HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimber Falls Condominiums Building 20 - Phase XI - Unplattedm
Ja par�cel of l��ncj llocated in thE� South one-half of Se�ct.ion 12, Township 5
South, Ran�ge 80 'We��t o1F t:he Sixth Principa.l Meridian, E=aqle� County, Colc�rado,
more par�ti cul arly ��escri bed as fol lo�v�� ���i t:h al 1 be�ar�i ngs re�l ati ve to i.he
Final Pllat: of Bigh��rn Subdivision Fourth p�ddition:
E3eqirining at thf� South�west c�orner c�f Timber Fa11s Phas,e I propE=ri�y cc�rner;
thence S 03°22'03" W a distance of 80..1Ei feet; thence N E>9"19'49" b; a distance
of 73. lf3 fieet; thence N�'0°40' 11" E a diist;ance of 17.43 feE�t; thence
N 69°19"4��" W a dist��nr_e of� 13.80 feeit; trien�ce N 2�0°�40'11" E a dist+�nr_e of'
105.5�7 feet; thence S Ei9°l��'49" E a d�isi�ance of 75.9�7 feE�t to� a poii�t on the
lvesteirl�r ��raperty 1 i ine oi� Tim�ber Fal l s Phase I; then�ce S 3E�°Ci6' 18" W alc�nq
said We�>tE�rly property li!ne� a distai�cE� of 4�5.21 feet tc� 1�hE� True Poin�t ofV
Begi ni�i ng„ contai ni n�� l3736. 02 sGuar�e �Feet , mor�e or 1�es�� .
I �do hc�reby� certi fy that: I am a Regi stered Land Sur�ieyor� 1 i c�en��ed uncler the
laws of the St:ate of C��le�r��dci, that this condominium m��p is, true, ci�rrect and
c:ompl et�e �is 1 ��id out, �pl ati:ecl, dedi cate�d ��nd shawn her��on, that sucl� condc�mi ni um
map was m��dE� f`ro�m an accurate� survey of s�3id ��ro�pert,y by mE� and under my� super-
wision ,and r_or•re�ctly slho�vs thie location ai�d dime�nsions o1F t:he condominiums,,
F�ar�cels, easements and s��treet:s of said �coi�dominium map a�� t;he same �3rf� sta�ked
�ipon th�e ��round in com��l�iancer w�ith applic��b'le regulatii�ns� qov�erning the subd!ivisioi�
c�f land.
In w�itnes�s thereof :[ hawe set my h,an�� ��nd seal th�is �da�y of
, A.D. 19F33.
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�O I� s e p'F� C) T j e p If� s
C��lor�jdci Land :5u�rvE�yc�r No.
Thi s f�i n�jl pl at i s Ihe�reby appr�oved by �th�� 'fo�rn of Vai 1��oni rig Admi ni �stirai.or•
tn; S _19�'" _ day o f _���US2=---� �a . �� . �� .i��8_3
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Town Clerk
Town of I/ai 1
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�niing Admin�strator
To�wn of llai 1 '
I��i('�, _�� ���1� i������t"Q�(��1�! _��� •_ d oe s h ie rE� by c e r t i fy t I� a 1� I ri a ve
examin��d the title to a11 l��nds shown up��n this P'lat an�� i.hat Title to such lands
i s fre�� <�nd c:l ear of �a11 1 i Erns , taxes an�� E� r.umbr�ances , e;�cE�pt. as fol l i�w�� :
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Dated th�i s���_ day o1F
„ P�.D. 19�83.
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D�aTE Ol� S(/RVE�Y - ��P�R/L_ , 1:�83
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I�NV' E:LE-V. - 8�469.56'
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G. C. !�. -(� ENE; R�a L(; O.MANO'N E,L E"M�E/��T
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Avb��, GDIID. elle QO t.AM;EVV01�p, Cp�.p, �CIQt!�
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KNO'W �4L1_ P�1EM BY THESE PRE=SE:�dTS THAT Timber� F�alls C�or{�orat:io�n, a C��lc�radc�
Corp�orati oin, bE�i r�g sol e ownE�r i n fee s i mpl e of al l�hat ri=a1 prapert.y �� i•tu��te�d
in t:he Towm c�f Va�il, Eagl�e I�ount:y, Colorad��, as clescrib�ed hE�rE�or�, has Iby these
pr•esents 1 �ai ci out:, pl atted ��nd s�ubdi vi de�d �thE� same i nto 1 ��ts �►ncl bl ocks �is shiow�n
on t:his fiina'I plart under the name and st;yle of TIMBER FALI_S CONCIOMIINIUMS, f'HASE XI,
a s�ibdi vi s�i on i n the To�wn ofi llai 1, Eagl e C��unt,}�, Colora�do; <ind cloes hereby
ac:ce�pt the rE�sporis i bi 1 i ty fe�r trie compl eti ��n of` r�equi red �imprc>ve�me�nts ; ai�d dcies
hE�re�by ded�i c�3tE� aind' set a�oairt al 1 of the p�ubl i c: r�oads and o�thE�r publ i c i rnpro��e-
mE�nt.s and pl i9CE'S as sho�wn on i:he� accompainy�i ng pl a�t to the u��e of` the pub'I i c
fc►re�ver; ai�d does hereb,y �dedi cat:e those �poirt�i ons of' sai d re<�1 property wl�i c:h
ar•e i ndi ca�ted as easement on i:he� accompainy i ng pl a�t as eas��meni�s for th�e purpc�se�
sho��n here��n �; ancl does hereby grant the ri ��hi� t;o i nstal l ��nd n�ai ntai n inecessa�ry�
st:r�ictures to 1:he� enti t,y respons i bl e for p�ro�ii di rig the serv�i cE�s for �whi ch i;he�
ease�ments ��rE� E�st:ablished.
Executed i:his ��i _ d��y of' _� ��C ����� _, 19i33.
_j .�
44'96 E, Mea�dow Dri ve
V a i 1,(:01 o r�i_o 81 �6 5 7
� S'S
By :
el�i W. F!ud'�er, As��ist�►nt: Secretairy
By � --� A� i����. �� -----
Rona1 d ."F,�l ey, Pr�es�� E�nt; �
The forego�i nc3 Cer•ti fi cate o�f Dedi c.ati on an�� (hvner•shi p was a��krioH►1 edged b��forE�
mE� t:his � fi�nda � of �]� �� ' , A.D. :19f33, by Roina1d H. R,ile , IPrE�siide�nt,
.��-- y �-I.�Il��1:��_ Y
and Robert W. Ruder�, Assistanl. Secretary.
My c:om�mi ss i oi� E�x��i res �� ����►���"�� _., �
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Wi tn�ess my h��nd �inc'I seal . � _
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TI7 i s F�1 at was fi 1 ed for record i n the Of`fi ce of th�e C1 E�rk. and R�ece�rder at �'�� i�' c.l ock:
M„ , � , c�� 3�ind i s duly rE�cc�rdedl i n
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