HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0033 B13-0034 owners contract � i� � �3vCUment A��S�" - ZQ�l Siandarc��'onrr��of A�greemen��3efweer� �wner an�Cc�ntractorfor a Reside�tiat vr Srnat� �mrr�ercial Projec� � AG��1N EM'�ade as of�k�e Sth day of Iv�arch in the year 2�I 3 (1n wcsrClf.indicate drry,month and year.} AR[�TiQNS RNE?L1��,E�30F�S. T�ss aufhw af this document�ras �ETW��H#he Owner: adc�ea tnformativn�eeaed ic�r�ts {Name,lega!status„ctddress artc�t�ih,er irtformativnJ com�atetlon.Tise authar may�Iso i have re�ised the te�t r�the arigina1 ! WiRds�tt'€er,LLC AIA standard form.Ara Additipns and � �(}�px I544 DetsFions Repot#that�ales added � I Dt�xbury?MA{?233 t Istfvrmation as webi as revis[ons to the sland�d fprm te�tt�ks aveilable tr[rna the author�nd shou�rt be�evfewed.A arldlhe Conh'aCtor: vertical lins in ttre Daft margin of lhts (Name,legal stalus address attd ather infarmation} dvcument#�dlcafes+�are Qhe aEtthar has added necessz�y informaticm and whsre the authvr has added to ar 5lycxs,�4. dsfe��d from the vt�Binal AEA text. FO 8�x 678 Snflwmass,CQ 8i654 T�is docu�ner�t has irnporkant tega4 cansequer�ees.Ctx3suttaf�on wHh en atlamey 1s ertcaueaged with respec! for ft16 fc��lowing Praject� to�ts completlon or modiFication. (Name, lacaiion and deFar`led descriptFan) 5�at�ar lxas law�ay tmpose � eequieeme�ts a�t contr�Ss far hrxr�e Dabyms Dt�plex imprrnrements.€f#hfs dcxumen!w911 3U8't1 Booth Fa1ts Co€u't ba used Scn Warlc oru t�a�wrrer's Wail,CD�1657 rssklenee,the t7wner sh�ld consvlt Ipcak aufhardtie�ar ars atiomey Fo verify requi�emersts appltcable#o this The AreE�itect: . Agreement. (Narne,Iegc�I status, address and ather fnformationJ �urc Dess"gn 5t�adio PU Hvx 527 Wfllco'ti,�f3 8 t{r35 � : The(�er and Conlractor agree as fo�Iows. __ � AtA Oacumeirt A146"�'—20Q7�formerty AiQS'°�9 9@3�nd A20fiT'�—i883}.CoRk'�9��1993 arx!2��7 by The Ama�iean Institute flf APCh[ter�s,Afl d�hk� ���• teser+tad.WARHI�t�Gc TV�fa 14kA PDCUmenf is protected bY 1J•S•CCpY�IOhtLaw`and fr�tematicnal Treatl$s.Unautharized repraduc�on ordlalrldutlan ot � lhls W A°pacumenl,nr as�y paetloN o�it,may r+asuft in se�aea c4v11 and crfminaf par+aitles,and wlll ba prosacutad ta the max6mum extent p�a3alble under � the 1a+M.Ttaa dnccoment was praduced by AfA aoFtwara at 52 36�Si1 an Q4119�2613 under Otder A1o.3545448296„1 whlch ex�irea srn 07131I2[353,artd is not for tb391B. l3iW N4tBS: {t$47457606} �na�� � ���c�Es �1 'THE CONTRACT DDCt1ME�fTS ,Z OAT�t�F COI�MEfVCE�!'��9T A4��Sl1B5TA1�tT'#�IL CDMf'i.E7���DAT� 3 CflNTRAGT SU�4 4 PAYI�ENT � 1HS'�RANC� � fi. CENERAL�ROVlSI�NS F I � o���. I � � ' $ �r����l�r��� . 9 ARC�fl��CT 10 �HA�GE�[N T�1E WORK '�1 T{M� 'E,� �PAYiNE�i S ANC�COfuIPL�T[QN ' '!3 PR[3TECTlQN OF P�RSD�S A1J0 PRDPER�f1f �a c���c�r�art a�w�a�c �s �isc��u�r�o�s���vis�o�s 18 7EFt�flINATtt}IV fi1F��lE COH�ii�4C� 17 (3TliE�!T�RMS A'�f3 CON[�fTt�HS ARYI��.E 1 THE Ct}NTitACT t1QGlJMENTS � 1.�I TElE CD1�h'OCtfSF 5�t8��CQ111�7���8�F6£W4P�t f�eSCl'I}5�ltl�1�C:C31]2i"aCf dOC!lfTA�E:IldS fOC�IC PPOJCC�.�}i0 COElYi'$6k �OC3,i1t10E1�S COtlSESt O� .'� this Agreemes►t s'sgned by the Clwner and Cantraett�r; � ,2 th�drawings a�td speci£ca#ivns prepared by#he A�'citiiteet,dated 31i4l2413 ,and en�era#r,�as i follaws; � Drawings� � Number Title [�a� SL,�RVEY 1:20 EXIS'FINC� "I`aP{3GRAPHY SURV�Y A0.T �:1 t3 51'I'E PLAN Rt}.2 1:1Q LANUSCAPE Pd.A� At}.3 I:If}SITE i.FGHTI�NG F'�,A1V A0.4 �ASEMENT I7E�7UCTIt�N A�.S Gt�A CALCL.��.ATi�NS ,�1.� y.°�t,vox�Lnras A�.2 'Ia"�'LOaR i��.ANS A1,3 '/."'F�.00R�LAN� ���t. kIA!)ocamarnk A9Q8�'—2pq7�faemeriy A408'"`—'�983 and A206"''�1893]•CopyrighE�1993 and 2�7 by T3�e Aenericmn lnslitute at Arc�itecfa.WI raghta resarved.WARH'IAIG:Th3s A1A t7ncument[6 pra2eC4ed by U,S,Cvpyr�ght Law artrl InternaSlanal7rea41es.{lsteuthor�xed reproduttlon ar dl8#Ihut�on of z thls AfA°'Esacument,ur any portTan of it,ma+y rssult tn severe c3v11 artd�rtminal penaritles,and wifl ba pmsecuted!o tha maxlmnm extant possibl�under � the IBw.Th1$SioCStmer�t W+hs produoed 33y AIA saltware at 12:36:50 an 04F19f2D13�sndar Qrder 130.3545t]48266_7 wNch exp6res on fl7131F2(}i3,and 19 not€ar reaete. ltf6r NOt83: (7847457806) A�,4 Y."FLQO�t 1�3.ANS A 1.5 'l."RC1QF PLANS A2.1 °/a'''E'LEVATIC7I'�S A2.2 '/s"ELE',�ATIO'1��5 A2.3 'I4"EI.�VATIb3�iS A3.� '/a"SECTIqNS A3.2 '/�"SEC'I'IO�IS A3.3 'I�"SECTI(?NS A3.4 y"SEC'�IflNB A4.1 flETAi�.S p4,� D�TAILS A4.3 DETAILS A5,1 WINDt3W SCHEDUL�& � TYP�S . A5.2 WINII(7W SCH�:DLILE& � TYAES � A5.3 1�'FTtiDQ�i�I]E'I'Ail.S A5.4 Ii�('�'ERIDA D{�R SCHEDUI.E&TYPES A5.5 IN'I'ERIOR DC7[lR DE'1'AlI.S Mi.O LECrENL]& SPECIFICATIfDiVS Ml,l Pt1NEL&CALC�JI..A'TIONS M2.0 °/a°°MEC�'IA"lICAL P➢.AF'JS M2.F '/."M�CHANI��.L 1'�.ANS M22 'la"M�CI�AMCAI.