HomeMy WebLinkAboutF13-0014 1677 stamped approved resubmit calcsHydraulic Summary Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0168 Node Flow(gpm) Total Hose Streams 0.00 Safety MarginRequiredAvailable Node Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Total Demand (gpm)(psi)(psi)(gpm)(psi)(gpm)(psi)(psi)@@Name 1 123.110 112.050 11.061627.5011.500125.000 80.97Water Supply Design EngineerJob Number Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 80.97 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Additional Hose Supplies 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source Supplies 74.88gal Residential 0.100gpm/ft² 100.00ft² 900.00ft² (Actual 126.02ft²) 4 Occupancy Area of Application Coverage Per SprinklerNumber Of Sprinklers Calculated Density Job Suffix AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Area(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Volume capacity of Dry PipesVolume capacity of Wet Pipes Maximum Velocity Under Ground 14.36 between nodes 8 and 10 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 4.3 K-Factor 19.60 at 20.777 Most Demanding Sprinkler Data System Job Site/Building 1677 Buffer Creek AHJ 1677 Buffehr Creek Job State Certification/License NumberJob Name: Casey HeimCH0168 Contractor Contractor Number Name of Contractor: Address 1 Address 2 Contact Name Contact Title ExtensionPhone FAX E-mail Web-SiteAddress 3 Address 1 Address 2 Drawing Name FP Layout SA System Flow Demand 80.97 Remote Area(s) Darcy-Weisbach Calculation Darcy-Weisbach equations are being used because the system requires special design considerations. The Darcy-Weisbach formula used in this hydraulic calculation to determine fluid/agent friction loss is: P = 0.000216 fLp(Q^2)/(d^5) Friction Loss factors are derived from the Moody Diagram. Reynolds Number is calculated using: Re=Q/d/k Relative Roughness of Pipe is: e/D K-Factors for Sprinkler Heads are adjusted based on the density of the fluid being discharged (Bernoulli-based formula). C-Factors are not relevant to this type of calculation. These are replaced with the Roughness e-value for the pipe. Description: Water/Antifreeze @ 0°F/-18°C, 50% Glycerine (C.P. or U.S.P. 96.5%) by weight Product Name: Antifreeze solution in pipes within or passing through: Cold Areas: Warm Areas: Density: 71.480lb/ft³ Density: 70.313lb/ft³ Viscosity: 44.000cP Viscosity: 6.000cP NFPA Suggested Aged Pipe Roughness is being applied . Volume capacity of Antifreeze/Other Pipes 0.00gal Address 3 5/1/2013© M.E.P.CAD, Inc.Page 1AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:29PMDarcy-Weisbach Calculation Hydraulic Graph Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0168 System Demand (Including Hose Allowance at Source) System Demand 11.500 @ 627.50 Residual: Pressure 125.000 Static: Pressure Water Supply at Node 1 Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 112.050 @ 80.97 112.050 @ 80.97 Available Pressure at Time of Test 123.110 @ 80.97 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 2AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:31PM Device (gpm) Actual Flow Minimum Flow (gpm)(K) K-Factor (psi) Pressure Summary Of Outflowing Devices Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0168 Sprinkler 101 20.87 19.60 4.3 23.548 Sprinkler 102 19.60 19.60 4.3 20.777 Sprinkler 103 19.74 19.60 4.3 21.065 Sprinkler 104 20.76 19.60 4.3 23.317 Most Demanding Sprinkler Data © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 3AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:32PM Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0168 Report Description: Residential • • • • • Route 1 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 19.60 6.60 0.093600 1'-4 0.594 102 39'-0 19.60 4.3 (adj)20.777 5'-0 13 39'-0 21.370 6'-4 0.004" Sprinkler T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 39.34 13.26 0.376991 2'-11½3.001 13 39'-0 19.74 21.370 5'-0 14 39'-0 24.371 7'-11½ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 2 T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 0.98 0.33 0.000232 1'-10 0.000 14 39'-0 24.371 12 39'-0 24.371 1'-10 0.004" Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 21.74 7.33 0.115155 3'-4½0.389 12 39'-0 20.76 24.371 10 39'-0 24.760 3'-4½ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 3 Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 42.61 14.36 0.442293 11'-8½7.394 10 39'-0 20.87 24.760 5'-0 8 39'-0 32.154 16'-8½ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 4 T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 23.35 7.87 0.134538 4'-0½2.158 8 39'-0 32.154 12'-0 134 39'-0 34.312 16'-0½ 0.004" E(7'-0), T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv FR 1.1010 23.35 7.87 0.134538 17'-0 2.960 134 39'-0 34.312 5'-0 7.370 16 22'-0 44.642 22'-0 0.004" C(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 9.03 3.04 0.019872 