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Vail Potato Patch Block 2 Lot 9 - Sun Vail Condominiums Units 25 through 36
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Ci��4��!'��/���5 1�4!�iC'�O� I�V l�!!'��l�►�;D CAiLL: fci!'!'aI+VI �/��/�L��/�"'C�7aq7'L^> 4"'��'7'L'iy' P°�/�✓�4 �:. �'�..�iT: � Z„ C�L C�/�; 7/�7/��3 Q�l�l�� �"�/ C����/�.` e:aG�L�� �A�L�:.!'�r ��1I1�i�T��7'K�V L>��7�e�ic��' s,��w�e�� ,��s •- �su��:: ��"�3. 3. L���K , d7�A M!M�9�!L�L C�l/�►�!1!!V�l�rdJ�t✓�� �����v,�v c�i es�����T �! �c;�r- �e�. 4, C3.C.. !! • ���'I'V�!!I�C�+��. C.���A�+lr7lit/ i!�_��/W���17^ '�. C..C:�'. ■ C./IN✓T'LG� e.'+r7rt��fJl�lll'�"v i�!"C:�'IVrlC'/l/T' , . � ��, ,,� � � e1� �f : : � r , F, _ ' 6, i '' iMiii�ii�! �!'�+{Il1� �� L�+k!'����I�*��1 �� �h""��� � #� ���� i+�"�'It � �1l�11� �� i�'y' �I!"�111l�, �� 1�� �1� � ���l�� 1�1 '��� "Md�I�R rO�M �1'C'��t �%�f�i�' !�� I�i�MC1t,. �i 'Nr ���'„�� ��/ I��� "��� ��� AM� ��t+dt lblR li�ille II��M� �e ��IW��IMf �rlr/ir ti�l� �,�li °�i�1�11���1� ��1� rii■�ts af �+I�e I�I��C11`fe�flC#�iM� +nMir�wt �r1�t�rM�r..w _ ! �: �� . * , �+a.. . .:. � , , � �—��—�����������:.�.���������������� ���� ' �, OWTIERS' I�E!!T]:FICATE • The un.dersig�led, be.ing th�� owrieL•s of tlhe foli.ow�ing �de:scri��ed par�ce'L c�f la,nd: A pE�rt of Lo�t ��, Bl.ock 2, Vail/P'otato �Pa�tch, a subdivLsjCori recor�de�3 jLn t��e offi�ce of t:he Eagle Cour►ty�, Colora��o„ C,lerk a�nd RE�ccirder, sa:id p2irt of Lot 9 t�ei.ng �nor�e part:icularly de�scri.bed as fol}�o�,rs: BE�giLnn�ing at a poinit on tlhe nort:h line o:E .saj'.d Lot 9, wher�ce� the n��tlEhe!aaot corn�er of ,sai.d Lot '9 bears� N 81°45'4�'a" E 325.�00 fE�et: dlistant; :�ajLd point �of btsgf.nn.ing a:lso ��eing tlhe nort:hw�st co�rnE�r of "Firs�t >uF►plem�ental liaF► t:o Sun 'Va:ll Cc�do�initnss„" a Conc��omiiniuim �?roje�ct, tl��e condc�mi.nium m,ap oi� Mrhich is �rec:o=�d�d in tlrte offi.ce of tl�e Ea�gle Coun�ty„ C:olorado, C7Ler�k and 'Re�co�rde�r; thenc�e �thea follawi�ns fi[ve! c.ours�es a:long the westi�r]Ly li.ne of ;sa:Ld cc�ndominiu�n prc�jecE: (:L) S 08�°14'16'" 1►. ].i8.74 feiet,; (2) N 65°53'S0'" Fs E>3.86 feet; (:!) S 24°0�6':LO" E: 40.00 fi�el:; (4) S 6S"S3'_`i�" W 75.22 f��eL-; (5�) S 08"l�i'].6"' E 84.�43 foet: to a�po�inl: c�n the no�rthet�ly� ri�;ht�-oiF-�ny� lft�e ��f IntEare:tate HiglhW�iy Nc�. 70; th��nc:e along sa:id ri.gh�t-of-w�3y lilne� 81.36 f�eet: a�long tlhe a:rc of` a� 3990.I�0 fcsot. radius r.u�we� to th�e '1ef`t wtt�ose cemt�ra7. aingle iis t)1"lo�'0�6", aind wtio9�e chor�d bea�rao S 63°54'0O" W 81.3�6 :Eee!t;; thence �depa��ti.ng ssi�d �riFSht:-o�f�aa�y line� N 2:7°47'45" W 3?19.28 f�ee�t L-o a point ��n tYie north :Li»e of said ]Lolt �i; tfi.ettce N 8'L'45'44" E 19:1.O1 feet alomg sPiid, north