�I.ANS ivS2.3 'Ia"MECHA�YICAL�'LANS Sl GEI�IEAAL Nt37'ES& ; �8'�AILS �2 Aa"FC3L'NDA�'IDN PI.AN �3 '/a'"FRAM'ING PLAN �4 '/a"FRAMIN(i PLAN g5 x/<"F`RAMIt�'G FLAN �6 J<'"Rt?OF PLAl�! El,#9 LEGEND& SPECIFICATIQNS El.l PAN�L&CALCUUt...A'�IflNS EZ.t} �/e"EL�C1'I�CAL PLANS E2.� I/."�L'�CfRICAL PLANS E2.2 %"E�,ECTItICAL P`LANS E2.3 '/:'�LECI"RICAi�P'�ANS PI.4 I.EG�I��]& � s��c��ac���orrs , P2.D lf."P3�CldviBING FLANS � P2,I °l,"PLUMBII�G PLANS P2.2 !/a'"P�.[Jlvf STNG P�,AN S � �'2.3 '/,'°PLi1M�3ING PLANS S}�ci�iaat��ns. Sectlon T�t�e Pages .3 addenc3a prepared by t�e Arct�itect as follows: �fumber Dafa Pages .� written ordePS fbr changes it�the Work issued af�er execution of dh'rs Agreement;��f A►A ppcumant R'I68""—25307�famrer�y Atf1b'�—'t893 and A208�—ti893y,CQpyt{ght SF 1993 and 24�7 by The Amaticara It^�stfltste o[!lrGh1tects.A11 tlghts �T�i�� reaerved.WARNING�Thls A1+4 Tfncument is protected�y L1.S.CopYrtght Law and Intamatlanel Traatlea.Unaufhnr�xed repradc�ct[nn vr dfstsibutlon flf � tt�is AIA°�ocument,or any portton nf M,may result In sevare c3v1[a�d eriminal penaltles,and wtll hs prongcuted to 1he mas�mwn extane possible urtder P the Itrw.Th6a documant was prod�ad by AVA saitware at 12:3ff:5ti on 041i 912013 u�sr Qrder�Fo.3545�e298„t whic�axp�reg an 0713112a�3,and'as stoi far rsa�le. �1ser Ncrtes: [1$4a+i5760S) .5 Of}IEC{�OCIIl3YEilY5�if srsy,id�tifie�as£ollow�: A�tTICL� 2 DA7� f�F CflMMENGENl�H1` A�I[� S4�E3STA�71Al� CQM��.ET��N T�e n�umbea of calendar days available tv ths Cvrsttactas to sui�stantially camplete the Worlc$s�e Cvn4xact'Cime,The date af coan�raence�ent af thc Work shall ha the date Qf th�s Agrecment�n4ess catherwise i�dieated beivw.'T3�c C�ntrector shaYl substantia�iy co�plete ti�e Wor�,nv 3ater thsn ( )calers�ar days f�am t�ae ciate ofcommeneemen#, subject to adju�inaeni a�provided's�Article i 4 and ArEicle 11. (Insert the rlrite nf cc�mmenceme�t,rf it d�ers frnm the dare of t�is,4greemeni.} � W'vrk sha11 be substan#ia{ly�omrptete by Dece�ber 25,2tf 14. � AR�9CL� 3 CON7RA�T SUI� § 3.1 Ss�bject tv adc�#ions and d�duct�ons in acaordas�ce witi�Artic€e 3 a,the Contract Suna is; � �3�e Million Fowr Hundred Three Thousand Four H�andred Sixiy-�ive Do6i�rs and Zert�Cents($ 1,403,4G5.(l(�) § 3,2 gor purpvses of payrnent,#he CQntract�eern is�cludes#he fvllowing vaiues retated t�s portions af the Wark: (Itemtze rhe Contracr Sursr among the rnafor pvrtisrns of the Work.) Fortior�at Ylf�rk Vaiue # See attachet��udget. � 3,3 Urut prices,if an�r,are as follows: ; (Ide,nt�and state tl�e ur�f!price;stafe the quQntaty IimitatioMS', if any, tea w�aich the unr`t prrce 3viF16e appficcrhle.) � Units and Rim�#a�vna PrEce per ilnit�S4.�b} � i +�.3,4 AClawances inciuded�n 4he Conirar�ct S�un,�f any,are as fc��laws� ' (Idenl�alTowt�►ice rr►�d state exclusie�n.r, r'f any,fram rhe aIlowance pra"ce.) �#ef� Prica § 3.�The Contract Scrm is based upo�i the€ai}orvirag atterraates,if any,w}aic��'e deseribed in the C4r�tract i]acumen#s and hereby ac�epte�d t�y tkte Qwr�er: {SYute the numFisrs nr othe��dent�cation af accepted alternates.If the fsiddrng r�r proposaf documerrts permrt tlae (lwiier�o ac�ept vther aller�tes subseguent ta!ha exectr!'ion vf t�tis A'greement,cr#uch a schedule eaf such other rxher►�ates showrrag!)re araou►rt for each urrd the daPe rvherr that amounl exptres.) � i i � § 3.6'fhe Cantrac#8urn shall i�cle�d�all itera�s and ser�ices ne�ess�ry for the proper exec�atian�uad esarnple#ian af the I ; Wark. I �a�r�c�� a ��rn���� " § 4.9 Based c�Cnntractor's App€icatic�s for P�yment eertified hy ths Arch9teci,the(3wner shali pay the Contractc�r, i�s aecordance with Ariicle 12,as�ollows: (Fnsert 6elsnv 1lming f or perymenls a�arl prnvtsions for withhold�ng retairrage, if any.) § 4.�Pay�ta�nts du�at�d unpaid und�'the�c�nntract Docutnents shall�iiear isit�erest f�'om t�e date pa}+�atent es eiue at ihe rats below,or in the absence thereof,at.the legal rate prer+aiiing at the plaee of t1�e Projecx. AIA pmcument A'tQ6TM°-Tf�7�fvrmariy A106T"—'[893 an[f R206`"--9893},Cc7pyn4ht�4883�5d 2�II7�y'4'!ie Amarica�Ir�atlSvte of Nch3tecls.AI1 Hqhta In�. raa6rvad.WARHIHG:Thls+AIA Oocumsnt Is proteete�d by U,5.COpyrlght Law and Intematfenal Treatiea Unautho�tsd eeprocduetlars+ae dlstrihutlon of 4 #hla AIA�Qacument,art any pextton pf It,may r8suk fn fr+avera civ31 and c�iminat penaltiea,and wilt be proaecuted to the maxlmutn eut�nt posel6le under ! tfs@ 1dW.Thls document was peoduced by A€A sot4ware st 32:36:Stf on 04lt912{1t3 undar�rder No.3545048295_i which ex�sires tx�07f31F2�l13,end!s nol icsr reseie, Ske4T NDbOi: (184745T8@6) %o ARTI!CL� '� �t�Sii�AH�CE § 5.1 The+Car��ctor sha�fi prvr�ada Cont�acior's gencra!�iability and oth�insa►rance as fol�ows: � (Inserl spe��c insurance requrre+�snls and limfts.) Type of inaurance k.