HomeMy WebLinkAboutForest Glen Subdivision - Amended Final Plat, 0 � cv cu � N � � � � � 0 Z � � � Cli � � � 0 U m � 0 0 � � �- � � � i � � � � � Q � � � 0 Q U / � _: . •: , ..� • r .. �;. - - Knawn all men by �hese pres�nts that Lars Isaksson, Repre,�entative of the Hameawn�r of For�st Glen Su6divisian, as ���o�d�d in the Office af the C/erk and Recorder of Eag/e Coun ty, Colorado at Recep tion No._______________, of all that rea/ prop�rty situated in Eag/e Caunty, Calarado descri6ed as follorvs• Far�st G/en Subdivision as r�corded under Reception Num6er �83478 in Baak ,587 at Page 376, To�wn a� l�ail, Caunty of Eag/e, Sirate o� Ca/arada; containing 7.5�00 acres more or less; have �by these presents laid out, platted and subdi�ided the same into lofs dnd b/ocks as shown on this final p/at under the name and style af Amend�d Final P/at, Forest Glen Su6division, a subdi�ision in the ror�n a� I/ail, Eagle County, Calarada; and does hereby accepi the responsibility for the completian o� required improvements; and daes her�6y dedicate and set apart a/l of the public roads and other pu6lic improvements and p/aces as shawn an the accompanying plat to the use af the public forever,• and does here6y dedicate thase portians of sard real property which are indica��d as easements on the accompanying p/at as easements for �he purpose sho�vn hereon,• and daes ��re6y grr�nt the right ia install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsi6/e �`ar ,c7ros�iding the ser�ices �or �hich th� eas�rr�ents are esta6lished. Execut�d this�� ��, day ot` ����,���M-���;�°A.D., 2CiCJ'. �q;�."ni� �� � r . ,ee%�� �'�� ��� a < - OWAIER.• L ars lsaksson, Representative of For�st G/en HomeoWner STA TE OF COLORADO � 1 � SS COUN7'Y OF EAGLE , � ���� � T�i� for�going instrument Was acknowl�dged 6�far� me tO715�LtQ�/ Ot` �� ��, ,�� � , A.D, 2�D9, by La�s /saksson, as a Represera tativ� of For�s� G/en Horrleo�vn�rs. ������ � My Cor�amissiorr expires �tness my hand and officia/ seal. 4 F P1�e4NNINC� ,�4NC3 �NVIR4NMENTAL GERT�FICATE� 7'his fina/ pla� was approved 6y the�,,Town af ►lai/ Planning and Envirar�me�tal <, Commissian this �"�df� day of ,� '�v. '-„��,�� ,�� A..D. 2009 '_ � , � : ,_ .. _I � J; ..,9, _,.:,. ,.`�:.�r! ,..,:"r_ ,a rr�sT• ^ S ' b I � '�k\ r , _ e ` i , � � i �� + + � i y ° � r i �' r ''k�t�r �� i � ��. - ���., ., . -.., `' T..o`wn Cl�rk � ``�Town of l/ail, Golorado .. � k �A'; ��l . �� . . � - . Town of° !/a�l Pla�ining and Err�ironmer�tal Cammrssian does hers6y certi�y ihat�.��,�.�����.,���f'°i �mined ihe title fa al/ land,s ,�ho�rn upon this plai and thaf such /ands is vest�d in _,.�"�� ��.���..........�...�°' �:.�.��...... ��..��,,:�� ����,,.�',�'�'��`�'�����_��'���"''�----_ ..........................._........_...... ..� �: fre� r�nd clear of all liens, en�umbrances, t�ra ar�d assessmen�s exc�pt as follows: �� �� ����° L� �t �� ` �� `������ �:.��1,�„� � ��'� ..�..� �.� ��....�.��,�� ���_�_� �. ��� �r �° � ��� ���_ � --____.....___......._._ �� � � `�°�;� � � �� �� ��a� �° "��.� � �e � ��t ��a .......��.��. �� '�a��"„� � � � ������. � �,� �^�o � , �,��,,r�'� �'�"" �,�; �� ���,�.