l:LnE� t.o the �po:Lnt: ciF b�siinw:ing, ca�+tai�n- ing 44715 eqiva�re fe:et, or 1.026 acree, �e��re c�r lesa, ���I:h th�e excl�nsile+ci a�f the f<�ll.ow�ing de�sc�cit►edl excepted paY�cel: B��giLnn�ing at a poinit when,ce tt�e sovthKef�t r_oY�ne�r ot tlhe at►ov�e dt�c�rilM�sel p►at�cel b+�a�'s S 17°23':LS" E; 8,4.19 f��et dlis,tant; th�snc:e N 25°27':l4" iil 3�0.20 fieel:; th,et�ce N 64°?12'46" :E :160.?I5 feet; �the�nc:e S 25°27':L4" E; 30.20 f��el:; tt�.ence S 6�i°?I2'46" �FI 1�50„3°i feet to the po�int of b��i.nn�in�, c�onitaiLni.ng, 4843 �square feeC o�r �,ll.l acrea m��re! c►r less, . do he�r�by c•ertify th�3t tfie "Sec�on�9 fiuF►pleteenta'L Gor�da�miniva� M��p tei Sun �+ai:l Condoimirliiim��" is ffli�d iri con.ju�nc�tion wi.th the Secondl Stippl�eawent. t:o the iCoi�dcyetl.niun Declara�t i��n fa�r "S�un Vfiil C'ondo�mimium:�." . .,� ��--.� I�WI�P.��.t1 //�_�.�L�� _/ �_.� ',6t��l�e��t T. i.azier�� ,., . �a� �'/�,�, . �bi+�n�� .:f . T.azier�� P.17. Bc�x 1325 Vail, (;� 81bS8 . n ��TA�TE OF I�n1,OFlATJ� ) ) y�. � f;qlliNTq ��F FAGT.F ) 1'he� f�re�minR ce�rtificat�� ��A�c �ckno�wliedf;ecl b�efor� ime tt�isi _���. d��y ot �I/d�%�����, ��,C�., 1981, b�� F;oh�ert 'T.��I.F�zi,er and Dia»e J. i,azier. r4y c��mmi as���n er;pixeR: 1��Y I�ommission E:xpli�es Ju'ly 16� 1198�� 4Jit�ne�,�,� lhand an�d seal. �/s �►�'�� ''^ �,�,y o� ��c!c�►�A�� r 1- � � ����---� --- --�`—'-- , ,�+� �N, ��otarv Publ i�� , «i��l�� � /e 8 S. �=rrK;��2. F�� • 7����+ . � .._.. _.�.. .. . . _.� _ _. _. - - . „ � � _ �._.___���' �,� iry��i_ . . �,.� 5,�--__. ._. _ _ - P'U1�•N� a, '► � �r�► �.., � � � ��� ' . AP''PROVAL O1F �IAI.L PLAN!NI]JG A1�tD LR/VI'RO1NM!?N7'AL, C(34lKI�5S'.[Oti 'I"fiis "3�econcl S�upplem�en�tal� C.on.dominium MP�p to Sun Vail. C,ondomimiumfs" be and tlle saime i.s herelby approv�ed. • VA'IL PI,ANfNiNG A]ND E1�NI:RO�NMENTAI, CO]!4i'[ S f> I GN � � �%� %y�, _ �� " �� a t e : -�� =��� -- BY : �! �/.L4.e'.(��—��l�t" ---- � C }� a i. rm�an � i S'�URVEY01[t';i CEP;TIFICA'TE ]', Dannie Corc�or�an, bein�; a t,and Surviayor regist�e'ri�d uride�r the :La��e of' the S�talte af Colora�d�„ clo hereby c��rt:if'y that thi�� "'Second Supple�tnental C��ndon�iniium 'Ma�p 1to f.��m� Vail i�ondomi.niums" w�3s prepared b�y rne an�d under rny suipervisiot�, arid that tl�e map� accur,atel�r dlepicCs lc�cati�n of and L-he� h�orizontalL �indl verti�ca:l naea�surememt:s c�f the co�mp:let:edl condo�miniumso. ,,,.,,,,,,.,,,, .�'('�'�,� ��°R�z''��-. — ,���,` � •o������• �'rn!i �. � �o Cj�,STE=/� .. •C�. � �) 3 t P : --� � � � ' S'� .,.���� • �y� �<, ' � � _�.]�,��.�L]������a.2._..—_ " Dannie Corc:oran =1k: 1�����7 ;;��.` Colora��o L.S. �16�827 ,, • � N �.� �. � .. - : 7 00 � i.,,� �� �r �•.�(.O �c-���' r. �: y . sua�v . 'i� .%'�.'