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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC130013 19th Green Floodplain Modification Memorandum and AttachmentsTOWN OF To: From: Date: Subject 0 VAIL' Memorandum Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 13, 2013 A request for review of a Floodplain Modification Permit, pursuant to Section 14- 6-6, Grading Standards, and Section 12- 21 -11, Flood Hazard Zones, of the Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 100 -year floodplain, for the creation of the 19th green at the Vail Golf Club, located at 1775 Sunburst Drive /Lot 3, Sunburst Filing 3 and unplatted parcels (a complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department Office), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC130013) Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Scott O'Connell Planner: Joe Batcheller SUMMARY The applicant, The Vail Recreation District (VRD), represented by Scott O'Connell, is requesting review of a flood plain modification pursuant to Section 14 -6 -6, Grading Standards, and Section 12- 21 -11, Flood Hazard Zones, of the Vail Town Code. The VRD is requesting to perform work and construct improvements within the 100 -year Gore Creek floodplain located on the Vail Golf Club. The proposed work is in response to the VRD's need to occasionally reconfigure the holes of the Vail Golf Club while continually operating a full 18 hole course. The proposed improvements within the floodplain include grading, construction fill, and re- vegetation. The resulting green should be able to withstand flooding, and will have an insignificant impact upon the limits of the delineated floodplain, thus posing no threat to private property. What is more, the proposed improvements will allow for better golf operation capabilities and continual recreational access. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of this application, subject to the findings noted in Section VI. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The VRD is requesting review of a flood plain modification pursuant to Section 14 -6 -6, Grading Standards, and Section 12- 21 -11, Flood Hazard Zones, of the Vail Town Code. The purpose of the 19th Green Improvements Project is to provide the VRD with the operational capacity necessary to host a full 18 hole course at the Vail Golf Club. Improvements within the scope of installing a new golf green and bunker for the 19th hole on the Vail Golf Club include the import of earth materials (structural dirt, gravel, sand, topsoil and sod), the installation of new irrigation equipment, and new drainage lines. The golf green and bunker will be constructed to the standards and specifications detailed by the golf course architect, Phelps/ Atkinson Golf Course Design. Proposed plans and analysis (Attachment A), the Environmental Impact Report dated March 28, 2013, (Attachment B), and a letter from River Restoration dated January 25, 2013, revised May 3, 2013 (Attachment C) are attached for reference. III. BACKGROUND The Vail Golf Club functions as a golf course during the summer and as the Nordic Center during the winter. Much of the golf course is partially located within the Gore Creek floodplain as the creek is adjacent to the entire length of the property, bifurcating it some parts. The VRD has planned for various improvements to the Vail Golf Club, including the clubhouse, hole 12, and hole 18. This project will help facilitate improvements to the course itself, and is specific to the creation of hole 19. The VRD has retained the services of River Restoration to conduct the site assessment and environmental impact report. To date, the following tasks have been completed: Task 1: Site Assessment and Survey: Conducted on December 14, 2012, which included topographic and hydrographic survey of the effective floodway and the effective floodplain. Task 2: Construction Fill Assessment: Developed on April 3, 2013, to analyze potential improvements within the floodway. Task 3: Environmental Impact Report: Drafted on March 28, 2013, to assess potential environmental hazards within the floodplain resulting from the project. IV. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Tile 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code (in part) 14 -6 -6: FLOODPLAIN STANDARDS: All modifications, grading or installation of proposed improvements within the 100 -year floodplain shall be in accordance with section 12 -21 -11 of this code. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum one inch equals twenty feet (1 " = 20) topographic two foot (2) contour map using the adopted town of Vail flood profiles (the federal emergency management agency flood insurance study). The topographic survey shall reveal the method for determining the starting point and Town of Vail Page 2 the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a professional engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the town of Vail and FEMA may be required. Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code (in part) 12- 21 -11: FLOOD HAZARD ZONES: A. Purpose: To promote public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to: 1. Protect human life and health; 2. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; 3. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; 4. Minimize prolonged business interruptions; 5. Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in floodplains; 6. