HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 7 Tract B - Pinos Del Norte Condominiums - 1st Amended Condominium Platr�..�� INDICAT�S S�T A NQ. 5 �i�BAR V�1/ALUMIP��1M CAP L.S. N0. 30091 ,.�� � N�i ���� ������ , ��C��' (��� � &� 2 �i � � SEWER A�AI�HOLE ^ RIM EL. = 82�8.7' � (BA51S OF ELEVA�"IONS� � ����ai�� o��r€.iN� (�Y�ica�..� � � ,A �� � � � ,�' � � a� tL] � r- � � Lz Q J � �.� �� � � cwr� ri � � Q z �'�, , � � � � � °:�� P � T F � "� � � � �_- •o. �3 �-~�'- w 6 9.2 � � T A °� �, � � � ,�� �69 � � � IL �ILL.�4 E� ` � �� � � � �E�E T'H FI Li � � � f ��' � � C.�. �. --�- �o.a' l-�— � �� C � � �o.� o � � �`� y 3.8''sn � r'�, a u+� � a � v.s' L.�.�. � `� � I SlC� L�CKERS � � (5EE SF�iEE3 4-) r� 7, g' in #�VQICATES �OUi�D A N0. � 7.2° � �6� REBAR W/AtU�INUM CAP f p'a �.s. �n. �oa�� —� � � E� � s.a' o.�• s.a-' , � az.�° � � ui °o f AREA SUSJECT TD �ECLARA�lON c�.r � / / OF C4VENANTS, GOI�CIITIQNS, � EAS�M��JTS AND RESTRICTlONS � (RECEPT30N Na. 20p50fi086) –� � �c EASEMENT DEED � (REGEPi10� No. 2a0fiDfi088) a_7• C.E. (POOL AR�A) I�82 25 C}3 W �a.00' 1�34-°51 �1 ���� �3.67' ti � � ���.P��� ��.��� za o io 20 �a ( ii� FEET ) 1 inch – 20 it. ���� �����' ��1'V��{��1�`g LL� � '��`��l��y�� � � �C7X 13 h� iile �r�s " A�On, C� 8� 62� (�7G) 479-869� d fax (97Q) 479-i10�� ������a�l���' �. �� 78Q�' � �. �'�� ' ,:� `�� � � J .+�" � � � � '� �' ; ' i: , :'' :•`.�`..•. ��� ��. � MQLY CR055 ELEC. � { E Pi]RCN/DECK ASSOC. �ASEME�l�F �"–���–� � � � (��ica�) (BOa►� zs8, ���� �os) � �(SEE SHEETS 2-5 f �� � �o� ������s) � `�'v, I �°�� c.�. � 0 �� ° o � � 11 � �� a. OUTLiNE OF � � _� ,°m°�. � � ca�A�� �.o' �.a' � � _m �° °�, � � � � � � � � �. � .�, PlNOS DEL NORTE CO�pC?MiNIUMS UNI�S A–G, !–M, �---P, R–V (5EE SHEETS 3-6) 33.g' 0 � `.-.....,`" ,� �---, _ _ .,., n � 38.7 ° K�„" �.o� ]9 7 ._ �, �--�� . w""� �� .,• i ri ;�f ao o.s' �sz �- z.2' � 7ff.3' � 0 � 2.2° zo,a� � � � 2.2` � � CAM1�TI��VER 'c,t 10•7' (TY�'iCAL) �►: : � � .� , �� , � ■: � , : , �'' ` , ; ; .. " , ' :� , � ; ': _ � � � . ; •;: ; , ' � � ' � ` `.,;,, '' ,� L ; , ; NORTHWESTERLY �ORNER �OT A, BL{7CK 2 VAI� VIL�AGE, SEVENTH �'IL.[NG RA!]lUS = �25.00' (POIN� OF BEGEN�[[N� DE��A = 01 "58'C10,� ARC = 18.02' CHORQ = � 8.02' � ��fl �� 8ftG – S86'�6'S5"E 5������=�1 � � � � � TRfJE POIN1" ��' ��Gi����vc � (,acc�ss ��s�n���v�} � �� C° ��, RAD�us = 525.�0' ��rtifi��$� �f �(��i��"�i�� �nt� ��ra�r�hi ° ol� o��r� = �s°�.