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B13-0075 Specifications Manual.pdf
Contract Documents and Specifications For Lionshead Park Renovation TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 March 4, 2013 VAl L RECEIVED By David Rhoades at 9:45 am, Apr 05, 2013 � ' 1962-2012 A-1 3/3/2013 S:TUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC, OPEN SPA CEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESYPROJECT MANUAL.DOC Table of Contents Invitation to Bid and Bid Forms Invitation for Bid Instruction to Bidders Bid Item Descriptions Bid Form Bid Schedule Bidders Qualification Statement Bid Bond Notice of Award Contract Forms Construction Contract Certificate of Insurance Verification Payment and Performance Bond Notice to Proceed Change Order Certificate of Final Payment Substantial Completion Form Final Acceptance Form General Conditions Supplemental Conditions 1. Project Phasing, Scheduling and Milestones 2. Construction Information Handout Technical Specifications 1. Site Preparation 2. Earthwork 3. Boulder Walls 4. Aggregate Base 5. Cast-in-Place Concrete 6. Stone Veneer Walls 7. Concrete Walks and Paving 8. Metal Fabrications 9. Irrigation Systems 10. Landscape Accessories 11. Trees, Shrubs and Groundcovers 12. Sodding 13. Helical Pier 14.NDS Inlet 15. Cleanline Edging 16. Benjamin Moore P07 Primer 17.Benjamin Moore P22 Paint A-2 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC A-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC INVITATION TO BID AND BID FORMS A-4 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKWADAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC Invitation to Bid Project: Lionshead Park Renovation Bid Date: March 28,2013 at 3:30 PM (MST) Bid Location: Submit one hard copy of the Bid, along with one PDF copy to: Gregg Barrie Vail Public Works Department-Administration Building 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 GPS coordinates and internet maps to the above address frequently are misleading. It is the responsibility of every bidder to insure timely delivery to the correct location. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: Date& Time: Tuesday,March 12, 2013 at 1:00 pm(MST) Location: Vail Public Works Department-Administration Building 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Bidders are required to attend the pre-Bid meeting. Bids will not be accepted from bidders that do not attend. Bid Documents Bid Documents will be available on Monday, March 4 by 12:00 pm MST from the Town of Vail Sharefile website. Access to the Sharefile site shall be gained only by emailing a request for access to the Town of Vail to csallikvail ov.com with subject line "Lionshead Park Renovation Documents". Please provide name, company name, address, phone number, email address and trade in the body of the email. Bidders must print their own copies. Brief Description of Work The project includes removal of existing pavements, stairways and other park components, excavation and site grading, installation of site walls, stone veneer, concrete pavers, stairs, railings, concrete paving and curbs, concrete fountain components, electrical and snowmelt systems, landscaping, irrigation, utility work and coordination with outside contractors. A-5 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC Instructions to Bidders 1.0 Bidders may obtain Drawings and Specifications for the Project on March 4, 2013 after 12:00 pm via the Town of Vail Sharefile website in electronic PDF format. Access to the sharefile site shall be gained only by emailing a request for access to the Town of Vail to csallikvailgov.com with subject line "Lionshead Park Renovation Documents". Please provide name, company name, address, phone number, email address and trade in the body of the email. Bidders must print their own copies. 1.1 Printed copies are not available. It is the Bidder's responsibility to assure that it has a complete set of the Bid Documents. General contractors are responsible for assuring that their subcontractors and suppliers receive the Bid Documents and Addenda thereto. 1.2 Bidders shall carefully examine the Contract Documents and the construction site to obtain first hand knowledge of existing conditions, surrounding areas, and local conditions. 1.2.1 All questions regarding the Bid and the Contract Documents shall be addressed in writing via email, to: Gregg Barrie—gbarriekvail og v.com 1.3 The final date for questions will be Wednesday, March 20 at 5:00 pm MST. Replies will be issued only by Addenda. Only answers to questions answered by formal Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Addenda will be posted on the Town of Vail Sharefile site in electronic PDF format for all parties having received the Bid Documents. No Addenda will be issued later than Friday, March 22, 2013, except for an addendum, if necessary, postponing the Bid date or withdrawing the Invitation for Bids. 1.4 Bids may be disqualified at any time upon evidence of collusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices upon the part of the Bidder. 1.5 A "Bid" is a responsive, conforming, unconditional, complete, legible, and properly executed offer by a Bidder on the form supplied by the Town to provide the Work specified in the Request for Bids for the compensation specified. 1.6 Bids shall be contained within a sealed envelope clearly marked with the project name, Bidder's name and contact person,mailing address, and telephone number of the Bidder. 1.7 The following information shall be submitted with the Bid as provided in the Bid Documents, and printed by the Bidder in exact form provided in the Bid Documents.: 1.7.1 Completed Bid Form. 1.7.2 Complete Bid Schedule. 1.7.3 Completed Bidders Qualifications Statement. A-6 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC 1.7.4 Bid Bond. 1.7.5 The names and resumes of key staff personnel who will be assigned to the Work; 1.7.6 A complete graphical representation of the proposed scope of Work and schedule, including all relevant activities and critical milestones. Any alternatives included in the Bid Schedule shall be included as separate Work items to identify the change in project duration as a result of the requested alternatives. 1.7.7 The names and addresses of any subcontractors who will be hired for the Work. 1.8 It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the Bid is in proper form and in the Town's possession by or before the designated time and date. Bids will not be accepted after the designated time and date, as defined by the clock at the place of Bid opening. Any Bid received late will be returned to the Bidder unopened, if possible. 1.9 The Town of Vail Building Department will issue a construction permit for the Project. All Town Building Permit fees will be paid by the Town. The contractor's licensing fee with the Town shall be paid by Contractor. 1.10 This Project is Tax Exempt. No Bid shall include federal excise taxes or state or local sales or use taxes. The Town's Tax Exempt Indemnification number is 98-02395. 1.11 A Notice to Proceed is anticipated on or about April 17, 2013. Restrictions to construction activity outlined in the "Vail Village and Lionshead Construction Hours Information Handout" updated yearly are applicable to the Project. Construction activity in the Right-of-Way will occur in two Phases. Phase I may not commence until April 17, 2013 and must be completed no later than June 27, 2013. Phase II may commence September 3, 2013 and must be completed no later than November 15, 2013. 1.12 If a mistake is made or discovered during or after the Bid review, the Town reserves the right to determine which party made the mistake and whether the mistake is material and, after these determinations, the Town, in its sole reasonable discretion, shall decide whether to accept or reject the Bid. No advantage shall be taken by any party of manifest clerical errors or omissions in any Bid or the Contract Documents. Bidders shall notify the Town immediately of any errors or omissions that are encountered. 1.13 Any interlineation, alteration, or erasure shall be initialed by the Bidder. In the case of conflict between the indicated sum of any addition of figures and the correct sum, the correct sum shall control. 1.14 The Town shall not reimburse any Bidder for any cost incurred in preparing a Bid or attending equipment demonstrations, inspections,pre-Bid conferences, or interviews. 1.15 Any amplification, clarification, explanation, interpretation, or correction of the Bid Documents prior to the Bid shall be made only by written addendum(s), and a copy of the addendum(s) shall be made available to the prospective bidders. The Town is not responsible for any amplification, clarification, explanation, or interpretation or correction of A-7 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC a Bid not contained in written addenda. The Town is not responsible for failure of any Bidder to receive any addenda, it is the responsibility of the prospective bidders to confirm that they have all addenda. 1.16 Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president (or a corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign), and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown. Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, and the legal address of the partnership shall be shown. Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the company's name and signed by a member, and the legal address of the company shall be shown. Names and titles shall be typed or printed below each signature. 1.17 The submission of a Bid shall be conclusive evidence and a legal admission that the Bidder: (1) has no questions, complaints, or objections in connection with the Contract Documents, subject to any requests made by the Bidder for amplification, clarification, explanation, interpretation, or correction; (2) has no questions, complaints, or objections as to the completeness, sufficiency, scope, or detail of the Bid; (3) has full knowledge of the scope, nature, quality, and quantity of the equipment to be provided, the performance criteria, the requirements of the Contract Documents, the site and conditions of delivery, the Vail Town Code, and other applicable law; (4) has complied with all requirements of the Bid and Contract Documents; (5) and that the Bid and Contract Documents provide, without limitations, sufficient scope and detail to allow for the complete construction of the desired Project with complete and finished operable systems. 1.18 The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder complying with the terms and conditions, guidelines, and specifications presented in the Request for Bids and these Instructions to Bidders. The Town reserves the right to determine, in its sole reasonable discretion, whether any Bid meets the needs or purposes intended and is within the approved budget. The Town does not base its award on prices alone. Also to be considered are: quality of product; past experience with the Bidder or any subcontractors, consultants, products or suppliers; qualifications of the Bidder and/or subcontractors or suppliers; services offered; warranties; maintenance considerations; long-range costs; schedule and delivery; and similar conditions. 1.19 The Town reserves the right to conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid to establish the experience, responsibility, reliability, references, reputation, qualifications, or financial ability of any Bidder, manufacturer or supplier. The purpose of such investigation is to satisfy the Town that the Bidder has the experience, resources, and commercial reputation necessary to supply the specified equipment and to perform the necessary warranty and product support in accordance with the Contract Documents in the prescribed manner and time. 1.20 The Town reserves the right, if it deems such action to be in its best interests, to reject any and all Bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities therein. Any incomplete, false, or misleading information provided by any Bidder shall be grounds for rejection of the Bid. If A-8 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC Bids are rejected, the Town further reserves the right to investigate and accept the next best Bid in order of ranking, or to reject all Bids and re-solicit for additional Bids. 1.21 In the event of any claim, suit, or demand which may result from any Bid, or the award of any contract as a result of submission of a Bid, Colorado law shall govern. 1.22 Once access is gained to the Sharefile site, all communications shall be made through the contact provided, unless specifically in regards to access to the Sharefile site. No other communication by a Bidder/subcontractor/supplier may be made with the Town or its representatives . Failure to comply with this direction may result in disqualification, at the Town's discretion. 1.23 All parts not specifically mentioned which are necessary in order to provide a complete unit shall be included in the Bid. Any item listed as "Standard" in the manufacturer's published specification, furnished by the Bidder, is assumed to be included in the Bid. Any variations shall be outlined in writing,noting cost factors where applicable. 1.24 All labor, material, tools, supplies, equipment, supervision, coordination, and all incidentals required to provide the complete improvements and complete operable systems as indicated in the Contract Documents shall be included in the Bid. 1.25 The submission of a Bid implies the required warranty for all installed components of the design, and compatibility of said components with adjacent surfaces and materials. Each Bid shall include a statement of standard warranty of the manufacturer, 1.26 Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications contained in the attached Contract Documents. Should any requirement in the specifications not be included in manufacturer's specification sheets, the Bidder shall include with its Bid a statement of compliance. Failure to do so shall be grounds for disqualification of the Bid. 1.27 The Town requires a Bid Bond in the form of a corporate surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total Bid amount before the Town can accept and consider any Bid. Upon award, such Bid Bonds shall be returned to the unsuccessful Bidder(s). For the successful Bidder, the Bid Bond will be returned upon receipt of the required Payment Bond and Performance Bond, in the full amount of the Contract Price. 1.28 A Bid is prepared at the Bidder's expense and becomes Town property and is therefore a public record upon opening by the Town. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the deadline for Bids. 1.29 If the Bidder takes exception to any requirements or component of the Bid and Contract Documents, a written letter of exceptions with explanations shall be provided with the Bid. Any exception to the Bid and Contract Documents is grounds for disqualification, at the sole discretion of the Town. A-9 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC BID ITEM DESCRIPTIONS — REVISED Lionshead Park Renovation VAIL, COLORADO March 22, 2013 Item Descriptions listed below correlate with the Items on the Bid Form. Additional detail is provided in the Drawings and Specifications. General Items 1. Mobilization Lump Sum Includes equipment move-on and move-off, utility locates, temporary utilities, portable toilet facility within construction fence, dust control, fire safety measures and suppression tools, existing site feature protection, staging area setup/cleanup and site clean up. 2. Bonding Requirements Lump Sum This item includes the cost to the Owner for the Contractor to acquire Performance and Payment Bonds for the project per the requirement outlined in the Contract Documents. 3. Survey/Layout Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required for the establishment of site grades as needed for the complete installation of the project. A detailed layout plan of any portion of the project can be provided upon request during construction. Several Project Benchmarks are shown on Sheet C-3. Additional Benchmarks should be established — based on these elevations —outside the construction area. 4. Erosion Control Lump Sum Includes installation of silt fencing, straw bales, wattles and other measures as needed to prevent soil from disturbed areas from entering the storm drain system. Also includes clean up of eroded material as necessary. Traffic Control 5. Traffic Control and Flagging Hours This item includes provision of a Traffic Control Flagger when needed to protect pedestrians during construction activities. It is not required to have a flagger at all times. However when activities include haul in/out and other mobilization activities, opening and closing of gate, equipment backing into site, etc., Contractors should anticipate that someone should walk with the equipment from Lionshead Place. Quantity is based on limited use of a flagger throughout the project. 6. Traffic Control Signs/Devices Lump Sum This item includes all required fencing for the duration of the project and the relocation and reduction of fencing during summer off-season. This item also includes setup and maintenance of detour signage, which will be provided by the Owner. A-1 3/21/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC Demolition/Earthwork 7. General Site Preparation and Demolition Lump Sum Includes removal/disposal of existing sod as needed, removal/disposal of approximately 14 trees and other minor vegetation, removal of all existing railings, delivery of railing to Town of Vail Public Works, stockpiling and/or disposal of existing site boulders, removal/disposal of concrete caps from retaining and cheek walls slated to remain (approx. 145 If x 12" x 4"), removal of sandstone from existing fountain (approx. 125 sf), removal/dispose existing cinderblock infill from fountain (approx. 125 sf), removal/disposal of existing door to pump room, sawcut and removal of approximately 24 linear feet of 10" x 12" concrete curb, removal (if needed) and protection of existing Lionshead Map at base of stairs. Also includes the removal and disposal of existing concrete light pole bases not designated for reuse (6 total) including disconnect any necessary conduits/conductors. 8. Strip and Stockpile topsoil Cubic Yard This item includes all work to strip topsoil in all sod/landscape areas where paving is proposed such as new walks, stairs, etc. Topsoil shall be stockpiled and reused in proposed sod and landscape areas. Quantity is based on 6" over 2140 sf. 9. Remove Existing Walls Linear Foot This item includes all work required to demolish and dispose of existing site retaining walls. Includes caps, veneer, concrete wall/base and caisson footings. This item is to be bid on a linear foot basis in the event that buried walls are encountered. See Sheet D-1 for detail of those walls. 10. Sawcut Main Retaining Wall Lump Sum This item includes sawcutting openings in the top of the 8" thick main retaining wall as shown on the Climbing Wall Detail. Also includes disposal of sawcut concrete openings. Sawcut (41 If), Disposal (1 '/2 cy). 11. Remove Existing Walks and Stairs Lump Sum This item includes all work to remove and dispose of the existing sidewalks and stairs throughout the project site. Also includes any necessary concrete sawcuts (approx. 10 If). Includes approximately 1750 sq of concrete walk and stairs, 820 sf of pavers and stone paving on concrete, one small set of concrete steps (6 x 6) and one set of stone steps. 12. Remove Plaza Pavers Square Foot This item shall include removal and protection for reuse of the existing concrete unit pavers located in the Lionshead Mall plaza area. Quantity estimates area based on approximately 4' clearance from new components. Contractors are asked to evaluate the site, and minimize removal to the extent possible. 13. Remove Plaza Snowmelt Square Foot This item shall include the removal of existing snowmelt areas as needed for installation of site improvements. Removal shall be performed by the snowmelt installation contractor so that the system can be reinstalled in a working manner. Quantity estimates area based on approximately 4' clearance from new components. Contractors are asked to evaluate the site, and minimize removal to the extent possible. A-2 312112013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 14. Sawcut Plaza Asphalt Linear Foot A 4" asphalt layer exists under the plaza pavers and snowmelt. This item is for sawcutting the asphalt section for any removal needed for installation of site improvements. Quantity estimates area based on approximately 4' clearance from new components. Contractors are asked to evaluate the site, and minimize removal to the extent possible. 15. Remove Plaza Asphalt Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required for removal and disposal of asphalt layer beneath plaza pavers. Quantity estimates area based on approximately 4' clearance from new components. Contractors are asked to evaluate the site, and minimize removal to the extent possible. 16. Relocate Fiber Optic Lump Sum This item includes installation of 85 linear feet of(2) 2" pvc conduits. This works shall be coordinated with Comcast. The work required is estimated as follows: Contractor to install new conduits as indicated on the plans and to a minimum 30" depth to proposed grades. Comcast shall disconnect existing fiber line and pull back to connection point. Contractor shall make connection of new conduits to existing conduits on each end. Comcast will re- pull the fiber line. Site Work 17. Earthwork and Site Grading Lump Sum Includes all work required to grade the project site to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings. Includes subgrade preparation for paved areas and playground. Excavation for Water Feature area to be paid under a separate item. 18. Boulder Site Walls Facial Square Foot Includes all work to construct boulder site wall using existing on-site materials. If it becomes necessary to haul in boulders, they shall be paid for under Supplemental Bid Items. Work includes subgrade prep, construction of walls, backfill and compaction. Measurement shall be made on exposed boulder wall at finished grade. 19. Realign Existing Drain Inlets/Culverts Lump Sum This item includes resetting two existing concrete storm inlets (2' x 2'), approximately 30' of 12" HDPE (reuse existing) and reconnecting two 6" roof drains and one 12" HDPE outlet. Includes all excavation, compaction, bedding, fittings, extensions, backfill and compaction. 20. Site Drains w/4" Drain Tile Lump Sum Includes work and materials to install two NDS 12" Square Catch Basins (or equal) and approximately 60 If of 4" flexible drain pipe at a minimum depth of 12", and connecting into storm drain system. 21. 4" PVC Sleeves Each This item includes all work and materials required to install a 4" PVC sleeve as needed for the project. Sleeves may vary in length between 6 and 12 feet. 22. 6" PVC Sleeves Each This item includes all work and materials required to install a 6" PVC sleeve as needed for the project. Sleeves may vary in length between 6 and 12 feet. A-3 3/21/2013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 23. Class 6 Roadbase Ton Includes provision and installation of Class 6 Roadbase compacted to 95% standard proctor as required and indicated on the Drawings. 24. Concrete Site Walls Linear Feet This item includes all work and materials to install concrete site wall as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, reinforcing steel, forming and pouring of concrete. 25. Cinderblock Infill Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials to install approximately 10 sf of grout filled cinderblock into the existing pump room access door located in the main retaining wall. See detail Sheet D-1. 26. Colored Concrete Stairs Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to install colored and textured concrete stairs as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete surface and installation of weld plates for railings as needed. There are four sets of stairs of various sizes in this Item. 27. Gray Concrete Stairs Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to install gray concrete stairs as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete surface and installation of weld plates for railings as needed. There are four sets of stairs of various sizes in this item. 28. Colored Concrete Paving Square Yard This item includes all work and materials required to install colored and textured concrete paving as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete surface and installation of weld plates for railings as needed. Also includes installation of Grooved Play Area Ramp. Compacted road base shall be paid for as a separate item. 29. Gray Concrete Paving Square Yard This item includes all work and materials required to install gray concrete paving as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete surface and installation of weld plates for railings as needed. Compacted road base shall be paid for as a separate item. 30. Colored Concrete Curb Linear Foot Includes all work and materials required to install colored and textured concrete curbs as indicated on the Drawings including excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete surface. 31. Climbing Wall Footing Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required for the installation of the Climbing Wall Footing as indicated in the Drawings. The work includes all excavation, subgrade preparation, concrete piers and Bigfoot bases, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete. A-4 3/21/2013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 32. Helical Piers Each This item includes all work and materials required for to install helical piers under the existing main retaining wall as indicated in the Drawings. 33. Concrete Play Equipment Foundations Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required for the installation of four concrete play feature footings as indicated in the Drawings. The footings are 9 x 9, 7 x 7, and 6 x 7. The work includes all excavation, subgrade preparation, reinforcing steel, forming, pouring and finishing of concrete. Also include placement of anchor bolt pattern supplied by others. 34. Stone Veneer for Site Walls Facial Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required to install stone veneer to the site walls and caps as indicated in the Drawings. Stone veneer to match existing planter walls in Lionshead. Specification is for McGowan Osage Veneer, or equal. If required, steel angle iron will be paid for under Supplemental Bid Items. 35. Steel Angle Iron Linear Foot Includes work to install primed and painted 4 x 4 angle iron ledgers as required for stone veneer installation on Concrete Site Walls 36. Water Feature Preparation Lump Sum This item includes the site preparation required for the installation of the water feature and coordination with Sundance Water Design (SWD)for the water feature installation. It shall include the placement of two concrete vaults, a concrete lid and a Bilco access lid (supplied by others). Note, lid/vault alignment shall match existing paver alignment. These vaults are 7' x 7' x 6' deep and 9' diameter x 5' deep (outside dimensions). See details Sheet F-1. They will be delivered to the site, contractor to unload. In addition, the fountain area will be excavated to a depth of approximately 24" for installation of plumbing, fixtures and other components. The contractor shall leave the excavation open between the Pump Vault and the reservoir for water lines and electrical connections by SWD. SWD shall backfill fountain components with 3/4" screened rock (see Item below). After SWD has completed backfill with screened rock (within 1/10' of required subgrade), all other backfill around Pump Vault shall be competed by Contractor (north, east and south sides). Contractor shall ensure final elevation of screened rock is adequate for Concrete Fountain Basin. 37. %" Screened Rock Ton This item includes the provision of approximately 20 cy of 3/4" screened rock. It shall be placed by SWD. Final quantity to be coordinated with SWD. 38. 30" Manhole Ring and Cover Each This item includes supply and placement of a Neenah Type R-1798 manhole ring and cover with self-seal gasket on the Water Feature Reservoir Vault. Includes leveling, shims and grout as needed to ensure the manhole matches surrounding paver grades. Note: Cover shall say "Water", not "sewer" as shown on the attached specification. 39. Water Feature Conduit Pack Lump Sum Includes all work and materials to install a pack of conduits between the Water Feature Control Panel (by others) and the Water Feature Pump Vault as indicated on the Electric Plans. If sleeves are required, they shall be paid under that Item. The distance is approximately 80 linear feet. A-5 312112013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 40. Water Feature Drains Lump Sum Includes all work and materials to install (1) 6" and (1) 3" PVC drain line between the Water Feature Pump Vault and the relocated drain inlet, a distance of approximately 20 linear feet. The work shall include any required cores in the relocated drain inlet. Cores will be provided in the Pump Vault. Includes excavation, placement, backfill, compaction and grouting. 41. Concrete Fountain Basin Square Yards This item includes all work and materials required for the installation of the Concrete Fountain Basin including forming, reinforcing steel and concrete. The concrete for this basin shall include the admixture Caltite for waterproofing. In addition, note that the exposed curb on the outside edge shall be colored and textured concrete, however the remaining concrete can be gray. Note that the entire basin should be poured at once— no cold joints will be allowed. 42. Colorado Buff Sandstone Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required to install approximately 1 '/2" thick Colorado Buff Sandstone into the Concrete Fountain Basin. The sandstone shall be set on a full mortar bed over a Wirsbo snowmelt system and shall be grouted full. The mortar shall be a latex modified product. Bidders should anticipate that the sandstone will be placed around at least 15 fountain nozzles. 43. Placement of Siloam Stone Ton This item includes the placement of Siloam Stone slabs for the water feature seating area. The owner shall select, purchase and deliver the stone to Vail. Contractor shall unload the slabs near Lionshead and deliver into the site. The slabs will be set on concrete, but may require some leveling and shimming. Four snowmelt tubes will need to be routed under the siloam stone. Contractor to add steel sleeves or shim stones to allow 1" minimum where snowmelt is to be routed. Some cutting/breaking may be required. All joints shall be grouted full to ensure proper drainage. Slabs shall be set at the direction of the landscape architect. Stone pieces will be approximately 15" thick, and generally range in size from 4' x 6' for large slabs down to 30" x 4' for smaller sizes. 44. 4" Asphalt Section Tons This item includes the installation of 4" asphalt paving in (2) 2" lifts in all snowmelted/paver areas in the main plaza. 45. Concrete Unit Pavers — Giant Runner Pattern Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required to reinstall the Giant Running Pattern in the plaza area including 2" sand setting course over snowmelt, sawcuts, etc. 46. New Concrete Paver— Random Pattern Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required to install new Random Pattern pavers in the park area including 2" sand setting course over snowmelt, sawcuts, etc. 47. Paver Infill — Pump Vault Lid Lump Sum This item requires the installation of the Giant Plaza Stone pavers (matching existing) into the infill lid for the pump vault. The infill lid allows for a 1" paver thickness per the detail on Sheet F-1. This work includes cutting the 60mm pavers down to 1" thickness, and installing the pavers to match the alignment of the existing pavers using a suitable construction adhesive (PL-400 or similar). The Bilco lid (provided by others) is a double door, approx. 3' x 6' each side. (6 x 6 total) A-6 3/21/2013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 48. Site Rails Linear Foot This item includes all work and materials to fabricate and install the Site Handrails as indicated on the plans including steel, welding, priming, finishing, painting and installation to weld plates imbedded in concrete areas or concrete footings in paver areas. Also includes fabrication of weld plates. Paint to match Billy's rail. Painting specification is provided in the Specification section of this manual. 49. 36" Decorative Stair Handrails Linear Foot This item includes all work and materials to fabricate and install the Decorative Handrails as indicated on the plans including steel, welding, priming, finishing, painting and installation to weld plates imbedded in concrete areas or concrete footings in paver areas. Also includes fabrication of weld plates. Paint to match Billy's rail. Painting specification is provided in the Specification section of this manual. 50. 42" Decorative Rails Linear Foot This item includes all work and materials to fabricate and install 42" high Decorative Rails above Walls as indicated in Detail 2, Sheet D-2. Mechanical 51. 2" metal snowmelt piping, insulated Lineal Feet Includes all work and materials required to install the linear feet of insulated metal pipe within First Chair garage as indicated on the Drawings. Includes installation, taps, insulation, pipe, and supports. 52. 2" preinsulated snowmelt piping Lineal Feet Includes all work and materials required to install the linear feet of preinsulated PEX tubing as indicated on the Drawings. Includes excavation, grading, backfill, compaction, installation, and material. 53. 1.5" and less preinsulated piping Lineal Feet Includes all work and materials required to install the linear feet of preinsulated PEX tubing as indicated on the Drawings. Includes excavation, grading, backfill, compaction, installation, and material. 54. Radiant Snowmelt Tubing Square Feet Includes all work and materials required to install the square feet of PEX-A snowmelt tubing at the Lionshead Park as indicated on the Drawings. Includes installation and tubing. 55. (E) Arrabelle Reworked Zones Square Feet Includes all work and materials required to rework and extend the existing Arrabelle zones adjacent to the Lionshead Park as indicated on the Drawings. Includes installation and tubing. 56. Snowmelt Manifold Box and Lid Each Includes all work and materials required to provide each manifold, box, and lid at the Lionshead Park as indicated on the Drawings. Includes installation, manifold, valves, box, and lid. A-7 3/21/2013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 57. Snowmelt Zone Balancing Each Includes all work required to balance new and existing Town snowmelt zones served by the First Chair plant as indicated on the Drawings. This item to be listed per each zone. 58. Snowmelt Pumps Rebalancing Lump Sum Includes all work required to rebalance existing circulation pumps within First Chair mechanical room to accommodate new areas served as indicated on the Drawings. This item to be listed as a lump sum. Electrical 59. Type "SL1" Pole Lights (New Base) Each This item includes all work and materials required to install a new pole mounted light fixture and base as indicated in the Drawings. New pole and fixture to be supplied by Owner. Conduits, conductors and installation of fixture by Contractor. 60. Type "SL1" Pole Lights (Existing Base) Each This item includes all work and materials (conduit and conductors) required to install a new pole mounted light fixture as indicated in the Drawings. New pole and fixture to be supplied by Owner. Conduits, conductors and installation of fixture by Contractor. 61. Type "SL2" Bollard Lights Each This item includes all work and materials (conduit and conductors) required to install a new bollard light fixture and base as indicated in the Drawings. 62. Planter Receptacles Each This item includes all work and materials (conduit and conductors) required to install a weather proof receptacle and structural support as indicated in the Drawings. 63. Vault Receptacle Each This item includes all work and materials (conduit and conductors) required to install a weather proof receptacle as indicated in the Drawings. 64. Pull Box— Structure Lights Each This item includes all work and materials (conduit and conductors) required to install a in- grade pull box for a 20 amp, 120 volt electrical connection to playground structure linear LED lights as indicated in the Drawings. 65. New Utility Meter Socket Each This item includes all work and materials required to install a new utility meter socket as indicated in the Drawings. New pole and fixture to be supplied by Owner. Conduits, conductors and installation of fixture by Contractor. 66. New 225A Panel `LH-P1' Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to install a new 225 amp, 3-phase panelboard including conduit,conductors, feeders, circuit breakers, and grounding as indicated in the Drawings. 67. Lighting Control Relay Panel Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to install a new lighting control relay panel including photocell and relays, as indicated in the Drawings. A-8 3/21/2013 S.-(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 68. Fountain Control Connection Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to provide power to fountain control panel as indicated in the Drawings. 69. Electrical Baseboard Heater Lump Sum This item includes all work and materials required to provide and install an electrical baseboard heater, in vault, as indicated in the Drawings including all conductors, connections and other appurtenances. Coordinate with Fountain Contractor. Landscaping 70. Irrigation System Allowance This item is currently an allowance for the installation of an irrigation system. Turf areas shall use 6" pop-ups and rotors, shrub areas shall use drip irrigation. Additional detail will be provided. Further detail will be provided prior to construction. 71. Place Topsoil Cubic Yard This item is for the placement of topsoil as stockpiled from the existing park. If additional topsoil is required, it shall be delivered by the Owner. 72. 1-1/2" Aspen Each This item includes the supply, installation and warranty for a 1 '/2" caliper single stem aspen tree as indicated on the Drawings. 73. 2" Aspen Each This item includes the supply, installation and warranty for a 2" caliper single stem aspen tree as indicated on the Drawings. 74. 2-1/2" Aspen Each This item includes the supply, installation and warranty for a 2 '/2" caliper single stem aspen tree as indicated on the Drawings. 75. 6' Shubert Chokecherry Each This item includes the supply, installation and warranty for a 6' tall clump Shubert Chokecherry as indicated on the Drawings. 76. 5-Gallon Deciduous Shrub Each This item includes the supply, installation and warranty for a 2" caliper single stem aspen tree as indicated on the Drawings. 77. Sod Square Foot This item includes all work and materials required to prepare soil and install sod per the Drawings and Specifications. 78. Landscape Edging Linear Foot Includes all work and materials required to install Permaloc Cleanline landscape edging in designated areas. 79. Place Mulch Square Foot This item includes all work to deliver and place 3" wood mulch in planter areas. The Owner shall supply and deliver the mulch material. A-9 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BID ADD/ALTERNATES 1. Additional Stone Veneer Site Wall A This Addition includes removal of existing concrete curb along south edge of project and replacing it with a Stone Veneer Site wall 2. Additional Stone Veneer Site Wall B This Addition includes altering the existing site wall at the south west corner of the project to apply stone veneer and to connect the wall into the western cheek wall of lower main stairs. 3. Colored Concrete Alternate This Alternate is to substitute colored and textured concrete for the gray concrete on the main walkway. Does not include connection to Westwind Condominiums. 4. Snowmelt Alternate This Alternate is to upsize the snowmelt system as indicated. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIT PRICES The following items relate to the Supplemental Unit Price Schedule provided as part of the Bid Form. They shall be the basis for additions or deletions to the work. 1. Import Boulders Each Includes supply, delivery and placement of approximately 3' to 4' boulders for use in Boulder Walls. 2. Excavation/Disposal of Unsuitable Material Cubic Yard Includes all work and materials to excavate, load, haul and dispose of unsuitable material as determined and directed by the Owner's Representative. 3. Import Suitable Fill Cubic Yard Includes all work and materials to provide, haul and unload suitable fill material as directed by the Owner's Representative. 4. Placement of Suitable Fill Cubic Yard Includes all work and materials to place suitable fill material as directed by the Owner's Representative. 5. Class 3 Roadbase (In-place) Ton Includes supply, delivery, placement and compaction to 95% standard proctor of Class 3 Roadbase material as directed by the Owner's Representative. 6. Import Topsoil Cubic Yard Includes provision, hauling and unloading of screened topsoil as directed by the Owner's Representative. Placement of topsoil shall be paid under that Bid Item. 7. Utility Pothole - Mechanical Hourly Includes equipment time to pothole utility locations as needed for the work. 8. Utility Pothole— Hand Dig Man Hour Includes manual labor time to pothole utility locations as needed for the work. A-10 3/21/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKSUONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC Irrigation Components The following items include supply and installation of irrigation components for an irrigation system. A backflow preventer and irrigation controller exist on-site as do some existing mainline and sleeves. These Unit Prices shall be the basis irrigation work. 9. 6" Rainbird 1800 Series Sprinkler w/ nozzle 10. 6" Rainbird 5500 Series Rotor w/ nozzle 11. 12" Rainbird 1800 Series Sprinkler w/ nozzle 12. 1" Poly lateral 13. 1" PVC Mainline 14. 11/2" PVC Mainline 15. 1" Drip Tubing 16. 1" Rainbird PEB-100 Zone Valve 17. 1 '/2" Rainbird PEB-1550 Zone Valve 18. 1" Rainbird PRB-100-Com Drip Valve Asbl. 19. 18 Gauge Irrigation Control Wire 20. Set of(3) 1 GPH Drip emitters w/ '/4" tubing 21. 9" x 18" Plastic Valve Box End of Section A-11 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC OPEN SPA CEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BID FORM—REVISED March 22, 2013 The undersigned offers and agrees to furnish all items,upon which the prices are quoted, at the price set opposite each item, if this Bid is accepted within sixty (60) days of the due date. The undersigned also agrees to make delivery, or render service, within ten (10) days of receipt of the Notice to Proceed. The undersigned certifies that no federal, state, or local tax is included in the quoted prices and that none will be added. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: Name of Bidder: Address: Telephone Number: BID SUMMARY Total Base Price: (in words) BIDDER: By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by , as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public A-12 3/21/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSIPARKS,REC,OPENSPACETARKS1IONSHEAD PAMSUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSILIONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BID SCHEDULE—REVISED March 22,2013 To: Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Work: Lionshead Park Renovation BID: Pursuant to the request for bids for the above-named work and being familiar with all contractual requirements, therefore, the undersigned Bidder hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, plant, transportation, services, and all other things necessary for the completion of the contractual work. All other work to complete the work but not specifically itemized shall also be included as incidental to the work cost. Bidder also agrees to perform the work in accordance with the time of completion set forth herein, for and in consideration of the following unit and lump sum prices: Item Qty Unit Cost/Unit Total General Items 1. Mobilization 1 LS $ $ 2. Bonding Requirements 1 LS $ $ 3. Survey/Layout 1 LS $ $ 4. Erosion Control 1 LS $ $ Traffic Control 5. Traffic Control and Flagging 350 Hrs $ $ 6. Traffic Control Signs/Devices 1 LS $ $ Demolition/Earthwork 7. Site Preparation/Demolition 1 LS $ $ 8. Strip and Stockpile Topsoil 40 CY $ $ 9. Remove Existing Walls 145 LF $ $ 10. Remove Existing Walks/Stairs 1 LS $ $ 11. Sawcut Main Retaining Wall 1 LS $ $ 12. Remove Plaza Pavers 860 SF $ $ B-1 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 13. Remove Plaza Snowmelt 800 SF $ $ 14. Sawcut Plaza Asphalt 135 LF $ $ 15. Remove Plaza Asphalt 800 SF $ $ 16. Relocate Fiber Optic 1 LS $ $ Site Work 17. Earthwork and Site Grading 1 LS $ $ 18. Boulder Site Walls 330 FSF $ $ 19. Realign Existing Inlet/Culverts 1 LS $ $ 20. Site Drains w/4" Drain Tile 1 LS $ $ 21. 4" PVC Sleeve 12 EA $ $ 22. 6" PVC Sleeve 4 EA $ $ 23. Class 6 Roadbase 58 Tons $ $ 24. Concrete Site Walls 94 LF $ $ 25. Cinderblock Infill 1 LS $ $ 26. Colored Concrete Stairs 1 LS $ $ 27. Gray Concrete Stairs 1 LS $ $ 28. Colored Concrete Paving 50.4 SY $ $ 29. Gray Concrete Paving 106 SY $ $ 30. Colored Concrete Curb 128 LF $ $ 31. Climbing Wall Footing 1 LS $ $ 32. Helical Piers 5 EA $ $ 33. Concrete Structure Foundations 1 LS $ $ 34. Stone Veneer for Site Walls 643 FSF $ $ 35. 4" Steel Angle Iron 80 LF $ $ 36. Water Feature Preparation 1 LS $ $ 37. %" Screened Rock (delivery) 40 Ton $ $ B-2 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 38. Manhole Ring and Cover 1 EA $ $ 39. Water Feature Conduit Pack 1 LS $ $ 40. Water Feature Drain Lines 1 LS $ $ 41. Concrete Basin Foundation 600 SF $ $ 42. Colorado Buff Sandstone 435 SF $ $ 43. Placement of Siloam Stone 25 Tons $ $ 44. 4" Asphalt Section 14 Tons $ $ 45. Pavers — Giant Running Pattern 630 SF $ $ 46. New Pavers— Random Pattern 270 SF $ $ 47. Paver Infill — Pump Vault Lid 1 LS $ $ 48. Site Rails 117 LF $ $ 49. 36" Decorative Stair Handrails 118 LF $ $ 50. 42" Decorative Rail 27 LF $ $ Mechanical 51. 2" metal snowmelt piping, insulated 250 LF $ $ 52. 2" preinsulated snowmelt piping 240 LF $ $ 53. 1.5" and less preinsulated piping 240 LF $ $ 54. Radiant Snowmelt Tubing 1990 SF $ $ 55. (E) Arrabelle Reworked Zones 1500 SF $ $ 56. Snowmelt Manifold Box and Lid 3 EA $ $ 57. Snowmelt Zone Balancing 6 EA $ $ 58. Snowmelt Pumps Rebalancing 1 LS $ $ Electrical 59. Type "SL1" Pole Lights (New Base) 5 EA $ $ 60. Type "SL1" Pole Lights (Ex. Base) 2 EA $ $ 61. Type "SL2" Bollard Lights 5 EA $ $ B-3 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 62. Planter Receptacles 4 EA $ $ 63. Vault Receptacle 1 EA $ $ 64. Pull Box— Structure Lights 3 EA $ $ 65. New Utility Meter Socket 1 EA $ $ 66. New 225A Panel `LH-P1' 1 LS $ $ 67. Lighting Control Relay Panel 1 LS $ $ 68. Fountain Control Connection 1 LS $ $ 69. Electric Baseboard Heater 1 LS $ $ Landscaping 70. Irrigation System Allowance $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 71. Place Topsoil 33 CY $ $ 72. 1-1/2" Aspen Tree 5 EA $ $ 73. 2" Aspen Tree 2 EA $ $ 74. 2-1/2" Aspen Tree 5 EA $ $ 75. 6' Shubert Chokecherry 2 EA $ $ 76. 5-Gal. Deciduous Shrub 20 EA $ $ 77. Sod 500 SF $ $ 78. Landscape Edging 40 LF $ $ 79. Place Mulch 800 SF $ $ TOTAL BASE BID: $ Written B-4 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESYLIONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BID ADD/ALTERNATES 1. Additional Stone Veneer Site Wall A a. Remove existing curb 21 LF $ $ b. Remove and replace pavers/ Snowmelt as needed 1 LS $ $ c. 2' High Concrete Site Wall 21 LF $ $ d. Stone Veneer 80 FSF $ $ Total Alternate 1: $ Written 2. Additional Stone Veneer Site Wall B a. Remove existing cap 16 LF $ $ b. Remove existing stone 25 FSF $ $ veneer c. Remove site boulders 2 EA $ $ d. Concrete Site Wall to tie into existing 8 LF $ $ e. Stone Veneer 100 FSF $ $ Total Alternate 2: $ Written 3. Colored Concrete Alternate a. Colored/textured stairs 1 LS $ $ b. Colored/textured walk 79 SY $ $ Total Alternate 3: $ Written B-5 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 4. Snowmelt Alternate a. 3" metal snowmelt piping, insulated 300 LF $ $ b. 2-1/2" preinsulated snowmelt piping 480 LF $ $ c. 2" and less preinsulated piping 40 LF $ $ d. Snowmelt Manifold Box and Lid 1 EA $ $ e. CappedNalved Snowmelt Taps 4 EA $ $ Total Alternate 4: $ Written SUPPLEMENTAL UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE The following prices are intended to be the basis of additions or deletions to the work. The value of such changes is determined by the quantities involved at the time of the award, or as reinstated as specified. All unit prices for each of the items listed shall include its pro-rate share of profits, and overhead, and are for the items installed in place, as maintained and guaranteed. Unit Prices are valid for the life of the contract. Item Unit Unit Price 1. Import Boulders EA $ 2. Ex/Disposal of Unsuitable Materials CY $ 3. Import Suitable Fill CY $ 4. Placement of Suitable Fill CY $ 5. Class 3 Roadbase (In-place) Ton $ 6. Import Topsoil CY $ 7. Utility Pothole - Mechanical HR $ 8. Utility Pothole— Hand Dig MH $ B-6 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC Irrigation Components 9. 6" Rainbird 1800 Series Sprinkler w/ nozzle EA $ 10. 6" Rainbird 5500 Series Rotor w/ nozzle EA $ 11. 12" Rainbird 1800 Series Sprinkler w/ nozzle EA $ 12. 1" Poly lateral 10 LF $ 13. 1" PVC Mainline 10 LF $ 14. 1 '/2" PVC Mainline 10 LF $ 15. 1" Drip Tubing 10 LF $ 16. 1" Rainbird PEB-100 Zone Valve EA $ 17. 1 '/2" Rainbird PEB-1550 Zone Valve EA $ 18. 1" Rainbird PRB-100-Com Drip Valve Asbl. EA $ 19. 18 Gauge Irrigation Control Wire EA $ 20. Set of(3) 1 GPH Drip emitters w/ 1/4" tubing EA $ 21. 9" x 18" Plastic Valve Box EA $ End of Section <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BIDDER: By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by , as of My commission expires: (S E A L) Notary Public B-7 312112013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPA MPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSUONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT A Statement showing the qualifications of Bidder shall be a prerequisite to the Bidder being awarded the Contract. The qualification statement is intended to assure the Town that a high degree of overall workmanship can be expected, and that the Work will be completed within the time limits contained in the Contract Documents. All items on the statement must be answered in full and submitted with the Bid. The qualification statement will be reviewed by the Town after all Bids have been received and opened and prior to award. The Bidder shall answer and furnish the following items for review: 1. Name of Bidder. 2. Permanent address and phone number of Bidder. 3. Date company was organized. 4. If a corporation, where incorporated. 5. Number of years engaged in contracting business under present firm or trade name. 6. Certified copy of financial statement prepared during current fiscal year as prepared for bank or bonding company. 7. List of current jobs new under contract, indicating client and telephone number, size, type of job and percentage of completion of each and date of completion. (Use additional sheets if necessary). 8. List of projects of this size and complexity completed within the last three (3) years along with contract amount, client's name and address. C-1 3/21/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSIPARKS,REC,OPENSPACETARKS1IONSHEAD PAMSUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSILIONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC 9. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, when, where, and why? 10. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? If so, when, where, and why? BIDDER: By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by , as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public C-2 3/21/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSIPARKS,REC,OPENSPACETARKS1IONSHEAD PAMSUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSILIONSHEAD PARK-REVISED BID FORM-3-22-13.DOC BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT A Statement showing the qualifications of Bidder shall be a prerequisite to the Bidder being awarded the Contract. The qualification statement is intended to assure the Town that a high degree of overall workmanship can be expected, and that the Work will be completed within the time limits contained in the Contract Documents. All items on the statement must be answered in full and submitted with the Bid. The qualification statement will be reviewed by the Town after all Bids have been received and opened and prior to award. The Bidder shall answer and furnish the following items for review: 1. Name of Bidder. 2. Permanent address and phone number of Bidder. 3. Date company was organized. 4. If a corporation, where incorporated. 5. Number of years engaged in contracting business under present firm or trade name. 6. Certified copy of financial statement prepared during current fiscal year as prepared for bank or bonding company. 7. List of current jobs new under contract, indicating client and telephone number, size, type of job and percentage of completion of each and date of completion. (Use additional sheets if necessary). 8. List of projects of this size and complexity completed within the last three (3) years along with contract amount, client's name and address. C-1 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC 9. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, when, where, and why? 10. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? If so, when, where, and why? BIDDER: By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by , as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public C-2 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT (hereinafter called Principal) as PRINCIPAL, and, , (hereinafter called the SURETY) as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Vail, Colorado, hereinafter called OWNER, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), for the payment of which sum in lawful money of the United States, well and truly to be made, said PRINCIPAL and SURETY bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the PRINCIPAL has submitted a Bid to OWNER for certain Work or services generally described as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, (a) if said Bid shall be rejected, or(b) if said Bid shall be accepted and the PRINCIPAL is awarded the Contract and, within the time and manner specified in the Contract Documents, enters into a written Contract in the prescribed form and shall give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the Contract Documents to guarantee faithful performance of such Contract and to guarantee prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution thereof, and shall provide to OWNER a Certificate of Insurance as required by the Contract Documents, and shall in all other respects perform the Contract created by the acceptance of said Bid, or (c) in the event of the failure of the PRINCIPAL to enter such Contract and to give such bond or bonds, and Certificate of Insurance, if the PRINCIPAL shall pay to OWNER the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said Bid and such larger amount for which the OWNER may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said Bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The SURETY, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said SURETY hereunder shall be in no way impaired or affected by any alteration or irregularities in the bid or in the bidding procedure or by any extension of time within which OWNER may accept such Bid, and does hereby waive notice of same. Dated this day of , 20_. (SURETY) (PRINCIPAL) By: By: Title: Title: (ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND POWER OF ATTORNEY TO BE ATTACHED) CORPORATE SEAL MUST BE AFFIXED IF PRINCIPAL IS A CORPORATION. E-1 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC NOTICE OF AWARD Date: Contractor Name Address RE: Dear Thank you for submitting a Bid for the Your firm submitted the most qualified Bid and you have been selected as the successful Contractor. Accordingly,this is your Notice of Award for the Enclosed please find an original and duplicate original Construction Contract. Please review and sign both, then, within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter, return both to me along with your certification of insurance, payment and performance bond, each in the full amount of the Contract Price, and appropriate powers of attorney. When dating the above documents, please make sure that all dates, on all documents, are the same and that the insurance policy reflects the requirements of the Contract Documents. Please return all of the documents at the same time, in the same envelope. Upon receipt of the signed Contracts, the Town will execute both and return one fully executed original to you. Should you have any questions,please call me at Sincerely, Project Manager E-2 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CONTRACT FORMS E-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT THIS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT is made and entered into this day of , 20_, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, a Colorado municipal corporation (the "Town"), and , a ("Contractor") (collectively the "Parties"). For the consideration described herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. Contractor shall perform the following described work (the "Work"), in accordance with this Contract and the Contract Documents, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: 2. Bonds. Within ten (10) days of the date of this Contract, Contractor shall provide the payment and performance bond and certificate of insurance required by the Contract Documents. 3. Commencement and Completion of Work. Contractor shall commence the Work within ten (10) days of date of the Notice to Proceed. Substantial Completion of the Work shall be accomplished by the day of , 20_,unless the period for completion is extended otherwise in accordance with the Contract Documents. Final Completion of the Work shall be accomplished within days of the date of Substantial Completion. 4. Compensation/Contract Price. The Town agrees to pay Contractor, subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, for the Work, an amount not to exceed ($ ). The Town shall pay Contractor in the manner and at such times as set forth in the Contract Documents. 5. Illegal Aliens. A. Certification. By entering into this Contract, Contractor hereby certifies that, at the time of this certification,it does not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien who will perform work under this Contract and that Contractor will participate in either the E-Verify Program administered by the United States Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration or the Department Program administered by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment in order to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment to perform work under this Construction Contract. B. Prohibited Acts. Contractor shall not: 1. Knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Contract; or E-4 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC 2. Enter into a contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify to Contractor that the subcontractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Contract. C. Verification. 1. If Contractor has employees, Contractor has confirmed or attempted to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment to perform work under this Construction Contract through participation in either the E-Verify Program or the Department Program. 2. Contractor shall not use the E-Verify or Department Program procedures to undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants while this Construction Contract is being performed. 3. If Contractor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Construction Contract knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien who is performing work under this Construction Contract, Contractor shall: a. Notify the subcontractor and the Town within three (3) days that Contractor has actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien who is performing work under this Construction Contract; and b. Terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three (3) days of receiving the notice required pursuant to subsection 1 hereof, the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the illegal alien who is performing work under the contract; except that Contractor shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during such three (3) days the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien who is performing work under this Construction Contract. D. Duty to Comply with Investigations. Contractor shall comply with any reasonable request by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment made in the course of an investigation conducted pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-17.5-102(5)(a) to ensure that Contractor is complying with the terms of this Construction Contract. E. Affidavits. If Contractor does not have employees, Contractor shall sign the attached "No Employee Affidavit." If Contractor wishes to verify the lawful presence of newly hired employees who perform work under this Construction Contract via the Department Program, Contractor shall sign the "Department Program Affidavit" attached hereto. 6. Governing Law and Venue. This Construction Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, and any legal action concerning the provisions hereof shall be brought in Eagle County, Colorado. E-5 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC 7. No Waiver. Delays in enforcement or the waiver of any one or more defaults or breaches of this Construction Contract by the Town shall not constitute a waiver of any of the other terms or obligation of this Construction Contract. 8. Inte_ arm. This Construction Contract and the Contract Documents constitute the entire agreement between Contractor and the Town, superseding all prior oral or written communications. 9. Third Parties. There are no intended third-party beneficiaries to this Construction Contract. 10. Notice. Any notice under this Construction Contract shall be in writing, and shall be deemed sufficient when directly presented or sent pre-paid, first class United States Mail, addressed to: The Town: Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Contractor: 11. Severability. If any provision of this Construction Contract is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Modification. This Construction Contract may only be modified upon written agreement of the Parties. 13. Assignment. Neither this Construction Contract nor any of the rights or obligations of the Parties hereto, shall be assigned by either parry without the written consent of the other. 14. Governmental Immunity. The Town, its officers, and its employees, are relying on, and do not waive or intend to waive by any provision of this Construction Contract, the monetary limitations (presently one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) per person and six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) per occurrence) or any other rights, immunities, and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. § 24-10-101, et seq., as amended, or otherwise available to the Town and its officers or employees. 15. Rights and Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Town under this Construction Contract are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. The expiration of this Construction Contract shall in no way limit the Town's legal or equitable remedies, or the period in which such remedies may be asserted, for work negligently or defectively performed. 16. Subject to Annual Appropriation. Consistent with Article X, § 20 of the Colorado Constitution, any financial obligation of the Town not performed during the current fiscal year E-6 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC are subject to annual appropriation, and thus any obligations of the Town hereunder shall extend only to monies currently appropriated and shall not constitute a mandatory charge, requirement or liability beyond the current fiscal year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Construction Contract has been executed by the Parties as of the date first above written. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stan Zemler,Town Manager ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CONTRACTOR By: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of 20_, by as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public E-7 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKWADAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC NO EMPLOYEE AFFIDAVIT [To be completed only if Contractor does not have any employees] I Check and complete one: ❑ I, am a sole proprietor doing business as I do not currently employ any individuals. Should I employ any individuals during the term of my Contract with the Town of Vail (the "Town"), I certify that I will comply with the lawful presence verification requirements outlined in that Contract. OR ❑ I, am the sole owner/member/shareholder of a [specify type of entity— i.e., corporation, limited liability company], that does not currently employ any individuals. Should I employ any individuals during the term of my Contract with the Town, I certify that I will comply with the lawful presence verification requirements outlined in that Contract. 2. Check one. ❑ I am a United States citizen or legal permanent resident. The Town must verb this statement by reviewing one of the following items: • A valid Colorado driver's license or a Colorado identification card; • A United States military card or a military dependent's identification card; • A United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card; • A Native American tribal document; • In the case of a resident of another state, the driver's license or state-issued identification card from the state of residence, if that state requires the applicant to prove lawful presence prior to the issuance of the identification card; • Any other documents or combination of documents listed in the Town's "Acceptable Documents for Lawful Presence Verification" chart that prove both the contractor's citizenship/lawful presence and identity. OR ❑ I am otherwise lawfully present in the United States pursuant to federal law. Contractor must verify this statement through the federal Systematic Alien Verification of Entitlement program, the "SAVE"program, and provide such verification to the Town. Signature Date E-8 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC DEPARTMENT PROGRAM AFFIDAVIT [To be completed if Contractor participates in the Department of Labor'Lawful Presence Verification Program] as a public contractor under contract with the Town of Vail(the "Town"),hereby affirm that: 1. I have examined or will examine the legal work status of all employees who are newly hired for employment to perform work under this public contract for services ("Contract") with the Town within twenty(20)days after such hiring date; 2. 1 have retained or will retain file copies of all documents required by 8 U.S.C. § 1324a,which verify the employment eligibility and identity of newly hired employees who perform work under this Contract; and 3. 1 have not and will not alter or falsify the identification documents for my newly hired employees who perform work under this Contract. Signature Date STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public E-9 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKYPARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKYLIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGMBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I, , being first duly sworn, state and affirm, under penalty of law, that I am familiar with the insurance coverages maintained by the Insured, , and the coverage requirements set forth in the foregoing Certificate of Insurance, that I have completed or caused to be completed and subsequently reviewed the foregoing Certificate of Insurance and that the information provided contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that the Town of Vail shall rely on the information provided. This information is provided for the Town of Vail, Project Name: By: Title: Agency: STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by , as of My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public J-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Firm) (Address) (an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation),hereinafter referred to as "the Principal", and (Firm) (Address) hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Vail, Colorado, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "the Owner", in the penal sum of Dollars in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Contract with the Owner, dated the day of 120 , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of the Work, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Owner, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty or warranty period, and shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all cost and damages which it may suffer by the Principal's failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the Owner all outlay and expense which the Owner may incur in making good any default, and make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the work provided for in such Contract, and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such work, and all insurance premiums on said work, and for all labor performed in such work, whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the Work or to the Specifications. J-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Principal shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder whose claim may be unsatisfied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in five (5) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original,this day of 920 ATTEST: PRINCIPAL By: By: Title: Title: Address: (Corporate Seal) SURETY ATTEST: Surety: By: By: Attorney-in-Fact: Title: Address: (Surety Seal) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract and Surety must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the Town. J-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC NOTICE TO PROCEED Date: Contractor Name Address RE: Dear This letter is your Notice to Proceed, effective as of the date cited below. This notice is in reference to the Construction Contract between you and the Town of Vail concerning the Please note that in accordance with the Construction Contract, Work must commence within ten (10) days of the date of this Notice, and all Work must be substantially completed within O days of the date of this Notice, which shall be the day of 20_, and finally completed within days of the date of this Notice,which shall be the day of , 20_. If you have any questions,please call me at Sincerely, Project Manager Date J-3 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CHANGE ORDER Date: Order No.: Base Contract Date: Name of Project: Lionshead Park Renovation Owner: Town of Vail,Vail,Colorado Contractor: The following changes are hereby made to the Contract Documents: Justification: Original Contract Price: $ Current Contract Price adjusted by previous Change Order(s): $ The Contract Price due to this Change Order will be increased/decreased by: $ The new Contract Price,including this Change Order,is: $ The Contract Time will be increased/decreased by calendar days. The date for completion of all Work will be (Date) If additional compensation is determined due Contractor under this Change Order, it shall be in full payment of all extra work and/or materials as set forth in the Change Order to the date of the Change Order, including compensation for all claims, direct or indirect, for the extended overhead and profit, and damages of any type whatsoever, including delay and impact damages. Any additional costs to Contractor resulting from delays caused by the Town shall be presumed to be included in this Change Order adjusted for time and price. APPROVALS REQUIRED: To be effective, this Change Order must be approved by the Town if it changes the scope or objective of the Contract,or as may otherwise be required by the General and Supplementary Conditions. Requested by: Date: Recommended by: Date: Ordered by: Date: Accepted by: Date: K-1 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACDPARKYLIONSHEAD PAW SUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSTROJECT MANUAL.DOC CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PAYMENT With reference to Contract Number dated 20 , between the undersigned Contractor and the Town of Vail, for: at Vail, Colorado Contractor hereby certifies that all costs, charges and expenses incurred by it on its behalf for work, labor, services, materials and equipment supplied to the foregoing premises, and/or used in connection with its Work under the Contract have been duly paid. Contractor further certifies that to its best knowledge and belief (based upon reasonable investigation) each of its subcontractors and material suppliers have duly paid all costs, charges and expenses incurred by them or on their behalf for work, labor, services, materials and equipment supplied to the foregoing premises and/or used by them in connection with Contractor's Work under the Contract. In consideration of dollars ($ ) representing final payment under the Contract, Contractor hereby releases and discharges the Town and the Town's property from all claims, liens and obligations of every nature arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Work. As additional consideration for the final payment, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, the undersigned indemnifies and holds the Town and its employees, officials, agents and representatives harmless from and against all costs, losses, damages, claims, causes of action, judgments and expenses arising out of or in connection with claims which may be asserted by Contractor or any suppliers, subcontractors of any tier or any of their representatives, officers, agents and employees for the costs, losses, damages, claims, causes of action, judgments and expenses and expenses that are attributable to the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of Contractor. The foregoing shall not relieve Contractor of its obligations under the provisions of the Contract as amended, which by their nature survive completion of the Work including without limitation warranties, guarantees and indemnities. Executed this day of , 20 . Contractor K-2 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Date: TO: Project Title: This is to advise you that substantial completion for the referenced Work has been obtained and that all substantially complete work and material has been found to be satisfactory, unless otherwise noted below. Therefore, the work is considered to be substantially complete in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and contract documents. In accordance with the Contract, all Warranty periods for substantially complete Work shall begin as of the date of this letter. Warranty periods for those portions of Work remaining incomplete, as noted below, shall begin upon Final Acceptance. Incomplete Work Remaining; TOWN OF VAIL By: Title: L-1 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE Date: TO: Project Title: This is to advise you that a final inspection of the referenced Work has been made and all work and material was found to be satisfactory. Therefore, the Work is considered to be complete in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and contract documents. In accordance with the Contract, all Warranty periods shall begin as of the date of this letter. TOWN OF VAIL By: Title: L-2 3/3/2013 S:(PUBLIC WORKSTARKS,REC,OPEN SPACEIPARKSILIONSHEAD PARKISUNDAIL PLAZA REDESIGNBID PROCESSIPROJECT MANUAL.DOC GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS PART 1. DEFINITIONS 1.01 BID All documents and information supplied by Contractor to bid on the Project, including the Bid Bond. 1.02 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The documents related to the Work, which are the property of the Town and are not to be used for any purpose not related to the Work without the prior written consent of the Town, including the following; A. Invitation to Bid; B. Instructions to Bidders; C. Bid Form(Including Bid Summary); D. Bid Schedule; E Measurement and Payment; F. Bidder's Qualification Statement; G. Construction Contract; H. General Conditions I. Supplemental Conditions; J. Technical Specifications; K. Construction Drawings; L. Certificate of Insurance Verification; M. Notice of Award; N. Notice to Proceed; O. Bid Bond; P. Payment and Performance Bond; Q. Certificate of Final Payment; R. Final Acceptance Form; S. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award; and T. Addenda as identified in the Bid Form and Construction Drawings. 1.03 CHANGE ORDER: A written order issued by the Town in the form of a Change Order, Construction Change Directive, or Amendment to the Contract after execution of the Contract authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time. Other written or verbal correspondence, including without limitation Requests For Information ("RFIs"), Submittals and e-mails do not constitute a Change Order or change or amendment to the Contract, or relieve Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. 1.04 TOWN: The Town of Vail, Colorado. 1.05 CONTRACT: The entire written agreement covering the performance of the Work described in the Contract Documents, including all Change Orders. 3 1.06 CONTRACT PRICE: The amount set forth in Paragraph 4 of the Construction Contract, as amended by Change Order. 1.07 CONTRACT TIME: The time for completion of the Work as set forth in Paragraph 3 of the Construction Contract. 1.08 DAY: Calendar day, unless otherwise specified. When the last day for the occurrence of an event falls on a Sunday or legal holiday as recognized by the Town, the time for performance shall be automatically extended to the next business day. 1.09 DRAWINGS: The graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents showing the design, location and dimensions of the Work and generally include plans, elevations, sections, details, diagrams, schedules, and quantities. 1.10 FINAL COMPLETION: The date as certified by the Project Manager when all of the Work is completed and final payment may be made. 1.11 MAJOR ITEM: Any item having a Bid value, determined by multiplying the Bid quantity by the unit Bid price, that exceeds ten percent(10%)of the original Contract Price. 1.12 PRODUCT DATA: Illustrations, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, brochures, diagrams and other information furnished by Contractor to illustrate materials or equipment for some portion of the Work. 1.13 PROJECT MANAGER: The Town's duly authorized representative in connection with the Work, or his or her designee. 1.14 SITE The physical location where the Work is being performed. 1.15 SPECIFICATIONS: The written requirements for materials, equipment, systems, standards of workmanship, and performance of the Work. 1.16 SUBCONTRACTOR: Any person, firm or corporation with a direct contract with Contractor who acts for or in behalf of Contractor in executing any part of the Contract, excluding one who merely furnishes material. 1.17 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: The date as certified by the Project Manager when the Town occupies or takes possession of all or substantially all of the Work, or when the Town may occupy or take possession of all or substantially all of the Work and put it to beneficial use for its intended purposes. 4 1.18 WORK: All the work specified, indicated, shown or contemplated in the Contract Documents, including all alterations, amendments or extensions thereto made by supplemental agreements or Change Orders. PART 2. TIME 2.01 TIME OF THE ESSENCE: All times stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence. 2.02 TIMING OF WORK: A. General: Subject to the restrictions set forth in this Section, the Project shall be completed within the following timeframe: Spring Construction Period: April 15 through June 27, 2013 Fall Construction Period: September 3 through November 15, 2013 Substantial Completion shall be achieved by November 8, 2013 Final Completion shall be achieved by Friday,November 15, 2013 See the Project Phasing, Scheduling and Milestones in the Supplemental Conditions. B. Exceptions. The Project schedule shall be further limited to periods and corresponding types of activity as listed below: At this time, there are no special events anticipated to impact construction scheduling for this project. The Lionshead Art Festival begins on June 28th. Some coordination with construction wrap up and site cleanup could be required. 2.03 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: A. When Contractor considers the Work ready for its intended use, Contractor shall certify to the Town, in writing, that the Work is substantially complete. The certification shall include a punch list of items to be completed or corrected prior to final acceptance. B. If the Project Manager considers the Work to be substantially complete, the Project Manager will issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. 2.04 FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Upon written notice from Contractor that the Work is complete, the Town will make a final inspection and notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiencies within a timeframe and schedule approved by the Project Manager. After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of the Project Manager and as required by the Contract Documents, the Town shall issue a certificate of Final Acceptance. 2.05 CHANGES IN THE WORK: A. The Town reserves the right to order changes in the Work, in the nature of additions, deletions or modifications, without invalidating the Contract, and to make corresponding adjustments in the Contract Price and the Contract Time. All changes shall be authorized by a written Change Order signed by the Project Manager. The Change Order shall include appropriate changes in the Contract Documents and the Contract Time. The Work shall be changed and the Contract Price and Contract Time modified only as set forth in the written Change Order. Any 5 adjustment in the Contract Price resulting in a credit or a charge to the Town shall be determined by mutual agreement of the parties before the Work set forth in the Change Order is commenced. If a Change Order results in an increase in the Contract Price, approval of the Town shall be required, and if such approval is not obtained, the Town shall have no payment obligation regardless of whether the Work pursuant to the Change Order has been performed. B. Execution of a Change Order shall constitute a final settlement of all matters relating to the change in the Work, including any and all claims and adjustments to the Contract Price and Construction Schedule. 2.06 DELAYS: A. If Contractor is delayed in the progress of the Work by fire, unusual delay in transportation, unanticipated adverse weather conditions, or other unavoidable casualties beyond Contractor's control other than unanticipated adverse weather conditions, the Contract Time shall be extended for a reasonable period of time. Reasonable "Unanticipated adverse weather conditions" extensions shall be granted only when such conditions are more severe than the monthly average temperatures and/or precipitation recorded in Vail, as provided for at hl�2://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi- bin/cliMAM.pl?covail. As these average weather conditions are to be anticipated during construction, and that reasonable extensions may be granted for any monthly adverse conditions, so will reasonable accelerations be expected to be given to the Town for monthly weather conditions that are more favorable than the provided averages. B. Any request for extension of the Contract Time shall be made in writing to the Project Manager not more than seven (7) days after commencement of the delay; otherwise it shall be waived. Any such request shall contain an estimate of the probable effect of such delay on the progress of the Work. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Contract Price, or to damages, or to additional compensation as a consequence of any such delays. D. If Contractor falls behind the Town-approved schedule, Contractor at its own expense shall take all necessary extraordinary measures to accelerate the current progress of the Work to meet the Town-approved schedule. 2.07 NO DAMAGES FOR DELAY: In strict accordance with C.R.S. § 24-91-103.5, the Town shall not amend the Contract Price to provide for additional compensation for any delays in performance which are not the result of acts or omissions of the Town or persons acting on behalf of the Town. PART 3. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.01 COMPLETION/SUPERVISION OF WORK: A. Contractor shall be responsible for completion of all Work in a timely and workmanlike manner in accordance with the terms and specifications of the Contract Documents, including the techniques, sequences, procedures and means. Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination of all Work. Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work and give it all attention necessary for proper supervision and direction. Contractor shall maintain a supervisor on Site at all times when Contractor or any subcontractor is performing Work. The Town and its representatives are not responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 6 B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to be complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all; and that the Work shall be at Final Completion a complete, operational and functional project and provide the intended or specified performance. Contractor shall provide all incidental items and parts necessary to achieve this intent. C. The Project Manager, architects, engineers, consultants, and artists will visit the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Project Manager is not required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. The Project Manager is authorized to reject Work which is defective, and to require special inspection or testing of the Work, whether the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. D. Contractor shall employ at all times a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without prior written notice to the Project Manager. Such superintendent shall be capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Plans and Specifications and shall be able to communicate with the Project Manager. The superintendent shall have full authority to execute the Work specified in the Contract Documents without delay and promptly to supply materials, tools, plant equipment and labor as may be required to perform such Work. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communications given to the superintendent shall be as if given to Contractor. If the superintendent is not present, the Project may be shut down. E. Contractor acknowledges that it has not acted or relied upon any express or implied representation or warranty of the Project Manager or representative of the Town. F. Unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager, Contractor shall provide all normal maintenance on all items of the Work through Substantial Completion. 3.02 COORDINATION,INSPECTIONS AND TESTING: A. Town-provided Documents. Contractor shall be furnished, free of charge, an electronic set of the Contract Documents in .pdf format. The Town shall also provide one electronic (in .pdf format) of each report and test of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the Site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Contractor shall inspect all Contract Documents, tests and reports, including soil tests, materials tests and engineering tests, if applicable, and shall conduct a Site or field review prior to executing the Contract. Contractor assumes the risk of all conditions which are disclosed, or which are reasonably suggested by any such tests or reports, or which would be disclosed by a field or Site review. Contractor shall have the affirmative duty to advise the Town of any concerns which Contractor may have regarding construction conditions prior to executing the Contract. Contractor shall be responsible for all additional geotechnical investigations necessary to perform the Work. B. Easements. Contractor shall identify any and all necessary easements for construction and maintenance of the Work. C. Coordination of Inspections. Contractor shall coordinate its construction schedule with all testing agencies and the Town so that key inspection points may be observed. If Contractor fails to provide reasonably adequate notice or proceeds without the required inspection, the subject Work shall be re-exposed or redone in its entirety, while the inspector is present. No extra compensation shall be awarded to Contractor for extra Work due to Contractor's failure to coordinate inspections 7 with the testing agency or the Town. All costs associated with Contractor's failure to coordinate inspections shall be borne by Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating, requesting, receiving, documenting, and passing all required Inspections from/for all regulatory agencies that are related to the Work. E. Construction Inspections. Contractor shall perform construction inspections. Contractor shall attend any pre-construction meeting(s) and be available to provide technical assistance during the course of construction as necessary. Contractor shall provide Site visits and reviews upon request from the Town during the construction phase to ensure compliance with the intent of the plans and to resolve any potential conflicts. Contractor shall provide a written summary after each Site visit. F. Final Inspection. Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling the final inspection with the Town. G. Quality Control Testing. Contractor shall be responsible for contracting for, providing payment for, and performing all necessary Quality Control materials testing necessary to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and by applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations. Frequency of testing shall be as necessary to comply with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall provide timely notice to the Project Manager so that the Project Manager may be present. Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with copies of all materials testing reports. In addition to the materials testing performed by Contractor, the Town may conduct Quality Assurance testing in its own discretion. H. Coordination of Subcontractors. Contractor shall coordinate all Subcontractors to complete the Work. Weekly Subcontractor meetings shall be held by Contractor, and the Project Manager shall be notified of these weekly meetings and provided the recorded minutes from these meetings. I. Coordination Drawings. To allow Contractor to coordinate the installation of Contractor and Subcontractor work, some Drawings are shown schematically. Typical schematic Drawings may include without limitation mechanical, electrical, plumbing and special systems installations, showing schematic installations of pipes, conduits, ductwork, wiring, and equipment. Contractor shall coordinate the installation of this Work and submit Coordination Drawings in accordance with the Contract Documents showing exact locations of all installations, prior to installation. Coordination Drawings shall be provided as a submittal to the Project Manager. Any conflicts within the Coordination Drawings or with the Contract Documents shall be brought to the attention of the Project Manager immediately for resolution prior to installation. 2. Pre-Installation Meetings. Contractor shall coordinate Pre-Installation Meetings in accordance with the Contract Documents and the Project Manager shall be notified of the pre-installation meetings. 3. Failure to Coordinate Subcontractors. No extra compensation shall be awarded to Contractor for extra Work due to Contractor's failure to coordinate Subcontractors, Coordination Drawings, and pre-installation meetings. All costs associated with Contractor's failure to coordinate shall be borne by Contractor. 8 3.03 FURNISHING OF LABOR AND MATERIALS: A. Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials and equipment, including: tools; construction equipment and machinery; utilities, including water; transportation; and all other facilities and services necessary for the proper completion of the Work. B. In all purchases of supplies, materials and provisions to be incorporated or otherwise used by Contractor in the Work, Contractor shall use supplies, materials and provisions produced, manufactured or grown in Colorado if such supplies, materials and provisions are not of inferior quality to those offered by competitors outside of Colorado. C. While engaged in the performance of the Work, Contractor shall maintain employment practices that do not violate the provisions of the Colorado Antidiscrimination Act of 1957, C.R.S. § 24-34-301, et seq., as amended. 3.04 PHOTO AND VIDEO DOCUMENTATION: A. Video. Contractor shall provide the Town with a video of the entire Site, including all adjacent areas, prior to beginning the Work, at Contractor's own expense. The copy provided to the Town shall become the property of the Town. Existing conditions shall be documented. The video shall be time and date stamped. B. Photography. Contractor shall provide the following color photography in printed and electronic .jpg format unless otherwise approved by the Project Manager: Printed color photos , 4"x 6"; and electronic photos at a resolution for clear visibility of the pictures intent within the size range of 0.5 MB and 1.5 MB, unless otherwise required or approved by the Project Manager. Photos shall include pre-existing photo documentation prior to the start of Work, progress photo documentation at all stages of the Work documenting progress of Work for each day, encountered conflicts and issues, discovery, and final photo documentation showing the completed Work. Photos shall be organized and ordered by date, and time and date stamped. 3.05 EMPLOYEES AND SAFETY: A. Contractor shall maintain at all times strict discipline of its employees, and Contractor shall not employ on the Work any person unfit or without sufficient knowledge, skill, and experience to perform properly the job for which the employee was hired. B. Contractor shall be responsible to the Town for the acts, negligence and omissions of all direct and indirect employees and Subcontractors. The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Town. C. Contractor shall provide for and oversee all safety orders and precautions necessary for the safe performance of the Work. Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of all employees and others whom the Work might affect, all work and materials incorporated into the Work, and all property and improvements on the Site and adjacent property. D. Catcalling or harassment of any persons in or adjacent to the Site by Contractor's workforce will not be tolerated. Any incidents shall result in immediate dismissal of the individual(s) involved. 3.06 SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY WORK: A. Work shall normally not be performed on Saturdays, Sundays, observed holidays, or outside of the daytime working hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., or as indicated on the construction schedule. Lane closures are restricted to normal working hours on streets, except for such Work as may be 9 necessary for proper care, maintenance, and protection of Work already completed, or in cases where the Work would be endangered or if hazards to life or property would result. B. If Contractor believes it necessary to work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or at night, Contractor shall make prior arrangements with the Town and receive written approval at least forty- eight(48) hours before such time so that inspection and engineering services can be provided. Such approval may be revoked by the Town if Contractor fails to maintain adequate equipment and lighting at night for the proper prosecution, control, and inspection of the Work. If Work is performed without the Town's prior approval, and as a result the Town had not assigned inspectors to the Work, the Town may declare Work performed during this period of time defective, solely on the grounds that it was not properly inspected. C. Any Work performed on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday, or night shall be at Contractor's risk in terms of extra costs, extra Work, or unforeseen conditions. 3.07 TEMPORARY FENCING AND BARRICADES: A. General. Contractor shall provide temporary fencing and barricades as necessary to complete the Work and shall be included in the contract price, unless otherwise specified. B. Materials. Fences and barriers may be new or used, but shall be suitable for intended purpose, structurally adequate and neat in appearance, and shall be maintained in such manner for the duration of the Project. C. Barrier Fencing. Barrier fencing may be used when approved by the Project Manager for short duration Work areas. The Town has approximately fifty (50) eight-foot (8) barrier fences available for use by Contractor. If Contractor elects to use this fencing, Contractor shall be responsible for replacement of any damaged fencing. The Town has the right to withhold portions of final payment if the barrier fencing borrowed from the Town is not returned in its original condition. 1. Barrier fencing shall be free standing steel pedestrian barricades with a minimum height of 4'-0" and able to withstand a wind load of eighty (80) m.p.h. Barrier fencing is the preferred method of delineation between pedestrians and construction in the pedestrian Village and mall areas. The intent is to provide a barrier without restricting the openness of the Village and mall areas to maintain the appearance that the Village and mall areas are open to our guests. 2. Traffic cones and barrier tape shall only be allowed as a temporary barriers and restricted to durations of four (4) hours or less. Contractor shall use Banner Guard, imprinted with "CAUTION: CONSTRUCTION AREA", or an approved equal. 3. Where required or as directed by the Project Manager, Contractor shall provide adequate plywood construction barrier fencing to enclose partially completed areas of construction that pose a safety hazard to the public. Where necessary there shall be a lockable entrance. 4. Barrier fencing may be removed only upon approval of the Project Manager. D. Portable Chain Link Fencing. Portable chain link fencing shall be used to enclose and protect the Site as needed for the duration of the Project. Portable chain link fencing shall be open mesh, 6 feet in height, with top and bottom rails, with green screen coverings unless safety or sight distances for pedestrians and/or vehicles is impaired, and lockable gates. Posts shall be 10 spaced a maximum of 8 feet on center, and be equipped with cross bar bases for stability. Bases shall be weighed down with sandbags if required. E. Barricades, Warning Signs and Lights. 1. Contractor shall erect and maintain barricades, lights, danger signals, and warning signs in accordance with ANSI D6.1 and the approved Traffic Control Plan, and where applicable the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, including State of Colorado supplements. 2. Contractor shall adequately barricade and post all open cuts in the project area. Illuminate barricades and obstructions at night; keep safety lights burning from sunset to sunrise. 3. Contractor shall use street plates over open cuts and position excavation equipment to minimize any open trenches. 4. Contractor shall install barrier tape where necessary, and keep a minimum of two rolls on Site at all times. 5. Contractor shall cover pipes, hoses, and power lines crossing sidewalks and walkways with troughs using beveled edge boards. 6. Contractor shall remove barriers no longer needed upon approval by the Project Manager. 3.08 TEMPORARY PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS AND ACCESS: Contractor shall provide temporary walkways and ramps, in compliance with the Traffic Control Plan, that are constructed of wood, asphalt, or other reasonable material, and signed to provide safe access to businesses and residences during the Project. Walkways shall be a minimum of six feet(6') in width, and comply with ADA requirements. 3.09 SIGNAGE: Temporary informational and directional signs shall be provided as necessary to redirect pedestrians and vehicles and be mounted for easy reading. 3.10 PRIVATE PROPERTY: Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without first obtaining permission, and Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of all public and private property, trees, fences, monuments and underground structures on and adjacent to the Site and shall use every precaution necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto. Property damaged by Contractor shall be, at Contractor's expense, repaired or replaced and left in as good condition as found. 3.11 DAMAGE DUE TO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: Contractor shall take all necessary steps to protect the Site from vandalism,theft, and other criminal activity. Contractor shall be solely responsible to repair any damage caused by vandalism, including the removal of graffiti, at Contractor's own cost. The Contract Price shall not be increased to reimburse Contractor for such costs. 11 3.12 CLEANUP AND DUST CONTROL: A. Contractor shall keep the Site and adjoining ways free of waste material and rubbish caused by its employees or subcontractors. Contractor shall also keep the Site clear and free of all weather impediments (i.e. snow, hail, ice and water) as necessary to complete the Work. Contractor shall remove all such waste material,rubbish, and impediments daily during construction, together with all tools, equipment, machinery and surplus materials. Each day, Contractor shall establish and enforce a daily system for collecting and disposing of waste materials from the Site. Hauling of debris to a legal dump or landfill is required at least weekly. Contractor shall take measures to prevent spread of waste materials off the Site by wind. B. Contractor shall provide suitable trash containers at a central collection point on the Site. Burning or burying of waste materials is prohibited. Disposal of volatile fluids and wastes in storm sewers, sanitary sewers, septic systems, or into streams or waterways is prohibited. Hazardous materials shall be immediately removed from the Site, and all volatile wastes shall be kept in covered containers. Contractor shall recycle as much as possible. All excavated material shall be used as soon as possible. Waste concrete shall be removed from the Site and legally disposed of by masonry and concrete installers. C. Contractor shall use measures to prevent and control dust within the area affected by the Work. D. At completion of the Work, Contractor shall remove from and about the Site all Work- related materials, equipment, machinery, tools, fencing, waste, and rubbish, and Contractor shall also conduct general cleanup operations on adjacent properties which were disturbed by the Work. E. If Contractor fails to perform the cleanup or dust control required by this Section, after written notice, the Town may cause the cleanup to be performed at Contractor's expense. Upon receipt of a statement for such cleanup, Contractor shall pay to the Town the costs incurred by the Town for such cleanup, or the Town shall have the right to withhold said amount from any payment due to Contractor. F. If a dispute arises among Contractor, others performing Work at the Site and the Town as to the responsibility under their respective contracts for maintaining the Site and surrounding area free from waste materials and rubbish, the Town may clean up and may back charge proportionate costs to each of the involved parties. 3.13 SANITARY FACILITIES: A. Sanitary facilities for the use of all persons employed on the Project,properly screened from public observation, shall be provided in sufficient numbers and in such a manner and at such points as approved by the Town. The contents shall be removed and disposed of in a satisfactory manner. B. The sanitary conveniences specified above shall be the obligation and responsibility of Contractor. The facilities shall be made available to all other contractors, subcontractors, and inspection personnel in the Site. C. Contractor shall supply sufficient drinking water from approved sources to all of its employees. D. Full compensation for compliance with this Section is included in the Contract Price, and no additional compensation shall be provided. 3.14 PROTECTION OF WORK: 12 A. General. Contractor shall obtain the advice and recommendations of subcontractors for procedures to protect their Work. When the subcontractor is no longer working in an area, Contractor shall provide protective measures and materials to ensure that each element will be protected from damage or deterioration until Final Acceptance. B. Cold Weather Protection. Contractor shall provide temporary heat or blanket heating required by construction activities, for curing or drying of completed Work or protection of installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Contractor shall provide freeze protection for all temporary water service piping. C. Existing Trees and Vegetation. Contractor shall protect existing trees and other vegetation to remain in place, against damage to roots, trunks or branches, and fence or guard areas not to be disturbed. Contractor shall not stockpile materials within drip line. D. Environmental Protection. Contractor shall conduct the Work to comply with environmental regulations, and minimize the possibility that air, waterways and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted 3.15 CONSTRUCTION STAGING: All construction staging areas shall be located within the Site. The boundaries of construction staging areas shall be approved by the Town. Construction staging areas shall be used for material storage and parking for equipment. NO employee vehicles will be allowed to park in this site. A construction trailer shall not be required,but may be used if the location of the trailer is approved by the Town. Upon Final Completion, all staging areas shall be clean and restored to their original condition. No additional compensation shall be provided to Contractor for cleaning of construction staging areas. 3.16 PAYMENT OF ROYALTIES AND LICENSE FEES: Contractor agrees to pay all royalties and license fees necessary for the Work, and to defend against all actions for infringement of copyright or patent rights, and to save and hold the Town harmless from such actions. 