�mi�ot iEat��ity($4.00} § �.2'ft�e f]w�es stkall pc��ide properEy itss�rance to ccrvar the vadue vf the(�wner's property,including any W�rk �ravide�ssnd�this Agreement.The Contractar is ent�tlec!to rec��ve x€�i�crease i�#Y�e Contract Sum equal�n t#�e �nsuranc�prviceads related to a ioss for damaga to the Work ca�rered by ihe�wn+�''s prvper3y i�surance. � § 5.3'�'he Cvnbract4r s�all flblain an�darsement ta its genesal liability i�sura�see paiiey tv cc�var the Contra�tQr's vbiiga�ions under Se-�tivr�8.12. § 5.+4 Eac�parEy shail p�ovidc certificates of snsurancc shnwing their respect'srre ccrverages prior tv comr�ienceme�t of the Woaic. § �.5 Ui��ess specifically pze�luded by khe f]wner's property i�sur�sce pcaEicy,f3ae Owner and C�nteaaEor wa�v�al! rigt��s againsk(1)�a�h other and any+af the'sr s�sbcontractars,s�ppl'sers,agents an�ern�loyees,each of the ot�er;and (2)#�e Archfite�t,As�chitect's consultants and any c�f their agents a�r�d emplayees,for damagcs caused t�y fire vr ather c$uscs cr�'luss ta the extent cckvered}sy p�c�petty ir�s�ranee ar other insur��ce app�ic�b�e w�he Work. ART{CLE +6 G�N�RAL PR+�'�ISIO�iS . § 6.1 TH�.CflNTRACT � Th�Contraecf represents Fhe ent�re a�d i€etegrated agreeme�t be4tiveen the parties�d su�ersedes prior negat�ater�sts, represea�fa#iuns or agreemtents,eitner written or e�raf."�'he Contract may be arnended ar�odified on�y by a written � modificatian in a�rdar�ce wiih Artiele 1£�. � � 6�x THE Y�fAi�FC ! The texm"Wvrk"'�eans ihe cvnstresction as3d services ret�uired�y t�e Cvntract I�ae��ents,and i�ci��es al!ot��' labor,materiais, 't{�Lli�Nlt�Tit 811�SCE'V1CeS p1`OVi(�CCf�,or to be prcrvi�ed,by the Can�ractor to fulfil9 the Cor�tra�tor's obtiga3icr�s. § B.3It�9�ENT '[�e in$ent vfthe Con�ract Dacumer��s is to inolude a11 items necessary for fhe praper executior�an�l coFng�etior�o�the , 'Work by ttae Corrtractor.T�e Co�fract D�cu�nents are co�npierrasntary,and what rs required by one shaIl bc as brnding as�f r�uared by all. §'fi.�flWNERSHfP ANfl i]SE QF A4tCH17�C�''S t�'REIWENGS, SP���FIGA1f104�S A�tU �THER (30CUM�lNTS k�ocuments prepared by the Architect arc ir�sir�cmer►ts vfthe A�r.,�ite�t's ser►�zce far wse sotely with respect#a this � Pt'csjeet.Tho Architect sh�f[retairt���eomrncsn l�w,stafufory and other reserve4i righds,including the eopyright.�'he Co��r�ctor,subcQnh'aatvrs,sub-aubcarnt��etoss,an�i ma#csia�ar�q�aiprnent suppiiers are autharized to use and � re�roduce the instrurnents af service so�ely and exc�usively for executi�n oflhe Wcsrk.The i�astrurnents of s�rvFCe ntay not be used for oth�r Projecfs or for asiciitioc�s tes t�is Frojcet vutside the scope af the War€c witho�at fhe specific wri�#es� +oonsent v�'#kte'Architect. ARTICLE .7 aW�l��t § T.1 lHPC�RNIAT!(}N AH� 5ER''�CES REQ€ilRED t�F TF�E 0'N€f�ER § 7:1,�I�requosted by tine Cantrae#ar,the(awner sit�lI fur�is�t a�l ttecegs�ry surveys as�d a legal descrbption of the site. t 7.'#.2 Exce�t fQr permi#s and fees tl�at are�he respor�sibility vfthe Contractar ur�der the Cnr�tract Doeurnents,the 4�wner s3�&!��obtain and�pay fc�r oth�necessary�pprava�s,easenzer�ts,assessments and charges. ���� AIA Dacument A10t�TM—20bT�farrz�edy AtOb'"—i89S and A208TM—i893y.Copy�igh4�a t993 artd 2t7A7 hy The Ms�icars 9r�st�kule rrf ArohEte�ts.All r�ghta ressrr�ed.VMARNiNG;Thf�A!A Rocvmant Is protected by U.S.Capy�lght Law and Ir�ternaklonal Treattas,Unauthorixac!reprvducdan nr dtaSdkrution af � Yhls AiA'�o�ument,or any pdrtion c�f It,may reau#tn se�ere c6v1[and cr3�tnw{penaCtfes,and wllf he prasacutad Qo the maxlmum axtent pnsalble undar j thB 18W.Thia dvcufttBnt Was grodlzced by A�A eaflwnre pk'E2:38:59 on E3414fN2073 u�nder 4rcfer t3o.354�aQ4B298_1 which expkres at 47131I2d13,eM Is�oI inr t�ale. {f 6A7457808y tleer NOtese § 7.2 C}WNE�i's �t��r �� sTa� T�� v�o��c if the Ct�ntrxctor faias to cvrrect Wc�'[t which is not in accardance vrith the Contrac�Docutnents,the�wner may direct the Ccri��ttactor in vvurrilisrg ta stvp the Work untii�the correetion is naasie. § T.�t1WNER's� RIGF�T Tt} CA�RY U�tT THE WDltK df 1he Cor�tractar defaults or rse,�le�ts ta carry out tt�e Work in accnrdsnce wi#h#he Co�tract Doc�aments ar��faifs wi#hin a seven day period a�3.�receipt af vari�ten notice froFn�#kte C?rvner to commence and�ontinue correctio�o�`such de�G1#or negtec�with diiige�sce and pranppsess,the Uw�es may,witf�out prejudice ta other r�nedies,correet suot� defic€encies.In sa�ch c�se,the Cantract Sum s�ali be ac�justed tv t�educt t�ee casf afcorrec#�on�rom�aym�nts due ihe Contr�ctnr. § T.44WN�R'S RlGH'F TO PERFt3RM CQNSfi��CTIOC� ANE} T�Q AWAREJ SEFRlZASE CON�RACTS §7.+�.�'F'he Owne�reserves the right to�erform ce�nstruciian o�n�rations related to the Pr4�ect wt#�S f.he C7w�ter's or� � fveces,and to xward separate cc�n�racts in r.