HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC050007 � �
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Plannfn and Enviranmental Cammissian �
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�, � �� , �y�� -��� Department of Community Development
���I�,'�� �� �,����' 75 Soutf� Frontage Road, VaiE, Coforado 81657
tel: 97Q.479.2139 fax: 97b.479.Z452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
Project Name: VAI� PLr4ZA HOT�L CLUB AMEND PEG Num�er: PECQ50a07
Project Description.
OWNER DAYMER CORP 6VU 01/31/Z005 Rhone:
CO 81657
APPLICANT ZEHREN &ASSOCIATES, I�VC. O1J31/2005 Phone: 970-949-�257
P.O. B0X 1975
�icense: Cd000U1626
ARCHITECT ZEHR�N &A55�QCIATES, INC. 01/31/2005 Rhone: 97d-949-0�57
P,d. BOX 1976
Lice�se: COQ0�01626
Project Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Lacation:
, Legal Description: Lot; M-0 Block: 5� Subdivision: VILLAGE INN PLAZA
Par�el Numl�er: �101082030Q3
Motiun By: Action: STAFFAPR
Seeond By:
�at�� Date pf Appraval: 03/02j2005
Cond: $
(PLAN): No changes to thes� plans may be made w3thou�the wri�ten consent af Town of
Vail stafF and/or the appropriate review �committee{s).
Cond: 300
PEC approval shall r�ot be not become valid for ZO days following the d�te of
Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $1,Od0.00
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f� A licati�n �ar Review b the
� PP Y
° ����` �� ' P�anning and Environmental C�mmission
T1J V1��VF Y1��L Department of Community �evelopment
� 75 South Frontage Raad, Vail, Colora�o $1557
� te1: 970A�9.2139 fax: 970,479.2452
� web: www.ci.vail.co.us
� General Information:
� All projects requiring Planning and �nvironmental CommissiQn review must receive appr i t m n
�' building permit application. Pl�ase refer to the subrnittal �equrrements for the particular a I a�
� An �pplicatian for Planning and Environment�l Commissimn revlew �annat be acCepked u ir
is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revi wed by t Town
� Courtcii a�ndJor tt�e Desigr� Review Board.
� 1'yp� of Application and Fee:
�' ❑ RezoNng $13Q0 O Corsditianai Use Permit $65a
� ❑ Major Subdivision $150Q ❑ Floadplain Modificatian $400
t �7"'� Minar Subdivision �.-�5.C1 y� f ❑ Minor Exterior Alteration $6�Q
� ❑ Exemption �lat $650___ ❑ Major�xterior Aiteration $860
0 Minor Amendment ta an SDD �� $1�0�_�j 0 Development Plan $15Q0
� � New Specsal Development distri[t°��00� � Arr�endment to a D�e�velopment Plan $250
� ❑ Major Amendmer+t to an SDD $6000 ❑ Zani�g Code Amendment $1300
� � Major Amendment to an SDD �1250 ❑ Variance �500
� (no eaterior madr�ca�rons,l ❑ Sign Variance $200
� 5
Description of the Ftequest ��r=�- .� ` _..�6..-� ''=' .� , � � �� W��a r J °t �;.�o � �� �9 ��► �,�u�_
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Location of#he Pr�aposal: Lot�o'�;,ti �; Bfock �;r� Subdi�isian: �• �, �, ' a'% l � --' "
9 .
� Physicaf Address _ !�"^��`�=-� � �' -=�.-i:,_ i +..' .�:
� Parcel No.; i' r � !�' f:a?�,:��� � (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-3z8-8640 for parcel �o.}
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� Zoning: _ �-, , �F,�-_ ��,:,
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� Name(s) of 4u+/ner(s): L��.r�,�;p!';V- � +- °'_.. i;� ,,� �t��_ t :_ t -z>=;,..'7r'�"• r. ,r�3 t's`Vr ��
� Mailing Addres5; ' �7 ' ` � f�r � '"��a- � �, � —� .�M �
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f�f ' �'
` Phane: �,``� �-�.1_;�� ��.
