method z Che�k Init: JAd� No'tation:. 524� ICassc]n. Permit No: DRB��0271 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,SFR/PUP PaY'CeL Nc�: �1t�1Q3403�t79 5ite Address. 2570 BALD ri7bUNTAIN RD VA�I., Locatian: B Tatal Fees: $2(1.00 Thas Payment: $2a.00 'T'catal AL� Pmt�: $2�.aa Balance; $4.0�] ���*,r�*�*�****�*rc*�**�*���**�***�c���z**s��a*��*****s�+**�+*+�*t�**��*+*�***�*�*���*�*��**��*** �.C�C'DUNT �TEM LIST: Accaunt Gode Uescriptian �;�lrr�nt Pmt� D�i OD1[1�10�311220fl U��IGN FiEVIEk� rEE5 �[�.�fl - � L�/ �"���'-'�'`G'`/�� � i� ��� � �a ��� �� � T+�i�N�F�'A�L De�urt►ner�t c�f Cr�mmunity IJeY�e�opmerat ?5 �vt�ih Fro�tr�g� Rc�ad Ya�d, C"odorado �1657 97f�-4T9-2138 FAX 97�-479-2�SZ C}ctaber 4, 20[lt7 Tom Lvneis 2602 Sa��tJ� i.itlde� Court I]enver.CO 8�72�2 Re: Z57D Bald Mot�ntain R�ad Dear Mr, Lyneis, Enclased please find the �naterial you s��bn�itte�i f�r a deck extension at the ab�vc refercnced arfdress, [ l�ft�c rnessage+on Septe�nber 15, �()[}4}tliat a r�ari�ce a{�piication was needed and tlterefare, I f�ave encic�sed �n ap}�licatic�n. lf you l��e anv furtlter+�uestians, please cuntac#�ne�t 47�J-Z l2$ ar jrodrlguez�ci.��ail.ca.us. incerelv .�� � ucl�,' adriguez�� i lannin�(Certi��d Permit T�h�aician Town of Vai1 ��HE:!`S°f;Lf.`t1PAP�R � n R+e�►iew Act�on F� . . � T�C3W N �F 1IA1 L C�teg�ry I�umber �`� �]ate w . ��� ~ �L� � � `� Pr�vje�t Name: 4 _ .:� - -- -� r. { w ;� � - ; � � -,. Building Name: _ Proyect De�criptivr�: �,��:a�,� � 3 � i _ � �.,k��.,�-'v �/�!'tl�,f-��7'v''� �:s`-' �.`1 , - � � ' £ ,.���`�� t,,,._. _f=_t1_. Gwner,Address and Phone:�. � -�` .� : • . , , � � � � �;�, ;j.::� ;�_ ..�- � ���=f r _.. � Architectf�Contact� Address and I'hone; _ _ ___ � � � . , Le�al Descripti�n: Lot --' BIoCk � Subdivision :'!`�--��k` � � `; ' �-'--- �' _ �ane [�istrict ` Praj�ct Str�eet Addres�s: � . , , ' ��. ' . �, ��'� ,� �. � "f"1� �L�.�'�a s-� Comr�ents: ' ' ' �1� `_�'�� �' `� f�� . � :.� �_" � � ��.�. � 'P_ -�'�� , . z� ��y • k� � ,, :{ �, ' Bvar+d l Staf� Actian Motian by: Vote: Secvnded by: [� Apprava€ ❑ L I�a�7�360Vc�� [�i:.Sta#€Appro�ral �Cr�nditions: � Town F'(anner Date: � ___.�._ DRB Fee �'re-paid .* � � raVaeaa 7/14JS9 . . �ESTGN REV�EW BOARD APPLICATZ�N - TQWN QF VATL, CQLORAVO D�T� R�CErVED. D�TE �F D�B MEETIN�: *�**�***** INCDMPLET.aE APPLICATI�IV,S MAY' NQT F!E SCHEITUTL�I] FDR REVIEW. *�r*w****** I . FRO�ECT INFC�R.MATTd11T: A. DESCR��.'TION: C�i�''1,� �G�,�,' . �. TYPE C7F REVIEW: N�w �onstr�ctic�n ($�04 . UU1 �Minor �.�.terativn 4$20 . 00) 7�dditian {$5p . pr�� �anceptual �teview f$q� � e. ,�z�z�RE s s : ��7 � ,L���� ��'r..�►�,��..,' '� � I]. L�GAL DESCRTFTIQN: Lot � B�.00k � Stxbdivisian �� � ���' �Ct�+,C If prvperty is deser�.b�d by a m�ets and �o�znds 1�ga1 descrip�ion, piease provide c�n a separate sheet and attach to Lhi.s a;ppl�ca�ion . � � Z�O�1I IV�. � �� "? ,""�i + � ' ,�, �,��� ��� � � � ,� F. NA.ME C3F APPI,ICAI�TT: �f�[L� C,� �S M�i1.in,� �ddress : � f.� �t,�.v� ti ll�� �np�� �r �� - � �:,- `� G. N71ME OF J1�PI.fICANT' S R�pR�51ENT.F�TIVE. � I �' Mailing �ddress : Phon� - -- �[. N�ME bF C��aN�R f S� : r � � � �; w`, f �iGl.��t.�; OW�ITER {S] SIGNATURE: �v�„ ��� ��j �- a�L ng � dr�s s : �! +�'� �--�Cd ��Y7 l�� _ �- I� Phone r,--� � APPLICAT��.NS WILL N'[3T BE P.RQ�ESS�D W��`l�l'C?CJ'"I' C]WNER'S SIGNA'.�'U.�2L I . Ccandaminium 7lpproval i� applicalole. . J. DRB F�E; DRB f�es, as shawn abov�, are l.o b� paid at th� time caf su�mitta]. af the DRS applica�ian. Lat�r, wher� ap�alYln9 for a buil.dzrtq permit, p�.ease Yd�n�ify th� a�ccura�.e v�,luation of �he pr�pasal . Th� Tawn �f Vaal wi11 adjust the f�� aceording ta the t�bl e ]a�low. �c� ensure the correct f ee is p�i.d. r�E� P�,rn: �� "_" ex�cx �:�?Q(� nATE:��C� �?�BY: �� V FEE SCH�IJL�LE: V�+.LUATI QN FEE $ J • $ 1�, uC� � z� . "vv � Z0, fl{�1, - $ 50. �lDC1 � 50. �0 $ 5D. [��� - $ 15(7. D(}� $1�0 , t�(} $15�, Q{�1 - $ 50f3, a4?4 $2a0 , �Q{} $5{�(?. (3[}1 - $]�, Q00� �f14 $4Q� . DQ $ Over $�. , Q�0. �4fl �SQQ . O� DESZGI�T REVIEW SQARD APPRDVAL EXPYRES C?IITE YEAR AFT�R FTNAL A�PR�VAL LTNLESS A BiIILD�fi�TG PERMIT �S ISSUED AND C�:1�S'�RU�'i'3:ON IS STARTEI]. 1 � � � L2ST C}F M}LT�RTALS � ` � � �TAME f�F PFiC)�7'�CT. ��.r V�� +�t,z f d �p,�- LEGI',L I]ESCRIPTT4N. LC}T� B OCK ,� SClE3�IVISION f/�r^�.� ! G'r'��'�� S'I`�EET ,�Ul'ti�SS: (J �� �L� U� - ' ���c � t/ °�'h� �ollowing �.nformatz�n is requir�d for suL�rnitt�� tv the Lesign Revi�w �3aaxd befare a f�n�l app�c�val �an b� given. A. BU�LI�YNG MATERZAL,S : �Y1�� OF MATER�AL CC?LC3R Root 2MatE N�ghsinga�e Siding � ' ,�--�� . � ��h�r Wall M��.eri�ls F�SCId So�fiLs ` — ,�`r�� Win�ows � `�� Windt�w 'T'rim '',� Doors �,,�, � _��ti�l Iaoor Trim � I[and �oz Deck Aails Flu�s Fl�shings Chimneys Trask� EnC7.c�sures Grecnhvuses I��taining Walls Ex�.erior Ligh�.inq C3ther II, L,�I�DSC�PII�G: N�me �f ��s igner: �'t�one: 7 • - I'�AN'� M�TER � LS: Botanical Name Comm� 'riTame uan��,L Size*r ' � . , , Y, F'RO�OSED 'TRE�S 1�ND S1iRUBS *�nd�.cat� ��:liper far deciduc�us trees . t�in�mum cal�p�� for d�ci�duous tre�s is 2 inch�s . IndiGat� h�ight for coni�erous tr��s . Nl�.nim�rm h�ight fQr coniferaus trees is � 'feet **IndieaCe sa.ze �£ prvpos�d shru�s. Mini�sum size o£ shrubs is 5 ctall�an. Type Square Fovtac�� GR�iIND CCJV�F�S � SQa S��T] 'I'YPE �7F �RF��Gr'1,TION TYPE QR MET�IQD OF ERQS�di+�1 C(�Iti1'I"I�pL C. LANDSC�IP� LIGEITI�V�: af e�cLeriaz 7,ighting is pr�posed, plcas� show the nExmbcr of fixtures and lacatians on a separate lighting pl�n , Ic��nLify �ach �ixt;�tre �rom the liqhting plan in �he spa�� below and pra�vide fi.he �ei�g�t abave gx�ad+�, type of iiqh� propQSed, lum�n outpu�, luminc�us area �.nd a cut sheet of t�e �ight fixtur�, {Section �.8. 54 . Q5Q J] D. OTHER LANDSCAI�E FEAT[JRES treta�.n�.ng walls, f�nces, swimming �rr�ls. e�c. } Pleas� specify, �nd��ate heiqh�s of r�taining walls . Maximum heigh� t�f wal.ls wi�.hin the fr4nt setback is 3 ' , M�xim�trn rieighk �� walls els�where c�n th� �rop�rty is +6 � . 8 r ���(, � �� �� 6 1994 . . � - `��`���'� ��ub Spvr#s �n�erna�t�onad, rnC. il'�� �Sr.^•�:wa�', �j�;go .ywv �}�"PV�[, C4IGrC�C} 8�c��} �a�-a��-�sao ��x �o�•s��-�a�� �eptea��ier �, 1994 ! To�vn c�f Vail Uesign Rer��ew &7�.rd T� �vm it May Cancern: }�r+,��� Kasso�t and I har��e a�reed vn the colc�r submitted fcar �aia��ing of th� duplex �cx,�tec� �t 2�7t? Ea�c� Mo�ntaat� Raad in 1��a�#.. �°lease c��sid�r t�is le�ier my cans�n� ��r pa�nting tc� begin an th� �upl�;�c, t�f ��hic� I 2�m p�rt t�wt�er,. Sl�ou�d �Q� hav� �ny q�aesti�ns, p�ea�e f�el free t� c�n�ct me at the phone number anc� addre�s notecl ab���. �?ncere�y, �� �� . �d 'VVi�iams SeniQr 1Jice Pre�i�ent EWI�� I�r�1941�R�Sipltih , � �.• +.'.� �. .rr^ r.r.r. , ., —,� - , . h .._�.,+.n+�q'� . � .,, • k..3.3fy�r s.�`"'n �,y a.a..� ..=c:. a.'?}S �� �a TOVIIN OF VAI1� �c�a�rNC�. � . �Er,va.�s�a�rr�r co�urrrrer���v�.oen��nr �� '� r�wa� ���.� I V � C� � �� ����� :,�, . �� ��� ��� �'`� ��� �.� '�.� °�C � r ,��� � L ' � a,►� 9 E f � �4- PK��� S ��� �.- _ T� ;�:� CF�PS IN.AAB YAl'ASLE's 7'(l'E`dWiV AY VAII. s:;' `'* AC:OOIfN'1'1VQ. 1'1't?M !+T{l. �'AX G[]5f Fl1. 'C{?TAJ.� i: � ----- --_,. — _.._ .—— ---— __-- -- .._ ----- _— , �3 : �i [�0��3t540 1 �Oi'+�1NG AdVD ADLIRESS M�PS I �S.(}l7 * -- � ..: ': O1 [)[7i0�[142�15_..I_UIti1TFC3RM BUILD[NG �`tJDE . 55[}.[]0 * . ,: (}1 f)f?f7C?4?�115 ! [Jt'�i[F4Rh4 F'LUMBiNG CCJDE $3�.[}d * ---� ----- ------�------ -- :: �� (}1 [}(Ji[,l(��#2�15 UNIFI��M �uIECH.AIVICALCLD� �32.(�Q " � {� (}l 000�d 42415 UNIFG�RM�IRE GODE -----__ ._ g;�6.{}� _ �: ' 01 Q(�Clf]42415 i NATIbNAL.ELE�"I"R1CA,1.CC]DE 30.{XJ * > ` --------- ._ __ _ _ >,:' ` OY O(J(}tl�24iS �THER C(]I7E�OC�({S * ; U 1 fl0[H)�154$ LBL![�E PR I NTS_(M�k'LC�.FZS) _ -�_ S7.[�(} * �x � f}] f3t]CH)�2412 X��tUX C+aP[ES sC}.2S * ;. ?' 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',��•.. .'. � t �`. r+�4�i d ; ���J�['it �[3f1'1�: � /'d�i.�� ,/ � '� �� . � 'a ^/r/ �' � F�ra��et D�SCription: ✓/�+�'�' _ � �, r,, _ �,l;'���'. r J j � Contact Perso�r ar�d F'hone �.�°� , .. � ' , �,,��;r�� . � ,f, ��/, � `� ;Y;'�; F .. j;_ - Owraer, Address anci Phone: '�. . " _�.'r � _ - �. .�,h,, .,- r . �',f`, �..'�,�—� r�,��,�tE�/4. Architect. Address and Phone� .-�'� r,r'; t-,�f'�� � . .,-v ,/ �� ' �' �.r-> LEg�! f7escription: LvE �' j Block "� . Filinc� �'�`'' %�� /� ,.�. , Zane ! �arrrm�nts: :t r•�' ` .. . ` � � Design Review Board t]ate Motian by: Secnnrfed by APP�CJVAL DISAPPRDVRL Summary: � �� �. � ,�- ..� . . Tavun Planc��r SFaF# 1'�pprpV7l �� ' f' �r ,� '� - �' �at�; , t . . � � � . � ��� �C]IV�Uf�.°T'AI`a.1T�� fNG. . -' s�ructur�l eng�n�er�ing �r-�d d��i�r� . ► . - J i.1i� LVq �77L ` �ri�e;� I�i+e�c� Brinet' 1'.p. Ba� 5'7 Vail, CA�orado 816�8 RE: I�Z►ssnn �es�c�� . : �vb N�. ��r+p9 'I''tiis �� t� cl�rifjr my r�.arnra��dabions � �rdin the �an�tructian of tl:� � � � abave r�f�t�nced project. The int"ill flatr fi�m�ng betw�n �re ea�sang house anc! ga�ge da�es n�t requVire a r�ew ft►undativr�, �'"he new fi�amiri� m�y b+� suppc�rt�d on I�:cigers attached #� t�e e�istir�g fr�ming cm eitl�er side. Tt►e un�er�ide of the �ew �aar fr�tm�iaz� will h�ve ta be ke� �8" a�►�e gr�d� a�t� st�c�utd �e adeqtsately insulat�d, ' The concrete piers fa� suppart of the new deck shnt�ld be construct�d ac��arc�ing t� th�e attaehed ske�c'�. Pie�.�e d4 nac h��ate tn� �rr�tact me if�vu have an�r further quest�ons. �iltCerety, � KRM +�Qnsultants, In�. ' Stnt�tu� Engin�ri.n� �d Uesign t�t��tit����tf��fr�i ��\����w��,�i i rs��S'�fjtf�„ • �Cy�:�rt���� � �e i•�`��� • � �' � �.�.. � •'� •'";' • t�'i -� Kim�er�y R. cGhe�, P.B, ' � :� 2�199 �; � Yra; .�ti ��'+. '�y4�'-� �''�i��'''�fi�'•�•..•}•�t,�`�,`'� '�'�i��f'�j�'��������yw�`•� cap�. �ed�a �c�nsian�cti�� ; - P.�a. e�x ���� � van. cc� e�e�e *� t�c��� :���-���� - �,o,x �,n�a-n ��� r , ����,'1 � _ � • � I�RT'f �OhESU6LTAMTSECPM xNC 30�-��49t577 ° ;=:� T^,.�,,. B1� _, , . , • �o�_. '�,'.`r�,���� �'_.EMD�� G ��f (a7��,�. � FiRNI CC7NSUi..TANTS, i[wl�. swEEr��. _ b o� ` P.O. Box 4572 - i YAiL, ��J�QFiADD 8Ifi58 Cr,�cuu�reo ev ,�9��.I1. DATE � ' +�3U�) 9d9•'�391 FAX (��3) �4�-I577 cr��cKev er �,Are �Ai P . . . . � g � . { ' ' '. ' • _ e " . . . . [ + � + . s 7 A • + S - P . . ' . ,.4_:.-. .��. �. � � � �� �S ;� � YJ �� ��'y'1 � �, f.':f . Be •(�T � ��J 1:����� � , .. ...� . _.. .. . 1f� . . r � 1!. .,.. �--._.._.. .1 � � l y . r,.. . � � � �� ,�� �� � � . �Y, I,��1� � �"G� �- e f -- �-,�.�.,�_, -i !:_ .' : ----•.--..._,..._,.... , - , .._..__�e_.....�.. �ar�.�,__.:: ' ` 5lMF'�CJh! ,I►�,i�fcGo �._.� (2�— � � �`1� i� , TOP P Gi� '�d�� � � �� �� , �`�lL � �� � . .. . � � �,`�!�` �l��f � � � . � � � - � �� �� ���� � -� ` _ . �� 1 � , . . _ � _ _ : �z'� car����.7� _ _ C -��� t7w�. x � ��� m . �) w ,, . . ._ . _ - , . . , .._. .; , . . . , . ,��� . . . . . ,_. .___._. 4 .. . ..... . ...'_"' • ......... ................... �..� ..�.�. ..�.. ...�.....{...�.w. i.� ...��.»».�.... �... .. • i . �..... .. _—..�._.. �, ' � • • . y. .. . .. � . . , r . . • . � ` . . . . .. ; E. t . , j, .. . . . . _ . ` • ; . . . .. . . - - ; . , . , .. , .. .. • � . : _ .,.. . ., _ 1 ' l� _ _ . . ... - - . . � , ; .. , . _... . . . . ..... _ --- � , 2—U K'��p ,� � � ._...._ � ......__. , , . _ . : �` `' � . ., .._ ... . .. .;. ....... .. . �, . .Y � - �r�N�+ �d����y� . ... .. - � � . . . . . s . � .. . . . . � i , , � -� � ��� � �€ .. . .. . .._ .... � . ' . .. . . ' . .. . . .� d . , . . • � � � •.' � � •. , . . ! . . ti� �Y . . . ^ ' . ' � .. ��.� �� i . , :. � , '��� . � . � ._.��.,�_.... r � .. � � .' . P1� Review Based vn . ' the i991 i3nifozm Cadas , NAME: KASS�N F�EM4DEL T7AT�: 7-14-92 AI3nRESS ; 2570 BALL� �dTN. RD. CaNTRAC'TC1R: NEI]B{7 C�NS'�. VAIL, C�}LORADC} ARCH7TECT: FRI�ZLAND,PIEf2CE,BR�N�R CJCCUPAIVCY: R Et�1;INEER: N4�hIE TYPE �F CONSTRUCT�4N; V' P�.,ANS EKAMII�T�R: DAN ST.€�NEK CC3RRECTI�NS RE¢IITREI? The items listed be1v� �re not intended tt� la� �. c�mplete listinq of al]. passible aode raqui�emsnts in th+a adapted �r�de�, It is a guide t+a sel.e�ted sec�ions �of t�e codes. The fo�.lawinc� is not to be coa�strRxad to be an app�aval af any vivlation of �ny a€ the pro- Yl$�.t?[]$ vf the ad�vpte�3 codes vr any vxdinanc� of the T°cswn of vail. 1 . S�lC?KE '�ETEC`1'dRS REQUIRED IN ALL SEDRQ�M� AS PER SEC. 121� 1991 UBC. 2 » ALL E'C�QTINGS INCLUDING DECK F°t}0�'�NGS T� BE A MINIMUN OF 4 8" BELOW GRAl7E. 3. ALL �1�W GUARDRAILS T� MEET SE�. T7�.2 aF THE 1991 UBC. - ,a�.�...� - �� ��Z1�I�.P���C�BI`�l�� � , ARCWITECT'URE PLANINIHG IHTERI�RS . LETTER, QF rI'RANSMI'i'TAL To: � i7ate: �'� '�� ,�1�,� /l'7GJ ,c/�� Job �1n. '�'��v I�e: ��5''�-r� ��51���C.r Attn; � �� At�ach�d Please Find: Proqress Prints � Speci�ications � Plans � Shvp Drawings � a�h�r Item Nv. No. o� �o s.es 17escri tit�n 2 C� r�5 �� ,A�'r.�f�r�-irr�I � �►'"uc.�r+��l �'r�a►�� The i^�ems lis�ed a�a�rer are: �, Fvr Revi�w and C��en�. For ��ur Use � As Reguest+�d � Rettxrned �if�e�c Review ,� Qther Ren�arks: �as� CG#�1� G�Y� a �'�,���'eyt l�I�''�. ,�'ir�!'� � fNl�'h s�r�i�'r� $�,.; ���• _ Cop�.es tc�: k Page �. � ° TR.r�rs a o o,Doc '�f)51'Of�ICf 60X 57 lf�f}�0 Uf3iVSRIDG�L4(}P VA4l.C(�Ll7i2AL70 81658 �03 47b 63�42 FA�d 3{�3 A76 49f�1 .s�siwra�r rc.p.��rso+�na�wu � . � � ��_� ��_._ ...C7.�-'�/�' ci��'�;� C����/''`�� �`�'.�t/1'�'✓G -" :1'�`�% ��/1/�,r;'' , __.a ,.. �.... ,��. �_ L.�'�C.� �-✓i'/�.i�i'�.��� f � e�/�� 7"C' l�t' >`�''CJ�I`+"/. . �1,r .. , . ;�/�: �.•�� � , a ' - �.r'I�TL1sri rl" � l�ti�c��'.!�r�,�' ,��%?''f`�4 f,'`- _ j� �' ,�' /2.25 � .. ��> L��r�,j ,''��u l�l�� �..�r.����� / /o C�.3 �0� .-..�-.....__ �-���_ �__ e _ __ - _- .�.a �� � .3 3;��3 ° �`�r�� �'' _�--�___ _���__. ,.. -�� ��o�' - L�`;;��'�+''c� g'c`4�Z:r.�'�JGC�c����� .8�'r �.�/c�'�', �`r�,�'r r.+�l;� %':c�'S �%� �;,�'`���' � Lk f� ,� �'` �.,�,�+,�,�,c, 'c°.�,.;,�,,�,.�;:; �+"��.�-;��� _ _ 1'��'��-�_-�.�'-'-�f ���.s;,�`������''� � �r c1,v�,r- _ _ ,G'�,�i.��;��a�' � /�Z � - - /z �� — 1'�'t'Cvf� r"�'�'� /� �a � t�1r' /'t�L'f�.� /tJ 1�::� ��?,� --�—__ �__ _ _ __ � ._ ; �1���. _ .,` 7.:f,n,�` � ;��/ �` ..��� ,�t__ ._ :��r,�'�� S�� _ ���, �°/:�G'�S� �r.