3.17 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS: A. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders in any manner relating to the Work, including without limitation the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, CDOT Specifications, AASHTO Specifications, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. If any provision of the Contract Documents is at variance therewith, Contractor shall notify the Project Manager promptly. B. In case of any discrepancy between any of the requirements set forth in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, CDOT Specifications, AASHTO Specifications, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code, Americans with Disabilities Act, and these Contract Documents, the more stringent requirement shall apply. If any questions arise as to which requirement is more stringent than another, the Project Manager shall be authorized to determine which is more stringent, and the Project Manager's decision shall be final. C. Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to reduce noise pollution from construction operations and to be in compliance with the Town's noise ordinance. 13 3.18 SUBCONTRACTORS: A. Contractor shall furnish to the Project Manager at the time the Construction Contract is executed, a list of names of subcontractors to whom Contractor proposes to award the portions of the Work to be subcontracted by Contractor. B. Contractor shall not employ a subcontractor to whose employment the Town reasonably objects, nor shall Contractor be required to hire a subcontractor to whose employment Contractor reasonably objects. C. All Work performed by subcontractors shall be performed under a written contract between Contractor and subcontractor that conforms to the provisions of the Contract Documents, and shall incorporate the relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. 3.19 CORRECTIVE WORK: When any Work does not conform to the Contract Documents, Contractor shall make the necessary corrections so that the Work will so conform. Such corrections shall be accomplished within the time period approved by the Project Manager. Failure to complete such required corrections within the time period required shall constitute a breach of the Contract. 3.20 TAXES,LICENSES AND PERMITS: A. Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the Work. The obtaining of all permits and licenses shall be coordinated with the schedule so as to not delay the Work. The Town shall pay all costs of permits and licenses obtained from the Town, but all such permits and licenses shall be obtained and all typical procedures shall be followed. B. This Project is exempt from state and local sales tax (98-02395). C. Contractor and all subcontractors shall be registered in the Town, and shall obtain and pay for contractor's registration at the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657. 3.21 SURVEYING: A. The Town will furnish surveys describing physical characteristics, and legal limitations for the Project, and a legal description of the Site. The Town will provide base datum, including control points for reference. Contractor shall check all Town-established control points, and verify and document their accuracy prior to using them for surveying control. Contractor shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of the Town. Contractor shall report to the Project Manager when any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. B. Contractor shall perform all necessary construction surveying and staking. The required surveying shall consist of the office preparation, construction surveying, calculating, drafting, and staking necessary for of all elements of the Project. Layout of Site elements will be accomplished either by means of coordinates or traditional baseline method or a combination of both. Contractor shall furnish all personnel, materials, traffic control, and incidentals necessary to perform the required construction surveying. C. All surveying equipment, including Electronic Distance Meters ("EDMs"), tapes, tribrachs, theodolites, total stations, GPS receivers and levels shall be calibrated prior to the start 14 of Work. EDMs, total stations, and GPS receivers shall be checked on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration("NOAA") calibrated baseline. Equipment calibration accuracy and adjustments made to meet requirements specified in the CDOT Survey Manual shall be documented. D. The surveying shall be done under the supervision of a Professional Land Surveyor ("P.L.S.") who is experienced and competent in construction surveying and registered in the State of Colorado. Referencing, setting and restoring land monuments and the determination of property lines shall comply with Section 629 of the CDOT specifications. The P.L.S. shall be available to review Work, resolve problems and make decisions in a timely manner. E. Contractor shall: 1. Establish horizontal and vertical control for the Project; 2. Provide all construction surveying for line and grade; 3. Working from lines and levels established by the property survey, establish and maintain benchmarks and other dependable markers to set the lines and levels for the Work and elsewhere on the Site as needed to properly locate every element of the Work; 4. As construction proceeds, check every major element for line, level and plumb; 5. Calculate and measure required dimensions as shown within recognized tolerances; 6. Advise entities engaged in construction activities of the marked lines and levels provided for use; 7. Establish all necessary benchmarks on Site for layout and grading based on the control points shown on the plans; and 8. Locate and lay out Site improvements, including pavements, paver patterns, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility line gradients and elevations, invert, planters, irrigation lines, and other features by instrumentation and similar appropriate means. F. For layout procedures, Contractor shall: 1. Verify layout information shown on the Drawings in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks,before proceeding with the layout; 2. Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points; 3. Preserve permanent reference points during construction; 4. Refrain from changing benchmarks or control points without prior written approval; 5. Promptly report lost or destroyed reference points, or requirements to relocate reference points because of necessary changes in grades or locations; 6. Promptly replace lost or destroyed Project control points; 7. Base replacements on the original survey control points; and 8. Establish and maintain a minimum of two temporary benchmarks on the Site, referencing data established by survey control points. 15 G. A Pre-survey Conference shall be held prior to performing any surveying. The Project Manager, Contractor's Superintendent and the P.L.S. shall attend. A surveying schedule shall be submitted to the Project Manager prior to the conference. Acceptable staking placement intervals for the various construction survey control operations shall be reviewed by the Project Manager at the Pre-Survey Conference. H. Accuracy of surveys and survey tolerances shall be as specified in the CDOT Survey Manual. I. All changes in lines and grades required by field conditions and all discrepancies in grades, alignment, location or dimensions detected by Contractor shall be immediately submitted to the Project Manager in writing and documented. J. At Substantial Completion, Contractor shall supply the Project Manager with a digital file of as-built survey information of all installed and discovered Site and utility improvements including all primary and secondary services for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, electrical, snowmelt and fountain mechanical systems, utility trenches and vaults, irrigation systems, telecommunications and fiber optics (cable and telephone) and all conduit connections. This does not relieve Contractor from providing other as-built information. The as-built survey shall be provided in AutoCAD 2004 or newer version, unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager. 3.22 UTILITIES A. The Work shall be coordinated with all impacted utility companies, districts, associations, agencies, and residents located near the Site. Contractor shall conduct the coordination meeting and provide summary minutes. B. Contractor shall determine the actual location of all existing utilities prior to starting any Work. Contractor shall contact utility companies for field locations prior to the start of Construction Work, and shall contact all utilities at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to beginning excavation or grading. If the exact location and depth of existing underground utilities are unknown, Contractor shall perform all necessary exploratory excavation to locate these facilities which may affect the Work prior to beginning construction. Contractor shall obtain required locates and Contractor shall include the information on the plans. Contractor shall resolve any utility discrepancies. Contractor shall be liable for all damage done to existing utilities in the performance of the Work. C. If Contractor requests that utility companies relocate utilities for Contractor's convenience, such relocation shall be at Contractor's expense. D. The time of performance under the Contract shall not be extended to account for repair of utilities which are damaged by Contractor. E. Contractor shall engage the appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service, and arrange with the company for a time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary service. F. Contractor shall maintain utility services (including water, gas, sewer, cable, electric, and telephone) to all abutting property. Any interruptions and the duration of the interruption shall be approved by the Project Manager at least five (5) days prior to interruption. All combined utility interruptions shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) hours per day with any single utility service interrupted for a maximum of four (4) hours per day. Contractor shall endeavor to best coordinate the utility disruptions with the impacted businesses and residents. Contractor shall coordinate all disruptions in all utilities with all Town departments, emergency service entities 16 including the Fire Department, Police Department, Vail Dispatch, alarm companies, and Village businesses and residents. G. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at its own expense, an adequate supply of water and electricity required for the Work. Contractor shall install and maintain supply connections and lines satisfactory to the Project Manager, and prior to Final Completion, Contractor shall remove the supply lines at its expense. 3.23 WATER CONTROL: A. Contractor shall take such precautions as necessary to construct the Work in a dry condition, and Contractor shall provide for drainage, dewatering, and control of all surface and subsurface water and shall erect any necessary temporary structures or other facilities at its own expense. B. Contractor, at its own expense, shall furnish all necessary equipment and materials required to control the surface and subsurface water in all the areas from the commencement of Work through Final Completion. C. Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing, transporting, and installing all materials and equipment,well points,pumping, channelization, diversion, damming, or other means of controlling surface water and ground waters. D. At least ten (10) days prior to the first anticipated date of discharge, Contractor shall obtain a Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity Permit from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ("CDPHE). The Owner has prepared a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) for this project which may be obtained on the Sharefile website. The Contractor, at its discretion, may use this SWMP, prepare one itself, or edit this one for use in obtaining the Permit. E. At least thirty (30) days prior to the first anticipated date of dewatering discharge, Contractor shall obtain a Construction Dewatering Permit from the CDPHE. 3.24 EROSION CONTROL: A. An Erosion Control Plan has been created and is part of the Drawing package. Contractor shall update as needed and ensure that it includes Site specific details showing the type, location, and quantity of BMP's to be used. The erosion/sediment control plan shall be designed to prevent sediment from leaving the construction area, and shall comply with all applicable law, including without limitation the Urban Drainage and Flood Control "Erosion Control Manual." Special attention shall be given to prevent sediment from entering into any wetland area. The Project Manager may direct Contractor to modify the erosion and sediment control plan during construction as conditions warrant. B. Contractor shall furnish, install, clean, and maintain all erosion control measures during the Work and vegetation establishment, and remove and dispose of all erosion control measures upon completion of the Work. C. Contractor shall clean any soil, dirt, or debris tracked onto any adjacent streets. Within two (2) hours of notification by the Town that any adjacent streets require cleaning, Contractor shall clean such streets or the Town may have the streets cleaned and deduct the cost of such cleaning from the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall assign an employee to serve as the Erosion Control Supervisor (ECS). The ECS shall be experienced in all aspects of construction and have satisfactorily completed an ECS training program authorized by the State of Colorado. Proof that this requirement has been 17 met shall be submitted to the Project Manager at least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of any Work. A list of authorized ECS training programs will be provided by the Project Manager upon request. E. Riprap for check dam shall be 4-6" angular rock. All other materials, including bales, silt bags, and sediment fencing shall be designated on the erosion and sediment control plan. F. Contractor shall remove sediment from upstream of check dams, silt fence and sediment traps on an as needed basis as determined by the Project Manager. Sediment removed shall be disposed of by Contractor. G. The erosion and sediment control features shall be installed prior to clearing and grubbing and shall remain in place throughout construction. Contractor shall clean sediment deposited at the check dams during the Work, and that material shall be removed and disposed of by Contractor. H. Contractor shall provide mud traps, rugs, or other features to prevent the tracking of dirt and mud into businesses and residences. I. All erosion control materials shall be removed upon completion of the Project. 3.25 TRAFFIC CONTROL: A. At the Pre-construction Conference, Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of a Traffic Control Plan for review by the Town. The Traffic Control Plan shall discuss all requirements of this Section. B. Contractor shall furnish all necessary flagpersons; erect and maintain warning lights, advance warning signs, detour signs, barricades, temporary fence, and sufficient safeguards around all excavations, embankments, obstructions; and perform any other Work necessary for the protection of all Work being performed, and for the safety of the public and pedestrian traffic, as well as motor vehicles. All signs and barricades shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. C. Contractor shall at all times take proper precautions for the protection of and replacement or restoration of landscaping, driveway culverts, street intersection culverts or aprons, irrigation crossings and systems, mailboxes, driveway approaches, signs, existing utilities, and all other public and private installations that may be encountered during the Work. D. No driveway or private alley shall be blocked without prior written permission from the resident who would be affected by such blocking, with a copy to the Town. E. No road shall be closed at any time. F. Contractor shall advise the Police Department, school districts, trash services, and homeowners of any lane closures,including dates and times. G. It is anticipated that a large number of employees will use automobiles for transportation to and from the Site. It shall be Contractor's responsibility to: maintain, protect, and control traffic in the vicinity of and in the Site; restrict parking on streets near the Site; and provide necessary parking areas for all employees in suitable locations as approved by the Town. H. Contractor shall be limited to existing roadways and streets for access to the Project. All construction related equipment, material handling, and deliveries shall access the project site by means identified by the Project Manager. 1. Contractor shall keep clean and free from debris all access roads and streets at all times. This includes hauled materials and supplies, rubbish and engine fluids. 18 2. Contractor is strongly encouraged to use diapers on all vehicles to prevent engine and other fluid spills on the streets and roadways. 3. All spills of engine and other fluids on the streets and roadways shall be cleaned by Contractor promptly. I. Parking for construction equipment shall be set forth in the Traffic Control Plan. J. Employees of Contractor and subcontractors shall park their personal vehicles in designated area. Vanpooling from designated park and ride sites is encouraged. No parking fees will be waived for this Project. K. Parking of any vehicle or equipment is not permitted within the Site that has not been approved in the Traffic Control Plan. L. All Town bus stops shall be maintained and free of construction activity to allow for public use and through bus traffic. If a bus stop or bus stop area must be under construction, a temporary bus stop, including Town benches, trash receptacles and bus stop sign post, shall be located within one hundred feet (100) of the existing bus stop and be maintained for the duration of the Work. The bus stop location shall be approved by the Project Manager. Bus Shelters need not be relocated or constructed unless specifically noted in the Contract Documents. 3.26 INSTALLATION: A. Contractor shall ensure that the subcontractor of each element of the Work examines the conditions of the substrate to receive the Work, dimensions and spaces adjacent, tolerances, interfacing with other elements and services, and the conditions under which the Work will be performed. Contractor shall require each subcontractor to notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper or timely completion of the Work, and ensure that they do not proceed with the Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the subcontractor. B. Contractor shall inspect materials prior to installation, and reject damaged and defective items. Contractor shall re-check measurements and dimensions before starting each installation. C. Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations, if those instructions and recommendations are more explicit or stringent than requirements contained in Contract Documents. D. Contractor shall provide attachment and connection devices and methods necessary for securing Work. Work shall be secured true to line and level, allowing for expansion and building movement. E. Contractor shall install each component during weather conditions that will ensure the best possible results for quality and the Project schedule. Completed Work shall be isolated from incompatible materials as necessary to prevent deterioration. F.: Contractor shall provide uniform joint widths in exposed Work, and arrange joints in exposed Work to obtain the best visual effect. Contractor shall refer questionable choices to the Project Manager for final decision. G. Where mounting heights are not indicated, Contractor shall install individual components at standard mounting heights recognized within the industry for the particular application indicated. Contractor shall refer questionable mounting height decisions to the Project Manager for final decision. 19 H. The Contract Documents are diagrammatic, showing certain physical relationships of the various elements and systems and their interfacing with other elements and systems. Establishment and coordination of these relationships is the exclusive responsibility of Contractor. Drawings shall not be scaled. Contractor shall lay out and arrange all elements to contribute to safety, efficiency and to carry the harmony of design throughout the Work. In case of conflict or un-dimensioned locations, Contractor shall verify required positioning with the Project Manager. I. Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting, patching, and repairing damage as a result of completing the Work or making its parts fit together properly. 3.27 COMMUNICATION: A. Contractor shall direct all communications to the Town regarding the Work to the attention of the Project Manager. B. Contractor shall have at the Site at all times as its agent, a competent superintendent capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Contract Documents and being thoroughly experienced in the type of Work being performed. C. Progress reports and progress/manpower schedules shall be updated and submitted to the Project Manager on a weekly basis, or at such other times as the Project Manager may request. Contractor shall also forward to the Project Manager, at the end of each month, an itemized report of the delivery status of major and critical items of purchased equipment and material, including Drawings and the status of shop and field fabricated Work. If the completion of any part of the Work or the delivery of materials is behind the approved schedule, Contractor shall submit a plan acceptable to the Project Manager for bringing the Work up to schedule. The Town shall have the right to withhold progress payments for the Work if Contractor fails to update and submit the progress/manpower schedule and reports as specified. Any changes to the approved schedule shall be reviewed and approved by the Town. 3.28 MEETINGS, SCHEDULES AND COORDINATION: A. General. All construction activities shall be coordinated with the Project Manager. Contractor, Project Manager and other key design and project personnel shall have coordination meetings at least weekly. Contractor shall, where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved outlining special procedures required for coordination, including such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings. Contractor shall provide minutes of all meetings and submit to attendees for review and record keeping. B. Pre-Construction Conference. 1. Contractor shall coordinate the Pre-Construction Conference. Contractor's designated supervisor(s) assigned to the Work and all necessary key design and Project personnel shall attend this meeting. Contractor shall, at a minimum, provide the following to the Town at the Pre-Construction Conference: the construction schedules; a detailed estimate of partial payments for the Work; the Traffic Control Plan; a detailed plan showing Site access and staging areas; and names and contact phone numbers of all subcontractors. 2. The suggested agenda topics are as follows: Tentative construction schedule Work priorities Critical Work sequencing 20 Designation of responsible personnel Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders Procedures for processing Applications for Payment Distribution of Contract Documents Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples Preparation of Record Documents Use of the premises Office, Work and storage areas Equipment deliveries and priorities Community impact mitigation: maintaining access, loading deliveries, etc Public Information Program Safety procedures Security Housekeeping Working days and hours Temporary construction facilities and utilities 3. Contractor shall submit to the Town for review and approval a construction schedule including: proposed daily construction hours; details of all construction items; start and finish dates; confirmation and dates for coordinating all utility relocation and/or interruptions; installation and removal of temporary facilities, preparation and timing of submittals; timing of progress meetings; Project close-out activities; and the same information for all subcontractor(s). The schedule shall not be changed without prior notification and review by the Town. The schedule shall be in the form of a chart of suitable scale to indicate approximately the percentage of Work scheduled for completion at any time. Contractor shall enter on the chart the actual progress on a weekly basis and shall deliver said progress schedule to the Town prior to the weekly Contractor/Project Manager coordination meetings. 4. Contractor shall also submit a schedule of the anticipated manpower by title and duty. The manpower proposed shall be adequate for orderly flow of Work and completion within the time specified in the Contract Documents. C. Space. Contractor shall administer the allocation of available space at the Site equitably among entities needing access and space, so as to produce the best overall efficiency in the performance of the Work. Contractor shall schedule deliveries so as to minimize the space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment within the Site, but shall not unduly risk delays in the Work. All equipment and material shall be removed from the Site during No Construction Activity periods. 3.29 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: A. Within 10 days after the Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall prepare a separate listing and schedule organized by related specification section number, showing the principal submittals and initial submittal dates. The schedule shall be in chronological order. B. Contractor shall coordinate the preparation and processing of submittals with the performance of Work items, and shall transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of related Work to avoid delay. C. Contractor shall coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals and related activities that require sequential activity. The Project Manager may 21 withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. D. Contractor shall allow seven (7) days for processing of each submittal. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the Project Manager at least seven (7) days in advance of the Work to permit processing. A review of a submittal causing a resubmittal constitutes a new submittal and consequently an additional seven (7) days for processing shall be accommodated by Contractor with no extension of Contract Time. E. Submittals are not Contract Documents. Contractor shall review all submittals for compliance with the Contract Documents. The review by the Project Manager shall not constitute a change to the Contract Documents or relieve Contractor from compliance to any part of the Contract Documents. F. Contractor shall package each submittal appropriately, and use a transmittal form. Submittals received from sources other than Contractor will be returned without action. The transmittal shall record relevant information and requests for data, and shall note deviations from Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations. G. Contractor shall review all submittals for compliance with the Contract Documents with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work. Submittals which are not marked as reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents and approved by Contractor may be returned without action. H. Contractor shall perform no portion of the Work for which the Contract Documents require submittals until the respective submittal has been approved by the Project Manager. I. All submittals subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Building Department or other regulatory agency shall be submitted in a form as required by the Town of Vail Building Department or regulatory agency. 3.30 SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Contractor shall submit newly prepared information, drawn to accurate scale, highlighting deviations from the Contract Documents. Contractor shall not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Shop Drawings shall include the following information: Dimensions; Identification of products and materials included; Compliance with specified standards; Notation of coordination requirements; and Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. B. Acceptance of Shop Drawings by the Project Manager is not meant to be a review for completeness or accuracy of details, dimensions, quantities, installation or construction means, methods, techniques, processes, sequences, procedures, safety issues, nor performance, all of which remain the responsibility of Contractor. C. Contractor shall submit four(4) copies of each Shop Drawing. 3.31 PRODUCT DATA: A. Contractor shall assemble Product Data into a single submittal for each element of Work. Where Product Data must be specially prepared because standard printed data is not suitable for 22 use, Contractor shall submit such data as Drawings. Where applicable include maintenance manual. B. Contractor shall mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products, some of which are not required, Contractor shall mark copies to indicate the applicable information. C. Product Data shall include the following information: Manufacturer's printed recommendation; Compliance with recognized trade association standards; Application of testing agency labels and seals; Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement; and Notation of coordination requirements. D. Contractor shall submit four(4) copies of Product Data. 3.32 SAMPLES: A. Contractor shall submit full-size, fully fabricated Samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed, including partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components. B. Samples shall include the following: Generic description of the Sample; Sample source; Product name or name of manufacturer or supplier. Compliance with recognized standards; and Availability and delivery time. C. Where variation in characteristics are inherent in the material or product represented, Contractor shall submit multiple units (not less than three (3)), that show approximate limits of the variations. D. Except for Samples illustrating assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation and similar characteristics, Contractor shall submit three (3) sets, and one (1) will be returned marked with the action taken. The transmittal shall indicate special requests regarding disposition of Samples. E. The Project Manager shall review Samples for a final check of elements, and for a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed. F. Contractor shall maintain one (1) complete set of Samples, as returned, at the Site, for quality comparisons throughout the course of Work. 3.33 RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. Contractor shall maintain on a weekly basis, drawings and specifications for all disciplines of Work that depict the details of all Work on the Project. Drawings shall be marked in red pencil with any sketches attached, each with date of modification. The as-built set shall be kept on Site and become the basis for the Record Documents. B. Contractor shall maintain a clean, undamaged set of black line prints of Drawings, and shall: 23 1. Mark the set to show the actual installation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown; 2. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately; 3. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date; 4. During construction, mark record sets with red erasable pencil; use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of the Work; 5. Mark new information that is important to the Project Manager, but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings; 6. Keep Record Documents current, by updating at least weekly, and avoid permanently concealing any Work until required information has been recorded; 7. Include horizontal and vertical location of all underground utilities and appurtenances, including storm sewer, referenced to permanent surface improvements; 8. Include horizontal and vertical locations of underground irrigation and electrical sleeving referenced to permanent surface improvements; 9. Provide the locations of both ends identified with locatable discs in the field, on a reproducible mylar drawing with a field log of all survey data; 10. Provide the location of clean-outs and other items requiring access or maintenance; and 11. At Substantial Completion, supply a digital computer file of the record drawings and one hard copy to the Project Manager. C. Contractor shall maintain on Site, separate from documents used for construction, one complete set of Contract Documents, including all Change Orders, correspondence and reports. D. In addition to a hard copy, Record Drawings shall be provided in AutoCAD format acceptable to the Project Manager. 3.34 PROJECT CLOSEOUT AND TRAINING A. Documents. Upon completion of the Work and prior to Final Acceptance, Contractor shall provide the following Closeout documents in hard copy and electronic copy for review and approval: 1. As-Built Record Drawings. 2. Operating and Maintenance Manuals and documentation for all installed equipment, systems and furnishes. 3. All Manufacturer Warranties as required within the Contract Documents where they shall be held in the name of the Town. 4. Photo and video documentation as required by the Contract Documents. 5. All other documentation pertinent to the Work as required by the Contract Documents and deemed pertinent by Contractor or Town. B. Training. Contractor shall provide training on all systems constructed and installed as part of the Work. The training shall be provided to the Town by a qualified technician/trainer for each 24 specific portion of the Work. The training sessions shall be scheduled with the Project Manager and videotaped by Contractor for future use by the Town. All operating and maintenance manuals and warranties shall be reviewed with the Town at this time. 3.35 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL DISCOVERIES: A. Contractor shall inform the Town of any evidence which might suggest to a layperson that archaeological or historical materials may be present in the Site. Upon making such a discovery, Contractor shall do whatever is necessary to avoid disturbing the Site. This may require that Contractor's activities be redirected or stopped until the Town determines how to proceed. B. As a result of Contractor's efforts to preserve the potential discovery at the Site, if Contractor's activities are delayed for longer than eight (8) normal Work hours, Contractor shall prepare accounting information to support an adjustment to the Contract Price. 3.36 RESTORATION: A. Contractor has field inspected the Site and fully understands that existing landscaping and improvements are present within the Site. Such existing improvements shall be protected. Any damage or disruption to the public right-of-way, drainage easements, Town property, or private property related to the Work shall be restored to pre-existing or better condition. B. Contractor shall be responsible for replacing all existing improvements, including irrigation systems and landscaping, damaged during Contractor's activities, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 3.37 FINAL CLEANING: Contractor shall be responsible for professionally cleaning all components of the Work prior to turnover to the Town. All Work shall be turned over in a new and operational condition, free from all dirt, debris, smudges, scratches, dents, dings, grease, oil, discolorations and hazards. This includes all internal and external mechanical, electrical,plumbing and special systems. PART 4. TOWN'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.01 PROJECT MANAGER: The Project Manager shall administer the Work, including the finalization of any change orders,pay estimates and payments of such, acceptance of Work, and other matters as stipulated in the Contract Documents. The Project Manager will issue with reasonable promptness such written interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as the Project Manager determines necessary. 4.02 TESTING: In addition to the materials testing performed by Contractor, the Town may conduct Quality Assurance testing at its own discretion. 4.03 TOWN'S RIGHT TO PERFORM WORK: If Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails within a seven-day period after receipt of written notice from the Town to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Town may, without prejudice to other remedies the Town may have, correct such deficiencies. In such case an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments then or thereafter due Contractor the reasonable cost of correcting such deficiencies, including the Town's expenses and compensation for any additional services made necessary by such default, 25 neglect or failure. If payments due Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amounts, Contractor shall pay the difference to the Town. 4.04 STOP WORK ORDER: If Contractor fails to correct Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents or persistently fails to carry out Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Town may issue a written order to Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated. However, the right of the Town to stop the Work shall not give rise to a duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any other person. 4.05 OTHER CONTRACTS: A. The Town reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with the Work. Contractor shall cooperate with all other contractors so that their work is not impeded by the Work, and Contractor shall give other contractors access to the Site necessary to perform their contracts. Specifically, Contractor shall afford utility service companies and other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of Work, and shall properly connect and coordinate its Work with theirs, and shall conduct his operations as to minimize the interference with theirs, as directed by the Project Manager. Contractor shall conduct its operations and cooperate with the other parties so as to minimize interference with this other work. B. If any part of the Work depends on proper execution or results upon the work of another contractor or utility service company, Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Project Manager in writing any patent or apparent defects or deficiencies in such work. Contractor's failure so to report shall constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with the Work, and such acceptance by Contractor shall render Contractor responsible for subsequent correction of any such work. C. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work required to make it come together properly and integrate with work by other contractors. Contractor shall not cut, excavate or otherwise alter work of others without written consent of the Project Manager. D. Should a dispute arise as to the rights of Contractor and another, the Project Manager shall be the sole decision maker and the Project Manager's decision shall be final and binding on Contractor. 4.06 PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM: A. General. An extensive public process has been utilized in the planning and design of this Project. The public process, considered an integral part of the Project, will continue throughout the Work. Contractor shall be integrated into the process prior to and during construction. The intent of the Public Information Program is to work together with the businesses and residents towards a common goal. B. Community Meetings. Contractor's superintendent shall attend community meetings during the Project. Contractor shall present information on impacts and mitigation in terms of equipment, material deliveries, excavation and backfill operations, utility disruptions, pedestrian and vehicle access and traffic control, and a detailed season schedule, with updates on overall project progress. 26 C. Notifications. Contractor shall provide hand delivered fliers/door hangers to the impacted public businesses and residents with Project information and contacts prior to the commencement of Work, and provide critical information (i.e. traffic control changes, access impacts and utility impacts) as needed in the same manner throughout the duration of the Project. D. Media. The Town of Vail Public Information Officer will be responsible for updating the media and general public with project status information, provided that Contractor shall cooperate with the efforts of the Town of Vail Public Information Officer. 4.07 PARTIAL UTILIZATION: A. The Town may use completed portions of the Work may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion, subject to the following: 1. The Town may request permission to use any part of the Work which the Town believes to be substantially complete and which may be so used without significant interference with the Work. If Contractor agrees, Contractor will certify to the Town that said part of the Work is substantially complete. The Town shall thereafter have the right to exclude Contractor from any part of the Work which the Town uses. 2. The Town may also take over operation of a facility constituting part of the Work whether or not it is substantially complete if such facility is functionally and separately useable; provided that prior to any such takeover, the Town and Contractor have agreed as to the division of responsibilities between the Town Contractor for security, operation, safety, maintenance, correction period, heat, utilities and insurance with respect to such facility. 3. No occupancy of part of the Work or taking over of operations of a facility will be accomplished prior to acknowledgment from the insurers providing the property insurance on the Work that notice of such occupancy has been received and that said insurers, in writing, have effected the changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent to such use or occupancy by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be canceled or lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. B. Partial use or occupancy of the Project by the Town shall not constitute acceptance of Work not in compliance with the Contract Documents. PART 5. TERMINATION 5.01 LABOR DISPUTES: Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Contract, in the event of any picket or other form of labor dispute at the Site, Contractor shall continue to perform the Work without interruption or delay. If Contractor ceases performance of the Work because of such picket or other form of labor dispute,the Town may terminate the services of Contractor after giving forty-eight(48)hours' written notice of its intent to do so. 5.02 DEFAULT: The Town may terminate this Contract upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor if Contractor defaults in the timely performance of any provision of the Contract Documents, or otherwise fails to perform the Work, or any part thereof, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Termination of the Contract by the Town shall not be the Town's exclusive remedy, and the Town may pursue such other remedies and actions lawfully available to the Town including, 27 but not limited to, an action at law for damages against Contractor or any bonding agency issuing a bond hereunder, or an action in equity for injunctive relief 5.03 CONVENIENCE: The Town may terminate this Contract for convenience upon seven (7) days written notice to Contractor. Contractor shall be paid for portions of Work completed, and if any portion of the Work was suspended, the appropriate adjustments for increases in costs and time caused by the suspension shall be made. PART 6. WARRANTIES: 6.01 WARRANTY OF FITNESS OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Contractor represents and warrants to the Town that all equipment and materials used in the Work, and made a part of the Work, or placed permanently in the Work, shall be new unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. All equipment and materials used shall be of good quality, free of defects and in conformity with the Contract Documents. All equipment and materials not in conformity with the Contract Documents shall be considered defective. 6.02 GENERAL WARRANTY: A. Contractor shall warrant and guarantee all material furnished and Work performed by Contractor for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Completion. Under this warranty, Contractor agrees to repair or replace, at its own expense and under the direction of the Project Manager, any portion of the Work which fails or is defective, unsound, unsatisfactory because of materials or workmanship, or which is not in conformity with the provisions of the Contract. Should Contractor fail to perform any such Work within the warranty period after a request by the Town, the Town may withdraw from the Payment and Performance Bond any and all amounts necessary to complete the required Work. The expiration of the warranty period shall in no way limit the Town's legal or equitable remedies, or the period in which such remedies may be asserted, for Work negligently or defectively performed. B. For any items of the Work not completed at Substantial Completion, the warranty for such Work shall not begin until such Work has been completed. The Project Manager shall note such items at Substantial Completion, and as they are completed, shall note the commencement dates for the warranty on such items. 6.03 REINSTATED WARRANTY: When Work covered by a warranty has failed and been corrected, Contractor shall reinstate the warranty by written endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty. 6.04 MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTIES: A. Written warranties made to the Town are in addition to implied warranties, and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise available under the law, nor shall warranty periods be interpreted as limitations on time in which the Town can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. B. The Town reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selections to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 28 C. The Town reserves the right to refuse to accept Work where a special warranty, certification, or similar commitment is required, until evidence is presented that entities required to countersign such commitments are willing to do so. D. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of the warranty on the Work that incorporates the products, nor does it relieve suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors required to countersign special warranties with Contractor. E. When a special warranty is required to be executed by Contractor, or Contractor and a Subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer, Contractor shall prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution by the required parties, and submit a draft to the Project Manager for approval prior to final execution. F. At Substantial Completion, Contractor shall compile each required warranty and bond and include the warranty documents in the Record Documents. PART 7. BONDS,INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 7.01 INDEMNIFICATION: A. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town and its officers, insurers, volunteers, representatives, agents, employees, heirs and assigns from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, expenses and demands, including attorney fees, on account of injury, loss, or damage, including, without limitation, claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with this Contract or the Contract Documents, to the extent that such injury, loss or damage is attributable to the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of Contractor, any subcontractor of Contractor, or any officer, employee, representative, or agent of Contractor or of any subcontractor of Contractor, or which arise out of any worker's compensation claim of any employee of Contractor or of any employee of any subcontractor of Contractor. B. Contractor, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall defend, investigate, handle, respond and provide defense for and defend against any such liability, claims, damages, losses, expenses or demands at the sole expense of Contractor, or at the option of the Town, Contractor agrees to pay the Town or reimburse the Town for defense costs incurred by the Town in connection with any such liability, claims, damages, losses, expenses or demands. Contractor, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall defend and bear all other costs and expenses related thereto, including court costs and attorney fees, whether or not such liability, claims or demands alleged are groundless, false or fraudulent. C. This indemnification provision is intended to comply with C.R.S. § 13-21-111.5(6), as amended, and shall be read as broadly as permitted to satisfy that intent. 7.02 NOTICE OF CLAIM: If Contractor receives any claim arising from the performance of the Work, Contractor shall notify the Town in writing of the nature of the claim within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the claim by Contractor. In this notice, Contractor shall provide evidence that Contractor has notified Contractor's insurer of the claim. Contractor shall keep the Town apprised of the disposition of the claim, and Contractor shall take all necessary action to resolve the claim and make restitution, if required, as quickly as possible. 29 7.03 INSURANCE: A. Contractor agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to insure against all liability, claims, demands, and other obligations assumed by Contractor pursuant to this Contract. Such insurance shall be in addition to any other insurance requirements imposed by law. B. Contractor shall procure and maintain, and shall cause any subcontractor of Contractor to procure and maintain, the minimum insurance coverages listed below. Such coverages shall be procured and maintained with forms and insurers acceptable to the Town. In the case of any claims- made policy, the necessary retroactive dates and extended reporting periods shall be procured to maintain such continuous coverage. 1. Worker's compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by applicable law for any employee engaged in the performance of Work under this Contract, and Employer's Liability insurance with minimum limits of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) each accident, five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) disease—policy limit, and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) disease — each employee. Evidence of qualified self-insured status may be substituted for the worker's compensation requirements of this paragraph. 2. Commercial general liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of at least one million($1,000,000) each occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) general aggregate. The policy shall be applicable to all premises and operations. The policy shall include coverage for premises-operations, independent contractors protective, bodily injury, broad form property damage (including completed operations), personal injury (including coverage for contractual and employee acts), blanket contractual, products, and completed operations. The policy shall contain a severability of interests provision, and, to the extent that liability results from the acts or omissions of Contractor, the policy shall be endorsed to include the Town and the Town's officers, employees, and consultants as additional insureds. No additional insured endorsement shall contain any exclusion for bodily injury or property damage arising from completed operations. 3. Business Automobile liability insurance (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles) with minimum combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) each person and one million ($1,000,000) each occurrence. C. Any insurance carried by the Town, its officers, its employees, or its consultants shall be excess and not contributory insurance to that provided by Contractor. D. Contractor shall provide to the Town a certificate of insurance as evidence that policies providing the required coverages, conditions, and minimum limits are in full force and effect. Contractor shall not cancel,terminate or materially change the coverages afforded under the policies until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the Town. The Town reserves the right to request and receive a certified copy of any policy and any endorsement thereto. E. Contractor shall name the following list as additional insureds under its Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability insurance: Town of Vail, Colorado Department of Transportation. 