�nn�tiot�with ot�er partians nf the Froycct. � § 7.4.3'�e�ontract�sr shali cAOsdi�ate and cc�perate wiE�the�wt�er`s own forces and separata ct�ntractors ero'rpioyed � �by the�wner. ' f 7.A.3 Ct�sfs caused by delays or�iy�roypraperly timed acti�ities vr def�ctivc cv�str�ctian shall be barne by tlre party ' respvstsi�ale thercfor. AR��CLE 8 Cf}{��RAC30R § �.i REII'IEVIf OF CDNI'RI�CT DOC'��E�iTS A�1D Ft��D COHL]ii"lfl�S �311 CdNf#iACfi�R § $.1.1 Execution vfthe Contract by the Contractor is a representat�cm t�a#tha�Contractor has visited the site,become �iliar wit�local canditions wnder which the Wurk is to be performed and carr�ia�ed personat abserVatians wrth . requir�nents�f the Contract 9loc�t�ar�ts. § 8.1'.2'I°t►e Cvntractor shal]carefu9ly study and�nrnpare the C�ntract Docu�nents wrtts+each other and with �nfarmation furnisk►ad by the�wne�.Befora cort�rn�nc'sng activities,the Cont�actor shall(F)t�ke E'seld m�sur�ents � and verify feld conditieans;(2)c.�°efully compare t�is and other infarn�ation known ta the Cor�tract+�r wi#h t�e Cvn�act a I7ocu�er�ts,and.(3)Fromptty repari errors,ineansistencies c�r ornissaor�s diseo�esed�tv the tlrchitect. § 8.�CaNTRAC'��iR'S GOftSTRUCTIdN SCHEDllLE The Contraetc�r,prom�ly after being awa�decl the Contraat,sha�l prepar�and submit far tkte t)r�ntet's and Architec�t's inforniati�tn a Contract�r's cvn�structiors scheduIe far the Wvrk. § 8,3 S�lPERVISION 1l�1� COlVSTRIJCTIdN PR4CE�}lJRES § &.3.1 Tt�e Con�ractor st�al�superv�se and direat the Wark,r�ing the Cont�actar's best skiil and attentivn.The CQ�ttractos°sF�alt be sv4eIy r�ponsiblc for aard haue cosstro!or�er cvnstruc�ion means,met�ods,techniques,sequences and procedures,anc3 fQr coordinati�g ala�art3�rns of ths Work. � $.3.2 The Cvntractvr,as svon as pr�cts`c�hle after�ward c�f t�ae Cvndxae3,shall fiu�nish in writang to the�wner � #Ivough the Architect t3�e names v#'s�bcQntrectors or supplie�s for each portian af the Wark.Thc Cor�Era�tox sha�l nvt ccmtract wifi�any subcanira�tor or supp9ser to whom the C}wner cn"Architeot har+e m�d+e a tist�eiy arsd seasvnak�le J � � vbject�or�.� � 1 l § 8,4'LABfl� A�1D. �fAYERIAtS § $,b.'�tJml�ss ntherwise presWided in the C[�a��'act Dvct�ments,t�e+�onEractor shal�provide and�ay fvr labor, miateri�s,e�uiprrrent,tvols,utifities,�rasaspartation,�nd at�aer�`acilik9es and s�rvices necessary fvr prv�rer execution and co�ptetic���f t�sa Work. § 8.�4.2 3'€�e Contractor s�all en�'orce strict discipline and goo�€�rder arno�zg the Cantrac�ar's er�pioyees anci a#her persons car�ying o�t the Can�ract Wvrk.The Cantraetor sha�l not per�it�mplcryment Q�unfit persans 4r persans nat skilfed in t�tsks ess�gned tq them. In�4". AIR�IIaeumOnt A1db°"'—2G0T�fonmerCy At(Y�TM—t493 and'A208"'—'l993).�oRY�9hS�l993 ertd 2Dft7 6y TYhe Amerlc2�Cnslitute�4 ACCfdteds.A31 r�ghta raa0tved.WARNfMGs Thla AfA �ocum�nt ia prtrtected by U.S.Copyr�ght i.aw and Intematianal7reades.UrtauthvNxed repraducUart oe tJl¢trl6u#Fon of � lhls AIA��oaumant,or any port�nn vf Ft,msy reaulS In severa ckvil a�d crlmtna!penahias,and wtll k�e prosecuted to ttae maxfmum erctant{wsaf Wm undar t lpGe tsvr.Thia doeumenl was prodcxad by AIA aotlw�e s!'f2:38:5c7 ar�44'11l712413 undea�rder No.3545a4823B 1 whlch ax�ines cxa 07t31l2S173,and Is nos far t9&51a. (46d7457806} �i�evl�{ataa: � 8.�INAFtRANTY 'i'he.Can�ractar wa�ramts to t€se�rvra�€and A�ef�ike.�cF that:(i)materiafs and equipment fumish�d esr�des�e Contract wili be new and of gat3d qua[ity unless atherwis�requ'rred or permi�ted by t�s Contract d)ocusner��s;(2)the Work will bc free from defecis nat inher�t in t3�e c�ua4iry required or persnitted;atsd(3}Ehe'Work w�11 canfarm t�the re�qt�ire�nents flf the Cantract Dvcume�ts. § 8,6 T,A}i�S '�'he�or��raet€sr slta!!pay saies,co�surraer,use a�d samil'ar taxes t�at are legally required when the Gvnt�act i$executed. § 8.7 PERMI�S, F�ES AN� �E�TICES � 8.7.1"The Carstr�ctor s�ta�l obtais��►d pay for t�e builciing permit and ofher permits a�rad goucrnm�entai fees,Eieenses a�aii.i�s�reetioitsnecessary far p�roper execu�ion�d car�p�etion ofthe Wos�C. � �.7.2 The�vn�'actor shalI cc�r�►p4y wit3�and give nvtices requarec!by agencies laaVing ju�ssdiaticm v�er t�e Wark.If i i the Conbractor p�farms Wc�ric knowin$it iv t�ccsntrary tv applicaP�fe 1aw+s,s�atutes,vr�ir�artces,�ades,rufes and � regulat�c�ns,or lewfis!urdors tif puh�ic author€ties,ths Gvnt�actor s�all assume full respansibiiiry for sueh Work and i shatf bear the a#.t'ibuCaiale cvsks.Thc�nntractvr shalt promptiy nc+tify th�Aschitect in w�itimg af any�narvr� � 'rneansistenc�es i�z�e Cc�iract Doc�rnents w'rtEa su�h govern�nental l�ws,ru9es amti regeilats`ons. g.8.8 SSJBMITT,4LS - '�'he Gon�a�tvr shaii prort�pEty review,appro►+e in writing a�€c�submit t�Ehe Architc�t S�top Drav�'sngs,F'rod�et 17ata, Sarnples ertc�sir�il�r su�mittats rcquired by the Cflr�tract Docusraents.S1�op Drawings,Prod�ct Data,Samples�nnd simiIar submittals are not Cvnt�act i7ncume�Gs. § $.9�lSE aF Sl'f� 'i'!te Cantractor s�all conf�ne 4peratio�s at the sdte to ar�as permitted�y�aw,ord�nar�ces,permits.t#te Can�ract - �7�cuir�ents and'the()wnea. § 8.10+CiJT�IHG AN� PA�C�I�CG ` 7'he�ontraeior sha➢1 be responsible foc c�stting,fit4ing or pa#ching required tn ca€nplete the Wark or to make its parts ` �t toget'�er properly. § �.1'f CLEANI�tG �4� 3'�e Cantractor shai9 keep the premises and sc�rrv�n�ing area fre�f�vm accumulaEic�n of debris ar�d tr�sf�refated ta ihe Work.Af the c�rmplc#icm of the Wvrk,the Contrxctor sha11 remt�ve its toals,constrractian equipment,rt�achi�ery and surp�us��terial;a�d sha91�r4�er�y dispc�se of waste ena�eria�s. § $.'