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Vail Racquet Club Condominiums - Building 03 - 6th Supplement - Unplatted
; �� � € � �` Q � � �_ � � � � Q � � � �. �� , ti � � �, � i � �l! , ;� �� 1 �°9°� 4 � i f� � a y � � � � N ti� � � i ��:i: ,�1. � �' � �. �� � ,, a � }'' � a ';.` [{� �� �� p � f l:.d r �� � � '� - . ���-��. . , � �- : i�' ��.r ; �,. aa � �� 3 4��� r� � `�' � � !� ��;�, " r , � , ��; ��. o � � ; E �� � ���� �� � � � �� ` - �a � � .� '�; ; � Ii ��� ,�� ~�� � �: ; i � Y t i 5 ' ` I '1 I A L 'i': ` ��� �.� �. , ;, � �' �. ` � , t�� f ``� � i �� : i � �� ' �.: I �� E � ti� E �� . I 4 : � r� �� ,' � �'. r�e , . `_ �;:' ; .;� : .I ;. ,�, � ���� � � � � �''�; ;,� . ll.l � tu � ' o �` _ a ;� 0 � m `l' � :� , � ' � Q '`; � � � � � -� � � j: �. `i n h- � � . � � ..���E;�': i � �. � , � 3 � ''I i , � � � � �' , � t, � � �° iz h, 4� <' � ! : ,;, � � : „ � �+ }'� y > � �,� w �� i. ! �. _ i � � i; �, � � , � ��. � ,y � i �.� `� a (_ ` �.� X ,, . ' � � 0 a �- � � � i ,� `. �.�� � �� �.a ��, � ; �} '6 > �":; i�' I � �'� 1 � !: ; I � 4 � e � �� �� � : , , � �,a o �; ` � � l��,��, � � ,..s w,i w � w c� ' ;` � `� � � , � i F: � �': : �; f ;. i:: .. E,�,,._,,'. I . i' ':� ��, i..ti I' ;. - �. i�.-�:r � � _� 0 tD � 0 0 � � 0 0 � � Q.44�-+-� �— o.a� �. �� �- � 2�.29� ° 0 N � � O9 & 13 �� � � 0 � � 0 23. 2 9� � � 0 0 � � M Os � � � � � I � 22.9�� h � O � m � m O -n a� 0 ti . .. o,5a' 23.46� � M � EI & 15 � M m SECQIVD 84 T�lFi LE1lELS 0.54� 23.46� � � O r-. m FIRST LEVEL ., 96.00� 0.54` 23.46� � � 0 � � CO GARDEN LEVEL FLOOR PL ANS ALL pIMENSlONS OfV THE FLOOR PLANS ARE D�SiGN. TYPICAL FLOOR P�.AN OF BUILDING 3 WH�N ViEWED FRdM VAI� RACQUET CLUB DRIVE ��X�� ��J����M�IV l 1 � lVI1�-!� �C- � � ► � i � � � _ . � � � ~ ! ,; . ,. . ..:.. •. . � . . ..,. . ... . . . ,.: • . ... .. .. ...: ....:. . . .._... . .. .. r � � �' .. ; � ' � � � � � � � � r 0.54� 23. 2.9` N M 12 & 16 0.54' 23. 2 9 � 0 � � O M a o.�a' 22,93' _� co v� O m 4 .- 0.44� 0.44' o.sd s.sb� . I 1 � �.�fl� 0 � 0 0 � 7- C� O � � a � Q co 0 D 0 I!7 N KI�OW ALL �iEIV BY TH�S� PRESENTS: T�iAT I�HEREAS, Vail Racquet Club Candomin�ums, a lim�ted partnersh�p, is the owner o� that real property 5hown on the accompanying �nap and more par��c�lar�y described as fnllows: That �art af the SE4 af Sec�ion � 2, �55, �801� of the 6tY� P.M. ,�agl e Coun�Gy, Col orado, described as follaws: Co[�mencing at the Southeast Carr�er of Sec�ion 12, TSS, R80�1 of the 6th P.P�., �rom