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Vail Das Schone Filing 3 Lot 1 - Inn at West Vail
I NOTICE: Accarding to Colc�ra�do law yi�u must_ comimeince any� legal a�ctjLoti based �3pon an�y defect in t:hi.s surv�ey w:Lthin� six y�ea�rs af`te.r you :Ei�-st: discov�er suchi defect. Iil no event ima�y ;in}� a�ction lba:sed c�po�n any �3e�Eec:t in thi,s !3111'VE�y be commencE�d more t'hain lter► y�ears from L-he� d.ate of the certif icatiLori shown h�ereon. !� = 7!i.00� ��= 4!i ° ;SO' 29 ,� I_ = 5'9. Fi7 � ��H= M 62°28�� 1i3�� 1= �.S. I Ei84�4 .� ,�� �Ci � 00�,, a� / �� �/ '� ./- �►PF�RCIXIIMA,TE; L.O�:A��IC1N OF' H�OL.Y (:R�)S;5 IELECTRIC E�4SEN�EWT (ElOOK 27!i, IaAf;E 8;32 ) ThIE RE:C!)RIDED 'DOCU�ME:N�� DOES NiDT C��N'TAIN SUFFIICIEN'T IN1=014MAT101V TO DETE:RIVIIWE THE EXACT LC>CA►TII�N C�F ThIE EI�SIEMENIT :� �� � Ci � Snllri f� =19�4. qF3 � ��=7e1O2:3�OI �� I_ = 2�45.63 � c,H = nl 06°02� 3I " E i?29.62� G�� � C� LS.16844�� ��\�. ��o ��\ ��\ A PL�R'T i�F A F�E;5U8. OF � V�►IL [)A:S S1�HO�JE F'ILINi3 r�o. i r.H A�IICiN'IX � 25' S0' 100 � SCA►LE: I" �- 50� 81=ARIINGS 8�►SIED ON V94�IL DAS SCIHCINIE FILI'NC�S I 8� 3. D�4T�E OIF ;SUR\/EY= Dl=CEMIBEFt, 119132 MOIdUINE:NTS �1S INID��CA►TED 6.C.E. �- GEIVE.RI�1L (:OIM�AON ELE:MEMT � L.C.1=. �= l.lNlll'EID COMIM�ONI kLEMENI�� ELE:VATIIOWS E3A�SED OM 3AN1'TA�RI� ;SEWI_R A,S•-8'�UI'LTS N„I.t;. �- MO'T IN C;OiV0�0�r11WIUM Fa E=1FtEI�LA(:E/FLUE �IRIEA� . " � E�4GL� VALLE:Y EPJGINE:EI�IMG AMD SUR`dEYIWG, IIVC, II�0�0 ;5. FR FtOAD WI�S'T 'VAII.�, COL.OftADO 816!57 """""�A4!9�"�IA�I�IlIA�A�lI�RI I C�0 N D 0 NI I IV I� Ui IV� ti��� F' F"C) F� 1' F-I E: I I�ll ��l �A►1�' VV'E=�>'T' 'V���II_, A LIL Oi F l_C)T'S II ,;Z &'> A N D F'A, R'T ��l= LOT C; ,!3l_C) C, K; A, �4 R E S �U !3 D I'V II S I CI NI 0 F�/A� I L_ D�4 �� S C, H ON E I�I L II NI G IN �0. I ,AIVD A�LL C)F' ILO1� I, V,AI L ID�4S SC H�OIN 1= f= I L II N� G IV(J. 3 , SIE I /16 C�OR'NER SiECTIi�NI I �I ,'f 5 S, E2 FII VV OF' E�TFi f?MI. ��N �)I°3l�00�� E; 3'54.1lS� - i� c L.ANE= ( `.i0� R.O.VV.'► I , S 4Ei° 04° 4Ci �� ��IV ��� � C�F I�EdIINIVINti /� "`N '0 /6 e f�A �6 � 1 JC). t 5 �,`�GN�Np� 1 P,�F►,0 �(��(�lc,'CP��' F,�C�N�; P�'� �` ` 1�O��N W'�tt Vl�il �nt.rononq�l�. �D �.. ..� NOTE:S TO SUR'VE��: 1„ Error in c:Loeour'e of m�etes an�d boun�3s de�sr.riptio�n �[s 0.61 feet. 2. Ha�ly Cro,ss E]_ec:tric e�asemEent: (Book 275, F'ag;e S32) ies e�ha�rn i�n it:; ap�proxim,at�� ].oc:ation. The� r•ecorde�d doc�un�en�.t does not co�ntain suifficiemt ir►farm.atioin �to pl.ot the e:Kac.t lo�cati�on of` t:he� eaaetn�enl.. 3.. Th�e Collin��-��it•th Sub�di��iESic�n referr�ed tc� i.n the :lef;a]. descri�p[ion of' the p,arr_e]. (Land Tit:le Gciarantee ��o„ E'olicy No. 1l-Clldil6) is nat a re�co�rde�d subdivision. 4. Thie 194.4 �Eont re.dius cur`�e is shrnwn a�; ai 194.43 foot ra�diue �c�urve oni the r�ecc�rdedl m�ap of �� itea�ubdivisi��n oi` V'ail 'Da�s f3ction�t, Fi:lin�� Nc� . 1. 5. Holy� C'ross E1ectY•ic eas�em��nt: ('Bo�ok 290, Pap;e 953j i�s i�h�rWe. in its approximat�e :locat:io�n. 