�'c�s" � :`�j� ARC = 243.30' o� CHOR� = 2�-1.13' �Cnow afl men by ihese pres�nts that F'inos �el IVorte Gondominium P�ssaciatinn, a Golt��ac[o r�onprofit co�porat€or�, on `� BRG – S79'37'31"W i�ehalf of the awners nf alE tha� real proper#y si#uated ir� the "�awn of Vai�, �agle Gaunty, Goloracfa described as � �C1��fJWS: 78,�(3p' �� �8��39'04"� A parcel of [anc� situat�d �r€ a part of Tract B, Vail Village, Seu�nth �fi€rig per the plat t�ereof recarded December 17, 1965, a� Reception No. 102i80 in the office of fh� ��gfe County Clerk and Recorder, said parcel being more ACCE55 EASEMEN� particularly described as �ollaws; (��OK 239, °ACE 848) �� �� � � � c3 � � z � �� m � C� o ?.C? u� � ¢ � � � � �; c.E. 1�� �J�7����35'D � 54�e i fi m $ ��������� �. �' �' �-.z.�s, �/ � �.os' ��° � � � ' � / � / � � � �� 5.52 Nfi4'1 C]'� 0"E �' i �,� i i i i�2�'L� s.��' .� ,,' � i �� 6� 2 !V"82'`� � / ��/ `� -�8• z������w -- -- ..� �-s. � z' � � AREA SUBJECT TO t}ECLARATI�N o� cov�N��v�s, �an�ai�nn�s, EASEMEN�S Ai��J RESTRICTIONS "'� � I �°� AREA SUBJECT TO �ECLARAiION �RECEPTlOiV No. 20�605Q$6) OF COVENAN75, CONpI�IONS, & �ASEME�IT DEE�] �ASEME�iTS AND RESTRIC�I�P�S (RECEPTION No. 200fi06D87} {R�C�PTIQ�V No. 200606fl86) & E,45EMENT �7EE� (��c���rio�v I�a. 2Q080608�) � ;� �' ,. ; ;� �',� ::. f' �':�ll';1 ":�� . Beginning at a poini an ti�e southerly Right-af -Way line of Vail Valley Dri�e, said paint alsa 6ae€ng the Nor�f�w�sterly carner df Lot A, Blflci� 2, Vail Vallage Sever�th Filing; thence the €o�lowing two caurses a:iong said Sau�t�erly RigF�t-of-Way line af Vail V�Iley Driue: (1) SE6°20'S6"W a distance 73Q.003 feet fo a point af curvature; (2) thence an arc .distance of 2�1.32 feet along a 525.OQ foot radi�s curve ta the r�ght, wh�se cenfral angle is 28°�1'09" and whase chord bears SSD°36'31 "W a distance nf 258_6� feet �a a po�r�t or� curve, said ��int afso b�ing the Triae Point af Beginr��ng; thence 506°��'56"�6] a dis#ance of i 60.89 feet; thence N8i°30'3�"W a distarzce ofi 54.16 feet; thence S70°36'13"W a distance ni 41.50 fe�i; the€�ce 1V82°25°Q3"W a distance of 80A0 feet; thence [�34°5�'15"UV a distance of 33.57 feet; thence f�01 °� 9'S7"E a distance of 164.00 teei io a�oinf or� the sa�d Saufherly Right-of-Way line of Vail Val[ey Dri�e; ther�ce t�e follawing two cours�s alon� said Southerly Righ�-of-Way lin� of Vail Valley Drive: �� } S82°25"03"'� a d�stance of 182.75 fe�t to a pai�f of curvaiure; (2) ther�ce art arc distance of 24.87 fiee� along e 525.OQ foot radi�s cu�ve ta the left, whnse cen�ral angfe is 02°�2'S2" and whose chord bears 583°46'29"E a distance of �4.87 feef to the 7r�ae Poin# ofi Beginr�ing; co�taining Q.8Q2 acres more or less; �'OG�TH�R WlT�I a non-exlusive, perpetual easemertt ar�d right-af-way for use of raadvuay �errr►itting i�gress and �gress �etween the real property described a�ov� and Vaif Va[Eey drive as creaied by Con�eyance