� �°"��f1 �/rar�'`�1_ �!`/>�.,s ,�'�,�+��` G;�� �'j',/�°i' _��'/�' _ , :���.�E�c�,�'f. �,�"T�,�r�'/T' .�i'�'� Gf.���? ��/� ,�' �S� ���r;�• ,�'�ra���r~i��f • �� , �,- ���' ,4'�'t--�' s � - �; ���� �'=� __ _ _ . T� �-.__ �� �������� R...-�.�--�.__—_.____�..�x--. _ _ /7 L�41i'(/✓� ����� � ��j� � „ i �,. r-....--�, F �°Jf �J f--�... ' f Ci' - . ..... .. _ �/�f �1�/�/(L-" ,�.� "7`Y %"�_T /'t`�l��1L.�i e���+'/.'?pj _, ��,r C%�',�� - , � � _ �, <� _ ... �/G%c:,�=-� .- ;�%��': /��,=. � .�I.;�� - ��- r—y r ��'��' / _. � �,�or�l �,+ �—__ ���� .,r`�/du __--- �� ,.��--�,. _. _ _.._ _._._..__. . _ __ __. _. ___ _ _- --- ___ � ___.__ __- -���- --- _ _ ___�__ __....� . ._ __ _.- --- �_ _._. __ _ _ - ,.----.� _� . _ a i�� _ _ .�..__„___ _ ___A__.____ e_._.� . ________. .__. __ __ . _ .�_. _ _ _ __ .. _______-.------�_—»— �.. _. --.� � __ ----__.__ _ . __ ____ _ _ .__ - ___�,___ _ _ ._ ____. � , _ ;� . � , .:.. _, r - � y • � � .� Rraject Appli�atian �-� a�t� G -.��� ��2 � , �� � .�f� �'���, �� ' _ -. . , , f�ror�ct Narne :=�.�r.f 5 .`�3..�'��.•' r�„s�7✓i r '.r-� - L?Xf�?�,r/r t -_.�'.�. c:✓�-,�fi�- x-',� ,..r�.,�r.-. ,G SU ,39:•1/.�.�:�a, ! Prvject Qescriptir]n: t �1'�' ,�,�����+ �'�°i!?�'cl ✓�),°'lr��7 J�",,�r'elr.�=/7�' ..�+�95'1���r�Xf? ��,+r1�o� ar.+i�J'>d1 ifra:�,�f;a. /'rir.f .. -� a ,� ' ° �,�,, �! :�%�, r �,,�.,„,.�._ Gontact F'ersrar+ and PhQne t�i/ �!",I�' �` ,.� ,►''s' ; � .�C�'•J� //1t,�i�.� �f�°G�S✓�:' a bwner, Actdress an�i Phone; ��;� f?5.��"'i 1�'t�`_�G�' �1� /v'�11� ��"/- !'«•L/�f ={,I�l.�-� ` �r�,;.� :..���`,i��� �.x'�`%�. Y��"`- �"'!r�G .�,r�r�"�' •'�'f i,a`',�'�f Y�'1 G!`' U�C,'r�{,'�'7 �l r� �:; � a� � -.,. k Architeet. Address and Phane: �� ��?>���/r �- f x���`��- ..�.�_ � �,.� � �1�J,����,,�{ ������, A �' °��I.�rr�/G.r/ Legal C}eseriptivn: �,ot , Block . Fifing -_�' ___ �''_�':_ _ , �one ,�-,/ _ , ,r� �.C)rT1mP'llt5: . �. :Y.•%✓' fJY[l � _ , . t'..-_.Cf✓�� .�lC.4LJL'� ..'�7 r�_ ' ���� ��. �� C�� ,�; F-`� .. �rV -.., � .��l�t'� . � �/��! � G.�'[I' L�J�G/�l��i�a� � .�" ... � J�c". � r-f A.��f..l�: �. ��1 ,rs;�i . ,����� . %� �� .��i� � ;�������� .��r -� �r.�.�� r'/.���" "G .S� ,�. �t� ,� r',��;�, _ ...��i �'r'�a./� i�����. �a,r,/ :� ., . ,�r �' ,) .+ ��°�-s r c r�,�> �'�ri, /�`.,/.�?�r�,:✓,.�rf,-�1 . � � � .-,;, � .-, � Design Revi�w �ro-�r�f Date � �� �'� Motion k�y: Secvntied by ,qppRQy'AL t3fSAPPROhVAL ;� Surnmary � � -+: y�r, ,�— ! _ .JYlJJ�;.'.. Town Planr�er � Staff Approvaf �`4-� fi� , .,, .�.. ��t / �ate: �'./�� r�� � ,�,�`,,�'(",,��' !`'��` ,rft".� �`�(�� _ _ , i � � ,., .� _ , s����� TC�: Town of Vai]. Huilding 1]epartxne�zt � FRC]M: Elna K�ss�n � DATE: ,Jvr1e 2�, 19 9� REs Ifasson Fte�idence 2570 BaJ.d Mauntain Rd. 4E�st Sid�) Lat 33, Block �, VaiZ Village �3th Filirfg I ha°ve read the D�Yaris Flvw 5tudy prepar�d by Nich�las Lampir.�s� Ph.D. , dal�ed June 19, 19 92� ar�:garding the above reference pr�perty. � und�rstanc� fram h.is cc�nclu��on� that th� building lo- cation appears t� be �n the a�ea of a moderate dehris f]..aw h�z�rd. We acknow�edge all fa�ts pr�:sented by or. Lampiris and hereby requ�st �h� Bui�.ding Depar�ment grant us a per- mi.�. � � lna Kasson� Dwn r The fore aing ins�rt�en wa� �cknowledged I�efar� me thi� � da�r af , 2992, by� Elna I�asson known ta me ta be th� e�son cahose name is subscribec} ta the faregaing instru�ttent an�i acknar,rledqed to me �.hat she ex�:cuted the same fvr the purpa�ed and cansidera�ion th�rein express�d, / _ _ �f.� , � ` RI� _�7�P�fr!�t{� '` NQt�ry Publi� /� � � +Cvl�arat�o ° �� G� L � � �G� . �w Addre My �commi.ss ion expires: � � Page 1 DBRFLW.DQC _�:,�..r� R ~ • � � z�.. , ': :� ?� Nichalas �arnpiris, Ph.D. CahY5ULTING GEQL4Gi5T , fJ185 INGERSCtLL LANE 51L�', CQLQFtA[]t7$1fs52 (3ER3)87&54U(7(�4 HQUR3} wT�l�'lE' ��i y ��`7�� �,.,i�l.l Y"�1 ���,�1 f=r-i�F,:l�nd, F'a�r���, Fsr�inn�ir F'f� �sta�: �7 V��i.1 C❑ 81��=,E3 FtE: l�t�t ��, �:s3 �ack: .�, I.��:h Fz l a nc� , ���1 d M� � F�icr�d l���r I�s. I�I��:�h: I t��:jti�� �w<71 u���r} t�M� �.�ta�v� r'�•f�+rer�►�e��J �:1 c-���dn �rrnz��r�k.y wi th r��p��c:�L �c� t.:h� Mac#c�rr:��:.cW I7c-�k7r°is I�lc�w I-��:a.x�r�-c1 �ari t,:l��� pr�c�pE�r#��r c�n ��e l'��:rwr7 caf �Pr77. .g. ��, rn�p�, pr�d����d t�y Art I�I��tr� �r� i9t��� "I"h� r:�a��t�3Ar� I-��1�f ra°F t}-s� 1 s�`t i� :i� th� F�az ar-d �on�. ti i� i� pr�s�ai�i7.� �fa�r� �6�bris �lc�w� �r�rr3 tl��� r7clr�tE� t.Q ��F���ct� �r-r� prr.�p�r-t�r, r.f�3Ca�aa.t� t1�e ciis�.�ne� fr��rn �Lh�+ �c�i.�r-c� �i��r� th� t�c��n�� �a th� n�rth wt�i ch p�.�r-ti �tl l,y sF�i��.d tk�r� si_�t-r.i�=�'�. Far-ca�a��iA�ty t.ca sq��►� e.�ct�i��:. l"h��rel i.� � s��di.�i�i ran ro<�c{ k��i�w���n thi�� I-i�.i. :L :L ��nd �h� l��c��r� t',ra �.h� �.ar��.it.r7. `C�h� i r�f i], ]. i ng �c]di�-�r��~s�� �.�a�r� r�ii-� t_h� ��a�s� i�:i d�+ �nd r�ri�l-. i n s�i,r�:�;}: 3 i r�e tc� �:h� d:i r�c�:�crn �Ft��m wl`�i t�l`� f�r�ws, mz c�t�t c::�rti�. Th� �,�. �� i.� �i r� �1 q�r�l�agi ca1 1y ��r��i�.i v� �.r�� #��.��: �ev��npm�rr� �� c���cr-i I��d wi 1 1 �-�n� i ner���� i��c� h��z��d �to ot�.h�r• �:���-n�a���-�y �ar- �,tr��4�'i-��r��, t�r� tn �ubl i� ri�ht��°t��f—w�y y �Si_ti 1 c�a.nys�., r��acis, ��.r-c�+a�t� , ���ern�nt:�, ul.� 1 i ti e 9 c�r ��-�ci 1 :��x`�=� r�r ��f��:r �:irca�����°�6.�.�� c�•F �.�r7 y k i.n d. I�F :[ ��n t�� o f ��r-t�e� ����r 4�z c�R p 7. ��.Ls� r�s.-r n r�# h�sit���� �� GarZ�.act �n�!. Si nr=�r-�1 Y`- �,�+'� , lVici�alas !_�rn�ir:i,=� i.r�rr.�i..�:L t i i�� C3eal.�a�a�st . � �itzl�nPierceBrine� ARCHITECTURE PLkHHI�bG dHTERIORS ����� �. '��,�" 'M �''��"1Y1� � . , , • <s�f LETTE� OF `TRAN�I++IITTAL To: I •CJ•�' D3te: �eir'•�� f � � � � ' ,7ob No * ��'w �� �vu�'�d +'� � `" �e: � Attn s �J�11 Att�ched Please Find: , Prag�ess �r�nts , Sp�cifications Plans • Shop Draw�.ngs � C)the� Item No. Nr. of Cc�pies ,,._.,, Deseription �'V�- �� ��� � � � , . . .� �d ���fi 5 Y� � The items listed abc�v�� are: For Revi�w and Comm�nt �. For Your T3se � As Reqraested � R��urrted After Review � �Other Remarks: � � :�.t!1.�. HY� t� Capies to: Page 1 TRAi�'$Q�� .i3C}C PC3S�'OFFICE SOX 57 1 D00 LIpNSR3DGE Lp� VA1L C�4RAAa 8165� �{�3 476 6342 FAX 303 476 49a 1 aaa�wrrd we.os,�n�raer r�e wrr� � � . . ��'r ��;"�'� •; '� � "� � � . , ' �. >y • � ' a �a' �, •#-"'�.^���'����� � R���'J�i ,.S�'�f'�':"'� : ,''�'��:�:'fa:�.��. ,t��,•;� � ��°�;�°�'.✓; � �`;.�.�-��� ,t,,�,���,:'t,, � � e r.t r �`t^.k .+�.�fi� � � . ��.� 1��Y.y.,..�'}.. . +:+ � f� "� �.• `��i� '�,r���``. �� ,:;�� � - � , � r � ,�p �y� �+ w, � y � � ^• � � � �4 • t +.'''� ��:� , �'� i �J Y`�'��w} ��:�,�� ,'j �tN"•���• �r'���: ' �� *����`+�� ��� � w��:�,j'• �f�,^��'j E r � ! � s a � �r, �~ ` R A W���n, ' * S y� ��`5 ,I�'', �+ cJ*• � i� �� 1� i•._. ,�*'t` -q , ' ! '�+` • ,ry � a}.i�" 5�'r ���1, i.�[�'�1� { � tir�� 4 y 1' �,� � a . # ., � �j��.. �.} rl*3 '�� � 7, ' 1 � !� ! lk s M1 �` �' • ' � . � ! .� r� + ,I \ �c",- ��.,M � f ♦ � S. , .. ' � �`� .1� ,._f�.� r.�. . � � ; � �, R r r}' �.`� ���';c� y J 1' . � y'� 'I r`� ' J i °`s,` •/ � i ° � b � �y � ' � . ' � . � . � � s, w ��! ' .��ZMjI� . � *.�,�yy� f �, , � � F- _ TOWN OF VAIL DEPART�tE�T OF COSS�iL?VITY DEVELOP�fEYT � SALES ACTIOY F02�T \ �� � �f r li .: \.1>tE \ ��,1 `. i� %� ��.. DnTE ��.(: l�>1�,� ��� � ACCOL\'T]O. � - ' � '� I7E�I ' `NO. COSTEn. TOT.�L " 0100�041540 I2��'�G .IYDADDRFSSMAPS I - " " � 55.00 O1COW42a15 IU`7IFOiU1HUtLDC2GCODE I 550.00 ��� 01 000042415 I UMFOILN PLUbffiLYG CDD6 I I S?6.00 � OI OOOOd2415 � UNIFORINh1ECHrNirar rnnc � 53200 I 536.00 COC � . 50.00 ' _ ' — I F � � 57.00i I 5025 � w. �-�wN uF ' 'i—r� [ ^_ I s ;� Miscel lane��w '- -. . � � T� � I ' k ` � 520.00 . :. @ C�ugE.Dt � �. u �r; a 4�,e; I � �R=_OMRC�G?TInp�FL �'� � ,?ridared , a Item paid .�n . . . � . ' 1� �1 �.?.RY_IFfi _ ,.. . i .. I . i I '.. le . �$2�.� 1 � . _ . . . . 5��.� � � 5��.� � � > >af+n�rc ^,��-� ; , ssoo.mi a, — BeSY �i sisoaoo � � si .a.�.c� Copy, s,00.w � ` A — . .,�.�.�t Available i azso.00 � �� 01 C1000 a � 3i0 I ZON➢dG CODE AMENDMENTS 1 580-00 � 01 (1000 d 1330 I RE � ZONL�G 5200.00 �; OI0000 I a C01t?fES'T5: �h � � PL7PLIC NOTIC� , NC}TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th�t �he Planning S�aff wil� Y�e rev�.ewing the follawing Design Review Baarc� a�plicatic�n: 1 . A request for an addita.onal 250 square f�et af Grass Res�.ciential Fl�ar Area fa�° the �Cassnn residenc� lo�ated at 257(] Bald Mou�tai.n R�adlLat 3�, Bl�ck 2, Vail Village 13�h Filing. Apglicantt Elna and Bruc� Kassvn ' The appl.icati.ores and in�orrnatian about the p�oposals are avai�ab�e in �he z�nin� adr�inistrator' s t��fice during rec�ula� c�ffice h�urs far public insp��tion. TC�WN fJF VA3L CC3MM[3NITY L}EVELC�PM�1'�T N4tice mailed an June 5, 1�9� . f �``� s��.�} r>� 1�9� • :� • "� A��,ATIQ�I �C�R A�7[�IT IOtV�L GRFA � �F�°� '-� ,I, �i3f� PR[]PERTIES IN EXGESS OF RLL�WA�L� G�FA �at� of Appl �ca�ion ���� [�[�i �• • Date of DR8 �teeta ng �U �'Y�7 + PREFApPLIC�4TIC1N CUI�F€RENCE A pre�ap�lieatian ct�nferenc� with a member �f �f�e planning staff is strongly encaurag�d to di5cuss the prav�sions unc�er wi�ich additi�ar�al GRF11 can �e added to ,� s i te. i t sfioul d be uNiderstood that ti�i s ard i nan�e does nat assure each propert,y ar3 aclditional �50 sqt�ar-e feet nf GRFA. �ather, t€�e ordinance allows for u� t❑ 250 sf uare fee� if cQrtair� carrdi �iar�s ar-e ri�et. Appl i�atians far additions under tFris s�ctioro will na�� be a+ccepted unl�es� t�ey are cvr���ete. T�ris inciudes al� inf�rmatj�n req�ir�d an t'�is form as well as Ues�gn Reuiew �oard Subrnittal require�nents. R. PRQJ�C� aE5CR�PTION: �Y�+.(���� +�����J ��:ni"P.� ����vY, Y��tQG��1 I�a�c� '�tVt h��i�r� I��'lal� �t�-�'.�'r�~hoyrs V1�- -��' c�r� c���k �'a�fi�res� B. �LaCATI[J� (�F PRQP(]SAL; A�icir�s� �� G' '� 11I1��Y�-�a�Y� �. Legal �es�riptian: Lo� ��J �lock � �i7 ing ��✓'� �an� Di��ric� �• �G�Yv1S�caY�°�'1'�1A� C. NA�+77E OF APPLT�CANT: Address °�'��C1 �dl'�. N�.C��-�lsV1 �. hone �'�i� '� [�. NAME OF APPLICANT'S �EFRESENTA�IVE: � �� ���f.�' ' `' Adciress �C�-�7 , �c�p 1 TI C��_�1��_, phon� �'7(0"��� . �. [��u�3� QF +�wr��R{ �-�� Y� ��' � ** 5ignature�s) �i ' - Address �f-�� � � - � � ! �'�� o��.,�:`f-a�._� `. Y-�.' - phone �� - � ,�.�� . � F. �i l ing Fee of ;.�an.a� is requi�Qd at tinre of 5�ubmftta�i _ �����. �� ��,,/'��''�� �.��'- �U�v� �he �ol i awi ng i nformat�vn, i n additian to a�B subr�i t�a1 requi r�er�t5, sha�� be req�ired �rith this �ubmittal : 1 . Yer�ficativra that tlae unit has r�ceiwed a finaT certlflcate af accupan�y. �. Names and mailing addresses c�f ad�acent property owners and nf owner's vf units or� the sanre lot. T�is inforr��atiQn is available �rvm the Eagle Cvunty Assessor"s Q�fice. 3. Condominfum assaciation appr�val ��f applicat�le�. 4. Existin� flc�or plan af structur�. G. Y�ur prap��a� w�l] be revi�wed �4r ca�mpti�ance with Ya�l 's� Campr��ensiv� Plan. , � , � ' � ' : ' 4,• �•�,�3 ' . - • , -i r . . . :.i�" .r' .. . � - i. , . ��.% . . ,. . �1 t �i ., - � ,y, , .I�. . � �� +� _a _� • � " .. ._ � , � � � SUBJECT PRQFERTY: �57� B�ld Mountain Rd. �Eas� Sid�} � LEGAL aESCRIPTZONz Lvt 33, B1ock 2, Vail Village 13th F��ing ADJACENT C]WNER�; 2570 Bald ��ountain Rd. : �ett� Ind�stries (West Side) �ox 2�537 Vail, CC7 �31�58 2555 Bald Mountain Rd. : Beverly Thygensen 2 2 5 �amb I,ane G�lden, C� $(]4U1 Atrc�pas Housinq, Inc. c/o �xa Rzckles 725 5th A�e, NY, NY 1C1Q2� 2585 Bald �Svuntain Rd, : Feter Pat�isan & mavid �erry Bax 2431 Vail, Ca $1558 5chenkein� Inc. 1125 17�h St. #14i]{l ��EIIV��'� C{) ���Q.� 26Q5 Bald lul�untain Rd. : Patricia Hans�n 2121 N. Frontac�e �trl. . W. Suite 2�5 Vail, CO $1657 John V�rnan Hc�x 84G V�.il, CO �I65� 2610 Sa�.d Mour�tai.n Rd. : Jud�r Hertz 1 Cherrymcaor Dr. �ngl�ravvd� C�3 8011�1-6DD1 255(� �ald Mountain Rd. : Rocky Ch��st+apher 255{l Bald M€�untain Rd. V�i1 w CQ 81!65'� Ranald We�l].ard 582p Sta�e L�ne Rd. . Mission Hills, KS 55208 Fage � A,D,7ClWNER.LIOC TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTJIEVT OF COh1MUNITY DEVE[.OP�[ENT -•�"s� SALES ACT[OY FORS7 / ( / i < N,1AfE �/� '� C��� = � � ' DATE_/ �� /_ . � ACCOCNTVO. '�.�iTEN NO: � fOSTEA(' �TOTdL � ' DI 00004t540 I ZO!�L�G ,4�W ADDRFSS M,�PS 55.00 01000042a15 �I UMFOR.NBUILDRaGCODE 550.00 01 0000 4247 5 UMFORbiPLUhffiCYGCODE 536.00 OI000042415 I UMFORMMECHAMCALCODE EJ2.00 01000042a15 � UMFORMFIItECO�E 5)6.00 01000042a15 NATIONALELECTRIC.11. CO�E - 570.00i 01 000042415 I 07HER CODE BOOKS I Ol W00 �7549 I BLIfE PRLYPS (MYLARS) 57.00 �� moaoonzaiz ! xeaoxcoa�sisruo�s I so.zs ' �'"� 0! OOOOa21iI i PE�ALNFEES ; RE-PJSPECTIONS OI C00041?32 I PLh`I REb7F.�' RE-CHECK FEE [510 PER HR.� 01 IXNiO 42322 OFF HOURS LVSPECT[ON FEFS 01 OOOOd�a�2 I CDNTWICIORS LICEUSES FEES OIOWOat330 � OTHERFEES 0100004t413 ISIGNAPPLICATIONFEE 520.00 ',��, 01 WC061Ci} IADDITIOU,aLSIGNAGEFEF. �SI.00PERSQ.FT.] Ol 000042a10 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT70\' Ot 0000413J1 PRE PAID DESIGN RE�IEP/ BOARD FEE �� ( 01 0000 ai?'. i . _ .— :�'.' 52W.W1 '�t . . - -- - -- - . I S'M7.00 � 5200.00 , . ���y72[5 550000 � . . -� CF: N i985 SIS(M1,00l � . �, E.FCE �F:irlER`.FEUIEIJ '_� � Si .cm.eo �, . . . . , . �y�r..,� .. . I 5"W.00i . ain Paid Rnmiv � .. .. I 580.W 's,' I 32i0 G0 i S'!rO.M e ,�° :t=1NFC •r•e.. - �"ritzleni�`ierceBr�ne� � �.... ARCHITECTU[�f PLANHIN6 INT�ERISRS �;:i46;; LETTE�t CDF TRANSMITTAL Tfl; ��� �� Qate: � ff� ' - fj � �,�lM G�I�� �.�''� �CJ r�Y� Job Na. � �'� R�. ��4�`' �.t.�,�1�1 At t n: U��� fi�-�-�.+'�''c� At�ach�d Please Find: � P��gress Prints � Specification� _,,,` P�an� _ 5hop Drawings � Other Item N�. No. o_f C�pi�s Descriptian c'�e ��r � � c�1 ��"r�.��. �e.�; � � t r c� ����+ , . �` �� � ,� �. fJ The items i�sted a�ivver are: For Review and Cvmment For Yaur T�se � As Requested � Returned P�,fter Review � Qther Remarks. By: +���' ('��1��� Copies �o: � ��- Page I TR�+18{�(�D.DC3C P�sT a�Fic��ax s7 io�o �EVras��os��aaP VAIL CQLORAaO 8165� 303 4?6 6342 FAX 3(73 47f� 4901 ��w�wc.wa�r�rrr " + � �", ?,,! ",'; "� �{=ev�.sed 9/4I31 , � " DRB APPLIiCATI(3N — Tt)WN OF 'ritAIL, CfJL{3�Q t . �A�r� �����cA�rzar� �c�xv�� : I'���' A�-� f�� v DATE C)F DF�� M�ETII�3G: (.U�IG �.! ��— **��*�***�t T$:�S RPP�+�C�1T�QI� WILI� NQT BL�' ACCEPT�I3 UNTIL 1e1LL REQUIRED IN�`C3RMATIC)N I5 Sx7B�MITTED �t******�r** I . PROJECT II�IF�RA4AT I ON: A. DESCR�p'�IC7It1; �NGL,�,�i� ��:��Wl�t`{ � ��I�-� ��..