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� Own�r(s) Signature(s): <` � , �,,.: .;
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Natne of Applicant� �,�=f ,�i ;���c.� +g•Y-�' : i � f.�"�� �r°<°, ,���
Mailing Address: ��r'�' _ �. '�� � 4� � �_�`�.�-'-�:,
P�one: �',�` �-r- �tc���, ��`.�-�
§ E-mail Addr�ss: �,�� �? Ul, �� �ax °����� ��
� Fnr Office Use Only: �7
� Fee Raid: ����h_eSk No.� � ! By: �' �
� Application ❑ate: � � C�I- � P�C Na.: � �
� Plan�er:- �� .��Project No.: ` ._
� Pa�e 1 af5-�1/18/02
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Mrs. Luis Romero
Friv. San Isadrv �44 M!M Giusepp�Cecchi �� A�fredo Chudraui
Col. Reforma Sacial, del Miguel 1209 Aldebaran Drive �riv de Antonio Chedraui S/N
11650 MEXICO, D.F. Mcl,ceaan, VA 2210I Cal Encinal 91180�alapa
Ver�cn�, MEXIC�
N1/N�Gary Cardes Lublan S.A. (Antonio�lel Vatle) VV� IU4 LLC
2'B' Trentino Raad GO�anco de Internacianal SA 1�East Meadow Dr.
Turrairi.utra, NSW 2Q74 437 Madisan Avenue, 17�'Fl. Phase III, Uni� 104,
Australia New Y�rk, 1VY 10022 Vail CO S 1657
Jan�t L Bymes Encha�tited Mesa Exernpt Corp.
�145U1d Indian Hill Rd. �/O Fred �tto (Fran�cc�)
Cincinnati, OH�#5243 P.Q. Box 31�9
- Vail CC18105?
N.flM Mich�.eE Glinsky
MIM Marvin Frank 320U Gherry Creek South Drive Mr. Deane Hall, Jr.
2434 N�rth 4rchard 2���E�st 12 Avenue, Box 4
Chicago, IL bQ614 Suite 230 Denver, CO 802U6
Denver, Cd 80209
Cha.rles M. Harmon, 3r. �����Jahnson M/M�obert Jvnes
Traditions L.P. 375 Inca Parkway 258 Litchford Court
I�380 Lon�Meadow Drive $���er, CC184303 St. Louis, MQ 63141
West Palm Beacb, FI. 3�41�
1VI/M Germ�.n I.arrea MJM Kirk Lighthall MIM Ker�n:et}�Nc�rdling
Baja, Califarnia 2QD 5293 West 4berlin Drive Mr. Edward Beadle
6a Piso, 06?60 C!fl 4603 Annawa Drive
���Q, g� Denver, CO 80235 Y
Edina, MN 5�436
MfM Pedra Ramirez Geroca S.G. (Rc�jas,C) Maefa S.A tie C.V.
Q-3 Petunia Street C!�Feak Properties Cerrada de� �a�illo No. 5
Parque Santa Maria 1�00 Lians Ridge Loop, Ste. 3A Huixquilucan
5an�uan, Fu�rto RiGO p�927 Vail, CQ 81657 MEX[C(3
Lisa Jane Schetler ���ylva.n Tobin Mr'NI Joseph Weins#ein
7S 1 �enner Rd. 1 Q 1 Cheswvld Lane 78 Joyce Street
Altentown, PA 1S1Q�4 �'�'� �rD Plainview, NY 1180�
Haverford, PA I9041
M/M Tam�s Zaragaza Mr-. Josef Staufer Mr_ 1�aicfir Prada
�813 Diarnond P�int Cr. Staufer Cv�nercial Daymer Carp�vration
El Paso, TX 79�12 l0a East Meadaw Dri*�e#3l 12 �+'ail Rd. S�e. 200
Vail, �CO 8�b57 V�iI, �O 81657
r � §,
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A.�. Properties I{inney Johnson Jim Gustafsan
C/O Dryer, Edmonds & Associates 11@0 Harnsilver Circle 220 Bridg� Street
355 Grand Avenu�#415a �ai�, CO $1�57 Vail, CO 81b57
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Jay Huffard Red Sands Corp (A. Rojas) p��eia&Gerardo Schroder