o� Easement dated Aprif 10, 19i5 and recordec€ hilay 35, 1975 in Bnok 239� at page 848 as Rece�tion illa. 135893 of the real es�aie records o� �agle Caunty, Coloradc�, across the following descrb�d r�al property: A�aarcel of iand sit�raied in a part o# Tract B, Vail Vi�lage Se�enth �iljng, record�d December �7, 1965 at Reception �umber 102750 ir� the �ffice of iF�e Eagle Co�anty, Gol�rado, Clerk and Recorder, said parcel being more particularly describ�d as fiollows: Beginnir�g at a point on tl�e Souiherly �iight-a�-Way line nfi Va€1 Valley �rive, said poir�i afso being the €Va�Chwes�erly corr€er a# Lo� A, �6ock 2, Vail Vil[age Sevenih Fifing; therace the follawing two courses along said Righ�-of-Way line of Vail Va�ley �ri�e: (7 ) S66°20'56"W a dis#ance flf i 30.p0 feet to a point af curvatur�; (2} thence an a�c distance of 243.30 feet along a 525.D0 foofi radius cur�e to the right, whose central angle is 26°33'09" and whose chorc� bears S79°37`3�4 "W a distance ofi 24� .13 feet to a poi�i on a cur�e, said poSnt also i�eing #he True �'osnt of Beginning; thence S06°20'56"V`1 a c4ista�ce of 41.42 feet; thence N83°39'04"W a dES#ance o# i 8.OE3 feet; th�nce f�06°2Q'S�"� a cfistance of �0.64 f�et to a paint an curve on said South�rly Fiig�t-of-Way line of Vaii Va1�ey �rive; thence along said Sautherly Right-o�-Way I[ne an arc distance of 18.02 feet aln�g a 525A0 foot radius curve ta th� left, wt�ose central angl� is 01 °58't70" and whose chord bears S86°06'S5"E a di�tance �f 18.02 f2et ta the �rue Poin� nf �2ginr�ing; containi�g 737'.59 squa�e feet or .017 acres, �are or less; A�]D TQGETH�R WITH e�sement int�r�st created by Perpetual �xclusive �asement �eed dated October 27, 2005 and recarded sn the r�aE estate records of Eag�s County or� January 23, 2406 at R�ception No. 200601726; here�y declares tE�at fh� above descri�ed real praperty s�all, at all tirnes, be owned, hel�, used and occupied suiajecf to the provisior�s o# this cnn�ominiurrs pla# and the prp�isions of Arr�and�d and f�estated Condominiur� Dedaratior� for Pinos d�l Norfe Cor�dominiums recarded January 23, 2006 at R�c�ptinn f�o. 200601726, of which this condomir�ium �Ic3t {S a �7�1"�. ��C�CUTED t�is day of � , A.b., 20� Own�r: Pinas del Narte Condaminium �Issaci�tian Colorado nonprofi� carporation sy: � ,: ber� �.�es, V�ce Presicie Address: 6Q0 Vail Valley C]rive Vail, CQ 8�# 657 ���i� 0� � �J� �t�% _,���i-�� .� ��� C�OiJ�TY OF ���,_���--�----' ) — � _�.