HomeMy WebLinkAboutE04-0129 inspection � • E04-0129 : Entries for Item.12� - 4 08:44 07/07/2fl�D5 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke APPR unit 218 �g �4l19l200b A000078 874 AP ins ected,304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 32(} seperate Ipv 06l14/2005 A00008049 fex from z copper water line D�1 Provide arc fault protection for bedroom shahn 0612$/2005 A000081 rece tacles p27 AP Arc Fauilt protection not reGuired in shahn O6I29/2005 A000081 Accomadation units er NEG 2D02 Art.210.12 Q39 Total Rows:4 I I � I . I i �� � � U � �� � � � .�___--.. _ Page 1 � � � � ,s, �� - __ .>� y � d 'W; , ,.A„ _ __._._ .... - - - � * � _- -p� � ..._ . . _i,e; �a�_i;.b{�o�' ` � �' i � , y.-�� Y � i�i. �.7r. e iA=,�.:a,Y Lz€�s,,1,� •�°� � 4:2E��pm ___��, CO -Cht� Of � Requesbed Irtspect Dabe: Tuesday,dune 14,2005 Irtspectlon Ares�: ,�RM �Ite Ac�dress: 356 HAfiISON RAtVCF4'RD VAIL 385 HANSON RANiCH RO/kD AlPlD 1rtlbrmat�on AcUvtty: E44�-0128 lyps: &�LEC Sub : ACOM S^latus: 155UED Gonst TyKw: Occup�nty: . insp Arta: JRM �u►mer. LAZiER,ROBERT T.�DIANE J. icar�t: NEW ELEG'�Rt�INC, Qhone: 97Q-943-466i Gon ctor: 'NE4Y EL�C7RI�C IIVC. �hor►e: 370-943-�1 Qescription: COMPLETE ELEC'TRICAL �ues�Inscec#Fon(sl tterri; 170 ELEC�ough Requesbed Tlme: 01:00 PplVtt Raquestor: NEW ELECTRIC�fNC, �rw: 47Q-949-4861 CommeMs: PMI.8txrut 1 unil� ��Act�on: EGIA7ZLE Tlme Ex : EMered By: IX'�OLD�N K Gotnt�M: un � } y P � 0�1 .�v6 � � � , .3 / oj .� / � / � ...� 1 �; -� 1 �� ��, � / / � � L— ` = 7 k��� �- �� �,�,� .�..�, ��� ��' , � , �� �. � � � � � �� � � tnsuec�ee�H�s�on � a���n: ?�� ��_EC-Temp.f'awer "Ap�pcoved" �J6t07105 Iress ctor: I AcUon: AP AP�R�1lED eo�,�,erycc: �2os.2ae�'io.��2x�s.a�2za ?s.am: '.C� ��.�G-Rougn ",Approved*' f1�4r19�06 Ir,spe�da: ag Aclbn: APPR APPROVED Comrnant: untt • ���ai�t: �13�J ��.EC-Gondult «•A�pprovsd•,' �9109J0�4 trosp�celc�r: eg Actlon: AF�PR APPR01/ED �.am�M: condulls tn st�b �l28l04 InspedQr: �g Actlon: APPR APPROVED �yommeM: condult in spYb "�l221� Inspec�rar: sy A�lon: APPFt APPRt]VED �:,�mmerrt: � r�e:�: �4U r�'I.EC-Mlsc. "Approv�d" � t}3/15�0�5 Inspsctcr e� A�tlon: APPR APFRaVED Cc�n!m��t' °�ew�esv4�e to�eel{��� ,�,��� ;,� ,_ _ �, .__m.