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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB13009617M W, CcMidMNUN17Y DEVELOPMEN7 Design Review Board 'T'I'N FORM Depaurtrrment of Community IDevelopment 7'5 'South Furontage Road, V,aiil, Colorado, 81657 tell: 97'0.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vaiilgov.cormi Project Name: GOLF COURSE HOLE #19 WORK DRB Number: DRB130096 Project Description: INSTALLATION OF A NEW #19 GOLF HOLE INCLUDING TEES AND GREEN. Participants: OWNER VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDG 04/09/2013 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 APPLICANT VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDG 04/09/2013 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 Project Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL Location: VAIL GOLF COURSE NEAR THE #12 TEE COMPLE Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: UNPLATTED Parcel Number: 2101 - 064 - 0000 -3 Comments: See Conditions BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 05/17/2013 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12 -3 -3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 TOWN OF Vklf Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970.479.2128 Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits. This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two. hour minimum building review fee of $110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit Application /Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: Revisions 0 Response to Correction Letter Va,` Gu \� CoL..�� \C1 1ue �� �, _attached copy of correction letter ^ C) Deferred Submittal /4A dJ (®Other A,14,x, -,.,t Project Street Address: IT46 V4, VA os, (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building /Complex Name: �o 1 Description of Transmittal/ List of Changes, Items Atfached: P \w, CC-1 Applicant Information (architect, contractor, ownerlowner's rep) Contact Name: ` O Co n 11, c l - Address: 5400 SM t=4_�+ City Vai\ State: Co Zip: ��65 Contact Name: li:�- Q Co n n e \' (use additional sheet if necessary) Contact Phone: C�I?u, 35� ° r1`� 3 ` Building Permits:j =� -- Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) Contact E -Mail: Soconne`` Q Vc, c-et CoM (DO NOT include original valuation) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, In rrra al Building and Residential Codes and other ordinan s o i Owner /Owner's Representative Signature (Required) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: V sa / MC Last 4 CC # exp. date: Authorization 9 Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: Date Received: $0 MAY n 8 2013 TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL' AN 68 2013 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 - 479 -2128 Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250 for Multi - Family /Commercial j� $20 for Single Family / Duplex l Single Family D p Duplex I Multi- Family Zn Commercial Description of the Request: Please review our request to install a new golf hole on the Vail Golf Course. The proposed hole with be #19. This proposal includes tees, green, 1 bunker, irrigation and drainage. The proposed #19 Golf Hole will be located in the vacinity of the existing #12 hole. Physical Address: 1775 Sunburst Lane (Vail Golf Club House) #12 hole located off South Frontage Rd East Parcel Number: unplatted Property Owner: Town of Vail Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Rd Vail CO 81657 Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970 - 328 -8640 for parcel no.) ne: (970) 479 -2138 ntative: Scott F. O'Connell Mailing Address: 700 South Frontage Rd East Vail CO 81657 E -Mail: soconnell Phone: (970) 390 -9731 Fax: (970) 479 -2197 For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check # Fee Paid: IpA I vec) Received From: Diz Meeting Date: ma,4 W a,o� 3 �e DRB No.: b Planner: of �T Project No: — Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: _UjJPL141 TEI-) TOWN OF VAIL Community Development Department JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi- tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be completed by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a condominium or multi- tenant building. All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. I, (print name) , a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property located at 1775 Sunburst lane & #12 hole on South Frontage Rd East , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 04/03/2013 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: The installation of the #19 Golf Hole. Project includes tee box, green, bunker, irrigation and drainage. This project will be completed to the standards and specifications outlined by Phleps / Atkinson