�_�__�__ � � �7 '�he faregoing � rtificate of De ication and Qwriership was acknnwfec[ged before me th[s � day of p���, A_1�., 20C���, by Robert Lees, as Vic� Presicfent nf �'inos del �Vorte Cqnciqmini€�m Associatinn, a Go[orado or�profit corpora#ion, on belaalf of such corparatinn. My Camrnission expires:�� �� � ���-� F }IVitness my hand and official seal. . , �J � � , � g �^ n � � � �tii��-�U-�C��i ' . � � � � f'_'�_P._-�=-�� -'\ €�otary Publ€c Titl� ��rtiii��ie L.and Tiile Guarantee Gompany does he�eE�y certify if�at the Titie to a�l [ands showr� upo� this plat have b�en �xamined and is vested in the �arties �hat have �xecufed or co�sented to the Asnended and R�stated Candomir�i�rr3 Declaration for �'4nas dei P�or�e Candominiums, and t€�at ti#le to such lands is €ree and clear flf all liens and �ncumbrar€ces, except as fc�llows: �.��� � ��� � � � � � � � �,�,,�, , _� � �_ ��:�'�,� � W�� ��� �,,, a ��,s°� � a� 1 "���.,m� ��� �� �... .�A�S�'.m"�a�a�=0 �.,�� ���'�"'"� 4��„� b '�""�_ ,�,�s�.,��„J� ;1�� , � C3ate� this ��` , da of � �w��'c`� , A.D., �0 �� I �gent si�aature ,�..- � -�,,,�. ."',�,�,.� ��,,,� , �..._......�.�_. �. �Adc4ress: ;�'� � � � M., ,�",f � � � Ager�t name ��, ��� � �:� � „� m �� ���� �� � s ��9�ii����1'��Ce�' ���'�8������ This candominiurr� pi�t is her�by appra�ed by t�ae Tawr� of O/�.i! Administr�tc�r this �"�''" day of ��,��,��_.._. , �.d. 2�. ��' . � ������: �� � � �.�.�' � v ��' ,� � �� � �� �,�;,-�.–�—=� r1���, ����:ws��: �,.. �-. __ � ,� �°�����», �,,��,^�„�„�.�.,. (.V_Tow� Cl�r€c A . Administrator � , a Taw�r of 1/aif, Colorad� Tov�n of Vail, Colorado � ��arv���r`� ��rt������� _ ��,�._ `� E, do hereby cert€fy thai � arn a Registered �.and Surveydr licer€sed under the laws of t�e State of Colorado, �t�at thss condarninium p[at is true, correct and carr�pl�te as la€c€ out, pl�tted, dedicated and shown herenn, that such condorrtiniu�n p[at was rnade tro�rr an accurate sur�ey of said properiy by rr�e a�d under my super�ision and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical #oc�tion ar�c� dimensioRS of th� candaminiums, �arcels, eas�men�s and streets af said condomini rn I u p at as the same are stakec� upon the ground in cornpliance with app[i�abfe regulations governing tf�e st��adi�isior� of land; anc[ that such plat carr3pf€es wiih, and contains all th� in�orrnation required fay C.Ft.S. Section 35-33.3-209 ar�d �lI other stat�tes and regulations ap�iicabla to maps of condominium camrnon interest cornrnunities that this condominiur� plat fiu[ly and accuratefy depic�s the improvemer�ts, including the condorrtinium �ni#s and common areas, and identi3ies ft�e Incatian, layout, dirr�ensEOrts �nd horizontal and ver�icaE k�oundaries of ih� improvem�s�ts; that suc9� plat was prepar�d subseque�t to substantia[ completion o� the improvements; and that, i� accordartce with the req�irmer�ts af C.R.S. Section 38-33.3-2Q1(2), all sfruc�uraE carnponenfs of ti�e buifdings confainir�g the condorniniurr� u�its created by the �eclaration are substantial[y completed. irt 1Ni�ness Wf�ereof, I i�Qve s�t my han _.: -r r:�.