HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision Lot 16S�CTION T5S, R80�N VICINITY MAP SCALE: �" = 500' FND. PLAIN ��4 REBAR S47°30'40"W 15.91' TO CORNER 1, � LOT 11 � /, / / PROPERTY CORN�F2 FALLS IN CREEK � # �! sf � � � � A r _- - _ _ —= _-'-- =- =-=� 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAiL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (870)949-7406 SECTlON TSS, RBOw A5F'HALT DRIVEWA � � — LOT 15 y `GP�G o ti`�'� g6 ���;� � � � � ��o�tio��ya � Gy6 � �o• sr� 3),, `� r UNPLATTED 9sr�� LANp SUMMARY AREA(ACRES) Lot 16A 0.471 Lot 16R 0.215 Total 0.666 Address 4126A� Columbine Drive 4�268 Col�mbine Drive , � � � , ; f � ,�} ,;� , i. .,� � � ��-� , �� � � !l 1 �, .�r� ��� `� �, �� .� �,�i �� ;. � � l ' � I '' , �': � � � - � ��, - I � ij J i ` , �..,� . .r , 1i , � ' , , �,. �' I( II i `ji ;� T��N [�F VAIL �AGLE COUNTY, CC�LURAD� FND. �9 REBAR & YELLOW PLASTIC CAP LS �4974 � � ��cp�.c� �� �----... PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN CREEK PREV. FND. �4 REBAR & Y�LL.pW PLASTIC CAP LS #1084i (1980) 5ET �4 REBAR 8c 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP LS #301i6 EN ORIG[NA� POSITION �=1 S'22'5g'► R=Z25:00' L-72:19' T-3fi.41' ,C LEN=71,88' BRG=N 43"08'53" W SET #4 REBAR & 1 9 /2" ALUM. CAP L5 30116 � f S _ EL OIJTLINE �� QQN BY 1�IIS ^n�• � �� �„�O �� �� � �� � i Si�RVEYOR'S CER'��ICATE I dn hereby certify that i am a Prafessianal Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, carrect and complete as laid out, piatted, dedicated and shawn hereon, that such plat was made from an vccurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows th� locatior€ and dimet�sions of the lots, eassments and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulatians governing tl�e subdiv9sion of land. �� In�vitness i af I have set my hand and seal this °A?..�, day nf t A.D., 2Q�2.. �� -�. . . 1 �. �O � `�� S�, �j� � �Q �� ��L � J � `�O,• F s� SET i+/EAG. NAf�. & 9�' WASHER LS #30116 LOT 17 n�or�s. 1} Date of 5urvey: Nnvernber, 2p12. 2) Land Title Guarantee Company cammitmen# No. 50b34572 dated 10/24/92 was relied upan for al1 title and easerraent inforrnation. 3) Notice: Accarding to Colorada Icsw you must commence any I�gal action based upon qny defect in this survey within thr�e years after you first discover such defect. In no even#, may any actian based upon any defect in this survay be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 4) Basis af �eqrings: Found monument at the NW corner Lot 15 and previously found monurx4er�t a# the NW corner Lot 16 being N2$'51'35"W,(see drawing}. 5) The purpose of this plat is to resubdivide Lot 16 and crepte Lot 16A and Lat 16B. 6) The �1.S. survey foot is the fineal unit used for the dimensions on this plat. 7) Protec#ive Covenants of 6ighorn Subdivision, recorded at Rece�tion No. 9fi7�6. 8) Lots 16A and 16B are sub'ect to a Party Wall Agre�rr�ent r�corded under Reception 1Vo._�,(,�.�?���� -" 9) The addresses on th�s plaf ore o�ferenc� purpose only, Please refer to the Town of Va61 far updated addressing infarmation. 