HomeMy WebLinkAboutGore Creek Subdivision Block 2 Lot 13 - Rivera Duplex�d
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NOTICE: Accoz•dinc� to C'o7�o:rado ].a�v, you� must corrime�n<�e any ].egal action :base�d
upon an�y d�efecrt i�z this� :�u:rvey c�rii�h.in si�: (6) ye:ar.s after• you �disc�o��e:r sucr�
def�ect. I:n no� e�ve�nt ma�y any act:ic�n basecl up��n any defect. in t:his surve,y be�
comimenc�eKi �more� t.h��n ten� �;1��) yea�rs from� t:he �3ate of tlhe cert_�ficat.ion s:howr,�
hE�r�eon .
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Fc>r z��nin.g pur�pose�s,, ith�e tw�o lot,s crea�te�d by tt►i:� ,subd'.i�►i;;i��n
ar.e t�� be: trE�ated asc c�n�e en.tit�� �aith. n�o m�ore tYian ��ne t�nro--
fe�m:il:y re�sidE�nce a�l]_o��e�3 on. t:he� �co:mb�inie<i �area. c>f tlhe t.wc► ]Lots.
A]Llc�wable� qross re�side�ntial a�re�a for� t:he! two-faim�Ll�y resi.de�n��e
wil:l :be c�a]_culatedl c�n c��mbine�d a:rea of� i�l��e tw�o lot;s.
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NC►TFS : , �
1. Date o�f Survey J�u?Ly 16, ].9i31
2., Co�mple�tion �date: c>f i�npro�ve�me�n�t�
,7uly 3'�0„ :L98i (e!st'.Lm��te�
3., ]3earin�g B��s�e : Fi.n�31 Pla,t o�E the
Gore C'reelt Su.bCli��i:�i�on.
4. �>ddress, �- 5129 KE.I Gar L�m��
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i�ave ��y tl�eae� F>re:s�et��i �Ca:C� out., platt.e�l, a�nd e�ubd�lvidle�! Ith�e s�n!�� ;intc�
:lots ��nc! 1�1�ocJ�� ��• �han�i lYereon� ���n�d d�!si.qna�te t:hes ��anie a�s __�,--,_,.,,_,,,—
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j?udblic: .la�nda �rtd Qr�irr�qs eaeern�etst�� �Ui�IMI",i�r�l� i�i�l�� Mi�'����' ��fd �rti�-
�aq�e pur��o,s�s or�l�r� andl <!o fur�ti►e�r ��t��l:� t1PMlt tt��n ��b�Pi�rioi� �rh��l'i !r� �,
,:ubjec:t t�� tt��e pirot�cl:i�rt cov^er�a�lta iilod �ndl ��te:ordedl fEo,r t � �1d�b' ,
�3i�isi.on in t:h�� !�lfic�� of the, (:1�3r'k a�n�d 1d�eoY��r oi Ea�q]E• ��tl�ti:y,► �Co10�-
:r a da� , a �: Do c um��n �E 'No�. _ r.-----�---..�...r..._._.._ �
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i, B.';Ta�nea Bnrlc, do he!r�eby c�tr�tify t.h��t I am a r�eqi�,tE!r��d Lan�d S�ntve�►a►r i ,
lic�er�sead undle�� ith�e ld►wir �ot t.he: :3t�ete o1� ��oloraidc�, tha,t tl�is Pl.e1. :is a t:rue,
co r� rE� c�t a n d com�p 1 e t.e P:l a�t o i' t.h e �� I V E Iq A, �E� ' ,..,_....._._ '
��c ec�'ca te� ar� show i 1 t1�a� suc�i
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____ a�� 1 a i dl o��t , F� 1 e� t��e a, �� d �e reor� ,
P��t w��s m�a�c�e ixo� ari �sc�cura�tEe ��urv�ey� c�f said p�ro�pert:y b�Y �ne e�n`ei !��"r +�� �° ,
sup�ei-v:ision and cor�re!c��l�y sr�ows the ]�o�:ation and �dim��nai��ns ot� �th�e lo�t�t,
eae�ennemts ari d a tree� tfs �� f a a i. d s� u b d i v i. s:[ o� n a s� t. h �� s a m er i � r � e s t. a l �: ed �u pon� l:h2
qrc�und in comj�lianc:e a;ith aF►p]li�cable reaqulat:ion,s gove�rni�nq t.hE� isu'bdiv�ieii��n
of li�n�3.
I n N'L t;n e s s� wh�� re o!` �C lha ve� f� e�G �my h� arid a n d s� e t ���I�MI� �O �`� __,.�._._.--.-
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'.Chis P�l��t a�pprc>ve�d by tt�e T��wn o: �la.i�l P�li�n�ii:ng a���! 1�0�� gi (:otrt-
mi s s> i c�n th i. s_���___ da y o �E _`��� ��� .A . D , 1!g� � E�
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'This F�lat app�rc>ve�d b ti� T�own Ce>uncil Cif '`��!' `�b�m o:f 'ba,i�. ith:is
.���Z� --- da�y of' _—''J1���_.��--- A.D� ]L�1 ��.—_
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'This, F>l��t waa� .��i:led fc�r r��cor�d iti �the Off:tc�e of' t:h+e �Cle=�ltrc ausd
Re�cc�r�aer at: __s; ; QQ__ o' c:lo�ck �� !�i ��n t.hi.s __�����. �'�a3f ��f
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