HomeMy WebLinkAboutE05-0308 TC1WN nF VAIL �EPARTMENfi OF COMMUNI'TY DEV�OPMENT 75 S. FROI�TAGE ROAD VAIL, CQ 81fi57 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS P�RMIT I4'IUS'� BE POS`CED ON JOBSITE A'1' ALL 'I'1MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Per►��it #: E0�-0308 ��`7 �= -��`�1 Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSU�D Location.....: SWISS CI[ALET RESTAURANT Ap�lied . . � 12/06/2005 Parcel No...: 210108?040Q1 Issued . . . 03/27/2006 Project No : --� ���L� V�4—i C� Expires . .. 09/23/20Q6 QWNER SONNENALP FROPERTIES INC 12/06/2005 20 VAZL RD VAIL CO 81657 APPY��CANT ENCORE ELECTRIC 12/06/2005 Phone: (9'70) 949-9�77 PO BOX 8$49 AVON CO 81620 License: 331-E CONTRACTOR ENCORE EUECTRIC 12/06/2005 Phone: (970) 949-9277 PO BOX 8849 AVQN Cid 81620 License: 331-E Desciption: SWISS CHALET RESTAL�RANT-INSTALL EL�CTRICAL WORK FOR NEW RESTA,URANT INSIDE OF SONNENALP HOTEL Valuation: $118,000.00 Square feet. O *��m�**��**w*�*�*mu��****���**��*�*�*******��������:�*�x+�*��:�,�����*�* FEE SIJMMARY ��*�**������*�:�*.a�*+*�*�t*�xa�t*+�*��++��x�++*�*�t*��**�**** Electrical--------> $2,500.10 T�tal Calculated Fees--> Sz,503.ip l)i213 I ee---------> $0.00 Addiiiunal Fccti----------> $0.QO leivesiiga�iun----> $o.oo Total Permit Fee > $z,SD3.10 Will Call--------> $3.00 E'ayments------------------> $2,503.10 TOTAI.FEFS-> $z,sa3.io BALANCE dUE------> $a.ao ���:�,�***«�*�����+����+�**�*��*���**��*�********�*�**�*�*�+**�*��r+**��,����+x*+�*****���x*������*�******�*�***:�**��,��*�:�*�*�:�,�������*:��*:�m���:��x:*�W Approvals: Item: 06f}00 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/28/2005 cgunion Action: AP SEE ELECTRICAI., PLANS APPR�VED WITH THE BUILI?ING PERMIT P�AN SETS . Item: Q5Fi00 FIRE DEPA3tTMENT 9%*sk�k�k****�k�k�k�k#*#�k**#�k#fi#*##**#*s#�k#i��**##*+k#:k###:k#*,#h�k*##k�=�###**##*1�#k�k#######t 3"k i t#�k i##*k##k{�*�=�k*�k*+k�k�**M�*W�k**%c**X�*�e*****�**:k���t W:t,Y W�K**W#*�!& CQNDITIOI'�1S 4F APPROVAL Cond: 12 {BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 'r,.xz:kW:rW:k:�:k+k�f:,k*�##:k�-�#��k#'k*#**��f��K y�'k�k*�V��*'*�'4'Y*'+k:K%}::K�Y�?�y,�x'k*��%K�*�%�Y:�yc*v�k:�k�k�k keM;ix�F�'�%�k yk re Ns*x n:t�k Y,�Y,:�t:r;✓�p;,•,�R f,.:Y.t.#*i,�:t t#t��*:k##�k####*k#-1.4}}'�k�k#�k A+.:k k**a��:t ak�*is �DECLARATIONS I hereby ac�lowledge that I have read this applicacion, tilled uut iii i�ull the information required, coinpleted an accurate plt>t �1an, anci state that all th� information as required zs carrect. I a�ree to comply with the inti�rrnation and plot plazl, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ancl to build this structure according to the towr�s zoning and subdivisic�n cc3des, design review approv�d, Interp�ational �uildin� and Residential Codes and other orc�inances �f tt�e Town applicable thereto. R�.(�U�SI'S FOR INSPECTION SHA[.I.BF MADE TWENTY-FOUR H�L�RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEFHQN�AT 479-2149 nR AT OUR OFFICE FROIvI H:00 AM -4 PM. �.� �� ��-�-- � � � ��***�**�************�*�*****�*��:�*�����:***+*:���*+�+���x��+�***��+**��x*��*�**�**��*�*���***** TC)WN Or' VAIL, COLOR.4D0 Stazerr�ent *+*�++**�**�****��**�x�***��***+*�*�x�*�*******�*��***+�***+*****+�*�:�*�:�********************� Statement NLUriber: ROfi0004294 Amount: $2, 5�3 .I0 03/27/�00649:58 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Encare Electric 1442 Permit No: E05-0308 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel Na: 2101-082-0400-1 Site Addr'ess: 20 VAIL RD VAIL , Location: SGdISS CHALET RESTAURANT Total Fees: $2, 503 .10 This Payment: $2,543 . 30 To�al ALL Pmts_ $2, 503.10 Balance: $0.00 *+�***��t+*+*�t�r++�x�*�**w*�r�w�**��*****�*�**�**************�*****************�************+�* ACC�UNT ITLM LIS7: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 2,500.10 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTIpN FEE 3 .00 ------------—-----------------——-----------------——---—---------------- r � , APPL.ICATIO�Il.L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL�OR UNSI �� �/ Project #. � �`� � ` �� Build�ng Permit #: B - 3 t � Eleetrical Permit #: - ��-�a � 970-479-2149 (Ir�spections) ����Y�' T�11'VN 4F VAIL ELECTR�CAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. ��, Vai�, Colorado 8i6 � �*- CONTRACTOR INFORMATYON Elect�@cal Contractor: Town af Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person and Phone #'s: �.