�� day of �,,;������`° ,�i.D., 20 �'���. c3 rJ U C C,�+'-. lf�+d . d�. ., ��.: � Samuel �. Ecker � � o � � f� Cabrado P.L.S. �10. 30Q91 � o o � o�- ���`��������Q�� . �"�AL ���� � �� G��1�RAL P���'�S� 1) I�ATE OF 6URVEY: �EBFiUARY, 20D6. 2) BEARfNGS BASED UPON THE LINE COfVN�GTif�G THE IVIONUMENTS �OUNO MARKING THE NORTHEAS� ERLY CpRNER AND SOUTHEASTERLY CDRiVER QF THE SUBJECT PFiOPERTY, B�ING S06°24'56"W (5�E DRAVt11NG}. 3) BA515 OF ELEVATlONS: SEW�R MANHOLE LQCATED N65°55'E 47.2 FEET FROiv1 THE I�Q�tTHWESTERLY CORNEF{ D� THE SUSJECT PROPERTY, RIM ���VATION = 8208.9' {SEE �?RAWING}. 4) THE 50LE PURPOS� 0� THiS C�ND�MIN[UhA PLA�" [S TO ACC�RATELY DEPIC�iTHE CUFiRENT ��CATION OF liN1T5, LIMiTED CC}EVIMfl�i �LEIv1�NTS AND COP�MOIV ELEMENTS �Oi� A�L PCll�TIflNS OF �INQS f�EL. NOR�iE CONDOME�IIUMS, EXCEi'T TNE GAFtAGE AREA AS IN�IGATED ON SHEET 2. THIS PLAT Sl1PERCEDES AN� REPLACES ALL PRElI[OUS MAPS FOR THE PORTIC)NS pF PfNOS DEL NORTE CE7ND�MI�fIUtv15 AFF�CTE� BY TH15 PLAT. TH� GARAGE AREA SHALL BE AMENDED AT A LATER DATE BY AN AM�NDED co�v�a�niNiun� ��AT. 5) GOFE RANGE SURVEYING �LC DID NO� PER�Q�?Pv� A TfTLE SEAfiCH C�F TNE SUBJECT PROPE�%TY TO ESTABLISH OWiVE�tSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. FiECORD �OCC�PulENTS UTIIIZED IiV �HE P�IEPARATEON OF TH15 CONDO�/IINIUM PLAT WE�E PROVI�ED BY LAN�? TiiLE Ci�Af�Af�TEE GOMPANY, ORDE� No. V50015i09, �ATED JULY 19, 200E AT 5A0 P.N.. 6) NQTICE: ACCORi]ING TO GpLpRAbO LAW Y�U i�lUST CQ[v1iv1ENCE ANY LEGAL ,4�TI0�! BASEC} UP�N AP�Y l7EFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE Y�AFiS AFi��R YOU FIRST �ISCOVER SUCH i3EFECT. IN N� EVEN'�, N1RY ANY ACTIQN BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IfV THI� SURV�Y �E COMNtENCED h/OR� TE�A[� TEN YEARS FRpM �HE DATE OF CERTIF[CATION SHOWN HEFiEON. i) THE I�I�105 p�L NORTE COiVDONiINIU[v15 PARCEL 15 SUBJECT iQ PRQTECTIV� COVENANTS FOR VAIL V1L�AGE SEVENTH FILfNG A5 CONTAif�Ef3 W INST�il1MEIVT RECORDE� DECEfV18ER ii, 1965 IN BQQK 187 AT PAGE 515. 8) F'INpS D�#� iVORiE CONDOhl4Ni�3MS ARE SUBJECT TO THE PROVlSIO�S OF U�VDERGROi��[� RIGHT OF WAY EASEI�hENT GRANT�D TO HOLY CR055 EL�CTRlC ASSOCIATION, ING. R�GORC?�p �v1ARCH 30, 1978 [N BOOK 268 AT PAGE 509. 9) PINOS I7FL iJORTE GOf���A+I�NI€}MS ARE SUBJCG� TQ THE AME�€DEI3 AND RESTATE� CQNDOiNINIL�P� #]EGLA�tATi01V �OR PINQS [}EL i�ORTE COND�MIf�[IUMS RECORDED JANl�ARY 23, 2€}(36 AT RECEPTION No. 200601726 (THE "fJECLARA'�[QN"}. 