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Sunburst Filing 3
._...—. _ ._.. ... . , �������� --�-__. _ _. _ _ _ __ . ..__ , . . _ .... .:.. . .....� ... .... ...... � , �fi�,�� �� , �""'� ` ° �' ��,� � I'�� � , "�"` '''�► "�► ( r I ' ��.) � ► ��,y _ JN . �..> �► ���:������c�i�►rs►i a�n� o��- s���i��c«��.���r� i=��<<_����t� �i��.�, �� ��,�►�c�r c»� ��r�HE: r� i i� c�F- :���c.. �►� �"�>��„ �� ��t� v� ��►�� ��r-�= ����,w ����. E: �� �Gt. E� �� iOUf,l��ll`'r„ �:C�l_���� �1►C� t� ,s��:�:�r i c��- �� �'ELt 1 �(:A'f 1 iDN'. J'CN�O�Y �ILL_ INEN BV' irH�ESE PFtE:SEINTS thd�F each� o f t�he wncie �rs i gne�Cf p�°/SOf'CS� re f ers bere i n to tFie f o l� l c►wii n�g ��escr i b��d l onds� �as the� ''P �l at ted► L.onds ." �4 iparl c�f t�he Nlortlh ha�l i` of Sec�tioi� :9, T'oNrrr��hip 5� �ioi,►t�ir, Fi!angi� �BO M'e���t of th�e 3ixth P'ri'n�;i�p��1 M�!ricfia�n, i,ounty� c�f Eagl er, State� crf �G�l orado„ i�nore� �rairfii cu l arl �� �desc�ri�tr��d as fc� l l aiws: l�o�m►nenrc i� n�q a t 1` he� I Vor t � ie�a:� t corne�r o f �sa�i d; Se�c t i o�n 9,; fihence� 5 l�0°02' 3O" E a�l c�nq the Ec►s�f I i ne� c►f s�oi d Se�cfi i ��n 9� c� eii�,ston�c�ea i�f 132'0.0O feet i`o tlhe 9outlheosf i,orner� crf t�he Nlortlh half' of the hlortlh ha�l �` of said S��ction� 9; fi h �en c e� M�39 ° 23' 4 I' " W a 1 a� nc� t h e Sa�u �f h I i n e o�f t h e Ncr r�f h h a 1 f o�f t h e Nc� r�f h ha 1 f o�f ,sa i d' �i e e; t i vn 9 a �al i,s tan�ce� �� f! 7�f6 . 0!� f ee t 1� o t he 1'rue Po i n 1� o f Beg� i nn �i n�g; �f h�en c e� c: on t i n u i ncr W �B9 ° e!3" 41 "�� ci l om,g s a� i cf ;io iu t h l i n i� �o f t hE� W o r th h c� l�f �o f t h e� IVa r t h hc� l�f �4?0 . 5T f� e t; fi h��nce� MO0 °36' 11"' E 186� .:i6 f ee t; �fh�en'ce� S!�9°23'41'" E 170�. P 1 feet; �ih�ence� M�)0°00' OO" E 199� . E�2 f ee t; fih�ence� M.��9°23'4P" W 2'1,8�.O0 feet; ' � f h� e n c e� �i O 0 ° 0 9' O L)" E! 0 9� . E i� 2 f e e t; �fh�ence M i�9'O23'41"' W 101 . P8 feet �to �a poinit pin the e�asterl y 1 �in�e of b�a�i 1 Val l E�y Fi rst f'i l�ii�g, o pl attedl :sulbdi v�i ari��n in tMe T�awn o1 F I Voi 1; �r h �en c e� MO0 °36' l 7"' E a l a�ng �t h e e ars if e �r l y 1 i n�� �� f�s o i d V �a i 1�V ci l ll e�y F i rsr t F i l i n�g l il 4. 75 f �rt1t ; if h�enc e� �f P4'O 23' 4�f" W a l a�nc� t h e e ars if e �r l y 1 i he �� f�s a i d V �a i 1 V ci l V e;y F i rs� t F i l i n g 3:i . 