wh�cf� �he Sou�hwest Corner af the S�4 af ihe SEQ of said Section 12 bears �89°35'41"W (True �eridian), 1306.39 feet; thence N60°26'27"W, 2285.44 feet to the most 5outh�rly Corner of Tract H,"�ourth Supplement �o Map af Vail Racquet Clu� Condominiums", accarding in the recorded p�at thereof; �hence i��2°�4`W, 63.00 �eet alang the klesterly l�ne af sa�d Tract H to ��e TRUE �0�l�� OF BEGI€�NING; Ther�ce contin�ing �12°44'�!, 28.OQ fee� alor�g the �lester1y line of said Tract H; Thence N77°16'�, 17.33 feet a1nng the Westerly line of said 1"ract H; Thence N5a°13'�f, 77.b3 feet; Thence N39°47'E, 23.74 feet; Thence N53°35'4�, 123.38 feet; Thence 536°25'W, �32.00 fe�t; Thence S53°35`E, 23.23 fee�; Thence S3�°25`W, 78.Op f�et; Thence S53°35'E, 100.00 fee�; Thence S39°26'W, 68,53 feet to the Southwes�erly line o� that irac� of land conveyed to �(alter Kirch an� Jay M. U�ier as descr�bed �n 4Jarraniy Deed recorded �n Boak 227 at Page 320 of �he recards of �agle Coun�y, Colarado; Thence S50°16'17"E, 28.00 fee� along �he 5ou�hwesterly 1ine of that tract of land as descr�bed �n said Book 227 at Page 320; Thence N39°26`E, 9q�.86 feet; Thence N77°16' E, 86.78 fee� to tl�e TRUE POI��T 0� BEGIN�fI�iG. Area =�.619 acres, more or less. � c� 0 J Ctl uNET No. ! THRU 4 5 THRiJ 6 9 THRU 12 13 TF�4RU !6 BE�VCH �iARK = C. 8� G. S. MOf�f. Y 2$0 EL�V. SCHECiUL� BASE� dN C. & G. S. MQN, Y 280 (BRIDGE ABI�TM�NT1 EL.EVATION SCHEDIJLE C. & G. S. DATUM ELEV. A ELEV. B ELEV. C ELEV. D ELEV, E ELEV. F 8�}9p,20 8499.25 NUMBERI�VG SYSTEM OF SUIL�ING 3 N1HEN VIEW�p FROM VAIL RACQUEi' CLUB DRIV� 8508. 37 8517.49 � 8526.72 j 8532.56 LAUNDRY ROOM --- EL. EV, F --- ELEV. E — ELEV. D ELEV. C ELEV. B -- ELEV. A SH EET i OF 2 WH�REAS said Vail Racquet Club Cor�domin�ums I�as caused the accampanying map to be prepared under the Condominium Ownership Act of �he State af Co�orada and in accordance witf� �.he Candominium Dec1arat�on �For Va1 � Racque� C1 ub Cor�dom7 n� ums : N�W TH�REFaR�, said Va�3 Racq�et Club Condominiums �oes f�ereby declare ihat the accompanyir�g map is the map of the Six�Y� Supplen�en� �o Vai1 Racquet C1ub C�ndamini�ms an� shaws the layout and lncation of ihe condom�n�um units af said S�xtf� Supplement to �a�l Racque� Club Condaminiums wi�.h respec� ta �h� boundaries descr�bed in Exhibit 1 of tf�e Sixth S�pplemen�. to �,he Condaminium Declarat�on �'ar Vail Racquet Club Conda�n� ni ums . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Vail Racque� C�u� Condominiums has executed these presents �his ____�._.day of A.D., i978. VAI�. RACQUET C�UB CONDOh�1I�IUMS, A Limi�ed Par��ership g y ���. �._..�,cl� .�.�.. I�alter Kirch, Sale G�neral Partner AC�Cf�O�ILEDG�MENT State af Co1nrado} SS Co u n�y o f.�.�P�� j � The foregoing instrumer�t was ackr�owledged �efore me �his �-day of ��i A.D., �978, by Walter:-�� K�rch as the So1e General Partner o� Vall Racqu�t Club Condomir�iums, a��ted Par�n�rsh�p. _' �,k 1' ASy Comr�i s s z on Exp� res�/�: 3°. 19Bo _ � ',' .' l., No�ary Pub c � ' S�RUEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Frank R. Drexel, �ereby certzfy that during the month of ��arch 1978, a.survey of the prnperty and bu�ldings as shown or� �he accompany�ng ma� was made under my supervi,5-aon,,t�at t�e bui�d�ngs were in an advanced stage of canstruc�ion, ar�d that said bui din ere const�ucte`d �n:,,accordar�ce with the di-- mens7ons as show� on tre accompanyir�g r�ap. , d n �. �� ,.� ,/�� "� FRA K �. DREXEL � ' Re is�ered Land Surueyor'f�a , �149 �` CLERK AN� REC�RDER'S CERTI�ICATE �� Z C73 9-6� .; I cert�fy �ha� �his map was filed �n �y aff�ce an ihe� day of A.D., 19T8, a�f� M. o' cl ock and was recorded i n Sook at Page 4 4, Recepti on i�o. . �Y�e Candomi n� ur� Decl�rat� on ` i s�i 1 ed i n Book�� at Page � o,'° . � � `,�YaG u! e Y `�1/ ,� C�.sc "�-" Co�nty lerk and Recorder � ��°��,��� . �a �� 1' S1XTH S'UPPLEMENT TQ MAP �F A PART 0F` T HE SE I/4 OF S ECTiON I 2, T 5 S, R 8OW OF TH E 6TH P. M. � IN THE T�INN 4F VAfL, COUNTY �F EAGLE, STATE �F CDL�RAD� ; SH'EET 2 OF 2 �.---------� � �-�-- � NORTHERI�Y L1f�E BOOK 227, PAGE 320 _ ` e� _�_� _� � 1 _� � \ � r_� THfRD SUPPL EMENT q� ` S � � ' TQ.. M/1P OF i�A/L P'4'�-t-i ` �Y/:. � / -Jl J � - � 1 AT-�c. G ` ; � �� RACQUET CL.UB �� �Fti,.eR y�qr \ �` v�Lp1NG � '�r-��� G'ONDOM/N/UMS -� ��ti� Gp / � g �-� � '-� SECO.ND SIJPPL EMENT '�E` c,Q � � � �• ` ��� 6 FDU/RTH SUPPLfME/VT � -r�l i '-� TO . M�IP. OF V.4/L NoR� � TO MAP OF I/,4/L ��l i BGI/ ��e H�R � rRacT c � Cp� -, cr �� -- N� -7 RACOVEr ccua N� � �� � RACQ!!ET GL(l6 � �-�� � � eook CONOOM/N./UMS � ` ,` ��.-.` � r�--�_` CONl10M/N/lJMS ; p���'� 2�r � rRACr,v �� rRacr F'-_��� J� f -'____ j2o � 1 , ' ` ���:, s,o,Ns3o � � / ' � r eUj --_ �3� a��� N 3S, �. h / _-�� {�__ LD�N� � . � W c� � / � � 8 � MAP OF !/A/L \ �� , r � 2 M / � % < � �!sro4g, �� °`� l r.