S Maher Avenue Phase I&II, Unit 330 725 S. Bixe�e St. Apt. 603
�reenwich, CT Ob830-5617 1���• �ead°w Dx. Las Angeles, CA 90017
`Iai1, CO S 1 fi57
Luc Meyer
D�IL Real Estate ��G,��Tait, Inc. Jeffery and Kay Hanes
Ted Leach � 642a Wenonga Terrace
P.O. Box 2849 P'a' g°X 1�� S�awnee Mission KS 66208
Edwards, CO 811632 Vail, CO 81�58
Paul &Bonnie Zo�ger �laggett-Rey Gallery
Sally Hanlon Bill l�ey
A�nerican Desi�ca, L�'D Un���� Un�t 10
70 S. Potomac 385 Gore Creek Drive 100 East Meadow Drive
Aurora, CO $p�012 ���, �� g�6�� Vail, CO 81657
A�drew Pit�a.nd
Slifer Management Co. Cowperthwaifie &Co
Suite 360 Vail Village Inn Associates
143 E. Meadow Dr. P•O. �ox f 1349
V�il, CO 81657 Denver, CO 8a24C
, ` � ��L� _��--
MfM David Bruckmann
�10►James Newman MQnika O�rerlohr 1vI/M John Gabriei
Helmsuag& Leach 2656 Davos Trail P.O. Box 268
P.�. Box 27b7 V'ai1, CO 81657 Faramus,lVJ 07653
Mabile, AL 36652
Chris& Jennifer Andersoz� Alfred&l!►��ry Baker Fticl�ard L. Li�hhaber
�03 Anemone Dr. 40� Circle Dri�e 44 Wcst 1Wleadaw Drive
Boulder, �CO $(}342 I7enver, CO 802(?6 Vail, CO S 1657
M/1V1 Jo�Moores Javier Canales NICNT Hubert Wagner
P.O. Box 728 P.�, l�ax 7717 : 405 Bontona Avenue
Del Mar, CA 92014 Avon, CO 51520 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333Q1
Mr. Josef Staufer Town of Vail Michael Zaremba
Sta.ufer Camm�rcial C/O �'inance Degt. 1122 Curtiss St�reet
10(}Eas# 1vleadow Drive, #31 '15 S. Frontage Road West �Q����rove, IL bQ515
V�il, Ca $1657 Vai.l, CU $1657
' �����.�`},,���
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5�gar Notch LP White River Acqui�iti€rn Corp.
Bax�79 David and Cynthia Sebold C/O Manua.l Martinez
7470 Tulip �C�aurt
2 Prestley Road 945 Brickeii Bay Dr. Ste, 23U
Bnidgeville,P.� 15Q17 Chat�ha�sen,MN 55317 I�tiami B�ach�'L.33131
Charles R Ligcc�n Pa�nos�3�velopment Jphn Breya
Une Biscayne Towez 2��� ���y�� 18 Su�merfield�,a�ze
S�ite 2480 Baulder, CC� $�3�14 Sarataga Springs,NY 12866
Miami,FL 33131
Greenauer Desi� Crreenauer I?�s�gn Peter Knobel Vail.,PBK LLC
P.Q.�ox 5�63 P.�. Bax 2$79 3�Mi11 Creek Circle
Vail,CQ 81657 Avon,CCJ� 8162U Vail�CQ 81657
T�berline Cornm HQldi�gs HSE Investrnent Fartr�.ers. LLC Patricia Feeples&Antho�y
��v�����, ���. �oo �z v�a�.�a s�. saa v���p�
v�, co s���� v�,co sics� �2 v� xo�, s�. �oo
Vail, CO 81�57
Cenbrat Rackies Specialists,L�C Kelly Liken,LLC �ail�'ratewa�,�LC
l�Vail Raad, Ste. 3�0 135i Freeport Road 12 Vail Road, Ste. 600
Vail,C(7 81657 pi�burgh,PA 15238 Vai1,CQ $1657
. : , ' �i��r�`'��� �r� r
Steuen �nd Susan Marton Dean Gosper�'ar�aily Trust M.K.M. LLC
]2858 Laznar Ave. 106 St. Geor�es Rd. Paul Mourani
Qverland Park, KS b6209 Toorak, V1Ctf)Fla �l�$2 b�91 Happy Canyon Dr.
