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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0022 permit NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� �o�ao�v�i . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B13-0022 Project #: PRJ13-0008 Job Address: 5114 GROUSE LN VAIL Applied.....: 02/26/2013 Location......: Issued. . . : 04/24/2013 Parcel No....: 209918212005 OWNER MERTENS, DAVID G. &JILL H. 02/26/2013 2552 SUMMIT DR LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 APPLICANT KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC 02/26/2013 Phone: 970-471-2043 MARK KEEP PO BOX 3018 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: C000003653 CONTRACTOR KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC 02/26/2013 Phone: 970-471-2043 MARK KEEP PO BOX 3018 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: C000003653 Description: INTERIOR CONVERSION OF EHU UNIT. INTERIOR ADDITION AND REMODEL. NEW DECK. NEW PAVER DRIVEWAY. Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: VB Valuation: $330,000.00 ..,.,x...........................�..............,x,�....,,.......,......,a,,.......» FEE SUMMARY ...,.,.........,,,.....,..........,.............,.......,......,......,,.,.,..,.. Building Permit-----------> $2,281.75 Bldg Plan Check----------> $1,483.14 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $6,400.00 Electrical Permit---------> $483.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $313.95 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $100.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $25.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $750.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $187.50 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $20.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $12,044.34 Payments-------------------------------> $12,044.34 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ,.,..............,...,,...�......�......<.................x.................�.�.......�...........................,....>.....»»..,,.........�........>..,.x.....,............,........... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 �, � � ���V��i� 1 ,r+�:xx+x:.x.xxwr,arww+.+..,r.:r+,rr.w,r++x����xxxxxx�x,r:,r+xxx.we..x,r,rxx,.ax,+,+,r,r,r,r,r,rw:ex�aww��x�«�w�,r,rw:tr+�w+f�,rr�xx�+,r��x:�,�xxxx,r.r,rxxx.��xr:xrxw.:r�,..+.,rwx.,r,r,rr.+,vx�+x�����x,r,r,r+�,r���+��tr+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B13-0022 Address: 5114 GROUSE LN VAIL Owner: MERTENS, DAVID G. & JILL H. Location: **RM�tikirYr+f tf rt>#trheYrY'�k�k/rtkir�1ilf ff(f frR'R*'R'kYr'RYeYeM#'#Yr4�khrtYeMYMM'A'#Y`trtrRtir4f 41(1`Afr***frlr#*YrF*w'kYritF�k�k#�RYe+f ikNP'#'#'+iPtrirttrhf 4f#f intrt4l�*#Rf 4Rrt#frf 1`1(4f iR#f+**}f f*R*f`lkt�**k#+R#/1`f f Rf 4**ff f 1`R*4**f f�****/r** combination permit_012811 y j � �����i+�� � *'k********'k*rt*]k****1t*******]F*]F******Y(*****'k'k*R]F*'k'k'k**Y[*****'k********'k*********lFY[]FY[***********'k***'k****'k*********'k!f****lk*****Y(Y(********'A"kMf****'k'k****** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: 613-0022 Address: 5114 GROUSE LN VAIL Owner: MERTENS, DAVID G. & JILL H. Location: **.,�.*.,***********.,*,.««*«******.,.,**************,.�****«************.****«****.*k*�***�,.*«*******«««*****««***********�****�**„«*********.,«*««********„ Item: 00091 PW-Final driveway grade Item: 00025 PW-Rough grade Item: 00543 PW FINAL Item: 00010 BLDG-FOOTING Item: 00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. Item: 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water Item: 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping Item: 00310 MECH-Heating Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00070 BLDG-Misc. Item: 00190 ELEGFinal Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 � _ - - � 3� �� � �; ,-. � �� � G�-23-2013 Inspection Request Re orting Page 11 4:11 qm _____ Vail, CO - Citv O� Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday,September 24,2013 Site Address: 5114 GROUSE LN VAIL A/P/D Information Activity: B13-0022 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: R-3 Insp Area: Owner: MERTENS, DAVID G.&JILL H. Contractor: KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-471-2043 Description: INTERIOR CONVERSION OF EHU UNIT. INTERIOR ADDITION AND REMODEL.NEW DECK. NEW PAVER DRIVEWAY. Reauested Inspection(s) Item: 542 PLAN-FINAL Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: Phone: Comments: Assigned To: BG SON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K A n: ime Exp: �� �� a�� � Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 01:00 PM Requestor: KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-471-2043 Comments: 471-2043 Assigned To: SGREMMER Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: _ /�.Y �, ,�_, �n _ • - �J��J�'ic�� /%�U �/` � Inspection Historv Item: 91 PW-Final driveway grade `�Approved w� 08/14/13 Inspector: Is Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 25 PW-Rou9h grade "Approved" 08/14/13 Inspector: Is Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 543 PW FINAL Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING "Approved" 05/28/13 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 2 pads for porch�iers. Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Approved*` 05/15/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 05/28/13 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 2 piers for po�ch support Item: 120 ELEC-Roug h Approved" O6/06/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 200 MECH-Rough *'Approved" 05/24/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: DRYER DUCT AND FANS 06/05/13 Ins ector: JRM Action: APAPPROVED Comment.• BASE BOAflDANO/NFLOOR HEAT L/NES APPROVEO 80#A/R TEST OS/05/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: SfVOW MEIT 100#AIR TEST SEP ZONE FOR HEAT OUTSIDE OF PROPERTY LINE/DRIVEWAY Item: 220 PLMB-Rou h/D_W.V. 'Approved"' osizan3� inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 230 PLMB-Rough/Water 05/24/13 Inspector: �RM*Approved'* Comment: Action: AP APPROVED Item: 240 PLMB-Gas Piping "A roved" ------- Pp REPT131 -- --- --- ---- �u;: =�. Z�7Q3 . �(���3-a�� 10-22-2014 Inspection Request Reporting Page 1 4:14 pm V�, CQ - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursda October 23 2014 Site Address: 5114 GR�USE LN VA�L A/P/D Information Activity: 613-0022 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: R-3 Insp Area: Owner: MERTENS,DAVID G.&JILL H. Applicant: KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-471-2043 Contractor: KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-471-2043 Description: INTERIOR CONVERSION OF EHU UNIT. INTERIOR ADDffION AND REMODEL.NEW DECK.NEW PAVER DRIVEWAY. Comment: E-SUBMITTAL IN LASERFICHE.-DRHOADES Comment: Plan check in 3/12-MHAEBERLE Comment: REV 1 REVISED STRUCTURAL S3 PAGE-JMONDRAGON Comment: esubmittal of corrections-scanned to laserfiche-CGODFREY Comment: Routed 3/14 Due 3/26-MHAEBERLE Reauested Inspection(s) Rem: 542 PLAN-FINAL Requested Time: 08:15 AM Requestor: KEEP CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-471-2043 Comments: 471-2043 Assigned To: GRUTHER Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: Comment: evegi a si e. r° paint vent for boilers to match stucco color. oa 3< < y Insaection His orv Item: 91 PW-Final driveway grade "Approved" 08/14/13 Inspector: is Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ftem: 25 PW-Rou h grade "Approved" 08/1�/13 Inspector: is Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ftem: 10 BLDG-FOOTING "Approved" 05/28/13 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 2 pads for porch�iers. Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel ' Approved" 05/15/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 05/28/13 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 2 piers for porch support ftem: 120 ELEC-Rough "Approved*' 06/06/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ftem: 200 MECH-Rou h "Approved** 05/24/1� Ins ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: D�ER DUCT AND FANS 06/05/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: BASE BOARD AND IN FLOOR HEAT LINES APPROVED 80#AIR TEST 08/05/13 In�sp ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: SIYOW MELT 100#AIR TEST SEP ZONE FOR HEAT OUTSIDE OF PROPERTY LINE/DRIVEWAY ttem: 220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. 'Approved" 05/24/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ftem: 230 PLMB-Rough/Water "Approved*' 05/24/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ftem: 240 PLMB-Gas Piping "Approved'" 05/24/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: OS/23/13 Ins ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: C�MPLETE 20#AIR TEST Item: 30 BLDG-Framing *`Approved"' 06/06/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: Submitt SI reports for piers Deleted 8x48 Beam and added post,detail 7/S3 has chan�ged please submitt revised drawings 06/10/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation "Approved"' 06/13/13 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: upper levels only REPT131 Run Id: 14876 Inspection Items for B13-0022 14:39 01/14/2015 Sec Item Id Description A r Re Items Action Inheritable 91 PW-Final driveway rade Yes R 1 AP No * 25 PW-Rou h rade Yes R 1 AP No * 10 BLDG-FOOTING Yes R 1 AP No 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Yes R 2 AP No * 120 ELEC-Rou h Yes R 1 AP No 200 MECH-Rou h Yes R 3 AP No * 220 P�MB-Rou h/D.W.V. Yes R 1 AP No * 230 PLMB-Rou h/Water Yes R 1 AP No * 240 PLMB-Gas Pi in Yes R 2 AP No * 30 BLDG-Framin Yes R 2 AP No " 50 BLDG-Insulation Yes R 2 AP No * 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Yes R 1 AP No * 190 ELEC-Final Yes R 1 AP No 290 PLMB-Final Yes R 1 AP No 390 MECH-Final Yes R 1 AP No * 542 PLAN-FINAL Yes R 2 AP No * 90 BLDG-Final Yes R 1 AP No Total Rows: 17 Page 1