------- - ----. ___- -- -.._.�_._______----- ----_---------- . —__.�_�_.�.-- - ____�_��----w_ ����'��� Run Id: 33a4 � 3,� ��/3 • ���� 06-27-2IX)5 ��specqon Request R�porttn� Page 29 4:03 pm y����,� -Cl��Ld� Requesbed Inspect i3abe: Tuesday,June�8,2Q0� Insp��on Are�: JRM S�be Adslre�s: 35b�iANSQiH RANCFf RQ VAIL 38B�1AN�SQN RANCFf ROAl� A/PrD IM'orna�tivn ���: �04-0129 ���; B-ELEC Sub Typa: ACOM [nsp l�rea: JRM ED y IJso Owy�er: L.AZIER.ROS€RT T.8�1,4NE J. tcent IVEW ELECTRlC ItJC, Pho�: 810-349-4651 Con ctor: NEW ELEGTRIC INC, �o�: 974-948-4651 fles,cription: �OMPL�TE�lEC1RICAL � .�. / � ��'I/1`�t',� "" � � ✓ ested ins�ectloMsl � � r��,' � � �� � f - _ _,f Ibem: !20 E�C-�ough " Requested Tlme: O8:0o AM Rsquesto�: NEW ELEC`fRl�INC,/Lymn Ptarw: 970-949-d6t'it CornmeMa: u��406.4G�,410,492,4T4,4'f6,418,424 A�Actlptl: EGLATZl.E TMne EX : EM���d By: LTiLLMAN K Cort►me�ni: ��— p - Gomro�ar�: lnspecled,304;306;308;310;312;3i 4;316318;320;,eperatse tex fFom copper water�ne , . , � �,� ( ° = � `�� �'� ' U�� . � ', . - � ��� ' �� ' U ' �G� �1/� C ;��� � � �;;��,�� �. . l,i j�r�'%tl ��1��� � � � �rts tlon F j�,borv �tem: '�iD ELEC-Temp.Power ^Apptoved" 06u'a7/05 Inspac�o208,3�0,�12,21S,d�220 Acilon: AP APPR�VEQ Comrt�r�t 2Ud ilem: �20 �Q4I19J06�i�pecbor: «•��•� Comment: ur3it 218 � �a�: APfsR APPR�VED 06J1�106 Ins�edar. 1p� Ad�: AP APPROVEa Cnmment; f�nspeded.304;306,308:3t0:312:314:316:318:320�epereEo tex t�vm cop�r wa�er Nne Fbem: t30 ELEC-Condult "Approrred" O�S/U9�0a Irr.�peetor: oy Acbon: APPR APPRO'VED CammeM: conduits in sleb 08l281Q4 Inspsc�or; eg A�tlon: IIPPR APPR41lED Comment: condul�In sFo6 02122/06 Ir�spectar. ag A�dion; APPR APPROVED Cae�ment: �m: 440 E1.EC-Mlsc. "`Appr^oved"' Ccmment �rvke t�o bu� Aclbn: AF�PR APPRf�1VVED II lt�m: 4917 ELEGFlnaI � RE�T131 Run Id: 3344 ..' s • __�___. �__________�_.______. __ ._ __ ___ ._ __ _ _ ____._________.__ _______� __.__._�� tj8-01-2t7�5 in�pe�#!on �gqueat Ra rting Pege 4� 4:24 pt11 ita11�C�7i -Cttv� �eq�,es�ed�rts�ecc�ate: Tu�ea�lay�Awreust o2,�4fl� #nsp��on l�: JRt� �Ite Addr�ss: 3�8 HaNSQl�RANChf RD V1UL 388 FIAIFiS4N t�pNCH ROAD ,4lP�InforrnadCA Con6tT�ypo�.' EQ4-0i29 ��: &@I.EC Sub'TYp�: ACOM �his: ESSiJED �cY: ifsE 1 Ar+ta: JRM C�vr►er: LA�iER.R�SERT�'.