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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040158 � • � � Design Review Board , � � ' � � ACTIO N FO RM '' �.�� �.,�y�� ) �°�! Department of Community Devglopment � ���i �� ��'.��� � 75 S�outh Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 t,���, � c����Q�� te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: Project Name: FORE�T PLACE LAfVDSCAPE DRB Number: DR6040158 Project Description: TRANSPLANT EXISTING TR�ES, ADD ADdITIONAL TREES, CONSTRUCT AN ENTRY GATE, CREATE PEREEVNIA�. PLANTING BEDS RELATED TO SITE DEVELOPMENT(NOT HOMES)-612, 615, 618, 621 FORESC PLACE Participants: OWNER VAIL CORP 05/04/2004 Phone: PO �30X 7 VAI� CO 81658 License: APPLICANT KE�VNEdY, WILLIAM 05/04/2004 Phone: 845-2564 PO BOX 959 AVON CO 81620 License: , �Project Address: 616 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 612 FOREST PLACE Legal Description: Lot: Btock: Subdivision: Forest Place Parcel Number: 2101Q7200�04 Comments: See Conditians of Appraval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motiort By: Rogers Action; APPROV�D Second �y: Hanlan Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval: 05/05/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these p9ans may be made without the written conser�t of Town of Vail stafF and/or the appropr6ate review committee(s). Cond; 0 (PLAlV): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for bvildinq. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to eonstruction activ9ties. Cond: 201 DRB app�oval shaH not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond': 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become woid one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buulding permit �s issued an� cons�ruction is commenced and is diligently pursued taward completion. � � � � Cond: CON0006412 The applicant shall revise the proposed landscape plan illustrating the clumping of the trees along West Forest Road. Newly transpfanted trees, as depicted on the approved plan, shall located a minimum af 10 feet back from the back of the curb line. A separate application for the proposed subdivision entrance sign is required. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $20.d0 � � • ***��:**�*�*�*********�******�****x�***�x*******�*�**********�*******»�*�*�*****�*�*�**�****�*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAI�Q Staterzicnt �**�*****************�:***********x�**�***�:*�*�**�*****�**************�*******�******�***��:*�* Statement Number: R040005741 Amount: $20.00 05/04/200411:�2 AM �ayment Method: Ch.eck Init: JS Notatian: #3295/WILLI.AM KENNEDI' Permit No: DRB040158 Type: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUF Parcel No: 210107200004 Site Address: 616 FOBEST RD VAIL Location: 612 FOREST PLACE Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.06 Total I�LL Pmts: $20.00 Balanee: $0.00 **********�*******�********************�x�*********x:******��****�***�*****�***��**��****�x**** ACC(UUNT TTEM LIST: Accour�t Code Description Current Prnts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR OOlQ�003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � • . PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name uanti Size PROPOSEDTREES y�GE�¢ PuAld��� C���/��O_5���►G� �6 ��/I� � r� AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES Pr�E/4 ��l�6-E1JS CoLol�kDo SI°1��cE .2� /'�-� 6 � Ta BE� 7�kuSP��o ��rs���1G ��c�4 �c��1�,�N5 Coco�A�a 5�2uc� .2 � l4�`�� � G��1' In� P�h�E ' ! �. �linimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs� 5 Gal. Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVER N���µ AQouaAT�.E�S sa� ��� � SEED S�� A-71'/S�hFF A �Ec. �S� IRRIGATION �t�tf° °F St�1�k7 N��,TR�r�sP��1TEb �XrsTi� ���ES °�" , TYPE OF EROSI�N CONTROL 5���� ���G� � ��f�E!�►�/h� S /�7bR.� M�+-Gtt� s� � F��G� ttk y .,�h c-c s Piease specify other landscape �eatures (i.e. retaming walls, fences, swimming pools, Ete.} Page 7 of 12/02J07/02 � � � UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATTON This form serves to verify that the proposed improvemenCs will not impact any existing ar praposed utility services, an� af�o to veriPy service availability and 9otation for new construction and shouEd be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instaflations. A site p4an, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the fol€owing uti3ities for approval �nd ve�ification. Authorized Comments Date Si_qnature QWEST 970.3$4.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Ca�rFngton 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PR�SSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.589� (tel) 97Q.949.4556 (fax) Cantact: Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 97fl.26Z.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 � Jim 0'neal 970.Z6�.4003 EAGLE RIVER WAT�R& SAtVITATION DISTRICT 970.476J480 (tel) 970.476.4Q89 (fax) , Contac#: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1Z24 x S12 (tel) 970.999.