� �°� �� "'��;�� z°�� �� ���° ,�„— �'�'�,� � � 4 ��� � � �a4° �� ���- — --� � �� �� �..:. _� �����,,,,��. � �..� � ��'�`_....�� ......�.....................�------------- � ��� ��� �� ����;�� ��� ��� � ������� � ��� � � � �� Dafed this_ ��...�._....._.....__._____day af ����.��-----------------, A.D.,2D0�"`° � ..� � �'� �'�„r��' � �° B �o ._ .4�en t - _. � , �� ° � � � Address r_��i���•��•1�1�r_� � � FC�REST GLEI� SUBD�V�SIC�N TC)VV'N �F VAI�. EA�LE C�UNTY , � COL�RAD� .- PURP4SE ST"A°TEMEIV'T The purpose af this p/at is to modify the Gross Residential Footage A/lowance (GRFA% so that the al/owo6le GRFA in regards to int�ria�' car�versions for the houses on indi�idual lots in the Forest Glen Sca6dr�ision 6e thereafter determined so/ely by application of tP�e Municipal Code of the i'o�vn af �ail and not 6y reference �a the "Land Use Summary': This does nat modify or alter in any way the rrraximum GRFA as staied on the p/at, 6ut only allows for interior conversians as allo�ed by Section 12— f5-4 af the Town Code. �. ��e+' � �� �uM � j��a�������� �� � ���p ���� ���� � ������y��� ��A�������� ��� ������ ��,��� ��� ��� ������ �EF��l�AT� �F 1°�CES PAID ��Q�� � ��� ��� �� ��� ����������� ��������4� l, the nde si da irer'eby certify that the e ire amount of taxes du� arad paya6l� as of.,��m_ ��_ o al/ parc�ls of real es�t d scrib�d on this plat are paid in full. Da�ed this____...�.�.........._.....______day of `�_�..� ,-- --------- ,Q.D.. � ��� �.����� .� . .�w �.. � ��� �� � �.��� ireasur� of Eagl� Coc�'n'�y EAGLE COUN7Y FILING NQ. � .,� , . _ � l, Duane D. Fehringe�r, do h�r�6y certify �hat I om a R�gi.�tered Land .SLrv�yar lic�ns�� under the /aws af the State of Co/orado, that this p/at is a true, correct and complet� as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown herson, that such p/a� wa�s made f'rom an accurate srarvey of said prap�rty by me and under my supervision and corr�cf/y sha�vs the IOCA�IpR and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said su6dis�isior� as the same are sfaked upon the ground in compliance �vith applica6l� r�gulatians gaverning ths subdi�ision of /and. �"� �� �^�� da In �t �ss th r�o� l have set my hand and seol thi� y a f � A. D., 2001. � 1 Duane D. Fehring�r � Regisiered Professional Land PLS Na. 26526 ���� ������� �����'���� i .,�,�,.� , _ . This plat approved by the To�vn Courrcil of the �o�n o� I/ail, Colorado this r�' ��� doy o f ��'� �M �� ��,�`� A. D., .240� for filrng �vi th th e Clerk and Recorder o f Eagl� Caun ty, Co/orado a�d for the conveyanc� to the Tawn of l/ail of �he public ded%ations shoWn hereon; subject to the pravision that approval in no way o6ligates the Town of I/ail for maintenance of raads dedicated to the pu6lic until construction of improvements thereorr shoLl hov� b�en completed in accardance r�ith Town of f/oil specificotions, and the Town Counci/ of the Tos�n of l/ail has 6y a su6s�quent reso/ution agreed io undertake maintenance o� the same. This approval does not guarantee that soil conditions, su6surface geology, ground �vater conditions, or flooding conditions of any lot shown hereon ore such that a 6uilding p�rmit ar any oiher required permit rvill 6e issued. This approva/ is with the rand�rstanding that all expenses invo/ving all improverrrents reguired shall ,be the responsi6ility of the su6divid�r and no� the Tawn of I/ail. A rrESr,.. F Y,;s'^ , }�{� ) J 6'� � ' j r h l'Y h� 4 4 F N � ,� .