AUSTRALIA Englewoad, CO 8Q11]
Jacqueline R, Kne�shield C�yn�ck Family Thomas P. Walsh
6201 Elmwaad Rd. 8994 Wildlife Loop c/a Da�COta I�.ing Inc.
Chevy Chase, lVID 2�Q815 Sarasota, FL 3�23$-4f�OQ 38a0 W. S3 St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57106-4223
VFP NQ. 15 Corporatian
Jan& Gary Scheimer Vail Five K LTD C/a Daniel Abounrad
2340 Oak Hi11s Dr. 303 Stratford Lane : Basque de Amates
Colorado Sprin�s, C� 8D919 Laredo, T� 78041 148 Bosque de Las Lomas
Frontier Adjusters Inc. Red Avalanche LLC � Vail Raad
7100 E. Pleasant Valley I�d. �/p Vail Realty C/O Martin Brotzman
Ste. �60 11508 E. Wesley Ave.
302 Hanson Ranch Rd.
Independence, 4H 44�31 ���1, Cd 8165? .Aurora, CQ 80f�14
Andr�s Banos Vail Asse�ci�tes LTD Douglas & Joanna Polzin
Gd Vail Realty 7304 Inverway Dr.
302 Hansnn Ranch Rd. 6711 M onr o e S t. B l d g. 4 S t e. A �r�llage of Lakewoad, IL
Vaii, CO 81657 �yl��a, QH 4356Q 60014-6�i14
SGOtt Bradshaw
4130 La Jalla Village Dr. Ric�ard & Gwendolyn Scalpello
PMB # 1�}7-125 P.C}. Box I60
La Jolla, CA 42203 7 Vail, C4 S l 658
Jim &Dorothy McKnight Allison F. Butts Pat Parrish
203 Country Club Dr. 4523 T�arset Ave. 8642 Gregory Way
Sterling, C�D 80751 Chevy �hase, I1� 20815 Los Ang�les, CA 90035
Ruben Catan
V�einer, Paul Revocable Tn,is�t Pta�-�►igan Managem�ent
c/o Rhoda I�aplan ��nterra ExeFnpt Corp. �a� Saa�feld
2�345. Moline�Vay c/o Elecorn Supply Co. �,� E. Meadow Dr.
Aurora, CO 8Q014 3646 Midway Dr. Vail, CQ 81657
Saz� Diega, CA 92110-5201
. . : ° ��f,�`,�
Jim Lamant Jeff Ma�ilentine,Fresident
Vail'Village H4A Nioeilentine La�d Cn. LLC. Aipine Sta�.dard
461 Fifth Av�.
F.Q. Box 73 I�ew York,NY 10�1� 28 S. Frontage Road West
RedCl�ff, CQ 816�� Vall, �Q 81()57
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Department of Cammunity Development
75 South Frontage Road
T�ail, Colorada 81 b5?
F,4X 970-479-2452
March 14, 2405
Mr. Tim �.osa
Zehren & Associates, Inc.
P.Q. Box 1976
Avon, Colarado 81620
Town af Vail Planning & �nvironmentai Commission
Adjacent �'raperty Owners:
Fte: Report ta the Planning and �nvironmer�tal Commission vf an administrative actimn
approving a request fiar a mi�or amertdment to SDD#5, Vail Village Inn, pursuant
to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Proce�ures, Vail Town Code, to allow for
modifications to the approved building plan� forthe Vail Plaz� Hotel, �00 East
Meadaw Drive/Lots M, N and O, Black 5D, Uail Village Filing 1, and setting farth
deta�is in regard khereto.
Applicant:Waldir Prado, represented by Daymer Corporation
Planner: George Ruther
Dear Mr. Losa, PE� members, and adjacent property awners:
On February 1�4, 2005, Waldir Prada, representing Daymer Corporation, submitted an
application to the Town of Vail Community Qe�elopment Department for a minor amendment to
Special Development Disfrict#�, Vail Village Inn. The purpcase of t�e minor amendmenk is #o
allow for the recanfig�ration of the inferiQr floor plans of the hotel.