16 f eer t t�� o per i i� t on fih�e.ea�si`erl;y rigF.it•-of-waiy l,ine of� b�ai1 Valle�y Driv�r; �fh�ence' r101''tihwe�stear l,y al a�nc� :sai d r�i c�h�t-of -y�o�i 1 i ne crnd �al ong tl�e arc c►f a curver �lo the 1�+�1Ft . har�ir�rg o c:eintra�l angle of 8��4.31'3�0", a raa�ius of 75�.O0 feet arid whose� Poi�g cha�rd Iyear�s N 3;3°�09'2�" ly i0�5.6:3 f�et, �m orc d.i�:ct�once� crf 117.19 f��et; . . �fh��nce IVI i'T'D55'O�i" W alo�n5� :�ai d r�i c�hfi-��f-w�oyr f i ne a�f V�ai 1 Vail V e!y �Dri ��e � 115. 40 1`e�at,; �r M�en ce� �i !iT'° 36' 1 �1" W! 7. 1 cf fi e e t; �fh�ence 5 Ei3'°05'4bN' W 64.OEi �feet to a point c>n the s�outlherly ri�glht-of-�woy l ine o1F :said V'oi� l V'olle�y Orive�; 1fh�ence M V2'057'4�i" E 50.0I' fe�et to a point c�f inter•s��ction a�f tlhe nor•tMe�rly rigMt�-of-waiy 1 ir�e o1 { ai 1 {la 1 1 ey� L)r �i v�e an�d Sian�bu rs�t D�r i ve; ' �fh+e�ce c�lc�n�q the ne�rther�ly► iri,ght-o1`-way I ine� i�f s�aid Sianbur�srt D�rive 1�he folloN►ir�g f�our (�1) cours�E:�: (' 1) �N 5�i ° 36' 19" E' ;37 . 99 f ere �f t o ai �� o �i n t o f� c; u ir va tu re ;� ('�) theric�� �easfierl �✓ �alon�g tHe arc� crf a.cur�vea fio fihe� ri�ght haiv��n�� a c�rnifr�a�l a�ng�le� ��f �6°'0'i' I I", ci i►e�dius a f 4 4 4i . 7' 1 f� e e#, c � n a r c al i �� t ixn c e a� f 21�2 . 4'7 f ee fi t o<,i �� o i n t o f �f ai�gen c y� ; (' 3) t h e r i c�� I N 8 1°� I I' 3 � 0" E' c� 1 �� n, g s a i i c� � ta � n gen�t 8i�7.73 f��e# to �ci point of c:u,rvoture,; ('4) th�erici� ��svut�he�a;sterl y� c� l��n�q t h�e a�rc o f a ciarve i`o t l he ri5ih7r lhavin 5 l c� �centrcil oi� gle a►f 5i�°38'' I'7''', o rv�dius c►f 1;35.0'0 fi�et, am oirc dis�tc�n��e of I1'9.31 fe�eyf to a p�oiinfi on cr noin-ta�ng►ent c�urve� 1fo the� ri<�ht; ifh�ence� s�o�atiheaste�rl y ala�nc� �� cur��e t�� the riiglht ho��ir�g a cenitral aragl e of 72'°��! "512", o rodiu►s o1` �I8:9. 10� �F e �e t a�nd rrh�� se 1 crn�� �ch o r� d h ��a rs S� ,i 1'° 1�8' 24!" E 2,23 . 7'2 f �e e t, cin a �r c d' i s, t c�n�ce o f 2:39 . 3�B f e�e if �t a a� Fra �i n t o f' ifc��gency►; �th+ence� �i J5'°02'3�1" E ala�nc� :soid i�ang�ent 115.01� feei� �Fo o poin�� ��f curvcxtiure; 1fh�tnce -s�o��tlheastE�r�ly alo�nc� fih�e ar�c o�f �a cu�rr�e to thie �l�eft haivi�n�� a c�ern1fr�al a�nS►i�� ��f �2°'OEi' 13�", cr i►e�dius _ of V 019 . 87' 1�e i� t, an� c� r�� �a i s t an c �s v f 8�0 . Oi� f e e f; ifhrence 5;32'°51'1�I"!y radiaP �Fo the� pr��vious�l�i ��e�scribed curve� 93.82 ferelf; �F h�enc e� M!�8 °07' 0 I"' W 396� .��13 f �Ee t; �f h��nc e� �i 01 '° 52 � 55r �� W 88 . 6T f e�e t; �fb�en ce� ��i 1�I 'O52' 5�i" W 16�1. ]'9 tee t; �fh�en c e� �I !�0 ° Of3' f3(1" W 68 . 