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood prone areas in such a manner as to minimize future flood blight areas; 7. Ensure that potential buyers are notified that property is in a flood area; 8. Ensure that those who occupy the floodplain assume the responsibility for their actions; 9. Protect the natural areas required to convey flood flows and retain flow characteristics; and 10. Obtain and maintain the benefits to the community of participating in the national flood insurance program. B. Basis For Establishing The Areas Of Special Flood Hazard: The areas of special flood hazard identified by the federal emergency management agency in a scientific and engineering report entitled, "The Flood Insurance Study For Eagle County, Colorado, And Incorporated Areas" dated December 4, 2007, with accompanying flood insurance rate maps and flood boundary - floodway maps (FIRM and FBFM) and any revisions thereto are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this chapter. C. Designation Of The Floodplain Administrator: The town engineer or designee is hereby appointed the floodplain administrator to administer and implement the Town of Vail Page 3 provisions of this chapter and other appropriate sections of 44 CFR (national flood insurance program regulations) pertaining to floodplain management. D. Duties And Responsibilities Of The Floodplain Administrator: Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Maintain and hold open for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this chapter. 2. Review all permit applications to ensure that the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied and that the proposed improvement will be reasonably safe from flooding. 3. Review, approve or deny floodplain use and modification permits to determine whether proposed improvements meet the provisions of this chapter. 4. Review evidence prior to the issuance of a floodplain use permit that all necessary permits have been obtained from those federal, state, or local government agencies from which prior approval is required. Conditional floodplain use permits may be issued contingent upon receipt of the above mentioned agency permits. 5. Review and verify that no new habitable structure is constructed within the flood hazard zone. 6. Review and verify that a licensed professional engineer or professional land surveyor certified the location of the 100 -year floodplain on all development applications that are adjacent to, or partially located within the 100 -year floodplain, that are proposing improvements that may affect the floodplain. 7. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions) the floodplain administrator shall make the necessary interpretation. 8. Notify, in riverine situations, adjacent communities and the Colorado division of emergency management, prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the federal emergency management agency. 9. Assure that the flood carrying capacity within any altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained. 10. When base flood elevation data have not been provided in accordance with subsection 8 of this section, the floodplain administrator shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data and floodway data available from federal, state or other source, in order to administer the provisions of subsection F of this section. Town of Vail Page 4 11. When a regulatory floodway has not been designated, the floodplain administrator must require that no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development (including fill) shall be permitted within zones Al -30 and AE on the community's FIRM, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot (1) at any point within the community. 12. Under the provisions of 44 CFR chapter 1, section 65.12, of the national flood insurance program regulations, a community may approve certain development in zones A 1 -30, AE, AH, on the community's FIRM which increases the water surface elevation of the base flood by more than one foot (1'), provided that the community first applies for a conditional FIRM revision through FEMA (conditional letter of map revision). E. Floodplain Permits: 1. Floodplain Use Permit ( ... I 2. Floodplain Modification Permit: a. Purpose: A Floodplain Modification Permit is a permit to allow construction of improvements and /or modifications to the adopted floodplain for all other uses, improvements, or modifications to or within the floodplain that do not fall within the guidelines of the floodplain use permit. However, no habitable structures or improvements shall be allowed to be constructed within the floodplain. b. Floodplain Modification Application Submittal Requirements: Applicants shall provide the following information prior to design review or any review by the planning and environmental commission: (1) Elevation of the lowest floor (including basement and crawl space) of all new and substantially improved structures within or adjacent to the floodplain. (2) Description of the extent to which any floodplain will be altered including why, when, how, and when it will be replaced back to its original configuration, and addressing each relevant factor in subsection E3 of this section. (3) Signature of the owners of all property subject to an impact by the proposed improvement. (4) A site plan drawn to an engineering scale showing the location, dimensions, and elevations of the proposed landscape /grade alterations, existing and proposed structures, relevant landscape /topographic features, and the location of the foregoing in relation to the 100 -year floodplain. The floodplain line shall be provided on a plan certified by a licensed professional engineer or land surveyor. Town of Vail Page 5 (5) Detailed topographic cross sections provided by a licensed professional surveyor of the area proposed to be altered, showing existing and proposed conditions. (6) Copy of all other necessary approved permits (i.e., building permit, public way permit, ACOE permit, dewatering permit, DOW permit, CDHPE permit). (7) An engineered floodplain analysis of the impacts to the floodplain prepared by a qualified licensed professional engineer. (8) Copy of submitted application for a conditional FIRM and floodway revision through FEMA, if applicable. (9) Environmental impact report, per chapter 12 of this title. (10) Any additional information deemed necessary by the floodplain administrator. V. REVIEW CRITERIA The applicant is requesting the review of a floodplain modification under the provisions of Chapter 14 -6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code. The applicant received confirmation