7.04 SURETY BONDS: Contractor shall furnish a Payment and Performance Bond in the full amount of the Contract Price, as security for the faithful performance and payment of all Contractor's obligations under the 30 Contract Documents, including the warranty. This bond shall remain in effect for the duration of the Project. After Final Completion and Acceptance, Contractor shall provide the Town with a Warranty Bond in the amount of thirty-three percent (33%) of the Contract Price, and this bond shall remain in effect for the full extent of the warranty period. The form and substance of all Surety Bonds shall be satisfactory to the Town. PART 8. PAYMENT 8.01 GENERAL PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS: A. Bid prices, as quoted in the Bid Schedule, shall constitute full compensation for labor, materials, equipment, rentals, overhead, profit and incidentals to complete all Work for each pay item and for all risk, loss, damage, or expense of whatever nature arising from the nature of the Work or prosecution thereof. B. Work or materials that are essential to the Work, but for which there are no pay items, will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in other items of Work. C. Payment for Work listed as lump sum Bid items shall be paid for on a lump sum fixed price basis. A schedule of values shall be provided to the Project Manager for approval upon execution of the Contract. The schedule of values shall be the basis for reviewing Contractor's applications for Payment. D. Total overhead and profit on Contractor self-performed Work shall not exceed ten percent (10%). Total overhead and markup by Subcontractors shall not exceed ten percent (10%). Total overhead and markup for Contractor on Work performed by the Subcontractor shall not exceed five percent(5%). 8.02 MEASUREMENT: A. All measurements and payments will be based on Work completed in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The method of measurement and basis of payment described are for the Work itemized in the Bid Form and in the Specifications. C. The determination of quantities of Work acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents will be made by the Project Manager. Measurements will be taken according to the United States standard measure. Unless otherwise specified, all longitudinal measurements will be made horizontally, and computations will be based on the dimensions shown on drawings and details. Quantities will be rounded off to the nearest whole number. Measurement by cubic dimension using mean length, width and height or thickness. Measurements by area shall be measured by square dimensions using mean length and width or radius, measured horizontally. Linear measurements shall be measured by linear dimension at the item centerline or mean chord. Lump sum or per each measurements shall be made as specified by the Bid description. Measurements by weight shall be measured by certified scales at the source of material or by certified truck tickets. When base course, topsoil, surface course, or any materials are measured by the cubic yard in the vehicle, such measurement shall be taken at the point of delivery. D. Contractor shall, in the presence of the Project Manager, verify all measurements and quantities required for payment by the unit price method. Contractor shall provide necessary equipment,workers, and survey personnel as required for measurements. 31 E. The capacity of all vehicles shall be plainly marked on said vehicle and the capacity or marking shall not be changed without permission of the Project Manager. The Project Manager may require all vehicles to have uniform capacity. F. The determination of payment for lump sum or fixed fee Work shall be made based on the approved schedule of values and percentages of Work completed within the timeframe of the pay application. 8.03 PROGRESS PAYMENTS: A. The Town shall make periodic progress payments to Contractor within thirty (30) days following the Project Manager's approval of the Work completed and pay application. 1. A progress payment shall be made only after Contractor has submitted an application for a progress payment on a form approved by the Project Manager, and if requested by the Project Manager, Contractor shall submit copies of invoices from subcontractors or supplies and partial waivers executed by each. 2. Each application for progress payment shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that all previous progress payments have been applied to discharge in full all of Contractor's obligations reflected in prior Applications for Partial Payment. 3. Applications for progress payments may not include request for payment for portions of the Work for which Contractor does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor, unless such Work has been performed by another that Contractor intends to pay. 4. The Project Manager may request additional information to support the progress payment application.B. Progress payments shall be in an amount equal to ninety-five percent (95%) of the Work actually completed as determined by the Project Manager. The remaining five percent (5%) shall be held as retainage. Upon Final Acceptance, Contractor may request the release of retainage. C. If Contractor fails to complete any required Work within the time period agreed between Contractor and the Project Manager, or within any time period set forth in the Contract Documents, as modified or extended, the Town is expressly authorized to withhold any progress payment for such Work until such Work is completed. The Town may also refuse to make any progress payment because of subsequently discovered evidence of defective Work. D. No progress payment except final payment will be made for a sum of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 8.04 FINAL PAYMENT: A. Final payment for Work governed by unit prices will be made on the basis of the actual measurements and quantities accepted by the Town multiplied by the unit price for Work which is incorporated in or made necessary by the Work. B. Upon final acceptance, Contractor may apply for final payment. The application shall include valid releases or waivers of all claims in connection with the Work. C. If the Town is satisfied that the Work has been completed in compliance with the Contract Documents, the Town shall cause publication to commence of Notice of Final Settlement pursuant to C.R.S. § 38-26-107. If no claims are made, the Town shall make final payment, including any retainage, by the Owner's Representative in accordance with the Notice of Final Settlement. If any claim is made, the Town may withhold up to twice the amount of any asserted claim against Contractor until said claim has been resolved. 32 8.05 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: A. Because time is of the essence and delayed performance constitutes a compensable inconvenience to the Town and its residents, the liquidated damages established in this Section shall be enforced. Such damages are not a penalty. For each day Final Completion is delayed after the Final Completion date stated in the Construction Contract, as modified through approved change orders, Contractor shall be assessed$500 per day. In addition, failure to fully complete and open to the public the main walkway and stairs through the site by June 27th, 2013 will result in an assessment of$1000 per day. B. Allowing Contractor to continue and finish the Work or any part thereof after the Final Completion date shall not operate as a waiver on the part of the Town of any of its rights under the Contract Documents. Any liquidated damages assessed shall not relieve Contractor from liability for any damages or costs of other contractors caused by a failure of Contractor to complete the Work in the Contract Time. Liquidated damages may be deducted from any payment due Contractor or the retainage. If the liquidated damages exceed the amount owed to Contractor, Contractor shall reimburse the Town. 8.06 ORAL AGREEMENTS PROHIBITED: This Contract is expressly subject to the provisions of C.R.S. § 29-1-110(1), and Contractor acknowledges that neither the Town nor any employee or agent thereof is authorized to expend or contract for the expenditure of any monies in excess of those appropriated by the Vail Town Council. The Town acknowledges that sufficient funds have been appropriated to pay the Contract Price, but Contractor shall not rely upon the appropriation of any funds in addition to those already appropriated unless and until the same are lawfully appropriated by the Vail Town Council. 8.07 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN BID: No additional compensation shall be paid for any costs or services listed in the Contract Documents, but not specifically listed in the Bid as a Bid item. 8.08 CHANGES IN QUANTITY: A. Except as otherwise provided in this Part 8, the unit Bid price shown in the Bid Schedule shall be used to determine the payment owed Contractor for any changes in quantity. B. The actual quantity placed, as determined by the Project Manager, shall be used to calculate the payment due to Contractor. C. Prior to any Work being performed in excess of any of the Bid Schedule quantities, Contractor shall notify the Town, in writing, of every quantity that will exceed one hundred five percent(105%) of the quantity listed on the Bid Schedule. D. Except as otherwise provided in this Part 8, Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation for any increased expense, loss of expected reimbursement or loss of anticipated profits, directly or indirectly caused by any changes in quantity. 8.09 BID PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: When a Major Item is increased to more than one hundred thirty-three percent (133%) or decreased to less than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the original quantity stated on the Bid Schedule, the unit Bid price shall be modified by written change order. Payment for major items shall be calculated by multiplying the actual quantity placed by the modified Bid price. 33 8.10 ELIMINATED ITEMS: Should any items contained in the Bid Schedule be found unnecessary for completion of the Work, the items shall be eliminated. The Contract Price shall be modified by Change Order, and the amount of the change order shall be the eliminated quantity multiplied by the unit Bid price stated in the Bid Schedule, minus any reasonable costs incurred by Contractor for the eliminated items. Reasonable costs shall be determined by the Project Manager based on information provided by Contractor, and may include mobilization of eliminated materials and equipment mobilization costs if the sole purpose of the equipment was to place the eliminated material. In no case shall the costs exceed the amount of the eliminated items. 8.11 MATERIALS STORED BUT NOT INCORPORATED: Payments may be made to Contractor for materials stored on the Site but not incorporated into the Work as evidenced by invoices or cost analyses of material produced, if the material has been fabricated or processed and is ready for installation into the Work and conforms with the Contract Documents. Payments shall not exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the price shown in the Bid Schedule or one hundred percent (100%) of the certified invoice cost of the stockpiled material, whichever is less. Payment for stockpiled materials shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for loss or damage to the material. Payment for living plant materials or perishable materials shall not be made until the living or perishable material is made an integral part of the finished Work. 8.12 COST RECORDS: Contractor shall make cost records available to the Town if the Town deems it necessary to determine the validity and amount of any item claimed. PART 9. MISCELLANEOUS 9.01 PUBLICATIONS: Any and all publications relating to the Work and authored by Contractor or any of its subcontractors shall be submitted to the Town for its prior written approval of the content of the publication. If the Town disapproves of the content of the publication, the author shall withdraw it from publication. The term "publication" as used herein shall include articles or letters to be published in any newspaper,magazine,trade journal or other periodical. 9.02 CONFIDENTIALITY: Any and all reports, information, date, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems, studies and any other communication form of knowledge given to or prepared or assembled by Contractor under this Contract shall, to the extent authorized and permitted by law, be kept as confidential and not be made available by Contractor to any individual, company or organization without the prior written consent of the Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor shall not be restricted from releasing information in response to a subpoena, court order, or legal process, but Contractor shall notify the Town in writing before responding. 9.03 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Contractor, for all purposes arising out of this Contract, is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Town. It is expressly understood and agreed that Contractor shall not be entitled to any benefits to which the Town's employees are entitled, such as overtime, retirement benefits, worker's compensation, injury leave or other leave benefits. 34 9.04 INTERPRETATION AND CONFLICTS: A. When words, which have a technical or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with such meaning. Reference to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual or code in effect at the time of opening of Bids, unless otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall change the duties and responsibilities of Contractor from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by the Town. B. Should a conflict occur in or between Drawings and Specifications, Contractor is deemed to have estimated on the more expensive way of doing the Work unless Contractor obtained a written decision from the Town before submission of the Bid as to which method or materials will be required. 9.05 REFERENCES The following abbreviations, which may be used in the Contract Documents, refer to the organizations and specifications of the organizations listed below: AA Aluminum Association 900 19th Street,NW, Suite 300 Washington,D.C.20006-2168 AABC Associated Air Balance Council 1518 K Street,NW,Suite 503 Washington,D.C.20005 AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association 1827 Walden Office Square,Suite 104 Schaumberg,Illinois 60173-4268 AAN see ANLA AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 North Capitol Street,NW, Suite 249 Washington,D.C.20001 AATSA American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway Suite 100 Fredericksburg,VA 22406-1717 ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association 950 N. Glebe Road,Suite 160 Arlington,Virginia 22203-1824 ACI American Concrete Institute P.O.Box 9094 Farmington Hills,Michigan 48333-9094 ACPA American Concrete Pipe Association 222 West Las Colinas Boulevard, Suite 641 Irving,Texas 75039-5423 ADC Air Diffusion Council 11 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1400 Chicago,Illinois 60603 35 AFPA American Forest and Paper Association 1111 19th Street,NW,Suite 800 Washington,D.C.20036 AGA American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Boulevard Arlington,Virginia 22209 AHA American Hardboard Association 1210 W.Northwest Highway Palatine,Illinois 60067-1897 ARAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 20 N.Wacker Drive, Suite 1500 Chicago,Illinois 60606 Al Asphalt Institute Research Park Drive P.O.Box 14052 Lexington,Kentucky 40512-4052 AIA American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue,N.W. Washington,DC 20006-5292 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago,Illinois 60601-2001 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 1101 17th Street,NW Washington,D.C.20036-4700 AITC American Institute of Timber Construction 7012 S.Revere Parkway, Suite 140 Englewood,Colorado 80112 ALSC American Lumber Standards Committee P.O.Box 210 Germantown,Maryland 20875 AMCA Air Movement and Control Association International,Inc. 30 W.University Drive Arlington Heights,Illinois 60004-1893 ANLA American Nursery and Landscape Association 1250 I Street,NW, Suite 500 Washington,D.C. 20005 ANSI American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor New York,New York 10036 APA American Plywood Association(See EWA) APWA American Public Works Association 106 West 11th Street, Suite 1800 Kansas City,Missouri 64105-1806 ARI Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 4301 Fairfax Drive, Suite 425 Arlington,Virginia 22203 ARMA Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Center Park,4041 Powder Mill Road,Suite 404 Calverton,Maryland 20705 36 ASC Adhesive and Sealant Council 1627 K Street,NW,Suite 1000 Washington,D.C.20006-1707 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston,Virginia 20191-4400 ASHRAE American Society of Heating,Refrigerating,and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1791 Tullie Circle,NE Atlanta,Georgia 30329-2305 ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects 4401 Connecticut Avenue,NW Fifth Floor Washington,D.C.20008-2369 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York,New York 10017 ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers 3617 Thousand Oaks Boulevard,Suite 210 Westlake,California 91362-3649 ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering 28901 Clemens Road, Suite 100 Westlake,Ohio 44145 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania 19428-2959 AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute 1952 Isaac Newton Square Reston,Virginia 20190 AWPA American Wood-Preservers'Association 3246 Fall Creek Highway, Suite 1900 Granbury,Texas 76049-7979 AWPI American Wood Preservers Institute 1945 Old Gallows Road, Suite 550 Vienna,Virginia 22182 AWS American Welding Society,Inc. 550 NW LeJeune Road Miami,Florida 33126 AWWA American Water Works Association 6666 W.Quincy Avenue Denver,Colorado 80235 BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association,Inc. 355 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor New York,New York 10017-6603 BIA Brick Institute of America 11490 Commerce Park Drive Reston,Virginia 22091-1525 BOCA Building Officials Code Administrators 4051 W.Flossmoor Road Country Club Hills,Illinois 60478-5795 CBM Certified Ballast Manufacturers 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 402 Cleveland,Ohio 44115-2851 37 CDA Copper Development Association,Inc. 260 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York,New York 10016-2401 CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation 4201 Arkansas Avenue Denver,CO 80222 CE Corps of Engineers 20 Massachusetts Avenue,NW Washington,D.C.20314 CID Commercial Item Description See contract clauses CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 5959 Shallowford Road, Suite 419 Chattanooga,Tennessee 37421 CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute 9891 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 300 Columbia,Maryland 21046 CRA California Redwood Association 405 Enfrente Drive,Suite 200 Novato,California 94949 CRI Carpet and Rug Institute 310 S.Holiday Avenue Dalton,Georgia 30722-2048 CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 933 N.Plum Grove Road Schaumburg,Illinois 60173-4758 CS Commercial Standard of NBS (U.S.Department of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington,D.C.20402 CSSB Cedar Shingle and Shake Bureau 515 116th Avenue,NE, Suite 275 Bellevue,Washington 98004-5294 DHI Door and Hardware Institute 14170 Newbrook Drive Chantilly,Virginia 22021-2223 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street,SW Washington,D.C.20460 EWA APA-The Engineered Wood Association P.O.Box 11700 Tacoma,Washington 98411-0700 FHA Federal Housing Administration (U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development) 451 7th Street,SW Washington,D.C.20410 FHVA Fine Hardwood Veneer Association 260 S.First Street,Suite 2 Zionsville,Indiana 46077 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 555 Zang Street Lakewood,CO 80228 38 FM Factory Mutual System 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike P.O.Box 9102 Norwood,Massachusetts 02062-9102 FS Federal Specifications See contract clauses GA Gypsum Association 810 First Street,NE, Suite 510 Washington,D.C. 20002 GANA Glass Association of North America 3310 SW Harrison Street Topeka,Kansas 66611-2279 HI Hydronics Institute 35 Russo Place P.O.Box 218 Berkeley Heights,New Jersey 07922 HMA Hardwood Manufacturers Association 400 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 530 Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania 15235-5605 HPMA Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association P.O.Box 2789 Reston,Virginia 22090-2789 IA Irrigation Association 1911 N.Fort Myer Drive,Suite 1009 Arlington,Virginia 22209-1630 IBC International Building Code (International Code Council) 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600 Falls Church,VA 22041 ICBO International Conference of Building Officials 5360 S.Workman Mill Road Whittier,California 90601 ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association,Inc. P.O.Box 440 South Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02664 IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 345 E.47th Street New York,New York 10017-2394 IES Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York,New York 10005-4001 IGCC See ITS ILIA Indiana Limestone Institute of America,Inc. Stone City Bank Building,Suite 400 Bedford,Indiana 47421 39 ITS Intemck Testing Services 3393 Route 11 P.O.Box 2040 Cortland,New York 13045-7902 KCMA Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association 1899 Preston White Drive Reston,Virginia 22091-4326 LIA Lead Industries Association,Inc. 295 Madison Avenue New York,New York 10017 MBMA Metal Building Manufacturer's Association c/o Thomas Associates,Inc. 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland,Ohio 44115-2851 MFMA Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association 60 Revere Drive, Suite 500 Northbrook,Illinois 60062 MIA Marble Institute of America 30 Eden Alley,Suite 201 Columbus,Ohio 43215 MIMA Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association 1420 King Street Alexandria,Virginia 22314 MLSFA Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association-A Division of NAAMM 8 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000 Chicago,Illinois 60603 MS Military Standardization Documents See contract clauses MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration 4015 Wilson Boulevard,Room 601 Arlington,Virginia 22203 MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry 127 Park Street,NE Vienna,Virginia 22180-4602 NAAMM The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 8 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000 Chicago,Illinois 60603 NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers 1440 South Creek Drive P.O.Box 218340 Houston,Texas 77218-8340 NAIMA North American Insulation Manufacturers Association 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310 Alexandria,Virginia 22314 NAPA National Asphalt Pavement Association NAPA Building 5100 Forbes Boulevard Lanham,Maryland 20706-4413 40 NAPCA National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators 8th Floor,Commercial National Bank Building 333 Texas Street, Suite 800 Shreveport,Louisiana 71101-3673 NBS National Bureau of Standards (U.S.Department of Commerce)(See NIST) NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association 2302 Horse Pen Road Herndon,Virginia 20171-3499 NEC National Electrical Code(by NFPA) NECA National Electrical Contractors Association 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1100 Bethesda,Maryland 20814 NELM Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers'Association 272 Tuttle Road P.O.Box 87A Cumberland Center,Maine 04021-0687 NEII National Elevator Industry,Inc. 185 Bridge Plaza North,Suite 310 Fort Lee,New Jersey 07024 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1847 Rosslyn,Virginia 22209 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park P.O.Box 9101 Quincy,Massachusetts 02269-9101 NHLA National Hardwood Lumber Association P.O.Box 34518 Memphis,Tennessee 38184-0518 NHPMA Northern Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers Association,Inc., c/o Northern Softwood Lumber Bureau Box 217 Dear River,Minnesota 56636 NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH Building 1,Room 3007 1600 Clifton Road,NE Atlanta,Georgia 30333 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (US Department of Commerce) Building 101,#A1134 Route I-270 and Quince Orchard Road Gaithersburg,Maryland 20899 Send requests for publications to: Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington,D.C. 20402 NOFMA National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association P.O.Box 3009 Memphis,Tennessee 38173-0009 41 NPA National Particleboard Association 18928 Premiere Court Gaithersburg,Maryland 20879-1569 NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association O'Hare International Center 10255 W.Higgins Road,Suite 600 Rosemont,Illinois 60018-5607 NSF NSF International (Formerly National Sanitation Foundation) 3475 Plymouth Road P.O.Box 130140 Ann Arbor,Michigan 48113-0140 NTMA The National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association 3166 Des Plaines Avenue, Suite 121 Des Plaines,Illinois 60018 NWWDA National Wood Window and Door Association 1400 East Touhy Avenue,Suite G-54 Des Plaines,Illinois 60018 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration U.S.Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue,NW Washington,D.C.20210 PCA Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie,Illinois 60077-1083 PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 175 W.Jackson Boulevard Chicago,Illinois 60604 PDI Plumbing and Drainage Institute 45 Briston Drive,Suite 101 South Euston,Massachusetts 02375 PEI Porcelain Enamel Institute,Inc. 4004 Hillsboro Pike,Suite 224-B Nashville,Tennessee 37215 PI Perlite Institute,Inc. 88 New Dorp Plaza Staten Island,New York 10306 PS Product Standard of NBS(U.S.Department of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington,D.C.20402 RFCI Resilient Floor Covering Institute 966 Hungerford Drive,Suite 12-B Rockville,Maryland 20850-1714 RIS Redwood Inspection Service(Grading Rules) 405 Enfrente Drive,Suite 200 Novato,California 94949 RMMI Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute 1780 South Bellaire Street,No. 602 Denver,Colorado 80222 SCMA Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association 400 Penn Center Blvd.,Suite 530 Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania 15235 42 SDI Steel Deck Institute P.O.Box 25 Fox River Grove,Illinois 60021 SDI Steel Door Institute 30200 Detroit Road Cleveland,Ohio 44145-1967 SFPA Southern Forest Products Association P.O. Box 52468 New Orleans,Louisiana 70152 SGCC See ITS SIGMA Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association 401 N.Michigan Avenue Chicago,Illinois 60611-4267 SJI Steel Joist Institute 3127 10th Avenue,North Ext. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577-6760 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors'National Association,Inc. 4201 Lafayette Center Drive P.O.Box 221230 Chantilly,Virginia 20151-1209 SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau(Grading Rules) 4709 Scenic Highway Pensacola,Florida 32504-9094 SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council 40 24th Street,6th Floor Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania 15222-4643 SWI Steel Window Institute c/o Thomas Associates,Inc. 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland,Ohio 44115-2851 TCA Tile Council of America 100 Clemson Research Boulevard Anderson, South Carolina 29625 TIMA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association(See NAIMA) TPI Truss Plate Institute 583 D'Onofrio Drive,Suite 200 Madison,Wisconsin 53719 UBC Uniform Building Code(by ICBO) UDFCD Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 2480 West 26th Avenue,Suite 156-B Denver,CO 80211 UL Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook,Illinois 60062 USDA U.S.Department of Agriculture 14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW Washington,D.C.20250 WCLB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau(Grading Rules) P.O.Box 23145 Portland,Oregon 97281-3145 43 WIC Woodwork Institute of California P.O.Box 980247 West Sacramento,California 95798-0247 WMMPA Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers Association 507 First Street Woodland,California 95695 WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute,Inc. 203 Loudoun Street, SW Leesburg,Virginia 20175-2718 WSFI Wood and Synthetic Flooring Institute(See MFMA) WWPA Western Wood Products Association(Grading Rules) Yeon Building 522 SW 5th Avenue Portland,Oregon 97204-2122 WWPA Woven Wire Products Association 2515 Nordica Avenue Chicago,Illinois 60635 WWPI Western Wood Preservers Institute 7017 NE Highway 99#108 Vancouver,Washington 98665 44 SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS 45 Project Phasing, Scheduling and Milestones Lionshead Park Renovation 2013 Two Construction Phases A. Spring Construction Phase: Monday,April 15 through Thursday, June 27,2013. General Work: underground utilities, sleeves, stairs,ramps,vaults, site walls,major excavation, curbs, concrete play area footings and as much other work as can be completed. Specific Milestones: 1. Billy's Island Grill will be closed from April 15 to May 30. The project schedule should take full advantage of this to complete the work on the main walk/stairs through the site. Mandatory: the lower two sets of stairs and landings shall be completed by May 30 so that they can be opened to the public from the lower plaza/mall to Billy's access stairs. Mandatory: the full walkway and connections to adjacent properties shall be completed and opened to the public by June 27,if not sooner. Preferred: Completion of all appropriate work above the main wall including snowmelt system underground and in-paving components,boulder walls, curbs and if possible, irrigation, landscaping and/or sodding should be completed by the end of the Spring Phase. The owner will be open to discussion on the level of completion,but the walk and connections must be open for summer. 2. Vail Bike Tech(Lifthouse)uses the area in front of their store to place rental bikes during the summer. And,being in the back corner,has limited public access. Efforts should be made to enhance that access whenever possible. Mandatory: complete the relocation of storm drain inlets, site walls with veneer, stairs and other work in the northeast corner by Memorial Day Weekend. If possible, complete paver replacement in that area,but at a minimum provide a safe walking surface between the storefront and the eastern site wall for placement of bikes. Preferred: Complete installation of Pump Vault by Memorial Day weekend and replace pavers and snowmelt to the extent possible, opening the eastern access to Vail Bike Tech to the fullest extent possible. 3. While it is recognized that the best site access from the mall is through the proposed water feature area,the Town of Vail would ask the Contractor to review the schedule to see if there is any way to complete the water feature by the end of the Spring Phase. This requires coordination with the Water Feature contractor. B. Fall Construction Phase: Tuesday, September 3 through Friday,November 15,2013 Specific Work by others: installation of climbing wall, installation of play structures, installation of play equipment, installation of play area surfacing Specific Work by Contractor: full completion of all other project components including fully operational snowmelt system in both the new pavement and in the existing Arrabelle zones. 46 Vail 2013 Vail Village and LionsHead Village Construction Information Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and LionsHead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guests to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guests as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create, implement the Vail Village and LionsHead Village Construction Information Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the construction contractors and the merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction in the Vail and LionsHead Village areas. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be managed in the villages: • The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. • Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery vehicles, emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. • Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. • All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and pedestrian areas must go through Check Point Charlie. All LionsHead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking; refer to the approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. • The hours of outside construction activity shall be as follows: - April 15—June 28 & September 3 - November 15, 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., seven days a week. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special construction delivery permits must be requested in advance from the Public Works Department in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity within the Town of Vail right-of-way shall occur between June 29 and September 2"d, including the Holiday's and special events listed below. Martin Luther King -January 19, 20 and 21St President's Weekend - February 16, 17, and 18t" Memorial Day—May 24, 25, 26 and 27t" Summer Mountain Games — June 6, 7, 8 and 9t". Within the Vail Village area that affect the games. (TOV Public Works discretion based on schedule and location). Vail Arts Festival —(Lionshead) June 28, 29 and 301H Farmers Market— (East Meadow Drive, Sundays only)June 16 thru September 22 Independence Day—July 4, 5, 6, and 7th Labor Day Weekend —August 31, September 1 and 2nd USA Pro Challenge—August 22—24 OctoberFest- (Lionshead)—September 6, 7, 8th (Vail Village)—September 13, 14, 15th. Colorado Grand —(Lionshead Mall), September, 20 and 21St Thanksgiving Day- November 28, 29'30 and December 1St No work allowed the entire week of the Christmas/New Year Holiday, within the (Town of Vail) Right of Way. Christmas Day— December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31St New Year Day—January 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5th, 2014. • The Town of Vail Noise Ordinance has been waived by the Town Manager from 7:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m. for construction activities from April 15 through June 28th and from September 3 through November 15. The Noise Ordinance shall be in effect and strictly regulated from June 29 through September 2 d and November 15, 2013, to April 15, 2014 • All construction sites are required to submit and obtain an Approved Construction Staging and Traffic Control Plan from the Town of Vail Public Works Department in conjunction with Code Enforcement. (The approved staging/parking plan is required to be on-site at all times). • The Town of Vail reserves the right to amend the Vail Village and LionsHead Village Construction Hours regulations at any time should abuses or problems arise. • The Public Way Permit may be revoked with any violation of Title 8, of the Town of Vail Code. Expectations The following expectations are established to insure the success of the Vail Village and LionsHead Village Construction Hours Plan: • Full and complete cooperation and understanding from all parties involved in the construction activity in regard to this plan. • Strict adherence and compliance with the requirements outlined in the construction plan. • Respect and consideration for the affected interests and parties. If you have any questions, please contact the Town of Vail Public Works Department, Leonard Sandoval, 970-479-2198, or the Vail Police Department/CEO, 970-479-2200 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of Contents 1. Site Preparation 2. Earthwork 3. Boulder Walls 4. Aggregate Base 5. Cast-in-Place Concrete 6. Stone Veneer Walls 7. Concrete Walks and Paving 8. Metal Fabrications 9. Irrigation Systems 10. Landscape Accessories 11. Trees, Shrubs and Groundcovers 12. Sodding 47 SITE PREPARATION DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and incidental work necessary to perform site preparation work as shown and specified. The work includes protecting existing trees not designated for removal, removing trees and other vegetation as designated, stripping of lawn areas, stripping and stockpiling topsoil, and removing designated site improvements. MATERIALS Materials and equipment: As selected by the Contractor, except as indicated. Tree Protection: Snow fencing. EXECUTION Perform site preparation work before commencing site construction. Locate, protect and maintain active utilities not designated for removal. Provide necessary barricades, coverings, and protection to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain and to protect public during construction. Protect all areas that are not to be resurfaced or regraded and adjacent areas outside of the contract limits from damage due to site preparation work. Restore to original grades and conditions, areas adjacent to site disturbed or damaged as a result of site preparation work. Public access to business locations shall be maintained through the project site at all times. Public access through the project site may be restricted. The contractor shall provide all necessary barricading and signage required unless otherwise indicated in the Bid Documents. Plastic tape shall not be an acceptable means of barricading. Locate and suitably identify trees and improvements indicated to remain. Tree Protection: Protect existing trees scheduled to remain against injury or damage, including cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, trunks or branches, smothering by stockpiling construction materials, excavated materials, or vehicular traffic within branch spread. Trees shall be protected with temporary wood snow fence enclosure. Provide a minimum radius from center of tree trunk equal to 12" per inch of trunk diameter. Increase enclosure size as directed for large trees. Erect temporary fencing before commencing site preparation work. Maintain fencing during full construction period. Remove temporary fencing when no longer needed, or when acceptable to Owner's Representative. Interfering branches of trees scheduled to remain may be removed when acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Repair trees scheduled to remain and damaged by construction operations in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Repair damaged trees promptly to prevent progressive deterioration caused by damage. Replace trees scheduled to remain and damaged beyond repair by construction operations, as determined by the Owner's Representative, with trees of similar size and species. Cost for tree replacement shall be determined in accordance with the Tree Evaluation Formula as described in "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs, and Evergreens" published by the International Society of Arboriculture. 48 Repair and replacement of trees scheduled to remain and damaged by construction operations, or lack of adequate protection during construction operations, shall be at Contractor's expense. Clear and grub areas within contract limits as required for site access and execution of the work. Remove trees, plants, undergrowth, other vegetation and debris, except items indicated to remain. Strip weeds and grass. Fell trees in a manner to prevent injury to adjacent facilities and to trees scheduled to remain. Use hand methods for grubbing inside the drip line of trees to remain. Strip grass materials to a maximum depth of 1" under tree canopies. Carefully till or scarify existing grade to a depth of 1 ". Remove stumps and roots to a clear depth of 36" below subgrades. Remove stumps and roots to their full depth within 5'- 0" of underground structures, utility lines, footings and paved areas. Strip topsoil to its full depth at building areas, and all areas to be regraded, resurfaced or paved within contract limit work area. Stockpile topsoil in a location acceptable to the Owner's Representative, for use in finish grading and preparation of lawns and planting beds. Stockpiled topsoil shall be free from trash, brush, stones over 3" in diameter and other extraneous matter. Grade and slope stockpiles for proper drainage and to prevent erosion. No topsoil shall be removed from the site without the consent of the Owner's Representative. Remove existing site improvements within contract limits as indicated. Removal of indicated site improvements may include but is not limited to wooden planters, retaining walls, guardrails, concrete or brick walls, stairways, steps, stone masonry walls, landscape boulders or rocks, asphalt or concrete paving, concrete curbs and gutters, and other items as indicated on the Plans. Remove existing sidewalks, curbs and paving, including all base material, as required to accommodate new construction. Cut existing sidewalks, curbs and paving in neat, straight lines to provide a uniform, even transition from new to adjacent existing work. Cut back existing paving a sufficient distance to permit forming and installation of new work. Fill below grade voids with clean earth fill free of wood, metal and organic materials. Install and compact fill in layers not exceeding 6" in loose depth. Remove, temporarily relocate during construction, and reinstall in final location street signs, parking meters, mail boxes, traffic signal control boxes and other designated items. Coordinate the work with applicable governing authorities. Comply with all requirements concerning temporary installation and permanent reinstallation. Stockpile, haul from site and legally dispose of waste materials and debris. Accumulation is not permitted. Maintain disposal routes clear, clean and free of debris. On-site burning of combustible cleared materials is not permitted. END OF SECTION 49 EARTHWORK DESCRIPTION The work under this section consists of the removal and satisfactory disposal, in the manner herein required, of all material taken from within the limits of the work contracted for, the removal of which is necessary for the construction of the roadbed, subgrade, shoulders, slopes, entrances, retaining walls and other miscellaneous construction to the dimensions and limits shown on the plan or as ordered. It shall also include the formation of embankments, the disposal of surplus or unsuitable materials. CLASSIFICATION A) Unclassified Excavation shall consist of the excavation of all materials of whatever character required for the work, obtained within the right of way, including surface boulders and excavation for ditches and channels that is not removed under some other item. Overhanging rock or other rock considered dangerous shall be removed when ordered, and will be classified "Unclassified Excavation". B) Muck Excavation shall consist of the removal and disposal of mixtures of soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation or embankment material. C) Rock Excavation shall consist of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock which can not be excavated without blasting or the use of rippers or hammers, including all boulders or other detached stones having a volume of/2 cubic yard or more, as determined by physical or visual measurement. D) Borrow shall consist of approved material obtained from outside the right of way, required for the construction of the project. EXECUTION Excavation shall be made in conformity with the requirements of the plans and as ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall, when necessary in excavation areas, provide and maintain ditches which are adequate to prevent free water from becoming incorporated in material to be used to form embankments, such ditching to be at the sole expense of the Contractor. The excavations and embankments shall be finished to smooth and uniform surfaces conforming to the typical sections specified. Variations from the subgrade plane elevations specified shall not be more than 0.08 ft. Where Bituminous or concrete surfacing materials are to be placed directly on the subgrade, the subgrade plane shall not vary more than 0.04 ft. Materials shall not be wasted without permission of the Engineer. Excavation operations shall be conducted so material outside of the slope limits will not be disturbed. Prior to beginning grading operations, all necessary clearing and grubbing in that area shall have been performed in accordance with the appropriate section of these specifications. The Contractor shall notify the engineer not less than five (5)working days prior to beginning excavation so any necessary cross sections may be taken. The Contractor shall not excavate beyond the dimensions and elevations established. Archaeological and paleontological materials encountered during the work shall be dealt with in accordance with subsection 107.23 of the Colorado Highway specifications 1991. Specific construction requirements shall conform to the Colorado D.O.T. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 1991 sections 203.05 thru 203.11. 50 MEASUREMENT Payment lines for earth excavation shall coincide with the slope and subgrade lines as shown on the plans or as ordered . Volumes will be computed from the cross sections by the average end area or other acceptable method. Measurements will include over-breakage in rock excavation from the backslopes to an amount not to exceed, in any half station of 50 feet, 10 percent of the actual quantity required for that half station. Embankment material will be measured in its final compacted position in the roadway. Measurement will be made upward from the original ground line without any allowance being made for subsidence due to compaction of the base under the embankment. The original cross sections will be used for determination of volumes of embankment material placed, unless changes have been directed. Embankments constructed with moisture and density control, above the base of fills, will be measured as the volume in cubic yards computed from the dimensions to which this method of construction applies. Quantities, including any necessary excavation, involved in the treatment of the bases of cuts and fills with moisture and density control to the depth designated in the Contract, will not be remeasured but shall be the quantities shown in the Contract, unless field changes are ordered or unless there are errors in the contract quantities. If field changes are ordered or errors are discovered, the quantities will be remeasured as the volume in cubic yards computed from the revised dimensions to which the method of construction applies. Compaction of embankments constructed without moisture and density control will not be paid for separately but will be considered incidental to the various classifications of excavation. The amount of excavation will be determined by the method of average end areas. The work, materials, tools, equipment and labor incidental to the disposal of unsuitable excavated material will not be measured for payment. END OF SECTION 51 BOULDER WALLS DESCRIPTION Work under this item shall consist of the construction of stacked boulder walls. The work shall include all materials, the excavation for and the placement of bedding material (when necessary), subgrade preparation, boulder placement, and backfilling; all in conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions and details shown on the plans, or as ordered, and in accordance with the provisions of these specifications for the various materials and work which constitutes the completed structure. MATERIALS Boulders shall be rounded, not angular, unless approved by the Owner's Representative. Boulders excavated from the site should be used to the maximum extent possible. Backfill shall be free of frozen lumps, wood or other organic material and shall consist of sand, gravel, slag, crushed stone or mixtures thereof. On site material should probably be sufficient for use in backfilling although this will be determined by the Owner's Representative prior to construction of boulder walls. EXECUTION The wall shall be constructed in the location and to the dimensions shown on the plans or as ordered. Material shall be excavated so as to obtain a firm and level subgrade to the elevations shown on the plans, the subgrade shall be compacted with a plate compactor or a method approved by the Owner's Representative. When unsuitable material is encountered within the bearing area of the wall the material shall be removed in its entirety or to a depth of three (3) feet, and backfilled with a gravel fill and compacted in twelve (12) inch lifts. The boulders shall be laid in line in courses roughly leveled up. The bottom or foundation courses shall be composed of large, selected stones. The boulders shall be placed so they are touching and after removal of moving implements, should be stable and unrockable. Open joints shall be chinked with spalls and smaller rocks, from the rear to ensure a full face and that they will not fall out. The backfill shall be placed in sequence with the wall construction, in no case shall the wall height exceed four (4) feet before the backfill material is placed and compacted. The backfill shall be placed in lifts not to exceed twelve (12) inches and care shall be taken to insure that all voids are filled and compacted and the boulders are not displaced. END OF SECTION 52 AGGREGATE BASE DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials and all incidental work necessary for the installation of an aggregate base. The base shall consist of a foundation constructed on the prepared subbase in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, compacted thickness and typical cross-section as shown on the plans. MATERIALS Aggregates for bases shall be crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel, natural gravel, or crushed reclaimed concrete or asphalt material which conforms to the quality requirements of AASHTO M147 except that the requirements for the ratio of minus No. 200 sieve fraction to the minus NO. 40 sieve fraction, stated in 2.2.2 of AASHTO M147, shall not apply. The liquid limit shall not be greater than 30 and the plasticity index shall not exceed six when the aggregate is tested in accordance with AASHTO T89 and T90 respectively. Test result copies shall be made available to the Owner's Representative upon request. Gradation: Aggregates shall be combined and mixed by approved methods so that the resulting material shall conform to the following gradation requirements: Square Mesh Sieves Percent Passing By Weight Pass 3/4 100 Pass#4 30-65 Pass#8 22-55 Pass#200 3-12 EXECUTION Coarse aggregate shall be either gravel or broken stone at the option of the Contractor. However, only one type of coarse aggregate shall be used on a project unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Obtain inspection and approval of subgrade surfaces by Soils Engineer prior to installing fill or paving base materials. Disc, dry, and recompact or undercut soft and wet subgrade virgin soils prior to placement of any engineered fill. Excavate unsatisfactory soil materials extending below subgrade elevation to depth as directed by the Soils Engineer. Extra excavating and placement of additional fill materials will be paid for as a change in work. Obtain written authorization from the Owner's Representative before performing extra excavation work. Place engineered fill in layers not to exceed 8" in loose thickness with each layer compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 Standard Proctor Method or as specified by the Soils Engineer. Prior to placing the bottom course of the aggregate base, the prepared subbase shall be maintained true to line and grade. After the aggregate is spread, it shall be thoroughly compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 Standard Proctor Method and bound by use of equipment approved by the Engineer. Water may be used during the compaction and binding operation. When the bottom course has been completed, as specified above, the top course aggregate shall be spread over it to such thickness that, after final compaction and binding, the total thickness of the two courses will equal that thickness specified for the completed base. The top course shall be spread, compacted and bound as specified above for the bottom course. The final surface of the sub-base course shall be fine graded so that, after final compaction and just prior to placement of base or pavement courses, the surface elevation shall not vary more than one-quarter inch above or below the design line and grade at any location. The surface shall be completed to the 53 above tolerance and approved by the Engineer prior to any work at a given location to place an overlying course. If after approval, the course becomes displaced or disturbed in any way for any reason, the Contractor shall repair and regrade the damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to placing the overlying course. All repaired sections shall be recompacted until they meet the requirements as stated herein. END OF SECTION 54 See Addendum # 2 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE revised spec. DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and all incidental work necessary to provide cast-in-place concrete as shown and specified. The work includes formwork, reinforcing and accessories, cast-in-place concrete foundations, retaining walls and miscellaneous structural concrete. MATERIALS Materials and methods of construction shall comply with the following standards: 1. Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for road and bridge construction. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM). 