10} F'or zoning purposes, ihe two lots created by this subd'€vision are to be treated as one enti�ty. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICA710N AND OV�NERSHIP Kr�ow all men by t�tese presents that Michele Evans and G. Christapher Evans as ta Parcel A and Henston Family LLC, A Colarado Limited Liability Gomplony as to Parcel B, being sole owners in fee simple af all the real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle Gnunty, Colorado, describad"as follows: PARCEL A: A PART OF LbT 1�, BIGHQRN SUBDIVISlON, A SUBDIVf510N RECQRDEn IN THE OFFICE OF TME CLERK AND RECORDER, �AGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, SAID PART 0�' LOT 16 B�ING #�flRE PAR�'IGULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLL.QWS; B�GINNING A7 A POINT WMENC� THE NORI"HW�ST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1� BEARS NORTH 00 ��GRE�S 57 MINUTES 41 SECpN�S EAS7 111.�0 FEET QISiANT, THE�CE SOUTH 27 ��GREES 02 MINIlTES UO SECONDS WEST 65.55 FEET, THENCE NORTM 62 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 00 SE�ONpS INEST 50.00 FEET, TM.ENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 02 MfN.UTES 00 SECONDS EAST 4�.50 FEET, TM�NCE SOUTF! 62 QEG#�EES 5$ MINUTES 04 SECONbS EAST 17.06 FEET, THENCE NpRTH 27 DEGRE�S 02 MINU7ES 00 SECONDS EAST 33.95 FEE1", iHENCE SOUTH 62 REGREES 58 �lfNUTES 00 SECpND5 EASi 2fi.55 FEET, THENCE 50UT#i 27 DEGREES 02 MENUTES DQ SECbNt7S WEST 12.90 FEET, THENGE 50UT'F! 62 DEGR�ES 58 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 6.39 FEET TO THE POlNT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH AN U�JDIV�I7ED 1/2 I�VTEREST IN AND TO I'ARCEL C DESCRIBEp AS FQLLOWS: f'AftC�L C: ALL OF L�T 16, BIGHQRiV SUBbIVISEON, A SUBDIVISIQN RECORDED IN THE OFFIC� OF THE CLERK AND RECQRCIER, EAG�.E COUNTY, COLORApO, WITH TME �XCEPTION OF PARCEL A DESCRIBEt� ABOVE AND PARCEL B QESCRIBECi BELOW. PARCEL 8: A PARi OF L07 16, BIGHO�N SU6pIVl5iflf�, A 5UBDIV�SION R�CORpED IN iHE OFFICE 0� TM� Cl.ERK AND RECORDER, EAGI.E COUNTY, COLORADO, SAID PART OF LOT i6, BE�NG MORE PARTfCULARLY DESCRIBE� AS FOLLQWS; BEGINNfNG AT A POlN� WHENC� THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAip LOT 1 B, BEARS NORTH 00 DEGR�ES 57 MINUTES 47 SECONDS ERST 111.30 FEET, THENC� SOUTH 62 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 00 S�GONDS EAST 23.25 FEET, THENCE 50UTH 27 DEGREES 02 MfNUTES q0 SECbNDS WEST 28.95 FEET, THENC� SOUTH 62 pEGREES 58 MINUTES 00 SECONDS �AST #0.10 FEE7, iHENCE S4UTH 27 DEGREES 02 MIN�ITES OQ SECQNDS WEST 38.9Q FEET, THENCE NpRTH 62 DEGREES 58 {�iNI�TES 00 SECbNDS WEST 33.36 FEfT, THENCE NOR7'H 27 DEGREES Q2 MINiJTES 00 SECONDS EAST 67.85 FEET TO iHE POINT OF B�GINNING. have by these presents Idid out, platted and subdivided the sarne into parcels as shown on this final plat under the name and style of Bigharn 5 u b d i v i s i o n, A R esu b division O f Lo t 1 fi, a su b division in t he Town of Vail, Eagle° Gaunty, Colorado; and do hereby dedicate and set apQrt c�ll of the publ€c roads ond other public im�ravemenis and p€aces as shown on the acaompanying plat to the use af the public farever; and do h�reby dedicote those portions o€ said reai property wF�ich are indicated as easemeni on the accorrrponying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant th� right to install and maintain structures to the entity responsible for pravid€ng t�e services for which the easements are establish�d. Exec�ted this_______day of___-�_—_____^.