HomeMy WebLinkAboutElliott Ranch Subdivision�
yV 1/16
- j--
l" = 600�
Scale� I inch= 50 feet
.C. S79°36�56��Wto true cor.
PoiM of Beginning
P.O. Box 409
; Eogle, Colorodo. 8163I
Phone= 303 328-6368
_ �
South Line4 T 5S ?� R BE�N/4
�� �I,ifl! �
A poit�on o f fhe �1/orth //2 of �h e l�or��i�``��st //�, �'�cti�n I�,
To�rnshi 5 South Ron e 8/ West of the :Sixth Princi �►/ �''���+dion
p � 9 �' ,
_ Eogl'e County, Co/orodo
1) If nbre than a 4 L,���� cut is required to build on Lot 4, a detailed
soils report will be required before a building permit will be issued.
2) Estimated crnapletion date is September 1981.
3) Surveycd in '�ovember and December 1978.
4) No further subdivision of any lpt in this subdivision will be allowed.
5) The constt+uction of $ duplex shall be allowed on each lot with the
following restricr.ions:
a) No dwelling unit containing either one or two living units shall
be pereitted or created on any site with gross residential floor
area exclusive of open porches, patios, terraces, car-port and
garage of greater than 3700 square feet.
b) The aecondary unit of the duplex shall not exceed 1,233.33 square
S� 3 , 2�� „ W
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i,,: ___ . , .
N 27°00�25��E
3 4. 74'
8 3 0.2 3�
Parcel Reco�ded in
----.•,..- -�--�.--�;�,�-..�..., - - �
Know all men hy the.se presents that Pauline A. Elliot being sole owner
in fee sim�ile oC ;ill th�it r��al property described as follows, to wit:
A portion of the North 1/2 of the .Zortheast 1/4, Section 14,
.Township 5 Soiith, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
�agle County, Colorado, lying Southeasterly of U. S. Highway No. 6
and Interstate ?lighway No. 70 rights of way, more particularly des-
cribed as follows: '
Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Section 14, Township 5
South, Range 81 [Jest of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
', Colorado, a Brasscap monument; ther�ce South Ol°22'S0" East along the
' Easterly line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 14 a distance of
--- ' 1391.34 feet to the Eaff 1/16th Corner of the said Ilortheast,lJ4,
C0�1lf'!� �COP�lISSI�NER�S CERTIFICATE whence the East 1/4 Corner of said Section 14, a Brasscap momanent,
bears South Ol°22'S0" East 1391.34 feet distant; thence South 86°43'28"
i'tfis !�t approved by the Board of Commissioner's West along the Southerly line of the North 1/2, Northeast 1/4 of said
'.f Ess1,�e County, Colorado this �_day of Section 14 a distance of 2540.13 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-
, [day line of Interstate Highway No. 70, a point on a curve, and the true
A.D., 19�, for filing with the
Clerk an Recorder of Eag e County and for con- point of beginning, whence the West I/16cornaf,NE I/4of soid Section 14, bears
♦epaece [o the County of the public dedications South 86°43'28"iJest 223.39 feet distant; thencP along said Southerly
�lfo�n Mereon; subject to the provision that app- Right-of-Way line on a curve to the right having a radius of 5540 feet,
ro�al it► no iray obligates Eagle County for fin- and w(iose chord bears North 38°23'19" East 280.89 feet distant, an arc
atf�efss or construCtins of improvements on lands, distance of 280.92 feet to a point of tangency; thence continuing along
street• or eaaements dedicated to the public ex- said Southerly Right-of-[aay line for ttle following courses:
eept a� apecifically agreed to by the Board of
Co�iss$oners and further that said approval North 39°50'29" East a distance of 100 feet
�hall iri no vaq obligate Eagle County for main- North 52°19'38" East a distance of 92.2 feet
tenanea of streets dedieated to the public until South 83°45'S3" East a distance of 36.1 feet
conatrwction of improvements thereon shall have Plorth 39°50'29" East a distance of 340.0 feet
been e�smpleted to the satisfaction of the Board North 27°00'25" �ast a distance of 34.74 feet
of Co�lissioners.
POrC@� Q ' to the intersectiun of said Southerly Ri�ht-of-Way line with the bound-
/ �.
'' .