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: ' 1. If the ukility approval & verificatian form has signatures from �ach of the utility companies, and no comments �� are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can ; proceed. i 2. If a utility� company has concerns with the propased construction, the utility representative shall note directly �i on t�►e utility+ verification form that tnere is a problem wE�ich needs to be resalved. The issue should then be i detailed in an attached PetCer to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is tt�e responsibility of the i utility company and the applicant to resolve identified pro�lems. � 3. These ve�ifications do not relieve khe contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the I Department of Public Works at the Towr� of Vail. Ut�1ity locations must t�e obtained befare diqginq in any public � right-of-way or easement within the Tawn of Vail. A buiidingpermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be � obtained separak�lv. ! The Developer is �equired and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the �tifities for re-�pprowal & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise ', specifically noted wit€�in the comment area of this forrn}. Developer's Signature Date � . M. . • � • • SECTION 02921 TOPSOIL AND REVEGETATIOI"V PART1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIP"I'IONS A. Work Included: Striping of existing topsoil,storage in stocicpiles,rep�acement of topsoil after other work is completed, seeding, mulching and erosion control. 1.02 SUBNII'I'TAF�S A. Submit seed mix and mulch with method of application for approval. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEED MIX A. General: At least 95%pure and having minirrsum germination of 85%. All seed shall be"new crop'", delivered in the original cantainers, unopened,bearing dealer's guaranteed anatysis. I3. Use o�of the Following Seed Mixes as direeted by the Enginecr: Dry Habi#at Seed Mix 20°Jo Bluebence Wheatgrass, 5ecar 10% Sheep Fescue,Meklenberger 15%Crested Wheatgrass, Hycrest 20% Slender VVk�eatgrass, San Luis 10%Thickspike Wheatgrass, Critana 5%Alfalfa, i,adak 10%Orchardgrass,Paiute 10%Winier Whea't Planting Rate: 70 pounds per acre Moist Habitat Seed Mix 20%Mauntai�rt Bromegrass,B€omar 20%Qrehardgrass,Paiute 10%Canada Bluegrass,Reubens 10% Sheep Fescve, Meklenberger 20%Tall Fescue, Fawn ]0%Winter VJheat 5%Timothy,Clim� 5%Alsike Claver Planting Rate: 7�pounds per acre January 20U4 Forest Place U2921-1 . �. . . _ � � C. All seed shall be furnished in bags or eonta�ners clearly Iabeled to shc�w the name and address of the supplier,the seed name,the lot number,net weight,origin,the percent of weed seed content, the guaranteed percentage of purity and germination,pounds of pure live seed (PL5)of each seed species, ar�d the total po�ands of PI.S in the container. All brands shall be free frorn noxious seeds as Russian or Canadian'�'tsistle,Europe and Bindweed,Johnson Grass,aa►d Leafy Spurge. 'I'he Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a signed statement certifying that the seed is frotn a lot that has been tested by a recognized laboratory for seed testing within six months prior to the date o�delivery. Seed which has become wet,moldy, or data�aged in transit or in storage wijl not be acceptable. Seed types and amount of PLS requ�red per acre shall be provided in accordance with tF�e Contract. Seed and seed labels shall conform to all current State and F�deral regulations ar�d will be subject to the testing provisions of the Association of Qfficial Seed Analysis. Computations for yuantity of seed required on the project include the percent of purity and percent of gertnination. If seed available on ihe market does not meet the minimum purity and germination percentaSes specified,the Contractor must compensate for a lesser percer�tage of purity of gern►ination by furnishir�g sufficient additional seed to e�nal the specified project. Product comparison shall be rnade on the basis of PLS in po�rnds,statec!one each seed bag. The formula used for determining the yuantity of ALS shall be: Founds of Seed x{Furity x Germination)=Pounds of PLS. 2.02 FERTILIZER A. Use "Biosol" or other Engineer approved natural fertilizer having the follawing guaranteed chemical analysis: Ingredient Percentage o�Weight Nitrogen 6% Phosphorus 1% Water Soluble Potash 3% B. Fertilizar shall confortn to the applicable State fertilizer laws. lt shall be uniform in compositian,dry, and free flowing,and shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers, each bearing the manu�'acturer's g�aranteed analysis. Fertiaizer which becomes caked or damaged will not be acceFted. 2.d3 TOPS�OIL Material stripped from site consisting af loose, friab�e loam,reasonably free of adrnixtures of subsoil, refuse,sturnps,rocks,brush,weeds,or other materiaC detrimental to proper development of vegetative grawth. 2.04 STRA.W MULCHING Straw o�hay,free of noxious weeds, conta�ining not tnare than 5°lo seed by weight. Straw shall be in natural,field-cut lengths, not chopped or in lengths less than l 2",iypically. 