7 I► f e e t; •fh�ence� S l�0°00'd(i" W-155�.i'3 feet to the Tr�u�� Ipoin�# oif IBeginrring, coni'n�ining I��.i�5�D acrers, ino�e� crr 1ESS. � Thdrt F��11 Ridc�e„ ILtd.,tiy tihese� F�r���sent�s c�oi�s hereby ►ay a�u1F, piat or�d �siubdiri�d�! f�� �`P`diFt��d Land�, �into �suc,h l��ts as� ��r�e sh�oyrn o�n thria� ��lot u�ncie�r the nc�mis �and �sifyle of "�iU1VBIJRST' f'1!'_IING � N _ _ _ _ _ _.. . ___ _ --- __ __ _. � . r „ _ Tha�t Fc�l l Ri d5re„ IL#d. , d�re,s he�re�b�✓ �ded i'cot�� to i�he� Taiwn o�f V�ai l fa�r tltie us�� crf tihe p�uC►1 �i c tha�t pi�rt i on cr f Siunbu� rs� t Dr i ve� c;on t i gua�u., �ro the� �' 1 �at ted Lcm��s onal as �sihown� crn tlh i�s p I' o�� �subjerc�f to suc.h e�asem�er►ts �vr r�ic�h�f�s-o#-wc�y over pc�r�Fs of �sc�i�� Sunb�ursfi iDri��e a;s �ore p►�esern�� l�y ve�si�eci ��f r�ec.ord or stiown on th i;s ,p l at . Tha�t F�all Ridc�e„ �ttd., d��e;s he�re�b�� ;granit ti� `oll pc�lice, �sheriff, fire prote��lfiisn, ambul'ar�c�e an�d o�fh�er �s�inii �l ar em►erg�•ncy crgen+ci es a�r p��rsorrs c� ��re�nerail a�ase�n�en�t t�� �en�Fe�r upo�n tl�e P1a�t1'e�i �Lond�s ond any� ��t�reet�s, ra��diwflys� c�r drive�woy:s therec�n i�n th�e piro�per pe!r�- formcm�:e of tl�re�i r dut i e��s. Tha�t F�a►1 Ridc�e,, : i�t�d. , cla��s her�et►y grant ifo a�nd for fihe tre�ne�f i t of tfre oiwner� crr o�rtrt���r o��f �ot 2 c�f the� t'I ca►tted Lcrn�afs, t�hrei r respe�cifi i✓e gramlfe���s, su�cc:e�:ss�ars, hei rs on�d a;�sigrr��, a gen�er�a�l �ease�me�n�F iupon�, a�,r�a�ss, c►v��r, ini on+� �unde�r tlhe P'laitlfe�� �Lanafs fi�r all ut�i I i tiers �se�rvic�irng saiid t_ot g, c�s m��re #�►1 Fy d'esr'crilyed ini fih�at cer�tcrin rConafoniii�i�u�n G�ec;liar�atio�► f��r the f'a�ll Rid'ger �(,oindom�iriiiams (h�ere�inafte�r r��f'erre�d t�� os the� °fDecla�rcatio�n"�, c�s r�ecorde!d in 6c�ol< ;263 ai` f'a�ge 4�3C1 e�f the� re�,ords oi` tM�e Clerk a�nd F'ec:oird�er a�f E�ag1e .�G;ounfiy, 'Co�lcrr��d�a�, whicFi �i�s incorpc�r��ted� Frerein by r��f�eren�ce�. e � � � h Tha�t Fia�l 1 Ri dc�e„ iLtd. , h�.reby de.d i cates� 1 o t�he 1'oNVn of Vaii I► for thre u:se of the p�u61 i c tl�►e var�icru�;s iuti 1 i1`y e�asem�err#�;s �show�n on thi�s ��F�af for• 7fh,e ,purp�ar�►e�:s �of c�orrstr�uctior�, m�aini�erranc�e and� rei,o�n�str�uc:#�io�n of s�ewerage�, w�arter, gas„ elec�tri�. and te�l��p�hone� 1fr�ansmissron faci l i'tie�s. Tha�t F�all Ridc�e„ iL#d., d�b`clareYs and agreers t�hat the Platf�ec� I'_and�s shall be �sub,ject fo titie pro�tE�c��Fi�ve �C�or►ei�aints oi` :Su�nbursif I�i I ingi Mo. ,2, E'aql�e �Courit�i, �Color�ado;,. as r�ec:a�rded' in �oo�k 2:59 at Pc�gi� ;�55 af` fihe re�cc>r��s of the �Cl erk can�� �Reca�rc�e�r of Eoql �e �Counit�►. Goloroclo„ and� 1`h�� i!?eclora•fi�on o�f Pirotectirfe 'Covenrant�:s, .