�C�RtVE J. A�pp�artt' NEW ELECT'R!C INC. Phone: 970�94fl,4651 C �raclor. I�EW ELECl'RiC ENC: P1w��e: 97�4f�s1 f)escrtplbn: CQMPLE3��LECTRfCAL R�uestied Insaec�an(s1 ' Item: 42+3 E�.EC-Fta� Req�atbed Time: yQ:00 AM R�iqttQattu: IJEVi/ELEC'CRI l�iC, i�hone: 9?U�549�4651 ' Comnnor�ES: PM.�ts oi unit� Asalgned�'o: E(�LATLl.E Et�erad By: D[aOI.Q�N K � Acrlon� 17l�t8 Exp: , � - ' C,�mr�len�: ��- ' �omment. i��redad.3CW;30630A31Q;�f2,3i4;316;3�8:320;sep��etexfromcapp�rwaler� '� Comr�ertrt; PrGaftir erc tau�t actt�n for D�Woom iecs cle� prot 00 I Cotnn�nt: Arc Faalik probec�lon not rec;ui��ci 1 • _ at�n uniks pet FI�C�022+4rt.21Q.12 ,��Ge � ��f�r c��r�'�• �,,�-- ' ' �-- .� —.2 �'. �';, . -; � ,, �f ` .�` �� � � �� � c� �" � �' 7 c�" �7 -2 ` . � - ' _ / �' 30 � � ��� �5� J 7 ��9 � ,� 1 � � � �'3 ' � f � �� � t� � ,�v �I �. , � f , � , � � � , � � ��?stsec�ort Hisbo�v � Iitem: i�10 �LEC-`�emp.F'awer "Appro�r�ed`'` �� ��1�D5 �aqti�ot�+ �IC�4�: A('� �,rnxr�l: Od.2t)6 ��,21�.216,�22U � Iteat: 120 �LEC-I�ot�gh "Appraved" Q4i94,J06 it� r, eg A►t�o�n: APPFt APPROVED Ctr�vt►Qni: �nIE 2 8 QEd14�� In�sp�tor. tpv /k-tlon' 11fi APPRO'U�D 'I Comre�eru: Inspected.304�3Q6;308;3t0:312;314;316:318:320;�psrstq hx hom capp�r we1a�tl� 06J28ti0b It�spac6o�: shahn Actic�t�; DN DEN4�D ' Co�mnt8t�t: i�to�vltle anC tau�p�cat�Gtbn f4r bedroom t6Cep4aCies 06f29/45 Inspe�tvr. shahn Actlun: AP APPROYED CarrMnent: Aec�auNt prot�ctlon not ncjulnd k�J�com��fan+�rUts p�r NEC 200�ArL 210.12 l�m: 130 �LEC-�nd�.�a Apprav�' Camm�ent' oo�itlls��lrs�b A�ttic�t�: A�ft/►PF'FiG�4f'�D� 09,��J0�4 Utspadot: e�� Rc�on: APPR AP��N�D Caritment: catxf�i h'►slab - Q21�I06 Ittspedor: b� A�tlon: lkRPR AARROVED �� Cornmeht #te�t: f�IO EL.EC-Mlsc. ;•App�oved",. Q3�t5J� lnspecior: ag • Adfon. A,f'PR APPR�VED C.a�msnt: r►�w SeMte tio t3u!lcflnp it�m: 190 �LEG-Fit�f REP'T131 � I�un It�: 346� � • _ _ _ __� ; -. _ . .� , ;r�z;c;�=.::.�;,: ,�::-.,.2� -� � :��..� - - - - .� :,v- ��.,, 4:19 � 1(r�!'tl.t:� � '�i'tv O� - -- Re�uested Ir�spert Da:e: Wlednesda},At�gast 17,2005 tnspe�lian Area: JRM Slte Address: 3 s6 HA2dSC}t�R�4NCH RD VAIL 386 HAfJSON RANGH R�A� RIPJD tn(orrt�atlon � Ac�vtty: �L}44�29 1�: &ELEC Sub't�: A�C?