HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 1f� �� k �� � �:v��.. I � �, o�-�M�\N� �, / . / 2� 9� / � .t-- �.. . . . . , CURVE DATA CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT N0. I 120° 20� 12 �� 94. 27� 197. 98 � 164.39� 2 186° 45� 33�� 50.00� 162.98� 3 300°00 � 00� � 40.00 � 209.44 � 0���� LOT 6 N \ �O � �. � t3� 'O � 6.92� � Street easement recorded in Book Page , office of the clerk •and recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. i � � A SUBDIVISION IN SECTION I 2, TOWNSHI P 5 SOUTH , RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGL E COUNTY, COLOR A D 0. SHEET I OF I :� � i.+.,... , :�-•t• ; ,, __..:,-.,;,: . .,,: :t...,.. � . . . . I... . . . ��% L_.. . ,�'ti ,... . . .': .. , � ..... . .. �".... .. . BIG�HORN W4TER DISTRI�T EASEME NT. STREET� �.W , a EA EMENT ,�g22 E.. . . . . 69 90 �'( � N 20°I I� •. �� � � � �� ' O •.:�:;.:;�:. ���8A0 't�, .". � �•'�,�, � ' 3 `�: •' , � �. ��1�OFF'SET � � . `� �����., �. .:. � 6 ` � O i� i... . z.-: � ,�. . C� �� ,:�... �. ,g�% ,�u` \ `���� \\ 9,-��/ LOT I l� � 3 �, 5• � — —0.46 Ac.- � , 15� OFFSET 86�5013 W 197.93 \�`\ � NOTE: Shou ld the B ighorn Water D ist ri ct aband on use of the easement on Lots 5 and 6, the easement shall revert to the Town of Vail as publ ic open space. No permanent bui ld ings shal 1 be constructed on said easement. � 89°56�15��E 262.36� NE CORNFR, SE I/4, NW I/4 SECTIOK 12 9 9� = - -13>5.2� -�y�-�- -127.flB_ . � �'( 8 ..���{i o` � i :...: p.5 � � �A s97. \ g+ ' ` ` S�� �LOT 5 , � �, I '.a : �� �0.35Ac. � � o oTRACT � . � a' Ki M, ^'?, A ;c� •-- • '`S9 $9•, ,� � o Ki� ' ,,�T, � c� Ki LOT 6 � `� � � � M o> °� LOT �c� 0.34A�c. 4QO � N � 4 ; _ �2 � .49� � � � 0.39Ac. i �n :=�. - � N . � �� �ij � =23�88� � M . �� `'Q U�� ,��p�a'b L t}p' 86°00�58 W� `'1�: ��09•Ip' u' P�^� c� � 95.78 � .�::: , —p `4 � G � --►+ I 6' EASEMENT O\� ip Cp� .��9. p,.°� � �Oti. p v, I � � �: LOT 2 I � i w '�S�o ` 0.49 Ac. � � LOT 3 + a ti. g3s0� �. �� 0.71Ac. �°o N ; •,:• �` M c� �� � . . ,ti • �� \ Z I� tn • r��.., � • ::: 2.26 � \ � i•. � i .... �Ti i � • -��-�� • •• �ASI S Q� �:s�_s,� ! 4G : EAST LINE OF LOT 14, BLQGK 4, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIP,D ADDI TI ON AMENDED PLAT I N S!�CTION !2, T5S-R80W OF TFNE 6T�i PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, �aGLE COUNIY, COLORADO. �2� i .. . �i NOTES: I. ALL LOT LINES ARE PERPENDICULAR TO STREET CENTERLINES (?R RADIAL UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 2, li � t L I TY EASEMENTS SHOMrN ARE 16 FEET WI DE OR AS I ND ICATED ANQ ARC FOR USE OF PUBLIC UTI LI TI ES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED T: WATER MAINS, SANITARY SEWER, TELEPHONE AND C LECTR I C POW�R. LE6EN�: � FOUND EXISTING STEEL PIN � CAP, FOUND AS SHOWN. �Q STEEL PIN & CAP OFFSET ALONG LOT LINE, DIS�TANCE AS SHOWN. POINT OF BEGINNING CENTER SECTI N 12 I 3 76. 7 ' NE CORNER, NW I/4, SE I/4 SECTION 12 CERTIFICATION OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these preserrts that Douglas M. Borwick being the sole owner in fee simple of all the real property described as follows: That port ion of Lot 14, Block 4, IB ighorn Subdiv is ion Th i rd Add ition, Amended Plat, accord i ng to the recorded p lat thereof, 1 yi ng North and East of the Northeasterl y right-of-way 1 i ne of I nterstate 70; a descri pt ion of the r i ght-of -way 1 i ne of I nterstate 70 as recorded i n Book 21 4, Page 456 of #he records of the cl erk and recarder, Eagl e County, Col orado. Th i s p roperty i s al so known as: A parcel of land located in the SE I/4 of the NW I/4 of section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, being that part of Lot 14, B1ock 4, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended P!at as recorded in Eagle County, Colorado and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point from whence •the center of said Section 12 bears SO°20'24"E, 816.81 feet; thence along a curve to the left 502.31 feet having a radius of I1,710.00 feet, whose chord bears N54°43'50"W, 502.26 feet, said