�2 lNaEM�I[F�CA'tlt)�! �'a tila�f�Ilest�a�fes�t permifi�ed�by 3aw,thc Car�tracto�shsll inc�em�ify aa�d hvfd h�less the�wnes,Archi�act, Arch�Tect's c�snsultan#s and agents and ernplop�s af any of therri from az�d agsinst claims,damages,lasses and expenses,incfuding but nal limite�l to aitorn�ys'fees,arising out ofos resul#ing fi'c�m perfor�na�tce vfthe Wark, pravided�at such clairn,damage,Ioss vr expense is attrihutabfe to l�ily injury,sickness,disease oa deal�,ar ta i�jury to€�r des4ruction of tangible prvperty(Qther thsn the Work itse3f�,but vnly Ev the extent causee�3�y the t�eglig�t i acts or ramiss'sons of the Crsntra�tor,a subcantractor,�nnyos�e d%recily vr inc�irect�y emplcsyed by t�ean or anyane fi�r � whase acts they may kre liabte,regarrc�less of wl�eiher or aeot sueh��atm,da:�a$e,loss or expsnse is caused in pa�t by a part5'indemni�ied h��under. • A�2Tl��� 9 A6tC1���CT § 9.7't'hc�lrchitect rvill g�ror+ide administratiQn ofthe Ccsntract as desertbed in the Cantr�ct Docume�ts.°I"he Aschitect rvili hawe auEharity ta act on t�eltaff ofthe�rv�er only tv the extent prflvided i�the Cantract Dc>cuments. § 9.?The Archttec�will Vis�t the site at lnter�als appropriate ta t�e s�ge of r�ca�asstructiv�to becvme genera�ly famil�€►r with the pr�ess a�ti c�uaiity ofthe War4c. § �.3 The Arrhitec�wil!nvt h$ve contra{v�er ar eh�-ge o�',and wil3 nQt be resp�tnsible for,cunsE�ucEian sneans, rnethods,te��ar�iques,sequences ar procedur�s,vr far s$fe4y precautions and prvgrams in eonnecti�with the Work, ink. AW Qocumont A108'"R 2GQ7�formorSy,A10��'W 4895 en�A24bT�—1993).CAA'I�Bht�1593 and 2Lti07�y The A�re�r.�n�sSltute oF Art�ttscts.A1!r�ghSs iraaieovvd,WAR�lCN,G.7'MdS A�A Document is�rMested hy U.S,Capyripht Law and tntematlanai Treattes.Unauthoz�zed reproductian or distrihutto�of 7 thl8 AIA°Documant,or arry}�aetion of�t,may resul!Irr 59v8re eIvl1 and erlminaf ponsltl0s,snd will bs prasecuGeai to the maa[Imum s�nt pasallHe under f tlsC�8w.Tf�Ee dxumerat was�rarluced 4sp AEA aoR�vare n412.3G:54 aa�p4£1912013 under Qrdar No.35450+s8298_'i wnlch exgSres�07135l2413,en+1 ia naR Yor f88&�8. Uaer Notes: ('F647a578�B) s'snce ihese are s¢lely�he Ccxstractor's r�spansibi�ity,"�"he As`ck�itect will not be rtspansi�te for the Co�atractar's fail�tre �a carry vut the Work ir�accordastce witiaa 1he Coniract Dcrcuments. § 9.4 BBSEC�[1ik 4�t£AfC�IttCGt's c�bservatians and evai�tativns of t3ie Confractov's Applications fa��'ay�ent,the Ars,liitect wi91 rer+iew and certify the amvunts�i�ae the Contractor. §9:5'Ti�e AcchiY�et has a�ority ta reject Work tiiat dors noi conforrr�tu the Cont�act Dac�me�ts. � '9.B Th�Architect w91t prvss�pi�y revierv°and apgro�ve ar take appropriate action upon Contractor's sub€nittm9s,but onty fvr the iim�ted purpose af cheeking far cvnformanee with i�farmaticx�g#►+en and�he design ct�neept exgressed in the Con�ract�ocumer�fs. � $.T The Ar�hitcct wi#i promptly�t�p�et and decide matters co�eerning�erforma�c�under,and require�e�ts vf, j the Gar�#�act Documen#s an vv�itter�request fro�n aith�3h�Ovv�er vs Contractvr. � S.$Cntcrpretat'sons an�decisivns af the Architect wiil l3e cans�ster�t with the inter�t of and reaso�abiy inferabla from #he Corttract Doc�ments€�d w�1t 6e ir�writing or is�the form af drawings.When rnaking sueh intespre#ativns a�d decisivns,the Arc�aitect wid�er�deavvr to secure fa�€4�fu1 per€aE�tance by both Dwner�nd Cortt�actor,will s�o�s�aw pa�rt�a�ity ta eith�and wii!nat be liab�e for results Qf interpretatia�s or�iecis�4�.s reasc3ered ir�goc3d faith. § 9.�Thc Architect's duties,resp�nsibsi�tles a�+d limits of a�athority as descrii�eci in the Cvntraet Docus^ne�ts shs�!nat be changed'without w�'iktera rAa�satat ofthe[}wn�r,Cont�actor a�d Archi�ec#.