1 D) THE TERMS "CE" DR "CO[v11v1�N ELEIv1EN7" LlS�I7 C)N �HIS CO�EDOfN13JIt�A( PLAT S�IALL tt+[�AN THE SAM� THING AS TH� TERM "COMMO�[ ELEMENT" AS I]�FfNED IN TH� ��C€�ARATIC}N AND �hGE TERMS "LCE" OR "�IiUIITED COiNtVIpN �L�Pu1�NT" �SED aN TH15 CDiVDOMINIIJN� PLAT SFIALL M�AN THE SA3NE THIi�C, AS �fHE TERtvI "LIit�11TED COMMO�! ELEMEfVT" AS DEFI�#E7 i�l TNE �ECLF1FtATION. 11) TH� �ECLARATION DQ�S NC)T RESE�iVE ANY "DCV�LUPtviE�1T RIGHTS" AS �l�F#�fCC} IIV CRS SE�TION 38-33.3-103(14j AiVD TH� REAL PR�PE�TY SHpWi� H�R�ON IS NOT SUBtIECT TQ Ai�Y DEVELOFNtENT RiGHTS. 12) A�! R�COR�3{NC 4����R�NCES S�QWN f-IER�fJi�! AFfE TO THE REF1L �STA7� RFGORDS IN �HE C3FFI�E C3F TF{E CLERK �IND RECC�RD�R OF CAGLE COUiV-f`!, CC3�OhiADO. 1,3} �INQS DEL NOR7� GC}NpCJN11NIUM5 AFIE SUBJECT 3C� A BLA�EKET EAS�iU1EN"I� bCFiqSS AI�L CbMN1flN RRE;IS FUR �"HE BEi�EFI"I- OF CONiCAS�� l�F CQLpRADQ N, Lk..C, RECOI�DEd AFRIL 14, 2Q06 A7 RECEPTIOf� NQ. 20Q�Q9EQ8. �ertifi��t� �f i�x�� �a6cf i, the �andersigned, do here�y certify that #he er�trre amount of taxes and assessrnenis due and payable upon all parcel�,of real es ate d�scr bed on this condominium �fat are paid in full. Da#ed this 1�'�day o# "'���"`��/'�.�' �"�,,. ., 0�. � 4� � �� "`� � �� �� ' � � � �4 � Treas�rer o� Eagle unty � �� Cierk ar�d Rec�rd�r's ���#���ca�e �.t� This condominium p€at was fi[ed far record ir� the Office af the Cferk and Recorder at$'; n'clock , on this day af �:� .� �i� , �� , 2Q� and is duly recarde t`9R;'e`�'�ce�tion No. ���� � ,, �"'° � � � �4 ., ������ � � �� �' �� �� � �� � �, � ��� � �, � ; � ��, � � �� �,���� �`;�,�,.„r� ��� �..� �`a� ��, r �. � ��; � r � ��� � � �� � , Glerk anci �iecorder y ��: �• ��"4 `��` ' " - °� ;�. �`§ ��� �' F �,r°�i , �; �,�_ _ M,�, �� �,�.,.��.,w,o�- . � �, �`G .� �� �'�����u��' ���\e ��!;,�� � � ,��"' "�" , D8�?lity DRAWN : �� QA l�• 05�� �,�006 M�,� CHECKElJ BY.• SE OR.4fYlNG NO.: O.J�—O%�C0170`O ._,� .._ 03–Q77 SHEET � OF Jr" I � � � ���`� f\�ng�.+ SU�'1�+�1�11��', LLC r�`:an,. ���n��,.����'�,�, P � .�0�; 1 �; V�S� ti� � � "` �.von, CD 816�(� �970} 47�-�698 � fax �970) 479-��J55 \ � __. .. . . \ � A , ; ! � , .. `,,: � r � � �. _ . � � � � � . . ;! i � ; �: � � _ � � � �•,i�. GARAGE AREA NOi A PART OF THIS MAP (SEE NOTE 4, SH��T �) �AR �C � �f G LE11E� � � � � � � � _ � � � � � � � 8.0' I � 1Q.Q' �,,... 2.3� '#9.8' � UNIT R � CUpw��y 3.3` " 7'Q� 0 19.2' ow� rn �.aoa a��ow ,o SIXT�-�I ��O�R � 01 a. $.1' _ � � STAIRS 4 � 0 l��C� � 1N � 8.3' � io.�' 10.0' a..�' � :� ;�, S.0' m 9.0' � � 2s.�' 8.1' STAIRS �� � � � �.�' � i_¢' 4.-��..._� U P� 6 T S z�.�� .� ....