from River Restoration in a letter dated January 25, 2013: "The results of this comparison demonstrate that Proposed Conditions should have no adverse effects upon the efficiency or capacity of the floodway; persons and personal property upstream, downstream and in the immediate vicinity; the 100 - year flood profile and channel stability; any tributaries to the main stream, drainage ditches and any other drainage facilities or systems; and do not change the Effective model. " This proposal includes grading, construction fill, and re- vegetation. Staff has included the criteria for the review of a floodplain modification request below: (1) The effects upon the efficiency or capacity of the floodway; The proposed improvements are designed so that there will be no impact to the efficiency or capacity of the floodway, as confirmed in the Environment Impact Report. (2) The effects upon persons and personal property upstream, downstream and in the immediate vicinity; River Restoration believes there are no potential negative impacts to personal property in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. (3) The effects upon the 100 -year flood profile and channel stability; Town of Vail Page 6 The 100 -year flood plain line will be altered slightly, but according to the letter from River Restoration, there would be no adverse effects upon the efficiency or capacity of the floodway as a result of the proposed improvements. (4) The effects upon any tributaries to the main stream, drainage ditches and any other drainage facilities or systems; The location of the proposed project is not in the vicinity of any tributaries, drainage ditches, or other drainage facilities and therefore Staff does not believe there are any negative effects on these elements. (5) The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; The letter from River Restoration states: "the proposed 19th Green project should not increase dangers to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage." There is no observable increase to the water surface elevation between the effective and proposed conditions. Thus, there would be no increased threat of flooding to property, private or public. (6) The susceptibility of the proposed improvement and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; The letter from River Restoration states: "the improvement and its contents should not increase the susceptibility of the project area to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner." (7) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; The improvements are intended to be installed to withstand the forces of Gore Creek and resist being swept away from the point of installation. There is no increased danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others, as the site for the proposed 19th hole has a grade of less than 1 percent. The Environment Impact Report confirms this finding. (8) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; The Vail Golf Club is a highly utilized golf course within the Town of Vail. The proposed improvements have been designed to be compatible with the desired intent of uses, which are golf and nordic activities. Staff believes the proposed improvements are compatible with the existing and anticipated development. (9) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; The proposed improvements do not negatively affect the current level of access for emergency vehicles to the site. Town of Vail Page 7 (10) The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems; The proposed improvements have no bearing on the need for future governmental services and improvements. (11) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; The letter from River Restoration describes the proposed improvements as having no impacts as the result of increased heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action at this site. The Environment Impact Report confirms this finding. (12) The effect the proposed changes will have any adverse environmental effect on the watercourse including, without limitation, erosion of stream banks and stream side trees and vegetation and wildlife habitat; The proposed improvements are located far enough away from the stream banks where they will have a limited adverse environmental effect, as confirmed by River Restoration. (13) The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; Not applicable. (14) The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed use; Given the configuration of the golf course, the applicant and Staff feel the 19th green has been sited in the most appropriate location. (15) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan for that area. This proposal meets the intent of Vail's Comprehensive Open Lands Plan for this area, which designates the Vail Golf Club as recreational open space. Staff believes this application meets the criteria for approval of a Floodplain Modification Permit. The Vail Floodplain Manager, Tom Kassmel, has also reviewed all materials for the proposed 19th hole and agrees with Staff's recommendation. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of a Floodplain Modification Permit, pursuant to Chapter 14 -6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading, construction fill, and re- vegetation within the Gore Creek 100 -year floodplain, to construct the 19th green at the Vail Golf Club, located at 1775 Sunburst Drive /Lot 3, Sunburst Filing 3 and unplatted parcels (a complete metes and bounds Town of Vail Page 8 description is available at the Community Development Department Office), and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this Floodplain Modification Permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Floodplain Modification Permit request pursuant to Chapter 14 -6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 100 -year floodplain, to construct the 19th green at the Vail Golf Club, located at 1775 Sunburst Drive /Lot 3, Sunburst Filing 3 and Unplatted Parcels (a complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department Office), and setting forth details in regard thereto." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this Floodplain Permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "Based upon a review of Section V of the Staff's May 13, 2013, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: (1) That the proposed use or modification adequately addresses the findings in subsection E3a of this section, as determined by the floodplain administrator, unless the applicant can demonstrate that one or more of the standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved, (2) That the proposed use or modification is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the town; and (3) That the proposed use or modification is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and (4) That the proposed use or modification promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. VI. ATTACHMENTS A. Proposed plans and analysis B. Environmental Impact Report dated March 28, 2013 C. Letter from River Restorations dated January 25, 2013, revised May 3, 2013 Town of Vail Page 9 General Notes 0 GR CAI E -so o z so 100 zoo ,- -' i PROPOSED 1971H GREEN _. 60 FOOTPRINT - w 56 59 v 1 inch _ 50 ft. 5 w 58 A/ 59 w -v w i EXISTING CONDITIONS 54 PREDIGTED FLOODING EXTENTS - w w w w w ADD O _ 'ALT. - 56 A/ _,_,_,_,_, --�= w 1 w w w i 1 PGT ANNUAL CHANGE -- FLOOD HAZARD YR F 5e (100LOODPLAIN) PROPOSED CONDITIONS PROPOSED COMBINED PREDICTED FLOODING EXTENTS 12TH;,10THTEEBOX GOr-IPLEX FOOTPRINT � 1 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PREDICTED FLOODING EXTENTS z U Q LU ♦ ♦ EFFECTIVE FLOODWAY I I I - ♦ / _ i Abi _ — ` ♦ 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ DRAf=T -NOT fOR C01\15TRUCTION e 1 Flood plain Delinea ion 5/3/13 - - -- ee / e e ee No Revision /Issue Date o- Firm Name and Address NOTES: - - ` ` ` ♦" J ` ♦ WN to) �1�� 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY IN ARE PE THE AERIAL MAP DEVELOPED BY ♦ •, INTRASEARCH, INC., PROVIDED BY GORE RANGE SURVEYING EEC. `, �'� P.O. Box 2 123 2, DATE OF EXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST, 2009. Glenwood Springs, CO 8 1 G02 3. PROPOSED CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY AND IMPROVEMENTS PROVID BY PHELPS ATKINSON LANDSCAPE � ARCHITECTURE. _ -_ _ /` ` -- — Project Name Address — — ♦'' • and 4. EXISTING EXTENTS DRAWN BA D ON UPDATED TOPOGRAPHY. THESE 1 177,9 _ _ ¢ _ ' _ _ — 1 7' _:_, ®- ®� LINES WERE DROPOSEDDFLOODING PREDICTED FLOODING 1 10 _ _: _._,_:_:_:_:_,o,_:_._._,_,_._._ _,_,_,_._,_,_,_,_ Vail Recreation Dlstrlct 5. HE FLOODWAY AND 1 PCT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD DELI TICKS CONTINUE TO BE THE - _ GULATORY BOUNDARIES AS DESCRIBED BY THE MOST RECENT 2007 000 INSURANCE STUDY. 0 M -- 6. BA IS OF ELEVATIONS: COLORADO HARN CONTROL POINT "SPRADDLE ", ELEVA 8287.40' (NAVD 88) 7 ACCORDING COLORADO MUST COMMENCE ACTION UPON ANY 1 7 7 AN I 1 DEFECT NS SURVEY WIRE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN Project sheet YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. _ 1 9th Green 8. GORE RANGE SURVEYING EEC DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO I Date ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, 4-3-2013 EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT scale " = 501 PROPERTY AND TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. VC50020697, DATED SEPTEMBER 19, 2008. 9. VERIFY CURRENT BUILDING SETBACKS ND RESTRICTIONS WITH THE PROPER GOVERNING AUTHORIT . NOTES: 1) DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST, 2009 2) TOPOGRAPHY AND IMPROVEMENTS INDICATED HEREON ARE PER THE AERIAL MAP PROVIDED BY INTRASEARCH, INC. 2) BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: COLORADO HARN CONTROL POINT "SPRADDLE ", ELEVATION = 8287.40' (NAVD 88). 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT, IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4) GORE RANGE SURVEYING LLC DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. VC50020697, DATED SEPTEMBER 19, 2008. tTe7Fl m, R i'- 00 PUBLIC SERVICE CO. E MENT (REC. No. 865335) GOLF COURSE PARCEL BOUNDARY i FAIRWAY I�Q PREEN- l� `FAIRWAY 'I I DIRT DRIVE ID I _( cl DoE l asssaa� ena M . �e R Nr / C Ill. g W O Z o Z C�1 � 4 W 0-) N- O i m D O Q n iii n,," < u� 0 0 n Q O U O > U — = 0� EL n 0 1-- Q �Izz 0 0 O u� 0 U CL 0� w O —i U � Q LL W O C� Q APR o 2013 o C�1 � 4 W L N- i m a •Nllll Z "'' v �` V0 25 50 75 100 STATION 177.1 VIEW - SECTION 8275 i 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 Proposed Proposed ---------- Existing Grade Fill Grade 0 25 50 75 100 STATION 177.5 ViEW— SECTION 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 Proposed - Proposed _ Existing gjM Grade Fill Grade - - - - ( t , , M , } I i 1 ` -r I_ : k —} t 8250 , , { i i I I { I i € f # ff f E : ii i 1 { _._._1 _ ._. 11 A 1 : { : , k # i } z E E J I j# { f f f : k t , i E - - -0 25 50 75 100 125 150 STATION 177.9 VIEW - SECTION AMIll "I /5 2UU 225 25U 2/b .5UU 525 55U 5 /5 4UU 425 45U 4/5 50U 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 Proposed Proposed ---------- Existing Grade Fill Grade General Notes NO C .* ! #" LOI i i ( i I `EE ! 1 I t t q 1 3 i i i t i i t ; , � r i l I i I , xi - rte.__.;. r i I k 1 i f f — r- v 4 ( I _..__ _ No. Recision Issue Date I , " I 1 " , 1 9 , k # , , Firm Name and Address , i i t i E I I ( i I ; , I " 0 25 50 75 100 STATION 178 VIEW— SECTION 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 NOTES: 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY INDICATED HEREIN ARE PER THE AERIAL MAP DEVELOPED BY INTRASEARCH, INC., PROVIDED BY GORE RANGE SURVEYING LLC. 2. DATE OF EXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST, 2009. 3. PROPOSED CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY AND IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED BY PHELPS ATKINSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. 4. BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: COLORADO HARN CONTROL POINT "SPRADDLE ", ELEVATION = 8287.40' (NAVD 88). 