'Th�e ��ec:orded �do��unnerit does n��t ccmtsin suff�LciLerit irifc�rm�atio•n �to pl.ot the e:!cact lo�cati�n o1° t:he. eas�e�aenl:. 6. Ttie in.grese ��nc! e�gr�eee ea,serner�t (Eook 303, Par6e !32') iLs sa�t sharn. The re.corded de�sc:ri.ption ��f the ease�meint ie� u�nclear at�d da�es not apec;ifically defi.ne� the e,aseme�nt.. A IRESUBDIV'ISIOIN OF V��IL. DA;S S(:H�ONIE FILIIN(3 N1�.3 JP,� C� \d�„ �, ��?5 DF�AIINIaGE �B� Ul'ILIT'Y (iREEN BkLT E143E:ME:NT (Do��k '26�'�, F'opa 1�34) L.S. 'I6844 S S�2°02:�36" W s�z.c�o'� 1�� ,\ �` _ \�� , R w�j�et �ilh -,e� ' ��,�c`'% �-��i� � �� ��� ;� ,������ f ' /j i� � ;%/�� , , -.---- -_______ I'�" � ; �'/ G���� � ;/�" I � .___ ____ .J � ��� 'VIICI�JI�TY MIA►F' i�all� I" = i2i�0� CE.RTIFIC,ATl3 OF OW'NERS'HI]P Know� all men by Fhese prE�senis thiat Dc>n (�. B',yers i�ndl Jc�m�es IBerry Craddo�ck, db�a 'Th�e Imn at We�st Va�il ��ssociates, a Joimt'Veriture, . be.ing so:Le oFme�rs in feEa simple of a:Ll that real ��rope�rty in tlhe Tc>wn� of 'Vail, State of Colcira�do, de,sc��ibed'. as follows: �� p�arcel ��f l��ndl lying w:ithiri A, P,esub�di�ri�;icm of Vai:l da�> S�chone :Fi'ling No. 1, and. Vail �3as 5cr�on.e Filiizg TIo. 3, Couinty of Eagle, S�taL-e of Color,ado, mare particu-- ].arly des�cr:ibe�d a5 follows,; � FSeg;inninR a1t t.he� n.orth�ea:st corn�er of ;sa:id paircel, �al:so be�in�g a poinl. on the West��r]Ly rig;ht-of-��aay ]��irie of C�hamoni�: L�ane an�d �:hE� niorthaest corriez of Lo�t :?A„ A'.esubdi�visic�n of Lot 2, V.iil� dlas Sch�oni� 1?i].in�R No. 3; therice S 19°46"4C!" E 42O.i66 'fF�et to a �po:Lnt: on the north r-ig;ht-of-�wa,y ]lirie of Int�er;�tate Highw,ay No. 70� Fro�nt,�gE� F�oa�d; theincee a1c�nR sai�3 northi right-o:F-��a}� line on the fc�llowing �th�-ee� cours�es: 1) S� 52°02'S6" F� 6�2.00 f�ee�:; 2) S 69°54'lEi" W 274.90 fE�e[; 3) S 4�6°04"4��" W 45.013 f°eet to the �>otiitheast corner of th�e Co'L1 i_ns�-Wir[h Subctiv�ision, tl�ence� a.long tlhe eaist line ��f s�ai.d subdiv:isjLoni N 39°52' S3" W 171. 75 fE�et: t.o a poin�t on th�e aoutln ��iF;ht-of-�Wa�y ] in�e of C'hamoriix: Road; tlzence� a.lonq s,3ici i-ig;ht-of-�wa!y l�irie on the follow�ing tW�� coivrses: 1;1 24°�. 63 fe�et a3lorig the ar�� of a 194.4 foc�t raidi.ue c�ur�s tc> t.he lef t urho�5e central anigle is 72°?_3'O1" and �ahose� l.ong ch�orci beairs N 08°1�2"3l." E 229.i62 ' f`ee�t; 2) 1V ?8"09�'00" W 9I3. `i f�eet to a pc�int on the s��uch ri.�ht-�of•-W��y li.ne of Chamonix 1Lane;; t.hence ,alc�nf; .caid soutlh ��i�;ht-of-way 'Line on. the f��1lLoFiin�g thre�e couirses: 1;1 �� ?'�9°43'OiD" E 85�.Oi4 feet; :?) 59�.57 fe�et a]Lorig the ,ar�� of a 75.00 :Eoc�t radiu� cu�rvE� t�o the riKh�t whnse centr,31 angle is 45°'30"25►" and �wh��sE� ].on�g ch�or�� t�ears N 62°?8''lEl" E 58.02 fee�t; 3) N 195"1�1'�'�3" E 214,.3�► f'eet to tlze pciin.t of b��g�ln-- riin�R. Sa:id parcel als�n bej�np; k.nown aind de+scribed ,as Vf�il das S�ch��ne� Sub�divisi��n - 1'ra.ct "K.''' � do t►ei�eby cert:Lf}► t:hat this "(,orido�minium Ma3p fc�r The 'Inn at Weat V,ai:l" ie� f:L1E!d in con,ju�zct:icm With tlie Ccmd.ominiu�n ]�c�la�ration fc�r Tiue Inn at iie!st: V�ail i•ecorde�d isncieY� R.ecepti��n Ncr. ,����'� i.n Book �']�� at Pa�Se_ '��� _ ofF t.he� recor�ds o1� t:he Eagle Courity, Colo:rado„ C,lerk �n�i Re�cc�rder. O��iNF:R: 'fHiE INW A�T WE:ST V,AIL_ ASSOC:IATES �a Joimt Veinture • By. � 1 '� v -�� Don .