Golf Course Design Group. I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations; and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement. Signature Print Name Date Property Information Property Address 1775 Sunburst Lane ( #12 located off South Frontage Rd East) Parcel # Unplatted Allowed Legal Description Vail Golf Course Gross Residential Floor Area (maximum) Chapter 12 -15 Development Site Area sq ft 16,000 acres buildable sq ft Zone District / SDD # Recreation & Parks Hazard Zones Sections 12 -21 & 14 -7 Snow Avalanche nHigh Severity FjModerate Severity [7,N /A Debris Flow []High Flow C Moderate Flow F] High Avalanche C'; N/A Rock fall High Severity [—JMedium Severity rN /A Excessive Slopes r' >_30% F N/A Floodplain €; 100 year floodplain FI Floodway FWetlands " V/A Creeks, Streams Section 12 -14 -17 ✓ Gore Creek j_. on site i+ adjacent to site [J N/A ❑Other tributary: I on site hadjacent to site ❑ N/A Project Information Project Description Installation of new golf hole Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area (maximum) Chapter 12 -15 Primary sq ft Secondary sq ft EHU sq ft TOTAL sq ft 250 Addition Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks (minimum) Section 14 -10 -4 Front ft Side ft Side ft Rear ft Watercourse ft Site Coverage (maximum) see definition Section 12 -2 -2 Building Height (maximum) see definition Section 12 -2 -2 Sloping ft Flat ft Landscaping See definition Section 14 -2 -1 Section 14 -10 -8 Softscape sq ft 16,000 16,000 16,000 Hardscape sq ft TOTAL sq ft 16,000 16,000 16,000 Driveway Sections 14 -3 -1 & 14 -3 -2 Max Curb -cuts Max Grade @ centerline Min Width Heated drive? i Yes No ;__. Yes No Snow Storage % Parking Sections 12 -10 & 14 -5 #Enclosed Spaces #Unenclosed TOTAL Outdoor Lighting (maximum) Section 14 -10 -7 # fixtures TOWN OF VAIL APR o e 2013 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 - 479 -2128 Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250 for Multi - Family /Commercial $20 for Single Family /Duplex IL Single Family FI Duplex I Multi- Family Ir.1 Commercial Description of the Request: Please review our request to install a new golf hole on the Vail Golf Course. The proposed hole with be #19. This proposal includes tees, green, 1 bunker, irrigation and drainage. The Physical Address: 1775 Sunburst Lane Parcel Number: unplatted Property Owner: Town of Vail 6k Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Rd Vail CO 81657 #19 Golf Hole will be located in the vacinity of the existing #12 hole. Golf Club House) #12 hole located off South Frontage Rd East (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970 - 328 -8640 for parcel no.) Phone: (970) 479 -2138 -Owner's Signature: X Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Scott F. O'Connell Mailing Address: 700 South Frontage Rd East Vail CO 81657 E -Mail: soconnell Phone: (970) 390 -9731 Fax: (970) 479 -2197 For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check # Fee Paid: W A yy( —, D Received Fromm: Meeting Date: DRB No.: l3 D o9 (n Planner: Project Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: 11 Pi �rTTED VAIL RECREATION D I S T R I C T To: TOV Design and Review Board From: Vail Recreation District Date: 04 /08/2013 RE: Vail Golf Course Hole #19 The Vail Recreation District (VRD) is currently working on plans to construct a new #19 golf hole on the Vail Golf Course. Background: The Vail golf course is owned by the Town of Vail (TOV) and leased to the Vail Recreation District (VRD) to operate. The Vail Recreation District has drafted a master plan for the Vail Golf Course which included the renovation and maintenance of several golf holes on the golf course. In order to maintain 18 holes of golf during any renovation or maintenance on any given hole we propose to add a golf hole to the existing course. By having 19 holes available to play we will be able to work on the master plan without having a significant impact to the playability of the course. An additional benefit to a 19th hole will be the availability of this during spring run -off. In previous years the #8 hole has flooded and limited play to 17 holes of golf. With this additional hole we will be able to maintain 18 holes of golf. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to construct a 19th golf hole to ensure that 18 holes of golf are available for play during renovation, maintenance or flooding of the existing golf holes. Details: The Vail Recreation District has been working with the Vail Golf Course design firm of Phelps / Atkinson. We have identified the existing 12th tee as a possible shared tee complex for the 19th hole with the green being located to the east of the existing weather shelter. If the 191h hole were "in play" a golfer would hit 2 tee shots for both the 19th hole as well as the existing 12th hole. The golfer would then go and play the 191h hole first and then continue play on the 12th. This project involves importing material to build the new 19th tee as well as the 19th green. New tees and a green would then be shaped and sod installed. Irrigation is included in this project. A bunker would also be excavated to add a degree of difficulty to the shot on the 19th green. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding this submittal. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Scott F. O'Connell Director of Operation and Facilities Vail Recreation District (970) 477 -5264 soconnell vclv'� C ol_c cOVr.Se _* l 1 �C.o- -ec.�- J UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: *" Golf Tee (South Frontage Rd east) Vail Golf Course Lot Block Subdivision: unpianed Primary sA 1/—e_ R� ive: Scott O'Connell Phone: (970) 390 -9731 V n Plans Dated: 9/14/2012 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINKS 970.328.8288 (tel) �' ✓y� 97D,328.8282 (fax) Contacts: Barb Davis barb.davisna centurylink.corn XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1309 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Ron Bureta ronnle.) HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970,945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom( XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4050 (tel) Contacts: Louise Timson lou Ise. ti mson EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANrrA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk tbirkRerwsd.orq COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael CDOT (Only In CDOT Right -of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Dan iel . ro ussl n NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. va, o l `C l �o ur Se UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: *13 Gail Tee (South Fmnta98Rdeasi)vaU Golf coume Lot Block Subdivision: Unplatted Primary Cctitt /_r R ve: Scott O'Connell Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature Phone: (970) 390 -9731 Plans Dated: 9/14/2012 NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tel) 970.328.8282 (fax) Contacts: Barb Davis ba rb.d avisCnlcentu rvi in XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1309 (tel) �tjl % 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Ron Bureta I ronnie.i.bureta( HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroom@) XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4050 (tel) Contacts: Louise Timson louise.timson Ca� EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk tbirk(alerwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael iohnson( CDOT (Only In CDOT Right -of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Dantel.roussin( NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. V cap' o� course _* I � rro_ eO- UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: #13 Golf Tee(South FronfageRd east) va ➢G- 11ceu'se Lot Block Subdivision: unplatted Primary /CqRt�fctr�we: Scott O'Connell Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature Phone: (970) 390 -9731 Plans Dated: 9/1412012 NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact /Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURYLINK 970.468.6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley samuel.tooleyObcen tu XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros rich a rd. isneros xcelener .com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) q� (/irtff 10117112 Contact: Jeff Vroom iagQm2hglycross com XCEL Energy 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Ronnie Bureta ronnie..bureta xcelener .com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk tbirk ale -sd.or COMCAST CABLE 970.619.0752 (tel) 970.468 -2672 (fax) Contact: Tony Hildreth tonv hildreth a COOT (Only in COOT Right of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussinCatdot. us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact /Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not Impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedui- Ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. if you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 1778 Sunburst Dr. LotU-P• Block U -P• Subdivision: U.P, Primary to, Lowner Re res tive: Scott O'Connell Phone: (970) 390 -9731 Plans Dated: 06125/2012 Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Signature NOTES: 1. Utillty locations muss: be obtained before digging. 2, A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970,479.2198. 