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' � Depart�nent of Gommunity Development ��/ � 7�South �rontage Road � Vail, CO 89557 TQt�J�J QF VAIt �17 T�i: s�o-�7s-2��s � �,rw.va}�c�ou:com peve3opmeni Fteuietaf Coord'sna#or BUf�..C��1�!� PI�R��T' �,,�'�"'�..IG�T'I�:}� (Separate�ppiicatiaris ar�required for alarm &sprinkler} Project Sfreet LYdciress: Fraject#:���,�—�� � S 660 W�ionsh�ad PI. 564 RI(A19 DR��: —A �4 _ (NUmber) (Street} (Suite#j {� (� Lian S uars Lod e Builaing Permit n:�3��— V�'1� BuildinglComplex Name: p � Contractor informa#ion Lo��� sfQCk� SLh�iu�s;an: VRlL�1 D,u5hf6�D I L. Business Name: ��nver Design Build, LLC Susiness Addre�s: 1�C?Kalamath St 1Nork G1ass; Ne�v(�} Adt�i�ior�{�} A1t�ratiQn��}} c<<y oer,u�� s��t�: �o z��: �0223 �`v�a�����s�a��,�: Singl�-Family((�} Dupler,�(� tt��1t1-Family{Q} Contact Name: ��'�G�tes Camm�rcia!f� U:her i�) Contact Phone: 303-2�6-3497 Gvntact E-fi��a'rl: Jeffg�denv�rbuild_com Work Type: lnt��or�j Extecior(� 8�th(� I h�reby a�kcto�.�tedge that 1 have eead this a�ptir.siion�i'illed qut Valuatdon o( in fulk the infarmation required,cnn�pletesi an ac�urate ptas pian, l�ork#nclu�e� Piaas Inclucled L3+Iork �..�.....,._.�.�.. __-_ _ _�..� and state that ail�he information as r�quirec is correci. i�greE tb Etecuicai (�es �NQ ��Yes {�o � �,���.00 carrtpl�witi�khe in#orrnaiiar��rtd plo'plan,fo Gomply vriti�at{To��'rt ,��� ordittances and sta:e latis��s,and to build this struGture according to A�l�chaniczf (�Yes �4�0 �Yes ��to the tot�m's zoning ard subdivision codes. design revie���ap- proved,Intern�ti I Fuiloing and ResidenEiaf Co��s and ott�e� Piumb'sng �Yes ��,�tfl +�Yes (��lo � ardinaflces af . e ��an appiicah! . 1 �Q'lS 6uiiding �s Yes �t�o �Yes No { '� .f ! ^��i��a� `�alue of a11 svoek be:ng pertorrt3ed; S dm�merlO�timer_ Ftepresentative Signatute(Requ'rred) {ua�ua bas��s��t�C sec���+aos.3�1ac s�a�or,;a�3) Eiectricat Square Foatage BDCt sf Appiicant{nformatian Detaiied Scop�:an�Locatio;�of Vt+ork: �etiv kitCt��t1 Cabiilet� Jef#Ga#BS Appticani Name: Co�ni�rtopS,fsoaring,fixtt�r�s, trim,doors anc4 paint, 3t33-246-3497 Applicant phon�: Demo existing fireplace. n��;.fireplace inse�#-Dr}�.�iall Applicant E-,�.9ai1: 1�ffg�denverbuifd.com ��xtUre �Q�sz, , . W c.+-s�-� p� ,�-.�o v Project Infarmation �ronton Investments LLC bwner Narne: Parcet#: 2�01-472-03-019 (For P�rcet�,cpnfact Eaglc Cat�niy Assessorss Office pt(97U-3?E�640 or visit wwt�r,eaglecounty.uslpstie) � �use addit;anat sh�nt if r.e:essa�j) [�t�r(7fSirc l�se C�ttly�:� ( o�. �� I?a1�iiecl;iv���t�' L'� `V' � � V � Fee Paid: � D Re[eivec�from: Cash �heck N aPR 1 1 2013 CC: Visa(h9C Last 4 CC � exp date: ��`� :` �'�1�VN OF iJAIL ?�s 3_-Fe?,it= Qepartment of Community Develaptnent � 7�SouYh Frantage Raad TOWPJ OF UAIt va;�, co s�ss� Tel: 970-479-2'I28 �,vww.vailc�ov.com Development F2ev'rew Coordinator BtJILDI�G PER�Iti�T APP�ICATIC�►�V (Separate apolications are requireci fc�r alarm & sprinkler} Project Street Address: ����Q�t�: ���" ��—�� � 660 W Lionshead PI. 564 (}1CA19 ORB r''r: —��- (Number) (Streetj (Suite tt) BuildinglComplex Name: ���n Squ�re Lvdge Eui[dir�g 3'ermit n; ��3' ���� Cantractor informafion Loi�:_6lack� Sub�'�vis'son: Vl4/L 10,�15NC—�D Denuer DeSi n Build, LLC � �" 8usiness i�ame: � Business Address: 1Q0 Kalamath St Work Glass: Ne3a{�} Ad�ition{�j AiteratiQn(�} City D�nver 51at�: CO Zi�: 80223 TYPe o#Buildit�r�: Contact Name: JE;ff Gates S;ngie-Fam;1y(Q', Dupl�x(� Mu1ti-�amily{Q} Canimercial(� Other(�) Contact Phone: 303-246-3497 Contact E-�yiaii: leffg@denverbuild.com Work Type: tnterior� Exteriar{�j 8oth(� i hereby ac4cnovriedge that! have reac�this applicat�on,frlled ou2 ValE�atian o� in full tne inforrnatian required,cam�fetesi an accurate plof p!an, L°�ark Inctudce e''-lans inClUded if4+ork .. _ ����� __ _._..