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THiS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. iN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT iN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 6. GORE RANGE SURVEYING LLC DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RiGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. VC50020697, DATED SEPTEMBER 19, 2008. 7. VERIFY CURRENT BUILDING SETBACKS AND RESTRICTIONS WITH THE PROPER GOVERNING AUTHORITY. Proposed _ Proposed ---------- Existing Grade Fill Grade IN IN A II IN IN Environmental Impact Report 19th Hole of the Vail Golf Course Prepared For The Vail Recreation District March 28th 2013 Prepared By RiverRestoration t I-Soo 13 is I Table of Contents aSection One I Introduction .............................................................................. ............................... 1 ProjectDescription ....................................................................................... ............................... 1 ProjectLocation ........................................................................................... ............................... 1 Section Two Impacts Assessment ................................................................. ............................... 2 AppendixA Location Map .............................................................................. ............................... i rAppendix B Floodplain Map ............................................................................. .............................ii �i 7 A t t t t ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE Section One I Introduction Project Description In 2010 the Vail Recreation District (VRD) drafted a master plan for the Vail Golf Course (VGC), which included construction of a 19th hole along with renovations and maintenance of the existing holes. Constructing the 19th hole would allow the VRD to perform the renovations and maintenance as described in the master plan without reducing the number of playable holes on the course to less than 18. Having the option of a 19th hole would provide course staff with the flexibility to utilize the hole early or late in the season if course issues such as turf damage, water Issues, damage caused by wildlife, or adverse spring /fall conditions are present elsewhere on the golf course. The 19th hole would be utilized only when necessary, due to construction activities or in the case of adverse conditions causing the closure of a hole on the course. The VRD has been working with the firm of Phelps / Atkinson to design the improvements necessary for the 19th hole. Their review of siting options has revealed the best possible location for the 19th hole. The project area is to be located approximately 50 ft north and east of the ® existing weather shelter between the 12th hole and the 16th hole. Reconfiguration of the 12th tee box and the construction of the 19th green would require the importation of fill materials. Once the topography has been shaped, the new tee box and green would be covered in sod to match the existing vegetation of the VGC. Irrigation of the sod would be performed once placed to ensure its long term success. A sand bunker would also be constructed on the north side of the 19th green to add a degree of difficulty to the golf shot. Project Location The Vail Golf Club is located in Vail, Colorado at approximately 8285 ft above msl. The proposed 191h hole green is located approximately 350 ft north of Gore Creek between the 12th hole tee box and the 16th hole fairway. The proposed 19th hole tee box is to be located at the existing 12th hole tee box, creating a shared tee complex. The project area is accessed by taking Exit 176 off Interstate 70 (1 -70) then traveling east on the South Frontage Rd E for a distance of 2.2 miles. The 19th hole project area is located south off South Frontage Rd E, approximately 150 ft along the private access drive. Appendix A: Location Map 191h Hole Vail Golf Course shows the ® location of the proposed project site. IN IN 1. * IN IN II PAGE 1 1 II ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19th HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE II Section Two I Impacts Assessment The following of no significant environmental impacts, either during construction or on a continuing basis is based on predefined affects described in Section 12 -12 -2 A -O of the Vail Town Code. A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural landform feature. _ a. No significant change in land form either during or following construction is proposed as part of the 19th hole construction on the Vail Golf Course. The existing topography of the proposed project area is gently sloping ( <1 %) to the southwest, towards Gore Creek. The land form is generally flat with minor topographic variations. No visible ridgelines, saddles, draws, ravines, hillsides, cliffs, slopes, creeks, marshes, watercourses, or other natural landform features are found in the immediate project area. The proposed project topography at the 12th tee box does not increase the overall height from existing conditions but nearly doubles the footprint from % acre to % acre in creating the combined tee box complex. The proposed 191h green will create topographic variability, which does not currently exist at the planar site. The maximum elevation increase over the 1/3 acre site is approximately 1 ft. 1 M b. No change in ecologic unit is anticipated as part of the proposed project. The project is to be constructed on the existing Vail Golf Course and does not alter the existing land use or subsequent ecology. Specifically, the 19th green is to be located between the 12th hole fairway and the 16th hole green. This land is currently managed by the Vail Golf Course and will not require significantly different land management practices in support of the proposed improvements. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. a. Wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting grounds are not anticipated to be M1 significantly impacted either during construction or following construction of the 19th hole. The existing Vail Golf Course is assumed to have moderate habitat, feeding, or nesting value, due to disturbances to wildlife through human use or maintenance activities. During construction, the roughly 0.8 acre project site will be cleared of non - native vegetation as necessary and fill will be placed to create proposed topography. It is anticipated that construction activities will temporarily reduce opportunities for marginal wildlife habitat, feeding, or W nesting grounds. However, once the project is completed, in the spring of 2013, the land will be returned to its prior use, restoring whatever wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground value is presently available. I id PAGE 12 II ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE I, C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. ■ a. Vegetative cover on the project site will be temporarily impacted during construction activities. The combined 0.8 acre project site will be temporarily cleared of non - native vegetation, as necessary, and fill will be placed to create proposed topography. Once constructed, the disturbed areas will be soded and irrigated to restore vegetative cover to the project area. Due to the current land management practices of the active golf course, no native grasses, trees, or shrubs are present within the 0.8 acre project site. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. a. Construction activities, at the project site, will have a temporary effect on the appearance of the golf course. However, once sod has been placed in the spring of 2013 no continued impacts are anticipated. The proposed topography is I , consistent with the existing land forms and is not of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. III a. The proposed project area is on a gentle slope ( <1 %), with limited topographic variability. Impacts during or once construction has been completed will not increase the potential for avalanche or landslide, thereby increasing hazards to health and safety. b. The Vail Golf Course is situated on the floodplain of Gore Creek. Through the golf course reach, Gore Creek meanders along the broader glacial valley, alternately eroding and depositing river sediments. These sediments originate from steep mountain streams that empty into Gore Creek at the numerous alluvial fans which dominate the valley floor. In general, Gore Creek's floodplain is characterized by shallow organic and mineral soils, overlaying well consolidated alluvial deposits. Due to the largely stable nature of these soils, risk of land form changes or settlement is not anticipated to increase during or following construction of this project. Appropriate fill materials are to be placed on existing soils, which do not currently show signs of settlement. c. The proposed project is partially located within the Effective 100 yr Floodplain of Gore Creek and north of the Effective Floodway encroachment station near FEMA river station 178. Construction activities will require the placement of fill materials, of which a portion will be located within the Effective 100 yr Floodplain. Appendix B: Floodplain Map describes the locations of the 19th green along with the delineations of the Effective Floodway and Floodplain. A separate PAGE 13 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE floodplain analysis was prepared for the Vail Floodplain Manager, by a qualified licensed professional engineer, to address flooding issues associated with the project. A letter report was drafted demonstrating compliance with Town of Vail and FEMA regulations necessary to perform work in the floodplain. The report also addressed relevant issues described in subsection 12 -21 -11 E.3. of the Vail, Colorado Town Code. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the proposed project should have no adverse effects upon siltation or flooding, the efficiency or capacity of the floodway, persons and personal property upstream, downstream and in the immediate vicinity, the 100 -year flood profile and channel stability, any tributaries to the main stream, drainage ditches and any other drainage facilities or systems. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. a. Subsurface conditions at the project site have not been studied as part of this analysis. If toxic substances are uncovered during construction activities, these materials will be isolated, removed, and disposed of at an appropriate facility or left undisturbed. b. Discharges of thermally abnormal substances, smoke, gas, stream, dust, or other particulate matter is not anticipated during or following construction activities at the project site. c. The use of herbicides and /or pesticides may occur on the project site, following construction activities, consistent with the Vail Golf Courses land management practices. No significant additional use of these substances is anticipated beyond whatever use may already occur. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. a. Construction activities at the project site will require the use of heavy equipment for filling and shaping of the topography. Diesel fuel and emissions will temporarily occur onsite, which may result in an objectionable odor. No permanent changes which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging are anticipated as part of this project. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. a. No waste treatment, cooling, or settlement ponds will be necessary during or following construction activities. Similarly, no solid or liquid wastes are anticipated to be generated by the project, which will require transportation of to a treatment or disposal site. If toxic substances are uncovered subsurface and PAGE 14 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE cannot be avoided during construction activities, these materials will be isolated, removed, and disposed of at an appropriate facility. I. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. a. No solid or liquid wastes are anticipated to be generated by the project. If solid or liquid wastes are uncovered subsurface by the project, these materials shall not be discharged to open waters and will be isolated, removed, and disposed of at an appropriate facility. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. a. The existing project area currently drains to Gore Creek and does not drain to existing or proposed sewer systems. Activities during or following construction will have no impact on the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. K. Involves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. a. Construction activities at the project site will require the use of heavy equipment for filling and shaping of the topography. Heavy equipment activity onsite will temporarily generate noise that may be considered offensive. Construction activities are scheduled for the sprig of 2013. No permanent changes which generate noise that may be offensive or damaging are anticipated as part of this project. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. a. Neither during or following construction activities will a significant numbers of people be displaced nor will the project result in a significant population increase. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. a. The current project site has significant recreation /open space value. Neither construction or post construction activities will impact potential recreational or open space value as the land will be returned to an identical use following construction. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. a. Neither construction or post construction activities will alter local traffic patterns or cause a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. PAGE 15 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE O. Is a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this section. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31: Ord. 8(1973) § 16.200) a. This project is part of the 2010 Vail Recreation District drafted master plan for the Vail Golf Course. The master plan includes construction of a 191h hole along with renovations and maintenance activities at other holes on the golf course. PAG E 16 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE Appendix A I Location Map IN IN PAGE I i i� 7ate, VA � 1 Q v , � a \\ A � J 1 � LU OX i Q v cz \ 10 I� ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 19" HOLE, VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT, VAIL GOLF COURSE Appendix B I Floodplain Map PAGE I ii i. s AVA N IbIJ000]J s ;iiON qqc. I ;IG,, (noD ji0g iivA p 1D1?J1SIa NOUVI',J31 TVA 0 m °8a O O ofl A; X" I V E R6 vr�/r� PO Box 02123.Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81602. (970) 947 -9568 January 25, 2013 Revised May 3, 2013 Thomas Kassmel, PE Town of Vail Department of Public Works Town Engineer 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81632 Phone 970 - 479 -2235 RE: Report describing the As Proposed Floodplain Compliance with Town of Vail regulations for the construction of the 19th Green improvements project Dear Tom, RiverRestoration has performed a floodplain analysis within the reach of Gore Creek, for the Vail Recreation District (VRD); in support of the 19th green Floodplain Modification Permit (FMP). This letter report has been prepared to demonstrate compliance with Town of Vail regulations and Federal floodplain development guidelines. The VRD is seeking a FMP for activities necessary to construct a new green on the Vail Golf Course (VGC), named the 19th green (green). The new green is proposed to be located between the existing 12th Tee Box and the existing 16th green. The proposed green is partially located within the Effective 100 yr Floodplain however; it is located approximately 350 ft outside of the north bank Effective Floodway encroachment station near FEMA river station 178. Construction activities for the green will require the placement of construction fill, of which a portion will be located within the Effective 100 yr Floodplain. Appendix A: Floodplain Map describes the locations of the 19th green along with the delineations of the Effective Floodway and Floodplain. This analysis was performed assuming that no insurable structures will be constructed as part of this project. Effective Conditions The Effective HEC -RAS floodplain model, used in this analysis, was obtained from Town of Vail. This model contains the most current FEMA flood model geometry for Gore Creek within the project reach. The project reach, as described on the Eagle County Colorado, Flood Insurance Study (FIS), is located between FEMA cross sections AN (177) and AO (179). The Effective Conditions model is based off the NAVD 88 vertical datum. Flood flows were based on values reported by the FIS. A 100 year discharge of 1,930 cfs was used to calculate water surface elevations, through the Project reach. Page 1 IVE � , PO Box 02123.Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81602. (970) 947 -9568 Table 1100year Flood Elevations for the 19`h Green Topographic Alterations (1,930 cfs) Flooding Source 100 YR Flood lain Floodwa FEMA FIS Cross Sections Effective Model Cross Sections Cumulative Distance Regulatory WSEL Effective Model WSEL Proposed Conditions WSEL Increase Effective Model WSEL Proposed Conditions WSEL Increase # # ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 180 41275 8260.7 8260.7 0.0 8260.8 8260.8 0.0 AO 179 40719 8256.7 8256.7 8256.7 0.0 8256.9 8256.9 0.0 178 40244 8254.8 8254.8 0.0 8254.8 8254.8 0.0 177.9 40203 8254.7 8254.7 0.0 8254.7 8254.7 0.0 177.7 40191 8251.3 8251.3 0.0 8251.3 8251.3 0.0 177.5 40143 8251.1 8251.1 0.0 8251.1 8251.1 0.0 AN 177 39742 8246.8 8246.8 8246.8 0.0 8246.8 8246.8 0.0 176 39200 8243.8 8243.8 0.0 8243.8 8243.8 0.0 Page 2 &N, IVER 1W.-b PG Box 02123.Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81602. (970) 947 -9568 Proposed Conditions The Proposed Conditions model describes changes to the Effective model geometry, based on proposed topographic alterations at the 19th green. Proposed contours used to develop the Proposed Conditions model were supplied by the design firm of Phelps / Atkinson. The basis for Effective and Proposed Conditions models elevations is the Colorado harp control point "spraddle ", elevation = 8287.40' (NAVD 88). To demonstrate compliance with Town of Vail and Federal floodplain development guidelines, a comparison of the modeled Floodway and 100 yr Floodplain Water Surface Elevations (WSEL) are shown in Table 1. The modeling analysis performed has shown no change to the Base Flood Elevations (BFE) within or upstream of the reach and subsequently no change to the Effective Floodplain. Because no insurable structures are to be located within the study reach and no impacts to BFE or upstream flood risk were observed in the modeling analysis, neither a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) nor Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) are required. However, to improve the resolution of the Existing and Proposed Conditions Floodplain delineations, the extents of these floodplains were redrawn based on the updated topography. Improved resolution of the Existing and Proposed Conditions, compared to the FEMA Cross Sections, now reflects a reasonable interpretation of how water would flow around the updated topography. The results of this comparison demonstrate that Proposed Conditions should have no adverse effects upon the efficiency or capacity of the floodway; persons and personal property upstream, downstream and in the immediate vicinity; the 100 -year flood profile and channel stability; any tributaries to the main stream, drainage ditches and any other drainage facilities or systems; and do not change the Effective model. The results of the analysis also show that the proposed 19'h green project should not increase dangers to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage. Because no increase in WSELs were observed between the Effective and Proposed Conditions models no changes to existing site hydraulics are anticipated. As such, the improvement and its contents should not increase the susceptibility of the project area to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner. The models results also demonstrate that there is not an increased danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others. Furthermore, no impacts to the expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action are suggested by the modeled results, at the site. The Vail Golf Course has multiple access roads allowing for river access during flooding. Because this project does not change the BFEs, improvements should not impair the safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. Additionally, the costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems should not be affected. Page 3 IVER 1� PO Box 02123.Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81602. (970) 947 -9568 No change in land use is proposed for the construction of the 196' green. Because the project is to be located within an existing fairway of the VGC, improvements are compatible with existing and anticipated development. In addition, the proposed improvements are consistent with the comprehensive plan for the area. The 196i green has been positioned as far as physically possible from Gore Creek, in an attempt to minimize impacts to flooding or erosion damage. Moving the improvements completely out of the floodplain was not an option as siting of the new green required it to be between two existing golf holes. The project site is located approximately 350 ft from the north bank of Gore Creek on the existing golf course. The distance from the creek and the existing land use should limit any new adverse environmental effects on the watercourse including erosion of stream banks and stream side trees and vegetation and wildlife habitat. If you have any additional questions or comments in regard to this Floodplain Compliance Report, please contact me at your convenience to discuss. Sincerely, Jitd Jason Carey P.E. River Engineer j ason. carey(d)riverrestoration. org (970)947 -9568 C.C. Scott F. O'Connell Director of Operations & Facilities Vail Recreation District O: (970) 477 -5264 C: (970) 390 -9731 Page 4 �; IvER 1+ PO Box 02123.Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81602. (970) 947 -9568 Appendix A I Site Plan Page i .._.... _. _ GRAP 1 PR - .1 T' OL W Z 1 I W W Q - -- - - Q - - -- - - -- - -- ,_ ~ 1 � DRAF -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION i i I \ A IVE EXfS'ING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY iN ARE PE +r AERIAL MAP , i INIRASEARCH. IHC., PROVIDED By GONE HANGE SURVEYING LLC. / �F� p. &, 2123 DAYS OF EXISTING CONCIDDIVS TOPOGRAPHY'. AUGUST. 2009 / } G nwcod Spnn,',�Otl 602 Y % \\� / ~ ww RrmRev g PRO ITEIO CUNODIDNS tOPOGRAPNr ANO IMPapVEMENlS PRW 'Br RHEEPS A4XINSON LANOSG •E �^/ /`( �- w ARCH 7ECtURF.. EXj571NG h PROPOSED FroaU G rx A S WERE DRAWN BA D ON JPOATED —Cos,— -HESS ;;�� ~M •- �_ LINES WERE DLYEiOPED TO DESCRIBE PREDICTED FLOODING 7 %.. 7rvJJ ` --j-7� I'I' i5' / ____ Vad Recreation D,st,,ct F FLOWWAY AND I PCT ANNUAL C —CE FLOOD NAZWO DEL. Ti0N5 LONT NU( TO DE THE /�/ - -_ - -- GUTATORV BOUNDARIES AS DESCRIBED BY THE MOST RECENT 2DC OOD NSURANCC SIiTh', - _ 9A 15 OF EIEVA110- COLOR ADO yANI CO 1ROL POINT 'SPRADpLE', EIEV P21740' INAVD - tl9 i� TICS ACCO SUS COLORppp L14 Y& — COMMENCE AM',tEGAL AC 1 EF :PON ANY i VENT. N 5 SURVEY W'1 N 'U eF YEARS AFiT IN IP FIRST OISCOE£C MME OE MO IN '.O EVENT. MAY MAIHE' 0 NU ACFK 1"DONYS.ftH DEFECT IN SURVE?' BE COMMENCED MOVE THM! TEN V / 1 9th Greco LORE RANGE SUNHtoNC - DID NOT PERT RM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUOJECt PROPERTY TO SP- " ESTABLISH OWNCRSFIIP, GSE.EH,, UR Or WAY OF RECORD, T,. PAUNOAFW DIMENSIONS, 1 4 -3 -20 3 EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR HE SUBJECT u ..BRED •ec iflL� QItl+FANIE� . 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