� 11`�T��L�� �'�J'��'7�[.� _�� lwA��� �`�1 , , Niir� �t�T�O�-. ,��.��.,�.�c� B. TYPE QF REVIEW: t�ew CC7[]StruCt�.Dn �S2fl0 . �a} Mi�ar Alteratian {�2Q . (lC1) � Add��.a.an ($50 . a0) Cr�nceptual Review ��01 C . Ar�r��S S : 2�`�c� �A�� MG'u�TAi N F�A� €� . LEG�L DES�RTPTT4ttiT; Lt7t �� B10Ck � ��`�I�� ��LL�� Subdivi s ian f��'�1�11�1t�N C��' Gd"� 2? �J[.�}'- ',� '�IAI�- V'��� 1�" If p�tiperty is descrik��d k�y a mee�s ar�d baunds leg�l description, pleas� prr�vid� on a �eparate sheet and attac�i �o th.�s ap�alicatir�r� . �. zo�z��: `�'w�° ��M;LY ��ta���'+��.- ����� F. LC}T �R�A: �f required, applieant mus'� rc�vide a current stamped �ur�ey s�iowing lat area . ��, '����,$� G. NAME C1�" Ap?�L ICA1V'T: � � ��'.� Mailing Addr�ss : __ 2 ���D _ U I , ba��o f'��'r` +�';1[y P h c�r�e - 'L _ ,uf�;�'f'"d�``��'''�d��- . �4 � ������ �� H. NAME QF APPLICANT� S REPR�SENTATIVE : �w I� �'�� ����l� Mailing A�dre�s : � � ` ,�,,'rr Ilr�i 1� �• 8�lv�Phon� ����L', I . �t�� �F Gwnr��s : �[.� �'p �N �'� � ;, �J� . � �� *sr�r��,�Q� ;s) = Mailing A�dres : � �' G' AI�1 � V'G.pC.� Ph�ne ?tr}- 2 _ J. Condc�miniurn Appr�val if appli�able. K . DRB FEE: DRB fee5, as 5h�wn ab�ve, ar� te Y�e p�id 3� �he time �f su�mittal of DR�3 applica�ir�n . Later, when ��plying for a building permit, ple�se identify the accurate valuation af �he prop�sal . The Town of Vai.I will a�ijust �he fe� acca�ding to �he t�ble k�elcaw, to �nsure uh� ��rreri} '��� �s ��i�. c:.,���C���' �'EE PAID: � _� ��':; .�: ���� FEE SC�-iED[7LE: .�^;'�� ���`i LE VALUATION FEE ; ���� $ Q - S 1Q, f�C(� S 2� . (�0 ��, �2 S 1 J, OQ1 - S S�, {�Of3 � 5U . Qa $ 5D, O�J1 - S 150, 000 S1�[l . dfl �15�, QOl - $ 5Q(], (70� 5200 . (��l ���a, oai — s�, oaa, o�a s�ao . ao � ��er Sl, OC►[7, QQC� 55�� . (JQ * �ESIGN REVIEW BQARD APPROV,AL EXPI�tES �JNE YEAA AFTER FTNA.L APPR�3VAL LFNLESS 1� BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSQED AI+ZD �ONSTR[TCTIC�N IS START�I7. **NO APPLICATION WTLL BE PRC7CESSED wz��ov�^ Qwrt�R�S SIGNAT�IRE 1 I � r I I , PRE—APPLTCAT�.�_ar�d M�ETI1'�t;: � � ' A pre-applicati c�n meeting with a mernbe�c of �he planning '� staffi is stro�gly encauzaged tc� determine i� any add�tiana� applicatic�n ir�f�rmation �.s need�d. It is the agpl.icant' s . respons�.k�i1�.�y tca make an appointment with the staff to determin� if the�'e are additivnal submittal requirer�enGS . Pl�a�e n�ate that a CC}I�PL�TE appTi�ation wi11 strearn�ine the apprc�val process for ya�zr project . IIT . IMPC�RTANT N�TICE REGARL}ING ALL SU$MISSIC7NS T0 THE DRB: A. In addition to m��ting submi�.t�l requirements, the applicant must �tak� and tape the proj�ct si�e to indicate property 1ir�es, building l�.nes �nd bt�alding carners . All tre�s to b� �emoved m�zst be taped. All si�e tapings �nd staking must t�e completed privr to the DFt� sit+� visit , The applic�nt must ensure t;hat stal�ing done �uriz�g th� winter is not bu�ied by snc�w. B. The re�i+ew prpC�ess for NEW BUILDIN�S norm�lly requi.r�s �wc� �eparate meetings of the Design Revi�w arard: a conceptual appre�val and a final approval . App�.icants shauld plan on present�ng their deve�c�pment propQSal a'� a r�inimur� af two meetings befcare ob�aining final app�ov�l . C. App�acan�s who fail �.o app�ar befo�e the �3e�ign �evi�w Bc�ard t�n their �ch�duled mee�.ing date and who have n�it asked in advan�� that discussior� on their itern be p�stpone�3. will have their items res��ve�i frc�� th� t7RB de��k�t un�i� sueh time as �he it�m has k�een republished. L� . The fallr�wing items may, at the discret�.�n o£ the �oninc� administrator. be apprt��ed b�r �he Camr�un�.�y ❑�veTopment D�partment staff (i .e, a �c�rmal h��rinc� b�fare the �RB may not b� re�uired) : a . Wznd�w�f skyl�.ghts and SAmilar exterior changes which da nr�t alter the �xisting plane c�f th� bui�.dzng; and a. Building addition propasal� not �risible from any c�ther lot or public spac� . At the ta,me such a prr��t�sal is submitted� applicants m�st inclu�de l.ett�rs fram adjacent property Qwners andlor from the agent for or manager of any adjacent eandc�m�nium assc�ciation s�ating the association apprc���s c�f tn� addit�on . E . If a prop�rty i5 locat�d in a rriapped haza�d area [i .e. snow a�ralan�he, rockfall, f].00d plain, debris flo�w, wetlandf etc} , a hazard study must b� submi�.ted and the own�r must sign ara �ffidavit recogn�zing the hazard repc�r�. pric�r to the issuan�e of a, l�uilding perrn�t . Applicants are enc�urag�� to check w�.th a T�wn P�anne� Prior to T�RB application to deterrni�� the relationship af the prop�rty t�+ ��1 mag�s�� ha`�.rd5 . F . Fr�r a1.3. residen�.ia1 coz�structiQn: a . Glearly inc�icat� cn Lhe �loor pl�ns the insid� face �f the exterior structuaral walls of the building; and b . Indicate ►aith � dashed line �n the site glan a f4ur foot �.istance from the ex?terinr face of �h� building walls or su�porting calumns. G. If L7RB apprc�ves the appl.icati�n with conditivns �r maciifications, all canciitions taf approva� must be resolved priar t4 Tawn issuan�e of a building permit . 2 \ _ . _ . , � � LrsT a� r�������s � � . r��� o� FROJ�c�: ��t� �C���oN � �nn�a�cf .� _ . _ LEGAL DESCI�IPTIQIJ: LOT �� BL�CK '� SUBI�IVISIC3N ��'�+ �alV�' ���• sT���r ����ss : 2���� �A�D M�us�T�taN ��p DESCRIP i ION QF PROJE�T : �NG�.�� �'f��Z���`Y G'_,�Tf�'Y' �;�U�L ��N�1��. ���'— '�TH The f�].�c�wa.ng in�ormation is required �or �ubmittal ta th� I]€��igr� R�view Br�arc� b�fore a final approval can be given: A. SUTLDING MATERI�LS ; TYP� �}F iy�ATER�AL CpL{}R Rc�o� �.1C) �{�.{��� s i d i n�3 ��. �°�"r�-�N�p ,.. /lu'�i"GH �I�I1� �ther Wa�l Ma�erials =� �3C�� FasCia �(7 5 a��i t s ��Q_�?A,�,� i+�indows W�3. ����S�G 1�� ����� Tr7indow Trim '4+da. �A1�•1Fp �� � .�. 1��.�.�t��?. D a o r s w Q� �TA�*s�D hAP,TG�H � 1�I'�1�, L�c�ar Trim WD �psi►�3'�� �Fa�1�6 H an d c�r D e c k Ra i 15 'v��- �P.'Ir��I] �1�'�(�.-� ,,���1�.h F 1 u e s NYO ��ai��Ps l� Flashinc�s Chimneys �7 --��'� Tr�s� Enclosures ��i� .� Greenhoiases �.�J (',�{f�� a�.h�r �1�7 C�A� B. L.FiNDSCAPIP3G: Nam+� af Designer: �hone : PLANT MI'�,TERIALS : BotaniCal. t�ame CornmQn Nam� Qu�ntit� �ize* �Ra��s�� ����s N� N�u1 ���Pt� ����� � � �t��� ���� � �� �� �� � �� �.���-r� �� �� 1����a� �x��ma�� T�E�s To I�fi,f7�� - �� Z �nn- ,��� �t"r� �� ��r�P SE REMC}VET3 *In�icate �alip�:r fc�r �eciduc�us trees . Min�.mum cali er for decid7�r�us trees �.s � inch�s . �ndicate h�ight tor coniferaus tre�s . Minimu_m_ heaqht far c+�r�iferc�us trees is 6 feet 7 PLAN� MATERT� : BataniGa� Name Comma a�� 4ua�titv Size* ' . P�QPO�ED SHRUBS l`�'�� - r EXTSTING SHRUBS �0;�``�� TC7 BE REMOVED *Indi�a�.e si�e caf pr�pe�sed shrubs . Mi.nimu�n size of �t�ruk�s ,�s 5 c�allan . Tvtae Scruar�_Footac�e c�o�rr� covE�s �1� G��6� , son s��� ��'�. _ TYPE _ _ C�F I�.RIGA`�ICJN ��(��,� TYPE OR METHC�E� C}� �D ERC�5I�3N CClN�'R(�L �. LAl`IDSCA�E LIGH'�I�1G: If e�teric�r li�hting is propased, please show th� number ca� fi�tures and lo�atirn� on a separate �igh�ing p],az� . �dentify ea�h f�xt�re from the �ighting plan an the list be�c�w and proc�id� the w�ttage, height abc��e grade and type of light pr�posed. �C��� - ,__. � . C�TH�R LF,NDSCAP� �'EATU�ES fre�aina,ng walls, fences, sw��mi,ng ponls, etc , ) Pl�ase �pecify. Indicate heaghts of retaining wa�.ls . Maximum height �f wa13s wi�.hin the frant se�back as 3 £eet , Nla�imum height n� wa]�1� elsewh�re on the praperty is 6 f��t . � ��.. 8 , ` � ��ITY L�CATIQ� VERIFI�ATI� . _ ,. � SU$DIVTSIflN f'`'���+11��(4f� �'� LG� �"�'1 �Lr 2 4a,�kl�y+'!� l�j�. ,F���'� �7$ I'JAME � '}� 1°Er I`;���'� �.L.-%'r,1�1'�� -.' ���I�,1��:'��;`�-� ' � '-. �c�r �� s�ocx '� Fa�zN� i� �����ss ��?� �1'�G.I� /�uNTPc1� �P�' T�:� l.ocatian and availabili�y of utili�ies. whether they be main trunk lines or gra�asec� lines, musC be approveci and v��i�ied by the following uti�ities fc�r �he a�cc��p�nying site plan . Authoriz�d Siqnature Date � U.S . West Cammunications , � ,� 1-8D0-9�2--1987 / �f ��8-�-686fl flr 94 -4 L. ��t�'�1 J �, � � 530 -� Fublic Service Company I+ � ,, f,? �4�-578�. Gary Hall � � � .�Q �� Hol� Cro�s Electric Assc�� . . , f 949-5892 �_ L'� �* Ted Husky/M?chael Laver�y r Heritage CableSai�ion T.V. . 94�-�53fl Steve Hiatt U�per Eagle Valley Watear & 5anitation �a.striCt * 475-7480 ,,I Fre�. �?as�e� T�C�+����1'Q,� �r�o �.. -- � NJTE . 1 . �his form is ta �reri�y service availability and locati�n . �his shau�,d be used in can�unction with grer�aring a utility plan and s�heduling instal�l.at�Qns , 2 . Fo� an�x new cons�ructic�n prapo�al. the appl�cant mus� pr�vide a �n�pleted util.ity v�rification ft�rr�. 3 . I� a ut�.lity camp�ny has can�erns wzth the pr�posed construction, the ut�.lity representative shQUld s�ate directly an the utiJ.i�y �erificativn �o�m that th�re is a problean whieh needs ta be resalved. If �he issue is relatively cc�mplicated� it shc�uld b� spell�d c�u�. irr detail in an at�ached .�+2t�@r tO t.�'1@ �'C3W3Z O� Vc31�. « HC>W�V@�'� �31��a� }C��� �.n mind that it �,s the responsibility c�f the ut� lity �c�mpany and awner to �esol�� iden'Cified pro�lems. 4 . If the util,zty verifi�a�i�n form has signatures frc�m �ach o� the utility companies, and no cor�ments are ma�€� d�rcctly an t:� �orm, t�:e Taw� wili presume th�t th�re are r�o proble�ns and tha� the �ie�vels�gment can proceed. 5 . T�iese �veraficatians do n�t relieve the c�ntractor of his resgonsibility to obtain a street cut permit fram the T�wn of Vail, Department of �ur' ic Wvrks an� ta obta�n u�.a.l�tv 1oCatic�ns befc�re diqc�inq �n any pubJ.ic rzght-of-�way c�r �asernent in the Town c�f vai�. . A bu.i�.dinq p�rmit is n�t a street_ cu� �ermit . A street cut pexmit must be obtained separa�ely. * PY�ase brirrg � site �plan, £lt�trr pTan, and eleva�i�ans w�en obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sar�itatiar� signatures. Fire flow needs must k�e addressed. 9 _ , ,.�, ,_ �, -.t� r,.�- � � ` o ��N� CHECK � F(JR - SFR, R, R P/S ZQNE L?TS�'RICTS }. AATE : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot �.�"'�� Bl�ck 'L Eil�n� �� ADC�FtESS , ���f� �,..n� 1�f�f���►�a1�^+� �(?� .. ., C7WNER PHQNE ARCHI TEGT �+����1 P���"`, �}�' PHC7l'�1� �'�fr.�-�v�j�-'� zcr�� DISTRICT Tv�? ��M�t,�' f���1�l�Pct� P�t��o��� Us� "t`i►wp �tMlt� ��D�T1At� **L�T SIZE �� , `��� ,� Allc�wed Existinct L�rot�osed Tc�tal Heic�ht (3t71 (�3) _ " Tat.�1 GRFA �.����' �,�,.� r �' �;�,y?-• �-!' ,,,;{; � , ,'�.,< Primary GRFA '� � �� + 425 = �''�> �'�� e�s�' , � � `�:-a SeG�ndary GRFA �� � 1 + 425 = � � ��"� ���,,� � "i,�,� +.�" ��a, S�tbacks Front 20' T�Q �Gtv1 Sid�s 15' �ear 15' G wa'��r CoUrse Setback {��} {50) � pt 5ite Cc�verac�e ���� �f��11'`��,� Landscaping � -�'r" � '4 f=�:..-`i�'.� r.`a '`-�- [�� � �, �-� � Retain�ng Wall Heights �' I`6' '� L�c Parking �eqrc� � L'� G�=�.g� ���ai�: c�o�� c�c�o� caoa� �ZZOa� N � Drive : F�rmi�t�d Slope $� ActuaT Slope �� Date approved by "I'c�w� Enginee�-: f� ,G 4'iew Corridqr Er�cro�chmen` : Y�� Na � "�'?? En�r�.r�nme�t�llHd�3rds : 1 } ��oad Plain l'�,�A 2) Percent Slope �1��'c -- 3� Gealogie Hazards � � �) Snow Avalanche b; RG�Ck��l1 x.�7 ,�/, L t, i :,, r G�'�? �'- .r: t;;.c.:_ c) Debri� Flow .�G�� 4) Wetlands �1 !k ,,,_ 7 Previous conditions af appraval (check property file} : Does this re�ue�t in�Q?ve a 25� A.dditioa�� � How much of the alldwed 250 Addition is used with this reques�? �'��'� �*�3ot�: ❑nder �ections �.8 . 12 . (l9� (B) and 3.8 .13 .08� (�) r�f th� �f�na.c�pal Code, lots zvned Twa Family and Primary/Secondary whach are less than 15, 000 �q. ft . in �r�a may n�t cr�nstruct a sec�nd dwe��.ing unit . The Comm�naty Dev�lopment I��partment may grant an exc�ption ta this r�strictinn pr�vided th� applic�nt me�ts the cri�eria set for�h under Se�tiar�s 18 . 12 . 090 (B3 and 1$ . 13 . Q8� �By r�f the Municipal Co�ie in�luding permanently re�tri�ting th� unit as a lonr�-term rental unit for full- time �mplc�yees of the �pper �agle Valley. 1[l � ! . ��.,ITY LC}CATIfl�I VEFiTF'TCr�7�"� .. � . . . ` SUSt�?v7SY0ra ��`�u��-p�X��fOfJ �� L�1' �� �'-�-G�� 2 11RIt�y��..�..,��. I��. F�r►� �7�}� �IAt�iE z:v�r �� s�,ocx � FzL�ra� t� AL��RE55 �r��ir� �j'�La ���,pt�� �� T1�� l�e��.iCar. and 3�ailaY�ility o� u�ilities, whether they be m�in trunk �.ines c�r pr�p�s�d lines, must b� a�prc��ed anc� uerified by t�a:� fcllawing utilzties �a.r the accampanying si�e plan . Ac��hc�rized Siernature Date i� . 5 . W�st Commun�cati�ns ` �--5 GC�-9�2-1�8.7 4�8-6�F(9 or +�99--45�0 P��b�.ic Service Compan� �9 �-5781 �ary i�all Ho:.y Crass Electric Assac . 949-5892 Ted HuskylMi�ha�l La�*erty Heri�age C�bl�vision T.V. � . 9��-553� f ,f�' . '_ ��_ `��' ~/-� ��e�re Hiatt zJpr�er �agle Valley W�ter & S�rrit�tian Distric�. * 47�-74�G' �'re� Haslee N��'E : � , Th� � f�r:rk is tc� verify service availal�i�.�.ty and lticat;❑n . This should be used in �anjuncti�n w�'�h preparzng � uti.lity plan and schedulinq i.nstal�atians . 2 . For any new ��nstructit�n prc�pcsal, the applic�nt must pro�id�e a cQmpleted u�il�ty we��ficatian . form. 3 . If a utilii�y campany �as �oncerns with the prc�pos�ci c�n�tructirn, the utilit� repres�ntative should nate dixectly on t�e utility verification f�rm tl�at the�-e is a pr�l�lem which needs tc� be resdl��ed. If the issue is relative�y camplicated, zt shnuld be spe.�l�d t�ut in detail i.n an attached let��r to t�e T�wn af Vail . Howeu�r, pleas� keep in mins� that it is ��e respor�sibility of th� utility company and owner �o resol�e identified pr�blems . 9 . ?f the utility verificatian fornn ha� sig�iatures from eaCh raf the u�ility Campani�s, and no comments are mad� d�rcct�� on t xe �c�rm, �he Tcswrr w�ll presume tha� there are nQ prab�.er�s and that the de�+�l�pr�ent can �arc�ceed. 5 . Tl��s� v�rxf�catians do n�rt reliev� th� cantractar af his respor�sibility �ca ob��itt a street cut permit fram the Town r�f Vail, Department Qf Pu�^' ' c Works and ta c��ta�n uti.lity locatians t�ef�re dic�qinq in any pub�i� right-r�-way c�� eas�ment in �.he Tc�wn c�f Vail . 