�vnses�t shall not be unreasor�ably withhe�d, A�iT�CLE '�� CHA[�GES. iN THE 1N�RK . � "1fl.9 The fl�er,withaut in�ai�dating khe Cvntract,may order c�anges in€he W�rk withi�the gea�esaf scvpe of ttse Cernt�act c�s�st�ng;of additior�s;c�ele#lons vr other revisions,the C�antract Srasn arid Cc:ntract'Time bei�g adyusted accosdi�gky'tn wariting.If the Dr�mer and Conitactar can not agree tcr a change an the�Coniract Ssat��,€tre Owner st►a�l � pay the Ctmtra�tor its act�al cost plus reasonable overhead and profit. ` §.10.2 Thc Architact wilt have autharity to orc�er mir�or changes ir�the Work nvt ir��ol�ing ehanges ir�t�c Cantract S�n ur the Cos�tract T€me and rtat snconsislerst w�tt�tit:e intent pf'the Cfln�ract Dacua�erats.5uch orderrs sf�a11 be i� w��ng anc�shstl be hind�s€g on the Owner and Contractor.TY�e�a�tractor s'hall carry out such orders pramptiy.. § 1t�.3��`concea�ed ar untcnown physs`cafi conditions are eneouratered at the sita that dift"er�nate��ally fram thase iasdicated in#�e Cc�t�'act Docurn�s�ts ar fr�m ti�ose conditicsr�s ordinariiy found ts�exist,#�e Contraci Sum and Contract Time sh�i!'�s�bJecf t4 equitabte adjustment. ART1Ci.E 11 �i!ME � 11.'f�ime litr�its stated in the Con�raci�ocuenents are of the essenr,e of tt�e Cvntrsct, � 11.2 If thc Co�iEractor is delayed a!ar�y fimc in pragress vf the Work by changes ardered is3 the Warlc,or by fahor � disputes,fira,urausual deiay i�dcli�eries,unavaidable casuaities ar o�er�auses beyond the+�c�nt�actor's evnt�ol,t�xe Contraet Time s?nall be subj+ec�ta equitable aci,�ustment. i RRT�CE.� 12 PAYM�H7S A�D Ci3l�IP�EFlD�1V § 1Y.1 C{7tVTRACT SU�I 'f'he�on�'act Sum stated in the Agt°eement,i�►cludir�g au#hoa'ized adjuslments,is t�te total as�wunt payabie by ths Owr�er to the Can#�act4r Por perfor��ce vf the Work under fhe Co�k�act Dacusnents. � 'i2,T APP�lCA"��O�tS FO�t PAY�VlENT § 12.3.�A#lexst ten days�ef�ore the date estabtsshed far exc�pragress payment,th��c�ntractc�r shalt suE��it to the AfC111��C��YfCTl1lxC(j Aj}�I1C�x10F1�fJI'P�}+[tiCil���T WOF'�[CflFi1�7�CY8S�iii&CGbI�8T1C�4Y1�IY tIYE VRiues s�t�i�the Agreem�t.Such Appficaticxi shalt be su}rported by d$ta suhstarstiatfng ihe Co�h'actor's right to paymat�t as t�re t]wner car Archifiect rr�ay reesonabty�eguire.P�yznenis st�s►tl be mecfe c�n aceo�nt of rnater9a�s�d eqniprnertt deliVereci ar�d suita�ly stvred at t�e site far subsequesat incorparat"svn in tFae We�r3c.I€apgrc>rr�in ad►rance by thc+Dwner,paYment AIA Document R1i36°"'—2007 ifvm'rerSy A1a8T�--'i&83 anc#A2�6r"�--4993�.CQPy�ight�'�983 enc4 2t167 Ly Ttra Amgdcan tnstituEe o1 AacM�s.All ydBhts I���° reserved.WARNIhiG;Tt+is A�A �ocument la pmteexed by ll•S.Go1yY�9��-�w and Intema4tona17rsatlea.Urtauthv►izad ra�productton or dislr�be+tiQn a# $ thls AJA�Dde�ment,ar any,poetlos�ai lt,may ressrlt in s�vesas clvkl and crlm{nal penaitiasP e�d w16t t�e prosae�ted to the maximran exlent�q�slhle under �r ttlg y8w,This doCUment wa8 produced by A€A eotSware e!12:38:50 an��11t9l201 S urrder Ordar No.S545fld8298_9 whlch expiras on f17135f2613.and i6 noi!or eesa�e. (a�a�asz�ae) EJ39Y NOt9el: trvay s�m9larly be Qnade fvr materisis and equipment stored,and proteeted�rosm da�nage,affthe site at a�crcat�on agreed u;aon in writis�g. � "t2.2,2 T'he Contracivr warra�ts that titie�ci a�l Work cc3yered by an AppiEC�tior�fur Payrnerst rrifl pass tca the Orv�er nv later than i�e time of payment.'t�e Co�tra�tor f�rther wasrants 4hat�tpa€�sub�itt�l of a�Appl%caticm far Payrrment, aVi Wark fvr wi�ich Certi�cates for Fay�ent h�v�been pre�iau�'ly issued and payments r�cei�ed f�o�ra th,e Qwmer shall, t�the tsest of the Can#ractQr's€c�c�wledge,'snfcarmation and belief,be free and elear of liens,c§a�ms,secuaity interests or other encu�6rances ad�+erse ta t'he£3w�cr's ir�terests. § '�Z,3 CERT�FICATES !FOR 'PAYM�1�i1' The Archite�t vv�11,wet�hin�ewem days after receipt of the Cantra�or's Applicat�an far Payment,e�ther 9ss�e ta the E3rmer a Cetti�€cate for Payrneait,w'sth a cvpy ta ihe�an�actor,fvr sur.�ari�c�us��as the Architect de�arrn�n�cs is presperSy due,or notify t�e G�ntractvr and c�►Nn�'in wr'iting c�f tE�e A�ch etect's reasons far w'sthhotding certi'�catia�� j whole ar in part. � � � § 'f2,4 PRQGRESS PAY�ENTS j � 72:d.1 ARer the Architeci has i�sued a Certificate for Fayment,the�wner sha!!make payment isa the manner pro�+���d in the�antract�ments. § 12.�.2 The C�ant�acEor sh�lt promptly pay each su'bcont�actor and supp�ier,ugun receipt o�'payrnend�carn the£)�er,. a�amoun�detersn�ed is�ac�ardanr�with the terms af the eppl'sosble subcantraets asmd purchase orders. §.1Y.4.3 Ne��er t4s�C)wner nor#he Aa`eh�tect s�tal�ha��respansibility far paymer�ts tv a s�hcosi�`actor or suppli�, � 12,4.4 A Certifi�cat�for I'aymenz,a pragress pa�yrrssnt,or parti�l ar entirc use or or,�pancy o#'the Praject by the C3wr�er shail nQt constitute acccptance af Wcrrk noF in accordance w°sih th�requireznemts af t�e Cantract�3ocument�. � '12.5 Sl1BSTANTIA#. CG��1Pl.ETfO� ' § 12.5.1 Substas�t'sal�c>mgietson 3s the stage in�s prv�ess nf the Wor�C�en t�e Wcar�C or d�ig�aated portion therev�' ; is suffcient�y cc�mpFete an accarda�ce with the Ccmtract't]oc�r�es�ts su the�w�e�er can vccupy va��tilize the Work for i#s uitended use. § '�2:5.2 Whes�4he Wor�C ar c€esignated portian thereof is s�tsst�tially e�mplete,the Architect►�!1 make�inspectian ta deterrnir�e whether the Work is substantfa[iy cnrnp�ete-`h'1�en t�e Aschitect determines that 1he W�rk is subsia�r.tially coFnplete th�,Architsct sha11 prepare a Certificata of Su6stantial��mpletian cl�et s�SaI1 estahlish the dste vf 5ubstantial Completion,sha13 esEablish.