� B}� 's, Jc� nf V��nture�� _� Rout�e 'S Box 78�3 \�- Gold�en, (;ol.orado 81�4U1 . /� /�/ � � E3r� ����- �:� ` ` 1.����� 1 �+ _ me,s ]3e�-ry� C'rad cl'�, Jolint Ve:nturer �/o �Cr�3dcioc�k De, lo�pment: C,o. P.O. Bc�x 7i!21 Coloracio Springs CI� 8094i7 S'CA7'E OF' COLi�R��DQ ) ) sa. cour��' O�F�����y� f� ,0�� � � The fc�regoin,�� :intatrumient �wa�s acl�:nawledge�3 before me t'hi;soy �__ day o:E �_�j_, A. D„ _��_��> b�y 1)ori C. Ryers . �/ /,�� � (/ My c�m►nis� ion iexpi res_-��.f� U'�(.� �1."lcJ � / `t_-_---- �-- . Witne��s my hand and 9ea1. � ��L �%� p(� ��,�fe'J �c �-- � N�;e:•ir�j Publ.ic� Addres,s: STn�r�: �F' C�i,��R,4�O )� 1 )� 5s. (;1;)ifPJTY f;iFC/,��,Dd_,�' � %� 'I'Fie f��rc�f,�inK instr•iirti�nt wa,g .iC'I�C11t7WjE�I�?E�d hefc�rc� me thi,s ,���day �of�:t��' , n.n../�?�:3, hy J.arnc�r� fi'�erry Cradd���•k:. ` G� M'y <-��mmlqsi�n ���x�,ire�����-�� 30� �_��-S� • . i' - / Gy,� Wltn�r;� my han�d rand c�e�l. �� �+'���f"/�._(i�;{i� ��IQo�ry Pubt'. ic: Addres,s : SUR'VF.'YOR' S C.F.RTI FIi�A'CE I. J�ohn E. Stenmark, a I.an.d Surveyor li.c_ensed UlldE'_r the la�ws of t:he State of C�olorada, do heri�b�i certify t1�aL- t_his "Condomiriiuim Map fo�r ��he� Inn at West V�aill" wa.s prep+sred by me and uncler' m.y su•pe�rvj�si.on an*y�„�t►Ui�nur€S�ch map accura�te]�y depicts �thE� loc.ation ��f and the h�ri;zonta�l �t't�`d��rt���Et,,�.'�:Siimen- sions c�f the completed con�domininim ur►it.s. ��'��" �'";",�.";��.,, ���;�� ; � n;, c e �. � � j="' T � �� � . � � _ � 1 _ �:�-------- . � � -� ��� �fi�'�-�---- � ot����. s� ,:�,���t�: :, ,�. . co �� �r��,�v t, . ,s . i �s��� : P� ��. '9 �. �O, ,�P,fE. "" `'•.i ; ��/ �� , SUm • �`�, �v�, TIT'[.E CE:RTiF'ICATE '.,� ��F c�}L�, s� ,' ����/�i�i „�++���� o I.and Tit',le Gu�arante�e (�o., dloes hereby ce�rtify th,st it: h�ab exa�nitzed t:he Title t� all l�;ncls shown �upon cr�i8 map and tFiat Ti��e to �ouc.h land�s :[s fx�ee and �� clear of al l liens, taxea, and encumbra�nces, ex��ept as� follrnas: ��e���_��;� �« �_Liis?L'1"� _ t � �-�� .� ��_�2- I r'� �r �'-'�- �' • 1�3� > z. Q��� ��_2 �o � j �I-��aS C� �'..'�-Y��� 1� � � �I��� 0.�4: -'1F�� F=f1- C�u�'_�:d1Z_'L�C:a.0 ,�' c C. c:-rC1�p �I , 3 �.� �� 3`•� � Q.� ( ��s7.ir.; _Ps,�s...=_ � ,c�,-�- .� .�.� , �i � S`-a.%Ema-r�- �2ti�i��:1L'iQJe�d�G ���3:1'�edit� r'tSiLr�S� e�! lG� i`�,��n l�� 35 :! c_� Zo`� �T� <""GCl1!''�!�� � A�4 ��:� i �r1 '�� ��,,,'- �Z_ c.�� 26� �i�� l ,c-n, Y t ��:.C� �J� 1 <? �`�? i rl ��� lo �� f � � �'l CC>rA'��CC.�'��1' �D Gc.-Fion .�,/��et'F'�p �n�s�C. 3�Z t�c�.�:-l� �-l�1� l,e.n �z��z �n �,T��'�� •;�• l-is 4���ate��p�_1���_ 3-�� -ES� �.. �'�. a��., ��. ,,z " L] �� % Y� � �_ , ,?