�A Status: lSSt1ED � L���st?`��pa: Otc�peney: tJse: Insp Area: .1Rt�1 Ovrr�er: LAZ1�1�.Rc78E�T�'.8�tANE J. Appifcar�L I�E4'Y EL�CTRIC INC, Phor�: 970-949-4651 Gontrac.tor: NEW ELECTRIC iPdC, Phoae: 970-949-4651 Des�ripiion: COMFL�IE EI�C'l'F21CAC. I� Reavest�d Ins�ectlon(s1 ' Item: 120 ELEC-Ro�,��h Requested Tlme: 08:t10 AM ' Re:�uestor: NE�{�L�'C'1'�t�_iNC, Phona: 37Q•949-d651 Cc�mments: 9 un;W ' A,ssfpnec�To: �Ft�t��h� , Entered By: DGOLDEN K Actton: Titn�Exp_ Comment: un, �;o - , C�mr,��nt: Ins�L:'ec' '^;:�L�"^":3�fl:312:314:3t�:�'°�'2(7:s���r�;t�::tex f�om capperwater line Camment: Pae�v�de arc fautt pr.:E.ction for bedraorrt rece lacies Carntnen♦L Are Fa1utlt�r�tectics�not requlred!n�,�c:.mar�ation ua�its p��r�EC�2�t.2to.t2 � �Qm�%8�L �»��1� -I.o r /;A..^..+a�f• I+,ar�.nc�'+`� ni -n, .,n� .,�� . •-4��� ^n7 �,1e n7^n��}f,^.1"�"�1���� � ��! • • �� ✓ ,r, �; ,/ ✓ ✓ �/ ;,i � y�o f ya � yd 5 ��� �� � i �'i3 � �i � g '� � � ��.�;_��t��., �,,�r��, I� ttem: 110 ELEC-7'emp_Power "`Approved" � Q6'07'Q5 Inspettar. IF,v Attion: AP AP�FtO'VEC3 Camment: 204,�06.2Q8210,2 t 2,216,&220 flem: 12Q ELEC-Rc: ;� "Approved.. e (3�3,19r� trispector: eg Atfion: APPf�APPFt01lED C;un��z7e�tL unit 218 06r'i41d5 Inspector: Ipu Adlon: APAPPRUVEC3 Co►r4ment inspecteci.�(34�306:308,310:312314:3i6:3i8:320;s�p�rete fex from copper rratet I�ne 06r28i05 lt►spaCtor� shahn Actlon: Q�l dEN�EQ Com+�rjent: Provide erc tau�p�atectbn fo�bedrootn reee�ta�#�s '36;29!05 tnspedor: shahn Act�on: dP APPROVED �_��rnmenL Ar�c Fei�Nt p[c�t�ctl4�1 rwt rs�ulted'fn A�cQmedet}on«nits�er Pl�C 2Q02 AR.210.12 43�-02�05 Ir�s�ettot� SHAHN Action: PA PAE2TtAl.APPROVAI Ca�ment: IN,PECTED 2d�.�1,205.2Q7209.211.213.301.303.305.307,309.311,313,317.3i9 � D&081p5 Inspecctor. eg Action: AF�R APPRGIVED Gflrnt�ent' un4�217-219 Item: i3U ELEC-Gonduit ''Apprevad" 09�i?9?44 Inspet4or' eg Attlon: APPR APPRQVED Cart�meM: condutts in sdab t?J�`28f44 InspeCtor. eg Actb�: APPR ARPftaVED - Camment candu�in slab fl2'22'OB �nspector: eg AcUan: APPR ARPRL}VED Cc�mment: REPT1�1 Run �d: 3526 ' � � _: , __ �� ..: � _ ., . , . � _._ �:����,��e:� - _ _: . � 4:1� P� � Vai�, CQ - C�lht� . ttern: 140 �L�C-Mlsc. ^Approv�d^ �3.'i5'Q5 lRSpettor: eg Acfian: APPR APPRaVED Comrnent new servke t4 bu€f�ing itern: i90 EI��G�ir,al � I� � . I . ! , REPT131 - Run Id: 352f � � � � �c�-t�20o5 - -____._-------Ins�a�r R�quast Repor�in� . Page �5 I _4:1�cam _�.