�he respor�sibilities o£the(3w�s�er and Contraatar,and shall fix tf�e ti�e within which t�e Cpniractor shall finish all items c�r►xhe l�s#accomp�nying t�e Certificate.Warr,ar�ties require�4 by the C�h'act Dacuments shalf commetnce on tha date of Suhscantiai Gpmpletian of t�e Wc�rk ar des�gr�ated partaon therec�f unless v#�erwise prrn+ided'i�s the+�es'tifica�e af S�sbsfs�ntial Compla4i�n. § T2,6 FINAI, COMPkETIU}+I Al�[� F[NAL PAl'II�IENT � i�.6,1 E�pot�receipt of a final Applieatian fcrr Payrnent,the Arc�iteci wsll it�speet the Work.When the Architeet � fir€ds the Work�cee�tahle and�he Contrac�fuify perfasmsd,the A3'chi#ect wilf pramptly�ssue a final�ertifcatc fvr ; Fayrr�estt. � § 12.6,2 FEr�al payment sha31 not became de�c�rrstil the�or�irac�or se�brnits tv the Arch'stect reieases�td wai�ess of lie�s,and dafa estah��s�ing p�yment or satis�Faction of Qbiigat'sons,such as recetpts,clairr3s,sec�ri€y intesests ar ene�rnbrances arisi�g�aut af the�c��tract. § 'I2.6;3 Acceptance af fina3 payment by the Costtractor,a subcvt�trac�or or�nater€al supplier shall consti�te a waiver of�laims�y that payee except those�reviously made in writing and ider�t�fled by that payee�unsettle�atthe time af f�nai A�plicaCian far Paymer�t. AR71Cf�E 13 PRQTfCTI�� �]� PE�S�NS A�tD PROPER�Y 'Fhe GontracC[�r shal�be respansible for initiati�g,maira[�in'sng and supexv'ssing al�sa'�ety�recawtions and pro$r�ss, inc3uding ai!4£�ase required by��w in cannection wit�gerform�rsce of the Contract.The C�ntractor sha11 take reaso�able preca�tions tv prever�t c�ainage,injury or�ass tv empfflyees on the Wark,tihe Work and rnaterials ar�d AIp pocusn9n4 A1d5TM—2b(t7�famterky A968TM—1891 and A�0lf'�Y'�4$3).C�py6l9hY�'f 863 and 20i17 6y The Ameriean Ins3itute OS Archidecls.All�[ghta ��� rr9e9rv9d.WARNIhiG:Thl9 AIA Lk�cument te peotectad by U.S.Copyright Law snd Snlematlonal7reatles.Unauthorizad raproductlost�r diatrlhutton vf � thig AIA°�eument,or any�ortin�trf tt,may rg��eSt 1n severe ci�il and cdmknal panaktiaa,and wlfl 6e proseCUted f.Dthe maxlmurn extent pa�#tbfe undar � tt�e EaN1,Thfs d�eWnenS wae prociuoe�d t+y AIA soRware as 12:38:�on�411af2Q13�nder Order F�tca.35450482g6 1 wrkaich expdrea on 0713il2U13,and la nat for teaala. {1847457806} User Notas: ec�ui�rment to be incu�vrated therean,and othe�gro�ty at#he site or ad,�ace�t thereto,The Ganteactc�r shal�prvr�ptfy ramedy damage a�d ioss to property c�used in whoEe ox in parR by the Cc�nteact�r,va by anyor��fc�'whcas�acts the �ont�a�ctar may be l�able. A�t�'ICl.� 1�4 C!�RR�CTl�N (��WOR�L § '14.i'The Contrac�or sh�li pror�pt�y aorrect Wark rejecied by the Afchiteei as failing ta car�foran ta 4he requ's�em�ts oflhe�a�ntraci D+xurs�ents.The Cant��ctc�r s4�ali�ear t�a cost Qf enrr�cting such rcjeeted Wor�,ir�cluc�im�g the esasts vf u�cor+ering,reptacemer�t and additrortal#esti�g. § °�4.2 tn a�dition to t�te Contraetar's aiher r�bl'sgat`sons inciud�ng rvarranties e�nder#he Can4raci,the�cantrxctar sha�l, far a�iad of one yeas after 5ubstamkaal Cnm�letios�,corre.ex wvrk nvt confar��ng to the req�irements of the�4ntract I?oc�me�#s. � § 14.$��'the Cvfttravivr fafls fo co�rext nonctinforrn�ng Work wstltin a reast�nable time,t�e Owner may correct it in � accorda�ce w�t�5eetio�7.3. � A��fC1� '45. 1�tSG�LU�NE0T7S PR4V7SID�5 § 95,°f ASSi�N1NENT t3F CQHTRACT t�e`sther party tv#�se�antract shalE assagn the Can�ract as a whale witho�t written cnnsent of the othcs�. § �k6.2��STS AND lN3PECT[{3�S § '�5;2.1 A3 the appropriate times,the Cantractflr sha�l arrast�e�€cf be�s ctrst 4ftes4s,inspe�ic�ns aad appro�ra�s of portions af th�Wark re�(uire�3 by t�Ze Con4ra�t Doeu�cssts or by Iaws,statutes,s�rdis�ances,ct�cies,rules and regulatiQns,or Iaw#`uul orders tsf public authorities. § 'E�.2.2 IIff�e Arch�te�!req�n'es add�tional testing,t€�e Cvr�tractvr s#�ali perf�rm those�esis. § 'V5.2�3'I'ha E3runer shall taear cast of tests,inspections or a�rovals that dc+not became requ�rements unti!after the Gnnlract as exee�ted. � 1a:3 Gf?YER�iINCs LA�fY The Can�ract shall rtre gav ernetl by ttne!aw of the place wriiere the Pra��ct is Iocated. ARTtCLE 18 . Tfi2N11NA�fC1N {lF Tt�� Cf]NTRAirT � 18.1 Tf.Rl�flNAT1£�N BY TH� +CQNTRACT�7Ft Ifthe Ar�hi�t�t fa�ls ta certify payment as provide�in Sec�ion 12.3�'Qr a period a€'34 days through no fault o�'the Contrsctc�r,vr�€the(}w�er fa`sls to make payment as pr�+ric�ed in Section 12.4.1€or a period of3�days,lhe Cantrac�4ar may,a�or�seven a�ddttivnst d$ys'wri�ten notice ta#he Qwr�er and Aschi#ect,ternriir�ate the Cantraot and recc��er fror� the pwner pay�rsent for Wark axecuted tnoluding re.asa�able ayar�ead and prvfit,and cQSts incwrred by reasnn of suc� #erntination. § 1fi.