� �?5 '� � � �. �9' zl.R y- �- _ ►-=-- z� � ��ge�nt: � ZON]:NG� ADMINLS'CR��TGR CERTIF'[CATE; TMs m,a , i�� Yiereby ap�prov �d by the Towr► af Vail Z��njLnP; A,dministr:itc�/� � t h i s ,l �:lJ dl ay o f �l�t��.�/� . A. D.�3 _. �7 % -� - ,p-- - -- � /�,��j At t es t�:������A.��nCG2(G��GGt �C'.�' C�����'2 ��it:G�C ��i� ,► Ti�wn C;le�rk l� ,Zonirig Admini,st�cat:oz•, %�/ �ro�� of v�ii G/ C]:.E�tK AN� RE�COI�D�'sR' S CERTtF'ICAT�� �i (�a ;eo Tt��ie map �iss �i,led fo�r �rec:ot�d in t'he of°fi.ce, of th�e Cle�rk: end lt�ec��rcle:� on� thie 1,� d'�ay of �d1A��t1�� A.D._,���, at _,���o'c1�DC�K �.M. Re�corded und�ir Receptio�t t�o.���QS��{ tn Book _�;T��at: Pase .�;��. .0�� F�l�:d. a��,9 � g�a ���,�������C'� y� ���� �� I L> ���� ��:r1� e�nd Rec�oriie�: , 1/ �17 � � 0� �0 �J '„� �'�� .,t�L`,;�� Ea��l e C;ou,nty, Ci�lore�da �. &�_' � �`°: � j��� . �`� , � �' .�� .� � ° sy'� .CL�•L��-1-'1-�G.C�.rL��ii..� n�� ��, t y �� •••.,�. •d e �°<� � • a�' � ��.��,���� ��"'� � .�s� ���� .� FiEET' I OF 6 I 27' �..,�....�.�,...,�.m.�.,..,�, ��.�--,..�,.....f_._�..__T _._ _ _ __ _ _._. � __ _._ �� ., � � ,�i� '° - _ `��� � c� � // - o n; �\ // 1.3� Elw. ~ \\ �---�_79'78.5 — --� — — ------ --�� r------ I c� tJNI'T 41�i UNIT 4116 ' c� �, �� G.C.E. o 0 I_.C.E. DE�CK �� hlAl_L �' L.I�.E. DECIK UNIT 417' ------ EL._79'i0.11 I 41 C=_ ----- ------ ---------- -- J ! _ � r, _ _ � r-- j �- •-- -- ------ --- - �--- -� � ---- --- -- �, r----� - - -- i I I I � � I �� II II II � � I�- --.--•-- -----------•--• -� �—• --�-- -- -��— -- -------• --• --. --� I I - --- --- -- -- -- -- • �- -- --�T— -- �-- -- —�r- -- -�- --� --- --- --- --- -I � -Outline: o'F Il3uiildi'�n9 � �� � � �� belciw Fo�ur�rh Fl�oor I li i) I � (IV.I„C.) � - --- -- -- -- -- -- ----- -��---- -- --� -��--- ------ --- �-- -- .—I I I I I I I I � I I. I - •-- --- --- --� -- -- __ _ I I li il � �� �I L. __ ._ J � I I — -- -- -- -- --� -- -- --- -- _,; - --.- L�= _ ____ -_-±-�__ _-� I :�E:CT I C)NI 0�- D a► , _..,,__ r E �� . � G.G.E. S1�A I R �� ih EI ���..��, B.CI_ I : E..�.-� i1i.i.c. _� J 3.4 (TY'P. ) 8. 4 8.<<� �� . i. i�. UINII� ��3l5 __� L.C.E. Unlif 436 F 17.7 _ _� UMIT 4?i4 I .-.--------., L '` J �.�* L.C..E. Unif 43'� iUNIT 432 UNIT ��3'.f �>.�� °; 0 . �' ������������������������� COINIDt��VI INI I11��1 ��1�41' f=c)F; T'HE ii r� �� ���T� ��� E:;�� 11" �/�q, i�.. �_� ., ., D�cM; II L.C.E:. Ulnit 4M ---- � -- 24.T -----• �� <: � _J �' �N 120� .i �2.�3 ----i r=°� �.�T===� 0 ., -- l� GIE. Unif 4UZ F �—r____= I IL��� � N UWIIT 4f6 UNIIT �E16 ti r, UfVIT' 414 11NIIT 41 �2 - UNIT 4�10 r� ai iei " �i 'o� ►.9� .9 � N � c� �i In�Mccit��� ch�anlN �.d "�iL�n a����na n.��q�nt.- N -- -- -- -- -- -• � - - �- -- -� -� -� - - -- -- -- -- -• -- -• �ri I.O� Y� I.O� an I . �4' � , ' r: r ,, ' ,�' r— ��-� �i 0.7 ��. --� r �J I 3. 4'� f�� d�� 7:i� -- ���9� �� �I b c► I� I L--- I. e�� ri'4_9'_�I ��, I � 12 .8� �A�� � ._ L.C;. E. tliMf 4dd 0� �> '� �_ G�.C.I[. �i �' ------ ---�— -- f I.Or-- ���—�— 2'.3. I ' --- �� IG.C.E:. UTILIITIf IROON� r� ��► �i � UNIIT 4�D6 � I �i. 5 � --��--------• C1.9� �, ��,�, 3 :�_ 13.C,.E. ELE:V/ITCIRlt �_li.T'_ ,_� � ��f--------• -------�---- I.I� 23.5 � si �'� 3.ID' �� ri 0.6� � � 4.l1_,�=—,` (=—� rJ, TYP, ,rNl T NL������������i N �,� �-----------� �y �------------- ~ 17.6� 17.'1' 17.4� � (i.C.E:. HiALL I't. i� 17.l�' 17. Ei � � � � - ��-����`------� r1 r------- ��TYF�� a�!