1� buildinq perartit i.s nQ�� s�re�t cut ermzt . A street �ut permit must }�e obtaine separate�y , * Please brirag a site pl.an, flc�ar pl.an, and elevatians when obtaining Upper �agle Val.ley water & San�,tation signature� . F'ir� �'1ow needs m�as� k�e ad�ressecl. 9 . { l hg�.... � . �'��_}���..a .� _ - -- _ . '_� r ���.�'���..` � . - . n. .... . .. _ . �.- � - - -- - �-��-,:— -�� -- . . . _ -� __ -° '- - - -- « � . �-- - - .� .- � � -- . -�.. �..s__ --� � ..... .... .. �._ .. .r.. - .. _ _ � . _.�.. '-�,� _-_ _ �,n . t : - - � 'z i �'k'�r - ` •�;�tK�;. w,,,, � ;c: �,� -:;� �� --- _ . _ _<.: ��i� , . _ — ��:y,t�- � .,.. ` � '-- -�5« r-.1t:`-.x„�-t'�"'-a��. �� �!.l.oa. .a.�,k. .. . An. �� �� <u ���'���,� �g�- _ '���,*- a�j.r. � ��'.'.�� . '....` � . ;� aF?;.... %" ���� New Ez�try and Window abave as per l�orth �IevaCxon �`. � '�-."�-, �, � "�'s��;+. � �^<�. sj�f i5 «.i �r, `."';„' "� ��� r � fi; ���:a {:���,�_� ,�: 4 '' �,� r + � < ��; ',� � � ������� � ;qr°.�� F . � . ;.' � ;` � � "t ��� � a ��. � �� .,.:;;� � �._.. ., , Enel�se $re�zewa�t as per East Elev�.tian ' * �,� .� � Y r+ � � •'i �f _ °i - i --�_ • � k- , z r��.� . �. f �:�-, , . � i l . � _-�I�.� ' ,-s ii �l� , r , . �, �: � , � �'.. w� • �y 1 .�' t I'�a'�F e�it 'r' ��i*�:�11����' i�I�ke these Windr�ws smaller as per 5�s�ath Flev�ti�n ; ' �, ~--�: �,�� -- - �,� �� . r � , � , r �'4 � � � �� , '��: . _ ';. _ ..� � .., 1 �" 4 i �� Ji�i e°' �# ��� � � �� �yt� r'�" �d �� �,,t �'� t..�y'��� � � `3, � ,� 1 �.:� .s ` a , '� y r'� a 1���,y���� h ������,g } � t � I�w��sj t;"�i� t�t"��'` �: + ���.. 4� � � ;�,, � 1 �� �.b �'�� af ��1+'+3d��^�.����.��� � u r I�`�1"k � �'� �,�.� � +.,,j..'� ���� �� .�,�+ ;�'�r �'�. *� + � l.M� � '.�j. a� rs I � - W� r`1"�1R j" � _�.':�� , ' � 4._., dt.„_E. Adc3 n�w Window to Master }3aLh C�oset as �aer Easr �I�v�tion _ �� . ' ��A� ` - �- �,y�,�,r�'��?��! :��.��- ��o�� ;�.ti�- ;---� I�, ��,� ,�; •�'� . �. M6 � 3`�` I � � ������ ' 1 ,� ofG51�F . � �• r � � ��� tia,��- — D�:��, - �,+� ����# � � c� ~ �1 I�'1�� (��:��,� J ^ � + ra.a• �� � � � 4 �,s. �1 ur�'.9� r`� ^4 ^= '4 f_ 1-.�-' r �l r. ° h .�C'�..^/[° ,.f',._ �C1. �.s� �. :' � ',� h�+;�4`.�t`�° � l�a u �, ; � � �a tv s; �,;�t,, � �- N � �_��'�~ ���'� L�'���� � � r � � � * •- . � ,L a r' 3.3 � •-`•. ls; �� '� � ���. �. �� �,f� ,�, h ��� .� �' . I r� � ���� �� �r w� .�����"'� f`� �" �- .���'� � � -- :"oa����_ w � .y �~ �`> �.r�:�/r�'t � - � o �'or: ,. i:.t�� fcauotd L.S. 1141 J � � - ' + � i.1�S,�11, 11C1;1:!i1Y'f'1[7;: I I:�:�;[ 4.t»r-lus I F sr f I�u�+I�•:.. I.��t 'i'l, :i �i[�:;��l7c1 i uf 4[�,+�i n f Lci G 21, nl,�aCk '�, V�s i l ;'i r I.ti��,c, I 11�{il.t'c�r��h I'iIIR>>;, 1'a��rn ��i V�'.�il , i•.:i},Ir l;�a�r.ity. �:ralt•Y�isJn. irll'!�EIVI'.illi�7"i' id)�.;III[cY;J 4i�:i�'fT!'1tiR'fI; . i, .T.s�k id. .I��li��ti�,,,�, ;�,•i•,,,,,, ,•zrl i[y Ll�.it lEsi;. [r��,rcr��nr_�i[ loCnCLnn cr_rtd:i�':s�c� was s K�is•prirtd [nt` 1't_�.'c;• Ieuiutiirir•;, Clid� i.�npi'uVi•nacnL j��r.nl'itin UeLnr, �aracr,! c*Er 8 ��•�;vl�no.s prr�° 6a�'rlti .;iarvr:y Us,�t iia.v, lerrn �kr.�<<uun•i�l�'ti hy 4�Cfu�rs rinci Ci�ctt kt i:, nol' [O k�v r��l 1,=�1 Ki��:+u �crr kl��� cst:�bk is��:nr�iic uC F��n�.4 , Eti�il I�liri��,, ��r trllrcr EUChR'C iriprn�cmczat ll�cs. 1 ftiir.l��•r � t�r�if•v Ili;z[ il„ im�Yrt>vsrnur��t,. �m khc �luivc 3r.;:r,t`t6cd s;tio:cei no� tlsi:� ,��[G� i°1.i�• 1 i, 1`179, .:xE;f��at �il i I i t,r ���;i�ir•c•�i+r,ti;v, ;ar�r c•irC i rci?• t+ilt�in �lie k�iausaJZries �,[ �;���.. ��;Arv+:l , �•xrwpl 4�:� siinw��, tlaa� I.lirt'r :rr,� n�sl. c�acr�irit�irm�sit:; ti•rry�l [Isc CICSGC[b('r,� ]�r���1iSr,�� liv ir:�e�rcirC- � :���ntv c�n �iiy :�1�ni�iinl� itit•�•�,t�;�•v, �:xc�r���k :ts i�nll�:itz�l, �n�i tl�ai L1s�rc i:� s�o �rliyo-i�•�1 evi- �i�^�tiC[� c�� :Yr.S{' r.i:,i�r�z�u� �re��.:�iu;• nr t�i�e-�ie•��i���} :t��y �1:�t-L �+f srsf.d �+arcCl, arrtc:L'P[ +1:; atUlG+l. '.._.`�__«.__ " " ' _..� `/ _w.�iJ�{ F l�.l..: !� :� _.-�.-.._..._... ��—"_ � ID:ilc .I�lrk ;�. Jr�1r�;sir3t, ki1..5. .5:i51 31;/7�I47 i ` ,.t��?���`��. ��d ar?r,'Rt{�,�'�:S ? l� ". . e I�ece3°ti f i�:.alir��ti [):e�c�: .i�si�� ] 1 , t'3f�t] '� ��� �-�J` ��. !�i r:C'.CC'S"�,lf1C.iL']C1�1 I)lLe,' .°'ra', q�� : r '��,•�`•�.Y,}, ,4r3'.::7: . �:i I S.'I' 7. )� ` �,7�fi� '��,7� ,�81.PN'tr '�.:,i` . p.�"� .. ��`y`.. � ' 6eecnrtifi.cation U�aCc: Junc 10, 1'�a3 ''r''�++rC�K„{, � � . � � Shect :l �1� 3 f� '. F^�` �- � �', . �''�+ � �,�:€;nt, I��::�c:�,1t�'�•I'r�,� , i'f.: f,/. CC}Pi�'1l}id 1'AICC�'s3� �11. cyf fyc�t 33� :� I.y�:.a�facllwisi4rn c�� i.nt ?7, lit��r.is 2� Vai�. ►7:1.I�,�e�� '�'}�i,r:icc���1� 1'i.lin�, Tv�rn oF. V�i.l, 1;���1�: CoLti��y, C.U�.4TilClUycxcc�at the E�st UtZi.0 anQ West; Uni,t as �?t�vivu;3l,y c[e��.r�.b�cl. '. Cnnta�ni,n� 41,a92 5c��a�ar�: i�Le or L1.°�479 �>C an ��cre, mnre flr l�ss, Trrf,�t��er 4Jl.LI1 an r�.zs,„�ucizt far t}ie �i�l�t to r� vcl�icle dsi.v� C1irUU�h �tie c��rx�er oX ttrc: ,�orr.i�wi�s�: s�ct.i.�>n �C Jrut 32, S:a,i�] �:i;;cn�e:iaC w.i� recorde�i in Tic�alc 255 �t Page t�54 c�f tlz� l:a�.lu (,U�irlty Cl�rk :iiYd ltecorcl��`s Itecorcis. � � '� r' • , i k . J/ � , � �I� ' :f r r '��a � !i �" r �', •�/' �! . �`,�r, �L li..�,�. �==--f--e� —'�^�"'—� I il��e ' .J�r�. [d. .Iol��lson I�.L';5. 455�. .I�1711U75 ,�;r�,.�>,i,�,; �+°1;��' ��1EJ1' �,'!�`,t :�',. •'�yi5r��,�•. {f�,: y 'N�` ���' : �L'V7S�� D3�G'. �...°'�PJi1�1' ��„ �.�$� ~7'F. — — . . x 4 � `� � � �; � A• �� h ��F •�fif �.���( ; �. �.� ��•� � . � �J4, �, '.S'Ui i{\I � �[�-�• f • �ti t�''� ����-��1 h,,4,� vJ r ��+i+ratsi�9ttl � � s ��_ � � .�% -' r � ��� + �,( ► ��� , r„- � ��, I� � ,. . � • ' M�� � � � 4� � _ ..,, ��. � r,�. � � _ , '�' ,� ��^ •��,r��� T I �' �' � , � - � �� ,� � .��i � `� w� 1�+� �� �h t�. �y�'..� � ' " �(rr�a p �� iy. ' _* � .r x ., , �� �i ^ . � - � . 3.. '� "�. i��Y�,M!{1 �.6�1 i � -.�►'"s-. 7 �, ` ' _ � . ' r �,, .� • �►�- � ai - . � , � .� � -, � �` _ � �- --_ — - ( •► �, .� •..:,�. �� � , 1.��� -� �� � _ _� .. � �'! � �? � —., k � ._� �t .._ � . �y *� E � � -C'��—:i �� � ������� - `— ���� - �� -R - �1 ��� - r « , , .. . _� —�`�,a�i , .��� ��,�� � . . �. . � � _ � :. � �` ' '.l, �,k,�'`�- '� ti.. � .�r�' ''�`�, ` « � , � � � ,. ;�' -+4�� �- i � ,� ,� r • .'+�_`,�",+ '}y� i; i .r-`+ `� P -�- ; ! �''�r I�,j `�1�,.:4 �~i�—^� � i..��_. ��!� f � ��"�,,�'ti�� � L.'"'"�-'°�.• 1 . I _ _- �- ,� �'� �, _ ;: , �� ;,�� � " .=�,'. �� � �, �, ,. �,� ��rl�:���'�' ����� � � ' � ' '� , r+!t� .�.:5�, �'�'�Y��� " - �r►�.����E' _ , . a++�'` ' - — - �' ,,,- � � ,��.� �, .��- + � ��i�e`�: � . � � MEMQ T4: PLANNERS FROM; MAFZY I�EWIP+IG DATE: DECEMBER 9, 1991 RE: KT�SSC7N DECK �c m�.t^ac-mrw7rM>'?�>1?�`}7�Y7, Y4��r r� 1�,7-. �. .: � .�r»*+�rna�yx+r f Yr�S� ,� sr��.*�.� ,ro>+ks�.rk, . , ryr R,uw�nv2c'��. 7u,b3rat�.k ti .r� { "`�Fr{� �#�� �� �°�{�}��f� ba �x'• �.., �ax r. a�.� � ..: .�y.;c kzK7�'e.`�sr�x:+�a�va,nvxce�xifi .,rE�ifpq�.. �,r ��f.`l,a,.�,.��� �{3�f � � ��f�'�.}%F �, , .�.... .::- .....,: r . ...��i.. :: . ..��..:..... ... .... ......... .. .... ...... .. . ., ....i . .... ... »z.....».�,�,wr:,,�.v.vW�f..�: The Fil� i� not cr�r�plete . Need adjacent prc�perty awners sign�ture �ecaus� deck is to Y�e �ui1.t c�n cc�rnmon proge�ty. I hav� spoken �c� Kyle Webb and he said hi.s c�ient is waivering on whethe� a� not h� wants to cQntinue wi�.h �h� project . �� . � - � ,,, :�._ �C' f _ ,_, �` �' r� )� _ � �' f , �' �!'���oa ��4��i D�RS APFLICATIC�'N - TOWH C3F VAIL, Cf?LC?�t) ���'�ra (��.;j :? ;�?y!��� DATE AP�LICA'FIQN RECEI�TED t °,,>f . ���� QF" �� MEETING: f � ft!t!t�Ar#��t yk*�k� � �; ,�.'�? ? } T'SIS APPLI�CATIt3N 9+TILL �1OT HE ]ICCEPT$D IIN'��L �1LI, AB�TJIR$D INP'�RMATION I5 SVSMITTI�� �*�r*�r*,�*** I . PRUJJ`�CT INF�R.MFITI�N: -. A- DE5GR3PTIC}l�T. � fr .. 1 • ,, , - B. TYPE GF REVIEW: .I �.� New Cc�nstruction ($2aQ .Up} �•; Mir�or A�.��ra�ion (S20 . 00� F�dd�t��n ($5� ,0(}) Canceptual Review ($0) C. ADI]RE S S : ���� �„� . . D. LEG�,I, aESCRIPTIQN: Lot �, ` B].ack � �aLI�JC�.IYlSlC}31 V •V• _ � ������ . 'I�. If prvperty is described by a�eets and baunds � egal d�scriptic�nr please pravide can a separa�e sheet�and attach �o this appl�cation. . E . ZQNTNG: F. LOT .AREA: If requ�.red, �pplicant must prc�vide a current stamped survey shawing l�t ar+�a . �. NAME �F` APPLICAId'T: `�: Mailing Address;��, -�. .� _ Phc�ne 4"�rr.��-�,r'e� ._ H. N�ME QF AP�LI�ANT' REP��;SENTAT�VE: Mailing �ddress: �` Fhone I . NAME (3F f�WNE�tS : � . � � �: *�TGNAT'�'R$�[S� ; , Niail. ' g A�dd�s - , f � Ph,one � J. Candamiraivan Apprr�val �.f applicable. I�. DR8 F'EE : i3RS fees, as S'!�wn a�ove, are ta be pa?�a at the time of submit�al c��� 17�.B applica�ivn. La�e.r� wl�en �PP�Yi�9 far a �uilding p�rmi�, please identify �he .�ccurat� �ra�uatic�n r f �t�� praposal. . The Town af vail - wi11, adju�t tl�e fee a�ccc�rdi.ng tv the table belvw, to ensUre the correc� fee i.s paid, FEE PAID• S_���;, .�.�' FEE SCHEL3ULE• —� VALUATIOt�T FEE � C� - S 1D, �(JC� $ 2fl . (l0 v 10, (,}�1 - $ .50, t300 $ 5Q .QLl y �VE V�1 "' '� ��k1R V'�V y�1�V . �� $I50, OU1 -� $ 5i3C1, O[}{7 �2di} . OQ 550�, OQ1 -- �3, 04D, �U� S4�3a , tlf� S Uver $1, 0��, 0�� S5�O . OQ * DESIGN Y�'V��hT 8�1RD APPRC7�'�TAI. &�IRE� flNE YE.AR AF'�'ER FINAL AP'PAC?VAI. JNLESS A BUILI}ING PE�I'r I5 I5SLT�D AND CONSTR'[7C?'I{3N IS START�D. **�0 AP�'LIC.AI►TI�7N WILL SE PRQCES��D WIT�OIIT C?WNER'5 SIGNATiIRL 1 ~ ^ ` . � � , ��,. , ... ���� �� ���� ` n�PA�•rtv�r�r�� oF cv�urrrr� n�v�LC��n��r��' SALES ACTIC}�I F�R'�'I �14��: ' . -t1� �"�+;' � ACC�iINT N[3. >. , ITFM N�[]. CQS°I'EA, T�TAL " - �.� _: ��,.. {}I {l(�l{]4133U CC3M.DEV.APPLICA'fTC?N�S ' `�I�. �:_ •=��' -`Y ��f J � A 1 �G 154�3 ?01�'ING AIVI7 ADi?R.�,S S MA�PS $5.00 41 QO[)0 424i5 UNIFQ�i.M�L1IL.I7IItiiG C[]I]E $5(?.t}0 _ Ol 17i0Q0�F�415 [.TT�I�.F'OhM PLUMSING CC}I}E �,3E.iJ0 Cf] OQ0�0 42415 UIr1iFQF�M MEGHANiCI�L CC7DE �32.�0{? (!1 OQ40 424I5 UNIF�IRM FTRE CC3DE 53�.OQ Q1 [1{10�7 42�15 NATIU�IAL Ei.EC.TF.IC.A►L C4i)E $30.(l(l OI ilpQO 42415 UTHER C()I7E B4QK5 :�>; L�t �C141548 ALLIEPRINTC t�vt �evc� $7.0[l _ $0.25 �2[d.04 -....' ".... �_,_+.- �.'" �,�� �. .l•tf��-'-(--�2^�i ..�_ C:nA'IMENTS: - ��� ��✓� _ ,�... - : .[..�.Y{ .tr.�.vvj{}� . . L . . . . ��ti, ��.} 3'y �N . . �E���� �' P . . '. .� ' .R'ti�x_ .t;. +�. .,. -�::�..:. �"."'x . ;. �., .. .... �^ ....x� . �A�. INSPECTION'& COMPLETEI} � The items belflw need to be Ccrmp�.ete befar� giving a germit a final C of +D. P3.ease �heck off in �he bc�� pro��.sied. . � FINAI. F'LUMBING �3�'T`E; FINAL MECHAI�TCAE, DATE; � IMPit�VEt�1EN'fi S[lFiVEY RESII7. �iAME: DA��s �, � FINA3. ELECTRICAL � ��. DATE: � �- �� _'_ ',._�i��k�,l � �� 4 ��� � FINA� BUILI3ING EAST SI�3E: WEST SIDE: I�ATE: �-�i -{-i� � TEMPQF4AAY C CJF a DATE: __�__� C��iTIFICAT� D�' f�CCUPANGX DATEr � LAl�DSCAPING DiIE DATE• - - - R .. ---_, � � FAlaF. �AL'iii: �'�, �':�,�r�'��� ��,�i�'w�a 1�1.--.y�.. -.... l ',i�� f`�``''�:. �`.� �' ` . . . _ . . ...,.... __ _� _ . _��_ _._�_.�..... _.__. _._.-. _._^.-—_'_ —.. ......_�-._a�_ —__ . .. . ...a�=._ .... . � , _. __ __.. .. _ 1. � � � !,_�- �;�� ) =- - il��`R"�CTI�N REQIJE�T PERr��T r�U�as�a�o� ��oJ�GT � TO1NN C�F VAI�.. � , �r� r s , , DA7E j ;' �' JC}B NAM� _o__— '� ,!'��' �4 ``�. �,: , c� �.� �._ . �,/ Y�,r C l�L L�� � /" ,' l� � � �'��,�'?r`.�{��' �C�.�'� .,�r"�,.�;- . r REAC3Y FC?R INSPE�C`�1�N: MC7N TUES WED %7HUft FRI AM PM '._ / 1 � � f� Ll'�GATI{)1'V: � .� - —�, .''%� ,�; °f- � - __ _ _ _ BUI�DING: PLlJMBING: � �t7�TIf�GS 1 �7��L O �...1�#flERG�t�UND p FC�UEVQATIQfV 1 STEEL ❑ RC7UGH I D.W.V. ❑ FRAh/If1�JG Q �tOUC'arH / WA°f�R ❑ RC��JF � Sf-�E�R p GAS PIPII'�3G P�YWC70D hIAIL�hI� ❑ 1hJSULATICJN _� _ � PC�QI, 1 H. TUB _ ❑ SHEETRaCK I�AIL — __.__�_�_.,�� � . . €� —.. ❑ . FINAL .� 0 FINAL �LEGTRICI�L. �AII��HAI'+IICAL: CI TEII��'. P�WER _ ❑ HEATIhJG -- - -- __ I� ROUGH C] EJCHAUST Hf�ODS ' 0 CD�I�LJI�" ❑ SUF�PLY ,A1R C] �1 Q �It'JAL � — 0 F1NAL -- �T'APPRC7VE� Cl �ISAPPRC7V�D ❑ FtEf�JSPECTION REC;UIRECI C�RFtECTI(7NS: _ .. ,/�.�.��.,��� ����`�`y'_.,�" ';� � C�ATE �r',.�''r' - 7'�-i°'.�' INSP�CTCJR '� ��� r�- - --.� .. � � � `� � � I�ISPECTIL��J REQUEST t'ERMIT NUMF�ER QF �o��c� TQW�I �F VAI L (� a_ �; 2 , 1 ,-. ��� r-.r � � . , {� � [�ATE `x_` ��i� JDB hEAME _ ��' ����- � '�=�,` �'�.,��-� .%.��. �" . __ , � _ � , ._ , ' _�, �. � t ��.;` � CALLER , M. (, a i��AQY FI�R IhISPEGTIf7N: MC]N ,� TL�ES WEL7 THUR�r'� �FRI� ; �._�"AM�'' PM , L(�CATiC7N: �., C.� _._��_ �', � � ; ,r� ` t'i � r �-�� �.��`I.�'(_� �'�''° :�.L �R . - - BU�LaIMG: �LUM�IM�G: Q FDL7TffJGS 1 STEEL ❑ UNC?ERGR�Uh1D _ _�.__ _ Q FJ'L1N�ATIQN 1 STEE� C] ROUGH / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING t7 RO€JGH f WATER � ROC:�� & SHEER _ ❑ �AS PfPP�JG PLYWO�L7 fVAILIIVG ❑ INSULATIC�hJ _ -- --._.�__ _ _ ❑ PC7C7L 1 ti. TUB � SH�E`Tf�C3{CK INAIL ❑ a � _.�_�. ❑ F1NAL CQ F�N�4,L �LE�TRICAL: MEGHAN#CAL: � °f�MP. PC1W�R 0 HEATING �#�UUCH ;;:.,.-'+°'�`_ �-� f� EXHAUS�' HC7QC]S �� � ❑ C{�NDLJIT � SUPPI,Y AIR � � -_ � -- CI F`INAL " C7 FINAL J t,�-APPFi4VEf] � �'J9SAPPROVEt) C7 REINS�E�GTIQfU REQUIRECJ CC3�iRECTIdNS:` � ? �� - ,� . ,.(�'"_ �-�1.. !� �' -t� � J,, �.- _ � �r' , _ � . J� ��� � � r �c -,��' - � ,_ , �,� - ` " �" �, , f_. , s__� , f� ,-� ;r'�,� f r ,. 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P�V`U'ER ❑ H�ATIN4; !� FRUI,bGH ❑ EXFaAl.�ST i-�C�CJt7S � CC7�JL�UIT L] SUP'PLY I�IR ❑ ❑ - -_._..�.�. ��. .� p �IhPAL — � FINAL r�'�._+°;�'RC]VEt) ❑ C31SpPPFiOV�D 0 R�Ii�SPEG7I�N REQUlRED C4�1����TIQNS: _�� :� � ...- �, �.- � - , W � _ ., , ., �s� ,.� � ,�, , F - _ �J � ,-✓' DATE L' INSPEGTC]Ft �, ��-''�?`� ��"�' ���� ; , , , � . �T'L P!"���G;�,,��r.?� . r � � � � � �' � Ih1SPE+�`fl�#�! F�E�L�EST PEfiM�T NUMB.ER � RR�],lECT !� T�IN!`�J C}F 'V''AfL ; [`� • �ATE 4��"',� '.t_..._ ��� �� JCJB N,�+ME �f �e`%�..�`�` - � : , ,; ` ' � ,, �___ , �f_ � ,r ` ` ' ' r : , i � � � f ✓( s_ ' ,,�,� ��..` 1 iI CALLER . �__G�•C..-�__ �� + Cl����' L7 � . .' .� REAQY FOI� INS�'ECTfC]N: MQN TUES WEQ THUR FRC A�111 �PM�� r_�� ,.