� � Val(� CO - CHv Ofi Requesbed Irrspre�Ct Da'�e: Morn3ay,August 08,Tl1Q� Ittsp�q on Area: JRM I 'Sit�e Address. 956 hlANSC?N�L4NCN�D VAIL �86 NAAISQN RANCW R�DAD ( Al�l!]lrtbtmatlort � I Con�� 'EQ4-0129 � T�; B-ELEC Se,t�Type. ACOM I N�ia. �M D y� us� i pwner: LAZlER.ROBEf2T T.8 DL�1NE J. � �an�: t�w���cr��c Nnic, �nno�: s�asd�-ar,�� � Con ctor. NEW EI.EC'E'RiC iNC, Plwne: 970-9+15-�4631 Dea�criptbn. CC?MIPLETE EI.ECTRtGI1L Fteauested Ins�tloMsl I� tbnmm: 120 Et.EC•Rou� RequaaEed Ttme: 08:�Q AM �i C�rnent�: �ur�it 217 8��21S� Phon�: 97t3-949-4687 Ass[S�ed To: 5HAF{N Er�teEed By: DC30lC1EN K I Action: TH►�e Exp: ', CommsM: un#C�8'-- I Comrne� Inspec�l,34�;306:308:310;312:3i43tiG:318:32�,s�pera�tex flom capper water fi� ; Comrt�e,nC Provlds nrG ia�H�taEection f�r bedrersrm r�cti �la$ I � Comrr��L• Arc FsuNt okecUan n�t requlted!n Acco ati+sr��rn�per I�C 20Q2 A�t.24Q.12 Camro�s�t: INSPE��D Z01,201,205,Z07,20�21 i,213,30�.3t13,�D5,,347.309,3i 1,8 i 3.317.3�9 I •� .r✓�`s�Gl''�� .�; � � `f' -�� 7 � � �LC . � � � r � 1 � � . : � � � � ��� � �r,rs„��an His 1iem: 11U ELEGTe .Power "'Apptavad"" Q6,t071 I�ns�Ctor: 1�v llctlors: AP i4PPRQ1lED CammeM: �,206.2i78,��0,212,215,d�220 � Narr�: f 30 EL�G•�Rou� "'q�provetd" . 04�SSf�6 1ns�e or: eg ' ActJan: l►PP4R APPROVED I CommaM: ur�Ei 218 � ' 06114rD5 h►�c�3ar: Ipv Ac�an: AP APPRC�WEb Comrruni: Ir�paded,304�46;308;310;312:�14;�t6;318;32E3:se�rebr fix irom copp�r waOK i� � Q6/28d�D5 Irispedor: shahn Act�on: DN D€NtED Gommsrtl: Pravide art 4aWt praNdton tor t�dtrocmr�t�pt�cl� , Q6l29�S Inepeciof: s�ahn Actlan: bP APF►tZQMED �on�me� Arc Fei�ft pru�rcUorti�3!t�qUfnd!n Accamadatlun s�nFlsp�r NEC 2t)02 A�i.21b.1� 091�i2,fl5 inspedot. SHAHN AA�lon: PA PART7A,L APPRt3VAL GontnteM: It�PEGTEQ 24}1,2a7.2'05,20T,209,2�1,213,301.3t}3,3a5,3C17,3Qg.311,313,34 7,89 9 itam: 13Q EL�GGon�l "ApFro+ro�" Q9/Q9�4 I�ectof: � Actio�n: APPf�A!'PROVED Caenmet� coc�du:Ls tn stab Ik�128f4�4 Irts{�ector: ag Aetlan. APPR/4�PROVED CommenL• condtdt In sieb 0'rt221flb inspeclor. eg �: APf�R APPROV�ED Cott�menC tlart�: 140 ELEC-AAisc. '*Approved�" @3J1�'O�S Itlepec�afi: � Actbn: APPR APPRONED Comrtwnt: nQw se�to buNd�1� REFT131 .' Run Id: 3499 s • ______ _______________ ,�___ ____ _ .