�-�jn 7;T � 4 9 a' 2,4 L:: �J l=_ J====--- 4�T�.4' �_J L_J � T.15� -- =-���_. —� 1:9 � � — %� 3„8 o K� 8'�.8' 3.8� � :S.—a' �n o �.a' o __ � �o `� , `° � .. '9�� �.;z' i 2'.7 — 2: T u- - - - -- -- -- - - - - -• -� - — � • -� - - -� -• �1r Yf� � � �.�� Yf� ln �.�� �� � v �i I.I I. I' a N �� v- -- -• _ - - _ '_ '- �P _ _ ._ ._ -_ -_ _' -• _- N - _ - _ _ _ _ _ n� � - _ � e °r►, � F• c� - T' 7 UNI'T E19 I UNIT 417 - a� UiNl1� 41a IJNIT 413 UMIT - UIVIT' 409 UWI 40 N �c�s � a� 411 N �i i� - - _ - � _ ,��).4�� �— —__ �3.0_--- __ � ��.o� _—_ _____--- — � � �' __ —_ �:�.o�---- ______. LF �( I�CIk F ��� F p�dt --� l)�I�. UniP 417 IL.C.E. b LC.I:. O ��__�_.C.E. Unit 409� / iUnit 413 � Ulnit 41V � 7�- ------------------ --T-- ����� --T— -------------__—' �.e �.e D�ck --,� �.c.i�. �unt,r 4a2 F I �UN IT 4:50 I7. Ei' T.�� IMATCl� LINI: : D -•� .--. -------. -. . �� ,. �..JI O��cl� —�I L..C.IE.11f�lf 4iCd f �3.C.E. HA�LI_ -� .•� I UNIIT 431 F I Cl�clk _. L..C.IE. UMf 433 I7.6 . _ _ �� �M IT 426 �naM:ah� �ohon� J _ 1/In eNli�no hdi3OM._ _. UNIT 42:9 Uf�11T' 4�27' F _ I �.�� J L.(:.E. UriN 4291 D�clk --I 1_.C.E. Unlit 424 f 11NIIT 42S _ _� �VI1' ��22 F►.�� NI —� �_ �2.�� L T N 4.7 , 24.7' -----�\ ------ \� D �clk L.C.l:. IJni4 425 Fo�ui��rF� F-�_c�o►R Me:k --� �.C'�.E. Un�f 420� f UNI'T 4119 17.13' 17„6� IJNIT 4'21 UWIT' 419 F— I �.�:k � L.C,.E. Unit 421 � UMWIT 405 WNIT �41Ei 3,4 ' � �(TY'P.) 0.7'tTY'P. ) � � 3.4' �� Uh11T 417 i i �-MIA1T'CM LINE I I 7'.'S ° �. 1�! �� D�clk 4. U � I�.C„E. IUM4 4iDl =� F L f' ie.a_ i ^ —__�~—__—_— --- a�PN1 �� i'� � ---�� iD.9°. G�.C.IE. S'�TA�IR N " �� UMIT 401 f` C� ° - 92 i� � • 3. �� , � iu �, n' I.;i I `V .- -- --8''2�-- -. _. _.. S. ii_ II IINI'T �40�4 T. 3 ' m h ��� --= 10. e? _ �' 4.6' ' 13.i?' � �q �� 16.1! � 1 F�JD�ck II � 8.0� NI� F � t)�clk � 1.8� L.C.E:. l,lnit 4CIS I_.C.E. Unlit 403 `� 4.l3r A �- • • —�1 4�. 0� ��.o' 8� --... �_� h t0 NOTE:S : 1., ll'nitg 41�4, 407, 411, 4'15„ 419, 423, 4?7, 431, 43'S are identic,al c�m this sheet. S�e l:in�[t 415 f�r tv��ical dimensic�ns. 2„ U�nits 4��3, G05�, 409, 4L3„ 4�17, 421, 425, 429, 433, 4=f7 are id�en��ical o�n this sheet. See 1Un�it 4lJ for typical dimensions. 3. i:fnits 414, 41��� 422, 4;?6„ 4F30�, 434 ,3rE� i.dentical on t:his sheet. Slee Unit ��1G f`or typical dimensions. 4. Units 412, 41E�, 420, 424, 4�29�, 432, 436 ar•e identic_a]L an this s1�eE�t. See Unit 41fi f'or typical di.mensions. 5. See Units 4]L6 and 425 for t:yp�ical. L.C.E„ Tieck diimensjCoris. 6. �►ccess to thiEO floor via hc�te�l lobhy �3nd G,C'.F.. St,3i��s and Elev+3tor�,. F'LOC►R F'LA�VS� �e,ui��i�iwc sEC-ric�nis S�ca4� I�'��� `1 ., , � ��t r� f ,., � �', t ■�ir������� ii: �r �. � .��. � i � _ _ �_ _ . -_ � -r _ .-z.-:,,,,�,. �,.o,.r,�..�� ., �..�,.,,,,,,�-,-�,�,�,��r-„_„�._..