� . /u���� � 9.4' \ � 7 9.6� 7. 7' 9.7' � � N 8.4' s.s' � GRAPHI� SC ALE 6 5 ia za � IN�ICATES DfRECT[ON QF CEILING DOWNSLOPE X.X' EfVdICATES HEIGhiT OF C�ILlNG ABOVE F�OOR +X.X' iN�ICATES CHANGE I�I FLOOR HEIGNT INC7ICATES CHANG� II� CEIL�NG HEIGHT C.E. COMMQN ELEMENT L.C.E. LIMITE❑ COMMON ELEMEN�' AL� WAL.LS ARE i'AFiALLEL, PERPEN�ICULAR OR A� 45 UNL�SS NOTA7ED OTHERW�SE. RL� WALLS ARE 0.7� THiCK, UNLESS NOTA7ED QTHERWIS�. ( IN FEET ) 1 inch. = �.q ft. �� �FO V 0 L1C�r�i 00000o s �� D c °� �G 1� �� e �' ���f�":� m �� � � a� � ; c�L,' i ���" t:� a`� °� V �eeea�° 5 L LAND DRAWN BY.• CM DAiE: 05/19/20D6 cH�-cK�o �r.- SE DRAWING ND.: D3—O��CQf7Cl�0 �p� NQ; 03-07� ,sh��Er 2 oF 5 � � :, � `," , .� ``� ' � ■ ' _ ; ' ,, , „ � � , ,:. , � ..� ; � .. � .. , . � � � ��J��� 1 �� � I���1�:� y �����....,t �.J� ��1�.��`�1��� � � �� �� � � ��_ a � 1.9" X 2.9' 5K1 STORAGE LOCKERS L.C.E. (S�� SHEET 1 FOR HiEASUR�I�ENTS) a •�. //S\\ .d� �EGK UNiT B �� LC.E. `4' �\i a1� �� .� � j\ pECK "a'-\ UNlT i} i L.C.E. � y. 69 � � O �� k \�� � � u; VIVF S � (L.�WER) �. s' o.s` �RAPHIC SCALE s �a za { IN �'E�3` ) 1 iz�ch -- 10 �t. � � �� -. — If�DICAT�S �IRECTION OF C�1L{NG DOWNSLOPE X.X' INDICATES HEIGHT QF CEILING ABOVE FLOOR -X.X' lNDICA7ES CHANGE IN �I�bOR HEIGHT IN�iCATES CHANGE !N CEILING HEIGHT C.�. COMMOiV EL�MEN�' L.C.E. Ll�IT�� COMMQN EtE��NT ALL WALLS ARE PARALLEL, PERPEND�CULAR 0!� AT 45' UNL�SS iVOTATE�7 dTHERWiSE. ALL WALLS ARE 0.7' �HICK, 1��1LESS NOTATED OTHEF�WlSE, S�" � L ► �: � � �� . , s � � _. �� � �� J � ►� � i : � +� �i � � � : � ` � � � � 1� !. � nrnv G�re R��ng� SUi"V��jl�1�, LLC ��.,. z�,s���y��. P� Box 95 `��� � �1voc�, �GO 8�6�� ���o� ��s-s��s � ��x �a�o� ���-oo�� 0 GRAPI�IC �CALE 10 6 5 SD 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 #t. 46 ����'�k � 1 ���'�{9 ! � �@�Ommmpm �4Y �. �� o e �, o00 �� � �' �`�� � m,� �,.,.,,a„f � m � m �'; `��� �009� o � ps a�? o� e r� + .nF,�6�����`��� ms�� ���"�%4����1°i��� � I ��4�II�G f��W�VS�DPE .I�iG ABOVE FLOOF2 idR i-IEIGh�"� _ING HEIGHT , PERPENDICULAR Ea C�Ti�ERWlS�. �, UNLESS N0�'ATED aa�wr� r�r C� a,arE 05/11%2006 CHECKED BY.� `�� D!?AWlNG NO.: O3�"'�7�G'Of7C7�0 �ag No,: 03— 071 syEEr 4 0� 5 ,� ` � � � : �::, ' i' � ; � , � ' � � , � � � � - � : � ` ! � : � - � � � �':�i�: 0 .� � � d9. \ � � '�. � 61 s. 6 Q \ 12. � DECiC UNIT T � L.C.E. �� � �. \ i a� � / � ,/���` � �'°\ � o. �ECK � UN�T T LGE. \o � 6.8�� ` � � /� ��� �. � 2.9' UNIT �" {UPPE�) 7.5' �PEN TO �'LOOR BELOW �"' o.s' r �.7' � S�AIRS `�? E� � C.�. 0.3' 8.4' 12.1' � � � 13.�' N ,�� 9.i' -�- s°� 8.�� -� . s � � 8.5' � � � � <r �� �. � - �� 8.3° � \ � �, �.a' � � o.