� ` `�/ SCALE: f = 50 s o Q� o � H�RO � F R � 3 � _ se�oN° a�O^'�es MN. y� /0 20,�• r8 \ST pSe�s� ;4e�,� �8`� ry' �/ O � 7 m�y _= W l3q.73' � _����1__ I1 � ����` / \ ry,Ro ar,� � � ;�. �� $ o � J i ,4,� � � � rR,acr E �-� � -_, \ ��� Rsr h. . 40: �% 90 � � � I. � � � �� RACQVE.T CLUB FC S � � . S ��/( 5'� 3s � zg \ g '. � .:o : ; .� /4 � � � �. �// : � � N , , ;.. � � / e � �� . �5. 0 50 IOQ � o , o oR D� w M� N3.9 47 E 23.74 Cp �� � y� � e, r IV a n., — �_ ss8o t o.; C.igLO�yo:G..3 20,�." L` � a� � % 34�l7" \ `r�� /�G � �.� _ I��1,�� �=:o,. Nirs ��N �� : ' �� � g TRA:C�' G ` � 4.e5, .�- �� C�NDOM/N/UM.S �� ` .�� ' Y. O_, � ..� �.�..., 3e . . �- � �U!15 wio :,�-.. . � N'S\ ��� h �- �' ��� � �—` _ _ \ �-� � i /`.. . . _ . . . _ . _ . � -� . . . � � � . .. ... . � 0 o a.T:°` �N� F/FTh' SL/PPLE/EIENT � ��� � ; �. `� � BA?SIS OF BEl�RING:. G4EST L!N£ OF THE.NW1:4 �O ;" � i3\ , ~� s � ,2.0. ,g="�� �q� �i 'W / p, � � �� Lq � rRacr a -, � � `� '�, -..o , �, ^3 ' S3\ra� / r.. p: 3S,��y,G � o NpR b' , T� M,QP OF V.Q/,�. _ �l� S � �� � �\\ �_` QF SECTIQN !2 S.0 1,9 Q0 E('.TRU� MERIDIqN } �'J�:_;' �p� ������ N q�Rk,l�. \y,s r,po .3���. .. . . . �490 ' `3o35,�N� �� e���� ' °M ,�0�6'" '�, R.4CQllET CLUB' \ :9q�, 3a,?,, �� �� �(��. ��� ���� s � Ns ` �Q � TRACT I s� a�` � CONDOM/N/UM5 GP�, 'F �°` �� �O : � � BENCH MARKS;: l�qr� so3s,� �26 00 �` � 6. � �j; \ �\ /� ��\ ��`` , ; �. � 5ir'J3° 3.r'J�E e�'oo., ... �qC,... � J 602`?, � � / � ro� � �\ C' \ , ,. �� I. U: S.C. 8� G. S. LlNE 92 BENGH MA{�K D15K 1:8' SW ,, OCr � s3 aoa TR�4CT H \ C`, .. \ �\ /-. F[RST SLIP.PLEMENT �� oF C 23.2'3 ` c�'j- Q � �/s y� / ��(i. � O � �` ENTERLINE WlGHWAY, SET 1N 70P, OF 5W EN.D ' s53 �C'��/B �?.3�� `/ ,�g., 2 9�• "� ` � �� 22?.a I � �� �/ �`` OF S.E GQEVCRETE AB.UTMEN7 OF G.OEVCRETE BR[DGE , 3� \ � o o rRacr e � ./ � ovE� Br�w �.�'6°25, W �I�,qR. �\` �iQj� o.6�ty r"�� �.-� / � ���i � ��� / i1 �� ORN CR�EK. fi7AMPE[} Y 280 195E � [t � � � �` ELE.VATIQ.N - 846Q.35. �8,0�' �.75 � 9pNo � 9 O\ F 5�� � �V• W � �A \\ \v/ �/ \\ ``�ySOn � 3 3S' � Q ��q o I � : °,6E . \�' \ �.�,` r � � � � 3 E � 't N77`°16�'E �.%.33� � 9 F � �� � ��s�'i�< 2. SQUAR� "�'�GUT IN CONGRETE AT MQST N:ORTHERLY \ � - � � J °` � ��� CORNER OF COVERER TENNIS COURTS. � �. �°� N . � � TQ MAP OF I/A/L � O v� BENCH MARK "O" CUT IN � \ \ �G � i� s \ � E�EVATIQNS = 8500.l8 'OO� h� � CONC. ELEVATEDN » 6500.18� ��` �Co � �. � �` \ . �^ � -.�p. \ � \ .. \` \ a� `� 4��° �__ Nl2°44�W 28.00� -� , ,,, � `O� � �v`D,h � ' -_____ , ��-� ,`0 \� \� � e � \�� 2�' \�� `-��� \ \ o h '� ` __ �''' N;5 ``t� � � 00' \ 1 \\ // \� ``� .: � yM°�'co� o .