3. It Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems Idendfled above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative Is required to submit any revised drawings to tfie above agencies for re- approval & re- veri€ication if the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY TEL 970.468.6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley samuel.toolev(o) XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,406,1309 (tel) 970.468,1401 (fax) Contact: Ron Bureta ronnie. j.bureta Co� HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom XCEL Energy 970,262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4050 (tel) Contacts: Louise Ilmson loulse.ti m son EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk tb, Irk @erkysd,arp COMCAST CABLE 970.390.4713 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson CDOT (Only in CDOT Right -of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin NOTES: 1. Utillty locations muss: be obtained before digging. 2, A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970,479.2198. 3. It Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems Idendfled above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative Is required to submit any revised drawings to tfie above agencies for re- approval & re- veri€ication if the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. va l ol� �ov�.Se e UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: M3 Golf Too (South Frontage Rdeact )V211GoifcoumG Lot Block Subdivision: Unplatted Primary CL t IDAmer R ve: Scott O'Connell phone: (970) 390 -9731 Plans Dated: 911412012 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tel) 970.328.8282 (fax) Contacts: Barb Davis XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1309 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Ron Bureta ronnie.j.bureta Pxcelener, yq con HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947,5471 (tel) 970.945,4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroom! m XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4050 (tel) Contacts: Louise Timson louise.ti EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) rt 1 N 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk tbirk(8erwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael COOT (Only In CDOT Right -of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.rcussin(& NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. "7 t 1 r�o� ec..�_ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: d1J Golf Too (South Frontage Rd east) Vail Golf Course Lot Block Subdivision: Unplatted Primary CG tt�er R ve: Scott O'Connell Phone: (970) 390 -9731 ,�— r Plans Dated: 9/14/2012 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tel) 970.328.8282 (fax) Contacts: Barb Davis barb.davis @centurylin XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.406.1309 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Ron Bureta ronnie.j.bureta(( � HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970,947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivrogmCail holycross. com XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4050 (tel) Contacts: Louise Timson Ioulse.timsonOxcelener, EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477.5435 (tel) 970.477.5434 (fax) Contact: Tug Birk COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael CDOT (Only in CDOT Right -of -way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel, NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right -of -Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right -of -way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re- approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. APR 08 2013 TOWN OF VAIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR VAIL GOLF CLUB HOLE #12 MATERIALS STORAGE VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO OCTOBER 2012 STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE TOWN OF VAIL STORMWATER QUALITY PERMIT Prepared for: Vail Recreation District 700 South Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926 -3373 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Site Vicinity Map 2. Site Description ............................................... ............................... (a) Construction Activity .......................... ............................... (b) Sequence of Construction ................... ............................... (c) Site Areas ............................................ ............................... (d) Runoff Coefficients / Soils .................... ............................... (e) Existing Vegetation ............................. ............................... (f) Potential Pollution Sources ................. ............................... (g) Non - stormwater Components of the Discharge ................. (h) Receiving Waters ................................ ............................... 