�..m �.. ��.�„�.��,.q.*,�. ..�...._...�__,.�.....,�............,�,.�� _�..---p.�m_..,.. �_...a : 'm �O ;� �� /� WNIT 4;57 IJINI'T �43�B �� /// -� � \�� ---- EL..�79 i►8.!5 --- I-• -- -- - - -� -- -- •- - Z - - -� - --I ---- ��- -- -- -s- -- �-� -- -- -� -- --I I- i i�.c.E. �� I I INAL.L � II I � � � I� � � e------------�----- ---- -----f ---------1 r-� II 1� lr �� I II �i �� IL- --- --- ---.-- --. --- --- -� �-- --. -1L-- --- -- --- -- --- .-� �- •-- --- --- -- --• � --- �--� --- � I I I L__ ___ _, �__ ._, _� r__ .__ _f- I II I I I �I II I ��-- --� --- --- --. --- --- -� �-- .-- .1 L- --- --- --. --- --- -� I �- --� --- --- --- --- --- ---- -- •---� --- --- --. .�� __. ._�I �---Ouiflirie �of 8uilclirw 6�el��w SSEC'TION IE'- IE �Fo�ur��h Fl��oir ( N.,��.) C1p�m to b� low� C I 1.6'� � 1 I I�' I I.8 � I LL-- �;z_�----� u r� i i� �43�6 �� �2J � �ri - -- -- -- - - - - � i° �ci `° 10.9� � 11.6 � �----- I1.3 � =--•h � 6 �_- --10. 9' -- -- I I .4� - - �!� csilinq 7.0� _ '�r ;� hiiph in ihis oreio cc co -----•--•-- �Z.I' <y ___ WN I T 43�T �� <V $}i0�f Q h �i.7� 5.0-- -�.I� c� -- 13�.4'- N) II 1.6 � _ `� o� IC>.9 Op�n to b��loMr N �c io a� ������������������������� C'0� NI C► C► ti� I IN I U I�� �VI �41P IF(JF� 'f F-if: I ��INI ,�► r� vN'E=��'-r" �/�a,ll�... C�p�i to bNow . � I _ �0.2� J� II.4' li!.9" ,N � v�Nt�r aiE� �� - �- -- - - �- •- -� 1.3 � �o ��d � Il.:i � ��.-:s� II:4_ -�. 11.4� - �;� .� � � = •-----�--�--- � WNIT 417 �+3, 6' . �teil► b ri �iA� 1.3' ---� --- I'3A � 10. I � � �� �� OR�n to I�kw� �d N 01 �� � � IFI F TH 1= L_CfCIR' F� F= �r F� Fi c�c�R� �i �i 2:1.4' c�p�n te as�o�r - � L :f.4� r a7 I LJ --12.6--- �d N � - _- �A� � I ;p .� L 4.2�. ,�d -� i� 1.e�' - - U MIT ��01 - � �� � io � 9A� Ij 3_�'�Ib � ----- 24'S -------� -----r L__ II.6 -- ---- 1 ------ -- -� III.S� I � ---11.4�--- 10.8� -- ---10.9�-•- � � ri �- -- -� - - - -- -- - I•�4, � U'NI�� �40;5 st��lr a� .��-=� _ 1_ I. I � 13.0 � °-- I I. 4 � Oir�n to e•�lar lV � �� � r °' --- -- -- 1.8� �I � , iUN I T 4�03 s�tah► � 3.!i' � �0' -� - 14�.2� --�� 13.fr-- �r� - ��i 9.;3� J ��� �Ip�n te DoloMr 1V0"['Ef� : l. Un�its 412, 416, 428 are iclentical nn this sheet. See Un�it 416 fa�r typi��-al dimensi�>n;s. ' 2. Un�its 42i�, 4�'4, 4"32 are ideriti<•��l �n this shec�t. See Un�it 420 far typi��al dimensic�n5. 3. Uniits 4�5, 425, 429, 43'3 arc� i�entic��l ��n thi� sh�eeL-. S'�ee Unit 4Ci5 fc�r tv��ic•;il dimen;sic�n�;. 4. Uniits 4�'9, 413, 4]7, 421 art, id�nt ic,�l ��n thiti �hr�et. S'�c�e iJnit 417 fc�r tv��i�'al dimen5inn,. .1JaY:]d�Ltia�13�� 'c .��l.J�Cl1!]���.45�L1�!]� .���.! ':.�'� �� . �2� ► I � �GC. E. STR► I R G.C:.E. ST�A� R� G.iC.E. S1�A I I� � UIVIT' 4�36'� E:lev. 7!978�.5 ---�.41 IINIT 4<S2 UIVI1' 4�281 ; ._.,,.....,..,.. .�,,.,-..,,..-�.,A.,.,.��. ,,� _?- _ _ _.... - --- _ _ __ __ -- ---____ ,�...�. ,�,,...�..�,,�,,,.ew�...�..,w.� . _ _ _ ..,,._. .��...,,�,. �-�..-....,.--_ _ , _ ._. _ _ _� -- ,, —_ -- ..