� � ary of the tract of land as described in Book 181 on Page 435 of the
' hairtnan records of the Eaole County Clerk and Recorder; thence South 48°27'38"
East along said boundary a distan�e of 49.75 feet to the approximate
RiteeM �+ hand and aeal of the County of Eagle centerline of Gore Creek; thence upstream up the approximate center-
, line of Gore Creek and along said boundary for the following courses:
ATTL►ST: � �
ounty Clerk South 86°53'38" �ast a distance of 139.13 feet
North 56°43'22" East a distance of 46.55 feet
61�06�'S6��E R.�11lfi� COl�MISSIdlQ CER'TIFICATE North 17°13'22" East a distance of 105.28 feet '�
3e.�4' �
lhis !�t a�pprro�red by t� L►asle County Plannin� to a corner of the boundary of Parcel ��A�� as described herein and con-
� in1 Es�1i Co�i aion this �� tinuing along said boundary of Parcel A for the following courses:
, ia�► of A. D. , 19
South 28°37'15" East a distance of 119.26 feet
r�� � North 61°06'S6" East a distance of 38.14 feet
Chairman South 08°31'08" West a distance of 599.87 feet
CL� APTD RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE 1 Sz 329 to a point on the Southerly line of the North 1/2 Northeast 1/4 of said
Section 14; thence South 86°43'28" West along said Southerly line a
- -�
'111is l�lf�t vas filed for record in the Office distance of 330.23 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing � '
ef NM IClerk aad Reeorder at ��' o'clock 348.479.14 square feet or 8.000 acres, more or less.
' M��� � 19 .
T��' . _ . . _ . . ._ . . _ . �, �. __ �
and ia duly recor e in Book � has by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the aame into lots
t� ~• °i�� ; and blocks as shown hereon and designate the same as Elliot Ranch Subdivision
•� �� • ' ,
i in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for public use the streets shoi+n
��� hereon including avenues, drives, courts, places and alleys, the public lands
��� �. 1 rk and Recorder and drainage easements shown hereon for utility and drainage purposes only;
B�. � �' and do further state that this subdivision shall be subject to the protective
•��%�� � d d f hi bdi ' i i th Offi f the Clerk
: � �� NE COR.,SE'�C. M
��' T5S,R81 W
•i '
( Bross Ccp )
.: �.
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„i �
--T covenants filed and recor e or t s su vis on n e ce o
ty � D,N . and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado as Document No.
� � �
� � �
� ���
Pauline A. Elliott - Owner
Box 171 I, Va i I, CO., 81657
State of '���_
County of
' Tlte foregoing dedication was acknowledged before ise this J 7�i
d,ay�of,� A.D. 19� by Pauline A. Elliott as owner.
�� �� . ., `� . '
�'♦i Witness �tiry tiend and seal. �,
,-' .�ri �d�in�nission expires _
' ' ,,. ��, 1�
. ``� Not ry Public
,. ' \S
50.00� IT09.90�_ _
I, Jack �l. Johnson, do hiereby certify that I a� a r�stered Land Surveyor
licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, thit this Plat is a true
correct and camplete Plat of the Elliot Rmch 3nbdivl�ion aas laid out,
platted, dedicated and sho�rn hereon, that such Tlat �s 'ade from an
accurate survey of said property b� se snd e�d� � wtperviaion and
correctly shows the location and di�enaions of the l�ts, aeasents and
streets of said subdivision aa the sa�e are •t�k,�i �rn the ground ia.
compliance with applicable regulations governin� t11t subdivision of Iand.
In Witness whereof I have set my hand and se�l thi���day of
/Y1o�ch n�. i9 7
Jack W. Jofie�e►w t.�.S. 4551
I, Peter Cosgriff, do hereby certify that I have examined the Title to
all lands shown upon this Plat and that Title to such lands is vested in
Pauline A. Elliot free and clear of all liens, taxes and encumbrances,
except as follows:
(a) Right-of-way easement of Western Slope Gas Company recorded
Novemher 3, 1966 in Book 200 at Page 399.
(b) Right-of-way easement to the Mountain States Telephone and
Telegraph Company recorded January 17, 1969 in Book 214 at
Page 501.
(c) Permanent flowage easement to the State Department of Highways,
Division of Highways, State of Colorado.
• DATED this �-/ day of ��/��f%� , 19--,�--L--. I,� .
/� '
, (/ • .
Peter Cosgriff
Attorney at Law
, "I. the undersipnecl du hereby certify th�� he �tire at+�ount of taxea
� � and assessments due ;ind payable as ��C . � upon the parcels of
P��:;b_TlqF�G,y real esta[e descril��d on thig Plat 1re p.�icl in ful.l."
� p Ai+*; Dated _��-- 19--1�- -- _ �
�; q, � 51 �� Hu r[ 1' r � rsc,n, Treasurer u'f
�►! . � i:aRle �',nnty, COloredo
�"�°•<+ j -+�' c�
'�,�,"9� •: � �uR`!� ;�`�",t
'=_ 4�' n..l' r.t U:,fi' °
JK 78-235