�' � � s.0� •r�. B.7' 7.3 � � a.s' 8'0 *� STA3RWcLL rJ. 8> aa �. "a G E. cV �ore R���e S�rr��y�r�g, LL� �,�F ���;`��� P 0 Box � 5 �� �fi�i ���'' Av.on, CO $� �ZO �9.70) 479-869� m f�x (9i�) �79-t305� �fl FI�TH F�ODR i1.5' 7.8' 0.3' � m in r QPEiJ 4NND044 T4 FLOOR BELOW �' s.�' s.o' �.n� �.r ti.9�� 0 1.9' 18.9' 0.3��� ^ � U� � T � � 11.9'.._----..._.__.____, 7.7' - ���P�R� %.�' �', 5.2� � � f� 3 .�n � `° ;.�, srAi�s � � i•4' 10.5' �.I � � 38.8' � �.�`� � 89.�' HAELWAY � 2� C.E. �9 �� � � � STAIRS 5.1' UNIT R 1s.s�____,�.. . � 8.0' 16.4' i� Y �' 12.2� 1 s.3' 7.5' � �9.4'_ � "�r � a.,�' � ....., � � 8.0' GRAPHIC SCALE o s ia za ( ��r ����r ) 1 inch = 10 ft. R 8239.0' � 8229.2� �a U1M� 1 � irS r! � � �a UNIT B UP�iT A B �� � �UN4T M � � � � � n � o� � uNi� rn HALLWAY �,�� ���� � � U�I�T T � � � � 0 � UMT 0 � � UN1T F' � � azs�.s' �� UN1T T m UN[�' 4 � � " UNJT P szs�. �' AiRS �J�IT M � UNI�' V � UN[T O � UN��" P 8243.9' Q UNIT D � �JI�E� U ° Uf�kT � ° U�[I�" � � � Q � m � o HALLWAY $����1� � � c.�. M M I I � S7AIR �� � o i a.a' 7.8' � 0.3' -� r � "� "� OP�N TO ��QQR BELOW a o 5.0' 7.s' � ° �-9:° � o.�� �.,' 13.6� Q s.p� ia.a' _ O - � 7.6� __._....___, o U�j� � ' I 5.2��.,.__� I o ������� 6.B' i � -� � 8.Q' �,� s�A�RS � 12.5 10.9` , � 38.3' � 0.�� � � � t � i+7 • a 29.4' STAIRS �€ _._,�,�.�....�E uN�r s 7.9' v 9 _18.3'_ v 16.8'I .�. 16.8` ' \ � T � � N `O I i / �h '' ` � . �� . .3' 9.$' � � � � �1.5' 17.0' o � � 11.3' � 11.3° 8.3' .���__��. s.s' � 7Q 4' B HALLWAY C.E. 0 D.9' � �� � ENTf'tY 15.0' C.�. a �"� 5TAlRWELL a °' C.E. � 6.7� � 6.%� u�ir � � r�i � � [V a HALLWAY � UNIT P � c.E. � 0 oi 8263.5' � u, SYORAGE a ���'J' � � �„� � I� G r C.E. 'n '� d' � o �i � �224.4' GARAGE AREA NOT A PART 0� THIS MAP (SEE NOTE 4, SHEET 1) SEC T10N A� =o U�I-I- P HALLWAY `o �fNIT S � C.E. m 0 � 8253.7� HALLWAY � UN�T F' �, c.�. � I.JNIT L � � o � 8243.9' ry O u�i�i� c"� h U�IIT G �A��'�Y � IINI�C' L. m L.C.�. ._ oa � 8234.i � � �� ���K - HALLWA uNi-r c� � IiNIT G c.E. L.C.E. ro cd "o, �- ,-= o ns � 8224_�F' GARAGE AREA NOT A PART OF T�IIS MAP (SEE NOTE 4, SHE�T � ) SEC TI ON � SEC TlO�I �C � .. _ _ -� INbICAT�S CIER�CTION OF C�ILING DOW�SLOPE X.X' INDlCATES HEIGHT OF CElLING ABOV� �LOQR -X.K' INDICAT�S CHANGE IN FLODR HEIGI-iT IN�lCATES CHANGE iN C�ILING HEIGHT C.E. COMMON EL�M�NT L.C.�. LI�tiTED COMMON ELEMENT ALL WALLS ARE PARALLEL, P�RP�NDIGULAR O�i A�" 45' UNLE55 NOTAT�D OTNER4UISE. ALL WALLS ARE 0.7' THICK, UI�LESS N�TATE� OTHERWISE. ALL FLOORS ARE 1.8' 7HICK, UNLESS �OTATED aTHERWISE. �� � ��,,_ o�00000 i�u�e L� � �� °��d %' �'��w.� • �� A a 1�� � c� OR.41NN BN. CM` o,a r� �5/19/2006 CHECKED �Y SE DRAINNG NO.: O.3-D%�CDI7C�0 Jae rrd: 03-07� s�a��r .5 aF 5