�.... _� -�.....,.. C;C)�I C►C�NI i I'V II U�NI N1�1F' F'OR 'TI-IE= i��iNi �A►1� �N�E=���1� ��►��ii�.. IJNIT 4�Z4 UMIT' 42O 1.4� U NI I T �EI 6 E I ��v. 7978.5 ------ ------� ------ ------- ------ ------ �-----� ------- ------ ------- ------ �------ N���. U�NIT 4:36 111NIT 434 U�JIT' �432 UNIT 4��0 I,INIT 4�?8 UIVIT �426 UNI'T 42'4 IINIT 422 WNIT 42!0 UWIT' 4�18 Ufvl1T 416 c� �: E:Iev. 7'970.1 ------- ------- ------ ------- — ----- ------ -----� ------- ------ — UNIIT 412 IINIT 4C18 ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ �INIT ��14 a UiNI'T <<12 UNIT 41cJ UNIT 408 U��IT 406 � r• — r 1 �— -- -� r--� 1 r � ir '— •1 r- ° r- -- � ,r -� r —• — 1 r— -- r— —, �• --► r• -- __ '_ J � I L_ •_ •� �' _1 r• __ -� _ J I I IL� �. �' �� '� r� '� �_ �� 'J � II L� '_ _ �• , r• �_ ��.'� .� I I 1� � �_ __ ', r� �' �� .� JI 1 f . �. �_ �� '� � �' __ _� •J � r L� '�' �� r� '�� �� J l�� _�_ _� ^ ^' �_ '� �J L.� �_ _�, �� � � �� ,i . � � �� �, �� �� �r �� -�i � ;�� �� , i �� � � � i i ,� i� i i � �� �� �I � � �I � i� _ � I _ �I I � �� I � I� II � I� � I I I I I� � I � II I L-- -----� -- J L.-- -- -- -- ._J �----- -- -- -� �- -- �-- --- -� �- -- -- -- -.1 L ---- �-- -- -11 L--- -- -----� �- -- -- -- ._.J L- ---- �-- -- -� �- -- �-- •- -- � L- -- -- -- -- �I �_--- -- -- --� �- -- -- --- -� L_- -- -- �-- -� I�- -- -- -- .� L- -- -- --- -� �- � — -� �- -- -� -„ r-- r —� r— —� -� �r �— � �— —� r- -� -, �— —� —, r-- -� — .J � L� •� -- � �- �� ,J r- — IL�� �� �� J � L� -�' �� -J r (�. -- -- — —� Ji L� •�• � �' —� I r• L� �� �� - � •�' J f l�� •�� - I�' -- �� �J � r L� '�� '—• �� r- --� - I � -•1 �-- - i i -, �------- I I -�I r-- -- -- � I I I-- - � I - i r•-- - i -1 �-- - , I -� II I I I � �I I � �I � � I� II I � I I j� I � �� I I � � � � � I I� � � I� � I Il II � �� I I ��� I � �� I I (�I � II I� I �-- -- -- --- .J L- -- -- �-- -- -� L- -- --- -- -� �- -- -- --� -- -J 1- -- --� -- -. J L- -- -- -- -J� �-- -- -- --� -- -) L- -- --- -- -� �- -- -- -- -J I,-• --• -- -- .J L- --� -- --� -- � �- -- -- -- -� �- -- -- --- -� L-- --• -- -- -.J I�- --- --- -- J �- �-- �-- -- -� -- �-- �-- -- --. --- --- --- �-- -- -- -- -- - -- --- --- --. --- -- --- --- --- -- -- � i-- -- -- --. --i r- .-.-- �----�---- -- ------ -� -- .-- --. --- --. --� -- -- \ 0 u1 I i n e of B ui I d i n g b e I ow I I I � � �� �r--- .-- --� --- --- --- --- —. --- --- --- --� -- -- — f=ourth 1=1a�or (NI.I.(:,) L-- —_--_ _� � i �� I; I �� � ' �- .-- --• -- - . -� U � � I I �, -- --� -- -- =-_ __ _--_� -, II �� ( � ( I ��_-_-�_ __ __ __-_- .J► I � � � == _= __-=-=_ __-_�� 1-=-= _= �-_-=-_-_ =-� - O.C;,E. �UTI LIT'Y fZA�ONI � rMA'TCI� L.INE i � , � ����� ���� 0 (:,E, HALI. o UNIT 4C)I p�ieM �' ��L.r, � UN11� ��I --- ----- .�����--- � ---- -I �- -- ----., ,�. -- .-- -- - r-� �= -- .-- --. --- ----. --- .---. --- ---. --- --- �--- ---- .-- --- -- -1 �� � ° i I I II � ---- - �-.--.---J �.-- .-.----�---� �'� -- -- •� r- �-• -- �-� I�' -------- -T' _ � ( i' I �i � I I � I � . --- J --.-a �- ----�-� L-.---- - � i - -- -- -� I -- —. � � —. -- . ---.—.— . -- -- -- .-- -- �r— ._. -- —.� — -- -- -- --. .