3. American Concrete Institute, (ACI). Do not change source or brands of cement and aggregate materials during the course of the work. Submit concrete mix designs. Obtain approval before placing concrete. Submit complete materials list of items proposed for the work. Identify materials source. Submit admixture and accessory item product data. Submit material certificates for aggregates and reinforcing. Submit concrete delivery tickets. Show the following: batch number, mix by class or sack content with maximum size aggregate, admixtures, air content, slump, time of loading. Submit concrete test reports. General Portland cement: ASTM C150, Type 1, natural color. Aggregate: Provide AASHTO M43 Grading #57 clean, uncoated crushed stone or gravel coarse aggregate free of materials which cause staining or rust spots; fine aggregate shall be clean natural sand. Water: Clean, fresh and potable. Air-entraining admixture: ASTM C260. Water-reducing admixture: ASTM C494. Integral concrete colorant: As indicated on the Drawings Mixes Provide ASTM C94 ready-mixed concrete. Batch mixing at site not acceptable. Use ACI 301 Method 1 or Method 2 to determine mix proportions. Strength: 4,000 psi minimum at 28 days. Slump range: 2"to 4" maximum for consolidation by vibration. Integral concrete colorant: Per manufacturer's recommendations. Fibrous concrete reinforcement: 1.5 Ibs per cubic yard. Provide an approved water-reducing admixture in all concrete. Provide an air-entraining admixture in all concrete. Air content 5% to 7%. Indicate water added to mix at job site on each delivery ticket. Show quantity of water added. Site water tempered mixes exceeding specified slump range will be rejected as not complying with specification requirements. Accessories Forms shall be wood, plywood, or metal of sufficient strength to resist concrete placement pressure and to maintain horizontal and vertical alignment during concrete placement. Provide forms straight, free of defects and distortion. Minimize joints by using largest practical sizes. 55 Wood: Provide S4S surfaced plank wood forms where board form finish is scheduled, member sizes indicated. Plywood: Provide high density sheathing grade, plywood sound one face, undamaged, with clean true edges where plywood form finish is scheduled. Provide exposed edges chamfered. Provide form ties, formwork accessories and anchorages of size required and of sufficient strength to maintain formwork in proper alignment and tolerances while placing concrete. Tubular column and support forms: Round, laminated paper or fiber plies, spirally wound. Inside surface treated with form release agent. Provide wall thickness adequate to resist concrete loads. Form release agent: Nonstaining chemical form release agent free or oils, waxes and other materials harmful to concrete. Reinforcing bars: ASTM A615, A616 or A617, Grade 60, new domestic deformed steel bars, size as indicated. Fibrous concrete reinforcement: 100% virgin polypropylene fibrillated fibers. Fibermix by Fibermesh Company or approve equivalent. EXECUTION Notify Owner's Representative at least 48 hours prior to installation of concrete. Examine subgrades and installation conditions. Do not start concrete work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to support all applied vertical and lateral loads. Construct formwork to provide correct size, shape, alignment, elevation and position of concrete work. Design and erect formwork to permit removal without damage to cast-in-place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials during stripping. Install, align and level forms. Support and brace forms in place. Maintain following maximum tolerances: Horizontal and vertical lines: 1/4" in 10'-0". Location dimensions indicated: 1/4". Cross sectional dimensions: Plus or minus 1/4". Earth cuts may be used as foundation forms, when excavations are straight and true, not exposed in the finished structure and acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Any indication of excessive slope or failure of earth cuts will require side formwork. Hand-trim sides and bottoms of earth cuts and remove loose dirt before placing concrete. Coat form surfaces in contact with concrete with form release agent. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as necessary to assure separation from concrete without damage. Apply before placing reinforcing steel, anchoring devices, and embedded items. Locate, place and support reinforcement as indicated. Rebar should be adequately supported and secured to prevent displacement. Install, set and build-in items furnished by other trades. Provide adequate notification for installation of necessary items. Verify lines, levels and locations of formed concrete work. Verify that form dimensions comply with drawing dimensions. Place no concrete in footings before inspection and acceptance of bearing surfaces. 56 Place concrete in accordance with ACI 304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete," and as specified. Do not install concrete work over wet, saturated, muddy or frozen subgrade. Do not install concrete when air temperature is below 40 degrees F. Use of calcium chloride, salt or any other admixture to prevent concrete from freezing is prohibited. Protect adjacent work. Protect concrete from physical damage or reduced strength due to weather extremes during mixing, placing and curing. In cold weather comply with ACI 306, "Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting." In hot weather comply with ACI 305, "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting." Place concrete continuously between construction joints. Deposit in horizontal layers not greater than 24" consolidate layers while still plastic to prevent cold joints. Place all footings full thickness in one operation, without change in proportions, screeded to proper elevation and floated. Consolidate installed concrete using mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented with hand rodding and tamping. Work concrete thoroughly around reinforcement and other embedded items and into all parts of formwork. Formed finishes shall comply with ACI 301. Provide as-cast rough form finish where scheduled. Curing: Moist cure formed concrete surface with forms in place for 7 days. If forms are removed prior to 7 days, apply liquid membrane-forming curing compound complying with ASTM C309. Surface repair: Patch and repair defective areas to match adjacent surfaces. Materials and finishes shall be consistent with installed work. Provide sample repair patches, in locations acceptable to the Owner's Representative for approval of materials, procedures and finish results. Maintain field records of time, date of placing, curing and removal of forms of concrete in each portion of work. Acceptance: The presence of serious honeycomb or excessive misalignment of forms shall be sufficient cause for rejection and replacement of the concrete affected at the Contractor's expense. Provide field quality control testing and inspection as indicated on the Drawings during concrete operations. Testing and inspection shall be performed by a qualified independent testing laboratory and paid for by the Owner. Contractor shall provide adequate notice, cooperate with, provide access to the work, obtain samples and assist test agency and their representatives in execution of their function. Provide air indicator tests with a "Chase" AE35 or equal air indicator, and air meter tests in accordance with ASTM C231 or C173 for all air-entrained concrete. Test the first load of concrete each day. Furnish copies of field records and test reports as listed for strength tests. Strength testing: Provide 1 set of 3 test specimens for each 50 cu. yds. placed in any one day. Secure samples in accordance with ASTM C172 and mold specimens in accordance with ASTM C31. Test 1 specimen at 7 days and 2 specimens at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39. Furnish copies of field records and test reports as follows: 2 copies to the Owner's Representative, 1 copy to Contractor, and 1 copy to Ready Mix Supplier. Record the exact location of the concrete in the work represented by each set of cylinders and show on test reports. Provide an insulated moist box for protection of the test cylinders until shipped to the laboratory. Protect concrete work from damage until final acceptance. Provide temporary barricades and warning lights as required for protection of project work and public safety. END OF SECTION 57 STONE VENEER WALLS DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and incidental work necessary to complete all stone veneer walls as shown and specified. The work includes the installation of concrete foundations, concrete block or cast-in-place walls, stone veneer facia, wall caps, accessories, mortar, and imbedded items. MATERIALS Materials and methods of construction shall comply with the following standards and association recommendations: 1. American Society of Testing and Materials, (ASTM). 2. The National Concrete Masonry Association, (NCMA): TEK Bulletins Comply with the applicable requirements of local governing authorities and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A41.1, Building Code Requirements for Masonry, for the types of stone masonry construction indicated. Concrete Masonry Unit Materials Hollow load-bearing units: ASTM 90, Grade N, Type I. Provide modular dimension standard concrete masonry units, nominal 8" high x 16" long x 8" deep with manufacturer's standard color and texture on exposed areas. Units should be cured in a moisture controlled atmosphere to comply with ASTM C90, Type I units or provide units cured not less than 30 days at atmospheric pressure. Moisture content shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C426. Provide closures, control joint units, headers, lintels, bond beams, and special shapes as required. Provide standard manufactured sizes or cut full size units for fractional course height and lengths. Color and texture shall match concrete masonry units. Deliver, store, and handle masonry units to prevent damage and soiling. Stack off the ground on wood pallets or platforms. Stone Materials Provide a mixture of rough sandstone, limestone, and granite stones in red, brown, and grey color ranges. Approximately 30% of the stones shall be in the red color range. Submit samples of each type and color of stone required. Include the full range of exposed color and texture proposed for the work. Provide cut stone samples not less than 12"x 12" in size. Deliver, store, and handle rough stone materials to prevent soiling and damage. Stack rough stone materials off the ground. Deliver, store, and handle cut stone materials in accordance with stone fabricators recommendations. Use nonstaining materials for blocking and packing. Stack cut stone materials off the ground on nonstaining skids. Protect from damage and soiling. Stone materials shall be sound and free of defects which will impair strength, durability, or appearance. Do not use stone units with chips, cracks, voids, stains, or other visible defects. Provide each type of stone from only one quarry to ensure consistent color range and texture. Accessories Deliver, store, and handle accessories to prevent weather damage and deterioration. 58 Concrete: Shall comply with requirements set forth in the technical specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete. Reinforcing bars (rebar): ASTM A615, A616, or A617, Grade 60. New domestic deformed steel bars of sizes indicated. Bars shall comply with requirements set forth in the technical specification for Reinforcing Steel Bars. Masonry veneer ties: Corrugated metal, not less than 1" wide x 7" long, size to extend to within 3/4" of masonry veneer face. Provide 22 gauge steel with hot-dip galvanized finish. Anchoring devices: Provide strap anchors, inserts, anchor slots, bolts, and rods of type and size indicated. Provide noncorrosive metals or hot-dip galvanized finished steel materials. Dampproofing: Nonstaining asphalt emulsions or cement-base masonry dampproofing compound as recommended by stone fabricator. Weeps: 1/4" diameter clear plastic tubing. Mortar Materials Do not change source or brands of mortar materials during the course of the work. Deliver cement, lime, and admixture materials in manufacturer's unopened and undamaged containers with labels intact and legible. Store materials off the ground, under cover, and protect from weather damage and deterioration. Stockpile and handle aggregates to prevent mixing with foreign materials. Portland cement: ASTM C150, Type I. Hydrated lime: ASTM C207, Type S. Aggregate: ASTM C144, clean masonry sand, 100% passing 16 sieve. Masonry grout aggregate: ASTM C404, clean pea gravel, maximum 3/8" size. Water: Clean, fresh, and potable. Sand: ASTM C144; pure silica sand or white marble dust, as required. Shrinkage Reducing Accelerator: "Silka Set" (Silka Chemical Company). Unit Masonry Mortar and Grout Mixes Type M Mortar: ASTM C270 proportions by volume. 1 part Portland cement, 1 part masonry cement, and not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement used of damp, loose sand. Minimum average compressive strength at twenty eight(28) days of 2500 psi. Coarse grout: ASTM C476 proportions by volume. Minimum average compressive strength at twenty eight (28) says of 2500 psi. 1 part Portland cement, 0 to 1/10 part hydrated lime, not less than 1 and not more than 2 times the volume of cement used of damp, loose, coarse aggregate. Stone Mortar and Grout Mixes Mix mortar in small batches, to a stiff plastic mass, until thoroughly homogeneous. Do not use mortar until it has set one (1) hour. Only use mortar up to two (2) hours after mixing. Do not retemper mortar or use partially set mortar. Type S Mortar: ASTM C270 proportions by volume. '/2 part Portland cement, one 1 part masonry cement, and not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement used of damp, loose sand. Minimum average compressive strength at twenty eight(28) days of 1800 psi. Grout: One (1) part nonstaining masonry cement, One and one half(1-1/2) part white, damp, loose sand. 59 Mortar Mixes (General) Measure and batch materials either by volume or weight. Use accurate measuring devices to ensure uniformity and coloration of mix. Shovel count measurement of sand is not acceptable. Mix cement materials and aggregate in a clean mechanical mixer for at least five (5) minutes. Add water in amount to provide satisfactory workable consistency of mortar. Cut Stone Fabrication Accurately cut, snap, dress, fit and finish stone to shapes and dimensions indicated. Make exposed dressed stone plane surfaces true in line. Cut external corners with miter joints where indicated; cut all other joints and edges square and at right angles to face, and with backs parallel to face. Make arises straight, sharp, true, and continuous at joints. EXECUTION Concrete Block Installation Do not use metal accessories with loose rust or other coatings, including ice, that may reduce bond. Precondition masonry materials to maintain minimum of 50° F temperatures when installed. Protect masonry from freezing when the outside air is 40° F and falling. Heat materials and provide temporary protection of completed portions of masonry work. Comply with GIA "Constructing and Protecting Recommendations for Cold Weather Masonry Construction" and NCMA "TEK Bulletin No. 16A". No masonry work will be permitted when outside air temperature is below 25° F. Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed of coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen work. Do not use anti-freeze or calcium chloride in any mortar. Protect completed masonry work from freezing for not less than 4 days after laying. Remove and replace masonry work damaged by frost or freezing. Install concrete wall foundation of diminsions indicated on the Drawings. Follow specifications under Cast-in-Place Concrete. Examine substrates and installation conditions. Do not start masonry unit work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Establish lines, levels, and coursing. Lay units dry. Install flashing when indicated. Seal watertight to backup. Lay end joints a minimum of 6". Install weeps as indicated on the drawings. Lay out walls for accurate spacing of surface bond pattern, with uniform joint widths, and to properly locate openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Build masonry construction to the full thickness indicated. Build single wythe walls to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness. Cut units as required to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining work. Cut units with masonry saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Where cutting is required, use the largest size blocks possible. Lay masonry plumb and true. Provide corners and angles square, with courses level, or as indicated. Blocks should be accurately spaced and coordinated with other work. Use double lines at multiple wythe walls. Lay blocks so that the vertical joints in each course are centered on the blocks above and below. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than 4" of horizontal face at corners or jambs. As the work progresses, build in item furnished by other trades. Fill solidly with masonry around built-in items. Where built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal lath in the joint below and rod grout into core. Provide anchors and wire ties in sufficient quantity to eliminate rattle or loose pieces and to ensure a rigid installation. Extent of anchorage and installation details indicated are intended to indicate minimum 60 requirements. In general, a minimum of one (1) anchor per 2 square feet of area is required, with additional anchorage provided where necessitated by size, thickness, setting, shape or location; grout anchor with 1 inch minimum cover. Design anchor attachments to resist a positive or negative horizontal force of 30 pounds per square foot. Remove and replace masonry units which are loose, broken, or otherwise damaged. Provide new matching units, install as specified and to eliminate evidence of replacement. Installation of Rough Stone Installation shall be performed only by experienced stone masons with satisfactory record of performance on completed projects of comparable size and quality. Sample panel: Before starting stone masonry work, provide a sample panel using materials, bond, and joint tooling indicated for the project work. Build panel at the site of full thickness and approximately 10 sq. ft. Provide the range of color, texture, and workmanship proposed for the work. Correct and rebuild sample panel until the work has bee accepted by the Landscape Architect. Retain panel during construction as a standard for completed stone masonry work. Match, as closely as possible, nearby stone walls for color, texture and design as indicated on the drawings. The approved sample panel may be a portion of the work and remain in place. Location as directed by the Owner's Representative. Provide a sample panel for each type of stone masonry required. Cold weather construction: Precondition masonry materials to maintain 50 degree F. when installed. Do not install stone masonry work when the temperature of the outside air is below 40 degree F. and falling unless suitable means acceptable to the Owner' Representative are provided to protect work from cold and frost and ensure that mortar will set without freezing. Comply with International Masonry Industry All- Weather Council cold weather construction and protection recommendations. No masonry work will be permitted when outside air temperature is below 25 degree F. Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen work. Remove and replace masonry work damaged by frost or freezing. Do not use anti-freeze or calcium chloride in any mortar. Protect completed masonry work against freezing for not less than four (4) days after laying. Do not use metal accessories with loose coating, including ice, which will reduce bond. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. Remove excess mortar and stains as work progresses. Protect adjacent work from damage, soiling, and staining during masonry work operations. Examine substrates and installation conditions. Do not start stone masonry work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Establish lines, levels, and coursing. Verify dimensions before proceeding with the work. Clean stone before setting. Provide edges and surfaces free of dirt and foreign matter. Wet stone with clean water prior to setting. Dampproof cut stone backs, bonding face and edges, and face surfaces below finish grade with dampproofing material. Ferrous metal. Where stone work will contact ferrous metal surfaces concealed in construction (anchors, supports, structural framing, and similar surfaces) apply a heavy coat of bituminous paint on metal contact surfaces prior to setting stone. Set stone level, plumb, square, and true with uniform joints, accurately aligned. The quality of field cutting shall be the same as for shop cutting. Set relieving angles as required for proper support of stone. Lay stone in coursed random pattern and split-face masonry style complying with the highest standard practices of the trade. Solidly-fill joints and head beads with mortar, packed solidly with marginal trowel, struck plumb and deep raked. Provide 61 mortar joints from 3/8 inches to '/2 inches wide. Set top surface of each stone level; cut and set true and plumb outcorners and jambs. Set stones in the wall with a minimum of trimming or dressing. Snapped, split-face or natural edges of the strips are to be exposed in the wall, with end joints rough plumbed or splayed on the job, and with outcorners and jambs set true and plumb. Distribute natural faces and stone colors over face of work in a random and even pattern. Dress stone neatly around light fixtures and other similar penetrations. Immediately prior to completion of the work, clean stone by washing with water and bristle brushes to remove stains, dirt and other discolorations. Do not use acids, cleaning compounds or wire brushes. Protect partially-completed stone masonry work against weather damage and moisture, when work is not in progress. Cover tops of walls with strong, waterproof, nonstaining membrane. Extend membrane at least 2'-0" down both sides of walls and hold securely in place. Brace unsupported and newly-laid masonry walls. Maintain bracing in place until walls reach design strength. Remove and replace stone units which are loose, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged. Provide new matching units, install as specified, and point-up joints to eliminate evidence of replacement. Repoint defective and unsatisfactory joints and as required to provide a neat, uniform appearance. Clean stonework not less than 6 days after completion of work, using clean water and stiff-bristle brushes. Do not use wire brushes, acid type cleaning agents or other cleaning compounds with caustic or harsh fillers. Cleaning agents and methods shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect. END OF SECTION 62 CONCRETE WALKS AND PAVING DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and incidental work necessary to provide concrete curbs, walks and paving as shown and specified. The work includes final subgrade preparation and paving base, formwork, reinforcement, concrete, and accessories. MATERIALS Materials and methods of construction shall comply with the following standards: 1. Colorado Department of Transportation standard specifications for road and bridge construction. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM). 3. American Concrete Institute, (ACI). Do not change source or brands of cement and aggregate materials during the course of the work. Submit concrete mix designs. Obtain approval before placing concrete. Submit complete materials list of items proposed for the work. Identify materials source. Submit admixture, curing compound, retarder and accessory item product data. Submit material certificates for aggregates, reinforcing and joint fillers. Submit concrete delivery tickets showing: batch number, mix by class or sack content with maximum size aggregate, admixtures, air content, slump, loading time. Submit concrete test reports. Deliver curing materials, admixtures and retarders in manufacturer's standard unopened containers with labels legible and intact. Store and protect from freezing and damage. General Portland cement: ASTM C150, Type 1, natural color. Aggregate: Provide ASTM C33 normal weight aggregates, 3/4" maximum size, clean, uncoated crushed stone or gravel coarse aggregate free of materials which cause staining or rust spots; fine aggregate shall be clean natural sand. Water: Clean, fresh and potable. Air-entraining admixture: ASTM C260. Water-reducing admixture: ASTM C494. Integral concrete colorant: As indicated on the Drawings. Mixes Provide ASTM C94 ready-mixed concrete. Batch mixing at site not acceptable. Use ACI 301 Method 1 or Method 2 to determine mix proportions. Strength: 4,000 psi minimum at 28 days. Slump range: 2"to 4" maximum for consolidation by vibration. Integral concrete colorant: Per manufacturer's recommendations. Fibrous concrete reinforcement: 1.5 Ibs per cubic yard. Provide an approved water-reducing admixture in all concrete. Provide an air-entraining admixture in all concrete. Air content 5% to 7%. Indicate water added to mix at job site on each delivery ticket. Show quantity of water added. Site water tempered mixes exceeding specified slump range will be rejected as not complying with specification requirements. 63 Accessories Granular base: CDOT Class 6 road base. Forms shall be wood or metal of sufficient strength to resist concrete placement pressure and to maintain horizontal and vertical alignment during concrete placement. Provide forms straight, free of detects and distortion, and height equal to full depth of concrete work. Minimize joints by using largest practical sizes. Provide 2" nominal thickness, surfaced plank wood forms for straight sections. Use flexible metal, 1" lumber or plywood forms to form radius bends. Joint filler: AASHTO M213 pre-molded, non-extruding asphalt-impregnated fiberboard, thickness indicated. Curing compound: ASTM C309, non-yellowing, non-staining liquid membrane-forming type containing a fugitive dye. Chlorinated rubber compounds not acceptable for exterior use. Joint sealants: Two component polysulfide or polyurethane elastomeric type complying with FS TT-S- 00227, self leveling, designed for foot traffic. Reinforcing steel: ASTM A615, A616 or A617, Grade 40, new domestic deformed steel bars. Fibrous concrete reinforcement: 100% virgin polypropylene fibrillated fibers. Fibermix by Fibermesh Company or approved equivalent. Form release agent: Non-staining chemical form release agent free of oils, waxes and other materials harmful to concrete. Colored concrete finish treatment: Pigmented heavy duty, non-yellowing, curing and finish treatment formulated for use on colored concrete. Provide finish treatment as directed by pigment manufacturers. EXECUTION Notify Owner's Representative at least 48 hours prior to installation of concrete. Examine subgrades and installation conditions. Do not start concrete work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Base Proof roll the subgrade and do all necessary rolling and compacting to obtain firm, even subgrade surface fill and consolidate depressed areas. Remove uncompactible materials, replace with clean fill and compact to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 Standard Proctor Method. Provide compacted granular base material at walks and paving as set forth in the requirement under the specification for "Aggregate Base". Remove loose material and debris from base surface before placing concrete. Forms and Reinforcement Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to support all applied vertical and lateral loads. Construct formwork to provide correct size, shape, alignment, elevation and position of concrete work. Design and erect formwork to permit removal without damage to cast-in-place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials during stripping. Install, align and level forms. Support and brace forms in place. Maintain following maximum tolerances: Top of form: Maximum 1/8" in 10'-0". Vertical face: Maximum 1/4" in 10'-0". Coat form surfaces in contact with concrete with form release agent. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as necessary to assure separation from concrete without damage. Apply before placing reinforcing steel, anchors, and imbedded items. 64 Locate, place and support reinforcement as indicated. Rebar should be adequately supported and secured to prevent displacement. Install, set and build-in work furnished under other specification sections. Provide adequate notification for installation of necessary items. Install pipe sleeves for irrigation, electrical, and drainage systems as indicated or determined in the field. Installation of Concrete Place concrete in accordance with ACI 304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete," and as specified. Do not install concrete work over wet, saturated, muddy or frozen subgrade. Do not install concrete when air temperature is below 40 degrees F. Use of calcium chloride, salt or any other admixture to prevent concrete from freezing is prohibited. Protect adjacent work. Protect concrete from physical damage or reduced strength due to weather extremes during mixing, placing and curing. In cold weather comply with ACI 306, "Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting." In hot weather comply with ACI 305, "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting." Moisten base to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Verify manholes or other structures are at required finish elevation and alignment before placing concrete. Place and spread concrete to the full depth of the forms. Use only square-end shovels or concrete rakes for hand spreading and consolidating concrete. Exercise care during spreading and consolidating operations to prevent segregation of aggregate and dislocation of reinforcement. Place concrete in a continuous operation between expansion joints. Provide construction joints when sections cannot be placed continuously. Place concrete in one course, monolithic construction, for the full width and depth of concrete work. Provide concrete to full thicknesses indicated. Strike-off and full-float concrete after consolidating. Level ridges and fill voids. Check surface with a 10'- 0" straightedge. Fill depressions and refloat repaired areas. Darby the concrete surface to provide a smooth level surface ready for finishing. Provide curb profiles, steps, ramps, and concrete slabs as indicated. Joints Construct control, expansion, and construction joints properly aligned with face perpendicular to concrete surface. Provide tooled control joints, sectioning concrete into areas indicated. Tool joints to depth equal to not less than one third (1/3) of the concrete thickness hand tool control joints in pattern and at spacing indicated. When not indicated, provide spacing equal to slab width and not greater than 10'-0" on center. Provide standard keyed-section construction joints where indicated. Provide expansion joints using premolded, joint filler at concrete work abutting curbs, walls, structures, walks, and other fixed objects. Locate expansion joints as indicated. When not indicated, provide joints at maximum 30'-0" on center for curbs and walks. Align expansion joints in abutting curbs and walks. Install joint fillers full-width and depth of joint. Provide top edge flush with adjacent finished surface. Provide joint fillers in single lengths for the full slab width, whenever possible. Fasten joint filler sections together when multiple lengths are required. Protect the top edge of the joint filler during concrete placement. Concrete Finishing Perform concrete finishing using mechanical or hand methods as required. Upon completion of floating, and after bleed water has disappeared and concrete can sustain foot pressure with nominal indentation, cut concrete away from forms. Work edges with an edging tool. Round edges to 1/2" radius. Install control joints at indicated locations during edging operations. 65 Integrally colored concrete finish: After selected surface finish is completed, apply 2 thin coats of colored concrete finish treatment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Provide sidewalk and pavement surfaces with textured medium broom finish. Edge outside edges and all joints with a radius edging tool. Provide ramps with a nonslip textured medium broom finish. Cure concrete with a nonstaining liquid membrane-forming compound. Spray apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommended coverage rate. Apply curing compound immediately after completing surface finish. Joint sealants: Install joint sealants where indicated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Clean and prime joints. Remove dirt and loose coatings. Apply sealants in continuous beads, without open joints, voids, or air pockets. Hand tool and finish all joints. Confine materials to joint areas with masking tape or other precautions. Remove excess compound promptly as work progresses and clean adjoining surfaces. In rough surfaces or joints of uneven widths, install joint sealant well back into joints. Maintain field records of time, date of placing, curing, finishing, and removal of forms of concrete in each portion of work. Acceptance: The presence of serious honeycomb or excessive misalignment of forms shall be sufficient cause for rejection and replacement of the concrete affected at the Contractor's expense. Provide field quality control testing and inspection as indicated on the Drawings during concrete operations. Testing and inspection shall be performed by a qualified independent testing laboratory and paid for by the Owner. Contractor shall provide adequate notice, cooperate with, provide access to the work, obtain samples and assist test agency and their representatives in execution of their function. Provide air indicator tests with a "Chase" AE35 or equal air indicator, and air meter tests in accordance with ASTM C231 or C173 for all air-entrained concrete. Test the first load of concrete each day. Furnish copies of field records and test reports as listed for strength tests. Strength testing: Provide 1 set of 3 test specimens for each 50 cu. yds. placed in any one day. Secure samples in accordance with ASTM C172 and mold specimens in accordance with ASTM C31. Test 1 specimen at 7 days and 2 specimens at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39. Furnish copies of field records and test reports as follows: 2 copies to the Owner's Representative, 1 copy to Contractor, and 1 copy to Ready Mix Supplier. Record the exact location of the concrete in the work represented by each set of cylinders and show on test reports. Provide an insulated moist box for protection of the test cylinders until shipped to the laboratory. Protect concrete work from damage due to construction, vandalism, and vehicular traffic until final acceptance. Exclude construction and vehicular traffic from concrete pavements for a least 14 days. Provide temporary barricades and warning lights as required for protection of project work and public safety. Sweep concrete sidewalks and pavement, wash free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material immediately prior to final acceptance. END OF SECTION 66 METAL FABRICATIONS DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials and all incidental work necessary for the fabrication and installation of metal fabrications. Metal fabrication includes items made from iron and steel shapes, plates, bars, strips, tubes, pipes, and castings which are not a part of structural steel or other metal systems specified elsewhere. Provide assemblies which, when installed, comply with the following minimum requirements for structural performance, unless otherwise noted. MATERIALS Ferrous metals Metal surfaces: For fabrication of miscellaneous metal work which will be exposed to view, use only materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, and roughness. 1. Steel plates, shapes, and bars: ASTM A36 2. Steel bar grating: ASTM A569 or ASTM A36 3. Steel tubing: Cold formed-ASTM A500, or Hot rolled-ASTMA501 4. Structural steel sheet: Hot rolled-ASTM A570, or cold rolled ASTM 611, Class 1 of grade required for design loading. 5. Galvanized structural steel sheet: ASTM A446, of grade required for design loading. Coating designation as indicate, or if not indicated, G90. 6. Steel pipe: ASTM A53, type and grade (if applicable) as selected by fabricator and as required for design loading: black finish unless galvanizing is indicated; standard weight (schedule 40) unless otherwise noted. Concrete inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either malleable iron, ASTM A47, or cast steel, ASTM A27. Provide bolts, washers, and shims as required, hot-dip galvanized, ASTM A153. Fasteners Provide zinc-coated fasteners for exterior use or where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. 1. Bolts and nuts: regular hexagon head type, ASTM A307, Grade A 2. Lag bolts: square head type, FS FF-B-561 3. Machine screws: cadmium plated steel, FS FF-S-92 4. Wood screws: flat head carbon steel, FS FF-S-111 5. Plain washers: round, carbon steel, FS FF-W-92 6. Masonry anchorage devices: expansion shields, FS FF-S-325 7. Toggle bolts: tumble wing type, FS-FF-B-588, type, class, and style as required 8. Lock washers: helical spring type carbon steel, FS FF-W-84 Paint Shop primer for Ferrous Metal: Tnemec 90-97 Tmeme Zinc metal primer applied at 2.5 t 3.0 dry mils. Apply to exterior steel surfaces (SSPC Zone 1 B) EXECUTION General Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. Use materials of size and thickness indicated, or if not indicated, as required to produce strength and durability in finished product for use intended. Work to dimensions indicated or accepted o Shop 67 Drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials indicated or specified for various components of the work. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surface and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32" unless otherwise indicated. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. Weld corners and seams continuously, complying with AWS recommendations. At exposed connections, grind exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or bolts. Provide for anchorage of type indicated, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap miscellaneous metal works as indicated to receive finish hardware and similar items. Shop Painting Apply shop primer to surfaces of metal fabrications except those which are galvanized or as indicated to be imbedded in concrete or masonry, unless otherwise noted and in compliance with requirements of SSPC-PA1 "Paint Application Specification No. 1"for shop painting. Stripe paint all edges, corners, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges. Surface Preparation Prepare ferrous metal surfaces to comply with the minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: 1. Exteriors (SSPC Zone 1113): SSPC-SP6"Commercial Blast Cleaning" 2. Interiors (SSPC Zone 1A): SSPC-SP3 "Power Tool Cleaning" Rough Hardware Furnish bent or otherwise custom fabricated bolts, plates, anchors, hangers, dowels, and other miscellaneous steel and iron shapes as required for framing and supporting woodwork and for anchoring or securing woodwork to concrete or other structures. Fabricate item to sizes, shapes, and dimensions required. Furnish malleable iron washers for heads and nuts which bear on wood structural connections; elsewhere, furnish steel washers. Preparation Take field measurements prior to fabrication where possible. Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drwawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages, such as concrete inserts, sleeves, anchor bolts, and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site. Installation Fastening to In Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal fabrications to in place construction including threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through bolts, lag bolts, wood screws, and other connectors as required. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installation of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plus, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Rovide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items which are to be built into concrete masonry or similar construction. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections which are not to be left as 68 exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded decause of shipping size limitations. Grind exposed joints smooth and touch up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut, or abrade the surfaces of exterior units which have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and are intended for bolted or screwed field connections. Field Welding: Comply with AWS Code for procedures of manual shielded metal arc welding, appearance, and quality of welds and methods used in correction welding work. Setting Loose Plates: Clean concrete and masonry bearing surfaces of any bond reducing materials and roughen to improve bond to surfaces. Clean bottom surface of bearing plates. Set loose leveling and bearing plates on wedges or other adjustable devices. After the bearing members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten the anchor bolts. Do not remove wedges or shims, but if protruding, cut off flush with the edge of the bearing plate before packing with grout. Use metallic non-shrink grout in concealed locations where not exposed to moisture, use non-metallic, non shrink grout in exposed locations, unless otherwise indicated. Pack grout solidly between bearing surface and plates to ensure that no voids remain. Adjust and Clean Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and adraded areas of shop aint and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop painting. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. For galvanized surfaces, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and apply galvanizing repair paint to comply with ASTM A780. END OF SECTION 69 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, material, and all incidental work necessary for the installation of a complete underground irrigation system as shown and specified. The work includes automatic irrigation system including piping, fittings, sprinkler heads and accessories, pump(s), valves, backflow preventer(s) and fittings, meter(s), controller(s), control wire, sleeving, system testing, excavating and backfilling, associated exterior and interior plumbing, and accessories to complete the system. MATERIALS Materials, equipment and methods of installation shall comply with the following codes and standards: 1. Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water Districts Regulations 2. National Electrical Code. 3. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). Manufacturers and system component model numbers are indicated on the drawings. Provide only new materials, without flaws or defects and of the highest quality of their specified class and kind. Submit manufacturer's product data and installation instructions for each of the system components. Deliver irrigation system components in manufacturer's original undamaged and unopened containers with labels intact and legible. Deliver plastic piping in bundles, packaged to provide adequate protection of pipe ends, both threaded and plain. Store and handle materials to prevent damage and deterioration. Provide secure, locked storage for valves, sprinkler heads and similar components that cannot be immediately replaced, to prevent installation delays. Substitutions are not encouraged and as a general rule will not be allowed. Submit requests for substitutions within fifteen (15) days after date of Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for investigating the proposed substitution and demonstrating that it is of the same or better quality level, capacity, function, or appearance than the specified product. Contractor shall bear all costs resulting from necessary changes caused by the substitution. The Owner's Representative will determine acceptabilit y of proposed substitution and will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection. Irrigation System Materials Comply with pipe sizes indicated. No substitution of smaller pipes will be permitted. Larger sizes may be used subject to acceptance of the Owner's Representative. Remove damaged and defective pipe. Provide pipe continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name or trademark, size schedule and type of pipe, working pressure at 73 degrees F., and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval. Polyvinyl chloride pipe: ASTM D2241, rigid, unplasticized PVC, extruded from virgin parent material. Provide pipe homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, wrinkles and dents. Pipes 1" diameter and under shall be SDR 21, Class 200. Pipes over 1" diameter shall be SDR 26, Class 160. Use solvent weld pipe for diameter under 4". PVC pipe fittings: ASTM D2241 schedule 40 PVC molded fittings suitable for solvent weld, slip joint ring tite seal, or screwed connections. Fittings made of other materials are not permitted. Size slip fitting socket taper to permit a dry unsoftened pipe and to be inserted no more than halfway into the socket. Saddle and cross fittings are not permitted. Schedule 80 PVC pipe may be threaded. Use male adapters for plastic to metal connections. Hand tighten male adapters plus one turn with a strap wrench. Polyethylene pipe: ASTM D2239 flexible polyethylene pipe rated at 100 psi minimum working pressure. 70 Insert fittings: ASTM D2466 insert type fittings. Saddle and cross fittings not permitted. Sprinkler heads, pumps, valves and associated equipment: Refer to drawings materials list. Controls: Refer to drawings materials list. Electrical control wire: Electrical control and ground wire. Type OF AWG No. 14 solid copper UL approved for direct underground burial.. Provide one extra wire to furthest valve location(s). Wire color code: Provide control or "hot" wires red in color. Provide common or "ground" wires white in color. Provide extra wires black in color. Wire color shall be continuous over it's entire length Clamps: Stainless steel, worm gear hose clamps with stainless steel screws. Low voltage wire connectors: Socket seal type wire connectors and waterproof sealer. Valve access boxes: Tapered enclosure of rigid plastic material comprised of fibrous components chemically inert and unaffected by moisture corrosion and temperature changes. Provide lid of same material, green in color. Size as indicated on drawing material list. Sleeving: PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints, size as indicated on the drawings. Drip Irrigation Components: Remote Control Valve Assembly for Drip Laterals: as presented in the installation details. Zone Control Valve Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Drip Emitter Assembly: Pressure compensating emitter device as presented in the installation details. Install emitter types and quantities on the emitter schedule as presented in the installation details. Use 1/8" diameter flexible plastic tubing to direct water from emitter outlet to emission point. Length of emitter outlet tubing shall not exceed five feet. Secure emitter outlet tubing with tubing stakes. Install an access sleeve for each multiple outlet emitter. Flush Cap Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Locate at the end of each drip irrigation lateral pipe. Accessories Drainage fill: '/2'to 3/4"washed pea gravel. Fill: Clean soil free of stones larger than 2" diameter foreign matter, organic material and debris. Provide imported fill material as required to complete the work. Obtain rights and pay all costs for imported materials. Suitable excavated materials removed to accommodate the irrigation system work may be used as fill material subject to the review and acceptance of the Owner's Representative. Paint: Green, rust inhibitive paint EXECUTION Installers shall have a minimum of 5 years experience installing irrigation systems of comparable size. Examine final grades and installation conditions. Do not start irrigation system work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Layout and stake the location of each pipe run and all sprinkler heads, sprinkler valves, manual drains, controller, and isolation valves. Obtain acceptance of layout from Owner's Representative prior to excavating. 71 Irrigation system layout is diagrammatic. Exact locations of piping, sprinkler heads, valves and other components shall be established by Contractor in the field at time of installation. Space sprinkler components as indicated. Minor adjustments in system layout will be permitted to clear existing fixed obstructions. Final system layout shall be acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Sleeving: Place sleeves as indicated for installation of piping and control wire. Saw cut existing paving scheduled to remain for sleeving installation. For areas receiving new pavement treatments, coordinate installation of sleeves prior to pavement subgrade preparation. Install separate sleeve to route each run of irrigation pipe or wiring bundle. Cutting and patching: Cut through concrete and masonry with core drills. Jack hammers are not permitted without prior approval from the Owner's Representative. Materials and finishes for patching shall match existing cut surface materials and finish. Exercise special care to provide water tight patching at openings in exterior walls. Methods and materials used for cutting and patching shall be acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Excavating and Backfilling All excavation shall be considered unclassified excavation and include all materials encountered. Strip sod for pipe trenches 1" to 1-1/2" thick providing clean cut edges. Excavate trenches of sufficient depth and width to permit proper handling and installation of pipe and fittings. Excavate to depths required to provide 2" depth of earth fill or sand bedding for piping when rock or other unsuitable bearing material is encountered. Minimum cover over all pipes shall be as indicated in the installation details. Excavate trenches and install piping and fill during the same working day. Do not leave open trenches or partially filled trenches open overnight. Remove rocks larger than 2" in diameter from trench bottom and sides before placing pipe. Backfill only after lines have been reviewed and tested. Backfill shall be free from rubbish, organic materials, frozen materials, and rocks over 2" in diameter. Backfill and puddle the lower half of the trench and allow to dry 24 hours. Backfill remainder of the trench in 6" layers and compact to density of surrounding soil. Dress backfilled areas to original grade. Incorporate excess backfill into existing site grades. Remove material not suitable for backfill. Replace stripped sod in sufficient time to allow for satisfactory sod recovery and growth. Water stripped and reinstalled sod until irrigation system is placed in operation. Replace paving of same material, using joints and patterns to match existing adjoining paving surfaces. Plastic Pipe Install plastic pipe in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction. Saw cut plastic pipe. Use a square-in-sawing vice, to ensure a square cut. Remove burrs and shavings at cut ends prior to installation. Make plastic to plastic joints with solvent weld joints or slip seal joints. Use only solvent recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Install plastic pipe fittings in accordance with pipe manufacturer's instruction. Contractor shall make arrangements with pipe manufacturer for all necessary field assistance. Keep ends of unassembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue installation. Make plastic to metal joints with plastic male adapters. Snake pipe from side to side within trench. Make solvent weld joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Allow joints to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to the system. 72 Uncoil poly-pipe and insert fitting full depth. Secure poly-pipe to insert fittings with stainless steel clamps. Double clamp pipe over 1-1/4" diameter. Maintain pipe interiors free of dirt and debris. Close open ends of pipe by acceptable methods when pipe installation is not in progress. Snake pipe from side to side within trench. Sprinklers, Fittings, Valves and Accessories Obtain Owner's Representative's review and acceptance of height for proposed sprinkler heads and valves prior to installation. Install fittings, valves, sprinkler heads, risers and accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, except as otherwise indicated. Provide concrete thrust blocks where required at fittings and valves. Set sprinkler heads perpendicular to finished grades, except as otherwise indicated. Install pop-up spray heads with flexible swing pipe assemblies. Maximum swing pipe length shall be 4'-0". Locate sprinkler heads to assure proper coverage of indicated areas. Do not exceed sprinkler head spacing distances indicated. Install risers for spray heads in shrub or flower bed areas and planters of sufficient height to prevent interruption of the stream by the plant material. Provide risers of '/2' SDR 21 class 200 PVC pipe with schedule 40 PVC male adapters. Set risers in a row with top level and in-line. Paint exposed plastic risers with one (1) coat of paint. Install pop-up impact or gear driven sprinklers with an adjustable double swing joint riser of at least three (3) standard 90 degree elbows. Fabricate double swing joint risers of schedule 80 PVC nipples and schedule 40 PVC elbows. The horizontal nipple connected directly into the side of the lateral line shall be a minimum of 3" long. All other nipples of the swing joint riser shall be of length as required for proper installation of the sprinkler head. Use only bottom inlet on all sprinkler heads. Install quick coupling valves with an adjustable double swing joint riser assembled by the use of at least three (3) standard 90 degree elbows. Fabricated double swing joint risers shall be schedule 80 PVC nipples and schedule 40 PVC elbows. Install backflow prevention valve, pump, suction line, booster pump, fittings, and accessories as shown or required to complete the system. Install controller(s)as detailed. Install in-ground control valves in a valve access box as indicated. Install valve access boxes on a suitable base of gravel to provide a level foundation at proper grade and to provide drainage of the access box. Provide extension sections as required. Seal threaded connections on pressure side of control valves with Teflon tape or approved plastic joint type compound. Install flow meters and combination flow meter/master valve in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Install drip emitters and distribution tubing where indicated. Provide all adapters, plugs, and fittings. Control Wiring Install electric control cable in the piping trenches wherever possible. Place wire in trench adjacent to pipe. Install wire with slack to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. Expansion joints in wire may be provided at 200-foot intervals by making 5-6 turns of the wire around a piece of '/2' pipe instead of slack. Where necessary to run wire in a separate trench, provide a minimum cover of 12". 