The applicant, Waldir Prado, repr�senting Daymer Corporatian, has requester} a minor
amendment to Specia! De�elo��nent District �la. 6: Vail Village Inn, to ailaw for khe
reconfiguration of the interior floar pians for the Vail Plaza HoteE, I�cated at 100 East
Meadow Dri�e. The purpose of the recor�figuration is to relocate the placeme�t of approved
hotel raoms and fractional fee club units within the building. I�erthe proposed plans,there is
no net increase to the total number of hotel roor�s or fracfianal fe� club units ar increase in
the amount of allawable gross resieiential floor area. No o�her modificat;ons are proposed.
A"minor amendment" is defined as:
"Modifications to bui�ding plans, site ar landscape plans that do rrot alter the basic
intent and character of fhe ap,prov�d special development clrstrict, and are eonsisfent
wrth the desigrt criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendmenfs may inc�ude, But nof be
limited fo, variations af not more �han five feet {5) to approved setbacks and/or
6urlciing footprints;changes to lanc�scape or site plans thaf do naf adversely impact
ped�estrian or vehicular circulation fhroughout the specia� development district; or
changes to gross flaor area {excluding resrdential uses) of not more th�n five
percenf (5%� of the approved square foofage of retail, office, comrnon areas and
o�her nonresidenfral floor area, except as provided under Secfions 12-15-4 (lnterior
Corrversions) or 1�-95-5 (250 Additional GRFAJ of this Title.
A. Section �2-9A-2: Minor Amendment(staff re�iew): madificatians ta buifding
plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special
development district and are consis#ent with the design criteria �f this
C hapter.
5taff finds #hat approval of this minor amendment request does not after the basic
intent and character of Special Development Qistrict No. 6. Vai� Village Inn. As
stated above, there is no net increase to the total n�rnber of hotel rooms (100) or
fractioRal fee club units(50)or increase in the amour�t of allowable gross residential
floor area.
B. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications �onsistent with the design criteria
outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Depar#ment of
Community Development. Notification af a propased minor amendment and a
report of staff ac#ian shall be pravided to all praperty owners within or
adjacent to the district that may be affected by th� amendme�nt. Notificatian
shall be postrr�arked no later than 5 day follawing staff action on the
amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and
the time and date of when the Planning and En�ironmental Gommissian will be
infarmed af the sta�ff decision.
Notification of the public hearing and a summary af the request has been provided ta
all adjacent property owners. A report to the Planning and Environmental
Commission was ariginally scheduied for February 28, 20Q5. The hearing on
Februar�28°�'was tab�ed tv March 14, 2005, at the re�uest of the applicant and staff.
Section 12-9 of the Town Code provides the pracedure for a minor amendment ta a Special
Development Distriet. The pracedure is as follaws:
A• Minor Amendmerafs:
1. Minor modificafions consisfent wifh the des�grr criterra outlined rn
su6section 92-9A-�(defrnition of"minoramendmenf')ofthrsArficle,may
be approved by the Departrrrent of Community Develapmenf. AI!minor
modificafions shall f�e indicatec� orr a complefely r�v�sed developmenf
plan. Approvec!changes shall be noted, signed, dated and f�led by the
Departmenf of Communrty Development.
2. Notification ofa prop�sed rrrirroramencfinenf, anda reportofstaffactron
af said request, shal! be pravided fo all praperty owr�ers w�thin or
adjacerrt to the specia!dsvelopmenf district thaf may be affected by the
amendmenf. Affected properties shall be as determined by the
Department of Community Qevelopmenf. N'ot�frcatians sha'1 be
posfmarked no later fhaR five (5) clays fo�lowing sfaff actian on the
amendment request and shall�nclude a brief sfatemenf describing fhe
amend►nent and the f�me and date of when the Plann�rrg ancf
Enviranmenta! Commission will be informed of fhe staff decision. !n all
cases the repart to the Planning and Enwironmenfa�Comm�ssrorr shall be
macle withrn fwenfy(20) days from th�date af fhe staff's decision an the
requested amenc�'menf.
3. Appeals of statf decrsions may be filed by aa'jacent property owners,
awn�rs of property+�vithin fhe special development district, the applicant,
Planning�nd Environrrrent�l Commiss�on meml�ers or mernbers of the
Town �Gouncil as outlinecl in Seetron 92-3-3 of this Title.