3. BMPs for Stormwater Pollution Prevention ... ............................... (a) Erosion and Sediment Controls .......... ............................... (b) Materials Handling and Spill Prevention ........................... 4. Final Stabilization and Long -term Stormwater Management........ 5. Other Controls ................................................. ............................... 6. Inspection and Maintenance ............................ ............................... 7. Reporting ......................................................... ............................... 8. Retention of Records ....................................... ............................... 9. Site Maps Sheet 1 — Stormwater Management Plan Sheet 2 — Stormwater Management Details ...................1 .................. 1 .................. 1 .................. 1 .................. 1 .................. 1 .................. 1 .................. 2 ...................2 .................. 2 .................. 2 .................. 3 .................. 3 .................. 3 .................. 4 .................. 4 October 2012 Vail Golf Club, Hole #12 i 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The Vail Golf Club, Hole #12 is located south of Highway 6 (South Frontage Road) and north of Vail Valley Drive, in the east side of Vail, Colorado in Eagle County. It is located in the Northwest corner of Section 8, Township 5 South, and Range 80, West of the 6`h Principal Meridian. (a) CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Proposed construction activities include: 1) Temporary material storage for future construction (b) SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1) Construct stabilized construction entrance 2) Construct silt fence and wattles 3) Place materials 4) Revegetate and stabilize all disturbed areas 5) Remove sediment controls (c) SITE AREAS Total Site Area = 0.93 acres Total Disturbed Area = 0.93 acres (d) RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS /SOILS Before Construction RCN = 35 After Construction RCN = 35 The soils for this site include (per U.S. Soils Conservation Service Soils Report): Forsey (e) EXISTING VEGETATION The site consists of existing golf course turf and landscaping. (f) POTENTIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Vehicle fueling will be done wherever construction is taking place by mobile fuel trucks. Fertilizers or chemicals will be stored in a trailer or covered with a waterproof material. (g) NON - STORMWATER COMPONENTS OF THE DISCHARGE There are no non - stormwater components of the discharge expected on the site. October 2012 Vail Golf Course, Hole #12 (h) RECEIVING WATERS The site drains to Gore Creek. 3. BMPs FOR STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (a) Erosion and Sediment Controls: 1. Structural Practices Sediment transport is to be minimized on the site by silt fence and straw wattles. Silt fence shall be used to filter sediments from small disturbed areas that are in sheet flow. Straw wattles shall be used in place of silt fence where access is an issue. Silt fence will be kept in a state of repair throughout the project. 2. Non - structural Practices If ditches are used during construction they shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched as soon as they are installed. Once construction is complete and the disturbed areas are stabilized the ditches are to be removed and the disturbed area from this activity shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched. Disturbed areas from construction and grading shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched. Damage to trees and mature vegetation is to be kept to a minimum. Limits of disturbance are to be kept to the minimum area possible. (b) Materials Handling and Spill Prevention Stockpiles of topsoil and base material shall have proper sediment controls such as silt fence surrounding them. Equipment maintenance or fueling operations will take place wherever the construction equipment is working at the time. Care should be taken to avoid spills during maintenance and fueling operations, and any accidental spills shall be cleaned up promptly and completely. Should above -ground temporary fuel tanks be placed on -site, an earth berm shall be constructed around the tank area to contain any possible spills or leaks to prevent any spilled material from entering state waters. The contractor shall prepare a plan that immediately mitigates all problems associated with any potential fuel spills. October 2012 Vail Golf Course, Hole #12 2 There shall be no fertilizers or chemicals left exposed to the elements. The contractor shall prepare a plan that immediately mitigates all problems associated with any potential fertilizer or chemical exposure or accident. There shall be no dedicated concrete batch plants or dedicated asphalt plants on the site. The contractor shall not discharge concrete wash water into state waters or the storm sewer system. Should the status of any of these items change, a revision to the stormwater management plan shall be submitted with response procedures identified. 