HomeMy WebLinkAboutA05-0010 i i TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEP.�RTMEN'T– VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, �CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED �N .�OBSITE AT ALL TIIVIES ALARM FERMIT Permit #: A05-OO10 Job Address: 3S6 HANSOI� RANCH RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Locati�n.....: TIVOLI LODGE Applied . . : 03/15/2�05 Farcel No...: 210108242005 Issued . . . 06/i4/2005 Projeet No : ���,p �—LS�.-1!�{ Expires . .: �2/11/2d05 ' CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC 06/02/2005 Phone: 949-4651 P� Box 957 Avon CO 81620 L�i.cense: 590-S OWNE1� LAZIER, ROSERT T. & DIANE J.03/15/2005 PO BOX 1325 VAIL CO $1657 APPLICANT NEW EL�CTRIC INC, 03f15/2005 Fhone: 97fl-949-4651 P O Box 957 Avon CO 8162d Licensa: lltl-E Desciption: INSTALL AND COMMISSION FA SYSTEM FOR ENTIRE BUILDI�IG. Valuation: $35,q00.0(} �a****�*�**s�**ix****�***�***�s******�***���r�**�*�**sx�s***sa*��*�*��e F�E SUMMAIiY ***�**r�*�*wa****�**�**�x***$***#**s*r�*�*�*******��**�******* Electrica�---------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,547.50 DRB Fee--------> $0.oo Additional Fees------- > $58.00 Lnvestigation----> $o.00 Toral Permi[Fee--------> $1,605.50 WiIE Cal9--------> $3.00 Payment3------ > $1,605.50 TpTALFEES—> $1,54�.50 BALANCEDUE-------> $0.00 *;�**��*�******m*����:�*****m�x�****�*�*s��*******�**�**�**�:*****�x���m****��***�*�s********s**m*****�********�***x���*******a*��*�**�******�*a******* Appravals: Item: d5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/06/2005 mcgee Actian: DN 1. Battery calculatian.s shall reflect 10 minutes of operation. 2 . Zone d�scriptions are redundant - rejrise and provide unique description per device. 3 . Pravide total device count per type and cenfirm system control panel capacity. 4 . Confirm adequate power supply. 5 . Double action manual pull station.s are required. 6 . ReTocate devices as noted on plans. 7 . Confixm the number, type and location of flow and tamper switches, 8 . Permit app�ication is filed under incorrect Contrator Registration Nlunber. 05/31/2005 mcgee Actian: AP P,pproved as noted. 1. Battery ca�.culations shall r�fl.ect 10 minutes of operation. Th€ battery calculations reflect 15 minutes of operation, the battery size will not change. 2 . Zone descriptions are redundant - revise and provide unique desc�iptian per device. Per our conversation each device is described usYng east, west, north, south, and c�r�ter quadrants. see attached zone list. 3 . Provide total device count per type and confirm systern control panel capacity. Please see attached summary. Panel has 28% future capacity 4 . Confirm adeq,aate power supply. Power supply is adequate for devices. Please see attaehed summary. 5 . Double action manual pull. statians are required. Double action manual pull stations will be pravided. 6 . Relocate deviees as noted on plans. All notes on plans have trans€ered to �11 three sets. changes were minimal. 7 . Confirm the number, type and location of flow and tamper switches. At the time of design, we caordinated with sprinkler ccantractor to determine the qty of devices. All sprinkler devices that are required to be monitored will have � unique paint of add�ess and description. 8 . Permit is applied for un.der incorrect Contractor Registration Number. This was in error please use Contractor Registration Number 690-5. ��*���**�**��a:******x�*****�xx��*x��*x�*�***�*�*****�******x****�:*****:�����:***«***��****������a�**�***s*****�**************�**��****�****��***��**�*�* CQNDI'TIONS OF APPROVAL ���**�**���***�*�**�***�:*�*�****�****«**��««*�******�***���*�****�����**���**��*��**�*�**�.*�**��*�*�*�,�**��*****�:�*��***�***�,*�*�*���*���***��** DECL�IRATIONS 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, �lied out in fuli the inforrnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that ali the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforn�atio�i and piot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, arid to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desi�n r�view approved, Uniform Building Code and other ardinances of the Town applicable thereto. RF.QUE51'S FOR[NSPECTION SHALL SE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS I DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FR011fi 5:00 AM-5 FM. SIGNATUR OW ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMS�LF AND OWNEF � � � �x�**�**�x�x�**w**+�**��**��*���*��**��********�****�*��*******+**�f***�****�***�*�*��*�*******� TOWN OF VAIL, COLOT�O Statement �x******�*��**�*�r**��«*��x�*�**�**�***************��:�***��x�x�*�*****��***�:****�+*�*�*��******�� Statement Nwriber; R050000838 Amount: $1,605.50 06/14/2Q0511:25 A�I Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: New EZectric 39868 --------------------------°------—-------—------------------—------------- Permit No: A05-0010 Type: ALARM PERMIT Paxcel No: 2101-082-420�0-5 Site Address: 356 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL Location: TIVO�,I LODG� Total Fees; $1, 605.50 This Payment: $1,605.50 Total ALL Pmts: $1,605.50 Balance: $0.d0 *�***********************************���************************�*******�x***�*************** ACCOLJNT ITEM LI5T: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP Q0100003111100 FIRE AI,AIZM PEI2MIT FEES 1,370.50 PF Q0100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 WC 00100003112$00 WILL CALL IN7SPE�TION FEE 3.OD