2.05 HYD�tAULIC MULCHING Wood cellulose fiber for hydraulic mulching shall a�ot contain any substance or factor which nnight inhibit germ�nation or growth of grass seed. It shall be dyed an appropna�e color to ailow visual January 2004 Forest Place 02921-2 . �_ . � � • metering of iis application. The wood cellulose fibers shall have the property of becoming evenly dispersed and suspended when agitated in water. When sprayed uniformly on t�he surface ofthe soil,the fibers shall forrn a blotter-like ground cover which readily absorbs water,and allows infiltration to the underlying soil. Weight specifieations from suppliers,and far all applications,sha�l refer onlyto air dry weight of fiber,a standard equivalent to 10 per cent moisture. The mulc[�material shall be s�pplied in packages having a gross weight not in excess of 100 pounds,and st�all be mariced by the manufaciurer to show the air dry weight content, The Contractor shall obtain certifications from suppliers that laboratory and feld testing of their product has been accomplished, and that it meets al1 of the foregoing requirements pertaining to wood cellulose fiber mulch. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 TOPSOII.EXCAVATION Remove all sod, topsoil, organic earth. Stockpile topsoil as d�signated on drawings, or directed by Engineer. 3.02 TOPSOIL PLACEIVIENT A. General: Wl�en job has been shaped a�d ready for plaeement of topsoil,cover all cut-fill areas and construction scars with topsoil ta depth of 6". Contour all surfaces in accordance with ' drawings to blend with existir�g adjacent tenrain. laeposii all excess topsoil in areas designated l�y Engineer. Grade, shape,fertilize, seed, and mulch designated topsosl waste area. B. Slope�aunding: Round top and bottom of slopes and feather into undisturbed natural terrain. Avoid abrupt grade changes by making srnooth transitions from slopes to more level areas. C. Slope Molding: Avoid long,continuavs slope faces by rnolding face of slope to accent existing adjacent terrain. Steepen slope faces ncar ridges and bluf�'s,laid back to link to natural draws, creating an undulating face. D. Surface Roughing: Gouge ssope surfac�s af 4:1 or steeper w�th horrzonta�ridges and trenches to minimum depth of 6", creating raug�ened surface to lessen erosion, improve moisture percolation, and soil-layer binding, Trenches or ridges shalE not be longer than 30'to prevent water accumulation or flow�ng water to cause riwlets. 3.�3 SEED�'�TG A, Apply seed mix at uniform rates indicated. B. Hydrautically seed alI slopes. 3.04 FERTILIZING Apply fertilizer at rate of 1000 lbs per acre. 3.05 HYDRAULIC MULCHdNG AND TACKIF�R A. Straw�'lulching: Apply to all areas,after seeding and watering has been completed,at unsform coverage rate of 8Q baies/acres. � lanuary 20U4 Forest Place 02921-3 !. • ••. � • B. Hydraulic Mulching and Applying Tackifier: Hydraulic mulch and tackifier shall be appli�d to all areas after seeding and straw mulching. Cellutose fiber mulch shaZl be added after the proportionate quantities of water and other approved materials have been placed in the slurry tank. AI9 ingredients sha11 be mixed to form a homageneous slurry. The operator shall spray the slurry mix#ure uni�ormly over the designated seeded area. Unless otherw�s�ordered for specific areas, wood cellulose fiber mulch shall be applied at a rate of 200 pounds per acre.. Hydraulie mulehi�g shall not be done in the presence of free surface water. Mt��ch tackifier shall be applied over tl�e seeded area at a rate of 200 pounds per acre. 3,06 WATERING When required by Engineer, apply water at rate specified on the plans until project acceptance. END OF SECTION . January 2004 Forest Place 02921-4 . `��f 1� �; � '�i r vti STONe, 1Q I �5t� ° � '� ` � � �� �� �t �� � � ��I � � ' 76�OU/ROB � - , B�yline 4899 � � � � , i � � I RoFjerts'Eow-voltage lighting systems haae become so papular with On steg ap�licarions,a nosin�;oveshang of one incki is required.In architects, designers and contractors chat nine totalty different curved applications, sniall cuts through all but t3�e inside walf of tize systems are now available. Iach one is specificaily designed to help extrusion material may be required tv ease curvin��f the extnision. you enhance the beauty o[your prosect and add the extra safery This process is called"kerfing." [ighting}�ravidec�by these mr�ceaied lighting systems. Roberts supplies a clear rubber silicone sealant ro be vsed to appty The smallest of Roberts' nine different Step-Lite systems is the ttje extrusion ta ciean and level snrfaces.'1'his silicone will str�euh to A-Series. Ttsis is also the easiest system to conceal and the inost three amcs its originai size and will adhere in sul�-zero or extremely flexible to use. The A-Series 5tep-Lite is perfert for handrail high tem�eratures. applications due to its small size. Except for iong lengths, Roberts Lite fixtures are shippeci mounted For s�rface mounted or recessed apglications, the A-Ser�es is 1/2" into the extrusion,ready for installation. wide by 7/16"deep,and may be used i�d�ofs or nutdoors with either 5TD or EB Lite fixtures and with Superfles tubing. — - - -- �<<.� J�l.kfl�..5 �� _ �-- - � � , s � . . ���. 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