Basetl upon review of ti�e criteria and findings in Section 12-9A of t�e Vail Town Gode, staff fin�is
the abo�e-referenced amendm�nt t4 Special Develaprnent District No. 6 is approved in ac�cordance
with the procedures as ider�tified in Section 12-9A-10 of the VaiR Town Go�e.
Staff's approval of this minor special develQprnent district amendment will be reported at a public
hearing before the Town of Vail Planning and ERVironm�ntal Commission nn Monday, March 14,
2005, at 2:Oa p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers, located at 75 S. Frontage Rd. The Planning
and Environmen#al Gammissian reserves the right�o"call up"a staff decision far additional review at
this hearing.
Pursuant to Section 12-9A-1�, Vail Town Code, a�peaks of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent
property owners, owners of property within the special development distr�ct,the applEcant, Pl�nning
and Environmental Commissian members or members af the Town Council a� autlined in Section
12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Zaning Regulations. Should you have any questions, please do e�ot
hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2145.
/ �--- �tra�'-�
Gevrge Ruther, AICP
Chief of Planning
Town of Vail
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Jim L�.rrront
Vail Village HC3A
P.O. Box 73 1 /��j�� f/ �,.,ra
Redcliff, CO 81649 �sr � / ��':�'f�
1VTr. Howard Bergerud
Sernper Development ����
8000 E_ Prentice Av�, Suite C-� ��
Greenwood Vi�lage, C� �Ol 11
NIr. T.T. Brink
Semper Development
5��0 E. Prentic� Ave, Suite G-3
Greenwood Village, CC7 8�7111
a�9I���s���;d�ua��s� �"' '��U' :�.:��a��5 ���� '���a��
�������- �'�y� ������3� ���--� ��I�I�-�.� i�r��- U�������ab���r�����
Mrs. Luis Romero Ii,�1/1�1�,lfredo Chudr�ui
Priv. San Isadro 44 MIM Giuseppe Cecchi •
Col. Reforrna Sacial, del Miguel 1209 Aldebaran Drive P��` �e�t�nio Chedraui S/l'�T
1.1650 MEXIC�, D.F. McLean, VA 22101 Col Encinal �1180 Xalapa
Veracruz, MEXICO
M/M Gary Cordes Lublan S.A. (Antor�io del Vallej WI 104 LLC
2'B' 'T'rentina Koad C/Cl Banca de�nternacional SA 100 East Meadaw Dr.
Turraxnurra, NSW 2474 437 Madison Avenue, 17�'Fl. Pbase III,Unit li}4,
Australia New York,�TY 10022 Vail CO 81657
Jalzet L Byrnes Enchanted Mesa Exempt Corp.
9145�1d Indiai�.Hiil Rd. C/O Fred i�tta (Franco)
Cincinnati, OH 45243 P.O. Box 3149
Vail CO S1f57
Ivl/l�Marvin�ra.nk ����hael Glinsky �r. Deane Hall, Jr.
243a North Orchard ��0�} Cherry Creek Sout}�Drive 2Q(}p East 12�'Avenue, Box 4
Chicago, TL 60614 Suite 230 Denver, CO $0206
Denver, CC? 842�9
Charles M. Harnnon, Jr. ���illiarn.�ahnson N1/M Robert Jones
Traditions L.P. 375 Inca Parkway 268 Litchford Court
11384 Lang Meadovv Drive $��der, CO 803Q3 St. L�uis, MC} 6314�
West Palm Beach, FL 33�14
MIM German Larrea M/M Kirk Lighthall M/M Kennetl�Nordl%ng
Baja, Califc�rnia 200 5293 W�est C3berliu Dz�ive Mr. Ed�ovard Beadle
6Q Piso, 06760 Denver, CO 80235 Cl0 4�503 Annaway Drive
MEXICO, D.F. Edina, M'�i T 55436
MIM Pedro Ramirez Geroca S.C. �Rojas,C} Maefa S.A. de C.V.