�v TRUE PO/NT --_ .- E , � � � --� � � � � � ��` R.4CQlJET ELUB � � s� /�F �°' �UcO OF BEG/N/V/NG �- E� ` I � �s , ` � o �� E4 a�s �4 TRA'CT G� � �� 'QpO p� —_ coJ eo� � 1�+ ` � - — `� 'v � ` \ / ` 4' �4 =nj —`��_ 1 , � �� — ��� \ ` � 1 v � ��� S � � 1 � 1 � `�� � S50°16'17"E ` � 28.0�� �UTy �-�_.�_�_ - ��--�~ ; CONDOM/N/UMS ����. 4��� �FSTF. . 1 � � ` ` � ���� u� 1 1 � � R(r ��N \ !`�_ �, 1� �G �1 . E' BOOk ~� � 1� 1 ''. 1 1 � �1 22? � � � � _ `r� � � a � pa - s � � Z � TRACT D G —_ � 1 � � �' I E 32D ���_ 1 tit � �� � N 1 N6�.a �� i � 26`.�j �`� 1 i�+ 1 � 1� !y ` � • � � �� N_ 1 ` � �� � � 1 L � � �' -_ �- -' _ _ _ ,` 1 1 `` `` �� � 1�� �� 1 �� 1 �1� � ` � a. � ���s¢g; ��` �� �` r4, FOUN'D 2'"IRflN=POST ��� �` �4,, / � � / 4VITF€ L1L- UM. CAP �� / �� �� �� � / `` ` �� �` / ` 1 �- `\ / � �. � : \. _ `- . �\ � ` � \\. / 0 .' ��� \ / � � `� \ t - ` . / _ - `` ry �. / .. _ �` _� / �J: `� �� / ��.,' \- N � - � -�. `� / � `` / � � \. . _r� \\ NOTE:S..: _ ` I. THE VARIOl3S 7{2ACTS LIND SUBDIVfSION PL:4TS fN THIS AR�A ARE LAlO OUT / / �����_ A�l� SURV�YED FROM A LENE RUNNING FROIv1 THE S.E COR. OF 5EC 12 AND �Fi� ir- � 6a a ., ., PO(tJi SE?' FQR THE I/If COR. TO TH� W6ST AS SHOWN. TFI� POI1+1T FOR TFIE ,r,� �• I/(6 GQR. HOWEVER DOES l�pT FALL ON A LiNE BETWEE�E THE S� COR.. OF �.:� � M � ' �'Y. SEC.. 12 L��IQ THE Wl,TN�SS CQfi. TO THE SI/4 COR, OF SE:C. 12. .�. / � ���1 ;l; � 0 7 , QA�'E ��� � � QK �2 '.�5�� N ~~ 2 ALL BEARINGS S�IOWN ARE REFERRED i0 T.RU� MERIDIAN. TO CQN,VER'I" 70 THE M, / „� . , ASSUMED M��tlDIAN US�D IN TWE K(R:CH a lJT1'ER pE�p IN BOO.If 227', RAGE 32d, I�. � ��� r g0.. y.��6 39 : � / SIN C�R SE I/4 SE I/4 0,��"w � o (AND OTHE'R5 WFifCH RE.FER TO TNE SOIJiH L�NE OF S�C. f2 A5 BEARdNG SE.C. f;2� T5S:. RB�w 6:th P:•M. :�1g`� �� N8,9°53�24"W),FiOTATE BEARINGS 0°17�43�� COUi�ITERCLOCKWISE. � � ` ,�1 W / / ( F'QUND I/2�� IRQN PIN fN CONCRET� �g9o35 / / �A����� 2sso - s�� NorE r) _,;w SE COR. SECTION 12, � _ , S, 5g9°'Sg �� TSS, RBOVII 6t� P. M., ��. `��n M n / ( FOUN,D I/2 �� !.R.ON FiN': I�V CO.M1JG. �i, f MN / o ApFRQ.PRIAT.E�Y MARKEL O� ,. N � �I .. �.h � / _ � 0 FOEIND " + " ON ROCK WITNESS CORNER ( FOUND ��+ �� ON SANDSTONE, \ A5 DESCRIBED IN ORIGINAL, G.L,O, SURVEY OF I:BB$, 673.20� EAST OF THE SECTIO:N CORNEi4 ) ,"•� ; : �,.t r� � ;. : �:' . �'.; i ' . e � : ;. r • . fti; 5 �r . tir�: . . . . .��� .. .. ..t :..r�C . . .. , . . . l � .� _»..�..� ?�:.fl..�i�!-1r,.;:Y ( 5EE NOT� I � I