HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage Inn Lawyer Letter 041913 Porterfield & Associates LLC. Attorneys at Law Wendell B.Porterfield,Jr. 101 Eagle Road,Bldg.8 wporterfield@opa-law.com P.O.Box 3149 Eagle-Vail,CO 81620 Vail,Colorado 81658-3149 Tel:(970)949-5380 of Counsel: Gerald W.Oliver Fax:(970)845-9135 Frederick S.Otto joliver@o�a-law.com fso@�a-law.com April 19, 2013 George Ruther Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Fronta�e Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Village Inn Plaza-Phase V Condominiums Dear Mr. Ruther: We represent Staufer Commercial, LLC. ("Staufer Commercial") and Vail Village Inn, Inc. ("WI"), who are the owners of commercial condominiums in Village Inn Plaza-Phase V Condominiums (the "ProjecY'). The Project was created by the recording of a condominium declaration on February 4, 1988, in Book 478 at Page 378 (the "Declaration"). VVI was the declarant in the Declaration. Article 21(i) of the Declaration contained a restriction on use of residential units 8 through 18. A copy of the restriction is attached. We understand that the restriction may have been required to be placed in the Declaration by virtue of the terms of SDD 6, Town of Vail Ordinance No: 7, Series of 1976. The restriction references Section 17.26.075 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, which we believe has been renumbered. The association has recently adopted a rule that it will not enforce the restriction and we are advised tnat one or more of the residential unit owners routinely violate tne restriction. We request that the Town investigate the restriction to determine if it is still enforceable, and if it is, whether it is being violated by one or more residential unit owners. If additional information is requested, please let me know. V�ry trul��yours, � , ✓`� � `� '� -'� �___ v`� �, �� Wendell B. Porterfield, Jr. WBP:aI cc: Stan Zemler, Town Manager Town Council . _. � � � (i,) Tvwn of Vail Restrictxans on Us�, riux$uan� to Sec�i,Qn 17.26 ,Q7S n� � 1� Municip� CQ�te o C e Tt�wrt c��' Va�.l, tih� � us� ofi un�.ts 8 thrqugh 1$, inclu�ivs� is hereby xestricted �x�d tnade sub,j ect ta the �Qllawi,ng; i (�) An owner' � persaizal use ot t�xs o� her � contlpminium sha�.�, be r�stri��ed �a '�$ days during �k�� seasc�nal period t�� U��emb�r 2�►th �a January �.st � �nd FebruAry Isk �� Marct� 20th, 7:tiis s�asana�. ��xiad �.5 hexeir►�f��r re€er��d to z�s "k��.gh $�asor�". 'Owner's persor��.1 ua�" �hal�, be de��.ned �� owner's . ' oc�upancy r�f a condominium uni�C or noi�=gaying gu�s� o� the ow�er o� taking th� aandomin�.um uni� af� o� �h� r�ntal market during �h� se�sc�nal p�riot3s � re���red �c� here�,tt �or any r�a�t,n otY�er than �ax n�cessary �epa�.rs which c�t�z�a� b� postpran�d Qr ;. ; whi�h may rna�� the car�damin�,�.�m unit unr��.t��le. Qceupancy o� a cQn�lomir►ium uni.t by an Asst��istiot� � mar�a��r or s�,�ff emp�,pyed by th� As$oc�ation, . . haw��ver� sh�13. no� b� r�s�x3.eted by► �hig � ��bpar�graph. . � (�i) A viola��.on a� th� own�r's� use - . restr�.ctian by an c�wn�� �hall subje�� ehe own�r Co �. daily �ss�ssmet�C x�at� by �he Ass�cf�.�zon of �hxee : �.imes � r�Ce considered t� b� a reasan�bZ� daily , , :.: � �ent�l r�te tor �th� condomini�� unit at �h.� time t►� . '::� the violatfan� which �ssessm�n� rahe.n paid shall �be� a �pecial a���:ssment belonga,ng to �h� Associafii�n. ;� A�}. sum� assessed against C��e owner �or vi.qlation . o� �he own�r`s pexsofla�. vs� restric��.pn �t�d unpaa.d � sh�l], �ot��titu�e � lien for �he k�enefit o� the . . �.