Q-3 Petunia Street C/O Peak Properties ���ada del Castillo No. 5
Parque Santa Maria 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Ste. 3A Huixt�uilucan
San ruan,Puerto Rico 00927 Vai1, CO 816�7 ��,��
Lisa Jane Scheller ��M SYlvan Tobix�. �/M�oseph Weinstein
751 Benner Rd. �O 1 Cheswold Lan� �g JQyce Street
Al.lentown, PA 18104 Uzaa.t 5-D pla�nview,NY 11803
Haverford, PA 19041
M/IWl Tomas Zaragoza -' �'�'• �osef Stat�fer Mr. Waldir Prado
5$13 Diamond Foint Cr. Staufer Cornmerczal Da}�mer Corporatir�n
El Pasa, TX 79912 100 East Meadow Drive #31 12 Vail Rd. Ste. �00
SVai�, CO 81657 Vai�, CO 81657
�� �►��'�o �r��r�s� L����� Las�r ���(��
������� F��� �������� ���dl�� •���-� �'�ttr-� � �, ��s � �
� � ��� �' �;yE���•�. �;v�' �3y��
. . �-�,�;,v^�:��i 1 ��..��-
A.J. Properties ��,��,�0�50�. Jim'�rustafson
C/O Dryer, Edrnonds & Associates 1�OQ Hornsilver Circle 220 Bridge Street
355 Grand Avenue # 4150 ��X� C� 81b57 VaiJ, CO 81657
Las.Angeles, CA 90071
Ja Huffard Red Sands Corp (A. Rojas)
� Phase I&�I Unit 33a Patricia c�i Gerardo �chrader
8 Mahez A.venue ' '725 S. Bixee St. Apt. 603
Greenvvich, CT �6530-5617 �O�J E. Meadaw�r. Los Angeles, CA 90017
Vaal, CO 81b57
DHL Rr�al Estate Luc Meyer �effery and Kay Ha.nes
Ted Leach Nico Vail, �nc. � �4�p ��non�a Terrace
P.Q. Box�809 P.O. Box 176 Shawnee Mission KS 6620$
Edvvards, CO 811632 Va�l, CO 81658
Claggett-Rey Gallery
Paul & �onnie Zoeger Sally Hanlon Bi11 Rey
A�nenican Design, LTD Uzxit# 4 Unit 10
70 S. Patomac 385 Gore Creek Drive 100 East Meadow Drive
Aurora, CO 8fl012 Va�l, C� 81 b57 Vail, CO 81557
Andrew P�nland
Slifex Management Co. �o`�'perthwaite 8z Co
Suite 360 Vail Village �nn Assaciate�
143 E. Meadow Dr. P•�• Box 61349
Vail, ��7 $1fi57 Denver, C4 80206
n� �AA����'o �dd��ss L����� Las�� �����
�r����� �..�� ��i��t� i�� ,�
. , '� �� ��le��-="��_ � �r �`�,n..._ �-�- ��� iv�'9���'�� a��F���+��
Ivi/M David Bruckmann
C/O James Newman Monika Oberlohz M/M John Gabriel
Ilei�msing& Leach 2656 Davos Trail P.O�. Box 268
P.Q. Box 2767 Vail, CO 81557 Parainus,l�TJ 07653
Mobile, AL 36652
. Chris & Jennifer Ande�son Alfred&Mary Baker Richard L. Liebhaber
1Q3 Aneffione Dr. 400 Circle Drive 4� West Meadow Drive
Boulder, CO g0302 Denver, C4 80206 Vai�, CO 8�657
M/M John Moores Javier Canales M/M Hubert�agn:er
P.O. Bax 728 P.O. Box 7717 ' 405 Bontana Avenue
Del Mar, CA 920�4 Avon, CO S1b20 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
Mr. Josef Sta.ufer Town of Vail ��hael �aremba
Stau.fez Commercial C/�Finance I�ept.
100 Ea,st Meadow Drive, #31 75 S. Front�g�Raad West 1122 Curtiss Street
Vail, Co 81657 Vail, CO 81657 �o��TS Grove, IL 6�S 15
�� �"�'���"o Addr�s� i��e�s �a�e� 51���
��s���h ���� ����#�T� �—��� � ���t' , �:Wti���:�������������
Su�ar Natch LP White River Acq�isition Carp.