__ . __�� �n _._. ___ _�__ __ ___ _ __ __ ._ _..__ . _ _ os-os-� fn��o�, �t���st�e �ng F� ,� A.'�8 nm Vati �t} -C� .� ibfm. 190 �LEC-Fl�e! � � ' � ' � � � '`,�'��..�r ^ ,`=,; :iyz ,.-�• X"` ' = � 0 �♦ , �� �•� *a. �� `TJ� \ � - - '.T \ 1 I I il I I I I REFT131 Run Id: 3499 � �i • • � �� 438-13-20a5 {�spe�ti�n Requ�st Reporttng Pa� 19 4;31 i� Vait��0 - Citv �Df Requested lnspect D�te: Monday,August 22,2005 fnspecaon Area: JRM 5tte Address: 35S HANSON RANCN RD Y�IfL ' 386 HANSON RAfiJC�i ROAD ' AlP1D lniormadon ActivfEy: Et34-�00129 Type: B-EE.EG Sub Type; ACOM Staius: ISS�JED Const Ty�: Ckcu�ancy; VsR: in:p Area: JRM �,��nar: Ll�.?IER.RO�ER�7.&�IAN�,1. Ap;�ii_�;�t, NEL'V ELE�.TR{C�,•�C, Phone; �70-949-4651 Canir��:tor: NEW�LECTRIC lNC. Phone: 970-�48-�1 D�scri�+ti�n: C�tJcFLETE ELECTRICaL Reauested I�sGectlan(s} 1fiem: 12C3 'ELEC-'�tough �tequested Tlnie; fl8:00 AM Request4r: NEW ELECTRIC IhIC. Phot�a: 570-�49-4651 Camr�n�: AM, un�t 4t9 As.�ig��d To: SW4HN Entered By: QG4L�N K AtU�n: llme�xp: Cc,mment: un i Gommeni: ins�+ci�d.3a4:306:3t�8:31(�;31�:314:31�:318;,�2�:seperale tex irom capper wete�Itne Cc�mment: Provi�le e�c faul�protec6an for bec4ro�rn receptacle� Cflmrtient: Arc Fa�i1tprotecikrn not r�quir�cS in A�cot�adation u�iits�e r NEC 20Q2 Art.�10.42 C�mment: i�iSPECTE{>401.4�33.�A05.407,A09.4i 1,41�.�i 7.�i�AN}D�19 Nt7�'READY. Comrr�ni: u�nit':'��-21� C{! t?� raeC�c�Tcr`,?�1 ? `•' ,2�Q7.it'?`-3�'�T��c a �r��.�C��,;f�s ,';'���T.^ii.3! �..a�:'.'1�3 � � - ��-�� � � �� �� Insp�c3i�n Nis#orv Hem: 11Q ELEG-Ter�p.Pb�er "A�roved'* �`�?7'05 Inspeetor: Ipv Aciio�: AP AFPRQV�'� , Camrn�ni: �((}�44.20fi.2Q8.�1�.�722�fi.&220 item: i�G ELE�-?o��gfy "APPraved «• O�L 19,fi5 ins�ecior. eg Actlon: APP�t A�F'Pi�OVECi G:ocn►t��nt: unil 218 ' d6;:.t4�05 fr�spector: i pv Actlnn: AP APPRC3VE� COlTlfCtE!'1l: 1lIS�CIe{f,344'3Q6:308;31Q;312314,3163'�8;32Q;seF*8�818 F@X 1i4tp!!CO�Ef W8�[I� OC�2a'QS inspector: shahn Actbn: DN DENfEd C�msnenl: Rrvuide nrc tac�lt protect3on for bec�rovm reeept�cies 06:29,�05 Inspedor: shahn Act4on: AP APPt�£7i/ED � Comment Arc��uitt profiactfan r�o�t req�fred in Accomadatlo�l�rsitspe r NE�2()02 Art.F10.'f2 �8�fl?