73 Provide sufficient slack at site connections at remote control valves in control boxes, and at all wire splices to allow raising the valve bonnet or splice to the surface without disconnecting the wires when repair is required. Provide 24" minimum slack. Connect each remote control valve to one station of a controller except as otherwise indicated. Connect remote control valves to common ground wire system. Make wire connections to remote control electric valves and splices of wire in the field, using wire connectors and sealing cement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Provide tight joints to prevent leakage of water and corrosion build-up on the joint. Provide separate sleeve for wiring where required. Provide twisted pair wire bundles to control/sensor equipment according to manufacturer's recommendations. Interior Plumbing Install piping to provide complete drainage of the system, toward the source wherever possible. Provide drain valves at all drainage points on pipes. Cut pipe accurately to measurements established at the building and installed without springing or forcing. After cutting and reaming, and before assembling, remove interior scale, dust, and foreign matter. Installed pipe shall follow building lines, clearing all doors and other openings. No diagonal piping will be accepted. Install piping to allow installation of pipe insulation covering as indicated. Insulate pipe with 1" thickness of fibrous glass insulation, 35 degree service, with white kraft paper jacket and .001 aluminum foil vapor barrier. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction of pipe. Flushing, Testing and Adjustment After sprinkler piping and risers are installed and before sprinkler heads are installed, open control valves and flush out the system with full head of water. In the presence of the Owner's Representative, the Contractor shall conduct a pressure test on the mainline pipe at a pressure of 1.5 times operating pressure for a period of two (2) hours. Pipe should hold pressure within 5 pounds for two (2) hours. Any leaks or breaks during the test shall be repaired and the mainline will be retested until accepted. All test equipment and pumps to be supplied by the Contractor. Perform system testing upon completion of each section. Make necessary repairs and retest repaired sections as required. Adjust sprinklers after installation for proper and adequate distribution of the water over the coverage pattern. Adjust for the proper arc of coverage. Tighten nozzles on spray type sprinklers after installation. Adjust sprinkler adjusting screw on lateral line or circuit as required for proper radius. Interchange nozzle patterns as directed by the Owner's Representative, to give best arc of coverage. Adjust all electric remote control valve flow control stems for system balance. Test and demonstrate the controller by operating appropriate day, hour and station selection features as required to automatically start and shut down irrigation cycles to accommodate plant requirements and weather conditions. Program controller according to Owner's Representative instructions. When requested, return to the site during the subsequent fall season and winterize the system. Drain all water from the system or blow out the system with compressed air. Instruct Owner's work force in proper winterization procedures. Label with typed description of each control zone area and location. 74 Instruct the Owner's designated personnel in the operation of the system, including adjustment of sprinklers, controller(s), valves, pump controls and moisture sensing controls. Upon acceptance the Owner will assume operation of the system. Upon irrigation system acceptance, submit written operating and maintenance instructions. Provide format and contents as directed by the Owner's Representative. Provide irrigation system record drawings. Keep and update field copy daily. Legibly mark to record actual construction. Indicate horizontal and vertical locations, referenced to two (2) permanent surface improvements. Identify field changes of dimension and detail and changes made by Change Order. Provide reproducible mylar as-built drawing of actual construction. Include all information from record drawings. Draft as-built drawing with ink using standard drafting techniques and procedures. END OF SECTION 75 LANDSCAPE ACCESSORIES DESCRIPTION The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and incidental work necessary for the installation of landscape accessories as shown and specified. Landscape accessories include steel edging, and landscape boulders. MATERIALS Deliver, store and handle landscape accessories to prevent damage and deterioration. Steel edging: Painted steel 3/16" thick x 4" depth, with interlocking joints and steel stakes green in color. Ryerson or approved equivalent. Submit material samples. Landscape boulders: Existing boulders shall be used to the maximum practical extent possible. Provide imported boulders as required to complete the work. Boulders should be rounded, not angular, and should be within 6" of the size indicated on the drawings. The Owner's Representative will have the option of inspecting boulders intended for import at the source. The Contractor should allow seven (7) days notice for the Owner's Representative to inspect boulders prior to import. Any boulders moved on site where prior notice was not given, may be rejected by the Owner's Representative and should be immediately removed from the job site. EXECUTION Examine subgrades, finished surfaces, and installation conditions. Remove loose material and debris from base surface before placing landscape accessories. Do not start landscape accessories work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Locate and lay-out all landscape accessory items. Obtain acceptance of layout from the Owner's Representative prior to installation. Steel Edging Lines on the plan indicate approximate field locations. The Landscape Architect will indicate in the field exact locations and lines prior to installation. Contractor is to notify the Landscape Architect seven (7) days prior to the need for layout. Assemble, align, bend and adjust the sections before stakes are set. Set top flush with adjoining surfaces and turf. Clean and touch-up paint all abraded, welded, and scratched surfaces with matching rust inhibitive paint. Landscape Boulders Place landscape boulders prior to spreading topsoil and planting mixtures. Boulders should be placed on a dry, compacted base that will allow drainage from under the boulder, and that will prevent the boulder from settling. Base material is subject to inspection by the Landscape Architect. The elevation of the compacted base should be 1/4 to 1/3 of the boulder's height below finished grade. Place and orient boulders as directed by the Landscape Architect. Fill around placed boulders with appropriate soil to finished grade so that boulders do not look as though they are "sitting" on top of the ground. Placed boulders should be solid, stable, and unrockable. Wash landscape boulders with water to remove mud, dirt, and debris as needed. END OF SECTION 76 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS DESCRIPTION The work for this section includes the provision of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the installation of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, soil preparation, existing tree care, mulch, planting mixes, and accessories, as indicated on the plans. The work also includes the maintenance of landscape areas through the duration of the project. MATERIALS Plant Provision A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities and other requirements is shown on the drawings. In the event that quantity discrepancies or material omissions occur in the plant materials list, the planting plans shall govern. Plant names indicated shall comply with "Standardized Plant Names" as adopted by the latest edition of the American Joint Committee of Horticulture Nomenclature. Names of varieties not listed conform generally with names accepted by the nursery trade. Provide stock true to botanical name and legibly tagged. Comply with sizing, grading, and descriptive standards established in the latest edition of "American Standard for Nursery Stock" published by the American Association of Nurserymen. Provide plants typical of their species or variety, with normal, densely-developed branches and vigorous, fibrous root systems. Provide "specimen" plants with a special height, shape or character of growth. Tag specimen trees or shrubs at the source of supply. The Owner's Representative may inspect specimen selections at the source of supply for suitability and adaptability to selected location. When specimen plants cannot be purchased locally, provide sufficient photographs of the proposed specimen plants for approval. All plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for a minimum of 2 years. Balled and burlapped plants: Dig balled and burlapped plants with firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root system necessary for full recovery of the plant. Provide ball sizes complying with the latest edition of the "American Standard for Nursery Stock." Cracked or mushroomed balls are not acceptable. Container-grown stock: Grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold its soil together, firm and whole. No plants shall be loose in the container. Container stock shall not be pot bound. Bare root plants: Dig with adequate fibrous roots, covered with a uniformly thick coating of mud by being puddled immediately after they are dug, or packed in moist straw, peat moss, or polymers. Plant Size Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable, at no additional cost, and providing that the larger plants will not be cut back to size indicated. Provide plants indicated by two measurements so that only a maximum of 25% are of the minimum size indicated and 75% are of the maximum size indicated. Plant Condition Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants free from dead wood, bruises or other root or branch injuries. Plants shall be free from defects, disfiguring knots, sun scald injuries, frost cracks, abrasions of the bark, plant diseases, insect eggs, borers and all forms of infestation. All plants shall have a fully developed form without voids and open spaces. Evergreen trees shall be branched to the ground. Plants that are to 77 be planted in rows shall be matched in form. Side branches shall be generous, well-twigged and the plant as a whole well-bushed to the ground. Plants held in storage will be rejected if they show signs of growth during storage. All pruning wounds must show vigorous bark on all edges. No pruning wounds shall be present with a diameter of more than 1". Delivery, Storage, and Handling of Plants Take all precautions customary in good trade practice in preparing plants for moving. Workmanship that fails to meet the highest standards will be rejected. Spray deciduous plants in foliage with an approved "Anti-Desiccant" immediately after digging to prevent dehydration. Dig, pack, transport and handle plants with care to ensure protection against injury. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment invoice or order to stock and on arrival, the certificate shall be filed with the Owner's Representative. Protect all plants from drying out. If plants cannot be planted immediately upon delivery, properly protect them with soil, wet peat moss, or in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Water heeled-in plantings daily. No plant shall be bound with rope or wire in a manner that could damage or break the branches. Transport plant material to site in a closed vehicle or otherwise protected from wind and other damage. Plant material arriving on site which have been wind damaged, desiccated, or otherwise damaged will be rejected. Plants with fresh uncalloused bark wounds will be rejected. Plant Inspection Plants may be inspected and approved at the place of growth, for compliance with specification requirements for quality, size and variety. Such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection upon delivery at the site or during the progress of the work. Plant Warranty Warrant plant material to remain alive and be in healthy, vigorous condition for a period of one (1) year after completion and acceptance of entire project. Replace, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, all plants that are dead or, as determined by the Owner's Representative, are in an unhealthy or unsightly condition, and have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, or other causes due to the Contractor's negligence. The cost of such replacement(s) is at Contractor's expense. Warrant all replacement plants for 1 year after installation. Warranty shall not include damage or loss of trees, plants or ground covers caused by fires, floods, freezing, rains, lighting storms, winds over 75 miles per hour, winter kill caused by extreme cold and severe winter conditions not typical of planting area or acts of vandalism. Accessories Topsoil: Provide dry, loose topsoil for planting bed mixes. Topsoil should be fertile, friable, natural topsoil of loamy character, without admixture of subsoil material, obtained from a well-drained arable site, reasonably free from clay, lumps, coarse sands, stones, plants, roots, sticks and other foreign materials, with acidity range of between pH 6.0 and 6.8. Identify source location of topsoil proposed for use on the project. Screen topsoil to break up and remove all particles larger than 3/4" in diameter. Frozen or muddy topsoil is not acceptable. Organic matter for planting beds: Shredded or pulverized manure at least one year old, low in mineral and woody material, well composted to destroy weed seeds, free from objectional odor wet or dry, free from salts and other substances detrimental to plant growth. Screen manure to breakup and remove all particles larger than 3/4" in diameter. Peat Moss: Brown to black in color, weed and seed free granulated raw peat or baled peat, containing not more than 9% mineral on a dry basis. "Mountain Peat Moss"will not be accepted. 78 Premixed flower/groundcover bed planting mixture: Consists of two (2) parts screened topsoil to one (1) part peat moss to one (1) part screened manure. Add '/2 pound 20-26-6 slow release fertilizer per cubic yard of planting mixture. Fertilizer: Plant Fertilizer Type "D": Commercial type slow release, balanced fertilizer with NPK analysis of 20-20-20 or approved substitute. Deliver fertilizer materials in original, unopened and undamaged containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Store in manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. Anti-Desiccant: Protective film emulsion providing a protective film over plant surfaces; permeable to permit transpiration, mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Mulch: Shredded Aspen bark or pole peelings free from noxious weed seed and foreign material. Submit sample for approval. Water: Free of substances harmful to plant growth. Hoses or other methods of transportation furnished by Contractor. Stakes for Staking: Steel tee post, 6 foot length. Stakes for Guying: Steel tee post, 24 inch length. Guying/Staking Wire: No. 10 or 12 gauge galvanized wire. Staking and Guying Strap: 2" wide nylon straps of sufficient length to avoid contact of wire or grommets to trunk of tree. Tree Wrap: Standard waterproofed tree wrapping paper, 2-1/2"wide, made of two (2) layers of crepe kraft paper weighing not less than 30 lbs. per ream, cemented together with asphalt. Weed Control Barrier: Spun bonded, non-woven polyester fabric, with dense surface capable of impeding weed growth and penetration, rot resistant, air and water permeable, flexible and capable of withstanding normal foot traffic and installation stresses. Submit a sample for approval. EXECUTION General Notify Owner's Representative at least seven (7)working days prior to installation of plant material. Examine proposed planting areas and conditions of installation. Do not start planting work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. The irrigation system shall be installed prior to planting. Locate, protect and maintain the irrigation system during planting operations. Any irrigation system components damaged during planting operations shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. Planting will be inspected by the Landscape Architect during and at the completion of planting. Remove and immediately replace all plants, as determined by the Landscape Architect, to be unsatisfactory during the initial planting installation. Time of Planting Install woody plant material between April 1 and November 1. Install herbaceous plant material between May 15 and August 1. Spray evergreen material and deciduous materials in leaf with an anti desiccant prior to planting operations. 79 Planting Operations Excavate flower and groundcover bed areas to a minimum of 12" deep. Install irrigation and other subsurface equipment prior to placement of planting mixture. Fill beds with premixed flower/groundcover planting mixture up to finished grade. Keep planting mixture dry. Do not work planting mixture when wet. If beds are not to be planted immediately, cover to protect against contamination with specified landscape fabric secured with 6" stables at 24" on center. Planting shall be performed only by experienced workmen familiar with planting procedures under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. Locate plants as indicated on the Plans. All locations are to be approved in the field by the Owner's Representative prior to excavating planting pits. If obstructions are encountered that are not shown on the Plans, do not proceed with planting operations until alternate plant locations are selected. Excavate circular plant pits with vertical sides, except for plants specifically indicated to be planted in beds. Provide planting pits at least 2 times the diameter of the root system. Depth of pit shall accommodate the root system. Scarify the sides of the pit. Balled and Burlapped Plants: Remove bottom 1/3 of wire basket on balled and burlapped plants prior to setting in plant pit. After plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of balls and fill all voids. Remove all burlap and ropes from the tops of the root balls. Remove as much of the remaining wire basket as possible without causing damage to the root ball. Container Plants: Remove container from rootball. Cut any circling roots and slit sides of rootball as needed to discontinue circular root growth. Set plant material in the planting pit to proper grade and alignment. Plants shall be set upright, plumb and faced to give the best appearance or relationship to each other or adjacent structure. Set plant material flush with the finish grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. Plants may be backfilled with excavated pit material. Do not use frozen or muddy mixtures for backfilling. Form a ring of soil around the edge of each planting pit to retain water. Fertilizing Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers Apply backfill fertilizer Type "D" to surface of planting pit at a rate equal to 0.20 pounds of Nitrogen per square yard. Do not apply fertilizer close to trunk. Calculate fertilizer application by the following formula: Pit area (sq. yds.)x 0.20 pounds x 100/%N = pounds per planting pit Mulching Install weed control barrier over grade prior to mulching tree and shrub plantings and shrub beds. Secure on slopes with six (6)staples at 24" o.c. Mulch tree and shrub planting pits and shrub beds with required mulching material 3" deep immediately after planting. Thoroughly water mulched areas. After watering, rake mulch to provide a uniform finished surface. Do not mulch groundcover or flower beds. Wrapping, guying, staking, and pruning Inspect trees for injury to trunks, evidence of insect infestation, and improper pruning before wrapping. Wrap trunks of all trees spirally from bottom to top with specified tree wrap and secure in place. Overlap one half ('/2) the width of the tree wrap strip and cover the trunk from the ground to the height of the second branch. Secure tree wrap in place with twine wound spirally downward in opposite direction, tied around the tree in at least 3 places in addition to top and bottom. 80 Stake/guy all trees immediately after lawn seeding or sodding operations and prior to acceptance. When high winds or other conditions which may affect tree survival or appearance occur, the Landscape Architect may require immediate staking/guying. Stake deciduous trees under 3" caliper and evergreen trees under 8'-0" tall. Guy deciduous tree over 3" caliper and evergreen trees over 8'-0"tall. Pruning: Prune all plant material only as directed by the Owner's Representative. Care of existing trees Selectively prune existing trees in designated areas, under direction of the Owner's Representative. Remove sucker shoots, dead, rubbing and damaged branching. Fertilize designated existing trees with 2 to 3 Ibs of Type "A" plant fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter, for trees less than 6" diameter and 3 to 5 Ibs for trees greater than 6" diameter. Fertilize in early spring before growth begins or in late October. Fertilize at 2 to 3' on center in a triangular pattern to a depth of 18" within the dripline. Injection or drilling fertilization methods when used, shall be acceptable subject to the Owner's Representative. Water existing trees every 2 weeks until acceptance. Water thoroughly with a fine mist sprinkler head, soaker hose or hose at a low flow rate over the entire drip line areas as required to allow water to penetrate to a depth of 12"to 18". Maintenance Maintain plantings until completion and acceptance of the entire project. Maintenance shall include pruning, cultivating, weeding, watering and application of appropriate insecticides and fungicides necessary to maintain plants free of insects and disease. Reset settled plants to proper grade and position. Restore planting saucer and adjacent material and remove dead material. Tighten and repair guy wires and stakes as required. Correct defective work as soon as possible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permit. Water trees, plants, and ground cover beds within the first 24 hours of initial planting, and not less than twice per week until final acceptance. Acceptance Inspection to determine acceptance of planted areas will be made by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor will provide notification at least 7 working days before requested inspection date. Planted areas will be accepted provided all requirements, including maintenance, have been complied with and plant materials are alive and in a healthy, vigorous condition. Upon acceptance of the entire project, the Owner will assume plant maintenance. Provide plant material record drawings. Legibly mark drawings to indicate actual plant placement if different from the original Landscape Plan. Identify field changes of dimension and detail and changes made by Change Order. END OF SECTION SODDING DESCRIPTION The work required by this section includes the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials and all incidental work necessary for the installation of grass sod as indicated on the Plans. The work includes soil preparation, provision and installation of sod, and maintenance of sodded areas until final acceptance of the project or as directed by the Owner's Representative. MATERIALS Sod: Sod species shall be as indicated on the plans. Submit sod growers certification of grass species. Provide well-rooted, healthy sod, that has been regularly fertilized, watered, and mowed. Sod shall be free of diseases, nematodes and soil borne insects. Provide sod uniform in color, leaf texture, density and free of weeds, undesirable grasses, weeds, stones, roots, thatch and extraneous material; viable and capable of growth and development when planted. Sod should be uniformly cut 18" (50 cm) wide, with a soil base not less than 5/8" (1.75 cm), or more than 3/4" (2 cm) thick with clean cut edges. Mow sod before stripping. Sod shall be delivered within 24 hours of cutting, and installed within 24 hours of delivery. Do not harvest or transport sod when moisture content may adversely affect sod survival. Protect sod from sun, wind, and dehydration prior to installation. Do not tear, stretch, or drop sod during handling and installation. Deliver sod properly loaded on vehicles and protected from sun, wind, and heat in accordance with standard practice and labeled in accord with Federal Seed Act. Sod rolls shall not be dropped from loading carts, trucks, or sod pallets. Sod damaged in transit or storage will not be accepted. Notify Owner's Representative of delivery schedule in advance so material may be inspected upon arrival at the job site. Unacceptable material shall be removed immediately from the job site. Fertilizer: Deliver chemical fertilizer to site in original unopened container bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and conformance to State Law, bearing name and warranty of producer. Type A fertilizer: Triple Superphosphate, 0-45-0. Type B fertilizer: Starter Fertilizer, granular, non-burning, slow release, 16-20-0. Type C fertilizer: A slow release, pelletized fertilizer derived from soybean meal, cottonseed meal, and sulfate of potash magnesium, or an approved substitute with the following analysis: Nitrogen 6:1 Phosphorous 1:1 Potash 3:1 Organic matter: Shredded or pulverized manure at least one year old, low in mineral and woody material, well composted to destroy weed seeds, free from objectionable odor wet or dry, and free from salts and other substances detrimental to plant growth. Screen manure to remove clumps larger than 3/4" diameter. Turf Reinforcement Fabric: Lightweight injection molded interlocking plastic units 20" x 20" x 1" high, 2.7 sq ft (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.025 m) with hollow rings on an open grid. The plastic shall be 100% post consumer recycled plastic resins, predominantly HDPE, with a minimum 3% carbon black concentrate added for UV protection. Color is black. Submit product information for approval. Polyacrylamide Polymer: A dry synthetic crystal made of polyacrylamide (<O.1%) polymer that is non-toxic and neutral in pH. Alternative polymers of ionic, or anionic forms will not be allowed to be substituted. Submit product information for approval. Stakes: Softwood, 3/4" dia. x 8" long or, steel staples 8" long or as approved by the Owner's Representative Water: Free of substance harmful to sod growth. Hoses or other methods of transportation furnished by Contractor. EXECUTION Work notification: Notify Owner's Representative at least 7 working days prior to start of sodding operations. Perform sodding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. Examine finish surfaces, grades, topsoil quality and depth. Do not start sodding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Limit preparation to areas which will be immediately sodded. The irrigation system shall be installed prior to sodding. Locate, protect and maintain the irrigation system during sodding operations. Repair irrigation system components damaged during sodding operations at the Contractor's expense. Loosen topsoil to minimum depth of 4 inches. Spread organic matter over lawn area at a rate of 3 cubic yards per 1000 square feet. This is equal to an overall depth of 2 inches. Apply Type A fertilizer at a rate of 12 pounds per 1000 square feet. Rototil or disk lawn area to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Remove sticks, roots, clods and stones over 1 inch in diameter, and other extraneous matter. Grade lawn area to a smooth, free draining, even surface, and according to the grading plan. Lawn area should be firm but not packed. Apply Type B fertilizer at a rate of 7 pounds per 1000 square feet, and rake into soil surface. If required by the Plans, install base course, turf reinforcement fabric, polyacrylamide polymer, and sand per manufacturer's recommendations. Install base course in accordance with pavement base specifications. Store rolled sod in the shade or water exposed surfaces lightly to avoid drying out. Do not store sod for more than one day in warm weather. If sod bed soil is dry, water lightly. Coordinate sodding operations to minimize traffic on prepared bed or newly laid sod. Rake out tracks as necessary before sodding. Do not lay dormant sod or install sod on saturated or frozen soil. Install initial row of sod in a straight line, beginning at bottom of slopes, perpendicular to direction of the sloped area. Place subsequent rows parallel to and lightly against previously installed row. Lay sod to form a solid mass with tightly-fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of sod strips. Do not overlay edges. Stagger strips to offset joints in adjacent courses. Remove excess sod to avoid smothering of adjacent grass. Provide sod pad top flush with adjacent curbs, sidewalks, drains and needed areas. Peg sod on slopes greater than 3 to 1 to prevent slippage at a rate of 2 stakes per yd. of sod. Water sod thoroughly with a fine spray immediately after laying. Irrigation heads will be adjusted to proper watering height according depth of sod material but lower than compacted grass blade height to enable lawnmowers to freely cut grass without damage to sprinkler system. Roll with light lawn roller to ensure contact with subgrade. Maintain sodded lawn areas, including watering, spot weeding, mowing, application of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and resodding until a full, uniform stand of grass free of weed, undesirable grass species, disease and insects is achieved and accepted by the Landscape Architect. Water sod daily in warm weather, and every 2 to 3 days in cooler weather, or as required to establish proper rooting. Mow lawn areas as soon as lawn top growth reaches a 3" height. Cut back to 2" height. Repeat mowing as required to maintain specified height. Not more than 40% of grass leaf shall be removed at any single mowing. Apply herbicides as required to control weed growth or undesirable grass species. Apply fungicides and insecticides as required to control diseases and insects. Remove sod pegs. Repair, rework and resod all areas that have washed out or are eroded. Replace undesirable or dead areas with new sod. Restrict traffic from lawn areas until grass is established. Erect signs and barriers as required. Acceptance: Inspection to determine acceptance of sodded lawns will be made by the Landscape Architect, upon Contractor(s) request. Provide notification at least 10 working days before requested inspection date. Sodded areas will be acceptable provided all requirements, including maintenance, have been complied with, and a healthy, even colored viable lawn is established, free of weeds, undesirable grass species, disease and insects. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume lawn maintenance. END OF SECTION -NZ77=- a 1. HOT DIP GALVANIZE PER ASTM A153—(LATEST REVISION). MINIMUM MECHANICAL ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF 40,000 LB, 2• ASSEMBLE COMPLETE AS SHOWN IN SIDE VIEW. 3. DO NOT EXCEED 165 FT—LBS OF TORQUE ON 7/8' DIA LIFTING BOLTS DURING STABILIZING OR LOAD LOCK—OFF. 4. RECOMMENDED ANCHOR SHAFT CUTOFF LEVEL ABOVE THE BOTTOM O OF THE FOOTING IS 10' TO 11' FOR MAXIMUM LIFT DISTANCE. 5. FOR DETAILED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, READ CHANCE BULLETIN 01-9812. ® 6 BRACKET BODY SPECIFICATIONS, ASTM A36 AND ASTM A570 GR. 50. 14' WIDE BRACKET T—PIPE TUBE HOT ROLLED MECHANICAL TUBING PER ASTM A500, LIFTING BOLTS HEX HEAD BOLT PER SAE J429 GRADE 5, 112 CROSS BOLT HEX HEAD BOLT PER SAE J429 GRADE 5. Q,, LIFTING BOLTS 7. THE C150-0121 BRACKET HAS A MINIMUM ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF 7' 40,000 LBS. A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF 2 YIELDS A SAFE g DIA. X 10' LONG WORKING LOAD OF 20,000 LBS FOR THE BRACKET ONLY. 8. THE CAPACITY OF THE UNDERPINNING SYSTEM IS A FUNCTION OF MANY INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS, INCLUDING THE CAPACITY OF THE FOUNDATION, BRACKET, PIER SHAFT HELICAL PLATE, AND BEARING Fil Fy STRATA, AS WELL AS THE STRENGTH OF THE FOUNDATION TO OUNDATION --- --- BRACKET CONNECTION AND THE QUALITY OF PIER INSTALLATION. I'I I'I 13 TOM OF FOOTING MAX HEIGHT ABOVE COLUMN THREE OF THE TABLE SHOWS TYPICAL UNDERPINNING H MAX LIFTING SYSTEM CAPACITIES THAT ARE ACHIEVABLE UNDER NORMAL I I I I DISTANCE I I CONDITIONS. YOUR ACHIEVABLE CAPACITIES COULD BE HIGHER I , I OR LOWER DEPENDING ON THE ABOVE FACTORS. I I I I I j1 OUNDATION id 11 BRACKET I I � I II II • 3�' SLOT TO 4ft I— I I I FIT g DIA. I I 11 Ip I ANCHOR B0.T I I II 11 I I II FOUNDATION I I I I I I FOOTING 12 STAN CROSS BOL I I I 1 a DIA. X 42 LONG I I I I II ICB❑ SBCCI LISTED LISTED NCHOR SHAFT 3, ER-5110 R-9504 1O 2g REAR VIEkl SIDE VIEW C150-0121 ACCEPTS SS5& SS 150 12 SHAFTS CHANCE UNDERPINNING SYSTEM PER PIER/BRACKET LOAD RATINGS TOLERANCE CHART •HUBBE��• POWER SYSTEMS (SEE NOTE-8) "BRACKET STANDARD MINIMUM WORKING LOAD TYPICAL ACHIEVABLE CONTENTS AL-THIS DRAWING AND ITS ANCHOR CONTENTS ARE THIS AND THE TYPICAL INSTALLATION TYPE BRACKET ULT I MATE 2.0 SAFETY INSTALLED EXCLUSNE PROPERTY OF HUBBELL UNDERPINNING BRACKET FOUNDATION REPAIR BRACKET STRENGTH FACTOR CAPACITIES OISOWER YSTTEMS.NNOP PUBLICATION. E SS5 C150-0121 40,000 LB 20,000 LB 20,000 LB WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF SIZE DWG N0. GT/PAU/ASSY NO. REV "UBBELL PowER ssrEAls. SB SA150-012 C150-0121 L Fj SS150 C150-0121 40,000 LB 20,000 LB 25,000 LB HUBBELL POWER SYSTEMS UNPI. SH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNOER THE p0 NOT SCALE atN gY KSH GTE4/22/04 SHEET 1 OF 1 COPYRIGHT LAWS- THIS DRAWING �s NDS SQ. POLYLEFIN W/U.V. INHIBITOR/CAST IRON/GALVANIZED STEEL GRATE. NDS 6" RISER IF REQUIRED SLOPE TO DRAIN_ ► SLOPE TO DRAIN BACKFILL W/COMPACTED SOIL. NDS 9",12",I8" &24" SQ. CATCH BASIN NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET VARIES i SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE INVERT ELEVATION CRUSHED STONE HMO V TECHNICAL SERVICES 1-888-825-4716 techseMce @ndspro.com NDS SQUARE GRATE WITH NDS SQUARE CATCH BASIN N.T.S. . pe r CleanLiniE� TECHNICAL BULLETIN General. Manufactlursd of 6063 Alloy containing Sillvru?7 and Magneslu-7 as the major alloyyir►g elements. loontributing to good strength. corrosion 9 resistance, weldabilityf, and machfnability.. According to the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) pubMcation Extruslan Spoffight AMays, aluminum allay in the SXXX and 6X X series contains Ilse folriawing desirable properly: 1. Very light eighl, erne--third that of steel and concrete. 2. High strength, comparable to sled and steellconcriato composites. 3. Strength and dwAility as high or higher at sub-zeria lemperatures than at room temperature. 4. Exceplional ooirrosion resistance. 5. Ease of fal fication tay+ many techniques, including extrusion, to unique advantageous structural ���w..-_�w- configurations- Thy pubBcalror) can be found of I+Yti+�w.arc.o fg. Add itiona l I nrformr.all on Extrerne Low Tem.Rera,tu re- .(.te many advantage-s of a trudcmd Ourninum are not impaaw by exposure to low tm- pcYaluras. Ajurninun7 a•:Dually gains strerrlgah as temperature Is reduced, making d an appropr ale ma'al for Arctic, spa o--.or c yogenic @vF)hw'Irorr S. 1 Ultr.avlol-at Radiation. iarcilghl Mludc� u11.rav.ioset (ct aromagnelrc) radiation whileh UUSOS tanning Apr sur uum in hrlrrl.arL skin, ar7c wlich may cause chernlcti or structural changes in some commercial rn serials, Alumisnum, huwevv. roller ultrayso3el radiation and is area dam-aged by It. mbuslability. Extruded alurninuni will not'bum, Which makes it safer than marly opthei rrtatiserals, such as "+ d, paper-or p4a$tic for design applioasti ls. Exwded aluminum does not emit any toxr:, hazardous Fumes when exposed to high tcrnporatures. Alloy 6D&3 Chemical AnalYSJS L1qu1du8 TOrhpd vturO:$2l 1¢F S51Wu6 Ternperalurrr: 1139`F Der&Ky G.097 lb.dn.3 Percent Weight EleffiIenta Of IErY 011°al5 exw cle OJO MO M91 za T.1 IMdI0 r-Ow &IMMI1m �IsArirr►ir►3r a 10 to 9 10 11) 10 OA 1.5 pew Jk.,ge Cat I�=aro cO T'31I-mal EWunKion l69V 1D 27I2 F)� 13.0 K 10'n (rich;per�nm par•F) Allay 6063 Mechanical and Physical Property Limits TXpiGah Specilled Tensile SirenUdh[k€II �Inngail�n3 T�pi�al Ullinale Typical Temper SKIOD of 3 rG®nt �Arir ll SI~oannrp ElecipirRal. Wnll Thitknegs IUMImrF4 Yheld jk 4 th MID, in affteSS Sljen.gM Cnmdtiolul1y I Inches) WD. Masi. Win. max. 2 Intr' S �Iftadt 031111 ��ACS)tMID T4 25,1) — 10 73 22 so nk*twarrurik'W IV(IfOfTy r It Ilia quArldwe1 we'pwa we0 F�5m er" pukt& n'0,eY Akat e.in Almviper`d l&IOffi um.a Or urd-4 rryd DNA fKWFUX AM T V L%-#IIYt!Aw-,A Ti Afty . Z Tft all Ow *Kw koen-tm tv ww im sq*ww ici 184Th t1(Slyriri.rrt to ej KF:<=i* I F<srMGWU al 1iA* der d 41d7 141E .a+' rnsa�ti e'k i�5[5}.e1'x :$ rror r}}is%1 'Z n■SPII�d9friffifift' Charae-tedatics of Alloy/Temper' irg11Q1i1 y�lrc�bi"liti� ElbGtliG�1 CM31011 [Arc wltlf Aa1�di[ln� s1�d�l�ldMli>} Fcrraatallity! maririn"l Illy Dell M 1-ner+tax,) Bra�000lioly ; pespopse Ibis w Allov T-Inver LOW High a C a .6 a C 0 A 0 .0 .6A 0 6 -A . 0069 40 50 90 •15 I �......... 4b%fiM #=EmD4rrrt R=Ga ad r_=Fair D=Pbry For Ii.,-thr r W.:alr al nxFiana.Uviw M r�'-` .mm Ahr-rinum Ahrrnini.m Scarwrar&arld DAta mnnuw Permalo Corporation 0 800.356.9660 0 www.pormaloc.com SUPER SPEC HP® UNIVERSAL ALKYD METAL Benjamin Moore® PRIMER P07 Description General • Quick dry • Excellent corrosion This quick dry universal primer is formulated for use under many • Fast recoat time control generic types of finish coats. It offers excellent rust inhibition and • Top Coat able with • Excellent barrier coat good adhesion.The coating serves as a barrier coat which will epoxies,urethanes,hot keep hot solvent from attacking conventional coatings.This primer solvent coatings performs well when priming is essential before the generic type of the finish coat has been chosen. Recommended • Limitations Structural steel,equipment,tanks,implements,catwalks, • FOR METAL SUBSTRATES ONLY stairs,railing,conveyers,and for general maintenance • Not for immersion service or for splash and spillage of acids painting. Performs well for shop or field painting,interior or and alkalis. exterior. Product Labor Saving Benefits Technical DataO Red • This universal primer is quick drying for faster handling which limits dust Vehicle Type Phenolic Alkyd and dirt retention. • Faster recoat time allows the finish coat to be applied sooner increasing Pigment Type Corrosion Inhibitors&Select job efficiency. Inerts • This primer is universal by permitting a wide variety of generic types of Volume Solids 60% finish coats to be applied over it. Coverage per Gallon at The adhesion and rust control offered by this primer provides long term Recommended Film Thickness 485 Sq. Ft. • protection,reducing the cost per square foot,per year of coating life. Recommended Film –Wet 3.3 mils • This formula is designed to serve as a barrier coat over conventional Thickness –Dry 2.0 mils coatings so that hot solvent finish coatings can be utilized without lifting. It can be used as a barrier coat when alkyds or aliphatic urethanes Depending on surface texture and porosity. Be sure to estimate must be applied over zinc rich primers. the right amount of paint for the job. This will ensure color uniformity and minimize the disposal of excess paint. Colors: —Standard: Dry Time @ 77°F –To Touch 15 Minutes P07-01 White, P07-20 Red, P07-70 Gray (25°C)@ 50%RH –To Recoat 1 –2 Hours —Tint Bases: High humidity and cool temperatures will result in longer dry, recoat and service times. Not Available Dries By Oxidation —Special Colors: Dry Heat Resistance 350°F Contact your Benjamin Moore&Co.representative. Viscosity 75±0 KU Certification: Flash Point 83°F VOC compliant in all regulated areas,except South Coast Gloss/Sheen Matte(10%Max @ 60°) Surface Temperature –Min. 50° F at Application –Max 95°F Thin With Do Not Thin Clean Up Thinner P94 or Xylene Weight Per Gallon 12.6 Ibs Storage Temperature –Min. 40°F –Max 90°F Technical Assistance Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore° retailer.For the location of the retailer nearest you,call 1-800-826-2623,see 340 Grams/Liter 2.84 Lbs./Gallon www.benjaminmoore.com,or consult your local Yellow Pages. OReported values are for Red.Contact Benjamin Moore&Co.for values of other bases or colors. Benjamin Moore&Co.,101 Paragon Drive,Montvale,NJ 07645 Tel:(201)573-9600 Fax:(201)573-9046 www.beniaminmoore.com M72 P07 US 033011 Super Spec HP®Universal Alkyd Metal Primer P07 Surface Preparation Thinning/Cleanup Surfaces to be coated must be clean,dry,and free of oil, grease, DO NOT THIN dust, flaky rust, mill scale, salts, loose paint, chalk, mildew, and other foreign matter that could interfere with adhesion. Remove Cleanup: Clean all equipment immediately after using with Super oil, grease, salts and chalk by cleaning with Super Spec HP®Oil Spec HP®Epoxy Aromatic Thinner(P94)or Xylene. and Grease Emulsifier(P83)according to label directions. Glossy existing coatings should be dulled by abrading the surface. USE COMPLETELY OR DISPOSE OF PROPERLY.This product contains organic solvents which may cause adverse effects to the Mildew: If mildew is present, it must be removed by scrubbing environment if handled improperly. Disposal of wastes containing with a commercial mildew wash. Caution: Use rubber gloves, either organic solvents or free-liquids in landfills is prohibited. Dry, work goggles, and protective clothing when applying mildew empty containers may be recycled in a can recycling program. wash. Follow manufacturer's directions. Local disposal requirements vary; consult your sanitation department or state-designated environmental agency on Super Spec HP®Universal Metal Primer(P07)can be used under disposal options. Architectural or High Performance coatings in mild or severe environments. It is very important to use the appropriate level of Environmental, Health & Safety Information surface preparation for the coating system and service Contains:2-Pentanone,n-Butyl Acetate,Xylene conditions. For mild (ambient) Architectural conditions, hand or power tool cleaning is sufficient. For moderate to severe Contains: Crystalline Silica that can cause cancer when in environments,commercial blast cleaning is recommended. respirable form(spray mist or sanding dust). WARNING! If you scrape, sand or remove old paint, you may HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES IRRITATION release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD TO EYES,SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a NIOSH-approved NOTICE: Repeated or prolonged exposure to organic solvents respirator to control lead exposure. Carefully clean up with a may lead to permanent brain and nervous system damage. HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. Before you start, find out how to Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling protect yourself and your family by contacting the National Lead vapors may be harmful or fatal. Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to www.epa.gov/lead. Keep away from heat and flame. Use only with adequate Primer/Finish Systems ventilation. Do not breathe vapors, spray mist or sanding dust. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with New surfaces should be fully primed, and previously painted skin.Wear eye protection and gloves.To avoid breathing vapors or surfaces may be primed or spot primed as necessary. For best spray mist,open windows and doors or use other means to ensure hiding results, tint the primer to the approximate shade of the fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye finish coat, especially when a significant color change is desired. watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air or wear a Special Note: Certain custom colors require a Deep Color Base properly fitted vapor/particulate NIOSH approved respirator during Primer tinted to a special prescription formula to achieve the application,sanding and clean up. Follow respirator manufacturer's desired color.Consult your retailer. directions for respirator use.Close container after each use. Ferrous Metal: WARNING:This product contains a chemical known to the state of Primer: 1 coat Super Spec HP®Universal Alkyd Metal Primer California to cause cancer and birth defects, or other reproductive (P07) harm. Finish:Appropriate Benjamin Moore°Finish Coat FIRST AID: If affected by inhalation of vapors or spray mist, remove to fresh air. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with Galvanized Metal: plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and call physician; for skin, Not recommended wash thoroughly with soap and water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.Get medical attention immediately. Repaint,All Substrates: Prime bare areas with the primer IN CASE OF: FIRE— Use foam CO2, dry chemical or water fog. recommended for the substrate above. SPILL —Absorb with inert material and dispose of as specified Application under"Clean Up". Mixing of Paint:Stir thoroughly before and occasionally during use.Do not thin. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN FOR METAL SUBSTRATES ONLY Apply one or two coats. For best results, use a Benjamin Moore° Professional custom-blended nylon/polyester or china bristle brush, Benjamin Moore° Professional roller, or a similar product. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for This product can also be sprayed. additional health and safety information. Spray,Airless: Fluid Pressure—2,000 to 2,500 PSI; Tip—.011 -.015 Orifice Benjamin Moore&Co.,101 Paragon Drive,Montvale,NJ 07645 Tel:(201)573-9600 Fax:(201)573-9046 www.beniaminmoore.com M72 P07 US 033011 Benjamin Moore,Super Spec SP and the triangle"M'symbol are registered trademarks of Benjamin Moore&Co.,Limited. ©2008,2011 Benjamin Moore&Co.,Limited All rights reserved SUPER SPEC HP® URETHANE ALKYD GLOSS Benjamin Moore- ENAMEL P22 Description • Good color and gloss • Standard line of colors This urethane alkyd enamel provides superior exterior gloss and retention • Unlimited custom tinted color retention when compared to straight alkyds and epoxy esters. • Good abrasion colors For use on properly prepared interior&exterior metal surfaces, resistance • Interior or exterior use such as metal buildings,fences,Bilco doors,machinery,piping, cabinets,storage tanks and equipment.This rust preventative • Rust preventative coating can be applied directly to ferrous metal or used in coating combination with a Benjamin Moore metal primer. Recommended For Metal equipment, machinery, metal doors and cabinets, • FOR METAL SUBSTRATES ONLY storage tanks,floors,metal buildings,fences,marine • Not for application directly on galvanized metal exposures(above water)and general maintenance painting. Not for immersion service • Not for strong acid or chemical exposure Product Labor Saving Benefits Technical DataO Pastel Base • Good color and gloss retention which lengthens the coating life Vehicle Type Urethane Alkyd • Good abrasion resistance permits wider application and longer coating life pigment Type Titanium Dioxide • Ready mixed line of colors eliminates the need to custom tint all colors Volume Solids 49% • Available in unlimited custom colors satisfying the most stringent color Coverage per Gallon at 375–425 Sq. Ft. needs Recommended Film Thickness • Versatile application by brush,roller and various spray methods Recommended –Wet 3.8–4.3 mils Colors:—Standard: Film Thickness –Dry 1.8–2.1 mils P22-08 Safety White P22-64 Bronzetone Depending on surface texture and porosity. Be sure to estimate P22-15 Safety Yellow P22-65 Safety Orange the right amount of paint for the job. This will ensure color P22-21 Safety Red P22-73 Platinum Gray uniformity and minimize the disposal of excess paint. P22-35 Safety Blue P22-75 Battleship Gray Dry Time @ 77° F –To Touch 2 Hours P22-60 Brown P22-82 Safety Black (25°C)@ 50%RH –To Recoat 8 Hours —Benjamin Moore®Color Preview Tint 68SeS: Painted surfaces can be washed after two weeks. High humidity and cool temperatures will result in longer dry, recoat and cure P22-1 B Pastel P22-213 Medium times. P22-313 Deep P22-413 Ultra Dries By Oxidation —Special Colors: Dry Heat Resistance 300°F Contact your Benjamin Moore&Co.representative. Viscosity 75±5 KU Flash Point 103°F Certification: Gloss/Sheen Gloss(85%) P22-XX-VOC compliant in all regulated areas,except the South Coast. Surface Temperature –Min. 50°F at Application –Max 95°F P22-78-VOC compliant in all regulated areas,except South Coast and some CARB regulated areas. Thin With Do Not Thin Clean Up Thinner Mineral Spirits Master Painters Institute MPI#9,48 Weight Per Gallon 8.9 Ibs Technical Assistance: -Min. 40°F Available through your local authorized independent Benjamin Moore° Storage Temperature –Max 40°F retailer.For the location of the retailer nearest you,call 1-800-826-2623,see www.benjaminmoore.com,or consult your local Yellow Pages. Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) 394 Grams/Liter 3.29 Lbs./Gallon OReported values are for Pastel Base.Contact Benjamin Moore& Co.for values of other bases or colors. Benjamin Moore&Co.,101 Paragon Drive,Montvale,NJ 07645 Tel:(201)573-9600 Fax:(201)573-9046 www.bendaminmoore.com M72 P22 US 041511 Super Spec HP®Urethane Alkyd Gloss Enamel P22 Surface Preparation Thinning/Cleanup Surfaces to be painted must be clean and free from wax, oil, DO NOT THIN. grease, dust, rust, loose paint and water soluble materials. All loose rust or peeling paint should be removed and glossy Clean all equipment immediately after use with mineral spirits. surfaces should be dulled before recoating. If mildew is evident it must be removed by application of a commercial mildew wash. DANGER–Rags,steel wool or waste soaked with the product may CAUTION: Follow manufacturer's application and safety spontaneously catch fire if improperly discarded. Immediately after directions. use, place rags, steel wool or waste in a sealed water-filled metal container. WARNING! If you scrape, sand or remove old paint, you may release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD USE COMPLETELY OR DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. This product DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN contains organic solvents which may cause adverse effects to the DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN. PREGNANT WOMEN environment if handled improperly. Disposal of wastes containing SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a NIOSH-approved either organic solvents or free-liquids in landfills is prohibited. Dry, respirator to control lead exposure. Carefully clean up with a empty containers may be recycled in a can recycling program. HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. Before you start, find out how to Local disposal requirements vary; consult your sanitation protect yourself and your family by contacting the National Lead department or state-designated environmental agency for Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to local disposal options. www.epa.gov/lead. Environmental, Health & Safety Information Primer/Finish Systems Contains: Petroleum Distillates and Stoddard Solvent New surfaces should be fully primed, and previously painted HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES IRRITATION surfaces may be primed or spot primed as necessary. TO EYES,SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT Ferrous Metal Steel&Iron): Super Spec HP Urethane Alkyd Gloss Enamel(P22)inhibits NOTICE: Repeated or prolonged exposure to organic solvents may rust by encapsulating properly prepared ferrous metal surfaces. lead to permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional A minimum of two coats is required on bare metal surfaces. misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling vapors may be Pairing Super Spec HP®Urethane Alkyd Gloss Enamel(P22) harmful or fatal. with a Benjamin Moore metal primer will enhance rust inhibition. Finish:2 coats Super Spec HP°Urethane Alkyd Gloss Enamel Keep away from heat and flame. Use only with adequate (P22) ventilation. Do not breathe vapors, spray mist or sanding dust. or Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with Prime: 1 coat Super Spec HP Alkyd Metal Primer(P06) skin.Wear eye protection and gloves.To avoid breathing vapors or Finish: 1 or 2 coats Super Spec HP o Urethane Alkyd Gloss spray mist, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure Enamel(P22) fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air or wear a Ferrous Metal,Repaint: properly fitted vapor/particulate NIOSH approved respirator during Finish: 1 or 2 coats Super Spec HPo Urethane Alkyd Gloss application, sanding and clean up. Follow respirator manufacturer's Enamel(P22) directions for respirator use.Close container after each use. Galvanized Metal,(New or Bare): WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the state of Prime: 1 coat Super Spec HP°Acrylic Metal Primer(PO4) California to cause cancer and birth defects, or other reproductive Finish: 1 or 2 coats Super Spec HP®Urethane Alkyd Gloss harm. Enamel(P22) FIRST AID: If affected by inhalation of vapors or spray mist, remove to fresh air. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with Repaint,All Substrates: Prime bare areas with the primer plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and call physician; for skin, recommended for the substrate above. wash thoroughly with soap and water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.Get medical attention immediately. Application IN CASE OF FIRE – Use foam CO2, dry chemical or water fog. Stir thoroughly before and occasionally during use. Apply one or SPILL– Absorb with inert material and dispose of as specified two coats. For best results, use a Benjamin Moore°Professional under"Clean Up". custom-blended nylon/polyester or china bristle brush, Benjamin Moore°Professional roller, or a similar product.This product can KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN also be sprayed. FOR METAL SUBSTRATES ONLY Spray,Airless: Fluid Pressure—1,500 to 3,000 PSI; Tip—.011 –.015 Orifice Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for additional health and safety information. Benjamin Moore&Co.,101 Paragon Drive,Montvale,NJ 07645 Tel:(201)573-9600 Fax:(201)573-9046 www.beniaminmoore.com M72 P22 US 041511 Benjamin Moore,Color Preview,Super Spec HP, and the triangle"M"symbol are registered trademarks of Benjamin Moore&Co.,Limited. ©2008,2011 Benjamin Moore&Co.,Limited All rights reserved All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. TOWN OF VA!L � 1962-2012 241 South Frontage Road West, Suite 4 Public Works/Transportation Department Vail, Colorado 81657 970.4792178 vailgov.com 970.479.1715 fax ADDENDUM1 Lionshead Park Renovation March 19, 2013 This Addendum 1 forms part of the Bid Documents and modifies the original Bid Documents dated March 4, 2013 as noted below. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject a Bid to disqualification. The following clarifications are listed to assist with the Bidding process: 1. Public Way Permit A Public Way Permit shall be required for this project. Permits are issued through the Town of Vail Department of Public Works. Fees shall be waived. 2. Building Permit The Town of Vail Building Department will require a Building Permit for the construction of this project. Fees will be waived for the Building Permit. The Owner will submit the plans prior to the Notice of Award to avoid delays. 3. Electrical Permit The Town of Vail Building Department will require an Electrical Permit for the project. Because the Town contracts with an independent inspector for Electrical Inspections, fees will not be waived. Contractor to submit payment as required and will be reimbursed as a Change Order by Pay Application. 4. Special Inspections This project will also require a Special Inspection for the helical piers and for the epoxy pins in the Climbing Wall Footing. As with the Electrical Permit, the Owner will pay for this cost as a Change Order. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination of inspections with the Building Department. 5. Materials Testing All concrete, asphalt and subgrade compaction testing will be paid for by Owner using a seasonal contract with a testing company. Tests shall be scheduled and coordinated by the Contractor. Tests shall be paid by the owner, retests shall be paid by the Contractor. 6. Staging If requested by the Contractor, the Owner can provide an area approximately 30' x 50' in size at the Charter Bus Lot, located at the east end of the Lionshead Parking Structure for staging. The area will need to be fenced with green plastic construction fencing. The area will need to be fully vacated and cleaned up by noon on June 27, 2013 for the Lionshead Art Festival. 7. Soils Report A request was made to provide the soils report for the project. It is attached to this addendum. 8. Stone Veneer Clarification The specification discusses mitered stone. No mitered stone will be required for this project. In addition, disregard the stone type indicated in the specification. Stone type shall be per the Drawings. 9. Concrete Concrete specifications are attached for all work associated with Concrete Site Walls, Concrete Stairs and Concrete Paving. Disregard the Cast-In-Place specification in the Project Manual dated March 4, 2013. No fiber will be required on any concrete for this project. 10. Concrete Pavers The paver sizes and pattern shown on the Drawings are incorrect. See attached additional information for Concrete Unit Pavers specifications and installation. 11. Asphalt The specification for Asphalt Paving under pavers shall be as follows: Asphalt 1. Asphalt Cement: ASTM D 3381, viscosity grade PG64-22 or approved equivalent. 2. Fine Aggregate: Clean, hard sand, free of organic matter, uniformly graded from coarse to fine, all passing the No. 4 sieve meeting the gradation requirements when testing in accordance with ASTM C 136. 3. Mixing: Provide plant mixed asphalt setting bed by combining dry fine aggregate (approximately 93 percent)and hot asphalt cement(approximately 7 percent) and heat to approximately 300 degrees F. Provide each ton of setting bed material apportioned by weight with the approximate ratio of 145 lbs. of asphalt to 1, 1885 lbs. of sand. 12. Water Feature Coordination and Notes a) The fountain contractor (SWD) hired by the Owner, shall ensure that the Screened Rock subgrade shall be within 1/10 feet of required subgrade for Fountain Basin. b) SWD shall install %" water supply from backflow preventer to Pump Vault. c) SWD shall ensure that the steel used in the fountain shall have equipotential bonding. In addition, SWD shall provide a ground wire to the vicinity of the railing on adjacent steps. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the railing is grounded. d) As noted in the Bid Documents, SWD shall install most of the Water Feature components/mechanics. In order to reduce concerns about damage caused during construction, the following process shall be followed: 1. At the completion of all plumbing work, all lines shall be air tested for a period of 24 hours prior to any concrete forming work. 2. During all forming work, the lines shall continue to be charged with air, with a pressure gauge that can be easily checked by the Contractor. 3. Once forming work is complete, it is recommended to wait at least 12 hours to ensure that the water lines are still air tight prior to any concrete placement. 13. Concrete Water Feature Vaults The size of the vaults has been changed. See Sheet F-1 for changes. In addition, the weights of the vaults has been confirmed: • Square 7 x 7 x 6 vault with added pump components weighs approximately Town of Vail Page 2 17,000 lbs. • Round 8' x 3' vault weighs approximately 21,000 lbs. • Round 8' x 8" lid weighs approximately 9,000 lbs. 14. Mechanical Snowmelt Manifold Boxes The manifold boxes for the snowmelt system shall be Highline XLUB 17 x 30 x 18 with green bolt-down lid. Box PN 195036, Lid PN 195051 or equal. See attached Specification. Additions/Changes For the following Items, download the Revised Bid Drawings and view the attached Revised Bid Item Descriptions and Bid Form, dated March 19, 2013. 1. Layout, Grading and Materials Plan A revised Sheet C-4, Layout, Grading and Materials Plan is provided. 2. Fountain Plan Additional information has been provided on Sheet F-1 including concrete vault sections. 3. Detail Sheets Sheets D-1 and D-2 have been revised for Cinderblock infill and 42" Railing 4. Mechanical Plans A revised sheet M-1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 will be provided by Addendum on Friday, March 22. 5. Electrical Plan A revised sheet E-2.0 and 3.0 will be provided by Addendum on Friday, March 22. 6. New Bid Items Note, a Revised Bid Item Descriptions and Bid Form is attached. However, a new revision of each will be issued on Friday, March 22 with the Electrical Plans. Note: New Items have been underlined in the Bid Item Descriptions. a) Cinderblock Infill Install approximately 10 sf of grout filled cinderblock in the existing pump room door on the main retaining wall. See new Detail 13, Sheet D-1. b) 4" Steel Angle Iron The angle iron Supplemental Bid Item has been changed to a Main Bid Item. c) Manhole Ring and Cover Install a 30" x 8" Manhole ring and cover on the water feature reservoir vault. d) 42" Decorative Rail Install sections of 42" decorative railing where fall heights are greater than 30". e) Fountain Conduit Pack Install Sch 40 PVC conduits as indicated on the revised Electrical Plan and the per the Bid Item Descriptions. f) Pump Vault Drains Install a 6" PVC Drain and two (2) 3" PVC Drains between the Water Feature Pump Vault and the relocated inlet. Town of Vail Page 3 g) Utility Pothole— Hand Dig A new Supplemental Item for manual labor to hand dig utility potholes 7. Changes to Existing Bid Items Note: Items with a name change have been underlined on the Bid Item Descriptions. a) Approved Substitute for Helical Piers The Structural Engineer has approved the use of a Heli-Pile HPC-15X Helical Piles with Underpinning Bracket. See attached Specifications. b) Quantity Change to Colored Concrete Paving The quantity of Colored Concrete Paving has been corrected to 50.4 SY. c) Quantity Change to Colored Concrete Curb The quantity of Colored Concrete Curb has been corrected to 128 LF. d) Snowmelt tubing under siloam stone The contractor should anticipate that the snowmelt tubing for the water feature basin will need to be routed under the siloam stone. This can be accomplished by placing steel sleeves on concrete before placing the stones, or by planning to shim the stones leaving at least 1" clear for routing the tubing. Four (4) snowmelt tubes will need to pass under the siloam stone (2 supply, 2 return). This shall be incidental to the Place Siloam Stone Bid Item. e) Change to "Decorative Rail" The Item Decorative Rail has been changed to 36"Decorative Stair Handrail. The quantity has been reduced and a new item has been added. See Item 4b above. In addition, a section of rail has been removed altogether. See revised Sheet C-4. f) Delete Bid Item for Fiber Optic Conduits The Bid Item for Fiber Option Conduits to install 3" pvc conduits has been deleted as it is duplicated as part of the Relocate Fiber Optic Bid Item. g) Utility Pothole— Mechanical A change to the Supplemental Item for potholing to cover equipment time to dig utility potholes. h) Add/Alternate 1 Item 1 b is revised to include Remove and Replace Pavers/Snowmelt as needed. Attachments 1. Revised Bid Item Descriptions 2. Revised Bid Form 3. Soils Report 4. Revised Cast-in-Place Concrete specification 5. Revised Concrete Unit Paver specification 6. Plaza Stone Series paver information 7. Snowmelt Manifold Box specification 8. Manhole Ring and Cover specification 9. Helical Pier—Approved substitute specifications End of Addendum 1 Town of Vail Page 4 Subsurface Exploration Program and Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Open Space Improvements Vail, Colorado 11-0 lit 1 ia l 1 1 ;M Y l� sL. Prepared For: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Tom Kassel Job Number: 11-6026 January 4, 2011 GUI ENGINEERING CONSULTRNTS INC. 379 Indian Road, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone(970)242-4300 Fax(970)242-4301 www.groundeng,com Office Locations: Englewood . Commerce City . Loveland Granby . Gypsum Grand Junction , Casper Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Purpose and Scope of Study ..................................................................................... 1 Proposed Construction .............................................................................................. 1 SiteConditions .......................................................................................................... 1 Regional and Project Site Geology and Potential Hazards ......................................... 2 Seismic Classification ............................................................................................... 2 Subsurface Exploration ............................................................................................. 3 LaboratoryTesting .................................................................................................... 3 Subsurface Conditions .............................................................................................. 4 Geotechnical Considerations For Design......................................................................5 Shallow Foundation Systems........................................................................................5 Water Soluble Sulfates................................................................................................ 6 ProjectEarthwork ...................................................................................................... 7 Excavation Considerations........................................................................................ 10 SurfaceDrainage........................................................................................................11 Closure ..................................................................................... ... 13 Location of Test Hole ...................................................................................... Figure 1 Logof Test Hole ............................................................................................. Figure 2 Legendand Notes ........................................................................................... Figure 3 Consolidation Test Results .............................................................................. Figure 4 Summary of Laboratory Test Results .............................................................. Table 1 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsurface exploration program performed by GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed open space improvements to Lionshead Plaza, Vail, Colorado. Our study was conducted in general accordance with GROUND's Proposal No. 1110-1592, dated November 3, 2011. A field exploration program was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions at the site. Material samples obtained during the subsurface exploration were tested in our laboratory to provide data on the classification and engineering characteristics of the on-site soils. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing are presented herein. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obtained and to present our conclusions and recommendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered, Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction are included herein. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that proposed construction may change, but current plans call for an artistic structure Located in the center of the plaza, north of the existing ice rink. We assume light loads, typical of this type of construction. We assume no below grade construction and minimal cuts will be necessary for improvements. If the proposed construction differs significantly from that described above, GROUND should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained herein. SITE CONDITIONS The improvements are to be made in a grassy, landscaped area in the center of Lionshead Plaza, north of the exiting ice rink and east of East Lionshead Circle. (See Figure 1.) Lionshead Plaza consists of commercial development and pedestrian (paver) walkways. Several cobbles and boulders are found at the surface and used in landscaping throughout the area. The general topography at the site is gently to Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 1 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado moderately sloping with an overall slope of approximately 10 to 15 percent descending towards the south. REGIONAL, PROJECT SITE GEOLOGY AND POTENTIAL HAZARDS The project area is located near the northern tip of the north-trending Sawatch Range anticlinal uplift, a geologic structure that developed during the Laramde progeny (about 40 to 80 million years ago), and east of the Colorado evaporate region and Burns Syncline. Surficial deposits at the project site are mapped as fluvial (river) (Qaf) and glacial outwash sands and gravels (Qg). Underlying bedrock is Pennsylvanian age Minturn Formation. The closest geologically young faults exhibiting movement in the last 15,000 years that are considered capable of generating large earthquakes are located in the northern section of the Williams Fork Mountains fault zone, about 20 miles north of the project site. Although rockfall, landslide, and avalanche hazards do occur in the area, In our opinion, we consider the possibility of such a geologic hazard affecting the project site to be low compared to areas of closer proximity to the surrounding hillsides. SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION Utilizing the USGS's Earthquake Ground Motion Tool v.5.1.0 and the approximate site latitude/longitude coordinates, the project site is indicated to be subject to an SDs value of 0.285g and an SD1 value of 0.068g. Compared with other regions of the Western United States, recorded earthquake frequency in the project vicinity is relatively low. In the absence of actual shear wave velocity testing/analysis or deep drilling, GROUND estimates that a Seismic Site Class D according to the 2006/2009 IBC classification (Table 1613.5.2) is applicable to the site. In the event that the owner desires to utilize Site Class C for design, according to the 2006/2009 IBC, actual downhole seismic shear wave velocity testing and/or exploration to subsurface depths of at least 100 feet, should be performed. Based on available data, we consider the likelihood of realizing a Site Class C to be moderate. Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 2 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail,Colorado SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The subsurface exploration for the project site was conducted on November 11, 2011. One test hole was drilled in a lawn area in the southern portion of the existing open space in Lionshead Plaza. (See Figure 1.) The test hole was advanced to a depth of 11 feet below existing surface grade using a conventional, track-mounted, drilling rig to evaluate the subsurface conditions, as well as to retrieve soil samples for laboratory testing and analysis. A GROUND engineer directed the subsurface exploration, logged the test holes in the field, and prepared the soil samples for transport to our laboratory. Samples of the subsurface materials were retrieved with a 2-inch I.D. "California" -type liner sampler and a 1%-inch I.D. Standard Penetration Test ("split spoon") sampler. The samplers were driven into the substrata with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. In the case of the 1%-inch sampler, the procedure is similar to the Standard Penetration Test described by ASTM Method D1586. Penetration resistance values, when properly evaluated, indicate the relative density or consistency of soils. Depths at which the samples were obtained and associated penetration resistance values are shown on the test hole log. The approximate location of the test hole is shown on Figure 1. A log of the exploratory test hole is presented on Figure 2. Explanatory notes and a legend are provided on Figure 3. To locate the test holes, GROUND utilized the site plan provided by The Town of Vail indicating existing features. LABORATORY TESTING Samples retrieved from our test holes were examined and visually classified in the laboratory by the project engineer. Laboratory testing of soil samples obtained from the subject site included standard property tests, such as natural moisture contents, grain size analyses, and liquid and plastic limits. Swell-consolidation and water-soluble sulfate tests were performed on selected samples of the soils as well, Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM and AASHTO protocols. Results of the laboratory testing program are summarized in Table 1. Job No, 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 3 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the test hole generally consisted of about 2 feet of fill materials over native sands with scattered gravels. Cobbles and possible boulders were encountered below a depth of 8 feet, and practical drilling refusal occurred at a depth of 11 feet below surface grade. Groundwater was not encountered in the test hole during exploration. It should be noted that it is not possible to characterize coarse gravel-, cobble- and boulder-sized materials in small diameter test holes. Therefore, those relying on this report should anticipate that coarser materials than recognized herein may be present in the soils at this site. Fill The fill soils encountered consisted of fine to coarse sands with gravel, silt and scattered cobbles and possibly boulders. Fill material was medium dense to very dense, moist to wet, and dark brown in color. Existing fill extents, depths, and full characterization was beyond the scope of this exploration. Variability in fill should be anticipated and may impact recommendations made in this report. Sand The native sands were silty, fine to coarse with scattered gravels, loose, wet, brown in color. Sand and Gravel Layers of silty sand to sandy gravels with cobbles and possible boulders generally consisting of fine to coarse sand and angular to sub-angular gravels, non-plastic, medium dense to very dense, moist to very moist, and light brown in color. Swell-Consolidation Testing suggested a slight potential for consolidation in the sands when wetted under a constant surcharge load. A test performed on a sample of silty sand with gravel at Test Hole 4 indicated a consolidation of 0.4 percent, see Figure 4. Groundwater was not encountered in the test hole at the time of drilling, however, fluctuations in ground water levels may occur and the water table may be significantly higher during spring and summer seasons. Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 4 of 15 Proposed open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DESIGN Natural soils below approximately 2 feet of undocumented fill consisted of sand with scattered gravels. Very dense sandy gravels and cobbles were encountered below 8 feet. Based upon the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered in the test hole, it is GROUND`s opinion that on-site materials are suitable to support the proposed artistic structure on a shallow foundation system such as spread footings or a mat foundation. Geotechnical recommendations for shallow foundations are in the Shallow Foundation Systems section of this report. GROUND is available to meet to discuss the geotechnical risks and remedial approaches presented in this report, as well as other possible design approaches. Please contact any of our offices for assistance in that regard. SHALLOW FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory test hole and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the artistic structure be placed on spread footings bearing on natural granular soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a shallow foundation system: 1. Footings bearing on native sands can be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf for footings up to 4 feet in width. Based on this allowable bearing capacity, we anticipate post-construction settlements to be on the order of 1 inch. 2. All existing fill should be removed from below footers and footing grade lowered to bear on native sands and gravels. 3. Foundation excavation bottoms may expose loose, organic, or otherwise deleterious materials, including debris. Firm materials may be disturbed by the excavation process. All such unsuitable materials should be excavated and replaced with property compacted fill. 4. The recommended allowable bearing pressure was based on an assumption of drained conditions. If foundation materials are subjected to fluctuations in Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 5 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado moisture content, the effective bearing capacity may be reduced, and larger post- construction movements than those estimated above may result. 5. Spread footings should have a minimum footing dimension of 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated pads. Actual footing dimensions, however, should be determined by the structural engineer, based on the design loads. & Footings should bear at an elevation 4 or more feet below the lowest adjacent exterior finish grades to have adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. 7. Continuous footings should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. 8. Lateral resistance of the foundations placed on the properly compacted on-site materials will be a combination of the sliding resistance on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the sides of the foundation. Sliding friction at the bottom of the foundation may be taken as 0.40 times the vertical dead load. 9. Compacted fill placed against the sides of the footings should be compacted in accordance with the recommendations in the Project Earthwork section of this report. 10. Care should be taken when excavating the foundation to avoid disturbing the supporting materials. WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATES The concentrations of water-soluble sulfates measured in selected sample retrieved from the test holes was less than approximately 0.02 percent by weight. (See Table 1) Such concentrations of water-soluble sulfates represent a negligible degree of sulfate attack on concrete exposed to these materials. Degrees of attack are based on the scale of 'negligible,' 'moderate,' 'severe' and 'very severe' as described in the "Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures," published by the Portland Cement Association (PGA). ,Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 6 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado Based on these data GROUND, makes no recommendation for use of a special, sulfate- resistant cement in project concrete. PROJECT EARTHWORK The project site has undergone previous grading for the existing surrounding buildings and plaza. We anticipate cuts for this type of construction to be on the order of 4 feet. The following information is for private improvements; public roadways or utilities should be constructed in accordance with applicable municipal I agency standards. General Considerations Site grading should be performed as early as possible in the construction sequence to allow settlement of fills and surcharged ground to be realized to the greatest extent prior to subsequent construction. Prior to earthwork construction, vegetation and other deleterious materials should be removed and disposed of off-site. Relic underground utilities should be abandoned in accordance with applicable regulations, removed as necessary, and properly capped. Topsoil present on-site should not be incorporated into ordinary fills. Instead, topsoil should be stockpiled during initial grading operations for placement in areas to be landscaped or for other approved uses. Existing Fill Soils The fill materials encountered on-site generally classified as sandy gravels with scattered cobbles. The complete extents and contents are not known for certain, therefore, some of the excavated fill materials may not be suitable for replacement as backfill. A geotechnical engineer should be retained during site excavations to observe the excavated fill materials and provide recommendations for their suitability for reuse. Use of Existing Native Soils Native soils that are free of trash, organic material, construction debris, and other deleterious materials are suitable, in general, for placement as compacted fill. Organic materials should not be incorporated into project fills. Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 7 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado Fragments of rock, cobbles, and inert construction debris (e.g., concrete or asphalt) larger than 3 inches in maximum dimension will require special handling and/or placement to be incorporated into project fills. In general, such materials should be placed as deeply as possible in the project fills. A geotechnical engineer should be consulted regarding appropriate recommendations for usage of such materials on a case-by-case basis when such materials have been identified during earthwork. Standard recommendations that likely will be generally applicable can be found in Section 203 of the current CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Imported Fill Materials If it is necessary to import material to any of the sites, the imported soils should be free of organic material and other deleterious materials. Imported material for use as common fill should consist of soils that have less than 30 percent passing the No. 200 Sieve and should have a plasticity index of less than 10. Representative samples of the materials proposed for import should be tested and approved prior to transport to the site. "Pit run" material for use as common fill should be approved prior to use. Fill Platform Preparation Prior to filling, the top 8 to 12 inches of in-place materials on which fill soils will be placed should be scarified, moisture conditioned and properly compacted in accordance with the recommendations below to provide a uniform base for fill placement. Where over-excavation is performed, these measures for subgrade preparation apply to the subgrade surface at the base of the aver-excavation depth. If surfaces to receive fill expose loose, wet, soft or otherwise deleterious material, additional material should be excavated, or other measures taken to establish a firm platform for filling. The surfaces to receive fill must be effectively stable prior to placement of fill. Fill Placement Fill materials should be thoroughly mixed to achieve a uniform moisture content, placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, and properly compacted. All soils should be compacted to 95 or more percent of the maximum dry density at moisture contents within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTIVI D1557, the "modified Proctor." Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 8 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado No fill materials should be placed, worked, rolled while they are frozen, thawing, or during poor/inclement weather conditions. Care should be taken with regard to achieving and maintaining proper fill soil moisture contents during placement and compaction. Soils with excessive moisture may exhibit pumping, rutting, and deflection, and not compact effectively. The contractor should be prepared to handle soils of this type, including using chemical stabilization, where necessary. Compaction areas should be kept separate, and no lift should be covered by another until relative compaction and moisture content within the recommended ranges are obtained. Where soils supporting building floors or on which floors will be placed are exposed to freezing temperatures or repeated freeze — thaw cycling during construction (commonly due to water ponding on project soils) bearing capacity typically is reduced and/or settlements increased due to the loss of density in the supporting soils. After periods of freezing conditions, the contractor should re-work areas affected by the formation of ice to re-establish adequate bearing support. Use of Squeegee Relatively uniformly graded fine gravel or coarse sand, i.e., "squeegee," or similar materials commonly are proposed for backfilling foundation excavations, utility trenches (excluding approved pipe bedding), and other areas where employing compaction equipment is difficult. In general, GROUND does not recommend this procedure for the following reasons: Although commonly considered "self compacting," uniformly graded granular materials require densification after placement, typically by vibration. The equipment to densify these materials is not available on many job-sites. Even when properly densified, uniformly graded granular materials are permeable and allow water to reach and collect in the lower portions of the excavations backfilled with those materials. This leads to wetting of the underlying soils and resultant potential loss of bearing support as well as increased local heave or settlement. Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 9 of 15 Proposed open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado GROUND recommends that wherever possible, excavations be backfilled with approved, on-site soils placed as properly compacted fill. Where this is not feasible, use of "Controlled Low Strength Material" (CLSM), i.e., a lean, sand-cement slurry ("flowable fill") or a similar material for backfilling should be considered. Where "squeegee" or similar materials are proposed for use by the contractor, the design team should be notified by means of a Request for Information (RFI), so that the proposed use can be considered on a case-by-case basis. Where "squeegee" meets the project requirements for pipe bedding material, however, it is acceptable for that use. Settlements Settlements will occur in filled ground, typically on the order of 1 to 2 percent of the fill depth. If fill placement is performed properly and is tightly controlled, in GROUND's experience the majority (on the order of 60 to 80 percent) of that settlement will typically take place during earthwork construction, provided the contractor achieves the compaction levels recommended herein. The remaining potential settlements likely will take several months or longer to be realized, and may be exacerbated if these fills are subjected to changes in moisture content, Cut and Filled Slopes Permanent site slopes supported by on-site soils up to 5 feet in height may be constructed no steeper than 2'/:1 (horizontal : vertical). Minor raveling or surficial sloughing should be anticipated on slopes cut at this angle until vegetation is well re-established. Surface drainage should be designed to direct water away from slope faces. EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS The test holes for the subsurface exploration were excavated to the depths indicated by means of truck-mounted, flight auger drilling equipment. We anticipate no significant excavation difficulties in the majority of the site with conventional heavy-duty excavation equipment in good working condition. We recommend that temporary, un-shored excavation slopes up to 5 feet in height be cut no steeper than 1'/2:1 (horizontal : vertical) in the site soils in the absence of seepage. Sloughing on the slope faces should be anticipated at this angle. Local conditions encountered during construction, such as groundwater seepage and loose sand, will require flatter slopes. Stockpiling of materials should not be permitted closer Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 10 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements L,ionshead Plaza Vail,Colorado to the tops of temporary slopes than 5 feet or a distance equal to the depth of the excavation, whichever is greater. Should site constraints prohibit the use of the recommended slope angles, temporary shoring should be used. The shoring should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressure exerted by building, traffic, equipment, and stockpiles, GROUND can provide shoring design upon request. Good surface drainage should be provided around temporary excavation slopes to direct surface runoff away from the slope faces. A properly designed drainage Swale should be provided at the top of the excavations. In no case should water be allowed to pond at the site. Slopes should also be protected against erosion. Erosion along the slopes will result in sloughing and could lead to a slope failure. Excavations in which personnel will be working must comply with all OSHA Standards and Regulations. The contractor's "responsible person" should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. GROUND has provided the information above solely as a service to The Town of Vail, and is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage measures are recommended for design, construction, and should be maintained at all times after the project has been completed: 1) Wetting or drying of foundation areas should be avoided. Permitting increases/variations in moisture to the adjacent or supporting soils may result in a decrease in bearing capacity and an increase in volume change of the underlying soils and/or differential movement. 2) Positive surface drainage measures should be provided and maintained to reduce water infiltration into foundation soils. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in areas not covered with pavement or concrete slabs, or a minimum 3 percent in the first 10 feet in the areas covered with pavement or concrete slabs. Reducing Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 11 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado the slopes to comply with ADA requirements may be necessary but may result in an increased potential for moisture infiltration and subsequent volume change of the underlying soils. In no case should water be allowed to pond near or adjacent to foundation elements. However, if positive surface drainage is implemented and maintained directing moisture away from the building, lesser slopes can be utilized if the risk of incrementally greater settlements is accepted. In no case should water be allowed to pond near or adjacent to foundation elements, or on sidewalks, hardscaping, or other improvements as well as utility trench alignments, which are likely to be adversely affected by moisture-volume changes in the underlying soils or flow of infiltrating water. Drainage measures also should be included in project design to direct water away from sidewalks and other hardscaping as well as utility trench alignments which are likely to be adversely affected by moisture-volume changes in the underlying soils or flow of infiltrating water. Routine maintenance of site drainage should be undertaken throughout the design life of the project. In GROUND'S experience, it is common during construction that in areas of partially completed paving or hardscaping, bare soil behind curbs and gutters, and utility trenches, water is allowed to pond after rain or snow-melt events. Wetting of the subgrade can result in loss of subgrade support and increased settlements 1 increase heave. By the time final grading has been completed, significant volumes of water can already have entered the subgrade, leading to subsequent distress and failures. The contractor should maintain effective site drainage throughout construction so that water is directed into appropriate drainage structures. 3) Landscaping which requires watering should be located 5 or more feet from the structure perimeter. Irrigation sprinkler heads should be deployed so that applied water is not introduced into foundation soils. Landscape irrigation should be limited to the minimum quantities necessary to sustain healthy plant growth. Use of drip irrigation systems can be beneficial for reducing over-spray beyond planters. Drip irrigation also can be beneficial for reducing the amounts of water introduced to building foundation soils, but only if the total volumes of applied Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 12 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado water are controlled with regard to limiting that introduction. Controlling rates of moisture increase beneath the foundations and floors should take higher priority than minimizing landscape plant losses. Where plantings are desired within 5 feet of the structure, GROUND recommends that the plants be placed in water-tight planters, constructed either in-ground or above-grade, to reduce moisture infiltration in the surrounding subgrade soils. Planters should be provided with positive drainage and landscape underdrains. 4) We do not recommend the use of plastic membranes to cover the ground surface near the structure without careful consideration of other components of project drainage. Plastic membranes can be beneficial to directing surface waters away from the building and toward drainage structures. However, they effectively preclude evaporation or transpiration of shallow soil moisture. Therefore, soil moisture tends to increase beneath a continuous membrane. Where plastic membranes are used, additional shallow, subsurface drains should be installed. CLOSURE Geotechnica! Review The author of this report should be retained to review project plans and specifications to evaluate whether they comply with the intent of the recommendations in this report, The review should be provided in writing. The geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon observation and testing of project earthworks by representatives of GROUND. If another geotechnical consultant is selected to provide materials testing, then that consultant must assume all responsibility for the geotechnical aspects of the project by concurring in writing with the recommendations in this report, or by providing alternative recommendations. Materials Testing The Town of Vail should consider retaining a geotechnical engineer to perform materials testing during construction. The performance of such testing or lack thereof, in no way alleviates the burden of the contractor or subcontractor from constructing in a manner that conforms to applicable project documents and industry standards. The contractor or pertinent subcontractor is ultimately responsible for Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 13 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado managing the quality of their work; furthermore, testing by the geotechnical engineer does not preclude the contractor from obtaining or providing whatever services they deem necessary to complete the project in accordance with applicable documents. Limitations This report has been prepared for The Town of Vail as it pertains to the proposed artistic structure as described herein. It may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. The owner or any prospective buyer relying upon this report must be made aware of and must agree to the terms, conditions, and liability limitations outlined in the proposal. In addition, GROUND has assumed that project construction will commence by Summer 2012. Any changes in project plans or schedule should be brought to the attention of a geotechnical engineer, in order that the geotechnical recommendations may be re- evaluated and, as necessary, modified. The geotechnical conclusions and recommendations in this report relied upon subsurface exploration at a limited number of exploration points, as shown in Figure 1, as well as the means and methods described herein. Subsurface conditions were interpolated between and extrapolated beyond these locations. It is not possible to guarantee the subsurface conditions are as indicated in this report. Actual conditions exposed during construction may differ from those encountered during site exploration. If during construction, surface, soil, bedrock, or groundwater conditions appear to be at variance with those described herein, a geotechnical engineer should be advised at once, so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made in a timely manner. In addition, a contractor who relies upon this report for development of his scope of work or cost estimates may find the geotechnical information in this report to be inadequate for his purposes or find the geotechnical conditions described herein to be at variance with his experience in the greater project area. The contractor is responsible for obtaining the additional geotechnical information that is necessary to develop his workscope and cost estimates with sufficient precision. This includes current depths to groundwater, etc. The materials present on-site are stable at their natural moisture content, but may change volume or lose bearing capacity or stability with changes in moisture content. Performance of the proposed structure and pavement will depend on implementation of Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 14 of 15 Proposed Open Space Improvements Lionshead Plaza Vail, Colorado the recommendations in this report and on proper maintenance after construction is completed. Because water is a significant cause of volume change in soils and rock, allowing moisture infiltration may result in movements, some of which will exceed estimates provided herein and should therefore be expected by the owner. This report was prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practice in the project area at the date of preparation. GROUND makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the professional data, opinions or recommendations contained herein. Because of numerous considerations that are beyond GROUND's control, the economic or technical performance of the project cannot be guaranteed in any respect. GROUND appreciates the opportunity to complete this portion of the project and welcomes the opportunity to provide The Town of Vail with a proposal for construction observation and materials testing prior to construction commencement when design plans have been completed. Sincerely, GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. :, a �fc fi da V Scott W. Richards, P.E. 0�� Reviewed by Brian H. Reck, P.G., C.E. Job No. 11-6026 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 15 of 15 +' 1 .1% , F 0 Lli x w LL r �ko 0 — � Z N cli to Ly CD YI r Q <G U r z LLJ Ul f r c It m LL wt ui d LLJ " ► . �- = r w ui ar Test Hole 1 0 32112 7 5 30112 CD ,was L N 0 10 5015 15 GROUND ENGINEERING CONSULTR WITS LOG OF TEST HOLE JOB NO.: 11-6026 FIGURE: 2 CADF[LE NAME: 6026LOG.DWG LEGEND: Fill:Silty sands, loose to medium dense, moist, and dark brown in color. Sand: Gravelly, silty, medium to coarse grained, sub-angular gravels, non-plastic, medium dense, moist, and brown in color. Gravel: Sandy, silty, medium to coarse grained, sub-angular to sub-round gravels, low plastic to non-plastic, very dense, moist, and brown in color. Drive sample, 2-inch 1.D. California liner sample Drive sample, 1-318 inch I.D. standard sample 23/12 Drive sample blow count, indicates 23 blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the sampler 12 inches. 20/25/30 Drive sample blow count, indicates 20, 25, and 30 blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the sampler 18 inches. 3 Depth at which test hole caved and number of days after drilled when checked. NOTES: 1) Test hole was drilled on 11/11/'11 with 4-inch diameter continuous flight power augers. 2) Location of the test hole was measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3) Elevation of the test hole was not measured and the log of the test hole is drawn to depth. 4) The test hole location and elevation should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5) The lines between materials shown on the test hole lag represent the approximate boundaries between material types and the transitions may be gradual. 6) Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Groundwater levels can fluctuate seasonally and in response to landscape irrigation. 7) The material descriptions on this legend are for general classification purposes only. See the full text of this report for descriptions of the site materials and related recommendations. GROUND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LEGEND AND NOTES JOB NO.: 11-6026 FIGURE: 3 CADFILE NAME: 6026LEG.DwG 4 3 Consolidation with Constant Pressure Upon Wettin 1 J J W 9 Z 0 1 J Q 0 z 2 Q U 3 4 6 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf Moisture Content = 16.3 percent Dry Unit Weight = - pcf Sample of: Gravelly Sand From: Test Hole 1 at 5 ft GROUND ENGINEERING COINSULTRNTS SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO.: 11-6026 FIGURE: 4 OADFILE NAME:6026SWL.DWG C.0 9 9 ) p o ƒ 0 \ Co \ @ . : � d n m cn § a (n 7 7 J E 0 1 k / - ? op v © \ / � . � cn L ■ { C $ � LA . � ( \ t z j / / / / out \ / 0 2 x \ F § =(A ¥ § r .§ w f J £ I z � � z § � _ 2 . \ � cr $ « EGo 0 d o m m � CL z 2 m O (o « � 2 \ / & \ / ® ¥ ■ c a a w m 0 _ s $ � � k LO C) j ± March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION The work specified herein shall include the furnishing and placing of cast-in-place Portland cement concrete in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Plans. In particular, this Specification applies to,but shall not be limited to, footers,retaining walls,piers, aprons, and steps. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 03201; Concrete Reinforcement B. Section 03100; Concrete Formwork 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CDOT Standard Specifications 503;Drilled Cassions B. CDOT Standard Specifications 601; Structural Concrete 1. CDOT Standard Specification 601.07;Mixing Concrete 2. CDOT Standard Specification 601.08;Air Content Adjustment 3. CDOT Standard Specification 601.12;Placing Concrete 4. CDOT Standard Specification 601.13; Curing Concrete 5. CDOT Standard Specifications Section 601.14;Finishing Hardened Concrete Surfaces 6. CDOT Standard Plan No. M-601-1; Single Concrete Box Culvert 7. CDOT Standard Plan No. M-601-20;Wingwalls for Pipe of Box Culverts 8. CDOT Standard Plan No.M-603-3;Precast Concrete Box Culvert 9. ACI 350-01; Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures C. CDOT Standard Specifications Section 602;Reinforcing Steel D. CDOT Standard Specifications 503;Drilled Cassions 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. The following shall be submitted by the Contractor for review by the Owner's Representative prior to the construction of any concrete facilities: 1. Proposed concrete mix designs. 2. Sieve analyses for all proposed aggregates. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: A. All cast in place concrete for concrete walls, stairs, flatwork, and curbs shall be CDOT Class D or P B. Concrete Foundations shall be as specified on Sheet S-1.0-3.0. Cast-in-Place Concrete 03300-1 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park C. Joint Sealer shall conform to CDOT standard specifications. D. Concrete Colors shall be as indicated in the Drawings. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Construction requirements associated with the furnishing, placing and curing cast in place concrete shall be in accordance with CDOT Standard Specifications 601.07, 601.08, 601.12, 601.13 and as noted herein. B. Construction requirements for concrete piers for light poles shall be in accordance with CDOT Standard Specification 503;Drilled Cassions. C. Radii Edges: All formed concrete structures shall include '/2"radii on all exposed edges. D. Finishing of formed concrete surfaces shall conform to CDOT Standard Specifications Section 601.14. 1. Walls and slab surfaces to be covered by earth backfill shall receive a Class 1 Ordinary Surface Finish. 2. Concrete finishes shall be as per the Drawings 3. Unless otherwise noted, all standard concrete bands,trench grates surrounds, curb and gutter and pavement exposed to public view shall receive a light broom finish. E. Contractor shall hand tool all joints at site boulders as directed by Owner's Representative. Field verify with Owner's Representative prior to construction. F. Contractor shall seal joints as shown in plans and/or as directed by Owner's Representative at concrete core walls—stone masonry and pavement. Contractor shall provide sample of concrete —masonry sealer for approval by Owner's Representative. END OF SECTION Cast-in-Place Concrete 03300-2 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park SECTION 02521 CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Provide all labor,materials and equipment necessary to install concrete unit pavers. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02232—Aggregate Base Course B. Section 02513—Asphalt Pavement C. Section 02260—Fine Grading D. Division 15 and 16 1.03 REFERENCES American Society of Testing and Materials(ASTM): A. C 33, Specification for Concrete Aggregates. B. C 136,Method for Sieve Analysis for Fine and Coarse Aggregate. C. C 140, Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units. D. C 144, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar. E. C 936, Specification for Solid Interlocking Concrete Paving Units. F. C 979, Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete. G. D 698, Test Methods for Moisture Density Relations of Soil and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using a 5.5-lb(2.49 kg)Rammer and 12 in. (305 mm)drop. H. D 1557, Test Methods for Moisture Density Relations of Soil and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using a 10-1b(4.54 kg)Rammer and 18 in. (457 mm)drop. I. D 2940, Graded Aggregate Material for Bases or Subbases for Highways or Airports. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in the manufacture of concrete interlocking pavers for a minimum of three(3)years. B. Installation shall be by a contractor and crew with at least three(3)years of experience in placing interlocking concrete pavers on projects of similar nature or dollar cost. C. Installation Contractor shall conform to all local, state/provincial licensing and bonding requirements. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product drawings and data. B. Submit full size sample sets of concrete paving units to indicate color and shape selections. Color will be selected by Landscape Architect/Owner from manufacturer's available colors. C. Submit sieve analysis for grading of bedding and joint sand. D. Submit test results from an independent testing laboratory for compliance of paving unit requirements to ASTM C 936. E. Indicate layout,pattern,and relationship of paving joints to fixtures and project formed details. F. Substitutions: Substitutions shall be submitted 10 days prior to bid opening for acceptance. Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 - 1 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park 1.06 MOCK-UPS A. No mock-up shall be required for this project. Paving installations shall match existing paver patterns in the area and as referenced in the Drawings. These area shall be the standard from which the work will be judged. Consideration shall be given with regard to differences in age of materials from time of mock-up erection to time of actual product delivery. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Deliver concrete pavers to the site in steel banded,plastic banded, or plastic wrapped cubes capable of transfer by fork lift or clamp lift. Unload pavers at job site in such a manner that no damage occurs to the product. B. Sand shall be covered with waterproof covering to prevent exposure to rainfall or removal by wind. The covering shall be secured in place. C. Coordinate delivery and paving schedule to minimize interference with normal use of buildings adjacent to paving. 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Do not install sand or pavers during heavy rain or snowfall. B. Do not install sand and pavers over frozen base materials. C. Do not install frozen sand. D. Ensure asphalt or concrete substrate drains properly. Do not install sand or pavers over substrate with low points that puddle water. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS A. Concrete pavers shall be supplied by Pavestone Company,Denver, CO: (303)287-3700 or approved equal unless otherwise noted. B. Product names/shape, color, overall dimensions, and thickness shall be: 1. Main Plaza Area a. All pavers shall be 60mm thickness b. Plaza Stone Giant Rectangle Series(8 3/16"x 10 15/16") C. Colors: 33% Silver Smoke, 33%Pebble, 33%Outback d. Runner Bond pattern to match existing 2. Park Pavers a. All pavers shall be 60mm thickness b. Plaza Stone and Plaza II Stone C. Large Rectangles(5 7/16"x 8 3/16"), Squares(5 7/16"x 5 7/16"),Medium Rectangles(4 1/16"x 5 7/16"), Small Rectangles(2 11/16"x 5 7/16")and Giant Stone(8 3/16"x 10 16/16") d. Colors: 33% Silver Smoke, 33%Pebble, 33%Outback e. Giant Random Pattern(27)to match existing fire lane Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 -2 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park f. Reference construction plans for pattern and layout. C. Pavers shall meet the following requirements set forth in ASTM C 936, Standard Specification for Interlocking Concrete Paving Units: 1. Average compressive strength of 8,000 psi(55 MPa)with no individual unit under 7,200 psi(50 MPa). 2. Average absorption of 5%with no unit greater than 7%when tested in accordance with ASTM C 140. 3. Resistance to 50 freeze-thaw cycles when tested in accordance with ASTME C1645/ C 1645M-09 D. Pigment in concrete pavers shall conform to ASTM C 979. E. Materials shall be manufactured in individual layers on production pallets. F. Materials shall be manufactured to produce a solid homogeneous matrix in the produced unit. 2.02 VISUAL INSPECTION A. All units shall be sound and free of defects that would interfere with the proper placing of units r impair the strength or permanence of the construction. B. Minor cracks incidental to the usual methods of manufacture, or chipping resulting from customary methods of handling in shipment and delivery, shall not be deemed grounds for rejection. 2.03 SAMPLING AND TESTING A. Manufacturer shall provide access to lots ready for delivery to the Owner's Representative for testing in accordance with ASTM 936-82 for sampling of material prior to commencement of paver placement. B. Manufacturer shall provide a minimum of three(3)years testing backup data showing manufactured products that meet and exceed ASTM 936-82 when tested in compliance with ASTM C-140. C. Sampling shall be random with a minimum of nine(9) specimens per 20,000 sq. ft.per product shape and size with repeated samples taken every additional 20,000 sq. ft. or a fraction thereof. D. Test units in accordance with ASTM for compressive strength, absorption and dimensional tolerance. A minimum of three(3)specimens per test required for an average value. Testing of full units is preferred. 2.04 REJECTION In the event the shipment fails to conform to the specified requirements,the manufacturer may sort it, and new test units shall be selected at random by the Owner's Representative from the retained lot and tested at the expense of the manufacturer. If the second set of test units fails to conform to the specified requirements,the entire lot shall be rejected. Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 -3 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park 2.05 EXPENSE OF TESTS The expense of inspection and intial testing shall be borne by the Owner. The expense of retesting shall be borne by the Contractor. 2.06 BEDDING AND JOINT SAND A. Bedding and joint sand shall be clean,non-plastic, free from deleterious or foreign matter. The sand shall be natural or manufactured from crushed rock. Limestone screenings or stone dust shall not be used. When concrete pavers are subject to vehicular traffic,the sands shall be as hard as practically available. B. Grading of sand samples for the bedding course and joints shall be done according to ASTM C 136. The bedding sand shall conform to the grading requirements of ASTM C 33 as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Grading Requirements for Bedding Sand ASTM C 33 Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 100 No. 4(4.75 mm) 95 to 100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 85 to 100 No. 16(1.18 mm) 50 to 85 No. 30(600 µm) 25 to 60 No. 50(300 µm) 10 to 30 No. 100(150µm) 2 to 10 C. The joint sand shall conform to the grading requirements of ASTM C 144 as shown in Table 2 below: Table 2 Grading for Joint Sand ASTM C 144 Natural Sand Sieve Size Percent Passing No. 4(4.75 mm) 100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 95 to 100 No. 16(1.18 mm) 70 to 100 No. 30(600 gm) 40 to 75 No. 50(300 gm) 10 to 35 No. 100(150 µm) 2 to 15 No. 200(75 µm) 0 Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 -4 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park 2.07 PORT-LAND ND GEMENT iBEDDOI SAND M! : (NOT APPLICABLE TO LIONSHEAD PROJECT) A. Portland Cement shall conform to ASTM C 150 specification. B. Bedding Sand shall conform to Section 02521, 2.06 Bedding and Joint Sand. C. Portland Cement and Bedding Sand shall be mixed in a mechanical concrete mixer until completely blended. 1. Portland Cement/Bedding sand ratio by volume a. Vehicular areas: 12%Portland Cement 88%Bedding Sand b. Non-Vehicular areas: 0%Portland Cement 100%Bedding Sand 2.08 ASPHALT A L T S T PAVERS VERB (NOT APPLICABLE TO LIONSHEAD PROJECT) A. Asphalt Setting Bed Materials 1. Asphalt Cement: ASTM D 3381,viscosity grade PG64-22 or approved equivalent. 2. Fine Aggregate: Clean,hard sand, free of organic matter,uniformly graded from coarse to fine, all passing the No. 4 sieve meeting the gradation requirements when testing in accordance with ASTM C 136. 3. Mixing: Provide plant mixed asphalt setting bed by combining dry fine aggregate (approximately 93 percent)and hot asphalt cement(approximately 7 percent)and heat to approximately 300 degrees F. Provide each ton of setting bed material apportioned by weight with the approximate ratio of 145 lbs. of asphalt to 1, 1885 lbs. of sand. B. Setting Bed Primer: Cut back asphalt,ASTM D 2028, grade as recommended by the paver manufacturer. C. Asphalt Adhesive: Standard neoprene modified asphalt adhesive containing oxidized asphalt combined with 2% neoprene and 10 percent long fibered mineral fibers with a softening point of 155 degrees F. Asphalt adhesive shall be Karnak 230 2%neo-asphalt paving block adhesive. D. Joint Filler Materials: The joint sand shall be a stabilizer sand and shall be Techniseal Polymetric jointing sand as manufactured by Techniseal 1-800-465-7325. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that all systems are operable and in working condition or prove operability in the future prior to installation of snowmelt paver section. Pressure test,video inspection,pull actual wiring, etc.-provide necessary testing to insure operable systems. B. Verify that subgrade preparation, compacted density and elevations conform to the specifications. The Owner's Representative should inspect subgrade preparation, elevations, and conduct density tests for conformance to specifications. Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 - 5 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park C. Verify that snowmelt systems have been placed according to specifications. D. Verify that aggregate base materials,thickness, compaction, surface tolerances, and elevations conform to the specifications. E. Verify location,type, installation and elevations of edge restraints around the perimeter area to be paved. F. Verify that base is dry,uniform, even, and ready to support sand,pavers, and imposed loads. G. Beginning of bedding sand and paver installation means acceptance of base and edge restraints. 3.02 SAND BED INSTALLATION A. Install snowmelt systems as shown on construction plans including wire mesh and plastic zip ties. Secure wire mesh to substrate to prevent dislocation during placement of bedding material. Do not overlap sections of mesh. B. Screed regular bedding sand to a depth of 2". Pre-compacted paver elevation should be approximately 1/8"above finished elevation to allow for settling during compaction. 3.03 CONCRETE UNIT PAVER INSTALLATION A. Ensure that pavers are free of foreign material before installation. B. Lay the pavers in the pattern(s)as shown on the construction plans. Maintain tight joints and straight pattern lines. Tight joints shall take precedence over straight patterns lines where necessary. Joint width shall be between 1/16"and 1/8". No more than 20%of joints shall be 1/8"in width within any 9 square foot area. C. Fill gaps at edges with cut paver units or edge units where specified. Pavers shall be cut precisely to fill space. Maximum joint width shall be 1/8". D. Sweep joint sand over entire surface working at 90 degree angles to paver joints. Leave 1/8"to '/4"layer of joint sand over surface. E. Compact pavers and joint sand with a low amplitude,high frequency plate vibrator. Use Table 3 below to select size of compaction equipment. Table 3 Minimum Centrifugal Paver thickness Compaction Force 60 mm 3000 lbs 80 mm 5000 lbs F. Vibrate the pavers, sweeping dry sand into the joints and vibrating until they are full. Make multiple in alternating directions. Do not vibrate within 3 ft. of any unrestrained edge of the paver area. G. Leave excess sand on the paver surface for one week unless directed by Owner's Representative to remove it at an earlier date. Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 -6 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park H. Roll the paver installation with a clean,pneumatic tired vibratory roller,minimum weight 8 tons having tire pressures of 90 psi. Rolling should be continued for a minimum of 10 passes over each paver. 3.04 DIST n r r n TION OF BITr 40n O S SETTING BED(NOT APPLICABLE TO LIONSHEAD PROJECT) A. Place solid steel 3/4 inch thick control bars directly on the base or slab. Install shims under bars for minor adjustment of depth and finish paver elevations and slopes. Space bars no more than 8 feet apart and parallel to each other to serve as guides for strikeoff boards. B. Place asphalt setting bed at not less than 200 degrees F. in panels between control bars on the primed concrete slab or binder course to not less than 3/4 inch compacted thickness. Spread material and strike off by pulling the material with a 12 foot long x 2 inch x 6 inch wood board several times to produce a smooth firm and even setting bed. Add fresh material in low,porous spots after each pass of the strikeoff board. After each panel is complete remove and advance the first control bar to the next panel position in readiness for placing and striking adjacent panels. Fill in depressions left by the control bar and any shims. C. Roll setting bed with a roller(not over one ton in weight)to a nominal depth of 3/4 inch thick while it is still hot. Add additional material to adjust thickness required and to allow for setting of pavers to finish elevations and slopes. 1. Maximum thickness shall not be greater than 1" 2. If pavers are not installed immediately after setting bed,provide protection of setting bed with minimum 1/2 inch plywood sheet laid on the setting bed with butted joints. Repair all damage to the setting bed prior to installing pavers. 3.05 f'nATCRETT. UNIT PAALER PrST n r r n Trnrr(NOT APPLICABLE TO LIONSHEAD PROJECT) A. Install precast concrete pavers in locations,patterns and at elevations and with slopes for surface drainage as shown on the Drawings. Install precast concrete pavers in accordance with the manufacturer's printed installation instructions and the final reviewed shop drawings. B. Apply neoprene modified asphalt adhesive on the cured setting bed by squeegeeing or troweling. If troweled on,use a trowel with serrations not exceeding 1/16 inch depth. Place adhesive to not more than 1/16 inch thickness over the total surface of the setting bed. Do not begin installation of pavers, slabs and curbs until adhesive is dry to the touch. C. Lay out pavement in 30 foot working area modules. Set precast concrete pavers, slabs and curbs by hand on dry adhesive in patterns shown on the Drawings with hand tight joints 0 to 1/8 inch wide joints and uniform top surfaces. D. Field cut precast concrete pavers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for methods, equipment and precautions. E. Maintain accurate alignment and check for creep and shrinkage. Make adjustments to creep and shrinkage within the 30 foot module area. F. Sweep specified joint sand over pavement surface in accordance with the manufacture's recommended procedures. Do not allow traffic on installed pavers, slabs or curbing until the joints have been filled. Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 -7 March 15, 2013 Lionshead Park G. Protect newly laid pavers, slabs and curbs with plywood panels on which workers stand. Advance protective panels as work progresses but maintain protection in areas subject to continued movement of materials and equipment to avoid creating depressions or disrupting alignment of installed pavers, slabs and curbs. H. Install the specified joint filler where precast concrete pavers, slabs and curbs abut curbs, other vertical surfaces and other construction. I. Replace cracked or chipped precast concrete pavers, slabs and curbs at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND COMPLETION A. The final surface elevation shall not deviate more than 3/8"under a 10 ft. straightedge. B. The surface elevation deviation between individual pavers and between individual pavers and adjacent surface materials shall be less than 1/4". C. The resanding as necessary of paver joints shall be accomplished by the contractor for a period of 180 days after completion of work. D. The paver surface shall have positive drainage and shall slope away from buildings and site walls as indicated on the drawings and field directed by the Owner's Representative. E. After removal of excess sand, check final elevations for conformance to the drawings and specifications. F. Contractor shall provide the Owner with 25 additional concrete unit pavers in each style, size, and color to match installation. Additional pavers shall be provided to Owner in accordance with 1.07. END OF SECTION Concrete Unit Pavers 02521 - 8 Concrete Pave Stones Plaza Stone Series All t'J J �y _ ex - a ^` 1 w IMPROVING YOUR LANDSCAPE" Plaza Stone Series Plaza Stone is a timeless paving stone with an impressionistic embossed surface profile. It creates a gentle and warm effect by combining the soft curved edges of the rectangular and square stones. Plaza Stone is available in many colors and in standard or Heritage'" Series (tumbled) finish to accommodate the most discriminating tastes and desires. Plaza Stone uses large-scale patterns to create interest and drama to commercial landscaping,while the stone's texture and pattern harmonize with surrounding buildings and site furnishings. COMPOSITION AND MANUFACTURE Plaza Stone is made from a "no slump" concrete mix. Made under extreme pressure and high frequency vibrations, Plaza Stone has a compressive strength greater than 8000psi, a water absorption maximum of 5% and will meet or exceed ASTM C-936 and freeze-thaw testing per Section 8 of ASTM C-67. Heritage"" Series may not comply with ASTM C-67 freeze-thaw durability. INSTALLATION INSTALLATION PATTERNS 1. Excavate unsuitable, unstable or unconsolidated subgrade material and compact the area which has been cleared. Backfill and level with dense graded aggregate suitable for base material(typically 4 in.to 8 in. (101 mm to 202mm) of compacted base for light vehicular and pedestrian traffic) or as otherwise directed by Site Engineer/ Architect/Landscape Architect. _ 2. Place bedding course of washed sand conforming to the grading requirements of ASTM C-33 to a uniform depth of 1-1 1/2 in.(25-38mm) Plaza I Runner Bond Plaza I Muster"K" Plaza III Fan screeded to the grade and profile required. 3. Install Plaza Stone with joints approximately 1/8 in. (3mm). 4. Where required,cut pave stones with an approved cutting device to fit accurately, neatly and without damaged edges. 5.Tamp pave stones with a plate compactor,uniformly level,true to grade and free of movement. 6. Spread sand to 1/8 in. (3mm) thickness over entire paving area. Heritage" Series may require joint sand stabilization. Plaza 11 Runner Bond Plaza I&II Random Plaza I,II&Giant 7. Make one more pass with plate compactor to fill joints with sand. Random Complete installation &specification details are available by contacting your Pavestone Sales Representative. •' : Note:Colors Colors are shown as accurately as possible in brochures&samples,but due to the nature of the product,regional color differences and variables in print reproduction,colors may not match exactly.For best results in maintaining color consistency,pavers must be installed from several cubes at a time.Efflorescence,a whitish,powder-like deposit,may appear on concrete pavers.This is a natural occurrence in any concrete product and will usually wear off over time. Plaza IV Circle Typical Cross Section of Concrete Pave Stone Installation - Sand-Filled Joints ` Pave Stones r wrt zP .Sand `.i 4WO -*--Base Y - _ " . . . �9d ' APPLICATIONS General Road Construction • Parking Lots • Driveways • Patios • Bridge Underpasses • Entrance Areas • Flooring in Stables Sidewalks • Terraces • Garden Pathways • Pool Decks • Pedestrian Malls • Roof Gardens PRODUCT INFORMATION Plaza Stone is available in eight (8) sizes. Height/Thickness 60mm = 2 3/8", 80mm = 3 1/8"* Available in standard and Heritage" tumbled finishes. 4V 44R) 004P Plaza Stone Large Rectangles Only Plaza Stone Squares Only Plaza I Stone Nominal Dimensions 5 7/16°W x 8 3/16°L Nominal Dimensions 5 7/16"W x 5 1/16"L Large Rec.&Squai ;Bundled Together 138mm x 208mm 138mm x 138mm Nominal Dimensions Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm 31/8°=80mm Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm 31/8°=80mm Square: 5 Vie'W x 5 7/16"L Wt./Stone 8.866 lbs. 11.48 lbs. Wt./Stone 6 lbs. 7.4 lbs. 138mm x 138mm Stones/Sq.Ft. 3.2 3.2 Stones/Sq.Ft. 4.8 4.8 Large Rec: 5 V16"W x 8 3/16"L Stones/Pallet 300 240 Stones/Pallet 480 384 138mm x 208mm Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,660 lbs. 2,736 lbs. Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,800 lbs. 2,880 lbs. Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm Sq.Ft./Pallet 95 76 Sq.Ft./Pallet 100 80 Stones/Pallet 240 Sq. 180 Rec. Product Number 606 607 Product Number 646 648 Approx.Wt./Pallet 3,080 lbs. Sq.Ft./Pallet 110 Product r 616 Plaza II Stone Plaza III Stone Fan Pack(Bundled Together) Giant Plaza Stone Med.Rec.&Sm.Rec.Bundled Together Center Rec,Lg.Center Wedge,Left Wedge,Right Wedge Nominal Dimensions 8 3/1e'W x 10 15/1e'L Nominal Dimensions Nominal Dimensions 208mm x 278mm Med.Rec: 4 Vie'W x 5 7/1e'L (A)Center Rec: 2 11/16"W x 5 1/2^L (B)Lg.Center Wedge: 61/4°W x 51/2^L Height/Thickness 2 3/8" =60mm 103mm x 138mm 68mm x 138mm 157mm x 138mm Wt./Stone 17.41 lbs. Sm.Rec: 2 11/16°W x 5 7/16"L (C)Left Wedge: 3 1/16"W x 51/2'L (D)Right Wedge: 3 1/16"W x 51/2'L Stones/Sq.Ft. 1.6 68mm x 138mm 77.5mm x 138mm 77.5mm x 138mm Stones/Pallet 160 Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm Height/Thickness 2 3/8°=60mm Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,828 lbs. Stones/Pallet 80 Sm.Rec.560 Med.Rec. Stones/Pallet 300 Center Rec.(A) 300 Lg.Center Wedge(B) Sq.Ft./Pallet 101 Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,800 lbs. 120 Left Wedge(C) 120 Right Wedge(D) Product Number 649 Sq.Ft./Pallet 100 Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,856 lbs. Product Number 626 Sq.Ft./Pallet 102 Product Number 636 Plaza Stone Parkway'Lg.Rectangles Only Plaza Stone Parkway'Squares Only Plaza IV Stone Circle Pack(Bundled Together) Nominal Dimensions 5 7/1e'W x 8 3/1e'L Nominal Dimensions 5 7/16"W x 5 7/16"L Center,Lg Cir.Wedge,Sm Cir.Wedge,Small Cir.Rec.,Large Cir.Rec. 138mm x 208mm 138mm x 138mm Nominal Dimensions Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm Height/Thickness 2 3/8°=60mm (A)Center: 211/18'W x 51/2"L (D)Sm.Cir.Rec: 211/1e'W x 51/2'L Wt./Stone 8.866 lbs. Wt./Stone 6 lbs. 68mm x 138mm 68mm x 138mm Stones/Sq.Ft. 3.2 Stones/Sq.Ft. 4.8 (B)Lg.Cir:Wedge 61/18'W x 51/2"L (E)Lg.Cir.Rec: 41/8'W x 51/2"L Stones/Pallet 300 Stones/Pallet 480 157mm x 138mm 103mm x 138mm Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,660 lbs. Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,800 lbs. (C)Sm.Cir.Wedge:4 9/16"W x 51/2"L Sq.Ft./Pallet 95 Sq.Ft./Pallet 100 114.7mm x 138mm Product Number 606F T Product Number 646F T Height/Thickness 2 3/8"=60mm Stones/Pallet 10 Center Stone(A) 20 Lg.Cir.Wedge(B) 280 Sm.Cir.Wedge(C) 10 Sm.Cir.Rec.(D) 220 Lg.Cir.Rec.(E) Approx.Wt./Pallet 2,352 lbs. Sq.Ft./Pallet 84 Product Number 637 *Fractional dimensions are nominal. Plaza Stone Heritage" Series is sold on pallets or in bags. There is approximately the same square feet/pallet in each bagged product after tumbling. Packaging may vary from plant to plant. Contact your Pavestone Company manufacturer for packaging details. i f �1` p1 i l Il A F � sr, �������® Atlanta,GA: (770)306-9691 Houston, , (281)391-7283 •Austin/San Antonio,TX: (512)558-7283 Kansas City,MO: (816)524-9900 • Boston,MA: (508)947-6001 • Las Vegas,NV: (702)221-2700 • Cartersville,GA (770)607-3345 New Orleans,LA: (985)882-9111 Improving Your LGndsca Charlotte, NC: (704)588-4747 Phoenix,AZ: (602)257-4588 P 9 pw • Cincinnati,OH: (513)474-3783 •Sacramento/ a v e s t o n e.c o m ' Colorado Springs,CO: (719)322-0101 Winters,CA: (530)795-4400 w w w. P Dallas/Ft.Worth,TX: (817)481-5802 St.Louis/ M • Denver,CO: (303)287-3700 Cape Girardeau,MO: (573)332-8312 0 • Hagerstown,MD: (240)420-3780 g ®2007 by Pavestone Company,All Rights Reserved.VNE11911c; U Improving Your landscape-,Provencial'"Series and Heritage"Series are trademarks of the Pavestone Company. Member of ASLA and NCMA 4�ICPI Charter Member p/� Retaining Wall Systems N Imlom Immi�10 Im IME IMMI I�11 1=11 =1 MEN MEN mll ISO NMI' EMS m 0 Plaza Stone 649 Installation Patterns . . =-F-F =-F-F T -F T . 1 1 i- 1 � . 6X9 (35%), 6X6 (23%), & 9X11 (42%) 6X9, 6X6, 4X6, 3X6, & 9X11 RANDOM (28) PLAZA RANDOM (32) C R E A T I N G B E A U T I F U L L A N D S C A P E S" PRODUCTS LUB ' XLUB IRRIGATION -, 1311/16" TURF ' OXES 265/s" 1324-T-To 27'/4" 'I 45/,e" 1324 • Structural foam material LUB 15" • Lighter than cast iron or concrete boxesfor — easier warehouse handling 2013 6" — reduced injury potential 33/a' • 10 Year Lid Guarantee • Available in black 30,/2" 175/6" • Stainless steel bolts secure lid to ®-in 1730-Dro p — discourage vandalism w/flip-lid ='- — keep lid in place in high water 301/x, �•`175/6" • Lids are easily interchangeable • Lids available in g reen 1730-Drop-in I`- 303/4" 17"/,6' 1730 XLUP 18'* 24"/,6" -� 375/6" I qJ*Also available in 15"height iii " You ' re Covered 1. LUB • XLUB IRRIGATION TURF BOXES DESCRIPTION PART# DESCRIPTION ' LUB ASSEMBLIES XLUB ASSEMBLIES Control Valve Control Valve Black Box,Green Lid(13"x 24"x 15") 195101 Black Box,Green Lid(17 x 30"x 15') 195102 LUB BOXES ONLY Black Box,Green Lid(17 x 30"x 18") 195103 Black(13"x 24"x 15') 195037 XLUB BOXES ONLY Black(17"x 30"x 15') 195035 Black(17'x30"x 18") XLUB LIDS ONLY Control Valve Green w/Washer and Bolt SUPERFLEXON BOXES AND COVERS ASTM Test Minimum Test SUPERFLEXON is a plastic material made of a rigid combination of Physical Properties Method Value polyolefin and fibrous inorganic components.It is chemically inert Polyethylene D-1248 — and normally unaffected by moisture,corrosion and the effects of Impact Strength(12 lb.wt,"C"tup) D-1244 38 ft./lbs. temperature changes.SUPERFLEXON also has a high tensile strength Effect of Acids and Alkalies D-543 Very Resistant with light weight because it is a solid(not foamed)structural material. Tensile Strength D-638 4415 PSI SUPERFLEXON covers are NOT traffic covers and should not be used Deflection Temp.Q66 PSI D-648 159° in roadways,etc. Flexural Modulus D-790 191,000 PSI Flammability(Horizontal cm/min) D-635 1.59 cm/min Resistance to Ultra-Violet Light G-26-92 7-9 Years Xenon-Arc 350340nm MADE IN ,• USA ''r PRODUCTS 131 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421, USA Phone: 888.773.2776 • Fax: 781.861.0675 E-mail: info@ highlineproducts.com www.highlineaccessboxes.com • www.highlineproducts.com ©2012 Highline Products 320064 Rev. 7/12 Neenah Enterprises Page 1 of 1 NEENAH X*V F O U N D R Y R-1798- Manhole Frames and Covers Cover should read "Water". Other lid textures are R-1798 acceptable with approval. Manhole Frame, Solid Lid Heavy Duty 30.1 1/4" 1 1/4" 81' E 28" 37 112" Available with self-seal gasket and concealed pickholes if required. Catalog Number A B C E F R-1798 30 1-1/4 28 37-1/2 8 All dimensions are listed in inches unless otherwise noted. To order Neenah Foundry products, please call 800.558.5075. ©2013 Neenah Foundry,all rights reserved. http://www.nfco.com/municipal/products/print-hl/ 3/18/2013 Compliance Sheet for HELI-PILE®HPC-15X Helical Piles The 2009 International Building Code June 14,2011 HPC-15X helical pile material is manufactured by International Marketing&Research,Inc. (IMR)under the brand name HELI-PILE®in Arvada, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. Attached please find HELI-PILE®drawing HPC-15X.DWG Revision 4 dated 05/12/11. This drawing contains the specification upon which this analysis uses with the 2009 International Building Code (2009 IBC). Chapter 18 Soils and Foundations is the chapter in the 2009 IBC that deals with the physical specification and capabilities of helical piles. This compliance sheet will deal with each specific provision for helical piles within Chapter 18 and how HELI-PILE®HPC-15X complies with that provision. All section numbers in bold below refer to the 2009 IBC. 1802 Definitions: As can be seen on the attached drawing,HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material complies with the definition. 1810.3.1.5: HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material complies with this provision as given in the attached mechanical capacity calculation sheet dated August 24, 2010. 1810.3.2.3 Structural steel: HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material is not structural steel. Therefore,this section does not apply. However, as can be seen on the attached drawing,HELI- PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material is fabricated from steel manufactured per ASTM A29 or AISI 1530 with Fy=90 ksi which is considered a standard in the helical pile industry. 1810.3.2.5 Protection of materials: All HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material is galvanized per ASTM B633 which is considered a standard corrosion protection coating in the helical pile industry. See ICC AC358 Sec. 3.9. 1810.3.2.6 Allowable stresses: Per Table 1810.3.2.6,the maximum allowable compression or tension stress for the HELI-PILED HPC-15X helical pile material is 0.6 Fy<0.5 Fu. For HPC- 15X helical pile material Fy=90 ksi and F,,= 120 ksi. Therefore the maximum allowable stress is 0.6 x 90 ksi<0.5 x 120 ksi=54 ksi<60 ksi. Therefore,the maximum allowable stress is 54 ksi. Given the gross shaft area of 2.21 sq. in.,the maximum allowable axial compression or tension load is 2.21 sq. in. x 54 ksi= 119 kips. Since the factory rated maximum allowable axial compression or tension load is 70 kips,the HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material complies with this section. Section 1810. Helical piles: Pa=0.5 P,,where P„is the least value determined by the six items listed. Each item is addressed individually in accordance with the numbers listed: 1. The sum of the areas of the helical bearing plates times the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil is site specific and not part of the HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material analysis that is the subject of this document. 2. The ultimate capacity determined from well-documented correlations with installation torque is well known throughout the industry for 1.5 inch round-corner-square-bar helical pile material. The industrial standard uses the relationship P,,=kt x T where P„is the ultimate pile capacity,kt is 1 the empirical torque coefficient, and T is the installation torque. The helical pile industry standard empirical torque coefficient and the standard used for HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material is IOft-'. Therefore, for HELI-PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material the maximum factory rated installation torque is 7,000 ft-lbs. Thus,P,,= l Oft-' x 7,000 ft-lbs=70,000 lbs. Therefore,Pa=0.5 x 70,000 lbs=35,000 lbs. 3. The ultimate capacity determined from load tests is site specific and not part of the HELI- PILE®HPC-15X helical pile material analysis that is the subject of this document. 4. The ultimate axial shaft capacity of the pile shaft is the shaft gross area of 2.21 sq. in.x the ultimate pile capacity, 120 ksi. Thus,2.21 sq. in. x 120 ksi=265 kips 5. The ultimate axial capacity of pile shaft couplings in compression is equal to the shaft capacity because shafts abut each other in the coupling,no bolt dependence. The ultimate axial capacity of pile shaft couplings in tension is equal to the ultimate shear capacity of the bolt in double shear with the threads outside the shear zone. The bolt steel is Fy= 105 ksi, 0.75 inch diameter(A= 0.442 in). Thus,the bolt capacity is 0.442 in x 105 ksi x 2 for double shear=92.8 kips. 6. The sum of the ultimate axial bearing capacity of helical bearing plates affixed to the pile is the ultimate capacity of each helix. For 6 inch to 12 inch diameter the ultimate capacity is 70 kips; for 14 inch diameter the ultimate capacity is 56 kips. Conclusion: The least P„value is 70 kips where 6 inch to 12 inch diameter helices are being used. Thus P,,=0.5 P„=0.5 x 70 kips=35 kips. Where a 14 inch diameter helix is the only helix,P,,=0.5 x 56 kips=28 kips 1810. Helical piles: As shown in the section above, design loads must not exceed 35 kips for this section to be in compliance. 1810.4.11 Helical piles: The requirements of this section are site specific and not part of the HELI-PILE HPC-15X helical pile material analysis that is the subject of this document. 1810.4.12 Special inspection: Inspection requirements are not part of the HELI-PILE®HPC- 15X helical pile material analysis that is the subject of this document. End of Document 2 H PC-15X 1 .5" H ELI-PILE ® CONVENTIONAL HELICAL PILE CATALOG NUMBERS BEGINNING WITH HPCL-15X AND HPCE-15X z o (EXTRA HIGH STRENGTH SHAFT STEEL, Fy=90 KSI) r z w J U w BEVELED OR 3', 5', OR 7' o SPADE TIP 0 O c 0 LEAD SECTION co SINGLE OR MULTIPLE HELIX U) NO SCALE x r fr o COUPLING 3" 3' w w 0 z w r N O I O z SHAFT 0 F_ HELIX EXTENSION NO SCALE 0 r w $ COUPLING 3 3', 5', OR 7' 2 a w x r O I O uj Q z SHAFT w x W PLAIN EXTENSION z NO SCALE z 0 1. THIS DRAWING COVERS 1.5"HELI-PILE ®SOLID ROUND CORNER SQUARE SHAFT HELICAL PILES. o (CATALOG NUMBERS BEGINNING WITH HPCL-15X&HPCE-15X) 2. SOLID ROUND CORNER SQUARE SHAFT MATERIAL IS PER ASTM A29 OR AISI 1530,Fy=90 KSI 0 3. ALL HELIX MATERIAL IS 0.5"THICK AND IS PER ASTM A656 Gr 80 TYPE 7(Fy=80 KSI). w 4. CONNECTION BOLTS ARE 0.75" DIAMETER ASTM A449(Fy= 105ksi),3"LONG,THREADS OUTSIDE THE SHEAR ZONE. 5. ALL WELDS MINIMUM 0.25" FILLET WITH ER80S ELECTRODE. 0 a 6. ALL STEEL IS GALVANIZED PER ASTM B633-85 FE/ZN 5,TYPE III z 7. ULTIMATE AXIAL MECHANICAL CAPACITY IS 70,000 LBS. 8. ULTIMATE SHAFT TORQUE CAPACITY IS 7,000 FT-LBS. ° 9. ULTIMATE HELIX MECHANICAL CAPACITY: 6"-12" DIAMETER= 70,000 LBS,14"DIAMETER=56,000 LBS 10. COUPLER STEEL 2.75"OD, 0.375"WALL DOM PIPE PER ASTM A513 Gr 1026(Fy=45 KSI)COLD FORGED SQUARE HELHILE' 1.5" CONVENTIONAL SPECIFICATION EXTRA HIGH STRENGTH OD IMR, Inc. -DENVER SHEET HELICAL PILES Nut! 5135 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado,80033 USA HPC-15X.DWG SHEET 1 OF 1 303-423-0591 Fax: 303-423-9155 DRAWN BY: ENGINEER: DATE: REVISION: www.helipile.com RJV JSP 05/12/11 1 4 UP-150 UNDERPINNING BRACKET z Z O F z 11 11 U 0 1 _N O 1 2 2 3 2 z 3 3 a 4 4 4 5 5 �� 5 LL -------------------- 0 W D 10 W 0 co x Of 7 7 7 LL W I I I I I I O W --+---------t -�- z z r_-I 3 -- fy o I I I I = I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I o I I I I > I I I I Lu w CL O ui a FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION a NO SCALE NO SCALE Lu 1. STRUCTURAL ANGLE:8"X 8"X z", 12"LONG = 2. CONCRETE EXPANSION BOLT:2"X 5 2"REDHEAD OR EQ. W 3. NUT ON EXPANSION BOLT Z F 4. WASHER ON EXPANSION BOLT 0 5. SLOTTED HOLE: 1-1"X 16" z 6. THREAD ROD: 1-2'WILLIAMS GR 75, 18"LONG 0 7. NUT: 1-2" 0 8. STRUCTURAL TUBE:4"X 4"X a", 11.5"LONG z 9. PIPE SLEEVE:CARBON MECHANICAL TUBING: 2.75"OD,2.125"ID,0.313"WALL TH.,6"LONG z 10. GUSSET PLATE:3"X 3"X 2' z 11. CONCRETE FOOTING OR GRADE BEAM NOTE:ALL ANGLE STEEL, PLATE STEEL,&STRUCTURAL TUBING IS A36. 0 ALL PIPE IS 35 KSI MIN YIELD. F ULTIMATE CAPACITY 200,000 LBS U.S. PATENT NO.5,800,094 HELI-PILE SPECIFICATION UP-150 UNDERPINNING IMR, Inc. - DENVER SHEET BRACKET Nut! 5135 Ward Road,Wheat Ridge,Colorado,80033 USA UP-150.DWG SHEET 1 OF 1 303-423-0591 Fax:303-423-9155 DRAWN BY ENGINEER DATE: REVISION: www.helipile.com FR JSP 05/11/12 2 TOWN OF VA!L � 1962-2012 241 South Frontage Road West, Suite 4 Public Works/Transportation Department Vail, Colorado 81657 970.4792178 vailgov.com 970.479.1715 fax ADDENDUM Lionshead Park Renovation March 22, 2013 This Addendum 2 forms part of the Bid Documents and modifies the original Bid Documents dated March 4, 2013 and Addendum 1 dated March 19, 2013 as noted below. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject a Bid to disqualification. Clarifications The following clarifications are listed to assist with the Bidding process: 1. Add/Alternate 1 — Stone Veneer Site Wall The total height of this wall, including stone veneer cap, shall be 24". 2. Use of Class 6 Roadbase Class 6 roadbase is to be used as indicated in the details, including, but not limited to concrete paving, asphalt and concrete unit pavers. It is not required under concrete steps as part of the bid process. Field conditions may require the use of roadbase in other areas and will be paid under the unit price provided. Additions/Changes For the following Items, download the Revised Bid Drawings and view the attached Revised Bid Item Descriptions and Bid Form, dated March 22, 2013. Note: the full set of Drawings with all Addendum revisions for both addendums is provided on the Sharefile site. New Revised Sheets 3/22/13: 1. Mechanical Plans Sheets M-1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 have been revised. 2. Electrical Plan Sheets E-2.0 and 3.0 have been revised. 3. Landscape Plan Sheet L-1 has been revised. The original sheet showed different quantities of aspens per size. This has been corrected. The L-1 notes have also been rotated. New Bid Items Note, a Revised Bid Item Descriptions and Bid Form is attached. Note: New Items have been underlined in the Bid Item Descriptions. a) Paver Infill - Pump Vault Lid This item is to install the Giant Plaza Stone pavers into the Bilco lid provided by others. See Item Description for details. b) Baseboard Heater This item has been added to provide a baseboard heater in the pump vault per the revised Electric Plan Changes to Existing Bid Items Note: Items with a name change have been underlined on the Bid Item Descriptions. c) General Site Preparation and Demolition The removal and disposal of 6 existing concrete light pole bases has been included in the item. d) Water Feature Preparation The Bid Item Description for Water Feature Preparation has been revised slightly to update the vault sizes and to further clarify the work required. e) Additional Approved Substitute for Helical Piers The structural engineer has approved the use of an additional type of Helical Pier. The Earth Contact Products ECP 1 '/2" Square Bar Helical Torque Anchor and TAB-150-UB bracket shall be considered an approved equal. See attached Specifications. f) Quantity Change to Vault Receptacle The quantity for Vault Receptacle has been increased to two (2) total. Attachments 1. Revised Bid Item Descriptions - March 22, 2012 2. Revised Bid Form — March 22, 2012 3. Baseboard Heater Specification 4. Helical Pier approved equal specification End of Addendum 2 Town of Vail Page 2 B electric baseboard AA Heating 0 Ventilation ■Electronics mIRounded corners inspired by our Silhouette model Smallest of its class height of 5 314 inches _ -- Thermal protection dissimulated inside = — the junction box — Body fabricated from one piece - resulting in a more robust baseboard - - N E Built-in electronic thermostat sold seperately ■ Baseboard with fully rounded corners Lifetime warranty on the heating element Inspired by our highly successful SIL series electronic convector, this newly evolved,compact heater is an engineering marvel, With its contemporary design and innovative look, this heater is now the smallest of its peers. The body of this product is fabricated from one piece of metal, thus eliminating conspicuous end caps, in addition to expansion and contraction noises. Features color:white W or almond(A) finish:top quality 100%polyester paint,baked enamel,glossy finish manufacturing:22-gauge steel casing able to support 22 kg in its center•16-gauge steel connection boxes at each end•full-length thermal protection with automatic reset•diffuser located above the element in order to ensure good air diffusion•full-length wireway•steel end caps with soft,rounded corners wattage&voltage:see the selection table elements:single tubular,stainless steel sheathed element with boxed aluminum fins for improved heat dissipation•securely fastened at its center, floating in nylon sleeves at each end,eliminating expansion and contraction noises control:built-in thermostat may be installed at either end(not included) •wall thermostat(not included)•built-in relay may be installed in left end only-optional(not included) installation:surface mount•BX&NMD cable clamps(included)•mounting holes spaced at 1-inch intervals along the top and the bottom of the unit• knockouts conveniently located at the back of the heater,and at each end warranty:lifetime(element)•1 year(unit) Finish � �.s fir. F + ! CSAf B SIL Also available in E Fahrenheit degrees ME rounded corners from one piece of metal inspired by our Silhouette model ultra-precise electronic thermostat thermal protection dissimulated approved by the C828-06 CSA inside the junction box Accessories Performance standard code descri AIL pl B1 T1 EFR* built-in electronic thermostat(right side installation only)[120 @ 347 V/max 2500 W(12,5 A)] 46.00 B1T1* built-in single pole thermostat[22 A @ 120/208/240/277 VAC-10 A @ 600 VAC(not inductive)] 23.25 132T1* built-in double pole thermostat[120 @ 600 A 27.25 B2T1TP* built-in tamper-proof double pole thermostat[120 @ 600 VJ 42.25 BRE153 built-in electronic low voltage relay[15 A @ 120 @ 347 V] 51.25 BRE156° built-in electronic low voltage relay[6 A @ 600 V] 84.50 BRE153T built-in electronic low voltage relay c/w transformer 24 V[15 A @ 208 @ 347 VJ 74.00 BP* spray paint white or almond 41.75 Prices indicated in this catalog are valid 90 days starting from March 1,2011.For all the updated prices,please refer to the Web site. add W for white or A for almond electronic relays can receive a pulsed or on/off signal *factory installation only Technical drawings [17616m] 72mm8]„ 2 rn.I [65mm] 41mm7 o• 'I °l�[25mom]o• o KOE 0[72Ymm] d 6 6 A fl a [25mm] [74�64mm] 29N6" 5m] [68rnm] BOTTOM 21/16' 53mm] 11/18" 3t/4" [40m1m] [28mm] [82mm] 3t/16„ SIDE [78mm] FRONT CCYus Stelpro Design Inc.reserves the right to modify any design and/or dimension of its units at any time.Visit www.stelpro.com to view the latest version of this product. electric baseboard B Selection table 250 code watts volts mm In. kg lb price 80301 300 120 505 197/8 2.0 5 39.00 B0308 300 208 505 197/8 2.0 5 39.00 B0302 300/225 240/208 505 197/8 2.0 5 39.00 --- 300 277/240/208 505 197/8 2.0 5 --- --- 300 347 505 197/8 2.0 5 --- --- 300 480 505 197/8 2.0 5 --- --- 300 600 505 197/8 2.0 5 --- B0501 500 120 708 277/8 3.0 7 39.25 80508 500 208 708 277/8 3.0 7 39.25 B0502 500/375 240/208 708 277/8 3.0 7 39.25 B0507 500/375/280 277/240/208 708 277/8 3.0 7 39.25 80503 500 347 708 277/8 3.0 7 47.00 --- 500 480 708 277/8 3.0 7 --- --- 500 600 708 277/8 3.0 7 --- B0751 750 120 956 375/8 4.1 9 47.50 80758 750 208 956 375/8 4.1 9 47.50 B0752 750/560 240/208 956 375/8 4.1 9 47.50 80757 750/560/425 277/240/208 956 375/8 4.1 9 47.50 B0753 750 347 956 375/8 4.1 9 57.00 B0755 750 480 956 375/8 4.1 9 57.00 B0756 750 600 956 375/8 4.1 9 57.00 B1001 1000 120 1207 471/2 5.1 11 55.25 B1008 1000 208 1207 471/2 5.1 11 55.25 B1002 1000/750 240/208 1207 471/2 5.1 11 55.25 B1007 1000/750/565 277/240/208 1207 471/2 5.1 11 55.25 B1003 1000 347 1207 471/2 5.1 11 66.25 131005 1000 480 1207 471/2 5.1 11 66.25 B1006 1000 600 1207 471/2 5.1 11 66.25 B1251 1250 120 1454 571/4 6.2 14 65.25 B1258 1250 208 1454 571/4 6.2 14 65.25 81252 1250/940 2401208 1454 571/4 6.2 14 65.25 B1257 1250/940/705 277/240/208 1454 571/4 6.2 14 65.25 B1253 1250 347 1454 571/4 6.2 14 78.00 131255 1250 480 1454 571/4 6.2 14 7825 B1256 1250 600 1454 571/4 6.2 14 78.25 B1501 1500 120 1683 661/4 7.2 16 74.75 B1508 1500 208 1683 661/4 7.2 16 74.75 B1502 1500/1125 240/208 1683 661/4 7.2 16 74.75 B1507 1500/1125/845 277/240/208 1683 661/4 7.2 16 74.75 B1503 1500 347 1683 661/4 7.2 16 89.50 B1505 1500 480 1683 661/4 7.2 16 89.50 B1506 11500 600 1683 661/4 7.2 16 89.50 1750 120 1930 76 8.2 18 --- B1758 1750 208 1930 76 8.2 18 86.00 81752 1750/1315 240/208 1930 76 8.2 18 86.00 81757 1750/1300/985 277/240/208 1930 76 8.2 18 86.00 B1753 1750 347 1930 76 8.2 18 103.00 B1755 1750 480 1930 76 8.2 18 103.00 B1756 1750 600 1930 76 8.2 18 103.00 2000 120 2130 837/8 9.1 20 --- B2008 2000 208 2130 837/8 9.1 20 96.50 82002 2000/1500 240/208 2130 837/8 9.1 20 96.50 82007 2000/1500/1125 277/240/208 2130 837/8 9.1 20 96.50 82003 2000 347 2130 837/8 9.1 20 115.00 82005 2000 480 2130 837/8 9.1 20 115.00 B2006 2000 600 2130 837/8 9.1 20 115.00 2250 120 2381 933/4 10.2 22 --- B2258 2250 208 2381 933/4 10.2 22 99.50 82252 2250/1690 240/208 2381 933/4 10.2 22 99.50 82257 2250/1690/1265 277/240/208 2381 933/4 10.2 22 99.50 B2253 2250 347 2381 933/4 10.2 22 116.00 B2255 12250 480 2381 933/4 10.2 22 116.00 B2256 2250 600 2381 933/4 10.2 22 116.00 --- 2500 120 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 --- B2508 2500 208 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 106.00 82502 2500/1875 240/208 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 106.00 82507 2500/1875/1405 277/240/208 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 106.00 B2503 2500 347 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 126.00 B2505 2500 480 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 126.00 B2506 2500 600 2607 1025/8 11.1 24 126.00 Prices indicated in this catalog are valid 90 days starting from March 1,2011.For all the updated prices,please refer to the Web site. Please note that the width of the units may vary by more or less 1/16 in(0.15 cm). add W for white or A for almond to get a low density baseboard on a 240 V circuit,use 277 V models.The power(wattage)difference between the 277 V and the 240 V is less than 25%. to get a low density baseboard on a 208 V circuit,use 240 V models.The power(wattage)difference between the 240 V and the 208 V is less than 25%. ---not available n WO i i t - DESIGN and TECHNICAL j, SERVICE MANUAL ! � �s — -. _g.hth Ed iti r --- Tow- 1 Ole-IN C 2010 Earth Contact Products,LLC. All Rights Reserved. The material in this book may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Earth Contact Products,LLC. Any unauthorized uses of the material and inventions disclosed herein or reproductions or copies of the pages of this book are hereby prohibited. Such uses would be deemed infringement of Earth Contact Products' intellectual property rights and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There is an exception that permits reproduction of certain "Typical Specifications". Permission is granted to copy these "Typical Specifications"for the sole purpose of bid document preparation. These"Typical Specifications"pages are clearly marked. Earth Contact Products, LLC reserves the right to change design features, specifications and products without notice, consistent with our efforts toward continuous product improvement. We also make changes and corrections to the technical design text consistent with the state of the art. Please check with Engineering Department, Earth Contact Products to verify that you are using the most recent design information and product specifications. 0 EARTH CONTACT PRODUCTS "Designed and,engineered to Perform" Earth Contact Products,LLC Corporate Office and Manufacturing Facility 15612 South Keeler Terrace,Olathe,Kansas 66062 913 393-0007-FAX 913 393-0008 Toll Free—866 327-0007 www.earthcontactproducts.com Engineering Office 4417 Lartan Trail,Richardson,Texas 75082 First Printing—11/2004 Second Printing—01/2005 Third Printing—02/2005 Fourth Printing—12/2005 Fifth Printing—12/2006 Sixth Printing---12/2007 Seventh Printing—12/2008 Eight Printing—04/2010 Preface Earth Contract Products designs and manufactures quality foundations support products at competitive prices. The purpose of this manual is to assist the reader to prepare preliminary designs for project estimations and for ECP product selections that will most economically fit a given application. It was our goal to take the highly technical engineering theories and distill them into a user friendly format. We have reduced many complicated equations into simpler terms that relate to the most typical applications where our products have been used. The reader will find clear and simple explanations, data tables, and many examples in this manual. By taking theory and design one small step at a time, it is possible to arrive at surprisingly accurate preliminary designs using this manual. This manual is in no way intended to replace professional engineering input and judgment; in addition, we require incorporating a minimum factor of safety of 2.0 into each and every preliminary design. We highly recommend that you seek professional engineering input. We also consider it good practice to perform a field load test on any heavily loaded or critical application. Table 1. ECP Torque Anchor'" Product Designations Product Prefix Product Description TAH Lead Section With One 318"Thick Helical Plate HTAH Lead Section With One 112"Thick Helical Plate Helical Lead Sections TAF Lead Section with Multiple 318"Thick Helical Plates HTAF Lead Section with Multiple 112"Thick Helical Plates Shaft Extensions TAE Extension Section with Coupling&Hardware Transitions TAT Transition Coupling—Helical Tieback Anchor Shaft to Threaded Bar New Construction Pile TAB—NC New Construction Compression Pile Cap Caps TAB—T New Construction Tension Pile Cap(Compression and uplift support) TAB-UB-150 Foundation Bracket—Fits 1-112"Sq.Shaft Helical Pile Shaft TAB-UB-288L Foundation Bracket—Fits 2-718"x 0.203"Wall Tubular Helical Pile Shaft Brackets for Foundation TAB-LUB Large Foundation Bracket—Fits Under Footing and Connects to Pile Shaft: Repair TAB-175-LUB Use with 1.314"Square Shaft TAB-288-LUB Use with 2.7/8"Diameter Tubular Shaft TAB-350-LUB Use with 3-112"Diameter Tubular Shaft TAB-150-LP TAB-288-LP Porch Bracket—Fits 1-112"Square or 2-718"Dia,Helical Pile Shaft TAB-150-SSB Screw Lift Slab Bracket--Fits 1-1/2"Square Helical Pile Shaft Brackets for Slab TAB-150-HSB Hydraulic Litt Slab Bracket—Fits 1-112"Square Helical Pile Shaft Repair TAB-288-LHSB Hydraulic Lift Slab Bracket—Fits 2-718"diameter Tubular Shaft TAB-288 HSB Also Fits: 1-112"Square Shaft 1-314"Square Shaft Timber Bracket TAB-150-TB Bracket to timber beams—Fits 1-1/2"Square Helical Pile Shaft Wall Plate PA Stamped Wall Plate—Fastens Wall To Threaded Shaft From Tieback Table 2. Capacities of ECP Helical Torque AnchorsW Installation Axial Uitimate-Limit Useable Practical Load Shaft Size Torque Compression Tension Torsional Limit Based Factor(k) Load Limit Strength Strength Torsional Strength 1-1/2"Square Bar 9-11 70,000 lb. 70,000 lb. 7,500 ft-lb Load capactyoftheraked 1-314"Square Bar 9- 11 100,000 lb. 100,000 lb. 11,000 ft-lb attachments and the lateral soil strength 2-114"Square Bar 10- 12 200,000 lb. 200,000 lb. 23,000 ft-lb against the shaft _718-Tubular—0.203"Wall 8-9 60,000 lb. 60,000 lb. 5,500 ft-lb 44,000 Ib 2-718"Tubular—0,262"Wall 8-9 100,000 lb. 100,000 lb. 9,500 ft-lb 80,000 lb 3-112"Tubular—0.300"Wall 7-8 115,000 lb. 120,000 lb. 13,000 ft-lb 97,000 lb 7, 4 4-112"°Tubular—0.337"Wall 6 7 160,000 lb. 160,000 lb. 22,000 ft-lb 143,000 lb The designer should select a product that provides adequate additional torsional capacity for the specific project and soil conditions. IMPORTANT NOTES: The capacities listed for Axial Compression, Tension and Torsion in Table 2 are mechanical ratings. One must understand that the actual installed load capacities for the product are dependent upon the actual soil conditions on a specific job site. The shaft"Useable Torsional Strengths" given here are the maximum values that should be applied to the product Furthermore, these torsional ratings assume homogeneous soil conditions and proper alignment of the drive motor to the shaft. In homogeneous soils it might be possible to achieve up to 95% or more of the "Useable Torsional Strength" shown in Table 2. In obstruction-laden soils, torsion spikes experienced by the shaft may cause impact fractures of the couplings or other components. Where impact loading is expected, reduce shaft torsion by 30% or more from"Useable Torsional Strength"depending upon site soil conditions to reduce chance of fracture or damage. Another advantage of selecting a torsional rating below the values shown in Table 2 is that one may be able to drive the pile slightly deeper after the torsional requirements have been met, thus eliminating the need to cut the pile shaft in the field. The load transfer attachment capacity must be verified for the design. Standard attachments and ratings are shown on the following pages. Special configurations to fit your project can be fabricated to your specifications upon request. ECP Helical Torque Anchor`s"'Technical Service Manual 012010 Earth Contact Products,L.L.C. 2010-04 Page 5 All rights reserved Torque Anchor T11 Utility Brackets TAB-150-UB & TAB-288L-UB Utility Bracket Shaft Size: 1-112"Sq. 2-718" Dia. 7ow —r 11 W4• 111161 ES - Bracket TAB-150- TAB-288L- 4 HOLES UB UB o, Q . © Pier Cap: T-Tube Cap ,61n 1�LJ 17, f \ I Ultimate-Limit 40,000 lb. 1 Capacity: 2AW ow x 6.256•WALL TUBE Bearing Area: 68-114 sq. inches TAB-150-UB ear4 TAB-288 UB Standard Lift 4 incheS2 DETAIL OF TAB-150-UB UTILITY BRACKET & Capacity: TAB-288L-UB UTILITY BRACKET TAB-175-LUB,TAB-288-LUB &TAB-350-LUB Large Utility Bracket Shaft Size: 1-314"Sq. 2-718"Dia 3-1f2"Dia 15 314" Bracket TAB-175- TAB-288- TAB-350- 7 v2° 13' Designation; LUB LUB LUB Dia. 4 HOLES DLES Pier Cap:3 T-Tube Pile Cap Pile Cap 8" b o Ultimate-Limit 98,000Ib.1 Capacity: 1e° 8 8 Bearing Area: 75 square inches Standard Lift 5-112 inches Capacity: i P Y rf TT NOTES: i� 1. These are mechanical capacity ratings. f=oundation strength and soil capacity will dictate actual capacity. rL 2-7/8"DIA.x 0.262" WALLTU13ULAR 2. Bracket Lift Height Can Easily Be Increased By 7 1 PILE-ORDERED Ordering Longer Continuously Threaded Bracket Rods. i_. SEPARATELY- '�=r (1-314"SQ.&3-112" DIA PILES MAY ALSO 3. The TAB-LUB Bracket is the same component for i BE USED WITH three different shaft sizes; the Pile Cap configuration PROPERPILECAPS) varies to accommodate the appropriate shaft for the application. DETAIL OF TAB-288-LUB SUPPORT SYSTEM LCP Helical Torque Anchors' Technical Senlice Manual ®2010 earth Contact Products,L.L.C. 2010-04 Page 12 All rights reserved