— — ---- -- -- -- — ( r— -1 r 1 ir— r 1 � � I I I �� �� � � I I I� � � I I I� � � � I � � � �� O �I I I - -. --� --- -- -� �- -- �- � �- ---- -� I�.- .-- --- --- --- -��-----� -��-- --- --. --- -� �- - - � - -� - �-- ----- --- --- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- --- .---- �--� ----� ---- ---� -=_ =-- .-- _-_ __� -=-=-1 �� E:GT I O I�J A►• �� SECTIC>NI A,•A _ i�utllrie of Rull�llni� ���I�nw Feurfh Flear (N.I.C.) b si7k L C E I1MIt 41 �► .... '�� r_.__ __� _ _i � i I I L- -- -- �---� �- --. ----� _ _� I � I I �- �-- �-- �-- -� G.C.E=. MECHANICA�L E II �v. 7!93EI_3 � � .,� UMIT 417 � -------.---T-L---- ------ --�---------- -� 11iN1T 415 � �f^ � NALL �� UNIT 414 °e r �= ti' r ►` D�Ck E11lv 1197'C1, I �� I_ f. E UNIT 41R �—��--���`_-- ----•---- ��---- --�---------- -� lr- -- -- -- -- _- -- -- -L __ ,�� _�_._ _ _- --,r -.1- -- --.-. ---- --. -- � i I I n II jl I I I I �� �� ' I � �.. ,_ ._. ,_ .__ �_ _- --� -- ,. _J L- -- --- -- -� �-- -- -• -- -• -- -- --. -- � I I i - --. __ __ ._. __. __� ,_L. -- -,�— .-- -- -- —, — �—. -- -- --- --. --. --, � �r i) II �) �I II I� �� �� � I L- -- -- .-- .-- -- -- -- ,-��-. ---- -- J�- --- -- -- -- -- --.-� I r. _. _. _� I � � �- .-- --- --- --- --- .-- --- -� ( I �i il � i �I �-- -- -� � -- -- �� � � � -� --- -- --- --- --- --- --- -- --�� �--= ----- _- __' _= __ � �� ( � I I I l SECT I C1 NI C; • i� r����r�F:� : � � Ilnitµ �SOti� ��12, hl(�, ��1O, 47/�, ��7N, 4��2' ,�r�� ielc�nti!c•r;�l c�n thl:3 <,hc�et. tii��r 'lln l t << I h rind ���i• t �I ni�i4 (;-C ;inrl I)-I) f��r t y� f�•n I di menv 1��n4 . � IInIIH �4�fi, ��I(l, /41��, /'�l�i, l��'l, h7F,, ��';('I, ��'i�i nr�� 9d��nY1�•;il r,n Y_1i15 tih��et. tii��� IInIt �iI/� rinrl ti���•� Iun (;-(; Inr ty�,I'�•,iI �Ilmi�n�c(r�n�. �i � �� � �I �z����l'�!i�_ ���L�� ;>HEE:T 4 OF �6 -------- I,?7 � � \� �� �� � � � E lev,. 7f�78,3' � C;C)�JC>C)N111NI1,'IN1 ti���F' F'OR 'TIHI� i�� i�i ,��,r ��r f_,;� ��� ����� i i�. _ _ •� IEI�v. i'97'8.5 , _ _ .__ _- _ --- --- -- _�_.�--�,� ,. ---- — — ------ ------- � I.0' ------- — —• U '�E3i UhIIT 435 IJNIT 4;i3 UNIIT 4,.�1 �UNIT 429 UNIT 42'7 � PVIT ' ' ' UINIT 4i'.5 UIN11� �423 UNIT 421 IJNIT 4�19 UNIT 41r1 UfVIT' 4�13 UNIT 413 IJNIT 411 U�JIT �EOS� UPJIT 407' N. II.C, �r '� Ele�v. 79'70.1 E:I��r. T9�iD.l ------ -------- ------- -------- — -- i r- -- �- -- -- - i r- - -- - - - � r- - - - -- - � �- - - - - -� �- - - -- - -� �- - -- - - �. _- - - - -� �- -- - -- - � r- -- - -- � r- - -- -- -- � l� - - - =, �- - - - - - �- �-- -- -- -- -� �- -- -- --• -- -- --- --- -- -� �-� --• --- -- � r- -� - � i� I �� I� 1i � I� II � �� �� � � I� i I I I� �I 'I �� � �� I� i� �� � I� �I II II I� �I �� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I( � I II I ( I I I I I I I ; �� O��tline of' 8uil��ing belloMr �— -- -- -- -- --� L— —• -- •—� -- J �-- -- -- �-- -- � I— -- -- —� -- -- .� L— �— -- -- -- -- � �— -- —. __ ._. _. .) -- -- •-- -- • -- —� -- -- -- •—� -- — -- -- --- -- --� -- •—� -- �— -- — / F c� u r th F I c>or ( N. I . C;. ) I I I _ J �_ _� L_ . 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