curve being the Northerly right-of-way 1 ine of Interstate 70; thence N86°50' 13"W al ong saitl right-of -w�ay 1 ine 197.93 feet to the most Southerl y corner of Lot I 2, Block 4, B ighorn Subd iv is ion Th ird Addi t ion Amended P1 at; thence N64°3 ('42"E, 95.93 f�eet to the most Souther 1 y corne r of Lot 13 of sa id p 1 at; thence N61 °50' I I"E, I 00.98 feet to the most Easterl y co rner of said Lot 13, thence N20°I I'38"IW, 58.G0 feet to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 13; thence N69°48'22"E, 198.91 feet to the North 1 ine of said Lot 14; thence N89°56'15"E, 262.316 feet along said North i ine to the NE corner of the SE I/4, NW I/4 of said Section t2; thence SO°20'24"E, 513.25 feet al ong the East 1 i ne of sai d Lot (4 to the po i nt of beg i nn i ng, conta i n i ng 3.65 acres, more or 1 ess: Have by these present laid out, p�atted and subdiv'ided the same into lots as shown hereon under the name and style of a"Resubdivision ofi Part of Bighorn Subdiv ision, Th ird Add it ion, Amended P1 at" i n the Town of Vai 1, Eagle County, Colorado for publ ic use the street shown hereon, the publ ic lands and d�ainage easements shown hereon for utility and drainage purposes only; and do further state that this subdivision shall be subject to the protective covenants, as filed and recorded for this subdivision in the office of the clerk and recorder of Eagle County, Colorado as document No.� _. ' EXECUTED th i s�day of � , A. D. 1977: �_ _ � _ I��,� _ _ , _ � Douglas Borwick Vail, Co orado 81657 STATE OF COLORADO) � ss: COUNTY OF EAGLE The forgoing dedication was ackna»vledged before me this�day of � .D. 1977 By Douglas M. Borwick. My Canm i ss i on Exp i res: G��C NOTARY PUBLIC Witness �►y hand and seal �' SURUEYOR'S CERTIFICATE "`�-�"� I, Leroy E. Tobler, do hereby certi fy that I am a regi stered Land Surveyor 1 icensed under the 1 aws of the State of Col orado that thi s Plat is a true, correct, .and comp lete pl at of a Resubd ivi sion of Part of B ighorn Subd iv i s i on Th i rd Add it i on, Amended Pl at as 1 ai d out, ded i cated and shown hereon, ±hat such pl at was made fram an accurate survey of sa id property by me and under my superv i sion and correctly shows the 1 ocat ion an ' i ons of , the lots, easements, and streets of said =ubdivision as the same are staked in accordance with C.R.S., 1963 as amended. ��( E. T �Q� A�'�18tE'O p�`tc` � � Regi stered Land Surveyor �, � N i1 , +' � , 9�� � ANO �' �� AT70RNEY'S CERTI FI CATE �� CQ�.O Jack N. Hyatt, �n Attorney at Law duly licensed to practice before the courts of record of Colorado, do hereby certify that I have examined the title to all lands shown upon fhis Plat and that the title to such lands is vested in Douglas M: Borwick, subject to eas�ne�ts, restrictians� ►'�g!`ts-of-way, covenant� of record and actual, any taxes or assessments includin� but not 1 imited to assessments which the property may be sub;ect by reason of its inciusion within the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District and the Bigh�rn Water District, and subject to resPrvatior,s and exceptions and patents from the United States of America; and subject to all Federal, State and local rules, rec�ulations, l iens and ordinances. D at ed t h i s�_ d ay of �p�� A. D. I 977 JckN. at PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE r This Plat uses densities, standa;rds, and definitions approved by the Vail Planning and Zoning Comrt�ission th' Y�'day of_L U A.D. 1977. a i rm APPROVAL OF PLAT AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATIONS BY THE TOWN OF VAIL , Th i s Pl at i s hereby approved by the Town Counc il of Vai 1 and the ded i cat ion of st reets, ut i A:D: 1977. By Mayo r 156887 �Atte St � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE e• Q This Plat was f iled for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at�___.0'�1ockL• M. 1977 and is duly recorded in book�`r-�., Page '�`��. Map Case �z� and Recorder • � i ?��� D r awe r—� B y-_— - �z<���iif� . +� Dep uty /�� 00� , 1 i � 3■ �