••...a��=`"; ,. a,,�;, •,���� �F, C��C, � l,,,. '���irri�o►„�t�'' _ �"`". ' CLL�►'RiC AlID RE�COICD'ER' S C��'R'Y'I�"2C.AllE �'� 9 �I rJ� T'his �pint w� fil�d fEo�� t�acord in tt�e b!'fice o:i �.M� C'Iert s��d �iedrt�d�tr a+t .i:..QQ,—..._: o' c:laak _��,_.1M. �� � lg � .l�.�...I _._..._....___• �1�_• aad ia dv1;y �rec:oY�ded in De�oh _���_i at: P'age _��`��_, y'���� _. �;,��. • . �1� hee!: �� ���, Oo�:� � � � F� I �eaf ��:� .� �: •�► '•ti c� ( • •� : �� ��a� K� ���1L �. �g � / ���i°��`�, ���,�G �'�y � ; _ � �,� ��.: �� .. i :�� S;. . _, V ` � erk and Re��o��dE�r o Eag.le C�wn�ty, Co�ir��o �D�ec's Qc� er� �e�� ��I . � .. , ��, ° ; . s � c� } x.r: r3��a�,c. :3;r�� � �}, �����C�.�- /�, �, �, �� - �=�` �T` �Pc c �. -�L_ L�L_���_._.,.._._. Oi,G� '$'C� �►eputy � , ,r , .,i ��1� i����.. %� i ���� 6� .�����������.���. ��4�.2, �� N N � � � N O N i, .�-- ...... . .. . . . . v , � � ,� i� � , � ; � � � M � i � � � � �� G � � ` �� �,. I � ?' �. S 7� w � � � � � � s. 7' I i. . __ __._ ____... . �$ ��TY/4� 9.T' O�K � c.c.�. , io. o� . GI�C/�C N c.c.E. p � 'i6MInrM u�eF•rrnm�wm • ,:+� e �� .. � . : . �.. . , .. . .. : . _, . . - SCrCC�t/D SUl°J°L �M�NT�4 L. is.o t - �.3 u . I I • � � � 9.�• , � � Y �j , � S.3' ;' , .4� .4 � : N 1 � �i u � n� � 7d� � � N 7�� 9.9 4, v �J N 3,S. Q 9.7' N �' UN/T 33 ;� � 3�� �, w � � � 3.�- 3.lJ' .. � Q Q .G' .G' �9 � . � � � h `� ��. � • , � r.2 .4 ; 0 �i ,� T, � J N , e. s � pS.S' s.9' �� i J ^ S! Q h� � ,�j . /�.�' �' 4� 1� � , s3 h t�j N T, � '� '�� UN/ T 34 � q N a . .4 � N . � �,♦, ����eerc..�cC-c.c.a. ,.�' ,� a �.�. � J.'J � .6D��T?'R) . �������c..�cc-c.c.c. e.z r4.a' �.�i' � � , , � h '�. +� r, �` W � � ^ N " �.2• Q � N U/V/T 35 � '' ,,.:- � � zs.2� e Z, �1 N � � � O�CK - L. G. C• � , , i j ' / IR.O s. J � . A, T , 26. ! •4 '9 s•4' �/ V � / � t3. 1 �/RCAL.nCa -L.C.E I•4' � 0 p . d ��GK -�. C. C. � e.s' A � f. ' i3.o' n t�s. s' . � a �, . _ • a.t' ���e+arn.�cs -c..ae. i a' b o h , j O�GC'K - C.C. C. !� �' N i�. o' . , � h Ti�+l/le0 FLCaOYE' ; ,o�e�cK - c..c. c. ; � Y �j \� v O s. �' T. O, � �1 .�' ia. i' 9. 7 s. � � � o�e�cic b . 60 (rYi�t) � . 60 ��TYr� o I� N c.c. e: ,� .�s'(r,�•:) .�' 0 .6- , 4 , � '.,' " V e. � � � C V , � 9. 7' � 9.9 /S O,. � a � ,� 01 N � N N .�' � G�'CK N b L.C. � . s. � � O 1'J.O' v� � 3- W N �.3 ;� . r ,• s' � t�.� Y , N p � •♦� � � � � ; (� 3 � ,� .+ , : 1� - 3. . Q �a � s.�. N N T.a' 9.9' � V ry 3.9 � N �� N� r � N �l O 4, .G' 3.7' UN/T 29 � , a. . . . '° �,. 3 • � '0 � � z � ,� a , ,,• � � .4' J : w " 0 �.�' �.� s.�' ro r. e' s. e' in � w 4 4' •4' t� P �. o' 11 jl1 1fj .�• , � ' "� � UN/T 30 " � � , ���' p '< . GO TYI!� ►- 3 4 , f/RC�L.ACQ - L.C.!•, � . G����iRa�.�►ce - c..c. e. e.l /4. C' ��,• N ,. 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