Box 479 David and Cynthia Sebold C��} ���al Martinez
7�70 "I'ulip Court
2 Prestley Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 �'�� ��ckell Bay Dr. Ste. 230
Bridgeville, �A 15017 Miami Beach FL.33131
Charies R. L�pcan p�,]�QS Developm�nt John Breyo
�ne Biscayne Tower 2725 Iris Avenue 18 Sua�nmerfield Lane
Suite�480 Boulder, CO 80304 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Miart�i, FL 33131
Greenauer Design Greenauer Design Peter Kno�el Vail, PSK LLC
P.O. B�x 5963 P.O. Bax 2$79 392 Mill Creek Circle
Vail, CO S 1657 Avan, CQ 816�0 Vai1, CO �1�S7
Tiznberline Comm Holdings HSE Investrnent Pa.rtn�rs. LLC Patricia Pe�eples 8�Anthony
12 Vail Road, Ste. 600 12 Vai�itoad Ste. SDD Vat�galis
Vail, Ci� 81657 Vail, CO 81657 12 '�ail RQad, Ste. �(�0
Vail, CO SI657
Central Rockies Specialists, LLC �elly Liken, LLC Vail �ateway, LLC
12 Vai1 Road, Ste. 3Q4 1351 Freepoz�t Road i� Vail Raad, Ste. �00
Vail, CO $L657 Pittsburgh,PA 1�238 Vaal, CQ 81657
�� ,����'�� ��dr�ss �abe�� Las�r 51bt��
����e�h F"��� �r�����T� ����t l � ���—�� �����r�a�������r���d��
5teven and Susan Marton Dean Gosper Family Trust M.K.M. LI�C
12$58 Lamar Ave. 106 St. Georges Rd. Patil Mourani
()verland Park, K� 66209 Toorak, uictaria 3142 6091 Happy Canyon Dr.
AUSTR.�I,IA Englewood, CO SO111
Jacqueline R. Knepshield Oynick Family Thomas F. Walsh
620J. Elmwoad�d. 5994 Wildlife Loap c/o Dakota �King Inc.
Che�r Chase, NID 20815 Sarasota, FL 34238-�#000 �$aa '�- 53 St.
SiQUx Falls, �SD 57106-4223
VPP NO. 15 Corporation
Jan& Gary Scheimer Vail Five K LTD C/Q Da�iel Abounrad
2340 Oak Hiils Dr. 343 Stratfard: Lane < Sasque de.Amates
�olorado Springs, CO 8�919 Laredo, TX 78041 �48 Basque de Las Lamas
Frontier�djusters Inc. Red Avalanche LLC 9 Vail Road
71(30 �. Pleasant Valley Rd. C/Q Vail Realty e/a Mar�iz�Bxotzmaxx
�te. 260 3p2 Hanson Ranch Rd. 115�8 E. Wesley Ave.
Independe�Ge, QH 44131 Vail, C� 81657 ��'Qra, C� 80014
���S 8��� Vail Assaciates LTD Dauglas & Joaru�a Polzin
C/O Vail Rea,lty 7304 Inverway Dr.
3Q2 Hanson Ranch Rd. 6711 Mo�troe St. Bldg. 4 �te. A �illage of Lakewood, IL
��� �a ����� Sy�vania, OH 43560 60U]4-6b14
Scatt�radshaw Richard cY� Gwendolyn Scalpello
413� La Jolla Village Dr. P � $Q� 1�0
PMB # 1�7-�25
La J�olla, C�,.922037 Vail, CO 81658
Jim� parothy NlcKnight Allisan F. Butts Pat Parrish
243 Cauntty Club Dr. 4523 Dorset Ave. 5�642 Gregory Way
�tezling, CO 80751 Chevy Chase, MD Zfl815 Los Angeles, CA 90035
Weiner, Paul Revocable Trust ��ben Catan Ptarmigan Management
c/o Rhoda Ka lan Vinterra E�empt Corp.
� c/a EXecom Su�aply Co. �'o�x Saalfeld
20345. Moline Way 3{�4b ll�idway Dr. �� E. Meadow Dr.
Aurora, CO 50�14 San Diego, CA 9�110a5201 Vail, CO S 1657
�� ����a'� Ad�r�ss i.��el� ����� ��60'C