-��a t�-� ���r+.�� �x c_ . 3 3�-- ` �=- �t�R c�l �sn,r�� �"l�-�yr3 �-Mail Address: �„_.�„�r�,,.�-.. , 1;,..�lrv e� e..�cnw-t.A«�.ccr� F3x#: �Z a - �`f4' - °1 Z8� Contractor Signature• ��- a COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE �OR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WOI�K tLabor & Materials) AMOlJNT OF SQ FT IN SZRUCTURE: ELECTRICAL VALUATlON; $ . �18 �G � Contact Ea le Cvun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www:ea le-coun ,com for�arce/# Parcel # � � o � oS �o� ov ( Job Name: �a"""'`""� ��� Job Address: �4 �`"� �-�'� �ta1,.,�„e...� �� Sw;ss 1��.�s Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: � Owners Name: �� �� zK� Address: � �,� � �U�p Phone: S c�v�a... Er�gineer: � Q� Address: Phone: �� �^ �Z 3_ �z�o Qetailed description of work: -�r,�,�� E��.L�n�P� �,,et�,yt �.r �� y�c L�-✓�c�v� i r._S:c1-�- c�� �o v+....t V-•--�� C�+�—• Wark Class: New � Addition QQ Remadel ( ) Repair( ) Temp Power( ) Qther ( ) Work Type: Interior�jC) Exterior O Both O Daes an ENI� exist at this location: Yes O No O Type of Bldg.: Single-farniiy( ) DupEex( ) Multi-family{ ) CommerCial ( } Restaurant� Other( ) No. of Existing t�weliing Units in this building: Q fVa. of Accommodation Units in this buifding: p Is this ermit for a hat tub: Yes No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes � No{ ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes No { ) *,�*,�*****�**�** �**�****�*�*�******�*,�*FOR OFFICE USE �N�.Y�******�*�*,��.��..�*:****��******�*�*� ��.- �;��. � �� --� ; �.��;�,���� r .-(��^ `� `Other Fees: DateReceiWed: � �1�c_ _. � e ted B : _ : � b ZQ�S � DRB Fees: a£c Planner Si n-off. - ., �v-c��.��v. F:lcdevlFORMS\PERMiTS120051electical�erntit_2045.DdC ..9� � � r j� � ' !V IT 11 �I' 1'1�1L Amendment �o the �002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4 Series of 20U5 ❑ Overhead services are nat allowed in the Town of VaiL ❑ Undergrou�d services sha// be in conduit (PVC) from the uti/ity transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electricaf distribution circuit breaker panel. o TY►� main disconr�ect switch shall be readi/yaccessib/e,and iacated next to the meter on the ex�erior waEl af the struct�re. All underground conduits are required �o be inspectEd before back-filling the trench, ❑ In rr�ulti-family dwelling uni�.s, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common waEls and spaces are exempt. o NM C�able (Romex) �can b� used only in sinq/e and mu/ti-family dwe/fings net exceeding 3 stories Type NM cannot 6e used in any 6uilding mixed with Type A,B.E,f;H,I,M&S accupancies ❑ A/uminurr�conductors smaller ti�an size #8 a�e not permitted with the Town af Vail. TOWN d� VAFL �LECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES Q All installaxions of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval �rom planr�ing.This appiication wil6 not be accepte� withaut a coQy of�he DRB approva� form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installa�ion of an exterior hof tub or spa on a new e�evated platform or deck ov�r 30" above grade, you must afsa obtain a building permit. o If�his p�rmi� is for i�stallation af an exterEOr hot tub or s�a on any�xisfiing deck nr eievated platform, a structural e�gineer must review the existing condition and verifyr that it wi11 support the added concentrated �oad. Please provide a capy of the struetural er�gineers wet stamped letter or drawing with th�s application. ❑ If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners assaciation, a fetter af permission from the association is required. a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. E/ectrica/ one-line and pane/schedu/es are required if Joad is added or distri6utian is altered. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Si�gned If you have any questions regarding the abov� informat�on or �ave addit�onal questions, please cantact the Town of Vail Eiectrical Inspector at 970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours af 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice ma�l and the inspector will call yo� back. � F:�cdevlFORMSIPERM1T5�20a5\etectical�ermit_20DS.DdC 11C23r2Q05