____.... A.�., 20_...__. o��,e�s: . �• Mfchel E�ans � ��� � As to Parcel A Address: 4i26A Calumbine Drive Vail, C0. 81657 STATE OF---T._.._..�__��..�.__} - )ss. co�sNn� a� __._.__�._._--- ) 1'he foregoing inst ument was acknowledged befors me this �.,� day oi _ _____�.,,,,.,,,,.,,,.__� A.�,, 20�� iay Michrele �vans, My Commission expires: � Witness #�and and seal. -- —� ___..�..._.___ ° Notar lic � � Address: _ ,�_ „�,���,���__ ��� G.�Christop . ;er ;E.van� __�___.__------- As �o Parcel"'A� Address: 4126A Columbir�e Drive Vcail, C0. 81657 STATE OF---_._.___.......�N_.......} )ss. � CQUNTY 0�' _�___.___-----) � The forego'n ins#rument was acknowledged before me this .._..,...,...� day of _���..�,_.,.,,,__, A.p., 20�, by G. Christopher �vans. My Commission expires: _��,��V W�tness m �an an Notar ublic -------_��.�N.�_ ,. .���S�ft � �� Adcfress• ___ ,�� ���� � Henston Fomily LLC, A Coinradn Limited Liability Cornpany As ta Parcel B A�d��ss: ���j1"���� � �� • �s ����` B y: -�1L ..�t�►���- (7itfe)--_..,........� _ _____............_ STATE OF__________„____ �� ss. COUNTY OF ,,,..,_,N___________) Th� ore oinq i strument was acknowledged e re e thi � day of --_._......, A.D., 2q� by ��� � as ___....,...___� �f F��nst�`n,,�amily LLC, A Col do Limited Liabifity Company, My Cnrnmissio� expires; �� , ^` �� ��' Witness m han and seal� �����'�"�`° � �� .�__�___.��.._------___ "��iw Notar u lic ;P ��� Address: __ �� ��� ;�::. . _,,,; ;;, �`4 ,, 3 3 f { iF4�Y 4 � � % 4 , � 1 i r.! �t F�',`,� S � _ f = EF � Z �� ; �. � � 31.�� 3 SS 5� ; �. � f. � S,a` � � �.. (S; i . 'S� V j '_ y Y t. � � � L} CERTIFIC,�'T� OF DEDiCATiON FOR MOI�TGA��E OR DE�E7 �F 7R!UST HQF.C3�� ``` `' ` i`'r `' � � F �i� r ' . . . .,: , ta �_ �,� Know all men by these present that Jeroms J. B(.�mberg Tru.st A, b�ing the ', ,�}�, holdsr af a mortgage or deed of #rust on that real propert-y situated in ' `; 4 ,s �_` the Tnwn of Vail, Eagfe County, Colorado, described as follows: ,` ` ` �� 1 ;� � �t \ f �} Parcel B as listed in the Gertificate of Dedication and Ownership. �< ,,;,�, E � �� ,€ as shown on this final plat under the name and styl.e of Bigh�nrn `� �i , ���� _'� t��,,,�_, Subdivisian, A Resubdivfslon of Lot 16, a s�u�rdi�sinn in the To�wn of Vail��,�� <{� ` �� �'';;��;�z� 3� ,�� Eagfe County, Calarado; agrees ta tt�.e dedication art.d setting apari all af � �, t' �s�� the public roads and other public impro�emen#s ar�d pl:aces as ehawn on thie ',�;����� S ,` , � �. accamp4nying plat to the use of the public far�v�r; a:�d does hereb:y agree � t t`�' , f����, to the dedicc�tion of those por t ians o f sai d �ea l proper ty w h ic h are �� `, 5;z���� incftcated as easements on the accompanying pl�t as easem�nts fol� tF�z � t ���, ; is�?� purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agr�e to the granting of the righ�� �� �� �,��� to .install and main�c�in necessary struc-tures to ��h� en�ity re,spofl�si�b_I�e� �f6r� '.'; ,� 3�'��;x� < < ,��,��r� providing ths services for �r�ich tha eas�ments ar� es#ablished. t i� t��� �xecuted tF,is , �' ���'�` _�_ day af ..... ___..__ - ----_._._., A.D., 20�__. ' ����,,. 4`r>� � � �-}���� D�eed aF Trusi Holder: � � �� ��� � �t �, �; Jerome J. Bfumberg Trust A j,����,�� fL�/', �° �'°""' � ��Cp .qC�C�I'$9B' .__....�� � _ ,—,... � ���. ,� ��5���� ; � � sS €t��S,t� t, — — � — ---�—� � t`��'�!'' S �f ` � `���1r, �}/� � � � i < . ,] • — .... _._Y......���_ _ __ __............ z �vy L � (Titie)_�.� .W �---___._._._.._._._.__�_ j `� �� '� � >r=��1 .;� STATE OF--- �� � �}`�� tir�5� ji __„�.........��.��....� S� � t \ nI I � �35. . f f(l-4 �VV �I�Y OF -�! ,1€,,. _� . 4.'�� s �;. T e faregoin instrument was ackn wledged efore me t is �°� day of _......�_, A.D., 20 �_ by r......_.._. � • ___...,......�._ as i : ______ of Jerorne J. lumberg Trust A. _�; __ ___T___,.......�_ _....._ My 'ssion expires: _,.. ` ° � _T , � i , Witn ss y a seal. t �.< _._.._.��_..___._.._�_�.�_ LIN[3S�IY �i�tAil�E+iN Nota ubl c � £ �ibt�fy �'�t�1�� � dress: __ __ __.___......... Stat6 of �al�rac3o ----__._.__._.L__._.__ � -----_.�- • , I 11TLE CER�IFlCATE Land Title Guarantee Co. does hereby c�rtify thc�t the title to all lands shown upan this finai plat hns been exarnined and '€s vested in: Michels E�ans and G. Christapher Evans as to Parcei A and Henston Family LLG, A Calorado Limited Liability Company as to Parce! B and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, er�cept as follows: �n _ a � � c � s .", .--f - -- . ..� r. .-�..., � ���' ��yr� , i� Dated this _ day of q.�,, 2p�_ , —�.._�___,_._�__, � �-i m Land Title Guarantee Company m c� m ar 610 W. Lionshead Circle �2(30 � _ ,���_` �: C� "'. �`a Vail, . 81657 - . . � c.. CD _�,�, � � � �� � � � (n o �Y� _____.__....._.___�.......... � , _ a. - 1 �' c 3�&.. __ �� __.� "�' _ ° o � � —___ . a � � . �; � a ° C� as: ��1P1 LCd�_ ['�Y4.'�' _ ' . � � 0 �-...........__ .. � � a , ONWO MENIS7RATOR CERTIFlCATE - _ !`? � �' �� o al plat is hereby r�.pproved b the Town of Vail Administrator ihis �° � � _ day of .�..Q.��'!_�a� ...._. _ �cjA+ � i � _ Admir�istrator � -- � , _ .... _. . _.. � Tawn of Vail , . � CERTEFICA'1E OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify tha# the entire amount o# taxes and assessments due and payable as of ,..�ECE�N�ie_�,,1,_�01� _�_____ upon all parcelg of real estate described on this pla� ar� paid ir� full. Dated this ��a7'►f day of �A�C�/____,_....� A.D., 2D S� _. 1�_ . I?� �1.3 � � Treasurer of Eagle Co � f�Ols,��9 � J CLERK AND RECORpER'S CERI1FlCAiE � j This f'lat was filed for recard in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at � -...°�� a'ciock .,T�..M,, on this ���' day af _- �� ----, 20 �� : and is d�a rec s R eption No. �o�� �_ -_..� • ���� / ��� �� �-� �►:�,.. ,�`� � � �-. � -. ': � � r ��,, [�a,�,� ��! � �S9'SS . _ � r: �'•°":: - 169RESUB.bWG JOB N0. 1 B9 �RN. BY M. POST DATE:11/5/12 PAG�: 1 OF 1