�._ and state tha#all the intormation as re uirec�is coRect. i a ree to ;�p es o � �5fl0.00 comply vrith[he information�nd plot p an,to comply�vith al�f Tow�n Electrical ( o�Yas � (�Y (� ordinances and state lativs, and to b�iid this structure according to Fr!E�hanica! (�Yes e�;' 'No (�Yes t�s �a � tt�e loti�m's zoning and sub�iv'ssion c�d�s, des�gn revie�++ap- proved,iniernati i 6uildi��c�and Residential Cod�s and oth€r pi�amb�nq �Yes �N� �Yes �No � ordinances of e e�vn ap�licab! �, � � � Suifding �Yes �Uo �Yes +�o � 1��. : . �'�-�,5��,�, � Value of ail�vork be ng performed. S O��rnerrOwner` Representatdve Si�naturE(Requ�re�j {ua�:r�base�d��iaC sscra�?��.�F t�C,�+.r�;�:�{�:�s::) Electrical Square Fa�tage 8Q0 sf Applicant tnforma#ion peiaifed Scape and LocaEion of lh+ork: ��ti"✓��tchat�cabin�t5 App�icant Name: �eff Gates Countertops, fiiooring,fixtures, trim, d�ors arsd paini. Appticant Phone: 363-246-3497 Demt�existing freplace. nelAr fireplace insert. Dry�+1a11 Applicant E-t�1ai1: leffg@denVerbuild.com textur� Project Informatian Ironton Investments LLC Owner Name: Parcel#: 2101-Q72-03-019 (�or Parcel�,coniact Eag1e County Assessors Offrce at(47U•328-9SdD or visit v+wur,eaglecaunty.uslpalie� tuse ad�ii:enal shcet if r.e^,.e5s2r�) F��r C7YIirc°t;sc C)al �: �ee Paid: � a-q a. �� _ ���r������,���: � � C� � 0 M C� Received From: c�5n c�,��k" � APR 1 1 2013 CC: Visa/h1C Last�CC n exp dat�; Autn � YC�WN O� VAtL r,��=-r-4�c,= P. C?. Soac 5217 Gypsum Co. 8l637 �ic. #8U7{F I, £�'t�ofte (97p) �44/•dQ81 �� � � � � �ax (9i4} 52d-i 23S E-rn:�ll pot�r�retectv{c82�s,�y'ahOO.coni Comewate�ar Ru�;��n�isi taearra�tmt,ng 1t^l�. ST�IVDARQ CAICI�IATION: C?��-fAMiLY DWE(.LI�iG .�..____.__.�.___ . _.e_..�_. _ _.._ __.._ _____— �____� _�_ _—_ _�___; i 1. GENrRAL LIGNT{td� & RECE?3ACLES� (Tat�ie 220.12} � i j��.��_ sq.fit. x3 VA= ���A � ; �------ ---__.�_..__ �__ � 2. srvla��aR��Ea�vc�s s� Lau�vaRY Z2�o.�z�R�, 22o.sz�e} �����. i,sa�v,�x ;�, ci�cuE�s=��.v� 3. APPI.Y DEMAN� i=ACTQRS: 4Tai�ie 220.42} ? Total of gen, atg. & smail appl. � ��;�,:_VA � First 3,OOt3 VA x �OOifc= 3,000 VA � Next '����VA x 35%= t f- VA l.I�iE NEU i R�1L ' Remaining VA x 25�0= VA 7ota, �- � � =�� VA �-fi I ^ ��� VA VA �. ��xEO,a����arvc�s: (��o.s�} { LVater he�ter= VA Dis�asa{ _ °y;�Vr1 j Ccmpactar = VA ! ; '�� t�ish�ras�er =� -� ~s`:` VA = t�/� � E� ; i�ti�� 2�a; �— r� Y{^.' YH � _ � Y ri 3 7 VA _ Vfi ` �ofad � ' � 1!A{x ?5�=�o if�or rn���} _ �t �- �fA UA r .. = �,, � E �__ —______.._�. �� __:�-�.-- —_ �___ _....._------..—�_�_._. _� __._ ___ �______, � ; 5. C�RYER Z2J.54: (Ta�;e�Zt�.54} ; VA= VA x 7�}%= VA �._._---_ -----^_�________._- ---- ______.. ___.__------- 6. CQOK�EUG EQUIPMENT: {Tabie 22QS5& Notes} ; Coi A VA x �= VA Col S VI-1 x %= VA Coi C �>::,�:'." VA x _ �:,,", �A � , �l�otal r:"��'t E VA �~ ,� ��: VA x 7(l`Y� __ VA 7. �eatin�;or��C{largest}: (220.6fl} i Heating �a�it = VA x 1a0°fo = VA �tJC urtit - _VA x 100°l0 = ___�._�A I � Heating Pump= VA x 1(1C19'o= VA = E � �arg�st laad VA ` � _ . _�_.�..__ _ __...�—.____.._.._ _ _ _ _ ._____ _ _ ._. _...._ . _�_._---; s. �a�c�s-r�no�roR: {zzo.�a�c} i Y, ..t_ <� va x zs�a .��a�va va �-- � 9. TOTAI VA VA � _ _�..__. .._ _.�,_.,____. t.ine i = ��.'��-�� VA = �`L_am�s 240 volts Neutral I =._.__�-.W�+ = ----.--_.__�m�s Condt�ct�rs sized p��t�blQ 310.