�i i�1 w1 �',:(,� � +.',t.,� �/ ir�ti �r % �i � lr ! rC,,-a,�,. .,.� ,� , c t z, Y`�.t , �- �� i,�, Town C/e,�k ` �' To�n of I/ail, Ca/arado :-<. ���� � � _ i� r �F:,. ;T� � � �a,..Y.t. �� . :�� � i � . .- . .. _ �. .. _. . ' � �,I ► , 1 e ' � _ '` .�''`��,�' �� � �r � xM � ]] mm r� ��ti ,g�i �zr� ' � ' � ��,,.�;w� �"""�$n.n..�ww.�y Mayor � „� To�vn Council �"'"` Town af �ail, Colorado This final �olat is }�ereby approved �y�7the Tqwn of �/ail ,4dmin�s�ratar t0�is � � �i!,� 1 U�iy � � ;'•, rz 7 ...,1 7� - � /"3. D 4.LJV / �.-q ! . < 'l.;. �. a rrESr.- `' , ,f � � a �� � , x � �°' � � ;'. ,� , f � ��,� � ��, r J5`'^"Yn �r � �A �� `' o�vn�;r r er ��. ,rown of !/ail , .,. A�<<..,. k .:' ..�, � �, J �y� � di.' Y ff �ro�'�i � � ���� �e��s e� ��,,i � ;,n`�. � f - h': , ,E' { � �3! �It!. , . , .�,; ; �4 minis ra o�`"'' , - Tat�n af I/oil I �LERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFI�ATE f ��' ,�� �~ -� ��� �� �� This Plat w�s filed for record in the Offce of��th C/erk and f�ecarder at '~�� ,�� o'clock i i�'� , on this �� day of ����� A.D., 200� and is du/y recorded at Receptian Number���' ^��.� �.�a� y 2_,. - . - � ,`� � . � r.� :,z s '� ,� �._y ;: . , y Clerk and Recorder r � By' '�� ;� ���� r �'� � Depu �-y � r � n � 7 � w �� �w � C� N �� o� a� M O ..M.- � � � � � :4 �``�y O` �--I �a o�0 o Q a � � � �' ° w �, � �w o �� � �� � �� � � � � .� °� � � �� O � o� ��� �� � �� s � °� � � �� �� � o � � �� � �C � J z o � O � � � � � o Q o � j U Z �, � � LL W o � ❑ � W � � � Q � � w � p � � � � � � � PROJECT N0. 00—o�43s SHEET N0. � �F ,� � ��� ��� ���P �� �0 ��G 0 0 c� cv ui N O � � cu � 0 z � v � � � -c� a � m � T-, 0 a i m � 0 0 i � c!� � � Q � � � Q U � � ��GGEl � qNE ��O , R��J (},�� �(,,V Y� �� V , DO �� �� � � 6h We Q �� ts �� .. � � 0 N �, I I / , �6�30 o, so.�� ° � i � s�, � c 0 O- °o�` a1�� js o ��. � o, � i" ���.�� '� L r���6 l`1��°LG L � . . "" ► � i , FCJREST GLEN SIJBDIVI SI�N TOWN �F VAIL. EAGLE �OUN' s(,����s� o,� 5 � �� ; . - _ -- � '�� ��,-.. ,'� , �� \�� \ � � / � LDi � �'��'�i / -9�D�Tj O� S6'DO � O� �2 � �8��1 / � � � � � , �� ��'%. � � �`� , �0 ,�� �:.,:� �� � �� � � s82 �oo �o �, d E 9� O0 � EAGLE COUNTY FIl fNG �iD. GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 �0 8Q ( IN �'EET } 1 inch - 40 ft. �� � 16D 1) BASIS OF BEARINGS.• S36 43'00"W ALONG THE WESTEf�L Y LDr LINE OF L07� 8, B/GHORN SUBDI VIS/ON FOUR �H ADDI TION BETWEEN FOUND PINS AND CAPS P. E. AND P. L S No. 26626 (N07� SHOWN). 2% DA TE OF SUR l/EY.