�OS Itts�e ctnr: SNAtiN Action: PA PARTIr�L APPRdWAL C�mmenY. INSPECTED�G7.3�,31"�.313.317,3�9 Os�'t}��05 inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED - ' Comrnen� iinif��7-214 0$i i?�45 Ins�ec4nr' SHAtiI�! ACEbat: PI PAfZ71AL iN$PEC7iCNJ , Gamment� i�i�FE�TED 4U#,403.406.4U7.4Q9.411,413.417.4�5 ANI�419 NQT READY. Clem� 134 ELEC-GondcfEt "Ap�praved" 09��0'�.'Q4 Pn�p�ctar: eg Action: APPR APPRGVEO Comment: ccn�iults i�slab �9'26'0=1 tRS�ctar: eg Actlon: APPR AF'PRrJVED REPT331 Run Id: 3538 � � Gti4��e�-��: Comtnent: tarxtt�tt t�stab 02:'2^'05 i�spectar: eg Actton: APPR APPROVED Camme nt: Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. "A���roue�"° Q3'fa��08 tns,pecior: eg AcUon: APPR APPf�OVED CominenL n�w serviee to buitdinq ttern: 190 E�EC-Fic�al � � , REF'T`�31 Run Id: 3��8 � � _..-_ . ...�1'+.�_ ..,=l2L-�s.:a'i�,371 .:se='��?3*'�:'e. . .�'p}�.+€:9?$�? . , _ , d:'�� ��`: �c���_ f:� - f'3�'4� :�'� R�uest�d fnspect Da'te: Thursday,5ept�cnb�r Ct,��5 Insp��t�on Ar�a: .SFtPV� 51t�Addaess; 356 I�P�lSS�;d�.NGri �D'dAiL 386 HA�ES�J�`!f�AW�f�ROAD ,-��;�`�- - I� Y`�,t;�: E0�-G129 Ty��: B.fa�C SubT�pe: ��OM St�tt�s: l��UEQ '` Q�.cu ���c Urse: { ,�lr�a: JF�M ....:.....'�r: '►.:�lER.f�OSc�T T.�Otfu�":��: � ,SMw�:,.a��t: t��d11�t,«�;,�c 1C�NC. FS1cne: 970•949�41651 Vv�� vaJ.. . �.,Yi 1�4uv 1 i•I.r .l�'v. ivii�+f:0. v'I li'iY.l"'IIiJ 1 r..C�4i.t.kl.�p�- v�:14krL.� . �_;,.�._+4�-, + +.. q It��°:: ',20 ���;m��f� Re�ueste�d Time: OE:C^�..M R� t�st�c: �l�1�1��_� ...��S�SC. Phone: 9�Q-949-4G5i ' Cvtt'ii�eti#S. 2i1d!y 3�d ficrui�,etC A�si�neu To: �GL�=�.c Eni�red Ey: GGOLCEt,� 1C , Aztlon: T�w Ex�. �,m�r�6iii; u�1�c c�o � c�orr�mer�t kaspecta��.3�W:3Go:3Q6,310:312:31-i:3 i c:3 i 8:3�J:sepera�e 3ex Rom copper w�ter Nt�r � GomrrienL Rrs�v�cie arc feu[t�atecti4n tor bedroom receptacies C.on�merzt: Arc�.i�#id��rotectE�n rtoi requirad i�►Accoma�ialion unitspe r t�lEG 2002 A�t.2►4.12 Corr�menC INSP�C���?4Q1.�40.�.40�.��7.A09A11,at;i.��i7.415AND419NQTREADY. �.vmrrterzt: u�tt 2�: �2 t�i r�.����,±• rR��c�nTE^!'^'.'