4. FINAL STABILIZATION AND LONGTERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Final stabilization shall occur by sodding or by topsoiling, seeding, fertilizing and mulching all disturbed areas. Final stabilization is reached when all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and uniform vegetative cover has been established with a density of at least 70 percent of pre - disturbance levels or equivalent permanent, physical erosion reduction methods have been employed. 5. OTHER CONTROLS Off -site soil tracking will be limited by providing a stabilized construction entrance at the entrance to the project. The stabilized construction entrance will consist of 2" crushed screen rock for a minimuml0 feet wide and 50 feet long at the entrance to the site. The contractor is responsible for not tracking soil off -site. 6. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE The permittee shall make a thorough inspection of their stormwater management system at least every 14 days and after any precipitation or snowmelt event that causes surface erosion. (a) The construction site perimeter, disturbed areas and areas used for material storage that are exposed to precipitation shall be inspected for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Erosion and sediment control measures identified in the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) shall be observed to ensure that they are operating correctly. (b) Based on the results of the inspection, the description of potential pollutant sources, and the pollution prevention and control measures that are identified in the SWMP shall be revised and modified as soon as practicable after such inspection. Modifications to control measures shall be implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 7 calendar days after the inspection. October 2012 Vail Golf Course, Hole #12 (c) The operator shall keep a record of inspections. Uncontrolled releases of mud or muddy water or measurable quantities of sediment found off the site shall be recorded with a brief explanation as to the measures taken to prevent future releases as well as any measure taken to clean up the sediment that has left the site. This record shall be made on the form provided by the Town of Vail. 7. REPORTING Provide a copy of each inspection report to the Town of Vail. 8. RETENTION OF RECORDS (a) The pennittee shall retain copies of the SWMP and all reports required by this permit and records of all data used to complete the application to be recorded by this permit, for a period of at least three years from the date that the site is finally stabilized. (b) The permittee shall retain a copy of the SWMP required by this permit at the construction site from the date of project initiation to the date of final stabilization. October 2012 Vail Golf Course, Hole #12 4 SITE MAP Ln a N O N O N Ln N O ..1 HOLE #12 SITE 11111 �o INTERSTATE 70 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD l GORE CREEK BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD GRAPHIC SCALE 0 500 1000 2000 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 1000 ft. w VAIL REC DISTRICT VAIL GOLF COURSE HOLE #12 TEMPORARY MATERIALS STORAGE VICINITY MAP ,DK813oo94 EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 (970) 926 -3373 FAX (970) 926 -3390 CON�TRUGTION �EDLENCE OF EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES / 6Z6 BEFORE COMMENCING GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION t. CONSTRUCT STABUZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AT ALL POINTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT LEAVES THE SITE 3. CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE AND WATTLES. _. - _- G Mlt O_ g go _ ' 4. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION./ - -- --' ���' i'(1 —' / _,.. % -"' •� 5. TOPSOIL AND REVEGETATE ALL DISTURBED AREAS. GENERAL NOTES FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL P,`E ?O i. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE PATH THESE PLANS AND AS NEEDED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM DISCHARGING. � _ r r FR .� ` - 9 " r r - 2- ALL PROPOSED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TEMPORARY MEASURES UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. 3. SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MAY REQUIRE FIELD ADJUSTMENTS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE IS ACCOMPLISHED. 4. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ' " ' - - "' �_ GOLF COURSE ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT CONTROL EFFICIENCY IS OBTAINED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION OF SITE HAS TAKEN PLACE n %'' i .SZ�TU �' r - - ` / .� ^ _ _r - / ! _ PARCEL BOUNDARY U m Z $ R _Z �$ Yf 5. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ME ONSET OF GRADING OPERATIONS 50 THAT r EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROL CAN BE ACHIEVED DURING THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 7l� /'.' =, FAIRWAY 6. STABILIZE ALL POINTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS WITH CRUSHED STONE DURING CONSTRUCTION TO % J / PUBLIC SERVICE CO. EASEMENT PREVENT TRACKING OF MUD ONTO PUBLIC WAYS. APPROVAL SHALL 13E REQUESTED UPON FINAL STABILIZATION OF ALL SITES REMOVAL OF BEE ' ' - = I�(� -• aoe, e 0 , (REC. � No 86533 7. SEDIMENT 5 �J ) S6 F 'i STABILIZED B. CONTRACTOR AND CONFORM TO STORNW ER QUALITY P AND STREETS C CONSTRUCTION AN E OF SEDIMENT. ENTRANCE n J W v ,L� r , -A► - ' 59 _ r / $- X01 100 YEAR \\ - S8_ \ ��- , FLOOD PLAIN 54 J / _ �. -- -- ADD 1 - � C _ 57 T. ♦ p./ / \, - - -�__ LLLQW ' -J � -- am IF, / 2cN �� - — = 4 ��' 56 SAND TRAP % W Q 54 .qt W \ - - -' %�`.s� rL; ► i IMIT OF _ 'STRA' \ C TRUCTION 0250 \ �' _. i ' WATTLE I I l _ . \( % FAIRWAY \ - - TYP - I ' I ILT EN C / V) SHELTER DIRT IVE \ 1 I WETLANDS / t \ SERVICE CO. EA MENT (RE .No. 865334) /% I l CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP MEANS \ 1 / / f/ / ��T ��\ – _ I! �I / AND METHODS TO CONTROL SEDIMENT / I DURING CONSTRUCTION TO ASSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT IS DISCHARGED N OFF -SRE. REMOVAL AND CLEANUP OF ANY SEDIMENT THAT LEAVES rHE SITE IS c /t/ yr NOTE: TOPOGRAPHY /i' –���;f 1 /, / \ I THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE W OTHHERS.D BY — . 1► �! / / / I \` I ! ' 1 CONTRACTOR I GORE �:� •` �/ l r /� /// i 'f f �I ,.�^'�.� /" - w GRAPHIC SCALE -�_ - ; \ , \ \1 '1 I / w 0 30 60 120 _��` c 1 I / LECiIiQ u x z w SLT — ar FDICE ( IN FEET SHEET ) \ \\ i'_�– �� _ \ \\ \ / —• — slant MAnIEs I inch = BO ft. LIMIT OF .I EaHn Neu.luEl. Br- (WYmnw) 3' I—tD. 3 g MPnT t4ON FIMr soot -- STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE rOJ:.11`r fimN: H' - td -0' I . STONE 93E - USE 2- OiU5HE0 9 FENEO —N. 3. LENGTH - AS RED RED, BUT NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET. 3. MIOINESS - NOT LESS TNAN SK (9) INCHES 4, RETH ES. PEN (10) TOUT MNINUN, BUT NOT LF55 THAN THE FULL MOTH AT PEINM M HERE INGRESS ON EGRESS OCCURS. FILTER 0.0Th - MI BE PLACED OLET THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PULING OF STONE ,. SUPFACE WATER - All SURFACE WATER FLOMNC OR OIMERTED TCNARO CONSM CTOhl ENTRANCES PIPED ACROSS 1HE ExTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IDPRACT<AL A NWNTABLE BEftN MTI St 'LOPENN�µ PER ITTT- CE - NE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION MACH Mu PILMnT TRACKING OR FUENNI Or SmMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIOHIS -OF -WAY. THIS MAY RECQUIRE 1T OF TOP DRESSING WIN DITONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS pFMANO AID REPAIR ANp /OL LUNOUT of AHV MEASURES USCG TO 1RAP MUST BE Al SEDIMENT SPILA, DROPPED, —NED OR TRAOLEO ONTO PUBLIC AY NuST BE REUONED WMFIHATFSY. CE SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL PAYING OF ENTRANCE CWNO+CESc - MIFFFLS wHE BE SLERANED TO EMOVT SEDIMENT PRIOR TO E ATRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIWLS- OF_ wAY. HI EOUIREO, IT SMALL BE DONE ON AN STABILIZED MTN STONE AND Cn OVAwS INTO AN APPPO-. SE--T TNAPPING """ 9, PERIODIC INSPECTOI AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PNOVIDEO AFTER EACH RAN. o° SYMBOL ON PLANS SECTION SILT FENCE ApP,— Scale: 1' = 2' -0' ENCE POSTS, 16' INTO o �e AIN. CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR FABRICATED SILT EENQF NOTES: I. SILT FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH MRE TES OR STAPLES. 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24 "AT TOP AND MID SECTION. 3. WEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN - BULCES- DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. POSTS: STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE OR 2' HARDWOOD. FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABIUNKA T14ON OR APPROVED EOUAL. PREFABRICATED UNIT: CEDFAB, ENMROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL. SYMBOL ON PLANS $LT SLT I A I STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I B I SILT FENCE STRAW WATTLES: Fiber RDUN. Filter bwriwa, MUlch Rowe This .0—ont barrio ie devignetl for IOw NUrf_ vows not to a aNd 1 If. for amdl w slope BOtlw Mon 3:1 0 snort dapn and w silt fences O net Practicable. Strew Watlln c OI.. be inetdled o Ontoar I steeper Mop" t° r aVr(ace, spread ..