• NQ �EMBER 2DOD 3) FOUND PIN AND CAP P. E. AN� P. L. S. ND. 26626 4� PUBL/C PE�ESTR/AN/FISHERMAN'S EASEMENT AS /ND/CA TEO /S FOR THE USE OF PEDESTR/ANS ONL Y AND SAID EASEMENT SHALL BE KEPT IN I TS NA TURAL STA TE WI7`H NO PERMANENT /MPRO �EMENTS TD THE AREA OF THE EASEMENT, 5% DE l/EL �PMEN T STANDARDS SUBJEC T TO ORD/NANCE 36 SER/ES OF 199 � OF THE 7�OWN �F i/l�IL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOf-�ADO. 6� PRI VA TE PEDESTRIAN A CCESS EA SEMEN T AS CREA TED AN� DEFINED IN DECLA RA �"IQN OF C01/ENANTS, COND/T/DNS, I�ESTR/CT/ONS AND EASEMENTS OF FORES7� GLEN, TD BE REC�f-2DED ON AN EVEN DA TE HEREWI TH. 0201 �� STf�EET ADDf�'ES5 8) PR/ I/A TE A CCESS EASEMEN T A S CREA TED AND DEF/NED IN DECLARA T/ON OF CO !/ENAN rS, COND/ TIONS, f�ESTR/CT/ONS AND EASEMEIV TS OF FOREST GLEN, TO BE I�ECOf,'DEO aN AN EVEN DA TE HEREW/ TH. 9) INTER/OR C�N �/ER5/ONS ARE PERMI T7�ED /N AGCORDANCE WITH THE TOYYN OF [�AIL CODE !N ADD/T/ON T"0 THE GRFA RESTR/CTIONS �ISTED ON THIS PLAT. ALL UVTEf�IOR CON VERS/ONS MUST MEET THE REQUII�EMEN 7�S OF SEC T/ON �2— 75— 4, OF THE TO WN CODE. �0� IVOT/CE.• ACCOR�lNG TO COLORADD LAW YOU MUST CDMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACT/ON BASED UPON AN Y DEFECT /N TH/S SUR �EY W/ TH/N THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST D/SCO�/ER SUCH DEFEC7: IN NO E!/ENr MAY ANY AC7�/ON BASED UPQN ANY DEFECT IN TH/S S(JR I/EY BE COMMENCED MOf�E THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DA T�" OF CERT/F/CA T/ON SHQWN HEREDN. � � ' . �. LOT ,� iOTAL ,4REA NE�T BU/LDABLE GRFA USE (5F) Af?EA (SF) M/X. (SF� � �'S ��-� 7�`�7 4500* S//VGLE FAM/L Y/CARET/�KERS UN/ T 2 �¢ 94� 6�81 4.500* 5/NGLE FAM/L Y/CAf2E7�AKERS UN/T `� �s ��9 8 a�9 43DD* S/N('LE FAM/L Y/C,�RE7�AKERS UN/ T � �8' ��� ��' 28¢ 4���* S/NGLE F�SMlL YfC�4lTETAKERS UNI "C 5 j9 7�� 12 ��4 5�Of10* SINGLE F,4MIL Y/C�RETAKER5 UNIT � 2q 564 76, B72 4040 SINGLE FAM/L Y/C.4REiAKERS UNI T 7 2`��'��8 2� `�`�a 480Q S/NGLE FAMIL Y/CARET,4KERS UNIT � 40,110 18, 800 500D S/NGL E FAMIL Y/CARETAKERS UN/ T 9 2g919 20,3�7 ¢gp0 SING�E FAM/LY/CAREiAKERS CINIT �� 23 �28 23 �28 450Q SINGLE F,4M/L Y �� �� »� �7 ��� 4000 S/NG'LE FAfvt'IL Y �2 �� ��s » 069 4300** S/NGLE FAMIL Y/CARETAKE,4S UNIT 13 18, 73fJ 1B, 730 ¢3�p�� S/NGLE FAM/L Y/CARETAKERS UN/T �4 �8 229 �8. �8.� 4200** S/NG'LE F�AM/L Y/CARETAKEh'S UNIT * ON LOT 1-5, THE M,4X/MUM ALLOW,4BLE �RF"A L/STEO INCLUDES A M/N/MUM OF 1,QOD SF. FT, WH/CH SHALL BE U�IL/ZED AS BASEMENT SPACE, LDCATED SUBSTANTI�LLYBELOW EXISTING GRADE. THE M/�X/MUM ALLOWABLE GRFA DN iHESE LOTS FOR THE AB01/E GRDUND SPACE /S TH� TOTAL GI�FA L/STEO ABO E�E M/NUS 1, 000 5Q. F% I T lS NO T A REQUIREMENT THA T AN Y DWELL/NG UN/ T HA I/E ]OOQ SQ. F7: OF BASEMENT SPACE, BUT /F A LD7� OWNEI? W/SHES TO UT/L/ZE ALL THE ALLOWABLE GRFA FGR A Gl{/EN L OT, THErJ ,� MINIMUM OF 1000 SQ. F7; SHALL BE REQUIRED TD BE UT/L/ZED AS BASEMENT SPACE. ** ON LDTS 12-�4, 500 SQ. FT. DF THE MAX/MUM ALLOWABLE GRFA SHALL BE UTILIZED ONL Y A5 BASEMENT SPACE, AS DESCRIBED ,4BOVE. � m � a � � � � � Q 0 0 z � � � � � M �� �w � �o rn� �� M � � � � d � ,,, r ��� a� �� � � �a oF • �.�.{ � � � �� � � � Q� u_Q � � .� �� � � �� �� 0 � q� �� �y m � � �� � � �� ���� a� � o � �� � � �� � • � � � � O � � Q � � ,� � d Q � O Z � � c' �. Cli tlr � O �.'�_.. � � � � W � o ° � � � U W � � J W � L� � � � W � DESIGNED BY: RPS o�Awrr e�: SPF CHECKED BY: DDF oA7� �ssu��: 11 /D9/01 PROJECT NO. 00- Q14�5 SHEET ND. 2 �� �