�H F�R U�lfl'4i9. r_—^_�c. tc�s-rs�.-?Tr.�-s..-a. �a�� n.x n+19'a�n�4 n��i�pnt ��}1rs.c�S�s-r nfM+�f�� •f�n'1�-r��Gt �� r�1 � / ,� / P �f�. -'[ ct / 'dor� � ,� y ,� � •.f/�a�-,-- /�c.�r.l� ,��-� 7- � ta,.-.o �, .�,�.�..��,�, �. � , ��D� � z oc� �' /� ���JNK�:J�R ll��+'J�Y , I 4LGmi . l�n ..�..�.�4"1'v���.�i.���Cii} R r\fi..�,1J'vC��+• 4v.%}f ,':�tc'::s�Gi^ �"�"� rtCrtGsi: ��R�r�.�°�_ :,��ri��t���i. ::��,��.�...�3.�i C.�5�.�15.�22� Et�crt: S2�J ,�'L�G-t:.��: "r'�,��c;�e�" 0�1�,G� �r,s�,a�.t�i� �y Action_ AuF'P�t APPR:.���; t..omment utii: �18 0�1�'t�� it�st>eclar: �1p v Aciian: AP APPf�OVEC� I asarEm�en�. i�►s}�eeted.3tk�.30�ti:�Gb,�10;3t�,3i4;."siii.3t8;320;s�t�rete�e, ir,_��,���+..r;E�-= �.�ret��fine I 4t�;���l�J td15�?8CI4f: ShxFItR Action: [k�C`iE�Jl�d +�omment: !�rnvid�erc isult psotecuon ior bedroom r�ceptectes � 06�2�3?fl5 Inspeeto�_ sha�n Actitxn: Hiy APPRf�1rED I Carrsrneni: A�tc fa�ib�t�rri�.���on iwi requlre�In AccAmadatk�n unitspe t MEC�t�Art.�'1�?.i2 �.`(52r� lnsp�et�r: �HAHN Actron: PA FAR7IA�L APPRQ�JAl. � �c�rrm�ir�t� �NSPEGTL-EJ2G1.ct11.2t�,�7,209.?i7,2t=y:301,�3.'�35.307.�,311313:3�7.31�f 4$�0£��t�i !ns�ectar� eg Actictin: AP�PR APPi�4V�D C'ns»mert• tsni�2�t7-2i9 D� i7�Q5 Ensp�ctor. S►1AH�! ActN>n: P4 PA.RT�Al.fNSf'�C'�ON Gs�mr�r�t� iNSPECT�D AQ1._M.?3.4Q5.407,A49,411,413,417.415 AND 419 hf4T READY. ���?!QS t�3�`t:�'tc�t. SHA!-!�J !d►�b�?' PA PARTIAL PaPPRO�,AAL Camm�rEi: 1l�.,f'E^_.''ED P.�UG'�-f FQ°R��N1T a19_ t�am- ?� E±�C-Co�du" ",qRPr�vA�" , REPT1�3. Run Id: '�574 � � � I (38-3�-2t��D5 ins}�ection Request�sportir�g _.. _r� 52 _4��?�.�.�?�_ �R��4_ CS,� - �! �?f ____--_�__ Q9':?�'04 1RSpbCtO[: � eQ ACip�n: AP['R APf'RQWED Csrmt��nL wrr�iu� in slab *J`J'��'�� {r.�fc.t,r: �$ Actl��: AFPf�A�PR41/EJ � r �. ,r.l�il+�'rltitl�: CCiR.`�i11t U't.au1.. x':'^��� !r.spc:t:+r: Eg :'�ciioa: AF��'R AFt''F?d4l�!` Com,,,�tllt: ltem; 14G �i.€���t,ysc. "At�:r�y���;... �`��'�5 lrispecior: a� Acilan: AAPRAPF'R�VE� v{Y(illii�Ti'iZ. Ilt��il.`�`{Y��''.$tGl�LNC�� �'� t4ern: �i9G �i�EC-rir:ad � _ , � , - +' � , .. . � . �. .. � T . . ... '.. ' . . . . . . . .,:' . . . '.. : ��t�.: . . , � . . .. , , . _ .. . . �-� � ' �'f V �Ai. . 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