�T�RNIi�fA�'E0� HY TH'� t3WlVER Ff3R �#VJSE � � 1�6.2.7 The th�er m�y terminat�the�ontr�et if the Cvs�iract�r .1 re�atediy refuses or faeIs iv supply es�vugh p�operly skiiled workers or prvpe�'��teriais; � � � .� fails to rrsake paym��t ta se�6cnsttracit�rs for r�ateria�s or iabvr ira aceordance with t�e res�e�gi�e agreeBne�tts betwee�Ehe��niractor and tha suberantractars; .9 persistently�iisregards lavrs,�rdinx�c�.s,or ru�es,re�€latians or urders of a publ's�sut�orily h�ving jt�risd'rctian;or .4 is cstherwis�gui�#y�afsubstantisl breacP�of a prav�is�an of the Cv�trac#I?ocumeEats. § 1fi,2.2 Wt�en any of thc abo�c reasans exist,the Owne�`,aRer consu�tati�n with#he Architeet,rnay witt���st prejudice tc�a�y ather r[ghts c�r reme�ies e�`the Q+�er and after gfving the Con�actar�d t�e Contractvr's s�sredy>if any,se�re� dsys'VYlI�CIl FY4�1C4,teaminate�e�pioyment od the Contractor and rnay .1 talce possession o�the site and af a!I�nateria�s thereon ow�re�by the Cvn�aatqr,and .2 fsnish tY�e Work hy w�hate�er reasonabte rnc#hod the C?wner may deetta expeciient. AfA Uacument A10S'"—3ET07�fnrmar3y A'[G6'�—1fi93 snd A205�'!—9983}.CaPY�9�f dZ 199�and 2iY�7 by 7he Arr�er�csn IngliSute vT A�chiteds.Ail rtphts �n«� reservod.lNkRHiNG:This AfA ilo�um�nt ia pratseted hy 11.5.Cs+pYrlghR�aw and intematlana4 Trsaties,llnauthuCized re{srCducttrrn or dlatrlbea!#vn of ,�� tFsls AlA�'I3acumenE,or any partlon af it,may result 1n sevexa civil and crtminat paneltles,and wlll b�prnsecated to the maximum extent passibla under � Lhg[Ayyt,7tlit dc�cumeRi Yt�s pJ4t3uced by Alp saf4wele aS i2:3S:50 on OdTS Jf2013 tendsr�rder Nm.3545448296_1 whdch expi�es nta OTl31I2073,ar�6a nat 1ar resate. (5847457508y tlaer�19tes: �C�'@t'S, �I1C. PQ�crx 678 Sn[�wsnass,C4 81b54 3Q8p SQOth Falis Ct, Du�lex Budget Des�cript�an af Was��C Suc�get'�crtal General $ 19,835 Excar�ation&Utitities $ 79,339 Landscaping�Sit�eworfc $ �5�1Z4 5tr�ct�sral Cancrete $ 48,265 Flat C�a�crete $ 17.521 5tone Work $ 37,685 Strue�ural Steel $ 11,R(11 Areh Stee3 $ 1I,57{l Rcas�gh Framing-�.ahor&Ext $ 9�,546 Rough�'rarn�ng-I.iFtin� $ 5,95(t Ro�agh�'raming-Materials $ 106,136 Warm 8aar $ 2R.UR1 Ir�terac�s�Trim $ 18.1$� �nterivr Stairs $ Z1,818 ]n�erior�r'srt�-N�ateriais $ 19.835 Insu�ativn-�uildmng $ 38,347 Faund�tian lnsulation � �3,R17 Stueco $ 39,67� Rac�fing $ 38�54b Fiashing $ 8.595 Windaws $ 6b,777 Interiar i}cavrs $ 28,�3[� Entry aaar $ 4,62$ Door�lardware $ 11,R�1 Fo3ding Wal9 5ystem � �.��'� Garage Doors $ 11.9D1 Woad�`�Qflring $ Z1,$18 �Carpet $ 17>851 Tile $ 34�3$t� interior Drywall $ 51,571 �xterior Paint $ 21,818 ]nteravr Paint $ �2,975 Sathroam Hardware $ 5,422 Mirr€ars 8z Sh,r�wer C}oors $ 21,48$ Hom�Applianees $ 54,Z�k8 Cal�ir�eiry $ 44,�iZ8 Built-fn $ 19,835 Granite Ccaunter T�ps $ 41,553 Radan $ 5.422 F�at 7"ti�b HVAC 5ystem $ 38,347 P�urnbing Systern $ 5b.�15 Plumhis�g Trim $ 23,$42 ElesCr`scal5ysterns $ 62,81f} E1�ctricalTrfm $ 24,4b3 Tnta�s � i.4(43,465 �18�2.3 When��� �srther p yrsse�t unti�t�thef WQ�C is fin sned�flns stnxed in Seetion 16.2.1,the Ccantractoa sha11 �►ot t�e emtstied F,7$3:4lfthe unpaid ba�ance Qf tl�c Contract�u�r►excee�ds costs vf�nbs�ingthe Work,suc�excess si�a3�be}�&id tathe �vntractor.T�'suc�costs exceed t'�e�anpa'sd baiance.thc Cvntractor s�all�ay the c�iffere�ce tr�t�e C3wcser.T�is o!biigation for payrnent shall susvive t�rninatiot�of the Cvn�ract. � 7B:3TE�iINAT40RV �Y �f�4E �WNER �OR CL}N�VE�fE�iCE 'I'!ae Clr�rner may,at any tisr�e,termir�ate the Cv�tract f4r the C)r�mer's can�enienc�e,and wi2houE r.s�sse.'Tl1c Contractvr sha3�1 be enHtled t�receir�e gayment far Wark executed,�nd cc�sis'rr►curred by seasors af such termit�ak�ars,a9or�g rvith saaso�ab�e vwerhe��ar�d profit an t'he Work�avi exec�ted. ART4CLE '!T OTHER T�R�MS ANI� COHDT�4QI�S � ,(�t�,s¢�-t a�r ather dermx ar condiiions belativ.J This Ag�`e�enII�t�red i�ta as af tite d�y and yeax first written a�vve. (If required by tasa, tnsert cancellatian periQd disc�asures or ozher warni�rg stateme�ts abeve the s�gnatures.} � (TV'�kiER(Sfgrr��rreJ CONTR�AGT+D�{S�gnc�ture) Peter Uvby�s Windsurfcr,LLC A F{}Sox 1b44 � �7uxb MA Q2331 rinte �r�me, diile und addressJ (Prdrrted�ame,litFs ar�d address) LIC�NSE N�.: 7[JRf SI}ICTI�N: +*�-2�X forme qtUE"'-1:993 and A246"`-7893f.�aPY�9�t�+ti983�nd 2�47 by��e Ametlr�Inslllule aF Arckntact+�.A11 rlgh4s 1��� A}llAacument A146 � �Y d htl,awand Intematicrnat Trentles,Unauthorizsd ropraduetEon or dI�SHbwt3on of 11 rsiarved.WARNII�(3o Thla AIA QaCt�mB���s Q'rotect8tl by U.S.Copy g tlhe Caw.7hs docuznersl waa p aducad by A A oRwsre a�i i s 5 41�on4 f1a�9f2U1t3 u�nder Oader l�3545 879dw1Cwh�e p es[�n a�13112 3 tarx#a,n�vS So der r ��e {94d583733} �f9E F10l86: