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PEC130016 Bungee Plan
--- .FENCE &CROSW .~LK PLAN.-, .---. ~ . . POST &RAil FENCE x·,..-x . CROSSWALK ::: la ·Handicap 'accesSlOIe portCr.1 01 !he eourae(s) are ~., -..:. Ii.CCOrd~r.ceWtlhAON\G · ~'mcrica05'M1hOi:s.abll~Act . ~it)'GlJidein9~)~'O~'On . Nota\: rhr~ PluSot;~~tmc:OOc ltll'\U' tsR:~ l'lew, ~[I'JUlt ym a ~~oi.ol~ngil[lprnf1ri..1~~p:l..-.ctllhl}\ . UcJo.'OIhcrwtst;~~'UlIII~ns;hkrors~~~ i~~gtiO~n;w",,~NIl< ~oiTh~ I~pwnpa;.. . o-.vBtt~ltCi'~~~pumr,.lN ~l1NG. Ir:lI~y;~.;om~rha!l"plw:cttn:xtnrbc:1n~:allcdl~~ . siDgZ phac kg Ie: ukcn~).~..ICI'1o"k:c ttl pow'l:r tm: p~ . ~t:Qtlu::unlOb!C\Ult~~dM~h18~ . . ' . . ~tom..~~S1n.lawttpc~d.~ MUsrurn.c~· t1u!lfUmp.. REV1SIONS: J.J.O . J.J.O. DATE · PRINTED:' 09 / >6 / 10 GRAPHICS KEY ' .DROP-OFF ELEV. CHANGE . ... -;', \ I I, 09 / 08/1 0 (M .G. LAYOUT) . 104 / 13 / 10 (GRADING) R '-ROUGH M--MOUND ~lOREOCARpn L l [2j. EMBA.NKWEHl Public entry to trampoline area . CHAIR 8 / / / BRICK PAVER . EDGING (TYP.) New fence lines to match exisitng . --~ CORKSCREW SHOT RESTROOMS 'S'PRAY FOUNTAIN PUMP: Goulds Mod~ #-'528Fl E4EO 1.5 Hoise Power 2JOVon ' . . Single Phase (~460 Y. Three Pt~Aval ..) ~~~u:y;~Amps / BOULDER (TYP.) . ......--: . PIPE ~SHOT y / / . / / ©§G~~ APR 2 4 20 13 roWN OF VAIL ~. N~~~I~k~OF .. eO~8.L REUSE OF oOcUh'EN7S: . . ' . . this 000.x!\ant, and Itt. doaIgna/rIC:OtpOf'I.lIed ·t.reIn, IiW I1e I:lrope~ ofHam.....nn Golf. cOul..", In:. lind WB not . b) ML:Aitd :'{whoiII or in ~fDrcon&lNC:Sldnot"dr .,.,v.her.~'*'.thc:uttltlwrt.ten~O( . ...,. MJnIaturc ~COI.If'$i:s. I~ . '. .' . ~ ...... o Q FOR: (i)VAlL RESORTS '· r VAlL, CO DATE:.• LAYOUT '10/29/09 .. PLAJ.'1 ORA"'" BY: iO U1.1.0. CHECKED BY, . llJ\. I G.F.L. (l..