HomeMy WebLinkAboutF05-0071 TOWN OF VAI�. FIR� DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE P�STED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TINIES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: FOS-00'71 Job Address: lOd E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VA[L PLAZA H4TEL Applied . . : 11/0412005 Parcel No...: 21f�1082Q3003 Issued . . . 03/27/2Q06 Praject No : Expires . .: OWNER DAYMER C4R1� R]V 11/04/2005 lOp E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT A�,L STATE FIRE PROTECTION, 211/04/2005 Phbne: 303-288-3901 60�5 E 76TH #12 CQMMERCE CITY C� B0022 Lic�nse: 37D-S COI+TTRACTOR ALI, STATE FIRE PROTECTIQN, I11/04�2005 Phone: 303-288-3901 604$ E 76T'H #12 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 License: 370-5 Desciption: VAIL PLAZA H[)TEL-INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR NEW HOTEL Valuation: $389,Q�0.00 ����a:��*����x���x����u��:��*��**�*�x***�*��:*+:�a�t*��xx�:��x�*����:����:���*�*� FEE SUM�^1ARY *�*****�***��*************�*****�*��*���:����*�****��*���*�** Mechanical---> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Fteview--> $0.�0 Total Calculated Fees---> $16,882.50 PlanCheCk--> $350.00 DRBPee -------------> $0.00 AdditionalFees-----------> $232.ao Investigxtion-> $0.a� TO`fAL FEES--------> $16,882.50 Total Permit Fee-----? $17,114,50 Will Call-----> $o.o o Pa ments > y Si�,114.so BALANCE Di,r��________� $0.00 %�Y�%bxik%k%k�#�;F#*#�-k#*#$*#�k.'-s,:k*ak#?k:''.na:%k�%k*xc%B�%�K�*x�C%k%�^Y�k�{<��k##?k,'�##�$##��:#*�##fi%K�%k.a�Cnk�%k%kh�d:#',�*%k#�M#�fi:kd:ok%k%R%k:k>,:*>k%fi%k�:%kA;A:k,n�:>fi%�#�R:k`M�%k:k%k�:>,t%kB:T,`B:skMak�k*Nak�:k:g?k�%S�k�K%��X��N%�& Item: 0510D SUILD�NG DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/04/2005 JJR Action: DN Inco�nplete applicatian. 02/14/20�6 mcgee Action: DN 'The plans and calc� s are not acc�ptable . Too much lack of attention to d�tail. Not all the sheets are even right side up. Over 12 errors. We found the 1/8 scale too difficult ta read, especially at valve lacations. The plan does nat provide the minimum information requireci by NFPA 72 (reflected �eiling pla.ns, slope, ceiling heigth, etc. ) , and the sprinkler heads do not clearly reflect the submittals. The calcs have nat been completely reviawed, but we will not accept velocities of 28 and 30+. Very little in the submittals are specified. RJA' s stamp is just that - no signature, no date, no approval . I do not see the new standpipe. I see what might be a clouded area, but there are no notes or detai�s. a3/18/2D06 mcgee Action: AP Plans are approved as noted: 1. Full compliance with NFPA 13, ��02 edition, a5 adopted by the Town of Vail via reference �n the Int�rnational Fire Code, as amended, is requ�red. 2 . Camplianc� with VFES standards as published, is required. 3 . A11 work is subject to field inspectio�. 4 . Administrative modifications may impact some aspects af design. All variations, modifications, and specifications must be addressed. NOTE: Ther� are some proposed elements af the building design that have not bee apparved as of this date. Cornpliance with Items as listed above is required. Special considexatian was given to details funished via pd� format. Plans are nat in sufficient detail to cover all aspects �hat may be encountered �n the field. CONDITION OF APPROVAL �Cand: 12 (BI.,DG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FpR CpDE CQMPLIANCE. ��<�����*�*��*����x*�x�:����:K*�:m��*��������������*�x*�*:�*���:mx��x,����m�,�x�:��x�::z�:�����:�:*:�*+���=�:�x��xk�����������*�k��k��*��*����*��*����*�**������� DECLARATIdNS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, �llea out in fi.�ll t�ie information required, cornplet�d an acc�rate plot plan, and state that all the information as req�zired is correct. 1 agree to comply with tl�e infarmation an�d p�ot p1an, to camply wit� all Tawn ordinances and state laws, and to build t�is structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internatic�nal Building and Residential Co�ies and other ordinanees of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS�OR INSPECTION SHAI,L BE 1VIADE TWEN'I'Y-FOC�R HOURS IN A[�VA1�CE BY TELEPHOIVE AT 479-2135 FR�M 8:U0 AM-5 PNT. �'J�T•Lti/�-�'1 5IG1�1ATtJRE OF OWN OR COIVTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � � � APPLICATI�N WI!LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II�COMPLETE OR UNSIG[�IE�e � �r� ,�`, �'�` � Proj�ct#: ��, � w Building Permit#: °��'Z- o�.� Sprinkler �ermit#: � � 970-479-2135 (Inspectrons� �y����y� TUWN aF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT A►PPLICATION Fire Sprinkler sha� drawings are required at time of perrnit submittal and i5 S. Frontage Rd. must include the fallowing. Permit application will nat be aCCepted Vail, Cotarado 81657 without this information: • A Colorado Registered Enginee � or .C.E.T. Level III (min) s#amp. � " nt �ut s f 'als , ; raulic�lcul ian ' � of Colo n ' ratia�orm. • rnust be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Cantractor. co�rTU�cToR i�T�o�T�o�r Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s: 1'1 `� E-Mail Address: Cor�tractor Signature: � COMPt..IETE VALUATIflNS F�R ALARM PERMIT (Labor 8� Materialsy Fir� Sprinkler: $ Contact Ea le Counf Assessors Offi�ce at J70-328-8640 or visit uvww.ea Ie-count .cam for Parcel# Parcel # Job Name: � Job Address: Legaf Description Lot: Block: ' Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name: Address: Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit#, bldg. #} Datailed description of work: � Wo�'k Class: New Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.; Single-family� ) Two-famiiy( } Multi-family O Commercial ( j Restaurant O Other� ) No. o#Existing Dwelling Units in this buildin�: No. of Accommodation Uniks in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes( � No O Does a Fire 5prinkler System Exist: Yes O No O :��*�:**�**�:���:�,���,���:**���*��:���:�*�:�*�:*�FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*�:�:��:*�x��:�*���:��**�:x:��:���::�***�**,��** ! �3�h�r����a : C��t� ����i��d. ' �_.__� � ��ab�°s���� ��rrriat���. ���� °��d ��r: �������r��� ���t�pe ' ------- �� 'a`�a��'c; B f y 11Vailldatalcdev\FORM5IPERNIITS'�SPRKPGRM.DOC ,� 'j%��'�� F��� 071�{Il�qQ2��'� y tT� A��,�: ��� � . ��� � �� �� �����'� f