�Conidi�tions cinc� IRestric�fi��rrs fa�r F�a11 Rids�e Rec�re�a��f i�vnal f'oi: i 1 i t i e��, a.s re�cc�r��ed ini E�o��k 2'63� cat Page 4�?9 of thie r�ecards� cff t�he 'Gle�rl't o n d� R e �, o r d e r� c� f E� o g l e� �(: a � a n# y, � C c> l �� r a d o, t t ofi h o f w h i � � h a r e� 6 n � c o r p o r a i F e � d � h e r er i r � I y y r e f' e r- enc�e and by tPre D�ec I a�rcrt �i o�n. � f= AI! L 14� 1 CrGl: ,��� . � ► �� — � "yi'—`�i— C ��-- ---- ��— — . — �)oina 1 d' E�u �i cV� P'rers �i d�en t c � _ � �,��� �— � �'��'�— � e s 6� . D�a e y, .� s i s ah t 3i° c r e t a� r yr � � S'fATE C►F �C��L�OR'AC►0 ) � - �Cl�I/�NTY 0�� l�A�GLE ) SS . , -- . Tlhe foreeroin,g inrsiFriament wc�s ockna�wile�dged' b�elfo�re m�e tl�i,sj���o�� �sf '���g���►�± _�A.�D., 1!�7_2,, ,.��y D�ohal d Bia i ck, Pre�,s i deni�, ai�d Jane;s 13. D�al e�i, Ass i s, #cant SecreiFo�ry, o!� f•al l R �i d;g e, L.'t �� :; o'C,c� l i� r a do cc� r�� o r a.t i o r� .� . lijl t� C1►lr���+o s:�i,�n �'��pi ��5; 1�1 A.y 13 ,� Z� 1. , s ' ..�`` \ � ' . � � � . i . � � , ; �Ilt�����•.i��' . .� �\�����1������.^� .. ` � �` � ^� �J� , �'' Ym':r ���` �` :. j 'jj`i h , � �� '�! �./ r ` t ', . �.�: �} ,_ � � ;_, . _ ���� ,` � � ( r. ;+Cia ��^ � � ��' � i7, ,°` ✓ ,� i, �'�G4;'• �`' , �;� �������� ' ���.�.^ i I A�PP'RC►V��L. O�F ThIE V�41 �L PL.AMN 1 N�G COMM 1:SS 1 ON T�h i s p l► a fi �o f S�U�JB(IR.ST F' I L. I IVG N0 .�f Iti e onal 1f h �� s ame� i� �s h e r eb� y a�dp ro vE�d . V,A 1 L PL. ArVN l NG CC)M��11 SS I O�N A���!�IP# � �� �� � ,�� /�, ��� , . ��-. ���'� " �7� ���� , / � D a t ed .--�----- — i � �—� — ------- - iBy—�.�a��i� — �---------- i�h� rmon � G� � ����� ' / !/� ��s;,�,t ,4TTE'ST --^L��l��������,��---- I,1erk � � '� ���� , d 0 Iv �` J' ,� ; D w,,�,,..� ��+.�'�E �'��'� � "'� �r AI'P�ROVAIL 01= �PLA7' dNl� ,QCCE'PT'�A � ') � i �� �`�� r��`, �. .� . --------------- IVCE OF L E171 CAT 1 OMS B'Y_TH E T(�b��N QF � A 1 L ., . � • � , i , , ',,,�<� � � ' �t `�,, p ;; , . , Tlhis plai ��f SUN►BUR.ST FILIMG� N�O. 3� rs hereb�y aFproved b�� 1►he Towi� �Counici�l of a- �„�� tl�e Tow�n oif IVai 1, ar�d the dec�i �cat iorrs of the r��a�ds, si�ri�ets, ci r�, l�es, cc�u�rts, w�alkway-s ond easen�ents shoN�n t�here�on, tog�ei`h��r� wi#h filie gen�ero�l �em�r�ge�n�;y acc�es�s e�asem�erit granteci by the alec�i�catiori, are hereby acce�crt��d by tPie T��wn o1` I/ai l. TOI�IV 'CO�UMC V L �--, � /'� / ��.