� !� ���`.___ L�CATI��'�l: .� %'� �_��'�-""" I `'' "°�,',�af f � � -�.���� ' 6UILQ1h1Gr: PLUMBINC'a: C7 FOCJTIPV�GS ! S�E�L __ ❑ UND�RGRf�UND C} FOUhJC}A�I�N 1 STEEL G RC7UGH / D.W.V. RAIMING ❑ RO�JGH � WATER � RC3C3F � SHEER O GA� PI�ING f�LY1Nt7�OC3 �JAILiNG ❑ il�tSIJL.ATIC)k�l _.____ ❑ PQC)L I H. TUB 0 SHEETRC]+CK i�iAIL ❑ p !� � FkfVAL ❑ '�1NA4� EILECT�iICAL: ME�CHANICAL: C7 TEMP. F'C)WER � �] HEATING ❑ ROUGH 0 �XHAUST HOCJ[75 ❑ CONDUIT � SUPPLY AIFi � �� --.._ �. _ Q F#fUA��. _____ ❑ FINAL l, ��PRQV��I 0 ❑ISAPPRC�VED I❑ Fi�INSPE�TIQN REQUIf��D � � C�RRECTlC7N5: '�` �.�> ! j` � �C. .�_ � � r ra�.�.�, ,� .� � C�<'- � � � � � � ,� t`- � `'t'�+I _ � � ` �� j� �� !�^ �'.. -r. r .��i:,i C'� .. � - ` �r,; r �.-: L�� - K_ .�y � �t ;, Y`- a ,-.,...� r/ / / ���.�' J� r�� - / `r� ��L�� . , ✓ � .� �"� r-� � � �-,� ,. � ,�-'� DATE /� ''' �" � INS�ECTC�R --��__c�"'�-- ' ��� �'� � �.... T � � � �s .' fNSP'E��I�h+l REQI��ST PEt��nlr ntU�nBE� �� �.Rp,�EC� / TQINI� C�F VAIL ,, + , , , � � � , .,f,�� 4 , . ,� I�ATE r � '�� - �' %��' L'-.�JDB f`JAME ��.1' �. � , , yt, t ; � +. • �/.+ .. 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O RQUGH � EXNAUST HC70DS C] CQNDIJIT ❑ SU�F'LY AIFi oa _�. __ 0 F31UAC _ - ❑ Fli'�A� - .__-�r { '4(�.A,�yPRQVED O �iSAPPR�VE[? 0 �i�INSPEGTION REQUIRED 1 GCDRR�CTICSNS: � � � . _ ...- ,� r , - ,. �I�,�E � '�E �' ��� �` f�NSPECI`�JJR � � -!��-"�'-���- �''�.� P�S�ioa f'� .r-. _._ ` .., F � � �-� ,�, '� m,�,� ir�sPECT�a�r �Ea�uE�� P�€�nn�7 r���nBE� o� p�a.��C�r TC)W�J C)F VAI� .: , ; '� , .-� ` , '� . .f,f � r1 � - �^y C �R_, ,. ;__ �pl�� t� � ` 1Fl �,�£I _ .�V� N1�4MC . �� ._ - _._. �� � ' • / t CALLER c��-�- r '"�''�;, f �. ��'�4:_ � _ - �- READY FCll� INSPE�TI{�PU: N�(7N TWES ,, W�[3 THUR `.., �RI � AM '; PM �;�` { • .�- ,-- .�, f '7 � �_ -- , . � LQCATIC�iV: -��."��--�'� - ����� � ���� - %` � BUILDI!'�Ca: PLUMBtNG: ❑ FCJO�II�GS 1 STEEL � IJh�D�RGR�UND � FtJUf'+JDATIC]N f STEEL L] R�3UGH I f�.W.V. � �RA�+IIf+�G � ❑ ROUGH I WATE�i � Rp�F & SHEER p GAS f'IPIIVG I'I�YWOC)[] NAILII�G _ � INSULATi�JN ❑ POOL 1 I-P, TUB � �SHEET�iU�K NAI L O _____.. ❑ _ 0 . Cl FINAL ❑ FINAL �L€CTRICaL: #IAECHA�NICAL: L7 T'EMP, PC)WER ❑ HEA71tJG � ROI.JGH __ . C] EXHAUST HOO[3S C] Cl7fVfJUI� . ❑ SUPPLY AIFi � _�.�__._.._...� ❑ -- ❑ FI,,NAL C7 FIi�AI. �, � �PRC]V�Q D QPSAPPRQVED L7 REIh1SPEGTI�QN REC�UIRED 4�P �-'r �. ` CLUR�tECTIi�h9S: ,r-� ,°�' ..� DATE ..�-._. ��' � `'f �' If�lS�''ECT(�Fi � r`� .� , . _y..'E-'�° v����,,,� r � � . j` -� . _ INSPE��'I(]hJ R�QUE51` PERNIIT NUMBER �pF PROJECT TC7UI�IIV C�F IIAIL � �� � �� �, � �r - �`" .- DATE �'" 1� I' '�� �__r ,�OB NAME �-;:�-'d'`�.L ' f''. �:. -,-'c _ *. CALLER -��� "� ���`�r--�•�`—y�+'r � . READY FC3R If�SPECT1C7hl: MC?Al TI.IES , W�� T,�U� �.�,�jRl 1' AM PM �• LQC�A�fI(�FJ: `� '�,-�`' ,/''� ft,�,/ �'i.._��� ,�.C�T . _ _� , BLiILD�NG: PLtJMBING: C1 FQ�TII�JGS 1 S�EEL _. � UNbERGROUND 0 FC�UN�ATIf)PJ I STE�L ❑ i�taUGi-I l �.W.V. � FRAMI�lG ❑ RC}U'GH / WATER .— 0 RC)O� �. '�HEER ❑ GA5 PIPIf�iG F'LYWUCad �VAILING ❑ INSULATIC]N Cl F'OC)L 1 H. Tl�$ _... ._ O iHE�TF�C]CkC NAIL ❑ p ❑ . _�._____�_._..._. ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL _ �L�CTRICA�: MECHANICAL: R L�] TEMP. POWEFi ❑ i-I���INCa ❑ RdUGH f�l ��I�o4US1" 1°iCl�]aS � CQftB�IJiT l� SUPPLY' AIR ❑ - 0 `�{1 FINAL _ 0 FIh1pL � '� APP�iDV�[7 f ❑ C?15,4PPR(7V�D C] REINSPECTI�JN REQUIRED GORRECTIf�IVS: � ';,, ,� � '� . :; � � rL .. ' I� .�r� f '.,_`.'` �,J.,,., � rE� � a�T� i� �,. ��. ._ ir�swEcroR � ; f , -,., � �, r F7�r�� -------s- -- - ____._._ ._ . _ . . �{�`�►� C�NS{LJLTANTS� fNC� r (343� 949°9391 P.t}. BOX 4572 FAX 849-1577 VAIL, COLQFCAi�C� $1�57 t�rr�� o� r�►vsn�rrr�r,ai � T{a, E]ATE; To f.�l� o F 1�',4! L � �'� ------- A7�EN71UN: �b hJ e �} �C3� f���rv �-�,-;�- (� i:.� , PFiUJEC7: JC?B NUMBER; u�s�ar.� ��t� or��.L _ �a -v� [,�1�c��T��r; FF=�'�]�z�LEN ��+�c.E [3�i N�] � WE TFiANSM1T HEREINITFi THE FQ�.LC3WIIw3G iTEMS; MAIL [ ] C�'�ERN1Gti�" C l FAx C 1 �OTH��t � �aR�ES; C3ESCRiPTI�I�: � _ _ �_ �La REMARKS: 51GN�d: COPY��: 1'C�+.�'Yi�+�/ �l' P ��� CC}N�LIL.TAr"JTS. INC. {303i 949-9391 �.{3. 6C3X 45T� FAX 94�-1�a7T V�4iL, �QLQRADO 81657 �F1ELl7 RfPC1RT Tt?: DATE: �f� � � �T''�i" � ARRtVE: —��b� L"D�s"a�'"�L1�.��� � ' '�� '�`r� ' DEPART: � ; 3 t� �°,t�t � W�4�`HER: !r�.1,�4 Z M � 5 U�.f hl'Y ___ A1TEhi71C]N: �e�Y t3.�,�,b W�kJ PROJECTt JQB NUMBER: �AS�aN R�r�.�a b�� � 2�!0 -� �`� � �DVC�N ;�+�AMltil� �S �GoMPL.�TE Ai�C3 ,�iPPl�A�S TD 2�� !}.t �d F1 r c��M A d4�.E �J f �'d-� 't`H� ST 1�U GT U�..}i L P`LA�'�1 S �#I'�D SP�GI�I GA�'� a�'�! S. SI�GNE[]: COPY T0: 4 r . . . . , fiti`. �P.. ��sr . ��r�.e� �AV� '���� ��� i 1 t'� � �,l�v�N'�ur� � ,'� � ,. w�__= l'� 1 �y�'`ta (0� . ',� ` ry'f- �-�„�n, �.�'RA�'�. lu��� /- f ' _ _ �,�__...�. . _. _ _�_._.__�__ . .. - � � � I P I � •������ � ' � � _.. _ . _... .,.`.� �.� p �^�i�kl�� .� � , �;� M���Z �:1 � i ' �t� i � � R�MoY� � ; � ' � F,a(STfi� " �� .'�° + 5 ��� � � ? »_ �. .� .� � � �� , � � � � _ .� _ _ ` f C3�-I�I#x �'1�. 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I�RAGER. �TR. � �E r1I'TOHiVEY r1E�D C'[JLTNS�lA�2 i � •- Y.CI. f3C7X 1Cil3S3 ' V.tdL. �IARAL?p 81t337 PH4)NE 13091 476-1314 S3b:C'O"7� H/,C1fIR V'AIL itiATI()NA rL ��,,�vx �r.na. ivv�.Ten��icr 1 , 1�82 _�1 � + -. .r���l,�7w'7! t.Jl�'.�i � �''�I` » Zl.L C�C �'y'7 It ,Y s N fr 1� f .J'�';' I)ii�ectc�r - L}ep��rtment o� �:nmmunity Llevelapment � "1'c�wn c� [ L'��il 75 �out�z F'ranta�e �ioacl, Wes� ti'aii , C61oz'�clo 8If�57 R� : C}11Ti�I1� ancl 5et}�a�k Vi ��.atie�n �"� ' d 34 , 1oc ' 2 a lt�su�cltvis " � a I�ot �.� , Vail 'il�age , Thi:x•tccnt�� Fil�_n� � —.,-- -_.__--��_. __._-v- _ . D�ar I?i c� : I r•epres�nt �tssrs . t!�ndcrson �nd 11'o�la���i, tI�� c�itiner� �:F a ���I�le:� z-e�i�ence locat.e�l �n I,vt 34 , �lack ' , L+'aiI �Till�ae , '1'lairte�nth f�i.ling. �tr`, I�r•ai7k I'�;ttee c�f Pc�tt�e Trlc��istries wa� tf�� tr��t�er 3nd d.ee�el c�l�er� a C I.�t 3� ancl cansti'�ictecl � �.�z�.1 ex o��. t}i�t lot �and suL�sec�uentiv sul�cl:i �:ri,clecl t}�c 1c�t �ncl convey�erl tl�c East c�ne-h��lf �o I.�y�rzc�iid Yc�un�; ka}�o 11as in t��rn cr�nr��c.yed it to ;�iurray Ilevcica�r��n� �`t�r�aor�tian. AIi-. �'�ttee is still the awner af the ����s� one-h�lf' �ri�l ap���rent�v z�e�icles therc . �1t t.lic tim� �l�e du�lex «�s con�t�-ucted by Pet.t�� Tnclustries , for ���iltcver rca5on , i�norea t��c 15 CQat �ic�e ti��rd ���.hacks ancl, in #�a�t, lztrilt �c�rne se�Fen re�et c�ver t�ze lat lin� �.�a t.ixc_. �t��st. Sul�- sc�ucntly, ��ttee Ii�c�ustries �ul�clivic�ec� the lot into t�1�-ee s�T�arate �at•�cls , anc under c�c�i tl�e �ast an�i ��est dt��alea:c�s a.ncl tt�� tlii��d a� all the z�cmainin� cc��nm�n �3�e� . Thi� , if pz-o�?�rl}° ciarie ar�.cl sur��feyeci, s��o�ilcl ha�e bee�� �-e�clilv appar�nt un�ler tltc 'I'own �ut�- c�ivisir�n rc�ulativals . � prc�in,inary rev�.cw o� tlie "l�wn ' s �iles i�ils to s}i�w any inclica- tion o(� any eviaence nf cc�n���lia�ace with eithe�� builclin�; ia7sp�c�ian , plan che�k or sul�ciirr�si�n �.��7��,].i.a�t�� . 4�e �r� , at �his �oint , l�ok- in� tQ �.he `1'o�yn t=c�t� answers aiicl assistance in remo��in� t�ze en�.rc�ach° n�ent �n i��y cii.ent " s pro�erty ��ncl ���£�ini.n; co����liance ►�rith the rc�-- c�uircc� sett���cks . . � � . t�otrember 1 , �_982 Pa�e 2 . It would ��pc�x t��t in spit� of what l��s <ila•ear�y acct�rrcd, that �h�re is reT ie�' tn�t can l�� �ta�zined in c:ases at thas tiype by the 1-ta�°graves �rs Skrba�na casc d�cicled �I�ou� twa yc�rs t�go l�y the Cc�lc�rada Caurt af �1�p���.s . Wc sha�l a�y� it a respc�nse sct�ing fc�rth �he Town ' s pos�tia� c��a t�is matter . I enclosc a �i�t��i}� taken �"rc�En ti survey� rlr�r�e by E��Ie Va11ey En�zneering. ��I`"4' �T"�1 � V�IiP$ r � Eci�n n�l . D�-ager, Jr . I;1-iL�/mc encl�sure cc : �'ljil I3ur-ney, Lsy . Charles ltubin, Esq . , + � ryf J✓, �}1'� � � � � �� � � � � . � �� `��, �� .�+; .'� �` J��- ' � f^� .1i�l�l��{', •,� . �A�E MENT � � � � � ' � � �� E1�i�:t�c�u�i , ����� .—, � , � -; LJ - � 1 - �. ! � r � � -� ��.��` ��_���. --r � �- � _ --� . 1.� ���-�� ---� �-_-���.:� ! �` � �� �a � I Y' #�� �� +. '� ' .� 4��- .._ n� �?r �r����' Y 1�� P a i i .� ��''.`�� � �Ia.�2��t 5 R<S(1 f`1 If--'.���-L-�� �i s:./�-���✓�� �, � .��-� � -- �_ � �L.��' � `"�,�; � f�� ��f � '� V' �� � � � �� �:� ' t _ .. �. - r�,��`-- � � �...'_'- Y L,� `ti7 Q s � " `y y� � �pL �' T�� ` ��{ �{� _ • ... - ..-r, . . ._. 4"' + � �' �t r� r �� • � Q � r� � L�� �' � . � , i � � . . � �_ �'— , � � ZD.21 + ,� � � m� + ; �' ° 1 �Ur�G'�`��C,N -F� '���'�� �� ''� " L trwl� �1 N'� �_ f � � �-- �� ��'' -� � ,� �--� �.a� � ���- ti _ - -� : EN�f�DACH 1'��NT D�A�L l �`Z�� "} '� � �C'AL� 1" = 1U ', � �� .-t �,� � ,� - - " �f ��.�r , �# � , � � � � h � C�, � ,_--*- �r��— � � I ' ��` �� �t Fy ,�D1. 1'is, � �1 { ti �i '� h � h � �E� E1�:��T�J-iM� �ti �r�i,� � � � - _ I � � �� � r ; x� �i � /� �' V � �L� � � � � �w�� �,r J ��, � � � i r�v�C�,TE� a f �1i?�'���i� C�l.r���`'��� �,' ��:.��'+�l/ � � �' �' a. t � � c"` . : ;y ,;:r ' _ t_'�„_ Y �: ,. y._•" '%, � I � � , �� � � � y � �,� - �_ � ,� . � � _ w { w - � = r� �� - _ � ' � � � r, .� T I t � r V. f � � Q � � R � � 4 f � . ^ '�._°- `� �f {.{� � � � � � {�'4� � ��. 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'0 U w u,� C � 2 � � � � LL � � a \,� a m oc m z � � w a � z s� t` rI d � � a � r�j I � I I I � O H � � � 4 � � R(^� � � L7 a z � � � ,J j ¢ yn �n � � � � � � � � Y ~ � w Q CY y°'`�Le S7 ' � s�.' � Jr 1- wU Q" eb W ti�i. a 4 C �'� 4 �i Q � tP7 � O � � a _s e5 U a � � � � � �. � � C � W � w w �' d LL . .. { „y, r� a U � ,,, Y � a g y � u�.i 0 3 0 � Q � � C N D z a- �,�r � � C7 u. g Ys r � ue � -' w � '." cv C7 ~ � u" C�1 � � 2 � � � w � W � � uai �^ _ . _. �. ., 2 . li �r � •r� � ". �'� r,� - J =�'` t Q ~ � �a 1.°" `�. �� r,.i,p� �( �,.. q 1� � m � � �� /..� '� `S` A� �` �. �� �.x,. wt a {.�.} E � � !� � x � � r ��,/J � 00 d °- � � � a � �- a fi � � � J � �' ��' . �, '� �., � �. � � � � "" r� � � C�1 � ir� , � _ � -X � Lr p F' z�y iC �:-1 n� � �- ;~� �. �� � , r � h cn �/ � � � i� ,r-rt- .�-, � �� 6�u U1 � � � •�}� . , � : � . C[ � �`� y' s `y O O p � �" Q � . r." �. � _ Y � a d U Q � J r. � {7 (} �, � _- � � _ � x r - r}.- a r [Y - � � a r �' a C] � � Q H � 1'f' U cL U C: �i � U ri � V r._g � c � � � � Q � -�' � � � LY �, a J � Ca cv m U � tt s� C7 `� , r ,� y. � J u� �, � �, C� Ca � . .� o � H m w � � u� � �} � U � U Z U � U � a4'r ��� ¢ Ci � w = � � � � � � � id � � = � � � ffi � � � � � � � � � �' � d 2 : . J � � ¢ v Q � � � � � � � Q � � . ; � � � MURRAY I�EVELC7P1yIENT GfJI�C]R.F�TICIa`+i � �� y 12r�� g. C:[7.aS'F'HwY., SLIaT�:n � LM�CS[iNA E3Eh�Cf-[. CA 9�'88 i .���� 4 � �ti TCLJ;1-'1-ldNE l � , AF'iFrS CC]T?F 794 � �37-2I48 f �" October 21, 1983 ,� ,� Mr. Frank Pette� 2570 Balcl Mountain Road Vaa.l� C[3 81657 Dear £'r�nk. In referenc� to th� att�ch�d leYter fram Mr. Ottv, �y recQllectiQn pf this situ- ation was tha� you did ir� fact approve �h.e plans far our remodeling and ac3c3i�ipn �hat w�re submit�ed to you by the �rchi�ect, Jc�hn Perkir�s, in mid �u3y 1981. We ha�e eomplied wi�h Nlr. �3tto's request sznce th� cor�s�ruction has ce�sed. Since we rnust liv� in cl.vsc prcaximity tQ one another as neighbors, � would like t�a eliminate any hard �eel�.ngs between us. T� is my fee�is�g �ha� the ctaanges we nav� made irnpzove and �nY�anc� your prop�rty as well as mine, � ap�l,ogize far �he inconv�nience that may hav� laeen pres�nt for yau durzng the past twa manths by som� nf the constr.uct�.�n raeopl� ink�a.bi�ing your parking. V+Fe tri�d to infc�rm a3.1 the suk�--contractcars:but since there w�ze many di��erent p�Qp1e irave�lued, this di�3 cause yc�u some inconvenience. I trust this will not occur in the futuze since th� sub-con�ractors are fi.nish�d. I would la.ke tv discuss witks yau the �aossibil��y a� 1.andscaging or constructing a r�taining waa.l� �long�side the dra�a�way tca an�ibit erosion ar�d dirt fram accumu- lating on the dri�reway. Z fe�l that the exteriar caf th� building n�eds to b� st��r�ed n�xt spring and X wc�uld a�preciate the ap�artunity ta a3iscuss with you doing the building all at one time, 1 wiil be in vai� wit�in the nexL �wo w�ei�s �n�# .iTook tarwara i.o �aaa�ing yuur thaugh�s on these matters. �, !� Since,�ely, I�� � !�, P�aul `F�•/ r�ay , f �ce; �Fre er.iek CJttc� � Jv �� Pexk�ns 'w � � _ � � � �� � . C�TTO. �'7ETE�`a�CIN �x. P(7h�T ATTC3R�iE:YS ILT T.A6ti vp,F�tv,4-�9MAt eatiN, ��a�.flia:u _ I3�'J3h-07Fi-Qf192 PpST OFCtlCE f3C7X 3rdci EACsLE-VAIL PIRpF4�$`a14WAL BL11LGfNG 1'AIL�GiOI�DI�iADi3 $t85T S30�J 9a4•5384 �REC3ERiC4[S.47�0 JAY It.P�ETERSOM1I (1„�t�F•�'f��r L � ��j�� WILI�ipM J.1�05T V 4 4.^ S) v Murxay �lev��.opnl�nt Gorpardtic�n 3141 Fll[7i4z'� Street Ra.�+�rsicie , Cali..farnia 9�5�}3 e�ttn; P�ul Murray Dea� Mr. Murray : W'� are couz�sel to �'rank Pett�e tl-�e t�wner n� th� ���est Ta�rrzhouse c�� a du�lex locateci on Lc�t 33 , I31.ock 2 , Vai.Z �Iilla�e 13t1i �ilin�. Mr . Pe�tee has inf�rmeci us �T�at �r�u are in th�e proc�ss Qf cnnstructit�� ai� ac�dit�ar� tc� yaur �ownhc�u,� (�he East Side} in �i.ol.a�ion vf ha..s c�wnc�rshi� xi�hts , the Townhause D���.aratie�n and the '�awn af V��.1 or�li.nances . The Addi�tion is being construct�d on �he "cairunon parcel" whic� is jointly owned with i�ir. �'�ttee. I c�ix�c� yaur aCtetlt�c�n tca Pa�r�graph 5 �rhich std��s : „��a cawner si�.�11 n���e �r su��er any structur�l c�r de�i�;n cl�an�e (ii7cludin� a ccale�r scheme change) , either p�rn�ai��nt c�r in��?e�naanent and of any �yp� or nat�.r� wl�a��ver ta the ext�ri�r of �ny impr�vern�n� a�i �he �rc�p�rty without c�'btair+�ng th� �rior wri.�tten consen� ther��o fxatr� �h� oth�r c��,-ner . . . . . +, � arr� �urther i.nftarmed that �h� Pette� ciupl�x as added to by your Addi�ion a-►��; exc�eds �h� dllcawab�e t�rc�ss l�esident�al F1�ar Ar�� �s d��ined and �et�rmined by Che cr�'din�nces a�' the To�m �f �Iail. This letCer cc�n�tit�tes d�znand upan yc�u to �mmec�i�t�].y ceas� �nci d�s�is� �11 further c�nstr�cti.c�n acC�viti�s on Che �.dditian , �'ai�ure on youx part tv honor �his r�c�u�st will �c�rce us tc� p�rsue all avail�.bl� legal ri�h�s includ�.n� a suit f�r r�it�o��1. and r�sto�aG�c�n as we�l as danla�c:s . Very truly yours , ,.. �� ' '�' �� -�._- I `� f � � j. I'rec�eric;k , �1tto FS�J/pr�` cc Frank P��te�3 To�rn �f Vai.l , Build�n� D��a.rtment Archi.�e�ctural Control Conunit�ee, Vail Village 13th �'il.ing � � . -. -..�-� 1. �. ,� - \ � ,' � v ,�i 1 4��� �Q���� D� ���� �� bvx 1�[� ciepartment v# conarnunity tleueiopmeg�i vaif, cularacia 87fi57 �303� 47G-�673 t�a}r �6, 1981 i]r. Pau�l 'f��urray 31��. Fi 1 n�c�r� St. Ri vers i de, {:aT i f arni a ��5A3 • Dear Pac�l : llt the �kay 2(l meeti ny ofi �h� �€�s�gn f�ev i e�a ���rcl, your � submittal far z r�model to y4ur resi�enee a�a5 �iv�n �fnani��,c�tE� �pprc�val . A�prav�7 svas ft�r the �ddi�ion of I�47 sq.ft. Si ncer�`1 � �� � � ��i:�z� J�r�tar� ���t°r� Pl�nner PJ:di • _,. .i��„�i � � . .. �If��� ��il:�.�+ r fUr . S�i�, R, R �'d� L�]l�lC G IS��;ICTS Lega� U�scri�r�-����: Lat � E31 ock �„ Fi 1 i nr� Y•�I LL�� ,+���t pr��er ,/�i 4�'��� �Irch�tec-L- �� l�r!�1�1�'�f'� ��}�e lJ7 a��'��� ,r�{��1'���� 47�� � �� '� ����� �.Qt �tr�� � He�c�f�t 11T 1���:�ec� 34' Prc�pos�� _ ��_-��?F� Setbac�cJ: Front-��qui rec� �0� .�ra�r��e�1 __ _ Sides�-R��ui rec� ]�` Pr���a�e� R�ar -+��q��ir�cl 15' �'rar�sed _ —_ , fdaf.eE�c:sut-s��-reqtrired I'ro�osad � _ A GRFA: ,�l l otiv�c� ' ���� .�.__ Pre;.:�� � �i � ���,�_� G����1: Prir�ar;� �xl lot��eci ______� �_ ��5'-Pr��sos�d ���' /�7 �� Secor�c�ar•y �ll�ti•,�ee� S�cc���c�ar�y f'rca�osec� Sit� Cat+�rac�: RZTo�•aec� � Prnpos��c� L�ndscu��;x��: Re�uz�,�d Proposf�rJ � Par�ia��: R�qui red � �'t^a;�._i.� . Qra.ve: Slope Permitteti Slape Actual Envi ro�;n�`�,f:a�lf 6�E���rc.is: �LV�:1�nChe Fi�od P,air� S1 o�e . Ca���i�rits : 7.v�� � . ,�pprovc sa���ro�reu �ai�: +� I a � . � �anit3c� �'zrf�7tir�i�tt�.;tt�t- " �' . � ' � PI`�O+eG� A �IGA#101'1 ! PP , �}at� �� °,�,.ir c�� , �`'��%` ' / Fr�oject Name: .'�`i�J/i'"��:% �`•`� --� ' Prs�ject C]escrip#ion: �} .:�<° � !�"�+�'�, C�C����`"J r` � ���.�T/,�7 C7`t'.�' /��?� ,�. �� vrr���' . Qvurner Address and Phone: � �"� f � ' ° r�r'��'�t'.�'�'c��� �,�. �,���� �'�'�- ��T°��'',�/ Architeci Addr�ss and Phnne: ���� � �-.°''r!�{� f��� �`��', ,c��X ��� �l r'f :�. c�,�fv.5y, � .� .,;" ;�'',���" Legal C1�scriptsc�n: Lot . BI�c3� �-�^� , Filir�g ' Zc�rae: - - `:' r �aning Approved: Desic�n Review �3oard _ L3ete Y � �..i - ,� ,,� � Motion by: � Secvnde� by: � � �'";7�,�;�1�� APP"R�VAL i)ISAPPRQVAL '� � _ ��� / - t' I � �".�_ ,��`'�.✓�-�� . '� J'�� ��z .� �",��--- ,/'� ,,�y�� � ��1fTkfCl�f�l: ._.� �r� � f ',p.t°' !f ✓ c, ''�, f,,+ ,/ r (r' � �,� ,: Y ���. S j'' ��J s . .. .. ! � { r'y 1 ,�r+ ' f! l � .I i4�^�.. .,` _-t�,� Z�rting A'rir�iinistretor Chi�ef �ui�ding 4ffic'ra� I�ate: ! �� (' ;,'� ''� f�` ,°{ _ . bate: _ �ns petnkn:�ra n , �r�f�mi/�"�e�'l� {�zar' ��,u�'Jrf.�V�� • - � �, �, �, Sl '� L 1 S'� �7f� rwi+1"l'L:It i a1[.`� - r�nr��c �r r��a.ri:c-r �i,�!I"I"�� .�,�!"r'17O :�`I _ . _. _ - �. ' � , , LECA1� I)1:��I�I��'1'1�N: L(}'�'��._...IiLUCi: 2 �ILI�iG ���� �I�/1'",�� 1?ES::RII'T�LiN t�r FF�OJE�T �/�/C�' � � r�� i� I ,� �' ��/� ;�' ��' f _.. l��c , 'T"hc fcal lowin� a.n£c?rmatz�n as ret�u3 red t'or submi�tzJ by the a���l icant to t��e Uesi�;i: l��vic:w 33nar� �cforc a �inal ��prova3 car� be ��veai. A. k3lfILDI�fG ��'1'!'T:�IAI.S Ty�e �f �iatc.r•�.al �:alor l�oaf T 1:�G7ii�i/"` 3����� ���+�*f7�.f`T�r'�r � � 5i.dz�g �� _ ��r���r� .,� ���,/7 ,��1'���� Ot}ier Wall hfaterial.s � � �_ r Faseia . ��' ��,� ,�'��1,�, � /�'i�,c�T�' ��� Ji ��` Saffits ���� �e�� ��i�,a�ti�� ti1'a.ndO1� T�'�.n] � � .._�___..�._-�._ T��+�� �� � �J � � 17r�ors . I}c�c�r Tri��n 1-I�3,r`ad vx' D�c�. Rai1s 3?Iues . r P�]�vhinss � rl���. ��..�._ Chir�,n�ys 'F'r�sli Encl,osz�res Cf-��t7haus�s /� 11 /�.�����n i1��+� �i'�r�Gl,p�l" '�'1�`lr� _—.- ._�____. � � Qtl�ex -----� -- �� �� ����-�S ---� --- -T l3. F'Lhl"r'�" l�S!11'1':��111I,.S {11c�.�;etativG, Lan+1�c�.k�ii�� ��.st�rials inclktaiin� '�"x���s, Si�ratlss, at�� C?x����`ac�. Covc.r) I�oL;�n�ic:zl tv'znie C�=,,t�2at� t•;;:i�ic: Qu;Ent..itv Si..,� r.:er � � � � �� � � � . ��,�.�i"t,� ��� �� 1 `� ��� ��� ��� �L�`� l�/,� �F''� �4� �� s ,'`. 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N yy,��,�„x r�^y�,..�, �k ���.. ��#� � r � � .� Y y : a ,� ����,.,�,. �^� ���v. ��� y. �; � j� x ��E ._,d� °�.. ��� . . ., �1, ���.� . ` ^� � . .. ti�. �0., �'� ^�;- � �.5�" '�' d#3 o:u,,t�,+.M� �^�' �'� m. � � t � INS C�i i�l� F�EQU��T. � ,r ,. T�VifN C7� VAIL �� � � � . � dAT� '� ,�oB n�Ann� �°`'� ! �'��"`� . ���' f��'i`G�',c�'� ' , � �. : �' �A�LER ' , �/ _ Y R�A�Y F4R INSPECTl4f'�1: MC9N TU�S WED Tf-IUR FRI A'M PhA � � L�CAT�9N: �.`?� �' °";" r ,•=° �e..� .ft f' �'.� � � � �. 6U1'�DiNG: PLUMBfNG: E� FO�TIN+GS 1 STE�L Q �Jf�1DE:RGRDUNa Ci FC}lJhf�ATlO!'+J I STEEL ❑ RUU�GH I �.W.V. C} FRAMING � Rf�UGH I WATER � I�UQF 8� �H��Ft ❑ +GAS F'IPII'+IG P�.YW#J4]0 NA9l.ENG Cl INSULATI£lN ❑ POOL f H. TL.N� ❑ SHEETFiOCK N�I� ' ❑ � '�� � �`.:.. - , � .� .. ,f' :�. !�"j;(` +��, 1�::'�`�"',., t �f l� f, �_../�. _�yy �, CN h�' ❑ FffVA� p F{hJAL � �LECTplCAL: MECHANIGAI�: � TEMP. PUW�R ❑ HE,ATfNG _ C] RQUGH ❑ EXHAUST HU�C1dS � CONI]UIT ❑ SUPPLY AIFi ❑ Q '` C1 FEIVAL C1 FINAL -_ � �'�A�PPROVE� C] DfSAPPfiDVED � REfNSPEC7101V R�QU[R�D r : ,G�RREGTI{)N5: !,; r t _ r, � '�'� �., �! f r#.�'� �y� � ,�`*� , DATE _' �`' «� Ih�15PECTC�R � �.�=; �� �. _.�-�_�-- q�P+Inw+lNraii � i�J S �71[)�J '�E C�U ES.T. TC7WN. �J� VAI� ❑A`I'� ��' �/^ ~�� �� JC7B NAME � ; � �,_ L,� , .- �_ i r �--'�-�� - , ° �, � � CALLER ' � � ,� - ' . Fi�AQY �{7f� 4iVS��GTICIN: �ON�i TUES WECI THU�i FRl A�/l PNf r'7 . . ._.. . L'�������: :� 'y--' r"-'f 'i �. �� - �fi BUIL�lMG: PLUM�ING: ❑ �OC7T8NGS 1 STEEL �I Uf�DERGROLJNG . ❑ �OLfN�ATGC7N ! STEE4. ❑ RC7UGH 1 [�.W.V. L3 �RAMING . ❑ ROiIJGH 1 WATER , ,. T�, INSULA710f�# [] GAS �IPIiWG � _._ Q SHE�TRQCK NAIL ❑ PC3C]L I H_ TUB 0 0 � FINAL � �INAL � EL�CTRIC{lL: MECHAf'JtCA�: ❑ 1`�MP. �C)WER _ Q HEATPNG ❑ RO�lGH O �XHAUS7 F-4DC]�S ❑ CONDU9T ❑ SUP�LY AIf3 0 - _,��_...� C� _._-__. ❑ F;INAL _ O FII�IAL — - - - - _ _ �;;, ���1"�P�iL7VED � DISAPPRQ�V�D �] FtEIhISPECTIrJN RE4L.11RE�] CORR�C�IG�NS. ..._�. � .--_, � r� � . . .. /�s �` r? r'' r�� �,f`,� �'� �:/ aA�"E ,� II�JSPEGTOR . .�;'r �,�'�` - ��--._� i11t prl nNrY�ua rl ❑ +� 4 � � . . . � - ��y�-. r N_���t,�� i�� i._,��f ��i�-sr� I��1�., ��13 �. �r��c��w ur. s�i�e �-'i CJ • �:.r�s�rn�c�s ,�f +�p�,ir�g cer�t�r , Ua�M, c�tic�r�cio 81�5� 3C}3,IA 7�-217fl August 31, 1�38�. Mr. Gary hlurra�n Tt�wn s�°� Va�1 Build�n� Qe�artment 75 5v�th Frc�ntag� Rt�at� , Vai7 , Co1orado 8i657 , S�bject: Mur�^ay Residence R�made7 , B+ooth Cre�k, Vail , Co�orad� , Qear Gary: � ;. Since I wrate you the letter an August �5, 1981 regardin� �he a�ov�- r��ted remodel , i have received both th� saiis r�port and frar�ing plarr fvr thi s r�s�der�ee, Th� ��ar�ng cap�cify of the so�3 c�n this s�te �� 2,500 pc�unds per � squ�re fa�ot. B�s�� upc�n th�� , I can a��ur� you that the faotings used under ��e new piers suppr�rtan� `the #ireplace �r� ad�quate tv ' c�rry th� ma�s�,�ry �aads. I F�ave also checked the f�oar framing ur�der - �he hsear'�h and f�nci �t capab�e vf sup��rting th� additional 1t�ading due ta thi� �asvnry. In shart, I da n�t fin� any structural problems with �his fireplace additic�n as constructed. Shvu�d y�u h�ave any q�aes�ian� c�ncerning ;� th�s matt�er, p��ase c�all me. Sin��rel�r yns�rs, -� -, _,, � �, � ,��3�'e�.,: �`_.� _. +�`��„�"�1�?��'»��± ti 4 /�..e�,k' (`�'yt� �lfd1C7��'} �[1 s Q. �. �� � �i '� �� ;:� �� � e�a �. �.,• '�^ \,S�y`a n !' ���:C�� �r �a+f'�n� , y�ro-�� l �a d��d.qL�',� .��1, ��� �`f�Gt�"�'���' -. -..:..>. . . .: . .. . .. a� �s ori'.� .. Z �4 ....... . .. . ... .... � ...,, �. ..�..� .... .+c;. � "� . � .. a . . . . ,,. ,._ .... . . -� ..i,.<<�.., s.��.�. .� - , .,.�. . .. :.'� �.. �.., ., , . .. __ � ._.���,.� u,, .�. . ..- .�...,.. ...,:q'.. t . . :...,. . . .. .� , . . ... ,. i. .. . . . . , . . . . . . ... . . .v i:- �.. � � � - �:1y'I.` r '"1(,_��i i_�t;i ii I,_�, ���.�. 143 P rnec�c�c�w dr, sui�e r�-�� cr�rssrc���s sh�p��r�t� �enter vas6. ���a;c��� 81�57 � 3�13�47'6-2'i 7d . k i zE! �L2�.�' `.��? , �'�$�. ]49r. 5te�r� F'att�r��n � 'F�?u-n a� 'S'�il B�zi1��.n� �e�ar�m€nt � P. {). 8�+� 1Qf] '�'ai�, CQl�radcy �165� Sui�iect : Gara�e �'�ddition Fc�und�tiar� , ?g`u�r��- R�sidence Ltat 33 . E�T�cI�: 2 , 13tk� Fa 1�n,� , �'a� 3. , Gal araa� Dear ��.et7�; F: ' 'Ttsi� ��i1�. cc�n�irm that I ha�re re�,-i+�s�°ed th� dc�ign �� t�i� �taa��e—nc�t.ec� fQane3atie�n �nd �'inc� it. �� 1a� ad�c��ate for tta� ` �rstic��?a�t�d d��ign 1�s�ds. �'ur��,ea°rnc�re , � hav� rrade �n �.n�p�et�c�rr s�� ��.i�3 sate ��d ��unc3 tl�� �ao�.ings t.c� b� �S�i �.t a�cQrciin��;�° tca t.he �+Iaz�s . .5 S�iQUIs� ;�-v� ��i'� �.nt- �ues�t�.c�ns re�ardin� t�i� �nat�er, p�e�.s� �� c�11 rn�. �incer�l;� , �I;Y pr�."`-,;, }J �ry ��«O,�4vObyQr�}€,�., . J � � ��\hRa�f�S1����u�D `t ��I - � ^`i ��' �''��b��,�� � . 1m r : /� (} % 1��4L.�'L�Z i l41 . .�i-44.j�1 .1 ti . .� .. �_ . ��'��� � "P n`J �� •�S{�l. O�Sy �� ��t�.i q+ . `3']t1�3: C+�b °�``� ,p� �t� 'k��° 4. i��kp���lJJ���[.�•#;+� '�e .�}��b�� Ab�._,e\, K Jl •ea \ 4 �j��I�1�^;.�,�" �w_ .. . . ,. . , .. . .. , .. . , . ,��, - �.. . . .,. ,:,. _ x�. . . �.�..: ._.:, ,: ,,. �,,... �, ,, , ..,.,.� .� F � � � . -�«`- .,,.:� t � ��r ia ::�. r-��� J��J � �'1��C��`�e' t�� S1.E41�—' f'P—iR.) ` �r�rss�c��J.s sh��pin� �enter vr��C. ��I�rct�r� ����7 i. �������J�L��� �f d AUgt�S� 25, 198I Mr. Gary Murra�n T€�wr� a�F Vai� Build�ng f�epartment 7'� Sou�.h Frantage Road Vai� , C�ic�rada 815�7 Subjett: A1ur°ray F���i�er�ce �emvdel , �ootF� Cr��k, Vai7 , Co7Qrada �ear G�ry: il'' At your suggest��in �rtd t�� requ��t af �ike 5mith, i l�ave inspected th� firep7a�ce system for the abave-rtated resid�nce, Rs you are proba��y a�are, the sy�tem 75 funded �n three CMU pi�rs c�n �ne c�ntinuaus �oa��in�. At�ave this is � 6 inc�a concr�te sla� whi�h pi�c�s up �nteri�r ma�t�rrr,� loads arat� transf�r� them into the p�er� �nd fc��tir�g�. I f�nd that the 51ab is capab�e �f �rarrsf�rring th�se �nads _ a� per �t� interided pur�aose. S' The face stone an the fir�pla�� is being su�parted by th� �rant of this s�ab in canti�ever acti�n. �'he slab �cartt�lever� appraxir�ate�y 6 inche� c�ut °fr�n the �e�r�ng w�ll to �ick up this st�r�e load. U1- timately, a1� loads, except the hearth, are th��°efare transferred t� � ��e footing helow the pi�rs. This �`ooti►�g is loacied ta ap�roximately 1,��[] p�unds per �quare f�oa�. Th�s �s a fairly lio�t bearing �oad, but no� having sc�ils inf�rr�ation �or this s�te, I eannc�� state fe�r certair-k that the fo�ting is ad��uate. �-f� �� �,,:� T�e vnly stanew�rk actually bein� c�rri�d by �t�re fl�or framing is the � hearth, WF�i 1� supporti ng thi s masonr,y on wvod frar�i�g i s c7 early_ a cc�d� v i al at�ian_,, i t €�as be�n my �xp�ri ence that i n tr��s t s i tuati t�ns the "framing can handle the �c�a�. - Based eapon these a'�serva�ions and the calcu�at��ns I have run �n the 5,)+'Si.�i I wr��uld h�ve �� say t�ra� the vdds �f any pr��a7em accurrir�g 5 i r� th i s �i re�1 ace are v�ry ]�w. . �� .� � .�,a�a..- _ ,��� `�,. � �' '` Shauld you have any questivns rega�^ding thi� matter°, p�ease ca�l r�e. _ � �� Si re7� yr� rs, ;, �`�, � ' S��� �'�� . _ . � `� «��rJ���rt`� �4�� k �.'�_. � ,�a� �'� �� d4l�.1k� T 1 ii1C1`��"I,}� f''a» � �� �.E. ;:�: + s{ - � 4 1 �J �6 ;� ';�'*:a �� b� `�� ; a� .-'-'i a 4 M �.' f'�t�•,�� �' '+`J;P:' ��3�`4'�+ �'� __'':`� !i ���4 y'� . .. �~��� f� ��� ' t' � " � � . -�'4`� C� ';"�,�'!� �(��a�'��'1f �'r�—�CR ti:_�, I`�'.s:_: .. �i 43 �. meadc�v�r c�� �u�te n-1� _ cr�ssr�ac�s sr�a��anc� ���rt�r r�c�il, c:a��rr.,�� �1457 .`3C13/A�c�-��17C� ;, ,� � Aug�s� 2�, 198I Mr. Gary �urra�n Tc�wr� of Vai 1 B�i 1 di ng aepartm�nt 75 Saut�r Fror��.ag� Road ;H Vai7 , Gaic�ra�c� 81f5� ;: Sub'ect: l�urray R�side�c�e Remodel , Boath Cree4c, Vai� , Calorado Dear G�ry: A� yaur �ug�esti�n and the request of I�ik� Smit�, I h�ve inspected - the fireplace system f�r the abov�wnoted r�si��nce. As yvu are pr�t�a�7y aware, the system is funded an thr�e CM�1 �Z�rs on = r�n� cantinuous foot�ng, A�ave this i� a � anch conere�� slab wh�c� picks up interi�r masonry Zoads �nd transfers th�m in�� the p�ers anct F' footings�. I ftncf tha� the s7 ab is capabl� of �tr�ns�err�n�g th�se lo�ds as pe� its inter�d�d p�rpc�se. � Tf�� fa�e ston� on th� firepla�e is beinq support�d by the frant of ` this s�a� in cantilev�r actian. The s�ab c�nt�levers ap�rrnxir�ately �6 i nches �ut f ram th� b�aring wa 31 tc� pi cfc ��r th�s stone 7 aad. U1-- timate�y, all �oads, �xce�� �.F�e hearth, �re th�r�fvre transfe�red to ��e fo�ti ng be7 c�ti,r tl�e �i�rs, Th�s f�oti n� �s 1 Q�ded to apprax im�te7y � 1 ,QOD pounds per sc�uar� ���t. This i� a fairly light bear�ng l�a�, but nvt hav�rag soils anfc�rm�t�on for th�s s�te, I cannot sta�e far certa�n that tt�� f��ting is �d�quate. The on7,y �tt�r��wark actual�y be�ng �arried by th� f7�ar fr°am�r�g is the hearth. While �upportin�g this masorary an wood �ramir�g �� ci�arly a code vi r�l ati on, i t has b�en rny experl er�ce that i n most s��uati ort� th� framin� can hara�le the �oad. Based upon th�se abservations and the ca7culatians I have r�n an the _ syste�n, I w��3� hav� t� say that �he c�c�ds af �ny pro�lem vccurring in this fireplace are very low. S�ou�d you hav� any questions regarding this matter, pl�ase cali me. f � � Si re7� yQ 1^S, ' , � , � � ,,1 ePa(�a4 ����+.. . � 1� �t a ` ',�' �t'�T��,K N_ �ty '. �, r-��m��.x' �.Qw,V���; , �TfTIO�h� �. � ��' �.�. ; °�: «tE � �,. � �� 1 4'� fi 5 g,� 5 3 •7� 4C'� t�. S-�.�'*y�.s��''��1r�4�.��0 4� . i� �I a�'8aca+�m�!���\� •:�{��f' �,'u�'1�t�l y �.�'�.�:":``�� � � _ INSP�+CTIUI'� RE�UE�T � TC3WN OF VAIL � []ATE �� ,�� ��''�/', JC1B lVAME �- r ,.�/.�' ` r�P. �:�:°: , �- - _ ._ f ,' , CALLEdR �� REAL�Y FOR 1145PECTIQIV: [1AON �"UE5 (V�V'`���} THl1R �f�9 _ a'�AM � PM LOCA7fOf'� ..r . �� . r` . , ` �.