� Assv�iatic�z� an th�t owner'� condom�nium uni.t, which � li�n sha:�i be evidenced by wxi�ten not�.�� placed o� • r�card �.n Che t?i=fi�� o� th� Clerk �t�d Recorder t�f �ag1� Cou�nty, Co�arado, and whieh may be aoll�cted � . by foreclosurs, on an awrcter's �ondvminium umi� by . Che Associa�ion i.n �.ike m�nn�r �s a t�ior�ga�e or � d��d �f �xust on �ea�. prop�r�y. The Asso�xatic,t�'s ' �ai�.ure to ett�orGe th� owtier's persona�, use re��riczion shall g3.ve the �'��wn s�£ Vaf.l the right to �n�or�e the r�s�xia��.on by the assessm�nt and th� Iien pzavided �or h�r�under. �x th� Town o� Vail enfc�rces tTz� x�stri.crion, �he Tc,c,m oF Vai.�, ' sh�1,� zece�.�te �h� tunds co�.lec�ed as a resu�t �t : such en�n�eement. xn tke� ev�n� litig�.tian xesults � �r4m th� enfQrce�t�n� c�£ th� re��riG��.Qn, �s p�.xt af � i�s rewaxd to the prev�iling p�xty, �h� �t,ux� sha1Z �warct suc�h parCy irs court cvst� to��Ch�r wi�i� ,� x�a�anab�,e a�tQrney's fe�s �ncurrect. . � N Y� ����) The TQwn o� V�il shal� have �h� ri�h� ta re�uire Erom the �ssoc�at�on a� annua� repQrC o� �wn�rs persona� use during the hi�h seasons for �11 condominium units. (iv) The �a�domin�um un�ts shall not b� used as perm�nent �egideric�s . �or the purp�ses q� th�� ��bp�r�gxaph, a p��son shall b� pre�umed to be a � permanent x�sident i� such p��aon ha� res�ded i� the cvn�pm�nium unit �or six con�e�utiv� mvnths nntwithsCandit�g Erom ta.me �a tim� during sueh six ' tnanth �eriod t,he person may bz�.eflx �iwell a.n othex' plaaes. .. ' (v) The candom�.nium units �t�a11 rem��n ' �v�a.lab].e �a the general tqu�ist maxket, I� unstrl� ; by tieclaranC 30 a�y� a��er recardin of Che Map, i� tt�e unsold condom�,n�.tam ur�its sh&Z1 �e x�quired ta � be �urnished and m�de �vailable to �he gen��a�. tour�.st market wi�hin 90 c3�zys a.�Cer �he date ot r�cozd�.n� o� �he Map. Thi� rec�uirem�nt may be m�� - by in�lusion af the un�.Cs. a� comparabl.� ra�es, in an;y ioca�, xeserva�ion sysGem foz Che rett�al. af ladge or candamiY�ium t�ni�s �n the Town Q� Vai�.. (v�) 'i'I•►� restr�.c�ic�ns in th�s subparagraph 23 (i) shalZ be mo�ii.�i.ed ar terrr,in�G�d� to be o� np - further £oxce and effect� at such time as �he � ordinances of th� Town t�� Vail �hat requir� the �i�clus�.on af su�h r�st�'icG�,ons in this becl.��:�tian • I�av� expir�d, beett r�pealed, �in�X�.y determi,tt�d Co be i.tzva�.id hy a Couxt of �ompet�n� ju�isd�.ction c►r ��neild�d i.n �uch a rr�axzri�z as tc� perm�,t r�moval o� �� t�xarli�icatiot� of su��, resCri,Gti��,s. Aee�.,�rant reserves Co �Cse�.f a�.d gxan�s ra th� Associatior� �he ra.gh� to modi,fy or ��rminate th� r�stri.ctic,ns in �his st�bpa�agraph 21(i) wh�n p�.rmitted �o da $o undex th� eixeurnstanc�s des�rib�d i�e the precedxng sec�tencet �.nr3 heret�y �gre�s .�o so modi�y o�c terming�e Ghe restriG��.ons in �his subparagraph 21(�) when per�n�,t��d tv do so by �he Tqwr► a� Va�.1. Uet�rmi,tta��.on with xesp��� tt� wheCher ar not a partiGr�lar ac�iv'iCy or occuxr�ne� �h�.11 �anst�.tu�e a vi,ola�ion of khis par�.�raph 2� sha],� b� made by tk�e $oard and sha11 b� fi,nal= proviti�d, h�wever, �hat � decisi.on wheGh�r ar no� a pa�ti�ul�tr aGtiv��y or o�c�xr�i�ce �,ccurri.na �n, in or �ros�nd u�its 1 t�-►rau�,i� � 7, inclusive, or Qri� iri or arouttd uni.t 19 shall cpristitute a � �' violat�.on o� th�:s Y�xagr�ph 2�. � sh�11 b� mad� r�nLy upon a '' � reasc�nable de�ermitt��io�t bas�d upofi �he �equi.rem�n�s 1�t�iting y action of the S+aaxd as seC for�h in subparag,raph b(b) k�er�ein, ..