��. p,2�> _ %� 7 ��i�� �, �%�' �/' D�a t �ed : ---------�------- • B,y --��s�—�-�-�__.,-�� /��------- M�ayo r l A'TTES'T : __�i�, Clerk L , , `� �ll..��e'.t.�� . --- — — -. ,;�.� � �, .��, ` ��� �I��/ J ,v ����J�����r .',..t,�� --�� , �; � �+ j. �. , �' .',�.,yi ,. n . � _ � �,�:. ,�" r,..-�' '. , . � �CE'RT I �FI CAITE' O�F TH�E COUiNTY �CLEl4K ANC� ftE(,OiRDEF' C)F EAGLE {.OUNTY � �� "�'� �'� � — , >� � a �� `. ' � ---� —� ��----------------------- � ����� � ���0 � ` �ry,� , 1 �id�ta������ef� � ,'CI�ePk and� Fte�:order c>f E�agle� C;o�anty, Cc�►��r�ado, heir��b� ,;,;, �.' ac.c��pt th�is� R�•I��ot a�f�'S(lN�BURS'T F�ILING NC). 3 in my► re�cordfs indicated l�elow. - .�! Tti i:S �D I'Q t M+O'.S f 1 I e� d f�� r r e c o ��d o t�/ _�� IN . o� n t I'� e�2 � f��_ �d y v 1` _D�e c: �, 6 t,r _ A. D., 1 5 17��_ , i n Ccrs�e _��„---- Drorve r',�----- F�e�; e i� t i o�n N c� .�.� Q�._ I����_ . �-� Proi�e�ctive cc�V�enonts� or�e reca�rc�ed in 6toak ����,__ . Pe�g�e_�'�'�'__ B ��ok .Z�:'� 1°age ��.�� 6`oc�k �paqe� % J��-Y� r ' � � � ' ��� �����E��� ;c=— (:oi� t y G;1 e� rIF or� q��c�� r�� --- ,�,y : ,��c.u..� ,G��!/le-, ,�J tJ'. � ��Y.� .� o„ o�����.. �CE'Rl' 1 F 1��CATE' C1F SIJRVEYC)R l, �►onnc,s V. L.ai�olby, o lon�d sur��e�ior regi-s�fered ur►d��r the 1'rnrs of tt�e Stote� c►f �C��lorocio„ do hierelhy cer�t ii f�y tha1� yfh�� sur��e�i ��f S'UNIBt1R:ST F'I L.I MG N�O. �� �ro,s ma�de� un�der my► ;�u�verv i�s� i on and tl�ofi this� pl�a# acc�ura�tely show,s the pVofiting and subdivii�sion of :su�ch S�UMBUR:ST F'IL:►i�VG �NO�. 3. The 1o1f �corners and bou�nx�o�rq corne�r.s havEr be�en pinin��d ond' monuinentecl. �� _� iDa te�d tlti i�.s Il��i�o�� �o f!�>d�a��1�us, __ A. D., f 97 Z_, . — �. , � � � � ( �,�x t� — —� � ^� �. .��'Yti�L�O �U �( �� J � ,,; .��-� —�-- � �� : : �' � ` . � 7 ome;s iV. Lara!'�y --- ., � �:�-� ; e5�i st�ered' L.a►�d Surve�y��r No. �i ; y � �' ��'" �, �. -. F �� , � � i a ` � �� �. �. . ' ;,��,.�� a��� � � �. ��, �`- w ���. � `, _ �� � t�r i-- c� �or� r��u I t�a�r��t�� ii t� �c. � � • � • � i� � . 75 a� C) �N., rr� � s s i���r� pIP � ave. �denver,, c,a�l�oircaci�� F��)���?�3 � � , �i :. � , i ���" '. . . .. . ';, 6 5 __. _ _ _ _... _1.__._._ .___ _ _. 4 ,Sl!l1 /B'Ui4�� T' ,► --- _ . � �.�\ \. f� /�_ l,N�� NO. 3�� �-_��= �,�,= ��� --------- ------- � -_�� � i -c=,�� �,��-�_ �-..� �\` �/ �-!� C��V��g : �' .«.- - -�'�. � f- � `�l .\��.��. �'' G��„F_ � __ � �.--,,,�,-..'---= ;�y -��;�_.; , �r �� -��i ����..�.��l,; '``.` '-�, \�� /����. ��i���_�✓�/ 1✓A,IL. � �� � � .•'� .,� .,._,i �,---�' 9 ,_�. 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