� -._ f - �� ,�� - , . � BUILDIN�: pLUMBIAiG: ❑ FC}OTItUGS / S7E�L p UNO�FiGRC}U�J� ❑ FOU�'+1DATIQN ,{ S�TEfL � R�IJGFi / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING � Rc'�U�H / 1NATER ❑ INSULATIC]N I� GAS �IPIItiSG L SM���"RC]�K NAlL CJ POC7L / H. TUB Q , p - %t��G> C'! �##�ACL � �fP+IAL ELECTRiCAL: MECHANICAbL: ❑ �'EMF'. PC�IN�I� , �I HEA�ING ; 0 RCJUGH ❑ EXHAUST �iC}C31�S CJ CC�NdU�T = � SiI.IPPLY Afd� ❑ _,_.._.._ C7 Z_._.—. _ .__�—_z �.. ._�_._. ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL .� - `�+A�PFiOV�D ._ � DIS�PPRaV�YJ . CI REINSP�CTlQ#V R�QUPRED CORREGTIC)NS: � ��� /1�.� �* t'�„�.�+1�"' r�s..�_ _-��-�-�� �,,,�—� �sx- f � �, _i � ,, ..�� ,�.��;�' a DATE % � ._�fr; � INSPECTc3R f„�—'^������ '�,��=����'�:— .. _._ ��---�---.f - elie prinWyr wad ,� . � � ', INSP�CfiIC)I� REQU��T- Tow� �oF v�i� • 9 DATE �QB i'JAME _ _ �` rt...�.,.� �� .r;��i i`. ,�S ,�-� f_•-., ff � r P l C:.'N'l.'�..ER t" _ ,f ��5..�.,-� „�� `/ °C�,,, REAI�Y FdR INSPECI"IQN: MQN TUES W�� THUR FRI AM PM � LOCA'T�C?fV: �' .'� �' '°'�'� ,• .:.�'f %E � r�.Y'� v , � _y�,, . , _ ---- _ ��-`' '''hi'"� s� f, L.. �� r -� �-� � _ , �� .. ' - - - - BU�1.�1NG: PLUM9IN+G: �i FQCITiNGS / S�EEL � UND�RGROUNI7 � �[�UAI�ATInN / STEEL ❑ f�C�UGH 0 D.W.V. ❑ FRAM�NG p RC7lJGH / WATER � BNSULA7IC?M1J ❑ GAS PIPING ❑ SHE�TRC)CK NAIL CJ POUL / H. Tt.l� ❑ p � FINAL ❑ Fld'JAL ELECI'RICAL; ME�HANlCAL; ❑ TEN1P. PQ1NE�i � NEATING � C?l1GH C� EXHAUST H�[]C�S ❑ CON[]U�T ❑ SUPP�Y A!R ❑ � ❑ Q FIIUAL __ ❑ FINAL `C�7/'APPRI�VED C] i71SA�PPRQVED � #��INSF'ECTIC}N R�QUiRED GORRECTIC?NS: .�- .,✓ � � .�' �' ,�✓ ❑ATE Y� " �'� � ' �*� �"� I�ISPEG7U�i � xf `!�� '� '/ .=� �--�7� � � � • . � � Yi �� � SMpnnhryrra�� 4 ��.. � � , 11�5PECTIC�N REC�L�E�T �, ; , .a , Tow�v �F va�� �� �``_ � ,�/' � r� , ��-t,�� � ;-- . . , f_ r fJATE �r JC1Ei hJAME — � ! c��` , . CALLER i; � °"' �iEADY F�R 1N�PECT'1�3N: Mt]N TUES _!SNED THUR FRI AM. PM - ; - Lt]CATION. �_ . _ .. . ': BUIL�IN{G; PLU14A61Nt;: ❑ Ft�QT�NGS / S�EEL L`! tJND���GRC7UND Q F{)UN[7ATIUN 1 STE�L ❑ RC�UGH / [3.1N.V. � FRAMING C3 #��U�H / WA�`�R ;_ ' '6 �. CI INSULATI+C7N _ C7 GAS PIPIN� Q SF-i�ETFi(]GK NAIL Q PO�L f H. TUB Q ❑ � FlNAL C7 �I�JAL _ _ � E�EGT�iiCAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ T�Iv1P. POINER C7 HEATI�IG C�_ROU�H i7 �7CHAt.IST HUU�S ❑ CC)IVDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR ��.._ a Cl _ _ C7 ,� L7 FICJA� �1'� _...__ C7 FINAL _ _ ,, _ .f - ❑ APPR�V�U �;��flISAPP'RC�V�p '`�,�3EldalS�'EGTIDf�i' REQL.JIREL� C�RRECTIQ�NS: �. � �" .�'"'�,'-' �'�+.�` �__�i�r+�Ct �-�.a�e_� �"�.•y�m �.. -- - — �� f r ! r.F�;C' �^/ f��4'� r � /;f " r� � f r If ' f ���'. ` �, ' r r ! �'':- � � ' � � si' � � - r r js'" .� .'�j f � � ;' � � •- � ; , , . �.�- -�'�(.�--� �x. .�"'`'x.e e� � �y . �,¢ '.� ff ,�,: !. :y�l /�� s � �.'V�•L.r `,�F_�'-P��. .� J[�.+-C_ •''',•'�,1�,�,,.�..' �' . �fF,, j,.-, i� ���' .,`f r rj .. - r _ . : .., � , _. QAT� � �•r° II�SPECTC3R �-��-L�'- .:.f���Y�,���'-�--r-�-- _ :. � FMprinitry:vxd .. -`�♦. � � � � �NSPE+iCTI+DN REQUE�T� - F* TC)WN C3F ilAIL '� �`f 7 t / ��. ��"��'� �= .�, � �� � �� � . DATE �` � � ,J0�3 NAME �'' ?� � {/ . CALLIER ��.,�. � _:�..>,�--�.. �"�� i��'� , ...,. �tEA[7Y FOR INSPECTIUf�i, M(��I,- ,-• T11E5 ,,,, W�D THIJR q"F� +'AI'JI i PN3 ,� y ,� -+-- , `__� _-_ LL�CA�T1�3N. � x - �� ,r�� , B1,11L.�II�iC: PLUMBING; ❑ FOC3TINGS I STEEL ❑ UN�ERGR�I�N� ❑ F�C77Uh1 DA�'I�N I STEEL �Rt�IJGH / Q.W.V �r s��t�`��` ?�- � � � C7 FRANl6NG _.. ❑ R�UGN 1 WATER� � I�lSULA�ION .� ❑ GAS PiPING � SHEETR�Gt( I�AIL ❑ POQL 1 H. TUB C7 __.—_:.�._. p '. � FPEVAL _ C7 F�NAL _._._—_ ._._.--- ---- ELECTRICAL: MECHANICJ�tL: d � r���. �c�w�� -- ❑ r���T�r�� ❑ �ou��+ o �x�AUS� H�Qas ❑ �CONDlJl7 ❑ SUPPLV' AIR C3 �_..: _.__. O L7 FihrF1L - __ G FI�It�L ;: , ; ; L��P,PROVED �7 �715APPRC3V�I� �1 RE11'JSPEC`fI�N #�EC�I,IIi�ED { .�, 4�r � ��- C(JRRECTlONS� _ �4'�: Ci�' f" - .:= - �;; ,� >�;. , , � , . � �. ; ; "' - �.! DAT� `� _ � �' I�JSPECT�C7�t ''�=- -�=''✓� _ ..— 1i1�prmlery�wi4r4 .''� �. €_'�r��n�.���r' v: >,.- . • � � • INSPECTI�I� REQUE�T• Tav�rr� �� �rA�� - �A`1"E � � •'� �I O B f�J,4 M E — .; ,� _ ,;_ ' � , . � , , ,, � C�LLER '• ? _. ,,; _ �, - READY i=i�R lNSF�E�1"�Qf�: ,lVIC}N. TU�S IN�D THU�i �f�l AM, !'M L�CA�IC7hl: r�- , - . .,�._..�� _ _. ;�� BUMLDIN�G: RLUM8ING: L7 �DOTINGS 1 �TE�L ❑ UN�ERGR�UNC} - , . . �[7UNaATiON f STEEL ❑ ROUGH I [3.W.V, Cf �RAMING I� RUUGH 1 WAT�R t7 INSULATI[)N ❑ �A,S PIPING l7 SHE�TR�CK NAIL � �'UQL I H_ �"UB ❑ ___. � � F1NAL � FINAL �ELE�TRI+CAL; ME�HAMICAL. L� TEMP. POW�R . � HEATiNG ❑ �OUGH ❑ EXHA4.l�T H�QaS ❑ CQhJDUIT - ❑ SI_JF'PLY AIT� � a� ❑ C� F1NAL .�._..� � FINAL - __ _ ; ; ❑ APPR+C]VED ,��SAF�PR(7V'�D � REIAISPECTIQhf RE�L11R�l7 ' Gt�R�iECTIQNS: ` A _ _ � � b 5 D � �� r =;�' �.� j�_ QATE � � g� v �_.. _.. INSPECTCJR °� �' ��''' _ - � ����"Y �' �� � ��.a��ry,Yn�� , � � r - ��� ����� �i�QV��►.�� TC)WSJ UF VAlL , DF�TE �r c c���,,'''� Jt,7� NAM� '��'`�'�- � �����,�""' /r'%i,��, CALLER REAQY FC�R INSPECTI�N: MCJN TUES 1NE[7 THIJR FF�� AM PM LDCATIQI�: �� ���%' -~�-� ���c�.- :°��r-? ___ BUILDING: PLUMBING: C� Ft�C)Tld'VG� l ST�EL ❑ UNDERGROG�[J �_..�. ❑ FOUNDATIC?N I STEEL ❑ RdUGH ; �.W.V. ❑ Ff�AMING _ . C7 R�L1faFi / 4'V'ATER ❑ I�JS�CLA7`IC31V f� GA� PiPIhICa Cl SHEETRQCK NA1L _ ❑ PC]C7L J H. TUB C1 _ -_�_�_ � ❑ FIIVAL _ p �iNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ �E�JfP. Pt71NEf� — Cl HEATING ,.��, C� R4��lGH � - _---- �I EXHAL�ST H�c�C75 , ❑ GQNDUkT C] S�.JPPLY AIR _ ._ � -- -- � — C] I N A L —�..________—_ ❑ F I hJ A L '� �'R�VEa ❑ D15APPRCIVED CI �EfNSPEGTEC)�I REC?UIR�D C+pRR�CTIfJNS: � '; � DpTE ��' � ( �°`�' �,/ INSF'ECTOR � ;' iM C^�M1Mry�va�•. � ' _ I�VS �TIC�N R�QUE�T. r �� ,., ., �(�INN C3F VAIL , L�ATE ' �� � .7�B NA�IIE ���� , . � , CALLER �'r`r - - ' � � ,, ti - , _ . R�ADY FC)R iNSPECTfC71V: M �'TUES. VN;{�� D THUR FRI � ,- � . AM PM ; t�. r` . ` s� /�. ° .-Ir �f,f, k -' J LCJCATICJN: _ - _- � � -� ,�r.��';".,"'r°,,z �f BUfI.[)ING: P�.UMBING: � �FUOTINCS I STEEL ❑ UNa�RGRflUI�D ❑ FQUNE7ATf{�11'�! 1 STEEL L} R�]UGH / L.W.'J. �1 FRAMIhIG ❑ R�UGH 1 WATER CJ INSULATIC?f�J� ❑ GAS PIPING �� SHE'�TR�CK NA1L ❑ P+��L I �-i. TUB � � �] . _ ❑ ❑ FINAL � FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHA�I�CAL: � TEMP. POWER � HEATiIVG I� Fi�IJ�H t� EXHAUS7 HQC3I7S C) GC7I�DUIT �,7 SUPPLY AIR - - Q — [7 ❑ F1NA,L _�� _.w....__..___—.— ❑ FlfafAL —.._� — .�f�;APPR�VED C� DfSAPPF�C}VED C� REINSPECTIC31`ti! R��tUIRED . t '�� CaR'��G7'IDNS: , � �� ___ _ DATE ` " J_..- I�1'SPECTt�R ='"�.•-r.�`,�, x' ' �<_____r tfr pnni�r ,�;,� � � �N S CT I[)I�J R E+L��1,��ST . _�, TUWN C7F VAIL . ,i'� .� , , - � , C�AT� __ �' �,/����'� JOB NAME "'��'r,� , �i'y`;! ,,`",�. ,: ; f , �- t , �_�_� ,' C�+LLER ��,.� REAbY FQR INSPECTI�N: M�N TI�ES W�D ThiUR FRI AM PM LOCATIDfU: �.�� :i-'��� /�''r'�s1, !:;�:�ir'. 64JILDIIVG: �LUMBIFJG: � FOOT�NGS / S�E�L T.� Cl UNDEFiGRE7�INQ ❑ FQfJI�QATlC7AI f S�'EEL � ROUGH 1 D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING —..._.__,.__.____..__..__. ❑ �ROUGH / WFhT�R , ❑ INSULATIf�6�1 i� GAS PI�fN�a � Sw-€EETR��K NA�L �J Pfl+C�L / H. 1"UB ❑ 'E] � FINAL - --__.._---- ❑ F4NAL ._�..�........�.�.�_._,�__._ ELECTRfCA�: MECHAI+�IICA�: ❑ TEN1P, PC3WER ❑ HEATIMfa � RQUGH ❑ EXF�AUST HCIQQS ❑ GONt?UIT � SLJPPLY AIR �,.� _.� - �. _� ` . r ,�;, ,.-- � �,-�f/7,,f`��,F°�. ���,�Crt �.- . ❑ t /' � '__,�'.' Ci FINAL ,.,�r�!r��'>., ` ;�% . � �`� ❑ FINAL ❑ AF'PF��"JVE[7 ❑ D15APPR4VEd C] �'E�NS�'ECTf(]M REQUIREQ C�RRECTIDNS. . � � �,� � �,,�'_ � �, , , � � z }�/'' o�TE , ,.,. , ,, ..e�._.< <rvs��c�o�� ' � ��4�� j �I . ....��- �-�_.__..�-�.��._ir�� tMpr9nkryrva.i % .. y — .. _ ~.�. ..__ .�:�.�- _ � � I�IS �T1(]I� REQIJ��T. �. �owr� o� va,� � �,��E %l�'`��'.��r� �c�a �va�n� �"` Gf ���`'��`' ,���--, CALLE� _ _ . REA�Y FOR INSPECTIC��V: MON TU�S WED �HUR °�FF�'l� f` AM PM"�' �..,—_� a LCJCATiC}IV: ���^�"'c� /`�41.� �'�t�.�'r_F �/� �.;f' ��.7_ °-- - . Bl11Lf]iNG: RLLJMBING: I� FC1f]TfNG51 ST�EL � UNDEFiGRf7UN�1 , ' ❑ F�QUf''J�ATtOM 1 S�'�EL � RCJfJGH I �.1N.V. ❑ FRAMIlV+G � �(]UGH / +�+1dATEFt �_�, ❑ IN�ULATICJM [� �AS PIPI�1� ❑ SH�ETRQGK NAIL C] F'�C)� / H_ TUB ❑ C� =G]-�tC+i� ''.�-�_, � n„ � �. �� �� � ��h+iA L ELEC`FRICl�iL: MECH�1NiCAL: � TE�iP. PC}WER � HEATING ❑ RUUGH (� EXFiAUST HQQC75 ❑ CC]NQU1T 0 Sl.1PPL1' AIR � ' -_- � � �� C7 ���iIAL ❑ F}NAL ��Cf APPRQV�a C] �]ISAPPROIIE� ❑ REINSPECTION �E(7UIRED- ,. `� C�7RR�C71dMVS: / �` f f ��'- � � � � � �� . � r�� _� � ., �' �' ' �' , .�- .t ,��..-� . �`�"� � � `� � � � � ,� _.�''��' � �, �.,' ..� � i � ;r.�' � f ; , � �F _, 2 � � w-x _.r-`,`,.._.l.,r.�%'��-"� _ � .✓�_ r�r�' '�y, - -- '''�- ``1 >� , , r . . � �.-. _�. ,� ,,� � . . . _ �-- .�'' `' `'�`' ��� =�`'� �'�.,� � Q,4TE , ��'` ��+`� �- _r,1 � INSFECTf3R � < � ���- � ��---�' _. �r _ _ , 1!r pnnt`ry rvtl�l � � � INSPEC��QN REQUE�T� T�JWN t�F VAIL * . L3A�� r`r_'�'"� ° ,,'��,�+�,r"'� JOB NA�u1E � ' C� .��`l �c �',��:°i `%��.,, ���� GALI_ER .�� T�'r;�� °�� ,�'��,•- �� �' ,�,�,�i � �,��r;���_ REApY �OR INSPEGTI�MM: MC3N TU�S "�'VVED THIJR FRI �M PM L�+�.1611 �Q�. °�-'+ � '` ' _r.r 6 7 ',.r '��f7 �� BUt4.DING: PLUMBING: C7 FC?C7TiFJ(aS I ST�EL � fJPJ[�EFiGRDUhdQ � FDUPJ�ATIC7lV ! 57EEL � �iOUGH ,' C�.W.V. ❑ FRAMING C� R�EJGH / WATER ❑ It+JSULATIDN t] �GAS PIP1N� C] SHE�TR+QCK NAIL ❑ I�flQL / Fi. T1.JB ❑ p ❑ FINAL .-- � FINAL _.. El.ECTRIGAL: M�CHANIGAL: � TEMP. PQWER _ D H�ATfNG ._�_ _..,,� ❑ Rf)UGH ❑ EXHAlJST Hl�OaS C] CUI�DUI� C7 SUPPLY A1F� ' C7 . - __. ❑ �' �FIr+1AL ` :,,ty _'�<�-,� , ,-;' �"' ' ;�._ ., � f=1hJAL _ —___._..— �� �i'`�APPR�VE� ❑ DISAPPRQU�L3 ❑ REIA�SPECTIpfV FiEQLlIRED CC}RRECTIDN�: ¢- n-.�-.�7'�—� : - , , rfr ;�. � , �' , n _ ___ i �r_ f, j�f/' . :,� ` � r� « � � F J � � A { f r` r � _<; f Pr� � � �� / . f.� , .. , - � ... - . , — , —�� : ,--, i _ _ f f� . 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Tr�es Removed - ' Cvttzments: � � �� 1 ,� 2vnin� A��art��al ; � '�: r f' .r`� r� ��-,_x � . .. � ' � .;.c% '�- , Lranin,� �cirninisxr��tor Dat� �, ; � , e C �.� � +.� �, � � � . . � 2JJ:11.111!!1 llli►' 11�1! 1341lliLil n��r�; or ni�,i�z��rrc : � '�v �� , ���s � � r�Lr,������s P��L^;s�nr�r : �xLL ��t���l����• � � ' l�at� ���t�:r:� ��zL� ���rr4� �ac�� TanD ��� s�i�.�zr�� _ svr�Jr�,cr : ���t ee� - �arids���� LoT � � �<_.�:?_cc,,',,� , IIL��F� � , F'ILING t.�'� '� ��t_�.�'1 ACTI C7�T TA�LN BY BO��D: A�C}TJ:C,�hT ,�a ,.r� �!' ;�'_` S�Ca�1DEI� 3kT : �l l�+.'�.-. VC1°�"E : FOR : . AGA I�1'ST : � � � �-r�.•-� ABSTFNT�O?d � AF�I�C}��ED : � DIS�IP��RO�i�D: U U 1`'l;�l:i L1 i �.1�f 1 �l�' ' �(,,,-r r�r r r � r : �/ C�c.. f �J"S +.f'� � `� __ ,� , � • • t,' --�; � �._ ._—_—e_.. .. f • � � - �f �1 J:�'1I�1N U���--�:�I};` 13 , �l��I 11�'�'LI � �I'1� ��- i�-�� ,� � . � T • � � �� SINGLE FAMILY RESZDENTIAL ANL7 RESII�ENTI�L ZONING CHEG�LIST -� � "�, ' �';.. /e��;�-� ;(i'i���� Legal D�scri.ption : '�- '� ,� < _ �;,� � ` .�— � {��" Ar�hi t ect . j. � r°-`���� :� :� Owz�er: ��?'`�- -� --� Z�ne Distr�.ct : �1'" Fr�posed U�e � � 1�=-� ,'_ �" Lot Ar�a:�����inu� Ha�ard Area; �q�xaTs Bui.l.dable Area: Heigt�t : Actual � � ��' t-�` Setbacks : Required - Fr�ont �Q ' , S�.dss 1� ' f �.�,R�a��� ' +,� +5�. A�tual - Front _�� , �ides ��� '� - ,Rear �'�' '� � ------ Tistanc� Betw�;en Bui3dings : Requi.�ed `� Actt�al G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildabl.� Area x � =� C��i Actual. C4�'� Site Co�verage: Alla�ved - Lot Ar�a x � = �: Land�caping: Required - Lot Area x � - `�- Parking: Requir�d �` �ictual � - Drive: S�ap� P�rmitted � �/Q Slope Actual � � Parking and Drives �14u�t Be Pac���i Envirc�n�ental/Hazard: flval�nche '� � � Flood Flain �'� � Slc�pe � �' I��.stance �'rom Cre�k �°'� � Trees Remt�ved � C� Comme n t s: ,� "(-'�2 ',� -��^-► ,�,,�, q� , ! 3 - Zaning A�proval ; � � , Zvn�,n� A�imin�stratar Date �' D�SIG� HEVIEW ��ARD , � � � � - DATE (]F MEETING : ����'ch � , 1978 j MEMBERS PRESENT°: LOU PARKER'`� BILL BI5Ha�1 RUN T�I�}� � A�3E SHAP T R4J� SUBJECT : P�ttee Duplex L[]T `�� , BLOCK � , F�L�NG �Tail Village I3th ACTI�N fiA�EN BY $OAR� = {' ����1��,1,�,�,� , hi�Ti(�N `��''C?���. SECQN��I} BY: �4`����(� + ` , .� � + ,--. VpTE � FOR: � C�' G�,�° AGA I I'��T : �; ���`�'��- ������-��1 � . _ ���C ";� � � � � A�STENTION : APPRQVED : DTSAPP��YED : ST7MMARY: � J�d.' �� �! �', ,:�.it < � MAN F THE B�ARD AP�'L7 AIV �,��.d�. tI�J� / / ,, i` ,�'�,�"" � � � '�1 ; ,r '(��'II��T} � � �)�.�,TCN ��I,V�1,1d 1, . , � . D�STE �7l' i�1ti�'�'IsdG : ��� � � 1�3E!�S���S �'��S�NT : ��"��'�� . � -���°��-� � . . __ �" c 1`Y �--`�:'�__ _ i . , � - � • � , ` � SllBJI:C`I�: ���:'�� ���C��"1 C��� J ������I Gb'L �� _- �Y��� ; � x � Aclrxo� Ta��L��T B� �a���;�: ,� � � �' ��cc��a��r� �Y: �����,f , �xoT�o� : ���c.�� 1 � � VCIT�; : F+DR: �G�1�I�ST : . � � � . 14`�(`�� ' ' . = ' � � y�,�� : ' ��1�3ST�:�;'�I C?�" : . . APPP�'l'S;D :_ � � . DIS!11�1'�L[�1�1;17:��,,, -• SU1111t1Ftil' : ���I� •';"C lt``',?��, �C ���-�"'k �}t�� , �� � ` , . � � - �, )��p�;s f {t . . � � � � J ' -'-',r,�r.i.1r � ,�,� +ri `_ f ■ n','�`' µ� ,�J'.F� � - � '1)!? r.]c":111 L '� ,� _ , . �' � � � � � � �.�1 �L�l G�i RI�;V I Is�4 I30�li�i) . --- i . � D�1'T� l�I° 14��ET X iVG : � � i . �l � � � �h�L�i����.5 PR��1��T: �� ��� � �� i -- � t , " � [ i� ����� . �� `��7c- . � � � . � ,� � �.�.._ ��� — �-� �� - ��. � �r � ��-i- � ���s���:��� : �. �.� � .__. �� �c�zo.�, xt���;r� �Y �c���rv: � ��� `�'1� SECOAT]]�1'll BY : l�J�"��`���;f > � 1 t�S�'r I C]�; : �- — vo�r : r�o�.:: ��az�s� : , ` . r�'��'�'� U�� � . � ��s�rr��r�o�T: �n��r:a�l�7�: � vxs����rc�t�r�:n: / �_� ?���`l.,� 4 .i�`l I�J+�F�`�J�4_�L!�'*..✓ ,1 � {.,. ��l +�'JU�y�ll��i�l.r. ��L�l i ��' � .. a _. — 4 11 �.� 't 1�'i c��� G�.�-.� I � �. _—�---y�. ���a c:,i���. (;lr:i.i 3•i:3�t i� t�!'__ �.k�c� 43�.x;i i°� . n • �.r� ` y � � A . 4 � Iio�SPECTlt7�l RE+QU�EST PERMIT NUMBER C?F PROJECT TL71Nhl �JF VA,IL � _ �. - �ATE ' �'f' JC]B NAME — -i '-' � :.��' �?_ ' _...__�� CALLER ------.— _. READY F{7R Il�iSPECTION: M JfV TUES WED THI�R FRI AM FM . , . ,; � . -, . .. LUCATIOIV. . "-- � r f`�_ . � , : r_�� �' �:�f, . :%. : ,'.-_,. BUlLDING: PLUM�ING: ❑ F(7C7TINGS 1 STEEL —�_ � 0 UN�7ERG'�dUND _. _._ _____.. .