20'-8 0.550 16 22'-0 44.642 7'-0 9 22'-0 45.192 27'-8 0.004" E(7'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 28.28 9.53 0.194909 24'-10 6.792 9 22'-0 19.25 45.192 10'-0 7 22'-0 51.984 34'-10 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 6 2T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.3940 28.28 5.95 0.057657 22'-6¼2.337 7 22'-0 51.984 18'-0 4.769 2 11'-0 59.090 40'-6¼ 0.004" T(6'-0) 2T(6'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 2.0030 80.97 8.24 0.068440 9'-11 1.431 2 11'-0 59.090 11'-0 -0.030 4 11'-0¾60.491 20'-11 0.004" E(11'-0) Pf Pe Pv FM 2.0090 80.97 8.19 0.066736 14'-11¼23.103 4 11'-0¾60.491 9'-0 4.365 3 1'-0 87.960 23'-11¼ 0.004" 2Tr(1'-0), 2CV, 2E(3'-6), BFP(-13.500), PRV(-8.000), BV Pf Pe Pv BL 1.9590 80.97 8.62 0.076213 131'-0 10.650 3 1'-0 87.960 8'-0 13.439 1 -30'-0 112.050 139'-0 0.004" cplg(1'-0) 2E(3'-6), S 80.97 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 • • • • • Route 2 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 19.74 6.65 0.094898 3'-2¾0.306 103 39'-0 19.74 4.3 (adj)21.065 13 39'-0 21.370 3'-2¾ 0.004" Sprinkler • • • • • Route 3 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 20.76 7.00 0.105043 5'-0½1.055 104 39'-0 20.76 4.3 (adj)23.317 5'-0 12 39'-0 24.371 10'-0½ 0.004" Sprinkler T(5'-0) • • • • • Route 4 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 20.87 7.03 0.106085 6'-5¼1.213 101 39'-0 20.87 4.3 (adj)23.548 5'-0 10 39'-0 24.760 11'-5¼ 0.004" Sprinkler T(5'-0) • • • • • Route 5 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 38.36 12.93 0.354596 14'-5¾8.684 14 39'-0 24.371 10'-0 15 39'-0 33.055 24'-5¾ 0.004" 2T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv FR 1.3940 38.36 8.06 0.104096 17'-0 2.394 15 39'-0 33.055 6'-0 7.370 20 22'-0 42.819 23'-0 0.004" T(6'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.3940 38.36 8.06 0.102973 6'-0¼1.443 20 22'-0 42.819 8'-0 19 22'-0 44.262 14'-0¼ 0.004" EE(2'-0), T(6'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 22.70 7.65 0.125595 9'-1½1.272 19 22'-0 44.262 1'-0 67 22'-0 45.534 10'-1½ 0.004" EE(1'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.3940 22.70 4.77 0.036074 1'-0 0.036 67 22'-0 45.534 17 22'-0 45.570 1'-0 0.004" © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 4AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:33PM Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0168 Report Description: Residential Pf Pe Pv BL 1.3940 37.03 7.78 0.097181 12'-11¾3.186 17 22'-0 14.32 45.570 20'-0 4.769 5 11'-0 53.524 32'-11¾ 0.004" T(6'-0), Flow (q) from Route 8 E(8'-0), T(6'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.3940 52.68 11.07 0.194226 22'-7¾5.566 5 11'-0 15.65 53.524 6'-0 2 11'-0 59.090 28'-7¾ 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 7 T(6'-0) • • • • • Route 6 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv FR 1.1010 19.25 6.49 0.092512 17'-0 2.035 6 39'-0 19.25 35.119 5'-0 7.370 11 22'-0 44.524 22'-0 0.004" Flow (q) from Route 9 T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 19.25 6.49 0.090311 2'-4¾0.668 11 22'-0 44.524 5'-0 9 22'-0 45.192 7'-4¾ 0.004" T(5'-0) • • • • • Route 7 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 15.65 5.28 0.062059 32'-3 2.684 19 22'-0 44.262 11'-0 18 22'-0 46.946 43'-3 0.004" EE(1'-0), 2T(5'-0) Pf Pe Pv BL 1.3940 15.65 3.29 0.018558 58'-9½1.810 18 22'-0 46.946 40'-0 4.769 5 11'-0 53.524 98'-9½ 0.004" 4T(6'-0), 2E(8'-0) • • • • • Route 8 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv CM 1.1010 14.32 4.83 0.052305 13'-2¼0.928 16 22'-0 44.642 5'-0 17 22'-0 45.570 18'-2¼ 0.004" T(5'-0) • • • • • Route 9 • • • • • Pf Pe Pv BL 1.1010 19.25 6.49 0.090311 20'-9½2.965 8 39'-0 32.154 12'-0 6 39'-0 35.119 32'-9½ 0.004" T(5'-0) E(7'-0) K-Factor conversion formula: 1.51 4.87 )(150 1.33 140 1.16 130 0.713 100 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C Multiplying Factor © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 5AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:33PM Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length HWC/Roughness Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: CH0168 Report Description: Residential Pipe Type Legend AO Arm-Over BL Branch Line CM Cross Main DN Drain DR Drop DY Dynamic FM Feed Main FR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser Nipple SP Sprig ST Stand Pipe UG Underground Units Legend Diameter Inch Elevation Foot Flow gpm Discharge gpm Velocity fps Pressure psi Length Foot Friction Loss psi/Foot HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Ee1 11¼° Elbow Ee2 22½° Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 6AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:33PM Flow Diagram (Top View) Report Description: Residential Job Number: CH0168 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc.5/1/2013 Page 7AutoSPRINK® VR10 v10.0.59.0 3:37:35PM