— Row and Coplure .edment. Tre following IN o WI., de.cripd- .tram. Straw Wattle; th Nrduu ae. and Insl0H.Van. 1. Ths height of 0 Straw III is 9 in. INN inat °Ilod Neight is oppro.imatNy 5 -T in. The standard IengM of Straw WOltle. c 25 ft., however other IIINgth, will be mode upon request. 2. Strove Watlln c n be m.mlled an 0ntdar al elope. wlln O aUghl J— n:I.pA OngI, at the end of e w lO ° ED, s w drainage during Nsavy Ors<Ipilation. They cO olna bN UIUd at the top of III to prsvenl N rating o Nr llIn. NdgN 10and MNy c n bN usNd Ot MN tos at slopes. Straw Wot11NS In oleo bs uaNd along sidewalks Ord curbs and around It— —na and inlet, t0 Prevent sediment Pollution. 3. St— WOtlle. can be used t° replace eel fences. straw bole dlke. and fund bag bamlere. They can also be DIOC,O In drainage wale TO Glow Bows and G 1— seOMnenl: Mey can be u,e0 as Ievd .prndws l0 prevent 0oncenlraled Bow, and M place Ot earthen berms ,r dikes. 4. Shaw Wattle should be in,tdled in shdl0w t—hea, 2 - 4 in. dew. depending On -N type and elope atlUNDr —, Dig the deeper trench for .Rfl. loamy a.,, and e—p-1 elopes: dig In. ahallOwer Meech Iw nod, rocky foil. Ord gentler elope.. maedo. Ond snots to dig Me trench, --q .... weed .oil to the up hill sloe to prevent rvn oN from uIdl,C,tt'.g lee WOtlle. 5. Loy Me WOW, in the trench and stake Nith 3/4' X 3/4' X 18' or 24e NOad stakes Ot '—h and Ond 4 -foot on enter. When in.tdling —mg lengths. Straw wattle ends ,,OUId be buttoned femly together to Or—rl leakage. and securely staked tog -11. DO NOT OVERLAP. 2. Watlln th—ned en .0pn Mat are steeper Man 2:T .nail be spaced of 10' mlerml1 roue man 20' role w w w STRAW WATTLES W Wl-- cw I� it :i O W o< UQ-1Q J L2 <W JWWQ 0 Q � W jfy QO � %� N O 2 = N N o N z w 2 y O U 2 ED U SHEET 2 ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Z mein 36" MIN. FENCE POST F C[ III III LLJ N�a IIIIIIII IIIIZ R @7 FLOW 20' MIN. UNDISTURBED GROUND � o oWP EMBED FILTER CLOTH MIN. 8' INTO GROUND t6- MIN. W SECTION SILT FENCE ApP,— Scale: 1' = 2' -0' ENCE POSTS, 16' INTO o �e AIN. CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR FABRICATED SILT EENQF NOTES: I. SILT FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH MRE TES OR STAPLES. 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24 "AT TOP AND MID SECTION. 3. WEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN - BULCES- DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. POSTS: STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE OR 2' HARDWOOD. FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABIUNKA T14ON OR APPROVED EOUAL. PREFABRICATED UNIT: CEDFAB, ENMROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL. SYMBOL ON PLANS $LT SLT I A I STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I B I SILT FENCE STRAW WATTLES: Fiber RDUN. Filter bwriwa, MUlch Rowe This .0—ont barrio ie devignetl for IOw NUrf_ vows not to a aNd 1 If. for amdl w slope BOtlw Mon 3:1 0 snort dapn and w silt fences O net Practicable. Strew Watlln c OI.. be inetdled o Ontoar I steeper Mop" t° r aVr(ace, spread ..— Row and Coplure .edment. Tre following IN o WI., de.cripd- .tram. Straw Wattle; th Nrduu ae. and Insl0H.Van. 1. Ths height of 0 Straw III is 9 in. INN inat °Ilod Neight is oppro.imatNy 5 -T in. The standard IengM of Straw WOltle. c 25 ft., however other IIINgth, will be mode upon request. 2. Strove Watlln c n be m.mlled an 0ntdar al elope. wlln O aUghl J— n:I.pA OngI, at the end of e w lO ° ED, s w drainage during Nsavy Ors<Ipilation. They cO olna bN UIUd at the top of III to prsvenl N rating o Nr llIn. NdgN 10and MNy c n bN usNd Ot MN tos at slopes. Straw Wot11NS In oleo bs uaNd along sidewalks Ord curbs and around It— —na and inlet, t0 Prevent sediment Pollution. 3. St— WOtlle. can be used t° replace eel fences. straw bole dlke. and fund bag bamlere. They can also be DIOC,O In drainage wale TO Glow Bows and G 1— seOMnenl: Mey can be u,e0 as Ievd .prndws l0 prevent 0oncenlraled Bow, and M place Ot earthen berms ,r dikes. 4. Shaw Wattle should be in,tdled in shdl0w t—hea, 2 - 4 in. dew. depending On -N type and elope atlUNDr —, Dig the deeper trench for .Rfl. loamy a.,, and e—p-1 elopes: dig In. ahallOwer Meech Iw nod, rocky foil. Ord gentler elope.. maedo. Ond snots to dig Me trench, --q .... weed .oil to the up hill sloe to prevent rvn oN from uIdl,C,tt'.g lee WOtlle. 5. Loy Me WOW, in the trench and stake Nith 3/4' X 3/4' X 18' or 24e NOad stakes Ot '—h and Ond 4 -foot on enter. When in.tdling —mg lengths. Straw wattle ends ,,OUId be buttoned femly together to Or—rl leakage. and securely staked tog -11. DO NOT OVERLAP. 2. Watlln th—ned en .0pn Mat are steeper Man 2:T .nail be spaced of 10' mlerml1 roue man 20' role w w w STRAW WATTLES W Wl-- cw I� it :i O W o< UQ-1Q J L2 <W JWWQ 0 Q � W jfy QO � %� N O 2 = N N o N z w 2 y O U 2 ED U SHEET 2