�5 (B)(2)(a) � � �C����t�>`°a� . L.. t � .-� `3=��� i� Lc:�� -��`. �-- '�j4.'`� ��.a�� �, ��; �{ �,.�� �; �L t��.Rl� ���G.�< i�.�.� ��- ti���.�: �� T�t G� k �� `�;` *******�*************************�**********�******+************************************++�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********+****�*******r************s**************�***********+*******�*****�**************** Statement Number: R130000301 Amount: $292. 66 04/11/201309:52 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DR Notation: VISA WILLIAM H. LEGGETT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B13-0090 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0301-9 Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19 (AKA 564 Total Fees: $952. 91 This Payment: $292. 66 Total ALL Pmts: $292. 66 Balance: $660.25 **s*+*******************************************r*********+*�**************************��*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 292. 66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *******�******************�*****�***«*****************************�***********************�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *************«***********�**********++***�������**�**+****************�********************* Statement Number: R130000480 Amount: $848 . 35 05/02/201309: 13 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DR Notation: VISA JEFFREY T. GATES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B13-0090 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-0301-9 Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19 (AKA 564 Total Fees: $1, 141. 01 This Payment: $848.35 Total ALL Pmts: $1, 141.01 Balance: $0.00 �**�*****�*****�*�************+�***+**��**�***�****+**************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 349.25 EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 115. 00 MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 20.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 124 . 10 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4°s 225.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 15.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- < < 06-03-2013 Inspection Request Reporting to t� j Page 19 4:22 pm Vail, CO - City Of "+ `�j l T) Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday,June 04 2013 Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19(AKA 564 A/P/D Information Activity B13-0090 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner IRONTON INVESTMENTS LLC Contractor: DENVER DESIGN BUILD LLC Phone: 303-246-3497 Description: NEW KITCHEN CABINETS COUNTERTOPS FLOORING FIXTURES TRIM DOORS AND PAINT. DEMO EXISTING FIREPLACE AND ADD NEW FIREPLACE INSERT. DRYWALL,TEXTURE. Requested Inspection(s) Item 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 03:00 PM Requestor DENVER DESIGN BUILD LLC Phone: 303-246-3497 Comments 401-1100 Assigned To S Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action 'Jr,t.AlIP Time Exp: Item• 191 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 02:00 PM Requestor DENVER DESIGN BUILD LLC Phone: 303-246-3497 Comments 401-1100 Assigned To SGR y`�;{f Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action 46,ik.�. Time Exp: e• Item 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 02:30 PM Requestor DENVER DESI BUILD LLC Phone: 303-246-3497 Comments 401-1100 Assigned To SGR R. Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action /�)l Time Exp: 611/( (( Inspection History Item: 120 ELEC-Rough **Approved** 05/07/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 200 MECH-Rough Item: 30 BLDG-Framing **Approved** 05/07/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item 50 BLDG-Insulation Item 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item 190 ELEC-Final Item 390 MECH-Final Item 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 14667 NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES ,. �a�vo�y�i ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: 613-0090 Project #: PRJ13-0115 Job Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Applied.....: 04/11/2013 Location......: LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19 (AKA 564 Issued. . . : 05/02/2013 Parcel No....: 210107203019 OWNER IRONTON INVESTMENTS LLC 04/11/2013 5121 S IRONTON WAY GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 APPLICANT DENVER DESIGN BUILD LLC 04/11/2013 Phone: 303-246-3497 JEFF GATES I 1810 S FILLMORE ST DENVER CO 80210 ..- �- License: C000003380 CONTRACTOR DENVER DESIGN BUILD LLC 04/11/2013 Phone: 303-246-3497 JEFF GATES 1810 S FILLMORE ST � DENVER CO 80210 License: C000003380 Description: NEW KITCHEN CABINETS, COUNTERTOPS, FLOORING, FIXTURES, TRIM, DOORS AND PAINT. DEMO EXtSTING FIREPLACE AND ADD NEW FIREPLACE INSERT. DRYWALL,TEXTURE. Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $21,250.00 ................................................................................. FEE SUMMARY .._.,....,....,.....,..._.................,,,...,..,,..___._.,....,.,,.....,.., Building Permit-----------> $349.25 Bldg Plan Check---------> $227.01 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $225.00 Electrical Permit---------> $115.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review-------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $20.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $5.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 I Will Call------------------------------> $15.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $1,141.01 Payments-------------------------------> $1,141.01 ,,. BALANCE DUE------------------------> a0.00 .......................................................«........,..........,......,.,_..................,..,..,..,_..,........,.........,,,.......................,,.._............... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 . f r T��N�F�A�L l ........................................................................................................................�.........................,,.......,.,........,,.,..,,...,... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF � � Permit#: 613-0090 Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Owner: IRONTON INVESTMENTS LLC Location: LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19 (AKA 564 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Cond: CON0013201 upgrade to monitored carbon monoxide detection in unit. Ajust smoke detector and sprinkler head locations as neededl combination permit_012811 i � T�tiVNNOF YAI� ' ..**.�*..�..*..******.**,****.******.**,**************.,.*****.**,****.************.*******.,,*******************„**�****.************.,***..*..*..�„ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: B13-0090 Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Owner: IRONTON INVESTMENTS LLC Location: LION SQUARE LODGE SOUTH UNIT 19 (AKA 564 *,..*,,,,.,««.*.«.*«**.,.***.,.*,.***.**********�,.,,**.*.*««*,.,.*.,..,,,.**.,*,,.«««««««««.«........,.,..,.«.**.*,.**«.,,**«*„*.*�*.*.**�*.*.**,.*.,,.**.�,.,.*«*..,,,*«,.*«„ Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811