__- -- � FQUNQATIQhJ 1 STEEL Q �iDUGH 1 D.W.V. ---- —__._....___._.... _ ❑ FRAMING C7 ��UG� ! WAT�R . � RO�QF � SHEER ❑ GAS PIPlNG PLY1NC70D �^�1AILPNG Q IhJSULATlO�'J � PC�C]L / H. �UB � SHEETRC7CK 6VAIL C.J (� � � _s:: ; :� �,� ;� .�:,� 0 � ..� • YP "p'FMCJAl� � {� '�' ___— 0 'F1NAL E4ECTRICAL; MECHAMICAL; ❑ T�h,1P_ PC?WER ❑ HEAT1hJG ❑ RC3UGH 0 E7(HAl15l" H04DS ❑ CC?NDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR � Q �I ��hIAL C7 F�NAL C7 APPR(]VED GI C]1SAPPR�VED D R�ENSPECTIUN Ft�ClUIR�D C�7RREGTIONS: L''��%��- r. ' :�"'r.r� � �_ ;:;� s ,t` l., a'��% �-1�':�: Jt`�` ��l � '"''��`�;.�" 1"'�! k��' Lj�",;: � /�� r �t�� v. "r��, .�:: ,_ � ��+',. �:r���`.1./ . l, r,� r,- .�`��. -...� � .,�, k _ � r i��� �� ��rc �j�`f . - P y ,�y ,y�/ , ' I.' .f��f.�[L'.E .' ' J: t"'.�- �'J �r�fL'/r.� .�..��o! •. � �%i. .�'' 'l�t"� 7� { ��' � ��F �'t �� . . �� .�,�' ,�^,/y,,+ . //^'� , . � � � t �f'��f���t�(�.: !.� �,. i'� C/'-` ltfi� '�f E�[r�,/°:�.� �,�, '/J, t� '.+�' 1�i� f" .r . .. _ . / � .,I" �� . , � � . � - �,� ,�. . � DATE . w'" ; c `d:, ,.. : �y INSPECTOFi ; �'�'- _'r� -. :' ,��it�- � .!'�!<�/ — - __. �„a„���..,:� ' 11VSPE� N REC7iJEST. rawrv a � vai � �, . DATE ' _ `� r��� JO8 MAf'VIE r ��,+Lv_�_:_.: ,- , ,:�,_ , .. T1ME RECEIVED '' Y'' ' , AM PM CALLER "v -c',_ �� ' z . BtlILQiNG �CCfVE� PL1JMBlN� N�EGHAI��CA�. EL�CTRl�A�k. �aca�rir�� ���.��►r�t�� �t�u�� v��fir�a-rrvnr �r�r��n�a�v ��rur�a��r�aru s����ca��. srAr�o��w� ��AF�r�� �.ou+�� �FiAM1fUG V��fE€R FINAL w D C s H�L�DS F1fUAL FlNAI. Rt]C3F PART3A�L PAfil'iAL �AA'�IAs� PARTFAL pAkFi,l`IA� ��C�lTIC1�1: LL7CA71p11E: �L��RTlQH; #�UGAT1C11V: l.i^!�A'�401V: l_7�T#iER ❑ PARTIAL L(JCA�IpN R�A[JY F�R [1115PECFIf]N - :��, . N1QN TLI� WEQ �HL�R FR1 � ��� �� AM i�Nf �-�--- , CC1Mh+1EfV7S: - ; {� APPRC)V€Q ❑ DIS�4PPRf]VEQ ❑ REINSPE�'T Q UP[]N 7H� FCILI�tlVVING C(}FiREC'1'I[�iVS: CClF�f�EC7'I+L�CVS , . , . - _ --. , __ , _ , �� � , � Y ^ � .J � , Y .._f. _ �i � f� 'flrr y�£.-i/ ' ��T.��£�l., ._ � � � ��✓ .� � , �i.. . .� " ` � � , •�.„ _ , � -,� f-� '� �� � � I� " - ' °��_, �:s.-� '-3 �=' _� �. � -- � , �x- ?- --� - ��_ � ;r'� �- ""`� �,�, �, _�� �.. -'r+'r �,-t�' r�+y,�� r r`t . .' c' i"i r� 4��'� r+ ,+'��—'��r'(' i I .�- _.«,,�� ; i. ' _. , �, _ ___ -� s i ' DATE r r'` � .:`� f r �, n ----,�_ ''� �� � r . - . L".. � IN�PECTOR , m�,v��hn.y.,r,o � • II�J�PEGY� N RE�'3UES�' TOWN QF VA4 L ' r - +.�. , ,,,. �ATE " - Jl7B NAME �,., _ '- l`fME R�CElVEa AM PM CALLER _�.�_� 8�1��3ih�G CC1'1/EFl P�,.I„iMBIAiG M'��HAP�11Cplt., �L.�CTRI�AI. F+D[}T{[�lG RECl. RATi111G RC7Ll�C3H VENT$LA'i`I[77�1V T`�fiAPO!�ARY FOUN[}ATI(1�ht SH�E7RQCfC STANDPIP� H�AYING RGUGfi FRAMiMG Y��1E�R FINAL w Q � s W0�3�35 �II�AL �1NA� R043F FAP171AL PAFiTiA� C�ARTIAL PA�iTIAL RA�'�TIAL LC�CA�`IOtV: LCfCATiQN; �,L�GATIQi11: L{7C�TiDRC: LC�ATEQN. � I]Tf1ER ❑ F'AR71AL L{]CA71C)N �. ; � � FiEAE�Y FUR II�SPECTlB]l1l MO1�S �UE WEQ THUR FR{ AM PlV3 �C7MiVI�h1TS: � , � r:, . _ -,,._ ��„ � l.1 � APPR�UED [] DIS�PPROVEQ [� I�EkNSPECT � ClPCThJ ?Hf FClLLi)WING C�C7RRECTEQNS: C{)F�FiECTIQfVS , � + - . _ . _ .��} �_�6 F�, .. . , ,r t.' � �' ` �o L�A�'E �#�'r'...% � �,�'--°' _ ..�_._ `_,: . � � ��_,� �� .�-----�-�-� ,, �ns�P�cra� 1�� ��.�.��,.��r,� Y � ' � . II�S TIC)�V RE�U��T � _ TQWl� Q� .�l�IIL ' � �� �f y, ,� �-x �'� �, �� --- Fr., _ a��� � : ., ` , � ,�o� r�a,nn� __ __ _ _ r='r . ` � i f �� rt r'' �� �_ , CALLER � .- ° - � �L_ ; -- ;-__} - � �� RERC]Y �[7i� INSF'ECTIQN: MC7N TUES 'rrW D ���F# ,;"' �Ri ,�� _ �AM ��PM y1 r � M LflGATlC3N: �} -- �� -� -�, �' '^ _ t -�----- -- — __ ,� - BUIL�iMG: PLUMBING: fl FUOTINGS 1 STEEL � UNC7ERGR�UND O FC]UNDA�ION I STE�L ❑ RCIUGH / D.1N.V. ❑ FRAM19`dG ❑ RdUGFi I NJA7ER 0 INSULATi(71�! � C� GAS PIF�If�G _—. ❑ S�-IEETRC�GK NAII.. ❑ PC1[7L f H. TUB � r�"� ��-� L� .,. _ ❑ FINAI� ^ �' � ' � ❑ FINAL ELECTR�CAL: MECHANICAL: C] TEMP. F��VtlER -��_.� C] H�ATIf�G �_ _ ❑ RC7UGH L� EXHAUST HJCIDS � Gt�N[�UI� � ❑ SUPP�.Y AIR ❑ ❑ C7 �PhIAL ❑ FINAL O APP�(�VED ❑ �15APPROV�p ❑ REIN�P�CTIC3fV REC�I�IR�f7 GQR�3�CTIC�NS: _ - ;� :v�.,.° ! '�. �,.v �'�,�'l-' '�--�1�•1.+�S=i �,1,�! ,Y,►J�L� ���,,�GE'""�'-+ �JS�j �' 0 �� � _ 1 .f ,� .. _. '�_�F r� "''�1,�r.� r.,,d�,���°'i..-�- ��� •'C�y.ii ��'ir �L°p,iVY-. . 4"'�G-a �ir'V �- / F �� -' + i�/ _.� r, .. ._�_._.. 9 ,, w . . _ �.'� � .. _ ' (� W � DAT� - � ' ' INSP�CTdR � .� � �. �`' _.f I ,.-�-�-�._.. lFIN pf11fL!!y'ltiA�l .. � ,, • � , ' . . , � tIUS CTIC�I�J RE�U�ST ` �_.� . TC7��"u'f� QF VAIL " .� .-. �;�, - -_. . �� . [)ATE ,���� ,� ,J�}B NAM� `�°- �� "' . , �.:. , __ - �. CA�LER -_ --a'�'_��' READY �C7F� INSP�GT[C,�N: MUhJ TUES WED �THUF3 . FRI ,'��'',�'' '� . AM , PM ..�p.. �- _ _ LUCA71C7N: ```"'•�' Y � ` `�g= _ _ BUILDfNG. P�[lM�iING: ❑ Ff][]TINGS / STEE� �.�.._ ❑ UNQER�RC7UN0 0 FQUIVDATION 1 STEEL ❑ RC�UGk--E J D.W.V. ❑ �RAMING ❑ RQUGH J WATEFi � IF+JSi�LAT1�1N __ C� �AS PIPING ❑ SHEETi�C]CI� NAiL -'��~`' � PC?�L J H. TUB ,.�- ', l� - -- - - C�_ _� , �.,.-� ❑ ❑ FI�JAL _..._�y.___ 0 FINAL EL�CTf�ICAL. MECHAN#CAL: L� TEMP. PQWEFi � ❑ HEATING - _ C7 FiC7UGH ❑ E?(HAUS� HOC)[]S � C�DN[�UIT � SllPPLY A13� ❑ _ ❑ -- _-�.__ ❑ FiIVAL Cl FlMAL �APPR[�VED ❑ C715AF'PRQVED C7 REINSPECTIC7N REf�EJIRED CORR�CTlD�JS: �: _ a�� 'i 4t/ ��`i.a�r.- �l %la'J'a�, t ;� t-• /'�. �'.J '.F !3!� � E ,� ' �r�`�''r ���_�����= �.,�,�"j 1(/c:. ��!� �r! . r d��') � �� �� .j—, L � �"� G a—.�°� �J J, `,r� La. .� /,� � /� _ f .[! f' - ❑A�� ._f��-' - �-�...r'4 ' If'+JSPECT�JIR � . --•�.>�__.:, ^ , shepeirvt�ry.rra..i . � � 11J'�P�C N RE[�7�JE:ST T +aWIV Qf VAI L � ❑ATE ,iOB NAN3E TtME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER �UiLDiNG CQVER P�.UlVlBiNG MECH.AN�CAL ELECT�t�CAI F4�TING RE43. �ATlNG _ C��U�H V��I�rLATIUN �r�nn��ARY �'C1UN[1A�'i€]�l 5MEE7'�iOCK S�A�IGPIP� H�ATf�I� R4L�G�! FRAA+IITVG V�NEER FI1'�AL � � � � HDpi�S FtNA� F1AIA� Rt7E)� PARTiA�. PAR'f�,�iL PAFITiA� P'AFtTfAL �AfiT�A�. �.o���rrvra: �.ac��ioru: �.oc�ric�ou: tacarrun�: ' �.oca��Qr�: �or��� ❑ PAR'�{AL ��car�a�u . , REfIDY F{}R �NSPECYl0111 N1(3N FU� WEQ THU�i FRf AM F�M CONIMENTS: Q APP�iD1fE[� ❑ �15APPR[)V�a Q REINSPEGT Q l�P�hf TFiE F�LLDWING CORRECTIONS: C�RRECTICfff1�5 DATE �� / INSPEGTO�i tn`p�n��ln�va�,i � IAI�PEC � R"E[3UEST ,� ,,�����"? �f � , .�'.�?�. �--'��_-}- T � W N � F V A f � DA�E - JQB NANif � - . _ ��:..=.�-�..�� . TfME RECE9VEQ AM PM Cp,LLER �UI�.DiNG CClVER P�UAr1�31A1�G 1l��C�i-A�NIGAL E��GTR��At� �avr�n�G �Fa.a�►s�r�� Rou�H v�ra���,a�rresr� ���n�a�a�v �our�r�nri+��a st��ErRC�c�c sr�apir�� ���T�r�� �a�a�� FRAMMNG V�IVE�i� FlNAL w p � s F�Qt3DS �l�OAL F11H,AL FiC�S3F PAFiTtA�. PARTiAL PART1�4� �'/�iT1AL F+AFt7`IA,� �aCATlQ151: L�CATIUN: LOGAT�CIN: L{{]�A7`�(IFJ: �f?CpT{+DiV: ❑ i7TH�R �PARTIAL LpCA7lON READY FaR li'+1SPECTfC711i M(]hl TUE WED 1�lilJR FRI AM PN! COMMENI7S: ❑ APPRC}VE[] [] bIS�PPR�VEQ C9 REINSPECT Q 11PC11U TWE FpLL+OW�NG CQRRECTIC]N�: CORF�ECTI�NS _ , �. � � _ .�, - �-•-- � .�__ - -- _,:.�_ oATE - � - •'�r ____- 111iSPECTQR Na W+nNry�.3�� I IV S P E C fi�! R E Cli U E�i,'T' � TQWIV C} F VA, I L DATE ' ' JD� NAME n, F_� ' .;,� ; 71ME FtE�E1V�D �1M PM CALLEF3 �" BU�l.D1NG CQV��i PLUMBLNG FN�E�HAi�4lCAL �l,�CT���AL �varir�� ���. RAt�a� ��c��� v�n�rr�.�ri+�� �'�IV!'�'�AFiY Ft3UN{,�ATICIN �kifE"1`�i4C1� S�'ANDi��P� liEATiNG FtOUGH FRAMIN� VENEER �INAL � � c s �C3U�S FtRtRL FINAL fi��F PART�AL �"AiFi�'1AL PAR7IAL PARTIAL PART�A1_ L4Ca4TIQ['�I: L.4CATIQN: k.UC}�7`Ifi)N: l.CMCAT1QTi: LGtiGATi{]N: � GITHER � PARTIAL LQCATI[}N ' R�A�Y FC)R i{VSPECTi(7N MC7N TUE WE[3 THUR FRI AM PlVI COtV1�+1E�3TS: � APPRC)VED Q DISAPPROV�fl � � �INSP�CT ❑ UP(3hJ THE F{]LLQWI�VG C�RRECT6{)NS: cv��ECr�v�vs . ; ,- bP�TE ' : IRlSPECTaR IheOrk�lery.•ail � � . _.. � � IIVSPEC N F�E�UES."T TUWN 4F VAI L pATE r �� i J�78 4VAM E ,`-, . TIME RECEiVED AM PM CALLER - ��a�.oirv� c+�v�� ��ur�ai�� ��c��a�rc��. ���GTA�c��. �ta��r�N� ��c�. �ari�u,�___—_ �c�u�M w��t�r�ar�c�� r�M���a��r FQUNI7ATIC1fU SFi�E7RflClC STANDPIRE MEA'i'INQ R[}UG#^i FFiAMiNG V��IEEFt FINAI, w ° c s }�,�ODS FfhiA� FIf1lA� #�fl�F RARTIA� PAR°f1i4C P►4RTI�`IL PARTIAI. PAR`��A1� L�fC�d,T!£IN: LUCATIOhI; �4CA71�lN: Lt3CAT{dN: �.UCATIQA�: ❑ t37HER 0 PARTIAI. LC3CATlON READY FO�t INSRECTfC7N fV10N "f U E W E D Ti H U R F R I �AlVI F'h+l GQMMEN7S: � �P��c�v �� � ��sa�P�ov�o � ��� sus��cr ❑' u�*o�v rH� Fa��owir�c coR��c�rion�s: ca���c�io�vs - 1. F RATE � _ �._.. -- IIU&PECTf]F� 7he Pnn#�ry v,e,r � s � - - . I �'S P E C f'V i'�E��IJ E':�,'�` . �rouu �v a � va � � , DATE J�B NAME ~ 71ME REG�IIJ'EQ ANl PM CA.LLER E3UiLf�ll'�f'a 4C�V��i PL.lJME3��11+fi M��FiA1VIG,A� ELE+CTR��A►� F�C?Q'1'1NG R6Cl.R/�4TIf�� RC}l1GH V�N�TLATlOAi TEMP'G1E�AR�' Ff]L11U(]A�'`l0l'U SHEETRQ�K STAN[3P1P� F1�A"f�NG RG1J+E�H FFtAM1NG VENE'�R �1�Yp►C � � C � Ftt70DS Flf�iA[. Fil►1AL RUC}F RAATtAL PA#iT1AL P�1R�`i+4L PA�t'CIAL f+AR�PlI�+I �c�ca�l[�N: �.QeATtoN: �.QCAT���a: uICATfv�V: I��CATICa�: ❑ O�HER CI PARTIAL LQCATIDf� REf�I�'r' FC?R 4MiSPECTIQfU [UI�N TUE WEp THUFi FRI AM PM COMNfEN7S: ❑ APPR�VEt] ❑ ❑� SA�PPR(]VED ❑ �dEINSPECT � UPC?!'J 7li� F4LLpINING CClRR�CTiCENS: CURR€CT1(�N5 DATE IIVSPECTC}R ��.�.,��.��.a,� � � �� � - - r ,C ,�'u��"`I� '� ��i�..l/ �'�'�1.�.1�� ���Q��: � �i ��WGr�7,� TQINN OF VAI . � ��1�,��"��.�' T-J � L�ATE ,iO� A�AM€ - TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER - '�Gr.� 5!� C�� �UIL�Ihit"s ��YE� PLk.tl'�BIN�3 1�4�Ck�►4(►11�� Et��CT�iIC,A'� FQQTING RE�Q.E�AT'ING R{3Util�i VEMT€'l..ATi�I�! �'�f4�P+�#tAqY FGM41111[7A'�'IC?N SiiEETRCl�1C STAIVClPtP� li�ATiIVQ Ft�i,1GH FRAMIf+J�E'i �r'�� VEl�1�E�# �t111A� 'w c► +� S Hfl47�5 Fi�lAL i;;'s`.V,f,T Ft11l,�1L Ri�F P�1�iTIAL PARTIAL f�AF�TIAL �!ART�1�4. #�ARTI�I#� �OCA�'�QN: �.I�CATIQr+I: LOC'►4TiOlU: i.�}CA°FEC?N: I,c3CATi4N� �or�FR ❑ ��aRri,a� �.oca�iar� FiEADY FC1R INSPECTiQN �WICJAi TUE WE�3 THUf� FR! AM PM1 COI'�MENTS: [J APPROVEp [] DISaPPR�V�D ❑ �iEINSPECT ❑ UPfIIV THE FOLLC}WfNG CQRRECTIOI��: C17RRE�T1i]NS �I �. _ . 9 . . . �/jC '�',�- JJy.S'L,,:., !`�'klt. - - _�. �ATE _ _ -�_ � L. '`-`,� �rt'�� .�� � INSF'ECTOR ��� � ���l�,��� :� tt�a Prfnl�r�r�ar� � � I�S CTIC]N RE�I��ST f F�-� �---- TU W hl J� VA I L ; . , , � . - r�� . dAT� ''f�`f �.` ' �'�:�� ,aC]€3 EUAl1�E —�e_ '""- '' � '.� ` -�.;. ' j _ . CA�LER .•''`r��` , „�'" ��,a;��'L.->� I;��c.��� � READY FC?R IfVSPE�Tft�l�: _M£)RJ fiU�S ��''W�D TH_�1JI� �'FRI M PM LOCATION: . , - -- f, �r,,; ,- �:-'�.! �_-� ; �� � , �-� �.� � _ � BUILDIN�: PLUMBING: 0 FC3L7TIN[3 i / STEEL ❑ Uf'�Q�RGFtt7Uh1D � FUUI�dATIQI`J 1 ��EEL - - - - CJ R�UGH { L7.W.V. C.� FRAMIh3G Q R�?l�'�H J WATER C] IN54JLA�Ii7N - C.� GA� PIPlNG ❑ SHEE�"RQCK 1�JAEL ❑ PCJO� / H. TU6 � ❑ I� FIIVAL ❑ FINAL ELECTR ICAL: [U'IECHAPI I�CAI�: C7 TEMP. PC?WER ❑ HERTING � ROUGH ❑ EXHAUST HC7QD5 � Cf,�NDUIT 0 SUPP�,Y AIR ❑ � ❑ FINA� - `'` . , ❑ FI�AL � A�'PRC7VE� ❑ DISAPPRt�VEQ ❑ FfEINSPECTI{7i'+l REQUIFt�C7 CC7RRECTPONS ` ` . , • — - - . - i7..C-P - - .y, I.. .t t�! .r-' . . . . :��. .,� _ . . � ; . - � ��,� � �� � �� ,�. ,�4.. - ����, � � . , . . . .. . . ,' . '7 "' _ � -_.. ' � � . .� � r . ,' , ,�� ,:.-, A, � ,--�, , . ., �. ;� �j . -^. : — ,—_ f � 3 _ . . ; �T}^ • �, : , � .. `�r _ .x r ` DATE ;` - _-� :� .-.. INSPECTC7R ,_ , - _ � IM pelni�ryi va�t , ' II'V ��E� fV RELILJ�S"'� TO '4NN t} F VAl L : ' pAr� .f�E3 �3AME . TIlVIE ftECEIV�L7 AlVI PM CA��ER BUIL�?l�1G �OV�H P�.UM�ING � M�Ct�f�h[tiiICA� �l.E�TRI�AL ��Qrira� ��c�. �a��rru+� �c�u�� v�cu�rr�.►��°�a� �rEr����a�r�r FUUN�3ATIS�N SH��7Rt�CK SfiAHQPiPE HEA'FING �tCIl3G� �RAMi1U�; V�fi�fEER F�NA►�.. w o c s �{f}Q[3S FII�A� F�tVIA� R�€�� PAfi'�4A� PAFt Ti A'� PARTi,�4 L PA�TI AL �'AR�"tA@. L(�A"�IC1N: L{.�GATI�C7M: L[]CA,t�f��E: E:�CAI`1[]iN: LQCATM�111: _ _ _ � C]TfiE#t 0 PAFiTlAL L[]CATIQII! READY FOR IlVSP�CTION Mt]!11 TUE U"VEi� THU.R FFtI AM PM C�MMENTS: ❑ AF'RF�C)VED ❑ QISAPPR{]V� D [� REINSPEC� � fJPCIFU THE FOLLC}WIIV�G CDRRECTIp�lS: C��RECTIONS Qa-r� � L _ INSAECTOR _ . , (�:�' L�' � Iln{wlnN�'y�ea�l INaPE� N RE�3LJES� . 1` Q W hl (} F lf ,4 I L k i3ATE S(]B NAME TINiE REGElVEQ AM PM CALLER � �UILFJI�fG �()V�F? PLU�BIIV� MECHH.�ANiCA�. E�.�CTRl�G�A�, f�OQT1�lfx RE�Q. RATING RCIUGH V�lIITC�,+4T1C1�1 1'�MP[}�iA�iY �UI�N(3ATIC3N SHE�'�R(?�iC STA�t]FIRE H�ATiN� Fldll�H FRl�,A1NG Y�AT�ER FINAL w � � s ' MC}UDS FINAE. FIN14L RDpF PAFITIAL PAMftTlAIL P�4��lAL PARTIAL P'+ARTlAL LC1CA�'�ION. Lt7CA'C"IOhi; !C]CAl'fUCN: LG}CATI�,?'f+1: ' LC?GA"C�t]N: C� C]TFIER ❑ PAFCTIAL LGICATIOIV READY �C7R IhiSP1�C�'I€7N M{}M TUE UUED T�UR FRI AM PM C()MM�NVS: / �`A+PPRQV�I� ❑ 171SA�PPRC)1�ED [„] REIhISPECT � �Pt}N TFlE FOLLOWING CORFiEC1'iONS: CURREC�IUNS �}ATE r�vs��eTO� th�MtnNry v��� � �NSPEC �'r! R�C�I.JE�,"�"" TOW �►1 C) F VA1 L '. DATE � Jd6 NAAl1E , ` � ' - • 71ME R�CEIV�C1 AM PM CALLE� - BU{LD�iVG C4VER PLUPwABf�1G M�GfiAl'�1�GA� ��.�T�i�AL ��rafi��� RE�.�A�riMC �nu�� v�wrr�.ari�a�r �r�n��r���,�Y FUllNDATli}N SHEE'�FtUCK STAN!?PIPE HEATiNG RC14�GH FRAMiNG V�f11ELR �1�JAL � � C s H+C3UaS FINAL FtNAL �iUt3F PAfiTtAL PAR�'iA�. �'AR71A�. PARTfA�, I��i,RT1AL LC}CA'FICIN: LQCATIC)I�E: Lo�CATlC1�fs �.CiCATIC?[1[: L{1�AT�Oi�: � tJTH�R � PARTIAL LQCATIqN REA�Y F�JR ihESPECTICJN Nif)f19 TUE WEi] 7Hl1Fi FRI AM PNI GOMMEf��S: [] APPRi]VED � DISAPPRC}VEQ � REfNSPECT ❑ tJPC?N THE F�LLflWING�fJR#�ECTIC1hJS: Cfl�R R�GTIUNS [3AT E -. 1_.- INSPECTQR tM1tpP�lft1�X vdi! � _ -..�-.�_ _� . ' ' •. INSPE��N �'EC7lJE'�zT ;' • � fl '�JV N �Q F V A I L � ��s. D,4TE `��°'� JOB hl�IME "� � d .,._.* TlM� RECEIVEI� f�� ��`' AM �'M CALLER `°�'f �. �11i�.�11�i; C�iVfF3 P�tJMB�NG �JI��#�ANlGA�. �L�CT�i1GAL ��QTINC REQ, RA�`IiVG FCC�I�GH V�E'NT�LATi�QN 7E:MPfl�tA�Y Ft]EJNDATff]IW SFIfETACIClC SfiANDP'I�E H�I�Tlf+il� Ri]1!G'�! FRAMING 1lEfV�EF3 ��111AL W � � � HU(3I3S ftN�k1. FINAL R�C3� PARTIAL PARTIAI p'E4fiTlAi. PAf�T1�4L PARTIA�L I�QCA'flDhl: Lfl�AT1�t7N: L{]CAT1[}N: L4CA3'fOM: LC)CA'FiUN. � C3THEFt � i�AFiTIAL L(}�P�TIflN �i�ADY FQR INSPECTI��1 .� � MC]N TUE WEC7 THiJR ` FRI --_}`�-°�'�..'"� AM PM C+aMMENTS; ❑ APPRC1V� p [] QiSAP#� RC3VE❑ ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UP�N 7HE FClLLC1WING GaRFRECTIt7NS: CUf�REC760NS �- �. �ATE `l �, t'_.� , `� - , iI�SP�CTOR ��..�•�„�.�,,;���